neodisher ORTHOVARIO


neodisher ORTHOVARIO
Liquid component for the preparation of instruments
using the Miele ORThOVARIO process
Main fields of application:
For the machine cleaning of orthopaedic and other surgical instruments in combination
with an alkaline cleaner and an oxidising component in the Miele ORTHOVARIO process.
neodisher ORTHOVARIO acts as a cleaning enhancer in machine instrument cleaning.
neodisher ORTHOVARIO is highly effective in the cleaning of blood residues. Does not
corrode high-grade steel or aluminium instruments.
Anodised aluminium surfaces should be checked for resistance.
Application and dosage:
In special dishwashers: 3-5 ml/l
Example of a programme cycle in the Miele ORTHOVARIO process:
• Pre-wash with cool water
• First cleaning step with neodisher ORTHOVARIO at 55 °C
• Second cleaning step with neodisher ORTHOVARIO, neodisher OXIVARIO and
neodisher FA at 55 – 65 °C
• Dual intermediate rinsing with water
• Final rinse and thermal disinfection: 5 min at 93 °C
Subsequently the neodisher ORTHOVARIO-solution has to be rinsed out completely by
sufficient rinsing
Do not mix with other product concentrates.
Rinse out dosing system including hose with water before changing product.
Only for professional use.
Technical data:
Dichte (20 °C): 1.5 g/cm³
pH-range (determined in deionised water, 20 °C): 3 - 5 ml/1: 7 – 9.5
Viscosity (concentrate, 20 °C): < 50 mPas
Ingredients according to Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 on detergents:
5-15 % non-ionic surfactants,
also: preservation agents (2,2',2''-(hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine-1,3,5-triyl)triethanol)
neodisher ORTHOVARIO conforms to the requirements of the legislation for medical
devices according to the European directive 93/42/EC.
Storage information:
Always store at a temperature between 5 and 30 °C.
Usable for 2 years when stored as recommended.
Hazard and precautionary
neodisher ORTHOVARIO is not a hazardous product according to CLP Regulation (EC) No.
Dispose only when container is empty and closed. For disposal of product residues,
refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.
For further safety information see EC safety data sheets. These are available at under the category “Download”.
MB 40311 GB/2-2
Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co. KG
Mühlenhagen 85, D – 20539 Hamburg
Telefon: (040) 789 60 - 0
Telefax: (040) 789 60 - 120
E-Mail: info
Internet: www.
Die Angaben dieses Merkblattes beruhen auf unseren derzeitigen Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen. Sie befreien den
Verwender nicht von eigenen Prüfungen und Versuchen. Eine rechtlich verbindliche Zusicherung bestimmter
Eigenschaften kann hieraus nicht abgeleitet werden.
Reg. Warenzeichen der
Miele Cie. KG, Gütersloh
With the above information, which is appropriate to our current knowledge we describe
our product regarding possible safety necessities, but we do not involve any quality description
or promise certain properties.