A Revolution in Thinking about Verticals


A Revolution in Thinking about Verticals
Do national differences warrant different regulatory
Kai-Uwe KÜHN
Chief Economist
DG Competition, European
A Revolution in Thinking about Verticals
•  “Form based” vs. “Effects based” approaches
•  The Chicago School Critique
•  Arguments for anticompetitive effects not logically
•  Efficiency explanations are ignored
•  The Chicago School Problem: Models too simple to explain
either efficiency or anticompetitive explanations of market
•  The role of modern contract theory (Asymmetric
information, incomplete contracts): Explains many
institutional structures as efficient solutions to
contracting problems.
•  Empirical studies support the importance of efficiency
explanations (Lafontaine und Slade, Handbook of
Antitrust Economics, 2005)
The One Monopoly Profit Argument
•  Vertically related markets implies selling of
complementary products
•  For complements there is only one monopoly profit
•  Inefficiencies in pricing of complements
•  "Double Marginalization"
•  Solution: Two part tariffs
•  But: Asymmetric information
•  Constraining downstream pricing is
A Monopolist wants downstream competition!!
Efficiency Explanations for Vertical
•  Eliminating Intrabrand competition
is likely to be efficiency enhancing:
•  Competition is good for U:
Downstream prices down for given
w enhances profits!
•  Efficiency Mechanisms:
•  Asymmetric Information:
Interference of incentive
mechanisms for multiple retailers
•  Exclusivity (Territorial or otherwise,
Selective Distribution) can align incentives
Anticompetitive Mechanisms
•  The evidence for efficient vertical restraints does
not mean that there is never a problem, but:
•  The foreclosure theory of the case has to address
the one monopoly profit critique:
•  Restauration of monopoly rents through exclusion
–  Restoring ability to price discriminate (see Genakos,
Kühn, Van Reenen 2012)
–  Overcoming opportunism with unobservable constracts
(Hart and Tirole 1992 and others)
•  Dynamic Foreclosure: Complements become the
launchpad for Substitutes
•  Naked exclusion through scale effects
•  All about elimination of Interbrand competition!
Economic Analysis Gives Discipline To
Effects Based Analysis
•  Theory of the Case
•  Is there a coherent economic theory that implies
anticompetitive effects?
•  What alternative motives could explain the observed
•  The basic assumptions of the theory of the case have to fit
the relevant market
•  The theory of the case guides what relevant evidence is
•  There is a defense because it becomes clear what kind
of information would support or contradict the theory of
the case
•  The use of multiple types of evidence
•  Economic data on prices, quantities, etc.
•  Internal strategy and planning documents
•  Market surveys
•  The coherence of the theory and the different data sources
together lead to a solid case
What is Different about Small Markets?
•  Higher Concentration Downstream
•  Should the analytical approach be different?
•  In foreclosure problems it is still about the horizontal
effects of the vertical practices!
•  You need strong dominance to have likely effects
under any economically relevant theory of harm
•  A Form Based approach (based only on market share
thresholds) will generate a greater proportion of
economically inappropriate cases
•  Ability of Agencies to appropriately apply an effects
based approach
Exploitative Abuses: Price Discrimination
•  The disconnect between discrimination rules and
economic analysis:
•  Geographic price discrimination generally has
ambiguous effects on consumer welfare
•  Often price discrimination leads to more equal
outcomes in consumption
•  Price Discrimination based on intensity of
•  Detecting and preventing excessive pricing in a small
market due to dominance (implications selective
•  Cost without dominance: Losing efficient price signals
How not to argue price discrimination
•  Complaint about disadvantaging D2
•  Evidence:
•  Prevailing view (prior) is that
downstream competition
is underdeveloped
•  Internal Documents
reveal that owner thinks
maintaining w1 < w2
important for competitive
position with respect to D2
•  Theory: Transfer price should not matter, only w2
matters. Hence, only margin squeeze is a relevant
•  The principles for the analysis of vertical restraints
should be the same in any jurisdiction (as long as it
is based on economically valid principles)
•  Solid foreclosure cases are infrequent even in
concentrated markets making form based
approaches even more problematic in smaller
•  There is some legitimacy in using exploitative
abuses of a dominant position to control excessive
domestic prices
•  Primacy of market opening measures and
enforcement against horizontal constraints
Die Anreizeffekte von Bussgeldern in
Im Gegensatz zu Kartellen kann das Verhalten in
Marktbeherrschungsfällen gut oder schlecht sein
Es kommt auf die Umstände an
Traditionelles Denken: Minimierung von “Type I and Type II
l  Führt zu einer Fall bei Fall Analyse
Aber: Wetbbewerbspolitik sollte ex-ante Anreize geben
Firmen sollten Praktiken vermeiden dann und nur dann,
wenn sie wettbewerbschädigende Effekte haben
Die Anreizeffekte von Bussgeldern in
• Ein (recht abstraktes) Beispiel:
•  Nehmen wir an:
•  wir wissen, Informationsaustausch ist schlecht in 50% der Fälle und gut
in den anderen 50%
•  Ex-Post können wir genau feststellen in welcher Kategorie wir sind
•  Ex-Ante: Wir wissen nicht, welche Information uns erlaubt zwischen
guten und schlechtem Informationsaustausch ex-post zu ungerscheiden.
•  Was für Anreizeffekte hat eine Wettbewerbspolitik, die Informationsautausch
verbietet genau dann wenn eine ex-post Untersuchung zeigt, dass wir einen
schlechten Fall haben?
•  Wissen Firmen wann das Verhalten “schlecht” ist?
Safe Harbors und Anreizeffekte
Können Unternehmen Antitrustrisiken vermeiden?
▫  Wenn nicht, gibt es geringe Anreize problematische
Praktiken zu vermeiden
▫  Safe Harbors geben die Möglichkeit auf Verhalten
auszuweichen das Rechtssicherheit liefert
▫  Safe Harbors erhöhen damit die Anreizeffkte der
▫  Es wird leichter Ex-post zwischen problematischen
und unproblematischen Fällen zu unterscheiden.
▫  Disaggregierter Informationsaustausch
▫  Der UK Tractors Fall
The Antitrust Enforcer's Nightmare:
How Do I Prove (Likely) Effects?
•  Theory of the Case
•  Evidence that supports the applicability of the theory
•  Possibly internal documents about the desired effects or
statements that support the theory of the case
•  But is this enough? Don't we want to be sure about the
causal effects of the anticompetitive conduct and the
•  How do we prove (likely) market outcomes in the
•  How do we show what changes through the remedies in
the Microsoft case?