Short Presentation Title - SAP Service Marketplace


Short Presentation Title - SAP Service Marketplace
BRFplus Field Configuration
for Portfolio Management
A PLM Consulting Solution
BRFplus Field Configuration
The BRFplus Field Configuration allows you to easily modify the field
configuration of standard and custom fields, toolbar buttons and tabs on all
common PPM Portfolio Management OIF screens. The configuration is
derived from business rules modelled within BRFplus. Rules can be
defined based on several parameters, for example PFCG roles, activities or
item types, that are passed to BRFplus by the solution.
BRFplus Field Configuration
Our Service
An implementation-ready Solution
Implementation of the Solution
Documentation of the Solution
6 Months of Bugfixing
Optional Online Scoping Session and/or Presentation at Customer
BRFplus Field Configuration
Field Cfg.
Rules / Rule Sets
modeled in user interface
determine field configuration
based on given parameter
Key Features
 Field Configuration based on Business Rule Framework plus (BRFplus)
 Easy definition of rules in a web interface without coding
 Screens of all common portfolio management objects covered
 Fields, toolbar buttons and tabs can be configured
 Rules can be modeled based on several provided parameter
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
BRFplus Field Configuration
Challenges of common business rule approaches
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
BRFplus Field Configuration
What is BRFplus?
Business Rules
System (BRMS)
 Separation of program code and business rules
 Rules can be changed without programming
 Business users instead of programmers can define and maintain rules
 Rule changes can be carried out faster and at lower cost
 BRFplus is part of SAP NetWeaver
 No additional hardware, installation, maintenance or license needed
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BRFplus Field Configuration
Rule Definition – Objects
Rule Set
Rule 1
If <condition> then <action> else <action>
Rule 2
If <condition> then <action> else <action>
Complex rules can be build using
Expressions: Decision Table, Decision Tree, Formula, ABAP Call, …
Actions: Send E-Mail, Write Log, Change Output Variable, …
Custom expressions and actions can be created
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BRFplus Field Configuration
Rule Definition – Tools
Simulation Tool
Code Generation
Catalog & Personalization
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BRFplus Field Configuration
Configurable Screens & Screen Elements
Configurable Screens: Detail Screen of Portfolio, Bucket, Collection,
Review, What-If-Scenario, Item, Initiative, Decision Point
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BRFplus Field Configuration
Field Configuration Options
Screen Element
Configuration Options
Standard and
Customer Fields
Long Text Fields
Read Only
Input Mode
Read Only
Toolbar Buttons,
Button Choices
(Main- and Subviews)
You Can Also Menu
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Input Mode
BRFplus Field Configuration
Rule Definition – Decision Table
 Field configuration rules can be defined in a BRF+ Decision Table
 Example:
if Object Type = Initiative and Field = Priority and
Role = Portfolio-Manager then Field State = Required
 Every condition can use 10 provided parameter, Wildcards possible
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BRFplus Field Configuration
MS Excel Export/Import
Decision Table can be
maintained in MS Excel
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BRFplus Field Configuration
Your Advantages
Easy field configuration based on rules and SAP’s BRMS
Rule definition in a web interface without programming skills
Rule maintenance possible using MS Excel
Rule conditions can be based on 10 different parameter
Configuration of different types of screen elements
BRFplus Field Configuration
Extended, flexible and modern rule-based screen configuration
“BRFplus Field Configuration” enables extended field configuration of Portfolio Management screens
based on rules defined in the BRFplus. The solution empowers users to change the configu-ration without
coding or customizing work and therefore offers flexibility and lowers maintenance costs.
Business Challenges
 Screen elements (fields, buttons, tabs) have to be configured differently
according to roles, activities, portfolio types, item types, status, etc.
 Configurations have to be easily changeable, preferably without the need
to change coding or complex customizing tables
Availability, Technical Details
 Available for SAP PPM 5.0,
Delivery via transport
 Consists of BAdIImplementations, Web
Dynpro Enhancements and
BRF+ Objects
Pricing, Links
 Price: 20,000 Euro*
 SAP Note: 1877617
 SAP Service No.: 50109202,
Enhancement Svcs for PPM
 Contact: Tobias Gläser
Key Features
Field Configuration based on Business Rule Framework plus (BRF+)
Easy definition of rules in a web interface without coding
Upload rules from Excel
Screens of all common portfolio management objects covered
Fields, button toolbars and tabs can be configured
Rules can be made dependent on several parameter
*Standard price for Germany. Pricing for other countries available on request.
Business Benefits
 Extended screen configuration possibilities in one place
 Rule definition and changes possible without technical skills
 Rule changes can be carried out faster and at lower cost
© 2013 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Contact Information
Tobias Gläser
SAP Portfolio and Project
Management Consulting
SAP Deutschland AG & Co. KG
Hasso-Plattner-Ring 7
69190 Walldorf, Germany
M +49 160 908 23181
[email protected]
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