1 2 Nether Stowe School 1 . Contents Page Countries France Slovakia Spain England Pages Page Page Page Page 3-4 3 3 4 4 Town and Area France Slovakia Spain England Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 5-12 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 School Information Calendar Curriculum Clubs Food Pages Pages Pages Pages Pages 13-22 13-15 16-18 19-20 21-22 Games Participants, Comments and Pictures Pages Pages 23-24 25-26 Nether Stowe School 2 COUNTRIES FRANCE Population: 64 000 000 Industries: France has an important aerospace industry and it is the most energy independent Western country in Europe due to heavy investments in nuclear power, which also makes France the smallest producer of carbon dioxide among the seven most industrialized countries in the world. Climate: The North and North-west have a temperate climate. In the south-east a Mediterranean climate prevails. In the west, the climate is predominantly oceanic with a high level of rainfall, mild winters and cool to warm summers. Inland the climate becomes more continental. The climate of the Alps and other mountainous regions is mainly alpine. Paris Bayonne SLOVAKIA Population: 5 379 455 Industries: metallurgy, chemical, production of cars Climate: The average annual temperature is about 9–10 °C (48– 50 °F). The average temperature of the hottest month is about 20 °C (68 °F) and the average temperature in winter is lower than -5° in the mountains. Bratislava 3 SPAIN Madrid Sanlúcar Population: 40.000 000 habitants Industries: Textiles, Chemical and Food. Climate: The climate varies tremendously in Spain, due to its large size: Mediterranean climate, Maritime climate and Continental climate. Rain generally falls in spring and autumn. UNITED KINGDOM Population: 61 000 000 Industries: England is a leader in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors and in key technical industries, particularly aerospace, the arms industry and the manufacturing side of the software industry. Climate: England has a temperate climate, with plenty of rainfall all year round, although the seasons are quite variable in temperature. However, they rarely fall below −5 °C (23 °F) or rise above 30 °C (86 °F). Lichfield London 4 TOWN AND AREA FRANCE - BAYONNE The different villages where we live Bayonne, in the South-West of France The Nive and The Adour, the rivers in Bayonne The Nive and the Adour are two rivers which are to be found in our department, les Pyrénées Atlantiques. These two rivers separate the three districts of Bayonne which are the Petit Bayonne, the Grand Bayonne and the Quartier St-Esprit. El Nive y el Adour son dos rios que atraviesan nuestro departamento que se llama los Pirineos Atlanticos. Éstos dividen la region en tres partes: Petit Bayonne, Grand Bayonne y quartier St-Esprit. The Cathedral of Bayonne Called either Notre Dame or Sainte Marie, the gothic-styled cathedral of Bayonne was built on the site of an ancient roman cathedral which burnt in 1258. The present Sainte Marie was built step by step between the 13th and the 16th centuries. The 2 spires which can be seen nowadays were added in the 19th century. The chapels of the ambulatory were painted in the 14th century style and adorned with stained glass windows (as in Chartres Cathedral). Nowadays, Notre Dame is 80m long, 33m wide and the head of the nave is 26m high .The spires are 70m high, and the total height of the cathedral is 80m. Cette cathédrale a été construite dans le style gothique en 1258. Elle mesure 80 m de long, 33 m de large et 80 m de haut (avec les flèches). 5 5 Les fêtes de Bayonne. The « fêtes de Bayonne » always start at the beginning of August and last for five days and five nights. The inhabitants usually walk around the town, and go to bars where they sit and chat on “terrasses”. Everybody is dressed in white and red, with a red scarf. That is tradition. Les fêtes de Bayonne commencent toujours début Août et durent 5 jours et 5 nuits. Les habitants se baladent dans les rues et vont dans les bars, tous vêtus de rouge et de blanc comme le veut la tradition. " Les arènes de Bayonne "or The Bull-ring in Bayonne Built in 1893 to replace the former wooden St Esprit bull-ring, the plaza de toros of Bayonne immediately made a name for itself in the world of bull-fighting. Destroyed by a fire in 1919, it was then rebuilt and extended. Since then, there have been bull-fights every summer and the most famous bull-fighters have always been Spanish. Sometimes there are music concerts and operas too. We have already welcomed Elton John and some other famous well-known singers such as Manu Chao and Yannick Noah, who used to be a professional tennis player! Construite en 1893 pour remplacer les anciennes arènes en bois de St Esprit, la plaza de toros de Bayonne s´est rapidement fait un nom dans le monde de la torromachie. Depuis cette époque, des corridas ont lieu tous les étés, et les torreros les plus célèbres ont toujours été espagnols. Il y a également des concerts et des opéras. Nous avons déja reçu Elton John ainsi que d´autres chanteurs connus comme Manu Chao et Yannick Noah, qui a été un tennisman professionnel. In spring once the snow has melted, in summer and in autumn, we go hiking, abseiling, and mountain biking. In summer we go to the beach to swim, play volley ball, rugby. There are very good surfing spots, and surfing becomes increasingly more popular among teenagers. We are becoming more and more aware of the dangers that threaten the ocean and do our best to protect it. Pendant l’été, nous allons à la plage. Nous nous baignons, jouons au beach-volley et certains font du surf, qui devient de plus en plus populaire chez les adolescents. Nous sommes de plus en plus sensibles aux dangers qui menacent l´océan, et faisons de notre mieux pour le préserver. Bayonne is an old town. It was built in the Middle Ages. It was once occupied by the English. Because the Portuguese and Spanish Jews were discriminated against and refused to change their religion, they had to flee persecution and settled in the South West of France. They brought along their chocolate-making skills. Nowadays, Bayonne is the capital of chocolate but not the capital of ham, as many consider it to be. Bayonne est une ville ancienne. Construite au Moyen-Age, elle a été occupée par les Anglais. Comme les portugais et les juifs espagnols étaient victimes de discrimination et refusaient de se convertir, ils ont du fuir la persécution en s´installant dans le sud ouest de la France, emmenant avec eux leur savoir faire de chocolatiers. De nos jours, Bayonne est la capitale du chocolat et non pas du jambon, contrairement a une idée très répandue. 6 6 . SLOVAKIA - BRATISLAVA About Bratislava - Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia. In this city there live 427 000 people. Bratislava is in south western Slovakia on both banks of the river Danube. This city is the political, cultural and economic centre of Slovakia. Über Bratislava - Bratislava ist die Hauptstadt der Slowakei, es leben hier 427 000 Bewohner. Bratislava liegt im Südwesten der Slowakei auf beiden Ufern des Flusses Donau. Diese Stadt ist das politische, kulturelle und ökonomische Zentrum der Slowakei. History - Bratislava (then Pressburg) was granted its first known town privileges in 1291 by Andrew III, and was declared a free royal town in 1405 by King Sigismund of Luxemburg. In 1993, the city became the capital of the newly formed Slovak Republic. Geschichte von Bratislava - Bratislava (damals Preßburg) war zum ersten Mal als Stadt im Jahre 1291 anerkannt, als ihm die Stadtprivilegien vom Ondrej der III eingeräumt wurden. Und im Jahre 1405 wurde es vom König Sigmund von Luxemburg zur freien Königsstadt deklariert. 1993 wurde Bratislava die Hauptstadt der neu entstandenen Slowakischen Republik. Government - Bratislava is the seat of the Slovak parliament, presidency, ministries, mayor of Bratislava, Supreme Court and central bank. The mayor, based at the Primate's Palace. Bratislava is divided into five districts: Bratislava I (the centre of city), Bratislava II (eastern parts), Bratislava III (north-eastern parts), Bratislava IV (western and northern parts), Bratislava V (southern parts on the right bank of the Danube). Verwaltung - Bratislava ist der Besitz des Parlaments, der Regierung des Präsidenten, der Ministerien, des Primators, Gerichtshofes und der Zentralbank. Der Sitz des Primators ist im PrimatialPalast. Bratislava ist in fünf Bezirke geteilt: Bratislava I (das Stadtzentrum), Bratislava II (östlicher Teil), Bratislava III (nord-östlicher Teil), Bratislava IV (westlicher und nördlicher Teil), Bratislava V (südlicher Teil auf dem rechten Ufer der Donau) Science - The first university in Bratislava was the Academy Istropolitana. It was founded in 1465 by King Matthias Corvinus. Wissenschaft - Die erste Universität war die Academia Istropolitana. Sie gegründete d er König Mathias Korvinus im Jahre 1465. Architecture of city - For a tourist or a native inhabitant, there are many buildings to see and many nice places to visit: Architektur der Stadt - Für die Touristen und Eingeborenen gibt es hier viele Gebäuden zum Anschauen und viele Orte zum Besuchen: The Bratislava Castle - One of the most prominent structures in the city is Bratislava Castle. Bratislavaer Burg - Eine von den bekanntesten Gebäuden von Bratislava ist die Bratislavaer Burg. The Devín Castle - This is an important symbol of Slovak and Slavic history. Die Burg Devín - Es ist der historische Symbol der Slowaken und auch der Slawen. Slavín - Slavín is monument to the soldiers from the Second World War. Slavín - ist das Denkmal der gefallenen Soldaten in der weiten Weltkrieg. St. Martin’s Cathedral - The Gothic St. Martin's Cathedral centuries, which served as the coronation church of the between 1563 and 1830. St. Martin Kathedrale - Die gotische Kathedrale St. Martin gebaut, in welcher zwischen 1563 und 1830 die Könige wurden. built in the 13th–16th Kingdom of Hungary wurde im 13.–16. Jh. von Ungarn gekrönt 7 7 The Town Hall - Bratislava's Town Hall is a complex of three buildings erected in the 14th–15th centuries and now hosts the Bratislava City Museum. Das Rathaus - Das Rathaus ist ein Komplex von drei Gebäuden, die im 14. – 15. Jh. gebaut wurden. Jetzt ist dort das städtische Museum. The Primate´s Palace - In 1805, diplomats of emperors Napoleon and Francis II signed the fourth Peace treaty of Pressburg in the Primate's Palace, after Napoleon's victory in the Battle of Austerlitz. Der Primatial Palast - Im 1805 haben Napoleon und Franz II. den Frieden untergeschrieben. The Slovak National Theatre (old) - Bratislava is the seat of the Slovak National Theatre, housed in two buildings. Das Nationaltheater (alt) - Bratislava ist der Sitz des Nationaltheaters, das aus zwei Gebäuden besteht. The Slovak National Theatre (new) - The new building, opened to the public in 2007, is on the riverfront. Das Nationaltheater (neu) - Das neue Gebäude wurde im 2007 geöffnet, es steht am Ufer der Donau. The Kamzík TV Tower - Kamzík TV Tower is a uniquely designed tower with an observation deck and rotation restaurant. Der Fensehturm Kamzík - Der Fensehturm Kamzík ist ein toller Turm, es ist ein Aussichtsturm mit Restaurant. The New Bridge Tower Café - In 20th century Nový Most (New Bridge) was built the across the Danube with a UFO-like tower restaurant. Die Neue Brücke mit Restaurant - Im 20. Jh. wurde die Neue Brücke über die Donau mit einem Restaurant in der UFO - Form gebaut. Noteworthy statue - Rubberneck, one of the bronze statues scattered around the Old Town peers out at tourists from the sewerage hatch. Čumil – Statue - ist eine von Bronzstatuen in der Altstadt. DÚBRAVKA - Der Stadtteil DÙBRAVKA Dúbravka is north-western part of Bratislava. The first information th dates from 14 century. In history there have been vine gardens. Now, Dúbravka is the second biggest part of Bratislava. Es ist der nördlich-westlicher Teil der Stadt. Zum Erstenmal wurde Dúbravka im 14.Jh. erwähnt. Es waren hier vor allem die Weinberge. Zur Zeit ist Dúbravka der zweitgrößte Teil der Stadt Bratislava. Monument of Dúbravka / Denkmäler in Dúbravka Horánska studňa (well) - Water was in this well even when it was a time of drought. Horánska studňa - der Brunnen, in dem war immer gutes Wasser, auch in der Trockenzeit. Church of St. Kozma and St. Damián - People built this church in 1723. St. Kozma and Damián were doctors. They healed people for free. Die Kirche Sankt Kosma ind Damian - diese Kirche wurde 1723 gebaut, Kosma und Damian waren Ärzte, die gratis heilten . Villa Rustica - Villa Rustica is national cultural monument. It is situated in Celts.Villa Big Meadow, where archeologists found relics of Rustica - das National-Kulturdenkmal. Das sind Reste römischer Bauten, die auf der Großen Wiese die Archeologen gefunden haben. Church of the Holy Spirit - The new church in Dubravka. / Die Kirche des Heiligen Geistes - Die neue Kirche in Dubravka 8 8 SPAIN - SANLÚCAR LA MAYOR NUESTRA REGION, ANDALUCIA Situación geográfica. Andalucía ocupa una gran franja al sur de la península ibérica y contienen una gran variedad de relieves (playas, montañas, sierras donde poder practicar el esquí y grandes valles fértiles para la agricultura travesados por importantes ríos). Andalusia covers a large area at the south of the Iberian Peninsula containing a great variety of physical features (beaches, mountain ranges where one can ski, fertile valleys used for agriculture and crossed by important rivers). Historia Nuestra zona es nombrada por primera vez en la Biblia (Isaías, Antiguo Testamento) haciendo referencia a Tarsis, que ya era famosa por sus minas de valiosos metales. También está documentada la existencia hace 3.000 años de la actual ciudad de Cádiz como importante puerto marítimo. Cuenta la leyenda que Heracles (Hércules) fundó la ciudad de Sevilla y separó las columnas de Hércules, por ello, aparece en el escudo oficial de Andalucía. La primera civilización que ocupó nuestra región la forman los TARTESOS cuya capital era precisamente TARSIS. Our area is named for the first time in the Bible, referred to as Tarsis, which was famous for its mines of valuable metals. There is also evidence that Cadiz already existed three thousand years ago as an important maritime port. According to legend, a famous sailor, Heracles, who is a demigod in classical mythology, founded the city of Seville and separated the continents of Africa and Europe with his titanic force. That is the reason why Hercules, the Roman name of Heracles, appears in the official emblem of Andalusia. The first civilization that settled in our region was Tartessus, whose capital was called Tarsis. Desde la época de Jesucristo, los romanos ocupan nuestra zona a la que llaman con el nombre de BÉTICA porque su gran río era llamado BETIS, como uno de los equipos de fútbol de nuestra región. En el siglo VIII ocupan nuestra zona LOS MUSULMANES y cambian el nombre de BETICA por el de ANDALUCIA, y al río BETIS le llamaron GUADALQUIVIR (río grande). Sobre el siglo X comienza la RECONQUISTA y en 1492 Andalucía vuelve a ser de los CASTELLANOS (habitantes sin mezcla con la raza islámica). Actualmente, Andalucía es una comunidad autónoma dentro de España y está formada por ocho grandes ciudades distribuidas en ocho zonas administrativas, llamadas provincias. At the time of Jesus Christ, the Romans occupied our area and gave it the name Betica, because of the river called Betis. One of the football teams of Seville also takes its name from the very same river. In the 8th century, the Arabs occupied our area and changed its name from Betica to 9 Andalusia and the river Betis to the name Guadalquivir (Grand River). Around the 10th century, the reconquest began and in 1492, Andalusia returned to the rule of the Castilians (those people who never mixed with the Arabs). Nowadays, Andalusia is an autonomous community within Spain composed of eight administrative zones called provinces, with eight large cities, as the capital towns. Sevilla tiene un famoso edificio Árabe, llamado la Giralda. Y también hay una torre que se llama TORRE DEL ORO porque antiguamente se guardaba en esa torre el oro. In Seville, there is an Arabic building called the Giralda, and there is also a tower called the Tower of Gold because in old times gold was stored there. SANLUCAR LA MAYOR Nuestra ciudad está cerca de Sevilla, la capital de Andalucía, en el sur de España. Tiene más de 13.000 habitantes y es muy antigua. Se llamó “Hesperi Arae” en tiempos de los Turdetanos, “Lucus Solis” (Bosque en el Sol) en la época de los romanos, y “Solucar” en la época de los árabes. This is our town, Sanlúcar la Mayor. It’s next to Seville, the capital city of Andalucía, in the south of Spain. It has over 13,000 inhabitants and it is a very old town. It was called “Hesperi Arae” at the time of Turdetanos, “Lucus Solis” (forest in the sun) in Roman times, and “Solucar” when the Arabians were here a lot of centuries ago. MONUMENTOS Hay monumentos históricos importantes como la iglesia de San Pedro, situada junto a las ruinas de las murallas árabes. En la iglesia de San Eustaquio hay cuadros antiguos. La iglesia de Santa María es la más importante. Las tres iglesias tienen un origen mozárabe MONUMENTS There are some important monuments in our town: San Pedro church, next to the Arabian walls, San Eustaquio church, which has been restored recently. There some important old paintings from XVI, XVII, XVII and XIX centuries. Santa María church is the most important of the monuments because of its beautiful architecture, sculptures and paintings. FIESTAS La feria : es la fiesta más importante. Tiene lugar en mayo después de la de Sevilla. Las personas se divierten bebiendo, bailando... durante una semana. Semana Santa : es una fiesta religiosa popular, donde se va arreglado, y se canta y se bebe. El Rocío : es parecido a la Semana Santa, pero se adora a una Virgen, (la Virgen del Rocío). FESTIVITIES The fair is the most important festival. People enjoy drinking, dancing etc. The Holy Week is a religious feast, and you can drink and sing. El Rocío is like the Holy Week, some pilgrims go to El Rocío, a hamlet which is part of a bigger village called Almonte 10 ENGLAND - LICHFIELD Lichfield is truly magnificent, and is situated 25 Kilometres from Birmingham. It is in the centre of England, and is not too far from London. To get there you can take a train from London or from New Street station, Birmingham. By car from London you need to use the M1 or M40/M42/M6 motorways and the A38. Lichfield est vraiment magnifique, elle est située à 25 kilomètres au nord ouest de Birmingham. C’est dans le centre de l’Angleterre et c’est assez près de Londres. Pour y arriver on peut prendre le train de Londres, ou de la gare de New Street à Birmingham. De Londres en voiture, il faut prendre les autoroutes M1 ou M40/M42/M6 et la Nationale A38. Lichfield is situated in the Midlands, not far from Tamworth, in the heart of the Trent Valley. It is a truly pretty area, with forests and open green countryside. Lichfield se trouve dans les Midlands, pas loin de Tamworth, au coeur de la vallée de la rivière Trent. C’est un endroit vraiment joli, avec plusieurs forêts et des espaces verts. Lichfield is a picturesque and historic town. It has a very old, beautiful cathedral, and is surrounded by beautiful countryside. In the town centre there are many parks and calm areas. It is a market town with many old buildings. Lichfield est une ville pittoresque et historique. Elle a une belle cathédrale ancienne et elle est entourée de beaux paysages. En centre ville il y a beaucoup de parcs et d’endroits calmes. C’est une ville avec des marchés et de vieux bâtiments. Lichfield is a peaceful town with lots of history, including the cathedral, and the birthplace of Doctor Johnson who wrote the First English Dictionary. There is also a statue of Doctor Johnson in the market Place. It is lively at night, also and it is touristic town with lots to see and do. It is a pleasant town to live in and it is clean. Lichfield est une ville paisible avec Town Plan Plan de la ville beaucoup d’histoire, y compris la cathédrale, et le lieu de naissance du Docteur Johnson qui a écrit le premier dictionnaire anglais. Il y a aussi une statue du Dr Johnson sur la place d’une ville agréable à habiter et propre. Il y a quarante mille habitants. 11 11 For young people in Lichfield there is a shopping centre with some pretty shops and a park for the children. There is a large park called Beacon Park, where there is a basket ball court, tennis courts and a small golf course. To dine, you can find Italian, English, French, Indian and Chinese Restaurants, as well as fast food outlets. Last May there was a Bower Festival. You can also visit the fine cathedral with its 3 spires, known as the Ladies of the Valley. The cathedral was built in the 1200s. You can also visit the Garrick Theatre to see plays, films and shows. Come and visit us! A Lichfield pour les jeunes il y a un centre commercial avec de jolis magasins et un petit parc pour les enfants. On peut trouver un grand parc, Beacon parc où il y a un A map of Staffordshire terrain de basket, des courts de tennis et un petit terrain de golf. Pour manger on trouve des restaurants italiens, Un plan de Staffordshire anglais, français, indiens et chinois, ainsi que des Fast Foods. L’année passée, il y avait la fête Bower. On peut aussi visiter la belle cathédrale, avec ses trois flèches qui s’appellent les dames de la vallée. La cathédrale a été construite dans les années 1200. Il faut aussi aller au théâtre Garrick pour voir des pièces, des films et des spectacles. . The Cathedral The ‘Maids of the Vale’ The three spires of Lichfield Cathedral have dominated the area for 100’s of years. Chad built the first church here in 669AD and the present cathedral is probably built on the same site. The present building is the third known to have been built on the site, following the virtual total destruction of the previous one during the English Civil War. La Cathédrale Les « trois Dames de la Vallée. » Les trois flèches de la cathédrale de Lichfield dominent la région depuis des centaines d’années. Chad a fait construire la première église en 669 avant JC et la cathédrale qu’on peut voir maintenant a été construite au même endroit. Celle-ci est la troisième construction à la suite de la destruction de la précédente pendant la guerre civile anglaise. 12 12