EtherCAT | Development Products


EtherCAT | Development Products
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
EtherCAT | Development Products
EtherCAT – Ultra high-speed for automation
Ethernet up to the terminal – complete continuity
Ethernet process interface scalable from 1 bit to 64 kbyte
first true Ethernet solution for the field level
exact timing and adapted to synchronisation
256 digital I/Os in 12 µs
1,000 digital I/Os in 30 µs
200 analog I/Os (16 bit) in 50 µs, corresponding to 20 kHz
sampling rate
100 servo axes every 100 µs
12,000 digital I/Os in 350 µs
optimised protocol directly within the Ethernet frame
fully hardware-implemented
for routing and socket interface: UDP datagram
processing while passing
distributed clock for accurate synchronisation
time stamp data types for resolution in the nanosecond range
oversampling data types for high-resolution measurements
breaking point detection
continuous “quality of line” measurement enables accurate
localisation of transmission faults
Topology View
line, tree or star topology
up to 65,535 devices within one network
network size: almost unlimited (> 500 km)
operation with or without switches
cost-effective cabling: Industrial Ethernet patch cable (CAT5)
twisted pair physical layer:
– Ethernet 100BASE-TX, up to 100 m between 2 devices
– or: fibre-optic cable variants, up to 20 km between 2 slaves
hot connect/disconnect of bus segments
Address space
network-wide process image: 4 Gbyte
device process image: 1 bit to 64 kbyte
address allocation: freely configurable
device address selection: automatically via software
EtherCAT Development Products
Cost benefits
no more network tuning: lower engineering costs
hard real-time with software master: no plug-in cards required
no active infrastructure components (switches, etc.) required
Ethernet cable and connector costs lower than for traditional
EtherCAT right down to the I/O terminal: no complex
Bus Couplers required
low interface costs due to highly integrated EtherCAT
Slave Controller
switch port terminal for standard Ethernet devices
fieldbus terminals for fieldbus devices
decentralised serial interfaces
communication gateways
gateway to other EtherCAT systems
fully Ethernet-compatible
operation with switches and routers possible, but not required
mixed operation with other protocols also possible
internet technologies (Web server, FTP, etc.)
compatible with the existing Bus Terminal range
protocol is published completely
EtherCAT is IEC, ISO and SEMI standard.
EtherCAT Technology Group
international pool of companies
includes users and manufactures
supports technology development
ensures interoperability
integration and development of device profiles
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Ethernet for Control and Automation Technology
Principle of operation
There are many different approaches that
try to provide real-time capability for
Ethernet: for example, the CSMA/CD access
procedure is disabled via higher level protocol layers and replaced by time slicing
or polling. Other propositions use special
switches that distribute Ethernet telegrams
in a precisely controlled timely manner.
While these solutions are able to transport
data packets more or less quickly and accurately to the connected Ethernet node, bandwidth utilisation is very poor, particularly
for typical automation devices, since even
for very small data quantities a complete
Ethernet frame has to be sent. Moreover,
the times required for the redirection to the
outputs or drive controllers and for reading
the input data strongly depend on the implementation. A sub-bus is usually also required,
particularly in modular I/O systems, which,
like the Beckhoff K-bus, may be synchronised
and fast, but nevertheless always adds small
delays to the communication that cannot
be avoided.
With EtherCAT technology, Beckhoff
overcomes these system limitations of other
Ethernet solutions: the process no longer
involves consecutive steps for receiving
and interpreting telegrams and copying
the process data. In each device (down to
the I/O terminals) the EtherCAT Slave Controller reads the data relevant for the device
while the frame passes through it. Similarly,
input data is inserted into the data stream
on the fly. While the frames (delayed by only
a few bit times) are already passed on, the
slave recognises relevant commands and
executes them accordingly. The process is
hardware-implemented in the slave controller
and is, therefore, independent of the protocol
stack software run-times or the processor
power. The last EtherCAT slave in the segment returns the fully processed frame,
so that the first slave device forwards it to
the master as a kind of response telegram.
From an Ethernet point of view, an
EtherCAT bus segment is simply a single
large Ethernet device that receives and sends
Ethernet frames. However, the “device“ does
not contain a single Ethernet controller with
downstream microprocessor, but a large
number of EtherCAT slaves. Like for any other
Ethernet device, direct communication may
be established without a switch, thereby
creating a pure EtherCAT system.
Ethernet down to the terminal
The Ethernet protocol remains intact right
down to the individual devices, i.e. down
to the individual I/O terminals; no sub-bus
is required. Only the physical layer is converted in the coupler from 100BASE-TX or
-FX to E-bus, in order to meet the requirements of the electronic terminal block. The
E-bus signal type (LVDS) within the terminal
block is nothing proprietary, it is also used
for 10 Gbit Ethernet. At the end of the terminal block, the physical bus characteristics are
converted back to the 100BASE-TX standard.
The on-board Ethernet MAC is sufficient
as hardware in the master device. DMA
(direct memory access) is used for data transfer to the main memory. That means that
the network data access burden is lifted from
the CPU. The same principle is also used in
the Beckhoff multiport cards, which bundle
up to four Ethernet channels on one PCI slot.
EtherCAT Development Products
Real-time Ethernet: Ultra high-speed
right up to the terminal
Outstanding performance, flexible topology
and simple configuration characterise
EtherCAT (Ethernet for Control Automation
Technology), the real-time Ethernet technology from Beckhoff. EtherCAT sets new
standards where conventional fieldbus
systems reach their limits: 1,000 distributed
I/Os in 30 µs, almost unlimited network size,
and optimum vertical integration thanks to
Ethernet and Internet technologies. With
EtherCAT, the costly Ethernet star topology
can be replaced with a simple line or tree
structure – no expensive infrastructure components are required. All types of Ethernet
devices can be integrated via a switch or
switch port.
Where other real-time Ethernet
approaches require special master hardware
or scanner cards, EtherCAT manages with
very cost-effective standard Ethernet interface cards.
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BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
EtherCAT Development Products
Protocol processing completely in hardware | Protocol ASICs flexibly configurable. Process interface from 1 bit to 64 kbyte.
The EtherCAT protocol is optimised for process data and is either transported directly
in the Ethernet frame or packed into UDP/IP
datagrams. The UDP version is used in situations where EtherCAT segments in other
subnets are addressed via routers. Ethernet
frames may contain several EtherCAT telegrams, with each telegram serving a particular memory area of the logical process image
with an addressable size of up to 4 GB. The
data sequence is independent of the physical
order of the EtherCAT Terminals in the network; addressing can be in any order. Broadcast, Multicast and communication between
slaves are possible.
The protocol can also handle parameter
communication, which typically is acyclical.
The structure and meaning of the parameters
is specified via CANopen device profiles,
which are available for a wide range of
device classes and applications. EtherCAT
also supports the servo profile according
to IEC 61800-7-204. Under the name of
SERCOS this profile is recognised and popular
for Motion Control applications worldwide.
In addition to data exchange according
to the master/slave principle, EtherCAT is
also very suitable for communication
between controllers (master/master).
Freely addressable network variables for
process data and a variety of services for
parameterisation, diagnosis, programming
and remote control cover a wide range of
requirements. The data interfaces for master/
slave and master/master communication are
EtherCAT reaches new dimensions in network
performance. The update time for the data
from 1,000 distributed inputs/outputs is only
30 µs – including terminal cycle time. Up to
1,486 byte of process data can be exchanged
with a single Ethernet frame – this is equivalent to almost 12,000 digital inputs and outputs. The transfer of this data quantity only
takes 300 µs.
The communication with 100 servo axes
takes place every 100 µs. With this cycle time,
all axes are provided with set values and control data and report their actual position and
status. The distributed clock technique enables the axes to be synchronised with a jitter
of significantly less than 1 microsecond.
The extremely high performance of the
EtherCAT technology enables control concepts that could not be realised with classic
fieldbus systems. Very fast control loops can
thus also be closed via the bus. Functions
that previously required dedicated local
hardware support can now be mapped in
software. The tremendous bandwidth enables
status information to be transferred with
each data item. With EtherCAT, a communication technology is available that matches
the superior computing capacity of modern
Industrial PCs. The bus system is no longer
From the master
To the master
FMMU: telegram processing completely in hardware
the “bottleneck” of the control concept.
Distributed I/Os are recorded faster than
is possible with most local I/O interfaces.
The benefits of this network performance
also become apparent in smaller controllers
with comparatively moderate computing
capacity. The EtherCAT cycle is so fast that
it can be executed between two control
cycles. The controller thus always has the
latest input data available; the outputs are
addressed with minimum delay. The response
behaviour of the controller is improved
significantly without increasing the computing capacity itself.
The EtherCAT technology principle is
scalable and not bound to the baud rate
of 100 Mbaud – extension to Gbit Ethernet
is possible.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
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Freedom in the choice of topology | Maximum flexibility for wiring: with or without switch, line or tree topologies can be freely selected
and combined. Address assignment is automatic; no IP address setting is required.
Line, tree or star: EtherCAT supports almost
any topology. The bus or line structure known
from the fieldbuses thus also becomes available for Ethernet. Particularly useful for
system wiring is the combination of lines and
branches or stubs. The required interfaces
exist on the couplers; no additional switches
are required. Naturally, the classic switchbased Ethernet star topology can also be used.
Wiring flexibility is further maximised
through the choice of different cables. Flexible and inexpensive Industrial Ethernet fieldbus cables transfer the signals in Ethernet
mode (100BASE-TX) up to a cable length of
100 m between two devices. The complete
bandwidth of the Ethernet network – such
as different optical fibres and copper cables
– can be used in combination with switches
or media converters. For each cable distance,
the signal variant can be selected individually.
Since up to 65,535 devices can be connected,
the size of the network is almost unlimited.
Distributed clocks
Accurate synchronisation is particularly
important in cases where spatially distributed
processes require simultaneous actions. This
may be the case, for example, in applications
where several servo axes carry out coordinated movements simultaneously.
The most powerful approach for synchronisation is the accurate alignment of distributed clocks. In contrast to fully synchronous
communication, where synchronisation quality suffers immediately in the event of a communication fault, distributed aligned clocks
have a high degree of tolerance vis-à-vis
possible fault-related delays within the communication system. With EtherCAT, the data
exchange is fully based on a pure hardware
machine. Since the communication utilises
a logical (and thanks to full-duplex Fast
Ethernet, also physical) ring structure, the
“master clock“ can determine the run-time
offset to the individual “slave clocks“ simply
and accurately – and vice versa. The distributed clocks are adjusted based on this value,
which means that a very precise networkwide timebase with a jitter of significantly
less then 1 microsecond is available.
However, high-resolution distributed
clocks are not only used for synchronisation,
but can also provide accurate information
about the local timing of the data acquisition. Thanks to new, extended data types,
very precise time stamps can be assigned
to measured values.
Hot Connect
Many applications require a change in I/O
configuration during operation. Examples are
machining centres with changing, sensorequipped tool systems or transfer systems
with intelligent, flexible workpiece carriers,
or printing machines in which individual
printing units are switched off. The protocol
structure of the EtherCAT system takes account
of these requirements: the Hot Connect
function enables parts of the network to be
linked and decoupled or reconfigured “on
the fly“, offering flexible response capability
for changing configurations.
High availability
Increasing demands in terms of system
availability are catered for with optional
cable redundancy that enables devices to
EtherCAT Development Products
EtherCAT instead of PCI
With increasing miniaturisation of the PC
components, the physical size of Industrial
PCs is increasingly determined by the number
of required slots. The bandwidth of Fast
Ethernet, together with the data width of
the EtherCAT communication hardware
(EtherCAT Slave Controller) opens up new
opportunities: interfaces that are conventionally located in the IPC are transferred to
intelligent interface terminals at the EtherCAT
system. Apart from the decentralised I/Os,
axes and control units, complex systems such
as fieldbus masters, fast serial interfaces,
gateways and other communication interfaces can be addressed via a single Ethernet
port in the PC. Even further Ethernet devices
without restriction on protocol variants can
be connected via decentralised switch port
terminals. The central IPC becomes smaller
and therefore more cost-effective, one
Ethernet interface is sufficient for the complete communication with the periphery.
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BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
Ethernet instead of PCI | Fieldbus devices (PROFIBUS, CANopen, DeviceNet, AS-Interface, etc.) are integrated via decentralised fieldbus
master/slave terminals. The removal of the fieldbus master saves PCI slots in the PC.
EtherCAT Development Products
be changed without having to shut down
the network. EtherCAT also supports redundant masters with hot standby functionality. Since the EtherCAT Slave Controllers
immediately return the frame automatically
if an interruption is encountered, failure of a
device does not lead to the complete network
being shut down. Dragchain applications, for
example, can thus be specifically configured
as stubs in order to be prepared for cable
Safety over EtherCAT
In the interest of achieving safe data
communication with EtherCAT, the Safety
over EtherCAT protocol has been created.
The protocol meets the requirements
of IEC 61508 up to Safety Integrity Level
(SIL) 3, as approved by the German
Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV).
EtherCAT is used as a single-channel
communication system. The transport medium is regarded as a “black channel” and is
not included in the safety considerations.
Thus, the protocol can also be transmitted
by other communication systems, backplanes,
WLAN, etc. The transfer cycle can be as short
as required without affecting residual error
probability. The cyclic exchange of safe data
between a Safety over EtherCAT master and
a Safety over EtherCAT slave is referred to
as a connection that is monitored via a watchdog timer. A master can establish and monitor several connections to different slaves.
The diagnostic capability of a network is
a crucial factor for availability and commissioning times – and therefore overall costs.
Only faults that are detected quickly and
accurately and located unambiguously can
be rectified quickly. Therefore, special attention was paid to exemplary diagnostic features during the development of EtherCAT.
During commissioning, the actual configuration of the I/O terminals should be
checked for consistency with the specified
configuration. The topology should also
match the configuration. Due to the built-in
topology recognition down to the individual
terminals, the verification can not only take
place during system start-up, automatic
reading in of the network is also possible
(configuration upload).
Bit faults during the transfer are reliably detected through evaluation of the
CRC checksum in each device. Apart from
breaking point detection and localisation,
the protocol, transfer physics and topology
of the EtherCAT system enable individual
quality monitoring of each individual transmission segment. The automatic evaluation
of the associated error counters enables precise localisation of critical network sections.
Gradual or changing sources of error such
as EMC influences, defective connectors or
cable damage are detected and located, even
if they do not yet overstrain the self-healing
capacity of the network.
EtherCAT components
On the hardware side, EtherCAT technology
is located in EtherCAT Terminals, for example.
The I/O system in protection class IP 20 is
based on the housing of the tried and tested
Beckhoff Bus Terminal system. In contrast
to Bus Terminals, where the fieldbus protocol
data is converted within the Bus Coupler to
the internal, fieldbus-independent terminal
bus, the EtherCAT protocol remains fully
intact down to the individual terminal. In
addition to EtherCAT Terminals with E-bus
connection, the proven standard Bus Terminals with K-bus connection can also be connected via the BK1120 EtherCAT Bus Coupler.
This ensures compatibility and continuity
with the prevalent system. Existing and
future investments are protected.
EtherCAT is integrated in further
Beckhoff components, such as the Fieldbus
Box in protection class IP 67. The extension
modules can be connected directly via an
IL230x-B110 EtherCAT Coupler Box. The
EtherCAT Box modules, also in protection
class IP 67, feature an integrated EtherCAT
interface and can be connected directly to
an EtherCAT network without an additional
Coupler Box.
The Beckhoff Industrial PCs, the Embedded PCs of the CX series, the Control Panels
with control functionality, and the Ethernet
PCI cards already offer inherent EtherCAT
capability. The Beckhoff Servo Drives are
also available with EtherCAT interface.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
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Logical process image: up to 4 Gbytes
Ethernet HDR
Data 1
Sub-telegram 1
Data 2
Sub-telegram 2
Data n
Sub-telegram n
Protocol structure | The process image allocation is freely configurable. Data are copied directly in the I/O terminal to the desired location
within the process image: no additional mapping is required. Very large address space of 4 Gbytes.
EtherCAT Technology Group
The EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) is
an association of automation users and
manufacturers with a mission to support the
development of EtherCAT technology. The
group represents a variety of industry sectors
and application areas. This ensures that the
EtherCAT technology functions and interfaces
are ideally prepared for the widest range of
applications. The organisation ensures that
EtherCAT can be easily and cost-effectively
integrated in all kinds of automation devices,
while ensuring interoperability of these
implementations. The EtherCAT Technology
Group is the official IEC partner organisation
for fieldbus standardisation. Membership is
open to all companies.
EtherCAT Technology Group
Everyone should be able to use and implement EtherCAT – the EtherCAT Technology
Group represents this philosophy. The ETG
is a forum for end users from different sectors, and for machine manufacturers and
suppliers of powerful control technology
with the aim of supporting and promoting EtherCAT technology. The wide range
of industry sectors that are represented
ensures that EtherCAT is optimally prepared for a large number of applications.
With their qualified feedback, the system
partners ensure simple integration of the
hardware and software components in all
required device classes.
The ETG technical committee meets
frequently to review the technology. Working groups look after topics like device profile integration, safety, wiring, standardisation or test and certification.
In training classes and seminars the
ETG provides detailed information about
the technology.
The management board of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
approved the liaison of the EtherCAT Technology Group with the IEC committee for
digital communication: The ETG is official
standardisation partner organisation.
Founded in 2003, the EtherCAT Technology Group grew so fast that it can be
considered the world’s largest Industrial
Ethernet organisation. With members from
all over the world and still growing, the
ETG is a strong international community.
Member companies receive access to
specification drafts, specifications, white
papers, tools, evaluation products as well
as proceedings of ETG events. In this way,
they have a head start in evaluating, using
or implementing the EtherCAT technology.
The ETG offices answer technical inquiries
regarding EtherCAT, provide marketing assistance, publish product guides, issue press
releases and articles, promote EtherCAT
via its website and organise joint fair and
exhibition booths.
For further information see
EtherCAT Development Products
The EtherCAT technology is not only fully
Ethernet-compatible, but also characterised
by particular openness “by design“: the protocol tolerates other Ethernet-based services
and protocols on the same physical network
– usually only with minimum loss of performance. Any Ethernet device can be connected
within the EtherCAT segment via a switch port
terminal without influencing the cycle time.
Devices with fieldbus interface are integrated
via EtherCAT fieldbus master terminals. The
UDP protocol variant can be implemented on
each socket interface. EtherCAT is a fully open
protocol. It is recognised and available as an
official IEC specification (IEC 61158, type 12).
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BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
EL98xx | EtherCAT evaluation kit
EtherCAT Development Products
The evaluation kits serve as
platform for the development of
EtherCAT slaves. The piggyback
controller board supplied with
the kit realises the complete
EtherCAT connection with the
ASIC ET1100 or on FPGA basis.
A programming interface is integrated for the FPGAs. All digital I/O, SPI and asynchronous
µController process data interfaces (PDIs) are connected to
pin strips and can be selected
Technical data
Evaluation kit
base board
EtherCAT Slave Controller
via PDI selector switch. The SPI
interface can optionally be connected with a PIC microcontroller
included with the kit or directly
to the pin strip. A programming
and debugging interface for the
controller is also provided. The
EL98xx can therefore also be
used as platform for the ET9300
EtherCAT Slave Sample Code
provided with the evaluation
kits. The EL9830 and EL9840
EtherCAT evaluation kits are
intended as a hardware platform
for the EtherCAT IP core. For this
reason, these kits are delivered
with a demo version (time-limited binary) of the IP core (16 bit
digital I/O).
Altera FPGA
Xilinx FPGA
EtherCAT piggyback controller
(IP core required)
FB1122 with Altera
(IP core required)
FB1130 with Xilinx
with ASIC ET1100
Cyclone III (EP3C25)
Spartan-3E (XC3S1200E)
EtherCAT Slave Sample Code ET9300
cables, documentation
optionally available as TR8100
Further information
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
ET1100, ET1200
ET1100, ET1200 | EtherCAT ASICs
clocks that enable high-precision
synchronisation (<< 1 µs) of
the EtherCAT slaves. The supply
voltage is 3.3 V or 5 V; the core
voltage of 2.5 V is generated by
the integrated in-phase regulator
or can be supplied directly. The
ET1100 is suitable as a universal
solution for all types of EtherCAT
devices; the ET1200 is optimised
for modular devices using E-bus/
LVDS (Low Voltage Differential
Signalling) as internal interface.
Due to their compact design and
small number of external components, both ASICs only require
minimum space on the board.
The ET1100 ASIC housing
(BGA128) only measures
10 x 10 mm. The chip can
support up to four EtherCAT
ports. The 8 kB internal memory
(DPRAM) for access to process
and parameter data is optionally addressed via parallel or
serial data bus. Alternatively,
the ASICs can also be used
without controller. In this case
up to 32 digital signals can be
connected directly.
The ET1200 ASIC is the
“small” variant of the ET1100;
with its QFN48 housing measuring only 7 x 7 mm, the chip is
even more compact. The device
offers 16 digital I/O interfaces
and distributed clock hardware
for high-precision synchronisation. The 1 kB internal DPRAM
is addressed via a fast serial
Technical data
Number of EtherCAT ports
4 (max. 4 x MII)
3 (max. 1 x MII)
SYNC manager
8 kbyte
1 kbyte
Distributed clocks
yes (64 bit)
yes (64 bit)
Process data interfaces
32 bit digital I/O
16 bit digital I/O
8/16 bit µC
BGA128, 10 x 10 mm
QFN48, 7 x 7 mm
Further information
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
interface (20 Mbit/s). The
“small ASIC” offers up to
three EtherCAT ports, one of
which can be used as MII for
connecting a standard PHY.
The other ports are used for
LVDS, which makes the ET1200
the right choice for modular
devices using LVDS as internal
bus physics.
EtherCAT Development Products
The ET1100 and ET1200
EtherCAT ASICs offer a costeffective and compact solution
for realising EtherCAT slaves.
They process the EtherCAT
protocol in the hardware and
therefore ensure high-performance and real-time capability,
independent of any downstream
slave microcontrollers and associated software. Through their
three process data interfaces
– digital I/O, SPI and 8/16 bit
µC (not for ET1200) – the
EtherCAT ASICs enable realisation of simple digital modules
without microcontrollers and
development of intelligent
devices with own processor.
Both ASICs feature distributed
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
ET1810, ET1811
ET1810, ET1811 | EtherCAT IP core
for Altera® FPGAs
The ET1811 (Altera®) quantitybased licence offers manufacturers of small lots and development
service providers the possibility
of entering the world of EtherCAT
development with low initial
investment. For the development of an EtherCAT device, the
ET1811 one-time kick-off charge
is required, plus ET1811-1000
royalty for 1,000 devices. The royalties for 1,000 devices must be
paid in advance each time.
Development service providers only require ET1811 one-time
kick-off charge; the ET1811-0030
system integrator OEM licence
is required for each customer
implementation. The end customer requires the royalty licence
The number of required logic
elements depends on the chosen
The EtherCAT IP core enables
the EtherCAT communication
function and application-specific
functions to be implemented on
an FPGA (Field Programmable
Gate Array – i.e. a device containing programmable logical
components). The EtherCAT
functionality is freely configurable. The IP core can be combined with own FPGA designs
and offers the option of communicating with a soft core processor via the Avalon® interface. The
physical interfaces and internal
functions, such as the number of
FMMUs and SYNC managers, the
size of the DPRAM, etc., are adjustable. The process data interface
(PDI) and the distributed clocks
are also configurable. The functions are compatible with the
EtherCAT specification and the
EtherCAT ASICs (ET1100, ET1200).
EtherCAT IP core for Altera®:
– 2 MII ports, 32 bit digital I/O,
1 kB RAM, without distributed clocks, with FMMU and
SYNC manager, has approx.
6,900 logic elements
– 3 MII ports, SPI interface,
60 kB RAM, 64 bit distributed clocks, 8 FMMUs
and 8 SYNC managers,
has approx. 25,500 logic
The EtherCAT Altera® IP core
can be used with the following
FPGAs: Cyclone®, Cyclone® II,
Cyclone® III, Cyclone® IV, Stratix®,
Stratix® II Stratix® III, Stratix® IV,
Stratix® GX, Stratix® II GX, Arria®
GX and
Arria® II GX.
Configurable features
ET1810, ET1811, ET1812
PHY interface
1…3 ports MII or 1…2 ports RMII
SYNC manager
1…60 kbyte
Distributed clocks
2 x SYNC outputs, 2 x latch inputs (32/64 bit)
Process data interfaces
32 bit digital I/O, SPI, 8/16 bit asynchronous µC interface, Avalon interface, 64 bit general purpose I/O
Further information
Ordering information
Node-locked buy out licence
Node-locked licence for using the EtherCAT IP core on one workstation.
The licence includes 1 year maintenance and updates.
extension of the node-locked Altera® licence (ET1810) by one additional workstation
one-year maintenance extension for node-locked licence (ET1810)
Node-locked quantity-based licence
one-time kick-off charge for the node-locked quantity-based licence for using the freely configurable
EtherCAT Development Products
EtherCAT IP cores on one workstation; target hardware: selected Altera devices
royalty for 1,000 devices, ET1811 required
one-year maintenance extension, ET1811 required
system integrator OEM licence
Floating buy out licence
floating buy out licence for Altera® FPGAs
extension of the floating licence (ET1812) by one additional workstation
one-year maintenance extension for floating licence (ET1812)
Evaluation licence (Open Core Plus)
Full-featured, time-limited version available. Please see for contact.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
ET1815, ET1816
ET1815, ET1816 | EtherCAT IP core
for Xilinx® FPGAs
The EtherCAT IP core enables
the EtherCAT communication
function and application-specific
functions to be implemented on
an FPGA (Field Programmable
Gate Array – i.e. a device containing programmable logical
components). The EtherCAT functionality is freely configurable.
The IP core can be combined
with own FPGA designs and
offers the option of communicating with a soft core processor via the OPB™ or PLB™
interface. The physical interfaces
and internal functions, such
as the number of FMMUs and
SYNC managers, the size of the
DPRAM, etc., are adjustable. The
process data interface (PDI) and
the distributed clocks are also
configurable. The functions are
compatible with the EtherCAT
specification and the EtherCAT
ASICs (ET1100, ET1200).
The ET1816 (Xilinx®)
quantity-based licence offers
manufacturers of small lots and
development service providers
the possibility of entering the
world of EtherCAT development
with low initial investment. For
the development of an EtherCAT
device, the ET1816 one-time
kick-off charge is required, plus
ET1816-1000 royalty for 1,000
devices. The royalties for 1,000
devices must be paid in advance
each time.
Development service providers only require ET1816 one-time
kick-off charge; the ET1816-0030
system integrator OEM licence
is required for each customer
implementation. The end customer requires the royalty licence
The number of required logic
elements depends on the chosen
EtherCAT IP core for Xilinx®:
– 2 MII ports, 32 bit digital I/O,
1 kB RAM, without distributed clocks, with FMMU and
SYNC manager, has approx.
4,400 slices (Spartan®-3E)
3 MII ports, 16 bit µC interface, 60 kB RAM, 64 bit
distributed clocks, 8 FMMUs
and 8 SYNC managers,
has approx. 14,000 slices
The EtherCAT Xilinx® IP core
can be used with the following
FPGAs: Spartan®-3, Spartan®-3E,
Spartan®-3A, Spartan®-3AN,
Spartan®-3ADSP, Spartan®-6,
Virtex®-II, Virtex®-II Pro, Virtex®-II
Pro X, Virtex®-4, Virtex®-5 and
Configurable features
ET1815, ET1816
PHY interface
1…3 ports MII or 1…2 ports RMII
SYNC manager
1…60 kbyte
Distributed clocks
2 x SYNC outputs, 2 x latch inputs (32/64 bit)
Process data interfaces
32 bit digital I/O, SPI, 8/16 bit asynchronous µC interface, OPB™ interface, PLB™ v4.6 interface, 64 bit general purpose I/O
Further information
Ordering information
EtherCAT IP core licence for Xinlinx FPGAs “node-locked”
extension of the node-locked licence (ET1815) by one additional workstation
one-year maintenance extension for node-locked licence (ET1815)
Node-locked quantity-based licence
one-time kick-off charge for the node-locked quantity-based licence for using the freely configurable
EtherCAT IP cores on one workstation; target hardware: selected Xilinx devices
royalty for 1,000 devices, ET1816 required
one-year maintenance extension, ET1816 required
system integrator OEM licence
Evaluation licence
Full-featured, time-limited version available. Please see for contact.
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
EtherCAT Development Products
Node-locked buy out licence
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
FB1111, FB1122, FB1130 | EtherCAT piggyback controller boards
EtherCAT Development Products
The FB11xx EtherCAT piggyback
controller boards offer complete
EtherCAT connection based on
the ET1100 EtherCAT ASIC or an
Altera or Xilinx FPGA in conjunction with the ET18xx EtherCAT IP
core. All FB11xx have the same
form factor and can be used with
the EtherCAT evaluation kit. They
can be integrated as EtherCAT
interfaces in devices.
The FB1122 and FB1130 piggyback controller boards are
intended as a hardware platform
for the EtherCAT IP core. For this
reason, these boards are delivered with a demo version (timelimited binary) of the IP core
(16 bit digital I/O).
Ordering information
EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and µC interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in devices.
EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and SPI interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in devices.
EtherCAT piggyback controller board with ET1100 and digital I/O interface; can be integrated as EtherCAT interface in
devices; included in the EL982x evaluation kit.
EtherCAT piggyback controller board with Altera Cyclone III (IP core required)
EtherCAT piggyback controller board with Xilinx Spartan-3E (XC3S1200E) (IP core required)
Further information
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
FC1100 | PCI EtherCAT slave card
EtherCAT Slave Sample Code.
The FC1100 can therefore also
be used for the development
of EtherCAT slave software on
the PC.
Technical data
EtherCAT (direct mode)
EtherCAT plug
2 x RJ 45, EtherCAT IN/OUT
Data transfer rates
100 Mbit/s
Interface to the PC
PCI 32 bit
EtherCAT Slave Controller
Distributed clocks
yes (64 bit)
8 kbyte
SYNC manager
Cable length
up to 100 m
Hardware diagnosis
2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
ca. 65 mm x 125 mm
Operating temperature
0…55 °C
TwinCAT driver for EtherCAT
Further information
support in the EtherCAT Slave Sample Code ET9300
EtherCAT Development Products
The FC1100 PCI EtherCAT card
can be used to integrate a PC as
a slave in an EtherCAT network.
The card has an EtherCAT channel with two ports (IN/OUT) and
is also supported in the ET9300
Ordering information
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
standard configuration
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
ET2000 | Industrial Ethernet multi-channel probe
EtherCAT Development Products
With the ET2000 multi-channel
probe Beckhoff introduces a
versatile piece of hardware
for analysing any Industrial
Ethernet solution. With eight
ports this device enables unlimited synchronised recording of
up to four independent channels
at a speed of 10 or 100 Mbit/s.
All real-time Ethernet standards
such as EtherCAT, PROFINET, etc.
and conventional office Ethernet
networks are supported.
Through its compact and
rugged design the ET2000 is ideal both for the local application
at machines or in the laboratory.
The four channels enable recording and analysis of separate networks or different points within
the same network. All frames in
transit – in both directions – are
furnished with a high-precision time stamp in the probe
hardware and copied to the Gbit
uplink port. The high time stamp
resolution of 1 ns enables very
precise timing analysis of the
connected network segments.
The ET2000 probe is transparent
for the connected buses. Thanks
to the low cycle delay of < 1 µs
the influence on the system is
very small.
Technical data
Number of ports/channels
Uplink port
1 Gbit/s
approx. 1 µs
Resolution time stamp
1 ns (channel 0/1)
Software interface
Data transfer rates
probe ports: 10/100 Mbit/s, uplink port: 1 Gbit/s
Hardware diagnosis
2 LEDs per channel (link/activity, 10/100 Mbit), 1 power LED
Power supply
24 (18…30) V DC, 500 mA, 3-pole terminal (+, -, PE)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
approx. 100 mm x 150 mm x 40 mm
Operating temperature
0…55 °C
Further information
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
The device can be connected to
any Gbit Ethernet interfaces on
the PC side. A plug-in for the
free Wireshark network monitor
enables this network monitor to
be used for analysing recordings
and high-precision time stamps.
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
FC9001-0010, FC9011 | PCI Ethernet
automatic baud rate setting
according to IEEE 802.3u
maximum performance
through hardware-integrated
checksum creation and
The hardware side supports
Quality of Service (QoS)
through prioritised multiple
Wake on LAN
Boot from LAN (PXE)
(only FC9011)
Naturally, the cards (or individual
channels) can also be operated
with TwinCAT drivers – and
therefore in real-time.
Technical data
all Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) based protocols
Number of Ethernet channels
Data transfer rates
10/100 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3u auto-negotiation,
10/100/1,000 Mbit/s, IEEE 802.3ab auto-negotiation,
full duplex at 10, 100 and 1,000 Mbit/s
Interface to the PC
full duplex at 10 and 100 Mbit/s
plug-and-play PCI interface 32 bit
Ethernet interface
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1,000BASE-TX Ethernet
Ethernet plug
1 x RJ 45
Cable length
100 m (up to switch or end device)
Standard drivers
standard operating system drivers for Intel®-compatible NIC real-time driver or Beckhoff driver for Windows 2000/XP
Real-time drivers
TwinCAT drivers for EtherCAT/real-time Ethernet. Drivers can be selected separately for each channel.
Hardware diagnosis
2 LEDs per channel (activity, link)
approx. 51 mm x 120 mm
Operating temperature
0…55 °C
Further information
Ordering information
standard configuration
(available from Beckhoff website)
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
EtherCAT Development Products
The Ethernet PCI network cards
from Beckhoff save space and
costs. They can be used in office
and automation networks and
offer the following benefits:
– plug-and-play interface
– 10/100/1,000 Mbit/s
(FC9011), 10/100 Mbit/s
(FC9001-0010), full duplex
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
ET9000, ET9200, ET9300 | EtherCAT development software
ET9000 | EtherCAT configurator
Through clear definition of the
interfaces in the EtherCAT specification an EtherCAT master can
be developed without having
to develop a configurator at the
same time. The EtherCAT configurator is aimed at EtherCAT
master developers who want to
use it or integrate and distribute
it with their software package.
The Windows software for
configuring an EtherCAT network
– configurator for:
– reading XML device
– generating XML configuration descriptions
– online features
– scanning of EtherCAT
– diagnostics
– free-run online
mode for commissioning
– topology representation
– Automation software interface starts the configurator
as COM server.
– COM interface
XML interface for
parameter exchange
between client and
– including embedded graphical user interface
– EXE file, executable under
Windows 2000, XP and Vista
The EtherCAT configurator is not
required if the TwinCAT software
from Beckhoff is used.
ET9200 | EtherCAT Master Sample Code
for EtherCAT master developers
is based on the ET9200.
The EtherCAT Master Sample
Code is a user mode Windows
application that demonstrates
implementation of the EtherCAT
master. The TR8200 workshop
– boot-up and configuration
– sending and receiving of
“raw” EtherCAT frames
to/from a network adapter
– management of EtherCAT
slave states
– reading of XML configuration descriptions
– sending of the initialisation
commands that are defined
for the different state changes to the slave device
mailbox communication
– CoE (CAN application
protocol over EtherCAT)
– SoE (Servodrive Profile
over EtherCAT)
– EoE (Ethernet over
– FoE (File Access over
– AoE (ADS over EtherCAT)
integrated virtual switch
– cyclical process data
– distributed clocks
state machine
The software is sent as source
code and can be adapted to the
hardware environment (Ethernet
controller) and integrated in a
real-time environment.
EtherCAT Development Products
ET9300 | EtherCAT Slave Sample Code
The EtherCAT Slave Sample Code
is an example source code in
ANSI C supporting both the µC
and the SPI interface. The code
serves as a development base
for implementation of EtherCAT
in devices with own processor.
– EtherCAT handling in
the controller
– handling of the extended
state machine
– mailbox handling
– CiA402 drive profile application
protocol handling for:
– CoE (CAN application
protocol over EtherCAT)
– FoE (File Access over
– EoE (Ethernet over
SoE (Servo Drive Profile
over EtherCAT)
– AoE (ADS over EtherCAT)
– sample applications for
all variants
The EtherCAT Slave Sample
Code is included in the EL98xx
EtherCAT evaluation kits.
Ordering information
licence for using the EtherCAT configurator
licence for using the EtherCAT Master Sample Code
licence for using the EtherCAT Slave Sample Code (included in the EtherCAT evaluation kits)
Further information
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
ET9400 | EtherCAT conformance test tool
the EtherCAT conformance test
tool itself. The official test cases
can be supplemented by their
own routines. Test results and
remarks are shown in a logger
window and can in turn be saved
as an XML file. The tool also
tests the electronic description
of the EtherCAT device (ESI)
and includes an editor for this
file format, in order to be able
to process the ESI (XML file)
temporarily for test purposes.
EEPROM data can also be read,
edited and written. Besides the
items described above, the following items are also tested,
among others:
– plausibility of the device
description (ESI) and the
test of the status machines
mailbox communication
using SoE and CoE
– CoE object directory
– consistency check of CoE
object directory, EEPROM
data and device description
Real-time behaviour in relationship to distributed clocks (DC)
cannot be tested using the
ET9400, because a real-timecapable master with DC support
is required for this.
EtherCAT Development Products
The conformance test tool enables
in-house testing of EtherCAT
slave devices. Use of the ET9400
tool during the development of
an EtherCAT device assists in
ensuring conformity and in preparing the device for the official,
independent conformance test in
an accredited test laboratory of
the EtherCAT Technology Group.
The ET9400 tool requires a
standard PC with Windows OS;
special hardware is not required.
The EtherCAT frames for stimulation of the device under test are
sent via the standard Ethernet
port. The tool processes the
standard test cases supplied
(XML files) sequentially. In this
way, extensions of the test cases
are possible without modifying
Ordering information
1-year licence for using the EtherCAT conformance test tool
Further information
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
ET1902, ET1903
ET1902, ET1903 | Safety over EtherCAT licence
EtherCAT Development Products
In the interest of realising
safe data communication
for EtherCAT, the Safety over
EtherCAT protocol has been
disclosed. The protocol meets
the requirements of IEC 61508
up to Safety Integrity Level (SIL)
3, as approved by the German
Technical Inspection Agency
EtherCAT is used as a
single-channel communication
system. The transport medium
is regarded as a “black channel”
and not included in the safety
considerations. Thus, the protocol can also be transmitted by
other communication systems,
backplanes, WLAN. The transfer
cycle can be as short as required
without affecting residual error
probability. The cyclic exchange
of safe data between a Safety
over EtherCAT master and a
Safety over EtherCAT slave is
referred to as a connection that
is monitored via a watchdog
timer. A master can establish
and monitor several connections
to different slaves.
The Safety over EtherCAT
frame includes a command,
safe process data that are verified via a checksum (CRC), and
a unique connection ID. A minimum frame with 1 byte of safe
process data is 6 byte long. The
maximum length is determined
by the number of process data
required by the slave. The protocol imposes no maximum length
The licences allow implementation of the Safety over EtherCAT
protocol in a device. They are
Ordering information
general licence for producing Safety over EtherCAT-compliant slave devices, including
Safety over EtherCAT slave specification
test specification
general company licences that
are independent of the quantity.
– introduction to the technology, 1-day seminar at Verl, Germany
general licence for producing Safety over EtherCAT-compliant master devices, including
Safety over EtherCAT master specification
test specification
introduction to the technology, 1-day seminar at Verl, Germany
Further information
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
TC9910-B110 | Demokit
The demokit consists of:
– EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler
– 2 digital input terminals 24 V DC
– 2 digital output terminals
24 V DC
– Beckhoff product folder
– Beckhoff TwinCAT CD
– “TwinCAT Quickstart“
– documentation describing
the EK1100
– a 25 cm section of 35 mm
mounting rail for fitting
the terminal system
– TwinCAT PLC licence
(only TC9910-B110)
– end cap
– Ethernet cable
Ordering information
EtherCAT demokit, with TwinCAT PLC licence
EtherCAT Development Products
The TC9910-B11x EtherCAT
demokit offers a quick introduction into EtherCAT communication. It includes EtherCAT Terminals and a Coupler for testing
simple I/O functions. The enclosed
CD contains a step-by-step guide
and a full version of TwinCAT as
programming environment for
the Beckhoff EtherCAT master.
EtherCAT slaves of any type can
be tested with this field-proven
EtherCAT master. It also includes
a comprehensive help collection
that facilitates familiarisation
with Beckhoff ADS communication and programming according
to IEC 61131.
EtherCAT, EK1100, EtherCAT Terminals (without PLC licence)
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
TR8xxx | EtherCAT workshops for developers
The EtherCAT technology basics for developers seminar is aimed at
developers as recommendable preparation before attending one of
the mentioned workshops below. In this seminar basic EtherCAT
knowledge is conveyed.
The workshops are aimed at developers of EtherCAT masters
(TR8200) or EtherCAT slaves (TR8100). In addition to theoretical
content they also include practical exercises. It is assumed that
workshop participants have access to an evaluation kit (EL98xx)
(slave workshop) or the Master Sample Code (ET9200) (master
workshop). Basic EtherCAT knowledge is assumed. The workshops
are led by developers and held in manageable groups so that individual interests can be addressed.
EtherCAT technology basics for developers
Ordering information
EtherCAT basics
slave structure
physical layer
device model
data link layer
frame structure
addressing, commands
memory, SYNC manager, FMMUs
application layer
state machine
EtherCAT Development Products
mailbox (mailbox protocols)
Slave Information Interface (EEPROM)
device profiles
distributed clocks
EtherCAT Slave Information (ESI) file in XML
tools (configurator, monitor,...)
EtherCAT master
standard & references
duration: 1 day
training location: Verl, Germany
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
TR8100, TR8200
EtherCAT evaluation workshop for slave developers
Ordering information
hardware for EtherCAT
TwinCAT 2.10 installation, including drivers and EtherCAT protocol
TwinCAT introduction
process data interfaces (PDIs):
8/16 bit microcontroller interface, 32 bit digital I/O, SPI interface
evaluation kit – how to use
Slave Sample Source Code
EtherCAT Slave Controller: ASICs ET1100 and ET1200 and EtherCAT IP Core
network monitor
EtherCAT Slave Information File (ESI)
duration: 1 day
training location: Verl, Germany
Please note that the content of the seminar “EtherCAT Technology Basics for Developers“ is essential for this workshop.
EtherCAT Master Sample Code workshop for master developers
Ordering information
introduction to network communication under Windows (NDIS, miniport, etc.)
introduction to System Manager (for generating the XML file, installation may be required)
EtherCAT Network Information (ENI) file in XML
installation and compilation (with MS Visual Studio® 6) of the Master Sample Code
structure of the Master Sample Code
network monitor
sending of the initialisation commands
sending of cyclical data (process data)
mailbox functionality
EtherCAT Development Products
CAN application protocol over EtherCAT
Ethernet over EtherCAT protocol
duration: 1 day
training location: Verl, Germany
Please note that the content of the seminar “EtherCAT Technology Basics for Developers“ is essential for this workshop.
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
Information Media | Print
Order no. DK110x
Order no. DK140x
Order no. DK130x
Order no. DK600x
Order no. DK4000
Main catalog
Product overview
News catalog
PC Control magazine
Product DVD
EtherCAT Development Products
Ordering information
Main catalog, German
Main catalog, English
News catalog, German
News catalog, English
Product overview, German
Product overview, English
Product overview, French
Product overview, Italian
Product overview, Russian
Main catalog and software products on DVD, German, English, Italian
Company magazine PC Control, German
Company magazine PC Control, English
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Information Media | Internet
Online documentation
In addition to all the information contained in the printed catalog,
the online service offers additional information, available in the
universal PDF or in CHM (Compiled HTML) file format: detailed
documentation and manuals for the Beckhoff products and software
updates, technical drawings and configuration files for the fieldbus
components. The full version of the powerful TwinCAT automation
software can be downloaded and tested free of charge for 30 days.
For further information on EtherCAT products see
Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, Safety over EtherCAT™, TwinSAFE™ and XFC™ are registered trademarks of Beckhoff. Other designations used in this publication
may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
© Beckhoff Automation 3/2010, subject to change without prior notice.
The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual application do not always
apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist
if expressively agreed in the terms of contract.
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
EtherCAT Development Products
The Beckhoff internet presence offers comprehensive product
and system information, technical data and documentation –
basically everything that is worth knowing. The complete online
presence is available in German at and in English
at The clear structure of the online offer simplifies the location of products and solutions. A clear tree structure and
hyperlinks on each page facilitate navigation. A convenient search
function permits rapid access to the desired product information.
Concrete examples of the practical use of Beckhoff components
and system solutions are documented by application reports from
widely differing branches of industry.
BECKHOFF New Automation Technology
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Eiserstraße 5
33415 Verl
Phone: + 49 (0) 52 46 / 9 63 - 0
[email protected]
Office Balingen
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Karlstraße 19
72336 Balingen
Phone: + 49 (0) 74 33 / 2 60 24 - 0
[email protected]
Office Berlin
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Fasanenstraße 81
10623 Berlin
Phone: + 49 (0) 30 / 88 71 16 - 0
[email protected]
Office Frankfurt
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Torhaus Westhafen
Speicherstraße 59
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: + 49 (0) 69 / 68 09 88 - 0
[email protected]
Office Hanover
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Podbielskistraße 342
30655 Hanover
Phone: + 49 (0) 5 11 / 87 57 58 - 0
[email protected]
Office Lübeck
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Wahmstraße 56
23552 Lübeck
Phone: + 49 (0) 4 51/ 20 39 88 - 0
[email protected]
Office Munich
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Oppelner Straße 5
82194 Gröbenzell/Munich
Phone: + 49 (0) 81 42 / 4 10 59 - 0
[email protected]
Office Nuremberg
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Ostendstraße 196
90482 Nuremberg
Phone: + 49 (0) 9 11 / 5 40 56 - 0
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Sales Office Ravensburg
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
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88212 Ravensburg
Phone: + 49 (0) 7 51 / 3 54 15 50
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Office Rhein/Ruhr
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Eurotec-Ring 7
47445 Moers
Phone: + 49 (0) 28 41/ 9 08 16 - 6
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Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Hauptstraße 4
6706 Bürs
Phone: + 43 (0) 55 52 / 6 88 13 - 0
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Sales Office
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Softwarepark 35
4232 Hagenberg
Phone: + 43 (0) 72 36 / 2 09 25 - 0
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Sales Office
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Leobersdorferstraße 42
2560 Berndorf
Phone: + 43 (0) 26 72 / 8 20 34
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Sales Office Tirol
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
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6020 Innsbruck
Phone: + 43 (0) 512 / 236 043
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Belgium, Luxembourg
Beckhoff Automation BVBA
Kempische Steenweg 305 bus 202
3500 Hasselt
Phone: + 32 (0) 11 / 24 08 00
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Multiprox N.V.
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9300 Aalst
Phone: + 32 (0) 53 / 76 65 66
[email protected]
Kastiva GmbH
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1612 Sofia
Phone: + 3 59 (2) 9 50 44 31
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Krovel d.o.o.
Barutanski jarak 114
10000 Zagreb
Phone: + 3 85 / 16 11 77 20
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Lithuania, Latvia,
Santavilté UAB
Taikos 149
52119 Kaunas
Phone: + 3 70 37 / 35 01 66
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Beckhoff Automation AB
Stenåldersgatan 2A
21376 Malmö
Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60
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Industrial Automation Link
Küppersweg 71
2031 EB Haarlem
Phone: + 31 23 / 5 18 51 40
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Sales Office Danderyd
Beckhoff Automation AB
Enebybergsvägen 10B
18236 Danderyd
Phone: + 46 (0) 8 / 4 46 30 00
[email protected]
Czech Republic,
Slovac Republic
Dyger s.r.o.
Vystaviste 1
648 59 Brno
Czech Republic
Phone: + 420 5 / 41 32 10 04
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Beckhoff Automation AS
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3112 Tønsberg
Phone: + 47 33 50 46 90
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Beckhoff Automation ApS
Naverland 2
2600 Glostrup
Phone: + 45 43 / 46 76 20
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Beckhoff Automation Sp. z o.o.
Stara Iwiczna,
ul. Sloneczna 116A
05-500 Piaseczno
Phone: + 48 22 / 7 57 26 10
[email protected]
Office Hobro
Beckhoff Automation ApS
Majsmarken 1
9500 Hobro
Phone: + 45 76 / 36 38 31
[email protected]
Bresimar Automação, S.A.
Quinta do Simão –
EN109 – Esgueira
Apartado 3080
3801-101 Aveiro
Phone: + 351 234 / 30 33 20
[email protected]
Office Kolding
Beckhoff Automation ApS
Birkemose allé 25
6000 Kolding
Phone: + 45 76 / 31 20 72
[email protected]
Finland, Estonia
Beckhoff Automation Oy
P.O. Box 23
Kankurinkatu 4-6
05801 Hyvinkää
Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 00
[email protected]
Sales Office Seinäjoki
Beckhoff Automation Oy
Tiedekatu 2
60320 Seinäjoki
Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 50
[email protected]
Sales Office Tampere
Beckhoff Automation Oy
Hermiankatu 1 B
33720 Tampere
Phone: + 358 (0) 20 / 7 42 38 70
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Sarl
Immeuble “Le Montréal”
ZA de Courtaboeuf
19 bis, avenue du Québec
91951 Courtaboeuf Cedex
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 69 29 83 70
[email protected]
Greece, Cyprus
L. J. Skourgialos
Industrial Automation Systems
241 EL. Venizelou
176 73 Kallithea /Athens
Phone: + 30 / 21 09 51 02 60
[email protected]
Controrg Kft.
Pajta u. 14
8200 Veszprem
Phone: + 36 / 88 42 40 75
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation S.r.l.
Via E. Majorana, 1
20054 Nova Milanese (MI)
Phone: + 39 03 62 / 36 51 64
[email protected]
Office Bologna
Beckhoff Automation S.r.l.
Via Zanini, 7
40011 Anzola dell‘Emilia (BO)
Phone: + 39 05 1 / 73 15 09
[email protected]
Office Padua
Beckhoff Automation S.r.l.
Via Alsazia, 3/B
35127 Padua (PD)
Phone: + 39 0 49 / 8 70 48 38
[email protected]
Kreatron Automation S.R.L.
Str. Octavian Fodor nr. 113, ap. 13
400434, Cluj-Napoca
jud. Cluj
Phone: + 40 264 / 48 47 08
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation OOO
Ul. Bakuninskaya 14, Building 9
105005 Moscow
Phone: + 7 495 / 9 81 64 54
[email protected]
North-West Federal District
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
V.O., 7-ya Liniya, 76, Office 620
199178 Saint-Petersburg
Phone: + 7 812 / 332 62 05
[email protected]
Ural Federal District
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Uliza Komsomolskaya 37,
Office 402/4
620049 Ekaterinburg
Phone: + 7 3 43 / 3 79 98 73
[email protected]
Volga Federal District
Beckhoff Automation GmbH
Krasnoarmayskaya ul.1,
Office 312
443010 Samara
Phone: + 7 846 / 2 69 80 67
[email protected]
Beckhoff Avtomatizacija d.o.o.
Zbiljska cesta 4
1215 Medvode
Phone: + 3 86 / 13 61 30 80
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Edificio Testa Sant Cugat
Avda. Alcalde Barnils, 64-68
08174 Sant Cugat (Barcelona)
Phone: + 34 93 / 5 84 49 97
[email protected]
Sales Office Bilbao
Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Edificio Udondo
C. Ribera de Axpe, no 50
4a planta, Oficina 4-5
48950 Erandio (Bilbao)
Phone: + 34 94 / 4 31 40 75
[email protected]
Sales Office Madrid
Beckhoff Automation S.A.
Edificio Cimaga
Sierra de Cazorla, 1
Planta Baja, Oficina E
28290 Las Matas (Madrid)
Phone: + 34 91 / 6 36 43 57
[email protected]
Sales Office Värnamo
Beckhoff Automation AB
Västbovägen 53
33153 Värnamo
Phone: + 46 (0) 40 / 6 80 81 60
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation AG
Rheinweg 9
8200 Schaffhausen
Phone: + 41 (0) 52 / 6 33 40 40
[email protected]
Office Zurich
Beckhoff Automation AG
Felsenrainstrasse 1
8052 Zurich
Phone: + 41 (0) 52 / 633 40 40
[email protected]
Office Derendingen
Beckhoff Automation AG
Application/Software Development
Hauptstrasse 39
4552 Derendingen
Phone: + 41 (0) 32 / 682 04 28
[email protected]
Sales + Support Center
Suisse Romande
Beckhoff Automation AG
En Chamard 35
1442 Montagny-près-Yverdon
Phone: + 41 (0) 24 / 447 27 - 00
[email protected]
Support Center Ticino
p.project sagl
Via Pianella 19
6596 Gordola
Phone: + 41 (0) 91 / 745 01 11
[email protected]
Beckhoff Otomasyon ltd. şti.
Gardenya-3 Plaza No: 18-19
34758 Ataşehir Istanbul
Phone: + 90 216 580 9830
[email protected]
UK, Ireland
Beckhoff Automation Ltd.
The Boathouse
Station Road
Oxon RG9 1AZ
Great Britain
Phone: + 44 14 91 / 41 05 39
[email protected]
North America
and Training Center
Beckhoff Automation LLC
12150 Nicollet Avenue South
Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: + 1 952 / 890 0000
[email protected]
East Region Headquarters
and Training Center
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Charlotte, NC
Phone: + 1 704 / 910 4367
[email protected]
East Region Sales
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Coplay, PA
Phone: + 1 952 / 212 6226
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Hanover, PA
Phone: + 1 717 / 634 5536
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Canton, MI
Phone: + 1 248 / 230 8835
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Medina, OH
Phone: + 1 330 / 725 2403
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Lake Wylie, SC
Phone: + 1 803 / 746 5491
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Apex, NC
Phone: + 1 919 / 367 0349
[email protected]
Central Region Sales
and Training Center
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Fond du Lac, WI
Phone: + 1 920 / 929 0655
[email protected]
Central Region Sales
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Burnsville, MN 55337
Phone: + 1 952 / 808 6513
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Lemont, IL
Phone: + 1 630 / 631 8467
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Rogers, AR
Phone: + 1 479 / 925 2951
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Cedar Park, TX
Phone: + 1 512 / 250 9809
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Justin, TX
Phone: + 1 817 / 428 5314
[email protected]
West Region Sales
Beckhoff Automation LLC
San Diego, CA
Phone: + 1 858 / 546 1111
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
La Crescenta, CA
Phone: + 1 818 / 224 9065
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
San Jose, CA
Phone: + 1 408 / 823 3962
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Phoenix, AZ
Phone: + 1 602 / 354 0506
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Arvada, CO
Phone: + 1 303 / 429 0758
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Mill Creek, WA
Phone: + 1 425 / 451 4444
[email protected]
West Region Technical Center
Beckhoff Automation LLC
San Diego, CA
Phone: + 1 858 / 546 1111
[email protected]
Sales, Training Center and
Application Development
Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd.
130 Research Lane
Guelph, ON N1G 5G3
Phone: + 1 905 / 852 1534
[email protected]
Canada Sales
Beckhoff Automation Canada Ltd.
London, ON
Phone: + 1 519 / 451 8572
[email protected]
Mexico Sales and
Application Development
Integra Automation, SA de CV
Av. Industrias 325-A
78399 Fracc. Talleres
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P.
Phone: + 52 444 / 822 2615 al 17
[email protected]
Central and South America
Alcorta 2411
Moreno / Buenos Aires
Phone: + 54 237 / 463 1151
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automação Industrial Ltda.
Rua Continental, 146
São Bernardo do Campo
São Paulo 09750-060
Phone: + 55 (11) 4126-3232
[email protected]
Sales Office Campinas
Beckhoff Automação Industrial Ltda.
Edifício Empresarial Torre do Castelo
Rua Francisco Otaviano, 60
Sala 94 – Bairro Chapadão
Campinas 13070-056 – SP
Phone: + 55 (19) 3368-7288
[email protected]
K.MECS Co., Ltd.
Yusen Iwamotocho Blg. 3F
2-3-3 Iwamotocho, Chiyoda-City,
Tokyo 101-0032
Phone: + 81 3 5825 5333
[email protected]
Tecmel Chile S.A.
Padre Orellana 1486
Phone: + 562 / 596 2541
[email protected]
Lebanon, Jordan, Syria
Industrial Technologies (itec) S.A.L.
Afrah Plaza Center, Blvd Fouad
Sin El Fil, Beirut
Phone: + 961 (1) 49 11 61
[email protected]
Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
Honduras, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Belize, Panama
50 Sur Hotel Grano de Oro
Calle 30, Avenidas 4-6
San José 10103
Costa Rica
Phone: + 506 / 2222-6450
[email protected]
Comando Ltda.
Dr. J. de Salterain 1142
Montevideo 11200
Phone: + 598 (2) / 400-7923
[email protected]
Industrial Control Systems ICS
29 Dr. Mohamed El Harouny Street
Nasr City, Cairo 11371
Phone: + 20 2 / 2 75 50 31
[email protected]
South Africa
Beckhoff Automation (Pty) Ltd
Unit 8, Boskruin Business Park,
Randpark Ridge
Randburg 2188
South Africa
Phone: + 27 (0) 11 792 3374
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd.
5th Floor,
No. 163 JiangChang San Road
Shanghai Shibei Industrial Zone
Shanghai, 200436
P. R. China
Phone: + 86 21 / 66 31 26 66
[email protected]
Office Beijing
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd.
Room 1801-1803, Tower T3,
Xihuan Plaza,
No.1, Xizhimenwai Avenue
Xicheng District
Beijing, 100044
P. R. China
Phone: + 86 10 / 58 30 12 36
[email protected]
Office Chengdu
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd.
8F, G of The City Tower,
No. 86, Section one,
South Peoples Road
Chengdu, Sichuan, 610016
P. R. China
Phone: + 86 28 / 86 20 25 81
[email protected]
Office Guangzhou
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd.
Room 4118-4119
Yaozhong Plaza
9 West Linhe Road
Tianhe District
Guangzhou, 510620
P. R. China
Phone: + 86 20 / 38 01 03 00
[email protected]
Singapore, Malaysia,
Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia
TDS Technology (S) Pte Ltd.
64 Sungei Kadut Loop
(Hocen Building)
Singapore 729493
Phone: + 65 / 63 66 16 61
[email protected]
TDS Technology (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
50/962 Moo 2
Bengyeetos Thanyaburi
12130 Bangkok
Phone: + 66 (0) 2569 5511
[email protected]
T & R Electronic (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
120/62 Moo 8 Bang Sare
Chonburi 20250
Phone: + 66 (0) 3873 7487
[email protected]
South Korea
Tri-TEK Corp.
717 DaeRyung TechnoTown III
448 KasanDong Kumcheongu
Seoul 153-803
Phone: + 82 2 / 2107-32 42
[email protected]
JI-DIEN Co., Ltd.
9F., No. 22, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd.
Xingzhuang City
Taipei County 242
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: + 886 (2) 8522 3237
[email protected]
United Arab Emirates,
Oman, Qatar, Bahrain,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
Beckhoff Automation FZE
C# 608, Dubai Silicon Oasis
P.O. Box No. 341007
United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 4 5015480
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Pty. Ltd.
Level 16, 10 Queens Road
Melbourne, Victoria, 3004
Phone: + 61 (3) 99 12 54 30
[email protected]
New Zealand
CSE-W. Arthur Fisher Ltd
P.O. Box 58955
Manukau 2163
New Zealand
Phone: + 64 9 271 3810
[email protected]
Office Wuhan
Beckhoff Automation (Shanghai)
Co. Ltd.
Room 1803, 18/F.,
Wuhan Zhongshang Plaza,
NO.7, Zhongnan Road,
Wuhan, Hubei
P.R. China
Phone: + 86 27 / 81 34 87 15
[email protected]
Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd.
Suite 4, Level 6, Muttha Towers
Don Bosco Marg
Pune – 411 006
Phone: + 91 20 / 40 00 48 00
[email protected]
Inteltek Automation Pvt. Ltd., Ambegaon
Pune – 411 046
Phone: + 91 20 / 24 31 81 21
[email protected]

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