Keynote Katja Hutter
Keynote Katja Hutter
Kreativwirtschaftsgespräche Neue Wege mit dem Kunden zum Ziel Co-Creation – Design Thinking – Open Innovation Montag, 6. Juni 2016, 18.30 Uhr, Wien GET CONNECTEDDIE CHANCE FÜR DIE KREATIVWIRTSCHAFT Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katja Hutter Visiting Scholar | Harvard University Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg NASA Tournament Lab | Crowd Tournament Lab Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1737 Cambridge Street | Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Marketing Residenzplatz 9 | A-5010 Salzburg Scientific Network | Hyve AG E [email protected] Schellingstraße 45 | 80799 Munich I [email protected] FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 1 INNOVATIONSBERICHT – KREATIVWIRTSCHAFT ÖSTERREICH Die österreichische Kreativwirtschaft hat sich überdurchschnittlich gut entwickelt und blickt INNOVATION optimistischer in die Zukunft als die Gesamtwirtschaft. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 2 360° INNOVATIONSFÄHIGKEIT radikal lokal offen kollaborativ individuell geschlossen global inkrementell Möslein, K.M. (2009): Innovation als Treiber des Unternehmenserfolgs – Herausforderungen im Zeitalter der Open Innovation, S. 13 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 3 Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung und Vernetzung durchdringt unser Leben, privat und beruflich. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 4 Innovationsmanagement Toolbox 1. Ideengenerierung 2. Bewertung / Auswahl FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 3. Entwicklung / Umsetzung 4. Markteinführung 5 Innovationsmanagement Toolbox 1. Ideengenerierung 2. Bewertung / Auswahl FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 3. Entwicklung / Umsetzung 4. Markteinführung 6 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 7 TOOLBOX: NETNOGRAPHY Netnography (Kozinets, 1999, 2002) originated from ethnography (e.g., Arnould and Wallendorf, 1994). Netnography uses information publicly available on the Internet to study the nature and behavior of online consumer groups (e.g., Muniz and Schau, 2005; Nelson, 2005). The netnography approach describes how to identify and contact online communities and how to analyze and check the trustworthiness of community insights. (Füller/Jawecki/Mühlbacher, 2007) FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 8 STEPS OF THE NETNOGRAPHYINSIGHTS© METHOD Determination of goals and user profile 1 2 Community identification and selection 4 Software-based data analysis and interpretation of results Observation and data gathering 3 Transfer of results into Ideas and Strategic solutions 5 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 9 LISTENING TO WHAT CONSUMERS SAY ABOUT DEODORANTS… Paula My husband‘s white linen and cotton shirts have this yellow deodorant stain. I have tried several ways to remove it, such as bleaching, soaking in the hot soppy water, rubbing with biochemical stain-removing stuff– all failed. I even sent the shirts to a laundry. Master mind vanilla87 #3. If you just can’t get the stains out with detergent, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar, make a paste to scrub in with your old toothbrush. The paste is formed with 1 Tablespoon of Cream of Tartar, 3 crushed aspirins (full-strength, ensure that they’re white and have no colored coating), and a cup of warm water. Use the old toothbrush to work the paste into the fabric, and then leave for 20 minutes. Rinse the affected area in warm water until the paste is removed. This treatment and rinse cycle can be repeated as necessary. Good luck to you! How to get deodorant off of black shirts? I have a nice black tank top, but my deodorant, no matter what brand I buy, I always manage to get the white stuff under the arms. It looks bad, so what’s a quick way to remove it if I’m going out? Sine7 prevention is the key: If you want to apply the deodorant after showering dry your armpits with a hair blower. 2 minutes and there will be no stains any more FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing Anna74 That yellow stain is caused by the aluminum in the deodorant. You could try spraying the underarm of your shirts with scotchguard before wearing them, or if it is white, occasionally bleaching them in yur washing machine. I get the same thing on the underarm of my white t-shirts. I just throw them out and buy new ones when they start yellowing. doggi Today I noticed that the areas under the armpit, and even some areas around the chest on the underside, are completely white, as if they were bleached out… Does anyone have any clue as to what caused this? Was it just from sweat? Was it from my deodorant? Was it some strange chemical reaction of both? Was it a poorly dyed shirt? I also have a husband who has problems with deodorant stains on his shirts. It is hard and crusty even after washing the shirt several times. I have tried several Gänsemama stain removers, but nothing seems to help. Any ideas? Would lemon juice or baking soda work on these stains? 10 THOUSANDS OF CONSUMERS DISCUSS DEODORANT STAINS Deodorant stains are not all the same. A highly-discussed topic in online forums and communities are deodorant stains – but for consumers deodorant stains are not all the same. In fact, they distinguish between 8 different categories and have their own “language“ to label different stains. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 11 CONSUMERS‘ „TIPS AND TRICKS“ TO FIGHT DEODORANT STAINS Blow drying against deodorant stains? Don't you hate it when you notice a deodorant stain right as you are leaving the house? Use a baby wipe and its all gone! That yellow stain is caused by the aluminum in the deodorant. You could try spraying the underarm of your shirts with scotchguard before wearing them, or if it is white, occasionally bleaching them in yur washing machine. 1 Tablespoon of Cream of Tartar, 3 crushed aspirins (full-strength, ensure that they’re white and have no colored coating), and a cup of warm water. Use the old toothbrush to work the paste into the fabric The everyday struggle with deodorant stains forces consumers to fight back with different preventive actions or simply exchange their advices to erase existing stains. For example, some users blow dry their armpits after using deodorant in order to prevent stains. Citric acid, aspirin, buttermilk, vinegar or baking powder are only some of the sometimes odd methods to remove stains. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 12 HERE IS THE RESULT, THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PRODUCT IN THE 130 YEARS HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 13 TOOLBOX: DESIGN THINKING “Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” —Tim Brown, president and CEO. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 14 Innovationsmanagement Toolbox 1. Ideengenerierung 2. Bewertung / Auswahl 3. Entwicklung / Umsetzung 4. Markteinführung (King/Lakhani, 2013) FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 15 TOOLBOX: INNOVATIONSWETTBEWERBE FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 16 THREADLESS YOU ARE THREADLESS. YOU MAKE THE IDEAS, YOU PICK WHAT WE SELL, YOU'RE WHY WE EXIST. about 2,523,313 global community members 1,529 designers have earned $7,120,000 and over 278 000 designs have been submitted FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing (Threadless, 2013) 17 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 18 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 19 TOOLBOX: CROWD VOTING ANTIDOTE TO HIPPO-DRIVEN DECISION MAKING CROWDFUNDING HIPPO highestpaid person’ s opinion FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 20 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 21 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 22 Innovationsmanagement Toolbox 1. Ideengenerierung 2. Bewertung / Auswahl FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 3. Entwicklung / Umsetzung 4. Markteinführung 23 TOOLBOX: LEAD USER “…many users - from 10 percent to nearly 40 percent - engage in developing or modifying products” (Eric von Hippel, Democratizing Innovation, 2005) FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 24 NUMEROUS INNOVATIONS HAVE INITIALLY NOT BEEN DEVELOPED BY MANUFACTURERS. OFTEN, USERS ARE THE SOURCE OF INNOVATIONS. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 25 But how can we find Lead Users? 26 06.06.2016 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 26 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 27 Three Search Strategies Pyramiding approach Applied via idea contest Pyramiding (Sequential Search) Personal Network Screening (Filtering) Signaling (Self-selection) Filter Innovationtas k Lead User Lead User Lead User Methods: • Personal interviews • Community observation • Private and professional networks Methods: • Screening questionnaire • Community observation • Idea contest Methods: • Idea contest • Posts, banner, Pop-ups, emails Approach: • Sequential search of candidates Approach: • Definition of LeadUser Characteristics • Screening according to criteria catalogue Approach: • Communication of innovation task • Self-selection of potential candidates FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 28 Innovationsmanagement Toolbox 1. Ideengenerierung 2. Bewertung / Auswahl FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 3. Entwicklung / Umsetzung 4. Markteinführung 29 TOOLBOX: MARKENBOTSCHAFTER KONSUMENTEN KÖNNEN NOCH MEHR ALS „NUR“ FB FANS ZU WERDEN ... FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 30 TOOLBOX: MARKENBOTSCHAFTER KONSUMENTEN KÖNNEN NOCH MEHR ALS „NUR“ FB FANS ZU WERDEN ... FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 31 DIGITALISIERUNG – VERNETZUNG MOTIVATION TO PARTICIPATE? FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 32 WHAT MOTIVATES PEOPLE TO PARTICIPATE IN CONTESTS/COMMUNITIES? Extrinsic Cash, Job Market Signals, Community Prestige Intrinsic Fun, Enjoyment, Learning, Autonomy, Task ProSocial Community Belonging, Identity Lakhani et al. (2013) FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 33 IDEA GENERATOR ID 2245 21 designs in-degree 6 out-degree 3 SOCIALIZER ID 2191 6 DESIGNS IN-DEGREE 0 OUT-DEGREE 46 MASTER ID 1921 34 DESIGNS IN-DEGREE 76 OUT-DEGREE 149 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 34 CONFLICT NETWORK – VIRAL DIFFUSION 457 1299 2555 399 702 1426 939 843 98 317 2608 231 503 1088 1428 234 1315 1618 1072 1099 486 485 12 815 1642 1459 1195 927 2288674 1129 4 2123 940 29 67 1604 1615 1536 2271 1030 941 59 989 292 453 304 1107 884 1282 2437 438 1084 1380 286 534 839 3 1149 160 364 1264 1971 298 159 1213 34 2663 149 2006 111 38 785 619 800 846 1693 1818 484 624 117 1795 68 579 1606 446 2554 1592 1649 1591 1117 1745 1444 2506 975 107 561 871 1955 570 1839 827 302 153 65 1782 2122 1922 102 352 290 1648 1184 1650 174 16 2225 1214 2016 294 1056 185 655 2263 2661 1985 321 371 1183 2595 768 22 1593 1182 1133 186 1981 2592 Phase I to Phase III: Complete Conflict Communication Network Blue = neutral comments, red = negative comments addressing conflict, green = calmative efforts of participants, and violet = conflict management by community management. FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 35 WHEN DO CROWDS DON‘T WORK? 1 designer wins. 3,499 designers lose. Moleskine is the real winner here. If Moleskine redeem themselves by dropping this dreadful spec work competition I will continue to buy their products. Otherwise I’ll boycott. It’s that simple “Asking their community to submit ‘free’ work – which as any freelancer will tell you is their means of existence – is such an immense faux pas that it has shown more about how little the company understands who their customers are and what they want” . FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing Source: Moleskin Facebook Page 36 WHEN DO CROWDS DONT‘T WORK? Having users stamp pre-defined flowers on a label and then hailing it as a crowdsourcing campaign struck copywriter Peter Breuer as, frankly, lame. So he chose the pen from the tool menu as his weapon of choice and produced a more, well, unique design: FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 37 WHEN DO CROWDS DON’T WORK? Missing Governance Incentives Mismatch Task Interdependence Interdependence Task Lakhani et al. 2013 FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 38 THE NEW NORMAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT radikal lokal offen kollaborativ individuell global geschlossen inkrementell Hutter, K.; Füller, J. (2015): The New Normal of Innovation Management: Towards a Dual-Open and Closed-Innovation Logic. In: Herstatt, Cornelius; Ehls, Daniel: Open Source Innovation: The Phenomenon, Participant's Behavior, Business Implications. London; New York [u.a.]: Routledge, 290-301. ... REVOLUTIONIERT DIE ART WIE INNOVATION IN UNTERNEHMEN UND MÄRKTEN STATTFINDE FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 39 Kreativwirtschaftsgespräche Neue Wege mit dem Kunden zum Ziel Co-Creation – Design Thinking – Open Innovation Montag, 6. Juni 2016, 18.30 Uhr, Wien DANKE! Univ.-Prof. Dr. Katja Hutter Visiting Scholar | Harvard University Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg NASA Tournament Lab | Crowd Tournament Lab Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1737 Cambridge Street | Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Marketing Residenzplatz 9 | A-5010 Salzburg Scientific Network | Hyve AG E [email protected] Schellingstraße 45 | 80799 Munich I [email protected] FB Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Marketing 40