German Clubs and Associations in New South Wales Stand: 9/99


German Clubs and Associations in New South Wales Stand: 9/99
Stand: 04/2011
German speaking Clubs and Associations in New South Wales
Deutschsprachige Vereine im Bundesstaat New South Wales
I. Clubs
Concordia Club Ltd.
Deutscher Verein Sydney
Mackey Park, Richardsons Crescent
Tempe NSW 2044
Tel.: (02) 9554 7388
Fax: (02) 9554 7588
[email protected]
German-Austrian Club
Deutsch-Österreichischer Club
73-75 Curtin Street
Cabramatta NSW 2166
Tel.: (02) 9728 7724
E-Mail: [email protected]
Hubertus Country Club
Hubertus Schützenverein
205 Adams Road
Luddenham NSW 2745
Tel.: (02) 4773 4444
[email protected]
Australian-German Austrian Club
Germania Ltd.
636 a Northcliff Drive
Berkeley NSW 2506
Tel.: (02) 4271 5011
[email protected]
Young German (Speaker’s) in Sydney
(YoGiS) Inc.
P.O.Box 1
Crows Nest NSW 1585
Tel: 0405 315 071
E-Mail: [email protected]
Swiss Club of NSW
GPO Box 3713
Sydney NSW 2001
Tel: (02) 8677 0864
[email protected]
German Air Rifle Club Illawarra
Illawarra Schützenclub
42 Tongarra Rd. Albion Park Rail
Illawarra NSW 2527
Rhonda Dickson: (02) 4256 4462
E-Mail: [email protected]
II. Chöre/Choirs
German Male Choir Sanssouci
Deutscher Männerchor Sanssouci
55 Porter Avenue
Mt Warrigal NSW 2528
Tel.: (02) 4296 4223
Germania Club Newcastle Ltd.
298 Hillsborough Road
Warners Bay NSW 2282
Tel.: (02) 4946 9144
Austrian Club Sydney
PO Box 299
20 Grattan Crescent
Frenchs Forest NSW 2087
Tel: (02) 9452 3304
E-Mail: [email protected]
Cäcilien-Chor Croydon
112 Edwin Street
Croydon NSW 2132
Tel: (02) 9745 3017
E-Mail: Dibbayawan [email protected]
Hannelore Dibbayawan (Präsidentin)
-2III. Andere/Others
The Arthur Phillip Society Inc.
Unit 15/137 Sydney Road
137 Sydney Road
Fairlight NSW 2094
Präsidentin: Dr. Maurine Goldstone-Morris
Tel.: (02) 9948 4675
Feriendorf Inc.
Colo River Retreat
337 Upper Colo Road
Central Colo NSW 2756
Tel.: (02) 4575 4046
E-Mail: [email protected]
Deutschsprachige Vereine im Bundesstaat Queensland
German speaking clubs and associations in Queensland
Brisbane German Club
416 Vulture Street
East Brisbane QLD 4169
Tel.: (07) 3391 2434
E-Mail: [email protected]
German Club Cairns
German-Austrian-Swiss Association Inc.
57 Winkworth Street, West Court
Cairns QLD 4870
Präsident: Werner Siegmann
Tel.: 07-4051 3925
[email protected]
Goethe Society
Queensland Branch
91 Camfin Rd
Clear Mountain QLD 4500
Präsident: Bruce Downie
Tel. 07-3298 5254
E-Mail: [email protected]
German Club Gold Coast
Cnr. Jondique Ave. & Gooding Drive
Carrara QLD 4211
Tel. (07) 5530 4925
E-Mail: [email protected]
German-Australian Club Inc.
Cnr Aitken & Casey Street
Aitkenvale QLD 4814
Tel.: (07) 4775 7844
E-Mail: [email protected]