Ashampoo Photo Commander 5: Ashampoo`s popular media


Ashampoo Photo Commander 5: Ashampoo`s popular media
Ashampoo Photo Commander 5: Ashampoo's
popular media organizer gets a major
Johann Lueppen – 08.09.2006
The multimedia photo organizer
Ashampoo Photo Commander 5 is an all-in-one application for organizing, editing, sharing and presenting
photo collections. It also features additional creativity tools and audio and video management capabilities,
making it a complete media management package.
* New creativity tools and effects
* Significantly improved editing tools
* Much faster overall
* Enhanced user interface
* Image editing in full-screen mode
* Unlimited Undo/Redo
* Windows® Vista compatible
In its previous versions Ashampoo Photo Commander won users over with its ease of use and inclusion of
all the tools amateur photographers need to organize, edit and enhance their pictures. The latest version is
a major overhaul, bringing even more speed, better quality, many new features and effects and an
enhanced user interface. For example, thumbnail generation and display – one of the key capabilities of
any photo organizer – is now faster than ever before.
All the editing tools have been reworked for even better quality results. Changes here include unlimited
undo/redo, a text bubble tool, a clone tool for retouching, high quality drop shadows and new radial blur
and sepia effects.
There are three major new creativity tools. The Frame Style Center adds high-quality picture frames and
vignettes to photos and can also create photo greeting cards from a selection of templates. With a couple
of clicks, users can create a professional-looking greeting card and then send it off by email – all without
leaving the program. The Collage Tool and the Calendar Tool make it equally easy to make attractive
photo collage layouts and photo calendars that can be printed out as original gifts.
All the other popular features are still there, of course, including a web album generator, a screen capture
tool, batch photo conversion and processing (also with new features) , slideshows, integrated CD/DVD
burning and more.
Free trial, beta test, release date and pricing:
The fully-functional trial version can be tested free for 10 days and the trial can be extended for another 30
days by registering online (no obligation).
The public beta version of Ashampoo Photo Commander 5 is now available free for testing. The final
version is due to be released on September 22nd and will cost $49.99.
Homepage: » Please click to visit our homepage. «
Download: » To download the current beta version please use this link. «
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Informationen zum verantwortlichen Unternehmen:
Ashampoo ist eines der weltweit erfolgreichsten, internetbasierten Unternehmen im Bereich
Software-Entwicklung, -Vertrieb und Webportale. Von Beginn an setzten die innovativen Softwareprodukte
von Ashampoo technologische Standards und sind bekannt für ihre fortschrittliche Technik und
Das Ashampoo Burning Studio, der Ashampoo WinOptimizer und der Ashampoo Photo Commander gehören
zu den bekanntesten Anwendungen aus dem breitgefächerten Produktportfolio.
Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG, Felix-Wankel-Str. 16, 26125 Oldenburg
Ansprechpartner für die Presse: Jan-Gerrit Dickebohm
Tel: +49 441-93379-0, Fax: +49 441-93379-79
E-Mail: [email protected]
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