Sigmund Freud Archives


Sigmund Freud Archives
Prepared by
Allan Teichroew and Fred Bauman
with the assistance of Patrick Holyfield and Brian McGuire
Revised and expanded by
Margaret McAleer
Manuscript Division
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Collection Summary
Span Dates:
ID No:
Papers of Sigmund Freud
ca. 6th century B.C.-1998 (bulk 1871-1939)
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939
48,000 items; 135 containers plus 16 oversize plus 2 in vault; 68 linear feet;
23 microfilm reels
Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Founder of psychoanalysis. Correspondence, holograph and typewritten drafts of
writings by Freud and others, family papers, patient case files, legal documents,
estate records, receipts, military and school records, certificates, notebooks,
pocket watch, Greek statue, genealogical data, interviews, research files, exhibit
material, bibliographies, lists, photographs and drawings, newspaper and
magazine clippings, and other printed matter. The collection documents many
facets of Freud’s life and writings; his associations with family, friends, mentors,
colleagues, students, and patients; and the evolution of psychoanalytic theory and
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Collection Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Administrative Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Biographical Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Scope and Content Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Description of Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Container List
Family Papers
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Correspondence between Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Subject File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
General Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Subject File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Writings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Supplemental File
Subject File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Miscellany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Interviews and Recollections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Oversize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Appendix A: Reel List for Microfilm Edition of Freud-Ferenczi Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . 93
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Administrative Information
Provenance: The papers of Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, were given to the
Library of Congress by the Sigmund Freud Archives between 1952 and 2001. Additional
material was given to the Library between 1970 and 1976 by Anna Freud who subsequently
bequeathed to the Sigmund Freud Archives the remainder of her father’s papers in her possession
at the time of her death in 1982. The archives deposited these papers in the Library of Congress
in 1986 and converted the deposit to a gift in 2000. Numerous other donors gave material
directly to the Library of Congress between 1942 and 2001. Further items were acquired by the
Library through purchase, transfer, and exchange between 1943 and 1999.
Processing History: The Sigmund Freud Papers were arranged and described in 1991 in seven
lettered series (A, B, C, D, E, F, and Z) in accordance with restrictions and conditions that
applied to the collection at that time. Material within each series was arranged in groupings of
family papers, general correspondence, subject file, writings, supplemental material, and
interviews and recollections. When the bulk of the restrictions were lifted in 2000, the lettered
series were abolished and the papers were rearranged. Ten new series (Family Papers, General
Correspondence, Subject File, Writings, Supplemental File, Interviews and Recollections,
Artifacts, Restricted, Closed, and Oversize) were created by consolidating subgroupings within
the lettered series. Although their series designations had been changed, most folder titles were
not altered during reprocessing.
Descriptions of the Sigmund Freud Papers appear in Library of Congress Acquisitions:
Manuscript Division, 1985, pp. 27-31, and Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript
Division, 1986, pp. 33-36.
Transfers: Items have been transferred from the Manuscript Division to other custodial
divisions of the Library. Books have been transferred to the Rare Book and Special Collections
Division. Some photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division.
Motion picture films and audio recordings of interviews have been transferred to the Motion
Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. All transfers are identified in these
divisions as part of the Sigmund Freud Papers.
Copyright Status: Copyright in the unpublished writings of Sigmund Freud in these papers and
in other collections in the custody of the Library of Congress is reserved. Consult a reference
librarian in the Manuscript Division for further information.
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Restrictions: Restrictions apply governing the use, photoduplication, or publication of items in
this collection. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division for information
concerning these restrictions.
Microfilm: Microfilm editions of parts of these papers are available on twenty-three reels.
Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or
interlibrary loan.
Preferred Citation: Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following
information: Container number, Sigmund Freud Papers, Sigmund Freud Collection, Manuscript
Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Biographical Note
1856, May 6
Born Sigismund Schlomo Freud, Freiberg, Moravia
Moved with family to Vienna, Austria
Graduated summa cum laude, Leopoldstädter Kommunal-Real-und
Obergymansium, Vienna, Austria
Changed first name to Sigmund
Conducted research on the nervous system at Ernst Brücke’s Institute of
Physiology, Vienna, Austria
Fulfilled compulsory military service
M.D., University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Clinical assistant in Hermann Nothnagel’s Department of Internal
Medicine, General Hospital, Vienna, Austria
Met and became engaged to Martha Bernays
Worked in Theodor Meynert’s psychiatric clinic, General Hospital, Vienna,
Joined Department of Nervous Diseases, General Hospital, Vienna, Austria
Began studying the effects and potential medical uses of cocaine
Appointed lecturer in neuropathology, University of Vienna, Vienna,
Received grant to study neuropathology with Jean-Martin Charcot in Paris,
Established private practice, Vienna, Austria
Married Martha Bernays
Began corresponding with Wilhelm Fliess
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Traveled to Nancy, France, to study Hippolyte Bernheim’s hypnotic
Established residence and office at Bergasse 19, Vienna, Austria, where he
would remain until 1938
Treated “Elizabeth von R.” (Ilona Weiss) in what Freud described as his
first full length analysis of hysteria
Published with Josef Breuer Studien über Hysterie [Studies in Hysteria]
(Leipzig: F. Deuticke. 269 pp.)
First used the term “psychoanalysis”
Published Die Traumdeutung [The Interpretation of Dreams] (Leipzig:
F. Deuticke. 371 pp.)
Published Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens [Psychology of
Everyday Life] (Berlin: S. Karger. 80 pp.)
Founded the Psychologische Mittwoch-Gesellschaft (renamed the Wiener
Psychoanalytische Vereinigung in 1908)
Appointed Professor Extraordinarius, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Published “Bruchstück einer Hysterie-Analyse” (“Dora” case study),
Monatsschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 18:285-310
Published Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten [Jokes and
Their Relation to the Unconscious] (Vienna: F. Deuticke. 205 pp.)
Published Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie [Three Contributions to
the Sexual Theory] (Leipzig: F. Deuticke. 83 pp.)
First International Congress of Psychoanalysis, Salzburg, Austria
Lectured on psychoanalysis at Clark University, Worcester, Mass.
Published “Analyse der Phobie eines fünfjährigen Knaben” (“Little Hans”
case study), Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische
Forschungen, 1:1-109
Published “Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Zwangsneurose” (“Rat Man”
case study), Jahrbuch für psychoanalytische und psychopathologische
Forschungen, 1:357-421
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Published Über Psychoanalyse [The Origin and Development of
Psychoanalysis] (Vienna: F. Deuticke. 62 pp.)
Establishment of the “Committee,” a group composed of Freud’s closest
associates including Karl Abraham, Sándor Ferenczi, Ernest Jones, Otto
Rank, and Hanns Sachs who consulted regularly on issues relating to
Freud and the psychoanalytic movement
Published Totem und Tabu: einige Übereinstimmungen im Seeleben der
Wilden und der Neurotiker [Totem and Taboo] (Leipzig: H. Heller.
149 pp.)
Published “Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose” (“Wolf-Man”case
study), Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre IV (Vienna: F.
Deuticke. 139 pp.)
Published Jenseits des Lustprinzips [Beyond the Pleasure Principle]
(Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. 60 pp.)
Diagnosed with cancer of the jaw and palate
Published Das Ich und das Es [The Ego and the Id] (Vienna:
Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. 77 pp.)
Awarded the Goethe Prize by the city of Frankfurt, Germany
Published Das Unbehagen in der Kultur [Civilization and Its Discontents]
(Vienna: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag. 136 pp.)
Bronze plaque erected by the city of PÍíbor, Czechoslovakia (formerly
Freiberg, Moravia) at Freud’s birthplace
Published with Albert Einstein Warum Krieg? [Why War?] (Paris:
International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. 61 pp.)
Left Vienna, Austria, and settled in London, England
Published Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion [Moses and
Monotheism] (Amsterdam: A. de Lange. 241 pp.)
1939, Sept. 23
Died, London, England
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Scope and Content Note
The papers of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) span the years from about the 6th century B.C.
to 1998, with the bulk of material dating from 1871 to 1939. The collection documents Freud’s
founding of psychoanalysis including the birth and maturation of psychoanalytic theory, the
refinement of its clinical technique, and the proliferation of its adherents and critics. Many facets
of Freud’s life and work are featured including his early medical and clinical training; his
relationship with family, friends, colleagues, students, and patients; his association with early
psychoanalytic societies; his perspectives on analytical training; and his numerous writings. The
collection includes family papers, correspondence, holograph and typewritten drafts of writings,
patient case files, legal documents, estate records, receipts, military and school records,
certificates, notebooks, a pocket watch, a Greek statue, genealogical data, interviews, research
files, exhibit material, bibliographies, lists, photographs and drawings, newspaper and magazine
clippings, and other printed matter. The papers are arranged in ten series: Family Papers,
General Correspondence, Subject File, Writings, Supplemental File, Interviews and
Recollections, Artifacts, Restricted, Closed, and Oversize. They are, for the most part, in
German, English, and French.
The bulk of the collection consists of original documents, photocopies and other
facsimiles, transcripts, English translations, and published editions collected and given to the
Library of Congress by the Sigmund Freud Archives. The archives was founded in 1951 by a
group of New York analysts, including K. R. Eissler, Heinz Hartmann, Ernst Kris, Bertram
David Lewin, and Herman Nunberg, to collect Freud letters and writings which were at risk of
being lost or destroyed in the aftermath of World War II. Because Freud did not retain copies of
his outgoing correspondence, letters written by him were geographically dispersed among his
many correspondents. The archives succeeded in obtaining original Freud material through gifts,
most notably Anna Freud’s bequest, and through purchase. When unable to acquire original
documents, it solicited copies, transcripts, translations, and printed editions.
The Family Papers series contains Freud’s correspondence with members of the Freud
and Bernays families. Included are exchanges with his mother Amalia Freud, his wife Martha
Freud, and their children Ernst L., Martin, Mathilde Freud Hollitscher, Oliver, Sophie Freud
Halberstadt, and Anna, the only one of Freud’s children to become a psychoanalyst. Among
Freud’s correspondence with his wife are a series of courtship letters or “brautbriefe” written on
an almost daily basis between 1882 and 1886. The letters detail Freud’s activities, associations,
and aspirations during the period following his graduation from medical school to the
establishment of his private practice in Vienna. Extensive correspondence with his sisters,
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brothers, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and in-laws reveals the part played by Freud as paternal
head of a large and extended family. Among these letters is correspondence between Freud and
Minna Bernays, his sister-in-law and close confidante. The series also contains correspondence
between individual family members other than Freud as well as correspondence between family
members and persons outside the family. Included are letters by several prominent individuals
including Princess Marie Bonaparte, Ruth Mack Brunswick, C. G. Jung, and Otto Rank. A
subject file containing legal documents, certificates, estate records, school records, writings, and
printed matter also relates to Freud’s family.
The General Correspondence series features Freud’s correspondence with friends,
mentors, colleagues, students, and patients spanning seven decades from his school days to his
death in 1939. Nearly six hundred correspondents are represented in the series. At times, their
correspondence is limited to a single letter to or from Freud. In other cases, the correspondence
is extensive, revealing Freud as a prolific correspondent who frequently chastised others for a
lack of similar diligence. The earliest of such correspondence consists of Freud’s adolescent
letters to friends Eduard Silberstein and Emil Fluss while a student at the Leopoldstädter
gymansium and the University of Vienna. Freud’s subsequent correspondence includes letters
from individuals who influenced his early work including Josef Breuer and J. M. Charcot.
The formative years of Freud’s psychoanalytic theories is detailed in his correspondence
with Berlin physician Wilhelm Fliess. Beginning in 1887 and continuing until just after Freud’s
break with Fliess in 1902, these letters are among the more revealing in the collection. The series
also contains Freud’s correspondence with many of his earliest adherents, some of whom also
later broke with him. The letters trace the development of a psychoanalytic movement that
coalesced around Freud in the years following his break with Fliess. Included is correspondence
with Karl Abraham, Alfred Adler, Franz Alexander, A. A. Brill, M. Eitingon, Sándor Ferenczi,
Eduard Hitchmann, Ernest Jones, C. G. Jung, Oskar Pfister, Otto Rank, Theodor Reik, Hanns
Sachs, Ernst Simmel, Wilhelm Stekel, and Edoardo Weiss, among many others. The Abraham,
Brill, Eitingon, Jones, Jung, Pfister, and Reik correspondence includes original Freud letters.
Prominent women in the field represented in the series include Lou Andreas-Salmoné, Ruth
Mack Brunswick, Emma Eckstein, Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, and Joan Riviere. Princess Marie
Bonaparte’s correspondence with Freud is located in her papers in the Manuscript Division.
Notable among Freud’s patients with whom he corresponded is Sergius Pankejeff whom Freud
referred to as the “Wolf-Man.” Other prominent correspondents include Albert Einstein with
whom Freud corresponded on the nature of war, Carl Koller who shared Freud’s interest in the
medical uses of cocaine, and novelist and essayist Thomas Mann.
The Subject File series includes patient case files from the Allgemeines Krankenhaus in
Vienna and the Bellevue Sanatorium in Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, largely during the 1880s.
Copies of book annotations and marginalia by Freud provide glimpses into the development of
his theories. His career is highlighted in a large file of newspaper and magazine clippings as well
as material concerning the Goethe Prize he received in 1930 and the Nobel Prize which he
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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coveted but never received. Calendars kept by Freud record his daily activities from 1916 to
1918. Freud’s early life is documented by biographical data, birth and marriage certificates, and
gymnasium, university, and military records. His departure from Nazi-controlled Austria and
immigration to London in 1938 is tracked through American diplomatic cables and newspaper
clippings. The series also contains letters and telegrams written on his death just over a year after
his arrival in England.
The Writings series contains holograph and typewritten drafts, galley proofs, offprints,
and published copies of many of Freud’s writings. Because of the large format of many of these
items, the material has been filed in the Oversize series. The writings range chronologically from
an 1877 article on his early research on eels to portions of his last major work, Der Mann Moses
und die monotheistische Religion, published shortly before his death. Included in the series are
articles, case histories, portions of books, published letters, lecture notes, prefaces, introductions,
a travel journal, chronologies, obituaries, bibliographic notes, and casual jottings. The writings
are arranged and described largely according to the bibliographic sequence established by James
Strachey in Indexes and Bibliographies, volume 24 of The Standard Edition of the Complete
Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London, 1974) and, for works published after 1974, by
Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Gerhard Fichtner, Freud-Bibliographie mit Werkkonkordanz
(Frankfurt am Main, 1989).
The Supplemental File series consists of material about Freud’s life and work written or
collected by Freud associates and scholars. The bulk of the material dates after Freud’s death.
Apart from articles and other writings, the series includes material related to observances in 1956
of the centenary of Freud’s birth; Norman Kiel’s compilation of contemporary and posthumous
reviews of Freud’s published works; and a medical file comprising correspondence, notes, and
case histories by Hans Pichler and Max Schur relating to Freud’s illness with cancer. Lists and
research guides include Gerhard Fichtner’s bibliographies, chronologies, lists, and inventories of
Freud’s correspondence and writings. Also included are auction catalogs listing the sale of
Freudiana and lists of Freud’s lectures and students at the University of Vienna. Miscellany at
the end of the series consists primarily of printed matter including a clipping file dated largely
between 1954 and 1979 which traces scholarly and popular treatment of Freud in the decades
following his death.
The Interviews and Recollections series was compiled by K. R. Eissler, a founder and
longtime secretary of the Sigmund Freud Archives. More than three hundred of Eissler’s
interviews with Freud’s associates, patients, and family are included in the series, most of them
conducted in the 1950s. The series contains transcripts, some with corrections by the
interviewee, and summaries of interviews, usually made when the subject requested that the
interview not be tape recorded. Audio recordings that were made have been transferred to the
Library’s Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. Among those
interviewed by Eissler are family members Anna Freud Bernays, Anna Freud, Ernestine Drucker
Freud, Harry Freud, Oliver Freud, Judith Bernays Heller, and prominent associates such as Franz
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Alexander, Ludwig Binswanger, Felix Deutsch, Eduard Hitschmann, Edith Banfield Jackson,
Ludwig Jekels, Sergius Pankejeff, Oskar Pfister, Theodor Reik, Joan Riviere, Philipp Sarasin,
Hermann Swoboda, and Edoardo Weiss. Also included in the series are recollections about
Freud contained in letters, writings, and notes either addressed to or collected by Eissler.
Many of Eissler’s interviews and recollections are located in the Restricted and Closed
series. Apart from interviews and recollections, other items in the Closed series including
correspondence and patient case files have been reviewed for patient names. Photocopies of
these items with the names of patients obscured have been placed in the unrestricted series.
Artifacts in the collection consist of Freud’s pocket watch which he gave to his personal
physician Max Schur and a small Greek statue which Freud kept on his desk and later gave to
Angelika Frink.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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Description of Series
Con tainer No s.
Family Papers, 1851-1978, n.d.
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud, 1876-1974, n.d.
Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and members of the Freud
and Bernays families. Some of the correspondence is accompanied by
explanatory letters and notes. Arranged alphabetically by name of
family member and therein chronologically.
Correspondence between Others, 1870-1976, n.d.
Correspondence between members of the Freud and Bernays
families other than Sigmund Freud and between family members and
persons outside the family. Some of the correspondence is
accompanied by explanatory letters and notes. Arranged alphabetically
by name of letter writer, then alphabetically by name of recipient, and
thereunder chronologically. Correspondence with persons outside the
family is filed under the name of the family member with whom they
Subject File, 1851-1978, n.d.
Legal documents, estate records, correspondence, writings, school
records, immigration papers, certificates, genealogical data, photograph,
and printed matter pertaining to or collected by members of the Freud
and Bernays families. Arranged alphabetically by name of family
member and therein by topic or type of material.
General Correspondence, 1871-1996, n.d.
Correspondence including original letters, photocopies, transcripts,
translations, and related background material between Sigmund Freud and
professional associates, friends, students, patients, and the public. Arranged
alphabetically by name of correspondent and therein chronologically.
Unidentified correspondence and correspondence in which the identity of
the correspondent has been withheld is filed at the end of the series.
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Con tainer No s.
Subject File, 1856-1988, n.d.
School, university, and military records; patient case files and record
book; calendars; notes and notebooks; birth, citizenship, and marriage
certificates; biographical data; birthday greetings; condolence letters;
photocopies of book annotations and marginalia; financial and estate
records; wills; and clippings and other printed matter. Arranged
alphabetically by name of organization or institution, subject, or type of
material and therein chronologically.
Writings, 1877-1985, n.d.
Writings by Freud, including holograph manuscripts, typescripts, galley
proofs, printed publications, and photocopies. Arranged chronologically
largely by year of first publication and therein according to the
bibliographic sequence established by James Strachey in Indexes and
Bibliographies, volume 24 of The Standard Edition of the Complete
Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Hogarth Press and
Institute of Psycho-analysis, 1974) and, for works published after 1974, by
Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Gerhard Fichtner, Freud-Bibliographie mit
Werkkonkordanz (Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1989). See
Supplemental File, 1873-1998, n.d.
Subject File, 1873-1998, n.d.
Writings, correspondence, lists, chronologies, bibliographies,
inventories, notes, exhibit catalogs, invitations and programs,
genealogical data, obituaries of Freud’s associates, auction lists, medical
notes, reviews of Freud’s published writings, map and chart, newspaper
clippings, and printed matter concerning Freud’s life and work. Most of
the material is dated after Freud’s death. Arranged alphabetically by
name of writer or collector, topic, or type of material and therein
Miscellany, 1878-1991, n.d.
Clippings, periodicals, reprints, newsletters, bylaws, rosters,
programs, invitations, pictorial printed matter, catalogs, brochures, and
publication notices. Arranged alphabetically by type of material and
therein chronologically.
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Con tainer No s.
Interviews and Recollections, 1914-1998, n.d.
Interviews with Freud associates, patients, and family members
conducted by K. R. Eissler and recollections about Freud contained in
correspondence, writings, and notes sent to or collected by Eissler.
Arranged as interviews and recollections and alphabetically thereunder by
name of individual.
VA 1-VA 2
Artifacts, ca. 6th century-1st century B.C., n.d.
Pocket watch and small Greek statue.
R 1-R 2
Restricted, 1952-1960, n.d.
Interviews with Freud associates, patients, and family members
conducted by K. R. Eissler and recollections about Freud contained in
correspondence, writings, and notes sent to or collected by Eissler.
Arranged and described according to the series, containers, and folders from
which the items were removed.
X 1-X 20
Closed, 1880-1982, n.d.
Correspondence, patient case files, notebooks, genealogical data,
writings, lists, interviews, and recollections. Arranged and described
according to the series, containers, and folders from which the items were
OV 1-OV 16
Oversize, 1859-1985, n.d.
Writings, university and military records, legal documents,
correspondence, patient case files, notes, exhibit material, newspaper
clippings, family tree, sketch, photograph, and map and chart. Arranged
and described according to the series, containers, and folders from which
the items were removed.
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Container List
Con tainer No s.
FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d.
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud
Bernays, Anna Freud (sister), 1896, 1927-1928, 1939
Bernays, Edward L. (nephew)
Originals, 1925
Photocopies and transcripts, 1919-1931 (3 folders)
Bernays, Eli (brother-in-law), 1900, 1919
Bernays, Emmeline and Minna (mother-in-law and sister-in-law),
1885-1887, 1896-1899, n.d. (4 folders) See also Closed
Bernays, Minna, 1882-1898, 1910-1913, 1922, 1930-1931, 1938, n.d.
(9 folders) See also Closed
Freud, Adolfine (“Dolfi”) (sister), 1885, 1915, 1924-1930, 1938, n.d.
Freud, Alexander (brother), 1901-1938, n.d. (4 folders)
Freud, Amalia (mother)
Originals, 1885-1886, 1917-1923, n.d.
Photocopies and transcripts, 1918-1929
Freud, Anna (daughter)
From Freud, 1904-1938 (9 folders) See also Closed
To Freud, 1910-1930 (8 folders)
Miscellaneous related material, 1891-1920, n.d.
Freud, Emanuel (half brother), 1886, 1903-1914, n.d., with an
unidentified item regarding Emanuel and Philip Freud (half brother),
Freud, Ernestine Drucker (daughter-in-law), 1939, with cover letter
from her to K. R. Eissler, 1952
Freud, Ernst L. (son), 1910, 1918-1938 (5 folders)
Freud, Gabriel (grandson), 1933-1938, 1974
Freud, Harry (nephew), 1926, 1938
Freud, Lucie (niece), 1926-1933
Freud, Margarethe (Magnus) (niece), 1915-1931, with notes by her,
1964-1965 See also Closed
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FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
3 (cont.)
June-July (6 folders)
Aug.-Dec. (16 folders)
Oct.-Dec. (6 folders)
Jan.-May (10 folders)
June (2 folders)
July-Dec. (10 folders)
Jan.-May (10 folders)
not filmed
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud
Freud, Marie (“Mitzi”) (sister), 1908-1939, with letter from Anna
Freud to K. R. Eissler, 1973 (2 folders)
Freud, Martha (wife)
Originals Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 15,960
1882, June-Dec. (9 folders)
Jan.-July (15 folders)
Aug.-Sept. (3 folders)
June-Sept. (4 folders)
Photocopies, 1882-1883, n.d.
1882, June-1883, Aug. (10 folders)
1883, Sept.-Nov. (3 folders)
Other letters
From Freud
1887, 1891-1902, n.d. (10 folders)
To Freud
1882-1893 (2 folders)
1910-1913, 1922, 1930, n.d. (4 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
10 (cont.)
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud
Freud, Martha
“Reisebriefe,” 1900-1932 (13 folders)
Freud, Martin (son)
Originals and photocopies, 1910-1938 (4 folders)
Freud, Moritz (cousin and brother-in-law), 1911, 1918, with letter from
Diana J. Rendell to K. R. Eissler, 1973, n.d.
Freud, Oliver and Henny Fuchs (son and daughter-in-law), 1905,
1910-1914, 1924-1925, 1933
Freud, Samuel (nephew)
Photocopies, 1911-1938, n.d. (4 folders)
Transcripts, 1911-1938 (2 folders)
Freud, Theo (nephew), 1922
Freud, W. Ernest (grandson), 1924-1936
Freud-Marlé, Lilly (niece), and Arnold Marlé, 1911-1939, n.d.
Graf, Heinrich (brother-in-law), 1896, 1903, 1931
Graf, Rosa Freud (sister)
Originals, 1876, 1882-1894, 1905-1909, n.d. (2 folders)
Photocopies, 1889, 1929, 1940, n.d.
Transcripts, 1876-1909, n.d.
Halberstadt, “Grandmother,” 1920, 1926
Halberstadt, Sophie Freud and Max (daughter and son-in-law)
1908-1915 (2 folders)
1916-1932, n.d. (3 folders)
Hartwig, Pauline Freud (niece), 1931, 1937-1938
Heller, Judith Bernays (niece) and Victor, 1909-1911, 1916-1922
Hollitscher, Mathilde Freud and Robert (daughter and son-in-law),
1898, 1907-1936 (3 folders)
Loewenstein, Sofie Freud (granddaughter), 1938-1939
Magnus, Erwin, 1927, with a note on his relationship with Freud, 1957
Weiner, Lucy (niece), 1925
Winternitz, Paula, 1885
Winternitz, Pauline Freud (niece), 1937-1938
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
12 (cont.)
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud
Unidentified and collectively addressed letters by Freud
1900, May 20, to unidentified mother of two nieces in Berlin,
Germany (possibly Marie Freud)
1901, May 8, to unidentified relatives in Berlin, Germany
1909, Sept. 16, to family from Putnam’s Camp, Keene Valley, N.Y.,
with additional background material, 1962
1911, July 12, to family
1926, 1929, 1935, 1938, miscellaneous notes to children
Correspondence between Others
Bernays, Berman, to
Bernays, Emmeline, 1870
Bernays, Louis, 1879
Bernays, Edward L., to
Freud, Anna, 1958
Jones, Ernest, 1953-1956
Bernays, Eli, to unidentified person concerning Fritz Wahl, n.d.
Bernays, Emmeline
Fleischhacker, Hanchen, 1878-1879
Wahl, Richard, 1886
Bernays, Berman, n.d.
Unidentified person, birthday poem, 1875
Bernays, Louis, to
Bernays, Eli, 1882
Bernays, Emmeline, 1880-1881
Bernays, [Michael?], to Emmeline Bernays, 1879-1881
Bernays, Minna, to
Bernays, Eli, 1883
Freud, Martha, 1898, 1912
Freud, Adolfine, to
Freud, Martha, 1885
Graf, Rosa Freud, 1896
Freud, Alexander, to
Freud, Martha, 1886
Freud sisters, 1938-1940
Hollitscher, Mathilde Freud, 1928
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
12 (cont.)
Correspondence between Others
Freud, Amalia, to
Bernays, Anna Freud, concerning the death of Jacob Freud, 1896
Freud, Marie, with note by Adolfine Freud, n.d.
Freud, Anna
Calceto, [?], 1914
Pichler, Hans, 1938
Rank, Otto, 1920
To Soloman Freud, 1920
Freud, Emanuel, to Eli Bernays, 1892
Freud, Ernst L.
Eissler, K. R., 1969, with attachments, 1932-1969
Grinstein, Alexander, 1969
Knoepfmacher, Hugo, 1961
Miscellaneous individuals, 1938, 1964, 1969, n.d.
To Oliver Freud, 1958, 1968
With Ludwig Binswanger, 1959
Freud, Jacob (father), to
Freud, Martha, 1884, 1892
Granddaughters, 1892
Hollitscher, Mathilde Freud, 1894
Freud, Lucie
From Princess Marie Bonaparte, 1950
To Felix Augenfeld, 1939, 1973, 1976
Freud, Margarethe (Magnus), to Marie Freud, 1942
Freud, Marie, to Hermann Waldinger, 1941
Freud, Martha
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, and George, Prince of Greece and
Denmark, 1938-1949, n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 18
FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
13 (cont.)
Correspondence between Others
Freud, Martha
Breuer, Mathilde, 1887
Brunswick, Ruth Mack, 1940
Fliess, Ida, 1896-1897
Hammerschlag, Samuel, 1896
Jung, C. G. and Emma, 1907
Rie, Oscar, 1904
Schönberg, Ignaz, 1881-1885
Zweig, Arnold, 1941, 1946
Unidentified, 1904, 1938-1939
Augenfeld, Felix, 1946
Bernays, Emmeline, with postscripts by Sigmund Freud, 1886
(2 folders)
Bernays, Emmeline and Minna, 1887, 1893 (4 folders)
Bernays, Hella Freud, 1939
Eitingon, M., 1925
Freud, Adolfine, 1938
Freud, Amalia, 1929
Freud, Ernestine Drucker, 1943
Freud, Marie, 1904
Freud sisters, 1939
Freud-Marlé, Lilly, 1936-1938, n.d.
Götzl, F., 1939
Hitschmann, Eduard and wife, 1950
Hollitscher, Mathilde Freud, 1949, 1951
Jerusalem, Anna, 1939, 1947
Krafft, Margaret R., 1939
Kris, Marianne, 1941, 1947-1950, with note from Paula Fichtl to
Kris, 1948
Kvergic, Gertrude, 1938
Loewenstein, Paul, 1949
Loewenstein, Sofie Freud, 1945
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 19
FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
13 (cont.)
Correspondence between Others
Freud, Martha
Pfister, Oskar, 1939
Reiss, Elsa, 1939-1951
Steiner, Maximilian, 1941
Zweig, Frederika, 1948
Unidentified, n.d.
Freud, Martin
From Felix Deutsch, 1958
Brun, Rudolf, 1936
Freud, Martha, 1910, 1939
Reiss, Elsa, 1946
Freud, Philipp, to Marie Freud, 1902
Freud, Samuel
Freud, Harry, 1944
Winternitz, Pauline Freud, 1919
With James Strachey, 1920-1922
Freud, W. Ernest, to K. R. Eissler, 1970
Graf, Rosa Freud, to Minna Bernays, n.d.
Halberstadt, Sophie Freud, to Marie Beutel Nagel, n.d.
Winternitz, Valentin, to Amalia and Jacob Freud, 1896
Subject File
Bernays, Bermann, probate and employment records, 1878-1882
Bernays, Edward L., draft of “My Uncle Sigi,” n.d.
Bernays, Emmeline
Legal documents, 1879-1880
Poem written by her on Bermann Bernays’s wedding anniversary,
Bernays, Jacob, last will and testament, 1873-1881
Bernays, Minna, bequest of Cornelia Dub, 1939
Bernays family, miscellaneous correspondence, poetry, and sketch,
1877-1889, n.d.
Freud, Amalia and Jacob
Death certificate of Amalia Freud, 1930
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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FAMILY PAPERS, 1851-1978, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
13 (cont.)
Subject File
Freud, Amalia and Jacob
Domicile certificate, 1927
Good conduct certificate, 1859
Marriage certificate, 1855
Miscellaneous legal documents, including Freud family birth and
death data, 1851-1955 See also Oversize
Testament drafted by Amalia Freud, 1918
Freud, Ernst L., evaluation of correspondence between Freud and C. G.
Jung, 1970
Freud, Josef, documents regarding conviction for counterfeiting rubles,
1865-1866 See Oversize
Freud, Lucian (grandson), exhibit catalog and clipping, 1959, 1978
Freud, Martha Bernays
Death of, condolence letters to Anna Freud, 1951 (4 folders)
Photograph of a still-life arrangement and scenic postcard, 1914,
Ruben family tree, n.d.
Freud, Martin
New Year’s greetings, 1897-1900, n.d.
Poem to mother, 1932
Reminiscence by August Berenek of meeting with Martin Freud,
School report, 1898-1899
Freud, Moritz, memorial book with calendar of kaddish dates, 1920
Freud, Oliver
New Year’s greetings, 1897-1900, n.d.
School report, 1898-1899
Heller, Judith Bernays, “Freud’s Mother and Father,” 1956
Waldinger, Ernst, poems about Freud, 1969
Winternitz, Pauline Freud
Immigration papers, 1892-1941
Marriage certificate, 1895
Winternitz, Valentin, death certificate, 1900
Unidentified and miscellaneous items, 1878, 1908, n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 21
Con tainer No s.
14 (cont.)
Abraham, Hedwig, 1926, 1933-1936
Abraham, Karl Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 19,545
From Freud
1907-1914 (3 folders)
1915-1926 (2 folders)
To Freud, 1907-1925 (6 folders)
Abrahamsen, David, 1938-1939
Achelis, Werner, 1927-1928, with background data provided by him, n.d.
Acton, William, 1939
Adams, Robert, 1939
Adler, Alfred
From Freud, 1899-1911, n.d.
To Freud, 1910-1911
Adler, Paul, 1920
Aichhorn, August, 1930
Albert, Georg, 1927
Aldington, Hilda, 1939
Alexander, Franz, 1921-1936, with cover letter from him to Ernest Jones,
1954 (2 folders)
American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, New York, N.Y., 1938
Andreas-Salomé, Lou
From Freud
Originals, 1912-1936 (4 folders)
Transcripts, 1912-1936 (2 folders)
To Freud
Originals, 1912-1936 (7 folders)
Transcripts, 1912-1935 (4 folders)
Baginsky, Adolf, 1886
Barach, Alvan L., 1938
Barek, Dr. [?], 1936, 1938
Bauer, Victor, 1931
Baum, Mrs. H., 1931
Baumberger, Yvonne, 1932
Baumgardt, David, 1932, 1938-1939, with biographical information on him,
Beer-Hofmann, Richard, 1936
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
17 (cont.)
Benedek, Therese, 1926-1935
Bennet, E. A., 1930-1932
Benthal, V., 1936
Berdach, Rahel, 1938-1939
Berg, Charles, 1939
Bergmann, Samuel Hugo, 1926, 1936
Bermann, Ernst, 1938
Bermann, Richard A., 1938
Bermann-Fischer Verlag, 1938
Bernfeld, Siegfried, 1921-1925, 1931-1936 See also Closed
Bernheim, Hippolyte, 1891, n.d.
Betz, Wilhelm, 1907-1911, with letter from Charles Hamilton to K. R.
Eissler, 1957
Bianchini, Marco Levy, 1925
Bibring, Edward, 1935-1938, n.d.
Bickel, Lothar Eliezer, 1931
Binswanger, Ludwig
Originals, 1912-1936
Photocopies and transcripts, 1908-1938 (7 folders)
Bivin, Dr. [?], 1925
Bjerre, Poul, 1924
Blanton, Smiley, 1929
Bleuler, Eugen, 1905-1914, 1925-1937 (3 folders)
Blüher, Hans, 1912-1913, 1996 (2 folders)
Blumenthal, Mr. [?], 1924 See also Closed
Blumgart, Leonard, 1921-1931 See also Closed
Bluth, [?], 1936
B’nai B’rith, 1926, 1931, 1937
Boehm, Felix, 1919-1929
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, 1927, 1936-1938
Boren, William, 1920
Bornstain, M., 1920 See also Closed
Bose, Girindrashekhar, 1921-1937
Brasch, Elise, 1936
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
18 (cont.)
Braun, Ludwig, 1936-1938
Braun-Vogelstein, Julie, 1927
Breuer, Josef, Mathilde, and Robert, 1884-1898, 1906-1926, 1937
(2 folders) See also Closed
Breyer, Ferdinand, 1927
Brill, A. A.
From Freud
1908-1929 (5 folders)
1930-1939 (2 folders)
Transcripts and translations, 1908-1939 (3 folders)
To Freud
Originals, 1908-1939 (2 folders)
Transcripts, 1908-1939
British Broadcasting Corp., 1938-1939
Brod, Max, 1913
Brücke, Franz Theodor von, 1932
Brun, Rudolph, 1936, n.d.
Brunswick, Cecile, 1930-1932
Brunswick, Mark, 1924, 1929, 1934-1937 See also Closed
Brunswick, Ruth Mack
1921-1928 (4 folders)
1929-1939 (5 folders)
Bryan, Douglas, 1925
Bryher, Winifred, ca. 1938
Buber, Martin, 1908, with cover letter from him to K. R. Eissler, 1960
Bullitt, William C., 1938
Burlingham, Dorothy T. and Robert, with postscripts by M. Eitingon and
Martha Freud, 1931-1938
Burrow, Trigant, 1913-1915, 1924-1927, 1935 (2 folders)
Calveira, Amilcar, 1935
Carossa, Hans, 1939
Carrington, Hereward, 1921, with letter from him to Ernest Jones, 1954
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
20 (cont.)
Carstens, Erik See Closed
Cassirer Bernfeld, Suzanne, 1933-1938 For additional material see
Container 42, United States consul
Castro, Abel de, 1924-1929
Centralblatt, 1912
Challaye, Félicien, 1939
Charcot, J. M., 1885-1892, n.d. (2 folders)
Charles, Jean I., 1928
Christoffel, Hans, 1939
Chrobak, Rudolf, n.d.
Claparède, Edouard, 1905-1911
Clark, Dr. [?], 1927
Clark, Pierce, 1927
Clemens, Cyril, 1930
Cohen, Israel, 1938, with letter and clipping from the Central Zionist
Archives, Jerusalem, Israel, 1954, 1980
Coles, S. Ann, 1938, with recollections by her, n.d.
Committee of Austrians in England, London, England, ca. 1938
Coriat, Isador H., 1921, 1925
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard N., 1925, 1931
Crouzet, Guy, 1938
Czuczka, Ernst, 1938
Danninger, Kornel, 1933
Darmstädter, Ludwig, 1910, 1918, 1926
Datta, D. L., 1938-1939
Davis, Hilda, 1938
Davison, Corene C., 1929
Delgado, Honorio, 1919-1934
Deri, Frances, 1935
Deuticke, Franz, 1910, 1918, 1925, 1937-1938
Deutsch, Felix, 1923-1926 (2 folders)
Deutsch, Helene, 1913, 1924-1931, 1938, n.d.
Deutsch, Leo, 1938
Dirsztay, Viktor von, Baron, 1920, with a note by K. R. Eissler, 1959 See
also Closed
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 25
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
21 (cont.)
Doolittle, Hilda, n.d.
Dormandi, Ladislas, 1931
Doryon, Yi'sra’el
From Freud, 1938
To Freud, 1938-1939
Downey, Helen, 1922
Druyanow, Alter, 1910
Dubowitz, Margit, 1920-1921
Dumas, Georges, 1922
Dyer-Bennett, Richard, 1928, 1933
Eastman, Max, 1926-1936 Available on microfilm. Shelf no. 9781.2
Eckstein, Emma, 1895-1910, n.d. (2 folders)
Edinburgh Medical University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1939
Editors of various psychoanalytic journals, 1933
Eeden, Frederik van, 1914
Ehrenstein, Albert, 1912
Eichhorn, Lothar, 1930
Einstein, Albert, concerning Why War?
Correspondence with Freud, 1929-1936 (3 folders)
Edition published by the Chicago Institute of Psychoanalysis, Chicago,
Ill., 1978
Related correspondence, 1931-1969 (2 folders)
Einstein, Carl, 1930
Eitingon, M.
From Freud
1906-1925 (14 folders)
1926-1932 (18 folders)
1933-1939, n.d. (4 folders)
To Freud
Originals, 1913, 1922, 1931, 1933
Photocopies, 1906-1939 (12 folders)
Eliasberg, Wladimir, 1926-1928, n.d.
Ellis, Havelock, 1912, 1923-1928, 1934, 1938
Engel, Paul, 1928
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
25 (cont.)
Eugenie, Princess, granddaughter of George I, King of the Hellenes, 1939
Fackel-Kraus, Mr. [?], 1906
Fairbairn, W. Ronald D., 1920-1921
Federation of the German Youth Movement, 1933
Federn, Paul
Originals, 1908-1915, 1925-1929, 1934
Photocopies and transcripts, 1905-1938, n.d. (6 folders)
Fehl, Siegfried, 1935
Feigenbaum, Dorian, 1920
Ferenczi, Sándor
Microfilm edition of holdings at the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv,
Vienna, Austria, 1908-1933 Shelf no. 19,042. See Appendix A for
reel list
Photocopies and transcripts, 1903, 1915, 1919-1924, n.d. (3 folders)
Feuchtwanger, Albert, 1918
Fields, Mary, 1927
Figdor, M. and Melanie, 1921-1929, 1938, n.d.
Finkelstein, M. N., 1916
Fischer-Colbrie, Arthur, 1916-1929
Fitzgerald, Gerald H., 1923
Fitzgerald-Lee, Gerald, 1938
Flatter, Richard, 1930-1932, 1939, 1951
Fleischer, Alexander, 1935
Fleischl, Ernst, 1884-1885
Fliess, Wilhelm Also available on microfilm. Shelf no. 18,025
1887, Nov.-1897, June (17 folders) See also Oversize
1897, July-1900, July (16 folders)
1900, Sept.-1904, July (6 folders)
Fliess, Wilhelm and Ida, photocopies and transcripts of Freud letters at
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 1892-1897, 1904,
1928-1929, with note by Peter Swales, n.d.
Fluss, Emil, 1872-1874, 1886, including comments and manuscript by Ernst
L. Freud, 1969 (3 folders)
Fodor, Nandor, 1938
Fondation Curie, Paris, France, 1939
Foulkes, S. H., 1932-1936, n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
28 (cont.)
Fox, Howard, 1939
Foxe, Arthur Norman, 1938
Frankl, Ludwig August, 1886
Franzos, Emil, to J. F. Bergmann, 1911
Frazer, Quintin, 1935, with essays regarding Daniel Paul Schreber case, n.d.
Freud, Vilém, 1939
Freund, Emil, 1911
Freund, Roszi, 1918, 1921
Friedjung, Heinrich, 1904
Friedjung, Josef Karl, 1925-1931, with letter from Anna Freud, 1939
Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1938
Frink, Horace Westlake and Angelika, 1921-1923
Frölich, Otto, 1932
Fuchs, Georg, 1933, n.d.
Fuchs, Heinz See same container, Foulkes, S. H.
Fülöp-Miller, René, 1938
Gaucher, André, 1925
Geraci, Francesco, 1933
Gildesgame, Pierre, 1938
Glanz, Heinrich and Selma, 1917, 1919, 1936, 1939
Glover, Edward, n.d.
Glücksmann, Heinrich, 1935, 1937
Goetzel, Mrs. A., 1918-1937, n.d. (2 folders)
Gomperz, Elise, 1901, 1913, n.d. See also same container, Gomperz,
Theodor and Elise
Gomperz, Heinrich, 1898-1899, 1912-1913, 1920-1933
Gomperz, Theodor and Elise, 1908, 1913, 1931 See also same container,
Gomperz, Elise
Graun, Richard E., 1922
Greene, John G., 1934, with cover letter from him to Ernest Jones, 1956
Greminger, Marthy, 1936-1937
Grinker, Roy R., 1920, 1933-1939
Groddeck, Georg, 1921
Gropper, Mrs. Jerome, 1930
Gross, Otto, 1933-1937
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
29 (cont.)
Grotjahn, Martin, 1938
Gruen, Oscar, 1925, with cover letter from Arthur Charlap-Hyman to K. R.
Eissler, 1977
Guilbert, Yvette, 1926-1938, n.d.
Gutscher, Alma, 1933
Häberlin, Carl, 1927, 1929
Häberlin, Paul, 1910-1913
Hale, William Bayard, 1922
Hall, G. Stanley
Originals and miscellaneous photocopies, 1908-1913
Photocopies from Clark University Library, Worcester, Mass.,
Haller, Maggie, 1910-1914
Hammerschlag, Anna, 1933
Hammerschlag, Bertha, 1936
Hammerschlag, Betty, 1905
Hammerschlag, Samuel, 1885
Happel, Clara, 1926
Harlow, Arthur, 1938
Harris, Mrs. Maurice, 1933
Harrit, Mamie M., 1922
Hartmann, Heinz, 1927-1939
Hartzfeld, Carstus Albertus Jacobus, 1939
Hasenclever, Walter, 1917, 1932, 1938, with letters from [?] Witzleiben to
K. R. Eissler, 1969
Healy, William, 1929
Hebrew Teachers’ Association, 1928-1932
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1935, 1938
Heilbronner, P., 1938
Heilpern, Grete, 1930-1937
Heller, Victor See Container 12, Heller, Judith Bernays and Victor
Hellpach, Willy, 1903-1905
Hérenger, Alexandre, 1929-1930, 1936
Hering, Helene, 1931
Hermann, Imre, 1933
Herring, Mr. [?], 1938
Herzfeld, Ernst, 1930
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
29 (cont.)
Herzfeld, Marie, 1932
Herzl, Theodor, 1902
Hesse, Hermann, 1918, 1936
Hessing, Siegfried, 1933
Hill, John C., 1928, 1936, with cover letter from Rudolf Ekstein to K. R.
Eissler, 1966
Hillebrand, Grete, 1929
Hiller, Eric, 1922
Hiller, Kurt, 1936, 1938
Hinterberger, Heinrich, 1928
Hirschfeld, Magnus, 1906
Hitschmann, Eduard
Originals, 1905, 1916
Photocopies and transcripts, 1908-1936, n.d. (2 folders) See also
Hitschmann, Hedwig, 1925
Hobman, Daisy L., 1939
Hoffman, D., 1932
Hollòs, Istvàn, 1928, 1933
Holstijn, A. J. Westerman, 1926, with letter from him to K. R. Eissler, 1954
Hölzer-Weineck, Irene, 1931-1936
Hoop, J. H. van der, ca. 1931, 1937
Hooper, Franklin Henry, 1924
Hopf, Ludwig, 1925-1936
Hoppe-Moser, Fanny, 1918, with letter from Ola Andersson to Ernst L.
Freud, 1965
Hopper, Charles W., 1938
Horn, Jaroslav, 1936
Howard, Samuel, 1934
Hughes, Randolph, 1939
Hurvitz, Rosetta, 1926
Indra, Alfred, 1938
Institute of Psycho-analysis, London, England, 1938
International Psycho-Analytical Association, 1920-1936 (2 folders)
Internationale Psychoanalytische Zeitschrift, 1933, with letter from Max M.
Stern to K. R. Eissler, 1959
Internationaler Pschoanalytischer Verlag, 1922, n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 30
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
30 (cont.)
Irzykowski, Karl, n.d., with letter from [?] Makeck, 1939
Izeddin, Dr. [?], 1938
Jackson, Edith Banfield, 1929-1936, n.d. See also Closed
Jackson, Josephine A., 1938
Jaffe, L., 1935
James, William, 1909
Jankélévitch, S., 1911, 1920-1921, 1926, 1930
Jekels, Ludwig
Originals, 1909-1911, 1924
Photocopies, 1909-1928, n.d. (4 folders) See also Closed
Jelgersma, Gerbrandus, 1929
Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 1938-1939
Jerusalem, Wilhelm, 1908
Jewish community in Argentina, 1938
Jodl, Friedrich, 1904-1905
Jones, Ernest
1908-1912 (3 folders)
1913-1933 (12 folders)
1934-1939 (2 folders)
Transcripts, 1910-1939
Jordan, Rachel, 1921
Jung, C. G.
From Freud
Originals, 1906-1913 (19 folders) See also Oversize. Also
available on microfilm. Shelf no. 16,576
1907-1913 (11 folders)
To Freud
1906-1908 (5 folders)
1909-1913, 1923 (9 folders)
1906-1910 (9 folders)
1911-1913, 1923 (5 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
35 (cont.)
Jung, Emma, 1910-1912 (2 folders)
Kainz, Joseph, 1900-1903, n.d.
Kallir, Dr. [?], 1936-1937
Kanter, Abraham Herbert, 1938
Kaplan, Leo, 1915-1922
Kaplan, Moses, 1918
Kardiner, Abram, 1921, 1932
Karpe, Marietta, 1935
Kassowitz, Karl Erhard, 1899
Katan, Mauritz, 1937, with letter from Anna Freud to K. R. Eissler, 1958
Kaufman, Freda, 1928
Kaye, Kamen, 1932
Kayy, W. H. (William Howard Kupper), 1938
Kemper, W., 1933
Kempny, Hedy, 1933
Kennamore, Mr. [?], 1927
Kerpel, Edmund, n.d.
Kerpel, Eugen, 1933, 1939
Keyserling, Hermann, Graf von, 1925, 1932
Kluge, Walter, 1929
Knopf, Blanche W., 1939
Knöpfmacher, Wilhelm, 1878
Kohn, Otto, 1932, with letter from Henry H. Kay to Anna Freud, 1970
Koller, Carl
Originals with transcripts, 1885, n.d.
Photocopies, transcripts, and cover letter from Hortense K. Becker to
Ruth Eissler, 1880-1887, 1975, n.d. (2 folders)
Königstein, Leopold, 1909
Kosawa, Heisaku, 1925, 1931-1935, n.d. (2 folders)
Kossmann, Max, 1939
Krafft, Margaret R., 1928, 1931, 1936
Kramer, H., 1928
Krapf, E. Eduardo, 1937
Kraus, Karl, 1904-1906
Krauss, Friedrich S., 1910
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 32
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
35 (cont.)
Krausz, Victor Wilhelm, 1936
Kris, Ernst and Marianne, 1930-1931, 1937, n.d. See also Closed
Kronenzeitung, 1927
Kubie, Lawrence S., 1936
Kvergic-Kraus, Gertrude, 1936-1938
Lach, Robert, 1928, 1931
Lackner, Stephan, 1937
Laforgue, René, 1923-1929
Lampl, Hans, and Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, 1938-1939 See also same
container, Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne
Lampl, Otto, 1931
Lampl-de Groot, Jeanne, 1921-1938 (7 folders) See also same container,
Lampl, Hans
Lancaster, Elizabeth G., with draft of her “The Dreams of the Traumatic
Neuroses,” 1930-1936, n.d.
Lancet, 1938
Landman, Isaac, 1929, with note by William G. Niederland, n.d.
La Posea, Charlotte W., 1929
League of American Writers, 1938-1939
Lederer, Josie P., 1938
Lehrman, Philip Raphael, 1926-1936
Leitner, Z. A., 1939
Leroy, Maxine, 1937
Levarie, Siegmund, 1931
Levin, Abraham J., 1938
Levy, Kata, 1918-1926, n.d. (2 folders)
Levy, Lájos, 1918, 1925
Levy, Willi, 1937-1938
Levy-Suhl, Max, 1930
Lewinson, Jochanan B., 1936
Lewisohn, Ludwig, 1927
Leyens, Erich, 1923, 1936
Liebman, Julius, 1925-1926 See also Closed
Lindenberg, Therese, 1930
Lipschütz, Alejandro, 1927, 1931, with letter from him to Fischer Verlag,
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
36 (cont.)
Locker Lampson, Oliver, 1938
Loewbeer, Mr. [?], 1923
Loewenstein, Rudolph M., 1926-1927
Looney, J. Thomas, 1938
Lorand, Sándor, 1928
Lorenz, Emil, 1911, 1932
Lovell, Roger A. J., 1939
Low, David, 1938, with letter to Ernst L. Freud, 1956
Löwenstein, Hubertus, Prinz zu, 1938-1939 See also Closed
Löwy, Emanuel, 1905
Löwy, Heinrich, 1930
Luschnat, David, 1939
Maccabi World Union, 1939
Mackenzie, William, 1920, with letter from Emilio Servadio to Anna Freud,
Mackworth, Margaret Haig Thomas, Viscountess Rhondda, 1938 See also
Container 42, Time and Tide
Maeder, Alfonse, 1910-1914 (2 folders)
Magarik, Isidore, 1938
Magnes, Judah Leon, 1931-1935
Maitlis, Jacob J., 1938
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1938 See also Closed
Mann, Thomas, 1930-1939
Mannes, Elisabeth, 1911-1917
Marcondes, Durval, 1920, 1926-1933, n.d.
Marcuse, Max, 1908-1910
Marshall, Lenore G., 1930
Marui, Kiyoyasu, 1927-1931, with letter from him to K. R. Eissler, 1952
Matte-Blanco, Ignacio, 1939
Mayer, Felix, 1936
Mayer, Louis, 1938-1939
Mayer-Gallin, Emilia, 1929, 1936-1937
Meller, Josef, 1934, with correspondence between Ernst L. Freud and Ilona
de Suto Nagy, 1959
Mendelsohn, Benjamin, 1934-1938, with cover letter, 1947
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
37 (cont.)
Meng, Heinrich, 1920-1939, n.d. See also Container 41, Schmitz, Oskar
A. H.
Menninger, Karl, 1937
Meyer, Max, 1923
Meyerson, Ignace, 1922
Michel, Dr. [?], 1930-1931
Moellenhoff, Fritz, 1933
Monod-Herzen, Edouard, 1923, 1926
Montaño, Garcia, 1934
Montessori, Maria, 1927
Mookerjee, S. P., 1938
Moravia, Freiberg See Container 38, PÍíbor Stadt
Mordell, Albert, 1920
Morichau-Beauchant, René, 1913
Morselli, Enrico Agostino, 1926
Mosonyi, Dezsö, 1929, with letter from Pierre Mosonyi to Anna Freud,
Mühsam, Erich, 1907
Müller-Braunschweig, Carl, 1935-1937, with letter from Edith Weigert to
K. R. Eissler, 1971
Munro, Adèle, 1938
Murray, Henry Alexander, 1932
Muthmann, Arthur, 1907, n.d., with cover letter from Hans-Otto Muthmann
to Sigmund Freud Archives, 1974 See also Closed
Nachmanson, Max, 1915
Nacht, Dr. [Sacha?], 1912, with letter from Martin Wangh to Harold P.
Blum, 1989
Naesgaard, Sigurd, 1933
Neuberger, Max See Container 66, Schönbauer, L.
Neue Revue, 1908
Neumann, Robert, 1939
Neumann-Bernfeld, Liese, 1933
New York Neurological Society, New York, N.Y., 1936
Niels Kuppermann’s Verlag, 1931
Nussenblatt, Tulo, 1938
Oberholzer, Emil, 1912-1927, 1936 (3 folders)
Oberholzer, Mirra, 1927-1931, n.d.
Oberndorf, Clarence P., 1909, 1917, 1927, n.d.
Oberstabsarzt, Etappenlazarett 6 Armee, notice concerning wounding of
Max Halberstadt in battle, 1916
Papers of Sigmund Freud
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
38 (cont.)
Ohtski, Kenji, 1932-1938
Olden, Rudolf, 1931
Opffer, Ivan, 1937-1938
Oppenheim, D. E., 1909
Oppenheim, Martha, 1930
Ossipow, Nikolai, 1921-1929, n.d.
Pailthorpe, Grace W., 1933
Pankejeff, Sergius, 1912, 1919, 1926, 1930
Pantheon (envelope only), 1931
Paquet, Alfons, 1930
Paret, Peter, 1933
Paul-Schiff, Maximilian, 1929, 1936, with letter from Johanna
Wertheimstein to K. R. Eissler, 1968
Penrose, L. S., 1931
Pereira da Silva, Gastão, 1934
Perlberger, Josef, 1930
Perleberg, Gilbert, 1933
Perlman, N., 1939
Pertinax, Johann, 1930
Petrikovitch, Edward, 1928, n.d.
Pfister, Oskar, 1909-1940 (6 folders)
Pichler, Hans, 1938
Pichler, K. R. von, 1912
Pick, Alois, 1926, 1936
Pilz, Robert, 1927
Pollak, Isidor, 1937
Pollak, Max, 1927-1935
Popescu, Ioan I., 1927-1934
Popper-Lynkeus, Josef, 1916-1917
Porter-Gregg, Nancy, 1938
Pötzl, Otto, 1917, 1919, 1937
Powers, Lillian Delger, 1925, n.d.
Premsela, M. J., 1927
Presidents of psychoanalytic associations, 1932
PÍíbor Stadt, Czechoslovakia (formerly Freiberg, Moravia), 1931
Pribram, Alfred Francis, 1927-1929, 1935
Prince, Morton, 1905-1909
Protze, H., 1917
Page 35
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 36
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
38 (cont.)
Putnam, Imarita, 1932-1933, n.d.
Putnam, James Jackson, 1909-1916 (3 folders)
Querido, Arie, 1922, 1928
Quitman, Jesse, 1922
Rabka, Hanna Zucker von, 1938
Radó, Sándor, 1925-1932 (2 folders)
Rank, Otto
Originals, 1927, 1937
Photocopies and transcripts, 1905-1925 (4 folders)
Reading room of Jewish high school, Vienna, Austria, 1911
Redlich, Kurt von, 1926
Reich, Wilhelm, 1924-1930 See also Closed
Reichlin, Henry, 1930
Reik, Theodor
Originals, 1912-1938, n.d. (5 folders)
Photocopies, 1929, 1939
Transcripts, translations, and publications
By others, 1912-1938, n.d. (3 folders)
By Reik, 1958-1962
Reisen, Salman, and Max Weinreich, 1930 See also Container 43,
Weinreich, Max
Reitler, Rudolf, 1917
Relgis, Eugen, 1929-1930
Renz, Carl, 1914-1915
Révész, Eugen, 1918
Rickman, John, 1920-1938
Rie, Oscar, 1921, 1923, 1929, 1931 See also Closed
Riese, Walter, 1926
Riess, Hanna, 1934
Riethof, Adele, 1931
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1916
Rischawy, Marie, 1926
Riviere, Joan, 1921-1939 (5 folders)
Roback, A. A., 1930-1939, n.d., with cover letters from Roback to Ernest
Jones, 1956 (3 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 37
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
40 (cont.)
Robinson, Alice, 1927
Róheim, Géza, 1929
Rolland, Roman, 1923-1937
Rosenbach, Mr. [?], 1932
Rosenbacher, Richard, 1936
Rosenfeld, Eva, 1929-1930, 1937, with cover note by her, 1956
Rosenfeld, Rose, 1935-1938
Rosenmann, Marjan, 1930
Rosenzweig, Saul, 1934, 1937
Rubin, Mr. [?], 1930
Ruiz-Castillo, Miguel, 1920-1922
Sachs, Barnard, 1938, with cover letter from Helen Sachs Straus to K. R.
Eissler, 1957, n.d.
Sachs, Hanns, 1911-1939, n.d. (7 folders)
Sachs, Wulf, 1930-1933
Sadger, Isidor, 1902
Salomon, F. G., 1931
Sarasin, Philipp, 1926-1929
Sarkar, Sarasi Lat, 1928
Sarnette, Eric-André, 1932
Saussure, Raymond de, 1922-1928, 1938
Schaeffer, Albrecht, 1928-1939
Scheu-Riesz, Helene, 1930
Schilder, Paul, 1935, with cover material, 1955
Schiller, Max, 1938
Schloessinger, Max, 1931
Schmitz, Oskar A. H., and Heinrich Meng, 1920-1930 See also
Container 37, Meng, Heinrich
Schnier, Jacques, 1936-1938
Schnierer, T., 1938
Schnitzler, Arthur
Photocopies and transcripts, 1906, 1912, 1922-1931, n.d.
Published edition of Freud letters to Schnitzler, 1906-1931, with
additional background letters from Anna Freud, Ernest Jones, and
others, 1953-1955
Schönberg, Ignaz, 1885, n.d.
Schulhof, Mimi, 1929
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 38
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
41 (cont.)
Schur, Max
Originals with transcripts, 1930, 1938
Photocopies and transcripts, 1926-1939, n.d.
Schwadron, Abraham, 1923, 1936
Schwarz, Arthur, ca. 1885
Schweitzer, Albert, 1936
Schwiedland, E., 1925, 1930
Schwutzer, Ferdinand, 1926
Seif, Leonhard, 1911, 1913
Seldes, George, 1924
Seward, Albert C., 1938
Shears, A. H., 1938
Silberer, Herbert, 1922
Silberstein, Eduard
Originals, 1871-1881, 1910, n.d. (14 folders) Also available on
microfilm. Shelf no. 19,439
Photographs, n.d.
Translations, 1873-1880
Simmel, Ernst, 1918-1939, n.d. (4 folders)
Spencer, Daisy, 1939
Stärcke, August
Originals and photocopies, 1912-1922 See also Closed
Transcripts, 1912-1922
Stärcke, Johann, 1912-1915
Steil, Jacob, 1932
Steiner, Maximilian, 1939
Steinig, Léon, 1932, n.d. For additional material see Container 21,
Einstein, Albert, Related correspondence
Steinthal, Walter, 1939
Stekel, Wilhelm, 1904-1905, 1910-1915, 1924, 1931, 1938 (2 folders)
Stendig, Samuel, 1938-1939
Sterba, Richard, 1932, 1939
Stern, Karl, 1935, with cover letter from Stern to K. R. Eissler, 1953
Stern, William, 1931
Stiassny, Frau Baurat, 1910
Stites, Raymond Somers, 1925
Stonborough-Wittgenstein, Margarethe, 1937-1939
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 39
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
42 (cont.)
Storfer, A. J., 1932
Strachey, James, 1928
Struck, Hermann, 1914-1929 (2 folders) Partially available on microfilm.
Shelf no. 12,110.1
Sun, Joe Tom (pseudonym of a Dr. Thompson, Baltimore, Md.), 1923
Sweet, Norman, 1938
Sweetser, Arthur and Ruth, 1927-1928
Swoboda, Hermann, 1906
Szabó, Alexander, 1916-1921
Szabó, Szerena, 1916-1921
Tandler, Julius, 1925, 1931
Tannenbaum, Samuel Aaron, 1914, 1920
Teirich, Valentin, 1922, 1923
Teller, Frieda, 1914
Tenenblatt, A. M., 1925
Thayer, Scofield, 1925
Thieberger, Friedrich, 1926
Thoman, Maria, 1934
Thompson, Dr. [?] See same container, Sun, Joe Tom
Time and Tide, 1938 See also Container 37, Mackworth, Margaret Haig
Thomas, Viscountess Rhondda
Tinty, Karl Ferdinand, 1934
Toczek, Mr. [?], 1937
Toeplitz and Deuticke, 1885-1887, 1910, 1918
Trotter, Wilfred, 1938
Tucholsky, Kurt, 1913
Twersky, Jochanan, 1939
Ullstein-Verlag, 1926
United States consul, Vienna, Austria, concerning family of Suzanne
Bernfeld Cassirer, 1936
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Palestine, 1936
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, Medical Dekanat, 1906, 1936
Urbantschitsch, Rudolf von, 1916, 1923-1928
Velikovsky, Immanuel, 1922, 1931-1933
Vest, Anna von, 1903-1926
Vienna, Austria, city of, 1924
Papers of Sigmund Freud
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GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
43 (cont.)
Viereck, George Sylvester
Originals with transcripts, 1923-1929
Photocopies and transcripts, 1919-1936 (3 folders) Partially available
on microfilm. Shelf no. 9,781.1
Vogel, David, 1924
Voigtländer, Else, 1911, with background statement by Bernard L. Pacella,
Vollmer, Herman, 1929
Wackernagel, Peter, 1927
Wadler, Louise and Robert, 1938, with statements by Louise Wadler
Lambert and Alexander S. Rogawski, 1959
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von, 1916-1919, 1932-1937, n.d. For additional
material see Container 66, Schönbauer, L.
Walder, Robert, 1938
Wallach, Sidney, 1928
Walther, Gerda, 1935
Wattermann, A., 1933
Webster, Doris, 1936
Wechsler, Israel Spanier, 1927-1938
Weigert, Edith, 1937-1939, n.d., with letter from her to K. R. Eissler, 1971
Weinreich, Max, 1929, 1931 See also Container 39, Reisen, Salman
Weiss, Edoardo, 1919-1939, n.d., with commentary by him, 1965, n.d.
(4 folders)
Weissmann, Karl, 1938
Wells, H. G., 1938-1939
Werfel, Franz, 1926, with cover letter to Ernst L. Freud, 1970
Wheeler, Mr. [?], 1929
Wheelock, Bertha, 1936
Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, 1907
Wilczeck, Gabriele Gräfin, 1931, 1937
Wilder, Thorton, 1936
Wilson, John C., 1938
Winterstein, Alfred, 1911-1917, 1924-1936
Wittels, Fritz, 1921-1935, with letter from Poldi Goetz-Wittels to K. R.
Eissler, 1952 (2 folders)
Wittkowski, Victor, 1933-1937
Wolff, Charlotte, 1937, with cover letter from Wolff to K. R. Eissler, 1971
Woolf, Leonard, 1939
Worrall, Ralph, 1937
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 41
GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1871-1996, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
44 (cont.)
Worsley, Allan, 1938
Wulf, Mosheh, 1932-1933
Yiddishen Wissenschaftlichen Institut, 1929-1930, 1936
Young, Dr. [?], 1928
Zweig, Arnold, 1929-1939, n.d. (4 folders) See also Closed
Zweig, Stefan, 1916, 1926-1932, 1937, n.d. See also Closed
By Freud
Originals, 1885, 1899-1939, n.d. (4 folders)
Photocopies and transcripts, 1887-1939, n.d. (4 folders) See also
By other, 1938
Names withheld* See also Closed
Correspondent A, 1920-1925
Correspondent B, 1924-1938
Correspondent C, 1899
Correspondent D, 1928
Correspondent E, 1911-1917
SUBJECT FILE, 1856-1988, n.d.
Accounts and receipts, 1886, 1931
Addresses written in Freud’s hand, 1923, n.d.
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, patient case files
1881-1883 See Oversize
1881-1883 See Closed
Photocopies, 1883-1885, n.d.
Stone, Irving, research collection
Cover letter, 1988
Krankengeschichten, 1880-1890 (3 folders)
Transcripts, 1880-1890 (2 folders)
Photocopies of letters in which the name of the correspondent has been expunged. The
unexpurgated original letters are in the Closed series and will be available for research between
2009 and 2017.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 42
SUBJECT FILE, 1856-1988, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
45 (cont.)
Annotations and book marginalia written by Freud, photocopies from the
New York Psychiatric Institute Library, New York, N.Y., n.d.
(6 folders)
Section A (2 folders)
Section B
Authors B-J
Authors K-W
Sections C-D (2 folders)
Announcement of new address, Berggasse 19, Vienna, Austria, 1891
Anzeiger der K. K. Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, 1886-1887
Beer, “Doctor,” Freud’s comments on case, 1905
Bellevue Sanatorium, Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, patient case files
Biedermann, Clara, 1883-1943
Ehrenfeld, Gustav, 1894-1896
Eim, Gustav, 1892-1894
Ellissen, Julie, 1881-1891
Flesch, Regina, 1909-1911 (2 folders)
Friedmann, Oskar, 1910-1938
(1 folder)
(1 folder)
Glück, Amalie, 1888-1889
Kern, Elise, 1892-1896
Linder, Emma, 1884-1886
Redlich, Kurt von, 1893-1916
Schreinburg, Olga, 1888-1899 (3 folders)
Biographical listing, Das geistige Wien, 1893
Birth certificates, 1856, 1886, 1938
Birthday celebrations
Autograph book
Correspondence and tributes (5 folders)
1931, 1936-1937 (4 folders)
Advertisements, n.d.
Inscriptions and related correspondence, 1877-1911, 1922-1939, 1967,
1973, n.d.
Calendar books, 1916-1918 (3 vols.)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 43
SUBJECT FILE, 1856-1988, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
48 (cont.)
Citizenship certificate, Vienna, Austria, 1908
Clark University, Worcester, Mass., photograph, 1909
Contracts with publishers, 1905-1910, 1939
Death and funeral
Letters, 1939 (3 folders)
Telegrams, 1939 (2 folders)
Draft of death notice written by Freud during 1920s, n.d.
Obituary notice, Royal Society, London, England, 1940
Oration by Ernest Jones and clippings, 1939
Estate records, 1940
Goethe Prize, 1930, 1953
Haberl, Ernest, case, 1922-1923, with letters from Anna Freud to Ernest
Jones, 1954-1956
Heredity questionnaire, n.d.
Identity cards
Budapest, Hungary, 1918
Vienna, Austria, with signed photograph, 1935
Immigration to London, England
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, draft of letter to French consul, Vienna,
Austria, 1939
Clippings, 1938
Refugee tax and moving arrangements, 1938
United States State Department cables, 1938
Insurance declaration, n.d.
Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung, 1908-1918, n.d.
Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1937, n.d.
Invoice, 1933 See Container 29, Grinker, Roy
Jewish Year Book-1939, 1939
Kaiserlich Königliches Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria See
Container 45, Allgemeines Krankenhaus
Leopoldstädter Communal-Real-und Obergymnasiums, Vienna, Austria,
1866-1874 (3 folders) Partially available on microfilm. Shelf
No. 18,677
Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion
List of persons sent copies, n.d.
Reviews of English translation, 1939-1941
Marriage certificate, 1886
Medical certificate, 1919
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 44
SUBJECT FILE, 1856-1988, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
49 (cont.)
Menu autographed by admirers and associates, n.d.
Military records
Originals, 1886-1887 See Oversize
Photocopies, 1885-1888 See Oversize
New Year’s Day statement, 1894
Newspaper and magazine clippings
Photocopies and originals, 1873-1939, n.d. (4 folders) See also
Transcripts of excerpts from Viennese newspapers, 1886-1911
Nobel Prize, 1928-1938, 1954, n.d. See also Container 54, Transcripts of
Nobel Prize proposals
Österreichischen Monatschefte, advertising broadside mailed by Freud, n.d.
Case files See Container 45, Allgemeines Krankenhaus;
Containers 46-47, Bellevue Sanatorium
Diagnosis, n.d.
Notes, 1909, n.d. See also Closed
Record book, 1896-1899
Referral, n.d.
Pocket notebooks See Closed
Prescriptions by Freud
Originals, 1887, 1910, 1917-1919, 1928, 1935
Photocopies, 1889-1935
Psychoanalytic congresses, announcements and photograph, 1908-1911,
1929 See also Oversize
Putnam Camp, Keene Valley, N.Y., transcript of logbook signed by Freud,
Royal Society, Freud’s reception and signing of the charter book, 1938,
with letter from the society’s librarian to K. R. Eissler, 1958
Tenants’ petition signed by Freud, 1924
University records
As lecturer, 1885
As student, 1873 See Oversize
For travel stipends, 1876, 1885
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 45
SUBJECT FILE, 1856-1988, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
50 (cont.)
University records
Appointment certificates, 1877, 1885, 1902, 1920
Catalogs, 1886-1889 (2 folders)
Certificate of classes taken, 1879 See Oversize
Miscellany, 1878-1936
Veterinary bills, 1938
W. W. Norton Co., agreement on translation rights, 1933-1935
Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, 1910-1938
Wills, 1919, 1935, 1938
Zentralblatt für Psychoanalyse, n.d.
WRITINGS, 1877-1985, n.d.
See Oversize
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d.
Subject File
Adams, Leslie See Container 60, Grimm, Otto
Andersson, Ola
Correspondence concerning “Frau Emmy von N.” (Fanny von
Sulzer Warder Moser), 1960-1965, 1977, n.d. (2 folders)
“The Etiology of Psychoneuroses and Some Related Themes in
Sigmund Freud’s Scientific Writings and Letters, 1886-1896,”
“Lebensgeschichte von Mentona Moser,” n.d. Available only on
microfilm. Shelf no. 19,237
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, publication by Ernst Pfeiffer of correspondence
with Freud
Correspondence, 1956-1967
Miscellany, 1967, n.d.
Photocopies and transcripts of Freud letters, 1912-1935
Reviews, 1966-1967
Augenfeld, Felix
Correspondence proposing an exhibit of Freud’s antiques,
Drawing of Freud’s chair, n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 46
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
51 (cont.)
Subject File
Augenfeld, Felix
Floor plan of Freud’s London, England, study and sketch of display
cabinets, 1973, n.d. See also Oversize
Bach, Zellig, Freud’s relation to the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO),
Vilna, Poland, 1984
Berliner Psychoanalytisches Institute, Berlin, Germany, bulletins,
1927-1935, 1954-1955, 1964-1966
Bibring, Edward, and Ernst Kris, regarding publication of Freud’s
collected works, n.d.
Blomeyer, Rudolf, “Signorelli-Analyse,” 1970, n.d.
Blüher, Hans, comments about Freud, 1912
B’nai B’rith lodge, Vienna, Austria, lists of lectures, n.d.
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess
Clippings and tear sheets regarding Freud, 1939-1940 (2 folders)
Freud letters copied for Anna Freud See Closed
Boven, W., notes on meeting of the Wiener Psychoanalytische
Vereinigung, 1920, May 5
Breuer, Josef, page proofs of “Theoretisches,” Studien über Hysterie,
1894 See also Closed
British internment of German psychoanalysts, 1940
Brüel, Olaf, articles, 1945-1954
Brun, Rudolf, “Sigmund Freuds Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der
organischen Neurologie,” 1935
Büttner, Peter, “Freud und der Erste Weltkrieg,” doctoral dissertation,
(1 folder)
(1 folder)
Centenary of Freud’s birth
American Psychoanalytic Association, 1955-1956
Articles, editorials, and radio broadcasts, 1956
Boehm, Felix, statement, photographs, and clippings, 1956
Committee minutes, bulletins, and report, 1955-1956
Correspondence, 1955-1957 (2 folders)
Exhibit material
Items arranged according to a numeric scheme, 1873-1940,
1955-1956, n.d. (3 folders) See also Oversize
Lists, ca. 1956
Miscellany, 1900-1931, 1956-1959, n.d. See also Oversize
Photographs and drawings, 1911-1955, n.d. See also Oversize
Printed matter, 1907-1936, n.d. See also Oversize
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 47
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Subject File
Centenary of Freud’s birth
Invitations, programs, and lists, 1955-1956 (2 folders)
New York Academy of Medicine, New York, N.Y., exhibit guest
book and catalog, 1956
Publications, 1956-1957
(4 folders)
(1 folder)
Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem, Israel,
unidentified biographical sketch of Freud, ca. 1960
Cremerius, J., “Siegmund Freud zu seinem 10. Todestage,” 1949
Donoghue, Arthur K., translation of Freud’s cocaine papers, 1961-1962
(2 folders)
Drob, Sanford, “Freud and the Chasidim: Redeeming the Jewish Soul of
Psychoanalysis,” 1989
Du, issue featuring Freud, 1951
Eckstein, Jacob, transcript of album with poem by Freud, 1898-1929
Einstein, Albert
Letter to [?] Ehrmann, photocopy and transcript See Closed
Transcripts of Nobel Prize proposals including one
regarding Freud, 1918-1954 See also Container 50, Nobel Prize
Eissler, K. R., explanation of a letter written by Freud on 1928, Apr. 19
See Closed
Fagg, C. C., correspondence and essays sent to Ernest Jones, 1923, 1956
Fichtner, Gerhard, guides to Freudiana
“Addressen der Fliess-Briefe,” n.d.
“Die Bibliothek Sigmund Freuds nach den vorhandenen
Verzeichnissen,” 1980 (4 folders)
“Freuds Lebensdaten,” 1979 (2 folders)
“Freuds Patienten” See Closed
“Konkordanz der Briefe von and an Sigmund Freud,”
Teil I: “Chronologisches Verzeichnis”
Teil II: “Verzeichnis der Briefwechsel” (2 folders)
“Literatur zur Konkordanz der Freud-Briefe,” n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 48
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
55 (cont.)
Subject File
Fichtner, Gerhard, guides to Freudiana
“Register zu den Registern von Freud-Literatur,” 1980
(3 folders)
(1 folder)
Transcripts of patient case files, n.d.
Fichtner, Gerhard, and Albrecht Hirschmüller, “Freud’s ‘Katherina’:
Hintergrund, Entstehungsgeschichte und Bedeutung einer frühen
psychoanalytischen Krankengeschichte,” 1984
Fliess, Wilhelm
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess, notes on Freud-Fliess correspondence,
Pfennig, Richard, Wilhelm Fliess und seine Nachentdecker, 1906
Transcripts of Freud letters for Sigmund Freud, Aus den Anfängen
der Psychoanalyse. Abhandlungen und Notizen aus den
Jahren 1887-1902 edited by Princess Marie Bonaparte, Anna
Freud, and Ernst Kris, 1950
(4 folders)
(6 folders)
Fodor, Nancy, “Freud and the Poltergeist,” 1956
“Four Famous Cases: Bibliographies to Four of Freud’s Cases: Dora,
the Rat Man, Little Hans, and Wolf-Man,” 1968
Freud, Sigmund
Bibliographies, 1962-1965
Case histories, bibliography, 1968
Exhibit catalogs, 1956, 1972-1980
Family history, 1877-1968, n.d. See also Closed and Oversize
Lecture and student lists, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, n.d.
(2 folders)
Letters and publications, auction lists, 1956-1987, n.d.
(6 folders)
(2 folders)
Freud Museum, London, England, 1975
New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, N.Y., 1957,
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 49
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
59 (cont.)
Subject File
Freud, Sigmund
Medical history
Case history by Max Schur, n.d.
Correspondence between Ernest Jones, Max Schur, and Anna
Freud, 1954-1956, 1964, n.d.
Transcripts of documents from Hans Pichler, Max Schur, and
others, 1923-1949
Museum, Vienna, Austria, catalog, 1975
Publications, lists of titles, dates, editions, and printings, n.d.
Friedemann, Adolf, “Was Weiss Man von der Seele? Sigmund Freud,
ein Porträt,” 1967
Gedo, John E., and Ernest Wolf, “The ‘Ich’ Letters,” 1970
German psychoanalytic institutes, miscellaneous printed matter, 1930,
1953-1954, n.d.
Gicklhorn, Josef
Freud’s work at the Kinder-Krankeninstitut, Vienna, Austria, n.d.
“Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Notizen zu den Studien von S. Syrski
(1874) und S. Freud (1877) über männliche Flussale,” n.d.
Gicklhorn, Josef and Renée
Correspondence with Suzanne Cassirer Bernfeld, K. R. Eissler, and
others concerning Freud research, 1951-1965, n.d. (2 folders)
Fragmentary research file, n.d.
Miscellaneous reports, 1953-1954, n.d.
Gicklhorn, Renée, writings on Freud’s childhood, 1967, 1976, n.d.
Goldhammer, Leo, “Theodor Herzl und Siegmund Freud,” n.d.
Goldman, Steven, “Freuds Briefe an eine Patientin,” n.d.
Goldschmidt, Lucien, evaluation and explanation of Freud’s
Allgemeines Krankenhaus case files, n.d.
Gomperz, Heinrich, “Freuds Bedeutung für die Geisteswissenschaften,”
Graphological analysis of Freud’s handwriting by Dr. [?] Sendak, 1930
Greenwald, M., “Meetings with Sigmund Freud,” 1941
Grimm, Otto, correspondence with Leslie Adams concerning Freud
research, 1951-1953
“The Growth of the Psycho-Analytic Movement,” map and chart, n.d.
See Oversize
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 50
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
60 (cont.)
Subject File
Hall, G. Stanley, register of papers at Clark University and list of Freud
correspondence, n.d.
Hartel, Wilhelm August, Ritter von, to Theodor Gomperz concerning
Freud, 1911
Hesse, Hermann, miscellaneous writings, n.d.
Hinterberger, Heinrich, catalog and circular of books and pamphlets,
Hirschmüller, Albrecht, “Eine bisher unbekannte Krankengeschichte
Sigmund Freuds und Josef Breuers aus der Entstehungszeit der
‘Studien über Hysterie,’” n.d.
Hirst, Albert, “Analysed and Reeducated by Freud Himself,” n.d.
Hitschmann, Eduard, autobiographical notes with references to Freud,
Hoffmann, Paul, program and publicity for his dramatic readings of
Freud’s writings, 1976 See also Oversize
Hôtel du Brésil, Paris, France, photographs, n.d.
Imago Publishing Co., circular for Band 16 of Freud’s Gesammelte
Schiften, n.d.
Institute of Psycho-analysis, London, England, announcement regarding
a proposed English edition of Freud’s writings, n.d.
International Psycho-Analytical Association, Rundbriefe, 1921-1933
(3 folders)
Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Kongress, programs, 1927-1939
Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1929-1937, n.d.
Jelliffe, Smith Ely, and W. A. White, inventory of letters to Freud
compiled by Arcangelo D’Amore, 1977
Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Israel, list of Freud
letters, n.d.
Jung, C. G.
Chronology of relationship with Freud compiled by Wolfgang
Saurlander, n.d.
Correspondence concerning publication of letters between Jung and
Freud, 1960-1963
Karpas, Jules L., letter regarding Morris Jacob Karpas, 1991
Karpe, Richard, “The Rescue Complex in Anna O’s Final Identity,”
Kastler, A., “Une lettre de Sigmund Freud à Albert Einstein sur le
thème: Pourquoi la Guerre?” n.d.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 51
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
61 (cont.)
Subject File
Kempf, Edward J., account of interview with Freud, 1923,
Kiel, Norman
Clippings re Freud, 1988-1990, n.d. (2 folders)
Reviews of Freud’s work
Index, n.d.
Autobiography, 1925-1936
The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud, by A. A. Brill, 1938
Beyond the Pleasure Principle, 1923-1925, 1951
Bruch Stück einer Hysterie-Analyse, 1906-1909
Civilization and Its Discontents, 1925-1932
Collected works, various editions, 1906-1914, 1920-1967
(2 folders)
Delusion and Dream, 1907, 1917-1922, 1971
The Ego and the Id, 1924-1927
The Future of an Illusion, 1928-1929
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, 1920-1921
Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego, 1922-1926,
History of an Infantile Neurosis, 1928, 1971-1972
History of the Psychoanalytic Movement, 1923
Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety, 1926-1929, 1937-1940
Interpretation of Dreams, 1899-1930, 1954-1956, 1974
(4 folders)
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1923, 1967, 1978
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, 1905-1928,
Leonardo da Vinci, A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile
Reminiscence, 1910-1925, 1947, 1966
Letters between Freud and others, various editions, 1954-1985,
n.d. (2 folders)
Miscellaneous short writings, 1893-1933, 1954-1959, 1974
(2 folders)
Moses and Monotheism, 1939-1940
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 52
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
63 (cont.)
Subject File
Kiel, Norman
Reviews of Freud’s work
New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis, 1933-1935
On Aphasia, 1954-1959
On Dreams, 1899-1914, 1952-1954 (2 folders)
On Psychoanalysis, 1911-1912, 1977
An Outline of Psychoanalysis, 1949-1950
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 1904-1918
The Question of Lay Analysis, 1927-1928, 1948-1952
Reflections on War and Death, 1918-1921, 1933-1955
Studies on Hysteria, 1895-1899, 1933, 1958-1959, 1972
Thomas Woodrow Wilson: A Psychological Study, 1967-1969
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, 1905-1915, 1921,
1950, 1963-1964
Totem and Taboo, 1912-1920, 1952
Knoepfmacher, Hugo
“Sigmund Freud and the B’nai B’rith,” n.d.
“Sigmund Freud at Secondary School,” n.d.
Koller, Carl, correspondence between Hortense K. Becker and Ernst
Freud concerning Freud-Koller letters, 1963
Kratz, B., “Entwurf,” 1975
Kraus, Julius, “Otto Weininger--ein Plagiator?” n.d.
Krausz, Victor Wilhelm, letter concerning portrait of Freud, 1954
Kroiss, Gerhard, “Some Aspects of Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism,”
Laforgue, René, “A Propos des Règles du Traitment Psychoanalytique,”
Leo Baeck Institute, New York, N.Y., report on Freud correspondence
at the institute, n.d.
Leopoldstädter Communal-Real-und Obergymnasiums, Vienna,
Austria, printed matter, 1964, n.d.
Le Soldat-Szatmári, Judith, “Zur Problem von Sadismus und
Masochismus,” 1985
Lynn, David J., “Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalysis of Albert Hirst,” n.d.
Mann, Thomas, photocopy of handwritten manuscript of “Freud und die
Zukunft,” 1936
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 53
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
64 (cont.)
Subject File
Maresfield Gardens, London, England
Elevator inspection certificate, 1942
Prints depicting the Freud residence, n.d.
McGuire, William, correspondence and lists concerning Freud and
C. G. Jung, 1970-1976, n.d.
Meynell, G. G., letter concerning history of Freud publications, 1983
Miscellany, 1908-1916, 1932-1939, 1946-1957, 1964-1987, n.d.
Moreau, Christian, “Freud et l’Occultisme,” doctoral dissertation, 1974
Müller-Braunschweig, Carl
Streifzüge durch die Psychoanalyse, 1948
Zeitschrift für Psycho-Analyse, 1949-1950 (2 folders)
Obituaries of Freud associates, 1920-1984
Pfister, Oskar, letter to Rudolf Bruns regarding Freud, 1936
Pfrimmer, Theo, “Sigmund Freud Lecteur de la Bible,” doctoral
dissertation, 1980 (2 folders)
Philatelic stamps depicting
Freud, Sigmund, 1981-1982
Pappenheim, Bertha (“Anna O”), n.d.
Pollack, Max, “The Moses of Freud,” n.d.
Postal, Bernard, printed matter regarding Freud and family, 1926-1956,
Schilder, [Paul?], “Prof. Freud zu Schilder’s Vortrag in Sitzung
Berggasse,” n.d.
Schönbauer, L., letter to K. R. Eissler with transcripts of Freud letters to
Max Neuberger and Julius von Wagner-Jauregg, 1954
Sigmund Freud Archives, index of items, n.d.
Sigmund Freud Copyrights, archive inventory and library, 1979
Sigmund Freud Gesellschaft, reports, 1978-1985
Sigmund Freud House Bulletin, 1975-1983 (2 folders)
Siner, Wilhelmine, Amalia Freud’s nurse, death of, 1954
Spielrein, Sabina, excerpts from diary concerning Freud and C. G. Jung,
Stanescu, Heinz, presentations and writings concerning Freud,
Starr, Moses Allen, regarding clash with Freud, 1912, 1935
Stiasny, Johann, “Praterfahrt,” 1958
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 54
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
66 (cont.)
Subject File
Stoessl, Franz, transcript of letter regarding bust of Freud, 1955
Struck, Hermann, print portraying Freud, n.d.
Swales, Peter J., writings on Freud and Minna Bernays, 1982-1998
Takemura, Kotaro, photograph of sculptural rendering of Freud, n.d.
Thalberg, Mitzi Deutsch, biographical note, 1966
Trilling, Lionel, drafts of “Freud and the Crisis of Our Culture,” talk
before the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, New York, N.Y.,
Verhorst, Beate, “Dezentrierung des Subjekts: Untersuchungen zur
Strukturierung des “Ich”; Begriffs in der Frühphase
psychoanlytischer Theoriebildung (1892-1895),” n.d.
Viereck, George Sylvester, “Beszélgetés Sigmund Freuddal,” 1935
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius von, transcript of document regarding lay
analysis, 1925, with cover letter by K. R. Eissler, 1957
Waibl, Elmer, “Gesellschaft und Kultur,” n.d.
Weiss, Edoardo, “Sigmund Freud Inscribing a Book for Benito
Mussolini,” n.d.
Weizsäcker, Viktor von, Körpergeschehen und Neurose, excerpt
concerning letters to Freud in 1932, 1947
Wenkart, Simon I., diary with shorthand notes from Freud lectures,
Wiener Psychoanalytische Vereinigung, 1928-1938, 1958, n.d.
Wolman, Benjamin B., “Ecco Homo: The Story of Sigmund Freud’s
Life,” n.d.
Zeitschrift über psychoanalytische Pädagogik, 1926
Zweig, Arnold, calendar of correspondence with Freud, n.d.
Unidentified notes and writings, n.d.
Brochures, rosters, and bylaws, 1954, 1963-1985, n.d. (3 folders)
1900-1954 (6 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 55
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Jan.-May (6 folders)
May-June (8 folders)
July-Oct. (7 folders)
Nov.-Dec. (2 folders)
(4 folders)
(1 folder)
Apr.-Dec. (5 folders)
1958-1960 (7 folders)
1961 (7 folders)
(2 folders)
(2 folders)
1963 (5 folders)
(7 folders)
(1 folder)
(7 folders)
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 56
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
(7 folders)
(2 folders)
(5 folders)
(7 folders)
(3 folders)
(4 folders)
(7 folders)
(2 folders)
(6 folders)
(7 folders)
(4 folders)
(2 folders)
(6 folders)
(8 folders)
(4 folders)
(4 folders)
(5 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 57
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
(6 folders)
(7 folders)
(2 folders)
(4 folders)
(8 folders)
(7 folders)
(7 folders)
(8 folders)
(6 folders)
(1 folder)
(6 folders)
(5 folders)
(3 folders)
(5 folders)
1976 (2 folders)
(2 folders)
(1 folder)
1978-1981 (9 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 58
SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, 1873-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
1982-1985 (8 folders)
1986-1991, n.d. (7 folders)
Commemorative art reproductions, catalogs, 1979, n.d.
Extracts from books, 1878-1982, n.d.
Miscellaneous organizational mailings and photocopied material,
1925-1928, 1951-1985, n.d. (2 folders)
1956-1984 (6 folders)
1985-1987, n.d.
Periodicals and reprints
1907, 1937-1959 (7 folders)
1960-1971 (5 folders)
1973-1986 (5 folders)
1987, n.d. (2 folders)
Pictorial printed matter including calendars, greeting card, postcards,
and prints, 1946, 1960-1969, 1980, n.d. See also Oversize
Programs and invitations
1914, 1937, 1947-1949, 1957-1978 (5 folders)
1979-1990, n.d. (4 folders)
Publication notices, 1914, 1947-1986, n.d. (4 folders)
Interviews See also Restricted and Closed
Alexander, Franz, 1953-1954 (2 folders)
Bennet, E. A., 1972
Berlin, Isaiah, 1967, 1998
Papers of Sigmund Freud
INTERVIEWS AND RECOLLECTIONS, 1914-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
112 (cont.)
Interviews See also Restricted and Closed
Cassirer Bernfeld, Suzanne, n.d.
Eisenklam, Dorian, 1961
Ferriere, Louis E., 1961
Frankl, Oscar, 1953
Fürth, Otto, 1954
Fürth, Yulo, 1956
Graf, Max, 1952
Kasanjian, V., 1958
Kritz, Leo, 1962, n.d.
Lederer, Hans, 1956
Meyer, Greta, 1973
Motesitzky, [?], 1972
Paneth, Marie, 1955
Reiman, Rudolf, 1964
Stanborough, [?], 1978
Tauber, Dana, n.d.
Thompson, Clara, 1952
Wohlprecht, [?], 1954
Wulf, Mosheh, 1962, n.d.
Recollections See also Closed
Alexander, Jerome, 1951
Allport, Gordon W., 1958
Bárány, Ida, 1964
Baumgart, David, ca. 1938
Beckh-Widmanstetter, H. A., n.d.
Bibring, Edward, 1952
Chatterji, Suniti Kumar, 1949
Chernakov, Sasha, 1952
De Monchy, René, 1952
Dehn, Adolph, n.d.
Deuticke, Franz, 1952
Foulkes, S. H., 1969
Friedjung, B. E., 1966
Friedländer, Otto, 1954
Friedmann, Max W., 1954
Frohlich-Bume, Lili, 1970
Gerard, R. W., 1958
Goetz, Bruno, 1952, 1967
Page 59
Papers of Sigmund Freud
INTERVIEWS AND RECOLLECTIONS, 1914-1998, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
113 (cont.)
Recollections See also Closed
Grotjahn, Martin, 1954
Hall, H. Duncan, n.d.
Hall, Robert, 1963, n.d.
Haller, Ferdinand, 1959
Hermann, Robert, 1967
Hitschmann, Eduard, n.d.
Hofer, Otto, 1958
Hollstein, Trude, 1954
Hölzer-Weinck, Irene, 1958
Juliusburger, Otto, 1952, n.d.
Knoepfmacher, Hugo, 1961, n.d.
Krieger, Raya Raissa, 1953
Kriser, Rudolf, 1954
Kükelhan, John, 1965
Levy, Kata, n.d.
Loewy, Hanna M., 1975-1979, 1998
Lothar, Ernst, n.d.
Michaels, Joseph J., 1954
Miscellaneous, 1914-1975, n.d.
Orgel, Samuel Zachary, n.d.
Pankejeff, Sergius, 1978
Peck, Abigail S., 1962
Reik, Theodor, n.d.
Riklin, Franz, n.d.
Rosenfeld, Eva, 1977
Rosenfeld, Valti, 1967
Sachs, Oscar, 1958
Scheu, Robert, 1954
Thompson, Dorothy, 1953
Urbach-Federn, Annie, 1952
Weiss, Edoardo, n.d.
Williams, E. A., 1967
Winterstein, Alfred, 1954
Yabe, Yaekichi, 1931
Zilbourg, Gregory, n.d.
Zimmerman, M., 1954
Unidentified, 1976
Page 60
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 61
ARTIFACTS, ca. 6th century-1st century B.C., n.d.
Con tainer No s.
VA 1
Pocket watch, n.d.
VA 2
Small Greek statue, ca. 6th century-1st century B.C.
RESTRICTED,* 1952-1960, n.d.
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Benedek, Therese, 1953 May not be photocopied before 2020
Frankl, Viktor, 1959 May not be photocopied before 2020
Graf, Herbert, 1959 May not be photocopied before 2020
Graf, Mrs. Herbert, 1960 May not be photocopied before 2020
Jackson, Edith Banfield, 1954 May not be photocopied
Jung, C. G., 1953 May not be photocopied until 2013
Kosawa, Heisaku, n.d. May not be photocopied before 2010
Kurokawa, [?], 1952 May not be photocopied before 2013
Pankejeff, Sergius May not be photocopied before 2010
1952-1954 (5 folders)
1955 (3 folders)
Riviere, Joan, 1953 May not be photocopied before 2020
Tansley, A. G., 1953 May not be photocopied before 2013
Weil, Frederic, re Sergius Pankejeff, 1955 May not be photocopied
before 2013
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d.
Family Papers
Correspondence with Sigmund Freud
Bernays, Emmeline and Minna
1887 (Container 1) Closed until 2007
1887 (Container 1) Closed
Bernays, Minna, 1893 (Container 1) Closed
Freud, Anna
From Freud, 1920-1938 (Container 2) Closed
Freud, Margarethe (Magnus), 1928 (Container 3) Closed until 2013
This material may be viewed by researchers but may not be photocopied before the
scheduled date of derestriction.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 62
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 1 (cont.)
General Correspondence
Bernfeld, Siegfried, 1921-1922 (Container 17) Closed until 2010
Blumenthal, Mr. [?], 1924 (Container 18) Closed
Blumgart, Leonard, 1922-1923 (Container 18) Closed until 2010
Bornstain, M., 1920 (Container 18) Closed
Breuer, Josef, Mathilde, and Robert, 1884, 1889, 1898 (Container 18)
Brunswick, Mark, 1924, 1929, 1934-1937 (Container 19) Closed
Carstens, Erik, 1933 (Container 20) Closed until 2005
Dirsztay, Viktor von, Baron, note by K. R. Eissler, 1959 (Container 21)
Closed until 2009
Hitschmann, Eduard
Photocopies and transcripts, 1910-1931, n.d. (Container 29) Closed
until 2009
Jackson, Edith Banfield, 1936 (Container 30) Closed until 2010
Jekels, Ludwig
Photocopies, 1909-1910, 1922-1927 (Container 30) Closed until
Kris, Ernst and Marianne, 1930-1931, 1937, n.d. (Container 35)
Liebman, Julius, 1925-1932 (Container 36) Closed until 2009
Löwenstein, Hubertus, Prinz zu, 1938 (Container 36) Closed until
Malinowski, Bronislaw, 1912-1921 (Container 37) Closed until 2010
Muthmann, Arthur, n.d. (Container 37) Closed until 2010
Reich, Wilhelm, 1925-1935 (Container 39) Closed until 2005
Rie, Oscar
1921-1923 (Container 39) Closed until 2021
1929 (Container 39) Closed
Zweig, Arnold, 1927-1938 (Container 44) Closed until 2010
(3 folders)
(4 folders)
Zweig, Stefan, 1908-1938 (Container 44) Closed until 2010
By Freud
Photocopies and transcripts, 1910-1913, 1920 (Container 44)
Closed until 2010
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 63
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 2 (cont.)
General Correspondence
Names withheld
Correspondent A, 1920-1925 (Container 44) Closed until 2016
Correspondent B, 1924-1938 (Container 44) Closed until 2017
Correspondent C, 1899 (Container 44) Closed until 2010
Correspondent D, 1928 (Container 44) Closed until 2016
Correspondent E, 1911-1917 (Container 44) Closed until 2009
Subject File
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, patient case files
Originals, 1881-1883 (Container 45) Closed. See Oversize
Notes, 1909, n.d. (Container 50) Closed until 2010. See also
Pocket notebooks
1901-1915, 1925, n.d. (2 folders) (Container 50) Closed
[“Preface to Max Eitingon’s Bericht über die Berliner
Psychoanalytische Poliklinik”] [g], handwriten manuscript
(Containers 50 and OV 8) Closed
“Traum vom 8/9 Juli Dr/Fr 3/4 2 beim Erwachen,” holograph
manuscript and typed transcript (Containers 50 and OV 14)
Closed. See Oversize
[Unidentified notes], holograph and photocopied manuscripts
(Containers 50 and OV 14) Closed
Supplemental File
Subject File
Bonaparte, Marie, Princess
Freud letters copied for Anna Freud, 1926-1939, 1954
(Container 51) Closed
Breuer, Josef, page proofs of “Theoretisches,” Studien über
Hysterie, 1894 (Container 51) Closed
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 64
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 3 (cont.)
Supplemental File
Subject File
Einstein, Albert
Letter to [?] Ehrmann, photocopy and transcript, 1953
(Container 54) Closed until 2010
Eissler, K. R., explanation of a letter written by Freud on 19 Apr.
1928, 1961 (Container 54) Closed until 2016
Fichtner, Gerhard, guides to Freudiana
“Freuds Patienten,” 1979-1982 (Container 55) Closed
Freud family history, 1765, n.d. (Container 58) Closed until 2008
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Abraham, Hilda, 1953 Closed until 2017
Altmann, S., 1956 Closed until 2020
Ames, Thaddeus H., 1952 Closed until 2020
Angel, Klaus, 1958 Closed until 2013
Augenfeld, Felix, 1954 Closed until 2017
Balint, Michael, 1956 Closed until 2013
Barjansky, Catherine, 1956 Closed until 2013
Barsis, Mrs. Max, 1956 Closed until 2013
Bauer, Julius, 1953 Closed until 2013
[Bauer, Karl?], n.d. Closed until 2010
Bender, Lauretta, 1954 Closed until 2020
Benjamin, H., 1960 Closed until 2020
Berdach, Rahel, 1954 Closed until 2013
Berg, [?], sister of Alban Berg, 1953 Closed until 2008
Bernays, Anna Freud
1952 Closed until 2020
1952 Closed until 2056
Bernays, Hella, 1952 Closed until 2020
Bibring, Edward, 1953 Closed until 2020
Bibring, Grete, 1954 Closed until 2020
Bienenfeld, Rudolf, 1953 Closed until 2020
Binswanger, Ludwig, 1954 Closed until 2020
Bircher, Max, 1954 Closed until 2020
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 65
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 5 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Birnstein, Max, 1955 Closed until 2020
Blanton, Smiley, 1952 Closed until 2017
Bleuer, Manfred, 1954 Closed until 2020
Blum, Ernst, n.d. Closed until 2020
Blum, Victor, 1953 Closed until 2017
Blumgart, Leonard, 1952 Closed until 2013
Braun-Vogelstein, Julie
1954 Closed until 2020
1959 Closed until 2010
Brentano, John, 1954 Closed until 2020
Breuer, Hanna, 1954 Closed until 2020
Brücke, [?], 1958 Closed until 2020
Brunswick, David, 1953 Closed until 2013
Casparius, Hans, 1956 Closed until 2020
Cassirer Bernfeld, Suzanne, 1953, 1959 Closed until 2020
Chernakov, Sasha, 1952 Closed until 2013
Dehn, Adolf, 1959 Closed until 2020
Dehn-Thomas, Mura, 1960 Closed until 2020
Deming, Julia, 1953 Closed until 2013
Deri, Frances, 1953 Closed until 2020
Deutsch, Felix and Helene, 1954 Closed until 2050
Deutsch, Lucy Bernays, 1952 Closed until 2020
Dormandi, Mrs. Ladislas, 1957 Closed until 2020
Dreikurs, Rudolf, 1954 Closed until 2010
Eisler, Paula, 1954 Closed until 2020
Eissler, Margit, 1952 Closed until 2017
Elbogen, [?], 1953 Closed until 2020
Elias, Ada, 1953 Closed until 2013
Emerich, Paul, 1956 Closed until 2013
Engel, Stephen, 1954 Closed until 2020
Ephron, [?], 1960 Closed until 2020
Federn, Ernst, 1952 Closed until 2013
Fehl, Siegfried, 1952 Closed until 2007
Fenichel, Hanna, 1953 Closed until 2020
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 66
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 6 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Fichtl, Paula, 1955-1956 Closed until 2013
Figdor, [Melanie?], 1956 Closed until 2020
Flournoy, Henri, 1953 Closed until 2020
Foges, Elsa
1953 (2 folders) Closed until 2020
1953 Closed until 2057
Frankley, Gerta, 1951 Closed until 2010
Freud, Anna, 1956 Closed until 2020
Freud, Ernestine Drucker, 1953 (3 folders) Closed until 2053
Freud, Harry, 1952 Closed until 2057
Freud, Margarethe (Magnus), n.d. Closed until 2020
Freud, Oliver, 1953 Closed until 2057
Friedemann, M., 1954 Closed until 2020
Frink, Angelica Bijur (Mrs. Horace), 1952 Closed until 2020
Glanz, Heinrich, 1957 Closed until 2020
Glanz, Selma, 1957 Closed until 2020
Glover, Edward, 1953 Closed until 2013
Grinker, Roy R., n.d. Closed until 2020
Gross, Alfred, 1954 Closed until 2013
Gurewich, Vladimir, 1955 Closed until 2020
Haas, [?], 1953 Closed until 2020
Häberlin, Paul, 1953 Closed until 2017
Hammerschlag, [?], 1951 Closed until 2010
Hammerschlag, Ernst, n.d. Closed until 2013
Harms, Ernst, 1957 Closed until 2020
Hawkins, Mary O’Neil, 1953 Closed until 2020
Heller, Judith Bernays
1952 Closed until 2010
1952 Closed until 2017
1953 (3 folders) Closed until 2057
Hirsch, Oskar, and [?] Zinner, 1953 Closed until 2020
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 67
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 9 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Hirst, Albert
1951 Closed until 2010
1952 Closed until 2020
X 10
Hitschmann, Eduard
1952-1953 (2 folders) Closed until 2017
1954 Closed until 2013
Hitschmann, Hedwig, 1953 Closed until 2017
Hofmann, Else, 1953 Closed until 2013
Hollstein, Trude, 1954 Closed until 2020
Indra, Herman, 1954 Closed until 2020
Jackson, Edith Banfield, 1954 Closed
Jacobi, [?], 1953 Closed until 2020
Jacobson, Pauline, 1964 Closed until 2020
Jekels, Ludwig
1951 Closed until 2013
ca. 1953 Closed until 2020
Jelliffe, Mrs. Smith Ely, 1954 Closed until 2020
Jerusalem, Mr. and Mrs., 1955 Closed until 2020
X 11
Johannsen, M. W., 1953 Closed until 2013
Jokl, Robert H., 1953 Closed until 2020
Kaiser, Hellmuth, 1958 Closed until 2013
Kauders, Walter, 1953 Closed until 2013
Keller, Adolf, 1953 Closed until 2020
Kelsen, Hans, 1953 Closed until 2020
Klein, Melanie, 1953 Closed until 2008
Klemperer, Paul, 1952 Closed until 2020
Kluge, [?], 1954 Closed until 2020
Knoepfmacher, Hugo, 1952 Closed until 2020
Koestler, Arthur, 1953 Closed until 2020
Koestler, Mrs. Arthur, 1953 Closed until 2020
Krafft, Margaret R., 1954 Closed until 2020
Krausz, Victor Wilhelm, 1952 Closed until 2020
Kris, Ernst, 1953 Closed until 2013
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 68
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 11 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Lachenbruch, Mr. and Mrs., 1953 Closed until 2020
Lambda, Peter, 1953 Closed until 2020
X 12
Lampl, Hans, 1953 Closed until 2008
Langstadt, Fred F., 1952 Closed until 2020
Laurvik, [?], 1952 Closed until 2020
Leder, Marie, 1954 Closed until 2020
Leeuw, Charles van der, 1954 Closed until 2020
Leftwich, Joseph, 1956 Closed until 2006
Leichter, Otto, regarding Otto Bauer, 1954 Closed until 2020
Leipen, [?], 1952 Closed until 2020
Liebman, Julius, 1954 Closed until 2007
Liebman, Nelly, 1956 Closed until 2020
Lippman, Hyman S., 1954 Closed until 2013
Loewenstein, Rudolph Maurice, 1952 Closed until 2020
Loewenstein, Sofie Freud
1953 Closed until 2017
1953 (2 folders) Closed until 2020
X 13
Lustig, Robert, 1959 Closed until 2020
Lüthy, Emil, 1954 Closed until 2020
Maastright, Anna, 1954 Closed until 2020
Mack, Cecile, 1953 Closed until 2020
Maeder, Alfonse, 1953 Closed until 2020
Maenchen, Anja, 1953 Closed until 2020
Maenchen, Otto, 1953 Closed until 2020
Mahler-Werfel, Alma, 1953 Closed until 2020
Marlé, Arnold, 1953 Closed until 2017
Meier, C. A., 1954 Closed until 2013
Meng, Heinrich, 1954 Closed until 2013
Michel, Loschka, 1960 Closed until 2020
Moebius, Ilse, 1953 Closed until 2020
Mopp, Maximilian, 1953 Closed until 2017
Müller, Max, 1954 Closed until 2020
Murray, H. A., 1954 Closed until 2013
Niedermeyer, [?], 1953 Closed until 2020
Niedinger, [?], 1953 Closed until 2008
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 69
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 13 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Novotny, Fritz, 1954 Closed until 2013
Nunberg, Herman, 1953 Closed until 2020
Oberndorf, Clarence P.
1952 Closed until 2013
1952 Closed until 2057
X 14
Pankejeff, Sergius
1952-1954 Closed until 2010
1953-1960 (8 folders) Closed until 2020
Papanek, Ernst, 1959 Closed until 2020
Patak, Erna, 1954 Closed until 2013
Patzau, Natalie, 1958 Closed until 2020
X 15
Paul, David
1953 Closed until 2007
1953 Closed until 2017
Peck, Mrs. Martin, 1953 Closed until 2020
Penrose, L. S., 1953 Closed until 2013
Peschke-Schmutzer, [?], 1956 Closed until 2020
Pfister, Oskar, 1953 Closed until 2013
Philipp, Oscar, and son, 1958 Closed until 2020
Pick, Maria, 1958 Closed until 2020
Pollak, Max, 1952 Closed until 2013
Pollak, Max (b. 1886) and wife, 1953 Closed until 2013
Pötzl, Otto, 1953 Closed until 2020
Powers, Lillian Delger, 1952 Closed until 2017
Presser, Karl, 1953 Closed until 2020
Putnam, Marian C., 1958 Closed until 2010
Rank, Beata, 1953-1954 Closed until 2013
Regele, [?], 1954 Closed until 2020
Reich, Ann, 1956 Closed until 2013
Reich, Valerie, 1953 Closed until 2007
Reich, Wilhelm, 1952 (3 folders) Closed until 2008
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 70
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 16
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Reik, Theodor, 1954 (2 folders) Closed until 2013
Reiss, Leo J., 1953 Closed until 2020
Rie, Bella, 1953 Closed until 2020
Rie, Robert, 1953 Closed until 2020
Ritholz, S., 1956 Closed until 2020
Robitschek, Stefan, 1954 Closed until 2020
Roden, Max, 1955 Closed until 2020
Róheim, Géza, 1952 Closed until 2013
Romain, [?], (Bella Rie’s daughter), 1953 Closed until 2020
Rosenbaum, Milton, 1955 Closed until 2020
Rosenfeld, Eva, 1953 (2 folders) Closed until 2008
Sachs, Emmy, 1953 Closed until 2020
Sarasin, Philipp
1954 Closed until 2013
1954 Closed until 2020
X 17
Schacherl, Max, 1956 Closed until 2013
Schalk, Lili, 1953 Closed until 2020
Scheu, Robert, 1954 Closed until 2020
Schmiedeberg, Walter, 1954 Closed until 2013
Schnitzler, Olga, 1953 Closed until 2013
Scholem, Fanya, 1956 Closed until 2020
Schönberner, Franz, 1954 Closed until 2020
Schulhof, Mimi, 1956 Closed until 2020
Schultz, I. H., 1968 Closed until 2020
Schur, Max, 1953 Closed until 2020
Schwarz, [?], 1953 Closed until 2020
Severn, Elizabeth, 1952 Closed until 2017
Seyler, Clarence A., 1953 Closed until 2020
Silbermann, Maximilian, 1956 Closed until 2020
Simmel, Hertha, 1953 Closed until 2013
Smeltz, George W., 1959 Closed until 2013
Spitz, René A., 1953 Closed until 2020
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 71
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 17 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Steinberg, Isaac, 1956 Closed until 2020
Steiner, Berta, 1955 Closed until 2020
Stenby, [?], n.d. Closed until 2020
Sterba, Richard, 1955 Closed until 2020
X 18
Stern, Adolph, 1952 Closed until 2013
Stiedry, [?], 1958 Closed until 2020
Stolper, Toni, 1956 Closed until 2020
Straus, Mrs. Nathan, 1957 Closed until 2020
Swoboda, Hermann, 1953, 1956, 1960 Closed until 2020
Szabó, Szerena, 1953 Closed until 2010
Tamm, A., 1954 Closed until 2020
Telatko, [?], 1955 Closed until 2020
Teleki, Ludwig, 1956 Closed until 2020
Tischler, M., 1953 Closed until 2020
Urbach-Federn, Annie, 1952, 1974 Closed until 2020
Urbantschitsch, Rudolf von, 1953 Closed until 2013
Versteeg, [?], 1954 Closed until 2020
Viereck, George Sylvester, 1952 Closed until 2013
Von Brücke, Dora, 1953 Closed until 2013
Von Freund, Roszi, 1953 Closed until 2013
Von Leth, [?], 1954 Closed until 2020
Von Mises, Hilda, 1953 Closed until 2020
Wagner, Richard, 1953 Closed until 2020
Walder, Robert, 1953 Closed until 2020
Waldinger, Ernst, 1953 Closed until 2020
X 19
Wechsler, Israel Spanier, 1952 Closed until 2020
Weinmann, Peter, 1953 Closed until 2013
Weiss, Edoardo
1952 Closed until 2057
1954, n.d. (2 folders) Closed until 2020
Wenkart, Simon I., 1958 Closed until 2020
Wernay, Lucy, 1953 Closed until 2020
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 72
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 19 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Interviews (Container 112)
Wittels, Lilly, 1954 Closed until 2013
Woolf, Leonard, 1956 Closed until 2013
Zelenka, Otto, 1954 Closed until 2013
Zinner, [?] See Container X 9, Hirsch, Oskar
Zweig, Adam, 1952 Closed until 2013
Zweig, Arnold, 1952 Closed until 2020
Identities withheld
Interviewee A, 1956 Closed until 2038
Interviewee B, 1953 Closed until 2057
X 20
Recollections (Containers 112-113)
Alexander, Franz, n.d. Closed until 2010
Baumgardt, David, n.d. Closed until 2009
Behrman, A. (Arnold Hillriegel), 1938 Closed until 2010
Boehm, Felix, 1956 Closed until 2006
Briehl, Marie H., 1956 Closed until 2020
Brychta-Graf, Olga, 1953 Closed until 2010
Deri, Frances, 1953 Closed until 2006
Deutsch, Felix, ca. 1949 Closed until 2010
Fichtl, Paula, 1952, n.d. Closed until 2007
Finzi, N. S., 1954 Closed until 2010
Freud, Martin, n.d. Closed until 2010
Friemel, Fritz, n.d. Closed until 2010
Fürth-Brams, Hertha, 1951 Closed until 2010
Goetz, Bruno, n.d. Closed until 2010
Gross, [?], regarding “Elizabeth von R.,” 1953 Closed until 2010
Heller, Judith Bernays, 1953 Closed until 2010
Hopkins, Prynce, 1954 Closed until 2010
Jekels, Ludwig
Undated Closed until 2010
Klingmüller-Paquet, Henriette, 1953 Closed until 2010
Krafft, Margaret R., n.d. Closed until 2010
Krausz, Wilhelm Viktor, 1952 Closed until 2008
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 73
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 20 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Recollections (Containers 112-113)
Kvergic-Kraus, Gertrude, 1952 Closed until 2010
Lacassagne, A., 1954 Closed until 2010
Laforgue, René, 1952 Closed until 2013
Levy, Erwin, 1982 Closed until 2010
Lewinson, H. B., 1956 Closed until 2008
Lobner, Hans, 1973 Closed until 2010
Low, Barbara
1954, n.d. Closed until 2010
Undated Closed until 2009
Meng, Heinrich, n.d. Closed until 2016
Moebius, Emy I., 1952 Closed until 2010
Paneth, Marie, n.d. Closed until 2010
Patak, Erna, 1954 Closed until 2010
Peck, Martin, 1953 Closed until 2010
Regele, Klara, 1953 Closed until 2020
Reiss, Elsa, 1953 Closed until 2010
Ritholz, Sophie, 1956 Closed until 2020
Rosenfeld, Eva, n.d. Closed until 2020
Samet, B., 1953, n.d. Closed until 2010
Simon, Ernst, regarding Wilhelm Fliess, 1971 Closed until 2020
Stolper, Toni, 1956 Closed until 2008
Tansley, A. G.
1954 Closed until 2009
Undated Closed until 2010
Teirich, Valentin
1954 Closed until 2010
1956 Closed until 2016
Urbantschitsch, Rudolf von
1952 Closed until 2010
1956 Closed until 2008
Von Mirtow, Paula Fürth, n.d. Closed until 2008
Wagner, Richard, 1952 Closed until 2010
Walder, Robert, 1939 Closed until 2017
Waldinger, Ernst, 1952 Closed until 2010
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 74
CLOSED, 1765-1982, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
X 20 (cont.)
Interviews and Recollections
Recollections (Containers 112-113)
Weiss, Edoardo, n.d. Closed until 2010
Wulf, Mosheh, 1948 Closed until 2010
Zweig, Margarete Beatrice, 1953 Closed until 2010
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d.
Con tainer No s.
OV 1
Family Papers
Subject File
Freud, Amalia and Jacob
Miscellaneous legal documents, including Freud family birth
and death data, 1859 (Container 13)
Freud, Josef, documents regarding conviction for counterfeiting
rubles, 1865-1866 (Container 14)
General Correspondence
Fliess, Wilhelm, 1896-1897 (Container 26)
Jung, C. G.
From Freud
Originals, 1907 (Container 32)
Subject File
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, patient case files
Originals, 1881-1883 (Container 45)
Military records
Originals, 1886-1887 (Container 49)
Photocopies, 1885-1888 (Container 49)
Newspaper and magazine clippings
Photocopies and originals, 1932 (Container 49)
Psychoanalytic congresses, announcements and photograph, 1929
(Container 50)
University records
As student, 1873 (Container 50)
Certificate of classes taken, 1879 (Container 50)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 75
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos. *
OV 2
Writings** (Container 50)
“Beobachtungen über Gestaltung und feineren Bau der als
Hoden beschriebenen Lappenorgane des Aals” [b],***
photocopy of printed publication
ca. 1882
“Verzeichnis der Briefe und Liebeszeichen die Ich von meiner
theuren Martha erhalten habe,” holograph manuscript
“Unsere Geheim-Chronik begonnen am 25 Jan. 83,”
holograph chronicle with alternating entries by Sigmund
Freud and Martha Bernays on various dates in 1883, 1884,
and 1886
“Die Struktur der Elemente des Nervensystems” [1882] [f],
photocopy of printed publication
not filmed
not filmed
Microfilm shelf no. 21,186
Titles are cited as they appear on the manuscripts, with brackets denoting either a
differing published title from that on the manuscript or a descriptive summary of material which
remained untitled and/or unpublished. Dates bracketed after a title indicate the probable year a
manuscript was written.
Bracketed letters in lower case after an entry refer to the code used by James Strachey
in Indexes and Bibliographies, volume 24 of The Standard Edition of the Complete
Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (London: Hogarth Press and Institute of Psycho-analysis,
1974) and, for works published after 1974, by Ingeborg Meyer-Palmedo and Gerhard Fichtner,
Freud-Bibliographie mit Werkkonkordanz (Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1989). The
letter designations were established in these bibliographic guides for ordering purposes and do
not necessarily reflect the sequence in which the manuscripts were written or published within a
given year.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 76
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 2 (cont.)
1 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cocawirkung” [a], offprint
inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer
“Ein Fall von Muskelatrophie mit ausgebreiteten
Sensibilitätsstörungen (Syringomyelie)” [c], offprint
inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer
“Beobachtung einer hochgradigen Hemianästhesie bei einem
hysterischen Manne (Beiträge zur Kasuistik der
Hysterie I),” with published response by Leopold
Königstein [d]
Negative photocopy of printed publication
Offprint inscribed by Freud to Josef Breuer, printed
publication and photocopy of same
“Kritische Einleitung in die Nervenpathologie,” photocopy of
holograph manuscript
“Probleme” [Draft A],* holograph manuscript
[Translation of lectures by J. M. Charcot], holograph
manuscripts described as Lecture I, pp. 12-13 (sheets
15-16), Lecture XVII, pp. 195-201 (sheets 11-22), and
Lecture XVIII, pp. 202-208 (sheets 1-11)
“Die Aetiologie der Neurosen” [Draft B], holograph
“Etwas Motivenbericht” [Draft C], holograph manuscript
ca. 1893
[Ten points on the origin of hysterical manifestations],
holograph manuscript with photocopy
Draft writings identified partially with a bracketed alphabetical designation from “A” to
“N” refer to early Freud manuscripts as described and published in The Complete Letters of
Sigmund Freud to Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904 (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 1985), translated and edited by J. Moussaieff Masson.
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 77
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 2 (cont.)
1 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Zur Aetiologie und Theorie der grossen Neurosen” [Draft D],
holograph manuscript
“Wie die Angst entsteht” [Draft E], holograph manuscript
“Sammlung III” [Draft F], photocopy of holograph manuscript
[Notes on a manuscript by Wilhelm Fliess], photocopy of
holograph manuscript and typed transcript
“Melancholie” [Draft G], holograph manuscript
“Paranoia” [Draft H], holograph manuscript
“Migraine feste Punkte” [Draft I], photocopy of holograph
manuscript (2 copies)
“Frau Regine Kunn 27 J[ahre]” [Draft J], redacted photocopy
of holograph manuscript
“ Die Abwehrneurosen (Weihnachtsmärchen)” [Draft K],
holograph manuscript
[Draft L], with letter to Wilhelm Fliess, 1897, May 2,
photocopy of holograph manuscript
“Architektur der Hysterie” [Draft M], holograph manuscript
[Draft N], with letter to Wilhelm Fliess, 1897, May 31,
holograph manuscript
[Collection of notes on various subjects, beginning “Aus
älteren Aufzeichnungen von 1897 an”], holograph
manuscripts with photocopies and typewritten
transcriptions (3 folders)
[“Zur Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens”] [b]
[“III: Vergessen vom Namen und Wortfolgen”], holograph
manuscript (numbered 1-10 with an additional page)
with photocopy
[IV: “Über Kindheits- und Deckerinnerungen”], holograph
manuscript (numbered 1-5) with photocopy
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 78
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 2 (cont.)
1 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
[Notes on diverse subjects, including on the psychology of
human love], holograph manuscript with photocopy
“Professor Sigmund Freud” [“Antwort auf eine Rundfrage”]
[f], photocopy of printed publication
“Der Wahn und die Träume in W. Jensen’s ‘Gradiva’” [a],
photocopies from 1907 and 1908 published editions and
transcript of “Anzeige” from 1907 edition
“Zur sexuellen Aufklärung der Kinder” [c], holograph
“Charakter und Analerotik” [b], holograph manuscript
“Über infantile Sexualtheorien” [c], holograph manuscript
OV 3
not filmed
“Die ‘kulturelle’ Sexualmoral and die moderne Nervosität”
[d], holograph manuscript
“Allgemeines über den hysterischen Anfall” [a] [1908],
holograph manuscript
“Bemerkungen über einen Fall von Zwangsneurose” [d] [Rat
Man], holograph manuscript (2 folders)
“Reisejournal, [Aug. 21-24]” holograph manuscript and
partial transcript
[Notes on dreams and dream symbols with first page titled “3
Sammelbögen,” 1909, Apr. 20], holograph manuscripts
with photocopies
“Über die Entstehung und Entwicklung der Psychoanalyse”
[“Über Psychoanalyse”] [a] [1909], holograph manuscript
(2 folders)
“Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci” [c],
holograph manuscript (2 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 79
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 3 (cont.)
1 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Über den Gegensinn der Urworte” [e], holograph manuscript
“Zur Einleitung der Selbstmord-Diskussion. Schlusswort” [g],
holograph manuscript
“Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens: Über einen
besonderen Typus der Objektwahl beim Manne” [h],
holograph manuscript
“Sammlung zum Traum,” 1911, Dec. 12, holograph
“Nachträge zur Traumdeutung” [a], holograph manuscript
“Formulierungen über die zwei Prinzipien des psychischen
Geschehens” [b], holograph manuscript
“Psychoanalytische Bemerkungen über einen
autobiographisch beschriebenen Fall von Paranoia
(Dementia Paranoides)” [c] [Schreber case], holograph
manuscript (2 folders)
“Die Handhabung der Traumdeutung in der Psychoanalyse”
[e], holograph manuscript
“Ideen u[nd] Entdeckungen,” holograph manuscript with
OV 4
“Über einige Übereinstimmungen im Seelenleben der Wilden
und der Neurotiker” [“Totem und Tabu”] [a]
[Miscellaneous manuscripts], holograph manuscripts with
“II: Das Tabu und die Ambivalenz der Gefühlsregungen,”
photocopy of holograph manuscript (3 folders)
“III: Animismus, Magie und Allmacht der Gedanken,”
holograph manuscript
“IV: Die infantile Wiederkehr des Totemismus,”
holograph manuscript (2 folders)
[Bibliographic notes], holograph manuscripts with
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 80
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 4 (cont.)
2 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Ein Traum als Beweismittel” [a], holograph manuscript
“Weitere Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: I, Zur
Einleitung der Behandlung” [c], holograph manuscript
“Das Motiv der Kästchenwahl” [f], holograph manuscript
“Zwei Kinderlügen” [g], holograph manuscript
“Die Disposition zur Zwangsneurose” [i], holograph
“Über fausse reconnaissance (‘déjà raconté’) während der
psychoanalytischen Arbeit” [a], holograph manuscript
“Der Moses des Michelangelo” [b], holograph manuscript
with ink sketch of Michelangelo’s “Moses”
“Zur Einführung des Narzissmus” [c], holograph manuscript
“Zur Psychologie des Gymnasiasten” [f], photocopy of printed
“Zur Geschichte der psychoanalytischen Bewegung” [d],
holograph manuscript (2 folders)
OV 5
“Weitere Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: II,
Erinnern, Wiederholen und Durcharbeiten” [g], holograph
[Various notes on “Macbeth,” 1914, July], holograph
manuscripts with photocopies
“Bemerkungen über die Übertragungsliebe” [“Weitere
Ratschläge zur Technik der Psychoanalyse: III”] [a],
holograph manuscript
“Zeitgemässes über Krieg und Tod” [b], holograph
“Triebe und Triebschicksale” [c], holograph manuscript
“Die Verdrängung” [d], holograph manuscript
“Das Unbewusste” [e], holograph manuscript
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 81
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 5 (cont.)
2 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Mitteilung eines der psychoanalytischen Theorie
widersprechenden Falles von Paranoia” [f], holograph
[Letter to Dr. F. van Eeden] [1914] [g], corrected and signed
typewritten proof and photocopy of holograph manuscript
“Wir und der Tod” [1915, Feb. 7] [i], holograph manuscript
with photocopy
[Letter dated 1915, Feb. 7, on melancholia], holograph
“Mythologische Parallele zu einer plastischen
Zwangsvorstellung” [b], holograph manuscript
“Eine Beziehung zwischen einem Symbol und einem
Symptom” [c], holograph manuscript
part. filmed
not filmed
OV 6
“Einige Charaktertypen aus der psychoanalytischen Arbeit”
[d], holograph manuscript
“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse” [a]
[“I Teil: Die Fehlleistungen (I-IV)”], holograph
manuscript (2 folders)
[“II Teil: Der Traum,” begins “Fünfte Vorlesung”],
holograph manuscript (5 folders)
“Neurosenlehre: I. Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie”
[“Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse:
III Teil: Allgemeine Neurosenlehre”], holograph
manuscript (7 folders)
“Eine Schwierigkeit der Psychoanalyse” [a], holograph
“Eine Kindheitserinnerung aus Dichtung und Wahrheit” [b],
holograph manuscript
“Über Triebumsetzungen, insbesondere der Analerotik” [c],
holograph manuscript
“Metapsychologische Ergänzung zur Traumlehre” [d],
holograph manuscript
“Trauer und Melancholie” [1915] [e], holograph manuscript
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 82
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 6 (cont.)
3 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Beiträge zur Psychologie des Liebeslebens: Das Tabu der
Virginität” [a], holograph manuscript
OV 7
“Aus der Geschichte einer infantilen Neurose” [b] [Wolf-Man
case], holograph manuscript (4 folders)
“Sammlung kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre, vierte folge”
Photocopies of title page and table of contents
Corrected galley proofs, pp. 449-480 (pp. 465-480 are
misnumbered as 365-380), 1918, Aug., printed
publication with photocopies (2 folders)
“Wege der psychoanalytischen Therapie” [a], holograph
“James J. Putnam” [b], holograph manuscript
“Zur psychoanalytischer Bewegung. Internationaler
psychoanalytischer Verlag und Preiszuteilungen für
psychoanalytische Arbeiten” [c], holograph manuscript
“Vorwort” [“Einleitung zu Zur Psychoanalyse der
Kriegsneurosen”] [d], holograph manuscript
“Ein Kind wird geschlagen, Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
Entstehung sexueller Perversionen” [e], holograph
“Vorrede” [“Vorrede zu Reik Probleme der
Religionpsychologie”] [g], holograph manuscript
“Das Unheimliche” [h], holograph manuscript
“Über die Psychogenese eines Falles von weiblicher
Homosexualität” [a] [Trautenegg case], holograph
“Zur Vorgeschichte der analytischen Technik” [b], holograph
“Dr. Anton v. Freund” [c], holograph manuscript
“Gedankenassoziation eines 4 jährigen Kindes” [“Gedankenassoziation eines vierjährigen Kindes”] [d], holograph
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 83
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 7 (cont.)
3 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Vorwort zur vierten Auflage [der Drei Abhandlungen zur
Sexualtheorie]” [e]
Holograph manuscript (2 folders)
Typewritten manuscript with holograph corrections and
additions with photocopy and holograph reaction to
essay not in Freud’s hand
“Jenseits des Lustprinzips” [g]
Holograph manuscript
Holograph and typewritten manuscript, bound
[“Massenpsychologie und Ich-Analyse”] [c], photocopies of
holograph manuscripts
“Traum und Telepathie” [a], holograph manuscript
“Über einige neurotische Mechanismen bei Eifersucht,
Paranoia und Homosexualität” [b], holograph manuscript
OV 8
not filmed
“Nachschrift zur Analyse des kleinen Hans” [c], holograph
“Geleitwort” [“Preface (in French) to Raymond de Saussure’s
‘La méthode psychoanalytique’”] [e], holograph
manuscript with photocopy and typewritten transcript
“Teufelsverschreibung,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
“Dream and Telepathy” [a], typewritten English translation by
Wilson Vance with corrections not in Freud’s hand but
signed by him and holograph comments by Freud
“Libido Theorie” [a], holograph manuscript
“Das Ich und das Es” [b]
Holograph manuscript (2 folders)
Published copy by Internationaler Psychoanalytischer
Verlag, 1923, original (lacks covers and spine) with
occasional pencilled notes not in Freud’s hand and
photocopy (2 folders)
“Bemerkungen zur Theorie und Praxis der Traumdeutung”
[c], holograph manuscript
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 84
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 8 (cont.)
4 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Eine Teufelsneurose im siebzehnten Jahrhundert” [1922] [d]
Holograph manuscript (5 folders)
Holograph manuscripts with photocopies (2 folders)
“Die infantile Genitalorganisation (Eine Einschaltung in die
Sexualtheorie)” [e], holograph manuscript
“Dr. Ferenczi Sándor” [i], typewritten transcript and
photocopy of holograph manuscript
[“Preface to Max Eitingon’s Bericht über die Berliner
psychoanalytische Poliklinik”] [g], holograph manuscript
See Closed
“Neurose und Psychose” [b], holograph manuscript
“Das ökonomische Problem des Masochismus” [c], holograph
“Der Untergang des Ödipuskomplexes” [d], holograph
not filmed
OV 9
“Die Geschichte der Psychoanalyse” [“Kurzer Abriss der
Psychoanalyse”] [1923] [f], holograph manuscript
“Mitteilung des Herausgebers” [h], holograph manuscript
“Bibliographie [zur ‘Selbstdarstellung’]” [ca. 1924],
holograph manuscript
“Notiz über den Wunderblock” [a], holograph manuscript
“Sigmund Freud” [“Selbstdarstellung”] [1924] [d]
Corrected galley proofs
Holograph manuscript, bound
Copy published by Felix Meiner Verlag, 52 pp., n.d.
“Die Widerstände gegen die Psychoanalyse” [1924] [e],
holograph manuscript
“Geleitwort [Preface to August Aichorn’s Verwahrloste
Jugend] [f], photocopy of holograph manuscript
“Josef Breuer” [g], holograph manuscript
“Die Verneinung” [h], holograph manuscript
“Einige psychische Folgen des anatomischen
Geschlechtsunterschieds” [j] [1926], holograph
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 85
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 9 (cont.)
4 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Karl Abraham” [b], holograph manuscript
“Hemmung, Symptom und Angst” [1925] [d], holograph
manuscript (2 folders)
“Die Frage der Laienanalyse” [e], holograph manuscript
(2 folders)
“Psychoanalysis” [“Psycho-Analysis: Freudian School”] [for
the thirteenth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica] [f],
holograph manuscript
“Noten zur Laienalyse” [1926-1927?], holograph manuscript
“Samuel Butler (1835-1902),” holograph manuscript
“Nachwort zur Diskussion über ‘die Frage der Laienalyse’”
[a], holograph manuscript
“Nachtrag zur vorstehenden Aufsatz” [“Nachtrag zur Arbeit
über den Moses des Michelangelo”] [b], holograph
“Die Zukunft einer Illusion” [c]
Holograph manuscript (2 folders)
Uncorrected galley proofs
OV 10
“Der Humor” [d], holograph manuscript
“Fetischismus” [e], holograph manuscript
“Fetischismus” and “Der Humor” [d] [e], corrected galley
“Ernest Jones zum 50. Geburtstag” [a], holograph manuscript
[On his smoking habit], 1929, Feb. 2, typewritten transcript
and negative photocopy of holograph manuscript
“Kürzeste Chronik,” holograph manuscript
“Das Unglück in der Kultur” [“Das Unbehagen in der
Kultur”] [1929] [a]
Holograph manuscript, bound
Photocopy of holograph chapter headings
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 86
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 10 (cont.)
5 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
[“Ansprache im Frankfurter Goethe-Haus”] [e]
Holograph manuscript
Typewritten transcript
Clippings of printed version, “Goethe und die
Psychoanalyse,” in Neue Freie Presse, 1930, Aug. 29,
and “Meine Lebensarbeit” in unidentified serial
“Vorrede zu der Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die
Psychoanalyse,” 1930, Dec., and “Vorrede zu ‘Totem und
Tabu,’” 1930, Dec., holograph manuscript
“Über libidinöse Typen” [a], holograph manuscript
“Über die weibliche Sexualität” [b], holograph manuscript
“Zur Gewinnung des Feuers” [a], holograph manuscript
“An die Vorsitzenden der psychoanalytischen
Vereinigungen,” Ostern 1932, holograph manuscript
[Max Eitingon], holograph manuscript
“Neue Vorlesungen” [“Neue Folge der Vorlesungen zur
Einführung in die Psychoanalyse”] [1932] [a], “Vorrede”
(typewritten) and holograph manuscript (5 folders)
“Sandor Ferenczi” [c], holograph manuscript
“Nachtrag” [1932?], holograph manuscript
[Unidentified quotation (for “Neue Vorlesungen XXXI”?)],
1933, Mar. 1, holograph manuscript
“Nachschrift” [“Nachschrift 1935 zur ‘Selbstdarstellung,’”
second edition] [a], holograph manuscript
OV 11
“Die Feinheit einer Fehlhandlung” [b], corrected galley proof
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 87
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 11 (cont.)
5 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
ca. 1935
“Chronologie” [bibliography and lists of foreign translations
of Freud’s writings], holograph manuscript with
[Brief an Romain Rolland]: [“Eine Erinnerungsstörung auf
der Akropolis”] [a], holograph manuscript
“Lou Andreas-Salomé” [a], holograph manuscript and
corrected galley proof
“Die endliche und die unendliche Analyse” [c]
Holograph manuscript
Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud’s hand
(4 folders)
Corrected galley proofs
“Konstruktionen in der Analyse” [d]
Holograph manuscript
Typewritten manuscript with corrections in Freud’s hand
“Wenn Moses ein Ägypter war ...” [e]
Holograph manuscript (3 folders)
Corrected galley proofs
“Ein Wort zum Antisemitismus” [a], holograph manuscript
Letter to the editor of Time and Tide, 1938, Nov. 26 [c],
published version
[Statement regarding publication of Internationale Zeitschrift
für Psychoanalyse], typewritten manuscript with
corrections in Freud’s hand
[Statement read over British Broadcasting Corp., 1938, Dec.],
holograph manuscript
OV 12
[“Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion”]
[1937-1939] [a], “Der Mann Moses, Ein Historischer
Roman,” holograph manuscript (2 folders)
“Vorbermerkung I, von dem Marz 1938" [“III: Moses, Sein
Volk und die monotheistische Religion”], holograph
manuscript (4 folders)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 88
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 12 (cont.)
5 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
[Translation with Anna Freud of Princess Marie Bonaparte’s
Topsy, Chow-Chow au Poil d’Or, Paris, 1937, under
the title Topsy, der Goldhaarige Chow, Amsterdam]
[b], holograph manuscript
Folder A
Folder B
not filmed
OV 13
“Abriss der Psychoanalyse” [1938] [a], holograph manuscript
(2 folders)
“Some elementary lessons in Psycho-Analysis” [1938] [b],
holograph manuscript
“Das Medusenhaupt” [1922] [c], holograph manuscript
“Zur Theorie des hysterischen Anfalles von Dr J. Breuer und
Dr Sigm. Freud im Wien” [“With Breuer, Jr, ‘Zur Theorie
des hysterischen Anfalls’”] [1892] [d], holograph
“Die Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang” [1938] [e], holograph
[“Brief an Josef Breuer”], 1892, June 29 [1892] [a], holograph
“III” [“Notiz ‘III’”] [1892] [b], holograph manuscript
“Eine erfüllte Traumahnung” [1899] [c], holograph
“Vorbericht” [“Psychoanalyse und Telepathie”] [1921] [d]
Holograph manuscript
Typewritten manuscript with holograph corrections not in
Freud’s hand
[“Ansprache an die Mitgleider des Vereins B’Nai B’rith
(1926)”] [1926] [e], holograph manuscript
“Ergebnisse, Ideen, Probleme” [1938] [f], holograph
“Psychopathische Personen auf der Bühne” [1905-1906] [a],
typewritten transcript and negative photocopy of
holograph manuscript
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 89
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 13 (cont.)
6 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
[“Entwurf einer Psychologie, 1895"] [Part of “Aus den
Anfängen der Psychoanalyse,” 1887-1902] [a], holograph
mansucript (2 folders)
[“A letter on Homosexuality”] [1935] [a], photocopy of
holograph manuscript
[“Original Record of the Case of Obsessional Neurosis (the
‘Rat Man’)”] [1907-1908] [a]
Holograph manuscript
German transcript
“Gutachten über eine elektrische Behandlung der
Kriegsneurotiker,” 1919-1920 [1920] [c], positive and
negative photocopies of holograph manuscript, also
transcript and negative photocopy of related background
“Bericht über meine mit Universität-Jubiläums
Reisestipendium unternommene Studienreise nach Paris
und Berlin, October 1885-Ende März 1886" [1886] [a],
negatives and negative prints of holograph manuscript
with holograph transcript not in Freud’s hand and
typewritten transcript (3 folders)
“Traüme im Folklore,” with Ernst Oppenheim [1911] [a],
photocopy of holograph manuscript, including
unidentified poetry and writings by someone other than
[“Introduction to S. Freud and W. C. Bullitt, Thomas
Woodrow Wilson, Twenty-Eighth President of the United
States: A Psychological Study”] [b] [1938], corrected
“Übersicht der Übertragungsneurosen” [1915], photocopy of
holograph manuscript
not filmed
not filmed
not filmed
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 90
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 14
6 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Abschliessende Bemerkungen,” holograph manuscript
[Autobiographical note], holograph manuscript with
“Bemerkungen zu Otto Rank, ‘Der Kunstler’,” holograph
manuscript with photocopy
“Citate und Analogien,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
[Commentary on an article by Theodor Reik], holograph
“Einige Theoretische Gesichtspunkte zur Paranoia,”
photocopy of holograph manuscript with typed transcript
[Jahresbilanz], holograph manuscript with photocopy
“Kriegswitze” [eleven war jokes], holograph manuscript with
“Meine individuelle Traumcharakteristik (Typische Traüme),”
photocopy of holograph manuscript
“My Subconscious Jewishness,” clipping from the Current
Jewish Record
[Notes and doodles], negative and positive photocopies of
holograph manuscripts
[Notes for a contribution to the Internationale Zeitschrift für
Psychoanalyse, II, 1914, re: homosexuality and
hormones (?)], holograph manuscript with photocopy
[Notes on dreams: absurdity, déjà vu, and principles],
holograph manuscripts with photocopies
[Résumé], holograph manuscript
[Skizze], holograph manuscript with photocopy of typewritten
“Traum vom 8/9 Juli Dr/Fr 3/4 2 beim Erwachen,” holograph
manuscript with typed transcript See Closed
[Unidentified fragments], holograph manuscript with typed
[Unidentified hand and typewritten manuscripts]
[Unidentified jottings] [“nachlass”], holograph manuscripts
[Unidentified notes], holograph and photocopied manuscripts
(2 folders) See also Closed
not filmed
not filmed
part. filmed
not filmed
not filmed
part. filmed
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 91
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
Reel Nos.
OV 14 (cont.)
6 (cont.)
Writings (Container 50)
“Verlorene Tendenzen in der Kunst,” photocopy of holograph
“Verschiedene Stile der indirekten Darstellung,” holograph
manuscript with photocopy
“Vortrag,” photocopy of holograph manuscript
Writing not in Freud’s hand concerning the “Kakao” analogy,
photocopy of holograph manuscript
Con tainer No s.
OV 15
Supplemental File
Subject File
Augenfeld, Felix
Floor plan of Freud’s London, England, study and sketch of
display cabinets, 1973, n.d. (Container 51)
Centenary of Freud’s birth
Exhibit material
Items arranged according to a numeric scheme, 1897-1940,
n.d. (Container 52)
Miscellany, 1931, 1956-1959 (Container 52)
Photographs and drawings, 1911 (Container 52)
Printed matter, 1921, n.d. (Container 52)
Freud family history, 1914, n.d. (Container 58)
“The Growth of the Psycho-Analytic Movement,” map and chart,
n.d. (Container 60)
Pictorial printed matter including calendars, greeting card,
postcards, and prints, 1960, 1965, n.d. (Container 110)
OV 16
Subject File
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria, patient case files
Originals, 1881-1883 (Containers 45 and X 2)
Notes, n.d. (Containers 50 and X 3)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 92
OVERSIZE, 1859-1985, n.d. (Continued)
Con tainer No s.
OV 16 (cont.)
“Traum vom 8/9 Juli Dr/Fr 3/4 2 beim Erwachen,” holograph
manuscript with typed transcript (Containers X 3 and
OV 14)
Papers of Sigmund Freud
Page 93
Appendix A: Reel List for Microfilm Edition of Freud-Ferenczi
The microfilm edition of Freud’s correspondence with Sándor Ferenczi at the Österreichisches
Staatsarchiv, Vienna, Austria. See Container 25
Reel Nos. *
General Correspondence
Ferenczi, Sándor
From Freud
To Freud, 1908-1933
Microfilm shelf no. 19,042

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