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Gender (2007; Statistisches Bundesamt, 2009a) German population:ca. 82.218.000 male 40 274,3 female 41 943,5 Age (2007; Statistisches Bundesamt, 2009b) 65+: ca. 20% 20-64: ca. 61% 0-19: ca. 19% Religion (2009; FAG, 2009) C - ca. 53m Christians: ca. 65% U - ca. 25,3m undenominational: ca. 30,5% Other - ca. 3.7m of Islamic and other faith: ca.4,5% (not considered) Education (2007; BFD, 2009) School-leaving qualifications: Higher degrees A (Abitur = similar to A-Level): 23,4% Lower degrees R (Realschule = lower type of secondary school): 20,8% SMS (Secondary modern school): 40,5% Without degree: 3,3% 41