Fridoy, January 7, 1944 AUFBAU cordhigly the reader is told of a "Plot 'to Give Britain Control of U. S. Gold" mnd told that "President Hides Facts by U*ing Statis tical Mirages". Some of he vermin press has already taken up the cry "Reynolds For President", whik other »mear sheets can be expected to fMl in line shortly for they have worghipped at his feet for a long -tirae and given much space to the «ttermnees of the great "statesMftit". A Stor-qod«9 Quwtinq • One of his worshippers is .fPIttÜftm KuUyren of. Atascadero, California, a fowner Silver Shirter . who w n namad in the Washington Grand Jury'* CJona^iracy indictment. He ii still Publishing a •h«et c»ll«d "America Speaka" w&ieh in tone gtrongly resembles ••tfce Reynold« rag. plain these facts is one of the pturposes of our meeting on Janükry 15. In the meantime it is an encouraging and a gratifying sign that our office is receiving the LOS ANGELES (CALIFORNIA) — 228 WEST 4th STREET — MICHIGAN 6847 requests for the 1944 membershipExecutive Com mittet s Honorar? President. <*rot*a»0T Leopold Josner; President, Pelis tiarxenheim: Vice-President. H«n» cards at an unprecedented rate. Breuer- Executive Oirector Hmrry Saliniter; Treasnrer. Heinz Pinner; Club Editors, Hans Kafka and Ferdinand Kahn Felix Guggenheim. Bruno S Bernstein, Walter Bvky, Lethar Frank, Eric Löwen Mrs. Edith Mendel, W m. Stauen, Mrs. Lisa Arnhold, Georg* JEWISH CLUB OF 1933, Inc. LattC. Hag« MwMarik, Dr. HUR« Weinberg. Ehrenmitglieder: Bruno Frank and fhoroa« Mann. Membership Meeting On January 15 Dear Members: Your board of directors feels that the time has come to have a membership meeting in order to give you scme Information about out activities, especially äs far äs they don't manifest themselves in gatherings and social affairs. And also in order to establish contact Rccently Kullgren, who is »omewhat «C * star^azer, advertiscd A booklet with you and to get your cooperawfeich I» had prlnted several years ago> tion, criticism and suggesticns. Undoubtedly he lud sorae stock on band There are two theories about «a* uranted to get rid of it. It is entttledM Th* Origin and Destiny of the membership meetings: The one is: J«w» and states In the preface, abovc Kullgren's »ignature, tliat "our destre is Once a year the members express io protect ourselves from the Jews' in- satisfaction or .dissatisfaction with »idiou« eontrol, To do that", the preface goes on, "it is necessary to expose their board by voting in the ordithe |ffw's false Claims; to teil you the nary general meeting. In the »ton, äs presented in our Christian meantime the board has a mandate Bibfe, so that Christian people will kaow they cannot uphold and support which it has to carry out accordthe lew, and at the same time be obeing to its eonscience and its ability. diei»l to the laws of God." Tip booklet presents a number of —The other theory says: Even «*tiüe*, some of which are trying to *piwe" through quotations from the between general election meetings Btble that the Jews are the most des- the members should have an oppicafele people under the sun. Kullgrerf and his contributors may be en- portunity to show their interest in tttled to that opinion, but sending this their board's work and to show bootlet through the mail while America is at war wlth öermany may fall under their cooperation by coming to the dassiflcation of sedition for it con- special membership meetings and taiu» Propaganda material which eminatca from one of the adjuncts of Dr. by attaining a closer contact be©eeibels' Propaganda Ministry, the tween membership and board. "Wood Service" which was editcd by Our hope that the second theory CM. Ute**h Fleischhauer of Erfurt, any, wlio was also named In the may prove correct and may justify 4racy indictment. artiele: "Roosevelt Rules itself by a huge attendance and in our January meetAiüflipa," written by George participation ing, is not the only reason for inI>elfiherage, one of the conspiraviting you to be with us on January ton, states i« the lead : 15. We have seen many of you at **Ä President of any other country In w*. wortd has so much time to inter- our Chanukka Celebration and at est fcimself in matters Which do not Memorial, "T ««DNÄMl Mm äs has Franklin Delano the Max Reinhardt the President of the United others at our "Dichterabende" and the American people m u »t others again at our Seminary. We qfalte Indifferent a« to what fern of have seen you coming to the office government various European countries for all kinds of advice and asstistPresident Roosevelt seizes every opportunity for attacklng the ance, working at the headquarters ian states, National Sozialist of the US Citizens Service Corps, and Faselst Italy in particular. preparing the gift-packages for the scldiers and we have seen you FOR— Not an "Aryan" artide charges that Roose- at the Red Cross Blood Bank. But is leading this country into this time we would like to see all because the Jewish people of you, at least all those, who think it and the President is doing about the future of our newcomergroup in this country which gives It hSteause he is partly Jewish. "World Service" .quotes James us refuge, hospitality and citizenTrÄ, Gerald B. Winrod and Robert ship. If—äs we all hope and pray E, lidnmndson, three of Deather- and äs the military leaders already age's fellow-mdictees and Con- take " *for granted—victory in gressman Hamilton Fish's State- Europe will be achieved in 1944, ment that FDR's "hysterical new tasks, problems and duties sp«eches, attacking forefg-n na- will come up for our group and it tions may well light the spark that will be necessary to be prepared for it. The deep gratitudö we owe will set the v,orld in flames." T«o articles from the "Christian Free the American pecple need not make Freu«" are reprinted in the booklet. 145 overlook some less pleasant Thal paper was published by Paquita de Shishmarova alias Leslie Fry, v\ho aspects of the Situation here which wasyiamed in the indictment rendered in a way are part of the struggle Washington Grand Jury in in which Americair boys—and r of last year. Igren also offers a review of a book numerous refugees among them— ewi*h Ritual Murder for the pub"m of which the author, Arnold S. are fighting all over the world. was glven a jail sentence. So it is not by chance that cur last pages of the booklet are ßrst Speaker will be David Coleover to a list of pro-Nazi and itic publications which Kullman, who.knows more than any; has for sale, among them are the pen products of Lizzie Dilling, Webster, Gerald B. Winrod «nd othdfs. Listed also are reprints of •4?e«*lies by Congressman Cliire E. Hoffman. Indeed the Michigan Representative ftmts hlmself in "good" Company. . Ali America enters the home stretcli in the war against Geraiany, the little Quislings incret«e their activities. Once General1 Gecrge Van Hörne Moseley wa%their man on horseback. Years at the Los Angeles Bund JOACHIM BENJAMIN LOMNITZ was naturalized a Prussian citizen on Maa-ch 11, 1812, in Breslau, Silesia. Hli great-great-grandson, son of Marie and Franz Lomnitz, latc of Breslau, was naturalized äs the* Aojerican citizen SGT. ALFRED KDJWARD LAURENCB. on Decembcr ' 17, 1943, in Richmond, Va. ff' " 2" " $7.00 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS will report on the different fields of activities. THE MEMBERS are invited to attend in great numbers and to cooperate with their board by taking part in the discussion and by giving new suggestions. Admlsslon for members free. Please bring your 1943 or 1944 membership card t MARK YOUR ANTI-NAZI DAY at VICTORY HOUSE, Pershing Square, Los Angeles. « * In compliance with a request from the Treasury Departräent, the Anti-Nazi Immigrant»' War Finance Committee will be in Charge of the Victory House -stage. There will be many well known artists, and a repetition of Alfred Neuman's "Bailad to America." Various merchandise will be auctioned off, free, to War Bond burers. * Come Ottf oiief Bring Your Frhndt and btiy äs many War Bonds äs possible, directly from the Treasury Department staff at Victory House. Let'a show the Government and the people of Los Angeles what we newcomers are willing and capable of doing to help win the war. And, ßes/des, You'11 Have Lots of fua! If kept from attending, call Lothar Frank, HI 0111 or GL 0351, or Arthur Pathe, WA 8784, or Wm. E. Stagen, DR 7325, a few days before the event. f'ly Memmingen zeigen an formerly Vienna formerly Poscn-Berliu Diagonal Norte 893 Buenos Aires, Dec. 3«, 1943 C l a u di o tent that the club is an aim and an endeavor in itself, but the whole evidence and all the facts show that an organization like the Club is more important than. ever; and to discuss this evidence and to ex- PHOTOS für BÜRGER-PAPIERE Photo-Weitzmann 2424 Broadway, N. Y. C. bet 89th & 90th St. - SChuyler 4-6270 141 Knickerbocker Are., BROOKLYN Unser Nachdem Rabbi Dr. Sonderling die Chanukkalichter entzündet und In einer Ansprache die Bedeutung der Stunde den Hörern nahe gebracht hatte, wurden drei Frauen — Mitglieder des Clubs — die Söhne in der Ärmy haben., durch Verleihung einer silbernen Nadel geehrt. Als erster Im Programm trat der weltberühmte und unendlich vielseitige Varietekilnstler Sylv«*t«r Schäfer auf, dieses Mal als Schnellipaler, und verbUMTte durch die Sicherheit, mit der er in einigen Minuten zwei grosse Oelgemälde zu gleicher Zeit malte, indem er die sich drehende Tafel abwechselnd auf der einer oder der anderen Seite bearbeitete. Eric Neumann erntete freudigen Beifall mit seinen Klavierparodien und Max Saloroon — einst Präsident einer Kölner Karnevalgesellschaft — traft mit viel Erfolg eigene ernste und heitere Gedichte vor. Thomas Redican, Mitglied der Metropolitan Oper in New York, sang, begleitet von Mrs. Nelson, einige Arien und zum Schluss mit besonderer Innigkeit "The Lord's Prayer". Und Tombola und Tanz und Büfettund Tanzkonkurrenz mit Preisen — ein Abend, der jedem gefallen hat. F. K. Essay Contest Der American Jewish Congresa veranstaltet einen Essay Contest über das Thema "What Youth Seeksr in the Post-War World." Der erste Preis: $50 U. S. War Bond; zweiter Preis: $25 U. S. War Bond; dritter Preis: $25 U. S. War Bond. Die Schiedsrichter sind: Dr. William Ärar, Acting President of Freedom House; Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, Dean of Columbia College; Judge Nathan President Emeritus of Bethune-Cookman College; Dr. Harry J. Cannan, D. Perlman, Vice-President, American Jewish Congress; Mrs. Stephen S. Wise, President of the Women's Division, American Jewish Congress. Alle weiteren Auskünfte erteilt Mr. Nathan Zuckerman, Executive Director of the Youhg Men's and Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress, 330 West 42nd St., New York City. GEBT DEM UNITED JEWISH APPEAL Wedding, Diamond, Engagement-Rings Watches l Julius Hamburger 605 W. 142nd STREET Phone: AUdubon 3-0882 Hanne Zadek Lisl Zadek n#e Klopfer Ma r ried December 18, 1943 4030 Vendome Ave., Montreal, Can. formerly f'ly Finkenwalde/Stettin Munlch Alfred Wolfgang wird am 8. Januar 1944 Barmis\iah. Berthold und! Ruth Block geb. Meyer 3616 E. Cherry Street Seattle 22, Wasb. Inge Sachs Ernest Forst Verlobte (fr. Frankfurt a. M.) (fr. Köln a. Rh.) 1. Januar 1944 720 Waveland Ave., Chicago, 111. Dr. Franz Herzka u. Frau Thea geb. Buchdahl Dr. and Mri. Carl E. Cahn Bronner 4. Dezember 1943 announce the engagement of their daughter Lima, Peru , an. Siegberto Ramsfelder und Frau geb. Rüben (früher (früher Kr.ui-t, Schweinfurt Essen) Hucnos Aires, den 3. Dezember 1943 Reconquista 338, II. p., dep. 22-B CALENDAR SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 2-5 P. M. Thomas Michael Sylvia Juana Aitzeicen bitten wir im Voraus durch ScMCCk oder Money Order zu bezahlen. Anwiirenschluss Dienstag 12 phr. FELIX GUGGENHEIM will speak on "J«wish Club of 1933 in the year 1943 and thcreafter" Die gehurt ihres Sohnes Hocherfreut zeigen wir die Geburt unserer Tochter t DAVID COLEMAN, Director, Southern California Office of the Antidefamation League, will speak an "Antisemitic Activities in th« USA" nee Hamburger are happy to announce the birth of their son $3.50 Grössere Anzeigen kosten : 1%" hoch; 2" breit . . . . $4.50 IVi" " 2" " $5.25 i ROBERT and INGE BOEHMER on December 31, 1943 Max and Margot Frankel nee Lilienthal (formerly Berlin) 3ö4 Ocean Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. kostet on SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 8:15 p. m., at FAIRFAX TEMPLE, 525 S. Fairfax Ave. f"ly Hamburg Ronald Steven in dieser Gröwe (l" hoch und 2" brek) MEMBERSHIP MEETING bedy in Southern California about anti-semitic activities in this country and their connections with Nazism and who did more than anybody in Southern California to fight anti-Semitism. It is also not by chance that just now organizations lijce our Club are springing up in other cities like San Francisco and Portland and that they contact us with rather nice remarks about our activities, remarks which deserve our best efforts. On the other side we have also heard voices, that there is no raison—d'etre. for organizations like--ours, and different arguments have been put fcrw&rd to this effect. We are not headquarters, I saw a campaign "Vereinsmeier" and we don't precard "Moseley for President", now We are very happy to announce they are ready to lift the Senator the arrival of our son from Buncombe County on their H o ward Frank shields and announce—äs is cuson December 22nd, 1943 tomary at political party convenWALTER and ELSE WOLFF tions—"I give you a great Amernee Schwabacher ican, our 'Bob' Reynolds." 412 Alken Avenue Peoria, Illinois We are happy to announce the arrival of our son EINE FAMILIEN-ANZEIGE JEWISH CLUB OF 1933, INC. Die Chonukkdfeitr des Jewish Club of 1933 war eine sehr gelungene Veranstaltung. Ernst Blumenthal als master of ceremonies stellte sofort eine besonders freundliche Verbmdung zwischen Bühne und Publikum her, und erzeugte damit eine Stimmung, die den ganzen Abend das Gepräge von Gemütlichkeit und Heiterkeit gab. Casilla 597 Pfc M Henry Landauer Lottie Landauer n£e Adler Married December 29, 1943 30-45 33rd Street 100 W. 91st Street LongIslandCity,N.Y. New York City (f'ly Crailsheim) (f'ly Karlsruhe) Sam Janowitz Alice Janowitz geb. Liepold Vermählte 9. Januar 1943 63 Hillside Avenue, New York City Lilo to Wo are happy to announce.the arrival of our son Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Frankenberger announce the marriage of their daughter Dr. Royal S. Cutler Marianne Ronald Josef January, 1944 1370 East Fifty-fourtn Street Chicago 15, 111. BRUNO and ILSE COHEN nee Ehrlich December 28, 1943 4815 «iverside Drive f'ly Horrem New York City near Cologne Pvt. Dave Spiegel Lore Spiegel We are happy to announet- the arrival of our son John Paul Ernst & Madeleine W. Loewenstein nee W e i l December 26th, 1943 j&i West End Ave. New York, N. Y. (formerly Wiesbadcn-Erbenheim) Kallman Ft. Custer, Mich, i'iy Bronx, N.Y. 92t Kelly Bronx, N*. Y. f'ly Trier, Mosel announce their marriage \shlch took place Dec. 27tu at Fort Custer, Mich. «W* to S-Sgt. Wm. Kumins December 29, 194,'J New Haven, Conn. Camp Swift, Tex. 830 Orange St. f'ly f'ly Schweinfurt Boston, Mass. Pfc. Max Wertheimer Beate Wertheimer ne> An'erhacher Ma r r ied 229 WMt lOlst St. 89.26 - J 16th Sfc Jsew York City , . , T T U. S. Army Jamaica, L. J.