Doctrinal Statement - Hillcrest Baptist Church
Doctrinal Statement - Hillcrest Baptist Church
Trust Deedand Constitutionof Hillcrest Bantist Church Preface A constitution is drawn up in order that the church may be governed/ administeredin a responsiblemanner in the light of Biblical instruction. This preface is supportedby the following Scriptural statements:The Lord JesusChrist as head of the church calls to Himself out of the world those who have beengiven to Him by His Fatherthat they might live in His sight, giving to Him the love and obedienceprescribedby Him in the Word. He comrnandsthose he calls to gather in local churches. All believers are therefore to associatethemselveswith local churches,when and where they have the opportunity to do so. All who enjoy the privileges of church fellowship must also subject themselvesto the discipline and government of the church in accordancewith the rule of Christ. To formalize the biblical principles governingchurch life the following constitution has been drawn up to give a clear statement of belief and practice and provide guidelines for good order in the church. 1. Name and TheologicalPersuasion of this ChurchshallbetheHillcrestBaptistChurch.The Thenameanddesignation church strives to uphold Reformed Theology. Reformed Theology gets its name from the sixteenth century Protestantreformation, with its theology solidly basedon the Bible itself. To be reformed includesbelief in the Scripturesas the inerrant Word of God; belief that God is sovereign in this world; that He has electedhis people to salvationand will effectually call them in His time, through evangelismand the preachingof the true gospel;that all worship must be in accordance with Scripture; and that the lives of believers as individuals, family members, members of the State and members of the Christian church, must be increasingly conformed to the standardof God's Word. 2. Membershipof Baptist Union The Hillcrest Baptist Church, (herein styled "The church") shall endeavour to maintain membership in the Baptist Union of South Africa, so long as this is not in conflict with the interestsof the Church. 3. Church Government We believein: 3.1. The principle of Congregationalism,namely that each member has the privilege and responsibilityto use his/her gifts and abilities to participatefully in the life of the 2 Church. We recognisethat God gifts His church with Pastors/Elderswho lead in a spirit of servanthood, equip and provide spiritual oversight, and with deaconswho facilitatethe smooth functioning of the Church. This principle further recognisesthat eachmember should participatein the appointmentof the church's leadersand that a constituted Church meeting, (under the direct Lordship of Christ and the authority of Scripture),is the highest court of authority for the local church. 3.2. The principle of Separationof Churchand State,in that in the providenceof God, the two differ in their respective nature and functions. The Church is not to be identified with the State nor, is it, in its faith or practice, to be directed or controlled by the State.The state is responsiblefor administeringjustice, ensuring an orderly community and promoting the welfare of its citizens. The Church is responsible for preaching the gospel and for demonstratingand making known God's will and care for all mankind. 3.3. The plurality of eldersproviding spiritualleadershipsupportedby deacons. 4. Declaration of Belief 4.1. We believe in the Scripturesof the Old and New Testamentsin their original writings with God as their author, and written by men divinely inspired by God. The Scripturesare inerrant and authoritative. They do not merely contain the Word of God but are the Word of God and the final authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 4.2.We believein one God, Creatorof all, Holy, Sovereign,Eternal,existing eternally in three equal persons,Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 4.3. We believe in the absolute and essentialdeity of JesusChrist, in His eternal existencewith the Father in pre-incarnateGlory, in His virgin birth, true humanity. sinless life, substitutionaryand propitiatory death, bodily resurrection,triumphant ascension into heaven; his present life as our High Priest and Advocate, and His personalreturn. 4.4. We believe in the absoluteand essentialDeity and personalityof the Holy Spirit who convinces men of sin, of righteousnessand of judgement; who regenerates, abidesin, sanctifies,illuminates,comforts,encouragesand equipsfor servicethe body of JesusChrist. 4.5. We believe in the personalexistenceof Satanas one who is totally evil and who is the originator of sin, the arch enemy of God and man. 4.6. We believe that Adam was immediatelyand specially createdby God after His own image and holiness,to enjoy perfect fellowship and communion with Him. The historic fall of man from his original righteousnesswas the result of the one sin of Adam as head and representativeof the human race. As a consequenceof Adam's sin, all mankind are born into the world under the guilt and condemnationof sin (imputed to them), in possessionof a sinful nature, comrpt in everypart, under the wrath of God, and subjectto eternaldeath,the punishmentof sin. of the law of God. Sin is any lack of conformity to, or transgression 4.7. We believe that none but those who exerciserepentancefrom sin and faith in the Lord JesusChrist shall be saved and that salvation is by the sovereign grace of God. That justification is by faith alone in the all sufficient sacrifice and resurrectionof the Lord JesusChrist and that those who are savedshall be divinely preservedand finally perfectedin the image of the Lord. 4.8. We believein the personal,bodily and glorious return of the Lord JesusChrist; in the resurrectionof the just and the unjust; in the eternal blessednessof the redeemed and in the judgment and conscious,eternalpunishmentof the wicked. 4.9. We believe that a church is a company of believerswho have been called out from the world to worship God, separatedunto the Lord Jesus,voluntarily associated for the ministry of the Word, the mutual edification of its members,the propagationof the faith and the observance of the ordinances which are baptism and the Lord's supper.That the local church is the manifestation of the universal church and is fully autonomous,exercising its own divinely awardedgifts, preceptsand privileges under the Lordship of Christ, the great head of the church, and in the priesthood of all believers.That the offices are pastors(elders,bishops)and deacons. 4.10. We believe in the priesthoodof all believersby which we understandthat each Christianhas direct accessto God through Christ our High Priest,and is involved in the work of reconciliationwhich consistsof intercession,worship, faithful serviceand bearing witness to JesusChrist, even to the end of the earth. 4.11. We believe in the principle of religiousliberty, namely that no individual should be coerced either by State or by any secular, ecclesiasticalor religious group in mattersof faith. The right of private conscienceis to be respected.For each believer this meansthe right to interpret Scripturesresponsibly.However the infallible rules for interpreting Scripture and understandingit, are that it must always be within its context, by comparison with other relevant portions, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 4.12. We believe that God has sanctionedmarriage between a man and a woman, thereforewe believein heterosexualrelationshipsbetweena naturalman and a natural woman within the confines of lawful matrimony. Adherenceto this statedprinciple of sexual behavior is an inherent requirement for membership of the Hillcrest Baptist Church. 4.13. The above Declaration of Belief shall be agreed to and signed by all the membersof the Hillcrest Baptist Church. 4.14. Each member shall be given a copy of the Declaration of Belief and the following certificate to be signed and datedby eachmember namelyi I, the undersigned,freely and voluntarily subscribeto the basic principles set out in this Declarationof Belief and understandand consentto the fact that should I violate 4 suchprinciples,I may be requiredby the leadershipto either accepttheir counseland discipline or forfeit my membershipof Hillcrest Baptist Church. 4.15 For further study seethe Baptist Confessionof Faith of 1689,Carey Publications Ltd. 5. The ordinances 5.1. The Lord Jesusappointedonly two ordinances- Baptism and the Lord's supperto be observedas acts of obedienceand as a perpetualwitness to the cardinal facts of the Christian faith. 5.2. Baptism is the immersion of the believer in water in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit as a confessionof identificationwith Christ in burial and resurrection. Notwithstanding the above, anothermethod of baptism may be used where in the view of the elders, exceptional circumstancesrequire it. Baptism may be performed by any suitablebelieverappointedby the elders. 5.3. A candidate for baptism shall at the sametime be urged to make application for membershipin accordancewith Article 6. 5.4. The Lord's supperis the partakingof breadand wine as symbolic of the Saviour's body and shed blood in remembranceof His sacrificial death until His retum. This ordinance shall be observed regularly and all true believers may participate. Any suitablebelievers mav lead the serviceand serveat the table. 6. Membership 6.1. The church shall be constitutedof and shall include amongits members: (a) those who were members of the church and agreedto the Declaration of Belief on l3 August2000. (b) such personsas may hereafterbe receivedinto its fellowship in accordancewith the provision of Articles 6.2. and 6.5. 6.2. Personswho have declaredtheir faith in the Lord JesusChrist and have confessed ' the samein baptism (immersion) shall be admittedto the membershipof the Church by vote of the church. 6.3. Personsdesirousofjoining the church shall make applicationto the pastoror one of the officers of the church. Two members appointed by the Elders of the church shall interview such applicants and shall report to the Elders, who will, if satisfied with the report, submit the application to a church meeting for approval. 6.4. Personsdesirousofjoining the church shall give a clear confessionof their faith in JesusChrist as their Lord and Saviour and shall affirm in writing their acceptance of the Trust Deed and Constitution of the church and his/her full aereementwith the Declaration of Belief. 6.5. Personsdesirousof joining the church,who have declaredtheir faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, but who have not been able to confess their faith through believer's baptism by immersion becauseof other or medical reasons,may after inquiry by the elders be admitted to the membership of the church by vote at any special meeting of the church, subject to the solemn undertaking not to teach contrary to, or in any way undermine,the church's belief in a practiceof believer'sbaptismby immersion. 6.6. Membership shall ceaseon death, transfer, resignation or excommunication, the member no longer accepting the Trust Deed and Constitution or no longer being in full agreementwith the Declarationof Belief of the Church. 6.7.If any memberis absentfrom the servicesof the churchfor aprolongedperiod without good reason known to the elders, they shall make inquiry into the matter. In the event of such inquiry producing no satisfactory result, the name of the member concemed shall be reported to a church meeting for such action as the members presentmay decidei.e. removal. 7. Voting at Church Meetings 7.I At all Generalmeetings any member of the church, who has attained the age of 18 years,shall be entitled to vote. 7 .2 Any resolution passedby a simple majority (except where the constitution requires a greatermajority) of members presentand entitled to vote at such meetings shall be binding on the churchuntil suchresolutionhasbeenrescindedat a Generalmeeting. 7 .3 A quorum shall be deemedto exist where at least 33Yoof membersentitled to vote are present. of Church Members 8. Privilegesand Responsibilities 8.1. Privilegesof membersinclude the following: o To join regularlywith other believersin worship and in sharingthe Lord's supper o To be part of the local, visible manifestation of the body of Christ in mutual support and encouragement o To be under the pastoral care of the elders o To be free to participatein the businessof churchmeetingsand in decisionmaking in the church. o To serve one anotherwith the gifts God has blessedeach believer with following the exampleof our Lord JesusChrist who washedthe feet of his disciples 8.2. Duties of membersinclude the following: o As far as possible make every effort to be regular attendeesat worship, fellowship, prayer and businessmeetings. Exercise their special privilege and responsibility to seek to win others to Jesus Christ Be faithful stewardsof what the Lord has entrustedto their care in time, talents and possessions.Members ought to give systematically,proportionately,sacrificially and cheerfullyof their meansto God's work. Work together in love and in humility bearing one another's burdens and exercisingtheir gifts for the building up of the churchbody. . Seekto live holy lives o Court and marry only believing partners. o Remain faithful to their spousesand bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. 8.3. Members submit to the leadershipand discipline of the church. Essentiallythis meansthat members as part of the body of Christ, are preparedto receive instruction and ifnecessaryloving rebukefrom churchleadership. 8.4 Since we are all part of the family of believers at Hillcrest and should be concernedfor one another,it would be helpful if membershaving specialneedsor finding themselves in difficult situations or circumstanceswould acquaint the elders of the situation in order that a visit may be made or certainly rememberedin prayer. 9. Church Discipline in Hischurches. for discipline Discipline is oneof the Christprovides TheLordJesus pastoralresponsibilitiesof elderswho labour to seethe image of Christ formed in all believers in their care. The aim of church discipline is maintenanceof the purity of the body of Christ, and the restoration of the erring member. All disciplinary stepsare taken in a spirit of love and concern. Church discipline is always corrective and instructive, never punitive. It is carried out prayerfully, tenderly, impartially and firmly. Its ultimate sanction is the withdrawal of fellowship from the erring believer. It requiresthe supportand submissionof the churchif it is to be biblical and effective. All believers have a role to admonish one another in love in the normal course of fellowship. However,someoffencesrequirethe attentionof the eldersand ultimatelythe whole for the honourof the Lord JesusChrist, church.Whilst Biblical disciplineis essential no right to legislate in matters of private it is recognizedthat the church has judgementand that God alone is the Lord of conscience. The Scripturesenjoin conformityto the imageof the Lord JesusChrist,not to humanlyinstitutedpatternsof behaviour. 9.1.Thegroundsfor churchdisciplineincludethefollowing: o Holding beliefsabout Christiandoctrinewhich are contraryto the Declarationof Beliefassetout in Article4. Acts of immorality or other public behaviourplainly contrary to biblical ' teaching o Unreconciled interpersonal breaches threatening the unity and harmony of the church . Causinga faction or party to arise within the church 9.2.The purposeof church discipline is: o for the repentance,reconciliation,and spiritualgrowth of the individual disciplined o for the instruction in righteousnessand good of other Christians, as an example to them . for the purity of the church as a whole o for the good of our corporatewitness to non-christians o for the glory of God by reflecting His holy character 9.3. The procedurefor church discipline Personaloffences between members are to be dealt with on a personal level in terms of Matthew 18:15' Only when no reconciliation ensues should the elders be approached. Chargesagainsta member on any of the abovegroundsi.e. 9.l. shall be submittedto the elders , who must first investigate them until fully satisfied of their accuracy.At leasttwo witnessesare necessaryto sustaina charge. The elders should visit, counsel and exhort the erring member to repentance. A member will be restoredif there is evidenceof the fruit oirepentance in thi opinion of the elders. If there is only one elder, the elder may appoint a suitable nominee to accompany him. If there is no repentance,the elders should bring the matter to the church meeting. In accordancewith I Timothy 5:20,the erring memberwill be rebukedpublicly. Should repentanceensueno further measuresneed be taken. If there is still no repentance,2 Thessalonians3:6, 14-15 will be applied, by suspendingthe member from the Lord's table, leading in public prayer,enlaging in any ministry in the church, and voting at all membeis' Driring the application of this measure, the member must receive special -"itingr. encoriragement and ministry from the church leaders. Should repentancefollow, all suspensions must be lifted, and no further action taken. If the suspendedmember fails to repent, I Corinthians5:4-5, viz. excommunication, must be applied' A recommendationfrom the elders shall be brought to a special church meeting in this regard.This specialchurch meeting is only tJbe called when all else has failed. Should repentanceensue,the person'r.tu-. wih be brought before the church at a special church meeting for re-instatement.An excommunicatedperson shall be treatedwith concem and courtesy. 8 In the eventthat an elder is accusedofa transgressionrequiring investigationthen the procedureas for church members shall be followed bearing in mind the requirements of an elderas statedin 1 Timothy 3:l-7 and Titus 1:5-9 10. Resolution of differences/ areas of concern 10.1In the eventof a seriousdisputeor anxiousconcernarising as between, l. a group or groups of membersand the remaining membership 2, a pastorand the whole membershipor a group or groupswithin the membership 3. a pastor and the elders and deacons The elders and deaconsand the whole membershipor groups within the membership, which in the opinion of any of the disputants above mentioned, is impinging on the effective ministry of the church or is seriously threatening its unity, the church shall setasidea day of prayer and fasting in orderto seekthe Lord's graciousintervention. If having exhaustedall constitutional means, it shall be the right of any such pastori elder or any four members of the elders and deaconsor any ten church members to call for a meeting with the eldersand deaconswith a view to resolving the differences. At such a meeting, persons who are not members of the church shall be present, namely a pastor and or elders of like-minded churches who are acceptableto both disputingparties.One of the invited nomineesshall be the chairman.Such nominees shall not exceed3. l0.2It shall be the obligation of the disputantsand of church membershipas a whole to afford the elders and deaconsand the three nominated persons, every reasonable opportunityto assistin bringing about a God-honouringsolution. The nomineesmay, if they so elect submit a written report with appropriaterecommendationswhich will be brought to a church meeting for voting. 11.Church Offices The church recognizesonly two offices responsiblefor the care and administration of the church: elders and deacons. Other offices such as secretary or Sunday School teacherare appointed from time to time under the care and administration of the elders and deacons. All elders and deacons shall have been baptized by immersion as a believer. They shall declare their unreserved and wholehearted agreement with the church's Confessionof Faith and Constitution. This they shall do both in public and in writing. The churchofficers shall meet as necessarybut not lessthan oncea quarter. I 1.1.Elders In accordancewith the New Testamentthe church is to be ruled and shepherdedby elders who are equal in authority. Christ is the head of the church; the elders rule by his authorityas revealedin the Scriptures.The eldersand their flock are in union with Him; their relationship is one of mutual voluntary submission. The elders rule 9 willingly by example and exhortation, not lording it over the floek, who submit to the elders knowing that elders watch for their souls and give account to Christ for their labours. I1.1.1.Appointment Male memberswho exhibit the qualitieslaid down in Scripture(see I Timothy 3:l-7 and Titus 1:5-9) may be consideredfor this ministry in the word, shepherdingand prayer. The nomination of a suitable candidate is to be submitted to the eldership/ eldership committee for consideration.Any nominee must be over the age of 2l and have been an active member of the church for at least 2 years. Upon agreement, the name\s are to be submitted to a special church meeting for approvaland appointment,having at leasta75Yomajority. This vote shall be by secretballot. An elder shall be set apart by the laying on of hands preferablyby an elder or elders. I1.1.2.Duties The dutiesof eldershipincludethe following: o Ensuringthe continuationof soundpreachingand teachingfrom the Word of God o Exhorting, admonishing and encouragingfellow believers o Visiting the sick and the members in order to exhort and encouragethem by prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. o Guiding the church in decision making o Seekingout and nurturing the exerciseof spiritual gifts by membersso that in the local church the body of Christ may be built up and function effectively in the evangelisationof the community. o Stimulating and maintaining interest in the world-wide church of Christ I1.1.3.Pastors For the purposeof the constitution,elderscalledto the full time ministry to the church shall be termed pastors,whose appointment is vested in the membershipof the church and the procedureshall be as follows: (a) A special day of prayer and fasting will be called for church members to seek God's will in this regard. (b) The elders shall consider suitable names and shall bring their recommendationto the church at a Special General Meeting. The elders shall put before the meeting only one nameat a time. (c) A call shall be extendedprovided at least 75Yoof the memberspresentvote in favour. This vote shall be by secret ballot. The prospective pastor's appointment is contingent upon his affirming in writing his full agreementwith the Declaration of Belief and his acceptanceof the Trust Deed and Constitution of the church. (d) On commencementof his ministry he becomesa member of the church but members of his family wishing to join the church must make application in the mannerset out in Article 6. l0 (e) Termination of the appointment shall be by three months notice in writing by either side unless otherwise mutually agreed provided that his duties may be suspendedby the Church immediately. (f In the event of the pastor being on extendedleave or the church being without a pastor, the eldership committee (See ll.l.4) shall assume responsibility for the oversightof the spiritual affairs of the churchincluding all elders' functions. I I. 1.4.Eldership Committee In the event of there being fewer than 2 elders an eldership committee shall be appointed and shall be made up of the appointed elder together with selecteddeacons appointed by the elder. This eldership committee shall consist of at least 3 to constitutea quorum. Should the collective body be less than 3 then they shall by consensusco-opt a competent church male member who shall be given equal status for the necessaryperiod. The eldership committee as distinct from the elders, shall act only where specifically requiredin terms of the constitution. Theseareasare as follows: o consideringan alternativemode of baptism; . arranging interviews for candidatesfor membership; o dealing with disciplinary matters; o nominating the appointment of elders; o assumingelder's functions during the extendedabsenceof the pastor, In the event there not being unanimity on a particular matter then the committee must adjourn the discussion for further individual prayer and consideration, with the committee to be reconvenedwithin 14 days for final decision. The chairman shall be the elder. I 1.2Deacons Those who hold the office of deacon serve the church by relieving the elders of administrative and practical duties. Each deacon shall have specific work to fulfil in the church. The elders shall define the roles and the number of men required. Male membersexhibiting the qualitieslaid down in Scripturemay be considered. (a) Deacons shall comply with the requirementsfor that offrce as contained in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 (b) The church shall elect from its membership,of the age of 2l yearsand over , at its annual general meeting, deaconswho shall hold office for a period of two years, and who shall be eligible for re-electionfrom time to time. Any candidatefor electionto the diaconateshall have been in membershipfor a period of not less than 12 months. (c) Election shall be after nominationand nominationsshall be submittedin writing to the secretaryof the church at least seven days before the annual church meeting or generalmeeting, and such nominations shall be posted on the church notice board not later than the Sundaypreceding the election. The nomination paper shall be signed by two membersof the church and the nominee. il (d) The election of deaconsshall be by secretballot (e) In the event ofa vacancy occurring in the office ofdeacon, such vacancy shall be filled in the manner aforesaid, at a general meeting of the church, the person so electedto hold the office until such time as the vacancy being filled would have expired,when he shall retire but be eligible for re-election. ( fl Each candidatefor election to the diaconateshall obtain at least 50oloof the votes of memberspresentin order to be elected. I1.3 Termination Churchofficers shall be subjectto the samediscipline as other membersof the church and the same ultimate sanction of loss of membershipand thus loss of office. In addition, the church may consider the direct termination of an elder or deacon's office on the following grounds: o open sin o deviating from biblical doctrine as summarizedin the Declaration of Belief o neglectof duty or incompetence . useofoffice for personalgain An appointment shall ceaseif after careful investigation and considerationthe church meetingdecidesthat there is a just causefor doing so. This decision requiresa 50o/o majority of thosepresentand entitledto vote. The church has a responsibilityto uphold the biblical ideal of maniage, especiallyas exemplified in its leadership.Regarding divorce and remarriage, in caseswhere there has been a divorce in the past, the church has an obligation to restrict, for a period of time, the persons involvement in leadership until it can be proven that the present marriageexemplifies Christ's relationshipto His church. I Timothy 3:2,12 sets the marital qualification for leadershipwithin the church. The phrase"the husbandof one wife" does not mean that a person cannot have had a divorce in the past since none of the qualificationslisted refer to specific acts in the past but rather to qualities which cunently characterizea man's life. It is especially important, in caseswhere there has been a divorce in a man's past, that there be a period of careful observation to see that his present marriage is chaructenzedby pure devotion and sacrificial love. In the caseof an office bearerwhere a divorce occurs,the said personwill be obliged to resign. However after a suitable time has elapsed,he may be consideredfor reelectionsubjectto the qualificationssetout in 1 Tim 3:l-7 andTitus 1:5-9. 12. Transaction of Business 12.1. The church shall function through the medium of its elders and deacons,who shall act as generallyor specifically directedby the church in generalmeetings,and who shall be accountableto the church for the proper carrying out of all acts. They shall appoint from the church membership,the secretaryand treasurerof the church. 12.2. Elders and deaconsmay meet separatelybut an elder should attend all deacons' meetings.Deacons'meetingsmust be held at leastonce in two months and 50% plus l2 one shall constitute a quorum. The chairman may be on a rotational basis. He shall have a casting vote but not a deliberative vote. 12.3.The church businessand financialyear shall end on the 30th Juneand the annual generalmeeting of the church shall be held within three months of that date. At such an annual meeting the elders and deaconsshall submit reports on the general activities of the church during the precedingyear and on matters affecting its spiritual and social activities e.g. outreach,visitation. The financial position of the church and also a budget for approval for the coming year shall be presented. Any further variationsof the budgetwill be presentedto the churchfor approval. 12.4. Other special or general meetings of the church shall be held as often as the businessof the church requires. 12.5. Special general meetings shall be held only when a notice stating all the businessto be transactedis read at all the church services and a copy affixed to the church notice board, on the two Sundaysimmediately preceding the day appointed for the meeting. 12.6. Specialgeneralmeetingsat which disciplinarymattersare to be dealt with shall be closedto all exceptmemberswho are entitledto vote. 12.7. At all special and generalmeetingsthe vote shall be taken by show of hands exceptwhere a ballot is requestedby not less than five members. 13. Organisations All organisations, departments and committees shall be free to manage their own affairs and present nominations for appointments to the Elders for approval. The elders shall have the right to veto any measure introduced which they consider contrary to the Word of God and/or the objectives of the ministry of the church or harmony of the church. Organisations' budgets shall be presentedto the deaconsfor approval. 14.Regulations The church may at any meeting frame and enact such regulations as it may deem necessaryfor the managementof the affairs of the church 15.Church property All property, which the church may acquire, whether movable or immovable, shall be held and administered solely for the furtheranceof its objectives and the propagation of its principles. In the event of the church at any time ceasing to exist, all property and rights to property owned by it shall ipso facto be vested in the Baptist Union of South Africa. The church shall be deemedto have ceasedto exist when the dissolution of the church shall have been resolved upon in accordancewith article 18 or when the members of the church shall have become totally dispersed or when the public l3 worship of God shall have been discontinued in connection with the church for a periodof 6 consecutivecalendarmonths. 16. Registration of immovable property and church trustees (a) All immovable propertyacquiredor hereinafter acquiredby the churchshallvest in and be held by the trusteesfor the time being of the church for and on behalf of the church. (b) Immovable property shall be registeredin the name of the trusteesfor the time being of the Hillcrest Baptist Church (c) Trustees shall deal with property subject to the provisions of clause 15 as instructedand authorisedin accordancewith this constitution. (d) The trusteesfor the time being of the church shall be the church secretaryand the church treasurer,both ex officio, togetherwith one other member of the church who shall be appointed annually at the annual generalmeeting , and they shall continue to hold office until their successorsare appointed. (e) Any interim vacancy shall be filled by a nominee appointed at a church meeting to are appointed. hold office until their successors (0 All documentsrequiring the signatureby, or on behalf of the church, shall be signed by at least two trusteesduly authorisedthereto by the church at any special or generalmeeting. 17. Transfer or mortgage of movable and immovable property (a) The church shall have power to buy, sell, let or hire, exchange,transfer, receive by way of donation or otherwise movable and immovable property and to invest its funds in governmentor municipal stock, mortgagebonds,or on fixed deposit or otherwise, in banks or as otherwise specifically approved by a church meeting and shall further have power to borrow money with or without security in such a manner as the church may think fit, negotiate loans from bankersor others by overdraft or otherwise and by passingmortgage or notarial bonds for registration with the proper authorities and to open and opeiate upon banking accounts,and to make, draw, accept,discount, execute and issue promissory notes, bills of exchangeand other negotiableand transferable instruments. Any of the aforesaid shall be carried out upon the authority of a resolution of the church passedat a specialgeneralmeeting. (b) To guarantee the performance of contracts by any person or duly constituted church having objects of this church and to enter into guaranteesor suretyshipsof every description. 18.Dissolutionand proceedsof saleof property (a) The proceedsobtained from the sale or other disposal of any property of the church shall be applied and devoted in such a manner as the church, or in the event of the church having ceasedto exist, the Baptist Union of South Africa may deem best fitted to securethe furtheranceof the objectivesof the church and the propagationof its principles. l4 (b) The church may at any time, be dissolvedby resolution of a majority of 90Yoof the memberspresentand entitledto vote at a specialgeneralmeetingof the church. In the event of such a resolution being passedthe elders and deacons,or in the event of there being no such committee, other personsappointedby the church shall take the necessarysteps to wind up the affairs of the church and in particular to transfer the property of the church in due and proper form to the Baptist Union of South Africa. 19. Modification of constitution Any proposalto modiff or alter this trust deedand constitutionshall be considered only at a specialgeneralmeeting.At sucha meetingthe proposalshall be discussed and may be voted upon. If at least80% (90% for article 4) of the memberspresent andentitledto vote, vote in favour,the proposalshall be broughtto a further special generalmeetingfor confirmation.This secondmeetingshall not take placeearlier than 2 months after the first meeting.If at least 80% (90% for article 4) of the memberspresentandentitledto vote,votein favour,the proposalshallbe canied.