Reprint - PUC Interchange
Reprint - PUC Interchange
IV. PLANNING CRITERIA Page IV - 4 Unit costs for various types of primary distribution line improvements should include consideration of several factors that could significantly affect unit prices. Distribution lines on the LEC system have been maintained adequately and are generally in good condition. Usually, improvement of existing facilities would not require complete reconstruction unless the improved facility requires adding phases or is to use #4/0 ACSR or larger conductor. Table 4-4 indicates the costs for re-construction of a facility is the same as the cost for a new facility of like design. Actually, removal cost for an existing facility is usually more than the salvage value of the removed facility. When this is true, the cost for re-construction of a facility is more than the cost for a new facility of like design. TABLE 4-4: UNIT COST (Primary Line Conversion) Description 17 Cost per mile Single-Phase to Three-Phase to #1/0 ACSR $ 40,000 to #4/0 ACSR $ 50,000 7to 477 MCM ACSR $ 65,000 V-Phase to Three-Phase to #1/0 ACSR $ 40,000 to #4/0 ACSR $ 50,000 to 477 MCM ACSR $ 65,000 Three-Phase to Three-Phase to #1/0 ACSR $ 40,000 to #4/0 ACSR $ 50,000 to 477 MCM ACSR $ 65,000 Reprint 250 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA b. Page IV - 5 Primary Distribution Equipment The following tabulation of unit prices lists major types of equipment normally itemized in system planning. Minor distribution equipment costs are included in distribution line costs and are not listed separately. 4-5: UNIT COST (Primary Distribution Equipment) Description Cost Voltage Regulator Banks Three-Phase with Installation 100 Amp $30,000 150 Amp $36,000 200 Amp $42,000 Capacitor Banks 300 kVAR $12,000 c. 450 kVAR $13,000 600 kVAR $14,000 Substations Presentations concerning substations are based on estimates furnished by the Engineer and reviewed by LEC. Basic facets of substation costs are presented instead of itemizing individual equipment costs. TABLE 4-6: UNIT COST (Substation) Description Cost Single Transformer (4 circuits) Substation Base Cost $600,000 Individual Transfomer 10/12.5 MVA 12/16/20 MVA Substation and 10 MVA Transformer Transformer Relocation $600,000 $800,000 $1,200,000 $20,000 Reprint 251 Page IV - 6 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA d. Transmission Presentations concerning transmission facilities are estimates furnished by the Engineer and are based on recent experience. TABLE 4-7: UNIT COST (Transmission) Description Cost per mile Three-Phase 2. 69 kV #4/0 ACSR $195,000 69 kV #477 MCM ACSR $210,000 115 kV #477 MCM ACSR $275,000 138 kV #477 MCM ACSR $295,000 Annual Fixed Expenses A number of expenses are associated with ownership of each plant facility. Such expenses are ongoing over the life of a facility, regardless of the capacity or effectiveness of that facility. Interest is paid annually on funds borrowed to finance the original investment. Depreciation accounts for the decreasing value of a facility over its useful life. Property taxes are based on the depreciated value of a facility during its life. Historical records of these expenses allow a ratio of annual expenses to original plant investment to be derived. These ratios can then be used to estimate the magnitude of these annual expenses that can be expected for any new facility. Expected LEC fixed cost ratios used for planning purposes are derived below in Table 4-8. Most ratios were derived from past operating records. Interest rate is based on rates expected to prevail during the planning period. Reprint 252 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA Page IV - 7 TABLE 4-8: ANNUAL FIXED EXPENSES (2010 Expenses Relative to Plant Investment) Total Plant Investment RUS Form 7, Pg. 2, C-3 Item Source 1 Blended Loan Funds Cooperative Receives 0.00% of required funds from RUS @ Cooperative Receives 100.00% of required funds from CFC @ Cooperative Receives 0.00% of required funds from Others @ Blended Loan Funds = 2 Taxes/Property Property Taxes & OthE ^r Taxes Total 3 Depreciation Total RUS Form 7, Pg.1, A-12, Col. B Depreciation / Plant $135,200,217 Amount Rate 0.00% 3.25% 0.00% 3.25% 0.90 0.90 0.90% 4,186,692.00 3.10% 7.25% Plant facilities must be properly operated and adequately maintained on an ongoing basis in order to minimize losses and maximize service reliability as well as promote safety. The Engineer has concluded that operation and maintenance costs are much more nearly associated with line miles than initial investment. Costs for operation and maintenance are relatively the same per mile regardless of conductor size and associated investment. Based on this conclusion, annual variable expense ratios that treat operation and maintenance costs separately are shown below in Table 4-9. Reprint 253 Page IV - 8 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA TABLE 4-9: ANNUAL VARIABLE EXPENSES (2010 Expenses Relative to Line Miles) Cost/Mile 3. Total Distribution Line Miles RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, B-6, Col. B Overhead RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, B-7, Col. B Underground Total Distribution 5,122.0 1,708.0 6,830.0 Distribution Operation & Maintenance (O&M) RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, A-5, Col. B Operations RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, A-6, Col. B Maintenance (Property + Other) / Plant Total 3,250,450.00 3,455,937.00 6,706,387.00 TRANSMISSION Total Transmission Line WE RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, B-5, Col. B 68.0 Transmission Operation & Maintenance (O&M) RUS Form 7, Pg. 1, A-4, Col. B Expense (Property + Other) / Plant Total 6,973.00 6,973.00 981.90 102.54 Economic Inflation Most costs associated with the cooperative are affected, either directly or indirectly, by inflationary economic trends. Investments in plant facilities are most rapidly and drastically affected. Other expenses, such as purchased power, operation, maintenance, and interest are also affected. In order for the Long-Range Plan to reflect budgetary needs as accurately as possible, inflation trends are considered. The time value of money relates to both interest rates and the rate of inflation. The effects of inflation usually make a facility more expensive to construct when the project is deferred. However, interest costs make the amount of money spent earlier worth more than the same amount of money spent later. The primary source used to obtain information concerning inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which reflects national and regional trends in consumer prices. Management, with the concurrence of the engineer expects that future interest rate of three percent (3%) and inflation rate of three percent (3%). Based on historical trends, this ratio between the two rates is appropriate. These rates are used herein for comparative present worth analysis of plan options. Reprint 254 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA 4. Page IV - 9 Power Cost In the past, wholesale power costs to LEC have accounted for about 60 percent (59%) of the total cost of electric service a. Existing Power Costs Lyntegar Electric Cooperative purchases all power requirements from both ONCOR Electric Delivery Company LLC and Xcel Energy Inc. The average cost of power for LEC has increased and decreased from 2006 through 2010. Power Cost Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ¢ per kWh 6.99 7.71 8.33 5.17 6.35 Average 6.91 LEC purchases power from ONCOR and Xcel at a rate that consists of a number of components. These components are related to membership, service, energy or demand. The largest components are related to energy and demand. b. Future Power Costs LEC believes that wholesale power costs will probably rise in the future. Much is dependent on the market cost of fuel. D. Other Criteria Other factors and criteria have an impact on development of the long-range plan. 1. Annual Load Factor Table 4-10 below illustrates the LEC annual load factor for the last few years derived from LEC operating reports. Reprint 255 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA Page IV - 10 TABLE 4-10: ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR (Total System) Y ear Energy NCP Peak Demand (kW) Factor ( MWh) Summer 2002 37.07% 545,837 168,108 65,962 2003 38.97% 581,361 170,309 79,366 2004 33.85% 503,686 169,866 81,279 2005 38.97% 576,127 168,750 80,978 2006 40.93% 649,038 181,022 94,637 2007 32.54% 494,571 173,525 74,375 2008 40.15% 652,550 185,557 93,635 2009 37.29% 712,381 218,100 102,182 37.47% 589,444 179,405 84,052 Average 2. NCP Load Winter Power Factor LEC routinely maintains a system-wide power factor above ninety percent at peak load. The engineer usually considers a power factor above ninety-five percent (95%) during peak periods is economically justified. A power factor of ninety-eight percent (98%) is used for the purposes of long-range distribution system planning. 3. Voltage Analysis Scenario LEC substations are dependent on voltage delivered through ONCOR and Xcel transmission facilities. Transmission systems other than those belonging to LEC are not analyzed in this study. Voltage delivery to LEC substations is analyzed based on delivery of nominal transmission voltage using maximum coincident LEC substation loading. 4. Nominal Transmission Voltage The ONCOR and Xcel bulk transmission system delivering power to the LEC system is comprised of transmission facilities operating at a nominal voltage of 69 kV and 115 kV. ONCOR has two facilities that operate at 138 kV. Therefore, the LEC transmission system is also designed and operated at 69 kV, 115 kV, and 138 kV. Only 69 kV and 115 kV nominal transmission voltages were considered in this study for use on the LEC system. Each voltage has inherent advantages and disadvantages. With a given conductor size, approximately 1.7 times as much load can be delivered, and only thirty-six percent of the losses incurred via a 115 kV facility over a 69 kV facility. Reprint 256 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA Page IV - 11 Re-construction of 69 kV facilities for 115 kV would be very expensive. Any 69 kV transmission facility would have to be entirely replaced. Associated substation primary facilities would have to be modified or replaced. Protective and some other equipment would be replaced. 5. Transmission System Configuration The configuration of transmission systems serving LEC can potentially have a greater impact on system reliability than most other parts of the system. Xcel and ONCOR should be able to serve peak load if any single 69 kV, 115 kV (Xcel) or 138 kV (ONCOR) transmission segment were to become inoperable. Since these transmission facilities serve loads in addition to LEC, load limitations that night be imposed on LEC by these transmission facilities are not readily discernible. A service interruption caused by malfunction of transmission facilities is less likely than with distribution facilities because they are more regularly inspected and more extensively protected than most distribution-voltage facilities. Radial transmission facilities warrant special consideration, however. Service interruptions of a radial transmission facility will usually affect more consumers, greater load and will be of longer duration than most distribution system malfunctions. Regardless of the statistical probability that a malfunction of a transmission facility will cause a major service interruption, special attention to the reliability of transmission facilities is warranted. 6. Maximum Substation Caoacit A service interruption caused by malfunction of substation power transformers is less likely than with most distribution facilities because they are more regularly inspected and more extensively protected than most distribution-voltage facilities. Substation power transformers warrant special consideration, however, based on the fact that service interruptions caused by malfunction of a power transformer will usually affect more consumers, greater load and will be of longer duration than most distribution system component malfunctions. Regardless of statistical probability that a malfunction of a substation power transformer will cause a major service interruption, special attention to the reliability of substation power transformers is warranted. The engineer recommends that malfunction of a single substation power transformer should not result in a greater-than-momentary interruption of service to load greater than ten megawatts (10 MW). More than just one substation power transformer should serve peak load greater than ten megawatts that must be served by a single substation. If one substation power transformer should Reprint 257 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA Page IV - 12 malfunction, the remaining power transformer(s) should be of adequate capacity to provide continued service. Statistically, system reliability is most economically achieved if the system is designed so that length of a possible service interruption is roughly inversely proportional to the magnitude of load that can be interrupted by a single contingency. Unless special service area, loading, or economic conditions prevail, future substation capacities will be limited to capacity increments of standard power transformer and in maximum practical capacity. The engineer would usually recommend that in strictly rural areas, substation capacity served by a single power transformer will be limited to a capacity of 10/12.5/14 (OA/FA/65°C). In most instances, the OA 55°C rating of the power transformer(s) will be dedicated to serve peak load under normal operating conditions. The OA/FA/65°C rating of the power transformer(s) will be reserved for use only during emergency operating conditions or used in response to much-morerapid load growth than anticipated. Rural substations serving more than 10.5 MVA load should be equipped with more than one power transformer unless significant load can be transferred to another substation or a mobile transformer can augment the capacity of the substation quickly. A substation power transformer should not be exposed to load greater than one hundred percent (100%) of the OA/FA/65° rating of the power transformer, even during emergency operating conditions. 7. Primary Distribution Voltage Only one primary distribution voltage was seriously considered for use on the LEC system. a. 7.2/12.47 kV The 7.2/12.47 kV distribution voltage is presently being utilized to serve 100% of load on the LEC service area. Because of the abundance of nearby transmission systems serving the LEC system, the proportion of this primary distribution system voltage will remain unchanged for the long-ranged planning period. b. 14.4/24.94 kV The 14.4/24.94 kV distribution voltage is presently being utilized for three express feeders. One of these is located at West Lamesa and is expected to be removed during the First Transition. The other two are located at Seagraves, feeding the southwest portion of its service area, and Ackerly, feeding West. The Seagraves and Ackerly express feeders will continue to be in service. Reprint 258 IV. PLANNING CRITERIA c. Page IV - 13 Other Voltage The most common uses of a distribution voltage higher than 7.2/12.47 kV is as an express feeder into a remote area or as a sub-transmission system. Unless special service area, loading, or economic conditions prevail, most primary distribution facilities will ultimately operate at 7.2/12.47 W. Use of another distribution voltage would be a rare exception. E. Assumptions The engineer uses specific assumptions to develop the long-range plan. The four percent (4.1%) interest rate used for economic evaluations is equal to the inflation rate of four percent (4.1%) used to predict the costs of future investments. Regardless of future interest rates or rates of inflation, the economic comparison of plans will remain valid so long as this ratio does not change significantly. Reprint 259 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 1 A. The Recommended Plan This section of the System Planning Report is designed to present the developed Long-Range Plan in as much detail as necessary for implementation. Most of the planned major system improvements to be accomplished during the planning period are related to expected load growth but are dependent on the capacity and adequacy of existing facilities. In most areas of the system, major system improvements included herein are deferred as long as practical based on delivery of adequate voltage during emergency operating conditions that occur coincident with peak load periods. As normal load growth occurs throughout the system, some load transfers are appropriate between substations to improve voltages, decrease losses, or defer premature investments. These load transfers, when combined with normal load growth and system improvements, have an impact on expected load served by each substation. In addition to these factors, emergency load transfers between substations might be appropriate. Three different approaches were completed by SGS Engineering, with the best and most economical parts of each, were put together to comprise a single Long Range plan. One aspect, Exploratory A, considered correcting problems but adding no new substations. This was accomplished by adding additional or larger transformers at overloaded substations. Eight new 10 MVA transformers, and four relocations of others, would have been needed. Exploratory B corrected expected problems by adding new substations where it was most economical. Several possibilities were considered under Exploratory B, but only those that proved as the best options were utilized in the Long Range Plan. The last portion, Exploratory C, was focused on the southern service area of LEC, and tested several different possibilities of new substations, eliminating the metering points within LEC. The possibility of large-capacity substations (20 MVA) as well as several smaller ones were considered. Due to the large geographical area served by LEC, the large substations were found to be less acceptable than several smaller substations. Based on the findings from the various exploratory options mentioned above, a Long Range Plan was devised and is recommended by SGS engineering. The following two maps show the Long Range Plan at the end of 2020. Each map illustrates the system showing recommended sources, distribution changes, and interchange and substation facilities that should be in operation by the end of the planning period. Reprint 260 V. LONG RANGE PLAN 1. Page V - 4 Voltage Regulation The following two maps show the locations and coverage areas, in red, of voltage regulators at the end of the Long Range Plan. Increasing conductor size can correct voltage drop, but the cost is much higher than adding capacitors or regulators. At the end of the Long Range Plan, there are no cascading regulators. Reprint 261 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 7 Table 5-1 below lists the expected seasonal peak load for each service area at the end of the planning period (after anticipated load transfers). TABLE 5-1: SERVICE AREA LOAD SUMMARY (2020 Long Range Plan) Substation Calculated Load (kVA) 1. Ackerly 2. Ashmore 3. Brownfield 4. Central 5. Claudow 6. Clauene 7. Dixon 8. Doc Webber 9. Draw 10. Florey 11. Foster 12. Gail 13. Hackberry 14. Jess Smith 15. Key-Mesa 16. Lakeadow 7,689 5,219 7,403 3,614 9,557 9,676 7,358 7,683 4,849 4,880 7,260 2,829 6,386 6,778 9,138 7,316 17. Lakeview 7,102 18. Levelland 19. McConal 4,362 8,911 20. Meadow 9,318 Substation 21. New Home 22. New Moore 23. North Arvana 24. NW Lamesa 25. Patricia 26. Plains 27. Pleasant Hill 28. Punk-Welch 29. Sawyer Flat 30. Seagraves 31. Sea-Hill 32. Semino-Conal 33. Seminole 34. Sundown 35. Tokio 36. Tokio-Brown 37. Two Draw 38. Wellman 39. Wilson F TOTAL Calculated Load (kVA) 7,356 9,784 6,795 5,366 7,715 8,489 7,384 6,548 5,076 9,380 8,268 7,254 4,880 7,939 6,916 7,213 3,620 2,021 4,813 264,145 RED indicates a new substation 2. Conclusions Basic conclusions derived through long-range analysis of the system proved to be neither revolutionary nor surprising. Facilities outlined for construction or enhancement during the planning period generally follow patterns that had been anticipated by the LEC staff and the engineer. a. Power Supply Twenty-nine out of thirty-one existing power supply locations are expected to remain in use for the foreseeable future, with the exception of Ropes and the Prentice metering point. These are planned Reprint 262 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 8 to be eliminated in the first transition period. During the first transition, three new sources will be placed into service from the 138 kV ONCOR line. One will be northwest of the current Key metering point and one north and one south of the current West Lamesa/Dawson metering point. Transmission line will be built to accommodate these new substations (Patricia and Northwest Lamesa). Eventually this same tap will supply the Punk-Welsh and North Arvana Substations as well. Table 5-2 shows the nominal voltage and capacity as well as the normal peak load conditions at each recommended source location by the end of the planning period. TABLE 5-2: FUTURE POWER SOURCES (2020 Long Range Plan) Voltage Substation Ackerly (LL kV) Voltage (kVA) Substation (LL kV) (kVA) 7,635 Arvana 69-7.2/12.47 MP Ashmore Brownfield 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 North Lamesa Plains Central Clauene 69-7.2/12.47 115-7.2/12.47 5,828 7,414 3,618 Prentice Dixon 69-7.2/12.47 9,676 7,372 Doc Webber Draw 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 7,674 Punkin Center Ropes 4,853 Sawyer Flat 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 0 4,865 Florey 69-7.2/12.47 3,317 Seagraves 69-7.2/12.47 Foster 69-7.2/12.47 7,354 Seminole 69-7.2/12.47 9,553 4,872 Gail Hackberry 138-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 2,785 6,378 MP 69-7.2/12.47 Jess Smith Key 69-7.2/12.47 6,778 South Lamesa Sundown Tokio 69-7.2/12.47 0 7,938 6,928 0 7,102 Two Draw 69-7.2/12.47 3,612 Lakeview MP 69-7.2/12.47 Levelland 115-7.2/12.47 4,405 Wellman 69-7.2/12.47 2,018 McConal Meadow 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 9,385 9,335 West Lamesa Wilson MP 69-7.2/12.47 0 4,816 New Subs (15t Transition) Claudow 115-7.2/12.47 Key-Mesa 138-7.2/12.47 NW LaMesa 138-7.2/12.47 Patricia 138-7.2/12.47 9,553 9,190 5,418 7,716 New Subs (2"d Transition) Lakeadow 69-7.2/12.47 North Arvana 138-7.2/12.47 Punk-Welch 138-7.2/12.47 Sea-Hill 69-7.2/12.47 6,795 6,667 8,289 Tokio-Brown 7,214 Semino Conal 6,804 69-7.2/12.47 0 New Home New Moore Pleasant Hill Welch 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 MP 7,354 9,784 115-7.2/12.47 0 8,522 115-7.2/12.47 MP 7,383 0 MP MP 69-7.2/12.47 0 0 7,318 Reprint 263 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 9 b. Transmission Table 5-3 summarizes the rated capacity of each future LEC transmission line segment in relation to the maximum load that the line segment might experience during predicted peak load periods in 2020. TABLE 5-3: FUTURE TRANSMISSION CAPACITY (2020 Long Range Plan) Source Voltage 115 kV 115 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 69 kV 115 kV 115 kV 69 kV 69 kV 138 kV Substation(s) on same line Clauene Claudow (future substation) Meadow Lakeadow (future substation) Lakeview New Home Wilson Draw New Moore McConal Seminole Semino-Conal ( future substation) Sea-Hill (future substation) Tokio-Brown (future substation) Florey Foster South Source 5 new subs total * Capacity 14.20% 14.00% 60.10% 17.90% 25.80% 48.30% 17.30% 17.40% 35.40% 51.60% 12.00% 17.80% 12.10% 10.60% 8.10% 17.80% 22.90% Analysis Size Adequate Adequate Inadequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate 1/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 4/0 ACSR '3 on one line, 1 each on others Analysis of LEC transmission system voltage is based on delivery of at least nominal voltage (listed above) at each source point. One concern is the 1/0 ACSR line leading to Meadow, should the new Lakeadow substation be constructed in series on the existing 1/0 ACSR radial line. At the end of the long range plan, should the 1/0 ACSR segment be connected to the Meadow substation, it is expected to reach near 60% capacity, culminating is significantly higher losses. For this reason, it is recommended that the line segment leading into Meadow be converted from 1/0 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR at the time that the Lakeadow substation is constructed. However, if Lakeadow were to be connected to Lakeview instead of Meadow, the 1/0 ACSR leading to Lakeview could reach an estimated 52% capacity at the end of the Long Range Plan and face fewer losses. Should Lakeadow be connected to both Meadow and Lakeview, creating a looped Reprint 264 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-10 system, then conversion of both feeder lines would not be necessary as each line segment in question would reach an estimated 40% capacity. Therefore, at the end of the first transition period, the capacity of the Meadow and Lakeview substations, and their growth, should be re-evaluated in order to determine which supply feeder has the least capacity and the most economical way to connect the new Lakeadow substation to that supply line. By the end of the long range plan, the radial 1/0 ACSR, feeding both Wilson and New Home, will be close to the point of needing to be converted due to loading approaching 50%. Below Table 5-4 summarizes the results of analysis of the long-range LEC system based on expected peak load levels of 2020. Delivered voltage is indicated on the primary side of power transformers (before correction by no-load taps or voltage-regulators). These values do not address loss of power to a substation because a radial transmission facility becomes inoperable. Reprint 265 Page V-11 V. LONG RANGE PLAN TABLE 5-4: FUTURE TRANSMISSION VOLTAGE ADEQUACY (2020 Long Range Plan) Substation(s) on same line voltage Analysis Per Unit Meadow Foster Lakeview New Home, Wilson New Home Wilson Florey Draw New Moore Seminole Claudow Semino-Conal Patricia NW Lamesa, Punk-Welch, N. Arvana Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate 98.4% 99.7% 98.6% 98.0% 97.7% 97.2% 99.9% 98.8% 97.6% 98.9% 99.8% 98.9% 99.8% 99.7% Punk-Welch, North Arvana Adequate 99.6% Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Items in red indicate new facilities 99.5% 99.5% 99.8% 97.0% 96.6% Punk-Welch North Arvana Sea-Hill Meadow, Lakeadow Lakeadow Table 5-4 illustrates that the future transmission system should be capable of delivering adequate voltage to all substations during periods of peak load without supplying excessive voltage during minimum load periods. Substation voltage regulators should be capable of raising delivered voltage to a level five percent above nominal. c. Interchanges LEC owns no transmission-voltage interchanges. ONCOR and Xcel are expected to provide adequate interchange capacity to serve LEC loads throughout the planning period. d. Substations The following table lists the operating and future substations and the number of feeders each station utilizes. During the long range planning period, ten new substations are added while eight meeting points are removed. By the end of the second transition, a total of 17 additional circuits will be in operation. Reprint 266 Page V - 12 V. LONG RANGE PLAN TABLE 5-5: SUBSTATIONS AND FEEDERS (Relative to Growing Load) Number of Circuits Number of Circuits Substation Name Existing Ackerly 4 1st Transition Substation Name Existing 2nd Transition 1st Transition 2nd Transition 3 3 Sundown 3 3 3 Tokio 5 5 5 Ashmore 3 3 3 Brownfield 4 4 4 Two Draw 2 2 2 Central 2 2 2 Wellman 2 2 2 6 6 Wilson 3 3 3 Clauene 6 Dixon 3 3 3 Arvana 2 2 0 Doc Webber 4 4 4 Key 4 0 0 3 4 North Lamesa 2 0 0 Draw 3 Florey 2 2 2 Prentice 1 0 0 Foster 4 4 4 Punkin Center 3 3 0 South Lamesa 2 0 0 1 Gail 1 1 Hackberry 4 4 5 Welch 2 2 0 Jess Smith 4 4 4 West Lamesa 5 0 0 Lakeview 4 4 4 Claudow 0 4 4 Levelland 4 4 4 Key-Mesa 0 4 4 McConal 4 4 4 Lakeadow 0 0 3 4 Meadow 4 4 5 N. Arvana 0 0 New Home 4 4 4 NW LaMesa 0 3 3 New Moore 3 3 3 Patricia 0 4 4 Plains 4 4 4 Punk-Welch 0 0 3 Pleasant Hill 3 3 3 Sea-Hill 0 0 4 Sawyer Flat 3 3 3 Semino-Conal 0 0 3 Seagraves 5 5 5 Tokio-Brown Seminole 3 3 3 Total: 0 4 4 121 125 138 Circuit changes shown in red A table of future LEC substations follows. The rated capacity and the highest predicted peak load of each substation are listed to illustrate the adequacy of future power transformers. Reprint 267 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-13 TABLE 5-6: FUTURE SUBSTATION ADEQUACY (2020 Long Range Plan) Capacity (kVA) 55° C Rise Substation Ackerly Arvana Ashmore Brownfield Central Clauene Dixon Doc Webber Draw Florey Foster Gail Hackberry Jess Smith Key Lakeview Levelland McConal Meadow New Home New Moore North Lamesa Plains Pleasant Hill Prentice Punkin Center Ropes Sawyer Flat Seagraves Seminole Voltage (LL kV) 69-7.2/12.47 MP 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 115-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 138-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 MP 69-7.2/12.47 115-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 MP 115-7.2/12.47 115-7.2/12.47 MP MP 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 South Lamesa MP Sundown Tokio Two Draw Welch Wellman West Lamesa Wilson 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 69-7.2/12.47 MP 69-7.2/12.47 MP 69-7.2/12.47 Base OA 7,500 MP 10,000 7,500 5,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 MP 7,500 10,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 10,000 MP 10,000 10,000 MP MP 1,000 7,500 10,000 7,500 MP Maximum with Fans 9,375 MP 12,500 9,375 6,250 12,500 9,375 9,375 6,250 6,250 12,500 9,375 9,375 9,375 MP 9,375 12,500 12,500 12,500 9,375 12,500 MP 12,500 12,500 MP MP 1,250 9,375 12,500 9,375 MP Peak Load Maximum @ 65° C Rise 10,500 MP 14,000 10,500 7,000 14,000 10,500 10,500 7,000 7,000 14,000 10,500 10,500 10,500 MP 10,500 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,500 14,000 MP 14,000 14,000 MP MP 1,400 10,500 14,000 10,500 MP (kVA) 7,635 0 4,042 7,414 3,618 9,676 7,372 7,674 4,852 3,317 7,355 2,828 6,378 6,778 0 7,102 4,405 9,385 9,336 7,354 8,179 0 8,484 7,382 0 0 0 4,865 9,553 4,872 0 10,000 12,500 14,000 7,938 10,000 12,500 14,000 6,927 5,250 6,563 7,350 3,612 MP MP MP 0 5,000 6,250 7,000 2,018 MP MP MP 0 7,500 9,375 10,500 4,816 items snown in red indicate new or modified facilities. Normal % of Capacity 101.80% MP 40.42% 98.85% 72.36% 96.76% 98.29% 102.32% 97.04% 66.34% 73.55% 37.71% 85.04% 90.37% MP 94.69% 44.05% 93.85% 93.36% 98.05% 81.79% MP 84.84% 73.82% MP MP 0.00% 64.87% 95.53% 64.96% Emergency % of Capacity 72.71% MP 28.87% 70.61% 51.69% 69.11% 70.21% 73.09% 69.31% 47.39% 52.54% 26.94% 60.74% 64.55% MP 67.64% 31.46% 67.04% 66.69% 70.04% 58.42% MP 60.60% 52.73% MP MP 0.00% 46.33% 68.24% 46.40% MP MP 79.38% 69.27% 68.80% MP 40.36% MP 64.21% 56.70% 49.48% 49.14% MP 28.83% MP 45.87% Reprint 268 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-14 Capacity (kVA) Peak Load 55° C Rise Voltage (LL Maximum Normal % Emergency Maximum @ 65° C of % of Capacity Capacity kV) Base OA with Fans Rise (kVA) Claudow 115-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 9,551 95.51% 68.22% Key-Mesa 138-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 9,190 91.90% 65.64% Lakeadow 69-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 7,318 73.18% 52.27% North Arvana 138-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 6,795 67.95% 48.54% NW LaMesa 138-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 5,418 54.18% 38.70% Punk-Welch 138-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 6,667 66.67% 47.62% Sea-Hill 115-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 8,288 82.88% 59.20% Semino-Conal 69-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 6,805 68.05% 48.61% Patricia 138-7.2/12.47 10,000 12,500 14,000 7,715 77.15% 55.11% Tokio-Brown 115-7.2/12.47 72.18% 51.56% Substation e. 10,000 12,500 14,000 7,218 erns snown in rea rnaicate new or moaned tacilities. New Substations Ten new LEC substations are to be constructed during the planning period. Five new substations are to be constructed during the first transition of the planning period, including one new 115-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substation named Claudow. Depending on the availability, reliability, and associated costs, Claudow could be connected to a 69 kV or 115 kV line as both are equal distance from the estimated site location. Other substations include one new 115-7.2/12.47 10 MVA substation termed Tokio-Brownfield, and three new 138-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations, currently being called Key-Mesa, Northwest Lamesa, and Patricia. During the second transition of the planning period, five more new substations are to be constructed, including two new 69-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations termed Lakeadow and Semino-Conal; one new 115-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substation called Sea-Hill, and two new 138-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations currently termed North Arvana and Punk-Welch. The cooperative plans to construct a new 138 kV transmission line to reach three of the substations. To reach NW Lamesa, North Arvana, and Punk-Welch, approximately 11.5 miles of new 477 MCM ACSR 138 kV Transmission Line will be built as a requirement for these Substation's operation. Two future substations are expected to connect to this line, one running north and one east, adding an additional 15.7 miles. Existing substations are expected to continue to provide power to this region until the new substations are constructed. Reprint 269 V. LONG RANGE PLAN f. Page V-15 Substation Modifications The Engineer does not expect that any substation will be modified to change voltage during the plan. Several LEC substations will undergo an increase in capacity. Currently, Seminole is awaiting a 7.5 MVA transformer to replace the existing 5.25 MVA configuration once loads decrease so loads can be back-fed from other substations during the transition. In the North-Central (Meadow) and South-Central (New Moore) portions of the system, two substations are expected to require a 10 MVA transformer due to anticipated load growth and/or possible oil field expansions, replacing the existing 7.5 MVA on site. Once the 7.5 MVA transformers are replaced, they can then be moved and placed into service at Hackberry and Wilson, removing the 5 MVA's currently in operation. These can then be moved to Central and Draw, replacing the 3.75 MVA transformer on site. At the end of the Long Range Plan, it will be necessary to replace the 7.5 MVA transformer at Ackerly with a 10 MVA, depending on load growth in the area over the Second Transition period. g. Distribution A number of situations can provide an inducement for modification of the distribution system. Improvements are usually prompted by losses, delivered voltage or thermal capacity. Only rarely do thermal capacity considerations affect rural distribution lines. considerations affect urban distribution lines. More usually, thermal capacity Modifications are sometimes prompted by the condition of facilities. As systems age, their useful life is sometimes approached or exceeded. These facilities are simply replaced with similar facilities or improved to address other concerns at the same time. Seven types of distribution system modifications are planned either to forestall or defer other investments if possible, or improve the system in the most economic manner commensurate with providing quality service. These types of modifications include 1) replacing existing facilities, 2) shifting load between substations or feeders, 3) installing capacitor banks, 4) installing voltage regulators, 5) increasing conductor size of existing facilities, 6) increasing nominal voltage of distribution lines and 7) construction of new facilities. Facilities with foreseen problems are presented below along with the most justifiable system modification required to forestall problems. Each substation service area is addressed in alphabetical order. When capacitor banks are added to maintain proper voltage levels, the proper size and placement location(s) will need to be verified on an annual basis. Reprint 270 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-16 Ackerly Service Area Other than capacitor and regulator placement, the only improvement for this service area is anticipated to be the extension of a 1/0 ACSR line eastward to feed the area between Ackerly and Gail for this Long Range Plan. However, due to the expectation of a new substation to the north, the service area and load is reduced below the current transformer's OA base rating. The elimination of one underground circuit is anticipated during the first transition time period. The 25 kV express feeder to the west will continue to be used. Over the next ten years, 1,500 kVAR of switched capacitor banks will need to be added to this service area. Arvana Service Area The Arvana metering point is to be eliminated in the second transition of this long range plan. During the first transition, a new 1/0 tie line is suggested to maintain voltage levels and in preparation for the second transition. By the second transition period, the cooperative should construct 0.35 miles of 30 #1/0 ACSR to the southeast to insure better reliability and voltage values for the region. Over the next ten years, over 1,300 kVAR of switched capacitor banks will need to be added to this service area. Ashmore Service Area We anticipate that the Ashmore service area will need to be extended eastward slightly in anticipation of oil load growth in other areas and the future elimination of the Welch metering point. There are no anticipated line upgrades for this area for this long range plan. Over the next ten years, 1,600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks will need to be added to this service area. Brownfield Service Area Due to the predicted load growth in the Brownfield service area, it is recommended that LEC construct a new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, (Tokio-Brown) substation early in the first transition in order to solve major load and voltage problems, accommodating current and new load growth in this area. The Tokio-Brown Substation will relieve load off of the existing 7.5 MVA Brownfield Reprint 271 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-17 Substation over 10 miles to the east. (See Tokio-Brown Service Area). Because of the anticipated new substation, there are no conductor improvements for this area. During the next ten years, over 1,600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks needs to be added to this service area. Central Service Area Central's service area will need to be extended northward slightly to relieve load from Hackberry. Due to the characteristics of the load area, it is not expected to experience voltage problems during this Long Range Planning Period. We are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area over the next 10 years. Clauene Service Area Because of current load and anticipated load, Clauene is expected to exceed the FA/FA rating of its transformer. Because of this, the construction of a new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation is recommended (Claudow) during the first transition period. Due to the new substation relieving load from Clauene, there are no line upgraded recommended during this long range planning period. We are recommending that 2,700 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Dixon Service Area Over the next ten years, it is expected that the Dixon service area will not change during this Long Range Planning Period. The conversion of 1.5 miles of #4 ACSR to 4/0 in the southern region is suggested to support future load and reduce losses. We are recommending that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Doc Webber Service Area The Doc Webber service area is not expected to grow beyond the capacity of the current transformer so no changes are recommended for this area. However, to better facilitate the location of load growth, a new 0.27 mile, 1/0 ACSR tie line is suggested at the end of line to maintain proper voltage and provide equal division of delivered power from the west and south circuits during this Long Range Planning Period. Reprint 272 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-18 We are recommending that approximately 2,400 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Draw Service Area Due to anticipated load growth over the next ten years, it is suggested that Hackberry's 5 MVA transformer be moved to the Draw substation during the first transition period. It is also suggested that another circuit (south) be added. This new 4.14 mile circuit will be 4/0 ACSR and added to feed the southwest portion of the service area. The current south feeder is expected to experience voltage and load problems during this Long Range Planning Period. Approximately 4 miles of 10 #4 ACSR will need to be converted to 30 477 MCM ACSR and a new 0.52 mile 477 MCM ACSR tie line added. We are recommending that 2,900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Florey Service Area Load growth in the Florey service area will facilitate the need for a larger transformer near the end of the long range planning period. (The transformer from either Wilson or Hackberry is suggested.) During the second transition period, a substation is suggested to be added northeast of Florey. This new 69-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation (Semio-Conal) will relieve some of the growing load by the reduction in service area served by Florey. We are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area over the next ten years. Foster Service Area Few changes are anticipated for the Foster service area. To the north, it is suggested that Foster expand its service area and relieve Jess Smith of approximately 500 kW during this Long Range Planning Period. We are recommending that 750 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Gail Service Area Over the next ten years, it is anticipated that only the relocation of a regulator and one 600 kVAR capacitor be performed for the Gail service area during this Long Range Planning Period. We are recommending that 300 kVAR of switched capacitor banks should be added. Reprint 273 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V-19 Hackberry Service Area For the Hackberry service area, load is expected to exceed the OA base rating by the end of the first transition time period, even after the reduction in area served. Both Central and Two Draw will assume some of the service area from Hackberry to keep from exceeding the FA rating and possibly damaging the transformer. By the end of the first transition period, a 7.5 MVA transformer (from either New Moore or Meadow) will need to replace the existing 5 MVA transformer. It is also recommended that a fifth circuit be added. This 4/0 ACSR circuit is dedicated to the plant located 0.25 miles west of the substation. No conductor upgrades are anticipated for this service area. We are recommending that 1,500 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. A single 1,800 kVAR capacitor is suggested to be placed at the plant when the new circuit is added. Jess Smith Service Area There is little in way of improvements for the Jess Smith service area other than a slight reduction in service area to Foster during this Long Range Planning Period. We are recommending that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area over the next ten years. Key Service Area This metering point is planned to be eliminated during the first transition time period and replaced by the Key-Mesa, 10 MVA substation. (See Key-Mesa below) Lakeview Service Area The Lakeview service area is expected to exceed the FA rating on the in-place (7.5 MVA) transformer by the end of the ten-year, long range planning period. However, a new 69-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation (Lakeadow) is suggested during the second transition period. This new substation will reduce the load on the Lakeview transformer to under the OA base rating. We are recommending that 1,500 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Reprint 274 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 20 Levelland Service Area The Levelland service area is not expected to experience any load or distribution difficulties over the long range planning period. However, to maintain proper voltage and improve the power factor, we are recommending the addition of 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. McConal Service Area No significant upgrades are suggested for the McConal service area for this long range plan. It is anticipated that the load will exceed the FA rating of the on-site transformer nearing the end of the long range plan. However, a new 69-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation (Semino-Conal) is anticipated during the second transition period, absorbing a significant amount of the McConal load and some load from both Seminole and Florey to help maintain their voltage levels and eliminate necessary upgrades, should the new substation not be constructed. We are recommending that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Meadow Service Area Because of significant load growth in and around the Meadow service area, several changes are planned. During the end of the First Transition period, line conversions are expected as the Ropes substation will be eliminated and picked up by Meadow. These conversions consist of adding a three mile 1/0 ACSR circuit to the north to carry load to the north west service area, converting a #2 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR to aid in load distribution to the Ropes area, and upgrading from 1/0 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR for 1.7 miles to the west to maintain voltage levels and significantly reduce losses on this circuit. Once the new 69-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation (Lakeadow) is constructed during the second transition, Meadow's service area will reduce slightly but will still need to be increased to a 10 MVA transformer due to anticipated load growth. We are recommending that 1,600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. New Home Service Area There are few expected changes to the New Home service area other than a slight increase to the southeast, absorbing load from Wilson. We are recommending that 2,100 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Reprint 275 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 21 New Moore Service Area Due to the large capacity on the east circuit from the New More service area, 5.15 miles of 1/0 ACSR will need to be converted to 477 MCM ACSR to reduce losses and maintain voltage. From the east circuit, there is a 10 #4 ACSR line to the north that will need to be converted to 30 1/0 ACSR for 3.8 miles to maintain proper voltage. There is also an expected oil load growth potential on the southern part of this circuit that could exceed 2.0 MVA. Should this oil load develop, two other conversions will be necessary to maintain proper power delivery. A 10 #4 ACSR line to the south will need to be upgraded to 30 1/0 ACSR, and a 1/0 ACSR tie line will need to be constructed to the west to divide the load more evenly. Due to its large area, we are recommending that 2,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. North Lamesa Service Area This metering point is planned to be eliminated during the second transition time period and replaced by the North Arvana, 10 MVA substation. (See North Arvana below). Until that time, we are recommending that 600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Plains Service Area Load in the southwest region of the Plains service area is expected to cause voltage problems in the long range planning period. To alleviate this, 2 miles of 4/0 ACSR, built from an existing western circuit, will run south to meet existing lines. From there, 4 miles of #2 ACSR will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR to meet and carry load to the southern service area. We are recommending that 2,800 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Pleasant Hill Service Area The only conductor conversion for the Pleasant Hill service area during the first transition period, is converting a 10 #4 ACSR to 30 1/0 ACSR to help balance load on the western circuit, and better maintain proper voltage. During the second transition, a new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA substation (Sea-Hill) is to be constructed to the west of Pleasant Hill and redirect some of the increasing load. We are recommending that 2,600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Reprint 276 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 22 Prentice Service Area Due to its small size, the Prentice metering point will be absorbed by the Tokio substation during the first transition period. Punkin Center Service Area This metering point is planned to be eliminated during the second transition time period and replaced by the Punk-Welch, 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation. (See Punk-Welch below). Until that time, we are recommending that 300 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Ropes Service Area This 1 MVA substation is planned to be eliminated during the first transition period of the long range plan and its load absorbed by the Meadow service area. (See Meadow above). Until then, we are recommending that 300 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Sawyer Flat Service Area The only estimated changes to the Sawyer Flat service area during the long range plan is a slight increase in service area to the north. We are recommending that 600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Seagraves Service Area For the Seagraves service area, the expected load of the long range plan will exceed the FA rating on the transformer. For this reason, a new substation (Sea-Hill) will be constructed to the north during the second transition period. This new 10 MVA substation causes the service area of Seagraves to diminish in the north. The existing 25 kV express feeder to the south will continue to be utilized, as nearly 30% of the total load is served by this line. One underground circuit to the west can be taken out of service. During the long range planning period, we are recommending that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Reprint 277 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 23 Seminole Service Area A 7.5 MVA transformer will replace Seminole's existing 3-1.75 MVA (5.25 MVA total) transformers once the summer peak loading has diminished. Even with this larger transformer, no line conversions are recommended in this long range plan. To improve the service area even more, a new substation is expected (Semino-Conal) during the second transition period. We are recommending that 2,400 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. South Lamesa Service Area This metering point is planned to be eliminated during the first transition time period of the long range plan and replaced by the Key-Mesa, 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation. (See Key-Mesa below). Sundown Service Area The Sundown service area is expected to experience voltage problems on the north circuit during this Long Range Planning Period. To alleviate this, 0.78 miles of the 1/0 ACSR line to the north is to be converted to 477 MCM ACSR during the second transition period as over 35% of the total estimated load will be served by this circuit. We recommend that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Tokio Service Area Due to the predicted load growth in the Tokio service area, it is recommended that LEC construct a new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, (Tokio-Brown) substation early in the first transition in order to solve major load and voltage problems, based on current and new load growth in this area. The Tokio-Brown Substation will relieve load off of the existing 10 MVA transformer over 8 miles to the west. (See Tokio-Brown Service Area). Because of the anticipated new substation, there are no conductor improvements for this area. However, the load on circuit 2 (west and northwest) will need to be switched over to circuit 5 (4/0 ACSR line) at the point of intersection to alleviate voltage issues. This can be done at the start of the second transition period. We are recommending that 2,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Reprint 278 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 24 Two DrawService Area There are few changes to the Two Draw service area over the duration of the current long range plan. We are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Welch Service Area This metering point is planned to be eliminated during the second transition time period and replaced by the Punk-Welch, 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation. (See Punk-Welch below). Until that time, we are recommending that 600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Wellman Service Area There are few changes to the Wellman service area over the duration of the current long range plan. We are recommending that 600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Wilson Service Area There are few changes to the Wellman service area over the duration of the current long range plan. This service area will increase slightly in the northeast as load is taken from Hackberry to facilitate the change-out of its transformer at the end of the first transition period. We are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area y. NEW SUBSTATION SERVICE AREAS Claudow Service Area During the first transition period, it is recommended that a substation between Clauene and Meadow be constructed to alleviate the rapidly increasing load. This new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation should be located to the northeast of Clauene and tap into an existing 115 kV line that is 4.8 miles to the west. Because of the location of this new substation, conductors to the north, east, and south will need to be converted to enable better power delivery. To the north, 1.26 miles of #2 ACSR will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR out of the substation. The east circuit will need to be converted from #2 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR for 1.45 miles starting at Reprint 279 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 25 the substation. The last change to the new Claudow service area is a new 1/0 tie line to the south to better divide and deliver power to the southern area. We are recommending that 3,100 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this new service area over the next ten years. Key-Mesa Service Area During the first transition period, it is recommended that a new 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to eliminate two metering points. This new substation will be located between Key and South Lamesa, just 0.25 miles south of an existing 138 kV transmission line. Line conversions to the east and west must also be done with the new substation to service this large area. The first conversion will be 3.43 miles west, changing from 1/0 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR, from the substation. The second conversion will be on the southeast circuit, 4.45 miles east out of the substation, changing #2 ACSR and #4 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR. We are recommending that 2,700 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Lakeadow Service Area During the second transition period, it is recommended that a new 69-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to eliminate the increasing loads at Lakeview and Meadow. This new Ladeadow substation will be located 5 miles east of Meadow. To do this, 5.1 miles of 69 kV transmission line will need to be constructed out of Meadow. Along with this new substation, 2.56 miles of #4 ACSR will need to be converted to 477 MCM ACSR, south out of the substation. Another 0.65 miles of #4 ACSR will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR and 0.3 miles of new 4/0 ACSR tie line, extending south from the 477 line. We are recommending that 1,800 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. North Arvana Service Area During the second transition period, it is recommended that a new 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to eliminate two metering points. This new substation will be located between North Lamesa and Arvana, approximately 1.32 miles east of the existing North Lamesa substation. To get power to this location, 5.6 miles of 138 kV (or 10.9 miles of 115 kV) transmission will need to be constructed. Because of its central location to the service area, 3.2 miles of 4/0 ACSR will need to be constructed to the west to better serve the load previously served by the Arvana Reprint 280 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 26 metering point. There would also be an additional 0.6 miles of conversion from #4 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR on this same circuit. Once the substation is constructed, we recommend that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. Northwest Lamesa Service Area During the first transition period, it is recommended that two new 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substations be constructed to eliminate the West Lamesa metering point. The northern substation will be located 1.96 miles northwest of the existing West Lamesa metering point. To supply power to this substation, 4.62 miles of 138 kV transmission line will need to be constructed from a tap point located 2.63 miles south of the existing West Lamesa metering point. The previous 25 kV express feeder will no longer be needed for this service area. We are recommending that 2,700 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Punk-Welch Service Area During the second transition period, it is recommended that a new 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to eliminate two metering points. This new substation will be located between Punkin Center and Welch, approximately 5 miles south of the existing Welch substation. To get power to this location, 9.1 miles of 138 kV (or 8.2 miles of 115 kV) transmission line will need to be constructed. Because of its central location to the service area, 3.2 miles of 4/0 ACSR will need to be constructed to the west to better serve the load previously served by the Arvana metering point. There would also be an additional 0.6 miles of conversion from #4 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR on this same circuit. Once the new substation is constructed, we are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area. Sea-Hill Service Area During the second transition period, it is recommended that a new 115-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to reduce the load at two other substations. This new substation will be located between Seagraves and Pleasant Hill, approximately 5 miles west of the existing Pleasant Hill substation. To get power to this location, approximately 3.2 miles of 115 kV transmission line will need to be constructed. Because of its central location to this new service area, there are two Reprint 281 V. LONG RANGE PLAN Page V - 27 recommended line conversions that need to be completed. The first conversion begins at the new substation and proceeds 2.12 miles west; # 4 ACSR will need to be converted to 477 MCM ACSR. At the end of the previous conversion, the continued #4 ACSR will need to be changed to 4/0 ACSR south and west for 3.0 miles. During the first transition period, we are recommending that 1,200 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added. During the second transition period, after the completion of Sea-Hill substation, we are recommending that an additional 1,600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this new service area. Semino-Conal Service Area During the second transition period, it is recommended that a new 169-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation be constructed to reduce the load at two other substations. This new substation will be located between Seminole and McConal, approximately 3.2 miles southwest of the existing McConal substation. To get power to this location, approximately 6 miles of 69 kV transmission line (3 miles west and 3 miles south from McConal) will need to be constructed. There are three recommended line conversions that need to be completed. The first conversion begins at the new substation and proceeds 2.55 miles west; the existing # 4 ACSR will need to be converted to 477 MCM ACSR to accommodate a large load to the west. At the end of the previous conversion, the continued #4 ACSR will need to be changed to 4/0 ACSR farther west for another 2.5 miles. The third conversion is located south of the new substation and begins at the end of the 1/0 ACSR line. 1.33 miles of #4 ACSR will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR because of load and low voltage issues. During the first transition period, we are recommending that 900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added in this service area and an additional 600 kVAR of switched capacitor banks during the second transition period. Patricia Service Area During the first transition period, it is recommended that two new 138-7.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substations be constructed to eliminate the West Lamesa metering point. Patricia, the southern substation, will be located 4.12 miles south of the existing West Lamesa metering point. To supply power to this substation, 6.85 miles of 138 kV transmission line will need to be constructed from a single tap point located 2.63 miles south of the existing West Lamesa metering point. Reprint 282 V. LONG RANGE PLAN There are two line upgrades that must also be completed. Page V - 28 The first is converting the existing #2 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR starting at the Patricia substation and proceeding 7.11 miles west. The second conversion begins at the end of the 477 line, converting the #2 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR for another 2.05 miles. During the first transition period, we are recommending that 3,300 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added with an additional 2,500 kVAR be added over the second transition period. Tokio-Brownfield Service Area During the first transition period, it is recommended that a substation between Tokio and Brownfield be constructed to alleviate the rapidly increasing load in the area. This new 1157.2/12.47 kV, 10 MVA, substation should be located 10 miles to the west of Brownfield and tap into an existing 115 kV line that is 0.5 miles to the north. Conductors to the south will need to be converted to enable better power delivery to the southeast. The first change is the conversion of the #4 ACSR line to 477 MCM ACSR, south out of the substation for 1.25 miles. Beginning from there, the #4 ACSR should be converted to 4/0 ACSR for another 4 miles. At that point, a new 4/0 ACSR tie line should run south, 0.55 miles, to meet an existing line. During the first transition period, we are recommending that 1,900 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added and an additional 1,100 kVAR of switched capacitor banks be added later. Reprint 283 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - I The information presented herein is provided as a recapitulation of the system improvements presented previously. Transition plans are used to illustrate major steps in system improvement. Planned development of the system is separated into three transition periods. Each improvement, although designated by time frame (years), should be treated as facility development related to peak load. Improvements and associated investments indicated herein are usually deferred. However, deferring system improvements beyond the magnitude of load with which the improvement is correlated will cause an increase in system losses and cause a compromise of system reliability. As time passes, load growth rates different from those projected will become apparent in various parts of the system. Improvements planned for a particular area will become necessary earlier than foreseen if unexpected growth occurs. Conversely, improvements planned for a particular area can be deferred longer than anticipated if growth does not occur as rapidly as expected. As stated above, the transition plans and facilities indicated therein should be construed as viable under actual load conditions, not necessarily by reference time frames. A. First Transition 2011 - 2015 The First Transition was developed to address system requirements during the four-year period, 2011 through 2014. Table 6-1, below, indicates annual investments expected during the First Transition period. Reprint 284 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 2 TABLE 6-1: PROJECTED ANNUAL INVESTMENTS First Transition 2011 - 2014 Investment Description Distribution Facilities New Member Line Extensions Total $10,618,272 System Improvements New Tie Lines Line Conv. & Changes $307,500 $2,204,800 Substations New Stations Power Transformers $6,000,000 $640,000 Subtotal (Substations) $6,640,000 Misc. Distr. Equipment Transformers/Meters Service Wire Sets Security Lights Sectionalizing Equip. SCADA Voltage Regulators Capacitors Subtotal (Misc. Distr. Equip.) Ordinary Replacements Subtotal Distribution $13,899,318 $345,094 $318,548 $1,061,827 $1,061,827 $546,000 $895,000 $18,127,614 $4,884,405 $42,782,590 Transmission Facilities New Line New Station Ordinary Replacements $1,349,400 $2,000,000 $318,548 Subtotal Transmission $3,667,948 Grand Total $46,450,539 Reprint 285 VI. TRANSITION PLANS 1. Page VI - 3 Transmission System Several improvement to the transmission system serving the LEC system is scheduled for completion during the First Transition period. The cooperative plans to construct five new substations. Two new 115-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations named Claudow and Tokio-Brown, and three new 1387.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations, titled Key-Mesa, Northwest Lamesa, and Patricia (2013) in order to solve major voltage problems and accommodate new growth in these areas. The Claudow substation will relieve load off of two existing substations, Clauene (115-24.94/14.4 kV 10 MVA) and Meadow (69-24.94/14.4 kV 7.5 MVA). To accomplish this, approximately 4.8 miles of new 477 MCM ACSR 115 kV Transmission Line, from the Clauene substation, will be built as a requirement for this Substation's construction. The Tokio-Brown substation will relieve load off of two existing substations, Tokio (69-24.94/14.4 kV 10 MVA) and Brownfield (69-24.94/14.4 kV 7.5 MVA). To accomplish this, approximately 0.5 miles of new 477 MCM ACSR 115 kV Transmission Line will be built as a requirement for this Substation's construction. A third substation, Key-Mesa (138-24.94/14.4 kV 10 MVA), eliminating two metering points, will be located within close proximity to an existing 138 kV transmission line, and need less than 0.25 miles of 477 MCM ASCR tap line. This substation will relieve load off of two existing metering points, Key and South Lamesa The new 477 MCM ACSR 115 kV Transmission Line will be built as a requirement for this Substation's construction. The final transmission improvement during the Frist Transition, is located in the southern portion of the LEC service area. A single tap from a 138 kV transmission line will feed two new 10 MVA substations eliminating the West Lamesa metering point. Patricia (138-24.94/14.4 kV 10 MVA) and Northwest Lamesa (138-24.94/14.4 kV 10 MVA) will be powered from this new line. To accomplish this, approximately 4.62 miles of new 477 MCM ACSR 138 kV Transmission Line will be built north to reach Northwest Lamesa, and approximately 6.85 miles of new 477 MCM ACSR 138 kV Transmission Line will be built south to reach Patricia, as a requirement for these Substation's construction. Tokio-Brown Claudow Key-Mesa Northwest LaMesa Patricia 115 kV 115 kV 138 kV 138 kV 138 kV 0.5 miles 4.8 miles 0.2 miles 4.6 miles 6.9 miles Reprint 286 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 4 Substations A number of LEC substation investments are expected during the First Transition period to provide power to the distribution system. During the first five years, it is expected that five new substations are to be constructed. Also at this time, New Moore and Meadow will need to have their current 7.5 MVA transformer increased to 10 MVA. Once that is completed, the 7.5 MVA transformers can be placed at Wilson and Hackberry. Distribution System During the First Transition period, line voltage regulators are to be installed at selected locations throughout the system to defer premature investments. Capacitor banks are to be installed throughout the system to improve voltage and decrease losses. Eleven major improvement projects are planned for the distribution system in the First Transition period. The following table lists each foreseen major distribution line project. During the First Transition, Hackberry will construct a new 4/0 ACSR circuit to provide power solely to the industry plant located 0.22 miles to the west of the substation. The Ackerly and Seagraves substations will each remove one circuit, an underground line, from use during this transition phase. Reprint 287 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 5 TABLE 6-2: SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT COST DETAIL First Transition 2011 - 2014 Project Circuit 1 Changes/Description cost substation $1,200,000 convert 1.45 miles of #4 to 477 $93,600 2 3 convert 1.26 miles of #2 to 4/0 build 0.75 miles new 1/0 tie $63,000 $45,000 Meadow 1 convert 0.9 miles of #2 to 4/0 $67,500 Plains 3 convert 3.98 miles of #2 to 4/0 $199,000 build 2.03 miles new 4/0 $101,500 Claudow substation Tokio-Brown Pleasant hill 3 1 1 New Moore 1 $1,200,000 convert 1.24 miles of #4 to 477 $81,200 convert 3.98 miles of #4 to 4/0 $200,000 build 0.55 miles new 4.0 $34,400 convert 2.46 miles of #4 1^ to 1/0 30 $98,400 build 1.03 miles new 1/0 tie $41,200 new 10 MVA transformer $600,000 convert 5.15 miles of 1/0 to 477 $334,100 convert 3.5 miles of #4 10 to 1/0 30 $140,000 build 1.81 miles new 1/0 tie* $72,400 convert 3.8 miles of #4 10 to 1/0 30* $152,000 substation Patricia 4 $1,200,000 convert 7.11 miles of 1/0 to 477 $225,000 convert 2.05 miles of 1/0 to 4/0 $102,500 substation Key-Mesa Hackberr y $1,200,000 3 convert 4.45 miles #2 & #4 to 4/0 $225,000 4 convert 3.43 miles of 1/0 to 477 $223,500 5 build 0.13 miles new 4/0 circuit $13,000 relocation of 7.5 MVA transformer $20,000 Wilson relocation of 7.5 MVA transformer $20,000 NW LaMesa substation * oil load dependance; could be done in 2nd transition $1,200,000 1 $9,152,300 1 Distribution system improvements are prompted by thermal capacity or delivered voltage considerations. Each improvement has been scheduled based on expected load. The following two maps illustrate the above system improvements. Reprint 288 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 8 Ackerly Service Area During the First Transition period, only the application of capacitors and regulators are expected. The removal of two 600 kVAR capacitors (Feeder 1 and 4) with one 300 kVAR capacitor being turned on (Feeder 1). Feeder 3 will need two 300 kVAR capacitors added to it along with the relocation of the regulator. Feeder 4 will need two 450 kVAR capacitors placed on it. No major line improvements are anticipated to be needed in the Ackerly Service area for this duration of the Long Range Plan. Capacitor size and proper placement will need to be verified annually. Arvana Service Area The Arvana metering point is expected to be eliminated during the Second Transition period, but during the First Transition, a new 0.35 mile 1/0 ACSR tie line will need to be constructed. This new line will help to more evenly distribute the current load as well as when the metering point is eliminated and a new substation is built. It will also help maintain proper power flow and insure better reliability on the circuit as 750 kVAR and one voltage regulator are added during this time period. Ashmore Service Area During the First Transition period, 450 kVAR of capacitance will need to be added (Feeder 1) and 300 kVAR relocated (from Feeder 1 to Feeder 2) along with the addition of one regulator to Feeder 2 to maintain proper voltage levels. Brownfield Service Area During the First Transition period, two 300 kVAR in capacitors (Feeders 1 and 3) will need to be added and one 600 kVAR removed (Feeder 3) while one regulator is added to Feeder 1 to maintain proper voltage levels. Central Service Area During the First Transition period, one 300 kVAR capacitor will need to be added and one regulator relocated to maintain proper voltage levels. Clauene Service Area During the First Transition time period, the removal of four large (600 kVAR) capacitors from Feeders 1, 3, 5, and 6, will precede the application of four 300 kVAR (Feeders 1, 3, 4, and 5) and one Reprint 289 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 9 450 kVAR capacitor (Feeder 2). Circuits 1 and 5 will also need voltage regulators to maintain proper voltage levels. Dixon Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period. Feeder 2 will need one 300 kVAR capacitor and one regulator placed. Feeder 3 will need one 600 kVAR capacitor removed. Doc Webber Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period. However, one 600 kVAR capacitor will need to be relocated and one 300 kVAR capacitor added. Feeder 2 should not experience any problems. Feeder 3 will need one 300 kVAR capacitor relocated and a 450 kVAR capacitor added. Feeder 4 will need a 600 kVAR capacitor removed but a 300 kVAR capacitor added. Draw Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period and would only require the application of one 150 kVAR capacitor. Feeder 2 will need 750 kVAR added and one regulator. Circuit three can have both regulators removed. Circuit 4 (new) will need one 300 kVAR capacitance added to it. Florey Service Area Feeder 1 will need to have its regulator relocated and upgraded to 100 Amps along with 300 kVAR added. Feeder 2 will only need a regulator added during this First Transition Period. Foster Service Area Feeders 2, 3, and 4 are not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period. Feeder 1 will need one 300 kVAR added. Gail Service Area The Gail service area will only need one 600 kVAR capacitor removed or turned off and the current 100 Amp regulator relocated during this First Transition Period. Reprint 290 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI -10 Hackberry Service Area During this First Transition Period, a fifth feeder, if possible, will need to be added and run exclusively to the plant 0.13 miles west of the substation. This Feeder will need a 1800 kVAR capacitor placed just outside the plant. Feeder 1 will only need a 600 kVAR capacitor removed, while Feeders 2 and 4 have no anticipated changes. Feeder 3 will need a 300 kVAR capacitor added. Jess Smith Service Area There are no expected changes to Feeders 1 or 2 during this First Transition Period. Feeder 3 will need a 600 kVAR capacitor relocated. Feeder 4 will need a 600 kVAR capacitor removed and a 300 kVAR capacitor added to it. Key Service Area It is anticipated that the Key metering point will be removed from service during this First Transition period. Until it's removal, two 600 kVAR and one 300 kVAR capacitor are to be removed and two 450 kVAR capacitors added to it. Lakeview Service Area Feeder 1 is expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period, so a 300 kVAR capacitor and a regulator will need to be added. Feeder 2 will need a 600 kVAR capacitor turned ON with a large regulator being added. Feeder 3 will only need a 300 kVAR capacitor, and Feeder 4 should experience no problems. Levelland Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period, but will need to have a 600 kVAR capacitor removed or turned OFF. Feeder 2 will need to relocate a 600 kVAR capacitor, while Feeder 3 will need a voltage regulator added. Feeder 4 should have a 600 kVAR capacitor removed and a 450 put in its place. McConal Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period, but will require a 300 kVAR capacitor being added. Feeder 2 should not experience and voltage problems, but Feeder 3 should have a 600 kVAR capacitor relocated. Feeder 4 could have a 600 kVAR capacitor removed or turned OFF and the current regulator could be removed. Reprint 291 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI -11 Meadow Service Area Because of increased load, Feeder 1 will need to have 1 mile of #4 ACSR converted to 4/0 ACSR during this First Transition Period. A single 300 kVAR capacitor will also need to be added. Feeder 2 is not expected to need any changes made to it. Feeder 3 should have a 600 kVAR capacitor removed and a 300 kVAR put in its place. Feeder 4 will need two 300 kVAR capacitors. New Home Service Area During this First Transition Period, Feeder 1 could have a 450 kVAR capacitor placed at the location of a 600 kVAR capacitor. Feeder 2 should have a 450 kVAR capacitor replace a 300 kVAR currently in place. Feeder 3 will need a voltage regulator, while Feeder 4 will require one 300 kVAR capacitor. New Moore Service Area Feeder 1 is expected to experience significant voltage problems during this First Transition Period, so a 600 kVAR capacitor will be added along with 5.14 miles of 1/0 ACSR being converted to 477 MCM ACSR directly out of the substation, going east. Should an oil field load increase to the south during this time period, the conversion of a 10 #4 ACSR to 30 4/0 ACSR segment and construction of a new tie line would be necessary. Feeder 2 should have a 600 kVAR capacitor relocated along with one being removed. Feeder 3 has no anticipated changes. North Lamesa Service Area The North Lamesa metering point is expected to be eliminated during the Second Transition period, but during the First Transition, the relocation of a 300 kVAR capacitor is all that will be needed. Plains Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience significant voltage problems during this First Transition Period, so only the application of one 450 kVAR capacitor is recommended. Feeder 2 is currently experiencing voltage problems prompting the addition of a 600 kVAR capacitor and changes to Feeder 3. To reduce load one Feeder 2 and increase voltage levels to the southeast portion of the Plains service area, a 2 mile 4/0 ACSR line will need to be constructed south out of the substation, meeting existing #4 ACSR lines. These lines will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR for 3.98 miles to reach the south line. There are no changes needed at this point for Feeder 4. Reprint 292 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI - 12 Pleasant Hill Service Area The eastern feeder, Feeder 1, is expected to experience voltage and capacity problems in the First Transition period. To redirect some of the load flow and increase voltage levels, a 10 #4 ACSR line will need to be converted to 30 1/0 ACSR for 2.5 miles, then continued north as a 1.03 mile tie line. The redirected flow will make it possible that only one 300 kVAR capacitor will be needed. Feeder 2 and Feeder 3 will each need one 300 kVAR capacitor added during this First transition period. Prentice Service Area The Prentice metering point load will be assumed into the Tokio service area eliminating it from service during the First Transition period. Punkin Center Service Area It is anticipated that the Punkin Center metering point will be removed from service during the Second Transition period. Until it's removal, one 600 kVAR and one 300 kVAR capacitor are to be relocated be facilitate better voltage values. Ropes Service Area It is anticipated that the Ropes substation will be removed from service during this Long Range Planning period. This could be done during either the first or second transition period. No changes to this system are needed to the Ropes service area at this time. Sawyer Flat Service Area Feeders 1 and 2 are not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period, so no, changes are suggested. Feeder 3 will need one 600 kVAR and one 300 kVAR capacitor are to be relocated be facilitate better voltage values. Seagraves Service Area Feeder 1 will need a 300 kVAR capacitor added to this circuit while no changes for Feeder 2 are expected. Feeder 3 will need one 600 kVAR capacitor removed and one relocated while a 300 kVAR capacitor will need to be added. Feeder 4, an underground line, can be removed from service and free a location for future growth. Feeder 5 can have one 600 kVAR capacitor removed or turned OFF. Reprint 293 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI -13 Seminole Service Area Feeder 1 and 2 will each need a 600 kVAR capacitor added to the circuit. Feeder 3 will need the voltage regulator relocated and increased during this First Transition Period. South Lamesa Service Area It is anticipated that the South Lamesa metering point will be removed from service during the Second Transition period. Until it's removal, two 600 kVAR and one 300 kVAR capacitor are to be removed while two 450 kVAR capacitors will need to be placed, to maintain better voltage values. Sundown Service Area Feeder 1 can have one 600 kVAR capacitor turned OFF or removed and a 300 kVAR capacitor added during this First Transition Period. Feeder 2 will only need one 600 kVAR capacitor relocated. Feeder 3 will need one 600 kVAR capacitor turned ON while another can be removed. Tokio Service Area Feeder 1 is not expected to experience voltage problems during this First Transition Period. Feeder 2 can have one 600 kVAR capacitor removed and a 300 kVAR capacitor installed. Feeder 3 can also have one 600 kVAR capacitor removed and a 450 kVAR put in its place. Feeder 4 will only need one 300 kVAR capacitor added to it while Feeder 5 is not expected to need any changes. Two Draw Service Area Feeder 1 will require one 300 kVAR capacitor during this First Transition Period. Feeder 2 is not expected to experience voltage problems and requires no changes. Welch Service Area It is anticipated that the Welch metering point will be removed from service during the Second Transition period. Until it's removal, two 600 kVAR capacitors can be removed and one 300 kVAR capacitor added. The regulator will need to be relocated. Wellman Service Area Feeder 1 will need the application of one 600 kVAR capacitor and 100 Amp voltage regulator during this First Transition Period. Feeder 2 will only require the relocation of one 300 kVAR capacitor. Reprint 294 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI -14 Wilson Service Area Feeder 1 should have a 600 kVAR capacitor removed or turned OFF along with adding a voltage regulator. Feeder 2 will not need any changes, however a regulator should be added to Feeder 3. NEW SUBSTATIONS Claudow Service Area The Claudow substation should be constructed during the First Transition period to relieve high load from both Cluene and Meadow. Once constructed, Feeder 1 to the east will need 1.44 miles of #4 ACSR converted to 477 MCM ACSR and the addition of one 600 kVAR capacitor. Feeder 2, going north, will need to convert 1.26 miles of #2 ACSR to 4/0 ACSR and the addition of one 450 kVAR. Feeder 3 serving the south will need the addition of a 1/0 tie line to add in proper power delivery. A 600 kVAR capacitor can be removed from this circuit and a voltage regulator added to insure proper voltage levels. Feeder 4 will need the relocation of one 600 kVAR capacitor. Key-Mesa Service Area The Key-Mesa 138 kV substation should be constructed during the First Transition period to eliminate two metering points, Key and South Lamesa. Feeder 1 (north) changes will be done prior to construction completion and according to the Key recommendations above. Feeder 2 (northeast) changes will be completed prior to substation construction according to the South Lamesa guidelines above. Feeder 3 which will serve the southeast area will require 4.45 miles of #4 and #2 ACSR to be converted to 4/0 ACSR immediately east out of the substation. Feeder 4, to the west, will need conversion of 1/0 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR for 3.43 miles out of the substation. Because of these conversions, no additional capacitors or voltage regulators are needed to maintain proper voltage levels. Northwest Lamesa Service Area The Northwest Lamesa substation is suggested to be completed during the First Transition period and will split the West Lamesa metering point load into two 10 MVA substations. Feeder 1 (north) will require one 600 kVAR capacitor and one 300 kVAR capacitor to be removed or turned OFF. One 600 kVAR capacitor will have to be relocated and a voltage regulator is suggested. Reprint 295 Page VI -15 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Feeder 2 (southeast) will need four 600 kVAR capacitors removed or turned OFF, the relocation of one 300 kVAR capacitor, and the addition of two 450 kVAR capacitors. Feeder 3 to the southwest will only need a larger, relocated voltage regulator. Patricia Service Area Patricia is the second substation that will split the West Lamesa metering point load into two 10 MVA substations. The 25 kV express feeder will no longer be needed. However, Feeder 4 to the west will require conversion of the 1/0 ACSR to 477 MCM ACSR for 7.11 miles starting from the new substation. At the end of the new 477 MCM line, an addition 2.05 miles of conversion to 4/0 is needed as well as the addition of two 450 kVAR capacitors and the relocation of one 600 kVAR capacitor. This feeder will also require a voltage regulator. Feeder 1 (north) will only require adding one 300 kVAR capacitor and a voltage regulator. Feeder 2 (south) is estimated needing two 450 kVAR capacitors, the relocation of one 300 kVAR capacitor, and a new voltage regulator. Feeder 3 (southeast) can have one voltage regulator removed and adding one 300 kVAR capacitor. Tokio-Brown Service Area The Tokio-Brown substation should be constructed during the First Transition period to relieve the increasingly high load from both Tokio and Brownfield. Once constructed, Feeder 1 to the east will need one 600 kVAR capacitor added to it to maintain proper voltage levels. Feeder 2 (north) will need one 600 kVAR capacitor turned OFF. Feeder 4 (west) can have one 600 kVAR capacitor removed along with the voltage regulator. Feeder 3 (south) will need the #4 ACSR out of the substation converted to 477 MCM ACSR for 1.24 miles. Then the next 3.98 miles of the #4 ACSR will need to be converted to 4/0 ACSR. At the end of the above conversions, a 0.55 mile 4/0 ACSR tie line will need to be constructed to maintain proper load balance and voltage levels. On this feeder, one 300 kVAR capacitor will need to be relocated and one 600 kVAR capacitor added. Reprint 296 VI. TRANSITION PLANS Page VI -16 B. Second Transition 2016 - 2020 The Second Transition was developed to address system requirements during the five-year period of 2016 through 2020. Table 6-3 below indicates annual investments expected during the Second Transition period. Reprint 297 Page VI -17 VI. TRANSITION PLANS TABLE 6-3: PROJECTED ANNUAL INVESTMENTS Second Transition 2016-2020 Investment Description Distribution Facilities New Member Line Extensions Total $12,309,487 System Improvements New Tie Lines Line Conv. & Changes $652,500 $2,118,700 Substations New Stations Power Transformers Subtotal (Substations) $6,000,000 $640,000 $6,640,000 Misc. Distr. Equipment Transformers/Meters Service Wire Sets Security Lights Sectionalizing Equip. SCADA Voltage Regulators Capacitors Subtotal (Misc. Distr. Equip.) Ordinary Replacements Subtotal Distribution $16,113,118 $400,058 $369,285 $1,230,949 $1,230,949 $1,092,000 $1,017,500 $21,453,859 $5,662,364 $48,836,910 Transmission Facilities New Line New Station Ordinary Replacements Subtotal Transmission Grand Total $5,228,500 $0 $369,285 $5,597,785 $54,434,694 Reprint 298 Page VI - 18 VI. TRANSITION PLANS 1. Transmission System Some improvements will need to be made to the transmission system during the Second Transition period to allocate power to the new substations. Lakeadow Sea-Hill Semino-Conal Punk-Welch North Arvana 115 kV 115 kV 69 kV 138 kV 138 kV 5.1 miles 3.0 miles 6.0 miles 9.1 miles 7.6 miles Substations The cooperative plans to construct five new substations during this transition period, listed above. Two new 69-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substations, including Lakeadow and Semino-Conal, one new 115-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substation named Sea-Hill, and two new 138-7.2/12.47 kV 10 MVA substation, including North Arvana and Punk-Welch, will be added during this second transition period. During the Second Transition, the three 5 MVA transformers (Seminole, Wilson, Hackberry) can be placed at Central, Florey, and Wellman according to time of need. LEC will then have three 3.75 MVA transformers available for future use. During the Second Transition, the Draw substation will need to add a 4`h circuit, leading south, to supply power to the southwest portion of the service area due to increasing load in the southern region. An additional circuit will also need to be added to Meadow when the Ropes substation load is moved onto Meadow. Proceeding north out of the Meadow substation, a new circuit will be constructed to deliver power to the northwest service area. Distribution System During the Second Transition period, line voltage regulators are to be installed at selected locations throughout the system to defer premature investments. Capacitor banks are also to be installed throughout the system to improve voltage and decrease losses. Fourteen major improvement projects are planned for the distribution system in the Second Transition period. The following table lists each foreseen major distribution line project. Reprint 299
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