06 - GRI
06 - GRI
Deutsche GRI Frankfurt 8-9 May visions and illusions visionen und illusionen DIC Deutsche Immobilien Chancen AG & Co. KGaA was founded in Frankfurt in 1998 and focuses its attention on the Commercial Real Estate Market in Germany. Its business activities include Portfolio and Asset Management, Project Development and Opportunistic Investments. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates/ Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ulrich Höller FRICS Vorsitzender des Vorstands/CEO Markus Koch Vorstand Finanzen & Controlling/CFO Ulrich Höller FRICS DIC Deutsche Immobilien Chancen AG & Co. KGaA Grünhof Eschersheimer Landstraße 223 60320 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0049 69 27 40 33 10 Fax. 0049 69 27 40 33 70 email: [email protected] Portfolio and Asset Management DIC’s Portfolio Strategy is mainly concentrated on properties with firstclass tenants at attractive locations in secondary cities. A high level of risk diversification is achieved by a balanced mix of industry sectors and tenants as well as a detailed analysis of macro and micro environments. Anti-cyclical investments in selected top-of-the-market locations refine the strategy. Development With more than 25 years’ experience in the development and management of complex real estate projects, DIC has gained great expertise in the entire business process. Services range from the initial planning of turnkey completion to the full marketing range for the properties. Opportunistic Investments DIC exploits opportunistic businesses by acquiring real estate portfolios from large international corporations in co-operation with its business partners. Other opportunistic business openings are utilized as well. Joint Ventures In particular in the field of opportunistic investments, DIC works closely with international partners. Further partnerships exist with several insurance companies. Real Estate Holdings and Developments The real estate assets managed by the DIC Real Estate Group currently amount to over EUR 1 billion. They include, for example, the “Degussa Areal” in the city center of Frankfurt, the “MEAG-Portfolio” with more than 45 assets, a portfolio of “Frankfurter Sparkasse” with more than 50 properties, a portfolio of properties let to tenants as ebay, Telekom, Siemens and others. DIC’s shareholders include investment companies (such as “Thurn und Taxis”), institutional investors (for example Morgan Stanley Real Estate Fund) and private investors with a family background in industry. W WELCOME Keine Vorträge, kein Podium Kein Publikum Es gibt nur Sprecher Jeder ist gefragt Herzlich willkommen bei der Deutsche GRI 2006. Mit der Expertise und langjährigen Erfahrung vieler heute hier Anwesender ist es gelungen, ein Programm zusammenzustellen, welches die wichtigen und aktuellen Real Estate Themen in Deutschland zur Diskussion stellt. Ihnen allen gilt unser Dank. Falls Sie eine eigene Diskussionsrunde bei einer unserer kommenden Veranstaltungen führen möchten, würden wir uns freuen, wenn Sie uns einfach ansprechen. Für heute und morgen gilt jedoch nur eines: Mischen Sie sich ein. Diskutieren Sie, fragen Sie, kommentieren Sie. Hier dreht sich alles um Ihre Meinung. Dies ist Ihre Veranstaltung! Wir wünschen Ihnen eine spannende Deutsche GRI 2006. No speeches. No panels No audience Plenty of speakers You. Everybody Welcome to the Deutsche GRI 2006. This GRI was created by many present here today who have contributed front-line expertise, intellectual brilliance and financial resources to reach out to fellow leading lights and create a programme to discuss today’s issues. We can’t thank them enough. If chairing a discussion at a future GRI event can be useful to you, we welcome hearing from you. In the meantime, please join the fray and engage in the discussions as if this was about you, your business, your opportunities. Because it is. We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us. WELCOME WILLKOMMEN Ronny Gotthardt Director, Germany & Central Eastern Europe GRI - Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster President, American European Investment Bankers, Inc. Chairman, GRI - Global Real Estate Institute. ONGOING UPDATES AT WWW.GLOBALREALESTATE.ORG All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. Harin Thaker Charles Balch Hypo Real Estate Bank International Hypo Real Estate Bank International is one of Europe’s leading international real estate lending institutions and has a network presence in all major markets including London, Paris, Munich, New York, Hong Kong and Tokyo. We are a provider of debt financing solutions ranging from senior investment and development loans to structured finance, Mezzanine and Bridge loans. We offer a wide range of capabilities including syndication and securitisation and dedicated real estate investment banking expertise. We endeavour to support our customers through the arrangement, origination and provision of debt finance for property, portfolio or corporate acquisitions of companies rich in property assets, including public-to-private takeovers, sale and leaseback arrangements and Propco/Opco structures. Hypo Real Estate Bank International is breaking new ground in international financing with our strong focus on cross border business development of new and innovative financing solutions and expansion into new geographical markets. Frank Lamby Gerhard Meitinger Hypo Real Estate Bank AG Die Hypo Real Estate Bank ist als eine der größten Immobilienbanken das Kompetenzzentrum der Hypo Real Estate Group für den deutschen Markt. Für professionelle gewerbliche Immobilienmarktteilnehmer bieten wir das gesamte Spektrum des modernen Immobilienbankings. Unsere Kompetenz bei der Realisierung großvolumiger Transaktionen basiert auf einer schlanken Organisation, auf kurzen Entscheidungswegen und fundiertem ImmobilienKnow-how. Hypo Real Estate Bank AG, as one of the largest commercial real estate banks, is Hypo Real Estate Group’s centre of competence for commercial real estate business in the German market. We offer the complete spectrum of services you would expect of a modern real estate bank. Our competence in executing large volume transactions is based on our lean and efficient structure, together with short decision paths and in-depth knowledge of the commercial real estate business. Harin Thaker CEO Europe Frank Lamby Sprecher des Vorstands / CEO Tel: +44 20 7743 7603 [email protected] Tel: +49 89 2880 16002 [email protected] Charles Balch Head of Structured Finance & Investment Banking Gerhard Meitinger Managing Director Structured Finance Tel: +44 20 7743 7739 [email protected] Tel: +49 89 2880 16100 [email protected] TIMETABLE Montag, 8. Mai █ 12h00 Check-in █ 14h00 – 19h00 Deutsche GRI Program █ 19h00 – 20h00 Cocktail Reception █ 20h00 – 22h30 Private GRI Board Dinner (reserved for GRI Board, Deutsche GRI Sponsors & Chairs) Dienstag, 9. Mai █ 08h30 – 16h00 Deutsche GRI Program █ 16h00 – 17h30 Closing drinks All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice ...der Ort, an dem Geschäft und Vergnügen zusammenführen ... Monday 8 May Floorplan SALON 12 FESTSAAL SALON 11 SALON 10 SALON 5 SALON 4 SALON 3 SALON 2 14h00 - 15h15 SALON 1 16h00 - 17h15 SECURITISATION IN REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SWAP GERMAN INVESTORS IN THE US do clients and banks pull different ends? neuer weg zur portfolio-diversifizierung? is the grass greener? ELKE BIRK DR THOMAS LINDEMANN IRIS SCHÖBERL CHRISTIAN ULBRICH RODNEY BYSH OLIVER PUHL THOMAS ETZEL STEFAN BOEHME SIEGFRIED FERNITZ RICHARD PRICE WOHNUNGSPORTFOLIOS IN DEUTSCHLAND TRANSPARENZ UND IMMOBILIENMARKT vorläufiger höhepunkt oder erst der anfang? corporate governance als wirkliche aufhellung? STEPHAN RIND MARTIN FÄNGER THOMAS LANDSCHREIBER DAVID PASCALL DR WULF MEINEL WERNER KNIPS MICHAEL KREMER DR DOLF WEBER CHRISTIAN SCHULZ-WULKOW DR MICHAEL ALBERTZ THOMAS JEBSEN RALPH WINTER CORPORATE REAL ESTATE PRICING OF NPL PORTFOLIO’S IMMOBILIENMARKT BERLIN money to make or to lose? whose game is it? investieren, entwicklen oder hände weg? SVEN ANDERSEN DR JOHANNES CONRADI MICHAEL GERLICH DR PETER SAEMANN KARL-JOSEF SCHNEIDERS RAFFAELE LINO ANDREW HALHEAD DR JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED DR EUGEN VON LACKUM THEO WEYANDT VALUE ADDED INVESTMENTS INVESTORS ABROAD does it pay? are yields in eastern europe more attractive? MATTHIAS HÜNLEIN DR SVEN HELMER DR TILMAN HICKL KLAUS SCHEITZ MARTIN ERBE DR FRANZ JURKOWITSCH ANGELIKA KUNATH CHRISTIAN SCHULTE EISTRUP GERMAN RETAIL RENAISSANCE OF THE CITIES PROJEKTENTWICKLERFONDS internationalisation goes on? how long will it last? neue chancen für projektentwickler? FRANZ LUCIEN MÖRSDORF DR MICHAEL ALBERTS DR HERBERT APPELT DR MARTIN WENTZ ELMAR HAMMERSCHMIDT HORST LIEDER THOMAS WIRTZ HOTEL - PORTFOLIO OR SINGLE ASSETS SOCIAL SERVICE REAL ESTATE ACCESSING PUBLIC EQUITY what’s driving the market? is the sick-bed a hot bed for investors? what are investors looking for? CHRISTOPH HÄRLE MONIKA LITSCHKE BARRY SADR HASHEMI CHRISTOF GAUDIG CARSTEN BRINKMANN MARTIN ENGEL LLOYD LEE KARI PITKIN JOSEPH HOULIHAN RUSSELL PLATT BERND STAHLI GERMAN OPPORTUNITIES INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY PARADIES FÜR INVESTOREN risks and rewards braun und schmutzig, aber lukrativ? macht professionelles asset management auch dasschlechteste investment erfolgreich? SAUL GOLDSTEIN JOHN DWYER MICHAEL JUNG STÉPHANE THEURIAU ALEXANDER HOFF UWE FUHRMANN AXEL KÖNIG WOLFGANG EGGER WOLFGANG BEHRENDT BERNHARD BERG JÜRGEN CANCIK ALBRECHT GLASER MARCELLINO GRAF VON HOENSBROECH G-REITS AND UK-REITS PUBLIC SECTOR OUTSOURCING INNOVATIVE IMMOBILIENPRODUKTE are there better alternatives? neue deals, neue märkte? was kommt, was macht sinn? HANS-DIETER SCHULZ - GEBELTZIG DR HENNING KLÖPPELT MARCUS POLLMANN PHILIPPE TANNENBAUM DR CHRISTIAN SCHEDE KARLHEINZ WEIMAR DR THILO SARRAZIN PETER KIMPEL DIRK KÜHNAU ERNST JOSEF LEHRER WALTER KLUG DR TOBIAS JUST ANDREAS SCHILLER BÄRBEL SCHOMBERG SALON 1 SALON 2 SALON 3 SALON 5 RAIMUND ELLROTT GERHARD DUNSTHEIMER LARS RICHTER SALON 10 SALON 12 SEKUNDÄRMARKT FÜR PORTFOLIOTRANSAKTIONEN verkaufen oder optimieren? SALON 4 SALON 11 17h45 - 19h00 RAHUL SULE DR JOB VON NELL PROFESSIONELLES MANAGEMENT DURCH OUTSOURCING wunsch oder wirklichkeit? MARKUS REINERT DOMINIK BRAMBRING MATTHIAS DRÜPPEL VOLKER MAURITZ JÖRN ZURMÜHLEN Tuesday 9 May 08h45 - 09h45 KEYNOTE FESTSAAL THE CHANGING REAL ESTATE ENVIRONMENT opportunities and threats DR PETER LINNEMAN professor of real estate, finance and business policy WHARTON - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 10H00 - 11H15 SALON 4 GETTING YOUR HANDS ON THE MONEY working out the npl’s ULRICH HÖLLER FRANK LAMBY ANDREW STAINER MARK MEMMERT JEREMY BROCHHAGEN CLARENCE DIXON DR FRANK LEHRBASS DR RICHARD REICHEL KAI SUDMANN KONVENTIONELLE FINANZIERUNG VS CMBS IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT LEBENSZYKLUSBETRACHTUNG VON IMMOBILIEN kannibalisierung oder friedliche koexistenz? unterschätzte aufgabe bei immobilientransaktionen? mehrwert oder modetrend? JOACHIM PLESSER CLAUS-JÜRGEN COHAUSZ THOMAS ERTL DIRK RICHOLT HENNING SCHMALZ WOLFGANG WINGENDORF RICHARD KUNZE LOTHAR SLABIK KLAUS RAPS ULRICH BOLLWERK PROF MICHAEL CESARZ STEPHAN GEORG KAHL OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER FRITZ-MARTIN WALDENDORF PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS OUTSOURCING REAL ESTATE IMMOBILIEN IM BESTAND what sector is most promising? gold zu gold machen - aber wie? ANDREAS BLASCHKOWSKI ROBBIN HERRING DR RALF PAMPEL JÜRGEN SCHROEDER HEINZ JOACHIM KUMMER STEPHAN BÖNNING FABIAN GODBERSEN MARTIN LEMKE RAINER THALER DR BERND KOTTMANN DR GERHARD NIESSLEIN JUTTA ROSCHIG INVESTMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL GEWERBLICHE IMMOBILIEN SHOPPING CENTERS are portfolio transactions the only way? mehr investoren als produkte? still a trend? DR STEFANIE LEITER SVEN DAHLMEYER MICHAEL LEVY RAJESH SIVARAMAN MARTIN WIEMANN MATTHIAS LUECKER GERHARD MEITINGER DR FRANK BILLAND MATTHIAS BÖNING DR MARCUS CIELEBACK CLIVE LEWIS OPPORTUNISTIC INVESTMENTS IN GERMANY INVESTORS KEY IMMOBILIEN AG’S sustainable business or short term window? aggressive lending or fundamentals? erfolgreiche zukunft oder schnelles ende? PEDRO AZNAR ERIC ADLER STEFAN AUMANN KEITH FISCHER SEBASTIAN GREINACHER DANIEL SCHULENBURG VAN STULTS PROF DR GERHARD SCHMIDT MICHAEL BOCK STEPHAN HÜSSEN KLAUS KIRCHBERGER SALON 5 SALON 10 SALON 12 JÖRG NEHLS IMMOBILIEN BEI VERSICHERUNGEN UND PENSIONSKASSEN was ist die richtige risikoprämie? DIETRICH HEIDTMANN SYMON GODL MICHAEL MORGENROTH WERNER REGENBERG DIRK SCHLÜRMANN MARK WOLTER BEYOND MULTI-FAMILY SECURITISATION OR STRUCTURED BANK LOAN where are the best opportunities? what works better? MARK NEWMAN ULRICH GRAEBNER JOHN HERBERT RICHARD POWERS TORSTEN BICKART THOMAS HARTL GÖTZ MICHL JOHN NACOS PETER VERMETTE D-REIT SALON 11 14H45 - 16H00 what creates tomorrow’s success? more deals to come? SALON 3 12H00 - 13H15 DRIVERS IN REAL ESTATE SALON 1 SALON 2 Peter Linneman ISLAMIC MONEY welche konstruktion ist wettbewerbsfähig? how can it find a home in germany? BERNHARD VISKER WOLFGANG FUCHS DR ECKART JOHN VON FREYEND ANNI HÖNICKE STEPHANE AMINE DR LIANE MUSCHTER DIRK RUPPERT THIBAULT WHITE RALPH WOOD GERMAN REAL ESTATE OPEN ENDED FUNDS back to the future or end summer sale? KLAUS KORTEBEIN CHRISTIAN GRAF VON HOCHBERG DR JÖRG LANG ALEXANDER SAUR PROF DR MATTHIAS THOMAS FUND OF FUNDS WOHNUNGSPORTFOLIOS is it love or an affair? adding value or commercial gimmick? was kommt nach den mega-verkäufen? BARBARA KNOFLACH JEPPE DE BOER BERND KNOBLOCH EDGAR KRAUSS KLAUS LAMINET REINIER VAN GERREVINK MICHAEL ENGLISCH DR JOSEF BRINKHAUS PROF DR STEFAN JUGEL DR MATTHIAS STÜRMER MARC LEFFIN ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA DR BENEDIKT KIESL CHRISTIAN TERBERGER Monday 8 May DISCUSSION GROUPS The job of the discussion chairs is to make everybody talk... CORPORATE REAL ESTATE money to make or to lose? SVEN ANDERSEN vice president DEUTSCHE BANK SALON 3 DR JOHANNES CONRADI partner FRESHFIELDS MICHAEL GERLICH managing director ROCKPOINT DEUTSCHLAND DR PETER SAEMANN managing director CREDIT SUISSE Michael Gerlich Sven Andersen Johannes Conradi Peter Saemann Karl-Josef Schneiders Elke Birk Thomas Lindemann Iris Schöberl Christoph Härle Monika Litschke Barry Sadr Hashemi Matthias Hünlein Sven Helmer Tilman Hickl KARL-JOSEF SCHNEIDERS managing director SIREO SECURITISATION IN REAL ESTATE do clients and banks pull different ends? SALON 1 ELKE BIRK vice president MERRILL LYNCH DR THOMAS LINDEMANN partner LOVELLS IRIS SCHÖBERL geschäftsführerin REIT ASSET MANAGEMENT HOTEL - PORTFOLIO OR SINGLE ASSETS what’s driving the market? CHRISTOPH HÄRLE executive vice president JONES LANG LASALLE HOTELS SALON 10 BARRY SADR HASHEMI director AZURE PROPERTIES UK MONIKA LITSCHKE abteilungsleiterin immobilien vermietung DIFA VALUE ADDED INVESTMENTS does it pay? MATTHIAS HÜNLEIN managing director TISHMAN SPEYER SALON 4 DR SVEN HELMER senior vice president SAL OPPENHEIM DR TILMAN HICKL managing director TMW PRAMERICA 14H00 - 15H15 WOHNUNGSPORTFOLIOS IN DEUTSCHLAND vorläufiger höhepunkt oder erst der anfang? STEPHAN RIND ceo COLONIA REAL ESTATE MARTIN FÄNGER executive director, corporate clients WESTLB THOMAS LANDSCHREIBER SALON 2 DAVID PASCALL managing director TERRA FIRMA Stephan Rind Martin Fänger Thomas Landschreiber Marcus Pollmann Philippe Tannenbaum David Pascall G-REITS AND UK-REITS are there better alternatives? HANS-DIETER SCHULZ - GEBELTZIG partner NORTON ROSE SALON 12 DR HENNING KLÖPPELT managing director WARBURG-HENDERSON MARCUS POLLMANN director ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PHILIPPE TANNENBAUM head of research EUROHYPO GERMAN OPPORTUNITIES risks and rewards SAUL GOLDSTEIN managing director CERBERUS DEUTSCHLAND SALON 11 JOHN DWYER head of real estate FLEMING FAMILY AND PARTNERS MICHAEL JUNG cfo VIVACON STÉPHANE THEURIAU managing director MORGAN STANLEY Hans-Dieter Schulz-Gebeltzig Saul Goldstein John Dwyer Stéphane Theuriau GERMAN RETAIL internationalisation goes on? RAIMUND ELLROTT managing director GFK PRISMA SALON 5 GERHARD DUNSTHEIMER stellvertreter der geschäftsführung ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT LARS RICHTER abteilungsleiter shoppingcenter DIFA All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice Raimund Ellrott Gerhard Dunstheimer Michael Jung Monday 8 May DISCUSSION GROUPS ...getting everybody to share, connect and make friends... INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY braun und schmutzig, aber lukrativ? ALEXANDER HOFF managing director HALVERTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT SALON 11 AXEL KÖNIG ceo NAI APOLLO KRONE TRANSPARENZ UND IMMOBILIENMARKT corporate governance als wirkliche aufhellung? SALON 2 UWE FUHRMANN geschäftsführer FUHRMANN Alexander Hoff Uwe Fuhrmann Axel König DR WULF MEINEL managing director CARLYLE GROUP WERNER KNIPS partner global head HEIDRICK & STRUGGLES MICHAEL KREMER managing director LONDON & REGIONAL DR DOLF WEBER rechtsanwalt, notar a.d. Wulf Meinel Werner Knips Michael Kremer Dolf Weber PRICING OF NPL PORTFOLIO’S whose game is it? RAFFAELE LINO managing director DTZ SALON 3 ANDREW HALHEAD head of real estate underwriting HUDSON ADVISORS RAHUL SULE vice president JP MORGAN INVESTORS ABROAD are yields in eastern europe more attractive? KLAUS SCHEITZ leiter immobilienfinanzierung INVESTKREDIT SALON 4 DR FRANZ JURKOWITSCH ceo WARIMPEX Andrew Halhead Rahul Sule Klaus Scheitz Martin Erbe Franz Jurkowitsch Angelika Kunath Christian Schulte Eistrup Raffaele Lino MARTIN ERBE executive director WESTDEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENBANK ANGELIKA KUNATH managing partner FONDSHAUS HAMBURG CHRISTIAN SCHULTE EISTRUP vice president MORGAN STANLEY 16H00 - 17H15 REAL ESTATE SWAP neuer weg zur portfoliodiversifizierung? CHRISTIAN ULBRICH managing director JONES LANG LASALLE SALON 1 OLIVER PUHL executive director MORGAN STANLEY RODNEY BYSH director of property business development HENDERSON GLOBAL INVESTORS PUBLIC SECTOR OUTSOURCING neue deals, neue märkte? DR CHRISTIAN SCHEDE partner FRESHFIELDS SALON 12 KARLHEINZ WEIMAR finanzminister HESSISCHES MINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN DR THILO SARRAZIN senator für finanzen LAND BERLIN PETER KIMPEL managing director GOLDMAN SACHS Christian Ulbrich Rodney Bysh Oliver Puhl Christian Schede Karlheinz Weimar Thilo Sarrazin Peter Kimpel Dirk Kühnau Ernst Josef Lehrer Christof Gaudig Carsten Brinkmann Martin Engel DIRK KÜHNAU vorstand BUNDESANSTALT FÜR IMMOBILIENAUFGABEN ERNST JOSEF LEHRER vorstand SPARKASSE KOBLENZ SOCIAL SERVICE SERVICE REAL REAL ESTATE ESTATE SOCIAL is the sick-bed a hot bed is the sick-bed a hot bed for investors? investors? for CHRISTOF GAUDIG partner MAYER BROWN ROWE & MAW SALON 10 MARTIN ENGEL vice president GE REAL ESTATE CARSTEN BRINKMANN geschäftsführer TERRANUS LLOYD LEE managing director STARWOOD CAPITAL EUROPE Lloyd Lee RENAISSANCE OF THE CITIES how long will it last? FRANZ LUCIEN MÖRSDORF managing director AURELIS REAL ESTATE DR MICHAEL ALBERTS partner HÖLTERS & ELSING SALON 5 DR HERBERT APPELT chairman MFI MANAGEMENT FUR IMMOBILIEN PROF DR MARTIN WENTZ geschäftsführender gesellschafter WENTZ CONCEPT Franz Lucien Mörsdorf Martin Wentz Michael Alberts Herbert Appelt Monday 8 May DISCUSSION GROUPS INNOVATIVE IMMOBILIENPRODUKTE was kommt, was macht sinn? WALTER KLUG managing director MORGAN STANLEY REAL ESTATE SALON 12 ANDREAS SCHILLER publisher IMMOBILIEN MANAGER DR TOBIAS JUST senior economist DEUTSCHE BANK BÄRBEL SCHOMBERG managing director DEGI Walter Klug Tobias Just Andreas Schiller Stefan Boehme Siegfried Fernitz Horst Lieder Thomas Wirtz Michael Albertz Thomas Jebsen Bärbel Schomberg GERMAN INVESTORS IN THE US is the grass greener? THOMAS ETZEL managing director BHF-BANK SALON 1 STEFAN BOEHME managing director METZLER NORTH AMERICA SIEGFRIED FERNITZ managing director CATALYST CAPITAL GERMANY Thomas Etzel RICHARD PRICE managing director ING CLARION PARTNERS Richard Price PROJEKTENTWICKLERFONDS neue chancen für projektentwickler? ELMAR HAMMERSCHMIDT bereichsleiter IKB DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIEBANK AG SALON 5 THOMAS WIRTZ vice president SAL OPPENHEIM HORST LIEDER direktor IVG MANAGEMENT SEKUNDÄRMARKT FÜR PORTFOLIOTRANSAKTIONEN verkaufen oder optimieren? CHRISTIAN SCHULZ-WULKOW partner ERNST & YOUNG SALON 2 THOMAS JEBSEN director HYPOVEREINSBANK Elmar Hammerschmidt DR MICHAEL ALBERTZ managing director CORPUS IMMOBILIENGRUPPE RALPH WINTER Christian Schulz-Wulkow Ralph Winter 17H45 - 19H00 PROFESSIONELLES MANAGEMENT DURCH OUTSOURCING wunsch oder wirklichkeit? SALON 4 MARKUS REINERT international director & management board germany JONES LANG LASALLE DOMINIK BRAMBRING principal BLACKSTONE GROUP MATTHIAS DRÜPPEL managing director WESTINVEST Markus Reinert Dominik Brambring Volker Mauritz Jörn Zurmühlen Matthias Drüppel VOLKER MAURITZ vorsitzender der geschäftsführung RIAG GEBÄUDEMANAGEMENT JÖRN ZURMÜHLEN head of asset management AMB GENERALI IMMOBILIEN PARADIES FÜR INVESTOREN macht professionelles asset management auch das schlechteste investment erfolgreich? WOLFGANG EGGER ceo PATRIZIA IMMOBILIEN SALON 11 JÜRGEN CANCIK vorstand immobilienfinanzierung BAYERISCHE HYPO- UND VEREINSBANK WOLFGANG BEHRENDT head of real estate portfolio management MEAG ASSET MANAGEMENT BERNHARD BERG vorsitzender der geschäftsführung AMB GENERALI IMMOBILIEN Wolfgang Egger Wolfgang Behrendt Albrecht Glaser Marcellino Graf von Hoensbroech Bernhard Berg ALBRECHT GLASER geschäftsführer ABG FRANKFURT MARCELLINO GRAF VON HOENSBROECH managing director CARGILL VALUE INVESTMENT ACCESSING PUBLIC EQUITY what are investors looking for? KARI PITKIN managing director MERRILL LYNCH SALON 10 RUSSELL PLATT managing director FORUM PARTNERS JOSEPH HOULIHAN managing director HOULIHAN ROVERS BERND STAHLI director MERRILL LYNCH Kari Pitkin Joseph Houlihan Russell Platt Bernd Stahli IMMOBILIENMARKT BERLIN investieren, entwicklen oder hände weg? DR JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED managing director BAUWERT PROPERTY GROUP SALON 3 DR JOB VON NELL managing director BEOS PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG DR EUGEN VON LACKUM ceo TLG THEO WEYANDT head of berlin office EUROHYPO Jürgen Leibfried Job von Nell Theo Weyandt Tuesday 9 May DISCUSSION GROUPS 08H45 - 09H45 KEYNOTE THE CHANGING REAL ESTATE ENVIRONMENT opportunities and threats DR PETER LINNEMAN professor of real estate, finance and business policy WHARTON - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA FESTSAAL Peter Linneman GERMAN REAL ESTATE is it love or an affair? BARBARA KNOFLACH managing director SEB IMMOINVEST SALON 12 JEPPE DE BOER executive director GOLDMAN SACHS BERND KNOBLOCH ceo & chairman of the board EUROHYPO EDGAR KRAUSS cio COLONIA REAL ESTATE Barbara Knoflach Jeppe de Boer Bernd Knobloch Edgar Krauss Klaus Laminet Reinier van Gerrevink Pedro Aznar Eric Adler Stefan Aumann Andreas Blaschkowski Robbin Herring KLAUS LAMINET managing partner INVESTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNG REINIER VAN GERREVINK ceo VASTNED MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNISTIC INVESTMENTS IN GERMANY sustainable business or short term window? SALON 5 PEDRO AZNAR vice president WARBURG PINCUS ERIC ADLER managing director TISHMAN SPEYER STEFAN AUMANN direktor MERRILL LYNCH PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS more deals to come? ANDREAS BLASCHKOWSKI geschäftsführer DREES & SOMMER SALON 3 ROBBIN HERRING director CITIGROUP PROPERTY INVESTORS DR RALF PAMPEL managing director METZLER CORPORATE FINANCE JÜRGEN SCHRÖDER deputy member of the management board AAREAL ESTATE Jürgen Schröder Ralf Pampel 10H00 - 11H15 D-REIT welche konstruktion ist wettbewerbsfähig? BERNHARD VISKER member of supervisory board HSH NORDBANK SALON 11 DR ECKART JOHN VON FREYEND ceo IVG IMMOBILIEN KONVENTIONELLE FINANZIERUNG VS CMBS kannibalisierung oder friedliche koexistenz? SALON 2 WOLFGANG FUCHS executive director UBS DEUTSCHLAND Bernhard Visker Wolfgang Fuchs Eckart John von Freyend Joachim Plesser Claus-Jürgen Cohausz Thomas Ertl Dirk Richolt Henning Schmalz Stefanie Leiter Michael Levy Rajesh Sivaraman John Herbert Richard Powers Frank Lamby Andrew Stainer JOACHIM PLESSER member of the management board EUROHYPO CLAUS-JÜRGEN COHAUSZ member of the managing board WESTDEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENBANK THOMAS ERTL director LEHMAN BROTHERS DIRK RICHOLT director - real estate finance CITIGROUP HENNING SCHMALZ executive director WESTLB INVESTMENTS IN RESIDENTIAL are portfolio transactions the only way? DR STEFANIE LEITER director of financing ARCHON GROUP SALON 4 MICHAEL LEVY partner MCT ASSET MANAGEMENT SVEN DAHLMEYER executive director GOLDMAN SACHS RAJESH SIVARAMAN associate ABN AMRO MARTIN WIEMANN partner FRESHFIELDS Martin Wiemann BEYOND MULTI-FAMILY where are the best opportunities? MARK NEWMAN md & cio real estate private equity LEHMAN BROTHERS SALON 10 JOHN HERBERT managing director MERRILL LYNCH ULRICH GRAEBNER managing director DRUEKER & CO. RICHARD POWERS managing director GOLDMAN SACHS DRIVERS IN REAL ESTATE what creates tomorrow’s success? ULRICH HÖLLER ceo DIC SALON 1 ANDREW STAINER managing director DEUTSCHE BANK Mark Newman FRANK LAMBY ceo HYPO REAL ESTATE BANK Ulrich Höller Tuesday 9 May DISCUSSION GROUPS ...as if an after-dinner conversation in one’s own living room FUND OF FUNDS adding value or commercial gimmick? SALON 12 MICHAEL ENGLISCH director property business development (europe) HENDERSON GLOBAL INVESTORS DR JOSEF BRINKHAUS rechtsanwalt & partner CLIFFORD CHANCE PROF DR STEFAN JUGEL lehrstuhl für internationales marketing FACHHOCHSCHULE WIESBADEN Michael Englisch Josef Brinkhaus Stefan Jugel DR MATTHIAS STÜRMER head of real estate E.ON ENERGIE Matthias Stürmer GETTING YOUR HANDS ON THE MONEY working out the npl’s MARK MEMMERT director CREDIT SUISSE SALON 1 CLARENCE DIXON managing director CROWN EUROPEAN MORTGAGE JEREMY BROCHHAGEN vice president CREDIT SUISSE DR FRANK LEHRBASS head of portfolio management DG HYP Mark Memmert Jeremy Brochhagen Clarence Dixon Frank Lehrbass Richard Reichel Kai Sudmann DR RICHARD REICHEL senior manager HOIST AG KAI SUDMANN general manager IMMOFORI IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT unterschätzte aufgabe bei immobilientransaktionen? WOLFGANG WINGENDORF geschäftsführer TREUREAL SALON 2 LOTHAR SLABIK ceo TREUREAL GEBÄUDESERVICE RICHARD KUNZE geschäftsführer KUNZE GRUPPE Wolfgang Wingendorf Richard Kunze Lothar Slabik 12H00 - 13H15 OUTSOURCING REAL ESTATE what sector is most promising? HEINZ JOACHIM KUMMER partner FRESHFIELDS SALON 3 STEPHAN BÖNNING managing director IXIS AEW DEUTSCHLAND FABIAN GODBERSEN principal BLACKSTONE GROUP MARTIN LEMKE managing director PATRIZIA IMMOBILIEN Heinz Joachim Kummer Stephan Bönning Fabian Godbersen Gerhard Meitinger Jörg Nehls Anni Hönicke Liane Muschter Thibault White Keith Fischer Sebastian Greinacher Daniel Schulenburg Martin Lemke GEWERBLICHE IMMOBILIEN mehr investoren als produkte? MATTHIAS LUECKER managing director FREO SALON 4 GERHARD MEITINGER head of structured finance HYPO REAL ESTATE JÖRG NEHLS member of management board ATISREAL ISLAMIC MONEY how can it find a home in germany? STEPHANE AMINE chairman INOVALIS SALON 11 DIRK RUPPERT managing director TMW PROPERTY ANNI HÖNICKE head corporate banking north & west europe EUROHYPO Matthias Luecker DR LIANE MUSCHTER senior associate NORTON ROSE THIBAULT WHITE directeur DTZ ASSET MANAGEMENT RALPH WOOD director of fund management AXA REIM INVESTORS KEY aggressive lending or fundamentals? KEITH FISCHER executive director LEHMAN BROTHERS SALON 5 DANIEL SCHULENBURG managing partner JARGONNANT PARTNERS SEBASTIAN GREINACHER principal DOUGHTY HANSON VAN STULTS managing partner ORION CAPITAL MANAGERS Van Stults Tuesday 9 May DISCUSSION GROUPS LEBENSZYKLUSBETRACHTUNG VON IMMOBILIEN mehrwert oder modetrend? KLAUS RAPS vorsitzender der geschäftsführung BILFINGER BERGER SALON 2 PROF MICHAEL CESARZ ceo METRO GROUP ULRICH BOLLWERK management board VIVICO STEPHAN GEORG KAHL geschäftsführer ROHDE & SCHWARZ Klaus Raps Ulrich Bollwerk Michael Cesarz Stephan Georg Kahl Oliver Priggemeyer Fritz-Martin Waldendorf OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER geschäftsführer ASSETIS FRITZ-MARTIN WALDENDORF managing director COLOGNE REAL ESTATE OPEN ENDED FUNDS back to the future or end summer sale? SALON 11 KLAUS KORTEBEIN managing director MORGAN STANLEY REAL ESTATE CHRISTIAN GRAF VON HOCHBERG director HYPOTHEKENBANK IN ESSEN DR JÖRG LANG partner MAYER BROWN ROWE & MAW Klaus Kortebein Christian Graf v. Hochberg Alexander Saur Matthias Thomas Jörg Lang ALEXANDER SAUR managing director IXIS CORPORATE & INVESTMENT BANK PROF DR MATTHIAS THOMAS lehrstuhl immobilienwirtschaft FACHHOCHSCHULE HOLZMINDEN IMMOBILIEN AG’S erfolgreiche zukunft oder schnelles ende? PROF DR GERHARD SCHMIDT chairman supervisory board DIC SALON 5 STEPHAN HÜSSEN managing director FUTURE OFFICE MANAGEMENT MICHAEL BOCK general manager PROVINZIAL RHEINLAND KLAUS KIRCHBERGER chief executive officer THURN UND TAXIS WOHNUNGSPORTFOLIOS was kommt nach den mega-verkäufen? MARC LEFFIN vorstandsvorsitzender VIVACON SALON 12 DR BENEDIKT KIESL managing director EUROHYPO Gerhard Schmidt Stephan Hüssen Klaus Kirchberger ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA mitglied der geschäftsleitung ENGEL & VÖLKERS CHRISTIAN TERBERGER managing director BABCOCK & BROWN Marc Leffin Christian Terberger Annekay Gröbbels-Janka Benedikt Kiesl 14H45 - 16H00 IMMOBILIEN IM BESTAND gold zu gold machen - aber wie? RAINER THALER managing director GE REAL ESTATE SALON 3 DR BERND KOTTMANN member of the board & coo IVG IMMOBILIEN AG DR GERHARD NIESSLEIN ceo DETE IMMOBILIEN JUTTA ROSCHIG erste direktorin BUNDESANSTALT FÜR IMMOBILIEN Bernd Kottmann Gerhard Niesslein Frank Billand Matthias Böning Marcus Cieleback Torsten Bickart Thomas Hartl Götz Michl John Nacos Peter Vermette Rainer Thaler Jutta Roschig SHOPPING CENTERS still a trend? DR FRANK BILLAND member of board of directors DIFA SALON 4 MATTHIAS BÖNING vorstand & coo MFI MANAGEMENT FUR IMMOBILIEN DR MARCUS CIELEBACK head of rac research EUROHYPO CLIVE LEWIS managing director LTG REAL ESTATE SECURITISATION OR STRUCTURED BANK LOAN what works better? TORSTEN BICKART managing director HYPOVEREINSBANK SALON 10 GÖTZ MICHL director ABN AMRO THOMAS HARTL vice president MORGAN STANLEY JOHN NACOS managing director DEUTSCHE BANK PETER VERMETTE managing director GOLDMAN SACHS IMMOBILIEN BEI VERSICHERUNGEN UND PENSIONSKASSEN was ist die richtige risikoprämie? DIETRICH HEIDTMANN executive director MORGAN STANLEY SALON 1 DR WERNER REGENBERG senior vice president BASF SYMON GODL portfolio manager immobilien E.ON ENERGIE MICHAEL MORGENROTH management board member GOTHAER ASSET MANAGEMENT Dietrich Heidtmann Michael Morgenroth Dirk Schlürmann Mark Wolter DIRK SCHLÜRMANN geschäftsführer portfoliomanagement ALLIANZ IMMOBILIEN MARK WOLTER bereichsleiter portfoliostrategie AMB GENERALI IMMOBILIEN Werner Regenberg Unternehmensprofil: aurelis verfügt über ein Portfolio von rund 30 Millionen m2 ehemaliger Bahnflächen. Die Grundstücke liegen im Zentrum deutscher Städte und verfügen über gute verkehrstechnische Erschließungsmöglichkeiten. Damit bietet aurelis Investoren und Kommunen die Chance, die oftmals letzten städtebaulichen Freiräume für urbane Entwicklungsprojekte zu nutzen. In enger Abstimmung mit den Marktpartnern entwickelt aurelis für ihre Areale attraktive Nutzungskonzepte. Das Unternehmen betreut die Projekte bis zur Schaffung des Planungsrechts und Baureife. Auch die Anmietung von Gewerbeflächen ist über aurelis möglich. Franz Lucien Mörsdorf Dr. Reinhold C. Heibel Geschäftsführer Franz Lucien Mörsdorf Geschäftsführer Dieter Ullsperger Geschäftsführer Jens Bocklage, Leiter Projektentwicklung Dr. Frank Ebner, Leiter Portfolio Management Peter Hähnke, Leiter Asset Management Holger Schmidt, Leiter Vertrieb aurelis Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG Mergenthalerallee 15-21 65760 Eschborn Germany Tel: +49 (0) 6196 5232 0 Fax: +49 (0) 6196 5232 199 [email protected] www.aurelis-real-estate.de Die Mehrheit der aurelis-Geschäftsanteile wird von einer Investorengruppe unter Führung der WestLB gehalten. Das Unternehmen ist mit Regionalbereichen in Hamburg, Köln, Frankfurt und München sowie mit Großprojektbüros in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Heidelberg und Nürnberg vertreten. Die Zentrale ist in Eschborn bei Frankfurt am Main. Company profile: aurelis has a portfolio of about 30 million m2 of former railway property. The assets are located in the centre of German cities, with excellent transportation links. aurelis therefore offers investors and local authorities the opportunities of using what in many cases are the last remaining areas available for urban development projects. The company develops its real estate sites right up to the point where rezoning has been completed and construction can begin. Commercial and industrial space can also be rented through aurelis. aurelis has regional offices in Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich, and also has offices for major projects in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Heidelberg and Nuremberg. Its head office is in Eschborn, near Frankfurt/Main. Edgar Krauß CIO Stephan Rind CEO Klaus Reichert CFO Colonia Real Estate AG is an integrated Real Estate Investment Group with a nationwide office network and a clear focus on the German market. The company’s opportunistic invest approach targets cash-flow positive, high-yielding investments in the area of residential and commercial real estate. CRE seek to make direct controlling investments in public and private property companies which can be acquired at a significant discount to Net Asset Value. Through its affiliate Resolution CRE is a leading asset manager for third parties with EUR 700mn under Management. With the foundation of CRE Fonds Management early 2006 the company started the business of the conception and the distribution of structured real estate products, especially closed-end-funds, for retail and institutional investors. Colonia Real Estate AG Hohenstaufenring 48-54 50674 Cologne / Germany phone: fax: mail: Internet: + 49 221 71 60 71 0 + 49 221 71 60 71 99 [email protected] www.cre.ag The business model includes the divisions Investments and Services • CRE’s principal investment divisions are building a diversified real estate portfolio in high-yield properties with high recurrent cash flows. • CRE Fonds Management GmbH (CFM) is responsible for the conception and distribution of structured real estate products for private and institutional clients. • Focus on small and midsize portfolio‘s, off-market transactions and distressed situations. • CRE Research & Management (CRM) manages the principal investments of the group and provides inhouse research. • As an active portfolio manager CRE targets quality properties in undervalued markets that offer high value appreciation potential. • The opportunistic investment approach aims to generate an IRR of at least 15% p.a. on the equity investment with holding periods of up to eight years. • Resolution is the majority owned Asset Management specialist for third parties. The company currently manages EUR 700mn for third parties mainly in opportunistic and value added office real estate At the time CRE operates EUR 900mn in Real Estate Assets. Until 2008 the group targets EUR 2bn assets under management. The performance of CRE is generated by a well-experienced management team. Our team is directly participating in the different business units. Unternehmenskurzprofil Die Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH ist eines der führenden Immobilienberatungsunternehmen. Wir bieten Lösungen für komplexe Immobilienfragen und deren Umsetzung auf der Basis eines integrierten Beratungsansatzes. Hartmut Fründ Dietmar Meister Christian Schulz-Wulkow Durch langjährige Erfahrung und weltweite Kompetenz wird der Wert der Immobilie “mobilisiert”. 170 Berater der Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH (Betriebswirte, Juristen, Ingenieure, Architekten) unterstützt durch weitere 130 Real Estate spezialisierte Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland sowie 3.500 Immobilienspezialisten bei Ernst & Young weltweit sind in den folgenden Bereichen beratend tätig: Real Estate Corporate Finance Corporate Real Estate Real Estate Development + Project Management Hartmut Fründ Managing Partner Dietmar Meister Partner Christian Schulz-Wulkow Partner Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH Mergenthalerallee 10-12 D-65760 Eschborn/ Frankfurt T. +49 (61 96) 9 96-0 F. +49 (61 96) 9 96-2 64 16 e-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.de.ey.com/realestate Die Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH ist Teil von Ernst & Young weltweit. Auch bei großen Projekten steht Ihnen immer ein zentraler Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung, der den gesamten Prozess koordiniert und innerhalb des Ernst & Young Netzwerkes alle für Sie wichtigen Informationen beschafft, bewertet und mit Ihnen gemeinsam umsetzt. Company’s Activities Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH is one of the leading Real Estate Advisory firms in Germany. 170 real estate professionals of Ernst & Young Real Estate in Germany, supported by appr. 130 specialized real estate auditors, tax consultants and attorneys of Ernst & Young Germany and 3,500 real estate specialists worldwide provide a comprehensive range of customized business, financial and advisory services. Ernst & Young Real Estate GmbH is a part of Ernst & Young worldwide. Even with major projects, you are supported by a single central contact partner at all times. This contact partner will coordinate the entire process, drawing upon Ernst & Young’s global network and expertise to obtain and evaluate the information relevant to you, and work closely with you to apply this information. We see ourselves as part your team and will work closely with you to develop solutions that make you and your property a success. Eurohypo AG is Europe’s leading specialised bank for real estate and public sector financing. Eurohypo is a member of Commerzbank group. Eurohypo has an excellent position in the global market: The Bank is the only real estate finance provider with a pan-European presence, the only German real estate finance provider with an established unit in the USA and the leader in European real estate investment banking. Bernd Knobloch Dirk Wilhelm Schuh Jochen Klösges Commercial real estate finance is one of the Bank’s core activities. In order to arrive at the optimal tailor made solution, all state-of-the-art advisory and financing instruments are utilised: For professional clients Eurohypo offers the entire added value chain in complex real estate financing transactions, covering traditional loans business as well as real estate investment banking –e.g. securitization and mezzanine finance - in Europe and in the USA. In real estate investment banking Eurohypo’s position is also enhanced by the fact that the majority shareholders have transferred their commercial property finance activities to the bank. Eurohypo’s size facilitates the underwriting of large-volume loans enabling the bank being one of the lead managers for syndicated loans in Europe. Joachim Plesser Henning Rasche Martin Zielke Bernd Knobloch CEO Dirk Wilhelm Schuh Vice CEO Jochen Klösges Member of the Board of Managing Directors Joachim Plesser Member of the Board of Managing Directors Henning Rasche Member of the Board of Managing Directors Martin Zielke Member of the Board of Managing Directors EUROHYPO AG Helfmann-Park 5 65760 Eschborn GERMANY Tel. +49. (0)69. 25 48-0 Fax +49. (0)69. 25 48-8 20 48 [email protected] www.eurohypo.com In retail banking Eurohypo is also an important address for private customers in Germany. New commitments in this traditional private client business are focused on co-operation agreements with financial institutions with their own sales network (banks, insurance companies, home and savings associations). Another key competence of Eurohypo in this business is the loan servicing. In public sector financing, with taylor-made capital market products, structured loans and private placements Eurohypo is an important partner for governments around the world. The Bank is also a major bond issuer and the market leader in the Pfandbrief segment. It has a wide range of refinancing options with a worldwide access to the capital markets. Headquartered in London with offices in Paris and Frankfurt, Catalyst Capital identifies, purchases and manages a substantial portfolio of office, industrial and retail real estate in partnership with European and North American investors, based principally upon either opportunistic, value-added or core-plus strategies. It has acquired, in partnership with institutional and private investors, a commercial real estate portfolio totalling approximately €2.6 billion. Julian Newiss Current priorities The Firm’s five main areas of activity are to: identify and develop selective property investment opportunities, organise capital structure, co-invest in transactions, define, implement and supervise asset management programmes and undertake selective property development. Peter Kasch Catalyst Capital continues to look for further opportunities throughout mainland Europe, notably in Germany, France, Italy and Central Europe, as well as the UK. Anthony Yiannakis Siegfried Fernitz Business mission & activities The Firm’s investment strategy is based on the key principles of: a disciplined approach to risk management; preservation of the equity base; retaining the opportunity for high investment returns and maximising the value of the investment by both enhancing the capital value of the properties and improving the operating cash flow. Recent Activity ● The purchase of The Bero Shopping Centre in Oberhausen for €47 million Julian Newiss Chairman Peter Kasch Managing Partner Anthony Yiannakis Partner Siegfried Fernitz Managing Director, Catalyst Capital GmbH Catalyst Capital Mainzer Landstraße 49 60329 Frankfurt am Main Tel +49 (0)69 3085 5090 Fax +49 (0)69 3085 5190 [email protected] www.catalystcapital.de 33 Cavendish Square London W1G 0PW Tel +44 (0)20 7290 5100 Fax +44 (0)20 7290 5115 [email protected] www.catalystcapital.com ● The acquisition of the 54,900 sq.m. business park ‘Industriezentrum Wedel’, near Hamburg, for €34.6 million. ● The acquisition of 1-3 Dorset Rise, a 14,022 sq.m. prime office building in Central London for €115 million. ● The acquisition of a portfolio of eighteen France Telecom offices for €121.5 million, located throughout France. ● The acquisition of the 26,481 sq.m. landmark ITN Building, 200 Gray’s Inn Road, London for €160 million. History Catalyst Capital has effectively operated since 1996, having been established in 2001 with the acquistion of the European division of the New York based Greenwich Group International LLC (GGI) by Julian Newiss, Chairman of the European division, Peter Kasch, its Managing Director and key members of the senior management team. DTZ is a leading global real estate adviser, working with clients to create leading-edge property, investment and business solutions worldwide. DTZ is a leading name in all the world’s major business centres, with more than 9,000 staff advising and acting for leading multi-national companies, major financial institutions, government, developers and investors in 40 countries around the world. DTZ provides integrated services in corporate consulting, agency, brokerage, valuation, corporate finance, property management and research. David Steventon Raffaele Lino David Steventon CEO, DTZ Deutschland Raffaele Lino Managing Director DTZ Eschersheimer Landstrasse 6 60322 Frankfurt am Main Germany +49. 69 921 000 +49. 69 921 00 192 www.dtz.com In Europe, Middle East and Africa, DTZ has one of the strongest market presences of any real estate adviser. Within Asia Pacific, DTZ is a leader in all the main markets of Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Japan, Singapore and South East Asia. DTZ also delivers real estate services and solutions to multi-national companies in the Americas, through our US alliance with The Staubach Company. DTZ Holdings plc, which is the largest shareholder in the DTZ operations, is a publicly quoted company, listed on the London Stock Exchange since 1987. - Deutschland INVESTITIONSFOKUS Gewerbliche Portfolios Eigenkapital (100%ige Akquisitionen), Equity Joint-Ventures oder Einzelobjektinvestitionen. Schwerpunktsektoren Büros, Datenzentren, Parkhäuser sowie Einrichtungen im Bereich Gesundheitswesen. Rainer Thaler Rainer Thaler Geschäftsführer Tel: +49 (0)6102 36 2222 [email protected] GE Real Estate - Deutschland Martin-Behaim-Strasse 10 63263 Neu-Isenburg Notleidende Kredite Kauf notleidender, wertberichtigter oder hypothekarisch gesicherter Kredite. Corporate Outsourcing Sale/Leaseback-Lösungen für genutzte Immobilien sowie teilweise oder komplette Veräußerung von peripherem Immobilienbesitz von Firmen und Institutionen. Privater Wohnungsbausektor Die GE Real Estate erwarb im März 2005 die HPE Hausbau Gruppe; diese ist nun vollständig in die GE Real Estate eingegliedert. Die Akquisition der HPE stärkt die Stellung von GE in Deutschland und bietet GE ein Sprungbrett für weitere Akquisitionen von Immobilienfirmen und –portfolios, die auf privaten Wohnungsbau spezialisiert sind. Diese Objektklasse stellt für GE einen wichtigen, strategischen Fokus in Deutschland dar. Jüngste Transaktionen Marseille-Kliniken AG: Erwerb von 12 Langzeittherapie-Einrichtungen von der Marseille-Kliniken AG („MKAG“), dem größten privaten Betreiber von Langzeittherapie- und Reha-Einrichtungen in Deutschland, mittels Sale/ Leaseback-Transaktion. Wohnbau-Portfolio: Kauf von 1.400 Wohnungen sowie 4 gewerblichen Objekten mit einer Gesamtfläche von 98.775 m2. Die Objekte befinden sich in Leipzig, Dortmund, Essen, Siegen, Oberhausen und Aachen. Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE: JLL), the only real estate money management and services firm named to Forbes magazine’s Platinum 400, has more than 100 offices worldwide and operates in more than 430 cities in 50 countries. With 2005 global revenues of approximately $1.4 billion, the company provides comprehensive integrated real estate and investment management expertise on a local, regional and global level to owner, occupier and investor clients. In Germany 350 employees are based in six offices in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Wiesbaden. Christoph Härle Markus Reinert Christian Ulbrich Christoph Härle Executive Vice President Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels Markus Reinert International Director, Management Board, Head of Management Services, Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH Christian Ulbrich Managing Director, Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH Jones Lang LaSalle GmbH Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 78 60329 Frankfurt Tel. +49 (0) 69 2003- 0 Fax +49 (0) 69 2003 1001 e-Mail: [email protected] Jones Lang LaSalle is an industry leader in property and corporate facility management services, with a portfolio of 923 million square feet worldwide. In 2005, the firm completed capital markets sales and acquisitions, debt financings, and equity placements on assets and portfolios valued at $43 billion. Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels, the world’s leading hotel investment services firm, is uniquely positioned to provide both the depth and breadth of advice required by leading hotel companies and hotel investors globally. In 2005, Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels sold 32,049 hotel rooms to the value of $7.9 billion in 72 cities. In addition advisory and valuation expertise was provided on 139,498 rooms to the value of $31.8 billion across 265 cities. Their services include investment sales, mergers and acquisitions, valuation and appraisal, asset management, strategic planning, operator assessment and selection, hotel consulting, industry research and project development services. Jones Lang LaSalle (NYSE: JLL) verfügt weltweit über mehr als 100 Büros und ist in über 430 Städten in 50 Ländern tätig. Als einziges Unternehmen der Immobilienbranche wurde Jones Lang LaSalle in die Platinum 400 Liste des US-amerikanischen Forbes Magazine aufgenommen. Mit einem globalen Jahresumsatz in Höhe von rund $ 1,4 Milliarden in 2005 bietet das Unternehmen Eigentümern und Nutzern von gewerblichen Immobilien sowie Investoren ein umfassendes integriertes Immobilien- und Investment-Management-Know-how auf lokaler, regionaler und internationaler Ebene. In Deutschland agiert Jones Lang LaSalle mit rund 350 Mitarbeitern aus den sechs Standorten Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München und Wiesbaden heraus. Im Bereich Property und Corporate Facility Management Services ist Jones Lang LaSalle mit einem Portfolio von weltweit knapp 86 Millionen Quadratmetern führend in der Branche. 2005 wickelte das Unternehmen auf dem Kapitalmarkt Käufe und Verkäufe, Fremdfinanzierungen und EigenkapitalInvestments in Assets und Portfolios im Wert von $43 Milliarden ab. Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels ist das weltweit führende Beratungsunternehmen für den Hotelimmobilienmarkt. Für unsere Kunden konnten wir im Jahr 2005 32.049 Hotelzimmer mit einem Wert von $7,9 Milliarden in 72 Städten verkaufen. Die Beratung umfasste Hotels mit insgesamt 139.498 Zimmern in 265 Städten mit einem Wert von $31,8 Milliarden. Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels betreut vorwiegend Banken, Entwickler, Investoren, Eigentümer und Hotelgesellschaften bei der strategischen Beratung, Bewertung, Verwaltung und Betreiberselektion sowie beim Ankauf und Verkauf von Hotelobjekten und Hotelportfolios. The four-pillar strategy of Vivacon AG: VIVACON AG has set itself the goal of being a key intermediary on the German residential property market. The majority of Vivacon AG’s commercial activities are intended to focus on the leasehold sector – a clear distinction from the competition. Vivacon AG’s strategy is based on its four strategic areas of business involving institutional and private customers. Marc Leffin Michael Jung Timo Herbrand Michael Ries Marc Leffin CEO Timo Herbrand COO Michael Jung CFO Michael Ries CMO Vivacon AG Bayenthalgürtel 4 50968 Köln Tel: +49 221 / 93761 0 Fax: + 49 221 / 93 761 135 [email protected] www.vivacon.de Asset Management Residential Properties Vivacon AG is the local managing partner for major international investors in the residential property sector and provides personnel as well as technical and commercial expertise on property selection, due diligence, financing, modernisation and possibly privatisation. Vivacon AG is therefore the perfect partner to major international investors for the professional management of residential property portfolios. Portfolio Trading Residential Property The German property market, in combination with historically low interest rates, offers an attractive arena for investment. Vivacon enables investors to take over more profitable residential privatisation portfolios and in turn makes exiting easier for existing property owners. At the request of potential investors, Vivacon can take charge of additional services, right through to complete asset management. The strategy in the portfolio trading sector involves the aggressive expansion of market share over the coming years. Retail of Listed Properties VIVACON AG makes the desire for “own four walls” affordable. For this purpose, the company uses a simple, well-established and extremely successful concept. VIVACON AG acquires and modernises flats and then sells them as leasehold. The prices are therefore reduced by the proportional costs of the plot of land. This is a concept from which all participants profit. In this field, Vivacon has set itself the goal of defending its role as market leader. Retail of Designer Flats VIVACON AG is the first on the German market to offer living space with an exclusive brand image – designed by one of the best designers in the world: Philippe Starck. The French star designer transforms the architectural circumstances and moods of properties in the in-quarters of German metropolises into a living environment with a unique atmosphere. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI ERIC ADLER MICHAEL ALBERTZ managing director TISHMAN SPEYER managing director CORPUS IMMOBILIENGRUPPE GMBH & CO.KG Eric Adler oversees Tishman Speyer’s acquisitions and asset management strategy in Europe. Previously, Eric worked at Morgan Stanley where at different stages over the past five years he headed Morgan Stanley Real Estate’s investment activities, in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. An honours graduate at the University of Arizona, Eric moved to France to attend business school at HEC, and subsequently worked at Credit Lyonnais and Unibail in Paris before joining Morgan Stanley. Dr. Michael Albertz, 56 Jahre, ist seit 1981 im Immobiliengeschäft erfolgreich tätig. Im Oktober 2003 wechselte er von der WCM Beteiligungs- und Grundbesitz-AG, Mitglied des Vorstands, in die Geschäftsführung der Corpus Immobiliengruppe GmbH & Co. KG, verantwortlich für den Bereich Investment. Seit Februar 2005 ist Herr Dr. Michael Albertz zusätzlich Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Immeo Wohnen GmbH. MICHAEL ALBERTS SVEN ANDERSEN partner HÖLTERS & ELSING vice president DEUTSCHE BANK AG Dr. Michael Alberts is attorney and partner of the law firm Hölters & Elsing, one of the very few independent mid-size firms with a strong international profile handling high-end transactions. His core practice area is Commercial Real Estate. Michael is strategic advisor with legal focus on complex Real Estate projects and transactions. He advises, inter alia, the British Stadium Group for the project CentrO. Oberhausen as well as Value Retail, the Anglo-American premium outlet developer. After successfully completing his degree in Economics, in 1997 Sven Andersen began a graduate trainee program with Deutsche Bank Frankfurt in the Corporate Client and Commercial Real Estate Department. In 2000 he moved from Real Estate Research to Corporate Development (AfK) with the main responsibility for the Bank’s Owner-Occupied Real Estate. STEFAN AUMANN PEDRO P AZNAR direktor MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAL MARKETS BANK LTD vice president WARBURG PINCUS Stefan Aumann, ist Direktor im Bereich Global Principal Investments (“GPI”) bei Merrill Lynch in Frankfurt. Er ist verantwortlich für alle Aktivitäten von Merrill Lynch GPI in Deutschland. GPI investiert Eigenkapital von Merrill Lynch in immobilienbezogene Aktiva und notleidende Immobilienkredite. Herr Aumann war in den vergangenen Jahren an mehreren Investitionen in notleidende Kredite und Kreditportfolien beteiligt bzw. hat diese verantwortlich begleitet. Pedro Aznar is responsible for Warburg Pincus’ European real estate practice. He is based in London. Prior to joining Warburg Pincus, Mr. Aznar spent six years with the Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds. During his real estate career at Morgan Stanley, Mr. Aznar was involved in more than Euro 4.1 billion of real estate acquisitions in Europe. Previously, Mr. Aznar was a management consultant with Bain & Company and a project manager with Daimler Benz AG. He holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Economics from ESB Reutlingen and Universidad Pontificia Comillas and an M.B.A. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Mr. Aznar is a board member of Romanian Real Estate Partners. WOLFGANG BEHRENDT BERNHARD BERG head of real estate portfolio management MEAG MUNICH ERGO ASSETMANAGEMENT GMBH vorsitzender der geschäftsführung AMB GENERALI IMMOBILIEN GMBH Seit 2004 leitet Wolfgang Behrendt die Abteilung “Portfoliomanagement Immobilien” der MEAG in München und betreut mit seinem Team rund 16,0 Mrd. Euro an inländischen und ausländischen Immobilien. Zuvor war er u.a. Investmentspezialist bei Dr. Lübke Immobilien GmbH, Abteilungsleiter der Bayerischen Vereinsbank, Manager und Prokurist im Corporate Real Estate bei KPMG, Vice President Asset Management bei The Peabody Group (London) und Abteilungsleiter Fondsmanagement bei Deka Immobilien. Wolfgang Behrendt studierte Betriebswirtschaft (FH in Pforzheim), Volkswirtschaft (Universitá di Ancona) und Immobilienökonomie (ebs). Seit 1993 ist er im Immobiliengeschäft tätig. Herr Behrendt ist Mitglied der “Royal Institutions of Chartered Surveyor”. Bernhard Berg, 46 Jahre ist Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der AMB Generali Immobilien GmbH, Köln welche die direkte und indirekte Immobilienanlage der AMB Generali Gruppe verantwortet. Zuvor leitete er den Bereich Asset Management der Aareal Bank AG, Wiesbaden. In den Jahren 1990 bis 2002 führte er die Immobilienbereiche der R+V Versicherungsgruppe, Wiesbaden, und der Provinzial Rheinland Versicherungen, Düsseldorf. Er ist Vorsitzender der Kommission Grundbesitz des Gesamtverbandes der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV) und Mitglied des Management und Executive Board der European Association for Investors in Non-Listed-Real-Estate-Vehicles (INREV). TORSTEN BICKART DR FRANK BILLAND managing director HYPOVEREINSBANK AG member of board of directors DIFA - DEUTSCHE IMMOBILIEN FONDS AG Torsten Bickart is managing director and head of real estate portfolio finance in the Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG in Germany in the division real estate structured products. Torsten Bickart has seven years of business experience in complex real estate transactions in the German real estate market including debt providing, advisory aspects, nonperforming loan transactions, M&A, private equity sponsors and syndication products. After training as a bank employee Dr. Frank Billand studied political economy. In 1984 he started his professional career at Hochtief AG and left this company in 2003 as spokesman for the management area of Hochtief development. Since 2003 Dr. Frank Billand has been a member of the board of management of DIFA Deutsche Immobilien Fonds AG, a part of the Union Investment Group of the Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken Association. His main responsibilities are currently the acquisition and sale of properties and shopping centers in Germany, Austria, Italy, Scandinavia, the Netherlands and Central Europe as well as project development, building activies, real estate marketing and communication. ELKE BIRK ANDREAS BLASCHKOWSKI vice president MERRILL LYNCH CAPITAL MARKETS BANK LTD geschäftsführer DREES & SOMMER PROJEKTMANAGEMENT UND BAUTECHNISCHE BERATUNG GMBH Mehr als 10 Jahre Erfahrung in der Immobilienfinanzierung in Deutschland. Diplom Betriebswirtin und Immobilienökonom ebs. Stationen Dresdner Bank AG und Eurohypo AG. Erfahrung in der Portfoliofinanzierung und Akquisiitonsfinanzierung von Wohnungsgesellschaften. Seit Juli 2005 Leitung des deutschen Real Estate Finance Teams von Merrill Lynch. Schon während des Studiums des Bauingenieurwesens an der TH Darmstadt war Andreas Blaschkowski praxisorientiert in der Baubranche tätig. Um diese Erfahrung auszubauen, begann er im Anschluss an das Studium seinen beruflichen Werdegang bei einer großen Frankfurter Bauunternehmung im Bereich Bauleitung. Aus Interesse an einer gesamtheitlichen Projektabwicklung und an der Durchführung hochwertiger, komplexer Bauvorhaben wechselte er nach zweieinhalb Jahren zur Schneider-Gruppe in den Bereich Projektmanagement. Seit 1998 ist Andreas Blaschkowski Geschäftsführer der Drees & Sommer GmbH Frankfurt, wo er in den letzten Jahren den Bereich Controlling und Due Diligence ausgebaut hat. STEFAN BOEHME STEPHAN BOENNING managing director METZLER NORTH AMERICA GMBH managing director IXIS AEW EUROPE Stefan Boehme ist seit 2002 als Geschäftsführer der Metzler North America GmbH verantwortlich für die Unternehmensentwicklung, Investmentstrukturierung, Kundenbetreuung und Fondsverwaltung. Kerngeschäft der Schwestergesellschaft des Bankhauses Metzler ist das Asset-Management von Immobilien in Nordamerika. Zudem ist Boehme seit 2001 für das Immobilienportfolio der Familie von Metzler tätig. Zuvor arbeitete er als Rechtsanwalt im Bereich Unternehmens- und Immobilien-transaktionen. Stefan Boehme studierte Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Leuven sowie Stadtplanung an der Architectural Association in London. Stephan Boenning is Managing Director of IXIS AEW Deutschland, where he is responsible for the acquisition of real estate single assets and portfolios. Mr. Boenning has been working in the real estate business for almost 15 years. Prior to this role he held various senior level positions. He was Managing Director of AXA Investment Managers and Aachener Grundvermögen, where he was in charge of real estate investments and fund managing. Before that he was working for WestInvest, a company of DEKA Investments as leader of the investment department. In this roles he was able to originate new investments of around Euro 3,5 bn. Mr. Boenning is a graduate of the Fachhochschule Nuertingen. ULRICH BOLLWERK MATTHIAS BÖNING management board VIVICO REAL ESTATE GMBH stellv. vorsitzender des vorstandes MFI MANAGEMENT FÜR IMMOBILIEN AG Ulrich Bollwerk begann 1982 bei der Philipp Holzmann AG. Es folgten Aufenthalte in leitenden Funktionen in Saudi-Arabien, Irak und USA. 1988 wechselte Bollwerk als Office Engineer zur Bilfinger + Berger Bau AG. 1991 trat er als Projektleiter für Westeuropa wieder in die Philipp Holzmann AG ein. 1993 begann Bollwerk bei der Deutschen Immobilien Anlagegesellschaft und übernahm später die Projektentwicklung. Nach Neugliederung des Immobilienbereichs der Deutschen Bank AG leitete Bollwerk die Abteilung Projekt- und Baumanagement der Deutschen Grundbesitz Management. 1998 wurde Bollwerk als Geschäftsführer der MRE Metro Real Estate Management berufen. Seit Oktober 2002 ist Ulrich Bollwerk technischer Geschäftsführer bei Vivico Real Estate. Matthias Böning wurde zum 1. Januar 2003 als Mitglied in den Vorstand der mfi Management für Immobilien AG berufen. Er übernahm das Vorstandsressort Projektmanagement und ist seit Anfang des Jahres 2005 stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender. Böning, Jahrgang 1956, war zuvor 19 Jahre bei der Hochtief Construction AG und nach vielen erfolgreichen Stationen dort zuletzt Vorsitzender der Geschäftsleitung des Bereichs Nord-West und damit für Nordrhein-Westfalen und Norddeutschland zuständig. Vom Flughafen Düsseldorf, über Hochhäuser, Hotels, Kinos, Krankenhäuser, Messegebäuden, Wohnungsbauten bis zu urbanen Einkaufs- und Freizeiteinrichtungen, gehört jeder Immobilientyp zu seinem umfangreichen unternehmerischen Erfahrungsrepertoire. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI DOMINIK BRAMBRING DR JOSEF BRINKHAUS vice president BLACKSTONE GROUP rechtsanwalt & partner CLIFFORD CHANCE Dominik is a Vice President within the European Real Estate division’s asset management team and is responsible for overseeing the project development and asset management of Blackstone’s Deutsche Bank portfolio in Germany. Partner bei Clifford Chance seit 1997. Spezialisiert auf Immobilienfonds und Private Equity Fonds für institutionelle Investoren, einschließlich Beratung zur Strukturierung und Vermarktung dieser Fonds und zu wirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Fragestellungen während des Bestehens der Fonds. Begann seine berufliche Laufbahn bei Pünder Volhard Weber & Axster in 1991; Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater und Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht. Herausgeber und Mitautor des Kommentars Brinkhaus/Scherer, KAGG/AuslInvestmG Gesetz über Kapitalanlagegesellschaften Auslandinvestmentgesetz, Beck-Verlag, 2002. CARSTEN BRINKMANN JEREMY S BROCHHAGEN geschäftsführer TERRANUS GRUPPE vice president leverage finance CREDIT SUISSE Carsten Brinkmann ist als Geschäftsführer der TERRANUS/ TAGOS-Gruppe insbesondere mit der Finanzierung und Bewertung von Sozial-Immobilien (Pflege-Einrichtungen, Krankenhäuser) und deren Management befasst. Einen beträchtlichen Umfang nehmen die Sanierung und das Interims-Management von Not leidenden Engagements und Betreiber-Gesellschaften ein. Transaktionsbegleitung in Form von Due diligence sowie das M&A-Geschäft und die Privatisierung kommunaler Einrichtungen stellen einen weiteren Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt dar. Das Klientel setzt sich aus in- und ausländischen institutionellen Anlegern zusammen, deren Engagements im Gesundheitswesen langfristig begleitet werden. Jeremy Brochhagen is co-head of Credit Suisse’s European NPL Portfolio Acquisition Team. He is responsible for all investment decisions related to the acquisition of sub/nonperforming loan portfolios, and overseeing the establishment of acquisition platforms in countries such as Germany, Italy, Portugal and Poland. In the past six months, he has purchased approximately Euro 400 million in distressed loans on behalf of the company. Prior to Credit Suisse, Mr. Brochhagen worked for Ernst & Young as a financial advisor to numerous international buyers and sellers of distressed debt. RODNEY BYSH PROF MICHAEL CESARZ director of property business development HENDERSON GLOBAL INVESTORS ceo METRO GROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH & CO KG Rodney Bysh heads up the European Property Business Development team and is based in Frankfurt, where he is working on expanding the range of investment products for European investors. He is a member of the European Executive Team of Henderson Global Investors and vice chairman of the supervisory board of the “Warburg-Henderson Kapitalanlage-gesellschaft für Immobilien mbH”, a joint venture of M.M. Warburg and Henderson Global Investors which develops and distributes “Spezialfonds” for European Investors. Rodney also sits on a number of other fund boards including the European Outlet Mall Fund. geboren am 03.10.1960 1980 - 1988 Studium der Architektur an der RWTh-Aachen 1987 - 1999 Selbständiger Architekt, Düsseldorf und Leipzig 1999 - 2002 Peek & Cloppenburg, Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Leitung Baubereich 2003 - 2004 Kaufhof Warenhaus AG, Köln, Leitung Baumanagement, Direktor Seit 03.2004 METRO Group Asset Management, Düsseldorf, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung DR MARCUS CIELEBACK CLAUS-JÜRGEN COHAUSZ head of rac research EUROHYPO AG member of the managing board WESTDEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENBANK Dr. Marcus Cieleback took over the Research department in the Real Estate Appraisal & Consulting division of Eurohypo AG in 2005. He studied at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg and completed his doctorate at the University of Bayreuth in 2001. A year later he joined MEAG, the asset management side of Munich Re Group. At MEAG, Dr. Cieleback worked in strategic real estate market analysis and comparative asset class study. His focus at Eurohypo includes the risk-based analysis of global real estate markets and the development of econometric model used in forecasts. He is a frequent speaker at international sector conferences and a published author in various international trade magazines. Claus-Jürgen Cohausz (geb. 1954) studierte Rechtswissenschaften in Münster. 1986 begann er im Bereich Baufinanzierung der WestLB. Als Leiter des Vorstandssekretariats wechselte er Anfang 1995 zur neu gegründeten Westdeutschen ImmobilienBank. 1996 wurde er Bereichsleiter und war verantwortlich für das gesamte ausländische Kreditgeschäft in Europa und Nordamerika. Ende 2004 wurde Herr Cohausz zum Generalbevollmächtigten ernannt mit der Zuständigkeit für die Kundenbetreuung im In- und Ausland, Joint/Ventures und Strukturierte Finanzierungen/PPP. Seit 01.01.2006 ist er Mitglied des Vorstandes der Westdeutschen ImmobilienBank in Mainz. DR JOHANNES CONRADI JEPPE DE BOER partner FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER executive director GOLDMAN SACHS Johannes Conradi is partner in the law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. He is co-head of their international real estate practice. Johannes specialises in advising domestic and international investors, real estate developers, financial institutions and public sector clients on all aspects of real estate transactions, project development (including public planning, construction and engineering) and real estate finance. Johannes is ranked among the leading German real estate lawyers in various legal media and other overviews of the German legal market. He is also ranked in the 2005 edition of Who’s Who Legal. Jeppe is heading the European Real Estate Advisory Group within the Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs. Prior to this he was the lead European Real Estate Analyst at both Goldman Sachs and ABN AMRO and he was an Investment Surveyor with Richard Ellis. Jeppe earned an MSc in Economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1994. of Arts in Land Economy from Cambridge University in 1989. CLARENCE DIXON MATTHIAS DRÜPPEL managing director CROWN EUROPEAN MORTGAGE MANAGEMENT GMBH managing director WESTINVEST - WESTDEUTSCHE GRUNDSTUECKSINVESTMENT GMBH Clarence is Managing Director of Crown Northcorp’s European Business development and of the German subsidiary, Crown Mortgage Management. GmbH. Clarence joined Crown from Aareal Bank where he held the position of Executive Vice President of Customer Relations & Marketing and played a key role in successfully building Germany’s only independent third party mortgage servicer. Clarence is a former Director of Global Cash Management with the Global Transaction Banking Division of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and New York and has furthermore held management positions with VISA International in London as well as Gesellschaft fur Zahlungssysteme in Frankfurt. Graduate lawyer, executive director, WestInvest Gesellschaft für Investmentfonds mbH; has worked with real estate from the beginning of his training. After legal work related to real estate, he joined WestInvest Gesellschaft für Investmentfonds mbH in 1994, as head of the legal department. Starting in 1996, he headed the commercial and technical property-management departments for all properties in the WestInvest funds. He is a member of the board of executives since 2002. GERHARD DUNSTHEIMER JOHN DWYER stellvertreter der geschäftsführung ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GMBH & CO KG head of real estate FLEMING FAMILY AND PARTNERS Geboren 1969 in Augsburg - Abitur und Banklehre -Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an WHU Koblenz, LUISS Rom (Italien), PennState University Philadelphia (USA) und Universität St. Gallen (Schweiz) 1996 Studienabschluss an der Universität St. Gallen (Schweiz) 1996 Unternehmensberater, INTES Zürich (Schweiz) (Beratung von Familienunternehmen) 1998 ECE - Assistent des Vorsitzenden der Geschäftsführung 2000 ECE - Bereichsleiter Vermietung Nord 2002 ECE - Bereichsleiter Vermietung Nord und Nord-Ost 2004 ECE - Stellvertreter des Geschäftsführers Objektentwicklung. John Dwyer is the Head of Real Estate at Fleming Family and Partners (FF&P) where he is responsible for all property investment including indirect investment in the global listed and unlisted real estate markets. John was formally head of real estate at Sagitta Asset Management and has over 20 years of experience in finance, tax, private equity and real estate investment. John has a BComm in Economics and Accounting from the University of Leeds and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. WOLFGANG EGGER RAIMUND ELLROTT ceo PATRIZIA IMMOBILIEN AG managing director GFK PRISMA INSTITUT GMBH & CO. KG Wolfgang Egger is owner and Chairman of the Board / CEO of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. Since 1984 he manages the real estate company with approximately 300 employees. Meanwhile PATRIZIA has established itself in all fields of the real estate industry as a nationally and internationally recognised investor and service provider, starting from its core businesses, real estate management and the privatisation of residential property. The company’s own stock of residential and commercial real estate is continuously expanded by the purchase of large portfolios. PATRIZIA supervises a total volume of real estate assets worth more than two billion Euro. Raimund Ellrott ist seit sieben Jahren Geschäftsführer der größten deutschen unabhängigen Beratungsgesellschaft im Immobilienbereich, der GfK PRISMA Institut GmbH & Co. KG und zuständig für die Akquisition sowie Bearbeitung von Gutachten/ Studien. Neben dem Heimatmarkt Deutschland arbeitet GfK PRISMA in den letzten Jahren zunehmend in den west- und osteuropäischen Auslandsmärkten. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI MARTIN ENGEL MICHAEL ENGLISCH vice president GE REAL ESTATE GERMANY GMBH director property business development (europe) HENDERSON GLOBAL INVESTORS Martin Engel joined GE in 2003 and is Vice President with GE Real Estate. He is responsible for acquisitions in the German market and has been in the investment banking, restructuring and real estate business for 20 years. Before joining GE he was in various positions at ING, BHF-BANK and mortgage banks. He holds a University degree in Business Administration. Als Director of Property Business Development (Europe) ist Michael Englisch seit Januar 2004 bei Henderson Global Investors für die Entwicklung und Strukturierung neuer Immobilienanlageprodukte für europäische institutionelle Investoren, für den Ankauf von europäischen Immobiliengesellschaften sowie für die Betreuung von Schlüsselinvestoren im deutschsprachigen Raum zuständig. Er verfügt über mehr als dreizehn Jahre Erfahrung in der Bankund Immobilienbranche. Vor seinem Wechsel zu Henderson Global Investors war er zuletzt als Projektleiter für Einkauf und Strukturierung von Immobilienportfolioprodukten bei der DB Real Estate Management GmbH tätig, wo er seit 2002 auch dem Vorstand einer Wohnimmobilienbeteiligungsgesellschaft angehörte. MARTIN ERBE THOMAS ERTL executive director WESTDEUTSCHE IMMOBILIENBANK director LEHMAN BROTHERS Martin Erbe is heading the department for CEE & Turkey at Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank (WIB). Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank is the Center of Competence for Real Estate Business within WestLB Group one of Germany’s leading Landesbanks. The focus in CEE is on international and leading local real estate investors in the respective target markets as well as pan-European investment funds and asset managers. Target property types are office, retail, logistic and hotels. Thomas is Director in Lehman Brother’s Global Real Estate Group and has more than 10 years of experience in German real estate finance. THOMAS ETZEL MARTIN FÄNGER managing director BHF-BANK AG executive director, corporate clients WESTLB AG Thomas Etzel, 43 Jahre, Managing Director der BHF-BANK, leitet das Immobilien- und Private Equity Geschäft. Als Gründungsgesellschafter hat Etzel seit 1995 zahlreiche Beteiligungsgesellschaften im Immobilien-, Venture Capital-, Buy Out- und Mezzanine Capital Bereich erfolgreich aufgelegt. In dem Segment US-Immobilien ist Etzel u. a. für die Tochtergesellschaft Real Estate Capital Partners, New York, verantwortlich. Martin Fänger has built up the European Real Estate Team within WestLB AG in the last three years. WestLB AG is focused on capital market driven products within the real estate world. SIEGFRIED C FERNITZ KEITH FISCHER managing director CATALYST CAPITAL GMBH executive director LEHMAN BROTHERS Siegfried Fernitz runs Catalyst’s new offices in Germany, having been the MD of a Munich based asset management firm. Previously he was responsible for the German operations of Greenwich Group. He began his real estate career more than 18 years ago and has since been involved in assignments throughout Europe, USA and Asia. In addition to his position with Catalyst, he also lectures on Real Estate Investment at the University of Applied Sciences in Biberach. Keith Fischer is a Senior Vice President in the real estate private equity group at Lehman Brothers and is based in Frankfurt, Germany. Prior to joining Lehman Brothers in 2005, Mr. Fischer was a founding principal of the European real estate private equity firm, Orion Capital Managers, where he was in charge of Orion’s German business. Before joining Orion in 1999, he was a Vice President at Citigroup, where he played a key role in restructuring the bank’s European real estate loan portfolio. Mr. Fischer began his real estate career at Hines and at Commerzbank. WOLFGANG FUCHS UWE FUHRMANN executive director UBS DEUTSCHLAND AG geschäftsführer FUHRMANN GMBH ??????????????? Wolfgang Fuchs is a Director of UBS Investment Bank’s IBD team and is in charge of UBS Investment Bank ‘s real estate business in Germany. Wolfgang joined the firm in 1998 in the M&A team in London and moved to Frankfurt in 2002. He has been involved in a number of transactions across several industries with a particular focus on the real estate sector. Most recently he advised BGAG on the disposal of BauBeCon to Cerberus. Wolfgang graduated from the European Business School, International University, Schloss Reichartshausen (ebs) with a degree as Diplom-Kaufmann. Prior to his university studies and joining the firm, he trained at Dresdner Bank for 2 years. Uwe Fuhrmann, geboren 1953 in Duisburg, ist seit 20 Jahren selbstständiger Immobilienkaufmann und Projektentwickler. Seine Schwerpunkte liegen u. a. in der Fachmarktentwicklung sowie in der Revitalisierung von Fabrikanlagen, so z. B. für die Firmen Philips, Siemens und Unilever. CHRISTOF GAUDIG MICHAEL A GERLICH partner MAYER BROWN ROWE AND MAW LLP managing director ROCKPOINT DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Christof Gaudig is the managing partner of the Cologne office of Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw LLP. Before joining Mayer Brown in 1997, he worked for three years for an English law firm. Christof concentrates mainly on advising on cross-border acquisitions and related finance transactions for international clients. He is also lecturing transactional law in Cologne and Cambridge. Michael Gerlich is responsible for implementing Rockpoint’s investment program in Germany. Mr. Gerlich resides in Rockpoint’s Frankfurt office. He joined Rockpoint in January 2006. Prior to joining Rockpoint, Mr. Gerlich was a Managing Director of GE Capital responsible for its German real estate investment business. Prior to his tenure at GE Capital, Mr. Gerlich was a Managing Director of Lend Lease Real Estate Investments responsible for Germany and Central Europe. Mr. Gerlich possesses ten years experience as a principal investor leading corporate, portfolio and asset-level real estate investment transactions in Europe and the Americas. ALBRECHT GLASER FABIAN GODBERSEN geschäftsführer ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING WOHNUNGSBAU- UND BETEILIGUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH principal BLACKSTONE GROUP Albrecht Glaser ist Geschäftsführer einer beherrschenden Holding, in deren Besitz sich neben rund 50.000 Wohnungen auch Gewerbeeinheiten, Tiefgaragen befinden, die durch die Gesellschaft errichtet und verwaltet werden. Drei Tochterunternehmen betreiben vorwiegend Developing im Gewerbe- und Wohnungsbau. Albrecht Glaser war vor seiner Tätigkeit bei der ABG FRANKFURT HOLDING Stadtkämmerer der Stadt Frankfurt am Main und in dieser Tätigkeit zuständig für die Bereiche Finanzen, Unternehmensbeteiligungen, Personal, Organisation und Liegenschaften. Fabian Godbersen is a Principal in Blackstone’s Real Estate group and is based in London. Since joining Blackstone in 2005, Mr. Godbersen has been responsible for transactions in Europe, with a specific focus on Germany. Before joining Blackstone, Mr. Godbersen was a Vice President in Morgan Stanley’s investment banking division, where he spent six years in their Frankfurt and London offices. His native language is German and he is fluent in English and French. SAUL GOLDSTEIN CHRISTIAN GRAF VON HOCHBERG managing director CERBERUS DEUTSCHLAND BETEILIGUNGSBERATUNG GMBH director HYPOTHEKENBANK IN ESSEN AG Saul Goldstein is a Managing Director at Cerberus Deutschland, having joined the Cerberus advisory team in 1998. He is responsible for identifying and analyzing potential debt and equity investments in real estate and NPLs in Germany. Mr. Goldstein is an honors graduate of Cornell University and holds an M.B.A. from the Wharton School as well as an M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. Since October, 1st 2002 Christian Graf von Hochberg is director of the Hamburg-Branch of Hypothekenbank in Essen AG, responsible for the restructuring and new concept development of the branch, realization of the target: Finance of domestic and international Real estate. Christian started his career with Commerzbank and Lehndorff-Gruppe, a closed end real estate fund. Prior to his current job he held senior positions with IntelliWork, Nordconcept and between 1986 and 1998 as director with Credit Lyonnais, responsible for Commodity-Trade-Finance and integration of Bankhaus Wölbern into Credit Lyonnais. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI SEBASTIAN GREINACHER ANNEKAY GRÖBBELS-JANKA principal DOUGHTY HANSON mitglied der geschäftsleitung ENGEL & VÖLKERS GEWERBE GMBH Beruflicher Werdegang: 1986-1997 Projektleiter, später Geschäftsführer und Partner der DPI Domberger & Partner Immobilien Management GmbH, München seit 1998 Real Estate Principal Doughty Hanson & Co Real Estate. Annekay Gröbbels-Janka is concentrating on advising international clients on larger investments in commercial & residential properties in Germany. Annekay works with Engel & Völkers since 8 years, is running the investment department and joined the board of directors in 2005. Before Annekay joint E&V she has been a lawyer concentrating on corperate law. Engel & Völkers Gewerbe Berlin GmbH was founded in 1992 and is with 72 employees and 12.5 Mio. turnover a member of the Engel & Völkers Group. Verantwortlichkeiten: Fondskonzeption und Eigenkapitaleinwerbung, Leitung der Immobilieninvestmenttä tigkeit des Doughty Hanson & Co Real Estate Fonds I & II im deutschsprachigen Raum Sonstige Positionen: Geschäftsführer diverser Projektgesellschaften. ELMAR HAMMERSCHMIDT CHRISTOPH HÄRLE bereichsleiter IKB DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIEBANK AG executive vice president JONES LANG LASALLE HOTELS Herr Hammerschmidt ist 40 Jahre alt und verfügt über 14 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Strukturierung nationaler und internationaler Immobilienfinanzierungen,- beteiligungen und -projektentwicklungen. Stationen seines beruflichen Werdegangs sind unter anderem die CommerzLeasing und Immobilien AG, Düsseldorf, und die Hochtief Projektentwicklung GmbH, Essen. Herr Hammerschmidt ist seit zwei Jahren Mitarbeiter unseres Hauses. Er leitet gemeinsam mit Herrn Neumann den Geschäftsbereich Equity im Geschäftsfeld Immobilienfinanzierung und ist damit unter anderem für unser gesamtes Immobilien-Joint-Venture Geschäft verantwortlich. Christoph Härle (39) joined Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels in 1994 and now leads the German team looking after the German speaking countries as well as Central and Eastern Europe, providing valuation, advisory and investment services. The team is based in Munich and Frankfurt. Christoph was educated as “Hotelkaufmann” in Hamburg and graduated from the University of Surrey in 1994 with a BSC(Hons) degree in Hotel and Catering Management and is also a member of the Hotel Catering and International Management Association. THOMAS HARTL BARRY SADR HASHEMI vice president MORGAN STANLEY director AZURE PROPERTIES UK LIMITED Thomas Hartl is a Vice President with Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds and responsible for acquisitions in Germany. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1998 and has lead transactions such as the acquisition and financing of the ThyssenKrupp real estate portfolio, a NPL portfolio from Hypo Real Estate and several property portfolios from German banks and insurance companies. Mr. Hartl graduated in business administration from University of St Gallen, Switzerland, and also holds a BA from University of Philosophy in Munich, Germany. He originally joined Radisson SAS in 1980. He was Vice President for operations in Denmark for Radisson SAS Hotels. From 1992, as head of Business Development, he steered the company through a vast and ambitious expansion plan from 29 hotels in 11 countries in 1994, to over 200 hotels in nearly 40 countries by the time that he stepped down as Executive Vice President of Rezidor SAS Group in 2004. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant. DIETRICH HEIDTMANN DR SVEN HELMER executive director MORGAN STANLEY BANK AG senior vice president SAL. OPPENHEIM JR.& CIE KGAA Dietrich Heidtmann is an Executive Director of Morgan Stanley and is responsible for its Real Estate Private Capital Markets activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In this capacity, he is responsible for coordinating capital raising and banking activities with institutional investors as well as for coordinating the acquisition activities of Morgan Stanley’s proprietary property funds from this group of clients. He led the effort to establish Morgan Stanley’s real estate KAG in Germany, Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investment GmbH, and is a member of its Supervisory Board. Dietrich Heidtmann joined Morgan Stanley in 1993. Dr. Sven Helmer is the Senior Vice President of Sal. Oppenheim and he is Head of Sal. Oppenheim’s Frankfurt Real Estate Investment Banking team. He has more than 10 years business experience in the real estate sector. Dr. Helmer has advised major real estate investors in residential and commercial real estate transactions in Germany. Before he joined to Sal. Oppenheim he was a member of the managing boards of a residential and a commercial real estate company. JOHN R HERBERT ROBBIN HERRING managing director MERRILL LYNCH INTERNATIONAL director - opportunity fund CITIGROUP PROPERTY INVESTORS 383 John Herbert is a Managing Director and Head of Merrill Lynch Real Estate Hotel and Leisure Group for Europe. During his career Mr. Herbert has been involved in Real Estate transactions encompassing all property types. Ranging in size, these have included public offerings of equity and debt, mergers and acquisitions, convertible mortgages, partnership financings, securitiztions, direct property sales and joint ventures Mr. Herbert holds a BA in economics and political science from Duke University and an MBS from the Harvard Business School. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, Mr. Herbert was head of Citigroup’s European Real Estate and Lodging business. Director of Citigroup Property Investors (“CPI”) where he is responsible for originating and executing opportunistic investments in Europe, with an emphasis on Germany and Central Europe. Prior to joining CPI, he was a Director at Real Estate Capital Partners (CSFB) and Deutsche Bank’s Real Estate Private Equity Group, where he was responsible for its business in the German speaking markets. In these roles he led a series of portfolio transactions, joint ventures, platform investments and NPL acquisitions. DR TILMAN HICKL ALEXANDER HOFF director marketing TMW PRAMERICA PROPERTY INVESTMENT GMBH managing director HALVERTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GMBH Seit 2004 Geschäftsführer der TMW Pramerica Property Investment GmbH und verantwortlich für Vertrieb, Portfoliomanagement sowie An- und Verkauf. TMW Pramerica Property Investment GmbH ist die Kapitalanlagegesellschaft der Pramerica Real Estate Investors (Europe) AG, die seit 2004 drei Spezialfonds und einen Offenen Immobilienfonds aufgelegt hat. Pramerica verwaltet in seinen weltweit 17 Niederlassungen ein Immobilienvermögen Dritter von rund 22 Mrd.Euro und ist der Immobilieninvestmentarm des amerikanischen Finanz- und Versicherungskonzerns Prudential Financial (plc.) Inc. Dr. Tilman Hickl war vor seinem Wechsel zu Pramerica bei Ernst & Young Real Estate als Direktor Real Estate Corporate Finance tätig. Alexander Hoff (42) ist Geschäftsführer der Halverton Real Estate Investment Management GmbH in Frankfurt am Main und steuert den Aufbau des Deutschland-Portfolios und der deutschen Niederlassungen von Halverton. Er ist Mitglied der Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Diplom-Kaufmann und hat einen Masters Degree in Real Estate der City University London erworben. Im Laufe seiner Tätigkeit für namhafte Unternehmen der Immobilienbranche hatte Alexander Hoff bereits vor seiner Ernennung zum Deutschlandchef von Halverton Immobilientransaktionen mit einem Gesamtvolumen von über 1 Mrd. Euro verantwortet. ULRICH HÖLLER ANNI HÖNICKE ceo DIC DEUTSCHE IMMOBILIEN CHANCEN AG & CO KGAA head corporate banking north+west europe EUROHYPO AG As the CEO of DIC Deutsche Immobilien Chancen AG & Co. KGaA, Ulrich Höller FRICS (40) is responsible for the implementation of the DIC Group’s corporate and real estate strategies in their three business areas: Portfolio and Asset Management, Project Development and Opportunistic Investments. Ulrich Höller has over 13 years’ experience in both real estate acquisitions and sales and in the field of project management. He was responsible for top management in a national German real estate group for several years. Initially a Business Administration graduate, Mr. Höller has also completed post-graduate studies in Real Estate Economics and Retail Sector Real Estate at the Real Estate Academy of the European Business School (ebs). ANNI HÖNICKE started her professional career in banking in the beginning of the 80’s and was engaged in commercial property financing in the UK and Continental Europe since the mid-80ies. Over the last two decades she was responsible for the origination and execution of transactions of a volume in excess of Euro 20 bn which the bank had underwritten at one time or another. As Head of Corporate Banking Continental Europe at Eurohypo she is involved in all major property transactions occurring in Northern and Western Europe, leading a team of professionals based in 8 countries across Europe. JOSEPH HOULIHAN MATTHIAS HÜNLEIN managing director HOULIHAN ROVERS SA managing director TISHMAN SPEYER Managing Director of Houlihan Rovers S.A. where he oversees all of the research and investment activities for the firm. He also is responsible for developing client relationships. Before founding the company in 2000, he was a Managing Director at Security Capital providing European real estate securities management services to institutional investors and a mutual fund. Previously, Mr. Houlihan spent 18 years at GIM, a Dutch investment management company as Director where he specialised in global real estate investments (listed and non listed). He developed GIM’s real estate securities investment process. He received his M.B.A. from the University of Leuven, Belgium, and his B.S. from New York University. He is based in Brussels, Belgium. Matthias Huenlein is a Managing Director of Tishman Speyer responsible for relationship management in Europe. He has more than 12 years of real estate experance covering product development as well as managing relationships with institutional investors. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI STEPHAN HÜSSEN THOMAS JEBSEN managing director FOM FUTURE OFFICE MANAGEMENT GMBH director HYPOVEREINSBANK AG Stephan Hüssen ist seit 2006 Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der FOM Future Office Management GmbH in Heidelberg. Nach dem Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Göttingen und Bonn arbeitete er in der Geschäftsleitung eines mittelständischen Autozulieferers in Baden-Württemberg. Von 1993 - 1997 war Stephan Hüssen Chefsyndikus und Geschäftsführer des Geschäftsfeldes Immobilien der Brau- und Brunnen AG. In den vergangenen 12 Jahren war er in der Geschäftsleitung verschiedener Immobilienunternehmen tätig, unter anderem als Geschäftsführer der SIREO Real Estate GmbH (einem Joint Venture der Deutsche Telekom AG, Morgan Stanley und Corpus Immobiliengruppe). Thomas Jebsen is vice-president in HVB-Real Estate Structured Products Group, currently working an large scale portfolio transactions. Thomas Jebsen has more than 10 years of business experience in this sector including cross border activities in Barcelona, Spain were he leads a marketing office. DR ECKART JOHN VON FREYEND PROF DR STEFAN JUGEL ceo IVG IMMOBILIEN AG lehrstuhl für internationales marketing FACHHOCHSCHULE WIESBADEN Dr Eckart John von Freyend is CEO of IVG Immobilien AG, a stock-listed real estate company that manages real estate investments of 16 bn Euro throughout Europe in the business areas of portfolio management, project development, and funds for institutional and private investors. Prior to IVG he worked in senior management positions at the Association of German Industry (BDI) and the German Ministry of Finance. He holds a master and Ph.D. degree in economics from the Universität Heidelberg. Prof. Dr. Stefan Jugel ist Inhaber eines Lehrstuhls für Internationales Marketing in Wiesbaden und Gründungsgesellschafter des Wiesbadener Private Equity Instituts. Seit Jahren ist er begleitend zu seiner Lehrstuhltätigkeit in verschiedenen Funktionen als Aufsichtsrat oder Beirat in jungen wachstumsstarken Unternehmen tätig. Darüber hinaus hat er sich durch zahlreiche empirische Studien und Veröffentlichungen im Private Equity Markt ausgewiesen. Vor seiner Lehrstuhltätigkeit übte Herr Jugel verschiedene Positionen bei der Robert Bosch GmbH aus, zuletzt als Leiter Verkauf Westeuropa. Studiert hat er Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre an den Universitäten Mannheim und Paris-Dauphine und in Mannheim promoviert. MICHAEL JUNG DR FRANZ JURKOWITSCH cfo VIVACON AG ceo WARIMPEX AG Michael Jung is the Chief Financial Officer of Vivacon AG, having joined the company in this position in 2004. Prior to this role he was a director of the investment banking divisions at Deutsche Bank and Rothschild in Frankfurt and London. Michael has graduated from the business school of the University of Mannheim. Michael Jung is married with two children and lives in Frankfurt. As Co-chairman of Warimpex Finanz- und Beteiligungs AG, a real-estate-developer and investor, Franz Jurkowitsch is responsible for expanding the hotel and real estate portfolio in Central-Europe, through acquisitions, joint ventures and own developments. He is based in Vienna. Franz Jurkowitsch has over 20 years experience in the real estate industry, with twenty of these in development. Franz Jurkowitsch was also the Co-founder of Vienna International Hotels & Resorts Vienna based hotel management company. He was mainly engaged in the development of the company’s presence throughout Central-Europe. Franz earned his Master degree in BusinessAdministration from Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, where he obtained also his Doctor degree. DR TOBIAS JUST STEPHAN GEORG KAHL senior economist DEUTSCHE BANK AG geschäftsführer ROHDE & SCHWARZ IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT GMBH Dr. Tobias Just is Senior Economist at Deutsche Bank Research. In 1997 he graduated and started working on his PhD, which was awarded the university science prize in 2001. Since 2001 he has been working for Deutsche Bank, focussing on real estate and regional economics. He has been playing an active role in the working group of the Finance Initiative Germany dealing with the introduction of G-REITs. Tobias now regularly lectures on real estate issues at various German universities. Stephan Georg Kahl, Managing Director, is responsible for Rohde &Schwarz `s international real estate portfolio and the Corporate Real Estate Management since 1998. Mr. Kahl started his career with Deutsche Bank in 1990 as a trainee before he joined Deutsche Bank `s closed end real estate fund unit, holding positions in project development and asset management. Mr. Kahl graduated with a master degree in economics and is an INSEAD alumni. DR BENEDIKT KIESL PETER KIMPEL managing director EUROHYPO AG managing director GOLDMAN SACHS Benedikt Kiesl studied economics and business administration with main emphasis on finance and accounting at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris. He graduated and did his doctorate at the University of St. Gallen. Peter Kimpel joined Goldman Sachs as an Analyst in 1992. He became a Managing Director in 2004 and is Head of the German Real Estate Department.RA. KLAUS KIRCHBERGER WALTER KLUG chief executive officer THURN UND TAXIS managing director MORGAN STANLEY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT GMBH Klaus Kirchberger is the Chief Executive Officer of Thurn und Taxis Group, the asset management holding of Thurn und Taxis family in Regensburg, since August 2002, and has been a director of that company since 1994. Between 1990 and 1994, he was a Senior Manager at Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Munich. He also held senior management positions at IKB Industriebank AG, Munich and is a qualified German lawyer and auditor. Mr. Kirchberger is a non-executive director of the German listed companies DIBAG AG and TTL Information Technology AG, member of the board of Deutsche Immobilien Chancen AG & Co. KGaA and Ryanair Holdings. Born in 1948, Walter Klug was MD at DB Real Estate Investment from 1999 to mid 2004 with responsibility for sales, marketing and public relations of both the open-ended and closed end funds departments of DB Real Estate Germany. Mr. Klug was previously member of the board of Deutsche Bank’s home loan bank DB Bauspar for nine years, following several years of experience in property finance. Walter Klug taught constructions finance and real estate economics at Ulm University (1985 - 1991).Mr Klug attented Harvard University for the Advanced Management Program. In August 2004, his book “ Offene Immobilienfonds” - Zeit für stabile Werte “ was published in Frankfurt. WERNER KNIPS BERND KNOBLOCH partner global head HEIDRICK & STRUGGLES ceo & chairman of the board EUROHYPO AG Werner Knips, Heidrick & Struggles, is Partner and Global Head Real Estate and Construction. He has handled more than 500 searches, 300 of which have been in the Real Estate and Construction sector including positions such as CEO´s, General Managers, CFO´s, Senior Developers, Corporate Real Estate Managers etc. He is an active member of the CoreNet Global and the Urban Land Institute (ULI). Moreover, he initiated and chaired several top management real estate conferences and is the founder and the deputy chairman of the Association “Initiative Corporate Governance of the German Real Estate Industry” (see details under www.immo-initiative.de). Bernd Knobloch was born in 1951 in Muenchen, Germany. Since January 2004 Bernd Knobloch is Eurohypo’s CEO. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Eurohypo AG (merger of Deutsche Hyp AG, Eurohypo AG and Rheinhyp AG), Eschborn, Germany, since August 2002 and as Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Eurohypo Aktiengesellschaft der Deutschen Bank since 1992. Bernd Knobloch serves on the boards of VINCI Deutschland GmbH, Ludwigshafen, Germany, DB Real Estate Investment GmbH, Eschborn, Germany, and Europäische Hypothekenbank S.A., Luxembourg. He received a degree in business administration as well as a law degree. He is admitted to the German Bar since 1979. BARBARA KNOFLACH AXEL KÖNIG managing director SEB ASSET MANAGEMENT ceo APOLLO REAL ESTATE AG & CO.KG Barbara A. Knoflach has been Managing Director of SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH since June 1999. After graduating in business administration she joined Deutsche Bank International Project Finance Group in 1986. In 1991 she moved to the banks real estate arm, the Deutsche Immobilien Anlagengesellschaft. She joined SEB AG’s closed-end property fund team in 1994. Axel König MRICS (37) ist Vorstand von NAI apollo, Frankfurt am Main. NAI steht für das weltweit größte Netzwerk aus inhabergeführten unabhängigen Beratungsfirmen für Gewerbeimmobilien. In den rund 300 Büros in über 40 Ländern haben rund 3.800 Spezialisten im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt ein Transaktionsvolumen von über 28 Milliarden Euro betreut. NAI apollo steht in Deutschland für 4 Büros mit ca. 50 Spezialisten und bietet neben Transaktionsberatung eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen rund um die gewerbliche Immobilie. Sein Schwerpunkt neben der Unternehmensführung sind Industrie- und Logistikimmobilien. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI KLAUS KORTEBEIN DR BERND KOTTMANN managing director MORGAN STANLEY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT GMBH member of the board & coo IVG IMMOBILIEN AG Klaus Kortebein is CIO and Senior Portfolio Manager of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investment GmbH, Morgan Stanley’s Open Ended Fund initiative. Klaus participated in over $10 Bn in real estate transactions globally and managed funds in excess of $25 Bn. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley he worked i.a. for Deka and MEAG where he was in charge of fund management and acquisitions. Klaus studied in Berlin, Cambridge and Los Angeles and graduated as DiplomKaufmann and BA (Hons) in European Business. Dr Bernd Kottmann is COO of IVG Immobilien AG, a stock-listed real estate company that manages real estate investments of 16 bn Euro throughout Europe in the business areas of portfolio management, project development, and funds for institutional and private investors. Prior to IVG he worked for different German real estate companies on board level. Bernd Kottmann holds an MBA from the Universität Münster and a Ph.D. from the Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. EDGAR KRAUSS MICHAEL A KREMER cio COLONIA REAL ESTATE AG managing director LONDON & REGIONAL PROPERTIES Edgar Krauss will join the management board of Colonia Real Estate Ag in July 2006 as CIO. Mr. Krauss has been employed in several leading positions at the Aareal Bank in Wiesbaden since 2002 and with HVB Bank before. In his last function as branch manager for North- and Western Germany, he was also responsible for servicing international investors in real estate financing in Germany. Since April 2006 Michael A. Kremer (FRICS) is Managing Director of London & Regional. Prior to that he was CEO of DB Real Estate Germany until January 2006. Mr Kremer was Vice Chairman of Aareal Bank AG between 2002 and 2003 and before that a Member of the Board of Managing Directors of DePfa Bank AG for three years. From 1996 to 1999 Michael was a member of the Managing Board of BfG Bank AG. Michael A. Kremer started his career with Deutsche Bank AG in 1977 as a trainee, later becoming Senior Vice President of Credit Risk Management at the Deutsche Bank Head Office, Frankfurt am Main (1993-1995). DIRK KÜHNAU HEINZ JOACHIM KUMMER vorstand BUNDESANSTALT FÜR IMMOBILIENAUFGABEN partner FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER Dirk Kühnau, 60 Jahre, ist seit 1. Januar 2005 Mitglied des Vorstandes. Zu seinem Verantwortungsbereich gehören u.a. Facilitymanagement-Aufgaben sowie allgemeine Verwaltungsaufgaben der früheren Bundesvermögensverwaltung, in der er vielseitige berufliche Erfahrungen - zuletzt als Fachabteilungsleiter im Bundesministerium der Finanzen - gesammelt hat. Heinz Joachim Kummer ist seit 1993 Partner der internationalen Anwaltssozietät Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer und dort für den Bereich ImmobilienWirtschaftsrecht verantwortlich. Herr Kummer ist auf die Betreuung von Immobilientransaktionen und Restrukturierung von Immobilienbeständen (Outsourcing, sale and leaseback, etc.) spezialisiert. Komplexe Portfoliotransaktionen und Projektentwicklungen gehören zu einem Kerngebiet seiner Tätigkeit. Allein in dem letzten Jahr hat er Immobilientransaktionen im Wert von rund EUR 4,3 Mrd. beraten. Zu seinen Mandanten gehören: ABN AMRO, AMB Generali, AXA Property Trust, The Blackstone Group, Deutsche Land plc, Cerberus, Gerling, HSBC, IXIS AEW Europe, MSREF, Westbrook Partners und WestLB. ANGELIKA KUNATH RICHARD KUNZE managing partner FHH FONDSHAUS HAMBURG geschäftsführer KUNZE GRUPPE Studium Rechtswissenschaften Universität Leipzig 1988 bis 1995 verschiedene Funktionen in der Lehndorff-, später Behne-Gruppe, jetzt HIH Hamburgische Immobilienhandlung GmbH, zuletzt als Geschäftsführerin u.a. für Einkauf und Projektentwicklungen. Seit 1995 Geschäftsführerin der HGA Capital Grundbesitz und Anlage GmbH, einem Unternehmen der HSH Nordbank Gruppe. Verantwortlich für Konzeption und Vertrieb deutscher und westeuropäischer geschlossener Immobilienfonds. Frau Kunath ist Beiratsmitglied der Bündelungsinitiative “Mit einer Stimme”, Beiratsmitglied der FH Biberach (“Internationales Immobilienmanagement”) sowie Mitglied der Initiative Corporate Governance. Jahrgang 1949, Vorstand der KUNZE Beteiligungen und Verwaltung AG, Worms Holding der KUNZEUnternehmensgruppe. Tätigkeitsschwerpunkt der Gruppe: Immobilienmanagement, Wohnungseigentumsverwaltung FRANK LAMBY KLAUS LAMINET ceo HYPO REAL ESTATE BANK AG managing partner INVESTA PROJEKTENTWICKLUNGS- UND VERWALTUNG GMBH Frank Lamby is Member of the Board of Hypo Real Estate Holding AG (Munich) and CEO of Hypo Real Estate Bank AG Germany (Munich). After studying Law in Germany and France, he began his career with Bayerische Vereinsbank AG in 1986 with his main responsibilities being corporate clients in Leipzig (East Germany) and risk management for domestic and international real estate at the headquarters in Munich. Frank Lamby is 47 years old, born in Bonn / Germany, married and has 2 children. Klaus Laminet, Jahrgang 1943, ist Gründer und Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Investa Projektentwicklungs- und Verwaltungs GmbH. Er verfügt über mehr als drei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in Immobilienprojektentwicklung und -projektmanagement, die ihn mit einer detaillierten Kenntnis der deutschen und europäischen Immobilienmärkte auszeichnet. Der diplomierte Volkswirt, ist Gründungsgesellschafter der Hannover Leasing (1981), einer der führenden Leasinggesellschaften in Deutschland. Bis einschließlich Dezember 2003 war er hier als Beirat aktiv tätig. Ferner war er bis 2004 Mitglied des Beirats der HypoVereinsbank. In den ersten Jahren seiner Berufslaufbahn war Klaus Laminet bei der Deutschen Anlagen Leasing GmbH in Mainz im Vertrieb. DR JÖRG MICHAEL LANG LLOYD LEE partner MAYER BROWN ROWE & MAW LLP managing director STARWOOD CAPITAL EUROPE LTD Dr. Jörg Michael Lang is a partner in the Frankfurt office of the international law firm Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP. He advises national and international clients, including German open ended funds, on the sale and acquisition of commercial real estate and portefeuilles. He has considerable expertise in complex real estate transactions, including cross-border investments and financing, as well as joint-ventures, sale and lease back transactions and other forms of strategic investments. Mr. Lee runs the firm’s London office and has been involved in the development and execution of Starwood’s overall European investment strategy. Since opening the office in 2003, he has worked on over US $4 billion of transactions in Europe. He currently sits on the Management Board of Starwood’s UK, French and German joint venture partnerships. MARC LEFFIN DR FRANK LEHRBASS vorstandsvorsitzender VIVACON AG head of portfolio management DG HYP DEUTSCHE GENOSSENSCHAFTSHYPOTHEKENBANK AG Marc Leffin has headed VIVACON AG since 1997. He has a degree in Business Administration. Following his business administration studies and stays abroad, he was Executive Assistant to the Management of Bauconsult GmbH, Cologne for two years from 1995. Parallel to this position, he obtained a degree in Real Estate Economics (Immobilienökonom (“EBS”)) from the European Business School in Östrich-Winkel. Marc Leffin, born on 27.9.1967 in Cologne. Dr. Frank Lehrbass begann seine Berufslaufbahn 1994 im Investment Banking und wechselte 1998 in das Zentrale Kreditmanagement der WestLB als “Head of Analytics/ Systems”. Seit 2001 arbeitet er bei der DG HYP. Er übernahm 2002 die Leitung von “Portfolio Management & Structured Investments” im Credit Treasury. Seit 2005 leitet er die vergrösserte Einheit “Portfolio Management & Structured Credit” (inkl. Verbriefungsteam; 3,5 Mrd. Euro strukturierter Kreditprodukte under management). Von 2004 bis 2006 war er Geschäftsführer der immofori. ERNST JOSEF LEHRER DR JÜRGEN LEIBFRIED vorstandsmitglied SPARKASSE KOBLENZ managing director BAUWERT PROPERTY GROUP GMBH Geboren: 13. Oktober 1953, Ausbildung als Bankkaufmann, Studium Innenarchitektur bis 1981: beschäftigt bei der Stadtsparkasse Aichach 1982 - 1989: beschäftigt bei der Sparkasse Fürstenfeldbruch Leitung der technischen Bereiche 1989 - 2000: beschäftigt bei der Sparkasse Düren seit 1994 als stellvertretendes Vorstandsmitglied seit 2000: Vorstandsmitglied bei der Sparkasse Koblenz; seit 2004 als stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Vorstandes; Geschäftsfelder: Firmenkunden, Privatkunden, Personal, Organisation, Informationstechnik, Immobilien-Management; zugleich: Geschäftsführer der Immobilien GmbH und Mitglied im Lenkungsausschuss des DSGV für das Projekt “Management eigener Immobilien”. Dr. Juergen Leibfried is one of two managing directors of Bauwert Property Group. Born and raised in Munich Dr. Leibfried founded the company in 1983 and has worked on the acquisitions and sales of properties and he oversees the project development and property management within all areas of Bauwert Property Group’s activities. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI DR STEFANIE LEITER MARTIN LEMKE director of financing ARCHON GROUP managing director PATRIZIA ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Dr. Stefanie Leiter joined Archon Group Germany (a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs) in 2004. As a director of financing she focuses on the financial restructuring of residential housing companies worth over Euro 2 billion and portfolio transactions. Prior to joining Archon Stefanie worked for KanAm Group in internatonal acquisitions and portfolio management. Major acquisitions include: Winchester House in London and The Evening Star Building in Washington, DC. Stefanie started her career in 1988 in construction lending at Citibank, New York. Stefanie holds a PhD in Law from Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria, and an MBA from Columbia Business School, New York. Martin Lemke is Managing Director of PATRIZIA Asset Management GmbH, PATRIZIA Acquisition & Consulting GmbH and PATRIZIA Sales GmbH, which all are subsidiary companies of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. Martin Lemke is responsible for the development of portfolios, advisory services, purchase of principally commercial portfolios and sales of properties. Before that he worked for national and international investment managements in Germany and Switzerland. Martin Lemke joined PATRIZIA 1999. MICHAEL LEVY HORST LIEDER partner MCT ASSET MANAGEMENT direktor IVG IMMOBILIEN AG Michael Lévy is a partner at MCT Asset Management. He is a member of the investment committees of Hansa AG, which controls Jelmoli Holding AG and of MCT Berlin Residential SCA. Prior to his current assignment at MCT, he was Vice President at Citigroup, where he advised ultra high net worth families, including a Middle Eastern investor heavily invested in real estate and in luxury lodging industry. He graduated from HEC Lausanne with a major in Finance. Horst Lieder, 51 Jahre alt, Rechtsanwalt, hat nach seinem Studium über 20 Jahre nationale und internationale Praxiserfahrung in allen Bereichen der Immobilien Projektentwicklung und der Gestaltung von Immobilienprodukten erworben. Seit 2000 ist er erfolgreich im Immobiliengeschäft tätig: als Geschäftsführer der TERCON Immobilien Projektentwicklungs-GmbH und seit 2005 als Direktor Projektentwicklung Inland der IVG Immobilien AG, Bonn sowie als Geschäftsführer der IVG Management GmbH, Bonn. Seit Oktober 2005 ist Horst Lieder auch Geschäftsführer des Euroselect Developmentfonds, deren Initiatoren die IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG, die IVG Immobilien AG und das Bankhaus Sal. Oppenheim jr. & Cie. KGaA sind. DR THOMAS LINDEMANN DR PETER LINNEMAN partner LOVELLS professor of real estate, finance & business policy WHARTON - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Thomas Lindemann joined Lovells in 1989 und became partner in 1992. Throughout his career Thomas Lindemann has been involved in domestic and cross-border acquisition as well as project and property finance transactions and has been leading a large number of diversified projects. As to acquisition finance he is mainly advising financial institutions in the senior and mezzanine sector. As to project finance he is acting for financial institutions as well as project sponsors. As to property finance clients include property funds, financial institutions and large corporates. Dr. Peter Linneman is the principal of Linneman Associates and also Albert Sussman Professor of Real Estate, Finance and Public Policy at the Wharton School of Business, the University of Pennsylvania. He is founding co-editor of The Wharton Real Estate Review. Peter is widely recognized as one of the leading strategic thinkers in the real estate industry (The Linneman Letter) and was recently named one of the 25 most influential people in real estate by Realtor Magazine. Dr. Linneman is the founder and Principal of the American Growth Land Fund and a partner in Gerber-Taylor Realty Fund III, a real estate fund-of-funds. Prior he held senior positions with Equity International Properties, Amerimar Realty and Rockefeller Center Properties. RAFFAELE LINO MATTHIAS LUECKER managing director DTZ ZADELHOFF TIE LEUNG GMBH managing director FREO GMBH Raffaele Lino joined DTZ in 2001. As Managing Director he is responsible for Investment Advisory and Corporate Finance services in Germany. His team specializes in due-diligence work for major property and NPL transactions, transaction structuring and financing, portfolio analysis and strategies for both institutional and high-networth private clients. Prior to this he worked as portfolio manager at FERI Real Estate and as project manager at Hines, where he gained extensive knowledge in portfolio and asset management, portfolio investments and project development. Raffaele Lino holds a master degree in Economics from the L. Bocconi University in Milan and is certified Expert in Economic Engineering EIE/ICEC since 1996. - Managing Director of FREO - Founding Partner of FERI Real Estate in 1996 - Formerly gained development experience at Tishman Speyer in Berlin and institutional sales/corporate finance experience with Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Tokyo and New York - Matthias graduated as “Diplom-Kaufmann” from Frankfurt University VOLKER MAURITZ DR WULF MEINEL vorsitzender der geschäftsführung RIAG GEBÄUDEMANAGEMENT GMBH managing director CARLYLE GROUP Volker Mauritz (40) was appointed as C.E.O. of RIAG Gebäudemanagement GmbH in 2003. In 2004 the company acquired the property management contract of AMB Generali Immobilien GmbH, one of the largest property management deals in Germany. Based on this success, RIAG could expand their activities in the field of property management. Volker runs the property management business at RIAG. Prior to that, Volker worked nearly 7 years for the ThyssenKrupp Concern, where he was responsible for different subsidiaries in the field of facility and industrial management. Dr. Wulf Meinel, RA, Managing Director, The Carlye Group Frankfurt. Seit 2001 verantwortlich für die Immobilieninvestitionen in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Zentraleuropa und Skandinavien. Davor Director Europe bei LaSalle Investment Management und Leiter Vertriebsmanagement Ausland der vormaligen Dresdner Bank Tochter Deutsche Hyp. Jahrgang 1961, verheiratet, vier Kinder. Studium der Rechtswissenschaften und Politischen Wissenschaften, in Bonn und Freiburg, Promotion mit einer Arbeit über europäisches Recht. Über 12 Jahre Erfahrung im Immobiliengeschäft als Investmentmanager, Banker und Rechtsanwalt. GERHARD MEITINGER MARK MEMMERT managing director HYPO REAL ESTATE BANK AG director CREDIT SUISSE Gerhard Meitinger ist Generalbevollmächtiger der HypoRealEstate Bank AG in München. Er verantwortet die Bereiche Structured Financed für das Immobilienfinanzierung sneugeschäft in Deutschland und Portfolio Transactions. Im vergangenen Jahr hat er die erfolgreichen Verkäufe der NPL-Portfolien bei der HRE gesteuert. Zuvor hatte er Leitungsfunktionen in diversen Stabseinheiten und den mehrere Jahre in den operativen Einheiten wie Workout und Markfolge wahrgenommen. Weiterhin ist Gerhard Meitinger Charter Surveyor und Mitglied des Verbandes RICS.Operations. Mark Memmert focuses on the performing and non-performing loan business with German banks at Credit Suisse. Prior to joining Credit Suisse in 2003, Mr. Memmert structured and traded credit derivatives at Deutsche Bank in London and Frankfurt for seven years. He started his career at Price Waterhouse as a tax advisor and later a Certified Public Accountant; among other roles, he valued over $1 billion of distressed real estate loans while at PW. Mr. Memmert continues to be licensed as an inactive CPA in the US. GÖTZ MICHL MICHAEL MORGENROTH director ABN AMRO BANK N.V. management board member GOTHAER ASSET MANAGEMENT AG Götz Michl is responsible in ABN AMROs Frankfurt office for the origination of large property loans in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He has more than 12 years of business experience in Real Estate Finance and Securitisation. ABN AMRO has underwritten more than EUR 1.5 bn German loans in 2005. The loans were secured on multi family, retail, logistic and office properties. Michael Morgenroth is member of the board of Gothaer Asset Management AG (GoAM). GoAM is a subsidiary of the german insurance group Gothaer and responsible for the asset management of the whole group with AUM of more than 20 bln. Euro. Michael Morgenroth started his career in 1986 in the investment banking business, trading stocks, options and futures. He entered the real estate business in 1994 and has more than 12 years of business experience in the real estate market. Before joining GoAM in 2004 he was the managing director of a closed-end-fund focused on the German commercial property market. He is now responsible for all real estate activities of Gothaer. FRANZ LUCIEN MÖRSDORF DR LIANE MUSCHTER managing director AURELIS REAL ESTATE GMBH senior associate NORTON ROSE Franz Lucien Mörsdorf, Certified Industrial Engineer, is Managing Director of aurelis Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, an associate company of WestLB and DB AG. He is responsible for Sales, Portfolio Management and Marketing. From 2000 to 2003, he was Spokesman for the Management Board of ASSET Immobilienbeteiligungen GmbH, an associate company of WestLB and Metro AG. Mr. Mörsdorf was Managing Director Germany until 1997, for the world-wide leading real estate consultancy firm CB Richard Ellis; and formerly, the Portfolio Manager Germany for the Dutch firm Rodamco in Rotterdam and Frankfurt. Dr Liane Muschter is a German qualified lawyer and senior associate at Norton Rose’s Frankfurt office. As a member of the real estate team and the Islamic Finance Group she has specialised and is experienced in all aspects of real estate transactions including property finance (eg, sale and purchase, sale-and-lease-back, portfolio transactions, islamic finance structures, structuring and advising open- and closed-ended funds) and project developments. She primarily advises domestic and international financial institutions and investors. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI JOHN NACOS MARK H NEWMAN managing director DEUTSCHE BANK AG, LONDON md & cio real estate private equity LEHMAN BROTHERS John runs Deutsche Bank’s Commercial Real Estate Group in Europe, which is active in real estate lending, CMBS and distressed mortgages. Prior to joining Deutsche Bank in 2001, John was the co-founder and CFO of Creditweb, one of Europe’s leading on-line/off-line mortgage intermediaries with annual loan originations in excess of Euro 1 billion. John worked at Merrill Lynch for eleven years and established and managed Merrill Lynch’s mortgage financing, opportunistic real estate and MBS/ABS trading activities in Europe. John is a 1989 graduate of Harvard College. Mark H. Newman is a Managing Director of Lehman Brothers and Global Chief Investment Officer for Lehman Brothers Real Estate Private Equity and Mezzanine Funds ($5 billion of equity). Over the past fifteen years, Mark has participated as a principal in over $20 billion in real estate transactions, including $13 billion in Europe in the past four years. Mark is Chairman of Fastighets AB Tornet, a Swedish publicly listed property company and a director of LBREP’s various businesses in Holland, Switzerland, Italy and the United Kingdom. DR GERHARD NIESSLEIN DR RALF A. PAMPEL ceo DETE IMMOBILIEN GMBH managing director B. METZLER GMBH Since 1999 Chief Executive Officer, CEO; DeTeImmobilien, Frankfurt 1994 - 1999 Board - Member of HELABA, Girozentrale, Frankfurt 1990 - 1994 Manager of Commerz Immobilien, GmbH, Frankfurt 1987 - 1990 Manager of DPE Deutsche Projektentwicklungsg esellschaft für Grundvermögen mbH, Frankfurt 1983 - 1987 President of Metro International Inc. Toronto Born in 1953, married, three kids. Hobbies: tennis, skiing, jogging, special interest in Nepal... Ralf Pampel is a Managing Director of B. Metzler Corporate Finance GmbH. His responsibilities include among others Meltzer’s Real Estate Practice. Previously he worked as a Strategic Management Consultant. Ralf Pampel has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim and earned his doctorate from the University (TH) of Darmstadt. DAVID L PASCALL, CBE KARI PITKIN managing director TERRA FIRMA CAPITAL PARTNERS LTD managing director MERRILL LYNCH David Pascall CBE joined Guy Hands at Terra Firma as a Managing Director and Chief Executive of terrafirma GmbH in Germany in 2000. He has been responsible for a number of transactions, including the acquisition of 64,000 railway workers flats in Germany in 2001. He is fluent in German and French. David is a graduate of Birmingham University and INSEAD and spent 26 years with British Petroleum including 2 years advising Mrs Thatcher when Prime Minister. EPRA. Kari Pitkin is a Managing Director with Merrill Lynch International. Ms. Pitkin joined Merrill Lynch in June 2005 from Citigroup. Over the last two years, Ms. Pitkin has advised on over Euro 10 billion of German property transaction. Throughout her career, Ms. Pitkin has been involved in over $25 billion of real estate transactions on a global basis including the US, Australia, Singapore and Europe. Ms. Pitkin is a graduate of the University of Virginia and received an MBA, with honours, from the Darden Graduate School of Management. RUSSELL PLATT JOACHIM PLESSER managing director FORUM PARTNERS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC member of the management board EUROHYPO AG RUSSELL PLATT is Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Forum Partners. Mr. Platt is chairman of Forum’s investment committee and oversees Forum’s three private equity funds in Europe and Asia, which together total over Euro 500 million in assets. Mr. Platt also sits on the Board of Directors of Deutsche Immobilien Chancen AG & Co KGaA. Prior to establishing Forum, Mr. Platt enjoyed a 20 year career in real estate finance and investment in Europe and North America. Joachim Plesser was born in 1947 in Arnsberg, Germany. Since August 2002 Joachim Plesser is Member of the Board of Managing Directors of Eurohypo AG (merger of Deutsche Hyp AG, Eurohypo AG and Rheinhyp AG), Eschborn, Germany. He is the CFO of Eurohypo and also responsible for Corporate Banking Germany. Joachim Plesser started his career at Deutsche Bank AG with the main focus on real estate financing in 1968. He served on the boards of Managing Directors of Deutsche Kreditbank für Baufinanzierung AG, Cologne from 1986 to 1989, of Deutsche Centralbodenkredit AG, Cologne from 1990 to 1995 and of Eurohypo Aktiengesellschaft der Deutschen Bank from 1996 to 2002. MARCUS POLLMANN RICHARD H POWERS director THE ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND PLC managing director GOLDMAN SACHS INTERNATIONAL Marcus Pollmann is a Director in the Structured Property Finance Group of The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc in Frankfurt. Prior to that, he worked as Head of International Investors Germany at Eurohypo AG in Frankfurt. He was born in Gummersbach and holds a degree in Business Administration from HFB Business School of Finance and Management in Frankfurt. Richard Powers is the Co-Head of the Real Estate Principal Investment Area in Europe. This includes investing and managing the Whitehall Funds. Prior to joining Goldman Sachs, he spent most of his career at GE Real Estate where he was Head of International, including Europe, Asia and Canada. Richard Powers was graduated from Yale University in 1985. He has lived in London since 1993 with his wife Emilie and their three children. RICHARD PRICE OLIVER PRIGGEMEYER managing director ING CLARION PARTNERS geschäftsführer EPM ASSETIS GMBH Mr. Price joined ING Clarion in New York in August 2004 and has responsibility for marketing and client service for the company’s international, institutional clients and serves on the Group’s Global Marketing Team. He is also a member of ING Real Estate Investment Management’s Asian Board and Investment Committee. Mr. Price joined ING in1996, previously serving as CEO of the Company’s Asian business. He lived and worked in Asia from 1993 to 2000. Oliver Priggemeyer, Jahrgang 1969. Nach der Ausbildung Studium zum Sparkassenbetriebswirt in 1996. Anschliessend war er fünf Jahre in verschiedenen Führungspositionen innerhalb der Sparkassenkassenorganisation, der WestLB Gruppe sowie der Westdeutschen ImmobilienBank Gruppe. 2001 bis 2005 war er als alleiniger Geschäftsführer bei der Westdeutschen ImmobilienHolding GmbH für die Steuerung der Projektentwicklungs-Fonds und Dienstleistungsgesellschaften zuständig. 2002 übernahm er auch die Geschäftsführung der Assetis GmbH (vormals ITCM Immobilien Consulting und Management GmbH) mit Fokus auf den Asset- und Consultingbereich. Seit der Fusion von Assetis mit EPM zur EPM Assetis GmbH Ende 2005 ist er Sprecher der Geschäftsführung. OLIVER PUHL KLAUS RAPS executive director MORGAN STANLEY BANK AG vorsitzender der geschäftsführung BILFINGER BERGER AG Mr. Puhl is an Executive Director at Morgan Stanley and responsible for the Firm’s German Real Estate Investment Banking. Among his recent assignments was the 7 bn sale of Viterra, Germany’s largest residential real estate company, on behalf of E.ON. He joined the Firm in 2000. Prior to that, he was CFO of a portfolio company of private equity firm Permira. Before, he was with corporate finance advisory firm Drueker & Co. Mr. Puhl holds an MBA from the University of St. Gallen as well as a degree in Real Estate Economics from the European Business School. Jahrgang 1960, Studium des Bauingenieurwesens in München; Studium des Wirtschaftsingenieurwesens in Berlin; 1986 Firmeneintritt bei Bilfinger Berger ; 1989 - 1991 Leitung Umwelttechnik München; 1992 - 1999 Leitung der Niederlassung Chemnitz; 2000 - 2003 Leitung der Hochbau Region Süd; seit 2003 Mitglied der Geschäftsführung Hochbau; seit 2004 Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung Hochbau. DR WERNER REGENBERG DR RICHARD REICHEL senior vice president BASF AG senior manager HOIST AG Werner Regenberg wurde 1957 im Landkreis Cloppenburg/ Niedersachsen geboren und studierte nach Schulausbildung und Wehrdienst in Heidelberg Geologie. Herr Regenberg trat 1987 in die BASF AG Ludwigshafen ein und war vor seiner jetzigen Tätigkeit im BASF-Konzern u.a. in verschiedenen Funktionen am Verbundstandort Ludwigshafen und als kaufm. Geschäftsführer der Kali und Salz Entsorgung GmbH in Kassel tätig. Herr Regenberg ist verheiratet und lebt in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar. Mr. Reichel has been heading HOIST’s marketing and acquisition activities in Europe for about 10 years. He focuses on Private Banks, Savings & Loans Associations, Cooperative Banks, Leasing and Insurance Companies as well as similar financial institutions. Main European countries covered are Germany, France and Austria. He concentrates on frequent sellers of debt portfolios consisting unsecured consumer loans as well as portfolios containing collateralized real estate financings mainly in the area of residential property and also offers full-service outsourcing solutions. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI MARKUS REINERT DIRK RICHOLT international director & management board germany JONES LANG LASALLE GMBH director - real estate finance CITIGROUP GLOBAL MARKETS Markus Reinert (40) has been a member of the German Management since January 1999 and a member of the Management Board Germany since Januar 2004. He is responsible for the business division Management Services (Property Management, Retail Management and Asset Management) in Germany. Before joining Jones Lang LaSalle Markus Reinert spent four years with Gebau AG/Lindner Hotels in Düsseldorf. Dirk Richolt ist seit Februar 2005 zuständig für den Produktbereich Immobilienfinanzierung der Citigroup in Deutschland. Seit zehn Jahren liegt sein beruflicher Fokus auf der Akquise von gewerblichen Immobilienfinanzierungen im In- und Ausland. Nach Abschluss des BWL Studiums begann die Laufbahn bei Westdeutschen ImmobilienBank in Mainz als Trainee im Bereich Internationale Investoren und führte bald nach New York um hier das Nordamerikageschäft vor Ort auszubauen. Ab Frühjahr 2000 Herr Richolt Leiter der internationalen Immobilienfinanzierung der Deka Bank. STEPHAN RIND JUTTA ROSCHIG ceo COLONIA REAL ESTATE AG erste direktorin BUNDESANSTALT FÜR IMMOBILIENAUFGABEN ???????????????? Stephan Rind is the chairman of the managing board of the Colonia Real Estate AG since 2003. He is responsible for the division strategy, asset management and investor relations. He was chief investment officer of the Fortman Cline Group in Switzerland from 1997 to 2002 and responsible for the complete private equity devision with a transaction volume of over Eur 1,2 Mrd. His career started in 1991 at Prudential Securities in New York and Düsseldorf as an analyst where among other things he analyzed the American REIT market for institutional investors from Europe. Jutta Roschig leitet den Geschäftsbereich Verkauf der Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben, der die Immobilien veräußert, an die der Bund zur Erfüllung seiner Aufgaben nicht mehr gebunden ist. Dieses Portfolio umfasst derzeit 37.000 Liegenschaften mit einer Fläche von 300.000 Hektar, sowie rund 55.000 Wohnungen. Frau Roschig war zuvor Ministerialdirigentin im Bundesministerium der Finanzen und dort unter Anderem für Verwaltung und Verkauf von Bundesimmobilien durch die Bundesvermögensverwaltung zuständig. DR PETER SAEMANN DR THILO SARRAZIN managing director CREDIT SUISSE senator für finanzen LAND BERLIN ???????????? tel +?????????????83 Peter Saemann joined CSFB in November 2004 and runs Real Estate InvestmentBanking in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. He is in charge of the firm’s real estate IBD business as well as the origination of real estate financings. Prior to joining CSFB, Peter spent 6 years with Deutsche Bank AG, where he was responsible for Real Estate Investment Banking and Real Estate Debt Origination in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Previously, he worked for Salomon Smith Barney, Citicorp and Dresdner Bank. Peter holds a diploma in Business Administration from University of Cologne and a PhD in finance from Humboldt University Berlin. Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Bonn und Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. 1975-1991 verschiedene Tätigkeiten im Bundesfinanzsowie Bundesarbeitsministerium, u.a. Federführung bei der deutsch-deutschen Währungsunion, 1991-1997 Staatssekretär des Ministeriums der Finanzen Rheinland-Pfalz, 1997-2000 Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Treuhandlie genschaftsgesellschaft TLG. 2000 Leiter der Konzernrevision der DB AG und ab August 2000 Vorstand der DB Netz AG. Seit Januar 2002 Senator für Finanzen des Landes Berlin. ALEXANDER SAUR DR CHRISTIAN SCHEDE managing director IXIS CORPORATE & INVESTMENT BANK partner FRESHFIELDS BRUCKHAUS DERINGER Mr. Saur is Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Finance Germany with Ixis Corporate & Investment Bank. Prior to that he was executive director of Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank, a member of WestLB Group, responsible for all institutional German based real estate investors in continental Europe, UK and northern America. Over the last 5 years he was responsible for the origination and execution of structured real estate transaction of a volume in excess of EUR 3 Bn which Westdeutsche ImmobilienBank had underwritten or arranged in clubdeals. Mr. Saur holds a degree of Real Estate Economics from the European Business School. Christian Schede ist Partner der Sozietät Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer und arbeitet im Berliner Büro. Er gehört der Praxisgruppe ImmobilienWirtschaftsrecht an. Sein Tätigkeitsgebiet umfasst gewerbliche Immobilientransaktionen, Immobilienfinanzierungen und Projektentwicklungen. Er berät in- und ausländische Mandanten bei großen Portfoliotransaktionen (einschließlich Corporate und Government Real Estate Outsourcing, Sale-andLeaseback-Transaktionen) sowie dem Verkauf/Kauf von Gewerbeimmobilien und notleidenden Immobilienkreditportfolios. Die Beratung bei Wohnungstransaktionen und Wohnungsprivatisierungen sowie im Zusammenhang mit Public Private Partnerships im öffentlichen Hochbau sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil seiner Praxis. KLAUS SCHEITZ ANDREAS SCHILLER leiter immobilienfinanzierung INVESTKREDIT BANK AG publisher IMMOBILIEN MANAGER Klaus is responsible for real estate finance at Vienna-based Investkredit Bank AG, a member of the Austrian Volksbanken sector, dealing in real estate finance in Central and Eastern Europe. This capacity includes a ticket on the investment committee of Investkredit’s real estate asset management company. Prior to joining Investkredit, Klaus has held senior positions in the Structured Finance Area of ABN AMRO Bank. Moverover, he worked in the private equity investment area of a large Austrian insurance group. Klaus is a graduate of the Vienna University of Economics. Andreas Schiller, is publisher of the German specialized magazine IMMOBILIEN MANAGER, and is one of the two chief editors of the yearbook EUROPE REAL ESTATE. Andreas studied German literature and Philosophy at Wuppertal and Cologne universities. A BMW-scholarship took him to Australia. From 1993 to 1996 Andreas worked as freelance journalist specializing in real estate themes for IMMOBILIEN MANAGER, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung F.A.Z., and Yearbook for Capital Investments. In 2003 he received the German Award for Real Estate Journalism from the Scientific Society for the Encouragement of Real Estate Journalism. He is also a member of the German committee of the Urban Land Institute. DIRK SCHLÜRMANN HENNING SCHMALZ geschäftsführer portfoliomanagement ALLIANZ IMMOBILIEN GMBH executive director WESTLB AG Mr Dirk Schlürmann is Managing Director of Allianz Immobilien GmbH, in charge of “Portfolio Management”, including the departments “International Property Management” and “Management Services”, as well as Managing Director of Allianz Wohneigentum GmbH. Mr Dirk Schlürmann has more than 10 years of business experience on the acquisition and sale of properties, both at the domestic and international level. Henning Schmalz is Executive Director and Head of Real Estate Financing with WestLB in Dusseldorf focussing on structured and capital markets oriented real estate lending including CMBS. In addition he is the liaison between WestLB and SGK, the NPL servicer formed as a joint venture between Shinsei, JC Flowers, NordLB and WestLB. Before joining WestLB he was a Director with the European Real Estate Finance & Securitisation team of Credit Suisse Securities and a Vice President of the Real Estate Debt Markets Europe team of Deutsche Bank both in London. Being an economist by training he has 10 years of experience in international real estate finance throughout Europe and the US. PROF DR GERHARD SCHMIDT KARL-JOSEF SCHNEIDERS chairman supervisory board DIC DEUTSCHE IMMOBILIEN CHANCEN AG & CO KGAA managing director SIREO REAL ESTATE ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH Born in Lauf an der Pegnitz, 1957. Universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lausanne and Strasbourg (law degree 1982; Dr. jur. 1984). Business administration studies at Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD), Fontainebleau, France (M.B.A. 1984). Chairman of DIC Group since November 1998. Before joining Sireo, Karl-Josef Schneiders had various responsibilities as Vice President Real Estate Investment Banking at Morgan Stanley and CEO at TrizecHahn Germany. Between 1998 and 2000 as Director and Deputy Managing Director of the real estate company of the Metro Group. From 1994 to 1997 at Management Consulting Dr. Seebauer & Partner, finally as Partner. From 1983 to 1994 various functions at Citigroup, among others in the Risk & Asset Management and Real Estate Investment Banking divisions. IRIS SCHÖBERL BÄRBEL SCHOMBERG geschäftsführerin REIT ASSET MANAGEMENT GMBH managing director DEGI - DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FUR IMMOBILIEN FONDS MBH Iris Schöberl ist seit 01.01.2000 Geschäftsführerin der REIT Asset Management GmbH in München. Davor war sie 17 Jahre bei der HypoVereinsbank tätig. Sie war dort u.a. verantwortlich für internationale bzw. länderübergreifende Finanzierung sowie internationale Akquisitionsstrategien. Ab dem Jahr 1996 war sie in der neu gegründeten Work-out-Abteilung verantwortlich für Vermarktung und Verkauf von Immobilien ab einem Wert von 5 Mio. EUR. In der Zeit von 1996-1999 begleitete sie Immobilien-Transaktionen von über 270 Mio. EUR. Bärbel Schomberg is speaker of the management board of DEGI Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immobilienfonds mbH since December 2003, a real estate investment company of the Allianz Group. After graduating in law sciences she joined DEGI for the first time between 1978 and 1992. After that she worked from 1992 to 1999 for BfG ImmobilienInvestmentgesellschaft mbH - now SEB Immobilien-Investment GmbH - as Managing Director. Following she became member of the board of Commerz-Grundbesitz-Investmentgesellschaft mbH, Commerz-Grundbesitzgesellschaft mbH and CommerzGrundbesitz-Spezialfondsgesellschaft mbH from 1999 to 2003. CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI JÜRGEN SCHROEDER DANIEL SCHULENBURG deputy member of the management board AAREAL ESTATE AG managing partner JARGONNANT PARTNERS S.A.R.L Seit September 2005 ist Jürgen Schroeder (43) stellvertretendes Mitglied des Vorstands der Aareal Estate AG, verantwortlich für das Management und die Vermarktung des Immobilien Portfolios. Zuvor war Herr Schroeder über fünf Jahre bei der Aareal Bank AG als Bereichsleiter für direkte und indirekte Immobilienbeteiligungen tätig sowie mehrere Jahre als Investment Manager im Konzern der Deutsche Bank AG. Die Aareal Estate AG, eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Aareal Bank AG, ist als Work-out Plattform Spezialist im Management und Vermarktung problembehafteter Immobilien. Daniel Schulenburg is a Managing Partner at Jargonnant Partners S.a.r.l. a European real estate investment company for private and institutional investors. Degree in business administration from LMU University in Munich; Investment banker with Morgan Grenfell in London and Frankfurt; Director of Reemtsma International, a leading German cigarette producer, responsible for business development in central and Eastern Europe; Founder and Managing Partner of ATLAS Projektentwicklung, a real estate developing company investing primarily in residential property in Northern Germany; 10 years of real estate experience. CHRISTIAN SCHULTE EISTRUP CHRISTIAN SCHULZ-WULKOW vice president MORGAN STANLEY partner ERNST & YOUNG REAL ESTATE GMBH Christian Schulte Eistrup is Head of Investment Strategy/ Research for Morgan Stanley Real Estate in Europe. He joined Morgan Stanley in 1998, leading private and public equity financings and M&A transactions before assuming his current responsibilities. Christian was previously a senior financial institutions consultant at KPMG Germany. He received a BSFS in International Economics from Georgetown University and an MBA in Finance from Wharton. Christian is a member of the INREV Fee Committee. Christian Schulz-Wulkow is a partner of the Corporate Finance group of Ernst & Young Real Estate in Berlin/ Germany. His focus is corporate finance and privatisation advise, due diligence and strategic consulting for national and international investors, public and private non-property companies with large real estate holdings and residential housing companies. He was advising at sell-side as well as buy-side at major transactions in Germany especially in the residential sector and at sale & leaseback deals. HANS-DIETER SCHULZ-GEBELTZIG partner NORTON ROSE RAJESH SIVARAMAN associate ABN AMRO 83 Hans-Dieter Schulz-Gebeltzig is partner at Norton Rose and a specialist real estate, environmental and planning lawyer. Hans-Dieter has wide experience in construction and real estate law, including project development, real estate transactions, leases and finance leases. He acts for a number of German and international companies active in the real estate market. He also has many years’ experience of litigation proceedings. Hans-Dieter is recommended in Chambers Global, Juve-Handbuch and Who’s Who, where he is said to be one of the leading specialists in the field of real estate and construction. Rajesh Sivaraman is an Assistant Director, within the Structured Real Estate Capital Group of ABN AMRO Bank, and is involved in structured property lending on a pan-European basis. Rajesh has over 8 years of Structured Finance experience, of which the last 2 years have been focussed on structuring property transactions, ranging across different asset classes and jurisdictions, including multi-family, retail and office portfolios as well as acquisition of non-performing loan portfolios in Germany, France & Italy. LOTHAR SLABIK VAN J STULTS ceo TREUREAL GEBÄUDESERVICE GMBH managing partner ORION CAPITAL MANAGERS Lothar Slabik has more than 20 years of business experience in the construction and real estate business and he oversees the project development and property management within all areas of TREUREAL activities. Van Stults has 25 years of real estate investment management experience. In 1999, Van, with two partners, founded Orion Capital Managers, L.P., an international real estate private equity investment firm. The firm has sponsored the Orion European Real Estate Fund I and II with over 4 billion of investment capacity, targeting a wide range of real estate investments throughout all of Europe and the UK. Prior to forming Orion Capital Managers L.P., Van spent 15 years with LaSalle Partners where he was a main Board Member and a Managing Director. DR MATTHIAS STÜRMER KAI SUDMANN head of real estate E.ON ENERGIE AG managing director IMMOFORI GMBH Dr. Matthias Stürmer ist derzeit Leiter des Bereichs Immobilienmanagement der E.ON Energie AG und Geschäftsführer der E.ON Energie Real Estate GmbH. Aufgabenschwerpunkte sind konzernweites CREM für alle Unternehmensimmobilien und weltweite Kapitalanlage in der Assetklasse Immobilie. Das von ihm verantwortete Portfolio in Europa, USA und Asien hat ein Volumen von mehreren Milliarden Euro. Zu seinen früheren Tätigkeiten gehörten die Leitung der Rechtsabteilung eines Industrieunternehmens sowie die Geschäftsführung mehrerer Immobiliengesellschaften aus dem Wohnungs-, Gewerbe- und Bauträgerbereich. Seit 2003 leitet er das Chapter Süd von CreNet eutschland. Kai Sudmann ist seit 1998 Rechtsanwalt und seit März 2005 Geschäftsführer der “Immofori Gesellschaft für ImmobilienForderungsinkasso mbH” in Hamburg, einem Special Servicer für die Bewertung und Bearbeitung von immobilienbesicherten Non Performing Loans in Deutschland. Zuvor war er als Abteilungsleiter für das inländische gewerbliche Immobilienkreditportfolio der Deutsche Genossenschafts-Hypotheken mit einem Volumen von 3 Mrd. Euro zuständig und sammelte dort sowohl kredittechnische als auch praktische Erfahrungen für die Optimierung von Bearbeitungsprozessen. Als freier Anwalt hat er sich ebenfalls auf die Bearbeitung von Inkassofällen sowie erbrechtliche Beratungen spezialisiert. RAHUL SULE PHILIPPE TANNENBAUM vice president JP MORGAN SECURITIES LTD head of research EUROHYPO Rahul Sule is a Vice President in the Principal Investments business in JPMorgan and is responsible for portfolio acquisitions in Europe. Mr Sule joined JPMorgan in 1999 and was based in Hong Kong and Tokyo where he focussed on distressed debt trading and distressed company buy-outs. He moved to London in 2002 to focus on NPL portfolio acquisitions in Europe and has since purchased multiple portfolios in Germany and Czech Republic. Philippe joined Eurohypo from Crédit Lyonnais Securities at the end of 2004, where he was head of the European property research team. He has been tracking the property sector as a financial analyst for 15 years. He has constantly been rewarded over the last ten years as the best property research analyst in France in the Euronext-Agefi ranking and regularly mentioned among the five best property analysts in Europe in the Greenwich, Extel, and AQ rankings. CHRISTIAN TERBERGER RAINER THALER managing director BABCOCK & BROWN GMBH managing director GE REAL ESTATE GERMANY GMBH Christian Terberger, MRICS, Attorney-at-Law, is a Managing Director of Babcock & Brown GmbH, responsible for Babcock & Brown’s German Residential Real Estate activities. Christian has more than 20 years of business experience in Real Estate Development, Banking and Consultancy in Germany. Rainer Thaler ist Managing Director GE Real Estate Germany und war zuletzt Mitglied des Management Committee und als CIO bei Sireo Real Estate Management tätig. Im Konzern Deutsche Telekom war er zuvor in den Bereichen M&A, Recht und Immobilien tätig und leitete als Projektleiter zahlreiche, komplexe M&A- und Immobilientransaktionen in Europa und Asien. Nach seinem Wechsel zur DeTeImmobilien leitete er den Bereich Portfolio- und Asset Management mit den Schwerpunkten Immobiliendesinvestitionen sowie Portfoliooptimierungen. Ab 2001 bei Sireo, zunächst für den Geschäftsbereich Platzierung und danach ab 2003 für das Geschäftsfeld Investment Management tätig. STÉPHANE THEURIAU PROF DR MATTHIAS THOMAS managing director MORGAN STANLEY lehrstuhl immobilienwirtschaft FACHHOCHSCHULE HOLZMINDEN Stéphane Theuriau is a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley’s Real Estate Investment Banking Group based in London. Stephane joined Morgan Stanley in 1998. He previously worked at DTZ - France, Auguste Thouard and Goldman Sachs. He currently runs the Real Estate Private Equity Group in Europe. He is a graduate from the EM Lyon, France. Jahrgang 1964, ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der im April 1998 errichteten DID Deutsche Immobilien Datenbank GmbH, die sich mit der Erstellung immobilienbezogener Informationsprodukte wie bspw. Portfolio-Analysen, ImmobilienPerformanceindizes sowie dem Rating von Immobilien AssetManagement Gesellschaften befasst. Er ist gleichzeitig Inhaber der Professur für Immobilienportfoliomanagement an der HAWK FH Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen. Außerdem ist er Vizepräsident der Gesellschaft für Immobilienwirtschaftliche Forschung e.V., sowie President Elect der European Real Estate Society (ERES). CREATORS OF THE DEUTSCHE GRI CHRISTIAN ULBRICH REINIER A VAN GERREVINK managing director JONES LANG LASALLE ceo VASTNED MANAGEMENT B.V. Since April 2005 Christian Ulbrich (39) is the Managing Director of Jones Lang LaSalle’s German business. He is chairing the German Business Board and is member of the European Board. Christian Ulbrich, carrying a senior university degree in Business Administration and trained as a banker, has an extensive knowledge in commercial banking, real estate investment banking, asset- and property management and project development. Reinier van Gerrevink is CEO of the VastNed Group as off mid 2002; he studied law at the Rijksuniversiteit of Utrecht, after which he started his carreer with the Amro Bank in Amsterdam. A year after the merger with ABN he became CFO of Rodamco Europe, and spent 3 years thereafter as director Rodamco France. He switched to Robeco, and after 2 years of being Staffdirector, he became COO of Weiss Peck & Greer in New York, an investment firm, acquired by Robeco. He left WPG after being searched for his present job. BERNHARD VISKER MARCELLINO GRAF VON HOENSBROECH member of supervisory board HSH NORDBANK managing director CARGILL VALUE INVESTMENT Bernhard Visker leitet den Geschäftsbereich Immobilienkunden der HSH Nordbank mit derzeit 400 Mitarbeitern im In- und Ausland. Er ist verantwortlich für ein Kreditportfolio mit einem Volumen von aktuell 22,8 Mrd. Euro sowie für weitere 3 Mrd. Euro Assets under Management. Zu seinen Aufgaben gehört die Steuerung von Kapital- und sonstigen Ressourcen für 10 ausländische Immobilienmärkte in Europa und in den USA. An der University of Wales in Cardiff absolvierte Bernhard Visker 2002 ein berufsbegleitendes Studium zum MBA Master of Business and Administration. Mr. Graf v. Hoensbroech is a Managing Director for Cargill Value Investment. Based in London, he is responsible for all investments in Germany, including real estate and nonperforming loans. DR JOB VON NELL FRITZ-MARTIN WALDENDORF managing director BEOS GMBH managing director COLOGNE REAL ESTATE GMBH Job von Nell FRICS is managing partner of BEOS GmbH Berlin. BEOS (www.beos.net) is a developer and asset manager with a portfolio of 650.000 m2 commercial properties under management. Geb. 23.09.1959 in Dortmund, verheiratet, 1 Tochter. Dipl.-Studium an der Universität Dortmund mit Schwerpunkt Baubetrieb und Bauwirtschaft. 1989-1994: Netzwerk- und gewerbliche Projektentwicklung für BP in Deutschland. 19952000: Geschäftsführer der Rheinbau Entwicklung GmbH in Dortmund; u.a. bundesweite Entwicklung und Umnutzung alter Industriestandorte. 2001-2005: Geschäftsführer einer privaten Immobilien Holding; u.a. Neuentwicklung von Einzelhandelsimmobilien sowie Portfoliooptimierung in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Seit 2005: Geschäftsführer der Cologne Real Estate GmbH in Dortmund sowie Geschäftführender Gesellschafter der Trapp Real Estate in Wesel. DR DOLF WEBER KARLHEINZ WEIMAR rechtsanwalt, notar a.d. DR.H.C. DOLF WEBER finanzminister HESSISCHES MINISTERIUM DER FINANZEN Dolf Weber ist seit 1963 als Rechtsanwalt zugelassen. Er ist Gründungspartner von Pünder, Volhard, Weber & Axster, seit 2000 Clifford Chance, sowie Herausgeber von “Real Property in Germany, Legal and Tax Aspects of Development and Investment” (6. Auflage 2002).Die European Business School hat ihn mit der Verleihung des Dr. rer. pol. h.c. geehrt. Anfang 2006 bei Clifford Chance ausgeschieden, ist er weiterhin für ausgewählte Mandanten sowie als Aufsichtsrat, Beirat und Schiedsrichter tätig, desgleichen in der von ihm mitgegründeten Initiative Corporate Governance der Deutschen Immobilienwirtschaft. Karlheinz Weimar ist seit 1978 Mitglied des Hessischen Landtags und war in den Jahren 1987-1991 Hessischer Minister für Umwelt und Reaktorsicherheit. Von 1988 bis 2000 war er Kreisvorsitzender der CDU Limburg-Weilburg und von 1991 bis 1999 Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDULandtagsfraktion und deren finanzpolitischer Sprecher. Seit dem 7. April 1999 ist er Hessischer Minister der Finanzen. Der Minister wird bei seiner Arbeit von den Staatssekretären Dr. Walter Arnold und Harald Lemke, Bevollmächtigter für E-Government und Informationstechnologie der Landesregierung, unterstützt. DR MARTIN WENTZ THEO WEYANDT geschäftsführender gesellschafter WENTZ CONCEPT PROJEKTSTRATEGIE GMBH head of berlin office EUROHYPO AG Prof. Dr. Martin Wentz wurde 1989 zum hauptamtlichen Stadtrat und Dezernent für Planung der Stadt Frankfurt gewählt. 2000/2001 Leitung des Baudezernats. 2001 Gründung der Firma Wentz Concept Projektstrategie GmbH. Bis 2001 Lehrauftrag an der Universität Kaiserslautern als Stadtplaner, 2001-2004 als Gastprofessor an der Universität Karlsruhe. Seit 2003 Honorarprofessor an der European Business School. Veröffentlichung zahlreicher Publikationen zu Themen der Stadtentwicklung und des Städtebaus und Herausgeber der Buchreihe Zukunft des Städtischen. Mitglied bei DASL, Werkbund, Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung, Stiftungsrat Lebendige Stadt, u.a. Theo Weyandt has been the Eurohypo branch manager in Berlin since 2002. The branch is responsible for corporate banking in Germany’s capital city and eastern Germany. Before joining Eurohypo Theo Weyandt represented the South West Region in the Real Estate division of Deutsche Bank from 1998 to 2002. Previously, he had held various managerial posts in the real estate financing division of the Deutsche Bank Group. Theo Weyandt learned the tools of the trade as a bank trainee and business administration graduate (Dipl.-Kfm.) with a degree from the University of Cologne. WOLFGANG WINGENDORF THOMAS WIRTZ geschäftsführer TREUREAL GMBH vice president SAL. OPPENHEIM JR. & CIE KGAA Wolfgang Wingendorf, geboren am 6. September 1952 in Hamburg. Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Hamburg und Mannheim. 1977 Ablegung des 2. juristischen Staatsexamens. Seit 1988 Partner der Kanzlei Wingendorf & Weißschuh. Seit 1991 Geschäftsführer der TREUREAL GmbH und seit 1993 geschäftsführender Vorstand der Dr. Willmar Schwabesche Heimstätten-Stiftung sowie Geschäftsführer der Dr. Willmar Schwabesche Heimstättenbetriebs-GmbH (Einrichtungen der Altenpflege). Verschiedene Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Immobilienrecht und zur Wohnungsprivatisierung. Dozent an der Akademie der Immobilienwirtschaft, Stuttgart und Leipzig. JÖRN ZURMÜHLEN head of asset management AMB GENERALI IMMOBILIEN GMBH Dipl. Kfm. Jörn Zurmühlen, 39 Jahre, ist seit 1. Juli 2004 Bereichsleiter Assetmanagement bei der AMB-Generali Immobilien GmbH, Köln. Er verantwortet dort die Performance des Bestandsportfolios des AMB-Konzerns sowie die Steuerung der Property Manager. Zuvor war er in der Niederlassungsleitung der Deutschen Telekom Immobilien GmbH in NRW verantwortlich für das kaufmännische FM sowie das kfm. Immobilienmanagement. Seine immobilienwirtschaftliche “Grundausbildung” hat er bei Aengevelt Immobilien, Düsseldorf und im Immobilien-Portfoliomanagement beim Gerling-Konzern, Köln erhalten. Herr Thomas Wirtz, MRICS verfügt über eine elfjährige Industrie- und Beratungserfahrung in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Industrieerfahrung sammelte er bei einem international agierenden Projektentwickler, bei dem er zuletzt als Projektleiter für komplexe Gewerbeimmobilienentwicklungen verantwortlich war. Seit 2000 ist er bei Sal. Oppenheim im Real Estate Investment Banking für die Steuerung großvolumiger Investmenttransaktionen verantwortlich. Zahlreiche Transaktionen mit einem Volumen von z. T. über 1 Mrd. Euro hat er seitdem erfolgreich begleitet. Ab 2006 wird er auch als Geschäftsführer für den Euroselect Developmentfonds als ein Vertreter der Initiatoren verantwortlich sein. RICHARD DANSEREAU FAN WEI CADIM SHANGHAI FORTE LAND HYPO REAL ESTATE INTERNATIONAL president & coo ceo JÜRGEN FENK board member FRANK WU / HU BAOSEN MARK HUTCHINSON MAXWELL JAMES JIANG WEI JIANYE GROUP GE REAL ESTATE HSBC BANK CHINA RESOURCES RUSSELL PLATT JOHN PORTMAN STEVE ROTH PORTMAN CHINA REI/KAILONG REI chairman md head asia pacific SONNY KALSI ROBERT LIE VINCENT LO MENG XIAOSU MORGAN STANLEY ING SHUI ON CHINA NT’L RE GROUP FORUM PARTNERS ceo - msref DAVID SCHAEFER ceo, asia SHI DERONG md, head - asia pacific ceo CITIGROUP SHANGHAI DRAGON PROPERTY INVESTORS INVESTMENT president chairman managing director global head, real estate director & cfo chief executive officer chairman DONALD TRUMP JR WILLIAM G TUNG PAUL WANG YI XIAODI ZHANG YICHENG TRUMP ORGANIZATION ROCKEFELLER GROUP CHINA OVERSEAS SUNSHINE 100 CITIC CAPITAL managing director md, asia pacific exec. director & vcfo chairman & president ceo 06 ...and many more... ...还有更多... China GRI Shanghai 22-23 June The GRI welcomes the involvement of industry leaders who find it useful to chair a discussion at the GRI to contact Henri Alster, GRI Chairman. THE CHINA GRI Shanghai 22-23 June 2006 06 CHINA GRI 06 THE GRI EUROPEAN SUMMIT Paris 11-12 September 2006 GRI SUMMIT THE INDIA GRI Mumbai 13-14 November 2006 06 INDIA GRI 06 NEW EUROPE GRI THE NEW EUROPE GRI Budapest 27-28 November 2006 BRITISH GRI THE GRI CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT St Moritz 18-21 January 2007 t h e g r i 07 RETREAT 2007 chairmen’s THE BRITISH GRI London 24 April 2007 06/07 GRI EVENTS Program is subject to change without notice. Corporate Partners Senior Partners Partners Industry & Media Partners TOP JOBS. NOW AT THE GRI Based in North London, the GRI seeks top-level conference producers fluent in English and either French, Italian or Chinese. For details: www.globalrealestate.org/jobs or [email protected]