Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa
Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa
TECHNICAL Reports 2011|09 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Erste Schritte zu einem neuen GESIS-Service Thomas Oeftering, Matthias Fleck, Georgios Papastefanou kölkölölk GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Erste Schritte zu einem neuen GESIS-Service Thomas Oeftering, Matthias Fleck, Georgios Papastefanou GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 2011 GESIS-Technical Reports GESIS – Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften German Microdata Lab (GML) Arbeitsbereich Haushaltsbudgetdaten Postfach 12 21 55 68072 Mannheim Telefon: (0621) 1246 - 278 Telefax: (0621) 1246 - 100 E-Mail: [email protected] / [email protected] ISSN: ISSN: Herausgeber, Druck und Vertrieb: 1868-9043 (Print) 1868-9051 (Online) GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Lennéstraße 30, 53113 Bonn Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa 1 Einleitung Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen sind zentraler Bestandteil der nationalen Statistiken in Europa. Alle nationalen statistischen Ämter in der Europäischen Union führen in regelmäßigen Abständen Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen durch (vgl. Eurostat 2003), in denen unter Verwendung von Haushaltsbüchern Art und Höhe der Einnahmen und Ausgaben (für Güter und Dienstleistungen) der privaten Haushalte in großer Gliederungstiefe erfasst werden. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Merkmale zu verschiedenen Lebensbereichen erhoben bspw. Zusammensetzung des Haushalts, Beteiligung am Erwerbsleben, Wohnsituation, Mobilität, Ausstattung mit langlebigen Gebrauchsgütern etc. sowie Angaben zu sozioökonomischem Status und Demographie. Damit bieten Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen ein besonderes Potential für die Erforschung sozio-ökonomischer Ungleichheit, insbesondere im europäischen Vergleich. Allerdings erschließt sich das Potential für die Forschung vor allem dann, wenn sie Zugang zu den Mikrodaten der Haushaltserhebungen aus den einzelnen EU-Ländern hat. Zwar bemüht sich Eurostat um Koordination der Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen der EU-Mitgliedsländer, indem sie z.B. eine vereinheitlichte Datenbasis erstellt (Eurostat 1993, 1997, 2003). Der Zugang zu den Einzeldatensätzen für den einzelnen Forscher ist jedoch gegenwärtig nur über die jeweiligen nationalen statistischen Ämter möglich. Bei 27 Mitgliedsländern bedeutet dies für die vergleichende Forschung einen nahezu prohibitiv hohen Aufwand, der schon bei der Beschaffung von Zugangsregelungen und Metadaten entsteht. Deshalb verfolgt GESIS – Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, als Serviceeinrichtung für die Sozialwissenschaften, das Ziel einen auf Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen bezogenen Dienst aufzubauen, der bereits bei der Sammlung von einschlägigen Metadaten und Kontakt-Informationen beginnt. Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt das Konzept dieses Services und stellt erste Ergebnisse vor, die für die Forschung hilfreich sein können. 2 Ziele des Serviceangebots Unter der Aufgabenstellung, den Zugang zu Mikrodaten der Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen in Europa zu erleichtern, besteht ein Element darin, den Rechercheaufwand für die Forschung zu verringern und ihr ein zeiteffizientes Arbeiten mit den Metadaten und Mikrodaten zu eröffnen. Darüber hinaus soll aber mit den bereitzustellenden Metadaten auf einer ersten Stufe der Datendokumente auch einer Vergleichbarkeit der Haushaltsbudgetdaten der einzelnen EU-Länder der Weg bereitet werden. Daher erschien es zwingend, eine nach Ländern sortierte, tabellarische Linksammlung zu erstellen, die zu den jeweiligen, national spezifischen Zugangsmodalitäten, Kontaktangaben, aber auch zu den verwendeten Kategorienlisten führen. Der erste Schritt hin zu einem umfassenden Serviceangebot für die 5 GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 6 Forschung bestand darin, für die EU-Länder die direkten Zugänge zu den einschlägigen Webseiten der nationalen Statistischen Ämter zu recherchieren und zusammenzuführen. Als weitere relevante Metadaten, die im Forschungsprozess von Bedeutung sind, fallen an: Art der Stichprobenziehung, Größe der Stichprobe, Erhebungszeiträume, Erhebungsmethoden und verwendete 1 Klassifizierungen (wie z.B. die COICOP-HBS ). In einer ersten Ausbaustufe unseres Informationsdienstes wird der Fokus auf die etablierten EU-Mitgliedsländer gelegt. In einem weiteren Schritt sollen die in jüngster Zeit beigetretenen Mitglieder der EU bzw. Beitrittskandidaten in den Fokus der Metadatensammlung genommen werden. Schließlich wären in einem dritten Ausbauschritt Metadaten über die Haushaltserhebungen der OECD-Mitgliedsstaaten bereitzustellen, um einschlägige Grundinformationen für über Europa hinausgehende Vergleiche auf der Basis von Haushaltsbudgetdaten bereitzustellen. 3 Ergebnisse Es gibt keine Plattform im Web, die alle Metadaten der Haushaltsbudgetdaten in der EU in einer eigenen Sammlung bereitstellt. Deshalb war ein umfangreicher Suchprozess auf den Websites der jeweiligen nationalen statistischen Ämter nötig, mit dem Ziel, Informationen zu den Zugangsmodalitäten, Kontaktdaten und weiteren inhaltlichen Angaben der jeweiligen Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen, zu finden. Das Web-Angebot der nationalen statistischen Ämter in der EU ist schnell gefunden. Die Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen als spezielle Funktions- und Leistungsuntergruppe hingegen, sind durch verschiedene strukturelle Einordnungen und sprachliche Hindernisse schwerer zu finden. Die Daten sind sehr oft unterschiedlichen Abteilungen zugeordnet, z. B. dem Bereich Soziales, Arbeitsmarkt, Bevölkerung, der Einkommensstatistik oder einer Statistik zu Lebensbedingungen. Da die Haushaltbudgeterhebungen außerdem keiner einheitlichen Bezeichnung folgen konnten Suchabfragen auf den jeweiligen Websites nur bedingt weiter helfen. Hinzu kommen Probleme aufgrund fehlender englischer Versionen. Beispielsweise war es Mangels einer englischen Version der Homepage des dänischen nationalen Statistischen Amtes nur dadurch möglich die Unterkategorie Household Budget Survey (HBS) zu finden, indem für die Suche der Originalname (‚Forbrugsundersøgelsen’) verwendet wurde. 1 Klassifikation der Verwendungszwecke des Individualverbrauchs (Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (CIOCOP)) adapted to the needs of Household Budget Surveys (COICOP-HBS). Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Eine Hilfe bieten die sogenannten ‚sitemaps’ die anhand eines Strukturbaumes den Aufbau der Webseite grafisch verdeutlichen. Mithilfe dieses Strukturbaumes konnte man die Logik des Aufbaus einer Homepage nachvollziehen und zur Unterkategorie Haushaltsbudgeterhebung gelangen. Eine weitere Schwierigkeit für die Suchabfrage bestand in der Trennung der Basisinformationen von den Mikrodaten. Grundlegende Informationen wie Erhebungsjahr und erste tabellarische Ergebnisse der Haushaltsbudgetdaten waren oft getrennt von Informationen über den Zugang zu den Mikrodaten organisiert. Teilweise wurden die unterschiedlichen Informationen von komplett verschiedenen Institutionen organisiert (z.B. bei den Statistischen Ämtern von Frankreich und Großbritannien). Das machte eine erneute Recherche auf der Webseite der die Mikrodaten bereitstellenden Institution notwendig. Vor diesem Hintergrund bestand die Zielsetzung darin, die Rechercheergebnisse in einer möglichst einfachen Darstellung der relevanten Informationen zusammenzuführen, die einen raschen Zugang zu den gewünschten Ressourcen bietet. In diesem Sinne haben wir die Ergebnisse in vier Tabellen zusammengefasst. Die ersten beiden beinhalten die Zugangsmodalitäten und Kontaktdaten für 17 europäische Länder (vgl. die Tabellen A.1 und A.2 im Anhang), die dritte bietet für dieselben Länder grundlegende Informationen über die Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen (vgl. Tabelle A.3 im Anhang) und in einer vierten Tabelle werden diese Informationen für Haushaltsbudgeterhebungen in Ländern bereitgestellt, die erst in jüngster Zeit EU- Mitglied geworden sind bzw. sich in einem Status als Beitrittskandidaten befinden (vgl. Tabelle A.4 im Anhang). 4 Ausblick Für den weiteren Ausbau des Serviceangebots wird es wichtig sein, die in den Haushaltsbudget Surveys eingesetzten Fragebögen und Haushaltsbücher einerseits sowie die Codebücher, auf deren Grundlage die Datensätze erstellt worden sind, andererseits im Detail bereitzustellen. Während jedoch Fragebögen noch am ehesten zugänglich sind, werden die Haushaltsbücher meist nicht online einsehbar bereitgestellt. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit Variablenlisten oder Verzeichnissen der verwendeten Kategorien, diese sind in der Mehrzahl der Fälle nicht online abrufbar. Es wird nötig sein, die aufbereiteten Kontaktdaten zu nutzen, um im direkten Austausch mit den zuständigen, nationalen Stellen akzeptable Formen des Zugangs zu diesen Informationen zu erarbeiten. 7 GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 8 Literatur Eurostat (1993): Family Budget Surveys in the EU: Methodology and Recommendations for Harmonization. Luxembourg. Eurostat (1997): Household Budget Surveys in the EU: Methodology and Recommendations for Harmonization. Luxembourg. Eurostat (2003): Household Budget Surveys in the EU. Methodology and Recommendations for Harmonisation - 2003. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. URL: (zuletzt besucht: 16.09.2011) Eurostat (2004): Household Budget Survey in the Candidate Countries. Methodological Analysis 2003. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. URL: (zuletzt besucht: 16.09.2011) 9 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Anhang Tabelle A.1: Länder Österreich Zugangsmodalitäten Datensätze Jahr (aktuellste Variablenliste Erhebung) 2004/2005 Belgien 2006 Dänemark 2005 Finnland 2006 Frankreich 2006 Deutschland 2008 zu Grunde liegende Kategorien Zugangsmodalitäten Webseite zu HBS Webseite Datenzugang Datenanforderung http://www.statistik. http://www.statistik. http://www.statistik. request for stanRequest for task at/web_de/ at/web_de/statistike at/web_de/services/ dardized data sets specific data sets n http://www.statbel.f http://statbel.fgov.b http://www.privacyc e/fr/statistiques/coll — bs2006ex_ph4_fr.xls ecte_donnees/enque oral_committees/sta — — tes/budget_des_men tistic-supervisory ages/index.jsp firms pload/variabelliste_f pload/coicop_hbs_2 ejviser/Portal/Forbru 3. Enterprises. — — u2005_003.xls 003_g.aspx _til_hjemmeside.doc — — /ktutk/index_en.htm /ktutk/index_en.htm p/esds/mikrodata_en /ktutk/yht_en.html l l .html http://www.cmh.acs Request as PDF http://www.cmh.acs fr/themes/detail.asp? fr/themes/document ref_id=ir.asp?ref_id=BDF06 /XML/lil-0365.xml — bdf06&page=irweb/ bdf06/dd/doc/listvar. htm http://www.destatis. http://www.destatis. http://www.destatis. http://www.destatis. Request for SUF de/jetspeed/ de/jetspeed/port de/jetspeed/portal/ de/jetspeed/portal/c utilization — ms/ — GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 10 Tabelle A.1 (fortgesetzt): Länder Großbritannien Griechenland Zugangsmodalitäten Datensätze Jahr (aktuellste Erhebung) 2007 2004 Irland 2004/5 Italien 2006 Niederlande 2008 Norwegen 2008 Datensatz (Variablenliste) zu Grunde liegende Kategorien Zugangsmodalitäten Webseite zu HBS Webseite Datenzugang Datenanforderung Registration for k/esds/variables/efs/ k/findingData/variab k/government/efs/ archiforeigners efs6118/ leList. s/login.asp http://www.statistics http://www.statistics — — — .gr/portal/page/port .gr/portal/page/port al/E al/ — sda/datasetrveysandmethodolo sda/datasetsda/documentation/ info/hbs04 gies/surveys/ info/hbs-details.htm https://contact.istat. — trumenti/definizioni/ ati/catalogo/200807 ati/microdati/file_mi it/registrazione.php 17_00/ crodati.html — n-GB/ nNL/menu/methoden NL/menu/methoden/ GB/menu/_unique/ — nglish/subjects/05/0 orbruk_en/ nglish/mikrodata_en nglish/mikrodata_en 2/fbu_en/ / / — — — — — — 11 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.1 (fortgesetzt): Länder Portugal Spanien Schweden Schweiz Zugangsmodalitäten Datensätze Jahr (aktuellste Erhebung) 2007 2005 2008 2008 Datensatz (Variablenliste) zu Grunde liegende Kategorien Zugangsmodalitäten Webseite zu HBS Webseite Datenzugang Datenanforderung http://metaweb.ine. http://www.gpeari.m http://www.gpeari.m pt/sim/operacoes/pe squisa.aspx tal/xmain?xpid=INE c=183&idi=50614 c=183&idi=50614 — &xpgid=ine_cont_in st&ine_smenu.bOui= 13918474&INST=54 411 not necessary etodologia/t25/anex xi/ /prodyser/microdato — oecpf.doc e=pcaxis&path=%2F s_en.htm t25/e437&file=ineba se atistik/HE/HE0201/_ ages/Product____22 ages/List____25714 — — doku952.aspx 7.aspx ment/HE0201_BS_2 007_en.doc http://www.bfs.admi http://www.bfs.admi http://www.bfs.admi http://www.bfs.admi — — — — — GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 12 Tabelle A.2: Kontaktdaten Länder Kontaktdaten Telefon weiterführende Hinweise E-Mail Österreich 0043 (1) 71128-7111 [email protected] — 0043 (1) 71128-7111 Belgien 0032 [0]22776122 [email protected] — 0032 [0]22776122 Dänemark 0045 3917 3131 [email protected] Finnland J. Nurmela +358 9 1734 2548 M. Ylitalo +358 9 1734 3560 Frankreich — 0045 3917 3131 /Research/acces.aspx — [email protected] — J. Nurmela +358 9 1734 2548 M. Ylitalo +358 9 1734 3560 — Deutschland Service Phone 0049 611 75 8880 Service Fax 0049 611 75 8975 Ms B. Demant Tel. +49 (0)228 99 643 8850 Fax. +49 (0)228 99 643 8970 [email protected] [email protected] See also for comments on scientific Service Phone use files 0049 611 75 8880 Service Fax 0049 611 75 8975 Ms B. Demant Tel. +49 (0)228 99 643 8850 Fax. +49 (0)228 99 643 8970 Großbritannien General contact for registered users is 0044 161 275 1980 help desk 0044 1206 872143 General contact for registrated users is [email protected] help desk [email protected] A helpful guide how to access data 2 and information at ESDS 2 General contact for registered users is 0044 161 275 1980 help desk 0044 1206 872143 From 2001-2002 onwards the Family Expenditure Survey (FES) and National Food Survey (NFS) are merged into the new Expenditure and Food Survey (EFS) which is available in SPSS. The old files of FES and NFS are still available. To get access to micro data an account has to be created. Foreigners can registrate over the link below and members of UK - Institutions can use the login link on every page using the files with their UK Federations or Athens account. After agreeing to the end-user license you can choose your data set and download it. There may be charged some fees depending on the wished access to the data. 13 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.2: Kontaktdaten Länder Kontaktdaten Telefon weiterführende Hinweise E-Mail Griechenland 0030 210 4852022 0030 210 4852311 [email protected] Irland Tel: 353-21-4535000 [email protected] Italien Centro diffusione dati tel. 06 4673.3102-3-5-6 fax 06 4673.3101-7 [email protected] Niederlande Tel. reception desk: +31 (0)70 337 38 00 (Not for statistical information) — There is temporarily no English website for microdata. If you can speak and read Greek try the following or 0030 210 4852022 0030 210 4852311 — Tel: 353-21-4535000 — Centro diffusione dati tel. 06 4673.3102-3-5-6 fax 06 4673.3101-7 — Tel. reception desk: +31 (0)70 337 38 00 (Not for statistical information) Norwegen (+047) 62 88 53 20 [email protected] — (+047) 62 88 53 20 Portugal (+351) 226050748 [email protected] — (+351) 226050748 Spanien (+34) 91 583 91 00 — (+34) 91 583 91 00 Schweden Åsa Fridlund Karlsson +46 19 17 68 82; Mikael Molén +46 19 17 68 92 [email protected] — Åsa Fridlund Karlsson +46 19 17 68 82; Mikael Molén +46 19 17 68 92 (+41) 32 713 68 11 [email protected] — (+41) 32 713 68 11 Schweiz GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 14 Tabelle A.3: Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Countries Austria Name of the survey Konsumerhebung Belgium Enquête sur les Budgets des Ménages 3 Denmark Finland Forbrugsundersøgels Kulutustutkimus en France Germany Greece Ireland Enquête Budgets des Einkommens- und Family Budget Sur- Household Budget Familles Verbrauchsstichpro- vey Survey be (EVS) Aim of the survey To produce data to construct the weights in the Consumer Price Index and to get information for analyses of living standards and poverty. To update the The results of the weighting of goods survey are used as and services for the one of the inputs to consumption price calculate the Conindex and to provide sumer Price Index the data to Eurostat and to establish the and the Institute of national accounts. National Accounts. They are used for To put the data at different public and private planning the disposal of universities, minis- purposes. tries, research institutions etc. The purpose of the The principal uses of The purpose of the Revision of the Household Budget the survey are: income and conConsumer Price survey is to produce for the weighting of sumption survey Index. information on the the consumer price (EVS) is to provide household´s or the index; for national data for the weightindividual´s conaccounts; for socio- ing of goods and sumer behaviour, on economic studies, services for the how their incomes for example studies Consumer Price on income, poverty, Index and to provide are created and distributed, on their inequality, or studies representative stadebts plus the public on specific popula- tistical data on the goods and services tion groups and, composition of which they receive more generally, private households, in the form of wel- numerous studies on their sociofare services and consumption and economic status, furthermore on standard of living. their income by ownership of consource, and expendisumer durables. ture by type and purpose. The Household Budget survey aims to determine the consumption expenditure structure of households in order to update the weights included in the Consumer Price Index. Conducted since 1954 1957/58 1966 1951/52 3 1955 1965 1962/63 1957/58 Tabelle A.3 weitgehend erarbeitet auf Basis von: Eurostat (2003): Household Budget Surveys in the EU. Methodology and Recommendations for Harmonisation – 2003. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 15 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Frequency Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Austria Every 5 years Belgium Annual as from 1995. Before 1995 the survey was carried out irregularly. Denmark Finland France The survey has Until 1994: approx- Irregular: become annually imately every five approximately starting in 1994. years from 1994 to every 5 years Formerly the survey 1996: the survey was conducted was conducted approximately every annually. From 1998 five years. onwards: every three years. Germany Greece 1962/63, 1969, since Since 1982 the 1973 every 5 years survey has been carried out in 1981/82, 1987/88, 1993/1994 and 1998/99 All private house- Private households holds with residence and their members in Denmark except living in Finland Greenland and the (excluded are memFaroe Islands. bers living in institutions). All private households with their residence in the national territory, with the exceptions mentioned under 'sample design'. Basic population Private households Private households and their members. residing within the national territory whatever their nationality. Sampling frame Austrian Microcen- National population Central Population Central Population Census updated by Microcensus register. register. new constructions. sus 1994 and 1995 register. (new building/dwellings were added). Census of Populati- Census of populaon. tion enumeration areas. Sample size 1999/2000: n = 7098 1994: n = 6258 1994: n = 3745 1994: n = 2727 1994: n = 4360 Private households on the national territory, oversampling of the Overseas Departements (DOM). Oversea Territories are not included. Ireland Irregular 2000/2001: n = 25000 2008: n = 55110 All private house- All private households. Excluded were holds on national the following territory. households institutional, with more than three lodgers, with foreign nationals serving in foreign diplomatic missions, households with members not speaking greek. 1994: n = 7644 GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 16 Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Sample design Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Austria Two-staged probability sample Belgium Two-staged drawings Denmark One-staged probability sample Finland Two-staged probability sample The sample is repreSample represen- Representative for the Bruxelles is overre- At national level. presented. Reliable Overrepresented are sentative of the 9 Austrian regions. tativity data on the expend- Greenland and Faroe population. iture structure of Islands. the average household at national and regional levels (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels). Sampling unit Dwelling (and for Household some variables the individual member of the household. Survey units are the Individuals household and for some variables the individual member. France Two-staged probability sample Germany Greece One-staged quota Two-staged sample ("...the pro- probability sample cedure used is actually a modified and improved version of the conventional quota sample."). Ireland Two-staged probability sample For the major and average agglomerations, results are representative at regional level. For all private On NUTS II Level households resident in the Federal Republic of Germany. The sample is unbiased. Dwelling Household (the Dwelling 'main income earner' sometimes responds for all). Household 17 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Survey methods Survey conduction Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Consumer expendi- Consumption exConsumption ex- Consumption exConsumer expenditure approach due penditure approach penditure approach. penditure approach. ture approach due to the Eurostat The information Household diary: Household diaries: to the Eurostat recommendations. Diary for a period of from the Danish recommendations. Open-ended, 14 Household diary: For a month registering survey can be ap- days recording Household diary periods of 14 days all expenditures in proached to both an period, one house- (Individually for hold diary and every household with three sections: detail as well as, at expenditure apleast in theory, all proach and conpocket diaries for member over 14 1. goods of own income and savings sumption approach. the family members. years) for periods of production and and debt transac- Household diaries: Interviews: One 14 days, households benefits in kind, 2.expenditures for tions. The intensive diary interview before the can choose to write down their list of food, beverages incl. Interviews: At the keeping of daily recording period. purchased goods or restaurants, 3. all end of the survey- expenses and two keep the receipts. other expenditures period. Individual diaries the housee.g. clothing, trans- questionnaire/ hold diary and an Interviews port. household question- individual voluntary diary for personal Interviews: At the naire. beginning and the expenses. end of the 14 day One interview period. Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted during 12 months during 12 months during the calendar during the calendar year. spread over 2 calen- spread over 2 calen- year. dar years. dar years. Germany Consumption expenditure approach. Diaries: Household diary/ detailed log book. Interview: One introductory interview. Greece Consumption expenditure approach. Household diary: In two basic forms: Family Expenditure Form (HBS 1) and the daily personal expenditure and income of members of household older than 14 years (HBS 2). A third diary was given to an enumerated household member to record personal expenditures regardless for whose needs it was during the 14 days period (HBS 3). Inteviews: Three interviews were conducted. Ireland Consumption expenditure approach. Household diary: Open-ended, 14 day recording period, one for the household and one for each adult household member. Interviews: one interview and two questionnaires (one for the household and one for each adult household member). Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted during 12 months during the calendar during the calendar year. spread over 2 calen- year. dar years. Survey conducted during 12 months spread over 2 calendar years GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 18 Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Reference year Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Austria Belgium Nov 1999 - October Used in Eurostat 2000 tabulations 1999 Denmark Finland A retrospective 1998 reference period of twelve months is used starting from the day of the first interview. France May 2000 - April 2001 Forms of dissemina- The main results are Paper and electronic Detailed results are Publications, inter- Unknown net, CDs, archive published in the published in publications. tion 'Statistische Nach'Statistiske Efterret- and tailor-made richten' - the ninger' (Statistical tables. Micro-level monthly newsletter Information). Se- data are provided for scientific purof Statistics Austria lected data are - in the statistical transferred to the poses only. database, yearbook and on the www.statistikbanken internet. .dk, of Statistics Denmark. Detailed individual computations are made for fixed prices. Statistics Denmark does not allow any dissemination of micro-data. Germany 1998 Greece November 1998October 1999 The Federal Statis- The NSSG publishes tical Office publish- data in the volume es the data in a "Household Exnumber of statistical penditure Survey volumes. On request, 1998/99" tables and statistical results are source materials in electronic form. also prepared as individual tables and data in paper or electronic form. Scientific users are provided with micro-datafiles on demand. Ireland June 1999 - July 2000 The results are published in two volumes: Vol. 1: Household Budget Survey, Preliminary Results; Vol. 2: Household Budget Survey, Final Results. 19 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Countries Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Enquête Budgets Familiaux Budgetonderzoek Portugal Sweden Rilevazione sui consumi delle famiglie italiane Aim of the survey To measure private To obtain a weight- To obtain statistical consumption, defined ing system for the information on the as all goods and consumer price index expenditure of difservices bought, or and to make studies ferent types of consumed from own on the standard of household in the production, by pri- living and consumer relation to the chavate households in habits of households. racteristics of the order to satisfy their household (e.g. size, needs. composition, income), its accommodation and income statistics. To estimate: To update the - the quarterly conweights used for the sumption expendiConsumer Price ture Index, to estimate - the change of consumption exthe consumption penditure with reexpenditure of prigard to the same vate individuals, to quarter of the preanalyse the convious year sumption behaviour - the annual conand living conditions sumption expenditure of households, to and to estimate construct a system of quarterly and annual poverty indicators. consumption of food and beverages measured in physical quantities. To give information The main aim is to about level and supply the weights distribution of differ- for the Retail Price ent expenditure Index (the UK conitems for different sumer price index). types of households. Data from the survey also contribute to the estimates of households´ final consumption for the national accounts. Conducted since 1961 1967/68 1958 1978 Encuesta Continua de Hushållens utgifter Presupuestos Familiares United Kingdom Name of the survey 1956/57 Inquérito aos orçamentos familiares Spain 1958 Family Expenditure Survey 1953/54 GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 20 Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Italy Luxembourg Data is produced Irregular, 2002 quarterly and annually Netherlands Yearly Portugal Spain After 1989 the survey Quarterly takes place every 5 years Basic population All private households Private households. living within the national territory. Private households with main residence in the Netherlands, regardless of their nationality. Private Households in All private households Private households, mainland Portugal, living in the national excluded are houseMadeira and the holds with members territory. Azores. aged 74 years or older. All private households in the national territory except for the following territories: Scilly Islands and the Scottish offshore islands. Sampling frame Population register Central Population register Geographic Base Register, selfemployed from the General Business Register Master sample based Population Census Population register on 1991 Population with the inclusion of Census new dwellings Census of Population 1991 Sample size n = 20930 n = 3012 1994: n = 1851 1994: n = 9644 Sample design Two-staged probability sample Sample selected randomly but low response rates indicate possible departures from representativity of sample Two-staged probabili- One-staged ty sample but "...low probability sample response rates indicate possible departures from representativity of sample". Frequency Sweden 1996, 1999 United Kingdom Annual since 1957 1994: n = 9891 1994: n = 3032 1994: n = 6258 Two-staged probability sample One-staged probability sample Two-staged probability sample 21 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Countries Italy At regional level Sample representativity Luxembourg On national level Head of the household Netherlands Portugal Spain The aim is to obtain a Self-weighting sam- Spain nationally represent- ple, representative on ative sample after NUTS II level the weighting. Sweden At aggregate regional level (NUTS level 1 and 2) Address Individuals Dwelling Dwelling United Kingdom ─ Sampling unit Dwelling Household Survey methods Consumption exConsumption exConsumption exConsumption exConsumer expendi- Consumption exConsumption expenditure approach. penditure approach penditure approach. penditure approach. ture approach ac- penditure approach. penditure approach. cording to COICOP- Household diary: Two Household diary: Household diary: Household diary: Household diary: Household diary: closed, with division Open-ended, period Three Diaries are Open-ended, house- HBS classification. week recording Each Person aged 16 into food and non- of 15 days. Also a used. One for almost holds are asked to Household diary: An period, one house- and older is asked to food, one diary for diary for pocketall over the year, one record quantities and open-ended diary for hold diary and vo- complete a personal luntary personal the whole household money for household for a short but ex- the prices actually one week is comdiary of all expendifor a period of 7 days members over 16 haustive reporting paid. pleted by the person diary for each mem- tures during a 14 day period (since 1992 In 1989-1990 it was responsible for run- ber of the household period. From 1998/99 years. and one for the registration of own Interviews: Two, one one week) and one kept for 7 days, in ning the household. (food expenditures survey onward each for the holidays. the 1994-1995 sur- Separate individual are not recorded in child aged 7 to 15 production and food at the beginning diaries for household detail, just as a lump has also been asked received from the andone at the end of Interviews: Several vey for 14 days sum) members over 14 employer. No diaries the recording period. questionnaires had Interviews: The to keep a simplified Interviews: One at diary for the 14 days. years, to note the for individual houseto be answered, e.g. households have the beginning of the Interview: One interhold members. Recruitment Ques- been visited at least expenditures not 5 times during the incl. in the household survey period. tionnaire, General Interviews: Two view with the head times. Data Questionnaire diary period. diary. One diary for of the household and and so forth. children between 7spouse/ partner. Each 13 years (optional). person aged 16 or Interviews: Three older is asked about times during the their income. week. GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 22 Tabelle A.3 (fortgesetzt): Countries Survey conduction Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted Survey conducted during the calendar during the calendar during the calendar during 12 months during the calendar year year year spread over 2 calen- year dar years Reference year 1999 1998 Forms of dissemination Data are published in Paper publication: the following publi- 'Enquete Budget des Ménages 1998', cations: Annuario published in 2000. Statistico Italiano (Annual Bulletin, Italy), Compendio Statistico Italiano, I Consumi delle famiglie, Relazione annuale. Sweden Survey conducted during 12 months spread over 2 calendar years United Kingdom Survey conducted during 12 months spread over 2 calendar years 1999 January 2000 January 2001 May 1999 - April For the Eurostat tabulation, the data 2000 used are basically those from the quarterly continuous survey, for four quarters; where the bulk of households has been in 1998. April 1999-March 200 Data from the 1999 HBS were published in the Statistical Bulletin (No 13, 5 April 2001) and in Budget Onderzoek 1999, Kerncijffers (1999 Household Budget Survey Key Data 2001). The methodology is as well as analyses and results of the data are published. The statistical insti- Paper publication tute (INE) publishes a and the whole publimethodological cation on the intermanual for the surnet. vey as well as several volumes of results. Advanced quarterly results, definitive quarterly and annual results are published electronically. A report 'Family Spending' is published every year and put on the UK National Statistics web site. Additional tables can be provided by ONS. Anonymised microdata are deposited with the UK´s Data Archive. 23 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.4: Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Beitrittskandidaten Countries Latvia Majsaimniecibu budzetu petijums Conducted since Cypress ΄Ερευνα Οικογενειακών Προϋπολογισµών Estimation of house- Information about Information on the hold income, exthe economic situa- consumption strucpenditures, food tion of households, ture for the revision consumption. calculation of socio- of the weights of economic indicators, CPI. updating the weights for Consumer Price Index (CPI), data for National Accounts (NA) and consumer price index. 1951 1995 1966 09/1995-12/2000 1952 1949 08/1971-07/1972 Frequency yearly/ continuous yearly/ continuous yearly/ continuous yearly/ continuous yearly/ continuous Name of the survey Aim of the survey 4 Bulgaria Household Budget Survey 4 Estonia Household Budget Survey yearly/ continuous every 5 years Lithuania Hungary Malta Namu ukiu biudzetu Háztartási Household Budget tyrimas költségvetési felvétel Survey Information on the Information on the To provide CPI Updating the weights household income, income and expendi- weights, data source for CPI, research expenditure, updat- ture of the popula- of NA household studies. ing the weights for tion. final consumption, CPI, data for NA, poverty research, calculation of poversocial indicators ty indices. based on HBS data. Tabelle A.4 erarbeitet auf Basis von: Eurostat (2004): Household Budget Survey in the Candidate Countries. Methodological Analysis 2003. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 24 Tabelle A.4 (fortgesetzt): Countries Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Beitrittskandidaten Bulgaria Whole country, all private households. Main exclusion: households living in institutions and foreigners. N = 2.921.887 households (Zensus 2001). Estonia Cypress Latvia All household mem- All private households All households in bers who are living and household mem- Latvia. Persons living legally and perma- bers. Collective or in institutional nently in Estonia. N = institutional house- households and 575.296 households holds and foreign homeless people are households are ex- excluded from the (2000). cluded. N = around current survey. 209.000 households. N = 802.848 households (Census 2000). Sampling frame 10% master sample from the 1992 census. Sample size 1999: n = 3000 households Population register List of households Population register – Population register. Updated census data. (minimum 15 years). from the 1992 census more than 99% of and a supplementary the total population list of newly conof Latvia. structed housing units from the Electricity Authority of Cyprus. 2000: n = 10171 n = 2645 households 1999: n = 3929 n = 8250 households 2000: n = 10191 households (gross), households households n = 6256 households (net) Basic population Lithuania Hungary Malta All private households All Hungarian citizens All private households in the whole country. living in private in the entire national Collective or institu- households in the territory. Collective tional households are country. Excluded are and institutional excluded. Resident persons living in households were foreigner households institutions, Hunga- excluded from the are included (very rian households living survey. rare cases). N = N = 127.970 private abroad, foreign 1.356.800 households households with households. permission to reside (Census 2001). in Hungary and foreign citizens working in the country. Electoral database of Malta – people eligible to vote in Maltese elections. n = 6798 households 25 Haushaltsbudget-Erhebungen in Europa Tabelle A.4 (fortgesetzt): Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Beitrittskandidaten Countries Bulgaria Estonia Cypress Two-stage random Untill 1999: Simple Urban areas were Sample design probability selection. systematic sample stratified into 9 design was used to strata. In each area obtain the sample households were from the Population selected using simple Register until the systematic sampling. year 1999. Since 2000 For the rural areas independent samples two-stage -sampling are taken from three was used. strata formed of counties on the basis of the size of their population. n.s. Very rich households No categories Sample representativity are underrepresented. underrepresented. Sampling unit Household Household member Latvia Lithuania Hungary Malta Stratified two-stage Stratified two-stage Stratified two-stage Households were first probability probability probability sampling. sorted by locality and sampling . sampling. Rate of selection street, and a systedepends on the size matic random sample of settlements was drawn. This method approximates to a proportional stratified random sample. Underrepresented: households of entrepreneurs and selfemployed, very rich households. Household, household Household member Underrepresented: very rich households, young single persons, homeless. Household Underrepresented: n.s. very rich households, very old and young households, households of selfemployed, households in the capital, homeless. Household Dwelling GESIS-Technical Reports 2011|09 26 Tabelle A.4 (fortgesetzt): Countries Haushaltsbudget Surveys in den EU-Beitrittskandidaten Bulgaria Interviews: Introductory and additional each month. Diaries: One diary filled in by only one person. Estonia Cypress Latvia Interviews: Prelimi- Interviews: Question- Interviews: Preliminary interview before naire face-2-facenary, Final. the reference period. interview. Diaries: One diary. Two kinds of Diaries: Diaries: To be filled in Food and non-food. by all household members (min. 15 years old). Survey conduction Each month of the year. Food: half a month. Income, taxes, expenditure: once a month. Reference year n.s. One month Survey methods Diaries: 14 days. Main questionnaires: data are recorded during the whole year. Recording periods depend on the consumption functions. One year Income : the last month. Food : 2 weeks. Non-food, services : once a month. One month Lithuania Hungary Malta Interviews: Several Interviews: Initial, at Interviews: 4 visits times (at least two) the end of the year. per household. during the reference- Diaries: One-month Diaries: Diaries over a period. diary (divided into 3-week period, diary Diaries: (1) for food, two parts, 15-15 divided into 5 parts. alcohol, tobacco; (2) days). for non-food goods and services. a) Income and exIncome : once a Moving, expenses in a penditure recorded 3-week period, inmonth. Food : 2 in the diary: one weeks. Non-food come refers to the expenditure : once a month; b) Rare ex- previous 12 months. penditure, annual month. income: retrospective interview at the end of a calendar year. One month Calendar year One year