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Ml!l.1° ,i-: i j' PIII,\\SJ!J.I~ f f.1111:>1!~ I.I!S,IJ,\!Ull-)!.lOI-\i-ISII.l3 ~. ~.";.,,..; L- ..\ßSTI~AL'T In this paper. we address the backlog sequencing problem in a flow-shop CON\VIP production conlrol conlrolled by a system with the objective to mini mise the makespan We characlerise the problem and analyse its similarities and ditlerences with the permutation 110\\-shop problem A comparison of same well-known and a simple and fast dispatching rule is proposed heuristics. the proposed rule Regarding the more simple and laster outperforms those commonly used für the problem! permutation flow-shop Key\vords: dispatching flow-shop heuristics is carried out. Scheduling, Sequencing, Flow-Shop. Constant Work in Process (CONWIP). Heuristics, Dispatching Rules ZUSAMMENFASSUNG In diesem Arbeitspapier wird das Reihenfolgeproblem fur die Einsteuerung von Aufträgen in ein Fenigungssystem (backlog wenn das System durch (CONstanl sequencing) bei Reihenfenigung eine 'Konstanles Work In Process = CONWIP) rung der maximalen Durchlaufzeit rakterisien Seine Ähnlichkeiten Reihenfenigung mit konstanter Shop) werden analysien Arbeitsvolumen gefuhn wird (Flow-Shop) in der Fenigung'-Steuerung Als Zielfunktion (C...J angenommen behandelt, wird die Minimie- ; und Unterschiede zum klassischen Reihenfolgeproblem bei Auftragsfolge auf allen Maschinen (Permutation-Flow- Bekannte Heuristiken fur den Permutation-Flow-Shop werden auf den CONWIP-Flow-Shop übertragen und verglichen regel wird vorgeschlagen Wird diese Regel mit einfachen und schnellen Heuristiken fur den Permutation-Flow-Shop ! Das Problem wird zunächst cha- verglichen. Eine einfache und schnelle Prioritäts- schneidet sie in Simulationsuntersuchungen besser als letztgenannle ab 1. Introduction The production control system CONWIP -acronym für CONstant Work In Process- (Spearman el '1/. 1989) is a pull system thaI appears to share the benefits of Kanban while being applicable in a wider range ofsituations The key poinl ofCONWIP is that it does not limit the single station's WIP or its butTer size, hut the total WIP in the system Several studies (eg Spearman el al. 1989, Lambrecht and Seagert ]990. Chang and Yih Gstettner and Kuhn 1996. and Bonvik "I al. 1994, 1997) indicate thaI in certain production scenarios. this conlrol system is prelerable to others 2 ,;,,;' ):::"1 (S661 c Ul?wJI?;ldS pUl? ddoH) sl:>npoJd IU;lJ;llIIP .10 ;lnUI?J J;)PIM I? ;)lpUl?4 UI?:>I! 11?41S! ul?qul?'I J;)AO S;)nI?IUI?Apl? SI! jO ;)UO ;I:>U!S 'SIU;)WUOJ!AU;I d\,'I\NOJ \Ul?lU UI UOIII?n)!S uowwo:> 11 (0661 jO w;llqoJd I? ;lq 01 p;lsoddns S! ;lSI?:> II?J;lU;l3 SI41 11?41P;lUO!IU;lW ;)q Pln04s Iv /;1 Ul?wJI?;ldS) p;lSS;lJpPI? AII1!:>Y!:>;lds ;)q Isnw W;lISAS dIMNOJ ;141 pUl? w;I\qoJd ;141 ju;lpu;ld;lp-;l:>u;lnb;ls O:)!IU;ld I? U! w;llqoJd PUi uo~oW ~u!:>u;lnb;ls Iv /;1 ddoH 3U!:>u;lnb;ls ;141 ;lJ;l4M ;lSI?:> II?J;lU;l3 ;141 U! 'J;lA;lMOH pUl? SU!PI04 snu!w dO\;lA;lP A;l41 3U!:>u;lnb;ls 3;1 P;lI:>;lI;lS 'IJOM ;l41jO ;lnll?,,\ S;lW!1 dn-l;ls ;141 p;lSS;lJpPI? (Z661) ;I;IS 'w;llqoJd Su!:>u;lnb;lS ;lJi SW41!JOSli PUi (S661 Iu;lpu;ld;lp ;I:>u;lnb;ls Ul?wJI?;ldS PUi jJlUpooM ;lU!4:>iW UI?WJi;ldS ;lISU!S UO M;I!A;lJ PUi ddoH) I? ;lU!4:>l?w ;l1~U!S ;141 01 p;I:>np;lJ ;lq Ui:> S;lSi:> ;lWOS U! SOI)(:>iq ;141 ~u!:>u;lnb;lS 'Z66\ S!UI?ZiZ PUi UiWJi;ldS liJ;lA;lS S! ~Ol'l:>iq -Iuno:> ;llnpow ';llnpow SÖM uo!l:JnpoJd PUi 5u!:Ju;lnb;)s) 'IJOM;)WiJj PUi J;lUII;lISQ 3;1 ';I;lS) p;I~od;lJ uo!l:>npoJd (SU!II;)S :>Y!:>;lds-dIMNOJ 11?:>14:>JiJ;)!4 i ;)sodoJd SÖM Iv ;141 wnWIXiW i ilonö 'sno!A;)Jd PUi dIM) OMI ;)41 (0661) W;lISAS dIMNOJ OMI jO SIS!SUO:>;lJOj;lJ;)41 ISJ!,j) S,jJ,j .dIMNOJ /,1 UiWJi;ldS 11U! äu!lnp;lq:>s "' (q pUl! 'SpJI!:>jO J;lqlunu ;)41 W;lISAS dlMNOJ I? ~UIUUl?ld ;)U4dl:>SIP i Aq U;I/llJp 'SUOIII?IS ;)Alln:>;)Suo:> OMI U;I;lMI;)q P;l4sllql?ls;I pJi:J 3UIPUods;)JJo:> R SI S;):>UI1ISUIIl:JJI:>ou J;)pUn fil)l~:Jl!lj I! In0411M ;)U4 ;)41 OIUI J;lIU;) 01 P;lMOIII! ;)41UI )lUIIII?," 'qor .. S! pJI?:> ;)41 'UOIII!IS leuy ;)41 nol~:>eq I? UI IleM IsnUI qof ;)41 ';)SIMJ;)410 Sp.ll!:J ;)JI! ;)J;)41 P;)pl/loJd ;141 01 P;)4:>illl! SMo1lo,1 se P;lljIJ:>S;lP;)lj \q P;)S!iIl:JSlp "1;)\1511:-1";) SI .lli'l\NO.) Gor Gor IX;)U ;)41 01 P;)4:>1!111!;)q AI?UI U ;)J;)4M ;141 01 ~:>I!q P;)SI!;)I;lJ pUl! 110 p;lddoJp IR P;)ss;I:Jo.ld SI qof I! U;)4M u4n)! Iv /;l13-JiQ SUO!SI:>;lP ;141 01 ~U!JJ;lj;l~ ;141 P;lU!UJJ;lI;lP SI?4 ;I\npow ;)41 UI ;)1!4M P;lXY ;)Ji -dIM ;)41 JOj ilonb 8S ;)41 pUl? ;)Inpow S!41 U! P;)q!J:>S;)P s;llnpow uo!l:>npoJd 'Z66! ;141 U! U;I'Iil ;)41 jO ;):>u;)nb;)s ;)41 J;)llil pJi:> ;)41 pUl? pou;ld (SU!4:>li8 ;141 ;lJi ~U!UUild (I? sw;I\qoJd ISJI,j ;lWOJ I? U! 3U!\np;l4:>S ;luI4:>I?W-;lUO I? 01 p;I:>np;lJ ;lq 10UUI?:> w;llqoJd S! ;lU!4:>l?w 'I:>;lU;lllloq SISO:> dn-l;ls ;141 S;)SIW!XI?W 11?414:>l?oJddl? 4:>JI?;lSooql?ll? 41!M ;lUII dIMNOJ «(661 JOj) S;lSi:> ;ls;l41 JOj ;llqil!iAi I? uo w;llqoJd (9661 pUl? '1:661 U;);lq ;lA1?4 suo!lnq!JIUOO p;lsn ;lq 01 SpJI?:>jO J;lqwnu ;I:>UO P;l4S!lqiIS;I ;)41 'SI li41 ;)41 uI SÖM JO.I 'IJOM;lWiJj nol'l:>l?q ;)41 UI sqof3ul:>u;)nb;)s nuIUIWJ;)I;)Q (P;),\J;lS ;)JI! sJ;I.unq ;)lilp;lWJ;)IU\ ';)UII ;)41,10 nuluuln;)q ;)41 JI! ;llql!lle.'\1! R 01 S;)'\IJ.II? J;)pJI) ljor e U;)4M PIII! ddoll ;lUII ;)41 jO nUIUU!3;)q S! pJI?:> I! ';)U4 dlMNOJ UI?:>11 'AII1!:>lse8 (S661) ,lI) lIlSIIIR4:J;llU II)JIIIO:> "'°[1 Ul!llIJR;)dS P;lI!I!I;)P "41 -~-~ ;, 011 Ihis general CONWIP sequencing problem, very litlle work has been reportcd I)lll:nyas (1994) sludies Ihe most suilable dispalching rules tor a CONWIP nel\\ork queues TarditT (1995) designs an MRP-C based Iramework lilIe by USillg tor sequencing in a C'ONWIP system Finally, Herer and Masin (1997) lormulate a mathematical programming version of the problem of sequencing the back log in a CONWIP of minimising system with the objeclive total costs In this paper we address the backlog sequencing problem in a CONWIP CONWIP framework described by Spearman I!f al (1990). sincc Ihe back log is generaled by an MPS (Master accoum customers demand. so the composilion Ihe production period system in Ihe sequencing is a slatic issue, Production Schedule) taking imo of the backlog is known at the beginning of It is supposed thaI the number of cards to be employed in the system has beeIl fixed within the previous WQS module. and thus there is no way to schedule the emrance of jobs into the system once the jobs are arranged in the backlog This means thaI a .job in the backlog will enter whenever there is a card available given it has been sequenced first in the queue in front ofthe system. In Ibis context, a plausible objective für sequencing the backlog seems to be minimising the makespan because: (I) Meaning ofthe backlog in a CONWIP system: thaI is, the set ofjobs to be processed within the next production assigned to a specific job, the completion priorities period thaI are going Thus, unless a high priority is of all jobs is a major issue If different are assigned to the jobs. a relevant objective could be minimisation of the weighted tlow time (2) According to Schonberger (1984) and Spearman I!f al. (1990), period für a pull system in general -and particularly be divided into a regular production the production für a CONWIP system -must time in which the production quota can be achieved and a catch-up time which provides a time-buffer to reach the production quota if, due to unforeseen circumstances (eg materials), machine breakdowns or lack of raw it cannot be accomplished within the regular production time Usually, the catch-up period is used für housekeeping, preventive maimenance, etc In this context, makespan minimisation has the effect of ensuring the production be reached within the regular production basis für a reduction ofthe time On the long run, it also provides a regular production time and für shor1eninglead limes 4 : ~;;:;:":i!i quota to '-' -, -~ -- ;l1!U!JU! Sl1 p;lI;lJdJ;lIII! p:!ull1JISuo:>un J;lllnq ;14.1 ;141 ;lq 148!w S;lSl1:> ;lW;lJIX;I ;lSl1JOIS J;I.unq S 4:J!4M SIUll1JISUO:> J;lJJnq OU aMI P;lI!W!1 ;141 .10 ;lSl1:> 111!:J;lds11 Sl1 p;lI;lJW;lIU! S114 w;llqOJd 411M w;llqoJd ;I!) fiu!:Ju;lnb;ls \Ju!:>u;lnb;ls ;lq 14S!W OSll1 w;llqoJd w;llqoJd d04S-MOU d04S-MOU fiu!:>u;Jnb;ls fiu!:>II;lnb;ls P;lU!l1JISUO:J I11J;lU;l11 ;lJOlll dIMNOJ ;J4.1 'SUO!1111nWJ;Jd 01 SUO!)nloS Jo ;J:>l1ds;J41 S1:>!JIS;JJW;J1sf.s ;J41 U! SJ;J.unq ;J111!p;JUJJ;JIU!;J41 Jo ;JU!ld!:>s!p S:lJ:l ;J41 ;J:>U!S 'p;JWWO :1' ;Jq 14S!W UO!11110U;J41 U! ;J1nq!J1111IILu.Jd ;J41 11141 ;J10N n"".Jldt,-.IIIO.JI'":1 Sl1 p;JSU;JI:>l1J114:>;Jq Ul1:> 3u!lnp;J4:>s Äq p;J:>npOJIU! SW;JlqoJd d04s MOU dIMNOJ SUllnp;J4:>s JoJ UO!11110U ;J\dul ;J41 '(6L61) }O 1;1 W11411J!) . pJl1pUl1lS ;J41 01 SU!pJOJ:>Y '(17961) uo)n;J.1 PUl1 )j;Jpna S;J ;J;JS 'suo!ldwnSSl1 'SUO!1111S 1111 pUl! sqof ;JS;J4IJo IS!I ;J1;Jldwo:> 11J°:l 1111Jo :>I;J 'S;JW!1 3U!ss;J:>oJd :>!IS!U!UJJ;JI;Jp f.1!I!ql1\!11l\l1 SnO;JU111Inw!s ;J41 U! l11m!q114;JS041 ;Jpn\:>u! W;JlqoJd S!41 Jo uo!ll1lnwJoj :;JJml1J;J1!1 SU!lnp;Jq:>s :>!SSl1\:> ;J41 U! ;Jp1!W suo!1dwnSSl1 J;J410 UOlll1lS 4:>11;J U! qof 4:>11;JJo S;JWII SU!ss;J:>oJd ;J41 41!M fiuoll1 :lN ,W;JlqOJd PUl1 LU '11 f.q p;Jq!J:>S;Jp ;Jq 1111:> lU;JlqOJd Ul1dS;J)jl1W ;J41 jO UOlll1S!W!U!W ;J41 S! ;J1\!1:>;Jfqo ;J4.L 'SpJ1!:> jO J;Jqwnu ;J41 UI ;J:>Ul1ISU! UV S!41 jO SI I! PUl1,lN fiulss;J:>oJd dIMNO:) 3u!:>u;Jnb;Js dIMNOJ, f.q U;JI\!S S! p;JMOlll1 dIM '( (L6\ ;J41 SI41 ;JWl1U II!M ;JM 'fiU!MOIIOj ;J41 01 l11nb;J WnW!Xl1W ;J4.L UO!1111S f.q UO!1111SPUl1 qof f.q qof S;JWII IU;JJ;JJJ!P ;J1\11401 SMOlll1 sqof 11jO p;Jsodwo:> S! 801)j:>l1q ;J4.1 SUO!ll1IS LU 41!M ;l1I!1 11 JOj SOI)j:>l1q ;J41 jO liu!:>u;Jnb;ls ;141 S! ;lJ;l4 p;lSS;lJppl1 w;llqoJd }O 1;1Jl1)jll1MUl1d PUl1 '\ L6\ ;J;Js) f.IIUl1:>!J!US!S SISO:> liu!\np;J4:>5 ;J:>np;J,J01 punoj )j;Jpna ;141 'f.lIl1WJ°:l pul1l1ldno '1i';J U;J;Jq s114 UO!ll1S!W!U!W ul1ds;J)jl1W (17) II;JM Sl1 S;JI\!p;Jfqo IUl1!Jodwl .- p;JJJn:>:>o f.Pl1;JJll1 ;J1\11411141 SpUl1W;Jp I :J~II:>;lds 11jO pUl1W;Jp ;J41 JO UO!I:>l1.1S!ll1S ;Jll1lp;JWW! ;J41 j! JO 'pUl1W;Jp J;JWOlsn:> lUOJJ 1- ;Jq ,(l1W SS;JUlpJl1l P;J14fil;JM JO SS;JU!pJl1l.1° 1I01111S!W!UIW;J41 U;J41 'p;JJ!nb;JJ S! qof AI;Jll1lp;JWW! S1InS;JJ fiOI)j:>l1q ;J41 JI 'J;JI\;JMOH 01 puods;JJJo:> SpJl1:> p;JSl1;J\;JJ;J:>U!S 'P;J!lddl1 ;Jq 14S!W S;J111p;Jnp jO JI!:!p lau Sill ;1111IlI0J.I IIII!'\;)I;)J l11q1 S;JI\J;Jsqo ('661) f.;JI)jJ;J8 'IX;JluO:> SI41 ul P;lI\J;lS S! pUl1W;Jp SJ;JlUOISro ;J41 'W;Jlsf.s lind Sl1 1011 ;Jq IlIfillll UO!10U ;J41 M04 !.J01U;JI\UI spoofi P;J4SIU~1 11 \Jul;Jq d\MNOJ S;J,'I!P;I!qo P;)III;lIJO ;)111P;lnp '11;111.1 pou;ld 1I;);}q sl111 11 11141 SlIl1;Jlll SIII.1 1~11:!1 111 'P;}'I:>;JII:> f.lsnO!I\;JJd sqof 1111111111 l;JI\;l1 1111111'0\ P;J4S!ldulo:>:>11 ;Jq 14fillll l:>npoJd 'S;JPIS;J8 lIoll:>npoJd ;1111 I11U~111 UO f.1;J111WIXOJddl1 ;)111 ,(q p;JSOdllll S! nol)j:>l1q ;1111111sqof III! Jql ,11111PI1;JP 11 'SdW pou;Jd uoll:>npoJd 1111Äq p;JII1J;JII;J\J1I;J4M (f) ..-, '.- ..~ illlermcdiale butrers) and the zero or no-wait sequencing problem In the two lalter Ihe iJllermediate butTers are zero, but the no-wait sequence problem is even more restriclive in the sense thaI the staning time of a job on the first machine has to be chosen such thaI the job does not have to wait für its processing on any machine The unconstrained sequencing problem has been studied extensively, and a good reference für zero and no-wait problems is pro\ided by Hall and Sriskandarajah (1996) Ht1we\'er, the intermediate case in which butrers are different from zero and not infinite has been addressed by relatively Cunningham Logendran 1975, Reddi despite it is considered (Wismer few researchers für very specific purposes (Dutta and 1976, Papadimitriou and Sriskandarajah and Kanellakis J993, and Sharadapriyadarshini 1980, Leisten and Rajendran the most realistic situation in many manufacturing 1972, and Reddi and Ramamoonhy considered in principle - (o be more difficult 1972) 1990, } .' 1997), environments Besides, this type of problems is than the extreme cases (Mon on and Pentico 1993) With the exception of Dutta and Cunningham, who develop a dynamic programming procedure to generate optimal solutions with the objective of minimising completion limes for the two-station the maximum problem with limited butTers, the rest ofthe papers are mainly devoted to the development ofheuristics für the problems Maybe the most complete work in this direction is done by Leisten, who compares several heuristics für the m-station flow-shop sequencing problem with different intermediate buffer sizes The tested heuristics include buffer-constrained specific (including Dutta and Cunningham, Reddi, and Papadimitriou and Kanellakis and two new heuristics suggested in the paper) as weil as F .,LormuIC""" heuristics heuristic (Nawaz It turns out thaI the NEH ef GI. 1983), employed foT the unconstrained buffeT problem. performs weil according to the objective of minimising makespan. These results suggest thaI same well-known F..lvrmIIIC , heuristics may be suitable also für the CONWIP problem. which is connected to the buffer-constrained sequencing problem with respect to regarding buffer capacities within the system However, in contrast to fixed buffer sizes between each two machines, the CONWIP problem supposes a fixed number of jobs within the entire system being either processed on a machine or waiting for their next operation 3. The structure of the problem To obtain a first insight info the CONWIP-problem, the empirical distributions of all possible makespans obtained by complete enumeration of I 000 instantes of seven machines 6 'Ci, .i:"c '+"iCC,.,:;;j h --, '. .;;; p;J1U;)lUWO:> A,Sno!I\;)Jd ;)41jO snoll\;)Jd IS;)J ;)41 {wnw!ldo ;);)J41 ;)41 jO ;)41 ;Jl\oql! ;)41 U! UI!41 uo!lnlos OMI %1 L U;);)MI;)q ~41Jo %800 ;)SI!:> S!41 uI "{;)ldwl!x;) ;)41 Jo % I AluO 01 lU;);)S S;)I\Jro %vZO) Ul!ds~)(l!w Ilro~!P UJ;)lll!d ~A!II!I;)J ;)41 ';)J;)H S;)wo:>;)q uo!lnlos ;)4! U! ;)1\!!I!!u;)s;)Jd;)J ;)4! S! SpJI!:> JnoJ) SpJI!:> UI! JoJ P;)4:>I!;)J S! w;)!!l!d OL'~ UO!ll!lnUJJ;)d ;)41 ;)SI!:> J;)410 AUI! U! UI!41 J;)MO\ ;)JI! ;)\np;)4:>s pooä IS~"I!U SI! S;)4:>I!;)J UO!lnq!JIS!P ;)41 ;).\oql! %1 ISOW II! ;)JI! suo!lnlos I! äu!pug ;)II!IP;)WJ;)!U! IlI!WS I! SM04s puo:>;)S ;)41 SO I! SI!4 uo!!nlos Ul!ds;»)(l!w pooä I! äu!pu!:l pJI!:> MOIAJ;lA ,; !S;)q ;)4! ;)I\oql! WOPUI!J I! pUl! 'wnw!!do ASI!;) J;)4!I!J S! uo!!n\os pUl! '- SpJI!:> OM! -!uno:> S;lAJro Jo SUJ;I!!l!d ;I;IJ4! AIlI!:>!Sl!q ;lJI! ;lJ;l4! ;)41 . Ul!ds;I)(l!w I! JoJ P;lU!I!!qo S! !1!4! U;I;lS ;lq UI!:> !! 'I ;lJnäg WOJ:l ;lq! uo äu!pu;ld;lp ';lU!4:>I!W-U;lA;lS I! U! SUl!ds;I)(l!w ;)4!Jo 09~ SUO!I!SUI!JI lu;)s;)Jd;)J ISOW II! ;)JI! SUl!ds;»)(l!w ;)41 Jo pooiJ I! pug 01 J;)!SI!;) S! I! pUl! 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(66 PU\! ;lUO U;I;lMI;lq II!W!!do SI Iuno:> pJI!:> I! JoJ p;lUll!lqo SJ;I~;lIUI) S;lWI! fiul~s;I:>oJd u;I;lq S\!4 ;I:>U\!ISUI 4:>\!3 S;I:>U\!ISUI ;ls;l41 UIO.U P;lI\!IOd\!J1X;I ;Jq 14fil1ll AluO 4nn04111! 'IU;llqOJd "".,)VII/I./(~w:1 U;J;)MI;)q S;):>U;Jj;),UIP PU\! S;lIIIJ\!I!UIIS 1\!;lI\;lj A\!llI SI41 ;141 PU\! IU;llqOJd-dIMNOJ P;lI\!lrol\!:> ;141 u;laq ;)I\\!4 sqof U;lI\;lS PUl! 'i'" ..~ ~I patterll~ For instance, the CONWIP six cards curve nearly lits the Ilow-shop makespan di~t ribution However, second pattern jobs from a practical out look it seems there should be a focus primarily onto the thaI is when the card count is neither very low nor close to the number of The first problem is easy to salve and even a 'bad' sequence does not have as much impact on the system performance For the laffer case, we can use numerous techniques developed für the F;'!fJrmIIICmn., problem additional problem Besides of discussing the second pattern itselt: an therefore arises from determining the borderline between the second pattern. ie the 'real' CONWIP-problem, and the third pattern, ie . , 1 li . the ordinary permutation tlow shop case 150 1\ \ \ I -pefm \ ~ 100 f E ~ ; '!! 0 , ' ,', ' ' " \...' .' ..'\ ~ E , ~ '., ,'.:, ':', \ I ' \ 50 g ".' :"'.. I -CONWIP.6cards :', ' \\ " ", ; :' ", " :, ;,'. " """ \..' ., 0 500 700 ftow-shop CONWIP -2 cards CONWIP -3 cards ---CONWIP-4cards -CONWIP.5cards , '. 900 1100 1300 1500 makespan Figure 2: Empirical In figure 2, the distributions are shown The distributions distributions ofthe optimal makespans of the optimal makespan für the I 000 problem instances are almost symmetric While für six cards instances, the optimal values of the makespan coincide with those obtained für the permutation flow-shop, the situation is different when the number of cards is lower A more exhaustive analysis by inspection of the vectors of the optimal job sequences confirms thaI these vectors, within this small numerical problem, study, are identical für the six cards problem and für the flow-shop and almost the same in most of the instances of the five cards problem as compared with the flow-shop problem However, the analysis reveals thaI, in general, the vl:ctor of the optimal solutions für two, three and four cards are different as compared with thosc obtained für the ordinary permutation flow- shop case 8 " , 6 lI\\Oll'l SI S~W!I ilulss~:JOJd ~41,IO lIO!lnq!JISlp S14.L 66 01 ~lIO WOJ) ilu!nul!J S~W!I nlllss~:JoJd WOPUI!J411M p~II!J~u~8 u~~q ;)\1!4 S~:JUI!ISU!U~I ~lN pUl! IU '11)0 1~ld!JI U~A!D I! J°:l UOIP~S sno!A~Jd ~41 U! P~lu~s~Jd sw~lqoJd)o UJ~lll!d ISJ!J ~4101 ~u!puods~JJo:J s~:JUI!}SU!f.SI!~ ~41 P!OAI!O} J~pJO U! 11O} }:Jads~J4}IM Mol !.JaA SI!M.lN 4:J14M J UI ~S04} pUl! (asl!:J "'"".)lnlUJdjw.1 a4} oS! 11!4})11U1!4} Ja4D!4 JO Il!nb~ SI!M SpJI!:J)O J~qwnu ~41 4:J!4M U! .lN 3 .lN )0 las pUl! (lU '11»)0 SUOIII!U!qwO:JaS04} apnpxa II!}O} I! WOJ) 'aJo)aJ~4.L ~M 'I SZ'Oz'SI'S ('ZI 'OI'S'S) W~}sf.s dIMNOJ I! .. ~ U! UO!}I!n}!S ,ll!aJ, I!)O S~A!}I!}uasaJd~JSI! wa4} daa)( aM }nq '(""'.JlnlUJdjw d O} Jasop) uJa}}l1dPJ!4} a4} O} Ja}}aq .. puodS~J f.l1w sw~lqOJd ~4} )0 alUOS}114}~S!I11aJ~M s}uaw!J~dxa a4} äuluulU JaYI1 'paapu( AI!I\\ 11!4}U! aA114aqII!M sa:Jul1}SU!~4} 11!4}~~IUI1Jl1näOU al\1!4 ~M 4än04}111'UO!}:J~Ssno!I\;lJd ~4} U! passros!p UJ~}}l1d pUO:J~S~4} O} asop sw~lqOJd as04} 4:J}11:JO} pa!J} aM '.LN JO) s~nll11\~4} O} }:J~ds~J 4}!M I(oz'o() '(O('O() '(Oz'OZ) '(01'0z) '(OI'S() '(01'01)} 3 (lU'lI) SMOIIO)SI1padolal\ap uaaq al\1!4 sa:Jul1}SU! a4} 'sn4.L SJadl1dpa}!:J f.(sno!I\aJd a4} U! puno) IU PUI111JO) S~n(l11\uowwO:J }SOW~4} uas04:J al\1!4 aM 'uo!}!sod a}l!!p~UJJa}u! UI1äu!}doPV SL(O}SLI OWoJ)s!~äuI!J~4}(1661)DUI14JPUI10HU!~1!4M'SZO}auowoJ) : SaDUI1J I! (066 () PJI1I1!I1.L U! O!II1JS!41)0 SII1AJ~}U!Jap!M Jal\o:J suo!}:Jall°:J wa(qoJd al\!su;I}xa ;lJOW 'pul14 Jatj}o atj} uo '(S661 's~I\a~~Jo paq-}sa} atj} woll Ua)(l1}[v '(Iv] 3) San(I1Atjä!tj f.lal\!}I1(;lJ O} (S661 jV la !pJoäaz PUI1'(S61 [I ,0] IV la Z11MI1Nf.q pa}I1Jauaäsa:JUI1}SU! ~tj} WOll 3 ) S~n(l11\MOl !.Jal\ WOJ) sa!Jl11\O!}I1JS!tj} 'p~apuJ wa(qoJd dOtjS-MOLJUO!}I1}nwJ~d ~tjl 01 p~}I1(aJSJ~dl1dU! paU!I1}UO:Js}uaw!Jadxa atj})O uä!sap atj} U! S!tj} JoJ äu!}}~s Jl1lrollll1d ou puno) al\l1tj ~M 'SllnsaJ ;ltjl UO ~:Ju;lnLJU!awos al\l1tj }4IJ!W lU/li OI}I1Ja4} 4IJn04}IV aU!tj:JI1W4:J11;1 uo qof tj:Jl1aJo aw!} äu!ssa:JoJda4} tj}!M Ja4}aBo} iN pUl! IU '11f.q ual\!B aJI1w~lqoJd """.)ld!.lllIo.Jlw.1 ~41 U! s:J!}S!JapI1Jl1tj:Jwa\qoJd a4} ';)JoJaq P;)UO!IU;)W sv pall!J;)uaIJ U~;)q s114swalqoJd ISal)O I;)S I! 's:J!lsun;)4 luaJ;).!J!pa}l1nll11\;)01 J;)pJO U( 1~ I S;)!}S!.ln~q JO uoS!.llIdwoJ ..., .. p;)dOlal\;)p ~q O} al\114W;)lqOJd-dIMNOJ ~41 .10.1S;)tj:Jl1oJddl1111I:Jads jOU)( """.)I(/!,IIlIv.Jlw..1 JO) )(JOM OS(11 f.;)tj} Ja4}a4M pa)(:Ja4:J;)q 01 ISI!;)1111~I\114W;)lqoJd """.>lmUJ(~'"..1 ;)41 JO) SP041;)W;)\ql1l!nS }1141Sa}I1:JlpulS14.L IU;)J;),UIP I ;lJI! suollnlos ,10 ;):Jl1ds ;)41 )0 ~.lnpruIS ;)1{1 pUl! sa:Ju;)nb;)s I11Wlldo ;)1{1OSII1 Inq "(S;lWI! lIOll;lldlllOO ~41 s;lnJl!llI~ SpJI!;) ,10 ~sn ;11{1;):1l1IS'SI101l\qO SI I{:J!I{M} IlI;)J~lIIP ;1.11!lIOII:1l1lll ,)\IIJ;lfqo ;)1[1)0 sallll!I\ ;11[1"\lIO IoN UI;)lqoJd """, )"'IUJ(~'"..I ;)1{1UIOJj IUaJ;).UlpS! '1I!J;)lI;)fi III 'llI;1IQOJd""u. )ld!,llIlI),JI,u.'1;)I{} 11!1{1 S! "Pli!!' 11!:Ju;)wnll IIl!lllS S!l{ljO ;)UIO:JIIIOlI!l!lll ;11{1. i;i)! -, 11'prOdllCCditlicull schcdulillg prohll'ms «'amphelll'I "i 1970, arId Dannenbring 1977) In lolal, (he tesl-bed contains 180 instances The tested heuristics are those due to Palmer (1965), Gupta (1971), CDS (Campbell el "i 1970), RA or Rapid Access (Dannenbring 1977),and the previously mentionedof NEH Thc Ihree latter perform makespancalculation in several consecutive steps, so the card numher limitation must be explicitly laken into account We will call them CONWIP-CDS, CONWIP-RA and CONWIP-NEH to indicate thaI in the evaluation of partial schedules,the !,.' available number of cards has beenlaken into account For the Palmerand Gupta heuristics, ,.i no specific adaptation is required, since both are based in the construction of indices, taking ;': into account exclusively the processinglimes of thejobs. Besides the above mentioned heuristics, we also test the PF (Profile Fitting) heuristic, introduced by McCormick et al (1989) and proposed in Pinedo (1995) für the flow-shop with limited intermediate storage problem In this heuristic, the first job of the sequenceis the one with the smallest sum of processinglimes This job generatesa ~ determined by ils departure limes from every machine The next job to be sequencedis chosenamong the remainingjobs in order to fit the profile ofthe previous job (that is, to minimise the idle and blocking time in the machines during the processing of this job) The procedure is repeated until all jobs are arranged This heuristic has been also adapted für a CONWIP system in the calculations of the profiles of the jobs taking into account the availability of cards,so in the following it will be namedCONWIP-PF. T 0 compare the relative efficiency of the heuristic, an upper bound of each instancehas beeIl found by long runs (about 10 000 objective function evaluations) of a standard simulated annealingalgorithm The quality of the solutions is representedby the percentage deviation of this upper bound In table 1, the mean percentage deviation from the best known solution of each type of problem is presented The results shown in table 1 reveal that the NEH heuristic is by rar the most suitable among the tested heuristics. The poor performance of the CONWIP-RA heuristic is ., '~. surprising to a certain extent, since it is usually considereda rather suitable heuristic für the FmVJrml/IC..,., problem when short computation limes are required (Taillard, 1990) This reinforccs the idea al ready expressedin section :; thaI suitable methodsfor the f;"VJrmlllr.." problem may not work weil für f;"lcCJllwip!('""" 10 , . S:lllsun;Jlf J;JlfIO lfllM paJl!dwo:l 01 s;I:lLlanbasqnsJO Jaqwnu all1 jO JapJO 11!!I!U!alll 'snll1 ~~ SI? aj!JI?I Jalfll!J SI :lllsunall-H3N alll 111p;lll!nll?lIa aq P;lJOldxa aq 01 j!U!Off aJI! 11!1I1 suollnlos alfl spunoq sqor alfl SUO!ll?nll!lIaalll jO ISaJ alll JOJ paU!I!IU!I!WS! JapJO S!1I1'alnpall:)s (I!!Ul!d I! U! paIlS!\ql!}Sa uaaq SI!ll sqO[ OMI UaaM}aq JapJO a:)uapa:)aJd I! a:)uo pa:)uanbas uaaq alll!lI sqO[ \II! 1!}Un uo os pUl! AISnoäoll!UI! paJap!SuOJ S! 1 asl!lId WOJJ l 'Jf qo[ 'uall1 auo asl!lId Aq uall!D' sqo[ / .Jf ISJ9 asall} JOj :l:>uanbas all!}I!\aJ SI! }da,! SI sqo[ / " Jf alll Jo.JalUl1 uollaldwo:) wnw!ulw alll i!ulplalA a:luanbas all} 'sa:)uanbas / !f asalll jO Ino sqo[ . . '-, . 'qo[ puo:)as all} pUl! }SJ9 alll UaaM}aq 'a:)uanbas S!1I1 Jo qo[ }SJ9 alll Jo IUOJjU! pa:)l!ld " !f pa:ll!ld AISnO!AaJdalll Jo a:)uanbas Uall!3 all} Jo qo[ 1I}Jfall} pUl! }s/-Jf all} UaaM}aq AIII!U9 pUl! ' S! / .Jf qo[ 'sqo[ Jf }SJ9 all} JoJ pau!wJa}ap Ap1!aJ11! :l:>uanbas I! D'u!soddns :asl!lId ISJ9 alll Jo JapJo II!!}IUI all} WOJJii'U!}I!UI3!J0 sa\npall:)s \1!!Ul!d all} 3u!}l!nl~Aa Aq pa}:)ru}suo:) S! a:)uanbas qor ~ 'as~lfd puo:)as all} U!II}!/'t, S;lW!} ii'U!ss:l:>oJdJ!all} Jo swns äu!pua:)sap 01 }:)adsaJ 111!M pafiu~JJe aJI! sqO[ all} }SJ9 :sas~lIcI OMI O}U! P;>P!II!PAII11:>!S~q aq U11:> :)!}S!Jnall S!1I1 :)!}s!Jnall H3N all} JO JnO!II~lIaq Jo!Jadns all} JOJ SUOS~J PU9 O} sa!J} }uaw!Jadxa puo:)as y pall!lnwls.\q S:)!IS!Jn;JIIall} JOJ(1I:)~OJdd~äu!\~auu~ punoq Jaddn) UO!}nIOSIsaq all}Jo UO!I~!Aapaä~}u:l:>Jadu~W L';Ctl I.tll( 1H!lr '111., !'rStr ~hCr'lr 6SL.Z (fh a L(S.. ~t'lll, r(Ctr """LZ S'IcIJl 'MKl"h, IKI19r IMMl"hZ 96LU tSLSr 16fa fL9.f 69CU hL9rf (Slf9( (~>IISt 9L179r 100Sf (17S9l !!I~tf '>SSOl '>11661 L91!'r SSlsr !'Ll:"fZ LSlf6r S99"CZ 9fl1"6l S9fI"Ol 61Llc 16t"LI Llll"tl (6(1"Ir S69S S~SSI 61~O, ~~sa ~S6S (69171 (ScSI 6910t 6(~81 ttC"OI SSc6 rlL(1 S~I:SI ~r6tr (,Ssr L6L.!' ~~S(I I7f~SI OSSfl (Klllr !'~S61 IK)~SI LLStl IKI~111 ILS:l1 9I~8l LI:IOI rl:IOI 176~0I ttcS LL~tl !'tcS ofllll ciS '11 SI7fS SLlftl f(,C')I S?r6 I7'X,tl (1'1')1 th~SI III,L'II Oflf(, h9cS 'JlLhl ~.S.I f(11I tl.~11 giLt "'I!OI,i ~"" ~I tL' \1 IIlfl:l l"Il'~ vii~,II.\\~()~~~I';II,"NW-""iiiiIii~i --~I~;;j--~I.)-.IIh\N<);) 1 ;)Iqll.l 8SS"9 :u."w SISI: SUOUI)( 917C( oUllr/1l( I7OC9 OI/OUO( ~9101 SI/OUOl r~CI:I ~I/Or/1)r ~LI:"Sl OI/Ouor fZS( SUOI/o( 81S( OUOI/Of SLSS OI/OI/Of a~~ T' ~I/III/IIr a~~ ;,) I SI/OI/ll, fS9~ ~\ OI/III/Ol IIS( ","'i ZI/III/SI IScl7 OI/III/~I SLI9 !!IOI/SI OLfI"L S/OI/SI 6161 X/III/111 hl9t S/III/III II,IN..IIMN<).)-UNiii;ü1 """ ""'1""",1 ; Thcrcll,re, also 1'or the CONWIP-problem performance of the CONWIP-NEH setting it can be analysed whether the excellent heuristic is based on the large number of evaluatiolls, tlJe initial sequence of jobs generated in phase one, or on the combination ofboth Therefore, in an additional experiment, we try to evaluate the contribution of the initial order of jobs to the CONWIP-NEH heuristic's performance To do this, we have run the ('ONWIP-NEH heuristic's phase 2 star1ing from a randomly generated initial order of jobs, replacilJg the initial order generation according to sums of processing limes I ' The results indicate to what extent the final sequence in a NEH heuristic is caused by the initial order of ., the jobs (phase I) and how much is due to the evaluations of the par1ial sequences (phase ., r 2) .1 Problem size IIlm/N"r 10/10/IJ5 CONWIP-NEH NEH 4.619 9136 6.452 10/10/08 1919 2997 2553 15/10/05 7.U7" 16115 8172 15/10/08 6175 13.353 6267 1;/111/10 1;/10/12 4251 3811 ;8;9 3811 4339 4.587 20/10/10 5683 IU 845 5573 20/10/15 5523 ;523 3608 20/10/18 ;.;23 ;;23 3608 i 311/111/10 ;57; 8843 ;941 i 311/111/2" ';18 3518 4670 3U/I0/2; 3;23 3.;23 4675 2837; 36753 30641 20/20/1; 13.7;2 21.832 14697 20120/18 10.165 10.207 10.545 311/20/10 6704 13093 8.034 30/20/20 3 746 52% 4620 30/20125 3;18 3518 4309 Mean: 6.858 9.986 7,-105 20/20/10 Table 2 Mean percentage deviation ofthe RANDOM-NEH i : ~ best solution für the heuristics ~ t .. Besides, the NEH permutation tlow-shop heuristic is by rar the best constructive sequencing problem (Taillard heuristic known für the ~ 1990), although its main shor1coming is the time required to arrive to the solution. compared with other heuristics This is because the NEH heuristic is O(/? m), while Gupta's. RA and Palmer's are O(lIlog(lI) CDS is 0(11 m2 + m 1110g(lI) ) As mentioned before, in CONWIP + 11m), and sequencing, it is not 12 ~"i:;;c;:".' ~, -~ iiii ;141.10 JJllIJ:J SMolloJ ~~ ;)41 1I1 S;)UIII nlllss;):JoJd jO lllll~ jO Pli;) ;)41 1I! JO nll!lIlIln;)q sqof ;)41 ;)nuI1JJI1 'pUOJ;)S 'ISJt/ p;)sl1q 'w~lqoJd J;14n14 411M sqf:!f ;)41 nu!II1:J°1l11 ';)IIlP;)4:>~ ;)41 ;)41 1I1f.1;)I\III1UJ;)1111sqof ;)41 ;)111:>01111 .AIII1U!:! J;)pJO nlllpll;):>SI1 1I1 'W;)lsf.s ;)41 U! qof 4JI1;) jO S;)W!1 \i'U!ss;)JOJd ~41 Jo wns ;)41 ;)ll1lnJII1:> SI1 s~II1J;)do 1I ~Iru \i'u!Ju;)nb~s dlMNOJ \i'U!4Jll1ds!p ;)ldwlS ;)41 JoJ J!ls!Jn;)4 11 ;)sodoJd ~M S!SAII1UI1~l\oql1 ;)41 1I0 ISI1J11 ;)P!I\OJd 01 JJpJO U! 'AIII1UI:! ;)111!JdOJddl1;)q 01 UO!1111J;)dX~S!41IS;)jj3'ns AIII1!\Jl1d 4D'n041111 'S!S;)410dh4 J;)4\Jn:! S!41 ;)snJ;)J JO WJt/UOJ 01 Ino 'iJU!uul\i'~q ;)41 WOJJ SpJIIJ ou ~1\11411141 sqof .lN 01 ;)1\114h;)41 11!41 ;)np 'W;)ISAS ;)41 D'U!J;)IU;) sqof iN ;)41 JO wns 11!!~1!d ;)41 ;)S!W!U!W Isnw s;)lnp~4Js -11 -sqof Sllns;)J ;)lql1l!111\11 ;)q 01 SI14 4JJI1;)S;)J ;)J1!d 1! d~~'I . sqof \i'U!WOJUI -S;)lIO ISJg ;)41 ;)4111!41 ;)lq1!J!S;)P ;)JOW ;)q II!M I! 'P11'JISUI su1!ds~'I1!w 11!!~1!d ;)41 ;)SIW!U!W 11!!~1!d p003 U!1!lqO 01 IU1!~OdW! 'I~A AI!J1!w!Jd 10U S! I! W~lqOJd ,- .J1l!!.flIIO:JI'".:I J11'Jp 10U ;)J1! SUOS1!;)J ;)41 J;)MOI 41!M S;)S1!J ;)41 JoJ S;)S11'JJJ;)P;)Ju1!WJojl;)d UOU 41!M D'U!I11'JP U;)4M UO!I1!I!W!1 dlM H3N ~!JJ11J -11 Isl1l ~41 JoJ SpJIIJ ;)41 ;)plI\OJd ISJg ~41 JoJ IS11'J1111S;)W!1 MOll 11!!~1!d ;)S~41 'SpJOM J;)410 ul ;)41 JoJ SpJI1J ~S1!~I;)J AIJ1!ln3~J UI1J 11!41 W;)ISAS ;)41 4D'noJ41 AIJl1lrol~1!d 11141s;)Ju;)nb;)s 11 UI 11!41 ;)111J!PU! 14D'!W S!41 -dlM AI4nnOJ S!4.L 01 J!lsIJn;)4 410q J;)I\;)U;)4M J;)11111;)4} s.H3N-dIMNOJ P;)U!1!lqo ;)J1! sllns;)J ;)41 lunOJJ1! ;)41 JoJ IU;)!J!yns sllns;)J 48n0411V 'junOJ pJ1!J 'S;)JU1!}SU! P;)U!I1JISUOJ H3N-dIMNOJ 01U! 3U!'I1!1 }n041!M }S;jq ~4} 11!41 SU1!;)W uo!lnlOS ;)W1!S ;)41 U!111qo S! SpJI1JJo J;)qwnu ;)4} U~4M 'S! 11!41 ';)P!JU!OJ SJ!ls!Jn;)4 IS;)q SI! SU!1!}qo J;)}I1!1 ;)4} PU1!4 J;)4}0 ;)4} UO PU1! }SJg ;)41 S;)}1!U!WOP PU1!4 ;)UO uo }1!41 ~S .';)S1!J O} AS1!;)S! I! 'H3N-dIMNOJ pUl! H3N 3u!J1!dwoJ S!41 01 P;)PU;)IX;) ~q UI1J SUO!snpUOJ Sno!I\;)Jd ~41 11141M04s w~lqoJd ".".)IIIIU,I(~'":{ ~41 JoJ ((661 H::JN-dIMNOJ sqof PJ1!II!1!.L) f.JI1Jq!1 S,PJ1!II!1!.L uo Ino SUIJojl;)dlnO ;)41 jO J;)pJO U;)I\;) H3N-~OaNY~ 11!!I!UI ;)41 01 ;)41 10U PU1! s;)Ju;)nb;)s jO uO!ll1nll1l\;) ;)4} 01 hIU!1!W ;)np SI H3N-dIMNOJjO J;)4111J;)JI1 H3N-~OaNY~ '- SpJ\!JjO ;)41 fiu!'I1!1 AII!J!ldx;) J;)qwnu ;)lql1l!111\11 ;)41IunOJJI1 ;)1\114 ;)M lu~lqoJd $1 ~JIIl!I~II! P~!JJI1J Slu;)w!J~dx;) 'S;)S1!J ;)WOS U! 11!!~1!d Jo ;)JUl1wJojJ;)d ;)41 PU1! H3N-dIMNO:) 4}!M uo!lnlos UO!ll1lndwoJ J;)4\Jn:! 'hlnUIS!JdJns snOWJOU;) ;)41 'J1!I!WIS "11 , ;)41 '(11101 ul l ;)WII ;)41 U! IUIlO:>JI1 . S!41 p;)l1!nl1!l\;) ;)1\114;)M SpJ1!MJ;)YI1 OIU! fiU!'t11111l041!M 'SI 11141- Jlls!Jn~4 4J1!;) JOj 'IunOJJI1 alU! S!41 ;)'tl!1 °.L 1011 S! 11JO (dIMNO.) 1I11jO J;)qwnu ;)4111141 fiu!llIJ!pU! ;)41 jO ;)JU1!wJojJ;)d , ;)lq1!1 Ul 1I.~04s ;)J1! sllns;)J ;)4.L OIU! SpJI1J Jo J;)qwnu ;)41 lIru 101l $1 ;\;)Ul!I$Ul UI;)lqOJd ;141 1l!41 I;)l!) ;)41 01 ;1llp !;I ~1::IN.l° 1I1 11!41;\lj 14'iJIUI 11'$1l4.L \1;\,\II;)~lIJ fiUlII;)S H3N dll\\NOJ l1!ulfi!JO ,;)nJI, l! ;1:JII\!IIIJo.l.I;ld poon ;141 $~Sl!:J ;111l()$ ;)Jnd) ~pJl!:J.l° J;1ljUlllll ;)41 Aq P;)UIl!JI$lI();) lIO111110$ 1I111111do~41 J;141~4'" !.IV!.II{ " MOli,! 01 ;)Iljls$od 8.,,\11;.;: schedule Note thaI this can be achieved by placil1g the shortest proces~ing time job at the beginnil1g of the sequence or at the end Col1sequently, two possible s~quences might be originated in this manner. beil1g one the inverse of the other In the proposed 'Centre' dispatching rule, we evaluate both of them al1d we chose the one with the best value of the makespan For instance, if the ascending order of the sums of their processil1g limes of a cenain problem instance with six jobs is (1,2,3,4,5,6), schedules (1,3,5,6,4,2) and (2,4,6,5.3,1) the results of the di~patching rule are the -. The rationale für this procedure is as follows in a CONWIP system it is imponant thaI the jobs entering in the first places have a shon processing time, since the cards thaI are 1 " -J attachcd to them must be used für funher jobs This is a critical condi\ion für the first jobs, since a delay of the first jobs is propagated along the sequence On the other hand, entering the jobs with higher processing times at the end causes the makespan 10 be enlarged, and most of the time gained within processing the first jobs is spoiled by large processing limes at the end of the schedule Thus für a CONWIP system, the location of a job with high processing time is less harmful with respect to the makespan of the sequen~.if middle ofthe sequence. ,IlIlIfNT Palme. C.:nl.e SPT LPT 1986() 740:1 17494 22103 12528 26.47t 13829 19990 20.387 t7726 t6790 22116 11.572 17758 20460 24187 19.288 t6.613 26.098 16.614 22085 24841 28126 14817 16793 27932 20894 24631 26290 28357 15/1()/12 13181 16512 28635 21540 25287 26966 29025 2()/10/10 18761 18571 2766() 20196 25561 27019 29458 2()/11)/15 14055 1851XJ 29.<nJ 21573 26.355 27403 29525 20/10/111 1-1055 185tXJ 29'<KJ() 21573 26355 27403 29525 ,()/I()/IO 31)/10/20 179()2 11962 2t.300 18534 28.783 32673 t6.753 20110 2401K) 25276 23481 24944 27826 27441 . 30/10/25 20/2U/10 21)/2U/15 11968 39899 244-18 18539 42797 25823 3267920.115252822495027447 4586(1 33483 42U54 43968 35201 276<17 28.336 31462 411167 31581 .. 2()/21)/18 20469 24925 345111 27686 28234 31468 31178 30/20/10 167116 18.358 19986 13672 17517 175.'8 21829 ,0/2()/20 13732 21093 28.'115 20862 24666 23425 24030 ~0/~0/25 140()-\ 21719 29057 2149-1 25'20 24)167 24677 Me..: t7.362 20.065 29. t(l(, t9.832 24.789 26.010 27.7-16 10/10/115 Gupta CONWIP.RA it is in the 14849 13274 10/IO/lJ8 IIOIJI 15/10/05 21.359 15/10/08 15/10/tO Taille 3 Mean percentage deviation ofthe 14 gIRO 19.322 best solution für the dispatching rules $', SI41 w:llqoJd fiu!:>u:lnb:ls dIM~O') s~ :14101 P;\PU:lIX:I :lq IOUU\!:I w:I\qoJd ""',)I"'I/.I(~'.:I JO,I p:lsn AII"JsS:l:>:>nss:>!ls!Jn:l4 u"ou'I-II:lM 896fv L918t 8(5LI 6Z81l 19L05l 59t08l 09tOl LIII~l 610"Ll IIS~6l aMIs t'JOOtl LI_LI ~O Zt IMMrvl 1955Z R_LLI I-(,tLI oLdl "'ciS :141 1\!41 le:ll\:lJ Slu:lWIJ:ldx:I :141jO sllns:lJ :141 suo!snpu°.:J (p:lI:J:lI:lS :lJe IU pue 11U:I,'!1I \! JOj.lN Is:lMol :lljlljl!M 081°LI ZL9fl (8t"f( (5,91 9610l lL~11 ((/tL 8LiLl 98661 (1985v (1I,8l 099Ll 911ll 09861 "JII"'.) ~-cll!t\NO') .S s:I:JueISu! AIUO)s:J!ls!Jn:l4 :lljl JOj uO!1nlos 1s:lq :lljljO UO!le!l\:lp :lS1I1u:I:JJ:ldU\!:lW 11It"(l 9lllLl ffil"Zl Zl('61 S:I:JU1I1SU! dIMNOJ 8t81l 85('111 L6,l~ ()()(,Il ILSIII 06L91 ~Ll(1 "Idn!) ~ :llqll.l 6L51l 'J(IL91 :u"w '", OI/ollO( 66116( OI/olml l06LI UI/OI/lI": 19L81 Olmlml 6S('ll 6t8H ~Iuled ~1J/i)I/~1 sO/OlmI J.Nf\1Ij\1 :lJnd 1S0W:lq1 U! 'S! 1eq1 'J:lMOI S! SpJe:JjO J:lqwnu :lq1 U:l4M :llqel!nS AIJlI(n:J!~lId S! :I(ru Su!q:J111ds!p (1IJ1U:!:J :lq1 ~eq1s~s:I&'Sns SI41 S,J:lW(lId SU!pnl:JU! 'S:J!~S!Jn~4J~ljIO ~ql SWJOjJ:ld1nosqO[ ~q~)O UO!1nq!J~S!PleJlu~:> :141's:lse:J :IS~41 UI SUOllelS pue sqof jO J~qwnu U~I\Ijj'e JOj IS~MOi ~4~ S~SpJ1I:> jO J~qwnu ;1414:>!4M U! S~:JUlIISU!:lS041 01 nulpUOdS;1JJO:J UMOqSS! sw:llqoJd 09 jO l:lSqns e 'Ir :llqel U( SpJ1I:> jO J:lqwnu J~MOI 41!M sw:llqOJd :lS041 JOj s~Su1I4:>UO!~lIm!s S!q~ '~(ru Su!q:>llIds!p 11IJlu:I:>;1ql ueq1 J~1~~q s:ll\eq:lq :JIIS!Jn:lq J:lW(lId :lql 'IleJ~I\O ~q~ uo qSnoqllV J:l11111 ~41 ueq1 J:lISlIj q:Jnw SU!:lq 'J~wled 01 f.IJe(!w!s pue '~-dIMNOJ ueljl J:lII:lq s~l\elj:!q 1\ ~(ru O~\S ~q~ PUlI (~JIU~J '1dl '1dS) S;lW!1 SU!ss:I:JOJd:lq1 uo p:lseq AI;I!OSs:llru 1Iu!Ij:J1eds!pJnOj ;lq1jO 1U:I!:J!lI~~sow :lq1 S! sqof S;lWII fiu!ss:I:JOJdJ~q1l!q ;l1(ljO UO!lnq!J1S!PleJlu:I:J :lq1leql J1I;I(:JS! I! '( :llqe1 WOJ.,! pue eldna 1 f.q P:lp!I\OJd :lsoql 4nl1oql(1I ':llqlll:J;JI~:lU :lJlI S;J:>U;JJ~lJ!P ~:JUIS;lJ:l4 p;l~od;JJ 0'1 SJ:lqlo :lql JOj ueql J:lq~!q f.llq~!IS :lJlI S:J!IS!Jn~qJ;lw(ed 10U ;lJe S;JW!I f1dJ le41 :lION S:>IISIJI1:14 S,J:lWllId PUlIs,eldna f :llq\!1 U! UM04S :lJ\! IU:lWIJ;ldX:l S!ql jO SIII1S;lJ:141 'V~ - ~ 1 'W;JllJOJd1Iul:>u:ll1b~sd04S-MOLJ~41 JOj s:J!lslJn;\4 II'JIS\1.1J41 JOj P:lU!\!lqo ;lS041 4111\'~llnS:lJ :141 p:lJedwo:J osle;lM :llru (J~pJO wopue~ I11J.1I,'IJ;\S)O~IS :141Pli\! '~II1J (S;lIUlolonuISS;\:JOJc/ Is~fiuOl) 1dl :141 ':I(ru (S;lWI1 1IuISS;I:JOJd 1~."l1J04S)1dS :141 P;)I:I~I;)S ~1\\!4 ,"11\,UO~IJ\!dwo:J Jo.,! s~(nJ nU!4:JI\!dSlp UOIUWO:>J:lI(IO 1(11,"nuOI\! SIU:lIQOJd.10 I:lS P;\l]IJ:>$JpAI~11011\;lJd :11(1Uo :Jlls!Jn~4 SI41 p:lIS:l1 :l1\\!1( :IM ::)" might bc seen as a contirmation dillcrent thaI 1'..,VJrmlll( '..." and 1';'It.'/J/lwipl( '...:, are, in general, problems, as it is derived from the results obtained in section 3 As lar as simple heuristics are concerned, CONWIP-RA to ofter very good clearly outperformed the behaviour results with short computation by the other heuristics of the NEH heuristic, heuristic, which is considered limes in the I'~,v)rmlll( '..." problem, is For more elaborate heuristics, it appears thaI which otTers the best results among the tested heuristics, is partly due to the numerous partial evaluations of sequences, and partly due to the fact that same problem instances are not WIP-constrained .. Finally. a simple dispatching rule is devised for the CONWIP sequencing problem This rule has proven to be panicularly suitable for those instances with lower card count I In -t these situations, the rule also clearly outperforms the more common fast heuristics used for the F;'VJrmIIIC""" problem The study presented here can be extended detinitely: As rar as the relation of n, m and NT as weil as the structure of the processing limes are concemed, the border li ne between simple flow shop behaviour of a problem relevance of the CONWIP constraints dispatching the CONWIP developed rules exploiting or a problem instance respectively can be explored problem Additionally, and the heuristics and structure in more detail might be We plan work on these aspects However, the study presented here gives a first insight into the structure ofthe sequencing problem ofCONWIP problem settings References Berkley, B. 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':) '110IJIIWIP\!dl!d 8f-6Z dd ',!JO). MaN 'SUOIIl!Jllddl! SI! pUl! nUllnpa4JS jO AJOa41uo wn!SOdWASa41 uo sfiu!pa',}JOJd w',})qOJd fiu!)npa4JS II!IJISnpU! a41 pUl! 4JJI!asaJ fiu!Juanb',}s 'fL61 '. ~ '411WS pUl! 'y ~ ',!apno 's S 'J\!)j)I!MUl!d LOI-IOI '91 "{f.liJ/JVI/() 1f.7JViJ,I'iJ~//vllli!/v./iJdO wnw!ldo-Jl!au I! äu!u!l!}qo jO p041aw ,!J!nb I! aw!} 11!101wnWIUIW a4} U! ssaJoJd a31!}S!llnW I! 43nOJ4} sqor 3u!Juanbas '~96\ 's 0 'JaW(l!d ~6-\6 'lI 'V[):J}'VO wa\qoJd 3U!Ju',}nb'.}sd04s-MOLJqor -u 'auI4Jl!w-W a41 JOj w41!l°ä)1! J!ls!Jna4 Y 'f86\ 'I 'wI!H pUl! "3 3 'aJOJSU3'~'J 'ZI!MI!N (a:>ua!JSJa}ul Aall!1I\ :).N) \"IUiJ/'\",\)ZU!/np"If:JS :J!/.\"!Jn"H '[661 "11\ '0 'OJ!}u',}d pUl! "3 ..1 'uo}Jo~ 9f6-~Z6 'Lr '1f,7JViJ.\"iJ"lj .\"uli!/vJiJdO aw!} apAJ az!w!u!W 01 ~ul,!JOlq 4}!M ',}ulI Alqw',}sSI! UI! U! ~ulJuanbas .6861 '8 'JIOII\ pUl! 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'äul!!j:) pUl! :) r 'oH 9LO(-L901 'sr '1f,7.!DiJliJ~/ //I}!pn/JI}JJ ji} /}[ /VI/{}!//J//.I,J/I// d~~ 01 sdl4Suo!ll!laJ pUl! sau!) UO!l:JnpoJd p',}S\!q ((JMNO:) jO UOlll1lnwJOj nUllUlUI!JnoJd 11!:Jlll!wa411!~'L661 '~ 'UISI!~ pUl! .1 A 'JaJaH SZ~-O 1S '~~ '/{7JP,J.',}~/'1/I}!/IJ./,Jd{) ssaJoJd UI III!M-OU pUl! nul)j:Jo(q 1111..1 SIII:1I(jwd fiIIIII1P:1I1:JS :1Il1I1JI?lIljO A:1"JllS V '9661 ':) .-mv fiu!lnp;J4JS dO4S-MOLlJO.lI!IJaIIJJ AI!(I!WlldO 'IL61 'V 'lI\!r\!Jl1plll1)jSIJSPUI1 a N '111111 ~OZ-66( 'r 'SI/{}!/.7LX1/V.(/ ~ ')japno pUl! '0 N r '1!ldn!) L~-6[ 'u 'f/J,J/.IVI/() 1f.7JV;JI'iJ~//DI/I}!/I}J,")d{)lualqoJd fiIlIII1P;l4:JS dO4SMOll a41 JOj 11I41!JOn)11 JIISIJI1;J4 Il!uOII:Jun.l V 'IL61 '0 N r .l!ldn!) fLZf-~-S,f '~r 'lf")JP,J.',")~/I/I}//,")!/pc}.',/li}/P/lJI/Ii[ /PI/I}!/PI/.I;J//I/ Pli\! 1I1!(j1l\!)jSlll;JISAS1I0lPI1pOJdjO SISAII!IIV '9661 'H '1I411)t PU\! 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