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AEE Indiana
September 29, 2011
Volume 3, Issue 2
AEE Indiana Board of Directors
Norm Campbell, NORESCO
Email: [email protected]
Vice President
Bob Gehrlich, EMCOR
Email: [email protected]
Bill Gruen, Simon Property Group
Email: [email protected]
Board Member
John Duff, ENthEnergy
Email: [email protected]
Board Member
Charlie Backofen, Utility Connections
Email: [email protected]
Board Member
Lane Dunagin, Citizens Gas
Email: [email protected]
Board Member
Laura Jones, Cummins
Email: [email protected]
Board Member
Bruce Everly, EIM
Email: [email protected]
Upcoming AEE Indiana Meetings
Wireless EMS
Indianapolis IN
November 3rd, 2011
**** Meetings are from 4—6 PM ****
AEE Indiana Update
Local Education
Since it appears most of the
“action” in energy efficiency
and education seems to
happen in other locations, it
would be a nice touch to
highlight the several options
(both permanent and
temporary) that we have here
in our region.
Let’s start with Indiana.
Purdue University has an
excellent program to help
train and educate regarding
energy efficiency and
sustainability. This program
is managed by the Purdue
University Technical
Assistance Program (TAP).
TAP offers numerous
education programs for
manufacturing and
commercial facility and
energy managers to assist in
learning energy efficiency
basics as well as specific end
use opportunities to reduce
consumption. More
information can be found at
The Lugar Center for
Renewable Energy at IUPUI
also offers opportunities for
additional education for
energy and sustainability
topics. Located at the central
Indianapolis campus, this
center combines proximity of
stakeholders with an
extensive network of
sponsors and resources to
help impact energy efficiency
in the Midwest. To learn
more, visit
Of course our own
organization, AEE, is
dedicated to the furthering
of energy education and we
have a wonderful
opportunity to connect
with the largest collection
of experts and courses in
one place and its right here
in our back yard. WEEC is
being hosted at Navy Pier
in Chicago from 10/11—13
and offers us a front row
seat to the leading topics of
the day. Take advantage of
this opportunity since it is
so near. To learn more or
register, go to
Don’t let this opportunity
pass you. WEEC may not
be this close for several
Norm Campbell
Chapter President
AEE Indiana Chapter Upcoming Meeting
Understanding the Federal Firms, Property Investors, these tax benefits on a
Energy Policy Act and Architects, Engineers and national scale.
Energy Consultants.
Benefits under IRS 179D.
Engineered Tax Services
(ETS) will be presenting at
this month’s meeting to help
expand our understanding of
the tax code and benefits we
can achieve with our energy
efficiency projects.
ETS has been at the forefront
accreditation for EPAct and
179D related tax benefits.
ETS has performed over
10,000 Section 179D Energy
Tax Studies since 2006
working closely with CPA
As a leader in the field, ETS
provides a credit based
educational seminar on the
history of the 179D tax
benefits and related business
development strategies being
employed throughout the
country. The presentation is
designed to give clarity and
awareness to the engineering
certification of public and
private buildings as well as to
also heighten awareness of
During this presentation, you
will be able to understand
how the 179D Federal Energy
Tax Deductions will allow
significant benefits through
the use of this tax law.
Additionally, you will receive
1.0 continuing professional
education credit (CPE) from
the AICPA for attending this
education session
Volume 3 Issue 2
Page 2
AEE Indiana Chapter Meeting Notes
Geothermal Applications
The September meeting featured a robust discussion
of geothermal loop applications and was presented by
Kris Kyler of Indiana Geothermal. The meeting was
held at BSA Building in North Indianapolis and was
hosted both in-person as well as via a Internet using
newly available webcast options for the Chapter.
Pond Loop methods
require about 300’ per
ton and needs to have
a minimum depth of
8’ of water.
Additionally these
systems require reverse
returns and are
standard installation
in Central Indiana.
bores require about 200’
per ton and cause the
least amount of property
disturbance. Technology
used is very similar to
what natural gas and
cable companies use to
avoid trenching.
Vertical bores require about 150’
per ton and are the best for space
contained locations. However,
this is the most expensive method
of installing pipe.
The presentation featured discussion of the most
prevalent geothermal loop installations with many
photos of job site activities. Some of the basics of
geothermal systems include:
Geothermal HVAC has been in use since 1912
Currently installed geothermal systems save
approximately 14 million barrels of crude oil per
Systems use the steady nature of the medium
temperature (earth or water) to draw or discard
heat for the system.
Kris presented the various types of installed systems
Traditional 6 Pipe
installation which
provides about 1 ton
of cooling per 600’
and requires double
backfill in the
trench. This method
is no longer favored
in Indiana
Modified 6 Pipe
installation which
provides about 1
ton per 600’ and
requires single
backfill for the
trench. This
method is the
current preferred
method in Indiana.
Kris also shared several examples of
testing activities and vault systems
used to contain the control and valve
The presentation focused added attention for the issues of
concern during the
loop installation. The
full presentation can
be found on the
Chapter website. If
you have additional
questions, you can
contact Kris directly
at [email protected] or
via phone at (317)
Thank You For Being a Member of Our Chapter and AEE
Volume 3 Issue 2
Page 3
AEE Indiana Chapter Tid Bits
Other Happenings in Energy for Indiana
This year we are taking some time to
highlight additional Indiana events
and organizations that have an
interest in energy efficiency and
associated applications.
Select the image to be directed to
their website (if available) and learn
more or see their meeting schedule.
Thank You Chapter Corporate Sponsors
your company ready to join our
Chapter? Ask any of our officers
and board members to help
present the benefits of membership
to your company leaders.
Volume 3 Issue 2
Page 4
NAME: ____________________________
COMPANY: ______________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________
CITY: ____________________________
STATE: ________
ZIP CODE: _____________
WORK PHONE: ___________________________ FAX: _____________________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________
Individual Memberships:
Student Membership:
Corporate Membership*:
_______ # of People
Corporate Sponsor*:
(See schedule below)
_______ Total $
*Please provide names and contact info for all people on the account
_____ Membership _____ Website/Internet _____ Indiana Technology _____ Meetings _____ Newsletter _____ Scholarship
Due by September 30th, 2010
Local membership dues for the 2011-2012 AEE INDIANA year (Aug thru May) include all meeting attendance fees and meal costs (when
provided). Please make your checks payable to AEE Indiana, per the following dues structure:
Single Member:
Student Member:
Corporate Members:
$35 for 2 people, $50 for 3 people, $65 for 4 people
$10 each additional member over 4
(Corporate Members are defined as more than one person from the same company.)
Corporate Sponsor:
Includes the following benefits: Up to 5 AEE Indiana Memberships, Logo on AEE Indiana Website, Logo on AEE Indiana Newsletter, Logo on
AEE Indiana Sponsor Board displayed at each meeting and Option to sponsor or host a meeting
We can only accept checks. We are investigating credit card and PayPal capabilities.
Bill Gruen, Simon Property Group
225 West Washington Street, 11th Floor, Indianapolis, IN 46204-3438
Phone: (317) 732-4112 E-mail: [email protected]

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