TRAVEL PLAN FOR Miss Barbara Giesenschlag


TRAVEL PLAN FOR Miss Barbara Giesenschlag
Miss Barbara Giesenschlag and Horst Rothfuss
Feb. 12, 2012 Arrive Bangkok Airport by TG 921 at 6:10 meeting our staff at EXIT 6 holding a sign of
your name.
If have any problem cannot find our staff please contact Association of Thai Travel Agents
to contact Mrs. Roong 081 658 2727 then our staff will come and meet you at this counter.
Our staff will take you to the car to drive you to Arnoma Hotel
Which located opposite big shopping mall Central World and
Siam Paragon where you can find many nice restaurants there.
Stay over night at Arnoma hotel in Bangkok
Feb. 13,2012
After breakfast at hotel relax and free on your own
Stay over night at Arnoma Hotel
Feb. 14, 2012 After breakfast you can check out then leave the luggages at the hotel and you can go out
for the half day in the after until 17.00
To meet the driver to take you to the train station to take the 1st class
Train at 18.00 to go to Chiangmai.
Suggest you to buy fruits or bakery or sanwiches and water in the supermarketl to eat on
the train because the food on the train is not so good.
Arrive Chiangmai train station around 7.30 to 8.00 meet the driver
With a sign of your name if any problem go to the information counter and wait there the
driver will come to meet you there.
Check in at Thapae Boutique House and relax
Feb.16, 2012 After breakfast waiting the driver at 9.00 to drive you to Doi Suthep Temple on the
mountain and city tour visiting the Handicraft village and stop for lunch when ever you
wish just inform the driver.
Return to hotel in the afternoon and relax.
The driver will pick up you at 8.00 to go to Pai
Stay overnight at Pai Hot Spring Resort
Free on your own
Feb. 19,2012 After breakfast the driver will meet you at 8.00 to drive you to
Pen’s House
Irrtum vorbehalten. Es gelten unsere Allgemeine Bedingungen
Inhaber: Anne de Saint-Aubain
Telefon: + 49 (8370) 97 55 2
An der Halde 8 b
Fax: + 49 (8370) 97 55 3
D 87487 Wiggensbach
Steuernummer 127/211/00470
e-Mail: [email protected]
USt-IdNr.: DE241477792
IBAN DE40 7001 0080 0124 426 804
Postbank München
BLZ: 700 100 80
Konto-Nr. 1244 26 804
Meet travellers at Soppong and take them to Tham Lod
Arrive at Tham Lod Village and explore Big Knob to see the panoramic view of the village and
surrounding landscape.
Then go to Tham Lod Cave, one of the longest accessible limestone caves in Southeast Asia ,
complete with stunning limestone formations, three cavernous chambers and a river running
through the entire length of the cave. Also visit the archaeological site in the cave with remains of
the ancient Log Coffin Culture. The Log Coffin Culture is a mysterious group of people that lived
in this area around 1,500-3,000 years ago. The most striking remains of this culture are the
enigmatic log coffins carved from entire teak tree-trunks and perched high in the limestone cliffs.
Some pottery and human bones have also been found with these coffins. Other than a few
archaeologists, very few people have seen these relics in their natural setting.
Watch the vast swirling clouds of swifts and bats at sunset as the swifts return home to nest for the
night in the cave, and the bats leave for their nocturnal search for food
Return to homestay accommodation at Tham Lod Village.
Enjoy a dinner of traditional Shan recipes unique to this remote highland area. These dishes are
full of healthy organic herbs and fresh wild plants and vegetables that impart a distinct and rich
flavor to the local varieties of chicken and pork. The Shan food is accompanied by organic brownblack rice grown high in the mountains by remote Lahu villages.
After dinner have a supper of tea grown in the Lua territories near the Burmese border. The tea is
brewed in the traditional fashion using bamboo tubes over an open fire and drunk from bamboo
cups. At this time we talk about local history, traditions and folklore.
Retire to bed in the Shan family houses.
Breakfast of pancakes and fresh coffee
Walk from Tham Lod to the nearby Karen village of Meuang Paem. During the walk we will
encounter many medicial plants still used by the Karen people as well as rare orchids and unsual
fruit which local people eat and use to colour their clothes. Have lunch on the walk. At this village
we can learn about the hilltribe way of life and observe their traditonal weaving and architecture.
Have a Karen-style dinner and stay the night in homestay accommodation at Meuang Paem.
Breakfast of local Karen foods.
Short walk to the Elephant Camp, then ride elephants along the Paem River and get off at Lang
River and board the bamboo rafts. Take the bamboo raft downstream until Tham Lod Village.
Have lunch at Tham Lod
Tour of the Tham Lod village, observe local artchitecure and industry, talk about local history and
Have a Shan dinner where the guests are welcome to learn the methods of cooking. Have tea from
the bamboo cups.
Stay the night in homestay accommodation at Tham Lod Village.
Irrtum vorbehalten. Es gelten unsere Allgemeine Bedingungen
Inhaber: Anne de Saint-Aubain
Telefon: + 49 (8370) 97 55 2
An der Halde 8 b
Fax: + 49 (8370) 97 55 3
D 87487 Wiggensbach
Steuernummer 127/211/00470
e-Mail: [email protected]
USt-IdNr.: DE241477792
IBAN DE40 7001 0080 0124 426 804
Postbank München
BLZ: 700 100 80
Konto-Nr. 1244 26 804
Breakfast of pancakes and fresh coffee
The driver will drive you to Chiangmai Airport to take the plane
Leaving at 11.30 arrive Bangkok Airport at 12.50 change to
Another flight TG 249 leaving at 16.50 to Krabi arrive at 18.10
You will be met in the airport and the driver will take you the Krabi Resort.. You check in with your
passport only.
Check in Beachfront Cottage
Feb 23,2012 The driver from Thapwarin Resort will pick you op and drive you to
Pakmeng Pier. The long tail boat will bring you to Thapwarin Resort.
Check in Beach Front Bungalow
If anything should happen pls contact Kuhn Dao +66818943585
With the long tail boat you will go back to Pakmeng pier. From there with the
Mini van to Krabi Airport
19:00 Departure TG 250 to Bangkok
Kommen Sie gut wieder nach Hause. Wir hoffen Sie bald wieder zu sehen!
PS. Kontrollieren Sie, wann die Abfahrt zur nächsten Reiseetappe stattfindet. Diese kann wechseln, ohne
dass Sie extra darauf aufmerksam gemacht werden. Delphin Tours kann nicht für Verspätungen oder
verpasste Anschlüsse verantwortlich gemacht werden, weder bei Inlands- noch bei internationalen Flügen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie uns im Notfall unter der Telefonnummer +49 8370 97552 oder Mobil: +49
171 4647 192 erreichen können. Sollten Sie zu bestimmten Zeiten, z. B. nachts oder am Wochenende, nur
unseren Anrufbeantworter erreichen, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Nachricht, wo wir Sie erreichen können.
Wir hören den Anrufbeantworter auch regelmäßig am Wochenende ab.
Irrtum vorbehalten. Es gelten unsere Allgemeine Bedingungen
Inhaber: Anne de Saint-Aubain
Telefon: + 49 (8370) 97 55 2
An der Halde 8 b
Fax: + 49 (8370) 97 55 3
D 87487 Wiggensbach
Steuernummer 127/211/00470
e-Mail: [email protected]
USt-IdNr.: DE241477792
IBAN DE40 7001 0080 0124 426 804
Postbank München
BLZ: 700 100 80
Konto-Nr. 1244 26 804