May 2011 - Singapore Yacht Club


May 2011 - Singapore Yacht Club
Singapore Yacht Club
May 2011 Issue 10, Volume 1
Mel Ott, Editor
Commodore’s Corner by Joe Clark
Welcome all to the 2011 boating season. Before I begin I would like to
extend my thanks to all of the friends and members who sent their kind
thoughts and wishes last year as my family went through some
challenging times. At the time I was unable to respond and would like to
do so now. My family is very grateful.
Thanks to a lot of hard work by our returning dock crew Singapore Yacht
Club opened on time this year (no thanks to the weather). John, Dave and Tom will once again
be patrolling our grounds for maintenance projects as well as providing a helping hand to all of
us down on the docks. Thanks in advance for another year with us guys.
In case any of you haven’t noticed our SYC sign that faces the docks at the Southeast end of the
parking lot has been replaced. The new sign was donated by Pete Derridinger last year and on
behalf of the Bridge and Board, I would like to once again extend our thanks and appreciation.
Even though our club recently opened, there has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes
and I really would like to thank all the committee members who do so much to make Singapore
such a special club. Just to name a few: Mel Ott has been keeping the lines of communication
open through email and managing our website; Jim Curtis and the membership committee have
been hustling to bring in new members and Mike and Bobbie Applegate have been tirelessly
chasing down venues and helpers for our Social events.
Our Bridge has also been quite busy this year as well. Bob Martin is working with John and the
crew to maintain and improve our house and grounds including some new steps and ramps up to
the docks; Jim Gorman and the finance committee are ever so watchful over our financial
condition and have made a number of calls to keep everyone up to date with their dues; Doug
Peet with a thankless job of slip assignments, roster, membership letters and much more; and
finally Gary Battaglia who has the unenviable job of keeping me pointed in the right direction.
We have a great Board of Directors this year as well. Kim Hall, Tim Thomas, Karl Thoma, Cory
Koper, John Larsen and Mike Applegate will most certainly keep your Bridge in line and well
represent the interest of the club.
I hope all of you will join me in thanking our committee leads, bridge and board members who
do so much for the club. I do wish you all a great summer with calm seas, warm weather and
lots of safe boating.
Club Manager’s Report by John Geier
Welcome to the start of the 2011 boating season. Last year at this
time I mentioned the cool weather to start the season. Well this year
we can add moisture to the mix.
Overall the opening of the club went smoothly. One glitch was the
pump for the pool went bad. It is being repaired and we are
optimistic for an opening very soon.
There are new pump out signs at each slip. Please try to remember to turn your sign. Pump outs
are generally done on Monday and/or Tuesday.
Lots of questions regarding water depth. There is a map of the water depth for Kalamazoo Lake
and channel located in the office. This was completed March 28, 2011 by Tower Marine. In
addition we completed our own depth chart at each slip. This was done on April 20, 2011. We
will continue to monitor this during the season.
We welcome all the new members and look forward to seeing during the season. If you have
any questions please feel free to call or visit the office.
Happy boating season!
Vice Commodore’s Report by Bob Martin
It’s great to be back in Michigan for the 2011 Singapore Yacht Club
Boating Season. The opening of the Club on April 15th went very
well, although the weather was cold and raining, John & his crew
were on the job getting our Club ready for the many boats arriving
for the 2011 season. There were no incidents with early Arrivals this
year or Late Departures last year which is much appreciated.
The 2011 Club Opening, John and his Crew, Tom & Dave
 Activated Water System
Flushed pedestals
Shower handles installed
Heaters/AC in bathrooms activated
Bathrooms Cleaned
Activated phone and internet
Shoveled 3” on snow in front of office door (4/18)
Serviced Tractor (new belt, new pulley, oil, misc. nuts and bolts, torn hood replaced)
Fire Extinguishers Re-Certified
Pump out system activated (2 cracks in line repaired)
Club room cleaned
Pool shed cleaned
Office cleaned
Fire Extinguishers installed
Grills distributed and anchored
New pump out signs installed
Aerators checked and installed
Replaced 2 railroad ties at south end near Butler Parking lot
New SYC sign installed on west side of sign
Sprinkling system activated
Comcast TV contacted about possible service – still pending
Picnic tables cleaned and distributed
Pedestal for slips 22-23 repaired
Steps at south Butler street end removed and new steps installed
Ramp at parking lot to be completed by dock crew
Straighten pool fence between Butler deck and pool
Normal ground maintenance (mulch/dirt for flowers)
Parking lot to be striped (goal is before memorial day)
When activating the pool, everything seemed to be in working order. However, after a short
period of time, the pump motor started making strange noises. The pump was removed and
taken to Holland motor. It was recommended that the impeller be replaced, the bearings need
attention, and normal servicing. Estimated cost $900.00. The impeller is made of brass and it
cost over $550.00.
We currently have a motor that is 5hp and it has been an issue twice now in less than three years.
It was recommended by Lankeet Pool that we consider a 3 or less hp motor. There is a new one
on the market that is made mostly of plastic and will soon become the standard for the industry.
The impeller is also plastic versus brass. Lankeet does not have an exact cost but figures around
$2,000.00. The issue here is that the state must approve such a pump. We are inspected each
year after opening and we could investigate the possibilities with the inspector. In the meantime
we can contact other pool companies about such a pump and the price.
Treasurer’s Report by Jim Gorman
Good Morning! It is great to see everyone back in their slips. All 48
slips are assigned and will develop an estimated income of
$188,000. We are opening the 2011 season with 119 regular
members whose dues brought in $48,255.00 and an additional
$1,700.00 in fees. Thanks to Jim Curtis, Chairman of the
Membership Committee for the three new members brought in over
the winter. The Membership Sponsor appreciation program wherein
the club reduces the sponsor’s membership fees by $50.00 had a glitch that has been corrected to
assure the credit to membership the membership fee is made. Our Club Manager, John Geier, is
continuing his dialogue with the State of Michigan for the payment due us for the installation of
the new pump-out system in 2009/2010. Evidently a change in personnel at the state level
caused a delay in paperwork processing. We continue to have hope the state will honor their
In keeping with a commitment to have a conservative budget, the following were presented and
passed by the Board and Bridge. 1.) The membership dues for 2011 were held for a second year
with no increase; 2.) Slip fees were raised by the minimum 3%; 3.) Improvement projects
include new steps at the Butler Street end of the boardwalk, stripping of the parking lot, and the
new extended ramp from the boardwalk at the parking lot. These projects should come in at
under $1,000.00. The club manager and his dock crew will complete the ramp work.
Singapore Yacht Club relies on their transient income. Warmer weather is coming, and if we
have flat water and gas prices are stable or go down, we have a great formula for a great cruising
season. Each slip holder is asked to keep the club manager informed of the availability of their
Secretary’s Report by Doug Peet
Current club membership stands at 136 members, which include 8
honorary members, 3 Life members, and 6 Surviving Spouse. In
2011 we have welcomed 3 new members to Singapore Yacht Club.
Rosters have arrived and were distributed at the Spring Party.
Rosters are available at the Dock master’s office for those who have
not received them. Please be aware there is an error in the roster. The
date for the Boater Safety Course is June 24th NOT July 24th!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 317-750-0214
Auxiliary Report by Nancy Hall
We had our 1st Auxiliary Meeting for 2011 and welcomed our new Secretary
Vicki Janik. This is our 37th year in serving the Club and we are excited about
the paid members we have to date. We encourage all to renew their membership
and invite new members to join.
Our calendar is in the 2011 Roster and also posted in the restrooms. Please note
the Roster 2011 error on the date for the Boat Handling/Safety Class which is
scheduled for June 24, 2011.
We will be doing our annual Flower Planting next Saturday, May 21 at 9.00 AM and welcome
all to give a hand in the planting. We have beautiful pots planned and also have the 3 Herb pots
for all to use at their summer grill outs. Please feel free to give them a drink (water) on super hot
weekends as that is our dock crews’ busy time with transients and members.
Our 1st special project that we are working on (and with John’s help) is new chairs for the
poolside tables. We are also buying more of the small cocktail tables. This will be our major
project this year.
We also have a Boat Handling/Safety Class scheduled for Friday/June 24, 2011.
The class is a 1 day class from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. It involves hands-on boat handling & safety.
The class is free and upon completion attendees receive a DNR Certificate that may be eligible
for insurance discounts. All are welcome to register; the class booked is limited in size so please
sign up early to “reserve your preserver”! Please contact [email protected] if
The Auxiliary Spring Kick-off Cocktail Party is June 4/Sat and we will keep true to our mission
statement “to help better acquaint all Members and First Mates of Singapore Yacht Club and
to promote good fellowship and social activities.” Please encourage all new SYC Members to
attend as it is not just for Auxiliary Members. We look forward to seeing you all there!
New Members
We are pleased to announce two new members who have joined the club over the winter. Credit
goes out to members Steve and Barbara Stillman for nominating Kenneth Taylor, and to Jim and
Joanie Curtis for nominating Bill Marsh. Please welcome these new members heartily should
you see them on the dock or in your travels.
Bill & Rachele’ Marsh Naples, FL Ken & Cathy Taylor
Evanston, IL
New Membership Policy (Reminder)
Under the leadership of Committee Chairman, Jim Curtis, the Membership Committee has
instituted a new policy, approved by the Bridge and Board, to allow a credit of $50.00 per new
member proposed and accepted by the club against the following year’s annual membership fee,
up to a maximum of $400.00. The best source of new members is from the base of the present
membership. To make this easier to accomplish for you, the Club’s membership application is
now available “on line” from our web site, under the heading of
“Club Information”. You can now download and print the application form and give it to the
new member applicant for completion. Completed applications should be given to Jim Curtis,
Membership Chairman or a member of the membership committee.
Here are some of the benefits of membership in the Singapore Yacht Club.
A great Social program for all to enjoy
Beautiful grounds, including a pool
Reduced transient fees for members who regularly slip elsewhere
Recognition by the Yachting Club of America for reciprocal access to clubs all over the
5. An active Auxiliary organization to support the club’s activities
6. Access to a parking spot (when available) in downtown Saugatuck
Should a new member apply for and receive a slip, the following additional benefits apply:
Weekly pump outs at your slip
Free Wi-Fi access
Free TV access
A numbered parking lot spot
Harbor Committee Report by Greg Janik
 On April 22, 2011, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers announced the
completion of the repairs to both the north and south pier heads. The
project was completed with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
funds at a cost of almost $5 million dollars.
I spoke with Bill LeFevere, City of Douglas Manager, for additional insight on the direction of
the Harbor Committee. I must add, after talking with Bill I feel significant progress has been
made. Bill states that the last few months have been very busy for the Harbor Committee.
 An agreement to form a Harbor Authority has been completed, and now is in the
hands of the attorneys. It appears Saugatuck Township will not participate in the
Harbor Committee Master Plan. Apparently, their resources are being consumed with
ongoing litigation. Douglas and Saugatuck City will proceed without Saugatuck
 Funding at the state and federal level continues to go away. The Harbor Committee
has invited key individuals from Sheboygan, WI to share their experience with the
recent dredging project that took place. Sheboygan has blended U.S. Environmental
Agency's (EPA) Superfund program and Great Lakes Legacy Act money to clean up
additional areas in the Sheboygan River.
 The Harbor Committee has also completed a Preliminary Initial Phase Dredging Plan. As
details of this dredging plan emerge, I will share them with members of SYC.
 Depth soundings of the harbor and river have been completed by R.J. Peterson, and
are available in John's office. In addition, John and crew have taken soundings for
each slip at at midpoint of the catwalk. The results of those soundings are also
available in John's office. Water levels appear to be the same as last year at this time.
Winter Party by Mike Applegate
Fifty-five very exuberant, but somewhat “stylistically challenged” members attended the 2010
SYC “Ugliest Holiday Sweater” Winter Party December 4th at Wickes Park Bar & Grill
The evening began with cocktails, music by the ever popular, Tombo, wonderful hors d’oeuvre,
and heavy duty observation of the artistic design worn, or shall we say “exhibited” by our uber
creative members.
An excellent meal of filet of beef or airline stuffed chicken (not sure which Airline) followed the
invocation given by Jim “Rosie” Rosenbaum.
After dinner, it was time for the difficult job of judging the winners of our little, not so beautiful,
pageant. Hats off to Terri Van Scheltema and Vicki Janik, our supreme judges who undertook
this difficult task. And the Winners were:
1st Place: Elizabeth “The Electric Elfette” Boerema
2nd Place: John “She made me Wear it” Kuhn
Both winners were awarded custom made (likely somewhere in China) crowns befitting a contest
of this stature. Please note: We may have unwittingly created a whole new definition for the
term “Indecent Exposure”.
Kudos go to Christopher and Christine Pierce, and the entire staff of Wickes Park Bar and Grill
for the great service and terrific meal, and to Steve Oswald from American Spoon for helping out
with our Blueberry/Lime Preserve table gifts. Also, thanks to Paul and Phyllis Hanna and Dick
Van Scheltema for all their help. Most of all, thanks to all of those color blind, not so suave, but
brave members that attended in those BEAUTY-FULL Holiday sweaters.
Party in Paradise by Jim & Joanie Curtis
Sixty-two members, former members, and guests who were spending the winter or vacation time
in Florida attended the 9th Annual Party in Paradise on Tuesday, March 8th at the beautiful
Pelican Isle Yacht Club in North Naples, Florida. SYC member, Corey Koper and his wife,
Jean, are members of Pelican Isle and were able to secure the location for our event. Twentynine of the attendees took an enjoyable back water cruise tour with our captain providing his
knowledge of the area.
Following a cocktail hour and wonderful dinner, a presentation by Bill and Judy Pittman of the
“Great Loop” proved to be the hi-light of the evening. Their adventure began in Florida, north
up the East coast of the U.S., into the Hudson River at New York City, though the various canals
that eventually enter the Great Lakes, past Saugatuck where they stopped at SYC for a day, and
then into the river system that led them into the Mississippi River. From the Mississippi River
they entered the Gulf of Mexico and then returned to their home port in Naples. Their pictures
and narration confirmed what a hoot their great adventure turned out to be.
Because most of the evening was absorbed by the back water cruise and the “Great Loop”
presentation, we were not able to play the “heart-warming” games we are famous for, but the
group was delighted to hear that for the 10th Annual PIP, the North would again face the South
team in an evening of games. Some of the games being considered are: “Hide and go Pee”;
“Kick the Bucket”; Red Rover, Red Rover, the Nurse Says Bend Over”; and “Pin the Toupee on
the Bald Guy”. All kidding aside, we will have games next year and the participants will be
divided into North and South teams. Promise – the games will be user friendly.
Make your plans now to join the fun in Naples next year.
Spring Party by Mike Applegate
Singapore Yacht Club held a “Come As You Were" Prom May 14th at Coral Gables in
Saugatuck. This was the 2011 edition of the annual spring fund raising party which provides for
the year’s social activities.
Members and guests were encouraged to dress as they did at their own high school prom.
Typical High School Prom attire from the 1940's, 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's were well
represented. Coral Gables was decorated by Nancy Hall's committee consisting of Cathy & Jim
Gorman, Kim Hall, Jack Querry, Phyllis Hanna, and Terri Van Scheltema with beautiful spring
floral arrangements from V.S. Flowers in Douglas. Dick Van Scheltema provided his
photographic skills to record the evening’s events.
Guests were greeted by Paul and Phyllis Hanna. The evening started with Coral Gables staff
serving delicious hors d'oeuvres while raffle tickets were sold by Becki Zeipen, Don Waddell,
and Karl Thoma. Attendees also had the opportunity to bid on over 20 auction items, assisted
Terri Van Scheltema, John & Dee Goes, and Vicki Janik.
Doug and Robin Peet performed “Tear Jerk", a terrific musical piece which set the mood for the
fine dining and fun which followed.
Coral Gables presented a fine dinner consisting of a garden salad with fresh seasonal fruit,
followed by filet of beef or chicken marsala, au gratin potatoes, fresh asparagus, and a delicious
surprise dessert. After the auction and raffle, prizes were distributed by Terri Van Scheltema and
Bobbie Applegate. The evening then continued with music and dancing into the later hours.
Once again the generosity and participation of club members and local merchants made the
evening a great success.
News Notes
It’s a little late, but kudos go out to our Commodore Joe Clark and his wife Janet for winning the
Christmas home decorating contest for Saugatuck in December 2010.
Don’t forget to check to see more pictures of the events covered in this
Want to access the roster from your IPhone, IPad, or mobile device or laptop computer? Go to , click on “Club Information” and click on “Roster”. It will
require a user name and password which you can get by e-mailing [email protected].