MPHA 2015 - 2016 Annual Report
MPHA 2015 - 2016 Annual Report
2015/2016 Annual Report Message from the President Report Highlights: Governing Council 2 Annual Meeting & Communications 2 Financial Dev, Global Health, & Health Equity 3 History, Leadership, & Membership 4 Policy & Advocacy 6 Activities 7 Financials 9 About MPHA 10 Dear MPHA Members, MPHA volunteers make it possible for our organization to be successful. Without your help, we would not be able to work on the many aspects to improve the health of all Minnesotans! As you read through this report, you’ll see the numerous ways members have contributed to our successes and the variety of opportunities for all members to participate. Thank you for your contributions. Key MPHA accomplishments for 2015-16 include: • The 2015 annual conference in Duluth had almost 200 attendees. Special guests were members of the Great Lakes Public Health Coalition members and a key note by President-Elect Camara Jones. • Held a successful membership drive with communications campaign leading to 49 new members for more than 400 MPHA members! • Over 200 attendees of the 2015-2016 Policy Forum series, entitled, ”Healthy…Right From the Start” which explored child health issues for newborns, early childhood, environment, and safety and wellbeing. • Co-sponsored the 2016 annual conference with the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance. As in 2014, this partnership allowed for the sharing of conference content and networking with a larger number of attendees. • Social media/followers on LinkedIn! • The MPHA Global Health Committee was formed and made connections and the beginning partnership with the Cuban Public Health Association, Chapter of Villa Clara. The President of the Chapter is attending the 2016 annual conference where we will sign a Memorandum of Understanding regarding sharing information. • Updated the Strategic Plan to cover the years from 2016-2020. The Plan is on the MPHA website. New committee work plans were developed to correspond with the Strategic Plan. • Partnered with the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids Coalition for a day on the Hill with over 300 other public health advocates to lobby for Safe Routes to School funding and strengthening physical education to combat childhood obesity. Thank you for joining MPHA in being the independent voice of public health in Minnesota. Together we can create a healthier Minnesota through effective public health practice and engaged citizens. Aggie Cook, MPHA President 2015-2016 2015-16 MPHA Governing Council Back row: Amy Roggenbuck, Carol Berg, Lindsey Fabian, Juliann Van Liew, Ken Bence, Ray Lewis, Annie Halland Front row: Aggie Cook, Ann Bajari, Donna Anderson, Laura Klein, Kim McCoy, Cherylee Lewis, PaHoua Vang, Erica Fishman, Alvine Kentska Siaka, Merry Grande, Kristen Godfrey Walters, Lesley Schmidt Sindberg Missing: Ann Zukoski, John Oswald, Bushra Hossain Committee Updates: Annual Meeting/Conference Planning A very active committee planned and implemented the 2016 Minnesota Public Health Association (MPHA) annual conference, “HEALTH EQUITY: Many Voices, Shared Vision”, which highlighted progress being made across sectors to achieve health equity. The breakout session themes included: implementation of local, state, and national strategies addressing health equity, cross sector partnership and community engagement, and global health. For the second time MPHA partnered with the Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance to organize and jointly hold our conferences in May 2016. The Committee was Co-Chaired by Carol Berg, Retired Public Health Nurse, MPHA Past President Group Liaison to MPHA Governing Council, and Cathy Weik, Senior Vice President Administration/Communications, Stratis Health, and Board Chair, Minnesota Community Health Worker Alliance. Communications Ken Bence served as the ongoing Co-Chair of the Communications Committee and is most recently joined by Lydia Karch. This group provides leadership over the general communications of the association. As a “virtual” organization with no physical space for people to come to, messages to members, information for partners and MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 2 the public and timely responses to inquiries are how we make good first impressions with our stakeholders and reinforce our reputation as a professional organization. It is also how we keep members informed of MPHA activities and opportunities and inform them of key policy issues affecting the public’s health. The committee is responsible for overseeing the administration of our web site, editing and distributing the monthly electronic newsletter, and managing our presence on social media. We have a very active LinkedIn page, which features frequent discussion posts and all the job notices received from external partners. We monitor and maintain our pages on Facebook (497 likes) and Twitter (1,281 followers). If you have not connected with us yet on these networks, please do! We look forward to continuing our contributions to growth through communications. Financial Development Committee The 2015-16 Governing Council approved the appointment of a Financial Development Committee with the goal of strengthening MPHA infrastructure, staff support and fundraising opportunities through planning, outreach and management of financial support for MPHA activities. This committee is in the development stage. Global Health In September 2014, the Global Health Committee was formed to promote awareness of and connections among international health activities occurring through Minnesota-based organizations and partners. The committee continues to meet monthly with three primary responsibilities to (1) promote the growth of Minnesotans’ involvement in global health efforts by increasing awareness through activities about current global health needs; (2) act as a resource to MPHA members and partners in establishing and strengthening new and existing relationships; and (3) advocate for global health policy changes by informing members and partners about opportunities to act. In the past year, the Global Health Committee has been coordinating a professional exchange between MPHA and the Cuban Public Health Association, Chapter of Villa Clara (SOCUSAP-VC). Dr Marilyn Hernandez Gomez, President of the SOCUSAP-VC, will present at the 2016 MPHA conference where a formal MOU will be signed between the two associations to establish mutually beneficial learning opportunities for our members. Current public health topics of focus include maternal child health and social determinants of health. In addition, the committee is exploring opportunities for a study tour to Cuba for 2017. APHA Cuba visit, Courtesy of John Oswald. The committee has also formed a collaboration with the Education Committee of the Minnesota International NGO Network (MINN) to plan and coordinate events focusing on global health. Our current initiative involves designing simulations and activities that allow participants to learn, apply, and practice new skills. Health Equity Committee The Health Equity Committee was approved by the Governing Council with the goal of monitoring legislative activity and offer policy analysis related to equity and health; convene health professionals to learn about their equity efforts, share promising practices, and document as appropriate; and connect with APHA affiliates in other regions to learn and share health equity efforts. This committee is in the development stage. MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 3 History Donna Anderson, with the assistance of a SPH graduate student intern, continued to focus on MPHA history and oversee the organization and structure of the MPHA archives. The MPHA record collection includes files of print and visual materials from the 1940s to the present as well as electronic records since 2010. The collection is located in temporary space at the U of M School of Public Health. 600 tapes of A Public Health Journal cable TV show, hosted by Dr. Ed Ehlinger, MPHA past president, have been added to the archives. A summary and master index will be updated when all materials are incorporated into the files. Gaps in print, electronic and visual materials will be determined as part of a process to secure additional materials to enhance the record collection. A viable permanent home for the archives collection is the U of M Social Welfare History Archives Library. The MPHA Governing Council plans to transfer ownership of its collection to this library in fall, 2016. Watch for details of a celebration commemorating this action and MPHAs 110th anniversary year on April 6, 2017 during National Public Health Week. Leadership Development Cherylee Sherry and Ann Zukowski were Co-Chairs of the Leadership Committee. They supported training for new members of the Governing Council in 2015. They also coordinated MPHA Awards given at the Annual Meeting in May 2016 as well as solicitation of candidates and the Elections for the MPHA leadership and Governing Council positions, which start at the close of the MPHA Annual Meeting. Awards presented at the May 2016 Annual Meeting were: MPHA Student Achievement Award: Dominic Dharam Paul and Sheila Wellstone Public Health Achievement Award: Melanie Peterson-Hickey Harvey G. Rogers Award: Tom Hogan B. Robert Lewis Award: Senator Chris A. Eaton (DFL), Brooklyn Center Membership Congratulations MPHA members - we are now over 400 individual members strong! Increasing our membership numbers to this level has been a long-term goal, and we look forward to continuing our growth and value offered to each of you. The individual membership is comprised of 19% students, 5% retirees, and 67% individuals (including community health workers and lifetime members). Currently there are 4 organizational members. Organizational members include an academic institution, a health system, a community-based organization and a non-metro county. The Membership Committee is charged with recruiting and maintaining MPHA members who are representative of the diverse community of public health professionals and partners in Minnesota. The Membership Committee priorities for 2015-2016 were: Membership Recruitment • Recruit and nurture new members to MPHA from a diverse array of Minnesota public health sectors including: the Minnesota Department of Health, students, APHA members in Minnesota and Community Health Workers. MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 4 • Conduct an MPHA membership drive and evaluate the results Membership Development • Focus on enhancing membership value to current members through v networking events and activities. • Explore the creation of topic or geographic focused special interest groups, specifically in non-metro areas including Rochester and Duluth • Identify activities to increase racial geographic and professional diversity of members. The Committee’s membership growth strategies built upon progress from the previous year, with attention to growth in memberships of students, public health professionals in non-governmental settings, and members outside the Twin Cities metropolitan area. Activities included participating in the University of MN School of Public Health’s new student orientation and mentorship programs. During National Public Health week the Committee participated in the Minnesota Department of Health’s State of Public Health Forum. Other highlights included a presence at the Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs conference in Duluth, the Minnesota Healthy Kids Coalition Lobby Day, and volunteer events such as food-packing at Second Harvest Heartland. The Membership Committee facilitated the presence of MPHA recruitment with an information table at 11 events. Efforts are ongoing to standardize organizational membership options and recruit additional organizational members, with an emphasis on large and small organizations, metro-area and greater Minnesota. The second annual Membership Drive was very successful. Jointly planned and executed with the Communications and Membership Committees, the campaign ran for the last week of March and first week of April, 2016. The content of messages, mode and frequency of delivery, and referral contest helped create a successful campaign. Approximately 25 new members joined. Future membership drives may be scheduled for the fall, with special attention to referrals, former members, and students. The Committee’s membership development strategies focused on increasing MPHA visibility at events and conferences and improving the membership experience for non-metro members. As mentioned above, MPHA was represented at one non-metro conference. Survey data reported a request for more networking opportunities. Thus a series of social volunteering events was created: a food-packing event was well attended, two environmental cleanup events and Ronald MPHA volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House 10-24-15 McDonald house dinner. Kim McCoy and Merry Grande were Co-Chairs of the Membership Committee over the past year, assisted by committee intern Ellen Van. The Membership Committee seeks new members who are energized to raise awareness about the benefits of membership with MPHA or to plan opportunities for members to deepen their connections and involvement in the public health community. Connect with Merry or Kim if you are interested! MPHA networking event, Minneapolis, MN on September 8, 2015. MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 5 Policy and Advocacy The Policy & Advocacy Committee has continued its work on key public health policy issues this year. Annie Halland and Laura Klein continue to co-lead the committee. The Policy & Advocacy committee identified MPHA’s policy priorities for 2016. These priorities included supporting gun violence prevention efforts; vaccine education and promotion efforts; an investment of $6 million in Safe Routes to School infrastructure; comprehensive active transportation funding; and maintaining the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) funding. Bringing voices together: The monthly Policy & Advocacy Committee meetings continued to be an avenue for collaboration and information sharing between public health advocates, organizations, and coalitions. The committee continued relationships with several coalitions, including the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids, Healthy Legacy, Minnesotans for a Smoke-Free Generation (formerly known as Raise It for Health), and Transportation Forward Coalitions. Members of the committee served as representatives to these coalitions and they participated by coordinating advocacy efforts and facilitating communication between the coalitions and MPHA. The committee also forged relationships with new groups over the past year, including Everytown for Gun Safety and Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate. This past year, the committee co-sponsored a two-part webinar on Public Health and Climate Change. Advocating for key public health issues: MPHA sent out action alerts to members regarding supporting increased access to healthy, affordable foods, gun violence prevention, climate change, and active transportation. We again joined forces with the Minnesotans for Healthy Kids coalition for a very successful lobby day. Thanks to the resources shared by all the partners, including American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, and Minnesota SHAPE, we offered members extensive training on the issues, as well as legislator meetings. We joined our voices with over 300 other public health advocates to lobby for Safe Routes to School funding and strengthening physical education to combat childhood obesity. MPHA advocated for paid family leave, improved food access, enhanced pediatric asthma care services, truck weight limits, Toxic Free Kids, criminal background checks for gun ownership, the Clean Power Plan, and restricting the sale of flavored tobacco to adult only tobacco shops in Minneapolis and Saint Paul. MPHA also advocated on federal issues this past year. Those efforts included funding for CDC and HRSA budgets and for the Prevention and Public Health Fund. Resolutions: This year committee members drafted two new resolutions on behalf of the committee. They are: “Vaccinations are Essential to the Health of Minnesota” and “Impact of Climate Change on Health.” MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 6 Organizational Activities and Events Policy Forums The Policy Forum committee (Angie Carlson, Chair; Lindsey Fabian; and Jean Streetar) lead the development of forums to position MPHA as leaders on important public health issues and develop strategies for increasing policy and advocacy. From November 2015 through May 2016, MPHA hosted a series of policy forums that showcased "Healthy…Right From the Start”. Public health and community leaders explored topics in the health and development of our children ages 0‐4. • November 6, 2015…for newborns: Panelists and forum participants explored concerns related to immunizations, newborn screening and infant mortality. • January 22, 2016…for early childhood: From topics related to the health focus of well‐child visits to our current approaches to day care and school readiness, panelists and forum participants explored health during early childhood. • March 18, 2016…for the world around them: At this third forum panelists and participants explored and discussed issues related to environmental concerns that affect the health of children ages 0-4 such as toys, food, water, and chemicals. • May 13, 2016…for their safety and well‐being: The last forum explored safety and well-being concerns. What progress have we made in preventing and protecting young children from physical and mental abuse, in limiting exposure to guns in the home, and in addressing concerns about exposure to prescription drugs. Each forum began with a breakfast of locally produced and healthful foods. Forum costs (suggested donations) were $8 for members, $15 for non-members and $5 for students. Attendance at each forum ranged from 40-60 people. Summary notes and video recordings are posted on the MPHA website as they are available. The committee would like to thank the numerous volunteers who help to make the forums run smoothly. National Public Health Week APHA’s theme for the 2016 National Public Health Week was “Healthiest Nation – 2030”. Among the events that MPHA supported this year were: • State of Public Health Forum, April 4: MPHA was a co-sponsor for this forum on “Advancing health Equity”. Aggie Cook, President of the Minnesota Public Health Association reviewed the Generation Public Health challenge and gave an overview of the American Public Health Association steps to creating the healthiest nation. The keynote address was given by Dr. Ed Ehlinger, Minnesota Health Commissioner who then moderated a panel discussion of health equity in action. Dr. John Finnegan, Dean of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health provided final thoughts on the discussion. . • Proclamation by Governor Dayton of Public Health Week for April 4 to 10: MPHA provided input into the proclamation wording and distribution of the signed document to members. MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 7 MPHA Past Presidents Group The purpose of the MPHA Past-Presidents Group (PPG) is to continuously engage the wisdom and experience of the group in the service of MPHA and its members. Carol Berg (MPHA Past President 2013-14) currently represents the Past Presidents on the Governing Council. APHA Each year the MPHA President and the Affiliate Representative to the APHA Governing Council (ARGC) attend the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. The 2015 APHA meeting was in Chicago. The ARGC and the MPHA President attend the Great Lakes Public Health Coalition meeting and the APHA Council of Affiliates meetings. The ARGC attends the multi-day APHA Governing Council meetings. These meetings focus on affiliate development and official APHA business. A luncheon gathering for MPHA members attending the APHA meeting was coordinated by the ARGC representative, Erica Fishman. The MPHA President-Elect also annually attends the Affiliate Presidents-Elect meeting at APHA headquarters in Washington, DC in June. In 2015, Aggie Cook attended this meeting and was able to visit the office of Minnesota's congressional delegation to discuss MPHA and APHA positions on pending legislation. Great Lakes Public Health Coalition MPHA is part of The Great Lakes Public Health Coalition (GLPHC) --the group of Region V state affiliates from APHA. These six state public health associations (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin) came together in 1983 for the purpose of mutual support and shared learning. The GLPHC has been recognized by APHA as a model for other states. The Coalition meets twice annually and holds monthly conference calls. The GLPHC held their spring meeting in May 2016 in Columbus, Ohio. This meeting coincided with the Ohio Public Health Combined Conference, sponsored by ten public health organizations including the Ohio Public Health Association. At the Coalition meeting, the ARGCs reviewed progress on the GLPHC's strategic plan; discussed future collaborations; and discussed the joint policy project on the impact of climate change on health. As part of the conference, five of the six ARGCs who were able to attend the conference participated in a panel session geared towards shared policy priorities and joint policy issues (such as Health in all Policies and climate change and health). Key activities and lessons learned were discussed from each state’s perspective. MPHA Scholarship MPHA launched the first scholarship for students in public health (or related field) and Early Career professionals (within 3 years of finishing degree as of June 30, 2016) for $500 to assist in attendance to the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association. The 2016 meeting is in Denver, CO from Oct 29‐Nov 2. This program provides a scholarship to students/early career professionals for the purpose of establishing meaningful connections in the public health community, developing future leaders, maximizing awardee experiences at the APHA annual meeting, and supporting involvement in affiliate activities. Once selected, applicants will be matched with and mentored by an experienced MPHA member/past APHA attendee. The mentorship experience is expected to enhance the students' or new professionals' attendance at the conference. Applications are due June 30, 2016. MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 8 Balance Sheet 4:23 PM As of December 31, 2015 January 30, 2016 Accrual Basis Dec 31, 15 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1010 · Checking 23,802.16 1020 · Money Market 47,789.61 Total Checking/Savings 71,591.77 Other Current Assets 12000 · Undeposited Funds Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Financials TOTAL ASSETS 100.00 100.00 71,691.77 71,691.77 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2000 · Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable 145.00 145.00 Credit Cards 2500 · US Bank Credit Card 129.65 Total Credit Cards 129.65 Total Current Liabilities 274.65 Total Liabilities 274.65 Equity 3000 · Unrestricted Net Assets 28,651.40 32000 · Retained Earnings 39,161.26 Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 3,604.46 71,417.12 71,691.77 MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 9 Minnesota Public Health Association PO Box 14709 Minneapolis, MN 55414 E-MAIL: [email protected] LinkedIn: Search for Minnesota Public Health Association Twitter: Search for MNPublicHealth Facebook: Search for Minnesota Public Health Association Get involved with MPHA! Find out more at: About MPHA MISSION: The mission of the Minnesota Public Health Association (MPHA) is to create a healthier Minnesota through effective public health practice and engaged citizens. VISION: Our vision is to be an active, independent voice for public health in Minnesota. ABOUT MPHA: MPHA is an all-volunteer organization that represents a broad public health spectrum: • Public, private, community organizations; • Professionals at different stages of their careers: entry through retirement; and • Multiple disciplines and topics, such as environmental health, public health nursing, community health education, and public health administration. CORE VALUES: Our core values are: • To inspire effective public health leadership by offering opportunities for enhancing learning, skills, and practice; • To advocate for public health policy that is grounded in science-based evidence and social justice principles; and • To effectively impact public health in Minnesota. 2015/2016 Governing Council Members President: Immediate Past President: President-Elect: Secretary: Treasurer: Affiliate Representative: Members-At-Large: Member-At-Large (Greater MN): Student Representatives Communications Committee Co-Chairs: Membership Committee Co-Chairs: Policy & Advocacy Committee Co-Chairs: Leadership Committee Co-Chairs: History Task Force Chair: Past Presidents Group Chair: Global Health Committee Co-Chairs: Aggie Leitheiser Kristen Godfrey Walters Lindsey Fabian Juliann Van Liew Ann Bajari Erica Fishman Ray Lewis, Alvine Kentska Siaka, Ann Zukoski Holly Kostrzewski Amy Roggenbuck Bushra Hossain Ken Bence, Lydia Karsh Merry Grande, Kim McCoy Annie Halland, Laura Klein Cherylee Sherry Ann Zukoski Donna Anderson Carol Berg John Oswald, PaHoua Vang MPHA 2015/2016 ANNUAL REPORT 10
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