fasteners - Brewer Equipment Co
fasteners - Brewer Equipment Co
Giving You The Power with the Right Tools in Mind Fastener Catalog Fastener Identification FASTENER Coding SENCO Fastener Identification Charts 7-DIGIT STAPLE CODING SYSTEM 1st DIGIT Crown Width A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z Thk. Ga. 3/16 .030 .021 5 1/2 .030 .021 5 3/8 .030 .021 5 3/16 .030 .021 5 3/16 .050 .019 1/2 .050 .019 3/8 .045 .023 7/16 .050 .019 7/16 .075 .023 1/4 .045 .030 1/4 .050 .044 3/8 .050 .044 7/16 .062 .055 7/16 .058 .050 1 .062 .055 7/16 .074 .067 3/16 .045 .030 7/16 .083 .075 1 .085 .070 1 1/4 .075 .035 .025 3/16 .032 1 .082 .020 7/16 .082 .020 Special Fasteners 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 18 19 18 18 16 17 16 15 19 14 14 14 21 25 25 2nd & 3rd DIGIT 4th DIGIT Leg Length Point 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5 /16 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-1/8 2 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 (3mm) (4mm) (5mm) (5mm) (8mm) (10mm) (11mm) (12mm) (14mm) (16mm) (19mm) (22mm) (25mm) (28mm) (32mm) (35mm) (38mm) (41mm) (44mm) (48mm) (50mm) (54mm) (56mm) (60mm) (63mm) (70mm) (76mm) (82mm) (90mm) 5th DIGIT Wire Chem. & Fin. A Blunt B Chisel C Inside Chisel D Outside Chisel E Easy Clinch F Divergent G Outside Chisel Div. H Cross Cut Chisel J Cross Cut Chisel Div. K Spear L Chisel Div. M Self Clinch N Sharp Chisel R Step A Galv. Std. Tensile B Galv. High Tensile C Liq. Fin. Std. High Ten. D Liq. Fin. Ult. High Ten. E Liq. Fin. Low Tensile F Senclamp G Stainless Steel H Stainless Steel Hi. Ten. AISI-304 J Monel K Steel Core Aluminum L Steel Core Bronze M Aluminum N Bronze P Reg. Galv. (flash) or Greater Q Class 1 Galv. Std. Tensile R Brt. Basic Std. Tensile U Stainless Steel, AISI-316 6th DIGIT Finish A Plain B Sencote C Painted & Sencote D Ptd. & Sencote E Coated F To be Painted 7th DIGIT Features B Bandline C Container G Glue J Made in Japan N Change in Count P Bulk Pack R Retail Pack T Taped Strips V Angular Strips Z Coiled Staples Example: G08BAA G = 3/8” Crown, .045” Width, .023” Thickness 08 = 1/2” Leg Length B = Chisel Point A = Galvanized Standard Tensile A = Plain *Class 1 Galvanized (N, P & Q series staples) 8-DIGIT NAIL CODING SYSTEM 1st Digit Gauge Inch 2nd Digit Head/Shank Form A 18. .039 B 12.5 .099 C 23. .0267 D 15. .072 E 13. .0915 F 12.62 .097 G 11.5 .113 H 11. .120 I 11. .124 J 12. .105 K 10.25 .131 L 10.25 .135 M 9. .148 N 8. .162 P 13.5 .086 R 16. .063 S 13.75 .082 T 6. .181 U 14. .08 W 11. .122 Z Special Fast. 1 11.75 .110 2 7. .177 3 17. .054 A Brad, Smooth C Flat, Smooth D Flat, Smooth FRH E Flat, Ring Shank F Flat, Screw Shank G Conical, Ring Drywall FRH H T-head, Smooth J Flat, Smooth O/S FRH K Flat, Screw O/S FRH L Flat, Ring FRH M Flat, Ring O/S FRH N Flat, Smooth U/S FRH R Duplex Head T Full Length Step Ring U Bugle, Smooth FRH V Bugle, Ring FRH W L-head “Cleat” Flooring Nail X Med. Head Brad Y Slight Head Brad Z Headless Pin 1 Flat, 1/3 Ring 2 Flat, 1/3 Screw 3 Smooth, O/S 4 Dome, Ring O/S 5 Offset FRH, Smooth 6 Offset FRH, Ring 3rd & 4th 5th Digit Length Point 08 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 74 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 3/8 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 2 5/8 4 4 1/4 4 1/2 5 3 3/4 2 7/8 A Diamond B Blunt Diamond C Blunt E Chisel F Blunt Chisel G Semi-Blunt X Special 6th Digit Wire Chem. & Fin. 7th Digit Finish 8th Digit Features A Reg. Galv. Std. Ten. B Reg. Galv. Olive Drab D WeathereX™ 2 Galv. E Hot Dip Galv. Heat Trtd. G Stainless Stl. AISI-304 H Bright Basic Ht. Trtd. I Reg. Galv. Ht. Trtd. J Hot Dip Galv. Med. Carbon M Aluminum P Bright Basic Std. Ten. Q Bright Basic Med. Carbon R Reg. Galv. Yel. Chromate S Hot Dip Galv. 43 Micron T “Flash” Galv. or Greater U Stainless Stl. AISA-316 X Hot Dip Galv. 50 Micron Z Bronze A Plain B Sencote C Painted D Painted & Sencote E Coated by Vendor F Sencoted-Full Cov. S New Glue A Coil, flat wnd., angular wire, 6.0mm Euro, bulk pack B Coil, flat wound, stright wire, carrier strip C Coil, flat wound, angular wire,carrier strip D FRH-paper tape, 34° collation F Coil, flat wound, angular wire, 8.2mm spacing G Coil, flat wound, stright wire H Coil, flat wound, angular wire, 7.0mm spacing J Special head feature K Half Strip L FRH plastic collation 7.5mm spacing N Change in count P Bulk pack or high load coil Q .300 DI. head drywall nail R Retail packaging S FRH-Strip, plastic collation T FRH-Metal connector, 20° paper tape collation U Coil, inverted con. wnd., angular, plastic collation V Coil, con. wnd., angular, wire collation W Con. wnd., straight wire collation, 8.2mm spacing X Half strips - Retail package Y Coil, Inverted con. wnd., straight plastic collation Z Coil, con. wnd., straight wire 5.5 & 6.5mm spacing 1 Finish naill ⁄ straight collation 2 Finish naill ⁄ angular collation 3 Finish nail ⁄ alternate angle collation FRH = Full Round Head O/S = Oversize Head U/S = Undersize Head Example: KC27APB K = .131" C = Flathead, Smooth Shank 27 = 3” nail A = Diamond Point P = Bright Basic, Standard Tensile B = Sencoted Always Choose Genuine Fasteners 39 FASTENERS Finish Nails 15 Ga. 2" 34˚ Angled SENCO® 15 Ga. 34˚Angled Strip Finish Nails FN65DA Fusion (7d) .069 (8d) .069 DA25 (6d) .069 DA23 (5d) .069 DA19 (4d) .069 DA17 DA15 DA13 (3d) .069 DA21 SFN30 (2d) .069 Furniture and cabinets, molding and trim, baseboard, chair rail, doors and window casings GT65DA FinishPro 42XP 1_ 1¼ __ 1½__ 1¾__ 2_ 2¼__ 2½__ 34˚ DA 15 Ga. 40 Carton Length Item Code Count Point Finish Coating Bright Basic 1 DA13EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 1¼ DA15EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 1½ DA17EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 1¾ DA19EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 2 DA21EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 2¼ DA23EPBN 4.M Chisel Bright Sencote 2½ DA25EPB 3.M Chisel Bright Sencote 1½ A301500 0.7M Chisel Bright Sencote 1¾ A301750 0.7M Chisel Bright Sencote 2 A302000 0.7M Chisel Bright Sencote 2½ A302500 0.7M Chisel Bright Sencote Galvanized 1¼ DA15EABN 4.M Chisel Galv Sencote 1½ DA17EABN 4.M Chisel Galv Sencote 1¾ DA19EABN 4.M Chisel Galv Sencote 2 DA21EABN 4.M Chisel Galv Sencote 2½ DA25EAB 3.M Chisel Galv Sencote 2 A302009 0.7M Chisel Galv Sencote 2½ A302509 0.7M Chisel Galv Sencote Stainless 2 DA21EGBN 2.M Chisel Stainless Sencote 2½ DA25EGB 1.2M Chisel Stainless Sencote 1¼ A301257 1.2M Chisel Stainless Sencote 1½ A301507 0.7M Chisel Stainless Sencote 1¾ A301757 0.7M Chisel Stainless Sencote 2 A302007 0.7M Chisel Stainless Sencote 2½ A302507 0.7M Chisel Stainless Sencote Reg. Galv Heat Treated* 1¼ DA15AIA 4.M Diamond Hardened* Plain 1½ DA17AIA 4.M Diamond Hardened* Plain 1¾ DA19AIA 4.M Diamond Hardened* Plain *Hardened 15 gauge for steel stud and trim application Package Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Box Box Box Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Box Box Box FASTENERS Finish Nails 16 Ga. Straight and 20˚ Angled Strip SENCO® 16 Ga. Straight Strip Finish Nails FinishPro 32Mg (8d) .055 M001007 (6d) .055 M001005 (5d) .055 M001004 (4d) .055 M001003 (3d) .055 M001002 (2d) .055 M001001 M001000 (2d) .055 ¾_ 1_ 1¼ __ 1½__ 1¾__ 2_ 2½__ GT65RHA FinishPro 33Mg Carton Length Item Code Count ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2½ 1 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2½ Variety M001000 M001001 M001002 M001003 M001004 M001005 M001007 A401009 A401259 A401509 A401759 A402009 A402509 A409809 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 1.2M 1.2M 0.7M 0.7M 0.7M 0.7M 0.8M Head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head Point Finish Coating Package Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell 16 Ga. Straight Strip (8d) .055 RH25EAA (6d) .055 RH21EAA (5d) .055 RH19EAA (4d) .055 RH17EAA RH15EAA (3d) .055 Furniture and cabinets, molding and trim, baseboard, chair rail, window casings and upholstery trim panels 1¼ __ SENCO® 16 Ga. 20° Angled Strip Finish Nails* Carton Length Item Code Count 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2½ RH15EAA RH17EAA RH19EAA RH21EAA RH25EAA 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M Head T-head T-head T-head T-head T-head Point Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Coating Package Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Plastic Box Plastic Box Plastic Box Plastic Box Plastic Box *NOTE: ONLY Fits 16 Gauge 20-Degree Finish Nailers 1½__ 1¾__ 2_ 2½__ RH 16 Ga. 20˚ 41 FASTENERS Finish Nails 18 - 23 Gauge / Cabinets, decorative trim, picture frames and ornamentals Carton Length Item Code Count AY13 / 1 2__ AY11 AY10 AZ13 AZ11 LS1 AZ08 SENCO® 18 Ga. Straight Strip Brad Nails FN55AX Fusion SLP20XP FinishPro 25XP 5 8__ /4__ 3 ½ ¾ 1 5 ⁄8 ¾ 1 5 ⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 15⁄8 1¾ 2 21⁄8 /4__ 3 1_ 1_ SLP20XP / AX22 AX21 AX19 AX18 AX17 AX15 AX13 AX11 AX10 FN55AX Fusion FinishPro 18Mg FinishPro 25XP 5 8__ /4__ 3 1_ A102009 A101379 A101259 A101009 A100759 A100629 A100509 Package Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box SENCO® 23 Ga. Straight Strip Micro Pins 1 2__ Pins fasten the smallest of trim securely leaving a nearly invisible hole. Length 5 8__ Carton Item Code Count Head Finish Coating Package Galvanized / 3 4__ 1_ ½ ⁄8 ¾ 1 1¼ 13⁄8 1½ 2 Variety Variety 5 1¼_ 13/8__ 1½_ 2_ 42 5.M Headless Chisel 5.M Headless Chisel 5.M Headless Chisel 5.M Slight Chisel 5.M Slight Chisel 5.M Slight Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel 5.M Medium Chisel Coating 21/8__ FinishPro11 A109909 Variety Pack FinishPro10 A109809 Variety Pack / Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv 13/4__ A101509 15/8__ 2_ / Point AZ = headless brad AY = slight-headed brad AX = medium-headed brad 11/4__ 11/2__ AZ08EAA AZ11EAA AZ13EAA AY10EAA AY11EAA AY13EAA AX10EAA AX11EAA AX13EAA AX15EAA AX17EAA AX18EAA AX19EAA AX21EAAN AX22EAAN Head A100509 A100629 A100759 A101009 A101259 A101379 A101509 A102009 A109809 A109909 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.6M 2.5M 2.5M Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Headless Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell FASTENERS Framing Nails 34˚ Clipped Head Smooth Shank SENCO® 34˚ Smooth Shank Paper Tape Collated Nails SN901XP, SN951XP, GT90CH .131 .113 .113 .113 .113 GC24 (8d) .131 KC25 (8d) GC25 (8d) GC23 (7d) GC21 (6d) KC17 (4d) 11/2__ 2_ 21/4__ 23/8__ 21/2__ 21/2__ GT90CH SN901XP, SN951XP (16d) (12d) (16d) .131 .135 LC29 .131 KC29 .120 HC28 .131 KC27 HC27 3_ (12d) (10d) KC28 (10d) .120 3_ 31/4__ Framing, sheathing, subfloor, decks, trusses and pallets Carton Count Length Item Code Point 1½ x .131 1½ x .131 2 x .113 2 x .113 2¼ x .113 2¼ x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 2½ x .113 2¾ x .120 3 x .120 3 x .120 3 x .120 3 x .120 3 x .131 3 x .131 3 x .131 3¼ x .120 3¼ x .120 3¼ x .120 3¼ x .131 3½ x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3½ x .131 4 x .131 3½ x .135 KC17APBK KC17AHBK M002080 GC21APBK GC23APBK GC23AHAK M002081 M002063* GC24APBKN GC25APBK HC26APBK M002023 M002066* HC27APB HC27APBKN M002065* M002018 KC27APBK M002024 M002069* HC28APBKN M002019 M002020 M002068* KC28APBK KC29APBK KC31APBK LC29APBK 1.M 1.M 2.M 2.5M 5.M 1.M 2.M 2.5M 2.5M 5.M 3.M 2.5M 2.5M 3.M 3.M 2.5M 2.M 3.M 2.M 2.5M 3.M 2.M 2.M 2.5M 3.M 3.M 2.4M 3.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 2½ x .113 2½ x .131 3 x .120 3 x .131 3 x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3½ x .131 3½ x .131 GC21AABK GC24ASBK GC25AABKN KC25AAB HC27AABK KC27EDB KC27ASBK KC28ASBK KC28AABK KC29ASBK KC29AABK 2.5M 2.M 5.M 5.M 3.M 1.M 2.M 2.M 3.M 2.M 3.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Chisel Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 3 x .131 3¼ x .131 KC27AGBK KC28AGB 1.M 1.M Diamond Diamond Finish Bright Basic Bright Bt. Hardened Bright Bright Bright Bt. Hardened Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Galv Hot Dip Galv Galv Galv WeathereX™2 Hot Dip Hot Dip Galv Hot Dip Galv Stainless Stainless Stainless Coating Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote *Paslode Strip 31/4__ 31/2__ 31/2__ 43 FASTENERS Framing Nails 34˚ Clipped Head Ring & Screw Shank SENCO® 34˚ Ring Shank Paper Tape Collated Nails SN901XP, SN951XP, GT90CH (6d) (8d) .120 HE27 .113 GE24 GE21 .113 (10d) 2_ 2 3/8__ Framing, sheathing, subfloor, decks, trusses and pallets Length Item Code Carton Count 2 x .113 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 GE21APAK M002080 GE24APBK M002078 M002062* 2.M 2.5M 5.M 2.M 2.5M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 2 x .113 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 3 x .120 GE21AAAK GE21ASBK GE24AAAK GE24AABKN M002079 GE24ASBK M002064* HE27AABKN HE27ASBK 2.M 2.M 1.5M 1.5M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 GE24AGBK HE27AGBK 1.M 1.M Diamond Diamond Point Finish Bright Basic Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Galv Hot Dip Galv Galv Galv Hot Dip Hot Dip Galv Hot Dip Stainless Stainless Stainless Coating Plain Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote Plain Sencote Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote *Paslode Strip 3_ SENCO® 34˚ Screw Shank Paper Tape Collated Nails Framing, sheathing, subfloor, decks, trusses and pallets SN901XP, SN951XP, (10d) HF27 .120 Item Code Carton Count Point 3 x .120 HF27EPAK 3.1M Chisel 3 x .120 3 x .120 HF27ESBK HF27EDB 2.M 1.M Diamond Chisel 3 x .120 HF27AGBK 1.M Diamond Length Finish Bright Basic Bright Galvanized Hot-Dip WeathereX™2 Stainless Stainless Clipped Head Strip Nails 3_ 44 34˚ Coating Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote FASTENERS Framing Nails 34˚ RoundStrip Ring & Smooth Shank SN901XP, SN951XP, GT90CH .113 (10d) .120 (10d) .131 K627 (8d) H627 .113 G624 .131 (6d) G621 .131 K529 .131 K528 .120 K527 .113 G524 G521 .113 (8d) (10d) (10d) (12d) (16d) H527 (2d) 2 __ 2__ 23/8__ 3_ 3_ 31/4__ 31/2__ This design allows round head nails to be collated in a “nested” shank-to-shank 34˚ paper tape strip Shank Length Carton Item Code Count Point Smooth 2 3⁄8 x .113 Smooth 3 x .120 Smooth 3 x .131 Smooth 3¼ x .131 Smooth 3½ x .131 G524APBK H527APBK K527APBK K528APBK K529APBK 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Smooth 2 x .113 Smooth 2 3⁄8 x .113 Smooth 3 x .120 Smooth 3 x .131 Smooth 3¼ x .131 G521ASBK G524ASBK H527ASBK K527ASBK K528ASBK 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Finish Bright Basic Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Hot Dip Hot Dip Hot Dip Hot Dip Hot Dip Coating Strip Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip SENCO® RoundStrip™ 34˚ Ring Round Head Nails 2 3/8__ 3_ SENCO® RoundStrip™ 34˚ Smooth Round Head Nails 3_ Ring Ring 2 3⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 G624APBK H627APBK 2.M 2.M Ring Ring Ring Ring 2 x .113 2 3⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 3 x .131 G621ASBK G624ASBK H627ASBK K627ASBK 2.M 2.M 2.M 2.M Bright Basic Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Galvanized Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Sencote Sencote HandyStrip HandyStrip Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip HandyStrip 45 FASTENERS Metal Connector SENCO® 34˚ Metal Connector Paper Tape Collated Nails HN150 HN250 .148 .148 _ 1½ .162 M002267 BB, M002268 HD MD25, M002265 BB, M002266 HD M002261 BB, M002262 HD MD17, M002263 BB, M002264 HD .131 Joist hangers, foundation anchors, seismic and hurricane straps and ties, standard tensile, non-hardened nails Item Code Carton Count Point 1½ x .131 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 2½ x .162 M002261 M002263 M002265 M002267 2.M 2.M 1.5M 1.2M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 1½ x .131 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 2½ x .148 M002262 M002264 M002266 M002268 2.M 2.M 1.5M 1.2M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 MD17AHAD 2.M MD25AHAD 2.M 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 MD17AEAD MD25AEAD Length _ 1½ Heat Treated 2½_ 2½_ SN60MC .148 MD25 .148 MD17 KJ17 .131 2.M 2.M Finish Coating Bright Basic Bright Plain Bright Plain Bright Plain Bright Plain Galvanized Hot Dip Plain Hot Dip Plain Hot Dip Plain Hot Dip Plain Bright Basic Bright Bright Galvanized Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Diamond Collation 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip Plain Plain 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip Plain Plain 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip 34˚ Paper Tape, Strip SENCO® 20˚ Metal Connector Paper Tape Collated Nails Joist hangers, foundation anchors, seismic and hurricane straps and ties, standard tensile, non-hardened nails Item Code Carton Count 1½ x .131 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 KJ17APAT MD17APAT MD25APBT 2.M 2.M 2.M Finish Coating Collation Bright Basic Diamond Bright Plain 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip Diamond Bright Plain 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip Diamond Bright Sencote 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip 1½ x .131 1½ x .148 2½ x .148 KJ17ASAT MD17ASAT MD25ASBT 2.M 2.M 2.M Diamond Diamond Diamond Length 1½_ 1½_ 2½_ 46 Point Galvanized Hot Dip Plain 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip Hot Dip Plain 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip Hot Dip Sencote 20˚ Paper Tape, Strip FASTENERS Framing Nails 20˚ Full Round Head Smooth Shank SN952XP SN902XP, GT90FRH 21/2__ HD27 KD25 21/2__ (10d) (10d) .120 .131 (12d) .131 .120 HD28 (8d) .113 KD27 (8d) (8d) .113 GD25 GD23 GD21 (7d) .113 GD24 (6d) .113 2_ 21/4__ 23/8__ 3_ 3_ 31/4__ GT90FRH SN902XP SN952XP (12d) .148 (16d) Roof Tile Nail Oversize Head .162 (10d) .120 (10d) .120 HJ27* (10d) .148 HJ25* .148 M002103 (10d) MD28 .131 MD27 (16d) MD23 KD28 .131 KD29 (12d) SENCO® 20˚ Smooth Shank Plastic Collated Nails Framing, sheathing, subfloor, decks, trusses and pallets Length Item Code Carton Count Point 2 x .113 2¼ x .113 2¼ x .148 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 2½ x .113 2½ x .131 2½ x .131 3 x .120 3 x .131 3 x .131 3 x .148 3 x .148 3¼ x .120 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .148 3½ x .131 3½ x .131 3½ x .162 GD21APBSN GD23AHAS MD23APBSN M002063 GD24APBSN GD25APBSN KD25APBSN M002105 HD27APBSN KD27APBSN M002044 MD27APBSN M002102 HD28APBSN KD28APBSN M002045 MD28APBSN KD29APBSN M002101 M002103 5.M 2.8M 4.M 2.5M 5.M 5.M 4.M 2.5M 4.M 4.M 2.5M 4.M 2.M 4.M 4.M 2.5M 4.M 4.M 2.5M 1.8M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 2 x .113 2½ x .113 2½ x .113 2½ x .120 2½ x .131 3 x .120 3 x .131 3 x .131 3 x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3½ x .131 3½ x .131 3½ x .131 GD21AABSN GD25AABSN M002098 HJ25ADBS* KD25AABS HJ27ADBS* KD27ASBS KD27AABSN M002046 KD28ASBS KD28AABSN M002047 KD29ASBS KD29AABSN M002106 5.M 5.M 2.5M 2.3M 2.5M 2.3M 2.5M 4.M 2.5M 2.5M 4.M 2.5M 2.5M 4.M 2.5M Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond 3¼ x .131 KD28AGBS 1.M Diamond Finish Bright Basic Bright Bt. Hardened Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Galv Galv Galv WeathereX™2 Galv WeathereX™2 Hot Dip Galv Galv Hot Dip Galv Galv Hot Dip Galv Galv Stainless Stainless Coating Sencote Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote * Roof tile nails, drive with the FramePro®752XP or SN952XP Full Round Head Strip Nails 21/4__ 21/2__ 3_ 31/4__ 31/4__ 31/2__ 3_ 31/2__ 20˚ 47 FASTENERS Framing Nails 20˚ Full Round Head Ring Shank SN902XP, SN952XP, GT90FRH .113 (10d) .120 HL27 GL21 .113 (8d) GL24 (6d) 2_ 2 3/8__ 3_ 48 SENCO® 20˚ Ring Shank Plastic Collated Nails Framing, sheathing, subfloor, decks, trusses, and pallets Length Item Code Carton Count 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 GL21APBSN GL24APBSN M002041 5.M 5.M 2.5M 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 3 x .120 GL21ASBS GL24AABSN M002042 GL24ASBS HL27AABSN HL27ASBS 2.5M 5.M 2.5M 2.5M 4.M 2.5M 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 GL24AGBS HL27AGBS 1.M 1.M Point Finish Bright Basic Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Galvanized Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Galv Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Stainless Diamond Stainless Diamond Stainless Coating Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote FASTENERS Framing Nails 15˚ Coil Framing Nails Smooth & Ring Shank SCN65 SCN60, SCN49 PAL 70 SENCO® Smooth Shank Framing Coil Nails PAL100 PAL130 (10d) (12d) (16d) .120 .131 .131 KD29 .131 KD28 KD27 .120 HD28 .131 (10d) (12d) HD27 .113 (8d) KD25 .113 (8d) GD25 GD21 .113 (8d) GD24 (6d) 2_ 21/2__ 21/2__ 3__ 3__ 31/4__ 31/ 4__ 31/2__ SCN65XP SCN60XP, SCN49 2_ 2_ .113 PAL130 (8d) .113 (10d) .120 HL27 .099 (6d) GL24 .099 (7d) BL23 .099 (6d) BT21 (6d) Item Code Carton Count 2 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 2½ x .113 2½ x .131 2½ x .131 3 x .120 3 x .131 3 x .131 3¼ x .120 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 3½ x .131 GD21APBF GD24APBF M003005 GD25APBF KD25APBF M003014 HD27APBF KD27APBF M003007 HD28APBF KD28APBF M003009 KD29APBF 6.M 6.M 2.7M 6.M 3.6M 2.4M 4.M 3.6M 2.4M 4.M 3.6M 2.4M 3.6M 2 x .113 2½ x .113 3 x .131 3 x .131 3¼ x .131 3¼ x .131 GD21AABF GD25AABF KD27AABF KD27ASBF KD28AABF KD28ASBF 6.M 6.M 3.6M 2.4M 3.6M 2.4M Point Finish Coating Bright Basic Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Diamond Bright Sencote Galvanized Diamond Galv Sencote Diamond Galv Sencote Diamond Galv Sencote Diamond Hot Dip Sencote Diamond Galv Sencote Diamond Hot Dip Sencote Collation Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound SENCO® Ring Shank Framing Coil Nails Length PAL70 PAL100 GL21 PAL57F Length Framing, sheathing, pallets, subfloor, decks and trusses SCN49 BL21 23/8__ Framing, sheathing, pallets, subfloor, decks and trusses 2_ Item Code 2 x .099 2 x .099 2 x .113 2¼ x .099 23⁄8 x .113 BL21APBF BT21APBF GL21APBF BL23APBF GL24APBF 6.6M 6.6M 6.M 6.6M 6.M 2¼ x .099 23⁄8 x .113 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 3 x .120 BE23AABF GL24AABF GL24ASBF HL27AABF HL27ASBF 6.6M 6.M 2.7M 3.6M 2.4M 23⁄8 x .113 3 x .120 GL24AGBF HL27AGBF 2.7M 2.4M Wire Weld Coil Nails 21/4_ 23/8_ Carton Count Point Finish Bright Basic Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Galvanized Diamond Galv Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Stainless Diamond Stainless Diamond Stainless Coating Collation Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Angular, flat wire wound 15˚ 3_ 49 FASTENERS Coil Framing Nails 15˚ Screw, Duplex Shanks & Wood to Masonry Smooth Shank SENCO® Screw Shank Framing Coil Nails SCN60XP SCN65XP PAL70 .099 (10d) Length Item Code Carton Count Point 2 x .099 2 x .099 2¼ x .099 2¼ x .099 2½ x .099 3 x .120 BK21BPBFN BK21EPBF BK23BPBFN BK23EPBF BK25BPBFN HK27APBFN 9.M 6.6M 9.M 6.6M 6.M 4.M (12d) .120 .120 HK28 (8d) PAL130 HK27 .099 BK23 BK21 .099 (7d) BK25 (6d) Framing, sheathing, pallets, subfloor, decks and trusses PAL100 3¼ x .120 HK28ASBF 2.4M Finish Bright Basic Blunt Dia. Bright Chisel Bright Blunt Dia. Bright Chisel Bright Blunt Dia. Bright Diamond Bright Galvanized Diamond Hot Dip Coating Collation Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Angular, flat wire wound 2__ 21/4__ SENCO® Smooth Shank Stiff Stock Coil Nails 21/2__ Wood to masonry SCN49 3¼_ SCN65XP SCN60XP PAL70 .099 SCN60XP Modified* (10d) .120 (10d) .120 x .099 x .099 x .099 x .099 HR74* HR22* 21/4__ 2 1⁄8__ 2 7⁄8__ Carton Item Code Count BJ17AQBFN M003011 BJ23AQBFN M003012 3.3M 3.M 3.3M 3.M Point Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Finish Coating Bright Basic Bright Sencote Bright Sencote Bright Sencote Bright Sencote Collation Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound SENCO® Duplex Smooth Shank Coil Nails Framing, trusses, crating and concrete forms Length 11/2__ 50 Length 1½ 1½ 2¼ 2¼ BJ23 BJ17 .099 3__ Item Code Carton Count Point Finish Coating Bright Basic 21⁄8 x .120 HR22APAF 5.4M Diamond Bright Plain Bright Plain 27⁄8 x .120 HR74APAF 3.6M Diamond *Requires a special order modified SCN60XP Tool (order XA1739) Collation Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound FASTENERS Coil Packaging, Siding & Drywall Nails 15˚ Smooth & Ring Shank SENCO® Smooth Shank-Packaging Coil Nails SCN49 PAL57F PAL70 (5d) .092 .092 (6d) .092 .092 17/8__ ED24, EJ23 ED20 ED19 13/4__ (7d) ED21, EJ21 (5d) 2__ 21/4__ .082 .082 .082 .092 .092 .092 EL23 (7d) EL20 (6d) EL19 (5d) SE19 (5d) SE17 (4d) SE15 Item Code Carton Count 17⁄8 x .092 ED20APBH 7.2M 1¾ x .092 2 x .092 2 x .092 2 x .092 2 x .092 2 x .092 2 x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 ED19ASBC ED21AABH ED21ADBH EJ21ADBC EJ21ADBH EJ21ASBC EJ21ADBV ED23AABH ED23ADBH ED23ASBC EJ23ADBH EJ23ADBC EJ23ASBC 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 6.4M 7.2M 3.6M 6.M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 7.2M 4.8M 3.6M Point Bright Basic Diamond Galvanized Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Finish Coating Collation Bright Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Hot Dip Galv WeathereX™2 WeathereX™2 WeathereX™2 Hot Dip WeathereX™2 Galv WeathereX™2 Hot Dip WeathereX™2 WeathereX™2 Hot Dip Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, conical wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular, conical wire wound Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular plastic carrier strip wound Packaging, siding, fencing, wood shingles, crating and pallets PAL70 (3d) 11/4__ 11/2__ 17/8__ 21/4__ Length Carton Item Code Count 1¼ x .082 SE15APB 1½ x .082 SE17APB 1¾ x .082 SE19APB 15.M 12.M 12.M 1¾ x .092 1¾ x .092 17⁄8 x .092 17⁄8 x .092 2 x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 2¼ x .092 EL19ASBC EL19ASBH EL20AABH EL20ASBH EL21ASBH EL23AABH EL23ASBC EL23ASBH 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 1¾ x .092 17⁄8 x .092 2 x .092 2¼ x .092 EL19AGBH EL20AGBH EL21AGBH EL23AGBH 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M 3.6M Point Finish Coating Bright Basic Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Diamond Bright Galvanized Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Galv Diamond Hot Dip Diamond Hot Dip Stainless Diamond Stainless Diamond Stainless Diamond Stainless Diamond Stainless Collation Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular plastic carrier strip wound Angular, flat wire wound Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound SCN40DW (5d) .099 .099 BG18 (4d) BG17 13/4__ Length SENCO® Ring Shank-Packaging and Siding Coil Nails SCN49 PAL57F 13/4__ Packaging, siding, fencing, pallets and underlayment SENCO® Drywall Ring Shank Bugle Head Coil Nails Length 1½ x .099 1½ x .099 15⁄8 x .099 15⁄8 x .099 1½__ Item Code BG17AAA BG17AAAQ BG18AAA BG18AAAQ Carton Count 9.6M 6.4M 9.6M 6.4M Point Finish Diamond Diamond Diamond Diamond Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Coating Plain Plain Plain Plain Collation Angular, conical wire wound Angular, conical wire wound Angular, conical wire wound Angular, conical wire wound 15/8__ 51 FASTENERS Coil Roofing Nails Ring & Smooth Shank RoofPro450 / 455XP (5d) .120 M003106 (4d) .120 M003105 (3d) .120 M003104 M003102 M003101 .120 (2d) .120 M003103 (1d) .120 / 3 4__ SENCO® Smooth Shank Roofing Coil Nails Asphalt & fiberglass shingles, siding and vaper barriers Length / 1_ 11/4 __ 11/2 __ RoofPro450 / 455XP (2d) .120 Finish Coating Collation M003101 7.2M Diamond Galv Plain Angular, flat wire wound Angular, flat wire wound ⁄8 x .120 M003102 7.2M Diamond Galv Plain 1 x .120 M003103 7.2M Diamond Galv Plain Angular, flat wire wound 1¼ x .120 M003104 7.2M Diamond Galv. Plain Angular, flat wire wound 1½ x .120 M003105 7.2M Diamond Galv Plain Angular, flat wire wound 1¾ x .120 M003106 7.2M Diamond Galv Plain Angular, flat wire wound 13/4__ (3d) .120 HM15 Point ¾ x .120 Listed HM13 Carton Count Galvanized 7 7 8 __ Item Code SENCO® Ring Shank Roofing Coil Nails Asphalt & fiberglass shingles, siding and vaper barriers Length Item Code Carton Count Point HM13ADAP 7.2M Diamond WeathereX™2 Plain Angular, flat wire wound HM15ADAP 7.2M Diamond WeathereX™2 Plain Angular, flat wire wound Finish Coating Collation Galvanized 1 x .120 1 __ 11/4 __ 1¼ x .120 Exceeded the ASTM G85 test protocol required for Miami Dade County approval. Listed for use in Miami-Dade, or in other regions that observe the Miami-Dade building codes. 52 FASTENERS Fine Wire Staples 22 - 20 Gauge SFW10XP-A/D A04 3 ⁄16 ⁄4 1 3 ⁄8 ⁄2 D10 3⁄16 ⁄ 58 LEG LENGTH THICKNESS B04 ½ 5 B06 ½ ⁄ Crown: 1/2 (12.7mm) Width: .030 Thickness: .0215 Gauge: 22 ⁄16 /32 ¼ ⁄16 3 ⁄8 ½ ⁄2 C03 C04 /8 3 8 / 3 8 / / 1 4 C05 C06 C07 /8 3 8 / 3 8 /16 5 25.M 45.M 40.M 25.M Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel 7 Length Item Code ⁄32 ⁄16 ¼ 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 7 ⁄16 ½ 5 ⁄8 C02BAAPN C03BAAPN C04BAAP C05BAAPN C06BAAP C07BAAPN C08BAAP C10BAAP ⁄16 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 C03BGAN C06BGA C06BGAP 3 /16 C10 3/8 /2 1 /8 5 Crown: 3/8 (9.5mm) Width: .030 Thickness: .0215 Gauge: 22 3 3 ⁄ 3 8 1 E08 ⁄ 3 16 E10 ⁄16 3 3 16 /2 Coating Plain Plain Plain Plain Carton Count Point 60.M 55.M 35.M 28.M 50.M 40.M 35.M 27.M Coating Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Plain Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Stainless 25.M Chisel Stainless 10.M Chisel Stainless 25.M Chisel Stainless Plain Plain Plain Furniture upholstery, felt, insulation, casebacks, screening and shoes Carton Length Item Code Count /8 Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv SENCO® 20 Ga. 3/16" Crown Fine Wire SFW10XP-E E06 Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Furniture upholstery, felt, insulation, casebacks, screening and shoes 5 /8 C08 3 /8 Crown: 3/16 (4.8mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .019 Gauge: 20 Point / 3 / B04BAAPN B05BAAP B06BAAP B08BAAP Carton Count SENCO® 22 Ga. 3/8" Crown Fine Wire C02 3 Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Length Item Code 1 /16 Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel B08 ½ 5 3 Coating Furniture upholstery, felt, insulation, casebacks, screening and shoes SFW09P-C SFW10XP-C 3 10.M 30.M 40.M 20.M 30.M 20.M 23.M Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv B05 ½ 38 5 A04BAAN A06BABN A06BABP A08BAB A08BABP D10BABN D10BABPN Point SENCO® 22 Ga. 1/2" Crown Fine Wire SFW09P-B SFW10XP-B ⁄ Furniture upholstery, felt, insulation, casebacks, screening and shoes ¼ 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 ½ ½ 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 WIDTH 14 SENCO® 22 Ga. 3/16" Crown Fine Wire Carton Length Item Code Count 1 Crown: 3/16 (4.8mm) Width: .030 Thickness: .0215 Gauge: 22 CROWN A08 3⁄16 A06 3⁄16 5 3 ⁄8 ½ 5 ⁄8 E06BAA E08BAA E10BAA 10.M 10.M 5.M Point Finish Galvanized Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Coating Plain Plain Plain 53 FASTENERS Fine Wire Staples 21 - 18 Gauge SFW09P-F SFW10XP-F SENCO® 20 Ga. 1/2" Crown Fine Wire F04 Upholstery, felt, insulation and casebacks, D Tool: Bedding, packaging and set-up boxes ½ 1/4 Carton Length Item Code Count DFP Self-Clinching F05 ½ 5/16 F06 F08 ½ ½ ¼ ¼ 5 ⁄16 3 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 ½ 3/8 1/2 Crown: 1/2 (12.7mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .019 Gauge: 20 ⁄8 3 SFW10XP-G G04 3 1/4 G06 G08 G10 3/8 3/8 3/8 /8 /8 3 1/2 Crown: 3/8 (9.5mm) Width: .045 Thickness: .023 Gauge: 20 5/8 H06 7/16 Crown: /16 (11mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .019 Gauge: 20 7 3/8 F75 3 /8 J10 7/16 7/16 7/16 1/2 5/8 Crown: 7/16 (11mm) Width: .075 Thickness: .023 Gauge: 18 Crown: 3/16 (4.8mm) Width: .032 Thickness: .025 Gauge: 21 54 5/8 W11 3/16 3/16 3/4 10.M Blunt Stainless Stainless Plain G04BAAN G06BABN G08BAB G10BAB 10.M 5.M 5.M 5.M Point Finish Coating Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Plain Plain Plain Plain Insulation, vapor barriers & roofing felt Carton Length Item Code Count H06BAA 5.M Point Finish Galvanized Chisel Galv Coating Plain SENCO® 18 Ga. 7/16" Crown Fine Wire Packaging, joining materials to corrugated Carton Length Item Code Count ⁄8 ½ 5 ⁄8 SLS20XP-W F06BGA SENCO® 20 Ga. 7/16" Crown Fine Wire 3 W10 Blunt Blunt Blunt Blunt Blunt Blunt Carton Length Item Code Count ⁄8 J08 10.M 17.M 24.M 10.M 24.M 10.M Upholstery, felt, insulation and casebacks 3 J06 F04BAAN F04BAAP F05BAAP F06BAA F06BAAP F08BAAN Finish Coating Galvanized Galv Plain Galv Plain Galv Plain Galv Plain Galv Plain Galv Plain SENCO® 20 Ga. 3/8" Crown Fine Wire ¼ 3 ⁄8 ½ 5 ⁄8 SFT10 A11 Point J06BAA J08BAAN J10BAAN 5.M 5.M 5.M Point Finish Galvanized Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Coating Plain Plain Plain SENCO® 21 Ga. 3/16" Crown Fine Wire Cabinets, casebacks, soffits, molding & lattice Carton Length Item Code Count ⁄8 3 ⁄4 5 W10BAB 10.M W11BABN 10.M Point Chisel Chisel Finish Coating Galvanized Galv Sencote Galv Sencote FASTENERS Medium Wire Staples 19 - 18 Gauge SLS20XP-K 1 K08 K10 K11 K12 K13 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ /2 / 5 8 /4 3 Crown: ¼ (6.4mm) Width: .045 Thickness: .030 Gauge: 19 / 7 8 1 SLS20XP-HF SLS20XP-R R10 R11 ⁄16 R13 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 3 /8 5 Crown: 3/16 (5mm) Width: .045 Thickness: .030 Gauge: 19 3 1 SLS18, SLS20XP-L SLS25XP-L L06 L07 L08 L10 L11 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 3 7 /16 /2 1 / 5 8 / 3 4 SKSXP-L, SLS18, SLS20XP-L, SLS25XP-L /8 L12 L13 L14 L15 L17 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ 7 1 Crown: 1/4 (6.4mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .044 Gauge: 18 11/8 11/4 11/2 Cabinets, drawers, soffits, lattice, casebacks Carton Length Item Code Count ½ 5⁄8 ¾ 7⁄8 1 K08BABN 10.M K10BABN 10.M K11BAB 10.M K12BAB 5.M K13BABN 5.M Point Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Finish Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Coating Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote SENCO® 19 Ga. 3/16" Crown Medium Wire Hardwood flooring, cabinets, drawers, lattice Carton Length Item Code Count 5⁄8 ¾ 1 /4 SKSXP-L /8 SENCO® 19 Ga. 1/4" Crown Medium Wire R10BAB R11BAB R13BAB 5.M 5.M 5.M Point Blunt Blunt Blunt Finish Coating Galvanized Galv Sencote Galv Sencote Galv Sencote SENCO® 18 Ga. 1/4" Crown Medium Wire Cabinets,casebacks, drawers, upholstery, soffits, underlayment, lattice & insulative sheathing Carton Length Item Code Count Point Finish Coating Package Bright Basic ¾ L11BRB 5.M Chisel Bright Sencote 1 L13BRBN 5.M Chisel Bright Sencote L14BRB 5.M Chisel Bright Sencote 11⁄8 1¼ L15BRB 5.M Chisel Bright Sencote Galvanized 3⁄8 L06BAB 10.M Chisel Galv Sencote 7⁄16 L07BABP 24.M Chisel Galv Sencote ½ L08BAB 10.M Chisel Galv Sencote 5⁄8 L10BABN 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 5⁄8 L10HABN 5.M Cross Cut Chisel Galv Sencote ¾ L11BAB 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote ¾ L11HAB 5.M Cross Cut Chisel Galv Sencote 7⁄8 L12BAB 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 1 L13BABN 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 11⁄8 L14BAB 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 1¼ L15BAB 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 1½ L17BAB 5.M Chisel Galv Sencote 5 ⁄8 A800629 1.2M Chisel Galv Sencote ¾ A800759 .9M Chisel Galv Sencote 1 A801009 .9M Chisel Galv Sencote 1¼ A801259 .7M Chisel Galv Sencote 1½ A801509 .6M Chisel Galv Sencote Variety A809909 .9M Chisel Galv Sencote Stainless ¾ L11BGA 5.M Chisel Stainless Plain L14BGA 5.M Chisel Stainless Plain 11⁄8 1 A801007 .9M Chisel Stainless Sencote 1¼ A801257 .7M Chisel Stainless Sencote 1½ A801507 .6M Chisel Stainless Sencote Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell Box Box Clamshell Clamshell Clamshell 55 FASTENERS Medium Wire Staples 18 Gauge SKSXP-M SENCO® 18 Ga. 3/8" Crown Medium Wire SLS20XP-M / SLS25XP-M M06 M08 M10 M11 ⁄ 38 ⁄ 38 ⁄ 38 38 / 3 8 1 /2 Cabinets,casebacks, drawers, upholstery, soffits, underlayment, lattice and sheathing ⁄ Length / / 3 4 M12 M13 M15 M17 ⁄8 38 ⁄ 38 ⁄ 38 /8 Carton Count Point 5 8 SKSXP-M SLS20XP-M / SLS25XP-M 3 Item Code ⁄ ⁄8 ¾ 1 M10BRBN M11BRBN M13BRB 5.M 5.M 5.M Chisel Chisel Chisel ⁄8 ½ 5 ⁄8 ¾ 7 ⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ M06BABN M08BAB M10BABN M11BABN M12BAB M13BAB M15BAB M17BAB 10.M 10.M 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M 10.M 10.M Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel 3 7 1 11/4 Crown: 3/8 (9.5mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .044 Gauge: 18 5 Finish Bright Basic Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Coating Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote 11/2 Heavy Wire Staples 17 Gauge SNS44XP* / SNS45XP* O15 O16 ⁄ 7 16 7 16 11/4 ⁄ 13/8 Crown: 7⁄ 16 (11.1mm) Width: .058 Thickness: .050 Gauge: 17 56 O17 ⁄ 7 16 SENCO® 17 Ga. 7/16" Crown Heavy Wire 1¼ 13⁄8 1½ O15BRBB O16BRBB O16BRBB 10.M 10.M 10.M 11/2 * Drives only from SNS44XP and SNS45XP staplers manufactured after 05/2010 Chisel Chisel Chisel Bright Basic Bright Sencote Bright Sencote Bright Sencote Glued Bandline Glued Bandline Glued Bandline FASTENERS Heavy Wire Staples 16 Gauge SNS50XP SNS41, SNS44XP, SNS45XP SKSXP-N 5/8 N10 N11 N12 N13 N14 N15 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 3 /4 7/8 1 11/8 11/4 SNS41, SNS44XP, SNS45XP, SNS50XP SKSXP-N N16 N17 N18 N19 N21 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 7 ⁄ 16 13/8 11/2 15/8 Crown: 7⁄ 16 (11.1mm) Width: .062 Thickness: .055 Gauge: 16 CROWN WIDTH LEG LENGTH THICKNESS 13/4 2 Note: Model numbers specify which tool or tools drive designated fasteners. SENCO® 16 Ga. 7/16" Crown Heavy Wire Cabinets, casebacks, drawers, upholstery, soffits, underlayment, lattice and sheathing Length Item Code ¾ 11⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 13⁄8 13⁄8 13⁄8 1½ 1½ 15⁄8 1¾ 2 N11BRB N14BRB N15BRB N15BRBB N16BRB N16RRB N16BRBB N17BRB N16BRBB N18BRB N19BRB N21BRB ½ ½ 5 ⁄8 ¾ 7 ⁄8 7 ⁄8 1 11⁄8 11⁄8 1¼ 1¼ 1¼ 13⁄8 1½ 1½ 1½ 15⁄8 1¾ 1¾ 1¾ 2 2 N08BABN N08BBBN N10BAB N11BAB N12BABN N12FABN N13BAB N14BAB N14FAB N15BAB N15BPE N15FAB N16BAB N17BAB N17BABB N17BPE N18BAB N19BAB N19BABB N19BPE N21BAB N21BPE 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 N15BGB N17BGB N19BGBN N21BGBN Carton Count Point Finish Bright Basic 5.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Step Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright 10.M Chisel Bright Galvanized 5.M Chisel Galv 5.M Chisel Galv 5.M Chisel Galv 5.M Chisel Galv 5.M Chisel Galv 5.M Divergent Galv 5.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Divergent Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Divergent Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv 10.M Chisel Galv Stainless 3.M Chisel Stainless 3.M Chisel Stainless 3.M Chisel Stainless 3.M Chisel Stainless Coating Collation Sencote Tape Sencote Tape Sencote Tape Sencote Glued Bandline Sencote Tape Sencote Tape Sencote Glued Bandline Sencote Tape Sencote Glued Bandline Sencote Tape Sencote Tape Sencote Tape Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Painted Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Coated Sencote Sencote Sencote Coated Sencote Coated Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Tape Tape Tape Tape 57 FASTENERS Heavy Wire Staples 16 - 15 Gauge SENCO® 16 Ga. 1" Crown Heavy Wire P06 Sheathing, house wrap, composite roofing, roofing felt, corrugated containers, foam insulation board, furniture/cabinet frames and butt-joints MWXP WC150XP, WC150RXP 1 /8 3 P08 P10 P11 1 1 1 / 1 2 5 /8 /4 3 MWXP, WC150XP, WC150RXP, WC200XP 7 P12 P13 P15 1 1 1 /8 1 11/4 WC150XP, WC150RXP WC200XP P17 P19 P21 1 1 1 Length Item Code Carton Count 3 ⁄8 ½ 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 ¾ ¾ 7 ⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 5 ⁄8 ¾ 7 ⁄8 1 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 P06BAA P08BABT P10BAB P10FAB P10BPE P11BAB P11BPE P12BAB P13BAB P15BAB P17BAB P19BAB P21BAB P10BABB P11BABB P12BABB P13BABB P15BABB P17BABB P19BABB P21BABB 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 5.M 5.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 10.M 5.M 5.M 1 P13BGBN 5.M Point Finish Galvanized Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Divergent Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Chisel Galv Stainless Outside Chisel Stainless Coating Plain Sencote Sencote Sencote Coated Sencote Coated Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote 11/2 13/4 Crown: 1 (25.4mm ) Width: .062 Thickness: .055 Gauge: 16 2 SQS55XP Q15 Q17 /16 7 16 / 7 Q19 Q21 /16 7 16 / 7 Q25 Q23 / / 7 16 7 16 SENCO® 15 Ga. 7/16" Crown Heavy Wire Framing, sheathing, subflooring, decking, lathing, door & window units, fencing, pallets, crate and box assembly, furring and furniture framing Length 11/4 11/2 Crown: 7/16 (11.1mm) Width: .074 Thickness: .067 Gauge: 15 13/4 2 21/4 21/2 58 Item Code Carton Count Point 1½ 1¾ 2 2¼ 2½ Q17BRB Q19BRB Q21BRB Q23BRB Q25BRB 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel 1¼ 1½ 1¾ 2 2¼ 2½ Q15BAB Q17BAB Q19BAB Q21BAB Q23BAB Q25BAB 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M 5.M Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel Chisel 1¾ 2½ Q19BGBN Q25BGBN 2.2M 1.M Chisel Chisel Finish Bright Basic Bright Bright Bright Bright Bright Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Galv Stainless Stainless Stainless Coating Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote Sencote SPECIALTY FASTENERS Corrugated Fasteners SENCO® Sencor® 25 Ga. Corrugated Fastener Butt and miter joints SC2 X04 1 X06 1 /4__ X08 1 3/8__ 1 Crown x Length 1 x 1/4 1 x 3/8 1 x 1/2 1/2__ Crown: 1" (25mm) Thickness: .020 Gauge: 25 7/16 7/16 (11mm) Crown: Thickness: .020 Gauge: 25 7/16 Y07 5/16__ 7 /16__ Coating Plain Plain Plain SENCO® Senclamp® 25 Ga. Joint Fastener SC1 Y05 Item Code Carton Count Point Finish X04NRA 8.M Sharp Chisel Bright X06NRA 5.M Sharp Chisel Bright X08NRA 4.M Sharp Chisel Bright Y09 Butt and miter joints 7/16 Crown x Length 7/16 x 5/16 7/16 x 7/16 7/16 x 9/16 9/16__ Item Code Carton Count Y05BFA 3.M Y07BFA 3.M Y09BFA 3.M Point Chisel Chisel Chisel Finish Bright Bright Bright Coating Plain Plain Plain Flooring Cleat & Staples SENCO® 16 Ga. L Head Flooring Cleat Nails RW21 RW19 RW17 SHF15, SHF50 .063 .063 .063 Installation of ½" - 33⁄32" hardwood flooring Length Item Code Carton Count 1½ x .063 13⁄8 x .063 2 x .063 2 x .063 RW17BPE RW19BPE RW21BPE RW21BPEP 1.M 1.M 1.M 5.M 2 x .063 RW21BGE 1.M Point Finish Bright Basic Blunt Diamond Bright Blunt Diamond Bright Blunt Diamond Bright Blunt Diamond Bright Stainless Blunt Diamond Stainless Collation Straight Glued, strip Straight Glued, strip Straight Glued, strip Straight Glued, strip Straight Glued, strip 11/2__ SENCO® 19 Ga. 3/16" Crown Hardwood and Laminate Flooring Staple 13/4__ 2_ SLS20XP-HF R11 R10 ⁄16 Crown: 3⁄16 (5mm) Width: .045 Thickness: .030 Gauge: 19 R13 ⁄16 3 ⁄16 3 ⁄8__ 3 5 Installation of ½", 5⁄16", 3⁄8" and some ½" floors Crown x Length Item Code 3/16 x 5/8 3/16 x 3/4 3/16 x 1 ⁄4__ 3 1_ Carton Count R10BAB R11BAB R13BAB 5.M 5.M 5.M Point Finish Coating Chisel Chisel Chisel Galvanized Galv Galv Galv Sencote Sencote Sencote House Wrap & Felt Fasteners SENCO® 1" Button Cap ½" Crown 21 Ga. Staple BC58 House wrap and roof felt installation 1 ½ Crown x Length Item Code Carton Count Point Finish 1/2 x 5/8 1” Diameter Button M004092 2.2M Chisel Galv Plastic Collation Glued strip Laser weld stack Caps 2200 button caps and staples per box. Drives 21 ga. staples with 1” plastic caps in tandem. ⁄8__ 5 Crown: 1⁄2 (12.7mm) Gauge: 21 Crown: (11.1mm) Width: .050 Thickness: .019 Gauge: 20 A11 (PC0700) H 7⁄16 ⁄16 7 3 ⁄8__ SENCO® 20 Ga. 7/16" Crown Slap Hammer Staple Vapor barrier and roof felt installation Crown x Length Item Code 7/16 x 3/8 H06BAA Carton Count 5.M Point Finish Coating Chisel Galv Plain 59
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