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mariposa news - Mariposa Market
S UMMER 2015
By Mary Anne
Green Lawns; Green Waters
By Cailean
While some might debate if the “livin’ is easy”
we have to admit that summertime is the season for
swimming, picnics, barbeques, vacations and, festivals. Here at Mariposa Market we spend a lot of our
time preparing for the influx of visitors for a variety
of music festivals starting with Sierra Nevada, and
spinning through Kate Wolf, Northern Nights, Reggae on the River, and Enchanted Forest. The lineups
of talent available in this county during the summer
months are indeed incredible. In preparation for the
season, Mariposa‘s deli is gearing up for more “togo” options, perfect for picnics and “take-home” on
a hot summer evening when it’s too hot to fire up
the stove.
Our produce department is bulging with the
wonderful fruit that makes this time of year so exciting. With the exception of apricots, which were a
little disappointing, the fruit has been exceptionally
sweet and juicy. We have been selling through two
bins of watermelons every week, most of which have
been delicious. Grapes, cherries, melons, kiwis and
mangoes are rounding out the stone fruit selections
of peaches and nectarines with sumptuous flavor.
Strawberries are still very reasonable with raspberries and blueberries starting to come in at better
The sweet corn this week is truly exceptional
and we hope we can continue to have it on our
shelves. The lack of water has caused several organic
farmers to cut out their corn crops. Also, sadly, Filigreen Farms, which grows the extremely popular
local blueberries, will not have a crop this year due
to the drought. California tomatoes are starting up,
and green beans, cucumbers, zucchini and eggplants
are also from our state. Bell peppers are still from
Mexico and are sometimes in short supply, especially
The scene of a white picket fence enclosing a lush
emerald hued lawn is, for many, the idyllic scene of
the American Dream. The perfectly cut and kempt
lawn has become ingrained in the psyche of what
makes us American, up there with guns and trucks.
To suggest that lawns are harmful and unnecessary
could cause you to be ostracized by your friends and
neighbors. As the syndicated columnist Dave Barry
said, “The average American home owner would
rather live next to a pervert, heroin addict, or communist pornographer than someone with an unkempt
The truth of the damage that lawns cause to the
environment and economy is quite staggering. You
may think you have a small lawn and that the little
water, fertilizer and pesticides you use are a trivial
thing, but when combined with the millions of acres
of lawn’s across America it adds up to a very large
problem. Here are a few findings in a study from:
“Redesigning the American Lawn” by F. Herbert Bormann,
Diana Balmori, Gordon T. Geballe, Yale University Press,
—A lawnmower pollutes as much in one hour as
does driving an automobile for 20 miles.
Lawns - Continued on Page 2
Suggestion Box - Page 6
Self-Massage - Page 7
Food Trends - Page 8
Mon-Fri 9-7
Sat 9-6
Sun 11-5:30
Summertime - Continued on Page 2
Mariposa Market - 500 S. Main St., Willits, CA 95490 - Ph (707) 459-9630
S UMMER 2015
Lawns - Continued from Page 1
Summertime - Continued from Page 1
—30 to 60 percent of urban fresh water is used
for watering lawns (depending on the city).
—$5,250,000,000 is spent on fossil fuel-derived
fertilizers for U.S. lawns.
—67,000,000 pounds of synthetic pesticides are
used on U.S. lawns.
—60,000 to 70,000 severe accidents result from
—580,000,000 gallons of gasoline are used for
—$25,000,000,000 is spent for the lawn care
—$700,000,000 is spent for pesticides for U.S.
—20,000,000 acres are planted in residential
Those are some big numbers! And that was in
the early 90’s, when water was more plentiful and
people less densely populated. While these are great
quick reference numbers, they don’t tell us the
amount of fuel spilled during refueling of equipment
(around 17 million gallons a year, more oil than the
Exxon Valdez spilled), or that the average home
owner uses 10 times the amount of pesticide and
fertilizers per acre on their lawns as farmers do on
crops. The majority of these chemicals are wasted
due to inappropriate timing and application. These
chemicals then runoff and become a major source of
water pollution. Most of this water is also wasted
due to poor timing and application.
the most popular reds. Boxes of freestone peaches
like Elegant Lady and O’Henry will be starting to
come in in the next few weeks.
Look for the sign out on the road which will
indicate when the peaches come. Or check Facebook (
Have a safe summer, spend some time with
friends and families chilling out, and remember to
conserve water.
Many of these problems can be reduced, or
completely eliminated, by planting California native
plants, that require very little maintenance and water. It is possible to have a beautiful landscape just
outside your door that, after completion, will actually save you money due to using less water and no
fertilizers. Stone paths and bark or pebble coverings
around the plants are a great alternative to thirsty
Another overlooked benefit of a multicultural
lawn is the great source of nourishment for the
many insects that travel for pollen and other food
sources. It has been known for some time now that
bees are dying en mass from a wide range of causes
such as pesticides, lack of diverse habitat, removal of
natural habitat and invasive species. A traditional
green lawn is sterile to an insect, offering no edible
parts. If you still prefer to keep your lawn, or feel it
is too much work to completely redo the yard,
think about lining the edges of the yard with seasonal flowers to add color and provide nourishment
for our insect friends. Using electric yard tools cuts
down on emissions and petroleum use, while also
protecting yours and your neighbor’s ears from a
known cause of hearing impairment over time.
Overall the benefit of a native landscape that is
ecological and economical is an intelligent way to
put your land to work for you.
S UMMER 2015
Say Cheese!
By Mary Anne
By Josie Hunter
It was 6 to 7 million years ago that Sahelanthropus tchadensis, one of the earliest hominids was thought to be the
first of our ancestors to walk on two legs. About 5 million
years later Homo erectus emerged with longer legs and erect
posture. Walking shaped our bodies and our brains, and
forged the path to becoming the species we are today. A
brisk walk offers a plethora of benefits. It gives our heart,
lungs, and muscles a good work-out and helps to prevent
osteoporosis. And, being a natural movement, it also carries a
much lower incidence of injury. For most people walking is an
easy form of exercise. It requires no gym membership or
trainer. It costs nothing. Our bodies are naturally hard-wired
to adjust to changes in speed, surface conditions, and other
environmental factors. In many ways it is an ideal form of exercise.
Unfortunately, with the modern presence of cars, walking
has taken a back-seat to convenience. This has done nothing
for our physical bodies as witnessed in rising obesity rates
and diseases directly related to inactivity. In fact, one survey
found a 6 percent increase in obesity for each additional hour
people spent in a car each day. Earlier in the 20 th century
most folks walked several miles every day. In 1969, 48% of
children walked or biked to school. Today that figure is 13%.
Walking not only benefits the body but also frees up the
mind. The walker’s world is much more detailed and finegrained. We have evolved to take in the characteristics of the
world around us and to notice the interactions of other people as we ambulate through our environment. Like “slow
food” walking can be “slow transit”, a time to observe our
surroundings and process problems, meditate, and free our
minds from clutter.
Walking, like any exercise, can be more effective by following a few simple instructions. Relax your arms, letting
them swing naturally. Maintain good posture by keeping your
back straight and your head up. Walk briskly enough to cause
an increase in your breathing and heart rate, especially if you
are aiming for some aerobic activity. As you increase your
speed, pump your arms in rhythm with your stride. And,
control the length of your stride to reduce impact on your
Thich Nhat Hanh, the Zen spiritual leader, suggests this
simple verse for a walking meditation, taking an in breath and
an out breath every few steps:
Breathing in: “I have arrived”; Breathing out: “I am
Breathing in: “In the here”; breathing out: “In the now.”
Breathing in: “I am solid”; breathing out: “I am free.”
Breathing in: “In the ultimate”; breathing out: “I dwell.”
Who doesn’t love cheese? Here at Mariposa we
have an exquisite cheese selection that appeals to all
cheese lovers. We have sheep, cow, goat, mixed
cheeses and even vegan cheeses. We have it all! We
strive to bring you the best organic cheeses, with
minimal processing, from happy livestock. We love
supporting our locals like Tres Bien and Shamrock
Ranch, but we also love bringing new products with
the same great qualities, that aren’t so close, like
our newest products from Face Rock Creamery in
Tres Bien is a family owned and operated business from Ridgewood Ranch (home of Seabiscuit)
for the last 25 years, and counting. Founded in
Penngrove by Keith and Adrianna Johnson, with
their 3 daughters, it all began as a family 4-H project
that turned into a 400 livestock family farm with
happy, free range, grass fed livestock. They specialize in cow cheeses, goat cheeses, and cow/goat
mixed cheeses, with over 50 different flavors to
choose from, that are far from bland or boring.
When they needed a new location, they found
Ridgewood Ranch. They do custom cheese tables
and tours. They also have a MESA program, urging
others to experience and become a part of a great
family owned and operated cheese loving business.
You can taste the passion this family has for cheese
in every bite. Support your locals. Pick up some and
experience it for yourself!
Face Rock creamery has a bit of a different history to it. Starting in the 1800’s in Bandon Oregon,
burning down in 1914, and again in 1936 and then
demolished in 2000, to then be brought back to life
in 2011. Now, Face Rock is once again thriving.
Partners with the Scolari Family Dairy, they have
been producing milk since the 1930’s in Coquille
Valley in Oregon, on their 600 acre farm. The Scolari’s, just like Face Rock Creamery, are committed
to doing things the correct way, without adding any
artificial ingredients. The dairy is only 15 miles away
from the Creamery, ensuring that the milk arrives
at its peak condition. It’s new, and it’s worth a taste.
Let us know what you think!
They are just two of our products. All of our
cheeses come from creameries that have great stories and backgrounds. Look into them, and please
let us know what you think. Mariposa can get
S UMMER 2015
Remember To Recycle
By D. Hall
Recently a group of Mariposa Market managers paid a visit to Solid Waste of Willits. We wanted to tour
the recycling facility to learn how we could improve our recycling program at the store. Solid Waste of Willits
is a locally owned company that has been in operation for 40 years. They now cover the entire north and
southwest parts of Mendocino County. For recycling they accept: tin, aluminum, plastic, glass, paper, cardboard,
electronics, motor oil, wood waste, yard waste, as well as construction and demolition debris. In Willits we
now have a single stream recycling program. What this means is that you put all of your recyclables into one
bin and the MRF (Materials Recycling Facility) at Solid Waste separates it all out using a combination of manual
and mechanical sorting. The sorted recyclable materials are baled up to travel to their next destination. What
can and cannot be recycled depends if there is a market for the recycled materials.
We learned that PET plastic, the kind used in soft drink bottles labeled with a 1 in the recycling symbol, is
ultimately recycled in the US and used for textile fibers like t-shirts and fleece jackets. We were told that there
is no market in the US for the recycled plastic that bears the 2-7 recycle label. These plastic bales are shipped
to China where they can be processed cheaper. We learned that the paper towels we use to dry our hands can
be recycled with paper. Some materials like fishing line, wire, needles and plastic bags wreak havoc with the
MRF. The whole operation needs to be shut down to untangle to obstructions they create. Please be sure to
never put these items in the recycle bin! Although the Willits facility cannot accept aluminum foil for recycling
at this time, you might be surprised at the materials that can be recycled like plastic toys, plastic hangers, five
gallon buckets and lids, plastic flats and 6 packs from flower starts, to name a few. You might consider taking a
tour for yourself or take group of kids. For recycling questions or to arrange a tour, call Willits Solid Waste at
The Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)
Kevin with aluminum bales
S UMMER 2015
Fantastic Fungi In The Bulk Herbs
By Alecia
Mycoformulas is a new line of mushroom supplements we are now carrying at Mariposa. There are three
formulations that blend different species of mushrooms, to achieve immune response, improve mental clarity,
and to naturally sustain endurance. All the mushrooms are grown organically in sterile and controlled laboratory conditions. By adjusting the environment throughout the life cycle of the mushrooms, conditions can be
imitated to reproduce their natural habitat, therefore increasing the medicinal quality of the mushrooms. All
mushrooms are third party analyzed to measure concentrations of targeted compounds. They are packaged in
glass and have no fillers or flow agents, including magnesium stearate. The exciting part is that Mycoformulas
uses a full-spectrum cultivation technique. According to them; “the industry standard simply collects the mycelium and can miss the values in the fruit bodies and secondary metabolites that are included in our products.”
This enables them to harness the unique compounds produced by the mushrooms throughout their entire life
Our bulk herb dept. will be carrying all three of
the formulations: “Memory”, “Endurance” and
“Immune”, as well as 2 individual mushrooms: lion’s
mane and chaga.
Lion’s Mane is one ingredient found in MycoFormulas “Memory” blend. More than a billion people
worldwide are affected by the more than 1,000
brain-related diseases and disorders. Changes over
the last 30 years such as the surge in electronic devices, the rise of background radiation (PC’s, cell
phones, microwaves), and the massive amounts of
neurotoxins in our food and household products
including hormones, antibiotics, heavy metals, pesticides, additives, colorants, and GMO’s all play a big
part. With this onslaught of toxins, it’s no wonder
that neurological diseases have not only been on the
rise, but disturbingly, younger and younger people
are being affected. Lion’s mane stimulates nerve growth by increasing proteins, called nerve growth factors, in
the brain. Molecules in this mushroom are found to be small enough to cross through the protective sheath
that protects the brain in a way that no other conventional medicine has been able to. This amazing superfood
is a rich source of protein, iron, and potassium as well boosting white blood cell count, regulating blood sugar,
cholesterol, and reduces overall body inflammation. The “Memory” formula also contains reishi, maitake and
Cordyceps are the main mushroom used in the “Endurance” blend. This parasitic mushroom, also called
caterpillar fungus, uses insects as hosts. They were originally found in the highest altitudes of Tibet and China
on the backs of caterpillars. Once a spore lands on the caterpillar, it literally consumes its host from within.
Sounding like the beginnings of a sci-fi movie, cordyceps were originally thought to be a worm. The word
means “hope” and “big money” and is one of the most exclusive foods in China. (When sold, the mushroom
must contain the caterpillar carcass to guarantee it’s not a fake. Louis Vuitton’s bags are not the only thing of
which the Chinese will make a knock off!) Having been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and
Tibetan medicine, it has been thought to cure almost everything. They have been found to be beneficial in all
sorts of ways; cordyceps can improve respiratory health, enhance immune function, reduce cholesterol, balFungi - Continued on Page 6
Fungi - Continued From Page 5
ance blood pressure and blood sugar, support heart and
liver function, and are effective antibacterial, antioxidant,
antitumor, antiviral compounds as well as, being known
as a sexual performance enhancer for men. Professional
athletes have been using cordyceps to improve aerobic
capacity, to increase endurance and speed up post work
out recovery.
Western culture really didn’t become aware of the
benefits of cordyceps until 1993, when three of China’s
athletes set five new world records for long distance
running at the national games. The coach revealed the
secret, that he had been including cordyceps in the
team’s diet for the natural benefits of improving energy,
and stamina. Cordyceps increase oxygen in blood cells
and the synthesis of ATP, energy for our muscle cells.
The “Endurance” formula also contains reishi, and chaga.
The “Immune” blend combines ten mushrooms that
work synergistically to modulate the immune system.
Mushrooms are one of the few species that can either
regulate immune response up or down. Many things can
only stimulate the immune system, which is not recommended for people with auto immune diseases. Research has shown mushrooms have a direct anti-cancer
effect. Chaga, which is now in our bulk section, has
more antioxidants than acai berry, and makes a wonderful tea. The beneficial components are copious and has
been called the anti-cancer superstar.
Here is a recipe to try:
Chaga Chai
4 oz. of chaga
1 tsp maca powder
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp dried orange peel
1 tsp cardamom pods
1 tsp dried rose hips
Blend the dry herbs together and store them to
have on hand. When it’s chai time, boil 4 tablespoons
of the chaga blend with some fresh ginger in a quart of
water, till it turns black. Strain and serve with some
raw milk and honey. You can reboil the same mixture a
bunch of times, and feel free to adjust the herbs to find
the flavor you like.
1. Restrepo, Margarita. “The toxins that threaten
our brain”. Naked Food, 10-5-2015, pages 45-49
2. “Mycoformulas”. Product information and Training Manual
S UMMER 2015
From our
Customer Suggestion Box
Tapatio Hot Sauce: Unfortunately this
contains Sodium Benzoate, so we will not be carrying it.
Bulk whole oat groats: The groats are
now available as a special order only due to low
sales volume.
Blue Lotus Rooibos Chai Powder: We
have carried this in the past, however it was not
that popular (low sales).
Suja Organic Carrot Crush: We are
currently researching this line.
Thank you to the employee (Marta)
that ordered the Marshmallow Root in
Bulk Herbs: You’re welcome!!
Sweet Leaf Peach Tea (in the cooler):
We are currently carrying the three most popular
flavors to make room for new tasty beverages!
Imagine Soup, Celery: We checked with
our distributor and it is currently not available, but
we will keep it on our watch list.
Bacon bits: After much searching we found
“Bac-Uns”. However, we are unsure of the source
of soy being used and are still researching.
Synergy Raw Kombucha Third Eye
Chai: Sorry, but it is not available thru our distributor at this time.
Bhakti Chai: You were reading our minds!
There are now 3 flavors of Bhakti Chai in the cooler.
California Pepper Sauce from Gilroy:
This product looks good, but it is not available
through our distribution channels.
Rivino Chardonnay: We will make shelf
space for this as soon as we can get it!
Surf Sweets, Watermelon Rounds:
These are on the shelf right now!!
Epic Bar; Liver, Lamb & Beef: We have
Epic Bars and also Tanka Bars!
Xochitl Blue Corn Chips: Our distributor
had discontinued this, however they have been recently re-activated, so we’ll check out the possibility
of making room for them again.
S UMMER 2015
Ayurvedic Self-Massage
By Gaea Bogue
Recently I’ve been drawn to start an early morning series of healthy rituals as a way to ease myself awake, center,
and prepare for the day ahead. When I create time for consistent self-care, I find that I move through the day feeling
lighter and more at ease. I’m partial to yoga and meditation, but have been curious about Abhyanga (Ayurvedic selfmassage) as an addition to these practices. It is not necessary to spend a lot of time each day on these. I find that 2030 minutes total, for all 3, is enough. Also, Abhyanga need not be practiced daily, 2 to 5 days a week is thought to be
Before I introduce Abhyanga, I feel that I should share a brief history of Ayurveda. I am drastically simplifying for
this article. Ayurveda originates in India, and is the traditional form of health care. It is thought to be the oldest system of preventative and curative health care in the world, dating back thousands of years. There are three forces
called Doshas, which incorporate a lifestyle that is healthiest for each person’s individual make-up. Optimal well being
is attained when the body, mind, senses, and spirit are in balance. An Ayurvedic practitioner can determine what your
Dosha is in order to create a series of practices. The three Doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Specific to your Dosha,
you will learn the best diet, exercise, herbs, and more, suited to you specifically. Self massage is one of the regular
practices incorporated into an Ayurvedic lifestyle. The amount of time, and number of days per week to practice Abhyanga can be determined based on your Dosha. I found a short quiz which can be fun, but not as thorough as seeing
a practitioner.
Abhyanga, when practiced regularly, can bring about a sense of balance and well being. Taking the time to nourish
yourself has many benefits! Some improvements may be a smoother, softer complexion, increased circulation, lubrication of joints, and detoxification, due to stimulation of lymph nodes, calming of nerves, better sleep, and increased
stamina. Below I’ve included instructions for self massage from If you know your Dosha you may
choose the appropriate oil, or use Jojoba, Shea, or Coconut which are suitable for all three. We also carry a line of
Ayurvedic inspired oils by Earth Body, and bulk Ayurvedic oils by Banyan Botanicals.
Abhyanga Routine:
Warm approximately ¼ cup of oil, make sure the oil is not hot, only warm.
Sit or stand comfortably in a warm room.
Apply oil first to the crown of your head and work slowly out from there in circular strokes—spend a couple of minutes massaging your entire scalp.
Face: Massage in circular motion on your forehead, temples, cheeks, and jaws (always moving in an upward
movement). Be sure to massage your ears, especially your ear-lobes.
Use long strokes on your arms and legs, and circular strokes on elbows and knees. Always massage toward
the direction of your heart.
Massage the abdomen and chest in broad, clockwise, circular motions. On the abdomen, follow the path of
the large intestine; moving up on the right side of the abdomen, then across, then down on the left side.
Finish the massage by spending at least a couple of minutes massaging your feet. Feet are a very important
part of the body with the nerve endings of essential organs.
Sit with the oil for 5-15 minutes if possible so that the oil can absorb and penetrate into the deeper layers of
the body.
Enjoy a warm bath or shower. You can use a mild soap, avoid vigorously soaping and rubbing the body.
When you get out of the bath, towel dry gently. Blot the towel on your body instead of rubbing vigorously.
I encourage anybody interested to research Ayurvedic practices, and I hope you find it as fascinating, and enlightening as I have!
Information sourced from:;;;
S UMMER 2015
Some Organic Food Trends In America
By Kevin, Grocery Manager
Where We Eat
USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) estimates total food expenditures for all food consumed in the
United States was $1.24 trillion in 2010. Food purchased for home consumption accounted for $646.8 billion,
or 52 percent of the total. Of the remaining $594 billion, (48%) restaurants, both full-service and fast food, accounted for about three quarters of all food-away-from-home sales. According to the National Restaurant Association, U.S. adults purchase a restaurant snack or meal 5.8 times per week. The United States has 970,000
restaurants and foodservice outlets. The National Restaurant Association projects 2012 sales at $632 billion, up
from $379 billion in 2000.
Organic agriculture, a worldwide growth industry, can be a profitable, sustainable business for agricultural
producers interested in going through the certification process necessary to enter this market. Organics have
continued to expand during the last few years, and industry experts are forecasting steady growth of 9 percent
or higher (Organic Trade Association, OTA 2012).
Growth in the organic sector has highlighted issues that need to be addressed: shortages of organic raw
materials such as organic grain and organic sugar and competition from food marketed as “locally grown" or
"natural." A shortage of affordable organic ingredients or products, such as corn and soybeans for livestock
feed, left organic producers unable to meet market demand. (ERS 2009)
The U.S. organic market is relatively new, with the USDA only adopting national standards for organics in October 2002. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) regulates all organic agriculture in the United States.
According to the 2008 Organic Production Survey (NASS 2010), the United States has 4.1 million acres used
for organic production. Of that amount, 1.6 million acres were planted with organic crops and 1.8 million acres
were organic pasture or rangeland. Figures for the previous year, reported in the Organic Agriculture: 2007
(NASS 2009), stated that the nation had 2.6 million acres used for organic production.
The number of certified organic farms, ranches and processing facilities in 2011 totaled 17,281, a 240 percent
increase since 2002 (NOP 2012). While there were organic farms or ranches in all 50 states, nearly 20 percent,
or more than 2,500 of the operations, were in California. Other states with large numbers of certified and exempt organic operations were Wisconsin (1,124), New York (842) and Washington (737).
In the United States, systematic collection of price data for organic products is limited. There have been a
few studies of farm-level, wholesale and retail organic price data, and these have shown significant organic premiums for most fruits, vegetables, grains and milk (ERS 2005).
The total value of farm-level organic sales reached $3.2 billion in 2008, up from $1.7 billion in 2007. Organic
crops accounted for $1.9 billion in sales and organic livestock, poultry and their products accounted for $1.2
billion. California led the nation in organic sales, with 36 percent, or $1.2 billion, of all U.S. sales. According to
the 2008 Organic Production Survey (NASS 2010), other top states in terms of organic sales were Washington
($282.0 million), Pennsylvania ($212.7 million), Oregon ($155.6 million), Texas ($149.3 million) and Wisconsin
($132.8 million).
According to the OTA’s Organic Industry Overview organics showed the following:
As of 2011, 4.2 percent of all U.S. food sales were organic.
The organic food sector grew by $2.5 billion during 2011; close to 50 percent of that growth was contribFood Trends - Continued on Page 9
S UMMER 2015
Meditation, Body Awareness, and Pain Management
By Nan
The Buddha, after gaining enlightenment, shared his realization in the form of the Four Noble truths. The
First Noble Truth is there is suffering. It’s that simple. There’s no way to avoid it. Everyone experience sickness, and if you live long enough old age, then of course death. From that simplistic, yet profound statement,
come all the variations nature and circumstances can throw our way. Pain and suffering are limitless. What I
find interesting is how we instinctively try to avoid this truth when it presents itself, particularly with regard to
pain. There is a billion dollar industry built on our aversion to even the slightest hint of pain or discomfort, but
try as we may, we never completely rid ourselves of some form of pain for long. Granted we have good days
where we kick up our heels, frolic about, enjoying the freedom of movement within the confines of a body, but
invariably we either run out of energy or stub our metaphorical, if not literal, toe in the process. If it’s true
that what goes up must come down, it’s equally true that whatever feels good will eventually change into a
condition that is not so agreeable to us. Suffering is based on this duality.
Last year I experienced lifestyle altering pain in the form of a ruptured disc in my lower back. I’ve always
been pretty resilient, but this experience took me to a level of body awareness that even my two natural childbirths didn’t address. My initial response was the typical avoidance approach of someone who wants the pain
to go away. I tried all sorts of things, including what my physician recommended, to get relief, but nothing
helped for more than a few minutes, and then the pain was back. It was unrelenting and it went on for months.
I was fearful and impatient. What ultimately helped me manage the pain was meditation. Having had a meditation practice for years, I already understood, to some extent, the body/mind relationship. Our thoughts have a
tendency to override the reality of what the body is experiencing. Often we solidify our bodily sensations into
problems, by not accepting what’s happening moment by moment. By wanting things to be different than they
are, we often create more suffering for ourselves than we would if we just accepted our condition as it is. Our
tendency is to struggle against the pain. “I don’t want this, why is this happening to me, I‘ve got to do something”. All of these thoughts were going through my mind as I squirmed, trying to get to a place of comfort. It
Meditation - Continued On Page 10
Food Trends - Continued From Page 8
uted by fruit and vegetable sales.
Meat, poultry and fish sales experienced the fastest growth, increasing 13 percent from 2010.
Organic dairy captured nearly 6 percent of the total U.S. market for dairy products.
Over $2 billion worth of organic fiber, cosmetics and household products were sold in 2011.
The 2008 Organic Production Survey (NASS 2010) also found that most U.S. organic producers sold their
products locally, with 44 percent of sales taking place less than 100 miles from the farm. Nearly 75 percent of
sales were either local or regional (that is, more than 100 miles but less than 500 miles). According to an ERS
survey of organic handlers (2008), more than 50 percent of organic sales in 2004 were made either locally or
In terms of sales outlets, the majority, or 82.6 percent, of organic sales were to wholesalers, including processors and distributors. Just 10.6 percent of sales were to retail operations, including supermarkets and natural
food stores, and only 6.8 percent of sales were direct to consumers via farm stands, farmers’ markets and
community supported agriculture.
Some parts excerpted from:
Marsha Laux, content specialist, AgMRC, Iowa State University, [email protected]. Updated November 2013 by Diane Huntrods, AgMRC, Iowa State University.
P AGE 10
Meditation - Continued From Page 9
was only when I fully accepted my condition that
things became more manageable.
One of the advantages of meditation is that it
slows the thinking process down so that what is arising and passing through our consciousness is more
accessible. Meditation also accesses states of consciousness that are not always available to us as we
go through our routine daily existence. This is true
for pleasurable states as well, however, severe pain
really grabs our attention, not allowing us any wiggle
room. Pain keeps us squarely in the moment and can
be all consuming. It’s no wonder we want it to
cease. What I found when I fully gave the pain my
attention, by using meditation as a foundation, was
how impermanent it actually is. The pain was coming
and going in manageable waves that I could experience without resistance if I was willing to give it my
time and attention. In this way it was not unlike
childbirth but without an end result in sight. I also
found that physical sensations I labeled as pain,
shifted in location and intensity. If I was able to focus my attention on my breathing, I was not as bothered by it, I simply experienced it.
Of course there are 24 hours in a day, and dealing with pain at this level was not always possible for
me. I also learned I could use simple breathing and
concentration techniques when the pain became
unmanageable, and other solutions such as drugs or
distraction were out of the question. Eventually I got
into the habit of checking in with what was happening in my body, including the pain and my breathing.
Because I was a captive audience, unable to escape
into my normal routine, this became my routine, and
since I didn’t know if I would ever be” back to normal,” I learned to accept my condition and deal with
it as if it were permanent.
Fortunately, I recovered. It took me several
months to jump through all the medical hoops be-
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fore I was able to get an appointment with a surgeon.
By the time I did, I was already healing on my own.
Things got better slowly and the pain volume began to
dial back to tolerable. Ultimately I didn’t need surgery.
The whole situation has left me with new concept of
pain and an appreciation for the amazing powers of
the body to heal, without surgical intervention, if given
time and proper attention. Many of the mindfulness
and breathing practices I fine tuned during those long
months of recuperation I’ve carried with me into what
I call my “new normal.”
My reason for writing this personal account is to
offer encouragement to anyone experiencing acute or
chronic pain and to pass on a simple, yet effective exercise to help manage pain.
Exercise: Find a quiet place where you won’t be
disturbed and get as comfortable as possible. I recommend lying flat on your back, if you can manage it, as
this allows you give up any resistance to gravity. If you
need extra support, place pillows were they are
needed. The point is to be as comfortable as you can
be. If you can’t get out of bed, lie on your back in
bed, and get as comfortable as possible.
Close your eyes and put your attention on your
breathing without trying to control it. Just breathe in
and out enjoying the flow of oxygen into your body
and the release of carbon dioxide as you exhale. Stay
with your breathing as much as possible. You can
count the breaths if this is helpful. Breath is the gift of
life and one of the most pleasurable experiences we
have to draw from. When pain arises try not to resist
it, but observe the quality of the pain. You can name
it, if you like. Is the pain hot, throbbing, sharp, erratic,
heavy, etc? Is it constant, or does it come and go in
measurable intervals like waves? As much as possible,
just observe what is occurring and try not to identify
it as belonging to you. Observe your thoughts with
regards to the pain and try to see the thoughts and
the pain as separate. I know this might seem like a
stretch, and maybe the last thing you want to do if
you are in pain, but it is possible with practice. If you
can’t manage that, at least try not to resist what is
happening to you, as this just creates another layer of
Be kind and gentle with yourself, you’re in pain
after all, and this time spent with yourself is intended
to be nurturing. As with other meditation practices,
keep returning to the rhythm of the breath. Give
yourself all the time it takes to heal. Being impatient is
not helpful.
S UMMER 2015
P AGE 11
Corporate-Owned Media
(Part Three)
By Todd Hall
It is an important function of the mainstream
media to obfuscate the truth in their service to the
elite interests that dominate them to “manufacture
consent” to programs that serve these elite interests. When we speak of elite interests, we mean
corporate interests. In this article, we are going to
take a look at trade agreements, their basic structure, objectives, and the potential effects on our
planet and its inhabitants. Seemingly, the appetite for
corporate greed is insatiable. The trade agreements
that we are about to discuss make it possible for
companies to expand this greed on a global scale. As
we will observe, media coverage relating to the activity of these trade agreements is suspiciously abysmal and clearly biased.
The TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)
“If you read, write, publish, think, listen,
dance, sing, or invest; if you farm or consume
food; if you’re ill now or might one day be ill, the
TPP has you in its crosshairs”.
Julian Assange: Founder of WikiLeaks
During the Clinton administration, the President
aggressively succeeded in implementing NAFTA (The
North American Free Trade Agreement) and GATT.
(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) Simply
stated, these trade agreements allowed corporations
to expand their frontiers to obtain resources to
maximize company profits. NAFTA and GATT successfully removed the barriers of environmental
regulations and labor laws to make this possible. The
TPP currently has 12 member nations, including the
The TPP is essentially a more up to date treaty
which implements similar principles and goals as
NAFTA and GATT. Much like Clinton, President
Obama is pushing hard for fast-track approval of
TPP. (With no on-the-floor debate or amendments)
The TPP would encourage further out-sourcing of
jobs and tax revenue loss. It would further weaken
labor’s bargaining power. Passage would also weaken
food and consumer safety standards and restrict
internet freedom. The TPP also would provide windfalls for the wealthy, while reducing government
revenue for social spending. This is a re-run of the
1993-1995 experience with NAFTA, where Clinton
ran roughshod over his Democratic majority in order to serve corporate interests. Like NAFTA, TPP
executives conduct negotiations in secret. Mainstream media outlets consistently fail to provide any
substance or details concerning TPP activity. The
widespread negative effects of the TPP would certainly cause substantial resistance and outcry from
citizens, which could prove to be a threat to the
TPP. In fact, multiple polls confirm that over 68% of
citizens are altogether opposed to the TPP. Obama,
who has referred to himself as “transparent”, has
again reduced his “transparency” by trying to jam
through an agreement that will damage and threaten
public rights, without public knowledge or debate.
“Free trade” sounds more virtuous than “investor’s
rights”, so for PR and mainstream media, the TPP is
referred to as a “Free trade agreement”.
Do you like war? The TPP is also user friendly to
our “permanent war system”. (Thanks a bunch,
George H.W. Bush) The TPP would allow continual
feeding to gigantic military budgets, even in the face
of serious gaps and needs for the domestic citizenry.
The many chapters which include detailed specifics concerning the TPP are lengthy and difficult for
the average person to understand. (For those readers who might be interested and have patience to
spare, TPP chapter details are available via the internet. Simply Google search, TPP/WickiLeaks). So,
what does all of this mean for us? How does this
affect us? The ways are vast and intricate. Naturally,
space does not permit an in-depth study; however,
we should take the time to examine how our personal purchases can potentially affect our planet and
Corporate Media - Continued on Page 12
P AGE 12
Corporate Media - Continued From Page 11
its inhabitants. As a general rule, it’s always a good
thing to support local businesses and organic farming. Many of us are fond of Goodwill and the
Farmer’s Market, and yes, Mariposa Natural Foods.
We are fortunate that in Mendocino County, there
are an abundance of opportunities for trading and
bartering as well. Voting with our wallets on a local
level is one way to help disempower multi-national
corporations. Another way is to phone or write
your Senator and voice your opposition to the passage of the TPP. (Time is crucial)!
The WTO (World Trade Organization)
The WTO is a 169 nation member global partnership allowing “free trade” of labor and resources.
The principles and mechanisms are strikingly similar
to the TPP. The primary difference is that the WTO
operates on a world-wide scale, with far more participating nations. For these reasons, much of what
we observe concerning the WTO can be held largely
true for the TPP. Unlike the TPP, whose future is
pending legislation and uncertain, the WTO is an
established and recognized entity.
The policies set by the WTO impact all aspects
of society and the planet. Contrary to WTO claims,
it is not a transparent, democratic institution. WTO
rules are written by and for corporations, with inside access to negotiations. Countries who are
WTO members may trade, purchase and/or transport labor and resources without those “pesky” environmental and labor regulations getting in the way.
It is corporate profiteering on a grand scale. Corporations may strategically locate where labor and resources are cheaper to maximize their profits. The
WTO encourages a “race to the bottom” in wages
by pitting workers against each other rather than
promoting and adhering to internationally recognized labor standards.
The WTO is the most powerful judicial body in
the world. By promoting the free trade agenda of
multinational corporations above the interests of
local communities, working families, and the environment, the WTO has systematically undermined democracy around the world. Unlike international
treaties, WTO rules can be enforced through sanctions. This gives the WTO more power than any
international body, and even eclipses national governments. For example, the WTO has ruled that it is
S UMMER 2015
illegal for a government to ban a product based on
the way it is produced, such as child labor. It has
also ruled that governments cannot take into account “non commercial values” such as human
rights, or regulate practices of companies that do
business with vicious dictatorships (such as Burma)
when making purchasing decisions.
The WTO allows privatization of essential services. Public assets such as radio airwaves, schools,
child care, sewage and garbage, park maintenance,
telecommunications, transportation, shipping, tourism, and postal services can be sold to corporations
for profit rather than the public good.
Understanding global commerce and labor is
difficult. Not all of us are Bankers and Politicians.
Global trade agreements make it more difficult for
citizens to support local businesses and farmers.
Coupled with the convenience of internet shopping,
these companies can now reach a vast audience.
Meanwhile, mainstream media does their part
as a continual voice which promotes elite business
interests. (Imagine how many people would have
attended the demonstrations at the WTO meetings
in Seattle if global trade received the unbiased news
coverage it deserves) Those who understand the
role of mainstream media are not surprised by this;
it’s just business as usual. In our next article, we will
provide a list of some dependable alternative media
sources. It is my hope that they provide you with
useful information, which mainstream media consistently ignores, and understandably so, for they are
an integral part of corporate power.
Book-“The New Media Monopoly” by Ben H.
-TPP information from Z Magazine, June 2015
-WTA information from
-The phrase, “manufacture consent” borrowed
from Noam Chomsky
S UMMER 2015
P AGE 13
No Time To Wine About the Drought
By Debbie Mac
With the drought in California lasting three years, it only makes sense that many areas would be affected. Along with beef, produce, and nuts, wine and beer production are also affected. The California drought
has officially gotten scary. Eighty percent of California’s water supply goes to the state’s agricultural
needs. When water supplies are limited, so are the products. California is also responsible for producing 89%
of the wine made in the United States.
Unlike vegetables, such as tomatoes and lettuce, that have shallow root systems and dry out quickly, grapevines have a typical lifespan of 40 to 50 years. There are Zinfandel vines over 100 years old growing in California today. With less water, the vines can stress and produce less leaves and grapes. Even though the yield is
less, the grapes are more concentrated, with a greater potential for exceptional flavor and aging. Compared
with other crops, grapes are drought tolerant. All the forecasts aside, drought and warmer weather actually
have some upside for wine harvests, at least short term. The warmer the region, the earlier the fruit ripens. It
affects the skins and sugar content of the grapes and ultimately the flavor of the wine. Many vintners agree that
there are many exceptional wines made during drought years.
Some wineries partake in “dry farming” which means they let nature take control. They don’t irrigate. When grapes aren’t irrigated, the roots grow deep and can tap into the aquifer deep down. They don’t
get as many grapes, but the grapes they get are high quality. For farmers who depend on selling the grapes by
weight, that could be a financial strain. When grapes are irrigated, they depend on water. The roots are shallow and need water to survive. These grapes are more water dependent. But any vines can only last so long
without rain.
The beer industry is also affected. California is home to more than 400 craft breweries, the most in the
country. Combined, they sold $47 billion in beer sales in 2012. Small brewers worry that they could have
trouble meeting thriving demand with limited water supply. Lagunitas in Petaluma and Bear Republic in Cloverdale, who both get their water from the Russian River, have had to limit production due to water regulations. Lagunitas has cut their water usage by 10% in the last couple of years, but doesn’t want to compromise
the taste of the beer by doing so. (The Russian river water has a special quality. Using different water sources
could possibly affect the taste of the beer produced.)
The big beer industries have also scrambled to use less water by making changes inside and outside the
factories, to help save water consumption. Several beer producers have extended operations in other states
where water isn’t a problem. It takes a lot water to produce beer, and when making beer is your business, you
either conserve or go to where the water is, or perhaps both.
Hopefully, the drought will come to an end and we will return to normal production. It is never a given
that we will have normal rainfall, so it is always in our best interest to be responsible stewards of the
Earth. We can understand a lot from the hard years, even better farming practices. Hopefully we can learn,
produce, and enjoy all that our agricultural state has to offer.
P AGE 14
S UMMER 2015
Strawberry Salsa
½ med red onion—diced
½ red bell pepper—diced
½ green bell pepper—diced
¼ cup fine shredded fresh cilantro leaves
½ pint (1 cup) or more fresh strawberries—sliced
¼ cup fresh orange juice
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
2 Tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper
Mix all together---great on white fish
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