cam lobe profile catalog
cam lobe profile catalog
CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG AN EXPANDED LISTING OF ALL CRANE CAMS LOBE PROFILES FOR PROFESSIONAL RACING ENGINE BUILDERS CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG CONTENTS Lobe Selection, Ordering and Services 2–6 Hydraulic Flat Tappet Profiles 7–9 Hydraulic Roller Profiles 10–16 Hydraulic Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–12 Application Specific LT4 and Vortec Hydraulic Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chevrolet LS Engine Family Hydraulic Roller Lifter Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13–15 CNG Powered Industrial Hydraulic Roller Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chrysler 5.7–6.1 Gen3 Hemi Hydraulic Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Chevrolet Small Block Top Stock Hydraulic Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mechanical Flat Tappet Profiles 17–22 Mechanical Roller Profiles 23–43 Mechanical Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23–42 Engine or Application Specific Mechanical Roller Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–43 Specialized Profiles 44–63 Flat Tappet Stock Lift Rules Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44–46 Flat Tappet and Hydraulic Roller Stock Lift Rules Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Hydraulic Roller Stock Lift Rules Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Specialty OHV and Flathead Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48–51 Mechanical Roller Profiles for Specialty OHV Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50–51 Direct Actuation Follower SOHC and DOHC Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51–53 Engine Specific for Direct Actuation Follower SOHC and DOHC Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Engine Specific for Translating Follower SOHC and DOHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55–61 Harley–Davidson® V2 Profiles 62–63 Evolution™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Twin-Cam™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Camshaft Recommendation Form 64 | 866.388.5120 1 CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG Introduction This latest version of our Cam Lobe Profile Catalog contains most of the recent and popular recommended lobe shapes that we currently advise. There are literally thousands of additional profiles available, from our early street and racing grinds, to antique restoration and factory replacement grinds dating back to the early 1900’s. Virtually any grind that Crane Cams has produced can still be provided. If you have a specific requirement that isn’t listed, please contact our Performance Consultant staff at 866-388-5120 for additional information. Custom Profile Cams Consideration is also given as to the type of valve train. Engines having an overhead valve style valve train (cam-lifter-pushrod-rocker arm-valve), can not utilize as much positive acceleration at the follower as those engines having direct-actuation valve trains (cam-follower-valve), due to the comparative stiffness of each style. Although the minimum tappet diameter and basic specifications may appear quite similar there are serious lobe design differences, mandating that these types not be interchanged. Hydraulic and mechanical lobe profiles also have design differences, especially in the clearance ramps. Without going into great detail, you should never use hydraulic lifters on a mechanical lifter cam, nor is it advised to use mechanical lifters on a hydraulic lifter cam. Although the Crane Cams catalog includes an extensive variety of camshafts, many applications occur that may require a camshaft selection not found in our standard Crane Cams also has available lobe series for most listings. This is not an unusual happening at Crane SOHC and DOHC direct actuation and also translating Cams where custom ground cams are produced daily. “slipper” follower valve train engines. As virtually each We maintain the largest lobe profile library of any of these engines utilize their own unique valve train performance cam grinder, an accumulation that began geometry, lobe designs can not usually be interchanged among engines, even though their valve trains may with our founding in 1953. appear identical in configuration. We cover the entire spectrum of internal combustion engine applications, ranging from stationary power plants to Due to space limitations we cannot list all of these Top Fuel dragsters. Prototype work is performed for a variety series here, and recommend that you contact the of clients from the giant Original Equipment Manufacturers Crane Cams Performance Consultant staff for specific to the individual engine builder/racer. Custom production recommendations. runs are also commonplace for an equally diverse range of customers. Proprietary work is also a function of our Notes on Minimum Tappet Diameter diversity throughout the OEM and performance markets. For flat tappet grinds this is the smallest tappet face It is always recommended that our staff of Performance Consultants be contacted at 866-388-5120 as the first step in the initiation of a special camshaft order. Their combined decades of experience in all forms of camshaft applications can easily save the customer time (and money) when refining their particular combination. Basic Rules to Follow When Considering a Custom-Ground Camshaft Our hydraulic and mechanical profiles are designed for a particular finished lobe size and lifter diameter. Applying a lobe design to an engine having a smaller base circle diameter than the lobe is intended for, will probably cause the minimum radius of curvature (which usually occurs at, or near, the maximum lift point) to decrease to an unacceptable level. This will cause premature lobe and lifter failure. Our hydraulic and mechanical roller profiles are also designed for a particular finished lobe size and lifter wheel diameter. These must be known to produce the proper finished cam grind. 2 | 866.388.5120 diameter advisable for use with the particular profile. Use of a smaller face diameter tappet will result in the lobe to lifter contact point going off of the edge of the tappet, usually causing immediate lobe and tappet wear and failure. A larger tappet can be used without this wear potential, however you may be sacrificing tappet velocity (which usually increases performance) if other profiles are available for larger tappets. Common Values for Tappet Diameters .842” SB and BB Chevy, Pontiac and Buick V8 .875” SB and BB Ford V8 .904” Chrysler and AMC V8 For more information on Minimum Tappet Diameter and how it affects your application, call a Crane Cams Performance Consultant at 866-388-5120. CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG Important—Lobe Design Size When Choosing a Roller Grind Our roller profiles are designed for a particular finished lobe size, as determined by roller wheel diameter or base circle radius requirements. We have provided a column indicating the Lobe Design Size for each of the listed profiles. Coding A 1.786” Nominal Journal Diameter Buick V6 and V8, Cadillac 368–500 V8, or special small base circle diameter, such as Chevrolet 262–400 V8 requiring connecting rod to cam clearance in long stroke applications. B 1.868” Nominal Journal Diameter Chevrolet 262–400 and 348–409 V8, and Pontiac 265–455 V8 C 1.948”–1.968” or 50 mm Journal Diameter Chevrolet 262–400 V8 LRB, Chevrolet 396–454 V8 and 8.1L V8, Plymouth-Dodge 273–360 V8, 350–440 V8 and Hemi 426 V8, Oldsmobile 265–455 V8. D an “A” application, not only would a duration loss of six degrees take place, but also a negative radius of curvature (inverted flank) may try to occur during the grinding process, resulting in a finished lobe shape that is not representative of the actual design. This may result in unstable valve train, possibly causing component failure. Lobes that are intended to have this inverted flank (Crane Cams HIR and IR series) are carefully designed and manufactured using a special process to prevent this condition. Even so, HIR and IR camshafts are not normally advised for high RPM applications due to their relative harshness on the valve train. Important—Lifter Wheel Size When Choosing a Roller Grind Our roller profiles are also designed for a particular wheel size on the roller lifter. Popular Wheel Diameters .700” Used on Many Hydraulic Roller Lifters 2.036” Nominal Journal Diameter Ford 221–302 and 351C–400 V8, AMC V8 .750” Used on Most .842” and .875” Diameter Mechanical Roller Lifters E 2.125” Nominal Journal Diameter Ford 352–428 V8, Ford 429–460, Ford 429 Boss Hemi V8, and other engines. .815” Used on Most .904” Diameter Mechanical Roller Lifters F 55 mm or 2.165” Nominal Journal Diameter Chevrolet LS1 V8, Ford LRB, and other engines. .850” Used on Most .937” Diameter Mechanical Roller Lifters J 57 mm or 2.245’ Journal Diameter Chrysler 5.7–6.1L Hemi. .920” Used on Most 1.000” and 1.062” Diameter Mechanical Roller Lifters K 2.280” Journal Diameter G 60 mm or 2.362” Nominal Journal Diameter H 65 mm or 2.560” Nominal Journal Diameter Some lobe designs have masters generated for more than one size category. These have been indicated where applicable. When a roller lobe designed for one journal size is applied to an engine having a different nominal journal size, a duration change will occur. For example, an “A” lobe ground on a “C” engine camshaft will realize a four-degree increase at 0.050” cam lift. There is usually a two-degree change between design size series. Caution must be used when selecting a larger sized lobe for a smaller lobe application. If a “D” lobe were used on Consideration must be made when changing the size of the wheel from the usual diameter as this will affect the duration of the lobes. As the wheel diameter increases the duration also increases. The duration in the lower lobe lift areas (.001”–025”) will not change very much, as the pressure angle between the lobe in the wheel is not greatly affected. However, at .050” lobe lift, as the wheel size increases, the duration will increase nearly two degrees for each diameter increment as listed above. Conversely, as the wheel diameter decreases the duration will also decrease. Lobe lift is not affected by the wheel diameter. Be sure to specify what wheel diameter that you will be using, as the desired opening and closing figures (and duration) may not be obtained if this isn’t compensated for. Many lobe profiles have been generated for more than one wheel size in order to produce the proper lifter motion for these changes. | 866.388.5120 3 CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG Special Cam Services Price Schedule The following basic price schedule (which is subject to change without notice) covers services offered. Additional quotes will be submitted on request. All prices are FOB, Daytona Beach, FL. Design Cam Profile Design—Inelastic system with Accelerated Ramps. Lift table with velocities and accelerations in one degree spacing will be furnished. Each Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Manufacture Grind customer’s round lobe 8620 steel billet camshaft core—includes copper plate, rough grind, heat treat and finish grind. For roller camshafts that require base circle undercutting, an additional labor charge is required. Each 1 Cyl. Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98070 Each 4 Cyl. Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Labor PN 98071 Each 6 Cyl. Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98072 Cam Profile Design Each V8 Camshaft (Rough Grind/Heat Treat Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98064 Inelastic system with Accelerated Ramps, for slipper follower type applications. Lift table with velocities and accelerations in one degree spacing will be furnished. Each V8 Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98085 Each Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Profile Smoothing Computer smoothing of your cam profile design. Performs smooth blending of ramps, nose and roughness-smoothed. Lift table will be furnished. Each Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Tooling (Plate or Masters) Generate Van Norman/Berco Plate Master Cam Profile. Grind to five decimal place data. (Included verification check of submitted design for errors.) Each Valve Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Generate Van Norman/Berco Plate for customersupplied camshaft. (Includes base circle runout correction.) Each Single Pattern Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Each Dual Pattern Plate Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote 4 | 866.388.5120 Grind Crane Cams round lobe 8620 steel billet camshaft core. For roller follower camshafts that require base circle undercutting, an additional labor charge is required. Most V8 Round Lobe Steel Billet Cams Includes Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Labor PN 98061 Most 6 Cyl. Round Lobe Steel Billet Cams, Includes Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98086 Most 4 Cyl. Round Lobe Steel Billet Cams, Includes Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98062 Grind one sample camshaft from customer’s unground lobe camshaft and inspect for conformance to design data. Customer to furnish semi-finished cam billet if Crane Cams billet is not available. Each Camshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG Misc. manufacturing services—For services not listed, contact Crane Cams for a quote. Grind Camshaft with Five Bearing Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98076 Install 5/16” Dowel Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98087 Groove One Cam Bearing Journal for Oiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98088 Drill and Tap for Sander Rear Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98089 Copper Plate Customer’s Round Lobe Steel Billet Camshaft Up to 24” Long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98098 Grind Gearfit Step on Front Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98073 Misc. Labor—Per Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98111 Inspection Profile Check single intake and exhaust lobe to verify lift and timing against furnished specifications. Each Camshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Labor PN 98014 Cam Lobe measurement and computer analysis. Complete report giving lift, velocity, acceleration and graphs. First Valve Lobe on Camshaft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Each Additional Valve Lobe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call for Quote Packaging For Shipment Special wooden crates: For shipment when standard cardboard packaging will not offer adequate protection. Each Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approx. $40.00 Ea. Prototype Cam Services Crane Cams utilizes computer programs to perform precision cam profile measurements and design analysis. This enables Crane Cams to constantly update and improve their entire product line, plus prototype development for other cam and engine manufacturers. Crane Cams offers a broad scope of services and capabilities from a single source—a unique and extremely advantageous feature. This multi-faceted service can provide a complete package of engine cam development and manufacturing, from design through sample cams for developmental evaluation at a low total cost. The “as measured” cam profile analysis services are the most accurate measurement and analysis data currently available in the industry. A precision measurement facility is located in the Crane Cams facility and is used in many phases of Crane Cams’ production and development work, as well as by various other engine and cam manufacturers. Sharing equal importance with the physical measurements are the computer analysis techniques employed in processing the “as measured” data. This process permits a broad and accurate analysis of the data with corrections to systematic and random errors, which occur in all measurement procedures. The resulting computer printout is an exceedingly accurate lift data (to the nearest 10 millionths of an inch) of the actual measured profile. This data can then be immediately compared to the design data. One outstanding feature of the cam profile analysis program allows one degree (or 2½ degree) design data to be read into the computer, which will immediately return printout cutting data in one-half degree increments. This unique feature permits a model cam to be generated on one-half degree increments of maximum accuracy, even though the original design was tabulated in one-degree increments. Only the latest equipment is incorporated into the extensive cam development facilities at Crane Cams. Equipment is only as good as the people that use it, however, and Crane Cams personnel have been one of the main keys to the firm’s successful rise to the “Number One” rating in the high performance cam industry. Crane Cams fully appreciates the importance of care, accuracy, speed and competence, and reflects this concern in its total involvement in all cam facets, from design through volume production. | 866.388.5120 5 CAM LOBE PROFILE CATALOG Tooling From design data, the first step in cam profile production is the generation of the master cam lobe. At Crane Cams this is the most critical and precision step in cam profile manufacturing, since every step from this point forward can result in possible accumulative errors and deviations from the desired profile, requiring extreme detail and attention to be applied to the project. From the master cam blank, a rough cam shape is first rough ground on a cam grinder. The final rough and finish grinding is performed on a numerically controlled grinder. The grinder has a basic resolution of one millionth of an inch, with a complete system resolution of 10 millionths of an inch, and a grinding accuracy and repeatability of plus or minus 15 millionths. Manufacturing Crane Cams utilizes Landis, Berco, Van Norman and Norton Automatic cam grinders for production cam grinding. If production volume run cams are desired, Crane Cams offers the highest quality at competitive prices, backed up by the fastest delivery possible. Inspection or sample cam profile. Relative smoothness can be instantly reviewed for comparison, as well as lobe-to lobe variations in profiles. The viewed trace on the oscilloscope truly gives a “fingerprint” of the cam profile almost instantly, and with a minimum of set-up. Conclusions can be quickly established relating to dynamic problems due to design or manufacture. This machine is also utilized to select optimum lobes, average lobes, or worst lobes, for further inspection and analysis, or for copying profiles on developmental or test cams. Also located at the Crane Cams facility in Daytona Beach, FL, is the physical measurement equipment. Another custom designed installation, this machine performs precise measurement of “as made” cam profiles, conducts mathematical analysis to correct for systematic and random errors, and provides velocity and acceleration data. Features include a basic resolution of .000010 inch and two arc seconds. An extremely high accuracy of 20 millionths of an inch (mean standard deviation) is maintained through the operating system employed and close temperature control of the measurement room. Ground and lapped carbide utilized as cam followers, maintain high precision and accuracy. Crane Cams production run inspection procedures, designed to check production cams for accuracy, Our Adcole gauge is considered to be the standard of the plus establishing performance parameters of a given industry for camshaft design verification and production. camshaft of profile, is a very useful and rapid measuring This is the measuring equipment virtually demanded by device (Adcole 911) with resolution to .0001 inch and the original equipment manufacturers for quality control purposes. Measurements are precise to within 1/10 one-quarter of one degree. micron (0.0001 mm) and 0.001 degrees. ComputerA custom-built dynamic inspection machine is utilized aided control combines extreme accuracy with speed, in many critical inspection areas to rapidly indicate and provides for complete plot traces of deviations from acceleration, velocity, displacement and jerk of a model, the programmed standards. Lobe Profile Nomenclature F - 262 / 3734 Example: Profile Code H Hydraulic HR Hydraulic Roller F Mechanical Flat Tappet R Mechanical Roller Lifter 6 | 866.388.5120 Duration at .050” Lobe Lift Lobe Lift HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 .417 .451 .476 .475 .501 .500 .527 .500 .553 .578 .604 .629 .432 .467 .493 .492 .519 .518 .546 .518 .573 .598 .626 .651 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES HP HP-184/2454 HP-194/2654 HP-204/2800 HP-208/2795 HP-214/2947 HP-218/2942 HP-224/3100 HP-228/2942 HP-234/3254 HP-244/3400 HP-254/3554 HP-264/3700 HP hydraulic series intended for conservative street use and factory performance upgrades. Designed for .842" diameter or larger tappets. 240 .0040 85 .019 .009 .368 .393 250 .0040 101 .030 .014 .398 .425 260 .0040 113 .044 .022 .420 .448 264 .0040 114 .050 .026 .419 .447 270 .0040 124 .059 .032 .442 .472 274 .0040 125 .066 .037 .441 .471 280 .0040 135 .076 .044 .465 .496 284 .0040 134 .083 .050 .441 .471 290 .0040 145 .093 .059 .488 .521 300 .0040 155 .110 .075 .510 .544 310 .0040 165 .128 .092 .533 .567 320 .0040 175 .145 .109 .555 .592 HMV H-192/2667 H-198/2754 H-204/2847 H-210/2934 H-216/3027 H-222/3114 H-228/3200 HMV (Hydraulic Maximum Velocity) hydraulic series intended for mid-range torque and street use, also fuel economy. Designed to make maximum use of .842” diameter tappets. 248 .0040 83 .029 .013 .400 .427 .453 .469 254 .0040 106 .036 .017 .413 .441 .468 .485 260 .0040 114 .044 .021 .427 .456 .484 .501 266 .0040 120 .053 .027 .440 .469 .499 .516 272 .0040 127 .064 .037 .454 .484 .515 .533 278 .0040 133 .074 .041 .467 .498 .529 .548 284 .0040 139 .085 .049 .480 .512 .544 .563 H-234/3294 H-238/3347 H-240/3378 H-248/3500 H-252/3500 H-256/3500 Z H-206/288 H-212/297 H-218/306 H-224/315 H-230/324 H-236/327 H-240/3291 H-244/331 H-248/333 290 294 296 304 308 312 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 144 148 152 159 164 167 .093 .100 .103 .118 .124 .131 .059 .065 .070 .081 .090 .095 .494 .502 .507 .525 .525 .525 .527 .536 .540 .560 .560 .560 .560 .569 .574 .595 .595 .595 .580 .589 .595 .616 .616 .616 The Z hydraulic lobes are our most aggressive series for use with .842” diameter tappets. Short seat timing with maximum area under the curve provides outstanding performance. 256 .0040 117 .047 .021 .432 .461 .490 .507 262 .0040 124 .056 .028 .446 .475 .505 .523 268 .0040 130 .066 .035 .459 .490 .520 .539 274 .0040 137 .077 .044 .473 .504 .536 .554 280 .0040 143 .087 .053 .486 .518 .551 .570 286 .0040 148 .098 .063 .491 .523 .556 .576 290 .0040 152 .105 .070 .494 .526 .559 .579 294 .0040 156 .112 .077 .497 .530 .563 .582 298 .0040 160 .119 .084 .500 .533 .566 .586 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 | 866.388.5120 7 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES CCH1 H-194/250 H-198/255 H-202/260 H-210/270 H-214/275 H-218/280 H-226/290 H-230/295 H-234/300 H-242/310 H-250/320 CCH1 hydraulic series created for performance hydraulic applications requiring higher engine speeds on smaller diameter lobes. Designed for .842” diameter or larger tappets. 252 .0040 90 .031 .015 .375 .400 .425 .440 256 .0040 97 .036 .017 .383 .408 .434 .449 260 .0040 102 .042 .020 .390 .416 .442 .458 268 .0040 112 .053 .028 .405 .432 .459 .475 272 .0040 117 .059 .032 .413 .440 .468 .484 276 .0040 122 .065 .037 .420 .448 .476 .493 284 .0040 131 .078 .047 .435 .464 .493 .510 288 .0040 135 .084 .053 .443 .472 .502 .519 292 .0040 140 .091 .059 .450 .480 .510 .528 300 .0040 149 .105 .071 .465 .496 .527 .546 308 .0040 158 .118 .084 .480 .512 .544 .563 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 CCH2 H-190/260 H-194/265 H-198/270 H-202/275 H-206/280 H-210/285 H-214/290 H-218/295 CCH2 hydraulic series created for performance hydraulic applications requiring even higher engine speeds. Designed for .842” diameter or larger tappets. 252 .0040 93 .027 .014 .390 .416 .442 256 .0040 98 .032 .016 .398 .424 .451 260 .0040 103 .037 .019 .405 .432 .459 264 .0040 108 .042 .022 .413 .440 .468 268 .0040 112 .047 .025 .420 .448 .476 272 .0040 116 .053 .029 .428 .456 .484 276 .0040 121 .059 .033 .435 .464 .493 280 .0040 125 .065 .037 .443 .472 .502 .458 .466 .475 .484 .493 .502 .510 .519 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .510 .519 .527 .536 .544 .553 .561 .578 .528 .537 .546 .554 .563 .572 .581 .598 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 H1 hydraulic series created for engines with large diameter lobes and long rocker ratios, such as big block Chevrolet, used in performance and marine applications. Designed for .842” diameter or larger tappets. 280 .0042 128 .067 .040 .461 .491 .522 286 .0042 134 .076 .047 .471 .502 .534 290 .0042 138 .082 .053 .477 .509 .541 296 .0042 144 .092 .061 .488 .520 .553 300 .0042 148 .098 .067 .494 .526 .559 306 .0042 154 .108 .076 .504 .538 .571 .082 .510 .544 .578 310 .0042 158 .115 .540 .553 .560 .572 .579 .591 .598 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 H-222/3001 H-226/305 H-230/3101 H-234/315 H-238/320 H-242/325 H-246/330 H-254/340 H1 H-220/307 H-226/314 H-230/318 H-236/325 H-240/329 H-246/336 H-250/340 284 288 292 296 300 304 308 316 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 129 134 138 142 146 150 155 163 .071 .078 .084 .091 .098 .104 .111 .125 .042 .047 .053 .058 .064 .070 .077 .090 .450 .458 .465 .473 .480 .488 .495 .510 .480 .488 .496 .504 .512 .520 .528 .544 Continued on next page. 8 | 866.388.5120 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 .089 .102 .115 .516 .530 .543 .550 .565 .579 .585 .600 .615 .605 .621 .637 .842 .842 .842 HYDRAULIC FLAT TAPPET PROFILES H1 H-254/344 H-262/353 H-270/362 Continued from previous page. 314 322 330 .0042 .0042 .0042 162 170 178 .122 .136 .149 HC904 H-210/280 H-218/293 H-224/300 H-225/320 H-230/306 H-230/3201 H-235/346 H-245/366 HC904 hydraulic series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets for street and endurance applications. 260 .0110 113 .052 .032 .420 .448 270 .0100 124 .063 .039 .440 .469 280 .0090 130 .070 .045 .450 .480 280 .0090 136 .073 .046 .480 .512 290 .0080 135 .079 .052 .459 .490 300 .0080 139 .079 .052 .480 .512 290 .0080 149 .090 .059 .519 .554 300 .0080 160 .111 .075 .549 .586 .476 .498 .510 .544 .520 .544 .588 .622 .493 .516 .528 .563 .539 .563 .609 .644 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 H2 H-202/2880 H-212/3040 H-222/3200 H-232/3360 H-242/3520 H-252/3680 H2 hydraulic series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets for street and racing applications. 274 .0040 114 .039 .023 .431 .461 284 .0040 125 .053 .032 .456 .486 294 .0040 136 .069 .044 .480 .512 304 .0040 146 .087 .058 .504 .538 314 .0040 156 .105 .073 .528 .563 324 .0040 166 .122 .089 .552 .589 .490 .517 .544 .571 .598 .626 .507 .535 .563 .591 .620 .648 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .653 .676 .904 .538 .563 .588 .612 .637 .649 .662 .674 .686 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 H-262/3840 H3 H-212/306 H-220/320 H-228/334 H-236/348 H-244/362 H-248/369 H-252/376 H-256/383 H-260/390 334 .0040 176 .141 .107 .576 .614 H3 hydraulic series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets for street and racing applications. More aggressive than the H2 series. 268 .0040 127 .056 .030 .459 .490 .520 276 .0040 136 .068 .040 .480 .512 .544 284 .0040 145 .082 .050 .501 .534 .568 292 .0040 153 .097 .063 .522 .557 .592 300 .0040 161 .112 .075 .543 .579 .615 304 .0040 166 .119 .082 .554 .590 .627 308 .0040 170 .127 .090 .564 .602 .639 312 .0040 174 .134 .097 .575 .613 .651 316 .0040 178 .142 .104 .585 .624 .663 | 866.388.5120 9 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HR1 HR-206/313 HR-210/319 HR-214/325 HR-218/332 HR-222/339 HR-226/345 HR-230/352 HR-234/359 HR-238/365 HR-240/372 HR-242/372 HR-242/375 HR-244/372 HR-246/372 HR-248/372 HR-250/372 HR-254/372 HR-258/372 HR-260/372 HR-262/372 HR-270/372 HR-278/372 HR2 HR-198/311 HR-206/325 HR-210/332 HR-214/339 HR-222/352 HR-230/365 HR-238/378 HR-248/391 HR-252/391 HR3 HR-184/256 HR-194/271 HR-204/286 HR-208/292 HR-214/301 HR1 hydraulic roller series created for high lift applications with good stability. 268 .0040 124 .047 .026 .470 .501 .532 .551 272 276 280 284 288 292 296 300 302 304 306 306 308 310 312 316 320 322 324 332 340 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 128 132 137 141 145 150 154 158 161 163 161 164 166 167 170 173 174 177 179 183 190 .053 .059 .065 .072 .078 .085 .093 .100 .104 .108 .104 .112 .116 .119 .124 .131 .139 .143 .146 .155 .169 .030 .034 .038 .043 .048 .053 .058 .064 .067 .070 .070 .074 .077 .080 .084 .091 .098 .102 .106 .118 .132 .479 .488 .498 .509 .518 .528 .539 .548 .558 .558 .563 .563 .558 .558 .558 .558 .558 .558 .558 .558 .558 .510 .520 .531 .542 .552 .563 .574 .584 .595 .595 .600 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .595 .542 .553 .564 .576 .587 .598 .610 .621 .632 .632 .638 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 HR2 hydraulic roller series used for large cubic inch high lift applications. 260 .0040 117 .041 .018 .467 .498 .529 268 272 276 284 292 300 308 316 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 126 131 135 144 152 160 170 174 .047 .053 .059 .070 .084 .099 .120 .128 .026 .030 .034 .041 .052 .064 .080 .088 .488 .498 .509 .528 .548 .567 .586 .586 .520 .531 .542 .563 .584 .605 .626 .626 .553 .564 .576 .598 .620 .643 .665 .665 B C .547 B .572 .584 .597 .620 .642 .665 .688 .688 B HR3 hydraulic roller series for mild performance and emissions legal camshafts using stock springs. Designed for small block and big block Chevrolet size lobes. 240 .0040 89 .022 .009 .384 .410 .435 .451 250 260 264 270 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 102 115 119 127 .032 .044 .050 .059 .015 .023 .027 .033 .407 .429 .438 .452 .434 .458 .467 .482 .461 .486 .496 .512 B .561 .572 .584 .597 .607 .620 .632 .642 .655 .655 .660 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .655 .477 .503 .514 .530 B C B B C B C B C B C B C C B C C C B C C B B C C C B B B D B D B B B B C C B C B C B C B C B C Continued on next page. 10 | 866.388.5120 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 104 DEG. INTAKE 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .068 .079 .089 .100 .039 .047 .056 .065 .465 .479 .492 .506 .496 .510 .525 .539 .527 .542 .558 .573 .546 .561 .577 .593 HR4 hydraulic roller series for mild performance and emissions legal camshafts using stock springs. Designed for small block Ford size lobes. 246 .0040 95 .026 .012 .393 .419 .445 .461 D .489 .517 .546 D DEG. IN. SEE PAGE 3 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HR3 HR-220/310 HR-226/319 HR-232/328 HR-238/337 HR4 HR-188/262 HR-198/278 HR-208/294 HR-218/310 HR6 HR-242/400 HR-246/400 HR-250/400 HR-254/400 HR-258/4001 HR-262/400 HR-266/400 HR-270/400 HR-274/400 HR-282/400 HRBR HR-222/320 HR-226/3201 HR-234/354 HR-236/330 HR-236/340 HR-238/330 HR-242/350 HR-242/370 HR-258/350 HR-262/350 HR-264/314 HR-264/350 HR-264/420 HR-268/350 HR-272/420 Continued from previous page. 276 282 288 294 256 266 276 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 134 140 146 154 107 119 131 .037 .050 .065 .018 .027 .037 .417 .441 .465 .445 .470 .496 HR6 hydraulic roller series for large displacement engines for serious performance applications, with 50 mm journal diameter. 312 .0040 162 .106 .071 .600 .640 316 320 324 328 332 336 340 341 347 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 166 170 174 178 182 186 190 187 195 .114 .122 .130 .138 .145 .153 .161 .156 .172 .077 .083 .090 .097 .105 .113 .120 .124 .138 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .473 .500 .527 B C C C D D .680 .704 C .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 C C C C C C C C C HRBR hydraulic roller series created for big block or similar engine applications having high rocker ratios, requiring excellent valve train stability and moderate RPM levels (up to 6500). 286 .0040 134 .066 .045 .544 .563 290 298 302 302 304 308 306 324 328 326 330 328 334 336 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 136 151 146 148 147 154 160 168 172 163 173 184 176 191 .072 .086 .087 .087 .090 .098 .100 .125 .132 .136 .136 .145 .143 .161 .050 .061 .063 .063 .066 .072 .073 .097 .103 .106 .107 .112 .114 .127 .544 .602 .561 .578 .561 .595 .629 .595 .595 .534 .595 .714 .595 .714 .563 .623 .581 .598 .581 .616 .651 .616 .616 .553 .616 .739 .616 .739 E E E E E E E E E E D E C E C | 866.388.5120 11 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 SEE PAGE 3 1.76 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HIR HIR-182/2734 HIR-190/2867 HIR-194/2934 HIR-198/3000 HIR-202/3067 HIR-206/3134 HIR-210/3200 HIR-214/3267 HIR-218/3334 HIR-222/3400 HIR-226/3467 HIR-230/3534 HIR-234/3600 HIR-238/3667 HIR-242/3735 HIR-246/3800 HIR-250/3867 HIR-254/3867 HIR-260/3867 HIR-270/3867 PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT HIR hydraulic roller series created for very aggressive high lift applications. Designed for small block size lobes with an inverted flank area. Not recommended for high RPM applications. B 238 .0040 98 .020 .009 .410 .437 .465 .481 246 250 254 258 262 266 270 274 278 282 286 290 294 298 304 306 310 316 326 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. 108 112 117 122 126 131 135 140 144 149 153 157 161 166 167 174 177 182 190 .028 .032 .037 .042 .047 .053 .059 .066 .073 .080 .088 .095 .104 .112 .116 .129 .136 .148 .165 .013 .016 .018 .022 .025 .029 .033 .037 .042 .047 .053 .059 .065 .071 .079 .085 .093 .104 .123 DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST .430 .440 .450 .460 .470 .480 .490 .500 .510 .520 .530 .540 .550 .560 .570 .580 .580 .580 .580 .459 .475 .480 .491 .501 .512 .523 .533 .544 .555 .565 .576 .587 .598 .608 .619 .619 .619 .619 .487 .504 .510 .521 .533 .544 .555 .567 .578 .589 .601 .612 .623 .635 .646 .657 .657 .657 .657 .505 .522 .528 .540 .552 .563 .575 .587 .598 .610 .622 .634 .645 .657 .669 .681 .681 .681 .681 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 SEE PAGE 3 1.80 APPLICATION SPECIFIC LT4 AND VORTEC HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES These profiles may be used in other applications. Consult with the Crane Cams technical staff for recommendations. HRL4 HR-238/350 HR-244/350 HR-250/350 HRCV HR-214/316 HR-224/316 12 Chevrolet small block V8 with LT4 heads, HRL4 hydraulic roller series, for applications having limited valve travel. 302 .0040 155 .097 .064 .525 308 314 .0040 .0040 160 164 .109 .120 .074 .083 .525 .525 .560 B .560 .560 B Chevrolet Vortec 350, HRCV hydraulic roller series, with .475” maximum lift rules. 276 .0040 130 .058 .034 .474 286 .0040 137 | 866.388.5120 .074 .046 .474 B B B HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 CHEVROLET LS ENGINE FAMILY HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES LSHR1 HR-200/292 HR-200/294 HR-206/294 HR-208/2941 HR-214/294 HR-216/294 LSHR2 HR-204/324 HR-208/312 HR-210/312 HR-212/324 HR-216/312 HR-216/324 HR-218/324 HR-222/312 HR-222/324 HR-228/324 HR-232/350 HR-234/324 HR-236/352 HR-237/355 HR-238/324 HR-242/3585 HR-250/341 HR-256/350 HR-258/341 LSHR3 HR-194/295 HR-200/295 HR-200/2951 HR-208/2951 HR-210/3121 HR-210/3241 HR-214/344 HR-216/3241 HR-216/344 HR-218/3121 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHR1 hydraulic roller series, used in applications using stock valve springs and standard rocker arm ratio. 262 .0040 114 .039 .021 258 270 272 278 280 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 112 118 119 123 124 .040 .047 .049 .058 .061 .020 .026 .028 .034 .036 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHR2 hydraulic roller series, with increased ramp rates and more area under the curve. 264 .0040 126 .044 .023 276 272 272 284 278 280 284 284 290 288 296 292 293 300 298 314 312 322 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 121 127 132 128 134 135 135 138 143 153 147 156 157 149 162 161 171 167 .050 .052 .055 .060 .061 .065 .071 .071 .081 .085 .092 .093 .095 .098 .105 .117 .130 .131 .030 .029 .031 .037 .036 .038 .043 .043 .051 .060 .059 .067 .068 .065 .077 .082 .101 .095 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHR3 hydraulic roller series,used in applications requiring stable and quiet valve control. 254 .0040 110 .031 .016 262 262 270 272 272 275 278 277 280 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 114 114 119 126 129 138 133 139 131 .039 .039 .049 .052 .052 .059 .061 .062 .064 .020 .020 .027 .029 .029 .033 .035 .035 .038 .496 F .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 F F F F F .551 .583 F .530 .530 .551 .530 .551 .551 .530 .551 .551 .595 .551 .598 .604 .551 .609 .580 .595 .580 .562 .562 .583 .562 .583 .583 .562 .583 .583 .630 .583 .634 .639 .583 .645 .614 .630 .614 F .502 .531 F .502 .502 .502 .530 .551 .585 .551 .585 .530 .531 .531 .531 .562 .583 .619 .583 .619 .562 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 13 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 CHEVROLET LS ENGINE FAMILY HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES LSHR3 HR-220/3241 HR-220/3333 HR-222/3241 HR-222/344 HR-224/3241 HR-224/344 HR-228/3241 HR-228/3333 HR-228/344 HR-228/353 HR-232/3241 HR-232/353 HR-236/3241 HR-236/353 HR-238/3333 HR-240/3241 HR-240/353 HR-246/353 Continued from previous page. LSHS347 HR-216/347 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHS347 hydraulic roller series, used in high speed performance applications. 273 .0040 140 .058 .038 .590 .625 HR-218/347 HR-220/347 HR-222/347 HR-224/3441 HR-224/347 HR-226/347 HR-228/347 HR-230/347 HR-232/347 HR-234/347 HR-236/347 HR-238/347 HR-240/347 HR-242/347 HR-244/347 HR-246/347 HR-248/347 HR-250/347 HR-252/347 14 282 281 284 283 286 285 290 289 287 290 294 294 298 298 299 302 302 308 275 276 278 279 280 282 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 300 302 304 308 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 136 140 137 144 139 146 142 146 149 149 145 152 148 155 153 150 158 162 141 143 144 145 146 148 149 150 152 154 155 157 158 160 161 163 164 166 167 | 866.388.5120 .068 .068 .071 .072 .074 .075 .081 .081 .082 .082 .088 .089 .095 .096 .100 .102 .104 .115 .061 .064 .067 .071 .071 .074 .078 .082 .085 .089 .093 .097 .100 .104 .108 .112 .115 .119 .123 .040 .040 .041 .041 .045 .045 .049 .049 .049 .051 .055 .056 .062 .062 .066 .068 .068 .078 .041 .043 .046 .049 .049 .051 .054 .057 .060 .064 .067 .070 .074 .077 .080 .084 .088 .091 .094 .551 .567 .551 .585 .551 .585 .551 .567 .585 .600 .551 .600 .551 .600 .567 .551 .600 .600 .590 .590 .590 .585 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .590 .583 .600 .583 .619 .583 .619 .583 .600 .619 .635 .583 .635 .583 .635 .600 .583 .635 .635 .625 .625 .625 .619 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 CHEVROLET LS ENGINE FAMILY HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES LSHS367 HR-216/367 HR-218/367 HR-220/367 HR-222/367 HR-224/367 HR-226/367 HR-228/367 HR-230/367 HR-232/367 HR-234/367 HR-236/367 HR-238/367 HR-240/367 HR-242/367 HR-244/367 HR-246/367 HR-248/367 HR-250/367 HR-252/367 HR-254/367 HR-256/367 HR-258/367 HR-260/367 HR-262/367 HR-264/367 HR-266/367 HR-268/367 HR-270/367 HR-272/367 LSHS382 HR-220/382 HR-230/382 HR-240/382 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHS367 hydraulic roller series, used in high speed performance applications requiring more lift. 272 .0040 143 .058 .038 274 276 278 280 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 317 319 321 323 325 327 329 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 145 146 148 149 151 152 154 156 158 159 160 162 164 165 167 168 170 171 173 174 176 177 179 180 182 183 185 187 .061 .064 .067 .071 .074 .078 .082 .086 .089 .093 .097 .101 .105 .109 .113 .117 .121 .125 .129 .133 .136 .140 .143 .147 .150 .154 .157 .160 .041 .043 .046 .049 .051 .054 .057 .060 .063 .067 .070 .073 .077 .080 .084 .087 .091 .094 .098 .102 .105 .109 .113 .116 .120 .123 .126 .130 Chevrolet LS V8, LSHS382 hydraulic roller series, used in high speed performance applications requiring .650” lift with 1.7 rockers. 276 .0040 148 .069 .041 287 297 .0040 .0040 156 164 .079 .102 .057 .073 .624 .661 F .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .624 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 .661 F .649 .688 F .649 .649 .688 .688 F | 866.388.5120 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 15 HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 CNG POWERED INDUSTRIAL HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HRNG HR-160/190 HR-170/165 HR-170/190 HR-180/165 HR-180/190 HR-190/165 HR-200/165 Chevrolet 454-502 and 8.1L V8, HRNG hydraulic roller series, used in CNG powered industrial applications. C 228 .0040 — .007 .005 .323 245 238 255 248 265 275 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 — — — — — — .017 .013 .024 .020 .032 .042 .009 .007 .014 .011 .019 .026 .281 .323 .281 .323 .281 .281 C C C C C C CHRYSLER 5.7–6.12 GEN3 HEMI HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HRH1 HR-208/297 HR-210/3236 HR-214/297 HR-216/3236 HR-222/3236 HR-228/3236 Chrysler 5.7–6.1L Hemi V8, HRH1 hydraulic roller series, with 57 mm journal diameter. 268 .0040 121 .022 .029 .505 268 274 274 280 286 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 131 125 136 140 145 .052 .054 .062 .072 .083 .028 .036 .035 .042 .051 J .550 .505 .550 .550 .550 J J J J J CHEVROLET SMALL BLOCK TOP STOCK HYDRAULIC ROLLER PROFILES HR7 HR-260/330 HR-264/330 HR-268/330 HR-272/330 HR-276/330 16 IHRA Top Stock, HR7 hydraulic roller series, for restricted lift applications. 316 .0040 174 .139 .102 .495 .528 .561 320 324 328 332 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 178 182 186 191 | 866.388.5120 .147 .155 .162 .169 .109 .117 .124 .132 .495 .495 .495 .495 .528 .528 .528 .528 .561 .561 .561 .561 .581 B .581 .581 .581 .581 B B B B MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. IN. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES F1 F-236/3177 F-246/3294 F-256/3412 F-266/3528 F-276/3648 F-286/3765 F1 mechanical series created for oval track and marine engines with higher rocker ratios, such as the big block Chevrolet, where stable upper RPM valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .026”. 272 .0200 138 .082 .064 .477 .508 .540 .559 .842 282 .0200 149 .098 .077 .494 .527 .560 .580 .842 292 .0200 159 .115 .092 .512 .546 .580 .601 .842 302 .0200 169 .131 .107 .529 .564 .600 .621 .842 312 .0200 179 .148 .121 .547 .584 .620 .642 .842 322 .0200 189 .165 .137 .565 .602 .640 .663 .842 F2 F-198/270 F-218/2933 F-228/3067 F-238/3200 F-248/3334 F-258/3468 F2 mechanical series created for street use and mid-range torque applications. Recommended lash is .022”. 260 .0140 102 .038 .023 .405 280 .0140 122 .064 .038 .440 290 .0140 134 .079 .050 .460 300 .0140 144 .094 .063 .480 310 .0140 155 .111 .078 .500 320 .0140 165 .128 .092 .520 F3 F-244/3454 F-248/3514 F-252/3574 F-256/3634 F-260/3694 F-264/3754 F-268/3814 F-272/3874 F-276/3934 F-280/3994 F-284/4054 F-288/4114 F3 mechanical series created for racing applicatios with stable valve control. This series has an excellent racing history. Designed to make full use of .842” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .026”. 280 .0200 152 .104 .072 .518 .553 .587 284 .0200 156 .111 .078 .527 .562 .597 288 .0200 160 .118 .084 .536 .572 .608 292 .0200 164 .124 .091 .545 .581 .618 296 .0200 169 .132 .097 .554 .591 .628 300 .0200 172 .139 .104 .563 .601 .638 304 .0200 177 .147 .109 .572 .610 .648 308 .0200 180 .153 .117 .581 .620 .659 312 .0200 184 .158 .124 .590 .629 .669 316 .0200 189 .166 .132 .599 .639 .679 320 .0200 192 .174 .139 .608 .649 .689 324 .0200 196 .181 .145 .617 .658 .699 TLF1 F-246/3467 F-250/3534 F-254/3600 F-258/3667 F-262/3734 F-264/3767 F-266/3800 F-270/3867 TLF mechanical series created for oval track racing. Designed to make full use of .842” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .012”. 282 .0160 155 .109 .076 .520 .555 286 .0160 159 .116 .082 .530 .565 290 .0160 163 .123 .087 .540 .576 294 .0160 167 .130 .094 .550 .587 298 .0160 171 .137 .100 .560 .597 300 .0160 173 .141 .104 .565 .603 302 .0160 175 .144 .107 .570 .608 306 .0160 179 .151 .114 .580 .619 .432 .469 .491 .512 .533 .555 .459 .499 .521 .544 .567 .590 .475 .516 .540 .563 .587 .610 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .608 .618 .629 .640 .650 .661 .671 .682 .692 .703 .714 .724 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .589 .601 .612 .623 .635 .640 .646 .610 .622 .634 .645 .657 .663 .669 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .657 .681 .842 Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 17 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 .590 .600 .610 .629 .640 .651 .669 .680 .691 .692 .704 .716 .842 .842 .842 .584 .590 .597 .603 .609 .615 .621 .627 .634 .640 .646 .651 .658 .664 .670 .677 .683 .689 .695 .708 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 .842 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES TLF1 F-274/3934 F-278/4001 F-282/4067 Continued from previous page. 310 314 318 .0160 .0160 .0160 183 187 191 .158 .165 .172 .121 .128 .135 F13 F-234/332 F-236/3355 F-238/339 F-240/3425 F-242/346 F-244/3495 F-246/353 F-248/3565 F-250/3601 F-252/3635 F-254/367 F-256/370 F-258/374 F-260/3775 F-262/381 F-264/3845 F-266/388 F-268/3915 F-270/395 F-274/402 F13 mechanical series created for racing mechanical flat tappet. Designed to make full use of .842” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .014” to .016”. 259 .0200 146 .092 .059 .498 .531 .564 261 .0200 148 .096 .062 .503 .537 .570 263 .0200 150 .099 .066 .509 .542 .576 265 .0200 152 .103 .069 .514 .548 .582 267 .0200 154 .106 .072 .519 .554 .588 269 .0200 156 .110 .075 .524 .559 .594 271 .0200 158 .113 .079 .529 .565 .600 273 .0200 160 .117 .082 .535 .570 .606 275 .0200 162 .120 .085 .540 .576 .612 277 .0200 164 .124 .089 .545 .582 .618 279 .0200 166 .127 .092 .550 .587 .624 281 .0200 168 .129 .094 .555 .592 .629 283 .0200 170 .134 .099 .561 .598 .636 285 .0200 172 .138 .103 .566 .604 .642 287 .0200 174 .141 .106 .572 .610 .648 289 .0200 176 .145 .110 .577 .615 .654 291 .0200 178 .147 .112 .582 .621 .660 293 .0200 180 .152 .117 .587 .626 .666 295 .0200 182 .155 .120 .593 .632 .672 299 .0200 186 .161 .129 .603 .643 .683 FIT842 F-254/372 F-256/3401 F-258/379 F-260/3401 F-262/350 F-266/3552 FIT842 mechanical series created for racing mechanical flat tappet. Designed to make full use of .842” diameter tappets. High ratio rocker arms advised. Recommended lash is .020” to .022”. 283 .0200 166 .120 .092 .558 .595 .632 .655 .842 285 .0020 164 .122 .094 .510 .544 .578 .599 .842 287 .0020 170 .127 .098 .569 .606 .644 .667 .842 289 .0020 167 .130 .101 .510 .544 .578 .599 .842 297 .0020 164 .122 .097 .525 .560 .595 .616 .842 301 .0020 168 .129 .103 .533 .568 .604 .625 .842 FC18 FC18 mechanical series created for racing mechanical flat tappet. Designed to make full use of .842” diameter tappets, using 1.8 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” to .022”. 1.8 F-238/310 F-248/310 F-250/325 270 280 282 .0200 .0200 .0200 141 148 154 .091 .107 .110 .062 .076 .079 .558 .558 .585 .842 .842 .842 Continued on next page. 18 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES FC18 Continued from previous page. 1.8 F-254/330 F-262/340 286 294 .0200 .0200 158 166 .117 .131 .084 .097 .594 .612 .842 .842 F4 F-262/3851 F-264/388 F-266/391 F-268/394 F-270/397 F-272/400 F-274/403 F-276/406 F-278/409 F-280/4125 F-284/4125 F-286/4125 F4 mechanical series created for NASCAR® racing applications. This series has an excellent racing history. Designed to make full use of .875” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .018”. 298 .0200 174 .137 .101 .578 .616 .655 .678 .875 300 .0200 176 .141 .105 .582 .621 .660 .683 .875 302 .0200 178 .144 .108 .587 .626 .665 .688 .875 304 .0200 180 .149 .112 .591 .630 .670 .693 .875 306 .0200 182 .152 .115 .596 .635 .675 .699 .875 308 .0200 184 .156 .118 .600 .640 .680 .704 .875 310 .0200 186 .159 .122 .605 .645 .685 .709 .875 312 .0200 188 .163 .126 .609 .650 .690 .715 .875 314 .0200 190 .167 .130 .614 .654 .695 .720 .875 316 .0200 192 .171 .133 .619 .660 .701 .726 .875 320 .0200 196 .179 .141 .619 .660 .701 .726 .875 322 .0200 198 .182 .144 .619 .660 .701 .726 .875 F5 F-246/370 F-250/376 F-254/382 F-258/388 F-260/391 F-262/394 F-264/397 F-266/400 F-268/403 F-270/406 F-272/409 F-274/412 F-276/415 F-278/4181 F-280/421 F-286/430 F5 mechanical series created for NASCAR® racing applications. Designed to make full use of .875” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .018”. 278 .0200 158 .109 .076 .555 .592 .629 .651 282 .0200 162 .116 .082 .564 .602 .639 .662 286 .0200 166 .123 .088 .573 .611 .649 .672 290 .0200 170 .130 .095 .582 .621 .660 .683 292 .0200 172 .134 .098 .587 .626 .665 .688 294 .0200 174 .137 .102 .591 .630 .670 .693 296 .0200 176 .141 .105 .596 .635 .675 .699 298 .0200 178 .145 .109 .600 .640 .680 .704 300 .0200 180 .148 .112 .605 .645 .685 .709 302 .0200 182 .152 .116 .609 .650 .690 .715 304 .0200 184 .156 .119 .614 .654 .695 .720 306 .0200 186 .159 .123 .618 .659 .700 .725 308 .0200 188 .163 .126 .623 .664 .706 .730 310 .0200 190 .167 .130 .627 .669 .711 .736 312 .0200 192 .170 .134 .632 .674 .716 .741 318 .0200 198 .181 .145 .645 .688 .731 .757 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 TLF2 F-258/3642 F-260/3821 TLF2 mechanical series created for NASCAR® racing applications. Designed to make full use of .875” diameter tappets. Recommended lash is .012”. 294 .0160 170 .133 .094 .546 .583 .619 .641 296 .0160 172 .136 .098 .573 .611 .650 .672 .875 .875 Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 19 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 .546 .582 .587 .555 .591 .555 .596 .600 .605 .609 .609 .609 .609 .628 .609 .638 .583 .621 .626 .592 .631 .592 .636 .640 .645 .650 .650 .650 .650 .670 .650 .680 .619 .660 .665 .629 .670 .629 .676 .680 .685 .691 .691 .691 .691 .712 .691 .723 .641 .683 .688 .651 .694 .651 .700 .704 .710 .715 .715 .715 .715 .737 .715 .748 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES TLF2 F-262/3642 F-264/3881 F-266/3911 F-268/3700 F-268/3941 F-270/3700 F-270/3975 F-272/4001 F-274/4032 F-276/4063 F-278/4063 F-280/4063 F-282/4063 F-284/4188 F-286/4063 F-288/4250 Continued from previous page. 298 300 302 304 304 306 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 174 176 178 180 180 182 182 183 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 .140 .144 .147 .151 .151 .155 .155 .158 .162 .166 .170 .173 .177 .181 .184 .188 .101 .104 .108 .111 .111 .114 .114 .118 .122 .125 .129 .132 .136 .140 .143 .147 F6 mechanical series is designed for unrestricted NASCAR® engines with 50 mm cam journals, using 1.8 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. F6 1.8 F-270/376 F-274/384 F-278/392 304 308 312 .0200 .0200 .0200 176 180 184 .142 .150 .157 .108 .115 .121 .677 .691 .706 .875 .875 .875 F7 mechanical series is designed for unrestricted NASCAR® engines with 50 mm cam journals, using 1.9 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. F7 1.9 F-259/353 F-263/359 F-265/362 F-267/365 F-269/368 F-271/371 F-273/374 F-275/377 F-277/380 F-279/383 F-281/386 F-283/389 F-285/392 20 294 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 164 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 | 866.388.5120 .120 .127 .130 .134 .137 .141 .145 .149 .152 .156 .160 .163 .167 .090 .096 .099 .102 .105 .108 .111 .115 .118 .121 .125 .128 .131 .671 .682 .688 .694 .699 .705 .711 .716 .722 .728 .733 .739 .745 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES F10 F10 mechanical series is designed for unrestricted NASCAR® engines with 50 mm cam journals, using 1.8 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. 1.8 F-270/392 F-272/3981 F-274/404 F-276/4103 F-278/4101 F-280/4102 F-286/428 F-288/432 FN55 F-270/4061 F-274/415 F-278/428 F-280/428 F-284/4281 F8 302 304 306 308 311 314 319 321 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0020 .0020 177 180 183 185 185 185 194 195 .145 .149 .153 .157 .158 .158 .173 .177 .110 .113 .117 .120 .121 .122 .136 .139 .706 .717 .727 .739 .738 .738 .770 .778 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 FN55 mechanical series is designed for unrestricted NASCAR® engines with 55 mm cam journals, using high rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. 320 306 311 313 317 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 .0020 178 183 186 187 194 .146 .154 .158 .162 .169 .110 .117 .121 .125 .132 1.9 1.95 .772 .789 .813 .813 .813 .792 .809 .835 .835 .835 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 F8 mechanical series designed for restricted NASCAR® engines with 50 mm cam journals, using 2.0 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. 2.0 F-232/330 F-238/336 F-242/340 F-246/344 F-258/356 F9 264 270 274 278 290 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 140 146 150 154 166 .082 .091 .098 .104 .125 .055 .062 .068 .073 .091 .660 .672 .680 .688 .712 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 F9 mechanical series designed for restricted NASCAR® engines with 50 mm cam journals, using 1.8 rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. 1.8 F-234/310 F-240/348 F-244/354 F-248/3601 F-252/366 F-264/384 266 272 276 280 284 296 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 138 148 152 157 161 173 .080 .094 .100 .107 .114 .135 .060 .065 .070 .076 .081 .100 .558 .626 .637 .648 .659 .691 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 .875 | 866.388.5120 21 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 MECHANICAL FLAT TAPPET PROFILES F11 F-228/3334 F-238/3467 F-248/3600 F11 mechanical series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets for street and mid-range torque applications. Recommended lash is .028” to .030”. 264 .0200 140 .078 .050 .500 .533 .567 .587 274 .0200 148 .093 .063 .520 .555 .589 .610 284 .0200 158 .110 .077 .540 .576 .612 .634 .904 .904 .904 F904 F-255/370 F-265/385 F-275/400 F-285/410 F-295/410 F-305/410 F904 mechanical series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets with stable valve motion for conservative performance and endurance racing applications. Recommended lash is .022” intake and .026” exhaust. 296 .0200 163 .115 .083 .555 .592 .629 .651 306 .0200 173 .135 .101 .578 .616 .655 .678 316 .0200 183 .155 .119 .600 .640 .680 .704 326 .0200 193 .173 .137 .615 .656 .697 .722 336 .0200 203 .191 .154 .615 .656 .697 .722 346 .0200 212 .208 .172 .615 .656 .697 .722 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 F904A F-258/3734 F-268/3867 F-278/4000 F-288/4133 F-298/4133 F904A mechanical series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets with stable valve motion for racing applications. 294 .0200 168 .127 .093 .560 .597 .635 306 .0200 176 .142 .107 .580 .619 .657 316 .0200 185 .158 .121 .600 .640 .680 326 .0200 195 .176 .140 .620 .661 .703 330 .0200 204 .194 .156 .620 .661 .703 .657 .681 .704 .727 .727 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 F12 F-248/3602 F-258/3735 F-268/3868 F-278/4002 F-288/4134 F12 mechanical series created for Chrysler and AMC engines using .904” diameter tappets for racing applications. Recommended lash is .026”. 284 .0200 156 .104 .080 .540 .576 .612 294 .0200 166 .119 .097 .560 .598 .635 304 .0200 177 .137 .113 .580 .619 .658 314 .0200 186 .155 .130 .600 .640 .680 324 .0200 196 .173 .147 .620 .661 .703 .634 .657 .681 .704 .728 .904 .904 .904 .904 .904 NOPOP1 F-292/398 F-298/414 F-304/414 NOPOP1 mechanical series originally created for Chrysler Hemi fuel drag race applications. Recommended lash is .028”. 332 .0162 200 .184 .150 .597 .637 338 .0162 206 .194 .161 .621 .662 344 .0162 212 .206 .172 .621 .662 .700 .729 .729 .904 .904 .904 22 | 866.388.5120 .677 .704 .704 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES SR SR-212/314 SR-220/326 SR-228/338 SR-236/350 SR-240/356 SR-244/362 SR-248/368 SR-250/374 SR-252/374 SR-254/374 SR-256/374 SR-260/374 SR-262/374 SR-264/374 SR-268/374 SR-270/374 SR-274/374 SR400 SR-236/400 SR-240/400 SR-244/400 SR-248/400 SR-252/400 SR-256/400 SR-258/400 SR-260/400 SR-264/400 CDS R-250/395 R-252/395 R-255/395 R-257/395 R-260/395 R-265/395 R-270/400 R-275/3987 R-280/400 SR Street Roller series created for late model engines running mechanical rollers requiring quiet valve train operation, due to monitoring by knock sensors. Recommended lash is .020". B 262 .0150 123 .055 .034 .471 .502 .534 .553 270 278 286 290 294 298 300 302 304 306 310 312 314 318 320 324 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 .0150 132 140 149 153 157 162 164 166 168 169 172 174 176 179 182 185 .066 .077 .090 .097 .104 .111 .115 .118 .122 .126 .133 .136 .140 .147 .150 .157 .041 .050 .060 .065 .071 .078 .081 .084 .087 .090 .097 .100 .104 .111 .114 .121 .489 .507 .525 .534 .543 .552 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .561 .522 .541 .560 .570 .579 .589 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .598 .554 .575 .595 .605 .615 .626 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .636 .574 .595 .616 .627 .637 .648 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 .658 SR400 Street Roller .400" lift series for mechanical rollers in serious street and marine performance applications. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 274 .0200 157 .089 .060 .600 .640 .680 .704 278 282 286 290 294 296 298 302 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 159 163 167 170 174 176 178 182 .096 .103 .111 .119 .127 .131 .135 .143 .066 .070 .076 .082 .089 .093 .097 .104 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B CDS Cam Dynamics roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications. Gentle valve motion with a proven history. Recommended lash is .030". B 287 .0200 164 .112 .079 .593 .632 .672 .467 289 292 294 297 302 307 315 320 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 167 169 172 173 178 181 182 188 .117 .121 .126 .132 .140 .148 .152 .161 .082 .087 .090 .094 .103 .112 .116 .125 .593 .593 .593 .593 .593 .600 .598 .600 .632 .632 .632 .632 .632 .640 .638 .640 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .680 .678 .680 .467 .467 .467 .467 .467 .704 .702 .704 C B C B B B B B Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 23 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .134 .143 .629 .630 .671 .672 .713 .714 .738 .739 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES CDS R-285/4194 R-290/4200 TR TR-242/3867 TR-250/400 TR-252/4036 TR-256/4167 TR-260/4167 TR-260/4200 TR-262/4036 TR-266/4167 TR-270/4167 TR-270/4200 TR-274/410 TR-276/4167 TR-276/4200 TR-280/4167 TR-282/4200 TR-286/4167 395 R-252/3951 R-256/395 R-262/395 R-264/395 R-268/395 400 R-240/400 R-244/400 R-248/400 R-252/400 405 R-258/4051 R-264/4051 R-266/405 24 Continued from previous page. 325 330 .0200 .0200 194 200 .172 .178 B B TR Track Roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications with a proven history. A benchmark from which other cams are measured. Recommended lash is .022". B 282 .0195 158 .094 .071 .580 .619 .657 .681 290 286 296 300 294 296 306 310 304 314 316 310 320 316 326 .0195 .0200 .0195 .0195 .0200 .0200 .0195 .0195 .0020 .0195 .0195 .0200 .0195 .0200 .0195 166 171 171 175 179 181 181 185 189 186 191 195 194 200 200 .110 .117 .123 .129 .134 .137 .141 .152 .155 .156 .162 .170 .166 .183 .179 .082 .089 .093 .099 .104 .107 .108 .116 .120 .117 .126 .132 .134 .144 .142 .600 .605 .625 .625 .630 .605 .625 .625 .630 .615 .625 .630 .625 .630 .625 .640 .646 .667 .667 .672 .646 .667 .667 .672 .656 .667 .672 .667 .672 .667 .680 .686 .708 .708 .714 .686 .708 .708 .714 .697 .708 .714 .708 .714 .708 .704 .710 .733 .733 .739 .710 .733 .733 .739 .722 .733 .739 .733 .739 .733 B C B B B C B B B C B B B B B 395 Roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications with 55 mm journals, usually with 1.6, and up to 2.0, rocker arm ratios. Easy on valve springs. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 284 .0200 169 .117 .088 .593 .632 .672 .695 288 296 298 302 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 173 174 175 178 .125 .129 .132 .138 .094 .100 .103 .109 .593 .593 .593 .593 .632 .632 .632 .632 .672 .672 .672 .672 F .695 .695 .695 .695 F F F F 400 roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications with 2.036" journals, usually with 1.6 or higher rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. D 272 .0200 159 .092 .072 .600 .640 .680 .704 276 280 284 .0200 .0200 .0200 163 166 170 .099 .107 .138 .078 .084 .109 .600 .600 .600 .640 .640 .640 .680 .680 .680 .704 .704 .704 D D D 405 roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications with 55 mm journals, usually with 1.6 or higher rocker arm ratios. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. E 290 .0200 177 .131 .099 .608 .648 .689 .713 296 298 .0200 .0200 182 184 | 866.388.5120 .142 .148 .112 .116 .608 .608 .648 .648 .689 .689 .713 .713 E E G MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 415 R-266/415 R-270/415 R-276/415 420 R-244/420 R-246/420 R-248/420 R-252/420 R-256/420 R-258/420 R-260/420 R-262/420 R-264/420 R-266/420 R-268/420 R-270/420 R-272/420 R-274/420 R-276/420 R-278/420 R-280/420 R-282/420 R-284/420 R-286/420 R-290/420 438 R-236/438 R-240/438 R-246/438 R-250/438 R-258/438 R-262/438 R-264/438 R-268/438 R-272/438 R-274/438 415 roller series created for oval track and endurance racing applications with 50 mm journals. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .024" exhaust. 300 .0200 180 .138 .108 .623 .664 .707 304 310 .0200 .0200 183 187 .144 .154 .114 .124 .623 .623 .664 .664 .707 .707 .730 C .730 .730 C 420 roller series created for oval track racing applications including sprint cars, and endurance applications, up to 8,200 RPM. Proven performance and reliability. Recommended lash is .020”, allowing for a tight cold setting on aluminum engines. 276 .0200 166 .105 .070 .630 .672 .714 .739 278 280 284 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 322 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 .739 438 roller series created as a step up from the 420 series with improved high-RPM dynamics. Recommended lash is .016" intake and .018" exhaust. 266 .0200 160 .094 .061 .657 .701 .745 .771 B .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 B .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 169 169 173 176 178 180 182 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 196 198 200 202 202 203 164 169 173 178 181 183 187 191 193 .109 .113 .121 .129 .133 .137 .141 .145 .150 .154 .158 .162 .166 .170 .174 .178 .182 .186 .190 .198 .102 .113 .121 .129 .137 .141 .150 .163 .167 .073 .081 .087 .094 .098 .101 .105 .109 .113 .116 .120 .124 .128 .132 .136 .140 .145 .147 .149 .154 .067 .076 .083 .098 .105 .110 .117 .121 .125 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .630 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 .672 B .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 .714 270 276 280 290 294 296 300 304 306 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 C .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 B A B A B A B B A B B G A B G B A B F B A B B A B B B B B B B B F B F C C C F C F C Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 25 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .134 .149 .657 .657 .701 .701 .745 .745 .771 .771 C 4381 roller series created as a step up from the 420 series with improved high-speed dynamics. Very stable, especially with small BCD lobes. Stable to 9000 RPM with a 1.75 rocker ratio, 9500 RPM with a 1.7 rocker ratio with a properly set-up stable, lightweight valve train. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 280 .0200 168 .107 .084 .657 .701 .745 .771 C DEG. 104 DEG. INTAKE DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN IN. SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 438 R-276/438 R-286/438 4381 R-248/4381 R-250/4381 R-252/4381 R-254/4381 R-256/4381 R-258/4381 R-260/4381 R-262/4381 R-264/4381 R-266/4381 R-268/4381 R-270/4381 R-272/4381 R-274/4381 R-276/4381 R-278/4381 R-280/4381 R-282/4381 R-284/4381 R-286/4381 R-288/4381 R-290/4381 R-292/4381 R-294/4381 R-296/4381 R-298/4381 R-300/4381 LH R-250/406 R-252/410 R-256/418 R-258/422 Continued from previous page. 308 318 282 284 286 288 290 292 292 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 328 330 332 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 194 204 170 172 174 176 178 180 181 183 185 187 189 190 192 194 196 198 200 201 203 205 207 208 210 212 214 215 .164 .191 .111 .115 .119 .123 .127 .131 .135 .139 .144 .147 .152 .156 .160 .164 .169 .172 .177 .180 .184 .188 .192 .196 .200 .203 .207 .210 .087 .090 .094 .097 .101 .104 .108 .111 .115 .119 .123 .126 .130 .134 .137 .142 .146 .149 .153 .157 .161 .165 .169 .172 .176 .180 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .657 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .701 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .745 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 .771 F C C C B C D F B C B C F B F B C F B C F B C D F B C F F C F B C D B C C B F C C C C C C C C LH Low Harmonic roller series minimizes valve spring excitation in the RPM range of maximum engine output. Results of testing have shown an increase of valve spring life in circle track, marine, and bracket racing applications. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. D 282 .0200 166 .111 .081 .609 .650 .690 .715 284 288 290 .0200 .0200 .0200 168 173 175 .115 .123 .127 .084 .091 .094 .615 .627 .633 .656 .669 .675 .697 .711 .717 .722 .736 .743 B D C D Continued on next page. 26 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES LH R-260/426 R-262/430 R-264/434 R-266/438 R-268/442 R-268/5201 R-270/446 R-272/450 R-272/5152 R-274/454 R-274/525 R-276/458 R-276/5152 R-276/5202 R-276/540 R-278/462 R-278/5201 R-280/466 R-280/5201 R-284/474 R-286/478 R-286/5201 R-286/540 R-288/472 R-288/5201 R-290/486 R-302/520 R-302/5202 R-304/5201 R-308/5201 R-310/5201 R-312/5201 R-316/5201 R-318/5151 R-318/525 R-320/5152 R-320/525 LH Low Harmonic roller series minimizes valve spring excitation in the RPM range of maximum engine output. Results of testing have shown an increase of valve spring life in circle track, marine, and bracket racing applications. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022” exhaust. C D 292 .0200 177 .131 .097 .639 .682 .724 .750 294 296 298 300 298 302 304 302 306 304 308 306 305 305 310 308 312 310 316 318 316 314 320 317 322 334 332 334 338 340 342 346 350 348 350 350 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 179 181 183 185 187 187 189 191 191 193 193 195 198 198 195 197 197 199 201 203 205 211 205 210 207 216 221 223 227 229 231 235 231 237 238 239 .135 .139 .143 .147 .151 .151 .156 .161 .160 .165 .164 .170 .176 .176 .169 .173 .173 .178 .183 .188 .192 .208 .192 .204 .197 .218 .231 .236 .246 .250 .254 .263 .254 .267 .268 .271 .100 .103 .107 .111 .111 .114 .118 .119 .122 .123 .125 .127 .131 .131 .129 .130 .133 .134 .141 .145 .147 .157 .149 .156 .153 .173 .182 .187 .197 .201 .206 .216 .208 .221 .224 .225 .645 .651 .657 .663 .780 .669 .675 .773 .681 .788 .687 .773 .780 .810 .693 .780 .699 .780 .711 .717 .780 .810 .723 .780 .729 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .773 .788 .773 .788 .688 .694 .701 .707 .832 .714 .720 .824 .726 .840 .733 .824 .832 .864 .739 .832 .746 .832 .758 .765 .832 .864 .771 .832 .778 .832 .832 .832 .832 .832 .832 .832 .824 .840 .824 .840 .731 .738 .745 .751 .884 .758 .765 .876 .772 .893 .779 .876 .884 .918 .785 .884 .792 .884 .806 .813 .884 .918 .819 .884 .826 .884 .884 .884 .884 .884 .884 .884 .876 .893 .876 .893 .756 .764 .771 .778 .915 .785 .792 .907 .799 .924 .806 .907 .916 .950 .813 .915 .820 .915 .834 .841 .915 .950 .831 .915 .855 .915 .916 .915 .915 .915 .915 .915 .907 .924 .907 .924 B C D B C D B C D B C D G B C D C D F C D G B C D F F G B C D F B F B C D F F C C C D | 866.388.5120 G G G F G F F F E F F F 27 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 SEE PAGE 3 1.76 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES LH2 R-268/432 R-270/436 R-272/440 R-276/448 R-278/452 R-280/456 R-282/4601 422 R-256/422 R-260/422 R-264/422 R-268/422 R-272/422 428 R-256/428 R-258/428 R-260/428 R-262/428 R-264/428 R-266/428 R-268/428 R-270/428 R-272/428 R-274/428 R-276/428 R-278/428 R-282/428 R-/428 430 R-256/4301 R-258/4301 R-258/4302 R-259/4301 R-260/4301 R-262/4521 LH2 Low Harmonic roller series minimizes valve spring excitation in the RPM range of maximum engine output. Higher RPM potential than the original LH. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. C 298 .0200 181 .149 .111 .648 .691 .734 .760 300 302 306 308 310 312 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 184 186 191 194 196 199 .153 .157 .166 .171 .176 .180 .115 .119 .126 .130 .134 .138 .654 .660 .672 .678 .684 .690 .698 .704 .717 .723 .730 .736 .741 .748 .762 .768 .775 .782 .767 .774 .788 .796 .802 .810 422 roller series is used primarily as an intake lobe with high rocker arm ratios. The lobes are sized on a .950 base circle diameter. Recommended lash is .012”. 284 .0220 177 .131 .096 .633 .675 .717 .743 288 292 296 300 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 181 184 188 192 .139 .147 .155 .164 .103 .110 .118 .126 .633 .633 .633 .633 .675 .675 .675 .675 428 roller, aggressive series for up to 1.8:1 rocker ratio. Popular oval track series. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022" exhaust. 286 .0200 175 .127 .090 .642 .685 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 312 330 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 190 191 191 194 210 .131 .135 .138 .143 .147 .151 .155 .160 .161 .162 .163 .172 .206 .094 .097 .101 .104 .108 .111 .115 .119 .124 .129 .132 .133 .167 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .642 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .685 .717 .717 .717 .717 .743 .743 .743 .743 .723 .753 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 C C C D F C C D C F A A A A A B F A C F A C F G A C F G A C F G A C F G A C F G A A F C A C C C 430 roller, aggressive high RPM series created for oval track racing applications including sprint cars. Can be used with 1.85 ratio rockers with 55 mm journals and stiff valve train. Basic RPM potential about 500 less than comparable 4381 series grinds. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. B 284 .0200 181 .134 .100 .645 .688 .731 .757 286 286 287 288 290 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 182 182 183 184 188 .138 .138 .140 .143 .148 .104 .104 .106 .108 .112 .645 .645 .645 .645 .678 .688 .688 .688 .688 .723 .731 .731 .731 .731 .769 .757 .757 .757 .757 .796 B F D F F Continued on next page. 28 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 430 R-262/4302 R-262/4303 R-262/4521 R-263/4301 R-263/4302 R-264/4302 R-264/4303 R-266/4301 R-266/4302 R-266/4781 R-268/4301 R-268/4302 R-272/4301 452 R-252/452 R-254/452 R-256/452 R-258/452 R-260/452 R-262/452 R-264/452 R-266/452 R-268/452 R-270/452 R-272/452 R-274/452 R-276/452 R-280/452 R-282/452 R-284/452 R-286/452 4467 R-252/4467 R-256/4467 R-258/4467 R-260/4467 R-262/4467 Continued from previous page. 290 .0200 186 .146 .112 .645 .688 .731 .757 290 290 291 290 292 292 294 292 294 296 296 301 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 186 188 187 189 187 188 190 189 193 191 191 193 .147 .148 .149 .153 .150 .151 .155 .155 .158 .159 .160 .163 .112 .112 .114 .117 .115 .116 .120 .119 .121 .123 .124 .129 .645 .678 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .645 .717 .645 .645 .645 .688 .723 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .765 .688 .688 .688 .732 .769 .731 .731 .731 .732 .731 .731 .813 .731 .731 .731 .757 .796 .757 .757 .757 .757 .757 .757 .841 .757 .757 .757 452 roller, aggressive series for up to 1.8:1 rocker ratio. Recommended lash is .020” intake and .022" exhaust. 281 .0200 173 .122 .085 .678 .723 .768 .796 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .723 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .768 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 .796 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 309 311 313 315 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 196 200 202 204 206 .126 .130 .134 .138 .142 .147 .151 .156 .160 .165 .169 .174 .183 .187 .192 .196 .089 .092 .095 .099 .103 .106 .110 .114 .118 .122 .126 .131 .139 .143 .147 .152 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 .678 4467 roller series created for oval track and drag racing that gives a .700”+ net valve lift when used with a 1.6:1 or greater rocker ratio. Recommended lash is .012”. 284 .0202 177 .126 .089 .670 .715 .759 .786 288 290 292 294 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 180 182 184 186 .139 .142 .144 .148 .096 .100 .104 .108 .670 .670 .670 .670 .715 .715 .715 .715 .759 .759 .759 .759 .786 .786 .786 .786 A B C F F D D A B F D A F C F A B F F D C C D C F G B C B C F B C G B C F G B C F G B C G B C F G B C F G B C A C G C F G B A B B B F B F B C F G Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 29 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .112 .115 .120 .124 .128 .132 .136 .140 .144 .149 .153 .161 .170 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .759 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 .786 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 4467 R-264/4467 R-266/4467 R-268/4467 R-270/4467 R-272/4467 R-274/4467 R-276/4467 R-278/4467 R-280/4467 R-282/4467 R-284/4467 R-288/4467 R-292/4467 4541 R-262/4541 R-264/4541 R-264/4542 R-264/4543 R-266/4541 R-268/4541 R-270/4542 R-272/4542 R-274/4541 R-278/4541 R-282/4541 R-284/4541 R-294/4541 R-304/4541 471 R-252/471 R-256/471 R-260/471 R-264/471 R-268/471 R-274/471 R-280/471 Continued from previous page. 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 320 324 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 .0202 187 189 191 193 195 197 198 200 202 204 206 210 214 .152 .156 .161 .165 .170 .174 .178 .183 .187 .191 .195 .203 .212 B C F G B C F G B C F B C B F F B C B B C B B B B 4541 roller, stable high RPM series (when ground on 55 mm jourmal, or larger, core) created for oval track and drag racing that gives a .726”+ net valve lift when used with a 1.6:1 or greater rocker ratio. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 293 .0200 182 .136 .108 .681 .727 .772 .799 295 297 296 297 299 303 303 305 309 313 315 328 339 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 184 183 184 185 187 188 190 196 199 203 205 205 212 .140 .140 .146 .143 .147 .151 .158 .172 .181 .189 .193 .188 .203 .111 .108 .107 .115 .118 .118 .124 .128 .136 .145 .149 .159 .174 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .681 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .727 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .772 .799 .799 .800 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 .799 F G C G F B B F B F C B C B B B C C 471 roller series created for sprint car and drag racing applications that give .750"+ lift with 1.6 or greater rocker ratios. Also, large CID bracket racing engines and high torque Engine Masters Challenge type of applications. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. C 284 .0200 177 .122 .090 .707 .754 .801 .829 288 292 296 300 306 312 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 180 183 186 188 193 198 .130 .138 .145 .150 .161 .173 .098 .105 .112 .117 .127 .138 .707 .707 .707 .707 .707 .707 .754 .754 .754 .754 .754 .754 .801 .801 .801 .801 .801 .801 .829 .829 .829 .829 .829 .829 C B B G G C E G Continued on next page. 30 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .145 .160 .707 .707 .754 .754 .801 .801 .829 .829 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 471 R-286/471 R-294/471 4168 IR IR-248/410 IR-252/4134 IR-256/4168 IR-260/4168 IR-264/4168 IR-268/4168 IR-272/4168 IR-276/4168 IR-280/4168 4334 IR IR-254/4334 IR-258/4334 IR-262/4334 IR-266/4334 IR-270/4334 IR-274/4334 IR-278/4334 422 R-262/422 R-266/422 4403 R-260/4403 R-262/4403 R-264/4403 R-266/4403 R-268/4403 R-270/4403 Continued from previous page. 318 328 .0200 .0200 202 207 .183 .194 B C G B H 4168 IR roller series created for oval track applications with aggressive inverted flank areas for small block Chevrolet size lobes. Recommended lash is .012”. Not recommended for high RPM applications. B 284 .0160 169 .114 .082 .615 .656 .697 .722 288 292 296 300 304 308 312 316 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 .0160 173 176 180 184 188 191 195 199 .122 .131 .139 .148 .157 .165 .173 .181 .088 .094 .101 .108 .116 .123 .131 .139 .620 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .625 .661 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 .703 .709 .709 .709 .709 .709 .709 .709 4334 IR roller series created from the Cam Dynamics series of masters for oval track applications with aggressive inverted flank areas. Recommended lash is .012”. Not recommended for high RPM applications. 278 .0245 179 .133 .093 .650 .693 .737 282 286 290 294 298 292 .0245 .0245 .0245 .0245 .0245 .0245 182 186 190 193 197 201 .142 .150 .160 .168 .176 .185 .100 .107 .115 .122 .130 .139 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .650 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .693 .737 .737 .737 .737 .737 .737 .728 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 B .763 B .763 .763 .763 .763 .763 .763 B B B B B B B B B B B B B 422 roller series created for oval track and drag racing that gives a .650”+ net valve lift when used with a 1.6:1 or higher rocker ratio. Sized on a .950” diameter base circle for Buick and long stroke (small base circle) Chevrolet with a .012” recommended lash. A 290 .0200 183 .143 .106 .633 .675 .714 .743 294 .0200 186 .151 .121 .633 .675 .714 .743 A 4403 roller series created as a step up from the 420 series with improved high-speed dynamics, popular oval track intake lobes. Use with up to a 1.8 rocker ratio. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust, allowing for a tight cold setting on aluminum engines. B 290 .0200 182 .140 .102 .660 .704 .785 .775 292 294 296 298 300 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 184 186 188 190 192 .144 .148 .153 .157 .161 .105 .109 .113 .117 .121 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .785 .785 .785 .785 .785 .775 .775 .775 .775 .775 F B C F B C F B C F B C F B C | 866.388.5120 31 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 SEE PAGE 3 1.76 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 4440 R-258/4440 R-262/4440 R-266/4440 R-270/4440 R-274/4440 R-278/4440 R-282/4440 4188 IR IR-252/4188 IR-262/4188 IR-268/4188 IR-272/4188 IR-278/4188 IR-286/4188 IR IR-272/4714 IR-276/4714 IR-280/4778 IR-284/500 IR-288/500 IR-292/500 R1 R-236/3177 R-246/3294 R-256/3412 R-266/3528 R-276/3648 R-286/3765 R-296/394 R2 R-280/4468 R-290/446B R-290/4618 4440 roller series created for oval track and drag racing that gives a .700”+ net valve lift when used with a 1.6:1 or higher rocker ratio. Sized on a .900” diameter base circle for Buick and long stroke (small base circle) Chevrolet. Recommended lash is .012". A 286 .0220 181 .138 .099 .660 .710 .755 .781 290 294 298 302 306 310 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 .0220 185 189 192 196 200 204 .146 .155 .164 .173 .181 .190 .107 .115 .123 .131 .139 .148 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 .710 .755 .755 .755 .755 .755 .755 .781 .781 .781 .781 .781 .781 4188 IR roller series created for oval track, marine, and drag racing applications with aggressive inverted flank areas for the big block Chevrolet and similar engines. Use with limited RPM applications. Recommended lash is .012”. 290 .0140 174 .125 .088 .628 .670 .712 .737 300 306 310 316 324 C C .830 .841 .880 .880 .880 C .707 .717 .750 .750 .750 .670 .670 .670 .670 .670 A .830 .136 .145 .154 .163 .172 .628 .628 .628 .628 .628 A IR roller series created for Super Stock drag racing where aggressive lobes are used with limited RPM. Recommended lash is .012”. 310 .0140 195 .168 .128 .707 .754 .801 .177 .186 .197 .205 .213 .105 .116 .124 .135 .152 A C 199 203 208 211 215 .147 .160 .169 .181 .196 A .737 .737 .737 .737 .737 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0140 183 189 193 198 205 A .712 .712 .712 .712 .712 314 318 322 326 330 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0140 .0140 A .754 .764 .800 .800 .800 .801 .812 .850 .850 .850 C C C C C C C C R1 roller series created for oval track and marine for the big block Chevrolet and other higher rocker ratio engines, where stable high RPM valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .026”. C 272 .0200 139 .082 .064 .477 .508 .540 .559 282 292 302 312 322 332 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 150 159 166 179 189 201 .098 .114 .126 .147 .165 .185 .077 .092 .107 .123 .130 .156 .494 .512 .529 .547 .565 .591 .527 .546 .564 .584 .602 .630 .560 .580 .600 .620 .640 .670 .580 .601 .621 .642 .663 .693 C C C C C C R2 roller series created for drag racing applications for engines like the big block Chevrolet and Chrysler engines where stable high RPM valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .028”. C 312 .0225 192 .168 .129 .670 .715 .760 .786 322 322 .0225 .0225 202 202 .188 .188 .148 .148 .669 .693 .714 .739 .758 .785 .785 .813 C B C Continued on next page. 32 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .161 .167 .173 .717 .717 .765 .764 .764 .816 .812 .812 .867 .841 .841 .897 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES R2 R-296/4778 R-300/4778 R-300/5098 4706 R-280/4706 R-282/4706 R-284/4706 R-286/4706 R-288/4706 R-290/4706 R-292/4706 R-294/4706 R-296/4706 R-300/4706 R-302/4706 R-304/4706 R-308/4706 R-310/4706 R-312/4706 R-314/4706 R-316/4706 R-318/4706 R-320/4706 R-322/4706 R-326/4706 490 R-292/490 R-302/490 R-306/490 R-312/490 NOPOP2 R-264/4334 R-268/4834 R-274/4334 R-278/413 Continued from previous page. 328 332 332 .0225 .0225 .0225 209 213 215 .200 .207 .213 B C G C 4706 roller series created for drag racing applications for engines like the big block Chevrolet and Chrysler engines, where stable exhaust valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .030”. C 320 .0198 192 .165 .126 .706 .753 .800 .828 322 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 340 342 344 348 350 352 354 356 358 360 362 366 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 .0198 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 212 214 217 219 221 223 225 227 229 231 233 237 .169 .173 .178 .182 .186 .190 .195 .199 .205 .212 .218 .224 .228 .232 .236 .240 .245 .249 .252 .257 .129 .133 .137 .141 .145 .149 .153 .157 .163 .169 .175 .182 .186 .190 .194 .198 .203 .207 .211 .215 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .706 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .753 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 490 roller series created for drag racing applications for engines like the big block Chevrolet and Chrysler engines, where stable exhaust valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .026" intake and .030" exhaust. 328 .0200 210 .204 .160 .735 .784 .833 338 342 348 .0200 .0200 .0200 219 223 228 .224 .232 .244 .180 .189 .201 .735 .735 .735 .784 .784 .784 .833 .833 .833 NOPOP2 roller series created for various drag race applications where stable high RPM valve motion is required. Recommended lash is .026”. 304 .0162 176 .132 .103 .650 .693 .737 308 314 318 .0162 .0162 .0162 180 197 187 .139 .176 .157 .109 .130 .125 .725 .650 .620 .773 .693 .661 .822 .737 .702 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 .828 C .862 C .862 .862 .862 C .763 C .851 .763 .727 C C C C C C C C C E E C E C E C E E C E E C E E F C E F C C C C B C Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 33 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .125 .129 .135 .136 .136 .136 .140 .140 .139 .142 .142 .147 .144 .144 .144 .148 .147 .147 .147 .151 .150 .150 .154 .154 .159 .159 .163 .163 .167 .169 .170 .171 .169 .170 .172 .180 .181 .193 .185 .201 .675 .750 .705 .750 .641 .684 .750 .688 .700 .705 .750 .780 .638 .688 .707 .787 .623 .717 .720 .638 .720 .750 .660 .717 .653 .750 .773 .788 .773 .750 .773 .788 .701 .760 .750 .788 .750 .788 .701 .788 .720 .800 .752 .800 .683 .730 .800 .734 .747 .752 .800 .832 .681 .734 .754 .840 .664 .764 .768 .681 .768 .800 .704 .764 .696 .800 .824 .840 .824 .800 .824 .840 .747 .811 .800 .840 .800 .840 .747 .840 .765 .850 .799 .850 .726 .775 .850 .780 .794 .799 .850 .884 .723 .780 .801 .892 .706 .812 .816 .723 .816 .850 .748 .812 .740 .850 .876 .893 .876 .850 .876 .893 .794 .861 .850 .893 .850 .892 .794 .893 .792 .880 .827 .880 .752 .803 .880 .807 .822 .827 .880 .915 .749 .807 .830 .908 .730 .841 .845 .749 .845 .880 .774 .841 .766 .880 .906 .924 .906 .880 .906 .924 .822 .892 .880 .924 .880 .924 .822 .924 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES NOPOP2 R-280/450 R-280/500 R-282/4701 R-282/5001 R-284/427 R-284/456 R-284/5003 R-286/4588 R-286/4668 R-286/4701 R-286/500 R-286/5203 R-288/4254 R-288/4588 R-288/4714 R-288/5251 R-290/415 R-290/4778 R-290/480 R-292/4254 R-292/480 R-292/500 R-294/440 R-294/4778 R-296/435 R-296/500 R-296/515 R-296/525 R-298/515 R-300/500 R-300/515 R-300/525 R-302/467 R-302/5066 R-304/500 R-304/525 R-306/500 R-308/525 R-310/467 R-312/525 34 Continued from previous page. 320 320 322 322 324 324 322 326 326 326 326 324 328 328 328 328 330 330 330 332 332 332 334 334 336 336 336 336 338 340 340 340 342 342 344 344 346 346 350 350 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 .0162 191 192 194 195 194 195 200 198 197 198 200 203 198 200 199 200 199 201 201 202 202 203 204 205 206 207 209 209 211 212 313 213 212 213 216 218 218 224 220 228 | 866.388.5120 .165 .165 .167 .168 .170 .171 .172 .177 .176 .175 .182 .186 .179 .182 .180 .181 .182 .184 .185 .187 .187 .190 .190 .193 .195 .198 .198 .198 .202 .206 .208 .207 .206 .210 .216 .218 .221 .237 .223 .246 B C C C E C B C C E C B C C C E C B C B C B C E E B C C C B C B C C E G C C B C B C E C G F C G E G E G C E C C F E G E C C C MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 481 R-268/481 R-272/481 R-274/481 R-276/481 R-280/481 R-282/481 R-284/481 R-286/481 R-288/481 R-290/481 R-292/481 R-294/481 R-296/481 R-296/502 R-298/481 R-300/481 R-302/530 R-304/481 R-304/502 R-304/530 R-306/481 R-306/502 R-308/502 R-308/530 R-310/5301 4765 R-278/4765 R-280/4765 R-282/4765 R-284/4765 R-286/4765 R-290/4765 R-294/4765 R-298/4765 R-302/4765 R-304/4765 481 roller series created for high RPM large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash is .016”. C 312 .0120 184 .147 .109 .722 .770 .818 .847 316 318 320 324 326 328 330 332 334 336 338 340 340 342 344 346 348 348 348 350 350 352 352 354 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 188 190 192 196 198 200 201 203 205 207 209 211 212 213 215 218 219 220 220 221 222 224 224 226 .156 .160 .164 .173 .177 .181 .185 .189 .194 .198 .202 .207 .209 .211 .215 .224 .225 .227 .227 .229 .231 .235 .238 .243 .116 .120 .124 .131 .135 .139 .143 .147 .151 .155 .159 .164 .164 .168 .172 .177 .181 .181 .181 .185 .186 .190 .191 .196 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .722 .688 .722 .722 .795 .795 .753 .795 .795 .753 .753 .795 .795 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .770 .734 .770 .770 .848 .848 .803 .848 .848 .803 .803 .848 .848 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .818 .780 .818 .818 .901 .901 .853 .901 .901 .853 .853 .901 .901 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .847 .808 .847 .847 .933 .933 .884 .933 .933 .884 .884 .933 .933 C C C C C C C C C C C C F C C G C F G G C F G F G G 4765 roller series, symmetrical design created for high RPM drag race applications from the Cam Dynamics series of masters. Primarily used as an intake lobe with a recommended lash of .030” to .035”. B 312 .0240 190 .161 .121 .715 .762 .810 .839 314 316 318 320 324 328 332 336 338 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 192 194 196 197 201 205 209 212 215 .164 .169 .173 .177 .185 .194 .202 .208 .214 .125 .129 .132 .136 .144 .152 .160 .166 .172 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .715 .762 .762 .762 .762 .762 .762 .762 .762 .762 .810 .810 .810 .810 .810 .810 .810 .810 .810 .839 .839 .839 .839 .839 .839 .839 .839 .839 B B G B G B C B B B B B | 866.388.5120 35 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 4589 roller series, symmetrical design created for high RPM drag race applications from the Cam Dynamics series of masters. Primarily used as an exhaust lobe with a recommended lash of .030” to .035”. 312 .0240 183 .149 .115 .688 .734 .780 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 4589 R-278/4589 R-282/4589 R-286/4589 R-288/4589 R-290/4589 R-294/4589 R-298/4589 R-302/4589 R-306/4589 R-308/4589 R-312/4589 R-314/4589 R-316/4589 R-318/4589 484 R-262/484 R-262/4841 R-262/4843 R-264/4841 R-266/484 R-266/4841 R-266/4843 R-268/4841 R-270/484 R-270/4841 R-270/4842 R-280/5003 R-292/484 R-294/4841 4841+ R-268/550 R-270/550 R-272/500 R-272/550 R-274/520 R-274/550 .808 B .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .734 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .780 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 .808 B 484 roller series is used primarily as an intake lobe on large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash is .016”. 306 .0120 180 .139 .101 .726 .774 .823 .852 C .775 .775 .775 .774 .775 .775 .775 .774 .775 .775 .800 .774 .775 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .823 .850 .823 .823 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .852 .881 .852 .852 C 4841+ roller series is used primarily as an intake lobe on large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash is .016”. 308 .0120 193 .152 .125 .825 .880 .935 .968 .935 .850 .935 .884 .935 .968 .880 .968 .915 .968 316 320 322 324 328 332 336 340 342 346 348 350 352 306 306 308 310 310 310 312 314 314 314 324 336 338 310 316 316 312 314 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0240 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 187 191 193 195 198 202 206 210 212 216 218 220 222 181 184 183 185 184 188 186 188 188 188 198 208 210 194 190 196 198 198 .157 .164 .169 .172 .180 .188 .196 .204 .208 .216 .220 .224 .227 .131 .144 .135 .147 .139 .153 .143 .156 .147 .139 .168 .200 .198 .156 .151 .161 .159 .166 .121 .128 .131 .135 .142 .147 .157 .164 .168 .176 .180 .184 .187 .108 .103 .111 .108 .115 .111 .119 .115 .123 .130 .143 .158 .172 .129 .127 .134 .133 .138 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .726 .750 .726 .726 .825 .750 .825 .780 .825 .880 .800 .880 .832 .880 B B B B B B B B B B B B C C C C C C C C C F C C G G F G G G Continued on next page. 36 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .134 .137 .143 .143 .139 .138 .141 .147 .145 .152 .150 .750 .780 .825 .825 .780 .750 .780 .825 .780 .825 .780 .800 .832 .880 .880 .832 .800 .832 .880 .832 .880 .832 .850 .884 .935 .935 .884 .850 .884 .935 .884 .936 .884 .880 .915 .968 .968 .915 .880 .915 .968 .915 .969 .915 C 515 roller series is used primarily as an intake lobe on large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash is .024”. 308 .0200 196 .171 .125 .773 .824 .876 .906 C .876 .876 .876 .876 .906 .906 .906 .906 C 1.020 1.056 GH .952 .986 GH .799 .872 C .816 .799 .876 .850 .876 .867 .876 .876 .867 .884 .884 .884 .850 .884 .845 .872 .906 .880 .906 .898 .906 .906 .898 .915 .915 .915 .880 .915 C DEG. 104 DEG. INTAKE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN IN. SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 4841+ R-276/500 R-276/520 R-276/550 R-276/5501 R-277/520 R-278/500 R-278/520 R-278/550 R-280/520 R-280/5503 R-282/520 515 R-274/515 R-280/515 R-284/515 R-288/515 R-292/515 560 R-284/600 R-310/560 LH3 R-268/470 R-272/480 R-274/470 R-278/5151 R-280/5001 R-282/515 R-284/510 R-284/5152 R-286/515 R-288/510 R-296/5201 R-298/520 R-300/520 R-300/5001 R-302/5201 Continued from previous page. 320 318 316 316 319 322 320 318 322 320 324 314 318 322 326 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 194 196 200 202 196 196 198 204 200 204 202 200 204 208 211 .160 .163 .171 .179 .163 .164 .168 .175 .172 .180 .177 .183 .192 .199 .208 .137 .145 .153 .161 .773 .773 .773 .773 .824 .824 .824 .824 560 roller series is used primarily on very large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022' exhaust. 312 .0200 209 .203 .152 .900 .960 341 .0200 227 .246 .197 .840 .896 LH3 rollers, a collection of low harmonic lobes used in large cubic inch drag race engines. Recommended lash will vary per profile. 299 .0200 188 .151 .113 .705 .752 303 306 312 311 316 318 318 320 322 330 332 334 334 336 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 192 194 194 199 198 202 201 202 206 213 214 216 209 218 .160 .159 .169 .179 .178 .184 .183 .188 .193 .213 .216 .221 .202 .226 .121 .135 .127 .137 .135 .141 .139 .143 .157 .166 .168 .173 .161 .178 .720 .705 .773 .750 .773 .765 .773 .773 .765 .780 .780 .780 .750 .780 .768 .752 .824 .800 .824 .816 .824 .824 .816 .832 .832 .832 .800 .832 F G F G G G G F F G G G F C C C D E C F E F F G C E F E F F F E F Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 37 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .183 .192 .196 .187 .202 .197 .780 .780 .780 .750 .780 .750 .832 .832 .832 .800 .832 .800 .884 .884 .884 .850 .884 .850 .915 .915 .915 .880 .915 .880 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES LH3 R-304/520 R-308/520 R-310/520 R-312/500 R-312/520 R-318/5001 LH4 R-255/5002 R-258/5002 R-266/5002 R-270/5002 R-272/4171 R-272/5002 R-274/5002 R-276/5002 R-276/5201 R-278/4201 R-278/5002 R-278/5402 R-280/4401 R-280/5002 R-282/4201 R-282/5002 R-282/530 R-284/5002 R-284/5153 R-286/5002 R-286/5152 R-288/5002 R-288/5152 R-290/5002 R-290/5152 R-292/5002 R-292/5152 R-294/5002 R-294/5152 R-294/525 R-296/5151 R-298/5002 Continued from previous page. 304 342 344 347 346 352 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 220 224 226 222 230 227 .231 .240 .244 .232 .250 .241 F F F EF FG EF LH4 roller series, a collection of low harmonic lobes used in large cubic inch engines that are slightly more aggressive than the LH3. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 285 .0200 174 .125 .089 .750 .800 .850 .880 288 296 300 304 302 304 306 306 310 308 308 312 310 314 312 312 314 314 316 316 318 318 320 320 322 322 326 324 324 327 330 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 177 185 189 185 191 193 195 195 191 197 200 193 198 194 201 201 202 203 205 205 206 206 208 208 210 210 207 212 212 212 211 .130 .147 .156 .151 .160 .164 .169 .169 .163 .173 .179 .167 .178 .172 .182 .182 .187 .187 .192 .192 .197 .197 .202 .202 .207 .207 .198 .211 .212 .209 .207 .094 .108 .115 .113 .119 .123 .126 .126 .124 .130 .138 .128 .134 .132 .138 .138 .143 .143 .147 .147 .151 .151 .155 .155 .160 .160 .155 .164 .164 .164 .163 .750 .750 .750 .626 .750 .750 .750 .780 .630 .750 .810 .660 .750 .630 .750 .795 .750 .773 .750 .773 .750 .773 .750 .773 .750 .773 .750 .773 .788 .773 .750 .800 .800 .800 .667 .800 .800 .800 .832 .672 .800 .864 .704 .800 .672 .800 .848 .800 .824 .800 .824 .800 .824 .800 .824 .800 .824 .800 .824 .840 .824 .800 .850 .850 .850 .709 .850 .850 .850 .884 .714 .850 .918 .748 .850 .714 .850 .901 .850 .876 .850 .876 .850 .876 .850 .876 .850 .876 .850 .876 .893 .876 .850 .880 .880 .880 .734 .880 .880 .880 .915 .736 .880 .951 .774 .880 .736 .880 .933 .880 .906 .880 .906 .880 .906 .880 .906 .880 .906 .880 .906 .924 .906 .880 G K K G F K C F F B F G C F G C F F K C F E F F F F F E F G F G F F F F E E E F Continued on next page. 38 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .167 .178 .171 .172 .176 .180 .180 .184 .185 .188 .189 .202 .193 .193 .207 .197 .198 .203 .203 .207 .201 .201 .212 .214 .210 .218 .750 .795 .810 .750 .750 .810 .750 .810 .750 .810 .750 .795 .810 .750 .795 .810 .750 .750 .750 .750 .773 .750 .773 .803 .773 .810 .800 .848 .864 .800 .800 .864 .800 .864 .800 .864 .800 .848 .864 .800 .848 .864 .800 .800 .800 .800 .824 .800 .824 .856 .824 .864 .850 .901 .918 .850 .850 .918 .850 .918 .850 .918 .850 .901 .918 .850 .901 .918 .850 .850 .850 .850 .876 .850 .876 .910 .876 .918 .880 .933 .950 .880 .880 .950 .880 .950 .880 .950 .880 .933 .950 .880 .933 .950 .880 .880 .880 .880 .906 .880 .906 .942 .906 .950 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES LH4 R-300/5002 R-300/530 R-300/540 R-302/5002 R-304/5002 R-304/540 R-306/5002 R-306/540 R-308/5002 R-308/540 R-310/5002 R-310/530 R-310/540 R-312/5002 R-312/530 R-312/540 R-314/5002 R-316/500 R-316/5002 R-318/5002 R-318/515 R-320/5001 R-320/515 R-320/535 R-322/515 R-322/540 LHM R-274/5202 R-284/5202 R-286/5202 R-286/530 R-288/530 R-330/540 LHP R-276/525 R-278/525 Continued from previous page. 332 330 333 334 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 340 343 344 342 345 346 348 348 350 351 354 352 353 355 354 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 213 218 215 215 217 219 219 221 221 223 223 229 225 225 230 227 227 229 229 231 229 228 232 234 232 236 .212 .227 .216 .217 .221 .225 .226 .230 .231 .234 .235 .251 .239 .239 .256 .243 .244 .248 .248 .252 .247 .245 .258 .260 .257 .266 F E G F F G F G F G F F G F F G F E F F G E F E F E F D LHM roller series, Low Harmonic designs for very large cubic inch applications. Minimizes valve spring excitation in the RPM range of maximum engine output. Higher RPM potential than the original LH. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 302 .0200 198 .175 .129 .780 .832 .884 .916 312 314 314 316 358 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 208 205 210 212 253 .200 .206 .206 .211 .301 .151 .156 .156 .160 .258 .780 .780 .795 .795 .810 .832 .832 .848 .848 .864 .884 .884 .901 .901 .918 .916 .916 .933 .933 .950 LHP roller series, Low Harmonic designs for high RPM 500 applications. Minimizes valve spring excitation in the RPM range of maximum engine output. Higher RPM potential than the original LH. Recommended lash is .020". 306 .0200 195 .170 .127 .788 .840 .893 .924 308 .0200 197 .174 .131 .788 .840 .893 .924 G F F E E F F F Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 39 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .135 .134 .138 .156 .163 .186 .810 .788 .788 .788 .788 .795 .864 .840 .840 .840 .840 .848 .918 .893 .893 .893 .893 .901 .950 .924 .924 .924 .924 .933 .979 1.014 E .918 .979 .918 .979 1.02 .918 .918 .901 .918 .935 1.046 1.088 .918 1.037 1.046 .901 .918 .935 .986 1.046 .918 .935 .935 .952 .986 .893 .918 .918 .952 1.02 .918 .950 1.014 .950 1.014 1.056 .950 .950 .933 .950 .968 1.082 1.126 .950 1.074 1.082 .933 .950 .968 1.021 1.082 .950 .968 .968 .986 1.021 .924 .950 .950 .986 1.056 .950 E SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES LHP R-278/540 R-280/525 R-282/525 R-290/525 R-296/525 R-306/530 5401 R-266/576 R-270/5401 R-270/576 R-276/5401 R-276/576 R-276/600 R-278/5401 R-278/5501 R-280/5301 R-280/5401 R-280/550 R-280/615 R-280/640 R-282/5401 R-282/610 R-282/615 R-284/530 R-284/5401 R-284/550 R-284/580 R-284/615 R-286/5401 R-286/550 R-286/5501 R-286/560 R-286/580 R-288/525 R-288/5401 R-292/5401 R-300/5601 R-304/600 R-306/5401 Continued from previous page. 307 310 312 320 326 337 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 200 199 201 209 209 222 .180 .178 .182 .203 .198 .234 5401 roller series for large displacement engines with large journal diameters. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 295 .0200 193 .161 .115 .864 .922 299 299 305 305 305 307 307 309 309 309 309 310 311 311 311 313 313 313 313 313 315 315 315 315 315 317 317 321 331 335 337 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 196 197 201 202 202 203 204 205 205 205 207 208 207 210 209 209 209 209 210 212 211 211 211 211 212 212 213 217 219 223 225 .169 .171 .183 .185 .185 .188 .189 .192 .192 .194 .197 .200 .198 .205 .203 .202 .203 .203 .205 .211 .207 .208 .208 .209 .210 .211 .212 .222 .227 .239 .242 .123 .124 .136 .137 .136 .140 .140 .144 .144 .145 .146 .147 .149 .153 .151 .154 .154 .154 .155 .158 .158 .159 .159 .159 .159 .163 .163 .172 .178 .189 .194 .810 .864 .810 .864 .900 .810 .810 .795 .810 .825 .923 .960 .810 .915 .923 .795 .810 .825 .870 .923 .810 .825 .825 .840 .870 .788 .810 .810 .840 .900 .810 .864 .922 .864 .922 .960 .864 .864 .848 .864 .880 .984 1.024 .864 .976 .984 .848 .864 .880 .928 .984 .864 .880 .880 .896 .928 .840 .864 .864 .896 .960 .864 F G E F F E E F G E G E G G F G F G G G G G G G E F F G F G G E F G E G G E G F G F G G G Continued on next page. 40 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .207 .201 .213 .220 .216 .212 .218 .213 .211 .215 .224 .213 .222 .222 .232 .225 .238 .810 .840 .900 .923 .795 .810 .825 .840 .840 .870 .900 .773 .825 .870 .870 .810 .810 .864 .896 .960 .984 .848 .864 .880 .896 .896 .928 .960 .824 .880 .928 .928 .864 .864 .918 .952 1.020 1.046 .901 .918 .935 .952 .952 .986 1.020 .876 .935 .986 .986 .918 .918 .950 .986 1.056 1.082 .933 .950 .968 .986 .986 1.021 1.056 .906 .968 1.021 1.021 .950 .950 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 5401 R-310/5401 R-310/5601 R-310/600 R-312/615 R-314/530 R-314/5401 R-314/550 R-314/560 R-314/5601 R-314/580 R-314/600 R-316/515 R-316/550 R-316/580 R-318/580 R-320/5401 R-324/5401 555 R-266/540 R-270/500 R-270/5402 R-272/5003 R-274/5601 R-274/5602 R-276/5402 R-276/555 R-276/5601 R-278/5251 R-278/555 R-278/600 R-280/5202 R-280/555 R-280/6401 R-282/5003 R-282/5402 R-282/555 R-282/565 R-284/5203 Continued from previous page. 340 341 340 342 344 345 344 345 345 345 344 347 346 347 348 351 354 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 231 228 233 236 235 233 235 234 232 234 237 234 237 237 241 240 244 .256 .251 .266 .274 .262 .259 .266 .262 .261 .265 .277 .258 .271 .271 .282 .272 .284 F G G G G E E G E G G G F F G G F F G 555 roller series for engines with large cam journal diameters. This series provides very good high speed stability. Will run to 10,000+ RPM with properly set up valve train. Proven excellent performer. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 296 .0200 192 .156 .118 .810 .864 .918 .950 302 302 304 304 304 308 306 306 310 302 308 313 312 309 314 314 314 313 316 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 193 195 194 201 201 200 202 203 201 204 207 202 204 212 202 205 206 207 205 .158 .162 .162 .177 .178 .175 .181 .181 .177 .185 .192 .180 .182 .205 .181 .188 .188 .191 .188 .121 .125 .126 .137 .136 .137 .141 .142 .140 .145 .149 .142 .148 .159 .145 .149 .152 .156 .151 .750 .810 .750 .840 .840 .810 .833 .840 .788 .833 .900 .780 .833 .960 .750 .810 .833 .848 .780 .800 .864 .800 .896 .896 .864 .888 .896 .840 .888 .960 .832 .888 1.024 .800 .864 .888 .904 .832 .851 .918 .851 .952 .952 .918 .944 .952 .893 .944 1.020 .884 .944 1.088 .851 .918 .944 .961 .884 .880 .951 .880 .986 .986 .951 .977 .986 .924 .977 1.056 .915 .977 1.127 .880 .951 .977 .994 .915 E C E G F G G G G G E G G G G H F G G G E Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 41 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 114 DEG. EXHAUST 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 .152 .155 .158 .162 .161 .164 .165 .168 .172 .174 .172 .179 .177 .191 .189 .198 .197 .231 .788 .833 .780 .780 .750 .788 .750 .750 .788 .810 .750 .825 .756 .825 .780 .795 .833 .960 .840 .888 .832 .832 .800 .840 .800 .800 .840 .864 .800 .880 .816 .880 .832 .848 .888 1.024 .893 .944 .884 .884 .851 .893 .851 .851 .893 .918 .851 .935 .867 .953 .884 .901 .944 1.088 .924 .977 .915 .915 .880 .924 .880 .880 .924 .950 .880 .968 .898 .968 .915 .933 .977 1.126 SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES 555 R-284/525 R-284/555 R-288/5202 R-290/520 R-292/5001 R-292/525 R-294/5003 R-296/5001 R-296/5252 R-296/540 R-298/500 R-298/550 R-300/510 R-304/5502 R-306/5201 R-310/5302 R-310/5551 R-314/640 PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT Continued from previous page. 316 316 320 322 326 326 328 330 330 330 332 332 334 338 340 342 345 346 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. 206 208 208 209 208 211 210 212 214 215 213 218 216 222 221 225 226 238 .189 .194 .196 .200 .197 .202 .201 .205 .210 .213 .208 .219 .214 .231 .227 .236 .247 .277 DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST G E E E G G H E G E H G G G E E G H DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 SEE PAGE 3 ENGINE OR APPLICATION SPECIFIC MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES HC R-252/390 R-254/347 R-254/365 R-256/366 R-256/3661 R-256/390 R-258/347 R-258/3471 R-258/3472 R-258/365 R-258/3651 R-258/390 R-260/3901 Originally designed for Hooters Cup type .625” lift rule, HC roller series. Also used in other applications without lift rule. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 283 .0200 166 .116 .083 .585 .625 .624 .663 285 287 286 286 287 289 286 286 291 288 289 292 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 165 162 171 171 170 168 170 170 166 172 172 172 .118 .115 .124 .121 .124 .125 .126 .126 .121 .133 .127 .128 .093 .083 .098 .101 .089 .099 .102 .102 .089 .096 .092 .094 .521 .548 .549 .549 .585 .521 .521 .521 .548 .548 .585 .585 .555 .584 .586 .586 .625 .555 .555 .556 .584 .584 .625 .625 .555 .584 .586 .586 .624 .555 .555 .556 .584 .584 .624 .624 .590 .621 .622 .622 .663 .590 .590 .590 .621 .621 .663 .663 C D C D D C B D B B C G F C C Continued on next page. 42 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 SEE PAGE 3 ENGINE OR APPLICATION SPECIFIC MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES HC R-260/3903 R-262/347 R-262/365 R-262/385 R-262/3901 R-264/365 R-264/3651 R-264/378 R-264/3783 R-264/390 R-266/365 R-266/3651 R-266/366 R-266/390 R-266/417 R-268/365 R-268/366 R-268/390 R-270/390 R-272/385 R-272/390 R-274/390 R-274/417 R-278/390 R-280/3901 R-286/390 RLDP R-242/353 R-248/353 R-254/353 R-260/353 RLS R-232/382 R-240/3821 R-244/382 R-248/382 R-252/382 R-260/382 R-276/382 Continued from previous page. 287 293 295 290 295 297 294 295 291 296 300 296 297 298 295 302 299 300 303 300 305 307 304 311 313 319 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 181 171 170 176 172 172 177 177 182 176 170 178 177 178 188 173 179 179 179 185 181 182 192 186 188 194 .141 .132 .129 .140 .129 .133 .143 .138 .147 .135 .134 .147 .139 .139 .151 .136 .143 .143 .143 .157 .147 .151 .161 .159 .162 .173 .110 .106 .095 .103 .095 .099 .107 .108 .117 .100 .101 .110 .112 .103 .120 .103 .116 .107 .108 .120 .111 .115 .131 .121 .125 .136 .585 .521 .548 .578 .585 .548 .548 .567 .567 .585 .548 .548 .549 .585 .626 .548 .549 .585 .585 .578 .585 .585 .626 .585 .585 .585 .624 .555 .584 .616 .624 .584 .584 .605 .605 .624 .584 .584 .586 .624 .667 .584 .586 .624 .624 .616 .624 .624 .667 .624 .624 .624 .664 .590 .621 .655 .663 .621 .621 .643 .643 .663 .621 .621 .622 .663 .709 .621 .622 .663 .663 .655 .663 .663 .709 .663 .663 .663 .703 .625 .657 .693 .702 .657 .657 .680 .681 .702 .657 .657 .659 .702 .751 .657 .659 .702 .702 .693 .702 .702 .751 .702 .702 .702 D D C C C C B D C D C G F D C C C G D C C C C C C C C C Chevrolet LS V8, RLDP mechanical roller series, stable lobes used in endurance racing applications. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 273 .0200 157 .097 .074 .600 .635 279 286 292 .0200 .0200 .0200 162 165 169 .108 .122 .131 .083 .087 .096 .600 .600 .600 .635 .635 .635 Chevrolet LS1 V8, RLS mechanical roller series, used in high speed performance applications. Recommended lash is .020" intake and .022" exhaust. 263 .0200 156 .091 .059 .649 .688 269 273 277 281 289 302 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 161 164 167 171 177 190 .102 .110 .117 .125 .140 .168 .068 .074 .081 .088 .102 .130 .649 .649 .649 .649 .649 .649 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 .688 | 866.388.5120 F F F F F F F F F F F 43 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 CAM DYNAMICS 1.76 GRIND # .447 .421 .456 .489 .542 .438 .466 .397 .496 .473 .502 .502 .435 .458 .479 .486 .502 .465 .503 731 735 730 726 750 738 751 734 727 724 797 725 721 788 711 729 793 722 659 PROFILES FOR FLAT TAPPET STOCK LIFT RULES APPLICATIONS CD1 H-206/254 H-209/239 H-221/259 H-224/278 H-224/258 H-227/249 H-227/265 H-228/2254 H-228/282 H-235/269 H-236/285 H-236/285 H-242/247 H-242/260 H-242/272 H-242/2764 H-242/285 H-245/264 H-246/286 CD1 hydraulic and mechanical lifter Cam Dynamics stocker series—Non Dwell. 263 .0030 94 .048 .025 .381 .406 .432 266 .0030 89 .053 .031 .359 .382 .406 254 .0030 103 .069 .043 .389 .414 .440 285 .0030 118 .070 .043 .417 .445 .473 299 .0030 116 .072 .045 .462 .493 .524 284 .0030 108 .077 .052 .374 .398 .423 283 .0030 122 .079 .048 .398 .424 .451 284 .0030 104 .078 .050 .338 .361 .383 286 .0030 124 .079 .051 .423 .451 .479 290 .0030 124 .089 .061 .404 .430 .457 290 .0030 136 .092 .061 .428 .456 .484 293 .0030 131 .091 .061 .428 .456 .484 302 .0030 113 .096 .070 .371 .395 .420 296 .0030 134 .099 .069 .390 .416 .442 299 .0030 123 .093 .067 .408 .435 .462 298 .0030 136 .099 .069 .415 .442 .470 296 .0030 142 .101 .070 .428 .456 .484 307 .0030 123 .100 .071 .396 .422 .449 300 .0030 146 .108 .076 .429 .458 .486 H-247/278 H-248/240 H-248/296 H-248/307 H-249/264 H-250/238 H-250/278 H-250/286 H-250/300 H-252/2601 H-252/260 H-252/296 H-252/301 H-252/307 H-254/2764 305 302 302 302 308 307 304 304 306 306 308 306 306 306 314 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 137 136 150 152 130 104 148 150 145 150 144 154 154 155 137 .104 .110 .111 .111 .106 .100 .114 .114 .110 .118 .114 .118 .118 .118 .111 H-254/280 H-254/301 H-256/260 H-256/272 H-256/296 H-256/324 306 326 310 314 310 311 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 153 148 154 157 158 160 .120 .111 .124 .118 .124 .125 .075 .079 .079 .079 .078 .076 .082 .082 .080 .086 .084 .085 .083 .086 .420 .360 .444 .461 .396 .357 .417 .429 .450 .390 .390 .444 .452 .461 .445 .384 .474 .491 .422 .381 .445 .458 .480 .416 .416 .474 .482 .491 .473 .408 .503 .522 .449 .405 .473 .486 .510 .442 .442 .503 .512 .522 .489 .422 .521 .540 .465 .419 .489 .503 .528 .458 .458 .521 .530 .540 715 609 602 639 712 740 798 696 619 615 790 606 728 611 .083 .088 .081 .092 .101 .092 .092 .416 .420 .451 .390 .408 .444 .486 .443 .448 .482 .416 .435 .474 .518 .471 .476 .512 .442 .469 .503 .551 .488 .493 .530 .458 .479 .521 .570 723 684 625 617 679 618 736 Continued on next page. 44 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 CAM DYNAMICS 1.76 GRIND # .422 .493 .510 .530 .540 .419 .458 .489 .489 .521 .554 .436 .530 .530 .572 .458 .496 .501 .502 .521 .534 .458 .480 .517 .540 .521 .530 .554 .530 .480 .480 .493 .510 .554 .572 .521 .540 .574 .560 .560 610 648 604 626 612 719 622 713 660 620 794 720 791 640 607 799 698 716 628 637 714 796 789 768 613 603 627 601 792 616 272A 649 605 795 608 621 755 757 685 686 PROFILES FOR FLAT TAPPET STOCK LIFT RULES APPLICATIONS CD1 H-258/240 H-258/280 H-258/290 H-258/301 H-258/307 H-259/238 H-260/2601 H-260/278 H-260/2781 H-260/296 H-260/315 H-261/248 H-262/301 H-262/3011 H-262/325 H-264/260 H-264/282 H-264/2844 H-264/285 H-264/296 H-265/3034 H-266/260 H-266/273 H-266/294 H-266/307 H-268/296 H-268/301 H-268/315 H-270/301 H-272/273 H-272/273 H-272/280 H-272/290 H-272/315 H-272/325 H-274/296 H-276/307 H-278/326 F-246/318 F-252/318 Continued from previous page. 312 312 312 330 312 319 314 319 312 314 314 323 316 334 316 320 322 320 318 318 322 320 320 318 320 322 340 322 324 326 328 326 326 326 326 328 330 332 282 288 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0120 145 156 158 151 161 110 154 142 158 162 164 124 164 152 167 152 166 152 163 165 162 161 160 157 168 169 158 172 172 172 162 170 172 175 177 174 180 180 155 159 .125 .126 .127 .117 .128 .109 .129 .120 .130 .130 .131 .114 .134 .122 .135 .131 .130 .128 .136 .137 .136 .138 .136 .133 .140 .143 .131 .144 .146 .150 .143 .148 .149 .151 .151 .152 .147 .158 .113 .123 .094 .095 .095 .086 .095 .086 .098 .092 .098 .098 .098 .089 .101 .092 .102 .102 .113 .100 .104 .105 .106 .107 .105 .104 .108 .111 .101 .111 .114 .118 .114 .117 .117 .118 .118 .121 .138 .126 .078 .088 .360 .420 .435 .451 .461 .357 .390 .417 .417 .444 .473 .372 .452 .452 .488 .390 .451 .427 .428 .444 .455 .390 .410 .441 .461 .444 .452 .473 .452 .410 .410 .420 .435 .473 .488 .444 .461 .489 .477 .477 .384 .448 .464 .482 .491 .381 .416 .445 .445 .474 .504 .397 .482 .482 .520 .416 .451 .455 .456 .474 .485 .416 .437 .470 .491 .474 .482 .504 .482 .437 .437 .448 .464 .504 .520 .474 .491 .522 .509 .509 .408 .476 .493 .512 .522 .405 .442 .473 .473 .503 .536 .422 .512 .512 .553 .442 .479 .483 .485 .503 .516 .442 .464 .500 .522 .503 .512 .536 .512 .464 .464 .476 .493 .536 .553 .503 .522 .554 .541 .541 Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 45 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 CAM DYNAMICS 1.76 GRIND # .530 .546 .530 .540 .458 .539 .546 .540 .540 .569 .579 .502 .546 .530 .539 .546 .579 .607 .569 .607 .607 .634 .544 .579 .607 .651 625 695 626 644 622 260M 691 832 643 262M 631 628 692 627 268M 869 868 693 272M 636 694 687 276M 278M 867 688 PROFILES FOR FLAT TAPPET STOCK LIFT RULES APPLICATIONS CD1 F-254/301 F-254/3101 F-258/301 F-258/3071 F-260/260 F-260/3060 F-260/310 F-261/307 F-261/3071 F-262/3234 F-262/329 F-264/285 F-266/310 F-268/301 F-268/3060 F-272/3095 F-270/329 F-270/3451 F-272/3234 F-272/345 F-274/345 F-274/360 F-276/3090 F-278/3290 F-278/345 F-278/370 Continued from previous page. CD2 H-235/261 H-236/265 H-242/2600 H-242/265 H-244/307 H-250/307 H-252/2603 H-252/316 H-253/260 CD2 hydraulic and mechanical lifter Cam Dynamics stocker series—Dwell at Max Lift 289 .0030 131 .091 .064 .392 .418 .444 .459 302 .0030 132 .056 .056 .398 .424 .451 .466 300 .0030 135 .092 .063 .390 .416 .442 .458 298 .0030 138 .101 .070 .398 .424 .451 .466 297 .0030 150 .085 .096 .461 .491 .522 .540 304 .0030 155 .103 .096 .461 .491 .522 .540 302 .0030 154 .121 .088 .390 .416 .443 .458 302 .0040 161 .121 .087 .474 .506 .537 .556 309 .0030 148 .118 .088 .390 .416 .442 .458 H-253/307 H-254/272 H-254/2721 326 292 330 318 314 322 296 328 324 324 328 318 302 340 330 337 336 306 334 326 310 310 338 340 332 314 307 308 308 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0300 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0300 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0120 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0030 .0030 148 156 151 157 154 156 161 155 161 162 166 163 165 158 164 166 167 180 172 186 193 187 170 176 192 192 159 150 159 .111 .121 .117 .124 .129 .125 .133 .124 .129 .130 .132 .136 .140 .131 .137 .141 .138 .155 .145 .161 .161 .165 .149 .154 .171 .174 .108 .120 .125 .081 .093 .086 .093 .098 .095 .100 .094 .097 .098 .097 .104 .109 .101 .107 .111 .107 .121 .113 .124 .127 .129 .119 .123 .135 .138 .101 .088 .091 .451 .465 .451 .461 .390 .459 .465 .461 .461 .485 .494 .428 .465 .452 .459 .465 .494 .518 .485 .518 518 .540 .464 .494 .518 .555 .461 .408 .408 .482 .496 .482 .491 .416 .490 .496 .491 .491 .517 .526 .456 .496 .482 .490 .496 .526 .552 .517 .552 .552 .576 .494 .526 .552 .592 .491 .435 .435 .512 .527 .512 .522 .442 .520 .527 .522 .522 .550 .559 .485 .527 .512 .520 .527 .559 .587 .550 .587 .587 .612 .525 .559 .587 .629 .522 .462 .462 .540 .479 .479 742 752 754 741 747 748 654 666 744 746 753 676 Continued on next page. 46 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 CAM DYNAMICS GRIND # PROFILES FOR FLAT TAPPET AND HYDRAULIC ROLLER STOCK LIFT RULES APPLICATIONS CD2 H-256/242 H-256/2603 H-256/269 H-258/284 H-258/312 H-260/2603 H-260/2604 H-262/309 H-260/260 H-260/269 H-264/2603 H-264/2604 H-264/318 H-266/262 H-266/277 H-266/316 H-268/307 H-272/2733 H-276/273 H-276/2733 H-276/2734 H-276/3082 H-278/326 H-284/308 F-252/244 F-254/310 F-260/244 F-262/3101 F-264/244 F-268/310 F-276/258 Continued from previous page. .387 .416 .430 .454 .499 .416 .417 .491 .416 .430 .416 .417 .509 .419 .443 .506 .491 .437 .437 .437 .437 .493 .522 .493 .390 .496 .390 .496 .390 .496 .413 .411 .443 .457 .483 .530 .443 .443 .522 .442 .457 .443 .443 .541 .445 .471 .537 .522 .465 .464 .465 .635 .524 .554 .524 .415 .527 .415 .527 .415 .527 .439 .426 .458 .473 .500 .549 .458 .458 .540 .458 .473 .458 .458 .560 .461 .488 .556 .540 .481 .480 .481 .481 .542 .574 .542 .429 .546 .429 .546 .429 .546 .454 682 678 661 677 664 656 699 749 260A 673 663 700 665 683 662 667 756 655 600 679 701 276M 757 745 849 671 850 681 852 672 851 CD3 HR-238/300 HR-244/268 HR-244/278 HR-246/286 CD3 hydraulic roller Cam Dynamics stocker series—Non Dwell. 298 .0040 150 .097 .065 .450 .480 300 .0030 136 .104 .073 .402 .429 300 .0030 152 .105 .073 .417 .445 302 .0030 158 .114 .078 .429 .458 .510 .456 .473 .528 .472 .489 295HR 292HR 263HR .486 .510 .486 .510 .503 .528 .503 .528 702HR 296HR 703HR HR-246/300 HR-250/286 HR-250/300 308 306 306 312 308 310 310 315 316 310 314 314 314 318 316 316 322 322 332 328 328 328 326 338 286 305 294 313 298 319 310 306 306 306 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0120 .0030 .0120 .0040 .0030 .0040 146 160 160 166 166 162 166 166 148 164 166 170 174 163 169 175 172 177 165 184 186 184 180 191 151 164 159 172 163 178 179 156 162 165 .121 .129 .128 .133 .131 .134 .138 .120 .125 .134 .140 .144 .142 .138 .142 .145 .134 .154 .148 .164 .167 .161 .159 .162 .122 .126 .135 .140 .141 .151 .161 .111 .121 .121 .091 .095 .094 .098 .097 .101 .103 .112 .096 .101 .108 .110 .107 .107 .109 .111 .125 .121 .120 .131 .133 .127 .126 .152 .089 .091 .102 .105 .109 .116 .130 .077 .085 .084 .363 .390 .404 .426 .468 .390 .390 .461 .390 .404 .390 .390 .477 .393 .416 .474 .461 .410 .410 .410 .410 .462 .489 .462 .366 .465 .366 .465 .366 .465 .387 .450 .429 .450 .480 .458 .480 Continued on next page. | 866.388.5120 47 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 CAM DYNAMICS GRIND # PROFILES FOR HYDRAULIC ROLLER STOCK LIFT RULES APPLICATIONS CD3 HR-252/268 HR-252/290 HR-252/300 HR-252/3001 HR-252/316 HR-252/3161 HR-254/278 HR-254/310 HR-256/345 HR-258/300 HR-258/3001 HR-258/306 HR-258/310 HR-258/354 HR-260/268 HR-260/290 HR-264/340 HR-264/3401 HR-266/306 HR-266/3061 HR-266/320 HR-266/360 HR-268/3121 HR-270/345 PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT Continued from previous page. 308 306 312 306 308 308 310 310 312 318 312 314 314 314 316 314 320 320 326 320 322 322 324 326 .0030 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0030 .0040 .0030 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0030 .0030 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0040 .0030 .0040 .0030 ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. 142 151 162 153 159 164 150 160 173 156 158 178 164 177 150 158 174 179 164 167 173 184 188 188 .116 .116 .122 .116 .120 .124 .120 .123 .133 .125 .125 .140 .130 .138 .128 .128 .142 .147 .138 .138 .144 .153 .160 .161 .085 .084 .087 .084 .086 .087 .089 089 .096 .093 .098 .100 .096 .099 .097 .097 .107 .109 .106 .106 .110 .114 .119 .122 DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE 114 DEG. EXHAUST .402 .435 .450 .450 .474 .474 .417 .465 .518 .450 .450 .459 .465 .531 .402 .435 .510 .510 .459 .459 .480 .540 .468 .518 .429 .464 .480 .480 .506 .506 .445 .496 .552 .480 .480 .490 .496 .566 .429 .464 .544 .544 .490 .490 .512 .576 .499 .552 .456 .493 .510 .510 .537 .537 .473 .527 .587 .510 .510 .520 .527 .602 .456 .493 .578 .578 .520 .520 .544 .612 .531 .587 .472 .510 .528 .528 .556 .556 .489 .546 .607 .528 .528 .539 .546 .623 .472 .510 .598 .599 .538 .539 .563 .634 .549 .607 GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 293HR 646HR 297HR 645HR 650HR 674HR 264HR 670HR 668HR 629HR 455HR 689HR 652HR 657HR 294HR 647HR 651HR 675HR 630HR 456HR 653HR 658HR 690HR 669HR MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 PROFILES FOR SPECIALTY OHV AND FLATHEAD APPLICATIONS These profiles may be used in other applications. Consult with the Crane Cams technical staff for recommendations. MF5 F-202/252 F-212/266 F-222/280 F-232/294 F-242/308 F-252/322 MF5 mechanical series for performance and racing applications on smaller diameter lobes. Recommended lash is .016” intake and .018” exhaust. 240 .0160 96 .042 .023 .378 .403 .428 250 .0160 110 .055 .032 .399 .426 .452 260 .0160 123 .070 .043 .420 .448 .476 270 .0160 135 .086 .055 .441 .470 .500 280 .0160 146 .102 .070 .462 .493 .524 290 .0160 157 .119 .085 .483 .515 .547 .444 .468 .493 .517 .542 .800 .800 .800 .800 .800 .567 .800 Continued on next page. 48 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 MINIMUM TAPPET DIAMETER 1.76 SEE PAGE 2 .591 .616 .800 .800 PROFILES FOR SPECIALTY OHV AND FLATHEAD APPLICATIONS MF5 F-262/336 F-272/350 VW1 F-230/328 F-240/335 F-250/3677 OHC1 F-210/305 F-220/320 F-230/340 F-240/360 F-250/380 F-260/400 Continued from previous page. 300 310 .0160 .0160 168 179 .136 .153 .102 .119 .504 .525 .538 .560 .571 .595 VW1 mechanical series for VW Type 4 opposed-4, with .941” tappet diameter. Recommended cold lash is .006” intake and .008” exhaust. 278 288 296 .0160 .0160 .0140 142 150 166 .082 .098 .121 .053 .066 .084 1.30 1.36 .426 .436 .478 .446 .456 .500 .941 .941 .941 OHC1 mechanical series for VW Type 1 opposed-4, with 1.000" tappet diameter. Recommended cold lash is .002”. 1.13 264 274 284 294 304 314 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 .0120 129 140 150 162 174 184 .053 .071 .089 .109 .129 .149 .026 .039 .053 .070 .089 .108 .345 .362 .384 .407 .429 .452 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 MF6 F-198/290 F-208/310 F-218/330 F-228/350 F-238/370 F-248/390 F-258/410 MF6 mechanical series for flathead engines with a minimum tappet diameter of .996”. Minimum design base circle radius is .900” minus lobe lift. Recommended cold lash is .010” intake, and .014” exhaust. 238 .0080 117 .033 .012 .996 248 .0080 130 .050 .019 .996 258 .0080 141 .069 .033 .996 254 .0140 152 .089 .050 .996 264 .0140 162 .109 .069 .996 274 .0140 172 .129 .089 .996 284 .0140 183 .149 .109 .996 MF7 F-200/302 F-210/322 F-220/342 F-230/362 F-240/382 MF7 mechanical series for industrial engines used in tractor pulling competition with a minimum tappet diameter of 1.100”. Recommended lash is .016” to .018”. 240 .0100 124 .037 .016 .453 .483 .513 .532 250 .0100 136 .054 .024 .483 .515 .547 .567 260 .0100 148 .074 .037 .513 .547 .581 .602 270 .0100 160 .096 .054 .543 .579 .615 .637 280 .0100 171 .119 .074 .573 .611 .649 .672 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 | 866.388.5120 49 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES FOR SPECIALTY OHV APPLICATIONS MR3 R-200/302 R-210/322 R-220/342 R-226/354 R-230/362 R-236/374 R-240/382 R-250/402 MR4 R-192/380 R-200/375 R-208/385 R-210/390 R-212/395 R-212/405 R-214/370 R-214/380 R-220/405 R-224/380 R-224/425 R-226/380 R-230/420 R-232/380 R-234/390 R-236/429 R-240/435 R-250/450 TPR400 R-216/400 R-226/400 R-228/400 R-230/400 R-236/400 R-246/400 R-248/4001 R-250/4001 50 MR3 mechanical roller series for industrial engines used in tractor pulling competition with a minimum journal size of 2.200” diameter. Recommended lash is .016” to .018”. 252 .0100 117 .040 .021 .453 .483 .513 .532 262 272 278 282 288 292 302 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 .0100 129 141 148 152 159 163 173 .053 .068 .078 .085 .096 .104 .125 .029 .038 .047 .053 .061 .068 .085 .483 .513 .531 .543 .561 .573 .603 .515 .547 .566 .579 .598 .611 .643 .547 .581 .602 .615 .636 .649 .683 .567 .602 .623 .637 .658 .672 .708 MR4 mechanical roller series for industrial engines used in tractor pulling competition with a minimum journal size of 2.200” diameter. Recommended lash is .020” to .022”. 219 .0200 124 .029 .014 .570 .608 .646 .669 236 236 246 240 240 250 246 256 260 252 258 266 264 270 272 276 286 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 126 136 136 140 141 140 139 146 149 152 146 156 150 158 162 166 175 .041 .047 .054 .053 .053 .058 .056 .066 .073 .072 .072 .082 .081 .090 .092 .099 .120 .024 .029 .033 .033 .033 .035 .035 .041 .045 .047 .050 .052 .058 .058 .060 .066 .081 .563 .578 .585 .593 .608 .555 .570 .608 .570 .638 .570 .630 .570 .585 .644 .653 .675 .600 .616 .624 .632 .648 .592 .608 .648 .608 .680 .608 .672 .608 .624 .686 .696 .720 .638 .655 .663 .672 .689 .629 .646 .689 .646 .723 .646 .714 .646 .663 .729 .740 .765 .660 .678 .686 .693 .713 .651 .669 .713 .669 .748 .669 .739 .669 .686 .755 .766 .792 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F TPR400 mechanical roller series with .400" lobe lift, for industrial engines used in tractor pulling competition with a minimum journal size of 2.200” diameter. Recommended lash is .020” to .022”. F 252 .0200 142 .060 .037 .600 .640 .680 .704 262 264 266 272 282 284 286 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 151 153 155 160 169 171 172 | 866.388.5120 .075 .078 .082 .092 .112 .116 .121 .048 .050 .052 .060 .075 .078 .082 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .640 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .680 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 .704 F F F F F F F SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.76 DESIGN LOBE SIZE CODE SEE PAGE 3 MECHANICAL ROLLER PROFILES FOR SPECIALTY OHV APPLICATIONS TPR450 R-234/450 R-236/450 R-238/450 R-248/450 R-250/450 R-256/450 R-258/450 PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT TPR450 mechanical roller series with .450” lobe lift, for industrial engines used in tractor pulling competition with a minimum journal size of 2.200” diameter. Recommended lash is .020” to .022”. F 270 .0200 160 .088 .058 .675 .720 .765 .792 272 274 284 286 292 294 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. IN. 162 164 174 175 181 183 .092 .095 .115 .120 .133 .138 .060 .053 .078 .081 .092 .095 DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .675 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 .720 .765 .765 .765 .765 .765 .765 .792 .792 .792 .792 .792 .792 GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH 114 DEG. EXHAUST F F F F F F MINIMUM FOLLOWER DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 PROFILES FOR DIRECT ACTUATION FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS OHC2 H-224/384 H-232/402 H-240/420 H-248/438 H-256/456 OHC2 hydraulic series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.308” and a minimum design base circle radius of 1.000” minus lobe lift. 268 .0040 160 .086 .042 .384 276 .0040 169 .106 .058 .402 284 .0040 178 .126 .076 .420 292 .0040 186 .146 .095 .438 300 .0040 195 .168 .115 .456 1.308 1.308 1.308 1.308 1.308 OHC3 H-192/325 H-212/395 H-222/430 H-232/430 H-232/460 H-242/480 H-252/480 H-262/480 OHC3 hydraulic series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.500” and a minimum design base circle radius of .700”. 232 .0040 126 .019 .007 .325 252 .0040 154 .059 .023 .395 262 .0040 164 .085 .038 .430 272 .0040 173 .111 .058 .430 272 .0040 176 .112 .059 .460 282 .0040 186 .141 .083 .480 292 .0040 195 .167 .109 .480 302 .0040 204 .191 .135 .480 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 OHC5 F-230/318 F-238/342 F-244/360 OHC5 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum tappet diameter of .960” and a base circle radius of .550”. Recommended cold lash is .008” intake, and .010” exhaust. 258 .0160 144 .089 .053 .318 .960 266 .0160 156 .106 .068 .342 .960 272 .0160 165 .118 .079 .360 .960 | 866.388.5120 51 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH 114 DEG. EXHAUST MINIMUM FOLLOWER DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 PROFILES FOR DIRECT ACTUATION FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS OHC1 F-210/305 F-220/320 F-230/340 F-240/360 F-250/380 F-260/400 OHC1 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.000”. Recommended cold lash is .012”. 264 .0120 129 .053 .026 .305 274 .0120 140 .071 .039 .320 284 .0120 150 .089 .053 .340 294 .0120 162 .109 .070 .360 304 .0120 174 .129 .089 .380 314 .0120 184 .149 .108 .400 OHC4 F-236/340 F-242/360 F-246/380 F-252/360 F-252/388 F-256/397 F-262/400 F-272/412 OHC4 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.020” and a minimum design base circle radius of .510”. Recommended cold lash is .006” intake, and .010” exhaust. 284 .0052 156 .104 .065 .340 1.020 290 .0052 163 .115 .076 .360 1.020 294 .0052 170 .126 .083 .380 1.020 298 .0050 172 .134 .095 .360 1.020 298 .0052 178 .140 .097 .388 1.020 302 .0052 182 .148 .104 .397 1.020 308 .0052 186 .159 .119 .400 1.020 318 .0052 198 .179 .139 .412 1.020 OHC6 F-264/390 F-268/398 F-274/410 F-278/418 F-288/438 OHC6 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.020” and a minimum design base circle radius of .510”. Recommended cold lash is .006” intake, and .010” exhaust. 306 .0120 184 .154 .115 .390 1.020 310 .0120 188 .162 .123 .398 1.020 316 .0120 194 .174 .134 .410 1.020 320 .0120 198 .181 .142 .418 1.020 330 .0120 208 .199 .163 .438 1.020 OHC7 F-240/380 F-260/420 OHC7 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.100” and a minimum design base circle radius of .500”. 280 .0140 168 .114 .072 .380 300 .0140 188 .157 .113 .420 1.100 1.100 OHC8 F-206/310 F-216/330 F-226/350 F-236/370 F-246/390 F-256/410 F-266/430 F-276/450 F-286/470 OHC8 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.125” and a minimum design base circle radius of .925” Recommended cold lash is .006” intake, .008” exhaust. minus lobe lift. 250 .0050 128 .047 .019 .310 260 .0050 140 .065 .031 .330 270 .0050 152 .085 .046 .350 280 .0050 164 .107 .065 .370 290 .0050 176 .130 .086 .390 300 .0050 186 .153 .108 .410 310 .0050 196 .177 .131 .430 320 .0050 208 .200 .154 .450 330 .0050 218 .224 .178 .470 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 52 | 866.388.5120 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH 114 DEG. EXHAUST MINIMUM FOLLOWER DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 PROFILES FOR DIRECT ACTUATION FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS OHC9 F-258/450 F-268/470 OHC9 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.180" and a minimum design base circle radius of .970” minus lobe lift.. Recommended cold lash is .006” intake, and .008” exhaust. 300 .0040 194 .168 .119 .450 310 .0040 204 .190 .142 .470 1.180 1.180 OHC11 F-260/450 F-270/465 F-280/480 OHC11 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.200” and a minimum design base circle radius of .970” minus lobe lift. Recommended cold lash is .008” intake, and .010” exhaust. 292 .0100 200 .180 .130 .450 302 .0100 214 .204 .155 .465 312 .0100 219 .227 .179 .480 1.200 1.200 1.200 OHC12 F-222/408 F-232/428 F-242/448 F-252/468 F-284/492 OHC12 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.220” and a minimum design base circle radius of 1.150” minus lobe lift. Recommended cold lash is .018”. 270 .0140 157 .072 .045 .408 280 .0140 167 .095 .061 .428 290 .0140 176 .117 .078 .448 300 .0140 186 .143 .099 .468 332 .0140 220 .231 .182 .492 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 F-260/525 F-270/545 F-276/558 F-282/570 OHC13 mechanical series for OHC engines using bucket style followers with a minimum diameter of 1.375” and a minimum design base circle radius of 1.130” minus lobe lift. Recommended cold lash is .018”. 258 .0200 176 .116 .063 .432 308 .0140 200 .175 .122 .525 318 .0140 209 .201 .148 .545 324 .0140 215 .219 .165 .558 330 .0140 221 .238 .181 .570 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 1.375 OHC10 F-230/440 F-240/470 F-262/420 F-262/450 OHC10 mechanical miscellaneous profiles for OHC engines using bucket style followers of various tappet diameters and lobe sizes. Contact the Crane Cams technical staff for recommendations. 292 .0140 168 .095 .053 .440 1.300 302 .0140 180 .121 .072 .470 1.300 300 .0100 197 .176 .129 .420 1.200 300 .0100 200 .181 .131 .450 1.200 OHC13 F-234/432 (.012"lash) F-280/530 F-284/488 322 324 .0050 .0140 220 219 .233 .227 .178 .177 .530 .488 1.300 1.180 | 866.388.5120 53 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT .200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH 114 DEG. EXHAUST MINIMUM FOLLOWER DIAMETER SEE PAGE 2 ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR DIRECT ACTUATION FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS These profiles may be used in other applications. Consult with the Crane Cams technical staff for recommendations. OHC14 F-206/366 F-210/374 F-214/382 F-218/390 F-226/410 F-236/435 F-246/460 Ford Zetec DOHC 2.0L 4-valve I-4, mechanical series. These lobes use a base circle radius of .709”. Recommended lash is .006" intake and .010" exhaust. (223 prefix) 228 .0200 142 .046 .020 .366 232 .0200 146 .054 .024 .374 236 .0200 150 .063 .029 .382 240 .0200 154 .072 .033 .390 248 .0200 164 .090 .046 .410 258 .0200 174 .115 .068 .435 268 .0200 184 .139 .090 .460 1.181 1.181 1.181 1.181 1.181 1.181 1.181 OHC16 F-204/354 F-212/374 F-216/385 F-226/410 F-236/435 F-246/460 F-256/485 Ford Duratec DOHC 2.3L 4-valve I-4, mechanical series. These lobes use a base circle radius of .650”. Recommended lash is .010" intake and .012" exhaust. (224 prefix) 224 .0200 140 .042 .017 .354 232 .0200 150 .068 .024 .374 238 .0200 154 .066 .030 .385 248 .0200 164 .090 .046 .410 258 .0200 174 .115 .068 .435 268 .0200 184 .139 .090 .460 278 .0200 194 .165 .115 .485 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 1.220 OHCHYU H-202/341 H-216/370 Hyundai DOHC 2.7L 4-valve V6, hydraulic series. These lobes use a base circle radius of .709”. 236 .0060 136 .038 .011 .341 1.181 252 .0060 152 .068 .028 .370 1.181 OHC4AG F-242/410 F-248/424 Toyota DOHC 1.6L 4-valve 4AG I-4, mechanical series. These lobes use a base circle radius of .550”. Recommended lash is .008" intake and .010" exhaust. 268 .0200 173 .119 .075 .410 274 .0200 179 .133 .087 .424 1.100 1.100 OHC15 F-214/362 F-222/378 F-230/394 F-238/410 F-246/426 F-254/442 F-262/458 Toyota DOHC 3.0L 4-valve I-6, mechanical series. These lobes use a base circle radius of .709”. Recommended lash is .008" intake and .012" exhaust. (705 prefix) 236 .0200 146 .061 .022 .362 244 .0200 154 .079 .039 .378 252 .0200 162 .097 .054 .394 260 .0200 170 .115 .071 .410 268 .0200 178 .133 .088 .426 276 .0200 186 .151 .105 .442 284 .0200 192 .169 .122 .458 1.093 1.093 1.093 1.093 1.093 1.093 1.093 54 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. IN. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS These profiles may be used in other applications. Consult with the Crane Cams technical staff for recommendations. Acura DOHC 1.8L 4-valve B18A1 I-4, mechanical series. Recommended ACU lash is .004" intake and .008" exhaust. (Crane Cams 101 prefix) ACU-202/400INT 228 .0200 97 .041 .020 .224 ACU-206/400INT 232 .0200 99 .047 .023 .224 ACU-204/388EXH 242 .0200 94 .044 .025 .218 ACU-208/388EXH 246 .0200 95 .050 .027 .218 ACU-212/388EXH 250 .0200 97 .056 .031 .218 ACU-218/433 246 .0200 114 .067 .036 .240 ACU-226/453 254 .0200 125 .083 .047 .250 ACU-234/472 262 .0200 134 .101 .060 .260 .400 .400 .388 .388 .388 .433 .453 .472 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 0.551 GMHEC GM-197/428 GM-201/440 GM-224/475 Chevrolet / GM DOHC 2.2L 4-valve Ecotec I-4, hydraulic series. 238 .0060 101 .039 .008 .252 242 .0060 106 .045 .011 .259 266 .0060 128 .090 .033 .280 .428 .428 .475 0.590 0.590 0.590 GMMEC GM-236/520 GM-246/520 GM-250/502 GM-256/520 GM-266/520 GM-266/550 GM-280/540 GM-290/540 Chevrolet / GM DOHC 2.2L 4-valve Ecotec I-4, mechanical series. Recommended lash is .007" intake and .009" exhaust, set between the follower and base circle. 261 .0200 139 .102 .063 .3067 .520 271 .0200 147 .126 .081 .3067 .520 275 .0200 148 .136 .089 .2960 .502 281 .0200 155 .152 .102 .3067 .520 291 .0200 163 .178 .126 .3067 .520 294 .0200 160 .167 .116 .3243 .550 308 .0200 169 .198 .149 .3180 .540 318 .0200 178 .223 .172 .3180 .540 Chrysler SOHC 2.0L 4-valve I-4, hydraulic roller series. Lobes designed for a base CHR1 radius of .550” or less, and require Ferrea lash caps #C10008. (Crane 158 prefix) CHR-196/335INT 242 .0060 60 .021 .216 .335 CHR-204/355INT 250 .0060 76 .031 .230 .355 CHR-216/355INT 262 .0060 80 .051 .230 .355 CHR-226/355INT 272 .0060 84 .072 .230 .355 CHR-232/400INT 280 .0060 108 .080 .245 .400 CHR-236/440INT 280 .0060 120 .091 .269 .440 CHR-200/315EXH 250 .0060 40 .020 .207 .315 CHR-212/345EXH 262 .0060 72 .031 .228 .345 CHR-226/345EXH 282 .0060 76 .047 .228 .345 CHR-230/400EXH 285 .0060 104 .052 .257 .400 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.590 0.591 0.583 0.583 0.583 0.550 0.542 0.591 0.585 0.585 0.550 | 866.388.5120 55 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS CHR2 CHR-196/345 CHR-200/354 CHR-204/364 CHR-208/374 CHR-216/394 CHR-224/413 CHR-232/433 CHR-240/453 CHR-248/472 CHR-256/492 CHR-264/492 CHR-268/492 CHR-272/500 CHR-290/550 Chrysler DOHC 2.0-2.4L 4-valve I-4, hydraulic roller series. (Crane 180 and 193 prefix) 238 .0060 68 .033 .012 .198 .345 242 .0060 76 .038 .016 .204 .354 246 .0060 82 .044 .019 .210 .364 250 .0060 88 .050 .023 .216 .374 258 .0060 100 .064 .034 .228 .394 266 .0060 112 .078 .044 .239 .413 274 .0060 122 .096 .057 .251 .433 282 .0060 132 .114 .070 .264 .453 290 .0060 142 .134 .087 .275 .472 298 .0060 152 .154 .104 .287 .492 306 .0060 158 .175 .123 .287 .492 310 .0060 161 .185 .133 .287 .492 314 .0060 166 .196 .144 .292 .500 334 .0060 186 .244 .190 .3233 .550 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.579 0.573 0.567 0.540 CHR3 CHR-206/502 CHR-212/502 CHR-218/463 CHR-218/502 CHR-224/520 Chrysler SOHC 4.7L V8, hydraulic roller series. Regrind base circle radius of .826”. Must use 99424-16 lash caps. 242 .0060 124 .044 .015 .271 248 .0060 128 .056 .022 .271 254 .0060 126 .070 .030 .251 254 .0060 134 .070 .030 .271 260 .0060 140 .085 .044 .280 .502 .502 .463 .502 .520 0.826 0.826 0.826 0.826 0.826 FOR1 FOR-222/410 FOR-232/435 FOR-242/460 Ford SOHC 2.0L I-4, mechanical series, using stock base circle size and stock length valve, with no lash cap. Recommended lash is .008” intake, and .010” , set between the follower and base circle. (Crane 14 prefix) 262 .0120 112 .079 .040 .253 .410 272 .0120 128 .103 .058 .267 .435 282 .0120 140 .130 .080 .282 .460 0.590 0.590 0.590 FOR2 FOR-264/510 FOR-274/535 FOR-284/560 Ford SOHC 2.0L I-4, mechanical series, using a .050” longer valve than stock or a stock length valve with a .050” thick lash cap. Recommended lash is .010”, set between follower and base circle. (Crane 14 prefix) 300 .0160 160 .179 .128 .314 .510 310 .0160 172 .208 .154 .326 .535 320 .0160 184 .237 .182 .336 .560 0.500 0.500 0.500 HFOR3 HFOR-220/454 HFOR-226/420 HFOR-230/479 HFOR-234/420 Ford SOHC 2.3L I-4, hydraulic series, using cast followers and stock hydraulic adjusters.Cams are ground on the stock base circle size and use a stock length valve with no lash cap. (Crane 19 prefix) 270 .0060 123 .074 .037 .285 .454 0.590 272 .0060 120 .091 .046 .245 .420 0.590 280 .0060 135 .097 .054 .300 .459 0.590 280 .0060 126 .111 .062 .245 .420 0.590 Continued on next page. 56 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS HFOR3 HFOR-240/504 HFOR-254/420 Continued from previous page. 288 298 .0060 .0060 148 132 .131 .142 .076 .097 .315 .245 .504 .420 0.590 0.590 HFOR-242/480EXH Ford SOHC 2.3L I-4, hydraulic series, using cast followers and stock hydraulic adjusters. Cams are ground on a reduced base circle requiring a .100” longer valve than stock, or a stock length valve with a .100” thick lash cap. (Crane 19 prefix) 278 .0060 133 .109 .061 .284 .460 286 .0060 143 .130 .078 .295 .480 0.545 0.545 FOR5 FOR-254/485 FOR-264/510 FOR-268/520 FOR-274/460 FOR-274/535 FOR-284/560 Ford SOHC 2.3LI-4,mechanical series, using cast followers and a .100” longer valve than stock,or a stock length valve with a .100” thick lash cap. Recommended lash is .010”, set between follower and base circle.(Crane 19 prefix) 290 .0160 148 .152 .103 .279 .485 300 .0160 160 .179 .128 .293 .510 304 .0160 165 .191 .138 .2975 .520 312 .0160 150 .165 .123 .283 .460 310 .0160 172 .208 .154 .306 .535 320 .0160 184 .237 .182 .319 .560 0.500 0.557 0.500 0.525 0.545 0.533 HFOR6 RFOR-214/420 RFOR-226/420 RFOR-234/420 RFOR-234/450 RFOR-242/480 RFOR-250/510 Ford SOHC 2.3L I-4, hydraulic roller series, using stock roller followers and an 8620 steel camshaft. Valve train is based on hydraulic adjusters and a stock-length Ford valve. (Crane 19 prefix) 252 .0060 112 .061 .028 .227 .420 0.590 274 .0060 119 .087 .047 .228 .420 0.590 282 .0060 124 .106 .060 .228 .420 0.590 282 .0060 131 .106 .060 .243 .450 0.590 290 .0060 142 .127 .076 .259 .480 0.590 298 .0060 152 .148 .094 .274 .510 0.590 FOR7 RFOR-244/536 RFOR-252/560 RFOR-256/572 RFOR-260/584 RFOR-264/596 RFOR-268/608 RFOR-272/620 RFOR-276/632 RFOR-284/656 RFOR-292/680 RFOR-296/692 Ford SOHC 2.3L I-4, mechanical roller series, using stock roller followers and 8620 steel camshafts. Valve train geometry is based on a 4.900” length valve. Recommended lash is .010” intake and .012” exhaust, set between roller and base circle. (Crane 19 prefix) 276 .0220 145 .118 .074 .298 .536 284 .0220 154 .140 .092 .311 .560 288 .0220 161 .153 .101 .317 .572 292 .0220 163 .162 .110 .323 .584 296 .0220 170 .176 .120 .330 .596 300 .0220 171 .185 .130 .336 .608 304 .0220 178 .202 .141 .342 .620 308 .0220 180 .210 .151 .349 .632 316 .0220 188 .235 .174 .361 .656 324 .0220 196 .261 .198 .374 .680 328 .0220 200 .275 .210 .380 .692 FOR4 HFOR-234/460INT 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 | 866.388.5120 57 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS HR2V HR-218/500 HR-218/550 HR-228/500 HR-228/550 HR-230/575 HR-234/500 HR-234/550 HR-234/575 HR-236/600 HR-238/575 HR-242/575 HR-242/600 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 2-valve V8, hydraulic roller series. (Crane 37 prefix) 254 .0060 133 .072 .032 .274 254 .0060 139 .072 .032 .300 264 .0060 140 .097 .050 .274 264 .0060 146 .098 .050 .300 266 .0060 151 .104 .054 .313 270 .0060 144 .114 .062 .274 270 .0060 151 .116 .063 .300 270 .0060 154 .116 .063 .313 272 .0060 158 .122 .067 .326 274 .0060 157 .124 .072 .313 278 .0060 161 .141 .082 .313 278 .0060 163 .142 .082 .326 .500 .550 .500 .550 .575 .500 .550 .575 .600 .575 .575 .600 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 HR2VH HR-212/550 HR-216/565 HR-220/580 HR-224/595 HR-228/610 HR-232/625 HR-236/625 HR-240/625 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 2-valve V8, hydraulic roller high lift series. (Crane 37 prefix) 248 .0060 134 .058 .024 .300 .550 252 .0060 138 .067 .029 .308 .565 256 .0060 143 .077 .036 .315 .580 260 .0060 147 .087 .042 .323 .595 264 .0060 152 .098 .050 .331 .610 268 .0060 156 .110 .058 .339 .625 272 .0060 160 .122 .067 .339 .625 276 .0060 163 .135 .077 .339 .625 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 0.947 HR3V HR-208/468 HR-216/492 HR-224/516 HR-228/528 HR-236/552 HR-248/576 HR-252/600 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 3-valve V8, hydraulic roller high lift series. (Crane 39 prefix) 256 .0060 116 .050 .025 .2293 .468 264 .0060 125 .064 .033 .2406 .492 272 .0060 134 .080 .044 .2519 .516 276 .0060 139 .088 .050 .2575 .528 284 .0060 147 .107 .064 .2687 .552 292 .0060 155 .128 .080 .2799 .576 300 .0060 163 .151 .097 .2910 .600 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 0.886 HR3VL HR-218/480 HR-224/480 HR-230/480 HR-242/480 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 3-valve V8, hydraulic roller series for restricted lift rules. (Crane 39 prefix) 266 .0060 124 .067 .036 .2350 .480 0.886 272 .0060 128 .079 .044 .2350 .480 0.886 278 .0060 133 .092 .053 .2350 .480 0.886 291 .0060 139 .117 .074 .2350 .480 0.886 HR2V HR-218/500 HR-228/500 HR-234/500 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 4-valve V8, hydraulic roller series. (Crane 40 prefix) 254 .0060 133 .072 .032 .274 264 .0060 140 .097 .050 .274 270 .0060 144 .114 .062 .274 58 | 866.388.5120 .500 .500 .500 0.947 0.947 0.947 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. IN. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS HR4V HR-246/575 HR-254/510 HR-260/540 Ford SOHC 4.6–5.4L 4-valve V8, hydraulic roller high lift series. (Crane 40 prefix) 282 .0060 164 .154 .093 .313 .575 294 .0060 159 .164 .108 .2791 .510 300 .0060 168 .184 .125 .2947 .540 0.947 0.947 0.947 Honda SOHC 1.6L 4-valve D16A6 I-4, mechanical series. Recommended lash is .008" intake and .010" exhaust. (Crane 251 prefix) 226 .0200 91 .037 .019 .236 232 .0200 98 .047 .023 .242 242 .0200 114 .065 .032 .260 228 .0200 89 .040 .020 .201 234 .0200 96 .050 .024 .206 244 .0200 112 .070 .035 .220 .384 .394 .425 .376 .386 .416 0.610 0.610 0.610 0.629 0.629 0.629 Honda SOHC VTEC 4-valve D16Y8 I-4, mechanical series. HON2 Recommended lash is .008" intake and .010" exhaust. (Crane 252 prefix) HON-186/319INT 214 .0200 44 .024 .200 HON-190/327INT 218 .0200 53 .028 .205 HON-224/423INT 258 .0200 115 .077 .259 HON-228/433INT 262 .0200 120 .085 .264 HON-232/443INT 266 .0200 125 .094 .270 HON-232/453INT 254 .0200 131 .102 .275 HON-210/386EXH 238 .0200 96 .096 .214 HON-218/406EXH 246 .0200 107 .107 .224 HON-234/445EXH 262 .0200 128 .128 .244 .319 .327 .423 .433 .433 .453 .386 .406 .445 0.630 0.630 0.630 0.630 0.630 0.630 0.646 0.646 0.646 Honda DOHC VTEC 4-valve B16A I-4, mechanical series. Recommended lash is .006" intake and .008" exhaust. (Crane 253 prefix) 216 .0200 — .024 .016 .145 205 .0200 — .018 .010 .199 222 .0200 — .031 .018 .1947 215 .0200 40 .026 .012 .211 232 .0200 30 .040 .022 .207 225 .0200 43 .038 .018 .211 225 .0200 62 .038 .018 .224 235 .0200 78 .053 .026 .236 245 .0200 83 .071 .038 .235 254 .0200 121 .096 .053 .272 260 .0200 132 .111 .065 .281 266 .0200 138 .127 .077 .289 272 .0200 145 .143 .091 .297 278 .0200 153 .160 .106 .306 284 .0200 153 .172 .121 .297 284 .0200 160 .177 .122 .315 .210 .295 .288 .315 .307 .315 .332 .355 .354 .425 .441 .457 .472 .488 .472 .504 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 HON1 HON-200/384INT HON-206/394INT HON-216/425INT HON-202/376EXH HON-208/386EXH HON-218/416EXH HON3 HON-180/210 HON-180/295 HON-190/288 HON-190/315 HON-200/307 HON-200/315 HON-200/335 HON-210/355 HON-220/354 HON-230/425 HON-236/441 HON-242/457 HON-248/472 HON-254/488 HON-260/472 HON-260/504 | 866.388.5120 59 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER IN. 104 DEG. INTAKE CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS RHON RHON-224/425 RHON-230/441 RHON-236/457 RHON-242/472 RHON-248/488 RHON-254/504 RHON-260/504 RHON-266/520 RHON-272/520 RHON-278/536 Honda DOHC 4-valve B16A I-4, mechanical series. Recommended lash is .006" intake and .008" exhaust. Use 8620 steel camshaft and Ferrea roller followers. (Crane 253 prefix) 248 .0200 114 .077 .044 .277 .425 254 .0200 122 .090 .053 .287 .441 260 .0200 130 .102 .063 .297 .457 266 .0200 137 .116 .074 .307 .472 272 .0200 144 .131 .086 .317 .488 278 .0200 151 .146 .098 .326 .504 284 .0200 156 .162 .111 .326 .504 290 .0200 163 .181 .128 .336 .520 296 .0200 168 .194 .140 .336 .520 302 .0200 174 .212 .156 .347 .536 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.581 0.571 0.561 0.561 0.551 0.551 0.541 Honda DOHC VTEC 2.0L 4-valve K20 I-4, mechanical street series. HK20S Recommended valve lash is .009" intake and .012" exhaust. (Crane 254 prefix) RHON-206/374INT 233 .0200 87 .047 .2168 .374 RHON-240/410INT 266 .0200 120 .109 .2371 .410 RHON-258/524INT 284 .0200 157 .151 .3012 .524 RHON-262/536INT 288 .0200 161 .162 .3080 .536 RHON-266/548INT 292 .0200 166 .173 .3147 .548 RHON-206/374EXH 233 .0200 87 .024 .2160 .374 RHON-232/360EXH 258 .0200 93 .056 .2083 .360 RHON-254/500EXH 276 .0200 147 .093 .2842 .400 RHON-254/512EXH 280 .0200 152 .102 .2893 .512 RHON-258/524EXH 284 .0200 157 .111 .2970 .524 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 Honda DOHC VTEC 2.0L 4-valve K20 I-4, mechanical race series. HK20R Recommended valve lash is .009" intake and .012" exhaust. (Crane 254 prefix) RHON-258/545INT 286 .0200 157 .153 .3086 .545 RHON-276/550INT 304 .0200 172 .198 .3114 .550 RHON-280/570INT 308 .0200 176 .206 .3224 .570 RHON-284/615INT 308 .0200 190 .239 .3518 .615 RHON-292/640INT 317 .0200 198 .267 .3657 .640 RHON-260/5041EXH 288 .0200 150 .105 .2831 .5041 RHON-272/5201EXH 300 .0200 163 .132 .2915 .5201 RHON-276/535EXH 304 .0200 167 .142 .2994 .535 RHON-284/615EXH 309 .0200 190 .179 .3447 .615 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 0.561 MIT MIT-200/384 MIT-204/394 MIT-208/404 Mitsubishi DOHC 2.0L 4-valve 4G63 I-4 and the EVO VIII DOHC I-4, hydraulic roller series. (Crane 435 and 440 prefix) 240 .0060 90 .032 .019 .221 244 .0060 96 .038 .023 .227 248 .0060 102 .045 .027 .233 .384 .394 .404 0.591 0.591 0.591 Continued on next page. 60 | 866.388.5120 SPECIALIZED PROFILES PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .050” / VALVE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT VALVE LIFT AT .300” VALVE LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. CAM LIFT GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH DESIGN BASE CIRCLE RADIUS 114 DEG. EXHAUST ENGINE SPECIFIC PROFILES FOR TRANSLATING FOLLOWER SOHC AND DOHC APPLICATIONS MIT MIT-216/424 MIT-224/444 MIT-232/464 MIT-240/484 Continued from previous page. .424 .444 .464 .484 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 CHR2 CHR-196/345 CHR-200/354 CHR-204/364 CHR-208/374 CHR-216/394 CHR-224/413 CHR-232/433 CHR-240/453 CHR-248/472 CHR-256/492 CHR-264/492 CHR-268/492 CHR-272/500 CHR-290/550 Mitsubishi DOHC 4-valve 420A I-4, hydraulic roller series. (Crane 431 prefix) 238 .0060 68 .033 .012 .198 .345 242 .0060 76 .038 .016 .204 .354 246 .0060 82 .044 .019 .210 .364 250 .0060 88 .050 .023 .216 .374 258 .0060 100 .064 .034 .228 .394 266 .0060 112 .078 .044 .239 .413 274 .0060 122 .096 .057 .251 .433 282 .0060 132 .114 .070 .264 .453 290 .0060 142 .134 .087 .275 .472 298 .0060 152 .154 .104 .287 .492 306 .0060 158 .175 .123 .287 .492 310 .0060 161 .185 .133 .287 .492 314 .0060 166 .196 .144 .292 .500 334 .0060 186 .244 .190 .3233 .550 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.591 0.579 0.573 0.567 0.540 PORLD POR-230/430 POR-238/444 POR-248/462 POR-256/476 POR-266/494 POR-274/508 POR-284/526 Porsche 911 and 930 SOHC opposed-6, mechanical series, using standard rocker arms, with 49 mm diameter cam journals. Recommended cold lash is .004". 270 .0120 .2890 .430 278 .0120 .2983 .444 288 .0120 .3101 .462 296 .0120 .3193 .476 306 .0120 .3312 .494 314 .0120 .3423 .508 324 .0120 .3542 .529 0.624 0.624 0.624 0.624 0.624 0.624 0.624 TOY T20-214/416 T20-224/430 T20-234/444 T20-244/458 T20-254/472 T20-264/430 Toyota 20R-22R SOHC I-4, mechanical series, using cast rocker arms and stock length valves. Recommended lash is .010" intake and .012" exhaust. (Crane 704 prefix) 262 .0100 110 .062 .029 .269 .416 272 .0100 120 .083 .043 .278 .430 282 .0100 130 .107 .061 .287 .444 292 .0100 140 .133 .083 .296 .458 302 .0100 152 .160 .107 .305 .472 304 .0100 150 .179 .130 .282 .430 0.706 0.701 0.697 0.692 0.688 0.688 256 264 272 280 .0060 .0060 .0060 .0060 112 122 132 142 .060 .077 .096 .117 .037 .048 .062 .077 .245 .256 .268 .280 | 866.388.5120 61 HARLEY DAVIDSON® V2 APPLICATIONS PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .053” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT . 200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.60 HARLEY DAVIDSON® EVOLUTION V2 HYDRAULIC ROLLER SERIES HEV490 HEV-226/3064 HEV-236/3064 HEV-242/3064 HEV-252/3064 270 280 286 296 .014 .014 .014 .014 136 144 147 153 .077 .094 .104 .118 .053 .066 .075 .090 .490 .490 .490 .490 HEV550 HEV-226/344 HEV-236/344 270 286 .014 .014 140 148 .074 .090 .053 .065 .550 .550 HEV-246/344 HEV-254/344 HEV-256/344 298 306 311 .014 .014 .014 156 163 169 .104 .118 .131 .077 .088 .098 .550 .550 .550 HEV581 HEV-236/363 HEV-240/363 HEV-248/363 HEV-252/363 286 290 298 302 .014 .014 .014 .014 149 153 160 165 .090 .097 .110 .117 .065 .070 .082 .087 .581 .581 .581 .581 HEV600 HEV-246/375 HEV-254/375 HEV-260/375 HEV-262/375 HEV-265/375 HEV-266/375 296 304 310 314 317 316 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 .014 160 167 172 173 175 177 .107 .121 .132 .132 .137 .142 .079 .091 .100 .100 .104 .110 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 HEV630 HEV-262/394 HEV-265/394 HEV-270/394 HEV-276/394 308 311 316 322 .014 .014 .014 .014 183 185 190 195 .147 .153 .163 .174 .108 .113 .123 .134 .630 .630 .630 .630 HEV650 HEV-254/406 HEV-266/406 HEV-278/406 HEV-286/406 304 316 330 338 .014 .014 .014 .014 171 186 190 197 .122 .145 .163 .178 .090 .109 .126 .140 .650 .650 .650 .650 HEV680 HEV-262/425 HEV-265/425 314 317 .014 .014 175 178 .132 .137 .100 .105 .680 .680 62 | 866.388.5120 1.70 HARLEY DAVIDSON® V2 APPLICATIONS PROFILE CODE DUR. AT .053” / LOBE LIFT ADVERTISED DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT DEG. DUR. AT TAPPET LIFT AT . 200” TAPPET LIFT TOP DEAD CENTER 104 DEG. INTAKE IN. 114 DEG. EXHAUST GROSS VALVE LIFT WITH ZERO LASH AT THEORETICAL ROCKER RATIO SHOWN 1.60 1.70 HARLEY DAVIDSON® TWIN-CAM 88 HYDRAULIC ROLLER SERIES HTC505 HTC-220/306 HTC-226/306 HTC-236/306 HTC-242/306 HTC-252/306 255 261 271 277 287 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 129 134 141 145 152 .068 .077 .092 .102 .118 .044 .051 .063 .071 .086 .505 .505 .505 .505 .505 HTC538 HTC-254/326 289 .0200 160 .114 .090 .538 HTC570 HTC-240/3456 HTC-248/3456 HTC-252/3456 HTC-262/3456 275 283 287 297 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 153 159 162 170 .099 .113 .119 .136 .070 .081 .087 .103 .570 .570 .570 .570 HTC600 HTC-254/3637 HTC-260/3637 HTC-266/3637 290 296 302 .0200 .0200 .0200 166 172 177 .121 .132 .143 .088 .097 .107 .600 .600 .600 HTC619 HTC-246/375 HTC-254/375 296 304 .0140 .0140 160 167 .107 .121 .079 .091 .619 .619 HTC660 HTC-246/4001 HTC-254/4001 HTC-258/4001 HTC-260/4001 HTC-266/400 281 289 291 295 301 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 .0200 164 171 175 177 183 .111 .126 .133 .137 .149 .079 .091 .098 .101 .100 .660 .660 .660 .660 .660 HTC670 HTC-270/406 HTC-274/406 305 309 .0200 .0200 186 190 .156 .164 .119 .126 .670 .670 | 866.388.5120 63 CAMSHAFT RECOMMENDATION FORM PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME: EMAIL ADDRESS: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX: TYPE OF CAM INTERESTED IN: HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC ROLLER MECHANICAL MECHANICAL ROLLER VEHICLE INFORMATION MAKE YEAR: MODEL: WEIGHT: COMPUTER CONTROLLED EMISSIONS CONTROLLED WITHOUT COMPUTER NON-EMISSIONS CONTROLLED VEHICLE USE STREET STREET/STRIP OFF ROAD TOWING MARINE USE HULL TYPE: LENGTH: DRIVE: JET EXHAUST SYSTEM: BRAND: DOES EXHAUST EXIT: ABOVE WATER LINE WEIGHT: PROP EXPLAIN: WET DRY BELOW WATER LINE OPTIONS RPM POWER RANGE DESIRED: ENGINE IDLE CHARACTERISTICS: 1000–4000 1500–4500 2000–5000 3000–6000 3500–6500 4000–7000 SMOOTH CHOPPY ROUGH 2500–5500 NOTE: COMPUTER CONTROLLED VEHICLES MUST USE SMOOTH IDLE CAMSHAFTS ONLY. ENGINE INFORMATION MAKE: YEAR: CUBIC INCHES: PORTED: NUMBER OF CYLINDERS: COMPRESSION RATIO: YES ROCKER ARM TYPE: CYLINDER HEAD TYPE: VALVE SIZE: INT. NO STOCK EXH. ROCKER RATIO: INT. ROLLER INTAKE MANIFOLD TYPE: CARBURETOR: TYPE OF INJECTION: SPEED DENSITY NITROUS OXIDE SYSTEM: MASS AIR SUPERCHARGER TYPE: TURBOCHARGER TYPE: EXH. SPECIAL DRIVE RATIO: P.S.I. BOOST: CRANKING COMPRESSION P.S.I.: TRANSMISSION MODEL: STANDARD AUTOMATIC CONVERTER STALL SPEED: REAR GEAR RATIO: CRUISE RPM @ 60 MPH: TIRE DIAMETER/SIZE: CAM NOW USED: PART NUMBER: HYDRAULIC LIFT: INT. HYDRAULIC ROLLER EXH. LOBE SEPARATION: 64 | 866.388.5120 MECHANICAL AUTOMATIC WITH OVERDRIVE MECHANICAL ROLLER DURATION @.050: INT. IMPROVEMENT NEEDED: LOW END TORQUE EXH. UPPER RPM POWER CONTACT US Technical Support: 866-388-5120, 8:00 am–5:00 pm EST Fax: 386-236-9983 Web: Email: [email protected], [email protected] Facebook: © Crane PP1112A Cams | 1830 Holsonback Drive, Daytona Beach, FL 32117
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