Origin of the Solar System
Origin of the Solar System
Origin of the Solar System The universe's timeline According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. Age of universe Based on measurements of the expansion using supernovae, measurements of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, and measurements of the correlation function of galaxies, the universe has a calculated age of 13.73 ± 0.12 billion years. Composition of the universe spiral galaxy UGC 12158. A pie chart indicating the proportional composition of different energy-density components of the universe. Roughly ninetyfive percent is exotic dark matter and dark energy. Origin of the Solar System Solar Nebula Hypothesis The nebular hypothesis is the most widely accepted model explaining the formation and evolution of the Solar System - cloud of interstellar gas and dust produced by the earlier generations of stars - the bulk of matter in the solar system consists of hydrogen and helium created in Big Bang - other chemical elements (abundant less then 0.1% of hydrogen were formed by nuclear reaction in the interiors of earlier generations of stars that existed between the Big Bang and the time of origin of the Solar System 4.55 billion years ago - Victor Safronov was one of the first to put forward a consistent picture of how the planets formed from a disk of gas and dust around the Sun “Evolution of the protoplanetary cloud and formation of the Earth and the planets”, 1969 M42 Orion Nebula Contains molecular clouds where star formation is occuring today The Great Nebula in Orion is one of the most interesting of all astronomical nebulae known. Here 15 pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope have been merged to show the great expanse and diverse nature of the nebula. In addition to housing a bright open cluster of stars known as the Trapezium, the Orion Nebula contains many stellar nurseries. These nurseries contain hydrogen gas, hot young stars, and stellar jets spewing material at high speeds. The Orion Nebula is located in the same spiral arm of our Galaxy as is our Sun. It takes light about 1500 years to reach us from there. M16 Eagle Nebula. The scale of the image on the left is about 1 light year. The blowup on the right shows finger-like structures that are thought to be regions in which new stars are being formed. The tips of these finger-like objects are about the size of our Solar System. Forming the Solar System according to the Nebula hypothesis Collapsing Clouds of Gas and Dust A second- or third-generation nebula forms from hydrogen and helium left over from the Big Bang, as well as from heavier elements that were produced by fusion reactions in stars or during explosion of stars. The nebula condenses into a swirling disc, with a central ball surrounded by rings. A great cloud of gas and dust (called a nebula) begins to collapse because the gravitational forces that would like to collapse it overcome the forces associated with gas pressure that would like to expand it (the initial collapse might be triggered by a variety of perturbations-a supernova blast wave, density waves in spiral galaxies, etc.). It is unlikely that such a nebula would be created with no angular momentum, so it is probably initially spinning slowly. Because of conservation of angular momentum, the cloud spins faster as it contracts. Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum L – angular momentum m – mass v – speed r – radius During a rotation, the angular momentum L must be conserved. If r decreases (cloud of gas collapses) then, for a constant mass m, the speed v must increase (rotation becomes faster) in order to keep value of L constant. The Spinning Nebula Flattens The collapsing, spinning nebula begins to flatten into a rotating pancake with a bulge at the center The ball at the center grows dense and hot enough for fusion reactions to begin. It becomes the Sun. Dust (solid particles) condenses in the rings. p.26-27b original artwork by Gary Hincks Dust particles collide and stick together, forming planetesimals. Condensation of protosun and protoplanets As the nebula collapses further, instabilities in the collapsing, rotating cloud cause local regions to begin to contract gravitationally. These local regions of condensation will become the Sun and the planets, as well as their moons and other debris in the Solar System. While they are still condensing, the incipient Sun and planets are called the protosun and protoplanets, respectively. Bombardment of an embryonic planet by planetesimals. The impacts of planetesimals on the planet’s surface deposit large enough to cause explosions, partial melting and lava eruptions. Gravity reshapes the protoEarth into a sphere. The interior of the Earth separates into a core and mantle. p.26-27c Forming the planets from planetesimals: Planetesimals grow by continuous collisions. Gradually, an irregularly shaped proto-Earth develops. The interior heats up and becomes soft. original artwork by Gary Hincks Interior structures of terrestrial planets and Moon p.26-27e original artwork by Gary Hincks Eventually, the atmosphere develops from volcanic gases. When the Earth becomes cool enough, moisture condenses and rains to create the oceans. p.26-27 Life Cycle of the Sun Events in the formation of Solar System 1.A cloud of interstellar gas and/or dust (the "solar nebula") is disturbed and collapses under its own gravity. The disturbance could be, for example, the shock wave from a nearby supernova. 2.As the cloud collapses, it heats up and compresses in the center. It heats enough for the dust to vaporize. The initial collapse is supposed to take less than 100,000 years. 3.The center compresses enough to become a protostar and the rest of the gas orbits/flows around it. Most of that gas flows inward and adds to the mass of the forming star, but the gas is rotating. The centrifugal force from that prevents some of the gas from reaching the forming star. Instead, it forms an "accretion disk" around the star. The disk radiates away its energy and cools off. 4.First brake point. Depending on the details, the gas orbiting star/protostar may be unstable and start to compress under its own gravity. That produces a double star. If it doesn't ... 5.The gas cools off enough for the metal, rock and (far enough from the forming star) ice to condense out into tiny particles. The metals condense almost as soon as the accretion disk forms (4.55-4.56 billion years ago according to isotope measurements of certain meteorites); the rock condenses a bit later (between 4.4 and 4.55 billion years ago). 6.The dust particles collide with each other and form larger particles. This goes on until the particles get to the size of boulders or small asteroids. 7. Run away growth. Once the larger of these particles get big enough to have a nontrivial gravity, their growth accelerates. Their gravity (even if it's very small) gives them an edge over smaller particles; it pulls in more, smaller particles, and very quickly, the large objects have accumulated all of the solid matter close to their own orbit. How big they get depends on their distance from the star and the density and composition of the protoplanetary nebula. In the solar system, the theories say that this is large asteroid to lunar size in the inner solar system, and one to fifteen times the Earth's size in the outer solar system. There would have been a big jump in size somewhere between the current orbits of Mars and Jupiter: the energy from the Sun would have kept ice a vapor at closer distances, so the solid, accretable matter would become much more common beyond a critical distance from the Sun. The accretion of these "planetesimals" is believed to take a few hundred thousand to about twenty million years, with the outermost taking the longest to form. 8.How big were those protoplanets and how quickly did they form? At about this time, about 1 million years after the nebula cooled, the star would generate a very strong solar wind, which would sweep away all of the gas left in the protoplanetary nebula. If a protoplanet was large enough, soon enough, its gravity would pull in the nebular gas, and it would become a gas giant. If not, it would remain a rocky or icy body. 9.At this point, the solar system is composed only of solid, protoplanetary bodies and gas giants. The "planetesimals" would slowly collide with each other and become more massive. 10.Eventually, after ten to a hundred million years, you end up with ten or so planets, in stable orbits, and that's a solar system. These planets and their surfaces may be heavily modified by the last, big collisions they experience (e.g. the largely metal composition of Mercury or the Moon). Zones in the Solar system 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) The terrestrial planets and moons– Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Asteroid belt The giant planets and moons– Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto Comets and Kuiper Belt objects Evidence for the Nebular Hypothesis Because of the original angular momentum and subsequent evolution of the collapsing nebula, this hypothesis provides a natural explanation for some basic facts about the Solar System: 1) the orbits of the planets lie nearly in a plane (ecliptic plane) with the sun at the center 2) the planets all revolve in the same direction 3) the planets mostly rotate in the same direction with rotation axes nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane. Side view of the inner Solar System In this figure the white portion of the orbit is above the ecliptic plane and the yellow portion is below. Notice that the orbits of the inner planets are nearly, but not quite, in the same plane. The orbit of Mercury, in addition to being the most eccentric, has the largest tilt (7 degrees) with respect to the ecliptic plane. Notice that Pluto's orbit is highly tilted (17 degrees) relative to the plane of the ecliptic. Side view of the entire Solar System The plane of the ecliptic is well seen in this picture from the lunar prospecting Clementine spacecraft. Clementine's camera reveals (from right to left) the Moon lit by Earthshine, the Sun's glare rising over the Moon's dark limb, and the planets Saturn, Mars and Mercury (the three dots at lower left). The inner Solar System to scale The entire Solar System Is Solar System still evolving? Evolution of orbits of planets and other bodies in the Solar System From chaotic and unstable to ordered and stable Numerous collisions were occuring during the early stages of formation of the Solar System Origin of Moon Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth’s formation. Object perhaps the size of Mars collided with Earth and threw enough matter in the orbit to create the Moon. Off-center collision with a Mars-mass impactor Simulation of 23 hours Canup and Asphaug (Nature, 2001) Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was a comet that broke apart and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of solar system objects Although much more slowly the Solar System is still evolving today. Trajectories of planetary bodies are perturbed, bringing the bodies on a collision course from time to time… Art by ED LOPEZ Triton's low orbit around its parent planet Neptune will result in its destruction some 3.6 billion years in the future Earth’s movements As the Earth spins around its axis and orbits around the Sun, several quasi-periodic variations occur, resulting from gravitational interactions between the Earth, Sun and other planets. Although the curves have a large number of sinusoidal components, a few components are dominant. Milankovitch studied changes in the of Earth's movements (movie “Sun”). Timescales of the changes: tens to hundreds of thousands of years Varying orbital eccentricity Axial tilt Axial precession Solar composition and age Primordial composition of the Solar System can be deduced by analyzing 1) Materials released from comets when they approach Sun and are warmed by its heat 2) Primitive meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites. The oldest known chondrites were formed about 4.6 billions years ago as determined by the method of radiometric dating. The relative abundances of elements in these objects are, except for extremely volatile elements such as H2, He, Li, strikingly similar to abundances in the solar atmosphere (next slide). Estimated solar system abundances of the elements, atoms per 106 Si atoms.( Element Abundance 10 1 H 2.66 × 10 2 He 1..9 × 109 3 Li 4 23 V 254 1.27 × 104 24 Cr 60 25 Mn Be 1.2 26 Fe 5 B 45 27 Co 6 C 1.11 × 107 28 Ni 7 N 2.31 × 106 29 Cu 540 8 O 1.84 × 10 7 30 Zn 1260 9 F 780 31 Ga 38 32 Ge 117 33 As 6.2 Se 67 35 Br 9.2 36 Kr 41.3 37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 4.8 40 Zr 12 Nb 0.9 Mo 4.0 10 11 Ne 2.4 × 10 6 Na 6.0 × 10 4 12 Mg 1.06 × 10 13 Al 14 8.5 × 10 4 Si 1.00 × 10 16 S 17 Cl 5.0 × 10 6 6 5 4740 18 Ar 1.06 × 10 19 K 5 3500 20 Ca 6.25 × 10 21 Sc 31 22 Ti 2400 (a) 4 Cameron, 1981. 34 41 42 9300 9.0 × 10 5 2200 4.78 × 10 6.1 22.9 4 Iron has the most stable nuclide, i.e. the highest binding energy per nucleon Deep Impact mission, a first look inside a comet In 2005, NASA’s Deep Impact mission created a crater in Comet Tempel 1 and enabled to study the freshly exposed material for clues to the early formation of the solar system Comet Tempel-1 may have been born in the region of the solar system occupied by Uranus and Neptune today, according to one possibility from an analysis of the comet's debris blasted into space by NASA's Deep Impact mission. If correct, the observation supports a wild scenario for the solar system's youth, where the planets Uranus and Neptune may have traded places and scattered comets to deep space. Comet Tempel 1, 67 seconds after it obliterated Deep Impact's impactor spacecraft The sequence of eight images above depicts the development of the ejecta plume when Deep Impact's impactor collided with comet Tempel 1 at 10:52 p.m. Pacific time, July 3, 2005. The red arrow (appearing in both image 3 and 7) highlight shadows due to opacity of the ejecta. The yellow arrow on image 8 indicates the zone of avoidance in the up range direction. The 8 images, taken by the spacecraft's high resolution camera, were spaced 0.84 seconds apart. Condensation of material in the accretion disk and resultant chemistry of the planets Position of frost line in Solar Nebula Position of frost line in Solar Nebula The position of the planets in the solar nebula greatly affected their 1. size and 2. composition. This is because of the effect of how cold it was in the nebula (condensation sequence playing its role). The nebula was a lot warmer close to the proto-sun. The blue line shown in the picture shows the point at which the temperature became cold enough for gases to become ice. At this point and further out, beginning with the forming Jupiter, the materials forming proto-planets began to extract from the cloud ice, as well as rocky material and gas molecules. Retention of ice resulted in these proto-planets becoming giant, massive planets. The densities of planets The masses of the planets Mean densities of planets (water=1) Mercury Venus Earth Mars 5.43 g/cm3 5.25 5.52 3.93 Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto 1.33 0.71 1.24 1.67 2.03 The size scale of Sun and planets Fig. 1.16 W. W. Norton Water-rich Earth How water became so abundant on the Earth? As a consequence of chaotic orbits in the early stages of evolution of Solar System much water was delivered to Earth in numerous collisions of H2O-rich asteroids with the young Earth. H2O belongs to the least volatile compound among volatile species such as are ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2), helium (He). One day, 65 million years ago, a large asteroid, about 10 km across, approached the Earth. Striking just north of the Yucatan peninsula, it formed a 180-km-wide crater known as Chicxulub. One likely consequence of this catastrophic event was the eradication of much of the flora and fauna then existing on Earth - probably including the dinosaurs. Literature and study material The presented lecture can be downloaded from the Studentportalen (pdf-format file). Weblinks http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/ http://www.nasa.gov http://en.wikipedia.org Additional study material The New Solar System Eds: J.K. Beatty, C.C. Petersen, A.Chaikin 4th edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999 The Story of the Solar System by Mark A. Garlick Cambridge University Press 2002 Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System J.S. Lewis, Academic Press, 1997 Planeter, Stjärnor, Galaxer Claes-Ingvar Lagerkvist och Kerstin Loden Liber AB, 1994 Från Big Bang till livet på jorden Clas Blomberg, Ingemar Hedström, K.G. Karlsson Raben Prisma, 1997 Encyclopedia of Planetary Sciences Edited by J.H. Shirley and R.H. Fairbridge Chapman & Hall, 1997 Examples of exam questions from previous years: What is the origin of large differences in chemical composition between the terrestrial and Jovian planets? Describe briefly origin of the Solar System according to Nebula hypothesis. Is the Solar System still evolving? Which are the main parameters controlling the condensation sequence of elements and minerals in the protoplanetary disc during the early stages of formation of the Solar System? Contact information: Peter Lazor [email protected] tel. 018 - 471 2556