Lampiony ozdobne Decorative lamps


Lampiony ozdobne Decorative lamps
Lampiony ozdobne
/ Decorative lamps
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Dost´pnoÊç wzorów z oferty prosimy ustalaç z działem sprzeda˝y /
Availability of models from offer please assign with sales department
Firma VITROSILICON powstała w roku 1988 na bazie
˚agaƒskich Hut Szkła. W chwili obecnej jesteÊmy Spółkà
Akcyjnà, nale˝àcà do Grupy Kapitałowej Ciech.
Posiadamy wdro˝ony Zintegrowany System Zarzàdzania
zgodny z normami ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 i PN-N 18001
oraz wiele nagród i wyró˝nieƒ.
DziałalnoÊç firmy to produkcja szerokiej gamy wyrobów
pochodzàcych z wytopu szkła, głównie opakowaƒ do zniczy
i lampionów.
Oprócz prezentowanych w niniejszym katalogu lampionów
ozdobnych produkujemy:
– szkliste krzemiany sodu i potasu,
– pustaki szklane CLAROGLASS,
– słoje, w tym słoje typu Komfort z zamkni´ciem zatrzaskowo-klamerkowym,
– szkło wodne sodowe i potasowe.
We wszystkim co robimy odnosimy sukcesy, poniewa˝ zawsze na pierwszym miejscu stawiamy wymagania naszych klientów.
Prezentujemy Paƒstwu nasz katalog, w którym przedstawiamy produkowane przez nas lampiony ozdobne do Êwiec i zniczy.
Projektujàc nasze lampiony, pami´tamy, aby dostarczyç
Paƒstwu wyrób wysoce estetyczny i zgodny z polskà tradycjà.
Ogólne warunki zakupu:
przy zakupie powy˝ej 20 palet zapewniamy bezpłatny transport,
przy odbiorze własnym Êrodkiem transportu, od 10 palet
zwracamy koszty transportu – według aktualnych stawek
przy zapłacie gotówkà, przy zakupie co najmniej 10 palet
stosujemy upust – według aktualnej stawki VITROSILICON,
malowane lampiony ozdobne sà dro˝sze o 30% w stosunku do zawartych w cenniku cen lampionów białych i oran˝owych.
VITROSILICON was set up in 1988 on the basis of Glassworks in ˚agaƒ. Now we are a joint stock company, member
of the Ciech Capital group.
We have implemented Integrated Management System
compliant with ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 and PN-N 18001
as well as numerous awards and prizes.
The activity of our Company consist in manufacturing of a
broad range of glass melting products, mainly packages for
lights and lamps.
Except products presented in this decorative lamps catalogue, we produced:
– glassy natrium and potassium silicates
– CLAROGLASS glass blocks
– jars, including jars Komfort type with lock-clip close
– natrium and potassium water glass.
In everything what we do, we are successful because we put
needs of our costumers in the first place.
We present to you our catalogue in which we show decorative lamps for candles and lights produce in our Company.
Designing ours lamps we remember to supply to you high
aesthetic product which is agreeable with polish tradition.
General rules of buying:
– we assure free transport if you buy more than 20 palette
– we give back cost of the transport (according to actual
VITROSILICON rate) if you buy more than 10 palette and
you receive them using your own transport
– we offer discount (according to actual VITROSILICON rate)
if you pay by cash and buy more than 10 palette
– painted decorative lamps are about 30% more expensive
than white and orange lamps prices from catalogue.
Z-32 MIX
149 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
865 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
125 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
670 pojemnoÊç / capacity
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.120 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
112,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
315 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.520 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
90 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
175 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
4.662 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
105 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
475 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
EN ISO 9001
EN ISO 14001
1.560 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
PN-N 18001:2004
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.030 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
191 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
192,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.280 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
552 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
112 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
370 pojemnoÊç / capacity
552 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.310 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
103 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
545 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
83 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
215 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.408 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
158 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
850 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.135 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
70 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
140 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
4.730 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
200 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.450 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
384 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
162 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
660 pojemnoÊç / capacity
900 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.017 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
194,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.180 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
384 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
155,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
690 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-41 WRT
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
162 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
660 pojemnoÊç / capacity
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.017 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
114,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
600 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
155 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
810 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.176 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
80 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
670 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
230 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
153 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
945 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
3.200 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
946 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
114,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
590 pojemnoÊç / capacity
197 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.290 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.176 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
603 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
91 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
230 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
656 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
83 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
215 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
154 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
3.135 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
720 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
80 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.144 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
250 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
92,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
3.200 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
270 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.080 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
154,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
945 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
103 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
792 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
530 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.408 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
137 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
199,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.115 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
4.050 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
780 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
123 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
105 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
163 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
408 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
890 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.794 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
197 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.155 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
384 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
110 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
196 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
4.200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
410 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø110 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.456 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
140 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
334 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
2.400 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
200 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
108 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
290 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.156 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
104 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
340 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.235 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
107 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
395 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
245 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.875 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.285 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-118 ZWRT
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
693 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.125 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
780 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
115 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
280 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
142 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø58 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
430 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
2.156 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
136 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
430 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.296 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
137 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
740 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
1.440 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.040 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.050 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
197 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
905 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
584 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
109 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
240 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
616 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
144 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
730 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
2.700 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
960 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
194 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.240 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
190,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.390 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
603 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
213 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
567 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.440 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
170 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.480 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
504 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
216 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.060 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
103 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
290 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
584 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.464 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
191 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
885 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
209 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.215 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
270 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.970 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
2.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
384 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
288 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
191 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.220 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
567 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
149 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
690 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.485 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
149 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
785 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
194 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø68 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.130 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
1.188 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
792 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
152 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
710 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.045 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
199 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.100 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
158 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.800 pojemnoÊç / capacity
1.053 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
183 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.435 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
378 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
264 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
191 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
950 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
756 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
234 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
4.450 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø110 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
200 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.625 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
140 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
480 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
195 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.345 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
192 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.085 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
567 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
149,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
800 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
193 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.150 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.008 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
648 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
693 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
191 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.065 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
151 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
183 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
2.670 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
735 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
972 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.089 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.110 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
297 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
756 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
550 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
254 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.430 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.700 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
192 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.420 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
567 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
335 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
2.120 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
360 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
385 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
111,6 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
330 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
193 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
980 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.310 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
900 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.386 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
972 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
665 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
197 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
254 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.150 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
1.144 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.100 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
360 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
360 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
940 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.053 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
83 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.350 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
250 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.670 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
864 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
324 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.010 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
737 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
196,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.150 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
603 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
149,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
680 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
890 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.008 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
161 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.150 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
400 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.140 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
149 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.050 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
891 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.056 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
90 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
265 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.415 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
110 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
600 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
648 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
756 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.176 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
915 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
800 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.056 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
250 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
222 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.243 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.450 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
5.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
288 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
196 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
98,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
860 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
340 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
847 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.400 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.400 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
198 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.044 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
729 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
729 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
90 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
240 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
193,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.130 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
250 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.030 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.672 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
324 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
792 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
90 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
250 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
720 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
3.060 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.056 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.030 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
504 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
955 pojemnoÊç/ capacity [cm3]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.080 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
864 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
729 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
990 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
792 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
90 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
235 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
2.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.100 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
315 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
891 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.160 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.100 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
774 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
693 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
Oferta standardowa / Standard offer
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.100 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø69 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
774 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
222 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
5.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø110 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø110 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
196 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-262 MIX
84,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative lamps
Pojemniki do swiec
/ Candel
standardowa / Standard offer
parametry znajdujà si´
w działach
z ofertà standardowà
i niestandardowà.
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
720 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
985 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.188 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
194 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.350 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
684 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
194 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.255 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.400 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative
Oferta na specjalne zamOwienie / Special offer
A - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 300 000 szt.
B - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 500 000 szt.
Z-63 A
29 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
30 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-21 A
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
13.980 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
81 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
300 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-6® A
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
119 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
645 pojemnoÊç / capacity
2.470 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
118 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
340 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.820 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.120 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-67 A
195 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
785 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-23 B
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
47 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
70 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-8® A
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
6.475 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
136 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-43R A
1.080 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
60 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
340 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.150 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø95 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
2.100 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
576 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-68® A
203,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.480 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-26 A
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
69 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
480 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
190 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-10 A
155,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.960 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
565 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-52 A
111 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
215 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.094 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.176 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
238 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Z-29 A
1.750 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
75 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
250 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
420 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-15 A
75 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.700 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
225 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-61 B
78 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
200 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.831 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.805 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative
Oferta na specjalne zamOwienie / Special offer
A - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 300 000 szt.
B - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 500 000 szt.
Z-92® A
Z-113F A
136 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
200 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
600 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-71 A
Ø66 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
198 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.521 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
555 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
1.550 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-103 A
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
154 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
320 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
700 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.720 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
950 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-114F A
205 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Z-97® A
1.500 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
186 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.020 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-82® A
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
164 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
850 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Z-105 A
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
99 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
384 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø72 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
210 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
608 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.145 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.144 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-115 A
149 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Z-98 A
630 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
108 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
340 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-85 A
1.875 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
128,5 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
Z-109® A
228 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.500 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
620 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
441 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.056 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-124® A
234 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.450 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-102 A
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
193 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
350 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.000 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Z-86 A
114 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
310 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
576 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-110® B
150 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
550 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø66 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.310 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1.320 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative
Oferta na specjalne zamOwienie / Special offer
A - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 300 000 szt.
B - minimalna wielkoÊç zamówienia / minimum order quantity 500 000 szt.
Z-161F® A
Z-146 A
100 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
280 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
60 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
90 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-127 B
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
80 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
9.575 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
250 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-154 A
3.315 IloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
139 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
490 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø68 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
2.080 IloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-163F® A
137 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
330 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø57 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
118 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
2.288 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
250 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-128 A
Ø58 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.610 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
201 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.320 pojemnoÊç / capacity
Z-156® A
233 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
1.345 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø78 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
540 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
336 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-170® A
106,6 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
475 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-151 A
1.560 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
82 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
375 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-141® A
2.080 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-157® A
145 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
104 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
710 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
290 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
1.008 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.464 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-173® A
155 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
780 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Z-153 A
880 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
107 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
280 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
– Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Z-144 A
95 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
3.094 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Z-160® A
154 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
260 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
700 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø59 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
– Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
Ø68 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
2.618 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
968 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Lampiony ozdobne / Decorative
Oferta na specjalne zamOwienie / Special offer
Firmy, w których mo˝na kupiç nasze lampiony ozdobne:
1. PPHU „ANNA” S.C. Anna Królczyk, Sławomir Królczyk
Trzebieszowice 15 a, 57-541 Trzebieszowice
tel./fax 074 814 67 87, kom. 601 963 952
Z-190® A
194 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
900 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.017 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
1. PPHU „WEGA” Sławomir Kuchta
Turznice 16, 86-302 Grudziądz 4
tel. 056 468 21 75, 468 21 66
2. ZPH „KOZAK” Wielka Nieszawka
ul. Zielona 1, 87-165 Cierpice
tel./fax 056 678 18 95, kom. 607 919 246
3. PPHU „RAL” Anna Różańska
ul. Piaskowa 11, 89-100 Nakło n/Notecią
tel. 052 385 32 19
4. F.P-H „RED“ Wojciech Lewandowski
Mała Nieszawka, ul. Toruńska 5, 87-103 Toruń
tel. 056 678 71 99
Województwo LUBELSKIE:
ul. Partyzantów 32, 27-635 Annopol
tel. 015 861 36 06
Z-194® B
190 wysokoÊç / height [mm]
980 pojemnoÊç / capacity [cm3]
Ø72 Êrednica wiatrochronu / diameter of the wind-screen [mm]
Ø76 Êrednica podstawki / diameter of the support [mm]
1.017 iloÊç sztuk w palecie / number of units on a palette
Województwo ŁÓDZKIE:
ul. Zielona 6, 95-200 Pabianice
tel. 042 213 01 13
2. PPHU „ZNIFOL” Zdzisław Chrząszcz
ul. Zenitowa 21, 93-480 Łódź
tel./fax 042 250 66 62, kom. 602 29 32 84
3. PPHU „FRANZ” Marcin Ściubeł
ul. Jana Pawła II 17a, 26-332 Sławno k. Opoczna
tel./fax 044 757 18 01, kom. 607 07 25 75
4. PPHU „ADMAR” Komorów
ul. Tomaszewska 112, 97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki
tel. 044 723 49 64
Województwo MAŁOPOLSKIE:
1. PPH Mieczysław Kowalczyk
ul. Tuchowska 27, 33-101 Tarnów
tel./fax 014 626 85 69
32-084 Morawica 1 k. Krakowa
tel. 012 285 65 39, kom. 601 487 571
3. Wyrób Zniczy i Świec „PLATA” Spółka Jawna
Śledziejowice 220, 32-020 Wieliczka
tel. 012 288 14 20, 288 17 27
1. „BISPOL” J.W. Sobuś Spółka z o.o.
Głuchów 573, 37-100 Łańcut
tel. 017 225 30 13, fax 013 225 07 44
2. PPHU „JAXAL” Krzysztof Sorys
Zimna Woda k.Jasła,38-203 Szebnie
tel./fax 013 446 86 57
Województwo MAZOWIECKIE:
ul. Kolejowa 1, 05-805 Kanie
tel./fax 022 758 57 67
2. Handel Hurtowy i Detaliczny Jan Wziątek
ul. Krucza 9/12, 26-670 Pionki
tel. 048 612 17 91, kom. 608 08 86 64
ul. Zgielnickiego 46, 09-411 Płock
tel. /fax 024 365-55-54
Małgorzata i Tadeusz Ziółkowscy
Łazy 7, 09-304 Lubowidz
tel./fax 023 658 25 05
kom. 604 507 564, 608 341 929
5. FPH Paweł Wróbel
ul. Gen.Sikorskiego 4, 84-230 Rumia
tel./fax 058 679 30 58, kom. 601 056 267
Tadeusz Kowalski, Henryk Litwicki
Koszelew 1c, 09-530 Gąbin
tel./fax 024 277 24 86, kom. 601 27 90 14
7. EuroTrade Candles Sp. z o.o.
ul. Kaleńska 5, 04-367 Warszawa
tel./fax: 022 810 14 25
e-mail: [email protected]
Województwo ŚLĄSKIE:
1. „ADMIT” Sp. J.
ul. Stary Dwór 16, 43-436 Górki Wielkie
tel. 033 851 90 00 (02, 03), fax 033 851 90 01
2. PPHU „STAMAR”, Nowa Wieś
ul. Częstochowska 62, 42-262 Poczesna
tel./fax 034 327 50 80
3. Lotos Parafiny Sp. z o.o.
Producent Świec i Zniczy
ul. Łukasiewicza 2,
43-502 Czechowice-Dziedzice
tel. 032 214 46 12, fax 032 214 46 13
4. „ALPATRO” Znicze Produkcja - Hurt s.c.
Teresa, Ireneusz Samaruk, Aleksandra
ul. Wiejska 18 h, 47-400 Racibórz
(dzielnica Ocice Górne)
tel./fax 032 415 32 62, 507 020 830
1. „MAT-OIL” Sp.z o.o.
ul. Romana Maya 1, 61-371 Poznań
tel. 061 874 19 95 (98), fax 061 874 19 94
Małgorzata Nowicka, Janusz Nowicki
Skiereszewo 19 a, 62-200 Gniezno
tel. 061 425 95 08, fax 061 425 87 04
3. PPH „LUBEMA” Michał i Karol Juśkowiak
Trzebania 11, 64-113 Osieczna
tel./fax 065 535 01 24, tel. 065 529 25 87
4. ROLCHEM Antoni Nowicki
Piła 24, 63-313 Chocz
tel. 062 741 55 87
Województwo PODLASKIE:
1. PPHU „PŁOMYK” Marek Kaczyński
ul. Sportowa 11, 19-230 Szczuczyn
tel. 86 272 57 61, kom. 602 49 68 05
2. PHPU „JAREX” Jarosław Gawecki
ul. Elewatorska 9, 19-203 Grajewo
tel. 086 272 66 60, fax 086 273 90 88
1. „AGRO-MAZURY” Henryk Kołodziejczyk
ul. Żelazna 2, 10 - 409 Olsztyn
tel./fax 089 534 46 54
Notatki / Notes
Notatki / Notes
ul. ˚agaƒska 27, 68-120 Iłowa
tel. (+48 68) 36 00 747
fax (+48 68) 36 00 700
[email protected]
Dział Sprzeda˝y
tel.(+48 68) 360 07 74, 360 07 48
360 07 46, 360 07 44
tel./fax (+48 68) 360 07 82
Dział Marketingu
tel.(+48 68) 360 07 11, 360 07 45
tel./fax (+48 68) 360 07 94
styczeƒ 2011

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