Report of the IEB`s activities


Report of the IEB`s activities
Report of the IEB’s activities
Report of the IEB’s activities
Report of activities
Report of activities
List of contents
1. Presentation ...................................................................................................................................6
2. People .............................................................................................................................................8
2.1. Management Committee ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Board of trustees and executive committee of the IEB Foundation ............................................................................ 9
2.3. Research ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4. The XREAP................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5. Members........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
3. Publications...................................................................................................................................12
3.1. By IEB members........................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2. IEB Working Papers................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.3. Reports on Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance ................................................................................................................. 30
3.4. Information services .............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
4. Events............................................................................................................................................34
4.1. Seminars ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.2. Workshops, symposiums and other events .............................................................................................................................. 38
5. Research projects and economic studies...................................................................................46
5.1. Competitive research projects involving IEB members ..................................................................................................... 47
5.2. Economics studies.................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
5.3. Research call for applications ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
6. Congresses, seminars and conferences .....................................................................................52
6.1. Congresses................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
6.2. Seminars and conferences................................................................................................................................................................... 61
7.1. By IEB members ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
7.2. By professors to the IEB....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
8. PhD theses....................................................................................................................................66
Report of activities
1. Presentation
Report of activities
The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) is a research centre whose goals are to promote and disseminate work in
applied economics, and to contribute to the debate and decision-making process in economic policy.
As this Report of Activities highlights, 2015 was a highly productive year for the IEB. Our researchers have published
40 articles in journals included in the Journal Citation Reports, while a further 24 papers have been accepted and will
appear in forthcoming issues. An additional 31 articles have been published in other academic journals, 16 appearing
this year, the rest to appear in the near future.
These output figures are extremely important for us as a research institute, as are the quantity and quality of the
seminars and workshops we have organised, the number of visiting researchers we have welcomed, and the number
of working papers we have published as part of the IEB series. Our research excellence and international vocation
make our research centre a point of reference in its fields.
We are particularly interested in disseminating our research, contributing to a broader public debate and influencing
decision-making in the area of economic policy and for these reasons the Institute has been highly active in forging
partnerships with the university, the public sector and business.
As part of this task, the Institute publishes the IEB Reports (comprising the Report on Fiscal Federalism and Public
Finances), Info IEB and a widely circulated newsletter. The IEB also organizes a range of events (symposia, conferences,
workshops, etc.) to disseminate research, but also to ensure we reach a broad audience and make a rigorous
contribution to debates on social questions.
The IEB was founded in 2001 and received a major boost with the creation of the IEB Foundation in 2008. I should
like to thank Abertis, Applus, Gas Natural Fenosa, La Caixa, the Barcelona City Hall, the Barcelona Provincial Council
and the University of Barcelona for their invaluable support.
The Institute also hosts the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism (in cooperation with the Spanish Institute for Fiscal Studies).
Additionally, thanks to an agreement between the University of Barcelona and FUNSEAM (a nonprofit institution
founded by a number of leading enterprises: ACS, CEPSA, CLH, Enagas, Endesa, HC Energia, Gas Natural Fenosa, and
Repsol), the IEB hosts the UB’s Chair in Energy Sustainability.
Finally, I would like to thank all IEB researchers, PhD students and administrative staff for their daily contribution to
our Institute. You will be able to see the fruits of their labours in this annual report.
Further information:
Memòria d’activitats
2. People
Memòria d’activitats
2.1. Management committee
The management committee has the following members:
• Núria Bosch
• José M. Durán (Secretary-Manager)
• Alejandro Esteller
• Anna Matas
• Daniel Montolio
• Martí Parellada (Director)
• Esteve Sanromà
• Pilar Sorribas
• Elisabet Viladecans
2.2. Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the IEB Foundation
Board of Trustees
Mr Salvador Alemany
President of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A.
Mr Martí Parellada
Institut d’Economia de Barcelona & Universitat
de Barcelona
Mr Fernando Basabe
C.E.O. Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L.
Mr Agustí Colom
Regidor of Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona
City Hall)
Ms Mercè Conesa
President of Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona
Provincial Council)
Mr Salvador Gabarró
President of Gas Natural Fenosa
Mr Jaume Giró
General Director of Fundació Bancaria La Caixa
Mr Josep A. Plana
Vice-Rector for the UB Group, ICTs and
Common Services, University of Barcelona
Executive Committee of the IEB
Mr Jordi Brufau
General Director of Applus Laboratories
Mr Agustí Colom
Regidor of Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona
City Hall)
Mr Joan Carles García
Deputy, Diputació de Barcelona (Barcelona
Provincial Council)
Mr Jordi Gual
Chief Economist of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions
de Barcelona
Ms Elisenda Paluzie
Dean of the Faculty of Economics & Business,
University of Barcelona
Mr Martí Parellada
Institut d’Economia de Barcelona and
Universitat de Barcelona
Mr Enric Pérez
Head of Studies and International Affairs of
Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A.
Ms Rosa Sanz
General Director of Resources of Gas Natural Fenosa
Memòria d’activitats
2.3. Research
The IEB’s research is mainly organised in Research Programmes, in particular:
• The Research Programme in Fiscal Federalism promotes the study of the public finances in multilevel
systems of government (national, regional, and local) and debate on local and regional funding. Its research covers
topics such as the effects of the decentralization of public services, the allocation of certain taxes at subcentral level,
and the effects of intergovernmental transfers. This programme is coordinated by UB professors Núria Bosch and
Albert Solé-Ollé and includes the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism, which is currently held by Dr Bosch.
• The Research Programme in Cities and Innovation promotes the study of urban and regional economics,
focusing on competitiveness and prioritizing the issues that may be relevant to the design of public policies. The
programme analyses “knowledge spillovers”, covering areas such as human capital, innovation, the role of universities
in disseminating knowledge, and the location of the most advanced and innovative economic activities, and examines
the effects of public sector intervention on economies.This programme is coordinated by UB professors José GarcíaQuevedo and Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal.
• The Research Programme in Infrastructure and Transport promotes research in this area from an
economic viewpoint, in order to generate knowledge that is useful to society and is able to guide public policy. It
focuses on the effects of infrastructure investments and transport policies on economic growth and the environment,
examines the impact of policies of regional distribution, regulation and competition in the transport sector as well as
user charges for infrastructure. This programme is coordinated by UAB professor Anna Matas.
• The Research Programme in Tax Systems Analysis seeks to promote research in the field of taxation,
analyzing the effects of taxes, how taxes might be best designed and implemented and how their correct administration
impacts their outcomes.The programme places special emphasis on empirical research and the analysis of the Spanish
tax system, so as to generate knowledge useful for society as a whole. The programme, created in late 2013, is
coordinated by UB professor Alejandro Esteller-Moré.
In addition, the Chair of Energy Sustainability at the UB promotes research into the production, supply, and
use of the energy needed to maintain social welfare and development, placing special emphasis on economic,
environmental, and social aspects. The research programme of the Chair has three main areas of interest: energy
sustainability, competition and consumers, and energy firms. Disseminating research outputs to a broad audience is an
important objective of the programme, whose results must be relevant both at national and international level. The
Chair is held by UB professor Maria Teresa Costa Campi.
Finally, there is also a research group in Human Capital that promotes research related to the education and
training of individuals and fosters the analysis of education systems and policies from an economic perspective. The
group is led by UB professors Jorge Calero and J. Oriol Escardíbul.
2.4. The XREAP
The IEB belongs to the Reference Network for Research in Applied Economics (Catalan acronym XREAP), a research
network of the most important research groups in applied economics at Catalan universities. The XREAP was set up
in 2006 as part of a contract program with the Department Economy and Knowledge of the Catalan government.
Memòria d’activitats
2.5. Members
Associate Researchers:
• Arqué Castells, Pere
• Bosch Roca, Núria
• Calero Martínez, Jorge
• Castells Oliveres, Antoni
• Costa Campí, Maria Teresa
• Costa Cuberta, Mercè
• Cubel Sánchez, María
• Choi de Mendizábal, Álvaro
• Daniele, Gianmarco (From September 2015)
• Duch Brown, Néstor
• Durán Cabré, José María
• Escardíbul Ferra, J.Oriol
• Espasa Queralt, Marta
• Esteller Moré, Alejandro
• Foremny, Dirk
• García Brosa, Gemma
• García Quevedo, José
• Garrido Torres, Antoni
• Gispert Brosa, Cristina de
• Hémet, Camille (Leave from September 2015)
• Jofre Monseny, Jordi
• Matas Prat, Anna
• Mediavilla Bordalejo, Mauro
• Montolio Estivill, Daniel
• Parellada Sabata, Martí
• Pelegrín Solé, Àngels
• Piolatto, Amedeo
• Raymond Bara, Josep Lluís
• Sanromà Meléndez, Esteve
• Solé Ollé, Albert
• Sorribas Navarro, Pilar
• Vázquez Grenno, Javier
• Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet
• Vilalta Ferrer, Maite
• Arauzo Carod, Josep M.
• Asensio, Javier
• Backus, Peter G.
• Boffa, Federico
• Curto, Marta (From June 2015)
• Dahlberg, Matz
• Galmarini, Umberto
• Garcia López Miquel-Àngel
• González-Val, Rafael
• Hémet, Camille (From September 2015)
• Huisman, Ronald
• Lago Peñas, Santiago
• Mantovani, Andrea
• Mas-Verdú, Francisco
• Mora, Toni
• Mörk, Eva
• Pellegrino, Gabriele (From June 2015)
• Rizzo, Leonzio
• Salvadori, Luca (From June 2015)
• Simón Pérez, Hipólito
• Trillas i Jané, Francesc
• Trujillo Baute, Elisa (From June 2015)
External collaborators:
Administrative services:
• Ceniceros, Angel Mª
• Mora Puigví, Antoni
• Cobos Gil, Susana
• Gómez Hidalgo, M. Àngels (Coordinator)
Research support technicians:
Communication services:
• Massa Camps, Xavier
• Orrit Prat, Jordi
• Solvas, Víctor (From March 2015)
PhD students:
• Alvarez, Catarina
• Cavalcanti, Francisco
• González Pampillón, Nicolás
• Mas Montserrat, Mariona (From September 2015)
• Pasidis, Ilias
• Planells Struse, Simón (Defended date: 05/05/2015)
• Puigmulé Solà, Marc (From September 2015)
• Salvadori, Luca (Defended date: 27/04/2015)
• Sánchez Vidal, María
Memòria d’activitats
3. Publications
Memòria d’activitats
3.1. By IEB members
In 2015, IEB members published the following research studies:
JCR Articles (Journal Citation Reports)
• Afcha, S.; García-Quevedo, J.
“The impact of R&D subsidies on R&D employment composition”
Industrial and Corporate Change, forthcoming
• Algan, Y.; Hémet, C.; Laitin, D.
“The social effect of etnic diversity at the local level: a natural experiment with exogenous residential allocation”
Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming
• Backus, P.
“Unofficial development assistance: a model of development charities’ donation income”
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77, 2,191–209, 2015
• Balsa, A. I.; Gandelman, N.; González, N.
“Peer effects in risk aversion”
Risk Analysis, 35(1), 27-43, 2015
• Batalla, J.; Trujillo- Baute, E.
“Impacts of intermittent renewable generation on electricity system costs”
Energy Policy, forthcoming
• Boffa, F.; Piolatto, A.; Ponzetto; G.
“Political centralization and government accountability”
Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming
• Bosch, N.; Suárez-Pandiello, J.
“Politics and finance in Spanish municipalities”
Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics, 212, 51-66, 2015
• Calá, D.; Manjón, M.; Arauzo, J.M.
“Regional determinants of firm entry in a developing country”
Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming
• Calá, D.; Manjón, M.; Arauzo, J.M.
“The determinants of exit in a developing country: core and peripheral regions”
The Annals of Regional Science, 54, 927-944, 2015
• Casado J.M.; Simón, H.
“La evolución de la estructura salarial (2002-2010)”
Revista de Economía Aplicada, XXII(67), 2015
• Costa-Campi, M.T.; Duch-Brown, N.
“The diffusion of patented oil and gas technology with environmental uses: a forward patent citation analysis”
Energy Policy, 83, 267-276, 2015
• Costa-Campi, M.T.; García-Quevedo, J.; Segarra, A.
“Energy efficiency determinants: an empirical analysis of Spanish innovative firms”
Energy Policy, 83, 229-239, 2015
Report of activities
• Costa-Campi, M.T.; García-Quevedo, J.; Trujillo-Baute, E.
“Challenges for R&D and innovation in energy”
Energy Policy, 83, 193-196, 2015
• Costa-Campi, M.T.; Trujillo-Baute, E.
“Retail price effects of feed-in tariff regulation”
Energy Economics, 51, 157-165, 2015
• Cubel, M.; Nuevo-Chiquero, A.; Sánchez-Pagés, S.; Vidal-Fernández, M.
“Do personality traits affect productivity? Evidence from the lab”
The Economic Journal, 126 (592), 654-681, forthcoming
• Daniele, G.; Geys, B.
“Organised crime, institutions and political quality: empirical evidence from Italian municipalities”
The Economic Journal, 125(586), F233-F255, 2015
• Daniele, G.; Geys, B.
“Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis”
Journal of European Public Policy, 22(5), 650-670, 2015
• Daniele, G.; Geys, B.
“Interpersonal trust and welfare state support”
European Journal of Political Economy, 39, 1-12, 2015
• Daniele, G.; Geys, B.
“Family ties and socio-economic outcomes in high vs. low income countries”
Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming
• Delgado, F.J.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Mayor, M.
“On the determinants of local tax rates: new evidence from Spain”
Contemporary Economic Policy, 33, 2015
• Di Paolo, A.; Matas, A.; Raymond J.L.
“Jobs accessibility and jobs education mismatch in the metropolitan area of Barcelona”
Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming
• Di Pietro, G.; Mora, T.
“The effect of the L’Aquila earthquake on labour market outcomes”
Environment and Planning C-Government and Policy, 33(2), 239-255, 2015
• Durán-Cabré, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.; Salvadori, L
“Empirical evidence on horizontal competition in tax enforcement”
International Tax and Public Finance, 22, 5, 834-860, 2015
• Escardíbul, J.O.; Mediavilla, M.
“El efecto de las TIC en la adquisición de competencias. Un análisis por tipo de centro educativo”
Revista Española de Pedagogía, forthcoming
• Espasa, M.; Esteller-Moré, A.
“Analyzing judicial courts’ performance: inefficiency vs. congestion”
Revista de Economia Aplicada, 69, 2015
Report of activities
• Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L.; Zanardi, A.
“Policy outcome of single and double ballot elections”
International Tax and Public Finance, 22 (6), 977-998, 2015
• Flores, R.; García-López, M.A.; Nicolini, R.
“Organization of land surrounding airports: the case of the aerotropolis, Land Economics”
Land Economics, forthcoming
• García Álvarez, J.M.; Mas-Verdú, F.; Sánchez, M.
“Determinants of agri-food firms’ participation in public funded R&D”
Agribusiness, forthcoming
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Does zoning follow highways?”
Regional Science and Urban Economics, 53, 148-155, 2015
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Holl, A.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Suburbanization and highways in Spain when the Romans and the Bourbons still shape its cities”
Journal of Urban Economics, 85, 52-67, 2015
• González-Val, R.
“War size distribution: empirical regularities behind conflicts”
Defence and Peace Economics, forthcoming
• González-Val, R.
“Cross-sectional Growth in US Cities from 1990 to 2000”
Journal of Geographical Systems, 17(1): 83–106, 2015
• González-Val, R.; Lanaspa, L.
“Patterns in U.S. urban growth (1790-2000)”
Regional Studies, 50(2): 289–309
• González-Val, R.; Marcén, M.
“Divorce and the business cycle: a cross-country analysis”
Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming.
• González-Val, R.; Olmo, J.
“Growth in a cross-section of cities: location, increasing returns or random growth?”
Spatial Economic Analysis, 10(2): 230–261, 2015
• González-Val, R.; Pueyo, F
“Trade liberalisation and forest transition”
International Journal of Economic Theory, forthcoming
• González-Val, R.; Ramos, A.; Sanz-Gracia, F.; Vera-Cabello, M.
“Size Distributions for All Cities: Which One is Best?”
Papers in Regional Science, 94(1): 177–196, 2015
• González-Val, R.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.A.
“Market Potential and City Growth: Spain 1860-1960”
Cliometrica, forthcoming
Report of activities
• Gwenola, T.; Piolatto, A.
“Optimal income tax enforcement under prospect theory”
Journal of Public Economic Theory, forthcoming
• Huisman, R.; Kiliç, M.
“Time variation in European carbon pass-through rates in electricity futures prices”
Energy Policy, 86, 239-249, 2015
• Kappeler, A.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Stephan, A.; Valila, T.
“Does fiscal decentralization foster regional infrastructure investment?”
European Journal of Political Economy, forthcoming
• Lago-Peñas, S.; Prada, A.; Vaquero, A.
“On the size and determinants of inter-regional redistribution in European countries over the period 1995-2009”
Empirica, 42, 4, 845-864, 2015
• Lago-Peñas, I.; Lago-Peñas, C.; Lago-Peñas, S.
“Democracy and football”
Social Science Quarterly, forthcoming
• Lampón, J.F.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Cabanelas, P.
“Can the periphery achieve centrality? The case of the automobile components industry in Spain”
Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming
• Lampón-Caride, J.; Lago-Peñas, S.; González-Benito, J.
“Factors behind international relocation and changes in production geography in the European automobile
components industry”
International Journal of Production Research, 53(5), 2015
• León-González, R.; Montolio, D.
“Endogeneity and panel data in growth regressions: a bayesian model averaging approach”
Journal of Macroeconomics, 46, 23-39, 2015
• Mantovani, A.; Ruiz-Aliseda, F.
“Equilibrium innovation ecosystems: the dark side of collaborating with complementors”
Management Science, forthcoming
• Martínez-Galarraga, J.; Tirado-Fabregat, D.A. González-Val, R.
“Market potential and regional economic growth in Spain (1860-1930)”
European Review of Economic History, 19(4), 335–358, 2015
• Matas, A.; Raymond, J.Ll.; Roig, J.L.
“Wages and accessibility: the impact of transport infrastructure”
Regional Studies, 49(7), 1236-1254, 2015
• Matas, A.; Raymond, J.Ll.; Roig, J.L.
“How market access shapes human capital accumulation in a peripheral country: the case of Spain”
Applied Economics, 47(11), 1118-1132, 2015
• Mediavilla, M.; Escardíbul, J.O.
“¿Son las TIC un factor clave en la adquisición de competencias? Un análisis con evaluaciones por ordenador”
Hacienda Pública Española, 212(1), 67-96, 2015
Report of activities
• Montolio, D.; Planells-Struse, S.
“Does tourism boost criminal activity? Evidence from a top touristic country”
Crime & Delinquency, forthcoming
• Montolio, D.; Planells-Struse, S.
“When police patrols matter. The effect of police proximity on citizens’ crime risk perception”
Journal of Economic Psychology, 50, 73-93, 2015
• Montolio, D.; Trillas, F.; Trujillo, E.
“Regulatory environment and firm performance in EU Telecommunications Services”
Review of Network Economics, forthcoming
• Mora, T.; Gil, J.; Sicras-Mainar, A.
“The influence of obesity and overweight on medical costs: a panel data perspective”
The European Journal of Health Economics, 16(2), 161-173, 2015
• Mora, T.; Llargués, E.; Recasens, A.
“Does health education affect BMI? Evidence from a school-based randomized-control trial”
Economics & Human Biology, 17, 190-201, 2015
• Pelegrín, A.; García-Quevedo, J.
“Which firms are involved in foreign vertical integration?”
Revista de Economia Aplicada, XXIII, 69, 93-113, 2015
• Piolatto, A.
“Itemised deductions: a device to reduce tax evasion”
German Economic Review, 16, 4, 422-438, 2015
• Piolatto, A.; Schuett, F.
“Media competition and electoral politics”
Journal of Public Economics, 130, 80-93, 2015
• Piolatto, A., Trotin, G.
“Optimal income tax enforcement under prospect theory”
Journal of Public Economic Theory, forthcoming
• Rowe, K.; Lago-Peñas, I.; Lago Peñas, S.
“Opening the black box: the partisan consequences of turnout in Portugal and Spain”
Comparative European Politics, forthcoming
• Sánchez, V.; Muñiz, I.; Garcia-López, M.A.
“Estructura espacial y densidad de población en la ZMVM 1995-2010: Evolución de un sistema urbano policéntrico”
EURE Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales, 122, 75-102, 2015
• Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H.
“Portability of human capital and immigrant overeducation in Spain”
Population Research and Policy Review, 34, 2, 223-241, 2015
• Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H.
“How relevant is the origin of human capital for immigrant wages? Evidence from Spain”
Journal of Applied Economics, XVIII(1), 149-172, 2015
Report of activities
Other Articles
• Álvarez, X.C.; González, X.M.; Gago, A., Labandeira, X.; Lago-Peñas, S.; Vaquero, A.
“La docencia de fiscalidad aplicada en las nuevas titulaciones de administración de empresas: experiencia y
e-pública, forthcoming
• Alba M.; García Álvarez-Coque, J.M.; Mas-Verdú, F.
“New firm creation and innovation: industrial patterns and inter-sectoral linkages”
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, forthcoming
• Asensio, J.
“Competencia en la distribución alimentaria: Relaciones verticals, fusions y regulación”
Papeles de Economia Española, 145, 130-141, 2015
• Batalla-Bejarano, J.; Costa-Campi, M. T.; Massa-Camps, X.
“Regulació dels mercats elèctrics i gasista: situació i reptes de futur”
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 72, 2015
• Casanellas, M.; Camós, M.; Medir, L.; Montolio, D.; Sayós, R.; Solé, M.
“Instruments per a l’avaluació de la competència transversal de capacitat d’aprenentatge”
OMADO, forthcoming
• Choi, Á.
“L’avaluació econòmica de la Llei d’Educació de Catalunya: una avaluació de l’avaluació”
Nota d’Economia. Revista d’Economia catalana i de sector públic, 102, 2015
• Cortes, D.; Montolio, D.
“Provision of public goods and violent conflict: evidence from Colombia”
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, forthcoming
• Costa-Campi, M.T.
“La reforma eléctrica en Europa”
Energía a debate, 11(66), 48-52, 2015
• Cubel, M.; de Gispert, C.
“Solidaridad entre regiones: Un ejercicio experimental”
e-pública, 16, 31-48, 2015
• De Gispert, C.; Vilalta, M.
“Els ingressos municipals durant el període 2005-12: comparació Catalunya- Espanya”
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, forthcoming
• Durán, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.
“La reforma fiscal 2014 y la opinión de los asesores fiscales”
Cuadernos de Información Económica, 245, 39-53, 2015
• Durán, J.M.; Esteller-Moré, A.
“An evaluation of the 2014 fiscal reform: Insights from a survey of professional tax advisors”
Spanish Financial and Economic Outlook, 4 (2), 53-66, 2015
• Fachelli, S.; Montolio, D.
“Valuation by Catalan graduates of the training received at university in relation to its utility in the workplace”
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, forthcoming
Report of activities
• Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L.
“L’impatto della contabilità euro-compatibile in un’auspicabile evoluzione del patto di stabilità interno”
Economia Pubblica, forthcoming
• Ferraresi, M.; Marattin, L.; Rizzo, L.
“Dal saldo del patto di stabilità interno al saldo euro-compatibile: un’applicazione ai comuni dell’Emilia Romagna”
Rivista di Politica Economica, I-III, 183-215, 2015
• Foremny, D.; Freier, R.; Moessinger, M.D.; Yeter, M.
“Overlapping political budget cycles in the legislative and the executive”
DIW Berlin, 14-099, 2015
• García, G.; Raymond, J.Ll.; Roig, J.L.
“Distribución de la renta y ciclo económico: España 2003-2011”
Investigaciones Regionales, forthcoming
• Garrido, A.
“La regulació bancaria a l’eurozona”
Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 72, 2015
• Guío, J.M.; Choi, Á.
“The evolution of school failure risk during the 2000 decade in Spain: analysis of PISA results with a two-level logistic
Ese-Estudios Sobre Educacion, forthcoming
• Lago-Peñas, S.; Prada, A.; Sánchez, P.
“Sobre los determinantes de la propensión exportadora de las empresas: ¿qué nos dicen los datos?”
Información Comercial Española. Revista de Economía, forthcoming
• Mantovani, A.
The impact of ASEAN – China Free Trade Agreement on European Economy, Proceedings of 3rd STRATEGICA
International Conference: Local versus Global (National University of Political Sciences and Public Administration,
Bucharest, October 29-31, 2015), 320-326, 2015
• Mantovani, A.; Vandekerckhove, J.
“The strategic interplay between bundling and merging in complementary markets”
Managerial and Decision Economics, forthcoming
• Matas, A.; Raymond, J.L.; Roig, J.L.
“La inversión en infraestructuras en España y los objetivos de eficiencia y equidad”
Revista de Economía, 9, 48-58, 2015
• Mediavilla, M.; Gallego, L.
“Condicionantes del rendimiento académico en la escolaridad primaria en Brasil. Un análisis multifactorial”
Educaçao & Sociedade, forthcoming
• Medir, Ll.; Montolio, D.
“Satisfacción laboral de los graduados catalanes y los determinantes de su valoración de la formación recibida en la
Revista de Educación y Derecho. Education and Law Review, 12, 1-24, 2015
• Montolio, D.
“The impact of continuous assessment on a temporal perspective: the results of a pioneering experiment at the
University of Barcelona (Spain)”
Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences, forthcoming
Report of activities
• Ramos, R.; Nicodemo, C.; Sanroma, E.
“A spatial panel wage curve for Spain”
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 8, 2, 125-139, 2015
• Rivo, E.; Carballo, R.; Lago-Peñas, S.
“El aprendizaje de la gestión tributaria mediante hoja de cálculo: una visión integradora y práctica”
e-pública, forthcoming
• Vilalta, M.
“La equidad horizontal en el modelo de financiación autonómica: Un análisis del grado de progresivida”
Papeles de Economía Española, 143, 124-143, 2015
• Castells, A.; Castells, M.; Oliver, J.; Ontiveros, E.; Parellada, M.; Garcia, G. (EuropeG)
“The creation of macroeconomic stabilisation mechanisms in the Eurozone” Policy Brief 7, EuropeG, Barcelona, 2015
• Costa, A.; García, J.; López, X.; Raymond, J.L.
“Estimació de les paritats de poder adquisitiu per les CCAA españoles”
Monografía nº 17/2015, Generalitat de Catalunya
• Garrido, A (dir).
“Marc i context econòmic de la Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona en la perspectiva de l’elaboració del PDUM.
Situació actual i perspectives”
Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona, 2015
• Aja, E.; Herrero, A.; Lago, S.; León, S.; Orriols, Ll.; Ruíz-Huerta, J.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Vilalta, M.
“Claves para comprender el (interminable) debate de la financiación autonómica”
Alianza Editorial. 2015
• Ambrosanio, F.M.; Bordignon, M.; Galmarini, U.; Rizzo, L.
“Finanza pubblica, decentramento e riforme costituzionali” - Scritti in onore di Piero Giarda Vita e Pensiero, Milano,
• Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.
“Inclusión y exclusión educativa en España”
Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación. Madrid
• Calero, J; Fontcuberta, X; García Martínez, A.
“Manual práctico de evaluación para intervenciones del tercer sector en el ámbito de la discapacidad”. Ediciones
Cinca. 2015
• Costa-Campi, M. T.; Garrido, A.; Parellada, M.; Sanromà, E.
“Economía europea. Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados”
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Costa-Campi, M. T.; Lenzi, V.; Rubino, A.; Ozturk, I.
“Regulation and investment in Energy Markets. Solutions for the Mediterranean”
Elsevier. United Kingdom. 2015
Report of activities
• Durán, J. M.; Esteller, A. (Eds.); Slemrod, J.; Blanco, F.; Costa, J.; Gascón, J. Iglesias, J.; Maristany, Ll.; Menéndez, J.; Onrubia,
J.; Pemberton, J.L.; Pich, V.
“De nuestros impuestos y su administración. Claves para una mejor administración fiscal”
Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. 2015
• Esteller-Moré, A.; Costa-Cuberta, M.; Durán-Cabré, J.; Espasa-Queralt, M.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Montolio-Estivill, D.;
Sorribas-Navarro, P.; Vázquez-Grenno, J.
“Economía de los impuestos”
McGraw-Hill, 2015
• Mora, T. (Ed.)
Impacte de formació nutricional sobre decisions alimentàries. Un experiment a primer de secundària a la ciutat de
Barcelona. ACV Edicions. 2015
• Parellada, M; Alvarez, M.
“La universidad española. Una perspectiva autonómica. 2015”
Fundación CYD, 2015
• Testar, X.; Nieva, C.; Parellada, M.
“Estat actual i impacte de l’R+D i la innovació a l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona”
Consell Econòmic i Social de Barcelona, 2015
• Vilalta, M. (Ed.); Cubel, M.; Durán, J.M.; Espasa, M.; Esteller, A.; de Gispert, C.; Hortas, M.; Montolio, D.; Salinas, P.;
Sorribas-Navarro, P.
“Autonomía y equidad en la financiación municipal: dos principios compatibles”
Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona. 2015
Book chapters
• Bosch, N.; de Gispert, C.
“Los sectores públicos europeos”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E.
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Calero, J.
“La educación y la desigualdad”
In “Segundo Informe sobre la Desigualdad en España”. Los Libros de la Catarata. 2015
• Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.
“Recursos escolares y resultados de la educación”
In “Reflexiones sobre el sistema educativo español”. Fundación Areces. 2015
• Calero, J.; Escardíbul, J.O.
“Igualdad de oportunidades. Inclusión y exclusión educativas en España”
In “Reflexiones sobre el sistema educativo español”. Fundación Areces. 2015
• Castells, A.
“Hacia una genuina unión económica y monetaria: la importancia de la unión fiscal”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M y Sanromá E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
Report of activities
• Costa-Campi, M.T.; Batalla-Bejerano, J.
“Los sectores y mercados energéticos europeos”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• De Gispert, C.; Vilalta, M.
“El ejercicio de la autonomía financiera de los gobiernos autonómicos por el lado del ingreso: el uso de la capacidad
normativa sobre los tributos y el recurso al crédito”
In Descentralización y desigualdad en el Estado Autonómico: opinión pública, financiación territorial, ideología y
políticas públicas. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2015
• Duch, N.; Blanco Díaz, R.
“Estructuras productivas europeas”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Durán-Cabré, J.M.
“Los sistemas fiscales en Europa”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Ferraresi, M.; Marattin, L.; Rizzo, L.
“La nuova contabilità europea e i saldi dei comuni: un’applicazione ai comuni dell’Emilia Romagna”
In Finanza pubblica, decentramento e riforme costituzionali - Scritti in onore di Piero Giarda, F.M. Ambrosanio, M.
Bordignon, U. Galmarini e L. Rizzo (Eds.)
Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2015
• Galmarini, U.
“Il sistema tributario: definizioni, principi, finalità”
In Scienza delle finanze, Balestrino, A., Galli, E., Spataro, L., (Eds.)
UTET, Torino, 2015
• Galmarini, U.
“Incentivi, efficienza, traslazione e incidenza delle imposte”
In Scienza delle finanze, Balestrino, A., Galli, E., Spataro, L., (Eds.)
UTET, Torino, 2015
• Galmarini, U.
“Equità, efficienza e sistemi tributari ottimali”
In Scienza delle finanze, Balestrino, A., Galli, E., Spataro, L., (Eds.)
UTET, Torino, 2015
• Gallego, R.; Vilalta, M.
“Descentralizacion y desigualdad en el Estado Autonómico: entre la autonomía política y la financiación territorial”
In Gallego, R. (Dir.) Descentralización y desigualdad en el Estado Autonómico: opinión pública, financiación territorial,
ideología y políticas públicas. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2015
• García, G.; Sanromà, E.
“Los mercados de trabajo europeos”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M., Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
Report of activities
• García-Quevedo, J.
“Capital tecnológico y sistemas de innovación europeos”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• García, G.A.; Raymond, J.L.; Roig, J.L.
“El capital humano en Europa”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. andSanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• García, G.; Sanromà, E.
“Mercado de trabajo”
In García-Delgado, J.L.; Myro, R.; Lecciones de Economia espanyola, 12, 235-258. 2015.
Thomson-Civitas. Pamplona
• García, G.; Sanromà, E.
“Mercado de trabajo”
In García-Delgado, J.L.; Myro, R. Economia espanyola. Una introducción, 7, 141-161. 2015
Thomson-Civitas. Pamplona (Spain)
• García-López, M.A.; Muñiz, I.
“Estructura espacial de la población e infraestructuras de transporte en Barcelona: el caso catalán”
In Geografía aplicada en Iberoamérica: avances, retos y perspectivas, Garrocho, C. & Buzai, G.D. (Eds.)
El Colegio Mexiquense, México, El Colegio Mexiquense A.C., 473-502, 2015
• Garrido, A.
“Sistema financiero”
In García Delgado,J.L.; Myro,R. (Dirs.) Lecciones de economía española.
Civitas ediciones, 2015.
• Garrido, A.
“Sistema Financiero”
In García Delgado,J.L.; Myro,R. (Dirs.) Economía española. Una introducción.
Thomson Reuters ediciones, 2015.
• Garrido, A.; Carbó, S.
“Mercados y sistemas financieros en Europa”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (eds)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• González, R. i Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Las ciudades en Europa”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (Eds.)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Herrero, A.; Tránchez, M.; Vilalta, M.
“El gasto autonómico en los servicios esenciales del estado de bienestar: evolución, disparidades y factores explicativos”
In Descentralización y desigualdad en el Estado Autonómico: opinión pública, financiación territorial, ideología y
políticas públicas. Tirant Lo Blanch. 2015
• Herrero, A.; Tranchez, M.; Vilalta, M.
“El Estado del Bienestar en el marco de procesos de integración y descentralización: principios orientativos”
In Ruiz-Huerta, J.; Ayala, L.; Loscos, J. (Dirs.) Estado del Bienestar y Sistemas Fiscales en Europa. Consejo Económico y
Social de España, 251-272, 2015.
Report of activities
• Herrero, A.; Tranchez, M.; Vilalta, M.
“La integración en la Unión europea: implicaciones sobre los sistemas fiscales y el Estado del Bienestar”
In Ruiz-Huerta, J.; Ayala, L.; Loscos, J. (Dirs.) Estado del Bienestar y Sistemas Fiscales en Europa. Consejo Económico y
Social de España, 273-307, 2015.
• Herrero, A.; Tranchez, M.; Vilalta, M.
“Descentralización y Estado del Bienestar”
In Ruiz-Huerta, J.; Ayala, L.; Loscos, J. (Dirs.) Estado del Bienestar y Sistemas Fiscales en Europa. Consejo Económico y
Social de España, 309-337, 2015.
• Kotsogiannis, C.; Rizzo, L.
“Fuel-price subsidies and the control of corruption: a first approach”
In Economics and Political Economy of Energy Subsidies
MIT Press, by Jon Strand (World Bank), forthcoming
• Krüger, K.; Duch, N.; Parellada, M.; Osborne, M.; Mariani, M.; Jiménez, L.
“The social Efficiency of tertiary life long learning (TLLL). Initial Insights from a European Research Project”
In “The role of higher education in promoting lifelong learning”. Unesco Institute for lifelong learning. Hamburg
(Germany). 2015
• Lago Peñas, S.; Solé-Ollé, A.
“Multi-level finance and governance in Spain: the Impact of the Euro crisis”
In Multi-Level Finance and the Euro Crisis: Causes and Effects, Ahmad, E. Bordignon, M. & Brosio, G. (Eds.), Edward
Elgar, Chentelham (United Kingdom), forthcoming
• Maimone, D.; Montolio, D.
“Bargaining in international conflicts’ resolution: UN involvement and conflict settlement”
In Handbook of Alternative Theories of Public Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Chentelham (United Kingdom),
• Matas, A.; Raymond, J.L.
“El capital en infraestructuras: Las infraestructuras de transporte”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E.
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Molero, J.; García Quevedo, J
“Innovación y cambio tecnológico”
In Lecciones de Economía Española. 12ª Edición, 111-123. Thomson Reuters. 2015
• Oroval, E.; Mediavilla, M.
“Evaluación de políticas públicas: una reflexión metodológica”
In Botero, Fernando (Ed.) Políticas Públicas: perspectivas teóricas y empíricas. Barranquilla: Universidad del Atlántico,
Colombia, forthcoming
• Parellada, M.
“Distribución territorial de la renta”
In J.L. Garcia Delgado y R. Myro (Dirs.). Lecciones de Economía Española. Thomson Reuters, 2015
• Parellada, M.
“La reforma del modelo universitario español. Algunas reflexiones”
In La reforma del régimen jurídico universitario. Thomson Reuters. Pamplona (Spain). 2015
Report of activities
• Parellada, M.; Álvarez, M.
“Regiones europeas”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E. (eds)
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Parellada, M.; García, G.
“L’economia catalana en les darreres cinc dècades. Creixement i canvis estructurals”
In Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya 2014. Consell General de Cambres de Comerç. 2015
• Parellada, M.; Mediavilla, A.
“La transferencia de I+D, la innovación y el emprendimiento en las universidades”
In “La transferencia de I+D, la innovación y el emprendimiento en las universidades. Educación superior en Iberoamérica.
Informe 2015. Senen Barro (Coord.)”. Centro Interuniversitario de desarrollo (CINDA)
• Parellada, M.; Àlvarez, M.; Mediavilla, A.
“La contribución de las universidades españolas al desarrollo”
In Informe CYD 2014. Fundación CYD, 1-262, 2015
• Pelegrín, A.
“Competitividad y comercio exterior europeo”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E.
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Solé-Ollé, A.
“Multilevel finance and governance in Spain: the impact of the Euro crisis”
In Ahmad, E., Brosio, G. and Bordignon, M. (eds.), Multilevel finance and the Euro crisis, Edward Elgar Publ., forthcoming
• Solé-Ollé, A.
“Regional tax autonomy in Spain: words or deeds?”
In J. Lotz (Ed.) Interaction between local expenditure responsibilities and local tax policy, Proceedings of the 2013
Copenhagen Seminar, Ministry of the Interior and Social Affairs, Copenhaguen, Denmark, forthcoming
• Sudrià, C.; Garrido, A.
“La economía europea desde 1950 hasta la actualidad”
In Economía Europea: Crecimiento, competitividad y mercados, Costa, M.T., Garrido, A. Parellada, M. and Sanromá, E.
Alianza Editorial, forthcoming
• Vilalta, M.
“¿Y la hacienda local? ¿Existen propuestas? ¿Para cuándo?”
In Red de Investigadores en Financiación autonómica y Descentralización financiera en España (RIFDE). 2015
Working papers
• Cuberes, D.; González-Val, R.
“The effect of the Spanish Reconquista on Iberian Cities”
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Note di lavoro 2015.079. 2014
Report of activities
• Escardíbul, J. O.; Afcha, S.
“Determinants of doctorate holders’ job satisfaction: an analysis by employment sector and type of satisfaction in
CENTRUM Católica’s Working Paper Series 2015-03-000. Lima (Peru)
• Ferraresi, M.; Rizzo, L.
“L’impatto della contabilità euro-compatibile in un’auspicabile evoluzione del patto di stabilità interno”
Working Paper SIEP 690/2015
• Foremny, D.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A.
“Hold that ghost’: Using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants”
CESifo Working Paper 5578, 2015
• García-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs: transport infrastructure and the European cities”
CESifo Working Paper, 5699. Munich (Germany). 2015
• Halmenschlager, C.; Mantovani, A.
“On the private and social desirability of mixed bundling in complementary markets with cost savings”
Working Paper 1038 - Department of Economics, University of Bologna. 2015
• Jofre-Monseny, J; Sánchez-Vidal, M; Viladecans-Marsal, E
“Big plant closures and agglomeration economies”
SERC Discussion Paper SERCDP0179. United Kingdom. 2015
• Loginova, O.; Mantovani, A.
“Information and Online Reviews”
Working Paper 996 - Department of Economics, University of Bologna. 2015
• Ramos, R.; Sanroma, E.; Simón, H.
“An analysis of wage differentials between full- and part-time workers in Spain”
XREAP DT-2015-02. Barcelona (Spain).
• Ramos, R.; Sanroma, E.; Simón, H.
“An analysis of wage differentials between full- and part-time workers in Spain”
IZA DP-9257. 2015. Bonn (Germany).
Report of activities
3.2. IEB Working Papers
The IEB publishes a series of electronic working papers presenting researches carried out by internal and external
These documents are avalaible at the IEB website. In 2015, the following working papers were published:
2015/01: Overlapping political budget cycles in the legislative and the executive
Dirk Foremny, Ronny Freier, Marc-Daniel Moessinger, Mustafa Yeter
2015/02: Optimality and distortionary lobbying: regulating tobacco consumption
Luca Colombo, Umberto Galmarini
2015/03: Barriers to innovation: can firm age help lower them?
Gabriele Pellegrino
2015/04: Diversity and employment prospects: neighbors matter!
Camille Hémet
2015/05: An axiomatization of difference-form contest success functions
María Cubel, Santiago Sanchez-Pages
2015/06: The use (and misuse) of Pisa in guiding policy reform: the case of Spain
Álvaro Choi, John Jerrim
2015/07: Empirical evidence on tax cooperation between sub-central administrations
José María Durán-Cabré, Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Luca Salvadori
2015/08: Analysing the sensitivity of electricity system operational costs to deviations in supply and demand
Joan Batalla-Bejerano, Elisa Trujillo-Baute
2015/09: Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the Basque Country
Luca Salvadori
2015/10: How time shapes crime: the temporal impacts of football matches on crime
Daniel Montolio, Simón Planells-Struse
2015/11: Online booking and information: competition and welfare consequences of review aggregators
Amedeo Piolatto
2015/12: Strategic investment in merchant transmission: the impact of capacity utilization rules
Federico Boffa, Viswanath Pingali, Francesca Sala
2015/13: Tax administration and tax systems
Joel Slemrod
2015/14: How inventor royalty shares affect patenting and income in Portugal and Spain
Pere Arqué-Castells, Rui M Cartaxo, Jose García-Quevedo, Manuel Mira Godinho
2015/15: Measuring the negative externalities of a private leisure activity: hooligans and pickpockets around the
Daniel Montolio, Simón Planells-Struse
Report of activities
2015/16: Unexpected consequences of liberalisation: metering, losses, load profiles and cost settlement in Spain’s
electricity system
Joan Batalla-Bejerano, Maria Teresa Costa-Campi, Elisa Trujillo-Baute
2015/17: Impacts of intermittent renewable generation on electricity system costs
Joan Batalla-Bejerano, Elisa Trujillo-Baute
2015/18: Are energy market integrations a green light for FDI?
María Teresa Costa-Campi, Jordi Paniagua, Elisa Trujillo-Baute
2015/19: Big plant closures and agglomeration economies
Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Maria Sánchez-Vidal, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
2015/20: How does transportation shape intrametropolitan growth? An answer from the regional express rail
Miquel-Ángel Garcia-López, Camille Hémet, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
2015/21: Fiscal equalization under political pressures
Alejandro Esteller-Moré, Umberto Galmarini, Leonzio Rizzo
2015/22: Determinants of doctorate holders’ job satisfaction. An analysis by employment sector and type of
satisfaction in Spain
J. Oriol Escardíbul, Sergio Afcha
2015/23: Vote buying or (political) business (cycles) as usual?
Toke Aidt, Zareh Asatryan, Lusine Badalyan, Friedrich Heinemann
2015/24: A test of the ‘lose it or use it’ hypothesis in labour markets around the world
Karsten Albæk
2015/25: Petty corruption and citizen feedback
Charles Angelucci, Antonio Russo
2015/26: Commodity taxation and regulatory competition
Simone Moriconi, Pierre M. Picard, Skerdilajda Zanaj
2015/27: Capital taxation and imperfect competition: ACE vs. CBIT
Kurt R. Brekke, Armando J. Garcia Pires, Dirk Schindler, Guttorm Schjelderup
2015/28: Market structure, the functional form of demand and the sensitivity of the vertical reaction function
Agustin Redonda
2015/29: An analysis of wage differentials between full-and part-time workers in Spain
Raul Ramos, Esteban Sanromá, Hipólito Simón
2015/30: Express delivery to the suburbs. The effects of transportation in Europe’s heterogeneous cities
Miquel-Ángel Garcia-López, Ilias Pasidis, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
2015/31: Bypassing progressive taxation: fraud and base erosion in the Spanish income tax (1970-2001)
Sara Torregrosa
2015/32: When one door closes: the impact of the hagwon curfew on the consumption of private tutoring in the
Republic of Korea
Hoon Choi, Álvaro Choi
Report of activities
2015/33: Decentralisation and school autonomy impact on the quality of education: the case of two MENA
J. Oriol Escardíbul, Nehal Helmy
2015/34: Divorce and the business cycle: a cross-country analysis
Rafael González-Val, Miriam Marcén
2015/35: The distribution of skills among the European adult population and unemployment: a comparative
Jorge Calero, Álvaro Choi
2015/36: Is there real freedom of school choice? An analysis from Chile
Mauro Mediavilla, Adrián Zancajo
2015/37: Strike one to educate one hundred: organized crime, political selection and politicians’ ability
Gianmarco Daniele
2015/38: Regional unemployment, marriage, and divorce
Rafael González-Val, Miriam Marcén
2015/39: ‘Hold that ghost’: using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants
Dirk Foremny, Jordi Jofre-Monseny, Albert Solé-Ollé
2015/40: Does educational management model matter? New evidence for Spain by a quasiexperimental approach
María-Jesús Mancebón, Domingo P. Ximénez-de-Embún, Mauro Mediavilla, José-María Gómez-Sancho
2015/41: Exposing politicians’ ties to criminal organizations: the effects of local government dissolutions on
electoral outcomes in Southern Italian municipalities (1.83 MB)
Gianmarco Daniele, Benny Geys
2015/42: Wage policies, employment, and redistributive efficiency
Erwin Ooghe
Report of activities
3.3. Reports on Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance
IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance
Since 2009, the IEB has published its annual report on fiscal federalism with contributions from experts at home
and abroad, who address questions that have a bearing on the sub-central level of government. In 2013 a more
flexible format was introduced and the report’s focus was widened to examine issues related to public finance in
general, alongside more specific questions of fiscal federalism. The various topics examined in the current report are
addressed in a series of articles by recognized experts outside the IEB as well as IEB’s own researchers, who provide
their expert analyses. The contributions are short and seek to tackle current concerns in public finance that are of
obvious Relevance to economic policy. The aim of the articles is to reach as broad an audience as possible, avoiding
unnecessary jargon, and to make a rigorous contribution to the debate on social concerns.
The IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance ’15 brings together the three IEB Reports published during
2015, which have addressed the issues of fiscal balances, environmental taxation and tax fraud. However, its central
theme is the debate on the future of Spain’s regional financing system, a subject of obvious relevance and interest in
our country today.
Ieb’s Report on Fiscal
Federalism and Public Finance
Informe Ieb sobre Federalismo
Fiscal y Finanzas Públicas
Informe sobre Federalisme
Fiscal i Finances Públiques
Fiscal Federalism
Federalismo Fiscal
Federalisme Fiscal
Public Finance
Finanzas Públicas
Finances Públiques
Supranational policies to overcome the crisis
Políticas supranacionales para superar la crisis
Polítiques supranacionals per superar la crisi
Corruption: magnitude, causes and consequences
Corrupción: magnitud, causas y consecuencias
Corrupció: magnitud, causes i conseqüències
An analysis of fiscal federalism in the EU
Análisis de la UE desde la perspectiva del federalismo fiscal
Anàlisi de la UE des de la perspectiva del federalisme fiscal
Tax Harmonisation in the European Union
Armonización fiscal en la UE
Harmonització fiscal a la UE
Report of activities
IEB Report
The IEB Report seeks to disseminate the opinions of researchers and academics on issues that affect all citizens, in
articles that place an emphasis on being as informative as possible. Each study examines a current affairs issue by
offering the opinions of leading national and international experts, and includes an editorial written by one of the
Institute’s researchers.The report can be consulted, in Spanish and in English, on an open access basis at the Institute’s
website, and its frequency of publication will be linked to unfolding events in the world economy.
The editorial board is composed by Núria Bosch (editor), Alejandro Esteller-Moré and Pilar Sorribas-Navarro, all of
them members of the IEB and lecturers of the University of Barcelona.The 2015 issues, available on the website, are:
• IEB REPORT 1/2015: “Corruption: magnitude, causes and consequences” / “Corrupción: magnitud, causas
y consecuencias” / “Corrupció: magnitud, causes i conseqüències”
• IEB REPORT 2/2015: “Tax Harmonisation in the European Union / Armonización fiscal en la UE /
Harmonització fiscal a la UE”
• IEB REPORT 3/2015: “An analysis of fiscal federalism in the EU” / “Análisis de la UE desde la perspectiva
del federalismo fiscal” / “Anàlisi de la UE des de la perspectiva del federalisme fiscal”
• IEB REPORT 4/2015 “Supranational policies to overcome the crisis / Políticas supranacionales para
superar la crisis / Polítiques supranacionals per superar la crisi”
The studies contained in these three IEB Reports make up, together with a specific study examining local government
reform in Spain, the IEB’s Report on Fiscal Federalism and Public Finance ’13, which will be presented in early 2015.
p. 5
2015.indd 1
p. 19
p. 33
Corruption: Magnitude,
Causes and Consequences
Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
Corrupción: magnitud,
causas y consecuencias
Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
Corrupció: magnitud,
causes i conseqüències
Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
A Global View of
Political Corruption
Miriam A. Golden
Una visión global
de la corrupción política
Miriam A. Golden
Una visió global de la
corrupció política
Miriam A. Golden
Corruption and Transparency in Spain:
Some Recent Indicators
Javier Salinas Jiménez
Corrupción y transparencia en España:
indicadores recientes
Javier Salinas Jiménez
Corrupció i transparència a Espanya:
indicadors recents
Javier Salinas Jiménez
The Limits of Elections as a Control
Mechanism for Political Corruption
Jordi Muñoz
Els límits de les eleccions com a
Los límites de las elecciones como
mecanismo de control de la corrupción mecanisme de control de la corrupció
Jordi Muñoz
Jordi Muñoz
09/06/15 18:44
Report of activities
3.4. Information services
Our publications Info IEB and the IEB newsletter keep our members and the research community up to date with
the institute’s work and activities.
Info IEB
Info IEB is a communication tool that publicizes the studies carried out by IEB members for public and private bodies,
and to analyse subjects of general interest in which the IEB members are specialists. Each Info IEB is a summary of a
project carried out by a researcher; as a result, it does not have a fixed publishing schedule, but is published whenever
the institute’s research production requires it. Info IEB appears on the IEB website.
The topics of the 2015 Info IEB, also available on the website, are:
– The Social Effects of Local Diversity, Camille Hémet
– Tax Administration and Tax Autonomy, Luca Salvadori
– ¿Es conveniente el uso de incentivos salariales para el profesorado vinculados al rendimiento de los estudiantes?,
J.Oriol Escardíbul
The Newsletter, edited in English, is the IEB’s information bulletin which provides regular updates on the institute’s
activities in research and in other areas. Published quarterly, it contains news and a summary of recent activities,
and advertises upcoming events, economic projects and scheduled visits by foreign researchers. Like Info IEB, the
Newsletter appears on the IEB website.
In 2015, 2 Newsletter was published.
Social networks
Adopting web 2.0 communication channels, the Barcelona Economics Institute (IEB) has its own official profile on
Twitter. With the profile @FundacioIEB, which is regularly updated, this new channel will support the website and
the IEB’s publications by offering information on the institute’s activities, upcoming events and news regarding the
institution and its members.
Report of activities
Follow us on Twitter
Memòria d’activitats
4. Events
Memòria d’activitats
During 2015, the IEB has organized the following events:
4.1. Seminars
IIEB or external researchers present ongoing research projects or selected research lines at a series of seminars.
“Environmental innovation and its impact on employment”
Speaker: Ester Martínez-Ros (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
“Strategic investment in merchant transmission the impact of capacity utilization rules”
Speaker: Federico Boffa (Free University of Bolzano)
“The economic cost of crime”
Speaker: Hannes Mueller (IAE-CSIC)
“The Price is (not) right: Ethnic discrimination on an online marketplace of vacation rentals”
Speaker: Morgane Laouénan (LIEPP, Sciences Po)
“Why is Europe slow to get fibre, and does it matter?”
Speaker: Martin Cave (Imperial College Business School)
“Can fixed-term contracts put low skilled youth on a better career path? Evidence from Spain”
Speaker: Judit Vall Castello (CRES-UPF)
“Dynamic models of R&D, innovation and productivity: panel data evidence for Dutch and French manufacturing”
Speaker: Wladimir Raymond (STATEC)
“Direct democracy, partial decentralization and voter information: evidence from Swiss Municipalities”
Speaker: Sergio Galletta (Università della Svizzera italiana)
“Spatial and social frictions in the city: evidence from yelp”
Speaker: Joan Monras (SciencesPo)
“The long-term impact of matching and rebate subsidies when public goods are impure: field experimental evidence
from the carbon offsetting market”
Speaker: Andreas Löschel (University of Münster)
“Trial and error? Reelection concerns and policy experimentation during the US welfare reform”
Speaker: Christina Gathmann (Universität Heidelberg)
Report of activities
“Political connections and insider trading”
Speaker: Marc Sangnier (AMSE)
“Make war to live in peace’: criminal-electoral violence in Southern Italy”
Speaker: Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University)
“Attack when the world is not watching? International media and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”
Speaker: Ruben Durante (SciencesPo)
“Analysing the sensitivity of electricity system operational costs to deviations in supply and demand”
Speaker: Joan Batalla (Universitat Rovira i Virgili - CES)
“Unemployment cycles”
Speaker: Jan Eeckhout (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
“Robots at work”
Speaker: Guy Michaels (London School Economics)
“Do taxes crowd out intrinsic motivation? Field-experimental evidence from Germany”
Speaker: Johannes Rincke (ZEW)
“Using newspapers to measure power, with an application to U.S. State Parties, 1877-1977”
Speaker: James Snyder (Harvard University)
“Planning generation in liberalizing and decarbonizing electricity systems: the Portuguese case”
Speaker: Filipa Amorim (MIT Portugal)
“Macroeconomic implications of top income tax cuts: 1960 – 2010”
Speaker: Markus Poschke (Mc Gill University)
“Spatial taxes and spatial misallocation”
Speaker: Juan-Carlos Suarez (Duke University)
“The causal effect of East Asian ‘mastery’ teaching methods on English children’s mathematics skills”
Speaker: John Jerrim (Institute of Education, University of London)
“The misallocation of land and other factors of production in India”
Speaker: Gilles Duranton (Wharton, University of Pennsylvania)
“Road pricing in Belgium: state of play”
Speaker: Inge Mayeres (KU Leuve)
Report of activities
“Access pricing, infrastructure investment and intermodal competition”
Speaker: Pilar Socorro (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
“Long-term effects of Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) program on education and labor outcomes: Evidence from a
Randomized Control Trial”
Darwin Cortés (Universidad del Rosario)
“The impact of regulation in the EU-ETS”
Speaker: María-Eugenia Sanin (Ecole Polytechnique and University of Evry Val d´Essonne)
“The taxation of bilateral trade with endogenous information”
Speaker: Florian Morath (Max Planck Institute)
“Strike one to educate one hundred”: the effects of organized crime on political selection”
Speaker: Gianmarco Daniele (Universitat de Barcelona & IEB)
“Are energy market integrations a green light for FDI?”
Speaker: Jordi Paniagua (Universidad Católica de Valencia)
“The demand for autonomous schools”
Speaker: Olmo Silva (London School of Economics)
27/10/2015 *
“Estimating participation responses using transfer program reform”
Speaker: Håkan Selin (IFAU)
03/11/2015 *
“The consequences of the value added tax on inequality”
Speaker: Jukka Pirttilä (United Nations University)
17/11/2015 *
“Can fiscal rules constrain the size of government? An analysis of the “Crown Jewel” of tax and expenditure limitations”
Speaker: Byron Lutz (Federal Reserve Board)
24/11/2015 *
“High growth firms, industrial dynamics and variety: regional evidence for Austria”
Speaker: Werner Höltz (Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO))
“Analysing the potential economic value of energy storage”
Speaker: Mike Waterson (University of Warwick)
Organized as a part of the Reference Network for Research in Applied Economics (XREAP). Network of Reference for R+D+I in Applied
Report of activities
4.2. Workshops, symposiums and other events
The IEB organized the following events in 2015:
• International Academic Symposium
“Energy Markets and Sustainability”
The UB’s Chair of Energy Sustainability organised the
III International Funseam Symposium, last February 3,
to examine just how well the EU objectives are being
met for a unified energy market and for climate change
February 3, 2015
The meeting was attended by key speakers from many of
the leading institutions in the field, including the University
of Barcelona, Cambridge University, the London Business
School, the University of Warwick, the German Institute
for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg and the University of Groningen.
The Symposium began with a session addressing Energy
Markets, in which the speakers analysed how changes to
the electricity and gas markets are affecting electricity
prices. The second session, focused on Networks,
and examined the importance of networks and
interconnections in supply security, the implementation
of an optimal pricing system and the regulation of
transport networks for the large-scale integration of
renewable energies. The third and final session, entitled
Policies for Sustainability, included contributions on the
role of feasible policy actions as mechanisms to achieve
the goal of energy sustainability.
The Director of the Energy Sustainability Chair, María
Teresa Costa Campí, and the Rector of the University
of Barcelona, Dídac Ramírez, presented and moderated
the meeting.
Elena Verdolini, a researcher at the Eni Enrico Mattei
Foundation, Joëlle Noailly from the Graduate Institute
of Geneva, and Marzio Galeotti from the University of
Milan, presented their work on the detrimental effects of
regulatory uncertainty on innovation in the specific case
of wind energy; the role of multinational companies in
the diffusion of green technologies and the growth in the
registering of patents and productivity as a result of the
increase in environmental regulations, respectively.
The final session, chaired by Paulina Beato, focused on
energy efficiency projects. The speakers were Enrico
Cagno from the Milan Polytechnic; Peter Taylor, from the
Organising institutions:
University of Leeds and Konstantinos Kounetas from
the University of Patras. José García-Quevedo from the
University of Barcelona and member of the Chair of
Energy Sustainability explored the determinants of energy
efficiency in the case of innovative firms.
Jean-Michel Glachant, a leading figure in the research field
of energy economics, gave the closing address, together
with Maria Teresa Costa.
Unlike Pollitt, Glanchant showed himself to be more
favourable to public policies that might promote research
in the sector on the grounds that, if the goal is to achieve
‘radical’ innovations, it is unrealistic to wait for them to be
developed by the private sector without public support. He
went onto highlight the insufficient nature of the resources
dedicated to R&D in the energy industries, and finished by
discussing the mechanisms that are best suited to promoting
innovation and how they should be put to use.
Report of activities
Report of activities
• V Workshop on Transport Economics:
Competition in Network Infrastructures
A carefully designed infrastructure map is crucial for
the economic development and competitiveness of a
territory. This was the central theme of the V Workshop
on Transport Economics, held at the UB Faculty of
Economics, on May 25 last, and organized by the IEB, the
Fedea-Abertis Chair and the Network of Reference in
Applied Economics.
The event included papers from three leading experts
in the field. First, Mattia Nardotto, Professor at the
University of Cologne, delivered a paper entitled, “Open
access regulation in Infrastructure Sectors, evidence from
UK broadband”, in which he analysed the impact of the
telecommunications network on local development in
the UK.
Second, Yves Crozet, Professor at the University of Lyon,
spoke about “On-track competition in French high speed
rail market: the key variables of a challenge”, in which he
described the impact of high speed rail when applied in
accordance with criteria of competition.
Finally, Xavier Fageda, from the University of Barcelona,
closed the Workshop with a paper entitled “What
hurts the dominant airlines at hub airports”, in which
he analysed how the airlines have reacted to market
liberalization and the emergence of low-cost operators.
IEB researchers, Anna Matas and Javier Asensio, organized
and coordinated the Workshop.
Report of activities
• Workshop on Economics of Taxation:
“Design and Evaluation of Tax Policy”
Between June 8 and 9 last, the UB Faculty of
Economics hosted the Workshop on Economics of
Taxation, dedicated to the analysis of tax policies.
During the day-and-a-half-long meeting, a total of
12 papers were presented analysing the results of
such policies as VAT reform, the implementation of
asymmetric strategies in developed countries and
the optimal design of tax models.
In addition to the 12 authors of these papers, the
Workshop included two plenary sessions given
by specialist researchers in the field. Michael Keen,
from the International Monetary Fund, opened the
Workshop with a talk entitled “Taking a Bite Out of
Apple? Fixing (or Not) the Taxation of Multinationals”,
and Wojciech Kopczuk, from Columbia University,
closed the meeting with a presentation entitled “The
Polish Business ‘Flat’ Tax and Its Effect on Repor ted
Incomes: A Pareto Improving Tax Reform?” in which
he analysed the successful tax initiative that the Polish
government launched in 2004.
Alejandro Esteller-Moré and Amedeo Piolatto, both
researchers at the IEB, organized and coordinated the
Report of activities
• Workshop on Political Economy & Public
Finance: “Corruption, Lobbying, and Public
Corruption and public policies were the subjects of the
Workshop on Political Economy & Public Finance, held
between June 9 and 10 last, at the Faculty of Economics
of the University of Barcelona. Over the two days,
participants attended the presentation of papers that
analysed the impact of corruption on public accounts,
the creation of lobbies and the political connections that
favour the phenomenon and the use of technology as a
means of controlling and bring public pressure to bear
on political leaders.
The Workshop included two plenary sessions given by
leading experts in the field. James Snyder, from Harvard
University, opened the Workshop with a paper entitled
“Political Rents in US States”, and Francesco Trebbi, from
the University of British Columbia, closed the meeting
with a session entitled “The Role of Political Frictions in
Financial Crises”.
IEB researchers, Albert Solé-Ollé and Pilar SorribasNavarro, were responsible for organizing and coordinating
the Workshop.
Report of activities
• Conference: “Corruption: Magnitude, causes
and consequences”
The Barcelona Institute of Economics (IEB) of the
University of Barcelona (UB) has presented the report
“Corruption: Magnitude, causes and consequences” in
which analyzes the perception of corruption in Spain
and the social, democratic and economic implications
that are derived. The report features data of the Index
Corruption Perception prepared by Transparency
International (TI), which shows how the perception of
corruption in Spain among experts on the issue in the
public sector has grown 10 points during the crisis. Thus,
while in the years of economic boom the index gave
Spain a score of 70 (where 100 indicates the lowest
level of corruption), the result in 2014 fell to 60 points.
With these results, Spain maintains stable and close to the
average for the European Union and Western European
values. Compared with these countries, Spain is 19th of 32,
far from the Nordic (in first positions), but also far from
the results of Greece, Italy and Romania, where citizens
consider corruption as a systemic problem in the country.
Spain results are somewhat worse in population surveys
such as Eurobarometer 2013. The European report
showed as the 95% of Spaniards felt that corruption
was widespread in the country, a percentage only lower
than the ones of Greece (99%) and Italy (97%) and
far from the 76% averaged in the European Union. In
addition, 63% of the Spanish population surveyed said
that corruption affected them personally in their daily
lives, the same percentage as Greece and far from the
26% that marked the European average.
just below unemployment. Until October 2009, only 1%
of the population perceived corruption as a problem.
Correction elements
The IEB Report points to the creation of transparency
mechanisms as a possible measure of control and
correction of corruption and recommends the creation
of tools for both Passive Transparency (access to
administrative files and records) and Active Transparency
(disseminates information management) as the
Transparency Portal, active since 2014.
In this regard, the report provides a Transparency Index
of the Autonomous Communities, which analyzes 80
indicators about the information that communities give
their citizens. The index puts Castilla y Leon, Catalonia
and the Basque Country as the three most transparent
communities (100 out of 100) while Madrid (65), Murcia
(78.8) and Canarias (80) are placed in the queue. The
Spanish average is 88.6 points, above the 71.5 obtained
in 2010 and 79.9 in 2012.
In addition to the tools of transparency, the report
considers appropriate for the prevention of corruption
the existence of active media and strengthening an
independent judiciary. In this sense, the IEB Report
notes that in Spain there are 11.2 judges per 100,000
inhabitants (10 less than the European average) and
justice spending per capita is 32.4 €, by € 60.6 in average
spent by European citizens.
Perception of corruption as a problem
The economic crisis has also facilitated the viewing of
corruption as a social problem. IEB’s report says that
during the crisis, corruption has not increased, but has
served to give visibility and relies on data from the
Centro de Investigacions Sociológicas (CIS) to support
the claim. According to the latest barometer of the CIS,
50% of the population believes that corruption and
fraud is one of the three main problems of the country,
Report of activities
• VI Workshop on Economics of Education:
“Competences’ Acquisition, Skills & the Labour
The Faculty of Economics at the University of Barcelona
hosted the VI Workshop on Economics of Education, held
on September 9 and 10 last, and in which participants
analysed the design of educational models aimed at
promoting the acquisition of competences and the
targeting of skills for the labour market.
The Workshop included plenary sessions delivered by Dr
Rolf Van der Velden, from Maastricht University, and Dr
Guido Schwerdt, from the University of Konstanz, who
offered the results of their respective studies, entitled “Skills,
Skill Use and Earnings: A New Perspective” and “Returns
to Skills Around the World: Evidence from PIAAC”.
The Workshop was coordinated by IEB researchers,
Oriol Escardíbul and Jorge Calero
Report of activities
Memòria d’activitats
5. Research projects
and economic studies
Memòria d’activitats
5.1. Competitive research projects involving IEB members
In 2015, IEB members participated in the following competitive research projects:
• “Funcionamiento de los gobiernos locales: gobernanza, financiación, presupuestos, y
organización” (ECO2012-37131)
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Director: Albert Solé
Period: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015
• “Politicas fiscales sub-centrales: eficiencia, competencia y redistribucion“ (ECO2012-37873)
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Director: Alejandro Esteller
Period: 01/01/2013 – 31/12/2015
• “Identificación de políticas educativas eficaces en la mejora de la calidad educativa” (EDU2013-42480-R)
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Director: Jorge Calero
Period: 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2016
• “Retos globales, respuestas locales: el papel de las ciudades como motor de prosperidad económica” (ECO2013-41310)
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Director: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
Period: 01/01/2014-31/12/2016
• “Uso de datos geocodificados para el estudio profundizado de la economÍa del crimen en un entorno urbano”
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Director: Daniel Montolio Estivill
Period: 01/01/2014-31/12/2016
• “Infraestructuras: Eficiencia económica y regulación” (ECO2014-52999)
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad 2015-2017
Director: Anna Matas
Periode: 01/01/2015-31/12/2017
• “Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Federalisme Fiscal i Economia Regional” (2014SGR420)
Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Albert Solé-Ollé
Period: 2014-2016
• “Grup de Recerca Consolidat Grup Interdisciplinar de Polítiques Educatives” (2014SGR193)
Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Jorge Calero Martínez
Period: 2014-2016
• “Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Economia Aplicada” (2014SGR1326)
Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Anna Matas Prat
Period: 2014-2016
• “Grup de Recerca Emergent en Sostenibilitat Energètica” (2014SGR531)
Departament d’Economia i Coneixement (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Maria Teresa Costa Campi
Period: 2014-2016
Report of activities
• “Reconeixement de la Xarxa de Referència d’R+D+I: Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada”
Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Martí Parellada
Period: 01/01/2015-31/12/2015
• “Ajuts a projectes de recerca en l’àmbit de la qualitat democràtica-DEMOC 2014” Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca-AGAUR (2014DEMOC00003)
Director: Albert Solé-Ollé
Period: 2015
• “Preferències sobre la desigualtat territorial per Catalunya”
Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics (Generalitat de Catalunya)
Director: Maria Cubel
Period: 2014-2015
• “What Works for Urban Development: Evaluating the impact of place-based policies”
RecerCaixa. Obra Social “la Caixa” – ACUP
Director: Albert Solé
Period: 28/02/2015-27/02/2017
• Beca Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions -Research Fellowship Programme
European Comission
Director: José García Quevedo
Period: 01/07/2015-30/06/2017
• “Titularidad, autonomía y repetición de curso: identificación de políticas eficaces en la mejora de la calidad educativa”
XIII Concurso Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación en Ciencias sociales
Fundación Ramón Areces
Director: Álvaro Choi
Period: 2014-2016
• Thomas J. Alexander Fellowship
Director: Álvaro Choi
Period: 01/11/2015 – 31/10/2016
Report of activities
5.2. Economic studies
In 2015, IEB members conducted the following economic studies:
• “Infrastructures’ improvement and urban structure: The case of Paris“
Société du Grand Paris
Director: Elisabet Viladecans
Period: 2014-2015
• “Economic Analysis of the Impact of Electricity Regulation”
KICInnoenergy (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) – FUNSEAM
Director: Maria Teresa Costa Campi
Period: 02/2015 – 04/2016
• “Diagnóstico para la articulación territorial de los programas presupuestales en Perú”.
Director: Maite Vilalta Ferrer
Period: 2015-2015
• “Análisis de La competencia en el transporte interurbano en autobús en España”
Directors: Javier Asensio / Anna Matas
Period: January-September 2015
• “Funding and financing system for vocational training for employment in Spain”
Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET)
Director: J.Oriol Escardíbul
Period: 01/10/2015 - 20/02/2016
• “Què funciona en educació: entorn dels incentius al Professorat”
IVÀLUA (Institut Català d’Avaluació de Polítiques Públiques)
Director: J.Oriol Escardíbul
Period: 18/03/2015 - 22/05/2015
• “Propostes de recerca sobre les inversions en educación, educatives i personals”
Fundació Jaume Bofill
Director: J.Oriol Escardíbul
Period: 23/02/2014 - 31/05/2015
• Tender “Provision of economic analysis in the area of taxation”
European Comission Directorate-General Taxation and Custom Union
Director: Alejandro Esteller
Period: 30/08/2014-30/08/2018
• “El nivel educativo en España. Sus determinantes y sus efectos sobre la estabilidad laboral antes y durante la crisis”
Universitat de València
Director: Mauro Mediavilla
Període: 2014-2015
Report of activities
5.3. Research calls for applications
The institute has made the following calls for applications in 2015:
Post-Doctorals Researchers Call for Applications
A position offered by the IEB (Barcelona Institute of Economics) jointly with the Department of Public Economics at
University of Barcelona: 1 Post-Doctoral researcher.
The selected Post-Doctoral Researcher is Gianmarco Daniele.
A grant for funding a research project on local governments in Catalonia.
PhD Scholarships
A PhD Scholarship for student enrolling on the PhD program in Economics
(University of Barcelona)
The 2015 PhD student awarded is Carlos Díaz Caro.
Report of activities
Memòria d’activitats
6. Congresses, seminars
and conferences
Memòria d’activitats
6.1. Congresses
International Congresses
• Alvarez, C.; Solé-Ollé, A.; Foremny, D.
“Testing fiscal illusion in property reassessments”
71st Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance
Dublin (Ireland)
• Arqué, P.; Cartaxo, R.; García-Quevedo, J.; Mira Godinho, M.
“How inventor royalty shares affect patenting and income in Portugal and Spain”
XVII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada
Alicante (Spain)
• Arqué, P.; Cartaxo, R.; García-Quevedo, J.; Mira Godinho, M.
“How inventor royalty shares affect patenting and income in Portugal and Spain”
XLI Reunión de Estudios Regionales / International Conferece on Regional Science
Reus (Spain)
• Asensio, J.
“Competition in Spanish food retailing: Vertical relations, mergers and regulation”
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) - “Regulation and Competition Policy in Spain”
Barcelona (Spain)
• Asensio, J.; Matas, A.
“Can urban buses deficits’ be reduced in Spain?”
VIII CRNI Conference
Delft (Netherlands)
• Backus, P.; Cubel, M.; Guid, M.; López-Mañas, E.
“Kings, Queens and stereotype threats”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Boetti, L.; Galmarini, U.; Piacenza, M.; Turati, G.
“Party’s discipline and political dynasties. Revisiting the role of term limits in electoral systems”
International Institute of Public Finance
Dublin (Ireland)
• Boetti, L.; Galmarini, U.; Piacenza, M.; Turati, G.
“Party’s discipline and political dynasties. Revisiting the role of term limits in electoral systems”
XXVII SIEP Conference 2015
Ferrara (Italy)
• Casado, J.M.; Driha, O.; Simón, H.
“The gender wage gap in hospitalty”
6º Workshop “Turismo y economía del transporte: Los turistas como consumidores, visitantes y viajeros”
Guanajuato (Mexico)
• Choi, Á.
“Early school dropout in Spain: an overview in a Great Recession context”
International Workshop on Youth Labour Market Problems
Segovia (Spain)
Report of activities
• Choi, Á; Jerrim, J.
“The use (and misuse) of Pisa in guiding policy reform: the case of Spain”
XXII Encuentro de Economía Pública
Santader (Spain)
• Choi, Á.; Jerrim, C.
“The use (and misuse) of PISA for guiding policy reform: the case of Spain”
CIES 2015
Washington DC (USA)
• Choi, Á; Jerrim, J.
“The use (and misuse) of PISA for guiding policy reform: the case of Spain”
XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE)
Madrid (Spain)
• Choi, Á; Jerrim, J.
“The use (and misuse) of PISA for guiding policy reform: the case of Spain”
XII Jornadas Internacionales de Política Económica
Toledo (Spain)
• Choi, Á; Gil, M.; Mediavilla, M.; Valbuena, J.
“Double toil and trouble: grade retention and academic performance in Spain”
XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE)
Madrid (Spain)
• Choi, Á; Gil, M.; Mediavilla, M.; Valbuena, J.
“Double toil and trouble: grade retention and academic performance in Spain”
SASE’s 27th Annual Conference
London (United Kingdom)
• Costa-Campi, M.T.
“Smart regulation for the energy sector challenges”
6th World Forum of Energy Regulation
Istambul (Turkey)
• Cubel, M., Sánchez-Pagés, S.
“Gener differences and stereotypes in the beauty contest”
2015 Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (ASSET)
Granada (Spain)
• Cubel, M.
“Queens in check: the performance gender-gap in real high-stakes competitions”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Cuberes, D.; González-Val, R.
“The effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities”
Seventh Iberian Economic History Conference (Iberometrics)
Oporto (Portugal)
• Cuberes, D.; González-Val, R.
“The effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities”
15th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference
Coventry (United Kingdom)
Report of activities
• Cuberes, D.; González-Val, R.
“Civil conflict and population concentration”
62nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC)
Portland (USA)
• De Gispert, C.; Vilalta, M.
“El comportamiento cíclico de la hacienda municipal española”
XLI Reunión de Estudios Regionales / International Conferece on Regional Science
Reus (Spain)
• Escardibul, J.O.; Afcha, S.
“Determinants of the job satisfaction of PhD holders in Spain”
XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral
Barcelona (Spain)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Hémet, C.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Job decentralization, subcenter formation and public transportation”
40th Simposio de Análisis Económico (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Hémet, C.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Job decentralization, subcenter formation and public transportation”
62nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC)
Portland (USA)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs. Transportation effects in heterogeneous European cities”
International Workshop “Infrastructure and the spatial organization of economic activity”.
Madrid (Spain)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs. Transport infrastructure and European cities”
55th ERSA Congress
Lisbon (Portugal)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs. Transportation effects in heterogeneous European cities”
Spatial Economics Research Centre 7th Annual Conference (SERC)
London (United Kingdom)
• Garcia-López, M.A.; Pasidis, I.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs. Transport infrastructure and European cities”
Conference on Regional Economics and Public Policy
Bern (Switzerland)
• Gil, M.; Valbuena, J.; Mediavilla, M; Choi, Á.
“Double toil and trouble: grade retention and academic performance in Spain”
CIES 2015
Washington DC (USA)
• González, R.
“Historical urban growth in Europe (800–1800)”
55th Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA)
Lisboa (Portugal)
Report of activities
• González López-Valcárcel, B.; Mora, T.
“Do prices of unhealthy foods really influence teenager behaviours? An experiment with school pupils in Barcelona”
11th International Health Economis Association Congress
Milano (Italy)
• González, R.; Marcén, M.
“Unemployment and marital patterns in Spain”
XVIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada
Alicante (Spain)
• González, R.; Marcén, M.
“Regional unemployment, marriage and divorce”
Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics
Tesalónica (Greece)
• González, R.; Marcén, M.
“Unemployment and marital patterns in Spain”
XI Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Economía Laboral
Barcelona (Spain)
• González, R.; Marcén, M.
“Regional unemployment, marriage and divorce”
40th Simposio de Análisis Económico (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• González-Pampillón, N.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
Spatial Economics Research Centre 7th Annual Conference
Londres (United Kingdom)
• González-Pampillón, N.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
Workshop on ‘Social Interactions and Urban Segregation’
Rennes (France)
• González-Pampillón, N.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
55th ERSA Congress
Lisboa (Portugal)
• González-Pampillón, N.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• González-Pampillón, N.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
62nd Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC)
Portland (USA)
Report of activities
• Hémet, C.
“The local determinants of crime victimization”
XIVth Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet 2015
Aix-en-Provence (France)
• Hémet, C.
“The local determinants of crime victimization”
55th ERSA Congress
Lisboa (Portugal)
• Jofre-Monseny, J., Sánchez-Vidal, M., Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Big plant closures and agglomeration economies”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Lambertini, L.; Mantovani, A.
“On the optimal number of firms in a polluting oligopoly: a differential game with open-loop and linear feedback
27th European Conference on Operational Research, University of Strathclyde
Glasgow (United Kingdom)
• Lambertini, L.; Mantovani, A.
“On the optimal number of firms in a polluting oligopoly: a differential game with open-loop and linear feedback
13th Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control and Dynamic Games.
Vienna (Austria)
• Mantovani, A.
“The impact of ASEAN – China Free Trade Agreement on European Economy”
3rd STRATEGICA International Conference, National University of Political Sciences and Public Administration
Bucharest (Hungary)
• Mantovani, A.; Loginova, O.
“Price competition in the presence of a web aggregator”
56th SIE (Società Italiana degli Economisti) Annual Conference
Naples (Italy)
• Matas, A.; Raymond, J.L.
“Changes in fuel economy: an analysis of the Spanish car market”
ITEA Annual Conference (Kuhmo-Nectar),
Oslo (Norway)
• Mediavilla, M.; Choi, A.; Valbuena, J.; Gil, M.
An analysis of effectiveness of grade retention on the academic performance in Spain. A good pedagogical option?
Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and E-Learning
Praga (Czech Republic)
• Murillo, I.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H.
“Regional differences in the gender wage gap in Spain”
XLI Reunión de Estudios Regionales / International Conferece on Regional Science
Reus (Spain)
Report of activities
• Murillo, I.; Simón, H.
“Immigrant relative wages at the Great Recession: Evidence with matched employer-employee data for Spain
XVIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada
Alicante (Spain)
• Murillo, I.; Simón, H.
“Immigrant relative wages at the Great Recession: Evidence with matched employer-employee data for Spain”
XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral
Barcelona (Spain)
• Pasidis, I.
“Congestion by accident or congestive accidents? Traffic and accidents in England”
ITEA Annual Conference 2015
Oslo (Norway)
• Pasidis, I.
“Spatial competition vs. Spatian agglomeration? Concentration and clustering in the Dutch retail sector”
62nd Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC)
Portland (USA)
• Pasidis, I.
“Congestion by accident or congestive accidents? Traffic and accidents in England”
62nd Annual Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC)
Portland (USA)
• Pelegrín, A.
“China y Japón: interdependencia económica cada vez más fuerte”
2º Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios Chinos
Barcelona (Spain)
• Piolatto, A.
“Competition and welfare consequences of information aggregators”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Salvadori, L.
“Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the Basque country
55th ERSA Congress
Lisbon (Portugal)
• Salvadori, L.
“Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the Basque country
40th Simposio de Análisis Económico (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Salvadori, L.
“Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the Basque country
XXVII SIEP Conference 2015
Ferrara (Italy)
• Salvadori, L.
“Does tax enforcement counteract the negative effects of terrorism? A case study of the Basque country”
3rd TARC Workshop on Tax Administration
Exeter (United Kingdom)
Report of activities
• Sánchez-Vidal, M.
“Large establishements and local entrepreneurs: evidence from the retail sector”
55th ERSA Congress
Lisboa (Portugal)
• Sánchez-Vidal, M.
“Large establishements and local entrepreneurs: evidence from the retail sector”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Foremny, D.; Jofre-Monseny, J.
“Hold that ghost: local government manipulation of intergovernmental transfers”
Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice 2015 (EPCS 2015)
Groningen (Netherlands)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Foremny, D.; Jofre-Monseny, J.
“Hold that ghost: local government manipulation of intergovernmental transfers”
ZEW 2015 Public Finance Conferece
Mannheim (Germany)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.
“Does corruption erode trust in government? Evidence from a recent surge of local scandals in Spain”
Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society 2015 (EPCS 2015)
Groningen (Netherlands)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.
“Does corruption erode trust in government? Evidence from a recent surge of local scandals in Spain”
Political Economy Workshop
University of Lancaster (United Kingdom)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.
“Does corruption erode trust in government? Evidence from a recent surge of local scandals in Spain”
CERDI (Centre d’Études et de Recherches sur le Développement International)
Université d’Auvergne
Clermont-Ferrand (France)
• Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P.
“Does corruption erode trust in government? Evidence from a recent surge of local scandals in Spain”
XXVII SIEP Conference 2015
Ferrara (Italy)
• Soy, A.
“The Spanish economy today: a deep estructural crisis”
EUA 2015 Workshop
Pescara (Italy)
• Vázquez-Grenno, J.; Jofre-Monseny, J; José I. Silva
“The impact of públic employment on local labor Markets”
Montreal (Canada)
• Vázquez-Grenno, J.
“Immigration and Local Employment”
40th Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEe)
Girona (Spain)
Report of activities
• Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Barcelona in the global league of cities: Doing the right things and doing the things right”
Workshop Global Trends in Cities. IESE.
Barcelona (Spain)
• Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Transport and the EU economic space: Theory and Policy”.
COEURE Workshop on “Cities, Regional Development and Transport”
Université Libre de Bruxelles
Bruxelles (Belgium)
• Vilalta, M.
“Innovation and geographical spillovers: new approaches and evidence”
XLI Reunión de Estudios Regionales / International Conferece on Regional Science
Reus (Spain)
National Congresses
• Calero, J.
“Paro y desigualdad en el nivel de competencias de la población adulta”
XXII Encuentro de Economía Pública
Santader (Spain)
• Calero, J.
“Competencias de la población adulta y desempleo. Un análisis basado en PIAAC”
XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE)
Madrid (Spain)
• Choi, Á.
“L’avaluació de la Llei d’Educació de Catalunya”
I Jornada d’Avaluació Econòmica de Polítiques Públiques
Barcelona (Spain)
• Durán Cabré, J.M.
“La herencia: una institución también económica”
Primeras Jornadas de Cultura Jurídica (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Barcelona (Spain)
• Escardíbul, J. O.; Mediavilla, M.
“El efecto de las TIC en la adquisición de competencias. Un análisis por tipo de centro educativo (público/privado)”
XXIV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE)
Madrid (Spain)
• Fernández-Gutiérrez, M.; Calero, J.
“Efectos no monetarios de la educación en España: análisis a partir del empleo del tiempo”
XXII Encuentro de Economía Pública
Santader (Spain)
• Granell, R.; Fuenmayor, A.; Mediavilla, M.
“Movilidad intergeneracional educativa en España: la situación de la población inmigrante”
XXII Encuentro de Economía Pública
Santander (Spain)
Report of activities
• Granell, R.; Fuenmayor, A.; Mediavilla, M.
“Determinantes educativos y movilidad intergeneracional de los inmigrantes en Europa”
XXIV Meeting of the Economics of Education Association
Madrid (Spain)
• Parellada, M.
“La reforma de la universidad y su impulso a la competitividad de la economia española”
XI Jornadas sobre docencia de economía aplicada
Madrid (Spain)
• Parellada, M.
“Los desafíos de una economía abierta”
XXVII Jornadas de Alicante sobre economía española,
Alicante (Spain)
• Parellada,M.
“La contribució de la universitat al desenvolupament. Llums i ombres”
I Forum d’Innovació, CSIC- Cambra de Mallorca,
Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
• Ramos, R.; Sanromà, E.; Simón, H.
“Un análisis regional de las diferencias salariales entre trabajo a tiempo parcial y completo”
XVIII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada
Alicante (Spain)
• Ramos, R.; Sanromà, E.; Simón, H.
“Un análisis regional de las diferencias salariales entre trabajo a tiempo parcial y completo”
XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral (JEL 2015)
Barcelona (Spain)
• Vázquez-Grenno, J.; Jofre-Monseny, J; José I. Silva
“The impact of públic employment on local labor Markets”
XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral (JEL 2015)
Barcelona (Spain)
• Vilalta, M.
“El mecanismo de nivelación del modelo de financiación de las comunidades autónomas: análisis de los elementos
que determinan su grado de progresividad”
XXII Encuentro de Economía Pública
Santader (Spain)
6.2. Seminars and Conferences
• Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pagés, S.
“Inequality in conflicts”
Departament of Economics. University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh (USA)
• Cubel, M.; Sánchez-Pagés, S.
“Gender differences and stereotypes in the beauty contest”
Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico. Universidad de Alicante
Alicante (Spain)
Report of activities
• Choi, Á; Jerrim, J.
“The use (and misuse) of PISA for guiding policy reform: the case of Spain”
Departamento de Economía Aplicada de la Universidad de Valencia
Valencia (Spain)
• Garrido, A.
“El marc econòmic de l’AMB”.
Jornada tècnica sobre el Creixement inclusiu: el gran repte estratègic metropolità”
Barcelona (Spain)
• Garrido. A.
“Marc i context econòmic de l’ Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona en la perspectiva de l’elaboració del PDUM”.
Jornada de treball sobre el Context del Pla Director Urbanístic de la ÀMB
Barcelona (Spain)
• Matas, A.
“És possible la competència entre aeroports?”
Jornada de Competència entre Aeroports, ACCO
Barcelona (Spain)
• Simón, H.
“Diferencias salariales por género: ¿por qué cobran menos las mujeres?”
I Foro de investigación de estudios de género. ¿Qué ventajas tiene introducir la igualdad de género en tu empresa?
Alicante (Spain)
• Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Express delivery to the suburbs: Transport infrastructure and the European cities”
Seminar on Spatial Economics. Department of Spatial Economics.
VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
• Viladecans-Marsal, E.
“Can urban renewal policies reverse ethnic tipping points?”
Summer Seminar Series in Urban, Transport and Regional Economics. Department of Economics. University of
Irvine (USA)
• Vilalta, M.
«Són els impostos i el sistema fiscal la clau de volta per eliminar la pobresa i les desigualtats?”
I Jornada Ciutadana per una Fiscalitat Justa
Barcelona (Spain)
• Vilalta, M.
«La despesa en educación dels municipis de Catalunya i el seu finançament.Un anàlisi a través del seus
Jornada de la Federació de Municipis de Catalunya: “Enfortint la centralitat de l’educació en la transformació dels
Barcelona (Spain)
• Vilalta, M.
«Com funcionen els ajuntaments a nivel econòmic? Els pressupostos i la seva execució”.
Jornada de Formació sobre Fiscalitat i Pressupostos
Argentona (Spain)
Report of activities
• Vilalta, M.
«La necessitat de revisar el finançament de l’administració local: el sistema de transferències estatal i autonòmic”.
Seminari d’actualització per electes locals: Els principis de Sostenibilitat financera i estabilitat pressupostària en
l’àmbit local
Barcelona (Spain)
• Vilalta, M.
«Municipi i ciutadania: En què gasten els ajuntaments? D’on venen els seus ingresos? Contribueixen a millorar la vida
dels ciutadans?”
Cicle de Xerrades organitzades per l’Associació del Mar de Castelldefels.
Argentona (Spain)
• Vilalta, M.
«La financiación autonómica: Logros, carencias y modelos alternativos”.
Seminario “La Financiación autonómica a debate: sentando las bases del federalismo fiscal”.
Sevilla (Spain)
Memòria d’activitats
7. Visits
Memòria d’activitats
7.1. By IEB members
7.2. By professors to the IEB
During 2015, the IEB members have made some visiting
In 2015, the following researchers have visited IEB:
• Cubel, M.
Visiting at the Department of Economics, University of
Pittsburgh (USA)
Visiting period: February 2015 – June 2016
• Choi, Á.
Visiting at the OCDE (France)
Visiting period: November 2015 – February 2016
• Foremny, D.
Visiting at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
Janeiro (Brazil)
Visiting period: November 2015 – February 2016
• Montolio, D.
Visiting at the Inter-American Development Bank
Visiting period: July 2015 – December 2015
• Mora, T.
Visiting at the Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Visiting period: May 1, 2015 – May 31, 2015
• Piolatto, A.
Visiting at the Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)
Visiting period: June 15, 2015 – September 25, 2015
• Piolatto, A.
Visiting at the Tilburg University (Netherlands)
Visiting period: November 5, 2015 – February 18, 2016
• Solé Ollé, Albert
Visiting at the University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Visiting period: June 2015 - September 2015
• Ester Martínez-Ros (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Dates of visit: January 13 – January 15, 2015
• Morgane Laouénan (Université Catholique de
Dates of visit: February 16 – February 20, 2015
• Wladimir Raymond (STATEC)
Dates of visit: March 2 – March 6, 2015
• Andreas Loeschel (University of Münster)
Dates of visit: March 9 – March 13, 2015
• Christina Gathmann (Universität Heidelberg)
Dates of visit: March 16 – March 20, 2015
• Filipa Amorim (MIT Portugal)
Dates of visit: May 6 – May 8, 2015
• Juan-Carlos Suarez (Duke University)
Dates of visit: May 18 – May 22, 2015
• Florian Morath (Max Planck Institute)
Dates of visit: September 23 – October 9, 2015
• Olmo Silva (London School Economics)
Dates of visit: October 12 – October 16, 2015
• Håkan Selin(IFAU)
Dates of visit: October 26 – October 30, 2015
• Byron Lutz (Federal Reserve Board)
Dates of visit: November 16 – November 20, 2015
• Mike Waterson (University of Warwick)
Dates of visit: November 16 – November 26, 2015
• Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet
Visiting at the University of California, Irvine (UCI)
Visiting period: June 2015 – September 2015
Memòria d’activitats
8. PhD theses
Memòria d’activitats
In 2015, IEB members have supervised or read the following PhD theses:
PhD defended
• PhD Student: Luis Rodolfo Améstica Rivas
Directors: Josep-Oriol Escardíbul Ferrà / Xavier Llinàs
Defence date : 15/04/2015
Title: Retorno, deserción y financiamiento universitario, factores clave de la educación superior. Lecciones para la
política pública. El caso de Chile
University: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
• PhD Student: Luca Salvadori
Directors: José Mª Durán-Cabré / Alejandro Esteller-Moré
Title: Three essays on fiscal federalism
Defence date: 27/04/2015
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Simón Planells-Strusse
Director: Daniel Montolio
Title: Essays on economics of crime
Defence date: 05/05/2015
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Adriana Karina Ruiz Marín
Directors: Anna Matas Prat / Josep Lluis Raymond Bara
Defence date: 15/07/2015
Title: Tres ensayos sobre economía del transporte
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Upcoming defenses
• PhD Student: Catarina Alvarez
Directors: Albert Solé-Ollé / Dirk Foremny
Title: Essays on the political economy of local property taxes
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Daniel Davi-Arderiu
Directors: M.Teresa Costa-Campi / José García-Quevedo
Title: Economics of networks in electricity systems
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Jaume Doménech Reinoso
Director: Josep-Oriol Escardíbul
Title: The scars of economic austerity pattern in European labor market. 1970-2008
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Joan Batalla Bejerano
Directors: M.Teresa Costa / Agustí Segarra
Title: La regulación, factor clave para el desarrollo de las energías renovables
University: Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Report of activities
• PhD Student: Francisco Cavalcanti
Directors: Albert Solé-Ollé / Amedeo Piolatto
Title: Natural disasters, Political Competition, and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from Brazilian Droughts
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Liliana Franco Vázquez
Director: Josep Ll. Raymond Bara
Title: Tres ensayos sobre las desigualdades regionales en Colombia
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
• PhD Student: José Raymundo Galán González
Director: Anna Matas Prat
Title: Tenencia y uso de coches en México: Un análisis estático y dinámico a nivel regional, 1992-2008
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Nicolás González Pampillón
Directors: Jordi Jofre-Monseny / Elisabet Viladecans Marsal
Title: Essays on Urban Economics
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Juan Manuel Guío
Directors: Álvaro Choi / Josep-Oriol Escardíbul
Title: Analysis of the process of acquisition of skills and competences in Spain
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Mariona Mas Montserrat
Directors: Jose M. Durán-Cabré / Alejandro Esteller-Moré
Title: TBA
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Joan Mª Mussons
Directors: Núria Bosch / Josep Lluis Raymond
Title: Fiscal policy and the cycle position of the Autonomous Communities in Spain: a fiscal federalism approach
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Natassa Papadopoulou
Directors: Santiago Sánchez-Pagés / Maria Cubel
Title: TBA
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Ilias Pasidis
Directors: Miquel-Angel García-López / Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
Title: Essays on transportation and cities
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Marc Puigmulé Solà
Directors: Albert Solé-Ollé / Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
Title: TBA
University: Universitat de Barcelona
Report of activities
• PhD Student: Orlando Reyes Martínez
Director: Anna Matas Prat
Title: La implementación de la medida de eficiencia energética en el sector transporte y sus impactos en el medio
ambiente en España
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Inmaculada Rico Delgado
Director: Josep Ll. Raymond Bara/ Roxana Gutierrez
Title: Disparidades regionales de desempleo entre regiones del norte y del sur: Una visión empírica para el caso de
University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Maria Sánchez Vidal
Title: Essays on urban economics
Directors: Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal/Jordi Jofre-Monseny
University: Universidad de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Sara Torregrosa
Director: Alejandro Esteller-Moré / Alfonso Herranz
Title: Sistema impositivo y redistribución. La transición fiscal española (1960-1990)
University: Universitat de Barcelona
• PhD Student: Tania Paola Torres Gutiérrez
Directors: Rafael González-Val/ Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
Title: Crecimiento urbano, segregación y políticas públicas
University: Universitat de Barcelona