BENI STABILI GROUP ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Corporate Officers and Control Bodies 2 Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders 4 Property valuations of independent experts 6 Call of the Shareholders’ Meeting 43 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Management Report 46 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Beni Stabili Group: 80 1 Statement of Financial Position 2 Income Statement 3 Statement of Comprehensive Income 4 Statement of Changes in Equity 5 Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the financial statements 86 Annexes 165 Independent Auditors’ Report 169 SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2014 Management Report 172 Financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ: 189 1 Statement of Financial Position 2 Income Statement 3 Statement of Comprehensive Income 4 Statement of Changes in Equity 5 Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the financial statements 195 Annexes 277 Independent Auditors’ Report 291 Statutory Auditors’ Report 294 Beni Stabili Group Corporate Officers and Control Bodies CORPORATE OFFICERS AND CONTROL BODIES Board of Directors Executive and Investment Committee Enrico Laghi Chairman - Independent Enrico Laghi Chairman - Independent Aldo Mazzocco Chief Executive Officer Aldo Mazzocco Member Isabella Bruno Tolomei Frigerio Director - Independent Leonardo Del Vecchio Member Françoise Pascale Jacqueline Debrus Director - Independent Christophe Joseph Kullmann Member Leonardo Del Vecchio Director Giacomo Marazzi Member - Independent Christophe Joseph Kullmann Director Jean Gaston Laurent Director Giacomo Marazzi Director - Independent Clara Pierfranca Vitalini Director - Independent Board of Directors' Remuneration Committee Appointment Commettee Enrico Laghi Chairman - Independent Enrico Laghi Chairman - Independent Giacomo Marazzi Member - Independent Françoise Pascale Jacqueline Debrus Member - Independent Clara Pierfranca Vitalini Member - Independent Giacomo Marazzi Member - Independent Audit and Risk commettee Transactions with related parties Giacomo Marazzi Chairman - Independent Carlo Longari Enrico Laghi Member - Independent Sabrina Petrucci Clara Pierfranca Vitalini Member - Independent Supervisory Body pursant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 Board of Statutory Auditors Marcellino Bortolomiol Chairman Luciano Acciari Auditor Fabio Venegoni Auditor Gianluca Pivato Substitute Auditor Francesco Freschi Substitute Auditor Independent Auditors Mazars S.p.A. 3 Chairman Member/Internal Audit Beni Stabili Group Chairman’s Letter to Shareholders Dear Shareholders, 2014 has been a year packed with events and important changes. Above all, the positive completion of the project to enhance the Group’s financial structure through the early repayment of the notes related to the Imser 60 securitization; this transaction allowed Beni Stabili to further optimize its costs, making its financial structure more flexible and reducing the average cost of the debt by almost 100bps. In more detail, cash financial expenses will decrease by more than € 30 million on an annualized basis, significantly improving the cash generation of the Group. Furthermore the new Investire Immobiliare SGR is now fully operative; it is the result of the process of the merger of Beni Stabili Gestioni SGR and Polaris Real Estate SGR into Investire Immobiliare SGR occurred in 2014. This process generated the second SGR in Italy, and it allowed Your Company to powerfully place itself in the real estate fund business area, thorough an important 17.9% stake, and, in the meanwhile, to further focus in the Siiq sector guaranteeing both transparency and an effective management of the core business. As far as the real estate activity is concerned, the completion of the refurbishment of the property in via San Nicolao in Milan was noticeable, and now the asset is the new headquarter of the Luxottica Group and it is a new reference point for the sustainable redevelopment activities, indeed it has been immediately awarded the Re-Built prize for the 2014 sustainable building. Moreover the divesting activity aimed at the portfolio rotation proceeded with more than € 108 million disposals. The disposal with capital gain of an asset in Milan worth € 62 million was remarkable. These deals were completed in a still very challenging environment, proving both the high quality of the real estate asset portfolio of Your Company and the ability of its team to wellperform in any market condition. With the assiduous effort of all the employees, and after the reinforcement of its capital structure and a new focus on its core business, Your Company is ready for a fresh start in an environment of growth and stable value creation; it is also supported by an important reform of the Italian Siiq regime and by some positive signals of stabilization of the market for the coming years. The Chairman Enrico Laghi 5 Property valuations of independent experts Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. REAG Real Estate Advisory Group S.p.A. Yard Valtech S.r.l. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 Milan, 9 February 2015 IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Via C.O. Cornaggia 10 20123, Milano Ns. rif /Our ref CON000224708 Tel / Direct line 02 85 86 86 51 Fax 02 85 86 86 50 [email protected] [email protected] For the attention of: Mr. Guido Giannetta Subject: Executive Summary related to the Valuation Report of the IMSER Portfolio dated 31st December 2014 Dear Mr. Giannetta, Further to your instruction dated 6th November 2014, we have carried out the analyses necessary for the valuation of the Real Estate Portfolio named IMSER, owned by IMSER 60 Siinq S.p.A. and including 156 assets leased to the Telecom Group and a land plot located in the province of Bergamo. Please refer to Appendix 1 of this Executive Summary for the details of the assets composing the Real Estate Portfolio subject of the present analysis. Scope of the subject valuation analysis is to provide you with our professional opinion of the following value as at 31st December 2014: Fair Value of each asset, in its current state of repairs and use, subject to the existing lease agreements and with the benefit of vacant possession for the portions that are not income producing. The subject analysis has been carried out for accounting purposes (balance sheet), as required by international accounting standards, and to provide you with the necessary information for a correct and complete financial statement disclosure. The subject Executive Summary is a brief communication of the analytic results of the valuation instruction carried out as at 31/12/2014 and represents an extract of the Valuation Report issued by JLL, and it is therefore subject to the same General Terms and Conditions. For further information relevant to the subject portfolio, to each asset analyzed and to the valuation assumptions adopted for the scope of the analysis, please refer to the Valuation Report dated 31st December 2014. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 Basis of the Valuation We bring to the Client’s attention that our analyses are carried out in accordance with the principles and guidelines contained in the Red Book issued by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (hereinafter referred to as the RICS). The subject valuation has been carried out in accordance with the following definitions: Fair Value “The price that would be received to sell an asset,or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (IFRS 13)” We report below the definition of Market Value in consideration of the linear relation between the two value bases (Red Book VPGA5 1.5). Market Value “The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.” The General Principles upon which our valuation has been performed are reported in the following Section of the present document. We wish to bring to the Client’s attention that our valuation analyses are carried out in accordance with the principles and guidelines contained in the Red Book issued by the RICS and the international accounting standards. With reference to the present document and its appendixes, the definition “Market Value” should be interpreted and assimilated to that of “Fair Value”. We confirm that the valuation criteria adopted for the purposes of the present analysis are compliant with the IFRS 13 provisions in terms of calculation of the Fair Value. General Principles The following are the general principles upon which our Valuations and Reports are prepared; they apply unless we have agreed otherwise and specifically mentioned any variations in the body of the subject report. We would like to bring to your attention that, in the subject report, we refer to IMSER 60 Siinq S.p.A. as the Client. Sources of Information As per our agreement, we have carried out our analysis on the basis of the documentation and data provided by the Client and/or its appointed representatives. For the purposes of this valuation, we have assumed that the information provided to us – with reference to areas, cadastral information, tenancy, contract terms, etc.– are accurate and correct. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 Measurements and Areas For the purposes of this valuation, we have relied on the information provided by the Client and/or its appointed representatives with reference to the measurements and areas subject of the present analysis and, as agreed, no further verification (e.g. on site check measurements) has been carried out. Titles For the purposes of the subject valuation, we have not studied the details of the title deed, general or specific ground lease conditions, or other restrictions or rights of third parties, if not otherwise specified in the relevant sections of the subject report. Town planning and Other Statutory Regulations We have based our opinion on the cadastral documentation information provided in writing by the Client and/or its appointed representatives. We have in all cases assumed that the uses to which the land and buildings are put are established for planning purposes, and that all necessary town-planning consents and byelaw approvals have been obtained, and all other relevant statutory regulations complied with, if not otherwise specified in the relevant sections of the subject report. Site Visit As agreed with the Client, we have carried out a site inspection of a sixth of the assets part of the subject Real Estate Portfolio. Please refer to the Valuation Report dated December 2014 for the details of the assets inspected in occasion of the previous valuation exercise. Structural Survey It is our opinion that the data and information collected/provided by us during the inspection of the subject property is appropriate for carrying out the subject valuation instruction. We bring to your attention that, in any case, our inspections aim at gaining a general understanding of the state of repair of the property and of their formal and functional qualities (with reference to the areas we have inspected) with a purely visual analysis. The documentation provided by the Client included an indication on a purely general basis of the state of repairs and the condition of the technical plants of the subject assets, As agreed with the Client, for the purpose of the valuation of the assets analyzed on a desktop basis, we have assumed that such indications are correct and no further enquiry has been carried out. Should the results of a technical due diligence highlight different conditions that the ones reported to us, the results of our analysis could have to be reviewed accordingly. With reference to the areas subject to integral redevelopment, our inspections aim exclusively to verify the quality of the surrounding urban context and the intrinsic qualities of the subject areas. Deleterious materials and Pollution We do not normally carry out investigations on site to ascertain whether any building was constructed or altered using deleterious materials or techniques (including, by way of example, high cement concrete, wood-wool as permanent shuttering, calcium chloride or asbestos). Unless we are otherwise informed, our valuations are on the basis that no such materials or techniques have been used. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 Environmental Contamination We do not carry out site surveys or environmental assessments, or investigate historical records to establish whether any land or premises are or have been contaminated. Unless we are specifically advised to the contrary, our valuations assume that the properties are not affected by environmental contamination. Disposal Costs and Liabilities No allowances are made for any expenses related to any taxes and impositions. For the purposes of this valuation, we have not taken into account the effect of the changes to VAT legislation, nor of the changes to the provisions on property transfer and registration charges, or of the introduction of legal measures intended to close loopholes in property-tax legislation. If you require certainty as to the possible considerable effects of changes in legislation on the value of the property, we advise you to contact your tax advisor. Confidentiality to Third Parties and Liability The results of our analysis and our reports are confidential and intended exclusively for the use of the Client, specified in the subject report or in the instruction letter (please see Section 1). No responsibility is accepted by any third party. Neither our valuation reports, nor the relevant results, may be disclosed to Third parties without our prior written approval, it being understood that IMSER 60 Siinq S.p.A. cannot allow third parties to consider the results of the analysis carried out by JLL as substitutive of those deriving from their own verifications, without prejudice to the disclosure by the Client of the data necessary for the financial statements required by the regulations in force for listed companies. Similarly, we bring to the Client’s attention that neither the whole nor any part of this report, nor reference thereto, may be published in any document, statement or circular, nor in any communication with third parties, without our prior written approval. Valuation Approach and Methodology The present Section describes the valuation approach and methodology adopted for the valuation of the assets subject of the present analysis. The valuation approach has been selected based on the asset typology, considering the potential buyer typology and its decisional drivers. It is our opinion that the subject assets, with the exception of the land plot located in Via Marzanica 98 – Bergamo ( Ref. no. 500-040) represent an investment opportunity for sophisticated real estate investors, characterized by a structured and advanced approach, for whom the decisional process will be based on the capability of the asset to generate income and as a medium-long term investment. It is our opinion that, in consideration of the asset typology, the land plot located in Via Marzanica 98, Bergamo represents an investment opportunity suitable for a local developer. Factors such as the potential buyer category, the asset typology and destination of use, have guided the choice of the appropriate valuation approach and methodology, better described below for each asset typology. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 Assets leased to Telecom Group The valuation analysis of the assets leased to the Telecom Group, part of the subject Real Estate Portfolio, has been performed by adopting an Income approach with a Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF). This methodology is based on the discount of the cash-flows generated by the property over the period of analysis. The cash flows comprise the revenues generated by the property and the costs sustained by the Landlord during the holding period. At the end of this period, it has been assumed that the property will be sold at market conditions. The exit value has been obtained by capitalising the revenue of the year following the end of the holding period at an appropriate market capitalisation rate. The cash flow analysis has been performed taking into consideration inflation and a 10 year holding period in which the cash flows, composed of the revenues generated by the asset, the sustained costs and the sale value of the asset at the end of the period, have been projected. The valuation analysis of the subject property has been performed with Argus Valuation Capitalisation software, a widely acknowledged software within the real estate sector. Land Plot located in Via Marzanica 98, Bergamo The valuation of the subject land plot has been performed by adopting an income valuation approach, more specifically a residual valuation methodology, usually adopted for the determination of the probable market value of buildable and/or assets requiring regeneration and/or redevelopment actions. This valuation method allows to determine the property value as the difference between the estimated revenue, produced by the sale of the developed product, and the development costs related to its construction (e.g. construction costs, planning fees, professional fees, marketing costs, etc.) and the developer’s profit. We deem appropriate to highlight that, considering the characteristics of the subject property, the analysis has been performed by using a static model. Valuation Based on the information reported in the present document and in the Valuation Report dated December 2014, it is our opinion that the probable total value of the subject Real Estate Portfolio, intended as the sum of the single Fair Values of the analysed assets valued singularly, in their current state of repairs and use, subject to the existing lease agreements and with the benefit of vacant possession for the portions that are not income producing, as at market conditions available at the valuation date is in the order of: € 1,698,060,000 (One Billion Six Hundred Ninety Eight Millions Sixty Thousand Euros) The above reported value is not inclusive of acquisition costs. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. via Agnello 8 - 20121 Milano Tel +39 02 85 86 86 1 fax +39 02 85 86 86 50 We deem appropriate to specify that the sum of the single Fair Values, equal to the Market Values reported in the single valuation schedules, is not representative of the Portfolio value in its entirety. Please refer to Appendix 2 of the present document for the details of the single estimated Fair Values. __________________ The subject communication has been drawn up on 9th February 2015. Pierre Marin MRICS CEO Appendixes: - Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Details of the analysed Portfolio Summary schedule of the analysis results Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Spettabile BENI STABILI SIIQ Via Cornaggia, 10 20123 MILANO Alla cortese attenzione della Dott. Guido Giannetta Milano, 12 dicembre 2014 Oggetto: Stima alla data del dicembre 2014 di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di Beni stabili Spa SIIQ, Beni stabili immobiliare 5 S.r.L., Beni Stabili Sviluppo Immobiliare 5 S.r.L., Beni Stabili Sviluppo Immobiliare 8 S.p.A., Beni Stabili Sviluppo Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. e di Beni Stabili Sviluppo Rigamonti S.r.L. PREMESSA Alla luce di quanto concordato e dell’incarico conferitoci, abbiamo esaminato il materiale di base trasmessoci ed abbiamo svolto sopralluoghi ed indagini per verificare posizionamenti specifici, mercati di riferimento, intorni geografici ed urbani, etc… dei complessi sottopostoci. Nel prosieguo si illustrano le risultanze delle nostre conclusioni economiche redatte sulla base della documentazione trasmessaci e dei sopralluoghi direttamente effettuati. DEFINIZIONE DEL VALORE DI MERCATO Per valore di mercato s’intende il più probabile prezzo al quale la vendita di un bene immobile potrà ragionevolmente ritenersi come incondizionatamente conclusa, contro corrispettivo in denaro, alla data della valutazione, presupponendo: i. che la parte venditrice abbia la reale intenzione di alienare i beni; ii. che, anteriormente alla data della stima, ci sia stato un ragionevole periodo di tempo (considerando la tipologia del bene e la situazione del mercato immobiliare di zona e di settore) per effettuare un’adeguata commercializzazione, concordare il prezzo e le condizioni di vendita per portare a termine la stessa; iii. che il trend di mercato, il livello di valore e le altre condizioni economiche alla data di stipula del preliminare del contratto di compravendita siano identici a quelli esistenti alla data della valutazione; YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI iv. che eventuali offerte da parte di acquirenti per i quali la proprietà abbia caratteristiche tali da farla considerare come “fuori mercato” non vengano prese in considerazione. LIMITI DELLA PRESENTE RELAZIONE La presente relazione di stima è stata effettuata secondo le istruzioni ricevute, ciononostante vi sono alcuni limiti inerenti alla relazione stessa che è nostro preciso dovere segnalarVi, come qui di seguito riportato. Tali aspetti andranno eventualmente ulteriormente analizzati in quanto non considerati dal presente rapporto. 1. Nessuna ricerca è stata direttamente effettuata riguardo al titolo di proprietà, alla situazione catastale, edilizio/urbanistica, ipotecaria od altro. Non sono state effettuate verifiche delle strutture né analisi sui terreni per la rilevazione della presenza di eventuali sostanze tossiche e/o comunque inquinanti. Nessun aspetto legale, fiscale o finanziario è stato preso in considerazione fatto salvo quanto specificatamente illustrato nelle seguenti pagine. 2. Le indicazioni delle indagini di mercato da noi effettuate sui locali mercati immobiliari di zona e di settore sono a nostro parere rappresentative della situazione di mercato alla data della presente valutazione. Ciò nonostante non possiamo escludere che esistano ulteriori segmenti di domanda e/o offerta propri di alcune delle specifiche destinazioni esaminate e tali da modificare, ma non sensibilmente, l'adozione dei singoli parametri unitari da noi scelti ed adottati come riferimento. 3. Le consistenze immobiliari relative al cespite esaminato sono state desunte dai tabulati fornitici dalla Proprietà presupponendole come complete, veritiere e di perdurante validità stante che in sede di sopralluogo non si sono svolti rilievi ex novo limitandosi a delle significative misure campionatorie al fine di determinare eventuali scostamenti o di meglio articolare (per usi specifici, livelli di piano, etc…) le consistenze stesse. 4. Non abbiamo preso visione delle autorizzazioni relative a concessioni edilizie, pratiche di sanatoria, agibilità e di tutto quanto concerne la regolarità edilizia dei fabbricati, né effettuato verifiche, con tale finalità, presso gli Enti competenti e/o l’Amministrazione Comunale e pertanto, in fase di valorizzazione, abbiamo considerato gli assets come perfettamente regolari ove non diversamente segnalatoci. BENI OGGETTO DI STIMA Sono stati resi oggetto di stima i beni corrispondenti alle sotto riportate localizzazioni: - Bologna, galleria II Agosto 1980, 5/5A; - Bologna, via delle Lame, 109; - Bologna, via Galliera, 4; - Bologna, via Nanni Costa, 28; - Camburzano, strada comunale Presio Marcellino; - Cinisello Balsamo, viale Lombardia, 6; - Firenze, via San Gallo, 126/128; - Forlì, viale della Libertà, 48; YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI - Gorizia, via XX Settembre, 137; Legnano, via Secchi/Fornace; Milano, via Bernina, 7; Milano, via Cornaggia, 6; Milano, via Dante, 7; Milano, corso Matteotti, 4/6; Milano, corso Sempione, 67; Milano, piazza Sigmund Freud, 1; Milano, via Amedei, 8; Milano, via Eritrea, 48/8; Milano, via Messina, 38; Milano, via San Nicolao, 16; Milano, piazza San Fedele, 2; Milano, viale Certosa, 218; Milano, via Monte Titano, 10; Milano, via dell’Unione, 1; Milano, via Bisceglie, 120; Milano, via Montebello, 18; Milano, via Rombon, 11; Milano via Vittorio Colonna, 4; Milano, via Schievano, 7; Milano, via Adamello, via Orobia, via Vezza d’Oglio; Milano, via Boscovich, 18; Milano, via Marcora, 12; Milano, via Scarsellini, 14; Milano, viale Jenner, 73; Modena, via Galileo Galilei, 224/230; Occhieppo Inferiore, strada statale 338; Padova, piazzale della Stazione, 6A; Padova, via degli Zabarella, 54; Padova, via Foscolo, 2; Popoli, via Gramsci, 100; Reggio Emilia, via della Previdenza Sociale, 6/6A; Roma, via dei Boccabelli, 21; Roma, via dell’Arte, 68; Roma, Ponte di Nona; Roma, Cassia Nuova, via Pantaleoni; Roma, largo Bacigalupo; Roma, via Ambrosini; Roma, via Denza; Roma, via Chelini; Roma, via Fancelli, 167; Roma, via Monti Tiburtini; Roma, via Querini Vertemà; Roma, via Roccaporena, 44; Rozzano, Milanofiori, Strada 7; Rozzano, Milanofiori, Strada 8; San Bernardino Verbano; San Donato Milanese, strada statale Nuova Paullese, 415; Terni, via Bramante, 41/43; YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI - Torino, corso Ferrucci, 112; Torino, corso Marconi, 10; Torino, corso Galileo Ferraris, 32; Torino, via Giordano Bruno, 84; Torino, via Lugaro, 15; Treviso, via Piave, 19; Udine, via Gorghi, 18; Varese, via Volta, 1/3/5; Varese, Sacro Monte; Venezia, Lido Riviera San Nicolò, 55; Vicenza, via Zampieri, 22; Vico Equense, Monte Faito. CRITERI DI VALUTAZIONE In sede di stima ci siamo attenuti a metodologie e principi valutativi di generale accettazione ed in particolare, nelle valutazioni in esame, abbiamo utilizzato il metodo di volta in volta ritenuto più idoneo in virtù della tipologia, dell’uso e della natura dell’asset nonché del suo stato occupazionale. I metodi più ricorrentemente usati, a volte anche in modo affiancato, sono stati quello comparativo o del mercato (basato sul confronto fra il bene in oggetto ed altri simili recentemente oggetto di compravendita o correntemente offerti sullo stesso mercato o su piazze concorrenziali), quello della capitalizzazione del reddito e quello dell’attualizzazione dei flussi di cassa. La valutazione è conforme ai principi contabili IAS/IFRS Al fine di accertare il valore e come da mandato ricevuto, Yard Valtech S.r.l. ha effettuato dei sopralluoghi interni ed esterni su circa un sesto dell’intero patrimonio immobiliare stante che l’incarico ricevuto ha previsto la visita interna e la copertura integrale dei sopralluoghi avvenisse in modo frazionato per successivi semestri. Durante i sopralluoghi, oltre alle informazioni ricevute (consistenza, destinazioni d’uso, etc…), si è rilevata anche la situazione immobiliare per qualità, condizioni, caratteristiche, livelli impiantistici, stati conservativi, etc… Per contro su tutti gli assets residui si è avuta direttamente dalla Committenza un’esaustiva documentazione afferente tutti gli elementi indispensabili alla stima. Contestualmente si è provveduto a rilevare informazioni su tutti i mercati locali per poter determinare i dati rilevanti (prezzi correnti, livelli di domanda e offerta, attese degli operatori, etc…) necessari per lo sviluppo delle considerazioni di stima. Tali dati sono stati riferiti alle destinazioni funzionali dei cespiti (sia attuali che, eventualmente, future) per desumere la massima valorizzazione dell’asset. Ciò nonostante gli immobili sono stati stimati sulla base del loro attuale stato e delle loro odierne caratteristiche intrinseche. I dati riscontrati sui mercati immobiliari locali sono stati prima opportunamente calibrati onde adattarli alle specifiche caratteristiche della singola proprietà in oggetto e poi utilizzati in funzione della desiderabilità e dell’appetibilità della stessa sul mercato immobiliare. Va notato come, nella stima degli assets sottopostici, i valori di riferimento unitari tenuti a base delle stime risultino generalmente corrispondere alle fasce alte ed in taluni casi al top dei relativi segmenti di mercato. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Ciò è dovuto al fatto d’aver dovuto considerare tutti gli aspetti peculiari del patrimonio immobiliare esaminato ed in particolare l’ottimo stato conservativo generale, il manutenzionamento ordinario e straordinario costante, le garanzie derivanti da tenants di prestigio e lunga data, la loro puntualità nei pagamenti delle rate locative, il pronto intervento garantito dalla proprietà in caso di insorte criticità immobiliari e/o di servizi connessi, la fornitura di ambiti completamente finiti e pronti all’uso e, spesso, anche parzialmente arredati, la mai avvenuta in passato vendita di assets immobiliari a prezzi inferiori a quelli corrispondenti alle valutazioni semestrali, etc… Altra osservazione di una certa importanza va a riguardare il quadro di riferimento generale della società proprietaria che, risultando una Siiq, non è soggetta al rispetto di tempi di alienazione comunque contenuti (come avviene, ad esempio e per contro, per i fondi immobiliari) e quindi può legittimamente supporre (avvallata in ciò anche dalle alte redditività garantite dalle contrattualistiche in essere sul proprio patrimonio) di poter attendere trends di mercato immobiliare migliori di quelli attuali. E’ prassi in Italia effettuare valutazioni di cespiti immobiliari a monte dei costi di cessione ed in conseguenza a ciò non abbiamo considerato alcun costo che potrebbe emergere in fase di cessione quali imposte, costi legali e di agenzia, etc… In Italia non è neppure infrequente, in quanto spesso fiscalmente vantaggioso, che trasferimenti di immobili avvengano tramite cessione del capitale di società immobiliari mentre le nostre valutazioni non tengono conto di tale possibilità. Similmente sono sovente riscontrabili pagamenti del prezzo pattuito per transazioni immobiliari differiti nel tempo con evidenti effetti sull’effettivo prezzo di cessione mentre la nostra valutazione ipotizza il pagamento completo per contanti o equivalente alla data della valutazione. IL MERCATO IMMOBILIARE Andamento generale nazionale La flessione dei volumi di transazioni che hanno interessato il segmento degli immobili d’impresa in Italia è cominciata nel 2006 per ciò che concerne il direzionale e si è estesa al commercio ed alle attività produttive nel 2007 per aggravarsi a partire dal 2008 ed assumere le dimensioni del crollo fra il 2011 ed il 2012. Del 2013 sono invece i primi segnali di attenuazione delle perdite. Attualmente l’economia mondiale vive un periodo mediamente di lieve incremento peraltro determinato da talune realtà nazionali e con l’Italia che partecipa a tale incremento in modo ancora assai limitato come testimoniato dalle perduranti difficoltà di avere crediti, dal tasso di disoccupazione e dalla crisi in cui versano molte aziende. Il mercato immobiliare italiano segue in maniera allineata l’andamento economico e, pur perdurando in regresso per prezzi unitari e numero di transazioni, continua la fase di sempre minor decremento percentuale rispetto al passato recente e taluni settori (il commerciale, ad esempio) di alcune realtà locali manifestano inversioni di tendenze. L’interesse degli investitori stranieri si è riaffacciato sul mercato immobiliare italiano anche se limitatamente ad assets di prestigio facentesi garanti di alti tassi di redditività e legati a valori unitari ancora in lieve discesa. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Sempre poco appetibili risultano invece le iniziative immobiliari di sviluppo. Milano e Roma restano le location più ricercate ma gli investitori istituzionali cominciano ad estendere il loro interesse anche su altri capoluoghi. Gli uffici presenti sul mercato e/o in via di finitura annoverano mediamente un elevato grado qualitativo che dovrebbe incentivare la ripresa della domanda che già tende ad assorbire assets di medesima qualità nel segmento commerciale mentre, per contro, nei settori produttivi e logistici il prodotto prime scarseggia. In maggior dettaglio l’andamento del settore direzionale è caratterizzato da una diminuzione di richiesta sia d’acquisto che di locazione sui grandi tagli dimensionali cui peraltro corrisponde un investimento in crescita. Continuano le rinegoziazioni dei contratti locativi, la razionalizzazione degli spazi già occupati ed il decentramento con attenzione alla presenza di pubblici servizi di collegamento ed all’occupazione di spazi di elevata classe energetica. Lievita la domanda degli assets top non sempre soddisfatta dall’offerta presente nonostante il già rammentato buon livello medio del prodotto presente sul mercato determinato più dai nuovi interventi che non dalle integrali ristrutturazioni delle location centrali. Le attese per l’anno a venire vedono prezzi unitari e canoni ancora in lieve decremento fatta salva la casistica delle aree centrali e tempistiche di vendita attestate mediamente su poco meno di un anno e quelle sulle locazioni non inferiori agli otto mesi. Sulla prima domanda di locazione è mediamente applicata una decurtazione del 15% per chiudere la contrattualistica ed il rendimento medio è pari al 5,5%. Nel prosieguo sono fornite le situazioni dei singoli mercati immobiliari afferenti le principali città in cui è concentrato il perimetro degli assets esaminati ed oggetto di valutazione. Il mercato immobiliare bolognese Il capoluogo emiliano gode di un mercato immobiliare caratterizzato dalla stabilità. Tale fenomeno si estende vuoi a quanto concerne i livelli di valori unitari, vuoi all’entità dei canoni locativi nonché ai tassi di rendimento, ai tempi di chiusura delle transazioni ed anche alla percentuale di sconto da applicare alla prima domanda per chiudere le transazioni. Nel settore terziario/direzionale perdura la preferenza dalla domanda alla locazione sull’acquisto e l’orientamento generale verso tagli non superiori ai 500 mq. A ciò si accompagna anche il fenomeno di migrazione dal centro verso le aree periferiche alla ricerca di spazi leggermente maggiori, di costruzioni più nuove e di maggior classe energetica oltre che ottenibili a canoni unitariamente inferiori mentre le locations centrali restano ambite per i piccoli tagli come sedi di rappresentanza e/o per studi professionali soprattutto. I prezzi risultano ancora in leggera flessione in questo specifico segmento del mercato immobiliare cittadino risultando condizionati dall’immissione sul mercato di nuovo prodotto pari a circa 200.000 mq che ha aumentato le rimanenze invendute facendo raggiungere il 15% circa al margine di sconto ottenuto sulla prima richiesta nelle transazioni chiuse. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Di seguito si riporta una tabulazione da dati del Monitor Immobiliare di IPI, afferente i valori medi per compravendite e locazioni del settore direzionale bolognese, articolata vuoi per grandi zone geografiche che per taglio dimensionale. PREZZI MEDI €/MQ DI VENDITA DI UFFICI A BOLOGNA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 6.000,00 5.500,00 3.500,00 3.000,00 4.500,00 4.000,00 2.800,00 2.500,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 5.000,00 4.500,00 3.000,00 2.800,00 4.000,00 3.500,00 2.500,00 2.500,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 4.500,00 4.000,00 2.500,00 2.500,00 3.800,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 2.000,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 4.000,00 3.500,00 2.300,00 2.000,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 1.800,00 1.500,00 CANONI LOCATIVI MEDI €/MQ/ANNO DI UFFICI A BOLOGNA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 350,00 200,00 110,00 90,00 280,00 150,00 90,00 80,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 280,00 150,00 90,00 80,00 150,00 120,00 80,00 70,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 180,00 120,00 80,00 70,00 130,00 100,00 75,00 65,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 150,00 100,00 75,00 65,00 120,00 90,00 65,00 60,00 In particolare, per quanto afferente gli specifici assets di nostro interesse si registrano canoni locativi afferenti il settore terziario/direzionale attestati sui sotto riportati parametri unitari legati ad unità di primo livello: - Via delle Lame: a nuovo da 175 €/mq/anno per il livello medio fino a 225 €/mq/anno per il top; Via Galliera: a nuovo da 150 €/mq/anno per l’usato di media dimensione fino a 350 €/mq/anno per il ristrutturato a nuovo di piccolo taglio; Via Paolo Nanni Costa: da 150 €/mq/anno a 200 €/mq/anno; Galleria II Agosto: da 100 €/mq/anno a 150 €/mq/anno. Il mercato immobiliare milanese Migliora, sia per la compravendita che per le locazioni, il livello della domanda dopo una fase di stagnazione a sua volta successiva al progressivo decremento percentuale dei cali registratisi in precedenza. E’ auspicio generale che le derivate prime dell’ormai imminente Expo fungano da traino con particolare riferimento alle opere infrastrutturali e le previsioni in termini di spese turistiche e di YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI presenze incentivano investimenti in settori particolari quali il ricettivo, la ristorazione, il commercio, etc… coinvolgendo anche il segmento direzionale ed in particolare quello dei servizi. In effetti ancora al momento il terziario per uffici milanese costituisce il settore immobiliare in cui si è registrato uno dei più bassi livelli d’assorbimento anche se occorre notare come ad uno stock di invenduto/sfitto stimato in circa 1.500.000 di mq faccia da contraltare quello (stimato in circa 2.000.000 di mq) imputabile alle nuove costruzioni/ristrutturazioni. Il numero delle transazioni è finalmente in lievitazione e fa riferimento per il 35% a zone centrali. Le migliori locations raggiungono, nonostante questo, valori locativi compresi fra i 400 €/mq/anno ed i 500 €/mq/anno cui corrispondono valutazioni unitarie di 7.000/10.000 €/mq per il nuovo e di 5.000/.7.000 per l’usato. Molto richiesta ed apprezzata è la qualità della costruzione e la sua classificazione energetica ed in tali contestuali presenze si condensano le primarie richieste della domanda. Il rendimento medio si attesta sul 5,5% ed i canoni unitari variano mediamente da 300 a 500 €/mq/anno nelle aree centrali, da 150 a 300 €/mq/anno nel semicentro e da 100 a 250 €/mq/anno nelle zone periferiche. Di seguito si riporta una tabulazione da dati del Monitor Immobiliare di IPI, afferente i valori medi per compravendite e locazioni del settore direzionale milanese, articolata vuoi per grandi zone geografiche che per taglio dimensionale. Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland PREZZI €/MQ MEDI DI VENDITA DI UFFICI A MILANO meno di 100 mq da 100 a 300 mq da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato nuovo usato nuovo usato 11.000,00 6.500,00 4.500,00 2.750,00 7.000,00 4.800,00 3.500,00 1.750,00 9.200,00 5.500,00 3.700,00 2.000,00 7.000,00 4.000,00 2.200,00 1.500,00 8.300,00 4.500,00 2.300,00 1.800,00 6.100,00 3.500,00 1.600,00 1.400,00 CANONI LOCATIVI €/MQ/ANNO MEDI DI UFFICI A MILANO meno di 100 mq da 100 a 300 mq da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato nuovo usato nuovo usato 500,00 350,00 275,00 165,00 300,00 250,00 220,00 120,00 400,00 250,00 230,00 130,00 350,00 200,00 130,00 95,00 400,00 230,00 140,00 120,00 300,00 175,00 90,00 90,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 7.500,00 3.500,00 2.000,00 1.650,00 5.300,00 2.500,00 1.300,00 1.150,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 350,00 180,00 140,00 100,00 250,00 130,00 90,00 70,00 In particolare, per quanto afferente gli specifici assets di nostro interesse si registrano canoni locativi afferenti il settore terziario/direzionale attestati sui sotto riportati parametri unitari legati ad unità di primo livello: YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI - Piazza San Fedele: da 450 €/mq/anno ad oltre 500 €/mq/anno; Piazza Freud: da 350 a 475 €/mq/anno; Via Montebello: da 350 a 425 €/mq/anno; Via Eritrea: da 150 €/mq/anno a 225 €/mq/anno; Via Messina: da 225 €/mq/anno a 300 €/mq/anno; Viale Ortles: da 225 €/mq/anno a 300 €/mq/anno; Via Bisceglie: da 200 €/mq/anno a 250 €/mq/anno; Piazza Monte Titano e via Rombon: da 200 €/mq/anno a 250 €/mq/anno; Corso Sempione: da 225 €/mq/anno a 300 €/mq/anno; Via dell’Unione: da 350 €/mq/anno a 450 €/mq/anno; Via Colonna: da 225 €/mq/anno a 325 €/mq/anno; Via Scarsellini: da 150 €/mq/anno a 225 €/mq/anno; Via Amedei: da 450 €/mq/anno a 550 €/mq/anno; Via Boscovich: da 175 €/mq/anno a 300 €/mq/anno; Viale Jenner: da 175 €/mq/anno a 250 €/mq/anno; Via Cornaggia: da 350 €/mq/anno a 500 €/mq/anno; Via Dante: da 500 €/mq/anno a 550 €/mq/anno; Via Bernina: da 200 €/mq/anno a 300 €/mq/anno; Viale Certosa: da 150 €/mq/anno a 275 €/mq/anno; Via Schievano: da 225 €/mq/anno a 275 €/mq/anno. Il mercato immobiliare padovano Migliora sensibilmente l’andamento anche dei segmenti di mercato extra abitativi nonostante che qualche criticità continui a caratterizzare quello terziario/direzionale che, pure, rappresenta circa il 25% del mercato immobiliare regionale. Gli uffici padovani mostrano un decremento delle transazioni che si fa più sensibile nelle compravendite che non nelle contrattualistiche locative con conseguente incremento dello stock sul mercato dell’invenduto e calo di valori/prezzi unitari e dei canoni d’affitto che lasciano stabili solo quelli afferenti le aree centrali e gli assets di maggior pregio. Stabile si mantengono invece i tassi del rendimento lordo che si fa garante di redditivita variabili fra il 5,5% ed il 6,0%. Di seguito si riporta una tabulazione da dati del Monitor Immobiliare di IPI, afferente i valori medi per compravendite e locazioni del settore direzionale padovano. Le tabelle a seguire sono articolate vuoi per grandi zone geografiche che per taglio dimensionale. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI PREZZI MEDI €/MQ DI VENDITA DI UFFICI A PADOVA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 4.000,00 3.500,00 1.800,00 1.300,00 3.500,00 2.500,00 1.600,00 1.100,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 3.500,00 3.500,00 1.700,00 1.200,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 3.000,00 3.000,00 1.500,00 1.100,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.300,00 900,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 3.000,00 3.000,00 1.400,00 1.000,00 2.500,00 1.500,00 1.100,00 800,00 CANONI LOCATIVI MEDI €/MQ/ANNO DI UFFICI A PADOVA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 150,00 130,00 120,00 100,00 120,00 100,00 100,00 80,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 140,00 120,00 110,00 90,00 115,00 95,00 90,00 75,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 130,00 100,00 100,00 80,00 110,00 85,00 80,00 70,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 120,00 100,00 90,00 75,00 100,00 80,00 75,00 65,00 In particolare, per quanto afferente gli specifici assets di nostro interesse si registrano canoni locativi afferenti il settore terziario/direzionale attestati sui sotto riportati parametri unitari legati ad unità di primo livello: - Piazzale della Stazione: da 75 €/mq/anno a 125 €/mq/anno; Via Foscolo: da 100 €/mq/anno a 150 €/mq/anno. Il mercato immobiliare romano Roma mostra tendenze vuoi sulle operazioni di compravendita che su quelle afferenti i contratti di locazione piuttosto negative ed estendibili a tutti i segmenti del mercato. Il tutto appare ascrivibile allo stock disponibile di difficile assorbimento anche a causa della vetustà media di molti edifici e della loro offerta nell’attuale stato da riqualificare. In allungamento anche le tempistiche necessarie per chiudere le transazioni. I settori di maggior criticità riguardano quelli commerciali e direzionali che hanno recentemente mostrato valori e canoni unitari in decremento anche sulle locations più prestigiose. In particolare per gli uffici cittadini al non favorevole momento economico si sono aggiunti segnali di peggioramento nell’assorbimento ed il volume trattato in termini di superficie si è ridotto moltissimo rispetto all’anno precedente nonostante l’avvenuta chiusura di operazioni importanti. Anche su Roma si segnala una tendenza al decentramento con conseguente incremento dell’invenduto/sfitto nelle zone più centrali anche se, per contro, Roma è una delle città italiane dove il maggior interesse della domanda va a riguardare tagli dimensionali superiori ai 500 mq risultando determinata da istituti di credito e/o assicurativi oltre che da enti pubblici o prestanti servizi d’uso pubblico. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Il livello medio degli uffici non è alto e solo una minima parte appartiene ad edifici di classe energica A mentre la domanda si orienta su costruzioni moderne garanti di costi gestionali contenuti. Nell’ultimissimo periodo si riscontra, in conseguenza allo stallo di nuove iniziative, una diminuzione dello sfitto la cui superficie complessiva risulta di poco superiore al mezzo milione di mq. In lievitazione sono invece ancora i tempi di chiusura delle transazioni locative che restano sotto l’anno solo nelle aree centrali raggiungendo invece i 15 mesi in periferia. In calo i rendimenti lordi annui. Di seguito si riporta una tabulazione da dati del Monitor Immobiliare di IPI afferenti i valori medi per compravendite e locazioni del settore direzionale romano. La stessa è articolata vuoi per grandi zone geografiche che per taglio dimensionale. PREZZI MEDI €/MQ DI VENDITA DI UFFICI A ROMA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 7.500,00 5.500,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 7.000,00 5.000,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 6.500,00 4.900,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 6.000,00 4.000,00 1.700,00 1.300,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 6.000,00 4.500,00 1.900,00 1.400,00 5.000,00 3.500,00 1.600,00 1.200,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 5.500,00 4.000,00 1.800,00 1.300,00 4.000,00 2.500,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 CANONI LOCATIVI MEDI €/MQ/ANNO DI UFFICI A ROMA Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland meno di 100 mq nuovo usato 380,00 330,00 130,00 120,00 350,00 300,00 130,00 120,00 da 100 a 300 mq nuovo usato 330,00 290,00 130,00 120,00 300,00 240,00 110,00 105,00 da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato 300,00 280,00 125,00 110,00 260,00 210,00 100,00 100,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 270,00 240,00 120,00 105,00 200,00 170,00 90,00 80,00 In particolare, per quanto afferente gli specifici assets di nostro interesse si registrano canoni locativi attestati sui sotto riportati parametri unitari: - Zona Eur (asset di via dell’Arte): da 240 €/mq/anno a 350 €/mq/anno; Via dei Boccabelli: da 240 €/mq/anno a 275 €/mq/anno come top price. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Il mercato immobiliare torinese Torino si segnala per valori unitari ancora in decremento, per l’incremento della disponibilità di spazi sul mercato, per l’allungarsi dei tempi di chiusura delle transazioni e per l’innalzamento della percentuale di riduzione sulla prima richiesta da concedere alla domanda per giungere all’atto di compravendita e/o alla sottoscrizione dei contratti locativi ma, nonostante ciò, stabili risultano i rendimenti. In particolare per gli uffici si registra una domanda contenuta, un tempo medio di chiusura della transazione non inferiore ai dieci mesi ed una richiesta di sconto sulla prima domanda variabile dal 10% al 15%. I valori unitari si attestano sul parametro medio di €/mq 3.500 su piccoli tagli dimensionali mentre scendono all’incrementarsi delle superfici fino ai 2.500 €/mq con locazioni fra i 120 ed i 150 €/mq/anno e, per le locations periferiche, fino anche ai 1.500 €/mq con canoni da 100 a 120 €/mq/anno. Molto apprezzati sono gli intorni urbani del Lingotto e del tribunale mentre la difficoltà sulle aree centrali risultano legate alla vetustà media delle costruzioni, ai conseguenti alti costi gestionali ed alla scarsità delle possibilità di parcheggio. Di seguito si riporta una tabulazione da dati del Monitor Immobiliare di IPI afferenti i valori medi per compravendite e locazioni del settore direzionale torinese. La stessa è articolata vuoi per grandi zone geografiche che per taglio dimensionale. Ubicazione Centrale Semicenmtrale Periferica Hinterland Ubicazione Centrale Semicentrale Periferica Hinterland YARD VALTECH S.r.l. PREZZI €/MQ MEDI DI VENDITA DI UFFICI A TORINO meno di 100 mq da 100 a 300 mq da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato nuovo usato nuovo usato oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 3.500,00 3.500,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.700,00 3.000,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 3.500,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 2.000,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 1.700,00 1.500,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.800,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.700,00 1.300,00 CANONI LOCATIVI €/MQ/ANNO MEDI DI UFFICI A TORINO meno di 100 mq da 100 a 300 mq da 300 a 500 mq nuovo usato nuovo usato nuovo usato 180,00 150,00 120,00 110,00 150,00 130,00 100,00 100,00 180,00 130,00 120,00 110,00 150,00 110,00 90,00 100,00 150,00 120,00 110,00 100,00 130,00 100,00 90,00 80,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.500,00 1.200,00 oltre 500 mq nuovo usato 150,00 120,00 110,00 100,00 130,00 100,00 85,00 70,00 Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI In particolare, per quanto afferente gli specifici assets di nostro interesse si registrano canoni locativi afferenti il settore terziario/direzionale attestati sui sotto riportati parametri unitari: - Corso Marconi: da 125 €/mq/anno a 150 €/mq/anno per assets di condizioni normalizzate con top price fino a 175 €/mq/anno; Via Galileo Ferraris: da 100 €/mq/anno a 150 €/mq/anno per assets di condizioni normalizzate con top price fino a 200 €/mq/anno; Corso Ferrucci: da 100 €/mq/anno a 125 €/mq/anno ed oltre anche in dipendenza dal taglio dimensionale; Via Giordano Bruno: da 75 €/mq/anno a 100 €/mq/anno per assets di condizioni normalizzate; Via Lugaro: da 75 €/mq/anno a 100 €/mq/anno per assets di condizioni normalizzate fino a 150 €/mq/anno per i top price in centri direzionali. Altri mercati L’oggetto delle nostre indagini si è esteso anche ad altre città interessate dal pacchetto immobiliare esaminato e le risultanze sono evidenziate sinteticamente nel prosieguo. Cinisello Balsamo (MI) Il mercato immobiliare di Cinisello si impernia sull’asse viario del viale Fulvio Testi su cui prospettano le principali sedi terziarie sia direzionali che, soprattutto, commerciali. L’offerta è in lievitazione ed i canoni non superano i 150 €/mq/anno. Forlì Anche Forlì è fra le città il cui mercato immobiliare è più che sostanzialmente legato al segmento residenziale divenendo di semplice interesse locale per gli immobili d’impresa ed in particolare per quelli direzionali. Per questi ultimi le nuove realizzazioni hanno portato l’offerta a dominare la domanda anche per lo stock già precedentemente sul mercato. L’area in esame è caratterizzata da profonde riqualificazioni che hanno immesso sul mercato oggetti nuovi di buona qualità con richieste di canoni locativi da 125 a 175 €/mq/anno. Pertanto gli asset di buona qualità ma frutto di ristrutturazioni mostrano canoni compresi solo fra 100 e 125 €/mq/anno. Gorizia Il numero delle transazioni chiuse è in diminuzione mentre prezzi e canoni di prima richiesta si mantengono stabili ma contenuti. Il segmento immobiliare del terziario/direzionale è uno di quelli che mostra le peggiori performances anche perché storicamente poco interessante per la città dove gli ambiti direzionali sono ricavati quasi sempre (e soprattutto nelle zone centrali) da spazi residenzial/abitativi. Per uffici di medie condizioni non si superano valori compresi fra i 1.000 €/mq ed i 1.400 €/mq per la vendita ed i 75/105 €/mq/anno per la locazione. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Popoli (PE) Mercato immobiliare locale limitato all’uso abitativo e del tutto estraneo, fatto salvo il segmento pubblico, al settore direzionale presente solo con uffici per studi professionali ricavati in spazi vocazionalmente residenziali. I canoni variano dai 50 ai 75 €/mq/anno condizionati ancora dalle derivate degli eventi sismici che hanno interessato anche l’abitato centrale di Popoli. Reggio Emilia Al di fuori del segmento residenzial/abitativo il mercato immobiliare di Reggio è caratterizzato da un interesse pressoché esclusivamente locale con conseguente localizzazione degli spazi direzionali (tutti di piccolo taglio) in edifici tipologicamente residenziali. La riqualificazione di parti della città (fra cui quella oggetto della nostra indagine) ha portato ad un livello qualitativo e ad una recentezza di ambiti con conseguenti adeguamenti funzional/impiantistici. L’assorbimento, tuttavia, è lento proprio per la scarsità della domanda peraltro più orientata alla locazione che non all’acquisto. Fra i 100 €/mq/anno ed i 175 €/mq/anno variano le quotazioni dei canoni locativi. Rozzano (MI) Il mercato immobiliare di Rozzano, per quanto afferente il segmento terziario/direzionale, è considerato una delle tipiche locations corrispondenti alle periferie terziarie milanesi di cui riveste, anche in termini di transazioni, un peso importante per le motivazioni già espresse trattando le grandi città in generale e Milano in particolare. La location gode, cioè, di perifericità (decentramento delle grandi superfici), di buona accessibilità viabilistica, di recentezza edilizia e di richieste di canoni più contenuti rispetto a quelli del centro urbanizzato metropolitano. Nonostante ciò a tutt’oggi resta una netta predominanza dell’offerta sulla domanda ed un crescente livello concorrenziale solo in parte compensata dal netto e recente miglioramento in termini di fruibilità con mezzi pubblici. I canoni variano dai 150 ai 200 €/mq raggiungendo il livello massimo solo per ambiti di recente ed integrale ristrutturazione. Terni Vivace è il segmento residenziale del mercato locale mentre per quello direzionale si ha un certo predominio dell’offerta sulla domanda determinato da recenti sviluppi, tutti d’uso misto, sia in locations centrali che in zone periferiche da un lato e, dall’altro, dalla piccola dimensione delle imprese e società interessate, tutte di livello locale, che ricercano tagli adeguati. Fa riscontro una preferenza orientata agli ambiti centrali. L’area oggetto del nostro interesse vede anch’essa una buona offerta in termini di spazi cui non sempre si accompagna però un’adeguata qualità/funzionalità a causa della vetustà degli immobili. I canoni variano in centro fra i 100 ed i 150 €/mq/anno mentre nelle zone di minor prestigio non superano i 125 €/mq/anno. Treviso Valori e canoni in decremento caratterizzano il segmento terziario/direzionale del mercato immobiliare della città di Treviso soprattutto per la grande quantità di prodotto immesso di recente sul mercato a seguito della chiusura di nuove cantierizzazioni che fa dominare (e piuttosto YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI sensibilmente) l’offerta sulla domanda, incrementare i tempi di contrattazione e la percentuale di sconto ottenuta sulla prima richiesta. Nonostante la contenutezza dell’urbanizzato, anche a Treviso il centro città non è più al centro dell’attenzione della già scarsa domanda. I canoni locativo si attestano fra i 75 ed i 125 €/mq/anno. Udine Udine gode di un mercato immobiliare caratterizzato da una sostanziale stabilità che si estende al numero delle transazioni, ai livelli di valore ed a quelli di redditività. Nonostante ciò permane alta l’offerta di spazi direzionali mentre la richiesta si orienta soprattutto sulla conduzione in locazione. I canoni, mediamente attestati da €/mq/anno 100 ad €/mq/anno 125, raggiungono punte di 150 €/mq/anno se riferite a locations e ad immobili di prestigio. Varese Leggero calo dei valori/canoni unitari cui peraltro se ne accompagna un secondo più sensibile afferente il numero delle transazioni con particolare riferimento a quelle del segmento direzionale. Ad una domanda che si fa insensibile corrisponde un’offerta ampia e variegata, anche per le locazioni, vuoi per singole zone d’ubicazione che per la qualità e la dimensione dell’oggetto offerto con conseguenti “sovrapposizioni” di valori e canoni. Questi ultimi vanno da minimi attestati sui 75 €/mq/anno a non oltre 225 €/mq/anno limitatamente ad unità centrali, di piccolo taglio ed in ottime condizioni. Vicenza Mercato immobiliare caratterizzato da un numero di transazioni in calo con derivate conseguenti in termini di tempi di chiusura delle trattative e di lievitazione (fino al 15%) dello sconto ottenuto sulla prima richiesta. Tempi maggiori e scostamenti più alti caratterizzano le unità di ampia dimensione. L’area di nostro interesse è stata oggetto di recenti nuove creazioni di assets specificatamente destinati al settore direzionale i cui canoni variano dai 100 ai 125 €/mq/anno. YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI VALUTAZIONE Rimandando al contenuto dei singoli report prodotti assets per assets per tutto quanto concerne limiti, assunzioni, parametri, tassi, valori unitari, descrizioni, localizzazioni, consistenze, situazione urbanistica, estremi catastali, valutazioni di dettaglio, etc…, nel prosieguo si riporta sotto forma tabulare un prospetto degli immobili stimati. Comune Indirizzo Bologna Via delle Lame, 109 Bologna Via Galliera, 4 Bologna Via Paolo Nanni Costa, 28 Bologna Galleria 2 Agosto 1980, 5/5A Camburzano Camburzano Cinisello Balsamo Viale Lombardia, 6/Via Fulvio Testi, 117 Firenze Via San Gallo, 126/128 Forlì Viale della Libertà, 48 Gorizia Via XX Settembre, 137 Legnano Via Fornace Milano Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 4/6 Milano Via Scarsellini, 14 Milano Viale Edoardo Jenner, 73 Milano Via Amedei, 8 Milano Via Ruggero Boscovich, 18 Milano Via Vittoria Colonna, 4 Milano Via Messina, 38 (Torre B) Comune Indirizzo YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Milano Via Messina, 38 (Torre D) Milano Piazza Monte Titano, 10 Milano Via Rombon, 11 Milano Corso Sempione, 67 Milano Via Montebello, 18/Corso di Porta Nuova, 7 Milano Via dell’Unione, 1/Via Torino, 21 Milano Via Bisceglie, 120 Milano Piazza Sigmund Freud, 1 (Torre A) Milano Piazza Sigmund Freud, 1 (Torre B) Milano Piazza Sigmund Freud, 1 (Corpo C) Milano Piazza Sigmund Freud, 1 (Accessori) Milano Via Eritrea, 48/8 Milano Via Marcora, 12 Milano Via Schievano, 7 Milano Via Adamello/Via Orobia/Via Vezza d’Oglio Milano Viale Certosa, 218 Milano Via Cornaggia, 6 (porzione non strumentale) Milano Via Cornaggia, 6 (porzione strumentale) Milano Via Dante, 7 Milano Via Bernina, 7 Milano Piazza San Fedele, 2 Milano Via San Nicolao, 16/Piazza Cadorna, 3 Comune Indirizzo YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Modena Viale Galileo Galilei, 224/230 Occhieppo Inferiore Occhieppo Inferiore Padova Piazzale della Stazione, 6/A Padova Via degli Zabarella, 54 Padova Via Ugo Foscolo, 2 Popoli Via Gramsci, 100 Reggio Emilia Via della Previdenza Sociale, 6/6A Roma Via Ludovico di Vartemà Roma Via Domenico Chelini Roma Via Denza Roma Via Ambrosini Roma Via Monti Tiburtini Roma Via Matteo Pantaleoni (Cassia Nuova) Roma Via Fancelli/Rugantino/Pelizzi Roma Via dei Boccabelli, 21 Roma Località Ponte di Nona, Via Prenestina, km 16 Roma Via Roccaporena, 44 Roma Largo Valerio Bacigalupo Roma Via dell’Arte, 68 Rozzano Strada 7 Milanofiori Rozzano Strada 8 Milanofiori San Bernardino a Verbano San Bernardino a Verbano Comune Indirizzo YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI San Donato Milanese Strada statale Nuova Paullese, 415 Terni Via Bramante, 41/43 Torino Corso Galileo Ferraris, 32 Torino Via Lugaro, 15 Torino Via Giordano Bruno, 84 Torino Corso Ferrucci, 112 (porzioni direzionali) Torino Corso Ferrucci, 112 (porzioni ricettive) Torino Corso Guglielmo Marconi, 10 Treviso Via Piave, 19 Udine Via Gorghi, 18 Varese Via Alessandro Volta, 1/3/5 Varese Via Sacro Monte Venezia Località Lido, Riviera San Nicolò, 55 Vicenza Via Giuseppe Zampieri, 22 Vico Equense Località Monte Faito Il valore complessivo dell’intero patrimonio risulta pari, post minimo arrotondamento apportato ad € 2.043.821.000,00 (Euro duemiliardiquarantatremilioniottocentoventunomila/00). NOTA FINALE Le nostre valutazioni ed i nostri studi sono assolutamente confidenziali e riservati all’interno della Yard Valtech S.r.L. e delle società proprietarie degli assets esaminati identificate in Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, Beni Stabili Immobiliare 5 S.r.L., Beni Stabili Immobiliare 8 S.p.A., Beni Stabili Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. e Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.L. Il contenuto delle stesse può essere mostrato, in forma integrale, ad altri eventuali consulenti delle società sopra menzionate ed alle banche finanziatrici mentre per il resto le informazioni contenute nella presente relazione di stima sono trasmettibili a Terzi solo previo consenso scritto di Yard Valtech S.r.L., fatti salvi gli usi di legge e regolamentari. Il presente documento è stato elaborato da: YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Stima di un portafoglio immobiliare a prevalente destinazione direzionale di proprietà di società del gruppo BENI STABILI Dott. Arch. Antonio Dallera Dott. Alberto Quaretti Amministratore Delegato Valuation Division Director Yard Valtech S.r.l. Yard Valtech S.r.l. Con la collaborazione di: Yard – Research Division Yard Valtech S.r.l. Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 22 20122 – Milano Tel. +39.02.778070.1 Fax. +39.02.76319216 YARD VALTECH S.r.l. Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Registered office in Rome, via Piemonte 38 Authorized share capital Euro 331,687,651.60 Subscribed and paid in share capital Euro 226,942,588.60 Tax Code and Rome Companies Register number 00380210302 VAT no. 04962831006 CALL OF THE GENERAL MEETING The Shareholders are called to the General Meeting at the Auditorium of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ in Milan, Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 8, on single call on 9 April 2015 at 11:00 a.m. to discuss and decide on the following AGENDA 1. Financial statements as at 31 December 2014 and related Management Report. Board of Statutory Auditors Report on the period ended 31 December 2014. Dividend distribution to shareholders. Pertinent and consequent resolutions. 2. Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors for 2015, 2016 and 2017 by the list voting procedure envisaged in Article 20 of the Articles of Association. Appointment of the Chairman. Determination of remuneration. Pertinent and consequent resolutions. 3. Examination of the first part of the Remuneration Report. Pertinent and consequent resolutions. *** General Meeting attendance The legal right to participate in the General Meeting and to exercise voting rights is confirmed by notice issued to the Company, pursuant to relevant law and the Articles of Association, by authorised intermediaries acting on behalf of the interested parties, which must reach the Company by the end of the third trading day prior to the date of the General Meeting or, at the latest, before discussion of items on the agenda indicated in the individual notice of call. Note that confirmation from the authorised intermediaries is provided on the basis of records held on close of business on the seventh trading day prior to the date of the General Meeting, i.e. by close of business on 27 March 2015 (the record date). It should also be emphasised that persons proving to be holders of shares only after that date shall not have the right to attend or vote at the General Meeting. Every Shareholder has the right to be represented by a third party, who need not be a Shareholder, by written proxy notified by the means and terms specified by law. A form for use in delegating proxy representation at the Meeting can be obtained from the authorised intermediaries or from the Company web site. Those wishing to attend the General Meeting as Shareholder representatives must submit the relevant document at the time of registering attendance at the Meeting, or via the certified e-mail address [email protected]. In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Company does not make use of the option to appoint a representative to which Shareholders may delegate voting proxy. Note that attendance of the General Meeting via electronic means is not envisaged, nor the option to exercise voting rights by correspondence or by email notification. Additions to the Agenda and presentation of new proposed resolutions Any Shareholder who, individually or collectively, represents at least one fortieth of the share capital, may within ten days of publication of this notice of call request addition to the agenda of other matters to be discussed, indicating those matters in their application, or presenting proposed resolution on items already on the agenda. Applications, together with the certificate attesting ownership of the share, must be submitted in writing, via recorded delivery letter, to the registered office of the Company, addressed for the attention of the Corporate Office, or sent to the certified email address [email protected]. Otherwise, those with voting rights may individually present proposed resolutions in the shareholders' meeting. Disclosure of additions to the agenda, or the presentation of further proposed resolutions on items already on the agenda, are made in the same ways prescribed for publication of the notice of call, at least fifteen days prior to the date of the General Meeting. Additional proposed resolutions on items already on the agenda are made available to the public in the same ways of the reports on each of the items of the agenda and at the same time as publishing news of the presentation. Addition to the agenda is not permitted for topics on which, in accordance with law, the General Meeting resolves on proposals from the administrative body or on the basis of a project or report prepared by it. Shareholders requesting addition to the agenda shall prepare a report giving the reason for the proposed resolutions on the new items for which it proposes discussion or the reason relating to additional proposed resolutions presented on items already on the agenda. Those Shareholders must deliver the report to the Board of Directors - by the methods indicated above for applications for additions - by the final deadline for submission of the application. The Board of Directors will then disclose to the public the report accompanied by any assessments, when publishing disclosure of the addition or presentation to the agenda, in the same ways envisaged for documentation relating to the General Meeting. Right to ask questions Every Shareholder has the right to ask questions on matters indicated in the agenda even prior to the Shareholders' Meeting, by submitting a written query, which must be received by the 6 April 2015, to the registered office of the Company, c/o the Corporate Office, or via the certified email address [email protected], on which the Company reserves the right to provide a single reply to questions on the same issue. Information for Shareholders Note that the share capital is divided into 2,269,425,886 ordinary shares with a nominal value of € 0.10 each, and each share gives the right to one vote at the General Meeting. At the time of issue of this notice of call, the Company directly holds 961,000 treasury shares, equal to 0.04% of the share capital, on which the right to vote and right to receive profits are suspended in accordance with law. With reference to the second item on the agenda of the meeting, pursuant to Art. 148 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 (the Finance Consolidation Act) and Art. 20 of the Articles of Association, the Board of Statutory Auditors is appointed on the basis of lists submitted by Shareholders, prepared in accordance to the applicable law, in which the candidates must ordered by sequential numbering. Only Shareholders who, individually or collectively with other Shareholders, represent at least 1% of the share capital have the right to submit lists. The lists must be filed with the Corporate Office at the registered office of the company at least twenty-five days prior to the date of the General Meeting, or submitted via the certified email address [email protected] (15 March 2015, extended to 16 March 2015, the first subsequent business day), together with the documents and/or disclosures envisaged in current regulations on such matters, especially including certification issued by an authorised intermediary confirming the aforementioned possession of shares, candidate CVs and declarations by which the candidates accept their candidacy and - under their own responsibility - confirm that there are no grounds for their ineligibility or incompatibility and that the current legal requisites for the office in question are satisfied. Note that the certification can also be submitted after filing of the lists, provided it is received at least twenty-one days prior to the date of the General Meeting. The company will disclose such documents to the public at least twenty-one days prior to the date of the General Meeting, by the methods indicated below. Documents relating to items on the Agenda will be disclosed by the deadlines envisaged under related applicable regulations, at the registered office at Via Piemonte 38, Rome, on the Borsa Italiana S.p.A.’s website, on the authorized central storage mechanism “1Info” ( and also on the Company’s web site, where are even available the current Articles of Association and any documents required by law. Rome, 27 February 2015 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ for the Board of Directors The Chairman (Enrico Laghi) *** An extract of this notice has been published on “Il Sole 24 Ore” of 27 February 2015. Beni Stabili Group Management Report KEY PROPERTY AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS Key property indicators1 Accounting rents -1.7% on a like-for-like basis compared to 31 December 2013 +0.8% (Euro millions) 250 231.1 Average maturity of lease contracts (years) 227.1 7.0 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6.0 5.8 200 150 100 50 0 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 6.9 6.3 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 (*) The figures do not include the sublease of via Piemonte. Including such amount, the rentals would amount to 231.7 million of Euro for 2013 and 227.4 million of Euro for 2014. Occupancy rate (Core Portfolio) 100.0% 98.5% Market value of the real estate portfolio (Euro millions) 95.2% 4,200 50.0% 4,157.0 4,093.0 4,100 4,000 0.0% 31.12.2013 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2014 For further details on the real estate portfolio, see “Business Segments”. 1 The like-for-like growth rate for rent revenues is calculated on rents relating to the stabilised portfolio, i.e. the growth rate deriving from 1) the effect of indexing to inflation; 2) the effect of vacancy increases or decreases on the portfolio; 3) the effect of rent renegotiated on lease termination or new rents. The stabilised portfolio is the portfolio adjusted for sales and reclustering. The like-for-like growth rate of the portfolio value is calculated on the stabilised portfolio, i.e. on the portfolio after adjustments for sales and any reclassification of operating class. 47 Key economic, financial and equity indicators Net Group income (231.6) 0.0 (50.0) Group recurring cash net income (4.2) 73.9 70.0 (100.0) (150.0) 50.0 (200.0) 30.0 (250.0) 31.12.2013 87.2 90.0 10.0 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 NNNAV (Euro millions) NNNAV per share Euro 0.797 as at 31.12.2014 Euro 0.961 as at 31.12.2013 1,900 1,850.0 1,840.0 1,840.0 1,808.9 1,840.0 1,800 1,830.0 1,820.0 1,700 1,808.9 1,810.0 1,600 1,800.0 1,790.0 1,500 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 INTEREST COVER RATIO LTV EBITDA (excluding sales margins) / net cash financial charges Net debt/real estate portfolio value 1.79 1.80 1.60 54.0% 52.9% 53.0% 1.55 52.1% 52.0% 50.8% 51.0% 1.40 50.0% 1.20 49.9% 49.0% 1.00 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 48.0% 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 Accounting value of net debt/carrying amount of real estate portfolio (including preliminary sales contracts and transfer tax) Accounting value of net debt/carrying amount of real estate portfolio For further details on the above figures (in Euro millions), see “Financial review”. 48 DATA RELATING TO SHAREHOLDERS AND MARKET PERFORMANCE Source: Consob semestre1-2015/116985_Az.html&link=Pie-chart+Capitale+ordinario=/documenti/assetti/semestre12015/116985_TOrdDich.html%3b+Pie-chart+Capitale+votante=/documenti/assetti/semestre1-2015/116985_TVotDich.html The company shareholders consist of Foncière des Régions by 48.3% and Crédit Agricole (Amundi Asset Management) by about 5.0%, whereas the free float amounts to 46.7%. Source: Reuters; 31 December 2014 During 2014, the Beni Stabili security recorded a positive performance of +20.6% compared both to the FTSE MIB index (+0.4%) and the EPRA index (+21.4%). At the end of 2014, the price of the security was 0.58 Euro, corresponding to a market capitalisation of approximately 1,317 million of Euro. 49 MAIN EVENTS DURING THE YEAR Refinancing of the Imser borrowing On 18 September 2014, taking advantage of the positive financial market conditions, the debt securities of Imser 60 securitisation were repaid in advance (and the related borrowings from banks were repaid). The securitisation was conducted in 2002 for financing the real estate portfolio leased to Telecom Italia, belonging to Imser 60 and maturing in 2021. The financial resources required for the early repayment and the refinancing of the securitisation of approximately 655,800 thousand of Euro (including the costs of capital increase completed in October 2014), were found as follows: 300,000 thousand of Euro, by taking out a six-year mortgage loan, disbursed by a group of no. 7 Italian and international banks; 200,000 thousand of Euro, by taking out a two-year corporate loan, disbursed by a group of no. 3 Italian and international banks; approximately 150,000 thousand of Euro, through a bridge loan, maturing as at 31 December 2014, disbursed by a group of no. 3 Italian and international banks. This loan was repaid with the amounts deriving from the capital increase of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, completed in October 2014; the residual amount, through cash at the disposal of the Group. The transaction allowed the Beni Stabili Group to further optimise its financial structure. In particular, cash financial charges will decrease on an annual basis by more than 30,000 thousand of Euro, significantly increasing the cash generation profile of the Group, without generating a significant impact on the loan to value, thanks to the capital strengthening carried out with the capital increase. The early repayment of the Imser 60 securitisation resulted in the recognition in the 2014 Income Statement of settlement expenses of 148,393 thousand of Euro, mostly deriving from the early closing of contracts to hedge the interest-rate and inflation risks related to the securitisation and the payment of the fees due to the holders of fixed rate securities due by contract in case of early repayment. Part of the above-mentioned expenses amounting to 74,671 thousand of Euro was already recognised in equity pursuant to the “hedge accounting” principles and was transferred to the Income Statement, as envisaged by the reference accounting standards, without any effect on the final value of equity itself. Share capital increase of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ On 25 September, the Board of Directors of Beni Stabili fixed the final conditions of the capital increase, resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 July 2014, deciding to issue up to 353,122,982 ordinary shares (of a nominal value of 0.10 Euro each and having the same characteristics of the shares of the Company in issue), to be offered under option to the shareholders and to the holders of the convertible bonds issued by the Company (at the ratio of 1 share to 8 option rights owned), at a price totalling 0.4240 Euro, of which 0.3240 Euro as share premium, for a total equivalent value of 149,724,144.36 Euro. 50 The subscription price of the shares corresponds to a discount of approximately 27.5% on the theoretical Ex Right Price (TERP = 0.5850) of the shares of the Company, calculated on the basis of the price at the close of the session of 25 September, of 0.6050 Euro. One option right was credited for each share of the Company in issue, whereas the option rights were credited to convertible bonds in the following ratio: 1,179 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 225,000,000 3.875 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2015”; 166,917 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 225,000,000 3.375 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2018”; 151,722 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 270,000,000 2.625 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2019”. During the exercise period of the option rights, started on 29 September and ended on 17 October, option rights were exercised for subscribing 350,876,733 new shares (99.36% of the new shares offered), for an equivalent value of 148,771,734.79 Euro. All the option rights not exercised, corresponding to 2,246,246 new shares for an equivalent value of 952,409.57 Euro, were sold at the stock exchange on 22 October 2014 (first trading session of the offer) and then exercised, without requiring the intervention of the underwriting syndicate formed by the banks, which assisted the Company in the transaction. The majority shareholder Foncière des Régions S.A. fully exercised the option rights pertaining to it, in full support of the capital strengthening operation. As indicated previously, the financial resources deriving from the capital increase were fully used for paying off the bridge loan of 150,000 thousand of Euro, raised temporarily in September to find the resources required for the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. Other financing and refinancing activities during the year On 22 January 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ issued, through a public placement procedure, unsecured senior bonds for a nominal amount totalling 350,000 thousand of Euro and a unit value of 100 thousand of Euro. The bond, maturing in 4 years, has a deferred annual coupon of 4.125% and was issued at par. The bonds were listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. On 31 March 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ issued, through a private placement procedure, unsecured senior bonds for a nominal amount totalling 250,000 thousand of Euro and a unit value of 100 thousand of Euro. The bond, maturing in 5 years, has a deferred annual coupon of 3.5% and was issued at the price of 99.540 compared to the nominal price, with an initial yield of 3.602%. The bonds were listed on the official list of the Irish Stock Exchange and admitted to trading on the regulated market (Main Securities Market) of the Irish Stock Exchange. 51 In addition to the issue of the two bonds, in April, a new loan was raised of a nominal 60,000 thousand of Euro, maturing in April 2019, secured by mortgage on no. 3 properties, whereas in December, a new loan was raised of a nominal 4,500 thousand of Euro, maturing in December 2020, secured by mortgage on no. 1 property. Proceeds from the issue of bonds and the raising of new loans was used for the early repayment of loans (other than the early repayment, described above, of the Imser 60 securitisation) maturing in the current financial year and in the following financial years, as well as for the closing of the related hedging instruments, also with a view to optimising the financial structure of the Group. In particular, during the 2014 financial year, no. 9 loans for a total nominal value (on the repayment date) of 602,134 thousand of Euro were repaid in advance and in full, whereas a loan of 1,000 thousand of Euro was repaid in advance but partially. As part of these repayments, the related hedging instruments the risk of interest rate fluctuations were closed in advance, for a cash outlay of 11,302 thousand of Euro, with an impact on the Income Statement for the year of 15,572 thousand of Euro. Property renting During 2014, no. 37 new contracts for approximately 25,400 square metres of surface area were signed, corresponding to 11,443 thousand of Euro new topped-up annual rents. These include no. 2 contracts of approximately 1,600 square metres of surface area and 230 thousand of Euro topped-up annual rents that will be activated after the end of the financial year. Added to these contracts are approximately 23,800 square meters of surface area renovated for 4,172 thousand of Euro. Moreover, no. 6 new rental contracts were activated, signed in previous financial years for approximately 6,600 square meters, corresponding to 2,395 thousand of Euro topped-up annual rents. Added to these are no. 3 renegotiations of 4,838 square metres with rents in line with previous rents. Property purchases and sales During the 2014 financial year, no properties were acquired. However, property sales concerned no. 9 properties belonging to the Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. portfolio (leased to Telecom Italia S.p.A.) and no. 3 properties belonging to the Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ portfolio, in addition to some parking spaces of a property in Rome and the portion for residential use of a property in Milan. The sales were at a price totalling 107,984 thousand of Euro, against a carrying amount of the properties on the date of sale totalling 104,860 thousand of Euro and marketing costs totalling 216 thousand of Euro. As at 31 December 2014, there are no. 4 preliminary sales contracts, corresponding to properties for a carrying amount of 4,714 thousand of Euro. These properties will be sold at a price, less brokerage expenses, in line with the aforesaid carrying amount. Integration between Investire Immobiliare SGR, Beni Stabili Gestioni SGR and Polaris Real Estate SGR 52 During the 2014 financial year, the merger by incorporation into Investire Immobiliare SGR (Banca Finnat) of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. SGR and Polaris Real Estate SGR was completed. The merger deed was signed in December, after the completion of the authorisation process by the Supervisory Authorities and the effects of the mergers are expected by January 2015. The integration is designed to generate a primary operator on national level in the fund management segment, benefiting from the enhancement of industrial and strategic synergies of the companies concerned by the transaction, with approximately 7 billion of Euro of managed assets, through approximately 30 real estate funds. The company resulting from the integration is 50.2% controlled by Banca Finnat and represents a unique shareholding structure in Italy, with Beni Stabili Group at 17.9% of the share capital, Regia S.r.l. (G. Benetton Group) at 11.6%, Fondazione Cariplo at 8.6%, Cassa Italiana di Previdenza e Assistenza dei Geometri at 7.7%, ICCREA Holding at 2.4% and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Forlì at 1.5%. At the same time the shares were issued for the merger (2,643 shares assigned to the Beni Stabili Group), the incorporating Company issued some warrants aimed at regulating the relations between the shareholders with regard to the realisation of some items that were not (totally or partially) taken into consideration when determining the share exchange ratio. In particular, the Beni Stabili Group was assigned 5,286 warrants that enjoy the privilege of the assignment to the holder of the proceeds for extra-performance associated with the management of a fund, for the repayment and/or consideration by quotas of some managed funds and for the collection of some loans. In view of the effects of the merger as from 2015, Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. SGR was consolidated on a 100% basis in the financial statements of the Beni Stabili Group related to the 2014 financial year and, as provided by the applicable standards, the related assets and liabilities were classified in “assets held for sale” and “liabilities linked to assets held for sale”. With reference to the Real Estate Fund Management activity, carried out by the Group in 2014 by means of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. SGR, note that the pressure exerted on the values of the real estate portfolios of the managed funds by the persisting general slowdown in the economy, in addition to the specific conditions of the funds, caused a significant reduction of the related NAV in some cases. For the Beni Stabili Group, in particular, this resulted in the need to recognise significant value adjustments of quotas held in some funds. Note the following adjustments due to extraordinary circumstances: i) the write-down of 6,294 thousand of Euro of the quotas held in the fund called “HB”, whose value depreciated in relation to operational and financing problems of the property development that the fund is carrying out; ii) the write-down of 10,763 thousand of Euro of the quotas in the fund called “IREF”, related to problems involving the disposal of the relevant real asset portfolio especially due to the imminent expiry of the fund (July 2015), and therefore of the subsequent evaluation of its assets at an immediate sale value in bulk. Amendments made to the law on SIIQs On 12 September 2014, Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 was published on the Official Gazette (the socalled “Decreto Sblocca Italia”, definitively approved on 5 November 2014), whose Article 20 amends the 2007 Finance Act in the part that governs the system applicable to Listed Real Estate Investment Companies (SIIQ), adapting its most important aspects to the legislation in place in other European 53 countries, such as France, where over the last ten years, this type of instrument was largely successful, both among investors and among operators. This Law Decree also requires: (i) with reference to the ownership requirements in the SIIQs, that no shareholder must have a direct or indirect holding of more than 60% of voting rights at the ordinary shareholders meeting and more than 60% of profit-sharing rights, compared to a previous percentage limit of 51%; it was also specified that, should the 60% ownership requirement be exceeded, as a result of extraordinary company transactions or on the capital market, the special SIIQ regime will only be suspended until this ownership requirement is restored; (ii) the inclusion among relevant activities in order to make sure that the capital requirement has been maintained for preserving the special regime (the so-called Asset test), of the quotas in real estate funds that invest mainly in activities related to property renting; (iii) the inclusion in the Tax-Exempt operations (and therefore also for the purposes of the so-called Profit test) of capital gains or losses deriving from the sales of property held for leasing or from the sale of investments in SIIQ/SIINQ, as well as income from the above mentioned real estate funds and the related capital gains and losses on disposal; (iv) the decrease from 85% to 70% of the percentage of profit of Tax-exempt operations whose distribution is mandatory. Moreover, the income coming from net capital gains realised on properties held for leasing as well as deriving from the disposal of investments in SIIQ or SIINQ or of investments held in real estate funds, included in the Tax-exempt operations, are expected to be distributed on a mandatory basis by 50% in the two financial years following the year of disposal; (v) the confirmation of the applicability to dividends distributed by the SIIQs of the bilateral treaties against double taxation, with subsequent reduction of the rates applied in the calculation of the withholding tax; (vi) the exemption from two to three consecutive financial years of the period of non-compliance with one of the two prevailing conditions (Asset Test or Profit Test) that determined the final termination of the special regime. The lower requirements to distribute and the possibility of investing in instruments such as real estate funds under a facility system are important incentive factors for the development of activities of the SIIQs. In particular, the possibility of investing in quotas in real estate funds under a facility system makes it now possible to co-invest on specific projects with third-party subjects, a solution that was previously precluded to the SIIQs that should have possessed at least 95% of the vehicles in order to enjoy the facility. Moreover, the increase from 51% to 60% of the maximum equity investment for a single shareholder and the extension from 2 to 3 years of the so-called grace period for failure to comply with the parameters make the instrument more stable, especially in case of extraordinary transactions or in the presence of significant nonrecurring events. 54 The extension of the tax exemption also to the margins deriving from the sale of properties held for leasing, which was, in the opinion of the investors, the main weak point of the Italian regulation compared to the similar European regulations, finally represents an important element of attractiveness of the instrument, especially in view of a recovery of the Italian property market in the coming years. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the above changes, making it easier and more attractive to use this instrument, help increase the number of SIIQs present on the market, giving more liquidity to the sector, both in terms of individual investments and in terms of stock market. BUSINESS SEGMENTS As for the activities carried out concerning both owned real estate portfolio and management of Real Estate Funds, the following is explained. Real Estate Portfolio As at 31 December 2014, the overall value of the real estate portfolio amounts to 4,093,027 thousand of Euro, against 4,156,990 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013. Based on the strategy defined on properties, the portfolio is divided into the following three categories: Core Portfolio: of 3,768,916 thousand of Euro; Development Portfolio, of 180,680 thousand of Euro; Dynamic Portfolio, of 143,431 thousand of Euro. The most important information regarding the three management categories is summarised in the following table: No. of properties Gross leasable area (sq.m) (excl. Land) Carrying amount (Thousand of Euro) % carrying amount on total portfolio Market value (Thousand of Euro) Annual rent (Thousand of Euro) Gross yield as % of market value Topped-up Yield (%) Occupancy rate (%) CORE1 190 1,516,343 3,202,859 185,679 5.8% 6.1% 95.6% 24 209,558 564,778 78.3% 13.8% 3,204,139 CORE3 564,778 30,769 5.4% 5.6% 92.3% 214 1,725,901 3,767,636 92.1% 3,768,916 216,448 5.7% 6.1% 95.2% 2 0 180,680 4.4% 180,680 0 0.0% 37 94,627 143,175 3.5% 143,431 2,223 1.5% 253 1,820,528 4,091,491 100% 4,093,027 218,671 5.3% Core Portfolio Development Portfolio Dynamic Portfolio TOTAL (*) 0.0% 2.0% 30.1% 91.8% The gross leasable of Development Portfolio refers to the actual status of the existing buildings before the start of the works. Core Portfolio: includes high quality properties, most of which leased, with medium/long-term lease contracts and with high standing tenants. The strategy established in connection with the Core Portfolio consists in medium/long-term management with the aim of reinforcing relations with the current tenants and developing future opportunities. The core business activity of these properties is optimisation of the rental position with the aim of achieving full occupancy with rents in line with the market. As at 31 December 2014, the Core portfolio includes no. 214 properties, mainly for office use, with a total carrying amount of 3,767,636 thousand of Euro, representing approximately 92.1% of the Group's entire real estate portfolio. 55 The breakdown of the Core portfolio by type of use is set below. (1) The offices also include the Hotel in Corso Matteotti, Milan. Changes in the carrying amount of the Core Portfolio during the 2014 financial year are summarised in the following table: Inve s tm e nt prope rtie s Ope rating prope rtie s (Thous and of Euro) Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2013 3,548,865 19,195 Capex 19,310 175 Sales (71,603) Depreciations - Reclassifications (*) 163,766 3,660,338 (620) Total As s e ts he ld for s ale 145,795 Core Portfolio 3,713,855 - 19,485 (23,238) (94,841) - - (31,311) 18,750 91,246 (620) 132,455 3,770,334 Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2014 prior to re al e s tate portfolio valuation Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) (2,448) Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2014 3,657,890 18,750 (250) 90,996 (2,698) 3,767,636 (* (*) The item “reclassifications” (beyond the changes within the core portfolio) is related to the carrying amount of the property in Rome, Via dell’Arte and in Milan, Piazzale Cadorna, reclassified in the Core portfolio from the Development Portfolio, following the substantial completion of the related renovations and delivery to the tenants. The occupancy rate of this real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014, with a total leasable surface area of 1,725,901 square metres, is 95.2%. The annual rents equal 216,448 thousand of Euro and correspond to a gross yield on market value of 5.7% (6.1% topped-up or operative). The average duration of these contracts is 6.3 years. The most important tenants as at 31 December 2014 are: 56 With reference to geographic location, on the other hand, note that approximately 53.3% of the value of these properties is concentrated in Milan (44.3%) and Rome (9%). 76% North 9% Rome 6% Turin 45% Milan 5% Naples 3% Rozzano 2% Bologna 2% Venice 2% Padua 13% Centre 11% South and Islands 26% Other cities With reference to the renovation of properties belonging to the Core Portfolio, the following are worthy of note: Milan, Piazza San Fedele. During the 2014 financial year, the modernisation project of a portion of property (3,955 square meters of office space and residential use, in addition to warehouses, out of a total of 5,619 square meters) which involves the construction of new plants, finishing and doors and windows, is being completed. The improvement in terms of energy efficiency will lead to a class-B building. For what concerns the rental aspect, the portion subject matter of the intervention to date is entirely covered by lease contracts or preliminary lease agreements for rents amounting to approximately 2,180 thousand of Euro per year, whereas the portion for residential use was transferred in December 2014. Development Portfolio: includes properties and/or areas to be renovated, converted and developed. The strategy for this portfolio provides for developing properties and/or portfolios of properties predominantly for 57 commercial use, mainly to be rented. The Development Portfolio is one of the pipelines of the Core Portfolio. The predominant activity regarding these properties is building/conversion in the context of a well-studied development strategy. As at 31 December 2014, this category includes two development projects with a carrying amount of 180,680 thousand of Euro, representing approximately 4.4% of the Group's entire real estate portfolio. Changes in the carrying amount of the Development Portfolio during the financial year are summarised in the following table: Prope rtie s unde r de ve lopm e nt (Thous and of Euro) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 Capex Reclassif ications (*) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 prior to re al e s tate portfolio valuation Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) Prope rtie s for s ale 258,300 29,933 28,854 762 288,233 29,616 (132,456) - (132,456) 154,698 30,695 185,393 (4,958) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 De ve lopm e nt Portfolio 245 149,740 30,940 (4,713) 180,680 (*) The reclassifications refer to the carrying amount of the properties in: i) Rome, Via dell’Arte (for a value of 32,201 thousand of Euro); ii) Milan, Piazzale Cadorna/Via San Nicolao (for a value of 100,255 thousand of Euro), reclassified under the Core portfolio, following the substantial completion of the related development activities and delivery to the tenants. The development projects currently in progress are set below: Symbiosis project (Area in Milan, via Ortles-via Adamello-via Orobia). The project consists in the development of an abandoned industrial area, with a land area of about 74,100 square meters, owned by Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. The development project provides for the construction of about 105,000 square metres of above-ground buildings for commercial and production use, and 15,000 square metres of parking. The area represents literally a “district of the City of Milan”, in a strategic area that has a significant importance in the urban context that the Municipality of Milan is promoting and that is developing, sped up in view of Expo 2015. In confirmation of this, the new Museum of Contemporary Art promoted by the Prada foundation will be opened in May 2015. As regards the area more in detail, during 2014 the activities for updating the master plan were completed, so that, while keeping unchanged the overall building volume, this was more compliant with the planning needs of each building, by changing its shape. Moreover, the agreement related to the monetisation of urban standards was completed. The reclamation activities were completed and the executive plan of the buildings of the first lot is underway in accordance with the Greenbuilding approach that requires LEED pre-certifications. The urban development project was completed, the relevant permission to build issued by the Municipality of Milan was collected and the assignment of the works to the contractors is in progress. The changed conditions and prospects of our Country both in terms of financial stability and development of the political outline, combined with the carrying out in 2015 of the World Fair of Milan, induced the Group to fix the launch of the first phase of the project in 2015. This, also to benefit commercially from the unrepeatable showcase of the World Fair, as well as from the towing effect provided by the opening of the Prada Museum. All these elements, together with the ability of the Group 58 in the last year to complete successfully and rent projects also of considerable size, is an important element of risk mitigation related to the decision to perform in parallel, limited to the first phase, construction and marketing activities. The first phase of the project concerns the construction of the first building, the square outside and underground parking for a total of 11,650 square meters. Area in Milan, via Schievano. This project involves an area of 17,000 square metres of land 80% held through the joint venture Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. (80% owned by the Beni Stabili Group). The urban development project was completed and is being approved by the Municipality of Milan for the issue of the Building Permit. Moreover, the reclamation works started in 2013 were completed. The development project is planned for sale and therefore reclassified among “properties for sale”. Note that during the 2014 financial year, the following projects were substantially completed and reclassified in the Core portfolio: the modernisation project of the property in Rome, Via dell’Arte (5,099 square meters of office space and 1,301 square meters of parking and underground warehouses), which concerned the replacement of the basic construction, the reconstruction of the finishes and plants, with an improvement of the energy class (class B). Rental contracts or preliminary contracts signed to date total approximately 1,800 thousand of Euro per year in terms of rents, covering an area equivalent to 90% of the entire building. The enhancement project of the property in Milan, via San Nicolao (10,100 square meters of offices and shops and 1,600 square meters of warehouses and garage) based on a sustainable approach, following the Green Rating Protocol and through pre-certifications. In particular, the replacement of the basic construction and the reconstruction of the finishes and plants allowed to optimise the energy performance of the building, which currently falls under the “A energy class”. With reference to the rental status of the property, during 2014, a lease contract was signed for the entire property that envisages a topped-up annual rent of 5,400 thousand of Euro, effective as from January 2015. Dynamic Portfolio: This category includes a real estate portfolio for which the strategy contemplates dynamic management in order to optimise its value, also through re-letting, renovation and subsequent disposal. As at 31 December 2014, the Dynamic Portfolio includes 37 properties with a total carrying amount of 143,175 thousand of Euro, representing approximately 3.5% of the Group's entire real estate portfolio. Changes in the carrying amount of the Dynamic Portfolio during the 2014 financial year are summarised in the following table: Total (Thousand of Euro) As sets he ld for s ale Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 19,990 Sales (800) Capex - Reclassif ications (18,560) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 prior to real e state portfolio valuation 630 Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) 370 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 1,000 59 Trading prope rties Inves tm ent properties 72,647 (9,220) 992 62,450 503 - 18,560 64,419 81,513 (1,114) (2,643) 63,305 78,870 Dynam ic Portfolio 155,087 (10,020) 1,495 - 146,562 (3,387) 143,175 Results for the year (Thousand of Euro) 31.12.2014 Net rental revenues 31.12.2013 194,164 194,693 Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties 2,333 3,854 Net service revenues 9,342 9,732 Staff costs (9,046) (9,403) Overheads (14,782) (14,741) Total operating costs (23,828) (24,144) Other revenues and income/(other costs and charges) (15,112) EBIT before property write-ups/(write-downs) 166,899 178,669 Portfolio property write-ups/(write-downs) (10,799) (82,087) EBIT 156,100 96,582 (111,201) (120,002) Net financial income/(charges) Change in valuation of the conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 Bonds (25,564) Costs for early repayment of loans and related hedging instruments ended during the year (172,448) (5,466) 7,668 (7,709) Financial charges on property sales (1,773) (5,601) Total net financial income/(charges) (310,986) (125,644) Income/charges from investments in associates and other companies EBT Income tax Net income (17,568) (401) (172,454) (29,463) (60,272) 25,278 (232,726) Minorities (profit)/loss 1,121 (4,185) (27) NET GROUP INCOME (231,605) (4,212) Basic earnings per share (*) (0.11667) (0.00220) Diluted earnings per share (*) (0.11667) (0.00684) (*) For further details on the earnings per share calculation method, see paragraph 6.6.9 in the Notes to the financial statements. The loss for the 2014 financial year of 231,605 thousand of Euro is due to specific extraordinary events, already previously illustrated, such as i) the early repayment of loans and related hedging instruments, the most significant of which was related to the refinancing of the Imser 60 securitisation, which implied the recording of costs of 172,445 thousand of Euro (net of the related tax effect), ii) the introduction of the tax exemption system to the profit/(loss) on disposal of properties held for leasing, introduced by the so-called “Decreto Sblocca Italia”, which resulted in the cancellation of deferred tax assets of 62,191 thousand of Euro, iii) the extraordinary adjustments to value (write-downs of some receivables and investments) and other nonmonetary recordings (fair value recognition of the convertible bonds option), which involved the recognition of additional costs of 47,020 thousand of Euro. More in detail, the adjustments to value and the non-monetary recordings that impacted on the 2014 result derive: from write-downs and extraordinary losses of receivables related to previous financial years, (recognised allowing for prospects of collection as a result of the related legal collection procedures), of 8,995 thousand of Euro (net of the related tax effect) and from write-downs of quotas held in some Real Estate Funds (related to specific circumstances of the funds) of 15,961 thousand of Euro (net of the related tax effect); from the negative amount of the change in fair value of the conversion option of the convertible bonds of 22,104 thousand of Euro in 2014 net of tax effect (against a positive value of 7,480 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). In fact, the result of 2014, after removal of the extraordinary items, of the extraordinary adjustments to value and of other non-monetary recordings, amounts to +50,091 thousand of Euro for 2014, compared to a 2013 60 loss, after removal of the extraordinary items and of the non-monetary recordings of -6,611 thousand of Euro, of -10,823 thousand of Euro. All this being stated, the improvement of the 2014 financial year is mainly due to the different weight of property write-downs (9,845 thousand of Euro for 2014 against 60,227 thousand of Euro for 2013, net of the related tax effect) and to the improvement of net financial charges, against essentially steady net rental revenues and operating costs. Net rental revenues Net rental revenues of 194,164 thousand of Euro (194,693 thousand of Euro for the 2013 financial year) consist of: Thousand of Euro Description 31.12.2014 Rental revenues Revenues f rom early termination of lease contracts Write-dow n/loss on receivables f rom tenants 31.12.2013 227,372 231,691 1,284 8 (2,369) (4,536) Net real estate costs (32,123) (32,470) Net rental revenues 194,164 194,693 Gross rental revenues of the 2014 financial year amount to 227,372 thousand of Euro, compared to 231,691 thousand of Euro in the same period of 2013. The decrease of 4,319 thousand of Euro is mainly attributable to: expiry/closing of lease contracts of -15,759 thousand of Euro; disposal of properties of -6,606 thousand of Euro; renegotiations and new contracts of +16,769 thousand of Euro; ISTAT adjustments and other minor impacts of +1,277 thousand of Euro. On a like-for-like basis, gross rents increased by 0.8% (+0.7% if related to the Core Portfolio only)2. The incidence of the net rental margin on gross rental revenues (excluding the income from penalties to the tenants) increases from 84.0% of 2013 to 85.4% of 2014. This increase is mainly due: i) to lower writedowns/losses on receivables from tenants (a higher impact of +0.9%); ii) to lower costs for property maintenance and management and higher charge-back of expenses from tenants (a higher impact of +0.6%). These effects were partially offset by higher IMU tax of 2014, compared to 2013 (a lower impact of -0.6%). Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties The sales for the year concerned no. 12 properties, in addition to the residential portion of a property in Milan and some parking spaces in Rome, with a total carrying amount of 104,860 thousand of Euro when sold. The net margin achieved from these sales (less brokerage expenses and other costs borne for their completion, totalling 216 thousand of Euro) is positive and amounts to 2,908 thousand of Euro (3,854 thousand of Euro 2 The like-for-like growth rate for rent revenues is calculated on rents relating to the stabilised portfolio, i.e. the growth rate deriving from; 1) the effect of indexing to inflation; 2) the effect of vacancy increases or decreases on the portfolio; 3) the effect of rent renegotiated on lease termination or new rents. The stabilised portfolio is the portfolio adjusted for sales and reclustering. If the impact of these property releases (and subsequent re-leasing) - subject-matter of major renovation works by the Group’s internal development division - is excluded, the gross carrying amount of rents would be -1.5% (-1.5% if related to the Core portfolio only). This growth rate excludes the positive effect of specific contract adjustments related to the properties leased to Telecom Italia and the sublease of Rome, via Piemonte. 61 in 2013). Note that the following items were also recognised in the sales margin: i) costs on properties sold in previous financial years of 629 thousand of Euro; ii) compensation received for the expropriation of a land in Rome (valued at zero in the financial statements), of 54 thousand of Euro. Net service revenues Net service revenues amount to 9,342 thousand of Euro, compared to 9,732 thousand of Euro of 2013. The reduction is mainly due to write-downs of receivables for services recognised in 2014, partially offset by the reduction of commissions payable of real estate fund management. Operating costs Staff costs decreased by 357 thousand of Euro, from 9,403 thousand of Euro in 2013 to 9,046 thousand of Euro in 2014. This decrease is mainly due to a reduction of the Group´s average staff levels. Overheads essentially remained steady, amounting to 14,782 thousand of Euro in 2014, compared to 14,741 thousand of Euro of 2013. Other revenues and income and other costs and charges The item other revenues and income and other costs and charges passed from a negative balance of 5,466 thousand of Euro of 2013 to a negative balance of 15,112 thousand of Euro of 2014. The change of 9,646 thousand of Euro is basically attributable to reversals and extraordinary write-downs of old credit items, due to the result of the related legal collection procedures, as well as to a careful assessment of the recovery prospects. Portfolio property write-ups/(write-downs) The net change in the value of the real estate portfolio, based on the evaluations as at 31 December 2014 carried out by Jones Lang LaSalle, by REAG and by Yard on a total property in IAS values of 4,091,491 thousand of Euro, amounts to -10,799 thousand of Euro (-82,087 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). The reduction in property market values was mainly concentrated on some positions with specific characteristics. In terms of the like-for-like trend and with reference to the carrying amounts, the percentage change of 2014 was – 0.23%3. Note that, pursuant to the procedures of the Group, the evaluators of the real estate portfolio of the Group were changed, in compliance with their regular turnover: Jones Lang Lasalle and Yard started their collaboration with the Group on 31 December 2014, whereas the REAG evaluator, which evaluated the ImSer 60 portfolio until June, evaluates the retail portfolio as from 31 December 2014. 3 If, in accordance with the Group standards, we exclude the impact of capitalised costs on portfolios not the subject matter of property development, the like-for-like change for the 12 months of 2014 amounts to – 0.15%. 62 Net financial income/(charges) Description 31.12.2014 Financial income on bank current accounts and term deposits 31.12.2013 1,973 Other financial income Total financial income Medium to long term financial charges - cash portion Financial charges on short-term borrow ings - cash portion Medium to long term financial charges - non-cash portion Non-utilisation commissions (on medium/long-term and short-term borrow ings) Financial charges on property sales Fair value change in hedging instruments (ineffectiveness) Inflation sw ap differentials Sundry financial charges Total financial charges Financial charges related to early settlement of borrow ings and hedging instruments Change in fair value of the conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 bonds Overall total financial income and charges 902 224 426 2,197 1,328 (88,934) (99,673) (421) (1,416) (14,598) (21,772) (1,796) (2,352) (1,773) (5,601) (4,931) 9,719 (1,930) (4,583) (788) (1,253) (115,171) (126,931) (172,448) (7,709) (25,564) 7,668 (310,986) (125,644) The net financial charges of the 2014 financial year, excluding the measurement effect of the conversion options of the convertible bonds issued in 2013 and the costs related to the early repayment of loans and hedging instruments completed in the period, totalled 112,974 thousand of Euro compared to a balance of 125,603 thousand of Euro in 2013. In particular: the increase in financial income is attributable to higher interests from banks (1,071 thousand of Euro) due to higher average cash deposits, net of the decrease in interests on other receivables (202 thousand of Euro), mostly due to the collection of tax receivables; cash financial charges decreased by 11,734 thousand of Euro, mainly due to the reduction in the average cost of debt in the short, medium and long-term, (which decreased from 4.56% of 2013 to 3.86% in 2014 for the medium and long-term debt, and from 3.21% of 2013 to 2.32% in 2014 for the short-term debt), net of the effect related to a slight increase in the average spread (of 6 bps) and to the increase in the medium and long-term debt; the non-utilisation commissions of credit lines decreased by 556 thousand of Euro; swap differentials on inflation (mainly following the closure of the Imser securitisation) recorded an increase of 2,653 thousand of Euro and sundry financial charges decreased by 465 thousand of Euro; charges related to property sales decreased by 3,828 thousand of Euro compared to 2013; thanks also to the release of properties from the guarantees, concluded between 2013 and 2014; for what concerns the non-cash portion of financial charges, it shows a decrease of 7,174 thousand of Euro in charges for the amortisation of upfront costs of borrowings in application of the amortised cost method more than offset by the increase of 14,650 thousand of Euro in charges represented by the ineffective portions for the period of fair value changes in hedging instruments, due to the decrease in interest rates recorded in 2014. Charges related to early settlement derive from the early repayment of loans and hedging instruments completed in the financial year (and described above) against the refinancing operations carried out, and increase by 164,739 thousand of Euro (148,393 thousand of Euro referring to the repayment of the Imser securitisation), compared to the 2013 financial year. In particular, these charges refer to penalties for early 63 repayment paid, to up-front costs of the repaid loans not yet amortised and to the allocation to the income statement of the residual cash flow hedge reserves related to the closed hedging instruments. For what concerns the conversion options included in the convertible bonds maturing in 2018 and 2019, the charge recorded in the financial year of 25,564 thousand of Euro (compared to an income of 2013 of 7,668 thousand of Euro) is mainly due to the change in stock-market price of the Beni Stabili security recorded in the financial year (from 0.49 Euro of 31 December 2013 to 0.58 Euro of 31 December 2014), which significantly increased their value. Income/charges from investments in associates and other companies The negative balance of the item as at 31 December 2014, negative and amounting to 17,568 thousand of Euro (compared with a loss of 401 thousand of Euro in 2013), refers to write-downs of investments, in companies and real-estate funds, held by the Group, amounting to 18,276 thousand of Euro (1,734 thousand of Euro in 2013), net of dividends from real estate funds of 32 thousand of Euro (56 thousand of Euro in 2013) and from write-ups of investment of 676 thousand of Euro (731 thousand of Euro in 2013). These write-downs refer to the write-downs of quotas held in two real estate funds of 18,247 thousand of Euro, which fell in value as a result of the specific and exceptional circumstances that concerned the funds. The balance resulting from the financial statements as at 31 December 2013 also included the income obtained from the transfer of 12% of the investment in the subsidiary Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. (546 thousand of Euro). Income tax In accordance with the regulations for companies that have opted for the special SIIQ/SIINQ regime, taxes for the financial year mainly refer exclusively to the results of activities other than the exempt leasing activity and they are broken down as described below: 31.12.2014 Current taxes 31.12.2013 (2,373) Deferred tax liabilities 7,511 Deferred tax assets (721) Total taxes for the year (current and deferred) 4,417 Recalculation of current taxes relating to previous years (3,528) 271 23,846 20,589 (1,776) 205 Recalculation of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relating to previous years (62,913) 4,484 Total net incom e and charges for recalculating tax for previous financial years (64,689) 4,689 Total taxes (60,272) 25,278 In particular, current and deferred taxes include taxation on services, property sales in the 2014 financial year and in previous financial years (due to the application of deferred taxation for IRES purposes over five years) and property rents associated with trading properties. Current taxes of 2014 amount to 2,373 thousand of Euro, compared to 3,528 thousand of Euro of 2013 and correspond to 428 thousand of Euro of IRES (2,383 thousand of Euro in 2013) and 1,945 thousand of Euro of IRAP (1,145 thousand of Euro in 2013). 64 The deferred tax (assets and liabilities) of the financial year and the charge for recalculating the deferred tax (assets and liabilities) of previous financial years were significantly affected by the effect of the law provisions introduced with Italian Law Decree 133/2014 (the so-called "Decreto Sblocca Italia") that contemplated the exemption for the purposes of direct taxes (IRES and IRAP) of the margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. Consequently, in addition to not setting aside the deferred tax on net write-downs of the financial year of the SIIQ/SIINQ real estate portfolio, net deferred tax assets recorded in previous financial years were released with an impact of 62,191 thousand of Euro: 61,948 thousand of Euro referred to real estate write-downs/revaluations and the residual amount to other minor items not considered recoverable for lack of sufficient future taxable income. Minorities profit/(loss) The financial year minorities profit/(loss) decreased from a positive balance of 27 thousand of Euro in 2013 to a negative balance of 1,121 thousand of Euro in 2014. The decrease is mainly due to the decrease in the result achieved in the financial year by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A: - SGR (mostly write-downs of quotas held by it in real estate funds and for write-downs of receivables) and to the purchase in the financial year of the minority interests in Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. EPRA Recurring Net Income The Beni Stabili Group, in accordance with the policies of the Foncière des Régions Group and to international best practices, used the EPRA recurring net income as alternative indicator of performance. This indicator is calculated by adjusting the consolidated net result, from which are excluded: i) contribution margin of sales (capital gain and related costs) and financial costs deriving from the early repayment of loans and financial instruments; ii) non-cash items (items of a valuation nature on properties and financial instruments, amortisation and depreciations, etc.); iii) most significant extraordinary and non-recurring items; The EPRA recurring net income of the Group amounts to 87,205 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014, compared to 73,938 thousand of Euro of 2013. The improvement of 13,267 thousand of Euro is mostly attributable to the decrease in financial charges. The following table indicates, for each income statement item, the adjustments made for calculating the EPRA recurring net income of the Group. 65 Thousand of Euro 31.12.2014 NET GROUP INCOME Extraordinary and non-recurring costs/(revenues) 31.12.2013 (231,605) (4,212) 185,395 12,262 Overheads (a) 326 980 Other cash revenues and income/other cash costs and charges (b) 1,721 4,137 (c) 161,637 665 10,810 7,026 Other non-cash revenues and income /other non-cash costs and charges 10,901 Cash net financial charges Non-cash net financial charges Income/(charges) from investments - Non-cash costs/revenues (546) 77,008 Fair value of stock options and free shares - 93,504 29 156 3,634 4,716 Unrealised net w rite-ups of real estate portfolio 10,651 83,225 Financial charges and income 45,094 4,404 Income/(charges) from investments 17,600 1,003 (395) (2,353) (2,333) (4,554) Other non-cash revenues and income /other non-cash costs and charges Costs/revenues associated with property sales Net sales margin (including margin on investment sales) (d) Income/(charges) associated w ith non-cash sales - Net w rite-ups of real estate portfolio realised w ith sales (e) Net financial charges and other costs associated w ith sales (f) Net financial charges associated w ith non-cash sales Effect of income tax and minority interests Current taxes and contingencies for current taxes (g) Non-cash deferred/prepaid taxes (including contingencies) Minorities profit/(loss) 148 700 (1,138) 743 (595) 1,047 3,234 56,802 (25,263) 1,872 810 56,123 (25,273) (1,193) (800) 87,205 73,938 Group recurring net cash income per share (**) 0.044 0.039 Diluted Group recurring net cash income per share (**) 0.035 0.039 EPRA RECURRING NET CASH INCOME OF THE GROUP (*) (*) Cash adjustments (a)+(b)+(c)+(d)+(e)+(f)+(g) totalled -164,114 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and - 305 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013. (**) As regards the calculation of the figures per share, the following considerations were made: i) basic figures: the recurring cash result of the Group was divided by the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue in the period; ii) diluted figures: the recurring cash result of the Group was adjusted for expenses, net of the related tax effect, relating to instruments to which the potential additional ordinary shares with dilutive effects correspond, which are added to the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue in the period. Note that these adjustments were made only when the potential ordinary shares linked to dilutive instruments had the effect of reducing the result per share. Note that, in compliance with IAS/IFRS, all the convertible bonds issued by the Group were considered to have a diluting effect. Extraordinary and non-recurring costs/revenues: The adjustments of 2014 mainly refer to non-recurring costs related to the early repayment of loans and hedging instruments. Non-cash costs/revenues: The adjustment of non-cash costs/revenues mainly concerns: net properties write-downs and extraordinary write-downs of receivables (other than those for leases and services); the non-monetary portions of net financial charges, mainly related to the application of the amortised cost and to the fair value change in hedging instruments, including the change in fair value of the conversion option of the convertible bonds maturing in 2018 and 2019. The adjustment to minorities profit relates to the allocation to minorities of the economic effects of adjusted income statement items. Financial position The following table shows the financial position as at 31 December 2014 in comparison with 31 December 2013. Furthermore, reference should be made to the notes to the financial statements (paragraph 3) for an in-depth analysis of the risk factors to which the Group is exposed and the related hedging policies. 66 Thousand of Euro 31 Decem ber 2014 Investment properties, properties under development and operating properties 31 Decem ber 2013 3,905,250 3,888,810 186,241 268,364 Trading properties and properties held f or sale Intangible assets 173 1,127 37,572 153,490 Securities and investments 16,633 44,283 Beni Stabili SGR net assets/(liabilities) (classified separately pursuant to IFRS5) 20,869 - Net w orking capital 12,025 (57,609) Other tangible assets and non-current receivables Net invested capital Financed by: 4,178,763 4,298,465 97,937 153,446 - provisions and derivatives - net deferred tax liabilities/(assets) - non-current payables - net debt 2,284 (56,560) - 126,767 2,209,647 - minority interests - Group equity Total 2,163,865 10,889 13,281 1,858,006 1,897,666 4,178,763 4,298,465 Net invested capital The 119,702 thousand of Euro decrease in net invested capital is mainly due: to the net decrease of other tangible assets and non-current receivables of 115,918 thousand of Euro, due: i) to the repayment of a deposit of 102,500 thousand of Euro set up in 2013 by a bank that provided a guarantee (liquidity facility) in relation to the securitisation of the Imser 60 portfolio, and that was returned to the guarantor following the closure of the securitisation. ii) to extraordinary losses and writedowns of receivables of 12,098 thousand of Euro recognised in previous financial years; iii) to the net decrease of other non-current receivables (mainly tax receivables) of 1,091 thousand of Euro; iv) to the decrease in other tangible assets of 229 thousand of Euro, mainly due to the depreciations for the period net of new purchases; to a net decrease of 65,683 thousand of Euro in real estate portfolio. The following table summarises the changed items by category: (figure s in thous and of Euro) Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2013 Inve s tm e nt prope rtie s Prope rtie s unde r de ve lopm e nt Prope rtie s include d am ong as s e ts he ld for s ale Ope rating prope rtie s Trading prope rties 3,611,315 258,300 19,195 195,717 72,647 Capex 19,812 28,854 175 762 992 Sales (71,603) - Reclassifications (*) 182,327 Depreciations - Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2014 prior to re al e s tate portfolio valuation Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) to the Income Statement Balance as at 31 De cem be r 2014 3,741,851 (5,091) 3,736,760 - (132,456) - (620) 154,698 18,750 (4,958) 18,750 (9,220) (49,871) - - 122,571 - 149,740 (24,037) 365 122,936 - 64,419 (1,114) 63,305 Ge ne ral total 4,157,174 50,595 (104,860) (620) 4,102,289 (10,798) 4,091,491 (*) “Reclassifications” refer: i) to the transfer of 132,456 thousand of Euro of the property in Milan, Piazza San Nicolao (100,255 thousand of Euro) and to the property in Rome, via dell’Arte (32,201 thousand of Euro) from the category “properties under development” to the category “investment properties”, following the completion of the related modernisation initiatives; ii) to the net transfer of 49,871 thousand of Euro of properties from the category “properties included among assets held for sale” to the category “investment properties”, made on the basis of the prospects for the sale of some properties. In particular: o capex totalling 50,595 thousand of Euro includes: i) 39,016 thousand of Euro of works completed and technical consultancy for the progress in renovation/development projects; ii) 11,236 thousand of Euro of capitalisation of financial charges; iii) 343 thousand of Euro for salaries to Group employees who worked directly on the construction sites; o the decrease for sales, corresponding to the carrying amount of the properties sold during the year, amounted to 104,860 thousand of Euro; 67 o net write-ups/(write-downs) of the real estate portfolio total a write-down of 10,798 thousand of Euro, and mainly affected investment properties (5,091 thousand of Euro) and "properties under development" (4,958 thousand of Euro); to the decrease in item “Securities and investments” of 27,650 thousand of Euro, relating to: i) net writedowns of investments held by the Group and of quotas in real estate funds managed by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR (17,600 thousand of Euro), ii) to the reclassification of the quotas in real estate funds managed held by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR in item "Properties included among assets held for sale" (8,440 thousand of Euro); iii) to the sale of the investment in Società Consortile Perimetro Gestione Proprietà Immobiliari S.c.p.A. (1,112 thousand of Euro); iv) to the collection of dividends from companies measured with the equity method (399 thousand of Euro); v) to the partial repayment of quotas held in real estate funds (99 thousand of Euro); to the net decrease in intangible assets of 954 thousand of Euro, almost entirely related to the value of the goodwill paid for the purchase, in 2009, of 10% of the share capital of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR, reclassified in item “assets held for sale”; to the positive change of 20,869 thousand of Euro of “assets held for sale” (other than the change related to properties included in this item and mentioned above), corresponding to the value of the assets referable to Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR, classified in this item pursuant to IFRS 5 because of the merger described above; to the positive change in net working capital of 69,634 thousand of Euro mainly attributable: o to the extended receivable for the balance of the price for the sale of the property in Milan, via Fogazzaro/via Bergamo, amounting to 55,000 thousand of Euro, which is expected to be collected by May 2015; o to the increase in net receivables from property leases and receivables from services of 7,277 thousand of Euro; o to the decrease in trade payables of 5,179 thousand of Euro, also by reason of the completion of some property improvement; o to the decrease in payables for purchases of properties (1,769 thousand of Euro), for the partial payment of the loan extended for the acquisition of the shopping mall in Vigevano (PV); o to the improvement of net sundry receivables and payables of 409 thousand of Euro. Provisions and derivatives Provisions (for risks and charges and for staff termination benefits) show an overall balance of 7,435 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014, compared to an overall balance of 6,493 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013. The increase of 942 thousand of Euro mainly refers to provisions for the financial year due to potential liabilities deemed probable. The payable for hedging instruments as at 31 December 2014 amounts to 90,502 thousand of Euro, against a payable of 146,953 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013. Note that the balance as at 31 December 2014 includes: i) 53,463 thousand of Euro (27,898 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) referring to the fair value of the conversion options of the bonds issued during the year 2013, which were recorded among liabilities in compliance with the international accounting standards; ii) 37,039 thousand of Euro (119,055 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) related to fair value of swaps and of other risk hedging interest rate swap contracts. 68 The table below illustrates the changes for the year of the payable for hedging instruments. Thousand of Euro Conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 convertible bond (Thousand of Euro) Balance as at 31.12.2013 Hedging instrum ents (sw aps on interest rates and on inflation) Other hedging instrum ents (sw aps on interest rates) Total 27,898 105,334 13,721 146,953 (27,215) Spreads (paid)/collected - (24,120) (3,095) Decrease due to early settlement follow ing property sales - (851) (26) (877) Decreases due to other early settlements - (79,118) (10,940) (90,058) Issue of the convertible bond maturing in 2018 9,210 - - 9,210 Issue of the convertible bond maturing in 2019 16,355 - - 16,355 - 29,760 - 29,760 1,458 4,216 5,674 Change in fair value recognised in equity Change in fair value recognised to Income Statement New /rescheduling of derivative contracts - 700 Reclassification - 2,020 (2,020) - 53,463 35,183 1,856 90,502 Balance as at 31.12.2014 - 700 The reduction for early repayment (other than those related to sales) of 79,004 thousand of Euro is attributable to the closing of derivatives related to the loan (paid off early in the financial year) of the Imser 60 real estate portfolio. Net deferred tax liabilities/(assets) Net deferred taxes show a negative balance of 2,284 thousand of Euro, compared to 56,560 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013. The net change of 58,844 thousand of Euro is broken down in the table below: (Thousand of Euro) Tax losses Balance as at 31.12.2013 Undeducted costs/untaxed revenues Pass-through Fair value of hedging taxation and w riteinstrument dow n of real s estate funds Total (112) (52,040) (3,485) (416) (507) (56,560) 11 (1,137) (3,383) (20) (1,539) (6,068) 9 (39) 436 - 406 61,948 238 - - 62,191 - 266 - 2,049 (6,403) - Net changes booked to the income statement Net changes not booked to the income statement Diff. betw een carrying amount/tax value of properties - Reversal of taxes due to Italian LD 133/2014 5 Reclassification among "assets held for sale" of deferred tax of Beni Stabili Gestioni SpA - SGR - Balance as at 31.12.2014 (96) 8,780 3 2,315 2,284 As can be seen from the above table, the change of 62,191 thousand of Euro in the financial year is attributable to the release of net (prepaid) deferred taxes as a result of the provisions of Italian Law Decree 133/2014 (the so-called "Decreto Sblocca Italia") that introduced the tax exemption system of the margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. The remaining change is mainly attributable: i) to changes in deferred tax assets related to properties not included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime for the write-downs of the year; ii) to the sale of properties of the financial year and of previous financial years (in relation to the deferred IRES taxes, in five financial years, of capital gains on property disposals); iii) to deferred tax assets related to pass-through taxation of the result of the real estate funds held by the Group (pursuant to Italian Law Decree 78/2010); iv) to the net release of taxes recorded on the temporary deferral of the taxation of income and on the temporary non-deductibility of costs. Non-current payables Non-current payables decreased by 126,767 thousand of Euro mainly due to: i) the pay-off of the payable recognised in connection with the drawing of a liquidity facility related to the Imser 60 portfolio (102,500 thousand of Euro); ii) to the reclassification to current assets of the exit tax payable by Group companies 69 (Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A.) that must be paid by June 2015 (19,813 thousand of Euro) and the payable corresponding to the final instalment of the extended price for the purchase of 31.8% of Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. that will be due by December 2015 (4,321 thousand of Euro). Net debt An analysis of net debt as at 31 December 2014 is provided below: Thousand of Euro 31 Decem ber 2014 Borrow ings f rom banks and f inancial institutions of w hich: - short-term portion - medium/long-term portion 348,052 781,440 Bonds in issue of w hich: - short-term portion - long-term portion 24,168 594,944 Convertible bonds of w hich: - short-term portion - long-term portion 110,536 463,951 31 Decem ber 2013 1,129,492 1,277,367 192,770 1,084,597 619,112 471,947 21,141 450,806 574,487 Gross debt 565,184 5,690 559,494 2,323,091 Cash and cash equivalents 2,314,498 (113,444) Net debt (150,633) 2,209,647 2,163,865 Net debt as at 31 December 2014 amounts to 2,209,647 thousand of Euro compared to 2,163,865 thousand of Euro of 31 December 2013. Borrowings increase by 8,593 thousand of Euro reaching 2,323,091 thousand of Euro (compared to 2,314,498 thousand of Euro of 31 December 2013). The main changes are shown in the following table: Carrying amount Total carrying amount of borrowings as at 31 December 2013 2.314.498 2.368.646 Change in overdraft facilities (80.102) (80.102) New borrowings Repayment of maturing borrowings and ordinary repayments (including change in nominal accruing interests) 707.738 714.500 (12.529) (12.529) (765.999) (770.870) Early settlement of loans Amortisation of up-front costs 3.018 Change in borrowings from banks and financial institutions - (147.874) (149.001) Bond issues Repayment of maturing borrowings and ordinary repayments (including change in nominal accruing interests) 593.881 600.000 14.625 11.960 Advance repayment of bonds for property sale (16.751) (16.896) Early settlement of loans (444.590) (447.306) Change in bonds in issue 147.165 147.758 9.302 6 9.302 6 2.323.091 2.367.409 Interests accrued during the period (at the effective interest rate) Change in convertible bonds Total carrying amount of borrowings as at 31 December 2014 Nominal value Borrowings from banks and financial institutions decreased from 1,277,367 thousand of Euro of 31 December 2013 to 1,129,492 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014, down by 147,874 thousand of Euro. This decrease is attributable: 70 o to the early repayment of medium/long term loans (765,999 thousand of Euro) and to the repayments of short-term credit facilities (80,102 thousand of Euro), made with the liquidity arising from the issue in the year of convertible bonds and by raising new mortgage loans; o to the payment of the instalments falling due on medium/long-term loans as envisaged by the repayment plans (12,529 thousand of Euro including the change in nominal accruing interests), net of the effect related to the amortisation of up-front costs (3,018 thousand of Euro) following application of the amortised cost method; These decreases were partially offset by the raising in the year: o of three loans, totalling a nominal amount of 650,000 thousand of Euro, raised as part of the repayment of the Imser 60 securitisation described above (for a carrying amount of the new loans of 644,319 thousand of Euro); o of two mortgage loans, for the nominal value of 60,000 thousand of Euro and maturing in April 2019 and for the nominal value of 4,500 thousand of Euro and maturing in December 2019, respectively (for a total carrying amount of the new loans of 63,419 thousand of Euro). The actual cost of floating rate borrowings for 2014, calculated using the amortised cost method and without taking into account interest rate swaps, was: 2.42% (3.22% for 2013) for medium/long-term floating rate mortgage loans; 2.99% (5.33% for 2013) for other floating-rate medium/long-term loans. The effective interest rate for 2014 applied to fixed rate borrowings from banks and other financial institutions was 6.02% (6.02% in 2013). Bonds in issue increase from 471,947 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013 to 619,112 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. The 147,165 thousand of Euro increase is due: (i) to the issue in the year of two unsecured bonds of an initial carrying amount of 593,868 thousand of Euro (the first one of a nominal value of 350,000 thousand of Euro maturing in January 2018 and the second one of a nominal value of 250,000 thousand of Euro maturing in April 2019), to which is added the accruing nominal interest coupons and the amortisation of the upfront costs for the period totalling 21,266 thousand of Euro (calculated at the effective interest rate); (ii) to the repayment of the payable corresponding to the bonds issued for the loan of the Imser 60 portfolio (leased to Telecom Italia) for the ordinary amortisation and for early repayments due to property sales (21,935 thousand of Euro) and for the early repayment described previously as part of the main events during the financial year (446,034 thousand of Euro). As at 31 December 2014, with reference to such bonds, there remains a payable of 3,978 thousand of Euro to be paid next and related to the only unlisted bond class. In 2014, the effective interest rate for these bonds issued for the borrowing of the Imser 60 portfolio, calculated at amortised cost and without making allowance for hedges, was equal to 8.24% for fixed rate securities (8.33% in 2013) and to 2.86% for floating rate securities (2.41% in 2013). Whereas, with reference to the two bonds issued in the year, the annual nominal effective interest rate is 4.35% (4.125% annual nominal rate) for the loan maturing in 2018 and 3.79% (3.50% annual nominal rate) for the loan maturing in 2019. Convertible bonds increased from 565,184 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013 to 574,487 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014, due to interests for the period, net of the coupons paid during the year. The annual effective interest rate of the existing three convertible bonds is equal to 6.17% 71 (3.875% annual nominal rate) for the loan maturing in 2015; to 4.70% (3.375% annual nominal rate) for the loan maturing in 2018 and to 4.91% (2.625% annual nominal rate) for the loan maturing in 2019. Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 2014 totalled 113,444 thousand of Euro (compared to 150,633 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). The change in cash and cash equivalents recorded during the year is broken down as follows. Thousand of Euro EPRA recurring net incom e 87,205 Cash items excluded from the Group recurring cash net income (*) (164,114) Minorities profit/(loss) excluded f rom the Group recurring cash net income 73 Cash flow from operating activities after taxes (76,836) Changes in payables and receivables (98,718) Dividends distributed (42,138) Investing activity 49,797 Financing activity 130,706 Changes in cash and cash equivalents (37,189) (*) For details of these items, see the comments relating to the results for 2014 under the analysis of the Group recurring cash net income For further information on changes in receivables and payables, investing and financing activities, please refer to the Statement of Cash Flows. Group Equity and Minority Interests Group Equity as at 31 December 2014 amounted to 1,858,006 thousand of Euro (1,897,666 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). The net decrease of 39,660 thousand of Euro compared to 31 December 2013 is mainly due: to the loss for the financial year (231,605 thousand of Euro); to dividend distribution (42,138 thousand of Euro); to the capital increase completed during the financial year (149,725 thousand of Euro), net of costs borne (3,219 thousand of Euro) that, pursuant to the accounting standards of reference were directly recognised as a decrease in equity; to the positive change in the cash flow hedge reserve (87,488 thousand of Euro), due both to the releases of the year (ordinary and for early repayment), partially offset by the effect of changes in fair value of hedging instruments; to positive minor changes (89 thousand of Euro). For further details, refer to the Statement of changes in equity. Minority interests increased from 13,281 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013 to 10,889 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. The net decrease of 2,392 thousand of Euro is due: i) to the loss for the financial year attributable to minorities (1,121 thousand of Euro); ii) to dividend distribution (996 thousand of Euro); iii) to the purchase of minority interests in Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A (205 thousand of Euro); iv) to the liquidation of Imser S.r.l. (89 thousand of Euro); v) to minor changes (11 thousand of Euro). The Net Asset Value (NAV) of the Group as at 31 December 2014, calculated on the basis of the EPRA guidelines amounts to 1,983.0 million of Euro (0.874 Euro per share), compared to the NAV of 31 December 2013 amounting to 2,036.9 million of Euro (1.063 Euro per share). 72 The NNNAV - triple NAV - (NAV net of both deferred taxes on the property portfolio and of mark-to-market of derivatives on interest rates and fixed-rate borrowings net of the related tax effect) calculated on the basis of the EPRA guidelines amounts to 1,808.9 million of Euro (0.797 Euro per share) compared to NNNAV as at 31 December 2013 of 1,840.0 million of Euro (Euro 0.961 per share). The repayment of the Imser 60 securitisation did not generate significant effects on the NNNAV of the Group, in that the expenses for the early repayment were already considered in the calculation of the NNNAV, for an amount substantially equal to that actually paid. The decrease in NNNAV per share is affected by the capital increase. 31.12.2014 (Euro million) NAV per share Shares 2,268,464,886 Market value of investment properties (including premises) Market value of properties under development Market value of trading properties Market value of assets held for sale Other assets and liabilities Payables net of cash 3,756.8 149.7 63.6 122.9 99.6 (2,209.6) Gross NAV 1,983.0 Deferred taxes on portfolio and exit tax payable 0.874 (28.9) NNAV 1,954.1 MtM of derivatives MtM spread on borrowings MtM spread on convertible bonds Income tax 0.861 (90.5) (24.8) (32.4) 2.6 NNNAV 1,808.9 0.797 Note well: For calculation purposes, Group equity is adjusted to express the fair value of the entire real estate portfolio (including operating and trading properties), together with fixed rate borrowings. In this respect, note that such calculations were carried out taking into account the change in fair value of fixed rate borrowings and hedging instruments. With reference to the fair value measurement of the real estate portfolio, it was assumed to be equal to the one calculated in June 2014 by the independent experts, plus capitalisations for the period for works and financial charges net of any price adjustment. The Gross NAV represents the difference between the value of Group assets and liabilities before the taxation of properties and "mark to market" accounting of financial items. Also taking into consideration the deferred taxation on properties (properties excluded from the SIIQ/SIINQ regime) and the exit tax payable, we move from the Gross NAV to the NNAV. Lastly, the NNNAV also considers the mark to market of financial instruments. As in previous years, the NNNAV was calculated by only taking the fluctuation of interest rates into account in the fair value measurement of borrowings, and not the spreads on outstanding liabilities. Note that the diluted NAV is not presented in that as at 31 December 2014, in accordance with the provisions of IAS 33 and the EPRA guidelines, there are no instruments with a diluting effect on the NAV. The only instruments with potential dilutive effect issued by the Group are represented by the three outstanding convertible bonds whose conversion options at the end of the financial year were "out of the money”. COMPANY INFORMATION Staff As at 31 December 2014, the Beni Stabili Group had a workforce of 90 employees (89 excluding porters), with respect to a workforce of 93 (92 excluding porters) as at 31 December 2013, divided by professional category as follows: 73 M a na ge rs 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 14 N o . e m plo ye e s % o f to tal E xe c ut iv e s 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 13 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 14 O f f ic e s t a f f 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 13 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 14 P o rt e rs 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 13 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 14 T o tal 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 13 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 14 3 1/ 12 / 2 0 13 20 23 24 24 45 45 1 1 90 93 22.2% 24.7% 26.7% 25.8% 50.0% 48.4% 1.1% 1.1% 100.0% 100.0% As can be seen from the above table, during 2014, the following was recorded: 3 resignations in the category of managers; 62 (excluding the porter) out of 89 employees (excluding the porter) are engaged in the management of the property portfolio and in the carrying-out of the corporate activities whereas 27 (26 as at 31 December 2013) are engaged in the fund management activity by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR. As can be seen in the table below, as at 31 December 2014, 90.0% of the staff are employed under openterm employment contracts, compared to 93.5% as at 31 December 2013: No. em ployees % of total OPEN-TERM EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS TEMPORARY CONTRACTS 31/12/2014 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 TOTAL TRAINING CONTRACTS 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 81 87 2 1 7 5 90 93 90.0% 93.5% 2.2% 1.1% 7.8% 5.4% 100.0% 100.0% The breakdown by gender shows that female employees account for approximately 54.4% of the total as at 31 December 2014, compared with 54.8% as at 31 December 2013. Males 45,6% Females 54,4% The number of women as at 31 December 2014 is 49 (compared to 51 as at 31 December 2013), representing more than half the staff. The breakdown by professional category of the female staff is as follows: 74 Managers 31/12/2014 No. w om en per category Executives 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 Office staff 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 Porters 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 Total 31/12/2013 31/12/2014 31/12/2013 7 8 13 13 29 30 0 0 49 51 14.3% 15.7% 26.5% 25.5% 59.2% 58.8% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 35.0% 34.8% 54.2% 54.2% 64.4% 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 54.4% 54.8% % distribution by category Presence of w om en out of total per category 50 45 40 35 29 30 25 20 13 7 15 10 16 13 5 11 1 0 Managers Executives Office staff Men Porters Women As regards the employee age distribution, the highest percentage is in the 40 to 44 year-old age group as can be seen in table below. 20 18 16 14 12 10 19 8 18 15 13 6 10 4 7 5 2 3 0 0 < 25 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years 40-44 years 45-49 years 50-54 years 55-59 years > 60 years 75 As regards education levels, 65.6% (the same percentage as at 31 December 2013) of staff have a university degree, 30.0% (30.1% as at 31 December 2013) have a high school leaving diploma and 4.4% (4.30% as at 31 December 2013) have a middle school leaving diploma. 4% Middle School 30% High School University degree 66% In relation to staff service seniority, note that approximately 37.8% (33.3% as at 31 December 2013) of staff have a seniority of less than 5 years, approximately 30.0% (34.4% as at 31 December 2013) of staff have a seniority of more than 5 years but less than 10, approximately 26.7% (26.9% as at 31 December 2013) of staff have a seniority of more than 10 years but less than 20 and approximately 5.5% (5.4% as at 31 December 2013) of staff have a seniority of more than 20 years of service. 40 35 30 25 20 34 15 27 24 10 5 0 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 76 2 3 21-30 years >30 years ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Since 2013, the Beni Stabili Group, with the setting up of the Environmental sustainability committee and the publishing of the first Sustainability Report, which lead to obtaining the EPRA Gold award, has been pursuing policies of environmental sustainability, in order to increase transparency, professional experience and innovation. The goal is to provide stakeholders with a detailed report of the main activities undertaken to improve the social and environmental performance of our business and of our assets, through the declaration of Targets and the timing to achieve them, focusing at the same time on the creation of “value”. The Sustainability Report, prepared taking into account the multitenant buildings on which Beni Stabili exercises the operational control of consumption and that showed the results obtained in 2013, as the reduction of 5% of energy consumption from fuel, 6% of direct emissions of greenhouse gases and 4.2% of water consumption, will become a “compass” for the orientation of company activities, setting objectives of gradual improvement year in, year out. ORGANISATIONAL MODEL AND CODE OF ETHICS Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ has adopted an "Organisation, management and control model" since 2003, in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 (the "Model"), updated and supplemented in 2014 also in the light of the recent regulatory developments, which provides a set of rules, measures and preventive procedures aimed at reducing the risk of committing crimes within the corporate organisation. The Company has also adopted its own Code of Ethics and Conduct (the "Code of Ethics"), also updated and supplemented in 2014, aimed at identifying the principles and values that the Company and the companies of the Beni Stabili Group aspire to in the running of the business. This code is an essential component of the Model in terms of its actual implementation in that it aims at recommending, promoting or prohibiting certain behaviours, also beyond and regardless of what is provided by the regulations. Adoption of the Code of Ethics is also one of the assumptions behind the efficient operation of the internal control system. The Code of Ethics is published in the "Corporate Governance - Codes and Procedures" of the company web site The compliance with the Model is guaranteed by a collective body with independent powers of initiative and control, specially set up by the Company, called Supervisory Body. The functions of the Supervisory Body also include the task of guaranteeing the adequacy of the Model, monitoring the effectiveness of the Model and ensuring, also, (as guarantor) compliance with the Code of Ethics. STOCK OPTIONS Currently, there are no Stock Option plans launched by the Parent Company Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, or by other companies of the Group, concerning the shares of the Company. 77 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and the other Group companies do not carry out research activities. THE COMPANY'S TREASURY SHARES AND SHARES OR UNITS OF PARENT COMPANIES As at 31 December 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ held 961,000 treasury shares, for a value equal to the purchase cost of 655 thousand of Euro. RELATIONS WITH SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND PARENT COMPANY With reference to the type of relationships between the Group companies and the parent companies, please refer to the Notes to the financial statements (Note 9). SUBSEQUENT MAIN EVENTS On 20 January 2015, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with BNP Paribas and Sociètè Generale a mortgage loan agreement amounting to 110,000 thousand of Euro, maturing in 20 January 2021. This loan is secured by mortgage on 6 properties, of which three owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and 3 owned by BS Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ. On the signing date, “Line A” referring to Beni Stabili properties of 47,556 thousand of Euro was used whereas “Line B”, referring to the properties of BS Immobiliare 8 of 62,444 thousand of Euro will be used within the period of availability of 30 June 2015. 78 OPERATING OUTLOOK After a year characterised by strong volatility, growing concerns on the growth prospects of the Eurozone and more and more concrete signs of deflation, the start, in January 2015, of the expected “Quantity Easing” programme, by the ECB, stimulated positively the financial markets, improving the general climate. The prospect of low interest rates for long periods and of high liquidity available for economic initiatives, together with an extraordinarily low cost of energy, are strong incentives to ensure the efficient transfer of the above positive climate from the financial markets to more directly productive markets, starting in this way the growth path sought-after. In our Country, this improvement of the general outline combined with a positive development of the political outline, which seems to be directed more and more towards State reforms, as required by the markets and other European partners. All in all, therefore, it finally seems that these first months of 2015 are characterised by all the elements required for considering the start of a new expansive cycle also in the Italian real estate sector in which the Beni Stabili Group works, a sector that, historically, is highly favoured by a scenario of low interest rates and high liquidity. Currently, the Beni Stabili Group has a completely renewed financial structure and a significantly more agile and flexible organisational structure; therefore, with all the necessary requirements to seize the opportunities of a new cycle, which will surely be established more slowly than the previous one but that now seems to be finally round the corner and quite solid. In this context, the availability of a project such as Symbiosis, which aims to build modern and sustainable offices not far from the centre of Milan, in an area of future development of the city, is certainly an important factor of competitive advantage in the next market development. 79 Financial statements Beni Stabili Group Statement of Financial Position Income Statement Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flows CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BENI STABILI GROUP 1 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Euro/000) Notes 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 ASSETS Investment properties 6.1.1 3.736.760 3.611.315 Properties under development 6.1.2 149.740 258.300 Operating properties and other assets 6.1.3 19.902 20.576 Intangible assets 6.1.4 173 1.127 Investments in: - associetes - other companies 6.1.5 6.1.5 1.891 1.538 1.615 2.674 Securities 6.1.6 13.204 39.994 Trade and trade receivables 6.1.7 36.420 152.109 Derivatives 6.1.8 846 73 Deferred tax assets 6.1.9 15.627 87.567 3.976.101 4.175.350 Total non - current assets Trading properties 6.2.1 63.305 72.647 Trade and trade receivables 6.2.2 101.018 41.229 Cash and cash equivalents 6.2.3 113.444 150.633 277.767 264.509 146.252 195.717 4.400.120 4.635.576 Share capital 226.943 191.630 Share premium reserve 341.403 230.210 Other reserves 562.562 524.494 Retained earnings 727.098 951.332 1.858.006 1.897.666 10.889 13.281 6.3 1.868.895 1.910.947 Borrowings 6.4.1 1.840.335 2.094.897 Trade and other payables 6.4.2 - 126.767 Derivatives 6.4.3 91.348 147.026 Staff termination benefits 6.4.4 491 873 Deferred tax liabilities 6.4.5 17.911 31.007 1.950.085 2.400.570 Total current assets Asset held for sale 6.2.4 Total assets EQUITY Total Group Equity Minority interests Total consolidated Equity LIABILITIES Total non - current liabilities Borrowings 6.5.1 482.756 219.601 Trade and other payables 6.5.2 88.993 98.838 Provisions for risks and charges 6.5.3 6.944 5.620 578.693 324.059 2.447 - Total liabilities 2.531.225 2.724.629 Total consolidated Equity and liabilities 4.400.120 4.635.576 Total current liabilities Liabilities related to assets held for sale 6.5.4 81 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BENI STABILI GROUP 2 INCOME STATEMENT (Euro/000) Notes Rental revenues Property costs 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 228.656 (34.492) 231.699 (37.006) Net rental revenues 6.6.1 194.164 194.693 Net service revenues 6.6.2 9.342 9.732 (9.046) (14.782) (9.403) (14.741) Staff costs Overheads Total operating costs 6.6.3 (23.828) (24.144) Other revenues and income Other costs and charges Total other revenues and income/(other costs and charges) 6.6.4 6.6.4 2.887 (17.999) (15.112) 705 (6.171) (5.466) 9.297 (9.230) 8.755 (8.469) Trading properties sales Cost of sales Profit/(loss) on disposal of trading properties 6.6.5 Investment and development properties sales Cost of sales 67 74.500 (72.226) Profit/(loss) on disposal of investment and development properties 6.6.5 Held for sale properties sales Cost of sales 2.274 24.240 (24.248) Profit/(loss) on disposal of held for sale properties 6.6.5 Property write- ups Property write- downs 6.1.1/6.1.2/6.2.1 /6.2.4 Property write- ups / property write-downs EBIT Net financial income/(charges) Income/(charges) from associates Income/(charges) from other companies 6.6.6 6.6.7 6.6.7 EBT Tax 6.6.8 Net Income Monorities (profit)/loss 6.3 Net income for the Group (8) 286 28.000 (27.076) 924 97.314 (94.670) 2.644 53.552 (64.351) 25.044 (107.131) (10.799) (82.087) 156.100 96.582 (310.986) 672 (18.240) (125.644) 1.218 (1.619) (172.454) (29.463) (60.272) 25.278 (232.726) (4.185) 1.121 (27) (231.605) (4.212) Earnings per share (€) - Basic 6.6.9 (0,11667) (0,00220) - Diluted 6.6.9 (0,11667) (0,00684) 82 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BENI STABILI GROUP 3 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Euro/000) 31.12.2014 Net income 31.12.2013 (232.726) (4.185) 87.924 80.163 (436) (456) 87.488 79.707 Other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will be subsequently reclassified to the Income Statement) Gross changes in the Cash Flow Hedge reserve Income tax relating to the movements described above Total other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will be subsequently reclassified to the Income Statement) Purchase of minority interests in consolidated companies (50) Staff termination benefits measurement: actuarial differences (136) Income tax relating to the movements described above 7 31 Other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will not be subsequently reclassified to the Income Statement) Comprehensive income Comprehensive minority (profit)/loss Comprehensive income for the Group 83 (155) 7 (145.393) 75.529 1.339 (33) (144.054) 75.496 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BENI STABILI GROUP 4 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (€/000) Group Equity Share capital Balance as at 1 January 2012 191.630 Share premium reserve 230.210 Other reserves Retained earnings 505.400 993.857 Valuation of free share plans 239 Total consolidated Group equity 1.921.097 239 Distribution of dividends and reserves (4.328) (37.809) (42.137) Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation 11.489 (11.489) - Increases by minority shareholders Balance as at 31 December 2012 729 191.630 230.210 Valuation of free share plans 513.290 (155) (15.777) 929.021 312 12.230 7 (658) Total consolidated equity 1.933.327 246 (42.795) - - Comprehensive income 2012 Minority interests 550 (15.048) 1.864.151 157 1.594 13.723 (7) (13.454) 1.877.874 150 Distribution of dividends and reserves (13.630) (28.508) (42.138) Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation (54.719) 54.719 - 79.708 (4.212) 75.496 33 75.529 1.897.666 13.281 1.910.947 Comprehensive income 2013 Balance as at 31 December 2013 Capital increase with share premium (including costs) 191.630 230.210 35.313 111.193 Valuation of free share plans 524.494 951.332 146.506 26 26 (26.847) (15.291) (42.138) Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation (22.599) 22.599 - Liquidation of consolidated companies - Balance as at 31 December 2014 226.943 341.403 84 87.488 (231.542) 562.562 727.098 (42.606) - Distribution of dividends and reserves Comprehensive income 2014 (468) 550 (144.054) 1.858.006 146.506 2 28 (966) (43.104) (89) (89) (1.339) (145.393) - 10.889 1.868.895 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENS OF THE BENI STABILI GROUP 5 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (€/000) 31.12.2014 EBT 31.12.2013 (172.454) Amortisation and write-downs of intangible assets (29.463) 64 899 877 914 Unrealised property (write-ups)/write-downs 10.651 83.225 Write-ups/write-downs of investments 17.600 1.003 Non-cash financial charges/(income) on derivatives and amortised cost 56.951 14.664 Depreciation of operating and other assets Non-cash charges for free share plans 29 Capital gain from partial sale of Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. - Provisions for risks and charges and receivables 13.628 Releases of provisions for risks and charges and receivables (33) Cash flow from operating activities (72.687) Taxes (net of the portion related to the deferred tax) 156 (546) 3.891 (288) 74.455 (4.149) 5 (76.836) 74.460 Other assets/other liabilities (18.041) (12.462) Receivables/ payables for property sale/repurchase (61.089) 6.862 (19.588) (18.927) (175.554) 49.933 Cash flow from operating activities after taxes Movements in assets and liabilities Exit tax payables Cash flow before investing and financing activities Investing activity Increase in intangible assets Increase in operating and other assets Increase in properties (64) (14) (235) (304) (50.420) (52.043) Acquisition of 31,8% interests Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. - (14.500) Purchase/other increases in investments and securities - (6.801) Disposal of properties 105.009 Reimbursments of contributions/ disposal and other reductions in investments and securities Sale price of Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. Dividends received from investments measured whit the equity method Reclassification of Cash reffered to B.S. Gestioni SGR S.p.A. under IFRS5 127.580 1.211 348 - 949 400 403 (6.104) - Financing activity Dividends distribution (42.138) Capital increase with share premium (net of costs) 146.506 Contributions/redemptions and attribution of reserves from/to minority interests (1.271) Purchase of minority interests in consolidated companies 155 Increase / (decrease) of borrowings (14.684) (42.138) (469) 35.235 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (37.189) 98.179 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 150.633 52.454 113.444 150.633 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 85 Beni Stabili Group Notes to the financial statements 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (the "Company" or "Parent Company") and its subsidiaries ("Beni Stabili" or the "Group") is one of Italy's leading property investment and management groups. The Group: i) invests primarily in office properties leased to major industrial and financial companies under medium- to long-term lease contracts; ii) is active in the property development sector, mainly in the office segment and with the aim of developing properties for subsequent lease; iii) carries out property trading activities. The Group also operates in the field of property services mainly through investments in associates in the capital of Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR (incorporating company from 1 January 2015 of Beni Stabili S.p.A. - SGR) and of Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. The Parent Company is a joint-stock company established and domiciled in Italy, with its registered office in via Piemonte 38, Rome, and branch office in via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 10, Milan, and is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange and the Euronext market in Paris. As from 2011, the Parent Company and the subsidiary Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. adopted the special regime for listed real estate investment companies – SIIQ and the special regime for unlisted real estate investment companies – SIINQ. As from 2013, B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ and B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ adopted this special regime as well. The Board of Directors of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ approved these Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 for publication on 10 February 2015. 2 BASIS OF PRESENTATION AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of presentation These Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 have been prepared under International Accounting Standards – IAS and International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and integrated by the related interpretations issued by the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), and adopted by the European Commission in compliance with the procedure referred to in Article 6 of (EC) Regulations no. 1606/2002. Cost represents the general criterion adopted for all assets and liabilities, except for investment properties, properties held for sale, properties under development and certain financial assets and liabilities for which the fair value was recognised to the Income Statement and/or in Equity. 87 The basis of presentation adopted in the preparation of these Consolidated Financial Statements was in line with that adopted in drawing up the consolidated financial statements for the Group as at 31 December 2013. Preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements requires the use of estimates and judgements reflected in the value of assets and liabilities. Critical estimates, judgements and accounting policies used by the Group are described in Note 4. Based on the classification adopted for the Statement of Financial Position, assets and liabilities are broken down between "current" and "non-current", while the classification adopted for the Income Statement classifies costs and revenue by kind. In fact, it is believed that such classifications, compared with the classifications by liquidity level for the Statement of Financial Position, and by allocation for the Income Statement, allow a better description of the equity, economic and financial position of the Group. The adopted Statement of Cash Flows gives separate indication of cash flows generated by operations, investing activity and financing activity. Note that, as permitted under paragraph 18(b) of IAS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows", the Statement of Cash Flows is prepared according to the "indirect method”. The financial statements are presented with comparative data in accordance with requirements of the abovementioned standards. In order to facilitate comparison of the data, certain immaterial figures from 2013 were reclassified wherever deemed necessary. Where necessary, the Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements include additional information on the financial statements and disclosures as required by Consob Resolution no. 15519 of 27 July 2006 and Consob Communication no. 6064293 of 28 July 2006. All the figures presented in these Consolidated Financial Statements are stated in thousands of Euros, unless otherwise indicated. 2.2 Investments and Consolidation (a) Investments in subsidiaries and basis of consolidation In accordance with IFRS 10, we have control over an entity (subsidiary) if and only if, at the same time: we have power over the investee entity, qualifying as having valid rights for addressing its relevant activities, i.e. those activities impacting significantly on its profitability; we have the ability to exercise this power over the investee entity so as to affect its profitability; the profitability (positive and negative) of one's investment varies depending on the profitability of the investee entity. The Beni Stabili Group’s Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 includes the annual financial statements of the Parent Company and of all its direct and indirect subsidiaries. 88 The financial statements of the subsidiaries, where necessary, were adjusted to make them consistent with IAS/IFRS. In view of the requirements of Consob Communication DEM/6064293 of 28 July 2006, Annexe 1 to these Consolidated Financial Statements provides a list of consolidated companies and indicates the method of consolidation used. Note that, in 2014, there were no changes in the basis of consolidation compared to 31 December 2013. However, the company Imser S.r.l. in liquidation was closed with reference to 30 September 2014. Moreover, Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A.- SGR that, as indicated in the Management Report, was merged with effect as from 1 January 2015 into Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR, was consolidated on a 100% basis, albeit pursuant to the provisions of IFRS 5, the related assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2014 were classified in items “assets held for sale” and “liabilities linked to assets held for sale”. Starting from 2014, the companies over which the Group exercises joint control are measured with the Equity method. (b) Investments in jointly controlled entities and associates In accordance with IFRS 11, a jointly controlled entity (joint venture) is a company over which the Group has sharing of control with third parties. The joint control of a company is the contractually agreed sharing of control over it, which exists only when decisions about relevant activities require the unanimous consent of parties sharing control (joint venturers). In compliance with IAS 28, an associate is a company over which the Group has significant influence, which is power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate but is not control or joint control of those policies. Investments in jointly controlled entities and associates are recorded in the financial statements of the Group with the equity method. A method of accounting whereby the investment is initially recognised at cost and adjusted thereafter up or down for the post-acquisition change investee's net assets. For the purposes of this measurement, the financial statements of the investee companies used as a reference are prepared with time intervals that correspond to that of the Group and prepared in accordance with IAS/IFRS. The adjustments made to the value of the investment are recognised in the Income Statement in proportion to the share of the Income Statement result of the investee attributable to the Group, whereas they are recorded in the Statement of Comprehensive Income if they express the share attributable to the Group of “other comprehensive income components” of the investee. 89 2.3 Segment reporting An operating segment is a group of assets and operations generating costs and revenues, for which separate accounting information is available, and for which the related results are periodically reviewed by the executive management in order to adopt measures as to resources to be allocated to the segment and assessment of the related results. Segment reporting by the Group is defined according to the breakdown by operating segment, making a distinction between property-related activities and services, mainly represented by real estate fund management. Property-related activities are then further broken down on the basis of the accounting categories into which the property assets are divided. Secondarily, information is also provided by geographical segment, defined according to property location. 2.4 Functional currency and foreign currency transactions (a) Functional currency Amounts included in the financial statements of each Group company are measured using the currency of the economic environment in which the Company operates (the "functional currency”). The Consolidated Financial Statements are presented in thousands of Euros. The euro is the Parent Company's functional and presentation currency. (b) Foreign currency transactions and balances Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at closing exchange rates of cash assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the Income Statement. Differences resulting from the translation of non-cash assets or liabilities are recognised in Equity in the period in which they occur, if profits and losses resulting from the measurement of such items are recognised directly in Equity. If, instead, profits or losses related to the valuation of non-cash assets are accounted for in the Income Statement, any exchange difference will be recognised on the same basis, except for any profit or loss generated by application of the fair value principle. In this case, any exchange differences are accounted for in Equity. 2.5 Investment properties Investment properties are those held to earn rental revenues and for capital appreciation. Investment properties are initially stated at cost, inclusive of transaction costs, and are subsequently measured at their fair value, and any change of such fair value is recorded in the Income Statement. The real estate portfolio is valued semi-annually, on 30 June and 31 December, by an external independent valuation company, duly recognised and qualified and in possession of up-to-date knowledge of the locations 90 and features of the properties being valued. The valuation is entrusted to two or more independent experts, who will be rotated every three years within the range of the property assets, though reserving the option to defer the three-yearly rotation (for a further three years) if deemed necessary. The fair value of the properties is based on the market value, represented (in compliance with the provision of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement") by the estimate of the price at which the property would be traded on the measurement date and under current market conditions, as part of an ordinary transaction between market operators acting in the best manner to meet their economic interest (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). When a property classed as an operating property is transferred to investment property following a change in use, any difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of the property at the date of transfer is recognised, in case of profits, directly in Equity. Where instead the difference represents a loss, this is recognised immediately in the Income Statement. 2.6 Properties under development Properties under renovation, conversion, construction and development (hereinafter generically referred to as "development activities") for which a future use as investment properties is expected, are classified in this category. These properties are individually recognised using the cost principle (initially at the purchase cost or the last carrying amount if reclassified to this category from another property category), remaining as such until the related fair value proves to be reliably calculable on an ongoing basis. From that moment the fair value measurement principle is adopted (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). The carrying amount of the property is incremented by all costs incurred for development activities, financial charges and any cost for staff employed in such activities. The capitalisation of financial charges is performed for the period between the start of such activities up to the moment the properties are essentially ready for their intended use, considering, in addition to costs on borrowings specifically for property purchase and development, also costs related to loans not directly guaranteed by them. 2.7 Leases Leases are classified as finance leases or operating leases. Under the terms of a finance lease, the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset are substantially transferred to the tenant, whilst under the terms of an operating lease the risks and rewards of ownership substantially pertain to the lessor. (a) Finance leases 91 (i) Group companies as lessees in finance leases On initial recognition, the lessee company records the asset as a fixed asset and a borrowing as a reverse entry for an amount equal to the lower of the fair value of the asset being leased and the current value of the minimum payments due when the contract starts, using the contract interest rate. At each reporting date, the financial charges for the period are recognised in the Income Statement, after breaking down the rentals in accordance with the interest rate implicit in the lease. The capital element of the rental paid is instead recognised as a decrease in the borrowing. (ii) Group companies as lessors in finance leases On initial recognition, regardless of legal title, the value of the asset is derecognised from assets and a receivable is recognised corresponding to the present value of the sum of minimum lease payments due at inception of the lease and the remaining unsecured value. The discount rate used is the interest rate implicit in the lease. At each reporting date, the financial income for the period is recognised in the Income Statement, calculated on the basis of the rate of return implicit in the lease applied on a straight-line basis throughout the lease term. The estimated remaining unsecured value is periodically subject to impairment testing. (b) Operating leases Lease payments under operating leases are recognised as revenues or costs in the Income Statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease contracts for properties are classified and accounted for on the same basis as operating leases. Please refer also to Note 2.20(i) below. 2.8 Operating properties and other assets Operating properties and other assets are accounted for at purchase or construction cost, based on the fair value of the consideration paid in order to acquire the asset and any other directly attributable costs of making the asset ready for its intended use. Subsequent costs are included in the assets' carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of such benefits can be reliably measured. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognised as costs in the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred. After initial recognition, operating properties and other assets are carried at cost, net of any depreciation or impairment. Depreciation of the assets is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset. Assets with unlimited useful lives are not depreciated. The useful lives of the various asset classes are shown below: Operating properties 33.33 years Land unlimited 92 Other assets 4-12 years Major renovations are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset. An asset's remaining useful life is reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each reporting date. An asset's carrying amount is written down if lower than the asset's estimated recoverable amount. Profit and loss on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount and are recognised in the Income Statement. 2.9 Intangible assets An intangible asset is an identifiable non-cash asset without physical substance and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the Group. Intangible assets are recognised at their purchase cost. After initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost, net of any accumulated amortisation or impairment. Intangible assets of the Group include the cost of software licences and goodwill. Costs attributable to new medium to long-term borrowings are recognised as direct adjustments to the nominal value of the borrowings, in application of the amortised cost method. The nature of each class of intangible asset and the related amortisation policies are described below: (a) Software This refers to the cost of licences purchased from third parties and of proprietary software (limited to costs incurred in the actual development stage). These costs are amortised over their estimated useful lives, which is no more than 5 years. (b) Goodwill Goodwill is initially recorded as the cost incurred to that effect as part of a business combination. This value is then tested for "impairment" every year in order to check that no impairment has occurred. 93 2.10 Financial assets Financial assets are recognised in current and non-current assets based on their maturity and the projected date of conversion into cash assets. Financial assets include investments in other companies (other than subsidiaries and associates), securities (other than equity investments), and receivables and loans. For measurement purposes, the financial assets are allocated to the following categories: financial assets measured at fair value through the Income Statement; loans and receivables; held-to-maturity financial assets; and available-for-sale financial assets. (a) Financial assets measured at fair value in the Income Statement This category includes financial assets held for trading. Investments in this category are classified as current assets if their disposal is expected in the twelve months after the end of the reporting period. (b) Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable maturities that are not traded on an active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities of more than twelve months after the reporting date, which are instead classified as non-current assets. (c) Held-to-maturity financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets for which the Group has declared its intention and ability to hold to maturity. Their classification as current or non-current assets depends on whether their projected realisation is within or after twelve months of the reporting date. (d) Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are a residual category consisting of non-derivative financial instruments that are either designated to this category by Management or cannot be attributed to any of the other financial investment categories described above. They are included in non-current assets, unless Management intends to dispose of the investment within twelve months of the reporting date. Regardless of their classification, financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs. Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or have been transferred and the Group has substantially transferred all risks and rewards of ownership of these assets. After initial recognition, financial assets measured at fair value through the Income Statement and availablefor-sale financial assets are accounted for at fair value. In the first case, changes in fair value are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which they arise, whilst in the second case changes are recognised 94 in Equity (the reserve for available-for-sale financial assets). This reserve is returned to the Income Statement only when the financial asset is effectively disposed of or, in the event of a loss, when there is evidence that the impairment recognised in Equity cannot be recovered. The fair value of financial assets traded on active markets is based on current bid prices. If there is no active market for a financial asset (and in the case of unlisted securities), the Group establishes fair value by using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm's length transactions, reference to other instruments that are substantially the same and discounted cash flow analysis adapted to reflect the issuer's specific circumstances. Financial assets whose fair value cannot be reliably measured are stated at cost less any impairment. The treatment of derivatives is described below in Note 2.19. After initial recognition, loans and receivables and held-to-maturity financial assets are carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Any impairment is recognised in the Income Statement as a balancing entry to the value of the asset. Impairment recognised for an asset in prior years is reversed if the circumstances that resulted in the impairment no longer apply. 2.11 Trading properties Trading properties, even when subject to preliminary renovation and development activities, are classified under current assets and accounted for at the lower between purchase or construction cost and the net realisable value (IAS 2). The purchase cost is the fair value of the price paid, including any directly attributable transaction costs. The production cost is the fair value of all the costs directly attributable to the property, borrowing costs directly attributable to construction and any cost for the staff used in such activities (if any; financial charges are only recognised from the start of the loan period and until the property is substantially ready for use.) The net realisable value is determined on the basis of the fair value, less any estimated sales costs. 2.12 Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at fair value and then on the basis of amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less provisions for impairment. Provisions for impairment of trade or other receivables are established when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivable. The amount of the provisions is the difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of estimated future cash flows, using the effective interest rate. Provisions are recognised in the Income Statement. 2.13 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and cash assets, current account balances and bank deposits, and other highly liquid short-term financial investments. 95 2.14 Assets and liabilities held for sale This item is comprised, respectively, of assets (other than trading properties) or groups of discontinued assets, together with the related liabilities, the carrying amount of which will be recovered mainly through a sale transaction rather than through its continuous use. Such reclassification occurs only when the assets are available for immediate sale, in their current condition and the likelihood of their sale is high. In order for the sale to be highly likely, the assets should be included in a divestment program, the activities for the identification of a purchaser and for the completion of the divestment program must be initiated, the sale must be performed at a reasonable price compared with the fair value of the transferred assets and it should be expected to take place within one year, or longer, provided that any delay is due to events or circumstances beyond the Group's control and that sufficient evidence exists that the Group continues to be committed to the planned divestment. Assets or groups of discontinued assets that are different from the properties previously classified as "investment properties" and “Properties under development” measured at fair value, are recognised at the lower of their carrying amount and their fair value net of any sales cost at the time of their initial recognition as held for sale. When a newly acquired asset or group of discontinued assets satisfies the criteria for their classification under this category, and its acquisition is part of a business combination, their initial recognition is at fair value net of sales costs. After their initial recognition, any loss due to decreases in fair value, net of sales costs, are recorded in the Income Statement. On the other hand, revaluations for any increase in fair value net of sales costs are recognised in the Income Statement only to the extent of their previous write-down. Otherwise, the properties previously classified as "Investment Properties" and "Properties under development" measured at fair value, as provided by the applicable standards (IFRS 5, Note 5d), continue to be measured at their fair value (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). Assets coming under this category are not depreciated. Properties for which a preliminary sale contract was signed, the sale price less selling charges, represents the benchmark value of the fair value. 2.15 Borrowings Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, less transaction costs incurred. Subsequently, they are recognised at their amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the aggregate redemption value is recognised in the Income Statement based on the duration of the borrowing, using the effective interest rate method. Transaction costs are included in the determination of related borrowings, in application of the amortised cost method. Borrowings are classified as current liabilities, unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for more than twelve months after the end of the reporting period. In this case, only the portion falling due within twelve months after the end of the reporting period is classified as a current liability. 96 2.16 Deferred tax Deferred tax is calculated on all the temporary differences existing between the tax value of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts, using the rates and tax regulations that are reasonably expected to apply when the related deferred tax assets are realised or the deferred tax liabilities are settled. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised at the time of their reversal. 2.17 Staff termination benefits (a) Post-employment benefits The only form of post-employment benefit provided to staff by Group companies is represented by staff termination benefits. In the light of the amendments made to the relevant regulations by the "2007 Finance Act" (Italian Law no. 296 of 27 December 2006), as regards enterprises with not less than 50 employees, staff termination benefits are accounted for in accordance with the following rules: i) for "defined benefit plans", as regards the portion of staff termination benefits accrued as at 31 December 2006, through actuarial calculations which do not include the item related to future salary increases; ii) for "defined contribution plans", as regards the portion of staff termination benefits accrued from 1 January 2007, both in case of election of a supplementary pension scheme and in the event of allocation to the INPS treasury fund. Staff termination benefits for Group companies with fewer than 50 employees are recognised in accordance with the regulations for "defined benefit plans”. (b) Termination benefits and incentive schemes Termination benefits are recognised in the Income Statement and in liabilities when a Group company is demonstrably committed to terminating the employment of an employee or group of employees before the normal retirement date, and to providing termination benefits to the employee or group of employees as a result of an offer through a voluntary redundancy incentive. The Group company recognises its commitment on signing an agreement with the employee governing termination of employment and the recognition of incentives. The above benefits are recognised immediately in the Income Statement, as they are not capable of generating future economic benefits for the Group. (c) Share-based plans 97 The Group also compensates its employees through stock option plans and free shares. The estimated benefit attributed to the beneficiaries of these plans is charged to the Income Statement over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase in Equity reserves or in a debit item in favour of the beneficiaries, depending on whether they are plans that are settled in shares or cash. The benefit is calculated by determining the fair value of the options assigned, using pricing models and taking account of arm's length conditions. The number of options assigned is updated at each reporting date if necessary. 2.18 Provisions for risks and charges Provisions for risks and charges are recognised when: - the Group has a present (legal or constructive) obligation as a result of a past event; - it is highly probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; - the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Provisions are measured on the basis of management's best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. The discount rate used to determine the present value reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the type of liability concerned. With reference to risks related to assessments, the Group recognises as receivables the amounts paid while awaiting judgement, for the part of their amount that exceeds the amount of liabilities considered probable. 2.19 Derivative and hedge accounting Derivatives are initially recognised and subsequently measured at their fair value. The derivatives entered into by the Group are classified as cash flow hedges that are considered highly probable. As at the contract signing date, the Group documents the hedge relationship and its related risk management objectives and strategy. The Group also documents its ongoing assessment of whether the derivatives used in hedging transactions are highly effective in offsetting fluctuations in cash flows of the hedged items. The effective portion of the changes in fair value of derivatives designated or qualifying as cash flow hedges is recognised in Equity. However, the gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised in the Income Statement. Amounts accumulated in Equity are reversed to the Income Statement in periods when the hedged item will affect profit or loss. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gains or losses existing in Equity at that time will be recorded in the Income Statement only when the hedged transaction occurs. When a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was reported in Equity is immediately transferred to the Income Statement. 98 2.20 Revenues Revenues are recognised as follows: (i) Rental revenues Rental revenues generated by lease contracts similar to operating leases are recognised over the lease term on a straight-line basis, unless another systematic criterion is available to better represent time frames over which the rewards deriving from the use of the leased asset are reduced. Rental revenues also include amounts paid by the sellers of properties by way of guaranteed annuity. Rental revenues generated by lease contracts similar to finance leases are recognised according to methods that reflect the constant rate of return on the net investment, by dividing their amount into the refund of income from tenants recorded originally, and the related financial income. (ii) Revenues from property sales Revenues from property sales are recognised in the Income Statement when the risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. This normally coincides with contract closing. (iii) Revenues for services Service revenues are recognised in the accounting period in which the services are provided with reference to conclusion of the specific transaction, assessed on the basis of the actual service provided as a proportion of the total services to be provided under contract. (iv) Dividends Dividend revenues are recognised when the right to receive payment arises. 2.21 Net financial income and charges Financial income and charges are recognised on an accrual basis, using the effective interest method. Financial income and charges include the effects of discounting receivables and payables and from the measurement of derivatives in accordance with IAS 39. 2.22 Seasonality of business The Group's business is not generally seasonal in nature. 3 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT 3.1 Financial risk factors 99 The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risks, credit risks and liquidity risks. The Group's operating and financial policies seek, among other things, to minimise the potential adverse effects of such risks on the Group's financial performance. The Group uses derivatives to hedge certain risk exposures. (a) Market risk (i) Property value risk Investment properties, properties held for sale and, where applicable, properties under development are measured at fair value and related changes are recognised in the Income Statement. Fluctuations in property prices can therefore have a significant effect on the Group's results. Furthermore, part of the Group's results derives from property trading, albeit marginal, which is also significantly influenced by property value trends and the volume of potential transactions over time. The property market is affected by the cyclical nature of rents and property prices; the duration of cycles is variable, but is generally long-term. Different national markets have different cycles that are often not in step with each other due to the specific economic and business environments. Within each national market, moreover, price trends track the cycle in differing ways and with different degrees of intensity, depending on the location and features of the properties. The macroeconomic factors that have most influence on property values and therefore determine the various cyclical trends are the following: - interest rates; - market liquidity and availability of profitable alternative investments; - economic growth. Low interest rates, high market liquidity and a lack of profitable alternative investments generally accompany an increase in property values. Economic growth generally drives demand for rented space and pushes up rents, above all, in the office segment that is the Group's primarily area of operation. This in turn has a positive effect on property prices. It should be noted, however, that in the mid-term, economic growth normally generates a rise in inflation and thus in interest rates, thereby increasing availability of profitable alternative investments. All such factors exert downward pressure on property prices. The Group's investment policy aims to minimise the impact of different stages of the cycle, by selecting investments: - with long-term leases entered into with quality tenants, enabling it to mitigate the impact of falling market rents and the resulting decline in property prices; - located primarily in the centres of major Italian cities (above all Rome and Milan) that have a structural shortage of good quality office space; 100 - with low "vacancy rates", so as to avoid the risk of having to re-let space in times of limited demand. (ii) Interest rate risk The Group's borrowings are normally taken out at floating rates plus a spread. Interest rate movements therefore have a significant effect on the Group's results. The Group's policy is to hedge exposure to interest rate risk as far as possible, so as to limit substantial exposure to property-related risks. In any event, the Group does not carry out purely speculative transactions, or transactions that are not directly connected to its debt exposure. The Group manages interest rate risk by making use of derivative contracts, mainly interest rate swaps that have the economic effect of converting borrowings from floating rate to fixed rate over part or all of the borrowing term, and regard a portion or the entire amount. The Group constantly monitors rate risk through the quarterly preparation of valuation tests on the effectiveness of hedging derivatives, together with the drafting of a summary document. Taking into account fixed rate borrowings and hedging activities in place on floating rate loans, 84.69% (96.89% as at 31 December 2013) of the nominal medium/long-term financial exposure of the Group is paid at a fixed rate. The following table presents the effects on nominal interest flows, net of the relevant effects on hedging spreads, (and therefore without considering the effects related to the hedging of the Imser Securitisation securities repurchased), connected to the existing financial liabilities as at 31 December 2014 and referring to 12 months after 31 December 2014, as resulting from a sensitivity analysis conducted assuming a possible change in interest rates of more or less 100 basis points compared to the rates determined as at each reference date. + 100 bp - 100 bp 31 Decem ber 2014 Change in the nominal interest on borrow ings Change in derivative spreads (w ithout inflation) Tax effect of the above changes (7,852) 626 4,053 (327) 16 Total effect on net incom e (1) (3,783) + 100 bp 298 - 100 bp 31 Decem ber 2013 Change in the nominal interest on borrow ings Change in derivative spreads (w ithout inflation) Tax effect of the above changes Total effect on net incom e (11,138) 3,299 10,746 (3,163) 117 (34) (275) 102 The following table instead summarises the aggregate effects that would have impacted the fair values of derivatives open at the relevant reference dates, had the interest rates at the end of each period been higher or lower, compared to actual interest rates, by 100 basis points. The same table also shows the portion of the effects that would be recognised directly to Equity. 101 Change in fair value 31 Dece m ber 2014 + 100 bp - 100 bp Net effect on Equity of change s in fair value (*) + 100 bp - 100 bp Derivatives - Assets and liabilities 37,590 (19,342) 37,590 (19,342) Total 37,590 (19,342) 37,590 (19,342) Change in fair value 31 Dece m ber 2013 + 100 bp Derivatives - Assets and liabilities Tax ef f ect Total - 100 bp 38,583 (31,320) - - 38,583 (31,320) Net effect on Equity of change s in fair value + 100 bp 38,583 - 100 bp (31,320) (123) 90 38,460 (31,230) (*) With reference to the figures as at 31 December 2014, note that in the event that interest rates increased or decreased by 100 basis points, 726 thousand of Euro and (142) thousand of Euro, respectively, would have been recognised in the Income Statement as changes relating to over-hedging shares. 102 (iii) Foreign exchange risk As at 31 December 2014, the Group was operating in the Euro Area only, and therefore it was not exposed to foreign exchange risk. (iv) Inflation risk Under most lease contracts, rentals are inflation-linked. The mechanism allows for rentals to rise by a certain percentage of price inflation without, however, providing for a reduction in rentals in the event of price deflation. The performance of rental revenues is thus linked to the inflation rate. Inflation risk, however, only refers to the rate of increase of rentals from existing leases, in that rentals cannot fall as a result of deflation. In general, the Group does not enter into transactions designed to hedge this type of risk. Predetermination of the future performance of inflation, through the execution of specific swap contracts, was carried out only in cases where the payment schedule of borrowings assumed for the purchase of properties requires the determination, with absolute certainty, of the future growth of the cash flows generated by rentals. As at 31 December 2014, there are no existing contracts to hedge inflation risks. (b) Credit risk The following table summarises the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk. Balance 31.12.2014 Description Net trade and other receivables (current and non-current) Balance 31.12.2013 137,438 Derivatives - Assets 193,338 846 73 Cash and cash equivalents (net of cash in hand) 113,440 150,627 Total 251,724 344,038 The carrying amount of the aforementioned financial assets corresponds to the relevant fair values. The assets listed are broken down by geographical area as follows: Balance 31.12.2014 Des cription Italy 251,728 Other EU countries - Total 251,728 Balance 31.12.2013 241,538 102,500 344,038 As regards net trade and other receivables, both current and non-current, details are provided below of the relevant gross amount, instalments past due, related write-downs and the amount not yet due, together with the indication of whether maturity is within or beyond twelve months. 103 Description Property purchases and investment disposals Tenants Customers for services provided Receivables from the Municipality of Rome Guarantee deposits Tax receivables Other receivables (including accruals and deferrals) Total Gross receivables 31.12.2014 Gross receivables past due Write-dow n of past due receivables Receivable s not yet due Receivables m aturing w ithin 12 m onths over 12 m onths 60,848 66,738 222 10,749 315 17,211 9,374 5,848 36,101 10,749 17 18 2,355 (5,648) (17,945) (2,222) (17) (18) (2,169) 55,000 30,637 222 298 17,193 7,019 55,000 10,951 222 80 6,251 7,019 19,686 218 10,942 - 165,457 55,088 (28,019) 110,369 79,523 30,846 The following table instead presents the percentage breakdown of the expired gross credit by maturity: Past due by Gross receivables past due 31.12.2014 Description Property purchases and investment disposals Tenants Receivables from the Municipality of Rome Receivables for guarantee deposits Tax receivables Other receivables (including accruals and deferrals) 5,848 36,101 10,749 17 18 2,355 Total 55,088 less than 6 m onths 6 m onths-1 year 11,946 54 12,000 6,454 2,284 8,738 m ore than 1 year 5,848 17,701 8,411 17 18 2,355 34,350 Credit recovery expectations are assessed on a position-by-position basis, taking into account the existing guarantees validly enforceable and the opinion of external legal advisors who follow the related recovery actions (if any). As at 31 December 2014, all receivables for which a loss is probable were written down accordingly. With reference to changes in provisions for impairment during the period, please see Notes 6.1.7 and 6.2.2 below. As shown in the tables above, receivables as at 31 December 2014 (gross) mainly include: - “Tenants", "customers for services provided" and "other receivables: these credit categories are constantly monitored. With regard to receivables from tenants, note that the existing lease contracts have a high degree of tenants of excellent standing and the lead tenant is Telecom Italia S.p.A., which guarantees over 50% of the Group's total rentals. The Group believes it is not exposed to significant credit risks, given that tenants are selected on the basis of their credit rating and on the economic prospects for their business. Moreover, the operating and financial performances of the most important tenants are monitored on an ongoing basis. Investments in properties leased to tenants whose credit rating may be at risk or is highly subject to change are made only if the quality of the property offers an adequate guarantee that the property can be rapidly re-let should the tenant become insolvent. Furthermore, as at 31 December 2014 the Group holds guarantees, bank sureties and guarantee deposits, which cover more than one quarter of the aggregate amount of annual rentals at that date. Amounts due from tenants past due as at 31 December 2014 include an amount of approximately 11,167 thousand of Euro relating to the position subject to dispute with the tenant "Darsena City" shopping mall in Ferrara, whose recoverability was assessed in determining the specific provision for write-downs. Please refer to Note 7 below for more details; - “receivables from property sales and investment disposals” related to: i) the receivable from Prada S.p.A. of 55,000 thousand of Euro relating to the balance of the price for the sale of the property in Milan via Fogazzaro, which will be collected by the end of May 2015 and is backed by a bank guarantee at first demand; ii) a receivable from the Municipality of Rome of 4,241 thousand of Euro with respect to the sale of a residence called Fabianella, subject of a dispute, more details of which 104 can be found under Note 7 below; iii) other receivables of 1,607 thousand of Euro (see next Note 6.2.2); - “receivables from the Municipality of Rome”: these are positions that are subject to civil law disputes, details of which can be found in Notes 6.1.7, 6.2.2 and 7 below; - “tax receivables” mainly regarding: “i) payments made while awaiting judgement (plus accrued interests), regarding outstanding tax litigations. In this respect, reference should be made to Note 7 below; ii) VAT receivables on which rebates have been claimed; iii) VAT receivables and current tax receivables to be used to offset; iv) receivables for substitute tax, paid pursuant to Italian Law 296/2006 for the adoption of the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies – SIIQ/SIINQ, on properties sold to be used to offset. With reference to bank deposits and derivatives, it should be noted that the Group operates on a continuing and permanent basis with primary counterparties with an acceptable credit rating, thus limiting the related credit risk. The following table summarises the Group's exposure as regards bank deposits and derivatives, with a breakdown by counterparty rating (according to Fitch and if not available Standard & Poor’s). Balance 31.12.2014 Bank and post office deposits A+ 295 a 18,097 A- Balance 31.12.2013 37,516 1,913 59 BBB+ 13,907 17,993 BBB 66,361 69,582 BBB- 351 - BB+ 57 17,199 BB NR (*) Total 12,265 - 194 8,278 113,440 150,627 Balance 31.12.2014 Derivatives - Assets Balance 31.12.2013 A+ 423 - BBBTotal 423 73 846 73 (*) Banks that do not have a public rating. The main part of the deposits is carried out on banks with at least an "Investment Grade" rating and equal at least to the rating of the Italian Republic. The unrated deposit banks are local banks with a sound balance sheet structure that has been verified and is monitored on an ongoing basis. 105 (c) Liquidity risk Borrowings used to finance the purchase of investment properties are structured on the basis of cash flows generated by the lease contracts, taking account of the operating costs to be borne by the owner under the terms of the contract. The Group aims at not expanding financial leverage beyond 60% of the aggregate value of property assets. Liquidity risk is thus considered to be low. The tables below show the breakdown by maturity of the nominal value of financial liabilities other than hedging instruments, net of any accruing interest. Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Carrying am ount Nom inal value w ithin 1 year 1 to 2 years beyond 5 years 2 to 5 years Borrow ings other than hedging instrum ents (current and non-current portions) Mortgage loans Other loans Bonds Convertible bonds Total 930,121 199,371 619,112 574,487 936,998 200,011 624,168 606,232 349,777 11 24,168 111,232 247,045 200,000 - 79,926 600,000 495,000 260,250 - 2,323,091 2,367,409 485,188 447,045 1,174,926 260,250 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Carrying am ount Nom inal value w ithin 1 year 1 to 2 years beyond 5 years 2 to 5 years Borrow ings other than hedging instrum ents (current and non-current portions) Loans and other short-term borrow ings Mortgage loans Other loans Other borrow ings Bonds Convertible bonds 80,102 1,142,299 45,796 9,170 471,947 565,184 80,102 1,150,365 46,369 9,173 476,409 606,228 80,102 106,198 4,589 3,065 22,699 5,690 676,073 11,010 1,412 35,143 105,538 368,094 30,770 3,400 177,698 225,000 1,296 240,869 270,000 Total 2,314,498 2,368,646 222,343 829,176 804,962 512,165 The tables below report the breakdown of the fair value of financial assets and liabilities for derivatives by the periods when the hedged cash flows are expected to affect the Income Statement. Fair value (*) 31.12.2014 w ithin 1 year 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 1 to 2 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 2 to 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 beyond 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Derivatives - liabilities IRS 39,318 96,717 12,128 35,364 - 29,077 - 2,872 12,128 38,236 Inflation SWAP Total (*) 39,318 125,794 5,765 5,765 28,635 16,923 30,758 3,769 - 10,281 32,404 16,923 41,039 4,502 - 1,960 12,155 4,502 14,115 Since this is the breakdown by periods of expected cash flows, the fair value shown here does not include the positive effect (+1,433 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and +6,666 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) deriving from the inclusion in the measurement of the "creditworthiness" variable as provided by IFRS 13. Fair value (*) 31.12.2014 w ithin 1 year 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 1 to 2 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 2 to 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 beyond 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Derivatives - Assets Floor - Cap 846 Total (*) 846 74 - - 35 1 74 1 - - 35 24 35 24 - 821 35 821 4 4 - - - - - - Since this is the breakdown by periods of expected cash flows, the fair value shown here does not include the negative effect (-1 thousand of Euro for 31 December 2013) deriving from the inclusion in the measurement of the "creditworthiness" variable as provided by IFRS 13. 106 Conversely, the following table describes the breakdown by maturity of non-discounted cash flows of derivatives as at 31 December 2014. Balance as at 31.12.2014 (*) Total nondiscounted cash flow within 1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years beyond 5 years Derivatives - Assets and liabilities IRS (including the existing C AP) Total (*) 52,314 11,185 5,562 18,934 16,632 52,314 11,185 5,562 18,934 16,632 It does not include the positive effect of "creditworthiness”. As at 31 December 2014, the average financial maturity of borrowings, other than hedging instruments, is equal to 2.89 years (3.14 years as at 31 December 2013), while as at 31 December 2014 the average financial maturity of interest rate hedges is equal to 4.29 years (3.57 years as at 31 December 2013). 3.2 Capital management The policy of the Group, focused on protecting an optimal capital structure, is achieved by maintaining: - a Group net borrowings/equity ratio no higher than 1.5; - a net borrowings/property assets ratio lower than 60%. For details on the values assumed by the above indicators as at the reference date of these Consolidated Financial Statements, please refer to the Management Report. 4 CRITICAL ESTIMATES, JUDGEMENTS AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES 4.1 Valuation of the real estate portfolio Properties are valued on a semi-annual basis, on 30 June and 31 December, through specific estimates carried out by independent experts. For December 2014, in particular, the valuation of the properties belonging to the so-called "Imser 60 real estate portfolio" was entrusted to Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A., whereas the valuation of all the other properties of the Group was entrusted to REAG – Real Estate Advisory Group S.p.A. and to Yard Valtech S.r.l. The Group has a specific company procedure that defines the rules of selection and appointment of independent experts, providing that only subjects who meet previously set requirements of professionalism, independence and good repute can be nominated. The tasks assigned to such valuation companies last three years. Valuations are carried out for each property, using different criteria for each valuation (compatible with the provisions of IFRS 13): - comparative or market method , based on a comparison between the asset in question and other assets recently exchanged or currently on offer on the same market or on competing markets; - income method: takes two different methodological approaches into consideration: - direct capitalisation approach, based on the current value of potential future income from a property, obtained by capitalising income at an appropriate market rate; 107 - discounted cash flow approach, based on discounting future net rental revenues (over a period that varies according to the existing lease terms. At the end of this period, it is assumed that the property will be sold at a value obtained by capitalising income for the last year at a market rate for investments similar to those being valued; - conversion method, developed through a forecast of economic feasibility of both revenues and development costs required to complete the real estate enterprise. The market value obtained is the difference between the market value of the optimised property, including the value of the area on which it stands, and its cost of development (renovation and conversion). Each property is valued using one of the above methods or combined, depending on the specific nature of each property. The valuations were carried out on the assumption of the highest and best use of the properties being valued, that is to say, considering among all legally permitted and financially feasible possible technical uses, only the uses that can potentially confer the maximum value to each Property. The highest and best use is determined on the basis of the specific considerations depending on specific characteristics (type/location/town-planning) of the property and of the local real estate market. In determining the capitalisation and discount rates used in the valuation of individual properties, the following is taken into account: - the type of tenant currently occupying the property or responsible for meeting the lease obligations and the potential future occupants of vacant properties, in addition to the general market perception of their credit standing; - the allocation of responsibility for insurance and maintenance between the lessor and the tenant; - the remaining useful economic life of the property. The operating methods for a periodic valuation of properties are regulated by a Group internal procedure that regulates all the activities of the process: from the selection and appointment of the experts to the documents sent to them, to the valuation methods, to the inspection of the properties being valued, to the operating and coordination rules with the experts, to the monitoring of the entire process. The information and data used for the valuations include: information provided to the experts by the Group, such as current rents, terms and conditions of the existing lease contracts, property taxes, property management costs, including any capital expenditure contemplated. This information is drawn from the management systems used by the Group, under the monitoring of the internal control system; assumptions and valuation models defined directly by the experts (usually related to the market of reference, such as the discount rate, the capitalisation rate, the inflation curve, etc.). The definition of these valuation elements is based on their professional opinion, considered a careful observation of the market of reference. The information sent to the experts, the assumptions and the models used by them are revised by the asset managers and by the COO (Chief Operating Officer), who is entrusted with the responsibility for the organisation, coordination, monitoring and verification of the valuations. 108 The following table classifies (separately by property category) the values resulting from the estimates drawn up by the independent experts as at 31 December 2014 depending on the used valuation techniques. VALUATION METHOD COMPARATIVE OR MARKET METHOD INCOME METHOD (DIRECT CAPITALISATION - DCF: DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW) CONVERSION METHOD Investment properties Properties under development Operating properties Trading properties Properties included among assets held for sale - 3,736,760 20,030 43,731 87,660 149,740 19,690 30,940 Total fair value resulting from independent expert estim ates (*) - 3,888,181 200,370 Total Accounting category (*) 3,736,760 149,740 20,030 63,421 118,600 4,088,551 For the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert estimates and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio, refer to Note 5.3. It should be noted that in the above table the market value of the Shopping Mall in Ferrara is including for its 50% as owned by the Group. Conversely, the following table shows the classification of property valuations as at 31 December 2014 (separately by property category), according to the three hierarchy levels of the fair value provided by IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”: HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE (*) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Total Accounting category Investment properties Properties under development Operating properties Trading properties Properties included among assets held for sale - Total fair value resulting from independent expert estim ates (**) - 532,210 532,210 3,204,550 149,740 20,030 63,421 118,600 3,556,341 3,736,760 149,740 20,030 63,421 118,600 4,088,551 (*) The hierarchical values to which the fair value measurements of the properties are assigned, are defined on the basis of input data used in the measurement, in compliance with what is defined in paragraphs 72-90 of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. (**) For the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert estimates and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio, refer to Note 5.3. It should be noted that in the above table the market value of the Shopping Mall in Ferrara is including for its 50% as owned by the Group. For property valuations falling under Level 3 of the hierarchical levels of fair value, quantitative information on unobservable inputs deemed most significant are shown below: 109 Accounting category Fair value (level 3) as at 31 December 2014 Investm ent properties Properties under development Trading properties Operating properties Properties included among assets held for sale 3,204,550 Unobservable inputs Range (w eighted average) (*) Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value Conversion m ethod Costs for the completion of the initiative Annual rents upon completion of the initiative Discount rate 43,731 Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value 19,690 Conversion m ethod Costs for the completion of the initiative Discount rate (**) 5.2% 20,030 Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value € 420 5.0% 5.1% 87,660 Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value 149,740 30,940 Total level 3 "fair value" Valuation technique Conversion m ethod €33-€2,000 (€137) 5.62%-8.68% (6.62%) 3.2%-8.80% (6.40%) (**) ca. €/000 30,840 6.9% €75-€200 (€155) 3.8% -7.9% (5.8%) 4%-8% (5.65%) €38-€506 (€88) 2.05%-8.34% (6.96%) 2.4%-9.2% (6.76%) Costs for the completion of the initiative Annual rents upon completion of the initiative Discount rate (**) €/000 6,310 6.7% 3,556,341 (*) The average of the annual rent per square meters was obtained by weighting the figure of each property by its GLA. The weighted average of the Discount rate and of the Capitalisation rate was obtained by weighting the figure of each property by the rent by sq.m. (**) The Cost for the completion of the initiatives measured with the conversion method was defined on the basis of the estimates of the expenses contained in the business plan of each initiative. With reference to the sensitivity of fair value measurements to the changes in the main unobservable inputs, note that there would be fair value reductions in the following cases: decreases in current rents and/or in the estimate of annual rents by sq.m.; an increase in discount rates and /or in capitalisation rates; the occurrence of capex on properties not contemplated; for properties on which future capital expenses (capex) are contemplated, an increase in the estimate of these expenses, and/or an extension of their timing; problems related to the collection of rents from the current tenants. Opposite changes in the aforesaid phenomena would imply an increase in fair value. 4.2 Measurement of derivatives Derivatives are measured (with the details provided in the following paragraphs) using the Discounted Cash Flow method. According to this method, the fair value of a derivative is calculated by determining the expected cash flows and then discounting them. This measurement is carried out on a quarterly basis. The valuation methods are in compliance with the provisions of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. 4.2.1 Interest rate derivatives Expected floating interest flows related to interest rate derivatives, net of any optional item, are determined according to the Euribor forward curve. For the purpose of calculating the fair value, these expected flows are discounted using the implicit spot rates in the Euribor curve, determined using Euribor rates fixing and listed prices for swaps as at the measurement date. 110 As regards interest rate derivatives with optionals, the fair value is instead determined using the Black standard market model, or by adapting the Black-Scholes model to the interest rates. The Euribor curve used in determining the forward rates to be included in the model is similar to that used for derivatives without optional items. The volatilities used are, instead, the implicit volatilities quoted at the time of measurement. 4.2.2 Conversion option related to the convertible bonds The measurement model used is the one developed by Tsiveriotis and Fernandes (Tsiveriotis - Fernandes "Valuing convertible bonds with credit risk" - The Journal of fixed income -1998) which is mainly based on the Black-Scholes model for what concerns the "share component" and introduces the credit risk in the measurement of the "bond component”. The input parameters of the model are calibrated so as to align the valuation of the convertible bond at market prices at the measurement date. 4.2.3 Hierarchical level of fair value measurements of derivative instruments The following table classifies the fair value measurement of derivative instruments, separately by type of derivative instrument, in the three levels of hierarchy of the fair value contemplated by IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”: HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE (*) Derivative s - Ass e ts LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Interest rate derivatives LEVEL 3 Total 846 Total De rivative s - ass ets - 846 846 - 846 Derivative s - liabilitie s Interest rate derivatives (37,885) (37,885) Conversion option related to the convertible bond maturing in 2018 and 2019 (53,463) (53,463) Total De rivative s - liabilitie s (*) - (91,348) - (91,348) The hierarchical values to which the fair value measurements of the derivative instruments are assigned, are defined on the basis of input data used in the measurement, in compliance with what is defined in paragraphs 72-90 of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. As can be seen from the table above, fair value measurements of the derivative instruments, carried out in accordance with the measurement models mentioned in the paragraphs above, are included in “level 2” of the fair value measurement hierarchy identified by IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: Disclosures” and by IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement”. In fact, input data directly or indirectly observable on the market is used to measure the fair value (other than listed prices – unadjusted -), adjusted, where necessary, depending on specific factors related to the measured instrument. 111 4.3 Consolidation of Imser Securitisation S.r.l. and Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. The Group acquired 100% of the companies Imser Securitisation S.r.l. (Imser Sec.) and Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. (Imser Sec. 2) in December 2014. These companies were consolidated in the financial statements of the Group already before the purchase and in the absence of investments in these companies. This is because they were established as companies acting in the interests of the Group. They were special purpose entities, established to manage the securitisation launched in 2002 (restructured in 2006) and paid off early in the financial year (as described in the paragraph “Main events during the year” of the Management Report), and regarding receivables deriving from a mortgage loan issued to the company of the Group Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Repayment of the loan and related interests was guaranteed by rents paid by Telecom Italia S.p.A. to Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Therefore, Imser Sec. and Imser Sec. 2 were consolidated (already before the purchase above) on a line-byline basis in that: - their sole purpose was to manage the above securitisation program within the context of the financial and operating policies established at the time of transfer of the receivables; - the Group was essentially the "originator" of the securitisation transaction, in view of the fact that, from the outset, this transaction was intended to refinance pre-existing borrowings acquired at the time of purchase of the properties of the Imser 60 portfolio, taking advantage of opportunities offered by the securitisation regulations (Italian Law 130/99); - in view of the complex contractual arrangements linked to the securitisation transaction, the Group had the substantive right to receive most of the benefits from the two companies' operations and, at the same time, was exposed to certain related risks. The Group also consolidated on a line-by-line basis the separately identifiable assets and liabilities underlying the securitisation transaction, as well as profits and losses resulting from management of the transaction, in that management believed that this form of presentation was the clearest expression of the substance of the transaction and its impact on Group results and Equity. Upon consolidation, all mutual financial relations between Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A., Imser Sec. and Imser Sec. 2 were cancelled, so as to register only the debt to bondholders among Group liabilities. This form of presentation was consistent with the set of contractual provisions governing the securitisation. 112 5 SEGMENT REPORTING 5.1 Breakdown by operating segments STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 Real Estate portfolio Investment properties Description Comm./Hotel s Offices Investment properties Total Offices Other Total Offices - 3,736,760 - - - - - - - - - 149,740 - - - - - - - - - - 19,902 19,902 Intangible assets - - - - - - - - - - - - - 173 173 Investments and securities - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16,633 16,633 3,516 19,525 - - 4,402 - 12,493 36,420 - - Total non - current assets 3,413,590 3,759,170 - 661 - - - 25,435 3,025 28,460 - - - - - 25,435 3,025 28,460 - - - Assets held for sale Total assets 345,580 661 - Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets 2,504 - Trading properties Trade and trade receivables - 381 2,504 - - - - 661 0.0 7,300 149,740 - 4 4,398 3,067 1,978 - - - 465 846 5,898 - 6,565 15,628 3,976,102 3,071 6,376 853 10,300 - 56,231 - 27,480 23,860 11,965 63,305 - - 63,305 - - 648 - - 71,909 101,018 113,444 113,444 122,936 149,740 853 - - - - - - 661 - 115,636 - Total - - - Other - - - Total - 381 - Assets/Liabilities not specifically attributable - 16,009 - Comm./Hote ls - Derivatives 3,736,760 Properties under dev. Other Properties under development Deferred tax assets 339,560 Comm./Hote ls Services Real estate fund management and other sevices Operating properties and other assets Trade and trade receivables 3,397,200 Trading properties Assets held for sale 648 1 - - - - - - 28,128 23,860 11,965 63,953 1 185,353 - - - - - 22,364 952 146,252 31,199 30,236 12,818 74,253 22,365 242,536 4,400,121 - 824,761 1,840,335 3,439,025 348,605 3,787,630 115,636 7,961 - 123,597 Borrowings 946,809 22,385 969,194 29,599 4,444 - 34,043 - 12,337 - - 12,337 Derivatives 29,449 2,555 32,004 - - - - - 401 507 - 908 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Staff termination benefits 149,740 - 58,436 277,767 91,348 491 491 Trade and other payables - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deferred tax liabilities 878 3,825 4,703 2,423 1,812 - 4,235 8,904 - - - - - 69 17,911 Total non - current liabilities 977,136 28,765 1,005,901 32,022 6,256 - 38,278 8,904 12,738 507 - 13,245 - 883,757 1,950,085 Borrowings 260,998 74,689 335,687 201 1 14,867 - 14,868 - 132,000 482,756 62,195 8,241 70,436 3,518 151 884 225 1,260 - 8,346 88,993 - - - - - - - - 6,944 6,944 147,290 578,693 Trade and other payables Provision for risk and charges Total current liabilities - 201 834 4,352 4,599 - - - - - 323,193 82,930 406,123 3,719 834 - 4,553 4,599 152 15,751 225 16,128 - 1,300,329 111,695 1,412,024 35,741 7,090 - 42,831 13,503 12,890 16,258 225 29,373 2,447 2,447 Total liabilities - 2,447 1,031,047 2,531,225 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 Real Estate portfolio Description Investment properties Comm./Hotel s Offices Investment properties 3,183,190 Properties under development - 428,125 - Trading properties Assets held for sale Total Offices 3,611,315 - Comm./Hote ls Properties under dev. Other Total - - - - - - Offices 258,300 Comm./Hote ls Other Total - - - - 3,611,315 - - - - - 258,300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Investments and securities - - - - - - - - - - - - Trade and trade receivables 13,718 3,635 17,353 209 - 232 - - 4,258 - - - - - - - - - Total non - current assets Trading properties Trade and trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Total - - Deferred tax assets Assets/Liabilities not specifically attributable - Operating properties and other assets 23 Other - Intangible assets Derivatives Services Real estate fund management and other sevices 10 4,268 47 20,529 20,576 1,127 1,127 14,696 29,587 44,283 327 129,929 152,109 - 73 73 53,697 11,121 64,818 1,791 201 368 2,360 4,854 2,781 1,968 2,657 7,406 728 7,401 87,567 3,250,605 442,881 3,693,486 1,814 410 368 2,592 263,154 2,781 6,226 2,667 11,674 15,798 188,646 4,175,350 28,370 23,190 21,087 72,647 26 378 - - - 14,148 3,678 17,826 - - - 14,148 3,678 17,826 Assets held for sale - - 404 167 404 - 167.0 - - 571 404 - - 72,647 6,116 16,312 41,229 150,633 - - - - - - - 6,718 143,915 - 571 - 28,396 23,568 21,087 73,051 12,834 160,227 - - - - 150,754 15,030 29,933 195,717 264,509 195,717 Total assets 3,264,753 446,559 3,711,312 152,972 15,607 30,301 198,880 263,154 31,177 29,794 23,754 84,725 28,632 348,873 4,635,576 Borrowings 1,191,860 184,758 1,376,618 40,076 3,945 - 44,021 46,036 12,386 14,872 - 27,258 - 600,964 2,094,897 Derivatives 105,129 5,316 110,445 6,406 95 - 6,501 958 641 584 - 1,225 - 27,897 147,026 - - - - - - 456 417 873 - 2,683 - - - - 236 102,397 126,767 Staff termination benefits Trade and other payables Deferred tax liabilities Total non - current liabilities Borrowings Trade and other payables Provision for risk and charges Total current liabilities Total liabilities 13,243 3,158 16,401 1,910 773 5,050 - 7 6,280 31,007 699 737,955 2,400,570 90,119 219,601 1,631 10,933 98,838 - 5,620 5,620 8,910 2,606 11,516 2,692 1,401 - 4,093 9,111 1,319,142 195,838 1,514,980 51,084 6,214 - 57,298 61,155 13,027 15,456 - 28,483 103,517 22,526 126,043 2,047 1,015 - 3,062 5 371 1 - 372 - 53,338 14,859 68,197 5,431 830 1,072 7,333 10,078 159 193 314 666 - - - - - - - - - - - - 156,855 37,385 194,240 7,478 1,845 1,072 10,395 10,083 530 194 314 1,038 1,631 106,672 324,059 1,475,997 233,223 1,709,220 58,562 8,059 1,072 67,693 71,238 13,557 15,650 314 29,521 2,330 844,627 2,724,629 113 INCOME STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 I n v e st m e n t p r o pe r t i e s H e l d f o r sa l e p r o p e r t i e s Tr a di ng pr ope r t i e s A m o un t s P r ope r t i e s D e sc r i p t i o n unde r Of f i c e s C omm. / H o Tot a l Of f i c e s C om m . Ot h e r Services de v e l opme nt Tot a l Of f i c e s Comm. Ot h e r Tot a l t els Rent al revenues Sales r evenues Ser vice revenues Tot a l r e v e nue s 201,496 220,983 6,396 502 - 6,898 - 74,500 - 74,500 23,440 800 - 24,240 - - - - - - - - - - 275,996 19,487 19 , 4 8 7 295,483 - 29,836 1, 3 0 2 - - 228,656 9,297 - - 108,037 - - - - ( 34,492) (963) - - ( 39,919) 96 - - 7,796 ( 247) (930) ( 65) - (820) (453) ( 295) (464) ( 204) 7 - 95 - - ( 24) - (24) - ( 808) - (24,248) 6 , 14 1 of which cost s (33,090) ( 4,593) (37,683) ( 755) 5,927 1,678 7,605 88 ( 896) ( 1,386) (2,282) 22 9,342 - - 803 (410) ( 82) - 9,342 23 ( 667) 9,246 9,342 ( 273) (32,360) of which recoveries 775 9,172 (453) ( 4,301) - 74 125 (749) (28,059) Tot a l 678 - Operat ing cost s 3 1, 13 8 23 not sp e c i f i c a l l y a t t r i but a bl e 10 , 0 7 2 346,035 56 18 - ( 2) ( 61) (63) - - (2,369) - - (107) ( 9,123) ( 9,230) - - (105,704) - - - - - - ( 453) ( 250) ( 12 4 ) ( 88) 9,342 - of which wr it edown/ impairment of t enant receivables Cost of sales (72,226) - (72,226) (23,440) Ser vice cost s - - - - EB I T D A 17 5 , 7 11 15 , 18 6 19 0 , 8 9 7 - 5,729 - 4 12 286 0 205,839 St af f cost s - - - - - - - - - - - - (2,023) (7,023) (9,046) Overheads - - - - - - - - - - - - (4,164) ( 10,618) ( 14,782) 4 12 - 6 , 14 1 ( 453) ( 250) ( 12 4 ) ( 88) 3 , 15 5 ( 89) (1,115) - 5 13 242 2,442 2,887 (7) ( 9) (970) (15,983) ( 17,999) P r o f i t / ( L o ss) be f or e ne t p r op e r t y wr i t e u p s/ wr i t e - d o wn s 17 5 , 7 11 15 , 18 6 19 0 , 8 9 7 5,729 286 ( 17 , 6 4 1) 18 2 , 0 11 a nd ot he r r e v e nue s a n d i n c o m e / c o st s a nd c ha r ge s Pr oper t y writ e- ups/ writ edowns (5,256) 165 (5,091) 235 53 7 60 9 ( 762) ( 220) (982) (3) Ot her r evenues and income Ot her cost s and char ges EB I T Net f inancial income/ char ges 16 9 , 7 4 6 15 , 13 8 18 4 , 8 8 4 (44,862) ( 6,510) (51,372) - - - 5,970 ( 697) - 365 (4,958) (971) - 130 - 9 121 8 ( 51) - (54) (1) ( 1) 491 - 6,461 ( 51) - (748) - - ( 5 , 2 9 1) 7,988 ( 1, 2 14 ) ( 707) ( 55) ( 1) 230 ( 2 15 ) (521) - ( 1, 19 9 ) (1,228) - - - 2,427 190 ( 3 1, 18 2 ) ( 10,799) 15 6 , 10 0 ( 265,816) (310,986) 672 672 Income/ (charges) f r om subsidiar ies and - - - - - - associat es Income/ (charges) f r om ot her companies EB T Income t ax N e t i nc ome 12 4 , 8 8 4 432 12 5 , 3 16 8,628 460 9,088 13 3 , 5 12 892 13 4 , 4 0 4 5,273 1,890 7 , 16 3 440 649 1, 0 8 9 - - - 5 , 7 13 2,697 2,539 8,252 207 2,904 ( 1, 9 2 1) 272 ( 1, 6 4 9 ) - - ( 2 9 1) ( 2 15 ) 3 ( 288) ( 1,806) ( 2 , 0 2 1) ( 2,427) (1,531) ( 3,958) (5,048) ( 2 , 4 3 1) ( 2 , 4 3 1) Minorit ies ( prof it )/ loss N e t Gr o u p i n c o m e ( 13,192) ( 3 0 9 , 5 18 ) (62,379) ( 3 7 1, 8 9 7 ) 1,121 12 5 , 3 16 9,088 13 4 , 4 0 4 7 , 16 3 1, 0 8 9 - 8,252 114 2,904 ( 1, 6 4 9 ) ( 288) ( 2 , 0 2 1) ( 3,958) ( 2 , 4 3 1) ( 370,776) ( 18,240) ( 17 2 , 4 5 4 ) ( 60,272) ( 232,726) 1,121 ( 2 3 1, 6 0 5 ) INCOME STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 I n v e st m e n t p r o p e r t i e s H e l d f o r sa l e p r o p e r t i e s Tr a di ng pr ope r t i e s P r ope r t i e s D e sc r i p t i o n A mount s not unde r Of f i c e s C omm. / H o Tot a l Of f i c e s C omm. Ot h e r de v e l opme nt Tot a l Of f i c e s C omm. Ot h e r S er vice sp e c i f i c a l l y s a t t r i but a bl e Tot a l Tot a l t els Rent al revenues Sales revenues 192,577 25,532 218,109 11,722 1,170 - 12,892 - 23 - 28,000 96,034 1,280 - 97,314 - 1,108 28,000 Service r evenues - - - - 1, 13 1 5,221 3 , 10 1 9,453 (235) (89) (2,580) (930) ( 294) (568) ( 387) (1,249) - of which cost s ( 29,839) (4,854) (34,693) (2,362) (216) (89) (2,667) (980) ( 294) (598) ( 390) 5,632 1,295 6,927 113 28 - 141 (2,449) (2,032) ( 4,481) (7) ( 47) - (54) (27,076) ( 93,390) (1,280) - (94,670) - 12 , 110 935 ( 89) 12 , 9 5 6 ( 930) 10 7 , 7 5 6 - - 2,450 - 231,699 134,069 (2,256) 2 4 6 , 10 9 - - (32,247) 25,532 - - (5,591) 220,577 - 698 8,755 ( 26,656) of which recoveries - 100 3,001 Operat ing cost s Tot a l r e v e nue s - 575 4,646.00 110 , 2 0 6 - 50 - 30 9,732 - 9,732 9,732 - 375,500 0 (37,006) (1,282) - - 6 36 - - (39,622) 7,154 (3) ( 3) - - ( 4,538) of which writ edown/ impair ment of - - - t enant r eceivables Cost of sales ( 27,076) EB I T D A 0 16 6 , 8 4 5 19 , 9 4 1 18 6 , 7 8 6 (991) ( 15 4 ) (4,610) 43 (2,868) (8,469) ( 15 4 ) ( 265) 9,732 - ( 130,215) 0 208,279 St af f cost s - - - - - - - - - - - - ( 2,627) (6,776) ( 9,403) Overheads - - - - - - - - - - - - (2,831) (11,910) (14,741) ( 930) ( 15 4 ) ( 15 4 ) ( 265) P r o f i t / ( L o ss) be f or e ne t p r o p e r t y wr i t e u p s/ wr i t e - d o wn s 16 6 , 8 4 5 19 , 9 4 1 18 6 , 7 8 6 12 , 110 935 ( 89) (373) ( 1,063) 12 , 9 5 6 43 4,274 ( 18 , 6 8 6 ) 18 4 , 13 5 a nd ot he r r e v e nue s a n d i n c o m e / c o st s a nd c ha r ge s Pr opert y wr it e- ups/ writ edowns Ot her revenues and Ot her cost s and char ges EB I T ( 47,222) (14,739) (61,961) (2,956) 68 11 79 7 ( 1,772) (1,002) ( 2,774) 691 117 , 9 19 Net f inancial income/ char ges 4 , 2 11 12 2 , 13 0 - 9,852 562 ( 83,929) (9,681) (93,610) (7,470) (382) - - - - (4,392) ( 9,969) ( 4,362) ( 1,134) - 7 5 2 2 - 691 ( 1, 15 2 ) 0 9,262 - - ( 10 , 8 9 4 ) (7,852) ( 4 , 5 14 ) ( 37) ( 1,079) ( 269) ( 2) ( 1, 0 9 1) (5,765) (1) ( 3) ( 424) (660) - ( 6,029) 0 - (82,087) 341 273 705 (721) (3,364) (6,171) 3,894 (1,739) 163 ( 2 1, 7 7 7 ) 96,582 ( 22,569) (125,644) 1,218 1,218 Income/ ( char ges) f r om subsidiaries and - - - - - - - - associat es Income/ ( char ges) f r om ot her companies EB T - - 33,990 Income t ax ( 13,338) N e t i nc ome 20,652 - ( 5,470) 28,520 (4,435) ( 9,905) (17,772) 10 , 7 4 7 - - 2,382 ( 816) 1, 5 6 6 - 18 0 - ( 1, 15 2 ) (425) 134 ( 245) 1, 4 10 - (1,107) ( 1, 0 18 ) 303 - ( 10 , 9 3 1) ( 5,593) (2,154) ( 13 , 0 8 5 ) (1,217) ( 6 , 8 10 ) - - ( 1, 7 5 1) - ( 424) ( 416) ( 2 , 16 7 ) ( 7,768) (68) (841) (778) 3 , 2 16 ( 43,906) 3 , 2 16 4 , 10 7 (1,702) ( 492) ( 9,469) 48,013 Minor it ies (prof it )/ loss N e t Gr o u p i n c o m e 5.2 (1,619) ( 29,463) 25,278 ( 4 , 18 5 ) (27) 20,652 ( 9,905) 10 , 7 4 7 1, 5 6 6 ( 245) ( 1, 0 18 ) 303 ( 13 , 0 8 5 ) ( 6 , 8 10 ) ( 2 , 16 7 ) ( 492) ( 9,469) 3 , 2 16 4,080 ( 27) ( 4 , 2 12 ) Breakdown by geographical area RENTAL AND SALES REVENUES Description Rental revenues North dec-14 165,954 dec-13 168,644 Centre dec-14 dec-13 31,968 32,316 Sales revenues 97,998 56,195 8,689 72,074 Total revenues 263,952 224,839 40,657 104,390 South dec-14 dec-13 22,560 22,595 22,560 Islands dec-14 dec-13 8,174 8,144 Rest of world dec-14 dec-13 - TOTAL dec-14 dec-13 228,656 231,699 5,350 1,350 450 - - 108,037 134,069 27,945 9,524 8,594 - - 336,693 365,768 Total dec-14 3,736,760 dec-13 3,611,315 REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Description Investment properties Properties under development North dec-14 dec-13 2,905,270 2,808,895 149,740 229,590 Assets held for sales 61,179 105,291 Trading properties 51,765 Operating properties Total Centre dec-14 dec-13 445,340 389,050 South dec-14 dec-13 288,170 310,310 Islands dec-14 dec-13 97,980 103,060 28,710 - - - 41,450 68,559 14,297 15,567 6,010 61,173 11,540 11,474 - - - - - 18,750 19,195 - - - - - - - 3,186,704 3,224,144 498,330 497,793 302,467 325,877 103,990 109,360 - 115 - Rest of world dec-14 dec-13 - 6,300 - - 149,740 258,300 122,936 195,717 - 63,305 72,647 - 18,750 19,195 4,091,491 4,157,174 - 0 5.3 Information on real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014 The table below shows details of the real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014, along with the related accounting criteria and compared to market values as at that date. Description Carrying am ount as at 31.12.2014 Investm ent properties 3,736,760 Offices 3,397,200 Commercial Other Last appraisal date 3,736,760 3,397,200 IAS 40 - Fair value 339,560 31.12.2014 339,560 - - Held for sale properties 122,936 Offices 115,636 Commercial Market value as at 31.12.2014 Accounting m ethod 122,936 IFRS5 - Fair value 31.12.2014 115,636 7,300 7,300 Properties under developm ent 149,740 149,740 Area in Milan-Ripamonti district 149,740 IAS 40 - Cost or fair value Trading properties 63,305 Offices 27,480 Commercial 23,860 Other 11,965 Operating properties Total Real Estate Portfolio 18,750 31.12.2014 149,740 63,561 IAS 2 - Low er betw een purchase cost and net realisable value 27,480 31.12.2014 23,860 12,221 IAS 16 - Purchase cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment 31.12.2014 20,030 4,091,491 4,093,027 The carrying amount of the consolidated real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014 totals 4,091,491 thousand of Euro, compared to a market value of 4,093,027 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. The table below shows the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert appraisals and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio. Mark e t value 31.12.2014 M ark e t value 30.06.2014 M ark e t value 31.12.2013 CB Richard Ellis Prof essional Services S.p.A. REAG Real Estate Advisory Group S.p.A. Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. Yard Valtech S.r.l. 364,470 1,698,060 2,043,821 2,389,620 1,699,090 - 2,433,680 1,703,520 - Total inde pe nde nt e xpe rt apprais als 4,106,351 4,088,710 4,137,200 Adjustment to appraisal value of the Ferrara shopping mall 50% jointly ow ned w ith third parties Total Group inde pe nde nt e xpe rt apprais als Properties not subject to appraisal as subject to preliminary sale agreement Other minor changes Total cons olidate d re al e s tate at m ark e t value s (17,800) (17,830) (18,425) 4,088,551 4,070,880 4,118,775 4,476 17,236 37,612 - - 4,093,027 4,088,116 603 4,156,990 The consolidated real estate portfolio changes at market value as at 31 December 2013 and as at 31 December 2014 are shown in the table below: 116 Real Estate Portfolio 31.12.2013 4,156,990 Purchases and capex 22,592 Sales (79,789) Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) (11,677) Real Estate Portfolio 30.06.2014 4,088,116 Purchases and capex 27,036 Sales (23,004) Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) 879 Real Estate Portfolio 31.12.2014 4,093,027 A table summarising the changes in the real estate portfolio in 2014 (at expertise values) broken down by "fair value hierarchy" level is shown below. CHANGES IN THE REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO BY HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE LEVEL 2 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 LEVEL 3 1.114.420 Total 3.042.570 4.156.990 Capex 10.524 39.104 Sales (28.395) (74.398) (102.793) (17.404) (10.798) 566.469 - Write-ups / w rite-dow ns and depreciations/amortisation 6.606 Reclassifications from level 2 and level 3 (*) (566.469) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 536.686 3.556.341 49.628 4.093.027 (*) Reclassifications include those referred to preliminaries sale agreements Reclassifications from level 2 to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are mostly attributable to adjustments to market inputs, which the experts decided to introduce in the evaluation of some properties compared to December 2013, for a better evaluation of their architectural and functional qualities, or motivated by changes in the figures found on the market of reference, which called for the introduction of their adjustments for the purpose of the proper enhancement of the properties because of their amounts and specific uses. Please see the section on "Business Segments" in the Management Report, which forms part of these Consolidated Financial Statements, for details of the consolidated real estate portfolio, with breakdown by "Core, Development, Dynamic Portfolio" operating segments. 117 5.4 Information on the Group medium/long-term debt position Thousand of Euro Carrying amount No. of properties Market value Transaction Loan type Mortgage loan Final due date 31.12.2014 Comit Pension Fund Portfolio used as security Reimbursement Financial covenants 31/12/14 of properties used as security 162,302 10 278,720 19 December 2015 Bullet LTV <= 80% Mortgage current account Shopping Mall in Piedmont 6,176 1 9,323 21 December 2015 Bullet N/A Mortgage current account Shopping Mall in Piedmont 21,757 1 37,877 21 December 2015 Bullet N/A 12 108,710 24 April 2016 2014 repayment of 1.8 million of Euro with final balloon of 51.0 million of Euro LTV <= 50% cons LTV<= 60% ICR>=1.70% (as from 31/12/2013) cons ICR>=1.40% (as from 31/12/2013)- Fixed Debt Ratio payee and consolidated >75% 02 August 2015 annual repayment of 2.0 million of Euro with final balloon of 58.0 million of Euro LTV <= 60% ISCR>=150% 50,441 Mortgage loan ex FIP portfolio Non-managerial asset in Milan 56,806 1 98,450 Mortgage loan Mortgage loan Shopping Mall in Lombardy 24,242 1 56,900 31 December 2016 annual repayment of 1.9 million of Euro with final balloon of 21 million of Euro N/A Mortgage loan Business asset in Milan 44,898 1 84,200 04 August 2015 Bullet Property LTV <= 65% LTV BS <=75% PROPERTY ICR from >=1.20 ICR BS >=1.30 Mortgage loan Business asset in the province of Milan 38,731 1 66,190 29 December 2015 Bullet ICR >=180% - LTV <= 60%- Consolidated LTV<=65% Mortgage loan Management asset in Turin 13,196 1 33,500 Mortgage loan Management asset in Lombardy 12,478 1 20,900 Mortgage loan Management real estate portfolio in Milan, Rome and Bologna 46,888 3 Mortgage loan Babel transaction management real estate complex 296,058 Mortgage loan Business complex in Milan Mortgage loan Non-managerial asset in Pisa Total borrowings using properties as security Convertible bonds in issue Convertible bonds in issue Convertible bonds in issue Total convertible bonds Bond N/A 120,950 Amortisation: 0.25% of the loan granted (from 30.09.14 16 April 2019 to 30.06.2016 incl.), 0.50% of the loan granted (from 30.09.16 to 31.12.2018 incl.) LTV <= 60% cons LTV<= 60% ICR>=1.30 (until 31.12.15 incl.), 1.50 for Y2016,1.70 as from 31.3.17 incl. cons ICR>=140% (as from 30/06/2014) 12 624,290 Amortisation: 0.5% of the loan granted (from 30.09.15 to 30.06.2016 incl.), 0.75% of the loan granted (from 29 July 2020 30.09.16 to 31.06.2018 incl.) 0.875% of the loan granted (from 30.09.18 to 30.06.20 incl.) LTV<= 60%; Cons LTV <= 60% 151,700 4 279,260 27 July 2016 4,447 1 6,300 22 Dec 2013 361,319 Temple 253,816 Bullet LTV <= 65% Consolidated LTV <=60% ICR>= 110% Consolidated ICR >= 140% 23 April 2015 17 January 2018 17 April 2019 Bullet Bullet Bullet N/A N/A N/A 22 January 2018 Bullet 01 April 2019 Bullet 21 July 2016 Bullet 1,825,570 105,615 220,467 248,405 574,487 Pillar 31 December 2016 - Bond Total bonds Unsecured Loan FIXED rate Total other borrowings Total borrowings as at 31.12.2014 615,135 LOAN TO BOND Note C N/A Bullet 930,120 BOND 3.875% 2015 BOND 3.375% 2018 BOND 2.625% 2019 annual repayment of 0.75 24 February 2015 million of Euro and final balloon of 13.2 million of Euro 1) Secured Debt <= 40% Tot Assets 2) ICR >= 1.25 3)Tot Debt <= 60% Tot Assets 4)Unencumbered Tot Assets >= Unsecured Debt 1) Secured Debt <= 40% Tot Assets 2)ICR >= 1.25 3)Tot Debt <= 60% Tot Assets 4)Unencumbered Tot Assets >= Unsecured Debt - 199,371 3,978 203,349 2,323,091 30,140 30,140 1,855,710 Unless otherwise noted, the financial covenants refer to the single financial portfolio and/or the related vehicle Key with definitions and notes: - DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio (net EBITDA-total debt service); - LTV Value ratio or "loan to value": ratio between (nominal) loan outstanding and the market value of the property used as guarantee; - DSA Debt Service Ability: ratio between rents and the residual mortgage capital; - ICR Interest Coverage Ratio: ratio between the cash flow of the loan portfolio and the total interest for the reporting period. - Fixed Debt Ratio: ratio between ML and Hedged Debt and Total ML Debt. 118 Sec. cons. LTV <= 40%; Cons LTV <= 60% 5.5 Information on property sales in 2014 and on preliminary sales contracts in effect as at 31 December 2014 We provide the following financial information regarding the sales proceeds and repayment of the related borrowings with reference to sales completed in 2014. Sale price Am ount collected (nom inal values) as at 31.12.2014 Nom inal am ount of repaid borrow ings Held for sale properties 24,240 24,240 15,909 Properties held for leasing 74,500 19,500 12,444 9,244 9,244 - 107,984 52,984 28,353 Trading properties Total properties sold as at 31.12.2014 With reference to the preliminary sales contracts signed within 31 December 2014, the table below shows information on the price, the down payment received and the nominal amount as at 31 December 2014 of the borrowings on properties relating to these preliminary contracts, due for repayment on the date of sale. Prelim inary sale price Held for sale properties 4,380 Trading properties Total properties subject to prelim inary contracts as at 31.12.2014 6 Dow n paym ent collected as at 31.12.2014 - Nom inal am ount of borrow ing as at 31.12.2014 - 378 50 - 4,758 50 - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Reclassifications to the item “assets held for sale” or “liabilities linked to assets held for sale”, unless otherwise indicated, refer to the assets and liabilities of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. -SGR, carried out in accordance with IFRS 5, in that companies merged into Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR effective as from 1 January 2015. 119 6.1 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 6.1.1 Investment properties Land and buildings (*) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 3,611,315 Capex 19,812 Sales (71,603) Net w rite-dow ns (5,091) Reclassifications 182,327 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 (*) 3,736,760 As a guarantee for financing obtained, mortgages for a total of 2,139,259 thousand of Euro are secured by properties with a carrying amount of 1,803,690 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. “Capex” refer to the property complex in Piazza Freud, Milan (9,343 thousand of Euro), mostly for the capitalisation of charges related to the change of its use and to expenses related to renovation, and to other properties including via San Nicolao, Milan (2,625 thousand of Euro), Corso Matteotti, Milan (1,500 thousand of Euro), via Cornaggia, Milan (1,181 thousand of Euro), Piazza San Fedele, Milan (949 thousand of Euro), via Bernina, Milan (344 thousand of Euro). “Sales” refer to the disposal of the property in via Fogazzaro, Milan (at a price totalling 61,500 thousand of Euro with a positive margin of 1,080 thousand of Euro), and to the disposal of residential portion of a property in Piazza San Fedele, Milan (at a price totalling 13,000 thousand of Euro with a positive margin of 1,817 thousand of Euro). "Net write-downs" refers to adjustments made to the value of properties during the year to align them with their respective fair values (in accordance with the international accounting standards). “Reclassifications” refer: i) for 132,456 thousand of Euro to the properties in Piazza San Nicolao, Milan (100,255 thousand of Euro) and in via dell’Arte, Rome (32,201 thousand of Euro), which were previously classified in the item “properties under development”, following the completion of the related modernisation initiatives; ii) for 49,871 thousand of Euro, to the net reclassification of properties from the “assets held for sale” category, following the revision of the sales prospects of some properties. As regards the movements in real estate portfolio, reference should be made to the section "Financial Position" in the Management Report, which constitutes a part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 120 6.1.2 Properties under development The item as at 31 December 2014 only includes the value of the area under development in via Ortles/via Adamello, Milan (Ripamonti district). The changes for the year are shown below: Land and buildings Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 258,300 Capex 28,854 Net w rite-dow ns (4,958) Reclassif ications (132,456) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 149,740 "Capex" refers to the development activities carried out: on the property in via San Nicolao, Milan of 13,021 thousand of Euro (before being reclassified as "investment properties”); on the area in via Ortles/via Adamello, Milan (Ripamonti district) of 12,342 thousand of Euro; on the property in via dell’Arte, Rome of 3,491 thousand of Euro (before being reclassified as "investment properties”). These costs include costs incurred for works and different technical activities totalling 17,385 thousand of Euro and financial charges of 11,220 thousand of Euro. With regard to financial charges, note that the following elements were capitalised during the financial year: i) costs on borrowings specifically for property purchase and development of 174 thousand of Euro; ii) costs relating to general borrowings (short-term and convertible bonds) used for financing the development properties of 11,046 thousand of Euro. The capitalisation rate of financial charges on general borrowings used took into account the risk profile of each initiative. "Net write-downs" refer to adjustments made to the property values during the year to align them with their respective fair values (in accordance with the international accounting standards). For information on "Reclassifications", see Note 6.1.1 above. As regards the movements in real estate portfolio, reference should be made to the section "Financial Position" in the Management Report, which constitutes a part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 121 6.1.3 Operating properties and other assets Reclassification to assets held for sale Balance 31.12.2013 Description Historical cost Depr. fund Historical cost Total Historical cost eliminated Depr. fund 20,564 (1,369) 19,195 Subtotal operating properties 20,564 (1,369) 19,195 2,036 (880) 1,156 (162) Electronic machinery 448 (320) 128 (117) Motor vehicles 197 (102) 95 Misc. equipment and other assets 147 (145) 2 (32) 32 (42) 42 2,828 (1,447) 1,381 (311) 279 (187) 187 23,392 (2,816) 20,576 (311) 279 (187) 187 Subtotal other assets General total - Depr. Fund eliminated Operating properties Furniture and fittings / office machines - Closing of assets completely depreciated - - - - - - - 142 (66) 66 105 (79) 79 - - Balance 31.12.2014 2014 increases 2014 depr. Historical cost Depr. fund Total 175 (620) 20,739 (1,989) 18,750 175.00 (620) 20,739 (1,989) 18,750 - (155) 1,808 (827) 981 7 (54) 259 (190) 69 53 (47) 250 (149) 101 (1) 73 (72) 1 60 (257) 2,390 (1,238) 1,152 235 (877) 23,129 (3,227) 19,902 - The balance of "Operating properties" includes the carrying amount of the property in via Cornaggia 10, Milan, for the part used as Group offices. 6.1.4 Intangible assets Reclassification to Elim ination of assets held for sale discontinued assets Balance 31.12.2013 Balance 31.12.2014 Description Historical cost Softw are 592 Goodw ill 952 General total 1,544 Am ort. Fund (417) (417) Balance as at 31.12.2013 Am ort. 175 (64) 952 - 1,127 (64) cost Fund cost Fund elim inate elim inate elim inate elim inate d d d d Increas. 62 62 (952) - (952) - Historical cost - - 654 - - - - 654 0 Am ort. Fund Balance as at 31.12.2014 (481) (481) Amortisation of software is classified in the Income Statement under the item "Other costs and charges”. The item “Goodwill” of 952 thousand of Euro and related to the Group's purchase (in 2009) of a further 10% of the share capital of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR, will be fully recovered as part of the merger of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR and as at 31 December 2014 it was reclassified in the item “assets held for sale”. 6.1.5 Investments Balance as at 31 December 2013 Write-ups Subsidiaries and associates Other companies Total 1,615 2,674 4,289 675 - 675 Write-dow ns - (23) (23) Sales - (1,112) (1,112) (1) (1) Reclassification to assets held for sale Dividends (399) - (399) Balance as at 31 December 2014 1,891 1,538 3,429 122 173 173 Associates The balance as at 31 December 2014 refers to: i) the value of the 37% investment in Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. of 1,820 thousand of Euro (1,544 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). During the year, 399 thousand of Euro of dividends were collected by the investee company and an income due to the adjustment of the value of the investment to its shareholders’ equity (by applying the equity method) of 675 thousand of Euro was recognised; ii) the value of the 30% investment in Real Estate Solution & Technology S.r.l (11 thousand of Euro), established to provide Information Technology services to companies operating in the real estate sector; iii) the value of the 50% investment in the capital of RGD Ferrara S.r.l. (50 thousand of Euro), joint venture with the IGD Group, established in 2013 for managing the Shopping Mall (held in joint ownership by the two Groups) located in Ferrara and called “Darsena City Shopping Mall”; iv) the value of the 50% investment in the capital of NPLs Re_Solutions S.r.l. (10 thousand of Euro), joint venture with the "Gabetti" Group, established in 2013 for carrying out the services related to the recovery of “non performing loans”. The last two companies above, since subject to joint control with entities outside the Group, in pursuance of IFRS 11 "Joint Arrangement" were measured with the Equity method. Moreover, the Group holds 20% of the share capital of Beni Stabili Hotel S.A. Already in previous years; due to the losses incurred by the investee, the value of the investment was zeroed and a provision for risks on investments was set up, adjusted during the year by 4 thousand of Euro. In the Income Statement, this adjustment was recognised as write-downs of investments. Other companies The balance of investments in other companies as at 31 December 2014 (investments classified as available-for-sale financial assets) includes the value of: i) investment of 0.41% in the share capital of Mittel S.p.A. (1,339 thousand of Euro); ii) investment of 4.37% in the share capital of Nomisma S.p.A. (196 thousand of Euro). During the year, a write-down of the value of the investment of 23 thousand of Euro was required; iii) investment of 9.67% in the consortium Le Fornaci a r.l. for the management of property units at the Beinasco shopping mall (3 thousand of Euro). The item “Reclassification to assets held for sale” refers to the minority interest in Banca Credito Cooperativo di Roma held by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR (1 thousand of Euro); Note that during the year, the 16.95% investment in the capital of Società Consortile Perimetro Gestione Proprietà Immobiliari S.c.p.A. was transferred for a price that corresponds to the carrying amount of the investment (1,112 thousand of Euro). In addition, the Company holds a 10% investment in the share capital of RSE Projekt Management AG and a 2.981% investment in Consorzio Census, the carrying amounts of which equal zero. 123 6.1.6 Securities No. quotas as at 31.12.2014 31.12.2014 Beni Stabili Italian Real Estate Fund Securfondo 31.12.2013 No. quotas as at 31.12.2013 2,507 350 14,745 556 148 80 2,424 1,280 Invest Real Security - - 2,393 1,130 Immobilium 2001 - - 2,354 520 Vesta - - 1,101 5 HB 3,882 20 10,176 20 Securis Real Estate 6,667 99 6,801 99 Total 13,204 39,994 As shown in the above table, the securities refer solely to quotas in real estate funds and are classified as available-for-sale financial assets. They are accounted for at acquisition cost, as it is assumed that fair value cannot be reliably measured. The change in the year recorded in the item is mainly due: i) to net write-downs of quotas in the Beni Stabili Italian Real Estate Fund (10,763 thousand of Euro), HB (6,294 thousand of Euro), Vesta (472 thousand of Euro), Invest Real Security (300 thousand of Euro), Immobilium 2001 (285 thousand of Euro), Securis Real Estate (132 thousand of Euro) and Securfondo (3 thousand of Euro) funds due to their impaired values; ii) to the part repayment of the nominal value of quotas in Securfondo (60 thousand of Euro) and in Immobilium (39 thousand of Euro); iii) to the reclassification in the item “assets held for sale” of the quotas in real estate funds held by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR (8,440 thousand of Euro). The above real estate funds, during 2014, distributed to the Group a total of dividends equal to 32 thousand of Euro (56 thousand of Euro in 2013). 6.1.7 Trade and other receivables 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade receivables Property sales 4,241 4,241 Receivables from tenants 19,686 17,612 Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade receivables (4,241) Total trade receivable s 19,686 21,784 7,432 13,432 10,960 13,757 (69) Other receivables Receivables from Municipality of Rome for "reverse accession" Tax receivables Guarantee deposits 235 380 Other receivables 858 103,776 Provisions for w rite-dow n of other receivables (2,751) (1,020) Total other rece ivables 16,734 130,325 Total non-current trade and other receivables 36,420 152,109 The item "Property sales", unchanged from the previous year, includes an amount receivable from the Municipality of Rome of 4,241 thousand of Euro and fully impaired in the financial year, as the balance 124 outstanding on the sale of a residence known as Fabianella. This sale, carried out in 2002, is the subject of a legal dispute as described in Note 7 below. "Receivables from tenants" fully include receivables on invoices to be issued, recognised in accordance with IAS 17 "Leases", recording the total amount due under the contract on a straight-line basis over the lease term, and which, on the basis of contractual provisions, will be collected only after 31 December 2015 (17,543 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); this item, as at 31 December 2013, included also a receivable (entirely written down) of 69 thousand of Euro corresponding to promissory notes issued by tenants, which was reclassified among receivables within 12 months. “Receivables from Municipality of Rome for reverse accession": refers to the compensation due to the Municipality of Rome against a land that was subject to "reverse accession" without the issue of a legitimate order. In previous years, legal actions against the Municipality of Rome were started (as described in Note 8), aimed at the recognition of compensation proportionate to the damage suffered by the Company. The receivable originally recorded in the financial statements (for a value corresponding to the carrying amount of the land subject matter of the measure of reverse accession) amounted to 17,150 thousand of Euro and was partially collected by the Municipality of Rome against payments made in partial settlement of the first instance judgements. In connection with the final settlement of the litigation with the Municipality concerning this item, during 2014 a loss was recognised on this receivable of 6,000 thousand of Euro, corresponding to the excess receivable not recognised judicially and another write-down of 1,858 thousand of Euro was also recognised to account for actual recovery prospects. "Tax receivables” mainly include: i) VAT receivables for a total of 3,393 thousand of Euro, of which 3,143 thousand of Euro on which reimbursement had been claimed in previous years (3,086 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), and 250 thousand of Euro, to be used to offset (263 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) the IRES tax receivable of 950 thousand of Euro deriving from partial deductibility - for IRES purposes - of IRAP tax paid in previous years, as envisaged by Italian Law 2/2009 and by Italian Law 214/2011 (1,156 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); iii) the receivables, totalling 6,536 thousand of Euro, arising from the payment of taxes due pending judgement in tax litigations (7,527 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) entirely referred to the parent company (of which 6,178 thousand of Euro for the litigation regarding the disposal of the investment in Telemaco Immobiliare S.p.A., 139 thousand of Euro for the tax inspection of 2005, 219 thousand of Euro for the VAT tax-assessment notice of the Beni Stabili Group for the 2008 tax year). For the description of the tax disputes, reference should be made to the description in this note to the chapter 7. The decrease in the item, compared to the balance as at 31 December 2013, is mainly due to the reclassification in current tax credits: i) of the IRES tax receivable for the substitute tax, paid pursuant to Italian Law 296/2006 for adopting the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies SIIQ/SIINQ, on the properties in previous financial years, to be used to offset, of 1,649 thousand of Euro; ii) of the receivable related to the tax inspection for the 2004 tax period of 721 thousand of Euro. The item "other receivables" refers entirely to the amounts due from sellers of the companies owning the land 125 in the Ripamonti District, Milan (unchanged compared to the previous year), for the contractually agreed reimbursement of costs incurred for early settlement of mortgage loans encumbering on the aforesaid area at the moment of purchase (this receivable is completely written down). The item as at 31 December 2013 included the receivable of 102,500 thousand of Euro related to a deposit originated from the activation of the liquidity facility taken out as a guarantee for the securitisation of the Imser 60 portfolio, as a result of the down-grading of the guarantor bank. This deposit was closed together with the early repayment of the securitisation. “Provisions for write-down of receivables": changes during the year in provisions for write-down of noncurrent receivables are shown below: Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade receivables Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2013 Provisions Provisions for w rite dow n of other receivables 69 1,020 4,241 1,857 Use - (127) Reclassif ication to "assets held f or sale" - (109) Reclassif ication f rom/to provisions f or w rite-dow n of current receivables (69) Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2014 6.1.8 110 4,241 2,751 Derivatives - Assets These refer entirely to interest rate derivative contracts. The balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers entirely to a CAP on interests rates raised in the year. Changes in the item during the year are shown in the following table: Derivatives "held for trading" "Hedge accounting" derivatives Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 73 - Spreads (paid)/collected (1) - Change in fair value recognised to Income Statement 173 Change in fair value recognised to the Cash Flow Hedge reserve - New derivatives - Reduction for early repayment (245) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 - (498) 1,344 846 Total 73 (1) 173 (498) 1,344 (245) 846 “Cap”: is an optional derivative financial instrument. Against payment of a premium, the Company is granted the right to receive, when the Euribor rate is higher than a maximum level (called strike rate), of 0.50%, the spread between the Euribor rate and the above-mentioned strike rate. However, nothing however is due to the Company in the period in which the Euribor is below that strike rate. 126 6.1.9 Deferred tax assets Diff. betw een carrying am ount/tax value of properties Costs not deducted 112 78,406 7,122 Increases booked to Income Statement 1 828 Deferred tax assets 1 796 Tax losses Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Pass-through taxation of real estate fund results Total 444 1,483 87,567 358 - 1,387 2,574 358 - 1,387 2,542 - - - - - 41 - - - Contingent assets for previous years’ taxes - Increases not booked to Income Statement - - Tax payables - - Equity - - Decreases booked to Income Statement (12) (2,800) (546) - (821) (4,179) Deferred tax assets (12) (2,790) (461) - - (3,263) Contingent assets for previous years’ taxes - (10) (85) - Decreases not booked to Income Statement - - (2) (444) Tax payables - - (2) - Equity - Reversal due to Italian LD 133/2014 Reclassifications Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 32 Fair value of derivatives 41 41 (5) (67,372) - 96 9,062 - - - - 41 (916) (446) (2) - (444) - - (67,615) (266) - (2,049) (2,315) 6,469 - - 15,627 (238) (444) (821) 32 As can be seen from the above table, the decrease for the year of deferred tax assets is attributable for 67,372 thousand of Euro to the effect of the regulations introduced by Italian Law Decree 133/2014, which have considerably reduced the provisions of future taxable income, envisaging the tax exemption for margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. Increases and decreases recorded refer to the tax effect related to the adjustment to the fair value of owned properties, to the pass-through taxation of the results of real estate funds and to the temporary nondeductibility of provisions for write-downs and of interest expense. With reference to the balance as at 31 December 2014 of 15,627 thousand of Euro, note that this includes deferred tax assets on: i) real estate portfolio of 9,062 thousand of Euro, of which 6,559 thousand of Euro Group properties excluded from the SIIQ/SIINQ regime and 2,503 thousand of Euro shopping malls in relation to the value of their business units; ii) "costs not deducted" for 6,469 thousand of Euro, mainly relating to temporary non-deductibility on interest expenses pursuant to Article 96 of the T.U.I.R. (5,502 thousand of Euro) and write-downs and provisions (967 thousand of Euro); iii) prior tax losses (96 thousand of Euro). These net deferred tax assets were recognised within the limit of reasonable expectations of future taxable income, sufficient to ensure the recovery. 127 6.2 CURRENT ASSETS 6.2.1 Trading properties Land and buildings (*) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 72,647 Capex 992 Sales (9,220) Net w rite-dow ns (1,114) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 63,305 (*) As a guarantee for financing obtained, mortgages with a value of 106,246 thousand of Euro are secured by properties with a carrying amount of 45,720 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. "Sales" refers to: i) the disposal to the Municipality of Milan, for 9,118 thousand of Euro, of the area in via E. Vittorini, Monlué, provided in the agreements concerning the definition of urban development costs of the property complex in Piazza Freud, Milan; ii) the sale of some parking spaces of the property of Rome, via Fancelli, whose price was 126 thousand of Euro. "Net write-downs" refer to the adjustments made to the value of certain properties to align their carrying amounts with their expected sale values. As regards the changes in real estate portfolio, please refer to the Management Report, which constitutes a part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 6.2.2 Trade and other receivables Description 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade receivables Property sales and investment disposals 56,607 1,607 Tenants 47,052 35,416 Customers for services provided 222 Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade receivables Total trade receivables 4,968 (19,352) (17,653) 84,529 24,338 Other receivables Tax receivables 6,251 6,857 Other receivables 8,516 10,302 Receivables from the Municipality of Rome for expropriations 3,317 979 Guarantee deposits 80 106 Provisions for w rite-dow n of other receivables (1,675) (1,353) Total other receivables 16,489 16,891 101,018 41,229 Total trade and other receivables “Property sales and investment disposals”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers: i) to the balance of the price for the sale (completed in June 2014) of the property in Via Fogazzaro, Milan, of 55,000 thousand of Euro, which will be collected no later than May 2015; ii) balance of the price for the sale (completed in 2008) of 40% of the share capital of Risorse e Sviluppo Napoli S.p.A. (1,400 thousand of Euro, including accrued interests); ii) the balance of a price adjustment on the sale (completed in 2005) of the investment in S. Clemente Resort S.r.l. (207 thousand of Euro); These receivables are written down by a total of 1,407 thousand of Euro. 128 “Tenants”: includes the receivables: i) from property tenants of 45,620 thousand of Euro (33,984 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) relating to the guaranteed annuity due from sellers of the property in via Nanni Costa, Bologna, of 1,432 thousand of Euro (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013). These receivables are written down by 17,945 thousand of Euro (16,546 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). Note that receivables from tenants includes: i) receivables on invoices to be issued, recognised pursuant to IAS 17 "Leases", recording the total amount due under the contract on a straight-line basis over the lease term (2,810 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 2,752 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) a position relating to a pending dispute of 11,167 thousand of Euro (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013) with the former tenant of the Ferrara shopping mall, details of which are provided in Note 7 below. “Customers for services provided”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers to property services provided to third parties by companies of the Group. The balance as at 31 December 2013 mainly included receivables for services provided to real estate funds managed by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR (which were written down by a total of 574 thousand of Euro); these receivables as at 31 December 2014 were classified in the item “assets held for sale”, because of the merger concerning SGR. “Tax receivables” - mainly include: i) the IRES tax receivable of 1,649 thousand of Euro, for the substitute tax, paid pursuant to Italian Law 296/2006 for adopting the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies – SIIQ/SIINQ, on the properties sold by December 2013. This receivable that as at 31 December 2013 was recognised among non-current receivables was reclassified in this item in that it will be used as from June 2015. The corresponding receivable (1,680 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) was used in the year; ii) the IRES tax receivables, totalling 2,408 thousand of Euro (1,420 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), entirely related to the tax consolidation of the Group, equal to the receivables of 4,079 thousand of Euro, arising in the tax period for the payment of advance tax payments and for the withholding taxes incurred, recorded net of the IRES payable of the 2013 tax period of 1,671 thousand of Euro; iii) IRAP tax receivables of 163 thousand of Euro (739 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), equal to the receivable arising in the year as a result of the payment of advance tax payment, of 954 thousand of Euro, recorded net of the tax for the period of 791 thousand of Euro; iv) the current VAT credit for a total of 817 thousand of Euro (2,561 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); v) the receivable for the payment of the amounts due pending litigation, of 721 thousand of Euro, established by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ for the assessment undergone for the 2004 tax period; vi) the IRES tax receivable of the subsidiary Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. of 272 thousand of Euro, arising from the payment made pending judgement in tax litigations concluded successfully in 2013, and for which the reimbursement is shortly expected. “Other receivables”: this item primarily includes: i) accrued income and prepaid expense of 5,630 thousand of Euro (6,856 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) mainly for lease contract brokerage of 2,910 thousand of Euro (2,966 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), lease contract registration tax of 1,568 thousand of Euro (1,629 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), surety commissions and prepaid 129 commissions on "committed" credit facilities of 533 thousand of Euro (178 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), As at 31 December 2013, accrued income and prepaid expense also included i prepaid expenses for insurance premiums of 291 thousand of Euro and future costs on inflation risk hedging of 807 thousand of Euro; ii) costs incurred during the year for operations in progress that will be capitalised on the activities that will result from their completion (1,010 thousand of Euro); iii) interests on other credit positions of 1,037 thousand of Euro entirely written-off (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013); iv) sundry advances of 350 thousand of Euro, written down by 144 thousand of Euro (718 thousand of Euro and 77 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013, respectively); v) receivables for loans granted to the investee company RGD Ferrara 2013 S.r.l. of 150 thousand of Euro (158 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); vi) receivables for insurance reimbursements of 45 thousand of Euros (132 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Receivables from the Municipality of Rome for expropriations”: refers to: i) the receivable of 3,263 thousand of Euro (979 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) corresponding to the compensation for an expropriated land in Pietralata, Rome. This receivable was increased in the financial year of 2,284 thousand of Euro by reason of the higher compensation paid to the Group as a result of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, of accrued interests and of VAT on the partial invoicing already made to the Municipality of Rome. Given the actual recovery prospects, this receivable was written down in the year by 364 thousand of Euro. Reference is made to the next Note 7 for the description of the litigation with the Municipality of Rome for the payment of the compensation and recovery of the corresponding receivable; ii) the receivable of 54 thousand of Euro, related to the expropriation compensation in 2014 of a land in Ponte di Nona, Rome by the Municipality. “Provisions for write-downs": changes during the year in provisions for write-down of current receivables are shown below: Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade receivables Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2013 Provisions Use 17,653 1,353 3,683 678 (657) Releases (21) Reclassif ications to the item "assets held f or sale" (1,375) Reclassif ication f rom provisions f or w rite-dow n of non-current receivables 69 Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2014 6.2.3 Provisions for w rite dow n of other receivables 19,352 (246) (110) 1,675 Cash and cash equivalents These total 113,444 thousand of Euro (150,633 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) and regard bank deposits of 113,440 thousand of Euro and cash in hand and cash assets of 4 thousand of Euro. For further information on changes in cash and cash equivalents, please refer to the “Statement of Cash Flows”. 130 6.2.4 Assets held for sale The balance of this item refers to the value of assets, the value of which will be reasonably recovered through their sale. In particular, the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014, includes: i) the assets of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR, classified in this item in accordance with IFRS 5, as a result of the merger in progress of this company in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR (as described in the Management Report) of 23,316 thousand of Euro; ii) the value of the properties of the Group of 122,936 thousand of Euro (other than trading properties), whose disposal is expected to occur within the next year. The table below summarises the changes recorded during the year in property value (real estate portfolio held for sale) classified in this item: Land and buildings (*) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 195,717 Sales (24,037) Capex 762 Net w rite-ups 365 Reclassifications (49,871) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 122,936 (*) As a guarantee for financing obtained, mortgages for a total of 9,000 thousand of Euro are secured by properties with a carrying amount of 6,300 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. "Capex" refers, in particular, to works made on the property in via Schievano, Milan. "Sales" during the year, for an overall carrying amount of 24,037 thousand of Euro, refer to the disposal of no. 10 properties, mainly owned by the real estate portfolio of Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. "Net write-downs" refer to adjustments made in the year to the property values to align them with their fair value (in accordance with the international accounting standards). For information on "reclassifications", see Note 6.1.1 above. As regards the changes in real estate portfolio, please refer to the Management Report, which constitutes a part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 131 6.3 EQUITY Consolidated Equity is shown below: 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Share capital (*) 226,943 Share premium reserve 341,403 Legal reserve 191,630 230,210 38,315 38,315 Reserve Italian L. 266/05 185,713 190,093 Reserve Italian L. 169/83 60,493 60,493 Reserve Italian L. 218/90 8,740 8,740 Reserve Italian L. 124/93 102 102 Revaluation reserve Italian L.72/83 191 191 Revaluation reserve Italian L.413/91 53 53 Revaluation reserve Italian L.2/2009 24,130 17,222 Reserve art. 89 Italian PD 917/86 12 12 Non-distributable reserve Italian Lg.D. no. 38/2005 (**) 132,629 143,372 Spin-off surplus 127,026 147,221 15,086 35,918 Bond reserve Reserve for unoptioned bond 1,602 Cash-flow hedge reserve Reserve for purchases of treasury shares Reserve for stock options and free shares 1,602 (30,932) (118,420) (655) (655) 57 Total other reserves 235 562,562 Retained earnings (**) 958,703 Profit/(Loss) for the year (231,605) Total retained earnings (as it results from the Income Statement) 524,494 955,544 (4,212) 727,098 951,332 1,858,006 1,897,666 Minority interest in capital and reserves 12,010 13,254 Minorities (profit)/loss (1,121) Minority interests 10,889 13,281 1,868,895 1,910,947 Group Equity Consolidated equity (*) (**) 27 As at 31 December 2014, the approved share capital amounts to 331,687,651.50 Euro of which 226,942,588.60 Euro is subscribed and paid-up. The subscribed and paid-up share capital is made up of 2,269,425,886 ordinary shares with a par value of 0.10 Euro each. Note also that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ holds 961,000 treasury shares. Specifically, "retained earnings" include 89,818 thousand of Euro of profits (94,693 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) achieved by Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. subject to the distribution limitation constraint pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 38/2005. With regard to movements in Consolidated Equity from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014, reference should be made to the "Statement of Changes in Equity”. Annexe 2 also provides the reconciliation of the Group Consolidated Equity with the Equity of the Parent Company, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ. Note that, as previously described in the Management Report, during the year, a paid share capital increase of 149,725 thousand of Euro was completed, attributed by 35,313 thousand of Euro to the “Share Capital” and by 114,412 thousand of Euro to “Share premium reserve”. The costs of the operation of 3,219 thousand of Euro, recognised under Equity in compliance with the relevant accounting standards, reduced the “Share premium reserve”. Moreover, it should be noted that the Shareholders’ Meeting of 15 April 2014, which approved the separate financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as at 31 December 2013, resolved among other things: - to fully cover the loss for the year 2013 of the Company, amounting to 11,651 thousand of Euro (loss of the separate financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, against a consolidated loss of 4,212 thousand of Euro), using the profit reserve included in the "spinoff surplus”; 132 - to add 6,908 thousand of Euro to the revaluation reserve Italian Law 2/2009, withdrawing the corresponding amount from the capital reserve in the "spin-off surplus”; - to reclassify the non-distributable reserve, established pursuant to Article 6, Italian Legislative Decree no. 38/2005, for a value of 10,743 thousand of Euro, in the "retained earnings” reserve; - to distribute a dividend of 0.022 Euro per share to shareholders (net of treasury shares held), totalling 42,138 thousand of Euro, withdrawing this amount as follows; i) 15,291 thousand of Euro from the "retained earnings" reserve; ii) 1,635 thousand of Euro from the profit reserve included in the "spin-off surplus”; iv) 20,832 thousand of Euro from "Profit reserve for bonds”; iv) 4,380 thousand of Euro from “Profit reserve ex Italian Law 266/2005 revaluations”. The change in "reserve for stock options and free shares" refers: i) to the notional charge of the year for the Group (26 thousand of Euro) relating to free share plans guaranteed to Group employees by the parent company Foncière des Régions on shares of the latter; ii) to the reclassification under the “retained earnings” reserve for the portion attributable to the free share plans launched in 2010 and closed in the financial year (204 thousand of Euro). Finally, note that minor changes in Equity were classified under “retained earnings” for net revenues amounting to 63 thousand of Euro corresponding to the profit on the purchase of minority interests of Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. net of charges for actuarial differences on Staff termination benefits. As at 31 December 2014, the Cash Flow Hedge reserve showed a negative balance of 30,932 thousand of Euro (118,420 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). The following table shows the changes in this reserve for 2014 and for 2013: Description 2014 financial year Cash flow hedge reserve - opening balance Released in correspondence w ith payment of hedged cash f low s Released on early settlement of hedging instruments due to property sales Released on other early settlement of hedging instruments 2013 financial year (118,420) (198,127) 21,106 42,385 1,201 4,003 92,385 665 (29,756) 26,181 Other changes 2,988 6,929 Income tax relating to the above changes (436) (456) (30,932) (118,420) (Increases)/decreases f or changes in fair value of hedging instruments (ef fective changes) Cash flow hedge reserve - closing balance 133 The next table instead shows the timetable for recognition of the Cash Flow Hedge reserve to the Income Statement, assuming that the underlying cash flows remain the same. Balance as at 31.12.2014 Carrying am ount Reserve Cash flow hedge Total up to 6 m onths 6-12 m onths 1-2 years Balance as at 31.12.2013 2-5 years beyond 5 years Carrying am ount up to 6 m onths 6-12 m onths 1-2 years beyond 5 years 2-5 years (30,932) (5,886) (5,288) (4,857) (12,109) (2,792) (118,420) (18,956) (18,726) (30,441) (33,633) (16,664) (30,932) (5,886) (5,288) (4,857) (12,109) (2,792) (118,420) (18,956) (18,726) (30,441) (33,633) (16,664) 6.4 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 6.4.1 Borrowings De s cription 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Mortgage loans 582,080 1,037,022 Other loans 199,360 41,470 Other borrow ings - 6,105 Bonds 594,944 450,806 Convertible bonds 463,951 559,494 1,840,335 2,094,897 Total non-curre nt borrow ings With reference to changes during the year with an impact on the various borrowings, see the paragraph Financial Review – Financial Position of the Management Report that forms part of these Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014. “Mortgage loans” These regard medium/long-term mortgage loans falling due "over 12 months". The payments of such loans falling due within 12 months are included in current borrowings (see Note 6.5.1). The payment due date of the non-current portion of these borrowings is shown below: Non-current borrow ings 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 More than 12 months, less than 2 years More than 2 years, less than 5 years Beyond 5 years 244,667 75,149 262,264 672,301 364,721 - Total 582,080 1,037,022 Mortgage loans as at 31 December 2014 are all floating rate. The following table shows the average effective interest rates applied to these borrowings, calculated without taking account of interest rate hedges: 31.12.2014 Euribor 31.12.2013 2.42% 3.22% Given that, in relation to the mortgage loans, a number of interest rate swaps are in place as risk hedging, 134 the following table indicates the nominal portion of borrowings hedged as at 31 December 2014, with comparison data as at 31 December 2013: Description Nominal amount outstanding on floating rate borrow ings IRS outstanding (a) (b) 31.12.2014 936,949 778,439 % borrow ings hedged at floating rate (IRS) - (b) / (a) 31.12.2013 1,150,276 1,041,268 83.08% 90.52% “Other loans” This item includes the non-current portion of the payable of a nominal 200,000 thousand of Euro raised in the year and not secured, as part of the closure of the securitisation. This loan accrues interests at Euribor 3 months, plus a spread, paid when due on a quarterly basis and is not hedged against interest rate risk. As at 31 December 2013, this item included the non-current portion of the floating rate loans obtained to finance the purchases by the Group of the bonds issued by Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. These loans were closed in 2014 with the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. As at 31 December 2014, the effective interest rate of this loan is 2.59%. The breakdown by payment due date of the non-current portion of these borrowings is shown below: Non-current borrow ings 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 More than 12 months, less than 2 years 199,360 More than 2 years, less than 5 years - Beyond 5 years Total 199,360 10,781 30,689 41,470 “Other borrowings” The balance as at 31 December 2013 included: i) the debt of Imser Securitisation S.r.l. of 3,276 thousand of Euro deriving from the early repayment in 2002 of interest rate swaps related to a borrowing rescheduled through the securitisation transaction; ii) the debt for costs of 2,829 thousand of Euro related to the portion of borrowings considered repaid with the Group repurchase in 2009, of bonds issued by Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. Both loans were closed in 2014 with the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. 135 “Bonds” The item, as at 31 December 2014, includes entirely the non-current portion of the two bonds issued by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ during the year, in particular: 1) an unsecured bond totalling a nominal amount of 350,000 thousand of Euro, with a duration of 4 years and with a fixed coupon of 4.125% on annual basis; 2) an unsecured bond totalling a nominal amount of 250,000 thousand of Euro, with a duration of 5 years and with a fixed coupon of 3.5% on annual basis. The balance as at 31 December 2013 referred for 450,806 thousand of Euro to the non-current portion of the amount payable on the bond of the Imser securitisation that was repaid in advance in the year. The changes in the non-current portions of the two bonds issued during 2014 by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ are shown in the tables below. “Bond loan with a nominal value of 350 million of Euro” Nom inal value Balance on the issue date 350,000 Interests accrued during the year Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Issue costs Carrying am ount (2,912) - 632 350,000 (2,280) 347,088 632 347,720 Note that, against a nominal rate of 4.125%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes, was 4.35%. The nominal interest coupon accrued as at 31 December 2014 (13,599 thousand of Euro) is classified under current borrowings. “Bond loan with a nominal value of 250 million of Euro” Nom inal value Balance on the issue date Interests accrued during the year Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Issue costs 250,000 - 250,000 Carrying am ount (3,220) 444 (2,776) 246,780 444 247,224 Note that, against a nominal rate of 3.50%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes, was 3.79%. The nominal interest coupon accrued as at 31 December 2014 (6,591 thousand of Euro) is classified under current borrowings. “Convertible bonds” This item refers to the non-current portion of the borrowing relating to the convertible bonds issued by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ. In particular, the two following convertible bonds were classified under non-current payables: o convertible bond of a nominal 225,000 thousand of Euro, issued in the first half of 2013 and maturing in 2018; o convertible bond of nominal 270,000 thousand of Euro, issued in the second half of 2013 and maturing in 2019. As at 31 December 2013, the bond issued in 2010 for a residual nominal value of 105,538 thousand of Euro 136 was also classified under non-current borrowings, and it was reclassified in the year under borrowings due to its maturity in April 2015. The following table shows the changes in carrying amounts of the non-current portion of the convertible bond maturing in 2018: Nom inal value Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Option value 225,000 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs 225,000 Carrying am ount (1,918) 2,012 442 2,454 (6,520) (1,476) 217,004 - Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Issue costs (8,532) 214,550 The portion relating to the nominal interest accrued from the last coupon detachment (July 2014) up to 31 December 2014 for the aforementioned bond stood at 3,463 thousand of Euro. This amount was recognised under current borrowings. Note that against a nominal interest rate of 3.375%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating also the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 4.7%. The following table shows the changes during the period in carrying amounts of this convertible bond as maturing in 2019: Nom inal value Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Option value 270,000 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs - Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 270,000 Issue costs Carrying am ount (24,456) (3,262) 4,179 486 242,282 4,665 (20,277) (2,776) 246,947 The portion relating to the nominal interest accrued from the last coupon detachment (October 2014) up to 31 December 2014 for the aforementioned bond stood at 1,459 thousand of Euro. This amount was recognised under current borrowings. Note that against a nominal interest rate of 2.625%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 4.9%. “Fair value of borrowings” The fair value as at 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013 of the different categories of current and non-current borrowings, compared with their respective carrying amounts, is shown in the table below. Borrowings Borrowings Current and non-current portions as at 31.12.2014 Current and non-current portions as at 31.12.2013 Carrying am ount Nom inal value Fair value (*) Carrying am ount Nom inal value Fair value (*) Floating rate borrow ings Loans and other short-term borrow ings - - - Mortgage loans 930,121 936,998 936,998 Other loans 199,371 200,011 200,011 Floating rate bonds - - - 80,102 80,102 80,102 1,142,299 1,150,365 1,150,365 45,796 46,369 46,369 331,928 334,341 334,341 Fixed rate borrow ings Other borrow ings - Fixed rate bonds 619,112 Convertible bonds in issue Total (*) 574,487 2,323,091 624,168 606,232 2,367,409 649,013 9,170 9,173 10,157 140,019 142,068 182,697 611,339 565,184 2,397,361 2,314,498 606,228 2,368,646 580,859 2,384,890 The fair value of floating rate borrowings was calculated considering the market value to be equal to the nominal value. The fair value of fixed rate borrowings is measured using the Discounted Cash Flow Method. According to this method, the fair value of such borrowings is calculated by 137 determining the expected cash flows. These flows are then discounted using the implicit spot rates in the Euribor curve, plus the credit spread. 6.4.2 Trade and other payables Des cription 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Payables f or property and investment purchases 4,321 Total trade payable s - 4,321 Exit tax payable - 19,813 - 19,946 Other tax payables Total tax payable s 133 Other payables 102,500 Total other payable s - 102,500 Total trade and othe r payables - 126,767 “Payables for property and investment purchases”: the balance as at 31 December 2013 referred entirely to the non-current portion of the payable for the purchase of 31.8% of the investment in Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. that will be due no later than 31 December 2015. This balance was reclassified under borrowings due to its maturity. “Exit tax payable”: this item as at 31 December 2013 referred entirely to the non-current portion of the exit tax payable by Group companies (Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A.) that adopted the SIIQ/SIINQ regime as from 2011. The exit tax, originally for a total amount of 94,586 thousand of Euro, as provided by the specific law, was calculated as 20% of the capital gains (net of capital losses) for the properties to be rented, determined equal to the difference between the fair value of the properties as at 31 December 2010 and their tax value. This tax, in accordance with law, will be paid over 5 financial years, starting from June 2011, plus interest calculated at the official discount rate plus 1%. The fourth expected instalment paid in June 2014 was 18,917 thousand of Euro; therefore, the residual amount due as at 31 December 2014 corresponding to the fifth and last instalment due within June 2015, amounts to 18,917 thousand of Euro (plus accrued interests of 1,119 thousand of Euro) and entirely classified under current liabilities. “Other tax payables”: this item as at 31 December 2013 referred entirely to the non-current portion of the tax payable in instalments (including accrued interests) arising following assessments received by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR for the 2007 tax period. The residual amount as at 31 December 2014 was reclassified in the item “liabilities linked to assets held for sale” because of the merger (effective as from 1 January 2015) of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. “Other payables”: the balance of the item referred entirely to the payable for the activation of the liquidity facility taken out as a guarantee for the securitisation of the Imser 60 portfolio, as a result of the down-grading of the guarantor bank. An asset for the same amount corresponds to the nominal value of this payable as indicated in the previous Note 6.1.7. This payable was settled in the year as part of the early repayment of the Imser securitisation 6.4.3 Derivatives - liabilities The balance as at 31 December 2014 refers to: i) interest rate derivative contracts whose fair value loss 138 totalled 37,885 thousand of Euro (92,842 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) the fair value of the conversion options relating to the two convertible bonds issued in 2013, with maturity 2018 and 2019, equal to 23,677 thousand of Euro and 29,786 thousand of Euro, respectively (14,467 thousand of Euro and 13,431 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). The value of these options was recognised among liabilities since the conditions (other than the option related to the convertible bond maturing in 2015) to be able to consider it as a component of equity do not exist (in compliance with the provisions of IAS 32 "Financial Instruments: Presentation and disclosures”). The balance of this item as at 31 December 2013 also included the amount of 26,286 thousand of Euro corresponding to the fair value of hedging instruments against the inflation risk, closed in the year as part of the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. The table below provides details of changes recorded during 2014 in interest rate and inflation derivative contracts: "Hedge accounting" derivatives Derivatives "held for trading" Total Balance as at 31.12.2013 105,333 13,795 119,128 Spreads (paid)/collected (24,120) (3,096) (27,216) (851) (26) (877) (79,118) (11,185) (90,303) Decrease due to early settlement follow ing property sales Decreases due to other early settlements Change in fair value recognised to the Cash Flow Hedge reserve 29,262 - 29,262 Change in fair value recognised to Income Statement 1,458 4,389 5,847 New /rescheduling of hedging instruments 2,044 - 2,044 Reclassifications 2,020 (2,020) - 36,028 1,857 37,885 Balance as at 31.12.2014 139 “Interest rate derivatives”: the fair value of such transactions is shown in the table below: 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Fair value Fair value Interest rate Sw aps 37,885 92,842 Total 37,885 92,842 “Interest rate Swaps”: are contracts that convert the floating rate to a fixed rate; the fixed rate associated with these contracts is as follows; Description 31.12.2014 Min Euribor 0.85% 31.12.2013 Max Min 2.60% Max 0.75% 4.98% As regards derivatives that as at 31 December 2014 showed a positive fair value, please refer to Note 6.1.8 above. 6.4.4 Staff termination benefits Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 873 Cost of service provided - recognised to the income statement 491 - recognised as an increase in the value of "properties under development" as referring to actuarial losses 17 Actuarial dif f erences accounted f or in Equity 136 Reclassif ication to "liabilities linked to assets held f or sale" (581) Settlements and payments to pension f unds (445) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 491 The number of staff of the Group as at 31 December 2014 was 90 (no. 93 as at 31 December 2013), comprising: 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Managers Executives Office staff Porters 20 24 45 1 23 24 45 1 Total 90 93 No. 27 out of no. 90 employees as at 31 December 2014 left the Group in January 2015, as part of the merger of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR. The average number of staff during the year was no. 91.5 (no. 93.5 in 2013). 140 6.4.5 Deferred tax liabilities Diffe re nce s be tw e e n carrying am ount/tax value of prope rty Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 Increa ses book ed to Income Sta tement Def erred tax liabilities Contingent assets f or previous years’ taxes 26,366 3,637 902 19 93 19 809 Increa ses not book ed to Income Sta tement 9 Tax payables Untaxe d re ve nue s and cos ts de ducte d in advance - Equity Pas s -through taxation of re al e s tate fund Fair value of re s ults and he dging re valuation of ins trum e nts participating inte re s ts 28 - - - - - - 9 976 - 31,007 921 - 112 - 809 - - - Total - - 9 - - 9 Decrea ses book ed to Income Sta tement (4,011) (3,587) (20) (976) (8,594) Def erred tax liabilities (4,011) (3,587) (20) (5) (7,623) - (971) (971) (8) - Contingent assets f or previous years’ taxes - Decrea ses not book ed to Income Sta tement - Tax payables - - - - - Equity - - (8) - (8) Reversa l due to Ita l i a n LD 133/2014 (5,424) Cha nge i n ba si s of consol i da ti on - Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 17,842 - - - - - - - 69 - - (8) (5,424) 17,911 As can be seen from the above table, the decrease for the year of deferred tax liabilities is attributable for 5,424 thousand of Euro to the effect of the regulations introduced by Italian Law Decree 133/2014, which envisaged the tax exemption of the margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. Consequently, the previously recorded taxes on hidden property margins were released to the Income Statement. Other increases and decreases recognised to the Income Statement mainly refer to: i) to the release of deferred taxes recorded on sales margins of previous financial years, which are subject to taxation in five financial years and to the tax effect relating to write-ups/write-downs of owned properties; ii) to the reversal of deferred taxes recorded against the margin realised in 2009 through the repurchase of bonds issued by Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l.; iii) to the advance deduction of costs on the basis of tax regulations, but recognised as assets for IAS/IFRS purposes. With reference to the balance as at 31 December 2014 totalling 17,911 thousand of Euro, note that for the most part this includes deferred taxes on : i) real estate portfolio of 17,842 thousand of Euro, related to properties excluded from the SIIQ/SIINQ regime (9,067 thousand of Euro), shopping malls in relation to the value of their business units (2,939 thousand of Euro) and deferred IRES taxes of capital gains on property sales carried out in previous financial years (5,836 thousand of Euro); ii) untaxed revenues of 69 thousand of Euro, which mainly include the taxes on the recognition over a straight-line basis of rents. 141 6.5 CURRENT LIABILITIES 6.5.1 Borrowings 31.12.2014 Loans and other short-term borrow ings 31.12.2013 - Mortgage loans 80,102 348,041 105,277 11 4,326 24,168 21,141 Convertible bonds 110,536 5,690 Total current borrow ings 482,756 219,601 Other loans Other borrow ings - Bonds 3,065 “Loans and other short-term borrowings": the balance as at 31 December 2013 is entirely attributable to the use of committed and GTC short-term credit facilities, repaid during 2014. “Mortgage loans": include the portion of medium/long-term mortgage loans maturing "within 12 months" (347,992 thousand of Euro) and related interest accrued and not yet paid (49 thousand of Euro). “Other loans": include interest accrued (11 thousand of Euro) of medium/long-term borrowings not secured by mortgages, which will be paid in the short term. As at 31 December 2013, the item includes the portion maturing "within 12 months" of the loans taken out to finance the repurchase (in 2009) of part of the bonds issued by Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. These payables were repaid as part of the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. “Other borrowings”: the balance as at 31 December 2013 included the portion repayable "within 12 months”: i) of the borrowings of Imser Securitisation S.r.l. for the early settlement of Interest Rate Swaps related to the debt rescheduled with the securitisation transaction in 2002 (917 thousand of Euro); ii) of the debt for costs related to the portion of borrowings considered repaid with the Group repurchase of bonds issued by Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. (521 thousand of Euro). Both payables were closed as part of the early repayment of the Imser securitisation “Bonds”: the balance as at 31 December 2014 refers: i) for 20,190 thousand of Euro to the amount of payable for nominal interest coupons accrued and not yet paid of Beni Stabili bonds; ii) for 3,978 thousand of Euro to the balance of bonds issued as part of the Imser securitisation and not yet repaid at the reporting date. The repayment of these bonds is expected in the short term. “Convertible bonds”: the balance of the item of 110,536 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 (5,690 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) comprises: i) the carrying amount of the bond of nominal 225,000 thousand of Euro, issued in 2010 and maturing in 2015 (104,842 thousand of Euro) and the amount of the relevant nominal interests accrued from the last coupon detachment (October 2014) up to 31 December 2014 (772 thousand of Euro); ii) the nominal interest coupons on the convertible bond maturing in 2018 (3,463 thousand of Euro) and on the convertible bond maturing in 2019 (1,459 thousand of Euro). 142 The following table shows the changes during the year in carrying amounts of the convertible bond maturing in 2015 (excluding the maturing nominal interest coupons), by noting that as at 31 December 2013 this borrowing was classified under non-current borrowings: Nom inal value Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Option value 105,538 Issue costs Carrying am ount (2,208) (668) 102,662 - 1,676 504 2,180 105,538 (532) (164) 104,842 Note that against a nominal interest rate of 3.875%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 6.17%. For details on the fair value of borrowings, please see table in Note 6.4.1 above. 6.5.2 Trade and other payables 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade payables Suppliers Payables for property purchases Prepayments 16,758 21,937 7,993 9,761 50 Payables to the parent company FdR Total trade payables - 761 1,100 25,562 32,798 Tax payables Current taxes for the period VAT payable Exit tax payable Other tax payables Total tax payables 883 11 2,993 2,238 20,036 19,811 712 1,089 24,624 23,149 Othe r payables Social security payables Staff Lease payables Sundry payables 370 562 1,039 1,369 33,330 35,116 4,068 5,844 Total other payables 38,807 42,891 Total trade and other payable s 88,993 98,838 “Suppliers”: the balance of this item as at 31 December 2014 is attributable for about half to payables connected with modernisation projects of property and sundry improvements. Note that the balance as at 31 December 2014 includes amounts payable on invoices to be received for 10,626 thousand of Euro (12,020 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) and amounts payable as holding guarantees for 2,839 thousand of Euro (2,407 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Payables for property purchases": the balance of this item as at 31 December 2014 refers: i) for 3,672 thousand of Euro (5,440 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) to the residual payable related to the purchase, completed in December 2011, of property units in the arcade of "Il Ducale" shopping mall in Vigevano (Pavia), due in the short term; ii) for 4,321 thousand of Euro (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013), to the last instalment of the payable for purchasing 31.8% of Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. 143 “Prepayments”: the balance of the item refers entirely to a down payment made during the year by the promisee purchasers of properties subject to preliminary sale agreement. “Payables to the parent company FdR”: the balance represents the amount due to the parent company for services provided to Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, for which details can be found in Note 9 below. “Current taxes for the period”: in both years considered, the balance of the item refers entirely to the IRAP payable for the period, equal to the pertaining tax of 1,157 thousand of Euro, shown net of the down payments made of 274 thousand of Euro. “VAT payables": the balance of 2,993 thousand of Euro (2,238 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) includes 1,208 thousand of Euro deferred VAT (908 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Exit tax payable”: as at 31 December 2014, this item includes the exit tax to be paid for the fifth and last instalment of the exit tax, which will be paid in June 2015, plus accrued interests payable. As at 31 December 2013, the item included the exit tax (plus accrued interests) for the fourth instalment of the tax that was paid in June 2014. “Other tax payables": this item mainly refers to withholding tax payables. “Staff": includes amounts due to staff for outstanding leave and extra months' pay. “Lease payables": the balance regards rents and incidental expenses billed in advance but accruing in future periods (24,424 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 24,601 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) and guarantee deposits and advances received from tenants (8,906 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 10,515 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Other payables": this item primarily includes: i) 2,286 thousand of Euro (2,829 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) as the share of the contribution, received from Ferrovie dello Stato S.p.A., still to be used, regarding urban development costs on the Garibaldi Complex. Please refer also to Note 8 below; ii) 737 thousand of Euro (791 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), payable to Group directors and statutory auditors; iii) 232 thousand of Euro, payables for condominium expenses (223 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); iv) 122 thousand of Euro (207 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), other accruals and deferrals; v) 107 thousand of Euro, payables for litigations to be settled (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013). During 2014, the payable corresponding to the cash received from the seller of the area in Milan, Via Schievano for the relevant reclamation works (equal to 602 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). 6.5.3 Provisions for risks and charges 144 31.12.2013 Release s Provisions Tax provisions 2,377 1,422 Other provisions for risks and charges 3,243 550 Total 5,620 1,972 - Reclassification to "liabilities linked to assets held for sale" Uses (6) - (29) (232) (381) (29) (238) (381) 31.12.2014 3,793 3,151 6,944 “Tax provisions": refers to provisions for liabilities that may arise as a result of tax audits and other probable tax liabilities. The provision for the period refers: i) for 333 thousand of Euro, to the portion of taxes that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ may be required to pay on maturity of the existing convertible bonds (pursuant to Ministry of the Economy and Finance Decree of 8 June 2011), if the bonds are not converted, on the total reserve corresponding to the optional component of the unconverted bonds; ii) for 541 thousand of Euro, to provisions for potential liabilities for requests of IMU additions of previous years; iii) for 548 thousand of Euro to provisions for other potential liabilities as a result of tax inspections for income taxes. “Other provisions for risks and charges": include provisions for risks relating to litigation pending and to provisions for probable future charges related to properties in the real estate portfolio. The provisions for the period mainly refer: i) to potential commissions to be paid by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR of 381 thousand of Euro (this amount was reclassified as at 31 December 2014 in the item “liabilities linked to assets held for sale”); ii) to a provision for probable future charges related to expenses on litigations of 159 thousand of Euro); iii) to liabilities on minor litigations of 6 thousand of Euro; iv) to the integration of the provision for risks for the measurement of Equity of the investment in Beni Stabili Hotel S.A. of 4 thousand of Euro. The decreases for the year refer to uses of 232 thousand of Euro and to releases of 29 thousand of Euro. It should be noted in particular the settling of a legal dispute with a service provider related to electricity consumption, which involved the use of provisions set aside of 121 thousand of Euro and a corresponding release for the excess not used of 29 thousand of Euro. 6.5.3 Liabilities related to Assets held for sale The balance as at 31 December 2014 of 2,447 thousand of Euro, refers entirely to the liability of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR, which was classified in this item pursuant to the accounting standards of reference, considering the merger of this Company in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR effective as from 1 January 2015. 6.6 INCOME STATEMENT Below are the details of the main Income Statement items for the year. For the comments on the changes with respect to the values compared to the same period of the previous year, see the information provided in the section of the Management Report under "Financial Review – Results for the year" which is an integral part of these Consolidated Financial Statements. 6.6.1 Net rental revenues 145 31.12.2014 Rents 31.12.2013 227,372 Revenues from termination of lease contracts Total rental revenues 231,691 1,284 8 228,656 231,699 Write-dow n/losses and release of funds - tenants (2,369) (4,536) Total w rite-dow n/losses and release of funds - tenants (2,369) (4,536) Lease contract registration tax (2,390) (2,488) Local property tax (21,594) (20,524) Maintenance and property management costs (14,051) (15,597) (554) (548) Costs for lease of buildings subleased by the Group Recovery of costs from tenants 7,024 Recovery of costs for insurance indemnities 7,078 19 Brokerage costs for lease contracts 77 (577) (468) Total costs (32,123) (32,470) Total property costs (34,492) (37,006) Total net rental revenues 194,164 194,693 6.6.2 Net service revenues 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Property administration service revenues 795 562 Other service revenues 282 496 Fees f rom management of close-end real estate f unds 11,917 12,041 Total service re ve nue s 12,994 13,099 Expenses f rom management of closed-end real estate f unds (1,328) (2,634) (943) (733) Other service costs Write-dow ns of and losses on receivables f or services (1,381) - Total costs for se rvice s (3,652) (3,367) 9,342 9,732 Total net se rvice re ve nue s 146 6.6.3 Operating costs 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Salaries and w ages (6,023) (6,364) Social-security contributions (1,956) (2,007) Staff termination benefits (491) (433) Costs for f ree share plans (*) (250) (217) Retirement incentives (326) (376) Other staf f costs - (6) Total staff costs (9,046) (9,403) Legal, administrative and technical advisory services and other expenses f or services received (8,963) (9,125) Services provided by the parent company FdR (540) (364) Share management and listing expenses (356) (305) Remuneration to directors and auditors (2,791) (2,737) Leases payable (2,132) (2,210) Total overheads (14,782) (14,741) Total operating costs (23,828) (24,144) (*) This cost was recognised in 28 thousand of Euro (157 thousand of Euro in 2013) against Equity and 222 thousand of Euro (60 thousand of Euro in 2013) against a payable to the parent company FdR, given the methods of regulation of the underlying plans. In particular, for the plans assigned in 2012, 2013 and in 2014, the Group pays (in equal instalments over their life) FdR a fair value price (on the assignment date) of the options assigned to its employees. For this reason, the cost was recognised against a corresponding debit entry, rather than as an increase in equity. 6.6.4 Other revenues and income and other costs and charges 31.12.2014 Contingent assets for previous years' taxes 31.12.2013 - Use of provisions for risks and w rite-dow n of receivables Other revenues and income including other contingent assets 288 2,854 416 Total other revenues and incom e Amort./depreciation/w rite-dow n of tangible and intangible assets, w rite-dow ns of receivables and provisions for risks Other taxes 1 33 2,887 705 (16,096) (4,174) (1,084) (942) Contingent liabilities for previous years’ taxes - Other costs and charges including other contingent liabilities (200) (819) (855) Other costs and charges (17,999) (6,171) Total (15,112) (5,466) 6.6.5 Property sales 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trading properties Investment properties Sales revenues (*) Carrying amount of the properties transf erred Brokerage and transaction costs (**) Total cost of sales Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties (*) (**) Held for sale properties Trading properties Investment properties Held f or sale properties 9,297 74,500 24,240 8,755 28,000 97,314 (9,219) (71,603) (24,037) (8,334) (26,853) (93,531) (11) (623) (211) (135) (223) (1,139) (9,230) (72,226) (24,248) (8,469) (27,076) (94,670) 67 2,274 (8) 286 924 2,644 A trading land expropriation compensation (valued at zero in the financial statements) of 54 thousand of Euro was classified in this item. This item includes 629 thousand of Euro (700 thousand of Euro as 31 December 2013) of costs related to sales of previous financial years. 147 6.6.6 Net financial income and charges Description 31.12.2014 Financial income on bank current accounts and term deposits Other financial income Total financial incom e Financial charges on mortgage loans 31.12.2013 1,973 902 224 426 2,197 1,328 (19,898) (30,387) Financial charges on other borrow ings (336) (779) Financial charges on bonds (29,550) (18,852) Financial charges of convertible bonds (14,450) (10,056) Interest rate spreads paid on hedging instruments (21,878) (35,476) Interest rate spreads paid referred to Imser securities repurchased by the Group (2,822) (4,123) (88,934) (99,673) Financial charges on mortgage loans (3,601) (5,316) Financial charges on bonds (2,942) (3,528) Financial charges of convertible bonds (7,586) (4,877) (469) (8,051) M edium to long term financial charges - non-cash portion (14,598) (21,772) Financial charges on short-term borrowings - cash portion (421) (1,416) (1,796) (2,352) M edium to long term financial charges - cash portion Charges for transfer to the Income Statement of the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve exceeding the differentials paid Non-utilisation commissions (on medium/long-term and short-term borrowings) Ineffective changes of derivatives Change in fair value of the conversion options relating to the convertible bonds w ith maturity 2018 and 2019 (2,852) 10,995 (25,564) 7,668 (579) (772) Costs for rescheduling of hedging instruments Costs for new hedging instruments (1,500) Fair value change in hedging instruments immediately passed to the Income Statement 17,387 (1,930) (4,583) (101,202) (680) Inflation swap differentials Financial charges corresponding to the reversal of reserves from "Cash Flow Hedge" for early settled hedging instruments and related costs Financial charges for early settlement of borrow ings and hedging instruments (71,246) (7,029) (1,773) (5,601) (174,221) (13,310) Financial charges on property sales Financial charges on property sales and early redemptions (504) (30,495) Sundry financial charges (788) (1,253) Total financial charges (313,183) (126,972) Total (310,986) (125,644) 6.6.7 Income/charges from associates and other companies 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Write-up of investments in associates 676 Capital gains from disposal of investments in associates - Write-dow n of investments in associates 546 (4) Total incom e/(charges) from ass ociates 672 Write-dow n of investments in other companies (18,272) Write-up of investments in other companies - Dividends (18,240) 148 (33) 1,218 (1,701) 26 32 Total incom e/(charges) from other com panies 705 56 (1,619) 6.6.8 Income tax 31.12.2014 Current taxes 31.12.2013 (2,373) Deferred tax liabilities (3,528) 7,511 Deferred tax assets 271 (721) Total taxes for the year (current and deferred) 23,846 4,417 Recalculation of current taxes relating to previous years 20,589 (1,776) 205 Recalculation of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relating to previous years (*) (62,913) 4,484 Total net incom e and charges for recalculating tax for previous financial years (64,689) 4,689 Total taxes (60,272) 25,278 (*) The item, for 2014, includes the amount of 62,191 thousand of Euro for the release of deferred tax assets as a result of the regulations introduced in the financial year by Italian Law Decree 133/2014. Current and deferred taxes for the year are detailed in the following table. Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 IRES Current taxes IRAP (428) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Total (1,945) IRES (2,373) IRAP (2,383) Total (1,145) (3,528) Deferred tax assets for: - tax losses - difference betw een carrying amount and tax value of properties (11) (1,973) - differences betw een carrying amount and tax value of investments and quotas of funds 1,387 - costs not deducted (103) Total deferred tax assets (700) (21) - (11) 24 (1,994) 22,847 - 24 58 22,905 1,387 927 53 980 - (103) (52) (11) (63) (21) (721) 23,746 100 23,846 Deferred tax liabilities for: - difference betw een carrying amount and tax value of properties - differences betw een carrying amount and tax value of investments and quotas of funds - income from the application of effective interest rate method - untaxed income for recognition of fair value of hedging instruments - Capital gain for repurchase of Imser securities 3,923 2 - (5) 20 3,576 (5) (528) 344 (184) 2 (277) (56) (333) - - - other minor differences Total deferred tax liabilities 7,516 (5) General total 6,388 (1,971) 149 3,918 - - 5 20 - 44 5 - 3,576 763 - (5) 7,511 (24) 288 4,417 (17) 21,346 (757) 44 763 (24) 271 20,589 6.6.9 Earnings per share For both years under comparison, as required by IAS 33 "Earnings per share", the Income Statement indicates the basic and diluted earnings/(losses) per share in relation to the net Group income, attributable to holders of ordinary equities of the Parent Company. To this end, basic earnings per share have been calculated as the ratio of the net Group income to the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The share average, for the purposes of calculation of diluted earnings per share, was determined by adding the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue in the year, used to calculate basic earnings per share, and the weighted average of potential additional ordinary shares, with dilution effects, considered as converted to ordinary shares from the start of the period or their issue date, if later. The net income for the year used to calculate the diluted earnings per share was subsequently adjusted for costs for the year (net of the related tax effect) in relation to the financial instruments corresponding to the potential additional ordinary shares with diluting effects, assuming that such costs would not arise if the potential shares were converted. It should be noted that said potential ordinary shares in issue are only considered to have a dilutive effect when their conversion to ordinary shares has the effect of reducing earnings per share or increasing the loss per share. There are no potential shares with a dilutive effect for 2014, whereas for 2013 there was a dilution due to potential shares from convertible bonds. 2014 financial year 2013 financial year Net Group income (thousand of Euro) (231,605) (4,212) Net Group income adjusted to calculate diluted earnings per share (thousand of Euro) (231,605) (13,683) Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the year 1,985,136,020 1,915,341,904 Weighted average of ordinary shares for the year for the diluted earnings per share 1,985,136,020 2,000,638,791 Basic earnings per share (0.11667) (0.00220) Diluted earnings per share (0.11667) (0.00684) 150 7 LITIGATION AND CONTINGENCIES Civil litigations A litigation against the Municipality of Rome and other litigations relating to an appeal against the expropriation order regarding land in Rome (Granai di Nerva district) This is a litigation against the Municipality of Rome, arising in the eighties between Iniziativa Granai di Nerva S.r.l. (subsequently merged with Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2005, in turn merged with Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ in 2007), regarding the expropriation of the land in Granai di Nerva, Rome. The judgements passed in 2003 following the outcome of judgements at first instance (43 in number), aimed at determining the extent of compensation, established the Group's right to damages for reverse accession of the area in favour of the Municipality of Rome. These judgements were challenged before the Court of Appeal, as the damages awarded by the judges of the court of first instance was insufficient in relation to the effective damages incurred and this also in the light of some errors contained, as identified by the claimant Company and its counsels, in the expert appraisals presented in court. Therefore, during the appeal, the Constitutional Court, with judgements no. 348/07 and no. 349/07, established the unconstitutionality (on the basis of Article 117 of the Constitution and Article 1 of the additional Protocol of the European Court of Human Rights) of Article 5 bis, section 7 bis, of Law no. 359 of 1992, in the part that provides for a reduction of expropriation compensation in case of illegal occupation of land for reasons of public utility, in place of compensation based on the selling value of the occupied area. Subsequently, in the judgements passed in 2008 by the Court of Appeal, the criteria for calculating the interest due to Beni Stabili were made more favourable. However, considering that the mentioned decisions, albeit increasing the amount of the compensation in favour of the claimant Company, did not take the aforementioned rulings of the Constitutional Court into due consideration, Beni Stabili presented subsequently no. 42 appeals before the Court of Cassation against all the mentioned court orders (except for a dispute for which the Court of Appeal had established the extinction of the legal right to compensation for damages) on the basis of the following legal considerations: i) breach and unfounded application of the principles established by the Constitutional Court in judgement 349/07; ii) invalidity of the judgement and proceedings for failure to rule on the grounds for appeal regarding the objections made by the claimant Company with regard to the expert appraisal made by the Court. In 2011 and 2012, the Court of Cassation rejected the appeals lodged by Beni Stabili. However, considering that the Court of Cassation does not seem to have considered any assessment on the actual market value of assets but seems to have ruled on the basis of an uncritical adherence to expert opinions, Beni Stabili decided to enforce its own reasons by proposing a repeal judgement of the sentences issued. Consequently, during the first half of 2013, appeals for cancellation against the judgements of the Court of Cassation were filed; the hearings were held in the last months of 2013 and in the first months of 2014. However, the judgements of the Court of Cassation that rejected the lodged appeals for cancellation were filed. Therefore, Beni Stabili considered to align the carrying amount of the expropriated assets with what is due to it pursuant to the judgements passed by the Court of Appeal and that are no longer subject to further appeal. 151 Litigation against the Municipality of Rome relating to an appeal against the expropriation order regarding the land in Rome (Pietralata district) The action brought in 2001 by Immobiliare Pietralata 87 S.r.l. (company merged in Sport Garden 90 S.r.l. in 2003, which was subsequently merged in Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2007, merged in turn in Beni Stabili) against the Municipality of Rome regards an appeal against the expropriation order regarding land located in Via del Tufo, in the district of Pietralata in Rome (18,497 sq.m.) and, in particular, the calculation of the compensation for expropriation acknowledged by the Municipality of Rome. The sentence issued by the Court of Appeal of Rome on 16 May 2005, partially upholding our claims, established the expropriation compensation at 1,434 thousand of Euro. In addition to this compensation, the Court of Appeal also recognised the legal interest from the date of the expropriation order up to the payment date, legal costs and the expert appraiser's expenses. However, the Company appealed to the Court of Cassation against the mentioned judgements of Italy's Court of Appeal in order to obtain higher compensation, even though the amount recognised fully covered the carrying amount of the expropriated assets (979 thousand of Euro). In the meantime, in keeping with the principle set out by the Constitutional Court in 2007, the 2008 Finance Act changed the criteria for calculating compensation for expropriation, comparing it to the sale price of the expropriated property. Therefore, the judgement of the Court of Cassation, filed on 22 May 2013, quashed the judgment under appeal and calculated the expropriation compensation of 2,865 thousand of Euro, plus legal interests to be calculated as from the date of the expropriation order on the amount due net of the amount already deposited with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The procedure for collecting the amount of 1,808 thousand of Euro is currently underway deposited with the Ministry of Economy and Finance as a result of the approval issued by the Municipality of Rome, with director's decision no. 1090 of 23 September 2014 and delivered to Beni Stabili on 22 January 2015. Litigation against the Municipality of Rome relating to the sale of a property in via Valle dei Fontanili, Rome A litigation originally started by Edil Laurenthia 72 S.p.A. (merged in Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2005, in turn merged in Beni Stabili in 2007) against the Municipality of Rome, relating to the request for payment by the Company of the balance of the price for the sale in favour of the mentioned Municipality of a serviced accommodation in Rome, known as “Residence Fabianella”, is pending to date. In 2004, the Court of Cassation quashed the ruling on appeal that had confirmed the judgement requiring the Municipality of Rome to pay a total amount of 4,241 thousand of Euro (carrying amount of the expropriated assets) equal to the difference between the price agreed in the sales document and the price subsequently decreased by the Municipality of Rome. Therefore, the interpretation of the contractual will of the parties in relation to whether reference should be made or not to the regulations governing contracts with public authorities was referred to another section of the Court of Appeal. In the proceedings following referral of the case before the Court of Appeal, Beni Stabili reiterated its claim that, in view of the fact that the price stated in the contract of sale (entered into with the Municipality of Rome in 1990) was agreed conventionally by the municipality under private law, it should have been acknowledged and paid in full, as provided for in the contract. Judgement no. 3575/09 of the Court of Appeal deposited in September 2009 established that the price that 152 had to apply to the sale was not the one agreed by the parties but the one determined by considering the lease value of the property in accordance with Article 12-24 of Italian Law 392/78. Hence, the Court of Appeal believed that the intention of the Parties was to make a “fixed” reference to the law provisions mentioned above in order to calculate the price of the sale and that, as a consequence, this reference would work despite the subsequent repeal of the law provisions that enacted this method for calculating the purchase price. Therefore, the judgement refused to recognise the right of Beni Stabili to the amount of 4,241 thousand of Euro as the price difference of the sale. In 2010, Beni Stabili lodged an appeal against this ruling before the Court of Cassation. By judgement deposited on 2 December 2013, the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal. Beni Stabili, also according to the opinions expressed by its legal counsels, believes that there are valid reasons of law to uphold that this judgement of the Court of Cassation is affected by an error of fact, and therefore, resolved upon proposing an appeal for the cancellation of the decision of the Court of Cassation in order to protect at best its own claims; appeal that was notified at the beginning of June 2014. However, subsequently, considering that the Court of Cassation is recently becoming fixed on a rather restrictive position on the identification of the errors known as “revocatory” (going back to conservative positions), Beni Stabili deemed it appropriate to fully write down its carrying amount of the expropriated assets. Litigations against Fallimento Magazzini Darsena S.p.A., Fallimento Darsena F.M. S.r.l. and Partxco S.p.A. As from 2010, Beni Stabili started several litigations before the competent trial courts in order to acknowledge its right to obtain the payment of the rents not paid by Magazzini Darsena S.p.A. and by its sub-tenant Darsena FM S.r.l., in relation to the shopping mall Darsena City in Ferrara. Moreover, a claim for arbitration was filed by Beni Stabili with the Milan Arbitration Chamber, for ascertainment of the legitimacy to obtain an adjustment reducing the sale price paid to the seller Magazzini Darsena S.p.A. for the purchase of the aforementioned Shopping Mall, together with ascertainment of the obligation of Magazzini Darsena S.p.A., Darsena F.M. S.r.l. and the parent company Partxco S.p.A. (the latter two as jointly liable) to pay future rents and the penalty already accrued due to failure to deliver a further part of the Shopping Mall. On 8 July 2013, this arbitration ended with the lodging of the award by the Arbitration Court, which primarily ordered (i) Partxco to pay 12.5 million of Euro by way of compensation due to nonpayment of rents, (ii) Magazzini Darsena and Partxco to pay 16 million of Euro by way of penalty due to delay in delivery of the property unit "B" and (iii) Magazzini Darsena, Darsena FM and Partxco to pay 2.5 million of Euro by way of price adjustment of the property unit "A" (an amount that Beni Stabili has already collected through the enforcement of the bank guarantee issued by the counterparties for this purpose and mentioned below). Finally, the counterparties were ordered to refund some legal costs as well as three fourths of the expenses of the arbitration proceedings. Moreover, in the meantime, during the course of the mentioned litigations, the bank guarantee of 2.5 million of Euro handed over by Magazzini Darsena, as a guarantee for the payment for adjusting the sale price, was enforced. This bank guarantee was collected subsequently as a result of the judgement in favour of Beni Stabili, delivered in the injunction judgement of the enforcement started by Magazzini Darsena and ended positively during the claim. 153 As a result of persistent disclosures of the increasingly difficult situation of the counterparties and in the absence of proposals from the parties themselves that would allow conclusion of the proceedings, Beni Stabili and the co-owner of the shopping mall, IGD S.p.A. SIIQ, have also presented, pending the course of the above mentioned judgements, the claims for declaration of bankruptcy of the companies concerned in order to obtain, as soon as possible, the availability of the business conducted in the shopping mall, with a view to its relaunch. These proceedings were then concluded, following the release of the arbitration award, with the declaration of bankruptcy, on 29 July 2013, of Magazzini Darsena and Darsena FM. Following the aforementioned declaration of bankruptcy, Beni Stabili was then able to reach an agreement on 29 October 2013, as a partial settlement, with the receiver. By virtue of the mentioned settlement agreement, the property was returned to Beni Stabili by Magazzini Darsena, the Company acquired the firm (with the relating marketing authorisations) from Darsena FM for 0.3 million of Euro plus taxes, cancelled the preliminary agreement for the purchase of the adjacent property called property B and its related contracts, obtained the final acceptance by Magazzini Darsena of the price reduction of 2.5 million of Euro for the trading of property A (an amount that Beni Stabili has already collected through the enforcement of the surety mentioned above). As part of the mentioned transaction, Beni Stabili did not waive all the receivables accrued until the declaration of bankruptcy and recognised by the judgements passed as a result of the judgements undertaken with regard to the bankrupt companies that therefore were almost entirely admitted to bankruptcy proceedings. On 12 June 2014, the company Partxco S.p.A. filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal of Milan against the arbitration award issued by the Arbitration Court in July 2013. As a result of this notification, Beni Stabili lodged a bankruptcy petition with regard to the company Partxco, (in arrangement before bankruptcy). Recently, the Company became aware of the declaration of bankruptcy also of the mentioned company after which the arbitration was interrupted. Therefore, the decision of the receiver on whether these proceedings will be resumed is still pending. 154 Tax litigations and inspections Below are the main tax litigations that involved Group companies during the year. I. Litigations related to the parent company Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ In relation to tax inspections, note that, during the previous year, the Tax Authority informed Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ that it would have started a general tax inspection for the 2011 tax period, which to date has not yet started. Notice of settlement concerning acquisition of the investment in Immobiliare Fortezza S.r.l. In 2009, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ received a notice of settlement for registration tax, stamp duty and land registry tax regarding the purchase from Fondo Pensioni per il Personale della Banca Commerciale Italiana (the Comit Fund), finalised in 2006, of the investment in Immobiliare Fortezza S.r.l., transferee company of the real estate portfolio of the Comit Fund. In the notice, the Tax Authority requested the payment of a total amount, for taxes and interest on the date of notice, of 114,961 thousand of Euro; the same notice of settlement, laying claims of the same amount and for the same reason, was notified to the counterparty Comit Fund, jointly and severally liable of the Company with regard to the Tax Authority. The notices of settlement are based on the requalification of transaction for the direct transfer of the real estate portfolio from the Comit Fund to Beni Stabili S.p.A. and, therefore, on the substantial refusal to acknowledge the applied facility (through taxation in a fixed proportion, as envisaged by Article 18 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 124/1993 for pension funds) at the time of transfer of the properties to the transferee company, resulting in the application of proportional taxes usually due for the sale of the properties. Both the Company and the Comit Fund appealed to the Provincial Tax Commission of Milan that, by judgement deposited on February 2010, fully rejected the appeals, confirming the tax authority claims. Consequently, both the Company and the Comit Fund (following a transitional arrangement intended to regulate relationships in the course of proceedings and without prejudice to mutual rights of recourse at the end of the proceedings) paid 58,211 thousand of Euro each, 50% of the amounts requested for payment, plus accrued interest in the course of the proceedings. In August 2010, the Company and the Comit Fund filed an appeal against the first instance judgement, with which the claims of the notice of settlement were confirmed, before the Regional Tax Commission of Lombardy that fully accepted the company’s appeal. Therefore, in April 2012, the Tax Authority refunded the amounts claimed by the notice of settlement and 50% paid, pending judgement, by the Company and by the Comit Fund as a result of the unfavourable judgement issued by the judges of the court of first instance. The judgement issued by the second instance judges in favour of the company (and of the Comit Fund) was appealed before the Court of Cassation by the government lawyers on behalf of the Tax Authority. In April 2012, the Company (like the Comit Fund) filed a counter-appeal and cross-appeal before the Court of Cassation to resist the tax claims and obtain the confirmation of the favourable ruling of the court of appeal; the date for the hearing has still not been set. The economic importance of the dispute together with the fact of being highly debatable, because of the strong changes in case law, of the legal issues brought to the attention of the tax courts in the dispute in 155 question (that caused initially the Company to lose the lawsuit in the first instance, resulting in a provision for risks of 42,000 thousand of Euro and subsequently win the lawsuit in the second instance, by releasing the fund for the same amount) lead to continue to consider that it would be unlikely for a final liability to arise as a result of the judgement, albeit possible. Notice of assessment concerning disposal of the investment in Telemaco Immobiliare S.p.A. In 2007, Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. (merged into Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) received a notice of assessment with a demand for higher IRAP taxes of 2,710 thousand of Euro plus penalties and interest, for the alleged failure to pay taxes in 2002 on the capital gains achieved from the disposal of its investment in Telemaco Immobiliare S.p.A. A claim was made against this notice of assessment with the Provincial Tax Commission and the Regional Tax Commission of Lazio; both of them confirmed the claims of the Tax Authority. Against the judgement issued by the second instance judges, supported by reasons with invalid and groundless allegations, the Company filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Cassation and the date for the hearing has still not been set. In accordance with the specific validity of the legal arguments that made to support the Company's rationale before the Court of Cassation and the fact that the court may therefore overturn the previous rulings against the Company, we believe that, including on the basis of the tax opinions received, it would be unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (6,178 thousand of Euro, recognised as tax receivables). Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2008 Following a general tax audit relating to the 2008 tax period, on 17 December 2013, the Tax Authority served the notices of assessment with which it made an upward adjustment to the IRES, IRAP and VAT taxes of 3,655 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interests. The complaints contained in the tax deeds mainly concern the contested deductibility of interest expense related to mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR and for the services rendered by the controlling company Foncière des Régions S.A. As described below, the company, in January 2015, signed a settlement before the court procedure with the Tax Authority, with which it settled the disputes for the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. and other minor disputes. Therefore, the dispute continues only for the controversial deductibility of interest expense related to mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR, with a tax claim of 2,786 thousand of Euro plus penalties and interests. The claim of the Tax Authority, also on the basis of tax opinions obtained, is held to be generally illegitimate and was validly contested by the company in the appeal filed in February 2014; the date for the hearing has still not been set. Based on the debatability of the objections raised and on the consistency of defensive reasons of the Company carried out in the defensive deeds, it would be unlikely – also as a result of the lack of case law precedents on the specific issue, – for a final liability to arise as a result of the judgement, albeit possible. Consequently, no provisions have been recorded in this regard. Notice of IRES and IRAP tax assessment - tax period 2007 and 2008 156 In January 2015, the company defined, by means of the settlement before the court, the litigation established as a result of the notice of assessment received for the contested deductibility, for IRES and IRAP purposes, of the costs for the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. for the 2007 tax period. As part of the agreement for the settlement before the court related to the 2007 tax period, the company was able to partially settle also the litigation established for the 2008 tax period, with reference to the findings for the deductibility of the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. and of other minor litigations on IRES, IRAP and VAT. The agreement reached is met with the provisions set aside in time for potential tax liabilities. The litigations at issue will be settled as a result of the specific decree of partial or total settlement of the judgements in progress, which will be adopted by the competent Provincial Tax Commission of Rome, it being understood that, as said previously, for the 2008 tax period the litigation will continue in relation to the only litigation related to the non-deductibility of interest expenses on mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR, for which reference is made to what is described below. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2009 On 21 May 2014, the Tax Authority, acknowledging the findings proposed in the Report on Findings of the verification concerning exclusively the correct deductibility of interest expense for IRES purposes pursuant to Article 96 TUIR for the 2009 tax period, served the notice of assessment with which it requested the payment of an upward adjustment to the IRES tax of 1,821 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interests. On 18 July 2014, a claim was filed before the relevant Provincial Tax Commission of Rome; the date for the hearing has still not been set. As for the 2008 tax period, this claim is considered, also on the basis of tax opinions obtained, baseless as well, and was validly contested in the filed appeal, consequently it was unlikely for a potential liability to arise, albeit possible, and therefore, has not given rise to any provision in these financial statements. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax periods 2002/2003 In 2005, two notices of assessment were notified, following the tax inspection undergone for the 2002 and 2003 tax periods, with a claim for upward adjustment to taxes of 284 thousand of Euro and 1,561 thousand of Euro, respectively. For the 2002 tax period, in May 2014, the hearing took place at the Regional Tax Commission of Rome, which accepted the reasons of the Company; the terms for a possible appeal before the Court of Cassation by the Office are still pending. Whereas, with regard to the 2003 tax period, after two judgements favourable to the Company, the judgement is still pending before the Supreme Court of Cassation; the date for the hearing has still not been set. On the basis of the grounds for resistance presented in the previous judgements, we believe that, also based on tax opinions obtained, it is reasonable to consider that the reasons of the Company would continue to be accepted. Notice of IRES and IRAP tax assessment - tax period 2004 157 Following a general tax audit relating to the 2004 tax period, the Tax Authority served a notice of findings during 2009 with which it made an upward adjustment to the IRES and IRAP due from the Company, with a demand for total higher taxes of 1,162 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interest. The claims made in the demand mainly concern recalculation of the capital gains realised following the transfer of a property to a real estate fund. On 5 May 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the Office against the judgement issued by the first instance judges that had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Provincial Tax Commission of Lazio, which confirmed the decision of the judges of the court of first instance during the hearing of 11 November 2014. The terms for a possible appeal before the Supreme Court of Cassation by the Tax Authority are still pending. Therefore, the company is preparing the demand for compensation of the amounts paid pending judgement (722 thousand of Euro, recognised as tax receivables). Notice of settlement concerning acquisition of the investment in Montenero S.r.l. In 2009, the Milan Tax Authority served Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (as the incorporating company of Sport Garden '90 S.r.l.) with a notice of settlement of registration tax on the acquisition of the global investment in Montenero S.r.l., a company established by the seller following the transfer of the Montenero di Bisaccia shopping mall business unit. The Tax Authority saw fit to requalify the transaction described into a single contract for the direct transfer of the business unit, with the subsequent demand for payment of "supplementary" registration tax of roughly 400 thousand of Euro, plus interest and penalties. In June 2012, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the office against the judgement issued by the second instance judges, which had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Supreme Court of Cassation; the date for the hearing has still not been set. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2005 Following a general tax inspection relating to the 2005 tax period, the Tax Authority, during 2010, served a notice of assessment with which it contested the use of prior tax losses, making an upward adjustment to taxes 341 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interest. In April 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the Office against the judgement issued by the first instance judges that had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Provincial Tax Commission of Lazio; the hearing will be discussed next February 2015. The Tax Authority claim, also based on tax opinions obtained, is considered unlawful and unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (139 thousand of Euro recognised as tax receivables). Tax-assessment notice concerning the disputed offsetting of a VAT tax receivable In 2012, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, received a tax-assessment notice by which the Tax Authority rejected the validity of offsetting the VAT receivable amounting to 149 thousand of Euro, deriving from merged Companies and used within the VAT procedure of the Beni Stabili group, applying penalties and interest. In July 2012, a claim was filed before the relevant Provincial Tax Commission of Rome and the date for the hearing has still not been set. 158 The Tax Authority claim, also based on tax opinions obtained, is considered unlawful and unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (219 thousand of Euro recognised as tax receivables). II. Litigations concerning other Companies in the Group Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. - Tax collection notice concerning the disputed offsetting of an IRES tax receivable In 2012, the Company received a tax-assessment notice by which the Tax Authority rejected the validity of transferring the IRES receivable amounting to 175 thousand of Euro, from Beni Stabili S.p.A. to Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. and used by the latter for offsetting the payment of its taxes. As a result of the appeal filed by the Company in June 2012 with the Provincial Tax Commission of Rome, the Tax Authority issued, before the hearing, a full tax relief order of the challenged tax-assessment notice. Therefore, the litigation has been settled; the amounts paid pending judgement is still to be refund (272 thousand of Euro and recognised as tax receivables). 8 COMMITMENTS Except for the matters described below, as at 31 December 2014, there were no significant contractual risks and commitments other than those covered by standard guarantees given by the Group in relation to property sales and investment disposals. With reference to the urban development costs relating to the Garibaldi complex development project, note that, in order to issue the building permit, towards the end of 2011 the Municipality of Milan quantified the primary and second urban development costs and standard monetisation as a total of 24,343 thousand of Euro. Agreements between the Municipality and the owners envisage that this commitment will be paid by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, in addition to cash payments, also by disposal (completed in 2014) of the area in Via Elio Vittorini, Milan, after the demolition of the building standing on that area and the construction of a public park on the same area. In this context note also the settlement agreement reached with Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (vendor of the Garibaldi property complex), according to which that company paid part of the aforementioned costs, i.e. 6,000 thousand of Euro. After the sale of the areas above, the obligations with regard to the Municipality were substantially fulfilled. Any final adjustment will be carried out in the coming months. In relation to the "Symbiosis" project (MI – Ripamonti development area), in February 2014, an act amending the relevant Town Planning Agreement was signed with the Municipality of Milan that envisaged the payment in favour of the Municipality of 7,239 thousand of Euro, for the monetisation of urban standards, to be paid in 4 instalments of the same amount, the first two of which paid in 2014 and the other two to be paid no later than 12 months and 18 months, respectively, from the signing date. As a guarantee for this obligation, a surety was issued in favour of the Municipality of Milan. 159 9 INTERCOMPANY TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN BENI STABILI GROUP COMPANIES, TRANSACTIONS WITH THE PARENT COMPANY AND WITH RELATED PARTIES Relations between Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and its direct or indirect subsidiaries are primarily of a financial nature and take the form of running accounts. These current account relations were interest bearing and subject to the 3-month Euribor plus a spread of 4 percentage points. In addition to current account relations, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ granted a number of loans to direct and indirect subsidiaries, as described below: a loan granted to B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. (for the original amount of 21,000 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 22,783 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l.: i) a loan (for a maximum original amount of 21,500 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 18,618 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; ii) a second loan (for a maximum amount of 76,300 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 22,513 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; iii) a third loan (for a maximum amount of 65,000 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 68,342 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; a loan granted to Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. for a maximum amount of 56,000 thousand of Euro, to be disbursed in one or more tranches and interest-bearing (capitalised as at 31 December every year) at a fixed rate, with repayment of each tranche disbursed in aggregate no later than 7 years from the date of each disbursement, amounting to 949 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014. Note that in December 2014 Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. made the partial repayment of 4,453 thousand of Euro. In addition to the above, during 2014, the subsidiary B.S. 7 S.p.A. repaid in full the loan granted to it by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (that as at 31 December 2013 amounted to 6,618 thousand of Euro). Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and some of its subsidiaries are also engaged in trade relations referred to staff secondment, property leases and property, legal, administrative and financial services. The above transactions are conducted on an arm's length basis. Specifically, with reference to property leases, note that as at 31 December 2014 the following contracts were in place between Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and a number of its subsidiaries and associates: 160 - with R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l.: i) a lease contract on property units in the "Il Ducale" shopping mall in Beinasco (Turin) expiring 31 December 2017; ii) a lease contract on property units in the "Le Fornaci" shopping mall in Vigevano (Pavia) expiring 31 December 2018. Both contracts provided for a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related businesses to third parties; - with B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l., a lease contract on a number of property units in the Galleria del Corso, Milan with a 6-year term from April 2011 (automatically renewed for a further six years unless cancelled) and a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related business units (with a minimum guaranteed of 250 thousand of Euro per year); - with B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l., a lease contract on a number of property units in the Galleria del Corso, Milan with a 6-year term from April 2011 (automatically renewed for a further six years unless cancelled) and a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related business units (with a minimum guaranteed of 250 thousand of Euro per year); - with Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR (merged in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR effective as from 1 January 2015) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 31 March 2016 and envisages a rent accrued for 2014 of 569 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year); - with Real Estate Solution & Technology S.r.l. (company 20% owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 30 October 2017 and envisages an rent accrued for 2014 of 25 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year); - with Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. (company 37% owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 31 January 2016 and envisages an annual rent accrued for 2014 of 257 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year). Furthermore, note that the following contracts between B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ and some companies of the Group exist as at 31 December 2014: - with Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, a lease contract on a number of property units in via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 10, Milan. This contract expires on 4 May 2018 and envisages a rent accrued for 2014 of 773 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year); - with Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR (merged in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR effective as from 1 January 2015) a gratuitous bailment on a number of property units in via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 10, Milan. This contract expires on 10 May 2019; - with B.S. Engineering s.r.l. a lease contract on a number of property units in via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n.10, Milan. This contract expires on 30 September 2019 and envisages a rent accrued for 2014 of 155 thousand of Euro. 161 - with Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. (company 37% owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ), a gratuitous bailment on a number of property units in via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 10, Milan. This contract expires on 31 January 2015. In addition to the above, the company Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. provides in favour of some companies of the Group property management services whose consideration for 2014 was 3,183 thousand of Euro (3,337 thousand of Euro for the year 2013). Note that, along with most of the direct or indirect subsidiaries, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ has adopted the Group tax consolidation. Note the following regarding relations with the Parent Company Foncière des Régions S.A.: Foncière des Régions S.A. provided Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIINQ with sundry consultancy services whose cost for the 2014 financial year was 540 thousand of Euro (364 thousand of Euro for the 2013 financial year); the Controlling Company is in charge of an existing cash pooling contract. Note that as at 31 December 2014 this contract has never been activated; Foncière des Régions S.A. decided on a free-share grant to certain employees of the Beni Stabili Group. Specifically, on 31 December 2014, Group employees (in service as at that date) were assigned a total of 22,550 free Foncière des Régions S.A. shares (excluding those assigned to the staff of the associate Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A.) that will be made available in various tranches in the 2015-2018 period provided employee service continues. It should be specified that for the plans started in 2012, 2013 and 2014 (totalling 19,300 free shares), the Group will pay (in annual tranches of equal amount for each plan) Foncière des Régions S.A. a consideration equal to their fair value on the date of assignment to the beneficiaries. For this reason, the total cost recognised to the income statement for these free share plans, of 250 thousand of Euro was recognised against equity of 28 thousand of Euro and against a payable to the parent company of 222 thousand of Euro. Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ is subject to the management and control of Foncière des Régions S.A., with registered office in Metz (France). Please refer to the separate and consolidated financial statements of Foncière des Régions S.A. and the various management reports for a more complete overview of the equity and financial position and the results of Foncière des Régions S.A. and the Foncière des Régions Group as at 31 December 2013. With reference to relations with other related parties, note that: i. in May 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Luxottica Group S.p.A. a lease contract of the property of Milan – Piazza S. Nicolao, with a 7-year and 5 month term (renewable for another 6 years) and annual rent in force of 5,400 thousand of Euro. The transaction is considered as a "related party transaction" of greater importance, in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Regulation of Related Party Transactions" adopted by the Company. The counterparty of the transaction (Luxottica Group S.p.A.) is actually a company indirectly controlled by Leonardo Del 162 Vecchio, Board Director of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and Deputy Chairman of Foncière des Régions S.A. The draft contract was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company, during the meeting held on 15 April 2014, which considered it in line with the market and, in that an "ordinary" transaction, the Company made use of the relevant case of exclusion from the full application of the company Procedure; ii. In January 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Partimmo S.r.l. (company indirectly controlled by Leonardo Del Vecchio) two lease contracts covering some portions of the property in Milan – Piazza San Fedele, with a 4- and 6-year term and an annual rent of 630 and 55 thousand of Euro, respectively. The signing of these contracts, because of their value, can be classified as an ordinary transaction "of lesser significance" as part of the hierarchy of importance defined in the company procedure on related party transactions; iii. in December 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ sold to Partimmo S.r.l. the portion for residential use of the building Piazza San Fedele, Milan, for a consideration of 13,000 thousand of Euro. This sale occurred for a valued in line with the market. In that an “ordinary” transaction as well as “of lesser significance”, the Company made use of the exclusion clause from the full application of the company procedure for the regulation of related party transactions. 163 10. REMUNERATION OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS The Consolidated Financial Statements of the Beni Stabili Group were audited by Mazars S.p.A. In compliance with the provisions of Article 149-duodecies of Consob’s Issuers’ Regulation, a statement is provided below to summarise remuneration due for 2014 for audit services and for any non-audit services provided to Group companies by Mazars S.p.A. and by its network partners. To complete the information, remuneration due for the year for services provided to Group companies by other independent auditors is also indicated. Type of services Entity providing the service Beneficiary Audit Mazars S.p.A. Parent company Audit Mazars S.p.A. Subsidiaries 31.12.2014 247 115 5 Comfort letter on the requirements for continuing operations under the SIIQ Mazars S.p.A. Parent company Comfort letter on the requirements for continuing operations under the SIINQMazars S.p.A. Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Review of Imser 60 quarterly report Pricew aterhouseCoopers S.p.A. Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. 29 Review of US GAAP reporting for the IREF real estate fund Pricew aterhouseCoopers S.p.A. Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. SGR 30 Review of US GAAP reporting for other real estate funds managed Mazars S.p.A. Total Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. SGR 5 4 435 In addition to what is stated in the table above, during 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ entrusted Mazars S.p.A.: i) with the tasks of issuing the fairness opinion on the share exchange ratio with regard to the two bonds issued during the year, for total remunerations (including refund of expenses) of 107 thousand of Euro. In accordance with the accounting standards, the above costs were recognised as a decrease in the fair value (on the issue date) of the two bonds (in accordance with the amortised cost method); ii) with the task of performing agreed audit activities with a view to issuing a required comfort opinion as part of the procedure of paid share capital increase, for total remunerations (including refund of expenses) of 66 thousand of Euro, which in accordance with the IAS/IFRS principles were directly recognised as a decrease in Equity; iii) with the task of advice with a view to merger of Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR into Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. – SGR, for total remunerations of 28 thousand of Euro. 164 Annexes List of consolidated companies Reconciliation of equity and profit for the year of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and consolidated Equity and profit for the year attributable to the Group Financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Beni Stabili Group Annexe 1 to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 Declaration pursuant to the provisions of Article 154-bis of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 and Article 81-ter of Consob Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999 and subsequent amendments and additions The undersigned, Aldo Mazzocco and Luca Lucaroni, in their capacities as Chief Executive Officer and Manager responsible for preparing the company’s accounting documents of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, in accordance with provisions of Article 154-bis, paragraphs 3 and 4, Italian Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, confirm: • the adequacy with regard to the characteristics of the Beni Stabili Group and • the effective application of administrative and accounting procedures for preparing the 2014 Consolidated Financial Statements. Furthermore, they certify that: (1) the Consolidated Financial Statements: a) have been prepared in compliance with international accounting standards endorsed by the European Union pursuant to European Parliament and Council Regulation no. 1606/2002/EC of 19 July 2002; b) are consistent with the books and accounting entries; c) provide a true and fair view of the equity, economic and financial position of the Beni Stabili Group; (2) the Management Report includes a reliable analysis of the trend in and results of operations, as well as the position of the Beni Stabili Group, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties the Group is exposed to. 10 February 2015 Chief Executive Officer The Manager responsible for preparing [signed] the Company’s accounting documents [signed] ______________________ ___________________________ (Aldo Mazzocco) (Luca Lucaroni) 166 Beni Stabili Group Annexe 2 to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statement as at 31 December 2014 LIST OF COMPANIES INCLUDED IN THE SCOPE OF CONSOLIDATION Company name investment % Registered office Share capital (in €) Consolidation Business Intercompany financial investments Notes SUBSIDIARIES: OF BENI STABILI S.p.A. SIIQ B.S.7 S.p.A. 100% Rome - Via Piemonte n. 38 520.000 Line-by-line IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 2.000.000 Line-by-line Property Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 120.000 Line-by-line Property service B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 10.000 Line-by-line Property B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 10.000 Line-by-line Property B.S. Attività Commerciali 3 S.r.l. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 10.000 Line-by-line Property B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 1.000.000 Line-by-line Property B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 120.000 Line-by-line Property R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 10.000 Line-by-line Property RDG Ferrara 2013 S.r.l. 50% Rome - Via Piemonte n. 38 100.000 Equity method Property Imser S.r.l. in liquidation 60% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 21.165 Line-by-line Property Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. S.G.R. 75% Rome - Via Piemonte n. 38 16.820.000 Line-by-line Asset management company Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. 55% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 10.000 Line-by-line Property Beni Stabili Real Estate Advisory S.r.l. 100% Rome - Via Piemonte n. 38 10.000 Line-by-line Property service B.S. Engineering S.r.l. 100% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 110.000 Line-by-line Property service NPLs RE_Solution S.r.l. 50% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 20.000 Equity method Debt collection company (1) OF B.S. 7 S.p.A. Imser Securitisation S.r.l. 100% Milan - Viale Majno n. 45 10.000 Line-by-line Law 130/99 (2) Imser Securitisation 2 S.r.l. 100% Milan - Viale Majno n. 45 10.000 Line-by-line Law 130/99 (2) 80% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 120.000 Line-by-line Property 31,80% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100.000 Line-by-line Property 100.000 Line-by-line Property 10.000 Line-by-line Property OF BENI STABILI DEVELOPMENT S.p.A. Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. OF BENI STABILI DEVELOPMENT MILANO GREENWAY S.p.A. Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. 68,20% Milan - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. 100,00% Rome - Via Piemonte n. 38 Note: (1) Closed for liquidation on date 30 September 2014. (2) The companies have been acquired in December 2014. However, they were consolidated under IAS rules also before their acquisition. The reasons for the consolidation of these company are described in section 4.3 of the notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. 167 Beni Stabili Group Annexe 3 to the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) RECONCILIATION OF EQUITY AND PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE YEAR OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ AND CONSOLIDATED EQUITY AND PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE YEAR ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP Capital and reserves Separate Financial Statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as at 31 December 2014 Net income (including the effect of the accounting of derivatives according to hedge accounting rules) of subsidiaries for previous and current years Measurement of investments in associates with the equity method (and related tax effect) Change in the period in Equity of subsidiaries due to the accounting of derivatives according to cash flow hedge rules and related effects of intercompany transactions Intercompany transactions (property, investment and intercompany service trading) Consolidated effect of repurchase of Imser Sec. bonds Consolidated adjustment of the property in via Cornaggia, Milan (Headquarter of the companies of the Group) Consolidated Financial Statements of Beni Stabili Group as at 31 December 2014 168 Equity 1.131.087 (73.900) 1.057.187 863.457 (158.539) 704.918 170 272 442 87.855 8.318 96.173 947 7.384 Consolidated adjustment of free share plans measurement (FdR shares) Profit (loss) (7.384) 947 - (19) (18) (37) (1.270) (354) (1.624) 2.089.611 (231.605) 1.858.006 Independent Auditors’ Report Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Management Report MAIN EVENTS DURING THE YEAR Refinancing of the Imser borrowing On 18 September 2014, taking advantage of the positive financial market conditions, the debt securities of Imser 60 securitisation were repaid in advance (with the participation of the Company). The securitisation was conducted in 2002 for financing the real estate portfolio leased to Telecom Italia, belonging to Imser 60 and maturing in 2021. The financial resources required for the early repayment and the refinancing of the securitisation of approximately 655,800 thousand of Euro (including the costs of capital increase completed in October 2014 and described below), were found by the Company as follows: 300,000 thousand of Euro, by taking out a six-year mortgage loan, disbursed by a group of no. 7 Italian and international banks; 200,000 thousand of Euro, by taking out a two-year corporate loan, disbursed by a group of no. 3 Italian and international banks; approximately 150,000 thousand of Euro, through a bridge loan, maturing as at 31 December 2014, disbursed by a group of no. 3 Italian and international banks. This loan was repaid with the amounts deriving from the capital increase of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, completed in October 2014; the residual amount, through available cash. The financial resources thus found (except for those used to cover the costs of the capital increase) have been transferred to the subsidiary Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. through equity contributions. The transaction allowed the Beni Stabili Group to further optimise its financial structure. In particular, cash financial charges will decrease on an annual basis by more than 30,000 thousand of Euro, significantly increasing the cash generation profile of the Group, without generating a significant impact on the loan to value, thanks to the capital strengthening carried out with the capital increase. The early repayment of the Imser 60 securitisation resulted in the recognition in the 2014 Beni Stabili Group Consolidated Income Statement of settlement expenses of 148,393 thousand of Euro, mostly deriving from the early closing of contracts to hedge the interest-rate and inflation risks related to the securitisation and the payment of the fees due to the holders of fixed rate securities due by contract in case of early repayment. Part of the above-mentioned expenses amounting to 74,671 thousand of Euro was already recognised in equity pursuant to the “hedge accounting” principles and was transferred to the Income Statement, as envisaged by the reference accounting standards, without any effect on the final value of equity itself. No economic effect was instead recorded in the Income Statement of the Company. Share capital increase of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ On 25 September, the Board of Directors of Beni Stabili fixed the final conditions of the capital increase, resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 July 2014, deciding to issue up to 353,122,982 ordinary shares (of a nominal value of 0.10 Euro each and having the same characteristics of the shares of the Company in 173 issue), to be offered under option to the shareholders and to the holders of the convertible bonds issued by the Company (at the ratio of 1 share to 8 option rights owned), at a price totalling 0.4240 Euro, of which 0.3240 Euro as share premium, for a total equivalent value of 149,724,144.36 Euro. The subscription price of the shares corresponds to a discount of approximately 27.5% on the theoretical Ex Right Price (TERP = 0.5850) of the shares of the Company, calculated on the basis of the price at the close of the session of 25 September, of 0.6050 Euro. One option right was credited for each share of the Company in issue, whereas the option rights were credited to convertible bonds in the following ratio: 1,179 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 225,000,000 3.875 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2015”; 166,917 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 225,000,000 3.375 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2018”; 151,722 option rights for each bond of the loan called “€ 270,000,000 2.625 per cent. Convertible Bonds due 2019”. During the exercise period of the option rights, started on 29 September and ended on 17 October, option rights were exercised for subscribing 350,876,733 new shares (99.36% of the new shares offered), for an equivalent value of 148,771,734.79 Euro. All the option rights not exercised, corresponding to 2,246,246 new shares for an equivalent value of 952,409.57 Euro, were sold at the stock exchange on 22 October 2014 (first trading session of the offer) and then exercised, without requiring the intervention of the underwriting syndicate formed by the banks, which assisted the Company in the transaction. The majority shareholder Foncière des Régions S.A. fully exercised the option rights pertaining to it, in full support of the capital strengthening operation. As indicated previously, the financial resources deriving from the capital increase were fully used for paying off the bridge loan of 150,000 thousand of Euro, raised temporarily in September to find the resources required for the early repayment of the Imser securitisation. Other financing and refinancing activities during the year On 22 January 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ issued, through a public placement procedure, unsecured senior bonds for a nominal amount totalling 350,000 thousand of Euro and a unit value of 100 thousand of Euro. The bond, maturing in 4 years, has a deferred annual coupon of 4.125% and was issued at par. The bonds were listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and admitted to trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. On 31 March 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ issued, through a private placement procedure, unsecured senior bonds for a nominal amount totalling 250,000 thousand of Euro and a unit value of 100 thousand of Euro. 174 The bond, maturing in 5 years, has a deferred annual coupon of 3.5% and was issued at the price of 99.540 compared to the nominal price, with an initial yield of 3.602%. The bonds were listed on the official list of the Irish Stock Exchange and admitted to trading on the regulated market (Main Securities Market) of the Irish Stock Exchange. In addition to the issue of the two bonds, in April, a new loan was raised of a nominal 60,000 thousand of Euro, maturing in April 2019, secured by mortgage on no. 3 properties. Proceeds from the issue of bonds and the raising of new loans was used for the early repayment of loans (other than the early repayment, described above, of the Imser 60 securitisation) maturing in the current financial year and in the following financial years, as well as for the closing of the related hedging instruments, also with a view to optimising the financial structure of the Group. Property purchases and sales During 2014, no properties were acquired. However, property sales concerned no. 2 properties (located in Milan – via Fogazzaro and in Rome – via Baldovinetti), in addition to the residential portion of a property located in Milan and some parking spaces of a property in Rome. The sales were at a price totalling 84,544 thousand of Euro, against a carrying amount totalling 81,623 thousand of Euro and marketing costs totalling 12 thousand of Euro. Moreover, during the year, a compensation amounting to 54 thousand of Euro was paid to the Company, for the expropriation of a land in Rome (valued at zero in the financial statements). As at 31 December 2014, there are no. 2 preliminary sales contracts, for a total consideration of 378 thousand of Euro, in line with the carrying amount of the underlying properties. Property development The property development of the period concerned: i) the completion of the improvements of the property in via San Nicolao, Milan (10,100 square meters of offices and shops and 1,600 square meters of warehouses and garage), with the subsequent delivery to the tenant Luxottica S.p.A. This initiative concerned the replacement of the basic construction and the reconstruction of the finishes and plants, all this with a “green building” approach, to optimise the energy efficiency of the property, which falls now under the A energy class; ii) the completion of the renovation of the property of office space located in Rome, via dell’Arte (approximately 5,100 square meters of offices and approximately 1,300 of parking and underground warehouses), already leased for approximately 90% of the total surface area for total rents of 1,800 thousand of Euro. The intervention contemplated the reconstruction of the plants and finishes and the improvement of the energy performance of the building (B energy class). Amendments made to the law on SIIQs 175 On 12 September 2014, Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 was published on the Official Gazette (the socalled “Decreto Sblocca Italia”, definitively approved on 5 November 2014), whose Article 20 amends the 2007 Finance Act in the part that governs the system applicable to Listed Real Estate Investment Companies (SIIQ), adapting its most important aspects to the legislation in place in other European countries, such as France, where over the last ten years, this type of instrument was largely successful, both among investors and among operators. This Law Decree also requires: (i) with reference to the ownership requirements in the SIIQs, that no shareholder must have a direct or indirect holding of more than 60% of voting rights at the ordinary shareholders meeting and more than 60% of profit-sharing rights, compared to a previous percentage limit of 51%; it was also specified that, should the 60% ownership requirement be exceeded, as a result of extraordinary company transactions or on the capital market, the special SIIQ regime will only be suspended until this ownership requirement is restored; (ii) the inclusion among relevant activities in order to make sure that the capital requirement has been maintained for preserving the special regime (the so-called Asset test), of the quotas in real estate funds that invest mainly in activities related to property renting; (iii) the inclusion in the Tax-Exempt operations (and therefore also for the purposes of the so-called Profit test) of capital gains or losses deriving from the sales of property held for leasing or from the sale of investments in SIIQ/SIINQ, as well as income from the above mentioned real estate funds and the related capital gains and losses on disposal; (iv) the decrease from 85% to 70% of the percentage of profit of Tax-exempt operations whose distribution is mandatory. Moreover, the income coming from net capital gains realised on properties held for leasing as well as deriving from the disposal of investments in SIIQ or SIINQ or of investments held in real estate funds, included in the Tax-exempt operations, are expected to be distributed on a mandatory basis by 50% in the two financial years following the year of disposal; (v) the confirmation of the applicability to dividends distributed by the SIIQs of the bilateral treaties against double taxation, with subsequent reduction of the rates applied in the calculation of the withholding tax; (vi) the exemption from two to three consecutive financial years of the period of non-compliance with one of the two prevailing conditions (Asset Test or Profit Test) that determined the final termination of the special regime. The lower requirements to distribute and the possibility of investing in instruments such as real estate funds under a facility system are important incentive factors for the development of activities of the SIIQs. In particular, the possibility of investing in quotas in real estate funds under a facility system makes it now possible to co-invest on specific projects with third-party subjects, a solution that was previously precluded to the SIIQs that should have possessed at least 95% of the vehicles in order to enjoy the facility. 176 Moreover, the increase from 51% to 60% of the maximum equity investment for a single shareholder and the extension from 2 to 3 years of the so-called grace period for failure to comply with the parameters make the instrument more stable, especially in case of extraordinary transactions or in the presence of significant nonrecurring events. The extension of the tax exemption also to the margins deriving from the sale of properties held for leasing, which was, in the opinion of the investors, the main weak point of the Italian regulation compared to the similar European regulations, finally represents an important element of attractiveness of the instrument, especially in view of a recovery of the Italian property market in the coming years. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the above changes, making it easier and more attractive to use this instrument, help increase the number of SIIQs present on the market, giving more liquidity to the sector, both in terms of individual investments and in terms of stock market. FINANCIAL REVIEW (Euro/000) 31.12.2014 Net rental revenues 31.12.2013 80,383 79,422 Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties 2,333 1,367 Net service revenues 1,533 1,437 Staff costs (6,209) (6,288) Overheads (10,762) (10,614) Total operating costs (16,971) (16,902) Other revenues and income/(other costs and charges) (13,212) EBIT before property write-ups/(write-downs) 54,066 (3,134) 62,190 Portfolio property write-ups/(write-downs) (3,061) EBIT 51,005 18,033 (83,980) (77,672) Net financial income/(charges) (44,157) Change in valuation of the conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 Bonds (25,564) 7,669 Costs for early repayment of loans and related hedging instruments ended during the year (16,590) (7,706) Financial charges on property sales (410) (2,094) Total net financial income/(charges) (126,544) (79,803) Income/(charges) from investments 45,467 38,506 EBT (30,072) (23,264) Income tax (43,828) 11,613 Net income (73,900) (11,651) Basic earnings per share (*) (0.03723) (0.00608) Diluted earnings per share (*) (0.03723) (0.01048) (*) For further details on the earnings per share calculation method, see paragraph 7.6.9 in the Notes to the financial statements. The Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 recorded a loss of 73,900 thousand of Euro, compared to a loss as at 31 December 2013 of 11,651 thousand of Euro. Excluding from the results of the two compared periods: the effect, for 2014, of the reversal of net deferred tax assets of 45,547 thousand of Euro, no longer recoverable due to the introduction of the tax exemption system to the profit/(loss) on disposal of properties held for leasing, introduced by the so-called “Decreto Sblocca Italia”; 177 the amount of the change in fair value of the conversion option of the convertible bonds, a negative 22,104 thousand of Euro for 2014 and a positive 7,480 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013 the extraordinary costs for early repayment of loans and related hedging instruments (16,588 thousand of Euro for 2014 and 7,534 thousand of Euro for 2013, net of the related tax effect); the impact, for 2014, of write-downs and extraordinary losses of receivables related to previous financial years, (recognised allowing for prospects of collection as a result of the related legal collection procedures), of 8,995 thousand of Euro (net of the related tax effect); the income, recognised in 2013, in relation to the change in the fair value measurement of hedging instruments (as provided by IFRS 13), of 821 thousand of Euro (net of the tax effect); the results of 2014 and of 2013 amount to a profit of 19,334 thousand of Euro and a loss of 12,418 thousand of Euro, respectively. Therefore, net of extraordinary and non-recurring items, the improvement of the 2014 net income compared to 2013 is mainly due to the different weight of property write-downs (2,745 thousand of Euro for 2014 compared to 31,403 thousand of Euro for 2013, net of the related tax effects). In compliance with the obligations concerning the adoption of the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies (SIIQ), note that for 2014 - as better described in paragraph 6 of the notes to the financial statements - the result for tax-exempt operations corresponds to a profit of 8,495 thousand of Euro against a loss of 82,395 thousand of Euro. Therefore, in relation to the 2014 net income, there is no obligation to distribute dividends within the minimum annual limit provided by the SIIQ provisions of profit from tax-exempt operations, or the lower amount of distributable profit as recorded in the financial statements. Each item of the financial statements is broken down below. Net rental revenues Thousand of Euro Description 31.12.2014 Rental revenues Revenues from early termination of lease contracts Write-dow n/loss on receivables from tenants Net real estate costs Net rental revenues 31.12.2013 100,568 104,006 1,284 8 (2,160) (4,295) (19,309) (20,297) 80,383 79,422 Net rental revenues increased by 961 thousand of Euro compared to the previous year. Gross rental revenues (excluding income from closing of lease contracts)decreased from 104,006 thousand of Euro in 2013 to 100,568 thousand of Euro in 2014, with a decrease of 3,438 thousand of Euro attributable to: i) property sales completed in the financial year and in the previous financial year (-4,487 thousand of Euro); ii) closing of lease contracts (-15,252 thousand of Euro); partially offset: i) by renegotiations and new contracts (15,843 thousand of Euro); ii) by the ISTAT adjustment of the rents (458 thousand of Euro). 178 The incidence of the net rental margin on gross rental revenues decreased from 76.4% of the 2013 financial year to 78.9% of the 2014 financial year. This change is attributable to lower losses and write-downs (a higher impact of +2.0%), lower property management costs (ordinary maintenance and operating expenses a higher impact of +1.2%), lower registration tax on lease contracts (a higher impact of +0.1%), net of the increase in IMU/TASI taxes (a lower cost of -0.8%). Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties are positive and total 2,333 thousand of Euro (1,367 thousand of Euro in 2013). With regard to the sales of the year, reference is made to the comments in the previous paragraph “Main events during the year – Property purchases and sales”, specifying that the sales margin of the year also included 629 thousand of Euro of costs related to sales completed in 2013 and an income of 54 thousand of Euro for the land expropriation compensation (valued at zero in the financial statements). Net service revenues They amount to 1,533 thousand of Euro (1,437 thousand of Euro in 2013) and refer to revenues for property, legal, administrative and financial services carried out mainly in favour of Group or investee Companies. Operating costs Staff costs decreased from 6,288 thousand of Euro in 2013 to 6,209 thousand of Euro in 2014 mainly due to a staff decrease. Overheads increased from Euro 10,614 thousand in 2013 to Euro 10,762 thousand in 2014. The change of Euro 148 thousand of Euro is mainly due to non-recurring costs and to higher rentals payable, partially offset by the reduction in costs of sundry consultancy services. Other revenues and income and other costs and charges The item other revenues and income and other costs and charges passed from a negative balance of 3,134 thousand of Euro of 2013 to a negative balance of 13,212 thousand of Euro of 2014. The change recorded in two compared financial years is mainly due to extraordinary losses of old credit items, which became necessary on the basis of the prospects of collection as a result of the related legal collection procedures. Property write-ups/(write-downs) The effect of the adjustment of the property value at their market value weighed negatively on both comparison periods, amounting to 3,061 thousand of Euro for 2014 and 44,157 thousand of Euro for 2013. Net financial charges 179 Description 31.12.2014 Financial income on bank current accounts and term deposits 31.12.2013 1,741 Other financial income Total financial income Medium to long term financial charges - cash portion Medium to long term financial charges - non-cash portion Financial charges on short-term borrow ings Non-utilisation commissions (on medium/long-term and short-term borrow ings) Financial charges on property sales Fair value change in ineffective hedging instruments Surety commissions 647 159 995 1,900 1,642 (63,907) (54,719) (13,139) (15,856) (512) (1,984) (1,796) (2,352) (410) (2,094) (3,827) (558) (2,491) (3,438) Sundry financial charges (208) (406) Total financial charges (86,290) (81,407) (16,590) (7,706) Financial charges for early settlement of borrow ings and hedging instruments Change in fair value of the conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 bonds Overall total financial income and charges (25,564) 7,668 (126,544) (79,803) The net financial charges, excluding the measurement effect of the conversion options of the convertible bonds issued in 2013 and the costs related to the early repayment of loans and hedging instruments completed in the period, totalled 84,390 thousand of Euro compared to a balance of 79,766 thousand of Euro in the same period of 2013. In particular: the increase in financial income is attributable to higher interests from banks (1,094 thousand of Euro) due to higher average cash deposits, net of the decrease in other income (836 thousand of Euro); cash financial charges increased by 7,716 thousand of Euro, mainly due to the increase in the mediumterm debt, (due to new borrowings in the financial year and described above, mostly used with a view to optimising the financial structure of the Group), which more than offset the effect of the average cost of funding. This change must also be interpreted in concomitance with the change in financial income from subsidiaries commented below; the surety commissions and non-utilisation commissions of credit lines decreased by 1,503 thousand of Euro; sundry financial charges decreased by 198 thousand of Euro; for what concerns the non-cash portion of financial charges, it shows a decrease of 2,717 thousand of Euro in charges for the amortisation of upfront costs of borrowings in application of the amortised cost method more than offset by the increase of 3,269 thousand of Euro in charges represented by the ineffective portions during the period of fair value changes in hedging instruments; charges related to property sales decreased by 1,684 thousand of Euro compared to 2013. Charges related to early settlement of loans and hedging instruments totalled 16,590 thousand of Euro, against 7,706 thousand of Euro of 2013. In particular, these charges refer to penalties for early repayment paid, to up-front costs of the repaid loans not yet amortised and to the allocation to the income statement of the residual cash flow hedge reserves related to the closed hedging instruments. For what concerns the conversion options included in the convertible bonds maturing in 2018 and 2019, the charge in the financial year of 25,564 thousand of Euro (compared to an income of 2013 of 7,668 thousand 180 of Euro) is mainly due to the change in stock-market price of the Beni Stabili security recorded in the financial year (from 0.49 Euro of 31 December 2013 to 0.58 Euro of 31 December 2014), which significantly increased their value. Income/(charges) from investments Income/(charges) from investments increased from a positive balance of 38,506 thousand of Euro in 2013 to a positive balance of 45,467 thousand of Euro in 2014. The change of 6,961 thousand of Euro is attributable to increased dividends of 1,748 thousand of Euro, increased net interest income from Group companies of 4,667 thousand of Euro and lower write-downs of 546 thousand of Euro. Income tax In accordance with the regulations for companies that have opted for the special SIIQ regime, taxes for the year refer exclusively to the results of activities other than leasing and they are broken down as described in the following table: 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Current taxes 4,109 Deferred tax liabilities 2,387 (2,640) Deferred tax assets (2,477) 14,708 4,019 10,908 Total taxes for the year (current and deferred) Recalculation of current taxes relating to previous years (1,160) (2,329) (371) Recalculation of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relating to previous years (45,518) 1,076 Total net incom e and charges for recalculating tax for previous financial years (47,847) 705 Total taxes (43,828) 11,613 In particular, current and deferred taxes include taxation on services, property sales in the 2014 financial year and in previous financial years (due to the application of deferred taxation for IRES purposes over five years) and property rents associated with trading properties. The current tax of 2014 is positive and amounts to 4,109 thousand of Euro, compared to a cost of 1,160 thousand of Euro of 2013 and corresponds to an IRES income of 4,578 thousand of Euro of IRES for the transfer of the tax consolidation of the Group of part of the tax loss for the year (cost of 685 thousand of Euro for 2013), net of the IRAP for the year of 469 thousand of Euro (475 thousand of Euro for 2013). The deferred tax (assets and liabilities) of the financial year and the charge for recalculating the deferred tax (assets and liabilities) of previous financial years were significantly affected by the effect of the law provisions introduced with Italian Law Decree 133/2014 (the so-called "Decreto Sblocca Italia") that contemplated the exemption for the purposes of direct taxes (IRES and IRAP) of the margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. Consequently, in addition to not setting aside the deferred tax on net write-downs of the financial year of the SIIQ/SIINQ real estate portfolio, net deferred tax assets recorded in previous financial years were released with an impact of 45,547 thousand of Euro: 45,316 181 thousand of Euro referred to real estate write-downs/revaluations and the residual amount to other minor items not considered recoverable for lack of sufficient future taxable income. NET DEBT An analysis of net debt is provided below: Thousand of Euro 31 December 2014 Borrowings from banks and financial institutions of which: - short-term portion - medium/long-term portion 31 December 2013 1,125,045 1,098,303 348,049 776,996 185,364 912,939 Convertible bonds 615,134 - short-term portion - medium/long-term portion - 20,190 594,944 - Convertible bonds 574,487 - short-term portion - medium/long-term portion 565,184 110,536 463,951 5,690 559,494 Borrowings 2,314,666 1,663,487 Cash and cash equivalents (*) (105,146) (104,575) Net debt 2,209,520 1,558,912 (*) For the breakdown of cash and cash equivalents, please refer to paragraph 7.2.4 of the Notes to the financial statements. Note that net debt does not include receivables and payables from/to subsidiaries. Net debt as at 31 December 2014 amounts to 2,210 thousand of Euro compared to 1,559 thousand of Euro of 31 December 2013. The change in cash and cash equivalents during the year can be broken down as follows: Thousand of Euro 31.12.2014 Cash flow from operating activities after taxes 31.12.2013 39,408 40,844 Changes in payables and receivables (140,633) (70,204) Investing activity (637,565) 662 739,361 117,205 Financing activity Increase/(decrease) in cash flow due to merger/transfer - Changes in cash and cash equivalents 571 81 88,588 For further information on changes in cash and cash equivalents, please refer to the Statement of Cash Flows. 182 Borrowings increased by 651,179 thousand of Euro reaching 2,314,666 thousand of Euro. The main changes are shown in the following table: Thousand of Euro Carrying amount Total borrowings as at 31 December 2013 Nominal value 1,663,487 1,710,707 Change in overdraft facilities (80,102) (80,102) New borrow ings 702,881 710,000 Repayment of maturing borrow ings and ordinary repayments (including change in nominal accruing interests) (6,464) (6,464) (592,241) (595,403) Early settlement of loans Amortisation of up-front costs Change in borrowings from banks and financial institutions Bond issues Interests accrued during the period (at the effective interest rate) Change in bonds in issue Interests accrued during the period (at the effective interest rate) Change in convertible bonds Total carrying amount of borrowings as at 31 December 2014 2,669 - 26,743 28,031 593,868 600,000 21,266 20,190 615,134 620,190 9,302 3 9,302 3 2,314,666 2,358,931 Borrowings from banks and financial institutions increased by 26,743 thousand of Euro due to: new borrowings of 702,881 thousand of Euro (corresponding to a nominal value of 710,000 thousand of Euro), of which 644,303 thousand of Euro relating to three new borrowings related to the raising of the financial resources required for the early repayment of the Imser securitisation (for a nominal value of 650,000 thousand of Euro); amortisation of up-front costs in application of the amortised cost method (2,669 thousand of Euro); net: of the early redemption of medium/long term loans (592,241 thousand of Euro) and of the repayments of short-term credit facilities (80,102 thousand of Euro), made with the liquidity arising from the issue in the period of convertible bonds and by raising a new mortgage loan (of a nominal value of 60,000 thousand of Euro); of the payment of the instalments falling due on medium/long-term loans as envisaged by the repayment plans, net of the change in nominal interest accruing (6,464 thousand of Euro). The effective interest rate of borrowings for 2014, calculated using the amortised cost method and without taking into account interest rate swaps, was 2.42% (3.22% for 2013). Bonds in issue of 615,134 thousand of Euro refer to the issue in the year of two unsecured bonds of an initial carrying amount of 593,868 thousand of Euro (the first one of a nominal value of 350,000 thousand of Euro maturing in January 2018 and the second one of a nominal value of 250,000 thousand of Euro maturing in April 2019), to which the accruing nominal interest coupons and the amortisation of the upfront costs for the year totalling 21,266 thousand of Euro (calculated at the effective interest rate) are added: The annual nominal rate is 4.125% (4.35% effective interest rate) for the loan maturing in 2018 and 3.50% (3.79% effective interest rate) for the loan maturing in 2019. 183 Convertible bonds increased from 565,184 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013 to 574,487 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014, due to interests for the period, net of the coupons paid during the year. The annual nominal rate of the three existing convertible bonds is 3.875% (6.17% effective interest rate) for the loan maturing in 2015; 3.375% (4.70% effective interest rate) for the loan maturing in 2018 and 2.625% (4.91% effective interest rate) for the loan maturing in 2019). Reference should be made to the Notes to the financial statements (paragraph 3) for an in-depth analysis of the risk factors to which the Company is exposed and the related hedging policies. STOCK OPTIONS Currently, there are no Stock Option plans launched by the Parent Company Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, or by other companies of the Group. REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE PURSUANT TO REGULATIONS ON RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The report on corporate governance and the ownership structures of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ for 2014, drawn up in compliance with Articles 123-bis, paragraph 3, of the TUF (Consolidated law on Financial Intermediation) (Italian Legislative Decree No. 58/98 and subsequent amendments and additions), is published on the company website, in the "Corporate Governance – Report on Corporate Governance" section. Also note that, in compliance with the provisions of Article 2391-bis of the Italian Civil Code and in enactment of the Consob Regulation on related party transactions (adopted by Resolution no. 17221 of 12 March 2010, and subsequent amendments and additions), the Company has adopted its own "Procedure governing Related Party Transactions”. This Procedure was published in accordance with law on the company website (, in the "Corporate Governance - Codes and Procedures" section on 1 December 2010 and entering into force on 1 January 2011. 184 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Since 2013, the Beni Stabili, with the setting up of the Environmental sustainability committee and the publishing of the first Sustainability Report, which lead to obtaining the EPRA Gold award, has been pursuing policies of environmental sustainability, in order to increase transparency, professional experience and innovation. The goal is to provide stakeholders with a detailed report of the main activities undertaken to improve the social and environmental performance of our business and of our assets, through the declaration of Targets and the timing to achieve them, focusing at the same time on the creation of “value”. The Sustainability Report, prepared taking into account the multitenant buildings on which Beni Stabili exercises the operational control of consumption and that showed the results obtained in 2013, as the reduction of 5% of energy consumption from fuel, 6% of direct emissions of greenhouse gases and 4.2% of water consumption, will become a “compass” for the orientation of company activities, setting objectives of gradual improvement year in, year out. ORGANISATIONAL MODEL AND CODE OF ETHICS Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ has adopted an "Organisation, management and control model" since 2003, in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 (the "Model"), updated and supplemented in 2014 also in the light of the recent regulatory developments, which provides a set of rules, measures and preventive procedures aimed at reducing the risk of committing crimes within the corporate organisation. The Company has also adopted its own Code of Ethics and Conduct (the "Code of Ethics"), also updated and supplemented in 2014, aimed at identifying the principles and values that the Company and the companies of the Beni Stabili Group aspire to in the running of the business. This code is an essential component of the Model in terms of its actual implementation in that it aims at recommending, promoting or prohibiting certain behaviours, also beyond and regardless of what is provided by the regulations. Adoption of the Code of Ethics is also one of the assumptions behind the efficient operation of the internal control system. The Code of Ethics is published in the "Corporate Governance - Codes and Procedures" of the company web site The compliance with the Model is guaranteed by a collective body with independent powers of initiative and control, specially set up by the Company, called Supervisory Body. The functions of the Supervisory Body also include the task of guaranteeing the adequacy of the Model, monitoring the effectiveness of the Model and ensuring, also, (as guarantor) compliance with the Code of Ethics. RESEARCH Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ does not carry out research activities. RELATIONS WITH SUBSIDIARIES, ASSOCIATES AND PARENT COMPANY 185 With reference to the type of relationships between the Group companies and the parent companies, please refer to the Notes to the financial statements (Note 10). SUBSEQUENT MAIN EVENTS On 20 January 2015, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with BNP Paribas and Sociètè Generale a mortgage loan agreement amounting to 110,000 thousand of Euro, maturing in 20 January 2021. This loan is secured by mortgage on 6 properties, of which three owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and 3 owned by BS Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ. On the signing date, “Line A” referring to Beni Stabili properties of 47,556 thousand of Euro was used whereas “Line B”, referring to the properties of BS Immobiliare 8 of 62,444 thousand of Euro will be used within the period of availability of 30 June 2015. OPERATING OUTLOOK Reference is made to what is indicated in the Management Report of the Board of Directors to the consolidated financial statements of the Beni Stabili Group as at 31 December 2014. 186 PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014, COVERAGE OF LOSS FOR THE YEAR AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF DIVIDENDS Dear Shareholders, As disclosed in the financial statements as at 31 December 2014 and in the Management Report, the year closed with a net loss of 73,899,932.35 Euro. As described in paragraph 6 in the notes to the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014, this result includes, pursuant to SIIQ regulations, a profit from tax-exempt operations of 8,495,201.93 Euro and a loss on taxable operations of 82,395,134.28 Euro. Consequently, in accordance with the reference regulations, the SIIQ is under no obligation to distribute the result of tax-exempt operations. Considering that the net income for the year was significantly affected by extraordinary and non-recurring items, in the absence of which it would have been positive, subject to approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2014, the Board of Directors proposes: - to fully cover the loss for the year 2014, amounting to 73,899,932.35 Euro using: i) 14,577,177.59 Euro from the Profit reserve for bonds, which consequently is zeroed; ii) 5,666,073.41 Euro from the Profit reserve for Italian law 266/2005 revaluations, which would consequently drop from 155,978,979.80 Euro to 150,312,906.39 Euro; iii) 53,656,681.35 Euro from Capital reserve included in the spin-off surplus, which would drop from 127,026,073.96 Euro to 73,369,392.61 Euro; - to reclassify the Non-distributable reserve pursuant to Article 6, Italian Legislative Decree no. 38 dated 28 February 2005 by 12,479,575.77 Euro, increasing the Retained earnings reserve by the same amount. Consequently, the Non-distributable reserve pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 38, relating to the fair value measurement of property assets, would drop from 132,628,562.79 Euro to 120,148,987.02 Euro whereas the Retained earnings reserve would increase from 178,152.01 Euro to 12,657,727.78 Euro. The amount of 12,479,575.77 Euro corresponds: i) to total write-downs recorded in 2014 on properties previously written-up; ii) to total write-ups recorded in previous years on properties sold in 2014. These amounts were reduced by the write-ups on properties recorded in 2014 in application of the fair value option. The related deferred tax effect on the residual revaluations as at 31 December 2014 was considered as well; - to distribute to the Shareholders a dividend of 0.022 Euro for each ordinary share in issue as at the exdividend date, net of treasury shares held on that date, to be withdrawn only from capital reserves and profit reserves generated in tax periods prior to the adoption of the SIIQ regime. Based on the shares in issue (2,269,425,886), net of treasury shares held (961,000), the total dividend would amount to 49,906,227.49 Euro for withdrawal as follows: i) 12,657,727.78 Euro from the Retained earnings reserve, which would consequently reduce to zero; ii) 37,248,499.71 Euro from the Capital reserve included in the spin-off surplus, which would drop from 73,369,392.61 Euro to 36,120,892.90 Euro. 187 The dividend will be paid on the ex-dividend date of 4 May 2015 (coupon 19), from 6 May 2015. Specifically, pursuant to the regulations in force, the entitlement to the payment of profits is determined on the basis of accounting evidences relevant to the end of the accounting day of the first settlement day following the payment date (record date: 5 May 2015). Should you agree with the above proposals, we invite you to adopt the following resolutions: “the General Meeting - having examined the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014, which include the Management Report; - having read the Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors prepared pursuant to Article 153, Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 dated 24 February 1998; - having read the Report of the Independent Auditors, Mazars S.p.A., prepared pursuant to Articles 14 and 16, Italian Legislative Decree no. 39 of 27 January 2010, resolves - to approve the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2014 and the related Management Report; - to fully cover the loss for the year 2014, amounting to 73,899,932.35 Euro using: i) 14,577,177.59 Euro from the Profit reserve for bonds; ii) 5,666,073.41 Euro from Profit reserve pursuant to Italian Law 266/2005 revaluations; iii) 53,656,681.35 Euro from the Capital reserve included in the spin-off surplus; - to reclassify the Non-distributable reserve pursuant to Article 6, Italian Legislative Decree no. 38 dated 28 February 2005 by 12,479,575.77 Euro, increasing the Retained earnings reserve by the same amount; - to distribute to the shareholders a dividend of 0.022 Euro for each ordinary share in issue at the exdividend date, net of treasury shares held on that date. Based on the shares in issue (2,269,425,886), net of treasury shares held (961,000), the total dividend would amount to 49,906,227.49 Euro for withdrawal as follows; i) 12,657,727.78 Euro from the Retained earnings reserve; ii) 37,248,499.71 Euro from the Capital reserve included in the merger surplus. The dividend will be paid on the ex-dividend date of 4 May 2015 (coupon 19), from 6 May 2015. Specifically, pursuant to the regulations in force, the entitlement to the payment of profits is determined on the basis of accounting evidences relevant to the end of the accounting day of the first settlement day following the payment date (record date: 5 May 2015).to grant all powers, without exclusion or exception, to the Board of Directors, hence to the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer, permitting them, separately, if necessary via the appointment of special attorneys, to take all action and complete all formalities required to implement this resolution. 188 Financial Statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Statement of financial position Income Statement Statement of comprehensive income Statement of changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flows FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ 1 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (Euro) Notes 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 ASSETS Investment properties 7.1.1 1.888.960.462 Properties under development 7.1.2 Operating properties and other assets 7.1.3 1.149.702 1.331.217 Intangible assets 7.1.4 171.597 172.192 Investments in: - subsidiaries - associetes - other companies 7.1.5 7.1.5 7.1.5 1.111.533.699 3.000 1.538.197 429.247.640 3.000 1.561.766 Securities 7.1.6 6.667.590 6.801.300 Trade and trade receivables 7.1.7 28.985.357 41.392.253 Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates 7.1.8 948.839 26.583.984 Derivatives 7.1.8 Deferred tax assets 7.1.9 - 846.304 Total non - current assets Trading properties 7.2.1 1.771.924.900 117.720.002 - 13.626.420 66.283.906 3.054.431.167 2.463.022.160 63.304.661 72.646.730 Trade and trade receivables 7.2.2 93.172.495 25.902.271 Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates 7.2.3 290.069.850 126.001.285 Cash and cash equivalents 7.2.4 105.146.108 104.575.003 551.693.114 329.125.289 Total current assets Asset held for sale 7.2.5 1.000.000 39.820.000 3.607.124.281 2.831.967.449 226.942.589 341.403.653 562.562.043 (73.721.781) 191.630.290 230.210.446 613.770.993 (8.523.354) 7.3 Borrowings 7.4.1 1.835.890.972 1.472.433.250 Trade and other payables 7.4.2 Derivatives 7.4.3 91.347.716 57.778.966 Staff termination benefits 7.4.4 319.660 288.950 Deferred tax liabilities 7.4.5 Total assets EQUITY Share capital Share premium reserve Other reserves Retained earnings Total Equity LIABILITIES - Total non - current liabilities 10.050.289 4.834.952 11.531.321 1.932.393.300 1.552.082.776 Borrowings 7.5.1 478.775.512 191.054.277 Payables due to subsidiaries and associates 7.5.2 84.181.189 1.800.184 Trade and other payables 7.5.3 48.186.411 54.863.350 Provisions for risks and charges 7.5.4 6.401.365 5.078.487 Total current liabilities 617.544.477 252.796.298 Total liabilities 2.549.937.777 1.804.879.074 Total Equity and liabilities 3.607.124.281 2.831.967.449 190 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ 2 INCOME STATEMENT (Euro) Notes Rental revenues Property costs 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 101.852.592 (21.469.555) 104.014.018 (24.592.093) Net rental revenues 7.6.1 80.383.037 79.421.925 Net service revenues 7.6.2 1.532.761 1.437.302 (6.208.921) (10.761.502) (6.287.794) (10.614.199) Staff costs Overheads Total operating costs 7.6.3 (16.970.423) (16.901.993) Other revenues and income Other costs and charges 7.6.4 7.6.4 3.025.745 (16.238.028) 1.215.808 (4.349.340) (13.212.283) (3.133.532) 9.297.590 (9.230.233) 7.055.000 (6.740.058) Total other revenues and income/(other costs and charges) Trading properties sales Costs of sales Profit/(loss) on disposale of trading properties 7.6.5 Investment and development properties sales Cost of sales 67.357 74.500.000 (72.226.137) Profit/(loss) on disposal of investment and developments properties 7.6.5 Held for sale properties sales Cost of sales 2.273.863 800.000 (808.000) Profit/(loss) on disposal of held for sale properties 7.6.5 (8.000) 314.942 28.000.000 (27.076.171) 923.829 19.594.182 (19.465.684) 128.498 14.881.730 18.196.563 (17.942.778) (62.354.269) Property write- ups / property write-downs (3.061.048) (44.157.706) EBIT 51.005.264 18.033.265 (126.543.993) 45.620.932 (154.371) (79.802.783) 38.700.076 (194.928) (30.072.168) (23.264.370) (43.827.765) 11.613.080 (73.899.933) (11.651.290) Property write- ups 7.1.1/7.1.2 7.2.1/7. Property write- downs Net financial income/(charges) Income/(charges) from associates Income/(charges) from other companies 7.6.6 7.6.7 7.6.7 EBT Tax 7.6.8 Net Income Earnings per share (€) - Basic 7.6.9 (0,03723) (0,00608) - Diluted 7.6.9 (0,03723) (0,01048) 191 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ 3 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (Euro) 31.12.2014 Net income (73.899.933) Other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will be subsequently reclassified to the income statement) Gross changes in the Cash Flow Hedge reserve - 31.12.2013 (11.651.290) - (18.807) 25.878.406 Income tax relating to the changes described above (351.832) (365.181) Total other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will be subsequently reclassified to the Income Statement) (370.639) 25.513.225 Staff termination benefit measurement: actuarial differences (28.823) - Other components of the Statement of Comprehensive Income (that will not be subsequently reclassified to the income statement) (28.823) - Comprehensive income (74.299.395) 192 13.861.935 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ 4 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY (Euro) Share premium reserve Share capital Balance as at 01 January 2012 191.630.290 230.210.446 Other reserves Retained earnings 699.340.442 (7.201.848) 178.718 178.718 (4.327.676) (37.809.846) (42.137.522) Valuation of free shares plans Distribution of dividends and reserves Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation Total Equity 1.113.979.330 (47.762.701) 47.762.701 7.437.393 (25.661.114) (18.223.721) 654.687.458 (22.731.389) 1.053.796.805 (123.922) 270.592 146.670 Distribution of dividends and reserves (13.629.286) (28.508.235) (42.137.521) Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation (54.096.968) 54.096.968 Comprehensive income 2012 Balance as at 31 December 2012 191.630.290 230.210.446 Valuation of free shares plans Merger Surplus 1.420.486 Comprehensive income 2013 Balance as at 31 December 2013 Capital increase with share premium (including costs) 191.630.290 230.210.446 35.312.299 111.193.207 Valuation of free shares plans - 1.420.486 25.513.225 (11.651.290) 13.861.935 613.770.993 (8.523.354) 146.505.506 29.540 29.540 Distribution of dividends and reserves (28.266.104) Internal changes in Equity due to reserves reallocation (22.601.747) 22.601.747 (370.639) (73.928.756) (74.299.395) 562.562.043 (73.721.781) Comprehensive income 2014 Balance as at 31 December 2014 226.942.589 341.403.653 193 (13.871.418) (42.137.522) - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ 5 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (Euro) 31.12.2014 (30.072.168) EBT Amortisation of intangible fixed assets 31.12.2013 (23.264.370) 63.474 68.263 238.857 251.284 Unrealised property (write-ups)/write-downs 3.001.047 45.174.706 (Write-ups)/write-downs of investments 1.161.681 1.714.366 50.277.875 13.504.633 Depreciation of operating and other assets Non-cash financial charges/(income) on derivatives and amortised cost Non-cash charges for free share plans Provisions for risks and charges and receivables Releases of provisions for risks and charges and receivables 29.540 146.671 12.960.259 3.281.852 (33.123) Cash flow from operating activities 37.627.442 Taxes (net of the portion related to the deferred tax) Cash flow from operating activities after taxes (197.000) 40.680.405 1.781.517 163.987 39.408.959 40.844.392 (56.718.561) (1.710.000) Movements in assets and liabilities Receivables/payables for property sale/purchase Exit tax (9.935.556) (9.602.059) (73.979.314) (58.891.553) (101.224.472) (29.359.220) Increase in intangible assets (62.879) (15.194) Increase in operating and other assets (58.343) (74.870) (35.837.771) (39.844.397) (683.290.461) (29.887.040) 81.683.233 51.910.810 Other assets/other liabilities Cash flow before investing and financing activities Investing activity Increase in properties Purchase/other increases in investments and securities Disposal of properties Disposal/other reductions in investments and securities - 18.573.043 Financing activity Dividends distribution (42.137.522) Capital increase with shares premium (including costs) 146.505.506 Increase/(decrease) in borrowings 634.992.813 Increase/(decrease) in cash flow due to merger/transfer - Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 570.104 (42.137.522) 159.341.192 80.976 88.587.778 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 104.575.003 15.987.225 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 105.145.107 104.575.003 194 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Notes to the financial statements 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (the "Company"), which also operates through a number of subsidiaries, is one of Italy’s leading property investment and management companies. It invests primarily, directly and via its subsidiaries or joint ventures, in office properties, mainly located in Italy and leased to major industrial and financial companies under medium/long-term lease contracts. While not its main business, the company also provides services primarily to Group companies, and property improvement and development activities directly or through its subsidiaries. The company is a joint-stock company established and domiciled in Italy, with its registered office in Rome, at Via Piemonte 38, and branch office in Milan, at Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia 10, and is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange and the Euronext market in Paris. With effect from 2011, the Company adopted the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies (SIIQ) and has: i) a 97.8% investment in the share capital of Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A., which adopted the special regime for Unlisted Real Estate Investment Companies (SIINQ) as from the 2011 financial year; ii) a 100% investment in the share capital of B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ and B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A: SIINQ, which adopted the special regime for Unlisted Real Estate Investment Companies (SIINQ) as from the 2013 financial year. 2 BASIS OF PRESENTATION AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of presentation This interim Financial Report prepared under the article 2501-quater of the Italian Civil Code (here after also simply “Financial report”) has been prepared under International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), integrated by the Standing Interpretations Committee (SIC) and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and adopted by the European Commission in compliance with the procedure referred to in art. 6 of the Regulations (EC) no. 1606/2002. Cost represents the general criterion adopted for all assets and liabilities, except for investment properties, properties held for sale, properties under development and certain financial assets and liabilities for which the fair value was recognised to the Income Statement and/or in Equity. The basis of presentation adopted in the preparation of these financial statements was in line with that adopted in drawing up the 2013 financial statements. Preparation of the financial statements requires the use of estimates and judgements reflected in the value of assets and liabilities. Critical estimates, judgements and accounting policies used by the Company are described in Note 4. 196 Based on the classification adopted for the Statement of Financial Position, assets and liabilities are broken down between "current" and "non-current", while the classification adopted for the Income Statement classifies costs and revenue by kind. In fact, it is believed that such classifications, compared with the classifications by liquidity level, as regards the Statement of Financial Position, and by allocation, as regards the Income statement, allow a better description of the operations and financial position of the Company. The adopted Statement of Cash Flows gives separate indication of cash flows generated by operations, investing activity and financing activity. Note that, as permitted under paragraph 18(b) of IAS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows", the Statement of Cash Flows is prepared according to the "indirect method”. The financial statements are presented with comparative data in accordance with requirements of the abovementioned standards. In order to facilitate comparison of the data, certain immaterial figures from 2013 were reclassified, wherever deemed suited. Where applicable, the financial statements and related notes also include additional information on financial statements formats and disclosures required under Consob Resolution no. 15519 of 27 July 2006 and Consob Communication no. 6064293 of 28 July 2006. All the figures presented in these financial statements are, unless otherwise indicated, stated in thousands of Euros. The statement of financial position, income statement, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in Equity and the statement of cash flows are instead expressed in Euros. 2.2 Segment reporting An operating segment is a group of assets and operations generating costs and revenues, for which separate accounting information is available, and for which the related results are periodically reviewed by the executive management in order to adopt measures as to resources to be allocated to the segment and assessment of the related results. Segment reporting by the company is defined according to the breakdown by operating segment, making a distinction between property-related activities and services. Property-related activities are then further broken down on the basis of the accounting categories into which the property assets are divided. Secondarily, information is also provided by geographical segment, defined according to property location. 2.3 Foreign currency transactions (a) Functional and presentation currency The financial statements are presented in Euros, whilst the Notes are presented in thousands of Euros. The Euro is the Company’s functional and presentation currency. (b) Foreign currency transactions and balances 197 Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at closing exchange rates of cash assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the Income Statement. Differences resulting from the translation of non-cash assets or liabilities are recognised in Equity in the period in which they occur, if profits and losses resulting from the measurement of such items are recognised directly in Equity. If, instead, profits or losses related to the valuation of non-cash assets are accounted for in the Income Statement, any exchange difference will be recognised on the same basis, except for any profit or loss generated by application of the fair value principle. In this case, any exchange differences are accounted for in Equity. 2.4 Investment properties Investment properties are those held to earn rental revenues and for capital appreciation. Investment properties are initially stated at cost, inclusive of transaction costs, and are subsequently measured at their fair value, and any change of such fair value is recorded in the Income Statement. The real estate portfolio is valued semi-annually, on 30 June and 31 December, by an external independent valuation company, duly recognised and qualified and in possession of up-to-date knowledge of the locations and features of the properties being valued. The valuation is entrusted to two or more independent experts, who will be rotated every three years within the range of the property assets, though reserving the option to defer the three-yearly rotation (for a further three years) if deemed necessary. The fair value of the properties is based on the market value, represented (in compliance with the provision of IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement”) by the estimate of the price at which the property would be traded on the measurement date and under current market conditions, as part of an ordinary transaction between market operators acting in the best manner to meet their economic interest (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). When a property classed as an operating property is transferred to investment property following a change in use, any difference between the carrying amount and the fair value of the property at the date of transfer is recognised, in case of profits, directly in Equity. Where instead the difference represents a loss, this is recognised immediately in the Income Statement. 2.5 Properties under development Properties under renovation, conversion, construction and development (hereinafter generically referred to as "development activities") for which a future use as investment properties is expected, are classified in this category. These properties are individually recognised using the cost principle (initially at the purchase cost or the last carrying amount if reclassified to this category from another property category), remaining as such until the related fair value proves to be reliably calculable on an ongoing basis. From that moment the fair value 198 measurement principle is adopted (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). The carrying amount of the property is incremented by all costs incurred for development activities, financial charges and any cost for staff employed in such activities. The capitalization of financial charges is performed for the period between the start of such activities up to the moment the properties are essentially ready for their intended use, considering, in addition to costs on borrowings specifically for property purchase and development, also costs related to loans not directly guaranteed by them. 2.6 Leases Leases are classified as finance leases or operating leases. Under the terms of a finance lease, the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset are substantially transferred to the tenant, whilst under the terms of an operating lease the risks and rewards of ownership substantially pertain to the lessor. (a) Finance leases (i) Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as lessee in finance leases On initial recognition, the lessee company records the asset as a fixed asset and a borrowing as a reverse entry for an amount equal to the lower of the fair value of the asset being leased and the current value of the minimum payments due when the contract starts, using the contract interest rate. At each reporting date, the financial charges for the period are recognised in the Income Statement, after breaking down the rentals in accordance with the interest rate implicit in the lease. The capital element of the rental paid is instead recognised as a decrease in the borrowing. (ii) Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as lessor in finance leases On initial recognition, regardless of legal title, the value of the asset is derecognised from assets and a receivable is recognised corresponding to the present value of the sum of minimum lease payments due at inception of the lease and the remaining unsecured value. The discount rate used is the interest rate implicit in the lease. At each reporting date, the financial income for the period is recognised in the Income Statement, calculated on the basis of the rate of return implicit in the lease applied on a straight-line basis throughout the lease term. The estimated remaining unsecured value is periodically subject to impairment testing. (b) Operating leases Lease payments under operating leases are recognised as revenues or costs in the Income Statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease contracts for properties are classified and accounted for on the same basis as operating leases. Please refer also to Note 2.19(i) below. 199 2.7 Operating properties and other assets Operating properties and other assets are accounted for at purchase or construction cost, based on the fair value of the consideration paid in order to acquire the asset and any other directly attributable costs of making the asset ready for its intended use. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company and the cost of the item can be reliably measured. All other repair and maintenance costs are recognised as costs in the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred. After initial recognition, operating properties and other assets are carried at cost, reduced by any accumulated depreciation or impairment. Depreciation of the assets is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful life of the asset. Assets with unlimited useful lives are not depreciated. In the case of operating properties, the value of land included in the purchase or construction cost is treated separately and not depreciated. The useful lives of the various asset classes are shown below: Operating properties 33.33 years Land unlimited Other assets 4-12 years Major renovations are depreciated over the remaining useful life of the related asset. An asset's remaining useful life is reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at each reporting date. An asset's carrying amount is written down if lower than the asset's estimated recoverable amount. Profit and loss on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying amount and are recognised in the Income Statement. 2.8 Intangible assets An intangible asset is an identifiable non-cash asset without physical substance and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the company. Intangible assets are recognised at their purchase cost. After initial recognition, intangible assets are carried at cost, net of any accumulated amortisation or impairment. The intangible assets refer only to software represented by the cost of licences purchased from third parties and of proprietary software (limited to costs incurred in the actual development stage). These costs are amortised over their estimated useful lives, which is no more than 5 years. Costs associated with maintaining existing software programs are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred. Costs attributable to new medium to long-term borrowings are recognised as direct adjustments to the nominal value of the borrowings, in application of the amortised cost method. 200 2.9 Financial assets In accordance with IFRS 10, we have control over an entity (subsidiary) if and only if, at the same time: we have power over the investee entity, qualifying as having valid rights for addressing its relevant activities, i.e. those activities impacting significantly on its profitability; we have the ability to exercise this power over the investee entity so as to affect its profitability; the profitability (positive and negative) of our investment varies depending on the profitability of the investee entity. Unser IFRS 11 an entity under a joint control (joint venture) is an entity over which the Group has the control in joint with third parties. In particular, the joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an entity, and exist only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties that control the arrangement collectively. Unser IAS 28 an associates is an entity over which the investor has a significant influence, that means the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decision of this entity even there is not a control over it. Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are initially recognised at purchase or incorporation cost, represented by the fair value at the exchange date and any other directly attributable acquisition costs. The initial cost of investments continues to be recognised in the financial statements in future years, with the exception of the following cases: following capital transactions; if there is impairment, in order to bring the carrying amount into line with the recoverable amount of the investment. Dividends paid by subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are recognised on an accrual basis in the Income Statement, when the right to receive payment is established (which generally coincides with the resolution to distribute dividends adopted by the companies’ Shareholders Meetings). Dividends paid from earnings accumulated prior to acquisition of the investment represent an adjustment to the value of the investment, and are therefore deducted from the carrying amount. For measurement purposes, financial assets are allocated to the following categories: financial assets measured at fair value through the Income Statement; loans and receivables; held-to-maturity financial assets; and available-for-sale financial assets. Directors classify each financial asset at the time of initial recognition and review the initial classification at the end of each reporting period. (a) Financial assets measured at fair value in the Income Statement 201 This category includes financial assets held for trading. Investments in this category are classified as current assets if their disposal is expected in the twelve months after the end of the reporting period. (b) Loans and receivables Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable maturities that are not traded on an active market. They are included in current assets, except for maturities of more than twelve months after the end of the reporting period, which are classified as non-current assets. (c) Held-to-maturity financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that the Company intends to hold to maturity and has the ability to do so. Their classification as current or non-current assets depends on whether their projected realisation is within or after 12 months from the reporting date. (d) Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are a residual category consisting of non-derivative financial instruments that are either designated to this category by Management or cannot be attributed to any of the other financial investment categories described above. They are included in non-current assets unless Management intends to dispose of the investment within twelve months of the reporting date. Regardless of their classification, financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus transaction costs. Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments have expired or have been transferred and the company has substantially transferred all risks and rewards of ownership of these assets. After initial recognition, financial assets measured at fair value through the Income Statement and availablefor-sale financial assets are accounted for at fair value. In the first case, changes in fair value are recognised in the Income Statement in the period in which they arise, whilst in the second case changes are recognised in Equity (the reserve for available-for-sale financial assets). This reserve is only recorded in the Income Statement when the financial asset is effectively disposed of or, in the event of a loss, when there is evidence that the impairment recognised in Equity cannot be recovered. The fair value of financial assets traded on active markets is based on current bid prices. If there is no active market for a financial asset (and securities not traded on a regulated market), the company establishes fair value by using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm’s length transactions, reference to other instruments that are substantially the same and discounted cash flow analysis adapted to reflect the issuer’s specific circumstances. Financial assets whose fair value cannot be reliably measured are stated at cost less any impairment charges. The treatment of derivatives is described below in Note 2.18. After initial recognition, loans and receivables and held-to-maturity financial assets are carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Any impairment is recognised in the Income Statement as a balancing entry to the value of the asset. Impairment recognised for an asset in prior years is reversed if the circumstances that resulted in the impairment no longer apply. 202 2.10 Trading properties Trading properties, even when subject to preliminary renovation and development activities, are classified under current assets and accounted for at the lower between purchase or construction cost and the net realisable value (IAS 2). The purchase cost is the fair value of the price paid, including any directly attributable transaction costs. The production cost is the fair value of all the costs directly attributable to the property, borrowing costs directly attributable to construction and any costs for the staff used in such activities (if any; financial charges are only recognised from the start of the loan period and until the property is substantially ready for use. The net realisable value is determined on the basis of the fair value, less any estimated sales costs. 2.11 Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at fair value and then on the basis of amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less provisions for impairment. Provisions for impairment of trade or other receivables are established when there is objective evidence that the company will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivable. The amount of the provisions is the difference between the carrying amount of the receivable and the present value of estimated future cash flows, using the effective interest rate. Provisions are recognised in the Income Statement. 2.12 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand and cash assets, current account balances and bank deposits and other highly liquid short-term financial investments. 2.13 Assets and liabilities held for sale This item is comprised, respectively, of assets (other than trading properties) or groups of discontinued assets, together with the related liabilities, the carrying amount of which will be recovered mainly through a sale transaction rather than through its continuous use. Such reclassification occurs only when the assets are available for immediate sale, in their current condition and the likelihood of their sale is high. In order for the sale to be highly likely, the assets should be included in a divestment program, the activities for the identification of a purchaser and for the completion of the divestment program must be initiated, the sale must be performed at a reasonable price compared with the fair value of the transferred assets and it should be expected to take place within one year, or longer, provided that any delay is due to events or circumstances beyond the Group's control and that sufficient evidence exists that the Group continues to be committed to the planned divestment. Assets or groups of discontinued assets that are different from the properties previously classified as "investment properties" and measured at fair value, are recognised at the lower of their carrying amount and 203 their fair value net of any sales cost at the time of their initial recognition as held for sale. When a newly acquired asset or group of discontinued assets satisfies the criteria for their classification under this category, and its acquisition is part of a business combination, their initial recognition is at fair value net of sales costs. After their initial recognition, any loss due to decreases in fair value, net of sales costs, are recorded in the Income Statement. On the other hand, revaluations for any increase in fair value net of sales costs are recognised in the Income Statement only to the extent of their previous write-down. Otherwise, the properties previously classified as "Investment Properties" and measured at fair value, as provided by the applicable standards (IFRS 5, Note 5d), continue to be measured at their fair value (reference is made to Note 4.1 for the description of the fair value measurement methods). Assets coming under this category are not depreciated. Properties for which a preliminary sale contract was signed, the sale price less selling charges, represents the benchmark value of the fair value. 2.14 Borrowings Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value, less transaction costs incurred. Subsequently, they are recognised at their amortised cost; any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction costs) and the aggregate redemption value is recognised in the Income Statement based on the duration of the borrowing, using the effective interest rate method. Transaction costs are included in the determination of related borrowings, in application of the amortised cost method. Borrowings are classified as current liabilities, unless the company has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for twelve months after the end of the reporting period. In this case, only the portion falling due within twelve months after the end of the reporting period is classified as a current liability. 2.15 Deferred tax Deferred tax is calculated on all the temporary differences existing between the tax value of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts. Deferred tax is determined using the rates and tax regulations that are reasonably expected to apply when the related deferred tax assets are realised or the deferred tax liabilities are settled. Deferred tax assets are recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. Deferred tax is recognised on temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, except where the timing of reversal of the temporary difference is controlled by the company and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. 2.16 Staff termination benefits 204 (a) Post-employment benefits The only form of post-employment benefit provided to staff by the company is represented by staff termination benefits. In the light of amendments made to regulations by the "2007 Finance Act" (Law no. 296 of 27 December 2006), staff termination benefits are accounted for by the company in accordance with the following rules: i) for "defined benefit plans", as regards the portion of staff termination benefits accrued as at 31 December 2006, through actuarial calculations which do not include the item related to future salary increases; ii) for "defined contribution plans", as regards the portion of staff termination benefits accrued from 1 January 2007, both in case of election of a supplementary pension scheme and in the event of allocation to the INPS treasury fund. (b) Termination benefits and incentive schemes Termination benefits are recognized in the Income Statement and in liabilities when the company is demonstrably committed to terminating the employment of an employee or group of employees before the normal retirement date, and to providing termination benefits to the employee or group of employees as a result of an offer through a voluntary redundancy incentive. The company recognizes its commitment on signing an agreement with the employee governing termination of employment and the recognition of incentives. The above benefits are recognized immediately in the Income Statement, as they are not capable of generating future economic benefits. (c) Share-based plans The Company awards bonuses to certain employees in the form of Stock Option plans and free shares. The estimated benefit attributed to the beneficiaries of such plans is charged to the Income Statement over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase in Equity reserves or in a debit item in favour of the beneficiaries, depending on whether the stock option plan is settled in shares or cash. The benefit is calculated by determining the fair value of the options assigned, using pricing models and taking account of arm's length conditions. The number of options assigned is updated at each reporting date if necessary. The proceeds received, less any directly attributable transaction costs, are credited to share capital (nominal value) and the share premium reserve when the options are exercised. 2.17 Provisions for risks and charges Provisions for risks and charges are recognized when: - the company has a present (legal or constructive) obligation as a result of a past event; - it is highly probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; 205 - the amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated. Provisions are measured on the basis of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. The discount rate used to determine the present value reflects current market assessments of the costs of money, taking into account the time existing between the date of the Financial Statement and the date on which the obligation will be settled, and the risks specific to the type of liability concerned. 2.18 Derivative and hedge accounting Derivatives are initially recognized and subsequently measured at their fair value. The derivatives entered into by the company are classified as highly probable cash flow hedges. When signing the contract, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ documents the relationship between the hedging instruments and the hedged items, and its objectives and strategies for managing the risk. It also documents its assessment of whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions are highly effective in offsetting changes in cash flows of hedged items on an ongoing basis. The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in Equity. However, the gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognized in the Income Statement. Amounts accumulated in Equity are reversed to the Income Statement in periods when the hedged item will affect profit or loss. When a hedging instrument expires or is sold, or when a hedge no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting, any cumulative gains or losses existing in Equity at that time will be recorded in the Income Statement when the expected transaction is definitively recognized in the Income Statement. When a forecast transaction is no longer expected to occur, the cumulative gain or loss that was reported in Equity is transferred to the Income Statement. 2.19 Revenues Revenues are recognized as follows: (i) Rental revenues Rental revenues generated by lease contracts similar to operating leases are recognized over the lease term on a straight-line basis, unless another systematic criterion is available to better represent time frames over which the rewards deriving from the use of the leased asset are reduced. Rental revenues also include amounts paid by the sellers of properties by way of guaranteed annuity. Rental revenues generated by lease contracts similar to finance leases are recognised according to methods that reflect the constant rate of return on the net investment, by dividing their amount into the refund of income from tenants recorded originally, and the related financial income. 206 (ii) Revenues from property sales Revenues from property sales are recognised in the Income Statement when the risks and benefits of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. This normally coincides with contract closing. (iii) Revenues for services Service revenues are recognised in the accounting period in which the services are provided with reference to conclusion of the specific transaction, assessed on the basis of the actual service provided as a proportion of the total services to be provided under contract. (iv) Dividends are recorded when arise the right to their payment. 2.20 Financial income and charges and profit/(loss) on investments in subsidiaries, associates and other companies Financial income and charges are recognized on an accruals basis, using the effective interest method (where applicable). Financial income and charges include the effects of discounting receivables and payables and from the measurement of derivatives in accordance with IAS 39. Dividends are recognized when the right to receive payment arises. 2.21 Seasonality of business The company’s business operations are not generally affected by seasonal phenomena. 3. 3.1 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT Financial risk factors The company’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risks, credit risks and liquidity risks. The company’s operating and financial policies seek, among other things, to minimise the potential adverse effects of such risks on the company’s financial performance. The company uses hedging instruments to hedge certain risk exposures. (a) Market risk (i) Property value risk Investment properties, properties held for sale and, where applicable, properties under development are measured at fair value and changes are recognized in the Income Statement. Fluctuations in property prices 207 can therefore have a significant effect on the company’s results. Furthermore, part of the results derives from property trading, albeit marginal, which is also significantly influenced by property value trends and the volume of potential transactions over time. The property market is affected by the cyclical nature of rents and property prices; the duration of cycles is variable, but is generally long-term. Different national markets have different cycles that are often not in step with each other due to the specific economic and business environments. Within each national market, moreover, price trends track the cycle in differing ways and with different degrees of intensity, depending on the location and features of the properties. The macroeconomic factors that have most influence on property values and therefore determine the various cyclical trends are the following: - interest rates; - market liquidity and availability of profitable alternative investments; - economic growth. Low interest rates, high market liquidity and a lack of profitable alternative investments generally accompany an increase in property values. Economic growth generally drives demand for rented space and pushes up rents, above all in the office segment, which is the company’s primary area of operation. This in turn has a positive effect on property prices. It should be noted, however, that in the mid-term, economic growth normally generates a rise in inflation and thus in interest rates, thereby increasing availability of profitable alternative investments. All such factors exert downward pressure on property prices. The company’s investment policy aims to minimize the impact of different stages of the cycle, by selecting investments, either directly or via its subsidiaries or joint ventures: with long-term leases entered into with quality tenants, enabling it to mitigate the impact of falling market rents and the resulting decline in property prices; located primarily in the centres of major Italian cities (above all Rome and Milan) that have a structural shortage of good quality office space; (ii) with low "vacancy rates", so as to avoid the risk of having to re-let space in times of limited demand. Interest rate risk The company’s borrowings are normally subject to floating rates plus a spread. Interest rate movements therefore have a significant effect on results. Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ’s policy is to hedge exposure to interest rate risk as far as possible, so as to limit substantial exposure to property-related risks. In any event, the company does not perform purely speculative transactions, or any transactions not directly connected to its debt exposure. Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ manages interest rate risk by using derivative contracts: swaps, caps and collars. 208 Interest rate swaps have the effect of converting borrowings from floating rate to fixed rate over part or all of the borrowing term, and regard a portion or the entire amount. Caps and collars have the effect of establishing an upper limit, and in the case of a collar a lower limit, on fluctuations in the interest rates of the various borrowings over part of or all the borrowing term. The company constantly monitors the rate risk, through quarterly testing of the effectiveness of hedging instruments, accompanied by a summary report. As at 31 December 2014, taking into account the outstanding hedging transactions on floating and fixed rate borrowings, 84.83% (93.29% as at 31 December 2013) of the financial exposure of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ is paid at fixed rate. The following tables present the effects on nominal interest flows, net of the relevant effects on hedging spreads, connected to the existing financial liabilities at year end and referring to the following financial year, as resulting from a sensitivity analysis conducted assuming a possible change in interest rates of plus or minus 100 basis points compared to the rates determined on 31 December 2014. + 100 bp - 100 bp 31 December 2014 Change in the nominal interest on borrow ings Change in derivative spreads (7,818) 623 4,053 (327) 16 (1) (3,749) 295 Tax effect of the above changes Total effect on net income + 100 bp - 100 bp 31 December 2013 Change in the nominal interest on borrow ings Change in derivative spreads Tax effect of the above changes Total effect on net income (7,238) 2,157 6,527 (1,927) 20 (6) (691) 224 The table summarises the aggregate effects on the fair values of existing derivatives if the interest rates at each year end were 100 basis points higher or lower than the actual interest rates. The same table also shows the portion of effects, net of related tax, which would be recognised directly to Equity. Change in fair value 31 Decem ber 2014 + 100 bp - 100 bp Net effect on Equity of changes in fair value (*) + 100 bp - 100 bp Derivatives - Assets and liabilities 37,590 (19,342) 37,590 (19,342) Total 37,590 (19,342) 37,590 (19,342) Change in fair value 31 Decem ber 2013 + 100 bp Derivatives - Assets and liabilities Tax effect Total (*) (iii) - 100 bp 18,977 (14,084) - - 18,977 (14,084) Net effect on Equity of changes in fair value + 100 bp - 100 bp 18,977 (14,084) (123) 90 18,854 (13,994) With reference to the figures as at 31 December 2014, note that in the event that interest rates increased or decreased by 100 basis points, 726 thousand of Euro and (142) thousand of Euro, respectively, would have been recognised in the Income Statement as changes relating to overhedging shares. Foreign exchange risk 209 As at 31 December 2014, the Company was operating in the Euro Area only, and was therefore not exposed to foreign exchange risk. (b) Credit risk The following table summarises the company's maximum exposure to credit risk. Balance 31.12.2014 Balance 31.12.2013 De s cription Net trade and other receivables (current and non-current) 122,158 67,294 Receivables f rom subsidiaries and associates (current and non-current) 291,019 152,585 Derivatives - Assets 846 - Cash and cash equivalents (net of cash in hand) 105,142 104,572 Total 519,165 324,451 All the financial assets listed above refer to relations in Italy. The carrying amounts of the aforementioned financial assets correspond to the relevant fair values. As regards trade and other receivables, both current and non-current, the table below details their relevant gross amount, amounts past due, related amortisation and the amount not yet due, together with an indication of maturity within or beyond twelve months. Description Property sales and investment disposals Tenants Customers for services provided Receivables from the Municipality of Rome Guarantee deposits Tax receivables Other receivables (including accruals and deferrals) Total Gross receivables 31.12.2014 60,848 59,389 77 10,749 312 11,515 5,813 148,703 Gross receivables past due Write-dow n of past due receivables 5,648 35,389 10,749 17 18 1,497 53,318 (5,648) (17,329) (2,222) (17) (18) (1,311) (26,545) Receivable s not yet due Receivables m aturing w ithin 12 m onths 55,000 24,000 77 295 11,497 4,316 95,185 55,000 8,286 77 4,014 4,316 71,693 over 12 m onths 15,714 295 7,483 23,492 The table below, on the other hand, presents gross receivables past due with percentage breakdown by maturity. Past due by Gross receivables past due 31.12.2014 Description less than 6 months Property purchases and investment disposals Tenants Receivables from the Municipality of Rome Guarantee deposits Tax receivables Other receivables 5,848 35,389 10,749 17 18 1,497 11,643 54 Total 53,518 11,697 - 6 months1 year 6,376 2,284 8,660 more than 1 year 5,848 17,370 8,411 17 18 1,497 33,161 Credit recovery expectations are assessed on a position-by-position basis, taking into account the existing guarantees validly enforceable and the opinion of external legal advisors who follow the related recovery actions (if any). All receivables for which a loss is probable were written down accordingly at year end. With reference to changes in provisions for write-downs, please see Notes 7.1.7 and 7.2.2 below. As shown in the tables above, receivables as at 31 December 2014 mainly include: 210 - “Receivables from property sales and investment disposals” related to: i) the credit spread for the sale (in 2014) of the property in Milan via Fogazzaro, of 55,000 thousand of Euro, the collection of which, backed by a bank guarantee at first demand, is expected by the end of May 2015; ii) a receivable from the Municipality of Rome of 4,241 thousand of Euro with respect to the sale of a residence called Fabianella, subject of a dispute, more details of which can be found under Note 8 below; iii) other receivables of 1,607 thousand of Euro (see next Note 7.2.2). - “Tenants", "customers for services provided" and "other receivables": these credit categories are constantly monitored to assess their recovery prospects. Specifically, with regard to amounts due from tenants, the company believes it is not exposed to significant credit risks, given that tenants are selected on the basis of their credit rating and on the economic prospects for their business. The operating and financial performances of the most important tenants are, moreover, monitored on an ongoing basis. Investments in properties leased to tenants whose credit rating may be at risk or is highly subject to change are made only if the quality of the property offers an adequate guarantee that the property can be rapidly re-let should the tenant become insolvent. Furthermore, as at 31 December 2014 the company holds guarantees, mostly bank sureties and guarantee deposits, which cover more than one quarter of the aggregate amount of annual rentals at that date. Amounts due from tenants past due as at 31 December 2014 include an amount of 11,167 thousand of Euro relating to the position subject to dispute with the tenant "Darsena City" shopping mall in Ferrara, whose recoverability was assessed in determining the specific provision for write-downs. Please refer to Note 8 below for more details. - “Receivables from the Municipality of Rome”: these are positions that are subject to civil law disputes, details of which can be found in Notes 7.1.7, 7.2.2 and 8 below. - “Tax receivables”: these are mainly taxes paid in settlement of tax litigations, details of which can be found in Note 8 below and direct tax receivables to be used to offset. With reference to bank deposits and derivatives, it should be noted that the company operates on a continuing and permanent basis with primary counterparties that have an acceptable credit rating, thus limiting the related credit risk. The following table summarises the exposure of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as regards bank deposits and derivatives, with breakdown by counterparty rating (according to Fitch and if not available Standard & Poor’s). 211 Balance 31.12.2014 Bank and post office deposits A+ 32 A 13,105 A- Balance 31.12.2013 2,492 1,913 59 BBB+ 12,173 16,365 66,837 BBB 65,386 BBB- 28 - BB+ 45 17,196 BB 12,265 n.c. (*) Total 1,623 105,142 104,572 Balance 31.12.2014 Derivatives - Assets - 195 Balance 31.12.2013 A+ 423 - BBBBBB+ 423 - 846 - Total (*) Banks that do not have a public rating. In view of the rating brackets of the counterparties, the management believes that, as regards these investments, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ is not exposed to significant credit risk. (c) Liquidity risk Borrowings used to finance the purchase of investment properties are structured on the basis of cash flows generated by the lease contracts, taking account of the operating costs to be borne by the owner under the terms of the contract. The Company aims at not expanding financial leverage beyond 60% of the value of the consolidated real estate portfolio. Liquidity risk is thus considered to be low. The tables below show the breakdown by maturity of the nominal value of financial liabilities other than hedging instruments, net of any accruing interest. Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Carrying am ount 2 to 5 years beyond 5 years Nom inal value w ithin 1 year 1 to 2 years 925,674 199,371 615,134 574,487 932,498 200,011 620,190 606,232 349,777 11 20,190 111,232 246,865 200,000 - 75,606 600,000 495,000 260,250 - 2,314,666 2,358,931 481,210 446,865 1,170,606 260,250 Borrow ings other than hedging instrum ents (current and noncurrent portions) Mortgage loans Other loans Other borrow ings Bonds Convertible bonds Total Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Carrying am ount Nom inal value w ithin 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years beyond 5 years Borrow ings other than hedging instrum ents (current and noncurrent portions) Loans and other short-term borrow ings Mortgage loans Convertible bonds 80,102 1,018,201 565,184 80,102 1,024,377 606,228 80,102 106,180 5,690 676,073 105,538 242,124 225,000 270,000 Total 1,663,487 1,710,707 191,972 781,611 467,124 270,000 212 - The tables below instead report the breakdown of the fair value of financial assets and liabilities for derivatives by the periods when the underlying cash flows are expected to affect the Income Statement. Fair value (*) 31.12.2014 w ithin 1 year 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 1 to 2 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 2 to 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 beyond 5 years 31.12.2013 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Derivatives - Assets CAP 846 - 1 - 24 - 821 - - - Total 846 - 1 - 24 - 821 - - - Derivatives - Liabilities IRS (39,318) (30,702) (12,128) (14,397) (5,765) (10,809) (16,923) (5,450) (4,502) (46) Total (39,318) (30,702) (12,128) (14,397) (5,765) (10,809) (16,923) (5,450) (4,502) (46) (*) Since this is the breakdown by periods of expected cash flows, the fair value shown here does not include the positive effect (+1,433 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and +821 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) deriving from the inclusion in the measurement of the "creditworthiness" variable as provided by IFRS 13. Conversely, the following table describes the breakdown by maturity of non-discounted cash flows of derivatives as at 31 December 2014. Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Total nondiscounted cash flow (*) w ithin 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years beyond 5 years Derivatives - Assets and liabilities IRS 52,314 Total 52,314 (*) 11,185 11,185 5,562 5,562 18,934 18,934 16,632 16,632 It does not include the positive effect of "creditworthiness”. As at 31 December 2014, the average financial maturity of borrowings, other than hedging instruments, is equal to 2.89 years (2.63 years as at 31 December 2013), while as at 31 December 2014 the average financial maturity of interest rate hedges is equal to 4.29 years (2.95 years as at 31 December 2013). 3.2 Capital management The policy of the company, focused on protecting an optimal capital structure, is achieved by maintaining: a net debt/equity ratio no higher than 1.5; - a net debt/property assets ratio lower than 60%. 4. CRITICAL ESTIMATES, JUDGEMENTS AND ACCOUNTING POLICIES 4.1 Valuation of the real estate portfolio Properties are valued on a semi-annual basis, on 30 June and 31 December, through specific estimates carried out by independent experts. For June 2014, in particular, the valuation is entrusted to CBRE Valuation S.p.A.. The Company has a specific company procedure that defines the rules of selection and appointment of the independent expert, providing that only subjects who meet previously set requirements of professionalism, independence and good repute can be nominated. The tasks assigned to the expert last three years. 213 Valuations are carried out for each property, using different criteria for each valuation (compatible with the provisions of IFRS 13): - comparative or market method, based on a comparison between the asset in question and other assets recently exchanged or currently on offer on the same market or on competing markets; - income method: takes two different methodological approaches into consideration: - direct capitalisation approach, based on the current value of potential future income from a property, obtained by capitalising income at an appropriate market rate; - discounted cash flow approach, based on discounting future net rental revenues (over a period that varies according to the existing lease terms). At the end of this period, it is assumed that the property will be sold at a value obtained by capitalising income for the last year at a market rate for investments similar to those being valued; - conversion method, developed through a forecast of economic feasibility of both revenues and development costs required to complete the real estate enterprise. The market value obtained is the difference between the market value of the optimised property, including the value of the area on which it stands, and its cost of development (renovation and conversion). Each property is valued using one of the above methods or combined, depending on the specific nature of each property. The valuations were carried out on the assumption of the higher and best use of the properties being valued, that is to say, considering among all legally permitted and financially feasible possible technical uses, only the uses that can potentially confer the maximum value to each Property. The higher and best use is determined on the basis of the specific considerations depending on specific characteristics (type/location) of the property and of the local real estate market. In determining the capitalisation and discount rates used in the valuation of individual properties, the following is taken into account: - the type of tenant currently occupying the property or responsible for meeting the lease obligations and the potential future occupants of vacant properties, in addition to the general market perception of their credit standing; - the allocation of responsibility for insurance and maintenance between the lessor and the tenant; - the remaining useful economic life of the property. The operating methods for a periodic valuation of properties are regulated by a Group internal procedure that regulates all the activities of the process: from the selection and appointment of the experts to the documents sent to them, to the valuation methods, to the inspection of the properties being valued, to the operating and coordination rules with the experts, to the monitoring of the entire process. The information and data used for the valuations include: information provided to the expert by the Company, such as current rents, terms and conditions of the existing lease contracts, property taxes, property management costs, including any capital expenditure contemplated. This information is drawn from the management systems used, under the monitoring of the internal control system; 214 assumptions and valuation models defined directly by the experts (usually related to the market of reference, such as the discount rate, the capitalisation rate, the inflation curve, etc.). The definition of these valuation elements is based on their professional opinion, considered a careful observation of the market of reference. The information sent to the experts, the assumptions and the models used by them are revised by the asset managers and by the COO (Chief Operating Officer), who is entrusted with the responsibility for the organisation, coordination, monitoring and verification of the valuations. The following table classifies (separately by property category) the values resulting from the estimates drawn up by the independent expert as at 31 December 2014 depending on the used valuation techniques. VALUATION METHOD COMPARATIVE OR MARKET METHOD INCOME METHOD (DIRECT CAPITALISATION - DCF: DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW) CONVERSION METHOD Investment properties Properties under development Operating properties Trading properties Properties included among assets held for sale - 1,888,960 43,731 1,000 19,690 - Total fair value resulting from independent expert estim ates (*) - 1,933,691 19,690 Total Accounting category (*) 1,888,960 63,421 1,000 1,953,381 For the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert estimates and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio, refer to Note 5.3. It should be noted that in the above table the market value of the Shopping Mall in Ferrara is already 50% owned by the Group. Conversely, the following table shows the classification of property valuations as at 31 December 2014 (separately by property category), according to the three hierarchy levels of the fair value provided by IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”: HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE (*) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Total Accounting category Investment properties Properties under development Operating properties Trading properties Properties included among assets held for sale - Total fair value resulting from independent expert estim ates (**) - (*) 443,900 443,900 1,445,060 63,421 1,000 1,509,481 1,888,960 63,421 1,000 1,953,381 The hierarchical values to which the fair value measurements of the properties are assigned, are defined on the basis of input data used in the measurement, in compliance with what is defined in paragraphs 72-90 of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. (**) For the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert estimates and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio, refer to Note 5.3. It should be noted that in the above table the market value of the Shopping Mall in Ferrara is already 50% owned by the Group. For property valuations falling under Level 3 of the hierarchical levels of fair value, quantitative information on unobservable inputs deemed most significant are shown below: 215 Accounting category Fair value (level 3) as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Investm ent properties Trading properties Properties included am ong assets held for sale Total level 3 "fair value" Valuation technique Unobservable inputs Range (w eighted average) (*) 1.445.060 Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value €41-€2,000 (€226) 5.80%-8.05% (6.5%) 4.5%-8.67% (6.11%) 43.731 Incom e Method Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value €75-€200 (€155) 3.8% -7.9% (5.8%) 4%-8% (5.8%) 19.690 Conversion m ethod Costs for the completion of the initiative Discount rate (**) 5,2% Annual rent by sq.m Discount rate Capitalisation rate by terminal value 233,0 7,5% 7,3% 1.000 Incom e Method 1.509.481 (*) The average of the annual rent per square meters was obtained by weighting the figure of each property by its GLA. The weighted average of the (**) The Cost for the completion of the initiatives measured with the conversion method was defined on the basis of the estimates of the expenses Discount rate and of the Capitalisation rate was obtained by weighting the figure of each property by the rent by sq.m. contained in the business plan of each initiative With reference to the sensitivity of fair value measurements to the changes in the main unobservable inputs, note that there would be fair value reductions in the following cases: decreases in current rents and/or in the estimate of annual rents by sq.m.; an increase in discount rates and /or in capitalisation rates; the occurrence of capex on properties not contemplated; for properties on which future capital expenses are contemplated, an increase in the estimate of these expenses, and/or an extension of their timing; problems related to the collection of rents from the current tenants. Opposite changes in the aforesaid phenomena would imply an increase in fair value. 4.2 Measurement of derivatives Derivatives are measured (with the details provided in the following paragraphs) using the Discounted Cash Flow method. According to this method, the fair value of a derivative is calculated by determining the expected cash flows and then discounting them. This measurement is carried out on a quarterly basis. The valuation methods are in compliance with the provisions of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. 4.2.1 Interest rate derivatives Expected floating interest flows related to interest rate derivatives, net of any optional item, are determined according to the Euribor forward curve. For the purpose of calculating the fair value, these expected flows are discounted using the implicit spot rates in the Euribor curve, determined using Euribor rates fixing and listed prices for swaps as at the measurement date. As regards interest rate derivatives with optionals, the fair value is instead determined using the Black standard market model, or by adapting the Black-Scholes model to the interest rates. The Euribor curve used in determining the forward rates to be included in the model is similar to that used for derivatives without optional items. The volatilities used are, instead, the implicit volatilities quoted at the time of measurement. 216 4.2.2 Conversion option related to the convertible bonds The measurement model used is the one developed by Tsiveriotis and Fernandes (Tsiveriotis - Fernandes “Valuing convertible bonds with credit risk” - The Journal of fixed income -1998) which is mainly based on the Black-Scholes model for what concerns the “share component” and introduces the credit risk in the measurement of the “bond component”. The input parameters of the model are calibrated so as to align the valuation of the convertible bond at market prices at the measurement date. 4.2.3 Hierarchical level of fair value measurements of derivative instruments The following table classifies the fair value measurement of derivative instruments, separately by type of derivative instrument, in the three levels of hierarchy of the fair value contemplated by IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”: HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE (*) LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Total Derivatives - Net liabilities Interest rate derivatives 37,039 37,039 Conversion option related to the convertible bond maturing in 2018 and 2019 53,463 53,463 Total Derivatives - liabilities (*) - 90,502 - 90,502 The hierarchical values to which the fair value measurements of the derivative instruments are assigned, are defined on the basis of input data used in the measurement, in compliance with what is defined in paragraphs 72-90 of IFRS 13 "Fair value measurement”. As can be seen from the table above, fair value measurements of the derivative instruments, carried out in accordance with the measurement models mentioned in the paragraphs above, are included in “level 2” of the fair value measurement hierarchy identified by IFRS 7 “Financial instruments: Disclosures” and by IFRS 13 “Fair value measurement”. In fact, input data directly or indirectly observable on the market is used to measure the fair value (other than listed prices – unadjusted -), adjusted, where necessary, depending on specific factors related to the measured instrument. 5 SEGMENT REPORTING 5.1 Breakdown by operating segments STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 217 REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Investment properties Description Comm./ Hotels Offices Investment properties Properties under development Operating properties and other assets Intangible assets 1,600,540 288,420 Properties held for sale Total Comm./ Hotels Offices 1,888,960 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OTHER Properties under developme nt - Trading properties Offices Comm./ Hotels Other SERVICES Total Assets/Liab ilities not specifically attributable Total - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,888,960 - - - - - - 1,150 1,150 - - - - - - - - - - - - 172 172 Investments and securities - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,119,742 1,119,742 Trade and other receivables 12,753 2,800 15,553 - - - - 4,398 - 4,402 - 9,030 28,985 - - - - - - - - - - - - 949 949 381 - 381 - - - - - - - - - 465 846 3,067 1,978 853 5,898 5,225 13,627 - - - - 3,071 6,376 853 10,300 - 1,136,733 3,054,431 Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates Derivatives Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Trading properties Trade and other receivables Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Assets held for sale 1,613,674 - 2,504 2,504 293,724 1,907,398 - 25,263 504 4 - - - - - - 27,480 23,860 11,965 63,305 - - 63,305 25,767 - (70) (70) - 648 - - 648 - 66,827 93,172 290,070 - - - - - - - - - - - - 290,070 - - - - - - - - - - - - 105,146 105,146 - 462,043 551,693 25,263 25,767 - - - (70) (70) - 28,128 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,638,937 294,228 1,933,165 - 930 930 - 31,199 Borrowings 381,464 22,385 403,849 - - 12,337 Derivatives 29,449 2,556 32,005 - - 402 Total assets - 504 - - - - 23,860 - 30,236 506 11,965 - 63,953 - 12,818 - - 1,000 74,253 - 1,598,776 3,607,124 - 12,337 - 1,419,705 1,835,891 - 908 - 58,435 91,348 Trade and other payables - - - - - - - - - - - - Staff termination benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - 320 Deferred tax liabilities 870 1,617 2,487 699 1,648 2,347 - - - - - - - 411,783 26,558 438,341 699 257,218 74,689 331,907 Total non-current liabilities Borrowings Payables due to subsidiaries and associates Trade and other payables Provisions for risks and charges Total current liabilities Total liabilities - - - 33,040 7,451 40,491 - - 290,258 702,041 - 82,140 372,398 108,698 810,739 320 4,834 1,648 2,347 - 12,739 506 - 13,245 - 1,478,460 1,932,393 - - - - 1 14,867 - 14,868 - 132,001 478,776 - - - - - - - - - 84,181 84,181 204 809 1,013 - 150 885 223 1,258 - 5,425 - - 204 903 809 - - 1,013 - 2,457 3,360 - - 151 - 15,752 12,890 16,258 - - 223 223 16,126 29,371 48,187 - 6,401 6,401 - 228,008 617,545 - 1,706,468 2,549,938 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Offices Investment properties Properties held for sale Investment properties Description Offices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Investments and securities - - - - Trade and other receivables 12,540 1,543 14,083 - - - - - - - 36,462 10,808 1,441,612 391,666 Derivatives Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Trading properties Trade and other receivables Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Assets held for sale 1,771,925 Total - Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates 379,315 Total Comm./ Hotels - Properties under development Operating properties and other assets Intangible assets 1,392,610 Comm./ Hotels OTHER Properties under developme nt Offices - - - - 1,771,925 - - - - - 117,720 - - - - - - 1,331 - - - - - - - 172 172 - - - - - - - - 437,614 437,614 209 216 - 4,268 - 22,825 41,392 - - - - - - - - 26,584 26,584 - - - - - - - - - - - 47,270 425 201 626 4,854 2,782 1,968 2,657 7,407 6,127 66,284 1,833,278 432 410 842 122,574 2,782 6,226 2,667 11,675 - 494,653 2,463,022 - - - - 28,370 23,190 21,087 72,647 - - 72,647 253 167 420 - 26 378 404 - 9,387 25,902 - - - 13,708 1,983 15,691 4,258 - - - - - - - - - - - 126,001 126,001 - - - - - - - - - - - 104,575 104,575 - 239,963 13,708 167 420 - 28,396 122,574 31,178 29,794 Borrowings 663,605 163,627 827,232 8,469 3,945 12,414 46,036 12,386 14,871 Derivatives 22,251 4,987 27,238 366 95 461 958 640 584 5,344 3,158 8,502 46 773 819 729 Total liabilities - - 23,568 39,820 41,082 Total current liabilities - 253 8,880 Provisions for risks and charges - 15,691 9,457 Total non-current liabilities - 1,983 30,940 Borrowings Payables due to subsidiaries and associates Trade and other payables - - 31,625 Staff termination benefits 10 1,331 - 1,848,969 Deferred tax liabilities Total - 393,649 Trade and other payables Total Assets/Liab ilities not specifically attributable - 117,720 1,455,320 Total assets Other SERVICES - 7 - Trading properties Comm./ Hotels - 21,087 23,754 73,051 - - - 329,125 39,820 84,726 - 734,616 2,831,967 - 27,257 - 559,494 1,472,433 - 1,224 - 27,898 57,779 - - - 10,050 - - - - - - - - - - - - 289 289 6,368 2,595 8,963 1,166 1,402 2,568 - - - - - - 1 11,532 697,568 174,367 871,935 10,047 6,215 16,262 47,723 13,026 - 28,481 - 587,682 1,552,083 80,974 22,524 103,498 373 1,015 1,388 5 371 - - 371 - 85,792 191,054 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,800 1,800 26,576 17,902 44,478 1,948 2,773 4,091 133 192 136 461 - 3,061 54,864 107,550 805,118 - - 825 - - - - 40,426 147,976 2,321 1,840 4,161 4,096 214,793 1,019,911 12,368 20,423 51,819 8,055 INCOME STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2014 218 504 13,530 15,455 - - - - 5,078 5,078 192 136 832 - 95,731 252,796 - 683,413 1,804,879 15,647 136 29,313 REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Investment properties Description Comm./ Hotels Offices Rental revenues 83,642 Sales revenues 74,500 Net service revenues Total revenues 158,142 17,357 Other Properties held for sale Total Offices Comm./ Hotels OTHER Properties under developmen t Total Trading properties Offices Other SERVICES Total Total - 100,999 - 78 78 - 678 75 775 - - 101,852 - - 74,500 - 800 800 - - 126 9,172 9,298 - - 84,598 - - - - - - - - - 1,533 - 1,533 1,533 - 187,983 17,357 - 175,499 - 878 878 - 22 Comm./ Hotels Revenue/C osts not specifically attributabl e 22 804 9,247 10,073 Operating costs (16,461) (4,041) - (20,502) (6) (30) (36) - (276) (410) (246) (932) - - (21,470) of which costs (20,299) (4,079) - (24,378) (7) (27) (34) - (297) (464) (203) (964) - - (25,376) of which costs recovered from tenants and insurance indemnities of which write-down/losses on receivables from tenants 4,572 (734) Cost of sales (72,226) EBITDA 69,455 1,394 - 5,966 4 5 - (1,356) - (2,090) - (7) (7) - (72,226) - (808) (808) 40 34 13,316 - 82,771 1 (6) - 18 95 - - 6,066 - 21 (2) (61) (63) - - (2,160) - (106) (9,124) (9,230) 288 (123) (89) (254) 56 1,533 - (82,264) - 84,249 Staff costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - (6,209) (6,209) Overheads - - - - - - - - - - - - - (10,761) (10,761) 40 34 Profit/(Loss) before net property write-ups/writedowns and other revenues and income/costs and charges Property write-ups/writedowns Other revenues and income EBIT 69,455 1,842 (74) 71,223 Net financial income/charges Income/(charges) from subsidiaries and associates Income/(charges) from other companies EBT Income tax Net income (35,611) 13,316 - 82,771 (6) (2,135) - (293) 230 (20) 210 (215) - (289) 7 (48) (41) 231 (28) 10,966 - 82,189 (4,612) - (40,223) - - - - - - - - - (1,861) (254) (973) - 203 (1,861) 288 (55) 7 (1,220) 232 (52) (52) - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,927) 35,612 6,354 - 41,966 231 (80) 151 (1,861) 119 421 - 540 515 696 1,211 - 35,731 6,775 - 42,506 746 616 1,362 (1,861) (707) (1) (89) (89) (1,117) - - 8,021 - (20,904) 8,015 7,803 (289) 2 (287) 1,533 (16,970) 67,279 (3,061) 6,815 1,533 (1,228) - (85,041) - - - 45,621 - - - 7,803 5,587 1,533 (1,807) (1,531) - 5,996 4,056 1,533 (521) 274 (1,653) (123) (37,874) (13,213) 51,005 (126,544) 45,621 (154) (154) (77,448) (30,072) (44,048) (43,828) (121,496) (73,900) INCOME STATEMENT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2013 REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO Investment properties Description Offices Rental revenues 75,394 Sales revenues 28,000 Net service revenues Total revenues 103,394 Comm./ Hotels 24,487 Other Properties held for sale Total Offices Comm./ Hotels Total OTHER Properties under developmen t Trading properties Offices Comm./ Hotels Other SERVICES Total Revenue/Co sts not specifically attributable Total - 99,881 2,622 813 3,435 - 23 575 100 698 - - 104,014 - - 28,000 18,314 1,280 19,594 - 1,108 2,946 3,001 7,055 - - 54,649 - - - - - - - - - 1,437 - 1,437 1,131 3,521 3,101 7,753 1,437 - 160,100 24,487 - 127,881 20,936 2,093 23,029 - Operating costs (16,823) (5,383) - (22,206) (366) (221) (587) (557) (287) (568) (386) (1,241) - - (24,591) of which costs (18,907) (4,482) - (23,389) (373) (200) (573) (557) (287) (598) (390) (1,275) - - (25,794) of which costs recovered from tenants and insurance indemnities of which write-down/losses on receivables from tenants 4,346 1,082 - 5,428 (2,262) (1,983) - (4,245) Cost of sales (27,076) EBITDA 59,495 Staff costs Overheads Profit/(Loss) before net property write-ups/writedowns and other revenues and income/costs and charges Property write-ups/writedowns 19,104 - (27,076) 78,599 7 27 34 - - (47) (47) - - (18,186) (1,280) (19,466) 2,384 592 2,976 - (557) (990) (146) 30 (2,882) 71 36 - - 5,498 (3) 6 (3) - - (4,295) (2,868) (6,740) - (153) (228) 1,437 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (6,288) (6,288) - - - - - - - - - - - - - (10,614) (10,614) 59,495 19,104 (18,972) (13,535) - (146) 71 (153) (228) 1,437 (270) (16,902) (4,970) (4,356) (1,134) (5,760) - - - - - - - - - - - (3,134) Other costs and charges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (5,527) (4,502) (1,063) (5,988) 1,437 (21) (1,073) (657) EBT Income tax Net income 5.1 (39,980) (921) (557) - - (283) 2,976 - 5,569 (638) 592 - 40,523 (32,507) 2,384 - Net financial income/charges Income/(charges) from subsidiaries and associates Income/(charges) from other companies - 78,599 Other revenues and income EBIT (53,282) 82,227 46,092 1,746 309 2,055 (47,887) (1,761) (381) (2,142) (423) (20,036) 65,325 (44,158) (3,134) 18,033 (7,907) - (1,730) - (28,023) (79,803) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38,701 38,701 - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,720) (7,718) 1,437 1,701 - (6,017) 1,437 543 (2,338) 5,100 4,133 5,643 1,795 - (1,795) (15) (72) (87) (5,548) (5,575) - 9,233 (693) 425 (268) 1,515 1,217 - 7,438 (708) 353 (355) (4,033) (4,358) Breakdown by geographical area 219 416 (1,304) (423) 68 (355) (195) (195) (9,553) (23,264) (568) (10,121) 11,613 (11,651) RENTAL AND SALES REVENUES NORTH CENTRE SOUTH ISLANDS TOTAL Description Dec-14 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-13 Rental revenues 95,089 97,966 4,834 4,220 1,841 1,729 Sales revenues 83,619 34,455 979 19,744 - - Total revenues 178,708 132,421 5,813 23,964 1,841 Dec-14 Dec-13 89 1,729 89 Dec-14 Dec-13 99 101,853 104,014 450 84,598 54,649 549 186,451 158,663 PATRIMONIO IMMOBILIARE NORTH CENTRE SOUTH ISLANDS TOTAL Description Dec-14 Investment properties Dec-13 1,787,200 Dec-14 1,707,265 Dec-13 70,480 Dec-14 Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-13 32,730 29,300 29,930 1,980 2,000 28,710 - - - - Dec-14 Dec-13 1,888,960 1,771,925 0 117,720 1,000 39,820 72,647 Properties under development 89,010 Properties held for sale 32,070 1,000 7,750 - - 51,765 61,173 11,540 11,474 - - - - 63,305 - - - - - - - - - 83,020 80,664 29,300 29,930 Trading properties Operating properties Total Equity 1,838,965 1,889,518 220 1,980 2,000 1,953,265 0 2,002,112 5.2 Information on real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014 The table below shows details of the real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014, along with the related accounting criteria and compared to market values as at that date. Description Investm ent properties Offices Commercial Held for sale properties Carrying am ount as at 31.12.2014 Market value as at 31.12.2014 Accounting m ethod 1,888,960 Last appraisal date 1,888,960 IAS 40 - Fair value 1,600,540 1,600,540 288,420 288,420 1,000 1,000 IFRS5 - Fair value Commercial 63,305 Offices 27,480 Commercial 23,860 Other Total Real Estate Portfolio 31.12.2014 1,000 Trading properties 31.12.2014 1,000 63,561 IAS 2 - Low er betw een purchase cost and net realisable value 27,480 31.12.2014 23,860 11,965 12,221 1,953,265 1,953,521 The carrying amount of the consolidated real estate portfolio as at 31 December 2014 totals 4,091,491 thousand of Euro, compared to a market value of 4,093,027 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014. The table below shows the reconciliation between the market value resulting from independent expert appraisals and the market value of the consolidated real estate portfolio. Marke t value 31.12.2014 Mark e t value 31.12.2013 CB Richard Ellis Prof essional Services S.p.A. REAG real Estate Advisory Group S.p.A. Yard Valtech S.r.l. 307,220 1,663,961 2,011,680 - Total inde pende nt expe rt apprais als 1,971,181 2,011,680 Adjustment to appraisal value of the Ferrara shopping mall 50% jointly ow ned w ith third parties Total Group inde pe ndent e xpe rt apprais als (17,800) (18,425) 1,953,381 1,993,255 Properties not subject to appraisal as subject to preliminary sale agreement 140 9,118 Other minor changes - Total cons olidate d re al es tate portfolio at m ark e t value s 1,953,521 2,002,373 The consolidated real estate portfolio movements at market value of 2014 are shown in the table below: Real Estate Portfolio 31.12.2013 2,002,373 Capex 35,808 Sales (81,629) Vigevano price adjustment 30 Net w rite-ups/(w rite-dow ns) (3,061) Real Estate Portfolio 31.12.2014 1,953,521 A table summarising the changes in the real estate portfolio (at expertise values) broken down by “fair value hierarchy” level is shown below. 221 CHANGES IN THE REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO BY HIERARCHICAL LEVELS OF FAIR VALUE LEVEL 2 Balance as at 31 December 2013 LEVEL 3 Total 869.610 1.132.763 Capex 10.197 25.641 35.838 Sales (9.118) (72.511) (81.629) 5.638 (8.699) (3.061) Write-ups / w rite-dow ns and depreciations/amortisation Reclassifications from level 2 and level 3 (*) Balance as at 31 December 2014 (432.287) 432.287 444.040 1.509.481 2.002.373 1.953.521 (*) Reclassifications include those referred to preliminary sales agreements Reclassifications from level 2 to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy are mostly attributable to adjustments to market inputs, which the experts decided to introduce in the evaluation of some properties compared to December 2013, for a better evaluation of their architectural and functional qualities, or motivated by changes in the figures found on the market of reference, which called for the introduction of their adjustments for the purpose of the proper enhancement of the properties because of their amounts and specific uses. Please see the section on "Business Segments" in the Management Report, which forms part of these Consolidated Financial Statements, for details of the consolidated real estate portfolio, with breakdown by "Core, Development, Dynamic Portfolio" operating segments. 5.3.1 Information on the main development projects as at 31 December 2014 As at 31 December 2014, there are no development projects in progress. With reference to the completion of the development projects of Milan – San Nicolao and Rome – via dell’Arte, reference is made to what is indicated in the Management Report. 5.3.2 Information on investment properties M A R KET V A LU E 3 1.12 .2 0 14 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES 1,888,960 C A R R Y IN G A M OU N T 3 1.12 .2 0 14 1,888,960 C U R R EN T A N N U A L R EN T 92,195 % GR OSS A V ER A GE Y IELD ( calculat ed o n t he mar ket value) 4.88% GR OSS LEA SED SQ.M 468,171 GR OSS LEA SA B LE SQ.M . 578,876 OC C U PA N C Y RATE 80.88% As can be seen from the above table, the properties to be leased provide an annual average gross yield of 4.88% against annual rents (calculated on the basis of the current lease contracts) of 92,195 thousand of Euro. The table below gives details of the concentration level of rents by tenants: 222 CURRENT ANNUAL RENTS TENANTS INTESA SAN PAOLO GROUP TECNIMONT STATE PROPERTY OFFICE AUCHAN S.P.A. BH5 S.P.A. COIN GROUP (*) EDITRICE LA STAMPA OTHER TENANTS LESS 2% TOTAL RENTS 19,096 15,178 8,113 7,950 6,090 3,588 2,595 29,584 92,195 % 20.71% 16.46% 8.80% 8.62% 6.61% 3.89% 2.82% 32.09% 100.00% (*) This group acquired in sublease the areas of Galleria del Corso - Milan by the subsidiaries B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 and 2 INTESA SAN PAOLO GROUP OTHER TENANTS LESS 2% TEC NIMONT EDITRIC E LA STAMPA STATE PROPERTY OFFIC E C OIN GROUP (*) BH5 S.P.A. AUC HAN S.P.A. 223 5.4 Information on the company’s medium/long-term debt position Thousand of Euro Transaction Loan type Mortgage loan Carrying amount No. of properties Market value Comit Pension Fund Portfolio Mortgage current account Shopping Mall in Piedmont 6,176 1 Mortgage current account Shopping Mall in Piedmont 21,757 ex FIP portfolio 50,441 Mortgage loan Final due date used as security 4 of properties used as se 10 278,720 31.12.2014 162,302 Reimbursement Financial covenants 19 December 2015 Bullet 8,523 21 December 2015 Bullet N/A 1 37,877 21 December 2015 Bullet N/A 12 108,710 2014 repayment of 1.8 million of Euro with final balloon of 51.0 million of Euro ICR>=1.70% (as from 31/12/2013) cons 24 April 2016 LTV<= 80% LTV <= 50% cons LTV<= 60% ICR>=1.40% (as from 31/12/2013)- Fixed Debt Ratio payee and consolidated >75% Mortgage loan Non-managerial asset in Milan Mortgage loan Shopping Mall in Lombardy Mortgage loan Business asset in Milan 56,806 1 24,242 1 44,898 1 98,450 56,900 79,950 02 August 2015 Business asset in the province of Milan 38,731 1 66,190 29 December 2015 Management asset in Turin 13,196 1 33,500 24 February 2015 Mortgage loan Management asset in Lombardy 12,478 1 20,900 31 December 2016 Mortgage loan Management real estate portfolio in Milan, 46,888 3 120,950 16 April 2019 complex Business complex in Milan Mortgage loan Total borrowings using properties as security Convertible bonds in issue Convertible bonds in issue Convertible bonds in issue Total convertible bonds Bond 296,058 12 151,700 4 925,673 BOND 3.875% 2015 BOND 3.375% 2018 BOND 2.625% 2019 Pillar 284,770 279,260 annual repayment of 1.9 million of Euro with final balloon of 21 million of Euro N/A Bullet Property LTV <= 65% LTV BS <=75% PROPERTY ICR from >=1.20 ICR BS >=1.30 Bullet ICR >=180% - LTV <= 60%- Consolidated LTV<=65% annual repayment of 0.75 million of Euro and final balloon of 13.2 million of Euro N/A 04 August 2015 Mortgage loan Rome and Bologna Babel transaction management real estate LTV <= 60% ISCR>=150% 31 December 2016 Mortgage loan Mortgage loan annual repayment of 2.0 million of Euro with final balloon of 58.0 million of Euro 29 July 2020 27 July 2016 Bullet N/A Amortisation: 0.25% of the loan granted (from 30.09.14 to 30.06.2016 incl.), 0.50% of the loan granted (from 30.09.16 to 31.12.2018 incl.) LTV <= 60% cons LTV<= 60% ICR>=1.30 (until 31.12.15 incl.), 1.50 for Y2016,1.70 as from 31.3.17 incl. cons ICR>=140% (as from 30/06/2014) Amortisation: 0.5% of the loan granted (from 30.09.15 to 30.06.2016 incl.), 0.75% of the loan granted (from 30.09.16 to 31.06.2018 incl.) 0.875% of the loan granted (from 30.09.18 to 30.06.20 incl.) LTV<= 60%; Cons LTV <= 60% Bullet LTV <= 65% Consolidated LTV <=60% ICR>= 110% Consolidated ICR >= 140% Bullet Bullet Bullet N/A N/A N/A 1,474,700 105,615 220,467 248,405 574,487 361,319 23 April 2015 17 January 2018 17 April 2019 22 January 2018 Bullet Bond Temple 253,816 01 April 2019 Bullet Total bonds Unsecured Loan LOAN TO BOND Total other borrowings Total borrowings as at 31.12.2014 615,135 199,371 1) Secured Debt <= 40% Tot Assets 2)ICR >= 1.25 3)Tot Debt <= 60% Tot Assets 4)Unencumbered Tot Assets >= Unsecured Debt 1) Secured Debt <= 40% Tot Assets 2)ICR >= 1.25 3)Tot Debt <= 60% Tot Assets 4)Unencumbered Tot Assets >= Unsecured Debt 21 July 2016 199,371 2,314,666 Bullet Sec. cons. LTV <= 40%; Cons LTV <= 60% 1,474,700 Unless otherwise noted, the financial covenants refer to the single financial portfolio and/or the related vehicle Key with definitions and notes: - DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio (net EBITDA-total debt service); - LTV Value ratio or "loan to value": ratio between (nominal) loan outstanding and the market value of the property used as guarantee; - DSA Debt Service Ability: ratio between rents and the residual mortgage capital; - ICR Interest Coverage Ratio: ratio between the cash flow of the loan portfolio and the total interest for the reporting period. - Fixed Debt Ratio: ratio between ML and Hedged Debt and Total ML Debt. 5.5 Information on property sales in 2014 and on preliminary sales contracts in effect as at 31 December 2014 We provide the following financial information regarding the sales proceeds and repayment of the related borrowings with reference to sales completed in 2014. S a le pric e ( no m ina l v a lue s ) Held for sale properties Investment properties Trading properties Total properties sold as at 31.12.2014 224 A m o unt c o lle c t e d a s a t 3 1.12 .2 0 14 800 800 74,500 19,500 9,244 9,244 84,544 29,544 N o m ina l a m o unt o f re pa id bo rro wings 12,444 12,444 With reference to the preliminary sales contracts signed within 31 December 2014, the table below shows information on the price, the down payment received and the nominal amount as at 31 December 2014 of the borrowings on properties relating to these preliminary contracts, due for repayment on the date of sale. Prelim inary sale price Trading properties Total properties subject to prelim inary contracts as at 31.12.2014 6. Dow n paym ent collected as at 31.12.2014 Nom inal am ount of borrow ing as at 31.12.2014 378 50 - 378 50 - INFORMATION ON THE SPECIAL REGIME FOR LISTED REAL ESTATE COMPANIES (SIIQ REGIME) The special regime for Listed Real Estate Companies ("SIIQ"), introduced and governed by Italian Law no. 296/2006, as amended, and by Italian Ministerial Decree no. 174/2007 (the “Special Regime”), allows exemption from IRES and IRAP taxes on income deriving from property renting (known as "tax-exempt operations”). The regulations of the Special Regime were recently amended due to Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 (“Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014”), effective as from 13 September 2014 and converted by Italian Law no. 164 of 11 November 2014. The interventions of Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 concerned different significant aspects of the regulations in question, including by way of example: - The change in the ownership requirements, by raising, among other things, (from 51%) to 60% the maximum voting rights at the ordinary shareholders' meeting and of the profit-sharing rights that can be directly or indirectly held by a single shareholder; - the expansion of the exemption area that follows the assignment to the “tax-exempt operations” (initially limited only to revenues generated by lease contracts and to dividends distributed by other SIIQs and SIINQs1) of capital gains related to properties held for leasing and to investments in SIIQs and SIINQs as well as of income and capital gains related to any quotas of “qualified” real estate funds (that invest at least 80% of assets in properties held for leasing and in real estate companies) held, if any; - the reduction in the amount of annual mandatory distribution of accounting profit of the “tax-exempt operations” (from 85% to 70%) by introducing at the same time a further obligation to distribute profit coming from capital gains related to properties held for leasing, investments in SIIQs and SIINQs and quotas of “qualified” real estate funds, which must be distributed on a mandatory basis by 50% in the two financial years following the year of disposal; - some amendments related to the determination of mainly (economic and financial) parameters of property renting as well as to consequences, in terms of withdrawal from the Special Regime, arising from non-compliance with the parameters in question. 1 These are Unlisted Real Estate Investment Companies to which the SIIQ Regime applies albeit with certain peculiarities. 225 In the absence of specific regulatory provisions (as well as of explanations from the secondary legislation or from administrative interpretation) concerning the tax period from which the regulatory amendments introduced by Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 must apply, we believe that, in the light of Article 3, par. 1, of Italian Law no. 212 of 27 July 2000 (known as Statute of taxpayers' rights), they apply as from the tax period following the one in progress at the effective date of Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 (and, therefore, in case of Beni Stabili, as from the 2015 tax period). As a result, the information of this paragraph on the compliance with the requirements for the application of the Special Regime, in accordance with the aforesaid interpretation assumption, will refer from now on only to the regulations applicable before the amendments introduced by Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014, in that these are not considered to be effective with reference to the 2014 financial year but only as from 2015. However, note that the lack of an explicit regulation with regard to the effective tax period of the amendments introduced by Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014 makes the issue objectively uncertain and, therefore, investigations are being carried out with the competent administrative and tax authorities. Firstly as such, for the purposes of applying the Special Regime, the income coming from tax-exempt operations is not subject to taxation as the Company's income and is taxed as shareholders’ income following the distribution of related profit as resulting from the Financial Statements (known as “profits from tax-exempt operations”). In particular, pursuant to Article 1 par. 123 of Italian Law no. 296/2006, the distribution has to be resolved upon by law (on penalty of lapse of the special regime) at the time of approval of the Financial Statements in the year in which the profits were achieved and must be at least 85% of net income from tax-exempt operations (as it results from the Income Statement included in the Financial Statements). If the total profit for the year available for distribution is lower than the profit from tax-exempt operations, the aforesaid percentage will apply with regard to this lower amount. Having met the requirements for adoption of the special regime, on 22 December 2010, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ opted to adopt the regime with effect from 2011. 6.1 INFORMATION ON COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS (Article 3, par. 2, Italian Ministerial Decree no. 174 of 7 July 2007) As regards the Statutory Requirements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, art. 3 of the Articles of Association sets forth the following: 226 (1) Rules relating to investments The company does not invest in a single property with the unitary town-planning and functional characteristics: i) directly, for more than 25% of the total real estate portfolio; and (ii) directly and through its subsidiaries, for more than 15% of the total value of the Group real estate portfolio. For this purpose, it should be noted that, in the event of development activities with an overall urban design, those portions of the property under development covered by single building permits that became functionally independent or with a level of urbanisation sufficient to guarantee connection to public services, become functionally and in town-planning terms independent respect to the remaining property under development. (2) Investment and counterparty risk concentration limits The Company cannot generate: (i) directly, rental revenues from the same tenant or tenants belonging to the same Group, for more than 30% of the company's total rents; and (ii) directly and through subsidiaries, rental revenues from the same tenant or tenants belonging to the same Group, for more than 60% of total rental revenues of the Group; The aforementioned 30% is not applicable if the company's properties are rented to a tenant or tenants that are members of a national or international group. (3) Financial leverage maximum limit The Company may undertake: (i) directly, borrowings (including borrowings from subsidiaries and the parent company), net of cash and cash equivalents and financial receivables from the parent company, for a total nominal value not higher than 70% of the sum of the total value of its real estate portfolio, the carrying amount of investments in subsidiaries and the nominal value of financial receivables from subsidiaries; and (ii) directly and through subsidiaries, consolidated borrowings (including payables to the parent company), net of cash and cash equivalents and financial receivables from the parent company, for a total nominal value not higher than 70% of the total value of the Group’s real estate portfolio. The above limits may be exceeded in exceptional circumstances or in circumstances that are beyond the company’s control. Unless otherwise in the interests of the shareholders and/or the company, the limits may not be exceeded for more than 24 months in respect of the thresholds established in the above paragraphs (1) and (2), and 18 months in the case of the threshold established in paragraph (3). It is however confirmed that limits set out in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) above have not been exceeded. 6.2 INFORMATION ON COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS TO REMAIN UNDER THE SPECIAL REGIME (1) Objective requirements As envisaged in Article 1, par. 121 of Italian Law 296/2006, the prevalent business activity of SIIQs must be property renting. This activity is considered to be prevalent if the properties owned or held under other real rights and held for leasing and the investments in SIIQ/SIINQs represent at least 80% of the total assets (asset requirement), and if each year the revenues from these represent at least 80% of positive items in the income statement (income requirement). 227 If these two requirements are not satisfied in two consecutive financial years, or if both requirements are not satisfied in reference to just one financial year, qualification for the SIIQ regime lapses with effect from the year in which the condition for lapse occurs. Details are provided below of the calculation results for the aforementioned requirements, both of which were satisfied for 2014 on the basis of the asset data and economic results of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ as at 31 December 2014. Asset requirement 31 December 2014 Value of properties held for leasing Investments in SIINQs Total numerator (A) (B) (C)=(A)+(B) Total assets (D) Elements excluded from ratio denominator: C arrying amount of SIIQ operating property held as offices C ash and cash equivalents Loans to Group companies Trade receivables Derivatives - Assets Deferred tax assets Tax receivables (included VAT) Prepaid expenses Total adjustments (E) Total denominator: adjusted assets (F) =(D)+(E) Asset requirement (C)/(F) 1,884,710 1,003,292 2,888,002 3,607,124 (105,146) (284,830) (103,448) (846) (13,626) (11,497) (3,126) (522,519) 3,084,605 93.63% As illustrated in the above table, the asset requirement is the ratio between: - the numerator, totalling 2,888,002 thousand of Euro, which includes the carrying amount: (i) of properties held for leasing, amounting to 1,884,710 thousand of Euro. This amount corresponds to the carrying amount of (a) "investment properties" (1,883,710 thousand of Euro) (which for shopping malls was calculated, where applicable, net of the component attributable to the businesses managed in the malls as indicated in specific appraisals), and (b) properties included under "assets held for sale" (1,000 thousand of Euro); (ii) of investments in SIINQs (100% investment in IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. of 889,914 thousand of Euro, 100% investment in B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ of 113,100 thousand of Euro and 100% investment in B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ of 278 thousand of Euro). - the denominator of 3,084,605 thousand of Euro, which includes the total assets (3,607,124 thousand of Euro) adjusted to exclude the following in application of the criteria specified in Article 6, Italian Ministerial Decree 174/2007); i) the carrying amount of operating properties held as SIIQ offices (0 as at 31 December 2014); ii) the value of cash and cash equivalents (105,146 thousand of Euro); (iii) the value of loans to Group companies (284,830 thousand of Euro); iv) the value of trade receivables deriving from both tax-exempt operations and, as clarified in Tax Authority Circular no. 8/E of 2008, by taxable operations (103,448 thousand of Euro). Furthermore, in order that other elements not directly related to either tax-exempt or taxable operations do not affect the ratio and whose inclusion 228 in the ratio denominator could alter the result of testing of the asset requirement, the following were excluded: v) the value of assets for hedging derivative contracts (846 thousand of Euro); vi) the value of deferred tax assets (13,626 thousand of Euro); vii) the value of tax receivables (11,497 thousand of Euro); viii) prepaid expenses related to the tax-exempt properties (3,126 thousand of Euro). Income requirement (Euro/000) 31 Decem ber 2014 Rents and similar revenues (A) Dividends from SIINQs (B) 99,938 Total num erator (C)=(A)+(B) 133,395 Total positive income items (D) 191,922 33,457 Elements excluded from ratio denominator: Property w rite-ups (14,699) Capital gains on disposal of properties net of transaction costs (2,897) Revenues for charge back of costs (8,646) Income for adjustments to costs or related to hedging instruments (1,116) Contingent assets, release of provisions and other restores (2,887) Deferred tax assets and interest on tax receivables (2,387) Total adjustments (E) (32,632) Total denom inator (F) =(D)+(E) 159,290 Incom e requirem ent (C)/(F) 83.74% As illustrated in the above table, the income requirement is the ratio between: - the numerator, totalling 133,395 thousand of Euro, which includes revenues from: i) rents on properties held for leasing (investment properties, properties under development and properties included among assets held for sale) for a total of 99,938 thousand of Euro. Note that the above amount includes revenues similar to rents, such as guaranteed annuities and other compensations from tenants (but not income from the charge-back of costs to tenants); (ii) dividends received from Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. and deriving from tax-exempt operations activities performed by the investee company, totalling 33,457 thousand of Euro; - the denominator, totalling 159,290 thousand of Euro. This amount corresponds to the total of positive income statement items (191,922 thousand of Euro) adjusted to exclude property write-ups, in accordance with Tax Authority Circular no. 8/E of 2008 (14,699 thousand of Euro) and capital gains on disposal of properties held for leasing, pursuant to Article 6, Italian Ministerial Decree 174/2007 (2,897 thousand of Euro). Furthermore, in order that other elements not directly related to either taxexempt or taxable operations do not affect the ratio and whose inclusion in the ratio denominator could alter the result of testing of the income requirement, the following were excluded: i) income representing chargeback of costs, such as those mainly related to staff secondments, chargeback of costs to tenants of properties held for leasing (also excluded from the income requirement numerator), and the chargeback of costs and financial charges to subsidiaries of costs incurred in the interests of the investee. The adjustments for these income items totalled 8,646 thousand of Euro; ii) income (also excluded from the income requirement numerator) representing mere adjustments to (future or other) costs or related to hedging instruments totalling 1,116 thousand of Euro (referring entirely to ineffective portions of hedging derivatives of the risk of interest-rate 229 change); iii) contingent assets, release in contingencies and other restores for a total of 2,887 thousand of Euro; iv) income for deferred taxes and interests on tax receivables (2,387 thousand of Euro). With reference to the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 123 of Italian Law 296/2006 and regarding the mandatory distribution to shareholders each year of part of the accounting profit from tax-exempt operations equal to (i) at least 85% of the total, if the total profit for the year available for distribution is equal to or higher than the profit from tax-exempt operations as it results from the income statement in the related Financial Statements for the year or (ii) at least 85% of total profit for the year available for distribution, if this is lower than the profit from tax-exempt operations, note that the 2014 financial statements include a tax-exempt operation result which recorded a profit of 8,495 thousand of Euro and a loss on taxable operations of 82,395 thousand of Euro. Consequently, in accordance with the applicable regulations and in relation to the 2014 net income, there is no obligation to distribute the profit of tax-exempt operations. However, in this regard, it must be mentioned that Article 7, par. 4, of Italian Ministerial Decree no. 174/2007 envisages that, if during the effectiveness of this special regime, the accounting profit from tax-exempt operations is decreased by an accounting loss from taxable operations, the accounting profit of the taxable operations made in the following financial years is considered to be formed, to the extent of the amount of the said reduction, by profit from tax-exempt operations, with the consequent mandatory distribution. Due to this provision (the so-called “Carry Forward” of the minimum mandatory distribution of dividends deriving from the profit from tax-exempt operations), given the results of the 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 financial years, any future income of taxable operations will be considered profits of tax-exempt operations of 66,114 thousand of Euro and will give rise to the mandatory distribution of an amount ranging from 46,280 to 56,197 thousand of Euro, as a function of the fact that this obligation must be quantified to the extent of 85% (expected prior to the amendments of Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014) or to the extent of 70% (introduced by Italian Law Decree no. 133/2014). Also under this profile, given the delicacy of the matter and the uncertainties arising from the absence of a transitional provision, appropriate investigations are being carried out. (2) Subjective requirements Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, which prepares its financial statements in accordance with international accounting standards, complies with the subjective requirements of the reference regulations for remaining under the special regime as it is a company: i) incorporated as a public limited company (S.p.A.); ii) is domiciled for tax purposes in Italy; iii) with shares traded on the Italian Stock Exchange and on the Euronext market in Paris. It is also confirmed that no extraordinary transactions were performed in 2014 with an effect on the requirements for continuing operations under the special regime. (3) Requirements relating to ownership structure 230 Based on information held by the company and pursuant to Article 1, par. 119, Italian Law 296/2006, there are no shareholders with a direct or indirect holding of more than 51% of voting rights at the ordinary shareholders meeting and more than 51% of profit-sharing rights. 6.3 BREAKDOWN OF INCOME STATEMENT ITEMS BETWEEN TAX-EXEMPT OPERATIONS AND TAXABLE OPERATIONS AND THE RELATED BREAKDOWN CRITERIA The income statement as at 31 December 2014 is provided below, with a breakdown between tax-exempt and taxable operations. 31 December 2014 Total (A) Tax-exem pt operations (B) Taxable operations (A)-(B) Rental revenues 101,853 99,938 1,915 Property costs (21,470) (19,126) (2,344) 80,383 80,812 (429) 1,533 - Net rental revenues Net service revenues 1,533 Staff costs (6,209) (5,199) (1,010) Overheads (10,762) (9,019) (1,743) Total operating costs (16,971) (14,218) (2,753) Other revenues and income Other costs and charges 3,026 187 (16,238) (1,784) 2,839 (14,454) 84,597 - 84,597 (82,264) - (82,264) 2,333 - 2,333 14,882 - 14,882 (17,943) - (17,943) Property w rite-ups/property w rite-dow ns (3,061) - (3,061) EBIT 51,005 64,997 (13,992) (126,544) (88,340) (38,204) 45,467 31,838 13,629 EBT (30,072) 8,495 (38,567) Income tax (43,828) - (43,828) PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR (73,900) 8,495 (82,395) Revenues from property sales and transfers Cost of sales/transferred Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties Property w rite-ups Property w rite-dow ns Net financial income/(charges) Income/(charges) from subsidiaries, associates and other companies The results illustrated in the above table for the two types of operations derive from the segregation of income items for 2014 as stated in the separate accounting records adopted by the Company for such items. The aim of this separate accounting, in fact, is to distinguish the operating results of tax-exempt operations from taxable operations by: i) assigning to each type of operations the income items specifically attributable to them; ii) according to a reasonable pro-rata percentage, assigning "common" income items (i.e. that do not refer specifically to one type or the other) to each type of operation. In particular, note that for the purpose of assignment of "common" income items to either tax-exempt or taxable operations, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ adopted the income requirement described in paragraph 6.2 (1) above, considering this indicator to be the most appropriate in percentage terms for applying the aforementioned breakdown since - after removal of income items that do not refer to any activity performed - 231 effectively express the ratio of percentage impact of renting activity to the total business conducted by the Company. It should also be pointed out that the rules envisaged in Article 1, par. 119 et seq., Italian Law 296/2006 and in the related enactment decree were applied to income deriving from tax-exempt operations, whilst the standard tax regulations for IRES and IRAP purposes were applied to income from taxable operations. For each income item recorded in the above table, the main components of the two types of operations are illustrated below: Net rental revenues: in this margin, revenues and costs are broken down between tax-exempt operations and taxable operations according to the specific association of these items to the property of origin. In particular: i) rents, chargeback of costs to tenants, revenues from insurance indemnities and revenues "similar" to rents and in any event associated with renting activities; ii) property management and maintenance costs, indirect taxes on lease contracts, local property tax and all costs in any event associated with renting activities, are recognised (a) as tax-exempt operations if they refer to properties held for leasing, i.e. properties in the accounting categories of "investment properties" (for shopping malls excluding the portion of revenues and costs which, according to special appraisals, refer to the businesses conducted and not the property component), "properties under development" and properties included among "assets held for sale", (b) as taxable operations if they refer to leases of "businesses" (for the part not attributable to the property component, according to special appraisals) and "trading properties”. The losses and write-downs of receivables deriving from renting activity were all recognised under taxable operations if referring to receivable for leasing activities arising in financial years prior to adoption by the Company of the special SIIQ regime. Net service revenues: include revenues and costs specifically referring to property services and administrative, accounting and tax-related services provided by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ to subsidiaries. As these are activities other than tax-exempt leasing, the income items recorded as part of this margin were fully recognised to taxable operations. Operating costs: all costs under this category are considered "common" to the two types of operations and as such are separated on the basis of the income requirement calculated as mentioned previously. Other revenues and income and other costs and charges: revenues and income under this category refer specifically to taxable operations. In fact, revenues from tax-exempt operations are limited only to rental revenues (recorded in the special item of the income statement) and to SIINQ dividends, recorded as income from subsidiaries. Other costs and charges are mainly costs that are "common" to both types of operations, and as such are separated on the basis of the income requirement calculated as mentioned previously (the same occurs to the adjustments to such costs carried out in financial years following their recording in the financial statements, with exceptions mainly represented by contingent liabilities and losses on receivables other than items recognised prior to adoption of the SIIQ regime, which were therefore fully recognised as taxable operations). Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties: margins achieved from property disposals, equal to the difference between the sale price and the related carrying amount, net of brokerage costs and other transaction costs, albeit relating to properties held for leasing, qualify as taxable operations. 232 Property write-ups/(write-downs): include revenues and costs mainly recognised for fair value measurement of the real estate portfolio, which are fully recognised under taxable operations even if they refer to properties held for leasing. Net financial income/(charges): financial income is assigned in full to taxable operations, except those indicated below as financial income from hedges against interest rate fluctuations in borrowings (which are adjustment entries to financial charges). With reference to the main categories of financial charges, note that: - financial charges relating to mortgage loans structured in such a way as to restrict, by various means, the proceeds from property management to guarantee repayment of the borrowing are considered to "specifically" refer to tax-exempt and/or taxable operations according to the assignment of the mortgaged property to the tax-exempt activity or not. Consequently, for borrowings which (i) are backed by properties held for leasing and which (ii) are at the same time accompanied by formats that restrict the related proceeds from operations to guarantee repayment of the borrowing, the related financial charges are attributed to tax-exempt operations, whilst for borrowings backed by trading properties the related financial charges are attributed to taxable operations. In cases where the borrowings giving rise to the aforementioned financial charges are hedged against interest rate fluctuations, the related income and charges (including any ineffective portion) were assigned to tax-exempt or taxable operations in accordance with how the hedged cash flows were recognised; - financial charges relating to short-term and medium/long-term borrowings that are not mortgage loans, nor backed by the aforementioned restrictions on proceeds to serve the related borrowing, such as the convertible bond and short-term credit facilities, are considered costs that are "common" to the two types of operations and consequently separated according to the income requirement calculated as mentioned previously. With reference to convertible bonds, the income recognised against fair value changes in conversion options released in favour of holders of convertible bonds issued by the Company, in that referring to mere valuation components of a financial instrument related to a liability that, following application of the amortised cost approach (over the term of the bond loan), will give rise to corresponding financial charges, were considered (in line with the logic adopted for the corresponding interests) as "common" to both types of operations and as a result divided among them according to the income requirement. Equal treatment was adopted for charges related to the fair value assessment of the aforesaid options; - financial charges incurred for the issue of guarantees to banks in the interests of subsidiaries are recognised as taxable operations in that the related revenues from chargeback of such costs to the subsidiaries are allocated to income from taxable operations. It should be noted that the early settlement of a derivative, related to hedges against interest rate fluctuations in borrowings, due to property disposals with the resulting early settlement of the underlying borrowing, the effects recognised under the income statement are recognised as taxable operations in that related to the sale of the property; - Income and charges recognised for changes in fair value of conversion options related to convertible bonds (recorded among liabilities in compliance with the accounting standards IAS/IFRS) are recognised as taxable operations. 233 Note that the financial charges on loans taken out to finance the early repayment of the IMSER securitisation were considered in the tax-exempt operations, taking into consideration that the resources coming from these loans were fully intended (by means of capital payments) to enhance the investment in IMSER 60 SIIQ S.p.A. and, therefore, specifically used in an investment in a SIIQ activity. Income and charges from subsidiaries, associates and other companies: all the financial income was totally recognised as taxable operations. Amounts payable to subsidiaries, associates and other companies are recognised as taxable operations except for charges deriving from loans from investee companies that are considered costs "common" to both types of operations, in the same way as financial charges on short-term and long-term borrowings that are not mortgage loans and are consequently separated according to the income requirement calculated as mentioned previously. Income tax: income tax, whether current or deferred, are recognised as taxable operations as it has no connection with tax-exempt operations. Revenues and charges that are adjustments of items recorded in Financial Statements referred to years previous the adoption of the special regime, or contingent assets on costs pertaining to years previous the adoption of the special regime, despite their classification in the Income Statement, are fully attributed to the taxable activity considering that they are strictly related (by adjusting them) to revenues and charges referred to years in which all the income was taxable. 7. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Management Report represents a part of these Notes. NON-CURRENT ASSETS 7.1.1 Investment properties Land and buildings (*) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 1,771,925 Capex 18,297 Sales (71,603) Net w rite-dow ns (293) Reclassif ications 170,634 Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 (*) 1,888,960 As a guarantee for loans obtained, mortgages for a total of 1,779,498 thousand of Euro are secured by trading properties with a carrying amount of 1,428,980 thousand of Euro. “Capex” refer to the property complex in Piazza Freud, Milan (9,343 thousand of Euro), mostly for the capitalisation of charges related to the change of its use and to expenses related to renovation, and to other properties including via San Nicolao, Milan (2,625 thousand of Euro), Corso Matteotti, Milan (1,500 thousand of Euro), Piazza San Fedele, Milan (949 thousand of Euro). “Sales” refer to the disposal of the property in via Fogazzaro, Milan (at a price totalling 61,500 thousand of Euro with a positive margin of 1,080 thousand of Euro), and to the disposal of residential portion of a property 234 located in Piazza San Fedele, Milan (at a price totalling 13,000 thousand of Euro with a positive margin of 1,817 thousand of Euro). "Net write-downs" refer to adjustments made to the value of properties during the period to align them with their respective fair values (in accordance with the international accounting standards. “Reclassifications” refer: i) for 132,404 thousand of Euro to the properties in Piazza San Nicolao, Milan (100,203 thousand of Euro) and in via dell’Arte, Rome (32,201 thousand of Euro), which were previously classified in the item “properties under development”, following the completion of the related modernisation initiatives; ii) for 38,230 thousand of Euro, to the net reclassification of properties from the “assets held for sale” category, following the revision of the sales prospects of some properties. 7.1.2 Properties under development Land and buildings Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 117,720 Capex 16,545 Net w rite-dow ns (1,861) Reclassifications (132,404) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 - "Capex" refer to the development/renovation activities carried out: on the property located in Piazza San Nicolao, Milan, of 13,054 thousand of Euro (currently classified among investment properties); on the property located in via dell’Arte, Rome of 3,491 thousand of Euro (currently classified as investment properties); These costs include costs incurred for works and different technical activities totalling 13,314 thousand of Euro and financial charges of 3,231 thousand of Euro. With regard to financial charges, note that as at 31 December 2014 the following were capitalised: i) costs on borrowings specifically for property purchase and development of 174 thousand of Euro; ii) costs relating to general borrowings (short-term and convertible bonds) used for financing the development properties of 3,057 thousand of Euro. The capitalisation rate of financial charges on general borrowings used took into account the risk profile of each initiative. "Net write-downs" refer to adjustments made to the property values during the period to align them with their respective fair values (in accordance with the international accounting standards). For information on "reclassifications”, see Note 7.1.1 above. Information on the development projects completed during the period can be found in note 5.3.1 above. 7.1.3 Operating properties and other assets 235 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 Historical cost Description Furniture and fittings / office machines 1,875 Depr. fund 2014 increas es Total (748) 1,127 - 2014 depr. Elim ination of discontinued assets Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Historical cost elim inated Historical cost (146) (66) Electronic machinery 329 (221) 108 6 (47) (80) Motor vehicles 196 (101) 95 52 (46) - Misc. equipment and other assets 40 (39) 1 - - (43) Plant and equipment 60 (60) - - - Total 7.1.4 2,500 (1,169) 1,331 58 Fund discharge (239) 66 80 43 - (189) Depr. fund 1,809 (828) 981 255 (188) 67 248 (147) 101 (3) 4 1 60 189 Total (60) 2,369 - (1,219) 1,150 Intangible assets De scription Balance 31.12.2013 Historical cost Am ort. Fund Balance 31.12.2014 Balance as at 31.12.2013 Am ort. His torical cost Increases Am ort. Fund Balance as at 31.12.2014 Sof tw are 451 (279) 172 (63) 63 514 (342) 172 General total 451 (279) 172 (63) 63 514 (342) 172 This item relates entirely to the cost of purchasing software. These costs are amortised on the basis of the expected useful life of the asset, which corresponds to a period of 5 years. 7.1.5 Investments Subsidiaries Other com panies Associates Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 429,248 Capital increases, capital payments and other increases 683,426 - - (133) - - (1,007) - (24) Decreases due to liquidations Write-dow ns Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 1,111,534 3 3 1,562 1,538 Total 430,813 683,426 (133) (1,031) 1,113,075 Details of investments in subsidiaries, associates and other companies as at 31 December 2014 are provided in Annexe 2. Subsidiaries Increases for the period relate: i) to capital contributions in favour of Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. of 682,963 thousand of Euro, of which 670,462 thousand of Euro to provide the subsidiary with the requirement necessary for the early repayment of its borrowing (as widely described in the Management Report); ii) to contributions for covering losses of investee companies B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ (407 thousand of Euro) and B.S. Attività Commerciali 3 S.r.l. (6 thousand of Euro) of 413 thousand of Euro; iii) to the purchase of 2% of the portion of share capital of Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. by Telecom Italia S.p.A. of 50 thousand of Euro. Decreases due to liquidation refer exclusively to the closing of the related liquidation of the investee Imser 236 S.r.l. in liquidation. The write-downs of the period refer to the investments in B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ (825 thousand of Euro) and B.S. 9 Immobiliare S.p.A. SIINQ (182 thousand of Euro) due mainly to the reduction in fair value of the properties owned by these companies. Associates The balance as at 31 December 2014 is entirely attributable to the value of the 30% investment in Real Estate Solution & Technology S.r.l, established to provide Information Technology services to companies operating in the real estate sector. The Company also holds 20% of the share capital of Beni Stabili Hotel S.A., whose value was zeroed against the write-down recognised in previous financial years, which also required the setting up of a specific risk fund. The adjustment of this risk fund for 2014 totalled 4 thousand of Euro and it was recognised in the Income Statement as write-downs of investments Other companies The balance of investments in other companies as at 31 December 2014 (investments classified as available-for-sale financial assets) includes the value of: i) investment of 0.41% in the share capital of Mittel S.p.A. (1,339 thousand of Euro); ii) investment of 4.09% in the share capital of Nomisma S.p.A. (196 thousand of Euro). This investment was written down in the period by 24 thousand of Euro; iii) investment of 17.18% in the consortium Le Fornaci a r.l. for the management of property units at the Beinasco shopping mall (3 thousand of Euro). In addition, the Company holds a 10% investment in the share capital of RSE Projekt Management AG and a 2.981% investment in Consorzio Census, the carrying amounts of which equal zero. 7.1.6 Securities The item refers entirely to the shares (99) held in the Securis Real Estate fund, managed by Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR. Note that these shares were acquired in 2013 through property transfers in favour of the participated fund. The decrease in the financial year mainly refers to the write-down of the quotas of the fund (132 thousand of Euro) due to permanent losses incurred by fund. 7.1.7 Trade and other receivables 237 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade receivables 4,241 4,241 Receivables f rom tenants Property sales 15,714 14,326 Provisions f or w rite-dow n of trade receivables (4,241) (69) Total trade receivables 15,714 18,498 Receivables f rom Municipality of Rome f or "reverse accession" 7,432 13,432 Tax receivables 7,500 9,204 Provision for w rite-dow n of tax receivables (18) (18) Guarantee deposits and other receivables 232 419 Provisions f or w rite-dow n of other receivables (1,875) (143) Total other receivables 13,271 22,894 Total non-current trade and other receivables 28,985 41,392 Other receivables The item "Property sales", unchanged from the previous year, includes an amount receivable from the Municipality of Rome of 4,241 thousand of Euro and fully impaired in the financial year, as the balance outstanding on the sale of a residence known as Fabianella. This sale, carried out in 2002, is the subject of a legal dispute as described in Note 8 below. "Receivables from tenants" fully include receivables on invoices to be issued, recognised in accordance with IAS 17 "Leases", recording the total amount due under the contract on a straight-line basis over the lease term, and which, on the basis of contractual provisions, will be collected only after 31 December 2015 (14,257 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). This item, as at 31 December 2013, included also a receivable (entirely written down) of 69 thousand of Euro corresponding to promissory notes issued by tenants, which was reclassified among receivables within 12 months. “Receivables from Municipality of Rome for reverse accession": refer to the compensation due to the Municipality of Rome against a land that was subject to "reverse accession" without the issue of a legitimate order. In previous years, legal actions against the Municipality of Rome were started (as described in Note 8), aimed at the recognition of compensation proportionate to the damage suffered by the Company. The receivable originally recorded in the financial statements (for a value corresponding to the carrying amount of the land subject matter of the measure of reverse accession) amounted to 17,150 thousand of Euro and was partially collected by the Municipality of Rome against payments made in partial settlement of the first instance judgements. In connection with the final settlement of the litigation with the Municipality concerning this item, during 2014 a loss was recognised on this receivable of 6,000 thousand of Euro, corresponding to the excess receivable not recognised judicially and another write-down of 1,858 thousand of Euro was also recognised to account for actual recovery prospects. “Tax receivables”: the balance as at 31 December 2014 mainly includes: i) the receivable, totalling 6,536 thousand of Euro (7,405 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), arising due to the payment of amounts due pending judgement in tax litigations to which Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ belongs, details of which can be found in Note 8 below Tax litigations and inspections; i) the IRES tax receivable of 950 thousand of Euro deriving from partial deductibility - for IRES purposes - of IRAP tax paid in previous years, as envisaged by Italian Law 2/2009 and by Italian Law 214/2011. 238 The decrease in the item, compared to the balance as at 31 December 2013, is mainly due to the reclassification in current tax receivables: i) of the IRES tax receivable for the substitute tax, paid pursuant to Italian Law 296/2006 for adopting the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies SIIQ/SIINQ, on the properties in previous financial years, to be used to offset, of 835 thousand of Euro; ii) of the receivable related to the tax inspection for the 2004 tax period of 721 thousand of Euro. “Guarantee deposits and other receivables”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers entirely to guarantee deposits of 232 thousand of Euro (350 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). These receivables are written down by a total of 17 thousand of Euro. The change in provisions for write-down of non-current receivables is set below: Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade receivables Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2013 Provisions Provisions for w rite dow n of other receivables 69 143 4,241 1,858 Use - Reclassif ication f rom/to provisions f or w rite-dow n of current receivables (69) Balance as at 31 Dece m ber 2014 7.1.8 (126) - 4,241 1,875 Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 5,051 B.S. Im m obiliare 5 S.r.l. 21,533 Total 26,584 Interest accrued and capitalised 351 - 351 Reimbursements during the year (4,453) - (4,453) Reclassif ications f rom/(to) current receivables - (21,533) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 949 - (21,533) 949 The item refers to receivables for loans granted to subsidiaries Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. and B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. Changes in the period regarded: i) the capitalisation of interests on the loan to Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l.; ii) the partial redemption in December 2014 made by Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l.; iii) the reclassification of the loan to B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. among current receivables, by reason of its maturity. Please refer also to Note 10 below. 7.1.9 Derivatives - Assets The balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers entirely to a CAP on interests rates raised in the year. The changes recorded by this instrument from when it was raised as at 31 December 2014, are shown in the table below: 239 "Hedge accounting" derivatives Balance as at 31.12.2013 - New hedging instruments (premium and costs) 1,344 Change in fair value recognised to the Cash Flow Hedge reserve (498) Balance as at 31.12.2014 846 “Cap”: is an optional derivative financial instrument. Against payment of an initial premium, the Company has the right to receive, when the Euribor rate is higher than a maximum level (called strike rate), of 0.50%, the spread between the Euribor rate and the above-mentioned strike rate. However, nothing is due to the Company in the period in which the Euribor is below that strike rate. 7.1.10 Deferred tax assets Diff. betw een carrying am ount/tax value of properties Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 60,158 Costs not deducted Interest expense 249 5,516 Fair value of hedging instrum ents 361 Total 66,284 Increases recognised to Income Statement 347 - - - 347 Deferred tax assets 315 - - - 315 32 - - - 32 Contingent assets for previous years’ taxes Increases not recognised to Income Statement - - - - - Tax payables - - - - - Equity - - - - Decreases recognised to Income Statement (2,484) (18) (290) - (2,792) Deferred tax assets (2,484) (18) (290) - (2,792) Contingent assets for previous years’ taxes - - - - - Decreases not recognised to Income Statement - - - (361) (361) Tax payables - - - - - Equity - - - (231) - - - - - - - 8,400 - 5,226 - 13,626 Reversal due to Italian LD 133/2014 Reclassifications Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 (49,621) (361) (361) (49,852) As can be seen from the above table, the decrease for the year of deferred tax assets is attributable for 49,852 thousand of Euro to the effect of the regulations introduced by Italian Law Decree 133/2014, which have considerably reduced the provisions of future taxable income, envisaging the tax exemption for margins achieved with the sale of properties included in the SIIQ/SIINQ regime. Increases and decreases to the Income Statement refer to the tax effect of disposals for the year, related to the adjustment to the fair value of properties not included in the SIIQ regime, to the use of interests not previously deducted and to other minor changes. Whereas, decreases not recognised in the Income Statement refer to the tax effect related to changes in the 240 fair value of derivatives recognised in equity. With reference to the balance as at 31 December 2014 of 13,626 thousand of Euro, note that this includes deferred tax assets on: i) real estate portfolio of 8,400 thousand of Euro, of which 5,897 thousand of Euro Group properties excluded from the SIIQ/SIINQ regime and 2,503 thousand of Euro shopping malls in relation to the value of their business units; ii) the temporary non-deductibility of interests, pursuant to Article 96 of the T.U.I.R. of 5,226 thousand of Euro. These net deferred tax assets were recognised within the limit of reasonable expectations of future taxable income, sufficient to ensure the recovery. 7.2 CURRENT ASSETS 7.2.1 Trading properties Land and buildings (*) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 72,647 Capex 995 Sales (9,220) Net w rite-dow ns (1,117) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 63,305 (*) As a guarantee for loans obtained, mortgages for a total of 106,246 thousand of Euro are secured by trading properties with a carrying amount of 45,720 thousand of Euro. “Capex” refer to renovations made to some properties and in particular: i) to the property located in via Boscovich Ruggiero, Milan, of 827 thousand of Euro; ii) to the property located in via San Gallo, Florence of 85 thousand of Euro; iii) to the property located in via degli Zabarella, Padua of 83 thousand of Euro. "Sales" refer to: i) the disposal to the Municipality of Milan, for 9,118 thousand of Euro, of the area in via E. Vittorini, Monlué, in Milan, provided in the agreements concerning the definition of urban development costs of the property complex in Piazza Freud, Milan; ii) the sale of some parking spaces of the property of Rome, via Fancelli, whose price was 126 thousand of Euro. "Net write-downs" refer to the adjustments made to the value of certain properties to align their carrying amounts with their expected sale values. 241 7.2.2 Trade and other receivables 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade re ce ivables Property sales and investment disposals 56,607 1,607 Tenants 43,675 32,223 Customers f or services provided 77 Provisions f or w rite-dow ns of trade receivables Total trade re ceivable s - (18,736) (16,748) 81,623 17,082 Othe r re ceivables Receivables f rom the Municipality of Rome f or expropriations 3,317 979 Tax receivables 4,014 2,879 Guarantee deposits 80 106 5,813 6,099 Provisions f or w rite-dow n of other receivables (1,675) (1,243) Total othe r re ce ivables 11,549 8,820 Total trade and other rece ivable s 93,172 25,902 Other receivables “Property sales and investment disposals”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers: i) to the balance of the price for the sale (completed in June 2014) of the property in Via Fogazzaro, Milan, of 55,000 thousand of Euro, which will be collected no later than May 2015; ii) balance of the price for the sale (completed in 2008) of 40% of the share capital of Risorse e Sviluppo Napoli S.p.A. (1,400 thousand of Euro, including accrued interests); iii) the balance of a price adjustment on the sale (completed in 2005) of the investment in S. Clemente Resort S.r.l. (207 thousand of Euro); “Tenants”: includes the receivables: i) from property tenants of 42,243 thousand of Euro (30,791 thousand of Euro for 31 December 2013); ii) relating to the guaranteed annuity recognised in previous financial years and due from sellers of the property in via Nanni Costa, Bologna, of 1,432 thousand of Euro (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013). Note that receivables from tenants include: i) receivables on invoices to be issued, recognised pursuant to IAS 17 "Leases", recording the total amount due under the contract on a straight-line basis over the lease term (2,629 thousand of Euro and 2,593 thousand of Euro for 2014 and 2013, respectively); ii) a position relating to a dispute for 11,167 thousand of Euro (the same amount as at 31 December 2013) with the tenant of the Ferrara shopping mall, details of which are provided in Note 8 below. “Customers for services provided”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 refers to services provided to third parties by the Company. Movements in provisions for write-down of trade receivables during the period are shown below. Provisions for w rite-dow n of trade rece ivables Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 16,748 Provisions 2,082 Use (141) Releases (22) Reclassif ication from provisions for w rite-dow n of non-current receivables Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 69 18,736 242 “Receivables from the Municipality of Rome for expropriations”: refer to: i) the receivable of 3,263 thousand of Euro (979 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) corresponding to the compensation for an expropriated land in Pietralata, Rome. This receivable was increased in the financial year of 2,284 thousand of Euro by reason of the higher compensation paid to the Company as a result of the Judgment of the Court of Cassation, of accrued interests and of VAT on the partial invoicing already made to the Municipality of Rome. Given the actual recovery prospects, this receivable was written down in the year by 364 thousand of Euro. Reference is made to the next Note 8 for the description of the litigation with the Municipality of Rome for the payment of the compensation and recovery of the corresponding receivable; ii) the receivable of 54 thousand of Euro, related to the expropriation compensation in 2014 of a land in Ponte di Nona, Rome by the Municipality. “Tax receivables”: mainly include: i) the IRES tax receivable of the tax consolidation of the Group of 2,228 thousand of Euro (1,420 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), equal to the receivables arising in the tax period for the payment of advance tax payments and for the withholding taxes incurred of 3,899 thousand of Euro, recorded net of the IRES payables of 1,671 thousand of Euro; ii) the IRAP tax receivable of 10 thousand of Euro (26 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), equal to the receivable arising in the year for the payment of advance tax payments, of 490 thousand of Euro, recorded net of the tax for the period of 469 thousand of Euro and of the one due for the previous financial year of 11 thousand of Euro; iii) the IRES tax receivable of 835 thousand of Euro of the substitute tax, paid pursuant to Italian Law 296/2006 for adopting the special regime for Listed Real Estate Investment Companies – SIIQ/SIINQ, on the properties sold by December 2013, reclassified in the current financial year among current receivables, in that it will be used to offset in the following financial year. The corresponding receivable (861 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) was used in the year; iv) the receivable for the payment of the amounts due pending litigation of 721 thousand of Euro, established by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ for the assessment undergone for the 2004 tax period. “Other receivables”: this item primarily includes: i) accrued income and prepaid expense of 3,965 thousand of Euro (3,902 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) mainly for lease contract brokerage of 2,741 thousand of Euro (2,966 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), lease contract registration tax of 462 thousand of Euro (494 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), surety commissions and prepaid commissions on "committed" credit facilities of 533 thousand of Euro (178 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) interests on other credit positions of 1,037 thousand of Euro entirely written-off (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013); iii) sundry advances of 285 thousand of Euro, written down by 144 thousand of Euro (537 thousand of Euro and 77 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013, respectively); iv) receivables for loans granted to the investee company RGD Ferrara S.r.l. of 150 thousand of Euro (158 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); v) receivables for insurance reimbursements of 40 thousand of Euro (127 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). Movements in provisions for write-down of other receivables during the year are shown below: 243 Provisions for w ritedow n of other receivables Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 1,243 Provisions 432 Use - Releases - Reclassification f rom provisions f or w rite-dow n of non-current receivables - Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 7.2.3 1,675 Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Receivables from subsidiaries Loans 132,256 Running accounts (including interests paid in December) 147,328 73,290 Total recei vabl es for l oans and runninc accounts 279,584 118,783 Trade receivables from services provided and leases 6,189 6,441 Receivables deriving from the consolidation of IRES taxable income 4,297 Total receivables from subsidiaries 290,070 45,493 777 126,001 Receivables for loans granted to subsidiaries and those relating to running accounts are interest-bearing. The increase in the period of their overall balance is mainly attributable: i) to the liquidity put at the disposal of the subsidiary B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ in June, by means of the running accounts (126,600 thousand of Euro) and used by the latter to pay off a bank loan; ii) to the reclassification as current receivables of the loan granted to B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. (22,783 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014); iii) to additional resources made available to the indirectly controlled companies Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. (+9,378 thousand of Euro compared to 31 December 2013) and B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. (2,655 thousand of Euro) to finance the preliminary development activities started by them; iv) to resources made available in the financial year of Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. (4,690 thousand of Euro) mainly to finance the payment of the instalment falling due in 2014 related to the payable taken out by the latter for the purchase in 2013 of 31.8% of Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l.; v) to the receivable recognised with regard to B.S. 7 S.p.A. (4,250 thousand of Euro) as part of the regulation of the tax consolidation for 2014. The increase was partially offset by the repayment by B.S. 7 S.p.A. of the loan granted to it (6,618 as at 31 December 2013) and by the partial repayment of Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. of the loan (of 4,453 thousand of Euro). Trade receivables refer to intercompany rentals and to services provided by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ to the subsidiaries (mainly administrative, accounting, tax, staff management and IT services). These receivables will be settled via the running accounts. The consolidation agreements of taxable income (domestic tax consolidation) require Beni Stabili S.p.A SIIQ to recognise a receivable or a payable resulting from the transfer of taxable income for the purposes of IRES, tax gains or tax losses from the companies taking part in the regime. This receivable or payable corresponds to 27.5% of the positive or negative tax base transferred and to the nominal value of any tax receivable transferred. These positions will be settled via the running accounts at the time of settlement of taxes payable 244 for 2014. Details of receivables due from subsidiaries and associates, broken down by investees, are provided in Annexe 3. 7.2.4 Cash and cash equivalents These total 105,146 thousand of Euro (104,575 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) and are represented by cash on hand of 4 thousand of Euro and by bank deposits of 105,142 thousand of Euro. For information on changes in cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 2014 for the year, please refer to the "Statement of Cash Flows”. 7.2.5 Assets held for sale The balance of this item as at 31 December 2014 is equal to 1,000 thousand of Euro and refers to properties for which disposal is deemed as highly likely by the end of 2015. The table below summarises the movements recorded during the year in the real estate portfolio held for sale: Land and buildings Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 39,820 Sales (800) Reclassifications (38,230) Net w rite-ups 210 Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 1,000 "Sales" during the period, for an overall carrying amount of 800 thousand of Euro, refer to the disposal of a portion of the property complex located in via Baldovinetti, Rome. For information on "reclassifications", see Note 7.1.1 above. "Net write-ups" refer to adjustments made to the property values during the period to align them with their fair value (in accordance with the international accounting standards). 7.3 EQUITY Equity is shown below: 245 31.12.2014 Share capital (*) 31.12.2013 226,943 Share premium reserve 191,630 341,404 Legal reserve 230,210 38,315 38,315 Reserve Italian L. 266/05 185,713 190,093 Reserve Italian L. 169/83 60,493 60,493 Reserve Italian L. 218/90 8,740 8,740 Reserve Italian L. 124/93 102 102 Revaluation reserve Italian L.72/83 191 191 Revaluation reserve Italian L.413/91 53 53 Revaluation reserve Italian L.2/2009 24,130 17,222 Reserve Article 89 Italian DPR 917/86 12 12 Non-distributable reserve Italian Lg.D. no. 38/2005 132,629 143,372 Spin-off surplus 127,026 147,221 15,086 35,932 1,602 1,602 Bond reserve Reserve for unoptioned bond Bond reserve: cash premium 0 Cash-flow hedge reserve (30,562) (655) (655) Reserve for treasury shares Reserve for stock options and free shares 57 Merger surplus 234 - Total other reserves 1,420 562,562 Retained earnings 178 Profit/(Loss) for the year (11,651) (73,722) Total Equity 613,771 3,128 (73,900) Total retained earnings (as it results from the Income Statement) (*) (14) (30,932) 1,057,187 (8,523) 1,027,088 As at 31 December 2014, the approved share capital amounts to 331,687,651.50 Euro of which 226,942,588.60 Euro is subscribed and paid-up. The subscribed and paid-up share capital is made up of 2,269,425,886 ordinary shares with a par value of 0.10 Euro each. Note also that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ holds 961,000 treasury shares. Changes in equity from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2014 are shown in the "Statement of Changes in Equity”. Note that, as previously described in the Management Report, during the year, a paid share capital increase of 149,725 thousand of Euro was completed, attributed by 35,313 thousand of Euro to the “Share Capital” and by 114,412 thousand of Euro to “Share premium reserve”. The costs of the operation of 3,219 thousand of Euro, in compliance with the relevant accounting standards, were recognised under Equity and reduced the “Share premium reserve”. Moreover, it should be noted that the Shareholders’ Meeting of 15 April 2014, which approved the financial statements as at 31 December 2013, resolved among other things: - to fully cover the loss for the year 2013 of the Company, amounting to 11,651 thousand of Euro using the profit reserve included in the "spin-off surplus”; - to add 6,908 thousand of Euro to the revaluation reserve Italian Law 2/2009, withdrawing the corresponding amount from the capital reserve in the "spin-off surplus”; - to reclassify the non-distributable reserve, established pursuant to Article 6, Italian Legislative Decree no. 38/2005, for a value of 10,743 thousand of Euro, in the "retained earnings” reserve; 246 - to distribute a dividend of 0.022 Euro per share to shareholders (net of treasury shares held), totalling 42,138 thousand of Euro, withdrawing this amount as follows; i) 13,871 thousand of Euro from the "retained earnings" reserve; ii) 1,635 thousand of Euro from the profit reserve included in the "spin-off surplus”; iv) 20,832 thousand of Euro from "Profit reserve for bonds”; iv) 4,380 thousand of Euro from “Profit reserve ex Italian Law 266/2005 revaluations”; 1,420 thousand of Euro to the “merger surplus”. The change in "reserve for stock options and free shares" refers: i) to the notional charge of the year for the Group (29 thousand of Euro) relating to free share plans guaranteed to Group employees by the parent company Foncière des Régions on shares of the latter; ii) to the reclassification under the “retained earnings” reserve for the portion attributable to the free share plans launched in 2010 and closed in the financial year (177 thousand of Euro). Finally, note that charges for actuarial differences on Staff termination benefits of 28 thousand of Euro were classified under “retained earnings”. With reference to the Cash Flow Hedge reserve, which recorded a negative balance as at 31 December 2014, net of the related deferred tax effect, equal to 30,932 thousand of Euro (30,562 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013), the table below shows the movements during the year: Description 31.12.2014 Cash flow hedge reserve - opening balance 31.12.2013 (30,562) (56,075) Released in correspondence w ith payment of hedged cash flow s 10,877 16,200 Released on early settlement of hedging instruments(including HFS) 12,176 9,431 Decreases for the period for changes in fair value of hedging instruments (effective changes) (23,072) 247 (351) (365) (30,932) (30,562) Income tax relating to the above changes Cash flow hedge reserve - closing balance The next table instead shows the timetable for recognition of the cash flow hedge reserve to the Income Statement, assuming that the underlying cash flows remain the same: Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 Carrying am ount Reserve Cash flow hedge Total (30,932) (30,932) Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2013 up to 6 m onths 6-12 m onths 1-2 years 2-5 years beyond 5 years (5,886) (5,288) (4,857) (12,109) (2,792) (5,886) (5,288) (4,857) (12,109) 247 (2,792) Carrying am ount (30,562) (30,562) up to 6 m onths 6-12 m onths 1-2 years 2-5 years (8,872) (7,906) (11,259) (2,573) (8,872) (7,906) (11,259) (2,573) beyond 5 years 48 48 The following statement provides a summary of reserves included in the financial statements as at 31 December 2014, indicating their nature and possible use, also taking into account any specific statutory use. Reserve Type Amount Possible use - Share following premium reservereserves are subject to the tax deferral regime for a total of 204,433 Share capitalthousand 341,404 A, B, Ci) The of Euro; - Reserve for treasury shares Article 2357 Italian c.c. Share capital (655) - 12 B revaluation reserve Italian Law 266/05, of 180,047 thousand of Euro: ii) revaluation reserve Italian Law - Legal reserve Profit 78/83, of 191 thousand of Euro; iii) revaluation reserve Italian Law 413/91, of 53 thousand38,303 of Euro;B iv) - Legal reserve Share capital - Reserve Italian L. 169/83 Share917/86 capital A, B, C contribution reserve as per Article 55 (now Article 89), Italian Presidential Decree of 1260,493 thousand of - Reserve Italian L. 218/90 Share capital Euro; revaluation reserve Italian Law 2/2009, of 24,130 thousand of Euro. - Reservev) Italian L. 124/93 Share capital 8,740 A, B, C 102 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 266/2005 Profit 155,979 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 266/2005 Share capital 29,734 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 2/2009 Share capital 6,908 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 2/2009 7.4 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Profit 17,222 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 72/1983 Profit 191 A, B, C - Revaluation reserve Italian L. 413/1991 Profit 53 A, B, C 7.4.1 - Reserve ArticleBorrowings 89 Italian PD 917/1986 Profit 12 A, B, C 509 31.12.2013 14,577 A, B, C - Bond reserve Share capital 31.12.2014 - Bond reserve Mortgage loans - Reserve for unoptioned bonds loans -Other Spin-off surplus Profit 577,636 Share capital 199,360 Share capital -Bonds Reserve Italian Lgs. D. 38/2005 -Convertible Cash flow hedge bondsreserve - Reserve for free shares 594,944 Profit Share capital 463,951 Share capital - Retained earnings Total non-current borrow ings Total capital reserves Total profit reserves A : Share capital increase; B : Loss coverage; C : Distribution. Profit 1,835,891 1,602 127,026 132,629 (30,932) 57 178 583,291 320,853 A, B, C 912,939 A,B,C A,- B, C -559,494 A, B, C A, B, C 1,472,433 The following reserves are subject to the tax deferral regime for a total of 204,433 thousand of Euro; i) revaluation reserve Italian Law 266/05, of 180,047 thousand of Euro: ii) revaluation reserve Italian Law 78/83, of 191 thousand of Euro; iii) revaluation reserve Italian Law 413/91, of 53 thousand of Euro; iv) contribution reserve as per Article 55 (now Article 89), Italian Presidential Decree 917/86 of 12 thousand of Euro; v) revaluation reserve Italian Law 2/2009, of 24,130 thousand of Euro. 7.4 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 7.4.1 Borrowings 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Mortgage loans 577,636 912,939 Other loans 199,360 - Bonds 594,944 - Convertible bonds 463,951 559,494 1,835,891 1,472,433 Total non-current borrowings 248 “Mortgage loans” These regard medium/long-term mortgage loans falling due "over 12 months". The principal on such loans falling due within 12 months and accruing nominal interest coupons are included in current borrowings (see Note 7.5.1). The payment due date of the non-current portion of these borrowings is shown below: More than 12 months, less than 2 years More than 2 years, less than 5 years 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 244,667 672,301 70,705 240,638 Beyond 5 years 262,264 - Total non-current portion 577,636 912,939 Mortgage loans as at 31 December 2014 are all floating rate. The following table shows the average effective interest rates applied to these borrowings, calculated without taking account of interest rate hedges: Average annual effective interest rate Floating rate mortgage loans 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 2.42% 2.80% Given that, in relation to these mortgage loans, a number of interest rate swaps are in place as risk hedging. The following table shows the nominal portions of borrowings hedged as at 31 December 2014, with comparison data as at 31 December 2013: Description 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Nominal amount outstanding on floating rate borrow ings (excluding accruing interest coupon) (a) 932,449 1,024,377 IRS outstanding (IRS-CAP) (b) 778,439 915,299 83.48% 89.35% % borrow ings hedged at floating rate (IRS) - (b) / (a) The item “Other loans” includes the non-current portion of the payable of a nominal 200,000 thousand of Euro raised in the year and not secured, as part of the closure of the securitisation. This loan accrues interests at Euribor 3 months, plus a spread, paid when due on a quarterly basis and is not hedged against interest rate risk. The payment due date of the non-current portion of these borrowings is shown below: 249 31.12.2014 More than 12 months, less than 2 years 199,360 More than 2 years, less than 5 years - Beyond 5 years - Total non-current portion 199,360 The accruing nominal interest coupons are included in current borrowings (see Note 7.5.1). The effective interest rate of this loan is 2.59%. “Bonds” The item includes the non-current portion of the two bonds issued by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ during 2014, in particular: 1) an unsecured bond totalling a nominal amount of 350,000 thousand of Euro, with a duration of 4 years and with a fixed coupon of 4.125% on annual basis; 2) an unsecured bond totalling a nominal amount of 250,000 thousand of Euro, with a duration of 5 years and with a fixed coupon of 3.5% on annual basis. The following table shows changes in the non-current portion of the two bonds from their date of issue as at 31 December 2014. “Bond loan with a nominal value of 350 million of Euro” Nominal value Balance on the issue date Issue costs 350,000 Interests accrued during the year (2,912) - Balance as at 31 December 2014 Carrying amount 632 350,000 (2,280) 347,088 632 347,720 Note that, against a nominal rate of 4.125%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes, was 4.35%. The nominal interest coupon accrued as at 31 December 2014 (13,599 thousand of Euro) is classified under current borrowings. “Bond loan with a nominal value of 250 million of Euro” Nom inal value Balance on the issue date Issue costs 250,000 Interests accrued during the year - Balance as at 31 Decem ber 2014 250,000 250 Carrying am ount (3,220) 444 (2,776) 246,780 444 247,224 Note that, against a nominal rate of 3.50%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes, was 3.79%. The nominal interest coupon accrued as at 31 December 2014 (6,591 thousand of Euro) is classified under current borrowings. “Convertible bonds” This item refers to the non-current portion of the borrowing relating to the convertible bonds issued in the previous financial year. In particular, the two following convertible bonds were classified under non-current payables: o convertible bond of nominal 225,000 thousand of Euro, issued in the first half of 2013 and maturing in 2018; o ii) convertible bond of nominal 270,000 thousand of Euro, issued in the second half of 2013 and maturing in 2019. As at 31 December 2013, the bond issued in 2010 for a residual nominal value of 105,538 thousand of Euro was also classified under non-current borrowings, and it was reclassified in the year under borrowings due to its maturity in April 2015. The following table shows the changes in carrying amounts of the non-current portion of the convertible bond maturing in 2018: Nominal value Balance as at 31 December 2013 Option value 225,000 Carrying amount (1,918) 214,550 - 2,012 442 2,454 225,000 (6,520) (1,476) 217,004 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs Balance as at 31 December 2014 Issue costs (8,532) The portion relating to the nominal interest accrued from the last coupon detachment (July 2014) up to 31 December 2014 for the aforementioned bond stood at 3,463 thousand of Euro. This amount was recognised under current borrowings. Note that against a nominal interest rate of 3.375%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating also the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 4.7%. The following table shows the changes during the period in carrying amounts of this convertible bond as maturing in 2019: Nominal value Balance as at 31 December 2013 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs Balance as at 31 December 2014 Option value 270,000 270,000 Issue costs Carrying amount (24,456) (3,262) 242,282 4,179 486 4,665 (20,277) (2,776) 246,947 The portion relating to the nominal interest accrued from the last coupon detachment (October 2014) up to 31 December 2014 for the aforementioned bond stood at 1,459 thousand of Euro. This amount was recognised under current borrowings. Note that against a nominal interest rate of 2.625%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 4.9%. 251 The fair value as at 31 December 2014 and 31 December 2013 of the different categories of current and noncurrent borrowings, compared with their respective carrying amounts, is shown in the table below: Borrow ings Borrow ings Current and non-current portions as at 31.12.2014 Current and non-current portions as at 31.12.2013 Carrying am ount Loans and other short-term borrow ings Mortgage loans Nom inal value - - 925,674 932,498 Fair value (*) 932,498 Fair Carrying am ount Nom inal value value (*) 80,102 80,102 80,102 1,018,201 1,024,377 1,024,377 Other loans 199,371 200,011 200,011 - - Bonds 615,134 620,190 645,035 - - - Convertible bonds 574,487 606,232 611,339 565,184 606,228 580,859 2,314,666 2,358,931 1,663,487 1,710,707 1,685,338 Total (*) 7.4.2 2,388,883 - The fair value of floating rate borrowings was calculated considering the market value to be equal to the nominal value. The nominal value includes the portion of interests accrued and not paid. The fair value of fixed rate borrowings is measured using the Discounted Cash Flow Method. According to this method, the fair value of such borrowings is calculated by determining the expected cash flows and discounting these at the implicit spot rates in the Euribor curve, plus the credit spread. Trade and other payables The balance of this item of 10,050 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013, is entirely attributable to the “Exit tax payables”. The exit tax, originally for a total amount of 47,975 thousand of Euro, as provided by the specific law, was calculated as 20% of the capital gains (net of capital losses) for the properties to be rented, determined equal to the difference between the fair value of the properties as at 31 December 2010 and their tax value. This tax, in accordance with law, will be paid over 5 financial years, starting from June 2011, plus interest calculated at the official discount rate plus 1%. The fourth expected instalment paid in June 2014 was 9,595 thousand of Euro. The residual amount due for this tax of 10,135 thousand of Euro (9,595 thousand of Euro of capital amount and 540 thousand of Euro of accrued interests) will be due no later than June 2015; as a result, it is entirely classified under current liabilities. 7.4.3 Derivatives - Liabilities The balance as at 31 December 2014 refers: i) to interest rate swap whose negative fair value loss totalled 37,885 thousand of Euro (29,881 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) to the fair value of the conversion options of the convertible bonds issued in 2013, maturing in 2018 and 2019, amounting to 23,677 thousand of Euro and 29,786 thousand of Euro, respectively (14,467 thousand of Euro and 13,431 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013, respectively). The value of these options was recognised among liabilities since the conditions (other than the option related to the convertible bond maturing in 2015) to be able to consider it as a component of equity do not exist (in compliance with the provisions of IAS 32 "Financial Instruments: Presentation and disclosures”). The table below provides details of changes recorded during the period in derivatives: 252 Hedging instrum ents (sw aps on interest rates) Other hedging instrum ents (sw aps on interest rates) Conversion option of the 2018 and 2019 convertible bonds 28,313 1,568 27,898 57,779 (10,733) (124) - (10,857) Balance as at 31.12.2013 Spreads (paid)/collected Total Decreases due to other early settlements (7,506) - - (7,506) Change in fair value recognised to the Cash Flow Hedge reserve 22,570 - - 22,570 Change in fair value recognised to Income Statement 2,432 25,565 27,313 New /rescheduling of derivative contracts 2,049 (684) - - 2,049 Reclassifications 2,020 (2,020) - - 36,029 1,856 53,463 91,348 Balance as at 31.12.2014 “Interest Rate Swaps” are contracts that convert the floating rate to a fixed rate; the lower and upper limit of fixed rates associated with these contracts is as follows: Description 31.12.2014 Min Interest rate swaps 7.4.4 0.85% 31.12.2013 Max Min 2.60% Max 0.75% 2.60% Staff termination benefits The table below summarises the movements in the liabilities for staff termination benefits in the financial year. Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 289 Cost of service provided 314 Changes due to actuarial dif f erences accounted f or in Equity 28 Settlements and payments to pension f unds (311) Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 320 The number of staff as at the end of the reporting period was 55 (58 as at 31 December 2013), comprising: 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Managers 13 15 Executives 12 12 Office staff 29 30 Porters Total The average number of staff during the year was 56.5 (59 in 2013). 253 1 1 55 58 7.4.5 Deferred tax liabilities Diffe re nce s be tw e e n carrying am ount/tax value of prope rty Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2013 Fair value of de rivative s 11,524 Increa ses recogni sed to Income Sta tement 8 3 Def erred tax liabilities - - Contingent assets f or previous years’ taxes 3 Increa ses not recogni sed to Income Sta tement - Tax payables - Equity (2,387) Def erred tax liabilities (2,387) 3 - - 3 - - Decrea ses recogni sed to Income Sta tement Total 11,532 - - (2,387) (2,387) Contingent assets f or previous years’ taxes - - - Decrea ses not recogni sed to Income Sta tement - (8) (8) Tax payables - - - Equity - (8) (8) Reversa l due to Ita l i a n LD 133/2014 (4,305) Cha nge i n ba si s of consol i da ti on - - Balance as at 31 De ce m be r 2014 - 4,835 - (4,305) 4,835 Increases and decreases recorded to the Income Statement refer to: i) to the release of deferred taxation, recorded in December 2013 on hidden capital gains on properties included in the SIIQ portfolio, made tax exempt for the purposes of direct taxes by Italian Law Decree 133/2014 (4,305 thousand of Euro); ii) to the release of deferred taxes recorded on capital gains, achieved in previous financial years for the property sales, for which taxation in five years was opted for (2,387 thousand of Euro). The balance as at 31 December 2014 totalling 4,835 thousand of Euro mainly includes deferred taxes relating to: i) deferred IRES tax for capital gains on property sales (4,109 thousand of Euro); ii) shopping malls in relation to the value of their businesses (732 thousand of Euro). 7.5 Current liabilities 7.5.1 Borrowings 31.12.2014 Loans and other short-term borrow ings 31.12.2013 - Mortgage loans 80,102 348,038 Other loans Bonds 105,262 11 - 20,190 - Convertible bonds 110,536 5,690 Total cur r e nt bor r ow ings 478,775 191,054 “Loans and other short-term borrowings”: the balance as at 31 December 2013 (and zeroed during the period) is entirely attributable to the use of committed and GTC short-term credit facilities. “Mortgage loans": include the portion of medium/long-term mortgage loans maturing "within 12 months" (347,989 thousand of Euro) and related interest accrued and not yet paid (49 thousand of Euro). 254 “Other loans”: the item includes exclusively the accruing interest coupon on the unsecured medium term loan (of a nominal 200,000 thousand of Euro). “Bonds”: the balance of the item as at 31 December 2014 of 20,190 thousand of Euro refers to the nominal interest coupon accrued on the convertible bond maturing in 2018 (13,599 thousand of Euro) and on the (non-convertible) bond maturing in 2019 (6,591 thousand of Euro). “Convertible bonds”: the balance of the item of 110,536 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 (5,690 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) comprises: i) the carrying amount of the bond of nominal 225,000 thousand of Euro, issued in 2010 and maturing in 2015 (104,842 thousand of Euro) and the amount of the relevant nominal interests accrued from the last coupon detachment (October 2014) up to 31 December 2014 (772 thousand of Euro); ii) the nominal interest coupons on the convertible bond maturing in 2018 (3,463 thousand of Euro) and on the convertible bond maturing in 2019 (1,459 thousand of Euro). The following table shows the changes during the year in carrying amounts of the convertible bond maturing in 2015 (excluding the maturing nominal interest coupons), by noting that as at 31 December 2013 this borrowing was classified under non-current borrowings: Nominal value Balance as at 31 December 2013 Interests accrued during the period - portion related to the option value and issue costs Balance as at 31 December 2014 Option value 105,538 Issue costs Carrying amount (2,208) (668) 102,662 - 1,676 504 2,180 105,538 (532) (164) 104,842 Note that against a nominal interest rate of 3.875%, the effective interest rate, calculated only for accounting purposes by separating the optional component of the borrowing at the initial date was equal to 6.17%. The fair value of current borrowings is provided in Note 7.4.1. above. 255 7.5.2 Payables due to subsidiaries and associates 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Payable s due to s ubs idiaries Running account payables 82,426 699 Trade relations 902 784 Payables deriving f rom the consolidation of IRES taxable income 853 317 84,181 1,800 Total payable s due to s ubs idiarie s Information regarding the running accounts, trade relations and payable deriving from the tax consolidation is also provided in the section on receivables from subsidiaries (Note 7.2.3). The increase in payable due to subsidiaries recorded in 2014 mainly refers to the liquidity reversed to the Company by means of the running accounts by the subsidiaries: i) B.S. 7 S.p.A. (liquidity arising from the early repayment of the Imser securitisation), ii) Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. (liquidity arising from December 2014 – February 2015 quarterly rentals of its real estate portfolio and from a property disposal completed in December). A breakdown by investee of said payables is provided in Annexe 4. 7.5.3 Trade and other payables 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Trade payables Suppliers Payables for property purchases 13,053 17,211 3,451 5,220 Prepayments 50 - Payables to the parent company 639 997 17,193 23,428 Total trade payables Tax payables VAT Exit tax payables Other payables 2,350 908 10,163 10,048 596 740 13,109 11,696 Social security payables 319 347 Staff 956 942 12,967 13,854 Total tax payables Othe r payables Lease payables Sundry payables 3,642 4,597 Total other payables 17,884 19,740 Total trade and other payables 48,186 54,864 “Suppliers”: in both years considered, the item mainly refers to amounts payable on invoices to be received of 8,461 thousand of Euro (9,939 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) and amounts payable as holding guarantees of 2,355 thousand of Euro (2,262 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). These amounts payable refer to real estate costs, to modernisation/renovation costs of properties and to structure costs related to sundry services and purchases. “Payables for property purchases”: the balance of this item for both comparison periods refers entirely to the residual payable related to the purchase, completed in December 2011, of property units in the arcade of "Il Ducale" shopping mall in Vigevano (Pavia), due in the short period. The change in the year is attributable to partial payments made. 256 “Prepayments”: the balance as at 31 December 2014 refers entirely to a down payment made by the promisee purchaser of the property unit in via Fancelli, Rome. The sale is expected to be completed in 2015. “Payables to the parent company FdR": the balance represents the amount due to the controlling Parent Company for services provided to the Company, details of which can be found in Note 10 below. “VAT”: the balance of 2,350 thousand of Euro includes 1,208 thousand of Euro VAT subject to the tax deferral regime (908 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Exit tax payable”: the item includes the exit tax to be paid for the fifth and last instalment of the exit tax, which will be paid in June 2015, plus accrued interests payable. As at 31 December 2013, the item included the exit tax (plus accrued interests) for the fourth instalment of the tax that was paid in June 2014. Please refer also to Note 7.4 above. “Other tax payables”: in both years considered, the balance mainly refers to withholding tax payables. “Staff": includes amounts due to staff mainly for outstanding leave and extra month’s pay. “Lease payables": the balance regards: i) rents and incidental expenses billed in advance but accruing in future periods (4,441 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 4,357 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); ii) guarantee deposits (8,525 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 8,328 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013); iii) advances received from tenants (0 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2014 and 1,169 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). “Sundry payables": this item primarily includes: i) 2,286 thousand of Euro (2,829 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) as the share of the contribution, received from Ferrovie dello Stato S.p.A., still to be used, regarding urban development costs on the Garibaldi Complex; ii) 428 thousand of Euro (467 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013) as payables to directors and statutory auditors; iii) 215 thousand of Euro as payables for condominium expenses (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013); iv) 107 thousand of Euro as payables for litigations to be settled (unchanged compared to 31 December 2013). The decrease in the item, compared to the balance as at 31 December 2013 (in addition to the decrease in the payable set forth in sub-paragraph i) above), is largely attributable to the absence of payable as commissions on guarantees given in favour of subsidiaries (1,080 thousand of Euro as at 31 December 2013). 257 7.5.4 Provisions for risks and charges 31.12.2013 Provisions Releases Tax provisions 1,529 1,422 - Other provisions for risks and charges Total 3,549 5,078 169 1,591 (29) (29) Uses Reclassifications - (232) (232) 31.12.2014 (7) 2,944 (7) 3,457 6,401 “Tax provisions": refers to provisions for liabilities that may arise as a result of tax audits and other probable tax liabilities. The provision for the period refers: i) for 333 thousand of Euro, to the portion of taxes that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ may be required to pay on maturity of the existing convertible bonds (pursuant to Ministry of the Economy and Finance Decree of 8 June 2011), if the bonds are not converted, on the total reserve corresponding to the optional component of the unconverted bonds; ii) for 541 thousand of Euro, to provisions for potential liabilities for requests of IMU additions of previous years; iii) for 548 thousand of Euro to provisions for other potential liabilities as a result of tax inspections for income taxes. “Other provisions for risks and charges": include provisions for risks relating to litigation pending and to provisions for probable future charges related to properties in the real estate portfolio. The provisions for the period mainly refer: i) to a provision for probable future charges related to expenses on litigations of 159 thousand of Euro; ii) to liabilities on minor litigations of 6 thousand of Euro; iii) to the integration of the provision for risks for the measurement of Equity of the investment in Beni Stabili Hotel S.A. of 4 thousand of Euro. The decreases for the year refer to uses of 232 thousand of Euro and to releases of 29 thousand of Euro. It should be noted in particular the settling of a legal dispute with a service provider related to electricity consumption, which involved the use of provisions set aside of 121 thousand of Euro and a corresponding release for the excess not used of 29 thousand of Euro. 7.6 INCOME STATEMENT Below are the details of the main Income Statement items for the year. For the comments on the changes with respect to the values of the previous year, see the information provided in the specific section of the Management Report under "Management Information" which is a part of these Financial Statements. 258 7.6.1 Net rental revenues 31.12.2014 Rents 31.12.2013 93,728 96,423 Intercompany rents (1) 6,840 7,583 Revenues from termination of lease contracts 1,284 8 Total rental revenues 101,853 104,014 Write-dow n/losses and release of funds - tenants Total w rite-dow n/losses and release of funds - tenants (2,160) (2,160) (4,295) (4,295) Lease contract registration tax (1,038) (1,129) Local property tax (10,950) (10,337) Maintenance and property management costs (9,024) (10,804) Costs for property management activities by third parties (1,977) (2,045) Costs for lease of subleased buildings (554) (548) Costs for intercompany lease of subleased buildings (666) (558) Recovery of costs from tenants 5,433 5,499 19 77 (553) (452) (19,309) (21,470) 80,383 (20,297) (24,592) 79,422 Recovery of costs for insurance indemnities Brokerage costs for lease contracts Total costs Total property costs Total net rental revenues (1) For details of intercompany costs and revenues, please refer to Annexe 5. These revenues refer specifically to the lease to subsidiaries of the property in Galleria del Corso, Milan, portions of the shopping mall in Beinasco (TO) and of the shopping mall in Vigevano (PV). 7.6.2 Net service revenues 31.12.2014 Revenues for services to third parties 31.12.2013 239 252 Revenues for "Corporate", "Legal" and "Asset management" services (1) 2,281 2,312 Total service revenues 2,520 2,564 Costs for the provision of services (987) (1,127) Total service costs (987) (1,127) Total net revenues 1,533 1,437 (1) Details of intercompany revenues are provided in Annexe 6. 7.6.3 Operating costs 259 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Salaries and w ages (4,195) (4,396) Social-security contributions (1,270) (1,298) Staff termination benefits (314) (324) Costs for free share plans (1) (213) (201) Other staff costs (216) (69) Total staff costs (6,209) (6,288) Legal, administrative and technical advisory services and other expenses for services received (6,155) (6,243) (357) (305) Remuneration to directors and auditors (1,741) (1,726) Leases payable Share management and listing expenses (1,462) (1,322) Intercompany leases payable (2) (840) (890) Intercompany service costs (3) (207) (128) Total overheads (10,762) (10,614) Total operating costs (16,970) (16,902) (1) The cost of Free Share plans assigned by FdR to the employees of the Company was recognised in 29 thousand of Euro (141 thousand of Euro in 2013) against Equity and 184 thousand of Euro (60 thousand of Euro in 2013) against a payable to the parent company FdR, given the methods of regulation of the underlying plans. In particular, for the plans assigned in 2012, 2013 and 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. pays (in equal instalments over their life) FdR a fair value price (on the assignment date) of the options assigned to its employees. For this reason, the cost was recognised against (2) (3) a corresponding debit entry, rather than as an increase in equity. This cost refers to the lease by the subsidiary B.S. 8 Immobiliare S.p.A. SIINQ of the premises of the Company in via Cornaggia, Milan. Details of these costs are provided in Annexe 7. 7.6.4 Other revenues and income and other costs and charges Details of other revenues and income and other costs and charges are as follows: 31.12.2014 Intercompany revenues for chargeback of costs (1) 31.12.2013 668 705 33 197 Other revenues and income including other contingent assets 2,325 314 Total other revenues and income 3,026 1,216 (14,791) (3,166) (812) (721) Use of provisions for risks and w rite-dow n of receivables Amor./depr. and w rite-dow ns of tangible and intangible assets, w rite-dow n of receivables and provisions for risks Other taxes Contingent liabilities for previous years’ taxes - Other costs and charges including other contingent liabilities (74) (636) (389) Total other revenues and income and other costs and charges (16,239) (4,350) Total (13,213) (3,134) (1) Details of intercompany chargeback of costs are provided in Annexe 8. 7.6.5 Property sales 260 31.12.2014 Investm ent properties Trading properties Sales revenues (1) Carrying amount of the properties transferred Held for sale properties Investm ent properties Trading properties Held for sale properties 9,297 74,500 800 7,055 28,000 19,594 (9,220) (71,603) (800) (6,734) (26,853) (19,341) (10) (623) (8) (6) (223) (125) (9,230) (72,226) (808) (6,740) (27,076) (19,466) Brokerage and transaction costs (2) Total cost of sales 31.12.2013 Profit/(Loss) on disposal of properties 67 2,274 (8) 315 924 128 (1) (2) A trading land expropriation compensation (valued at zero in the financial statements) of 54 thousand of Euro was classified in this item. For 2014, this item includes 629 thousand of Euro of costs related to sales of previous financial years. 7.6.6 Net financial income and charges Description 31.12.2014 Financial income on bank current accounts and term deposits Other financial income Total financial income 31.12.2013 1,742 647 159 995 1,901 1,642 Financial charges on mortgage loans (16,569) (23,598) Financial charges on bonds (18,908) - Financial charges of convertible bonds (17,583) (14,085) Interest rate spreads paid on hedging instruments (10,847) (17,036) M edium to long term financial charges - cash portion (63,907) (54,719) Financial charges on mortgage loans (3,252) (4,570) Financial charges on bonds (1,018) - Financial charges of convertible bonds (8,838) (6,177) Charges for transfer to the Income Statement of the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve exceeding the differentials paid M edium to long term financial charges - non-cash portion Financial charges on short-term borrowings 1,967 1,251 (11,141) (9,496) (513) (1,984) Non-utilisation commissions (on medium/long-term and short-term borrowings) and on sureties (4,287) (5,790) Ineffective changes of derivatives (1,748) 718 (25,564) 7,669 (584) (505) (1,495) (772) Change in fair value of the conversion options relating to the convertible bonds w ith maturity 2018 and 2019 Costs for new hedging instruments Costs for rescheduling derivative contracts Fair value change in hedging instruments immediately passed to the Income Statement Financial charges corresponding to the reversal of reserves from "Cash Flow Hedge" for early settled hedging instruments and related costs Financial charges for early settlement of borrow ings and closing of hedging instruments (29,391) 7,110 (14,148) (7,040) (4,440) (7,026) (410) (2,094) (18,998) (16,160) (208) (406) Total financial charges (128,445) (81,445) Total (126,544) (79,803) Financial charges on property sales Financial charges on property sales and early redemptions Sundry financial charges 261 7.6.7 Income and charges from subsidiaries, associates and other companies 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Financial income from subsidiaries (1) 13,911 8,555 Financial charges from subsidiaries (1) (730) (41) (6) (4) Dividends from SIIQ/SIINQ (2) 33,457 31,709 Write-dow n of investments in subsidiaries and associates (1,011) (1,519) Total income/(charges) from subsidiaries, associates 45,621 38,700 Write-dow n of investments in other companies (154) (195) Total income/(charges) from other companies (154) (195) 45,467 38,505 Capital loss for sale of investments Total income/(charges) from subsidiaries, associates and other companies (1) (2) Details of income from subsidiaries are provided in Annexe 9, whilst details of charges from subsidiaries can be found in Annexe 10. The balance of this item, for both periods under comparison, refers to dividends from the subsidiary Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. 7.6.8 Income tax 31.12.2014 31.12.2013 Current taxes 4,109 Deferred tax liabilities 2,387 (2,640) Deferred tax assets (2,477) 14,708 4,019 10,908 Total taxes for the year (current and deferred) Recalculation of current taxes relating to previous years (2,329) (1,160) (371) Recalculation of deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relating to previous years (1) (45,518) 1,076 Total net incom e and charges for recalculating tax for previous financial years (47,847) 705 Total taxes (43,828) 11,613 (1) The item, for 2014, includes the amount of 45,547 thousand of Euro for the release of deferred tax assets as a result of the regulations introduced in the financial year by Italian Law Decree 133/2014. Current taxes include IRES and IRAP payable for the year of 4,579 thousand of Euro (income) and 469 thousand of Euro (cost), respectively. The following table shows tax liabilities and assets recognised in the Income Statement, with a breakdown of the amounts attributable to IRES and IRAP. 262 Balance as at 31.12.2014 IRES Current taxes IRAP Balance as at 31.12.2013 Total IRES IRAP Total 4,579 (469) 4,110 (685) (475) (1,160) (2,126) (43) (2,169) 14,575 (307) (1) (308) (113) 246 14,821 (2,433) (44) (2,477) 14,462 246 14,708 Deferred tax assets - differences in carrying amount of properties - costs not deducted Total deferred tax assets - (113) Deferred tax liabilities - differences in carrying amount of properties 2,387 - 2,387 (2,795) 155 (2,640) Total deferred tax liabilities 2,387 - 2,387 (2,795) 155 (2,640) General total 4,533 4,020 10,982 (74) 10,908 (513) Reconciliation between the theoretical and effective IRES tax rates, calculated (on EBT) by also taking into account deferred taxes, is as follows. Theoretical tax rate 27.50% Tax-exempt results of operations 7.77% Net w rite-dow ns/w rite-ups of investments and properties (1.92%) Non-deductible local property tax on property management and other minor changes (6.47%) Retained tax losses (11.81%) Actual rate 15.07% 263 7.6.9 Earnings per share For both years under comparison, as required by IAS 33 "Earnings per share", the Income Statement indicates the basic and diluted earnings/(losses) per share in relation to the net Group income, attributable to holders of ordinary equities of the Parent Company. To this end, basic earnings per share have been calculated as the ratio of the net Group income to the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the year. The share average, for the purposes of calculation of diluted earnings per share, was determined by adding the weighted average of ordinary shares in issue in the year, used to calculate basic earnings per share, and the weighted average of potential additional ordinary shares, with dilution effects, considered as converted to ordinary shares from the start of the period or their issue date, if later. The net income for the year used to calculate the diluted earnings per share was subsequently adjusted for costs for the year (net of the related tax effect) in relation to the financial instruments corresponding to the potential additional ordinary shares with diluting effects, assuming that such costs would not arise if the potential shares were converted. It should be noted that said potential ordinary shares in issue are only considered to have a dilutive effect when their conversion to ordinary shares has the effect of reducing earnings per share or increasing the loss per share. There are no potential shares with a dilutive effect for 2014, whereas for 2013 there was a dilution due to potential shares from convertible bonds. 2014 financial year 2013 financial year Net Group income (thousand of Euro) (73,900) (11,651) Net Group income adjusted to calculate diluted earnings per share (thousand of Euro) (73,900) (20,967) Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue during the year 1,985,136,020 1,915,341,904 Weighted average of ordinary shares for the year for the diluted earnings per share 1,985,136,020 2,000,638,791 Basic earnings per share (0.03723) (0.00608) Diluted earnings per share (0.03723) (0.01048) 8 LITIGATION AND CONTINGENCIES This section provides information on the main disputes involving the company: Civil litigations A litigation against the Municipality of Rome and other litigations relating to an appeal against the expropriation order regarding land in Rome (Granai di Nerva district) This is a litigation against the Municipality of Rome, arising in the eighties between Iniziativa Granai di Nerva S.r.l. (subsequently merged with Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2005, in turn merged with Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ in 2007), regarding the expropriation of the land in Granai di Nerva, Rome. 264 The judgements passed in 2003 following the outcome of judgements at first instance (43 in number), aimed at determining the extent of compensation, established the Group's right to damages for reverse accession of the area in favour of the Municipality of Rome. These judgements were challenged before the Court of Appeal, as the damages awarded by the judges of the court of first instance was insufficient in relation to the effective damages incurred and this also in the light of some errors contained, as identified by the claimant Company and its counsels, in the expert appraisals presented in court. Therefore, during the appeal, the Constitutional Court, with judgements no. 348/07 and no. 349/07, established the unconstitutionality (on the basis of Article 117 of the Constitution and Article 1 of the additional Protocol of the European Court of Human Rights) of Article 5 bis, section 7 bis, of Law no. 359 of 1992, in the part that provides for a reduction of expropriation compensation in case of illegal occupation of land for reasons of public utility, in place of compensation based on the selling value of the occupied area. Subsequently, in the judgements passed in 2008 by the Court of Appeal, the criteria for calculating the interest due to Beni Stabili were made more favourable. However, considering that the mentioned decisions, albeit increasing the amount of the compensation in favour of the claimant Company, did not take the aforementioned rulings of the Constitutional Court into due consideration, Beni Stabili presented subsequently no. 42 appeals before the Court of Cassation against all the mentioned court orders (except for a dispute for which the Court of Appeal had established the extinction of the legal right to compensation for damages) on the basis of the following legal considerations: i) breach and unfounded application of the principles established by the Constitutional Court in judgement 349/07; ii) invalidity of the judgement and proceedings for failure to rule on the grounds for appeal regarding the objections made by the claimant Company with regard to the expert appraisal made by the Court. In 2011 and 2012, the Court of Cassation rejected the appeals lodged by the Company. However, considering that the Court of Cassation does not seem to have considered any assessment on the actual market value of assets but seems to have ruled on the basis of an uncritical adherence to expert opinions, the Company decided to enforce its own reasons by proposing a repeal judgement of the sentences issued. Consequently, during the first half of 2013, appeals for cancellation against the judgements of the Court of Cassation were filed; the hearings were held in the last months of 2013 and in the first months of 2014. However, the judgements of the Court of Cassation that rejected the lodged appeals for cancellation were filed. Therefore, The Company considered to align the carrying amount of the expropriated assets with what is due to it pursuant to the judgements passed by the Court of Appeal and that are no longer subject to further appeal. Litigation against the Municipality of Rome relating to an appeal against the expropriation order regarding the land in Rome (Pietralata district) The action brought in 2001 by Immobiliare Pietralata 87 S.r.l. (company merged in Sport Garden 90 S.r.l. in 2003, which was subsequently merged in Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2007, merged in turn in Beni Stabili) against the Municipality of Rome regards an appeal against the expropriation order regarding land located in Via del Tufo, in the district of Pietralata in Rome (18,497 sq.m.) and, in particular, the calculation of the compensation for expropriation acknowledged by the Municipality of Rome. The sentence issued by the Court of Appeal of Rome on 16 May 2005, partially upholding our claims, established the expropriation compensation at 1,434 thousand of Euro. In addition to this compensation, the 265 Court of Appeal also recognised the legal interest from the date of the expropriation order up to the payment date, legal costs and the expert appraiser's expenses. However, the Company appealed to the Court of Cassation against the mentioned judgements of Italy's Court of Appeal in order to obtain higher compensation, even though the amount recognised fully covered the carrying amount of the expropriated assets (979 thousand of Euro). In the meantime, in keeping with the principle set out by the Constitutional Court in 2007, the 2008 Finance Act changed the criteria for calculating compensation for expropriation, comparing it to the sale price of the expropriated property. Therefore, the judgement of the Court of Cassation, filed on 22 May 2013, quashed the judgment under appeal and calculated the expropriation compensation of 2,865 thousand of Euro, plus legal interests to be calculated as from the date of the expropriation order on the amount due net of the amount already deposited with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. The procedure for collecting the amount of 1,808 thousand of Euro is currently underway deposited with the Ministry of Economy and Finance as a result of the approval issued by the Municipality of Rome, with director's decision no. 1090 of 23 September 2014 and delivered to Beni Stabili on 22 January 2015. Litigation against the Municipality of Rome relating to the sale of a property in via Valle dei Fontanili, Rome A litigation originally started by Edil Laurenthia 72 S.p.A. (merged in Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. in 2005, in turn merged in Beni Stabili in 2007) against the Municipality of Rome, relating to the request for payment by the Company of the balance of the price for the sale in favour of the mentioned Municipality of a serviced accommodation in Rome, known as “Residence Fabianella”, is pending to date. In 2004, the Court of Cassation quashed the ruling on appeal that had confirmed the judgement requiring the Municipality of Rome to pay a total amount of 4,241 thousand of Euro (carrying amount of the expropriated assets) equal to the difference between the price agreed in the sales document and the price subsequently decreased by the Municipality of Rome. Therefore, the interpretation of the contractual will of the parties in relation to whether reference should be made or not to the regulations governing contracts with public authorities was referred to another section of the Court of Appeal. In the proceedings following referral of the case before the Court of Appeal, Beni Stabili reiterated its claim that, in view of the fact that the price stated in the contract of sale (entered into with the Municipality of Rome in 1990) was agreed conventionally by the municipality under private law, it should have been acknowledged and paid in full, as provided for in the contract. Judgement no. 3575/09 of the Court of Appeal deposited in September 2009 established that the price that had to apply to the sale was not the one agreed by the parties but the one determined by considering the lease value of the property in accordance with Article 12-24 of Italian Law 392/78. Hence, the Court of Appeal believed that the intention of the Parties was to make a “fixed” reference to the law provisions mentioned above in order to calculate the price of the sale and that, as a consequence, this reference would work despite the subsequent repeal of the law provisions that enacted this method for calculating the purchase price. Therefore, the judgement refused to recognise the right of the Company to the amount of 4,241 thousand of Euro as the price difference of the sale. In 2010, the Company lodged an appeal against this ruling before the Court of Cassation. By judgement deposited on 2 December 2013, the Court of Cassation rejected the appeal. The Company, 266 also according to the opinions expressed by its legal counsels, believes that there are valid reasons of law to uphold that this judgement of the Court of Cassation is affected by an error of fact, and therefore, resolved upon proposing an appeal for the cancellation of the decision of the Court of Cassation in order to protect at best its own claims; appeal that was notified at the beginning of June 2014. However, subsequently, considering that the Court of Cassation is recently becoming fixed on a rather restrictive position on the identification of the errors known as “revocatory” (going back to conservative positions), Beni Stabili deemed it appropriate to fully write down its carrying amount of the expropriated assets. Litigations against Fallimento Magazzini Darsena S.p.A., Fallimento Darsena F.M. S.r.l. and Partxco S.p.A. As from 2010, the Company started several litigations before the competent trial courts in order to acknowledge its right to obtain the payment of the rents not paid by Magazzini Darsena S.p.A. and by its subtenant Darsena FM S.r.l., in relation to the shopping mall Darsena City in Ferrara. Moreover, a claim for arbitration was filed by the Company with the Milan Arbitration Chamber, for ascertainment of the legitimacy to obtain an adjustment reducing the sale price paid to the seller Magazzini Darsena S.p.A. for the purchase of the aforementioned Shopping Mall, together with ascertainment of the obligation of Magazzini Darsena S.p.A., Darsena F.M. S.r.l. and the parent company Partxco S.p.A. (the latter two as jointly liable) to pay future rents and the penalty already accrued due to failure to deliver a further part of the Shopping Mall. On 8 July 2013, this arbitration ended with the lodging of the award by the Arbitration Court, which primarily ordered (i) Partxco to pay 12.5 million of Euro by way of compensation due to nonpayment of rents, (ii) Magazzini Darsena and Partxco to pay 16 million of Euro by way of penalty due to delay in delivery of the property unit "B" and (iii) Magazzini Darsena, Darsena FM and Partxco to pay 2.5 million of Euro by way of price adjustment of the property unit "A" (an amount that Beni Stabili has already collected through the enforcement of the bank guarantee issued by the counterparties for this purpose and mentioned below). Finally, the counterparties were ordered to refund some legal costs as well as three fourths of the expenses of the arbitration proceedings. Moreover, in the meantime, during the course of the mentioned litigations, the bank guarantee of 2.5 million of Euro handed over by Magazzini Darsena, as a guarantee for the payment for adjusting the sale price, was enforced. This bank guarantee was collected subsequently as a result of the judgement in favour of Beni Stabili, delivered in the injunction judgement of the enforcement started by Magazzini Darsena and ended positively during the claim. As a result of persistent disclosures of the increasingly difficult situation of the counterparties and in the absence of proposals from the parties themselves that would allow conclusion of the proceedings, Beni Stabili and the co-owner of the shopping mall, IGD S.p.A. SIIQ, have also presented, pending the course of the above mentioned judgements, the claims for declaration of bankruptcy of the companies concerned in order to obtain, as soon as possible, the availability of the business conducted in the shopping mall, with a view to its relaunch. These proceedings were then concluded, following the release of the arbitration award, with the declaration of bankruptcy, on 29 July 2013, of Magazzini Darsena and Darsena FM. Following the aforementioned declaration of bankruptcy, The Company was then able to reach an agreement on 29 October 2013, as a partial settlement, with the receiver. By virtue of the mentioned settlement 267 agreement, the property was returned to the Comapny by Magazzini Darsena, the Company acquired the firm (with the relating marketing authorisations) from Darsena FM for 0.3 million of Euro plus taxes, cancelled the preliminary agreement for the purchase of the adjacent property called property B and its related contracts, obtained the final acceptance by Magazzini Darsena of the price reduction of 2.5 million of Euro for the trading of property A (an amount that Beni Stabili has already collected through the enforcement of the surety mentioned above). As part of the mentioned transaction, Beni Stabili did not waive all the receivables accrued until the declaration of bankruptcy and recognised by the judgements passed as a result of the judgements undertaken with regard to the bankrupt companies that therefore were almost entirely admitted to bankruptcy proceedings. On 12 June 2014, the company Partxco S.p.A. filed an appeal to the Court of Appeal of Milan against the arbitration award issued by the Arbitration Court in July 2013. As a result of this notification, Beni Stabili lodged a bankruptcy petition with regard to the company Partxco, (in arrangement before bankruptcy). Recently, the Company became aware of the declaration of bankruptcy also of the mentioned company after which the arbitration was interrupted. Therefore, the decision of the receiver on whether these proceedings will be resumed is still pending. Tax litigations and inspections The main tax litigations that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ is involved in are noted below. In relation to tax inspections, note that, during the previous year, the Tax Authority informed Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ that it would have started a general tax inspection for the 2011 tax period, which to date has not yet started. Notice of settlement concerning acquisition of the investment in Immobiliare Fortezza S.r.l. In 2009, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ received a notice of settlement for registration tax, stamp duty and land registry tax regarding the purchase from Fondo Pensioni per il Personale della Banca Commerciale Italiana (the Comit Fund), finalised in 2006, of the investment in Immobiliare Fortezza S.r.l., transferee company of the real estate portfolio of the Comit Fund. In the notice, the Tax Authority requested the payment of a total amount, for taxes and interest on the date of notice, of 114,961 thousand of Euro; the same notice of settlement, laying claims of the same amount and for the same reason, was notified to the counterparty Comit Fund, jointly and severally liable of the Company with regard to the Tax Authority. The notices of settlement are based on the requalification of transaction for the direct transfer of the real estate portfolio from the Comit Fund to Beni Stabili S.p.A. and, therefore, on the substantial refusal to acknowledge the applied facility (through taxation in a fixed proportion, as envisaged by Article 18 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 124/1993 for pension funds) at the time of transfer of the properties to the transferee company, resulting in the application of proportional taxes usually due for the sale of the properties. Both the Company and the Comit Fund appealed to the Provincial Tax Commission of Milan that, by judgement deposited on February 2010, fully rejected the appeals, confirming the tax authority claims. Consequently, both the Company and the Comit Fund (following a transitional arrangement intended to regulate relationships in the course of proceedings and without prejudice to mutual rights of recourse at the 268 end of the proceedings) paid 58,211 thousand of Euro each, 50% of the amounts requested for payment, plus accrued interest in the course of the proceedings. In August 2010, the Company and the Comit Fund filed an appeal against the first instance judgement, with which the claims of the notice of settlement were confirmed, before the Regional Tax Commission of Lombardy that fully accepted the company’s appeal. Therefore, in April 2012, the Tax Authority refunded the amounts claimed by the notice of settlement and 50% paid, pending judgement, by the Company and by the Comit Fund as a result of the unfavourable judgement issued by the judges of the court of first instance. The judgement issued by the second instance judges in favour of the company (and of the Comit Fund) was appealed before the Court of Cassation by the government lawyers on behalf of the Tax Authority. In April 2012, the Company (like the Comit Fund) filed a counter-appeal and cross-appeal before the Court of Cassation to resist the tax claims and obtain the confirmation of the favourable ruling of the court of appeal; the date for the hearing has still not been set. The economic importance of the dispute together with the fact of being highly debatable, because of the strong changes in case law, of the legal issues brought to the attention of the tax courts in the dispute in question (that caused initially the Company to lose the lawsuit in the first instance, resulting in a provision for risks of 42,000 thousand of Euro and subsequently win the lawsuit in the second instance, by releasing the fund for the same amount) lead to continue to consider that it would be unlikely for a final liability to arise as a result of the judgement, albeit possible. Notice of assessment concerning disposal of the investment in Telemaco Immobiliare S.p.A. In 2007, Sviluppi Immobiliari S.p.A. (merged into Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) received a notice of assessment with a demand for higher IRAP taxes of 2,710 thousand of Euro plus penalties and interest, for the alleged failure to pay taxes in 2002 on the capital gains achieved from the disposal of its investment in Telemaco Immobiliare S.p.A. A claim was made against this notice of assessment with the Provincial Tax Commission and the Regional Tax Commission of Lazio; both of them confirmed the claims of the Tax Authority. Against the judgement issued by the second instance judges, supported by reasons with invalid and groundless allegations, the Company filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of Cassation and the date for the hearing has still not been set. In accordance with the specific validity of the legal arguments that made to support the Company's rationale before the Court of Cassation and the fact that the court may therefore overturn the previous rulings against the Company, we believe that, including on the basis of the tax opinions received, it would be unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (6,178 thousand of Euro, recognised as tax receivables). Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2008 Following a general tax audit relating to the 2008 tax period, on 17 December 2013, the Tax Authority served the notices of assessment with which it made an upward adjustment to the IRES, IRAP and VAT taxes of 3,655 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interests. The complaints contained in the tax deeds mainly concern the contested deductibility of interest expense related to mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR and for the services rendered by the controlling company Foncière des Régions S.A. 269 As described below, the company, in January 2015, signed a settlement before the court procedure with the Tax Authority, with which it settled the disputes for the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. and other minor disputes. Therefore, the dispute continues only for the controversial deductibility of interest expense related to mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR, with a tax claim of 2,786 thousand of Euro plus penalties and interests. The claim of the Tax Authority, also on the basis of tax opinions obtained, is held to be generally illegitimate and was validly contested by the company in the appeal filed in February 2014; the date for the hearing has still not been set. Based on the debatability of the objections raised and on the consistency of defensive reasons of the Company carried out in the defensive deeds, it would be unlikely – also as a result of the lack of case law precedents on the specific issue, – for a final liability to arise as a result of the judgement, albeit possible. Consequently, no provisions have been recorded in this regard. Notice of IRES and IRAP tax assessment - tax period 2007 and 2008 In January 2015, the company defined, by means of the settlement before the court, the litigation established as a result of the notice of assessment received for the contested deductibility, for IRES and IRAP purposes, of the costs for the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. for the 2007 tax period. As part of the agreement for the settlement before the court related to the 2007 tax period, the company was able to partially settle also the litigation established for the 2008 tax period, with reference to the findings for the deductibility of the services rendered by the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A. and of other minor litigations on IRES, IRAP and VAT. The agreement reached is met with the provisions set aside in time for potential tax liabilities. The litigations at issue will be settled as a result of the specific decree of partial or total settlement of the judgements in progress, which will be adopted by the competent Provincial Tax Commission of Rome, it being understood that, as said previously, for the 2008 tax period the litigation will continue in relation to the only litigation related to the non-deductibility of interest expenses on mortgage loans for alleged violation of Article 96 of the TUIR, for which reference is made to what is described below. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2009 On 21 May 2014, the Tax Authority, acknowledging the findings proposed in the Report on Findings of the verification concerning exclusively the correct deductibility of interest expense for IRES purposes pursuant to Article 96 TUIR for the 2009 tax period, served the notice of assessment with which it requested the payment of an upward adjustment to the IRES tax of 1,821 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interests. On 18 July 2014, a claim was filed before the relevant Provincial Tax Commission of Rome; the date for the hearing has still not been set. As for the 2008 tax period, this claim is considered, also on the basis of tax opinions obtained, baseless as well, and was validly contested in the filed appeal, consequently it was unlikely for a potential liability to arise, albeit possible, and therefore, has not given rise to any provision in these financial statements. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax periods 2002/2003 270 In 2005, two notices of assessment were notified, following the tax inspection undergone for the 2002 and 2003 tax periods, with a claim for upward adjustment to taxes of 284 thousand of Euro and 1,561 thousand of Euro, respectively. For the 2002 tax period, in May 2014, the hearing took place at the Regional Tax Commission of Rome, which accepted the reasons of the Company; the terms for a possible appeal before the Court of Cassation by the Office are still pending. Whereas, with regard to the 2003 tax period, after two judgements favourable to the Company, the judgement is still pending before the Supreme Court of Cassation; the date for the hearing has still not been set. On the basis of the grounds for resistance presented in the previous judgements, we believe that, also based on tax opinions obtained, it is reasonable to consider that the reasons of the Company would continue to be accepted. Notice of IRES and IRAP tax assessment - tax period 2004 Following a general tax audit relating to the 2004 tax period, the Tax Authority served a notice of findings during 2009 with which it made an upward adjustment to the IRES and IRAP due from the Company, with a demand for total higher taxes of 1,162 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interest. The claims made in the demand mainly concern recalculation of the capital gains realised following the transfer of a property to a real estate fund. On 5 May 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the Office against the judgement issued by the first instance judges that had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Provincial Tax Commission of Lazio, which confirmed the decision of the judges of the court of first instance during the hearing of 11 November 2014. The terms for a possible appeal before the Supreme Court of Cassation by the Tax Authority are still pending. Therefore, the company is preparing the demand for compensation of the amounts paid pending judgement (722 thousand of Euro, recognised as tax receivables). Notice of settlement concerning acquisition of the investment in Montenero S.r.l. In 2009, the Milan Tax Authority served Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (as the incorporating company of Sport Garden '90 S.r.l.) with a notice of settlement of registration tax on the acquisition of the global investment in Montenero S.r.l., a company established by the seller following the transfer of the Montenero di Bisaccia shopping mall business unit. The Tax Authority saw fit to requalify the transaction described into a single contract for the direct transfer of the business unit, with the subsequent demand for payment of "supplementary" registration tax of roughly 400 thousand of Euro, plus interest and penalties. In June 2012, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the office against the judgement issued by the second instance judges, which had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Supreme Court of Cassation; the date for the hearing has still not been set. Notice of IRES tax assessment - tax period 2005 Following a general tax inspection relating to the 2005 tax period, the Tax Authority, during 2010, served a notice of assessment with which it contested the use of prior tax losses, making an upward adjustment to taxes 341 thousand of Euro, plus penalties and interest. 271 In April 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, as a result of the appeal of the Office against the judgement issued by the first instance judges that had fully accepted the reasons of the Company, appeared before the Provincial Tax Commission of Lazio; the hearing will be discussed next February 2015. The Tax Authority claim, also based on tax opinions obtained, is considered unlawful and unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (139 thousand of Euro recognised as tax receivables). Tax-assessment notice concerning the disputed offsetting of a VAT tax receivable In 2012, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, received a tax-assessment notice by which the Tax Authority rejected the validity of offsetting the VAT receivable amounting to 149 thousand of Euro, deriving from merged Companies and used within the VAT procedure of the Beni Stabili group, applying penalties and interest. In July 2012, a claim was filed before the relevant Provincial Tax Commission of Rome and the date for the hearing has still not been set. The Tax Authority claim, also based on tax opinions obtained, is considered unlawful and unlikely for a liability to arise, with the resulting right to reimbursement of the amounts paid pending judgement (219 thousand of Euro recognised as tax receivables). 9 COMMITMENTS With reference to the urban development costs relating to the Garibaldi complex development project, note that, in order to issue the building permit, towards the end of 2011 the Municipality of Milan quantified the primary and second urban development costs and standard monetisation as a total of 24,343 thousand of Euro. Agreements between the Municipality and the owners envisage that this commitment will be paid by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, in addition to cash payments, also by disposal (completed in 2014) of the area in Via Elio Vittorini, Milan, after the demolition of the building standing on that area and the construction of a public park on the same area. In this context note also the settlement agreement reached with Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. (vendor of the Garibaldi property complex), according to which that company paid part of the aforementioned costs, i.e. 6,000 thousand of Euro. After the sale of the areas above, the obligations with regard to the Municipality were substantially fulfilled. Any final adjustment will be carried out in the coming months. All the guarantees issued by the Company in favour of subsidiaries, mentioned in the notes to the 2013 financial statements, were settled with the early repayment of the secured liabilities. As at 31 December 2014, there are no guarantees given to third parties in favour of subsidiaries. 10 TRANSACTIONS WITH SUBSIDIARIES, THE PARENT COMPANY AND RELATED PARTIES Relations between Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and its direct or indirect subsidiaries are primarily of a financial nature and take the form of running accounts. These current account relations were interest bearing and subject to the 3-month Euribor plus a spread of 4 percentage points. 272 In addition to current account relations, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ granted a number of loans to direct and indirect subsidiaries, as described below: a loan granted to B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. (for the original amount of 21,000 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 22,783 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l.: i) a loan (for a maximum original amount of 21,500 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 18,618 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; ii) a second loan (for a maximum amount of 76,300 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 22,513 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; iii) a third loan (for a maximum amount of 65,000 thousand of Euro), interest-bearing at the 3-month Euribor, plus a spread, with the annual capitalisation of interest and the related aggregate payment on maturity of the loan, amounting to 68,342 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014; a loan granted to Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. for a maximum amount of 56,000 thousand of Euro, to be disbursed in one or more tranches and interest-bearing (capitalised as at 31 December every year) at a fixed rate, with repayment of each tranche disbursed in aggregate no later than 7 years from the date of each disbursement, amounting to 949 thousand of Euro (including accrued interests) as at 31 December 2014. Note that in December 2014 Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. made the partial repayment of 4,453 thousand of Euro. In addition to the above, during 2014, the subsidiary B.S. 7 S.p.A. repaid in full the loan granted to it by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ (that as at 31 December 2013 amounted to 6,618 thousand of Euro). Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and some of its subsidiaries are also engaged in trade relations referred to staff secondment, property leases and property, legal, administrative and financial services. The above transactions are conducted on an arm's length basis. Specifically, with reference to property leases, note that as at 31 December 2014 the following contracts were in place between Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and a number of its subsidiaries and associates: - with R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l.: i) a lease contract on property units in the "Il Ducale" shopping mall in Beinasco (Turin) expiring 31 December 2017; ii) a lease contract on property units in the "Le Fornaci" shopping mall in Vigevano (Pavia) expiring 31 December 2018. Both contracts provided for a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related businesses to third parties; - with B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l., a lease contract on a number of property units in the Galleria del Corso, Milan with a 6-year term from April 2011 (automatically renewed for a 273 further six years unless cancelled) and a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related business units (with a minimum guaranteed of 250 thousand of Euro per year); - with B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l., a lease contract on a number of property units in the Galleria del Corso, Milan with a 6-year term from April 2011 (automatically renewed for a further six years unless cancelled) and a rent that varies according to the turnover achieved from subleasing the property units and related business units (with a minimum guaranteed of 250 thousand of Euro per year); - with Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. – SGR (merged in Investire Immobiliare S.p.A. SGR effective as from 1 January 2015) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 31 March 2016 and envisages a rent accrued for 2014 of 569 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year); - with Real Estate Solution & Technology S.r.l. (company 20% owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 30 October 2017 and envisages an rent accrued for 2014 of 25 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year); - with Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. (company 37% owned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ) a sublease contract on a number of property units in via Piemonte 38, Rome. This contract expires on 31 January 2016 and envisages an annual rent accrued for 2014 of 257 thousand of Euro (to be revalued each year). In addition to the above, the company Beni Stabili Property Service S.p.A. provides in favour of the Company property management services (including the subcontract for property management services to Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A.) whose consideration for 2014 was 2,919 thousand of Euro (2,938 thousand of Euro for the year 2013). Relations with subsidiaries during the year are described above in Notes 7.1.8, 7.2.3, 7.5.2, 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.6.3, 7.6.4 and 7.6.7, and in the related Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 where details of intercompany receivables, payables, costs and revenues are provided. Note the following regarding relations with the Parent Company Foncière des Régions: Foncière des Régions S.A. provided Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIINQ with sundry consultancy services whose cost for the 2014 financial year was 540 thousand of Euro (364 thousand of Euro for the 2013 financial year); the Controlling Company is in charge of an existing cash pooling contract. Note that as at 31 December 2014 this contract has never been activated; Foncière des Régions S.A. decided on a free-share grant to certain employees of the Company. Specifically, on 31 December 2014, a total of 20,700 free shares of Foncière des Régions S.A. are assigned to Company staff (in service as at that date), which will be made available - subject to continued service - in various tranches in the 2015-2018 period. It should be specified that for the plans started in 2012, 2013 and 2014 (totalling 17,450 free shares), the Company will pay (in annual 274 tranches of equal amount for each plan) Foncière des Régions S.A. a consideration equal to their fair value on the date of assignment to the beneficiaries. For this reason, the total cost recognised to the income statement for these free share plans, of 213 thousand of Euro was recognised against equity of 29 thousand of Euro and against a payable to the parent company of 184 thousand of Euro. In addition Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ is subject to management and control of the parent company Foncière des Régions (FdR), with registered office in Metz (France) and share capital as at 31 December 2013 of 188,049 thousand of Euro. Annexe 11 contains the pertinent data from the most recent financial statements approved by FdR. For a more complete overview of the financial position of Foncière des Régions and the Foncière des Régions Group as at 31 December 2013, and to the results achieved by the company and the Group as at that date, please refer to the separate and consolidated financial statements of Foncière des Régions and the related reports by control bodies. With reference to relations with other related parties, note that: i. in May 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Luxottica Group S.p.A. a lease contract of the property of Milan – Piazza S. Nicolao, with a 7-year and 5 month term (renewable for another 6 years) and annual rent in force of 5,400 thousand of Euro. The transaction is considered as a "related party transaction" of greater importance, in accordance with the "Guidelines for the Regulation of Related Party Transactions" adopted by the Company. The counterparty of the transaction (Luxottica Group S.p.A.) is actually a company indirectly controlled by Leonardo Del Vecchio, Board Director of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and Deputy Chairman of Foncière des Régions S.A. The draft contract was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company, during the meeting held on 15 April 2014, which considered it in line with the market and, in that an "ordinary" transaction, the Company made use of the relevant case of exclusion from the full application of the company Procedure; ii. In January 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Partimmo S.r.l. (company indirectly controlled by Leonardo Del Vecchio) two lease contracts covering some portions of the property in Milan – Piazza San Fedele, with a 4- and 6-year term and an annual rent of 630 and 55 thousand of Euro, respectively. The signing of these contracts, because of their value, can be classified as an ordinary transaction "of lesser significance" as part of the hierarchy of importance defined in the company procedure on related party transactions; iii. in December 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ sold to Partimmo S.r.l. the portion for residential use of the building Piazza San Fedele, Milan, for a consideration of 13,000 thousand of Euro. This sale occurred for a valued in line with the market. In that an “ordinary” transaction as well as “of lesser significance”, the Company made use of the exclusion clause from the full application of the company procedure for the regulation of related party transactions. Please see Annexe 12 for details of remuneration paid to directors, auditors and strategic executives. 11. REMUNERATION OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS The separate financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ were audited by Mazars S.p.A. 275 In compliance with the provisions of Article 149-duodecies of Consob’s Issuers’ Regulation, a statement is provided below to summarise remuneration due for the year for audit services provided to the company by Mazars S.p.A. and by its network partners. T ype o f s e rv ic e s E nt it y pro v iding t he s e rv ic e A udit M azars S.p.A . Co mfo rt letter o n the requirements fo r co ntinuing o peratio ns under the SIIQ regime M azars S.p.A . T o tal 3 1.12 .2 0 14 247 5 252 In addition to what is stated in the table above, during 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ entrusted Mazars S.p.A. with the tasks of issuing the fairness opinion on the share exchange ratio with regard to the two bonds issued during the year, for total remunerations (including refund of expenses) of 107 thousand of Euro. In accordance with the accounting standards, the above costs were recognised as a decrease in the fair value (on the issue date) of the two bonds (in accordance with the amortised cost method). Furthermore, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ entrusted Mazars S.p.A. with the task of performing agreed audit activities with a view to issuing a required comfort opinion as part of the procedure of paid share capital increase, for total remunerations (including refund of expenses) of 66 thousand of Euro, which in accordance with the IAS/IFRS principles were directly recognised as a decrease in Equity.. 276 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexes Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 1 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 Declaration pursuant to the provisions of Article 154-bis of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 and Article 81-ter of Consob Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999 and subsequent amendments and additions The undersigned, Aldo Mazzocco and Luca Lucaroni, as Chief Executive Officer and Manager responsible for drafting the company’s accounting documents of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, in accordance with provisions of Article 154-bis, paragraphs 3 and 4, Italian Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, do confirm: the adequacy with regard to the characteristics of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and the effective application of administrative and accounting procedures for preparing the 2014 Financial Statements. Furthermore, they certify that: (1) the Financial Statements: a) have been prepared in compliance with international accounting standards endorsed by the European Union pursuant to European Parliament and Council Regulation no. 1606/2002/EC of 19 July 2002; b) are consistent with the books and accounting entries; c) provide a true and fair view of the equity, economic and financial position of the Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ; (2) the Management Report includes a reliable analysis of the trend in and results of operations, as well as the position of the Company, together with a description of the main risks and uncertainties the Company is exposed to. February 10, 2015 The Chief Executive Officer The Manager responsible for preparing [signature] the Company’s accounting documents (Aldo Mazzocco) [signature] (Luca Lucaroni) 278 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 2 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Details of investments Company name Registered office % investment Carrying amount as at 31.12.2014 Share Capital Subsidiaries RGD Ferrara 2013 S.r.l. Roma - Via Piemonte n. 38 50% 100 50 IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 2.000 889.914 B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 10 45 B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 10 25 B.S. Attività Commerciali 3 S.r.l. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 10 38 R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 10 2.334 B.S. 7 S.p.A. Roma - Via Piemonte n. 38 100% 520 74.104 Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 120 31.646 B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 1.000 113.100 B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ Milano - Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia n. 10 100% 120 278 Total Subsidiaries 1.111.534 Associetes Real Estate Solution & Technology S.r.l. Roma - Via Proba Pretonia n. 40 30% 10 Beni Stabili Hotel S.à r.l. Rue Aldringen n. 19 - L-1118 Lussemburgo 20% 3.000 3 - Total Associates 3 Other companies Nomisma - Società di Studi Economici S.p.A. Bologna - Strada Maggiore n. 44 4,09% 6.606 196 Mittel S.p.A. Milano - Piazza Armando Diaz n. 7 0,41% 87.907 1.339 Le Fornaci società consortile a r.l. Beinasco (TO) - Strada Torino 36 17,18% 29 Consorzio Census Roma - Via Tiburtina n. 1236 2,98% 255 RSE Projekt Management AG Berlino - AM Borsigturm, 11 - Germania 10,00% 25.565 Total Other companies 3 1.538 Total investments 1.113.075 279 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 3 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates Company name B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. Financial receivables: current accounts balance 4.228 Financial receivables: loans Trade receivables from leases and services provided Receivables from tax consolidation 22.783 Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. 11.653 5 B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ 129.217 43 Balance as at 31.12.2014 Other receivables - - - - 27.011 11.658 - 129.260 B.S. Attività Commeciali 1 S.r.l. 29 2.542 1 - 2.572 B.S. Attività Commeciali 2 S.r.l. 126 1.798 12 - 1.936 B.S. Attività Commeciali 3 S.r.l. 3 5 - Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR 4 - 4 - B.S. 7 S.p.A. B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ B.S. Engineering S.r.l. 60 4.250 35 5 - 219 38 - 242 45 - - 45 8 - - 109.481 1.453 Beni Stabili Real Estate Advisory S.r.l. Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. Total 8 109.473 4.310 40 499 1.453 - - - 366 - 35 - 401 - 1.392 - - 1.392 5.941 4.298 242 290.070 147.333 132.256 280 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 4 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Payables due to subsidiaries and associates Company name Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. Current account balance 25.734 Beni Stabili Real Estate Advisory S.r.l. Payables deriving from tax consolidation Trade relations 277 282 26.293 4 20 16 Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR - Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. - - 39 39 B.S. Engineering S.r.l. - 623 46 669 R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. 428 - 34 462 B.S. Attività Commerciali 3 S.r.l. - - 2 2 B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. - - 70 70 294 Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. B.S. 7 S.p.A. 144 - 56.103 - - - Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ Total 1 Balance as at 31.12.2014 82.425 281 - 1 438 56.103 78 78 1 5 6 902 854 84.181 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe5 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Property revenues and costs Company name Costs for sevices Total as at 31.12.2014 2.072 - 2.072 568 - 568 B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l. 1.071 - 1.071 B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l. 3.129 - 3.129 Total 6.840 R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR Rental revenues 282 0 6.840 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 6 to the Notes to the Financial Statement as at 31/12/2014 (€/000) Intercompany service revenues Company name Total as at 31.12.2014 B.S. Attività Commerciali 1 S.r.l. 20 B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l. 20 B.S. Attività Commerciali 3 S.r.l. 5 B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. 70 Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. 100 B.S. 7 S.p.A. 60 Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. 90 Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. 5 Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR 75 B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ 40 B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ 5 B.S. Engineering S.r.l. 20 Beni Stabili Real Advisory S.r.l. 45 Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. 1.632 IM.SER S.r.l. in liquidazione 4 Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. 70 R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. 20 Total revenues 2.281 283 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 7 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Intercompany service costs Secondment of staff Company name B.S. Engineering S.r.l. (207) TOTAL (207) 284 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 8 to the Notes to the Financial Statament as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Intercompany revenues from chargebacks Company name Secondment of staff Remuneration of directors Total as at 31.12.2014 Beni Stabili Gestioni S.p.A. - SGR 557 53 B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. - 2 2 Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. - 25 25 Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. - 30 30 Total due from subsidiaries 557 110 667 285 610 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 9 to the Notes to the Finacial Statement as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Financial income from subsidiaries Financial income from current accounts and from loans Company name B.S. 7 S.p.A. 624 Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. 2.506 B.S. Immobiliare 5 S.r.l. 1.382 B.S. Immobiliare 9 S.p.A. SIINQ 12 Beni Stabili Development S.p.A. 303 B.S. Attività Commerciali 2 S.r.l. 4 B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ 3.033 Beni Stabili Retail S.r.l. 361 Beni Stabili Development Milano Greenway S.p.A. 58 B.S. Engineering S.r.l. 6 Beni Stabili Real Estate Advisory S.r.l. 1 B.S. Attività Commeciali 1 S.r.l. 1 Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. 5.620 13.911 Total 286 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 10 to the Notes to the Financial Statement as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Financial charges from subsidiaries Financial charges from running current transactions Company name Imser 60 SIINQ S.p.A. (59) B.S. 7 S.p.A. (616) B.S. Engineering S.r.l. (2) Sviluppo Ripamonti S.r.l. (36) R.G.D. Gestioni S.r.l. (17) TOTAL (730) 287 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 11 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Summary of Financial Statements data of Foncière des Régions as at 31.12.2013, drawn up in compliance with French accounting standards 31.12.2013 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION ASSETS TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 4.901.615 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 344.234 TOTAL ASSETS 5.245.849 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2.901.124 EQUITY 61.384 TOTAL PROVISION FOR RISKS AND CHARGES 2.283.341 TOTAL DEBTS 5.245.849 TOTAL EQUITY AND TOTAL LIABILITIES INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUES 96.261 OPERATING COSTS (95.382) FINANCIAL INCOME (CHARGES) 182.554 EXTRAORDINARY INCOME (CHARGES) (2.071) TAXATION OF THE PERIOD (790) PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR 180.572 288 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 12 to the Notes to the Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 (€/000) Remuneration of Directors, Statutory Auditors and Executives with strategic responsibilities Surname and first name Position Term of office Remuneration as Director (*) Remuneration as member of other committees Non-cash benefits Bonus and other incentives Remuneration from subsidiaries Directors LAGHI ENRICO MAZZOCCO ALDO DEL VECCHIO LEONARDO KULLMANN CHRISTOPHE LAURENT JEAN MARAZZI GIACOMO DEBRUS FRANCOIS PASCALE JACQUELINE VITALINI CLARA PIERFRANCA BRUNO TOLOMEI FRIGERIO ISABELLA Chairman Chief Executive Officer Director Director Director Director Director Director Director 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 Total Directors' remuneration 100 604 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 24 6 6 6 28 200 24 6 12 1.054 84 28 - 200 Statutory Auditors ( ** ) BORTOLOMIOL MARCELLINO ACCIARI LUCIANO VENEGONI FABIO Chairman Auditor Auditor 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 01/01/14 - 31/12/14 Total Statutory Auditors' remuneration 60 45 45 67 150 - - - ( * ) The remuneration does not include any welfare contributio ( ** ) Their mandate expires in correspondance whit the approval of the Financial Statements as at 31.12.20 With reference to the "remuneration" of the Chief Executive Officer for the year 2014, note that this includes: i) as a member of the Board of Diretors (50 thousand of Euro); ii) as Chief Executive Officer (284 thousand of Euro), plus a "loyalty and performance bonus" of the minimum guaranteed of 270 thousand of Euro (payable in 2015). Note that for the year 2014 no. 2 executives with strategic responsibilities - identified at the Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Board of Directors' Meeting of 08 November 2010 - were paid a total gross remuneration of 572 thousand of Euro plus accrued non-cash benefits totalling 11 thousand of Euro. For further details please refer to the Report on remunerations for the Company published pursuant to Art. 123-ter of the T.U.F. on the company's web site. 289 67 Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ Annexe 13 to the Notes to Financial Statements as at 31.12.2014 Declaration pursuant to Article 37 of Consob resolution no. 16191/2007 Pursuant to Article 2.6.2 of the Regulation of Markets organized and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., it is hereby confirmed that Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, subject to management and coordination of the parent company Foncière des Régions S.A., complies with the terms and conditions for listing in accordance with Article 37 of Consob Resolution no. 16191/2007, as amended. 10 February 2015 For the Board of Directors Chief Executive Officier (Aldo Mazzocco) 290 Independent Auditors’ Report Statutory Auditors’ Report REPORT OF THE BOARD OF STATUTORY AUDITORS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING OF BENI STABILI S.P.A. SIIQ PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 153 OF ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE NO. 58/1998, ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE 39/2010 AND ARTICLE 2429(3) OF THE ITALIAN CIVIL CODE. Dear Shareholders, During the year ending 31 December 2014, we carried out the supervisory activities required by law, in accordance with the code of good practice for the Board of Statutory Auditors suggested and recommended by the Italian National Association of Professional Accountants. We report the following on activities completed during the year, also in accordance with Consob recommendations with Communication no. 1025564 of 6 April 2001 as amended and supplemented: 1) We supervised compliance with the law and Articles of Association and at regular intervals, as prescribed by Article 20(11) of the Articles of Association, and obtained information from the Directors on the work carried out and transactions carried out by the Company and its subsidiaries that had a significant impact on assets, finances, and operating result. We can reasonably state, in this regard, that such transactions complied with the law and the Articles of Association were not imprudent, risky or in conflict with resolutions approved by the corporate bodies, or of a kind that could have put the Company's capital at risk. Moreover, according to the information provided by the Directors to the Board of Statutory Auditors in accordance with the law, the Directors did not carry out any transaction that could have created a conflict of interest with the Company. 2) We consider the information provided by the Board of Directors in their management report in relation to atypical and/or unusual intercompany transactions and with related parties to be adequate. In addition, we assessed the information provided by the Board of Directors in the notes to the financial statements on ordinary intercompany and related party transactions and we consider that these transactions are consistent with and in the interests of the Company. 3) The independent auditors produced reports pursuant to Articles 14 and 16 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 39 of 27 January 2010 for the financial statements and Group’s consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2014, respectively, prepared in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS adopted by the European Union. According to their reports, the documents “have been prepared clearly and provide a truthful and fair view of the Company’s assets, finances and operating result, changes in equity and cash-flows for the year ending on that date" and that "the management report is consistent with the financial statements”. 4) During the year, no complaints were received pursuant to Article 2408 of the Italian Civil Code. 5) During the year, no petitions were filed against the Company pursuant to Article 2409 of the Italian Civil Code. 6) The auditors Mazars S.p.A. (Mazars) were appointed by the shareholders’ Meeting of 22 April 2008 to audit the accounts, financial statements and consolidated financial statements. For 2014, they received € 247,000 from Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ for auditing the accounts, financial statements, consolidated financial statements and for the limited quarterly reviews. Mazars also carried out other mandatory services for a total fee of € 178,000, mainly due to obligations related to the issuance of two bonds, as well as with the operation of capital increase. Again for 2014, Mazars also audited the financial statements, performed limited periodical reviews for the subsidiaries of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and carried out further services, including mandatory services, for a total fee of € 152,000. The total fees for services provided by Mazars in relation to 2014 were therefore approximately € 577,000. We also verified that no services were provided or fees paid to Mazars network partners other than Mazars themselves. Mazars was not asked to perform work not permitted by applicable law. 7) Taking into account the statement of independence provided by Mazars pursuant to art. 17(9), letter a) of Italian Legislative Decree 39/2010 and the tasks assigned by Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ and other Group companies as detailed above, the Board of Statutory Auditors does not believe there are reasons to doubt the independence of the auditors. 8) In the performance of its supervisory duties, the Board of Statutory Auditors met 7 times, attended 11 meetings of the Board of Directors and 4 meetings of the Control and Risk Committee. 9) To the extent of our responsibilities, we assessed and supervised compliance with correct corporate governance principles by obtaining information from the department managers concerned and through meetings with the independent auditors, in order to ensure a reciprocal exchange of relevant data and information. 10) Again, to the extent of our responsibilities, we assessed and supervised the adequacy of the Company’s organisational structure by obtaining information from the department managers concerned, in order to ensure a reciprocal exchange of relevant data and information. 11) We assessed and supervised the adequacy of the internal control system and met with the Company’s internal control manager at every meeting we held, exploring proposals for corrective actions, receiving related status reports at least every three months and in particular examining comments on compliance-related aspects. No anomalies emerged from the work completed that could imply inadequacy or critical issues in the accounts administration system. 12) We assessed and supervised the accounts administration system and its reliability in providing an accurate picture of Company operations, by: (i) examining reports of the Manager Responsible for drafting the Company’s accounting documents concerning the administration and accounts system, the internal control system and the Company information produced; (ii) obtaining regular, prompt information from department managers; (iii) liaising with the boards of statutory auditors of subsidiaries in accordance with Article 151(1) and (2) of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998; (iv) participating in the work of the Control and Risk Committee; (v) receiving suitable updates on work carried out by the Supervisory Body set up by the Company in compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. No anomalies emerged from the work completed that could be considered indicators of inadequacy of the accounts administration system. 13) To the extent of our responsibilities, we assessed and supervised the adequacy of Company instructions provided to subsidiaries pursuant to Article 114(2) of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998, by obtaining information from the department managers concerned and through meetings with the independent auditors and with the Board of Statutory Auditors of the subsidiary companies, in order to ensure a reciprocal exchange of relevant data and information. 14) We held meetings with the independent auditors, also pursuant to Article 150(2) of Italian Legislative Decree 58/98, during which no facts or situations emerged that require comment in this report. 15) We supervised the manner in which the Company effectively implements the Corporate Governance Code and the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ; the Board of Directors approved their updated versions respectively on 12 November 2014 and 14 February 2014 in accordance with, respectively, the Code promoted by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., pursuant to Art. 149, paragraph 1, letter c- bis of Legislative Decree No. 58/98, and the amendments on crimes against public administration included in the Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. We also expressed our opinion in favour of the checks carried out by the Board of Directors on the independence of Directors, confirming that individual members of the Board meet the independence requirements envisaged in the Corporate Governance Code. 16) We reviewed and obtained information on organisational and procedural activities implemented in accordance with Italian Legislative Decrees 231/2001 and 61/2002 on corporate liability for offences envisaged in these regulations, in the new version approved by the Board of Directors on 14 February 2014. The Supervisory Body set up by the Board of Directors reported to the Board of Statutory Auditors on the work carried out during 2014, with no significant findings indicated. 17) In compliance with "International Accounting Standards - IAS 24" on the identification of related parties, note that the Directors and Executives with strategic responsibilities have stated that they have been carried out with Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ, its subsidiaries, either directly or through third parties or entities associated with these, pursuant to Article 93 of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 the following transactions mentioned in the notes to the financial statements: Lease of the property of Milan – Piazza San Fedele: in January 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Partimmo S.r.l. (company indirectly controlled by Leonardo Del Vecchio) two lease contracts covering some portions of the property in Milan – Piazza San Fedele, with a 4- and 6-year term and an annual rent of 630 and 55 thousand of Euro, respectively. The signing of these contracts, because of their value, can be classified as an ordinary transaction "of lesser significance" as part of the hierarchy of importance defined in the company procedure on related party transactions; Lease of the property of Milan – Piazza San Nicolao: in May 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ signed with Luxottica Group S.p.A. a lease contract of the property of Milan – Piazza S. Nicolao, with a 7-year and 5 month term (renewable for another 6 years) and annual rent in force of 5,400 thousand of Euro. The draft contract was submitted to the Board of Directors of the Company, during the meeting held on 15 April 2014, which considered it in line with the market and, in that an "ordinary" transaction, the Company made use of the relevant case of exclusion from the full application of the company Procedure; Sale of the portion of the property of Milan - Piazza San Fedele: in December 2014, Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ sold to Partimmo S.r.l. the portion for residential use of the building Piazza San Fedele, Milan, for a consideration of 13,000 thousand of Euro. This sale occurred for a valued in line with the market. In that an “ordinary” transaction as well as “of lesser significance”, the Company made use of the exclusion clause from the full application of the company procedure for the regulation of related party transactions. The “Guidelines for the Regulation of Related Party Transactions”, approved by the Board of Directors on 8 November 2010, were applied with effect from 1 January 2011 and no significant transactions subject to these procedures have been recognised, except for the transactions described above and for those other indicated in the notes to the financial statements 18) As also indicated by the Directors in the Management Report on the financial statements as at 31 December 2010, as approved by the extraordinary shareholders’ Meeting of 20 December 2010, the Company adopted the new name “Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ” and, with effect from 1 January 2011, exercised the option of entry to the special SIIQ regime envisaged by Italian Law no. 296 of 27 December 2006. 19) The Manager Responsible for drafting the Company’s accounting documents has issued the statement required by Art. 154-bis of Italian Legislative Decree 58/1998 in reference to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements of Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ. 20) Lastly, the Board of Statutory Auditors notes that the merger in Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ of the wholly owned subsidiaries IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. and B.S. Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ, was started at the end of 2014. This merger should be completed by the end of the first half of 2015, according to the operational program followed by the Company. 21) We are not aware of other facts or elements of relevance or that should be brought to the attention of the Shareholders’ Meeting. Therefore, having established the above, based on the auditing activities we carried out during the year, we can find no reason why the financial statements for the year ending on 31 December 2014 and the proposals, formulated by the Board of Directors, for, among other things, the full cover of the loss for the year and for the distribution of dividends to the Shareholders, should not be approved. Signed by Marcellino Bortolomiol, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors Signed by Luciano Acciari, Standing auditor Signed by Fabio Venegoni, Standing auditor Rome, 10 March 2015