The Centre of Community - YMCA of Greater Toronto


The Centre of Community - YMCA of Greater Toronto
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
A hand up. A way out. A healthy start. A brighter future.
The story of the YMCA is told in the stories of the people
whose lives we touch. It’s the story of our community.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Meet Miriam
This is Miriam. She’s an active 6-year old. Her mother works hard to
support Miriam and her brother Jacob. But without affordable childcare, it would
be nearly impossible. Miriam’s mom wouldn’t be able to continue working and the
family would face a cycle of despair.
That’s why Miriam’s family is thankful for the YMCA’s After-School Program. Not
only are Miriam and her brother receiving quality care when they’re not in school,
they’re developing their capacity for lifelong learning thanks to the curriculum at their
Child Care Centre. That’s where Miriam met Afia, who was doing a job-shadowing
placement with the YMCA. The two have become fast friends. In fact, Miriam calls
Afia the big sister she never had. Miriam has big dreams. One day, when she grows
up, she hopes to become a teacher — so she can take care of kids just like her.
vironment to learn,
And if she can have a safe en
life…Y not?
play and get a great start to
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Meet Afia
When Afia started at the YMCA Academy, the Y’s alternative high school,
she only had one high school credit. Her relationship with her family wasn’t good.
Things were really unsettled in her life and Afia had almost given up on returning
to school. That is, until she found out about the YMCA Academy. Now she has 21
credits, is on-track to graduate next summer and is thinking about going to college.
Afia doesn’t know where she would be without the YMCA. Now she encourages
other teens from her community — like Eamon — to get involved with the Y.
Afia wants to pursue a career in child care, and has even landed a job-shadowing
opportunity in a YMCA Child Care program. That experience has provided her with
a stronger sense of responsibility and skills that will serve her well as she goes on to
pursue college and her career goals.
hers who can help
If she has the support of teac
life…Y not?
her succeed in school and in
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Meet Eamon
Eamon lives in a tough neighbourhood. He says the police are always there,
and he sees people getting arrested all the time. Eamon doesn’t like being around
all of that, so he tries to get out whenever he can. Eamon heard about YMCA Teen
Night from his friend Afia, and now he’s been attending every week for the last year.
He’s grateful for the chance to get away to a place where he can feel safe and not
have to worry about getting caught up in trouble.
YMCA Teen Night has given Eamon a chance to meet and socialize with kids of all
different backgrounds — people like Victoria, whom he probably never would have
met had it not been for the Y. Eamon is glad to have Teen Night and looks forward
to it every week. He hopes that other kids in similar tough situations will try the
program as well. Eamon credits the YMCA for helping him stay out of trouble, and
for enabling him to stay positive about his future.
e and mentorship
If we can provide the guidanc
…Y not?
to set him on the right path
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Meet Victoria & Roy
As a 14-year-old struggling with her weight, Victoria is often teased
by other kids whenever she tries to exercise. She always wanted to participate, but
felt embarrassed. Victoria was introduced to the Y through its YMCA Teen Nights,
where she finally felt safe to be herself. Roy, on the other hand, has always enjoyed
the YMCA’s Heath and Fitness programs. But as a senior citizen he was hesitant to
join the group of kids in the YMCA Martial Arts classes.
Both Victoria and Roy were encouraged to participate by Lee, a Y volunteer. Lee made
them feel at ease and took the time to introduce them to Raj, a taekwondo instructor
at the Y. While Victoria and Roy couldn’t be more different in life, at the YMCA they
had something in common — they were equally welcomed. Now Victoria also has
someone she can look up to. If Roy can stay fit and active at his age, there’s no
reason she can’t.
ce where they felt they
If everyone could have a pla
rticipate…Y not?
belonged and felt safe to pa
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Meet Lee
Lee had hit a low point in his life. He had little money, no job and his
personal life was in turmoil. He knew it was time to make a change and to decide on his
life direction. Lee participated in the YMCA’s Youth Internship Program, which helped
him gain key employment training and experience under the guidance of a mentor.
Now Lee is set to begin his life with renewed focus and optimism. He’s even found
time to give back to the YMCA by volunteering twice a week. Lee loves to see the
smiles on the faces of young kids like Miriam as they leave the Centre with their
parents after another fun day in the After-School Program. Lee considers the Y a
part of his family and is thankful for all they have done to help him secure a more
promising future.
e skills and confiIf we can provide him with th
als…Y not?
dence to pursue his career go
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Every day, the YMCA connects people of all ages and backgrounds
– transforming their lives and our community for the better.
Child Care
1 in 5
children in the Toronto area
under age 17 live in a
low-income household.
Statistics Canada 2006 Census, Toronto CMA
Child Care > Education > Social Inclusion > Activity and Health > Employment
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Every day, the YMCA connects people of all ages and backgrounds
– transforming their lives and our community for the better.
of Canadian youth
between 15 and 19
are no longer
pursing education.
Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development 2010 Factbook
Child Care > Education > Social Inclusion > Activity and Health > Employment
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Every day, the YMCA connects people of all ages and backgrounds
– transforming their lives and our community for the better.
Social Inclusion
young adults in the GTA
report a weak sense of
community belonging.
2006 Canadian Community Health Survey,
Statistics Canada 2009/201
Child Care > Education > Social Inclusion > Activity and Health > Employment
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Every day, the YMCA connects people of all ages and backgrounds
– transforming their lives and our community for the better.
Activity and Health
of young Canadians
aren’t getting enough
daily physical activity.
Get Active Toronto 2011
Child Care > Education > Social Inclusion > Activity and Health > Employment
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Every day, the YMCA connects people of all ages and backgrounds
– transforming their lives and our community for the better.
I want
to work!
young people in the Toronto
area can’t find work.
Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, Toronto CMA, 2011
Child Care > Education > Social Inclusion > Activity and Health > Employment
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
From the Chair of the Board and President
A healthy community does not happen by accident. It is built by the hands, hearts and
commitment of many. It reflects all that can be achieved when people come together,
when everyone is given the opportunity to succeed and thrive.
At the centre of a healthy community is where you will find the YMCA. For generations,
the YMCA of Greater Toronto has played a vital role in helping our young people acquire the
skills and guidance they need to reach their full potential. From a healthy start to life for our
youngest children to a strong and welcoming sense of community for those of all ages —
the programs and services of the YMCA are critical to ensuring the health and future of
our community and those who live here.
Our vision is to make the Greater Toronto Area home to the healthiest children, teens and
young adults. But the task before us is enormous.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Too many young people still lack the opportunities, access and support they need as they
transition through life — at every stage of their development. The role of the YMCA has
never been more critical.
Youth Strategy Initiatives
Over the past year, the YMCA’s Youth Strategy was brought to life by the success of our many
initiatives geared toward the young people of our community. Notable among these initiatives
was our YMCA Teen Nights, which provided youth between the ages of 13 and 18 —
including those not already involved in Y programs — with the opportunity to develop social
and leadership skills, participate in recreational activities and explore new interests, all free of
charge to participants thanks to our generous partners and donors.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
New Centres of Community
Our plan to build new YMCA centres in underserved neighbourhoods will enable us to further
fulfill our goal to ensure healthy, sustainable communities — expanding our reach to serve
even more people of all socio-economic levels and backgrounds.
In support of this endeavour, we are pleased to announce:
• Cherry Street YMCA: As a legacy of the Toronto 2015 Pan Am Games, the site for
the Pan Am Athletes’ Village will become the Cherry Street YMCA. In partnership with
the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, the YMCA is assisting in the development
of a 50,000 sq. ft building, which will serve as an anchor for the new community in
the West Don Lands.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Dedicated People
It goes without saying that our achievements would not be possible without the tireless efforts
of our dedicated volunteers, alumni and staff. At the YMCA, we strive to build a culture that
embraces and supports diversity and social inclusion. In support of our commitment to these
principles YMCA of Greater Toronto leaders met at a landmark Diversity and Social Inclusion
learning forum in March 2011.
Strong Start, Great Future
We could not be more resolute in our commitment to helping children, teens and young
adults in our community achieve their full potential. When we come together and look out
for each other, anything is possible. With your support, our vision is within reach.
Gordon Chong
Chair of the Board
Medhat Mahdy
President and CEO
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
The YMCA of Greater Toronto is a charity offering opportunities
for personal growth, community involvement and leadership.
Our Mission > Our Vision > Our Values
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
Our communities will be home to the healthiest
children, teens and young adults.
Our Mission > Our Vision > Our Values
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Values
The YMCA of Greater Toronto is guided by values that
inform the way we act and the decisions we make:
Caring > Health > Honesty > Inclusiveness > Respect > Responsibility
Our Mission > Our Vision > Our Values
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
YMCA of Greater Toronto
Statement of Financial Position
As at March 31, 2012
(in thousands of dollars)
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses
Capital campaign pledges
Capital assets
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Revenue received in advance
Deferred annual giving campaign contributions
Long-term liabilities
Capital Lease Obligation
Deferred gain on sale of capital assets
Deferred capital contributions
Fund balances
General fund
Internally restricted
Invested in capital assets
Legacy fund
Restricted for endowment
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials (continued)
YMCA of Greater Toronto
Statement of Operations
For the year ended March 31, 2012
(in thousands of dollars)
Government revenue
Program fees
Membership fees
Other revenues
United Way
Amortization of deferred capital contributions
Investment income
Realized gain on disposals of investments
Unrealized gain (loss) on investments
Salaries and benefits
Program costs
Occupancy costs
Allocation of YMCA Canada
Amortization of capital assets
Management fees
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over
expenses before below noted item
Gain on sale of capital assets
Excess (deficiency) of revenues
over expenses for the year
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials (continued)
YMCA of Greater Toronto
Statement of Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended March 31, 2012
(in thousands of dollars)
Fund balance - Beginning of year
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over
expenses for the year
Endowment contributions
Fund balance - End of year
This information has been extracted from the full audited financial statements, which are available
upon request. These statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials Q&A
Delivering On Our Mission
The YMCA for years has been very good at delivering quality programs that are responsive
to the needs of the community. Through a values-based approach of caring, health, honesty,
inclusiveness, respect and responsibility, the YMCA has gained trust as a relevant and effective
community charity. However as the YMCA of Greater Toronto undertakes our new 2010-2020
strategic plan, we are more rigorously measuring our work and its impact on health.
The YMCA believes that every young person should have access to the programs and services
that enable them to achieve physical, social, emotional and mental health — in order to ensure
that the GTA is home to the healthiest children, teens and young adults. Poverty, isolation,
education, sedentary lifestyles, and underemployment are all among the social determinants
of health that YMCA programs are helping address. Our ongoing research investments ensure:
• YMCA programs are based upon current knowledge about what children, teens and youth
need (i.e., what life stage goals and transitions are critical for the YMCA to support) and
what interventions are proven to have the greatest impact;
• A
re supported by training to ensure we deliver on the highest standards of early learning,
youth outreach and intervention, lifeguarding or leadership programs;
• Are developed in a socially inclusive way with our communities to identify assets, needs,
and potential solutions to improving health; and,
• A
re measured so that the YMCA continues to contribute to a growing body of evidence
about what programs or interventions have been proven to be effective.
Every day at a YMCA centre, people from all walks of life come together, improve their
physical and mental health, and find opportunities for social development and employment.
The Y provides the help and resources individuals need to improve their lives while, at the
same time, transforming our communities for the better.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials Q&A (continued)
Answering Your Questions
While it is more difficult to measure our impact on the complex social determinants of health,
we also monitor our success on more traditional measures of stewardship including our cost of
fundraising and transparent disclosure of our financial statements.
Q. How does the Association earn its revenue?
• Membership and
program fees
• Other
• Philanthropic
• Revenue from
programs run
on behalf of
• United Way support
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials Q&A (continued)
Answering Your Questions
While it is more difficult to measure our impact on the complex social determinants of health,
we also monitor our success on more traditional measures of stewardship including our cost
of fundraising and transparent disclosure of our financial statements.
Q. How do I get more information about the YMCA’s financials?
You can download a complete set of audited financial statements from our website. Imagine
Canada also provides information on all registered charities in Canada on their website
The financial information reflected in the YMCA’s annual report is a component of the
Association’s complete Audited Financial Statements. These Audited Financial Statements
have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles,
and were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The auditors review this annual report
for consistency with the Audited Financial Statements.
Q. What percentage of my donation goes to fundraising?
For every dollar you donate an average of 64 cents goes towards enabling our mission and
vision. The remainder is spent on fundraising (36 cents).
The YMCA of Greater Toronto raises funds through a combination of individual donations,
corporate partnerships, fundraising events and online fundraising.
In 2011-12 the Association provided $6,086,511 to support financially assisted families across
the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding regions. Through philanthropic efforts, 32% of
these funds were raised through the YMCA Strong Kids campaign.
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Financials Q&A (continued)
Q. How many people are served by YMCA of Greater Toronto programs?
The YMCA welcomes people of all ages and diverse backgrounds, serving youth alongside
adults and bringing together people of all abilities and experiences to build positive
connections between generations.
Camping & Outdoor Education
Child Care (including full-day, before and after school,
enrichment programs and family support programs)
April 1, 2011 – March 31, 2012
Number of Annual Giving Donors
Number of Volunteers
Program Participants
Education & Essential Skills
Employment Services
Health & Fitness
Global Programs
Newcomer Programs
Youth Outreach & Community Initiatives
Total Number of Program Participants
Number of Financially Assisted Members
Youth Leader Corps
Direct YMCA Assistance
Government Assistance delivered by YMCA
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our People
Board of Directors
Dr. Gordon Chong, Chair
General Dental Practitioner
Colleen Albiston, Past Chair
Chief Marketing Officer, Deloitte Canada
Fareed Amin
Deputy Minister. Ministry of Municipal Affairs
and Housing
Jennifer Babe
Partner, Miller Thomson LLP,
Barristers & Solicitors
Colum Bastable
Chairman, Cushman & Wakefield LePage
Komal Bhasin
Project Director
Children & Youth Mental Health Partnership
The Hospital for Sick Children and
The Centre for Addiction & Mental Health
Brydon Cruise, Vice Chair
President, Brookfield Financial
Real Estate Group
Martine M. Irman
Vice Chair, TD Securities
Senior V.P., TD Financial Group
Mickey Jawa
Chairman & CEO
Satistar Corporation
Gary Maavara
Executive Vice President & General Counsel
Corus Entertainment Inc.
Tim Penner, Vice Chair
Former President, Procter & Gamble Canada
Dean Prevost
President, Allstream
Tina Sarellas
Regional Vice President
Commercial Financial Services, GTR
RBC Royal Bank
Diane Sinhuber
Partner, Financial Services Assurance Services
Ernst & Young LLP
Leslie Woo
Vice President, Policy & Planning
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our People
Volunteer Advisory Councils
Audit, Compliance and
Control Systems Committee
Fariba Anderson
Jennifer Babe
Colum Bastable
Dr. Gordon J. Chong
Bob Kaye
Dorothy Quann
Manu Sarna
Diane Sinhuber
Development Committee
Jennifer Babe
Colum Bastable
Komal Bhasin
Brett Boadway
Dr. Gordon J. Chong
Jo-Ann Cino
Joe Cressy
Phil Dowd
Jerome Dwight
Anne Fawcett
Hamlin Grange
Martin Guest
Martine M. Irman
Mickey Jawa
Dale Jeffries
Tony Lourakis
Bahadur Madhani
Tim Penner
Dean Prevost
Tina Sarellas
Helen Sinclair
Teresa Tazumi
Scott Turner
Ian Veitch
Wenda Yenson
Governance & Nominating
Gordon J. Chong
Martine Irman
Mickey Jawa
Gary Maavara
Leslie Woo
Investment Committee
Brydon Cruise
Dr. Gordon J. Chong
Pat Howe
Neil Labatte
M.W. (Will) Lockett
Robert Lord
Diane Sinhuber
Wenda Yenson
Sustainability Advisory
Al Edwards
Tim Faveri
Tim Hewer
Jim Johnston
Paul Klein
Melissa Peneycad
Natasha Renaud
Sustainability Advisory
Council (cont’d)
Jody Russelle
Jamieson Saab
Steven Sage
Kristina Schwartz
Laurie Simmonds
Nada Sutic
Nelson Switzer
Executive HR Committee
Colleen Albiston
Gordon J Chong
Brydon Cruise
Tim Penner
Youth Advisory Committee
Carla Acosta
Khomal Bhasin
Omoregie Eke
Adaoma Emenogu
Efrain Esparza
Ally Kennedy
Raheeq Khalil
Mustafa Khalil
Shannon MacDonald
Stoney McCart
Tahirah Stanley
Evonne Tien
Falgun Trivedi
Zhen Zhao
YMCA Leadership Council
For Innovative Education
Fariba Anderson
Peter Chaban
Michael Eubanks
Dale Jeffries
Mike Kologinski
Doug Lawson
Tim Penner
Marlon Reid
Jim Sebastian
Mark Simpson
James Temple
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our People
Volunteer Advisory Councils (cont’d)
Brampton YMCA
Leadership Council
Jacqueline M. Bouchard
Adam Collis
Rita Gayle
Glenn Harewood
Robert Kaye
Central YMCA
Leadership Council
Sharon Ferris
Richard Anstette
Sheldon Hellin
Terry Tator
Mona Wang
James Watson
John Wong
Xavier Lasport-Taylor
Gina Mathew
Emily Nicholas
Alison Minard
Joan Pollard
Durham YMCA
Leadership Council
Bonnie J. Annis
Michelle P. Arscott
Richard McCutcheon
William Roderick
Jennifer Rogers
Jennifer H. Shand
Markham YMCA
Leadership Council
Don Clayton
Lesley Cousens
Mengiste Kebede
Jeffrey Lam
Sam Low
Jonathan M. Mah
Rhea Narula
Alex Soleimani
Cheryl A. Sproul
Candice Taguibao
Michelle Tidball
Angela Yeung
Mississauga YMCA
Leadership Council
Nadine Abdel-Ghafar
Adrian Cox
Bianca Garcia
Robert Goodwin
Lucille Green
Moffat Hill
Mark Maguire
Andre A. Mayhew
Deborah Moorthy
Donald Patterson
Katherine Plastich
Ramnik K. Sachania
North York YMCA
Leadership Council
Keith Allin
Frank Joe
Alfred Carr
Philip Chan
Ingrid Kerbler
Sidney Finkelstein
Tony Wallis
Aida Diajhate
Jean Lee
Kelly Lui
Deidre Newman
Howard Sandys
Chana Merker
Wil Tranter
West End YMCA
Leadership Council
Lynee Bourque
Steve Colucci
Elizabeth Cook
Beverly Dywan
Sky Lamothe
Thomas McCauley
Sandy McIntyre
Kristine Parker
Arthur Thuot
Anita Webb
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our People
YMCA Senior Management
Medhat Mahdy
President and CEO
Steve Boone
Chief Operating Officer
Linton Carter
Vice President, Community Philanthropy
Gordon Lee Chan
Senior Vice President, Information Technology
Linda Cottes
Senior Vice President, Operations,
Child and Family Development
Lesley Davidson
Senior Vice President, Operations,
Health, Fitness and Recreation
Gayle Gioiosa
Vice President Member Services Process
Laura Graham-Prentice
Vice President, Communications
and Marketing
Michael Hall
Vice President, Program Research and
Jennifer Holmes-Weier
Vice President, Ontario MRC Services
Darlene Holowachuk
Senior Vice President Operations,
Employment and Community
Sandra Kalpouzos
Vice President, Finance
Melanie Laflamme
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
and Organizational Development
David Layton
Vice President, New Asset Development
and Real Estate
Judy McLeod
Chief Development Officer
Monica Merrifield
Vice President, Risk Intelligence
John Schmitt
Vice President, Camping
Debbie Sevenpifer
Chief Financial Officer
Alex Versluis
Vice President, Property Management
Dan Wise
Vice President, National and
Provincial Programs
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our People
Celebrated Volunteers
Prue Allonsius
Moze Mossanen
The Annis Family
Steve Pankhurst
Jacqueline Bouchard
Don Patterson
John Gallagher
Walter Reid
Maurice Sporting Goods Inc.
Shirley Xie
Peace Medallion Recipients
Atiyya Bacchus
Megan Koch
The Character Community Council
Rosemarie Powell
Donald Cousens
Danny Wheeler
International Partnerships
Mexico City
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Federal Government Departments, Agencies and Crown Corporations
Canadian Heritage
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Canadian International Development Agency
Public Health Agency of Canada
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Service Canada
FedDev Ontario
VIA Rail
Health Canada
Provincial Government Ministries
Attorney General
Health and Long-Term Care
Children and Youth Services
Health Promotion and Sport
Community and Social Services
Tourism, Culture and Sport
Consumer Services
Training, Colleges and Universities
Energy and Infrastructure Education
School Boards
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Durham Catholic District School Board
Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland,
larington Catholic School Board
Durham District School Board
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Greater Essex County District School Board
Toronto District School Board
Halton Catholic District School Board
Upper Grand District School Board
Halton District School Board
York Catholic District School Board
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
York Region District School Board
Peel District School Board
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Regional & Municipal Government
City of Kawartha Lakes
City of Toronto
Region of Halton
Town of Milton
Town of Halton Hills
Regional Municipality of Durham
City of Oshawa
City of Pickering
Town of Ajax
Township of Brock Township of Scugog
Township of Uxbridge
Municipality of Clarington
Town of Whitby
Regional Municipality of Peel
City of Mississauga
City of Brampton
City of Caledon
Regional Municipality of York
City of Vaughan
Town of Georgina
King City
Town of Aurora
Town of East Gwillimbury City of Markham
Town of Newmarket
Town of Richmond Hill
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Simcoe County
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Community Partners
211 Toronto
Brayfield Co-operative Housing
Academy of Learning
Centre for Education & Training
Access Alliance Multicultural
Community Health Alliance
Breaking the Cycle, Canadian
Training Institute
Centre for Information and
Community Services (CICS)
ACCES Employment Toronto
Broader Horizons for Youth
Adult Day School
Centre for Internationally
Educated Nurses
Afghan Women’s Counselling
and Integration Community
Support Organization
Cadillac Fairview – Hillcrest Mall
Certified Management
Canada HK New Horizon Lions
Club, Doncrest-Unionville
Charles Street Video
African-Canadian Legal Services
African Training and
Employment Centre
AIDS Committee Durham
Canadian Arab Federation
Canadian Centre for Language
& Cultural Studies (CCLCS)
Children’s Aid Society
Children’s Bridge
Chinese Business Association
Chippewas of Georgina Island
Aisling Discoveries
Canadian Centre for Victims of
Ajax Community Centre
Canadian Hearing Society
College Boreal
Ajax Pickering Board of Trade
Canadian Immigrant Magazine
College Street Promenade BIA
Angus Glen Golf Club
Canadian Mental Health
Association (CMHA)
Community Care Durham
Associated Youth Services
Association of Ontario Land
Canadian National Institute for
the Blind (CNIB)
Association of Parent Support
Groups in Ontario (APSGO)
Canadian Newcomer Magazine
Community Justice Alternatives
of Durham Region
Canadian Red Cross
Community Living Mississauga
Association of Universities and
Colleges of Canada
Canadian Training Institute
Community Microskills
Development Centre
Best Buy Canada
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Canadian Ukrainian Immigrant
Aid Society (CUIAS)
Canadians of Pakistani Origin
Career Solutions
Christie Pits Community Garden
Community Development
Council Durham
College of Early Childhood
Educators and Child
Development Resource
Connection Peel (CDRCP)
Big Brothers and Big Sisters
Carpenters’ Union Local #27
Black Creek Community Health
Catholic Community Services
Cooperative Housing Federation
of Toronto
Catholic Cross Cultural Services
Catholic Family Services of
COSTI Immigrant Services
Catholic Immigration Centre –
Cross-Cultural Community
Services Assoc
Centennial College
Cross Cultural Learner Centre,
Blue Book
Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf
Boston Pizza
Boys and Girls Clubs of Peel
Braeburn Neighbourhood Place
Brampton Board of Trade
Brampton Library
Centre for Addiction and Mental
Health (CAMH)
Centre for Canadian Language
Benchmarks (CCLB)
Covenant House
CUIAS Immigrant Services
Culture Link
Delisle Youth Gallery
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Community Partners (cont’d)
Delta Family Resource Centre
Enterprise Toronto
Housing York Inc.
Don Valley North Lexus
Environics Analytics
Humber College
Doorsteps Neighbourhood
Erinoak Children’s Treatment
Immigrant Services of GuelphWellington
DREN – Durham Region
Employment Network
Ernst & Young
Inner City Angels
Ethiopian Association in Toronto
Into Health Partnership
Eva’s Initiatives
Evergreen at the Brickworks
Ja’fari Islamic Housing
Family Day Care Services
Jamaican Canadian Association
Family Services of Peel
Jane Finch Community Centre
Find Help Information Services
Jane Finch Mall
Flemington Neighbourhood
Jean Tweed Centre
Fred Victor Centre
Frontenac Youth Services
Jewish Immigrant Aid Services
Durham Hispanic Organization
Gasfitters Union Local 416
Durham Home Daycare
George Brown College
Georgina Food Bank
Durham Immigration Portal
Georgina Learning Centre
John Howard Society of Durham
Durham Mental Health Services
Georgina Training Centre
Durham Region Child Care
Get Active Toronto
John Howard Society Residence
Durham Region Domestic
Violence and Sexual Assault
Centre (SACC)
Get Active Mississauga
Girls Incorporated of Durham
June Callwood Centre
JVS Toronto
Durham Region Local Training
Grand Erie Learning Alternatives
Joseph Brant Learning Centre
K-W Reception House
Durham Region Social Services
Grandview Children’s Centre
Durham Region Unemployed
Help Centre
Hamilton Settlement
and Integration Services
Kids Have Stress Too!
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Korean Canadian Cultural
Association (KCCA)
Durham 18 Month Well Baby
Durham Alternative Secondary
School Pickering
Durham Best Start Network
Durham College
Durham Community Advisory
Board (Continuing Education)
Durham Family Court Clinic
Durham Farm and Rural Family
Durham Regional Police Services
Durham Resources for
Exceptional Children
Durham Strategic Planning
Helpmate Community and
Volunteer Bureau
Herizon House
East Scarborough Storefront
Hincks-Dellcrest Centre
Eastview Boys’ & Girls’ Club
Horizons for Youth
Elizabeth Fry (Peel-Halton)
Employment Resource Centre
Housing Services Inc. (HSI)
Housing Connections
Jericho Youth Services
John Howard Society of PeelHalton-Dufferin
Kendalwood Seventh Day
Adventist Church
Korea Interagency Network
Korean Canadian Nurse
Association (KCNS)
Korean Senior Citizens Society
Korean Writers Association
Laidlaw Foundation
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Community Partners (cont’d)
La Leche League
Mennonite New Life
Centre of Toronto
Ontario Federation of Indian
Friendship Centres
Meteor Graphics
Ontario Nature
Language Assessment Services
Kingston and Belleville
Metro Toronto Movement
for Literacy
Ontario Shores for Mental
Health Sciences (Whitby)
Learning Centre
MicroSkills Dixon
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Learning Disabilities Association
in Toronto
Mississauga Central Lions Club
Neighbourhood Youth Centre
Operation Springboard
Learning Enrichment Foundation
Let’s Talk Science
Miziwe Biik Aboriginal
Employment and Training
Liberty Village BIA
Mothercraft College
Linking Georgina Community
Mulock Co-operative Housing
Landsberg Lewis Housing
Co-operative Inc.
Library Settlement Partnership
Lion’s Club
Local Immigration Partnership
Loft Community Services
Long Boat Runners Club
Machell’s Corners Housing Cooperative Inc
Mainstay Housing
Malvern Family Resource Centre
Malvern Town Centre
Multicultural Council of Windsor
and Essex County – Windsor
Multicultural Inter-Agency
Group of Peel – MIAG
Multilingual Community
Interpreter Services (MCIS)
Native Child and Family Services
of Toronto
New Canadians’ Centre
New Outlook: Central Toronto
Youth Services
Oshawa Community Health
Oshawa Public Library
Our Place Peel
Parkdale Intercultural
Parks Canada
Partnerships Toronto
Pathways for Children, Youth
and Families of York Region
Pathways to Education
Peel Access to Housing
Peel Addictions Assessment
and Referral Centre
Peel Crisis Capacity Network
Mandarin Restaurants
Newcomer Women’s Services
Pepsi Foundation
Maple Leaf Sports and
Newmarket Chamber of
Pickering Public Library
Maple Leaf Sports and
Entertainment Team Up
Nexus Youth Services
Pieces of History Practice Firm
NOW Magazine
Markham BIA
North Etobicoke Revitalization
Project (NERP)
Pinewood Centre – Lakeridge
Health Ajax
Markham Board of Trade
Markham Filipino Federation
Markham Rotary Sunrise Club
Markham-Stouffville Hospital
Markville Toyota
Maytree Foundation
McConnell Foundation
Meals on Wheels
Pickering Ajax Women
Platform Computing
North York Community House
Playing for Keeps
Northern Lights
Polycultural Immigrant
& Community Services
Omega Foundation
Ontario Basketball Association
Ontario College of Teachers
Ontario Council for International
Cooperation (OCIC)
Pride Durham
Pride Toronto
Progress Place
Rapport, Youth and Family
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Community Partners (cont’d)
Reach for the Rainbow
Second Harvest
The Daily Bread Food Bank
Regeneration House
Seneca College
The Dam Youth Drop-in Centre
Regeneration Outreach
– Brampton
The Federation of Metro
Tenants’ Associations
Region of Durham
Settlement Assistance
& Family Support Services
Renaissance Baptist Church
Settlement Workers in Schools
The Ontario Trillium Foundation
Research for the Rainbow
Sheridan College
The Salvation Army in Peel
Rexdale Community
Health Centre
Shout Clinic, Toronto
Skills for Change
Thorncliffe Neighbourhood
Simcoe St. United Church
Thunder Bay Multicultural
Small Business Enterprise Centre
Somali Immigrant Aid
Together For Maple
Somali Youth Employment
Toronto and Region
Conservation Authority
Soundstreams Canada
Toronto Board of Trade
South Asian Family
Support Services
Toronto Business Development
St. Andrew’s United Church
Toronto Central East Local
Health Integrated Network
Rexdale Women’s Centre
Richmond Hill Chamber
of Commerce
Richmond Hill Co-operative
Homes Inc.
Richmond Hill Engages Our
Community (RHEACH)
Riverdale Immigrant Women’s
Riverdale Women’s Centre
Rotary Club of Bolton
Rotary Club of Brampton
Rotary Club of Etobicoke
St. Christopher House
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Rotary Club of Oshawa
– Parkwood
St. Michael’s Hospital
Rotary Club of Parkdale/High
St. Stephen’s Community House
St. Saviour’s Anglican Church
Rotary Club Pickering
Staples Canada
Rotary Club of Scarborough
Stonegate Community
Health Centre
Rouge Park
Rouge Valley Health Centre
Royal Ontario Museum
Safe Bed
Safe Schools Group
San Romanoway Revitalization
Sandgate Women’s Shelter
Scarborough Addiction
Services Partnership
Second Base Youth Shelter
Strategic Employment Services
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Seoul Office
Sunshine Centre for Seniors
Supportive Housing Peel
The Learning Partnership
Toronto Argonauts Club
Toronto Central Local Health
Integrated Network
Toronto Community Foundation
Toronto Community
Housing Corporation
Toronto Employment
& Social Services
Toronto Lynx Soccer Club
Toronto North Boys
and Girls Club
Toronto Parks Forestry
and Recreation
Toronto Police Services
Tamil Eelam Society
Toronto Pre-School Speech
and Language Services
Teresa Group Child
and Family Aid
Toronto Prevention
for Child Abuse
The Career Foundation
Toronto Public Health
The Cross Cultural Community
Services Association
Toronto Public Libraries
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
Community Partners (cont’d)
Toronto Sports Council
Toronto Training Board
West Hill Community
Health Centre
York Simcoe Assessment Centre
Westminster United Church
York South Simcoe Training
and Adjustment Board
T.R. Leger School, Literacy and
Language Services, Cornwall
Whitby Chamber of Commerce
York University
Whitby Mental Health
Training Institute
Whitby Public Library
York Weston Community
Transition House, Toronto
Whitchurch-Stouffville Chamber
Of Commerce
Yorktown Family Services
Willowridge Information &
Recreation Centre
Youth Challenge Fund
Women’s Multicultural Resource
and Counselling Centre
Youth Job Action Centre
Woodgreen Community Centre
of Toronto
Touchstone Youth Centre
Transitional Housing of
York Region
Trillium Health Centre
Tropicana Community Services
Turning Point Youth Services
Ukrainian Cultural Centre
Unionville Business Association
Unity Charity
Working Women Community
University Settlement
World Education Services
University Settlement
Recreation Centre
Yonge Street Mission
– Evergreen Youth
York Central Hospital
Vietnamese Association Toronto
York Neighbourhood Services
Vocational Pathways
York Region and Markham Fire,
Police EMS
Volunteer Toronto
York Region Transit
Youth Centre – Ajax
Youth Inc.
Youth Without Shelter
YWCA Durham
YWCA Toronto
YMCA Networks
Canadian YMCA Urban Group
YMCA Canada
YMCA North American
YMCA World Urban Network
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Partners
United Way
United Way of Durham Region
United Way of Halton Hills
United Way of Peel Region
United Way of York Region
United Way Toronto
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
The YMCA of Greater Toronto is grateful to all donors for their support. We are
pleased to recognize the individuals and organizations who have contributed a
cumulative amount of $250 or more between April 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012
through our annual, capital or endowment campaigns.
$1,000 and more:
Colleen Albiston
Linda Cottes & Family
Michael Hall
Paul & Kim Alexander
Gordon Cressy
Sheldon Hellin
Keith & Jan Allin
Joe Cressy
Fabian Hernandez
Alward Pliszka Family
Cristi Family
Barbara Hill
Katherine M.E. Alyea
Stacey & Brydon Cruise
Moffat Hill
Sunil Arora
Leonora Cudiamat
Susan Hing
Jennifer Babe
Lesley & Will Davidson
Bijan Hirji
Baldassarre Family
Janet & Bill Deacon
Jennifer Holmes Weier
Luka, Sloane, Andrea & Coel
Deakin-Thomas Family
Darlene Holowachuk
Liam Dick
Colum & Elizabeth Bastable
William Dobie
Angela Bell & Family
Michael Dodds
Lee & Patrick Howe Family
Foundation at the Toronto
Community Foundation
John M. Bishop
Chris Doyon
Isabelle Bonsaint
Evelyn Family
J. Steven Boone
Anne & Ron Fawcett
Brennan Family
Marilyn Ferley
Brett Family
Nelson Fiallo
Darlene Brown & Family
M. Patricia Fischer
Kwame Brown
Lee Fraser & Family
John Buchanan
Roger & Kevin Garland
Campbell Family
Diane & Stan Gasner
Alfred Carr
Tara George & Chris Atkinson
Linton Carter
Gus Giangrosso
Peter F. Chauvin
Vito & Gayle Gioiosa
Gordon J. Chong
John Church
Karen Gordon & Howard
Clemens Family
Laura Graham-Prentice
Barb J. Collins-Williams
Hamlin Grange & Cynthia Reyes
Dan & Mary Cornacchia
Charitable Fund at the Toronto
Community Foundation
Sandy & Susan Grigg
Teresa Costa
Martin & Peggy Guest
Scott & Linda Haldane & Family
Lorraine Huggins
Reginald Hunter
Kenneth Hurdle & Wenda
Atta F. Hussain
Martine M. Irman
Terri Ann Irwin
Mickey Jawa
Janet Johnson & Bryan Dawson
Mark Johnson
Sandra Kalpouzos
Faiza Kanji
Julie & Nina-Simone Kellman
Matthew Keyes
John Keyser of Keyser Mason
Ball LLP
Mike Kologinski & Ann Clarkson
Brian Labatte
Henry & Marie Labatte & Family
Melanie Laflamme
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$1,000 and more (cont’d):
Bill Irvine & Marion Lane
John & Kathy Morrissey
Helen Sinclair
Donald G. Lawson
Morton Family
Scott & Amanda Sinclair
Douglas Lawson
John Mosey
Diane & Rick Sinhuber
Doris Layton
Garth Neilson
Jamie Slater
Stacey Lepine
Dedric Nelson
Maria Smirnova
Teresa & Eddie Leschiutta
Deidre Newman
Stephen J.R. Smith
Kerri Lewis
Paul & Judi Norris
Jake Smythe
Will Lockett
Oakes-MacDonald Family
Mike Souter
Sheila Loftus
Karen Orozco
Stephenson Family
Trevor & Lori Lomberg
Laura Palmer Korn & David Korn
Lucia & Robert Stephenson
Robert & Patricia Lord
Pandovski Family
Dan & Sue Suess
Arthur L. Lovell
Estate of Avern Pardoe
Karen Takenaka
Lisa Low
Joyce & Ken Pearson
Jacqueline MacDonald
Pendle Fund at the Community
Foundation of Mississauga
Janet & Herb Tanzer Charitable
Fund at the Toronto Community
Tim & Pat Penner
Dianne E. Taylor
Douglas MacLaughlan
Dean L. Prevost
Erica Taylor
Madhani Family
Saad Rafi
Teresa Tazumi
Ann & Medhat Mahdy
Aziz Rakla
Megan Thomas
Kevin & Leanne Maloney
Gary & Joanne Reamey Family
Don Bent & Eva Thurlow
Deogratias Marcano & Family
Meghan Reddick
Carolyn Tyner
Olga Markin
Joanne & Martin Reinhold
Ian Veitch & Family
Robert & Elizabeth Martin
Hyacinth Reynolds
Richard Vieira
Robert May
Brampton and Area Community
Foundation: Lois and Max Rice
Family Fund
Dorothy Wakely
Marcy & Bob Robertson
Debbie Walton
Shannon Robertson & Family
Susan Waterfield
Wayne McDougall
Janet Rodger
Marlene & Ron Watson
Sandy & Julie McIntyre
Jorge Rojas
Cathyann White
Ian McLean
Jacqueline Rosevear
Frances Phillips-Wise & Dan Wise
McLeod Family
Howard & Judith Sandys
Leslie E. Woo
Rodney & Teresa Medicraft
Tina Sarellas
John & Lori Woodford
Monica Merrifield
Isabelle & Jade Sauve
Anne Wragg
Greg, Leslie-Ann, Meghan,
Andrew Miller
Melissa Schettino
Tricia Younger
John Schmitt
James Milligan
Zobeiry Family
Freddie Shore
Leslie Modolo
Marc Zwelling
Valerie Siebert
Moffatt Family
Anonymous (21)
Silvestre Family
Graeme MacGregor & Melanie
Filip & Donna Mayer
David R. McCamus Endowment
Fund at the Toronto Community
Donna M. Morrison
Nicholas & Margaret Walker
Kathy Wallace
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$250 – $999:
Nabil Abdel-Nour
Amanda Brown
Marta Correia-Simas
Doug Ackhurst
Valerie Brown
Ana C. Costa
Avelina Acosta
Ron Bruce
Laura Cottes
Don Adams
Christopher Buchan
Susan Couprie
Tracey Addison
Susan Budinszky
Allan Cox
Fortunata Agustin
John Buffet
Purdy & Bea Crawford
Pearl Anne A. Agustin
Ken Burgess
Eileen F. Crichton
Stella M. Alaimo
Kerry Burgess
David Crisp
Joanne Antonucci
Sue Butler
Bob Cronin
Rob & Andrea Armstrong
Colin Campbell
Barb Culbert
Sue Armstrong
Katarina Canic
Elizabeth Cummings
Tigist Asmellash Belo
Steven Cannon
Sandra Cunha-Cabral
Susan Babcock
Cinzia Caputo
Cybulski Family
Grace Bagnato
Maria Cardozo
Nezia da Silva
Arash Bahrami
Daniella Carrabs
Sherry Dabir
Baier Pannek Family
Kevin Carter
Robert Dann & Mark Pedrotti
Lynn Baker
Christopher J. Caruso
Cheryll David-Camacho
Matthew Baker
Samantha Casmey
Lan Davies
Stacey Baker
Tai Wai Chan
Hudson Davis
Theresa Ball
Harold & Mary Chapman
Ashly De Medeiros
Paul Bamatter
Kimberly Charteris
Dominic De Rose
John & Helen Barbalias
Steven Chen
Melissa De Sousa
Helga Barenberg
Nick Chen
Catriona Delaney & Paolo Busato
Doug Batson
Cherian Joshua
Alex Dellevoet
Gregory Beckford
Debbie Wing Han Cheung
Balbir Deol
Mitra Behrooz
Jacqueline Chevalier
Sham Dhanji
Sarah Devorah Beldick
Andrea Chiu
Diamond Family
Toni Bellavia - Investors Group
Maxine Chodorowicz
Karen Dick
Sarita B. Bening
Louisa Chow
Mary Dickson
Rakhi Bhattacharya
Shirley Christopher
Gina Dimitropoulos
Helen Billing
Teresa Chui
Virginia Dimoglou
Diana Blazinskaite
Greg Clark
Dinan Family
Richard Boileau
April Clausen
Eike Dreyer
Tricia Bonner
Cindy Cloutier
Theresa Dugwell
Borkwood Family
Adela Colhon
Eberle-Bissonette Family
Yazmine Boswell
JoAnne Collins
Ann Edmonds
Ivor Bramley
Tamar Connell
Selina Edwards
Ritch & Cathi Bremmer
Jane Corbett
Lionel Eli
Pat Broderick
Louise Cornblum
Patricia G. Ellingson
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$250 – $999 (cont’d):
Alejandro Elorriaga
In Memory of
Kathleen Hammond
Bob Kaye
Janet Emmett
McCarthy Family
B. Hampton
Sholeh Khalili
Mohamed Eslamizadeh
Peter Hanson
Mary Killoran
Marlene Etherington
Estelle Havva
Penney Kirby
Ashley Evans
Qumars Hayatdavoodi
Emmanuel Kisitu
Patricia Fagan
Bryce Healey
Nicole Klement
Diane Fantinato
Lee Ann Hearn
Kathy Kocsis
Erin Farrell
Kim Heathcote
Kotsopoulos Family
John Farrell
Hendershot Family
Godana Kotto
Keith Fick
Veronica Hercules
Henry Ku
Sid Finkelstein
Christine Herd
Raluca Lacatus
Janice Fischer
Mark Hickmott
Patricia Y. Lai
Steve Flaherty & Danette Romaro
Jeffrey R. Hodgson
Agnes Lamb
Nicole Fleming
Wayne Hollett
Nicole Lamondin
Michael Franklin
John Hong
Zack R. Langille
French Family
Carie Howe
Maureen Lapenna
Lara Friedlander
Fong Hsiung
Mark Leach
Amy K. Gallagher
Paul Hubahib
Brett Leahey
Inez K. Gannicott
Carine & Ernie Hudson
Brenda Lee-Kennedy
Kathleen, Mary & Emily Gannon
Sylvia L. Huggins
Peter W. R. Lemon
Arnel Gerardo
Selene Hur
Leslie A. Leong
Angus Gibbon
John & Nancy Hurst & Family
Carl Leskowsky
Linda Gilbert
John Iadipaolo
Jack Lewis
Derry Gittens
Anthony Ierulli
Donna Li
Peter Godfrey
Peter Ingster
Herbert Liu
Cheryl Goldberg
Valarie Iqbal
Andrea Lossing
Holly Goldie
Stephen Johnson
Suzannah Lowe
Doris Gomez
Stephen Johnson
Katie Lowe
Marlene Gonzales
Laurel Johnson
Stanley Macdonald
Michael Grace
In Memory of
Mr. Grant Johnston
MacKay Family
Robert H. Graham
Greer Family
Jacquelyn Griffin
Meaghan Growden
David Gunn
Megan & Deacon Gunn
Gaea Gunn-Moghimi
Julie Halliday
Amanda Jones
Sandy Joseph
Mridula Joyner
Masoumeh Kashani Sha Kib
Mohammad Kassirian
Joyce & Melvyn Katzman
Lori Kaupinen
Cassandra Kee
Kim MacLean
Tracy Mahon
Saima Malik
Asad MahMod Malik
Janet Marrone
Amanda Martin
Julieta Martinez
Lidia Marvardi
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$250 – $999 (cont’d):
Don Maxwell
Shari O’Brien
Aurelia Rozembaigher
Heather McClory
Brenda O’Grady
Scot McCrimmon
Antonino Oiveri
Ramnik K. Sachania
(Heritage Hills Pharmacy)
Maureen McCullough
Mike Okada
Tano Sala
Ann McGee
Rosemary Oliver
Ann & Elvis Salmon
M. C. McGregor
Concetta Oliverio
Maria Salvador
John, Shawna, Deirdre McIntosh
Meagan Orozco
Alexandria Salvucci
Catherine McLeod
David Ostos
Shirley Savidant
Katie McMillan
Alice Paguirigan
Margaret Schmitt
Kellie McNamara
Yan Hong Pan
Catherine Scott
Kevin McPhee
Wilfred Paul
Joshua Scott
Donna McPherson
Tori Peace
Robert Seaton
Jennifer Medeiros
Robert Dann & Mark Pedrotti
Kathryn Sehnke
Siddika Merali
Kevin Pelle
Rupen Seoni
Ryan Mercer
Anabela Pereira
Brian J. Shackleton
Suzanne Michaud
Martha Perez
Charmaine Shand-Day
Nancy Miller
Sherry Perez
Gary Shapero
Wayne Scot Milroy
Reg & Alison Perkin
Sheila Sharp
Alla Minasova
Laura Perlotto
Darryl Sherwin
Florence Minz
Ich Hoa Phung
Sandra Silva Andrade
Marcel Monoreanu
Idelta Pimentel
Debbie Silvester
Esperanza Monsalve
Sharon Polischuk & John Graham
Imelda Sin
Srinivas Moola
Joan Pollard
Parand (Dana) Sipprell
Deborah Moorthy
Roya Pourmand
Luca Sirianni
Suzy Moreira & Donata
Veneranda Fusillo
LaShawn Powell
Peter Skillen
Christine Pratt
Brian Slattery
Beth Morgan-Mercer
Alan Praught
Smith Family
Heather Morris
Dorothy Quann
Christopher Smith
Jordanna Morris
Laila Res
Erin & Paul Smith
Susan Morris
Sheila Rhodes
Maritza Smith & Family
John & Greg Mountain
Eva Ribes
Barbara Snell
Zaid Murakami
Lammel Ricketts
Stephanie Soler
Wieslaw Musial
Phyllis Spier
Joe Nadler
Vivian Risi, Royal LePage
Your Community Realty
Sioban Nelson
Barbara Ritchie
Tom Stamcos
Holly Nicholson
C. E. Ritchie
Star Family
Jim Northover
Mary Anne Roche
Christine Starkus
Brenda Nowak
Anne Rose
Georgina Steinsky-Schwartz
Ian Nyman
Elaine Rowe
Sophia Stephenson
Cheryl A. Sproul
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$250 – $999 (cont’d):
Stephen Stokes
Cynthia Van Hellemond
Adam Williamson
Marissa Straatsma-Rupke
Mario Roberto Vasquez
Brian Wilson
W. Swift
Farzin Vassighi
Grace & Joey Wong
Shayna Szymkowicz
Soheila Vatankhah
Rosa Kin Ping Wong
Kelly Taafe
Vatcha Family
Wendy Wong
Debbie Takarabe
Alan Vinegar
Brian Wood
Andrew Talpash
Michael & Barbara Waddell
Audrey Yapp
Nancy Tanner & Family
Laura Walker R.E.C.E.
L.J. Yeh
Frank & Samantha Teney
Judy Wall
Chung H. Yue
Norman Than
Laura & Howard Walton
Zara Family
Nan Ellen Therien
King-Hung Wan
Adam K. Zopf
William Thorsteinson
Monica Warner
Anonymous (69)
Thomas Timmins
Sherry Watkins
Michelle Trigiani
Andrew Webster
In Memory of Winston Tripp
Wendy Wedge
Judy Tryon
Paul Weisberg
Petra Turco
Lori Wells
Martin Walter
Russell Westkirk
Lorenzo Vaglica
Donna Wheeler
Vito Valela & Mirella C. Valela
Bill Wignall
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$1,000 and more:
Adanac Electric Inc.
D & A Collection Corporation
Liuna Local 183
A.E. Grossman Foundation
Dalex Canada Inc.
Loblaw Companies Limited
Active Green and Ross Tire and
Auto Centre
Danier Leather
Longboat Road Runners
Denison Child Care
Manners Glass & Door
Allied International Credit Corp
Direct Energy
Manulife Financial
Alsco Canada Corporation
Don Valley North Lexus
Mariposa Cruise Line Ltd.
Alston Cartage Ltd.
Durham United Way
Maritz Canada Inc.
Alterna Savings and Credit Union
Ed Lupton Memorial Fund
Marsh Canada Limited
Environics Analytics
Mary Kay Ash Charitable
Alumicor Limited
Arjay Engineering Ltd.
BMO Financial Group
Ernst & Young LLP
Fidelity Investments
McDonald’s Restaurants of
Richmond Hill
Boston Pizza
Franklin Templeton Investments
Boston Pizza Foundation
Fresh For Less
Microsoft Canada Inc.
Brampton and Area Community
Foundation: Goodison Insurance
& Financial Services Fund
George H. Stedman Estate
Midia Medicine Professional
Give a Little, Help a Lot
- Zehrs Markets
Mississauga Central Lions Club
Brightpics Inc.
The Buffalo Bills Toronto Series
Global Consulting
Camp Green Acres
Canadian Business College
Canadian Tire JumpStart
Graham Munro Charitable
Cardinal Funeral Homes
Green Shield Canada
Cedar Brae Golf & Country Club
Hi-Lands of Bolton Corp
CGOV Foundation
Chez Cora
The Home Depot Canada
Chum Charitable Foundation
ING Direct
Ontario Trillium Foundation
CIBC Children’s Foundation
Investors Group Matching Gift
OPG Employees’ & Pensioners’
Charity Trust
Cineplex Entertainment LP
Islington Golf Club, Limited
Ostaco Windows and Doors
Clintar Groundskeeping
J.S Kalabash Enterprises Ltd.
The Paloma Foundation
Computek College
Jan-Pro Cleaning Systems of
Central Ontario
Pepsi Foundation
Kilmer Environmental
Pickard Lane Leasing Ltd.
The Corporation of the
City of Brampton
Kourtis Flooring Ltd
Pickering Square (1986) Inc.
Prophix Software Inc.
Corus Entertainment Inc.
Learning Momentum Inc.
Crawford Roofing Corporation
Lick’s Concepts Inc.
RBC Financial Group-Employee
Volunteer Dept.
Cora’s Breakfast and Lunch
(York Mills)
Medipac International Inc.
Mister Wash-up Cleaning
Services Inc.
Moriah Food Services
(McDonald’s Restaurants)
Muraca Group Inc.
Music Amateurs from Tobago
National Bank of Canada Mississauga (03241)
NFL Canada
North American Fur Auctions
PepsiCo Canada
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$1,000 and more (cont’d):
RBC Foundation
Slaight Communications Inc.
Veridian Corporation
Re/MAX Realty Services Inc.
The Sprott Foundation
St. Marys Cement, Bowmanville
Walmart Pickering #3186
(L. Short)
Rotary Club of Heart Lake
Stay-Brite Building Solutions
West 50 Pourhouse & Grille
Rotary Club of Mississauga
TD Bank Group
Westside Presbyterian Church
Team Telus Cares
Whiteoak Ford Lincoln Sales
Rotary Club of Pickering
The Rotary Club of Toronto West
Round Table Procurement
Running Room Canada Inc.
Scarboro Golf & Country Club
Scotiabank Group
Scott Funeral Home Mississauga
Terrequity Children’s Foundation
Times Group Corporation
Toronto Blue Jays - Jays Care
The Toronto Star Fresh Air Fund
Toyota Financial Services
Uniglobe Enterprise Travel Ltd.
United Lumber
Shawneeki Golf Club/Lakhani
Holdings Ltd.
United Way of Peel Region
Sheridan Nurseries
Vandermeer Nursery Ltd.
United Way Toronto
Young-Nak Korean Presbyterian
Anonymous (1)
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$299 – $999:
24th Annual Tilson Road
Cleancare Janitorial Services Inc.
Ketchum Canada Inc.
Compu Image Inc.
Abrams Towing Services Ltd.
Coro Electric Ltd.
King West Landscape
Contracting Ltd.
Academy of Learning (Warden/
Crown Property Management
Knights on Guard Protective
Services Corp.
Davis + Henderson
Kwik Kopy
Active Care Chiropractic Clinic
Deloitte Management Services LP
All State Insurance Company of
Denos Plumbing and Heating
La Felicita Restaurant & Bakery
Andrew Foundation
DM Neo Paints
Longboat Runners
Anixter Canada Inc.
Lynmor Enterprises Ltd.
Arsenault Architect Inc.
Dr. Wai Man Lam Dentistry
Professional Corporation
Artisan Complete
Durabond Products Ltd.
McKellar Structured Settlements
AT Staffing Solutions
Economy Chemical & Supply Inc.
Metro College of Technology
Bahrami Business Soloutions
BCA Catering Services
Elementary Teachers’ Federation
of Ontario
Mississauga Chinese Arts
Organization (MCAO)
Beach Metro News
Euro RSCG/Sharpe Blackmore
Bell Canada, Employee Giving
Fairfields Swimming Club
Mississauga MarathonLandmark Sport Group Inc.
KNC Glazing
Lakewood Machine & Tool Inc.
Mr. Lube Foundation
Beryl’s Pepper Pot
Fairview Physiotheraphy and
Rehab Clinic
Black Creek Mechanical Ltd.
Fieldstone Day School Limited
Murray Manufacturing
Blessed Cardinal Newman
Catholic High School
Forest Contractors
Mutual Mechanical
Genesys Plumbing Inc.
Noor Group
The Boiler Inspection and
Insurance Company
Golden Legends Club
Outsource Computronics
Gord Telecom
The Brick
Green Masters Landscaping Inc.
Halsall Associates Limited
Petro-Partners, Div of Frew
P etroleum Corporation
Brother Andre Catholic School
Bruce Fair Architect Inc.
Harmony Chiropractic and
Wellness Centre
Cafe En Passant - Richmond Hill
Heartland Food Corp of Canada
Price Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Camp Tamarack Ltd.
Prime Imaging
Canada Life Assurance Company
Ian Stewart - Shoppers Drug
Canadian Tire Foundation
Insight Production Company Ltd.
Quantum Document Solutions
Canadian YMCA Retirement
Fund Board of Trustees
Re/Max Hallmark Realty Ltd.
ReadAir Mechanical Services Ltd.
Candido Consulting Group Inc.
Janssen-Ortho Inc and Ortho
Biotech Canada
Jjazmans’ E-bikes & Motorsports
RH McGregor H & SA
Classic Kitchen Designs
John Howard Society of Toronto
Muldoon’s Own Coffee
Physio Fx Ltd.
The Polar Foundation
Region of Peel
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
$299 – $999 (cont’d):
Riverwood Country Daycamp
Team iDEAL
Rouge River Realty
Thornhill Woods Daycare
Safeway Insurance and Financial
Toastmaster Club Markham
Sweet Talkers
Salon 247 Inc.
Torbram Electric Supply
Select Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Shandiz Natural Foods
Toronto Association for
Volunteer Administration
Sheriff’s No Frills
Toronto CPR
Shima Enterprise Ltd.
Sigma Fire & Security Inc.
Toronto Dominion Bank
- College, Dundas & Ossington
Sign A Rama
Town of Richmond Hill
SNS Construction Contracting
True Sport Foundation
Sun Auto Inc.
V’s Blooms & Blossoms
Sun Life Financial
Werken Contracting Ltd.
Symtech Mechanical
Yung’s Auto Service
Tavco Realty Holdings Inc.
Zodiac Swim & Specialty Camp
TD Commercial Banking
- Real Estate
Anonymous (7)
TEK Systems Canada
Trumpington Properties Limited
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
Estate and Founding Donors
We continue to build upon the legacy established by these generous donors.
Charles E. Abbs
Alfred Harold Fraser
George Melville Robinson
Percy Norman Alexander
Elsie Elaine Fraser
Peter Scott
T.B.C. Anderson
Mary Garlick
John Ardagh Scythes
Jesse Ashbridge
William Earle Gordon
Charters T. Sharpe
William H. Austin
Carolyn Rosetta Graham
Frederick Sharpe
George Noble Barker
Thomas Allen Griffin
Edyth Evelyn Sheppard
Margaret J. Bauckham
Gordon Elwood Hanks
George F. Skipper
Harold Basil Binkey
William S. Hargraft
Albert Smith
Alexander Bradshaw
Milton W. Harlow
Owen Smith
F.H. Brigden
Frederick C. Hoskins
Victor R. Smith
Frederick I. Brown
James D. H. Hutchinson
Lloyd C. Snow
Gordon Alexander Brown
George Allan Irlend
Donald Matherson Springer
Laura Marie Bryans
Arthur Rutherford Kilgour
George Henry Stedman
Charlotte A. Burk
Lois Belding Lapp
Basil Steel
James Laurie Carson
Cyril LeRoy
John Walker Stewart
George Crawford Chisolm
Edward Joseph Maurray
Col. R. S. Timmis
Margaret Jardine Clarkson
Grace Evelyn McDonald
Doris Tippet
Aileen May Clausen
Harry Russell Naylor
Ida Belle Vogan
William Elbert Corman
James Alexander Northey
John W. Walker
David A. Cron, Sr.
H.W. Roy Oaten
John Herbert Widgett
Lyla Ada Crossley
Frank Gordon Ottaway
Frank Wilbee, Jr.
Brent Douglas Cutford
Avern Pardoe
Edward Rogers Wood
William C. Davidson
Elizabeth Christina Paulger
George Albert Young
Arthur Jay Dickey
James Earnest Petrkin
Reta Lillian Young
Wilfred Domm
Mary Garlick Pollard
Edith Marie Younkie
Donald M. Fleming
Edith Rea
Mabel Zimmer
Jay L. Francis
Francis Virtue Reddy
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
Monthly Donors
We thank this group of donors who provide us with a dependable source of funds that help the
YMCA deliver programs and services on an ongoing basis.
Racquel Adams
Tara George & Chris Atkinson
Arscott Family
Gwang Min Goh
Quantum Document Solutions
Ming Bai
Selene Hur
Lammel Ricketts
Michael Benedict
Krishan Kaushal
Robert Seaton
Kailey Bergin
Laura Kesicki
So Family
Colin Campbell
Penney Kirby
Christine Staggemeier
Jacqueline Chevalier
Sean Kuan
Val Taylor
Don Clayton
Heather McClory
David Warner
Jane Corbett
Sioban Nelson
Russell Westkirk
John P. De Fazio
Beatrice O’Brien
Sylvie Wieler
Ann Edmonds
Joan Pollard
Anonymous (5)
Essentially You
Eileen Potter
Hugh & Shirley Gemmell
Arwa Fouad Qadhi
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
1853 Heritage Club Members
Thank you to these donors who have made planned gifts that help us create the foundation for a
healthy and vibrant future for children, youth and families across the GTA.
Ian Aitchison
Edward Hall
Margaret O’Brien
Colleen Albiston
Bill & Janet Hallett
Laura Palmer Korn & David Korn
Keith & Jan Allin
Ava & Richard Henye
Raj Paun
Marissa Andersson & Family
Moffat Hill
Laurie Pawlitza
Cely Anglo
Ursula Hoehner
Pepsi Foundation
Norman Aspin
Tom & Lynn Horlor & Family
Cynthia Peters
Jennifer Babe
Richard & Nancy Bailey
Kenneth Hurdle & Wenda
Marion Raycheba & Frank
Kristine Beavis
James Jardine
Cameron Ridsdale
Roger Best
Janet Johnson & Bryan Dawson
Robert Erewet Robb
John Buchanan
Karnika & Bala Krishnan
Marcy & Bob Robertson
Alfred Carr
Brian Labatte
George & Ann Rodger
Kevin Carr
Henry & Marie Labatte & Family
John P. Rogers
Kevin Carter
Neil Labatte & Family
Helen Sinclair
Gordon J. Chong
Donald G. Lawson
Barbara & Douglas Snell
Linda Cottes & Family
Douglas Lawson
The Sprott Foundation
Gordon Cressy
Judith & Harvey Levkoe
Susan Strelioff
Deakin-Thomas Family
Will Lockett
Karen Takenaka
Michael Dodds
Robert & Patricia Lord
Dennis Tao
John & Judy Dowd
Lupton Family
Margaret Torrance
Marion Driver
Jane & Phil MacDonald
Ian Veitch & Family
Leith Drury
John Macfarlane
Vosper Family
Theresa Dugwell
Ann & Medhat Mahdy
David J. Walker
James & Maureen Dunn
Olga Markin
Walker Family
Janet Emmett
Robert & Elizabeth Martin
Edith Wasson
Marlene Etherington
David McBride
Susan Waterfield
Anne & Ron Fawcett
Don & Susan McCreesh
Cathy E. Weeks
Sid Finkelstein
John McElwain Q.C.
Robert B. Weeks
M. Patricia Fischer
Sandy & Julie McIntyre
James Westaway
Roger & Kevin Garland
Monica Merrifield
Shelley White
Diane & Stan Gasner
Suzanne Michaud
Sara Wilbur-Collins
Jack & Linda Goodwin
Layla Mirkarimi
James & Roberta Wise
Hamlin Grange & Cynthia Reyes
Shima Mirkarimi
Sari Wright
Scott & Linda Haldane & Family
Christopher Moon
Anonymous (1)
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
Endowment Funds, Memorials & Tributes
Ian Aitchison
Sandy McIntyre
Alan Weeks Memorial Fund
Norman Aspin
Mississauga Y Knot
Abilities Fund
Dan Gasner Memorial Fund
Gordon Driver Memorial Fund
John Dowd
The Pepsi Foundation
Scholarship Fund
Anne Fawcett
Positive Living Fund
Roger Garland
Saad Rafi
Hamlin Grange
John Rogers
Henry Labatte International
Scholarship Fund
The Rogers Business Solutions
YMCA Academy Endowment
Debby A. Best & Erin McBride
“Irie” Fund
Wordworth Hetherington
Andromache Karakatsanis
Donald Lawson
Douglas Lawson
Literacy Endowment Fund
Robert R. Lord
John Macfarlane
Bahadur Madhani
John See
Christopher Shepherd
Jaques Aubin-Roy & Robert
Dennis Metcalfe Memorial Fund
Kathleen Takenaka Memorial
Norma McIntyre Memorial Fund
Sheldon Laiwint Memorial Fund
Sid Paine Memorial Fund
Simone Sandler Memorial Fund
Helen Sinclair
Thomas Anderson Memorial
Sprott Youth Foyer
Endowment Fund
Tilbe Memorial Fund
Karen Takenaka
Velma & George Vosper Family Benevolent Fund
Marie-Hélène Walker Founding
Student Award
Susan Waterfield
McCamus Family Fund
Wenda Yenson
Donald McCreesh
Ed Lupton Memorial Fund
James Westaway
William Cressy Memorial Fund
In memory of Len Perrin
In memory of Wendy Richardson
In honour of Helen Sinclair’s
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Thank You to All Our Donors
Event Sponsors
YMCA Relay for Strong Kids
YMCA Strong Kids Golf
Tournament (2011)
YMCA Strong Kids Megathon
Presenting Nutrition Sponsor:
PepsiCo Canada
Presenting Sponsor:
Ainsworth Inc.
Nutrition Sponsor:
Real Food for Real Kids
Media Sponsor:
Gold Sponsors:
Hillcrest Construction
Media Sponsor:
Hospitality Sponsor:
Steam Whistle Brewery
Print Sponsor:
Top Fundraiser:
Judy McLeod
YMCA Walk for Strong Kids
Media Sponsor:
Top Fundraiser:
Henry Daigneault
We apologize for any errors
or omissions. Please contact
us at 416-928-3362 x22532
if we have made an error
in your acknowledgement
so that we can correct our
records for future listings.
Media Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors:
Cushman & Wakefield Ltd.
Don Valley North Lexus
TD Securities
Bronze Sponsors:
Letko Brosseau & Assoc. Inc.
Superior Pool, Spa & Leisure Ltd.
Gift & Registration Sponsors:
Canada Textiles Inc.
Optima Communications
International Inc.
Hole Sponsors:
ACE INA Insurance
Great West Life
Investors Group
Resource Consulting Ltd.
ScotiaLife Financial
St. Michael’s College School
Print Sponsor:
Print Sponsor:
Community Hero Sponsors:
Amazing Housekeeping & Janitorial
CIBC York Region
Toronto Cartoonists Workshop
Wincon Security
Local Hero Sponsors:
Ainsworth Inc.
Aquatech Logistics Inc.
B & S Pool Services Inc.
Mackie Harley Davidson
Marci Plumbing & Heating Co. Ltd.
Metroland Durham/
Media Group
Mercedes-Benz Midtown
Mills Motors
Resource Contracting Inc.
Royal Locksmith & Security
Hardware Inc.
S.E.S. (Sam) Electrical Services
Tolias Landscaping & Plowing Inc.
Whole Foods Market – Square One
Top Fundraiser:
Eva Targett
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Our Reach
Camps & Outdoor Educatio n
Health, Fitness and Recreation
Housing & Social Service s
Child Care
Education & Employment
Youth Leader Corp
As of 2011
2012 Annual Report
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
Get Involved
There are many ways that you can support the YMCA of Greater Toronto and help us build
a healthier community for all.
Partners in a Healthy Tomorrow
The YMCA of Greater Toronto collaborates extensively with governments at all levels and
a vast network of community organizations, corporations, foundations and institutions to
creatively build on the strengths of our communities.
Lend Your Support
The YMCA of Greater Toronto has worked to respond to our society’s greatest challenges
for more than 155 years. By donating or volunteering your time to our cause, you can help
us build healthier, stronger communities and ensure that all individuals are able to achieve
their full potential.
Opportunities For Giving
• Annual Campaign: YMCA Strong Kids
• In Honour and In Memory Funds
• Endowment Funds
• Corporate Sponsorships
• Capital Campaigns
• Events
• Designated Programs
• Help people improve their overall health
• Support children and youth as they grow into adults • Help a newcomer settle in Canada
• Make a difference in someone’s life
The Centre of Community
2012 Annual Report
2200 Yonge St., Unit 300
Toronto, Ontario M4S 2C6
Charitable Registration Number:
11930 7080 RR0001