Oct-Dec - American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders


Oct-Dec - American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders
Be sure to check your Membership Expiration
date on your label. Also check the expiration
date on your ad inside.
New Zealand Times
John Neff - Secretary
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
Youth Best of Breed
Caleb Taulbee
Open Best of Breed
David Cardinal
Awards Supplier to the Federation !!
Rabbit, Cavy, Poultry & Livestock Awards Specialist
Breeding the finest in New Zealand Whites
Best of Breed
Please contact us for all your
award and engraving needs.
White Senior Buck
2012 New Zealand
National Show
Fort Worth, Texas
John & Julie Neff
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
Ph: (407) 349-0450
email: [email protected]
website: www.jneffeng.com
Youth Best Opposite Sex Open Best Opposite Sex
Thanet, Julia & Caroline
Dean Sinders
1st Place 6-8 Buck
2012 New Zealand National
Fort Worth, Texas
Volume 5,, Issue 4
October / November / December 20122
Oley Valley
Basgil/Borden Rabbitry
Breeding Stock/Meat Pens
Breeder of
fine quality New Zealand
Rick Shipe
Cole, Edith & Tony Folker
127 Red Well Rd
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-5053
191 Club Road
Oley, PA 19547
(610) 987-9652
[email protected]
Paul & Sue Borden
Pete, Lori, Bree & Colton Basgil
20824 Peters Rd
Crosby, TX 77532
[email protected]
Shipping Available
626 Alabama St
Sulphur, LA 70663
[email protected]
New Zealands
New Zealands
Breeders & Exhibitors
New Zealand Whites
Donnie & Tina Hornback
531 Ferrill Hill Rd
Buffalo, KY 42716
[email protected]
Space available......
$60.00 for 2 years
First come, first served
Breeders and Exhibitors
of Quality
New Zealand Whites
Tony & Diane Fortney
609 Stringtown Road
Central City, KY 42330
Ph: 270-754-5191
[email protected]
A & K Thayer
Lawrence &
Angela Weeks
Contact John Neff or Dick Gehr
Preston, Idaho
2003 National New Zealand Show BOB
Greenville, Ohio
Raising and Showing
New Zealands
Supporting the AFNZRB
[email protected]
755 Fremont St.
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 473-3553
Contact ~ Jerry Thayer
Carver - Kellogg International
Harvey Carver
Mount Hope Ontario
email: [email protected]
Joe Kellogg
Judge #790
2927 North 9 Mile Rd.
Allegany, NY 14796
email: [email protected]
David Cardinal
Bruce Himmelberger
President ........................................................................
Secretary / Welcome New Members..........................
Times Advertisers..........................................................
AFNZRB Meeting Minutes - Wichita, KS.....................
AFNZRB Auction - Wichita, KS...................................
2012 ARBA Convention Open Results...................
2012 ARBA Convention Youth Results...................
Larry Snavely - Outstanding Member Award............
Randolph “Dude” Bagby...............................................
ARBA Convention Judges............................................
AFNZRB Hall of Fame Members..............................
2012-2013 Sweepstakes ..........................................
Open Show Reports......................................................
Youth Show Reports.....................................................
2013 ARBA Conv NZ Headquarters info.....................
AFNZRB 2012 Committees.........................................
Membership Application/ Sanction Request Form....
E4706 Hwy 22 & 54
Waupaca, WI 54981
(715) 281-9286
[email protected]
(expires 2013)
PO Box 173
Bethal, PA 19507
(717) 865-5803
[email protected]
(expires 2013)
John Neff
Pete Basgil
Tony Fortney
(expires 2013)
(expires 2014)
20824 Peters Rd
Crosby, TX 77532
(281) 328-5669
[email protected]
609 Stringtown Road
Central City, KY 42330
(270) 754-5191
[email protected]
Al Esterline
David Klindt
Jean Harris
Larry Lunz
8324 W St RD 14
South Whitley, IN 46787
(260) 723-5050
[email protected]
38 Orchard St
Naches, WA 98937
(509) 945-6490
[email protected]
Rick Shipe
191 Club Road
Oley, PA 19547
(610) 987-9652
[email protected]
Wendall Tisher
American Federation off New Zealand Rabbit Breeders,, Inc.
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
(407) 349-0450
[email protected]
( p
2764 Crow Creek Road
Bettendorf, IA 52722
(563) 340-1070
[email protected]
15976 SR 65
Wapakoneta, OH 45895
[email protected]
Sue Borden
626 Alabama St
Sulphur, LA 70663
(337) 533-9005
[email protected]
Tony Bell
29682 Lakeview Pl
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-8162
[email protected]
8821 Kelly Lane
Alvarado, TX 76009
(817) 790-8106
[email protected]
Lisa Jennings
Arnold Schmidt
Box 1
Protem, MO 65733
(417) 785-4474
[email protected]
For Sanctions, Memberships,
and General Information contact
John Neff - 1351 Holder Lane, Geneva, FL 32732
(407) 349-0450 [email protected]
New Zealand Times
Deadlines Dates
February 15
May 15
August 15
November 15
Richard Gehr
190 N First Ave
Coal City, IL 60416
(815) 584-6760
[email protected]
17617 Johnson St
Union, IL 60180
(815) 923-7515
[email protected]
First Class Mailing
If you would like your
Times mailed
John Neff
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
(407) 349-0450
[email protected]
1 Issue
1 Year
2 Year
Business Card
1/4 page
1/3 page
1/2 page
Full page
Inside Front & Back Cover - $60.00 (2 years)
* ( 6 ads per page when available)
Send ad payment
p y
to John Neff
* Send ad copy to Richard Gehr
October-November-December 2012.
families were invited and some photos were shown.
I met with Fibber’s daughter and his two sons. One
looks just like Fibber and one sounds like him. Sure
was nice to meet with them and catch up on some
of Fib’s stories.
After helping Al with the blues, they didn’t pass
this year. So, Al has to go work a little harder as now
he knows all the rules as the Standard Committee
met with us. We will see what Al has for us next
I’d like to welcome all the new officers to the
board John Neff Secretary-Treasurer, Directors Sue
Boarden, Tony Bell, Arnold Schmidt, David Klindt.
Don’t forget the Spring National All New Zealand
show in Jefferson Wisconsin, April 19-21, 2013. We
sure can use some more specials. Hope to see you
all there. Bring lots of New Zealands to make our
Judges work and help support the show.
The 2013 ARBA Convention will be in Pennsylvania.
Rick Shipe and Bruce Himmelberger are our breed
Have happy Holidays
by David Cardinal
The convention in Wichita is
over with great memories. A
large number of New Zealands
was shown from all parts of
the country including Canada.
Talking with our Judges, the
quality ran very deep back into classes in all the
varieties. It was good to visit with old and new
John Neff came over to me while I was Judging
the Mini Rex and told me the great news that I
won Best of Breed. I wish I was there to watch the
Judging, as it is a great feeling winning a show this
large. Then on to win Best of Group, was an over
whelming experience.
I what to thank Robert Crawford, for selling me his
Sire, the last year Best In Show winner. The genetics
are in the blood lines. You just have to work hard
to keep it going he always tells me. I believe he is
exactly right..
Maybe next year can be your year.
Our Banquet was a good success with good food.
This year we honored Larry Snavely, we went around
the room as everyone introduced themselves, and
mentioned some kind of statement or story about
Larry. It was good humor with lots of friendship
and we honored him with the Outstanding Member
Award, the highest award in the New Zealand
Larry is not just an outstanding member, he is a
great friend and a great rabbit breeder. He is there to
make you laugh and helps you forget sometimes.
If you know any member that deserve this award
please get ahold of Arnold Schmidt and let him
We had a great turn out at the General meeting.
We discussed some changes to the Constitution and
some name changes in the Standards Committee, so
look for those in the future as Tony Bell is prepping
that for us.
Gordon Fry a New Zealand Federation icon came
to the meeting this year. It was great to see him.
He brought old photos of other New Zealand Icons.
It was sure great to meet him again after all these
years. He signed me up as a member before Harry
At the ARBA Banquet they had dedicated the show
to three Gentlemen Bobby Walker, Stan Pulliam
and one of our own icons, Fibber McGehee. There
New Zealand Times
Congratulations, Dave
BOB and Best of Group
Welcome New Members
(since last issue)
by John Neff
Mickey & Margaret
Richard & Robin
Kelly-Anne & Michael
Lori & Patrick
Chuck & Louise
Alice & Susan
Matt & Terri
Ivan Roger
Jane & Perry
Kylie & Kierstin
Bill & Sue
Dave & Janet
Ryan & Jennifer
Doug & Julie
Julia Lee
Pete & Carol
Lori & John
ow, I for one had a great
time in Wichita. I would
like to start off by congratulating
all of our Winners. In Youth, BOB
Caleb Taulbee with a White 6-8
buck, BOS Thanet, Julia & Caroline
Lawrence with a White Sr. Doe. Matthew Boes had
Best Meat Pen. In Open BOB David Cardinal with a
White 6-8 buck & BOS was Dean Sinders with a White
6-8 doe. David’s White 6-8 went on to be a Group
Winner. This buck was out of last year’s BIS Winner
of Robert Crawford, what an awesome story…
I want to thank everyone who worked so hard @
the Convention, in the booth, carrying rabbits and
writing for the judges. So much goes on at these
shows and our great members step up to handle
these jobs. A Big thank-you to Larry Snavely who
served as our Breed Chairman, the Klindt’s & Benker’s
for donating the great animals to our raffle and the
members who donated all of the beautiful NZ’s to our
auction. Please find the auction details elsewhere in
this issue of the Times…
We had a very good Board & General Meeting. The
minutes of both meetings are also printed in this
The week in Wichita concluded with our Banquet. I
thought this was one of our best banquets, and other
than running out of desserts, the food was very good.
We had the pleasure of honoring Larry Snavely with
the Outstanding Member award and even roasted
Larry with many great stories of our good friend…
With Wichita behind us, it’s time to focus on our
Spring National in Wisconsin. Our President, David
Cardinal is hard at work on this show. Please watch
for details on both the website and future issues
of the Times as they become available. Mark these
dates down and start making your plans to head to
Jefferson in April…
Rick Shipe has our Host Hotel in Harrisburg for the
2013 ARBA Convention and is also working on the
banquet, thanks Rick…
Before I bring this to a close I want to “THANK”
all of the Members, Officers & Directors for the
overwhelming support they have given to Julie & I.
We try to do our very best for the Federation and we
truly appreciate hearing from you all.
Now it’s time to bring this to a close and I hope you
all have a Great Holiday and the Very Best in the New
Year ahead.
October-November-December 2012.
Director Report
by Tony Bell, TX
First of all I would
like to thank those of you who
took the time to vote for either
of the two of us who ran in
the election. With this being
the first time we have had an
actual vote a larger response would have been nice,
but thanks again for those of you who did respond.
Hopefully next year Mark will run again. Also, if we
can get more people to fill in petitions there can be
more people on the ballot.
Our prayers go out to the people of the Northeast,
especially any of our members that may have been
affected by Hurricane Sandy. Nature is one of the
more difficult factors that we have to deal with.
I will still be working on the issues that are brought
up with the Constitution and By-Laws as well as the
Rules that govern several of the activities of the
Federation. The recommendations that were made
at the last membership meeting are almost complete
and I’m working on another couple of changes that
have been requested since. Please feel free to
contact me with any ideas or suggestions you may
have. The changes should be ready to be published
in the next New Zealand Times.
One thing that struck me at the Board and
membership meetings was the misinterpretations of
some of the proposals. If there are any question
about what is being presented I will be happy to
answer them. When I write the changes that are
requested all I try to do is translate the desires of
the Federation into language that is consistent with
the Constitution and By-Laws as they currently exist.
When it comes to voting, the outcome is up to the
membership and if it isn’t passed that is fine with me.
I only want to make sure that the intent and possible
outcome are understood correctly.
May you have a successful Winter show season
and many babies in spite of what
Mother Nature throws at us.
Take care,
Best of Breed New Zealand
2012 ARBA National Convention
White 6/8 Buck
David Cardinal
Also won Best of Group 2
Please turn to the back cover and check the
label to see if your expiration date will come
before the next printing of the Times.
If so, you need to send in your dues and renew
now to remain current with your membership.
New Zealand Breeder
555 Bunny Lane
Hutchville, USA 12345
New Zealand Times
Director Report
Director Report
by Pete Basgil, TX
by Wendall Tisher, SD
e had a good time at
the convention seeing
every one and getting the
chance to visit with our friends.
Cardinal on his taking BOB and
then getting best of group.
It is good to have New Zealand’s in the top and
competing for best in show. I want to thank those
of you that helped out during the show. People were
selling tickets in the booth, carrying rabbits setting
the booth up and so on. It makes it a good show and
fun when people pitch in and get it done.
I want to thank John and Julie Neff for all of the
work they do for the club. They work hard to keep
the sweepstakes points up to date. Then making
sure they get to the show with ll of the sweepstakes
plaques. I know what kind of work just the treasures’
job is because I’ve done it for the past seven years for
our local club. And Lori has done the show secretary
job for several years also. I appreciate the help we
get from you both.
I want to thank Bruce for the article he put in the
Times. In fact we just went back and re-read it then I
called Bruce to find out more info on the Ag Boy fans
that go above your cages to help with the summer
heat. He says 1 fan will cover 300 square feet for
about $90.00. That’s a deal since I have some 30
inch drum fans that cost about $180.00.
We look forward to seeing you at the National in
Wisconsin this spring. David is taking ads for the
catalog and money for the specials you want to place.
Just contact him directly. His info is in the Times. Lisa
thanks for your help in collecting the donations at the
banquet and those of you who gave so generously.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all and a
Merry Christmas to each and every one
of you and your family.
Take Good Care,
s I write this (Nov. 11)
Winter has set in. It
is most welcome after the hot
dry summer that we have all
experienced. I woke up to a
couple of inches of snow this
This is the most
moisture we have had since the first week of June.
The convention is over and it was a great time.
Congratulations to all who showed the great New
Zealands. Classes were deep with many that were
in the middle of the class were only lacking in fur or
slight flesh condition. Those same ones could very
well be the winners in a few weeks Any way I have
them locked away for the winter. I have bred several
does since I got home so hope to have lots to choose
from for the late spring through next fall shows.
When I got home I was saddened and angered with
a letter that had arrived while I was at convention.
Saddened that someone is sending unsigned letters
that threaten one of our officers . A threat is an offense
and since it was sent through the mail it is a federal
offense. If the person is identified (there are ways to
find out) she/he could be doing some hard time and
at least be put on probation by the Federation and
also ARBA. If you have a gripe, be person enough to
go to the person and get it straightened out..With all
the outside pressure we get from extreme groups we
do not need inside hassles. Let us build a bigger and
stronger Federation.
Canadian Members
Due to Federal Banking Regulations…. All
payments made to the AFNZRBA MUST be in
the form of a “POSTAL MONEY ORDER” in
Made Payable to: JOHN T. NEFF
October-November-December 2012.
Director Report
Director Report
by Jean Harris, WA
by Tony Fortney, KY
New Zealand Friends
What a great job the
Wichita people did putting on
the convention, considering all
the rabbits and cavies that were
entered. They had to utilize
every inch of space that could hold a cage. I even
noticed that they did not run out of feed or shavings,
there was enough right up to the end. That is quite
feat in itself. Very nice rabbits were on hand. Our
New Zealands were great as usual. Congrats to all
the winners.
I would like to personally thank our Federation
Secretary John Neff. He and his wife Julie do an
outstanding job for us. Unless you have had a
position like that the average person doesn’t have a
clue the amount of time it takes to do the job. It just
isn’t taking care of the memberships, but keeping
track of all the sweepstakes business, as well as all of
our patches, shirts, etc. Thank you John and Julie!
The northwest is still seeing a nice number of New
Zealands being shown in our fall shows. Our quality
is on the rise. We have several red New Zealand
breeders now. We will have to watch out before long
they will be beating the whites and the
Everyone have a good holiday season.
Hope you nest boxes are full for spring
show jjuniors.
ongratulations to all the
winners at the ARBA
convention held in Wichita,
Kansas. Top honors in the open
went to D. Cardinal BOB and
D. Sinders BOS and C. Taulbee
BOB and the Lawrences and Law BOS in youth.
Fall shows in full swing with local clubs putting
one on about every weekend somewhere in the
tri-state. Not a lot of New Zealands shown here in
Kentucky. Just a handful at most shows and even
less in youth.
We lost another pioneer of the breed with the
passing of Randolph Dude Bagby of Evansville,
Indiana in November. He will be missed
by all of us. Looking forward to seeing
everybody real soon.
Director Report
by Al Esterline, IN
e 2012 Convention
has came and passed.
to David Cardinal and Dean
Sinders for the two top NZ’s,
both whites. In youth BOB went
to Caleb Taulbee and T Lawewnce/Lawrence/Law,
congratulations to our youth winners.
Piketon, OH (OSNZRBA) show, congratulations
goes to Bob and Peggy Crawford for the top two
NZ’s, both juniors.In youth a congratulations goes to
Brooke Enders for BOB and Taylor Ramsey for BOS.
Thanks goes out to Sue Borden and Larry Snively
for a well organized show and banquet. Once again
Arnie and Sue did a very nice and attractive booth at
our convention.
When I get the update for the blue standards from
the standard committee, I will post it out on the NZ
website and also put it in the nest NZ Times.
Lastly I pay tribute with a very special congratulations
to a very special person, Larry Snively for his award
of, Outstanding NZ Member of the year.
Thanks Larry for everything you have done
for us p
personallyy and for the NZ club.
judy currie
1430 Courtland Ave.
Victoria, B.C. Canada V9E 2C5
(250) 479-7474
Blacks - Whites - Reds
[email protected]
New Zealand Times
Director Report
Advertisers in the Times:
Page Advertisers
by Lisa Jenings, MO
ank you to john Neff You
do a great job! I enjoyed
hanging out at the booth during
the convention.
Thanks to Larry Snavely also.
He was our breed chairman for
the New Zealands at Kansas. Congrats for receiving
the outstanding member award. We roasted Larry at
the banquet too.
Congrats to all winners. I got pictures of Open
winners, so if anyone had Youth pictures I hope they
sent them to Dick Gehr.
David has a new grand baby.....congrats!
Grandkids are so great. Gunnar had a blast showing
and was a good helper, right Larry?
It only cost $5.00!
Well,, ‘til Spring......
p g
Rick Shipe, Cole & Edith & Tony Folker,
Donnie & Tina Hornback, Tony & Diane Fortney,
Lawrence & Angie Weeks
Basgil & Borden, Carver & Kellogg, The Rabbit Tutor
Pleaz & Jane Kirby
Tim & Sue Ellen Repine
Judy Currie
Bruce Himmelberger
Terry Grubb
Manuel & Linda Hidalgo
Wendall Tisher
Nathan & Lindsey Upah, KD Cages
David Mangione
Sarah & Scott Ouellette, Max Reeser,
Robert & Sue Estes , Dean & Adam Benker
William Rome, Glen Ware, Ped2Web
Arnie & Sue Schmidt, Elaine Ball, Cooper & Esterline
Folker & Himmelberger, John Logsdon
Canadian Members
Special Thanks
to Lisa for taking
the pictures at
Due to Federal Banking Regulations…. All
payments made to the AFNZRBA MUST be in
the form of a “POSTAL MONEY ORDER” in
Made Payable to: JOHN T. NEFF
himmelberger’s rabbitry
Quailty New Zealand
Bruce Himmelberger
(717) 865 5803
Box 173
[email protected]
Bethel, PA 19507
October-November-December 2012.
Director Report
Director Report
by Sue Borden, LA
by Larry Lunz, OH
convention is behind
us. I may have said that last
year’s convention in Indiana
was the best ever but I will now
have to give this year in Wichita
an A+. Here are a few reasons
for this being another great convention.
First , David Cardinal’s New Zealand came close to
taking the coveted BIS by winning his group . The
rabbit was beautiful and represented our breed just
like last year’s New Zealand. Congrats to David for a
great win.
Number two, thanks to all exhibiters for the amazing
number of New Zealands shown. The quality of
animals that came across the table were top notch.
Our judges were challenged in every class. I want to
thank them for all their hard work.
Number three, thanks to all our members who
helped in any way . We have a great group of people
that are always willing to lend a hand where needed.
John Neff, our very hard working secretary takes
care of all the basics that need to be done before ,
during and after a big show like this. I wish you could
all know the work that is done all year to prepare
for conventions. I think most of our membership
appreciates that we have a secretary who truly cares
about this breed and serves us well. Thank you John
and to your helpmate, Julie for all that you do for this
Number four, Larry Snavely was awarded the
Outstanding Member of the year at our banquet. Larry
has served this club for so many years and this award
is long overdue. Paul and I are privileged to call
Larry a friend and it was especially great to see him
receive this particular club award. Congratulations
Looking forward to our next National show in
Wisconsin next April. Our President David Cardinal
will keep us updated on the information you need
to make your plans to attend. Our next convention
is back where Paul and I started our rabbit habit,
our home state of Pennsylvania. Our first convention
was York, Pa. back in 1976. We are looking forward
to our return there as it holds special meaning for us
Finally, thank you for allowing me to serve this
club again. I will do the best I can to serve this
membership and this breed. I have always asked our
members to contact me with anything that you thing
will benefit our club in a positive manner. My e-mail
address is listed and I hope you will contact me with
our concerns or suggestions.
New Zealand Times
all is about over and
Winter is approaching
us fast. That is all we really
wanted to hear isn’t it? I hope
all our members of the East
and Northeast survived the
Hurricane Sandy without much
damage. This weather is really changing in different
I would like to congratulate all the winners in
Wichita. I heard there was a good turnout of New
Zealands. I hope everyone had a safe trip to and
from the show. Hope to see everybody in Wisconsin
in 2013. Happy Holidays to everyone.
Director Report
by David Klindt, IA
pe everybody had a
good time in Kansas.
Sounds like there was a really
good N.Z. showing with lots of
good quality rabbits as always.
I was unable to make it because
we had a strech of rainy weather
for a week and a half before we were ready to leave
for the nationals and the weather turned good a day
before I was ready to leave. I stayed home to help
finish the harvest so Sara went to Kansas and showed
the rabbits. Congratulations to Dave Cardinal for
winning BOB and for Dean Sinders for winning BOS.
Now that the natonals are over the late fall show
season is really heating up. We just had our clubs
fall show on Nov. 11 with a very good turn out of
rabbits. Have another show to go to in Peoria Ill.
then we are heading to Sedalia Missouri for the state
convention on the first week of Dec. That is always a
very good show with a large number of N.Z.’s. Since I
misssed the show this fall I am really looking forward
to the spring national in Jefferson Wisconsin. By now
the Jr.’s should be in the nest box so good luck to
this winter.
2012 – ARBA General Meeting
2012 – ARBA Board Meeting
Wichita, KS. ~ 10/29/12
Wichita, KS. ~ 10/27/12
The General Meeting was called to order by
President David Cardinal @ 10.30
Roll call of Officers: Present Pres. David Cardinal,
Sec-Treas. John Neff. Directors, Arnold Schmidt, Pete
Basgil, Jean Harris, Wendall Tisher & Lisa Jennings.
Reading of the Minutes: A motion was made by
Arnold Schmidt, 2nd by Pete Basgil to accept the
minutes as printed in the Times. Motion Passed
Report of Officers: Sec-Treas. Neff reported
that the Federation has $8428.77 in checking with
no outstanding debt and $4741.64 in Savings
(Scholarship). A motion to accept the report was
made by Wendall Tisher, 2nd by Arnold Schmidt,
motion passed.
Committee Reports: Audit – Joe Kellogg reported
that he audited the Federation and found everything
in order.
Awards Committee: Arnold & Sue Schmidt reported
that they are not getting any names for both the Hall
of Fame & Outstanding Member awards. The BOD
did vote in their meeting for the 2012 Outstanding
Member Award. Afetr some discussion Sue Schmidt
suggested and made a motion to set a May 1st
deadline for nominating for these awards, 2nd by
Wendall Tisher, motion passed.
C&BL Committee: Tony Bell read & discussed the
Constitution changes as printed in the Times. After
further discussion with the membership, the motion
failed. It was decided that further changes were
needed, mostly wording and that Tony Bell would
make these changes and re-submit to be printed in
the Times, this included the By-laws changes.
The meeting was called to order by President
Cardinal @ 11:25.
Roll Call of Officers: Present Pres. David Cardinal,
Sec-Treas. John Neff. Directors, Arnold Schmidt, Pete
Basgil, Al Esterline, Jean Harris, Wendall Tisher, Lisa
Jennings. Incoming Directors, Sue Borden & Tony
Bell were also in attendance…
President Cardinal asked for the reading of the
minutes from the previous meeting, a motion to
accept the minutes as printed in the Times was made
by, Arnie Schmidt, 2nd by Wendall Tisher. Motion
Treasurers Report: Sec-Treas Neff reported that
the Federation has $8,428.97 in checking with no
outstanding debt at this time , and $4,741.64 in
Savings (scholarship).
Scholarship Committee: Chairman Cardinal gave a
report that one application was received from Zach
Miller of NM. After some discussion a motion was
made to give Zach $500 by Pete Basgil, 2nd by Jean
Harris. Motion passed.
Tony Bell gave a report on the C&BL’s committee.
First item discussed as the proposed changes to the
Standards committee. It was decided that some
wording changes are needed. Tony will take care of
these changes and re-submit the proposal with the
corrected wording. The other item discussed was the
number of Directors and Term Limits of Officers. After
much discussion a motion was made to withdraw
this presentation by Lisa Jenning, 2nd by Pete Basgil,
motion passed. Tony Bell will re-submit this proposal
with the changes discussed.
Awards Committee: Arnie Schmidt reported that
the name of Larry Snavely has been presented for
the Outstanding Member Award. A motion was made
to present larry this award by Lisa Jennings, 2nd by
Wendall Tisher, motion passed.
Commercial Committee: Al Esterline asked that
we allow the ad for KD Cages to continue in the
Times free of charge? KD again this year donated
the stacking cage for our rabbit raffle. A motion to
continue the ad was made by Al Esterline, 2nd by
Wendall Tisher, motion passed…
Sweepstakes: Sec. Neff reported on the amount of
late show reports received, also the times that Meat
Pen & Single Fryer reports are not be submitted?
Old Business: Nothing else reported at this time.
New Business: President Cardinal brought up the
issue of the Judging order for the Convention. A
motion to accept the order as discussed was made by
Arnie Schmidt, 2nd by Pete Basgil, motion passed.
Standard Committee: Tony Bell read the proposed
changes and after some discussion it was decided
that some wording needed to be changed. Tony Bell
will make these changes and they too will be printed
in the Times.
No other Old Business:
New Business: President David Cardinal swore in
the following new Officers, Sec-Treas. John Neff and
Directors, Sue Borden, Tony Bell & Arnold Schmidt.
C&BL, Tony Bell mentioned another item that need
to be reviewed in the total number of members
needed at our meetings. With our membership
numbers being down it was thought that we should
reduce these numbers. Tony will also work on these
No other New Business.
Dean Benker made a motion to adjourn @ 11:13.
Respectively submitted: John T. Neff, Sec-Treas.
October-November-December 2012.
Judge Selection Committee: After much discussion,
Lisa Jennings made a motion, 2nd by Pete Basgil that
the list of Convention Judges needed to be reviewed.
Motion passed.
Motion to adjourn was made by Lisa Jennings @
Respectively submitted: John T. Neff Sec-Treas.
2012 Convention NZ Auction – Wichita, KS
S & D Klindt
Basgil - Borden
J & J Neff
Al Esterline
John Logdson
Joe Kellogg
Lisa Jennings
Wendall Tisher*
Jean Harris*
David Cardinal
Joe Combs
David Cardinal
Bill Gardhouse
A & D Benker
Broken Buck
White 6-8 Doe
White 6-8 Buck
Broken 6-8 Doe
White Doe
White 6-8 Doe
Black Jr. Doe
Red Jr. Doe
Broken Jr. Doe
Black Jr. Buck
White 6-8 Buck
White Jr. Doe
White Jr. Buck
White 6-8 Doe
Sale Price
K. Bartz
K. Vogel
L. Morgan
S. Howman
K. Vogel
W. Tisher
D. Konzek
K. Bartz
D. Spere
M. Popkin
S. Klindt
M. Rosenburg
L. Morgan
K. Schali
Total $3245 * Wendall Tisher & Jean Harris donated all of their proceeds to the Federation
Total to Federation $1767.50 – Total to Sellers $1477.50
New Zealand Times
Wichita, Kansas
Place Sr Bucks (7)
1 Wendall Tisher
2 Greg Wauthier
3 Max & Darlene Reeser
4 Jim/Nancy/Ryan Effling
5 Holly Chestnut
6 Bonita Varner
7 DQ
Place Sr Bucks (15)
1 Bob Price
2 Laverne & Jean Ritzma
3 Randy Stoen
4 Dean & Adam Benker
5 Holly Chestnut
6 Laverne & Jean Ritzma
7 Alice & Susan Howman
8 David & Sara Klindt
9 Alice & Susan Howman
10 Kim Bartz
Sr Does (7)
Max & Darlene Reeser
Greg Wauthier
Katelynn Schali
Jerry Thayer
Dean & Adam Benker
Joe Combs
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
Cooper & Esterline
Fred & Sheila McConn
S Estep
6/8 Bucks (21)
Joe Combs
Joe Combs
Max & Darlene Reeser
A Esterline/S Cooper
Jerry Thayer
Matt/Terri/Bailey Lick
Jean Harris
A Esterline/S Cooper
D.R. Slavik
Wendall Tisher
6/8 Does (25)
A Esterline/S Cooper
Greg Wauthier
Jean Harris
A Esterline/S Cooper
A Esterline/S Cooper
Matt/Terri/Bailey Lick
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
Jim/Nancy/Ryan Effling
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
A Esterline/S Cooper
Jr Bucks (27)
David Cardinal
D.R. Slavik
A Esterline/S Cooper
Joe Combs
Max & Darlene Reeser
Alice & Susan Howman
D.R. Slavik
Alice & Susan Howman
Matt/Terri/Bailey Lick
A Esterline/S Cooper
**BOV **
Jr Does (38)
A Esterline/S Cooper
Alice & Susan Howman
A Esterline/S Cooper
Jim/Nancy/Ryan Effling
A Esterline/S Cooper
Wendall Tisher
Jean Harris
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
A Esterline/S Cooper
D.R. Slavik
Sr Does (9)
Bob Price
Dean & Adam Benker
P/L Basgil & S/P Borden
Denise & Windy Konzek
Jean Harris
Bonita Varner
Holly Chestnut
6/8 Bucks (19)
Dean & Adam Benker
Holly Esterline
Laverne & Jean Ritzma
Laverne & Jean Ritzma
Rick & Mallory Munster
Alice & Susan Howman
Nicole & Cheryl Mudrack
Holly Esterline
Wendall Tisher
Zachary Weber
6/8 Does (19)
Holly Esterline
Dean & Adam Benker
Alice & Susan Howman
Blayne & Kim Vogel
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
Holly Esterline
Rick & Mallory Munster
Joe Combs
Holly Esterline
Jean Harris
Jr Bucks (27)
Holly Esterline
Dean & Adam Benker
Holly Esterline
Holly Esterline
Alice & Susan Howman
Jean Harris
Laverne & Jean Ritzma
Holly Esterline
Dean & Adam Benker
Holly Esterline
Jr Does (23)
Laverne & Jean Ritzma
Holly Esterline
Dean & Adam Benker
Holly Esterline
Alice & Susan Howman
Randy Stoen
Holly Esterline
G Rowbotham/L Jennings
Heath & Tammy Rush
Alice & Susan Howman
6/8 Bucks (11)
David & Sara Klindt
Mike Cucchiara
Jeff & Dori Moore
Katelynn Schali
Wendall Tisher
Rick Cole
Paul Burr
Jeff & Dori Moore
Bonita Varner
Greg Wauthier
6/8 Does (16)
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
Wendall Tisher
Wendall Tisher
David & Sara Klindt
Greg Wauthier
Wendall Tisher
David & Sara Klindt
Katelynn Schali
Jeff & Dori Moore
Jr Bucks (12)
David & Sara Klindt
Wendall Tisher
Greg Wauthier
David & Sara Klindt
David & Sara Klindt
David & Sara Klindt
David & Sara Klindt
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
Wendall Tisher
Steve & Shirley Rome
Jr Does (17)
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
Greg Wauthier
Wendall Tisher
David & Sara Klindt
Wendall Tisher
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
Arnie & Sue Schmidt
David & Sara Klindt
Jeff & Dori Moore
Mike Cucchiara
**BOB, BOV***
6/8 Bucks (63)
David Cardinal
David Cardinal
Heath & Tammy Rush
William Gardhouse
John & Julie Neff
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
John & Julie Neff
Dean & Adam Benker
John Logsdon
**BOS, BOSV***
6/8 Does (71)
Dean Sinders
Dean Sinders
Joe Kellogg
William Gardhouse
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
James Taulbee
Jr Bucks (54)
David Cardinal
Heath & Tammy Rush
William Gardhouse
Heath & Tammy Rush
D.R. Slavik
P/L Basgil & S/P Borden
Heath & Tammy Rush
Tim Repine
Loyd Morgan, Jr
Randy Stoen
Jr Does (62)
Dean Sinders
William Gardhouse
Joe Combs
David Cardinal
David Cardinal
David & Sara Klindt
Dean & Adam Benker
John & Julie Neff
Dean & Adam Benker
P/L Basgil & S/P Borden
Sr Bucks (7)
David & Sara Klindt
David & Sara Klindt
Jeff & Dori Moore
Wendall Tisher
Mike Cucchiara
Greg Wauthier
Paul Burr
Sr Does (6)
Greg Wauthier
Wendall Tisher
David & Sara Klindt
Paul Burr
Sr Bucks (32)
Dean & Adam Benker
Joe Kellogg
William Gardhouse
Dean & Adam Benker
Tim Repine
John Logsdon
John Gard
William Gardhouse
P/L Basgil & S/P Borden
Dean & Adam Benker
Sr Does (24)
Dean & Adam Benker
Loyd Morgan, Jr
Dean & Adam Benker
Nicole & Cheryl Mudrack
David & Sara Klindt
Joe Kellogg
P/L Basgil & S/P Borden
William Gardhouse
Carolyn Rogers
Dean & Adam Benker
White Fur (7)
Colored Fur (6)
Dean & Adam Benker
Randy Stoen
William Gardhouse
Dean & Adam Benker
William Gardhouse
James Taulbee
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
Dean & Adam Benker
Holly Chestnut
Dean & Adam Benker
D.R. Slavik
Dean & Adam Benker
October-November-December 2012.
Wichita, Kansas
Place Sr Bucks (2)
1 Becca & Bryant Miller
2 Julie Thornton
Broken **BOSV**
Place Sr Bucks (4)
1 Julie Thornton
2 Becca & Bryant Miller
3 Josiah Searfoss
4 DQ
Place Sr Bucks (0)
Sr Bucks (9)
T/J/C Lawrence
Blaine Mills
Kyle/Corey/Catilyn Spees
Tim Werner
Francisca Hinojosa
Alexandra Gast
Blake & Brock Hadley
Alexandra Gast
Becca & Bryant Miller
6/8 Does (10)
Dylan Wauthier
Julie Thornton
Becca & Bryant Miller
Blake & Brock Hadley
Becca & Bryant Miller
Katelynn Schali
Becca & Bryant Miller
Julie Thornton
Devyn Thor
Devyn Thor
Sr Does (6)
Julie Thornton
Julie Thornton
Kyle/Corey/Catilyn Spees
Becca & Bryant Miller
Katelynn Schali
6/8 Bucks (6)
Katelynn Schali
Becca & Bryant Miller
Dylan Wauthier
Julie Thornton
Devyn Thor
Sr Does (2)
Becca & Bryant Miller
Katelynn Schali
6/8 Bucks (2)
Katelynn Schali
Matthew Boes
6/8 Does (3)
Katelynn Schali
Andi Wolfe
Julie Thornton
6/8 Bucks (4)
Fallon Vauble
Katelynn Schali
Dylan Wauthier
Fallon Vauble
6/8 Does (4)
Katelynn Schali
Fallon Vauble
Dylan Wauthier
Savana Kintzler
**BOB, BOV***
6/8 Bucks (10)
Caleb Taulbee
Fallon Vauble
Blake & Brock Hadley
Maren Duncan
Fallon Vauble
Alexandra Gast
Maren Duncan
Rose Reible
Kelsi Anderson
Terra Desautell
6/8 Does (13)
T/J/C Lawrence
T/J/C Lawrence
T/J/C Lawrence
Fallon Vauble
Blake & Brock Hadley
Travis Akehurst
Terra Desautell
Kelsi Anderson
Blaine Mills
Terra Desautell
Sr Does (0)
**BOS, BOSV***
Sr Does (4)
T/J/C Lawrence
T/J/C Lawrence
Becca & Bryant Miller
Kyle/Corey/Catilyn Spees
White Fur (0)
New Zealand Times
Jr Does (10)
Becca & Bryant Miller
Savana Kintzler
Becca & Bryant Miller
Blake & Brock Hadley
Fallon Vauble
Savana Kintzler
Dylan Wauthier
Blake & Brock Hadley
Matthew Boes
Jr Bucks (2)
Katelynn Schali
Blake & Brock Hadley
Jr Does (7)
Fallon Vauble
Shayna Bolen
Andi Wolfe
Fallon Vauble
Katelynn Schali
Anette Trieb
Jr Bucks (2)
Dylan Wauthier
Savana Kintzler
Jr Does (4)
Savana Kintzler
Blake & Brock Hadley
Dylan Wauthier
Savana Kintzler
Jr Bucks (19)
Fallon Vauble
Fallon Vauble
Tim Werner
Hailey Kolb
Rose Reible
Becca & Bryant Miller
Alexandra Gast
Becca & Bryant Miller
Alexandra Gast
Blake & Brock Hadley
Jr Does (18)
Sarah Brown
Becca & Bryant Miller
Erica Haas
Kyle/Corey/Catilyn Spees
Valeri & Hilari Sprouse
Valeri & Hilari Sprouse
Rose Reible
Rachael Love
Cody Dahlberg
Rose Reible
Colored Fur (2)
BOV Black ~ Cooper & Esterline
Jr Bucks (3)
Katelynn Schali
Dylan Wauthier
Devyn Thor
BOV Broken~ Holly Esterline
Becca & Bryant Miller
Becca & Bryant Miller
BOV Red ~ Arnie & Sue Schmidt
BOV White ~ Dave Cardinal
Congratulations, Larry Snavely
Outstanding Member Award
October-November-December 2012.
I can still remember back in the 60’s and if someone
would have asked you who you thought the top ten
rabbit breeders in the country at the time, most would
have answered several of the New Zealand breeders,
but always the name Bagby would always be at top of
the list and through the years that didn’t ever seem
to change! More than once I’ve heard breeders ask
“Fib” who he most worried about competing against
and every time he would answer “Bagby” without any
hesitation! Wally told me one time that it took Dude
five years to beat Harry Rice on the show table when
he first got started and after that he never looked
Since the news of his death, and while speaking to
other breeders about some of there past memories of
Dude over the years they have all had there favorite
stories to pass on, Randy Shumaker spoke of the time
in 1989 Tulsa convention where Cindy Wickizer was
picking best 6 class and Dude was standing at the
end of the show table and Cindy pulled out the Giant
Angora and instead of placing it back in a holding
coop she just handed it to Dude to hold for her why
her attention went back to the rest of the winners. He
said the look on Dudes face was priceless as he stood
there holding this giant ball of wool with a discussed
look on his face. I remember reading after Fib past
on, that Manuel Hidalgo wrote and reminded us that
even though Fib had won four BIS ARBA National
Conventions, that both Fib and B&Z rabbitry each
won three each with there NZ whites and seven times
each Best Of Breed! The most told story I’ve heard
from judges and breeders over and over in resent
years was dating back to the 1990 ARBA convention
held in Tamps FL. where they had first and second
intermediate does, the first place belonging to Wally
and the second place belonging to Dude and it been
said by several judges those does where the best
they ever seen! Caleb Thomas recalled that he judged
the Silver Martens that year and Tex Thomas won
Best Silver Marten with a doe that Caleb thought was
exceptional and she ended up winning Best 4 class.
Caleb was voted to pick the Best six class and he
picked B&Z’s doe for Best six class and he knew that
Doc Reed who was going to be picking for Best in
Show would have his hands full with the two rabbits
he had to pick from as Caleb felt both animals where
as nice of animals as you could hope for to represent
the ARBA. Now we know now that Doc picked the
New Zealand and gave B&Z rabbitry there third BIS
in a short span of just seven years! Now according
to Glen Carr he was judging a show in Georgia a few
weeks later after the convention and was judging
the New Zealands and came across a really hot NZ
white doe and he assumed that it was the was one
of those does from the convention and afterwards he
asked Dude if that was the doe from the convention
and Dude responded by telling Glen that this was
Randolph “Dude” Bagby
Dude on left, and partner Wally Zahn on right
e rabbit industry has lost again another
great legend with the passing of Randolph
“Dude” Bagby! After receiving the news,wonderful
memories came to mine as when I first met him and
his show partner Mr.Wally Zahn,at a show held in
Terre Haute IN, it was the spring of 1967. I’ll never
forget him getting upset at Wally as I introduced
myself to them and while Wally was being polite and
taking the time to answer some questions, I couldn’t
help notice Dude chewing the hell out of a piece of
gum and was busy spiting in his hands and rubbing
there entries down, as he was getting them ready
to put on the show table and he finally looked up at
Wally and ask him if came to talk or show rabbits?
Wow,I thought to myself, this man is sure intense
about showing his rabbits and that was a really
profound moment for me. But as I learned the game
of showing rabbits at a young age,the top breeders
back then, seemed serious and about showing there
rabbits and I felt if I wanted to be good at showing
rabbits then I would have to plan on being the same.
As I got to know and visit them both, I learned that
they where very different outside the show room!
Dude was a real gentleman and always respectful
when I would visit him, a family man,avid gardner
and a true rabbit visionary! His New Zealand White’s
where tight skinned,hard bodied with beautiful,
dense plush coats! He was one of the true masters
of getting them in condition and as a matter fact I’ve
heard more than few times a judge refer to stroking a
rabbits fur while giving remarks and committing that
it felt like that “Bagby fur”. Meaning it doesn’t get any
nicer than this folks! He would tell me faults to him
where heavy dewlaps and lower skirts around the
base of the hindquarters telling me it looked sloppy
and those animals would usually ended up being soft
in body! Cull hard and then sit back and watch them,
he would tell me, because they will change on you,
he would say with a grin! Dude was very proud of his
rabbits and he had every reason to be...
New Zealand Times
her litter mate and she wasn’t at the convention as
she wasn’t quiet ready! Glen tells the story that she
was probably the best rabbit that he’s ever touched!
Now this is just one of many great wins and stories
from a man who was a member of the ARBA for over
fifty years, and if you where lucky enough to visit
his rabbitry or judge his rabbits through the years
you knew you where in the presence of a true rabbit
genius! He was truly respected by rabbit breeders all
across the country!
He had a long and wonderful friendship with his
showing partner Wally Zahn for many years and I
always felt that they had the up most respect for each
other and it always seem to show when you where
around them. It’s hard to think about one without
thinking of the other. Both of them are in the AFNZRB
hall of fame as they more than deserve to be! But
I’ve always felt if it wasn’t for rabbit breeders like
Mr. Bagby, that dedicated there lives to breed and
improve the quality of animals that they achieved
through the years, we wouldn’t have the quality
rabbits that we see on show tables today!
On a Personal note, Dude was married to his
lovely wife Lurlene for seventy years and they had
three wonderful children Diane, Randy and Vicki.
Six grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren
and one on the way. I have to say that Dude lived a
fulfilling wonderful life! Thanks Dude for all the great
Do you currently have a Federation Patch on your
Show Coat? If not, you need one. It is a proven fact
that 98% more Best of Breeds and Best In Shows
occur when you have a Patch from the AFNZRB on
your Show Coat or in your pocket or purse !!! (Well,
maybe not 98%....... but it could be !!).
You will never know unless you try.
Patches are colorful, stylish, supportive of the
Federation, and very reasonable.
Contact John Neff and order one, two, three, or even
four! They come in all varieties recognized by the
Federation (Black, Boken, Red, White)
Submitted by Doug Harrah, IN
Order today
Send order info and payment to:
John Neff
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
(407) 349-0450
[email protected]
Contact John if you have questions.
• Buy Patches
• Send for Ad in Times
• Send for Ad on Website
• Check Your Times label for
Expiration Date
• Help a New Breeder
• Sign Up a New Member
• Renew Your Membership
• Write an Article for the Times
• SMILE !!
October-November-December 2012.
New Zealand Times
Confirmed April 17, 2010 and after
Jeff Jewett, WA
Paul Kyle, NY
Kevin Hooper, OH
Justin Ambrosino, CA
Bonnie Burdick, NY
Cheryl Blackman, TX
Roger Hassenpflug, OR
Chris Hayhow, KS
Jeff Jewett, WA
Armondo Cabrera, CA
Allan Ormond, UT
Joey Shults, CA
Rusty Westhoff, TN
Cliff Dick, WA
Kevin Hooper, OH
Lloyd Morgan, TX
Stacy Easton, OH
Stacy Easton, OH
Phil Woolet, MI
Brent Rice, IA
Joel Marshall, IL
Glen Carr, OH
Roger Hassenpflug, OR
Ted Deloyola, OR
Ron Riddle, IN
Doug King, CA
Rusty Westhoff, TN
David Cardinal, WI
David Kroenke, KS
Cliff Dick, WA
Ruth Ann Bell, NJ
David Cardinal, WI
Brent Rice, IA
Josh Humphries, TN
John Grimm, IA
October-November-December 2012.
afnzrb hall of fame members
Randolph “Dude” Bagby
AP Barker
Edgar Beamer
Anthony & Kathy Bell
Dr. Robert & Rosalie Berry
Marion Bess
Bill & Mary Bethell
Wayne & Beverly Bordelon
Paul & Sue Borden
Jim Bounakes
Ray & Marge Bradway
Arthur & Julie Burke
Robert & Betty Byrne
Cole Campbell
David Cardinal
Marvin Carley
Ed & Juanita Carpenter
Harvey Carver
Charlie Clark
Joe Combs
Harold & Lu Ellen Conrad
Charlie Crabtree
Robert & Peggy Crawford
Horace Curtis
Frank Cutter
Dr. Alfred DeCastro
Billy E. Dodge
Harold Drudge
Al Esterline
Robert & Sue Estes
Dr. Wendy Feaga
John Fehr
Joe Frizzel
Charles Gibson
C.P. Gilmore
John Glass
Stuart Griffith
Terry Grubb
Paul & Ann Grundtisch
Ray Harris
Marvin Hassler
Allen & Linda Hayes
Mona Helton
Manuel Hidalgo
Curtis Himmelberger
John Jennings
JA Keck
L. Joseph Kellogg
Earnest Kerr
Pleaz & Jane Kirby
Devon Kobold
Carl Kroboth
LA Lee
Guy & Ethel Leger
John Logsdon
Joe Lutes
Walter Mann
Paul Markle
Eabert “Fibber” McGehee
Al Meier
Walter Meyer
James Morter
John T. Neff
Orland Onkst
Buck & Bonnie Phile
William Preshaw
Harry & Deskie Rice
John Richter
Sam Rizzo
Gene Rowbotham
Lisa Rowbotham
Lora Sanders
Fred Saputo
Russell Scheirer
Richard & Karen Shipe
Larry Snavely
Edward Stahl
Robert & Janellen Swartz
Don & Ellen Wick
Walter Zahn
Yucca Valley
Wendall Tisher
29682 Lakeview Place
Pierre, SD 57501
(605) 224-8162
[email protected]
Blacks, Reds, Whites
Broken Variety
New Zealand Times
Step Into the
You might like
what you see.....
Nathan & Lindsey Upah
3175 Hwy. E-36
Clutier, IA 52217
[email protected]
February 15
Need articles on:
October-November-December 2012.
2012 - 2013 Sweepstakes
7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013
updated 11/15/2012
Questions about your Sweepstakes Points or
Sanctioned Shows??
Contact John or Julie Neff
New Zealand Times
2012 - 2013 Sweepstakes
7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013
updated 11/15/2012
October-November-December 2012.
2012 - 2013 Sweepstakes
7/1/2012 - 6/30/2013
updated 11/15/2012
New Zealand Times
CA 9/8/2012 goa0132 Big Valley RA - Judge: Justin Ambrosino # shown: 64 x BOB: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOS: WHITE - Duncan,
Maren - BOV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOSV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOSV: RED - Schali,
Katealynn - BOV: WHITE - Duncan, Maren - BOSV: WHITE - Duncan, Maren - BOV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly - BOSV: BROKEN - Schali, Katealynn
CA 9/8/2012 goa0133 Big Valley RA - Judge: Stanley Bell # shown: 65 x BOB: WHITE - Chesnut, Holly - BOS: WHITE - Duncan, Maren - BOV:
BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOSV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOSV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOV:
WHITE - Chesnut, Holly - BOSV: WHITE - Duncan, Maren - BOV: BROKEN - Schali, Katealynn - BOSV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly
CA 10/6/2012 hoa0303 Sonoma-Marin RA - Judge: MANUEL HIDALGO # shown: 34 x BOB: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly - BOS: WHITE Peters, Ashley - BOSV: BLACK - Chesnut, Holly - BOV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOV: WHITE - Peters, Ashley - BOSV: WHITE - Pinson, Colton BOV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly - BOSV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly
CA 10/6/2012 hoa0304 Sonoma-Marin RA - Judge: Justin Ambrosino # shown: 31 x BOB: WHITE - Peters, Ashley - BOS: BROKEN Chesnut, Holly - BOV: BLACK - Chesnut, Karen - BOSV: BLACK - Chesnut, Holly - BOV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOV: WHITE - Peters, Ashley BOSV: WHITE - Chesnut, Holly - BOV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly - BOSV: BROKEN - Chesnut, Holly
CA 10/6/2012 goa0322 Central Valley RBA - Judge: Ashley Garza # shown: 47 x BOB: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOS: BROKEN Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOSV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: RED - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV:
BROKEN - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOSV: BROKEN - Lowey, Chris & Denise
CA 10/6/2012 goa0321 Central Valley RBA - Judge: Troy Ihrke # shown: 49 x BOB: WHITE - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: BLACK - Lowey,
Chris & Denise - BOSV: BLACK - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: RED - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOV: WHITE - Lowey, Chris & Denise - BOSV:
BROKEN - Lowey, Chris & Denise
CANADA 9/22/2012 goa2201 Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs - Judge: HELEN BROSE # shown: 27 x BOB: WHITE - Tursa, Peter - BOV:
WHITE - Tursa, Peter
CANADA 9/22/2012 goa2200 Ontario Council of Rabbit Clubs - Judge: DON HAVLICEK # shown: 28 x BOB: WHITE - Tursa, Peter - BOS:
WHITE - Tursa, Peter - BOV: WHITE - Tursa, Peter - BOSV: WHITE - Tursa, Peter
CT 9/16/2012 goa1775 Nutmeg RBA - Judge: BONNIE BURDICK # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Tomaszewski, Richard - BOS: WHITE Tomaszewski, Richard - BOV: WHITE - Tomaszewski, Richard - BOSV: WHITE - Tomaszewski, Richard
GA 10/6/2012 hoa3939 Georgia State R&CA - Judge: JAMIE GREEN # shown: 19 x BOB: - Gallander, Jim - BOS: - Gallander, Jim - BOV:
RED - Anderson, Mickey & Margaret - BOSV: RED - Anderson, Mickey & Margaret
GA 10/6/2012 hoa3940 Georgia State R&CA - Judge: Lance Gendron # shown: 20 x BOB: WHITE - Gallander, Jim - BOS: WHITE - Carter,
Mr. & Mrs. Billy - BOV: RED - Anderson, Mickey & Margaret - BOSV: RED - Anderson, Mickey & Margaret - BOV: WHITE - Gallander, Jim - BOSV:
WHITE - Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Billy
IA 8/5/2012 goa2382 Mississippi Valley Fair - Judge: MIKE AVESING # shown: 31 x BOB: WHITE - Klindt, David & Sara - BOS: WHITE Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: WHITE - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: WHITE
- Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: BROKEN - Klindt, David & Sara
IA 8/18/2012 hos0063 Iowa NZ Rabbit Specialty Club - Judge: STEVE ZARUBA # shown: 71 x BOB: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOS: WHITE Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOSV: BLACK - Upah, Nathan & Lindsay - BOV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: RED
- Vauble, Fallon - BOV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: WHITE - Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: BROKEN - Klindt,
David & Sara
IA 8/18/2012 goa2379 Iowa State Fair - Judge: Wade Burkhalter # shown: 75 x BOB: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOS: WHITE - Klindt, David
& Sara - BOV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOSV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara BOV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: WHITE - Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: BROKEN - Klindt, David & Sara
IA 9/15/2012 hoa0279 Waterloo Area RBA - Judge: Justine Erickson # shown: 34 x BOB: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOS: WHITE - Stoen,
Randy - BOV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOV: BROKEN - Stoen, Randy - BOSV:
BROKEN - Stoen, Randy
IA 9/16/2012 goa1551 Clay County Fair - Judge: DERECK TUNTLAND # shown: 37 x BOB: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOS: WHITE - Stoen,
Randy - BOV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: WHITE Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: BROKEN - Stoen, Randy
IA 9/16/2012 goa1550 Clay County Fair - Judge: Alissa Kruger # shown: 43 x BOB: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOS: WHITE - Stoen, Randy
- BOV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: BLACK - Stoen, Randy - BOV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: WHITE - Vauble,
Fallon - BOSV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: BROKEN - Stoen, Randy
IA 9/16/2012 goa2790 Council Bluffs RBA - Judge: BRIONY BARNES # shown: 17 x BOB: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOS: WHITE - Slavik,
D.R. - BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik,
D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
IA 10/6/2012 hoa0225 Iowa State RBA - Judge: GARY GRIMM # shown: 44 x BOB: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOS: BLACK - Winter, Clinton
- BOV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOSV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN Slavik, D.R.
IA 10/6/2012 hoa0224 Iowa State RBA - Judge: LOWELL TRAUSCH # shown: 58 x BOB: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOS: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
- BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
IA 10/6/2012 hoa0222 Iowa State RBA - Judge: DAVID M KROENKE # shown: 88 x BOB: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOS: WHITE - Stoen,
Randy - BOV: BLACK - Winter, Clinton - BOSV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOV:
WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOSV: WHITE - Stoen, Randy - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
October-November-December 2012.
IL 7/21/2012 goa3837 Rock Island County Fair - Judge: WALTER GREBNER # shown: 25 x BOB: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOS: RED Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: RED - Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: WHITE - Klindt, David & Sara - BOSV: WHITE
- Klindt, David & Sara
IL 7/22/2012 goa1127 Iroquois Co. Agricultural - Judge: RICHARD W GEHR # shown: 21 x BOB: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOS: WHITE Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOV: RED - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: RED - Wauthier,
Greg - BOV: WHITE - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean
IL 8/4/2012 goa2789 Kankakee County Fair & Expo - Judge: RICHARD W GEHR # shown: 27 x BOB: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOS: WHITE Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOV: WHITE - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOV: BROKEN
- Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean
IL 8/8/2012 goa2665 Boone County Fair - Judge: RICHARD W GEHR # shown: 63 x BOB: BLACK - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOS: BROKEN
- Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: BLACK - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: BLACK - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: RED - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue BOSV: RED - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: BROKEN - Schmidt,
Arnold & Sue - BOSV: BROKEN - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue
IL 8/17/2012 goa1281 Illinois State Fair - Judge: CALEB THOMAS # shown: 49 x BOB: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOS: RED Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: BLACK - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV: RED - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: RED
- Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne &
Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody
IL 8/18/2012 hoa0089 Illinois RBA - Judge: MARK JACOBS # shown: 51 x BOB: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOS: RED - Schmidt,
Arnold & Sue - BOV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BLACK - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOV: RED - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: RED - Schmidt,
Arnold & Sue - BOV: WHITE - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: WHITE - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BROKEN Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean
IL 8/26/2012 goa2564 Bloomington-Normal RBA - Judge: TOM BERGER # shown: 29 x BOB: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOS:
BROKEN - Price, Bob - BOV: BLACK - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOSV: BLACK - Price, Bob - BOV: RED - Price, Bob - BOV: WHITE - Munster,
Mallory & Rick - BOSV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Price, Bob
IL 8/26/2012 goa2565 Bloomington-Normal RBA - Judge: DAVID CARDINAL # shown: 29 x BOB: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOS:
WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BLACK - Price, Bob - BOSV: BLACK - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: RED - Price, Bob - BOV: WHITE
- Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOSV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Munster,
Mallory & Rick
IL 9/2/2012 goa0870 Southern IL. RBA - Judge: Bill Gendren # shown: 18 x BOB: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOS: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV:
BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody
IL 9/2/2012 goa0871 Southern IL. RBA - Judge: Adam McCabe # shown: 18 x BOB: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody - BOS: BLACK - Bourn, Jody BOV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV: WHITE - Bourn, Jody - BOV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody - BOSV: BROKEN - Bourn, Jody
IL 9/22/2012 doa4271 Illinois RBA - Judge: BUTCH HALL # shown: 113 x BOB: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOS: WHITE - Munster,
Mallory & Rick - BOV: BLACK - Reeser, Max & Darlene - BOSV: BLACK - Reeser, Max & Darlene - BOV: RED - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: RED Luce, Larry - BOV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOSV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV:
BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean
IL 9/22/2012 doa4272 Illinois RBA - Judge: DONYELLE SCHULTZ # shown: 113 x BOB: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOS: BROKEN
- Price, Bob - BOV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV: RED - Embry, Randy - BOSV: RED - Hartman, Ben & Jennifer BOV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BROKEN - Price, Bob - BOSV: BROKEN - Munster, Mallory & Rick
IL 9/23/2012 hos0190 Illinois NZ RB - Judge: BOB PRICE # shown: 106 x BOB: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOS: WHITE - Munster,
Mallory & Rick - BOV: BLACK - Reeser, Max & Darlene - BOSV: BLACK - Bourn, Jody - BOV: RED - Embry, Randy - BOSV: RED - Embry, Randy
- BOV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOSV: WHITE - Munster, Mallory & Rick - BOV: BROKEN - Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean - BOSV: BROKEN Ritzma, LaVerne & Jean
IL 10/20/2012 goa1134 Kiam Egyptian RBA - Judge: BUTCH HALL # shown: 25 x BOB: WHITE - Harper, Charles E. - BOS: WHITE - Harper,
Charles E. - BOSV: RED - Snider, Francine - BOV: WHITE - Harper, Charles E. - BOSV: WHITE - Harper, Charles E.
IL 10/20/2012 goa1133 Kiam Egyptian RBA - Judge: RICHARD W GEHR # shown: 25 x BOB: WHITE - Harper, Charles E. - BOS: WHITE Harper, Charles E. - BOSV: RED - Snider, Francine - BOV: WHITE - Harper, Charles E. - BOSV: WHITE - Harper, Charles E.
IN 9/8/2012 goa1231 Indiana State RBA - Judge: MARK JACOBS # shown: 83 x BOS: BROKEN - Price, Bob - BOV: BLACK - Price, Bob BOSV: BLACK - Price, Bob - BOV: RED - Luce, Larry - BOSV: RED - Hartman, Ben & Jennifer - BOV: BROKEN - Cooper/Esterline - BOSV: BROKEN
- Price, Bob
IN 9/8/2012 goa1232 Indiana State RBA - Judge: MICHAEL D YOUNG # shown: 71 x BOB: WHITE - Hauser, Dave - BOS: WHITE - Hauser,
Dave - BOV: BLACK - Price, Bob - BOSV: BLACK - Price, Bob - BOV: RED - Hartman, Ben & Jennifer - BOSV: RED - Hartman, Ben & Jennifer BOV: WHITE - Hauser, Dave - BOSV: WHITE - Hauser, Dave - BOV: BROKEN - Cooper/Esterline - BOSV: BROKEN - Cooper/Esterline
IN 9/29/2012 goa3778 Miss-Sala-Bash RBA - Judge: GEORGE M RAISOR JR # shown: 48 x BOB: WHITE - Roahrig, Victor - BOS: WHITE Roahrig, Victor - BOV: BLACK - Saggars, Kevin - BOSV: BLACK - Rush, Tammy & Heath - BOV: WHITE - Roahrig, Victor - BOSV: WHITE - Roahrig,
Victor - BOV: BROKEN - Saggars, Kevin - BOSV: BROKEN - Rush, Tammy & Heath
IN 9/29/2012 goa3779 Miss-Sala-Bash RBA - Judge: RONALD RIDDLE # shown: 44 x BOB: WHITE - Roahrig, Victor - BOS: BROKEN Saggars, Kevin - BOV: BLACK - Rush, Tammy & Heath - BOSV: BLACK - Saggars, Kevin - BOV: WHITE - Roahrig, Victor - BOSV: WHITE - Roahrig,
Victor - BOV: BROKEN - Saggars, Kevin - BOSV: BROKEN - Rush, Tammy & Heath
New Zealand Times
IN 10/6/2012 goa2278 Golden Prairie RBA - Judge: BRUCE ORMSBY # shown: 57 x BOV: BLACK - Rush, Tammy & Heath - BOV: BROKEN Rush, Tammy & Heath
KS 10/6/2012 doa1119 Kaw Valley RC - Judge: BRENT RICE # shown: 16 x BOB: WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOS: WHITE - Little, Tom - BOV:
WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOSV: WHITE - Little, Tom - BOV: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette
KS 10/6/2012 doa1118 Kaw Valley RC - Judge: JANIE ELLIOTT # shown: 16 x BOB: WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOS: WHITE - Little, Tom - BOV:
WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOSV: WHITE - Little, Tom - BOV: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette
KS 10/28/2012 goa2718 Heartland Rabbit & Cavy Show - Judge: CONALL ADDISON # shown: 612 x BOB: WHITE - Cardinal, David - BOS:
WHITE - Sinders, Dean - BOV: BLACK - Cooper/Esterline - BOSV: BLACK - Cardinal, David - BOV: RED - Schmidt, Arnold & Sue - BOSV: RED Klindt, David & Sara - BOV: WHITE - Cardinal, David - BOSV: WHITE - Sinders, Dean - BOV: BROKEN - Esterline, Holly - BOSV: BROKEN - Benker,
Dean & Adam
KY 8/18/2012 goa2273 Kentucky State Fair - Judge: GEORGE M RAISOR JR # shown: 35 x BOS: WHITE - Wiley, Michael & Jean - BOSV:
WHITE - Wiley, Michael & Jean
KY 9/29/2012 goa2173 River City RBA - Judge: Lance Gendron # shown: 22 x BOB: WHITE - Kirby, Pleaz & Jane - BOS: WHITE - Wiley,
Michael & Jean - BOV: RED - Kirby, Pleaz & Jane - BOSV: RED - Kirby, Pleaz & Jane - BOV: WHITE - Kirby, Pleaz & Jane - BOSV: WHITE - Wiley,
Michael & Jean
LA 10/6/2012 goa1204 South Louisiana RBA - Judge: Tom Green # shown: 16 x BOB: WHITE - Cormier, Darrell - BOS: WHITE - Cormier,
Darrell - BOV: WHITE - Cormier, Darrell - BOSV: WHITE - Cormier, Darrell
LA 10/6/2012 goa1205 South Louisiana RBA - Judge: MICHAEL FRANKE # shown: 7 x BOS: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOSV: WHITE Eastin, Ford & Edna
LA 10/13/2012 goa2041 Central Louisiana RBA - Judge: Cheryl Blackman # shown: 8 x BOB: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOS: WHITE Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOV: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOSV: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna
LA 10/13/2012 goa2040 Central Louisiana RBA - Judge: DONALD R MERSIOVSKY # shown: 8 x BOS: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOV:
WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna - BOSV: WHITE - Eastin, Ford & Edna
MA 8/4/2012 goa2725 Essex Co. R&CBA - Judge: PAUL JURGELONIS # shown: 29 x BOB: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim - BOS: WHITE Bounakes, Jim - BOV: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim - BOSV: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim
MA 8/4/2012 goa2726 Essex Co. R&CBA - Judge: Donna Grimm # shown: 25 x BOB: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim - BOS: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim
- BOV: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim - BOSV: WHITE - Bounakes, Jim
MA 9/30/2012 goa2720 Essex Co. R&CBA - Judge: ALAN PLATT # shown: 2 x BOB: WHITE - DeNuzzio, Sr., Michael - BOV: WHITE DeNuzzio, Sr., Michael
MD 9/22/2012 goa3442 Delmarva R&CBA - Judge: Roger Bustle # shown: 23 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS: WHITE Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda
MD 9/22/2012 goa3443 Delmarva R&CBA - Judge: G.D.’GARY’ MICHAUD # shown: 19 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS:
WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda
MD 9/22/2012 hos0376 Delmarva R&CBA - Judge: Mike Ross # shown: 22 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS: WHITE Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: RED - Callahan, Karen - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda
ME 9/23/2012 goa3250 Cumberland Co. RBA - Judge: Ryan Redele # shown: 28 x BOB: WHITE - Bush, Allen & Tammy - BOS: WHITE Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott - BOV: WHITE - Bush, Allen & Tammy - BOSV: WHITE - Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott
MI 7/14/2012 doa3432 Cal-Bra-Hill RC - Judge: BOB SHAFTOE # shown: 5 x BOV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant
MI 9/8/2012 goa1323 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Tom Green # shown: 33 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOS: WHITE Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOV: RED - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter,
George & Kathy - BOV: BROKEN - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOSV: BROKEN - Carpenter, Henry & Donna
MI 9/8/2012 goa1324 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Drew Bliss # shown: 33 x BOB: WHITE - Van Houten, James - BOS: WHITE - Carpenter,
Henry & Donna - BOV: RED - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: WHITE - Van Houten, James - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV:
BROKEN - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOSV: BROKEN - Carpenter, Henry & Donna
MI 9/9/2012 goa1328 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Jim Rowland # shown: 10 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOS: WHITE Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOV: RED - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter, George &
MI 9/9/2012 goa1327 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Jenni Himebaugh # shown: 12 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOS: WHITE Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOV: RED - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter, George &
MI 9/15/2012 gos3768 Michigan NZ Specialty Club - Judge: Karah Boersma # shown: 17 x BOS: WHITE - Kopfman, Mark & LaLonnie
- BOV: BLACK - Pentico, Don & Elizabeth - BOSV: BLACK - DeArmond, Shawn & Jackie - BOSV: WHITE - Kopfman, Mark & LaLonnie - BOV:
BROKEN - Pentico, Don & Elizabeth
MI 9/15/2012 doa2590 White Tail RBA - Judge: Sandy Doyle # shown: 17 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: BLACK Pentico, Don & Elizabeth - BOSV: BLACK - DeArmond, Shawn & Jackie - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: BROKEN - Pentico, Don
& Elizabeth
MI 9/15/2012 doa2592 White Tail RBA - Judge: STEVEN PARKER # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Kopfman, Mark & LaLonnie - BOS: WHITE Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: BLACK - DeArmond, Shawn & Jackie - BOSV: BLACK - DeArmond, Shawn & Jackie - BOV: WHITE - Kopfman,
Mark & LaLonnie - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter, Henry & Donna
October-November-December 2012.
MI 9/22/2012 coa0903 Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders - Judge: PAMELA K JONES # shown: 18 x BOV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BLACK
- Visser, Kecia - BOV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia
MI 9/22/2012 coa0904 Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders - Judge: Jenni Himebaugh # shown: 14 x BOB: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOV: BLACK Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter, Henry & Donna - BOV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BROKEN - Visser,
MI 10/6/2012 gos3770 Michigan NZ Specialty Club - Judge: Drew Bliss # shown: 39 x BOS: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOV: BLACK - Visser,
Kecia - BOSV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BROKEN - Carpenter, Henry & Donna
MI 10/13/2012 goa1463 Great Lakes R&CS - Judge: Maddie Pratt # shown: 28 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOS: BROKEN
- Visser, Kecia - BOV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOV: RED - Feinauer, Gene - BOSV: RED - Feinauer, Gene - BOV:
WHITE - Carpenter, George & Kathy - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia
MI 10/13/2012 goa1464 Great Lakes R&CS - Judge: Sandy Doyle # shown: 22 x BOB: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOS: WHITE Carpenter II, Edward - BOV: BLACK - Visser, Kecia - BOV: RED - Feinauer, Gene - BOSV: RED - Feinauer, Gene - BOV: WHITE - Carpenter II,
Edward - BOSV: WHITE - Carpenter II, Edward - BOV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia - BOSV: BROKEN - Visser, Kecia
MO 8/15/2012 goa1894 Missouri State Fair - Judge: JOSH HUMPHRIES # shown: 44 x BOB: BLACK - Rowbotham & Jennings - BOV:
BLACK - Rowbotham & Jennings - BOV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOSV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOV: WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOV:
BROKEN - Rowbotham & Jennings
MO 9/8/2012 hoa0293 West Central MO. Youth Club - Judge: DAVID M KROENKE # shown: 7 x BOB: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOS:
RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOSV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori
MO 9/8/2012 hoa0291 West Central MO. Youth Club - Judge: SCOTT WIEBENSOHN # shown: 7 x BOB: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOS:
RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOSV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori
MO 9/22/2012 goa1875 Phelps Co. RBA - Judge: VICTOR VOGTS # shown: 24 x BOB: BLACK - Rowbotham & Jennings - BOS: WHITE
- Snavely, Larry - BOV: BLACK - Rowbotham & Jennings - BOV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOSV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOV: WHITE Snavely, Larry - BOV: BROKEN - Rowbotham & Jennings
MO 9/22/2012 goa1874 Phelps Co. RBA - Judge: Lance Gendron # shown: 24 x BOB: WHITE - Snavely, Larry - BOS: BROKEN - Rowbotham
& Jennings - BOV: BLACK - Rowbotham & Jennings - BOV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOSV: RED - Moore, Jeffery & Dori - BOV: WHITE Snavely, Larry - BOV: BROKEN - Rowbotham & Jennings
NC 9/15/2012 goa3999 Sandhills RF - Judge: Roger Bustle # shown: 8 x BOB: WHITE - Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Billy - BOV: WHITE - Carter, Mr.
& Mrs. Billy
NC 9/15/2012 goa4000 Sandhills RF - Judge: CARROL G HOOKS # shown: 5 x BOB: WHITE - Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Billy - BOV: WHITE - Carter,
Mr. & Mrs. Billy
NC 9/15/2012 goa3998 Sandhills RF - Judge: MIKE AVESING # shown: 14 x BOS: WHITE - Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Billy - BOSV: WHITE - Carter,
Mr. & Mrs. Billy
ND 9/15/2012 goa3283 Central North Dakota RB - Judge: Sheri Abrahamson # shown: 23 x BOB: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOS: WHITE
- Tisher, Wendall - BOV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall BOV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
ND 9/15/2012 goa3284 Central North Dakota RB - Judge: Sue Dietzman # shown: 27 x BOB: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOS: WHITE Tisher, Wendall - BOV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
- BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
NJ 9/15/2012 doa2469 South Jersey R&CBA - Judge: ROBERT P FRIZZELL JR # shown: 18 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda BOS: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: RED - Callahan, Karen - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey,
Richard & Brenda
NJ 9/15/2012 doa2470 South Jersey R&CBA - Judge: Joe Colucci # shown: 17 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS: WHITE Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda
NY 9/8/2012 goa2085 RB&F of Capital District - Judge: PAUL KYLE # shown: 22 x BOB: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred - BOS: WHITE - WhitneyWekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK - Saputo, Fred - BOV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOV: WHITE - Means, Hannah - BOSV: WHITE
- Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred
NY 9/8/2012 goa2086 RB&F of Capital District - Judge: Mike Ross # shown: 22 x BOB: BLACK - Saputo, Fred - BOS: WHITE - Means,
Hannah - BOV: BLACK - Saputo, Fred - BOV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOV: WHITE - Bergman, David - BOSV: WHITE Means, Hannah - BOV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred
NY 9/15/2012 goa1390 Niagara Frontier RC - Judge: MARK STEWARDSON # shown: 31 x BOS: WHITE - Bergman, David - BOSV: WHITE Bergman, David
NY 9/15/2012 goa1391 Niagara Frontier RC - Judge: JOHN RICHTER # shown: 31 x BOB: WHITE - Johnston, Glenn - BOS: WHITE Bergman, David - BOV: WHITE - Johnston, Glenn - BOSV: WHITE - Bergman, David
NY 9/22/2012 goa3516 North Country RCBA - Judge: Peter Velcheck # shown: 1 x BOB: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/22/2012 goa3518 North Country RCBA - Judge: BONNIE BURDICK # shown: 1 x BOB: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/30/2012 goa1940 New York R&CBA - Judge: HELEN BROSE # shown: 23 x BOS: BROKEN - Bergman, David - BOV: BROKEN Bergman, David
OH 7/9/2012 goa2731 Clinton Co. Ag Society - Judge: Joe Colucci # shown: 20 x BOB: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOS: RED - Bogan,
New Zealand Times
Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: BLACK - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOV: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOV: WHITE Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: WHITE - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki
OH 7/14/2012 goa2611 Lucas County Fair - Judge: DALE A BOROFF # shown: 28 x BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: BROKEN - Boutwell, Ed
OH 7/15/2012 goa2874 STATE LINE RBA - Judge: David Moll # shown: 61 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: WHITE Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen
- BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 7/22/2012 goa1484 Clark Co. Fair - Judge: RANDY L WAGGONER # shown: 26 x BOB: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: BLACK
- Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV:
BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 7/25/2012 goa2522 Clermont Co. Agriculture Assoc. - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 38 x BOB: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOV:
RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: RED - Kirker, Eric
OH 8/4/2012 goa2251 Ohio State Fair - Judge: CONALL ADDISON # shown: 31 x BOB: WHITE - Holton, Desiree - BOS: WHITE - Holton,
Desiree - BOV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE - Holton, Desiree - BOSV: WHITE - Holton,
Desiree - BOV: BROKEN - Brown, Dakota
OH 8/4/2012 goa1813 Mad River Valley R&CB - Judge: ROBERT SWARTZ # shown: 30 x BOB: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: BLACK
- Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV:
BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 8/5/2012 goa2873 STATE LINE RBA - Judge: ROBERT SWARTZ # shown: 29 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: WHITE Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 8/5/2012 goa2573 Richland Co. Ag. Society - Judge: RON PETRAS # shown: 8 x BOB: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOS: WHITE Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOSV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina
OH 8/11/2012 goa1430 Council Oak RBA - Judge: Stacy Easton # shown: 20 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: WHITE Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/
Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper
OH 8/11/2012 goa1429 Council Oak RBA - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 20 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: RED
- Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine
Boes/Cindy Harper
OH 8/12/2012 goa3654 Miami Co. RA - Judge: CARLA WILSON # shown: 7 x BOB: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOS: WHITE - Ganger,
Buddy & Ida - BOV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOSV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida
OH 8/19/2012 goa1759 Allen Co. Fair - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 18 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: BROKEN Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE
- Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 8/22/2012 goa2190 Darke County Fair - Judge: Nita Butler # shown: 51 x BOS: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOSV: BLACK Schomaker, John & Donna - BOSV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BROKEN - Schomaker, John & Donna - BOSV: BROKEN - Obringer,
OH 8/30/2012 goa1712 Hancock Co. Ag. Society - Judge: Nita Butler # shown: 37 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS:
WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BLACK - Schiefer, Zachary - BOSV: BLACK - Boutwell, Ed - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy
Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper
OH 9/9/2012 goa0959 Rabbit Fanciers of North Central OH. - Judge: HOWARD L KELLER # shown: 39 x BOB: WHITE - Walter, Jerry &
Regina - BOS: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOV: BLACK - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: BLACK - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV:
RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOSV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry &
OH 9/9/2012 goa1139 Huron Co. RBA - Judge: WILLIAM PATRICK # shown: 39 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: WHITE
- Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOV: BLACK - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BLACK - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert &
Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOV:
BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan
OH 9/11/2012 goa1285 Wyandot Co. Ag. Society - Judge: GLEN C CARR # shown: 62 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS:
WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper
OH 9/15/2012 goa2280 Lima RB - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 54 x BOB: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOS: WHITE Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: RED
- Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
- BOSV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 9/15/2012 goa2281 Lima RB - Judge: Nita Butler # shown: 47 x BOB: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts &
Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts &
Ferryman - BOSV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 9/16/2012 goa3108 Ashland Co. Fair Show - Judge: WILLIAM PATRICK # shown: 47 x BOV: WHITE - Caugherty, Jonathan - BOSV: WHITE
- Caugherty, Jonathan
OH 9/20/2012 hoa0343 Springfield R&CBA - Judge: ROBERT SWARTZ # shown: 35 x BOB: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOS: WHITE - Ganger,
Buddy & Ida - BOV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: RED 27
October-November-December 2012.
Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOSV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BROKEN
- Everetts & Ferryman
OH 9/20/2012 doa2056 Springfield R&CBA - Judge: MIKE ADAMS # shown: 27 x BOB: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOS: WHITE - Motter,
Keith - BOV: BLACK - Motter, Keith - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Bogan, Kevin & Vicki - BOSV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman BOV: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOSV: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BROKEN - Everetts & Ferryman
OH 9/23/2012 doa2705 Sandusky Valley RB - Judge: RON PETRAS # shown: 49 x BOB: BROKEN - Hough, Linn - BOS: BROKEN - Hough,
Linn - BOV: BLACK - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BLACK - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED
- Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Hough, Linn - BOV: BROKEN - Hough, Linn - BOSV:
BROKEN - Hough, Linn
OH 9/23/2012 goa3550 Sandusky Valley RB - Judge: MIKE ADAMS # shown: 34 x BOB: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOS:
WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BLACK - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED - Swartz,
Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOSV: WHITE - Christine Boes/Cindy Harper - BOV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice
& Susan - BOSV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan
OH 10/6/2012 goa3124 Lake Geauga R&CC - Judge: BILL RICE # shown: 9 x BOB: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOS: WHITE - Walter,
Jerry & Regina - BOV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOSV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina
OH 10/6/2012 goa0844 Lake Geauga R&CC - Judge: Jacinta Taulbee # shown: 11 x BOB: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOS: WHITE Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina - BOSV: WHITE - Walter, Jerry & Regina
OH 10/7/2012 doa2147 Southwestern Ohio RBA - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 48 x BOB: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOV: BLACK Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BLACK - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOSV:
WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan
OH 10/7/2012 doa2146 Southwestern Ohio RBA - Judge: Danny Long # shown: 52 x BOB: WHITE - Motter, Keith - BOS: WHITE - Ganger,
Buddy & Ida - BOV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOSV: BLACK - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: RED - Everetts & Ferryman - BOV: WHITE - Motter,
Keith - BOSV: WHITE - Ganger, Buddy & Ida - BOV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan - BOSV: BROKEN - Howman, Alice & Susan
OK 8/31/2012 goa3287 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: MICHAEL FRANKE # shown: 25 x BOB: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr,
OK 9/1/2012 goa3829 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: DONALD R MERSIOVSKY # shown: 27 x BOSV: - Gillis, Jr, John
OK 9/1/2012 goa3830 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: VICTOR VOGTS # shown: 21 x BOS: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOSV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr,
OK 10/7/2012 goa2384 Tulsa State Fair - Judge: RUSTY WESTHOFF # shown: 26 x BOS: BROKEN - Graves, John - BOSV: BLACK - Graves,
John - BOV: WHITE - Graves, John - BOV: BROKEN - Graves, John - BOSV: BROKEN - Graves, John
OK 10/7/2012 goa2091 Tulsa RBA - Judge: DONALD R MERSIOVSKY # shown: 15 x BOS: BROKEN - Graves, John - BOSV: BLACK - Graves,
John - BOV: WHITE - Graves, John - BOV: BROKEN - Graves, John - BOSV: BROKEN - Graves, John
PA 7/28/2012 goa3578 Lebanon Valley RBA - Judge: Ben Haagen # shown: 28 x BOB: WHITE - Werner, Tim - BOS: WHITE - Werner, Tim BOV: BLACK - Werner, Tim - BOV: WHITE - Werner, Tim - BOSV: WHITE - Werner, Tim
PA 9/2/2012 goa3743 West Branch RB - Judge: Ben Haagen # shown: 20 x BOS: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred - BOV: BLACK - Saputo, Fred BOV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred
PA 9/16/2012 goa0211 Washington Co. RBA - Judge: TOM BERGER # shown: 20 x BOB: WHITE - Dunlap, Richard - BOV: WHITE - Dunlap,
PA 10/21/2012 hoa0192 Central PA. RBA - Judge: Mike Ross # shown: 26 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS: BROKEN Saputo, Fred - BOV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOSV: RED - Saputo, Fred - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred
- BOSV: BROKEN - Saputo, Fred
SD 8/11/2012 hoa0062 East River RBA - Judge: DERECK TUNTLAND # shown: 41 x BOB: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOS: RED - Tisher,
Wendall - BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BROKEN - Gullickson, Grady - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
SD 8/18/2012 goa3860 Western Hills RC - Judge: Jim Effling # shown: 38 x BOB: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOS: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
- BOV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE Henning, Jim - BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
SD 9/2/2012 hoa0161 South Dakota State Fair - Judge: TONNA THOMAS # shown: 23 x BOV: BLACK - Gullickson, Grady
SD 9/29/2012 hoa0316 Mid City RC - Judge: JOHN GRIMM # shown: 45 x BOB: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOS: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOV:
BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall
- BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
SD 9/29/2012 hoa0318 Mid City RC - Judge: RUTH DAPPER # shown: 59 x BOB: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOS: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall BOV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: BLACK - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE - Tisher,
Wendall - BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
SD 10/13/2012 hoa0081 Brookings RC - Judge: Allisa Kruger # shown: 77 x BOB: WHITE - Henning, Jim - BOS: WHITE - Gullickson, Grady
- BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE - Henning, Jim - BOSV: WHITE Gullickson, Grady - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
SD 10/13/2012 goa3745 South Dakota RBA - Judge: VICTOR VOGTS # shown: 78 x BOB: WHITE - Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOS: BLACK Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: WHITE
- Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOSV: WHITE - Tisher, Wendall - BOV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
New Zealand Times
SD 10/14/2012 hoa0082 Brookings RC - Judge: CONALL ADDISON # shown: 73 x BOB: WHITE - Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOS: WHITE Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BLACK - Slavik, D.R. - BOSV: BLACK - Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOSV: RED - Tisher, Wendall - BOV:
WHITE - Effling, Jim & Nancy - BOSV: WHITE - Slavik, D.R. - BOV: BROKEN - Gullickson, Grady - BOSV: BROKEN - Slavik, D.R.
TN 8/18/2012 goa1756 Wilson Co. Fair - Judge: RUSTY WESTHOFF # shown: 13 x BOB: RED - Parsley, Eugene & Ann - BOS: RED - Parsley,
Ken - BOV: RED - Parsley, Eugene & Ann - BOSV: RED - Parsley, Ken
TN 9/1/2012 goa1899 Music City RBA - Judge: Lance Gendron # shown: 33 x BOB: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOS: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
- BOV: RED - Parsley, Eugene & Ann - BOSV: RED - Parsley, Ken - BOV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOSV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
TN 9/1/2012 goa1898 Music City RBA - Judge: TIM BRANHAM # shown: 34 x BOB: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOS: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
- BOV: RED - Parsley, Ken - BOSV: RED - Parsley, Eugene & Ann - BOV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOSV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
TN 9/22/2012 goa1688 Lawrence County RBA - Judge: RICHARD ROEHR # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOS: WHITE Westhoff, Russ - BOV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOSV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
TN 9/22/2012 goa1689 Lawrence County RBA - Judge: Bill Gendren # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOS: WHITE - Westhoff,
Russ - BOV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ - BOSV: WHITE - Westhoff, Russ
TX 9/21/2012 goa0700 Johnson Co. RBA - Judge: DAVID CARDINAL # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOS: WHITE - Gillis, Jr,
John - BOV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOSV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John
TX 9/22/2012 goa0702 Johnson Co. RBA - Judge: KEN MCCRACKEN # shown: 13 x BOB: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr,
TX 9/22/2012 goa0704 Johnson Co. RBA - Judge: Scott Rodriguez # shown: 13 x BOB: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOS: WHITE - Gillis, Jr,
John - BOV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John - BOSV: WHITE - Gillis, Jr, John
VT 9/1/2012 goa3648 Vermont State Fair - Judge: LINDSAY BENOIT # shown: 9 x BOB: WHITE - Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott - BOS: WHITE Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott - BOV: WHITE - Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott - BOSV: WHITE - Ouellelte, Sarah & Scott
WA 7/14/2012 goa3048 Great Northwest R&CSG - Judge: GEORGE GERMAINE # shown: 37 x BOB: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOS: BLACK Harris, Jean - BOV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOSV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOV: WHITE
- Currie, Judy - BOSV: WHITE - Faw, Carrie & Greg - BOV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WA 7/14/2012 goa3047 Great Northwest R&CSG - Judge: CINDY WICKIZER # shown: 42 x BOB: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOS: WHITE Currie, Judy - BOV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOSV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOV: WHITE
- Currie, Judy - BOSV: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WA 8/22/2012 goa3242 Kitsop County Fair - Judge: GEORGE GERMAINE # shown: 9 x 1BOB: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOS: BLACK - Harris,
Jean - BOV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOV: WHITE - Faw, Carrie & Greg - BOV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WA 9/21/2012 goa2674 Central Washington State Fair - Judge: DOUGLAS SPRAGUE # shown: 46 x BOB: BROKEN - Konzek, Denise &
Windy - BOS: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOV: BROKEN - Konzek, Denise & Windy BOSV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WA 10/20/2012 hoa0128 Northwest RB - Judge: Jake Kuntz # shown: 41 x BOB: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOS: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOV:
BLACK - Currie, Judy - BOSV: BLACK - Currie, Judy - BOV: RED - Currie, Judy - BOSV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOV: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOSV:
WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WA 10/20/2012 hoa0129 Northwest RB - Judge: Johnny Haussener # shown: 39 x BOB: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOS: BLACK - Currie, Judy
- BOV: BLACK - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BLACK - Currie, Judy - BOV: RED - Currie, Judy - BOSV: RED - Neitzel, Debbie - BOV: WHITE - Currie, Judy BOSV: WHITE - Currie, Judy - BOV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean - BOSV: BROKEN - Harris, Jean
WI 8/4/2012 goa0907 Northern Exposure RC - Judge: Sheri Abrahamson # shown: 12 x BOB: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOS: BROKEN Beer, Courtney - BOV: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOV: WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOSV:
WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney
WI 8/4/2012 goa0908 Northern Exposure RC - Judge: ROSS W BECKER # shown: 12 x BOB: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOS: BROKEN Beer, Courtney - BOV: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOV: WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOSV:
WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney
WI 8/5/2012 goa0910 Northern Exposure RC - Judge: Alissa Kruger # shown: 12 x BOB: WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOS: WHITE - Beer,
Courtney - BOV: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOV: WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOSV:
WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney
WI 8/5/2012 goa0911 Northern Exposure RC - Judge: DAVID CARDINAL # shown: 12 x BOB: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOS: RED - Beer,
Courtney - BOV: BLACK - Beer, Courtney - BOV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: RED - Beer, Courtney - BOV: WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOSV:
WHITE - Beer, Courtney - BOV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney - BOSV: BROKEN - Beer, Courtney
WV 8/12/2012 goa1975 State Fair of WV - Judge: Jacinta Taulbee # shown: 48 x BOB: WHITE - Pappas, Stephen - BOS: WHITE - Sprouse,
Mike & Anita - BOV: WHITE - Pappas, Stephen - BOSV: WHITE - Sprouse, Mike & Anita - BOV: BROKEN - Pappas, Stephen - BOSV: BROKEN Pappas, Stephen
WV 9/8/2012 doa0843 Blue Ridge R&CC - Judge: OWEN YATES # shown: 19 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOV: RED Callahan, Karen - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda
WV 9/8/2012 doa0842 Blue Ridge R&CC - Judge: Jacinta Taulbee # shown: 18 x BOB: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOS: WHITE
- Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: RED - Callahan, Karen - BOV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard & Brenda - BOSV: WHITE - Godfrey, Richard &
October-November-December 2012.
IA 9/15/2012 hya0380 Waterloo Area RBA - Judge: Justine Erickson # shown: 22 x BOB: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOS: WHITE - Vauble,
Fallon - BOV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: BROKEN Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon
IA 10/6/2012 hya0226 Iowa State RBA - Judge: LOWELL TRAUSCH # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOS: WHITE - Vauble,
Fallon - BOV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon
IA 10/6/2012 hya0227 Iowa State RBA - Judge: GARY GRIMM # shown: 12 x BOB: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble,
IA 10/6/2012 hya0223 Iowa State RBA - Judge: DAVID M KROENKE # shown: 26 x BOB: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOS: RED - Vauble,
Fallon - BOV: RED - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV: WHITE - Vauble, Fallon - BOV: BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon - BOSV:
BROKEN - Vauble, Fallon
IL 7/22/2012 gya1128 Iroquois Co. Agricultural - Judge: KIM WEEMS # shown: 13 x BOB: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOS: RED - Wauthier,
Greg - BOV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: BLACK - Wauthier, Greg - BOV: RED - Wauthier, Greg - BOSV: RED - Wauthier, Greg
IL 8/18/2012 hya0090 Illinois RBA - Judge: MARK JACOBS # shown: 23 x BOV: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOSV: BLACK - Sorenson,
Benjamin - BOV: BROKEN - Sorenson, Benjamin
IL 8/26/2012 gya2567 Bloomington-Normal RBA - Judge: DAVID CARDINAL # shown: 8 x BOB: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOS: WHITE
- Brucker, Brent - BOV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent BOV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent
IL 8/26/2012 gya2566 Bloomington-Normal RBA - Judge: TOM BERGER # shown: 8 x BOB: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOS: BROKEN Brucker, Brent - BOV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent BOV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent
IL 9/22/2012 dya4274 Illinois RBA - Judge: DONYELLE SCHULTZ # shown: 19 x BOB: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOS: BROKEN - Brucker,
Brent - BOV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent
IL 9/22/2012 dya4273 Illinois RBA - Judge: BUTCH HALL # shown: 20 x BOB: BROKEN - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOS: BROKEN - Brucker,
Brent - BOV: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOSV: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOV: BROKEN - Sorenson,
Benjamin - BOSV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent
IL 9/23/2012 hys0191 Illinois NZ RB - Judge: BOB PRICE # shown: 15 x BOB: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOS: BROKEN - Brucker,
Brent - BOV: BLACK - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOSV: BLACK - Brucker, Brent - BOV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOSV: WHITE - Brucker, Brent - BOV:
BROKEN - Sorenson, Benjamin - BOSV: BROKEN - Brucker, Brent
IN 9/8/2012 gya1233 Indiana State RBA - Judge: GLEN C CARR # shown: 21 x BOB: WHITE - Truss, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Truss, Seth
IN 10/6/2012 gya2279 Golden Prairie RBA - Judge: BRUCE ORMSBY # shown: 9 x BOB: BLACK - Hadley, Blake & Brock - BOS: WHITE
- Hadley, Blake & Brock - BOV: BLACK - Hadley, Blake & Brock - BOV: WHITE - Hadley, Blake & Brock - BOSV: WHITE - Hadley, Blake & Brock BOV: BROKEN - Hadley, Blake & Brock
KS 9/8/2012 gya2248 Kansas State Fair - Judge: TEX THOMAS # shown: 19 x BOB: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette - BOS: WHITE - Trieb, Annette BOV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOV: BROKEN - Trieb,
Annette - BOSV: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette
KS 9/22/2012 hya0048 Smoky Hill RC - Judge: ANTHONY W BELL # shown: 21 x BOB: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOS: WHITE - Trieb, Annette
- BOV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOV: BROKEN Trieb, Annette - BOSV: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette
KS 9/22/2012 hya0049 Smoky Hill RC - Judge: Blaine Maier # shown: 21 x BOB: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette - BOS: WHITE - Trieb, Annette BOV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: BLACK - Trieb, Annette - BOV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOSV: WHITE - Trieb, Annette - BOV: BROKEN - Trieb,
Annette - BOSV: BROKEN - Trieb, Annette
KS 10/28/2012 gya2719 Heartland Rabbit & Cavy Show - Judge: Cheryl Blackman # shown: 144 x BOB: WHITE - Taulbee, Caleb - BOS:
WHITE - Lawrence, Julia, Caroline, Thanet - BOV: BLACK - Wauthier, Dylan - BOSV: BLACK - Schali, Katealynn - BOV: RED - Vauble, Fallon
- BOSV: RED - Schali, Katealynn - BOV: WHITE - Taulbee, Caleb - BOSV: WHITE - Lawrence, Julia, Caroline, Thanet - BOV: BROKEN - Schali,
Katealynn - BOSV: BROKEN - Thornton, Julie
MI 7/14/2012 dya3433 Cal-Bra-Hill RC - Judge: BOB SHAFTOE # shown: 10 x BOB: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BLACK - Miller,
Becca & Bryant
MI 9/8/2012 gya1326 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Willis Plank # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE - Miller,
Becca & Bryant
MI 9/9/2012 gya1330 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: Jim Rowland # shown: 12 x BOB: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE - Miller,
Becca & Bryant
MI 9/9/2012 gya1329 Mid Michigan RBA - Judge: STEVEN PARKER # shown: 9 x BOB: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE Miller, Becca & Bryant
MI 9/15/2012 dya2591 White Tail RBA - Judge: Willis Plank # shown: 7 x BOB: BROKEN - Pentico, Kevin - BOS: BROKEN - Pentico, Willkie BOV: BROKEN - Pentico, Kevin - BOSV: BROKEN - Pentico, Willkie
MI 9/15/2012 dya2593 White Tail RBA - Judge: Sandy Doyle # shown: 8 x BOSV: BROKEN - Pentico, Willkie
MI 9/22/2012 cya0905 Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders - Judge: DOUG COVERT # shown: 8 x BOB: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV:
BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BROKEN - Miller, Becca & Bryant
MI 9/22/2012 cya0906 Ann Arbor Rabbit Breeders - Judge: ALICIA MAXWELL # shown: 3 x BOB: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOS:
BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BROKEN - Miller, Becca &
New Zealand Times
MI 10/6/2012 gys3771 Michigan NZ Specialty Club - Judge: Drew Bliss # shown: 15 x BOV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BLACK
- Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BROKEN - Miller, Becca & Bryant
MN 9/15/2012 dya2613 Town & Country RC - Judge: BRENT RICE # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOS: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOV:
WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOSV: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian
MN 9/15/2012 dya2614 Town & Country RC - Judge: Susan Dapper # shown: 13 x BOB: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOS: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOV:
WHITE - Ulvin, Ian - BOSV: WHITE - Ulvin, Ian
MO 8/15/2012 gya1895 Missouri State Fair - Judge: JOSH HUMPHRIES # shown: 52 x BOB: WHITE - Johnson Brothers - BOS: BROKEN Johnson Brothers - BOV: BLACK - Johnson Brothers - BOSV: BLACK - Vogel, Blayne - BOV: WHITE - Johnson Brothers - BOV: BROKEN - Johnson
Brothers - BOSV: BROKEN - Johnson Brothers
MO 9/8/2012 hya0292 West Central MO. Youth Club - Judge: # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra - BOS: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra
- BOV: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra - BOSV: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra
MO 9/8/2012 hya0294 West Central MO. Youth Club - Judge: # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra - BOS: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra
- BOV: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra - BOSV: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra
MO 9/22/2012 gya1877 Phelps Co. RBA - Judge: VICTOR VOGTS # shown: 25 x BOS: BROKEN - Johnson Brothers - BOSV: WHITE - Gast,
Alexandra - BOSV: BROKEN - Johnson Brothers
MO 9/22/2012 gya1876 Phelps Co. RBA - Judge: Lance Gendron # shown: 34 x BOS: WHITE - Gast, Alexandra - BOSV: WHITE - Gast,
Alexandra - BOSV: BROKEN - Johnson Brothers
NY 9/8/2012 gya2087 RB&F of Capital District - Judge: Mary Ellen Stames # shown: 9 x BOB: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOS: WHITE Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOSV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/8/2012 gya2088 RB&F of Capital District - Judge: DEBORAH VECCHIO # shown: 9 x BOB: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOS: WHITE
- Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOSV:
WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/22/2012 gya3517 North Country RCBA - Judge: Peter Velcheck # shown: 13 x BOB: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/22/2012 gya3519 North Country RCBA - Judge: BONNIE BURDICK # shown: 13 x BOB: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/29/2012 gya1941 New York R&CBA - Judge: PHIL WOOLLET # shown: 11 x BOB: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOSV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/29/2012 gya1942 New York R&CBA - Judge: BONNIE BURDICK # shown: 11 x BOB: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOS: WHITE
- Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOSV:
WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth
NY 9/30/2012 gya1943 New York R&CBA - Judge: HELEN BROSE # shown: 9 x BOB: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOS: WHITE - WhitneyWekar, Seth - BOV: BLACK - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: RED - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOV: WHITE - Whitney-Wekar, Seth - BOSV: WHITE Whitney-Wekar, Seth
OH 8/5/2012 gya1635 Ross Co. RBA - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 33 x BOB: WHITE - Morgan, Joshua - BOS: WHITE - Morgan, Joshua
- BOV: BLACK - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: BLACK - Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: RED - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: RED - Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: WHITE Morgan, Joshua - BOSV: WHITE - Morgan, Joshua
OH 8/11/2012 gya1432 Council Oak RBA - Judge: Stacy Easton # shown: 11 x BOB: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOS: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 8/11/2012 gya1431 Council Oak RBA - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 22 x BOB: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOS: BROKEN Boes, Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: BROKEN - Boes,
OH 8/12/2012 gya3655 Miami Co. RA - Judge: CARLA WILSON # shown: 15 x BOB: WHITE - Palsgrove, Blythe - BOV: WHITE - Palsgrove,
OH 8/19/2012 gya1760 Allen Co. Fair - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 25 x BOB: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOS: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Gross, Xavier - BOSV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: WHITE - Gross,
Xavier - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 9/9/2012 gya0960 Rabbit Fanciers of North Central OH. - Judge: HOWARD L KELLER # shown: 10 x BOB: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
- BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew - BOSV:
BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 9/9/2012 gya1140 Huron Co. RBA - Judge: WILLIAM PATRICK # shown: 9 x BOB: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew - BOS: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 9/15/2012 gya2283 Lima RB - Judge: Nita Butler # shown: 28 x BOB: WHITE - Brown, Dakota - BOS: BLACK - Schiefer, Zachary - BOS:
WHITE - Brown, Dakota - BOV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BLACK - Schiefer, Zachary - BOSV: WHITE - Gross, Xavier - BOV: BROKEN
- Boes, Matthew - BOSV: BROKEN - Miller, Becca & Bryant
OH 9/15/2012 gya2282 Lima RB - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 31 x BOB: BROKEN - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOS: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Gross, Xavier - BOSV: BLACK - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: WHITE - Miller, Becca & Bryant - BOV: BROKEN - Miller,
Becca & Bryant - BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
October-November-December 2012.
OH 9/20/2012 hya0344 Springfield R&CBA - Judge: ROBERT SWARTZ # shown: 41 x BOB: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOS: WHITE Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: BLACK - Schiefer, Zachary - BOSV: BLACK - Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: RED - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: RED - Schwartz,
Alexis - BOV: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis
OH 9/20/2012 dya2057 Springfield R&CBA - Judge: Stacy Easton # shown: 45 x BOB: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOS: WHITE - Barnhart,
Nathan - BOV: BLACK - Barnhart, Nathan - BOSV: RED - Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: WHITE - Barnhart, Nathan BOSV: BROKEN - Barnhart, Nathan
OH 9/23/2012 gya3551 Sandusky Valley RB - Judge: RON PETRAS # shown: 16 x BOB: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew - BOS: BROKEN - Boes,
Matthew - BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOSV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew - BOV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew BOSV: BROKEN - Boes, Matthew
OH 9/23/2012 gya3552 Sandusky Valley RB - Judge: MIKE ADAMS # shown: 15 x BOV: BLACK - Boes, Matthew - BOV: WHITE - Boes,
Matthew - BOSV: WHITE - Boes, Matthew
OH 10/6/2012 gya3125 Lake Geauga R&CC - Judge: BILL RICE # shown: 2 x BOB: WHITE - Sprouse, Hilari & Valeri - BOV: WHITE - Sprouse,
Hilari & Valeri
OH 10/6/2012 gya0845 Lake Geauga R&CC - Judge: Jacinta Taulbee # shown: 3 x BOB: WHITE - Sprouse, Hilari & Valeri - BOV: WHITE Sprouse, Hilari & Valeri
OH 10/7/2012 dya2149 Southwestern Ohio RBA - Judge: TERRY FENDER # shown: 41 x BOB: WHITE - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV:
BLACK - Spees, Kyle, Corey & Caitlyne - BOSV: BLACK - Spees, Kyle, Corey & Caitlyne - BOV: RED - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: RED Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOV: WHITE - Swartz, Robert & Janellen - BOSV: WHITE - Swartz, Robert & Janellen
OH 10/7/2012 dya2148 Southwestern Ohio RBA - Judge: Danny Long # shown: 42 x BOB: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOS: WHITE
- Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: BLACK - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: BLACK - Spees, David & Troisann - BOV: RED - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: RED Schwartz, Alexis - BOV: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis - BOSV: WHITE - Schwartz, Alexis
OK 8/31/2012 gya3828 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: DONALD R MERSIOVSKY # shown: 6 x BOB: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOS: WHITE Akehurst, Travis - BOV: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOSV: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis
OK 9/1/2012 gya3831 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: MICHAEL FRANKE # shown: 5 x BOB: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOV: WHITE - Akehurst,
OK 9/1/2012 gya3832 Stephens Co. RBA - Judge: Brigette Armstrong # shown: 5 x BOB: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOS: WHITE - Akehurst,
Travis - BOV: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOSV: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis
OK 10/7/2012 gya2385 Tulsa State Fair - Judge: GENE GILLISPIE # shown: 23 x BOB: BROKEN - Thornton, Julie - BOS: BROKEN - Thornton,
Julie - BOV: BLACK - Thornton, Julie - BOSV: BLACK - Thornton, Julie - BOV: WHITE - Akehurst, Travis - BOV: BROKEN - Thornton, Julie - BOSV:
BROKEN - Thornton, Julie
OK 10/7/2012 gya2092 Tulsa RBA - Judge: JOSH HUMPHRIES # shown: 17 x BOB: BLACK - Thornton, Julie - BOS: BROKEN - Thornton,
Julie - BOV: BLACK - Thornton, Julie - BOV: BROKEN - Thornton, Julie - BOSV: BROKEN - Thornton, Julie
PA 7/28/2012 gya3579 Lebanon Valley RBA - Judge: BONNIE BURDICK # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Werner, Tim - BOS: WHITE - Werner,
Tim - BOV: BLACK - Werner, Tim - BOV: WHITE - Werner, Tim - BOSV: WHITE - Werner, Tim
PA 9/8/2012 gya1638 Westmoreland County RC - Judge: TIM BRANHAM # shown: 19 x BOB: WHITE - Lechner, Brooke - BOS: WHITE Sprouse, Hilari & Valeri - BOV: WHITE - Lechner, Brooke - BOSV: WHITE - Sprouse, Hilari & Valeri
PA 9/8/2012 gya1639 Westmoreland County RC - Judge: Joe Colucci # shown: 14 x BOB: WHITE - Lechner, Brooke - BOS: WHITE - Lechner,
Brooke - BOV: WHITE - Lechner, Brooke - BOSV: WHITE - Lechner, Brooke
SD 9/1/2012 hya0162 South Dakota State Fair - Judge: TEX THOMAS # shown: 17 x BOS: BLACK - Gullickson, Grady - BOV: BLACK Gullickson, Grady - BOV: BROKEN - Gullickson, Grady - BOSV: BROKEN - Gullickson, Grady
WI 9/16/2012 gya2881 Misty Hills RBA - Judge: ROBERT A KOCH # shown: 33 x BOV: BROKEN - Kintzler, Savana
8/25/2012 gya1779 York County RBA - Judge: JOSH HUMPHRIES # shown: 10 x BOB: WHITE - Brown, Sadie - BOS: WHITE - Brown, Sadie BOV: WHITE - Brown, Sadie - BOSV: WHITE - Brown, Sadie
Ken Parsley ~ Youth BIS
Wilson Co Fair ~ Lebanon, TN - 8/18/2012
Judges: Josh Humphries & Rusty Westhoff
New Zealand Times
Ken Parsley ~ Youth BIS
Western Kentucky RBA ~ Hopkinsville, KY - 11/17/2012
Judge: Stacey Easton-Martin
max & darlene reeser
1103 N Mill
Pontiac, IL 61764
(815) 844-5060
[email protected]
NZ Blacks
Champagne d’Argent
2013 ARBA Convention NZ Headquarters
Quality Inn- Harrisburg
200 N. Mountain Rd
Harrisburg, PA 17112
$62.00 per nite w/2 queen beds
website: http://www.qualityinn.com/hotel-harrisburg-pennsylvania-PA347
• Easy to get to Farm Show complex. (about 5 miles).
• Must state you are with the New Zealand Rabbit Breeders for
this rate and cutoff date is 9/16/2013.
• Must call this motel to receive this rate.
October-November-December 2012.
[email protected]
New Zealand Times
[email protected]
(817) 896-8080
Access your rabbitry records anyƟme you have an Internet connecƟon.
Create, view, or email pedigrees.
Manage breeding records of animals in your herd.
Easily list and market your for sale animals.
Use many built in comprehensive reports to help manage your rabbitry.
Access ConcepƟon Rate and Live LiƩer Rate on your ped2web dashboard.
Email noƟficaƟons to remind you when nest boxes are due.
Top Quality
New Zealand Reds
Wa r e
24 Old South Fork Rd
312 Corsair Drive
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810
Kings Mountain, KY 40442
Phone (225) 752-8462
William Rome
ARBA Judge
October-November-December 2012.
New Zealand Times
October-November-December 2012.
New Zealand Blacks and Brokens
Breeding for
continued improvement in
Type and Condition
Tony Folker
Brucce Himmelberger
127 Red Well Rd
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-5053
Box 173
Bethel, PA 19507
(717) 865 5803
DHMF2002@yahoo com
[email protected]
New Zealand Times
David Cardinal ~ Chair
Peggy Crawford
Joe Kellogg
Robert Crawford
Rick Shipe
Dean Benker
Robert Swartz
Gene Rowbotham
Al Esterline
Wendall Tisher
Pleaz Kirby
Dave Hauser
John Neff
Julie Neff
David Mangione
Adam Benker
Sue Borden
Al Esterline ~ Chair
Steve Cooper
Lawrence Weeks
Arnie Schmidt ~ Chair
Sue Schmidt
John Neff
Gene Rowbotham ~ Chair
Lisa Jennings
Sara Klindt ~ Chair
John Logsdon
Tony Fortney
Lisa Jennings
Lori Basgil
Adam Benker
Judges Selection:
Bruce Himmelberger ~ Chair
Manuel Hidalgo
Rusty Westhoff
David Cardinal
John Neff
Ads that are expiring:
Youth Scholarship Committee:
David Cardinal
Lori Basgil
Phyllis Hensen
Youth Activities:
Mark Manglberger
Beth Manglberger
Youth Scholarship Rules:
Joe Kellogg
Lori Basgil
Jamie Shipe
Rick Shipe ~ Chair
Dick Gehr
Jean Harris
Sue Borden
Good of the Order:
Joe Kellogg ~ Chair
Janellen Swartz
Fred Saputo
Constitution & By-laws:
Tony Bell ~ Chair
Pete Basgil
Rick Shipe
Website advertising is available
for $60.00 per year. Full color ads,
can contain pictures, or whatever
you would like to include. They are
available 24/7 to anyone visiting the
Federation website. What exposure !!
Check them out at
Bruce Himmelberger - 2/13
Folker/Himmelberger - 2/13
Elaine Ball - 2/13
Cooper/Esterline - 2/13
John Logsdon - 2/13
Advertising in the Times is an excellent
way to support the Federation, as well as
promote your stock and help others acquire
quality animals. Consider advertising in the
next issue of the Times.
Also, you now have the opportunity to
take advantage of the Times/Website
combination ad pricing.
If you have an ad in the Times.
regardless of size, you can get the
website ad for half price !!
ONLY $30.00 for the entire year!
October-November-December 2012.
American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders
Application for Membership
Membership includes: Membership card, New Zealand Guidebook, Subscription to New Zealand Times
Make checks payable to: AFNZRBA
Send to: John Neff
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
I hereby make application for membership in the American Federation of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders and
enclose the appropriate dues. I agree, if accepted to abide by the club Constitution and By-laws, and to further
the interest of the New Zealand rabbit in every way possible.
Fees: (Circle type and fee of membership desired)
New: $15.00
Renew: $13.00
New: $17.00
Renew: $15.00
New: $28.00
Renew: $23.00
New: $13.00
Renew: $ 8.00
New: $16.00
Renew: $14.00 (includes first class postage)
New or Renew: $40.00 per person
$240.00 per person or $250.00 for husband/wife
First Class mailing of New Zealand Times - $10.00 per year
Name/s: ____________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: ______________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________________________
Please list Youth name/s and date of birth:
Name of Sponsoring Club: _______________________________________________________
Date of Show: _____________ Location of Show: ___________________________________
Show Secretary: _______________________________________________________________
Secretary address: _____________________________________________________________
Secretary phone and/or email: __________________________________________________
Number of sanctions: Open _____ @ $12.00 Youth _____ @ $8.00
TOTAL __________
ARBA Open number/s __________________________________________________________
ARBA Youth number/s __________________________________________________________
New Zealand Times
Oley Valley
Basgil/Borden Rabbitry
Breeding Stock/Meat Pens
Breeder of
fine quality New Zealand
Rick Shipe
Cole, Edith & Tony Folker
127 Red Well Rd
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-5053
191 Club Road
Oley, PA 19547
(610) 987-9652
[email protected]
Paul & Sue Borden
Pete, Lori, Bree & Colton Basgil
20824 Peters Rd
Crosby, TX 77532
[email protected]
Shipping Available
626 Alabama St
Sulphur, LA 70663
[email protected]
New Zealands
New Zealands
Breeders & Exhibitors
New Zealand Whites
Donnie & Tina Hornback
531 Ferrill Hill Rd
Buffalo, KY 42716
[email protected]
Space available......
$60.00 for 2 years
First come, first served
Breeders and Exhibitors
of Quality
New Zealand Whites
Tony & Diane Fortney
609 Stringtown Road
Central City, KY 42330
Ph: 270-754-5191
[email protected]
A & K Thayer
Lawrence &
Angela Weeks
Contact John Neff or Dick Gehr
Preston, Idaho
2003 National New Zealand Show BOB
Greenville, Ohio
Raising and Showing
New Zealands
Supporting the AFNZRB
[email protected]
755 Fremont St.
Whitewater, WI 53190
(262) 473-3553
Contact ~ Jerry Thayer
Carver - Kellogg International
Harvey Carver
Mount Hope Ontario
email: [email protected]
Joe Kellogg
Judge #790
2927 North 9 Mile Rd.
Allegany, NY 14796
email: [email protected]
Be sure to check your Membership Expiration
date on your label. Also check the expiration
date on your ad inside.
New Zealand Times
John Neff - Secretary
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
Youth Best of Breed
Caleb Taulbee
Open Best of Breed
David Cardinal
Awards Supplier to the Federation !!
Rabbit, Cavy, Poultry & Livestock Awards Specialist
Breeding the finest in New Zealand Whites
Best of Breed
Please contact us for all your
award and engraving needs.
White Senior Buck
2012 New Zealand
National Show
Fort Worth, Texas
John & Julie Neff
1351 Holder Lane
Geneva, FL 32732
Ph: (407) 349-0450
email: [email protected]
website: www.jneffeng.com
Youth Best Opposite Sex Open Best Opposite Sex
Thanet, Julia & Caroline
Dean Sinders
1st Place 6-8 Buck
2012 New Zealand National
Fort Worth, Texas
Volume 5,, Issue 4
October / November / December 20122