Why duck hunting stamps exist … Welcome to the 82nd year of the Federal Duck Stamp! It is no accident waterfowl has survived all these years in a growing human world that has drained wetlands and destroyed habitat in the interest of highways and shopping centers. The funds raised by duck stamp sales have made their continued existence and prosperity possible. In the late 1800s many important people began to show their concern for the loss of wetlands and waterfowl, including President Benjamin Harrison and Teddy Roosevelt. Thereafter, many have devoted their lives to survival of waterfowl. In 1934, through the relentless perseverance of many, including Pulitzer Prize winner J.N. “Ding” Darling, who was the artist of the first duck stamp, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Federal Migratory Bird Stamp into law. It is this rich tradition on which duck stamps were built, and have maintained their position as the longest running set of stamps on one theme in the history of the United States! Each stamp is from an extraordinary work of art, created by an artist exclusively for the duck stamp. The stamps are a true pleasure to own and admire, time and again throughout generations. Several albums are available to maintain and collect your duck stamps, and can be found throughout this catalog. We offer federal stamps, stamps from all 50 states, as well as many foreign countries. Explore the many different species depicted on duck stamps from around the world. I invite you to read The Duck Stamp Story, a comprehensive book on duck stamps, which I co-authored with Eric Dolin. The book will provide an easy read of the history of duck stamps and prints, along with the people that make it work. Adding this knowledge will greatly enhance the true meaning of the duck stamps in your collection. For the most current prices and information, check our web site – — Federal Duck Stamps — u Federal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 u Federal Errors . . . . . .15, 24 u Federal Junior (JDS) . . . .17 u Press Sheets . . . . . . . . . .16 u Remarques . . . . . . . . . . . .15 u Souvenir Cards . . . . . . . . .19 State Duck Stamps . . . . . . . .32 u Errors and Varieties . . . . .26 u Governor Editions . . . . . . .64 u Hunter type . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Table of Contents U.S. Postage Stamps . . . . .101 — Topicals — u Decoys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 u Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 u Lighthouses . . . . . . . . . . .63 — Conservation Stamps — u Conservation - society . . .79 u Conservation - state . . . . .76 u Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 u u u u u u u u Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Worldwide ducks . . . . . . .68 — Supplies — Federal album . . .12, 32, 99 Junior album . . . . . . . . . . .18 State album . . . . . . . .32, 99 Fishing album . . . . . . . . . .83 Print album . . . . . . . . . . .101 Books (reference) . . . . . . .98 Frames . . .Inside front cover Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 First Day Covers . . . . . . . . . .21 Nat’l Duck Society . . . .80, 100 New Issue Service . . . . . . . .39 Prints – Federal . . . . . . . . . . .23 SHDC Souvenir Sheets . . . .97 Species and Artist list . . . . .85 Duck License Plates . . . . . . .74 u u Call 1-800-231-5926 Or order from our web site - Ordering OrDErING TOLL-FrEE: Place your orders on our toll-free number, 1-800-231-5926 or call 281-493-6386. Prices subject to change; you will be notified prior to shipping should this occur. ON-LINE OrDErING: Place your order via our web site Online orders over $250 receive a 10% discount! rETUrN PrIVILEGE: All material guaranteed to be genuine. Should you wish to return any item, it must be done within ten days of receipt. CrEDIT SLIPS: For convenience, a credit slip will be issued for items not in stock. Please let us know on your order if you prefer a refund. One or two alternate choices suggested. If you are paying by credit card, only the items shipped will be charged. PAymENT: Cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or PayPal. Personal checks must clear unless customer’s credit is established. Texas residents please add 8.25% sales tax. INTERNATIONAL: Must be in U.S. funds, drawn on a U.S. bank. AUCTIONS: We conduct regular auctions containing duck stamps and prints as well as U.S. and worldwide stamps and collections. Buyer’s fee only 15%. Write or call for a catalog, or view online at We accept consignments for sale at auction. Sellers fee is 15% Order toll free! 1-800-231-5926 or Copyright © 2016 by Sam Houston Duck Co. Visit our Internet site Office: 14780 Memorial Dr., Suite 110, Houston, Texas 77079 Mailing address: P.O. Box 820087, Houston, Texas 77282-0087 Business phone 281-493-6386 u Fax 281-496-1445 u Orders 1-800-231-5926 E-Bay store – Thousands of interesting items! Go to and click on eBay! The Federal Duck Stamp Program Since 1934, sales of Federal Duck Stamps to hunters, stamp collectors and other conservationists have raised more than $700 million that has been used to acquire more than 5.2 million acres of habitat for the National Wildlife refuge System. F S What are Duck Stamps? How do Duck Stamps benefit wildlife? ederal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamps, commonly known as “Duck Stamps”, are pictorial stamps produced by the U.S. Postal Service for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. They are not valid for postage. Originally created in 1934 as the federal licenses required for hunting migratory waterAugust 22, 1934, J.N. Darling fowl, today Federal Duck buys the first duck stamp from Stamps have a much larger 3rd Assistant Postmaster General C. B. Eilenberger. purpose. Federal Duck Stamps are a vital tool for wetland conservation. Ninetyeight cents out of every dollar generated by the sales of Federal Duck Stamps goes directly to purchase or lease wetland habitat for protection in the National Wildlife Refuge System. Understandably, the Federal Duck RW1, the first duck stamp. Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated and is a highly effective way to conserve America’s natural resources. Besides serving as a hunting license and a conservation tool, a current year’s Federal Duck Stamp also serves as an entrance pass for National Wildlife Refuges where admission is normally charged. Duck Stamps and the products that bear duck stamp images are also popular collector items. In 1992, the first Junior Duck Stamps were produced. Junior Duck Stamps are now the capstone of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Junior Duck Stamp environmental education program, teaching students across the JDS1, issued in 1993, the first nation “conservation through the official Junior Duck Stamp. arts.” Artwork by Jason Parsons. Revenue generated by the sales of Junior Duck Stamps funds environmental education programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and two territories (American Samoa and the Virgin Islands). Today, many states also issue their own versions of duck stamps. In some states, the stamps are purely a collector’s item, but in others, the stamps have a similar role in hunting and conservation as federal duck stamps. For information regarding the authorizing legislation behind duck stamps, please see the "stamp law" page at You can also download a brochure, The Federal Duck Stamp Story, for a brief history of both Federal and Junior Duck Stamps at: ince 1934, the sales of Federal Duck Stamps have generated more than $800 million, which has been used to help purchase or lease over 5.2 million acres of waterfowl habitat in the U.S. These lands are now protected in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Wildlife Refuge System. Waterfowl are not the only wildlife to benefit from the sale of Federal Duck Stamps. Numerous other bird, mammal, fish, reptile, and amphibian species that rely on wetland habitats have prospered. Further, an estimated one-third of the nation's endangered and threatened species find food or shelter in refuges established using Federal Duck Stamp funds. People, too, have benefited from the Federal Duck Stamp Program. Hunters have places to enjoy their hunting heritage and other outdoor enthusiasts have places to hike, watch birds, and visit. Moreover, the protected wetlands help purify water supplies, store flood water, reduce soil erosion and sedimentation, and provide spawning areas for fish important to sport and commercial fishermen. T Why should I buy duck stamps? here are many reasons to buy Duck Stamps. Hunters over the age of 16 must purchase a Federal Duck Stamp each year if they want to hunt migratory waterfowl. Birders and other frequenters of National Wildlife Refuges purchase a Federal Duck Stamp each year in order to gain free admission to refuges. Conservationists buy Federal Duck Stamps because they know that the stamps are, dollar for dollar, one of the best investments one can make in the future of America’s wetlands. Collectors buy both the Federal and Junior Duck Stamps because the beautiful stamps can gain value over the years and are an important part of America’s outdoor culture. Finally, educators, conservationists, hunters, parents, and students alike buy Junior Duck Stamps in order to support conservation education programs in the U.S. Where can I buy Duck Stamps and Duck Stamp products? B oth Federal Duck Stamps ($25) and Junior Duck Stamps ($5) are sold in many post offices across the country. You can also buy both stamps from your favorite stamp dealer, on the Internet, and many sporting goods and outdoor stores sell the Federal Duck Stamps. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Duck Stamp Office does not sell duck stamp products, but it does allow licensed vendors to produce and sell products bearing the images of both Federal and Junior Duck Stamps. Please check the “Products” page for a current list of vendors at E How are Duck Stamps made? ach year, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sponsors a stamp-design contest (usually held in the fall), with wildlife artists from across the nation submitting their work for judging by a panel of artists and wildlife experts. The winning art is used on the following year’s stamp. Wildlife artists consider it Sam Houston Duck Co. 2 a great honor to be selected as the winner of the Federal Duck Stamp Contest. After the winning design has been selected, the artwork is submitted to the U.S. Postal Service for production of the stamp. The U.S. Judging of the second federal duck Postal Service works with stamp contest, held in 1951. the staff of the Federal Duck Stamp Office and other members of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to design and produce a stamp that meets the needs and expectations of the public. A security document designer at the Postal Service prepares a model, combining the artwork, title, and denomination. Postal service experts determine what areas of the stamp will be reproduced by the intaglio process (a type of engraving), how the colors of the remainder of the image will be separated, and what printing methods and equipment will yield the best reproduction of the artwork. Before printing, the Postal Service submits a stamp model to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for approval. A similar process is used for Junior Duck Stamps. Annually, thousands of students across the country enter artwork in their state’s round of the Junior Duck Stamp contest. Students from kindergarten to high school compete in one of four age brackets (grades K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12) for a chance to win various prizes. From the first place winners in each age bracket, stateround judges select a Best of Show piece to represent their state in the National Junior Duck Stamp Contest. Each April, judges for the National Junior Duck Stamp Contest select a winner from the 53 Best of Show entries (one from each state, the District of Columbia, and participating territories [American Samoa and the Virgin Islands]) to become that year’s Junior Duck Stamp. Every year around July 1, a new Federal Duck Stamp and a new Junior Duck Stamp are released for sale to the public at a First Day of Sale Ceremony. After the First Day of Sale, the stamps can be purchased at all national duck stamp retailers. are not an artist, you can still participate by attending the contest and viewing the judging. The Federal Duck Stamp Contest is usually held in late September. Call the Federal Duck Stamp Office at 703-358-2000 for contest information. Y Junior Duck Stamp Contest ou can also participate in the Junior Duck Stamp Contest. Any student in kindergarten through high school can enter the contest. Teachers, parents, students, or anyone interested can attend the state and national contest judging. Contact your state coordinator for information on state-round contests. The National JDS23, the 2015 Junior Duck Stamp Contest is usuJunior duck stamp. ally held in April. Call the Federal Duck Stamp Office at 703-358-2000 for current contest information. The stamp is issued at the same time as the Federal Duck Stamp. Y Where can I view Duck Stamps? ou can see every Federal Duck Stamp and every Junior Duck Stamp ever made, along with artist and production information, through the FWS web image galleries. Also, you can see a number of Federal Duck Stamps and duck stamp-related artifacts at the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C. In March 1995, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service transferred its complete set of the annual duck stamp series to the Smithsonian Institution. Included in the collection is a complete set of die proofs. At transfer, the official collection consisted of 21 panes of 28 stamps each, dating from the first issue through 1934-1955. Under a current agreement between the Service and the Smithsonian Institution, a sheet, a pane, and die proof of each issue is added to the collection annually. F Who can answer questions about Duck Stamps? or questions about Federal and Junior Duck Stamps, please contact the Federal Duck Stamp Office by calling 703-358-2000 or visit their web site: The mailing address is: Federal Duck Stamp Office, USFWS, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: MB, Falls Church, VA 22041 W How can I participate in the Duck Stamp Contest? hether you are an artist or an interested citizen, you can participate in the Federal Duck Stamp Contest. Anyone over the age of 18 can enter the contest for a chance to see one’s winning artwork on a Federal Duck Stamp. Even if you Reprinted with permission of the Federal Duck Stamp Office. Gulf Coast Recovery Cover In the summer of 2010, in response to the Deep Water Horizon oil spill, the USFWS issued a special edition Federal Duck Stamp cachet. Proceeds from the sale of the cachet were used to acquire wetlands for inclusion in National Wildlife Refuges along the Gulf Coast. The cachet features a silk rendering of St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge on the west coast of Florida and the 2010 Federal Duck Stamp. The brown pelican (state bird of Louisiana) drawing used on the cancel was designed by stamp artist Robert Bealle. The cover measures 9½” x 4¼” and comes in a decorative folder. Gulf Coast Cachet $39.95 Sam Houston Duck Co. 3 75th Anniversary Sheet A special Federal duck stamp souvenir sheet picturing the first and seventy-fifth federal duck stamps. The sheet measures 5” x 6½”, and includes a brief history of the federal duck stamp program. RW75s/s Mint NH ..................... $95. RW75s/s(s) Signed by artist ..... 110. Limited stock! Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal FEDERAL DUCK STAMPS — MINT NH F-VF – VF – XF – Fine to Very Fine, nice centering; will satisfy most collectors. VERY FINE — Our most popular grade!! Extremely Fine – Well balanced, exceptional. COmPLETE FEDErAL DUCK SETS INCLUDE A 10% DISCOUNT!! Cat. No. year rW1 rW2 rW3 rW4 rW5 rW6 rW7 rW8 rW9 rW10 rW11 rW12 rW13 rW14 rW15 rW16 rW17 rW18 rW19 rW20 rW21 rW22 rW23 rW24 rW25 rW26 rW27 rW28 rW29 Cat. No. rW72b rW73b rW73b rW74b rW75b rW76b rW77b rW78b rW79b rW80b F-VF 1934 $475. 1935 475. 1936 295. 1937 275. 1938 325. 1939 175. 1940 175. 1941 175. 1942 175. 1943 85. 1944 85. 1945 85. 1946 40. 1947 40. 1948 40. 1949 45. 1950 65. 1951 65. 1952 65. 1953 65. 1954 65. 1955 65. 1956 65. 1957 65. 1958 55. 1959 85. 1960 75. 1961 75. 1962 75. year 2005 2006 VF F-VF Sam Houston Duck Co. CHECKLIST Cat. No. year rW30 rW31 rW32 rW33 rW34 rW35 rW36 rW37 rW38 rW39 rW40 rW41 rW42 rW43 rW44 rW45 rW46 rW47 rW48 rW49 rW50 rW51 rW52 rW53 rW54 rW55 rW56 rW57 rW58 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 F-VF $75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 50. 50. 50. 35. 22. 15. 14. 10. 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 14. 15. 16. 25. Federal Mini-Sheets – NH $1,350. 89. Dual signature 115. 2007 75. 2008 49. 2009 49. 2010 49. 2011 49. 2012 49. 2013 49. SCArCE and extremely popular with collectors! XF $650. $1,450. 725. 1,525. 325. 475. 325. 475. 395. 750. 225. 395. 250. 375. 250. 375. 250. 375. 125. 250. 135. 225. 110. 195. 55. 125. 55. 125. 55. 125. 65. 145. 85. 145. 85. 165. 85. 165. 85. 165. 85. 150. 85. 150. 85. 150. 85. 150. 85. 150. 110. 175. 95. 150. 95. 150. 95. 175. VF $1,750. 135. 155. 135. 55. 55. 55. 55. 55. 55. Stamps greater than XF are listed on pages 9-14 or shop! VF-XF $2,100. 185. 175. 165. 65. 60. 60. 60. 60. 60. XF $2,350. 220. 195. 195. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. 75. VF $95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 65. 65. 65. 42. 25. 20. 20. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 15. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 17. 24. 24. 30. XF $175. 175. 175. 175. 175. 125. 95. 110. 85. 65. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 40. 45. 45. 55. 55. 65. Cat. No. year F-VF Sets (rW1-82) 10% off sets* $5,258. rW59 rW60 rW61 rW62 rW63 rW64 rW65 rW66 rW67 rW68 rW69 rW70 rW71 rW72 rW72c rW73 rW74 rW75 rW76 rW77 rW78 rW79 rW80 rW81 rW82 4,695. VF $30. 30. 30. 32. 30. 35. 45. 50. 40. 30. 30. 30. 30. 22. 22. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 22. 32. $6,942. 6,245. XF $75. 55. 55. 55. 55. 55. 75. 75. 60. 55. 55. 55. 45. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 45. $13,289. 11,960. Set includes either RW72 or RW72c. Self-Adhesive (PSA) NH XF-SUP $3,200. 275. 275. 250. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. 125. SUP. $3,750. 385. 495. 495. Call Call Call Call Call Call Limited quantities issued: RW72b – 1,000 each; RW73b-RW78b 10,000 each; RW79b-RW80b 5,000 each. (Prices subject to change.) Mini-sheet errors listed on page 14. 4 1992 $25. 1993 22. 1994 22. 1995 25. 1996 22. 1997 25. 1998 42. 1999 35. 2000 25. 2001 25. 2002 25. 2003 20. 2004 22. 2005 19. Type II 19. 2006 19. 2007 19. 2008 19. 2009 19. 2010 19. 2011 19. 2012 19. 2013 19. 2014 19. 2015 29. Cat. No. rW65A rW66A rW67A rW68A rW69A rW70A rW71A rW72A rW73A rW74A rW75A rW76A rW77A rW78A rW79A rW80A rW81A rW82A year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 F-VF $22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 22. 20. 20. 20. 22. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 29. XF $30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 29. 30. 45. An otherwise mint stamp with hinge mark on back. Cat. No. rW1H rW2H rW3H rW4H rW5H rW6H rW7H rW8H rW9H rW10H rW11H rW12H year F-VF H 1934 ....$295. 1935 ......295. 1936 ......145. 1937 ......125. 1938 ......125. 1939 ........95. 1940 ........75. 1941 ........75. 1942 ........75. 1943 ........45. 1944 ........45. 1945 ........35. Cat. No. rW13H rW14H rW15H rW16H rW17H rW18H rW19H rW20H rW21H rW22H rW23H rW24H rW25H rW26H rW27H rW28H rW29H rW30H year F-VF H 1946 ......$25. 1947 ........25. 1948 ........25. 1949 ........25. 1950 ........30. 1951 ........30. 1952 ........30. 1953 ........30. 1954 ........35. 1955 ........35. 1956 ........35. 1957 ........35. 1958 ........35. 1959 ........60. 1960 ........45. 1961 ........45. 1962 ........55. 1963 ........55. UNSIGNED Unsigned – Mint appearing stamp, generally without gum; perfect for framing. Cat. No. F-VF Cat. No. F-VF Cat. No. F-VF rW2+ ....165 rW29+ ....30. rW56+ ......8. rW1+ ..$145. rW3+ ......85. rW4+ ......55. rW5+ ......55. rW6+ ......55. rW7+ ......55. rW8+ .......55. rW9+ .......55. rW10+ ....40. rW11+ ....30. rW12+ ....30. rW13+ ....15. rW14+ ....15. rW15+ ....15. rW16+ ....18. rW17+ ....18. rW18+ ....18. rW19+ ....18. rW20+ ....20. rW21+ ....18. rW22+ ....18. rW23+ ....18. rW24+ ....18. rW25+ ....18. rW26+ ....35. rW27+ ....28. rW28+ ..$30. rW30+ ....30. rW31+ ....42. rW32+ ....30. rW33+ ....30. rW34+ ....30. rW35+ ....22. rW36+ ....20. rW37+ ....20. rW38+ ....16. rW39+ ....12. rW40+ .......8. rW41+ .......6. rW42+ ......6. rW43+ ......6. rW44+ ......6. rW45+ .......6. rW46+ ......6. rW47+ ......6. rW48+ ......6. rW49+ ......6. rW50+ ......6. rW51+ .......6. rW52+ ......6. rW53+ ......6. rW54+ ......8. Sam Houston Duck Co. rW55+ ....$8. rW57+ ....12. rW58+ .....12. rW59+ ....14. rW60+ ....14. rW61+ .....14. rW62+ .....14. rW63+ .....12. rW64+ .....12. rW65+ .....26. rW66+ .....26. rW67+ .....18. rW68+ .....20. rW69+ .....20. rW70+ .....20. rW71+ .....15. rW72+ .....15. rW73+ .....15. rW74+ .....15. rW75+ .....15. rW76+ .....15. rW77+ .....15. rW78+ .....15. rW79+ .....15. rW80+ .....15. rW81+ .....15. Cat. No. rW31H rW32H rW33H rW34H rW35H rW36H rW37H rW38H rW39H rW40H rW41H rW42H rW43H rW44H rW45H rW46H rW47H rW48H year F-VF H 1964 ......$50. 1965 ........55. 1966 ........55. 1967 ........60. 1968 ........55. 1969 ........30. 1970 ........30. 1971 ........22. 1972 ........16. 1973 ........14. 1974 ........10. 1975 ........10. 1976 ..........8. 1977 ..........8. 1978 ..........8. 1979 ..........8. 1980 ..........8. 1981 ..........8. Cat. No. rW49H rW50H rW51H rW52H rW53H rW54H rW55H rW56H rW57H rW58H rW59H rW60H rW61H rW62H rW63H rW64H rW65H year F-VF H 1982 ......$10. 1983 ........10. 1984 ........10. 1985 ........10. 1986 ........10. 1987 ........12. 1988 ........12. 1989 ........14. 1990 ........14. 1991 ........17. 1992 ........17. 1993 ........17. 1994 ........17. 1995 ........17. 1996 ........17. 1997 ........17. 1998 ........28. Cat. No. rW66H rW67H rW68H rW69H rW70H rW71H rW72H rW73H rW74H rW75H rW76H rW77H rW78H rW79H rW80H rW81H year F-VF H 1999 ......$28. 2000 ........22. 2001 ........22. 2002 ........22. 2003 ........22. 2004 ........18. 2005 ........17. 2006 ........17. 2007 ........17. 2008 ........17. 2009 ........17. 2010 ........17. 2011 ........17. 2012 ........17. 2013 ........17. 2014 ........17. rW1-81H Set........$3,110. 10% off sets! .................* USED Used – Signed by hunter/user. Premium Used – Signed by hunter with discreet or very light signature, often indistinguishable; generally F-VF+. Used faulty – Somewhat flawed, offered at a huge discount; no pieces missing F-VF. Cat. # F-VF Prm. Flty rW2U 120. 145. 60. 60. 22. Cat. # F-VF rW1U $95. $135. $50. rW26U $8. rW3U 60. rW28 rW5U 45. rW4U rW6U rW7U rW8U rW9U 75. 40. 60. 35. 45. 35. 45. 35. 45. 35. 45. rW10U 22. rW11U 25. 18. 25. rW12U 18. 25. rW13U 12. rW14U 12. rW16U 12. rW17U 9. rW19U 9. rW18U rW20U rW21U rW22U rW23U rW24U rW25U 16. 16. 13. 8. 13. 8. 13. 8. 13. 8. 22. 22. 15. 15. 11. 6. 15. 8. 22. 15. 15. 9. 22. 10. 15. 9. 22. 15. 15. rW15U 12. 22. 13. 10. 6. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. rW27U 8. rW29U 8. rW30U rW31U rW32U rW33U rW34U rW35U rW36U rW37U rW38U rW39U rW40U rW41U rW42U rW43U rW44U rW45U rW46U rW47U rW48U rW49U 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 7. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 6. Prm. Flty $13. $3. 13. 3. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 13. 9. 9. 9. 8. 7. 7. 7. 7. 7. 6. 7. 7. 7. 7. Cat. # F-VF rW50U $6. 3. rW51U 6. 3. rW53U 6. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 2. 3. 3. rW52U rW54U rW55U rW56U rW57U rW58U rW59U rW60U rW61U rW62U rW63U rW64U 6. 6. 6. 6. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. rW65U 22. rW66U 20. rW67U 20. rW68U 18. rW69U 18. $7. $3. 7. 3. 7. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 9. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 25. 25. 16. 16. 16. rW70U 18. 16. rW72U — 3. rW71U 9. 3. rW73U 9. 3. Prm. Flty 9. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. — — — — — Shop on line – 5 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal HINGED Federal Re m ea d ! DEFINITIONS CATALOG NUmBEr Federal Duck Stamps are catalogued according to the year in which the stamp was issued. For example, the first duck stamp, issued in 1934, is RW1. If you are ordering by the expiration date on the stamp, (i.e. expires June 30, 1946), please back up one year and order the 1945 stamp (RW12). small quantity of encapsulated stamps in stock, check for current list. GUm NH – means a stamp is Mint Never Hinged with original gum (no hinge mark on the gum). H, or Hinged means it has original gum, but was previously hinged in an album. Unsigned means not signed on the face generally will not have gum. A Used stamp will bear the hunter or user’s signature, Premium Used will have a small, very discreet signature. Note: RW1-20 were wet printed and due to the large size of the stamp, natural gum bends or skips are normal and may be present CONDITION mint – Post Office fresh, original Never Hinged gum. Unsigned – Mint appearing stamp, generally without gum; perfect for framing; F-VF+. Premium Used – Signed by hunter with discreet or very light signature; generally VF+. Used – Signed by hunter/user. Faulty Used – Flawed, offered at a huge discount (no pieces missing); F-VF, looks good framed. FINE-VEry FINE (F-VF GrADE 75) – Perforations well clear of design; will please most collectors. VEry FINE (VF GrADE 80) – OUR MOST POPULAR GRADE: nicely centered stamp, balanced, perfs well clear of design, above the norm. EXTrEmELy FINE (XF GrADE 90) – A select grade; nearly perfect centering, may be very slightly off-center on one side, excellent color and freshness. Excellent stamp overall. ArTIST SIGNED Autographed by the artist; the value here is the signature. Early scarce issues may or may not have gum. Modern issues should be NH. The symbol u indicates the artist is deceased. Please use (s) when ordering artist signed stamps. All signatures guaranteed genuine. EXTrEmELy FINE–SUPErB (XF-S GrADE 95) – Higher degree of perfection than above grade. nearly a superb stamp! PSE Graded Certificate will usually accompany. SUPErB (SUP GrADE 98) … ELITE STAmP – Top of the Line! A visually perfectly centered stamp; excellent color and freshness. PSE Graded Certificate will usually accompany. Not always in stock, prices volatile and subject to change. PLATE BLOCKS All plates are mint, NH, original gum, well-centered, F-VF minimum, with selvage on two sides. Early plates with very fine to extremely fine centering, when available, sell for a premium. Note: RW1-25 and RW31 are plate blocks of six; all others are plate blocks of four. GEm 100 (GEm GrADE 100) Virtually 100% as “PERFECT” as man and machine can produce. RARE GRADE; seldom awarded. Always accompanied by Graded PSE Certificate. Please e-mail or call for availability and price. [email protected] PrINTS We stock many prints, and can obtain others on request, call for specific quotes and availability. Discounts on most prints. See, click on “Prints” for most state waterfowl prints. Note: JUMBO (J) Graded stamps with huge margins are called “JUMBOS.” They are scarce to rare and command a premium, as do GEM 100 stamps. PrICES The abbreviation Call means Price On Request since the item is scarce. ENCAPSULATED PSE offers encapsulated stamps (similar to coins). Previously certified stamps can be converted for a small fee. We have a F-VF centering VF centering XF centering GrADED STAmPS Superb centering Graded Stamps – The “grade” of a stamp is a key in determining the value, or price. Stamps have always been graded by dealers and collectors, and priced accordingly. For example, the Scott U.S. Specialized Catalogue prices stamps as Very Fine; better sell for more, worse for less. There are now four expert committees that will provide a “grade” for a fee, as follows: PSE (Professional Stamp Experts) PSAG PF (Philatelic Foundation) P.O. Box 6170 Philatelic Stamp Authentication and West 40th St., 15th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92658 Grading New York, NY 10018 877-782-6788 P.O. Box 41-0880 Melbourne, FL 212-221-6555 PF and PSE Graded 32941-0880 Certificates. 305-345-9864 (Submission forms may be obtained from these agencies.) GrADED PrICE GUIDES – PSE and Scott Publishing Company both prepare periodic pricing guides. The PSE SMQ (Stamp Market Quarterly) is $10, and the semiannual Scott Valuing Supplement is $12; each postpaid. We have both available; order toll-free 1-800-231-5926 or order on line - SHDC PrICES – The SHDC Catalogue is an actual sales catalog, versus the PSE and Scott guides, neither of which offer stamps for sale. Many of our 95, 98 and 100 stamps will come with a graded certificate at no extra charge! SHDC takes great care to properly grade all stamps listed. rEGISTry SETS – PSE offers a free web site for registering your PSE graded stamps. We highly recommend you participate in this system as it provides a ready inventory of your collection; Sam Houston Duck Co. 6 F-VF – VF – XF – XF-SUP– Superb– GEM – GUm hinge mark on the gum. Unsigned means not signed on the face generally will not have gum. A Used stamp will bear the hunter or user’s signature, Premium Used will have a small, very discreet signature. Fine to Very Fine; will satisfy most collectors. VERY FINE — Our most popular grade!! Extremely Fine – Well balanced, exceptional. Nearly perfect; most with a Graded PSE Cert. Virtually perfect; most with a Graded PSE Cert. Perfect! Call regarding price or check CONDITION mint – Post Office fresh, original Never Hinged gum. Unsigned – Mint appearing stamp, generally without gum; perfect for framing. Premium Used – Signed by hunter with discreet or very light signature. Used – Signed by hunter/user. Faulty Used – Flawed, offered at a huge discount (no pieces missing). NH – means a stamp is Mint Never Hinged with original gum (no hinge mark on the gum). H or Hinged means the stamp is mint except for a rW1 mALLArD 1934 F-VF NH . . . .$475. VF NH . . . . . . .650. XF NH . . . . .1,450. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . .$295. Unsigned . . . . .145. Unsg. – faulty . . .50. Used . . . . . . . . .95. Prem. used . . .135. Used – faulty . . .35. Artist Signed - Jay N. Darling u . . . . . .Call rW5 PINTAIL 1938 F-VF NH . . . .$325. VF NH . . . . . . .395. XF NH . . . . . . .750. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . .$125. Unsigned . . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .20. Used . . . . . . . . . .45. Prem. used . . . . .60. Used – faulty . . . .12. Artist Signed - Roland Clark u . . . . . . .Call rW9 WIGEON 1942 F-VF NH . . . .$175. VF NH . . . . . . .250. XF NH . . . . . . .375. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . . .$75. Unsigned . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .20. Used . . . . . . . . .35. Prem. used . . . .45. Used – faulty . . .12. Artist Signed - A. Lassell Ripley Duck Stamp Trivia Sam Houston Duck Co. u . . . .Call rW2 CANVASBACK 1935 F-VF NH . . . .$475. VF NH . . . . . . .725. XF NH . . . . .1,525. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call rW3 CANADA GOOSE 1936 F-VF NH . . . .$295. VF NH . . . . . . .325. XF NH . . . . . . .475. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . .$295. Unsigned . . . . .165. Unsg. – faulty . . .65. Used . . . . . . . .120. Prem. used . . .145. Used – faulty . . .45. Artist Signed - Frank Benson u . . . . . .Call Artist Signed - Richard E. Bishop rW6 GrEEN-WINGED TEAL 1939 F-VF NH . . . .$175. VF NH . . . . . . .225. XF NH . . . . . . .395. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call u F-VF NH . . . .$175. VF NH . . . . . . .250. XF NH . . . . . . .375. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call . . .Call u u . . .Call rW11 WHITE-FrONTED GOOSE 1944 F-VF NH . . . . .$85. VF NH . . . . . . .135. XF NH . . . . . . .225. XF-S NH . . . . .295. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/ 6 675. Hinged F-VF . . .$45. Unsigned . . . . . .40. Unsg. – faulty . . .15. Used . . . . . . . . .22. Prem. used . . . .25. Used – faulty . . .10. Artist Signed - Walter E. Bohl .Call Hinged F-VF . . .$75. Unsigned . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .18. Used . . . . . . . . .35. Prem. used . . . .45. Used – faulty . . .12. Artist Signed - Francis L. Jaques rW10 WOOD DUCK 1943 F-VF NH . . . . .$85. VF NH . . . . . . .125. XF NH . . . . . . .250. XF-S NH . . . . .295. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .675. u rW7 BLACK DUCK 1940 Hinged F-VF . . .$95. Unsigned . . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .18. Used . . . . . . . . . .35. Prem. used . . . . .45. Used – faulty . . . .12. Artist Signed - Lynn Bogue Hunt Hinged F-VF . .$145. Unsigned . . . . . .85. Unsg. – faulty . . .25. Used . . . . . . . . .60. Prem. used . . . .75. Used – faulty . . .18. Hinged F-VF . . .$45. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .15. Used . . . . . . . . .18. Prem. used . . . .25. Used – faulty . . .10. Artist Signed - Walter A. Weber . . . . .525. u . .1,500. rW4 GrEATEr SCAUP 1937 F-VF NH . . . .$275. VF NH . . . . . . .325. XF NH . . . . . . .475. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . .$125. Unsigned . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .20. Used . . . . . . . . .40. Prem. used . . . .60. Used – faulty . . .12. Artist Signed - Joseph D. Knap . .Call u rW8 rUDDy DUCK 1941 F-VF NH . . . .$175. VF NH . . . . . . .250. XF NH . . . . . . .375. XF-S NH . . . . .Call Superb NH . .Call. Plate Block/6 .Call Hinged F-VF . . .$75. Unsigned . . . . . .55. Unsg. – faulty . . .18. Used . . . . . . . . .35. Prem. used . . . .45. Used – faulty . . .12. Artist Signed - Edwin Kalmbach u . . . .Call rW12 SHOVELEr 1945 F-VF NH . . . . .$85. VF NH . . . . . . .110 XF NH . . . . . . .195. XF-S NH . . . . .250. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .525. Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .12. Used . . . . . . . . .18. Prem. used . . . .25. Used – faulty . . . .8. Artist Signed - Owen J. Gromme u . . .650. Beginning in 1950, the contest for rW17, the Federal Duck Stamp Contest was opened to all artists — professional and amateur. In prior years, outstanding waterfowl artists were invited to submit entries. Noteworthy is that second place in this contest went to A.H. Shortt of Canada. The contest is now only open to United States citizens, nationals, or resident aliens. Any person who has won the federal contest during the preceding three years will not be eligible to submit an entry in the current year’s contest. 7 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal Centering and Condition CENTErING TErmS Federal rW13 rEDHEAD 1946 F-VF NH . . . . .$40. VF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF NH . . . . . . .125. XF-S NH . . . . .160. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .350. Hinged F-VF . . .$25. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . . .8. Used . . . . . . . . .12. Prem. used . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . .6. Artist signed - Robert W. Hines u . . . .275. rW17 TrUmPETEr SWAN 1950 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .145. XF-S NH . . . . .225. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Walter A. Weber u . . .1,750. rW21 rING-NECKED DUCK 1954 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-S NH . . . . .175. Superb NH . . .350. Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Harvey Sandstrom u . .275. rW25 CANADA GOOSE 1958 F-VF NH . . . . .$55. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-Sup NH . . .195. Superb NH . . .375. Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Leslie C. Kouba u . . . .350. rW14 SNOW GOOSE 1947 F-VF NH . . . . .$40. VF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF NH . . . . . . .125. XF-S NH . . . . .160. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .350. rW15 BUFFLEHEAD 1948 F-VF NH . . . . .$40. VF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF NH . . . . . . .125. XF-S NH . . . . .160. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .395. Hinged F-VF . . .$25. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . . .8. Used . . . . . . . . .12. Prem. used . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . .6. Artist signed - Jack Murray u . . . . . .1,450. Artist signed - Maynard Reece . . . . . . .275. rW18 GADWALL 1951 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .165. XF-S NH . . . . .225. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .575 rW19 HArLEqUIN 1952 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . .165. XF-S NH . . . . .295. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Maynard Reece . . . . . .275. u F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-S NH . . . . .175. Superb NH . . .325. Plate Block/6 .575 . . . .195. . . . . . . .750. Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . . .3. Artist signed - Edward J. Bierly u . . . . .275. rW27 rEDHEAD 1960 rW26 BLACK LAB/mALLArD 1959 F-VF NH . . . . .$85. VF NH . . . . . . .110. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .195. Superb NH . . .340. Plate Block/4 .550 u rW23 AmEr. mErGANSEr 1956 Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Stanley Stearns Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . . .3. Artist signed - John H. Dick rW22 BLUE GOOSE 1955 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-S NH . . . . .175. Superb NH . . .350. Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$25 Unsigned . . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . . .8. Used . . . . . . . . . .12. Prem. used . . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . . .6. F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-Sup NH . . .165. Superb NH . . .275. Plate Block/4 .410. Hinged F-VF . . .$60. Unsigned . . . . . .35. Unsg. – faulty . . .22. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Hinged F-VF . . .$45. Unsigned . . . . . .28. Unsg. – faulty . . .20. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - John A. Ruthven . . . . .150. Artist signed - Maynard Reece . . . . . .275. rW16 Am. GOLDENEyE 1949 F-VF NH . . . . .$45. VF NH . . . . . . . .65. XF NH . . . . . . .145. XF-S NH . . . . .175. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .450. Hinged F-VF . . .$25. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . . .8. Used . . . . . . . . .12. Prem. used . . . .15. Used – faulty . . . .6. Artist signed - Roger E. Preuss . . . .385. u rW20 BLUE-WINGED TEAL 1953 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .165. XF-S NH . . . . .250. Superb NH . .Call Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . .20. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Clayton Seagears .2,000. u rW24 AmErICAN EIDEr 1957 F-VF NH . . . . .$65. VF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-S NH . . . . .195. Superb NH . . .325. Plate Block/6 .575. Hinged F-VF . . .$35. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Jackson M. Abbott . .600. u rW28 mALLArD 1961 F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .150. XF-Sup NH . . .165. Superb NH . . .275. Plate Block/4 .450. Hinged F-VF . . .$45. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .18. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Edward A. Morris u . . .175. SHOP ON LINE — ANYTIME! SHDUCK.COM Sam Houston Duck Co. 8 Hinged F-VF . . .$55. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .22. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Edward A. Morris u . . .250. rW33 WHISTLING SWAN 1966 F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .250. Superb NH . . .325. Plate Block/4 .475. Hinged F-VF . . .$55. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .25. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Stanley Stearns u . . . .250. rW37 $3 rOSS’ GOOSE 1970 F-VF NH . . . . .$50. VF NH . . . . . . . .65. XF NH . . . . . . .110. XF-Sup NH . . .250. Superb NH . . .350. Plate Block/4 .285. Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . .20. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Edward J. Bierly u . . . .325. rW41 WOOD DUCK 1974 F-VF NH . . . . .$14. VF NH . . . . . . . .20. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .150. Plate Block/4 . .60. Hinged F-VF . . .$10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - David A. Maass . . . . . . .40. Federal Duck Stamp Sets Sam Houston Duck Co. rW30 AmErICAN BrANT 1963 F-VF NH . . . . . $75. VF NH . . . . . . . . 95. XF NH . . . . . . . 175. XF-Sup NH . . . 225. Superb NH . . . 325. Plate Block/4 . 475. rW31 NENE GOOSE 1964 Hinged F-VF . . .$55. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .22. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Edward J. Bierly u F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .225. Superb NH . . .425. Plate Block/6 2,100. . . . .275. Artist signed - Stanley Stearns rW34 OLDSqUAW 1967 F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .375. Superb NH . . .550. Plate Block/4 .525. u . . . .650. F-VF NH . . . . .$22. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .65. XF-Sup NH . . .125. Superb NH . . .175. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$22. Unsigned . . . . . .16. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. . . . .350. rW1-82 F-VF NH (Reg. $5,258.) rW1-82 VF NH (Reg. $6,942.) rW1-82XF NH (Reg. $13,289.) u . . . . .350. rW43 CANADA GOOSE 1976 F-VF NH . . . . .$10. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .125. Plate Block4 . . .55. Hinged F-VF . . .$10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. u . . . .2,500. Hinged F-VF . . .$16. Unsigned . . . . . .12. Unsg. – faulty . . . .5. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .8. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Arthur M. Cook rW42 DECOy/CANVASBACK 1975 Artist signed - James P. Fisher u rW39 EmPErOr GOOSE 1972 Artist signed - Maynard Reece . . . . . .145. F-VF NH . . . . .$10. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .160. Plate Block/4 . .55. . . . .250. Hinged F-VF . . .$55. Unsigned . . . . . .22. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .7. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - C.G. Pritchard rW38 CINNAmON TEAL 1971 F-VF NH . . . . .$35. VF NH . . . . . . . .42. XF NH . . . . . . . .85. XF-Sup NH . . . .95. Superb NH . . .175. Plate Block/4 .195. u rW35 HOODED mErGANSEr 1968 F-VF NH . . . . .$50. VF NH . . . . . . . .65. XF NH . . . . . . .125. XF-Sup NH . . .250. Superb NH . . .550. Plate Block/4 .275. Hinged F-VF . . .$60. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .25. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Leslie C. Kouba Hinged F-VF . . .$50. Unsigned . . . . . .42. Unsg. – faulty . . .22. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Alderson Magee . . . . . . .40. Save $4,695. Save $6,245. Save $11,960. 9 rW32 CANVASBACK 1965 F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .225. Superb NH . . .325. Plate Block/4 .475. Hinged F-VF . . .$55. Unsigned . . . . . .30. Unsg. – faulty . . .22. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . .13. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Ron Jenkins . . . . . . . . .195. rW36 WHITE-WINGED SCOTEr 1969 F-VF NH . . . . .$50. VF NH . . . . . . . .65. XF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF-Sup NH . . .250. Superb NH . . .550. Plate Block/4 .250. Hinged F-VF . . .$30. Unsigned . . . . . .20. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Maynard Reece . . . . . .175. rW40 STELLEr’S EIDEr 1973 F-VF NH . . . . .$15. VF NH . . . . . . . .20. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .125. Plate Block/4 . .75. Hinged F-VF . . .$14. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .8. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Lee LeBlanc u . . . . . . .250. rW44 rOSS’ GOOSE 1977 F-VF NH . . . . .$10. VF NH . . . . . . . 15. XF NH . . . . . . . 40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . 150. Plate Block/4 . . 55. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .2. Artist signed - Martin R. Murk . . . . . . . .40. Save $2,780. rW1-82 Hinged (Reg. $3,093) — Best for Framing — rW1-82 Unsigned (Reg. $1,936) Save $1,740. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal rW29 PINTAIL 1962 F-VF NH . . . . .$75. VF NH . . . . . . . .95. XF NH . . . . . . .175. XF-Sup NH . . .225. Superb NH . . .325. Plate Block/4 .500. Federal rW45 HOODED mErGANSEr 1978 F-VF NH . . . . .$10. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .125. Plate Block/4 . .55. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .5. Prem. used . . . . .6. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Albert Gilbert . . . . . . . . .35. rW49 CANVASBACK 1982 F-VF NH . . . .$ 11. VF NH . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .150. Plate block/4 . .55. F-VF Hinged .$ 10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - David A. Maass . . . . . .35. rW47 mALLArD 1980 rW46 GrEEN-WINGED TEAL 1979 F-VF NH . . . . .$11. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .175. Plate Block/4 . .55. F-VF NH . . . . .$11. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .150. Plate Block/4 . .55. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Richard Plasschaert . . . .35. Artist signed - Ken Michaelsen . . . . . . .35. rW50 PINTAIL 1983 F-VF NH . . . .$ 14. VF NH . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .150. Plate block/4 . .50. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. rW51 Wigeon 1984 F-VF NH . . . .$ 14. VF NH . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .140. Plate block/4 . .50. F-VF Hinged .$ 10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Phil Scholer . . . . . . . . .35. F-VF Hinged .$ 10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - William C. Morris . . . . .35. rW48 rUDDy DUCK 1981 F-VF NH . . . . .$11. VF NH . . . . . . . .15. XF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .150. Plate Block/4 . .55. Hinged F-VF . . . .$8. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - John S. Wilson u . . . . . .35. rW51x 50th Anniversary Special Commemorative Authorized by Congress for the 50th Anniversary of the duck stamp, RW51x VF NH with P.F.C., single . . . . .$195. RW51x XF NH GEM w/P.F.C., single . . .295. RW51x Horz. gutter pair w/ P.F.C. . . . . . .750. RW51x Vertical gutter pair with P.F.C. . .750. RW51x Center gutter block w/P.F.C. - 15 exist) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call Plate Block of 6 with P.F.C. . . . . . . . . . .3,500. SHOP ON LINE — ANYTIME! SHDUCK.COM rW52 CINNAmON TEAL 1985 F-VF NH . . . .$ 14. VF NH . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .140. Plate block/4 . .50. F-VF Hinged .$ 10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .7. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Gerald Mobley . . . . . . .35. rW56 LESSEr SCAUP 1989 F-VF NH . . . .$ 15. VF NH . . . . . . .24. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .95. Superb NH . .150. Plate block/4 . .85. F-VF Hinged .$ 14. Unsigned . . . . . . .8. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Neal Anderson . . . . . . .35. * rW53 FULVOUS WHISTLING 1986 F-VF NH . . . .$ 14. VF NH . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . .40. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .140. Plate block/4 . .50. rW54 rEDHEAD 1987 F-VF Hinged .$ 10. Unsigned . . . . . . .6. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. F-VF NH . . . .$ 14. VF NH . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . .45. XF-Sup NH . . .80. Superb NH . .120. Plate block/4 . .65. F-VF Hinged .$ 12. Unsigned . . . . . . .8. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. rW55 SNOW GOOSE 1988 F-VF NH . . . . .$14. VF NH . . . . . . . .17. XF NH . . . . . . . .45. XF-Sup NH . . . .80. Superb NH . . .175. Plate Block/4 . .65. Hinged F-VF . . .$12. Unsigned . . . . . . .8. Unsg. – faulty . . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .6. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Burton E. Moore, Jr. . .35. Artist signed - Arthur G. Anderson . . .35. Artist signed - Daniel Smith . . . . . . . . . .35. rW57 BLACK-BELLD WHST 1990 rW58 KING EIDEr 1991 rW59 SPECTACLED EIDEr 1992 F-VF NH . . . .$ 16. VF NH . . . . . . .24. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .95. Superb NH . .120. Plate block/4 . .85. F-VF NH . . . .$ 25. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .65. XF-Sup NH . . .95. Superb NH . .175. Plate block/4 .125. F-VF Hinged .$ 14. Unsigned . . . . . .12. Unsg. – faulty . . .4. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .3. Artist signed - Jim Hautman . . . . . . . .35. F-VF Hinged .$ 17. Unsigned . . . . . .12. Unsg. – faulty . . .8. Used . . . . . . . . . .8. Prem. used . . . . .9. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Nancy Howe . . . . . . . .45. F-VF NH . . . . .$25. VF NH . . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup NH . . .175. Superb* NH . .300. Plate Block/4 .125. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .14. Unsg. – faulty . . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Joe Hautman . . . . . . . . .45. – See page 8 for more details on Superb grade. u – Indicates artist deceased. Sam Houston Duck Co. 10 F-VF NH . . . .$ 22. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .120. Plate block/4 .125. F-VF Hinged .$ 17. Unsigned . . . . . .14. Unsg. – faulty . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Bruce Miller . . . . . . . . .45. rW64 CANADA GOOSE 1997 F-VF NH . . . . .$25. VF NH . . . . . . . .35. XF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .140. Plate Block/4 .125. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .12. Unsg. – faulty . . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Bob Hautman . . . . . . . . .45. rW68 PINTAIL 2001 F-VF NH . . . . .$25. VF NH . . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .125. Plate Block/4 .125. Hinged F-VF . . .$22. Unsigned . . . . . .20. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . .18. Prem. used . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Bob Hautman . . . . . . . . .45. rW72 HOODED mErGANSEr 2005 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .22. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . 15. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . . 9. Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Mark Anderson . . . . . . . 35. Federal Duck Stamp Sets Buy a set and SAVE! Sam Houston Duck Co. rW61 rED-BrEASTED mErG. F-VF NH . . . .$ 22. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .100. Plate block/4 .125. 1994 rW62 mALLArD 1995 F-VF Hinged .$ 17. Unsigned . . . . . .14. Unsg. – faulty . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. F-VF NH . . . .$ 25. VF NH . . . . . . .32. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .125. Plate block/4 .135. F-VF Hinged .$ 17. Unsigned . . . . . .14. Unsg. – faulty . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. rW63 SUrF SCOTEr 1996 F-VF NH . . . . .$22. VF NH . . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . .175. Plate Block/4 .125. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .12. Unsg. – faulty . . . .7. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . . .11. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Neal Anderson . . . . . . .45. Artist signed - Jim Hautman . . . . . . . .45. Artist signed - Wilhelm Goebel . . . . . . .35. rW65 BArrOW’S GOLDENEyE 1998 rW66 GrEATEr SCAUP 1999 rW67 mOTTLED DUCK 2000 F-VF NH . . . . .$42. VF NH . . . . . . . .45. XF NH . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup NH . . .125. Superb NH . . .150. Plate Block/4 .195. Hinged F-VF . . .$28. Unsigned . . . . . .26. Unsg. – faulty . . .12. Used . . . . . . . . .22. Prem. used . . . .25. Used – faulty . . . .5. F-VF NH . . . . . $35. VF NH . . . . . . . . 50. XF NH . . . . . . . . 75. XF-Sup NH . . . . 85. Superb NH . . . 150. Plate Block/4 . 145. Artist signed - Robert Steiner . . . . . . . .85. Artist signed - Jim Hautman . . . . . . . . .65. rW69 BLACK SCOTEr 2002 F-VF NH . . . . .$25. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .135. Plate Block/4 .125. rW70 SNOW GOOSE 2003 Hinged F-VF . .$22. Unsigned . . . . . .20 Unsg. – faulty . .10. Used . . . . . . . . .18. Prem. used . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . .5. F-VF NH . . . . .$20. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .55. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . .150. Plate Block/4 . .85. Artist signed - Joe Hautman . . . . . . . .45. rW74 rING-NECKED DUCK 2007 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . 15. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . . 9. Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Richard Clifton . . . . . . . .35. Artist signed - Sherrie R. Meline . . . . . 35. rW1-82 F-VF NH (Reg. $5,258.) rW1-82 VF NH (Reg. $6,942.) rW1-82XF NH (Reg. $13,289.) Hinged F-VF . .$22. Unsigned . . . . . .20. Unsg. – faulty . .10. Used . . . . . . . . .18. Prem. used . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Ron Louque . . . . . . . . .45. rW73 rOSS’ GOOSE 2006 F-VF NH . . . . . $19. VF NH . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . 39. XF-Sup NH . . . 75. Superb NH . . . 95. Plate Block/4 . . 85. Hinged F-VF . . .$28. Unsigned . . . . . .26. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . .20. Prem. used . . . .25. Used – faulty . . . .5. Save $4,695. Save $6,245. Save $11,960. 11 F-VF NH . . . . .$25. VF NH . . . . . . . .40. XF NH . . . . . . . .60. XF-Sup NH . . . .85. Superb NH . . .150. Plate Block/4 .125. Hinged F-VF . . .$22. Unsigned . . . . . .18. Unsg. – faulty . . .10. Used . . . . . . . . .20. Prem. used . . . .16. Used – faulty . . . .5. Artist signed - Adam Grimm . . . . . . . . .45. rW71 rEDHEAD 2004 F-VF NH . . . . .$22. VF NH . . . . . . .30. XF NH . . . . . . .45. XF-Sup NH . . .75. Superb NH . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . .$18. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . .10. Used . . . . . . . . . .9. Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . — Artist signed - Scot Storm . . . . . . . . .35. rW75 PINTAIL 2008 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Joe Hautman . . . . . . . . .35. Save $2,780. rW1-82 Hinged (Reg. $3,093) — Best for Framing — rW1-82 Unsigned (Reg. $1,936) Save $1,740. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal rW60 CANVASBACK 1993 Centering and Condition Federal CENTErING TErmS F-VF – VF – XF – XF-SUP– Superb– GEM – GUm viously hinged in an album. Unsigned means not signed on the face generally will not have gum. A Used stamp will bear the hunter or user’s signature, Premium Used will have a small, very discreet signature. Fine to Very Fine; will satisfy most collectors. VERY FINE — Our most popular grade!! Extremely Fine – Well balanced, exceptional. Nearly perfect; most with a Graded PSE Cert. Virtually perfect; most with a Graded PSE Cert. Perfect! Call regarding price or check CONDITION mint – Post Office fresh, original Never Hinged gum. Unsigned – Mint appearing stamp, generally without gum; perfect for framing. Premium Used – Signed by hunter with discreet or very light signature. Used – Signed by hunter/user. Faulty Used – Flawed, offered at a huge discount (no pieces missing). NH – means a stamp is Mint Never Hinged with original gum (no hinge mark on the gum). H, or Hinged means it has original gum, but was pre- rW76 LONG-TAILED DUCK 2009 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Joshua Spies . . . . . . . . .35. rW78 WHITE-FrONTED GOOSE 2011 rW77 Wigeon 2010 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Jim Hautman . . . . . . . . .35. Artist signed - Robert Bealle . . . . . . . . .35. rW79 WOOD DUCK 2012 F-VF NH . . . . . $19. VF NH . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . 39. XF-Sup NH . . . . 75. Superb NH . . . . 95. Plate Block/4 . . 85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Joe Hautman . . . . . . . . .35. Avail. July 2016 rW80 COmmON GOLDENEyE 2013 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .25. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. Hinged F-VF . . .$17. Unsigned . . . . . .15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Robert Steiner . . . . . . . .35. rW82 rUDDy DUCK 2015 rW81 CANVASBACK 2014 F-VF NH . . . . .$19. VF NH . . . . . . . .22. XF NH . . . . . . . .39. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 . .85. F-VF NH . . . . .$29. VF NH . . . . . . . .32. XF NH . . . . . . . .45. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 .110. Hinged F-VF . . $17. Unsigned . . . . . 15. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Adam Grimm . . . . . . . . .35. Hinged F-VF . . .$27. Unsigned . . . . . 25. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Jennifer Miller . . . . . . . . .35. rW83 TrUmPETEr SWAN 2016 F-VF NH . . . . .$29. VF NH . . . . . . . .32. XF NH . . . . . . . .45. XF-Sup NH . . . .75. Superb NH . . . .95. Plate Block/4 .110. Hinged F-VF . . .$27. Unsigned . . . . . 25. Unsg. – faulty . . — Used . . . . . . . . . — Prem. used . . . . — Used – faulty . . . — Artist signed - Joe Hautman . . . . . . . . .35. SHOP ON LINE — ANYTIME! SHDUCK.COM The Best Federal Stamp Album! More than just a stamp album – the Stearns and Fink Album is an elegant way to display your Expand your collection with the new Volume III binder and slipcase! Sam Houston Duck Co. The three volume set with matching slip case, is loaded with illustrations and information. A two-page spread is devoted to each stamp and provides details on the artwork, print and printing methods, plus a biography of the artist. Pages are 3-hole punched and printed on heavy stock, color from RW37 to date, following the same format as the prints were issued. One stamp per page with detailed artist, print, stamp and duck information, thru 2014. Stearns & Fink Album thru 2014 ........................................................$265.00 Volume III binder and slipcase only.........................................................................................60.00 2013 and 2014 Supplement ....................................................................................................40.00 Please add $12.50 shipping and handling to all album orders, $3 for supplements. 12 rW65A – 1998 rW66A – 1999 rW67A – 2000 rW68A – 2001 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. rW69A – 2002 rW70A – 2003 rW71A – 2004 rW72A – 2005 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. rW73A – 2006 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. rW74A – 2007 rW75A – 2008 rW76A – 2009 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. rW77A – 2010 rW78A – 2011 rW79A – 2012 rW80A – 2013 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. rW81A – 2014 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. rW82A – 2015 rW83A – 2016 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. Duck Stamp Trivia rW81A by Adam Grimm was the first of the self-adhesive federal stamps to feature background artwork by the stamp artist. Grimm has also produced the background artwork for his 2005 and 2014 Ohio stamps. The 2005 stamp featured a photograph of his dog, Dakota. The location where the photo was taken became the inspiration for the duck stamp painting. Sam Houston Duck Co. 13 F-VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. VF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. XF NH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29. Used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. 1997 PSA Test Stamp rWT1 … $9.95 Federal Self-Adhesive Sets rW65A-82A F-VF NH . $339. rW65A-82A VF NH . . . . 399. rW65A-82A XF NH . . . . 489. rW65A-82A Artist signed. 525. FREE Test Stamp with Sets! Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal Federal Duck Self-adhesive stamps Federal Duck Stamp Mini-Sheets Federal In 2005, the Federal Duck Stamp Office released its first artist signed pane of one, rW72b, commonly referred to as the duck stamp mini-sheet. The unannounced issue set off a buying frenzy among collectors with prices quickly rising. With a quantity of only 1,000 printed, it is one of the rarest stamps ever officially issued in the United States. The following year, the printing quantity was increased to 10,000 and the stamp had its first day of issue at the Washington 2006 World Stamp Exhibition. A limit of ten per customer was instituted and the stamp sold out immediately. In subsequent years, stamps were limited to two per purchaser. Sales declined and the printing quantity was reduced to 5,000 for the years 2012 and 2013. After the 2013 mini-sheet, the Duck Stamp Office suspended the special stamp, reserving the right to issue stamps in the future for special events or anniversaries. rW73b (2006) 10,000 Issued rW72b (2005) 1,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . $1,350. VF . . . . . . . . . . . 1,750. XF . . . . . . . . . . . 2,350. XF-Sup* . . . . . . 2,950. Superb* . . . . . $3,750. GEm 100 . . . . . . Rare Blue Signature . Rare Gold Signature . Rare rW75b (2008) 10,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 350. GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW75c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate . . . . . . .$775. One Sig F-VF . . . . . . . . $89. VF . . . . . . . . . . 135. XF . . . . . . . . . . 220. XF-Sup* . . . . . 275. Superb* . . . . . 385. GEm 100 . . . Rare GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW78c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate. . . . . . .$150. * PSE Graded Certificates accompany XF-Sup and higher. Sam Houston Duck Co. $115. 155. 195. 275. 495. Rare rW73c mAJOr ErrOr stamp without signature, less than 10 believed to exist. Rare rW76b (2009) 10,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 295. rW78b (2011) 10,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 295. Two Sig GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW76c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate . . . . . . .$395. rW79b (2012) 5,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 295. GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW79c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate . . . . .$1,750. 14 rW74b (2007) 10,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $75. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . . 250. Superb* . . . . . . . . 495. GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW74c mAJOr ErrOr stamp without signature, less than 20 known Rare rW77b (2010) 10,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 295. GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW77c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate . . . . . . .$299. rW80b (2013) 5,000 Issued F-VF . . . . . . . . . . . . $49. VF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55. XF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75. XF-Sup* . . . . . . . . .125. Superb* . . . . . . . . 295. GEm 100 . . . . . . . Rare rW80c mAJOr ErrOr without signature, PSE Certificate. . . . . .$1,795. rW39 Variety “rainstorm” rW53a major Error rW54 Variety Missing black engraved. Spectacular major error, NH, Vertical lines from the clouds $ appear as rain, from a warped with PSE Cert. . . . . . . . 3,750. plate, scarce. NH . . . . . . .$125. HUGE color shift creates collage of color! NH. . . .$249. Federal Errors & Varieties Color Varieties These are distinct color differences! rW55v Yellow-tan and deep rose color shades . . . .Set $95. rW57v Blue-gray and lavender color shades . . . . Set $95. rW62v Gray-green and redpurple color shades . .Set $95. rW70v Blue-gray and violet color shades . . . . . . . .Set $95. rW60a major Error rW57a major Error Missing black engraved, NH. Includes a PF and/or PSE Certificate. . . . . . . . . . .$2,750. rW64v1 Reverse inscription omitted. Scott value $375. Stamp will Scott listed, position 28, “long have full gum, Never Hinged. breast feather.” NH sgl . . .$85. PSE Cert. . . . . . . . . . . . .$299. On pair with normal . . . . .$185. rW57b major Error rW64v2 Inscription printed on paper not Same variety, but shorter breast $ gum. Stamp will have no gum, feather. NH . . . . . . . . . . . . 65. with certificate . . . . . . . . .$200. Interested in more errors? Request a copy of our 14-page error list, federal, state and worldwide duck stamps. Many are listed and pictured on our web site: Remarques A rEmArqUE (pronounced “re-mark”) is original artwork added to another work of art. A stamp remarque requires intense attention to detail, with no room for error! Each remarque is UNIQUE. In some cases, other artists have done the remarque artwork in tribute to a deceased artist or in recognition of a living artist who is unable or unwilling to do remarques themselves. All remarques are signed or initialed by the artist, and are guaranteed original artwork. No two are exactly alike and we offer only the best produced by artists. rEmArqUED STAmPS are immensely popular with a worldwide audience and add a spectacular flair to collections! Check our Auctions for remarques! FREE catalog. Sam Houston Duck Co. 15 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal Federal Duck Stamp Press Sheets Press sheets have caught the interest of collectors, but many ask, “What am I supposed to do with these things?” Press sheets, after all, are large and more than a little unwieldy. Some collectors save the large sheets intact, however, most prefer to save what are known as “position pieces:” pairs and blocks of stamps that, because they contain gutters, clearly show they were removed from a press sheet. The gutter is the uncut margin paper between adjoining panes on the sheet. The position pieces are small enough to fit on standard album pages. Press sheet formats: rW72, rW73, rW74 and rW77 – four panes of 20 stamps; rW75, rW76, rW78, rW79, rW80, rW81 and rW82 are three vertical panes of 20 stamps. Self-adhesive press sheets are sheets of 18. Federal Duck Stamp Press Sheet Pieces RW72P Plate Block/6 (UL, UR, LL, LR). . . . . . . . . . . $350. Plate Block/4 (UL, UR, LL, LR) . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Horz. PB/4 vert gutter (UL, UR, LL, LR) . . . . 425. Vertical Pair with horz. gutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125. Vert. Pair horz gutter, color ducks . . . . . . . . .150. Vert. strip of 4, gutter, color ducks . . . . . . . .175. Vertical PB w/horz gutter, side selvage . . . . . 295. Center gutter block (4 stamps) . . . . . . . . . . . 750. RW73P $275. 225. 325. 125. 150. 175. 225. 650. RW74P $225. 195. 350. 125. 150. 175. 225. 500. RW75P $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — RW76P $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — RW77P $225. 195. 395. 125. 150. 175. 225. 500. RW78P RW79P $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — Self-Adhesive Press Sheet Pieces RW72P Vertical Imperf Pair . . . . . . . . . . .$195. Single with large selvage . . . . . . .150. RW73P $125. 95. RW74P $115. 95. RW75P $95. 85. RW76P $95. 85. RW77P $95. 85. RW78P $95. 85. RW79P $95. 85. RW80P $95. 85. RW80P RW81P $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — $225. 195. — 125. 150. 175. 225. — RW81P RW82P $95. 85. RW82P $325. 295. — 175. 210. 225. 325. — $145. 95. Number of press sheets issued (gum and self-adhesive type) RW72 — 100 , RW73 — 250 and RW74 to date — 500. Bottom horizontal plate blocks with vertical gutter. Also available in top position. RW72 $425. Self-adhesive vertical pair with horizontal gutter. RW74 $115. Remarqued Press Sheet pieces also available. Call for current stock. Vertical strip of four with horizontal gutter and color ducks. RW75 $175. Sam Houston Duck Co. 16 “There’s nothing ‘Junior’ about the beauty and purpose of these stamps,” says Bob Dumaine, co-author, The Duck Stamp Story, duck stamp columnist, and member American Philatelic Society’s WU30 Hall of Fame. Retail prices are determined by supply and demand. In the first two years, stamps sold reasonably well, but to a very limited market. The Duck Stamp Office sold the stamps at shows and through mail orders. Beginning with the fourth stamp, JDS4, sales weakened due to the less aggressive selling responsive to budget cuts in Duck Stamp Office. The trend worsened for JDS5 thru JDS8, when the DSO stopped attending stamp shows, followed by the discontinuation of direct sales of stamps during their reorganization. The stamps were taken off sale and destroyed in accordance with guidelines. The 2000 stamp is by far the scarcest, as it was available for the shortest period. At one time, an individual in the DSO told me less than 3,000 were sold and about half of those were artist signed to go with forecasted print sales. The next year, 2001, the stamps were listed on the Post Office’s web site, then beginning with JDS10, they were also listed in the Postal Service’s USA Philatelic Catalog with a distribution of perhaps millions. The Junior Duck Stamp was an “overnight success!!” Another catalyst in the stamps’ popularity came about when Scott Publishing Company offered an album and listed the stamps in their industry-standard catalog. The album pages are in stock, please see page 20. In 1989, with a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), Dr. Joan Love Allemand developed the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Conservation and Design Program, a dynamic arts curriculum that teaches wetlands and waterfowl conservation to students from kindergarten through high school. The program incorporates scientific and wildlife management principles into a visual arts curriculum. Participants complete a JDS design as their visual “term papers,” thus using visual arts, rather than verbal communication, to articulate what they have learned. Through this program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service introduces the Federal Duck Stamp program and the National Wildlife Refuge System to participants and educates new generations of citizens about the importance of waterfowl and wetlands conservation. FEDERAL JUNIOR DUCK STAMPS are legally issued by the Federal Government and authorized by an Act of Congress. Their purpose is to raise funds for training artists and creative students in grades K thru 12. Art competition is held annually to select the best amongst all fifty states, Washington D.C., and U.S. Possessions. Those winners then compete nationally to determine the image that is depicted on the Junior Duck Stamp. Several state conservation agencies have also elected to have their winner’s art on their state’s stamp with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s permission. The Program was kicked off in 1991, with a nine-stamp sheet of state winners (see page 20 - JDS-X). This program is an excellent example of our government promoting creative skills in addition to academic achievement. All stamps Mint F-VF NH (ex artist signed) and better, prices volatile; subject to change. *Call = Price on Request. JDS1 redhead 1993 JDS2 Hooded merganser 1994 JDS3 Pintail 1995 JDS4 Canvasback 1996 Jason Parsons JDS1 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $65. JDS1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .75. JDS1p Plate Block of 4 . . . . .275. JDS1i Imperforate proof pair 325. Clark Weaver JDS2 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $145. JDS2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .150. JDS2p Plate Block of 4 . . . . .525. JDS2i Imperforate proof pair 325. Jia Huang JDS3 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $350. JDS3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .275. JDS3p Plate Block of 4 . . . .1,550. JDS3i Imperforate proof pair .Call Clark Weaver JDS4 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $450. JDS4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .495. JDS4p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .Call JDS5 Canada goose 1997 JDS6 Black duck 1998 JDS7 Wood duck 1999 JDS8 Pintail 2000 Scott russell JDS5 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $425. JDS5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .450. JDS5p Plate Block of 4 . . . .1,950. Eric Peterson JDS6 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $475. JDS6(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .475. JDS6p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . Call ryan Kirby JDS7 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $425. JDS7(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .375. JDS7p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . Call Bonnie Latham JDS8 Single . . . . . . . . . . . $275. JDS8(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . .275. JDS8p Plate Block of 4 . . . .1,175. JDS9 Trumpeter swan 2001 JDS10 mallard 2002 JDS11 Green-winged teal 2003 JDS12 Fulvous whistling 2004 Aermy mcCann JDS9 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $65. JDS9(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .65. JDS9p Plate Block of 4 . . . . .225. Sam Houston Duck Co. Nathan Bauman JDS11 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $25. JDS11(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .30. JDS11p Plate Block of 4 . . . . .110. Nathan Closson JDS10 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $45. JDS10(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .55. JDS10p Plate Block of 4 . . . . .210. 17 Adam Nisbett JDS12 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. JDS12(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .30. JDS12p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .85. Federal Federal Junior Duck Stamps Federal JDS13 ring-necked duck 2005 JDS14 redhead 2006 JDS15 Wigeon 2007 Kerissa Nelson Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $18. JDS13 JDS13(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .20. JDS13p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .80. rebekah Nastav JDS14 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $12. JDS14(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS14p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .50. Paul Willey Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $10. JDS15 JDS15(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS15p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .50. JDS17 Wood duck 2009 JDS18 Hooded merganser 2010 JDS19 ring-necked duck 2011 Lily Spang JDS17 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS17(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .12. JDS17p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. Abraham Hunter JDS19 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $10. JDS19(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS19p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .42. rui Huang JDS18 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS18(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS18p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. JDS16 Nene goose 2008 Seokkyun Hong JDS16 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . $10. JDS16(s) Artist signed (S. Hong) 12. JDS16p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. JDS20 Pintail 2012 Christine Clayton JDS20 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS20(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS20pPlate Block of 4 . . . . . . . .40. JUNIOR DUCK SHEET JDS21 Canvasback 2013 madison Grimm JDS21 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS21(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS21p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. JDS22 King eider 2014 JDS23 Wood duck 2015 Si youn Kim JDS22 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS22(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS22p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. Andrew Kneeland JDS23 Single . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9. JDS23(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . .15. JDS23p Plate Block of 4 . . . . . .40. All stamps F-VF NH and better, prices volatile; subject to change. *Call = Price on Request. The 1992 forerunner pane of ten, with a program definition and nine different state contest winners including the very first state winner from 1991 (California). Also includes Nebraska, Florida, Illinois, Kansas and Vermont winners. JDS-X – $39.95 Scott Junior Duck Stamp Album Pages Federal Junior Duck Stamp Errors Federal Junior Duck Stamp 1993 and 1994 issues (#1 and 2). Imperforate-proof pair, Never Hinged. Very rare items! The 2007 issue has a bright green flaw on the lower right. First such flaw on a junior duck stamp! JDS1v Imperf pair, Vert. or horz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$395. pair JDS2v Imperf pair, Vert. or horz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395. pair JDS15v Bright green spot, with normal . . . . . . . . . . .125. pair The only pages for Junior duck stamps that fit all Scott Binders! Graded Junior Duck stamps in stock! Call or shop our graded stamp web site: Sam Houston Duck Co. JDS Pages only............................$8.95 Scott 20 Blank Pages ...................7.75 Scott 1" Binder and slipcase......36.75 Please add $4.50 shipping. 18 Souvenir Cards and Appreciation Certificates offer another area of duck stamp collecting. The Department of Interior reports most cards issued to date have sold out quickly, as only 500 are generally printed. Mint cards are “as issued” while “cancelled” cards will have the specialty cancel as noted. Cancelled cards bear the appropriate duck stamp plus postage. Some cards bear only the duck stamp and are considered very scarce. Please inquire for BEP cards with gold numbers. rW26 1959 Stamp Card 1 – RW26 Certificate, 7“x5" image area; 8”x10” card. Black on imitation parchment; design by Bob Hines w/printed signature. Frank A. Seaton, Sec. of the Interior. Believed fewer than 100 exist. ..........................................Call rW27 1960 Stamp Card 2 – RW27 Certificate, 7"x5"; black on white; redesigned by artist Bob Hines. Believed fewer than 200 exist. ................................Call Card 2a – Card #2, 8”x10” with added ribbon “We in the Fish and Wildlife Service do our part too.” Believed fewer than 50 exist. ............Call rW38 1971 Stamp Card 3 – Certificate, Seney Wildlife Refuge, 8½"x11"; black on green with Dept. of the Interior USFWS logo; designed by Bob Hines, extremely rare............................................Call rW47 1980 Stamp Card 4 – Certificate, 5"x7"; blue on cream card, designed by artist Bob Hines for DOI USFWS; used from 1980 through 1985; distribution period and method uncertain. Mint...................25. Card 5 – As Card 3, with new DOI logo, National Elk Refuge, Wy. 11”x8½”, black/green. Mint ............................................................Call Most of these six Forerunner Certificates were given to hunters, conservationists, wildlife lovers, and impulse buyers in whose hands they are expected to have an extremely high mortality rate. Very few were purchased by stamp, card or other collectors who routinely preserve such items carefully. I know of none that were originally acquired by dealers. As a consequence, all are very rare and difficult to come by. Premium prices are to be expected for those few that may find their way into the secondary market. –Ed Ambrogi rW51 1984 Stamp Card 6 – RW51 First Regional issue; brown on parchment type card, 10"x8", RW1 shadow; quantity uncertain, but believed under 800. Mint .....................— FDC (25 exist)..........— rW52 1985 Stamp Card 7 – RW52 Blue on parchment type, RW1 shadow. Mint .......................................— Card 8 – AMERIPEX 1986, Chicago, IL, Deep blue/red on white, RW1 shadow; 1,000 issued. Mint .............................................................15. Show cancel, May 29 Ameripex (ds) ...........— Show cancel, 8-21, 100th Anv. APS (ds)...... — rW53 1986 Stamp Card 9 – Dark green on grey silk content. 5,000 issued. Mint.................................................20. Sam Houston Duck Co. Card 10 – INTERPEX 1987, bright green on sand grey. 3,000 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel.............— Show cancel - COMPEX (Hindenburg) ......40. Card 11 – Brown on light ivory, RW1 shadow; 10,000 printed, qty sold unknown. Mint .....20. Card 12 – Brown/ivory card; probably second printing of above; 4,000 printed. Mint .........20. rW54 1987 Stamp Card 13 – RW54 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................25. FDC, artist signed ....— Card 14 – INTERPEX 1988. 5,000 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........75. Card 15 – WESTPEX 1988. 500 issued. Only three cards were show cancelled Mint .....................15. Show cancel ......RARE Card 16 – COMPEX 1988. 500 issued. Mint ......................... 25.Show cancel ......50. Show cancel, artist signed..........................65. rW55 1988 Stamp Card 17 – RW55 full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .............................................................35. Card 18 – RW55 Generic. 5,000 issued. Mint ......................... 15.FDC ...................75. Card 19 – BALPEX 1988. 500 issued. Mint ......................... 15.Show cancel ......50. Card 20 – ASDA NATIONAL 1988. 500 issued. Mint ......................... 15.Show cancel ......50. Card 21 – INTERPEX 1989. 500 issued. Mint ......................... 15.Show cancel ......35. Card 22 – WESTPEX 1989. 500 issued. Mint ......................... 15.Show cancel ......35. Double Impression (N4d E1) Mint, variety..40. Card 23 – COMPEX 1989. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........35. rW56 1989 Stamp Card 24 – RW56 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................35. FDC ........................75. Card 25 – Generic. 5,000 issued. Mint......15. Card 26 – Izack Walton League. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. APS cancel .............50. Card 27 – APS Show 1989. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........50. Card 28 – BALPEX 1989. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........50. Card 29 – ASDA NATIONAL 1989. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........50. Card 30 – World Stamp Expo 1989. 5,000 issued. Mint.........25. Show cancel, AS ....75. Card 31 – WSE 1989, Mark Trail. 2,000 issued. Mint............. 15.Show ccl, AS .....95. Card 32 – INTERPEX 1990. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 33 – WESTPEX 1990. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel.............— 19 Card 34 – COMPEX 1990. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. rW57 1990 Stamp Card 35 – RW57 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................35. FDC ........................50. Card 36 – Generic. 5,000 issued.Mint.......20. Card 37 – APS Show 1990. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel, AS ....30. Card 38 – BALPEX 1990. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel, AS ....30. Card 39 – INTERPEX 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel, AS ....35. Card 40 – WESTPEX 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 41 – Philatelic Show 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 42 – COMPEX 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel, AS ....30. rW58 1991 Stamp Card 43 – RW58 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................35. FDC ........................45. Card 44 – Generic. 16,000 issued. Mint .....................15. Cancelled............... 25. Card 45 – APS Show 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 46 – BALPEX 1991. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 47 – Wings & Waterfowl 1991. 500 issued Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........40. Card 48 – INTERPEX 1992. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 49 – WESTPEX 1992. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 50 – World Columbian 1992. 2,500 issued. Mint .........— Show cancel, AS ....35. rW59 1992 Stamp Card 51 – RW59 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................30. FDC ........................45. Card 52 – Generic. 10,000 issued. Mint....15. With FDC and 29¢ Wood duck stamp .......15. Card 53 – APS Show 1992. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 54 – BALPEX 1992. 500 issued. Mint Art. sign .......15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 55 – Wings & Water 1992. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 56 – ASDA Mega Event. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 57 – STAMPOREE 1993. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 58 – COMPEX 1993. 500 issued. Mint Art. sign .......15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 59 – NAPEX 1993. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal Federal Duck Souvenir Cards rW60 1993 Stamp Federal Card 60 – RW60 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................30. FDC ........................45. Card 61 – Generic. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................— Cancelled................30. Card 62 – APS Show 1993. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 63 – BALPEX 1993. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 64 – Wings & Water 1993. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 65 – ASDA Mega Event. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 66 – ARIPEX 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 67 – Twin City Expo 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 68 – MANPEX 1994. 500 issued. Show cancel ...............................................30. Card 69 – COMPEX 1994. 500 issued. Mint ...................Call Show cancel ...........30. rW61 1994 Stamp Card 70 – RW61 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................30. FDC ........................45. Card 71 – Generic. 8,000 issued. Mint......15. Card 72 – APS Show 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 73 – BALPEX 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 74 – Wings & Water 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 75 – SESCAL 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 76 – FLOREX 1994. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 77 – ASDA Mega - 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........30. Card 78 – COMPEX 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 79 – NAPEX 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. rW62 1995 Stamp Card 80 – RW62 in full color. 10,000 issued. Mint .....................30. FDC ........................45. Card 81 – Generic. 9,000 issued. Mint......15. Card 82 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— Card 83 – APS Show 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 84 – BALPEX 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 85 – Wings & Water 1995. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 86 – ASDA Mega - 1996, 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........30. Card 87 – COMPEX 1996. 500 issued. Mint .....................15. Show cancel ...........35. Card 88 – NAPEX 1996. 500 issued. Mint .....................— Show cancel ...........35. Napex 1996 was the final show card issued in the series. rW64 1997 Stamp Card 93 – RW64 in full color. 8,000 issued. Mint ...................Call FDC ........................45. Card 94 – Generic. 10,000 issued. Mint ..15. Card 95 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— rW65 1998 Stamp Card 96 – RW65 in full color. 7,000 issued. Mint .....................25. FDC ........................45. Card 97 – Generic. Mint ............................15. Card 98 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Mint .....................— Cancelled................75. rW66 1999 Stamp Card 99 – RW66 in full color. 7,000 issued. Mint .....................— FDC ........................45. Card 100 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 101 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— rW67 2000 Stamp Card 102 – RW67 in full color. 7,000 issued. Mint .....................25. FDC ........................45. Card 103 – Generic. Mint ..........................— Card 104 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— RW67 was the final BEP full color card issued in the series. rW68 2001 Stamp Card 105 – Generic. Mint............................— Card 106 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— rW69 2002 Stamp Card 107 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 108 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— Card 109 – Generic RW69 and JDS; ccl, JDS with 6-29-02 ccl – two days early. Under six known. Cancelled.........................................— rW70 2003 Stamp Card 110 – Generic. Mint .........................10. Card 111 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW71 2004 Stamp Card 112 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 113 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW72 2005 Stamp Card 114 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 115 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW73 2006 Stamp Card 116 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 117 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW74 2007 Stamp Card 118 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 119 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW75 2008 Stamp Card 120 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 121 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW76 2009 Stamp Card 122 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 123 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW77 2010 Stamp Card 124 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 125 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW78 2011 Stamp Card 126 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 127 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW79 2012 Stamp Card 128 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 129 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW80 2013 Stamp Card 130 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 131 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— rW81 2014 Stamp Card 132 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 133 – Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW82 2015 Stamp Card 134 – Generic. Mint ..........................10. Card 1335 Artist Commem., 500 issued. Cancelled ....................................................75. rW63 1996 Stamp Card 89 – RW63 in full color. 8,000 issued. Mint .....................25. FDC ........................45. Card 90 – Generic. 10,000 issued. Mint ..15. Card 91 – Artist Commem., 1,000 issued. Cancelled .....................................................— Card 92 – Pacific ’97. 2,000 issued. Mint .....................— Cancelled .................— Sam Houston Duck Co. 20 r rW48 - 1981 rEG. Fleetwood ......................$40. rW49 - 1982 r r r r r Colorano ..........................95. Fleetwood ........................80. Gill Craft ...........................30. House of Farnum .............35. Tudor House (1 only) .......50. r r r r r Colorano ..........................50. Fleetwood ........................30. Gill Craft (1 only) .............50. House of Farnum .............35. KMC Venture ...................45. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rW50 - 1983 rW51 -1984 Artcraft .............................30. Artmaster .........................30. Colorano ...........................35. Double A ..........................40. Fleetwood ........................30. GADSPEX ‘84 .................50. Gill Craft ...........................25. KMC Venure ....................45. Langer...............................35. MAC Stamps ....................35. Quadracolor .....................50. POLKAPEX ‘84 ................45. Tudor House .....................50. SOS Covers......................35. rW52 - 1985 Double A ..........................40. Fleetwood ........................30. KMC Venture ...................35. rW53 - 1986 Colorano ..........................35. House of Farnum..............35. rW54 -1987 Colorano ..........................35. DRC Cachets....................35. Eastern ............................30. Gill Craft ...........................40. Bernard Goldberg ............45. Pugh Cachets ..................40. KMC Ventures .................40. SALE $16.50 39.95 32.50 16.50 16.50 22.50 19.50 16.50 22.50 16.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 22.50 12.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 22.50 19.50 22.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 r r SAVE, SAVE, SAVE! rW54 - 1987 rEG. LEB ...............................$22. RSK .................................35. rW55 - 1988 r r r r r r r r r r A-Mar ...............................75. Colorano ..........................35. Fleetwood ........................30. Gill Craft ...........................35. Heartland .........................30. House of Farnum..............35. KMC Ventures .................35. Ludeck .............................40. Pugh Cachets .................. 45. Van .................................35. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r A-Mar .............................125. Fleetwood .........................35. Colorano ..........................35. Double A ...........................40. Ducks Unlimited ...............35. Enroth ..............................35. Geerlings .........................45. Gill Craft............................35. Heartland ..........................30. House of Farnum .............30. KAH .................................45. KMC Ventures...................40. LEB .................................22. Pugh Cachets ...................45. Tudor House ....................35. Wildy ................................35. r r r r r r r r r r r r rW56 - 1989 rW57 - 1990 A-Mar ................................95. CamAm Teenage Mutant Ninja ....35. Colorano ..........................35. Enroth ..............................40. Fleetwood ........................30. House of Farnum..............35. KMC Ventures...................35. Milford ...............................50. rW58 - 1991 A-Mar ...............................95. Colorano ..........................35. Enroth ..............................40. Fleetwood .........................35. Call today! 1-800-231-5926 We would be happy to e-mail you a scan. Submit your request to [email protected]. Flat shipping charge $2, no matter how many covers you order! No returns or exchanges at these LOW prices! SALE $11.50 16.50 32.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 16.50 59.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 11.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 39.95 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 22.50 39.95 16.50 16.50 16.50 r r r r r r r r r r r r r rW58 - 1991 rEG. Gill Craft..........................$35. Heartland ..........................40. House of Farnum..............35. SKAT.................................70. rW59 - 1992 Colorano ..........................35. Fleetwood .........................35. Gamm ...............................40. Gill Craft............................35. Doris Gold ........................45. Pugh Cachets ...................45. rW65 - 1998 Colorano ..........................35. rW66 - 1999 Colorano ..........................35. rW66A - 1999 Colorano ..........................35. rW69 - 2002 r Doris Gold ........................45. r r Colorano ..........................35. Gill Craft ...........................20. r r r r r r r r r r SALE $16.50 16.50 16.50 32.50 CANADA CD1 - 1985 CD2 - 1986 Colorano ..........................35. Gill Craft ...........................20. Wildy ................................35. CD3 - 1987 Colorano ..........................35. Bernard Goldberg ............45. CD4 - 1988 Colorano ..........................20. Gill Craft............................20. Wildy ............................... 70. CD5 - 1989 Colorano ..........................20. CD6 - 1990 Colorano ..........................20. CD7 - 1991 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 19.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 16.50 9.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 16.50 19.50 9.50 9.50 32.50 9.50 9.50 r Colorano ..........................20. 9.50 NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FEDErATION r NWTF7 1982 ....................20. 8.50 r NWTF10 1985 ..................20. 8.50 OUr CHOICE BONUS! We have many different Federal Duck Stamp Covers in stock … too numerous to list here, but we have only ONE of each! you tell us which stamp you want on cover (i.e. rW57) and we will choose for you – A steal at $19.95 each! (Some originally priced as high as $75.) Federal COVERS NOW ON SALE Federal Form 3333 and The First Duck Stamp This RW1 on Form 3333 is the very first duck stamp ever sold, purchased by J.N. Darling, accompanied by an affidavit to that effect. It was purchased by Bob Dumaine in 1989, and was donated to National Postal Museum by Jeanette Cantrell Rudy. Valued at $450,000. A ccording to the law in 1934, “each duck stamp sold shall, at the time of issuance, be affixed adhesively to game license issued to the applicant under state law … or if the applicant is not required to have a state license, to a certificate furnished by the Post Office Department at the time of issuance of such stamp.” This meant that only one stamp per hunter was legally permissible. The certificate referred to is Form 3333, a light blue card, 2½” x 4½”, with a space for the stamp, postmaster’s signature and a separate cancellation. On the back of the form was a line for the hunter’s signature and text that absolves the stamp owner from needing a state game license to legally hunt. Form 3333 was distributed upon request, mostly to third and fourth class post offices because landowners were not required to have a license for hunting on their own land, but still needed a duck stamp. A 1954 study of duck stamps estimated that 3,175 Form 3333s were issued. That number alone makes them scarce, but adding to their rarity is the probability that only 10-15% of them survived. The rarest are Hawaiian Form 3333s. A scant 137 copies of the 1934 stamp were issued in Hawaii (at the time a territory) and only two Form 3333s have surfaced. Postal clerks were required to cancel the Form 3333 after a customer pur- chased a duck stamp. Some even canceled the stamp itself, which was improper for the RW1 issue. The most frequently used cancellations on Form 3333 are Registered, M.O.B. (Money Order Broker), Parcel Post, and Duplex, a twopart postal killer cancel. The first three were usually double circle, purple or magenta ink, and the duplex always black. Some of the scarcest cancels are Stamp Window, Assistant Postmaster, Central Accounting, Cashier, and General Delivery. These cancellations are very difficult to acquire and often command a premium. Colors other than black or purple/magenta with any cancel are considered very scarce. A Trolley Car cancel was found on a single stamp. This rare cancel was in use in a small Michigan town which used a trolley for cross-town transportation. The vehicle was also used to transport mail, and the operator could sell stamps to patrons. RW2 with Hawaii cancel. Because Form 3333 was specifically intended for use only with the first duck stamp, it is rare to find it with later issues RW10, 1943 Colorado usage. Prior to the 1992 discovery of the Alaska Form 3333, the latest known usage was with a 1943 stamp, RW10, issued in Lake City, Colorado. Two weeks prior to June 30, 1935, when the first duck stamps were to be withdrawn from sale and destroyed, the law was amended, discontinuing the need to use Form 3333. This created a two week window during which stamps could be purchased without the requirement that they be affixed to a state license or Form 3333. This change also allowed the purchase of multiple stamps, thereby making plate blocks and full panes of 28 available to the public. A typical price for a Form 3333 with the 1934 (RW1) stamp affixed and properly canceled is about $500 in perfect condition. Forms that have more damage range between $100 and $200. Form 3333’s with especially unusual cancellations or having multiple stamps can com- RW1 & RW2 with Minnesota cancel. Latest known usage – RW22. attached. The latest known example is one with a 1955 stamp, RW22, issued in Hyder, Alaska. mand a huge premium. For more information on Form 3333 and the related Form 3332 and Form 3334, read The Duck Stamp Story by Bob Dumaine and Eric Jay Dolin. All forms pictured here from the Excerpted from The Duck Stamp Story Why “rW” for Federal Duck Stamps? many collectors ask why federal duck stamp numbers are preceded with the letters rW. The answer is: rW stands for Revenue Waterfowl, a designation used by the Scott Catalogues. Duck stamps pay a tax or fee, thereby qualifying them as a revenue stamp. you may also see them called BOB, which stands for Back of Book. This is a slang term for revenue stamps, since they are listed after the regular stamps in the Scott Catalogues. 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Jay N. Darling Frank W. Benson Richard E. Bishop Joseph D. Knap Roland H. Clark Lynn B. Hunt Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . .$6,000. Canvasback . . . . . . . . .9,500. Canada goose . . . . . . .1,800. Greater scaup . . . . . . .3,000. Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,800. Green-winged teal . . . .9,500. Second edition . . . . . . .8,500. Francis L. Jaques Black duck . . . . . . . . .22,000. Second edition . . . . . .10,000. Third edition . . . . . . . . .3,000. E. R. Kalmbach Ruddy duck . . . . . . . . .6,000. Second edition . . . . . . .1,500. A. Lassell Ripley Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . .1,800. Signed by Mrs. Ripley . .850. Walter E. Bohl Wood duck . . . . . . . . .2,000. Second edition . . . . . . . .750. Walter A. Weber Reversed – 1st ed. . . .6,000. Wht-fnt gse – 2nd ed . .3,000. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .900. Owen J. Gromme Shoveler . . . . . . . . . . .7,500. Robert W. Hines Redhead . . . . . . . . . . .1,800. Second edition . . . . . . . .400. Second edition – rmq . . .650. Jack Murray Snow goose . . . . . . . . .2,700. Maynard Reece Bufflehead . . . . . . . . . .2,000. Second edition . . . . . . .1,300. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .700. Fourth edition . . . . . . . . .500. Master edition . . . . . . . . . .— Roger E. Preuss American goldeneye . .3,200. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .3,250. Second edition . . . . . . . .400. Walter A. Weber Trumpeter swan . . . . . .1,900. Second edition . . . . . . . .250. Maynard Reece Gadwall . . . . . . . . . . . .2,000. Second edition . . . . . . . .800. Master edition . . . . . . . . . .— John H. Dick Harlequin . . . . . . . . . . .3,000. Second edition . . . . . . . .300. C. B. Seagears Blue-winged teal . . . . .2,200. Second edition . . . . . . . .200. Harvey Sandstrom Ring-necked duck . . . .1,800. Second edition . . . . . . . .250. Second edition – rmq . . 425. Stanley Stearns Blue goose – 1st prtg .1,500. Second printing . . . . . .1,300. Second edition . . . . . . . .700. Edward J. Bierly American merganser . .1,300. Second edition . . . . . . . .800. Jackson M. Abbott American eider . . . . . .3,000. Second edition . . . . . . . .300. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .150. Leslie C. Kouba Canada goose . . . . . . .1,300. Second edition . . . . . . .1,000. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .300. Maynard Reece Labrador with mallard .6,000. Second edition . . . . . . .4,000. Third edition . . . . . . . . .2,500. Fourth edition – b & w . .950. Fourth edition – color .2,200. Master edition . . . . . . . . . .— John A. Ruthven Redhead . . . . . . . . . . .1,200. Second edition . . . . . . . .700. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .500. Edward A. Morris Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,700. Edward A. Morris Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,700. Edward J. Bierly American brant . . . . . .1,200. Second edition . . . . . . . .800. Stanley Stearns Nene goose . . . . . . . . .1,200. Second edition . . . . . . . .650. Ron Jenkins Canvasback . . . . . . . . . .950. Second edition . . . . . . . .600. Third edition . . . . . . . . . .250. Third edition – rmq . . . . .500. State, conservation, fish and more … check our web site HUGE discounts for immediate sale! Sam Houston Duck Co. 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 600. 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Stanley Stearns Whistling swan . . . . . .1,400. Second edition . . . . . . . .500. Leslie C. Kouba Oldsquaw . . . . . . . . . .1,200. Second edition . . . . . . .1,200. C. Pritchard Hooded merganser . . .1,400. Maynard Reece White-winged scoter . .1,200. Master Edition . . . . . . . . . .— Edward J. Bierly Ross' goose . . . . . . . . .2,500. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .3,750. Second edition . . . . . . . .350. Maynard Reece Cinnamon teal . . . . . . .5,200. Master Edition . . . . . . . . . .— Arthur M. Cook Emperor goose . . . . . .2,700. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .4,500. Second edition . . . . . . . .200. Second ed. – rmq color .800. Second ed. – rmq pencil 700. Lee LeBlanc Steller's eider . . . . . . . .2,400. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .2,800. Second edition . . . . . . . .200. Second edition – rmq . . .350. David A. Maass Wood duck . . . . . . . . .1,500. James P. Fisher Canvasback decoy . . .1,300. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .1,600. Alderson Magee Canada goose . . . . . . . .800. Scratchboard . . . . . . . .1,300. Martin R. Murk Ross' goose . . . . . . . . . .450. Remarque . . . . . . . . . . . .650. Albert E. Gilbert Hooded merganser . . . . .450. Remarque . . . . . . . . . . . .950. Ken Michaelsen Green-winged teal . . . . .350. Etching . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500. Richard Plasschaert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mallard John S. Wilson David A. Maass Phil Scholer Ruddy duck . . . . . . . . . .350. Canvasback . . . . . . . . . .350. Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . .1,000. William C. Morris Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .350. Remarque . . . . . . . . . .1,000. Gerald Mobley Cinnamon teal . . . . . . . .135. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Etching . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425. Burton Moore, Jr. Fulvous whistling duck . .135. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Arthur G. Anderson Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .350. Daniel Smith Snow goose . . . . . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .350. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .2,500. Neal Anderson Lesser scaup . . . . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .400. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,100. Jim Hautman Blk-bellied whstlng duck .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325 Etching edition . . . . . . . .500. Executive . . . . . . . . . .1,200. Nancy Howe King eider . . . . . . . . . . . .300. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .450. Executive . . . . . . . . . .1,200. Joe Hautman Spectacled eider . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . .1,000. Bruce Miller Canvasback . . . . . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . .1,000. Neal Anderson Red-breasted merganser 200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .950. Jim Hautman Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .950. Wilhelm Goebel Surf scoter . . . . . . . . . .$200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .950. Canvas transfer . . . . . . .500. Bob Hautman Canada goose . . . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .950. 23 1998 Robert Steiner 1999 Jim Hautman 2000 Adam Grimm 2001 Bob Hautman 2002 Joe Hautman 2003 Ron Louque 2004 Scot Storm 2005 Mark Anderson 2006 S. Russell Meline 2007 Richard Clifton 2008 Joe Hautman 2009 Josh Spies 2010 Robert Bealle 2011 Jim Hautman 2012 Joe Hautman 2013 Robert Steiner 2014 Adam Grimm 2015 Jennifer Miller 2016 Joe Hautman Barrow’s goldeneye . . . .300. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .350. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .800. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,200. Greater scaup . . . . . . . . .200. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .350. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .950. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,200. Mottled duck . . . . . . . . . .250. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .340. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .999. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,199. Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Black scoter . . . . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .329. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Snow goose . . . . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .335. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .335. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Hooded merganser . . . . .195. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .335. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Ross' goose . . . . . . . . . .195. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .335. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Ring-necked duck . . . . . .195. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .335. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Long-tailed duck . . . . . . .185. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,075. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,275. White-fronted goose . . . .185. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . .185. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .325. Executive . . . . . . . . . . . .975. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,195. Common goldeneye . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .349. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,299. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,499. Canvasback . . . . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .349. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,299. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,499. Ruddy duck . . . . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .349. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,049. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,295. Trumpeter swan . . . . . . .189. Medallion . . . . . . . . . . . .349. Executive . . . . . . . . . . .1,049. Presidential . . . . . . . . .1,295. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal Federal Print Summary The condition and edition of a print is very important in determining its value structure. For the most part, SHDC has used estimated retail values from Stearns and Fink Duck Stamp and Prints. Our thanks to Russell Fink for grating permission to use the values. Actual retail values may vary up or down. Early prints tend to be moderately trimmed, a condition considered normal. Issues after 1964 should have full margins. Prints with faults such as toning, tears, tape, thins, or stains are not considered “normal,” and are worth less than the stated values. Early prints in perfect condition, with full margins and a folio, if applicable, are usually worth more. Caution should be exercised to assure a print is a first, second, or another edition, as values vary substantially. Prints should be removed from frames and inspected prior to purchasing. A remarqued print has an image hand-drawn by the artist on the print, and generally bring a higher price. Prints should be signed by the artist. We gratefully accept WANT LISTS since early prints are generally not held in stock. Federal ERRORS & VARIETIES FEDERAL AND STATE DUCKS This list contains all mAJOr ErrOrS and those varieties Sam Houston Duck Company mainly has in stock at the time of printing. The SCArCITy block below gives you our opinion of the number of the errors known, as indicated by the letters U, S, R, or E. The ESTImATED VALUE block reflects Roman numeral estimated values. The letters and numerals are used in item descriptions to assist you in rarity/value determination. All Items showing a price rather than an estimate are currently in stock. We will list an error or variety if the item is sent to SHDC via insured mail for actual examination. Your stamp will be returned to you quickly via insured mail. We are also active buyers of all errors and varieties. Please note the scarcity and values are made on the very best and most accurate information we have. Estimated values are derived from the last documented actual sale. Many items have not been traded in several years, which should be considered when buying or selling. major Errors – Modern day high-speed printing of large quantities of stamps produce some strange examples in spite of quality controls. Some printing mistakes are classified as major errors, meaning stamps unintentionally not perforated, wrong colors, missing or addition of an item in the main design, such as absence of a serial number. Such major errors are usually quite scarce and in high demand by collectors. They can be identified in this catalog by a lower case letter, such as "a,b,c, etc." immediately following the main catalog number. However, please note that a small "v" following the number indicates a variety only, and is not considered a major error. Major error write-ups are always in upper case. Varieties by contrast, are printing flaws of a less serious nature, such as color shifts, partial perforations, partial serial number, color shades, crazy perforations, and the like. Should more than one variety exist on one issue, they will utilize a sequential numbering system in order of discovery, such as variety 1, variety 2, etc., expressed as v1, v2, etc. in the catalog number. Proofs and Essays are identified by a capital P or E following the catalog number. Usually these stamps will be without serial numbers and imperforate due to their nature of being "test" stamps. Proofs will have the same design KEY as the actual stamp issued, where as an Essay ESTImATED VALUE will have a different design, or incomplete I 5-25 II 25-50 SCArCITy design. Proofs and Essays are done deliberateIII 50-100 IV 100-200 U-Unusual 100 or more ly, separating them from MAJOR ERRORS, V 200-400 VI 400-750 S-Scarce 21 to 100 which are unintentional and escape undetected. VII 750-1250 VIII 1250-1500 r-rare 6 to 20 In some cases, the author has used judgment as IX 1500-2000 X 2000-3000 E-Ext. rare 5 or less to the Proof or Error status listed due to the lack XI 3000-4000 XII 4000-7500 of confirming information. RW38v FEDERAL DUCK STAMPS RW1a 1934 RW1b 1934 RW3v 1936 RW2v RW11v RW13a RW19v RW19v2 RW24a RW26a RW26v RW36v RW37v 1935 1944 1946 1952 1952 1957 1959 1959 1969 1970 RW39v1 IMPERFORATE PAIR, (ONLY VERT. PAIRS KNOWN) .............................................(R) XII+ IMPERFORATE HORIZONTALLY, VERT. PAIR ONLY .........................................(R) XII+ LL PB/6 in blk/12 #131983, diagonally perforated ............................................(E) XII Bottom PNS #134317, pre-perf paper fold causes crazy perfs in selvage ......(E) VII Foldover, crazy perfs, large unprinted section on stamp, unique ...................(E) X ROSE RED ERROR, Certificate recommended .....................................(R) XIII Misperfed vertically, perfs diagonal through stamps, about 50 possible, one sheet of 28 known intact, pairs ....(S) V Deep Ultramarine shade variety..........(E) V Inverted writing on reverse, (6) known(E) XII Inverted writing on reverse, (1) known(E) XIII Broken right frame line, (5mm) one position only......................................................(S) IV Misperf vert. 3-6mm into design..........(S) IV Red shift – double feet, beaks, etc. ....(U) 95. Sam Houston Duck Co. RW39v2 RW40v1 RW40v2 RW40v3 RW41v1 RW42v1 RW42v2 RW44v1 RW44v2 RW45v RW46v RW47v1 RW47v2 24 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1974 1975 1975 1977 1977 1978 1979 1980 1980 Green color shift causes doubling effect of areas ...............................................(U) 75. Orange color shift, double beaks, feet, vertical writing, sometimes 2 colors ....(U) 95. 'Rainstorm' variety caused by underinked roller, pinched matt..............................(U) 125. Image shift causes white halo on drake, mountains............................................(U) 75. Full offset Image on gum, quantity unknown, scarce .................................(U) VI 'Man over Mountains,' roller hickey.....(S) III Color shift, red off assigned areas ......(U) III Color shift brown 1-3mm off, noticeable on decoy head..........................................(U) 75. Lead duck has solid black head, cause unknown..............................................(R) VI Full offset on reverse, very clear, appx. 15 discovered ......................................(S) VI Color shift has whitened reeds, ducks backs, etc., varying degrees...........................(U) 75. Broken 'G' in migratory........................(U) 25. Orange color shift................................(U) 50. Green color shift produces double heads and other areas...................................(U) 50. Dramatic black shift, doubling effect ...(S) VI RW48v2 RW49a RW49v RW51x RW52v1 RW52v2 1980 1981 1981 1982 1982 1984 1985 1985 RW53a 1986 RW53v 1986 RW54v1 RW55v1 RW55v2 RW57a 1987 1988 1988 1990 RW57v1 RW57v2 RW57v3 1990 1990 1990 RW58a 1991 RW60v 1993 RW60v2 RW60a 1993 1993 RW62v2 RW62v3 RW63v1 RW63v2 1995 1995 1996 1996 RW62v1 1995 RW64v1 1997 RW64v2 1997 RW64v1 & 2 'Lone Star' var., white spot in sky........(S) III Radical color shift, missing 'void after June 30, 1982, all four known are artist signed .(E) VI Red shift, eye out of socket ................(U) I Missing orange; (must have cert.).......(E) XII+ Color shift, 2-5mm complete doubling of some areas .....................................(R) V Special Commemorative Issue authorized by Congress for the 50th Anniversary, only 1,800 printed in sheets of 120. Each sheet has vertical & horizontal gutters and center gutter block. Sheet 15 resides in the National Postal Museum in Washington D.C. All singles should be .......accompanied by a Philatelic Foundation Certificate certifying it as a Special .Commemorative Issue with plating position in pencil on reverse. VF NH single w/P.F.C. ........................(U) 195. XF NH single w/P.F.C..........................(U) 295. Plate Block 6 w/P.F.C. .........................(S) 3500. Vert Pr, Horz Gtr, w/P.F.C....................(U) 750. Horz Pr, Vert Gtr, w/P.F.C....................(U) 750. Center Gutter Blk (15 exist) w/P.F.C. ..(R) XII+ 'Shot Duck' variety, tan splotch w/red dot in center of duck. ...................................(U) 65. Color shift down creates duck on 'Pool of Blood' ..................................................(U) 50. MISSING BLACK ENGRAVED, writing denominations and some feathers gone, about 60 believed to exist ...................(S) 4000. Color shift, called 'Blind Duck' black shifted upward and other features 2-3mm......(U) 95. Severe color shift causes collage of color and duplicate images .................(U) 250. Color shade, definite yellow/tan ..........(U) 35. Color shade, definite deep rose..........(U) 35. MISSING BLACK WRITING on rev. of stamp, full gum ...............................................(U) 375. Color shade, dull bluish gray ..............(U) 35. Color shade, deep lavender ...............(U) 35. Writing on reverse shifted 30mm, perfs thru center, one LR PB, one single, one PNS, discovered thus far..............................(E) VI MISSING BLACK ENGRAVED, highlight feathers both ducks devoid of black engraved color; five known so far ......................(E) XIII 'Firefly' variety; dust on roller causes imperfection above hen's beak, green halo .(U) 50. Red tone & deep brown (2 stamps)....(U) 85. MISSING BLACK ENGRAVED; appx. 120 known...........................................(U) XI UL PNS with plate flaw; show orange "crack" in sky. ......................................(U) III Color shade, green .............................(U) 35. Color shade, deep purple....................(U) 35. Broken/missing right inner frame line .(U) 35. Roller flaw causes distinct 'Floating Bottle' in water................................................(U) 45. Breast feather printing flaw .................(U) 65. As above; flaw extends to lake ...........(U) 125. 1997 above princes for singles, pair with normal stamp add $20. Sam Houston Duck Co. RW70b 2003 RW70v 2003 RW73be 2006 RW74be 2007 RW75be RW76be RW77be RW78be RW79be RW80be 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 JDS1P 1993 JDS2P JDS3P JDS15v Imperforate..........................................(R) 7500. Blue-gray & violet color shades, set of two 95. Mini-sheet missing signature, less than 10 known.................................................. 3,500. Mini-sheet missing signature, six known, with PSE................................................... Call Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 850. Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 450. Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 299. Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 299. Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 299. Mini-sheet missing signature ................... 299. JUNIOR DUCK STAMPS 1994 1995 2007 Junior Duck, Imperforate proof, horizontal or vertical pair ..........................................(S) 250. Junior Duck, Imperforate proof, horizontal or vertical pair ..........................................(S) 175. Imperforate proof, horizontal or vertical pair Wtd Bright green spot, pair with normal .......... 125. FOREIGN ERRORS & VARIETIES AUSTrALIA AD1UP 1989 AD2UP AD3Ua 1990 1991 CANADA CD11BP 1995 JV1EP 1991 COSTA rICA CR2UP 1992 ICELAND LD2E 1992 LD2ES 1992 Imperf proof pair, one sheet / 30 - 20 stamp panes, separated by gutters exist. Pair(S) 1500. Imperforate proof pair, one sheet believed to exist .................................................(S) IX Inverted $8 overprint, occurred on one sheet of 16 stamps only. Various formats exist of error, i.e. gutters, singles, and a unique PB/4. Prices vary for different formats (R) X Proof, imperf horz. pair booklet type, possibly unique ...................................(R) Proof, joint issue, imperf without serial number ................................................(E) V Imperf proof, horizontal or vertical pair. One pane/30 known............................(R) 125. Without denomination .........................(U) Sheet of eight, without denomination..(U) 25. 185. DUCKS OF AmErICA DA1s/s 1995 Imperforate, without serial number, seven known..................................................(R) 25 VI VII Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Federal RW47v3 RW48v1 ALABAmA AL3a 1981 AL3v1 1981 State AL3v2 AL5v1 AL8v1 1981 1983 1986 ArIZONA AZ1aP 1987 AZ3c 1989 AZ3v1 1989 AZ3v2 1989 STATE DUCK STAMPS ArKANSAS VArIETIES AR5v1 1985 Yellowish shade ..................................(U) 35. AR5v2 1985 Purplish shade ....................................(U) 35. AR7b 1987 Revalued from $7 to $5.50 (Ark. Supreme Court Decision) ...................................(U) 8. AR7c 1987 VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF HORZ; all known are artist signed...................................(E) VII AR8b 1988 Revalued from $7 to $5.50 (Ark. Supreme Court Decision) ...................................(U) 8. CALIFOrNIA CA9Pv1 1979 Imperforate pair, vert. or horz, w/o full serial #; (printers waste). ..................................(U) 25. CA9Pv2 1979 Imperforate pair, vert. or horz; both control and serial #'s omitted. .........................(S) IV CA10Pv1 1980 Imperforate pair, vertical or horizontal; (as above). ..........................................(U) 20. CA10Pv2 1980 Imperf pair,vert. or horizontal; both control and serial #'s omitted. .........................(S) V CA10v3 1980 Misperforated horz, deep color shades, possibly unique....................................(E) IV CA11v 1981 Various shades, purple, blue, gray .....(U) II CA12P 1982 Horz. pair w/o full serial number, possible proof, two pair known ..........................(E) VII CA13v 1983 Color shades, dark brown ...................(U) II VERT. PAIR, IMPERF HORZ; two known(E) X Color variety, grey writing, deep gold grass, 10 believed to exist .............................(R) IV Color shift, geese double ...................(S) IV Yellow shift, 'fuzzy ducks' ....................(U) II 1986 Purple feathers, shift ..................(U) II Imperf Proof Pane of 5, 4 known ........(E) Control Numbers OMITTED on plate block, 1st printing, 21 exist ............................(S) Double serial number error, middle number incorrect, also numbered vertically rather than horz, strip/3, 21 known...............(S) Without serial number, 30 exist...........(S) IX VI IX V ArKANSAS ImPErFOrATE Proofs and Essays Note: Below imperfs are without serial #'s and are proofs (P) or essay (E) AR1P 1981 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 25. AR2P 1982 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 25. AR3P 1983 Imperf singles only known;..................(U) — AR4P 1984 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR5P 1985 Imperf pair; vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR6P 1986 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR7E 1987 Imperf pair,vertical or horizontal, experimental matt paper .....................(S) 150. AR7P 1987 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR7Pv1 1987 Imperf horizontal pair; vertical gutter ..(R) VII AR7Pv2 1987 Imperf vertical pair; horizontal gutter...(E) VI AR7Pv3 1987 Imperf center gutter block of four, possibly unique..................................................(E) X AR8P 1988 Imperf pair; vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR9P 1989 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR10P 1990 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR11Pv1 1991 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR12Pv1 1992 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR12Pv2 1992 Imperf pane of 30, two full vert. gutters between pane/10, UNIQUE ................(R) VII AR13Pv1 1993 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR14Pv1 1994 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR15Pv1 1995 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR16Pv1 1996 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR17Pv1 1997 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) 14. AR18Pv1 1998 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR19Pv1 1999 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR20Pv1 2000 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR21Pv1 2001 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR22Pv1 2002 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR23Pv1 2003 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR24Pv1 2004 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR25Pv1 2005 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR26Pv1 2006 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. AR27Pv1 2007 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal ........(U) 14. Sam Houston Duck Co. COLOrADO CO1Pv1 1990 CO1Pv2 1990 DELAWArE DE1a 1980 DE1b 1980 DE1c DE2a 1980 1981 DE4a DE4P1 1983 1983 DE4P2 1983 DE5a 1984 DE5b 1984 FLOrIDA FL3v 1981 FL3b 1981 FL4v 1982 FL6v1 FL6v2 FL6v3 FL6v4 FL6v5 26 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 Imperf Proof, corner block...................(E) Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal.........(U) VI 395. HORZ PAIR, IMPERF VERTICALLY. ..(E) XI IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY, left margin single ...................................................(E) V Without control #, possibly unique. .....(E) X HORZ. PAIR, IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY, three known.........................................(E) X IMPERFORATE HORIZONTAL PAIR .(R) VII Block of 8 with full vertical gutter between, plate blocks #1541, #3291 possible proof or printer's waste, only one known..........(U) XII+ Horizontal proof pair with vertical gutter between, probable printer's waste, five pair plus DE4P1 believed to exist......................(R) X IMPERF AT BOTTOM, 3 sheets (6 sgls) known, plate # 1819,18 20, 1821 ....................(E) X IMPERF PAIR, VERT. OR HORZ., w/o PLATE NUMBER, possible proof or favor item; sheet of 10 plus 5 horz. pair believed to exist, pair.........................................(R) IX Deep purple shade.............................(U) RED OMITTED, five known ...............(E) Blue/black underinking causes rose color stamp; 5 known ...................................(S) Gray green color shade ......................(U) Yellow green color shade....................(U) Deep lime green color shade ..............(S) Color shift ............................................(S) Serif on 'F' pos. 1 & 6 only..................(U) 65. XII IV 25. 25. 65. 65. 35. 1984 1985 1985 1988 1988 GEOrGIA GA5a 1989 IDAHO ID1av ID1P ID3v ID4v ID5b 1987 1987 1989 1990 1991 ILLINOIS IL v1 1976 IL7a IL7v1 IL7v2 IL7v3 IL12v1 IL15v1 IL16v1 IOWA IA1P1 VI X IV 1988 Horz pair, bottom stamp w/ 3mm 'purple feathers', plate flaw .............................(U) Dot before serial #...............................(U) 25. 30. 1972 IA1v1 IA1v2 1972 1972 IA2v IA3v1 IA3v2 IA4a IA9v IA12a 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1980 1983 IA12e 1983 IA13e 1984 IA14a IA14b IA15a IA15v1 IA15v2 IA15b IA15c IA16v1 IA16v2 IA16v3 IA16v4 IA16a II IA17v1 IA17v2 IA18v1 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 KANSAS KS5v 1991 KENTUCKy KY1b 1985 Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal possible proof ....................................................(S) 550. Vertical Imperf Proof pair, with horizontal gutter, four known...........................................(E) VIII Trout/Duck Vertical Imperf Proof pair, with horz. gutter, four known................................(E) VIII Perforations four sides ........................(U) 200. Horizontal pair, perforations on all four sides, artist copy .................................(U) 375. Imperf pair, vertical or horizontal, possible proof ....................................................(U) 75. Horizontal pair, perfs on all 4 sides.....(S) 110. Duck body w/blue tone........................(U) IV Duck body w/brown tone ...................(U) IV IMPERF PAIR, VERT OR HORZ, w/all blue writing missing.....................................(R) VI Errant blue spot, chest of drake ..........(S) 125. VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF HORZ and at RIGHT, Duck/Trout stamps w/faults ...(E) VI Sam Houston Duck Co. 1983 IA13a IA13b IA13c IA13d Idaho hunter type, purple chest area on drake ...................................................(S) 50. Without serial or plate numbers, one sheet of 30 known.........................................(S) 150. Without serial numbers, four known ...(E) V Misperf hunter tab .................................... 250. Temporary sticker, stamps not ready for the opening of the hunting season............(U) III 1981 1986 1972 IA2P VIII Overinked, deep color.........................(U) Light blue color, not rouletted at bottom, shows white border .............................(R) BLACK writing omitted, 5 known.........(E) Vertical brown color shift, 1-2mm........(S) IA1 P2 IA1 P3 Pair, imperf between, six known .........(R) IA12b IA12c IA12d III 1981 1981 1981 1986 1989 1990 1981 INDIANA IN13v 1988 IN13v2 35. VI IV II Green dot under duck, flaw pos. 4, numbers over 110,000 .......................................(U) V GREEN-WINGED TEAL ERROR, exactly 1774 exist............................................(U) 550. Dark blue shade..................................(R) VI Small 'O' in serial number ...................(U) IV Radical red color shift..........................(S) V 'Bug in Water' flaw...............................(S) 65. Yellow shift ..........................................(S) II Perf shift, 5mm ....................................(E) III INDIANA IN1v 1976 IN4v 1979 IN6a IN11v Partially formed 'A', pos. 3, 8 only ......(U) Red color shift, 3-4mm vertically.........(R) Black color shift, 2-3mm vertically.......(S) Spot left side, plate flaw......................(U) Color shift creates halo on ducks; one sheet/10 known ...................................(R) KY1c 1985 KY2v KY4v1 KY4v2 1986 1988 1988 KY1v1 KY1v2 1985 1985 same sound,........................................(E) X VERT PAIR, IMPERF HORZ, at right, duck/duck stamps w/faults ..................(R) VI IMPERF at RIGHT ..............................(R) V HORZ PAIR, IMPERF at RIGHT of DUCK STAMP, w/HABITAT w/Full Gutter, five pair believed to exist ....................(R) VII IMPERF at RIGHT and TOP, POSSIBLY UNIQUE ..............................................(E) X VERTICAL IMPERF, INVERT PAIR ....(U) 95. VERTICAL PAIR, HORZ IMPERF ......(S) IV HORZ PAIR, VERT IMPERF ..............(S) 250. VERT/HORZ IMPERF BLOCK, Duck/Trout stamps, one pair inverted (R) VI COMPLETELY IMPERF VERT OR HORZ PAIR ...................................................(S) VI Single, imperf vertically on STAMPS right side, two known...................................(E) VII HORIZONTAL IMPERF PAIR..............(E) VII GUTTER PAIR, 1 Row imperf vert. ....(E) V Horizontal pair, vertical gutter ............(U) 225. Center sheet blk/4, vertical gutter, two Ducks; Trout/Turkey ...........................(R) V DOUBLE BLUE COLOR ERROR, very dark shade .........................................(U) 125. DOUBLE BLUE COLOR ERROR, horz gutter pair, 10 known .........................(R) 350. Horizontal pair, vertical gutter ...........(U) 35. Center sheet block of 4, vertical gutter, two Ducks; Trout/Eagle ......................(U) 95. Same format as v2 w/red plate flaw on lower left duck stamp, 'loose goose' variety single (S) 275. Red plate flaw under duck variety .....(U) 150. VERTICALLY IMPERFORATE in selvage, single ..................................................(R) IV Horizontal pair, vertical gutter ............(U) 65. Center sheet block of 4 w/vert gutter..(U) 95. Gutter Pair...........................................(U) 65. 'Moon in sky' variety.......................... (U) 50. BLACK COLOR DOUBLE PRINTED on face, none on back, possibly unique ...........(E) XII WRITING ON BACK OMITTED, four known #s 35751-54, w/P.F.C .........................(E) X Plate flaw, half 'O' of NO. ...................(U) II Three distinct color shades, bright green, grey, and grey-green, set of 3 ............(U) 65. Plate flaw, half 'O' of NO. ...................(U) 25. Plate flaw, half 'O' of NO. ...................(U) 15. Shades yellow/ochre ...........................(U) 25. LOUISIANA The Louisiana varieties have no serial number printed on the face of the stamp. The state only issues them to the artist for use with prints. LA5-5Av 1993 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 42. LA6-6Av 1994 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 42. LA7-7Av 1995 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 42. LA8-8Av 1996 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 42. LA9-9Av 1997 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 42. LA10-10Av 1998 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 39. LA11-11Av 1999 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 39. 27 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State FL6v6 FL7v1 FL7v2 FL11v1 FL11v2 State LA12-12Av 2000 LA13-13Av 2001 LA14-14Av 2002 LA15-15Av 2003 LA16-16Av 2004 LA17-17Av 2005 LA18-18Av 2006 LA19-19Av 2007 LA20-20Av 2008 LA21-21Av 2009 LA22-22Av 2010 LA23-23Av 2011 LA24-24Av 2012 LA25-25Av 2013 LA26-26Av 2014 LA27-27Av 2015 LA28-28Av 2016 mAINE ME1v ME4a 1984 1987 Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) Without serial #, set/2, res & non-res. (U) 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. 39. Plate flaw, orange 'collar' on neck .....(U) VERTICAL PAIR, horizontally imperf, four known .................................................(E) III 1977 1978 MD7v1 MD7v2 MD7v3 MD7Pv1 1980 1980 1980 1980 MD5Pv2 MD5v3 MD8v1 MD8v2 MD8v3 MD9v1 MD9v2 MD9v3 MD9v4 MD9v5 MD9v6 MD10v1 MD11v1 MD13v1 MD14a MD14v1 XI mAryLAND (Note: Several MD1 varieties may appear on one stamp. Printing method creates many varieties on early Maryland issues.) VIII IMPERF IN SELVAGE, 2 known ........(E) 1974 MD1a 35. Distinct purple shade ..........................(S) 1974 MD1v1 35. Red shade ..........................................(U) 1974 MD1v2 35. Green shade ......................................(U) 1974 MD1v3 45. Gray shade .........................................(S) 1974 MD1v4 45. Yellow shade ......................................(U) 1974 MD1v5 60. 'Yellow Snow' variety, noticeable ........(S) 1974 MD1v6 'Burning Bushes', red blotch in bushes, 1974 MD1v7 45. overinked ............................................(S) 50. Black blob lower left, position 2 only ..(S) 1974 MD1v8 60. Red shift, overink, pos. 8-10 only ......(S) 1974 MD1v9 60. Overink, smeary, blurred picture ........(S) MD1v10 1974 60. Blue shift ............................................(S) MD1v11 1974 75. Red 'hickey' under drake, pos. 3 .......(S) MD1v12 1974 45. Green spot, drake's back, pos.10 .....(S) MD1v13 1974 45. Black crescent & dot on drakes .........(S) MD1v14 1974 Red target on hen's chest; also yellow shift, MD1v15 1974 85. position 9 only .....................................(S) Yellow target drake's head, two discovered, MD1v16 1974 85. position 8 .............................................(E) 35. Black blob hen's chest, position 1 ....(R) MD1v17 1974 Black blob, green target on drake's back, MD1v18 1974 50. position "O" only .................................(S) 65. 'Red Neck' goose plate flaw................(U) 1975 MD2v1 Red virtually omitted, stamp yellow rather 1975 MD2v2 than blue, 5 known .............................(E) 450. Purple, green, yellow wing variety, one 1975 MD2v3 75. of each. ..............................................(U) 50. 'Purple Wings', very dark shade ........(U) 1975 MD2v4 95. Yellow splotch 2-4mm at bottom ........(U) 1975 MD2v5 50. Red shade, geese pronounced ..........(U) 1975 MD2v6 50. Black color shift, fuzzy geese ............(U) 1975 MD2v7 50. Light blue shade .................................(U) 1975 MD2v8 35. Color shift, geese doubled ..................(U) 1975 MD2v9 VI Imperf at top, w/o serial #, 2 known ....(E) MD3Pv1 1976 IV Without serial #, 8 known....................(R) MD3Pv2 1976 Imperf horizontal pair, w/o serial #, MD4Pv1 1977 15 known.............................................(R) 350. XI As above, full sheet of 10; unique ......(E) MD4Pv2 1977 Imperf horz gutter pair w/o serial number, MD4Pv3 1977 guide marks, two known, each w/faults(E) VIII Top pair, imperf, w/o serial #, 'Schmitz' logo MD4Pv4 1977 VIII at top, two known ..............................(E) Sam Houston Duck Co. MD4Pv5 MD5Pv1 1978 1978 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1986 1987 1987 III Color shift ...........................................(U) Imperforate at top or bottom, w/o serial number, 20 known ..............................(R) 350. 75. Without serial # ..................................(S) Plate flaw, hair-like line through "G" in 35. Migratory .............................................(U) IX Silver bar in selvage ..........................(R) 50. Red color shift ....................................(U) 50. Blackish green shade .........................(U) Imperf possible proof or printer's waste, w/o serial #, magenta color shifted, pair, ...(R) 650. 15. Yellow green shade ............................(U) 45. Pair/yellow horz bars across bottom ..(U) 15. Grayish shade ....................................(U) 20. Yellow green shade ............................(S) 20. Deep slate green color shade ............(S) 50. Black color shift, black doubled ..........(R) 'Face' in reeds, roller flaw, position 9 only; 35. #s 4,5xxx only ....................................(U) 'Bug on Head', pos 1 only, serial numbers 75. 6 & 7xx ...............................................(S) 20. Brownish Shade ..................................(U) 75. Deep blue indigo color shade ............(R) 20. Deep orange shade ...........................(U) Yellow shade # 2501-10 only .............(S) 150. VIII IMPERF HORZ, pair or strip/3 ...........(R) 20. Purplish shade ...................................(U) mASSACHUSETTS Essay, Vignette only, imperforate, one sheet 1974 MA1E of 12 exists, all faulty having been glued to VIII matt, pair .............................................(R) 25. Color fault, green shade to duck ........(U) 1974 MA1v1 IV Blue Dot on Tail ...................................(E) 1974 MA1v2 VI Vertical pair, double horizontal perfs ..(R) 1979 MA6v Double horizontal perfs/middle, one sheet 1980 MA7v X of 16 known ........................................(E) X Vertical pair, double horizontal perfs ..(R) 1982 MA9v X VERTICAL PAIR, HORZ IMPERF ......(R) 1983 MA10a VI Vertically misperfed, 5-7mm ...............(E) 1983 MA10v Two sets of 'Double Zeros' appear after . 1990 MA17v 'Waterfowl', in '5' very clear, oblong 0's (S) 125. IX IMPERF VERTICAL or HORZ PAIR ..(R) 1990 MA17a VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF HORZ.; six 1990 MA17b VIII believed to exist .................................(R) VIII HORZ PAIR, VERTICAL IMPERF ......(R) 1990 MA17c VIII IMPERF HORZ at bottom, 2 known ...(E) 1990 MA17d mICHIGAN 1976 MI1b 1978 MI3b V (R) 1978 MI3v 1979 MI4v1 1979 MI4v2 MI5v1 MI7v1 MI7v2 28 1980 1982 1982 V EMERALD COLOR .............................(R) BLUE INSTEAD OF GREEN BACKGROUND III Misperf vertically, 10-12mm into tab ..(S) V Yellow virtually omitted .......................(R) Black roller specks in sky, 'hidden flock' variety, occurs position 10 only ..........(U) 150. VI Yellow hen variety, 2 reported so far ..(E) III Radical red shift .................................(R) Line on top of 'Michigan', on serial #'s ending III in '6' only ............................................(S) mINNESOTA MN1v 1977 MN1v2 MN3a MN4v MN5v1 MN5v2 MN6v 1977 1979 1980 1981 1981 1982 MN7a MN8a 1983 1984 MN8Pv 1984 MN8Pv2 1984 MN8Pv3 1984 MN8Pv4 1984 MN9v 1985 MN10v MN10a MN10v2 1986 1986 1986 mISSISSIPPI MS2v1 1977 MS2v2 MS5v MS10a 1977 1980 1985 MS10b 1985 mISSOUrI MO1v 1979 25. 25. 25. 40. MO6v 1984 MO11v1 MO11v2 1985 1989 1989 mONTANA MT1aP 1986 MT2P 1987 MT2Pv1 MT2aP MT7d MT7d1 MT7d2 NEVADA NV1P NV1P1 NV2v1 NV2v2 NV2v3 NV3v1 NV3v2 NV3v3 NV4v1 NV4v2 NV5v1 NV5v2 NV5v3 NV6v1 NV6v2 NV6v3 NV6v4 NV9v1 NV9v2 Diagonal vertical perfs, off to left 25mm at top, 8mm at btm, five pair known ..............(E) VI Deep Blue ...........................................(U) II Double impression of red color ..........(S) III NO HORIZONTAL SERIAL NUMBER, vertical serial #, imperforate between stamp and serial #, no silver bar ..........................(U) 95. HORIZONTAL SERIAL NUMBER, no vertical number, no silver bar .........................(U) 450. Sam Houston Duck Co. 1981 MO7v1 40. 25. 25. 40. Spots, streaks, duplicate colors, etc. (price is for each) ................................(U) 30. Numerous varieties exist Serial # contains one digit w/serif in 3rd pos. from right ............................................(U) 50. IMPERF HORZ OR VERT PAIR ......(R) IX Horizontal pair, double vertical perforations on right selvage ..................................(S) 150. Horizontal pair, double horz. perfs on bottom row, five pair known ....................................(E) V Deep red brown color caused by excessive application of red ................................(R) 175. 'Light on Tail' caused by foreign matter on matt ....................................................(R) 175. Error serial # missing on reverse ........(U) 950. IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY, folded between stamps, serial numbers 10341 to 10350 only, full writing on back, only one sheet of ten believed to exist ................................................(E) XIII Imperforate proofs, horz or vert. pair, w/o serial #'s or writing on back ........................(R) VII Imperforate proofs, se-tenant with 1984 pheasant stamps, w/o serial #'s or writing on back, vertical pair only, five known............................(E) VI Imperf proofs, vertical strip/4, two pheas. stamps on top separated by horz gutter .........(E) X Imperf proofs, blk/8, 4 pheasant on top of four ducks, horz. gutter between, largest multiple believed to exist .....................(E) VI Pair with horizontal perf shift, 2-3mm into design .................................................(S) II Deep purple variety ............................(U) 15. IMPERF PAIR .....................................(R) VII Bright red violet shade from red shift, cold plate.....................................................(S) 200. Color shift, 1-2mm downward shift, geese doubled, unique ..................................(E) MO3v NV9v3 NV10v1 NV10v2 NV10v3 NV10v4 NV12P 1987 1987 1992 1992 1992 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1990 Horizontally misperforated full sheet of five, bottom stamp has 'Missouri Dept. Conservation' twice, middle stamps have inscription at top, etc. Believed unique ...................(E) IX Red & white 'target' inside first zero of serial number ...............................................(E) IV Paper fold, dramatic shift and appearance, possibly unique ..................................(E) VI Pinkish orange shade .........................(S) 50. Added row vertical perfs ½" on tab, ten known..................................................(R) 250. Imperf Proof pane of 10, six known ....(R) Imperf Proof block of 4, one sheet of 30 known ..................................................(E) Imperf Proof horz or vertical pair ........(R) Imperf Proof pane/10, three known.....(E) GREEN HEADED HEN, pos. 12 on sheet stamps only; 700 examples possible .(U) AS ABOVE, in PB/4 ...........................(U) AS ABOVE, error in strip/3 .................(U) 29 VI V IX 75. 95. 85. From proof sht w/selvage both sides ..(U) 175. As above, full sheet/4 (300 exist) .......(S) 750. Black/brown 8mm color shift ..............(E) VII Red lilac shade ..................................(U) 50. Slate blue shade ................................(U) 50. Black color shift to top ........................(R) V Three different shades & highlight colors; set of three .........................................(U) 95. 2-4mm red blotch under front swan, matt imperfection ........................................(R) 45. Deep blue/green, severe over inking, normal included ..................................(S) 45. Red 'pimple' on Shoveler's neck ........(U) 40. Radical yellow shift..............................(E) VI Deep rich blue, due to over-inking, normal included ..............................................(S) 150. Badly blurred Gadwalls, caused by brown color shift ............................................(S) 45. Bright green splotch 1-2mm below drake pintail ..................................................(S) 35. Green-eyed duck ...............................(U) 35. Stamp has turquoise sky & shading; rather than golden; normal included .............(U) 65. Blurred, color shift ..............................(U) 35. Deep yellow variety ............................(U) 15. Red/black 'target' 1mm on back of bufflehead ..........................................(U) 50. Yellow, green, normal shade, all 3 .....(U) 65. Deep red shade, severe over-inking ..(S) 50. Black vert. color shift 2mm; 4 known .(E) V Lavender shade serial # 21xx ............(S) 75. Deep gold shade, serial # ..................(S) 75. Vertical imperf. pair, w/o serial #, pos. proof or printer's waste, most faulty ............(E) VI NEW HAmPSHIrE NH4v1 1986 Facsimile stamp issued when regular not available; 3 part 'stamp' w/matching booklet stamp, 10 known ...................(R) VII X X Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State mICHIGAN PrOOFS & ESSAyS MI8P1 1983 Proof, die cut, without serial #.............(U) MI9P1 1984 Proof, die cut, w/o serial # .................(U) MI9P2 1984 Proof, uncut, w/o serial # ...................(U) MI9P3 1984 Proof, die cut ERROR, with $3.25 face value instead of $3.75 ........................(U) MI9P4 1984 Proof, uncut ERROR, with $3.25 face value instead of $3.75 ........................(U) MI10P1 1985 Proof, die cut, w/o serial # .................(U) MI10P2 1985 Proof, uncut, w/o serial # ...................(U) MI11P1 1986 Proof, uncut, w/o serial ......................(U) NH4v2 1986 State NEW JErSEy NJ1Av 1984 NJ4bv 1987 NJ5av 1988 NJ6v 1989 NJ6v2 NJ8cd NJ8dvar NJ8e 1989 1991 1991 1991 NEW mEXICO NM1P 1991 NM2P 1992 NM2c 1992 NM3P 450. Black color shift, 471xx #'s reported ..(U) IV Booklet type, perf on sides, horz pair (U) 40. Yellow-green shade.............................(U) 15. Yellow shift down, causes diff. shade, geese have two beaks, etc. ...........................(S) 150. Serial #'s shifted into design ..............(S) 75. ERROR, 'Brandt', should be 'Brant', Res & Non-Res ..................................(U) 30. Teal duck, plate flaw on neck .............(U) 75. ERROR, 1 sheet 30 stamps Resident numbered ........w/Non-Resident, causing identical serial numbers from 481-510 only; set of four with matching #'s ....(U) IX 1993 Imperf proof pair, 45 exist ..................(S) V Imperf proof pair, 45 exist ...................(S) V Contingency, without serial #, 3 sheets only exist .....................................................(S) 65. Imperf proof pair, 45 exist ...................(S) V 1985 Radical color shift (8mm) occurred on half sheet due to drag feed........................(R) As above; less radical shift .................(S) NEW yOrK NY1v1 1985 NY1v2 As above, without matching stamps, 10 known .................................................(R) NOrTH CArOLINA NC1P 1983 Proof single, less than five known.......(E) NC1v 1983 3mm Red dot over drake ...................(E) 1983 ND5Hv 1986 OHIO OH1v OH2a OH3b 1982 1983 1984 OH3P OH3v OH4v1 OH8a 1984 1984 1985 1989 OKLAHOmA OK1a 1980 OK10a 1989 OrEGON OR6v1 1989 OR6v2 1989 OR6v3 1989 IV II OR6v4 VI VI OR10P 1989 1993 PENNSyLVANIA PA1a 1982 PA1b 1982 NOrTH DAKOTA ND1P 1982 Imperforate Proof, w/o serial number (R) VI ND1v 1982 Horizontal pair from sheet of 10, selvage on both sides ...........................................(S) VI ND1a 1982 Hunter type, # 39807, dark blue shade with 'Faraway Duck' in sky from over-inking, plus 'moon' under '8' of serial #. Probably unique XII ND1b 1982 IMPERF PAIR, vertical or horizontal ..(R) VI ND1c 1982 HORIZONTAL PAIR, vert. imperforate (some exist artist signed) ...................(R) X ND1d 1982 Missing black on serial #, 4 known #1663, 68, 69, 70 .................................................(E) VIII ND2aC 1983 IMPERF BKLT PANE OF FIVE, ALSO WITH SERIAL # ERROR GOING FROM 80550 to 90549 on second stamp, 90548 on third, etc, w/o plate number at top, printer's waste due to improper serial #'s. UNIQUE...............(E) XIII ND2aCv1 1983 Booklet pane of 5, Imperf & without serial numbers or plate number at top; 2 panes believed to exist .................................................(E) XII ND2aCv2 1983 IMPERF BOOKLET PANE OF FIVE, TOP PLATE # MISSING, believed to be only pane of this type having correct serial numbers, possible printers waste or favor item .............................(E) XIII ND2v3 1983 Deep blue sky variety .........................(S) V ND2v4 1983 Oversized serial number, (early no's used with prints) ..........................................(U) IV Sam Houston Duck Co. ND2v5 PA3P1 PA3P2 PA5a PA8a PA10P PA10Pv1 PA10Pv2 PA10Pv3 PA10Pv4 PA10Pv5 PA10Pv6 PA10v1 PA10v2 PA11v1 PA11v2 30 1984 1984 1988 1990 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 Vertical pair, bottom stamp w/serial # into design, occurs bottom row of sheet only. Five known ..........................................(E) Pintails (vertical strip of 5 is cut from strip of 6 stamps leaving half a stamp at top V Hand stamped serial #, 8 known .......(R) VII IMPERF SINGLE, possibly unique ....(E) X VERT. IMPERF, full writing on back, w/o serial #'s or writing on selvage, only one sheet of 16 stamps believed to exist, largest multiple believed exist are block of 4. UL/UR ...............(R) X Proof, large white borders w/guidelines(R) VIII Double horizontal perfs, pair ...............(E) VI Double impression of red color ..........(S) 400. HORIZONTAL PAIR, vert. imperf, signed by artist, 12 known ..................................(R) VII VERTICAL PAIR, horizontally imperforate, three reported .....................................(E) VERT PAIR, horz. imperf, 1 pair reported, serial #022685,684............................. (E) X XI Temp. stamp, black # under #15,000 (U) 25. Temp. stamp, red #, over 15,000 .......(U) 12. Temporary stamp, red serial # w/matching # on normal stamp, 120 known .........(U) 95. As above, PB/4 w/4 matching temporary stamps, 10 known ..............................(R) 450. Proof, imperf pair, 15 known ...............(R) 500. IMPERF PAIR, vertical or horizontal ..(S) 450. PANE/10, INVERTED PLATE # IN UR CORNER, nine known ..........................................(S) 650. Imperforate proof horz. or vertical pair, possible printer's waste ......................(R) VIII As above sheet/ten, possibly unique .(E) XII VERTICAL PAIR, HORIZONTALLY IMPERF (Two known) .......................................(E) X Imperf horz. between 2nd and 3rd, or 3rd and 4th stamps in vertical strip of 5 ....(R) Pane of 10, Imperf proof .....................(R) 350. Imperf proof pair..................................(S) 75. Imperf proof gutter pair .......................(R) 150. Imperf proof gutter pane of 10 ............(E) VII Perforated proof gutter pair .................(S) 50. Perforated proof single w/lg selvage...(U) 50. Perforated proof single with large selvage and color bar .......................................(S) 75. Pane of 10, non-matching plate numbers top and btm, less than five known ......(E) 650. Pane of 10, non-matching plate #s, triple printed, three known............................(E) 650. Pane of 10, three non-matching plate numbers, possibly unique ...................(E) VI Pane of 10, two non-matching plate numbers, possibly unique ...................(E) VI PA11v4 PA11v5 PA13v1 1993 1993 1993 1995 Pane of 10, double plate #s (4 total), two inverted, possibly unique.....................(E) VII Pane of 10, without plate numbers, less than five known ...........................................(E) 450. Pane of 10, one plate number on LL stamp, possibly unique....................................(E) VI Pane of 10, imperforate ........................... TN2bv1 TN2Av1 TN4P TN6P TN7P TN8v TN9v1 rHODE ISLAND RI1Gc 1989 Governor's Edition Contingency, w/o serial #, 300 exist..............................................(U) 300. RI3P 1991 Imperf pair ...........................................(S) IV RI3P1 1991 Corner block of 4 or 6, artist signed....(R) VI RI4P 1992 Imperf pair ...........................................(S) IV RI4P1 1992 Corner block of 4 or 6, artist signed....(R) VI RI5P 1993 Imperf pair ...........................................(S) IV RI5P1 1993 Corner block of 4 or 6, artist signed....(R) VI RI5Gcs 1993 Governor Edition signed by Gov., w/o serial #, 20 known.............................................(R) V RI6P 1994 Imperf pair ...........................................(S) III RI6P1 1994 Corner block of 4, artist signed ...........(R) VI RI6P2 1994 Corner block of 6, artist signed ...........(E) VI RI6Gc(s) 1994 Governor Edition signed by Gov., w/o serial #, 20 known.............................................(R) 400. RI7Gc(s) 1995 Governor Edition signed by Gov., w/o serial #, 20 known.............................................(R) V RI7C 1995 Contingency w/o serial number, only three sheets exist .........................................(S) 65. RI8C 1996 Contingency w/o serial number, only three sheets exist .........................................(S) 65. SOUTH CArOLINA SC1v1 1981 'Sample' overprinted in red ................(R) SC2av2 1982 'Sample' ovpt as above, hunter type PNS, possibly unique ..................................(E) SC3c1 1983 IMPERF VERT. or HORZ PR, writing on back, one sheet believed to exist ......(R) SC3c2 1983 IMPERF VERT. strip/6, writing on back, believed largest vertical imperf strip ..(R) SC3c3 1983 IMPERFORATE VERTICAL & HORZ PAIR, BLOCK OF 12, largest known multiple believed to exist ....................(E) SC3v 1983 'VOID' overprint in blue .....................(E) SOUTH DAKOTA SD1v1 1976 Blue shift down, under 10 discovered (R) SD1v2 1976 Small serial # midget gothic style ......(U) SD1v3 1976 Middle digit missing ............................(E) SD2v1 1977 Vert pair, double row of perfs btwn ....(S) SD2v2 1977 Pink shade .........................................(U) SD2v3 1977 Yellow shade ......................................(U) SD2v4 1977 Green shade ......................................(S) SD4v 1986 Orange brown shade ..........................(S) SD5v 1987 Radical yellow shift .............................(E) SD6v1 1988 Deep brown shade .............................(U) SD6v2 1988 'No.' blindly embossed 2nd stamp .....(U) SD7a 1989 VERTICAL PAIR, IMPERF HORZ ......(E) SD7v1 1989 Horizontal perf shift, partial writing from two stamps .........................................(E) SD7v2 1989 Horz perf shift causes 'South Dakota Restoration' to be completely omitted; only one discovered ...................................(E) SD8v1 1990 Horizontally misperf (5 discovered) ...(E) SD8v2 1990 Bright green dot on drake wing ..........(U) SD11v1 1993 Blue color shift, dbl beaks birds, etc. .(R) SD11v2 1993 Double perforations, pane/5................(R) TENNESSEE TN1v1 1979 Resident, double printed on back, only one reported .......................................(E) Sam Houston Duck Co. TN10E TN10P TN11P TN14P TEXAS TX1v1 TX2P TX3v TX6P TX11v UTAH UT5v UT10C VI UT11P X 1980 1982 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1988 1989 1992 1981 1982 1983 1986 1991 1990 1995 XII VT1av1 VT1av2 VT4v1 VT6P VT8P VIrGINIA VA1v VA21a XIII X IV 60. V IV 40. 40. 65. 30. V 20. 15. IX 1986 1986 1989 1991 1993 HORIZONTAL PAIR, VERT. IMPERF, two sheets known .....................................(R) IX AS ABOVE, selvage singles ..............(R) VI Plate block, vert. imperf, four known ..(E) X Yellow color shift, creates blur ...........(S) II Imperf pair, 2 sheets of 30 known.......(S) IV Imperf Proof, horz or vertical pair........(S) 125. 1988 2008 WEST VIrGINIA WV1Av1 1987 WV1Av2 1987 WV2v1 1988 WV2v2 WV5ssi V 75. 25. V VI 1988 1991 WISCONSIN WI1v 1978 WI12P 31 Double black printing, two known, both signed by artist ...............................................(E) VII Proof, large borders on photo stock, one known..................................................(R) VIII Horizontal pair, vertical perf almost thru center of stamp, five pair known ...................(E) VIII Strip of four, no serial #, imperf every other stamp, horz. format....................(R) IX Underink black writing; serial # norm .(U) II 1996 WASHINGTON WA1P 1986 WA2AP 1987 WA2APv1 1987 V Resident, deep green wing tips; only two known thus far ....................................(E) VIII Non-res, 'green' duck, 1 reported .......(E) IX Proof, coil format imperf vert pairr, two known w/o ser.#, both faulty ..........................(E) IX Proof, coil single, w/o serial #, possibly unique..................................................(E) VIII Proof, coil strip/3, possibly unique .....(E) X Full card with inverted serial # ...........(U) 125. With incorrect computer printed date Feb 28, 1988 on card; 300 known .....(U) IV Essay, without expiration date, serial number; in vertical coil format. (pair 2x) ...........(U) 30. Proof, without serial #; vertical coil format. (pair two times price)...........................(U) 30. Proof, w/o serial #; possibly unique ....(E) VII Proof, w/o serial #; possibly unique ....(E) VII Without serial number, three known....(E) VI Contingency w/o serial #, 3 sheets only ??? exist ......................................................( ) 65. Imperf proof sheet of nine, 20 issued .(R) 500. VErmONT VT1a 1986 X X 1980 1989 Horizontal pair, blind perfs vertically ..(R) HORZ PAIR, VERTICALLY IMPERF, 15 pair known......................................(R) VI IV Without serial number, 6 known .........(R) Imperf Proof Pair, 6 known .................(R) Imperf Proof Single, 15 possible.........(R) VIII VII VI Cobalt blue shade, (no hint of purple) perhaps due to light red color applications; only one sheet of 30 known ..............................(U) 175. Deep purple. One sheet/30 known ....(U) 125. Waterfowl Stamp Certificate Temp. License; stamps not ready ................................(U) 100. As above, without number .................(S) 275. Imperf souvenir sheet, 100 issued......(U) VII 'Shot Wing' variety, red target on lead duck's wing ....................................................(S) 350. Imperf pair, possible proof, without serial numbers .............................................(R) 375. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State PA11v3 STATE DUCK STAMPS Prices are for MINT, F-VF, NH, nicely centered stamps, unless otherwise noted. State Duck Hunting Stamps are required in many states to hunt ducks in combination with a federal stamp. The state stamps listed herein basically conform to the format of the Scott Federal and State Duck Stamp Album. You will note some states have dual listings for stamps; this is because those states issue both collector and hunter or tab type stamps. Hunter Type Stamps When ordering hunter type, follow the catalog number with an “h”; for example AK21h. State Artist Signed Stamps are normally available as listed, and are guaranteed genuine. When ordering artist signed stamps, follow the catalog number with an (s); for example AL1(s). New Issue Service is available for state duck stamps. Receive all the current state ducks stamps at just $1.50 over agency cost! Shipped throughout the year. The most convenient way to be sure you get all the State Duck stamps issued in a year! Governor’s Editions are officially issued state stamps, valid for hunting, issued in very limited quantities. These stamps have a high face value and are sold by states for special fund raising purposes. See page 56. When ordering these mint or hand-signed stamps, follow the catalog number with G (mint) or G(s) (handsigned). Governor Edition album pages, which fit the Scott binder are available for $9.95 plus $4.50 shipping. Did you know … MD7 pictures a decoy and the Ward brothers. Famous decoy carvers Lem and Steve Ward were actually barbers? Between haircuts, they carved working decoys for hunters. When durable plastic decoys began to replace hand-carved one’s, the brothers turned their talents to decorative carvings. The legacy of the Ward brothers is housed in the Ward museum in Salisbury, maryland. Scott Federal & State Duck Stamp Album Complete Set – Scott is our most popular album for collecting federal and state single stamps. Approximately 330 pages, with some blank provided, three-ring binder, slip case plus three packs of pre-cut mounts (please specify black or clear). Everything you need! Current through 2013. Retail value is $395. ONLy … $295.99 includes shipping! SCOTT SUPPLEmENTS & BINDErS Scott is the only album for Federal, Junior and State duck stamps. Plate Blocks Scott pages for Federal Duck Stamp Plate Blocks. $26.99 plus $3 shipping. Sam Houston Duck Co. Large green three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.99 Slip case to fit large three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Large green two-post binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.99 Slip case to fit two-post binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Small green three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.99 Slip case to fit small three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Blank pages with National border (20 pages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99 Blank pages with National border by G&K Starsheets (40 pages) . . . . 17.50 2014 Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 Federal plate block supplement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.49 Federal Singles Junior Duck Stamps plus $3 shipping. plus $3 shipping. Pages federal singles only, fit Scott binders album. $10.95 32 Scott pages to supplement your album. $8.95 STATE DUCK PROGRAM INFORMATION ALASKA Alaska’s program began in 1985, and ranked as the 33rd state to issue a duck stamp. The $5 face value has remained unchanged. Stamps are issued in perforated panes of 30, five across by six down, serially numbered on the reverse. Plate numbers exist in all four corners of panes of 30. Beginning in 1987, a hunter-type stamp was issued in rouletted booklet panes of five, with tabs on the left side and a straight edge on the right. Stamps are valid from July 1 through January 31 of the following year. Collectors may not purchase hunter-type stamps from the state agency until after January 31 of the following year. The stamp design is commissioned by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Governor editions have been issued. ArIZONA Arizona was the 40th state to issue stamps and began their waterfowl program in 1987. Stamps are issued in panes of 30, five across by six stamps down, and hunter booklets panes of five; one by five stamps per pane, with tabs on the left. There are four plate numbers on each pane of 30, one per corner. Booklet stamps have either one or two straight edges, depending on if it was taken from the top, bottom or middle of the pane of five. Beginning in 2002, the hunter stamps had an extra portion of tab attached, with a special designation for “stamp collector.” The face value of both collector and hunter stamps remained at the original price of $5.50 per stamp, until 2000, when it was increased to $7.50. Arizona began a second issue in 2009 utilizing the artwork of the state Junior contest winner. The stamps are normally issued on July 1 and are valid for one year. The artist and artwork are commissioned by the state. Governor edition stamps have been issued since 1989. Pictorial stamps end 2013. Sam Houston Duck Co. ArKANSAS Arkansas began their program in 1981, the 19th state to issue a duck stamp. Arkansas’ stamp artists are commissioned and represent a Who’s Who of wildlife artists. Artists selected include six prior Federal Contest winners and the first Canada duck stamp artist. Stamps are serially numbered on the reverse and that number determines the collector/hunter status. The 1981 stamp was issued in perforated panes of 30, five by six stamps, with one plate block on the lower left. All subsequent issues are in panes of 10, two across by five, with a plate number at the bottom left. Face value remained at $5.50 until 1987. An unauthorized increase to $7 was made, and the Arkansas Supreme Court required $5.50 stamps be reissued. Because of court delays, the 1988 stamp was also reissued with the $5.50 denomination. A refund was ordered to all purchasers of the $7 stamp; however, virtually no one claimed the refund. The $7 price was fully authorized in 1989. In 2004, a non-resident stamp with $20 face value was issued, which was increased to $35 in 2013. Governor editions have been issued. CALIFOrNIA California was the first state to issue a pictorial duck stamp. The stamps were issued in 1971 in booklet panes of five stamps each. The first eight years were rouletted and printed on enamel-faced, peelable labels. The first seven years were done by artist Paul Johnson, a state employee, through a commission agreement. The second California stamp issued in 1972 is considered the rarest of state duck stamps, due to the inadvertent destruction of the remaining stock intended for sale to collectors. The pressure-sensitive label type stamps are susceptible to staining from gum bleed, which causes spots on the stamps. This is particularly true of the 1975 and 1976 issues, which have backing paper with wavy red lines. The 1975 issues are available on both plain and wavy line; the wavy line backing is most often stained. Early California issues can be protected from gum bleed through if stored properly and not exposed to heat and/or excessive pressure conditions. (CA1 and CA2 will be free of gum bleed, but we cannot guarantee CA3-8 as free of specks as this is normal for these issues.) Beginning in 1979, stamps were printed in full color on normal gummed paper. Stamps are valid for one year and are normally issued in August or September. Governor edition stamps have been issued since 1995. California’s artwork is chosen by open contest. The stamps are not released until after the June 30 close date, meaning it will be 2016 before you can obtain a 2015 stamp. 33 COLOrADO Colorado was the 46th state to issue duck stamps with their 1990 release. Stamps were issued in perforated panes of 30 stamps for collectors, and tabbed panes of four for hunters. Panes of 30 are five across by six stamps down and have plate numbers in all four corners. Hunter stamps are booklet panes of four, one by four stamps across with tabs beneath the stamps. The stamps are issued in July and valid for one year. In 2001, the sale of stamps and prints was switched from the state to their wetlands partner, the Colorado Wildlife Heritage Foundation. While hunter-type stamps were issued, none were made available for sale to collectors. The state refused repeated requests to release the stamps for sale to non-hunters, even after the close of the season. Artwork was done on a commission basis for the first three years. Beginning in 1993 the stamp design as selected through an art contest. Governor edition stamps were issued 1990-93. CONNECTICUT Connecticut was the 49th state to issue a duck hunting stamp and began the program in 1993, by issuing stamps in three formats: perforated panes of 30; five across by six down, booklet panes of 10; two across by five down, and souvenir sheets of four 7" x 6". Panes of 30 have plate blocks in all four corners. In 1997, the state switched from the booklet stamps to hunter-type in a sheet of 30. That issue has a serial number precede by an “H” for hunter, the collector stamps have a “C” prefix before the serial number. Stamps are valid from July 1-June 30. Artwork is commissioned by the state. In 2003, a single color, self-adhesive style stamp was adopted by the state. Governor editions have been issued. DELAWArE Delaware began their duck stamp program in 1980, the 17th state to issue duck stamps. Stamps are without serial numbers until 1991, and have a face value of $5. Stamps are issued in perforated panes of 10; two across by five down, and bear a plate number in the lower left. Only one type of stamp was issued until 1991; thereafter hunter stamps were created and serially numbered on the reverse, using numbers 20,001-35,000, while collector stamps remain unnumbered. In 1996, the face value of the stamp was increased to $6. It increased again in 2002 to $9. Beginning in 1998, all stamps were issued with a number on reverse, but the collector stamps have a “C” prefix. Stamps are valid for one year and are usually issued on July 1. The stamp design is selected through an annual contest open to Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State ALABAmA Alabama began issuing their stamps in October 1979, and was the 14th state to launch a state duck program. All stamps are serially numbered and issued in panes of 10, two across by five down; all are perforated except the 1979 issue, which is rouletted. There are no plate numbers or control numbers on the Alabama issues. Except for the first year, all subsequent stamps have perforations on all four sides. Stamps are issued in October and are valid until September 30 of the next year. Artwork for the stamp has been selected by an annual contest, open to state residents only, since 1981. Note: The 1984 issue is usually centered into the design due to the narrow margins between stamps. all U.S. residents. Governor editions have been issued. FLOrIDA State Florida was the 16th state to issue pictorial duck stamps beginning in 1979. Stamps were printed in rouletted panes of five; one across by five down, with a tab on the left. In 1986, the format was changed to sheets of 10; one stamp at top with a survey tab, followed by three rows of three stamps each. In 1998, the state switched to self-adhesive sheets of 12. Stamps are valid for one year, July 1-June 30, and generally go on sale in June or July. Artwork for the stamp is selected through an annual art contest. The 2002 stamp was initially printed with the design flopped causing the duck to fly from right to left. The state reprinted 1,008 stamps using the proper design element which is listed as FL24a. Program ends 2003. GEOrGIA Georgia’s first migratory waterfowl stamp was issued in 1985 and they were the 34th state to issue a duck stamp. The first four years were issued in perforated panes of 30; five across by six down, with a plate number in each corner. Effective with the 1989 stamp, pane size was reduced to 20 stamps; four by five down, without plate markings. The stamp design is commissioned. Beginning in 1992, the state of Georgia began working with Georgia Ducks Unlimited to upgrade their state program. A committee comprised of three Georgia Department of Natural Resources representatives and three Georgia Ducks Unlimited members selected the artwork. Face value remained unchanged since 1985 at $5.50. Stamps were issued in September and valid for one year. The stamps were not required for hunting until 1989. The program was discontinued after 1999. Stamps for 2000 were printed, but never distributed, except perhaps as gift items to Georgia DU members, all facts on this are not known. Not required for hunting 1985-88; 1989-99 required. Program ends 1999. HAWAII In 1996, Hawaii became the 50th state to issue a duck stamp. The stamp is required for hunting in the state, although not for waterfowl. Hawaii does not have enough of a waterfowl population to support a hunting season, so the stamp will be valid for hunting other eligible species of game, such as dove, pheasant, quail, turkey, deer, sheep, and pig. A portion of the funds derived from the sale of the stamp will go to waterfowl conservation, in addition to other wildlife projects. Stamps are issued in collector sheets of 30 and hunter-type with a tab from a book of 20. The hunter-type was discontinued after 2001. Beginning in 2003, the Wildlife Conservation stamp and a Game Bird stamp (see state conservation section) were issued with the same artwork. In 2004, the Wild Conservation stamp had the same artwork Sam Houston Duck Co. as 2003, but the Game Bird stamp featured a fresh painting. Issues for the first year included a decorative souvenir sheet of four, perforate and imperforate. Governor editions have been issued. IDAHO Idaho began issuing their duck stamps in 1987. Both collector and hunter-types are issued, the former in perforated panes of 30; five across by six down, with a plate number in all four corners. Hunter stamps are issued in a booklet of 10; two by five with tab. Stamps are destroyed on October 31 of the year following issue (i.e. the 1993 stamp was destroyed Oct. 31, 1994). The stamp design was selected through an annual open contest. Required for hunting 1987-95; 1996-98 collector only. Program ends 1998. ILLINOIS Illinois began their waterfowl stamp program in 1975, the fifth state to issue a duck stamp. The $5 face value stamps were the highest priced at the time. In 1990 the face value rose to $10, another near pinnacle price for state duck stamps in that year. Until 1984, and beginning again in 1996, stamps were issued in booklet panes of 10; two across by five down. Panes of 10 have straight edges at top, right and bottom; the middle three left stamps have perforations on all four sides and are sold at a 25% premium. From 1985 to 1995, stamps were issued in booklet panes of five; one by five down, with tabs on the left. The top and bottom stamps of the panes have two straight edges; all others only one on the right. All stamps have serial numbers on the face of the stamp. In 1981, a major error occurred when the designation "Green-winged teal" was applied to the stamp which depicted Wigeon. Exactly 1,774 stamps were sold at a Chicago wildlife show before a sharp collector spotted the error and the stamps were taken off sale. The artwork was commissioned by Ducks Unlimited. Beginning in 2007. the state’s winning Junior Duck Stamp Contest entry was used. Governor editions have been issued. Program ends 2010. INDIANA Indiana was an early pioneer of duck stamps, being the sixth state to issue a stamp in 1976. From 1976 through 1984, stamps were issued in rouletted booklet panes of four; two by two, with selvage on the top two stamps. In 1985, the format was changed, stamps were issued in panes of two; one by two down, with tabs on the left to collect hunter data. Stamps are valid from March through February of the following year, and all bear serial numbers. All Indiana stamps have straight edges on one or more sides. Artwork is selected by contest held in odd numbered years, with two stamp designs chosen at that time. Program ends 2014. 34 IOWA Iowa was the second state to issue a duck stamp beginning in 1972 with a painting by Iowa native Maynard Reece. For 1972, stamps were issued in perforated panes of five; one by five down, with selvage on the top. In 1973, the format was changed to panes of 10; two across by five down, with straight edges on seven of the 10 stamps, similar to Illinois stamps. Stamps with perforations on all four sides for the 1973-84 stamps carry a 15% premium. The 1974, 1977 and 1978 stamps were issued rouletted rather than perforated. Beginning in 1986, stamps perforated on all four sides were readily available if requested from the state, however again in 2000, stamps had a straight edge (either left or right) on all stamps. For 1990 a separate serially numbered group, #26,001-80,000 for hunters was also issued. From 1972 through 1978, stamps had a face value of $1, which rose to $5 in 1979, increased to $5.50 in 1999 and jumped to $8.50 in 2002. Because of a misunderstanding, the 1979 surplus stamps were destroyed, making it one of the scarcest state stamps in mint condition. Stamps are usually issued in late spring and are valid from September through February 28 of the following year. Artwork is selected on a commission basis through Ducks Unlimited. Required for hunting 1972-98. KANSAS Kansas was the 42nd state to issue a duck stamp. The 1987 stamps were somewhat experimental; the state issued several types in panes of 10; two stamps by five down. Collector type stamps had only a serial number, whereas hunter stamp booklets of 10 had a “DD” prefix and booklets of 20 an “SS” prefix. Serial numbers were eliminated beginning with the 1991 issue. In 1988 collector stamps were issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, with a plate number in the upper left corner only. The same format continued for 1989, but plate numbers were added to all corners, as was the 1990 issue. The 1991 issue had plate numbers in the upper left and lower right only. Plate numbers were discontinued in 1992, as were booklet stamps and the format of the pane was changed to six across by five down. The stamp design was selected through a contest open to Kansas residents only, in even years, and publisher commissioned in odd years. In 1997, Kansas switched formats to a self-adhesive sheet of 10. The artwork was designed by a staff artist and currently remained the same for five years, only the color and date were changed. Face value remained unchanged at $3; until 2002, when it was raised to $5. In 1999, the state changed the sale policy so that stamps were not available for sale to collectors until after the close of the hunting season, meaning it is March of the following year before stamps were released for sale. Program ends 2004. LOUISIANA Louisiana began issuing stamps in 1989 and was the 44th state to do so. Serially numbered and perforated resident and nonresident stamps were issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, with a plate number in all four corners. For 1989 and 1990, left side plates have a control sheet attached to the selvage, which is difficult to remove without causing damage to the selvage. Stamps are issued on July 1 and are valid for one year. Louisiana issues both resident and non-resident stamps and the face value has changed several times over the years. The 2000 non-resident stamp has a printed face value of $13.50, but the actual cost is $25. Legislation to raise the non-resident fee was approved after the stamps were printed. Instead of incurring the cost of reprinting the stamps, the state sold them at the higher rate. Artwork is selected by annual contest that was open to Louisiana residents only through 1992, from 1993 to 2001 to artists who reside in or are natives of Louisiana and beginning in 2002 open nationwide. Required for hunting 1989-99; 2000-present are collector only. Governor editions have been issued. mAINE Maine was the 29th state to issue a duck stamp, beginning in 1984 with artwork by previous federal winner, David Maass. Maine has maintained a consistent stamp program of beautiful stamps at low face value, and are considered by many to be the best bargain around. Face value remained at $2.50 until 2003, when it was increased to $5.50, then $8.50 in 2004. Stamps are issued in panes of 10; two across by five down, with plate numbers in all four corners, and no plate numbers from 1994. Stamps are valid September 1 through June 30 of the following year. Artwork was commissioned through 1987 and is currently selected in an annual contest open only to state residents. 2002 began electronic licensing, but stamps still available by hunter request or for collectors. Sam Houston Duck Co. mAryLAND Maryland was the fourth state to issue a duck stamp in 1974. Original face value was $1.10 and has risen to $9 over the years. Currently, stamps are valid August 1 to July 31 of the following year. From 1974-1992 stamps were issued in panes of 10; two across by five down, with serial numbers on the tab. All stamps have a small tab attached at the left or right side, until 1993, when the tab was placed on the bottom. The stamps should be collected with tab attached. The stamps have no plate numbers. Panes of 10 through 1992, have straight edges at top and bottom. Stamps are perforated except for the 1975-76, and 1979-81 issues, which are rouletted. Since 2013, the stamp has been issued in a self-adhesive pane of one. The artist is chosen in an annual contest open to Maryland residents only. mASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts was the third state to launch a duck stamp program in 1974. Decoys have been the only subject matter used in the thirty-five years of their program. Stamps are printed in panes of 12; four across by three down. The first year was rouletted, all subsequent years are perforated. Until 1985, all panes had a straight edge on three sides and provided only four fully perforated stamps per pane. Stamps are valid from January 1 through December 31. The state had the distinction of having the lowest face value at $1.25 through 1990. The stamp now costs $5. Artwork is selected in an annual open contest, and the rules specify that the subject matter must be “a working decoy by a known, unknown or deceased Massachusetts carver. No anchors or background material is allowed.” Program ends 2011. mICHIGAN Michigan joined the state duck programs in 1976, being the seventh state to issue a waterfowl stamp. Michigan’s stamp formats are complicated and vary greatly. The first five stamps are rouletted and gummed on sheets of 10; two by five down with a 3" - 4" vertical center gutter. The 1978-80 issues have full tabs on each stamp; 1981-94 have but one ID tab per pane. Beginning in 1995, a sheet of 15 was issued with no tab. From 1981-2002, the stamps have been issued on pressure-sensitive paper and must be cut from the sheet. In 2003, the stamps were issued as sheets of 15 on gummed paper. A serial number was added in 2008. There are no plate blocks on Michigan’s issues. An annual contest is held to select the artwork. In 1999, the Michigan Duck Hunters Association took control of the contest, along with stamp and print distribution from the state to preserve the program. Beginning in 1995, the stamp was no longer required for hunting. 35 mINNESOTA Minnesota was an early state to issue a stamp, being tenth in 1977. Past winners of the federal duck stamp contest have won fourteen times in the thirty-two years of Minnesota’s program. Minnesota’s stamps are among the most attractive of any state. The first ten years of stamps were issued in panes of 10; five across by two down, with serial numbers on reverse, without plate numbers. From 1987 to 1999, the format was changed to panes of 10; two across by five down, with full tabs on the left and small number tabs on the right. The 2000 stamp was changed to a self-adhesive mounted on an 8½” x 5½” computer generated mailing form. Until 1991, past issues were available from the state at face value plus a small fee. Currently stamps are valid for one year, from March 1 through February of the following year and go off sale two years after issue. An annual contest is held for Minnesota residents mISSISSIPPI Mississippi was one of the pioneers in duck stamps, being the ninth state to issue in 1975. Their first effort was a computer card with a photograph of a wood duck on the right side. The face value of their stamps remained at $2 until 1993, when the fee was raised to $5 and the quality also improved. In 2001, the face value was increased to $10. Beginning in 2003, an agency fee was also added. Stamps are issued in panes of 10; two by five down and are serially numbered. Until 1990, stamps were rouletted and without plate numbers. Beginning in 1991, a plate number appears in the lower right of the pane.1999 saw the first self-adhesive pane of one, which was joined by a non-resident in 2005. The non-resident face value is $15 plus the agency fee. Stamps are valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Governor editions have been issued. mISSOUrI Missouri was the 13th state to issue waterfowl stamps, beginning in 1979. Serially numbered stamps are issued in booklet panes of five; one by five down, with tabs on the left. Prior to 1987, all stamps were rouletted; since 1988, all are perforated. Straight edges exist on all stamps, with top and bottom stamps having two straight edges, except 1996, which was issued in a perforated sheet of 30. Face value was $3.40 for the first two years, then $3 through 1989 and finally raised to $5 in 1990. Stamps are valid from February 1 to January 31 of the following year. Artwork was selected in an annual contest open only to Missouri residents. 1996 collector only. Governor edition stamps were issued 1990-95. The handsigned stamps were sold via a lottery process. Program ends 1996. mONTANA Montana was the 35th state to issue a duck stamp in 1986. The 1986 issue was serially numbered and released in perforated Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State KENTUCKy Kentucky was the 30th state to issue a duck stamp, beginning in 1985. Stamps have a face value of $5.25 and from 1985-89 were valid for January through December. Starting in 1990, stamps were valid from March through February of the following year. Issues from 1985 and 1986 were rouletted; all others are perforated. Stamps were all serially numbered and issued in booklet panes of five; one by five down, with tabs for hunter data on the left. Beginning in 1996, stamps are only issued in a sheet of 30. Also at that time the stamps were no longer required for hunting. Artwork is selected through contest, open to Kentucky residents only and conducted by Ducks Unlimited. Program ends 2009. State panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. Perforated booklet panes of 10; two by five down with small selvage on both sides were also issued. The first booklet issue was not made known to collectors nor offered for sale until February 1, 1987. It is believed 20 booklets of 10 were sold to collectors. Hunter-type are normally collected in horizontal pairs; however, serial numbers exceeding 31,000 for 1986 and 21,000 for subsequent years identify hunter singles, which are also collectible. The last hunter books were issued in 2001. Artwork was selected through a contest open to Montana residents only. 2002 and 2003 are collector only. Governor editions have been issued. Program ends 2003. NEBrASKA Nebraska was a late comer to the state duck program, issuing their first stamp in 1991, and becoming the 47th state to do so. Stamps are serially numbered and issued in perforated panes of 10; two across by five down, with plate numbers in all four corners. Stamps are not required for hunting, were valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. The artist was commissioned. Nebraska discontinued their waterfowl stamp program after 1995, but resumed using their state Junior Duck Contest winner in 2006. Governor editions have been issued. Program ends 2009. NEVADA Nevada’s duck stamp program began in 1979, the 15th state to issue duck stamps. All stamps are rouletted and issued in booklet panes of four; one by four down with tab at left. From 1979 through 1981, stamps had serial numbers on the tabs only. From 1982 forward, serial numbers appeared on both the stamp and tab. Stamps are valid for one year and expire on June 30. Nevada is one of only two states whose stamps actually say “duck stamp” on the face; the other state is California. Artwork is selected through an open contest. NEW HAmPSHIrE New Hampshire was the 26th state to issue duck stamps with their first issue in 1983. Stamps are perforated and issued in panes of 30; five across by six down for collectors and booklet panes of one for hunters. The hunter-type booklet pane stamps are perforated, and have three straight edges with a two part tab at left. All 1991 hunter stamps have hand-written serial numbers. Collector stamps do not have plate numbers through 1991; thereafter one plate number per pane exists in lower left position. A fire in the temporary building destroyed most of the 1983 issue destined for sale to collectors, contributing to their scarcity. Stamps are valid July 1 through June 30 and have a face value of $4. The art contest is open and all artwork must depict waterfowl in a New Hampshire setting. Governor edition stamps have been issued every year since 1987. Program ends 2007. Sam Houston Duck Co. NEW JErSEy New Jersey was the 28th state to issue state duck stamps with their 1984 issue. Perforated and serially numbered stamps were issued for both resident and non-resident in panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. Booklet panes of 10, two by five down with straight edges were also issued for resident stamps for 1984-86. Starting with 1987, booklet type stamps were also issued for non-resident stamps. Stamps are issued July 1 and are valid for one year. The face value of $2.50 and $5 remained constant through 1995, but were raised to $5 and $10 in 1996. Souvenir sheets were issued in 1993 for the 10th anniversary. Artwork was awarded by commission and New Jersey stamps include 12 done by federal contest winners. Governor edition stamps were issued in 1989 and 1993. Program ends 2008. NEW mEXICO In 1991, New Mexico became the 48th state to issue a stamp. Their first issue was in perforated and serially numbered panes of 30; five by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. Booklet stamps are issued in panes of four with large tabs at the bottom. Stamps are valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Artwork was commissioned through a publisher. Souvenir sheets of four were issued in 1993. Sheets #1-150 were Governor Signed Editions, #151-350 were artist signed. Mint souvenir sheets were numbered 351-950 and imperforate mint sheets were numbered 951-1,200. In 1994, New Mexico became the first state to issue duck stamps in a se-tenant format. The 18,000 se-tenant stamps were issued in 4,500 plate blocks of four. A souvenir sheet of four was again issued. 1,350 perforate sheets and 250 imperf sheets were released. 150 of the perforated sheets were signed by the Governor. Another first was the release of the Wetlands Patron Stamp. Issued to help raise critically needed funds, 400 Patron Stamps with a face value of $80 were sold. The oversize stamp measures 2" x 3" and depicts the entire scene of the setenant on one stamp. Governor edition stamps were issued. Program ends 1994. NEW yOrK New York started issuing stamps in 1985 and became the 32nd state to join the program. Stamps issued before 1989 are in panes of 30; six across by five down. Thereafter the format was changed five across by six down. Both formats are without serial numbers, but do have plate numbers in all four corners. Stamps were issued in January and valid for one year. The stamps are not mandatory for hunting. Artists for the 1986, 1987, 1988, 1999, 2001 and 2002 stamps were all past federal duck stamp contest winners. Program ends 2002. 36 NOrTH CArOLINA North Carolina was the 24th state to issue a duck stamp and did so in 1983. Format is panes of 30; five across by six down with plate numbers in all four corners. Stamps issued prior to 1988 do not have serial numbers. Beginning in 1997, both sheet stamps and a self-adhesive single were issued. The self-adhesive is mailed to hunters who request a stamp at the time they purchase their electronic license. July 1 is the issuing date and stamps are valid for one year. North Carolina’s stamp program has remained consistent throughout the years and their stamps rank among the most attractive offered. Artwork was originally commissioned, but is now chosen through an open contest.. NOrTH DAKOTA North Dakota was the 23rd state to issue a pictorial duck stamp with their 1982 issue, designating the stamps as “Small Game and Habitat.” In 1989, the face value was reduced from $9 to $6 and the name changed to “Small Game Stamp.” The state has seven past federal duck stamp contest winners as artists. Stamps are issued July 1 and expire one year later. Stamps are perforated and issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. The hunter booklet stamps are issued in booklet panes of five; one by five down. The 1982 and 1983 issues should have selvage on both sides. The top stamp in the booklet has a tab at top. The first five issues are very scarce since the state only sold the stamps for about three months to collectors. The buyers at the time only purchased a few examples and the balance was destroyed. Originally, the artwork was commissioned by the state, in 2002 it became a text only stamp. Face value was $6 until 2014, when it was raised to $9. OHIO Ohio’s pictorial duck stamp program officially began in 1982, making them the 22nd state to have a stamp. Ohio also has the distinction of issuing what is believed to be the first ever state duck stamp in 1938 for Lake Pymatuning, located on the Ohio/Pennsylvania border. The stamp is considered rare and is classified as a printed text edition. Ohio stamps from 1982 to 1999 are not serially numbered, and were issued in perforated sheets of 16; four by four. The selvage has control numbers on both sides and the name of the Artist; Governor; Chief, Division of Wildlife; and Director, Department of Natural Resources are imprinted on the top selvage. The bottom is plain. In 2000, the format changed to a single stamp in a dollar bill size sheet, similar to the federal self-adhesive stamp. The Ohio stamp is printed on gummed paper, with perforations around the stamp and a decorative border. Stamps are issued in September and are valid through August 31 of the following year. Art is OKLAHOmA Oklahoma’s program began in 1980, making them the 18th state to enter the state duck arena. Their stamps are issued in perforated booklet panes of five; one by five down. Starting with 1989, sheets of 30; five by six down, without plate numbers, were also issued for collectors, that changed to sheets of 24 in 1996. Tabs on the booklets stamps did not begin until the fifth year, 1984, and were issued through 1998. In 1988, a group of stamps in booklet format with serial numbers over 30,000 were issued for collectors only. The selvage is without staple holes, since they were never placed in booklets. These stamps sell for substantially more, and are listed as OK9v. The $4 face value remained unchanged until 2003, when it was increased to $10. Stamps are issued July 1, and are valid for one year. An annual contest, open to all, is held to select artwork. 1999-present are collector only. Governor editions have been issued. OrEGON Oregon began their program in 1984, the 27th state to issue stamps. In 1984, only one type was issued, panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners and all stamps with serial numbers. Oregon’s collector stamps have remained consistent, but hunter-types changed several times during the years. Beginning in 1985 a hunter-type was also issued, in panes of five; one by five down, with tabs on the left. Following the pane of five, came a pane of one, then a peelable stamp on plain paper, then on computer form. For 1989 it was necessary to issue temporary stamps in peelable label format because the regular stamps were not ready. These are listed as OR6v. Oregon stamps are perforated except those listed as “peelable types.” Oregon did not feature an actual duck on their stamps until 1992. The first five years were geese and the next three retrievers. For their centennial in 1993, they issued a stamp in vertical format using artwork by a deceased artist. They were the first state to do so in both cases. Also in 1993, perforate and imperforate souvenir sheets were issued for the occasion, featuring duck and habitat stamps. 1994 saw the release of the first non-resident stamp with a $25 face value. In 1995, Oregon adopted a point of sale system for their hunting licenses. A duck stamp was no longer required for hunters who paid the fee, however, all hunters were mailed a stamp from the state office. Stamps are valid for one year from July 1. Artwork was initially commissioned, but is now choSam Houston Duck Co. sen in an open contest. Governor editions have been issued. PENNSyLVANIA Pennsylvania was the 25th state to initiate a duck stamp program. Their first issue featured wood ducks by now deceased artist Ned Smith. He also painted the design for the 1985 stamp, but died before signing a single stamp. Stamps are issued in panes of 10; two across by five down, with a plate number at lower left and top right, except for 1983 and 1984, which have only a bottom left plate number. Stamps are for voluntary purchase and not The $5.50 face value has remained unchanged from the program’s inception. Pennsylvania’s stamps are among the most beautiful issued. Stamps are destroyed on December 31 following the year of issue. Artwork is chosen in an open contest. rHODE ISLAND Rhode Island, our nation’s smallest state, was the 45th to join in the duck stamp program in 1989. Stamps are issued in two formats, panes of 30; five across by six down, and booklet panes of five; one by five down with tabs at left. All stamps were serially numbered and perforated, until 1999, when the stamps were rouletted. Collector stamps remained in panes of 30, but the hunter-type were issued in a booklet of 20, two panes of 10 stamps. Panes of 30 have plate numbers in all four corners, and bottom numbers are usually upside down. The 1999 hunter-type are distinguished by a larger margin on the right, starting in 2000 the word “hunter” was printed on the stamp. The $7.50 face value has remained unchanged since first issued. Stamps are valid for one year, July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Artwork was originally selected by publisher bid, but beginning in 2009, the state began using its Federal Junior contest winner. Souvenir sheets of four were issued in 1993. Sheets #1-150 were Governor Signed Editions, #151-350 were artist signed. Mint souvenir sheets were numbered 351-950 and imperforate mint sheets #951-1200. Governor editions have been issued. SOUTH CArOLINA South Carolina began their program in 1981, the 20th state to have a duck stamp. Their stamps have been of consistent high quality and beauty. Stamps are issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. The 1981 issue was without serial numbers, as are all collector types. Beginning in 1982, huntertype stamps were serially numbered on the reverse, and plate numbers removed from the sheet, otherwise there is no difference to collector type stamps. Plate blocks do not exist on hunter-type stamps. In 1992, the state moved the serial numbers to the face of the stamp, then discontinued the hunter-type in 1999. Stamps are valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. South 37 Carolina can boast of five federal duck stamp contest winners as winning artists in their annual contest, which is open to all. Governor editions have been issued. SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota was the eighth state to issue a state duck stamp with their 1976 issue. From 1976 through 1978, waterfowl stamps were first issued. From 1979 through 1985, the state’s pheasant stamps were required for waterfowl hunting. In 1986, the state celebrated another “First of State” stamp by officially issuing a “waterfowl only” stamp. All stamps were issued in panes of five; one by five down, with straight edges on sides and also on the bottom of the bottom stamp. In 1999, the format changed to a HIP (Harvest Information Program) Certificate. The HIP certificate is a 2 3/8” x 6 1/2” paper with agent instructions and a self-adhesive stamp attached to the form. Stamps are issued in January and are valid for one year. Selection of art is by annual contest open to South Dakota residents only, but the state changed to a text only stamp in 2004. Program ends 2007. TENNESSEE Tennessee became the 12th state to issue a duck stamp with their 1979 issue. Stamps are issued in peelable label format on computer-type cards. For 1979 and 1980, both resident and non-resident stamps were issued with face values of $2.30 and $5.30; thereafter, only one stamp was issued for both. It is estimated less than 1,500 of the non-resident stamps were sold for each of the years. Some years are available on full card, meaning about 8" in length. Normally, stamps are collected on a tab about onethird the size of a full card. For some years, cards are issued without the machine writing, as this was optional. The stamp program was discontinued after 1996, but resurrected in 1999, using the winning artwork from the Tennessee Federal Junior Duck Stamp contest. The new stamps, which are not required for hunting, were printed in sheets of 30, and are perforated. TEXAS Texas was the 21st state to issue a waterfowl stamp and did so in 1981. Stamps through 1995 were issued in panes of 10; two across by five down, without plate numbers, and have serial numbers on the face. The first four issues, 1981-1984, are rouletted; thereafter stamps are perforated. All stamps have a straight edge on at least one side. The 1983 stamps were destroyed one year earlier than planned with a very short notice to collectors and dealers. This short period of sale makes the TX3 scarce. Effective with the 1996 issue, face value was reduced to $3, stamps were issued in se-tenants with seven other Texas stamps (saltwater, dove, non-game, freshwater, Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State ed by annual contest open to all. Note: Ohio’s stamps are among the best issued and reflect quality artwork and printing. Their program is also of high integrity and is respected in the trade. 1999-present are collector only. etc.), which then went to six and currently five other stamps. Artists are commissioned. Texas’ past artists have included nine federal duck stamp contest winners. Program ends 2015. UTAH State Utah’s program began in 1986 and they were the 38th state to issue duck stamps. Stamps are perforated and were issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. All stamps are serially numbered on the face of the stamp. Beginning in 1990, hunter stamps were also issued with tabs at left, in panes of five; one by five down. Stamps are valid from September 1 though June 30. Effective with the 1996 issue, face value was raised to $7.50 and stamps issued in one format only, sheets of nine with decorative border. The 1997 issue was released in sheets of 50 and sold in se-tenant pairs. Up to 1991, the art was selected by an annual contest, after that it was commissioned by the state. Governor editions have been issued. Program ends 1997. VErmONT Vermont was the 37th state to issue a duck stamp with their 1986 release. Stamps are perforated and issued in panes of 30; five across by six down, without serial numbers. Plate numbers exist in all four corners through 1994, after that there are no plate numbers on the sheet. Stamps are valid from September 1 through the following June 30. Artwork was once commissioned, then switched to a contest for Vermont residents only from 1994-1997. In 1998, the design selection was returned to commission status, however 2003-06 featured designs by Richard Bishop (RW3). 2011-13 are text stamps. Program ends 2013. VIrGINIA Virginia was the 43rd state to enter a state duck stamp program with their 1988 issue. Purchase of the stamp is voluntary. Stamps are perforated and issued in panes of 30, five Web site orders over $250 receive a 10% discount, 24/7 shopping! Sam Houston Duck Co. across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. All stamps have serial numbers on the face. Booklet panes of 10 were issued for hunters, two across by five down, through 1995. Booklet stamps are usually collected in horizontal pairs with selvage on both sides. Stamps are issued on July 1 and are valid for one year. Artwork is obtained through publisher/artist commission. In 2000, Virginia Ducks Unlimited became involved with the program. The stamps were issued with four different letter prefixes through 2005, see “Reference” box on page 51 for breakdown. Since 2005, a self-adhesive single has been issued. Governor editions have been issued. WASHINGTON Washington was the 36th state to enter into a duck stamp program with their 1986 issue. Stamps are perforated, serially numbered on the face, and issued in panes of 30; five across by six down. A plate number exists in all four corners; hunter-type stamps are issued in booklets of twenty-five and perforated, each in souvenir mini-sheet format. The face value of $5 remained until 1991; mid-year the value was changed to $6, and both types reissued with the new values. Face value increased to $15 in 2012. The 2000 hunter-type changes from a mini-sheet to a maxi-sheet, still a single stamp, but now measuring 5” x 11”. The change to the larger sheet was to facilitate accounting for the HIP survey. In 2001, the format was again changed, this time to a dollar bill size. 2001-date are collector only. Stamps are valid from July 1 through March 31. Governor editions have been issued. WEST VIrGINIA West Virginia was the 39th state to issue a waterfowl stamp and did so in 1987. Collector stamps were issued in perforated, unserially-numbered panes of 30; five across by six down, with plate numbers in all four corners. Hunter-type stamps are issued in panes of five, one by five down. Both resident and non-resident collector and huntertype stamps are issued and bear a $5 face value. A perforated Ohio River Souvenir Sheet was issued in 1991 comprised of six stamps (three resident and three non-resident). An imperforate sheet was also issued, but not sold directly by the state. The latter was earned by anyone purchasing 100 or more of the perforated sheets at one time. Stamps are issued in January and valid for one year. Stamp art is commissioned. West Virginia hunter-types may appear confusing at first glance. Basically, a resident and non-resident stamp is issued each year. They are issued in panes of five; one by five down, and generally have straight edges on two sides. Top tabs exist on the hunter-type; some top tabs also have “plate” numbers imprinted on the tab. Call for availability. 38 Additionally, in 1988, some stamps have serial numbers on the reverse; full panes are also offered. If you have questions on these issues, feel free to call for description. For example, if you wished to order one example of each year of resident and nonresident hunters, you would order WV1h and WV1Ah for 1987, and so forth. A Governor Edition stamp was issued in 1989 in resident and non-resident sets. WISCONSIN In 1978, Wisconsin became the 11th state to issue a state duck stamp. For 1978 and 1979, stamps were issued in panes of 10; two across by five down. Stamps are perforated, except for 1979, which was rouletted. For the first two years, one plate number existed in the lower left corner of the pane, thereby creating plate blocks for these two years. (Call for price if interested.) The first two issues also have straight edges on at least one side, with only three stamps per pane having perforations all around. From 1982 forward, tabs are present on both sides; however, the left tab is larger and has space for writing, while the right tab is just a number. In 1991, the state raised the fee of the stamp, but approval was not obtained before printing, therefore, the 1991 stamp does not have a face value printed on the stamp. A rate increase was requested for 1996, which did not go through, the cost of a 1996 stamp remained at $5.25, but there is no printed face value. 1997 also has no printed value, but the stamp price was increased to $7. In 2002, the format changed slightly, eliminating the left tab. Stamps were still issued as a sheet of 10, with side numbers on all. Stamps are issued July 1 and are valid one year. 1999 began electronic licensing, but stamps still available by hunter request or for collectors. Artwork is selected by annual contest open to residents only. A scarce 1992 Governor Edition stamp was issued by the artist in artist proof print sets, edition of only 40. WyOmING Wyoming’s first pictorial stamp required to hunt waterfowl in 1984, depicted a meadowlark. After legislation passed, there was not enough time to implement an art contest for the 1984 issue, therefore Wyoming’s first conservation stamp features a photograph. Wyoming was the 31st state to release a waterfowl hunting stamp. Only the 1985 issue, which features a Canada goose, has a waterfowl theme. All other stamps, while valid to hunt waterfowl, feature other wildlife, such as elk, eagle, antelope, grouse and more. Stamps are rouletted in panes of five; one by five down, and are serially numbered on the face. Stamps are valid from January 1 through December 31. Artwork is selected by annual contest open to professional artists. yes, sign me up!! r Please indicate if you have any special requests. r Artist Signed r Fish Hunter r Governor Editions r Conservation Name Address City Phone E-mail CC # State Zip @ Exp Call if you have any questions – 1-800-231-5926 Check our web site! Sam Houston Duck Co. 39 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4 AL5 AL6 AL7 AL8 AL9 AL10 AL11 AL12 AL13 AL14 AL15 AL16 AL17 AL18 AL19 AL20 AL21 AL22 AL23 AL24 AL25 AL26 AL27 AL28 AL29 AL30 AL31 AL32 AL33 AL34 AL35 AL36 AL37 AL38 Cat. No. AK1 AK2 AK3 AK4 AK5 AK6 AK7 AK8 AK9 AK10 Year Issued Mint Single 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 Call Year Issued Mint Single 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 $10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 20.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Alabama Species Wood duck Mallard Canada goose Green-winged teal Wigeon Bufflehead Wood duck Canada goose Pintail Canvasback Hooded merganser Wood duck Redhead Cinnamon teal Green-winged teal Canvasback Canada goose Wood duck Snow goose Barrow’s goldeneye Redhead Bufflehead Ruddy duck Pintail Wood duck Ring-necked duck Canada goose Canvasback Blue-winged teal Hooded merganser Wood duck Pintail Wigeon Ring-necked duck Ross’ goose Pintail Mallard Wigeon Alaska Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Barbara Keel $250. Wayne Spradley 25. Jack DeLoney 25. Joe Michelet 25. John Lee 25. William Morris 25. Larry Martin 25. Danny Dorning 25. Robert Knutson 25. John Warr 25. Elaine Byrd 25. Steven Garst 25. Larry Chandler u 50. William Morris 25. James Brantley 25. Robert Knutson 25. Neil Blackwell 25. Judith Huey 25. Everett Hatcher 25. Robert Knutson 25. Eddie LeRoy 25. David Sellers 25. Ainsley McNeely 25. 50. Larry Chandler u John Lee 25. David Sellers 25. Eddie LeRoy 25. Clarence Stewart 25. David Nix 25. Jim Denney 25. John Denney 25. Clarence Stewart 25. David Nix 25. Jim Denney 25. Steve Burney 25. John Denney 25. Eddie LeRoy 25. Jim Denney — Artist Cat. No. Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued AK11 AK12 AK13 AK14 AK15 AK16 AK17 AK18 AK19 AK20 AK21 AK22 AK23 AK24 AK25 AK26 AK27 AK28 AK29 AK30 AK31 AK36 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ5 AZ6 AZ7 AZ8 AZ9 AZ10 AZ11 AZ12 AZ13 AZ14 AZ15 Artist Sign (s) Emperor goose Daniel Smith $25. Steller’s eider James Meger 25. Spectacled eider Carl Branson 25. Trumpeter swan Jim Beaudoin 25. Barrow’s goldeneye Richard Timm 25. Oldsquaw Louis Frisino 25. Snow goose Ron Louque 25. Canvasback Fred Thomas 25. Tule wht-frntd goose Ed Tussey 25. Harlequin George Lockwood 30. 40 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mint Single Alaska Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $19.00 Pacific brant Cynthie Fisher $30. 22.00 Aleutian Can. goose Wilhelm Goebel 25. 15.00 King eider George Lockwood 25. 12.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Robert Steiner 30. 11.00 Pintail Sherrie R. Meline 30. 17.00 Common eider Adam Grimm 25. 12.00 Wigeon Greg Alexander 25. 12.00 Black scoter Robert Steiner 30. 10.00 Lesser Can. goose Adam Grimm 25. 10.00 Lesser scaup Cynthie Fisher 25. 8.00 Hooded merganser Don Moore 25. 8.00 Pintail/GW teal/mllrd Robert Steiner 30. 8.00 Shoveler George Lockwood 25. 8.00 Pintail Robert Steiner 30. 8.00 Mallard Robert Steiner 30. Call Pintail Sue Steinacher 25. 8.00 Canada goose Sue Steinacher 25. 8.00 Harlequin Donna Dewhurst — 8.00 White-fronted goose Donna Dewhurst — 8.00 White-winged scoter Milo Burcham — 8.00 Pintail Milo Burcham Call Alaska Hunter-Type — see page 51. Mint Single $9.00 11.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Arizona Species Pintail Green-winged teal Cinnamon teal Canada goose Blue-winged teal Bufflehead Mexican duck Mallard Wigeon Canvasback Gadwall Wood duck Snow goose Ruddy duck Redhead Daniel Smith Sherrie Russell Robert Steiner Ted Blaylock Brian Jarvi Sherrie R. Meline Sherrie R. Meline Harry Adamson Sherrie R. Meline Larry Hayden u Sherrie R. Meline Sherrie R. Meline Sherrie R. Meline Sherrie R. Meline Sherrie R. Meline $25. 25. 30. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 50. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. AZ16 AZ17 AZ18 AZ19 AZ20 AZ21 AZ22 AZ23 AZ23J AZ24 AZ24J AZ25 AZ25J AZ26 AZ26J AZ27 AZ27J Cat. No. AR1 AR2 AR3 AR4 AR5 AR6 AR7 AR7b AR8 AR8b AR9 AR10 AR11 AR12 AR13 AR14 AR15 AR16 AR17 AR18 AR19 AR20 AR21 AR22 AR23 AR24 AR24A AR25 AR25A Year Issued 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 Year Issued 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Mint Single Arizona Species Artist $12.00 Ring-necked duck Sherrie R. Meline 12.00 Shoveler Sherrie R. Meline 12.00 Lesser scaup Sherrie R. Meline 11.00 Pintail Tom Finley 11.00 Canada goose Tom Finley 12.00 Wood duck Sherrie R. Meline 12.00 Canvasback Sherrie R. Meline 12.00 Hooded merganser Sherrie R. Meline 175.00 Wigeon (Junior) Olivia Raiff 12.00 Green-winged teal Sherrie R. Meline 135.00 Grn-winged teal (Jr.) Taylor Forbeck 12.00 Bufflehead Sherrie R. Meline 55.00 Wood duck (Junior) Sidney Kim 14.00 Wigeon Sherrie R. Meline 14.00 Mallard (Junior) Enoch Stuart 12.00 Pintail Sherrie R. Meline 12.00 Fulv. whistling (Jr.) Kim Sidney Arizona Hunter-Type — see page 51. Mint Single $45.00 40.00 55.00 20.00 12.00 11.00 11.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 12.00 30.00 12.00 30.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Arkansas Species Artist Mallard Lee LeBlanc Wood duck Maynard Reece Green-winged teal David Maass Pintail Larry Hayden u Mallard Ken Carlson Mallard John Cowan u Wood duck Robert Bateman Revalued Robert Bateman Pintail Maynard Reece Revalued Maynard Reece Mallard Phillip Crowe Black duck/mallard David Maass Wigeon Daniel Smith Shoveler Jim Hautman Mallard Ken Carlson Canada goose Daniel Smith Mallard Larry Hayden u Blk lab/mllrd/decoy Phillip Crowe Choc lab/mlrd/decoy Larry Chandler u Yellow lab/mallard John Dearman Wood duck Jim Hautman Golden retvr/mallard Larry Chandler u Canvasback David Maass Mallard Phillip Crowe Mallard/Ches. retvr Zettie Jones Mallard Ralph McDonald Non-resident Black lab/mallard Larry Chandler u Non-resident u Artist Sign (s) Cat. No. $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — 25. — 25. — 25. — 25. — AR26 AR26A AR27 AR27A AR28 AR28A AR29 AR29A AR30 AR30A AR31 AR31A AR32 AR32A AR32Ab AR33 AR33A AR34 AR34A AR35 AR35A AR36 AR36A Artist Sign (s) $125. 50. 75. 50. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 50. 25. 50. 25. 25. 50. 25. 25. 25. 25. 35. 50. 75. AR1p AR2p Cat. No. 41 CA1 CA2 CA2* CA3 CA4 Year Issued Mint Single 2006 Arkansas Species Artist $12.00 Mallard Scot Storm 30.00 Non-resident 12.00 Mallard/black lab Phillip Crowe 28.00 Non-resident 11.00 Black lab/mallard Cynthie Fisher 28.00 Non-resident 11.00 Hooded merganser Joe Hautman 28.00 Non-resident 10.00 Black lab Phillip Crowe 28.00 Non-resident 10.00 Mallard Jim Hautman 28.00 Non-resident 10.00 Green-winged teal Scot Storm 28.00 Non-resident 55.00 Non-resident revalued to $35 face 10.00 Mallard Maynard Reece 39.00 Non-resident 10.00 Mallard Jim Hautman 39.00 Non-resident 10.00 Snow goose David Maass 39.00 Non-resident Call Call Non-resident Arkansas Hunter-Type — see page 51. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Artist Sign (s) $25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. Call 25. 50. 25. 50. 25. 50. Arkansas Imperforate Pairs 1981 pair . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 1982 pair . . . . . . . . . . .22.00 Year Issued Mint Single AR3p 1983 single . . . . . . . .$50.00 AR4p to AR34p (per pair) . . . . .14.00 California Species Artist 1971 $395.00 Pintail Paul 1972 950.00 Canvasback Paul 250.00 Unsigned - rebacked 1973 10.00 Mallard Paul 1974 3.00 White-front goose Paul Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson u u u u Artist Sign (s) — — — $40. 40. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. Year Issued State CA5 1975 CA5a 1975 CA6 1976 CA7 1977 CA7A 1977 CA8 1978 CA9 1979 CA10 1980 CA11 1981 CA12 1982 CA13 1983 CA14 1984 CA15 1985 CA16 1986 CA17 1987 CA18 1988 CA19 1989 CA20 1990 CA21 1991 CA22 1992 CA23 1993 CA24 1994 CA25 1995 CA25a CA25ssp CA25ssi CA26 1996 CA27 1997 CA28 1998 CA29 1999 CA30 2000 CA31 2001 CA32 2002 CA33 2003 CA34 2004 CA35 2005 CA36 2006 CA36bc CA36bh CA37 2007 CA38 2008 CA39 2009 CA39bc CA39bh CA40 2010 CA41 2011 CA42 2012 CA43 2013 CA44 2014 CA45 2015 CA46 2016 *CA2 available Cat. No. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 Year Issued 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mint Single $35.00 125.00 20.00 35.00 9.00 75.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 125.00 295.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 39.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Call 25.00 18.00 17.50 75.00 29.50 20.00 22.00 22.00 California Species Artist Green-winged teal Paul Johnson u Plain backing Paul Johnson u Wigeon Paul Johnson u Cinnamon teal Paul Johnson u Paul Johnson u Revalued $5 face Hooded merganser Ken Michaelsen Wood duck Walter Wolfe Pintail Walter Wolfe Canvasback Robert Steiner Wigeon Robert Richert Green-winged teal Charles Allen Mallard decoy Robert Montanucci Ring-necked duck Richard Wilson Canada goose Sherrie Russell Redhead Robert Steiner Mallard Robert Steiner Cinnamon teal Robert Steiner Canada goose Ron Louque Gadwall Larry Hayden u White-fronted goose Sherrie R. Meline Pintail Richard Clifton Wood duck Richard Clifton Snow goose (sgl) Robert Steiner Strip/4 different Robert Steiner Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate Souvenir sheet of 4, imperforate Mallard Robert Steiner Pintail Robert Steiner Green-winged teal Robert Steiner Wood duck Robert Steiner Can. gse/mllrd/wign Robert Steiner Canvasback Robert Steiner Pintail Robert Steiner Mallard Robert Steiner Cinnamon teal Robert Steiner Pintail Rich Radigonad White-fronted goose Sherrie R. Meline Mini-sheet - collector Mini-sheet - hunter Pintail Paul Johnson u Mallard Harry Adamson u Shoveler Jeffrey Klinefelter Mini-sheet - collector Mini-sheet - hunter 28.00 Redhead Tim Taylor 95.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Shari Erickson 28.00 Aleutian Can. goose Robert Steiner 28.00 Wigeon Richard Clifton 28.00 Lesser scaup John Nelson Harris Call Green-winged teal Chuck Black Call Lesser snow goose unsigned and on backing paper from CA4. Mint Single $12.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Colorado Species Canada goose Mallard Pintail Green-winged teal Wood duck Bufflehead Artist Robert Steiner Robert Steiner Charles Allen Dan Andrews Sarah Woods Cynthie Fisher Artist Sign (s) $75. 175. 40. 85. 40. 200. 25. 25. 30. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 50. 25. 25. 25. 30. — — — 30. 30. 45. 45. 30. 30. 30. 30. 35. 35. 35. Cat. No. Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued CO7 CO8 CO9 CO10 CO11 CO12 CO13 CO14 CO15 CO16 CO17 CO18 CO19 CO20 CO21 CO22 CO23 CO24 CO25 CO26 CO27 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Colorado Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $12.00 Cinnamon teal Bill Border 10.00 Wigeon Gerald Putt 10.00 Redhead Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Blue-winged teal Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Gadwall Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Ruddy duck Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Common goldeneye Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Canvasback Cynthie Fisher 10.00 Snow goose Jeffrey Klinefelter 10.00 Shoveler Jeffrey Klinefelter 9.00 Ring-necked duck Michael Ashman 9.00 Hooded merganser Jeffrey Klinefelter 9.00 Lesser scaup Jeffrey Klinefelter 9.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Craig Fairbert 9.00 Pintail Richard Clifton 9.00 Green-winged teal Richard Clifton 9.00 Ross’ goose Richard Clifton 9.00 Greater scaup Charles Black 9.00 Canada goose Richard Clifton 9.00 Wood duck Richard Clifton Call Colorado Hunter-Type – see page 51. $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — — 35. 35. — 45. 45. Call Call CT1 CT1ssp CT2 CT2ssp CT3 CT4 CT5 CT6 CT7 CT8 CT9 CT10 CT11 CT12 CT13 CT14 CT15 Artist Sign (s) $30. 30. 25. 25. 25. 25. 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mint Single $12.00 75.00 12.00 50.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 16.00 Connecticut Species Black duck/lighthse Tom Hirata $25. Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate — Canvasback/lighthse Rob Leslie 25. Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate — Mallard Phillip Crowe 25. Oldsquaw/lighthse Keith Mueller 25. Green-winged teal Robert Steiner 30. Mallard Joe Hautman 25. Canada gse/lighthse Keith Mueller 25. Wood duck George Lockwood 25. Bufflehead Rob Leslie 25. Less. scaup/lighthse Robert Richert 25. Black duck Paul Fusco 25. Wood duck Paul Fusco 25. Mallard Paul Fusco 25. Bufflehead Paul Fusco 25. Black duck decoy Keith Mueller 25. Sign up for State Duck New Issues. Only $1.50 each over agency cost. 42 CT16 CT17 CT18 CT19 CT20 CT21 CT22 CT23 Cat. No. DE1 DE2 DE3 DE4 DE5 DE6 DE7 DE8 DE9 DE10 DE11 DE12 DE13 DE14 DE15 DE16 DE17 DE18 DE19 DE20 DE21 DE22 DE23 DE24 DE25 DE26 DE27 DE28 DE29 DE30 DE31 DE32 DE33 DE34 DE35 DE36 DE37 Year Issued Mint Single Connecticut Species Artist 2008 $16.00 Common goldeneye Burt Schuman 2009 16.00 Black duck Clint Herdman 10-11 17.50 Common goldeneye Clint Herdman 2012 17.50 Pintail Clint Herdman 2013 16.00 Wood duck Richard Clifton 2014 16.00 Hooded merganser John Brennan 2015 16.00 Shoveler Guy Crittenden 2016 Call Atlantic brant Jeffrey Klinefelter Connecticut Hunter-Type – see page 51. Year Issued 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Delaware Species Artist Artist Sign (s) $25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. Call Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single Florida Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) FL1 1979 $145.00 Green-winged teal Bob Binks — FL2 1980 15.00 Pintail Ernest Simmons — FL3 1981 15.00 Wigeon Clark Sullivan $45. FL4 1982 20.00 Ring-necked duck Lee Cable 45. FL5 1983 45.00 Bufflehead Heiner Hertling 65. FL6 1984 10.00 Hooded merganser John Taylor 35. FL7 1985 10.00 Wood duck Bob Binks 30. FL8 1986 10.00 Canvasback Robert Steiner 30. FL9 1987 9.00 Mallard Ron Louque 30. FL10 1988 9.00 Redhead Ron Louque 30. FL11 1989 9.00 Blue-winged teal J. Byron Test 25. FL12 1990 9.00 Wood duck Ben Test 25. FL13 1991 9.00 Pintail Richard Hansen 25. FL14 1992 9.00 Ruddy duck Richard Clifton 25. FL15 1993 9.00 Wigeon John Mogus 25. FL16 1994 9.00 Mottled duck Antonia Rossini 25. FL17 1995 9.00 Fulv. whistling duck Keith Nanney 25. FL18 1996 15.00 Common goldeneye Wally Makuchal 25. FL18A 125.00 Common Golden Eye Duck (different spelling) FL19 1997 12.00 Hooded merganser Michael Frase 25. FL20 1998 29.00 Shoveler Brian Blight 25. FL21 1999 12.00 Pintail John Nelson Harris 25. FL22 2000 9.00 Ring-necked duck Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. FL23 2001 9.00 Canvasback John Harris 25. FL24 2002 9.00 Mottled duck John Harris 25. FL24a 95.00 Reprint John Harris 75. FL25* 2003 — Green-winged teal Paul Bridgford — * 2003 stamps sold only for artist use with prints - scarce. Florida Survey Tabs – see page 52. Artist Sign (s) $75.00 Black duck Ned Mayne $125. 65.00 Snow goose Charles Rowe 125. 60.00 Canada goose Lois Butler 250. 40.00 Canvasback John Green 65. 12.00 Mallard Nolan Haan 50. 10.00 Pintail Don Breyfogle 30. 10.00 Wigeon Rob Leslie 30. 10.00 Redhead Bruce Langton 30. 10.00 Wood duck Jim Hautman 30. 10.00 Bufflehead Rob Leslie 30. 10.00 Green-winged teal Francis Sweet 30. 10.00 Hooded merganser Ron Louque 30. 10.00 Shoveler Richard Clifton 30. 10.00 Common goldeneye Robert Metropolis 30. 10.00 Blue goose Louis Frisino 25. 10.00 Lesser scaup Michael Ashman 25. 12.00 Gadwall Richard Clifton 25. 12.00 White-winged scoter Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 9.00 Blue-winged teal Richard Clifton 25. 9.00 Tundra swan Russell Duerksen 25. 12.00 American brant Michael Ashman 25. 9.00 Oldsquaw Brian Blight 25. 9.00 Ruddy duck George Lockwood 25. 12.00 Ring-necked duck Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 12.00 Black scoter/lighthse Bonnie Field 25. 12.00 Com. merg/lighthse Joanna Rivera 25. 12.00 Red-brst merg/lgths Richard Clifton 25. 12.00 Surf scoter/lighthse George Lockwood 25. 12.00 Gr. scaup/lighthouse John Stewart 25. 12.00 Black duck Richard Clifton 30. 12.50 Canvasback Steve Oliver 30. 12.00 Hooded merganser George LaVanish 30. 12.00 Lesser scaup Tom Morgan Crain 30. 12.00 Wigeon Richard Clifton 30. 12.00 Blue-winged teal Jeffrey Klinefelter 30. 12.00 Black duck Richard Clifton 30. Call Yellow lab/GW teal Dee Dee Murry 30. Delaware Hunter-Type – see page 51. Sam Houston Duck Co. Cat. No. GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA6 GA7 GA8 GA9 GA10 GA11 43 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $12.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 15.00 9.00 9.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 30.00 Georgia Species Wood duck Mallard Canada goose Ring-necked duck Gold retvr/duckling Wood duck Green-winged teal Bufflehead/lighthse Mallard Ring-necked duck Am. wigeon/Blk lab Daniel Smith Jim Killen James Partee, Jr. Paul Bridgford R. J. McDonald Guy Coheleach Phillip Crowe Phillip Crowe Jerry Raedeke Herb Booth u Phillip Crowe $25. 25. 75. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 75. 35. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. GA12 GA13 GA14 GA15 GA16 State Cat. No. HI1 HI1Pv1 HI1ssp HI1ssi HI2 HI2ssp HI2ssi HI3 HI4 HI5 HI6 HI7 HI8 HI9 HI10 HI11 HI12 HI13 HI14 No HI15 HI15A HI16 HI17 Cat. No. ID1 ID2 ID3 ID4 ID5 ID5b ID6 ID7 ID8 ID9 Year Issued Mint Single 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 $25.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 — Year Issued Mint Single 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 stamp 2011 2011 2012 2015 Year Issued 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Georgia Species Artist Black duck David Lanier Lesser scaup/lighths Jerry Raedeke Blk lab/Ring-necked Jim Killen Pintail Jerry Raedeke Hawaii Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Cat. No. $35. 40. 30. 25. ID10 ID11 ID12 $15.00 12.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 150.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Idaho Species Cinnamon teal Green-winged teal Blue-winged teal Trumpeter swan Wigeon Temporary sticker Canada goose Common goldeneye Harlequin Wood duck Artist Rob Leslie Jim Killen Daniel Smith Francis Sweet Richard Clifton 1996 1997 1998 Mint Single Artist Sign (s) Richard Plasschaert Sherrie R. Meline William Moore David Gressard $35. 25. 25. 25. 25. Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 25. 25. 25. 25. 44 Species Artist Richard Clifton Ted Smith Maynard Reece Idaho Hunter-Type – see page 52. Cat. No. IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL7A IL8 IL9 IL10 IL11 IL12 IL13 IL14 IL15 IL16 IL17 IL18 IL19 IL20 IL21 IL22 IL23 IL24 IL25 IL26 IL27 IL28 IL29 IL30 IL31 IL32 IL33 IL34 IL35 IL36 Idaho $18.50 Mallard 20.00 Shoveler 15.00 Canada goose Artist Sign (s) $7.50 Nene goose Patrick Ching $25. 25.00 Imperf proof single — 125.00 Souvenir sheet/4, perforate — 175.00 Souvenir sheet/4, imperforate — 10.00 Hawaiian duck Daniel VanZyle 25. 45.00 Souvenir sheet/4, perforate — 195.00 Souvenir sheet/4, imperforate — 10.00 Wild turkey Michael Furuya 25. 14.00 Ring-necked pheas. Norman Nagai 25. 12.00 Erckel’s francolin Marion Berger 25. 12.00 Green pheasant Daniel Wang — 15.00 Chukar partridge Norman Nagai 25. 15.00 Nene goose Joy Keown 25. 15.00 Nene goose Joy Keown 25. 15.00 California quail Norman Nagai 25. 15.00 Black francolin Shane Hamamoto 25. 15.00 Gray francolin Dan Hoyes 25. 15.00 Erckel’s francolin 25. 15.00 California quail Norman Nagai 25. issued in 2010, two different stamps issued in 2011. 15.00 Green pheasant Daniel Wang 15.00 Wild turkey Michael Furuya 15.00 Mouflon sheep Carol Tredway 15.00 Mouflon sheep Carol Tredway Hawaii Hunter-Type — see page 52. Mint Single Year Issued Illinois Species Artist Sign (s) $25. 25. 30. Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) 1975 $395.00 Mallard R. Eschenfeldt $750. 1976 195.00 Wood duck Robert Larson 350. 1977 150.00 Canada goose Richard Lynch 225. 1978 125.00 Canvasback Everett Staffeldt 150. 1979 95.00 Pintail John Eggert 150. 1980 95.00 Green-winged teal Bart Kassabaum 150. 1981 95.00 Wigeon Jim Trandell 150. 350.00 ERROR – Green-winged teal — 1982 65.00 Black duck Art Sinden 65. 1983 75.00 Lesser scaup Bart Kassabaum 85. 1984 65.00 Blue-winged teal George Kieffer 70. 1985 18.00 Redhead Bart Kassabaum 35. 1986 16.00 Gadwall Art Sinden 30. 1987 16.00 Bufflehead Bart Kassabaum 30. 1988 16.00 Common goldeneye Art Sinden 30. 1989 15.00 Ring-necked duck Charles Freeman 30. 1990 15.00 Lesser snow goose John Henson 30. 1991 15.00 Can gse/blk lab/dcy Phillip Crowe 30. 1992 25.00 Gold ret/decoy/mllrd Phillip Crowe 30. 1993 30.00 Pintail/yel lab/decoy Phillip Crowe 40. 1994 30.00 Cnvback/Chs ret/dcy Phillip Crowe 40. 1995 30.00 Ch lab/GW teal/dcy Phillip Crowe 40. 1996 22.00 Wood duck Tom Hirata 25. 1997 22.00 Canvasback Tom Hirata 25. 1998 22.00 Canada goose Tom Hirata 25. 1999 22.00 Black lab/Can gse Jim Killen 25. 2000 22.00 Gold retvr/mallard Jim Killen 25. 2001 22.00 Pintail/yellow lab Jim Killen 25. 2002 22.00 Ches retvr/cnvback Jim Killen 25. 2003 20.00 GW teal/Choc lab Jim Killen 25. 2004 20.00 Wood duck Jim Killen 25. 2005 20.00 Green-winged teal Gerald Putt 25. 2006 20.00 Pintail Gerald Putt 25. 2007 20.00 Bufflehead Christina Van Dellen 25. 2008 30.00 Greater scaup Abraham Hunter — 2009 30.00 Common goldeneye Abraham Hunter — 2010 30.00 Blue-winged teal Abraham Hunter — Illinois Tabs – see page 52. 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 $12.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Indiana Species Green-winged teal Pintail Canada goose Canvasback Mallard Hooded merganser Blue-winged teal Sonny Bashore Sonny Bashore Carl Knuth Diane Pierce Dean Barrick Rod Crossman George Metz $50. 50. Call Call 35. Call Call Cat. No. IN8 IN9 IN10 IN11 IN12 IN13 IN14 IN15 IN16 IN17 IN18 IN19 IN20 IN21 IN22 IN23 IN24 IN25 IN26 IN27 IN28 IN29 IN30 IN31 IN32 IN33 IN34 IN35 IN36 IN37 IN38 IN39 Year Issued 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Mint Single $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Indiana Species Snow goose Redhead Pintail Wood duck Canvasback Redhead Canada goose Blue-winged teal Mallard Green-winged teal Wood duck Pintail Com. goldeneye Black duck Canada goose Wigeon Ring-necked duck Ring-necked duck Hooded merganser Green-winged teal Shoveler Wood duck Bufflehead Gadwall Pintail Shoveler Snow goose Black duck Wigeon Canada goose Wood duck Blue-winged teal Artist IA7 IA8 IA9 IA10 IA11 IA12 IA13 IA14 IA15 IA16 IA17 IA18 IA19 IA19h IA20 IA21 IA22 IA23 IA24 IA25 IA26 IA27 IA28 IA29 IA30 IA31 IA32 IA33 IA34 IA35 IA36 IA37 IA38 IA39 IA40 IA41 IA42 IA43 IA44 IA45 Artist Sign (s) Keith Freeman — Lyn Briggs — Rick Pas $25. Ron Louque 25. Susan Bates 25. Bruce Langton 25. Ann Dahoney 25. Ken Bucklew 25. Richard Hansen 25. Bruce Langton 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Mobley 25. Ken Bucklew 25. Chuck Riggles 25. Ken Bucklew 25. Chuck Riggles 25. Chuck Riggles 25. George Lockwood 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Brian Blight 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Ken Bucklew 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Chuck Riggles 25. Ken Bucklew 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. IA1 IA2 IA3 IA4 IA5 IA6 Year Issued Mint Single 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $50.00 295.00 25.00 25.00 18.00 18.00 35.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 29.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 16.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Call Year Issued Mint Single Species Iowa Wood duck Bufflehead Redhead Green-winged teal Snow goose Wigeon Wood duck Mallard/decoy Blue-winged teal Canada goose Pintail Blue-winged teal Canvasback Hunter-type Mallard Black lab/mallard Mallard Green-winged teal Canada goose Canvasback Canada goose Pintail Trumpeter swan Hooded merganser Snow goose Shoveler Ruddy duck Wood duck Green-winged teal Ring-necked duck Wigeon Wood duck Pintail Green-winged teal Hooded merganser Blue-winged teal Wigeon Redhead Canada goose Common goldeneye Artist Artist Sign (s) Nick Klepinger $75. Andrew Peters 425. Paul Bridgford 85. Brad Reece 45. Tom Walker 35. Paul Bridgford 35. Larry Zach 50. Jack Hahn 25. Paul Bridgford 25. John Heidersbach 25. Mark Cary 25. Jack Hahn 25. Patrick Murillo 25. Jerry Raedeke Charlotte Edwards Maynard Reece Dietmar Krumrey Cynthie Fisher Dietmar Krumrey Charlotte Edwards Sherrie R. Meline Mark Anderson Sherrie R. Meline Darren Maurer Darren Maurer Neal Anderson Dietmar Krumrey Neal Anderson Sherrie R. Meline Darren Maurer Ronnie Hughes Mark Kness Tomas Miller Darren Maurer Darren Maurer Mike Brown Jeffrey Hoff Mike Brown Darren Mauer 25. 25. 35. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. — 30. — 30. 30. 30. 30. Indiana Tabs – see page 52. Cat. No. Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single Species Iowa 1972 $125.00 Mallard 1973 30.00 Pintail 1974 80.00 Gadwall 1975 80.00 Canada goose 1976 25.00 Canvasback 1977 20.00 Lesser scaup Sam Houston Duck Co. Artist Maynard Reece Thomas Murphy J. Landenberger Mark Reece Nick Klepinger Maynard Reece Artist Sign (s) $175. 50. 100. 125. 40. 40. 45 KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 KS6 KS7 KS8 KS9 KS10 KS11 KS12 KS13 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 $10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 Kansas Species Green-winged teal Canada goose Mallard Wood duck Pintail Canvasback Mallard Blue-winged teal Barrow’s goldeneye Wigeon Mallard (blue) Mallard (green) Mallard (red) Artist Guy Coheleach Ann Dahoney Leon Parson Wes Dewey J. Byron Test Jerry Thomas Jerry Raedeke Ann Dahoney Neal Anderson Jerry Thomas Dustin Teasley Dustin Teasley Dustin Teasley Artist Sign (s) $20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 25. 20. 20. 20. 20. 25. 25. 25. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. KS14 KS15 KS16 KS17 KS18 Year Issued 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mint Single Kansas Species Artist $9.00 Mallard (purple) Dustin Teasley 9.00 Mallard (orange) Dustin Teasley 9.00 Pintail (blue) Dustin Teasley 12.00 Pintail (green) Dustin Teasley 12.00 Pintail (red) Dustin Teasley Kansas Hunter-Type – see page 52. Artist Sign (s) $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. State Cat. No. Cat. No. KY1 KY2 KY3 KY4 KY5 KY6 KY7 KY8 KY9 KY10 KY11 KY12 KY13 KY14 KY15 KY16 KY17 KY18 KY19 KY20 KY21 KY22 KY23 KY24 KY25 Cat. No. LA1 LA1A LA2 LA2A LA3 LA3A LA4 LA4A LA5 LA5A LA6 LA6A LA7 LA7A LA8 LA8A Year Issued 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year Issued 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mint Single Kentucky Species Artist LA9 LA9A LA10 LA10A LA11 LA11A LA12 LA12A LA13 LA13A LA14 LA14A LA15 LA15A LA16 LA16A LA17 LA17A LA18 LA18A LA19 LA19A LA20 LA20A LA21 LA21A LA22 LA22A LA23 LA23A LA24 LA24A LA25 LA25A LA26 LA26A LA27 LA27A LA28 LA28A Artist Sign (s) $15.00 Mallard Ray Harm $30. 10.00 Wood duck Dave Chapple 25. 10.00 Black duck R. J. McDonald 25. 10.00 Canada goose Lynn Kaatz 20. 15.00 Black lab/cnvback Phillip Crowe 30. 10.00 Wigeon Jim Oliver 20. 10.00 Pintail Ray Harm 20. 13.00 Green-winged teal Phillip Powell 20. 20.00 Redhead/decoy Phillip Crowe 30. 16.00 Canada goose Ralph McDonald 20. 25.00 Ring-necked/Blk lab Jim Killen 35. 15.00 Blue-winged teal L. Parsons-Yarnes 25. 15.00 Shoveler Phillip Powell 25. 15.00 Gadwall Harold Roe 25. 25.00 Common goldeneye Lynn Kaatz 25. 18.00 Hooded merganser Tim Donovan 25. 12.00 Mallard Harold Roe 25. 25. 12.00 Pintail Larry Chandler u 12.00 Snow goose Bem Burney 25. 15.00 Black duck Christopher Walden 25. 18.00 Canada goose Christopher Walden 25. 10.00 Mallard Christopher Walden 25. 10.00 Green-winged teal Christopher Walden 25. 10.00 Pintail Christopher Walden 25. 10.00 Snow goose Rick Hill 25. Kentucky Tabs – see page 52. Mint Single $10.00 12.50 10.00 12.50 10.00 12.50 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Louisiana Species Blue-winged teal Non-resident Green-winged teal Non-resident Wood duck Non-resident Pintail Non-resident Wigeon Non-resident Mottled duck Non-resident White-fronted goose Non-resident Gadwall Non-resident Artist David Noll Elton Louviere Brett Smith Bruce Heard Ron Louque Don Edwards John Bertrand Ron Louque Artist Sign (s) $25. 30. 25. 30. 25 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. Cat. No. ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4 ME5 ME6 ME7 ME8 ME9 ME10 ME11 ME12 46 Year Issued 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Issued 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mint Single $15.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 35.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 10.00 30.00 9.00 30.00 9.00 30.00 9.00 28.00 9.00 28.00 Call Call Mint Single $22.00 35.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 12.00 Louisiana Species Ring-necked duck Non-resident Mallard Non-resident Snow goose Non-resident Lesser scaup Non-resident Shoveler Non-resident Canvasback Non-resident Redhead Non-resident Hooded merganser Non-resident Black lab/pintail Non-resident Yellow lab/mallard Non-resident Choc. lab/mallard Non-resident Golden retriever Non-resident Ches. Bay retriever Non-resident Pintail Non-resident Wood duck Non-resident Wigeon Non-resident Mallard Non-resident White-fronted goose Non-resident Blue-winged teal Non-resident Gadwall Non-resident maine Species Black duck Com. eider/lighthse Wood duck Bufflehead Green-winged teal Common goldeneye Canada goose Ring-necked duck Oldsquaw Hooded merganser Mallard Wht-wng scoter/dcy Artist Sign (s) Artist Rick Hall R. C. Davis Ron Louque Jude Brunet Murrell Butler Reggie McLeroy Dale Pousson Jeffrey Klinefelter Ken Michaelsen Eddie Suthoff Tony Bernard Jeffrey Klinefelter Anthony Padgett Richard Clifton Wes Dewey Jeffrey Klinefelter Ron Louque Tony Bernard Guy Crittenden Artist David Maass David Maass David Maass Ron Van Gilder Rick Alley Jeannine Staples Thea Flanagan Patti Carter P. Clayton Weirs Jeannine Staples Susan Jordan Rick Alley $25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. 25. 40. Call Call Call Call Artist Sign (s) $40. 65. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Year Issued 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Call Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single ME13 ME14 ME15 ME16 ME17 ME18 ME19 ME20 ME21 ME22 ME23 ME24 ME25 ME26 ME27 ME28 ME29 ME30 ME31 ME32 ME33 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 MD5 MD6 MD7 MD8 MD9 MD10 MD11 MD12 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Mint Single $10.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 maine Species Blue-winged teal Greater scaup Surf scoter Black duck Common eider Wood duck Bufflehead Green-winged teal Barrow’s goldeneye Canada goose Ring-necked duck Oldsquaw Hooded merganser Mallard Harlequin Wood duck Ring-necked duck Greater scaup Wigeon Canvasback Blue-winged teal maryland Species Mallard Canada goose Canvasback Greater scaup Redhead Wood duck Pintail decoy Wigeon Canvasback Wood duck Black duck Canada goose Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Paul Fillion Thomas Kemp Jeannine Staples Rick Alley Darby Mumford Jeannine Staples Rick Alley Jeannine Staples Rick Alley Daniel Cake Jeannine Staples Rick Alley Jeannine Staples Georgette Kanach Olga Wing Rebekah LaCourse Janine Folsom Richard Alley, Jr. Rebekah Lowell Michael Loring John Taylor Stanley Stearns Louis Frisino Jack Schroeder u Stanley Stearns John Taylor Jack Schroeder u Arthur Eakin u Roger Bucklin Roger Lent Carla Huber David Turnbaugh 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $12.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Call 40.00 18.00 20.00 18.00 25.00 15.00 22.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Call Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single MD13 MD14 MD15 MD16 MD17 MD18 MD19 MD20 MD21 MD22 MD23 MD24 MD25 MD26 MD27 MD28 MD29 MD30 MD31 MD32 MD33 MD34 MD35 MD36 MD37 MD38 MD39 MD40 MD41 MD42 MD43 $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Call $50. 25. 25. 150. 45. 40. 150. 150. 35. 30. 25. 25. MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA5 MA6 MA7 MA8 MA9 MA10 MA11 MA12 MA13 MA14 MA15 For current prices and more information, check our web site – Sam Houston Duck Co. Year Issued 47 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Mint Single $15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 maryland Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Hooded merganser Louis Frisino Redhead Francis Sweet Ruddy duck Christopher White Blue-winged teal Roger Lent Lesser scaup Carla Huber Shoveler David Turnbaugh Bufflehead Will Wilson Canvasback Louis Frisino Redhead Robert Bealle Mallard Charles Shauck Canada goose David Turnbaugh Canvasback Jim Taylor Pintail Paul Makuchal Wood duck Wally Makuchal Oldsquaw/lighthouseDavid Turnbaugh Wigeon Wilhelm Goebel Black scoter James Kinnett Lesser scaup Robert Bealle Pintail David Turnbaugh Ruddy duck Wilhelm Goebel Canada goose Paul Makuchal Wood duck Jim Taylor Canvasback Robert Bealle Blue-winged teal Wally Makuchal Hooded merganser David Turnbaugh Canada goose Jim Taylor Wigeon Will Goebel Lesser scaup Paul Makuchal Ring-necked duck Steve Perrine Canvasback Jim Taylor massachusetts Species Wood duck Milton Weiler u Pintail Tom Hennessey Canada goose William Tyner u Common goldeneye William Tyner u Black duck William Tyner u Ruddy turnstone Randy Julius Oldsquaw John Eggert Red-breasted merg. Randy Julius Greater yellow leg John Eggert Redhead Randy Julius White-winged scoter Joseph Cibula Ruddy duck Randy Julius Greater scaup Bob Piscatori Wigeon Peter Baedita Mallard Bob Piscatori $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 50. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. — — — — — $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. State MA16 MA17 MA18 MA19 MA20 MA21 MA22 MA23 MA24 MA25 MA26 MA27 MA28 MA29 MA30 MA31 MA32 MA33 MA34 MA35 MA36 MA37 MA38 Cat. No. MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI6 MI7 MI8 MI9 MI10 MI11 MI12 MI13 MI14 MI15 MI16 MI17 MI18 MI19 MI20 MI21 MI22 MI23 MI24 MI25 MI26 MI27 MI28 Year Issued 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Issued 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mint Single $12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Mint Single $5.00 250.00 20.00 60.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 35.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. massachusetts Species Artist Canada goose Lou Barnicle Common goldeneye Racket Shreve Canvasback Bob Piscatori Black-bellied plover Randy Julius Red-breasted merg. Donald Little White-winged scoter Sergio Roffo Hooded merganser David Brega Common eider C. Wilkinson Curlew shorebird John Eggert Canada goose Bob Piscatori Oldsquaw V. Freyermuth Red-breasted merg. Randy Julius Black duck Barry Julius Bufflehead Peter Baedita Green-winged teal Bob Piscatori Wood duck Larry Denton Oldsquaw Donald Little Long-billed curlew Randy Julius Common goldeneye Matthew Schulz Black duck Gregg Coppollo White-winged scoter Barry Julius Canada goose Janice Sexton Brant Randy Julius michigan Species Wood duck Canvasback Mallard Canada goose Lesser scaup Bufflehead Redhead Wood duck Pintail Ring-necked duck Com. goldeneye Green-winged teal Canada goose Wigeon Wood duck Blue-winged teal Red-breasted merg. Hooded merganser Black duck Blue-winged teal Canada goose Canvasback Pintail Shoveler Mallard Ruddy duck Wigeon Redhead Artist Artist Sign (s) $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25 25. Year Issued 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $8.00 Wood duck Tim MacDonald $25. 8.00 Blue-winged teal Christopher Smith 25. 8.00 Wigeon Peter Mathios 25. 8.00 Pintail Rod Lawrence 25. 8.00 Wood duck Dietmar Krumrey 25. 8.00 Canvasback Lorna Poulos 25. 17.50 Bufflehead J.P. Edwards — 8.00 Mallard Richard Clifton 25. 8.00 Ring-necked duck George Lockwood 25. 8.00 Black duck Richard Clifton 25. 25. 8.00 Long-tailed duck/lghtse Christopher Smith 8.00 Com. goldeneye/lghtse Guy Crittenden Call Call Green-winged teal Christopher Smith Call Michigan Tabs – see page 52. Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single MI29 MI30 MI31 MI32 MI33 MI34 MI35 MI36 MI37 MI38 MI39 MI40 MI41 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN4 MN5 MN6 MN7 MN8 MN9 MN10 MN11 MN12 MN13 MN14 MN15 MN16 MN17 MN18 MN19 MN20 MN21 MN22 MN23 MN24 MN25 MN26 MN27 MN28 MN29 MN30 MN31 MN32 MN33 MN34 MN35 MN36 MN37 MN38 MN39 MN40 Artist Sign (s) Oscar Warbach u $450. 375. Larry Hayden u Richard Timm 25. Andrew Kurzmann 65. Larry Hayden u 45. Dietmar Krumrey 35. G. van Frankenhuyzen 35. Rod Lawrence 30. Larry Cory 30. Robert Steiner 30. Russell Cobane 30. 25. Larry Hayden u John Martens 25. Dietmar Krumrey 25. Rod Lawrence 25. Larry Cory 25. Heiner Hertling 25. Clark Sullivan 25. David Bollman 25. Rod Lawrence 25. Rusty Frentner 25. Mike Monroe 25. Dietmar Krumrey 25. Dietmar Krumrey 25. Rod Lawrence 45. Kim Diment 25. Rod Lawrence 25. Dietmar Krumrey 25. 48 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single michigan Cat. No. Species minnesota Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $18.00 Mallard David Maass 15.00 Lesser scaup Les Kouba u 15.00 Pintail David Maass 15.00 Canvasback James Meger 10.00 Canada goose Terry Redlin 15.00 Redhead Phil Scholer 15.00 Blue/snow goose Gary Moss 15.00 Wood duck Thomas Gross 10.00 White-fronted goose Terry Redlin 10.00 Lesser scaup Brian Jarvi 10.00 Common goldeneye Ron Van Gilder 10.00 Bufflehead Bob Hautman 10.00 Wigeon Jim Hautman 25.00 Hooded merg/decoy Kevin Daniel 10.00 Ross’ goose Daniel Smith 10.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Bob Hautman 10.00 Blue-winged teal Phil Scholer 10.00 Ring-necked duck Edward DuRose 10.00 Gadwall Bruce Miller 12.00 Greater scaup Jim Hautman 10.00 Shoveler Kevin Daniel 15.00 Harlequin Thomas Moen 11.00 Green-winged teal John House 15.00 Red-breasted merg. Kim Norlien 30.00 Black duck Bob Hautman 11.00 Ruddy duck John Freiberg 11.00 Oldsquaw Mark Kness 11.00 Com. merganser Scot Storm 11.00 Wht-wing scoter/ltse David Chapman 11.00 Mallard Joe Hautman 11.00 Lesser scaup Thomas Moen 11.00 Ross’ goose Sara Stack 12.00 Common goldeneye Scot Storm 12.00 Wood duck Mark Kness 12.00 Red-breasted merg. Kevin Nelson 12.00 Ruddy duck Stephen Hamrick 12.00 Pintail David Chapman 14.00 Canada goose Thomas Moen 14.00 Harlequin Scot Storm Call Wigeon Minnesota Tabs – see page 52. $25. 95. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. Call Call Cat. No. MS1 MS1a MS2 MS3 MS4 MS5 MS6 MS7 MS8 MS9 MS10 MS10a MS10b MS11 MS12 MS13 MS14 MS15 MS16 MS17 MS18 MS19 MS20 MS21 MS22 MS23 MS24 MS24A MS25 MS25A MS26 MS26A MS27 MS27A MS28 MS28A MS29 MS29A MS30 MS30A MS30B MS31 MS31A MS31B MS32 MS32A MS32B MS33 MS33A MS33B MS34 MS34A MS34B MS35 MS35A MS35B Year Issued 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mint Single $18.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 150.00 Call 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 12.00 12.50 8.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 — 15.00 16.00 15.00 16.00 15.00 16.50 15.00 15.50 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.50 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. mississippi Species Artist MS36 MS36A MS36B MS37 MS37A MS37B MS38 MS38A MS38B MS39 MS39A MS39B MS40 MS40A MS40B Artist Sign (s) Wood duck Gwen Perkins $250. Full card 250. Mallard Allen Hughes 40. Green-winged teal John Reimers 25. Canvasback C. Hardy Pigott 25. Pintail Bob Tompkins 25. Redhead John Reimers 25. Canada goose Jerry Johnson 25. Lesser scaup Jerrie Glasper 25. Black duck Tommy Goodman 25. Mallard Lottie Fulton 25. No horizontal serial #, no silver bar — No vert #, no silver bar — Wigeon Joe Latil 25. Ring-necked duck Robert Garner 25. Snow goose Bob Tompkins 25. Wood duck D. Swartzendruber 25. Snow goose Kathy Dickson 25. Cnbck/Blk lab/decoy Phillip Crowe 25. Green-winged teal Joe Latil 25. Mallard Eddie Suthoff 25. Canvasback Emmitt Thames 25. BW teal/lighthouse Emmitt Thames 25. Hooded merganser James Josey 25. Wood duck Joe Mac Hudspeth 25. Pintail Joe Latil 25. Ring-necked duck Joe Mac Hudspeth 25. Self-adhesive Mallard Joe Mac Hudspeth 25. Self-adhesive Gadwall Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Wood duck Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Pintail Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Wood duck Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Blue-winged teal Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Black lab Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Wood duck Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Green-winged teal Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Blue-winged teal Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Mallard Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Self-adhesive Non-resident Year Issued 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mint Single $15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 16.00 20.00 Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO5 MO6 MO7 MO8 MO9 MO10 MO11 MO12 MO13 MO14 MO15 MO16 MO17 MO18 MT1 MT2 MT3 MT4 MT5 MT6 MT7 mississippi Species Wood duck Self-adhesive Non-resident Green-winged teal Self-adhesive Non-resident Mallard Self-adhesive Non-resident Wood duck Self-adhesive Non-resident Pintail Self-adhesive Non-resident missouri Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Joe Mac Hudspeth $30. Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Joe Mac Hudspeth 30. Lauren Doherty Call Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) 1979 $395.00 Canada goose C. Schwartz u $650. 1980 95.00 Wood duck David Plank 200. 1981 50.00 Lesser scaup Tom Crain 100. 1982 60.00 Bufflehead Gary Lucy 75. 1983 45.00 Blue-winged teal Doug Ross 65. 1984 40.00 Mallard Glenn Chambers 55. 1985 22.00 Wigeon Ron Clayton 30. 1986 11.00 Hooded merganser Tom Crain 30. 1987 9.00 Pintail Ron Ferkol 25. 1988 7.00 Canvasback Bruce Bollman 25. 1989 8.00 Ring-necked duck Kathy Dickson 25. 1990 8.00 Redhead Eileen Melton 25. 1991 8.00 Lesser snow goose Ron Ferkol 25. 1992 8.00 Gadwall Kevin Guinn 25. 1993 7.50 Green-winged teal Tom Bates 25. 1994 7.50 White-fronted goose Keith Alexander 25. 1995 7.50 Common goldeneye Ryan Peterson 25. 1996 7.50 Black duck Ron Ferkol 25. Missouri Tabs – see page 52 montana Species 1986 $12.00 Canada goose 1987 15.00 Redhead 1988 12.00 Mallard 1989 11.00 Black lab/pintail 1990 9.00 Cinn/BW teal 1991 9.00 Snow goose 1992 9.00 Wood duck Joe Thornbrugh Roger Cruwys Dave Samuelson Roger Cruwys Joe Thornbrugh Joe Thornbrugh Craig Phillips $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. ERROR! 1992 mT7c with green-head hen. Only one per sheet! $75.00 each, Strip of three (middle stamp is error) $85. Plate Block of four with error $95. 49 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. State Cat. No. Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 2006 2007 2008 2009 $11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 8.00 8.00 8.50 8.50 Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single MT8 MT9 MT10 MT11 MT12 MT13 MT14 MT15 MT16 MT17 MT18 NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4 NE5 NE6 NE7 NE8 NE9 NV1 NV2 NV3 NV4 NV5 NV6 NV7 NV8 NV9 NV10 NV11 NV12 NV13 NV14 NV15 NV16 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Mint Single montana Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $10.00 Harlequin Darrell Davis 11.00 Wigeon Roger Cruwys 11.00 Tundra swan Wayne Dowdy 11.00 Canvasback Jim Borgreen u 11.00 Gold retriever/mllrd Joe Thornbrugh 11.00 Gadwall Joe Thornbrugh 11.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Cliff Rossberg 12.00 Chc lab/mllrd decoy Joe Thornbrugh 11.00 Canada goose Cliff Rossberg 8.00 Sandhill crane Jim Borgreen u Call Mallard Jim Borgreen u Montana Hunter-Type – see page 52. Mint Single $45.00 8.00 9.50 9.50 9.50 11.00 20.00 16.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Nebraska Species Canada goose Pintail Canvasback Mallard Wood duck Wood duck Canvasback Trumpeter swan Pintail Nevada Species Cnvback/decoy Cinnamon teal Whistling swan Shoveler Gadwall Pintail Canada goose Redhead Bufflehead Canvasback Ross’ goose Green-winged teal White-faced ibis Wigeon Com. goldeneye Mallard Neal Anderson Neal Anderson Neal Anderson Neal Anderson Neal Anderson Brett Cooper Brett Cooper Brett Cooper Bethany Cooper Larry Hayden u Dick McRill Phil Scholer Richard Timm Charles Allen Robert Steiner Richard Wilson Nolan Haan Sherrie Russell Jim Hautman Bob Hautman Nolan Haan Tak Nakamura Richard Clifton Steve Hopkins Mark Mueller Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single NV17 NV18 NV19 NV20 NV21 NV22 NV23 NV24 NV25 NV26 NV27 NV28 NV29 NV30 NV31 NV32 NV33 NV34 NV35 NV36 NV37 NV38 $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — Nevada Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) 1995 $10.00 Wood duck Tak Nakamura 1996 10.00 Ring-necked duck Jeffrey Klinefelter 1997 10.00 Ruddy duck Brian Blight 1998 10.00 Hooded merganser Jani Kreutzjans 1999 10.00 Canvasback Sherrie R. Meline 2000 10.00 Canvasback Richard Clifton 2001 10.00 Lesser scaup Jeffrey Klinefelter 2002 10.00 Cinnamon teal Jeff Hoff 2003 10.00 Green-winged teal Daniel Brevick 2004 Call Redhead Louis Frisino 2005 13.00 Gadwall Adam Oswald 2006 13.00 Tundra swan Jeffrey Klinefelter 2007 13.00 Wood duck Ken Michaelsen 2008 13.00 Pintail James Edwards 2009 13.00 Canada goose Sherrie Meline 2010 13.00 Shoveler Jeffrey Klinefelter 2011 13.00 Green-winged teal Adam Oswald 2012 13.00 Wigeon Gerald Putt 2013 13.00 Snow goose Rebekah Nastav 2014 13.00 American coot Jocelyn Beatty 2015 13.00 White-fronted goose Jeffrey Klinefelter 2016 Call Bufflehead Nevada Tabs & Hunter-Type – see page 52. $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Call $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. $75. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. NH1 NH2 NH3 NH4 NH5 NH6 NH7 NH8 NH9 NH10 NH11 NH12 NH13 NH14 NH15 50 New Hampshire Species 1983 $125.00 Wood duck Richard Plasschaert $175. 1984 95.00 Mallard Phillip Crowe 150. 1985 95.00 Blue-winged teal Tom Hirata 150. 1986 25.00 Hooded merganser Durant Ball 35. 1987 12.00 Canada goose Robert Steiner 35. 1988 12.00 Bufflehead Robert Steiner 30. 1989 11.00 Black duck Robert Steiner 30. 1990 11.00 Green-winged teal Robert Steiner 30. 1991 15.00 Golden ret./mallard Robert Steiner 30. 1992 10.00 Ring-necked duck Richard Clifton 25. 1993 10.00 Hooded merganser Richard Clifton 25. 1994 10.00 Common goldeneye Louis Frisino 25. 1995 10.00 Pintail Matt Scharle 25. 1996 10.00 Surf scoter Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 1997 10.00 Wood duck Richard Clifton 25. NH16 NH17 NH18 NH19 NH20 NH21 NH22 NH23 NH24 NH25 Cat. No. NJ1 NJ1A NJ2 NJ2A NJ3 NJ3A NJ4 NJ4A NJ5 NJ5A NJ6 NJ6A NJ7 NJ7A NJ8 NJ8A NJ9 NJ9A NJ10 NJ10A NJ10ss NJ11 NJ11A NJ12 NJ12A NJ13 NJ13A NJ13v NJ14 NJ14A NJ15 NJ15A NJ16 NJ16A NJ17 NJ17A NJ17v NJ18 NJ18A NJ18v Year Issued Mint Single New Hampshire Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Cat. No. 1998 $10.00 Canada goose James Collins $25. 1999 11.00 Mallard Bruce Holloway 25. 2000 11.00 Black duck S. Knowles Jordan 25. 2001 11.00 Blue-winged teal Charles Freeman 25. 2002 8.00 Pintail James Collins 25. 2003 8.00 Wood duck Bruce Holloway 25. 2004 8.00 Wood duck Lindsey Rothe 25. 2005 Call Oldsquaw/lighthouseJames Collins 25. 2006 8.00 Common eider James Collins 25. 2007 8.00 Black duck Kate Kotulak 25. New Hampshire Hunter-Type – see page 53. Year Issued 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Mint Single $45.00 55.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 18.00 15.00 18.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 70.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. New Jersey Species Artist NJ19 NJ19A NJ19v NJ20 NJ20A NJ21 NJ21A NJ22 NJ22A NJ23 NJ23A NJ24 NJ24A NJ25 NJ25A Canvasback Tom Hirata $75. Non-resident 75. Mallard David Maass 25. Non-resident 30. Pintail Ron Louque 30. Non-resident 40. Canada gse/Blk lab Louis Frisino 25. Non-resident 30. Green-winged teal Rob Leslie 25. Non-resident 30. Snow goose Daniel Smith 25. Non-resident 30. Wood duck Richard Plasschaert 25. Non-resident 30. Atl. brant/lighthouse Tom Hirata 25. Non-resident 30. Greater scaup Rob Leslie 25. Non-resident 30. Bufflehead/lighthse Bruce Miller 25. Non-resident 30. Souvenir sheet – res & non-res — Black duck/lighthse Wilhelm Goebel 25. Non-resident 30. Wigeon/lighthouse Joe Hautman 25. Non-resident 30. Com. gldneye/lghtse Wilhelm Goebel 25. Non-resident 30. Not issued, increased to $5 (2.50 face) — Oldsquaw Rob Leslie 25. Non-resident 30. Mallard/Yellow lab Phillip Crowe 25. Non-resident 30. Redhead Richard Clifton 25. Non-resident 30. Canvasback/lighthse Joe Hautman 25. Non-resident 30. Disabled veteran overprint — Tundra swan Bob Hautman 25. Non-resident 30. Disabled veteran overprint — 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Mint Single Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY6v NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 NY12 NY13 NY14 NY15 NY16 NY17 NY18 1991 1992 1993 New Jersey Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $10.00 Wood duck Jim Hautman 14.50 Non-resident 25.00 Disabled veteran overprint 15.00 Pintail/Blk lab/decoy Jim Killen 17.00 Non-resident 9.50 Hd merg/yel lab/dcy Phillip Crowe 14.50 Non-resident 22.00 Ches. retvr/cnv dcy Phillip Crowe 25.00 Non-resident 10.00 Gld retvr/wood duck Roger Cruwys 14.50 Non-resident 8.00 Choc. lab/GW teal Michael Braun 13.50 Non-resident 8.00 Canvasback Rob Leslie 13.50 Non-resident New Jersey Hunter-Type – see page 53. Cat. No. NM1 NM2 NM3 NM3ssp NM3ssi NM4 NM4st NM4p NM4ssp NM4ssi Artist Sign (s) Year Issued New mexico Species $12.50 Pintail Robert Steiner 12.50 Wigeon Robert Steiner 12.50 Mallard Robert Steiner 50.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate 95.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, imperforate 1994 20.00 Green-winged teal Robert Steiner 80.00 Se-tenant of 4 Call Wetlands Patron Stamp ($80 face value) 125.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate 225.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, imperforate New Mexico Hunter-Type – see page 53. 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 $12.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 3.00 11.00 11.00 9.00 12.50 11.00 11.00 9.00 9.00 12.50 11.00 9.00 9.00 New york Species Canada goose Mallard Wood duck Pintail Greater scaup Canvasback “Sample” stamp Redhead Wood duck Blue-winged teal Can goose/lighthse Com. goldeneye Loon Hooded merganser Osprey Bufflehead/lighthse Wood duck Pintail Canvasback $25. 30. — 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. $30. 30. 30. — — 30. 125. — — — Larry Barton $35. David Maass 25. 65. Lee LeBlanc u Richard Plasschaert 25. Robert Bateman 25. J. Seerey-Lester 25. — Terry Issac 25. Tom Antonishak 25. Ron Kleiber 25. Jerome Hageman 25. F. Szatkowski 25. Len Rusin 25. Raymond Easton 25. Barbara Woods 25. Richard Clifton 25. Rob Leslie 25. Bruce Miller 25. Adam Grimm 25. Like our Facebook page for news, special and prizes! Search for Sam Houston Duck Co. 51 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. State Cat. No. NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 NC6 NC7 NC8 NC9 NC10 NC11 NC12 NC13 NC14 NC15 NC15A NC16 NC16A NC17 NC17A NC18 NC18A NC19 NC19A NC20 NC20A NC21 NC21A NC22 NC22A NC23 NC23A NC24 NC24A NC25 NC25A NC26 NC26A NC27 NC27A NC28 NC28A NC29 NC29A NC30 NC30A NC31 NC31A NC32 NC32A NC33 NC33A NC34 NC34A Year Issued 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single $55.00 45.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 45.00 12.00 35.00 12.00 22.00 25.00 35.00 18.00 22.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 35.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Call 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 Call Call Sam Houston Duck Co. North Carolina Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Mallard Richard Plasschaert Wood duck Jim Killen Canvasback Tom Hirata Canada goose Tom Hirata Pintail Larry Barton Green-winged teal Ron Louque Snow gse/lighthse Louis Frisino Redhead/lighthouse Rob Leslie BW teal/lighthouse Phillip Crowe Wigeon/lighthouse Richard Plasschaert Tundra swan/lighths Bruce Miller Bufflehead/lighthse Phillip Crowe Atl brant/lighthouse Jim Killen Pintail Rob Leslie Wood duck Wilhelm Goebel Self-adhesive Canada goose Tom Hirata Self-adhesive Green-winged teal Robert Flowers Self-adhesive Canvasback/lighthse Ron Louque Self-adhesive Black duck/lighthse Ron Louque Self-adhesive Pintail/yellow lab Ron Louque Self-adhesive Ring-neck/Boynkin Wilhelm Goebel Self-adhesive Mallard Gerald Putt Self-adhesive Green-winged teal Gerald Putt Self-adhesive Lesser scaup Gerald Putt Self-adhesive Wood duck Gerald Putt Self-adhesive Surf scoter Scot Storm Self-adhesive Wigeon Gerald Putt Self-adhesive Snow goose Scot Storm Self-adhesive Canada goose Richard Clifton Self-adhesive Redhead Richard Clifton Self-adhesive Shoveler Jeffrey Klinefelter Self-adhesive Hooded merganser Scot Storm Self-adhesive Black duck Guy Crittenden Self-adhesive Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single ND1 ND2 ND3 ND4 ND5 ND6 ND7 ND8 ND9 ND10 ND11 ND12 ND13 ND14 ND15 ND16 ND17 ND18 ND19 ND20 ND21 ND22 ND23 ND24 ND25 ND26 ND27 ND28 ND29 ND30 ND31 ND32 ND33 ND34 ND34 $125. 85. 85. 85. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 35. 25. 35. 25. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 30. 35. 35. 35. OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH8 OH9 OH10 OH11 52 North Dakota Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) 1982 $110.00 Canada goose Richard Plasschaert $140. 1983 75.00 Mallard Terry Redlin 85. 1984 45.00 Canvasback David Maass 85. 125. 1985 25.00 Greater scaup Les Kouba u 1986 22.00 Pintail Mario Fernandez 35. 1987 22.00 Snow goose Ron Louque 25. 1988 15.00 White-winged scoter Louis Frisino 25. 1989 15.00 Redhead Rob Leslie 25. 1990 15.00 Blk lab/mallard/dcoy Roger Cruwys 25. 1991 10.00 Green-winged teal Tom Hirata 25. 1992 10.00 Blue-winged teal Phillip Crowe 25. 1993 10.00 Wood duck Bruce Miller 25. 1994 10.00 Canada goose Darrell Davis 25. 1995 10.00 Wigeon Richard Clifton 25. 1996 10.00 Mallard Wilhelm Goebel 25. 1997 10.00 White-fronted goose Richard Plasschaert 25. 1998 10.00 Blue-winged teal Ron Louque 25. 1999 10.00 Gadwall Phillip Crowe 25. 2000 10.00 Pintail Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 2001 10.00 Canada goose Phillip Crowe 25. 2002 12.00 Text stamp — 2003 12.00 Text stamp — 2004 12.00 Text stamp — 2005 12.00 Text stamp — 2006 12.00 Text stamp — 2007 12.00 Text stamp — 2008 12.00 Text stamp — 2009 12.00 Text stamp — 2010 12.00 Text stamp — 2011 12.00 Text stamp — 2012 10.00 Text stamp — 2013 10.00 Text stamp — 2014 13.00 Text stamp — 2015 Call Text stamp — 2015 Call Text stamp — North Dakota Hunter-Type – see page 53. 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 $65.00 45.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Species Ohio Wood duck Mallard Green-winged teal Redhead Canvasback Blue-winged teal Com. goldeneye Canada goose Black duck Lesser scaup Wood duck John Ruthven Harry Antis Harold Roe Ron Louque Lynn Kaatz Harold Roe Cynthie Fisher Lynn Kaatz Jon Henson Gregory Clair u Samuel Timm $125. 95. 95. 65. 40. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. OH12 OH13 OH14 OH15 OH16 OH17 OH18 OH19 OH20 OH21 OH22 OH23 OH24 OH25 OH26 OH27 OH28 OH29 OH30 OH31 OH32 OH33 OH34 OH35 Cat. No. OK1 OK2 OK3 OK4 OK5 OK6 OK7 OK8 OK9 OK10 OK11 OK12 Year Issued 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Issued 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Mint Single $16.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 32.00 18.00 22.00 22.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 50.00 25.00 22.00 22.00 28.00 22.00 22.00 18.50 18.50 Call Mint Single $45.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 Species Ohio Bufflehead Mallard Pintail Hooded merganser Wigeon Gadwall Mallard Bufflehead Canvasback Ring-necked/Blk lab Hd merg./Ches rtvr Tundra swan Wood duck Pintail/Ches. retvr Canada goose Green-winged teal Common goldeneye Ruddy duck Red-breasted merg. Mallard Blue-winged teal Pintail Shoveler Wood duck Oklahoma Species Pintail Canada goose Green-winged teal Wood duck Ring-necked duck Mallard Snow goose Canvasback Wigeon Redhead Hooded merganser Gadwall Kenneth Nanney $25. Richard Clifton 30. Ron Kleiber 30. Harold Roe 30. D. J. Cleland-Hura 30. Harold Roe 30. Timothy Donovan 30. Mark Anderson 30. Brian Blight 30. Jeffrey Klinefelter 30. Brian Blight 30. Robert Metropulos 30. Adam Grimm 30. Gregory Clair u 30. Richard Clifton 30. Jeffrey Klinefelter 30. Joel Rogers 30. Jeffrey Hoff 30. Joel Rogers 30. Tom Morgan Crain 30. Jeffrey Klinefelter 30. Adam Grimm 30. Gunner Hilliard 30. Christine Clayton Call Artist Patrick Sawyer Hoyt Smith Jeffrey Frey Gerald Mobley Hoyt Smith Gerald Mobley Hoyt Smith Rayburn Foster Jim Gaar Wanda Mumm Ron Louque R. T. Foster u Artist Sign (s) $85. 35. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Sign up for our easy New Issue Service. receive all state duck stamps as they are issued, for only $1.50 over agency cost. Sign up today and don’t miss a single issue! We also provide Federal stamp, hunters, and more! Call now! 1-800-231-5926 Sam Houston Duck Co. Cat. No. Year Issued OK13 OK14 OK15 OK16 OK17 OK18 OK19 OK20 OK21 OK22 OK23 OK24 OK25 OK26 OK27 OK28 OK29 OK30 OK31 OK32 OK33 OK34 OK35 OK36 OK37 Artist Sign (s) Artist Year Issued 53 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 OR1 1984 OR2 1985 OR3 1986 OR4 1987 OR5 1988 OR6 1989 OR7 1990 OR8 1991 OR9 1992 OR10 1993 OR10ssp OR10ssi OR11 1994 OR12 1995 OR13 1996 OR14 1997 OR15 1998 OR16 1999 OR17 2000 OR18 2001 OR19 2002 OR20 2003 OR21 2004 OR22 2005 OR23 2006 OR24 2007 OR25 2008 Mint Single Oklahoma Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $7.50 Lesser scaup Jeffrey Mobley $25. 7.50 White-fronted goose Jerome Hageman 25. 7.50 Blue-winged teal Richard Kirkman 25. 7.50 Ruddy duck Richard Clifton 25. 7.50 Bufflehead Greg Everhart 25. 7.50 Com. goldeneye Mark Anderson 25. 7.50 Shoveler Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 18.00 Canvasback Hoyt Smith 25. 8.00 Pintail Paul Makuchal 25. 8.00 Canada goose David Brevick 25. 8.00 Green-winged teal Brian Blight 25. 14.00 Wood duck Mark Anderson 29. 14.00 Mallard Scot Storm 29. 14.00 Snow goose Jeffrey Klinefelter 29. 14.00 Wigeon James Hublick 29. 14.00 Redhead Jeffrey Hoff 25. 14.00 Mallard/choc. lab Russ Duerksen 25. 14.00 Gadwall Timothy Turenne 25. 14.00 Ring-necked duck John Brennan 25. 14.00 Blue-winged teal George Lockwood 25. 14.00 White-fronted goose Richard Clifton 30. 14.00 Common goldeneye Hoyt Smith 30. 14.00 Canvasback Shea Miller 30. 14.00 Pintail Guy Crittenden 30. Call Oklahoma Hunter-Type – see page 53. Mint Single $20.00 35.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 22.00 165.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Oregon Species Canada goose Michael Sieve $65. Lesser snow goose Michael Sieve 50. Pacific brant Michael Sieve 25. White-fronted goose Dorothy Smith 25. Canada goose Darrell Davis 25. Black lab/pintail Phillip Crowe 25. Gold. retriever/mllrd Roger Cruwys 25. Ches. ret/bufflehead Louis Frisino 25. Green-winged teal Kip Richmond 25. Mallard R. Bruce Horsfall u — Souvenir sheet/2 w/Upland, perf — Souvenir sheet/2 w/Upland, imperf — Pintail Richard Plasschaert 25. Wood duck Robert Steiner 30. Mallard Robert Steiner 30. Canvasback Robert Steiner 30. Pintail/mallard Robert Steiner 30. Canada goose Robert Steiner 30. Mallard Robert Steiner 30. Redhead/cnvback Robert Steiner 30. Wigeon Robert Steiner 30. Wood duck Robert Steiner 30. Ross’ goose Robert Steiner 30. Hooded merganser Robert Steiner 30. Pintail/gw teal/mllrd Robert Steiner 30. Wood duck Robert Steiner 30. Pintail Robert Steiner 30. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. OR26 OR27 OR28 OR29 OR30 OR31 OR32 OR33 State OR6v1 OR6v2 OR6v3 OR6v4 Cat. No. PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA9 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13 PA14 PA15 PA16 PA17 PA18 PA19 PA20 PA21 PA22 PA23 PA24 PA25 PA26 PA27 PA28 Year Issued 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Oregon Species Artist Artist Sign (s) $15.00 Mallard Robert Steiner $30. 15.00 Wood duck Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Canvasback Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Mallard Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Wigeon Robert Steiner 30. 16.00 Canada goose Harold Cramer Smith u 16.00 Pintail Timothy Turene 30. Call Oregon Hunter-Type – see page 53. Cat. No. Year Issued 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Call Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single PA29 PA30 PA31 PA32 PA33 PA34 Mint Single Pennsylvania Species Wigeon Ruddy duck Black duck Shoveler Green-winged teal Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Gerald Putt Scott Calpino Gerald Putt Jocelyn Beatty Gerald Putt $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. Oregon 1989 Temporary Stamps Temporary stamp, black serial number under 15,000 . . . . . . . .$25.00 Temporary stamp, red serial number over 15,000 . . . . . . . . . . .14.50 Temporary stamp, red serial number with matching number on normal stamp, 120 known . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95.00 As above, plate block of four with four matching temporary stamps, 10 known . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450.00 Year Issued 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Mint Single $15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Pennsylvania Species Artist RI1 RI2 RI3 RI4 RI5 RI5ssp RI5ssi RI6 RI7 RI8 RI9 RI10 RI11 RI12 RI13 RI14 RI15 RI16 RI17 RI18 RI19 RI20 RI21 RI22 RI23 RI24 RI25 RI26 RI27 RI28 Artist Sign (s) Wood duck Ned Smith u Call Canada goose Jim Killen $35. NI Mallard Ned Smith u Blue-winged teal Robert Knutson 30. Pintail Rob Leslie 25. Wood duck John Heidersbach 25. Hooded merganser Ron Louque 30. Canvasback Tom Hirata 25. Wigeon Gerald Putt 25. Canada goose Robert Sopchick 25. Shoveler Glen Reichard 25. Pintail Tom Hirata 25. Bufflehead Mark Bray 25. Black duck Gerald Putt 25. Hooded merganser Clark Weaver 25. Wood duck Gerald Putt 25. Ring-necked duck Clark Weaver 25. Green-winged teal Gerald Putt 25. Pintail Clark Weaver 25. Snow/blue goose Gerald Putt 25. Canvasback/lighthse Jocelyn Beatty 25. Hooded merganser Carl Clark 25. Red-breasted merg. Gerald Putt 25. Pintail Kerry Holzman 25. Wood duck Gerald Putt 25. Redhead Scott Calpino 25. Hooded merganser Gerald Putt 25. Canvasback Scott Calpino 25. Cat. No. SC1 SC2 SC3 SC4 SC5 SC6 ALL stamps pictured at:! Sam Houston Duck Co. 54 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Issued 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 rhode Island Species $12.00 Canvasback Robert Steiner 12.00 Canada goose Robert Steiner 20.00 Blk lab/wood duck Robert Steiner 15.00 Blue-winged teal Robert Steiner 15.00 Pintail Robert Steiner 65.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, perforate 110.00 Souvenir sheet of 4, imperforate 18.00 Wood duck Robert Steiner 18.00 Hooded merganser Robert Steiner 22.00 Harlequin Charles Allen 15.00 Greater scaup Robert Steiner 15.00 Black duck Robert Steiner 18.00 Com. eider/lghthse Keith Mueller 18.00 Canvasback/lghthse Keith Mueller 18.00 Mllrd/Blk dck/lghthse Keith Mueller 12.00 Wht-wing scoter/lgts Keith Mueller 12.00 Oldsquaw Keith Mueller 12.00 Canvasback Robert Steiner 12.00 Black duck/lghthse Keith Mueller 12.00 RB merg./lghthse Keith Mueller 12.00 Harlequin decoy Keith Mueller 12.00 Mallard decoy Keith Mueller 12.00 Hooded merganser Miri Kim 12.00 Red-breasted merg. Miri Kim 12.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Miri Kim 12.00 Mallard Jung Kim 12.00 Canvasback Lea Fabre 12.00 Canvasback Eleni Giannopoulos 12.00 Green-winged teal Hope Anderson Call rhode Island Hunter-Type page 53. Mint Single $55.00 95.00 95.00 65.00 55.00 25.00 South Carolina Species Wood duck Mallard Pintail Canada goose Green-winged teal Canvasback $30. 30. 30. 30. 30. — — 30. 30. 25. 30. 30. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. —. — — — — — — Lee LeBlanc u $225. Bob Binks 125. Jim Killen 125. Al Dornisch 85. Rosemary Millette 75. Daniel Smith 40. SC7 SC8 SC9 SC10 SC11 SC12 SC13 SC14 SC15 SC16 SC17 SC18 SC19 SC20 SC21 SC22 SC23 SC24 SC25 SC26 SC27 SC28 SC29 SC30 SC31 SC32 SC33 SC34 SC35 SC36 Cat. No. SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD5 SD6 Year Issued 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year Issued 1976 1977 1978 1986 1987 1988 Mint Single South Carolina Species Artist $25.00 25.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. South Dakota Species Mallard Pintail Canvasback Canada goose Blue goose White-fronted goose Artist Robert Kusserow Don Steinbeck u John Moisan John Wilson u Rosemary Millette Marion Toillion 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Cat. No. Year Issued Mint Single SD7 SD8 SD9 SD10 SD11 SD12 SD13 SD14 SD15 SD16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 SD22 SD23 SD24 SD25 Artist Sign (s) $20.00 Black duck Steve Dillard $40. 20.00 Boynkin span/wign. Jim Killen 45. 10.00 Blue-winged teal Lee Cable 25. 10.00 Wood duck John Wilson 25. 10.00 Blk lab/pintail/decoy Jim Killen 25. 15.00 Bufflehead/lghthse Russell Cobane 25. 15.00 Lesser scaup/ighths Bob Bolin 25. 15.00 Canvasback/lighthe Joe Hautman 25. 15.00 Shoveler/lighthouse Rodney Huckaby 25. 15.00 Redhead/lighthouse D. J. Cleland-Hura 25. 15.00 Oldsquaw/lighthse Rodney Huckaby 25. 15.00 Ruddy duck/lghthse D. J. Cleland-Hura 25. 15.00 Bar. gldneye/lghthse Denise Nelson 25. 15.00 Wood duck/Boykin Matt Constantine 25. 15.00 Mallard/yel lab/dcy Jeffrey Klinefelter 25. 15.00 Wigeon/Choc lab Rodney Huckaby 25. 15.00 Green-winged teal James Hublick 25. 15.00 Pintail/Black lab Eddie Leroy 25. 12.00 Canvasback Rodney Huckaby 25. 12.00 Black duck Dick Benson 25. 12.00 Redhead/Gld. rtvr. Jim Killen 25. 12.00 Grn-wing teal/blk lab Jim Killen 25. 12.00 Ring-necked/yel. lab Jim Killen 25. 12.00 Wood duck/Boynkin Jim Killen 25. 12.00 BW teal/Choc. lab Jim Killen 25. 12.00 GW teal/Gld. rtvr. Jim Killen 25. 12.00 Black duck/Boynkin Jim Killen 25. 10.00 Wood duck Donnie Hughes 25. 10.00 Hooded merganser Richard Clifton 25. Call South Carolina Hunter-Type page 53. Mint Single Year Issued TN1 TN1A TN2 TN2A TN3 TN4 TN5 TN6 TN7 TN8 TN9 TN10 TN11 TN12 TN13 TN14 TN15 TN16 TN17 TN18 TN19 TN20 TN21 TN22 TN23 TN24 TN25 TN26 TN27 Artist Sign (s) $60. — 25. 25. 25. 25. 55 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Mint Single 95.00 550.00 60.00 325.00 45.00 55.00 55.00 55.00 22.00 20.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 South Dakota Species Mallard Blue-winged teal Pintail Canvasback Greater scaup Redhead Wood duck Canada goose Wigeon Green-winged teal Tundra swan Bufflehead Mallard Canvasback Pintail Text – purple Text – red Text – orange Text – brown Tennessee Species Mallard Non-resident Canvasback Non-resident Wood duck Canada goose Pintail Black duck Blue-winged teal Mallard Canada goose Canvasback Green-winged teal Redhead Hooded merganser Wood duck Pintail Mallard Ring-necked duck Black duck Mallard Bufflehead Wood duck Green-winged teal Canada goose Mallard Mallard Canada goose Harlequin Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) Rosemary Millette John Green Russell Duerksen John Wilson u Mark Anderson Jeff Reuter Russell Duerksen Russell Duerksen John Green Mark Anderson Russell Duerksen Russell Duerksen Mark Anderson Mark Anderson Joshua Spies Dick Elliott $20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 20. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — — — — $175. Call Phillip Crowe 75. Call Bob Gillespie 75. Ken Schulz 75. Phillip Crowe 80. Allen Hughes 95. Jimmy Stewart 50. Ralph McDonald 30. Tom Hirata 30. Jim Lamb 25. Roger Cruwys 25. Tom Freeman 30. Richard Clifton 25. Tom Hirata 25. Phillip Crowe 25. Ralph McDonald 30. Richard Clifton 40. Rob Leslie 30. Bethany Carter — Beth Ann McMurray. — Nick Williamson — Nick Williamson — Amber Williams — Jessica Mefford — Joshua Lester — Lauren Pollard — Kaydee Hankes — Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. TN28 TN29 TN30 TN31 TN32 TN33 TN34 TN35 TN36 Year Issued 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Tennessee Species Artist $15.00 Wood duck Kaydee Hankes 15.00 Mallard Brandon Sharp 15.00 Redhead Olivia Hughes 15.00 Wood duck Olivia Hughes 15.00 Cinnamon teal Joanna Rush 15.00 King Eider Jet Smith 13.50 Wood duck Joanna Rush 13.50 Green-winged teal McKenzie Covrig Call Tennessee Full Cards page 53. Artist Sign (s) Cat. No. — — — — — — — — TX29 TX29A TX30 TX30A TX31 TX31A TX32 TX32A TX33 TX33A TX34 TX34A TX35 TX35A Year Issued 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Mint Single $15.00 22.00 15.00 22.00 15.00 22.00 13.50 20.00 13.50 20.00 13.50 20.00 13.50 20.00 Texas Species Blue-winged teal Book/6 different Wigeon Book/6 different White-fronted goose Book/6 different Canada goose Book/6 different Wood duck Book/6 different Cinnamon teal Book/6 different Ring-necked duck Book/6 different Artist Sign (s) Artist Scot Storm Peter Mathios Bob Hautman Gary Moss Herb Booth u Calvin Carter Bruce Miller $30. — 30. — 30. — 30. — 75. — 30. — 30. — State Cat. No. TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 TX15 TX16 TX16A TX17 TX17A TX18 TX18A TX19 TX19A TX20 TX20A TX21 TX21A TX22 TX22A TX23 TX23A TX24 TX24A TX25 TX25A TX26 TX26A TX27 TX27A TX28 TX28A Year Issued 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Mint Single $35.00 25.00 125.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 75.00 95.00 65.00 75.00 65.00 65.00 35.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 85.00 15.00 22.00 15.00 22.00 15.00 22.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Texas Species Mallard Pintail Wigeon Wood duck Snow goose Green-winged teal White-fronted goose Pintail Mallard Wigeon Wood duck Canada goose Blue-winged teal Shoveler Bufflehead Gadwall Book/8 different Cinnamon teal Book/8 different Pintail/black lab Book/8 different Canvasback Book/8 different Hooded merganser Book/8 different Snow goose Book/8 different Redhead Book/8 different Mottled duck Book/8 different Am. goldeneye Book/7 different Mallard Book/6 different Green-winged teal Book/6 different Wood duck Book/6 different Pintail Book/6 different Artist Larry Hayden Ken Carlson Maynard Reece David Maass John Cowan u Herb Booth u Gary Moss John Cowan u David Maass Robert Bateman Daniel Smith Larry Hayden u Jim Hautman Ken Carlson David Maass Daniel Smith Artist Sign (s) $225. 30. 195. 45. 25. 75. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 85. — Jim Hautman 75. — Phillip Crowe 75. — Bob Hautman 75. — Sherrie R. Meline 45. — John Dearman 35. — Joe Hautman 30. — Sherrie R. Meline 30. — S. & S. Gentlin 30. — 75. Herb Booth u — David Maass 30. — Bruce Miller 30. — Jim Hautman 30. — u Cat. No. Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued UT1 UT2 UT3 UT4 UT5 UT6 UT7 UT8 UT9 UT10 UT11 UT12 VT1 VT2 VT3 VT4 VT5 VT6 VT7 VT8 VT9 VT10 VT11 56 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mint Single Species Utah Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $10.00 Whistling swan Leon Parson $25. 8.00 Pintail Arthur S. Anderson 25. 8.00 Mallard Dave Chapple 25. 8.00 Canada goose Jim Morgan 25. 8.00 Canvasback Daniel Smith 25. 10.00 Tundra swan Robert Steiner 30. 10.00 Pintail Robert Steiner 30. 10.00 Canvasback Robert Steiner 30. 85.00 Ches. Bay ret/mllrd Robert Steiner 99. 12.00 Green-winged teal Robert Steiner 30. 20.00 White-fronted goose Robert Steiner 30. 75.00 Redhead Robert Steiner 49. Utah Hunter-Type page 53. Mint Single $10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 Vermont Species Wood duck Com. goldeneye Black duck Canada goose Green-winged teal Hooded merganser Snow goose Mallard Ring-necked duck Bufflehead Lesser scaup Jim Killen $25. Jim Killen 25. Jim Killen 25. Jim Killen 25. Richard Plasschaert 25. Richard Plasschaert 25. Richard Plasschaert 25. Richard Plasschaert 25. Reed Prescott 25. Robert Mullen 25. Reed Prescott 25. VT12 VT13 VT14 VT15 VT16 VT17 VT18 VT19 VT20 VT21 VT22 VT23 VT24 VT25 VT26 VT27 VT28 Cat. No. VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA5 VA6 VA7 VA8 VA9 VA10 VA11 VA12 VA13 VA14 VA15 VA16 VA17 VA18 VA18A VA19 VA19A VA20 VA20A VA21 VA21A VA22 VA22A VA23 VA23A VA24 VA24A VA25 VA25A VA26 VA26A Year Issued 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Issued 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Mint Single $12.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Mint Single $12.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 15.00 14.00 15.00 13.50 14.50 Sam Houston Duck Co. Vermont Species Pintail Blue-winged teal Canvasback Wigeon Oldsquaw Greater scaup Mallard Pintail Canvasback Canada goose Ring-necked duck Gadwall Harlequin Wood duck Text Text Text Virginia Species Mallard Canada goose Wood duck Canvasback Bufflehead Black duck/lghthse Lesser scaup Snow goose Hooded merganser Pintail/Choc lab Mallard Green-winged teal Mallard Blue-winged teal Canvasback Tundra swan Am. goldeneye Wood duck Self-adhesive Black duck Self-adhesive Canada goose Self-adhesive Wigeon Self-adhesive Ring-necked duck Self-adhesive Green-winged teal Self-adhesive Redhead Self-adhesive Bufflehead Self-adhesive Hooded merganser Self-adhesive Artist Artist Sign (s) James Collins $25. George Lockwood 25. George Lockwood 25. George Lockwood 25. George Lockwood 25. George Lockwood 25. Richard Bishop u NI NI Richard Bishop u Richard Bishop u NI NI Richard Bishop u Heather Forcier 25. Heather Forcier 25. Heather Forcier 25. Heather Forcier 25. Artist Ron Louque Art LaMay Louis Frisino Rob Leslie Spike Knuth Bruce Miller Francis Sweet Richard Clifton Wilhelm Goebel Roger Cruwys Rob Leslie Spike Knuth Tim Donovan Tim Donovan Jim Wilson Jim Wilson Spike Knuth Guy Crittenden Tim Donovan Guy Crittenden Spike Knuth John Obolewicz Guy Crittenden Ron Louque John Obolewicz Janet Hong Cat. No. Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued VA27 2014 VA27A VA28 2015 VA28A VA29 2016 VA29A Mint Single Virginia Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $13.50 Canvasback Guy Crittenden 14.50 Self-adhesive 13.50 Tundra swan Guy Crittenden 14.50 Self-adhesive Call Call Self-adhesive Virginia Hunter-Type page 54. $25. 30. 25. 30. State Cat. No. WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA5 WA6 WA6b WA7 WA8 WA9 WA10 WA11 WA12 WA13 WA14 WA15 WA16 WA17 WA18 WA19 WA20 WA21 WA22 WA23 WA24 WA25 WA26 WA27 WA28 WA29 WA30 WA31 Artist Sign (s) $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 25. 30. 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Washington Species $9.00 Mallard Keith Warrick $35. 12.00 Canvasback Ray Nichol 25. 9.00 Harlequin Robert Bateman 25. 9.00 Wigeon Maynard Reece 25. 9.00 Pintail Thomas Quinn 25. 10.00 Wood duck Ron Louque 25. 25. 10.00 Revalued $6 face 14.00 Yel lab/Can goose Phillip Crowe 25. 10.00 Snow goose Fred Thomas 25. 14.00 Black brant D. Hagenbaumer 25. 14.00 Mallard Cynthie Fisher 25. 22.00 Redhead Greg Beecham 25. 14.00 Canada goose Alex Young 25. 15.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Bufflehead Robert Steiner 30. 25.00 Can gse/mlrd/ wign Robert Steiner 30. 25.00 Mallard Adam Grimm 25. 20.00 Green-winged teal D. Nicholson Miller 30. 20.00 Pintail D. Nicholson Miller 30. 20.00 Canada goose Daniel Smith 30. 20.00 Barrow’s goldeneye Daniel Smith 30. 25.00 Wigeon/mallard Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Ross’ goose Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Wood duck Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Canada goose Robert Steiner 30. 25.00 Pintail Robert Steiner 30. 15.00 Ruddy duck Robert Steiner 30. 19.00 Brant Fred Thomas 30. 19.00 Shoveler Bart Rulon — 19.00 Redhead Cynthie Fisher 35. 19.00 Canvasback Gunner Hillard 35. Call Washington mini-sheets page 54. Looking for state duck stamp prints? We offer a GREAT selection at low, low prices! 57 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Cat. No. State WV1 WV1A WV2 WV2A WV3 WV3A WV4 WV4A WV5 WV5A WV5ssp WV5ssi WV6 WV6A WV7 WV7A WV8 WV8A WV9 WV9A WV10 WV10A Cat. No. WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 WI5 WI6 WI7 WI8 WI9 WI10 WI11 WI12 WI13 WI14 WI15 WI16 WI17 WI18 Year Issued 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Mint Single $20.00 16.00 10.00 15.00 14.00 20.00 20.00 22.00 12.00 12.00 50.00 Call 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 West Virginia Species Canada goose Daniel Smith Non-resident Wood duck Steven Dillard Non-resident Decoy/pintail/mallardRon Louque Non-resident Black lab/decoy Louis Frisino Non-resident Mallard/black lab Rob Leslie Non-resident Souvenir sheet/6 perf Souvenir sheet/6 imperf Canada goose Tom Hirata Non-resident Pintail Phillip Crowe Non-resident Green-winged teal Richard Clifton Non-resident Wood duck Francis Sweet Non-resident Wigeon Karl Badgley Non-resident $95. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — — 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. West Virginia Hunter-Type page 54. Year Issued 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Mint Single $95.00 22.00 12.00 10.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Wisconsin Species Wood duck Bufflehead Wigeon Lesser scaup Pintail Blue-winged teal Hooded merganser Lesser scaup Canvasback Canada goose Hooded merganser Common goldeneye Redhead Green-winged teal Tundra swan Wood duck Pintail Mallard Artist Owen Gromme Rockne Knuth Martin Murk Timothy Schultz William Koelpin Rockne Knuth Michael Riddet Greg Alexander Don Moore Al Kraayvanger Samuel Timm Rick Kelley Daniel Pierce Terry Doughty Michael Riddet Frank Mittelstadt Don Moore Les Didier u Year Issued Cat. No. Year Issued WI19 WI20 WI21 WI22 WI23 WI24 WI25 WI26 WI27 WI28 WI29 WI30 WI31 WI32 WI33 WI34 WI35 WI36 WI37 WI38 WI39 Artist Sign (s) Artist Cat. No. WY1 WY2 WY3 WY3a WY4 WY5 WY6 WY7 WY8 WY9 WY10 WY11 WY12 WY13 WY14 WY15 WY16 WY17 WY18 WY19 WY20 WY21 WY22 WY23 WY24 WY25 WY26 WY27 WY28 WY29 WY30 WY31 WY32 WY33 Artist Sign (s) $175. 50. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 58 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1984 1985 1986 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Mint Single Wisconsin Species Artist Artist Sign (s) Artist Artist Sign (s) $12.00 Green-winged teal Samuel Timm 15.00 Canada goose Greg Alexander 15.00 Snow goose Les Didier 15.00 Greater scaup Frank Mittelstadt 15.00 Canvasback Don Moore 20.00 Com. goldeneye Les Didier 12.50 Shoveler Terry Doughty 12.50 Ring-necked duck Michael Riddet 12.50 Pintail Arthur G. Anderson 22.50 Wood duck Terry Doughty 22.50 Green-winged teal Tim Schultz 22.50 Redhead Arthur G. Anderson 22.50 Canvasback Brian Kuether 12.00 Wigeon Robert Laum 12.00 Wood duck Craig Fairbut 12.00 Shoveler James Pieper 12.00 Redhead Jon Rickaby 12.00 Long-tailed duck William Millonig 10.00 Wood duck Caleb Metrich 10.00 Blue-winged teal James Pieper Call Wisconsin Tabs page 54. Mint Single $75.00 50.00 99.00 175.00 85.00 100.00 175.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 22.00 22.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 18.00 18.00 16.00 16.00 Call Wyoming Species Meadowlark Canada goose Pronghorn antelope Glossy gum Sage grouse Cut-throat trout Mule deer Grizzly bear Big horn sheep Eagle Elk Bobcat Moose Turkey Mountain goat Trumpeter swan Brown trout Buffalo White-tailed deer River otter Mountain bluebird Mountain lion Burrowing owl Cut-throat trout Blue grouse Black footed ferret Great gray owl Cinnamon teal Wolverine Black bear Gr. short horn lizard Ruffed grouse Sauger Swift fox LuRoy Parker Robert Kusserow Dan Andrews Ted Feeley Clark Ostergaard Dave Wade Connie Robinson Dave Wade Sarah Rogers Dave Wade James Brooks Peter Eades Dave Wade Don Enright Garth Helgesen Nick Reitzel Dave Wade Brent Todd Paul Kay Renee Piskorski D. Van Wechel Ron Staker Scott Greenig Art Biro Jenny Forge William Smith Kreig Jacque Amanda Morton Renee Piskorski Karla Mann Kim Diment Kip Richmond Dan Andrews $25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. — $95. 110. — 95. 95. 165. 95. 95. 95. 95. 95. 40. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. 30. Call STATE DUCK HUNTER-TYPE STAMPS Cat. No. AK3h AK4h AK5h AK6h AK7h AK8h AK9h AK10h AK11h AK12h AK13h AK14h AK15h AK16h AK17h AK18h AK19h AK20h AK21h AK22h AK23h AK24h AK25h AK26h AK27h AK28h AK29h AK30h AK31h Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price . . . . .$9.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . 8.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . 20.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .16.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 11.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .Call Arizona Tab on left, stamp will have straight edge on right. Cat. No. AZ1h AZ2h AZ3h AZ4h AZ5h AZ6h AZ7h AZ8h AZ9h AZ10h AZ11h AZ12h AZ13h AZ14h AZ15h AZ16h AZ17h AZ18h AZ19h AZ20h AZ21h AZ22h AZ23h AZ24h AZ25h AZ26h AZ27h Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Arkansas Hunter Type Resident 1981 - 1982 110,001 - 200,000 1983 70,001 - 160,000 1984 - 1988, 1994 - 1995 25,001 - 100,000 1989 - 1993 30,001 - 100,000 1996 - 2004 2005 - 2006 13,001 - 20,000 2007 - 2015 13,001 - 22,000 Non-resident 2004 148,001 - ??? 2005 78,001 - 83,000 2006 73,001 - 78,000 2007 78,001 - 81,000 2008 78,001 - ??? 2009 88,001 - 93,000 2010 88,001 - 91,000 2011 and 2012 $20 face 81,001 - ??? 2012 $35 face 126,001 - 129,000 2013 78,001 - 81,000 2014 88,001 - 91,000 2015 74,001 - 78,000 Nevada Hunter Type 1989 - 1993 50,001 - higher 1994 - 2007 40,001 - 75,000 2008 - date 10,001 - 75,000 Sam Houston Duck Co. Price . . . . .$9.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 12.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 12.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .14.00 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .11.50 . . . . .11.50 . . . . .14.75 . . . . .14.75 . . . . .14.75 . . . . .14.75 . . . . .14.75 Cat. No. AR1h AR2h AR3h AR4h AR5h AR6h AR7h AR8h AR9h AR10h AR11h AR12h AR13h AR14h AR15h AR16h AR17h AR18h AR19h AR20h AR21h AR22h AR23h AR24h AR25h AR25Ah AR26h AR26Ah AR27h AR27Ah AR28h AR28Ah Year Price 1981 . . . .$55.00 1982 . . . . .40.00 1983 . . . .550.00 1984 . . . . .20.00 1985 . . . . .12.00 1986 . . . . 11.00 1987 . . . . .11.00 1988 . . . . .10.00 1989 . . . . .10.00 1990 . . . . .12.00 1991 . . . . 10.00 1992 . . . . 12.00 1993 . . . . .12.00 1994 . . . . .14.00 1995 . . . . .14.00 1996 . . . . 14.00 1997 . . . . .15.00 1998 . . . . .12.00 1999 . . . . .12.00 2000 . . . . .11.00 2001 . . . . 11.00 2002 . . . . .11.00 2003 . . . . 14.00 2004 . . . . .11.00 2005 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2006 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2007 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2008 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 Arkansas Cat. No. AR29h AR29Ah AR30h AR30Ah AR31h AR31Ah AR32h AR32Ah AR33h AR33Ah AR34h AR34Ah AR35h AR35Ah Price Colorado Tab on bottom, stamp will have selvage on top. Cat. No. CO1h CO2h CO3h CO4h — Reference — New Jersey Hunter Type 1984 - 1988 (R) 51,000 - 102,000 1987 - 1988 (NR) 45,001 - 60,000 1989 - 1991 (R) 42,001 - 93,000 1989 - 1991 (NR) 42,001 - 72,000 New Jersey Hunter Type 1992 - 2004 (R) 27,691 - 78,690 1992 - 2004 (NR) 27,691 - 57,690 2005 - 2008 (R) 27,691-60,000 2005 - 2008 (NR) 27,691-44,100 North Dakota hunters ND3a - 10a issued without side selvage. 1982 - 1985 20,001 - 150,000 1986 - 2001 20,001 - 140,000 Oklahoma hunters 1988 collector only # over 30,000 1996 - 1998 1 - 30,000 Virginia collector prefixes 2000-2005 M – edition of 1020, generally mint B – edition of 1020, planned for artist signed S – ed. of 2490, for general stamp sales. A – edition of 2490, for artist signed stamps. 59 Year 2009 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2010 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2011 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2012 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .26.50 2013 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .39.00 2014 . . . . .10.00 Non-res . .39.00 2015 . . . . . .Call Non-res . . . .Call Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 Price . . . .$12.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 12.00 CO5h CO6h CO7h CO8h CO9h CO10h CO11h 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 Connecticut 1993-96 from booklets, will have side selvage or be sold as pairs. 1997-2002 have H prefix. Cat. No. CT1h CT1hp CT2h CT2hp CT3h CT3hp CT4h CT4hp CT5h CT6h CT7h CT8h CT9h CT10h Year Price 1993 . . . .$12.00 Pair . . . . .24.00 1994 . . . . .10.00 Pair . . . . . 20.00 1995 . . . . .15.00 Pair . . . . .30.00 1996 . . . . 15.00 Pair . . . . .30.00 1997 . . . . .10.00 1998 . . . . 10.00 1999 . . . . .19.00 2000 . . . . .10.00 2001 . . . . . 9.00 2002 . . . . .12.00 Like our Facebook page for news, specials and prizes! Simply search Sam Houston Duck Co. West Virginia hunters West Virginia hunter types may appear confusing at first. A resident and non-resident stamp was issued each year of the program. The stamps are issued in panes of five; one by five down, and generally have straight edges on two sides. Top tabs exist on the hunter type, some top tabs also include numbers. Top tabs are identified with a “T” on the price list. Additionally, in 1988, some hunter stamps have serial numbers on the reverse, full panes of 30 were issued. The serial numbers for the resident panes will be 45,001 to 50,000; nonresidents serial numbers will be 53,001 to 58,000. 1988 Resident top tab numbers 1,401 to 2,300. 1988 Non-resident top tab numbers 3,001 to 3,900. 1989 Resident top tab numbers 1,171 to 3,670. 1989 Non-resident top tab numbers 3,671 to 6,170. 1990 Resident top tab numbers 1 to 3,000. Stamps numbered on face 1 to 15,000 1990 Non-resident top tab numbers 3,001 to 6,000. Stamps numbered on face 15,001 to 30,000. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State Alaska Tab on left, stamp will have straight edge on right. Arkansas The serial number is the difference. Resident and Non-resident after 2004. Delaware The serial no. on reverse is the difference, collector stamps have C prefix. Cat. No. State DE12h DE13h DE14h DE15h DE16h DE17h DE18h DE19h DE20h DE21h DE22h DE23h DE24h DE25h DE26h DE27h DE28h DE29h DE30h DE31h DE32h DE33h DE34h DE35h DE36h Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price . . . .$10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . 9.00 . . . . 12.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 Cat. No. FL1h FL2h FL3h FL4h FL5h FL6h FL7h FL8h FL9h FL10h FL11h FL12h FL13h FL14h FL15h FL16h FL17h FL18h FL19h FL20h FL21h FL22h FL23h FL24h FL24ah Year Cat. No. HI1h HI2h HI3h HI4h HI5h HI6h Price 1979 . . .$195.00 1980 . . . . .20.00 1981 . . . . .45.00 1982 . . . . .30.00 1983 . . . . .60.00 1984 . . . . .35.00 1985 . . . . 30.00 1986 . . . . .25.00 1987 . . . . .25.00 1988 . . . . .20.00 1989 . . . . .35.00 1990 . . . . 35.00 1991 . . . . .30.00 1992 . . . . .25.00 1993 . . . . .25.00 1994 . . . . .25.00 1995 . . . . 25.00 1996 . . . . .25.00 1997 . . . . .25.00 1998 . . . . .40.00 1999 . . . . .25.00 2000 . . . . 25.00 2001 . . . . .20.00 2002 . . . . .20.00 Reversed .75.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Price . . . .$10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .14.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 12.00 Idaho Stamp has tab on left. Cat. No. ID1h ID2h ID3h ID4h ID5h ID6h ID7h ID8h ID9h Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Price . . . .$10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 12.00 Illinois Tab on left, stamp has straight edge on right. Cat. No. Florida Survey Tabs Hawaii Tab on top, stamp will have selvage on bottom. IL11h IL12h IL13h IL14h IL15h IL16h IL17h IL18h IL19h IL20h IL21h Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Indiana IN10h IN11h IN12h IN13h IN14h IN15h IN16h IN17h IN18h IN19h IN20h IN21h IN22h Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 . . . . $9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 Kansas Booklet stamps, pane of 10 – available as single stamp or a pair. Cat. No. KS1DD KS1DDp KS1SS KS1SSp KS2h KS2hp KS3h KS3hp KS4h KS4hp KS5h KS5hp Year 1987 Pair 1987 Pair 1988 Pair 1989 Pair 1990 Pair 1991 Pair Price . . . . .$8.50 . . . . .17.00 . . . . . .8.50 . . . . .17.00 . . . . . .8.50 . . . . .17.00 . . . . . .8.50 . . . . .17.00 . . . . . 8.50 . . . . .17.00 . . . . . .8.50 . . . . .17.00 Price . . . .$16.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . 15.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 16.00 . . . . .16.00 . . . . 22.00 . . . . .30.00 . . . . 30.00 . . . . .30.00 Tab on left, stamp has straight edge on right. Cat. No. IN23h IN24h IN25h IN26h IN27h IN28h IN29h IN30h IN31h IN32h IN33h IN34h IN35h IN36h IN37h IN38h IN39h Price . . . .$10.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . 9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 . . . . . .9.75 Kentucky Tab on left, stamp has straight edge on right. Cat. No. KY1h KY2h KY3h KY4h KY5h KY6h KY7h KY8h KY9h KY10h KY11h Year 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Price . . .$ 15.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .16.00 . . . . .25.00 michigan Tabs Configuration varies through the years. Cat. No. MI1h MI2h MI3h MI4h MI5h MI6h MI7h MI8h MI9h MI10h Year 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 60 Price . . . .$10.00 . . . .285.00 . . . . .45.00 . . . . .75.00 . . . . .25.00 . . . . .65.00 . . . . .50.00 . . . . .50.00 . . . . .50.00 . . . . .40.00 MI11h MI12h MI13h MI14h MI15h MI16h MI17h MI18h MI19h 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 . . . .$40.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 minnesota Cat. No. MN11h MN12h MN13h MN14h MN15h MN16h MN17h MN18h MN19h MN20h MN21h MN22h MN23h Tab on left Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Price . . . .$15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .40.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .11.00 missouri Tab on left, stamp has straight edge on right. Cat. No. MO1h MO2h MO3h MO4h MO5h MO6h MO7h MO8h MO9h MO10h MO11h MO12h MO13h MO14h MO15h MO16h MO17h Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Price . . .$650.00 . . . .150.00 . . . . .75.00 . . . . .75.00 . . . . .55.00 . . . . .50.00 . . . . .22.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .7.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .7.50 . . . . . .7.50 . . . . . .7.50 montana Booklet pair, top pair has tab. Cat. No. MT1h MT1ht Year Price 1986 .$1,250.00 top tab . . . .Call MT2h MT2ht MT3h MT3ht MT4h MT4ht MT5h MT5ht MT6h MT6ht MT7h MT7ht MT8h MT8ht MT9h MT9ht MT10h MT10ht MT11h MT11ht MT12h MT12ht MT13h MT13ht MT14h MT14ht MT15h MT15ht MT16h MT16ht 1987 . . . .$30.00 top tab . . .50.00 1988 . . . . .24.00 top tab . . .50.00 1989 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .50.00 1990 . . . . .18.00 top tab . . .40.00 1991 . . . . .18.00 top tab . . .30.00 1992 . . . . .18.00 top tab . . .30.00 1993 . . . . .20.00 top tab . . .30.00 1994 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 1995 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 1996 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 1997 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 1998 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 1999 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 2000 . . . . .24.00 top tab . . .30.00 2001 . . . . .22.00 top tab . . .30.00 Nevada Stamp has tab on left and high serial number. Cat. No. NV1h NV2h NV3h NV4h NV5h NV6h NV7h NV8h NV9h NV10h NV11h NV12h NV13h NV14h NV15h NV16h NV17h NV18h NV19h NV20h NV21h NV22h NV23h NV24h NV25h NV26h Year 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Price . . .$ 45.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .9.50 . . . . . .9.50 . . . . . .9.50 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .16.00 . . . . .14.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .13.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 . . . .$13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 . . . . .13.00 New Hampshire Tab on left, stamp has straight edge on right. Cat. No. NH1h NH2h NH3h NH4h NH5h NH6h NH7h NH8h NH9h NH10h NH11h NH12h NH13h NH14h NH15h NH16h NH17h NH18h NH19h NH20h NH21h NH22h NH23h NH24h NH25h Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Price . . .$135.00 . . . .175.00 . . . .100.00 . . . . .30.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . .11.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . .7.00 . . . . . .7.00 NJ9h NJ9Ah NJ10h NJ10Ah NJ11h NJ11Ah NJ12h NJ12Ah NJ13h NJ13Ah NJ14h NJ14Ah NJ15h NJ15Ah NJ16h NJ16Ah NJ17h NJ17Ah NJ18h NJ18Ah NJ19h NJ19Ah NJ20h NJ20Ah NJ21h NJ21Ah NJ22h NJ22Ah NJ23h NJ23Ah NJ24h NJ24Ah NJ25h NJ25Ah 1992 . . . . .$9.00 NR . . . . . .12.00 1993 . . . . . .9.00 NR . . . . . .12.00 1994 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .14.00 1995 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .14.00 1996 . . . . 12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 1997 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 1998 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 1999 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 2000 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 2001 . . . . 10.00 NR . . . . . .14.50 2002 . . . . .10.00 NR . . . . . .14.50 2003 . . . . .10.00 NR . . . . . .14.50 2004 . . . . . .9.50 NR . . . . . .14.50 2005 . . . . . .9.50 NR . . . . . .14.50 2006 . . . . . .9.50 NR . . . . . .14.50 2007 . . . . . .8.00 NR . . . . . .13.50 2008 . . . . . .8.00 NR . . . . . .13.50 Cat. No. NJ1h NJ2h NJ3h NJ4h NJ4Ah NJ5h NJ5Ah NJ6h NJ6Ah NJ7h NJ7Ah NJ8h NJ8Ah Year Price 1984 . . . .$70.00 1985 . . . . .25.00 1986 . . . . .15.00 1987 . . . . .15.00 NR . . . . . .18.00 1988 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .15.00 1989 . . . . .11.00 NR . . . . . .13.50 1990 . . . . .12.00 NR . . . . . .14.50 1991 . . . . . 9.00 NR . . . . . .12.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 . . . .$12.50 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 Oklahoma Stamp has tab on left. Cat. No. OK5h OK6h OK7h OK8h OK9h OK9v OK10h OK11h OK12h OK13h OK14h OK15h OK16h OK17h OK18h OK19h Year Price 1984 . . . . .$8.00 1985 . . . . . .8.00 1986 . . . . .10.00 1987 . . . . . .7.50 1988 . . . . . .7.50 # over 30k 20.00 1989 . . . . . .7.50 1990 . . . . . .7.50 1991 . . . . . .7.50 1997 . . . . . .7.50 1993 . . . . . .7.50 1994 . . . . . .7.50 1995 . . . . . .7.50 1996 . . . . . .7.50 1997 . . . . . .7.50 1998 . . . . . .7.50 OR15h OR15b OR16h OR16b OR17h OR18h OR19h OR20h OR21h OR22h OR23h OR24h OR25h OR26h OR27h OR28h OR29h OR30h OR31h OR32h New mexico Tab on bottom, stamp will have selvage on top. Cat. No. NM1h NM2h NM3h NM4h Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 Price . . .$ 12.50 . . . . 12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . 12.50 Oregon 1985-87 tab on left, 1988-90 pane/1, 1991-94 peelable, 1995-date booklet sheet. Limited availability on non-resident game bird stamps (noted as ‘b’). Cat. No. North Dakota From booklets, have selvage or straight edge on both sides. Cat. No. ND1h ND2h ND3h ND4h ND5h ND6h ND7h ND8h ND9h ND10h ND11h Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Price .$1,250.00 . .2,800.00 . .3,000.00 . .4,000.00 . . . .650.00 . . . . .60.00 . . . . .30.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .14.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 Year Price OR2h 1985 . . .$450.00 OR3h 1986 . . . .150.00 OR4h 1987 . . . . .14.50 OR5h 1988 . . . . .14.50 OR6h 1989 . . . . 14.50 OR6v1 Temp. blk .25.00 OR6v2 Temp. red .14.50 OR6v3 Temp. set .95.00 See page 46 for details. OR7h 1990 . . . . .14.50 OR8h 1991 . . . . .14.50 OR9h 1992 . . . . .14.50 OR10h 1993 . . . . 14.50 OR11h 1994 . . . . .14.50 OR11b Non-res . . . .Call OR12h 1995 . . . . .14.50 OR12b Non-res . . . .Call OR13h 1996 . . . . .14.50 OR13b Non-res . . . .Call OR14h 1997 . . . . 14.50 OR14b Non-res . . . .Call 61 1998 . . . .$14.50 Non-res . . . .Call 1999 . . . . .35.00 Non-res . . . .Call 2000 . . . . . .Call 2001 . . . . . .Call 2002 . . . . 15.00 2003 . . . . .15.00 2004 . . . . .15.00 2005 . . . . .15.00 2006 . . . . .15.00 2007 . . . . .15.00 2008 . . . . .15.00 2009 . . . . .15.00 2010 . . . . .14.50 2011 . . . . . .Call 2012 . . . . .14.50 2013 . . . . .14.50 2014 . . . . .14.50 2015 . . . . . .Call rhode Island From booklet with tab on left. After 1999, singles from pane of 10. Cat. No. New Jersey From booklets, stamp has straight edge. See reference, page 47. Resident & Non-resident. ND12h ND13h ND14h ND15h ND16h ND17h ND18h ND19h RI1h RI2h RI3h RI4h RI5h RI6h RI7h RI8h RI9h RI10h RI11h RI12h RI13h RI14h RI15h RI16h RI17h RI18h RI19h RI20h RI21h RI22h RI23h RI24h RI23h RI24h RI25h Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price . . . .$12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . 13.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 20.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . 15.00 . . . . .14.00 . . . . .14.00 . . . . 12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 . . . . .10.50 South Carolina Serial number on reverse until 1992, printed on front 1993-1999. Cat. No. SC2h SC3h SC4h SC5h SC6h Year 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Price . . .$495.00 . . . .450.00 . . . .175.00 . . . . .95.00 . . . . .38.00 SC7h SC8h SC9h SC10h SC11h SC12h SC13h SC14h SC15h SC16h SC17h SC18h 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .20.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . .15.00 Tennessee Full Cards f = full card with writing, fw = without writing. Cat. No. TN2f TN3f TN5f TN6f TN7f TN8f TN8fw TN9f TN9fw TN10f TN10fw TN11f TN11fw TN12f TN12fw TN13f TN13fw TN14f TN14fw TN15f TN15fw TN16f TN16fw TN17f TN17fw TN18f TN18fw Year Price 1980 . . .$725.00 1981 . . . . .Rare 1983 . . . . .75.00 1984 . . . . .75.00 1985 . . . . .50.00 1986 . . . . .60.00 . . . . . . . . 60.00 1987 . . . . .25.00 . . . . . . . . .25.00 1988 . . . . .20.00 . . . . . . . . .20.00 1989 . . . . .20.00 . . . . . . . . 20.00 1990 . . . . .25.00 . . . . . . . . .25.00 1991 . . . . .22.00 . . . . . . . . .22.00 1992 . . . . 22.00 . . . . . . . . .22.00 1993 . . . . .25.00 . . . . . . . . .25.00 1994 . . . . .30.00 . . . . . . . . 30.00 1995 . . . . .30.00 . . . . . . . . .30.00 1996 . . . . .40.00 . . . . . . . . .40.00 Utah Stamp has tab on left. Cat. No. UT5h UT6h UT7h UT8h UT9h UT10h Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Price . . . . .$8.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 85.00 . . . . 12.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State NV27h NV28h NV29h NV30h NV31h NV32h NV33h NV34h NV35h NV36h NV37h Virginia From booklet panes, selvage on side or in pairs. Cat. No. Year Price State VA1h 1988 . . . .$13.00 VA1hp Pair . . . . .26.00 VA2h 1989 . . . . .12.50 VA2hp Pair . . . . .25.00 VA3h 1990 . . . . 12.50 VA3hp Pair . . . . .25.00 VA4h 1991 . . . . .12.50 VA4hp Pair . . . . . 25.00 VA5h 1992 . . . . .12.50 VA5hp Pair . . . . .25.00 VA6h 1993 . . . . .12.50 VA6hp Pair . . . . .25.00 VA7h 1994 . . . . .12.50 VA7hp Pair . . . . . 25.00 VA8h 1995 . . . . .12.50 VA8hp Pair . . . . .25.00 VA18h 2005 . . . . .13.50 Self-adhesives listed with Virginia collector stamps. See page 49. Washington Sheet of one. Cat. No. WA1a WA2a WA3a WA4a WA5a WA6a WA6ba WA7a WA8a WA9a WA10a WA11a WA12a WA13a WA14a WA15a WA16a WA17a WA18a WA19a WA20a WA21a WA22a Year Price 1986 . . . .$10.50 1987 . . . . .12.00 1988 . . . . .10.50 1989 . . . . .10.50 1990 . . . . 10.50 1991 . . . . .12.00 $ 6 face . . .10.00 1992 . . . . .14.00 1993 . . . . . 9.50 1994 . . . . .14.00 1995 . . . . .12.00 1996 . . . . .20.00 1997 . . . . .10.00 1998 . . . . .13.00 1999 . . . . .15.00 2000 . . . . . .Call 2001 . . . . . .Call 2002 . . . . . .Call 2003 . . . . . .Call 2004 . . . . . .Call 2005 . . . . .15.00 2006 . . . . .15.00 2007 . . . . .14.50 Washington Cat. No. Year WA23a WA24a WA25a WA26a WA27a WA28a WA29a WA30a 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Price . . . .$14.50 . . . . .14.50 . . . . . .Call . . . . .18.00 . . . . .18.00 . . . . .18.00 . . . . .18.00 . . . . . .Call West Virginia Resident & non-resident, from booklet panes, will have straight edges, add 25% for top tab. 1988 “n” indicates stamp with serial number on reverse. Cat. No. Year Price WV1h 1987 . . . .$32.00 WV1Ah NR . . . . . .32.00 WV2h 1988 . . . . .24.00 WV2Ah NR . . . . . .24.00 WV2hn # on rev . .45.00 WV2Ahn # on rev . 45.00 West Virginia Cat. No. Year Price WV3h 1989 . . . .$12.00 WV3Ah NR . . . . . .16.00 WV4h 1990 . . . . .20.00 WV4Ah NR . . . . . .22.00 WV5h 1991 . . . . 12.00 WV5Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 WV6h 1992 . . . . .12.00 WV6Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 WV7h 1993 . . . . 12.00 WV7Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 WV8h 1994 . . . . .12.00 WV8Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 WV9h 1995 . . . . 12.00 WV9Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 WV10h 1996 . . . . .12.00 WV10Ah NR . . . . . .12.00 Wisconsin Stamp has tab on left. Cat. No. WI3h WI4h WI5h WI6h WI7h WI8h WI9h WI10h WI11h WI12h WI13h WI14h WI15h WI16h WI17h WI18h WI19h WI20h WI21h WI22h WI23h WI24h Year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Price . . . .$12.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .12.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . . 9.00 . . . . . .9.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . 10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .10.00 . . . . .15.00 . . . . 15.00 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 . . . . .12.50 Shop on line — ANYTIME! Florida Duck Stamp Error State Duck Year Sets BUY THE ENTIRE YEAR AND SAVE! Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 mint – Never Hinged (No other discounts apply.) # Stamps 42 40 37 38 Regular 591.50 737.50 706.50 651.50 Set 525.00 650.00 625.00 579.00 Year 2012 2013 2014 # Stamps 36 35 32 Regular 521.00 501.00 456.00 Set 450.00 439.00 399.00 Original issue Reprint What is it? The 2002 Florida duck stamp was originally issued by the state with the image of the flying mottled duck printed in reverse of the artists work. How did it happen? Somewhere during the prepress stages, the negative of the artwork was reversed before the printing plates were made. This resulted in the duck flying right to left. How did they find it? State Duck New Issue Service Collect your duck stamps the easy way! Receive all the state ducks issued in a year for just $1.50 over the agency cost for each stamp. Hunters and foreign issues also available. Eliminate the hassle of contacting the states directly. Your stamps will be hand-selected for quality and centering. Call today and sign up for the easiest duck stamp service! 1-800-231-5926 Sam Houston Duck Co. After the stamps were printed and distributed, the artist, John Nelson Harris, discovered the error. Harris requested the state reprint his copyrighted design correctly. Only 1008 stamps (84 sheets of 12) were reprinted with the correct design of the duck flying left to right. Reprinted stamps will be serially numbered under 1008 and are fully rouletted rather than die-cut, as the first printing. FL24 & FL24a set - error and regular stamp $109.95 Web site orders over $250 receive a 10% discount! Only one discount per order, please. 62 Hunting Dogs mint, Never Hinged OH22 RW26 RW66 AR16 AR25 AR25A AR27 AR27A AR28 AR28A AR30 AR30A GA11 GA14 IL17 IL25 IA21 KY5 KY11 LA17 LA17A MS16 2003 . . .$15.00 1959 . . . .95.00 1999 . . . .35.00 1996 . . . .15.00 2005 . . . .12.00 Non-res . .30.00 2007 . . . .12.00 Non-res . .28.00 2008 . . . .11.00 Non-res . .28.00 2010 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .28.00 1995 . . . .30.00 1998 . . . .25.00 1991 . . . .15.00 1999 . . . .22.00 1992 . . . .10.00 1989 . . . .15.00 1995 . . . .25.00 2005 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .30.00 1991 . . . .12.50 MS31 MT4 NJ4 NHJ4A NJ20 NJ20A ND9 OH21 OR6 RI3 SC11 SC24 SC28 TX18 WV4 WV4A WV5 WV5A ASDH1 ILP2 NRC1 NRC2 2006 . . .$15.00 1989 . . . .11.00 1987 . . . .15.00 Non-res . .18.00 2003 . . . .15.00 Non-res . .17.00 1990 . . . .15.00 2002 . . . .22.00 1989 . . . .14.00 1991 . . . .20.00 1991 . . . .10.00 2004 . . . .15.00 2008 . . . .12.00 1998 . . . .65.00 1990 . . . .20.00 Non-res . .22.00 1991 . . . .12.00 Non-res . .12.00 1982 . . . . .6.00 1991 . . . .25.00 1982 . . . .12.00 1983 . . . .10.00 NRC3 AR23 IL20 IL28 LA21 LA21A NJ22 NJ22A OH22 OH25 OR8 UT9 AR17 IL21 IL29 LA19 LA19A MT15 mint, Never Hinged Lighthouses have long been a favorite of stamp collectors and duck stamps offer a tremendous selection! The combination of waterfowl and coast lines is a natural. Some of the best known lighthouses in the United States are pictured on these stamps – expand your collection now! Sam Houston Duck Co. 1984 . . .$10.00 2003 . . . .14.00 1994 . . . .30.00 2002 . . . .22.00 2009 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .30.00 2005 . . . .22.00 2Non-res .25.00 2003 . . . .22.00 2006 . . . .28.00 1991 . . . .14.00 1994 . . . .85.00 RW30 RW63 RW70 CT1 CT2 CT4 CT7 CT10 DE25 DE26 DE27 DE28 DE29 GA8 GA13 ME2 MD27 MI39 MI40 MI41 MN29 MS20 NDS6 NH23 NJ8 NJ8A RW42 AR6 AR16 AR17 AR18 AR20 CA14 CT15 IL17 IL18 IL19 IL20 IL21 IA14 KY9 KY11 ME12 MD7 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA5 2007 . . . .$8.00 Non-res . .13.50 2008 . . . .14.00 2002 . . . .15.00 2011 . . . .12.00 1997 . . . .10.00 Golden Retriever Chocolate Labrador A little bit of Americana is captured on these stamps, decoys have been a part of our lives for hundreds of years. mint, Never Hinged NJ24 NJ24A OK29 SC22 SC31 VA10 Chesapeake Bay Decoys Lighthouses Chocolate Labrador 1997 . . . .15.00 1995 . . . .30.00 2003 . . . .20.00 2007 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .30.00 2000 . . . .12.00 1975 . . .$10.00 1986 . . . .11.00 1996 . . . .15.00 1997 . . . .15.00 1998 . . . .12.00 2000 . . . .12.00 1984 . . . .10.00 2007 . . . .14.00 1991 . . . .15.00 1992 . . . .25.00 1993 . . . .30.00 1994 . . . .30.00 1995 . . . .30.00 1985 . . . .25.00 1993 . . . .20.00 1995 . . . .25.00 1995 . . . .12.00 1980 . . . .10.00 1974 . . . .15.00 1975 . . . .12.00 1976 . . . .12.00 1977 . . . .12.00 1978 . . . .15.00 Bodie Island . . . . . $75.00 Barnegat . . . . . . . . . 22.00 Assateague. . . . . . . 20.00 Old Saybrook . . . . . 12.00 Falkner Island . . . . . 12.00 Green’s Ledge . . . . 15.00 Mystic Seaport . . . . 20.00 Penfield Reef . . . . . 12.00 Cape Henlopen. . . . 12.00 Fenwick Island . . . . 12.00 Port Mahon . . . . . . . 12.00 Harbor Refuge . . . . 12.00 Breakwater . . . . . . . 12.00 St. Simons Island.. . 15.00 Cockspur Island. . . . 25.00 Pemaquid . . . . . . . . 35.00 Thomas Point.. . . . . 12.00 Frankfort N. Breakwater 8.00 Eagle Harbor. . . . . . . 8.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Split Rock . . . . . . . . 11.00 Biloxi . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 White Island. . . . . . . . Call Barnegat . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Non-resident . . . . . . 12.00 63 AR20 GA5 IL18 IL26 LA20 LA20A MT12 NH9 NJ23 NJ23A OR7 SC27 SC32 MNP3 ASDH2 2000 . . . .12.00 1989 . . . .15.00 1992 . . . .25.00 2000 . . . .22.00 2008 . . . .15.00 Non-res . .30.00 1997 . . . .11.00 1991 . . . .15.00 2006 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .14.50 1990 . . . .14.00 2007 . . . .12.00 2012 . . . .12.00 1985 . . . .12.50 1983 . . . . .6.00 MA6 MA7 MA8 MA9 MA10 MA11 MA12 MA13 MA14 MA15 MA16 MA17 MA18 MA19 MA20 MA21 MA22 MA23 MA24 MA25 MA26 MA27 MA28 1979 . . .$15.00 1980 . . . .15.00 1981 . . . .15.00 1982 . . . .15.00 1983 . . . .15.00 1984 . . . .15.00 1985 . . . .12.00 1986 . . . .12.00 1987 . . . .12.00 1988 . . . .12.00 1989 . . . .12.00 1990 . . . .12.00 1991 . . . .12.00 1992 . . . .12.00 1993 . . . .12.00 1994 . . . .12.00 1995 . . . .12.00 1996 . . . .12.00 1997 . . . .12.00 1998 . . . .12.00 1999 . . . .12.00 2000 . . . .12.00 2001 . . . .12.00 Golden Retriever NAD3 NHP4 1985 . . .$30.00 1978 . . . .10.00 Spaniel and Pointer NC21 NC21A SC8 SC20 SC30 SC33 IQFR4 MNP15 QU7 QU10 QU13 TXQ10 TXQ11 TXQ13 2003 . . . .20.00 Self-adhv. 35.00 1988 . . . .20.00 2000 . . . .15.00 2010 . . . .12.00 2013 . . . .12.00 1985 . . . . . 6.00 1997 . . . . .8.00 1988 . . . . .6.00 1991 . . . . .6.00 1994 . . . . .6.00 1999 . . . . .9.50 2000 . . . . .9.50 2002 . . . . .9.50 Yellow Labrador AR6 AR18 DE37 IL19 1986 1998 2016 1993 MA29 MA30 MA31 MA32 MA33 MA34 MA35 MA36 MA37 MA38 MN14 MN21 MS16 MT15 NV1 NV21 NJ20 NJ20A NJ21 NJ21A NJ22 NJ22A 2002 . . .$12.00 2003 . . . .12.00 2004 . . . .10.00 2005 . . . .10.00 2006 . . . .10.00 2007 . . . .20.00 2008 . . . .10.00 2009 . . . .10.00 2010 . . . .10.00 2011 . . . .10.00 1990 . . . .25.00 1997 . . . .10.00 1991 . . . .12.50 2000 . . . .12.00 1979 . . . .45.00 1999 . . . .10.00 2003 . . . .15.00 Non-res .17.00 2004 . . . . .9.50 Non-res .14.50 2005 . . . .22.00 Non-res .25.00 NJ9 Twin Lights Navasink$10.00 NJ9A Non-resident . . . . . . 10.00 NJ10 Cape May . . . . . . . . 10.00 NJ10A Non-resident . . . . . . 10.00 NJ11 East Point . . . . . . . . 12.00 NJ11A Non-res. . . . . . . . . . 12.00 NJ12 Sandy Hook . . . . . . 12.00 NJ12A Non-resident . . . . . . 14.00 NJ13 Brandywine . . . . . . . 12.00 NJ13A Non-resident . . . . . . 15.00 NJ17 Statue of Liberty . . . 15.00 NJ17A Non-resident . . . . . . 15.00 NY10 Statue of Liberty . . . 12.50 NY15 Kingston . . . . . . . . . 12.50 NC7 Cape Hatteras. . . . . 16.00 NC8 Cape Lookout . . . . . 16.00 NC9 Bald Head . . . . . . . . 16.00 NC10 Bodie Island . . . . . . 14.00 NC11 Currituck Beach . . . 14.00 NC12 Oak Island. . . . . . . . 14.00 NC13 Ocracoke . . . . . . . . 14.00 NC18 Whalehead . . . . . . . 25.00 NC18a Self-adhesive. . . . . 25.00 NC19 Price’s Creek . . . . . 18.00 NC19a Self-adhesive. . . . . 22.00 . . . .11.00 . . . .12.00 . . . . .Call . . . .30.00 PA21 RI11 RI12 RI13 RI14 RI15 RI17 RI18 SC12 SC13 SC14 SC15 SC16 SC17 SC18 SC19 VA6 UK1 Yellow Labrador IL27 LA18 LA18A NJ15 NJ15A NJ21 NJ21A NC20 NC20A SC21 SC29 WA7 WA7ms NWL4 QU4 QU8 2001 . . .$22.00 2006 . . . .10.00 Non-res . .30.00 1998 . . . .15.00 Non-res . .20.00 2004 . . . . .9.50 Non-res . .14.50 2002 . . . .20.00 Self-adhv. 25.00 2001 . . . .15.00 2009 . . . .12.00 1992 . . . .14.00 1992 . . . .14.00 1986 . . . . .5.00 1985 . . . . .6.00 1989 . . . . .6.00 NJ23 NJ23A ND9 PW1 PW2 PW3 PW4 PW5 PW6 PW7 PW8 RI16 RI19 RI20 SC11 SC21 WV3 WV3A WV4 WV4A NAD1 NAD2 NAD3 2006 . . .$10.00 Non-res .14.50 1990 . . . .15.00 1990 . . . . .8.00 1991 . . . .10.00 1992 . . . . .7.00 1993 . . . . .7.00 1994 . . . . .7.00 1995 . . . . .7.00 1996 . . . . .7.00 1997 . . . . .7.00 2004 . . . .12.00 2007 . . . .12.00 2008 . . . .12.00 1991 . . . .10.00 2001 . . . .15.00 1989 . . . .14.00 1989 . . . .20.00 1990 . . . .20.00 1990 . . . .22.00 1983 . . . . .5.00 1984 . . . . .5.00 1985 . . . . .5.00 See page 89 for the Sam Houston labels picturing dogs. Presque Isle . . . . . . $9.00 Castle Hill . . . . . . . . 18.00 Conimicut Point. . . . 18.00 Rose Island. . . . . . . 18.00 Sakonnet Point . . . . 12.00 Fort Wetherill . . . . . 12.00 Dutch Island . . . . . . 12.00 Castle Hill . . . . . . . . 12.00 Harbour Town . . . . . 15.00 Morris Island. . . . . . 15.00 Georgetown . . . . . . 15.00 Hunting Island. . . . . 15.00 Haig Point . . . . . . . . 15.00 Cape Romaine . . . . 15.00 Hilton Head . . . . . . . 15.00 Charleston . . . . . . . 15.00 Chincoteague . . . . . 10.00 East Light . . . . . . . . 12.00 See page 89 for the Sam Houston labels picturing lighthouses. Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 State RW26, which was voted as one of America’s 100 Most Beautiful stamps, was the first stamp featuring a dog, since that time there have been many more of different species. Black Labrador Black Labrador Black Labrador Governor Edition Stamps What are Governor Edition stamps? Quantities issued are listed along with stamp prices for your guidance. Some years, stamps are sold only with prints by the publisher. Plate Blocks are available for some issues. Many of the Governors who have issued stamps have served in other high ranking government positions. Their autographs are valued collector items alone. Some states found the need to raise additional revenues for their conservation programs and enlisted the help of their Governor. Generally only a very few stamps are printed, often in mint and hand-signed editions. The hand-signed stamps have an (s) following the catalog number. The stamps are valid for hunting, and are very scarce due to the low quantities issued. Hand-signed Governor Editions are autographed pieces of history, sought by both stamp and autograph collectors. Their authenticity is verified by the serial numbers of Governor Edition stamps. Alaska Cat. No. Stamps are F-VF, NH. Year Price Governor AK5G AK5G(s) AK10G AK10G(s) AK14G(s) AK18G(s) AK22G(s) AK23G(s) AK24G(s) AK25G(s) 1989 . . . . . . . . .$95. Signed . . . . . . .250. 1994 . . . . . . . . . .90. Signed . . . . . . .135. 1998 Sig. . . . . .375. 2002 Sig. . . . . .Call 2006 . . . . . . . . .350. 2007 . . . . . . .1,650. 2008 . . . . . . . . .650. 2009 . . . . . . . . .550 AZ3G AZ3G(s) AZ4G AZ4G(s) AZ5G AZ5G(s) AZ6G AZ6G(s) AZ7G AZ7G(s) AZ8G AZ8G(s) AZ9G AZ9G(s) AZ10G AZ10G(s) AZ11G* AZ11G(s) AZ12G AZ12G(s) AZ13G AZ13G(s) AZ14G AZ14G(s) AZ15G AZ15G(s) AZ16G AZ16G(s) AZ17G AZ17G(s) AZ18G AZ18G(s) AZ19G AZ19G(s) 1989 . . . . . . . . .$60. Signed . . . . . . .125. 1990 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .175. 1991 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1992 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1993 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1994 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1995 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1996 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .175. 1997 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1998 . . . . . . . . .Call Signed . . . . . . .150. 1999 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2000 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2001 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2002 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2003 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2004 . . . . . . . . . .95. Signed . . . . . . .150. 2005 . . . . . . . . .Call Signed . . . . . . .Call Arizona Sam Houston Duck Co. Qty. Issd 1,050 150 550 250 245 125 550 60 790 790 1,900 400 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 550 200 630 120 630 120 550 200 550 200 550 200 120 60 120 60 u Indicates the Governor is deceased. Arizona Governor Cat. No. Cowper Hickel AZ20G AZ20G(s) AZ21G AZ21G(s) AZ22G AZ22G(s) AZ23G AZ23G(s) AZ24G AZ24G(s) AZ25G AZ25G(s) AZ26G AZ26G(s) AZ27G AZ27G(s) AZ28G AZ28G(s) u Knowles Knowles Murkowski Palin Palin Palin Mofford Mofford Symington Symington Year Price 2006 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .125. 2007 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .125. 2008 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2008 . . . . . . . . .150 2009 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2009 . . . . . . . . .150 2010 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2010 . . . . . . . . .150. 2011 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2011 . . . . . . . . .150. 2012 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2012 . . . . . . . . .150. 2013 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2013 . . . . . . . . .150. 2014 . . . . . . . . . .95. 2014 . . . . . . . . .150. Qty. Issd Governor 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 Napolitano Napolitano Napolitano Napolitano Napolitano Brewer Brewer Brewer Brewer *AZ11G – mint stamps have Gov. Symington’s printed signature, while hand-signed stamps are signed by Gov. Hull. Symington Arkansas Symington Symington Symington Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull Hull AR18G(s) AR19G(s) AR20G(s) AR21G(s) AR22G(s) AR23G(s) AR24G(s) AR25G(s) AR26G(s) AR27G(s) AR28G(s) AR29G(s) AR30G(s) AR31G(s) AR32G(s) AR33G(s) AR34G(s) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 . . . . . . . .$250. . . . . . . . . 275. . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .250. . . . . . . . . .225. . . . . . . . . Call . . . . . . . . Call . . . . . . . . .225. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .Call 250 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Huckabee Beebe Beebe Beebe Beebe Beebe Beebe Beebe Beebe CA25Gs/s(s) CA26G(s) CA27G(s) CA28G(s) CA29G(s) CA30G(s) 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 . . . . . . . .$300. . . . . . . . . .150. . . . . . . . . .135. . . . . . . . . .450. . . . . . . . . .400. . . . . . . . . .Call 150 700 680 500 500 800 Wilson Wilson Wilson Wilson Davis Davis California Napolitano Napolitano Napolitano 64 Cat. No. CA31G(s) CA32G(s) CA33G(s) CA34G(s) CA36G CA36G(s) Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2006 * – 750 sold with prints CA39G(s) Price . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call 2009 . . . . . . . . .Call Qty. Issd 400 400 790 790 1000* 10 Louisiana Cat. No. Governor Davis Davis Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegger Governor Combination Souvenir Sheets Cat. No. Year Price Qty. Issd CA, OR, WA 2000 . . . . . . . . . . .Call 425* Combo sheets signed by all three Governors. CA, OR 2001 . . . . . . . . . . . .Call 425* Combo sheets signed by both Governors. Colorado * 400 of the stamps were sold only with prints CO1G CO1G(s) CO2G CO2G(s) CO3G CO3G(s) CO4G CO4G(s) 1990 . . . . . . . . .$60. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1991 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .185. 1992 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .125. 1993 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .125. 3,700 1,280 880 500 540 450 930 330 CT1G CT1G(s) CT5G CT5G(s) CT5Gi(s) CT6G(s) CT7G(s) CT8G(s) CT9G(s) CT10G(s) 1993 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1997 . . . . . . . . .100. Signed . . . . . . .125. Signed . . . . . . .Call 1998 . . . . . . . . .Call 1999 . . . . . . . . .450. 2000 . . . . . . . . .425. 2001 . . . . . . . . .425. 2002 . . . . . . . . .Call 1,400 800 95 325 30 145 95 95 50 50 DE11G DE11G(s) DE25G DE25G(s) DE35G DEG35(s) 1990 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .225. 2004 . . . . . . . . .85. Signed . . . . . . .145. 2015 . . . . . . . . . .85. 2015 . . . . . . . . .125. 3,750 750 — — HI1G HI1G(s) HI1Gs/s HI1Gi 1996 . . . . . . . . .$60. Signed . . . . . . . .95. Souv. sheet . . .Call Imperf pr . . . . . .Call 1,900 800 50 75 Cayetano IL17G IL17G(s) IL25G Set/3 1991 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1999 . . . . . . . . 275. 1,470 630 500 Edgar Connecticut Delaware Hawaii Illinois Sam Houston Duck Co. Romer Romer Romer Weicker Rowland Imperf pair . . . . . . . .$800. . . . . . . . . .550. . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .250. . . . . . . . . .250. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .250. . . . . . . . . .275. . . . . . . . . .300. . . . . . . . . .300 . . . . . . . . .Call 250 250 250 300 300 100 100 100 100 100 100 MO12G MO12G(s) MO13G MO13G(s) MO14G MO14G(s) MO15G MO15G(s) MO16G MO16G(s) MO17G MO17G(s) 1990 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .Call 1991 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .Call 1992 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .800. 1993 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .775. 1994 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .650. 1995 . . . . . . . . . .75. Signed . . . . . . .550. 1,900 100 1,900 100 1,900 100 1,900 100 1,900 100 1,900 100 Ashcroft MT4G MT4G(s) 1989 . . . . . . . .$125. Signed . . . . . . .275. 1,050 150 Stephens NE1G(s) 1991 . . . . . . . .$125. 579 NH5G NH5G(s) NH6G NH6G(s) NH7G NH7G(s) NH8G NH8G(s) NH9G NH9G(s) NH10G(s) NH11G(s) NH12G(s) NH13G(s) NH14G(s) 1987 . . . . . . . .$350. Signed . . . . . . .675. 1988 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .350. 1989 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .250. 1990 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1991 . . . . . . . . . .80. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1992 . . . . . . . . .550. 1993 . . . . . . . . .595. 1994 . . . . . . . . .150. 1995 . . . . . . . . .150. 1996 . . . . . . . . .150. 400 200 1,810 200 1,710 300 880 500 590 400 120 120 300 300 300 Nebraska New Hampshire Castle Minner Markel Souv. sheet Imperf pair Ryan 65 1,050 150 180 60 Governor 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2015 montana Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Qty. Issd MS15G(s) MS17G(s) MS18G(s) MS19G(s) MS20G(s) MS21G(s) MS25G(s) MS29G(s) MS33G(s) MS36G(s) MS37G(s) MS40G(s) missouri Romer Price 1989 . . . . . . . $195. Signed . . . . . . .550. 1998 . . . . . . . . .Call Signed . . . . . . .350. mississippi Schwarzenegger Year LA1G, GA LA1G,GA(s) LA10G, GA LA10G,GA(s) Roemer Foster Mabus Fordice u Fordice u Fordice u Fordice u Fordice u Musgrove Barbour Barbour Barbour Bryant Bryant Governor California Ashcroft Ashcroft Carnahan Carnahan Carnahan u u u Nelson Sununu Sununu Gregg Gregg Gregg Gregg Merrill Merrill Merrill Merrill Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 New Hampshire Cat. No. NH15G(s) NH16G(s) NH17G(s) NH18G(s) NH19G(s) NH20G(s) NH21G(s) NH22G(s) NH23G(s) NH24G(s) NH25G(s) New Jersey Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Price . . . . . . . .$125. . . . . . . . . .130. . . . . . . . . .130. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .110. . . . . . . . . .110. . . . . . . . . .110. Governor NJ6G, GA 1989 . . . . . . . $195. NJ6G, GA(s) Signed . . . . . . .450. NJ10G, GA 1993 . . . . . . . . .150. NJ10G, GA(s) Signed . . . . . . .250. NJ10G, GAs/s(s) . . . . . . . . . . .525. Qty. Issd 325 325 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 275 1,050 150 1,440 300 100 New mexico Governor Cat. No. Shaheen Shaheen Shaheen Shaheen Shaheen Shaheen Benson Lynch Lynch Lynch NM1G NM1G(s) NM2G NM2G(s) NM3G NM3GC NM3G(s) NM3Gs/s(s) NM4Gst(s) Year Price 1991 . . . . . . . . .$65. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1992 . . . . . . . . . .65. Signed . . . . . . .150. 1993 . . . . . . . . . .65. Contingency. . .150. Signed . . . . . . .150. Signed . . . . . . .Call 1994 . . . . . . . . .Call Qty. Issd 2,590 1,400 330 390 630 30 300 150 250 Governor King u King u King u King u No serial # King u Block of four, hand-signed by King & artist Robert Steiner. NM4Gs/s(s) Lynch Oklahoma Kean Whitman 150 OK10G OK10G(s) 1989 . . . . . . . $ 110. Signed . . . . . . .275. 1,050 150 Bellmon OR10G OR10G(s) OR10Gi OR12G(s) OR13G(s) 1993 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .225. Imperf . . . . . . . .350. 1995 . . . . . . . . .Call 1996 . . . . . . . . .Call 600 250 100 145 200 Roberts Oregon Whitman/Florio Signed . . . . . . .150. u Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Who’s Who on Governor Edition Stamps? In 1987, New Hampshire issued a special stamp with the “outrageous” face value of $50. This special Governor Edition, which was valid for hunting, was released to raised additional funds for wetlands and was supported by Governor John Sununu. Only 400 stamps bearing a printed governor’s signature were issued, and 200 hand-signed by the governor himself. Sununu was the first of several governors to reach higher political status, having been tapped to serve as White House Chief of Staff under George H.W. Bush. Other governors who have promoted and signed Governor’s Editions and moved on include: Colorado’s roy romer who was the Superintendent of the Los Angeles School System; Delaware’s michael Castle served in the U.S. House of Representatives; Missouri’s John Ashcroft served as Attorney General for President George W. Bush. Missouri also issued stamps signed by mel Carnahan. Carnahan, who was running for the U.S. Senate, was killed in a 2000 airplane crash shortly before election day. Carnahan was elected and Gov. Roger Wilson appointed his wife, Jean, to fill the position. (Jean Carnahan served until 2002.) Former Nebraska Governor Ben Nelson served in the U.S. Senate, along with New Hampshire’s Judd Gregg and Jeanne Shaheen. New Jersey’s Tom Kean was picked by Pres. Bush to be the Chairman of the 911 Commission, Christine Todd Whitman served as head of the Environmental Protection Agency. Utah’s michael Leavitt followed Whitman as head of the EPA, and was then appointed Secretary of Health and Human Services upon the resignation of Tommy Thompson, who signed the only Wisconsin Governor Edition. Thompson became a well-known name in 2007 in his bid for the White House, along with mike Huckabee of Arkansas, who is again running for President in 2016. Huckabee was also a popular Fox News television host. Alaska’s Sarah Palin was picked as John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 Presidential election, catapulting her to fame Sam Houston Duck Co. (and the focus of many “Saturday Night Live” parodies). Before he was Governor, Walter Hickel, served as Secretary of the Interior in the Nixon administration. Arizona’s Fife Symington III, was involved in improper use of money, and was convicted of a felony in his second term. Janet Napolitano served as the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security from 2009 to 2013 and has been president of the University of California system since September 2013. The most famous Governor of all is California’s body-builder and movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger. Connecticut’s John rowland resigned in a corruption scandal and served one year in a Federal penitentiary later hosting a conservative radio talk show in Connecticut. George ryan of Illinois was also convicted of federal corruption charges and spent more than five years in federal prison. Mississippi’s ray mabus was appointed by President Clinton to be the U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1994-96). In 2009, Mabus became Secretary of the Navy. Haley Barbour became familiar to many after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Oregon’s John Kitzhaber resigned in 2015, due to state and federal investigations into criminal allegations against him and his fiancée. Rhode Island Governor Edward DiPrete was indicted on criminal charges in 1994, relating to the awarding of state contracts. DiPrete pleaded guilty to state charges of bribery, extortion and racketeering, and was sentenced to a year in prison. Lincoln Chafee, who served Rhode Island from 2011-15 has announced that he will run for President in the 2016 election. Washington’s Gary Locke became the U.S. Secretary of Commerce in 2009. He resigned that position in 2011 to become the Ambassador to China, a position he held until 2013. He was followed by Christine Gregoire, who was continually lambasted by Bill O’Reilly and his “War on Christmas.” Their signatures and the history connected to them make these issues a worthy collectible, as a stamp and an autograph. 66 Cat. No. Year Price OR14G(s) OR15G(s) OR16G(s) OR17G(s) OR18G(s) OR19G(s) OR20G(s) OR21G(s) OR22G(s) OR23G(s) OR24G(s) OR25G(s) OR26G(s) OR27G(s) OR28G(s) OR29G(s) OR30G(s) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 RI1G RI1G(s) RI1GC RI2G RI2G(s) RI3G RI3G(s) RI3Gbc RI3Gb RI3Gb(s) RI4G RI4G(s) RI5G(s) RI5Gs/s RI6G(s) RI7G(s) RI8G(s) RI8GC RI9G(s) RI9Gi RI10G(s) RI11G(s) RI12G(s) RI13G(s) RI14G(s) RI15G(s) RI16G(s) RI17G(s) RI18G(s) RI19G(s) RI20G(s) RI21G(s) RI22G(s) RI23G(s) 1989 . . . . . . . . .$65. Signed . . . . . . .250. Contingency . . .300. 1990 . . . . . . . . . .70. Signed . . . . . . .125. 1991 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .150. Contingency . . .160. Error . . . . . . . . .125. Error sig. . . . . . .275. 1992 . . . . . . . . . .60. Signed . . . . . . .125. 1993 . . . . . . . . . .95. Souv. sheet. . . .150. 1994 . . . . . . . . .125. 1995 . . . . . . . . .125. 1996 . . . . . . . . .125. Contingency . . .250. 1997 . . . . . . . . .110. Imperf pr. . . . . .Call 1998 . . . . . . . . .110. 1999 . . . . . . . . .110. 2000 . . . . . . . . .Call 2001 . . . . . . . . .125. 2002 . . . . . . . . .125. 2003 . . . . . . . . .125. 2004 . . . . . . . . .125. 2005 . . . . . . . . .125. 2006 . . . . . . . . .125. 2007 . . . . . . . . .125. 2008 . . . . . . . . .125. 2009 . . . . . . . . .125. 2010 . . . . . . . . .125. 2011 . . . . . . . . .125. rhode Island . . . . . . . .$500. . . . . . . . . .400. . . . . . . . . .400. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .400. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .295. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .295. . . . . . . . . .295. Qty. Issd 290 220 220 570 — 145 145 145 550 550 550 300 300 300 85 85 85 3,800 600 300 1,200 600 810 390 — — — 420 300 395 150 490 340 340 30 300 30 195 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 90 90 90 90 90 90 rhode Island Cat. No. Governor Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kulongoski Kitzhaber Kitzhaber Kitzhaber 1,020 510 Campbell UT6G(s) UT7G(s) UT7G – Four UT8G(s) UT9G(s) UT10G(s) UT11G(s) UT12G(s) 1991 . . . . . . . .$175. 1992 . . . . . . . . .135. mint stamps exist. 1993 . . . . . . . . .125. 1994 . . . . . . . . .150. 1995 . . . . . . . . .150. 1996 . . . . . . . . .125. 1997 . . . . . . . . .150. 300 390 Bangerter Bangerter VA15G VA16G 2002 . . . . . . . . .$75. 2003 . . . . . . . . . .75. WA12G(s) WA13G(s) WA14G(s) WA15G(s) WA16G(s) WA21G(s) WA22G(s) WA23G(s) WA24G(s) WA25G(s) WA26G(s) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Washington Sundlun DiPrete u Sundlun u Sundlun u Sundlun u Almond Almond w/o serial. # Almond 390 480 300 243 240 Chafee Chafee Chafee Raimondo Locke Locke Locke Locke Locke Gregoire Gregoire Gregoire Gregoire Gregoire Gregoire WV3G, GA 1989 . . . . . . . .$150. WV3G, GA(s) Signed . . . . . . .375. 1,050 150 Caperton WI15G(s) 1992 . . . . . . . . .Call u u Warner Warner 95 195 195 545 50 550 550 Wisconsin u Leavitt Leavitt Leavitt Leavitt Leavitt . . . . . . . .$550. . . . . . . . . 400. . . . . . . . . .400. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .Call . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .350. . . . . . . . . .350. West Virginia Almond Almond Almond Almond Almond Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Carcieri Chafee 90 90 90 Governor 1990 . . . . . . . . .$75. Signed . . . . . . .225. Virginia . . . . . . . .$125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .125. . . . . . . . . .Call Qty. Issd SC10G SC10G(s) Utah w/o serial. # Di Prete Price 2012 2013 2014 2015 South Carolina Di Prete Sundlun Year RI24G(s) RI25G(s) RI26G(s) RI27G(s) 75 75 75 40 Thompson Do we have your e-mail address? receive notices of s closing, news, specials and much more! Governor Edition Album Pages fit Scott binders Printed pages for the early years, then supplemented with blank to bring up to date. (approximately 60 pages). $22.95 plus $3 shipping Small three-ring binder (holds up to 100 pages) ...$32.99 Slip case to fit small binder .......................................26.99 Album pages, binder and slipcase set......................79.95 Please add $6 shipping on binder and slipcase orders. Sam Houston Duck Co. 67 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Governor Oregon Worldwide Duck and Conservation Cat. No. AG1 AG1(s) AG2 Year 1994 1996 ArGENTINA (1994-1996) Species Price Torrent duck . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Spectacled duck . . . . . . . 10.00 Cat. No. AD15 AD15P AD15s/s AD15M AD15E AD15X All VF, Never Hinged Year 1996 AUSTrALIA Species Price Blue-billed duck . . . . . . $15.00 Plate Block . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 60.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Imperf pair. . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Taipei overprint . . . . . . . . 55.00 AUSTrALIA–US SOUVENIr SHEET Worldwide AD1 AD1b AD1L AD1(s) AD1M AD1F AD1C AD1Cd AD2 AD2b AD2L AD2(s) AD2M AD3X AD3F AD3L AD3(s) AD4 AD4L AD4M AD4P AD4(s) AD5X AD6 AD6s/s AD6s/sr AD6F AD6L AD6M AD6(s) AD7X AD8 AD8X1 AD8X2 AD8(s) AD8M AD9X AD10 AD10s/s AD10L AD10M AD10P AD11X AD12 AD12s/s AD12L AD12K AD12M AD12E AD13X AD14s/s AD14x2 AD14x4 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 AUSTrALIA (1989-1996) Plumed whistling duck . $10.00 Mini-sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Park ticket, canceled. . . 15.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 First day cover . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir card, mint. . . . . . 3.00 Souvenir card, canceled. 10.00 Chestnut teal. . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Mini-sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Park ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Surcharged $8 . . . . . . . . . 25.00 First day cover . . . . . . . . 19.95 Park ticket, canceled . . . 25.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 45.00 Pacific black duck . . . . . 11.00 Park ticket . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Proof card, WCSE . . . . . 25.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Overprint. W.A. CALM . . 11.00 Aust. shoveler . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Souv sheet/four reprint . . 75.00 First day cover . . . . . . . . 19.95 Park ticket, canceled. . . . 25.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Overprint. W.A. CALM . . 12.00 Aust. wood duck . . . . . . . 12.00 Taipei Ovpt w/proof (set/3) 95.00 Hong Kong 1994. . . . . . . 50.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Overprint. W.A. CALM . . 12.00 Mountain duck . . . . . . . . 12.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 45.00 Park ticket, canceled. . . . 25.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Overprint. W.A. CALM . . 12.00 Green Pygmy goose . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 60.00 Park ticket, canceled. . . . 25.00 Kakadu overprint. . . . . . . 25.00 Specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Imperf pair. . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Overprint. W.A. CALM . . 15.00 Ramsar w/Overprint. . . . 55.00 Ramsar w/Black ovpt. . . 10.00 Plate Block . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. JV2S JV2SE JV3S JV3A JV4X JV5S AKR1 AKR2 AKR3 AKR4 AKR6 AKR9 AKR10 AKR11 BG1 BG1(s) 1990 1991 1992 Chestnut teal . . . . . . . . $65.00 Imperf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 Pacific black duck w/o writing on reverse. . . 75.00 w/inscription. on reverse . 60.00 1990 Overprint WCSE . . 37.50 Australian shoveler . . . . . 60.00 AUSTrALIA KOALA rESEArCH 1986 1987 1988 1990 1992 1995 1996 1997 1999 CD1 1985 CD1(s) Please specify CD2 1986 CD2S CD2(s) CD3 1987 CD3S CD3(s) CD4 1988 CD4S CD4(s) CD5 1989 CD5S CD5(s) CD6 1990 CD6S CD6(s) (1986-1996) Sheet of four . . . . . . . . . . $4.95 Sheet of three . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of three . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of one . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of one . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of one . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of one . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 Sheet of one . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 BELGIUm Green-winged teal . . . . . $9.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 CANADA (1985 - present) Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Artist signed – Bateman . 85.00 booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Canvasback . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Sheet of 16 . . . . . . . . . . 235.00 Artist sig. – Lansdowne . 50.00 Canada goose . . . . . . . . 10.00 Sheet of 16 . . . . . . . . . . 235.00 Artist signed – McLean . . 15.00 Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Sheet of 16 . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Artist signed – Bateman . 25.00 Snow goose . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Sheet of 16 . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Artist signed – Grondin . . 50.00 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Sheet of 16 . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Artist signed – Dumas . . 50.00 68 Cat. No. CD7 CD7(s) CD8 CD8(s) CD9 CD9(s) CD10 CD10(s) CD11 CD11(s) CD12 CD12(s) CD13 CD13(s) CD14 CD14(s) CD15 CD15(s) CD16 CD16(s) CD17 CD17(s) CD18 CD18(s) CD19 CD19(s) CD20 CD20(s) CD21 CD21(s) CD22 CD22(s) CD23 CD23(s) CD24 CD24(s) CD25 CD25(s) CD25s/s CD26 CD26(s) CD27 CD27(s) CD28 CD28(s) CD29 CD29(s) CD30 CD30(s) CD31 CD31(s) CDY1 CDY2 CDY3 CDY4 Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 CANADA Species Price Black duck . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Artist signed – Bacon . . . 20.00 Common eider . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Carter . . . 50.00 Hooded merganser . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Ferris . . . 20.00 Ross' goose . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist sig. – Sakhavarz . . 20.00 Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Leduc . . . 20.00 Common goldeneye . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Harty . . . . 30.00 Gadwall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Brunett . . 30.00 Ring-necked duck . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Ryan . . . . 30.00 Bufflehead. . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Li-Leger. . 30.00 Sandhill crane . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Ferris. . . . 35.00 Harlequin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Pulham . . 35.00 King eider . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Leduc . . . 35.00 Shoveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed– Wolput . . . 35.00 Mallard hen and chicks. . 15.00 Artist signed – Clarkson . 35.00 Harlequin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Hancock . 35.00 Brant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Leduc . . . 35.00 Wilson’s snipe . . . . . . . . . 18.50 Artist signed – Shaw. . . . 35.00 Ruddy duck. . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Pepin. . . . 25.00 Lesser scaup . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed – Bateman 25.00 25th Anniv. souv. sheet . . 65.00 Green-winged teal . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Girard . . . 22.50 Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Hancock . 22.50 Blue-winged teal . . . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Pepin. . . . 22.50 Long-tailed duck . . . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Thivlerge . 22.50 Cinnamon teal. . . . . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Boast. . . . 22.50 Mourning dove . . . . . . . . 12.50 Artist signed – Hancock . 22.50 CANADA yOUTH CONSErVATION 2010 2011 2012 2013 (2010 - 2013) Bear – Liu . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Elk – Harris . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Owl – Visser . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Fox – Hill. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Year 1991 Please specify AB1 1989 AB2 1990 AB3 1991 AB4 1992 AB5 1993 AB6 1994 AB7 1995 AB8 1996 ABC9 1996 ABC9(s) ABC9SV AB10 1997 ABC11 1997 ABC11(s) ABC11SV ABC12 1998 ABC12(s) ABC12SV ABC13 1999 ABC13(s) ABC13SV ABC14 2000 ABC14(s) ABC14SV ABC15 2001 ABC15(s) ABC15SV ABC16 2002 ABC16(s) ABC16SV ABC17 2003 ABC17(s) ABC17SV ABC18 2004 ABC18(s) ABC18SV ABC19 2005 ABC19(s) ABC19SV ABC20 2006 ABC20(s) ABC20SV ABC21 2007 ABC21(s) ABC21SV ABC22 2008 ABC22(s) ABC22SV Species Price Black duck, perf . . . . . . $25.00 Imperforate . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Perf, with first day cancel 30.00 Imperf, w/ first day cancel50.00 ATLANTIC WATErFOWL (1995-1998) In 1999 named changed to Nunavut Territory Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Species Price Cat. No. Year 1995 Green-winged teal . . . . $15.00 AW1 AW1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 AW1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 1996 Canada goose . . . . . . . . 12.00 AW2 AW2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 AW2SV AW3 1997 Common goldeneye . . . . 10.00 AW3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 AW3SV AW4 1998 Hooded merganser . . . . . $8.50 AW4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 AW4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 ALBErTA (1989-2008) booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Canada goose . . . . . . . $20.00 Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Snow goose . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Canvasback . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 White-fronted goose . . . . 11.00 Common goldeneye . . . . 11.00 Bighorn sheep. . . . . . . . . $8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Harlequin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00 Rocky Mountain goat . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 Cougar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Elk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Bald eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Bobcat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Rocky Mountain elk . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 White-tail deer. . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Cougar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Shoveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Grey owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Cinnamon teal. . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Pronghorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 24.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. BCD2 BCD1x BrITISH COLUmBIA (1946-1947 and 1995-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. BCD1 1946 Mallard - green/ black . $125.00 BCD1x 1946 From Ft. Pitt sv.sheet . . . 20.00 BCD2 1947 Mallard - yellow & blue . . 65.00 BCD2v 1947 Broken “D” in duck . . . . 125.00 BC1 1995 Bighorn sheep. . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC2 1996 Elk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC2SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC3 1997 Grizzly bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC3SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC4 1998 Tufted puffin . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 BC4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 39.00 BC4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC5 1999 Bald eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC5SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC6 2000 Mule deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC6(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC6SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC7 2001 Canada goose . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC7(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC7SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC8 2002 Northern goshawk. . . . . . . 8.50 BC8(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC8SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC9 2003 Sea otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 BC9(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC9SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC10 2004 Mule deer . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 BC10(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC10SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 BC11 2005 Boreal owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 BC11(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 BC11SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 69 BrITISH COLUmBIA Year 2006 2007 2008 Species Price Screech owl . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Harlequin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 mANITOBA (1950s and 1994-2008) 1950s Winnipeg, plain paper . $12.00 MB1P MB1F 1950s Same, fluorescent paper. 12.00 Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. MB2 1994 Polar bear . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 MB2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 MB2SV MB3 1995 White-tailed deer. . . . . . . 12.00 MB3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 MB3SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 MB4 1996 Lynx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 MB4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 MB4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 MB5 1997 Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB5SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB6 1998 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB6(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB6SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB7 1999 Bison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB7(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB7SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB8 2000 Canada goose . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB8(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB8SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB9 2001 Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB9(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB9SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB10 2002 Eared grebe . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB10(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB10SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB11 2003 Grey squirrel . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 MB11(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB11SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB12 2004 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB12(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB12SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB13 2005 Wolves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB13(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB13SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB14 2006 Elk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB14(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB14SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB15 2007 Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB15(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB15SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 MB16 2008 Grey wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 MB16(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 MB16SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NEW BrUNSWICK (1994-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. NB1 1994 White-tailed deer. . . . . . . $8.00 NB1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 NB1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 NB2 1995 Cougar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 NB2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 NB2SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Worldwide CANADA/US SOUVENIr SHEET Cat. No. JV1S JV1E JV1SF JV1EF Cat. No. BC12 BC12(s) BC12SV BC13 BC13(s) BC13SV BC14 BC14(s) BC14SV NEWFOUNDLAND & LABrADOr Worldwide Cat. No. NB3 NB3(s) NB3SV NB4 NB4(s) NB4SV NB5 NB5(s) NB5SV NB6 NB6(s) NB6SV NB7 NB7(s) NB7SV NB8 NB8(s) NB8SV NB9 NB9(s) NB9SV NB10 NB10(s) NB10SV NB11 NB11(s) NB11SV NB12 NB12(s) NB12SV NB13 NB13(s) NB13SV NB14 NB14(s) NB14SV NB15 NB15(s) NB15SV NEW BrUNSWICK Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Species Price Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Pheasant. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Rainbow trout . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 King eider . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Common goldeneye . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 White-tail deer. . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Green-winged teal . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Common merganser . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Bald eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Mourning dove . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NEWFOUNDLAND & LABrADOr Please specify NF1 1994 NF1(s) NF1SV NF2 1995 NF2(s) NF2SV NF3 1996 NF3(s) NF3SV NF4 1997 NF4(s) NF4SV NF5 1998 NF5(s) NF5SV NF6 1999 NF6(s) NF6SV NF7 2000 NF7(s) NF7SV (1994 - 2008) booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Caribou . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Common goldeneye . . . . 15.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Harlequin. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Booklet artist sign . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Black bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Booklet artist sign . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Loon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Cat. No. NF8 NF8(s) NF8SV NF9 NF9(s) NF9SV NF10 NF10(s) NF10SV NF11 NF11(s) NF11SV NF12 NF12(s) NF12SV NF13 NF13(s) NF13SV NF14 NF14(s) NF14SV NF15 NF15(s) NF15SV NWT1 NWT(s) NWT1SV NWT2 NWT2(s) NWT2SV NWT3 NWT3(s) NWT3SV NWT4 NWT4(s) NWT4SV NWT5 NWT5(s) NWT5SV NWT6 NWT6(s) NWT6SV NWT7 NWT7(s) NWT7SV NWT8 NWT8(s) NWT8SV NWT9 NWT9(s) NWT9SV NWT10 NWT10(s) NWT10SV NWT11 NWT11(s) NWT11SV NWT12 NWT12(s) NWT12SV Year 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Species Price Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Common eider . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Bufflehead. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Black bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Common loon . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Bufflehead. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NOrTHWEST TErrITOry 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Arctic hare. . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Snowy owl. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Loon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Caribou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Walrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Black bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Stone sheep . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Bufflehead. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Mule deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Grey wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Grizzly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NOVA SCOTIA WILDLIFE (1992-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. NS1 1992 White-tail deer. . . . . . . . $12.00 NS1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 NS1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 95.00 NS1SV(s) Souv. sheet/4, artist sign 75.00 NS2 1993 Pheasant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 70 Cat. No. NS2(s) NS2SV NS3 NS3(s) NS3SV NS4 NS4(s) NS4SV NS5 NS5(s) NS5SV NS6 NS6(s) NS6SV NS7 NS7(s) NS7SV NS8 NS8(s) NS8SV NS9 NS9(s) NS9SV NS10 NS10(s) NS10SV NS11 NS11(s) NS11SV NS12 NS12(s) NS12SV NS13 NS13(s) NS13SV NS14 NS14(s) NS14SV NS15 NS15(s) NS15SV NS16 NS16(s) NS16SV NS17 NS17(s) NS17SV NOVA SCOTIA WILDLIFE Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Species Price Artist signed . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Coyote. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Osprey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Woodpecker . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Blue-winged teal . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Bald eagle. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Black bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Northern goshawk. . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Black duck . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 White-tail deer. . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Common snipe . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Goldfinch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NUNAVUT TErrITOry (1999-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. NT1 1999 Polar bear . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 NT1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 NT1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NT2 2000 Arctic loon . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 NT2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 NT2SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NT3 2001 Caribou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 NT3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 NT3SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NT4 2002 Grey wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 NT4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 NT4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 NUNAVUT TErrITOry Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Please specify OD1 1993 OD1(s) OD1SV OD2 1994 OD2(s) OD2SV OD3 1995 OD3(s) OD3SV OD4 1996 OD4(s) OD4SV OD5 1997 OD5(s) OD5SV OD6 1998 OD6(s) OD6SV OD7 1999 OD7(s) OD7SV OD8 2000 OD8(s) OD8SV OD9 2001 OD9(s) OD9SV OD10 2002 OD10(s) OD10SV OD11 2003 OD11(s) OD11SV OD12 2004 OD12(s) OD12SV OD13 2005 OD13(s) OD13SV OD14 2006 OD14(s) OD14SV OD15 2007 OD15(s) OD15SV OD16 2008 OD16(s) OD16SV Species Price Muskox . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Grizzly bear. . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Canada goose . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Willow ptarmigan . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 ONTArIO (1993-2008) booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Ruffed grouse . . . . . . . . $40.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . . . — Souvenir sheet of four . . 85.00 White-tailed deer. . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Walleye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Blue-winged teal . . . . . . . 15.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Lesser scaup . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 River otter . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Bufflehead. . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Cardinal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Weasel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 American kestrel . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Belted kingfisher . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Canada goose . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Red-tailed hawk . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Gadwall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. Cat. No. PW1 PW2 PW3 PW4 PW5 PW6 PW7 PW8 PITT WATErFOWL Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 (1990-1997) Species Price Canvasback decoy . . . . . $8.00 Snow goose decoy . . . . . 10.00 Mallard decoy . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Brant goose decoy . . . . . . 7.00 Mallard decoy . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Mallard decoy . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Pintail decoy . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Black duck decoy . . . . . . . 7.00 PrINCE EDWArD ISLAND (1995-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. 1995 Canada goose . . . . . . . $18.00 PE1 PE1(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 PE1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 1996 Woodcock . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 PE2 PE2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 PE2SV PE3 1997 Red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 PE3(s) PE3SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 PE4 1998 Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 PE4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 PE4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 PE5 1999 Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 PE5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 PE5SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 PE6 PE6(s) PE6SV PE7 PE7(s) PE7SV PE8 PE8(s) PE8SV PE9 PE9(s) PE9SV PE10 PE10(s) PE10SV PE11 PE11(s) PE11SV PE12 PE12(s) PE12SV PE13 PE13(s) PE13SV PE14 PE14(s) PE14SV PrINCE EDWArD ISLAND 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 Pintail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 American kestrel . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Blue-winged teal . . . . . . . 10.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Black duck . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Bald eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Red-tailed hawk . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 Blue jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 25.00 qUEBEC (1988 - present) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. QD1 1988 Ruffed grouse . . . . . . . $75.00 QD1SV Souvenir sheet of four . 250.00 QD2 1989 Black duck . . . . . . . . . . . 28.00 QD2SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 75.00 71 Cat. No. Year 1990 QD3 QD3SV 1991 QD4 QD4SV QD5 1992 QD5SV QD5bX QD5XS 1993 QD6 QD6SV QD6A QD7 1994 QD7SV QD7A QD8 1995 QD8SV QD9 1996 QD9SV QD9A QD9x QD9s/sx QD10x 1996 QD10s/sx QD11 1997 QD11SV QD11A QD11x QD11SVX QD12 1998 QD12SV QD12A QD12x QD12SVX QD13 1999 QD13SV QD13A QD13x QD13SVX QD14 2000 QD14SV QD14x QD14xi QD15 2001 QD15SV QD15x QD15xi QD16 2002 QD16SV QD16x QD16x(s) QD16xi QD16xi(s) QD17 2003 QD17SV QD17x QD17x(s) QD17xi QD17xi(s) QD18 2004 QD18SV QD18SV(s) QD18A QD18x QD18x(s) QD18xi QD18xi(s) QD19 2005 QD19SV QD19x QD19xi QD19xi(s) qUEBEC Species Price Common loon . . . . . . . $20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Common goldeneye . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 65.00 Lynx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 75.00 $ 6.50 + $3.50 surcharge. . 25.00 Surcharged s/s 4. . . . . . 150.00 Peregrine falcon . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Beluga whale . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 45.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 45.00 Great blue heron. . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 130.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 50.00 Capex overprint . . . . . . . 20.00 Capex Overprint sheet/4. 65.00 Snowy owl. . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 75.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 15.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 75.00 Snow goose . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Souvenir sheet of four . 175.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 15.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 40.00 River otter . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 15.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 40.00 Puffin/turtle . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 60.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 50.00 Blue jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 50.00 Caribou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 75.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 17.50 WWF Overprint imperf . . 50.00 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 69.50 Arctic fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 45.00 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 Musk oxen . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 17.50 WWF Overprint imperf . . 40.00 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 39.50 Snowshoe hare. . . . . . . . 20.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 75.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 40.00 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 39.50 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Worldwide Cat. No. NT5 NT5(s) NT5SV NT6 NT6(s) NT6SV NT7 NT7(s) NT7SV NT8 NT8(s) NT8SV NT9 NT9(s) NT9SV NT10 NT10(s) NT10SV Worldwide Cat. No. Year 2006 QD20 QD20SV QD20SV(s) QD20x QD20x(s) QD20xi QD20xi(s) QD21 2007 QD21SV QD21SV(s) QD21x QD21x(s) QD21xi QD21xi(s) QD22 2008 QD22SV QD22SV(s) QD22A QD22x QD22x(s) QD22xi QD22xi(s) QD23 2009 QD23SV QD23SV(s) QD23A QD23x QD23x(s) QD23xi QD23xi(s) QD24 2010 QD24SV QD24SV(s) QD24A QD24x QD24x(s) QD24xi QD24xi(s) QD25 2011 QD25SV QD25SV(s) QD25A QD25x QD25x(s) QD25xi QD25xi(s) QD26 2012 QD26SV QD26SV(s) QD26A QD26x QD26x(s) QD26xi QD26xi(s) QD27 2013 QD27SV QD27SV(s) QD27A QD27x QD27x(s) QD27xi QD27xi(s) QD28 2014 QD28SV QD28SV(s) QD28A QD28x QD28x(s) QD28xi QD28xi(s) qUEBEC Species Price Western chorus frog . . . $12.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 17.50 WWF Overprint imperf . . 40.00 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 55.00 Loggerhead shrike . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 85.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 37.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 39.50 Polar bear . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 20.00 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 20.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 Snow goose . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 Cerulean warbler . . . . . . 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovr imp. . . 42.50 Red-headed woodpecker 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 White-tailed deer. . . . . . . 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 Pine Marten . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 American woodcock . . . . 13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 Sam Houston Duck Co. Cat. No. Year QD29 2015 QD29SV QD29SV(s) QD29A QD29x QD29x(s) QD29xi QD29xi(s) qUEBEC Species Price Northern harrier . . . . . . $13.50 Souvenir sheet of four . . 55.00 Art. sign souv sheet/4 . . . 65.00 Artist proof . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 WWF overprint . . . . . . . . 17.50 Art. sign WWF Overprint. 19.00 WWF Overprint imperf . . 39.50 Art. sig WWF Ovp imp . . 42.50 SASKATCHEWAN (1988-90, 1993-2008) SK1 1988 Wigeon 1989 Bull moose SK2 SK3 1990 Sharp-tailed grouse 1988-90 Set of three booklets. . $125.00 Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. SK4 1993 Mallard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 SK4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK4SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 50.00 SK5 1994 Wood duck . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 SK5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK5SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 SK6 1995 Pronghorn antelope . . . . . 8.50 SK6(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK6SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK6SV(s) Souv. sheet/4 artist sign . 35.00 SK7 1996 Ruddy duck. . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK7(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 SK7SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 SK8 1997 Wigeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 SK8(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 SK8SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK9 1998 Trumpeter swan . . . . . . . 12.00 SK9(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 SK9SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK10 1999 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 SK10(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 SK10SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK11 2000 Ring-necked pheasant . . 12.00 SK11(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK11SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK12 2001 Sharp tailed grouse. . . . . 10.00 SK12(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 SK12SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK13 2002 Grey wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 SK13(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK13SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK14 2003 Mountain lion . . . . . . . . . 10.00 SK14(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK14SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK15 2004 White-tail deer. . . . . . . . . . 8.50 SK15(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK15SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK16 2005 Canvasback . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 SK16(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK16SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK17 2006 Redhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 SK17(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK17SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK18 2007 Horned grebe . . . . . . . . . $8.50 SK18(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK18SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 SK19 2008 Elk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 SK19(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 SK19SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 yUKON TErrITOrIES (1996-2008) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Species Price Cat. No. Year YK1 1996 Bald eagle. . . . . . . . . . . $12.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 YK1(s) YK1SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 35.00 1997 Moose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 YK2 YK2(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK2SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 30.00 1998 Polar bear . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 YK3 YK3(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK3SV YK4 1999 Rocky Mountain goat . . . 10.00 YK4(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK4SV YK5 2000 Snowy owl. . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 YK5(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 YK5SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 2001 Red tailed hawk . . . . . . . 10.00 YK6 YK6(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK6SV YK7 2002 Trumpeter swan . . . . . . . 10.00 YK7(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK7SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK8 2003 Grizzly bear. . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK8(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK8SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK9 2004 Red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK9(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK9SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK10 2005 Wolf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK10(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK10SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK11 2006 Gray falcon . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK11(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK11SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK12 2007 Swan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK12(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK12SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 YK13 2008 Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 YK13(s) Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 YK13SV Souvenir sheet of four . . 26.00 CR1 1992 CI1 CI1(s) 1997 CR2 CR2(s) COSTA rICA White-faced whistling duck, resident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.50 Non-resident . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 CrOATIA Ruddy shelduck . . . . . . . $7.50 Artist signed . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Web site orders over $250 receive a 10% discount! Only one discount per order, please. 72 (1996-1997) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. Species Price Cat. No. Year DN1 1995 Barrow's goldeneye........$7.50 Artist signed ...................15.00 DN1(s) DN1E Imperf pair......................20.00 DN1bE Booklet imperf ...............10.00 1996 Shoveler ...........................7.50 DN2 DN2(s) Artist signed ...................10.00 Imperf pair......................20.00 DN2E DN2bE Booklet imperf ................10.00 DN3 1997 Mallard .............................7.50 Artist signed....................11.00 DN3(s) DN3E Imperf pair......................20.00 Booklet imperf ................10.00 DN3bE GU6 GU7 GU8 GU9 GU10 HG1 HG1(s) HG1E Cat. No. IS1 IS1(s) IS2(s) IS3(s) IS4 IS4(s) IT1 IT1(s) Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1998 GUAm HUNTING STAmPS 1982 1983-4 1984-5 1985-6 1986-7 2002 (1977-1986) Marianas fruit dove .......$8.00 Micronesian kingfisher ....8.00 Wild boar .........................8.00 Black francolin .................8.00 Coconut crab ...................8.00 HUNGAry Mallard ...........................$8.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Translation error.............25.00 MX1 MX2 MX2(s) MX3 MX3(s) MX4 MX4(s) MX5 MX5(s) 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 ISrAEL (1995-1998) Species Price Marbled duck ...............$20.00 Artist signed ...................32.00 Shelduck - Artist signed .28.00 Mallard - Artist signed ....28.00 Shoveler .........................18.00 Artist signed ...................28.00 ITALy LD1 LD1S LD1(s) LD2 LD2S LD2E LD2ES LD3 LD4 LD5 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 IrELAND (1997-1999) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. IR1 1997 Mallard .........................$10.00 IR1(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 IR2 1999 European teal...................8.50 IR2(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. SP1 SP1(s) 1996 rUSSIA/USSr Species Price Red-breasted goose ......$8.00 Mallard .............................8.00 Harlequin..........................8.00 Baikal teal ........................8.00 Falcated duck...................8.00 Heron ...............................8.00 Steller’s eider ...................8.00 Common shelduck ...........8.00 Red-crested pochard .......8.00 Green-winged teal............8.00 SPAIN Tarro Canelos...............$12.00 Artist signed ...................16.00 Pintail .............................$9.50 Artist signed ...................17.50 mEXICO (1993-1997) Fulvous whistling duck $17.50 Pintail .............................15.00 Artist signed ...................25.00 Teal – GW, BW, Cinn. ....15.00 Artist signed ...................25.00 Wood duck .....................15.00 Artist signed ...................20.00 Mallard ...........................15.00 Artist signed ...................20.00 SWEDEN (1996-1999) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. SW1 1996 Shoveler .........................$8.50 SW1(s) Artist signed ...................13.00 SW1E Imperf pair......................30.00 SW2 1998 Mallard .............................8.50 SW2(s) Artist signed ...................13.00 SW3 1999 Pintail ...............................8.50 UNITED KINGDOm NEW ZEALAND ICELAND (1991-1995) Barrow's goldeneye......$12.00 Sheet of 8.......................90.00 Artist signed ..................18.00 Northern eider ...............10.00 Sheet of 8.......................75.00 Error w/o denomination .20.00 Error sheet of 8 ............150.00 Pink-footed goose ..........10.00 Pintail .............................10.00 Oldsquaw .......................10.00 Year 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (1994-1997) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. NZD1 1994 Paradise shelduck .........$9.00 NZD1(s) Artist signed ..................20.00 NZD1X(s) Gov. Gen. hand-signed ..95.00 NZD1Xs/s(s) Souv. sheet hand-sign. 250.00 NZD2 1995 Shoveler ..........................9.00 NZD2(s) Artist signed ...................20.00 NZD3 1996 Grey duck.........................9.00 NZD3(s) Artist signed ..................20.00 NZD4 1997 Black swan.......................9.00 NZD4(s) Artist signed ..................20.00 Since 1998, stamps issued by New Zealand Post. RD1 RD1(s) RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 RD7 RD8 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 rUSSIA/USSr (1989-2006) Mandarin duck ...............$6.00 Artist signed ...................25.00 Red-breasted merganser .6.00 Shoveler ...........................4.00 Smew ...............................6.00 Common eider .................3.00 White-winged scoter ........2.00 Crested shelduck .............8.00 Chinese merganser..........8.00 73 (1991 - present) Please specify booklet by adding “b” to cat. #. UK1 1991 Pintail £5 .....................$12.00 UK1b Booklet ...........................18.00 UK1(s) Artist signed ...................22.00 UK2 1991 European wigeon £3 .....12.00 UK2(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK3 1992 European GW teal ........10.00 UK3(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK4 1993 European wigeon ...........10.00 UK4(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK5 1994 Mallard ..........................10.00 UK5(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK6 1995 Pink-footed goose ..........10.00 UK6(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK7 1996 Common goldeneye.......10.00 UK7(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK8 1997 Shoveler .........................10.00 UK8(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK9 1998 Long-tailed duck.............10.00 UK9(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK10 1999 Woodcock ......................10.00 UK10(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK11 2000 Black grouse ..................10.00 UK11(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK12 2001 Pochard..........................10.00 UK12(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK13 2002 Grey partridge ................10.00 UK13(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK14 2003 Barnacle goose ..............10.00 UK14(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK15 2004 Snipe ..............................10.00 UK15(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 UK16 2005 Smew .............................10.00 UK16(s) Artist signed ...................15.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Worldwide DENmArK Cat. No. RD9 RD10 RD11 RD12 RD13 RD14 RD15 RD16 RD17 RD18 Ducks of America Cat. No. UK17 UK17(s) UK18 UK18(s) UK19 UK19(s) UK20 UK20(s) UK21 UK21(s) UK22 UK22(s) UK23 UK23(s) UK24 UK24(s) UK25 UK25(s) UK26 UK26(s) UNITED KINGDOm Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Species Price Red grouse ..................$10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Gadwall ..........................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Pink-footed goose ..........10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 White-fronted goose.......10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Curlew ............................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Graylag...........................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Green-winged teal..........10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Tufted duck ....................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Golden plover.................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 Mallard ...........................10.00 Artist signed ...................15.00 VENEZUELA (1993-1996) Species Price Cat. No. Year VZ1 1993 Orinoco goose..............$15.00 Sheet of 4.......................55.00 VZ1s/s VZ1s/s(s) Sheet of 4, artist signed .55.00 1994 Royal duck .....................12.50 VZ2 VZ3 1996 Ferroferro duck ..............12.50 United Nations Ducks Issued in 2003, the 12th annual United Nations Endangered Species features artwork by Joe, Bob and Jim Hautman. The sheets feature a variety of endangered species including the knobbilled goose, fulvous whistling duck, baikal teal and Egyptian goose. UN 2003 Set ..............................................$6.50 UN 2003 Set - artist signed .....................30.00 Worldwide Special! Commemorating 60 years of waterfowl conservation in the Americas. A special souvenir sheet composed fo the first duck stamp issued by each of the six nations with programs in the Americas. The sheet, which measures 4¾” x 7”, includes replicas of the stamps from the U.S., Canada, Costa rica, Venezuela, mexico and Argentina. Selvage artwork by Aldo Chiappe (artist for the 1994 Argentina stamp). DA1 … $25.00 register your e-mail address and receive news, advance notice of sales and more! Find us on Facebook Sam Houston Duck Co. Scott Advantage Stock Worldwide We have a huge holding of worldwide duck stamps, and are pleased to offer for UNDEr FACE VALUE! Among the 50 different stamps are First of Nation issues from Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, mexico, New Zealand, russia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Perfect for all those extras! Pages fit Scott 2-post or 3ring binders, NO mounts required! matching ivory pages and border coordinate to your current Scott duck album. Pages have clear acetate pockets on heavyweight pages. Available with one to eight pockets per page. l l l 50 Different Issues Now … $99.95 l Ten pages in each package for only $15.99. One pocket (242 mm) – souvenir sheets Two pocket (119 mm) – FDC’s or mini-sheets Three pocket (79mm) – federal self-adhesive Four pocket (58 mm) – Florida l l l l Five pocket (45 mm) – most duck stamps Six pocket (37 mm) – federals Seven pocket (34 mm) – U.S. Eight pocket (31 mm) – U.S, Please add $4.50 shipping. Ten pages in each package for only $15.99. Order now! 1-800-231-5926 Vanity Plates metal plates attach in place of a regular license plate.A great way to show your duck stamp love on your car, garage or man cave wall! rW7-L Black duck . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.95 rW26-L Lab with mallard . . . . . . . . . 8.95 rW42-L Canvasback decoy . . . . . . . 8.95 A fun and very affordable gift idea! Please add $1.50 s&h, $3 for multiple plate orders. Sam Houston Duck Co. 74 Turkey Stamps – State and Society All mint, F-VF NH Cat. No. ARWT1 ARWT1P ARWT2 ARWT2P ARWT3P ARWT5(s) ARWT5P ARWT6 ARWT6P ARWT7 ARWT12(s) ARWT13 ARWT14 ARWT15 ARWT16 ARWT17 ARWT18 ARWT19 ARWT19(s) ARWT20 ARWT21 ARWT22 ARWT23 ARWT23v ARWT24 ARWT25 ARWT26 ARWT26 Year Price 1985 ...................$6.50 Proof ..................15.00 1986 .....................6.50 Proof ..................15.00 Proof ..................17.50 Artist signed .......15.00 Proof ..................17.50 1990 ...................11.50 Proof ..................20.00 1991 ...................11.50 Artist signed .......15.00 1997 ...................12.00 1998 ...................15.00 1999 ...................10.00 2000 ...................10.00 2001 ...................10.00 2002 .....................8.00 2003 .....................8.00 Artist signed .......15.00 2004 .....................8.00 2005 .....................8.00 2006 .....................8.00 2007 .....................8.00 Error ...................55.00 2008 .....................8.00 2009 .....................8.00 2010 .....................8.00 2010 .....................8.00 FLTK2 FLTK4 FLTK5 FLTK6 FLTK7 FLTK8 FLTK9 FLTK14 FLTK16 FLTK18 FLTK18(s) 1987 .................$22.00 1989 ...................18.00 1990 ...................12.00 1991 ...................10.00 1992 .....................8.00 1993 .....................8.00 1994 .....................7.50 1999 .....................7.50 2001 .....................7.50 2003 ...................15.00 Art. sign..............20.00 MNTK1 MNTK2 MNTK3 MNTK4 MNTK5 MNTK6 MNTK7 MNTK9 MNTK10 MNTK11 MNTK12 MNTK13 MNTK14 MNTK15 MNTK16 MNTK17 MNTK18 MNTK19 1997 ...................$8.00 1998 .....................8.00 1999 .....................8.00 2000 .....................8.00 2001 .....................8.00 2002 .....................8.00 2003 .....................8.00 2005 .....................8.00 2006 .....................8.00 2007 .....................8.00 2008 .....................5.00 2009 .....................5.00 2010 .....................5.00 2011 .....................5.00 2012 .....................5.00 2013 .....................5.00 2014 .....................5.00 2015 .....................5.00 MSWT1 1986 ...................$9.50 FLOrIDA TUrKEy mINNESOTA TUrKEy mISS. WILD TUrKEy Sam Houston Duck Co. NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. Cat. No. NWTF1 NWTF2 NWTF3 NWTF4 NWTF5 NWTF6 NWTF7 NWTF8 NWTF9 NWTF10 NWTF11 NWTF12 NWTF13 NWTF14 NWTF15 NWTF16 NWTF17 NWTF18 NWTF19 NWTF20 NWTF23 NWTF24 NWTF25(s) NWTF26 NWTF26(s) NWTF28 NWTF29 NWTF30 NWTF30(s) NWTF32(s) NWTF33 NWTF34(s) NWTF35 NWTF35(s) NWTF37 NWTF37(s) NWTF38 NWTF38(s) NWTF39 NWTF39(s) NWTF40 NWTF40(s) Year Price 1976 .................$10.00 1977 ...................10.00 1978 ...................10.00 1979 ...................10.00 1980 ...................10.00 1981 ...................10.00 1982 ...................10.00 1983 ...................10.00 1984 ...................10.00 1985 ...................10.00 1986 ...................10.00 1987 ...................10.00 1988 ...................10.00 1989 ...................10.00 1990 ...................10.00 1991 ..................10.00 1992 ...................10.00 1993 ...................10.00 1984 ...................10.00 1985 ...................10.00 1998 ...................10.00 1999 ...................10.00 2000 Art signed..25.00 2001 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......25.00 2003 Art signed..25.00 2004 Art signed..25.00 2005 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......20.00 2007 Art signed..20.00 2008 .....................9.50 2009 Art signed..20.00 2010 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......15.00 2012 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......15.00 2013 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......15.00 2014 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......15.00 2015 .....................9.50 Artist signed .......15.00 WTGS1 WTGS2 WTGS3 WTGS4 WTGS5 WTGS6 1985 ...................$6.50 1986 .....................8.50 1987 ....................6.50 1988 ....................6.50 1989 .....................6.50 1990 .....................6.50 Cat. No. NWTS1 NWTS2 NWTS5 NWTS6 Year Price 1983 .................$12.50 1988 ...................12.50 2000.................... 9.50 2003 .....................9.50 LAWT1 LAWT2 LAWT3 LAWT3P LAWT4P LAWT5 1981 ...................$6.00 1982 .....................6.00 1983 .....................6.00 Imperf proof........25.00 1984 imp. proof..25.00 1985 ...................10.00 MNWT1 MNWT2 MNWT3 MNWT3(s) 1983 ...................$6.50 1984 .....................6.50 1985 .....................6.50 Artist signed .......15.00 NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. LOUISIANA CHAPTEr NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. mINNESOTA CHAPTEr Year Price 1983 .................$25.00 1984 ...................20.00 1985 ...................20.00 1986 ...................12.00 1987 ...................12.00 1988 ...................12.00 1999 ...................12.00 2000 ...................12.00 2001 ...................12.00 2002 ...................12.00 PAWT1 PAWT2 PAWT2(s) PAWT3 PAWT3(s) 1981 ...................$6.00 1982 .....................6.00 Artist signed .......15.00 1983 .....................6.00 Artist signed .......15.00 PENNSyLVANIA WILD TUrKEy TEXAS TUrKEy HUNTING NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. mISSOUrI CHAPTEr MOWT1 MOWT1(s) MOWT2 MOWT2(s) MOWT2p MOWT3 MOWT3(s) MOWT3p MOWT4 MOWT4(s) MOWT4p 1983 ...................$5.00 Artist signed .......15.00 1984 ...................10.00 Artist signed .......15.00 Proof ..................10.00 1985 ...................10.00 Artist signed .......15.00 Proof ..................10.00 1986 ...................10.00 Artist signed .......15.00 Proof ..................10.00 PAWT1 PAWT2 PAWT2(s) PAWT3 PAWT3(s) 1981 ...................$6.00 1982 .....................6.00 Artist signed .......15.00 1983 .....................6.00 Artist signed .......15.00 TXWT1 TXWT2 TXWT3 TXWT4 TXWT5 TXWT6 TXWT7 1984 ...................$5.00 1985 .....................5.00 1986 .....................5.00 1987 .....................5.00 1988 .....................5.00 1989 .....................6.50 1990 .....................6.50 VAWT1 VAWT1(s) VAWT1P 1982 ...................$6.00 Artist signed .......15.00 Proof ..................25.00 NMTK2 NMTK2(s) 1986 .................$35.00 Artist signed .......45.00 NYWT1 NYWT1(s) 1982 ...................$7.50 Artist signed .......15.00 NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. PENNSyLVANIA CHAPTEr NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. GrAND SLAm NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. TEXAS CHAPTEr NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FED. VIrGINIA CHAPTEr NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FEDErATION - rESEArCH WTR1 WTR2 WTR3 WTR4 WTR5 N. DAKOTA WILD TUrKEy Cat. No. NDWT13 NDWT14 NDWT15 NDWT16 NDWT17 NDWT18 NDWT19 NDWT20 NDWT21 NDWT22 NEW mEXICO WILD TUrKEy 1979 ...................$6.50 1980 .....................6.50 1981 .....................6.50 1982 .....................8.00 1983 .....................6.50 Ny WILD TUrKEy FED. 75 TXTK1 TXTK2 TXTK3 TXTK4 TXTK5 TXTK6 TXTK7 TXTK8 TXTK9 TXTK10 TXTK11 TXTK12 TXTK13 TXTK14 1991 .................$12.00 1992 ...................12.00 1993 ...................12.00 1994 ...................12.00 1995 ...................12.00 1996 ...................12.00 1997 .....................2.50 1998 .....................2.50 1999 .....................2.50 2000 .....................2.50 2001 .....................2.50 2002 .....................2.50 2003 .....................2.50 2004 .....................2.50 WISCONSIN WILD TUrKEy WITK6 WITK7 WITK8 WITK9 WITK10 WITK11 WITK12 WITK13 WITK14 WITK15 WITK16 WITK17 WITK18 WITK19 WITK20 WITK21 WITK22 WITK23 WITK24 WITK25 WITK26 WITK27 WITK28 WITK29 WITK30 WITK31 WITK32 1989 .................$17.50 1990 ...................17.50 1991 .....................8.00 1992 .....................8.00 1993 .....................8.00 1994 .....................8.00 1995 .....................8.00 1996 .....................8.00 1997 .....................8.00 1998 .....................8.00 1999 .....................8.00 2000 .....................8.00 2001 .....................8.00 2002 .....................8.00 2003 .....................8.00 2004 .....................8.00 2005 .....................8.00 2006 .....................8.00 2007 .....................8.00 2008 .....................8.00 2009 .....................8.00 2010 .....................8.00 2011 .....................8.00 2012 .....................8.00 2013 .....................8.00 2014 .....................8.00 2015 .....................8.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Conservation ArKANSAS WILD TUrKEy NATIONAL WILD TUrKEy FEDErATION - SPECIAL State Conservation Stamps All mint, VF NH We accept want lists! CALIFOrNIA PHEASANT (1970-74) Price Cat. No. Year 1971 ........$7.00 CAP2 1972 ..........6.50 CAP3 CAP4 1973 ..........6.50 1974 ..........6.50 CAP5 CALIFOrNIA UPLAND GAmE (1993-present) 1993 ......$12.00 CAU1 CAU2 1994 ........10.00 CAU5 1997 ........20.00 CAU7 1999 .........9.00 CAU8 2000 .........9.00 CAU9 2001 .........9.00 CAU10 2002 .......12.50 2007 ........12.50 CAU15 CAU16 2008 ........12.50 CAU17 2009 ........12.50 CAU18 2010 ........12.50 CAU19 2011.........12.50 CAU20 2012 ........12.50 CAU21 2013 ........12.50 CAU22 2014 ........12.50 CAU23 2015 ........12.50 COLOrADO HABITAT Conservation COH1 COH2 COH3 COH4 COH5 (2006-2011) 2006 ......$15.00 2007 ........15.00 2008 ........15.00 2009 ........15.00 2010 ........15.00 GAH1 1992 ........$5.00 GA ONE DAy HUNT ILLINOIS PHEASANT HAWAII GAmE BIrD (2003-2014) Price Cat. No. Year 2003 ......$12.50 HIGB1 HIGB2 2004 ........12.50 2005 ........12.50 HIGB3 HIGB4 2006 ........12.50 HIGB5 2007 ........12.50 2008 ........12.50 HIGB6 HIGB7 2011.........12.50 HIGB8 2015 ........12.50 2016 ...........Call HIGB9 IDA IDAHO ArCHEry 1983 ......$10.00 ID mUZZLELOADEr (1978-95) Weapons Text/Pictorial IDM5 1982 ......$10.00 IDM6 1983 ........10.00 IDAHO UPLAND GAmE (1987-98) IDUG1 1987 ......$15.00 IDUG1(s) ................20.00 IDUG2 1988 ........10.00 IDUG2(s) Art. sig. ....15.00 IDUG3 1989 ........15.00 IDUG3(s) Art. sig. ....18.00 IDUG4 1990 ........18.00 IDUG5 1991 ........10.00 IDUG6 1992 ........10.00 IDUG7 1993 ........10.00 IDUG8 1994 ..........8.50 IDUG8h Hunter........9.00 IDUG12 1998 ..........9.00 GA WILDLIFE mNGmEN GAM2 GAM3 GAM4 GAM5 GAM6 GAM7 GAM8 GAM9 GAM11 GAM13 GAM14 (1979-98) 1980 ........$8.50 1981 ..........3.00 1982 ........25.00 1983 ........25.00 1984 ........25.00 1985 ........25.00 1986 ........25.00 1987 ........25.00 1989 ........35.00 1991 ........25.00 1992 ........35.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. ILLINOIS FUrBEArEr ILF1 ILF2 ILF4 ILF5 ILF6 ILF7 (1990-99) 1990 ......$10.00 1991 ..........9.00 1996 ..........9.00 1997 ..........9.00 1998 ..........9.00 1999 ..........9.00 ILLINOIS HABITAT ILH1 ILH2 ILH7 ILH8 ILH15 ILH16 ILH17 ILH18 (1993-2009) 1993 ......$12.50 1994 ........10.00 1999 ..........8.50 2000 ..........8.50 2007 ........10.00 2008 ........10.00 2009 ........10.00 2010 ........10.00 (1990-92) Cat. No. Year Price 1990 ......$12.50 ILP1 ILP2 1991 ........12.50 INDIANA HABITAT INH1 INH2 INH3 INH4 INH5 INH6 INH7 INH8 INH9 INH10 INH11 INH12 INH13 INH14 INH15 INH16 INH17 INH18 INH20 INH21 INH22 INH23 INH24 INH25 INH26 INH27 INH28 INH29 INH30 INH31 INH32 INH33 INH34 INH35 (1980-2014) 1980 ........$6.00 1981 ..........6.00 1982 ..........6.00 1983 ..........6.00 1984 ..........6.00 1985 ..........6.00 1986 ..........6.00 1987 ..........6.00 1988 ..........9.50 1989 ..........9.50 1990 ..........9.50 1991 ..........9.50 1992 ..........9.50 1993 ..........9.50 1994 ..........9.50 1995 ..........9.50 1996 ..........9.50 1997 ..........9.50 1999 ..........9.50 2000 ..........9.50 2001 ..........9.50 2002 ..........9.50 2003 ..........9.50 2004 ..........9.50 2005 ..........9.50 2006 ..........9.50 2007 ..........9.50 2008 ..........9.50 2009 ..........9.50 2010 ..........9.50 2011...........9.50 2012 ..........9.50 2013 ..........9.50 2014 ..........9.50 IOWA HABITAT Cat. No. IAH16 IAH17 IAH18 IAH23 IAH24 IAH25 IAH28 IAH29 IAH31 IAH32 IAH33 IAH34 IAH35 IAH36 IAH37 IAH38 Year Price 1993 ......$10.00 1994 ........10.00 1995 ........10.00 2000 ..........8.00 2001 ..........8.00 2002.........11.00 2005 ........12.50 2006 ........12.50 2008 ........14.00 2009 ........14.00 2010 ........16.00 2011.........16.00 2012 ........16.00 2013 ........16.00 2014 ........16.00 2015 ........16.00 76 Year Price 2009 ........$8.00 2010 ..........8.00 2011...........8.00 2012 ..........8.00 2013 ..........8.00 2014 ..........8.00 2015 ..........8.00 mICHIGAN PUBLIC ACCESS (1977-85) 1977 ........$7.00 MIPA1 MIPA2 1978 ..........7.00 MIPA4 1980 ..........7.00 KANSAS qUAIL (1937-61) KSQU17 1953 ........$5.00 KSQU18 1954 ..........5.00 KSQU19 1955 ..........5.00 KSQU21 1957 ..........5.00 KSQU22 1958 ..........5.00 KSQU22v ................25.00 KSQU23 1959 ..........5.00 KSQU24 1960 ..........5.00 KSQU25 1961 ..........5.00 mINN. CONSErVATION (1957) MNC1 Mint......$125.00 MNC1ng No gum....15.00 MNC1u Used ..........5.00 KANSAS UPLAND GAmE (1961-73) KSUG4 KSUG5 KSUG6 KSUG7 KSUG8 KSUG10 KSUG11 KSUG12 KSUG13 1964 ........$5.00 1965 ..........5.00 1966 ..........5.00 1967 ..........5.00 1968 ..........5.00 1970 ........10.00 1971 ..........5.00 1972 .............00 1973 ..........5.00 mAINE PHEASANT MEP12 MEP13 MEP14 MEP15 MEP16 MEP17 (1973-2001) 1985 ........$8.00 1986 ..........8.00 1987 ..........8.00 1988 ..........8.00 1989 ..........8.00 1990 ..........8.00 IOWA HABITAT (1979-present) IAH1 1980 ........$8.00 IAH2 1980 ........15.00 IAH2(s) Art. sig. ....25.00 IAH3 1981 ........20.00 IAH3(s) Art. sig. ....25.00 IAH4 1982 ........15.00 IAH5 1983 ........15.00 IAH6 1984 ........15.00 INH7 1986 ..........6.00 IAH7 1985 ........15.00 IAH8 1986 ........15.00 IAH9 1987 ........15.00 IAH10 1988 ........15.00 IAH11 1989 ........15.00 IAH13 1990 ........10.00 IAH14 1991 ........10.00 IAH15 1992 ........10.00 mD BLACK BEAr Cat. No. MDBB13 MDBB14 MDBB15 MDBB16 MDBB17 MDBB18 MDBB19 mD BLACK BEAr MDBB1 MDBB2 MDBB3 MDBB4 MDBB5 MDBB6 MDBB7 MDBB8 MDBB9 MDBB10 MDBB11 MDBB12 1997 ........$8.00 1998 ..........8.00 1999 ..........8.00 2000 ..........8.00 2001 ..........8.00 2002 ..........8.00 2003 ..........8.00 2004 ..........8.00 2005 ..........8.00 2006 ..........8.00 2007 ..........8.00 2008 ..........8.00 mINNESOTA PHEASANT (1983-present) MNP1 1983 ........$9.50 MNP2 1984 ..........9.50 MNP2(s) Artist sig...15.00 MNP3(s) Artist sig ..15.00 MNP4 1986 ..........9.50 MNP4(s) Artist sig...15.00 MNP5 1987 ..........9.50 MNP5(s) Artist sig...15.00 MNP6 1988 ..........9.50 MNP6(s) Artist sig...15.00 MNP7 1989 ..........9.50 MNP7(s) Artist sig...15.00 . MNP8 1990 ..........9.50 MNP9 1991 ..........9.50 MNP10 1992 ..........9.50 MNP10(s) Artist sig...15.00 MNP11 1993 ........13.50 MNP11(s) Artist sig...17.50 MNP12 1994 ..........9.50 MNP14 1996 ..........9.50 MNP16 1998 ..........9.50 MNP19 2001 ..........9.50 MNP22 2004 ........10.00 MNP23 2005 ........10.00 MNP24 2006 ........10.00 MNP25 2007 ........10.00 MNP26 2008 ........12.50 MNP27 2009 ........12.50 MNP28 2010 ........12.50 MNP29 2011.........12.50 MNP30 2012 ........17.50 MNP31 2013 ........12.50 MNP32 2014 ........12.50 MNP33 2015 ........12.50 MNP34 2016 ...........Call NEBrASKA HABITAT (1977-2009) NEH3 1979 ......$12.00 NEH4 1980 ........12.00 NEH5 1981 ........12.00 NEH7 1983 ........12.00 NEH9 1985 ........12.00 NEH13 1989 ........12.00 NEH14 1990 ........10.00 NEH15 1991 ........12.00 NEH16 1992 ........10.00 NEH18 1994 ........12.50 NEH20 1996 ........15.00 NEH21 1997 ........12.50 NEH24 2000 ........12.50 NEH25 2001 ........12.50 NEH26 2002 ........16.50 NEH27 2003 ........16.50 NEH28 2004 ........16.50 NEH29 2005 ........16.50 NEH30 2006 ........16.50 NEH31 2007 ........16.50 NEH32 2008 ........19.00 NEH33 2009 ........19.00 NEBrASKA PHEASANT (1955-58) & qUAIL (1959-76) NEP1 1955 ......$10.00 NEP2 1956 ........10.00 NEP3 1957.........11.00 NEBrASKA UPLAND BIrD (1959-2009) NEUG3 1961 ........$9.50 NEUG5 1963 ..........9.50 NEUG6 1964 ..........9.50 NEUG7 1965 ..........5.00 NEUG8 1966 ..........6.00 NEUG9 1967 ..........5.00 NEUG10 1968 ..........6.00 NEUG11 1969 ..........8.50 NEUG12 1970 ..........6.00 NEUG13 1971 ..........8.50 NEUG14 1972 ..........6.00 NEUG15 1973 ..........6.00 NEUG16 1974 ..........6.00 NEUG17 1975 ..........6.00 NEUG18 1976 ..........6.00 NEUG19 1977 ..........6.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. NEW HAmPSHIrE HABITAT NHHB1 1999 ........$6.00 NEW HAmPSHIrE PHEASANT (1975-86) NHP1 1975 ........$6.00 NHP2 1976 ......... 6.00 NHP3 1977 ..........8.00 NHP4 1978 ...........Call NHP5 1979 ........10.00 NHP6 1980 ........10.00 NHP6(s) Art. sign ...15.00 NHP10 1984 ...........Call NHP11 1985 ........18.00 NHP12 1986 ...........Call NEW JErSEy PHEASANT AND qUAIL (1975-2008) NJPQ1 1975 ........$5.00 NJPQ2 1976 ..........5.00 NJPQ3 1977 ..........5.00 NJPQ4 1978 ..........5.00 NJPQ5 1979 ..........5.00 NJPQ6 1980 ..........4.00 NJPQ7 1981 ..........4.00 NJPQ8 1982 ..........4.00 NJPQ9 1983 ..........4.00 NJPQ10 1984 ..........4.00 NJPQ11 1985 ..........4.00 NJPQ12 1986 ..........4.00 NJPQ13 1987 ..........4.00 NJPQ14 1988 ..........4.00 NJPQ15 1989 ...........Call NJPQ17 1991 ..........4.00 NJPQ18 1992 ..........4.00 NJPQ19 1993 ..........4.00 NJPQ20 1994 ..........4.00 NJPQ23 1997 ..........4.00 NJPQ24 1998 ..........4.00 NJPQ25 1999 ..........4.00 NJPQ26 2000 ..........7.50 NJPQ27 2001 ..........7.50 NJPQ28 2002 ..........7.50 NJPQ29 2003 ..........7.50 NJ WOODCOCK (1967-2001) NJW1 1967 ........$8.00 NJW2 1968 ..........8.00 NJW3 1969 ..........9.50 NJ WOODCOCK Price Cat. No. Year NJW4 1970 ........$8.00 1971 ..........8.00 NJW5 NJW6 1972 ..........8.00 NJW7 1973 ..........8.00 1974 ..........8.00 NJW8 NJW9 1975 ........14.00 1976 ..........5.00 NJW10 NJW11 1977 ..........5.00 NJW12 1978 ..........5.00 1979 ..........5.00 NJW13 NJW14 1980 ..........5.00 1981 ..........5.00 NJW15 NJW16 1982 ..........5.00 NJW17 1983 ..........5.00 1984 ..........5.00 NJW18 NJW19 1985 ..........5.00 NJW20 1986 ..........5.00 1988 ..........5.00 NJW22 NJW24 1990 ..........5.00 1991 ..........5.00 NJW25 NJW26 1992 ..........5.00 NJW27 1993 ..........5.00 NJW28 1994 ..........5.00 NJW31 1997 ..........5.00 NJW32 1998 ..........5.00 NJW33 1999 ..........5.00 NJW34 2000 ..........5.00 NEW mEXICO WOLF (2011 - present) The “stamp” is actually a 4.5” x 5.5” peelable sticker. NMW1 NMW2 NMW3 NMW4 NMW5 2011.......$25.00 2012 ........25.00 2013 ........25.00 2014 ........25.00 2015 ........25.00 NEW yOrK - HUNTING (1982-Present) NYH88 1988 ........$5.00 NYH89 1988 ..........5.00 NYH90 1988 ..........5.00 NYH91 1989 ..........5.00 NYH92 1989 ..........5.00 NYH93 1989 ..........5.00 NYH94 1989 ..........5.00 NYH95 1989 ..........5.00 NYH96 1989 ..........5.00 NYH97 1989 ..........5.00 NYH98 1989 ..........5.00 NYH99 1989 ..........5.00 NYH100 1989 ..........5.00 NYH101 1989 ..........5.00 NYH102 1989 ..........5.00 NYH103 1989 ..........5.00 NYH104 1990 ..........5.00 NYH105 1990 ..........5.00 NYH106 1990 ..........5.00 NYH107 1990 ..........5.00 NYH108 1990 ..........5.00 NYH109 1990 ..........5.00 NYH110 1990 ..........5.00 NYH111 1990 ..........5.00 NYH112 1990 ..........5.00 NYH113 1990 ..........5.00 NYH114 1990 ..........5.00 NYH115 1990 ..........5.00 NYH116 1990 ..........5.00 77 NEW yOrK - BOW HUNTING DEEr/BEAr (1967-Present) Cat. No. Year Price NYB1 1967 ......$50.00 NYB2 1968 ........40.00 1969 ........35.00 NYB3 NYB4 1970 ........35.00 1971 ........35.00 NYB5 NYB6 1972 ........35.00 NYB7 1973 ........35.00 1974 ........30.00 NYB8 NYB9 1975 ........30.00 1976 ........30.00 NYB10 NYB11 1977 ........30.00 NYB12 1978 ........30.00 1979 ........30.00 NYB13 NYB14 1980 ........25.00 NYB15 1981 ........25.00 1982 ........10.00 NYB16 NYB17 1983 ........10.00 1984 ........10.00 NYB18 NYB19 1985 ..........6.00 NYB20 1986 ..........6.00 NYB21 1987 ..........6.00 NYB22 1988 ..........6.00 NYB23 1989 ..........6.00 NYB24 1990 ..........6.00 NYB25 1991 ..........6.00 NYB26 1992 ..........6.00 NYB27 1993 ..........6.00 NYB28 1993 NR ....6.00 NYB29 1994 .........6.00 NEW yOrK - mUZZLELOADEr BIG GAmE (1977-Present) NYM1 1977 ......$20.00 NYM2 1978 ........20.00 NYM3 1979 ........20.00 NYM4 1980 ........20.00 NYM5 1981 ........20.00 NYM6 1982 ..........9.00 NYM7 1983 ..........9.00 NYM8 1984 ..........9.00 NYM9 1985 ..........5.00 NYM10 1986 ..........5.00 NYM11 1987 ..........5.00 NYM12 1988 ..........5.00 NYM13 1989 ..........5.00 NYM14 1990 ..........5.00 NYM15 1991 ..........5.00 NYM16 1992 ..........5.00 NYM17 1993 ..........5.00 NYM18 1993 NR ....5.00 NYM19 1994 ..........5.00 NYM20 1994 NR ....5.00 NYM21 1995 ..........5.00 NYM22 1995 NR ....5.00 NYM23 1996 ..........5.00 NYM24 1996 NR ....5.00 NYM25 1997 ..........5.00 NYM26 1997 NR ....5.00 NOrTH CArOLINA SPOrTSmAN (1983-97) NCS1 1983 ......$25.00 NCS1(s) Art. sign ...35.00 NCS2 1984 ........25.00 NCS2A Non-res....30.00 NCS3 1984 ........25.00 NCS10 1988 ........25.00 NCS12 1990 ........20.00 NC SPOrTSmAN Price Cat. No. Year NCS13 1991 ......$20.00 1994 ........15.00 NCS16 NCS18 1996 ........15.00 NOrTH DAKOTA CrOW CONTrOL (1945) NDC1 1945 ......$12.50 NOrTH DAKOTA FUrBEArEr (1983-92) 1991 ......$12.00 NDF9 NDF10 1992 ........12.00 ND GENErAL GAmE (1983-92) NDG3 1985 ......$12.00 NDG4 1986 .......12.00 NDG5 1987 .......10.00 NDG6 1988 .......10.00 NDG7 1989 .......10.00 NDG8 1990 ..........8.50 NDG9 1991 .........8.50 NDG10 1992 ..........8.50 OHIO WILDLIFE LEGACy (2010-present) OHL1 2010 ....$20.00 OHL2 2011.........20.00 OHL3 2012 ........20.00 OHL4 2013 ........20.00 OHL5 2014 ........20.00 OHL6 2015 ........20.00 OHL7 2016 ...........Call OrEGON UPLAND BIrD (1990-present) ORUB1 1990 .....$30.00 ORUB2 1991 .......17.50 ORUB3 1992 .......17.50 ORUB4 1993 .......17.50 ORUB4h Hunter......20.00 ORUB5 1994 .......15.00 ORUB7 1996 .......15.00 ORUB11 2000 ........14.00 ORUB12 2001 ........14.00 ORUB13 2002 ........14.00 ORUB14 2003 ........14.00 ORUB15 2004 ........14.00 ORUB16 2005 ...........Call ORUB17 2006 ...........Call ORUB18 2007 ........13.50 ORUB19 2008 ........13.50 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Conservation mONTANA BIrD LICENSE (1969-2000) Price Cat. No. Year 1978 ........$6.00 MTC9 MTC9a Youth ........6.00 MTC9b Non-res .....6.00 1979 ..........6.00 MTC10 MTC10a Youth ........6.00 MTC10b Non-res .....6.00 MTC10(s) Art. sign ...15.00 NEVADA - PHEASANT (1971-1980) Price Cat. No. Year 1971 ......$12.00 NVP1 NVP2 1972 ........12.00 NVP3 1973 ........12.00 1974 ........12.00 NVP4 NVP5 1975 ...........Call 1976 ........12.00 NVP6 NVP7 1977 ........12.00 NVP8 1978 ........12.00 1979 ........12.00 NVP9 NVP10 1980 ........12.00 OrEGON UPLAND BIrD Cat. No. Year Price ORUB20 2009 ......$13.50 ORUB21 2010 ........13.50 ORUB22 2011.........13.50 ORUB23 2012 ........13.50 ORUB24 2013 ........13.50 ORUB25 2014 ........13.50 ORUB26 2015 ........13.50 ORUB27 2016 ...........Call PENN. WILDLIFE (2003) 2003 ........$5.00 PAH1 SOUTH DAKOTA HABITAT (1989-98) SDH1 1989 ......$12.00 SDH2 1990 ........12.00 1991 ........12.00 SDH3 SDH4 1992.........11.50 1993.........11.00 SDH5 SDH6 1994.........11.00 SDH7 1995.........11.00 SDH8 1996.........11.00 SDH9 1997 ........12.00 Conservation SOUTH DAKOTA PHEASANT (1977-88) SDP1 1977 .....$10.00 SDP2 1978 .........9.50 SDP3 1979 .........9.00 SDP4 1980 .........9.00 SDP5 1981 ..........9.00 SDP6 1982 ..........7.00 SDP7 1983 .........8.00 SDP8 1984 .........8.00 SDP9 1985 .........9.00 SDP10 1986 .......10.00 SDP11 1987 .........8.00 SDP12 1988 .........8.00 TENNESSEE WILDLIFE – BIG GAmE (2003 - 2005) TNW1 2003 .....$12.50 TNW2 2004 ........12.50 TNW2v Sm. wren 125.00 TNW3 2005 ........12.50 TEXAS ArCHEry HUNTING (1975-2015) TXA1 1975 .......$3.00 TXA2 1976 .........3.00 TXA3 1977 .........5.00 TXA4 1978 .........5.00 TXA5 1979 .........5.00 TXA6 1980 .......25.00 TXA7 1981 .......15.00 TXA8 1982 .........4.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. TX ArCHEry HUNTING Price Cat. No. Year 1983 .....$25.00 TXA9 TXA10 1984 .......25.00 1985 ........22.00 TXA11 TXA12 1986 .......22.50 TXA13 1987 .......22.50 1988 ........15.00 TXA14 TXA15 1989 .......15.00 TXA16 1990 ........12.00 1991 ........12.00 TXA17 TXA18 1992 ........12.00 1993 ........12.00 TXA19 TXA20 1994 ........12.00 TXA21 1995 ........12.00 1996 .........2.50 TXA22 TXA23 1997 ..........2.50 1998 ..........2.50 TXA24 TXA25 1999 ..........2.50 TXA26 2000 ..........2.50 2001 ..........2.50 TXA27 2002 ..........2.50 TXA28 TXA29 2003 ..........2.50 TXA30 2004 ..........2.50 TXA31 2005 ..........2.50 TXA32 2006 ..........2.50 TXA33 2007 ..........2.50 TXA34 2008 ..........2.50 TXA35 2009 ..........2.50 TXA36 2010 ..........2.50 TXA37 2011...........2.50 TXA38 2012 ..........2.50 TXA39 2013 ..........2.50 TXA40 2014 ..........2.50 TXA41 2015 ..........2.50 TEXAS mUZZLELOADEr (1994-2003) TXM1 1994 ......$25.00 TXM2 1995 ...........Call TXM3 1996 ..........2.50 TXM4 1997 ..........2.50 TXM5 1998 ..........2.50 TXM6 1999 ..........2.50 TXM7 2000 ..........2.50 TXM8 2001 ..........2.50 TXM9 2002 ..........2.50 TXM10 2003 ..........2.50 TEXAS NON-GAmE (1985-2015) TXNG1 1985......$17.00 TXNG1(s) Art. sign ..25.00 TXNG1d Decal ......15.00 TXNG2 1986........12.00 TXNG2(s) Art. sign ..18.00 TXNG3 1987........12.00 TXNG3(s) Art. sign ..18.00 TEXAS NON-GAmE Price Cat. No. Year TXNG4 1988......$10.00 TXNG4 (s) Art. sign ..25.00 TXNG5 1989........10.00 1990........10.00 TXNG6 TXNG7 1991........10.00 TXNG8 1992 ........10.00 TXNG9 1993 ..........8.00 TXNG10 1994 ..........8.00 TXNG11 1995 ..........8.00 TXNG12 1996 ..........2.50 TXNG13 1997 ..........2.50 TXNG14 1998 ..........2.50 TXNG15 1999 ..........2.50 TXNG16 2000 ..........2.50 TXNG17 2001 ..........2.50 TXNG18 2002 ..........2.50 TXNG19 2003 ..........2.50 TXNG20 2004 ..........2.50 TXNG21 2005 ..........2.50 TXNG22 2006 ..........2.50 TXNG23 2007 ..........2.50 TXNG24 2008 ..........2.50 TXNG25 2009 ..........2.50 TXNG26 2010 ..........2.50 TXNG26 2011...........2.50 TXNG27 2012 ..........2.50 TXNG28 2013 ..........2.50 TXNG29 2014 ..........2.50 TXNG30 2015 ..........2.50 TEXAS UPLAND GAmE (2005-2015) TXU1 2005 ........$2.50 TXU2 2006 ..........2.50 TXU3 2007 ..........2.50 TXU4 2008 ..........2.50 TXU5 2009 ..........2.50 TXU6 2010 ..........2.50 TXU7 2011...........2.50 TXU8 2012 ..........2.50 TXU9 2013 ..........2.50 TXU10 2014 ..........2.50 TXU11 2015 ..........2.50 TEXAS WHITE-WINGED DOVE (1971-2004) TXD1 1971 ........$3.00 TXD2 1972 ..........3.00 TXD3 1973 ..........3.00 TXD4 1974 ..........3.00 TXD5 1975 ........14.50 TXD6 1976 ..........6.00 TXD7 1977 ..........6.00 TXD8 1978 ..........6.00 TXD9 1979 ..........9.00 TXD10 1980 ..........6.00 TXD11 1981 ..........6.00 TXD12 1982 ..........9.00 TXD13 1983 ..........9.00 TXD15 1985 ........18.00 TXD16 1986 ........18.00 TXD17 1987 ........15.00 78 TX WHITE-WING DOVE Price Cat. No. Year TXD18 1988 ......$15.00 1989 ........14.00 TXD19 TXD20 1990 ........14.00 1991 ........14.00 TXD21 TXD22 1992 ........12.00 TXD23 1993 ........12.00 1994 ........12.00 TXD24 TXD25 1995 ........12.00 1996 ..........2.50 TXD26 TXD27 1997 ..........2.50 TXD28 1998 ..........2.50 1999 ..........2.50 TXD29 TXD30 2000 ..........2.50 TXD31 2001 ..........2.50 2002 ..........2.50 TXD32 TXD33 2003 ..........2.50 2004 ..........2.50 TXD34 UTAH UPLAND GAmE HABITAT (1992-95) UTUG1 1992 ......$14.00 UTUG1h 1992 ........16.00 UTUG2 1993 ........14.00 UTUG2h 1993 ........16.00 VA NATIONAL FOrEST HUNT/FISH (1938-90) VANF1 1938 ........$9.50 VANF2 1939 ..........9.50 VANF16 1953 ........16.00 VANF21 1958 ..........8.00 VANF22 1959 ..........8.00 VANF23 1960 ..........8.00 VANF52 1988 ..........9.50 VANF53 1989 ........12.00 VANF54 1990 ........12.00 WASH. UPLAND BIrD (1971-84) WAUB12 1982 ......$20.00 WAUB13 1983 ........18.00 WAUB14 1984 ........18.00 WV ANTLErLESS DEEr CLASS N (1976-89) WVAD7 1982 .....$12.00 WVAD9 1984 .........4.00 WVAD11 1986 .........4.00 WEST VIrGINIA BEAr DAmAGE (1974-88) Price Cat. No. Year 1974 ......$25.00 WVB1 WVB2 1975 .........5.00 WVB3 1976 .........5.00 1978 ..........5.00 WVB5 WVB6 1979 ..........5.00 1980 ..........5.00 WVB7 WVB8 1981 ..........5.00 WVB9 1982 ..........5.00 WVB10 1983 ..........5.00 WVB11 1984 ..........5.00 WVB12 1985 ..........5.00 WVB13 1986 ..........5.00 WISCONSIN PHEASANT (1992 - present) WIP1 1992 ......$10.00 WIP2 1993 ........10.00 WIP3 1994 ...........Call WIP5 1995 ........10.00 WIP6 1997 ........10.00 WIP7 1998 ...........Call WIP8 1999 ...........Call WIP9 2000 ...........Call WIP10 2001 ........10.00 WIP11 2002 ........10.00 WIP12 2003 ........10.00 WIP13 2004 ........13.00 WIP14 2005 ........13.00 WIP15 2006 ........13.00 WIP16 2007 ........13.00 WIP17 2008 ........13.00 WIP18 2009 ........13.00 WIP19 2010 ........13.00 WIP20 2011.........13.00 WIP21 2012 ........13.00 WIP22 2013 ........13.00 WIP23 2014 ........13.00 WIP24 2015 ........13.00 WIP25 2016 ...........Call Blank Scott Album Pages for all your conservation and worldwide issues! The easiest way to add stamps to your existing collection! All pages fit Scott binder, matching ivory pages. 20 pages per pack $7.75 Blank pages with National border by G&K Starsheets (40 pages) … 17.50 Please add $3 shipping. Society Conservation Stamps ALABAmA WILDLIFE FED. (1983-84) ALWL2 1984 . . . . .$7.00 AmErICAN BALD EAGLE (1983-85) 1983 . . . . .$6.50 ABE1 ABE2 1984 . . . . . .5.00 1985 . . . . . .5.00 ABE3 ABE3a Imperf . . . .20.00 BOONE & CrOCKETT (1982-87) Price Cat. No. Year 1982 . . . . .$6.00 BCC1 BCC1P Proof . . . . .25.00 1985 . . . . . .5.00 BCC4 1987 . . . . . .5.00 BCC6 BUZZArD COUNCIL OF AmErICA (1980-83) BCA1 1980 . . . . .$9.00 1981 . . . . . .9.50 BCA2 BCA3 1982 . . . . . .9.50 AmErICAN mUSEUm OF WILDLIFE ArT (1982) AMW1 1982 Loon $5.00 AMW2 1982 Dove .5.00 Am. SPOrTING DOG (1982-83) ASDH1 1982 Black lab $6.00 ASDH2 1983 Gld retvr 6.00 AmErICAN STrIPED BASS (1980-83) ASB1 1980 . . . . .$7.50 ASB2 1981 . . . . . .7.50 APPALOOSA HOrSE CLUB (1983) APHC1 1983 . . . . .$8.00 ArKANSAS IVOryBILLED WOODPECKEr (1983) ARIW1 1983 . . . .$7.50 ARIW1(s) Artist sig . .15.00 ARIW1s/s Sheet of 4 39.95 BASS rESEArCH (1981-84) BRSF1(s)Artist sig .$25.00 BRSF2 . . . . . . . . . .5.50 BRSF2P Imperf pair 15.00 BRSF3 1983 . . . . . .5.50 BRSF3(s)Artist sig . .25.00 BRSF4 1984 . . . . . .5.50 Sam Houston Duck Co. CALIFOrNIA NATIVE SPECIES (1989-95) CNS1 1989 . . . .$11.50 CNS2 1990 . . . . .15.00 CNS3 1991 . . . . .15.00 CNS4 1992 . . . . .15.00 CNS5 1993 . . . . .18.00 CNS6 1994 . . . . .12.00 CNS7 1995 . . . . .12.00 CHESAPEAKE BAy (1984-87) CBC1 1984 . . . . .$6.00 CBC1(s) Artist sig . .12.00 CBC2 1985 . . . . . .6.50 CBC2(s) Artist sig . .12.00 CBC3 1986 . . . . . .6.00 CBC3(s) Artist sig . .12.00 CBC4(s) Artist sig . .12.00 COASTAL CONSErVATION ASSOC. (1983-present) CCA1 1983 . . . .$10.00 CCA1P Proof . . . . .30.00 CCA2 1984 . . . . .10.00 CCA3 1985 . . . . .10.00 CCA4 1986 . . . . .10.00 CCA5 1987 . . . . .10.00 CCA6 1988 . . . . .10.00 CCA7 1989 . . . . .10.00 CCA8 1990 . . . . .10.00 CCA9 1991 . . . . .10.00 CCA10 1992 . . . . .10.00 CCA12 1994 . . . . .10.00 COASTAL CONSErVATION ASSOC. Price Cat. No. Year CCA13 1995 . . . .$10.00 CCA14 1996 . . . . .10.00 CCA15 1997 . . . . .10.00 CCA16 1998 . . . . .10.00 CCA17 1999 . . . . .10.00 CCA18 2000 . . . . . .8.00 CCA19 2001 . . . . . .8.00 CCA20 2002 . . . . . .8.00 CCA21 2003 . . . . . .8.00 CCA22 2004 . . . . . .8.00 CCA23 2005 . . . . . .8.00 CCA24 2006 . . . . . .8.00 CCA25 2007 . . . . . .8.00 CCA27 2009 . . . . . .8.00 CCA28 2010 . . . . . .8.00 CCA29 2011 . . . . . .8.00 CCA30 2012 . . . . . .8.00 CCA31 2013 . . . . . .8.00 CCA32 2014 . . . . . .8.00 CCA33 2015 . . . . . .8.00 DEEr UNLImITED (1980-84) DRU1 1980 . . . . .$6.50 DRU2 1981 . . . . . .6.50 DRU2(s) . . . . . . . . .12.00 DRU2v Color var. . .9.00 DRU3 1982 . . . . . .6.50 DRU3(s) Art. sig . . .30.00 DRU4 1983 . . . . . .6.50 DRU5 1984 . . . . . .6.50 DRU5v Color var. . .9.00 SPECIAL! DRU1 PRINT 5.00 plus s&h. DING DArLING FOUNDATION (1984) DDF1 1984 . . . .$20.00 DDF1A Gold border . .50.00 DDF1P Proof . . . . .75.00 INTErNATIONAL qUAIL FOUND. (1982-86) IQFR1 1982 . . . . .$8.00 1983 . . . . . .7.00 IQFR2 IQFR3 1984 . . . . . .6.00 1985 . . . . . .6.00 IQFR4 1986 . . . . . .5.00 IQFR5 79 mISS. WILDLIFE FED (1982-84) MSWL1 1982 . . . . .$7.00 mS CONSErVATION (1975) MSC1 1975 . . . . .$8.00 mONTANA BIrD ArT (1980) MTBR1 1980 . . . . .$6.00 INTErNATIONAL WILDLIFE FOUND. (1981-83) IWF2 1982 . . . . .$6.50 LEWIS AND CLArK rANGErS LACR1 1982 . . . . . . .$7.50 LONG ISLAND WATErFOWL (1977-83) LIW1 1977 . . . .$18.00 LIW2 1978 . . . . . .3.00 LIW2(s) Artist sig . .15.00 LIW3 1979 . . . . . .3.00 LIW3(s) Artist sig . .15.00 LIW4 1980 . . . . . .3.00 LIW4(s) Artist sig . .15.00 LIW6 1982 . . . . . .3.00 LIW7 1983 . . . . . .3.00 LOUISIANA WILDLIFE FEDErATION (1985-88) LAW1 1985 . . . . .$5.00 LAW2 1986 . . . . . .5.00 LAW3 1987 . . . . . .Call DIAmOND rEEF DIVING (1992-98) DR1 1992 . . . .$29.00 DR2 1993 . . . . .40.00 DR3 1994 . . . . .55.00 DR3a Sample . . .10.00 DR4 1995 . . . . .70.00 DR5 1996 . . . . .85.00 DR6 1997 . . . . .85.00 DR7a Sample . . .10.00 mICHIGAN DUCK HUNTErS ASSOCIATION. (1982-86) Cat. No. Year Price MIDH1 1982 . . . . .$8.50 MIDH2 1983 . . . . .10.00 MIDH2v Purple var. 17.50 MIDH3 1985 . . . . .10.00 MIDH4 1986 . . . . .12.00 mAryLAND WILDLIFE CONSErVATION (1985-89) MDWC1 1985 . . . .$10.00 MDWC2 1986 . . . . .10.00 MDWC3 1987 . . . . .10.00 MDWC4 1988 . . . . .10.00 MDWC5 1989 . . . . .10.00 Issued by the state not required for hunting. NATIONAL AUDUBON (1985-2012) NAS8 1992 . . . .$20.00 NAS9 1993 . . . . .20.00 NAS10 1994 . . . . .20.00 NAS12 1996 . . . . .15.00 NAS13 1997 . . . . .15.00 NAS13f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS14 1998 . . . . .15.00 NAS14f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS15 1999 . . . . .15.00 NAS15f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS16 2000 . . . . .15.00 NAS17f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS18 2002 . . . . .15.00 NAS19 2003 . . . . .15.00 NAS19f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS20 2004 . . . . .15.00 NAS20f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS21 2005 . . . . .15.00 NAS21f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS22 2006 . . . . .15.00 NAS22f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS23 2007 . . . . .15.00 NAS23f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS24 2008 . . . . .15.00 NAS24f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS25 2009 . . . . .15.00 NAS25f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS26 2010 . . . . .15.00 NAS26f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS27 2011 . . . . .15.00 NAS27f w/folder . . .25.00 NAS28 2012 . . . . .15.00 NAS28f w/folder . . .25.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Conservation ALABAmA WATErFOWL ASSOCIATION (1992) Price Cat. No. Year ALWA1 1992 . . . .$16.00 All mint, VF NH We accept want lists! NAT’L ENDANGErED SPECIES (1982-83) Price Cat. No. Year NESS1 1982 . . . . .$6.00 NESS1(s)Artist sign .20.00 NATIONAL FISH & WILDLIFE FOUNDATION (1987-98) NFWF1 1987 . . . .$7.00 NFWF1(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF2 1988 . . . . .7.50 NFWF2(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF3 1989 . . . .12.00 NFWF3(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF4 1990 . . . .12.00 NFWF4(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF5 1991 . . . .12.00 NFWF5(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF6 1992 . . . .12.00 NFWF6(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF7 1993 . . . .12.50 NFWF7(s) Artist sign 15.00 NATIONAL FISH & WILDLIFE FOUNDATION Price Cat. No. Year NFWF8 1995 . . . .$12.00 NFWF8(s) Artist sign 15.00 NFWF9(s)1996 A.sgn 20.00 NATIONAL FOrEST SErVICE (1991) NFS1(s) Artist sign $20.00 NFS1p Proof . . . . .30.00 NAT’L PArK SErVICE (1988-97) 1988 . . . .$42.50 NPS1 NPS2 1989 . . . . .22.00 NPS2(s) Artist sig . .30.00 NPS3 1990 . . . . .20.00 NPS3(s) Artist sig . .25.00 1991 . . . . .18.00 NPS4 NPS4(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NPS5(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NPS6(s) Artist sig . .25.00 1994 . . . . .18.00 NPS7 NPS7(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NPS8(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NPS9(s) 1996 . . . .25.00 NPS10(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NATIONAL DUCK STAmP COLLECTOrS SOCIETy Cat. No. Conservation NDS1 NDS1(s) NDS1P NDS1R NDS2 NDS2(s) NDS2P NDS2R NDS3 NDS3(s) NDS3P NDS3R NDS4 NDS4(s) NDS4P NDS4R NDS5 NDS5(s) NDS5P NDS5R NDS6 NDS6(s) NDS6P NDS6R NDS7 NDS7(s) NDS7P NDS7R Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (2009-present) Description Price Canvasback ..............................$6.50 Artist signed (Bob Hautman) .....12.50 Pane of 12 .................................55.00 Remarque................................150.00 Pintail...........................................6.50 Artist signed (Jim Hautman) ......12.50 Pane of 12 .................................55.00 Remarque................................150.00 Barrow’s goldeneye .....................5.00 Artist signed (Joe Hautman)......10.00 Pane of 12 .................................50.00 Remarque................................150.00 Surf scoter ...................................5.00 Artist signed (Phillip Crowe) ......10.00 Pane of 12 .................................50.00 Remarque................................150.00 Blue-winged teal ..........................5.00 Artist signed (Rebekah Nastav) 10.00 Pane of 12 .................................50.00 Remarque................................150.00 Snow goose/lighthouse ...............5.00 Artist signed (Ron Louque.........10.00 Pane of 12 .................................50.00 Remarque................................150.00 Spectacled eider..........................5.00 Artist signed (Cynthie Fisher) ....10.00 Pane of 12 .................................50.00 Remarque................................150.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. NATIONAL rETrIEVEr (1982-84) Price Cat. No. Year 1982 . . . .$12.00 NRC1 NRC1(s) Artist sig . .25.00 NRC1P Proof . . . . .30.00 NRC3(s) 1984 A.sig .15.00 N. AmErICAN DECOy (1983-85) NAD1 1983 . . . . .$5.00 1984 . . . . . .5.00 NAD2 NAD3 1985 . . . . . .5.00 N. Am. ENDANGErED SPECIES (1982//84) NAES1 1982 . . . . .$6.00 NAES1(s)Artist sig . .10.00 NAES2 1984 . . . . . .6.00 NOrTH AmErICAN GAmE BIrD (1984-91) NAG1 1984 . . . . .$5.00 NAG2 1985 . . . . . .5.00 NAG3 1986 . . . . . .5.00 NAG4 1987 . . . . . .5.00 NOrTH AmErICAN WILD SHEEP (1980-83) NAWS1 1980 . . . . .$5.00 NAWS2 1981 . . . . . .5.00 NAWS3 1982 . . . . . .6.00 NAWS3p 1982 . . . .30.00 NAWS4 1983 . . . . . .8.00 OrDEr OF THE ANTELOPE (1982) OTA1 1982 . . . . .$9.00 PENNSyLVANIA FED SPOrTSmEN (1981-90) PASC1 1981 . . . .$5.00 PASC2 1982 . . . . .5.00 PASC2(s) Artist sig . .45.00 PASC3 1983 . . . . .5.00 PASC4 1984 . . . . . .5.00 PASC5 1985 . . . . . .5.00 PASC6 1986 . . . . . .5.00 PASC7 1987 . . . . . .5.00 PASC8 1988 . . . . . .5.00 PASC9 1989 . . . . . .5.00 PASC10 1990 . . . . . .5.00 80 PENNSyLVANIA STATE PArKS (1992-95) Price Cat. No. Year PASP1 1992 . . . . .$8.00 PASP1(s) Artist sig . .12.00 PASP2 1993 . . . . . .7.50 PASP2(s) Artist sig . .12.00 PASP3 1994 . . . . . .7.50 PASP3(s) Artist sig . .12.00 PASP4 1995 . . . . . .7.50 PASP4(s) Artist sig . .12.00 PENNSyLVANIA WILD TUrKEy (1981-83) PAWT2 1982 . . . . .$6.00 PAWT2(s) Artist sig . .15.00 PAWT3 1983 . . . . . .6.00 PAWT3(s) Artist sig . .15.00 qUAIL UNLImITED (1982-present) QU1 1982 . . . .$15.00 QU1(s) Artist sig . .20.00 QU2 1983 . . . . .12.00 QU2(s) Artist sig . .20.00 QU3 1984 . . . . . .6.50 QU3(s) 1984 A.sig .12.00 QU5 1986 . . . . . .6.00 QU6 1987 . . . . . .6.00 rAPTOr FUND (1981-82) RF1 1981 . . . .$6.00 RF1(s) Artist sig . .12.00 RF2 1982 . . . . . .6.00 rUFFED GrOUSE (79-87) RG1 1979 . . .$25.00 RG1(s) Artist sig . .30.00 RG2 1980 . . . . .8.50 RG2(s) Artist sig . .15.00 RG3 1981 . . . . . .8.00 RG3(s) Artist sig . .15.00 RG4 1982 . . . . .5.00 RG5 1983 . . . . . .5.00 RG6 1984 . . . . . .5.00 RG7 1985 . . . . . .5.00 SOUTH CArOLINA qUAIL UNLImITED (1990//93) SCQU1 1990 . . . . .$7.00 SCQU2 1991 . . . . . .7.00 SC WATErFOWL ASSOC. (1988-2003) SCW1(s) Artist sig .$15.00 SCW2 1989 . . . . . .8.50 SCW2(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SCW3 1990 . . . . . .8.50 SCW4 1991 . . . . . .8.50 SCW4(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SCW5 1992 . . . . . .8.50 SCW5(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SCW6(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SC WATErFOWL ASSOC. Price Cat. No. Year 1994 . . . . .$8.50 SCW7 SCW7(s) Artist sig . .15.00 1995 . . . . . .8.50 SCW8 SCW8(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SCW9 1996 . . . . . .8.50 SCW9(s) Artist sig . .15.00 SCW10 1997 . . . . . .8.50 SCW10(s) Artist sig .15.00 SCW11 1998 . . . . . .8.50 SCW12 1999 . . . . . .8.50 SCW12(s) Artist sig .15.00 SCW13 2000 . . . . . .8.50 SCW13(s) Artist sig .15.00 SCW14(s) Artist sig .15.00 SCW15(s) Artist sig .15.00 TEXAS qUAIL (1990-2005) TXQ1 1990 . . . .$10.00 1991 . . . . .10.00 TXQ2 TXQ3 1992 . . . . . .9.50 1993 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ4 TXQ5 1994 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ7 1996 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ8 1997 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ10 1999 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ10(s) Artist sig . .15.00 TXQ11 2000 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ12 2001 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ13 2002 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ14 2003 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ14(s) Artist sig . .15.00 TXQ15 2004 . . . . . .9.50 TXQ16 2005 . . . . . .9.50 WATErFOWL USA LTD. (1983-87) WDLT1 1983 . . . . .$5.00 WDLT1(s) Artist sig . .15.00 WDLT2 1984 . . . . . .5.00 WDLT3 1985 . . . . . .5.00 WDLT3(s) Artist sig . .15.00 WDLT5 1987 . . . . . .5.00 WATErFOWL USA – WOOD DUCK (1984//86) WFWD1 1984 GA . .$6.00 WFWD2 1986 LA . . .8.00 WFWD3 1986 TN . . .8.00 WFWD4 1986 IL . . . .8.00 WFWD5 1986 NE . . .8.00 Wy CHAP WILD FED. (1982-84) WYWL1 1982 . . . . .$3.50 WYWL2 1983 . . . . . .3.50 ZAmBIA NATIONAL PArK ZNP1 1991 . . . . . . .$12.00 More stamps pictured at Fishing Stamps All mint F-VF and better, never hinged, used will be indicated by the used symbol – V The following list of fishing stamps utilizes the catalog numbers and pictorial stamps as shown in the Fishing Stamp Album, by Howard Richoux and Bob Dumaine. This listing contains only pictorial stamp issues, except for Marion County, Kansas, and utilizes catalog numbers of Howard Richoux and J.R. Wooton. Prices are volatile and subject to change. NOTICE: we presently DO NOT have a complete stock. We suggest you list the stamps you desire and we will send all that are available up to your designated dollar amount. Credit card payment is suggested in this case to avoid refunds. Thank you! ALASKA – SALmON & STEELHEAD TrOUT (1980-82) AKST1 1980 $5. . . . $7.00 AKST2 1980 No fee . 3.50 AKST3 1981 $5. . . . . 7.00 AKST4 1981 No fee 25.00 AKST5 1982 $5. . . . . 7.00 ArK. – ART1 ART1A ART1P ART1T ART2 ART2T ART3 ART3T TrOUT (1991-93) 1991. . . . . $10.00 Gray letters 15.00 Proof . . . . . . 5.00 Printlet . . . . 15.00 1992. . . . . . 10.00 Printlet . . . . 15.00 1993. . . . . . 10.00 Printlet . . . . 15.00 CALIF. – LICENSE STAmP (Fishing 1958-83) CAF1 1958. . . . . $10.00 CAF3 1959 large # V 7.50 CAF3 1959 small # . 7.50 CAF6A 1961 blue. . . 6.00 CAF7 1962. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF8 1963. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF10 1965. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF12 1967. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF15 1970. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF16 1971. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF17 1972. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF18 1973. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF19 1974. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF20 1975. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF21 1976. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF22 1977. . . . . . . 3.00 CAF23 1978. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF24 1979. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF25 1980. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF26 1981. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF27 1982. . . . . . . 5.00 CAF28 1983. . . . . . . 5.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. CALIF. – FrEE FISHING LICENSE VALIDATION (1959-80) Price Cat. # Year CAFFLV1 1959 . . $30.00 CAFFLV9 1967 . . . 25.00 CAFFLV12 1970. . . . 25.00 CAFFLV13 1971. . . . 20.00 CALIFOrNIA – TrOUT AND SALmON (1972-83) CATS1 1972. . . . . . $4.00 CATS2 1973. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS3 1974. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS4 1975. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS5 1976. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS6 1977. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS7 1978. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS8 1979. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS9 1980. . . . . . . 4.00 CATS10 1981. . . . . . . 4.50 CATS11 1982. . . . . . . 4.50 CATS12 1983. . . . . . . 8.00 COLOrADO – TrOUT FISHING (1985 only) COT1 1985 $5. . . $20.00 DELAWArE – TrOUT (1956-present) DET16 1971. . . . . . $4.00 DET19 1973. . . . . . . 7.50 DET21 1974. . . . . . . 4.00 DET22 Non-resident 4.00 DET55 Resident . . 25.00 DET58 Resident . . 25.00 DET60 1990 Youth. 12.00 DET61 Resident . . 10.00 DET62 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DET63 1991 Youth. 12.00 DET64 Resident . . 10.00 DET65 Non-res. . . 15.00 DET66 1992 Youth. 10.00 DET67 Resident . . 10.00 DET68 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DET69 1993 Youth. 10.00 DET70 Resident . . 10.00 DET71 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DET72 1994 Youth. . 8.00 DET73 Resident . . . 8.00 DET74 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DET75 1995 Youth. . 8.00 DET76 Resident . . . 8.00 DET77 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DET78 1996 Youth. . 8.00 DET79 Resident . . . 8.00 DET80 Non-res. . . . 15.00 DELAWArE – TrOUT (1956-present) Price Cat. # Year DET84 1998 Youth. $5.00 DET86 Non-res. . . . 10.00 DET90 2000 Youth. . 5.00 DET91 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET92 Non-res. . . . . 9.00 DET93 2001 Youth. . 5.00 DET94 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET95 Non-res. . . . . 9.00 DET96 2002 Youth. . 5.00 DET97 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET98 Non-res. . . . . 9.00 DET99 2003 Youth. . 5.00 DET100 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET101 Non-res. . . . . 9.00 DET102 2004 Youth. . 5.00 DET103 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET104 Non-res. . . . . 9.00 DET105 2005 Youth. . 5.00 DET106 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET107 Non-resident 9.00 DET108 2006 Youth. . 5.00 DET109 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET110 Non-resident 9.00 DET111 2007 Youth. . 5.00 DET112 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET113 Non-resident 9.00 DET114 2008 Youth. . 5.00 DET115 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET116 Non-resident 9.00 DET117 2009 Youth. . 5.00 DET118 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET119 Non-resident 9.00 DET120 2010 Youth. . 5.00 DET121 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET122 Non-resident 9.00 DET123 2011 Youth. . 5.00 DET124 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET125 Non-resident 9.00 DET126 2012 Youth. . 5.00 DET127 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET128 Non-resident 9.00 DET129 2013 Youth. . 5.00 DET130 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET131 Non-resident 9.00 DET132 2014 Youth. . 5.00 DET133 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET134 Non-resident 9.00 DET135 2015 Youth. . 5.00 DET136 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET137 Non-resident 9.00 DET138 2016 Youth. . 5.00 DET139 Resident. . . . 7.00 DET140 Non-resident 9.00 81 FLOrIDA – CrAWFISH (1989-96) Price Cat. # Year 1991. . . . . $17.50 FLC3 FLC4 1992. . . . . . 12.50 1993. . . . . . . 8.50 FLC5 FLC6 1994. . . . . . . 7.00 FLOrIDA – SNOOK (1989-96) FLS3(s) Artist sign. $25.00 FLS4 1992. . . . . . 12.50 FLS4(s) Artist sign. . 25.00 FLS5 1993. . . . . . . 8.00 FLS6 1994. . . . . . . 6.00 ILLINOIS – SALmON (1976-93) ILS1 1976. . . . $150.00 ILS2 1977. . . . . 175.00 ILS9 1984. . . . . . 55.00 ILS10 1985. . . . . . 55.00 ILS11 1986. . . . . . 45.00 ILS12 1987. . . . . . 25.00 ILS13 1988. . . . . . 12.50 ILS14 1989. . . . . . . 9.50 ILS15 1990. . . . . . . 9.50 ILS16 1991. . . . . . . 9.50 ILS17 1992. . . . . . . 9.50 ILS18 1993. . . . . . . 9.50 ILLINOIS – LAKE mICH. (1994-2006) ILLM1 1994. . . . . . $9.00 ILLM6 1999. . . . . . . 9.00 ILLM7 2000. . . . . . . 9.00 ILLM11 2004. . . . . . . 9.00 ILLM12 2005. . . . . . . 9.00 ILLM13 2006. . . . . . . 9.00 ILLINOIS – TrOUT STAmP (1994-2006) ILT1 1994. . . . . $12.50 ILT2 1995. . . . . . 12.50 ILT6 1999. . . . . . . 9.00 ILT7 2000. . . . . . . 9.00 ILT11 2004. . . . . . . 9.00 ILT12 2005. . . . . . . 9.00 ILT13 2006. . . . . . . 9.00 INDIANA – TrOUT FISHING (1951-present) Price Cat. # Year INT18 1967. . . . . $10.00 INT20 1969. . . . . . 10.00 INT27 1976. . . . . . . 5.00 INT28 1977. . . . . . . 5.00 INT30 1979. . . . . . . 5.00 INT31 1980. . . . . . . 7.00 INT32 1981. . . . . . . 7.00 INT33 1982. . . . . . . 7.00 INT34 1983. . . . . . . 7.00 INT35 1984. . . . . . . 7.00 INT36 1985. . . . . . . 7.00 INT37 1986. . . . . . . 7.00 INT38 1987. . . . . . . 7.00 INT39 1988. . . . . . . 9.00 INT40 1989. . . . . . . 9.00 INT41 1990. . . . . . . 9.00 INT42 1991. . . . . . . 9.00 INT43 1992. . . . . . . 9.00 INT44 1993. . . . . . . 9.00 INT45 1994. . . . . . . 9.00 INT46 1995. . . . . . . 9.00 INT47 1996. . . . . . . 9.00 INT48 1997. . . . . . . 9.00 INT49 1998. . . . . . . 9.00 INT50 1999. . . . . . . 9.00 INT51 2000. . . . . . . 9.00 INT52 2001. . . . . . . 9.00 INT53 2002. . . . . . 12.50 INT54 2003. . . . . . 12.50 INT55 2004. . . . . . 12.50 INT56 2005. . . . . . 12.50 INT57 2006. . . . . . 12.50 INT58 2007. . . . . . 12.50 INT59 2008. . . . . . 12.50 INT60 2009. . . . . . 12.50 INT61 2010. . . . . . 12.50 INT62 2011 . . . . . . 12.50 INT63 2012. . . . . . 12.50 INT64 2013. . . . . . 12.50 INT65 2014. . . . . . 12.50 IOWA – TrOUT FISHING (1961-present) IAT13 1973. . . . . $35.00 IAT14 1974. . . . . . 35.00 IAT17 1977. . . . . . 15.00 IAT18 1978. . . . . . 35.00 IAT20 1980. . . . . . 35.00 IAT22 1982. . . . . . 35.00 IAT22(s) Artist sig. . . 50.00 IAT23 1983. . . . . . 22.50 IAT25 1985. . . . . . 30.00 IAT27 1987. . . . . . 30.00 IAT28 1988. . . . . . 15.00 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Fish ALASKA – SPOrT FISHING LICENSE (195156) Price Cat. # Year AKF11 1956 $1 V. $50.00 AKF12 1956 $3 V. . 65.00 IOWA – TrOUT FISHING Cat. # Year Price IAT29 1989. . . . . . $18.00 IAT30 1990. . . . . . . 18.00 IAT31 1991. . . . . . . 18.00 IAT32 1992. . . . . . . 18.00 IAT33 1993. . . . . . . 16.00 IAT34 1994. . . . . . . 15.00 IAT35 1995. . . . . . . 14.50 IAT36 1996. . . . . . . 14.50 IAT37 1997. . . . . . . 14.50 IAT38 1998. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT40 2000. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT41 2001. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT42 2002. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT43 2003. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT44 2004. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT45 2005. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT46 2006. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT47 2007. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT48 2008. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT49 2009. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT50 2010. . . . . . . 13.50 IAT51 2011 . . . . . . . 13.50 IAT52 2012. . . . . . . 18.50 IAT53 2013. . . . . . . 18.50 IAT54 2014. . . . . . . 18.50 IAT55 2015. . . . . . . 18.50 KS – mArION CO. FISH (1939-1973) Printed Text Stamps KSMF16 1954. . . . . . $60.00 KSMF17 1955. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF18 1956. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF19 1957. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF20 1958. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF21 1959. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF22 1960. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF23 1961. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF24 1962. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF25 1963. . . . . . . 60.00 KSMF26 1964. . . . . . . 80.00 KSMF27 1965. . . . . . . 80.00 KSMF28 1966. . . . . . . 80.00 KSMF30 1968. . . . . . . 80.00 KSMF31 1969. . . . . . . 80.00 KANSAS – TrOUT FISHING (1998-2004) KST1 1998. . . . . . . $9.50 KST2 1999. . . . . . . . 9.50 KST3 2000. . . . . . . . 9.50 KST4 2001. . . . . . . . 9.50 KST5 2002. . . . . . . 12.50 KST6 2003. . . . . . . 12.50 KST7 2004. . . . . . . 12.50 Fish KENTUCKy – TrOUT FISHING (1971- 2006) KYT11 1981. . . . . . $10.00 KYT12 1982. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT13 1983. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT14 1984. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT15 1985. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT16 1986. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT17 1987. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT18 1988. . . . . . . 10.00 Sam Houston Duck Co. KENTUCKy – TrOUT Price Cat. # Year KYT19 1989. . . . . . $10.00 KYT20 1990. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT21 1991. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT22 1992. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT23 1993. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT24 1994. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT25 1995. . . . . . . 10.00 KYT30 2000. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT31 2001. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT32 2002. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT33 2003. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT34 2004. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT35 2005. . . . . . . . 7.50 KYT36 2006. . . . . . . . 7.50 mD – CHESAPEAKE BAy (1985-92) MDCB11 1988 $2.50. $20.00 MDCB14 1989 $2.50. . 20.00 MDCB17 1990 $2.50. . 15.00 MDCB20 1991 $2.50. . 15.00 MDCB24 1992 $5 . . . . 15.00 mAryLAND – TrOUT (1963-1997) MDT21 1977 Adult . $20.00 MDT22 1978 Senior . 10.00 MDT23 1978 Adult . . 10.00 MDT25 1979 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT26 1980 Senior . . 8.00 mAryLAND – TrOUT (1963-1997) MDT27 1980 Adult . . $8.00 MDT29 1981 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT37 1985 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT39 1986 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT43 1988 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT45 1989 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT47 1990 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT49 1991 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT51 1992 Adult . . . 8.00 MDT52 1993 . . . . . . . 8.00 MDT53 1994 . . . . . . . 8.00 mICHIGAN – TrOUT FISHING (1948-69) MIT1 1948. . . . . . $35.00 MIT2 1949. . . . . . . 35.00 MIT3 1950. . . . . . . 35.00 MIT4 1951. . . . . . . 35.00 mICH. – TrOUT/SALmON (1970-97) MITS9 1976. . . . . . $12.00 MITS10 1977. . . . . . . . 8.00 MITS12 1979. . . . . . . . 8.00 MITS13 1980. . . . . . . . 8.00 MITS14 1981. . . . . . . 12.00 mICH. – TrOUT/SALmON Price Cat. # Year MITS15 1982. . . . . . $12.00 MITS16 1983. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS19 1986. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS21 1988. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS22 1989. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS23 1990. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS25 1992. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS26 1993. . . . . . . 12.00 MITS27 1994. . . . . . . 12.00 mINNESOTAN – TrOUT (1982 - present) MNT1 1982. . . . . . . $8.00 MNT2 1983. . . . . . . . 8.00 MNT2(s) Artist signed. 15.00 MNT3 1984. . . . . . . . 8.00 MNT4 1985. . . . . . . . 8.00 Changed to Trout/Salmon MNTS1 1986. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS1(s) Artist sig . . 15.00 MNTS2 1987. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS2(s) Artist sig . . 15.00 MNTS3 1988. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS3(s) Artist sig . . 15.00 MNTS4 1989. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS5 1990. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS6 1991. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS7 1992. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS8 1993. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS11 1996. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS12 1997. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS14 1999. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS15 2000. . . . . . . 10.00 MNTS16 2001. . . . . . . 12.50 MNTS17 2002. . . . . . . 12.50 MNTS18 2003. . . . . . . 12.50 MNTS20 2005. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS21 2006. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS22 2007. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS23 2008. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS24 2009. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS25 2010. . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS26 2011 . . . . . . . 13.50 MNTS27 2012. . . . . . . 14.00 MNTS28 2013. . . . . . . 14.00 MNTS29 2014. . . . . . . 14.00 MNTS30 2015 . . . . . . 14.00 MNTS31 2015 . . . . . . . . Call mINNESOTA WALLEyE (2009 - present) MNW1 2009. . . . . . . $9.50 MNW2 2010. . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW3 2011 . . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW4 2012. . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW5 2013. . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW6 2014. . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW7 2015. . . . . . . . 9.50 MNW8 2016 . . . . . . . . Call mISSOUrI – TrOUT FISHING (1969-96) MOT1 1969. . . . . $250.00 MOT2 1970. . . . . . 185.00 MOT3 1971. . . . . . 150.00 MOT4 1972. . . . . . 150.00 MOT5 1973. . . . . . 125.00 82 mISSOUrI – TrOUT Price Cat. # Year MOT6 1974. . . . . $125.00 MOT7 1975. . . . . . 125.00 MOT8 1976. . . . . . . 70.00 MOT9 1977. . . . . . . 70.00 MOT10 1978. . . . . . . 50.00 MOT11 1979. . . . . . . 35.00 MOT20 1988. . . . . . . 20.00 MOT21 1989. . . . . . . 15.00 MOT22 1990. . . . . . . 10.00 MOT23 1991. . . . . . . . 9.50 MOT24 1992. . . . . . . . 8.00 MOT25 1993. . . . . . . . 8.00 MOT26 1994. . . . . . . . 8.00 MOT27 1995. . . . . . . . 8.00 MOT28 1996. . . . . . . . 8.00 NEBrASKA – AqUATIC HABITAT (1997-2005) NEAH1 1997 . . . . . . . . Call NEAH2 1998 . . . . . . . . Call NEAH3 1999 . . . . . . . . Call NEAH4 2000 . . . . . . . . Call NEAH5 2001. . . . . . . $7.50 NEAH6 2002. . . . . . . . 7.50 NEAH7 2003. . . . . . . . 7.50 NEAH8 2004. . . . . . . . 7.50 NEAH9 2005. . . . . . . . 7.50 NEBrASKA – TrOUT FISHING (1984-96) NET5 1988. . . . . . . $7.50 NET6 1989. . . . . . . . 7.50 NET7 1990. . . . . . . . 7.50 NET8 1991. . . . . . . . 7.50 NET9 1992. . . . . . . . 7.50 NET10 1993. . . . . . . . 7.50 NEVADA – TrOUT (1986-2006) NVT1 1986. . . . . . $20.00 NVT3 1988. . . . . . . 14.00 NVT4 1989. . . . . . . 12.00 NVT7 1992. . . . . . . . 9.00 NVT8 1993. . . . . . . . 9.00 NVT9 1994. . . . . . . . 8.00 NVT10 1995. . . . . . . . 8.00 NVT11 1996. . . . . . . . 7.00 NVT13 1998. . . . . . . . 7.00 NVT15 2000. . . . . . . . 7.00 NVT18 2003. . . . . . . 12.50 NVT20 2005. . . . . . . 14.00 NVT21 2006. . . . . . . 14.00 NH – ATLANTIC SALmON (1995-2004) Price Cat. # Year NHS1 1995. . . . . . $13.00 NHS2 1996. . . . . . . 13.00 NHS7 2001. . . . . . . 13.00 NHS7h Angler . . . . . 13.00 NHS8 2002. . . . . . . 13.00 NHS8h Angler . . . . . 13.00 NHS9 2003. . . . . . . 12.50 NHS9h Angler . . . . . 12.50 NHS10 2004. . . . . . . 12.50 NHS10h Angler . . . . . 12.50 NEW JErSEy – TrOUT (1953-2008) NJT2 Non-resident $6.00 NJT3 1954. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT4 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT5 1955. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT6 Non-resident 12.00 NJT7 1956. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT8 Non-resident . 8.00 NJT9 1957. . . . . . . . 7.00 NJT10 Non-resident . 6.50 NJT12 Non-resident . 8.00 NJT14 Non-resident . 7.00 NJT15 1960. . . . . . . . 4.00 NJT16 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT17 1961. . . . . . . . 4.00 NJT18 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT19 1962. . . . . . . . 4.00 NJT20 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT21 1963. . . . . . . . 4.00 NJT22 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT23 1964. . . . . . . . 3.50 NJT24 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT25 1965. . . . . . . . 3.00 NJT26 Non-resident . 3.25 NJT27 1966. . . . . . . . 3.25 NJT28 Non-resident . 3.25 NJT29 1967. . . . . . . . 3.25 NJT30 Non-resident . 3.25 NJT31 1968. . . . . . . . 6.00 NJT32 Non-resident . 6.00 NJT33 1969. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT34 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT35 1970. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT36 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT37 1971 . . . . . . . 11.00 NJT38 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT39 1972. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT40 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT41 1973. . . . . . . . 8.50 NJT42 Non-resident . 8.50 NJT43 1974. . . . . . . . 4.50 NJT44 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT45 1975. . . . . . . . 3.50 NJT46 Non-resident . 4.00 NJT47 1976. . . . . . . . 4.50 NJT48 Non-resident . 6.50 NJT49 1977. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT51 1978. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT52 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT53 1979. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT54 Non-resident . 5.00 NEW JErSEy – TrOUT Cat. # Year Price NJT55 1980. . . . . . . $5.00 NJT56 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT57 1981. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT58 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT59 1982. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT60 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT61 1983. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT62 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT63 1984. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT64 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT65 1985. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT66 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT67 1986. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT69 1987. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT70 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT71 1988. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT72 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT75 1990. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT76 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT77 1991. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT78 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT79 1992. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT80 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT81 1993. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT82 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT83 1994. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT84 Non-resident . 5.00 NJT85 1995. . . . . . . . 5.00 NJT89 1997. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT90 Non-resident 15.00 NJT91 1998. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT92 Non-resident 15.00 NJT93 1999. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT94 Non-resident 15.00 NJT97 2001. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT98 Non-resident 15.00 NJT99 2002. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT100 Non-resident 15.00 NJT101 2003. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT102 Non-resident 15.00 NJT105 2005. . . . . . . 10.00 NJT106 Non-resident 15.00 NEW yOrK – FISHING (1982 - present) NYF35 1989 $9.50 . . $5.00 NYF37 1989 $27.50 . . 5.00 NYF38 1990 $3.50 . . . 5.00 NYF39 1990 $9.50 . . . 5.00 NYF40 1990 $15.50 . . 5.00 NYF41 1990 $27.50 . . 5.00 ND – TrOUT/SALmON (1984-92 pictorial) Price Cat. # Year NDTS2 1985. . . . . . . $5.00 NDTS3 1986. . . . . . . . 5.00 NDTS4 1987. . . . . . . . 5.00 NDTS5 1988. . . . . . . . 5.00 NDTS6 1989. . . . . . . 10.00 NDTS7 1990. . . . . . . 10.00 NDTS8 1991. . . . . . . . 8.00 NDTS9 1992. . . . . . . . 8.00 PA – TrOUT/SALmON (1991 - 2007) PATS1 1991. . . . . . $15.00 PATS2 1992 . . . . . . . 11.00 PATS3 1993 . . . . . . . 11.00 PATS4 1994. . . . . . . 16.00 PATS8 1998. . . . . . . . 8.50 PATS9 1999. . . . . . . . 7.50 PATS10 2000. . . . . . . . 7.50 PATS15 2005. . . . . . . 13.50 PATS16 2006. . . . . . . 13.50 rHODE ISLAND – TrOUT (1993 - present) RIT1 1993. . . . . . $12.50 RIT2 1994. . . . . . . 10.00 RIT3 1995. . . . . . . 10.00 RIT5 1997. . . . . . . 10.00 RIT7 1999. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT8 2000. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT9 2001. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT12 2004. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT13 2005. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT14 2006. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT15 2007. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT16 2008. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT17 2009. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT18 2010. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT19 2011 . . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT20 2012. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT21 2013. . . . . . . . 8.00 rHODE ISLAND – TrOUT Price Cat. # Year RIT22 2014. . . . . . . . 8.00 RIT23 2015. . . . . . . . . 8.0 RIT24 2016 . . . . . . . . Call SC – rECrEATIONAL FISHErIES (1992-2001) SCSF1 1992. . . . . . $12.00 SCSF2 1993. . . . . . . 10.00 SCSF2h Angler . . . . . 15.00 SCSF3 1994. . . . . . . 10.00 SCSF4 1995. . . . . . . . 9.00 SCSF5 1996. . . . . . . . 9.00 SCSF6 1997. . . . . . . . 9.00 SCSF8 1999. . . . . . . . 9.00 SCSF9 2000. . . . . . . . 9.00 SCSF10 2001. . . . . . . . 9.00 TEXAS – FrESHWATEr TrOUT (1985-2015) TXT1 1985-86 . . . $85.00 TXT2 1986-87 . . . . 65.00 TXT3 1987-88 . . . . 25.00 TXT4 1988-89 . . . . 15.00 TXT5 1989-90 . . . . 10.00 TXT6 1990-91 . . . . 10.00 TXT7 1991-92 . . . . 10.00 TXT8 1992-93 . . . . 10.00 TXT9 1993-94 . . . . 10.00 TXT10 1994-95 . . . . 10.00 TXT11 1996. . . . . . . 10.00 TXT12 1997. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT13 1998. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT14 1999. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT15 2000. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT16 2001. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT17 2002. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT18 2003. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT19 2004. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT20 2005. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT21 2006. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT22 2007. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT23 2008. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT24 2009. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT25 2010. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT26 2011 . . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT27 2012. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT28 2013. . . . . . . . 2.50 TEXAS – FrESHWATEr Price Cat. # Year TXT29 2014. . . . . . . . 2.50 TXT30 2015. . . . . . . . 2.50 TEXAS – SALTWATEr FISHING (1985 - 2015) TXSF1 1985-86 . . $35.00 TXSF1(s) Artist sign . 50.00 1986-87 . . . 20.00 TXSF2 TXSF2(s) Artist sign . 30.00 1987-88 . . . 15.00 TXSF3 TXSF3(s) Artist sign . 30.00 TXSF4 1988-89 . . . 15.00 TXSF4(s) Artist sign . 30.00 TXSF5 1989-90 . . . 10.00 TXSF5(s) Artist sign . 20.00 TXSF6 1990-91 . . . 10.00 TXSF6(s) Artist sign . 20.00 1991-92 . . . 12.00 TXSF7 TXSF7(s) Artist sign . 25.00 TXSF8 1992-93 . . . 10.00 TXSF8(s) Artist sign . 20.00 TXSF9 1993-94 . . . 10.00 TXSF10 1994-95 . . . 10.00 TXSF11 1996 . . . . . 10.00 TXSF12 1997 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF13 1998 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF14 1999 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF15 2000 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF16 2001 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF17 2002 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF18 2003 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF19 2004 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF20 2005 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF21 2006 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF22 2007 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF23 2008 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF24 2009 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF25 2010 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF26 2011. . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF27 2012 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF28 2013 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF29 2014 . . . . . . 2.50 TXSF30 2015 . . . . . . 2.50 UTAH – FISHING LICENSE (1951-52) Price Cat. # Year UTF2 1951 $1. . . . . $5.00 UTF3 1951 $3. . . . . . 3.00 UTF4 1951 $5. . . . . . 7.00 UTF7 1952 $1. . . . . . 5.00 UTF8 1952 $3. . . . . . 3.00 WASHINGTON – SALmON (1978-93) WAS1 1978 $1. . . . . $6.00 WAS2 1978 $3. . . . . . 4.00 WAS3 1978 $5. . . . . . 9.00 WAS4 1978 $10. . . . 12.00 WAS5 1979 $1. . . . . . 6.00 WAS6 1979 $3. . . . . . 4.00 WAS7 1979 $5. . . . . . 9.00 WAS8 1979 $10. . . . 12.00 WAS9 1980 $1. . . . . . 6.00 WAS10 1980 $3. . . . . . 4.00 WAS11 1980 $5. . . . . . 9.00 WAS12 1980 $10. . . . 12.00 WAS13 1981 $1. . . . . . 6.00 WAS14 1981 $3. . . . . . 9.00 WAS15 1981 $5. . . . . . 4.00 WAS16 1981 $10. . . . 12.00 WAS17 1982 $1. . . . . . 6.00 WAS18 1982 $3. . . . . . 4.00 WAS19 1982 $5. . . . . . 9.00 WAS20 1982 $10. . . . 12.00 WAS21 1983 $1. . . . . . 5.00 WAS22 1983 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS23 1983 $5. . . . . . 5.00 WAS24 1983 $10. . . . . 5.00 WAS25 1984 $1. . . . . . 5.00 WAS26 1984 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS27 1984 $5. . . . . . 7.00 WAS28 1984 $10. . . . . 7.00 WAS29 1985 $1. . . . . . 5.00 WAS30 1985 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS31 1985 $5. . . . . . 7.00 WAS32 1985 $10. . . . . 7.00 WAS33 1986 $1. . . . . . 5.00 WAS34 1986 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS35 1986 $5. . . . . . 5.00 WAS36 1986 $10. . . . . 5.00 WAS37 1987 $1. . . . . . 5.00 WAS38 1987 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS39 1987 $5. . . . . . 5.00 WAS40 1987 $10. . . . . 5.00 WAS41 1988 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WAS42 1988 $3 . . . . . 5.00 WAS43 1989 $3 . . . . . 5.00 WAS44 1989 $3 2-day 5.00 WAS45 1990 $3 . . . . . 5.00 WAS47 1991 $4 . . . . . 5.00 WAS49 1992 $4 . . . . . 5.00 WAS51 1993 $4 . . . . . 5.00 The ultimate album for your fishing stamp collection! Over 200 pages and 1,500 spaces thru 2000 pictorial issues, by Howard richoux and Bob Dumaine. Scott binder compatible pages! Order blank pages to accommodate extra issues. Pages only (over 200) . . . . . .$69.95 Scott binder – 3- ring . . . . . . .36.75 Slip case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29.99 Blank pages (20) . . . . . . . . . . . .7.75 Please add $6 shipping on all album orders, $4 for pages only. Sam Houston Duck Co. 83 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Fish Fishing Stamp Album WEST VIrGINIA – TrOUT FISHING (1960//89) WVT5 1972. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT6 1973. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT7 1974 $3. . . . . . 5.00 WVT8 1974 $5. . . . . . 5.00 WVT9 1975 $3 + 25¢ . 5.00 WVT10 1975 $5. . . . . . 5.00 WVT11 1976 $3 + 25¢ . 5.00 WVT12 1976 $5 + 25¢ . 5.00 WVT13 1977. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT14 Non-resident . 5.00 WVT15 1978. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT16 Non-resident . 5.00 WVT17 1979. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT18 Non-resident . 5.00 WVT20 Non-resident . 5.00 WVT21 1981. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT22 Non-resident . 5.00 WVT23 1982. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT24 1983. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT25 1984. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT26 1985. . . . . . . . 5.00 WVT27 1986. . . . . . . . 5.00 WISCONSIN – GrEAT LAKES SALmON/TrOUT (1982 - 2009) WIGL1 1982. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL2 1983. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL3 1984. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL4 1985. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL5 1986. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL6 1987. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL7 1988. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL8 1989. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL9 1990. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL10 1991. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIGL11 1992. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL12 1993. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL13 1994. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL15 1996. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL16 1997. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL17 1998. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL18 1999. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL19 2000. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL20 2001. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL22 2003. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL23 2004. . . . . . . 10.00 WIGL24 2005 . . . . . . 13.50 WIGL25 2006. . . . . . . 13.50 WISCONSIN – Gr. LAKES Price Cat. # Year WIGL26 2007. . . . . . $13.50 WIGL27 2008. . . . . . . 13.50 WIGL28 2009. . . . . . . 13.50 WISCONSIN – TrOUT FISHING (1978 - 2009) WIT1 1978. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT2 1979. . . . . . . . 6.00 1980. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT3 WIT4 1981. . . . . . . . 6.00 1982. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT5 WIT6 1983. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT7 1984. . . . . . . . 6.00 1985. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT8 WIT9 1986. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT10 1987. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT11 1988. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT12 1989. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT13 1990. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT14 1991. . . . . . . . 6.00 WIT15 1992. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT16 1993. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT17 1994. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT19 1996. . . . . . . 10.00 Be sure to check our Fish For Specials, Bargains and Wholesale Lots! Go to and click on the eBay logo. Sam Houston Duck Co. l l l l l l l l l l l l l l WISCONSIN – TrOUT Price Cat. # Year WIT20 1997. . . . . . $10.00 WIT21 1998. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT22 1999. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT24 2001. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT26 2003. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT27 2004. . . . . . . 10.00 WIT28 2005. . . . . . . 13.50 WIT29 2006. . . . . . . 13.50 WIT30 2007. . . . . . . 13.50 WIT31 2008. . . . . . . 13.50 WIT32 2009. . . . . . . 13.50 CANADA FISHING Chinook Cat. # Year Price CF1 1989 “J” . . . . . . $4.00 CF2 1989 $3 . . . . . . . . 4.00 CF3 1989 $3 non-tidal 4.00 CF4 1990 “J” . . . . . . . 4.00 CF5 1990 $3 . . . . . . . . 4.00 CF6 1990 $3 non-tidal 4.00 CF8 1991 $3.21 . . . . . 4.00 CANADA FISHING Cat. # Year Price CF9 1991 $3 non-tide . $4.00 CF10 1992 “J” . . . . . . . 4.00 CF11 1992 $3.21 . . . . . 5.00 CF12 1992 $3 non-tidal 5.00 CF13 1993 “J” . . . . . . . 4.00 CF14 1993 $3.21 . . . . . 4.00 CF15 1993 $3 non-tidal 4.00 Salmon CF16 1994 CF18 1995 CF19 1995 CF26 1999 CF27 2000 CF28 2001 “J” . . . . . . . 4.00 “J” . . . . . . . 4.00 $ 3.21 . . . . . 4.00 $ 6.42 . . . . . 6.00 $ 6.42 . . . . . 6.00 $ 6.42 . . . . . 6.00 mANITOBA FISHING MBF1 1993. . . . . . . . 7.50 MBF2 1994. . . . . . . . 7.50 MBF3 1995. . . . . . . . 7.50 MBF4 1996. . . . . . . . 7.50 Please call on rare fishing stamps. Our stock is sparse. eBay Store Categories GrADED US & rW U.S. STAmPS AIrmAIL - BACK OF BOOK rW rArITIES ArT - PrINTS COLLECTIONS US FDC'S SPACE FEDErAL DUCKS ErrOrS - EFO'S ArTIST SIGNED JUNIOr DUCKS rEmArqUE - ArT H & F LICENSES l l l l l l l l l l l l l l STATE STAmPS GOVErNOr EDITIONS DOG - LIGHTHOUSE PrINTED TEXT FISH & GAmE DUCK COVErS - CArDS COVErS - POSTAL HIST. INDIAN rESErVATION COLLECTIBLES WHOLESALE WOrLDWIDE CINDErELLA AUTOGrAPHS CIVIL WAr PayPal payments gladly accepted! 84 BLACK DUCK RW7 1940 Jaques, F. L. u JDS6 1998 Peterson, Eric AD4 1991 Harvey, Brent AR10 1990 Maass, David AR25 2005 Chandler, Larry u 1991 Bacon, Chris CD7 1993 Hirata, Tom CT1 CT11 2003 Fusco, Paul CT15 2007 Mueller, Keith CT17 2009 Herdman, Clint DE1 1980 Mayne, Ned DE30 2009 Clifton, Richard DE36 2015 Clifton, Richard GA12 1996 Lanier, David IL8 1982 Sinden, Art IN21 1996 Riggles, Charles IN35 2010 Klinefelter, Jeffrey JV1s 1991 Bacon/Howe JV3s 1991 Harvey/Howe 1987 McDonald, R. KY3 KY20 2004 Walden, Christopher ME1 1984 Maass, David ME16 1999 Alley, Rick MD11 1984 Huber, Carla MA5 1978 Tyner, William u MA28 2001 Julius, Barry MA35 2008 Coppollo, Gregg MI19 1994 Bollman, David MI38 2013 Clifton, Richard MN25 2001 Hautman, Bob MS9 1984 Goodman, T. MO18 1996 Ferkol, Ron NH7 1989 Steiner, Robert NH18 2000 Jordan, Susan NH25 2007 Kotulak, Kate NJ11 1994 Goebel, Wilhelm NC19 2001 Louque, Ron NC33 2015 Crittenden, Guy NS13 2004 Perkins, David OH9 1990 Henson, Jon PA14 1996 Putt, Gerald PA31 2013 Putt, Gerald PE10 2004 Harris PW8 1997 Fisk, Arnie QD2 1989 D'Angelo, Claudio RI10 1998 Steiner, Robert RI13 2001 Mueller, Keith RI17 2005 Mueller, Keith SC7 1987 Dillard, Steve SC26 2006 Benson, Dick SC33 2013 Killen, Jim TN6 1984 Hughes, Allen TN18 1996 Leslie, Rob VT3 1988 Killen, Jim VA6 1993 Miller, Bruce VA19 2006 Donovan, Tim BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCK RW57 1990 Hautman, Jim BrANT RW30 1963 Bierly, Edward u AK11 1995 Fisher, Cynthie CD22 Leduc, Pierre CT23 2016 Klinefelter, Jeffrey DE21 2000 Ashman, Michael MA38 2011 Julius, Randy NJ8 1991 Hirata, Tom NC13 1995 Killen, Jim OR3 1986 Sieve, Michael PW4 1993 Fisk, Arnie WA9 1994 Hagenbaumer, D. WA27 2012 Thomas, Fred BUFFLEHEAD RW15 1948 Reece, Maynard AL6 1984 Morris, William AL22 2000 Sellers, David AZ6 1992 Meline, Sherrie Russell AZ25 2011 Meline, Sherrie Russell CD15 1999 Li-Leger, Don Sam Houston Duck Co. 1995 Fisher, Cynthie CO6 CT9 2001 Leslie, Rob CT14 2006 Fusco, Paul DE10 1989 Leslie, Rob FL5 1983 Hertling, Heiner 1992 Crowe, Phillip GA8 1987 Kassabaum, Bart IL13 207 Van Dellen, Christina IL33 IN30 2005 Klinefelter, Jeffrey IA8 1979 Peters, Andrew ME4 1987 VanGilder, Ron ME19 2002 Alley, Rick MD19 1992 Wilson, Will MA29 2002 Baedita, Peter 1981 Krumrey, Dietmar MI6 MI35 2010 Edwards, J.P. MN12 1988 Hautman, Bob MO4 1982 Lucy, Gary NV9 1987 Meline, Sherrie Russell NV37 2016 NF10 2003 NF13 2006 NH6 1988 Steiner, Robert NJ10 1993 Miller, Bruce NY15 1999 Clifton, Richard NC12 1994 Crowe, Phillip NWT9 2005 OD7 1999 Lane, Mia OH12 1993 Nanney, Keith OH19 2000 Anderson, Mark OK17 1996 Everhart, Greg OR8 1991 Frisino, Louis PA13 1995 Bray, Mark SC12 1992 Cobane, Russell SD18 2000 Duerksen, Russ TN20 2000 McMurray, B. TX15 1995 Maass, David VT10 1995 Mullen, Robert VA5 1992 Knuth, Spike VA25 2012 Obolewicz, John WA14 1999 Steiner, Robert WI2 1979 Knuth, Rockne CANVASBACK RW2 1935 Benson, F. W. u RW32 1965 Jenkins, Ron RW42 1975 Fisher, James u RW49 1982 Maass, David RW60 1993 Miller, Bruce RW81 2014 Grimm, Adam JDS4 1996 Weaver, Clark JDS21 2013 Grimm, Madison AB5 1993 Lacy, Charles AL10 1988 Warr, John AL16 1994 Knutson, Robert AL28 2006 Stewart, Clarence AK8 1992 Thomas, Fred AZ10 1996 Hayden, Larry u AZ22 2008 Meline, Sherrie Russell AR21 2001 Maass, David CA2 1972 Johnson, Paul CA11 1981 Steiner, Robert CA31 2001 Steiner, Robert CD2 1986 Lansdowne, J.F. CO14 2003 Fisher, Cynthie CT2 1994 Leslie, Rob DE4 1983 Green, John DE31 2010 Oliver, Steve FL8 1986 Steiner, Robert FL23 2001 Harris, John N. IL4 1978 Staffeldt, Everett IL20 1994 Crowe, Phillip IL23 1997 Hirata, Tom IL28 2002 Killen, Jim IN4 1979 Pierce, Diane IN12 1987 Bates, Susan IA5 1976 Klepinger, Nick IA19 1990 Murillo, Pat IA25 1996 Krumrey, Dietmar KS6 1992 Thomas, Jerry 1989 Crowe, Phillip KY5 LA14 2002 McLeroy, Reggie ME32 2015 Loring, Michael MD3 1976 Frisino, Louis MD9 1982 Bucklin, Roger MD20 1993 Frisino, Louis MD24 1997 Taylor, Jim MD35 2008 Bealle, Robert MD42 2015 Taylor, Jim MA18 1991 Piscatori, Robert MI2 1977 Hayden, Larry u MI22 1997 Monroe, Mike MI34 2009 Poulos, Lorna MN4 1980 Meger, James 1979 Hardy, Carole MS4 MS16 1991 Crowe, Phillip MS19 1994 Thames, Emmitt MO10 1988 Bollman, Bruce MT11 1996 Borgreen, Jim u NE3 1993 Anderson, Neal NDS1 2009 Hautman, Bob NDS6 2014 Louque, Ron NE7 2007 Cooper, Brett 1979 Hayden, Larry u NV1 NV10 1988 Hautman, Jim NV21 1999 Meline, Sherrie Russell NV22 2000 Clifton, Richard NJ1 1984 Hirata, Tom NJ17 2000 Hautman, Joe NJ25 2008 Leslie, Rob 1990 Lester, J. Seerey NY6 NY18 2002 Grimm, Adam NC3 1985 Hirata, Tom NC18 2000 Louque, Ron ND3 1984 Maass, David OH5 1986 Kaatz, Lynn OH20 2001 Blight, Brian OK8 1987 Foster, Rayburn OK20 1999 Smith, Hoyt OK35 2014 Meyer, Shea OR14 1997 Steiner, Robert OR18 2001 Steiner, Robert OR28 2011 Steiner, Robert PA8 1990 Hirata, Tom PA21 2003 Beatty, Jocelyn PA28 2010 Calpino, Scott PW1 1990 Fisk, Arnie RI1 1989 Steiner, Robert RI12 2000 Mueller, Keith RI16 2004 Steiner, Robert RI25 2013 Fabre, Lea RI26 2014 Giannopoulos, Eleni SK16 2005 SC6 1986 Smith, Daniel SC14 1994 Hautman, Joe SC25 2005 LeRoy, Eddie SD3 1978 Moisan, John SD10 1992 Wilson, John u SD20 2002 Anderson, Mark TN2 1980 Crowe, Phillip TN10 1988 Lamb, Jim TX19 1999 Hautman, Bob UT5 1990 Smith, Daniel UT8 1993 Steiner, Robert VT14 1999 Lockwood, George VT20 2005 Bishop, Richard u VA4 1991 Leslie, Rob VA15 2002 Wilson, Jim VA27 2014 Crittenden, Guy WA2 1987 Nichol, Ray WA 2015 Hillard, Gunner WI9 1986 Moore, Don WI23 2000 Moore, Don WI31 2008 Kuether, Brian COOT (American) NV36 2014 Beatty, Jocelyn DECOy RW42 1975 Fisher, James u AR6 1986 Cowan, John u 85 AR16 AR17 AR18 AR20 CA14 CT15 IL17 IL18 IL19 IL20 IL21 IA14 KY9 KY11 ME12 MD7 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA5 MA6 MA7 MA8 MA9 MA10 MA11 MA12 MA13 MA14 MA15 MA16 MA17 MA18 MA19 MA20 MA21 MA22 MA23 MA24 MA25 MA26 MA27 MA28 MA29 MA30 MA31 MA32 MA33 MA34 MA35 MA36 MA37 MA38 MN14 MS16 MT15 NV1 NV21 NJ20 NJ21 NJ22 NJ23 ND9 PW1 PW2 PW3 PW4 PW5 PW6 PW7 PW8 RI19 RI20 SC11 SC21 WV3 WV4 NAD1 1996 1997 1998 2000 1984 2007 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1985 1993 1995 1995 1980 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1990 1991 2000 1979 1999 2003 2004 2005 2006 1990 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 2007 2008 1991 2001 1989 1990 1983 Crowe, Phillip Chandler, Larry u Dearman, John Chandler, Larry u Montanucci, R. Mueller, Keith Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Hahn, Jack Crowe, Phillip Killen, Jim Alley, Rick Schroeder, Jack u Weiler, M. C. u Hennessey, Tom Tyner, William u Tyner, William u Tyner, William u Julius, Randy Eggert John Julius, Randy Eggert, John Julius, Randy Cibula, Joseph Julius, Randy Piscatori, Robert Baedita, Peter Piscatori, Robert Barnicle, Lou Shreve, Racket Piscatori, Robert Julius, Randy Little, Donald Roffo, Sergio Brega, David Wilkinson, C. Eggert, John Piscatori, Bob Freyermuth, V. Julius, Randy Julius, Barry Baedita, Peter Piscatori, Bob Denton, Larry Little, Donald Julius, Randy Schulz, Matthew Coppollo, Gregg Julius, Barry Sexton, Janice Julius, Randy Daniel, Kevin Crowe, Phillip Thornbrugh, Joe Hayden, Larry u Meline, Sherrie Russell Killen, Jim Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Cruwys, Roger Cruwys, Roger Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Fisk, Arnie Mueller, Keith Mueller, Keith Killen, Jim Klinefelter, Jeffrey Louque, Ron Frisino, Louis Blackney, Donald Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Specires Waterfowl Species Reference Listing Specires NAD2 1984 Fernandez, Mario NAD3 1985 Tollas, Harry DOG Black Labrador RW26 1959 Reece, Maynard RW66 1999 Hautman, JIm AR16 1996 Crowe, Phillip AR25 2005 Chandler, Larry u AR27 2007 Crowe, Phillip AR28 2008 Fisher, Cynthie AR30 2010 Crowe, Phillip GA11 1995 Crowe, Phillip GA14 1998 Killen, Jim IL17 1991 Crowe, Phillip IL25 1999 Killen, Jim IA21 1992 Edwards, C. KY5 1989 Crowe, Phillip KY11 1995 Killen, Jim LA17 2005 Michaelsen, Ken MS16 1991 Crowe, Phillip MS31 2006 Hudspeth, Joe MT4 1989 Cruwys, Roger NJ4 1987 Frisino, Louis NJ20 2003 Killen, Jim ND9 1990 Cruwys, Roger OH21 2002 Klinefelter, Jeffrey 1989 Crowe, Phillip OR6 RI3 1991 Steiner, Robert SC11 1991 Killen, Jim SC24 2004 LeRoy, Eddie SC28 2008 Killen, Jim TX18 1998 Crowe, Phillip WV4 1990 Frisino, Louis WV5 1991 Leslie, Rob ASDH1 1982 Abbott, Robert ILP2 1991 Crowe, Phillip NRC1 1982 Crowe, Phillip NRC2 1983 Frace, Charles Chesapeake Bay Retriever AR23 2003 Jones, Zettie IL20 1994 Crowe, Phillip IL28 2002 Killen, Jim LA21 2009 Padgett, Anthony NJ22 2005 Crowe, Phillip OH22 2003 Blight, Brian OH25 2006 Clair, Gregory u OR8 1991 Frisino, Louis UT9 1994 Steiner, Robert Chocolate Labrador AR17 1997 Chandler, Larry u IL21 1995 Crowe, Phillip IL29 2003 Killen, Jim LA19 2007 Bernard, Tony MT15 2000 Thornbrugh, Joe NJ24 2007 Braun, Michael OK29 2008 Duerksen, Russ SC22 2002 Huckaby, Rodney SC31 2011 Killen, Jim VA10 1997 Cruwys, Roger Golden Retriever AR20 2000 Chandler, Larry u GA5 1989 McDonald, R.J. IL18 1992 Crowe, Phillip IL26 2000 Killen, Jim LA20 2008 Klinefelter, Jeffrey MT12 1997 Thornbrugh, Joe NH9 1991 Steiner, Robert NJ23 2006 Cruwys, Roger OR7 1990 Cruwys, Roger SC27 2007 Killen, Jim SC32 2012 Killen, Jim MNP3 1985 Killen, Jim ASDH2 1983 Abbett, Robert NAD3 1985 Tollas, Harry NHP4 1978 Tollas, Harry Spaniel and Pointer NC21 2003 Goebel, Wilhelm SC8 1988 Killen, Jim SC20 2000 Constantine, M. SC30 2010 Killen, Jim SC33 2013 Killen, Jim IQFR4 1985 Abbett, Robert MNP15 1997 Killen, Jim Sam Houston Duck Co. GOLDENEyE Barrow's RW65 1998 Steiner, Robert AL20 1998 Knutson, Robert 1989 Timm, Richard AK5 AK14 1998 Steiner, Robert CA41 2011 Erickson, Shari CO20 2009 Fairbert, Craig DN1 1995 Hansen, Steen KS9 1995 Anderson, Neal 1991 Maass, David LD1 ME21 2004 Alley, Rick MI40 2015 Crittenden, Guy MN16 1992 Hautman, Bob MT14 1999 Rossberg, Cliff NDS3 2011 Hautman, Joe SC19 1999 Nelson, Denise UK7 1996 Warren, Michael WA13 1998 Steiner, Robert WA20 2005 Smith, Dan Common (also American) RW16 1949 Preuss, Roger u RW80 2013 Steiner, Robert AB8 1996 Ackerman, James AW3 1997 McIntosh, David CD12 1996 Harty, Dwayne CO13 2002 Fisher, Cynthie CT16 2008 Schuman, Bert CT18 2010 Herdman, Clint DE14 1993 Metropolis, R. FL18 1996 Makuchal, Wally ID7 1993 Meline, Sherrie Russell IL14 1988 Sinden, Arthur IL35 2009 Hunter, Abraham IN20 1995 Bucklew, Ken IA45 2016 Mauer, Darren KY15 1999 Kaatz, Lynn ME6 1989 Staples, Jeannine MA4 1977 Tyner, William MA17 1990 Shreve, Racket MA34 2007 Schulz, Matthew MI11 1986 Cobane, Russell MI40 2015 Crittenden, Guy MN11 1987 Van Gilder, Ron MN33 2009 Storm, Scot MO17 1995 Peterson, Ryan NB8 2001 Perkins, David NF2 1995 Lane, Mia NV15 1993 Hopkins, Steve NH12 1994 Frisino, Louis NJ13 1996 Goebel, Wilhelm NY11 1995 Szatkowski, F. NT7 2005 OH7 1988 Fisher, Cynthie OH28 2009 Rogers, Joel OK18 1997 Anderson, Mark OK34 2013 Smith, Hoyt QD4 1991 Leduc, Pierre TX24 2004 Gentling, S & S. UK7 1996 VT2 1987 Killen, Jim VA17 2004 Knuth, Spike WI12 1989 Kelley, Rick WI24 2001 Didier, Les GOOSE Blue RW22 1955 Stearns, Stanley DE15 1994 Frisino, Louis MN7 1983 Moss, Gary PA20 2002 Putt, Gerald SD5 1987 Millette, Rosemary Canada RW3 1936 Bishop, Richard u RW25 1958 Kouba, Les u RW43 1976 Magee, Alderson RW64 1997 Hautman, Bob JDS5 1997 Russell, Scott AB1 1989 Levesque, Isabel AL3 1981 DeLoney, Jack AL8 1986 Dorning, Danny AL17 1995 Blackwell, Neil AL27 2005 LeRoy, Eddie AK1 1985 Smith, Daniel QU7 1988 Killen, Jim QU10 1991 Killen, Jim QU13 1994 Crowe, Phillip TXQ10 1999 Crowe, Phillip TXQ11 2000 Pasqua TXQ13 2002 Hardie, Eldridge Yellow Labrador AR6 1986 Cowan, John u AR18 1998 Dearman, John DE37 2016 Murry, Dee Dee 1993 Crowe, Phillip IL19 2001 Killen, Jim IL27 LA18 2006 Suthoff, Eddie NJ15 1998 Crowe, Phillip NJ21 2004 Crowe, Phillip NC20 2002 Louque, Ron SC21 2001 Klinefelter, Jeffrey SC29 2009 Killen, Jim WA7 1992 Crowe, Phillip EIDEr American RW24 1957 Abbott, J. M. u Common AK16 2000 Grimm, Adam CD8 1992 Carter, Brenda ME2 1985 Maass, David ME17 2000 Mumford, Darby MA23 1996 Wilkinson, C. NF9 2002 Hogg, Andrew NH24 2006 Collins, Jim 1993 Koslov, Ivan RD5 RI11 1999 Mueller, Keith King RW58 1991 Howe, Nancy JDS22 2014 Kim, Si Youn AK13 1997 Lockwood, George CD18 2002 Leduc, Pierre NB7 2000 Fisher, Cynthie TN33 2013 Smith, Jet Northern LD2 1992 Hlidberg, Jon Spectacled RW59 1992 Hautman, Joe AK3 1987 Branson, Carl NDS7 2015 Fisher, Cynthie Steller's RW40 1973 LeBlanc, Lee u AK2 1986 Meger, James RD15 2003 FULVOUS WHISTLING DUCK RW53 1986 Moore, Burton JDS12 2004 Nisbett, Adam AZ27J 2013 Sidney, Kim FL17 1995 Nanney, Keith MX1 1993 Photo GADWALL RW18 1951 Reece, Maynard AZ11 1997 Meline, Sherrie Russell CA21 1991 Hayden, Larry u CD13 1997 Burnett, Kerri CO11 2000 Fisher, Cynthie DE17 1996 Clifton, Richard IL12 1986 Sinden, Art IN31 2006 Riggles, Chuck IA3 1974 Landenberger, J. KY14 1998 Roe, Harold LA8 1996 Louque, Ron LA28 2016 MN19 1995 Miller, Bruce MS26 2001 Hudspeth, Joe MO14 1992 Guinn, Kevin MT13 1998 Thornbrugh, Joe NV5 1983 Allen, Charles NV27 2005 Oswald, Adam ND18 1999 Crowe, Phillip OH17 1998 Roe, Harold OK12 1991 Foster, Rayburn OK30 2009 Turenne, Timothy OD16 2008 TX16 1996 Smith, Daniel UK18 2007 VT23 2008 Forcier, Heather 86 AK12 AK19 AK27 AW2 AZ4 AZ20 AR14 BC7 CA16 CA20 CA30 CA42 CD3 CO1 CO25 CT7 DE3 GA3 ID6 ID12 IL3 IL17 IL24 IL25 IN3 IN14 IN22 IN37 IA4 IA16 IA24 IA26 IA44 KS2 KY4 KY10 KY21 MB1 MB8 ME7 ME22 MD2 MD12 MD23 MD33 MD38 MA3 MA16 MA25 MA37 MI4 MI13 MI21 MN5 MN38 MS7 MO1 MT1 MT16 NE1 NV7 NV31 NH5 NH16 NJ4 NY1 NY10 NC4 NC16 NC29 NJ12 ND1 ND13 ND20 OD13 OH8 OH26 OK2 OK22 OR1 OR5 OR16 OR31 1996 2003 2011 1996 1990 2006 1994 2001 1986 1990 2000 2012 1987 1990 2014 1999 1982 1987 1992 1998 1977 1991 1998 1999 1978 1989 1997 2012 1975 1987 1995 1997 2015 1988 1988 1994 2005 1950s 2000 1990 2005 1975 1985 1996 2006 2011 1976 1989 1998 2010 1979 1988 1996 1981 2014 1982 1979 1986 2001 1991 1985 2009 1987 1998 1987 1985 1994 1986 1998 2011 1995 1982 1994 2001 2005 1989 2007 1981 2001 1984 1988 1999 2014 Goebel, Wilhelm Grimm, Adam Steinacher, Sue Blaylock, Ted Finley, Tom Smith, Daniel Lane, Mia Meline, Sherrie Russell Louque, Ron Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert McLean, George Steiner, Robert Clifton, Richard Mueller, Keith Butler, Lois Partee, James Plasschaert, Richard Reece, Maynard Lynch, Richard Crowe, Phillip Hirata, Tom Killen, Jim Knuth, Spike Dohoney, Ann Bucklew, Ken Klinefelter, Jeffrey Reece, Mark Heidersbach, J. Fisher, Cynthia Edwards, C. Brown, Mike Dohoney, Ann Kaatz, Lynn McDonald, Ralph Walden, Christopher ————— Harlin, Nanci Flanagan, Thea Cake, Daniel Stearns, Stanley Turnbaugh, David Turnbaugh, David Makuchal, Paul Taylor, Jim Tyner, William u Barnicle, Lou Piscatori, Bob Sexton, Janice Kurzman, Andrew Martens, John Frentner, Randy Redlin, Terry Moen, Thomas Johnson, Jerry Schwartz, C. u Thornbrugh, Joe Rossberg, Cliff Anderson, Neal Wilson, Richard Meline, Sherrie Russell Steiner, Robert Collins, Jim Frisino, Louis Barton, Larry Hageman, J. Hirata, Tom Hirata, Tom Clifton, Richard Hautman, Joe Plasschaert, Richard Davis, Darrell Crowe, Phillip Meline, Sherrie Russell Kaatz, Lynn Clifton, Richard Smith, Hoyt Brevick, Daniel Sieve, Michael Davis, Darrell Steiner, Robert Smith, Harold Cramer u 1984 1992 1995 1990 1984 1986 1996 1982 1987 2003 2006 1992 2012 1989 1989 2006 1989 2007 1992 1997 2000 2004 2009 1987 1992 1987 1997 1985 1970 1977 2006 2013 1994 2012 1991 2008 1989 2004 2007 1947 1988 2003 1992 1997 1991 1999 2015 1995 2004 1981 1990 1983 2009 1982 2001 2003 2009 1999 1983 1988 1990 1991 1991 2013 1989 1989 2010 1987 1986 2005 1985 2002 1991 1998 1985 2001 1992 1995 1993 1998 Killen, Jim Sopchick, Robert Todd, Brent Steiner, Robert Dornisch, Al Wilson, John Duerksen, Russ Schluz, Ken Hirata, Tom Williams, Amber Pollard, Lauren Hayden, Larry u Moss, Gary Morgan, Jim Killen, Jim Bishop, Richard u LaMay, Art Crittenden, Guy Crowe, Phillip Young, Alex Steiner, Robert Smith, Daniel Steiner, Robert Smith, Daniel Hirata, Tom Kraayvanger, Al Alexander, Greg Kusserow, Robert Bierly, Edward u Murk, Martin Meline, Sherrie Russell Burrey, Steve Clifton, Richard Smith, Daniel Stack, Sara Hautman, Bob Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Murray, Jack u Smith, Daniel Louque, Ron Baggert, Ludo Hatcher, Everett Louque, Ron Meline, Sherrie Russell Maass, David Steiner, Robert Klinefelter, Jeffrey Rowe, Charles Henson, Jon Freeman, Keith Klinefelter, Jeffrey Walker, Tom Maurer, Darren Burney, Ben Hill, Rick Louque, Ron Moss, Gary Tompkins, Bob Dickson, Kathy Ferkol, Ron Thornbrugh, Joe Nastav, Rebekah Smith, Daniel Frisino, Louis Storm, Scot Louque, Ron Smith, Hoyt Klinefelter, Jeffrey Sieve, Michael Putt, Gerald Fisk, Arnie Riopelle, J. P. Cowan, John u Dearman, John Plasschaert, Richard Clifton, Richard Thomas, Fred Didier, Les Sam Houston Duck Co. White-fronted RW11 1944 Weber, Walter u RW78 2011 Hautman, Jim AB7 1995 Tutts, Edwin AK9 1993 Tussey, Ed AK29 2013 Dewhurst, Donna 1974 Johnson, Paul u CA4 CA22 1992 Meline, Sherrie Russell CA36 2006 Meline, Sherrie Russell LA7 1995 Bertrand, John LA26 2014 Bernard, Tony MN9 1985 Redlin, Terry MO16 1994 Alexander, Keith NV37 2015 Klinefelter, Jeffrey ND16 1997 Plasschaert, Richard OK14 1993 Hageman, J. OK33 2012 Clifton, Richard OR4 1987 Smith, Dorothy SD6 1988 Toillion, Marion TX7 1987 Moss, Gary TX31 2011 Hautman, Bob UT11 1996 Steiner, Robert UK20 2009 Other RW31 1964 Stearns, Stanley RW39 1972 Cook, Arthur u JDS16 2008 Hong, Seokkyun 1985 Smith, Daniel AK1 HI1 1996 Ching, Patrick HI8 2003 Keown, Joy HI9 2004 Keown, Joy 1995 UK6 UK19 2008 HArLEqUIN RW19 1952 Dick, John u CD21 2005 Hancock, W. Allan AB10 1997 Holder, Bill AK10 1994 Lockwood, George AK28 2012 Dewhurst, Donna BC13 2007 CD17 2001 Pulham, Gary ID8 1994 Moore, Bill ME27 2010 Wing, Olga MN22 1998 Moen, Thomas MN39 2015 Storm, Scot MT8 1993 Davis, Darrell NF4 1997 Leduc, Pierre RD11 1999 Isakov, Alexei RI8 1996 Allen, Charles RI19 2007 Mueller, Keith TN27 2007 Hankes, Kaydee VT24 2009 Forceier, Heather WA3 1988 Bateman, Robert HAWAIIAN (KOLOA) DUCK HI2 1997 VanZyle, Daniel LIGHTHOUSE RW30 1963 Bierly, Edward u RW63 1996 Goebel, Wilhelm RW70 2003 Louque, Ron CT1 1993 Hirata, Tom CT2 1994 Leslie, Rob CT4 1996 Mueller, Keith CT7 1999 Mueller, Keith CT10 2002 Reichet, Robert DE25 2004 Field, Bonnie DE26 2005 Rivera, Joanna DE27 2006 Clifton, Richard DE28 2007 Lockwood, George DE29 2008 Stewart, John GA8 1992 Crowe, Phillip GA13 1997 Raedeke, Jerry ME2 1985 Maass, David MD27 2000 Turnbaugh, David MI39 2014 McDonald, Tim MI40 2015 Crittenden, Guy MN29 2005 Chapman, David MS20 1995 Thames, Emmitt NDS6 2014 Louque, Ron NH23 2005 Collins, Jim NJ8 1991 Hirata, Tom NJ10 1993 Miller, Bruce NJ11 1994 Goebel, Wilhelm NJ12 1995 Hautman, Joe NJ13 1996 Goebel, Wilhelm NJ17 2000 Hautman, Joe NY10 1994 Hageman, Jerome NY15 1999 Clifton, Richard NC7 1989 Frisino, Louis NC8 1990 Leslie, Rob 1991 Crowe, Phillip NC9 NC10 1992 Plasschaert, Richard NC11 1993 Miller, Bruce NC12 1994 Crowe, Phillip NC13 1995 Killen, Jim NC18 2000 Louque, Ron NC19 2001 Louque, Ron PA21 2003 Beatty, Jocelyn 1999 Mueller, Keith RI11 RI12 2000 Mueller, Keith RI13 2001 Mueller, Keith RI14 2002 Mueller, Keith RI17 2005 Mueller, Keith RI18 2006 Mueller, Keith SC12 1992 Cobane, Russell SC13 1993 Bolin, Bob SC14 1994 Hautman, Joe SC15 1995 Huckaby, Rodney SC16 1996 Cleland-Hura, D.J. SC17 1997 Huckaby, Rodney SC18 1998 Cleland-Hura, D.J. SC19 1999 Nelson, Denise VA6 1993 Miller, Bruce LONG-TAILED DUCK (Oldsquaw) RW34 1967 Kouba, Les u RW76 2009 Spies, Joshua 1990 Frisino, Louis AK6 CD29 2013 CT4 1996 Mueller, Keith DE22 2001 Blight, Brian LD5 1995 ———— ME9 1992 Weirs, Persis Clayton ME24 2007 Alley, Rick MD27 2000 Turnbaugh, David MA7 1980 Eggert, John MA26 1999 Freyermuth, V. MA32 2005 Little, Donald MI39 2014 Smith, Chris MN27 2003 Kness, Mark NH23 2005 Collins, Jim NJ14 1997 Leslie, Rob RI15 2003 Mueller, Keith SC17 1997 Huckaby, Rodney UK9 1993 VT16 2001 Lockwood, George WI36 2013 Millonig, William LOON NF7 2000 Miller, Don N. NT2 2000 Fisher, Cynthie NWT3 1999 Miller, Don N. NY12 1996 Rusin, Len QD3 1990 Leduc, Pierre mALLArD RW1 1934 Darling, J. N. u RW26 1959 Reece, Maynard RW28 1961 Morris, Edward RW47 1980 Plasschaert, Richard RW62 1995 Hautman, Jim JDS10 2002 Closson, Nathan AB2 1990 Sims-Thompson AL2 1980 Spradley, Wayne AL37 2015 LeRoy, Eddie AK22 2006 Steiner, Robert AK25 2009 Steiner, Robert AZ8 1994 Adamson, Harry u AZ26J 2012 Stuart, Enoch AR1 1981 LeBlanc, Lee u AR5 1985 Carlson, Ken AR6 1986 Cowan, John u AR9 1989 Crowe, Phillip AR10 1990 Maass, David AR13 1993 Carlson, Ken AR15 1995 Hayden, Larry u AR16 1996 Crowe, Phillip AR17 1997 Chandler, Larry u AR18 1998 Dearman, John AR20 2000 Chandler, Larry u 87 AR22 AR23 AR24 AR25 AR26 AR27 AR28 AR31 AR33 AR34 BCD1 BCD2 CA3 CA14 CA18 CA26 CA30 CA33 CA38 CD1 CD20 CO2 CT3 CT6 CT13 DE5 DN3 FL9 GA2 GA9 HG1 ID10 IL1 IL18 IL26 IN5 IN16 IA1 IA14 IA20 IA21 IA22 IR1 IS3 KS3 KS7 KS11 KS12 KS13 KS14 KS15 KY1 KY17 KY22 LA10 LA18 LA19 LA25 ME11 ME26 MB15 MD1 MD22 MA15 MI3 MI25 MI36 MN1 MN30 MNC1 MS2 MS10 MS18 MS25 MS35 MS38 MO6 MT3 MT12 MT15 MT18 MX5 NE4 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2013 2014 1946 1947 1973 1984 1988 1996 2000 2003 2008 1985 2004 1991 1995 1998 2005 1984 1997 1987 1986 1993 2001 1996 1975 1992 2000 1980 1991 1972 1985 1990 1992 1993 1997 1997 1989 1993 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 1985 2001 2006 1998 2006 2007 2013 1994 2009 2007 1974 1995 1988 1978 2000 2011 1977 2006 1957 1977 1985 1993 2000 2010 2013 1984 1988 1997 2000 2003 1997 1994 Crowe, Phillip Jones, Zettie McDonald, Ralph Chandler, Larry u Storm, Scot Crowe, Phillip Fisher, Cynthie Hautman, Jim Reece, Maynard Hautman, Jim Johnson, Paul u Montanucci, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Adamson, Harry Bateman, Robert Clarkson, M. Steiner, Robert Crowe, Phillip Hautman, Joe Fusco, Paul Haan, Nolan Friers, Julian Louque, Ron Killen, Jim Raedeke, Jerry Erzsebet, V. Clifton, Richard Eschenfeldt, R. Crowe, Phillip Killen, Jim Barrick, Dean Hansen, Richard Reece, Maynard Hahn, Jack Raedeke, Jerry Edwards, C. Reece, Maynard Friers, Julian Varga, Paul Parsons, Leon Raedeke, Jerry Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Harm, Ray Roe, Harold Walden, Christopher Davis, R. C. Suthoff, Eddie Bernard, Tony Louque, Ron Jordan, Susan Kanach, Georgette Taylor, John Shauck, Charles Piscatori, Robert Timm, Richard Lawrence, Rod Clifton, Richard Maass, David Hautman, Joe ———— Hughes, Allen Fulton, Lottie Suthoff, Eddie Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Chambers, Glenn Samuelson, Dave Thornbrugh, Joe Thornbrugh, Joe Borgreen, Jim u Saenz, Elezear Anderson, Neal Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Species PA2 PA10 PE1 RI2 SC4 SD4 SD14 TN4 TN9 TN23 TN26 TX12 TX32 UT4 VT4 VT21 VA2 VA20 WA7 WA12 WA15 WA19 WA24 WV1 WV6 WI10 WI20 WY2 Ross' RW37 RW44 RW73 AL35 CD10 CO23 MN15 MN32 NV11 OR21 WA22 Snow RW14 RW55 RW70 AB4 AL19 AK7 AZ13 AR35 CA25 CO15 DE2 IL16 IN8 IN34 IA11 IA30 KY19 KY25 LA11 MN7 MS13 MS15 MO13 MT6 NV35 NJ6 NC7 NC28 ND6 OK7 OK26 OR2 PA20 PW2 QD12 TX5 TX21 VT7 VA8 WA8 WI21 Specires NV16 1994 Mueller, Mark 1984 Crowe, Phillip NH2 1991 Steiner, Robert NH9 NH17 1999 Holloway, Bruce NJ2 1985 Maass, David NJ15 1998 Crowe, Phillip NM3 1993 Steiner, Robert 1986 Maass, David NY2 1983 Plasschaert, Richard NC1 NC22 2004 Putt. Gerald ND2 1983 Redlin, Terry ND9 1990 Cruwys, Roger ND15 1996 Goebel, Wilhelm OH2 1983 Antis, Harry OH13 1994 Clifton, Richard OH18 1999 Donovan, Tim OH31 2012 Crain, Tom Morgan OK6 1985 Mobley, Gerald OK25 2004 Storm, Scot OK29 2008 Duerksen, Russ OD11 2003 OR7 1990 Cruwys, Roger OR10 1993 Horsfall, R. B. u OR13 1996 Steiner, Robert OR15 1998 Steiner, Robert OR17 2000 Steiner, Robert OR23 2006 Steiner, Robert OR26 2009 Steiner, Robert OR29 2012 Steiner, Robert PA3 1985 Smith, Ned u PE5 1997 Fariad PW3 1992 Fisk, Arnie PW5 1994 Fisk, Arnie PW6 1995 RD10 1998 Isakov, Alexei RI13 2001 Mueller, Keith RI20 2008 Mueller, Keith RI24 2012 Kim, Jung RI27 2015 Dunn, Joel SC2 1982 Binks, Bob SC21 2001 Klinefelter, Jeffrey SD1 1976 Kusserow, Robert SD7 1989 Millette, R. SD19 2001 Anderson, Mark SK4 1993 Billings, Robert SW2 1998 Friers, Julian TN1 1979 Elliott, Dick TN8 1986 McDonald, Ralph TN16 1994 McDonald, Ralph TN19 1999 Carter, Bethany TN25 2005 Lester, Joshua TN29 2009 Sharp, Brandon TX1 1981 Hayden, Larry u TX9 1989 Maass, David TX25 2005 Booth, Herb u UK5 1994 Lambert, T. UK26 2015 UT3 1988 Chapple, Dave UT9 1994 Steiner, Robert VT8 1993 Plasschaert, Richard VT18 2003 Bishop, Richard u VA1 1988 Louque, Ron VA11 1998 Leslie, Rob VA13 2000 Donovan, Tim WA1 1986 Warrick, Keith WA10 1995 Fisher, Cynthie WA15 2000 Steiner, Robert WA16 2001 Grimm, Adam WA21 2006 Steiner, Robert WV3 1989 Louque, Ron WV5 1991 Leslie, Rob WI18 1995 Didier, Les mErGANSEr American (also Common) RW23 1956 Bierly, Edward u DE26 2005 Rivera, Joanna MN28 2004 Storm, Scot NB12 2005 Hobson, Mark Hooded RW35 1968 Pritchard, C.G. u RW45 1978 Gilbert, Albert RW72 2005 Anderson, Mark JDS2 1994 Weaver, Clark JDS18 2010 Huang, Rui Sam Houston Duck Co. AL11 1989 Byrd, Elaine AL30 2008 Denney, Jim AK21 2005 Moore, Don AZ23 2009 Meline, Sherrie Russell AR29 2009 Hautman, Joe AW4 1998 Strauch, Jeanette CA8 1978 Michaelsen, Ken 1993 Ferris, Ken CD9 CO18 2007 Klinefelter, Jeffrey CT21 2014 Brennan, John DE12 1991 Louque, Ron DE32 2011 LaVanish, George FL6 1984 Taylor, John FL19 1997 Frase, Michael 1981 Crossman, Rod IN6 IN26 2001 Klinefelter, Jeffrey 2000 Meline, Sherrie Russell IA29 IA40 2011 Maurer, Darren KY16 2000 Donovan, Tim LA16 2004 Klinefelter, Jeffrey ME10 1993 Staples, Jeannine ME25 2008 Staples, Jeannine MD13 1986 Frisino, Louis MD37 2010 Turnbaugh, David MA22 1995 Brega, David MI18 1993 Sullivan, Clark MN14 1990 Daniel, Kevin MS21 1996 Josey, James MO8 1986 Crain, Tom NV20 1998 Kreutzjans, Jani NH4 1986 Ball, Durant NH11 1993 Clifton, Richard NJ21 2004 Crowe, Phillip NY13 1997 Easton, Raymond NC32 2014 Storm, Scot OH15 1996 Roe, Howard OH22 2003 Blight, Brian OK11 1990 Louque, Ron OR22 2005 Steiner, Robert PA7 1989 Louque, Ron PA15 1997 Weaver, Clark PA22 2004 Clark, Carl PA27 2009 Putt, Gerald RI7 1995 Steiner, Robert RI21 2009 Kim, Miri SC35 2015 Clifton, Richard TN13 1991 Clifton, Richard TX20 2000 Meline, Sherrie Russell VT6 1991 Plasschaert, Richard VA9 1996 Goebel, Wilhelm VA26 2013 Hong, Janet WI7 1984 Riddet, Michael WI11 1988 Timm, Samuel Red-breasted RW61 1994 Anderson, Neal DE27 2006 Clifton, Richard MA8 1981 Julius, Randy MA20 1993 Little, Donald MA27 2000 Julius, Randy MI17 1992 Hertling, Heiner MN24 2000 Norlien, Kim MN35 2011 Nelson, Kevin OH30 2011 Rogers, Joel PA23 2005 Putt, Gerald RI22 2010 Kim, Miri mEXICAN DUCK AZ7 1993 Meline, Sherrie Russell mOTTLED DUCK RW67 2000 Grimm, Adam FL16 1994 Rossini, Antonia FL24 2002 Harris, John N. LA6 1994 Edwards, Dan TX23 2003 Meline, Sherrie Russell OLDSqUAW (See Long-tailed Duck) PINTAIL RW5 1938 Clark, Roland u RW29 1962 Morris, Edward u RW50 1983 Scholer, Phil RW68 2001 Hautman, Bob RW75 2008 Hautman, Joe JDS3 1995 Huang, Jie JDS8 2000 Latham, Bonnie JDS20 2012 Clayton, Christine AB3 1991 Olson, Glen 88 AL9 AL24 AL32 AL36 AK15 AK22 AK24 AK26 AK31 AZ1 AZ19 AZ27 AR4 AR8 CA1 CA10 CA23 CA27 CA32 CA35 CA37 CD4 CO3 CO21 CT19 DE6 FL2 FL13 FL21 GA15 IL5 IL19 IL27 IL32 IN2 IN10 IN19 IN32 IA2 IA17 IA27 IA38 IT1 KS5 KS16 KS17 KS18 KY7 KY18 KY24 LA4 LA17 LA22 LD4 MD7 MD25 MD31 MA2 MI9 MI23 MI32 MN3 MS5 MN37 MS23 MS28 MS40 MO9 MT4 MX2 NDS2 NE2 NE9 NV6 NV30 NB11 NF15 NH13 NH20 NJ3 NJ20 NM1 NY4 NY17 1987 2002 2010 2014 1999 2006 2008 2010 2015 1987 2005 2013 1984 1988 1971 1980 1993 1997 2002 2005 2007 1988 1992 2010 2012 1985 1980 1991 1999 1999 1979 1993 2001 2006 1977 1985 1994 2007 1973 1988 1998 2009 1998 1991 2002 2003 2004 1991 2002 2008 1992 2005 2010 1994 1980 1998 2004 1975 1984 1998 2007 1979 1980 2013 1998 2003 2015 1987 1989 1994 2010 1992 2009 1984 2008 2004 2008 1995 2002 1986 2003 1991 1988 2001 Knutson, Robert Chandler, Larry u Stewart, Clarence Denney, John Meline, Sherrie Russell Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steinacher, Sue Steinacher, Sue Smith, Daniel Finley, Tom Meline, Sherrie Russell Hayden, Larry u Reece, Maynard Johnson, Paul u Wolfe, Walter Clifton, Richard Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Radigona, Rich Johnson, Paul u Bateman, Robert Allen, Charles Clifton, Richard Herdman, Clint Breyfogle, Don Simmons, Ernest Hansen, Richard Harris, John Raedeke, Jerry Eggert, John Crowe, Phillip Killen, Jim Putt, Gerald Bashore, Sonny Pas, Rick Mobley, Jeffrey Bucklew, Ken Murphy, Thomas Cary, Mark Meline, Sherrie Russell Kness, Mark Dubini, Michele Test, J. Bryan Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Teasley, Dustin Harm, Ray Chandler, Larry u Walden, Christopher Heard, Bruce Michaelsen, Ken Clifton, Richard Cox, Ron Schroeder, Jack Makuchal, Paul Turnbaugh, David Hennessey, Tom Cory, Larry Krumrey, Dietmar Lawrence, Rod Maass, David Tompkins, Bob Chapman, David Latil, Joe Hudspeth, Joe Doherty, Lauren Ferkol, Ron Cruwys, Roger Rovira, Antonio Hautman, Jim Anderson, Neal Cooper, Bethany Steiner, Robert Edwards, James Scharle, Matt Collins, Jim Louque, Ron Killen, Jim Steiner, Robert Plasschaert, Richard Miller, Bruce 1987 NC5 NC14 1996 NC20 2002 ND5 1986 ND19 2000 OH14 1995 OH25 2006 OH33 2014 1980 OK1 OK21 2000 OK36 2015 OR6 1989 OR11 1994 OR15 1998 OR23 2006 OR25 2008 OR32 2015 PA5 1987 PA12 1994 PA19 2001 PA24 2006 PE7 2001 PW7 1996 1993 RI5 1983 SC3 SC11 1991 SC24 2004 SD2 1977 1991 SD9 SD21 2003 SW3 1999 TN5 1983 TN15 1993 TX2 1982 1988 TX8 TX18 1998 TX28 2008 UK1 1991 UT2 1987 UT7 1992 VT12 1997 VT19 2004 VA10 1997 WA5 1990 WA18 2003 WA25 2010 WV3 1989 WV7 1993 WI5 1982 WI17 1994 WI27 2004 rEDHEAD RW13 1946 RW27 1960 RW54 1987 RW71 2004 JDS1 1993 JDS14 2006 AB6 1994 AL13 1991 AL21 1999 AZ15 2001 CA17 1987 CA40 2010 CD11 1995 CO9 1998 DE8 1987 FL10 1988 IL11 1985 IN9 1984 IN13 1988 IA9 1980 IA43 2014 KY9 1993 LA15 2003 MB9 2001 MD5 1978 MD14 1987 MD21 1994 MA10 1983 MI7 1982 MI28 2003 MN6 1982 MS6 1981 Barton, Larry Leslie, Rob Louque, Ron Fernandez, Mario Klinefelter, Jeffrey Kleiber, Ron Clair, Gregory u Grimm, Adam Sawyer, Pat Makuchal, Paul Crittenden, Guy Crowe, Phillip Plasschaert, Richard Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Turene, Timothy Leslie, Rob Hirata, Tom Weaver, Clark Holzman, Kerry Perkins, David Fisk, Arnie Steiner, Robert Killen, Jim Killen, Jim LeRoy, Eddie Steinbeck, Don u Duerksen, R. Spies, Joshua ———— Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Carlson, Ken Cowan, John u Crowe, Phillip Hautman, Jim McPhail, Rodger Anderson, Arthur S. Steiner, Robert Collins, James Bishop, Richard u Cruwys, Roger Quinn, Thomas Miller, Don N. Steiner, Robert Louque, Ron Crowe, Phillip Koelpin, William Moore, Don Anderson, Arthur G. Hines, Robert u Ruthven, John Anderson, Arthur G. Storm, Scot Parsons, Jason Nastav, Rebekah Holder, Bill Chandler, Larry u LeRoy, Eddie Meline, Sherrie Russell Steiner, Robert Taylor, Tim Leduc, Pierre Fisher, Cynthie Langton, Bruce Louque, Ron Kassabaum, Bart Briggs, Lyn Langton, Bruce Bridgford, Paul Hoff, Jeffrey Crowe, Phillip Pousson, Dale Fariad Stearns, Stanley u Sweet, Francis Bealle, Robert Julius, Randy vanFrankenhuyzen, G. Krumrey, Dietmar Scholer, Phil Reimers, John Sam Houston Duck Co. DE23 2002 FL14 1992 2003 IA32 MD15 1988 MD32 2005 MA12 1985 MI26 2001 MN26 2002 MN36 2012 NV19 1997 OH29 2010 OK16 1995 PA30 2013 SC18 1998 SK7 1996 WA26 2011 SCAUP Greater RW4 1937 RW66 1999 CO24 2013 DE29 2008 IL34 2008 ME14 1997 ME30 2013 MD4 1977 MA13 1986 MN20 1996 1992 NJ9 NY5 1989 ND4 1985 RI9 1997 SD11 1993 VT17 2002 WI22 1999 Lesser RW56 1989 CD25 2009 AK20 2004 AZ18 2004 CA44 2014 CO19 2008 CT10 2002 DE16 1995 DE33 2012 GA13 1997 IL9 1983 IA6 1977 LA12 2000 MD17 1990 MD30 2003 MD40 2013 MI5 1980 MN2 1978 MN10 1986 MN31 2007 MS8 1983 MO3 1981 NV23 2001 NC24 2006 OD5 1997 OH10 1991 OK13 1992 SC13 1993 VT11 1996 VA7 1994 WI4 1981 WI8 1985 SCOTEr Black RW69 2002 AK18 2002 DE25 2004 MD29 2002 Surf RW63 1996 DE28 2007 ME15 1998 NDS4 2012 NH14 1996 NC26 2008 White-winged RW36 1969 Lockwood, George Clifton, Richard Anderson, Neal White, Chris Goebel, Wilhelm Julius, Randy Diment, Kim Freiberg, John Hamrick, Stephen Blight, Brian Hoff, Jeffrey Clifton, Richard Calpino, Scott Cleland-Hura, D.J. Lantz, Yvette Steiner, Robert AK30 2014 DE18 1997 ME12 1995 MA11 1984 MA21 1994 MA36 2009 MN29 2005 ND7 1988 1994 RD6 RI14 2002 SHOVELEr RW12 1945 AK23 2007 ABC19 2005 AZ17 2003 AR12 1992 1992 AD6 CA39 2009 CD19 2003 CO16 2005 CT22 2015 DE13 1992 DN2 1996 FL20 1998 1997 ID11 IN28 2003 IN33 2008 2002 IA31 1998 IS4 JV5s 1992 KY13 1997 LA13 2001 MD18 1991 MI24 1999 MN21 1997 NV4 1982 NV32 2010 NZD2 1995 NC31 2013 OH34 2015 OK19 1998 PA11 1993 PA32 2014 RD3 1991 SC15 1995 SW1 1996 TX14 1994 UK8 1997 WA28 2013 WI25 2002 WI34 2011 SWAN Black NZD4 1997 Trumpeter RW17 1950 RW83 2016 JDS9 2001 AK4 1988 ID4 1990 IA28 1999 NE8 2008 SK9 1998 YK7 2002 WY15 1998 Tundra DE20 1999 MT10 1995 NV28 2006 NJ18 2001 NC11 1993 OH23 2004 SD17 1999 UT6 1991 VA16 2003 VA28 2015 WI15 1992 Whistling RW33 1966 NV3 1981 UT1 1986 Knap, J. D. u Hautman, Jim Black, Charles Stewart. John Hunter, Abraham Fillion, Paul Alley, Richard Jr. Schroeder, Jack Piscatori, Bob Hautman, Jim Leslie, Rob Bateman, Robert Kouba, Les u Steiner, Robert Anderson, Mark Lockwood, George Mittelstadt, Frank Anderson, Neal Bateman, Robert Fisher, Cynthie Meline, Sherrie Russell Harris, John Nelson Klinefelter, Jeffrey Richert, Robert Ashman, Michael Crain, Tom Morgan Raedeke, Jerry Kassabaum, Bart Reece, Maynard Brunet, Jude Huber, Carla Bealle, Robert Makuchal, Paul Hayden, Larry u Kouba, Les u Jarvi, Brian Moen, Thomas Glasper, Jerrie Crain, Tom Klinefelter, Jeffrey Putt, Gerald Lane, Mia Clair, Gregory u Mobley, Jeffrey Bolin, Bob Prescott, Reed Sweet, Francis Schultz, Timothy Alexander, Greg Hautman, Joe Steiner, Robert Field, Bonnie Kinnett, James Goebel, Wilhelm Lockwood, George Staples, Jeannine Crowe, Phillip Klinefelter, Jeffrey Storm, Scot Reece, Maynard 89 Burcham, Milo Klinefelter, Jeffrey Alley, Rick Cibula, Joseph Roffo, Sergio Julius, Barry Chapman, David Frisino, Louis Koslov, Ivan Mueller, Keith Gromme, Owen u Lockwood, George Meline, Sherrie Russell Hautman, Jim Hill, Robin Klinefelter, Jeffrey Wolput, Patrice Klinefelter, Jeffrey Crittenden, Guy Clifton, Richard Jonsson, Roland Blight, Brian Smith, Ted Klinefelter, Jeffrey Klinefelter, Jeffrey Maurer, Darren Balke, Don Hill/Hautman Powell, Phillip Butler, Merrell Turnbaugh, David Krumrey, Dietmar Daniel, Kevin Timm, Richard Klinefelter, Jeffrey Earnshaw, Adele Klinefeleter, Jeffrey Hilliard, Gunner Klinefelter, Jeffrey Reichard, Glen Beatty, Jocelyn Koslov, Ivan Huckaby, Rodney Jonsson, Roland Carlson, Ken Gillmor, Robert Rulon, Bart Doughty, Terry Pieper, James Moore, Pauline Weber, Walter u Hautman, Joe McCann, Aremy Beaudoin, Jim Sweet, Francis Anderson, Mark Cooper, Brett Lane, Mia Latham, Karen Helgeson, Garth Duerksen, Russ Dowdy, Wayne Klinefelter, Jeffrey Hautman, Bob Miller, Bruce Metropulos, R. Duerksen, Russ Steiner, Robert Wilson, Jim Crittenden, Guy Riddet, Michael Stearns, Stanley u Scholer, Phil Parsons, Leon TEAL Blue-winged RW20 1953 AL29 2007 AZ5 1991 CD28 2012 CO10 1999 DE19 1998 DE35 2014 FL11 1989 1989 ID3 IL10 1984 IL36 2010 IA41 2012 IN7 1982 IN15 1990 IN39 2014 1986 IA15 IA18 1989 KS8 1994 KY12 1996 LA1 1989 LA27 2015 ME13 1996 ME33 2016 MD16 1991 MD36 2009 MI16 1991 MI20 1995 MI30 2005 MN17 1993 MS20 1995 MS30 2005 MS34 2009 MO5 1983 MT5 1990 MX3 1995 NDS5 2013 NH3 1985 NH19 2001 NY9 1993 NC9 1991 ND11 1992 ND17 1998 NS7 1998 OD4 1996 OH6 1987 OH32 2013 OK15 1994 PA4 1986 PE9 2003 RI4 1992 SC9 1989 SC31 2011 SD8 1990 TN7 1985 TX13 1993 TX29 2009 VT13 1998 VA14 2001 WI6 1983 WI38 2015 Cinnamon RW38 1971 RW52 1985 AL14 1992 ABC21 2007 AZ3 1989 CA7 1977 CA19 1989 CA34 2004 CD30 2014 CO7 1996 ID1 1987 MT5 1990 MX3 1995 NV2 1980 NV24 2002 TN32 2012 TX17 1997 TX34 2014 WY27 2010 Seagears, Clayton u Nix, David Jarvi, Brian Fisher, Cynthie Clifton, Richard Klinefelter, Jeffrey Test, J. Byron Smith, Daniel Kieffer, George Hunter, Abraham Maurer, Darren Metz, George Bucklew, Ken Klinefelter, Jeffrey Bridgford, Paul Hahn, Jack Dohoney, Ann Yarnes, Laurie P. Noll, David Crittenden, Guy Fillion, Paul Lent, Roger Makuchal, Wally Cory, Larry Lawrence, Rod Smith, Christopher Scholer, Phil Thames, Emmitt Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Ross, Doug Thornbrugh, Joe Saenz, Jose Nastav, Rebekah Hirata, Tom Freeman, Charles Kleiber, Ron Crowe, Phillip Crowe, Phillip Louque, Ron Lane, Mia Nogy, Arnold Roe, Harold Klinefelter, Jeffrey Kirkman, R. Knutson, Robert Hancock, Allan Steiner, Robert Cable, Lee Killen, Jim Green, John Stewart, Jimmy Hautman, Jim Storm, Scot Lockwood, George Donovan, Tim Knuth, Rockne Pieper, James Reece, Maynard Mobley, Gerald Morris, William Steiner, Robert Johnson, Paul u Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Border, Bill Leslie, Rob Thornbrugh, Joe Saenz, Jose McRill, Dick Hoff, Jeff Rush, Joanna Hautman, Jim Carter, Calvin Jacque, Kreig Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Species MO12 1990 Melton, Eileen 1987 Cruwys, Roger MT2 1986 Haan, Nolan NV8 NV26 2004 Frisino, Louis NJ16 1999 Clifton, Richard NY7 1991 Isaac, Terry NC8 1990 Leslie, Rob NC30 2012 Clifton, Richard 1989 Leslie, Rob ND8 1985 Louque, Ron OH4 OK10 1989 Mumm, Wanda OK28 2007 Hoff, Jeffrey OR18 2001 Steiner, Robert PA26 2008 Calpino, Scott SK17 2006 SC16 1996 Cleland-Hura, D.J. SC27 2007 Killen, Jim SD12 1994 Reuter, Jeff TN12 1990 Freeman, Tom TN30 2010 Hughes, Olivia TX22 2002 Hautman, Joe UT12 1997 Steiner, Robert VA24 2011 Louque, Ron WA11 1996 Beecham, Greg WA29 2014 Fisher, Cynthie WI13 1990 Pierce, Daniel WI30 2007 Anderson, Arthur G. WI35 2012 Rickaby, Jon rING-NECKED DUCK RW21 1954 Sandstorm, Harvey u RW74 2007 Clifton, Richard JDS13 2005 Nelson, Kerissa JDS19 2011 Hunter, Abraham AL26 2004 Sellers, David AL34 2012 Denney, Jim AZ16 2002 Meline, Sherrie Russell CA15 1985 Wilson, Richard CD14 1998 Ryan, Liz Mitten CO17 2006 Ashman, Michael DE24 2003 Klinefelter, Jeffrey FL4 1982 Cable, Lee FL22 2000 Klinefelter, Jeffrey GA4 1988 Bridgford, Paul GA10 1994 Booth, Herb u GA14 1998 Killen, Jim IL15 1989 Freeman, Charles IN24 1999 Riggles, Chuck IN25 2000 Lockwood, George IA35 2006 Meline, Sherrie Russell KY11 1995 Killen, Jim LA9 1997 Hall, Rich ME8 1991 Carter, Patti ME23 2006 Staples, Jeannine ME29 2012 Folsom, Janine MD41 2014 Perrine, Steve MI10 1985 Steiner, Robert MI37 2012 Lockwood, George MN18 1994 DuRose, Edward MS12 1987 Garner, Robert MS24 1999 Hudspeth, J. Mac MO11 1989 Dickson, Kathy NV18 1996 Klinefelter, Jeffrey NH10 1992 Clifton, Richard NC21 2003 Goebel, Wilhelm OH21 2002 Klinefelter, Jeffrey OK5 1984 Smith, Hoyt OK31 2010 Brennan, John PA17 1999 Weaver, Clark SC29 2009 Killen, Jim TN17 1995 Clifton, Richard TX35 2015 Miller, Bruce VT9 1994 Prescott, Reed VT22 2007 Forcier, Heather VA22 2009 Obolewicz, John WI26 2003 Riddet, Michael rUDDy DUCK RW8 1941 Kalmbach, E. u RW48 1981 Wilson, John u RW82 2015 Miller, Jennifer AL23 2001 McNeely, Ainsley AZ14 2000 Meline, Sherrie Russell CD24 2008 Pepin, Patricia CO12 2001 Fisher, Cynthie Species Green-winged RW6 1939 Hunt, Lynn u RW46 1979 Michaelsen, Ken JDS11 2003 Baumann, Nathan AL4 1982 Michelet, Joe AL15 1993 Brantley, James AK22 2006 Steiner, Robert AZ2 1988 Meline, Sherrie Russell AZ24 2010 Meline, Sherrie Russell AZ24J 2010 Forbeck, Taylor 1983 Maass, David AR3 AR32 2012 Storm, Scot AW1 1995 Ranahan, Jackie BG1 1999 Buzin, Andre CA5 1975 Johnson, Paul u CA13 1983 Allen, Charles CA28 1998 Steiner, Robert CA45 2015 Harris, John Nelson CD26 2010 Girard, CO4 1993 Andrews, Dan CO22 2011 Clifton, Richard CT5 1997 Steiner, Robert DE11 1990 Sweet, Francis DE37 2016 Murry, Dee Dee 1979 Binks, Bob FL1 FL25 2003 Bridgford, Paul GA7 1991 Crowe, Phillip 1988 Killen, Jim ID2 1980 Kassabaum, Bart IL6 IL21 1995 Crowe, Phillip IL29 2003 Killen, Jim IL31 2005 Putt, Gerald IN1 1976 Bashore, Sonny IN17 1992 Langton, Bruce IN27 2002 Blight, Brian IA10 1981 Reece, Brad IA23 1994 Krumrey, Dietmar IA34 2005 Anderson, Neal IA39 2010 Miller, Tomas KS1 1987 Coheleach, Guy KY8 1992 Powell, Phillip KY23 2007 Walden, Christopher LA2 1990 Louviere, Elton ME5 1988 Alley, Rick ME20 2003 Staples, Jeannine MA30 2003 Piscatori, Bob MI12 1987 Hayden, Larry u MI41 2016 MN23 1999 House, John MS3 1978 Reimers, John MS17 1992 Latil, Joe MS33 2008 Hudspeth, Joe Mac MS37 2012 Hudspeth, Joe Mac MO15 1993 Bates, Tom MX3 1995 Saenz, Jose NV12 1990 Haan, Nolan NV25 2003 Brevick, Daniel NV33 2011 Oswald, Adam NB10 2003 Latham, Karen NH8 1990 Steiner, Robert NJ5 1988 Leslie, Rob NJ24 2007 Braun, Michael NM4 1994 Steiner, Robert NC6 1988 Louque, Ron NC17 1999 Flowers, Robert NC23 2005 Putt, Gerald ND10 1991 Hirata, Tom OH3 1984 Roe, Harold OH27 2008 Klinefelter, Jeffrey OK3 1982 Frey, Jeffrey OK23 2002 Blight, Brian OR9 1992 Richmond, Kip PA18 2000 Putt, Gerald PA33 2015 Putt, Gerald PE4 1998 Kiss, Andrew RD18 2006 SC5 1985 Millette, R. SC23 2003 Hublick, James SC32 2012 Killen, Jim SD16 1998 Anderson, Mark TN11 1989 Cruwys, Roger SD15 SK1 SK8 TX3 TX10 TX30 UK2 UK4 VT15 VA21 WA4 WA15 WA21 WV10 WI3 WI32 WOOD RW10 RW41 RW79 JDS7 JDS23 AL1 AL7 AL12 AL18 AL25 AL31 AZ12 AZ21 AZ25J AR2 AR7 AR19 AD8 CA9 CA24 CA29 CD6 CO5 CO26 CT8 CT12 CT20 DE9 FL7 FL12 GA1 GA6 ID9 IL2 IL22 IL30 IN11 IN18 IN29 IN38 IA7 IA13 IA33 IA37 KS4 KY2 LA3 LA23 ME3 ME18 ME28 MB12 MD6 MD10 MD26 MD34 MA1 MA31 MI1 MI8 MI15 MI29 MI33 MN8 TN22 2002 Williamson, Nick TN35 2015 Covrig, McKenzie 1986 Booth, Herb u TX6 TX26 2006 Maass, David UK3 1992 Novorol, Julian UK23 2012 UT10 1995 Steiner, Robert VT5 1990 Plasschaert, Richard VA12 1999 Knuth, Spike VA23 2010 Crittenden, Guy WA17 2002 Miller, Don N. WV8 1994 Clifton, Richard WI14 1991 Doughty, Terry WI19 1996 Timm, Sam WI29 2006 Schultz, Tim WIGEON (AmErICAN) RW9 1942 Ripley, A. L. u RW51 1984 Morris, William RW77 2010 Bealle, Robert JDS15 2007 Willey, Paul AL5 1983 Lee, John AL33 2011 Nix, David AL38 2016 Denney, Jim AK17 2001 Alexander, Greg 1995 Meline, Sherrie Russell AZ9 AZ23J 2009 Raiff, Olivia AZ26 2012 Meline, Sherrie Russell AR11 1991 Smith, Dan 1976 Johnson, Paul u CA6 CA12 1982 Reichert, Robert CA30 2000 Steiner, Robert CA43 2013 Clifton, Richard CD27 2011 Hancock, CO8 1997 Putt, Gerald 1986 Leslie, Rob DE7 DE34 2013 Clifton, Richard FL3 1981 Sullivan, Clark FL15 1993 Mogus, John GA11 1995 Crowe, Phillip ID5 1991 Clifton, Richard IL7 1981 Trandell, Jim IN23 1998 Riggles, Chuck IN36 2011 Klinefelter, Jeffrey IA12 1983 Bridgford, Paul IA36 2007 Maurer, Darren IA42 2013 Brown, Mike KS10 1996 Thomas, Jerry KY6 1990 Oliver, Jim LA5 1993 Louque, Ron LA24 2012 Klinefelter, Jeffrey ME31 2014 Lowell, Rebekah MD8 1981 Eakin, Arthur u MD28 2001 Goebel, Wilhelm MD39 2012 Goebel, Wilhelm MA14 1987 Baedita, Peter MI14 1989 Krumrey, Dietmar MI27 2002 Lawrence, Rod MI31 2006 Mathios, Peter MN13 1989 Hautman, Jim MN40 2016 MS11 1986 Latil, Joe MO7 1985 Clayton, Ron MT9 1994 Cruwys, Roger NV14 1992 Clifton, Richard NV34 2012 Putt, Gerald NJ12 1995 Hautman, Joe NM2 1992 Steiner, Robert NC10 1992 Plasschaert, Richard NC27 2009 Putt, Gerald ND14 1995 Clifton, Richard OH16 1997 Cleland-Hura, D. OR19 2002 Steiner, Robert OK9 1988 Gaar, Jim OK27 2006 Hublick, James OR30 2013 Steiner, Robert PA9 1991 Putt, Gerald PA29 2011 Putt, Gerald PE4 1998 PE11 2005 Meline, S. Russell SC8 1988 Killen, Jim SC22 2002 Huckaby, Rodney 1997 1988 1997 1983 1990 2010 1991 1993 2000 2008 1989 2000 2006 1996 1980 2009 DUCK 1943 1974 2012 1999 2015 1979 1985 1990 1996 2003 2009 1998 2007 2011 1982 1987 1999 1993 1979 1994 1999 1990 1994 2015 2000 2004 2013 1988 1985 1990 1985 1990 1995 1976 1996 2004 1986 1993 2004 2013 1978 1984 2004 2008 1990 1986 1991 2011 1986 2001 2011 2004 1979 1983 1999 2007 1974 2004 1976 1983 1990 2004 2008 1983 Green, John Lahrman, Fred Miller, Don N. Reece, Maynard Bateman, Robert Mathios, Peter Smith, Daniel Rose, Chris Lockwood, George Knuth, Spike Reece, Maynard Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Badgley, Karl Murk, Martin Leum, Robert Bohl, Walter u Maass, David Hautman, Joe Kirby, Ryan Kneeland, Andrew Keel, Barbara Martin, Larry Garst, Steven Huey, Judith Lee, John Denney, John Meline, Sherrie Russell Meline, Sherrie Russell Kim, Sidney Reece, Maynard Bateman, Robert Hautman, Jim Hill, Robin Wolfe, Walter Clifton, Richard Steiner, Robert Dumas, Michael Woods, Sarah Clifton, Richard Lockwood, George Fusco, Paul Clifton, Richard Hautman, Jim Binks, Bob Test, Ben Smith, Daniel Coheleach, Guy Gressard, David Larson, Robert Hirata, Tom Killen, Jim Louque, Ron Klinefelter, Jeffrey Bucklew, Ken Klinefelter, Jeffrey Klepinger, Nick Zach, Larry Krumrey, Dietmar Hughes, Ronnie Dewey, Wes Chapple, Dave Smith, Bret Dewey, Wes Maass, David Staples, Jeannine LaCourse, Rebekah Taylor, John Lent, Roger Makuchal, Wally Taylor, Jim Weiler, Milton u Denton, Larry Warbach, Oscar Lawrence, Rod Lawrence, Rod MacDonald, Tim Krumrey, Dietmar Gross, Thomas MN34 MS1 MS14 MS22 MS27 MS29 MS32 MS36 MS39 MO2 MT7 MX4 NB6 NE5 NE6 NH22 NV17 NV29 NH1 NH15 NH21 NJ7 NJ19 NJ23 NY3 NY8 NY16 NC2 NC15 NC25 ND12 NS3 NS10 OH1 OH11 OH24 OH35 OK4 OK24 OR12 OR20 OR24 OR27 PA1 PA6 PA16 PA25 PE6 RI3 RI6 SC1 SC10 SC20 SC30 SC34 SD13 SK5 TN3 TN14 TN21 TN24 TN28 TN31 TX4 TX11 TX27 TX33 VT1 VT25 VA3 VA18 WA6 WA23 WV2 WV9 WI1 WI16 WI28 WI32 WI37 2010 1976 1989 1997 2002 2004 2007 2011 2014 1980 1992 1996 1999 1995 2006 2004 1995 2007 1983 1997 2003 1990 2002 2006 1987 1992 2000 1984 1997 2007 1993 1994 2001 1982 1992 2005 2016 1983 2003 1995 2003 2007 2010 1983 1988 1998 2007 2000 1991 1994 1981 1990 2000 2010 2014 1995 1994 1981 1992 2001 2004 2008 2011 1984 1991 2007 2013 1986 2010 1990 2005 1991 2008 1988 1995 1978 1993 2005 2010 2014 Kness, Mark Perkins, Gwem Swartzendruber, D. Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Hudspeth, Joe Mac Plank, David Phillips, Craig Saenz, Eleazar Miller, Don N. Anderson, Neal Cooper, Brett Rothe, Lindsey Nakamua, Tak Michaelsen, Ken Plasschaert, Richard Clifton, Richard Holloway, Bruce Plasschaert, Richard Hautman, Jim Cruwys, Roger LeBlanc, Lee u Antonishak, Tom Leslie, Rob Killen, Jim Goebel, Wilhelm Putt, Gerald Miller, Bruce Kadlec, Dusan Isnor, Gordon Ruthven, John Timm, Samuel Grimm, Adam Clayton, Christine Mobley, Gerald Anderson, Mark Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert Smith, Ned u Heidersbach, J. Putt, Gerald Putt, Gerald Dowdy, Wayne Steiner, Robert Steiner, Robert LeBlanc, Lee u Wilson, John Constantine, M. Killen, Jim Hughes, Donnie Duerksen, Russ Dowdy, Wayne Gillespie, Bob Hirata, Tom Williamson, Nick Mefford, Jessica Hankes, Kaydee Hughes, Olivia Maass, David Smith, Daniel Miller, Bruce Booth, Herb u Killen, Jim Forcier, Heather Frisino, Louis Crittenden, Guy Louque, Ron Steiner, Robert Dillard, Steve Sweet, Francis Gromme, Owen u Mittelstadt, Frank Doughty, Terry Fairbert, Craig Metrich, Caleb (u – indicates artist is deceased.) SHOP ON LINE — ANYTIME! SHDUCK.COM Sam Houston Duck Co. 90 ABBOTT, J. m. u RW24 1957 American eider ABBOTT, rOBErT ASDH11985 ADAmSON, HArry u AZ8 1994 Mallard CA38 2008 Mallard ALEXANDEr, GrEG AK17 2001 Wigeon WI8 1985 Lesser scaup WI20 1997 Canada goose ALEXANDEr, KEITH MO16 1994 White-fronted goose ALLEN, CHArLES CA13 1983 Green-winged teal CO3 1992 Pintail NV5 1983 Gadwall RI8 1996 Harlequin ALLEy, rICK ME5 1988 Green-winged teal ME12 1995 White-winged scoter ME16 1999 Black duck ME19 2002 Bufflehead ME21 2004 Barrow’s goldeneye ME24 2007 Oldsquaw ME30 2013 Greater scaup ANDErSON, ArTHUr G. RW54 1987 Redhead WI27 2004 Pintail WI30 2007 Redhead ANDErSON, ArTHUr S. UT2 1987 Pintail ANDErSON, mArK RW72 2005 Hooded merganser IA28 1999 Trumpeter swan OH19 2000 Bufflehead OK18 1997 Common goldeneye OK24 2003 Wood duck SD11 1993 Greater scaup ANDErSON, mArK SD16 1998 Green-winged teal SD19 2001 Mallard SD20 2002 Canvasback ANDErSON, NEAL RW56 1989 Lesser scaup RW61 1994 Red-breast merganser IA32 2003 Ruddy duck IA34 2005 Green-winged teal KS9 1995 Barrow's goldeneye NE1 1991 Canada goose NE2 1992 Pintail NE3 1993 Canvasback NE4 1994 Mallard NE5 1995 Wood duck ANDrEWS, DAN CO4 1993 Green-winged teal WY3 1986 Pronghorn antelope WY33 2016 Swift fox ANTIS, HArry OH2 1983 Mallard ANTONISHAK, TOm NY8 1992 Wood duck ASHmAN, mICHAEL DE16 1995 Lesser scaup DE21 2000 American brant CO17 2006 Ring-necked duck BACON, CHrIS CD7 1991 Black duck BADGLEy, KArL WV10 1996 Wigeon BAEDITA, PETEr MA14 1987 Wigeon MA29 2002 Bufflehead BALL, DUrANT NH4 1986 Hooded merganser BArNICLE, LOU MA16 1989 Canada goose BArrICK, DEAN IN5 1980 Mallard BArTON, LArry NY1 1985 Canada goose NC5 1987 Pintail Sam Houston Duck Co. BOrDEr, BILL CO7 1996 Cinnamon teal BOrGrEEN, JIm u MT11 1996 Canvasback MT17 2002 Sandhill crane MT18 2003 Mallard BrANSON, CArL AK3 1987 Spectacled elder BrANTLEy, JAmES AL15 1993 Green-winged teal BrAUN, mICHAEL NJ24 2007 Choc. lab/grn-wing teal BrAy, mArK PA13 1995 Bufflehead BrEGA, DAVID MA22 1995 Hooded merganser BrENNAN, JOHN CT21 2014 Hooded merganser OK31 2010 Ring-necked duck BrEVICK, DANIEL NV25 2003 Green-winged teal OK22 2001 Canada goose BrEyFOGLE, DON DE6 1985 Pintail BrIDGFOrD, PAUL FL25 2003 Green-winged teal GA4 1988 Ring-necked duck 1980 Redhead IA9 IA12 1983 Wigeon IA15 1986 Blue-winged teal BrIGGS, LyN IN9 1984 Redhead BrOOKS, JAmES WY11 1994 Bobcat BrOWN, mIKE IA42 2013 Wigeon IA44 2015 Canada goose BrUNET, JUDE LA12 2000 Lesser scaup BUCKLEW, KEN IN15 1990 Blue-winged teal IN20 1995 Com. goldeneye IN22 1997 Canada goose IN29 2004 Wood duck IN32 2007 Pintail BUCKLIN, rOGEr MD9 1982 Canvasback BUrCHAm, mILO AK30 2014 White-winged scoter BUrNEy, BEN KY19 2003 Snow goose BUrNEy, STEVE AL35 2013 Ross’ goose BUrNETT, KErrI CD13 1997 Gadwall BUTLEr, mUrrELL LA13 2001 Shoveler BUTLEr, LOIS DE3 1982 Canada goose ByrD, ELAINE AL11 1989 Hooded merganser CABLE, LEE FL4 1982 Ring-necked duck SC9 1989 Blue-winged teal CAKE, DANIEL ME22 2005 Canada goose CALPINO, SCOTT PA26 2008 Redhead PA28 2010 Canvasback PA30 2012 Ruddy duck CArLSON, KEN AR5 1985 Mallard AR13 1993 Mallard TX2 1982 Pintail TX14 1994 Shoveler CArTEr, BETHANy TN19 1999 Mallard CArTEr, CALVIN TX34 2014 Cinnamon teal CArTEr, BrENDA CD8 1992 Common eider CArTEr, PATTI ME8 1991 Ring-necked duck BASHOrE, SONNy 1976 Green-winged teal IN1 IN2 1977 Pintail BATEmAN, rOBErT AR7 1987 Wood duck CD1 1985 Mallard CD4 1988 Pintail CD25 2009 Lesser scaup NY5 1989 Greater scaup TX10 1988 Wigeon WA3 1988 Harlequin BATES, SUSAN IN12 1987 Canvasback BATES, TOm MO15 1993 Green-winged teal BEALLE, rOBErT RW77 2010 Wigeon MD21 1994 Redhead MD30 2003 Lesser scaup MD35 2008 Canvasback BEATTy, JOCELyN NV36 2014 American coot PA21 2003 Canvasback/lighthouse PA32 2014 Shoveler BEAUDOIN, JIm AK4 1988 Trumpeter swan BEECHAm, GrEG WA11 1996 Redhead BENSON, DICK SC26 2006 Black duck BENSON, F. W. u RW2 1935 Canvasback BErGEr, mArION HI5 2000 Erckel’s francolin BErNArD, TONy LA19 2007 Choc. lab/mallard LA26 2014 White-fronted goose BErTrAND, JOHN LA7 1995 White-fronted goose BIErLy, EDWArD u RW23 1956 Common merganser RW30 1963 American brant RW37 1970 Ross' goose BINKS, BOB FL1 1979 Green-winged teal FL7 1985 Wood duck SC2 1982 Mallard BUrCHAm, mILO AK30 2014 White-winged scoter BIrO, ArT WY24 2007 Blue grouse BISHOP, rICHArD u RW3 1936 Canada goose VT18 2003 Mallard VT19 2004 Pintail VT20 2005 Canvasback VT21 2006 Canada goose BLACK, CHArLES CO24 2013 Greater scaup BLACKWELL, NEIL AL17 1995 Canada goose BLAyLOCK, TED AZ4 1990 Canada goose BLIGHT, BrIAN DE22 2001 Oldsquaw FL20 1998 Shoveler IN27 2002 Green-winged teal NV19 1997 Ruddy duck OH20 2001 Canvasback OH22 2003 Hooded merganser OK23 2002 Green-winged teal BOHL, WALTEr u RW10 1943 Wood duck BOLIN, BOB SC13 1993 Lesser scaup BOLLmAN, BrUCE MO10 1988 Canvasback BOLLmAN, DAVID MI19 1994 Black duck BOOTH, HErB u GA10 1994 Ring-necked duck TX6 1986 Green-winged teal TX25 2005 Mallard TX33 2013 Wood duck 91 CAry, mArK IA17 1988 Pintail CHAmBErS, GLENN MO6 1984 Mallard CHANDLEr, LArry u AL13 1991 Redhead AL24 2002 Pintail AR17 1997 Choc. lab/mallard AR20 2000 Golden ret./mallard AR25 2005 Black lab/mallard KY18 2002 Pintail CHAPmAN, DAVID MN30 2005 White-winged scoter MN37 2013 Pintail CHAPPLE, DAVE KY2 1986 Wood duck UT3 1988 Mallard CHING, PATrICK HI1 1996 Nene goose CIBULA, JOSEPH MA11 1984 White-winged scoter CLAIr, GrEGOry u OH10 1991 Lesser scaup OH25 2006 Pintail CLArK, CArL PA22 2004 Hooded merganser CLArK, rOLAND u RW5 1938 Pintail CLArKSON, mICHELLE CD20 2004 Mallard CLAyTON, CHrISTINE JDS20 2012 Pintail OH35 2016 Wood duck CLAyTON, rON MO7 1985 Wigeon CLIFTON, rICHArD RW74 2007 Ring-necked duck CA23 1993 Pintail CA24 1994 Wood duck CA43 2013 Wigeon CO21 2010 Pintail CO22 2011 Green-winged teal CO23 2012 Ross’ goose CO25 2014 Canada goose CO26 2015 Wood duck CT20 2013 Wood duck DE13 1992 Blue-winged teal DE17 1996 Gadwall DE19 1998 Blue-winged teal DE27 2006 Red-brst merg/lthse DE30 2009 Black duck DE34 2013 Wigeon DE36 2015 Black duck FL14 1992 Ruddy duck ID5 1991 Wigeon ID10 1996 Mallard LA22 2010 Pintail MI36 2011 Mallard MI38 2013 Black duck NV14 1992 Wigeon NV22 2000 Canvasback NH10 1992 Ring-necked duck NH11 1993 Hooded merganser NH15 1997 Wood duck NJ16 1999 Redhead NY15 1999 Bufflehead NC29 2011 Canada goose NC30 2013 Redhead ND14 1995 Wigeon OH13 1994 Mallard OH26 2007 Canada goose OK16 1995 Ruddy duck OK33 2012 White-fronted goose SC35 2015 Hooded merganser TN13 1991 Hooded merganser TN17 1995 Ring-necked duck VA8 1995 Snow goose WV8 1994 Green-winged teal CLOSSON, NATHAN JDS10 2002 Mallard COBANE, rUSSELL MI11 1986 Com. goldeneye SC12 1992 Bufflehead Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Artist Artist Reference Listing Artist COHELEACH, GUy GA6 1990 Wood duck KS1 1987 Green-winged teal COLLINS, JIm NH16 1998 Canada goose NH20 2002 Pintail NH23 2005 Oldsquaw/lighthse NH24 2006 Common eider VT12 1997 Pintail CONSTANTINE, mArK SC20 2000 Wood duck COOK, ArTHUr u RW39 1972 Emperor goose COOPEr, BETHANy NE9 2009 Pintail COOPEr, BrETT NE6 2006 Wood duck NE7 2007 Canvasback NE8 2008 Trumpeter swan COPPOLLO, GrEGG MA35 2008 Black duck COry, LArry MI9 1984 Pintail MI16 1991 Blue-winged teal COVrIG, mCKENZIE TN35 2015 Green-winged teal COWAN, JOHN u AR6 1986 Mallard TX5 1985 Snow goose TX8 1988 Pintail CrAIN, TOm mOrGAN DE33 2012 Lesser scaup MO3 1981 Lesser scaup MO8 1986 Hooded merganser OH31 2012 Mallard CrITTENDEN, GUy CT22 2015 Shoveler LA27 2015 Blue-winged teal MI40 2015 Common goldeneye NC33 2015 Black duck OK36 2015 Pintail VA18 2005 Wood duck VA20 2007 Canada goose VA23 2010 Green-winged teal VA27 2014 Canvasback VA28 2015 Tundra swan CrOSSmAN, rOD IN6 1981 Hooded merganser CrOWE, PHILLIP AR9 1989 Mallard AR16 1996 Black lab/mallard AR22 2002 Mallard AR27 2007 Black lab/mallard AR30 2010 Black lab CT3 1995 Mallard GA7 1991 Green-winged teal GA8 1992 Bufflehead/lgthse GA11 1995 Am. wigeon/lab IL17 1991 Can. goose/Blk lab IL18 1992 Golden retriever IL19 1993 Pintail/pup IL20 1994 Canvasback/ret. IL21 1995 Green-winged teal/lab KY5 1989 Ches. /canvasback KY9 1993 Canvasback MS16 1991 Canvasback/lab NDS4 2012 Surf scoter NH2 1984 Mallard NJ15 1998 Mallard NJ21 2004 Yel lab/Hd merg/decoy NJ22 2005 Ches. bay/decoy NC9 1991 Blue-winged teal NC12 1994 Bufflehead ND11 1992 Blue-winged teal ND18 1999 Gadwall ND20 2001 Canada goose OR6 1989 Black lab TN2 1980 Canvasback TN5 1983 Pintail TN15 1993 Pintail TX18 1998 Pintail WA7 1992 Yellow lab WV7 1993 Pintail CrUWyS, rOGEr MT2 1987 Redhead MT4 1989 Black lab / pintail MT9 1994 Wigeon NJ23 2006 Golden ret/decoy ND9 1990 Black lab/mallard Sam Houston Duck Co. OR7 1990 Golden ret./mallard TN11 1989 Green-winged teal VA10 1997 Choc. lab / pintail DANIEL, KEVIN MN14 1990 Hooded merganser MN21 1997 Shoveler DArLING, J. N. u RW1 1934 Mallard DAUmAS, JEAN-CLAUDE QD29 2015 Northern Harrier DAVIS, DArrELL MT8 1993 Harlequin ND13 1994 Canada goose OR5 1988 Canada goose DEArmAN, JOHN AR18 1998 Yel. lab/mallard TX21 2001 Snow goose DELONEy, JACK 1981 Canada goose AL3 DENNEy, JIm AL30 2008 Hooded merganser AL34 2012 Ring-necked duck AL36 2016 Wigeon DENNEy, JOHN AL31 2009 Wood duck AL36 2014 Pintail DENTON, LArry MA31 2004 Wood duck decoy DEWEy, WES KS4 1990 Wood duck DEWHUrST, DONNA AK28 2012 Harlequin AK29 2013 White-fronted goose DICK, JOHN u RW19 1952 Harlequin DICKSON, KATHy MS15 1990 Snow goose MO11 1989 Ring-necked duck DIDIEr, LES WI18 1995 Mallard WI21 1998 Snow goose WI24 2001 Com. goldeneye DILLArD, STEVE SC7 1987 Black duck WV2 1988 Wood duck DImENT, KIm MI26 2001 Ruddy duck WY31 2014 Ruffed grouse DOHErTy, LAUrEN MS39 2015 Pintail DOHONEy, ANN IN14 1989 Canada goose KS2 1988 Canada goose KS8 1994 Blue-winged teal DONOVAN, TImOTHy KY16 2000 Hooded merganser OH18 1999 Mallard VA13 2000 Mallard VA14 2001 Blue-winged teal VA19 2006 Black duck DOrNING, DANNy AL8 1986 Canada goose DOrNISCH, AL SC4 1984 Canada goose DOUGHTy, TErry WI14 1991 Green-winged teal WI25 2002 Shoveler WI28 2005 Wood duck DOWDy, WAyNE MT10 1995 Tundra swan DUErKSEN, rUSSELL DE20 1999 Tundra swan OK29 2008 Mallard/choc. lab SD9 1991 Pintail SD13 1995 Wood duck SD14 1996 Canada goose SD17 1999 Tundra swan SD18 2000 Bufflehead DUmAS, mICHAEL CD6 1990 Wood duck DUNN, JOEL TN35 2015 Green-winged teal DU rOSE, EDWArD MN18 1994 Ring-necked duck EADES, PETEr WY12 1995 Moose EAKIN, ArTHUr u MD8 1981 Wigeon 92 EASTON, rAymOND NY13 1997 Hooded merganser EDWArDS, CHArLOTTE IA21 1992 Black lab/mallard IA26 1997 Canada goose EDWArDS, DON 1994 Mottled duck LA6 EDWArDS, J.P. MI35 2010 Bufflehead NV30 2008 Pintail EGGErT, JOHN 1979 Pintail IL5 MA7 1980 Oldsquaw MA9 1982 Greater yellow-leg MA24 1997 Curlew ELLIOTT, DICK TN1 1979 Mallard ENrIGHT, DON WY14 1997 Rocky Mountain goat ESCHENFELDT, rOBErT 1975 Mallard IL1 EVErHArT, GrEG OK17 1996 Bufflehead FAIrBErT, CrAIG CO20 2009 Barrow’s goldeneye WI32 2010 Wood duck FABrE, LEA RI25 2013 Canvasback FEELEy, TED WY4 1987 Sage grouse FErKOL, rON MO9 1987 Pintail MO13 1991 Snow goose MO18 1996 Black duck FErNANDEZ, mArIO ND5 1986 Pintail FErrIS, KEN CD9 1993 Hooded merganser CD16 2000 Whooping crane FIELD, BONNIE DE25 2004 Black scoter/lighthouse FILLION, PAUL ME13 1996 Blue-winged teal FINLEy, TOm AZ19 2005 Pintail AZ20 2006 Canada goose FISHEr, CyNTHIE AK11 1995 Pacific brant AK20 2004 Lesser scaup AR28 2008 Black lab/Mallard CO6 1995 Bufflehead CO9 1998 Redhead CO10 1999 Blue-winged teal CO11 2000 Gadwall CO12 2001 Ruddy duck CO13 2002 Com. goldeneye CO14 2003 Canvasback IA24 1995 Canada goose NDS7 2015 Spectacled eider OH7 1988 Common goldeneye WA10 1995 Mallard WA29 2014 Redhead FISHEr, JAmES u RW42 1975 Canvasback FLANAGAN, THEA ME7 1990 Canada goose FLOWErS, rOBErT NC17 1999 Green-winged teal FOLSOm, JANINE ME29 2012 Ring-necked duck FOrBECK, TAyLOr AZ24J 2010 Green-winged teal FOrCIEr, HEATHEr VT22 2007 Ring-necked duck VT23 2008 Gadwall VT24 2009 Harlequin VT25 2010 Wood duck FOrGE, JENNy WY25 2008 Black footed ferret FOSTEr, rAyBUrN OK8 1987 Canvasback OK12 1991 Gadwall FrASE, mICHAEL FL19 1997 Hooded merganser FrEEmAN, CHArLES IL15 1989 Ring-necked duck NH19 2001 Blue-winged teal FrEEmAN, KEITH IN8 1983 Snow goose FrEEmAN, TOm TN12 1990 Redhead FrEIBErG, JOHN MN26 2002 Ruddy duck FrENTNEr, rUSTy MI21 1996 Canada goose FrEy, JEFFrEy OK3 1982 Green-winged teal FrEyErmUTH, VIrGINIA MA26 1999 Oldsquaw FrISINO, LOUIS AK6 1990 Oldsquaw DE15 1994 Blue goose MD3 1976 Canvasback MD13 1986 Hooded merganser MD20 1993 Canvasback NV26 2004 Redhead NH12 1994 Com. goldeneye 1987 Can. goose/Black lab NJ4 NC7 1989 Snow goose/lighthouse ND7 1988 White-winged scoter OR8 1991 Bufflehead/Ches Bay rtvr. VA3 1990 Wood duck WV4 1990 Black lab/decoy FULTON, LOTTIE MS10 1985 Mallard FUrUyA, mICHAEL HI3 1998 Wild turkey FUSCO, PAUL CT11 2003 Black duck CT12 2004 Wood duck CT13 2005 Mallard CT14 2006 Bufflehead GAAr, JIm OK9 1988 Wigeon GArNEr, rOBErT MS12 1987 Ring-necked duck GArST, STEVEN AL12 1990 Wood duck GENTLING, SCOTT & STUArT TX24 2004 American goldeneye GILBErT, ALBErT RW45 1978 Hooded merganser GILLESPIE, BOB TN3 1981 Wood duck GLASPEr, JErrIE MS8 1983 Lesser scaup GOEBEL, WILHELm RW63 1996 Surf scoter/lighthouse AK12 1996 Aleutian Canada goose MD28 2001 Wigeon MD32 2005 Ruddy duck MD39 2012 Wigeon NJ11 1994 Black duck/lighthouse NJ13 1996 Com. goldeneye/lghthse NC15 1997 Wood duck NC21 2003 Ring-necked/spaniel ND15 1996 Mallard VA9 1996 Hooded merganser GOODmAN, TOmmy MS9 1984 Black duck GrEEN, JOHN DE4 1983 Canvasback SD8 1990 Blue-winged teal SD15 1997 Wigeon GrEENIG, SCOTT WY23 2006 Cut-throat trout GrESSArD, DAVID ID9 1995 Wood duck GrImm, ADAm RW67 2000 Mottled duck RW81 2014 Canvasback AK16 2000 Common eider AK19 2003 Lesser Can. goose NY18 2002 Canvasback OH24 2005 Wood duck OH33 2014 Pintail WA16 2001 Mallard GrImm, mADISON JDS21 2013 Canvasback GrOmmE, OWEN u RW12 1945 Shoveler WI1 1978 Wood duck GrOSS, THOmAS MN8 1984 Wood duck GUINN, KEVIN MO14 1992 Gadwall Sam Houston Duck Co. MI5 1980 Lesser scaup MI12 1987 Green-winged teal NV1 1979 Canvasback/decoy 1981 Mallard TX1 TX12 1992 Canada goose HEArD, BrUCE 1992 Pintail LA4 HEIDErSBACH, JOHN IA16 1987 Canada goose PA6 1988 Wood duck HELGESON, GArTH WY15 1998 Trumpeter swan HENNESSEy, TOm MA2 1975 Pintail HENSON, JON IL16 1990 Lesser snow goose OH9 1990 Black duck HErDmAN, CLINT CT17 2009 Black duck CT18 2010-11 Goldeneye CT19 2012 Pintail HErTLING, HEINEr 1983 Bufflehead FL5 MI17 1992 Red-breasted merg HILL, rICK KY25 2009 Snow goose HILLIArD, GUNNEr OH34 2015 Shoveler HINES, rOBErT u RW13 1946 Redhead HIrATA, TOm CT1 1993 Black duck/lighthouse IL22 1996 Wood duck IL23 1997 Canvasback IL24 1997 Canada goose NH3 1985 Blue-winged teal NJ1 1984 Canvasback NJ8 1991 Atlantic brant/lighthouse NC3 1985 Canvasback NC4 1986 Canada goose NC16 1998 Canada goose ND10 1991 Green-winged teal PA8 1990 Canvasback PA12 1994 Pintail TN9 1987 Canada goose TN14 1992 Wood duck WV6 1992 Canada goose HOFF, JEFF IA43 2014 Redhead NV24 2002 Cinnamon tea OH29 2010 Ruddy duck OK28 2007 Redhead HOLLOWAy, BrUCE NH17 1999 Mallard NH21 2003 Wood duck HOLZmAN, KErry PA24 2006 Pintail HONG, JANET VA26 2013 Hooded merganser HONG, SEOKKyUN JDS16 2008 Nene goose HOrSFALL, r. BrUCE u OR10 1993 Mallard HOUSE, JOHN MN23 1999 Green-winged teal HOyES, DAN HI12 2007 Gray francolin HOWE, NANCy RW58 1991 King eider HUANG, JIE JDS3 1995 Pintail HUBEr, CArLA MD11 1984 Black duck MD17 1990 Lesser scaup HUBLICK, JAmES SC23 2003 Green-winged teal OK27 2006 Wigeon HUCKABy, rODNEy SC15 1995 Shoveler SC17 1997 Oldsquaw SC22 2002 Wigeon/choc. lab SC25 2005 Canvasback HUDSPETH, JOE mAC MS22 1997 Wood duck MS24 1999 Ring-necked duck MS25 2000 Mallard MS26 2001 Gadwall MS27 2002 Wood duck MS28 2003 Pintail MS29 2004 Wood duck MS30 2005 Blue-winged teal MS31 2006 Black lab MS32 2007 Wood duck MS33 2008 Green-winged teal MS34 2009 Blue-winged teal MS35 2010 Mallard MS36 2011 Wood duck MS37 2012 Green-winged teal MS38 2013 Mallard MS39 2014 Wood duck HUEy, JUDITH AL18 1996 Wood duck HUGHES, ALLEN MS2 1977 Mallard TN6 1984 Black duck HUGHES, OLIVIA TN30 2010 Redhead TN31 2011 Wood duck HUGHES, DONNIE SC34 2014 Wood duck HUGHES, rONNIE IA37 2008 Wood duck HUNT, LyNN u RW6 1939 Green-winged teal HUNTEr, ABrAHAm JDS19 2011 Ring-necked duck IL34 2008 Greater scaup IL35 2009 Com. goldeneye IL36 2010 Blue-winged teal HUrA, D. J. CLELAND OH16 1997 Wigeon SC16 1996 Redhead SC18 1998 Ruddy duck ISAAC, TErry NY7 1991 Redhead ISAKOV, ALEXEI RD10 1998 Mallard JACqUE, KrEIG WY27 2010 Cinnamon teal JAqUES, F. L. u RW7 1940 Black duck JArVI, BrIAN AZ5 1991 Blue-winged teal MN10 1986 Lesser scaup JENKINS, rON RW32 1965 Canvasback JOHNSON, JErry MS7 1982 Canada goose JOHNSON, PAUL u CA1 1971 Pintail CA2 1972 Canvasback CA3 1973 Mallard CA4 1974 White-fronted goose CA5 1975 Green-winged teal CA6 1976 Wigeon CA7 1977 Cinnamon teal CA37 2007 Pintail JONES, ZETTIE AR23 2003 Mallard/Ches. Bay Retv. JOrDAN, SUSAN ME11 1994 Mallard NH18 2000 Black duck JOSEy, JAmES MS21 1996 Hooded merganser JULIUS, BArry MA28 2001 Black duck MA36 2009 White-winged scoter JULIUS, rANDy MA6 1979 Ruddy turnstone MA8 1981 Red-breasted merg. MA10 1983 Redhead MA12 1985 Ruddy duck MA19 1992 Red-bellied plover MA27 2000 Red-breasted merg. MA33 2006 Long-billed curlew MA38 2011 Brant KAATZ, LyNN KY4 1988 Canada goose KY15 1999 Common goldeneye OH5 1986 Canvasback OH8 1989 Canada goose KALmBACH, E. r. u RW8 1941 Ruddy duck KASSABAUm, BArT IL6 1980 Green-winged teal IL9 1983 Lesser scaup IL11 1985 Redhead IL13 1987 Bufflehead 93 KAy, PAUL WY19 2002 River otter KEEL, BArBArA 1979 Wood duck AL1 KELLEy, rICK WI12 1989 Common goldeneye KEmP, THOmAS ME14 1997 Greater scaup KEOWN, JOy HI8 2003 Nene goose 2004 Nene goose HI9 KIEFFEr, GEOrGE IL10 1984 Blue-winged teal KILLEN, JIm GA2 1986 Mallard GA14 1998 Ring-necked/Black lab ID2 1988 Green-winged teal IL25 1999 Black lab/Can. gse IL26 2000 Golden ret./mallard IL27 2001 Yellow lab / pintail IL28 2002 Canvasback/ches. retvr. IL29 2003 GW teal/Choc. lab IL30 2004 Wood duck KY11 1995 Ring-neck/blk lab/decoy NJ20 2003 Pintail/decoy/lab NC2 1984 Wood duck NC13 1995 Atlantic brant/lighthouse 1984 Canada goose PA2 SC3 1983 Pintail SC8 1988 Boynkin spaniel/wigeon SC11 1991 Pintail/lab/decoy SC27 2007 Redhead/Gold. ret. SC28 2008 GW teal/black lab SC29 2009 Ring-necked/Yel. lab SC30 2010 Wood duck/Boynkin SC31 2011 BW teal/Choc. lab SC32 2012 GW teal/Gold. rtvr. SC33 2013 Black duck/Boynkin VT1 1986 Wood duck VT2 1987 Com. goldeneye VT3 1988 Black duck VT4 1989 Canada goose KINNETT, JAmES MD29 2002 Black scoter KIrBy, ryAN JDS7 1999 Wood duck KIrKmAN, rICHArD OK15 1994 Blue-winged teal KLEIBEr, rON NY9 1993 Blue-winged teal OH14 1995 Pintail KLEPINGEr, NICK IA5 1976 Canvasback IA7 1978 Wood duck KLINEFELTEr, JEFFrEy CA39 2009 Shoveler CO15 2004 Snow goose CO16 2005 Shoveler CO18 2007 Hooded merganser CO19 2008 Lesser scaup CT23 2016 Atlantic brant DE18 1997 White-winged scoter DE24 2003 Ring-necked duck DE35 2015 Blue-winged teal FL22 2000 Ring-necked duck IN18 1993 Wood duck IN26 2001 Hooded merganser IN28 2003 Shoveler IN30 2005 Bufflehead IN33 2008 Shoveler IN34 2009 Snow goose IN35 2010 Black duck IN36 2011 Wigeon IN37 2012 Canada goose IN38 2013 Wood duck IN39 2014 Blue-winged teal LA16 2004 Hooded merganser LA20 2008 Golden retriever LA24 2012 Wigeon NV18 1996 Ring-necked duck NV23 2001 Lesser scaup NV28 2006 Tundra swan NV32 2010 Shoveler NV37 2015 White-fronted goose NH14 1996 Surf scoter NC31 2013 Shoveler ND19 2000 Pintail OH21 2002 Ring-necked duck OH27 2008 Green-winged teal Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Artist HAAN, NOLAN DE5 1984 Mallard NV8 1986 Redhead NV12 1990 Green-winged teal HAGEmAN, JErOmE NY10 1994 Canada goose OK14 1993 White-fronted gse HAGENBAUmEr, DAVID WA9 1994 Black brant HAHN, JACK IA14 1985 Mallard IA18 1989 Blue-winged teal HALL, rICK 1997 Ring-necked duck LA9 HAmAmOTO, STEVE HI11 2006 Black francolin HAmrICK, STEVE MN36 2012 Ruddy duck HANCOCK, W. ALLAN CD21 2005 Harlequin PE9 2003 Blue-winged teal HANKES, KAyDEE TN27 2007 Harlequin TN28 2008 Wood duck HANSEN, rICHArD FL13 1991 Pintail IN16 1991 Mallard HArm, rAy KY1 1985 Mallard KY7 1991 Pintail HArrIS, JOHN NELSON CA44 2014 Lesser scaup CA45 2015 Green-winged teal FL21 1999 Pintail FL23 2001 Canvasback FL24 2002 Mottled duck HArTy, DWAyNE CD12 1996 Com. goldeneye HATCHEr, EVErETT AL19 1987 Snow goose HAUTmAN, JIm RW57 1990 Black-blld whistling RW62 1995 Mallard RW66 1999 Greater scaup/black lab RW78 2011 White-fronted gse AR12 1992 Shoveler AR19 1999 Wood duck AR31 2011 Mallard AR34 2014 Mallard DE9 1988 Wood duck MN13 1989 Wigeon MN20 1996 Greater scaup NDS2 2010 Pintail NV10 1988 Canvasback NJ19 2002 Wood duck TX13 1993 Blue-winged teal TX17 1997 Cinnamon teal TX28 2008 Pintail HAUTmAN, JOE RW59 1992 Spectacled eider RW69 2002 Black scoter RW75 2008 Pintail RW79 2012 Wood duck RW83 2016 Trumpeter swan AR29 2009 Hooded merganser CT6 1998 Mallard MN30 2006 Mallard NDS3 2011 Barrow’s goldeneye NJ12 1995 Wigeon/lighthouse NJ17 2000 Canvasback/lighthouse SC14 1994 Canvasback TX22 2002 Redhead HAUTmAN, BOB RW64 1997 Canada goose RW68 2001 Pintail MN12 1988 Bufflehead MN16 1992 Barrow's goldeneye MN25 2001 Black duck NDS1 2009 Canvasback NV11 1989 Ross' goose NJ18 2001 Tundra swan TX19 1999 Canvasback TX31 2011 White-fronted goose HAyDEN, LArry u AZ10 1996 Canada goose AR4 1984 Pintail AR15 1995 Mallard CA21 1991 Gadwall MI2 1977 Canvasback Artist OH32 2013 Blue-winged teal OK19 1998 Shoveler OK26 2005 Snow goose SC21 2001 Mallard/yellow lab/decoy KNAP, J. D. u RW4 1937 Greater scaup KNEELAND, ANDrEW JDS23 2015 Wood duck KNESS, mArK MN27 2003 Oldsquaw KNUTH, CArL (“SPIKE”) IN3 1978 Canada goose 1992 Bufflehead VA5 VA12 1999 Green-winged teal VA19 2004 Pintail VA21 2008 Wigeon KNUTH, rOCKNE 1979 Bufflehead WI2 WI6 1983 Blue-winged teal KNUTSON, rOBErT AL9 1987 Pintail AL16 1994 Canvasback AL20 1998 Barrow's goldeneye PA4 1986 Blue-winged teal KOELPIN, WILLIAm WI5 1982 Pintail KOSLOV, IVAN RD4 1992 Smew RD8 1996 Chinese merganser RD9 1997 Red-breasted goose RD12 2000 Baikal teal KOTULAK, KATE NH25 2007 Black duck KOUBA, LES u RW25 1958 Canada goose RW34 1967 Oldsquaw MN2 1978 Lesser scaup ND4 1985 Greater scaup KrAAyVANGEr, AL WI10 1987 Canada goose KrEUTZJANS, JANI NV20 1998 Hooded merganser KrUmrEy, DIETmAr IA23 1994 Green-winged teal IA25 1996 Canvasback IA33 2004 Wood duck MI6 1981 Bufflehead MI14 1989 Wigeon MI23 1998 Pintail MI24 1999 Shoveler MI28 2003 Redhead MI33 2008 Wood duck KUETHEr, BrIAN WI31 2008 Canvasback KUrZmAN, ANDrEW MI4 1979 Canada goose KUSSErOW, rOBErT SD1 1976 Mallard WY2 1985 Canada goose LAmAy, ArT VA2 1989 Canada goose LAmB, JIm TN10 1988 Canvasback LANDENBErGEr, JAmES IA3 1974 Gadwall LANGTON, BrUCE DE8 1987 Redhead IN13 1988 Redhead IN17 1992 Green-winged teal LANIEr, DAVID GA12 1996 Black duck LArSON, rOBErT IL2 1976 Wood duck LATHAm, BONNIE JDS8 2000 Pintail LATHAm, KArEN ABC17 2003 White-tail deer NB10 2003 Green-winged teal LATHAm, rEBECCA MB11 2003 Grey squirrel LATIL, JOE MS11 1986 Wigeon MS17 1992 Green-winged teal MS22 1997 Pintail LAWrENCE, rOD MI8 1983 Wood duck MI15 1990 Wood duck MI20 1995 Blue-winged teal MI25 2000 Mallard Sam Houston Duck Co. MI27 2002 Wigeon MI32 2007 Pintail LE BLANC, LEE u RW40 1973 Steller's eider AR1 1981 Mallard NY3 1987 Wood duck SC1 1981 Wood duck LEDUC, PIErrE CD11 1995 Redhead CD18 2002 King eider LEE, JOHN AL5 1983 Wigeon AL25 2003 Wood duck LErOy, EDDIE AL21 1999 Redhead AL27 2005 Canada goose AL37 2015 Mallard SC24 2004 Black lab/pintail LENT, rOGEr MD10 1983 Wood duck MD16 1989 Blue-winged teal LESLIE, rOBErT CT2 1994 Canvasback/lighthouse CT9 2001 Bufflehead DE7 1986 Wigeon DE10 1989 Bufflehead ID1 1987 Cinnamon teal 1988 Green-winged teal NJ5 NJ9 1992 Lesser scaup NJ14 1997 Oldsquaw NJ25 2008 Canvasback NY16 2000 Wood duck NC8 1990 Redhead/lighthouse NC14 1996 Pintail ND8 1989 Redhead 1987 Pintail PA5 TN18 1996 Black duck VA4 1991 Canvasback VA11 1998 Mallard WV5 1991 Mallard/Black lab LESTEr, JOHN SEErEy NY6 1990 Canvasback LESTEr, JOSHUA TN25 2005 Mallard LEVINOVSKy, yUrI RD15 2003 Stellar’s eider RD16 2004 Red-billed shelduck LI-LEGEr, DON CD15 1999 Bufflehead LITTLE, DONALD MA20 1993 Red-breasted merg MA32 2005 Oldsquaw LOCKWOOD, GEOrGE AK10 1994 Harlequin AK13 1997 King eider AK23 2007 Shoveler CT8 2000 Wood duck DE23 2002 Ruddy duck DE28 2007 Surf scoter/lighthouse IN25 2000 Ring-necked duck MI37 2012 Ring-necked duck OK32 2011 Blue-winged teal VT13 1998 Blue-winged teal VT14 1999 Canvasback VT15 2000 Wigeon VT16 2001 Oldsquaw VT17 2002 Greater scaup LOrING, mICHAEL ME32 2015 Canvasback LOUqUE, rONALD RW70 2003 Snow goose/lighthouse AK7 1991 Snow goose CA20 1990 Canada goose DE12 1991 Hooded merganser FL9 1987 Mallard FL10 1988 Redhead IN11 1986 Wood duck LA5 1993 Wigeon LA8 1996 Gadwall LA11 1999 Snow goose LA25 2013 Mallard NDS6 2014 Canvasback/lighthouse NJ3 1986 Pintail NC6 1988 Green-winged teal NC18 2000 Canvasback/lighthouse NC19 2001 Black duck/lighthouse NC20 2002 Pintail/yellow lab ND6 1987 Snow goose ND17 1998 Blue-winged teal OH4 1985 Redhead OK11 1990 Hooded merganser PA7 1989 Hooded merganser 1988 Mallard VA1 VA24 2011 Redhead WA6 1991 Wood duck WV3 1989 Pintail/decoy LOUVIErE, ELTON 1990 Green-winged teal LA2 LOWELL, rEBEKAH ME31 2014 Wigeon LUCy, GAry MO4 1982 Bufflehead LyNCH, rICHArD IL3 1977 Canada goose mAASS, DAVID RW41 1974 Wood duck RW49 1982 Canvasback AR3 1983 Green-winged teal AR10 1990 Black duck/mallard AR21 2001 Canvasback AR35 2015 Snow goose 1991 Barrow’s goldeneye LD1 ME1 1984 Black duck ME2 1985 Com. eider/lighthouse ME3 1986 Wood duck MN1 1977 Mallard MN3 1979 Pintail NJ2 1985 Mallard NY2 1986 Mallard ND3 1984 Canvasback TX4 1984 Wood duck TX9 1989 Mallard TX15 1995 Bufflehead TX26 2006 Green-winged teal mACDONALD, TIm MI29 2004 Wood duck mAGEE, ALDErSON RW43 1976 Canada goose mAKUCHAL, PAUL MD25 1998 Pintail MD33 2006 Canada goose MD40 2014 Lesser scaup OK21 2000 Pintail mAKUCHAL, WALLy Jr. FL18 1996 Com. goldeneye MD26 1999 Wood duck mANN, KArLA WY30 2014 Gr. short horn lizard mArTENS, JOHN MI13 1988 Canada goose mArTIN, LArry AL7 1985 Wood duck mATHIOS, PETEr MI31 2006 Wigeon mAUrEr, DArrEN IA30 2001 Snow goose IA31 2002 Shoveler IA36 2007 Wigeon IA45 2016 Common goldeneye mAyNE, NED DE1 1980 Black duck mC CANN, ArEmy JDS9 2001 Trumpeter swan mC DONALD, rALPH AR24 2004 Mallard GA5 1989 Golden retriever KY3 1987 Black duck KY10 1994 Canada goose TN8 1986 Mallard TN16 1994 Mallard mC LErOy, rEGGIE LA14 2002 Canvasback mC mUrrAy, BETH ANN TN20 2000 Bufflehead mC NEELy, AINSLEy AL23 2001 Ruddy duck mC rILL, DICK NV2 1980 Cinnamon teal mEFFOrD, JESSICA TN24 2004 Wood duck mEGEr, JAmES AK2 1986 Steller's eider MN4 1980 Canvasback mELINE, SHErrIE rUSSELL RW73 2006 Ross’ goose AK15 1999 Pintail AZ2 1988 Green-winged teal AZ6 1992 Bufflehead 94 AZ7 1993 Mexican duck 1995 Wigeon AZ9 AZ11 1997 Gadwall AZ12 1998 Wood duck AZ13 1999 Snow goose AZ14 2000 Ruddy duck AZ15 2001 Redhead AZ16 2002 Ring-necked duck AZ17 2003 Shoveler AZ18 2004 Lesser scaup AZ21 2007 Wood duck AZ22 2008 Canvasback AZ23 2009 Hooded merganser AZ24 2010 Green-winged teal AZ25 2011 Bufflehead AZ26 2012 Wigeon AZ27 2013 Pintail CA16 1986 Canada goose CA22 1992 White-fronted goose CA36 2006 White fronted goose ID7 1993 Com. goldeneye IA27 1998 Pintail IA29 2000 Hooded merganser IA35 2006 Ring-necked duck NV9 1987 Bufflehead NV21 1999 Canvasback/decoy NV31 2009 Canada goose OD13 2005 Canada goose PE11 2005 TX20 2000 Hooded merganser TX23 2003 Mottled duck mELTON, EILEEN MO12 1990 Redhead mETrOPOLIS, rOBErT DE14 1993 Common goldeneye OH23 2004 Tundra swan mETrICH, CALEB WI37 2014 Wood duck mETZ, GEOrGE IN7 1982 Blue-winged teal mEyEr, SHEA OK35 2014 Canvasback mICHAELSEN, KEN RW46 1979 Green-winged teal CA8 1978 Hooded merganser LA17 2005 Black lab/pintail NV29 2007 Wood duck mICHELET, JOE AL4 1982 Green-winged teal mILLEr, BrUCE RW60 1993 Canvasback MN19 1995 Gadwall NJ10 1993 Bufflehead/lighthouse NY17 2001 Pintail NC11 1993 Tundra swan/lighthouse ND12 1993 Wood duck TX27 2007 Wood duck TX35 2015 Ring-necked duck VA6 1993 Black duck/lighthouse mILLEr, DON NICHOLSON NB6 1999 NF7 2000 NWT3 2000 SK8 1997 WA17 2002 Green-winged teal WA18 2003 Pintail mILLEr, JENNIFEr RW82 2015 Ruddy duck mILLEr, SHEA OK35 2014 Canvasback mILLEr, TOmAS IA39 2010 Green-winged teal mILLETTE, rOSEmAry SC5 1985 Green-winged teal SD5 1987 Blue goose SD7 1989 Mallard mILLONIG, WILLIAm WI36 201 Long-tailed duck mITTELSTADT, FrANK WI16 1993 Wood duck WI22 1999 Greater scaup mOBLEy, GErALD RW52 1985 Cinnamon teal OK4 1983 Wood duck OK6 1985 Mallard mOBLEy, JEFFrEy IN19 1994 Pintail OK13 1992 Lesser scaup Sam Houston Duck Co. PUTT, GErALD CO8 1997 Wigeon IL31 2005 Green-winged teal IL32 2006 Pintail NV34 2012 Wigeon NC22 2004 Mallard NC23 2005 Green-winged teal NC24 2006 Lesser scaup NC25 2007 Wood duck NC27 2009 Wigeon 1991 Wigeon PA9 PA14 1996 Black duck PA16 1998 Wood duck PA18 2000 Green-winged teal PA20 2002 Snow/blue goose PA23 2005 Red-breasted merg. PA25 2007 Wood duck PA27 2009 Hooded merganser PA29 2011 Wigeon PA31 2013 Black duck PA33 2015 Green-winged teal qUINN, THOmAS WA5 1990 Pintail rADIGONDA, rICHArD CA35 2005 Pintail rAEDEKE, JErry GA9 1993 Mallard GA13 1997 Lesser scaup/lighthouse GA15 1999 Pintail IA20 1991 Mallard KS7 1993 Mallard rEDLIN, TErry MN5 1981 Canada goose MN9 1985 White-fronted goose ND2 1983 Mallard rEECE, BrAD IA10 1981 Green-winged teal rEECE, mArK IA4 1975 Canada goose rEECE, mAyNArD RW15 1948 Bufflehead RW18 1951 Gadwall RW26 1959 Black lab/Mallard RW36 1969 White-winged scoter RW38 1971 Cinnamon teal AR2 1982 Wood duck AR8 1988 Pintail AR33 2013 Mallard ID12 1998 Canada goose IA1 1972 Mallard IA6 1977 Lesser scaup IA22 1993 Mallard TX3 1983 Wigeon WA4 1989 Wigeon rEICHArD, GLEN PA11 1993 Shoveler rEImErS, JOHN MS3 1978 Green-winged teal MS6 1981 Redhead rEITZEL, NICK WY16 1999 Brown trout rEUTEr, JEFF SD12 1994 Redhead rICHErT, rOBErT CA12 1982 Wigeon CT10 2002 Lesser scaup/lighthouse rICHmOND, KIP OR9 1992 Green-winged teal WY32 2015 Sauger (fish) rIDDET, mICHAEL WI7 1984 Hooded merganser WI15 1992 Tundra swan WI26 2003 Ring-necked duck rIGGLES, CHUCK IN21 1996 Black duck IN23 1998 Wigeon IN24 1999 Ring-necked duck IN31 2006 Gadwall rIPLEy, A. L. u RW9 1942 Wigeon rIVErA, JOANNA DE26 2005 Com. merg/lighthouse rOBINSON, CONNIE WY7 1990 Grizzly bear rOE, HArOLD KY14 1998 Gadwall KY17 2001 Mallard OH3 1984 Green-winged teal OH6 1987 Blue-winged teal NIX, DAVID AL29 2007 Blue-winged teal NOLL, DAVID 1989 Blue-winged teal LA1 NOrLIEN, KIm MN24 2000 Red-breasted merg. NOVOrAL, JULIAN UK19 2008 Pink-footed goose OLIVEr, JIm KY6 1990 Wigeon OSTErGAArD, CLArK WY5 1988 Cut-throat trout OSWALD, ADAm NV27 2005 Gadwall PArKEr, LUrOy WY1 1984 Meadowlark PArSON, LEON KS3 1989 Mallard UT1 1986 Whistling swan PArSONS, JASON JDS1 1993 Redhead PArTEE, JAmES Jr. GA3 1987 Canada goose PAS, rICK IN10 1985 Pintail PEPIN, PATrICIA CD24 2008 Ruddy duck PErKINS, GWEN MS1 1976 Wood duck PErrINE, STEVE MD41 2014 Ring-necked duck PETErS, ANDrEW IA8 1979 Bufflehead PETErSON, ErIC JDS6 1998 Black duck PETErSON, ryAN MO17 1995 Common goldeneye PHILLIPS, CrAIG MT7 1992 Wood duck PIEPEr, JAmES WI38 2015 Blue-winged teal PIErCE, DANIEL WI13 1990 Redhead PIErCE, DIANE IN4 1979 Canvasback PIGOTT, CArOLE HArDy MS4 1979 Canvasback PISCATOrI, BOB MA13 1986 Lesser scaup MA15 1988 Mallard MA18 1991 Canvasback MA25 1998 Canada goose MA30 2003 Green-winged teal PISKOrSKI, rENEE´ WY20 2003 Mountain bluebird PLANK, DAVID MO2 1980 Wood duck PLASSCHAErT, rICHArD RW47 1980 Mallard ID6 1992 Canada goose NH1 1983 Wood duck NJ7 1990 Wood duck NY4 1988 Pintail NC1 1983 Mallard NC10 1992 Wigeon/lighthouse ND1 1982 Canada goose ND16 1997 White-fronted goose OR11 1994 Pintail VT5 1990 Green-winged teal VT6 1991 Hooded merganser VT7 1992 Snow goose VT8 1993 Mallard POLLArD, LAUrEN TN26 2006 Canada goose POWELL, PHILLIP KY8 1992 Green-winged teal KY13 1997 Shoveler POUSSON, DALE LA15 2003 Redhead PrESCOTT, rEED VT9 1994 Ring-necked duck VT11 1996 Lesser scaup PrEUSS, rOGEr u RW16 1949 Am. goldeneye PrITCHArD, C. G. u RW35 1968 Hooded merganser PULHAm, GAry CD17 2001 Harlequin 95 OH15 1996 Hooded merganser OH17 1998 Gadwall rOFFO, SErGIO MA21 1994 White-winged scoter rOGErS, SArAH WY9 1992 Eagle rOSS, DOUG MO5 1983 Blue-winged teal rOSSBErG, CLIFF MT14 1999 Barrow's goldeneye MT16 2001 Canada goose rOSSINI, ANTONIA FL16 1994 Mottled duck rOTHE, LINDSEy NH22 2004 Wood duck rOWE, CHArLES DE2 1981 Snow goose rULON, BArT WA28 2013 Shoveler rUSH, JOANNA TN34 2014 Wood duck rUSIN, LEN NY12 1996 Loon rUSSELL, SCOTT JDS5 1997 Canada goose rUTHVEN, JOHN RW27 1960 Redhead OH1 1982 Wood duck ryAN, LIZ mITTEN CD14 1998 Ring-necked duck SAKHAVArS, ALAN CD10 1994 Ross’ goose SAmUELSON, DAVE MT3 1988 Mallard SANDSTrOm, HArVEy u RW21 1954 Ring-necked duck SAWyEr, PATrICK u OK1 1980 Pintail SCHArLE, mATTHEW NH13 1995 Pintail SCHOLEr, PHIL RW50 1983 Pintail MN6 1982 Redhead MN17 1993 Blue-winged teal NV3 1981 Whistling swan SCHrOEDEr, JACK u MD4 1977 Greater scaup MD7 1980 Pintail SCHULZ, mATTHEW MA34 2007 Goldeneye SCHULTZ, TImOTHy WI4 1981 Lesser scaup WI29 2006 Green-winged teal SCHULZ, KEN TN4 1982 Canada goose SCHWArTZ, CHArLES u MO1 1979 Canada goose SEAGEArS, CLAyTON B. u RW20 1953 Blue-winged teal SELLErS, DAVID AL22 2000 Bufflehead AL26 2004 Ring-necked duck SHAUCK, CHArLES MD22 1995 Mallard SHrEVE, rACKET MA17 1990 Common goldeneye SIEVE, mICHAEL OR1 1984 Canada goose OR2 1985 Lesser snow goose OR3 1986 Pacific brant SIDNEy, KIm AZ27J 2013 Fulvous whistling duck SImmONS, ErNEST FL2 1980 Pintail SINDEN, ArT IL8 1982 Black duck IL12 1986 Gadwall IL14 1988 Common goldeneye SmITH, BrETT LA3 1991 Wood duck SmITH, CHrISTOPHEr MI30 2005 Blue-winged teal MI39 2014 Long-tailed duck MI41 2016 Green-winged teal SmITH, DANIEL RW55 1988 Snow goose AK1 1985 Emperor goose AZ1 1987 Pintail AR11 1991 Wigeon Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Artist mOEN, THOmAS MN22 1998 Harlequin MN31 2007 Lesser scaup MN38 2014 Canada goose mOGUS, JOHN FL15 1993 Wigeon mOISAN, JOHN SD3 1978 Canvasback mONTANUCCI, rOBErT CA14 1984 Mallard mONrOE, mIKE MI22 1997 Canvasback mOOrE, BUrTON Jr. RW53 1986 Fulvous whistling mOOrE, DON AK21 2005 Hooded merganser WI9 1986 Canvasback WI17 1994 Pintail WI23 2000 Canvasback mOOrE, WILLIAm 1994 Harlequin ID8 mOrGAN, JIm UT4 1989 Canada goose mOrrIS, EDWArD u RW28 1961 Mallard RW29 1962 Pintail mOrrIS, WILLIAm RW51 1984 Wigeon AL6 1984 Bufflehead AL14 1992 Cinnamon teal mOSS, GAry MN7 1983 Blue/snow goose TX7 1987 White-fronted gse mUELLEr, KEITH CT4 1996 Oldsquaw/lighthouse CT7 1999 Can. goose/lighthouse CT15 2007 Black duck decoy RI11 1999 Common eider/lighthse RI12 2000 Canvasback/lighthouse RI13 2001 Mallard/blk duck/lghthse RI14 2002 White scoter/lighthouse RI15 2003 Oldsquaw RI17 2005 Black duck/lighthouse RI18 2006 Canvasback/lighthouse RI19 2007 Harlequin decoy RI20 2008 Mallard decoy mUELLEr, mArK NV16 1994 Mallard mULLEN, rOBErT VT10 1995 Bufflehead mUmFOrD, DArBy ME17 2000 Common eider mUmm, WANDA OK10 1989 Redhead mUrILLO, PATrICK IA19 1990 Canvasback mUrK, mArTIN RW44 1977 Ross' goose WI3 1980 Wigeon mUrrAy, JACK u RW14 1947 Snow goose mUrry, DEE DEE DE36 2016 Green-wing teal/Yel. lab mUrPHy, THOmAS IA2 1973 Pintail NAGAI, NOrmAN HI7 2002 Chukar partridge HI10 2005 California quail HI13 2008 Chukar partridge NAKAmUrA, TAK NV13 1991 White-faced ibis NV17 1995 Wood duck NANNEy, KEITH FL17 1995 Wood duck OH12 1993 Bufflehead NAOAL, NOrmAN HI4 1999 Ring-necked pleasant NASTAV, rEBEKAH JDS14 2006 Redhead NDS5 2013 Blue-winged teal NV35 2013 Snow goose NELSON, DENISE SC19 1999 Barrow's goldeneye NELSON, KErISSA JDS13 2005 Ring-necked duck NICHOL, rAy WA2 1987 Canvasback NISBETT, ADAm JDS12 2004 Fulvous whistling duck Artist AR14 1994 Canada goose GA1 1985 Wood duck ID3 1989 Blue-winged teal MN15 1991 Ross' goose NJ6 1989 Snow goose SC6 1986 Canvasback TX11 1991 Wood duck TX16 1996 Gadwall UK2 1991 Wigeon UT5 1990 Canvasback WA19 2004 Canada goose WA20 2005 Barrow’s goldeneye WV1 1987 Canada goose SmITH, DOrOTHy OR4 1987 White-front goose SmITH, HArOLD CrAmEr u OR31 2014 Canada goose SmITH, HOyT OK2 1981 Canada goose OK5 1984 Ring-necked duck OK7 1986 Snow goose OK20 1999 Canvasback OK34 2013 Common goldeneye SmITH, JET TN33 2013 King eider SmITH, NED u PA1 1983 Wood duck 1985 Mallard PA3 SmITH, TED ID11 1997 Shoveler SmITH, WILLIAm WY26 2009 Great gray owl SOPCHICK, rOBErT PA10 1992 Canada goose SPIES, JOSHUA RW76 2009 Long-tailed duck SD21 2003 Pintail SPrADLEy, WAyNE AL2 1980 Mallard STAFFELDT, EVErETT IL4 1978 Canvasback STACK, SArA MN32 2008 Ross’ goose STAKEr, rON WY22 2005 Burrowing owl STAPLES, JEANNINE ME6 1989 Common goldeneye ME10 1993 Hooded merganser ME15 1998 Surf scoter ME18 2001 Wood duck ME20 2003 Green-winged teal ME23 2006 Ring-necked duck ME25 2008 Hooded merganser STEArNS, STANLEy u RW22 1955 Blue goose RW31 1964 Nene goose RW33 1966 Whistling swan MD2 1975 Canada goose MD5 1978 Redhead STEINACHEr, SUE AK26 2010 Pintail AK27 2011 Canada goose AK31 2015 Pintail STEINBECK, DON u SD2 1977 Pintail STEINEr, rOBErT RW65 1998 Barrow's goldeneye RW80 2013 Common goldeneye AK14 1998 Barrow’s goldeneye AK18 2002 Black scoter AK22 2006 Pintail/GW teal/mallard AK24 2008 Pintail AK25 2009 Mallard AZ3 1989 Cinnamon teal CA11 1981 Canvasback CA17 1987 Redhead CA18 1988 Mallard CA19 1989 Cinnamon teal CA25 1995 Snow goose CA26 1996 Mallard CA27 1997 Pintail CA28 1998 Green-winged teal CA29 1999 Wood duck CA30 2000 Mallard/Can gse/Wigeon CA31 2001 Canvasback CA32 2002 Pintail SWEET, FrANCIS DE11 1990 Green-winged teal ID4 1990 Trumpeter swan MD14 1987 Redhead VA7 1994 Lesser scaup WV9 1995 Wood duck SZATKOWSKI, FrEDErICK NY11 1995 Com. goldeneye TAyLOr, JIm MD24 1997 Canvasback MD34 2007 Wood duck TAyLOr, JOHN FL6 1984 Hooded merganser MD1 1974 Mallard MD6 1979 Wood duck TAyLOr, TIm CA40 2010 Canvasback TEASLEy, DUSTIN KS11 1997 Mallard KS12 1998 Mallard KS13 1999 Mallard KS14 2000 Mallard KS15 2001 Mallard KS16 2002 Mallard KS17 2003 Pintail KS18 2004 Pintail TEST, BEN FL12 1990 Wood duck TEST, J. ByrON FL11 1989 Blue-winged teal KS5 1991 Pintail THAmES, EmmITT MS19 1994 Canvasback MS20 1995 Blue-winged teal THOmAS, FrED AK8 1992 Canvasback WA8 1993 Snow goose THOmAS, JErry KS6 1992 Canvasback KS10 1996 Wigeon THOrNBrUGH, JOE MT1 1986 Canada goose MT5 1990 Cinn/blue-winged teal MT6 1991 Snow goose MT12 1997 Golden retriever MT13 1998 Gadwall MT15 2000 Choc. lab/decoy TImm, rICHArD AK5 1989 Barrow's goldeneye MI3 1978 Mallard NV4 1982 Shoveler TImm, SAmUEL OH11 1992 Wood duck WI11 1988 Hooded merganser WI19 1996 Green-winged teal TODD, BrENT WY18 2001 White-tail deer TOILLION, mArION SD6 1988 White-fronted gse TOmPKINS, BOB MS5 1980 Pintail MS13 1988 Snow goose TrANDELL, JIm IL7 1981 Wigeon TUrENE, TImOTHy OR32 2015 Pintail TUrNBAUGH, DAVID MD12 1985 Canada goose MD18 1991 Shoveler MD23 1996 Canada goose MD27 2000 Oldsquaw MD31 2004 Pintail TUSSEy, ED AK9 1993 Tule wht-front gse TyNEr, WILLIAm u MA3 1976 Canada goose MA4 1977 Com. goldeneye MA5 1978 Black duck VAN DELLEN, CHrISTINA IL33 2007 Bufflehead VAN FrANKENHUyZEN, G. MI7 1982 Redhead VAN GILDEr, rON ME4 1987 Bufflehead MN11 1987 Com. goldeneye CA33 2003 Mallard CA34 2004 Cinnamon teal CA42 2012 Aleutian Canada goose CO1 1990 Canada goose CO2 1991 Mallard CT5 1997 Green-winged teal 1986 Canvasback FL8 MI10 1985 Ring-necked duck NV6 1984 Pintail NH5 1987 Canada goose NH6 1988 Bufflehead NH7 1989 Black duck NH8 1990 Green-winged teal NH9 1991 Golden ret./Mallard NM1 1991 Pintail NM2 1992 Wigeon NM3 1993 Mallard NM4 1994 Green-winged teal OR12 1995 Wood duck OR13 1996 Mallard OR14 1997 Canvasback OR15 1998 Pintail OR16 1999 Canada goose OR17 2000 Mallard OR18 2001 Redhead/Canvasback OR19 2002 Wigeon OR20 2003 Wood duck OR21 2004 Ross’ goose OR22 2005 Hooded merganser OR23 2006 Pintail/mallard OR24 2007 Wood duck OR25 2008 Pintail OR26 2009 Mallard OR27 2010 Wood duck OR28 2011 Canvasback OR29 2012 Mallard OR30 2013 Wigeon RI1 1989 Canvasback RI2 1990 Canada goose RI3 1991 Lab/wood duck RI4 1992 Blue-winged teal RI5 1993 Pintail RI6 1994 Wood duck RI7 1995 Hooded merganser RI9 1997 Greater scaup RI10 1998 Black duck RI16 2004 Canvasback UT6 1991 Tundra swan UT7 1992 Pintail UT8 1993 Canvasback UT9 1994 Ches. Bay retvr/Mallard UT10 1995 Green-winged teal UT11 1996 White-fronted gse UT12 1997 Redhead WA13 1998 Barrow's goldeneye WA14 1999 Bufflehead WA15 2000 Mallard/Can gse/Wigeon WA21 2006 Wigeon/mallard WA22 2007 Ross’ goose WA23 2008 Wood duck WA24 2009 Canada goose WA25 2010 Pintail WA26 2011 Ruddy duck STEWArT, CLArENCE AL28 2006 Canvasback STEWArT, JImmy TN7 1985 Blue-winged teal STEWArT, JOHN DE29 2008 Gr. scaup/lighthouse STOrm, SCOT RW71 2004 Redhead AR26 2006 Mallard MN28 2004 Common merganser MN39 2015 Harlequin NC32 2014 Hooded merganser NC26 2008 Surf scoter OK25 2004 Mallard SULLIVAN, CLArK FL3 1981 Wigeon MI18 1993 Hooded merganser SUTHOFF, EDDIE MS18 1993 Mallard LA18 2006 Yellow lab/mallard SWArTZENDrUBEr, DEBrA MS14 1989 Wood duck VAN WECHEL, DUSTIN WY21 2004 Mountain lion VAN ZyLE, DANIEL 1997 Hawaiian duck HI2 WADE, DAVE WY6 1989 Mule deer WY8 1991 Big horn sheep WY10 1993 Elk WY13 1996 Turkey WY17 2000 Buffalo WALDEN, CHrISTOPHEr KY20 2004 Black duck KY21 2005 Canada goose KY22 2006 Mallard KY23 2007 Green-winged teal KY24 2008 Pintail WALKEr, TOm IA11 1982 Snow goose WANG, DANIEL HI6 2001 Green pheasant WArBACH, OSCAr u MI1 1976 Wood duck WArr, JOHN AL10 1988 Canvasback WArrICK, KEITH WA1 1986 Mallard WEAVEr, CLArK JDS2 1994 Hooded merganser JDS4 1996 Canvasback PA15 1997 Hooded merganser PA17 1999 Ring-necked duck PA19 2001 Pintail WEBEr, WALTEr u RW11 1944 White-fronted goose RW17 1950 Trumpeter swan WEILEr, mILTON u MA1 1974 Wood duck WEIrS, PErSIS CLAyTON ME9 1992 Oldsquaw WHITE, CHrISTOPHEr MD15 1988 Ruddy duck WILKINSON, CHrISTINE MA23 1996 Common eider WILLEy, PAUL JDS15 2007 Wigeon WILLIAmS, AmBEr TN23 2003 Canada goose WILLIAmSON, NICK TN21 2001 Wood duck TN22 2002 Green-winged teal WILSON, JIm VA15 2002 Canvasback VA16 2003 Tundra swan WILSON, JOHN u RW48 1981 Ruddy duck SC10 1990 Wood duck SD4 1986 Canada goose SD10 1992 Canvasback WILSON, rICHArD CA15 1985 Ring-necked duck NV7 1985 Canada goose WILSON, WILL MD19 1992 Bufflehead WOLFE, WALTEr CA9 1979 Wood duck CA10 1980 Pintail WOLPUT, PATrICE CD19 2003 Shoveler WOODS, BArBArA NY14 1998 Osprey WOODS, SArAH CO5 1994 Wood duck yArNES, L. PArSONS KY12 1996 Blue-winged teal yOUNG, ALEX WA12 1997 Canada goose ZACH, LArry IA13 1984 Wood duck (u – indicates artist is deceased.) SHOP ON LINE — ANYTIME! SHDUCK.COM Sam Houston Duck Co. 96 Sam Houston Duck Co. Souvenir Sheets 1 1a 1986 1986 FIrST ISSUE Ameripex – Texas flag, white ............ $1.00 Ameripex – Texas flag, gold................ 2.00 SECOND ISSUE - David Connally 16a 1987 BrOWN rED COLOr Sheet of 16 contains: Black duck; Mallard; Pintail hen; Canada goose; Canada goose, pair; Black duck, pair; Mallard; Pintail; Mallard crashing; Bob Dumaine rides duck Sheet of 15 .........7.50 ........................................7.50 31a BLUE mAGENTA FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - David Connally 32 1988 COMPEX Wood duck ..................... 2.00 33 1988 APS Wigeon (Out).................... .50 34 1988 HOUPEX Hooded merg. (no perf) ... .50 35 1988 SHP Ruddy duck ...................... .50 36 1988 ASDA Nat’l Canada goose.................. .50 37 1988 INT'L Expo Cinnamon teal .................. .50 Black duck........................ .50 38 1988 FLOREX 39 1988 MIDAPHIL Ring-necked duck ............ .50 40 1989 ORCOEXPO Blue-winged teal.............. .50 41 1989 ARIPEX Com. merganser (no prf).. .50 42 1989 INTERPEX Pintail ............................... .50 43 1989 SWEPEX Pacific brant ..................... .50 44 1989 COMPEX Snow goose ..................... .50 Spectacled eider .............. .50 45 1989 APS Emperor goose ................ .50 46 1989 HOUPEX 46a Full sheet of 15 with #32-46............................. 7.50 47 1989 ASDA Nat’l Oldsquaw ......................... .50 48 1989 WSE Pigmy goose .................... .50 49 1989 WSE Black swan ....................... .50 50 1989 WSE Lesser scaup.................... .50 51 1989 WSE Mandarin duck (no imp) ... .50 52 1989 WSE S/S Above four...................... 2.50 53 1990 INTERPEX Bufflehead ........................ .50 54 1990 SWEPEX Canvasback (no perf)....... .50 55 1990 COMPEX Mallard (no perf)............... .50 56 1990 APS Redhead........................... .50 57 1990 HOUPEX Gadwall ............................ .50 58 1990 NATIONAL Red-breasted merg. (Out) ....– 60 1991 INTERPEX Fulvous whistling duck ..... .50 61 1991 SWEPEX Green-winged teal (Out) .. .50 62 1991 COMPEX Barrow’s gldneye (no imp) .50 63 1990 SHP Paddle Like Hell ............... .50 63a Full sheet of 15 with #47-63............................. 7.50 FAmOUS "FILATELIST" SErIES - David Connally Prepared to salute personalities of philately by a “duck" of their likeness. 64 1989 CC/Chicago Les Winick...................... 1.00 64(s) CC/Chicago Signed by Winick ........... 5.00 65 1989 CC/Chicago Richard Drews................ 1.00 65(s) CC/Chicago Signed by Drews............ 5.00 66 1990 INTERPEX Robert Siegel ................. 1.00 66(s) INTERPEX Signed by Siegel ........ 150.00 67 1990 ASDA Nat’l Joseph Savarese ........... 1.00 67(s) ASDA Nat’l Signed by Savarese ........5.00 68 1991 INTERPEX H. “Pat” Herst, Jr. ........... 1.00 68(s) INTERPEX Signed by Herst ........... 95.00 69 1992 ASDA Mega Lewis Shull ..................... 1.00 69(s) ASDA Mega Signed by Shull ............ 95.00 76 77 78* 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Ned Mayne 1991 PHIL. Show Black duck (no perf) ......... .50 1991 APS Blue-winged teal (Out) ..... .50 1991 HOUPEX Oldsquaw (Out) ................ .50 1991 ASDA Nat’l Wigeon ............................. .50 1991 PHIL Nat’l Canvasback ..................... .50 1992 INTERPEX Com. goldeneye (no perf) .50 1992 WCSE Wood duck (Out) .............. .50 1992 WCSE Snow goose ..................... .50 1992 APS Bufflehead (Out)............... .50 1992 HOUPEX Shoveler ........................... .50 1992 ASDA Mega American eider ................. .50 1992 MIDAPHIL Emperor goose ................ .50 1993 SE Wild Lesser scaup (Out) .......... .50 1993 ASDA Dallas Red-breasted merganser .50 1993 Metroexpo Gadwall (no perf) ............. .50 Sam Houston Duck Co. Full Sheet of 15 with #76-90 ................7.50 90a FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Ned Mayne 91 1993 ASDA Houston Mallard ....................... $.50 92 1993 COMPEX Hooded merg. (no perf) ... .50 Brant................................. .50 93 1993 APS Black duck........................ .50 94 1992 NDSCS 95 1995 COMPEX Green-winged teal............ .50 Harlequin.......................... .50 96 1995 APS Cinnamon teal .................. .50 97 1995 HOUPEX 98 1995 ASDA Mega Canada goose.................. .50 99 1995 MIDAPHIL Canvasback ..................... .50 100 1996 ASDA Mega Canada goose (no perf) ... .50 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Roger Cruwys 101 1994 COMPEX Mallard ............................. .50 Harlequin.......................... .50 102 1994 APS 103 1994 HOUPEX Cinnamon teal .................. .50 104 1994 PHIL Nat’l Canvasback ..................... .50 105 1994 MIDAPHIL Pintail ............................... .50 106 1994 ASDA Mega Barrow's goldeneye.......... .50 107 1995 S. Wild Expo Ring-necked duck ........... .50 108 1995 Am. Postage Wigeon ............................ .50 Lesser scaup.................... .50 109 Jr. Duck Program 110 Golden Duck Black duck....................... ..50 111 1996 COMPEX Choc. lab & pintail ............ .50 112 1996 APS Black lab & pintail ............ .50 113 1996 ASDA Mega Yel. lab & GW teal............ .50 114 1997 Pacific 97 Black lab & mallard .......... .50 115 1997 Pacific 97 Black lab & mallard .......... .50 116 Fed. Duck Gallery Golden retriever ............... .50 117 1997 APS Chocolate labrador........... .50 118 1997 Gr. Houston Ches. Bay rtvr (no imp).... .50 119 1998 AmeriStamp Boynkin spaniel ................ .50 120 1998 ASDA Mega Lab pups with decoy ........ .50 FULL COLOr FEDErAL ArTIST SErIES Featuring artwork by Federal Duck Contest winners. Richard Plasschaert 121 1998 COMPEX Nene goose (no imperf) ... .50 122 1998 NAPEX Red-breastedt goose ....... .50 123 1998 APS Barnacle goose (no imp).. .50 124 1998 Gr. Houston Ross' goose ..................... .50 Joe Hautman 125 1998 ASDA Mega Barrow’s gldneye (no imp) .50 126 Fed. Duck Office Can. goose (Out) ............. .50 Bob Hautman 127 AZ Phil. Rangers Barrow's goldeneye.......... .50 Richard Plasschaert 128 2000 COMPEX Pacific brant ..................... .50 129 2000 APS Snow goose ..................... .50 1997 WILD THINGS, ETC. - Antonio Rovira Includes lion, elephant, zebra, panther, rhino and more. 130 1997 Wild Things sheet of 12 ...................... 5.00 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Roger Cruwys 131 1999 Americas ‘99 Bufflehead ....................... .50 132 1999 Garfield Perry Oldsquaw....................... .50 133 1999 COMPEX Ruddy duck ...................... .50 134 1999 APS Spectacled eider .............. .50 135 1999 Gr. Houston Stellar’s eider ................... .50 136 1999 ASDA Mega Wigeon (no perf) .............. .50 149.... 2004 ...................Gr. Houston Snow goose .50 150 2004 ASDA Mega Lighthouse........................ .50 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Ken Michaelsen Wood duck ..................... $.50 151 2004 Houston 152 2005 APS Expo Mallard decoy................... .50 153 2005 ASDA Mega Green-winged teal............ .50 Lab w/mallard................... .50 154 2005 APS 2004 FEDErAL DUCK STAmP CONTEST FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Ken Michaelsen 155 2004 Eligible species – Hooded merganser .. .50 156 2004 Eligible species – Ring-necked duck .... .50 157 2004 Eligible species – Wood duck ............... .50 158 2004 Eligible species – Gadwall .................... .50 159 2004 Eligible species – Wigeon..................... .50 160 2008 Elaine Hautman – Canvasback ............ .50 160v Signed by Elaine Hautman ................10.00 161 2008 APS Pintail ............................... .50 A numbering error has the following labels off by one (i.e. label 165 is printed DL-164.) 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 Canvasback ......................................... Duck Contest – Eligible species ........... Harlequin ......................................... Mallard ......................................... Green-winged teal................................. Pintail ......................................... DDF – Canvasback............................... DDF – Pintail......................................... DDF – Harlequin ................................... DDF – Green-winged teal ..................... DDF – Mallard....................................... DOG SErIES - Ken Michaelsen Black lab ......................................... Brittany spaniel (misspelled) ................. Chocolate lab ........................................ English setter ........................................ English springer spaniel........................ Chocolate, yellow and black lab pups .. Shorthair pointer ................................... Yellow lab ......................................... LIGHTHOUSE SErIES - Ken Michaelsen 2008 Boston Lighthouse ................................ 2008 Drum Point Lighthouse ......................... 2008 Portland Head Lighthouse .................... 2008 Bandon Lighthouse ............................... 2008 Heceta Head Lighthouse ...................... 2008 Machias Seal Isle Lighthouse ............... 2008 Nantucket Isle Lighthouse..................... 2008 Bass Harbor Lighthouse ....................... 2008 Point .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS 2000 Bob & Rita Dove (Joe Hautman)........ .50 2000 April 2000 The Duck Stamp Story..... .50 2000 WSE 2000 Brw's Golden (Mittlestadt) .50 2000 Fed. Cntest Spectacled eider (C. Fisher) (no perf) ......... .50 141 2000 ASDA Mega Brw’s Golden (R. Cobane) .50 142 2001 COMPEX Can. goose (Plasschaert). .50 137 138 139 140 FULL COLOr SOUVENIr SHEETS - Ken Michaelsen 143 2001 APS Hooded merganser .......... .50 144 2001 Gr. Houston Trumpeter swan ............... .50 145 2001 ASDA Mega Nene goose...................... .50 146 2002 COMPEX Canvasback ..................... .50 147 2002 APS Cinnamon teal .................. .50 148 2004 APS Wood duck ....................... .50 97 Reyes Lighthouse 190 2008 Cape Ann Lighthouse .50 .50 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Accessories Sam Houston Duck Co. began preparing duck theme labels to salute various shows and other events, starting with Ameripex 1986. All artwork is original and done expressly for Sam Houston. The labels are a limited printing of 1,500 and free at the event they salute. A label of our choice is also included with duck stamp orders free of charge. Imperforate issues are available at two times the normal price. Supplies and Accessories America’s Darling The Prints of J.N. Darling by Amy Namowitz Worthen The Story of Jay N. "Ding" Darling Accessories Darling is as well known for his work with the duck stamp program as he is for his two Pulitzer Prizes. In 1984, the Brunnier Gallery and Museum at Iowa State University mounted a comprehensive exhibit of Darling’s prints, over 80 works of art. This Iowa State University Press edition catalogue of the exhibit has been updated and expanded by the addition of other works by Darling identified since the exhibit. more than five years in the making, with research encompassing more than 12,000 cartoons, 300 hours of audio recordings, and hundreds of images, "America's Darling" is the story of Des moines register cartoonist and pioneering conservationist Jay Norwood "Ding" Darling (1876-1962). rising from being suspended from college to twice winning the Pulitzer Prize, Darling's career had a profound influence on America's people and her landscapes. Join host Chris Steffen as he explores his Great-great grandfather's life and legacy in this tribute to a modern-day renaissance man. Kip Koss, Darling’s grandson who recounts many personal memories, as well as renowned historian Douglas Brinkley. Approximately 60 minutes. "What a wonderful life that man lived and he managed to do so much. A gifted man like Ding Darling is a 'once in a hundred years' human being. Even though our population has doubled, I doubt we will see his equal in our lifetimes. We are so fortunate to have had the original Ding Darling." M.E.~ Duck Stamp Collector DVD $14.95 Prints of J.N. Darling $9.95 The Smithsonian Book of National Wildlife Refuges by Eric Jay Dolin This book reveals an interconnected story of people and nature drawing on the rich history surrounding National Wildlife Refuges. With stunning photographs by Karen and John Hollingsworth, a great tribute coordinated with the 100th anniversary of the NWR system. 208 pages, National Wildlife refuges $14.95 Please add $3 shipping on each book order. The Wild Duck Chase by Martin J. Smith The Wild Duck Chase takes you into the world of duck painting as it plays during the Federal Duck Stamp Contest. As Smith chronicles in his revealing narrative, within the microcosm of the duck stamp contest are intense ideological and cultural clashes. At issue is preserving the habitat of ducks and waterfowl for all to enjoy The competition also fuels dynamic tensions between competitors and judges, and the invariably ambitious, sometimes obsessive, and often eccentric artists. Please add $2 shipping. “Ding” – The Life of J. N. Darling by David Lendt “A rich, vivid biography of an enriching, vivid American. Darling was an individual who loved the American earth as few have loved it, and fortunately Lendt has caught the essence of this unusual man.” Stewart L. Udall 204 pages, soft cover (includes Sam Houston Duck Co. The basis for the upcoming documentary “The million Dollar Duck.” Hardcover $18.95 $ 9.95 98 Softcover $14.95 Supplies and Accessories The Best Federal Stamp Album! re m co ! ed nd e m mounts for your duck stamps – precut, 30 per pack, black (DH-B) or clear (DH-C) background $4.25 The three volume set with matching slip case, is loaded with illustrations and information. A two-page spread is devoted to each stamp and provides details on the artwork, print and printing methods, plus a biography of the artist. Pages are 3-hole punched and printed on heavy stock, color from rW37 to date, following the same format as the prints were issued. One stamp per page with detailed artist biography, print and stamp information, thru 2014. Stearns & Fink Album THrU 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $255.00 Volume III binder and slipcase only (+ $12 shipping) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 2013-14 Supplement (supplements issued every two years) . . . . . . . . 40.00 Sign up for automatic supplement shipments! Please add $22 shipping to all album orders, $3 for supplements. White Ace Federal Pages Pages hold single stamps with colored and decorative borders. Nice, heavy white stock. Fits ANY 3-ring binder or order matching binder and slip case. W.A. Album thru 2012 (+ $6 shipping) . . $32.75 2013-14 Supplement - mIG19 (+ $3 ship) . 4.75 2011-12 Supplement - mIG18 (+ $3 ship) . 4.00 Blank pages (10 count) (+ $3 ship) . . . . $7.50 Binder (+ $6 ship) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Slip case (+ $6 ship) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Scott Federal & State Duck Stamp Album Complete Set – Scott is our most popular album for collecting federal and state single stamps. Approximately 330 pages, with some blank provided, three-ring binder, slip case plus three packs of pre-cut mounts (please specify black or clear). Everything you need! Current through 2013. Retail value is $395. ONLy … $295.99 includes shipping! SCOTT SUPPLEmENTS & BINDErS Scott is the only album for Federal, Junior and State duck stamps. Plate Blocks Scott pages for Federal Duck Stamp Plate Blocks. $26.99 plus $3 shipping. Sam Houston Duck Co. Large green three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34.99 Slip case to fit large three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Large green two-post binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.99 Slip case to fit two-post binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Small green three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.99 Slip case to fit small three-ring binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.99 Blank pages with National border (20 pages) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.99 Blank pages with National border by G&K Starsheets (40 pages) . . . . 17.50 2014 Supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.99 Federal plate block supplement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.49 Federal Singles Junior Duck Stamps plus $3 shipping. plus $3 shipping. Pages federal singles only, fit Scott binders album. $10.95 99 Scott pages to supplement your album. $8.95 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 Accessories More than just a stamp album – the Stearns and Fink album is an elegant way to display your stamp collection. Supplies and Accessories Showgard Mounts for Federal and State Duck Stamps Accessories Precut mounts Size DH Fits all Federal and state duck stamps that require Size 36. $4.25 per pack. Size 33 $9.75 Kentucky Mississippi 1981-89 Nebraska 2006- Size 36 $9.75 Federal Alabama Alaska 1985-1994 Arizona Arkansas Calif. 79-97, 2000Colorado Connecticut Delaware Georgia Hawaii Please specify black (B) or clear (C) background when ordering. Size 36 $9.75 Idaho Iowa* Kansas Louisiana Maryland 1974-1992* Minnesota Mississippi 1990Montana Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota 76-98 Tennessee 1999Utah *Maryland – do not use precut size 36. Size 36 $9.75 Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Size 39 $9.75 Alaska 1995Illinois Indiana Maine Massachusetts Michigan 1976 Missouri Nebraska 1991-95 Ohio 1983-1999 Oregon Pennsylvania Wyoming Size 41 $9.75 California 1971-78 Texas Size 46 $10.95 Michigan 1977 Size 48 $9.75 Florida 1981-85 Ohio 1982 Size 50 $9.75 Michigan 1978-2002 Size 52 $9.75 California 1998-99 Michigan 2003- Size 55 $10.25 Florida 1986 Size 57 $9.75 Florida 1979-80 Size 61 $9.75 Oregon hunter 1991 Size 63 $11.95 WA mini-sheet 1998- Size 66 $11.95 Michigan 1976 Size 68 $12.25 Maryland 1993Ohio 2000RW self-adhesive Virginia self-sdhesive Size 80 $12.50 WA mini-sheet 86-97 Size 84 $11.95 Mississippi 1976 Tennessee 1979-96 Size 89 $11.95 North Carolina selfadhesive stamps Washington minisheets 1986-97 Size 91 $15.95 Hunter-type for: Colorado Hawaii Montana top tabs New Mexico Oregon 1988-89 Size 105 $15.95 RW mini-sheet 2005California mini-sheet Size 144 $18.75 California souv. sheet Washington 2000 mini-sheets (each stamp requires two mounts) Size 153 $12.00 Oregon hunter 1992 Souv. sheets (ex CA) Size 167 $15.25 South Dakota 1999- Size 265 $23.00 Minnesota 2000- Please add $3 shipping on mount orders. Over four packs add $5. Print Album A system designed to store and display your duck stamp prints. u u u The Portfolio Padded burgundy leather portfolio, 18¾" x 14¼" x 3". Comes with five acid-free acetate envelope pages which will accommodate and store ten prints. Acid-free mat board with 7¾" x 10" opening on each side accommodates the most popular duck size prints. Order toll free 1-800-231-5926 ArTSAFE POrTFOLIO ALBUm (as pictured), with five acetate envelopes to hold mats & five print mats; holds a total of ten prints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$289. ADDITIONAL MAT print openings on both sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. ADDITIONAL MAT twelve stamp openings, both sides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. ADDITIONAL MAT print opening on one side and twelve stamp openings on the other side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24. National Duck Stamp Collectors Society Join the National Duck Stamp Collectors Society. The only stamp collecting society devoted exclusively to duck stamps! The $20 annual membership includes your subscription to Duck Tracks – the quarterly, award-winning publication of the Society. make checks payable to NDSCS or pay via PayPal at their web site – Send to: NDSCS, P.O. Box 43, Harleysville, PA 19433. (Please mention Sam Houston Duck Co. as a reference.) Learn more about the society by visiting their web site – See page 72 to purchase Society stamps Sam Houston Duck Co. 100 United States Stamp Sets Note: The U.S. stamps are NET prices — no additional discount applies! 367-73 (ex 369). F-VF SCV 152.50....$129. 367-73 (ex 369). F-VF H SCV 72.50 ..... 59. (Pairs two times singles price.) 1923 Imperforate Norse-American 575-77 Set/3. F-VF SCV 16.60 ....... $12. 575-77 Set/3 Horz. pr. F-VF SCV 36. 24. 620-21 (2) F-VF SCV 26.50 ............. $21. Singles Early Coils – 1914-1919 441//497 (12) A dozen pristine early coil singles, incls 441, 448, 455, 486-90, 493, 495-97. F-VF Pristine SCV 179...... $139. 441//497 Coil pr F-VF . SCV 435. ... 299. 581-91 (11) F-VF OG H. SCV 181. $139. 581-91 (11) F-VF NH. SCV 402. .......295. 1923-26 Coils (All ex 599A) 1916 Imperfs 481-84 (4) F-VF . SCV 44.50 .......... $29. 481-84 (4) Horz Pair F-VF . SCV 93. . 59. 1920 Issue $2 547 (1) F-VF , very fresh. SCV 280.$239. Pilgrim Issue 548-50 (3) F-VF SCV 107.50 ........... $60. 548-50 (3) F-VF Hinged. SCV 44.25 .. 39. 1922-25 551-71 (21) ½¢-1, F-VF SCV 695. $450. 571 1 violet brown, F-VF SCV 80....... 44. 572 2 blue, F-VF SCV 150. ............... 95. 573 5 Carm. & blue, F-VF SCV 230..195. 571-573 (3) Set/3, F-VF SCV 460. .. 339. Sam Houston Duck Co. 1925 regular issue 581-91 Perf 10 Set 597-606 597-606 597-606 622-23 627-629 631 631p F-VF 1926 1926 1926 SCV 44. ................. $29. Comms. (3) SCV 16.25 . 11. Imperf F-VF (1) SCV 3. . 2. Imperf pair F-VF (2) ... 4. 1926 regular Issue Coil sgl F-VF (10) SCV 36..... $22. Coil pairs F-VF (10) SCV 78.... 49. Line pairs F-VF (10) SCV 214. 150. (Add #631 NH for $2) 632-42 ex the rare 634A. Set of 11 stamps, vivid colors! F-VF SCV 28. $19. 610-12 All fresh!! F-VF SCV 54.60 ... $26. 643-657 (14) F-VF SCV 74.60 ......... $45. 614-16 (3) F-VF SCV 45.25.......................... $29. 658-68 (11) F-VF NH , SCV 431.50 $275. 658-68 (11) F-VF H, SCV 216.25 ..... 135. 617-19 (3) F-VF SCV 41.75 ............. $29. 614-19 (6) F-VF set/2 SCV 79............ 58. 669-79 (11) F-VF H, SCV 265.25 ... $179. 669-79 (11) F-VF NH , SCV 530.52 349. 680-90, 02-3 (13) F-VF SCV 17. ......... 9. Harding Issue Huguenot-Wallon Lexington-Concord 1927-28 Commemoratives Kansas Overprint Nebraska Overprint Shop on line — anytime! 101 Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 United States 1909 Issue All stamps F-VF NH unless noted. 1931 regular Issue 692-701 (10), all very vivid, bright color! F-VF NH SCV 141.25 .................... $85. 50 Stamp Sheets 1682a Fifty State Flags F-VF .......... $15. 2002b State birds & flowers F-VF ..... 22. 2335a North American Wildlife .......... 35. 2696a Wildflowers ............................. 25. THE FIRST SIX AIRMAILS 1932 Washington Bicentennial 704-15 (12) Washington different portraits! F-VF NH, fresh! SCV 33.25 ............ $18. 716-19/24-5 1932 Comm. F-VF (6)...... 4. 726-29/32-4 1933 Comm. F-VF (7)...... 3. 736-39 1934 Comm. F-VF (4).............. 1. 740-49 1934 Ntl Pk - perf F-VF (10) .. 10. United States Special Printings 752-55, 66-71 (10) Hrz. pr w/vert. lines/ gutters F-VF SCV 88.85................... $59. 752-55, 66-71 (10) Vert. pr w/hrz. lines/ gutters F-VF SCV 53.75......................40. Both sets (2) ..................................... 95. 756-65 1935 Ntl Pk - imp F-VF (10)......9. 772-84 1935-6 Com w/778 F-VF (9) .....3. 785-94 1936a Army/Navy F-VF (10) .... 2. 795-802 1937 Comm. F-VF (8)............ 2. 1938 Presidential Set Official Coil Coil Singles 839-51 (13) singles. VF . SCV 33.90 $25. 839-51 Pairs — F-VF Scott 71.50 ..... 49. 839-51 Line pair - F-VF SCV 139.90 95. 22¢ “D” Official Coil O139 Scarce pl. #1 stp/5, VF . SCV 55 ..$39. 20¢ Coil 2005 Pl.# strip of 5 line #3 or #4. VF . SCV 40. each ................................ $45. each qE1-4 (4) All fresh ! SCV 54.25 ...... $39. qE1-4 (4) Hinged SCV 28. ................ 22. Order via our web site or fax 281-496-1445 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE C13-15 Sets C13-15F-VF Never Hinged, a very nice set. SCV 2,600.... $1,600. C13-15 F-VF NH Each w/PSE Certificate. SCV 2,600.......... 1,800. C13-15 . . . . . . . . . . .F-VF OG Hinged. SCV 1,155 ............. 1,050. Sam Houston Duck Co. H HH V 102 C1-6 Set 1918-23 F-VF Hinged, SCV 375. . . . . . . $249. F-VF NH, SCV 750. . . . . . . . . . . 475. F-VF Nice used set, SCV 174. . . 119. AIRMAILS A LA CARTE O135 Scarce pl. #1 stp/5, VF . SCV 55. .$39. 1925 Special Handling 803-34 ½¢-5 (32) F-VF SCV 142.75 ....$119. 832 .......................................... 5.83 832c .............................................. 4. 833 ............................................ 14. 834 ............................................ 85. C1-6 C1-6 C1-6 All Fresh F-VF NH and better!! Scott # Price C1. . . . . . . . . . . . . $85. C2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95. C3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95. C4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. C5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95. C6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95. C7-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. C10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. C11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. C12. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. C13 . . . . . . . . . . . . Call C14 . . . . . . . . . . . . Call C15 . . . . . . . . . . . . Call C16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. C17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. C18. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65. C19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. C20-22 . . . . . . . . . . 15. C23 . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Scott # Price C24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8. C25-31 . . . . . . . . . . 15. C34-36 . . . . . . . . . . . 1. C37 LP . . . . . . . . . . . 7. C41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. C41 LP . . . . . . . . . . . 9. C46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. C52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. C52 LP . . . . . . . . . . 13. C61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. C61 LP . . . . . . . . . . 27. C65. . . . . . . . . . . . 35¢ C65 LP . . . . . . . . . . . 2. C73. . . . . . . . . . . . 25¢ C73 LP . . . . . . . . . 1.50 C82. . . . . . . . . . . . 20¢ C82 LP . . . . . . . . . 65¢ C83. . . . . . . . . . . . 25¢ C83LP . . . . . . . . . . . 1. All others available. INCREDIBLE AIRMAIL SPECIAL! 136 Airmail Stamps mint Never Hinged including the 50¢ Zeppelin issue!! 136 of the 147 U.S. Airmail s t a m p s , including the two Air Mail Special Deliveries, issued since 1926! Begins with the map issues C7-9, plus the Lindbergh issue of 1927, the bicolor beacon issue of 1928, the winged globe issues, the 50¢ Zeppelin issue of 1933, Trans-Pacific issues of 1935, large transport set of WWII, Amelia Earhart, Hawaii, UPS coil issues, Man on the Moon and so much more!! C18 included. These are quality stamps, no junk! (No faults, F-VF and better, all NH!) 136 Stamps total! Only $239. 1940 Fam. Am. (35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20. 1940 F-VF (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1941-3 Ovrn Cty F-VF (13) . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1944-45 F-VF (17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1946 F-VF (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1947 F-VF (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1948 F-VF (28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 1949 F-VF (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1950 F-VF (11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 1951 F-VF (6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 1952 F-VF (13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 1953 F-VF (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 1954 Reg. ½¢-$1 F-VF (26) . . . . . . . .13.75 1954 F-VF (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49.00 1954 Coils F-VF (8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 1954 Line pairs F-VF (8) . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 1954 F-VF (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 1955 F-VF (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 1956 F-VF (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.60 1957 F-VF (14) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 1958 F-VF (21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 1959 F-VF (21) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 1960 F-VF (29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.65 1961 F-VF (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1961-5 F-VF (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 1962 F-VF (17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65 1963 F-VF (12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1964 F-VF (19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.95 1965 F-VF (16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 1965 F-VF (20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 1965 Coils F-VF (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25 1966 F-VF (17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30 1967 F-VF (15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75 1968 1339-40/42-64 F-VF (25) . . . . . . 4.95 1969 F-VF (22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.95 FARLEY’S FOLLIES Imperforate Souvenir Sheets Sets of (5) NH #730, 31, 35, 50, 51 Scott $117 Only $75! Sam Houston Duck Co. 1387+ 1970 1387-92, 1405-22 F-VF (24) . . . $4.75 1393-1400 1970 F-VF (9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1423-45 1971 F-VF (23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.65 1446-74 1972 F-VF (29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 1475-1508 1973 F-VF (34) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.35 1525-1552 1974 F-VF (28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.80 1553-1580 1975 F-VF (28) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75 1581//1616+ 1975 ex 1590a, 1598 (31) . . . . . . . . . 21.00 1629-85, 90-1703 Inc st. flag F-VF (71) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.00 1704-1730 1977 F-VF (27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.75 1731-3/46-69 1978 F-VF (36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.95 1770-1802 1979 F-VF (33) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.50 1803-10/21-43 1980 F-VF (31) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.75 1874-9/1910-45 1981 F-VF (42) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 1950+ 1982 Icl 1950-04, 06-30 (80) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.00 2031-65 1983 F-VF (35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.25 2066-2109 1984 F-VF (44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.25 2110+ 1985 2110, 37-47, 52-66 (27) . . . . . . 18.75 2167//2245 1986 F-VF (22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.25 2246//2368 1987 Inc wildlife sht (70) . . . . . . . . . . 46.50 2379//2400 1988 F-VF (30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.95 2347//2437 1989 F-VF (26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.50 2348//2515 1990 F-VF (26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.50 2532//2579 1991 F-VF (29) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.75 2611//2720 1992 Inc wldflwrs F-VF (98) . . . . . . . . 63.50 2721//2806 1993 F-VF (57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.25 2807//2876 1994 With 2 sheets (83) . . . . . . . . . . .63.00 2950//3024 1995 With 3 sheets (97) . . . . . . . . . . .61.50 3058//3118 1996 With 2 sheets (87) . . . . . . . . . . .52.00 3120//3178 1997 With 4 sheets (94) . . . . . . . . . . .68.95 3179//B1 1998 With 7 sheets (149) . . . . . . . . .126.95 3272//3369 1999 With 6 sheets (149) . . . . . . . . .104.00 3370//3446 2000 With 5 sheets (119) . . . . . . . . . .75.00 3496//3551 2001 With 3 sheets (80) . . . . . . . . . . .56.00 3552//3745 2002 With 5 sheets (181) . . . . . . . . . 145.00 3746//3829 2003 With 5 sheets (120) . . . . . . . . . . 82.50 Postage Due All F-VF, NH and better Cat. # Denom. Single PB J61 1¢ . . . . . . . .$9.00 — J62 2¢ . . . . . . . . .9.00 — J69 ½¢ . . . . . . . . .9.00 — J70 1¢ . . . . . . . . .7.00 — J71 2¢ . . . . . . . . .7.00 — J72 3¢ . . . . . . . .28.00 — J73 5¢ . . . . . . . .40.00 — J79 ½¢ . . . . . . . .1.00 $24.00 J80 1¢ . . . . . . . . .20¢ 2.00 J81 2¢ . . . . . . . . .20¢ 2.00 J82 3¢ . . . . . . . . .25¢ 3.00 J83 5¢ . . . . . . . . .45¢ 3.50 J84 10¢ . . . . . . . .1.50 8.00 J85 30¢ . . . . . . . .9.00 — 103 J86 50¢ . . . . . . .12.00 — PB Cat. # Denom. . . .Single J88 ½¢ . . . . . . .$1.00 Call $4.00 J89 1¢ . . . . . . . . .20¢ J90 2¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 8.00 J91 3¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 15.00 J92 4¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 60¢ J93 5¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 60¢ J94 6¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 70¢ J95 7¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 75¢ J96 8¢ . . . . . . . 20¢ 80¢ J97 10¢ . . . . . . 20¢ 90¢ J98 30¢ . . . . . . 65¢ 3.00 J99 50¢ . . . . . . 1.00 4.00 J100 1 . . . . . . . . 1.50 7.00 J101 5 . . . . . . . . 7.50 35.00 J102 11¢ . . . . . . 20¢ 2.00 J103 13¢ . . . . . . 20¢ 2.00 J104* 17¢ . . . . . . 35¢ 19.00 J88-104* (17) ½¢-5, plus 11¢, 13¢ & 17¢. SCV 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13.95! * (all shiny gum ex J104) Order toll-free 1.800.231.5926 United States 859-893 894-908 909-921 922-938 939-944 945-952 953-980 981-986 987-997 998-1003 1004-16 1017-28 1030-52 1053r 1054-59A 1054-59A 1029, 60-63 1064-1072 1073-4/76-85 1086-1099 1100-1123 1124-1144 1145-1173 1174-7/83-90 1178-82 1191-1207 1230-41 1242-60 1261-76 1278-95 1297-1305C 1306-22 1323-37 1339+ 1365-86 1940 - 2003 Year Sets SOUVENIR SHEETS - NH OFFSET PRINTING and COIL WASTE ISSUES United States Scott # 630 730 731 735 750 751 778 797 948 1075 1686-9 2216-19 2433 2438 2624-29 2840 2875 3139 3140 3178 3209 3210 4075 C126 All stamps are F-VF, No Faults! Pairs 2x. Scott # 525* 526* 527* 528 * 528A* 528B* 529* 530* 531* 532 533 534* 534A 534B 535* 536* 538* 540* 541 542 543* 545 546 578 579* 595 Guaranteed Genuine 1¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 3¢ 3¢ 1¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 2¢ 3¢ 1¢ 1¢ 2¢ 3¢ 1¢ 1¢ 1¢ 2¢ 1¢ 2¢ 2¢ Hinged Gray-green . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 Type IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18.00 Type V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 Type Va . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.00 Type VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.00 Type VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.00 Type IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.50 Type IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.00 Type V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79.00 Type Va . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 Type VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29.00 Type VII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Type IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.00 Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 Type II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145.00 Type III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175.00 * Available as plate blocks. NH $5.00 49.00 34.00 18.00 85.00 42.00 6.00 4.00 16.00 55.00 149.00 20.00 69.00 Call 15.00 38.00 20.00 23.00 75.00 25.00 1.25 350.00 165.00 145.00 145.00 395.00 You will find many more U.S. stamps in our auction catalogs. Request a free copy today or view on line at: Call or write for quote on plate block prices. [email protected] or 1-800-231-5926 qty. Item Price qty. All Fresh without faults. Price White Plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call 1¢ Cent of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19.00 3¢ Cent of Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20.00 3¢ Byrd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8.00 3¢ Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.00 1¢ Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.00 3rd Phil Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 10¢ Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50¢ Century Phil Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40¢ FIPEX Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.00 Bicentennial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 AMERIPEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17.00 World Stamp Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.00 UPU Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.00 Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24.00 Rockwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.00 BEP Issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.00 Pacific 1997 Pane 12, 50¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9.00 Pacific 1997 Pane 12, 60¢ . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00 Mars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.00 Trans-Mississippi 1¢-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.00 Trans-Mississippi 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.00 Washington 2006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14.00 Space imperforate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.00 Item Price Name Order Form Address City Phone Alternate choices State e-mail CC# Exp Zip @ CVV# Visa, MasterCard, Discover & AmEx welcome. r Please bill credit card on file. Texas residents please add 8.25% sales tax. Order toll free 1-800-231-5926 Total Sam Houston Duck Co. 104 Sam Houston Duck Co. P.O.Box 820087, Houston, TX 77282 281-493-6386 u fax 281-496-1445
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