Our Timesheet Module functions with Web time clock and External


Our Timesheet Module functions with Web time clock and External
Our Timesheet Module functions with Web time clock
and External time clock devices (optional)
Time Clock Key Features
• Tracks in/out time for hourly employees
• Ability to punch in using ChargeID/Distribution
• Code
• Enables manual punch with email notification to
• View in/out board
• View print clock history
• Export clock history to Excel
• Optional Ethernet time clock
Web Entry Time Clock
Employees can clock in/out
via a internet web browser
Badge ID, Password,
ChargeID /Distribution code
Optional Biometric External Time Clock Devices
Subject to Change
Cannot be sold without Timesheet Module
Fingerprint/ RFID
and Keypad
Biometric- Clocks you
in/out based on
fingerprint/RFID card
and/or keypad
Facial/ Finger/RFID
Biometric - Clocks you
in/out based on facial
recognition, finger print
and/or RFID card.
Dual Fingerprint/ RFID
and Keypad Terminal
Biometric- Clocks you in/out
based on fingerprint/RFID
card and/or keypad
*ChargeID/Distribution code
/Work code not available
External Time and Attendance Clocks * subject to change
For Timesheet Module
Microix offers Biometric Units (fingerprint and facial) that prevent buddy punching. All units can be
mounted on a wall. They are stand-alone, however, require a PC or server to poll the data from the
clocks. If purchasing multiple units for different locations, all sites must be connected via network. If
not, then the requirement is for the main office to have IIS server hosting our web service where the
remote locations can send the data via HTTP over the web.
Finger/RFID Terminal
Biometric - Clocks you in/out
based on fingerprint, RFID
card and/or keypad
8000- Fingerprints
Facial/ Finger/RFID
Biometric - Clocks you
in/out based on facial
recognition, fingerprint
and/or RFID card
400- Face
Dual Fingerprint/ RFID
and Keypad Terminal
Biometric- Clocks you
in/out based on
fingerprint/RFID card and/or
3000- Fingerprints
code not available
Devices cannot be sold without the Microix Timesheet Module
Shipping and handling charges plus a one-time support fee
One year manufacturers warranty
Devices are non refundable
RFID card .
Wi-Fi option available at an additional cost for Iclock2800 and FR302
IClock2800 –Page 1 of 2
IClock2800 –Page 2 of 2
iFace302 –Page 1 of 2
iFace302 –Page 2 of 2
Product Description
The DF100 is an innovative dual sensor Time and Attendance terminal. It features the fastest commercial based
fingerprint matching algorithm and high performance, high image quality optical fingerprint sensor. It is an economic
time attendance solution for small to medium size enterprises with lower cost for labor management. The spacious
design with 2 WINDOWS ON 1 SCREEN user interface for separate operation can avoid confusion and save
employees check in/out time. Standard TCP/IP and optional WIFI/GPRS communication assure the data transmission
between terminals and PC can easily be done in several seconds.
Features: Color TFT screen with GUI Interface for ease of operation. Battery backup keeps the terminal working in case
of power outage. SD card backs up data in case of network or power outage. Built in USB port allows manual data
transfer when network is not available. Network communication ensures reliable data delivery. Optional WIFI or GPRS
allows for eliminating cables.

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