24092009 - MCieplik WS Gliwice 2009
24092009 - MCieplik WS Gliwice 2009
Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands Mariusz Cieplik; Willem van de Kamp and Jaap Kiel ECN Biomass, Coal and Environmental research Clean and Efficient Power Generation from Coal, September 24-25th, 2009, Gliwice (Poland) Presentation overview • Brief introduction to ECN • State-of-the-art biomass co-firing • Options • Co-firing activities in the Netherlands • Biomass co-firing vs total renewables in the Netherlands • Biomass co-firing in high percentages • Technical bottlenecks • R&D needs and exemplified results • Conclusions 2 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN develops high level knowledge and technology for a sustainable energy system and transfers it to the market Independent (non-profit) research institute 650 employees Annual turn-over: 90 million Euro Activities: • Biomass, Solar, Wind • Clean fossil fuels (CCS, fuel cells) • Energy efficiency • Policy studies 3 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Biomass Co-firing – state-of-the-art options gas cooling/ purification LCV gas CFB gasifier Indirect co-firing SCR ESP FGD coal Biomass BM BM stack • Coal (and gas-fired) power plants Direct co-firing • Including co-gasification (e.g. IGCC) • Existing (retrofit) and new installations 4 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Biomass Co-firing – details of the state-of-the-art options after W. Livingston, Doosan-Babcock / IEA Task 32 Hamburg 2009 workshop 1 Biomass pellets Coal mills Coal burner Coal Coal mills 3 2 Biomass Boiler Biomass mills 4 5 Biomass burner 6 Gasifier 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 The milling of biomass pellets through modified coal mills The pre-mixing of the biomass with the coal and the milling and firing of the premixed fuel through the existing coal firing system The direct injection of pre-milled biomass into the pulverised coal pipework The direct injection of pre-milled biomass into modified coal burners The direct injection of the pre-milled biomass through dedicated biomass burners or directly into the furnace The gasification of the biomass, with combustion of the producer gas in the boiler Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Co-firing activities in the Netherlands gas cooling/ purification LCV gas CFB gasifier Indirect co-firing SCR ESP FGD coal BM BM stack Essent Amer wood gasifier Direct co-firing Essent Amer Electrabel Gelderland EPZ Borssele 12 6 E.On BeNeLux Maasvlakte Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. NUON Buggenum (IGCC) Co-firing activities in the Netherlands Current co-firing status: • All co-firing options in use, but each producer has clear preferences • Co-firing % ~20 % w/w, but many trials at ~30-40 % w/w • Even > 50 % w/w tests scheduled (600+ MWe scale) • Most producers aim at 20-25 % e/e • Popular fuels: – All producers: clean wood – Essent Amer: certified, sustainable food-processing industry residues (i.e. coffee-husks in co-operation with Solidaridad fair trade) – E.On Maasvlakte: MBM and SRS animal fat, “biomass pellets” – EPZ Borssele: cocoa residue, palm kernel (PKS), citrus pulp – Electrabel Gelderland: agro- and food-processing residues – Nuon Buggenum (IGCC): clean wood • Niche fuels: – E.On Maasvlakte and Nuon Buggenum (IGCC): sewage sludge – Essent: demolition wood (via gasification) and bark pellets 7 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Direct biomass co-firing at Essent Amer power station Wood pellets Citrus pellets Altogether: ~ 1 Mtonne/y on one site! Palm kernel chips Source: Essent 8 Amer 9 (600 MWe + 350 MWth) : 300 ktonne/y Second “bio” mill Amer 9 : 300 ktonne/y Amer 8 (645 MWe + 250 MWth) : 320 ktonne/y Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Olive residu Indirect biomass co-firing at Essent Amer power station Amer 12 (600 MWe + 350 MWth) : 60 MWth (~5% e/e) Source: Essent 9 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Renewables in the Netherlands – current data vs ambitions 4000 [PJ/y] 3500 4000 3500 gros energy consumption renewable energy 3000 3000 2500 2500 Ambition 20 (or even 30) % renewables in 2020 2000 1500 2000 1500 Implementation legging behind… 1000 1000 500 500 0 0 1990 10 2007 2008 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. 2020 avoided fossil fuel use [PJ/a] Renewables in the Netherlands – biomass contribution A p p r o x im a te ly 6 0 % to ta l r e n e w a b le fr o m b io m a s s ! • L a r g e d e c r e a s e in c o - fir in g in 2 0 0 7 : - c a n c e lle d fe e d - in ta r iffs fo r ( p a lm ) o il and indirect co-firing - t i g h t MSWI c l e a n w o o d p e l l e t s m a r k e t direct wood stoves - industrial wood stoves - residential 70 - d e l a other y i n biomass d e v e combustion l o p m e n t o f n e w s u landfill b s i d gasy s y s t e m biogas - sewage sludge biogas - aggricultural residues • 2 600 0 8 : c l e biogas a r s - iother g n s o f r e c o v e r y , d e s p ite lo w e r e d s u b s id ie s 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 11 2005 2006 2007 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. 2008 Technical bottlenecks in biomass co-firing catalyst deactivation Many bottlenecks grindability and/or ash-related NOx emissions ToMe emissions fouling & corrosion ESP performance SCR ESP FGD coal BM stack fly ash quality direct co-firing 12 burner stability milling/pneumatic boiler performance near-burner slagging transport burnout Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. gypsum quality R&D needs - biomass co-firing in high percentages • Biomass upgrading technology to reduce the cost of biomass logistics and improve the compatibility of biomass as a fuel • Better mechanistic understanding of combustion/gasification-related technical bottlenecks and translation into fuel mixing recipes, design specifications and operating guidelines • Predictive tools for assessing the co-firing potential of biomass streams and optimising boiler design and operation for co-firing (low-cost screening, modelling) • Biomass co-firing and future boiler designs (i.e. USC) • Advanced techniques for (on-line) process monitoring and control • (Ash recycling strategies and) utilisation options 13 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking – R&D approach Design rules Lab-scale experiments Validation Full-scale measurement campaigns Evaluation / interpretation Operator guidelines Fuel specifications Validation Modelling (thermodynamics, CFD) Predictive tools Lab-scale experiments and modelling allow investigations beyond current full-scale practice (higher co-firing percentages, higher steam conditions, oxy-fuel combustion) 14 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking – torrefaction for improved fuel specs Woody biomass Mixed waste Agricultural residues Torre fac pulve tion and risatio n Superior fuel properties: − Transport, handling, storage − Milling, feeding − Gasification, combustion − Feedstock range − Standardisation tonne-scale batches of materials available from the ECN torrefaction pilot-scale plant Tenacious and fibrous 10 - 17 MJ/kg (LHV, ar) Hydrophilic Vulnerable to biodegradation Heterogeneous 15 Friable and less fibrous 19 - 22 MJ/kg (LHV, ar) Hydrophobic Preserved Homogeneous Fuel powder Pelle tisatio n Bulk density 700-800 kg/m3 Bulk energy density 13-17 GJ/m3 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Fuel pellets De-bottlenecking - example of fuel interactions KCl (l/s), KOH (g), K2SO4 (s) Ca/Si based aerosols (s/l) KCl (g), KOH (g), K2SO4 (l) KCl (g), KOH (g), K2SO4 (g) KCl (g), KOH (g) biomass 16 SO2 (g) coal clay minerals (l/s) Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking tools - Lab-scale Combustion Simulator high oxygen high temperature Temperature [°C] 1000 0 1200 1400 20 90 0,1 gas 1600 Burner area 0,2 210 gas + particles Residence time [ms] Distance [m] 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 1300 0,8 oxygen high high temperature Furnace exit 0,9 1 Sampling location Realistic gas temperature and gas composition profiles, sampling 5-2500 ms 17 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking - ash/minerals release for various fuels Release per kg dry fuel [mg/kg] 30000 55% 25000 36% 40% 20000 15000 8% 10000 30% 51% 5000 49% 0 Bark (BM1) Wood chips (BM2) Waste wood (BM3) Ca Mg Na Olive residue (BM5) K Ti P S Straw (BM6) Cl Mn Zn Polish coal (C1) Pb Release biomass very different from coal: – total release biomass 30-55% (incl. S and Cl) – total release coal 0.3-2.6% (excl. S and Cl) or 8-36% (incl. S and Cl) 18 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. UK coal (C2) De-bottlenecking tools – lab-scale Horizontal Deposit Probe Developed in co-operation with Hukseflux (subsidiary of Clyde Bergemann) Functionalities: •Deposit composition •Deposit influence on heat transfer • 700 < Tgas< 1300 °C • 300 < Tsurface< 750 °C 19 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking tools - full-scale mobile deposition probe 20 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. De-bottlenecking – Full/lab-scale slagging/fouling tests flo w Approach also proven for: - USC conditions (full/lab-scale) - oxyfuel BM combustion (lab) 50 45 Lab-scale 40 Full-scale % w/w d.a.b. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 SiO2 21 Al2O3 Fe2O3 Na2O K2O CaO MgO TiO2 P2O5 MnO Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Conclusions • • Biomass co-firing is an established technology for co-firing percentages up to 10-20% (e/e) Biomass co-firing at high percentages (30-50% e/e) is feasible, but needs/highly benefits from: − − − − Innovative biomass upgrading technologies Better mechanistic understanding of technical bottlenecks Better predictive and diagnostic tools On-line monitoring and control (e.g. fouling, corrosion) • Torrefaction allows for a cost-effective, high-efficiency production of commodity biomass fuels with superior grindability and conversion properties. • Many technical bottlenecks in biomass co-firing are ash related. Main mechanisms of ash formation and ash behaviour have been mapped. R&D focus now on quantification and incorporation of mechanistic knowledge in predictive tools. • Combination of predictive tools and on-line monitoring is key to successful management of ash behaviour, particularly for new boiler designs. • New challenges in biomass co-firing include sustainability, heat utilisation, lower quality (“salty”) biomass, wet biomass. 22 Biomass co-firing with the focus on the experience in the Netherlands – M.K. Cieplik et al. Thank you for your attention! M.K. Cieplik ECN BCE P.O. Box 1 1755LE Petten The Netherlands [email protected] Tel: +31 224 564700