cables and wires catalogue 2008
cables and wires catalogue 2008
ISO 9001 ISO 14001 CABLES AND WIRES CATALOGUE 2008 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 CHAPTER I SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES H05V-U, H05V-R, H05V-K .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 H05V2-U, H05V2-R, H05V2-K ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 H07V-U, H07V-R, H07V-K .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 H07V2-U, H07V2-R, H07V2-K ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 H05Z-U, H05Z-K ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 H07Z-U, H07Z-R, H07Z-K ................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 CHAPTER II FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES NYM-J,O ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. CYKY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. MMJ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... (N) YM (ST) - J, -O ............................................................................................................................................................................................. NHXMH .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 18 19 21 23 CHAPTER III PVC SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS H03VV-F, H03VVH2-F ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 26 H05VV-F, H05VVH2-F ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 CHAPTER IV CABLES IN RUBBER H05RR-F ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ H07RN-F ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ NSGAFOU .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... H01N2-D, H01N2-E ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 31 35 36 CHAPTER V HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES SIF ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 SIHF ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 CHAPTER VI POWER AND CONTROL CABLES NYY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... MMO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... N2XY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. AXMK ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. NYCY .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. MCMK ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. AMCMK .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. MCMO ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ N2XH .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. N2XCH ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... FLAME-X 950, (N)HXH FE180/E 30 .................................................................................................................................................................. FLAME-X 950, (N)HXCH FE180/E 30 ................................................................................................................................................................ FLAME-X 950, (N)HXH FE180/E 90 .................................................................................................................................................................. FLAME-X 950, (N)HXCH FE180/E 90 ................................................................................................................................................................ 46 51 52 57 59 62 63 64 65 68 71 73 75 77 CHAPTER VII MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES AHXAMK-W (6/10/(12)) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 82 AHXAMK-W (12/20/(24)) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 83 TSLE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 84 2 page AXCEL ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ AHXCMK-WTC (6/10/(12)) ................................................................................................................................................................................. AHXCMK-WTC (12/20/(24)) ............................................................................................................................................................................... HXCMK-WTC (6/10/(12)) ................................................................................................................................................................................... HXCMK-WTC (12/20/(24)) ................................................................................................................................................................................. AHXCMK-WTC (6/10/(12)) ................................................................................................................................................................................. AHXCMK-WTC (12/20/(24)) ............................................................................................................................................................................... N2XSY, N2XS2Y, NA2XSY, NA2XS2Y ............................................................................................................................................................... N2XS(F)2Y, NA2XS(F)2Y ................................................................................................................................................................................... N2XS(FL)2Y, NA2XS(FL)2Y ............................................................................................................................................................................... N2XSEY, NA2XSEY, N2XSE2Y, NA2XSE2Y ..................................................................................................................................................... XRUH(A)KXS, N(A)2XS(FL)2Y, TSLE, AXLJ-TT, CU/XLPE/CWS/LT/PE ........................................................................................................... 87 88 89 91 92 93 95 97 97 97 97 97 CHAPTER VIII SPECIAL CABLES PAS-W (6/10) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PAS-W (12/20) .................................................................................................................................................................................................... EX ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AMKA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE H 180 ................................................................................................................................................................ ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE CX 200 ............................................................................................................................................................. ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE C 200 ................................................................................................................................................................ 100 101 102 103 105 105 106 CHAPTER IX TELECOMUNICATION CABLES VMOHBU TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE ...................................................................................................................................................... MHS TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE .............................................................................................................................................................. KLM TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE ............................................................................................................................................................... KLMA TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 108 109 110 110 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 111 3 page INTRODUCTION TELE-FONIKA KABLE is the biggest cable producer in central and eastern europe. In terms of sales, it is europe’s fourth biggest cable manufacturer and is noted as one of the world’s largest suppliers of cable and wire. The present position of the company is the result of dynamic development supported by the realization of investment projects in 1994-2003, including the acquisition of krakowska fabryka kabli sa (1998) and elektrim kable sa (2002). Over 25,000 different types of cable and wire are produced at the company’s plants located in kraków, P\ĞOHQLFHV]F]HFLQDQGE\GJRV]F]DQGGHOLYHUHGWRFXVWRPHUVLQPRUHWKDQFRXQWULHVZRUOGZLGH2XUSURGXFWV DUHSURYLGHGZLWKFHUWL¿FDWHVFRQ¿UPLQJWKHLUVXSHULRUTXDOLW\DQGFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRILQWHUQDWLRQDO VWDQGDUGVDVGH¿QHGE\FHUWLI\LQJLQVWLWXWLRQV :HDUHDUHFRJQL]HGDQGUHOLDEOHVXSSOLHURIFRSSHUDOXPLQLXPDQG¿EHURSWLFFDEOHVXVHGE\WKHZRUOG¶VOHDGLQJ FRPSDQLHVVSHFLDOL]LQJLQWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVWKHSRZHULQGXVWU\HOHFWURQLFVVKLSEXLOGLQJDQGPLQLQJ Our goal is to deliver products of the highest quality at competitive prices. In order to meet customer expectations, ZHVHUYHWKHLUQHHGVYLDRXUVDOHVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDQGDQHWZRUNRIVDOHVRI¿FHVZKLFKRSHUDWHDFWLYHO\RQWKH international market. 4 page CHAPTER I SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES PVC INSULATED SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES H05V-U, H05V-R, H05V-K, H05V2-U, H05V2-R, H05V2-K, H07V-U, H07V-R, H07V-K, H07V2-U, H07V2-R, H07V2-K TYPE: H05V-U, H05V-R, H05V-K 300/500 V PVC insulated non sheathed single core cables for internal wiring NORM: HD 21.3, DIN VDE 0281-3, BS 6004 CONSTRUCTION: annealed copper, class 1 solid (H075-U), class 2 stranded (H05V-R) RUFODVVÀH[LEOH+9.FRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 PVC compound type TI 1 Conductor: Insulation: green/yellow, blue, black, brown, grey, orange, pink, red,violet, white, grenn, yellow or other colours Colour of insulation: Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30qC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5qC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) Minimum bending radius: 4 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Fixed protected installation inside appliances and in, or on, lighting Application: ¿WWLQJV 6XLWDEOH IRU LQVWDOODWLRQ LQ VXUIDFH PRXQWHG RU HPEHGGHG conduits, only for signalling or control circuits. Standard length cable packing: 100 m in rings or on spools, or in cardboard boxes. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. H05V-U 300/500V Nominal crosssectional area of conductor Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C Minimum insulation resistance at 70°C mm2 0,5 0,75 1 mm 0,6 0,6 0,6 mm 2,0 2,2 2,3 kg/km 8 11 14 ȍNP 36,0 24,5 18,1 M:km 0,014 0,013 0,011 H05V-R 300/500V* Nominal crosssectional area of conductor mm2 0,5 0,75 1 Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C Minimum insulation resistance at 70°C mm mm kg/km 0,6 0,6 0,6 2,1 2,3 2,5 9 12 14 ȍNP 36,0 24,5 18,1 M:km 0,014 0,012 0,011 SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 6 page H05V-K 300/500V Nominal crosssectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C Minimum insulation resistance at 70°C mm mm kg/km 0,6 0,6 0,6 2,2 2,3 2,5 8 11 13 ȍNP 39,0 26,0 19,5 M:km 0,013 0,011 0,010 0,5 0,75 1 * in standard BS 6004 TYPE: H05V2-U, H05V2-R, H05V2-K 300/500 V PVC insulated non sheathed single core cables for internal wiring NORM: HD 21.7, DIN VDE 0281-7, BS 6004 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: Insulation: Colour of insulation: annealed copper, class 1 solid (H052-U), class 2 stranded (H05V2-R) or FODVVÀH[LEOH+9.FRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 heat resistant PVC compound type TI 3 green/yellow, blue, black, brown, grey, orange, pink, red, violet, white, green, yellow or other colours Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30qC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5qC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) Minimum bending radius: 4 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ ECC )L[HGSURWHFWHGLQVWDOODWLRQLQVLGHDSSOLDQFHVDQGLQOLJKWLQJ¿WWLQJV Application: Standard length cable packing: 100 m in rings or on spools, or in cardboard boxes. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. H05V2-U 300/500V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 90qC mm2 0,5 0,75 1 mm 0,6 0,6 0,6 mm 2,0 2,2 2,3 kg/km 8 10 13 ȍNP 36,0 24,5 18,1 M:km 0,015 0,012 0,011 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 90qC 0,5 0,75 1 0,6 0,6 0,6 2,1 2,3 2,5 8 11 14 ȍNP 36,0 24,5 18,1 M:km 0,014 0,012 0,011 H05V2-R 300/500V SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 7 page H05V2-K 300/500V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km 0,5 0,75 1 0,6 0,6 0,6 2,2 2,3 2,5 8 11 13 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 90qC ȍNP 39,0 26,0 19,5 M:km 0,013 0,011 0,010 TYPE: H07V-U, H07V-R, H07V-K 450/750 V PVC insulated non sheathed single core cables for general purposes NORM: HD 21.3, DIN VDE 0281-3, BS 6004 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: annealed copper, class 1 solid (H07V-U), class 2 stranded (H07V-R) RUFODVVÀH[LEOH+9.FRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 Insulation: PVC compound type TI 1 Colour of insulation: green/yellow, blue, black, brown, grey, orange, pink, red, violet, white Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30qC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5qC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160qC, for cross-section > 300 mm2 +140qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2500V Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Minimum bending radius: Dd8 4D 2D Normal use Careful bending at termination Application: )RUFDEOHGLDPHWHU'PP 8 < D d 12 12 < D d 20 5D 6D 3D 4D D > 20 6D 4D installation in surface mounted or embedded conduits, or similar closed V\VWHPV6XLWDEOHIRU¿[HGSURWHFWHGLQVWDOODWLRQLQRURQOLJKWLQJRU controlgear for voltages up to 1000V a.c. or, up to 750V d.c. to earth. Standard length cable packing: 100 m in rings or on spools, or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. H07V-U 450/750V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 70qC mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 mm 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 mm 2,8 3,3 3,8 4,3 5,5 kg/km 20 31 45 64 106 ȍNP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 M:km 0,011 0,010 0,0087 0,0074 0,0072 SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 8 page H07V-R 450/750V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,9 3,6 4,1 4,5 5,8 6,8 8,4 9,5 11,1 12,8 14,7 16,5 18,2 20,6 23,4 26,1 30,7 21 33 48 66 110 167 262 353 480 672 932 1158 1432 1789 2325 2908 3724 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,9 3,6 4,1 4,6 6,0 7,1 8,7 9,8 11,8 13,6 16,1 17,2 19,4 22,1 24,0 20 31 45 63 107 161 247 344 483 669 886 1111 1389 1697 2210 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 70qC ȍNP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 M:km 0,010 0,0099 0,0082 0,0070 0,0067 0,0056 0,0053 0,0046 0,0046 0,0040 0,0039 0,0035 0,0035 0,0035 0,0034 0,0033 0,0031 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20qC Minimum insulation resistance at 70qC ȍNP 13,3 7,98 4,95 3,30 1,91 1,21 0,780 0,554 0,386 0,272 0,206 0,161 0,129 0,106 0,0801 M:km 0,010 0,0095 0,0078 0,0068 0,0065 0,0053 0,0050 0,0043 0,0042 0,0036 0,0036 0,0032 0,0032 0,0032 0,0031 H07V-K 450/750V TYPE: H07V2-U, H07V2-R, H07V2-K 450/750 V Heat resisting PVC insulated non sheathed single core cable for internal wiring NORM: PN-HD 21.7, DIN VDE 0281-7, BS 6004 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: annealed copper, class 1 solid (H07V2-U), class 2 stranded (H07V2-R) or class ÀH[LEOH+9.FRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 heat resisting PVC compound type TI 3 Colour of insulation: green/yellow, blue, black, brown or other colours Conductor: Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30qC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5qC SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 9 page Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2500V Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Minimum bending radius: )RUFDEOHGLDPHWHU'PP 8 < D d 12 12 < D d 20 5D 6D 3D 4D Dd8 4D 2D Normal use Careful bending at termination D > 20 6D 4D IRULQWHUQDOZLULQJDQG¿[HGSURWHFWHGLQVWDOODWLRQLQVLGHDSSOLDQFHVDQGLQOLJKWLQJ¿WWLQJV6XLWDEOHIRU¿[HG protected installation in, or on, lighting or controlgear for voltages up to 1000V a.c. or, up to 750V d.c. to earth. Standard length cable packing: 100 m in rings or on spools, or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: H07V2-U 450/750V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor Radial thickness of insulation Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC mm2 1,5 2,5 mm 0,7 0,8 mm 2,8 3,3 kg/km 19 30 ȍNP 12,1 7,41 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 3,0 3,6 4,1 4,5 5,8 6,8 8,5 9,6 20 32 47 64 108 164 257 348 ȍNP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 50* 70* 95* 120* 150* 185* 240* 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 473 665 921 1146 1418 1771 2303 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 Radial thickness of insulation mm Approximate overall diameter mm Approximate net weight kg/km Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 2,9 3,6 4,1 4,6 6,0 7,1 8,7 9,8 19 30 43 61 104 158 243 338 ȍNP 13,3 7,98 4,95 3,30 1,91 1,21 0,780 0,554 50* 70* 95* 120* 150* 185* 240* 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 476 661 875 1099 1374 1678 2187 0,386 0,272 0,206 0,161 0,129 0,106 0,0801 H07V2-R 450/750V 07V2-R 450/750V 11,3 12,6 15,0 16,4 18,4 20,3 23,2 H07V2-K 450/750V 07V2-K 450/750V 11,8 13,6 16,1 17,2 19,4 22,1 24,0 * 07V2-R and 07V2-K adapted to HD 21.3 and HD 21.7 SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 10 page LOW SMOKE HALOGEN FREE SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES H05Z-U, H05Z-K, H07Z-U, H07Z-R, H07Z-K TYPE: H05Z-U, H05Z-K 300/500 V Thermosetting insulated, non-sheathed, single core cables with low emission of smoke and corrosive gases NORM: HD 22.9, DIN VDE 0282-9, BS 7211 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: DQQHDOHG FRSSHU FODVV VROLG +=8 RU FODVV ÀH[LEOH +=. DFF WR EN 60228 VSHFLDOWKHUPRVHWWLQJORZVPRNH]HURKDORJHQFRPSRXQGW\SH(, Colour of insulation: green/yellow, black, blue, brown, grey, orange, pink, red, white or other colours. Conductor: Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90qC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ -5qC Maximum short-circuit temperature: +250qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Minimum bending radius: 4 x D, D – cable overall diameter PERFORMANCE UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) Smoke emission: EN 61034-2 (IEC 61034-2) Corrosive and acid gas emission of insulation:(1,(&S+FRQGXFWLYLW\ȝ6PP The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC )L[HG SURWHFWHG LQVWDOODWLRQ LQVLGH DSSOLDQFHV DQG LQ RU RQ OLJKWLQJ ¿WWLQJV particularly for situations in which low emission of smoke and corrosive gases is required in the case of burning. Suitable for installation in surface mounted or embedded conduits, only for signalling or control circuits. 100 m in coils or on spools. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on Standard length cable packing: request. Application: H05Z-U Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 0,5 0,75 1 Thickness of insulation mm 0,6 0,6 0,6 Approximate overall diameter mm 2,0 2,2 2,3 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 0,5 0,75 1 Thickness of insulation mm 0,6 0,6 0,6 Approximate overall diameter mm 2,1 2,3 2,4 Approximate net weight kg/km 8 11 13 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20oC :/km 36,0 24,5 18,1 Approximate net weight kg/km 8 11 13 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20oC :/km 39,0 26,0 19,5 H05Z-K SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 11 page TYPE: H07Z-U, H07Z-R, H07Z-K 450/750 V Thermosetting insutated, non-sheathed, single core cables with low emission of smoke and corrosive gases NORM: HD 22.9, DIN VDE 0282-9, BS 7211 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: Insulation: Colour of insulation: annealed copper, class 1 solid (H07Z-U), class 2 stranded +=5RUFODVVÀH[LEOH+=.DFFWR(1 VSHFLDOWKHUPRVHWWLQJORZVPRNH]HURKDORJHQFRPSRXQGW\SH(, green/yellow, black, blue, brown, grey, orange, pink, red, white or other colours. Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-40oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ -5qC Maximum short-circuit temperature: +250qC Test voltage 50Hz: 2500V Minimum bending radius: Normal use Careful bending at termination Dd8 4D 2D )RUFDEOHGLDPHWHU'PP 8 < D d 12 12 < D d 20 5D 6D 3D 4D D > 20 6D 4D PERFORMANCE UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) Smoke emission:EN 61034-2 (IEC 61034-2): Light transmittance > 70% Corrosive and acid gas emission of insulation: EN 50267-2-2 (IEC 60754-2): pH t conductivity: d 10 PS/mm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Single core, non-sheathed cables are suitable particularly for Application: situations in which low emission of smoke and corrosive gases is required in the case of burning. H07Z-U, H07Z-R, H07Z-K - single core, non-sheathed cables are intended for installation in surface mounted or embedded FRQGXLWVRUVLPLODUFORVHGV\VWHPV6XLWDEOHIRU¿[HGRUSURWHFWHG installation in or on, lighting and control gear for voltages up to 1000 V a.c. or, up to 1.5 times higher for d.c. usage. Standard length cable packing: 100 m in coils or on spools, or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. H07Z-U 450/750V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 Radial thickness of insulation mm 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 Approximate overall diameter mm 2,8 3,3 3,8 4,3 5,5 Approximate net weight kg/km 20 30 45 63 105 SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC :/km 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 12 page H07Z-R 450/750V Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 Radial thickness of insulation mm 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300* 400* * Not in standard, type 07V-K Radial thickness of insulation mm 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 Approximate overall diameter mm 3,0 3,6 4,1 4,5 5,8 6,8 8,5 9,6 11,3 12,6 15,0 16,4 18,4 20,3 23,2 25,4 29,4 Approximate net weight kg/km 21 32 48 65 109 165 259 350 476 668 925 1151 1424 1778 2312 2892 3747 Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC :/km 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 Approximate net weight kg/km 19 30 44 62 105 159 245 332 479 664 879 1104 1380 1685 2196 2751 3587 Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20qC :/km 13,3 7,98 4,95 3,30 1,91 1,21 0,780 0,554 0,386 0,272 0,206 0,161 0,129 0,106 0,0801 0,0641 0,0486 H07Z-K 450/750V Approximate overall diameter mm 2,9 3,6 4,1 4,6 6,0 7,1 8,7 9,4 11,8 13,6 16,1 17,2 19,4 22,1 24,0 28,0 30,3 SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES 13 page 14 page CHAPTER II FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 15 page UNSCREENED FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES NYM-J, NYM-O, CYKY-J, MMJ TYPE: NYM-J,O 300/500 V PVC-sheathed cables for power installation NORM: DIN VDE 0250-204 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: solid or stranded plain copper acc. to DIN EN 60228 Insulation: PVC compound type TI1 Filling: ¿OOLQJFRPSRXQG Sheath: PVC compound type TM1 Colour of sheath: grey RAL 7035 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc to DIN VDE 0293-308 single-core twin 3-core 4-core 5-core 7-core and more with protective conductor-J green/yellow green/yellow, blue, brown green/yellow, brown, black, grey green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey green/yellow, other cores black with white numbering without protective conductor-0 black blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with white numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160oC Flame propagation: DIN EN 60332-1-2 Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter. The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC )RU¿[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ8VDEOHLQWKHRSHQLQGU\GDPSDQGZHWHQYLURQPHQWVLQWKHRSHQ and concealed, as well as in masonry and in concrete, not suitable for imbedding in VROLGL¿HGRUFRPSUHVVHGFRQFUHWH2XWGRRUXVDJHLVRQO\SRVVLEOHDVORQJDVWKHFDEOH is protected against direct sunlight.. Standard length cable packing: 100 m coils or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request.. Application: FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 16 page NYM 300/500 V Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum conductor resistance at 20°C mm mm mm kg/km :/km 1 x 1,5 0,6 1 x 2,5 0,7 1x4 0,8 1x6 0,8 1 x 10 1,0 1 x 16 1,0 2 x 1,5 0,6 2 x 2,5 0,7 2x4 0,8 2x6 0,8 2 x 10 1,0 2 x 16 1,0 2 x 25 1,2 2 x 35 1,2 3 x 1,5 0,6 3 x 2,5 0,7 3x4 0,8 3x6 0,8 3 x 10 1,0 3 x 16 1,0 3 x 25 1,2 3 x 35 1,2 4 x 1,5 0,6 4 x 2,5 0,7 4x4 0,8 0,8 4x6 4 x 10 1,0 4 x 16 1,0 4 x 25 1,2 4 x 35 1,2 5 x 1,5 0,6 5 x 2,5 0,7 5x4 0,8 5x6 0,8 5 x 10 1,0 5 x 16 1,0 5 x 25 1,2 5 x 35 1,2 7 x 1,5 0,6 7 x 2,5 0,7 8 x 1,5* 0,6 10 x 1,5* 0,6 12 x 1,5* 0,6 12 x 2,5* 0,7 * Adapted to DIN VDE 0250-204. Current ratings acc. to DIN VDE 0298 Part 4 Installation: - in thermally insulated walls - in insulating tubes Number of loaded cores Cross-section (mm2) 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 Multicore sheathed cables in insulating tubes, in a thermally insulated walls 2 3 1) 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 5,4 5,9 6,6 7,1 8,3 9,6 8,3 9,5 10,8 11,8 14,8 17,4 21,0 23,7 8,7 10,0 11,4 12,8 15,6 18,6 22,7 25,2 9,4 10,8 12,8 14,2 17,0 20,4 25,1 27,7 10,1 11,7 14,1 15,4 18,6 22,8 27,6 30,6 10,9 13,0 11,6 13,6 14,0 16,8 45 60 80 102 152 221 110 150 207 263 424 618 930 1226 128 178 248 333 520 778 1182 1540 151 213 312 415 639 961 1479 1917 180 257 386 503 782 1202 1821 2385 221 331 246 317 355 534 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 12,1 7,41 Multicore sheathed cables Multicore sheathed cables Single or multicore sheathed with a space of minimum 0,3 in insulating tubes on e wall cables on a wall x diameter d to wall 2 3 1) 2 3 1) 2 3 1) 17,5 24 32 41 57 76 96 119 22 30 40 51 70 94 119 148 18,5 25 34 43 60 80 101 126 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 15,5 18,5 25 32 43 57 75 92 13,0 17,5 23 29 39 52 68 83 16,5 23 30 38 52 69 90 111 15,0 20 27 34 46 62 80 99 19,5 27 36 46 63 85 112 138 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 17 page Permissible operating temperature at conductor: 70qC Ambient temperature: 30oC Conversion factors for ambient temperature over 30qC Ambient temperature, ºC Conversion factors 1) 30 1,00 35 0,94 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 Conversion factors for multicore cable (t5 cores) Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 55 0,61 60 0,50 65 0,35 Conversion factors 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 TYPE: CYKY 450/750 V PVC insulated and PVC sheathed power cables NORM: CSN 34 7656 and CSN 34 7615 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: solid from copper soft wires class 1 - IEC 60228 Insulation: PVC type TI1 Inner covering: QRQYXOFDQL]HGUXEEHU Outer sheath: PVC type TM1i Colour of sheath: Black ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRIFRQGXFWRUV CSN 33 0165 or HD 308 Dielectric test voltage 50Hz: 2,5kV Max temperature of conductor during cable operation: + 70oC Operating temperature: -15oC up to + 70oC Min ambient temperature at laying of cables: -5oC Max temperature of conductor at short-circuit: +150oC Min bending radius: 10 x D – outer diameter of cable 5HVLVWDQFHWRÁDPHSURSDJDWLRQIEC 60332-1 Standard packing Drums 500 or 1000 m. Other lengths and types of packing may be offered on request CYKY 450/750V Number Number of wires in and cross sectional conductor area of conductor 2 n x mm mm 2 x 1,5 1 2 x 2,5 1 2x4 1 3 x 1,5 1 3 x 2,5 1 3x4 1 3x6 1 Nominal thickness of insulation mm 0,80 0,90 1,00 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,00 Nominal thickness of sheath mm 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,20 1,20 Approximate overall diameter mm 8,40 9,60 10,90 8,90 10,10 11,50 13,20 Approximate net weight kg/km 114 156 213 133 184 255 350 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20°C NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 18 page CYKY 450/750V Number Number of wires in and cross sectional conductor area of conductor 2 n x mm mm 4 x 1,5 1 4 x 2,5 1 4x4 1 4x6 1 4 x 10 1 4 x 16 1 5 x 1,5 1 5 x 2,5 1 5x4 1 5x6 1 5 x 10 1 5 x 16 1 7 x 1,5 1 7 x 2,5 1 12 x 1,5 1 12 x 2,5 1 19 x 1,5 1 19 x 2,5 1 24 x 1,5 1 24 x 2,5 1 37 x 1,5 1 Nominal thickness of insulation mm 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,80 0,90 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,80 0,90 0,80 0,90 0,80 0,90 0,80 0,90 0,80 Nominal thickness of sheath mm 1,00 1,00 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,40 1,00 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,40 1,40 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,40 1,40 1,40 1,40 1,60 1,60 Approximate overall diameter mm 9,60 11,00 12,60 14,40 16,30 19,40 10,50 12,10 13,80 15,80 17,90 21,20 11,40 13,50 15,20 18,00 18,10 21,00 21,10 24,90 24,40 Approximate net weight kg/km 158 222 310 426 613 919 192 270 379 521 753 1127 236 348 390 576 577 832 723 1070 1046 Maximum resistance of conductor at temperature 20°C NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 TYPE: MMJ 300/500 V and 450/750 V PVC-sheathed cables for power installation NORM: HD 21.4 S2 and SFS 2091 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: solid class 1for 1,5 and 2,5 mm2, the other cross-sectional area stranded class 2 plain copper acc. to EN 60228 special PVC compound type TI1 Filling: QRWYXOFDQL]HGUXEEHUFRPSRXQG Sheath: special PVC compound type TM1 Colour of sheath: white &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ QCC. to HD 308 S2 Conductor: twin 3-core 4-core 5-core ZLWKSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU6 green/yellow, blue, brown green/yellow, brown, black, grey green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey ZLWKRXWSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU1 blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC Lowest recommended temperature during laying: -15oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160oC Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-2 Minimum bending radius: 10 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: )RU¿[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ8VDEOHLQWKHRSHQLQGU\GDPSDQGZHWHQYLURQPHQWV7KHFDEOH FDQ KRZHYHU DOVR EH XVHG RXWGRRU EHFDXVH LW IXO¿O WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV LQ 6)6 IRU installation at low temperature. Standard length cable packing: 100 m coils or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 19 page MMJ 300/500V acc. to HD 21.4 and SFS 2091 Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 2 x 1,5 2 x 2,5 3 x 1,5 3 x 2,5 3x4 4 x 1,5 4 x 2,5 4x4 5 x 1,5 5 x 2,5 5x4 5x6 5 x 10 5 x 16 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum conductor resistance at 20°C mm mm mm kg/km NP 0,7 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 8,7 9,9 9,1 10,4 12,1 9,9 11,3 13,5 10,7 12,2 15,1 16,6 19,6 23,2 117 159 135 187 266 160 224 333 192 270 421 550 825 1223 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 238 289 460 641 973 1249 282 349 559 813 1216 1564 339 441 691 1008 1532 1990 427 534 851 1233 1892 2485 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 MMJ 450/750V acc. to SFS 2091 2x4 2x6 2 x 10 2 x 16 2 x 25 2 x 35 3x4 3x6 3 x 10 3 x 16 3 x 25 3 x 35 4x4 4x6 4 x 10 4 x 16 4 x 25 4 x 35 5x4 5x6 5 x 10 5 x 16 5 x 25 5 x 35 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,5 1,5 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,8 12,0 12,7 15,8 18,0 21,8 24,1 12,7 13,4 16,7 19,4 23,3 25,6 13,7 15,0 18,4 21,4 25,9 28,7 15,3 16,3 20,2 23,4 28,6 31,8 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 20 page SCREENED FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES (N) YM (St) TYPE: (N) YM (St) - J, -O 300/500 V PVC-sheathed screened cables for power installation NORM: Adapted to DIN VDE 0250-204/ 209 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: solid or stranded plain copper acc. to DIN EN 60228 Insulation: PVC compound type TI1 Screen: coated aluminium foil Drain wire: solid tinned copper wire Sheath: PVC compound type TM1 Colour of sheath: grey RAL 7035 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc to DIN VDE 0293-308 twin 3-core 4-core 5-core 7-core Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC blue, brown green/yellow, blue, brown green/yellow, brown, black, grey green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey green/yellow, other cores black with white numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160oC Flame propagation: DIN EN 60332-1-2 ( IEC 60332-1) Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC These cables with screening are also ideal for installations in the living rooms of those peoples who are extreme sensitive to radiation in computer sector, hospitals etc. The cable is suitable for laying on, in and under plaster in dry and damp places as wall as in concrete and masonry. Standard length cable packing: 100 m coils or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 21 page (N) YM (St) 300/500 Number and cross-sectional Nominal thickness area of conductor of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum conductor resistance at 20°C n x mm2 mm mm mm kg/km NP 2 x 1,5/1,5 2 x 2,5/1,5 2 x 4 /1,5 2 x 6 /1,5 3 x 1,5/1,5 3 x 2,5/1,5 3 x 4 /1,5 3 x 6 /1,5 4 x 1,5/1,5 4 x 2,5/1,5 4 x 4 /1,5 4 x 6 /1,5 5 x 1,5/1,5 5 x 2,5/1,5 5 x 4 /1,5 5 x 6 /1,5 5 x 10/1,5 7 x 1,5/1,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,6 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,4 8,0 9,2 10,5 11,5 8,5 9,7 11,1 12,5 9,2 10,5 12,5 13,7 10,0 11,5 13,6 14,9 18,1 10,8 96 125 167 210 118 158 216 291 142 194 280 364 171 236 344 450 695 210 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 12,1 4,61 / 12,1 3,08 / 12,1 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 12,1 4,61 / 12,1 3,08 / 12,1 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 12,1 4,61 / 12,1 3,08 / 12,1 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 12,1 4,61 / 12,1 3,08 / 12,1 1,83 / 12.1 12,1 / 12,1 Current ratings acc. to DIN VDE 0298 Part 4 Installation: Number of loaded cores Multicore sheathed cables in Multicore sheathed cables Multicore sheathed cables Single or multicore sheathed insulating tubes, in with a space of minimum 0,3 in insulating tubes on e wall cables on a wall a thermally insulated walls x diameter d to wall 2 3 1) 2 Cross-section (mm2) 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 3 1) 2 3 1) 2 3 1) 17,5 24 32 41 57 22 30 40 51 70 18,5 25 34 43 60 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 15,5 18,5 25 32 43 13,0 17,5 23 29 39 16,5 23 30 38 52 15,0 20 27 34 46 19,5 27 36 46 63 Permissible operating temperature at conductor: 70qC. Ambient temperature: 30oC 1) Conversion factors for multicore cable (t5 cores) Number of loaded cores 5 7 Conversion factors 0,75 0,65 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 22 page LOW SMOKE HALOGEN FREE FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES NHXMH-J, NHXMH-O TYPE: NHXMH 300/500 +DORJHQIUHHOLJKWVKHDWKHGFDEOHVZLWKLPSURYHGÀUHEHKDYLRXU NORM: DIN VDE 0250-214 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: solid or stranded plain copper acc. to DIN EN 60228 Insulation: cross-linked polyethylene XLPE Filling: halogen-free QRWYXOFDQL]HGUXEEHUFRPSRXQG Sheath: special halogen-free thermoplastic compound &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc to DIN VDE 0293-308 with protective conductor-J single-core green/yellow twin 3-core green/yellow, blue, brown 4-core green/yellow, brown, black, grey 5-core green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey 7-core and more green/yellow, other cores black with white numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC without protective conductor-0 black blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with white numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Flame retardant: DIN VDE 0472-804 C, DIN EN 50266-2-4, IEC 60332-3 Category C Smoke density: VDE 0482-1034-2, IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: VDE 0482-267, IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 100 PS/cm Minimum bending radius: for single core cables: 15 x cable diameter, for multi-core cables: 10 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Installation cables for industrial complexes, public buildings, hotels, airports, hospitals or industrial plants with high concentration of people and/or property. Usable in the open, in dry, damp and wet environments in the open and concealed, as well as in masonry and in FRQFUHWHQRWVXLWDEOHIRULPEHGGLQJLQVROLGL¿HG±RUFRPSUHVVHG±FRQFUHWH Standard length cable packing: 100 m coils or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: NHXMH 300/500 V Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum conductor resistance at 20°C Caloric load n x mm2 1 x 1,5 1 x 2,5 1x4 1x6 1 x 10 1 x 16 mm 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 mm 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 mm 5,2 5,5 6,2 6,7 7,7 9,0 kg/km 41 52 71 92 135 200 NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 kWh/m 0,33 0,36 0,42 0,44 0,53 0,64 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 23 page NHXMH 300/500 V Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath n x mm2 mm 2 x 1,5 0,5 2 x 2,5 0,5 2x4 0,6 2x6 0,6 2 x 10 0,7 2 x 16 0,7 2 x 25 0,9 2 x 35 0,9 3 x 1,5 0,5 3 x 2,5 0,5 3x4 0,6 3x6 0,6 3 x 10 0,7 3 x 16 0,7 3 x 25 0,9 3 x 35 0,9 4 x 1,5 0,5 4 x 2,5 0,5 4x4 0,6 4x6 0,6 4 x 10 0,7 4 x 16 0,7 4 x 25 0,9 4 x 35 0,9 5 x 1,5 0,5 5 x 2,5 0,5 5x4 0,6 5x6 0,6 5 x 10 0,7 5 x 16 0,7 5 x 25 0,9 5 x 35 0,9 7 x 1,5 0,5 7 x 2,5 0,5 Current ratings acc. to DIN VDE 0298 Part 4 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum conductor resistance at 20°C Caloric load mm 8,1 8,9 10,2 11,2 13,7 16,4 19,8 22,5 8,5 9,3 10,7 12,2 14,4 17,4 21,4 24,1 9,1 10,0 12,0 13,2 15,6 19,0 23,7 26,4 9,8 10,8 13,0 14,3 17,2 21,1 25,9 29,0 10,5 12,0 kg/km 100 129 180 233 364 546 820 1097 116 153 217 297 452 683 1054 1405 136 183 274 363 552 848 1323 1753 160 218 327 436 679 1051 1612 2143 196 283 NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 7,41 kWh/m 0,36 0,42 0,56 0,64 0,97 1,3 1,8 2,3 0,42 0,47 0,61 0,78 1,1 1,5 2,1 2,5 0,47 0,56 0,78 0,94 1,3 1,8 2,6 3,1 0,56 0,64 0,98 1,1 1,5 2,2 3,1 3,7 0,64 0,81 mm 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,6 Installation: Multicore sheathed cables - in thermally insulated Multicore sheathed cables Single or multicore in insulating tubes, in a walls in insulating tubes on e wall sheathed cables on a wall thermally insulated walls - in insulating tubes 2 3 1) 2 3 1) 2 3 1) Number of loaded cores 2 Cross-section (mm ) Current ratings in Ampere (A) 1,5 15,5 13,0 16,5 15,0 19,5 17,5 2,5 18,5 17,5 23 20 27 24 4 25 23 30 27 36 32 6 32 29 38 34 46 41 10 43 39 52 46 63 57 16 57 52 69 62 85 76 25 75 68 90 80 112 96 35 92 83 111 99 138 119 Permissible operating temperature at conductor: 70qC Ambient temperature: 30oC Multicore sheathed cables with a space of minimum 0,3 x diameter d to wall 2 3 1) 22 30 40 51 70 94 119 148 18,5 25 34 43 60 80 101 126 Conversion factors for ambient temperature over 30qC Ambient temperature, ºC Conversion factors 1) 30 1,00 35 0,94 Conversion factors for multicore cable (t5 cores) Number of loaded cores 5 7 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 55 0,61 60 0,50 65 0,35 Conversion factors 0,75 0,65 FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 24 page CHAPTER III PVC SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS 25 page PVC SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS H03VV-F, H03VVH2-F, H05VV-F, A05VV-F, H05VVH2-F, TYPE: H03VV-F 300/300V H03VVH2-F 300/300V 39&LQVXODWHGDQGVKHDWKHGÁH[LEOHFRUGV NORM: DIN VDE 0281-5, BS 6500, NFC 32-201-5, PN-HD 21.5 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: DQQHDOHGFRSSHUFODVVÀH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 Insulation: PVC type TI2 Sheath: PVC type TM2 twin core 3-core 4-core &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ blue and brown green/yellow, blue and brown green/yellow , brown, black , grey Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30oC Lowest installation temperature: +5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +150oC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-21 ( IEC 60332-1) Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC ,Q GRPHVWLF SUHPLVHV NLWFKHQV RI¿FHV IRU OLJKW GXWLHV IRU OLJKW SRUWDEOH DSSOLDQFHVHJUDGLRVHWVWDEOHDQGVWDQGDUGODPSVRI¿FHPDFKLQHV Application: Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 mm mm mm kg/km ȍNP 2x0,5 2x0,75 3x0,5 3x0,75 4x0,5 4x0,75 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 5,0 5,4 5,3 5,7 5,8 6,3 34 41 40 50 49 61 39,0 26,0 39,0 26,0 39,0 26,0 2x0,5 2x0,75 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 3,1x5,0 3,3x5,4 25 31 39,0 26,0 H03VV-F H03VVH2-F onductor cross-section [mm2] 0,5 0,75 Single phase 3 6 Current rating [A] Three phase 3 6 These values apply to the majority of cases. Further information should be sought in unusual cases eg.: – when high ambient temperatures are involved, ie. above 30oC – where long lengths are used – where ventilation is restricted – where the cords are used for other purposes, eg. internal wiring of apparatus. PVP SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS 26 page TYPE: H05VV-F 300/500V H05VVH2-F 300/500V 39&LQVXODWHGDQGVKHDWKHGÁH[LEOHFRUGV NORM: DIN VDE 0281-5, BS 6500, BS 7919, NFC 32-201-5, PN-HD 21.5 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: DQQHDOHGFRSSHUFODVVÀH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUDFFWR(1 Insulation: PVC type TI2 Sheath: PVC type TM2 twin core 3-core 4-core 5-core Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70qC blue and brown green/yellow, blue and brown green/yellow , brown, black , grey green/yellow , blue , brown, black, grey &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-30oC Lowest installation temperature: +5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +150oC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-21 ( IEC 60332-1) Minimum bending radius: 6 x cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: ,QGRPHVWLFSUHPLVHVNLWFKHQVRI¿FHVIRUKRXVHKROGDSSOLDQFHVLQFOXGLQJLQ GDPSSUHPLVHVIRUPHGLXPGXWLHVHJZDVKLQJPDFKLQHVVSLQGU\HUVDQG refrigerators). H05VV-F Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 2x0,75 2x1 2x1,5 2x2,5 2x4 3x0,75 3x1 3x1,5 3x2,5 3x4 4x0,75 4x1 4x1,5 4x2,5 4x4 5x0,75 5x1 5x1,5 5x2,5 5x4 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 mm 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,1 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,1 1,2 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,4 mm 6,2 6,4 7,4 9,2 10,3 6,6 6,7 8,0 9,9 11,1 7,2 7,6 9,0 10,8 12,2 8,0 8,3 10,0 12,1 13,7 kg/km 51 57 79 122 165 61 69 99 153 209 74 87 124 187 258 93 107 156 236 330 ȍNP 26,0 19,5 13,3 7,98 4,95 26,0 19,5 13,3 7,98 4,95 26,0 19,5 13,3 7,98 4,95 26,0 19,5 13,3 7,98 4,95 3,9x6,2 4,0x6,5 39 45 26,0 19,5 H05VVH2-F 2x0,75 2x1 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,8 PVP SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS 27 page Conductor cross-section [mm2] 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 2,5 4 Single phase 3 6 10 16 25 32 Current rating [A] Three phase 3 6 10 16 20 25 These values apply to the majority of cases. Further information should be sought in unusual cases eg.: – when high ambient temperatures are involved, ie. above 30oC – where long lengths are used – where ventilation is restricted – where the cords are used for other purposes, eg. internal wiring of apparatus. PVP SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS 28 page CHAPTER IV CABLES IN RUBBER 29 page CABLES IN RUBBER H05RR-F, H07RN-F, NSGAFOU TYPE: H05RR-F 300/500V (35LQVXODWHGDQG(35VKHDWKHGÁH[LEOHFRUG NORM: DIN VDE 0282-4, BS 6500, BS 7919, NF C 32-102-4, HD 22.4 S3 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: WLQQHGDQQHDOHGFRSSHUFRQGXFWRUÀH[LEOHFODVVDFFWR(1 Insulation: EPR rubber type EI4 Sheath: rubber compound type EM3 Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc. to HD 308 S2 and BS 6500, BS 7919 twin core blue and brown 3-core green/yellow, blue and brown 4-core green/yellow, brown, black, grey 4 – core* green/yellow, blue, brown, black 5 - core green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey * For certain applications only. Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Maximum conductor operating temperature: + 60oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -25oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +200oC Minimum bending radius: 7,5 x D, D – overall diameter of cable Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2, (IEC 60332-1) The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC )RU JHQHUDO XVH LQ GRPHVWLF SUHPLVHV NLWFKHQV RI¿FHV DQG IRU VXSSO\LQJ DSSOLDQFHV where the cables are subjected to low mechanical stresses (eg. vacuum cleaners, cooking appliances, soldering irons, toasters). Standard length cable packing: 100 m in coils and 500 or 1000 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: Number and crosssectional area f conductor n x mm2 2x0,75 2x1 2x1,5 2x2,5 3x0,75 3x1 3x1,5 3x2,5 3x4 3x6 4 x 0,75 4x1 4 x 1,5 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C mm 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,9 0,6 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 0,6 0,6 0,8 mm 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,4 0,9 0,9 1,1 mm 6,1 6,6 8,2 9,8 6,7 6,9 8,7 10,3 12,0 13,6 7,3 7,6 9,7 kg/km 54 64 98 143 67 77 117 172 242 330 80 92 146 ȍNP 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 26,7 20,0 13,7 CABLES IN RUBBER 30 page Number and crossNominal thickness Nominal thickness Approximate Approximate Maximum resistance sectional area f of insulation of sheath overall diameter net weight of conductor at 20°C conductor n x mm2 mm mm mm kg/km ȍNP 4 x 2,5 0,9 1,2 11,5 215 8,21 4x4 1,0 1,3 13,3 303 5,09 4x6 1,0 1,5 15,1 412 3,39 5 x 0,75 0,6 1,0 8,1 102 26,7 5x1 0,6 1,0 8,5 117 20,0 5 x 1,5 0,8 1,1 10,6 178 13,7 5 x 2,5 0,9 1,3 12,8 269 8,21 Current ratings Ambient air temperature: 30°C; conductor operating temperature: 60°C Current ratings in Ampere (A) Conductor cross-section (mm2) Single phase Three phase 0,75 6 6 1 10 10 1,5 16 16 2,5 25 20 4 32 25 6 40 These values apply to the majority of cases. Further information should be sought in unusual cases eg.: – when high ambient temperatures are involved, ie. above 30oC – where long lengths are used – where ventilation is restricted – where the cords are used for other purposes, eg. internal wiring of apparatus. 1 $VGH¿QHGLQ+'6',19'( TYPE: H07RN-F 450/750V (35LQVXODWHGDQGQHRSUHQHUXEEHUVKHDWKHGÁH[LEOHFRUGV9 NORM: DIN VDE 0282-4, BS 7919, HD 22.4 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: WLQQHGRUEDUHDQQHDOHGFRSSHUFRQGXFWRUÀH[LEOHFODVVDFFWR(1 Insulation: EPR rubber type EI4 Sheath: RLOUHVLVWLQJDQGÀDPHUHWDUGDQWUXEEHUFRPSRXQGW\SH(0 Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc. to HD 308 S2 or BS 7919 Test voltage 50Hz: 2500V Maximum conductor operating temperature: + 60oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -25oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +200oC Minimum bending radius: 7,5 x D, D – overall diameter of cable Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC +HDY\GXW\ ÀH[LEOH FDEOHV DUH VXLWHG IRU XVH IRU PHGLXP PHFKDQLFDO VWUHVV LQ GU\ damp and wet areas as well as in open air in agriculture plants, eg. for industrial and agricultural workshop appliances, large boiling installations, heating plates, inspections lamps, electrical tools such as drills, circular saws, domestic electric tools, and also for transportable motors or machines on building sites or in agricultural workings etc. 8VHXSWR9$&LVSHUPLWWHGIRU¿[HGSURWHFWHGLQVWDOODWLRQLQFRQGXLWRUDSSOLDQFHV and also for motor connections of hoisting motors and the like. Standard length cable packing: 500 or 1000 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: CABLES IN RUBBER 31 page Nominal thickness of sheath Two layers Number and crosssectional area of conductor Maximum diameter of wires Nominal thickness of insulation Single layer Inner n x mm2 1 x 1,5 1 x 2,5 1x4 1x6 1 x 10 1 x 16 1 x 25 1 x 35 1 x 50 1 x 70 1 x 95 1 x 120 1 x 150 1 x 185 1 x 240 1 x 300 1 x 400 1 x 500 1 x 630 2x1 2 x 1,5 2 x 2,5 2x4 2x6 2 x 10 2 x 16 2 x 25 2 x 35* 2 x 50* 3x1 3 x 1,5 3 x 2,5 3x4 3x6 3 x 10 3 x 16 3 x 25 3 x 35 3 x 50 3 x 70 3 x 95 3 x 120 3 x 150 3 x 185 3 x 240 4x1 4 x 1,5 4 x 2,5 4x4 4x6 4 x 10 4 x 16 4 x 25 4 x 35 4 x 50 4 x 70 4 x 95 mm 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0.51 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,51 0,51 mm 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,0 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,2 2.4 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 mm 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,4 — — — — — — — — — — 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,8 2,0 — — — — — 1,4 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1 — — — — — — — — — — — 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,3 — — — — — — — mm — — — — — — — — — 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,6 — — — — — 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,7 — — — — — 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,1 2,2 2,4 2,5 2.8 — — — — — 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,3 Outer Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight mm — — — — — — — — — 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 — — — — — 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,30 2,70 — — — — — 2,0 2,1 2,3 2,5 2,7 2,9 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,9 4.3 — — — — — 2,0 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,9 3,2 3,6 mm 5,9 6,6 7,6 8,4 10,1 11,5 13,3 14,4 17,2 19,3 22,2 23,7 26,3 29,4 31,5 35,7 38,4 43,8 48,4 8,2 9,2 11,0 12,9 14,4 19,4 22,1 25,8 27,7 33,7 8,8 9,9 11,7 13,8 15,4 20,8 23,7 27,7 29,8 35,8 40,1 46,5 49,4 55,1 61,6 67,0 9,7 10,9 12,9 15,2 17,2 22,7 25,9 30,7 33,0 39,6 44,6 52,0 kg/km 50 66 91 118 180 250 357 465 653 875 1142 1402 1736 2109 2665 3305 4216 5299 6852 90 115 169 239 310 554 757 1074 1332 1932 108 140 204 288 379 677 932 1333 1689 2398 3169 4185 5051 6267 7661 9692 133 171 250 354 474 833 1155 1687 2144 3041 4048 5381 CABLES IN RUBBER 32 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor Maximum diameter of wires Nominal thickness of insulation Single layer n x mm2 4 x 120 4 x 150 4 x 185 4 x 240 5x1 5 x 1,5 5 x 2,5 5x4 5x6 5 x 10 5 x 16 5 x 25 5 x 35* 5 x 50* 5 x 70* 5 x 95* 5 x 120* 5 x 150* 6 x 1* 6 x 1,5 6 x 2,5 6x4 7 x 1* 7 x 1,5 7 x 2,5 7x4 7 x 6* 7 x 10* 8 x 1,5 8 x 2,5 8x4 9 x 1,5 9 x 2,5 10 x 1* 10 x 1,5 10 x 2,5 10 x 4 12 x 1* 12 x 1,5 12 x 2,5 12 x 4 14 x 1* 14 x 1,5 14 x 2,5 15 x 2,5 16 x 1* 16 x 1,5 16 x 2,5 18 x 1* 18 x 1,5 18 x 2,5 18 x 4 19 x 1,5 19 x 2,5 24 x 1* 24 x 1,5 24 x 2,5 mm 0,51 0,51 0,51 0.51 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,41 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,51 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,31 0,41 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,26 0,26 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,26 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,21 0,26 0,26 0,31 0,26 0,26 0,21 0,26 0,26 mm 1,8 2,0 2,2 2.4 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 1,8 2,0 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,2 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,8 0,9 mm — — — — 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,5 — — — — — — — — — 2,4 2,5 2,7 2,9 2,4 2,5 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,4 2,6 2,8 3,1 2,7 3,0 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,3 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,5 2,8 2,9 3,2 3,3 2,8 3,0 3.3 2.9 3,2 3,5 3,9 3,1 3,4 3.2 3,5 3,9 Nominal thickness of sheath Two layers Inner Outer mm 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,1 — — — — — 1,4 1,5 1,7 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,6 2,6 2,8 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — mm 3,6 3,9 4,2 4,6 — — — — — 2,2 2,4 2,7 2,80 3,20 3,40 3,90 4,20 4,20 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CABLES IN RUBBER Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight mm 54,8 61,3 68,6 74,6 10,7 12,0 14,2 16,9 19,1 25,0 28,7 33,9 36,3 44,0 49,4 58,0 61,5 68,0 13,6 14,7 17,2 20,1 14,4 15,7 18,3 21,5 23,8 29,0 17,1 20,2 23,8 18,4 21,6 17,0 18,4 21,8 25,8 17,4 19,1 22,3 26,7 18,4 20,1 23,5 25,0 19,4 21,2 25,0 20,4 22,3 26,3 31,4 23,3 27,5 23,8 26,0 30,9 kg/km 6453 8031 9830 12444 164 211 307 444 592 1018 1426 2079 2627 3766 5010 6695 8087 9950 245 298 422 595 277 339 482 684 887 1378 409 591 839 471 670 366 447 646 925 397 497 708 1028 446 559 798 888 502 629 910 560 701 1017 1473 752 1091 727 909 1333 33 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 27 x 1,5 27 x 2,5 36 x 1,5 36 x 2,5 * Not in standard. Maximum diameter of wires Nominal thickness of insulation Single layer mm 0,26 0,26 0,26 0,26 mm 0,8 0,9 0,8 0,9 mm 3,5 3,9 3,8 4,3 Nominal thickness of sheath Two layers Inner Outer Approximate overall diameter mm — — — — mm — — — — mm 26,5 31,5 29,7 35,5 Approximate net weight kg/km 976 1432 1261 1868 CURRENT RATINGS FOR HEAVY DUTY RUBBER INSULATED H07RN-F Conductor cross-section, mm2 Single phase 10 16 25 32 40 63 1 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 Current rating, A Three phase 10 16 20 25 - &DEOHVIRUXVHDVSRZHUVXSSO\IRULQGXVWULDOXVHVDPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUH&7KHWDEXODWHGUDWLQJVDUHIRUFDEOHVUXQLQIUHHDLU6LQJOH core cables are bunched (2 cables touching side by side and 3 cables in trefoil). Conductor cross-section (mm2) 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 single core 2 cores loaded 3 cores loaded 34 43 60 79 104 129 162 202 240 280 321 363 433 497 586 670 30 38 53 71 94 117 148 185 222 260 300 341 407 468 553 634 Temperature correction factors Ambient air temperature, qC Correction factor 2-core 3- core 3- core 2 cores loaded 2 cores loaded 3 cores loaded* CURRENT RATINGS (A) 34 35 29 43 44 36 60 62 51 79 82 67 105 109 89 135 110 169 138 211 172 250 204 292 238 335 273 378 309 447 365 509 415 - 30 1,00 35 0,91 40 0,82 45 0,71 Conversion factors for multicore cable ( > 5 cores) valid for cross-section to 10 mm2 Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 Correction factor 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 4-core 3 cores loaded 5-core 3 cores loaded 30 37 52 69 92 114 143 178 210 246 282 319 377 430 - 30 38 54 71 94 - 50 0,58 19 0,45 24 0,40 55 0,41 40 0,35 Current ratings acc to: DIN VDE 0298-4 and HD 516 S2. CABLES IN RUBBER 34 page TYPE: NSGAFOU 1,8/3 kV 6LQJOHFRQGXFWRUUXEEHULQVXODWHGDQGWKHGÁH[LEOHSRZHUFDEOHV NORM: DIN VDE 0250 p. 602 CONSTRUCTION: Separator: Semi-conducting tape under insulation Conductor: Annealed tinned copper conductor class 5 acc. to IEC 60228 Insulation: EPR thermosetting compound type 3GI3 to DIN VDE 0207 p. 20 Outer sheath: chloroprene rubber type 5GM3 to DIN VDE 0207 p. 21 Colour of outer sheath: black Features: 2LOUHVLVWLQJFKHPLFDOVÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGZHDWKHUUHVLVWDQW Standard length cable packing: 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Bending radius: )RUÀH[LEOHXVH[FDEOHGLDPHWHU¿[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ[FDEOHGLDPHWHU Temperature range: )RUÀH[LEOHXSWR0C , for installation -40 up to 90 0 C. Tests: DIN VDE 0250 Number and cross-sectional area of conductor mm2 1x1.5 1x2.5 1x4 1x6 1x10 1x16 1x25 1x35 1x50 1x70 1x95 1x120 1x150 1x185 1x240 1x300 1x400* 1x500* * Behind of standard Nominal thickness of insulation mm 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.4 Nominal Thickness of sheath mm 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,6 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables mm 6,0 6,2 6,7 7,3 8,6 10,1 12,3 13,0 15,0 16,8 19,7 20,8 23,6 25,7 27,6 31,4 34,4 43,2 kg/km 44 57 74 99 150 215 323 413 566 761 1006 1235 1576 1853 2376 2953 3850 5120 CABLES IN RUBBER 35 page WELDING CABLES H01N2-D, H01N2-E TYPE: H01N2-D, H01N2-E 100/100 V Neoprene insulated welding cables NORM: HD 22.6, DIN VDE 0282-6, BS 638, NFC 32-510 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: tinned or plain annealed copper stranded wires Insulation: ÀDPHUHWDUGDQWRLOUHVLVWDQWUXEEHU Colour of sheath: black Test voltage 50Hz: 1000V Maximum conductor operating temperature: + 85oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-40oC Lowest installation temperature: -20oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Pulling strength: the maximum static pulling strength may not exceed 15 N/mm2 Minimum bending radius: Free movement Under mechanical load 8 < D d 12 4D 6D '²RYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIFDEOHPP 12 < D d 20 5D 6D D > 20 6D 8D Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 (IEC 60332-1) The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC 'HVLJQHGIRUZHOGLQJHTXLSPHQWDQGDFFHVVRULHVUHWDLQWKHLUKLJKÀH[LELOLW\HYHQXQGHU Application: LQÀXHQFH RI R]RQH OLJKW R[\JHQ SURWHFWLYH JDVHV RLO DQG SHWURO UHVLVWDQW WR ÀDPH propagation, suitable for use in dry and damp conditions, outdoors and indoors. Maximum conductor resistance Nominal cross- Maximum diameter Nominal thickness Approximate at temperature 200C sectional area of wires Approximate weight of insulation overall diameter of conductor in conductor tinned plain mm2 mm mm mm kg/km NP HO1N2-D 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 0,21 0,21 0,21 0,21 0,21 0,21 0,21 0,51 0,51 0,51 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 3,2 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,16 0,21 0,21 0,21 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,5 1,5 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 8,1 9,0 10,4 11,7 13,5 15,8 17,6 19,8 21,9 24,4 138 194 282 380 529 741 950 1200 1484 1801 1,95 1,24 0,795 0,565 0,393 0,277 0,210 0,164 0,132 0,108 1,91 1,21 0,780 0,554 0,386 0,272 0,206 0,161 0,129 0,106 113 166 245 336 484 668 891 1118 1377 1654 1,95 1,24 0,795 0,565 0,393 0,277 0,210 0,164 0,132 0,108 1,91 1,21 0,780 0,554 0,386 0,272 0,206 0,161 0,129 0,106 HO1N2-E 6,6 7,7 8,9 10,3 12,3 14,0 16,6 18,1 20,0 21,3 CABLES IN RUBBER 36 page Current raings and voltage drop for Arc Welding Cables – HD 516 S2 &XUUHQWUDWLQJÀUVLQJOHF\FOHRSHUDWLRQRYHUDPD[LPXPSHULRGRIÀYHPLQXWHV Nominal cross-sectional area, copper conductor (mm2) 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 &XUUHQWUDWLQJIRUVSHFL¿HGSHUFHQWDJHGXW\F\FOH 85 % 60 % A A 103 108 145 175 195 230 245 290 305 365 385 460 470 560 540 650 630 750 720 860 100 % A 100 135 180 225 285 355 430 500 580 665 35 % A 122 230 300 375 480 600 730 850 980 1120 &XUUHQWUDWLQJIRUUHSHDWF\FOHRSHUDWLRQEDVHGRQDÀYHPLQXWHUHSHDWSHULRG Nominal cross-sectional area, copper conductor (mm2) 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 100 % A 100 135 180 225 285 355 430 500 580 665 85 % A 101 138 186 235 299 375 456 532 619 711 &XUUHQWUDWLQJIRUVSHFL¿HGSHUFHQWDJHGXW\F\FOH 80 % 60 % 35 % A A A 102 106 119 140 148 173 189 204 244 239 260 317 305 336 415 383 426 531 467 523 658 545 613 776 634 716 911 729 826 1054 20 % A 143 212 305 400 529 682 850 1006 1184 1374 8% A 206 314 460 608 811 1053 1319 1565 1845 2145 20 % A 118 174 254 338 457 602 765 917 1090 1277 8% A 158 243 366 497 681 908 1164 1404 1676 1971 Current rating for repear cycle operation based on a 10 minute repeat period Nominal cross-sectional area, &XUUHQWUDWLQJIRUVSHFL¿HGSHUFHQWDJHGXW\F\FOH copper conductor 100 % 85 % 80 % 60 % 35 % A A A A A (mm2) 10 100 100 100 101 106 16 135 136 136 139 150 25 180 182 183 190 213 35 225 229 231 243 279 50 285 293 296 316 371 70 355 367 373 403 482 95 430 448 456 498 606 120 500 524 534 587 721 150 580 610 622 689 853 185 665 702 717 797 995 For cables in free air at an ambient temperature of 25 °C and conductor temperature of 85 °C Voltage drop at normal and elevated temperatures Nominal cross-sectional area, copper conductor 20 °C (mm2) V 10 1,95 16 1,24 25 0,795 35 0,565 50 0,393 70 0,277 95 0,210 120 0,164 150 0,132 185 0,108 d.c. voltage drop per 100A per 10 m of cable at 60 °C V 2,26 1,430 0,920 0,654 0,455 0,321 0,243 0,190 0,153 0,125 CABLES IN RUBBER 85 °C V 2,450 1,560 0,998 0,709 0,493 0,348 0,264 0,206 0,166 0,136 37 page 38 page CHAPTER V HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES 39 page RUBBER, HEAT RESISTING SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES SIF TYPE: SIF 300/500 V Single core silicone rubber insulated cable, halogen-free NORM: Adapted to DIN VDE 0250, HD 22 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: WLQQHGDQQHDOHGFRSSHUFODVVÀH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUDFFWR',1(1 Insulation: special silicone compound type EI2 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ natural, green/yellow, blue, black, brown or others colours Maximum conductor operating temperature: +180oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-60oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-25oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +350oC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Minimum bending radius: 4 x cable diameter Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-2 The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC ÀH[LELOLW\DQGHODVWLFLW\XQDOWHUHGDWH[WUHPHO\ORZWHPSHUDWXUHVoC) - preservation of mechanical characteristics within a wide range of temperatures (-60oC to +180oC) - high auto ignition temperature ÀDPHUHVLVWDQWGXULQJFRPEXVWLRQHPLWVDYHU\ORZOHYHORIQRQWR[LFDQGQRQFRUURVLYH fumes YHU\JRRGORZWHPSHUDWXUHÀH[LELOLW\ JRRGHOHFWULFDOSURSHUWLHVZLWKLQVLJQL¿FDQWYDULDWLRQVDWDZLGHOHYHORIWHPSHUDWXUHV sunlight and weather resistant UHVLVWDQWWRR[\JHQR]RQHIDWVIURPYHJHWDEOHVDQGDQLPDOVVRDSGLOXWLRQVDOFRKROV ammonium, diluted acids and alkalis, sea water Silicone rubber insulated cables are intended for use wherever insulation is subjected to Application: H[WUHPHWHPSHUDWXUHFKDQJHV7KHVHFDEOHVDUHKLJKO\ÀH[LEOHDQGWKHLUHOHFWULFDODQG mechanical properties remain unaltered with time both at high and low temperatures, heat-resistant up to 180oC. Specially recommended for: household appliances, cooking surfaces, heating apparatus, industrial converters, radiators, ovens and ventilators, electric motors, lighting (halogen lamps etc.), high voltage electrical cabins and circuits, civil and industrial plant, the automobile industry, metallurgical facilities, steel mills, hot rolling mills and casting houses. Standard length cable packing: 500 and 1000 m on spools. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Features: HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES 40 page Conductor cross-section mm2 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 Approximate overall diameter mm 2,1 2,3 2,4 2,7 3,4 4,1 4,6 6,1 7,2 10,3 11,6 13,9 16,0 18,4 20,0 Approximate net weight kg/km 8 10 13 17 28 43 61 103 157 270 372 524 724 944 1193 Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C :/km 40,1 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 1,95 1,24 0,795 0,565 0,393 0,277 0,210 0,164 Current ratings* A 10 15 19 24 32 42 54 73 98 129 158 198 245 292 344 $VGH¿QHGLQ',19'(Single core cables laid in open air with a spacing at least equal to cable diameter. Power ratings for ambient temperature over 150oC. The following conversion factors are valid: Ambient temperature °C Correction factors 150 1,0 155 0,91 160 0,82 165 0,71 HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES 170 0,58 175 0,41 41 page RUBBER, HEAT RESISTING SHEATHED CABLES SIHF TYPE: SIHF 300/500 V 6LOLFRQHPXOWLFRUHFDEOHÁH[LEOHKDORJHQIUHH NORM: Adapted to DIN VDE 0250-816 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: WLQQHGDQQHDOHGFRSSHUFODVVÀH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUDFFWR',1(1 Insulation: special silicone compound type EI2 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Outer sheath: DIN VDE 0293-308 twin core blue, brown 3-core green-yellow, blue, brown, 4-core green-yellow, brown, black, grey 5 - core green-yellow, blue, brown, black, grey special silicone compound type EI2 Colour of sheath: Redbrown, white or black Maximum conductor operating temperature: +180oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVWDWLF-60oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-25oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +350oC Test voltage 50Hz: 2000V Minimum bending radius: 7,5 x cable diameter Maximum permissible load: 15 N/mm2 of the total copper cross-sectional area Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-2 The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC ÀH[LELOLW\DQGHODVWLFLW\XQDOWHUHGDWH[WUHPHO\ORZWHPSHUDWXUHVoC) - preservation of mechanical characteristics within a wide range of temperatures (-60oC to +180oC) - high auto ignition temperature ÀDPHUHVLVWDQWGXULQJFRPEXVWLRQHPLWVDYHU\ORZOHYHORIQRQWR[LFDQGQRQFRUURVLYH fumes YHU\JRRGORZWHPSHUDWXUHÀH[LELOLW\ JRRGHOHFWULFDOSURSHUWLHVZLWKLQVLJQL¿FDQWYDULDWLRQVDWDZLGHOHYHORIWHPSHUDWXUHV sunlight and weather resistant UHVLVWDQWWRR[\JHQR]RQHIDWVIURPYHJHWDEOHVDQGDQLPDOVVRDSGLOXWLRQVDOFRKROV ammonium, diluted acids and alkalis, sea water Silicone rubber insulated cables are intended for use wherever insulation is subjected to Application: H[WUHPHWHPSHUDWXUHFKDQJHV7KHVHFDEOHVDUHKLJKO\ÀH[LEOHDQGWKHLUHOHFWULFDODQG mechanical properties remain unaltered with time both at high and low temperatures, heat-resistant up to 180oC. Specially recommended for: household appliances, cooking surfaces, heating apparatus, industrial converters, radiators, ovens and ventilators, electric motors, lighting (halogen lamps etc.), high voltage electrical cabins and circuits, civil and industrial plant, the automobile industry, metallurgical facilities, steel mills, hot rolling mills and casting houses. Standard length cable packing: 100 m in rings or 500 m on spools. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Features: HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES 42 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 2 x 0,5 2 x 0,75 2x1 2 x 1,5 2 x 2,5 2x4 2x6 2 x 10 2 x 16 3 x 0,5 3 x 0,75 3x1 3 x 1,5 3 x 2,5 3x4 3x6 3 x 10 3 x 16 4 x 0,5 4 x 0,75 4x1 4 x 1,5 4 x 2,5 4x4 4x6 4 x 10 4 x 16 4 x 25 4 x 35 5 x 0,5 5 x 0,75 5x1 5 x 1,5 5 x 2,5 5x4 5x6 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight Maximum resistance of conductor at 20°C mm 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 mm 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,0 2,2 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,4 2,2 2,3 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,5 2,2 2,3 2,7 2,9 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,7 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 mm 5,8 6,2 6,6 7,4 9,0 11,3 12,7 16,9 19,6 6,1 6,8 6,9 7,8 9,5 12,0 13,6 18,3 21,0 6,9 7,4 7,8 8,7 10,6 13,3 15,1 20,0 23,0 27,6 29,7 6,9 8,2 8,7 9,7 11,7 14,8 16,8 kg/km 39 47 55 72 109 174 231 406 577 47 59 67 89 135 216 295 520 737 58 71 84 111 170 272 371 642 917 1369 1779 64 90 107 140 214 342 466 NP 40,1 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 1,95 1,24 40,1 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 1,95 1,24 40,1 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 1,95 1,24 0,795 0,565 40,1 26,7 20,0 13,7 8,21 5,09 3,39 Current ratings for multicore silicone cables Nominal crossCurrent ratings* current-carrying protective sectional capacity fuse area of conductor mm2 A A 0,5 7 0,75 12 6 1 15 10 1,5 18 16 2,5 26 25 4 34 35 $VGH¿QHGLQ',19'(Multi core cables laid in open air. Nominal crosssectional area of conductor mm2 6 10 16 25 35 Power ratings for ambient temperature over 150oC. The following conversion factors are valid: Ambient temperature °C 150 155 160 Correction factors 1,0 0,91 0,82 Current ratings* current-carrying protective capacity fuse A A 44 50 61 63 82 80 108 100 135 - 165 0,71 HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES 170 0,58 175 0,41 43 page 44 page CHAPTER VI POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 45 page LV PVC INSULATED POWER AND CONTROL CABLES NYY, MMO TYPE: NYY 0,6/1 kV PVC insulated and PVC sheathed power and control cable NORM: DIN VDE 0276-603, DIN VDE 0276-627 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: annealed copper solid class 1(RE), circular or circular compacted stranded conductor class 2 (RM) or stranded sector – shaped conductor class 2 (SM) acc. to DIN EN 60228 special PVC compound type DIV4 acc. to HD 603.1 Inner covering: ¿OOLQJ compound Sheath: special PVC compound type DMV5 acc. to HD 603.1 Colour of sheath: black Conductor: DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Number of core: with protective conductor-J single-core green/yellow twin 3-core green/yellow, blue, brown 4-core green/yellow, brown, black, grey 5-core green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey 7-core and more green/yellow, other cores black with white numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70oC without protective conductor-0 black blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with white numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 160oC for cross-sectional area of conductor d 300 mm2 and + 140oC for cross-sectional area of conductor > 300 mm2 Minimum bending radius: 15 x D single core cables, 12 x D multicore cables, D – overall diameter Max. permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 Flame retardant: DIN EN 60332-1-2 The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC PVC insulated and sheathed power and auxiliary ontrol cables for the supply of electrical energy. Special for installations in the open air, in underground and water, indoors, in cable ducts. Standard length cable packing: 500 or 100 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 1 x 1,5RE 1 x 1,5RM 1 x 2,5RE 1 x 4RE 1 x 6RE 1 x 10RE 1 x 10RMC Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 mm 6,6 6,8 6,9 7,8 8,3 10,1 9,4 kg/km 62 65 74 100 123 190 174 NP 12,1 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,83 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 46 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 1 x 16RE 1 x 16RMC 1 x 25RMC 1 x 35RMC 1 x 50RMC 1 x 70RMC 1 x 95RMC 1 x 120RMC 1 x 150RMC 1 x 185RMC 1 x 240RMC 1 x 300RMC 1 x 400RM 1 x 500RM 2 x 1,5RE 2 x 2,5RE 2 x 2,5RM 2 x 4RE 2 x 4RM 2 x 6RE 2 x 6RM 2 x 10RE 2 x 10RMC 2 x 16RE 2 x 16RMC 2 x 25RM 2 x 50RM 3 x 1,5RE 3 x 1,5RM 3 x 2,5RE 3 x 2,5RM 3 x 4RE 3 x 6RE 3 x 6RM 3 x 10RE 3 x 10RM 3 x 16RE 3 x 25RM 3 x 35SM 3 x 50SM 3 x 70SM 3 x 95SM 3 x 120SM 3 x 150SM 3 x 185SM 3 x 240SM 4 x 1,5RE 4 x 1,5RM 4 x 2,5RE 4 x 2,5RM 4 x 4RE 4 x 4RM 4 x 6RE 4 x 6RM 4 x 10RE 4 x 10RM 4 x 16RE Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,4 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 mm 11,2 10,4 12,1 13,2 15,1 16,2 18,6 20,2 22,2 24,1 27,2 29,2 34,4 38,3 11,1 11,9 12,4 13,6 14,2 14,6 15,3 16,2 16,8 18,0 18,8 22,2 27,7 11,6 12,0 12,4 12,9 14,2 15,3 16,1 17,0 17,7 19,1 23,5 23,5 26,3 30,2 34,2 36,8 41,0 45,1 50,9 12,3 12,8 13,3 13,9 15,3 16,1 16,5 17,4 18,4 19,2 20,6 kg/km 258 239 348 448 596 792 1071 1318 1610 1983 2557 3146 4020 5106 181 218 234 297 320 362 392 484 510 649 689 1004 1680 203 215 249 265 343 426 459 582 611 807 1237 1354 1775 2474 3332 4079 5028 6216 8095 233 248 291 311 406 436 509 548 706 740 977 NP 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 0,0366 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,387 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 47 page Number and crossectional area of conductor n x mm2 4 x 16RM 4 x 25RM 4 x 35RM 4 x 35SM 4 x 50SM 4 x 70SM 4 x 95SM 4 x 120SM 4 x 150SM 4 x 185SM 4 x 240SM 3 x 16RE/10RE 3 x 25RM/16RE 3 x 35RM/16RE 3 x 50SM/25RM 3 x 70SM/35SM 3 x 95SM/50SM 3 x 120SM/70SM 3 x 150SM/70SM 3 x 185SM/95SM 3 x 240SM/120SM 5 x 1,5RE 5 x 1,5RM 5 x 2,5RE 5 x 2,5RM 5 x 4RE 5 x 4RM 5 x 6RE 5 x 10RE 5 x 10RMC 5 x 16RE 5 x 16RMC 5 x 25RMC 5 x 35RMC 5 x 50RMC 5 x 70RMC 5 x 95RMC 6 x 1,5RE 6 x 2,5RE 6 x 2,5RM 7 x 1,5RE 7 x 1,5RM 7 x 2,5RE 7 x 2,5RM 7 x 4RE 7 x 6RE 7 x 10RE 8 x 1,5RE 8 x 1,5RM 8 x 2,5RE 8 x 2,5RM 9 x 1,5RE 9 x 2,5RE 10 x 1,5RE 10 x 2,5RE 10 x 2,5RM 10 x 4RE Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 1,0 / 1,0 1,2 / 1,0 1,2 / 1,0 1,4 / 1,2 1,4 / 1,2 1,6 / 1,4 1,6 / 1,4 1,8 / 1,4 2,0 / 1,6 2,2 / 1,6 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,7 2,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 mm 21,6 25,7 28,3 26,3 30,2 34,0 38,7 42,5 46,5 51,6 57,8 20,0 24,4 26,3 30,2 32,6 37,4 40,3 44,7 49,1 56,2 13,2 13,7 14,2 14,9 16,5 17,4 17,9 20,0 20,8 22,4 23,6 28,2 31,2 36,4 40,4 47,4 14,1 15,2 16,0 14,1 14,7 15,2 16,0 17,8 19,3 21,6 15,0 15,6 16,2 17,0 16,2 17,6 17,0 18,6 19,6 22,0 kg/km 1029 1524 1989 1762 2374 3246 4391 5432 6640 8273 10696 915 1405 1774 2174 2879 3905 4873 5814 7301 9544 273 290 342 367 484 521 612 855 895 1191 1256 1870 2436 3304 4460 6137 313 395 425 323 343 412 441 591 756 1075 364 387 467 500 429 551 442 571 612 828 NP 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 1,15 / 1,83 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 48 page Number and crossectional area of conductor n x mm2 12 x 1,5RE 12 x 1,5RM 12 x 2,5RE 12 x 2,5RM 12 x 6RE 14 x 1,5RE 14 x 2,5RE 14 x 4RE 16 x 1,5RE 16 x 2,5RE 19 x 1,5RE 19 x 1,5RM 19 x 2,5RE 19 x 2,5RM 19 x 4RE 20 x 2,5RE 21 x 1,5RE 21 x 2,5RE 24 x 1,5RE 24 x 1,5RM 24 x 2,5RE 24 x 2,5RM 25 x 1,5RE 27 x 1,5RE 27 x 2,5RE 30 x 1,5RE 30 x 1,5RM 30 x 2,5RE 31 x 1,5RE 31 x 2,5RE 33 x 1,5RE 37 x 1,5RE 40 x 1,5RE 40 x 2,5RE 40 x 2,5RM 52 x 1,5RE 52 x 2,5RE 61 x 1,5RE 61 x 2,5RE Current ratings* Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,9 1,9 2,0 2,0 2,1 mm 17,5 18,3 19,1 20,1 24,7 18,3 19,9 23,7 19,1 20,9 20,0 21,0 21,9 23,1 26,2 22,9 20,9 22,9 23,0 24,1 25,2 26,7 23,4 23,4 25,8 24,2 25,4 26,6 25,0 27,6 25,0 25,9 26,8 29,8 31,6 30,7 34,1 32,6 36,3 kg/km 487 518 635 679 1201 540 707 1040 600 791 671 715 892 953 1324 949 727 969 833 887 1111 1189 865 899 1208 974 1036 1312 1020 1374 1055 1148 1225 1681 1795 1587 2175 1822 2506 NP 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 3,08 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 Operating temperature at conductor 70o&DPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUHoC, ground temperature 20oC POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 49 page Installation Number of loaded cores 1 3 laying in ground 3 Cross-section, mm2 1,5 41 27 2,5 55 36 4 71 47 6 90 59 10 124 79 16 160 102 25 208 133 35 250 159 50 296 188 70 365 232 95 438 280 120 501 318 150 563 359 185 639 406 240 746 473 300 848 535 400 975 613 500 1125 687 1) Rated current for direct current systems with a far-distanced return conductor. 1 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 30 27 39 35 50 47 62 59 83 81 107 107 138 144 164 176 195 214 238 270 286 334 325 389 365 446 413 516 479 618 541 717 614 843 693 994 3 laying in air 3 19,5 25 34 43 59 79 106 129 157 199 246 285 326 374 445 511 597 669 21 28 37 47 64 84 114 139 169 213 264 307 352 406 483 557 646 747 The values are referred to the following basic conditions: Laying in ground Ground temperature at installation depth: Load factor: Soil-thermal resistivity of moist area: Soil-thermal resistivity of dry area: Laying depth: Laying in air Ambient temperature: 30oC Load factor: 1,0 Arrangement: free in air, protection against direct solar radiation, no external heat sources, unrestricted dissipation of heat. 20oC 0,7 1,0 k m/W 2,5 k m/W 0,7 m Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures Ambient temperature, °C) Rating factor 10 1,22 15 1,17 20 1,12 25 1,06 30 1,00 35 0,94 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 Current ratings for control cables – HD 627 S1 Number of loaded cores Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 3 laying in ground Current ratings in Ampere (A) 27 36 47 3 laying in air 19,5 25 34 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOHFRUHV The conversion factors are to be used for laying the cables in ground or in air, to the values given in above tables Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 19 24 40 61 Laying in ground 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 Note: valid for cross-section 1,5 to 10 mm2. Laying in air 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 $VGH¿QHGLQ',19'(',19'(+'6+'6 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUGHYLDWLQJDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHGH¿QHGLQ',19'(SDUW POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 50 page TYPE: MMO 450/750 V PVC insulated and PVCsheathed control cable NORM: SFS 3714, HD 627-4D CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: plain annealed copper circular solid class 1 acc. to EN 60228 Insulation: black lead free PVC compound type TI1 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ numbering ( if required one yellow/green core) Separator: polyester tape Sheath: white lead free PVC compound type TM1 Maximum continuous conductor operating temperature: +70oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-15oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 160oC Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 Minimum bending radius: 12 x D multicore cables, D – overall diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC 39&LQVXODWHGDQGVKHDWKHGFRQWUROFDEOHVIRU¿[HGLQVWDOODWLRQVLQPHDVXULQJFRQWURO and signalling circuits. Special for installations indoor and outdoors. Not to be laid in soil. 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Standard length cable packing: Application: Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 7 x 1,5 12 x 1,5 19 x 1,5 27 x 1,5 37 x 1,5 7 x 2,5 12 x 2,5 19 x 2,5 27 x 2,5 37 x 2,5 Nominal thickness of insulation mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 Minimum thickness of sheath mm 1,6 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,0 Approximate overall diameter mm 11,6 14,8 17,1 20,5 23,1 13,4 17,2 20,2 24,3 27,5 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Approximate net weight of cables kg/km 212 335 493 686 914 302 486 734 1024 1383 51 page LV XLPE INSULATED POWER AND CONTROL CABLES N2XY, AXMK TYPE: N2XY 0,6/1 kV XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed power and control cable NORM: DIN VDE 0276-603, DIN VDE 0276-627, IEC 60502-1 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: annealed copper solid class 1(RE), circular or circular compacted stranded conductor class 2 (RM) or stranded sector – shaped conductor class 2 (SM) acc. to HD 383 special XLPE compound type DXI3 acc. to HD 603.1 Inner covering: ¿OOLQJ compound Sheath: special PVC compound type DMV6 acc. to HD 603.1 Colour of sheath: black UV resistant Conductor: DIN VDE 0276-603 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Number of core: with protective conductor-J single-core green/yellow twin green-yellow, black 1) 3-core green/yellow, blue, brown 4-core green/yellow, brown, black, grey 5-core green/yellow, blue, brown, black, grey 7-core and more green/yellow, other cores black with white numbering 1) Only for cable with cross-sectional area of conductor > 10 mm2 Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC without protective conductor-0 black blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with white numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 250oC Minimum bending radius: 15 x D single core cables, 12 x D multicore cables, D – overall diameter Max. permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 Flame retardant: DIN EN 60332-1-2 Flame retardant: test method B according to DIN VDE 0472 part 804 and IEC 60332-1 XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed power and auxiliary control cables for the supply Application: of electrical energy. Special for installations in the open air, in underground and water, indoors, in cable ducts. Standard length cable packing: 1000 or 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and cross- Minimum number Nominal thickness Nominal thickness sectional area of wires of insulation of sheath of conductor in conductor n x mm2 1 x 1,5 RE 1 x 1,5 RM 1 x 2,5 RE 1 X 2,5 RM 1 x 4 RE 1 x 4 RM 1 x 6 RE n 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables mm 6,4 6,6 6,7 7,0 7,2 7,5 7,7 kg/km 56 59 68 72 86 90 108 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum conductor resistance at temperature 20oC :/km 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 52 page Number and cross- Minimum number Nominal thickness Nominal thickness sectional area of wires of insulation of sheath of conductor in conductor n x mm2 1 x 6 RM 1 x 10 RE 1 x 10 RM 1 x 16 RE 1 x 16 RM 1 x 25 RM 1 x 35 RM 1 x 50 RM 1 x 70 RM 1 x 95 RM 1 x 120 RM 1 x 150 RM 1 x 185 RM 1 x 240 RM 1 x 300 RM 1 x 300 RM 1 x 400 RM 1 x 500 RM 2 x 1,5 RE 2 x 1,5 RM 2 x 2,5 RE 2 x 2,5 RM 2 x 4 RE 2 x 4 RM 2 x 6 RE 2 x 6 RM 2 x 10 RE 2 x 10 RM 2 x 16 RE 2 x 16 RM 2 x 25 RM 2 x 35 RM 2 x 50 RM 2 x 70 RM 2 x 95 RM 2 x 120 RM 2 x 150 RM 2 x 185 RM 2 x 240 RM 3 x 1,5RE 3 x 1,5RM 3 x 2,5RE 3 x 2,5RM 3 x 4RE 3 x 4RM 3 x 6RE 3 x 6RM 3 x 10RE 3 x 10RM 3 x 16RE 3 x 16RM 3 x 25RM 3 x 35RM 4 x 1,5RE 4 x 1,5RM 4 x 2,5RE 4 x 2,5RM n 7 1 7 1 7 7 7 19 19 19 37 37 37 61 61 61 61 61 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 7 7 19 19 19 37 37 37 61 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 7 7 1 7 1 7 mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,2 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,5 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables mm 8,1 8,5 9,0 9,4 9,8 11,5 12,6 14,1 15,6 17,6 19,2 21,2 23,1 25,8 27,8 29,5 33,0 36,9 10,1 10,5 10,9 11,4 11,8 12,4 13,5 14,4 15,0 16,2 17,0 20,4 22,5 25,5 28,6 33,1 36,5 40,8 45,0 50,8 10,5 11,0 11,4 11,9 12,4 13,0 13,4 14,2 15,1 16,2 17,1 18,0 21,6 23,9 11,3 11,7 12,2 12,8 kg/km 114 150 159 209 217 319 415 544 747 1001 1239 1516 1872 2404 2975 2987 3795 4838 141 150 174 187 220 237 299 386 406 535 566 844 1090 1434 1945 2650 3285 4062 5032 6482 159 169 201 213 260 277 332 356 474 510 672 706 1061 1387 185 195 236 251 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum conductor resistance at temperature 20oC :/km 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0601 0,0470 0,0366 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 53 page Number and cross- Minimum number Nominal thickness Nominal thickness sectional area of wires of insulation of sheath of conductor in conductor n x mm2 4 x 4RE 4 x 4RM 4 x 6RE 4 x 6RM 4 x 10RE 4 x 10RM 4 x 16RE 4 x 16RM 4 x 25RM 4 x 35RM 5 x 1,5RE 5 x 1,5RM 5 x 2,5RE 5 x 2,5RM 5 x 4RE 5 x 6RE 5 x 10RE 5 x 10RMC 5 x 16RE 5 x 16RMC 5 x 25RMC 5 x 35RMC 5 x 50RMC 5 x 70RMC 5 x 95RMC 5 x 120RMC 5 x 150RMC 5 x 185RMC 6 x 1,5RE 7 x 1,5RE 7 x 1,5RM 7 x 2,5RE 7 x 2,5RM 7 x 4RE 9 x 1,5RE 10 x 1,5RE 10 x 1,5RM 10 x 2,5RE 10 x 2,5RM 10 x 4RE 12 x 1,5RE 12 x 1,5RM 12 x 2,5RE 12 x 2,5RM 12 x 4RE 14 x 1,5RE 14 x 1,5RM 14 x 2,5RE 14 x 2,5RM 14 x 4RE 15 x 2,5RE 16 x 1,5RE 16 x 1,5RM 17 x 4RE 19 x 1,5RE 19 x 1,5RM 19 x 2,5RE n 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 7 7 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 7 1 7 7 7 19 19 19 37 37 37 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables mm 13,3 14,0 14,5 15,4 16,4 17,1 18,6 19,6 23,7 26,2 12,1 12,6 13,1 13,7 14,3 15,6 17,8 18,6 20,2 21,3 25,9 28,8 33,4 37,8 43,7 48,2 54,1 59,9 12,9 12,9 13,5 14,0 14,8 15,4 14,8 15,6 16,4 17,2 18,2 19,0 16,1 16,9 17,6 18,7 19,6 16,8 17,6 18,5 19,6 20,5 19,4 17,6 18,5 22,6 18,4 19,4 20,3 kg/km 309 329 401 429 582 606 832 872 1319 1735 214 227 276 293 366 479 701 730 1010 1057 1608 2125 2872 3987 5442 6775 8383 10443 245 256 271 337 358 455 324 351 372 468 498 637 388 410 521 554 719 430 454 584 619 809 634 477 504 976 537 566 738 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum conductor resistance at temperature 20oC :/km 4,61 4,61 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 12,1 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 12,1 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 4,61 7,41 12,1 12,1 4,61 12,1 12,1 7,41 54 page Number and cross- Minimum number Nominal thickness Nominal thickness sectional area of wires of insulation of sheath of conductor in conductor n x mm2 19 x 2,5RM 19 x 4RE 20 x 2,5RE 24 x 1,5RE 24 x 1,5RM 24 x 2,5RE 24 x 2,5RM 30 x 1,5RE 30 x 1,5RM 30 x 2,5RE 30 x 2,5RM 37 x 1,5RE 40 x 1,5RE 40 x 2,5RE 48 x 1,5RE 52 x 1,5RE 62 x 1,5RE 3 x 35SM 3 x 50SM 3 x 70SM 3 x 95SM 3 x 120SM 3 x 150SM 3 x 185SM 3 x 240SM 3 x 25RM/16RE 3 x 35RM/16RE 3 x 50SM/25RM 3 x 70SM/35SM 3 x 95SM/50SM 3 x 120SM/70SM 3 x 150SM/70SM 3 x 185SM/95SM 3 x 240SM/120SM 4 x 35SM 4 x 50SM 4 x 70SM 4 x 95SM 4 x 120SM 4 x 150SM 4 x 185SM 4 x 240Sm 4 x 25RM/16RE 4 x 35RM/16RE 4 x 50RM/25RM 4 x 70RM/35RM 4 x 95RM/50RM 4 x 120RM/70RM n 7 1 1 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 19 19 19 37 37 7/1 7/1 19 / 7 19 / 7 19 / 7 19 / 19 19 / 19 37 / 19 37 / 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 37 37 7/1 7/1 19 / 7 19 / 7 19 / 19 37 / 19 mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,9 / 0,7 0,9 / 0,7 1,0 / 0,9 1,1 / 0.9 1,1 / 1,0 1,2 / 1,1 1,4 / 1,1 1,6 / 1,1 1,7 / 1,2 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,9 / 0,7 0,9 / 0,7 1,0 / 0,9 1,1 / 0,9 1,1 / 1,0 1,2 1.1 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,6 2,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,1 2,2 Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables mm 21,5 22,6 21,2 21,2 22,3 23,4 24,9 22,3 23,6 24,7 26,3 23,9 24,7 27,5 27,1 28,0 30,7 22,7 25,3 29,5 32,8 36,2 40,6 44,7 50,2 22,4 24,3 28,1 31,7 35,7 39,2 43,7 48,3 54,5 26,2 29,4 34,2 38,6 42,8 47,4 52,2 58,8 24,8 27,1 31,4 35,8 41,2 45,7 kg/km 781 1035 784 666 703 920 974 780 823 1090 1152 921 983 1390 1157 1248 1469 1218 1595 2244 3016 3764 4644 5753 7483 1213 1534 1866 2608 3514 4445 5329 6710 8691 1585 2098 2953 3999 4994 6143 7617 9908 1482 1897 2565 3574 4854 6128 Maximum conductor resistance at temperature 20oC NP 7,41 4,61 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 12,1 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 Current ratings* POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 55 page Operating temperature at conductor 90o&DPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUHoC, ground temperature 20oC Installation Number of loaded cores 1 3 3 laying in ground Cross-section, mm2 1,5 48 31 2,5 63 40 4 82 52 6 102 64 10 136 86 16 176 112 25 229 145 35 275 174 50 326 206 70 400 254 95 480 305 120 548 348 150 616 392 185 698 444 240 815 517 300 927 400 1064 500 1227 1) Rated current for direct current systems with a far-distanced return conductor. 1 3 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 33 33 42 43 54 57 67 72 89 99 115 131 148 177 177 217 209 265 256 336 307 415 349 485 393 557 445 646 517 774 583 901 663 1060 749 1252 3 laying in air 24 32 42 53 74 98 133 162 197 250 308 359 412 475 564 - 26 34 44 56 77 102 138 170 207 263 325 380 437 507 604 697 811 940 Current ratings for control cables – HD 627 S1 Number of loaded cores Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 3 3 laying in ground laying in air 31 41 53 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 25 33 43 The values are referred to the following basic conditions: Laying in ground Ground temperature at installation depth: Load factor: Soil-thermal resistivity of moist area: Soil-thermal resistivity of dry area: Laying depth: Laying in air Ambient temperature: 30oC Load factor: 1,0 Arrangement: free in air, protection against direct solar radiation, no external heat sources, unrestricted dissipation of heat. 20oC 0,7 1,0 k m/W 2,5 k m/W 0,7 m Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures Ambient temperature, °C Rating factor 10 1,15 15 1,12 20 1,08 25 1,04 30 1,00 35 0,96 40 0,91 45 0,87 50 0,82 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOHFRUHV The conversion factors are to be used for laying the cables in ground or in air, to the values given in above tables Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 19 24 40 61 Laying in ground 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 Note: valid for cross-section 1,5 to 10 mm2. Laying in air 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 $VGH¿QHGLQ',19'(',19'(+'6+'6 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUGHYLDWLQJDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHGH¿QHGLQ',19'(SDUW POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 56 page TYPE: AXMK 0,6/1 kV XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed power cables NORM: SFS 4879, HD 603-5D, IEC 60502-1 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: 16 mm2: Sector shaped, solid aluminium conductor, 25 ÷ 300 mm2: Sector shaped, stranded and compacted aluminium conductor. XLPE compound Outer Sheath: PVC compound, Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ yellow and green – black – black – brown Conductor: Maximum conductor operating temperature: + 90oC Lowest installation temperature: -15oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Laying in air and ground Application: DESCRIPTION Number and nominal cross-section of the conductors UNIT nx mm2 [ mm mm 0.7 0.53 0.9 0.71 0.9 0.71 1.0 0.80 1.1 0.89 1.1 0.89 mm mm 1.8 1.43 1.8 1.43 1.8 1.43 1.8 1.43 2.1 1.68 2.1 1.68 mm 18.1 21.8 24.1 27.7 33.2 36.3 kg/km kg/km 352 167 514 262 646 362 840 492 1 182 713 1 514 986 DELIVERY DATA 1 000 1 000 1 200 1 400 12 14 463 678 ELECTRICAL DATA 1 000 1 400 14 810 1 000 1 600 16 1 072 1 000 2 000 20 1 645 1 000 2 000 20 1 977 NP 1.910 0.868 0.641 0.443 0.320 NP NP mH/km NP µF/km A/km A/km 2.257 1.418 2.449 1.539 0.31 0.29 0.097 0.091 0.22 0.29 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.08 MECHANICAL DATA 1.026 0.113 0.28 0.090 0.38 0.07 0.12 0.058 0.822 0.24 0.075 0.42 0.08 0.13 0.524 0.568 0.23 0.072 0.46 0.08 0.14 0.378 0.411 0.22 0.070 0.52 0.09 0.16 m 0.22 0.26 0.29 0.33 0.40 0.44 m 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.13 N N 960 960 1 500 1 500 2 100 2 100 3 000 3 000 4 200 4 200 5 700 5 700 Conductor Insulation (XLPE) thickness: - minimum average (nominal) - minimum at a point Outer sheath (extruded PVC) thickness: - minimum average (nominal), - minimum at a point Approximate overall diameter of completed cable Approximate weight of: - complete cable - aluminium Length per drum Diameter of wooden drum Type of drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable Maximum D.C. resistance of phase conductor at 20°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 65°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 90°C Operating inductance Induction reactance Mutual capacitance Charging current Earth fault current Recommended min. bending radius: during installation GXULQJ¿QDOEHQGLQJZKHQPDGHFDUHIXOO\ and smoothly as a single bend to the same direction Maximum permissible pulling force: by pulling-head by cable stocking m mm kg DETAILS [ [ [ 1) [ [ 1) CONSTRUCTION DATA Solid Stranded and compacted sector shaped aluminium conductor 1.200 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 57 page DESCRIPTION Number and nominal cross-section of the conductors UNIT nx mm2 Maximum permissible thermal shortcircuit Current for 1 sec. Phase conductor 90 qC o 250 qC kA 1.5 A A UNIT 77 91 In air In earth DESCRIPTION Number and nominal cross-section of the n x mm2 conductors kg/km kg/km Length per drum Diameter of wooden drum Type of drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable m mm kg Recommended min. bending radius: during installation GXULQJ¿QDOEHQGLQJZKHQPDGHFDUHIXOO\ and smoothly as a single bend to the same direction Maximum permissible pulling force: by pulling-head by cable stocking 2) [ [ 1) [ [ 1) 2.3 3.3 4.7 6.6 8.9 AMPACITY 2) 97 116 120 139 146 165 187 203 227 244 [ [ SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS [ [ 1) DETAILS [ [ [ CONSTRUCTION DATA Stranded and compacted sector shaped aluminium conductor - Conductor Insulation (XLPE) thickness: - minimum average (nominal) - minimum at a point Outer sheath (extruded PVC) thickness: - minimum average (nominal), - minimum at a point Approximate overall diameter of completed cable Approximate weight of: - complete cable - aluminium Maximum D.C. resistance of phase conductor at 20°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 65°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 90°C Operating inductance Induction reactance Mutual capacitance Charging current Earth fault current 1) DETAILS mm mm 1.2 0.98 1.4 1.16 1.6 1.34 1.7 1.43 1.8 1.52 mm mm 2.3 1.85 2.4 1.94 2.7 2.19 2.9 2.37 3.1 2.53 mm 39.8 44.0 49.3 55.3 60.9 1 884 2 299 1 249 1 534 DELIVERY DATA 500 500 1 600 1 800 16 18 1 174 1 498 ELECTRICAL DATA 2 897 1 927 3 698 2 520 4 533 3 144 500 2 000 20 1 912 500 2 200 22M 2 439 500 2 200 22M 2 857 NP 0.253 0.206 0.164 0.125 0.100 NP 0.230 0.244 0.194 0.148 0.119 NP 0.325 0.265 0.211 0.161 0.129 mH/km NP µF/km A/km A/km 0.22 0.22 0.070 0.070 0.53 0.54 0.10 0.10 0.16 0.16 MECHANICAL DATA 0.22 0.070 0.56 0.10 0.17 0.22 0.070 0.58 0.10 0.18 0.22 0.070 0.61 0.11 0.19 m 0.48 0.53 0.59 0.66 0.73 m 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 11100 500 14400 8 500 18000 8 500 N N 7 200 9 000 7 200 8 500 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal shortcircuit Current for 1 sec. Phase conductor &ĺ& kA 11.3 14.1 17.4 22.6 28.2 In air In earth A A 263 278 AMPACITY 2) 304 311 347 353 409 409 471 461 Acc. to IEC 60502-1 standard only. Current rating guideline (Calculated according to IEC Publ. 287 and the following conditions) Ground temperature max. Ambient air temperature max. Laying depth Ground thermal resistivity 20 qC 25 qC 0.70m 1.0 Kxm/W POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 58 page LV POWER CABLES WITH CONCENTRIC COPPER CONDUCTOR NYCY, MCMK, AMCMK, MCMO TYPE: NYCY 0,6/1 kV PVC insulated and PVC sheathed power and control cable with concentric copper conductor NORM: DIN VDE 0276-603 and DIN VDE 0276-627 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: plain annealed copper circular solid class 1(RE), circular or circular compacted stranded conductor class 2 (RM) acc. to DIN EN 60228 special PVC compound type DIV4 acc. to HD 603.1 Inner sheath: special thermoplastic compound Concentric conductor: round copper wires and copper tape Sheath: special PVC compound type DMV5 acc. to HD 603.1 Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 twin 3-core 3 core:* 4-core 5-core more 5-core: * For certain application only. Conductor: blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 160oC Minimum bending radius: 12 x D multicore cables, D – overall diameter Max. permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2, calculated for the nominal sum of crossVHFWLRQVRIWKHLQQHUFRQGXFWRUVWKHFURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRUVQRWEHFRQVLGHUHG Flame retardant: DIN EN 60332-1-2 The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC PVC insulated and sheathed power and auxiliary control cables for the supply of electrical energy. Special for installations in the open air, in underground and water, indoors, in cable ducts. The concentric conductor is allowed to use as neutral, protective or earthed conductor. Simultaneously, this also is permitted to apply as a screen for example earthconnected protection against contact. Standard length cable packing: 500 or 1000 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Application: POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 59 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 2 x 1,5RE / 1,5 2 x 2,5RE / 2,5 2 x 4RE / 4 2 x 6RE / 6 2 x 10RE / 10 2 x 16RE / 16 2 x 25RM / 16 2 x 35RM / 16 3 x 1,5RE / 1,5 3 x 2,5RE / 2,5 3 x 4RE / 4 3 x 6RE / 6 3 x 10RE / 10 3 x 16RE / 16 3 x 25RM / 16 3 x 35RM / 16 4 x 1,5RE / 1,5 4 x 2,5RE / 2,5 4 x 4RE / 4 4 x 6RE / 6 4 x 10RE / 10 4 x 16RE / 16 4 x 25RM / 16 4 x 35RM / 16 5 x 1,5RE / 1,5 5 x 2,5RE / 2,5 5 x 4RE / 4 5 x 6RE / 6 5 x 10RE / 10 5 x 16RE / 16 5 x 25RM / 16 7 x 1,5RE / 2,5 7 x 2,5RE / 2,5 7 x 4RE / 4 8 x 1,5RE / 2,5 9 x 1,5RE / 2,5 10 x 1,5RE / 2,5 10 x 2,5RE / 4 10 x 4RE / 6 12 x 1,5RE / 2,5 12 x 2,5RE / 4 12 x 4RE / 6 14 x 1,5RE / 2,5 14 x 2,5RE / 6 14 x 4RE / 6 16 x 1,5RE / 4 16 x 2,5RE / 6 19 x 1,5RE / 4 19 x 2,5RE / 6 19 x 4RE / 10 21 x 1,5RE / 6 21 x 2,5RE / 10 24 x 1,5RE / 6 24 x 2,5RE / 10 30 x 1,5RE / 6 30 x 2,5RE / 10 37 x 1,5RE / 10 40 x 1,5RE / 10 40 x 2,5RE / 10 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC mm 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 mm 12,3 13,1 15,2 16,5 18,2 20,5 25,1 27,2 12,8 13,6 15,8 17,2 19,2 21,4 26,4 28,7 13,5 14,5 16,9 18,4 20,4 23,3 28,6 31,2 14,4 15,4 18,1 19,8 22,0 24,9 31,1 15,3 16,4 19,4 16,2 17,4 18,2 20,2 23,6 18,7 20,7 24,2 19,5 21,8 25,3 20,7 22,8 21,6 23,5 28,2 22,8 24,9 24,6 27,2 25,8 28,6 27,9 28,8 31,8 kg/km 209 253 352 436 593 818 1165 1427 232 284 399 500 701 966 1404 1753 269 326 462 583 816 1158 1693 2154 308 377 539 686 965 1361 2041 358 447 646 393 444 477 626 898 522 690 996 575 781 1109 655 864 727 962 1433 801 1079 903 1220 1044 1421 1257 1335 1791 NP 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 12,1 / 7,41 12,1 / 7,41 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 4,61 / 3,08 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 4,61 / 3,08 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 3,08 4,61 / 3,08 12,1 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 12,1 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 4,61 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 1,83 12,1 / 1,83 7,41 / 1,83 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 60 page Current ratings* Operating temperature at conductor 70o&DPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUHoC, ground temperature 20oC Number of loaded cores 3 Laying in ground Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 3 Laying in air Current ratings in Ampere (A) 27 36 47 59 79 102 133 159 19,5 26 34 44 60 80 108 132 The values are referred to the following basic conditions: Laying in ground Ground temperature at installation depth: Load factor: Soil-thermal resistivity of moist area: Soil-thermal resistivity of dry area: Laying depth: Laying in air Ambient temperature: 30oC Load factor: 1,0 Arrangement: free in air, protection against direct solar radiation, no external heat sources, unrestricted dissipation of heat. 20oC 0,7 1,0 k . m/W 2,5 k . m/W 0,7 m Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures Ambient temperature, °C) Rating factor 10 1,22 15 1,17 20 1,12 25 1,06 30 1,00 35 0,94 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 Current ratings for control cables – HD 627 S1 Number of loaded cores Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 3 Laying in ground 3 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 27 36 47 Laying in air 19,5 26 34 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOHFRUHV The conversion factors are to be used for laying the cables in ground or in air, to the values given in above tables Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 19 24 40 61 Laying in ground 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 0,25 Laying in air 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 $VGH¿QHGLQ',19'(',19'(+'6+'6 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUGHYLDWLQJDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHGH¿QHGLQ',19'(SDUW POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 61 page TYPE: MCMK 0,6/1 kV PVC insulated and PVC sheathed power cable with concentric copper conductor NORM: SFS 4880, HD 603 S1-3F CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: plain annealed copper circular solid class 1(RE), circular or circular compacted stranded conductor class 2 (RM) or stranded sector – shaped conductor class 2 (SM) acc. to EN 60228 special PVC compound type DIV6 acc. to HD 603.1 Inner sheath: special thermoplastic compound Concentric conductor: round copper wires and copper tape Sheath: special PVC compound type DMV9 acc. to HD 603.1 Colour of sheath: black Colour code: to SFS 4880 Conductor: Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -15oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 160oC Minimum bending radius: 15 x D for single core cables and 12 x D for multicore cables, D – overall cable diameter Max. permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2, calculated for the nominal sum of crossVHFWLRQVRIWKHLQQHUFRQGXFWRUVWKHFURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRUVQRWEHFRQVLGHUHG Flame retardant: EN 60332-1-2 (HD 405.1), IEC 60332-1 The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: Standard length cable packing: Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 2 x 1,5RE / 1,5 2 x 2,5RE / 2,5 2 x 4RE / 4* 2 x 6RE / 6 2 x 10RE / 10 3 x 1,5RE / 1,5 3 x 2,5RE / 2,5 3 x 4RE / 4* 3 x 6RE / 6 3 x 10RE / 10 3 x 16RE / 16 3 x 25RM / 16 3 x 35RM / 16 3 x 50SM / 25 3 x 70SM / 35 3 x 95SM / 50 3 x 120SM / 70 3 x 150SM / 70 3 x 185SM / 95 3 x 240SM / 120 39&LQVXODWHGDQGVKHDWKHGSRZHUFDEOHVIRUWKHVXSSO\RIHOHFWULFDOHQHUJ\6SHFLDOIRU¿[HG installations in the open air, in underground, indoors, in cable ducts. The concentric conductor is allowed to use as neutral, PE-conductor, PEN-conductor, or as a screen, in accordance with national regulations. 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Nominal thickness of insulation mm 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 Nominal thickness of sheath mm 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,9 Approximate overall diameter mm 12,3 13,1 14,8 16,0 17,6 12,8 13,6 15,4 16,7 18,4 20,6 25,6 27,9 28,5 32,4 37,3 39,9 44,3 49,2 55,0 Approximate net weight of cables kg/km 204 247 338 418 571 227 279 386 484 673 937 1397 1739 2048 2818 3824 4761 5729 7166 9265 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum conductor resistance at temperature 20oC NP 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,367/ 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 62 page 4 x 1,5RE / 1,5 4 x 2,5RE / 2,5 4 x 4RE / 4* 4 x 6RE / 6 4 x 10RE / 10 4 x 16RE / 16 4 x 25RM / 16* 4 x 35RM / 16* 4 x 50SM / 25* 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,4 * Adapted to SFS 4880 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,0 13,5 14,5 16,5 17,9 19,8 22,3 27,8 30,6 32,4 259 322 446 568 795 1117 1683 2139 2639 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,367/ 0,727 TYPE: AMCMK 0,6/1 kV PVC insulated cables with concentric conductor and PVC sheath NORM: SFS 4880, HD 603-3F CONSTRUCTION: Conductors: Aluminium stranded sector – shaped class 2 (SM) acc. to HD 383 Insulation: PVC compound type DIV6 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ Laying up: According to HD 308.S2 4-core: blue, black, black, brown Insulated conductors are stranded together Inner covering: Lapped Concentric conductor: Copper wires and copper tape helically wounded Outer sheath: Black PVC compound type DMV9 Flame retardant: IEC60332-1 Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70 0 C 2 0 Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +160 C for cross-sectional area 300 mm and + 140 0C for cross-sectional area > 300 mm2 Minimum bending radius: 12 x D for multi conductor FDEOHV D – overall diameter of the cable Test voltage of complete cable: 4 kV AC +] , 5 min. Number and crosssectional area of conductor n x mm2 4x35SM / 16 4x50SM / 15 4x70SM / 21 4x95SM / 29 4x120SM / 41 4x150SM / 41 4x185SM / 57 4x240SM / 72 Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate weight of cables mm mm mm NJNP 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 1,8 2,0 2,1 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,7 3,0 28,0 31,9 37,2 41,1 44,3 48,4 55,3 62,1 1015 1270 1675 2215 2700 3180 4115 5220 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum conductor resistanceat 20oC NP 0,868 / 1,15 0,641 / 1,20 0,443 / 0,868 0,320 / 0,641 0,253 / 0,443 0,206 / 0,443 0,164 / 0,320 0,125 / 0,253 63 page TYPE: MCMO 450/750 kV PVC insulated and PVC sheathed control cable with a protecting concentric copper conductor NORM: HD 627-4D* CONSTRUCTION: Conductors: plain annealed copper circular solid class 1 acc. to EN 60228 Insulation: black lead free PVC compound type TI1 &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ numbering Inner covering: ¿OOLQJFRPSRXQG Concentric conductor: layer of round copper wires with a copper tape Separator: polyester tape Sheath: black lead free PVC compound type TM1 Maximum conductor operating temperature: +70oC /RZHVWLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHÁH[LQJ-15oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: + 160oC Max. permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2, calculated for the nominal sum of crossVHFWLRQVRIWKHLQQHUFRQGXFWRUVWKHFURVVVHFWLRQRIWKHFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRUVQRWEHFRQVLGHUHG Flame propagation: EN 60332-1-2 Minimum bending radius: 12 x D for multicore cables, D – overall cable diameter The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC 39&LQVXODWHGDQGVKHDWKHGFRQWUROFDEOHVZLWKDSURWHFWLQJFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRUIRU¿[HG Application: installations in measuring, control and signalling circuits. Standard length cable packing: 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and crossNominal Minimum Approximate Approximate sectional area thickness thickness overall net weight of conductor / of insulation of sheath diameter of cables concentric conductor 2 n x mm mm mm mm kg/km 0,7 1,5 14,5 348 7 x 1,5 / 6 0,7 1,5 18,3 517 12 x 1,5 / 6 0,7 1,6 21,0 706 19 x 1,5 / 6 0,7 1,7 24,6 939 27 x 1,5 / 6 0,7 1,8 27,5 1236 37 x 1,5 / 10 0,8 1,5 16,0 447 7 x 2,5 / 6 0,8 1,6 20,1 669 12 x 2,5 / 6 0,8 1,7 23,1 932 19 x 2,5 / 6 0,8 1,8 27,3 1292 27 x 2,5 / 10 0,8 1,9 30,4 1657 37 x 2,5 / 10 * We can also produce cable MCMO with protecting concentric copper conductor 1,5 mm2 and 2,5 mm2 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Maximum resistance of concentric conductor at 20oC NP 3,08 3,08 3,08 3,08 1,83 3,08 3,08 3,08 1,83 1,83 64 page HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE POWER CABLES N2XH, N2XCH TYPE: N2XH 0,6/1 kV Halogen- free low smoke power cables NORM: DIN VDE 0276-604 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare annealed copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or circular or circular compacted stranded class 2 (RM) or stranded sector - shaped conductor class 2 (SM) acc. to EN 60228 cross-linked polyethylene Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Sheath: thermoplastic halogen - free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 Conductor: 1-core 2-core 3-core 3 core* 4-core 4-core* 5-core more 5-core * For certain application only. without protective conductor black blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black blue, brown, black, grey — blue, brown, black, grey, black black with numbering with protective conductor green-yellow — green-yellow, blue, brown — green-yellow, brown, black, grey green-yellow, blue, brown, black green-yellow, blue, brown, black, grey green-yellow, others cores black with numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 Flame retardant: VDE 0482-266-2-4, IEC 60332-3-24 Category C Smoke density: VDE 0482-1034-2, IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: DIN EN 50267, IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 100 PS/cm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: XLPE insulated and halogen-free thermoplastic compound sheathed power and auxiliary FRQWUROFDEOHVIRUWKHVXSSO\RIHOHFWULFDOHQHUJ\6SHFLDOIRULQVWDOODWLRQVZKHUH¿UHDQG emissions of smoke and toxic fumes create a potential threat (hotels, airports, underground stations, reilway stations, hospitals, banks, theaters etc.) Not suitable for use in water. Standard length cable packing: 500 or 1000m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 1 x 1,5RE 1 x 2,5RE 1 x 4RE 1 x 6RE mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 mm 5,2 5,5 6,0 6,5 NJNP 40 51 67 88 NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 65 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 1 x 10RE 1 x 16RE 1 x 25RM 1 x 35RM 1 x 50RM 1 x 70RM 1 x 95RM 1 x 120RM 1 x 150RM 1 x 185RM 1 x 240RM 1 x 300RM 1 x 400RM 1 x 500RM 2 x 1,5RE 2 x 2,5RE 2 x 4RE 2 x 6RE 2 x 10RE 2 x 16RE 3 x 1,5RE 3 x 2,5RE 3 x 4RE 3 x 6RE 3 x 10RE 3 x 16RE 3 x 25RM 3 x 35RM 3 x 35SM 3 x 50SM 3 x 70SM 3 x 95SM 3 x 120SM 3 x 150SM 3 x 185SM 3 x 240SM 3 x 25RM/16RE 3 x 35RM/16RE 3 x 50SM/25RM 3 x 70SM/35SM 3 x 95SM/50SM 3 x 120SM/70SM 3 x 150SM/70SM 3 x 185SM/95SM 3 x 240SM/120SM 4 x 1,5RE 4 x 2,5RE 4 x 4RE 4 x 6RE 4 x 10RE 4 x 16RE 4 x 25RM 4 x 35RM 4 x 35SM 4 x 50SM 4 x 70SM 4 x 95SM 4 x 120SM 4 x 150SM 4 x 185SM 4 x 240SM 5 x 1,5RE mm 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 2,0 2,2 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,9 / 0,7 0,9 / 0,7 1,0 / 0,9 1,1 / 0,9 1,1 / 1,0 1,2 / 1,4 1,4 / 1,4 1,6 / 1,1 1,7 / 1,2 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,7 mm 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,9 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 1,2 mm 7,3 8,2 10,3 11,4 12,9 14,4 16,6 18,2 20,2 22,3 25,0 28,9 32,2 36,1 8,9 9,7 10,6 11,6 13,2 15,2 9,3 10,2 11,2 12,2 13,9 16,1 20,6 23,1 20,8 23,3 27,1 30,2 33,3 37,2 41,2 46,1 21,6 23,5 26,4 29,4 33,0 36,2 40,8 44,8 50,4 10,1 11,0 12,1 13,3 15,4 17,6 22,9 25,4 23,4 26,4 30,8 34,4 38,3 42,4 46,8 52,5 10,9 NJNP 128 185 289 382 506 705 962 1197 1469 1832 2358 2948 3736 4773 116 147 190 245 350 502 132 172 228 298 436 636 1015 1349 1166 1546 2180 2941 3670 4525 5621 7306 1175 1503 1824 2538 3425 4349 5233 6570 8501 156 205 275 364 547 794 1279 1700 1524 2030 2877 3889 4863 5985 7432 9670 183 NP 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 0,0470 0,0366 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991/ 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 66 page Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 5 x 2,5RE 5 x 4RE 5 x 6RE 5 x 10RE 5 x 16RE 7 x 1,5RE 7 x 2,5RE 7 x 4RE 9 x 1,5RE 10 x 1,5RE 10 x 2,5RE 10 x 4RE 12 x 1,5RE 12 x 2,5RE 12 x 4RE 14 x 1,5RE 14 x 2,5RE 14 x 4RE 15 x 2,5RE 16 x 1,5RE 17 x 4RE 19 x 1,5RE 19 x 2,5RE 19 x 4RE 20 x 2,5RE 24 x 1,5RE 24 x 2,5RE 30 x 1,5RE 30 x 2,5RE 37 x 1,5RE 40 x 1,5RE 40 x 2,5RE mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 mm 11,9 13,1 14,4 16,8 19,2 11,7 12,8 14,2 13,6 14,4 16,2 18,0 14,9 16,6 18,6 15,8 17,5 19,5 18,4 17,5 21,8 17,4 19,3 21,8 20,4 20,4 22,6 21,5 23,9 23,1 23,9 26,9 NJNP 243 329 439 664 968 223 301 416 286 311 431 597 346 484 677 394 544 765 592 464 938 497 695 997 748 630 881 742 1048 880 941 1355 NP 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 7,41 12,1 4,61 12,1 7,41 4,61 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 12,1 7,41 Current ratings* Operating temperature at conductor 70o&DPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUHoC Installation 1) Number of loaded cores 1 Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 33 43 57 72 99 131 177 217 265 336 415 485 557 646 774 901 1060 1252 Rated current for direct current systems with a far-distanced return conductor. 3 laying in air Current ratings in Ampere (A) 24 32 42 53 74 98 133 162 197 250 308 359 412 475 564 649 761 866 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 3 26 34 44 56 77 102 138 170 207 263 325 380 437 507 604 697 811 940 67 page Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures Ambient temperature, °C) Rating factor 10 1,22 15 1,17 20 1,12 25 1,06 30 1,00 35 0,94 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 Current ratings for control cables – HD 627 S1 Number of loaded cores 3 laying in air Current ratings in Ampere (A) 24 32 42 Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOHFRUHV The conversion factors are to be used for laying the cables in ground or in air, to the values given in above tables Number of loaded cores 5 7 10 14 19 24 40 61 Laying in air 0,75 0,65 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30 TYPE: N2XCH 0,6/1 kV Halogen- free low smoke power cables with copper concentric conductor NORM: DIN VDE 0276-604 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare annealed copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or circular or circular compacted stranded class 2 (RM) or stranded sector - shaped conductor class 2 (SM) acc. to EN 60228 cross-linked polyethylene Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Separator: tape Sheath: thermoplastic halogen - free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: black &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ acc. to HD 308 S2 or HD 186 Conductor: 2-core 3-core 3 core* 4-core 5-core FRUH * For certain application only. without protective conductor blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black blue, brown, black, grey blue, brown, black, grey, black black with numbering Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 Flame retardant: VDE 0482-266-2-4, IEC 60332-3-24 Category C POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 68 page Smoke density: VDE 0482-1034-2, IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: ',1(1,(&S+FRQGXFWLYLW\6FP The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: XLPE insulated and halogen-free thermoplastic compound sheathed power and auxiliary FRQWUROFDEOHVIRUWKHVXSSO\RIHOHFWULFDOHQHUJ\6SHFLDOIRULQVWDOODWLRQVZKHUH¿UHDQG emissions of smoke and toxic fumes create a potential threat (hotels, airports, underground stations, reilway stations, hospitals, banks, theaters etc.). The concentric conductor with a traverse spiral of copper serves as a screen and can be used as PE or PEN conductor. Not suitable for use in water. Standard length cable packing: 500 or 100 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and crosssectional area of conductor Nominal thickness of insulation Nominal thickness of sheath Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 2 x 1.5RE/1,5 2 x 2.5RE/2,5 2 x 4RE/4 2 x 6RE/6 2 x 10RE/10 2 x 16RE/16 2 x 16RM/16 2 x 25RM/16 3 x 1,5RE/1,5 3 x 2,5RE/2,5 3 x 4RE/4 3 x 6RE/6 3 x 10RE/10 3 x 16RE/16 3 x 16RM/16 3 x 25RM/16 3 x 35RM/16 3 x 50 SM /25 3 x 70 SM /35 3 x 95 SM /50 3 x 120 SM /70 3 x 150 SM /70 3 x 185 SM /95 3 x 240 SM /120 4 x 1,5RE/1,5 4 x 2,5RE/2,5 4 x 4RE/4 4 x 6RE/6 4 x 10RE/10 4 x 16RE/16 4 x 16RM/16 4 x 25RM/16 4 x 35RM/16 4 x 35 SM /16 4 x 50 SM /25 4 x 70 SM /35 4 x 95 SM /50 4 x 120 SM /70 4 x 150 SM /70 4 x 185 SM /95 4 x 240 SM /120 7 x 1,5RE/2,5 7 x 2,5RE/2,5 7 x 4RE/4 10 x 1,5RE/2,5 10 x 2,5RE/4 10 x 4RE/6 12 x 1,5RE/2,5 12 x 2,5RE/4 12 x 4RE/6 mm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 mm 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 mm 10,7 11,5 12,8 14,1 15,8 18,3 19,1 22,9 11,1 12,0 13,4 14,7 16,7 19,2 20,1 24,3 26,6 29,4 34,5 37,9 42,3 46,8 51,2 56,9 11,9 12,8 14,3 15,8 18,0 20,7 21,7 26,4 29,1 26,8 29,4 34,5 38,1 42,9 47,0 51,4 57,1 13,5 14,6 16,6 16,4 18,4 20,5 16,9 18,8 21,1 NJNP 157 196 261 335 479 695 726 1025 174 222 300 389 574 831 865 1253 1584 1881 2656 3527 4476 5384 6734 8688 206 256 348 457 681 991 1031 1513 1955 1745 2324 3290 4419 5634 6769 8464 10948 276 356 500 376 512 699 412 565 780 NP 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,367/ 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,367/ 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 4,61 / 3,08 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 4,61 / 3,08 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 69 page 14 x 1,5RE/2,5 14 x 2,5RE/4 14 x 4RE/6 15 x 1,5RE/2,5 16 x 1,5RE/4 16 x 2,5RE/6 19 x 1,5RE/4 19 x 2,5RE/6 19 x 4RE/10 24 x 1,5RE/6 24 x 2,5RE/10 30 x 1,5RE/6 30 x 1,5RE/10 30 x 2,5RE/10 40 x 1,5RE/10 40 x 2,5RE/10 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,5 17,6 19,7 22,2 18,4 18,8 20,9 19,6 22,0 24,4 22,6 25,2 23,7 24,1 26,7 26,7 29,5 454 627 880 490 521 712 579 809 1143 734 1027 848 887 1210 1102 1510 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 4,61 / 3,08 12,1 / 7,41 12,1 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 12,1 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 4,61 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 12,1 / 1,83 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 1,83 7,41 / 1,83 Current ratings* Operating temperature at conductor 70o&DPELHQWDLUWHPSHUDWXUHoC Installation Number of loaded cores 3 Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 300 400 500 1) 3 laying in air Current ratings in Ampere (A) 25 33 43 54 75 100 136 165 201 255 314 364 416 480 565 643 737 807 27 36 47 59 81 109 146 179 218 275 336 388 438 501 580 654 733 825 Rated current for direct current systems with a far-distanced return conductor. Correction factors for various ambient air temperatures Ambient temperature, °C) 10 15 1,22 1,17 Rating factor 20 1,12 25 1,06 30 1,00 35 0,94 40 0,87 45 0,79 50 0,71 Current ratings for control cables – HD 627 S1 Number of loaded cores 3 Cross-section, mm2 1,5 2,5 4 Current ratings in Ampere (A) 25 33 43 laying in air &RQYHUVLRQIDFWRUVIRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOHFRUHV The conversion factors are to be used for laying the cables in ground or in air, to the values given in above tables Number of loaded cores Laying in air 5 0,75 7 0,65 10 0,55 14 0,50 19 0,45 24 0,40 40 0,35 61 0,30 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 70 page HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE FIRE RESISTANT POWER CABLES (N)HXH FE180/E 30, (N)HXCH FE180/E 30, (N)HXH FE180/E 90, (N)HXCH FE180/E 90 TYPE: FLAME-X 950, (N)HXH FE180/E 30 0,6/1 kV +DORJHQIUHHORZVPRNHÀUHUHVLVWDQWVHFXULW\SRZHUFDEOHV NORM: DIN VDE 0266, DIN 4102-12 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or stranded circular or circular compacted class 2 (RM) acc. to EN 60228 VSHFLDO¿UHUHVLVWDQWFURVVOLQNHGFRPSRXQG Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Sheath: thermoplastic halogen- free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: orange &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 Conductor: ZLWKRXWSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU2 1-core black 2-core blue, brown 3-core brown, black, grey 3 core* blue, brown, black 4-core blue, brown, black, grey 4-core* — 5-core blue, brown, black, grey, black more 5-core black with numbering * For certain application only. Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC ZLWKSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU- green-yellow — green-yellow, blue, brown — green-yellow, brown, black, grey green-yellow, blue, brown, black green-yellow, blue, brown, black, grey green-yellow, others cores black with numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 ,QVXODWLRQLQWHJULW\)( DIN VDE 0472-814 (800oC, 180 min.), IEC 60331-21 System integrity E30: DIN 4102-12 (30 min.) Flame retardant: DIN VDE 0472-804 C, IEC 60332-3 Category A Smoke density: VDE 0482-1034-2, IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: VDE 0482-267-2-2, IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 2,5 PS/mm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: Standard length cable packing: Fire resistant security cables for installation everywhere where high safety requirements KDYHDVSHFLDOVLJQL¿FDQFHHJLQLQGXVWULDOFRPSOH[HVSRZHUVWDWLRQVSXEOLFEXLOGLQJV hotels, underground railway systems, hospitals etc. 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 1 x 1,5 RE 1 x 2,5 RE 1 x 4 RE 1 x 6 RE mm 6,4 6,7 7,2 7,7 NJNP 57 69 87 109 NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 71 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 1 x 10 RE 1 x 16 RM 1 x 25 RM 1 x 35 RM 1 x 50 RM 1 x 70 RM 1 x 95 RM 1 x 120 RM 1 x 150 RM 1 x 185 RM 1 x 240 RM 1 x 300 RM 2 x 1,5 RE 2 x 2,5 RE 2 x 4 RE 2 x 6 RE 2 x 10 RE 2 x 16 RM 2 x 25 RM 3 x 1,5 RE 3 x 2,5 RE 3 x 4 RE 3 x 6 RE 3 x 10 RE 3 x 16 RM 3 x 25 RM 3 x 35 RM 3 x 50 RM 3 x 70 RM 3 x 95 RM 3 x 120 RM 3 x 150 RM 3 x 185 RM 3 x 240 RM 4 x 1,5 RE 4 x 2,5 RE 4 x 4 RE 4 x 6 RE 4 x 10 RE 4 x 16 RM 4 x 25 RM 4 x 35 RM 4 x 50 RM 4 x 70 RM 4 x 95 RM 4 x 120 RM 4 x 150 RM 4 x 185 RM 4 x 240 RM 5 x 1,5 RE 5 x 2,5 RE 5 x 4 RE 5 x 6 RE 5 x 10 RE 5 x 10 RM 5 x 16 RM 5 x 25 RM 5 x 35 RM 5 x 50 RM 5 x 70 RM 5 x 95 RM 5 x 120 RM 5 x 150 RM mm 8,5 9,8 11,5 12,6 14,5 15,8 18,4 20,0 22,0 24,1 27,2 29,6 11,5 12,3 13,2 14,2 15,8 18,4 22,0 12,1 12,9 13,9 14,9 16,6 19,7 23,3 25,6 29,9 33,2 38,5 41,7 46,7 51,0 57,8 13,0 13,9 15,0 16,2 18,3 21,5 25,6 28,1 33,3 36,8 43,1 46,6 51,8 57,0 64,4 14,0 15,0 16,3 17,6 19,9 20,7 23,5 28,1 31,3 36,9 40,7 47,6 51,8 57,8 NJNP 152 219 323 420 561 761 1041 1285 1570 1946 2511 3118 181 217 267 328 444 636 943 204 249 312 389 539 796 1173 1514 2051 2769 3768 4605 5707 7016 9077 239 294 374 473 674 986 1466 1901 2613 3521 4841 5920 7275 9016 11625 279 347 445 565 811 846 1194 1785 2354 3212 4334 5957 7320 9028 NP 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 72 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 5 x 185 RM 5 x 240 RM 7 x 1,5 RE 7 x 2,5 RE 7 x 4 RM 10 x 1,5 RM 10 x 2,5 RM 12 x 1,5 RM 12 x 2,5 RM 14 x 1,5 RM 14 x 2,5 RM 16 x 1,5 RM 16 x 2,5 RM 19 x 1,5 RM 19 x 2,5 RM 24 x 1,5 RM 24 x 2,5 RM 30 x 1,5 RE 30 x 2,5 RE 3 x 25RM/16RM 3 x 35RM/16RM 3 x 50RM/25RM 3 x 70RM/35RM 3 x 95RM/50RM 3 x 120RM/70RM 3 x 150RM/70RM 3 x 185RM/95RM 3 x 240RM/120RM 4 x 50RMC+25RMC 4 x 70RMC+35RMC 4 x 95RMC+50RMC 4 x 120RMC+70RMC 4 x 150RMC+70RMC mm 63,3 71,7 15,1 16,2 18,5 19,6 21,4 20,2 22,0 21,2 23,1 22,3 24,3 23,4 25,5 27,1 29,9 28,7 31,9 24,5 26,4 31,3 34,6 40,4 44,1 48,0 53,3 59,9 35,1 38,9 45,4 49,6 54,4 NJNP 11145 14410 331 419 581 498 637 548 707 609 789 679 885 760 996 947 1261 1108 1504 1361 1699 2356 3157 4318 5382 6443 8056 10365 2955 3987 5456 6782 8194 NP 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 TYPE: FLAME-X 950, (N)HXCH FE180/E 30 0,6/1 kV +DORJHQIUHHORZVPRNHÀUHUHVLVWDQWVHFXULW\SRZHUFDEOHVZLWKFRSSHUFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRU NORM: DIN VDE 0266, DIN 4102-12 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or stranded circular or circular compacted class 2 (RM) acc. to EN 60228 VSHFLDO¿UHUHVLVWDQWFURVVOLQNHGFRPSRXQG Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Concentric conductor: inner layer - round copper wires, outer layer - copper tape Separator: tape Sheath: thermoplastic halogen- free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: orange &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 2-core 3-core 3 core* 4-core more 7-core * For certain application only. Conductor: blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black blue, brown, black, grey black with numbering POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 73 page Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 ,QVXODWLRQLQWHJULW\)( DIN VDE 0472-814 (800oC, 180 min.), IEC 60331-21 System integrity E30: DIN VDE 4102-12 (30 min.) Flame retardant: DIN VDE 0472-804 C, IEC 60332-3 Category A Smoke density: DIN VDE 0472-1034-2 , IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: DIN EN 50267-2-2 (VDE 0482-276), IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 2,5 PS/mm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: Fire resistant security cables for installation everywhere where high safety requirements KDYHDVSHFLDOVLJQL¿FDQFHHJLQLQGXVWULDOFRPSOH[HVSRZHUVWDWLRQVSXEOLFEXLOGLQJV hotels, underground railway systems, hospitals etc. Standard length cable packing: 500 m or 1000m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 2 x 1,5 RE/1,5 2 x 2,5 RE/2,5 2 x 4 RE/4 2 x 6 RE/6 2 x 10 RE/10 2 x 16 RM/16 3 x 1,5 RE/1,5 3 x 2,5 RE/2,5 3 x 4 RE/4 3 x 6 RE/6 3 x 10 RE/10 3 x 16 RM/16 3 x 25 RM/16 3 x 35 RM/16 3 x 50 RM/25 3 x 70 RM/35 3 x 95 RM/50 3 x 120 RM/70 3 x 150 RM/70 3 x 185 RM/95 3 x 240 RM/120 4 x 1,5 RE/1,5 4 x 2,5 RE/2,5 4 x 4 RE/4 4 x 6 RE/6 4 x 10 RE/10 4 x 16 RM/16 4 x 25 RM/16 4 x 35 RM/16 4 x 50 RM/25 4 x 70 RM/35 4 x 95 RM/50 4 x 120 RM/70 4 x 150 RM/70 4 x 185 RM/95 4 x 240 RM/120 7 x 1,5 RE/2,5 7 x 2,5 RE/2,5 8 x 1,5 RM/2,5 8 x 2,5 RM/4 10 x 1,5 RM/2,5 10 x 2,5 RM/4 mm 13,9 14,7 15,6 16,8 18,3 21,3 14,5 15,3 16,5 17,5 19,2 22,3 26,0 28,3 32,9 36,8 42,9 46,1 51,4 56,5 63,5 15,4 16,3 17,6 19,7 20,7 24,2 28,3 31,0 36,5 40,6 47,5 51,3 56,4 61,8 70,0 17,5 18,6 19,2 20,8 21,8 23,7 NJNP 255 299 366 451 608 866 279 333 415 516 708 1019 1408 1754 2395 3236 4409 5447 6600 8184 10538 318 383 482 641 838 1215 1706 2165 2989 4022 5506 6814 8195 10234 13125 429 521 487 615 596 754 NP 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,135 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 7,41 12,5 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 74 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 12 x 1,5 RM/2,5 12 x 2,5 RM/4 14 x 1,5 RM/2,5 16 x 1,5 RM/4 19 x 1,5 RM/4 21 x 1,5 RM/6 21 x 2,5 RM/10 24 x 1,5 RM/6 24 x 2,5 RM/10 30 x 1,5 RM/6 30 x 2,5 RM/10 mm 22,4 24,4 23,4 24,4 25,8 26,9 29,5 29,5 32,6 31,3 34,9 NJNP 650 826 712 797 884 969 1275 1101 1465 1282 1749 NP 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 12,1 / 7,41 12,1 / 4,61 12,1 / 4,61 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 TYPE: FLAME-X 950, (N)HXH FE180/E 90 0,6/1 kV +DORJHQIUHHORZVPRNHÀUHUHVLVWDQWVHFXULW\SRZHUFDEOHV NORM: DIN VDE 0266, DIN 4102-12 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or stranded circular or circular compacted class 2 (RM) acc. to EN 60228 VSHFLDO¿UHUHVLVWDQWFURVVOLQNHGFRPSRXQG Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Sheath: thermoplastic halogen- free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: orange &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 Conductor: ZLWKRXWSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU2 1-core black 2-core blue, brown 3-core brown, black, grey 3 core* blue, brown, black 4-core blue, brown, black, grey 4-core* — 5-core blue, brown, black, grey, black more 5-core black with numbering * For certain application only. Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC ZLWKSURWHFWLYHFRQGXFWRU- green-yellow — green-yellow, blue, brown — green-yellow, brown, black, grey green-yellow, blue, brown, black green-yellow, blue, brown, black, grey green-yellow, others cores black with numbering /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 ,QVXODWLRQLQWHJULW\)( DIN VDE 0472-814 (800oC, 180 min.), IEC 60331-21 6\VWHPLQWHJULW\(DIN VDE 4102-12 (90 min.) Flame retardant: DIN VDE 0472-804 C, IEC 60332-3 Category A Smoke density: DIN VDE 0482-1034-2, IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: VDE 0482-267-2-2, IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 2,5 PS/mm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: Fire resistant security cables for installation everywhere where high safety requirements KDYHDVSHFLDOVLJQL¿FDQFHHJLQLQGXVWULDOFRPSOH[HVSRZHUVWDWLRQVSXEOLFEXLOGLQJV hotels, underground railway systems, hospitals etc. Standard length cable packing: 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 75 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 1 x 1,5RE 1 x 2,5RE 1 x 4RE 1 x 6RE 1 x 10RE 1 x 16RMC 1 x 25RMC 1 x 35RMC 1 x 50RMC 1 x 70RMC 1 x 95RMC 1 x 120RMC 1 x 150RMC 1 x 185RMC 1 x 240RMC 1 x 300RMC 2 x 1,5RE 2 x 2,5RE 2 x 4RE 2 x 6RE 2 x 10RE 2 x 16RMC 2 x 25RMC 3 x 1,5RE 3 x 2,5RE 3 x 4RE 3 x 6RE 3 x 10RE 3 x 16RMC 3 x 25RMC 3 x 35RMC 3 x 50RMC 3 x 70RMC 3 x 95RMC 3 x 120RMC 3 x 150RMC 3 x 185RMC 3 x 240RMC 4 x 1,5RE 4 x 2,5RE 4 x 4RE 4 x 6RE 4 x 10RE 4 x 16RMC 4 x 25RMC 4 x 35RMC 4 x 50RMC 4 x 70RMC 4 x 95RMC 4 x 120RMC 4 x 150RMC 4 x 185RMC 4 x 240RMC 5 x 1,5RE 5 x 2,5RE 5 x 4RE 5 x 6RE 5 x 10RE 5 x 16RMC 5 x 25RMC 5 x 35RMC 5 x 50RMC 5 x 70RMC mm 7,4 7,7 8,2 8,7 9,5 10,8 12,5 13,6 15,5 17,0 19,8 21,2 23,6 25,7 29,0 31,6 14,1 14,9 15,8 16,8 18,4 21,0 24,4 14,8 15,6 16,6 17,7 19,4 22,2 25,9 28,2 32,8 36,0 41,6 45,1 50,3 55,4 62,5 16,0 16,9 18,0 19,2 21,1 24,3 28,4 31,2 36,3 39,8 46,6 50,1 56,2 61,4 69,5 17,3 18,3 19,6 20,9 23,0 26,6 31,4 34,6 40,2 44,2 NJNP 71 84 102 125 170 240 346 446 590 801 1094 1333 1642 2023 2609 3237 262 303 359 426 551 760 1077 291 340 410 495 655 918 1319 1672 2266 2989 4058 4945 6107 7558 9717 339 401 488 594 799 1131 1636 2103 2848 3779 5191 6297 7807 9597 12383 396 472 578 708 959 1366 2002 2595 3493 4666 NP 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 0,0601 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 3,08 1,83 1,15 0,727 0,524 0,387 0,268 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 76 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 5 x 95RMC 5 x 120RMC 5 x 150RMC 5 x 185RMC 5 x 240RMC 7 x 1,5RE 7 x 2,5RE 7 x 4RM 8 x 1,5RM 10 x 1,5RM 10 x 2,5RM 12 x 1,5RM 12 x 2,5RM 14 x 1,5RM 14 x 2,5RM 19 x 1,5RM 19 x 2,5RM 24 x 1,5RM 24 x 2,5RM 30 x 1,5RM 30 x 2,5RM 3 x 25RMC+16RMC 3 x 35RMC+16RMC 3 x 50RMC+25RMC 3 x 70RMC+35RMC 3 x 95RMC+50RMC 3 x 120RMC+70RMC 3 x 150RMC+70RMC 3 x 185RMC+95RMC 3 x 240RMC+120RMC 4 x 50RMC+25RMC 4 x 70RMC+35RMC 4 x 95RMC+50RMC 4 x 120RMC+70RMC 4 x 150RMC+70RMC mm 51,5 55,9 62,3 68,4 77,4 18,7 19,8 22,1 20,7 24,0 25,8 24,8 26,6 26,0 27,9 28,8 31,3 34,1 36,9 36,3 39,1 27,6 29,5 34,5 37,8 44,1 47,7 51,9 57,9 64,7 38,56 42,45 49,58 53,53 58,99 NJNP 6376 7805 9626 11878 15328 466 562 742 542 683 836 749 923 829 1027 1032 1321 1340 1688 1573 1975 1542 1895 2600 3424 4692 5764 6908 8658 11067 3246 4310 5905 7244 8787 NP 0,193 0,153 0,124 0,0991 0,0754 12,1 7,41 4,61 12,1 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 12,1 7,41 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,0754 / 0,153 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 TYPE: FLAME-X 950, (N)HXCH FE180/E 90 0,6/1 kV +DORJHQIUHHORZVPRNHÀUHUHVLVWDQWVHFXULW\SRZHUFDEOHVZLWKFRSSHUFRQFHQWULFFRQGXFWRU NORM: DIN VDE 0266, DIN 4102-12 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: bare copper conductor, circular solid class 1 (RE) or stranded circular or circular compacted class 2 (RM) acc. to EN 60228 VSHFLDO¿UHUHVLVWDQWFURVVOLQNHGFRPSRXQG Inner covering: VSHFLDOÀDPHUHWDUGDQWDQGKDORJHQIUHHFRPSRXQG Concentric conductor: inner layer - round copper wires, outer layer - copper tape Separator: tape Sheath: thermoplastic halogen- free compound type HM4 acc. to HD 604 S1 Colour of sheath: orange Conductor: &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ DIN VDE 0293-308, HD 308 S2 2-core 3-core 3 core* 4-core more 7-core * For certain application only. blue, brown brown, black, grey blue, brown, black blue, brown, black, grey black with numbering POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 77 page Maximum conductor operating temperature: +90oC /RZHVWDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHIRUÀ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQ-30oC Lowest installation temperature: -5oC Maximum short-circuit conductor temperature: +250oC Minimum bending radius: ['IRUVLQJOHFRUHFDEOH['IRUPXOWLFRUHFDEOH'LVWKHRYHUDOOGLDPHWHURIWKHFDEOH Maximum permissible tensile stress with cable grip for Cu-conductor: 50 N/mm2 ,QVXODWLRQLQWHJULW\)( DIN VDE 0472-814 (800oC, 180 min.), IEC 60331-21 6\VWHPLQWHJULW\(DIN VDE 4102-12 (90 min.) Flame retardant: DIN VDE 0472-804 C, IEC 60332-3 Category A Smoke density: DIN VDE 0472-1034-2 , IEC 61034-2: light transmittance values > 70% Gases evolved during combustion: DIN EN 50267-2-2 (VDE 0482-276), IEC 60754-2: pH tFRQGXFWLYLW\d 2,5 PS/mm The product is conformed with the RoHS Direktive 2002/95/CE, Low-Voltage Direktive 73/23/EEC and 93/68/ECC Application: Fire resistant security cables for installation everywhere where high safety requirements KDYHDVSHFLDOVLJQL¿FDQFHHJLQLQGXVWULDOFRPSOH[HVSRZHUVWDWLRQVSXEOLFEXLOGLQJV hotels, underground railway systems, hospitals etc. Standard length cable packing: 500 m on drums. Other forms of packing and delivery are available on request. Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 2 x 1,5 RE/1,5 2 x 2,5 RE/2,5 2 x 4 RE/4 2 x 6 RE/6 2 x 10 RE/10 2 x 16 RM/16 2 x 25 RM/16 2 x 35 RM/16 3 x 1,5 RE/1,5 3 x 2,5 RE/2,5 3 x 4 RE/4 3 x 6 RE/6 3 x 10 RE/10 3 x 16 RM/16 3 x 25 RM/16 3 x 35 RM/16 3 x 50 RM/25 3 x 70 RM/35 3 x 95 RM/50 3 x 120 RM/70 3 x 150 RM/70 3 x 185 RM/95 4 x 1,5 RE/1,5 4 x 2,5 RE/2,5 4 x 4 RE/4 4 x 6 RE/6 4 x 10 RE/10 4 x 16 RM/16 4 x 25 RM/16 4 x 35 RM/16 4 x 50 RM/25 4 x 70 RM/35 4 x 95 RM/50 4 x 120 RM/70 4 x 150 RM/70 4 x 185 RM/95 4 x 240 RM/120 7 x 1,5 RE/2,5 7 x 2,5 RE/2,5 7 x 4 RE/4 10 x 1,5 RM/2,5 10 x 2,5 RM/4 mm 15,9 16,7 17,8 18,8 20,3 23,3 26,7 28,8 16,6 17,4 18,6 19,7 21,4 24,5 28,2 30,4 35,7 39,1 45,7 49,3 54,6 59,7 17,8 18,7 20,0 21,5 23,1 26,6 30,7 33,4 39,1 43,0 49,9 54,4 60,6 65,9 74,1 20,5 21,6 24,1 25,8 27,5 NJNP 323 369 442 530 694 965 1287 1561 353 409 495 601 801 1125 1531 1889 2603 3428 4669 5778 6963 8678 405 471 576 706 948 1341 1855 2328 3197 4230 5800 7153 8719 10774 13820 539 639 837 771 935 NP 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,387 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 12,1 / 12,1 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 3,08 / 3,08 1,83 / 1,83 1,15 / 1,15 0,727 / 1,15 0,524 / 1,15 0,387 / 0,727 0,268 / 0,524 0,193 / 0,268 0,153 / 0,268 0,124 / 0,268 0,0991 / 0,193 0,754 / 0,153 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 7,41 4,61 / 4,61 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 78 page Number and cross-sectional area of conductor Approximate overall diameter Approximate net weight of cables Maximum conductor resistance at 20oC n x mm2 12 x 1,5 RM/2,5 12 x 2,5 RM/4 16 x 2,5 RM/6 19 x 1,5 RM/4 19 x 2,5 RM/6 21 x 1,5 RM/6 21 x 2,5 RM/10 24 x 1,5 RM/6 24 x 2,5 RM/10 mm 26,5 28,3 31,6 30,8 33,5 32,4 35,3 36,3 39,1 NJNP 839 1023 1294 1153 1473 1264 1642 1500 1894 NP 12,1 / 7,41 7,41 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 12,1 / 4,61 7,41 / 3,08 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 12,1 / 3,08 7,41 / 1,83 POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 79 page 80 page CHAPTER VII MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 81 page MEDIUM VOLTAGE XLPE INSULATED POWER CABLES AHXAMK-W, TSLE, AXCEL, AHXCMK-WTC, MV_HV_EHVP TYPE: AHXAMK-W 6/10/(12) kV Completely Watertight Power Cable NORM: SFS 5636, HD 620 5F, IEC 60502 CONSTRUCTION: 1. - Round, stranded and compacted watertight aluminium conductor 2. - Three cores are stranded around the centre copper conductor 3. - Semi-conductive XLPE 4. - XLPE compound 5. - Semi-conductive XLPE and water swellable semi-conductive tape 6. - Aluminium foil bonded tightly to sheath providing radial waterightness 7. - Black weather resistant PE - Laying in ground Application: - Laying in air Highest permissible conductor - Continous operation 90°C - Short circuit (duration max 5 s) 250°C temperature: -20°C Lowest recommended temperature during laying: DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter and tolerance Minimum thickness semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average XLPE Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Diameter over insulation Metalling screen Oversheath thickness nominal PE Approximate overall diameter - completed cable (De) Centre conductor Weight of complete cable (Approx.) UNIT DETAILS 3x120+35 3x150+35 [ [ 3x300+70 3x70+35 [ sqmm mm 70 9.5 +0,2 95 11.3+0,2 120 12.5+0,2 150 14.7+0,2 185 15.8+0,2 240 17.8+0,1 300 20.3+0,4 mm 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 mm 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 3.40 mm mm 2.96 29.00 mm 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 2.96 17.80 19.60 20.80 23.00 24.10 26.00 Aluminium foil bonded tightly to sheath providing radial watertightness 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 mm 54.8 79.4 2.50 Diameter of wooden drum - type Maximum length per drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable mm Maximum D.C. resistance of phase conductor at 20°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 90°C Induction reactance Capacitance reactance NP 58.7 61.3 66.0 68.4 72.4 Round, stranded and compacted copper conductor 2220 2560 2840 3220 3640 4540 DELIVERY DATA 2000 2200 2200 2400 2400 2400 K20 K22 K22 K24 K24 K24 500 500 500 500 500 400 1860 1850 1990 2240 2450 2450 ELECTRICAL DATA 0.4430 0.3200 0.2530 0.2060 0.1640 0.1250 NP 0.5690 0.4110 0.3250 0.2650 0.2110 0.1650 0.1300 NP NNP 0.1214 12.40 0.1150 10.95 0.1115 10.20 0.1062 9.00 0.1032 8.50 0.0997 7.80 0.0959 6.90 kg/km m kg MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 5340 2400 K24 400 2770 0.1000 82 page Recommended min. bending radius for laying - phase - cable Recommended permissible EHQGLQJUDGLXVDW¿QDOLQVWDOODWLRQ - phase - cable MECHANICAL DATA m m m m 0.63 0.75 0.71 0.83 0.76 0.90 0.79 0.93 0.84 1.00 0.91 1.07 0.47 0.50 0.53 0.56 0.60 0.62 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS 0.57 0.67 0.60 0.69 0.63 0.75 0.68 0.80 11.60 14.50 17.80 23.10 28.90 285 320 315 360 360 420 415 500 470 570 Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit Current for 1 sec. (IEC 949) 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 6.80 in earth in air A A 210 230 0.68 0.80 9.20 AMPACITY 250 280 Current rating guideline (Calculated according to IEC Publ. 287 and the following conditions) Ground temperature max. 20°C Ambient air temperature max. 25°C Laying depth 0.70m Ground thermal resistivity 1.0 K•m/W TYPE: AHXAMK-W 12/20/(24) kV Completely Watertight Power Cable NORM: SFS 5636, HD 620 5F, IEC 60502 CONSTRUCTION: 1. Round, stranded and compacted watertight aluminium conductor 2. Three cores are stranded around the centre copper conductor 3. Semi-conductive XLPE 4. XLPE compound 5. Semi-conductive XLPE and water swellable semi-conductive tape 6. Aluminium foil bonded tightly to sheath providing radial waterightness 7. Black weather resistant PE - Laying in ground Application: - Laying in air Highest permissible conductor - Continous operation 90°C - Short circuit (duration max 5 s) 250°C temperature: -20°C Lowest recommended temperature during laying: DESCRIPTION UNIT CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor sqmm Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter and tolerance mm Minimum thickness semi-conducting mm XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum mm average XLPE Insulation thickness: minimum at a point mm Diameter over insulation mm Metalling screen Oversheath thickness nominal PE mm Approximate overall diameter mm - completed cable (De) Centre conductor Weight of complete cable (Approx.) kg/km DETAILS 3x70+35 [ 3x120+35 3x150+35 [ [ 3x300+70 70 9.5 +0,2 95 11.3+0,2 120 12.5+0,2 150 14.7+0,2 185 15.8+0,2 240 17.8+0,1 300 20.3+0,4 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.85 22.00 23.80 25.00 27.20 28.30 30.20 Aluminium foil bonded tightly to sheath providing radial watertightness 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 4.85 33.20 63.8 88.4 2730 67.4 70.3 75.0 77.4 81.5 Round, stranded and compacted copper conductor 3120 3430 3850 4280 5220 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 2.50 6080 83 page Diameter of wooden drum - type Maximum length per drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable Maximum D.C. resistance of phase conductor at 20°C A.C. resistance of phase conductor at 90°C Induction reactance Capacitance reactance mm m kg DELIVERY DATA 2400 2400 K24 K24 500 500 2000 2200 ELECTRICAL DATA 2400 K24 500 2350 2400 K24 400 2170 2400 K24 400 2350 2400 K24 300 2200 2400 K24 300 2460 NP 0.4430 0.3200 0.2530 0.2060 0.1640 0.1250 0.1000 NP 0.5690 0.4110 0.3250 0.2650 0.2110 0.1650 0.1300 NP NNP 0.1311 0.1241 0.1202 17.75 15.85 14.80 MECHANICAL DATA 0.1143 13.20 0.1109 12.55 0.1071 11.55 0.1026 10.25 0.81 0.95 0.87 1.00 0.90 1.05 0.94 1.10 1.00 1.15 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.65 0.68 0.72 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS 0.65 0.75 0.67 0.78 0.70 0.82 0.75 0.86 11.60 14.50 17.80 23.10 28.90 285 335 320 375 360 430 420 515 475 585 Recommended min. bending radius for laying - phase - cable Recommended permissible bending UDGLXVDW¿QDOLQVWDOODWLRQ - phase - cable m m m m 0.74 0.87 Maximum permissible thermal short-Circuit Current for 1 sec. (IEC 949) 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 6.80 in earth in air A A 210 240 0.78 0.90 9.20 AMPACITY 250 290 Current rating guideline (Calculated according to IEC Publ. 287 and the following conditions) Ground temperature max. 20°C Ambient air temperature max. 25°C Laying depth 0.70m Ground thermal resistivity 1.0 K•m/W TYPE: TSLE 6/10 kV * Completely Watertight Power Cable NORM: SFS 5636, HD 620 5F, IEC 60502 CONSTRUCTION: 1. Round, stranded and compacted aluminium conductor. Class B. Longitudinally watertight 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE - Dry cured 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen – fully bonded 5. Semi-conducting swelling tape 6. Metallic screen: copper wires helix and copper counter helix tape 7. Semi-conducting swelling tape 8. Laminated aluminium foil 9. Sheath: MDPE - Laying in ground - Laying in ducts - Laying in air Highest permissible conductor - Continous operation 90°C - Overload 130°C temperature: - Short circuit (duration max 5 s) 250°C -20°C Lowest recommended temperature during laying: Application: * We offer also: 7/12 kV, 14/24 kV MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 84 page MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 85 page 1x10x0,10 ~ 0,5 0,25 1,8 28,8 950 1x10x0,10 ~ 0,5 0,25 1,7 26,8 740 0,5690 0,398 0,8250 0,422 990 0,4430 920 kg 1000 0,6410 1000 16A 36x0,95 22x0,95 16A 19,5 17,7 0,378 0,4150 0,3200 1210 1000 16A 1,6 2,96 2,96 1,6 3,40 11,3 +0,20 9,5 +0,20 3,40 95 70 0,3 Aluminium Aluminium 0,3 1x95/25 1x70/16 1,6 m m Maximum D.C. conductor NP resistance at 20°C Maximum A.C. conductor NP resistance at 90°C Operating inductance mH/km - trefoil formation Diameter of wooden drum - type Maximum length per drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable DESCRIPTION UNIT 1x50/16 CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor Aluminium - mataerial Nominal cross sectional 2 mm 50 area Conductor diameter and mm 8,5 +0,10 tolerance Minimum thickness semiconducting XLPE on mm 0,3 conductor Insulation thickness: mm 3,40 minimum average XLPE Insulation thickness: mm 2,96 minimum at a point Diameter over insulation mm 16,6 -nominal Metallic screen Copper No x mm 22x0,95 Wires Copper counter helix tape Noxmm 1x10x0,10 Thickness of semimm ~ 0,5 conductive swelling tape Thickness of aluminium mm 0,25 foil Nominal outer sheath mm 1,7 thickness Approximate overall diameter completed cable mm 25,7 (De) Weight of complete kg/km 660 cable (Approx.) 0,366 0,3250 0,2530 1400 1000 18 1,8 1050 30,0 1,8 0,25 ~ 0,5 1530 1000 18 1,8 1750 1000 0,347 0,2650 0,2060 18 1,8 1400 33,5 1,9 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 24,0 2,96 3,40 0,3 15,8 +0,20 185 Aluminium 0,340 0,2150 0,1640 0,329 0,2650 0,1250 1950 1000 18 1,8 1600 35,6 2,0 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 25,9 2,96 3,40 0,3 17,8 +0,10 240 Aluminium DETAILS 1x185/35 1x240/35 DELIVERY DATE 1180 32,4 1,9 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 36x0,95 22,9 2,96 3,40 0,3 14,7 +0,20 150 Aluminium 1x150/25 ELECTRICAL DATA 1x10x0,10 36x0,95 20,7 2,96 3,40 0,3 12,5 +0,20 120 Aluminium 1x120/25 0,318 0,1300 0,1000 2380 1000 20B 2,0 1880 39,1 2,1 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 29,0 2,96 3,40 0,3 20,3 +0,40 300 Aluminium 1x300/35 0,308 0,1050 0,0778 2820 1000 22M 2,2 2170 41,8 2,2 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 31,5 2,96 3,40 0,3 22,9 +0,30 400 Aluminium 1x400/35 0,299 0,8000 0,0605 3140 1000 22A 2,2 2550 44,9 2,3 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 34,4 2,96 3,40 0,3 25,7 +0,40 500 Aluminium 1x500/35 0,293 0,0650 0,0469 2190 500 22M 2,2 3080 49,5 2,4 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 38,4 2,96 3,40 0,3 29,3 +0,40 630 Aluminium 1x630/35 0,286 0,0550 0,0367 2480 500 22M 2,2 3660 53,9 2,5 0,25 ~ 0,5 1x10x0,10 50x0,95 42,6 2,96 3,40 0,5 33,0 +0,50 800 Aluminium 1x800/35 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 86 page 1,5 kN 171 194 183 219 A A A A 4,9 0,52 m kA 0,64 228 273 208 236 6,8 2,1 0,54 0,67 0,125 0,183 0,257 12,40 0,133 0,191 0,236 13,50 NP NP µF/km NNP m 0,583 0,607 mH/km 278 333 248 281 9,2 2,85 0,58 0,72 0,119 0,177 0,291 10,95 0,563 0,532 4,5 0,65 0,81 5,55 0,68 0,84 0,107 0,165 0,376 8,45 0,525 321 384 283 318 11,6 364 432 315 350 AMPACITY 14,5 418 496 357 394 17,8 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS 3,6 0,60 0,75 0,115 0,109 0,173 0,167 0,314 0,355 10,20 9,00 MECHANICAL DATA 0,551 Current rating guideline (Calculated according to IEC Publ. 287 and the following conditions) 'LVWDQFHEHWZHHQFDEOHD[HVODLGLQÀDWIRUPDWLRQ'HPP Ground temperature 20°C Ambient air temperature 30°C Load factor 0.7 Ground thermal resistivity 1.0 K•m/W Laying depth 0.7 in earth - trefoil formation ÀDWIRUPDWLRQ in air - trefoil formation ÀDWIRUPDWLRQ Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit Current for 1 sec. (IEC949) Phase conductor ĺ& Recommended min. bending radius for laying Recommended permissible bending UDGLXVDW¿QDOLQVWDOODWLRQ Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling: - at formation (*) Induction reactance - trefoil formation ÀDWIRUPDWLRQ Mutual capacitance Capacitance reactance 494 583 413 452 23,1 7,2 0,72 0,89 0,104 0,162 0,411 7,75 0,514 568 666 466 506 28,8 9,0 0,80 0,98 0,100 0,158 0,467 6,85 0,503 660 755 529 558 38,3 12 0,84 1,04 0,097 0,155 0,514 6,20 0,493 767 868 602 627 47,9 15 0,90 1,12 0,094 0,152 0,567 5,65 0,484 855 960 665 690 60,2 18,9 1,00 1,24 0,092 0,150 0,642 4,95 0,477 970 1180 745 770 76,4 24 1,08 1,35 0,090 0,148 0,720 4,45 0,470 TYPE: AXCEL 7/12 kV ** Longitudinally Watertight Power Cable NORM: SS 424 14 16, IEC 60502 CONSTRUCTION: 1. Round, stranded and compacted aluminium. Conductor class B. Longitudinally watertight 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE - dry cured 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen 5. Separate screen ( semi-cobnductive band for each conductor ) 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQFRSSHUZLUHVZLWKFRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH 7. Separator 8. Sheath: black PE - Laying in ground Application: - Laying in air Highest permissible conductor - Continous operation 90°C - Short circuit (duration max 5 s) 250°C temperature: Lowest recommended temperature during laying: -20°C :HRIIHUDOVRN9 DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter and tolerance Minimum thickness semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average XLPE Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Diameter over insulation Minimum thickness semi-conducting XLPE on insulation Thickness semi-conductove tape Diameter over stranded cable core Thickness semi-conductove tape Metalling screen Copper Wires ZLWKFRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Thickness of separate tape Oversheath thickness minimum at a point Oversheath thickness nominal PE Approximate overall diameter completed cable (De) Weight of complete cable (Approx.) Diameter of wooden drum - type Maximum length per drum Weight of heaviest reel, including cable UNIT [ m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 50 9.6 +0,1 0.30 3.40 2.96 15.00 0.30 0.50 36.50 0.50 DETAILS [ [ Aliuminium 95 150 11.3+0,2 14.7+0,2 0.30 0.30 3.40 3.40 2.96 2.96 19.50 22.90 0.30 0.30 0.50 0.50 46.20 53.20 0.50 0.50 No x mm 22 x 0.95 22 x 0.95 36 x 0.95 Noxmmxmm 1 x 10 x 0.10 1 x 10 x 0.10 1 x 10 x 0.10 mm 0.30 0.30 0.30 mm 1.94 2.19 2.45 mm 2.40 2.70 3.00 mm 44.60 54.90 62.80 kg/km 1290 2100 2870 DELIVERY DATA m 1.8 2.0 2.4 K18 K20 K24 m 500 500 500 kg 970 1540 2060 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES [ 240 17.8+0,1 0.30 3.40 2.96 25.90 0.30 0.50 60.00 0.50 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.10 0.30 2.62 3.20 69.70 3970 2.4 K24 500 2610 87 page ELECTRICAL DATA NP 0.6410 NP 0.8230 NP 1.06 NP 1.32 mH/km 0.3872 NP 0.1216 µF/km 0.2055 NNP 15.50 MECHANICAL DATA m 0.54 Recommended min. bending radius for laying 5HFRPPHQGHGSHUPLVVLEOHEHQGLQJUDGLXVDW¿QDOLQVWDOODWLRQ m 0.45 Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling: kN 4.50 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit Current for 1 sec. (IEC 949) kA 4.90 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& kA 3.15 AMPACITY A 165 in earth in air A 165 Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20°C A.C. conductor resistance at 90°C Maximum D.C. screen resistance at 20°C A.C. screen resistance at 80°C Operating inductance Induction reactance Mutual capacitance Capacitance reactance •Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Load factor • Ground thermal resistivity 0.3200 0.4110 1.06 1.32 0.3250 0.1021 0.2907 10.95 0.2060 0.2650 0.72 0.89 0.3022 0.0949 0.3545 9.00 0.1250 0.1610 0.51 0.63 0.2713 0.0852 0.4106 7.75 0.66 0.55 8.55 0.75 0.60 13.50 0.84 0.68 21.60 9.25 3.15 14.50 5.00 23.10 7.10 240 250 310 325 410 440 20°C 25°C 0.7 1.0 K•m/W TYPE: AHXCMK-WTC 6/10/(12) kV NORM: HD620-5F CONSTRUCTION: 5RXQGVWUDQGHGVWUDQG¿OOHGDQGFRPSDFWHGDOOXPLQLXPFRQGXFWRU&ODVV 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5. Semi-conducting tape 6. Metallic screen of copper wires and copper counter tape 7. Polyester tape 8. Outer sheath of black PVC Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -5 C DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor -material -number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point UNIT No sqmm mm mm mm mm AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC [50N9 [50N9 DETAILS N9 N9 alluminium 19 150 14.4 0.3 3.40 2.96 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES alluminium 34 240 14.4 0.3 3.40 2.96 88 page DESCRIPTION Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable UNIT mm mm AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC [50N9 [50N9 DETAILS 22.6 26.1 0.41 0.41 sqmm No x mm No x mm x mm mm mm mm kg/km DELIVERY DATA mxm m kg MECHANICAL DATA Recommended min. bending radius for laying mm Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor kN ELECTRICAL DATA NP Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC NP Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] NP &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] NP SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& kA $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV in earth - trefoil formation A in duct - trefoil formation A in air - trefoil formation A 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 1.9 31 1192 35 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.0 35 1639 2.2 x 1.33 22A 1500 2378 2.2 x 1.33 22A 1500 3010 463 4.5 519 7.2 0.206 0.265 0.107 9234 0.125 0.161 0.114 7778 14.2 5.1 22.7 7.1 336 286 373 441 375 504 TYPE: AHXCMK-WTC 12/20/(24) kV NORM: HD620-5F CONSTRUCTION: 5RXQGVWUDQGHGVWUDQG¿OOHGDQGFRPSDFWHGDOOXPLQLXPFRQGXFWRU&ODVV 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5. Semi-conducting tape 6. Metallic screen of copper wires and copper counter tape 7. Polyester tape 8. Outer sheath of black PVC Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -5 C MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 89 page DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor -material -number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable Recommended min. bending radius for laying Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& in earth - trefoil formation in duct -trefoil formation in air - trefoil formation •Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Laying depth • Ground thermal resistivity UNIT AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC [50 [50 [50 [50 N9 N9 N9 N9 DETAILS N9 N9 N9 N9 No sqmm mm alluminium 7 50 8.25 alluminium 18 95 11.5 alluminium 19 150 14.4 alluminium 34 240 17.9 mm 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 mm mm mm mm 5.50 4.85 20.65 0.41 5.50 4.85 23.9 0.41 5.50 4.85 26.8 0.41 5.50 4.85 30.3 0.41 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 1.9 32 1165 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.0 35 1407 35 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.1 39 1880 2.2 x 1.33 22 1500 2338 2.2 x 1.33 22 1500 2662 2.4 x 1.45 24 1500 3572 483 529 585 2.85 4.5 7.2 0.320 0.411 0.124 15751 0.206 0.265 0.116 13480 0.125 0.161 0.108 11496 9 5.1 14.2 5.1 22.7 7.1 263 223 284 336 286 373 441 375 504 sqmm 16 No x mm 22 x 0.95 No x mm x mm 1 x 10 x 0.1 mm 0.08 mm 1.8 mm 29 kg/km 836 DELIVERY DATA mxm 2 x 1.11 20 m 1250 kg 1508 MECHANICAL DATA mm 431 kN 1.5 ELECTRICAL DATA NP 0.641 NP 0.822 NP 0.138 NP 19473 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS kA 4.7 kA 3.2 $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV A 172 A 146 A 185 20°C 30°C 0.7 m 1 K•m/W MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 90 page TYPE: HXCMK-WTC 6/10/(12) kV NORM: HD620-5F CONSTRUCTION: 5RXQGVWUDQGHGVWUDQG¿OOHGDQGFRPSDFWHGFRSSHUFRQGXFWRU&ODVV 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5. Semi-conducting tape 6. Metallic screen of copper wires and copper counter tape 7. Polyester tape 8. Outer sheath of black PVC Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -5 C HXCMK-WTC [50 N9 DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor - material - number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable HXCMK-WTC [50 N9 N9 HXCMK-WTC [50 N9 DETAILS N9 copper 7 35 7.15 0.3 3.40 2.96 15.35 0.41 copper 58 300 20.8 0.3 3.40 2.96 29 0.41 copper 60 500 26.9 0.3 3.40 2.96 35.2 0.41 16 22 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 1.6 23 805 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.1 38 3660 35 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.3 44 5714 1.6 x 1.08 16 1500 1439 2.4 x 1.45 24 1500 6242 2.8 x 1.7 28 1500 9941 345 1.75 565 15 664 25 0.524 0.668 0.133 15167 0.060 0.079 0.097 6882 0.037 0.050 0.091 5612 UNIT No sqmm mm mm mm mm mm mm sqmm No x mm No x mm x mm mm mm mm kg/km DELIVERY DATA mxm m kg MECHANICAL DATA Recommended min. bending radius for laying mm Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor kN ELECTRICAL DATA NP Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC NP Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] NP &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] NP MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES N9 91 page SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& kA $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV A in earth - trefoil formation A in duct - trefoil formation A in air - trefoil formation •Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Laying depth • Ground thermal resistivity 5 3.2 42.9 5.1 71.5 7.1 187 159 197 630 536 730 798 678 961 20°C 30°C 0.7 m 1 K•m/W TYPE: HXCMK-WTC 12/20/(24) kV NORM: HD620-5F CONSTRUCTION: 5RXQGVWUDQGHGVWUDQG¿OOHGDQGFRPSDFWHGFRSSHUFRQGXFWRU&ODVV 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5. Semi-conducting tape 6. Metallic screen of copper wires and copper counter tape 7. Polyester tape 8. Outer sheath of black PVC Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -5 C HXCMK-WTC [50 N9 DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor - material - number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable UNIT HXCMK-WTC [50 N9 DETAILS N9 N9 No sqmm mm mm mm mm mm mm copper 7 35 7.15 0.3 5.50 4.85 19.55 0.41 copper 36 150 14.8 0.3 5.50 4.85 27.2 0.41 sqmm No x mm No x mm x mm mm mm mm kg/km 16 22 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 1.8 28 978 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.0 36 2361 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 92 page 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable DELIVERY DATA mxm m kg MECHANICAL DATA Recommended min. bending radius for laying mm Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor kN ELECTRICAL DATA NP Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC NP Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] NP &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] NP SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& kA $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV A in earth - trefoil formation A in duct - trefoil formation A in air - trefoil formation •Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Laying depth • Ground thermal resistivity 2 x 1.11 20 1300 1734 2.2 x 1.33 22 1500 4094 414 1.75 535 7.5 0.524 0.668 0.144 21192 0.124 0.159 0.115 13219 5 3.2 21.5 5.1 189 161 200 431 366 478 20°C 30°C 0.7 m 1 K•m/W TYPE: AHXCMK-WTC 6/10/(12) kV NORM: HD-620 6F CONSTRUCTION: 1. Round, stranded and compacted WTC aluminium conductor. Class 2. 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE, dry cured 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5.Semiconducting tape 6. Assembly of cores 7. Semi-conducting tape 8. Metallic screen of copper wires and counter copper tape 9. Polyester tape 10. Outer sheath of black PE Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -20 C MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 93 page DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor - material - number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable UNIT AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC [50N9 [50N9 DETAILS N9 N9 No sqmm mm mm mm mm mm mm sqmm No x mm No x mm x mm mm mm mm kg/km DELIVERY DATA mxm m kg MECHANICAL DATA Recommended min. bending radius for laying mm Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor kN ELECTRICAL DATA NP Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC NP Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] NP &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] NP SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& kA 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& kA $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV A in earth - trefoil formation A in duct - trefoil formation A in air - trefoil formation •Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Laying depth • Ground thermal resistivity aluminium 19 150 14.4 0.3 3.30 2.87 22 0.4 aluminium 34 240 18 0.3 3.30 2.87 25.6 0.4 25 36 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 2.8 62 2886.4 35 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 3.1 71 4048.9 2.8 x 1.7 28 A 800 3679 2.4 x 1.45 24 A 560 2977 936 4.5 1058 7.2 0.206 0.265 0.088 19595 0.125 0.162 0.084 17254 14.2 5.1 22.7 7.1 310 264 330 404 343 440 20°C 25°C 0.7 m 1 K•m/W MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 94 page TYPE: AHXCMK-WTC 12/20/(24) kV NORM: HD-620 6F CONSTRUCTION: 1. Round, stranded and compacted WTC aluminium conductor. Class 2. 2. Extruded semi-conducting conductor screen 3. Insulation XLPE, dry cured 4. Extruded semi-conducting insulation screen, fully bonded 5.Semiconducting tape 6. Assembly of cores 7. Semi-conducting tape 8. Metallic screen of copper wires and counter copper tape 9. Polyester tape 10. Outer sheath of black PE Laying in ground Application Laying in air Highest permissible conductor Continuous operation 90 C Overload 130 C temperature Short circuit 250 C(duration max 5 s) Laying is possible without any special measures at natural cable temperatures not lower than -20 C DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DATA Conductor -material -number of wires Nominal cross sectional area Conductor diameter Minimum thickness of semi-conducting XLPE on conductor Insulation thickness: minimum average Insulation thickness: minimum at a point Approximate diameter over insulation Nominal thickness of semi-conducting tape Metallic screen - nominal cross sectional area - copper wires FRSSHUHTXDOL]LQJWDSH Nominal thickness of polyester tape Nominal thickness of outer sheath Approximate overall diameter of complete cable Approximate weight of complete cable 'LDPHWHUDQGPD[VL]HRIZRRGHQGUXP -type Maximum length per drum Approximate weight of heaviest reel, including cable Recommended min. bending radius for laying Maximum permissible pulling force with a pulling eye on conductor UNIT AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC AHXCMK-WTC [50 [50 [50 [50 N9 N9 N9 N9 DETAILS N9 N9 N9 N9 No sqmm mm aluminium 7 50 8.25 aluminium 18 95 11.5 aluminium 19 150 14.4 aluminium 34 240 17.9 mm 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 mm mm mm mm 5.40 4.76 20.15 0.4 5.40 4.76 23.3 0.4 5.40 4.76 26.2 0.4 5.60 4.94 30.5 0.4 25 52 x 0.8 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 3.0 65 2840.3 25 52 x 0.8 1 x 10 0.1 0.08 3.2 72 3552.8 35 50 x 0.95 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 3.6 81 4832.0 2.8 x 1.7 28 780 3585 2.8 x 1.7 28 580 3431 3 x 2.025 30 550 4583 979 1079 1215 2.85 4.5 7.2 sqmm 16 No x mm 42 x 0.7 No x mm x mm 1 x 10 x 0.1 0.08 mm 2.8 mm 58 mm 2050 kg/km DELIVERY DATA mxm 2.8 x 1.7 28 m 840 3092 kg MECHANICAL DATA mm 865 kN 1.5 MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 95 page Maximum D.C. conductor resistance at 20ºC Maximum A.C. conductor resistance at 90ºC 6WDUUHDFWDQFHDW+] &DSDFLW\UHDFWDQFH+] Maximum permissible thermal short-circuit current for 1 sec. 3KDVHFRQGXFWRUĺ& 0HWDOOLFVFUHHQĺ& in earth - trefoil formation in duct - trefoil formation in air - trefoil formation • Ground temperature • Ambient air temperature • Laying depth • Ground thermal resistivity ELECTRICAL DATA NP 0.641 NP 0.822 NP 0.118 NP 31298 SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENTS kA 4.7 kA 3.2 $03$&,7<ERWKHQGV 168 A 143 A 182 A 0.320 0.411 0.106 26323 0.206 0.265 0.099 23287 0.125 0.161 0.095 20938 9 5.1 14.2 5.1 22.7 7.1 242 206 253 310 264 330 404 343 440 20°C 25°C 0.7 m 1 K•m/W MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 96 page MV, HV, EHV POWER CABLES ;/3(LQVXODWHGSRZHUFDEOHVUDWHGYROWDJHN9 type: N2XSY, N2XS2Y, NA2XSY, NA2XS2Y * we offer also single core cables in triplex formation ;/3(LQVXODWHGORQJLWXGLQDOO\VHDOHGSRZHUFDEOHVUDWHGYROWDJHN9 type: N2XS(F)2Y, NA2XS(F)2Y * we offer also single core cables in triplex formation ;/3(LQVXODWHGORQJLWXGLQDOO\DQGUDGLDOVHDOHGSRZHUFDEOHVUDWHGYROWDJHN9 type: N2XS(FL)2Y, NA2XS(FL)2Y * we offer also single core cables in triplex formation ;/3(LQVXODWHGSRZHUFDEOHVUDWHGYROWDJH type: N2XSEY, NA2XSEY, N2XSE2Y, NA2XSE2Y Power cables with copper or aluminium conductors, extruded XLPE insulation, longitudinally and radial VHDOHGRUOHDGVKHDWKHGZLWK3(RXWHUVKHDWKIRUUDWHGYROWDJHDERYHN9XSWRN9 type: XRUH(A)KXS, N(A)2XS(FL)2Y, TSLE, AXLJ-TT, Cu/XLPE/CWS/LT/PE MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 97 page MEDIUM AND HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES 98 page CHAPTER VIII SPECIAL CABLES 99 page XLPE-COVERED OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS PAS TYPE: PAS-W 6/10 kV Medium voltage covered overhead conductor NORM: Adapted to SFS 5790 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: Round stranded aluminium alloy conductor water blocking system Insulation: XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) IEC 60104 Aluminium - magnesium - silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductor IEC 60207 - Aluminium stranded conductor IEC 60287 - Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables IEC 60502 - Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables voltages from 1 kv to 30 kV 1 kV to 30 kV SFS 5790 - Electrical and mechanical design of PAS - line Medium voltage covered overhead conductor and accesories (such as: Insulation Piercing Conector, Arcing protection device, Dead - end Clamp, Suspension Pulley Clamp) were tested in ENSTO SEKKO Laboratory. All tests complies with the requirements in the standard SFS 5790 § 5.1 References standards: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Parameter Conductor material Insulation material Insulation thickness[mm] Cable outer dia. [mm] Cable conductor dia. [mm] Cable weight [kg/km] Breaking load [kN] Permissible normal tensile stress [MPa] Permissible reduced tensile stress [MPa] Permissible normal critical stress [MPa] Permissible reduced critical stress [MPa] 7KHUPDOH[SDQVLRQFRHI¿FLHQW>.@ (ODVWLFLW\FRHI¿FLHQWȕLQLWLDO>03D@[-6 (ODVWLFLW\FRHI¿FLHQWȕ¿QDO>03D@[-6 Recommended min. cable loading [kN] Creep resistance for 25 % Rm loading [mm/m] Continuous rating at ambient temp (A) 35 50 10,9 6,9 152 10,3 12,5 8,5 199 14,2 14,9 15,6 0,7 14,9 15,6 1,0 150 245 Nominal cross-section [mm2] 70 120 AlMgSi Alloy Flame retardant XLPE 2,0 13,9 15,3 16,8 9,9 11,3 12,8 265 333 421 20,6 28,2 35,2 120 84 240 168 23 x 10-6 14,9 15,2 15,2 15,6 15,9 15,9 1,4 1,9 2,4 0,5 310 370 430 SPECIAL CABLES 150 18,3 14,2 486 43,0 22,2 18,1 760 71,0 15,4 16 2,7 15,4 16,1 3,1 485 620 100 page TYPE: PAS-W 12/20 kV Medium voltage covered overhead conductor NORM: SFS 5790 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: Round stranded aluminium alloy conductor water blocking system Insulation: XLPE (cross-linked polyethylene) IEC 60104 Aluminium - magnesium - silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductor IEC 60207 - Aluminium stranded conductor IEC 60287 - Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables IEC 60502 - Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables voltages from 1 kv to 30 kV 1 kV to 30 kV SFS 5790 - Electrical and mechanical design of PAS - line Medium voltage covered overhead conductor and accesories (such as: Insulation Piercing Conector, Arcing protection device, Dead - end Clamp, Suspension Pulley Clamp) were tested in ENSTO SEKKO Laboratory. All tests complies with the requirements in the standard SFS 5790 § 5.1 References standards: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Parameter Conductor material Insulation material Insulation thickness[mm] Cable outer dia. [mm] Cable conductor dia. [mm] Cable weight [kg/km] Breaking load [kN] Permissible normal tensile stress [MPa] Permissible reduced tensile stress [MPa] Permissible normal critical stress [MPa] Permissible reduced critical stress [MPa] 7KHUPDOH[SDQVLRQFRHI¿FLHQW>.@ (ODVWLFLW\FRHI¿FLHQWȕLQLWLDO>03D@[-6 (ODVWLFLW\FRHI¿FLHQWȕ¿QDO>03D@[-6 Recommended min. cable loading [kN] Creep resistance for 25 % Rm loading [mm/m] Continuous rating at ambient temp (A) 35 50 11,5 6,9 168 10,2 13,1 8,5 201 14,6 14,9 15,6 0,7 14,9 15,6 1,0 150 245 Nominal cross-section [mm2] 70 120 AlMgSi Alloy Flame retardant XLPE 2,3 14,5 15,9 17,4 9,9 11,3 12,8 278 352 435 20,7 28,2 35,9 120 84 240 168 23 x 10-6 14,9 15,2 15,2 15,6 15,9 15,9 1,4 1,9 2,4 0,5 310 370 430 SPECIAL CABLES 150 18,9 14,2 510 43,0 22,8 18,1 780 71,0 15,4 16 2,7 15,4 16,1 3,1 485 620 101 page AERIAL BUNDLED CONDUCTORS EX, AMKA TYPE: EX 0,6/1 kV Self-supporting, bundle assembled, aerial cables with aluminium conductors and polyethylene insulation for overhead power lines NORM: NEN 73.77 CONSTRUCTION: Conductor: phase, neutral conductors are made as stranded, compacted conductors with 7 or 19 Insulation: aluminium wires is made with sun radiation resistant thermoplastic polyethylene and is applied by extrusion method &RUHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ - phase cores: Longitudinal, embossed ribs on insulation in amount 1, 2, 3, visible with the naked eye and checked by touch - neutral core: Embedded print, giving type of cable, cross-section area of phase and neutral conductors, manufacturer name, production year, nominal voltage (0.6/1 kV) or thread under insulation identifying of manufacturer- kind of marking subject to agreement with customer Aluminium wires properties Parameter Resistivity at 200C Elongation at break Tensile strength &RHI¿FLHQWRIOLQHDUH[SDQVLRQĮ 7HPSHUDWXUHFRHI¿FLHQWRIUHVLVWDQFH Unit QP % MPa 1/ 0C 1/ 0C Value max. 28.3 min. 1.3 min. 160 23x10-6 4.03x10-3 Unit 0 C MPa % kV kV 0 C Value 70 min. 10.0 min. 350 min. 300 4 - 20 Insulation properties Parameter Permissible long-lasting operation temperature of cable Tensile strength before and after ageing Elongation at break before ageing Elongation at break after ageing Resistance of insulation for testing voltage after 24h immersion in water Minimum permissible ambient temperature during cable installation Parameters of cores Nominal cross-sectional area of conductor Nominal diameter of conductor Nominal diameter over insulation Permissible continuous current ratings Calculated minimum tensile strength Conductor dc resistance at 20 0C &RHI¿FLHQWRIHODVWLFHORQJDWLRQȕ mm2 16 25 35 50 mm mm A kN NP 1/MPa 4.7 7.1 74 2.5 1.91 5.8 8.5 90 4.1 1.20 7.0 9.8 110 5.6 0.868 18.2 x 10-6 8.2 11.1 135 7.3 0.641 11.3 14.7 210 13.7 0.320 SPECIAL CABLES 102 page Parameters of bundle assembled cables Number of cores & cross-section area n x mm2 2x16 2x25 2x35 2x50 2x95 3x16 3x25 3x35 3x50 3x95 4x16 4x25 4x35 4x50 4x95 Approximate diameter of bundle mm 14,2 17,2 19,6 22,4 29,8 15,3 18,6 21,2 24,2 32,2 17,6 20,3 23,7 27,1 36,1 Approximate weight NJNP 130 194 250 331 625 195 291 375 497 938 257 388 500 662 1250 Calculated minimum tensile strength of bundle kN 4,8 8,0 10,6 14,3 26,8 7,1 12,1 16,0 21,5 40,3 9,5 16,1 21,3 28,6 53,7 TYPE: AMKA 0,6/1 kV Low overhead voltage cable NORM: SFS 2200 CONSTRUCTION: Supporting conductor: 16 mm2: Round and solid aluminium conductor 25-120 mm2: Round stranded aluminium conductor Round stranded aluminium alloy conductor Insulation: Black PE Conductor: Highest permissible conductor temperature: ,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRIFRUHV References standards: No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - continuous operation 70 0C - short circuit ( up to 1s) 135 0C Phase conductors: 2, 3, or 4 longitudinal ridges SFS 2200 - Self-supporting overhead cable AMKA IEC 60104 - Aluminium - magnesium - silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors conductor IEC 60207 - Aluminium stranded conductor IEC 60287 - Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables IEC 60502 - Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables voltages from 1 kv to 30 kV HD 626 S1/A2 - Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage Uo/U/Um: 0,6/1/1,2 kV Parameter of phase conductor Conductor bare diameter (min). [mm] Insulation thickness [mm] Resistance max (at 20 0&'&>/km] Resistance max (at 70 0&'&>/km] Tensile strength [N/mm2] 16 4,4 1,4 1,91 2,29 25 5,9 1,4 1,20 1,44 Nominal cross-section [mm2] 35 50 70 7,0 8,2 9,6 1,6 1,6 1,8 0,868 0,641 0,443 1,04 0,770 0,532 120 SPECIAL CABLES 120 13,0 2,0 0,253 0,304 103 page Parameter of supporting conductor 6,1 1,380 7.4 7,0 0.986 10,3 11,5 0,363 27,9 271 18 69 393 21 92 334 20 459 23 607 27 3x120+95 135 15 78 3x70+95 3x25+35 Cable weight [kg/km] Outer diameter [mm] Approximate current carring capacity [A] Modulus of elasticity [N/mm2] &RHI¿FLHQWRIOLQHDUH[SDQVLRQ>.@ Cable weight [kg/km] Outer diametrer [mm] 3x16+25 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 Size of cable [no of cores x mm2] 1x16+25 Parameter of cable Nominal cross-section [mm2] 50 70 AlMgSi Alloy 8,2 9,9 0,720 0,493 14,2 20,6 3x50+70 Supporting conductor material Conductor diameter (min). [mm] Resistance max (at 20 0C, DC)) Calculated strength of conductor [kN] Tensile strength [N/mm2] 35 3x35+50 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 25 541 25 115 64 000 23,0x10 -6 776 30 710 28 138 988 32 176 1478 41 245 1054 34 1543 43 ??? ??? SPECIAL CABLES 104 page ENAMELLED COPPER WIRES H 180, CX 200, C 200 TYPE: ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE H 180 NORM: IEC 60317-8, DIN EN 60317-8, NEMA MW 30-C, MW 74-C, UL approval File No E 129934 CONSTRUCTION: Insulation: Grade 1 - 0,03 – 2,00 mm Grade 2 - 0,03 – 2,00 mm 7+(,&PRGL¿HGSRO\HVWHULPLGH Features Temperature index of 180, good resistance to heat shock and thermal overloads Applications Used for the motors for household appliances, hermetic motors, transformers Production range 7\SLFDOYDOXHVIRU+GLDPP*UDGHWHVWLQJDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Overall diameter Flexibility Mechanical properties Pencil hardness Elongation Temperature index Cut through Thermal properties Heat shock at 200°C Breakdown voltage Electrical properties Tangent delta /TD 300/ Resistance to standard solvents Resistance to refrigerants Chemical properties Resistance to transformer oils max 1,094 10% 1 d 4/5 H >180 & 1xd > 1,5 IEC >180 good good good TYPE: ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE CX 200 NORM: IEC 60317-13, DIN EN 60317-13, NEMA MW 35C CONSTRUCTION: Production range Insulation: Features Applications Grade 1 - 0,15 – 2,00 mm Grade 2 - 0,15 – 2,00 mm 7+(,&PRGL¿HGSRO\HVWHULPLGHRYHUFRDWHGZLWKSRO\DPLGHLPLGH High temperature index of 200, good resistance to high temperture overload, excellent mechanical and chemical characteristics Used in motors, transformers, ballasts, and hermetic motors, coils designed for class H, windings produced on high speed automatic machines 7\SLFDOYDOXHVIRU&;GLDPP*UDGHWHVWLQJDFFRUGLQJWR,(& SPECIAL CABLES 105 page Mechanical properties Thermal properties Electrical properties Chemical properties Overall diameter Flexibility Pencil hardness Elongation Temperature index Cut through Heat shock at 220°C Breakdown voltage Tangent delta /TD 300/ Resistance to standard solvents Resistance to transformer oils Resistance to refrigerants max 1,094 10% 1 d 6H >200 & 1xd > 1,5 IEC very good very good very good TYPE: ENAMELLED COPPER WIRE C 200 NORM: IEC 60317-13, DIN EN 60317-13, NEMA MW 35C, UL approval File No E 129934 CONSTRUCTION: Production range Insulation: Features Applications Grade 1 - 0,71 – 4,00 mm Grade 2 - 0,71 – 4,00 mm 7+(,&PRGL¿HGSRO\HVWHULPLGHRYHUFRDWHGZLWKSRO\DPLGHLPLGH Very high thermal properties and high adhesion to copper, excellent mechanical and chemical characteristics Used in motors, transformers, windings for the automotive industry and severe winding conditions 7\SLFDOYDOXHVIRU&GLDPP*UDGHWHVWLQJDFFRUGLQJWR,(& Overall diameter Flexibility Mechanical properties Pencil hardness Elongation Temperature index Cut through Thermal properties Heat shock at 220°C Breakdown voltage Electrical properties Tangent delta /TD 300/ Resistance to standard solvents Chemical properties Resistance to transformer oils SPECIAL CABLES max 1,094 10% 1 d 6H >200 & 1xd > 1,5 IEC very good very good 106 page CHAPTER IX TELECOMUNICATION CABLES 107 page TELECOMMUNICATION LOCAL UNIT CABLES PE INSULATED AND SHEATHED VMOHBU TYPE: VMOHBU TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE CONSTRUCTION: Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. Insulated wires twisted into pairs Polyester tape Aluminium tape PE – outer sheath -HOO\¿OOLQJ Colours - of conductors insulation pair 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 - of outer sheath: black a wire white white white white white black black black black black b wire blue orange green brown grey blue orange green brown grey &DEOHZHLJKWDQGGLDPHWHUDSSUR[LPDWHO\ Cable 3x2x0,5 5x2x0,5 10x2x0,5 20x2x0,5 30x2x0,5 50x2x0,5 100x2x0,5 200x2x0,5 400x2x0,5 5x2x0,6 10x2x0,6 20x2x0,6 30x2x0,6 50x2x0,6 100x2x0,6 10x2x0,8 20x2x0,8 30x2x0,8 50x2x0,8 100x2x0,8 Cable weight >NJNP@ 73,2 96,3 145,4 236,2 322,5 491,3 905,9 1686,2 3192,7 117,4 185,4 307,0 423,3 660,4 1223,1 268,5 467,6 658,0 1059,2 2047,1 Cable diameter [mm] 8,8 10,0 12,3 15,5 18,0 22,0 29,8 40,3 55,2 11,1 13,7 17,5 20,4 25,2 34,1 16,3 21,1 24,8 31,3 44,6 TELECOMUNICATION CABLES Sheath thickness [mm] 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,2 108 page TELECOMMUNICATION LOCAL CABLES PAIRED MHS TYPE: MHS TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE CONSTRUCTION: Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Insulated wires, twisted into pairs (quad for 1x4x0,5) Drain wire Polyester tape Al./Pet tape Rip-cord Control wire PVC – outer sheath Colours - of insulation quad ÀUVWSDLU wire a blue 1 pair 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - of control wire: red - of outer sheath: black wire b white wire a blue orange green brown grey blue orange green brown grey second pair wire c wire d orange white wire b white white white white white black black black black black &DEOHZHLJKWDQGGLDPHWHUDSSUR[LPDWHO\ Cable 1x4x0,5 3x2x0,5 5x2x0,5 10x2x0,5 20x2x0,5 30x2x0,5 50x2x0,5 100x2x0,5 Cable weight >NJNP@ 32,77 39,91 52,77 81,83 136,21 193,26 295,36 550,03 Cable diameter [mm] 5,1 5,6 6,4 7,9 10,1 12,0 14,7 19,9 TELECOMUNICATION CABLES Sheath thickness [mm] 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 109 page TELECOMMUNICATION INDOOR CABLES MANUFACTURED ACC. TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS KLM, KLMA TYPE: KLM TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE CONSTRUCTION: Description: 1. 2. 3. Insulated conductors Polyester tape PVC sheath Colours - of insulation Number of wire 1 2 3 4 - of outer sheath: grey &DEOHZHLJKWDQGGLDPHWHUDSSUR[LPDWHO\ Sheath thickness Cable [mm] nominal 2x0,8 0,5 4x0,8 0,6 Colour blue yellow white red Cable weight >NJNP@DSSUR[ 26,7 46,7 Cable diameter [mm] approx. 4,6 6,0 TYPE: KLMA TELECOMMUNICATION CABLE CONSTRUCTION: Description: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Insulated conductors Drain wire Polyester tape Al/Pet type PVC sheath Colours - of insulation Number of wire 1 2 3 4 - of outer sheath: grey &DEOHZHLJKWDQGGLDPHWHUDSSUR[LPDWHO\ Sheath thickness Cable [mm] nominal 2x0,8+0,8 0,5 4x0,8+0,8 0,6 Colour blue yellow white red Cable weight >NJNP@DSSUR[ 33,5 54,1 TELECOMUNICATION CABLES Cable diameter [mm] approx. 5,0 6,3 110 page ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WE PRODUSE ALSO... 111 page 1. SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES • RUBBER, HEAT RESISTING SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES H05G-U; H05G-K; H07G-U; H07G-R; H07G-K 2.FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES • UNSCREENED FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES YDY; YLY; EKK, FKK; FR-N05VV-U; FR-N05VV-R; PFXP; VMvK; PVC-insulated and PVC-sheathed cables with circuit protective conductor; PVC-insulated and PVC-sheathed cables • SCREENED LOW SMOKE HALOGEN FREE FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES 1+;0+6W • HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE FIRE RESISTANT FIXED INSTALLATION CABLES )/$0(;+'*V+/*V+/J*V+'*VHNZI+/*VHNZI+OJ*VHNZI)/$0(;(1+$1&(' 3. PVC SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS H03V2V2-F; H03V2V2H2-F; H05V2V2-F; H05V2V2H2-F 4.HALOGEN-FREE THERMOPLASTIC INSULATED AND SHEATHED FLEXIBLE CORDS H03Z1Z1-F; H03Z1Z1H2-F; H05Z1Z1-F; H05Z1Z1H2-F 5.CABLES IN RUBBER 7\SH+51+)+51)+51)+%%)+%%)+%1)+%1)61)+==)+51)16+728 16*$)&28166+28166+&28176&*(:28 6.HEAT RESISTING SILICONE CABLES • RUBBER, HEAT RESISTING SINGLE CORE NON-SHEATHED CABLES SID; H05S-U; H05S-K • RUBBER, HEAT RESISTING SHEATHED CABLES H05SS-F 7.PUR - SHEATHED CABLES H05BQ-F; 05BQ-F; H07BQ-F; 07BQ-F; NYMH11YO 8.POWER AND CONTROL • LV PVC INSULATED POWER AND CONTROL CABLES NAYY; NYK; NYKY; NFYw;YKY;1-CYKY; CBT; YAKY; 1-YAKY, CABT, • LV XLPE INSULATED POWER AND CONTROL CABLES 1,;<1$;<859<PY.;9%);/3(39&7;;37);3;0.92<PY.DV • LV POWER CABLES WITH CONCENTRIC COPPER CONDUCTOR NAYCY; NYCWY; NAYCWY; PFSP; TFSP; EKKJFKKJ; AKKJ;Single-phase split concentric cables; Single-phase helical concentric FDEOHV;/3(&::39& • LV ARMOURED POWER CABLES 1<5<1<5*<1<)*<1$<)*<1<%<&X39&$:$39&&X39&6:$39&&X;/3(39&$:$39&&X;/3(39&6:$39& • ARMOURED HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE POWER CABLES &X;/3(/6+$:$/6+&X;/3(/6+6:$/6+ 9.MEDIUM and HIGH VOLTAGE POWER CABLES • MEDIUM VOLTAGE XLPE INSULATED POWER CABLES &X;/3(&:639&&X;/3(&7639&&X;/3(&:60'3(&X;/3(&760'3($O;/3(&:639&$O;/3(&7639&$O;/3( &:60'3($O;/3(&760'3(&X;/3(&:639&$:$39&&X;/3(&7639&$:$39&&X;/3(&:639&$:$0'3(&X ;/3(&7639&$:$0'3($O;/3(&:639&$:$39&$O;/3(&7639&$:$39&$O;/3(&:639&$:$0'3($O;/3(&76 39&$:$0'3(&X;/3(&:639&&X;/3(&7639&&X;/3(&:60'3(&X;/3(&760'3($O;/3(&:639&$O;/3( &7639&$O;/3(&:60'3($O;/3(&760'3(&X;/3(&:639&6:$39&&X;/3(&7639&6:$39&&X;/3(&:6 112 page 39&6:$0'3(&X;/3(&7639&6:$0'3($O;/3(&:639&6:$39&$O;/3(&7639&6:$39&$O;/3(&:639&6:$ 0'3($O;/3(&7639&6:$0'3(&X;/3(&:60'3($O;/3(&:60'3(&X;/3(&:6/:0'3($O;/3(&:6/:0'3( • SABS MEDIUM VOLTAGE POWER CABLES ;/3(39&$:$39&W\SH$;/3(39&W\SH$;/3(39&W\SH%;/3(39&6:$39&W\SH$;/3(39&W\SH% • MEDIUM VOLTAGE PAPER INSULATED POWER CABLES NKBA; NKBY; NAKBA; NAKBY; NKRA; NAKRA; NKFA; NAKFA; NKFY; NAKFY; NKRY; NAKRY; NHKBA; NAHKBA; NHKY; NAHKY 10.CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION CABLES • FLEXIBLE CONTROL CABLES 1<6/<1<6/<&<+99)1<6/<2+99&9.1<6/<&26<&</,<</,<&< • INSTRUMENTATION CABLES Polyethylene insulated instrumentation cables Type 1 and Type 2; PVC insulated instrumentation cables Type 1 and Type 2 11.SHIPBOARD CABLES • XLPE INSULATED POWER SHIPBOARD CABLES YKOXS; YKOXSek; YKOXSuy • HALOGEN FREE LOW SMOKE POWER SHIPBOARD CABLES 1.2;61.2;6HNZ746:746:746:746: • HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE FIRE RESISTANT POWER SHIPBOARD CABLES )/$0(;1.2*V)/$0(;1.2*VHNZ • XLPE INSULATED TELECOMMUNICATION SHIPBOARD CABLES YTKOXSekw • HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE TELECOMMUNICATION SHIPBOARD CABLES NTKOXSekw • HALOGEN-FREE LOW SMOKE FIRE RESISTANT TELECOMMUNICATION SHIPBOARD CABLES )/$0(;17.2*VHNZ 12.CABLES ACCORDING TO UL STANDARDS 8/8/8/7+:7:8)8)%6XEPHUVLEOHSXPSFDEOHÁDWDQGWZLVWHG6XEPHUVLEOHSXPSFDEOH5++5+: ;++:7&7UD\&DEOHV)5;/3(39&7&7UD\&DEOHV)5(3&3(7HOHSKRQH&HQWUDO2IÀFH3RZHU&DEOH(35&3(/RZVPRNH SPT-1, SPT-2, SPT-3; SJTW, SJT; ST, STW; SO, SOW; SO; SEOOW; SJ, SJO, SJOW; SJOW BREATHER CABLE; SOOW; Type S.C Stage /LJKWLQJ&DEOH:HOGLQJFDEOH'/25+:5+:5+:/6 7\SH:7\SH:)ODW7\SH*7\SH*)ODW**&**&)ODW6+'*&-803(5&$%/(090985';/3( 13. SPECIAL CABLES • ENAMELLED COPPER WIRES ()/)/1+/+/1&)/6+/6+;6&;6 • VEHICLE CABLES )/5<²$)/5<²%)/<)/<:)/<.)/*&83&835$9$96$966$89HKLFOHFDEOH • IGNITION CABLES FZLY; FZL2G; FZL2GF2G; FZL2G2G; FZLW2GF2G; FZLW2G2G • COAXIAL CABLES 5*85*$85*85*$85*85*&85*%85*%85*86$7²6$7²6$7 ²6HPLDLUVSDFHG79FRD[LDOFDEOH • SPEAKER CABLES Speaker cables • HEATING CABLES 1+*0<1+*<48<,(&39&39&129,7(505 • MINING CABLES 7\SH7\SH$7\SH%7\SH7\SH7\SH7\SH(&&7\SH7\SH7\SH6 • PVC-COVERED OVERHEAD CONDUCTORS 39&FRYHUHGVWUDQGHGKDUGGUDZQFRSSHUFRQGXFWRUV7\SH7\SH39&FRYHUHGDOXPLQLXPVWUDQGHGFRQGXFWRUV7\SH39& 113 page covered aluminium conductors, steel reinforced Type 16 •PLAIN AND TINNED COPPER WIRES 5RXQGFRSSHUZLUHVVRIWDQGKDUG5RXQGWLQQHGFRSSHUZLUHV5HFWDQJXODUFRSSHUZLUHVVRIWDQGKDUG • PLAIN AND TINNED COPPER CONDUCTORS Flexible copper bunched conductors, plain or tinned; Round and shaped copper conductors for power cables • COPPER TROLLEY WIRES 5RXQGFRQWDFWZLUHV3URÀOHWUROOH\ • BARE CONDUCTORS FOR OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION Copper stranded conductors; AAC; AAAC; ACSR • WINDING WIRES 'RXEOHJODVV\DUQFRYHUHGYDUQLVKERQGHGZLWKSRO\HVWHUHQDPHOR&RUSRO\HVWHULPLGHR&URXQGZLQGLQJFRSSHUZLUHV 'RXEOHJODVV\DUQFRYHUHGYDUQLVKERQGHGZLWKSRO\HVWHUHQDPHOR&UHFWDQJXODUZLQGLQJFRSSHUZLUHV(QDPHOOHGDQGJODVV \DUQFRYHUHGYDUQLVKERQGHGZLWKSRO\HVWHUR&RUSRO\HVWHULPLGHR&URXQGZLQGLQJFRRSHUZLUHV 14.TELECOMUNICATION CABLES • TELECOMMUNICATION LOCAL UNIT CABLES PE INSULATED AND SHEATHED XzTKMXw; XzTKMXpw; XzTKMXwFtlx; XzTKMXwFtly; XzTKMXpwFtlx; XzTKMXpwFtly; XzTKMXwFfx; XzTKMXpwFfx; XzTKMXwAlfFfx; ;]7.0;SZ$OI)I[;]7.0;Z)R[;]7.0;Z)R\;]7.0;SZ)R[;]7.0;ZQ;]7.0;SZQ&:733 • TELECOMMUNICATION INDOOR CABLES MANUFACTURED ACC. TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS $<)/<«%G$</<«%G$</<«%G • TELECOMMUNICATION LOCAL CABLES PAIRED XTKMXw; XTKMXpw; XzTKMXw; XzTKMXpw; XzTKMXwn; XzTKMXpwn; XzTKMXwn; XzTKMXpwn; TKMXn; NTKMXFtlN; TKSY; YTKSY; <Q7.6<<7.6<HNZ<Q7.6<HNZ7&%$% • TELECOMMUNICATION INDOOR CABLES MANUFACTURED ACC. TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS -<<%G-<6W<%G-+6W+%G-<6W<«/J • TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOW FREQUENCY INDOOR CABLES YTKSYekw; YnTKSYekw; YTKSYlekw • TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOW FREQUENCY INDOOR CABLES, SCREENED PAIRS YTKSYekp • TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOW FREQUENCY INDOOR CABLES UP TO 2 Mbit/s YTKSXpekp; YnTKSXpekp; YTKSXpekp; YTKSXekp; YnTKSXekp; YnTKSXpekp; Y-YTKSXekp; Yn-YTKSXekp; Y-YTKSXpekp; YnYTKSXpekp; YTKSXpekteko;NTKSXpekteko • TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOW FREQUENCY INDOOR CABLES IN FLAME RETARDANT INSULATION NTKSXekw; NzTKX; YnTKSXekw • DATA TELECOMMUNICATIONS LOW FREQUENCY TERMINATING CABLES YTKZYekw • BUILDING CORDS TDY; TDX • TELECOMMUNICATION BUILDING CORDS FOR WRAPPED CONNECTIONS TDYo • TELECOMMUNICATION BUILDING CORDS Y; J-FY • BROADCASTING CORDS RPX; YRPX; YnRPX 15.DATA COMMUNICATION CABLES UTP Cat. 5, 5e; UTP DUAL Cat. 5, 5e; FTP, S-FTP Cat. 5, 5e; STP, S-STP Cat. 5, 5e; UTP FLEX Cat. 5, 5e; FTP FLEX Cat. 5, 5e; UTP OUT DOOR, UTPf OUT DOOR Cat. 5; FTP OUT DOOR, FTPf OUT DOOR, FTPn OUT DOOR, FTPnf OUT DOOR Cat. 5 16. OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES • OPTICAL FIBRE OUTDOOR CABLE OF LOOSE TUBE CONSTRUCTION Z-XOTKtsd; Z-XzOTKs; Z-XOTKtsdD; Z-XXOTKtsdD; Z-XzOTKtsD; Z-XXzOTKtsD; Z-XOTKtcdD; Z-XOTKtcd; ZW-NOTKtcdD; ZW127.WFG=9;27.WVG=;927.WVG=;927.WV'=9;27.WV'=;27.WVGS=;;27.WV)WO=.6;;27.WV)R=.6;;27.WV)I • OPTICAL FIBRE MINING CABLES YOTKGtsFoyn; NOTKGtsFoN; YOTKGtsFfyn; NOTKGtsFfN; YOTKGtsDFoyn; NOTKGtsDFoN; YOTKGtsDFfyn; NOTKGtsDFfN 114 page • OPTICAL FIBRE OUTDOOR, SELF-SUPPORTING CABLE OF LOOSE TUBE CONSTRUCTION ADSS-XXOTKtsdD; ADSS; S-XOTKtsd; S-XOTKtsdD; S-XzOTKts; S-XzOTKtsD • OPTICAL FIBRE INDOOR CABLES OF LOOSE TUBE CONSTRUCTION :<27.WVG:<27.WVG':<<27.WVG':<927.WVG:<927.WVG' • OPTICAL FIBRE INDOOR-OUTDOOR CABLES OF LOOSE TUBE CONSTRUCTION =:127.WVG=:127.WVG'=:1;27.WVG'=:1127.WVG'=:1927.WVG=:1927.WVG'=:127.WVGS • OPTICAL FIBRE INDOOR ASSEMBLE CABLES W-NOTKSd; W-YOTKSd • OPTICAL FIBRE INDOOR BREAKOUT CABLES W-NNOTKSd; W-YYOTKSd • OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES FOR MILITARY PSKD • OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES CERTIFICATED – VDE $'4=1<-'=1+-'=1<-9=1+-9=1+VLPSOH[ • OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES CERTIFICATED – UKRSEPRO (Ukraine) =;27.WVG=;27.WVG'=;;27.WVG'=.6;;27.WV)I • OPTICAL FIBRE CABLES VDE CERTIFICATED – UKRSEPRO (Ukraine) W-YOTKS; W-YnOTKS; W-NOTKS 115 page Spausdino UAB „Judex“, Europos pr. 122, LT-46351 Kaunas 7HOIDNVZZZMXGH[OWHOSDãWDVMXGH[#MXGH[OW
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