teaching a way of life - Lansing Catholic High School
teaching a way of life - Lansing Catholic High School
LANSING CATHOLIC Annual Report: 2012-13 TM TEACHING A WAY OF LIFE FAITH SERVICE EXCELLENCE TRADITION EXCELLENCE WORTH CELEBRATING The American College Testing (ACT) is a standardized collegiate exam. It is commonly used as an indicator of academic aptitude and readiness to enter college. The ACT results below represent Lansing Catholic’s average scores during the 2012-13 school year compared to the state and national averages. An Advanced Placement (AP) test is a college-level exam given to students who have completedNATIONAL an advanced placement course. Students who score a 3 or higher may qualify for college credit. MICHIGAN What does this mean for LCHS students? It means a broader range of opportunites in the form of college admittance and financial assistance. LANSING CATHOLIC (Sources: Michigan Department of Education website. and www.ACT.org) 2.65 2.88 3.03 2.81 2.86 2.76 2.99 2.9 2.95 2.88 2 20 Aquinas College Ava Maria, FL Benedictine University, KA Boston College, MA Butler University, IN Carleton College, MN Carnegie-Mellon University, PA Central Michigan University Columbia College, IL Cornell University, NY Colorado State University, CO DePaul University, IL Duke University, NC Elmhurst College, IL Emory University, GA Ferris State University Florida Gulf Coast University, FL Fordham University, NY SPANISH LANGUAGE CALCULUS AB ENGLISH LANG. & COMP. 18 ENGLISH LIT. & COMP. 0 BIOLOGY 19 U.S. GOV. & POLITICS 1 2013 College/University Acceptances Georgetown University, DC George Washington University, DC Grand Valley State University Hillsdale College Hampton University, VA Hope College Howard University, DC Illinois Institute of Technology, IL Indiana University, IN John Carroll University, OH Kalamazoo College Kendall College of Art Kettering University Lansing Community College Loyola University, IL Madonna University Marquette University, WI Marygrove College MET/EXCEED Math Reading Science Writing Social Studies 22 21 1 23.6 23 Totals 20.9 21.1 20.7 19.9 TOTAL TESTED Math Reading Science Writing Social Studies 20.2 20.2 Totals 20 20.9 % for Math % for Reading % for Science % for Writing % for Social Studies % All Subjects 19.1 COMPOSITE SCIENCE ENGLISH READING MATH Statewide 161874 208693 189172 143472 268560 LCHS 302 334 317 308 355 1088677 1853 Statewide 333042 335063 333794 335782 334988 LCHS 366 377 367 383 370 1896748 2132 49% 62% 57% 43% 80% 83% 89% 86% 80% 96% 57% 87% 19.9 D D NATIONAL MICHIGAN LAN 20.9 19.9 20.7 20.2 20.2 19.1 21.1 20.0 20.9 19.9 NATIONAL MICHIGAN LANSING CATHOLIC Miami University, OH Michigan State University Michigan Technological University Military Service New York University, NY Northern Michigan University Northwestern University, IL Northwood University Oakland University Ohio State University, OH Olivet College Princeton University, NJ Purdue University, IN Reed College, OR Rice University, TX Saginaw Valley State University St. Joseph University, PA St. Mary’s College, IN Swarthmore College, PA Syracuse University, NY University of Alabama, AL University of Arizona, AZ University of Chicago, IL University of Colorado, CO University of Dayton, OH University of Florida, FL University of Georgia, GA University of Kentucky, KY University of Louisville, KY University of Michigan University of Notre Dame, IN University of St. Francis, IL University of Virginia, VA Urbana University, IL Villanova University, PA Wayne State University Western Michigan University Xavier University, OH 26 24 2 23 22 21 20.9 20 19.9 19 18 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Lansing Catholic High School graduated one of its largest number of valedictorians in its history, in the spring of 2013, with 9 seniors achieving a perfect 4.0 GPA. Valedictorians from the Class of 2013 were: Emily Bott, Maria Brake, Emily Burns, Sitao Chen, Jacob Foy, Emma Frost, Kevin Koscielek, Luke McVeigh, and Joseph Strasz. Five students in Lansing Catholic High School’s graduating Class of 2013 were also recognized as National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists. To be a National Merit Scholarship Program Finalist, students must be in the top half of one percent of students who took the PSAT tests as juniors. Students who earn the National Merit Scholarship designation can be awarded scholarships from college and universities. National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists from the Class of 2013 were: Emily Burns, Emma Frost, Nathaniel Eggleston, Andrea Maxwell, and Joseph Strasz. COMPOSITE 3.3 2.9 24.3 MATHEMATICS 3 3.64 23.9 READING 3.56 4 24 3.75 3.74 24.8 24.2 ENGLISH 4.2 4 26 4.41 COMPOSITE 5 2013 ACT AVERAGE TEST SCORES SCIENCE 2013 AP AVERAGE TEST SCORES A TRADITION OF SUCCESS OUR 2012-13 CHAMPIONS Boys Cross Country League Champions Regional Champions 10th Place at State Finals Girls Cross Country League Champions Regional Champions 5th Place at State Finals 2012 Division 4 Girls Golf State Champions Football League Champions Girls Golf League Champions Regional Champions State Champions Boys Soccer League Champions Girls Swimming 8th place in the League 2013 Division 3 Boys Golf State Champions Boys Tennis Regional Runner-Up Volleyball 4th Place in the League Boys Basketball League Champions Girls Basketball 4th Place in the League Competitive Cheer 2nd Place in the League District Runner-Up 7th Place at Regionals Hockey 8th Place in the League Boys Swimming 2nd Place in the League Girls Tennis League Champions Regional Champions 10th Place at State Finals Boys Golf League Champions District Champions Regional Champions State Champions Girls Soccer 2nd Place in the League Softball 5th Place in the League District Champions Wrestling 3rd Place in the League Boys Track 3rd Place in the League 7th Place at Regionals 10th Place at State Finals Baseball League Champions District Champions Girls Track 4th Place in the League 5th Place at Regionals Lacrosse 4th Place in the League SERVICE TO OTHERS, FAITH IN ACTION Throughout the 2012-13 school year, Lansing Catholic students and staff provided thousands of service hours inside and outside of our community. From our annual work-a-thon to our spring break and summer mission trips to assisting local families during the holidays, LCHS went above and beyond helping others in need. Here are just some of the things that Lansing Catholic students and staff contributed during the 2012-13 school year. • • • • • • • • • • • Over 14,000 hours of Christian service to local agencies Provided 3 weeks worth of food for 16 local families at Thanksgiving Over $1,500 donated to the Sparrow Foundation from our Dig Pink event 15 blankets made and donated to Haven House 300 boxes hand made, filled with candy (and love), tied with a bow and delivered to TRIAD for local senior citizens Hundreds of angel tags filled out for St. Vincent Catholic Charities to help local children in need share the love of Christmas Over $3,000 raised to help sponsor our holiday homeroom families Over 60 hours spent sorting, organizing and cleaning at North End Soup Kitchen Donated and wrapped over 1,000 gifts for our holiday homeroom families Breakfast provided and served for 30 residents at Haven House 300 cans of soup, 600 fruit cups, 600 cereal bars, 300 dish towels, 300 washcloths and thousands of pieces of candy collected for delivery to local senior citizens through TRIAD of Ingham County. MISSION TRIPS Over 100 students and staff put their faith into action, by participating in one of the many mission trips during the 2012-13 school year. During spring break, a group traveled on the annual mission trip to Montgomery, Alabama working on a variety of construction projects for Rebuilding Together. In the summer, students and staff, provided community service to a variety of groups, including a Catholic Heart Work Camp in Detroit and a service trip to Beattyville, Kentucky. ANNUAL REPORT (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013) 4% Operating Revenues $3,047,000 $269,000 $150,000 $48,000 $80,000 $3,594,000 Tuition & Fees Tuition Assistance Other Income Athletic Revenue Advancement Income (Gen Fund) Total Operating Revenue H2 CHAPEL GROUND-BREAKING SCHEDULED FOR SPRING Tuition & Fees $3,047,000 Tuition Assistance 269000 2012/2013 Opera,ng Revenues Other Income 150000 AthleGc Revenue Athletic Revenue 48000 Advancement Other I ncome 1% Advancement Income (Gen Fund) 80000 Income (Gen Fund) 2% TuiGon Assistance 8% UPDATE TuiGon & Fees 85% Annual Payment to Diocese $2,684,000 Plant Operations 389000 2012/2013 Opera,ng Expenses Department Expenses 278000 Athletics 109000 MarkeLng & Marketing & Development 80000 Annual Payment to Salaries & Benefits 54000 AthleLcs Development Diocese 1% Operating Expenses Salaries & Benefits Plant Operations Department Expense Athletic Expense Marketing & Development Annual Payment to Dicoese Total Operating Expense $2,684,000 $389,000 $278,000 $109,000 $80,000 $54,000 $3,594,000 Department Expenses 8% 3% 2% Plant OperaLons 11% Salaries & Benefits 75% Annual Giving $62,102 (July 1, 2012 through June2012/2013 30, 2013) Restrictive Giving 355201 Dona+ons, Fundraisers & Endowments Fundraising Projects 33260 Estate & Named Gifts, Grants & Compaign 658972 Gifts Special Events 17891 $62,102 Annual Giving $355,201 Restrictive Giving $33,260 Fundraising Projects Estate & Named Gifts, Grants & Campaign Gifts $658,972 $17,891 Special Events $1,127,426 Totals Estate & Named GiKs, Grants & Compaign GiKs 58% Special Events 2% Annual Giving 6% RestricJve Giving 31% Fundraising Projects 3% Revenue Distributions General Fund/Operations Endowment Scholarship/Tuition Assistance Athletics Capital Fund Academic Programs/Student Services Totals General Fund/Operations $80,000 Endowment 4292 2012/2013 Revenue Distribu2ons Scholarship/Tuition Assistance 309196 Athletics 33725 General Fund/ Capital Fund 672501 OperaJons Academic Programs/Student Academic Services Programs/ 27712 $80,000 $4,292 $309,196 $33,725 $672,501 $27,712 $1,127,426 Capital Fund 60% Student Services 2% 7% Endowment 1% • Campaign goal of $3,300,000 • January 2014 = $2,095,500 • Project includes: • New Chapel • Auditorium Renovations • Music Classrooms • Chapel Groundbreaking April 30, 2014 • Chapel Patron Saint St. John Paul the Great Building for the Heart & Soul of our Community ADVANCEMENT REVENUES Donations, Fundraisers & Endowments Heritage 2 Campaign For more information about our Heritage 2 Campaign, contact Jean Morgan, [email protected] or 517.267.2114. Visit us at www.lansingcatholic.org, or follow us on twitter and facebook for updates. Scholarship/TuiJon Assistance 27% AthleJcs 3% MISSION STATEMENT The Lansing Catholic High School community forms students spiritually, intellectually, and socially into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. LANSING CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 501 Marshall Street, Lansing, MI 48912 | 517.267.2100 | Admissions 517.267.2102 | Fax 517.267.2135 | www.lansingcatholic.org 1/14 ANNUAL DONORS Our Annual Donors are made up of dedicated and compassionate supporters who strongly believe in Lansing Catholic High School. We are most grateful for them. Our donors generously assist with scholarship and tuition funding, academic support, spiritual development, fine arts programs, sports and competitions, operations and facility’s needs, and much more. This donor list reflects gifts received from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Heritage 2 gifts and pledges can be found in the Heritage 2 Campaign section of this report. Thank you again for your generous support. 2012-13 GIFT REVENUES (Gifts received July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013) Cornerstone Club $2,500 or more Mr. Christopher J. Alvarado Anonymous Karen Baxter Bergeson, LLP Mrs. Ann Borgen Jerry and Rosemary Borgen Mr. Matthew Carey Matthew Katherine Daugherty Diocese ofand Lansing Dr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Frank Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greater Lansing Catholic Educ Fdn John and Beverly McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murray Kevin and JoAnne Neugent Ron and Mary Simon Skinner Haley Charitable Trust Texas Hold-Em LCC Advancement The Egene A. Daher Trust Bishop Albers Circle $1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous Drs. Thomas and Ophelia Baker BC Maintenance Mr. and Mrs. David J. Borzenski Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Brogan Ted and Maureen Buda Mr. James Cairns Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell Church of the Resurrection Dr. and Mrs. Alonso Collar Dean Transportation, Inc. Faith Catholic Mr. and Mrs. Van Fox Frank Janet Freund Mr. andand Mrs. Thomas W. Gallagher Mr. Russell Glossop Mr. Jim Heisick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hinz Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Hudson Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Art and Mary Irish Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kasprzak John and Cheryl Killian Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kimball Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lasch Liberty Coin Service Larry Mackle Maloney Carpet One Mr. and Mrs. Brian McVeigh Michigan Assoc of Counties Service Corp Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Mr. Chris D. Murray Mr. and Mrs. James Payne Mr. and Mrs. Scott Plaehn Plante & Moran LLP Mrs. Pollock Sam Linda Eyde Management Co., LLC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Scofes James and Francine Sorber Mr. Andy Spadafore St. Casimir Church St. Martha Church St. Thomas Aquinas Church Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stoner Tom Jakovac Memorial Golf Outing Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ward Mr. Stephen M. Wickens Pennant Club $500 - $999 Anonymous Mr. Leo Arens Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. James Bates Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brennan Frank and Sally Burke Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Clark Father Kusitino Cobona Contractors Heat LLC Mr. Christopher Dean Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dean Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duda Erhard Dental and Implant Center Eyde Company Gillespie Group Patrick and Jennifer Gillespie Mr. Scott P. Gillespie Janis and Norine Grigans Mr. Mrs. Michael Guy Mr. and and Mrs. Patrick R. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. James J. Iding Joseph Dunn Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Frank Liesman II Paul Melissa Long Marieand M. MacMillan Trust Michael and Patricia Maher Michael K. Peters, DDS, MS Michigan Gastroenterology Institute, P.C. Dr. Patricia Nakfoor and Mr. Chris Savona Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John Pence Matthew and Jean Rademacher Ms. Kathleen Ryan and Mr. W. Warning Mr. Thomas and Mrs. James Schumacher Phillip and Mary Pat Scozzafave Mr. Mrs. John Siano Mr. and and Mrs. William J. Somerville Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Spalding St. Child Care St. Gerard Church St. Gerard Cathedral St. Mary Paul Church St. Therese of Lisieux Church Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szombati Target Mr. andStores Mrs. James Thomas Timber Ridge of East Lansing, Inc. Vogl & Meder, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Len Wolfe Builders Society $250 - $499 Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Addiego Mr. Oliver Aldridge Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Andary Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. James Asmann Michael and Judy Baker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Benivegna Ms. Ann P. Berardo Susan RichardBilyeu and Diane Blundy Carol Boehlert Mr. and Mrs. Erik Borgen Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd Mr. Robert A. Brandell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Brandell Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brickner Mrs. Renee Brown Ms. Ellen C. Burns Mr. Mrs. Jeb Burns Mr. and and Mrs. Richard Byelich Mr. and Mrs. William Celio Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleary Thomas and Barbara Cleary Reverend Bennett Constantine Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creamer Crippen Buick Pontiac GMC Mazda Volvo Ms. Mary K. Dalla Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Dobrzelewski Mr. and Mrs. Bill Drake Joseph and Sherry Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Steven Elias Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fata Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Fata Joan JeffreyFetter and Mary Fineis Ms. Susan Fischer Dr. R. Flint, D.D.S. Dr. David Paul M. Flynn and Dr. Cindy Hollenback Mr. and Mrs. William Frank John and Karen Frost Mr. Mrs. Craig Galer Mr. and Donald Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Grady Mr. Haddad Mr. Chris and Mrs. Joseph W. Harrison Mr. Thomas W. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heberlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heriford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hubbell William and Kimberly Hufnagel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hughes Mr. K. Jackinchuk Mr. Jon Joseph Jerome Jimmy’s Mr. RobertPub F. Johnson Mark M. Johnston Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jones David and Kristine Kazmirzack Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Kennedy Daniel and Catherine Kuch Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kuhnert Michael and Andrea Larkin Dr. and Mrs. Lee Lemon Leslie N. Stumpos, D.D.S., P.C. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lieder Mr. and Mrs. Lance Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Madden Ms. Mary Mastroleo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Maxwell Mercantile Bank of Michigan Michael J. Dionise, DDS, PC Richard and Donna Milliman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mohr Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mooney III Mr. Michael D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Mr. T. Mueller Mr. John and Mrs. Joe Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mullaney Mrs. Leela Nair Mrs. Eleanor Noonan Okemos Studio of Photography Daniel and Amee O’Leary Melissa Oppenlander Mary Palkovich Dr. and Mrs. John F. Peters Drs. Michael and Van-anh Peters Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Piggott Mr. Mrs. Gary Pohl Mr. and and Mrs. Jay Pollice Robert and Elaine Rabideau Mr. Readett ReidStephen Real Estate, LLC Mr. Mrs. Robert Reid Rev.and Gordon Reigle Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rentz Mr. John F. Richards Mr. Mrs. James Riley Mr. and and Mrs. Eric F. Rosekrans Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rush Scofes & Associates Consulting, Inc. Phillip and Kathleen Sidoti St. Parish St. Mary Vincent Catholic Charities Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stanley Stifel Nicolaus Mr. Thomas F. Stornant Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Struzinski Dr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Stumpos Mr. Mrs. Eric Sudol Mr. and Mrs. Greg Swain T. H.and Eifert Mechanical Contractors Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tallarico Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Tamayo Team One Chevrolet Buick GMC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Tews Mr. and Mrs. Eric Theis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thome Louis and Mary Margaret Utess E. Waichunas Mr.Ann and Mrs. Benjamin Webster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Wesley Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Matt Whybra Allan and Teresa Sonfilippo Wilcox Steven and Christine Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilkinson John and Sandy Wilson Judy Ann Wilson Ms. Katherine A. Wood Century Club $100 - $249 Abbott Road Animal Clinic Mr. Robert Addy Rosemary Steinbach Anderson Anonymous Paul and Bonnie Armbrustmacher Norma Avelleyra Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ross Baldwin Robert and Cindy Ballard Bannasch Welding, Inc. Janice Beauchemin Mr. Mrs. Thane Belen Mrs.and Margaret A. Bergmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Bobinski Ardie and Jerry Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brandell Judge and Mrs. Thomas E. Brennan, Jr Dr. and Mrs. John Broviac Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Brown Mrs. Maryjo Bullock Marilyn William Bullock and Diane Bush CB Richard Ellis/Martin Ms. Erma Chastine Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christian Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clement Mr. Joseph E. Clevenger Ward SharonCollins FrancesK.M.Conti Mr. and Mrs.Coryell Michael Costello Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Courter Mr. and Mrs. William Currie John and Judith Daher Dr. John Day and Dr. Colleen T. Fahrenbach Mr. J. DeFors Mr. Michael Thomas B. DePottyondy Pam Dilley Ms. Caitlin Patrick andDillon Maureen Dillon Ms. Gal Dor Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dowsett Dave Drauer Mr. Joseph Duffy Lowell D. Dusseau Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eddy Rev. James F. Eisele Dr. Dennis Elias Butch and Jan Ellis Susan Epple Mr. Erhard and Mrs. D’Angelo Mrs. Evelyn J. Felke Mr. and Mrs. Luis F. Fernandez Hon. and Mrs. Charles Frank Filice Michael and Rebecca Ford Fuller Travel Service Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Garton Maria Kabalin Gaston, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gates Andrew Karen Gavin Mr. Frankand Eileen andGhinelli Matt Gianiodis Glenn Buick GMC Mr. andBuege Mrs. David Goeddeke Mrs. Joyce Goerge Thomas and Carmen Gray Mrs. Julia Grescowle Ann LaFleur Hallenbeck Ms. Christine M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hedley Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hillman David Horodynski Ms. Patricia Huddleston Mr. Louis Hufnagel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hughes Mrs. Hutchinson Mrs. Andrea Theresa Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Jakubiak Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jandernoa Charles and Ruth Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Gary W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Willis Johnston Julia M Gudmundsen, DDS Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Kahne Mr. Donald J. Kennedy Dr. and Mrs. James King Larry Kish Mr. Arthur Klepper Mr. G. Korrey Mr. Valentine and Mrs. Ronald Kramer Mrs. Nell Kuhnmuench and Mr. Roy Saper Ms. Barbara LaHaie Lansing Sanitary Supply, Inc. Mrs. Ann E. Lawrence Elizabeth Ms. KyungLear Ronald andLee Joan Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lepczyk Ms. Litka-Klein Ms. Marilyn Barbara Long Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lycos Kelly and Mary Lynch McCardel Development & Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. McKenna Mr. Michael McKoane John and Coleen McNamara Mr. John Merten Michael H. DeLuca, D.D.S., P.C. Michigan Catholic Conference Ms. Molly M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steve Miller Mr. Matthew Miner Carole F. Mitchell Fred Mollenkopf Marilyn Mooney Douglas and Diane Moore Donald and Jean Morgan Mr. Brian P. Morley Mr. Christopher Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. Justin R. Murray Mr. Michael Murray Kathleen Naber James and Neal Mr. and Mrs.Pamela Neubecker Mr. Phillip David Nico Jerome O’Brien Mrs. Anne O’Brien Mrs. E. Papiernik Mrs. Kathryn Nancy S. Passanante Ms. Patterson Mrs.Janice Anne Pentland Mr. Matthew E. Piggott and Allison M. Walacavage Mrs. Cathy Mr. and Mrs.Pike Ronald M. Pioch Mr. Mrs. Joe Platte Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plunkett Mr. and Jeffrey E. Poorman Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Prichard Dr. Paul L. Rashid Richard and Mary Reid Mr. Dan Reinecke Robert Lieder, D.D.S. Mr. BobL.Rompf Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rowland Sheila L. Rudolphi Mr. Kevin J. Ruff Mr. Mrs. Eric R. Rule Mr. and and Mrs. David Russell Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Sagolla Mrs. Maxine Sanford Mr. and Mrs. James Savage Brian and Susan Sebolt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sharkey Mr. George A. Sloane Mr. Bryan Smith and Dr. Ingrid Stines Mrs. Inga Smith Mr. and Mrs. William Smith Sohn Linen Service Spadafore Distributing Co. St. Joseph Catholic Church Mr. Chuck Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Starr Mr. John Suckow and Ms. Pete Pline Mr. Matthew Sweeney Mr. Mrs. Mark Tabor Mrs.and Suzanne M. Teichert Tim Barry Agency Chad Tolfree Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Torok Mr. Mrs. Hoc V. Tran Mr. and Trierweiler Mr. Ryan Timothy Turczyn Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vernellis Mr. Jack VonAchen and Mrs. Mary Maher Mr. David Wahoski Dr. and Mrs. John Walling Jr. Mr. Donald J. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Wangler Tom A. Ward Mr. Wheeler Mr. Clint Richard Williams Ms. Carolyn Wolfe Mrs. Christine Wood Mrs. Judy Wood Patricia Mackay Zavagnin Janice M. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Nestor Dr. and Mrs. Michael Novello Mr. and Mrs. David O’Leary Sr. Joan Olheiser JamesM.and Donna Panasiewicz Paramount co. Mrs. MarjorieCoffee Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Prichard James and Mary Ann Rechtien Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rigas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rudman Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schluckebier Mr. Thomas R. Seymour and Mrs. Mary Frances Farkas Mr. Mrs. Gary Sova Ms.and Mary C. Starr Mr. David Steensma Rev. Anthony J. Strouse Robert and Susan Strouse Mr. Stump Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Jerry Sumerix Stephen and Kathleen Syrjamaki Bruce Thelen Judith C. Thelen Mr. andA.Mrs. Jeff Timmer Mr. Kha Tran Mrs. Joyce Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Gil Wanger Mr. and Mrs. John A. Zipple Mr. and Mrs. Jon Zumbrink Friends Circle Anonymous Mrs. Barb Arnoldussen Missey Beauregard Donald J. Belen Dr. and Mrs. George L. Bettman Mr. Bierwagen Mr. Donald and Mrs. George Boersma Carl and Mary Bollman Phil and Booth William J.Mary Brindle Rita Brink Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brook Lisa BetsyCaporale Carantza Constance Ann Carantza Sharon Combs Miss Eileen Costigan Mrs. Margaret A. Costigan Mr. Coulter SueEdward Creaser Ms. Stacia Dr. and Mrs.DeVries Michael J. Dionise Mr. Doneth Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Richard Duffield James and Cheryl Farhat Ms. Susan M. Fuller Mrs. Mary Pat Funston Mr. and Mrs. Russ Galvin Marcy Ganakas Claudine Goeddeke Gordon Food Service Marketplace Deborah Mary JaneGrether Haddad Mr. Patrick Hamel Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Hassler Michelle and Steve Hayes Sister Barbara Hengesbach, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Horowitz Eileen AngelaHouston Johnston Mr. Thomas Kelly and Mrs. Sandy Codere Sister Catherine James Kirby S.C. Patricia S. Koenigsknecht Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Koester Mrs. Barbara J. Kribs Rodney and Loretta Krol Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lapine Rae E. Leece Jill Leitz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenard Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lyons Ms. Judy Manson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Maurer Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Maysonet, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McKerr Mr. McNeill Mr. Ron Middleton Mr. Stan Charles L. Miller Patrons $1.00 - $49 Carol Adado $50 - $99 Mr. John Abraham Anonymous Catherine Anton Mr. and Mrs. Erlyn Arntson Mr. and Mrs. Gino Baldino John and Kathleen Barrett Mrs. Catherine D. Becker Martin Both Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brink Jeremy Terri Burke Mr. and and George Carr Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Chapman The Honorable Patrick F. Cherry Nancy L. Clarke Mr. Leonard Convissor Mr. and Mrs.D. Bruce Corey Dr. Anne C. Creany and Mr. Timothy Creany Mrs. Mary A. Daly Rev. Lawrence P. Delaney Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. DeLuca Jean and David DeVries Mrs. Darrell Mr. Daniel J.Duffield USAF Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Richard Endres Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Frauenheim Mr. and Mrs. Norman Garn S.J. Garton Phillip and Pamela Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goeddeke Mr. and Mrs. Chris Goodrich Colleen Gossman Mrs. Diana Mr. and Mrs.Gover Daniel Greene Mr. and Mrs. James Grund Dana Haines Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Scott Harvey Ms. Krista Heiser William and Kathryn Hoover Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hourani Ms. Joyce Houston Mr. and Mrs. James R. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jurkovic Mr. Jared Kopel and Mrs. Debra Messick Mr. Mrs. Louis Legg Mr. and Bill Lyons Mr. Mrs. Clyde Maas Ms.and M. Malinowski Mrs.Lisa Mary A. Mapes Mr. Eric Martin Mrs. Shannon Mattern Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. McMonagle Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McQuillan Clay and Mary Jo Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minninger Jill Mittleman Mr. P. and Mrs. Richard Mulder Mr. G. Murray Mr. James and Mrs. Nickolas Nakfoor Mr. and Mrs. Armando Silvas Mr. and Mrs. Doug G. Simon Ms. Beatrice Skory Marian Eileen St.Smith Pierre Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ronald J. Stump Sharon Jan andTiemann Kerry Tietsort Sister Nancyann Turner, O.P. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Urquhart Mrs. Ruth J. Vanderwier Mr. and John Vielbig Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Steven Walters Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wills Mary Wilson Mary Jane Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yazbeck HERITAGE 2 CAMPAIGN DONORS With a total goal of $3,300,000, the Heritage 2 Campaign is underway to construct a new Chapel, Music Classrooms, top-to-bottom renovation of the Auditorium, much needed infrastructure updates and furnishings. The Campaign has broken the $2 million mark in cash and pledges with a total of $2,095,000 as of January 15, 2014. It is with grateful hearts that we say thank you to our generous Heritage 2 Campaign donors. Together, we can make a difference in Lansing Catholic’s future. HERITAGE 2 CAMPAIGN (Cash and pledges through January 15, 2014) Strategic Gifts $25,000 or more Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dantonio Kellie and Marilyn Dean Mr. and Mrs. Van Fox Dr. and Mrs. Terrence R. Frank Frank and Janet Freund Dr. Patrick Gadola and Dr. Julia Gudmundsen Patrick and Jennifer Gillespie Mr. Patrick Heller Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hinz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lasch Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Mertz Mr. and Mrs. Brian F. Murray Mark and Elizabeth Murray Drs. Michael and Van-anh Peters Pung Family Living Trust Reid/English Families Roznowski Foundation Drs. Lou A. and Roy J. Simon Skinner Haley Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stoner Dr. and Mrs. Charles E. Syrjamaki Mr. Stephen M. Wickens Mr. and Mrs. Len Wolfe HERITAGE 2 CAMPAIGN DONORS CONTINUED Michael and Jennifer Charette Gary and Marie Clark Leadership Gifts Class of 1972 $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. Lawrence Dalimonte Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael Day Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Benton Ms. Stacia DeVries Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brickner Dr. and Mrs. Mark DeWitt Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Burnett Pam Dilley and Mrs. Michael J. Dionise Dr. and Mrs. Curt Carl Dr. Dr. John Day and Joseph and Sherry Dunn Dr. Colleen T. Fahrenbach Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eddy Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eitrem Jeffrey and Mary Fineis Mrs. Ellen Fata Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Formsma Jewell Flajole Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foster Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Hudson Dr. and Mrs. Ryan P. Frank William and Kimberly Hufnagel Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Mr. and Mrs. James M. Kasprzak John and Karen Frost Mark and Rosemary Kerrins and Mrs. John Gorgenson Mr. Pete and Stephanie Kramer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hannah Ronald and Joan Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Harrison Paul and Melissa Long Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Hayden John and Noella Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heberlein Thomas and Michelle Maloney Mr. and Mrs. James S. Hedley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Brian McVeigh Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hohs Donald and Jean Morgan Impact Solutions, Inc. Kevin and JoAnne Neugent Art and Mary Irish Mr. and Mrs. John Pence and Mrs. Gary W. Johnson Dr. Richard and Amy Poljan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kazmierski Timothy and Melissa Sambaer Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Kennedy Spadafore Distributing Co. John and Cheryl Killian Mr. and Mrs. Ken Statly Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Killingsworth The Talbot Scofes Family Rev. John P. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Theis Peter and Theresa Kuhnmuench Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ward Ms. Marilyn Litka-Klein Mr. and Mrs. Bryan W. Maloney Major Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Maloney Michael and Deena Maloney $5,000 $9,999 John and Beverly McCauley Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Brian McKenna Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Andary Most Reverend Carl F. Mengeling Richard and Diane Blundy Marilyn Mooney Jerry and Rosemary Borgen Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Mueller Mrs. Elizabeth Boyd Rev. Msgr. Michael D. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bres Mrs. Patricia Murphy-Holl Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Brogan Dr. Patricia Nakfoor and Mr. Chris Savona Frank and Sally Burke Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nakfoor Paul and Cynthia Charette James and Pamela Neal Dr. and Mrs. Alonso Collar Mr. and Mrs. James Paul Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gallagher Dr. and Mrs. John F. Peters Mr. Richard Garmyn Ms. Marti Poorman George T. Guerre, Sr. Mrs. Molly Potvin-Large Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Izzo Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reese Mr. David Johnson Mrs. Emily Reifsnyder Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Lieder Rev. Gordon Reigle Mr. and Mrs. Randy Meder Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rentz Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Mooney III Mr. and Mrs. Larry Royster MPC Cash-Way Lumber Co., Inc. Jeffrey and Julie Rule Mr. Joseph V. Perrone Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rush Dr. Bradley and Carolyn Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Schaefer Mr. Jon Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stone Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stewart Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Robert and Susan Strouse Jan and Kerry Tietsort Mr. and Mrs. Greg Swain Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Szedlak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor Benefactor Gifts The Egene A. Daher Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Totte $1,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. John Van Camp Mr. Charles J. Abraham Mr. and Mrs. William J. Wesley Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Witgen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Baker Wolverine Development Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Greg Zarotney Ms. Ann P. Berardo Community Builders Gifts Christine N. Bourque Mr. Robert A. Brandell $1.00 - $1,499 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brennan Thomas Agase Judge and Mrs. Thomas E. Brennan, Jr Mr. Oliver Aldridge Judge and Mrs. Thomas E. Brennan, Sr. John A. Alfes Ted and Maureen Buda Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Donald Burkhardt Jim and Kathy Andros Mr. and Mrs. Alan Burns Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeb Burns Mrs. Joyce Archer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campbell Norma Avelleyra Campbell, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip L. Badra Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castellani Donna J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Centeno Mr. and Mrs. Leo Balcer Mr. and Mrs. Dane Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Ross Baldwin Mr. Terry Ballinger Rosalie M. Baran Mr. Douglas Barr John and Julie Barron Missey Beauregard Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beaver Mr. Gerald L. Beck Ms. Sharon Bennett Frank and Sandra Bernier Mr. Steven Betterly and Mrs. Joanne Mahony-Betterly Dr. and Mrs. George L. Bettman John W. Beutler Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bierwagen, Sr. Mary Biggane Mary and Everett Bissonette Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Blatnik Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Blonde’ Phil and Mary Booth Mr. and Mrs. David J. Borzenski Ardie and Jerry Boswell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boszak Martin Both Paul and Karen Bowman Mary L. Brake William J. Brindle Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brink Rita Brink Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brook Dr. and Mrs. John Broviac Mr. Matthew Brown Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown Mr. Steven Brunner Mrs. Mary L. Buckley Mrs. Maryjo Bullock Marilyn Bullock Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Burgess II Mr. and Mrs. David Burkholder Mr. Mike Burnett Ms. Ellen C. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burrell Mrs. Norma Burroff Karen Bussey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Byelich Claire Byerrum Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Calkins Mr. Victor Callewaert Mr. Buddy Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James M. Campbell Capital Area Chapter Military Officers Assoc. of America Lisa Caporale Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carson Robert and Kathleen Caruso Mr. Brent E. Case Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cherry Edith M. Chmielewicz Church of the Resurrection Cynthia Clark Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Clark Mr. David Closs Dr. and Mrs. Joel M. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Comar Patty Conway Mrs. Lucille M. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Rick Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coppess Ms. Janine Cordes Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Corey Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cornelius Coscarelli Rosemary Miss Eileen Costigan Jack Courter Mr. and Mrs. Jeff F. Crippen Mr. and Mrs. John Crowley Mr. and Mrs. William Currie D.W. Hayes Co., LLC Sister Mary Elizabeth Daher C. Douglas and Janice Dart Katina E. Dart Mr. Jack Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davison Dr. and Mrs. Alfredo de La Fe Margaret J. De Rose Scott and Jami de Varona Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Debnar Mr. Michael J. DeFors Mary Jo DeHaven Rev. Lawrence P. Delaney Mrs. Stella DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Tom Derengoski Dr. Paul DeWeese Loren and Mary DeYoung Mr. and Mrs. Michael Diebold Ms. Caitlin Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dion Ms. Therese M. Dion Mrs. Carol Dionise Daniel and Ellen Dionise Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dionise Genevieve Dionise Mr. Thomas Dobson and Mrs. Lisa Whiting Dobson Mr. David Doherty Mrs. Mary Ann Doll Mr. and Mrs. John Doody Mr. Mike Doran Larry and Susan Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Drago Judge and Mrs. H. Kevin Drake Cecilia and John Draminski Henry and Gladys Dreps Katherine and Joseph Drolett Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Droste Edmond and Nancy Ducommun Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Duda Mrs. Darrell Duffield Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duffield Mr. James F. Dunn and Mrs. Nan E. Casey Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dunneback Ms. Carly Ehrenberger Rev. James F. Eisele Mr. and Mrs. Steven Elias Rebecca Ely Mr. and Mrs. Richard Endres Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wainright Susan Epple Estate of Frank Koval Mr. and Mrs. David L. Farhat Mrs. Anna Fata Ernest and Teresa Fata Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Fata Ms. Jessica Fata John and Laurie Fata Mr. and Mrs. Richard Feitel Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Feldpausch Mrs. Luz M. Fell Hon. and Mrs. Charles Frank Filice Mr. and Mrs. John G. Fischette Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fischman Mr. David Flees Mr. William J. Fleming, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Fortino Mrs. Judith A. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. David P. Fox John and Marilyn Fox Mr. and Mrs. Tim Foy Mr. Daniel L. Frank Drs. Rafael and Shirley Frank Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Frauenheim Luke and Betsy Freund Friends of Michigan State University, Department of Surgery Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Fugazzi Mrs. Joelle Fuller George and Lynn Fuller Mr. Brian Gallagher Peter and Michelle Gallette Rebecca Garcia-Ardis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Garton S.J. Garton Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gates Andrew and Karen Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Jon Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Gillespie Mr. Raymond P. Ginther Susan Margaret Glazier Claudine Goeddeke Mr. and Mrs. David Goeddeke Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Goeddeke, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goeddeke Mr. Matt Golzynski Mr. and Mrs. David Gonzalez Douglas and Linda Goodrich Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Graf Greater Lansing Catholic Educ Fdn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Greene Michelle M. Guswiler Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guyeskey H.E.L.O. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haag Dana Haines Bethany Hall Mrs. Deanna Halsey Michael and Kathleen Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Harden Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harden Mr. and Mrs. James Harken Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Harney Deborah Harrison Ms. Michelle Harrison Eleanor Harte Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Hartford Carolyn Hartsuff Michael Hauser Mary Ann Healy Miss Colleen Heberlein Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heeder Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Heinowski, Jr. Ms. Ann Heutsche Mr. and Mrs. James Heymes Mrs. Mary C. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hillary Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Don Hines Ron and Kathy Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Holtzer Mrs. Anne E. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Ron Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. David Hough Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hourani Eileen Houston Mr. Ben Hudson Ms. Kathleen Hufnagel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hundt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ianni Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Idalski Mr. and Mrs. James J. Iding Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Iding Mrs. Diane A. Ignatowski Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Isaac Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Jackinchuk Ms. Anne Jackovatz Joann and Peter Jacobs James S. Pearce, D.D.S., PLC Ms. Claudia Jean-Pierre Jeri Lynn Jensen Jay and Mary Ann Jensen Mr. and Mrs. George Jesko Johnny Mac’s Sporting Goods Rich and Sandy Johnson Mrs. Wendy Johnson Angela Johnston Mr. Will Jurkiewicz Helen C. Kavanagh David and Kristine Kazmirzack Bruce and Ann Keilen William and Elena Keller Mr. Kevin P. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. James Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. J. James Kielbaso Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kimball Dr. and Mrs. James King Mr. and Mrs. William King Eugene and Gina Klco Stacy M. Klein Knights of Columbus-Michigan Council Karyn Koenigsknecht Mr. Dan Kohler Mr. and Mrs. John Kosciulek Mr. and Mrs. James Koval Mrs. Jodi Kramarczyk Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kramer Sandy Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krause Mr. Ron Krauss Mrs. Anna Kreft Mrs. Barbara J. Kribs Rodney and Loretta Krol Beverly and Raymond Kromer Mr. and Mrs. John Krusoe Daniel and Catherine Kuch Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuch Mrs. Nell Kuhnmuench and Mr. Roy Saper Mr. and Mrs. Gary Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lapine Julia Lathin Mr. Thomas H. Lecato Mr. and Mrs. Louis Legg Mr. Brian Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lepczyk Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lepczyk Ms. Mary Beth Lepczyk Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Leshock Dr. and Mrs. Paul Linnell Mr. and Mrs. Dan Linsell Ms. Dianna Living Ms. Barbara Long Mr. James Lorenz Mr. Thomas J. Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lovejoy Mr. John Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Maas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Madejek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahoney Ms. Joyce A. Maierle Mary M. Malone Mrs. Edith Maloney Mr. John M. Maloney III Mr. Paul Mariano Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Marks Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Marshall Mr. Richard Maurer Mr. and Mrs. William McCann McCardel Culligan Water Conditioning Mr. Michael McCausey Mr. James K. McCue Mr. and Mrs. Ben McGeachy, Sr Mr. John McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McKerr Mr. Michael McKoane Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. McManus Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McQuillan Nancy Mesko Rev. George Michalek Mr. Howard D. Miller Suzanne Mills Mr. and Mrs. Robert Minninger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mohr Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery Mr. Dennis M. Mooney Mr. John Mooney Douglas and Diane Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore Mr. Bruce Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison Ms. Irene Morrison Mr. Michael J. Mueller Wayne and Heidi Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulder Ms. Deborah J. Munford Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murdoch Mr. Rod Murphy Tom and Sharron Murphy Mr. Michael Murray Mr. Michael Naber Miss Patricia M. Neugent Sister Patricia Newhouse S.C. Carl and Linda Nichols Renee Nichols Bob and Jenny Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nieman Mr. Daniel Niersbach Mr. and Mrs. Kai Nimtz Mr. and Mrs. David Noe Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. Noll, III Mrs. Eleanor Noonan Charlene O’Berry Patrick and Amy O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Olds Mr. Michael C. Olds Mrs. Lorraine Olger Joan M. Olheiser Mr. Richard J. Olson Ms. Molly J. O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. John Ovreset Mr. and Mrs. David Pabst Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page II Dr. and Mrs. Jon Paget Mrs. Kathleen Partlow Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Pasche Mr. and Mrs. Steve Patoprsty Mrs. Marjorie Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Pendergast Timothy and Rosemarie Perrone Mr. and Mrs. William J. Perrone Mr. and Mrs. Chuong Quoc Phan Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Piggott James and Nancy Piggush Mrs. Cathy Pike Marcy Plant Arlene Platte Thomas and Katherine Platte Ms. Lynda L. Plunkett Carl Pogoncheff,D.D.S, M.S. Mr. Steven Pohl Mr. and Mrs. Rod Poland Mr. Jerry Urquhart and Mrs. Mollie Poorman Mr. Hugh Potter Gail Powers Ms. Jeryl Powers Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Price Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Prichard Donald and Bea Pung Mr. and Mrs. Michael Quintieri Robert and Elaine Rabideau Mr. Connor Ralph Russell Raymond Carolyn and Donald Reed William and Kathryn Reed Richard and Mary Reid Rev. Bernard Reilly Rosemary A. Rentschler Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Respecki Ms. Elizabeth Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds William and Sandy Rich Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richards Mr. and Mrs. Bill Richardson Mr. and Mrs. James Riley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Robbins Mr. Anthony D. Robinson Gordon and Kay Robke Karen Rohlman Jane A. Romatowski Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. Rosekrans Corbin J. Roy Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rudman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rule Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruth Patrick and Sarah Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Roger Saadeh David and Denise Sachau Saginaw Valley Bone & Joint Center, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Erick Sanares Mark and Susan Sanford Mrs. Joan E. Saub Ms. Gina Saucedo Mrs. Julie Savage Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schafer Marcia A. Schelter Phillip D. Schertzing Ms. Marie Scodeller Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Scodeller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Scofes Phillip and Mary Pat Scozzafave Mr. Steven W. Seely Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Sevenski Mildred Shanks Dan Shaub Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sheathelm Mr. and Mrs. John Shelle Mr. and Mrs. John Shinsky Mr. and Mrs. Josh Shumway Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Sickles Mr. and Mrs. Doug G. Simon Mrs. JoAnn Slabonek Mr. George A. Sloane Mr. Bryan Smith and Dr. Ingrid Stines Mr. and Mrs. John B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Smith Marian Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Ronald and Joan Smith Ms. Stephanie Soule Mr. Frederick W. Sova Jr. Ms. Mary M. Sova Mr. Andy Spadafore Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spaedt Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Spalding Mrs. JoAnn Spenski Mr. Daniel Spitzley Mr. Daniel D. Spitzley St. Peter Catholic Church Kristine Steensma Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Brady C. Stevenson Ms. Barbara Stoddard Daniel and Judy Stotenbur Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Strasz Rev. Anthony J. Strouse Mrs. Mary Stuible Mr. Michael Stump Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Stump Dr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Stumpos Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jim Summerfield Diane and Gary Swan Mr. Jerry Swihart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Szekely Mr. Casmera Szocinski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Szombati Thomas and Ruth Taliaferro Beverly H. Temple Ms. Annette Terranova Mr. Michael Terranova Mrs. Rita Terry Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thayer The Dance Studio Mr. Alan Thelen Frederick and Pat Thelen Mrs. Marilyn Thimmig Lou Ann Thom Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thome Mrs. Suanne Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinsey Ms. Susan Trojanowicz Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Troshak Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Tuma Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tyler Louis and Mary Margaret Utess Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Vandenberg Steven and Janice VanKirk Mr. and Mrs. John Vielbig John and Katey Vincent Ms. Eleanor Vinette Ralph and Tina Votapek Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vuchetich Marjorie P. Waite Ms. Deborah Walker Dr. and Mrs. John Walling Jr. Helen C. Walsh Roland and Glenda Walters Mr. and Mrs. Steven Walters Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Wangler Mr. Michael Tousley and Mrs. Michele Ward Barbara Ware Mr. and Mrs. Keith Warriner Liz Webster Mr. Brian Werner and Mrs. Ann Marie Ryan Joannne Westfall Mr. Clint Wheeler Mr. Gordon White and Mrs. Patricia Driscoll-White Mrs. Amber Whiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wiegner Mr. Richard Williams Mary Jane Wilson Mr. Gerald Winters Linda J. Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolcott Mary Wolf Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wolohan Carolyn Wood Mrs. Judy Wood Ms. Katherine A. Wood Ms. Kathy Wood Barbara Yaich Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yazbeck Mr. and Mrs. James Zito Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Zuk If you find an error or omission in this Annual Report or have a question please contact Jean Morgan, Director of Development at 517.267.2114 or [email protected]. We are also happy to talk with you about the impact of your gifts or ways to get involved with the Lansing Catholic community.
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