Counter-Statement - Bennington College


Counter-Statement - Bennington College
- l -
Thursday .. Friday Saturday
November 18, 1 9, 20 1948
Bennington College Theatre
8 : 30 PM
The World
is Round .......... . .............. Gertrude Stein,
Percussion Score Marcia Burr
Speaker - Joan DuBrow
Chorus - Nancy Homes, Anne Kobin, Jane Neal Joyce Sp ie gel
Rose - M arcia Eastman
Comp os e d and directed by Marcia Eastman
Recording Burl Ives
Aunt Rhody
Composed and Danced by Linda Borden Suzanne Lochhead Joun
t ' s E11d
... ..
. ..... . . . . ... .
by Virginia Allen
Excerpt from
Joan DuBrow Marcia Eastman
Composed und directed by Joan DuBrow
He lois e and Abelard
Nuns - Patsi Birsh Allegra Fuller BettyAnne Gillet t
He lois c , a Novic e - Gail Greig
Comp os ed and dire cted by GailGreig
......................... .
Composed and danced by Helen
In Time of Armament
........................ Marcia Burr
The Young Man - Bert Prensky
Mother - Bo tty Anne Gil lott
The Young Girl - Patsi Birsh
Tho Women - Gail Greig Suzanne Lochhe ud, Doris Robbins
Composed and directed by Betty Anne GillEJtt
IntermissI on
Li'l Girl, Li'l Gir1 ....................
Negro Childrer!s
Rec ord ed for Library of Congress
Children's games are based on ancient ritual such as London Brid ge,
which originates in the capture of a prisoner for s u crifice. In this
dance , slave children are playing games but unconsciously through
tho games thoy are presenting thoir life in ritualistic form.
- 2 7
(co nt )
1. Li'll Gir l - Leaving masters t o play
2 . Sea Lion Woman - birth ri tual
3. Shortenin' Bread - hun ger
4 . Pullin' th e Skiff - wor k
5 . AllHid - persecution
6. Old Uncle Ra b it - death ritual
7. Li'l Girl - r eturn to masters
(words on page 3)
Danced by Diane Boyd en , Helen Cappel Allegra Fuller Nancy Holmes
S ally liberman Joan Tewksbury
Composed and directed by Allegra Fuller
Search the
Dark Kingdom
Marcia Burr
Composed and danced by Bert Pronsky
. Barto.k
Composed and danced by Helene Ellis
So Long
Composed and danced by Patsi i3 irs !1 and Be rt Prensky
Scored for t ho 20's
Danced by Diane
Boyden Sally Liberman Suzanne
Composed and directed by Helene Ell is
All Star Trio
Suzanne Rich
Program under the dire c tion of William Bales and Martha Eill.
i:u si c under the d ir e cti on of Marcia Burr, assisted by Herbert Millington
Technical Dir oct ion by James Thompson.
Costume De sign and Construction by Lil 1 ian Fou c hor, Be rt Prenskyand Dance Gr ou p.
Stage Manager Virginia Allen
Assistant: Joan Rounds
Lighting Crew: Joanne : McCallum Head; Jacqueline Brown Peggy Lampl Tu rri Rhode s.
Dr e s se rs: Anne Kobin Suzanne Lemb.erg Susan Miles Joan Pauley
Marcia Burr
Marcia Ireland
C1 ari net
Gunnar Schonbeck
Pe rcuss ion
Marcia Bu rr, Ho rb o r t Millington
Solo Voi c e
Herbe rt Millington
Voic o s for Motet
Anne Borman Cynthia Lee
Ann Tr e ichl e r , Fay West
Dance Group
Nancy Ho l me s
Joan DuBrow
Bert Prensky
Pats i Birsh
Helene Ellis
Anne Kobin
Suzanne Rich
Li nda Borden
Marcia Eastman
Suzanne Lochhead
Doris Robbins
Diane Boyden
Allegra Full e r
Sally Li berman
Joyce Spiegel
Helen Cappel
Betty 1.nno Gillett
Jane Neal
Joan Tewksbury
Barbara Corey
Gail Gr e i g
Suzanne Parker
The Dance Group wishes to thank Ben Bcli tt, Lionel Nowak and Gunnar Schonbeck
for the ir Co-operation and advice
' .
He gro Children's Games - Recorded for the Libra ry of Congress .
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Li'l Girl, Li'l Girl
Li ' l gi r l, Li ' l girl?
Ye s, mam
Di d you go down town?
Yes , mam
Did you see my brown?
Dici he buy me any s hoos?
Stockin's too/
Put him on the train?
The bel1 1 r i ng ?
Whichaway d i d he go?
Choo -c hoo\
All n i ght long
Choo- choo \
Etc .
2) Sea Li on Woman
Sea 1 i on woman
Sea li e ,
She dri nk coffee,
She dri nk tea
And the gander li e ,
Way down yonder
Hind tho log
And the roost e r crowed
And the gander li ed.
(Firs t ve rs o repeated twice)
3) shortenin' Bread
I do l ove
Shortenin' br ead,
I d o love
Shortenin' br cud.
Mama 1 o v
Shortenin' bread ,
Papa love
Shortenin' bread
Eve r ybody 1 ove
Shortenin' bread
4) Pullin' the Skiff
I we nt downtown
To ge t my gri p
I como back homo
Just a-pullin' the s kiff.
Tomorrow tomorrow
Tomorrow never come ;
Tomorrow Tomorrow
Tomorrow's in t ho burn .
.:.n... a
hump-unh an-a hump-unh,
hunp-unh, hunp- unh.
an-a hunp-unh ,
5) All Hid ?
All hid?
All hid?
Five , ten fift een, twenty
's o.11 hid?
Way down yo nde r by t ho devil's tovm
Devil knoc ked my do.ddy down
Six little horses in the stable
One jumped out and s ki nned hi s noble.
Old man Ned fe11 out t he bod,
Cracked his head on a hot pi ece of loud.
6) Old Uncle Rabbit
If I li ve
Chool-dy, choo l-dy,
To s ec no x' fall
Chool-dy , cho ol-dy ,
I ain' gon' raise
Chool-dy chool-dy
No cabbage at all
Cho ol-dy,, chool-dy.
Ol Uncle Rabbit
Got the habit
In my garden
Eatin' o.11 my cabbage
Two litt tlc babies layin' i n bed ,
One play sic k an' the othc r'n play dead
Ever since my dog bee n dead
.i.n' if I live
Hog 's beon r oot i n 1 my 'tater bod.
To sec ncx fall
I ain' gen' raise
Old Aunt Dinah sick in the bed
No cabbage at all
Sent for the Doct or; Doctor said
A11 she need's some shortenin' bread
7) Li'l Girl, Li'l Girl
Choru s
Same as No. 1.