The Glenville ercury - Glenville State College


The Glenville ercury - Glenville State College
The Glenville
Student NewiiPQel'
Select Five For Who's Who In Glenville College
Name Fluharty
YMCA Presjdent
Start Here,
Off Campus
~ one llundftd ellldent.s
Will be «nn>ll<d In ~~even esterudon
ctueee moeUnc off tile CAmpue
wbcn final Orurea ran be deter·
m1Dec1, Dean Robert T crawford
aald "' put w
Mr. Raym<>nd Freed lA teaehlng
ctuaee ln Oot.onlal blet.ory a.t Sutt.oa. EIIUbetb a.od Rldlwood: Dr.
J . C. Shr•ve, e cl ... ln Sociology
ICK, (Problem• or the Family, I
Bumovdle; Mr. John R. Wegner,
Ph I I S 0 I
Y• Cli
vWe; Mr. H. Y. ClArk, Hllt.ory
Ul, (Dov•lopment or th! Weet),
Qranmvllle: MI.. lvy Myora, Ceograpby soa. (World Ceogrepby),
Cloy. Clll.UU at onna a.nd Spell·
cor are yet ln lbe organization
'tlllrUen Gumer eounty teacb... JI1A!t bere Mondey evening,
BopL :U and
t11ey deelroCL oean Crawrord e>t·
plalned cou:reu l.o be offered and
acceptail earollmente for
lbrM bour couraee for preKOteUoa
on lbe CAmpua. TentaUvely ecbe·
duled were Art 301, Ml• )(yer11,
end Sociology tiM,
DoUnqueoey, Dr.
Sbnve, lnatructor.
DMn crawford u.ld thet c:laMee
convene at 1 p. m. one nlgllt - · run two and one llalf hours
tor a t.ota1 of alxte«n meetlnp.
TuiUon c:herge tor CAmpue c;our·
... Ia $10, ancl In outlying cll.otr!cte $15 for eacb tllree-bour
It final eoroUment ehowe ono
hundred etudenta tbe Iota! figure
for the Collece WIU reedl 230.
!"our Millon are ...,..,lied
t.eec~W>c ...,..,..
Cbarloe J'!Ub&rty, eopbomore,
..,.. eJOC!ted proeldent of
Ieee Y . JL. C. A. ~Y evonln&'.
SopL ~. t.o Gray Barker,
Kue Ivy Loe Myere h.o.e only
oae atudent enroU<d Ill til• danenNUl& M-., Paul Heclltn.
tery dlvUOOlL lne Arbop.llt le Gray 11&<1< r,
ot1l. And LJda
!belling In ab<lll I'J'ILde, en<\ F.............U. ..,d Jan l a....,
b<T criUe t...,bor Ia M.IM Virclnl JUnlor'l, ..-m.
· - tu .........
O<Jit Ill•
11<1 ln U.. lort!l·
Jo1r H. Y. Clark 11.o.e Uir.e tA· ~·•• •-•· ~
d&ry t.eachln
--.. - · ~
roUod In ....,
I · Edlle Among Studoonte It!
llh rsaUe
Rutll Ellyeon. le l.c>Adllnf tentb a.nd ~ of Amrrtca '
gnule alpbn. wllll Kr. Enuu«tt
AU<~<~ t.o a •t.&tellltnt of
Hull u ber criUe t.e&cl>er. N.t.oa t.. U.. eommlttM eom~ ot fa.<\11!7
.MDon! •• teedlinl' eJ&blll p-a.d• ltu4enl.e alld -Clod by
btat.ory &ad h«r cr!Uc teacber Ia • I.. K" ugh t, r e p Mn. Elftelle M.urpby. Grey llarl< r were r c:b&nl< 1oa4o
t - e • tenth grade Elllf\1011. and ..lp,
..,..:... _....:.
Pearl ..-w~~n
:.~~c t
T Ia )(lee
culu acU\'lU• and OlJ>cr ""t•
PncUce t.eachlng Ia cloDe ID lb'! n&ndlng qualltJea.
local blfb and gre<~e IOCboola.
Purpoee ot tile publlcauca te t.o
make ~ble an autllcn1taUve
rDetbod for ~ mon t.o al~
IIOI!Gr, w - rulp.Uon wu ...<:d boceUK be Aid be dlcl not
hove edoquat.e Ume t.o .,..,.,...
tile duU.. of tllo office,
At tile meeUng ln tile l - e ,
of LOUII Bonnett B&IJ, Paul J . .k.
aon, eophomore, wu elect.ecl pl'l)o
cram ehalrman and . - ClYde
l!ulh ud Frederick BocP. D'eah·
rueo !or - n t e
, ; . group, meeUng w1tb lolr.
John R. Wegner, faculty adviKr,
d.locUOKd •tma and purpoaee or
tile orpnlzeUon, and
fund> for procuring reereeUonal
At a later me<>Ung Kondey, OcL
1, tile &""'U'U dlecUIRd turtber
plo.n• !or,. •tudent-proclueed ehow,
p11rp0ee or wblcb wm be 10 ra1ee
InV1•te Studentso
Faculty to Attend
Conservation Meet
Miss Rose Funk
Is Appot"nted
Dean of women
Three Seniors,
r.,. Moore, Heckert,
Barker Named
CoUege Glee Club
taletad In It are Sings for Convention u.e 111.....,...... or u.. - t o
Saturday, ._t. 13
• IID<Mr u.. ........ ot
Milo F\lnk, lnelruct.or In
beallb and pbyal<aloduc&Uon, bu
-Tile paat ,_,. Cbarlee IlfelD.
lboen -lnt.ecl Dean or Women.
'l'wenl)'·lbc glrlll and t.hree mon . - . VlrgiBia Bupp, WU\4&
~ Mlee J'lmk wtU direct a gutdence are m«mbere of tile
Glee Strader WCft elacted to tiM ooSoU ConeerveUon Weell
,.._ procram for younc women while Club, w'blcb le the largeat number gaal&aUO!l,
celved new 1m tue on tile .....,. In tbe coUeg«, an4 girl 1.o take put In lbrM Je&n. ..,.
-----the put ~eek when ll'nal· ahoutd !eel tree t.o c:onoult ber on cording to 111M &rllla & ot.on,
t 0 t.. H&ugbt conveyed
any, prolealon&l,
or lnetrucl.ol' ln muelc. Tile group
ln~teU~n 10 abldente end reculty aoc:lal problem, •be &aieL'
Will pruent.lta fll'llt program at
to attend an
meeUn at tl:le
Mlu FUnk' a oftlce wtU be room the Woma.n 1 Club CooveoUon, to
Gilmer Oount~urt a!uao tbo 301 In lbe Scleooe Hall an4 abe be h«ld In the College auditorium,
Rev. Paltl Ool>l...., of tbe Glal·
~ 1 .30 m.
wUI ... any girl dally from two SatW<I&y afternoon.
I IIIa ~ri&n Olun:b ln an
~ ~;:.~gof
wu o'clock untO four o'clodt, or at Tbe group wiU alng tbree num· addNM to lbe etudente at _,..,...
lolr A. G Mat- a.ny oilier Ume by appolnbnenL bera: "America," Frank Blocb; cec:.on. -n.u.-y, BopL :n. aid
:'ew.. S:;to y ~aUOn. Oolll·
"A Shepherd'• Tune," Guet&vo 1lb&t tbe priDdplee lor a
1 - t.o _..,.. coa--.s ....._
wbo aleo mowed a
Klemm; and ''In Gay 8eYIII.e," ,
"rt can Happen
Robert W . Gll>b. and will be ""' all ""tlorle bWat be buUt on .......t
~;..,".':' P
compiUll<d by Joen Gravu, 110n1or taw thet Wldo'JU'da the u.nt . . . .:·
On. TbiU1ICI& Mr Ollie IFink.
In Glenville fllgll Scbool, wbo b&e "Revenp. 1e eoat.ruy to moral law
.,.retery of ~ naUollal orcanf·
Tbe Rev. Hayward Rowt, tile 1twlled plano lor llfVeral yean A. truo bralberbood 0( DWllllnd ta
zaUon, "Frlenda ot tbe Land." Rev. GlendOft lolc:Kee, UICI the Rev. under the dlrecUon of Mn. J , E. tbo oaly ......_ for l&.ltlng _ .
and an bwtruct.or from tile teacb· Marvin Burne, who are tile Clen· .Arbucltle.
And lhle Ia eet.o.bflahed by t~
er tralniD clep&rtment or Oblo vWe State OoUece·• Metboclta~ 1 14lee Oleeo aleo
thet morat law and'e altenlaUlllverel:. wtU ~ In convo- mlnllt.erlal etudente, retum<d t.o
muelc clep&rtment rec41ved a U- t.o ,......,,.: Jon. , _
eeuon bere on ,. eoneervaUon GlenvWo, Sunde, eveo~nc Sepl new record cabinet and tile roJ. a.od preyer," be ald.
23, tram Cllarleat.on where they lowing
Tile Roov. Mr. CobJaa 1A111e4 of
Byo...,During tllta week c 0 u n t y bad 1pent Ulr.e deye attendlnc Quartet No. 1 ln F Me,lor. Cool· tile blet.ory ot war tlaroulb tile
ecboota are te&cblng coneervauon tile W- Vlqrlnl& Kotllocltat An· U4ce Quartet; Beetlleven, Quartet •c•• from before tile ·
TIDII NEW -riencee of open- pracUcee for one bour d&Uy, a.od nual Oooforence. Wheo tile U.t No. 15 in A m1no« (op. 153). ment Of tile , . _ . , lew . t,. ~ """ ~- and every· coUece llu.trueto., are empllam- or appolnbnente for tbe new Buecb Quanet; Plaoo Kuetc ot wbole _ . . . , . _ ...,. ~ou Ia CO&l'inc ble pace to tile lng lbe lllll>ject ln many c - . .
rtacal year wu reed Sunday Chopin. Moniz Roaenl.bal ; Dvorak· n.atecl. Ia
daye the cocle ot
grllul of routine Oollore wo>IC. We
Rev. lolr. JWwe wu ,... Quartet No. e In F Major, Bude· an eye for u
a ot.p fortbe SOcial OomiiiiUeo Ia Arr&J"gn
tumecl t.o tbe BumeviUe ~e, peat String Quartet; lllpr: J:nlg· ln tile OVOIUUOII ot juott.oo
~ ltllolf, bowner, wllll plana
tile Rev. Mr. Kdl:ee, ret.umed to ma Vartaboal, a. a. c. and Ad· ot lbe - . . .
, ... IIMpiDg ue ontert.t.lned. InterOleovWo, an4 u.. Rev. Mr. sum. rtan Boult: Grelg: Coocert.o for
"A.t u.. v...we, " m.lttenu, et leuL jWblcb rem.lncle
--wu ucueed from rogu!a,- apo PIAno and Orc:beetn Ill A. - · r.rence - ba4 .......,., and tile
ue to romlnd you l.o ettGid al.t lbo
Five ftubmeo -.., arraigned polntment to lllt.end lldlool.
Arthur :Rublnllteln; Baydon: Sym· reeulta- hi faD"'- Ill wbkh
eftnte t.beJ .........._ AJid of before tbe Studfnt Colmcil Tufe.
ne, brine tho report 111at phony No 101 In 0 Me,lor, Toe· lbe ......_ -'cl tea... no ~ f11
all pleue PART. You'U be dey r¥Ulnc for vlolllllone of the ocCICir'dlnlr to ~cal re- cenlnl and lbe New York 1'!111· Ita .._..ta In blt.u,_ and b&cloiDg J'MII'IIOif aod the CoUece freebmell rul... aecordlng t.o ...,... porta Of tbe coaterenee, tiWI b&e hermonle Orc:beetza.
Ired .,...._ our .. '" favor.
rdeuod lbe put week.
be"" lbe moot proeporoue year I
1tray pride, - - - - In t.hooocllt
~ ~comml~~ WWJam Rouoed, Bmy Jean weU.odiAm 11.o.e ever-.... both
an4 Mlt·f1t11'---. ......,
LOoney, a.od Jean Bogp were eplriblaiiJ and Clnandally. Tbey '1:'---!--tj
, ..._ _, jWit tile _,lnllllnc'
place bent, alld muet c!ve permlM- cb&rged wltb faliiDg to apeak t.o quoted B11bop Jam.. .B. Strallfhn, .o:.JUUIWUI On
force lA ~ haW In Itt ..,.
ion l.o any group, d - . ~~ub, "': upper olaumen; Ra,ymond Taylor ruldent bishop ot tbo l'lttahurgll
- -he!l ,_ p. Pny God
whet not.. who dealn! t.o lllrow' fOr f&iliJit t.o wear Ule fruhman Ana.., hevlng Aid tllat ,w ..t vO~ISotwluote enrolled In CICI· Inut be~•" now " b
eomollllnc. The procedure ll group ribbon : WWlam FO.cemlre ror be- VIrginia HetbodiAm .. jWit
t&to eou.,. ..... reqUired
ahould ron- conelete only or uk· lng on tile gruo. All were round I glnnln to know lt. otrenglll 10 t.o report to tbe ornce or Dr
lnr: for e dote on tile ooclal calen· guilty. Fecemlre and Rexroad accom~ lt.s mlulon In a mod. W T. Smllll fOr plr)'llkal I!X&Inl· • 3
et: • ODS
dar, by appl)'lng to tile eommlttee. ~ orclor<d to wur plaeartb, ern world.
l:oauon.o, ,_,., tor admilolan
So It rematne roll the talent of Taylor to \WIO.I' two ribbons. Loon·
to tile eoDoge. n-., "bo
Q. s. C. t.o keep the caleodar w•ll
eoeka of cll!!erent col·
' n" l yet l'aJIOftd«< to lbe requeot
t. In
7 3Ga Mut
. .ted with eatfrt&ilnm<nt~ Plan on and Bogp to eart)• a mega·
~ ...., urpd t.o do eo at Ill
1 UM ...._ ot
thet party I Tbe following we doo't pb~ne tllro\lgh whlcb 10 speak 10
Dr &nlth "'~~I tiK- paat "'-day
often allow ouroelf to do, but studonte.
be tn hie otnr
Cronl 1" oo t.o """' l>ordnuo u.., Ut
after all, wile:. )'011 get the
. t In- ~
Qarlu ~!olnloeh
u elected IZ 00 L m . I
t.o 2.00 and T ••1 11a Rl
bolow u... t...dp
oplniUonG S C
pr~•dent or u.. )f«D'a Allllwe to oo d&IIJ ~ <pt
.UIPU ~Ot' 1ln
A.JoioeiaUcrn e t tile IIUtlal ,_tal!:
rrs L.ATE at 11\CbL a.od tile
II ld W - y 1!:\'.....,
..t·jolnt 1e near ompty u you
1215. Otller omcers ....,_ ,......,,
~[ tin'
lrit there waJUI\g for thr rein to
"W e hcv• ill• lll&lduge of a
til J.a-, ....,.__.s.JU. Paul
atop. Vou ~ Wltb tile tut good orcbntra" .....,. tile words Becllert, MCrl!t&ry·lnaluru: a.od
erecbr m u.. -.p boWl end tiHI Milo Berth;, El.
Uloll'uct« B. R. sane, point 5<Cr'OLU)'
dot 0 t.. BAogbt ued·
clo<k ayo after elann o'clock.
musk, t.o deerrtbe " group I 'Die ......, . ~- deelded ed two -u..
t Cb&rta
FINALLY YOU GO to the door of atudento now t.&1wlr;
eporu wu., to be badmlrr'- ~ r a atod 4 Of tiM la
an~ tllld lbe nun alld<...S. throw uon.
t.auuo. &n:huy
llr)11all and
• ' - '"
~,...,.. coat an4 Jlurry towar!l 'Ill• ........_ ....,..... or u..
el.ball. s_t. .....,.,.. d,_,.
Th~. and U..
r ot
Coll<p H1ll. ,_. ,.,...,.. aa lbe !ono..'Uig plt<ft ! d&ftnot &ito wuo· lladmm
book ~t and
a lnlny to
trum-, llant.oo>o. t
Joe nylar: &n:h ry Cher- I- ' " ' 161;:oUflr:I.W>a
ta~~o> a p - 11an1. two \lt.o 11orns, """' 1 nu~u~ttr, ~.
Rev Paul Coblenz
Speaks In Aaaembly
u,.; ,!';.UIIg
S d Thr Da
At Church Meeting
oye -.
For Violations
Requires Physical
ITo Head M. A. A.
--I •
011 ,.._ 'l
if. ke Coli ti
On Field Trip
..,.,-.1_ .
Has Nine Pieces
•...,,d • ._,.,., ,_
•""' lnUIIpoCL
Pre ident ttends
Tw tat
e ee g
I """-'
lwoa-: ~- Gal.fc·rd.
I&U#,..... -
._ . - - un:
Let ua rally tA> the e&uae and
..,.,.,.,. lCr. Wblte'a <hallenge.
GJ"be Qlenville
Let's Be On Time
On the Oampus
Slodeat \\'ft"Jdy N'"elwpepe_t' of
GkftvUJ• ,.,. Coliep
The atudenll ot C.
• • •
The library seems lo be doingPubh.s.tu:d eadl "'"Ue.aday by the! a IMd ottic.e busi.ness. At least
c.l.a..iiRs ln Journa.lWn tn G-lenville they ~t as rar as the protectJvc I
Sts.le: College. and entered at the sh.a.daw.s cast by the columna. It 1
postoftlee. Clenvflle, Weat Virgin· abo seems lhat the most visitoNi
}a. &:I .econd-< ma.Jl matter.
come when the dooTS are closed.. ·P•J.-.;.Ji.,nll!Miial:.
The girls at V, M.. H. say that I
:) 1:0.•~~11!'Mll!l'
Subsc:rtptfon, per yeur, 50 cents. tlle.1r ta\'Orlte song is ''Shame
Cou,•• but they won' t loosen
All eommwuca.Uone should be ,._1lh any Information.
111dd.resaed to 'I'he EdJtors, The
lt you are late ~Ltlng in to V.
Glenville Mercury, Glenville, w. M. B.. don't run .tor it. Mrs. Rov •.
bcl·ts doesn't like to have girls
Co_pfet distributed .tree each rau e."C.austed at her reet after
we:!k to gTaduates and Conner ha run all the way up the
atudent.s se.rving with lhe Armed hill. It Is beue.r, at least from thi!
sltlndpolnt of health, to stay on
the campus a day for each minute
late than to wreek your health.
EdJtor • · · · · · · ·. . . . Grey Barker
TJtls column charged J'o e Taylor
M.anaglng EdJtor . Ada K. Wilson With bigamy week. ll should
Bll!Unea _Manager • . .• E Dalley ha"e read polygiUTly.
Ne.wa Ed.Jtor ....... Ruth Frame
Any gi.rl intereste-d. in winning
~d-;y:-ckto~&ts-- the m8l'l of ber dreams should
talk to "Mary Jo Ellison . Mary Jo
IT'S TIME TO WIN 'I1Dl PEACE mad~ a IILtJe speech in class the
T.hc Victory Loan Bond Drive other day tn wh.Jch She said that
that opena Oct. 29 and ends Dec.llh~ shortest \"'&Y to a man's
8 will be, the last formal drive. hea.rt was thro~h .his stomach.
Savings Bonds wJU sUU be eold So, gtrls, get. rta.dy with the pots
but there will be no more lnten- J and pans.
alve campaigns such as have been
We may have a campus rogue's
C'onducted throughout tbJa war. saUery soon. At least a couple
Your dollars still .have much work yuung men about have been going
to do and Ule dollars or genera.- j to see the state trooper who is
Uons to come wUJ be needed to stationed bere.
BER. 3, 19«-Mary K. Court initiate fourteen pledges
Shumate and Carrie Yokum wer~ w ho must carry paddles for thirpay Cor the ha.VOc of thLs war. It I Mr. Whitlng waa telling his found guilty on charges ot teen days tor the benefit of memt. or the immediate tuture and French class the other day about to 3pea.k to u pper ctassmen, the bera.
the oeecbl or those who have won not being able t.o play the plano former belng required as punJabOCI'OBER 5• were
the vic: tory that Is the chJet
any more because when he looked men t to carry a m,_egaphone and being formed for the seventh an.ctrn at t.hls time.
thl·ough the. top or h ia glaases the latter to sing ''Little. S lr Ec- nual Home-Coming. A football
Those Who are wounded, the the mualc waa too tar away, and ho" in assembly Wednesday, Hast- game with Manis Harvey, a r~
wives and chUdren Of the dead, when he looked through the bot- lng .Qg.Uey, who was found guilty ception and aance were to be tea~
need your money as small r ecom-/ tom of them it was too close and ot being on the grass, was ordered lures.
pense for a. gTe&ter sacrifice. blurred. Came a suggestion from to wear a place card and deliver
OC'roBER 5, 1943--The OolThos-e who served &nd are 1the rear. 'Why not play by ear?'' a apeeclt to assembly Wednesd&y.
lfgc was host to an aU-day trireturning will recefve mustering-/ Campusology seems to be one
OCt'OB.E R 8, 193:;.-..Wiah the
out pay and bentnts accorded or the most popular courses going. date were '45 but the enrollment Cou·nty .meetlng-of principals - ruK1
t.b~ under the G. I. Btu of Rights. Maybe lt.s bc<:ause or the lab work . was 435 and b ig plana were In the superintendents which Included
MolntnJnlng armies or occupation , T he boys at the. dorm have maJ<ing for Home·Commg Day. representatives
on roretgn soli n_n d the r<'habill- scemangly reformed. At
OCTOBER 6, 1936--Holy RoUer Bt•nxton and ~
is count1es.
t&tion ot returning veterans must they are going to bed earlie·r
be me t 3nd with your dol1ars.
1 W.hy don't they sleep a!ter they
These ore debt$ that
• pa.d IUld I n
must be do go to bOO'! Early to bed and
buy..- who
bond c11.rly lo r i!W makes a man healthy
lends h i• money Is
pro~cttng h•mseJf a,g alnst lhe innauon :.hat Is cauamg economlr.
dfe[TCJ3 1., 50 many qua.rtcrs or
the g lobe. "Dangnrou.s" in·
vutcd In bondt~ are aec.uriUes that
s-a!..,guard the. present D.nd the
rutute or the buyer and alJ
gO\'e.rnment.'s obligations ~~:a~
lhf,le w ho se.rvect In octlon to be
wealthy, •nd wise-but he doesn·t
have much fun.
Strange sights a re often seen
around here, but the slgtH ot two
o[ o ur )'Oung- men plowing boldl)·
down the s tr·eet bartfool In tb
middle. of lhe night ht n lmosl enough to bowl one over. lt seems
that Jackson and Smith wUI do
R E Freed Reports On
Experi·ences In Paci.fioc
c. Wee
vaTfe.ty, or ao r concluded after I
Rla:rted uktng t.bem hov.• they
haU spent thi!; summer~ 'Most of
them wen working, but perhape
you would lU.\.e a
by per-
son report from some. of them.
J~ Taylor ll&ld that
just loat~d and. couru.d.
he Jwl
Ray Ktng waa a heat treater
tor the Cleveland Graphite Bronz.a
company. Hot wo,k tor summer't lt, Ray?
Paul Jackson didn't excite
envy any when he
been handling explosives for the
Atlas Powder company a.t Newton, Obto~
Maxine. RJddle- sta.yed home and
worked whne h er mother went to
8Choo1. That &ivea me an idea!
J~it& Grltflth was employed
tn the oUlce of the Goodyear ';11re
and Rubbe:r company in Akron.
No •wonder West Virginlans are
so popular In Ohio, or we?
Clyde Buab. went a lltUe far·
ther &way w hen he served u a
tlmekeeper for the P . R. Mallory
company In Indtana.
James Anderaon waa in Akron
too. But he made hJa fortune u
an employee of the Goodrich Rubber company.
Bob Murphy farmed and groun..1
b og hunted. Eno\lg'h said!
Rou. Lee Stalnaker
home and helped h er dad put up
Helen Cox liked to be cloae to
the food s upply, ao abe spent the
summer in Anderaon•s .Rutaurant
at Clukaburg.
Charles Melnlosh was o·n hi8
tarm at Walkersville. Working
Charles Fluharty hel.Ped along
the fntere:~ts or the Hope Natural
Gas company,
HaaUnge Bailey 'Was a carpenter's helper and part time truck
dr-Iver tor the H unkln- Conkey
Construc.llt'n company or Cleveland. Ohio.
By Ada K. \ VUsnn
I '.Voutd rather have men ask
Mr. Raymond E. Fr~ed. instruc- of n d_aughter i! he could pay ror why I no statue. than •why
sociology Wl_cl hts tory, who her w tth a pig.
1 have one. -Marc us Cato,
to t.he _ cam_pu.'l
An account wa.s gwen us to
A book 1s like a garden carrfecl
af e a three yeo,..r leave or ab- how Christma~ was
observed ln Lhc pocket. -Ara.b proverb.
sence \Vhtle se.rvlng wi th the .Red ab~>ard ship. The Ch_rislmas tree
Lost, yesterday somewhere bean.vthlng, weu almo11t,
Cross in the South IPa.cLtic theatre wos consttucted or wood which tween sunrise and sunset, two
I t Is ne\!er too Ia le to en t. You of war, made an address be!ore had been painted green and trim· golden hours, each set with sl.xty
1can see Pt>Ople going orJ lbe hill Lhe College assembly Thursday., m ed to represent a tree. And car- diamond minutes. No reward is
A CEJI)I)' _T_ _
ltsny hour just ror o. •·rra.nk"
:Mr. Freed gave a \•ery interest·' ols were s uo,g.
offered for they arc gone Corever.
·rhe gooG old days or lht> ~weat· tng account ot- his aellvilies ana
Their lon.dlng on Leyte wa met - Horace MAnn.
~~~·shK~ L. \Vhite, be&d or the s hl rt seem 1..0 bt over, Al lea.t as experiences while. serving a bl'QQ.d. wJth muCh demonStration of~ wei- LltUe minds are tamed and sub-epn rtme.nt. suggested to far a_s eaUng 18 concerned. Tuck l:te left the llo~e shore lo Sept- come from l.b.e nath•es \\•ho yelled dued by m srortune : but great.
the s t\.ldents that they. acttpt the those shJrt tails in, boys !!
ember llf43 and later was landetll•·v1ctory'' and gave the "V'' Sign mlnds rise above. IL- Waahlngton
~.~owing rtsoluUon. "\\"~ wUl clo
No. the you:ag ladies o·r G . S. c. on Ouaha Island, which he de· Thi!:y, .Mr. Ji"'reed .said, knew lh~ lrvlt~g.
rythlng we cnn In our ama.U don't need a lecture on the lm- scribed a s belng a. bcautl!ul
Many joy.s may be given to me
80 rrerlng of wcu• through many
way lo prevent turth.e..r proprfties or ,vu.ring slncks on: v.-tl.h an ldeal climate, aJU1.ough te.rr•.blt experiences at lhe hands which CAnnot be by gold..
Ln the: Engllllh and to the campus. They have )ust been the temperature is alwa,., balmy or the enemy.
~::JntaJn .~· dec~nt rupect tor Ute making exelJ.nJione lnto the llefds as our spring days. Be lhe.n. waa
On Luzon hiS unll Wrut grunts Uberty onJv to those.
and rore:sts to study plant Life-.
t~enl to New Gumea. and he.lped c:iated wil.h a medie.r.J Unit and ~~ who love it,. a.nd are alw8ys ready
th Amplifyfng the &Latement furThe .freshman boys . a.nd ' gtrl!J ln selling .up clubs a.n.d cantee.o.a. was there he saw real ~ualties to guarcl and ddend lt.- Danlel
er. Mr. WhJte nlllTied some o f cast longing glana:s at the upiJEr He also to1d ot h is. opportuniUes of war·. and learned bow unsetrlsh \Vebster.
tht. Blo.c:k Markell fn Communi· aJassm~ n.s they lounge nround to help the soldf.ers with men can be.. He retetTed to ha\'lng
\Vhere we a ll Ullnk alike. none
Atlon : trltenc:ss. hackneyed phrl· on the Mautfru 1 g~_n grass.
personal problems such a.s pro- seen meh lyln.g on a litter very thlnks very mueh. -Walter Llppau, exceaAfve U3e o r hype_roble.
bh: ms concerning rurlougt\3, a nd badly woundetl- but l.alklng or thn mann.
~fcbe-a, lmproprieUes (use or one
di!CJcultJes. buddy who was lefl up a.t the
t am the muter or my tate:
Other aervices were provid.tng rront. H e told o! ha.\llng wit· · I_ am the captaJn of my aouJ.
-parL of !ipt-eeh (or another). lazy and vaguo gcmeralilfes.
By nome.r Paul Hedu:.rt
80ldlers with p er80JU11 neecla such nel8ed the oavat and aJrlal bomb- -Henley.
He mdleated further that the
C-alt weU known.
aa ~ooth brUBhe'- razors_ raz.or. l tng of Cotn:gldor.
Heard melodJea are. sweet, but
ot a uthorities In
R-oxoe 1a rirat name.
blades., soap and otber arUcles
He h lgbly commended the of£J. thotlf! unheard are
..ment:al testing is tha t the extent
A"'( in campa a.cUvJtleSJ as they found dl!flcult to obtal.n. cera and doctors or the rnedlcal Keats. .
.and qutJJty 01 a ~rson's \!ocabu- well as b1s advoca.Uon.p·rojedion- ' otherwise, Be spoke. with pride 1corps and the chapla.fns for Uleir
0 , wind II winter come., can
aa_,: is the true measure of his est at Lhe Picturele.nd and Lyric canumlng . the. equJpment of the unaelfiab IUld devoted aervicea'" aprtng be tar behind ?- Pel"Cy
38th infantry dlvisiOA with whlch likewise Ute infantry and marin~ She.Uay.
Mr. \Vhite aoncluded Wllh n
Y-es. he makes ~OOd gra.deL
ho served, which ~ade it posel· u the fclrgotte.n part ot tbe army,
- - -- -quotation from Frank .a MeCl.,.
B--ecame edlt.or ot the Mereary hie lD serve the eotdJen tee cream,
He concluded with tbe hope
'ke-y, Profaaor or Engl.ish. New the yeu and •UU holds the lee cold coke. booka t.o rea~ cigar- that we will be willing to spend
Y ork Un.Jnrstty. ' "There Ls a pos- position.
ettes# coffee, a.nd other . ~ u freely to maint&Jn peaee. aa WtJ
.,,. Ada
l love ol4 tb.lap,
!:veu each momtnc
aat!Raction and have
__J_t._ _ __
Emperon, klnp,
WriDkled r..,..,
whatever the OCC.upa.tion or P~ tor bls breakfast at Kanawha Hall
In speaking ot the native• ot FBOSR '1'0 BE 0~
Famlltar p-.
teuion..K---eeps up with the neww..
New Guinea Mr. Freed sald they
Freahman gtrla llvlng 1n Verona
OM merely haa to walk across
E-l~t.ed. to represent the Col· are b~ wearing very UtUe Maple Hall will be gueata at an
I love bapptneu,
the campu. to reallz& Jbat Mr. teg·e 1n Who's 'Wbo Among Stu· clol.hlng, beeau.e but little t. Informal party to be jpven by the
Blmpllclty, loVIIDMI,
Wh.l'-'• bu plenty of denta lD
·d ean UnJvemtses needed. Bolh men and women 'Jrla of the: upper cJa.e. in the
Smiling f ......
J.oc1c. Let us Rt a coal for 0\lr'& and OoU ~
place. a hlch value on a bottle of lounge on Wedneacla.J night, Oct.
Cllan!>lag placM.
oeiY.. lUid
mal.- .,..
10. rrom 9 unW 10 u'clociL
Ihal~ in~usl. returned
~::~t a~
do our ubll- tA>
that goaL Try ID lean> oae new cabulary.
word nay by, ·'llf'a1dl your
,....._ aad rdraf- ..._ uoiDC
_ , jaot oq the
ot bill vo-
Ugbtu colcrr to their balr. Pip
Evelyn J'IDater IJo cbalrman of
-were very n:umerou. &114 ot. creat dl
tuta1nmer,t comm:Jttee, &ad
"'!: Ill Ill procrqo oo value, e'm! tA> tho point that, a I!• lll 'Jrov.. Ill cbalrman o1 lbo
111 COIIIIdered
....thy ,.,
Education Aaaoeiation Urges
for Publie Schools Building Program
1 . . . . . ....,
.,.. _..committee waa b -..S I>)'_.. Stain- , IIOJibo......... ot11er
mlmbera or the
-'tlee belnc Helen Ccm, JK...,._ Walker, and lllary K.
'l'lle - e n t committee,
DieD Welch &o chalnpan,
Ruth Pnme, Dao1o
a,ut1a ..,.. Betty Jo Simon.
'26 Are Guests
At Churdl Party
'l'Welll,y lis
Baptlsl lltlldeDta
hcUity memben were
at a puty given by the Baptla
on WeciJ>ellday, Sept. Ill,
at 1:10 p. m.
A. home-cooked meal was
.ed tD thoR a.ltelldlllg attor wblch
.a Dumber ot pmea....., playecl.
'1'lle party waa over 111 time for .n
--~ to return tD lbe
w ... 9:00 dclodL
8e)'C6 wat to ller home
Ra.YeJIOWood for tile week-end
Balley, Paul Jackson, Cbarlllld N.._ Smltb,
V . Jl. H. 011 Wedlloaday
or weat
The CoUeg-e haa received an
lllvilsU.O.. from
the Natlonal
Poetry AsiO<i&Uon to
DWI...,..lpts Cor lbe AJIDU&I All•
tllolOcy or CoUep Poetry.
Tbe cl06inS' date for the aubDUalon or manuscrlpta: for thl.a
year's Anthology iS Nov, s. Ther•
are no charge, or reea for incluaton of worlc in tbe volume and
writera wiU be given filii
along with credit to the IICbooi,
lbe lnvltatloa stated.
Eadl effort mu.t be Written or
typed on one aide or a Slngle
abeet and muat bear lhe author's
name, home addrese, and college
lllanll8CI1p~ mould be sent to the
Nallonal Poetry Auoclatlon, 3210
Selby Avenue, Los Angeles 34,
Clllifol"'llL Bee.auee of space Hmi·
tation m01'e favorable conaldtr·
aUon will be given to shorter
w ...
CoUege, BuckhanDon, died
or a heart a ttack at 2 p . m . Sept.
29. He was reappointed prealdent
of the coUege by the state Methoconferenee the previOUs week.
was born. MIU'Cll 9, 1901, a t
Tenn., the son. of Dalliy
Bailey Broyleo and the
Sidney Hiram Broyles.
Final rites wt~re beld Oct, 2-, at
Johnson City, Tenn.
Film Depicts
Colonial Life
The set..)nd meeUng of the stu-dent body wu held Wedneaday
Sept. 19, m the college auditorium.
A forty- mlnute Kodachrome Homer Paul Heckert, president of
eolor tum, ''.Efcbteenth century I Student OoUI\C:It, presided over the
Life in Wllllamsburg, Virginia," Imeeting. 'Dle group sang two
pTaented a picture. of early eolo~ hymns. "Abide With Me" and IS Y. W . C. A. CHAIRMAN
DlBl Ute to students !n IOCial sc:i- j"The American Hymn'• the de
Releh Cox's name was uninten·
~ce and blatory clauea Monday voUonaJs were led by Clyde Bush, tionally omitted from the Ust of
Put War Bonds
On Your
Shopping List
,_..,.... tllat -
n - a ama11 ...., ....., ;rou
.... de)lelld lhla for peno-a ~VaaidelsUoa. AD
loans ae.te« wttll .-Meace.
Frioadly, Effioleot
Ot'L 1, when it was ahfbited along a freshman.
Y. 1W . C . A . ehairm.en m the Jut
with dl.lcuuion by tnstructon : Dean Robert T. Crawford hand· luue. Mlaa Cox Ia chaJnna.n of the
Mlu Beale Boyd Bell and Mr. ed out c;.arcb wh1ch were to be publicity committee.
H. Y. Clark.
1tiUed out before the student has
Distributed free aa a part of hJ:a physical examlnaUon.
Mr. Rudy Wtaeman, m&lntenthe public relaUons program of floor was open for comments iu
worker, wbo has been Ul the
the ila.&tman Kodak Company, the ofterlng suggesUon.s to the memtwo week& wUJ resume dutie3
fUm depkted a typical day ll• bera of sludent council, Dr. D. L.
(Member Fedenol De...,.lt
the campus lhis week, accord·
Wmla.maburg using actors against Haught satd, '"The student councl lng to President D. L. Haught.
IMuraaao COrporatiou)
the background or the actual should not only 5Pend the1r Ume
setUemenl, reconstructed by John trying to keep r ....shmen orr th~
D. RockerfeUer, Jr.
gTass but should !unction all up
Tile ptcture wae accompanied by and down the line." .Dr. .John c.
mu.te dr&wn (rom the worka ot Sbre\•e remarked lhat any vio·
T-y-Wedn-y, ~. 11-lO
'nle put year Ada K. Wlloon seventeenth and e.l.ptee.ntb ten· tation of the rules should be- re1....., Powell, Rolph _ ,
.ubmJtud a poem, HWhlle ero.ea tury cornpoaer.-Kandel. Teleman, ported to the council. Mr. B. L.
We Do While You
PurcelJ, and CoreW-whlch waa White suggested that- the council
Gleam,'• wllfch was publl.ahed.
Interpreted by a quartette of vlo- resolve that ; ''\Ve WtU do alt In
lin, cello, flute, and barpslcord. our small way to prevent further
Gin U A Call
from the Rochester Philharmonic inflaUoh of the Engllsh language."
-y-Friday, Oet.. 11-U
'l'haak You
Following thja meellng each of
T!oe Heart-Bat Man:
Alan . _
the· clasaes beld a meeting.
lake lllay-..1, Mgr.
'Dle GtenYI!to Bapu.t ChiiJ'Ch
accepted a reaipatlon from the
. l-tj
It is the old t...on- a worthy
Willa Gall a -u
Rev. Gilbert B. lloore, putor .Hi
purpose, p>Uenl energy Cor its l = = = = = = = = = = = = = l
Sa-,., Oet. lS
there tor the put three yean, and
accompUatment. a resolutnesa onformerly a part time inatrw:tor ln
The Men's AthleUe A.uooiatlon daunted by diUtcultJes, ..;_nd then
o- Auf:r7
lbe Collep, Sept. 21. Be recelv- cot Into full -mg the put week aucc-.-Punsbon
ed a call by unanimou vote Cl'om with activtUes ln tennis.
m - . _ or the North Parlren- lllld voUey ball. Charles Fluhuty
burg Baptlat Churcb, PukOI'IIbiiJ'g, and Fred Boggs - m to have the
will beiiD duUea there Nov. up- band on lbe tenn1a court,
with Paul Heckert setting the
!lo will lila dlatloo pac:e for lbe ardlen. Bogg's vol·
~-~. Oet. 1'-15
heN an. the ""....... oorvlce Oil Ieyba~! team took over the fll'lt
~y- fte
l ' Y - De Oldo, Bod c.mor..,
o.t 16. 'l'lle uw chiii'Cb wiU be ma1cb by be&UDg JlJII Reed's
W-'lft Sleak
1llo be llu - . the Iteam two tim.. OUt'of thne,
Glenville Banking
& Trust Co.
Court St. Shoe
Men's Club ·R eports
A ti .ti
c c
Salty O'Rourke
Buy Bonds
archery,l 5!!aaaaaaaaaaa
~to•!!I'IDd llr.
Glenftlle Ill luM, 11N1. -
College time ch.ulpd with the
c1olpbla, 8us. In ll4dltklll
ottlciaUoU-baok to Eutern Stand·
IDe at 111e 1ooa1 churcll be COG- ard Time SuDday 1110nllng, Sept.
dllotoo~ a ...-.,. _...,. at 10, at 2 ddock. A1tllougb aae
u.o a.~._- ~
CoDep dOCk W.. not aet back
1111t11.....,. 10 a. m, I!UIIday llllleb
~-lin. - . wu lftVed at ''pre-war" lime.
......._ _ . . . ~ ll'1IIJa..
to _..
.._ -
Rev. Gilbert Moore
To Leave Glenville
~ .,.. Ia Odollll:
Keep Them
Rough, Tough and
AIId 8oft Drilllla
Kanawha Union
Salome-Where She
Apia WeWIII-
The GriD
netdl-----liiEii--'--IIE5iliii--Ei!!iE- !1!!5!-----~•
..i.aa.c :::r~ ~-:::-::.=
or~ KutJ11.
Rootin' Tootin'
._.,_,. fiDII. out, _ , . or
r - Corp.
- . , . - , , Oat. U.l•
- , . . 811....,
at 7
. _ .... . . _
Goin' To Town
Itt Uoo
-.-a -
l'l.u-1 ud
.,. p1ayoc1.
boU> Ule
A - - . . 1.-a... -
V.1 1h
to be .ald.
Wby aboul4 we ka<p 011 buJo'lnr lde:p artmomt :
bonclo • E\-m thoup the l!ptlfta
Red<vt _,. the mu...
... -. th.,., w111 be miUI,y ... ractwu lla.diJna" Ole t:roa1u1w>
•nUa1 wv u::pe.ndlt:urea for :a onl~tr 1tf1"ltee U.. cap. .,..
lung ume to come.
almcwt Ml&dy r~ eNJIPln,., And by
lc.k &nd wound«~ lha "~· tholl!i ft.rm muu Utln.k
ore being rUurntd lo W. <OUn• hl~llly t Mr. Hockut, ~
Lry at tbe rate ot 11.000 ev~ httn ; " Homco:r Paul HKkClrt.. P'real·
w"Ocl<, H<>oplt&li...Uon for lllue Oont. Glenville State c.,u,...._..
m:e.n coeta an &VH"ap ot ~.00 a.
A '~'TEST OU'It"• ten•
rtm&JDJ..I>&: b>
cut.. bold
l k ...... -.:!> ... Ute ,-;au-.J - -
a ana
""""""' o r tlo<o W&&ln&-
O.Czoott .WI
- " ' "· b•:t onl)' 111M and
tdl WbD bolll
onto """'" dunna
u.. p.ot w
k llh of l.bJo
YlciDIIy Rl>ilin6 piety C>f COinJJO< •
r f&na
(It tht.•,r
hi!L\~e gono ovtr of humor: VVbcn Or. o. t.. Haupt
the mUUoo mark. £\•try at.ep t't!gbla~ At the Sc.bool Lunch
Ilion« tbe way rrotn b&.LUC' wountb Conr n'!ft(t' her lh put htlllll Ia oorUy. Tranaporta· doy ho •lgt>od, "0 , 1... Ha.._ht•
tlon. ml'<llcal suppllu, mainten- Head Cook, Glf!lwtUe State Col-
dey. CU:ualUe'&
.........otn<knJn ~.but lilt)'
J•ft bl..b!)l ru.Jiy YDl Wl.)d aftu
th 1r ._....,. •a:at on • .:ortnr
ln dt (8.1 <lllmn
\\lUI< til
" Y<Uow- Ja<u,.·•
w ,.. rurtJu.Dc rou h·&hod O\i111\aJJ r
.ht ll. C1~n\1Ur·a OVI~n
t.n:a:t tdJe.. 1'b
bo) • (.tom Gle1n'ifl 1;&\.-e SutlO'ft
• compl,.le bcaunr On the aame
.t'&n\10()( 1'<!1011 10 IT~
~~~ .u
Of w Lf'.ION
tS.. Sl'tt:
1191 u+
,..,~.......,. -
ot medical at.atr, and· ltJe." " After a.JI," ht ll'JqlhU.ned•
uu fact11tie: an import.a.nt It nu
In thla coaL To can t or t.he
wounded, Injured &nd
t k lu I
year ~uJred .S1000 dMt.on.. l~.
000 dc:nU!!l8, !)2,000 DUrie'~ l8.
700 mt'd1 nl adrrun111t.raUvc t orpl
men, 1,000 phyaJCfll lh ~lst.l
15,000 d i<U<IIli\S, ~.000 tnllllt<d
rn~dt al a.Jd m n, and 80.000 cUvt
"the confC'N'nct' w u ab ut ac.hool
luneht• and cooking "
T'ho.e ~·ho Al"e: !ound
God under an Uldr lo..... &hall
ITnd God bl ..1"~ lllem art•r all
dALe A.n.lltud LI)O)c' a beart·brM.k r
thei r loaftl- w.
y by a tlc»e .eont ct 7-6..
W ton added Lo Uu.':lr .h tt of
Th~ co~ L or bringing ~~rvtcemtl
Som thing nt:w wa. •ddtd t.o
OOMJ• ~·
back home, I.Nu.ln( mualertng--ou l
See u • . , _ Baybtg
lh~ IIJ)OrtA or
dl\1.Ue St».t.e CoJ, pay, and adminisl.enng the G. 1
Lum..... l1l,ullden>
Ltp whm M m·a A.Lhlc:Uc a,uo..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bill ol Rlgbta will be tro.mendou.o.
da&Jar"l wu OJ"'&nlled tor eJt men
lL \l'U..
achtdul•d b> retum to lllo United Loa.ns Will be gn:a.nted to men to
1tud~t. anillett In the c:o.ll.eKt..
Pfc... Paul wbo hu States somtUme bdore the end of enable lhvn to get rurt.her t'du
'l'hla 1W:W &e:UYtly WUl make a been wtth the 35th Dt:,.., on. Ul December.
cation. build a home, or get 1tart
ExceUoatru.lity out ol former .tudm~ home on a lC).day He
ed in bUJlneae. Our coun lry nee<U
~ t
"'0.. The conaU- parudpaled ln c:ampa.Jgna In
•ut IIWill ot money to meet l i i tuUon a.IJ'U.Cly lppnwod by the Frant:o &nd Oc.rmany. We¥n. the
Pt'c.. Rkbarc1 Smith, 8011 of Dr. TeaponaJbOitlea to aervteemtn,
orplllalkm, now awalta the lllg· Bronu St.a.r. Comba.t Medal. Good
and :Y.n \\'. T . Smtth. lJ &JI'V'ding
While unt.mploymt.nt wtll Mae
MWMI ol ()r, D 1.. lbupt Md Conduc:t )fed.&.l and lflve BatUe
a "WAY furloug'h here a.ttu whJch due to a dhrplaee.rne.ot of workua.
J:lo&D R, T cr.,.-ford.
Stars. Pf BAuman wUl report to be will report to Fort Meade. M.d. lhe lur-ut pereen~ ot: people
Al W. Umo, lbe hope for a Fen Mude.. )lcl when hla turHe aa.w ucUon in Europe lut wUl 1lUl be employed &nd in poruo
All - l o a t ~to - 1
bukelball U&m at OSC ~matna louch t. ov~r.
u.slon of fund.a with whJch to buy
only • hQPO. Tho whole thing
the tlrat clvllfa.n goods a.t fut u
Seer.. At
dlfpencU on retUJ'n or t.b~
Ill ..
they appear. There wfll be a wide
-.b. By waL<IIInc cl-ly the
We. r«clved a l~tter from Gall
First L t. Ruddeil Rood, Jr., mli.J'gtn between our naUonat In
abiUty In olb r 8pOrt.a ot .orne
JG~"-an SoW 3jc, who a.ttended arrtvcd at hl1 home Wtdnuday, come a.nd the va.lue ol available
blakttba!J -~·... It look& u lhe coil ge in ' 41 . Thanka for Sept. 26, t.o a~nd a 4.6-day fur- goode and ~<,rvlcu. Buylng bond.o
II the IH.n\ may be far from
your lettn and aubec.rtptJon, GaU, tough alter havlng c:ompJdtd 31 reduc~• the lntl&Uona.ry ~ndency
bopdea. \V• o,ntch d .e:ve.n.J tluand hue ~ your eopy or the Mer· mJMiona over Japan. HI• wtftl, ot theM "dange.roua doUara".
don,. pll)'l•g tt.anlo UU.. a!t<l'cury.
Uau.oJiy, C10ntracLe not paJd
lhu rormu ~neva. Proctor. for·
nqon, and I&W aome pretty nut
mer .t.-udent In the collece, Ia for until a.tter completion of the
U thue boya do the
job, CouequenUy, huge .-um, wU I
~ on the l')'m tloo.r
Jom.. 1.... Hazper, AS, who bu Ruddou Reed, Sr. ot K&nr.wha be required to pr.y lor good.o
c:omplt.Le.d b.l• "boot" training at Drive. Lt. Reed hu been al&Uooe<l whfch b«n produced and de:
Great Lakes Naval Training Om· on Guam for the paat slx months. liver~ month• ac·o.
~ contrac.ta
te.r, rttum~ lO Wedneaday, He IIU'Ved u a pUot on a. 8·29
many co-mpanle:a no loqer Cal I
SepL 26, artu ba,vln& 1pc:nt a 7- SlJperfortresa.
Into lhe- exeua profile brac.ket.
day IM\'e at hlJ homt. S~aman
Kr. H_ 1.. Whit.<, w1>o to IIJa Ba~ wu a part time ttudent
Ftcle.r&l recdpta from l&Jce. there-.:p&,.. Um.e trvm dUUta u bead ot In lht colleKe year.
decline. wtdenln~ the pp be·
The lereury Statr would ap-.
U.. &n,llah dcpartn>mt 1o d\a.lrFood ADd 1'11eDd17
precla.te &ddreuea or fanner a·tu- lWC!en lrfaaury Income and tre.u·
ln.An at Ill loc:a.l \Var Price and
deuU now In the anne<l ton:e. .a
Rau-Jnr ~ urpct oounty
Slt.lf SJrl. lAddie R. Bcll, who that coplta ot t.he Mercury may
...,!kola b> lfl"" oorlouo J.l>ov«<IL b . . been lOVing with lbo Anny be ant to them. Addre.aHa may tbt men-. providinC' medical
to tho -lbiUty ot lntlltl<n, In Air Oorpa In Btlg1um. h . . '\\'Titte.n be gWen to the writer of th1t col- and the event ual l.nJl.9ort.&.Uon
~nUnr on
" AnU· tnrtaUon b> IIJa aunt, )lo(Ju Boule Boyd B<U. UD'Ul or any member of the Mer- home: make• lhe· 1Upport ot the
w.._k' 1n wut Vll"(lola. proclaim·
a..rmJe. ot oecupaUon a. very coetly operaUon.
..s b)' aonn- Cl&rmeoo w. v ... lnaJructor to lwn.ory, thet he Ia cwy at&tl.
The bond.o we buy wiU In a
U'pfUe our rraUtude to
"""" (Omllltlltlfta 00 the lluoo
men who have made It poulble
by lo!llQon .......
ror u. to &p.1n •~ peace In our
,....,.. t.l'k-r " ' ld War l eftded.
Mr W'blt• atA.lecl. ....U a
,..... .., do ,....., pan 1rt
wllnr pn- .,...,. um. ,..,.. buy.
nt be bon<al about lhla I didn't I dou not eully rorr•t: One otuw•t~,. U... ptl'lftJd. lUll "K 011 wane. to come to G1.envUle St.ato c:lent lent me lh1a l)"peWT1tu to
,...I"C tho tdllnr pril>o tlaU pmml- College. I've c:hlllgod my m1n4 k ..p u long . . 1 want It, I lwl
{OOntlnU&d rrom Par• 1)
CUt u
Uy •1
Yed In •l.On:a. quat- n<nt.
n~·u played tL'nnl.l before c:omln.C put Ute IU&JI ocl>ool u
you c.a.n walk:.
LAfl ~ candidly ""'
1 ~-t"d lnlo the donnltory. Tbe One nudent Laug:bt me how
IT'S DARK and looely up tile
. l<h _,.
~« OTf'TC.ha~ to JVU.r boya eame 1n1.0 my .RJOm and act- to play. J could play. but I had no ahort o:trel<h, But the IIJI>t<Dl"C
We Have JJ.a!lleat
lot-At War Pn
Utd Rallcm.l.n;:
""UY tnendly 1bla tnea.DtiOme• raclle To otr~t U'111 one t~tudent f\Uhe. now and then •nd tt
Uurt,r to rne- ~ flrla WeT& the
nt me bn t..e.o.n.Jt racket to UM thundt~d you don't !eel .,
Mr \Out~'\1 out ~oame. Stmply kcaUM 1 waa a .-:ny bme t.bat 1 wan\. iL h .et.m.l lonely any mon. Bul you're a. bit
l lhMo
Uta on .\ , r: :an Or
t Oal· l t'l"td\man 41d not tnun Ulat tbey thai. ". r)'bOf! ta u-~ cagt!'r lO afraid of llgbtening, 110 you go
futer. Tbo •prin.Jdlng rain re.ela
hlp &IU'H'I\Lkf'd lba1 the OTft'o m t HflT\ t.o be my .uperior )iy tu~Jp aoe.
cU.o· f"\.,)Qa
Uon ot Gt.envUJe
>iy COD.Ce'pUtJy, o( thlai 11("1\ooj and gOOd on your h atr.
r-. or
"'~ of pn:oe ,...,.. ~~,. Ute o
u. ff'OJ'D hAl 11at1 chan&M ri'Om t.hf:: one. I bad YOU PlCK your w1.y lllrousJ!
ar>d ~ ""'
I t
bel.,.. """'UW to ll<hool Today I the pud41E.• and •·&&b you'd 1on
.....u...s b<l ._, two of ""' huUd· around the other 'A'aY Tlle.n you
Ill m1 phfalOOI od,..UM
up tho ot<.p. at U.. h•fh
J..AnrUCt.Qr. ··K.ow do J«N 1..tlte our IIC.hool Your foca con lnlo wkifo'r
n).Jit;C'P.'• the lnqwnd .. ·•u J Ida • oo 1Jv. ftr.t at p, eo from thfrr t)f\ "-!!IEEEi!!!'E5!!E5='=55a1!illl!!ll
t·u hne tn two ex:p-U~ from )'OU tAka two
a Ume- at U\(' I=
~QDl.~ ,.•._. my
1 ~a. Cy the ll~ you ruch
~ l.nClm~ )•out ahoc:a are aqUOOI.h•
Rl'lrE.Ul." ,
TUE BU1LI)J:SC ta dark u Yu.J
).l.e:mb.r n of the dmma da.a
hav~ ''11>« l'ltctGr"' CD< (JJ14 u. .....Sk a.rou&J n •. TN-n )'IIU
\\'e Han• a .. f1W
r tlDt onc-4rt ptay
Wop ""'" lh
~l)>l.ed Camllooppl)' Of
Ia'--. '"'" play W111 0 tDto .... Few tlaJlt. are ors tn ha.lla at'ltl
hcanolo thlo
k W1Ul 1M 101- t\oi ,._..,.'- 11. Q: qtll L M YO.J
y bl'htn4 Lhf:
c:ut_, lhry K. -1<. n• r t.b CILC'I'Tm tbt.
)(ariU, flarul&h Lou Cu- c:Jo<-k t~~ ~pta ......,. llld yw
ouwn.od d&rkfJ ......,..
G&wt.llMp. J
' ll<1CP
U>e UlcJI
dod! " r...,
......... .
On The Land, In The Air And
On The Sea
With Our Friends in the Service
Bess's Barber
Leon's Cafe
Bub Clothing
White Urges Buyers
To Curb Inflation
Glenville Auto
Central Restaurant
A Good Place To
Meet and Eat
Newcomer Reports Ed and Co-ed
Make Campus Life Pleasant
Mercury Musings
McCullough's Dept.
Glenville .Midland
•.. .
,. _.
r -... eou.