I. Stakeholder Table Superintendent James Salvo, Robert Gordon
I. Stakeholder Table Superintendent James Salvo, Robert Gordon
Roselle Park Public Schools Technology Plan I. 2010-2013 Stakeholder Table Superintendent Mr. Patrick Spagnoletti Principal James Salvo, Robert Gordon School rechnology and Network Coordinator Director of Curriculum, rechnology and Funded Programs ( - eacher(s) Michael Estrada Frank Ferlazzo Danielle Romero Mike Gironda Hilton Seibert Karen Carey-Lynch Christine Beaver Barbara Sokol Lisa Mack i - Special Education reacher Bonnie Munson Library Media Specialist Ellen Bachert 3uidance Susan Carlstrom Board Member Barney Leinberger, Chair of Technology Parent Jeff Parrell tudent(s) Thomas Crowton Ryan Berns :ommunity Member Marianne Cabral C Rosalie Park School District Technology Plan for 201 0-2013 Page 1 II. Executive Summary In our 2007-2010 Technology Plan, we aspired to achieve very ambitious and educationally sound goals. We were thankful to support instruction for our students with a rich environment with many network resources and useful tools that would enhance their learning experiences. Over the past years our efforts erected a strong foundation. Our library has continued to expand its online resources and have continually acted as a hub for technology resources. Roselle Park students have benefitted from the tutorial systems we have implemented including the extensive use of Study Island, the expanded use of SuccessMaker, and numerous online resources that align with our language arts and Math programs. We have thoroughly expanded our instruction in technological literacy to include online curriculum and hopefully soon distance learning. Our infrastructure ties all of our schools and classrooms to our school network and to the outside world. We have installed and upgraded our entire network core and recently our email services. We have extended the reach of technology in our schools by implementing more projection systems, computers, interactive technology and other technologies listed below. Many of our staff members have completed meaningful professional development designed to help them improve the learning environment for their students. Completed Goals a) Network Infrastructure has been evaluated and upgraded b) Bandwidth was expanded from 10mb to 15mb c) The district has researched online curriculum tools and hopes to purchase in the near future d) Additional computers were purchased to accommodate the growing need for technology. e) Graphing calculators have been purchased for High School Math Students f) Virtualized dissection and interactive technology have been g) Professional Development has been provided in numerous technology areas. h) Teacher presentation areas at least one per floor i) Revised Website for the district and for individual schools j) Increased tech staff size and reporting of trouble tickets — — Any unfinished goals will continue as ongoing goals. We have not yet fully achieved the potential of distance learning for our staff and students, but will continue this as a priority over the next three years of this plan. The district recognizes the teacher literacy in technology is needed and we will be developing a technology literacy requirement for all staff members. This district has agreed to provide additional professional development to assure technological literacy. The staff recognizes that instructional technology provides enhanced learning opportunities for students. The staff has demonstrated, through their participation in professional development, that they believe teaching with technology requires a commitment to ongoing learning on their part. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 2 Our new goals for the three years in this plan include replacement of obsolete equipment and software, addition of new tools such as document cameras, greater interactive technology and online resources for both students and staff. One very important part of our plan involves upgrading our current Student Information Database to include a parent portal and online grading database. Our school’s resources need to keep pace with what is occurring outside the school in our community. Our teachers require the accessibility of home access for the purposes of grading and interaction with the community. We are researching the possibility to implement remote access using thin client and Citrix based technology to offer anytime anywhere access. When we adjust the focus of our vision, we see that the students learning in our classrooms will become competent consumers of information technology. Our teachers and our instructional program will offer opportunities aligned with the activities made possible by the advances in technology presented to us. The standards for Technology Literacy published by Ni DOE tell us that information-gathering, information-organizing, and problem solving have become critical for every student. The leaders in Roselle Park Public Schools, from the President of our Board of Education and our Superintendent of Schools to our Principals, Vice Principals, Supervisors and Department Chairs, all agree with this conclusion. Both our mission and our vision for implementing technology into our instructional program will be guided by these Technology Literacy standards as we revise our current curriculum and devise new learning plans. In this plan, we maintain our pursuit of goals from earlier efforts including: 1. Use technology as a tool to individualize learning, supplement our curriculum, and enhance the development of basic skills, problem solving and critical thinking. 2. Integrate technology into the learning environment by providing more robust access to students, staff, parents and community. 3. Enhance the quality of instruction by incorporating information sources previously unavailable to students and teachers. Ill. Technology Overview A. Technology 1. See attached inventory of current technology, networking and telecommunications equipment (Appendix A). Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 3 2. Technology Needed to Implement this Plan a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) I) j) k) I) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) t) u) v) w) Laptops for teachers in the Middle and High School Citrix Server and Client licenses Additional lines from ISP Google Education Account for Students Web Server for Student Intranet Upgrade and add computer as needed Interactive Technology Assistive Technology for Special Ed. Expand wireless capabilities Redundancy of Virtual Servers Replace outdated servers Additional Projection systems Video Conferencing equipment and software Web based curriculum for special needs. Ensure networked Xerox machines with scanning capability per building Networked printer for each department or grade level Assistive Technology as requested by Special Education Department Centralized Technology Management Increased use of Open Source Software Student Information Database Library Database Replace CRTs with Flat Panel Monitors Replace Phone System 3. Describe how the district integrates assistive technology devices into the network to accommodate student needs A. Students with special needs for assistive technology will be identified so that the Roselle Park School District can work to accommodate those needs B. All new equipment purchased and/or leased for upgrades and expansion will include methods of enlarging screen fonts and having the text on the screen read aloud by the equipment C. Our staff will continue to monitor the needs of students and expand their knowledge of available technological solutions. We will implement new solutions whenever feasible 4. How educators have access to educational technology in their instructional areas such as using desktops, mobile laptop and wireless units, PDA’s. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 4 Educators in our district have availability to our “Standard Tools” which are attached in Appendix A. The “standard tools” include office applications, browser enhancements and accessibility to some district wide software. Over the past few years we have been implementing projection in all classrooms along with mobile interactive technologies to allow greater involvement in the classrooms. Some examples are interactive whiteboards, devices to key in and tally student ansviers, and document projectors. Access to devices such as laptops and mobile units are on a sign up basis and are offered via mobile carts. Each elementary school currently has 50 laptops and the middle school has approximately 100 laptops for student use. The High school does not currently have a laptop program. The district stresses that teachers will ensure technological literacy within the district and will also provide Professional Development to that affect. 5. How administrators have access to technology in their workplace (such as using desktops, mobile laptop, wireless units and PDA’s) Administrators have access to the same “Standard Tools” that Roselle Park school district offers to all Roselle Park School District faculty and staff. The administration is also equipped with laptops to allow greater flexibility. All laptops are wired and wireless capable. The wireless is currently under implementation in all schools, but is fully accessible in the Board Offices for meetings of the administration. Our intent within this three year plan is to provide equipment that will allow administrators to hold virtual meetings to provide greater availability and productivity. 6. Describe how the district web site is accessible to all stakeholders. A. We are using online resources to check the pages of our web site to determine our compliance with recommended standards of accessibility. After evaluating the results of these compliance checks, we are modifying pages to improve the degree of compliance B. We provide color schemes with sharp contrast C. We are learning ways to incorporate more keyboard controls for those who browse without a mouse. We are working with our provider to assure greater compliance. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 5 7. Describe the plan for replacing obsolete computers/technology and include the criteria for obsolescence. A. Highlights of replacement plan 1. Roselle Park Schools will use a district-wide perspective when implementing technology upgrades and projects such as a school district-wide e-mail system, standardized student records and reporting, and access to a central finance system from each school office. 2. Determine which parts of the curriculum require the most recent technologies. When possible, move replaced equipment into another area with even older equipment and retires the oldest. 3. Follow NJ regulations and procedures when disposing of obsolete equipment. 4. Replace network infrastructure and servers based on obsolescence as defined by district criteria or when it ceases working and cannot be repaired. 5. Classroom and computer lab student workstations should be upgraded and/or replaced based on district criteria. Budget for 20% to 25% replacement annually. Operating system upgrades may need to be done on a more widespread basis. 6. Staff and student workstations will be replaced optimally on a three year cycle, minimally on a five year cycle. 7. Instructional software may be upgraded automatically based on type of license purchased. District should budget for long-term licensing which includes next version upgrades when possible. 8. Administrative software may be upgraded automatically based on type of license purchased. District should budget for long-term licensing which includes next version upgrades when possible. B. Criteria for obsolescence 1. Equipment has been replaced in the market place by faster, more efficient tech no logy 2. Parts and repairs are no longer available 3. The equipment has reached 5 years of age. 4. Manufacturer, publisher (software) no longer supports product Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 6 B. Cyber Safety 1. Roselle Park School District uses a Sonicwall NSA 3500 firewall and a Sophos Web Filter for CIPA compliant Internet filtering in our efforts to provide a safe online environment for our students and staff. 2. Our district has a board approved Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which is published on our school web site. See Appendix B for a copy of the Roselle Park AUP. 3. All student and staff accounts in the district go through our Sophos web filter that allows us to perform varying levels of filtering based the group that the computer accounts belong to. For instance, students in the Elementary schools have the highest level of filtering. The filtering then decreases to allow other approved areas for older children in the middle school and then once again in the High School. The entire district is filtered from receiving any type of adult or mature content including, but not limited to, pornography, obscene images and any content that the federal government, state and district feel is harmful to the children in the district. (see also Appendix C) Computer teachers and media center staff provide orientation sessions for all students prior to use of the Internet regarding cyber bullying, social networking, chat sites and other cyber safety topics. Also lab teachers continue to remind students throughout the year of acceptable use while using the schools provided technology resources. 4. Meetings take place on a yearly basis to discuss Internet safety and policies. The meetings were as follows: th 2009 a. April 23 th 27 b. April 2010 C. Needs Assessment 1. Current Status a. As a result of our needs assessment, we determined that the majority of our staff believes in the importance of integrating technology across the curriculum. Technology is enveloped into the curriculum once it shows its’ place in the process. For instance projected modern maps take place of outdated printed maps, while online media also offers updated tothe-minute current events. b. While most of our staff is proficient in everyday computer use such as word processing and checking email we are looking to greatly increase the knowledge overall with the needs of today. This has been echoed by st our district that has stressed 21 century skills for all students and teachers. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 7 c. Current educational environment and barriers — descriptions of how: Staff members are assured access to technology so that they may facilitate the use of technology through use of appropriate rooms, labs, and media center. Additional technologies such as (Mimio’s, scanners, etc...) are signed out through the media centers. Budgetary concerns are constant barriers as technology advances at such a rapid rate. ii. Students have access to technology in their learning environment on a daily basis through labs, mobile carts and media centers. The ongoing barrier is finances to provide enough technology for effective access. The iii. needs of educators will be evaluated through the district literacy requirement that the district will be developing. Monthly meetings of the Technology Committee ensure that the needs of the individual schools and staff members are heard and addressed. Weekly administrative meeting also allow for building issues to be addressed. iv. Student needs are based upon state Core Content Curriculum Standards and teacher determined needs. Furthermore the assessments of grade four, eight and computer applications course in the high school also determine student needs. v. Within this current plan we have provided professional development training in the following areas: a. Office Productivity b. Online Lesson Planning c. Internet Usage d. Presentation Hardware e. Interactive Technology f. Integrating Technology into the Classroom g. Web Quests h. Assistive Technology The largest barrier within professional development is the funding to provide workshops as technology progresses. vi. The professional development opportunities outlined above are provided to administration as well as the staff of the district. vii. We have used multiple forms of professional development including: Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 8 a. b. c. d. e. Training consultants from Pearson, Training teachers in the use and reporting on SuccessMaker Highered numerous outside consultants to teach WebQuest MAC use in the art classes. Musicians training in the use of Midi interactive software and hardware f. In house staff providing training courses throughout the year during PD days and after school Smartbaords ii. Mimios iii. Document Cameras iv. Technology Integration v. Data Analysis vi. Lesson planning Ongoing barriers are funding and time. viii. Professional Development offered to administrators was the same that was offered to teachers. Also the same barriers apply to this area as well. ix. Support is offered through our expanded technology support staff and the use of our ticketing system. Improvements in the bandwidth for the district have made technology more efficient. There are also monthly meeting of a Technology committee to voice issues or concerns with implementation of technology into the classroom. Barriers and issues have been identified and addressed through x. our monthly Technology Committee meeting and also at our weekly administrative meetings. Professional development needs are dictated by curriculum, state standards and programs. 2. Needs of the Roselle Park School District to improve academic achievement for all students through the integration of technology a. Provide web-based access to instructional software which can support all of the Core Content Curriculum Standards. b. Replace the out-dated equipment currently in classrooms and provide additional student workstations in all instructional areas c. Increase capacity of technology tools to allow teachers to do grades and attendance d. Continue to provide appropriate professional development e. Provide time for training and implementation 3. List of Needs in Prioritized Order Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 9 a. Provide web-based access to instructional software which can support all of the Core Content Curriculum Standards. b. Replace the out-dated equipment currently in classrooms and provide additional student workstations in all instructional areas c. Increase capacity of technology tools to allow teachers to do grades and attendance d. Continue to provide appropriate professional development e. Provide time for training and implementation IV. Three-Year Goals and Objectives A. History In place of addressing each item separately as it would both wordy and redundant we have decided to address the items and goals that impact multiple content areas. 1. Items that address multiple content areas: a. Implementation of visual aids including projectors in 75% of the district classrooms and interactive technologies. b. Web based instruction to facilitate cognitive learning and effective use of the internet in daily instruction. c. We have provided extensive access to all students through the provision of two laptops carts in every elementary school, three laptop carts in the middle school, and numerous technology learning centers in the High School. In addition, we provided laptops in our Title I classrooms, required extensive use of SuccessMaker at the Elementary level and the use of Study Island at the middle school level. d. We have expanded our inventory and use of graphing calculators at the high school level. 2. Targeted Content Areas a. The Music Departments at all levels have begun utilizing midi technology, IMAC computers, recording devices, LogicExpress and Finale in the creation of performing arts. b. The Art Departments at all levels have begun utilizing classroom projection, IMAC computers, visual editing software and digital media in the visual arts program. c. Language Arts in grades 6-12 have expanded the use of web based tools to enhance student learning and achievement. d. Math in grades K-12 have also utilized web based tools to enhance instruction and student achievement. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 10 B. Goals and Objectives for 2010-2013 1. Improve infrastructure to support a more effective use of technology within st the instructional environment to improve 21 century skills in students and staff 2. Upgrade technology to support effective learning and collaboration between students and staff and allow more effective communication between home and school. 3. Increase technology hardware and software to support the methods of learning by utilizing more technology and resulting in more independent learning on the part of students. 4. Provide support at the district level to effectively centralize management of equipment, data and resources. Part V Three Year Implementation - Three-Year Implementation Activity Table July 2010—June 2013 District Goal and Objective a) Laptops for Teachers in Middle and High_Schools b) Citrix Server and Client Licenses c) Additional Lines from ISP d) Google Education accounts for Students Strategy/Activity Timeline Person Responsible Technology and Administration Documentation Deploy to staff on a 3 year cycle. 20112013 Install a Citrix server to host ClassLink or a comparable service to offer remote access for students and staff. This project will start within the special services program. This is to offer greater speeds, and a backup line to alleviate any possible downtime. This service is being provided to give our st students 21 century tools to st foster the 21 skills. This service will provide student email, online documentation and collaboration. 20112013 Technology, Curriculum and Special Services Directors Installation date of equipment 20102011 Technology Director Installation date of equipment 20102011 Technology and Curriculum Director Account creation date Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 11 Teachers have the laptops in hand e) Web Server for Student Intranet Our plan is to have a student run and operated web server for use within the district. This can be accessible to the outside, but only by usemame and password. We plan to use students and teachers as moderators for this intranet site. f) Upgrade and Computers will be upgraded add computers based on our previously as needed. stated rules for obsolescence. Additional computes will be purchased and installed as future needs arise. We will continue to acquire g) Interactive Technology more interactive technology based on the needs of the staff and the students. Examples of currently used technology are Mimio, Eno, Smartboard, and RM Education. We will continue to implement assistive h) Assistive Technology technology based on the for Special needs of the students and Ed. the needs of their classrooms. This includes text-to-speech, text readers, accessibility configurations, and accessibility hardware. Additional access points i) Expand will be purchased and Wireless installed to increase the Capabilities overall performance and the ability to hold a higher capacity of wireless devices. New equipment and j) Redundancy services will be purchased of Virtual to assure full redundancy of Servers our virtual server system. The Schools primary servers k) Replace will be upgraded based on Outdated our rules for obsolescence. 20112012 Technology Director, HS Principal and Students Production date Ongoing Technology Director and Administration Dates added to inventory Ongoing Technology, Curriculum and Administration Installation date of equipment Ongoing Technology, Curriculum and Special Services Departments Installation date of equipment 20102012 Technology Department Installation date of equipment 20102011 Technology Department Installation date of equipment 201 12012 Technology Department Installation date of equipment Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 12 1) Servers Additional Projection Systems m) Video Conferencing n) Web Based Curriculum for Special Needs o) Ensure Networked Xerox machines with scanning per building We will be purchasing 2010additional projection 2012 systems to finalize the installation of projectors in the districts classrooms. We will be purchasing video Ongoing conferencing equipment and software to assist in virtual learning, virtual field and other ways of doing more with less. We would like to offer Ongoing online curriculum to assist in home instruction, credit recovery and our Academy program. We would like to ensure 2010that all buildings have the 2011 ability to print and scan to their main office Xerox machines which should cut down on the consumption of paper products. p) Networked printers for each department or grade level We will place network 2010based printers in each 2012 department (high school) or at least one printer per grade level (elementary and middle schools) to provide centralized printing for all students and teachers. This will also allow for greater ease of resource management. The Technology department Ongoing q) Assistive Technology as will continue to increase the requested amount of assistive technology based on the individual needs of the student as identified by the special services department members r) Centralized We plan to implemcnt 2010Technology centralized management of 2011 Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 13 Technology Department Installation date of equipment Technology and Curriculum Departments Installation date of equipment Technology, Curriculum and Special Service Departments Date of Purchased services Technology and Administration Installation date of equipment Technology and Administration Installation date of equipment Technology and Special Service Departments Installation date of equipment Technology Department Date of implementation Management s) Increased use of Open Source Software t) Student Information Database u) Library Database v) Replace CRT’s with Flat panels w) Replace the phone system computers, printers, licensing and support ticketing to improve the overall performance and turnaround time of the schools support team. We will begin to utilize more open source software to supplement our curriculum so that we may provide our students more resources without spending more money for those resources We have already selected and hope to purchase a new Student Information Database to allow teachers remote access to grading and report cards as well as an online parent portal for the community. Upgrade our current library database to support the entire district and to allow sharing of resources across the county. Our current database is antiquated and definitely obsolete. Our aging systems have left us with a numerous CRT monitors that need to be replaced. We have found that replacing CRT’ s with flat panels offer a larger working area for the students. Replace our phone system with a system that offers greater functionality, operability and flexibility, Ongoing Technology and Curriculum Departments Dates of Implementation 201 12013 Administration Dates of Purchase Installation date of equipment 20112013 Media Specialists and Technology Dates of Purchase Installation date of equipment Ongoing Technology Department Dates of Purchase Installation date of equipment 201 1 2013 Technology and Administration Dates of Purchase Installation date of equipment - B. Learning communities are supported in Roselle Park School District through the activities of this Technology Plan. All students will have the opportunity to use technology to achieve the New Jersey Core Content Standards and will have access to all the district student resources in the Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 14 classroom, the media center and any other technology access area (for students) that is located throughout the school. Universal design standards will be considered to assure equal access for all, including students with disabilities. Assistive technologies will be provided as appropriate and feasible. Equitable access for all students will include content software, online resources and data bases that will become an integral part of the curriculum. C. Roselle Park School District expects all students to achieve technological literacy by the end of grade eight following the requirement of NCLB. Students enroll in technology literacy programs from grade one through high school. These programs include direct instruction in keyboarding, word-processing, and other application products. In addition, regular classroom experiences provide opportunities to apply those literacy skills in a wide variety of instructional pursuits. The staff through continued professional development will begin to raise the level of literacy as their own levels increase. All students at the high school and middle school level will have their own email accounts and continue with their instructional folders. In all school buildings we have libraries, computer labs and classroom computers available to every student regardless of placement or background. Students in all programs go through our complete literacy and support instructional sequence. ESL students are additionally provided settings where laptop computers with special software programs have been installed to help them more quickly acquire English skills. In addition, the BSI programs receive facilities with the most up-to-date technology support included right on site. D. The technology equipment and goals as outline throughout the plan will assist in the broadening of resources to provide greater learning in our community. Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 15 VI. Funding Plan A. Anticipated costs 2010-2011 Curriculum Office Technology Area Account CODE 11-190-100-500-14 Description 2009-2010 Approved Budget Computer Replacement Lease Staff Development Trainingfortwo Technicians 2010-2011 Budget Request $0.00 $0.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $10,700.00 $10,700.00 $41,500 $41,500 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 - 11-000-252-500-14 Technology Purch. Services E-Rate Consultant Server Consultant Help Desk Software MX Backup Service Supplies/Materials Tech Printer Ink and Toner Projection Bulbs Wireless Deployment Laser Printer Replacements Mail Archiving Systems Technology Misc. Expenses Unexpected Server Troubleshooting/Failure Cost — - - - 11-000-252-340-14 - - - - - - 11-000-221-600-14 - 11-000-252-800-14 $ Districtwide Network Services WAN Connections District Internet ECC Xerox Costs Cost offset by expected ERate reimbursement Non cons urn able Out of Warranty Repairs - - - - 11-000-222-500-14 $ 31,200.00 $ 31,200.00 $ $ 25,000.00 - 11-000-252-600-14 Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 16 25,000.00 11-190-100-610-14 Total Antivirus and Firewall Renewals Support Contracts Technology Only Software Unforeseen Repairs Technology Supp Clsrm $ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 118,900.00 $ 118,900.00 B. All of the above funding results from local budget dollars used to help ensure that students have access to technology and that teachers are prepared to integrate technology effectively into curricula and instruction. C. The board has approved this plan on April as appendix D. th 27 of 2010. The Board Approval is attached D. Budgets will be added to this plan as approved by the board on a yearly basis. Once approved the budgets will be incorporated into the plan. E. The creation date for the technology plan is the board approval date of April Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 17 th• 27 VII. Professional Development A. Frank C. Ferlazzo, Director of Curriculum/Technology will hold responsibility for coordinating the professional development activities noted in this plan. B. Planned Professional Development Activities 1. Teachers and library media personnel have access to educational technology in their instructional areas through desktop computers, mobile labs and wireless laptops 2. Our planned on-going and sustained professional development activities for administrators will be delivered in a variety of ways a) Demonstrations on-site and personal tutoring by technology department staff b) District-sponsored work sessions held in our new conference area at the central office or in classrooms throughout the district c) On-site workshops conducted by third-party trainers and/or in house staff d) Attendance at off-site workshops 3. Our technical staff is kept up-to-date with technology through the use of forums, blogs, off-site professional development and workshops offered through both the county and state. 4. All staff are kept current on the application of assistive technologies through information provided by NJ DOE, nearby ETTCs, and information provided by websites such as: http://www.jcboe.org/ettc/Assistivetechresources.html a) The RPSD Technology Office will monitor installation and implementation of new resources to determine any assistive technology resources included with the resources. b) Staff will be informed about the resources and trained to use them as appropriate. C. Needs assessment conducted during the preparation of this plan 1. Our staff perceives a need for training in the following areas: a) Ways to better incorporate technology into everyday curriculum b) Designing web based lessons that involve the entire class c) Advanced use of standard programs such as those in the Office suite and interactive technology d) Use of electronic grading and reporting software e) Implementation of electronic lesson plan preparation 2. Roselle Park School District will be providing ongoing, sustained, high-quality professional development in these areas during 2010-2011 through a) Classroom and computer lab demonstration lessons conducted by district technology teachers b) District-sponsored work sessions Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 18 c) On-site workshops conducted by third-party trainers d) Attendance at off-site workshops 3. Third party trainers and electronic textbook publishers will be providing training through small groups on-site at our schools and at our new conference center at the central office. a) Study Island b) RM EasiTeach c) We are currently using and will be expanding the use of the SuccessMaker program K through 8. D. Projected Professional Development Activities 1. Coaching a) Computer Teachers will continue to provide one-on-one support to classroom teachers for new instructional technology tools and new software b) District Technology Staff will continue to support both administrative staff and instructional staff in any areas requested 2. Off-site Workshops a) When organizations such as ETTC offer workshops, the district will support staff in attending b) The Curriculum Office will identify and publicize available workshops that would help teachers become more proficient with instructional technology 3. Publisher/Vendor Training a) As our resources grow and vendors offer professional development opportunities, we will work to schedule them b) We anticipate that more and more vendors will offer online self-study as a form of professional development. We will make every effort to have our staff participate Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 19 VIII. Evaluation Plan Three-Year Technology Plan Evaluation Narrative Describe the process to regularly evaluate this plan as effectively... a. integrating technology • . . • . • • b. enabling students to meet challenging state academic standards • • c. developing lfe-long learning skills • • • • Use of surveys Analysis of Technology literacy scores Percentage of students using advanced technology Percentage of staff using technology in the classroom Administrator and teacher feedback in technology meetings Usage charts Types of technology equipment requested for use in the classroom. Documentation of the kinds of performance based assessments being utilized for projects incorporating technology. Projects aligned to the Core Content Curriculum Standards Use of web-based curricular Online training and assessments Performance based assessments Literacy benchmarks Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 20 Appendix A Tech. Inventory Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 21 Appendix B Acceptable Use Policy Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 22 Appendix C Internet Safety Policy Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 23 Appendix D School Board Approval Letter Roselle Park School District Technology Han for 2010-2013 Page 24 Appendix A Tech. Inventory Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 201 0-2013 Page 20 I ,. 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Sharp XG-E630U Epson Power Lite -PLI7O5c Qwizdom Q5r1 & Q4rf Dell Poweredge 2650 Dell Poweredge 2650 H4N Handy Recorder Netgear WGR614 Compaq Proliant 1600 Acer Scan Prisa 310P Epson WorkForce GT1500 Acer Scan Prisa 310P Acer Scan Prisa 310P HP ScanJet 4370 HP Touch Screen I 5006 tm HP Touch Screen I 5006 tm Smart Board Smart Board Smart Board 3COM 3CR17162-91 (5500) 3COM 3CR17172-91 (5500) 3COM 3CR17162-91 (5500) 3COM 3CR17162-91 (5500) Smart 500 RT 1 U Smart 500 RT 1U HP Compaq dc5750 Small Zing HP Compaq dc5800eSE Small HP Compaq dc5800eSE Small HP Compaq dc5800eSE Small HP Compaq d220 mt HP Compaq dc5800eSE Small HP Compaq dcSlOOmt base HP Compaq dc5iOOmt base HP Compaq dcSlOOmt base IBM NetVista HP Compaq dc5800eSE Small Compaq IBM NetVista IBM NetVista DELL Latitude D620 DELL Latitude D620 DELL Latitude D620 DELL Latitude D620 DELL Latitude D620 DELL Latitude D620 Projector CELLING MOUNT Projector Projector Projector Projector Wireless USB Xeon 2.8Ghz Xeon 2.8Ghz H4N n/a 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3CR17162-91 (5500) Smart 500 RT 1U Smart 500 RT 1U USB/Network Color USB/Network USB/Network USB/Network Network \ Color LPT/USB Color Network Network Color LPT Color Color USB/Network Color Scanner AVERMEDIA CELLING MOUNT Projector CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT CELLING MOUNT Projector Projector Projector Projector USB Xeon 2.8Ghz USB Pentium-3-600 Switch 5500-El 52 port Switch 5500-El 52 port Switch 5500-El PWR 52port Switch 5500-El 52 port Rack Mount Rack Mount - Appendix B Acceptable Use Policy Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 2010-2013 Page 21 ROSELLE PARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet Technology is used to support teaching and learning. Networks, including the Internet, allow people to communicate with others through the use of technology. It is the policy of the Roselle Park Schools that all technology used to access the Internet will be used in a responsible, legal, and ethical manner. Failure to do so will result in the termination of Internet privileges for the user. Remember, the use of the network is a privilege, not an entitlement. Since Internet communication, is often public, students and staff are responsible for behaving appropriate[y on the network, as they are in school. The Internet is provided for student and faculty to conduct research and communicate with others concerning schoolwork. Individual users of the Internet are responsible for their own use of the Internet. Use of the Internet must be in support of both education and research, must be consistent with academic actions of the Roselle Park schools, and will be under the supervision of Roselle Park School staff. Use of other organizations’ networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for that network. Use of the network for any illegal or commercial activities is prohibited. A responsible Internet user will: • • • • • • Use language that is considered appropriate. Be polite Send information that other users will not find offensive Conform with copyright laws Never reveal personal information about any user, such as address, telephone number, credit card numbers, social security number, etc. Never tamper with the system Never alter, delete, or destroy any files or data that is not the user’s A responsible Internet user must be aware that: • • • • Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right E-mail is not guaranteed to be private Violation of this policy will result in the possible loss of Internet privileges, or disciplinary action where appropriate Persons issued an account are responsible for its use at all times. Some appropriate uses of the Internet network are: • • • Researching classroom projects Communicating with other students and educators throughout the world Visiting foreign countries A2reement CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE VERSION Student I understand and will abide by the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Ifurther understand that any violation of these regulations is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked, school and school district disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action. Student User Signature: Date:_____________________ (NOTE: Ifyou are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must also read and sign this agreement below) Parent or Guardian As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that this access is designedfor educational purposes. Roselle Park School district has taken precautions to eliminate controversial materials. However, I also realize that with the global nature of the Internet, it is impossible for Roselle Park to restrict access to all controversial materials, or even be aware of them, and I will not hold them responsible for materials acquired on the network. Further, I acceptfull responsibilityfor supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I understand that it is my duty to review this policy, including the consequences, with my child. I accept the consequences f my child violates the policy. I hereby give my child permission to use the Internet and certify that that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent or Guardian Name (Please Print) Signature: Date:_____________________ Appendix C Internet Safety Policy Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 201 0-2013 Page 22 POLICY Roselle Park Board of Education Roselle Park, New Jersey File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY The Board shall develop a technology plan that effectively uses electronic communication to advance and promote learning and teaching. This system of technology shall be used to provide local, statewide, national and global communications opportunities for staff and students. Educational technology shall be infused into the district curriculum to maximize student achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards. ACCEPTABLE j OF THE INTERNET Purpose To support its commitment to providing avenues of access to the universe of information available, the district’s system of electronic communication shall include access to the Internet for students and staff. Limitation of Liability The Internet constitutes an unregulated collection of resources that changes constantly, so it is not possible to totally predict or control the resources that users may locate. The Board cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information or the appropriateness of materials that a user may encounter. Furthermore, the Board shall not be responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. Nor shall the Board be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the system. District Rights g4 Responsibilities The computer system is the property of the district, and all computer software and hardware belong to it. Therefore, the district retains the right to monitor all access to and use of the Internet. The Board designates the chief school administrator as the coordinator of the district system. He/she shall recommend to the Board of education qualified staff persons to ensure provision of individual and class accounts necessary for access to the Internet, designation of quotas for disk usage on the system, establishment of a document retention schedule, establishment of a virus protection process and coordination of other activities as required to maintain the system. Each principal shall coordinate the district system in his/her building by approving all activities for that building; ensuring that teachers receive proper training in the use of the system; ensuring that students are adequately supervised when using the system; maintaining executed user agreements; and interpreting this acceptable use policy at the building level. Page 1 of 6 6142. lop 2300243v1 File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY (continued) Access to the System This acceptable use policy shall govern all use of the system. Sanctions for student misuse of the system shall be included in the disciplinary code for students, as set out in regulations for policy 5131 Conductldiscipline. Employee misuse may result in appropriate discipline in accord with the collective bargaining agreement and applicable laws and regulations. The Board shall ensure the acquisition and installation of blocking/filtering software to deny access to certain areas of the Internet. World Wide Web All students and employees of the Board shall have access to the Web through the district’s networked or stand alone computers. An agreement shall be required. To deny a child access, parents/guardians must notify the building principal in writing. Classroom E-mail Accounts Students in grades K-8 shall be granted e-mail access through classroom accounts only. To deny a child access to a classroom account, parents/guardians must notify the building principal in writing. Individual E-mail Accounts for Students Students in grades K-8 may have individual accounts at the request of teachers and with the consent of parents/guardians. An individual account for any such student shall require an agreement signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian. Students in grades 9-12 may be granted individual e-mail accounts and access to the system. An agreement shall be required for an individual e-mail account and must be signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian. Individual E-mail Accounts for District Employees District employees shall be provided with an individual account and dial-up access to the system. An agreement shall be required. Supervision of Students Student use of the Internet shall be supervised by qualified staff. Page 2 of 6 142.lOp 6 2300243v1 File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY (continued) District Web Site The Board authorizes the chief school administrator to establish and maintain a district web site. The purpose of the web site will be to inform the district educational community of district programs, policies and practices. Individual schools and classes may also establish web sites that include information on the activities of that school or class. The building principal shall oversee these web sites. The chief school administrator shall publish and disseminate guidelines on acceptable material for these web sites. The chief school administrator shall also ensure that district and school web sites do not disclose personally identifiable information about students without prior written consent from parents/guardians. Consent shall be obtained on the form developed by the state department of education. “Personally identifiable information” refers to student names, photos, addresses, e mail addresses, phone numbers and locations and times of class trips. Parental Notification and Responsibility The chief school administrator shall ensure that parents/guardians are notified about the district network and the rules governing its use. Parents/guardians. shall sign an agreement to allow their child(ren) to have an individual account. Parents/guardians who do not wish their child(ren) to have access to the Internet must notify the principal in writing. Acceptable Use Student Safety Practices Students shall not post personal contact information about themselves or others. Nor shall students engage in any kind of personal contact with individuals they meet online. Attempts at contact from such individuals shall be reported immediately to the staff person monitoring that child’s access to the Internet. Personal contact information includes but is not limited to names, home/school/work addresses, telephone numbers, or personal photographs. Prohibited Activities Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the district system or to any other computer system through the district system, nor shall they go beyond their authorized access. This includes attempting to log in through another individual’s account or accessing another’s files. Users shall not deliberately attempt to disrupt the district’s computer system performance or destroy data by spreading computer viruses, worms, “Trojan Horses,” trap door program codes or any similar product that can damage computer systems, firewalls, servers or network systems. Users shall not use the district system to engage in illegal activities. Page 3 of 6 .lOp 4 l 6 2 2300243v 1 File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY (continued) Users shall not access material that is profane or obscene, that advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or hate. Inadvertent access to such material should be reported immediately to the supervising staff person. Users shall not plagiarize material that is available on the Internet. another’s ideas/words as one’s own. Plagiarism is presenting Users shall not infringe on copyrighted material and shall follow all dictates of copyright law and the applicable policies of this district. Prohibited Language Prohibited language applies to public messages, private messages, and material posted on web pages. Users shall not send or receive messages that contain obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, or threatening language. Users shall not use the system to spread messages that can reasonably be interpreted as harassing, discriminatory or defamatory. System Security Users are responsible for their accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to them. In no case should a user provide his/her password to another individual. Users shall immediately notify the supervising staff person or data processing department if they detect a possible security problem. Users shall not access the system solely for the purpose of searching for security problems. Users shall not install or download software or other applications without permission of the supervising staff person. Users shall follow all district virus protection procedures when installing or downloading approved software. System Limits Users shall access the system only for educational, professional or career development activities. This applies to discussion group mail lists, instant message services and participation in Internet “chat room” conversations. Users shall check e-mail frequently and delete messages promptly. Page 4 of 6 6142.lop 2300243v I File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY (continued) Privacy Rights Users shall respect the privacy of messages that they receive and refrain from reposting messages without the approval of the sender. Users shall not publish private infonnation about another individual. Implementation The chief school administrator shall prepare regulations to implement this policy. First Reading: Second Reading: Legal References: NJ.S.A. 2A:38A-1 et seq. N.J.S.A. 2C:20-25 N.J.S.A. 18A:7A-l1 N.J.S.A. l8A:36-35 N.J.A.C. 6A: bA-i. 1 et seq Computer System Computer Related Theft Annual report of local school district; contents; annual report of commissioner; report on improvement of basic skills School Internet websites; disclosure of certain student information prohibited Improving Standards-Driven Instruction and Literacy and Increasing Efficiency in Abbott School Districts See particularly: N.J.A.C. 6A: bA, Appendix A N.J.A.C. 6A:30-i. 1 et seq. Evaluation of the Performance of School Districts 17 U.S.C. 101 United States Copyright Law 47 U.S.C. 254(h) Children’s Internet Protection Act N.J.vT.L.O. 469 U.S. 325 (1985) O’Connor Ortega 480 U.S. 709 (1987) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Pub. L. 107-110, 20 U.S.C.A. 6301 et seq. Manual for the Evaluation of Local School Districts Cross References: * 1111 *35 14 *3570 District publications Equipment District records and reports Page 5 of 6 6l42.lOp 2300243v I File Code: 6142.10 TECHNOLOGY (continued) 4118.2/4218.2 *5114 *5124 *5131 *5131.5 *5 142 5145.2 *6144 *6145.3 6161 Freedom of speech (staff) Suspension and expulsion Reporting to parents/guardians Conduct/discipline Vandalism/violence Pupil safety Freedom of speech/expression (students) Controversial issues Publications Equipment, books and materials *Jndicates policy is included in the Critical Policy Reference Manual. Page 6 of 6 2.lop 4 l 6 2300243v1 Appendix D School Board Approval Letter Roselle Park School District Technology Plan for 201 0-2013 Page 23 Roselle Park Public Schools 510 Chestnut Street Roselle Park, New Jersey 07204 “Committed to Excellence” Patrick M. Spagnoletti Superintendent of Schools (908) 245-1197 FAX (908) 245-1226 Susan M. Guercio School Business Administrator! Board Secretary (908) 245-2103 Resolution: Business Introduced By: Mrs. Rinaldi Seconded By: Mrs. Kinloch Adopted: April 27, 2010 AYE: 8 25. NAY: 0 Technology Plan To approve the district Technology Plan effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2013. (copy on file in business office) I, Susan Guercio, Board Secretary of the Roselle Park School District, hereby certify that the extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Education duly called and held on April 27, 2010 has been compared by me with the original minute book of said Board of Education, and is a true, complete and exact copy thereof, as far as the same relates to the subject matter referred to said contract. iN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of the Roselle Park Board of Education, this 29st day of April 2010. Susan Guercio School Business Administrator Board Secretary lan “Where Children Come First”