
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University, Evanston
Internal Medicine/Transitional Residency Programs
1. Auseon A, Williams R, Rutecki G. Difficulties in managing right-sided heart
failure: From common to uncommon etiologies. (NATL) award winner, Loyola
University Symposium. 2000
2. Auseon A, Ooi W, Hossain M, Lipsitz L. Blood pressure behavior in the nursing
home: Implications for diagnosis and treatment of hypertension. J Am Geriatr
Soc 47:285-290, 1999.
3. Auseon AJ, Auseon JC, Rutecki GW. An Army Physical, a suicide attempt, and
serendipity: An unusual presentation of the Holt-Oram Syndrome. Presented
ACP, Natl., Philadelphia, PA, April 2002.
4. Brose JA, Waksman D, Jarosick M. The Pocket Guide to EKG Interpretation,
Revised Ed. Ohio University; 2000. Auseon A contributor
5. Baddi L, Khandekar J. Evidence-based surveillance following the primary
treatment of breast and colon cancer. Submitted for publication.
6. Baddi L, Ray D. An unusual Nosocomial Pneumonia. Chest 2002
7. Balagani R, Kuzniar T, Enzler M, Rutecki G. Sporadic Carney Complex: Unique
variant with right atrial myxomas, reversible systolic dysfunction and a postulated
humoral factor. Presented at the American College of Physicians Annual Session,
New Orleans, April 2004.
8. Banker D, Zubair S, Bilimoria M, Meiselman M, Rutecki GW. When “double
duct” and Courvoisier’s signs are not what they seem to be: Focal polyarteritis
nodosa mimicking pancreatic cancer. Presented at the national ACP meeting,
April 2003, San Diego, California.
9. Banker D, Whittier F, Rutecki GW. Acid-base disturbances: 5 rules that can
simplify diagnosis. Consultant 2003; 43:381-388.
10. Banker D, Whittier F, Rutecki GW. Acid-base problem solving. Consultant
2003; 43:391-400.
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
11. Bhargava N, Wali RK, Koetsier J, Brand RE, and Roy HK. Downregulation of
syndecan-1 in colon cancer cells: A potential mechanism for anti-proliferative
and anti-invasive effects of NSAIDS. Accepted for poster presentation at the
2003 American College of Gastroenterology 68th Annual Scientific Meeting.
12. Bhargava N, Brand RE, Gliva E, and Roy HK. Serum syndecan-1 for diagnosis
of pancreatic cancer: A negative study. Accepted for poster presentation at the
2003 American College of Gastroenterology 68th Annual Scientific Meeting.
13. Shanahan T, Bhate A, et al. Image guided I125 prostate brachytherapy with
hybrid mick technique in the community setting: How does it compare?
Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment. April 2004(3) 2.
14. Carneiro-Filho BA, Brito GAC, Fujii J, Lima AAM, Obrig T, Guerrant R.
Caspase and Bid involvement in Clostridium difficile Toxin A-induced
apoptosis and modulation of toxin A effects by Glutamine and Alanylglutamine in vivo and in vitro. Submitted to Infection and Immunity,
15. Alcantara C, Xiao-Hong J, Brito GAC, Carneiro-Filho BA, Barrett L,
M.Carey R, Guerrant R. Angiotensin II, cyclic AMP, prostaglandin E 2 and
angiotensin receptors in Clostridium difficile toxin A-induced secretion
and inflammation in an animal model Submitted to Journal of Infectious
Diseases, 2004.
16. Carneiro-Filho BA, Watkin WG, Mehta UK, Brockstein BE. Complete
response of basal cell carcinoma lung metastasis to chemotherapy and
associated pure red cell aplasia. A case report and review of the literature.
In preparation, 2004
17. Brito GAC, Carneiro-Filho BA, Oria RB, Lima AAM, Guerrant R L.
Clostridium difficile toxin A induces intestinal epithelial cell apoptosis
and damage: role of glutamine and alanyl-glutamine on toxin A effects.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, In press, 2004.
18. Carneiro-Filho BA, Oria RB, Brito GAC, Fujii J, Lima AAM, Obrig T,
Guerrant R L. Alanyl-glutamine hastens morphological recovery from 5Fluorouracil induced mucositis in mice. Nutrition, 2004; 20(10):934-41
19. Brito GAC, Alcantara C, Carneiro Filho BA, Guerrant RL.
Pathophysiology and Impact of Enteric Bacterial and Protozoal Infections:
New Approaches to Therapy. Chemotherapy, In press, 2004.
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
20. Carneiro-Filho BA, Lima IPF, Araujo DH, Cavalcante MC, Carvalho
GHP, Brito GAC, Lima V, Monteiro SMN, Santos FN, Ribeiro RA, and
Lima AAM. Intestinal Barrier Function and Secretion in Methotrexate
Induced Rat Intestinal Mucositis. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2004;
21. Guerrant RL, Carneiro Filho BA, Dillingham R. Cholera, Diarrhea and
ORT: Triumph and Indictment. Clinical Infectious Diseases,
22. Carneiro-Filho BA, Bushen OY, Brito GAC, Lima AAM, Guerrant RL.
Glutamine Analogues as Adjunctive Therapy for Infectious Diarrhea. Curr
Infect Dis Rep 2003; 5(2):114-119.
23. Medeiros FC, Carneiro-Filho BA, Ribeiro RA. Endometriose e dor pelvica
cronica (Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain). In: Topicos
Selecionados em Medicina Reprodutiva, pp 173-180. Eds: Francisco C
Medeiros, Silvia Hypolito, Maria Medeiros, PrintColor Ed, Fortaleza, CE,
Brazil, 2003.
24. Chang R. Reproducibility of OCT3 in Normal Glaucomatous Eyes. Abstract
accepted for presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and
Ophthalmology 2004 Annual Meeting.
25. Motykie G, Zebala L, Caprini J, Arcelus J, Reyna J, Cohen E, et al. A guide to
venous thromboembolism risk factor assessment. Journal of Thrombosis and
Thrombolysis 1999; 9: 253-262
26. Caprini J, Arcelus J, Reyna J, Motykie G, Zebala L, Cohen E. Deep vein
thrombosis outcome and the level of oral anticoagulation therapy. Journal of
Vascular Surgery 1999; 30:805-812.
27. Caprini JA, Arcelus J, Sehgal LR, Reyna JJ, Cohen EB. The use of low
molecular weight heparins for the prevention of postoperative venous
thromboembolism in general surgery. Journal of International Angiology 2002;
28. Dorsey ER, Jarjoura D, Rutecki GW. Influence of controllable lifestyle on recent
trends in specialty choice by US medical students. JAMA 2003; 290: 1173-1178.
29. Ebadi M, Youtsey M, Rutecki GW. Suspected kidney disease: Putting urinalysis
clues into context (1). Consultant 2001; 41: 1749-1757.
30. Ebadi M, Youtsey M, Rutecki GW. Suspected kidney disease: Putting urinalysis
clues into context (2). Consultant 2001; 41: 1829-1836.
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
31. Lin P, Farley-Li J, Paller AS, et al. Tacrolimus ointment promotes
repigmentation of vitiligo in children: A review of 57 cases. Presented at the
American Academy of Dermatology Meeting, 2002.
32. Farley-Li J, Mancini AJ. Treatment of linear IgA bullous dermatosis of childhood
with mycophenolate mofetil. Arch Dermatol. 2003; 139:1121-1124.
33. Farley-Li J, Rutecki GW. A synthesis of the humanities and pop culture:
Innovative education in the critical realm of physician impairment. Presented at
the Medicine and the Humanities Good Doctor Conference, New York, New
York. October 17-18, 2003.
34. Fisher P, Murray T, Najman DM, Williams R. A cardiac conundrum:
Complications in a young woman twenty years after doxorubicin and radiation
treatment for rhabdomyosarcoma. (NATL) Loyola University Symposium.
35. Decker R, Decker M, Nakamura S, Fisher P, Harris K, Klocke F. Apoptotic
events during low-flow ischemia in the canine myocardium. National
presentation, Winnipeg, CANADA.
36. Fisher P, Ho T, Goldschmidt R, Semerdjian R, Rutecki GW. A novel twist to the
Familial Mediterranean Fever story: non-amyloid nephrotic syndrome due to an
unusual mutation and fibrillary glomerulonephritis. Presented ACP, Natl.,
Philadelphia, PA, April 2002.
37. Fisher P, Ho TL, Goldschmidt R, Semerdjian R, Rutecki GW. Familial
Mediterranean fever, inflammation and nephritic syndrome: Fibrillary
glomerulopathy and the M6801 missense mutation. BMC Nephrology 2003, 4:6.
38. Gold N, Rutecki GW. Chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, hydronephrosis
in Griffith’s 5 Minute clinical consult. 2003 Edition.
39. Hogan D, Lurbe E, Salabat MR, Redon J, Batlle D. Circadian Changes in Blood
Pressure and Their Relationships to the Development of Microalbuminuria in
Type I Diabetic Patients. Current Diabetes Reports 2002, 2:539-544.
40. Davis JM, Janicak PG, Hogan DM. Mood stabilizers in the prevention of
recurrent affective disorders: a meta-analysis. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999,
41. Kuźniar T, Sleiman C, Brugiere O, Groussard O, Mal H, Mellot F, Pariente R,
Małolepszy J, Fournier M - Severe tracheobronchial stenosis in a patient with
Crohn’s disease - Eur Respir J (2000) 15: 209-212
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
42. Moroń K, Liebhart J, Szumarska M, Liebhart E, Ciesielska A, Kuźniar T – [A
comparison of conventional X-rays (normal and enlarged) usefulness with
densitometry in application to the evaluation of osteopenia in asthmatic patients
treated with corticosteriods]. Pol Przegl Radiol (1999) 64(3): 251-4
43. Kuźniar T, Patkowski J – [St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire in quality of life
assessment in patients with pulmonary diseases] – Pol Arch Med Wewn (2000)
CIV 1(7): 401-12
44. Kuźniar T, Patkowski J, Liebhart J, Wytrychowski K, Dobek R, Ślusarz R,
Liebhart E – [Validation of the Polish version of St George’s Respiratory
Questionnaire in patients with asthma] - Pneumonol Alergol Pol (1999) 67 (1112): 497-503
45. Kuzniar T, Slusarz R, Patkowski J. Quality of life in patients with asthma. Adv
Clinic Exp Med. 1998; 8:151-158.
46. Kuźniar T, Patkowski J., Kasibowska-Kuźniar K., Milewicz A. – [Assessment of
the influence of the menopausal symptoms on health-related quality of life of
women with asthma] – In: [Current opinion in physiopathology and clinic of
respiratory diseases] Ed: Frank-Piskorska A. Warsaw. (2000) 226-36
47. Kuźniar T, Liebhart J, Patkowski J, Moroń K, Liebhart E, Szumarska M Osteoporotic fractures decrease health-related quality of life in women with
asthma – 9th Annual Congress of European Respiratory Society, Madrid, October
9-13, 1999 – Abstract in: Eur Respir J (1999) 14 (Suppl 30): P2007
48. Liebhart J, Moroń K, Kuźniar T, Szumarska M, Liebhart E – Bone mineral
density loss in female asthmatics: role of corticosteroid therapy amongst other
factors. – 9th Annual Congress of European Respiratory Society, Madrid, October
9-13, 1999 – Abstract in: Eur Respir J (1999) 14 (Suppl 30): 1089
49. Wytrychowski K, Patkowski J, Kuźniar T, Małolepszy J. - Zafirlucast in
corticosteroid sensitive and resistant asthma. XXth Congress of European
Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Berlin, May 9-13, 2001 –
Abstract in: Allergy (2001) 56 (suppl. 68): 24
50. Wytrychowski K., Patkowski J., Kuźniar T. [Assessment of the health-related
quality of life (HRQOL) in corticosteroid-sensitive and resistant bronchial
asthma]. 3rd Annual Conference “Allergy, Asthma, Clinical Immunology”, Lodz,
Poland, June 6-9, 2001 – Abstract in: Alergia Astma Immunologia (2001) 6
(Suppl. 1): 132
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
51. Kuźniar T., Kasibowska-Kuźniar K., Patkowski J, Jankowska R. Menopausal
symptoms decrease health-related quality of life of women with asthma. 11th
Annual Congress of European Respiratory Society, Berlin, Germany, September
22 - 26, 2001 – Abstract in: Eur Respir J (2001) 18 (Suppl. 33): 20s-21s.
52. Levitan A, Rutecki GW. Hyponatremia: How to recognize the cause promptlyand avoid treatment pitfalls; and Hyponatremia: Treatment caveats and pearls.
Consultant 2003; 43(7): 861-870 and 871-874.
53. Mutlu GM, McShane PJ, Dumasius V, Factor P. Overexpression of a beta 2adrenergic receptor increases alveolar fluid clearance in mice. Submitted for
presentation at the 2002 American Thoracic Society meetings.
54. Mutlu GM, Dumasius V, Burhop J, McShane PJ, Meng FJ, Welch L, et al.
Upregulation of alveolar epithelial active Na+ transport is dependent on beta2adrenergic receptor signaling. Circulation Research. 94(8):1091-100, 2004 Apr
55. Mendez M, Dumasias V, Factor P. Myocardial Gene Delivery: A comparison
between intracoronary and intramyocardial injection. Presented at the 2001
American College of Physicians meeting, Atlanta, GA. (Research Abstract
56. Factor, P., M. Mendez, T. Clark, and V. Dumasius. Efficient adenoviral-mediated
gene transfer to severely injured rat lungs. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 163:A817,
57. Weiss, D.J., G. Multu, L Bonneau, M. Mendez, V. Dumasius, and P. Factor.
Comparison of surfactant and perflurochemical liquid enhanced adenovirusmediated transgene expression in lung. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 163:A526,
58. Factor, P., M. Mendez, G. Mutlu, and V. Dumasius. Gene transfer to severely
injured rat lungs. Mol Ther 3:S337, 2001.
59. V. Dumasius, M. Mendez, G. Mutlu, and P. Factor. Acute lung injury does not
impair adenoviral-mediated gene transfer to the alveolar epithelium. Chest 2002
Mar; 121(3 suppl): 335-345.
60. Mendez M, Dumasias V, Factor P. Myocardial gene delivery: A comparison
between intracoronary and intramyocardial injection. Presented at the 2001
American Lung Association of Chicago Abstract Session.
61. Mendez M, Gendlina I, Yu C, Glassberg M. Stimulation of ovine airway smooth
muscle cells with PDGF increases the levels of MAPK. Presented at the 1997
Eastern Student Research Forum, Miami, FL.
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
62. Factor P, Mendez M, Dumasium V. Acute hyperoxic lung injury does not impede
adenoviral-mediated alveolar gene transfer. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 165:521526.
63. Weiss DJ, Mutlu G, Bonneau L, Mendez M, Dumasius V, Liggitt D, Factor P.
Comparison of surfactant and perflurocarbon liquid enhanced adenovirusmediated gene transfer in normal rat lung. Mol Ther 2002 Jul; 6(1):43-9.
64. O’Brien P, Adelson B, Rutecki GW. Incorporating literature into core
bibliographies: Great Books and Project Professionalism. SGIM 200. Presented
May 5, 2000, Boston, MA (NATL).
65. Oh K, Rutecki GW. A Web-based electronic medical record for residents.
Presented APDIM, 2002; Natl., Philadelphia, PA, April 2002.
66. Oh K, Rutecki GW. Residency scheduling with online tools. Presented APDIM,
2002; Natl., Philadelphia, PA, April 2002.
67. Oh K and Rutecki GW. Adding to the clinical spectrum of West Nile Virus:
Variations on the theme of Guillain-Barre and Miller Fisher. Presented at the
national ACP meeting, April 2003, San Diego, California.
68. Mutlu G, Leikin J, Oh K, Factor P. An unresponsive biochemistry professor in
the bathtub. Chest 2002; 122:1073-1076.
69. Patel M, Ray DW, Liptay MJ, Close D, Knop C. Surveillance for recurrent or
new cancer in patients with resected stage I or II non-small cell lung cancer.
Abstract presentation accepted by American College of Chest Physicians 2003.
70. Bryant SM, Cumpston K, Lipsky MS, Patel N, Leikin JB. Metformin associated
respiratory alkalosis. Am J Ther 2004 May-Jun;11(3):236-7.
71. Patel S, Detjen P. Atrial fibrillation associated with anaphylaxis during pollen
and venom immunotherapy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2002 Aug;89(2):20911.
72. Kesani A, Minghao Y, Patel V, Batlle D. Cultured mesangial cells from diabetic
(db/db) mice exhibit enhanced proliferation and Cyclin D1 expression in a
normoglycemic environment. Abstract presentation at the American Society of
Nephrology in San Francisco, 2001. Also presented for Grand Rounds at
Evanston Northwestern Healthcare, May 2003.
73. Pham T, Rutecki GW. Hypernatremia. Book chapter for e-medicine. 2001;
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
74. Piskur JR, Stone NJ. Statins as cardioprotective agents. Am J Manag Care. 2002
Jun;8(9Suppl):25-9. Review.
75. Factor P, Wang Y, Burhop J, Sayeed I, Dumasius V. First and second generation,
but not fully-deleted, adenovirus infection of the bronchial epithelium increases
airway reactivity in mice. Submitted for presentation at the 2002 American
Thoracic Society meetings.
76. Factor P, Wang Y, Sayeed I, Dumasius V. Adenoviral-mediated overexpression
of a beta2-adrenergic receptor in the bronchial epithelium attenuates airway
reactivity in mice. Submitted for presentation at the 2002 American Thoracic
Society meetings.
77. Schwing L, Rutecki GW. Renal vein thrombosis. Book chapter for e-medicine.
78. Slutzky MW, Cvitanovic P, Mogul DJ. Identification of determinism in noisy
neuronal systems. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 118 (2002) 153-161.
79. Sohn L, Maks J, Tutton C, Rutecki GW. A mercury saga from the madhatter to
munchausen: a novel twist on a toxic-historic malady. Award winner, ACP
(regional), November 2000.
80. Sohn L, Maks J, Francois C, Tutton C. Quicksilver, the mad hatter, and
munchausen’s revisited: Elemental mercury poisoning by parenteral route. J Gen
Int Med, April 2000 supplement.
81. Sohn L, Locker G, Grober J, Rutecki GW. Palmar fasciitis, ovarian cancer, and a
variable tumor burden: a paraneoplastic syndrome in evolution. Chicago
Medicine, June 2000. Top five winner, Chicago Medical Society 56th Annual
Midwest Clinical Conference.
82. Sohn L, Masters G, Locker G. Outpatient treatment of neutropenic fever in
Illinois. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical
Oncology, May 2000.
83. Sultan A, Brand RE, Roy, HK. Increasing incidence of right sided colon
carcinoma in a suburban population from 1994 to 2001. American College of
Gastroenterology 68th Annual Scientific Meeting 2003.
84. Sultan A, Shah D, Bhargava N, Roy HK. Pneumatosis Intestinalis in association
with acute sickle cell crisis. American College of Gastroenterology 68th Annual
Scientific Meeting 2003.
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
85. Sundaram A, Polyxeni K, Apovian C. Nutritional management of short bowel
syndrome in adults. J Clin Gastroenterol 2002 (In press)
86. Factor P, Burhop J, Syed I, Dumasius V. First and second generation, but not
fully-deleted, adenoviruses increase airway reactivity in mice. Mol Ther 5:S162.
2002. Presented at the American Gene Society meeting, 2002.
87. Factor P, Burhop J, Syed I, Chen L, Dumasius V. Adenoviral-mediated
overexpression of a beta2-adrenergic receptor attenuates airway reactivity in
mice. Mol Ther 5: S537.2002. Presented at The American Gene Society
meeting, 2002.
88. P. Factor, Y. Wang, J. Burhop, I. Syed, and V. Dumasias. First and second
Generation, but Not Fully-Deleted Adenovirus Infection of the Bronchial
Epithelium Increases Airway Reactivity in Mice. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. Apr
2002. 165: A64. Presented at The American Thoracic Society meeting, 2002
89. P. Factor, Y. Wang, I. Syed, and V. Dumasias. Adenoviral-mediated Overexpression of a â2-Adrenergic Receptor in the Bronchial Epithelium Attenuates
Airway Reactivity in Mice. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. Apr 2002.165: A65.
Presented at The American Thoracic Society meeting, 2002
90. Imran S. Syed, Marlena Decker, Sakie Nakamura, Kathleen Harris, Francis J.
Klocke, Robert S. Decker. DNA Damage in reversibly hypocontractile (stunned)
myocardium. Presented at the ACC meeting in Chicago, 2002
91. Syed IS, Sanborn TA, Rosengart TK. Angiogenesis Clinical Trials. J Heart
Disease. 3: 39, 2003. Presented at the 3rd International Congress of Heart
Disease in Washington D.C., 2003.
92. Todd RM, Turner CD, Anderson J, Mhoon DA, Brendler CB. A new technique
for securing a foley catheter. Urology. 2000 Jul; 56(1): 149.
93. Tran M, Rutecki GW, Sprague SM. The pathogenesis of B2-microglobulininduced bone lesions in dialysis-related amyloidosis. Semin in Dial. 2001; 14:
94. Youtsey M, Adelson B, Rutecki GW. The Institutional Review Board: A critical
revisit to the protection of human subjects. Ethics and Medicine 2002; 18:135144.
95. Youtsey M, Adelson B, Rutecki GW. The IRB as venue for ethics education:
proactively responding to a caveat aeger. SGIM 2000. Presented May 5, 2000,
Boston, MA (NATL) and July 21, 2000, 7th Annual Bioethics in the new
millennium, Deerfield, IL (NATL).
Resident-authored publications/presentations page
96. Youtsey M, Rutecki GW. Hepatorenal syndrome, acute renal failure,
rhabdomyolysis in Griffith’s 5 Minute Clinical Consult, ed. Dambro, Williams &
Wilkens PA, 8th ed-9th ed January 2000, 2001.
Revised December 2004
Resident-authored publications/presentations page

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