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annals I N D E X T O V 92 J
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Note: The first figure indicates the issue; the second figure indicates the page.
Abbadi AA, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Abbott C, and Botha AJ, technical note, (1).75
Abdel-Halim MRE, et al, laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for
colon cancer, (3).211
Abdul-Jabar HB, et al, technical tip, (8).716, see, Sadri A, (3).243
Abdulkarim H, see Down SK, (4).307
Abidia A, see Adams KJ, (1).88
Abrams KR, see Ibrahim T, (3).231
Acher P, see Ahmed M, (2).139, (4).360
Adams KJ, et al (See) (1).88
Aghahoseini A, see Davies J, (4).358
Ahmad Z, and Cole RP, technical note, (4).355, et al, (See)
Ahmed H, see Appleton ND, (6).499
Ahmed I, see Macdonald ER, (2).167
Ahmed M, see Bannister G, (7).610
Ahmed M, et al, ureteric bupivicaine for loin pain haematuria
syndrome, (2).139 (See) (4).360
Akbar F, et al, changing management of suspected appendicitis,
(1).65 see Horwood J, (3).206
Akowuah E, see Birchley D, (5).373
Al Edwan G, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Al Sarakbi W, and Bentley PG, technical note, (6). 529
Al-Benna S, and Seybold D, technical note, (2).170
Al-Khateeb H, (See) (4).360
Al-Omishy H, and Soumian S, (See) (4).358
Al-Shaikh S, et al, lacrimal surgery, (7).583
Alam F, see Bagul A, (5).442, see McMahon G, (1).76
Alazzawi S, et al, chest radiography in acute abdomen, (8).697
Aldean H, see Pantling AZ, (6).532
Alexander DJ, see Davies J, (4).358
Alkari B, see Macdonald ER, (2).167
Allum R, total knee replacement, (6).461
Almasad JK, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Almusawy H, see Hussain A, (2).124
Alvi F, see Charalambous CP, (5).442
Aly EH, see Baxter M, (7).548
Amir I, et al, postoperative drainage in head and neck surgery,
Amiraraghi N, see Syed MI, (2).176
Andrew JG, see Ramavath AL, (5).441
Andrews KV, et al, referrals for dental implant treatment,
Annamalai S, see Ball TA, (2).171
Appleton ND, et al, extra-anatomical bypass grafting, (6).499
Ardolino A, et al, technical note, (6).531
Ariamanesh A, see Hawkins R, (5).437
Armstrong DJ, see Swindells MG, (8).680
Aroori S, see Messenger DE, (3).201, (See) (1).89, (See) (7).630
Arulampalam T, see Engledow AH, (5).395
Ashley S, see Birchley D, (5).373
Assadian O, see Leaper D, (6).453
Attia M, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Avis D, and Mutimer J, (See) (5).449
Badger SA, see Jones C, (2).136
Baghla DPS, see Newman SDS, (6).539
Bagul A, et al, technical tip, (5).442, see McMahon G, (1).76
Bailey C, see Grimes C, (1).61
Bailey D, see Blick C, (1).46, see Mehta SP, (6).515
Bain CJ, et al, technical note, (4).354
Balamoun H, and Marzouk D, technical note, (6).530
Ball S, and Haddad FS, acute knee clinic, (8).685
Ball T, see Taylor C, (5).442
Ball TA, et al, technical tip, (2).171, (3).265
Bannister G, et al, early complications of total arthroplasty,
Bannister M, see Bannister G, (7).610
Baqain ZH, et al, bisphosphonate-related jaw osteonecrosis,
Baraza W, et al, postoperative management after loop ileostomy
closure, (1).51
Barber W, see Baraza W, (1).51
Barnes S, and Campbell B, NICE news, (1).14
Barritt AW, et al, improving operation reports in orthopaedic
surgery, (2).159, et al, procedure-specific consent forms in
orthopaedic surgery, (3).246
Barry J, et al, technical tip, (3).266
Barwell N, see Dhumale R, (2).127
Baxter M, and Aly EH, Dieulafoy’s lesion, (7).548
Bayles AC, and Sethia KK, Improving Outcomes Guidance in
penis cancer, (1).44
Bdesha A, see Blick C, (1).46
Behranwala KA, et al, technical note, (6).529
Belloso A, see Amir E, (8).651
Benedetto F, see Lentini S, (1).90
Benson RT, et al, conservatively treated massive disc prolapse,
Bentley PG, see Al Sarakbi W, (6). 529
Bernard J, see Langdon J, (2).163
Berstock JR, et al, technical note, (1).73
Bethune R, (See) (4).357, (See) (8).720
Bhatia M, et al, anticoagulation reversal in hip fracture patients,
Bhutta M, see Al-Shaikh S, (7).583
Birchley D, et al, staged carotid endarterectomy, (5).373
Bishay SNG, see Loza ME, (8).673
Blackburn AV, see Collin T, (4).326
Bleach N, see Lakhani R, (7).587
Blick C, et al, two-week wait rule and bladder cancer, (1).46
Bloch B, see Ibrahim T, (3).231
Booth MI, see Dunne N, (2).131
Booth TC, see Singh JP, (3).182
Bosanquet D, see Appleton ND, (6).499
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Botha A, (See) (2).174
Botha AJ, see Abbott C, (1).75
Bowley DM, see Futaba K, (8).716
Bowrey DJ, see Williams RN, (8).714
Brady RR, see Fraser S, (4).311
Brady RRW, et al, (See) (7).630
Braithwaite IJ, see, Sadri A, (3).243
Bramhall SR, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Bray R, see Bannister G, (7).610
Brennan L, see Moumoulidis I, (4).292
Bridger MWM, see Reddy VM, (8).655
Briggs CD, see Tiernan J, (3).225
Bright E, see Wallace D, (1).31
Brigstocke JR, see Scurr JRH, (4).286
Brown C, see Chitnavis JP, (4).330
Brown CN, and Finch JG, which mesh for hernia repair?
Brown E, see Gash K, (1).56
Brown S, see Baraza W, (1).51
Bryan RT, et al, recurrence of Ta/T1 bladder cancer, (6).519
Bsoul N, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Buchanan GN, see Abdel-Halim MRE, (3).211
Buckels JAC, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Burdett S, see Jones R, (3).236
Burke FD, and Heras-Palou C, (See) (6).538, see Swindells MG,
Busch CA, see Gill I, (4).335
Cameron IC, see Tiernan J, (3).225
Camp D, see Townley WA, (8).693
Campbell B, NICE data collection for new procedures and
devices, (1).17, technical section authorship, (1).73, see
Barnes S, (1).14, see Gallo H, (5).433, see Stegenga H, (3).254,
Cariati M, see Liau S-S, (7).562
Carr E, and Pillai A, (See) (1).87
Cattell A, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Cetti RJ, et al, (See) (3).269
Chaganti S, and Kumar D, (See) (2).176
Chan A, see Toumi Z, (6).477
Chan P, see Swindells MG, (8).680
Chandrasenan J, see Kosuge DD, (8).689
Charalambous CP, et al, technical tip, (5).442
Charpentier KP, see Jackson KL, (6).534
Cheal D, see Thapar A, (6).503, (7).629
Cheng KK, see Bryan RT, (6).519
Chidambaram R, see Kachramanoglou C, (7).599
Chin D, see Grimes C, (1).61
Chitale S, et al, one-stage tubeless antegrade ureteric stenting,
Chitnavis JP, et al, radiation risk from fluoroscopically-assisted
ACL reconstruction, (4).330
Chouhan A, see Ray K, (1).78, (4).358, see Sircar T, (5).439
Chowdhury EA, see Khan AZ, (2).172
Clark L, see Barritt AW, (2).159, (3).246
Cockburn JF, see Chitale S, (3).218
Cocker DM, see Nesargikar PN, (5).391
Coggon J, and Wheeler R, confidence and conflicts of duty in
surgery, (2).113
Cohen AMM, see Barritt AW, (2).159, (3).246
Cohen P, see Abdel-Halim MRE, (3).211
Colaco H, see Patel S, (2).168
Cole RP, see Ahman Z, (4).355
Collin T, et al, sarcomas in the groin and inguinal canal,
Collins SI, see Bryan RT, (6).519
Colville RJI, see Pearce S, (6).483
Cook S, see Hall TC, (7).605
Cooke FJ, and Gkrania-Klotsas E, (See) (1).89
Crabbe D, see Qazi A, (3).261
Crook TB, see Ardolino A, (6).531
Cundall-Curry D, see Reddy VM, (8).655
Cunningham C, see Harmston C, (1).85
Dalal S, see Fulford D, (7).573
Davenport K, et al, audit of local anaesthetic cystodiathermy,
(8).706, see Tydeman C, (8).710
David LA, see Reid, (1).86
Davies J, et al (See) (4).358
Davies N, see Mehta SP, (6).515
Davis CR, infection-free surgery, (4).316
Davis J, see Taylor C, (5).442
Davis JR, see Ball TA, (3).265
Davis K, see Horwood J, (3).206
Dawson P, see Abdel-Halim MRE, (3).211
Day C, (See) (2).175
Daykin MC, see Bryan RT, (6).519
De Rover WS, see Alazzawi S, (8).697
Deacon SA, see Revington PJ, (8).643
Deakin DE, and Deshmukh SC, triceps–flexor carpi ulnaris
approach to elbow, (3).240
Deane AM, see Ahmed M, (2).139, (4).360
De’Ath HDI, et al, divarication recti in abdominal aortic
aneurysm, (7).591
Dehn TCB, controversial topcis in surgery, (1).5, (2).106, see
Dunne N, (2).131
Del Pero MM, see Moumoulidis I, (4).292
Dennison A, see McMahon G, (1).76
Dennison AR, see Bagul A, (5).442
Desai A, see Hussain A, (2).124
Desai AS, et al, assessment of shoulder disability, (1).9
Deshmukh SC, see Deakin DE, (3).240
Dheerendra SK, see Spiegelberg B, (2).101
Dhillon S, see Maclean SBM, (2).169
Dhumale R, et al, ambulatory hernia repairs, (2).127
Diamond T, see Jones C, (2).136
Dias JJ, see Hall TC, (7).605
Dias R, see Maclean SBM, (2).169
Dickson JK, see Townley WA, (8).693
Dillon P, see Bannister G, (7).610
Dindyal S, and Woodburn KR, (See) (1).87
Dixon JM, see Glynn RW, (6).506
Dixon SM, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Down SK, et al, re-admission rates after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, (4).307
Drabu KJ, see Rogers BA, (8).668
Dramis S, see Desai AS, (1).9
Drew PJ, see Qutob O, (3).198
Drummond RJ, see Quinn M, (7).569
Dunne N, et al, failure of laparoscopic antireflux surgery,
Dwivedi RC, see Kazi R, (5).361
Dyer M, see Pattenden CJ, (5).398
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Eardley WGP, et al, training in amputation and limb viability
assessment, (5).411, et al, training in damage control and
early total care, (2).154, et al, (See) (5).450
Eastaugh-Waring S, see Bannister G, (7).610
Edwards C, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Egan RJ, et al, (See) (6).537
El-Barbary HM, see Loza ME, (8).673
Elahi B, see Qutob O, (3).198
Elliott M, see Spinoza M, (8).713
Emran IH, see Weatherley CR, (1).19
England DW, see Rusby JE, (3).193
Engledow AH, et al, training in laparoscopic colorectal surgery,
Esler CN, see Ibrahim T, (3).231
Evans C, et al, transpopliteal angioplasty, (4).347
Ferguson DJ, see King PM, (5).441
Fergusson C, controversial topics in surgery, (6).459
Fern ED, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Field M, et al, (See) (1).90
Finch JG, see Brown CN, (4).272
Fincham G, see Al-Shaikh S, (7).583
Findlay JM, et al, neuromodulation for faecal incontinence,
Firmin LC, et al, technical tip, (4).356
Fitter S, see McDaid J, (6).463
Fletcher E, see Kulkarni SR, (8).700
Foote J, see Rogers BA, (8).668
Fox U, see Subramanian S, (1).27
Franklin IJ, see Lane TRA, (6).533
Fraser S, et al, MRSA in surgical patients, (4).311
Fulford D, et al, hand surgery after axillary lymph node
clearance, (7).573
Fullard M, see Behranwala KA, (6).529
Futaba K, and Bowley DM, technical tip, (8).716
Gallacher PD, see Gilbert RE, (3).257
Gallagher K, see Gill I, (4).335
Galland RB, see De’Ath HDI, (7).591, see Evans C, (4).347
Gallegos CR, see Jefferies ER, (4).360
Gallo H, et al, NICE news, (5).433
Gamie Z, et al (See) (2).173
Gan M, see Zhou F, (5).406
Ganguly A, et al, on-site cytology in one-stop neck lump clinic,
Garimella V, see Qutob O, (3).198
Gash K, (See) (4).357, et al, surgical management of C. difficile
colitis, (1).56
Gelister J, see Nair R, (3).259
Gergely S, see Grimes C, (1).61
Gerrand C, see Collin T, (4).326, see Howarth D, (4).338
Gibb AP, see Brady RRW, (7).630, see Fraser S, (4).311
Gibb PA, see Barritt AW, (2).159, (3).246
Gibson M, see Evans C, (4).347
Gilbert RE, et al, technical note, (3).257
Giles C, see Mangwani J, (1).23
Giles TE, see Ganguly A, (8).660
Gill I, et al, peri-operative analgesia following total knee
arthroplasty, (4).335
Girling S, see Chitale S, (3).218
Gkrania-Klotsas E, see Cooke FJ, (1).89
Glancy D, see Tydeman C, (8).710
Glynn RW, et al, survey of axilla management in breast cancer,
Goldsmith PJ, see Davies J, (4).358
Gordon-Dixon A, see Hussain A, (2).124
Goroszeniuk DZ, see Townley WA, (8).693
Gough MJ, see Gamie Z, (2).173
Graham C, see Fraser S, (4).311
Graham T, see Hall TC, (7).605
Grainger J, see Toh A, (2).176
Gravante G, and Montone A, healing of burns in ambulatory
patients, (2).118
Greaves H, see Findlay JM, (5).385
Griffiths E, see Halsey T, (5).441
Grimes C, et al, appendiceal faecaliths, (1).61, and Harris A,
(See) (3).270
Guha AR, see Jones R, (3).236
Guyver PM, et al, Ganz trochanteric flip approach, (7).619
Haddad FS, see Ball S, (8).685, see Macfarlane RJ, (5).363, see
Patel S, (6).467
Hadfield MB, see Toumi Z, (6).477
Haider N, see Qazi A, (3).261
Haldar N, see Blick C, (1).46
Hall J, see Mangera A, (4).353
Hall TC, et al, glove simulation of hand rheumatoid arthritis,
Halsey T, et al, technical tip, (5).441
Hamzah I, see McDaid J, (6).463
Hanna AAZ, see Loza ME, (8).673
Hansrani M, see Kanwar A, (4).341
Harbach L, see McDaid J, (6).463
Harding IJ, see Kilshaw MJ, (3).250
Harding KG, see Patel GK, (6).451
Harinath G, see Siddique K, (2).173
Harmston C, et al, See, (1).85
Harper WM, see Ibrahim T, (3).231
Harris A, see Grimes C, (1).61, (See) (3).270
Harris AH, see Down SK, (4).307
Hartley R, see, Lloyd JM, (7).615
Hartshorne T, et al, (See) (7).628
Hashemi-Nejad A, see Hawkins R, (5).437
Hassan M, et al, technical tip, (3).264
Hastie KJ, see Mangera A, (4).353
Hawkins R, et al, (5).437
Hayes AJ, see Pencavel TD, (5).417
Hayton MJ, see Fulford D, (7).573
Hearnden AJ, see Desai AS, (1).9
Heaton S, see Langdon J, (2).163
Hemmady M, see Subramanian S, (1).27
Heras-Palou C, see Burke FD, (6).538
Hocken DB, see Williamson JML, (6).537
Hodgkinson J, see Subramanian S, (1).27
Holland P, and Pegg DJ, technical tip, (8).716
Hollywood C, et al, technical tip, (3).264
Holroyd D, see Nair R, (3).259
Hopkins T, see Thapar A, (6).503, (7).629
Hopping SB, et al, S-Plus lift, (7).577
Horwood J, et al, selective policy for intra-operative
cholangiography, (3).206
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Hosangadi-Jayedev N, see Barritt AW, (2).159
Hossain FS, see Patel S, (6).467
Howarth D, et al, weight loss in obese patients with knee
osteoarthritis, (4).338
Hulton NR, see Toumi Z, (6).477
Hussain A, et al, breast cancer detection by computed
tomography, (2).124
Hussain N, see Chitale S, (3).218
Ibrahim T, et al, temporal trends in total arthroplasty, (3).231
Ihsan N, see Qutob O, (3).198
Inman D, see Howarth D, (4).338
Insall R, see Rix TE, (8).647
Ireland AJ, see Parbatani R, (1).34
Irving GRB, see Tiernan J, (3).225
Irving S, see Chitale S, (3).218
Jackson KL, and Charpentier KP, technical note, (6).534
Jaidev J, see Owais AE, (5).422
Jain KD, see Subramanian S, (1).27
Jani P, see Moumoulidis I, (4).292
Janjanin S, see Hopping SB, (7).577
Javed F, see Al-Shaikh S, (7).583
Javid M, see De’Ath HDI, (7).591
Jefferies ER, et al, (See) (4).360
Jefferies M, see Jones R, (3).236
Jennings R, see Spiegelberg B, (2).101
Johari Y, see Firmin LC, (4).356
Johnson CD, Editorial, (1).1, (3).181
Johri A, see Ray K, (1).78, (4).358, see Sircar T, (5).439
Jones A, robotic surgery, (1).5
Jones C, et al, NHS Cancer Plan and colorectal surgery, (2).136
Jones L, see Dunne N, (2).131
Jones OM, see Harmston C, (1).85
Jones R, et al, treating boxer’s fracture in Wales, (3).236
Joshi AS, see Hopping SB, (7).577
Joyce AD, controversial topics in surgery, (5).368
Juhari Y, and Nicholson ML, technical tip, (8).715
Kachramanoglou C, et al, four-part proximal humeral fractures,
Kanwar A, et al, trends in varicose vein surgery, (4).341
Karim H, see Wasson J, (1).40, (3).267
Karim O, see Khan MJ, (3).260
Karthikesaligam A, see Chitnavis JP, (4).330
Katna R, see Kazi R, (5).361
Kaur V, see Nesargikar PN, (5).391
Kazi R, et al, minimal access thyroid surgery, (5).361
Keeley FX Jr, see Davenport K, (8).706, see Young JG, (5).370
Kelleher J, see Blick C, (1).46
Kelly CP, see Sinha S, (8).631
Keogh K, see Ahmad Z, (3).268
Keoghane SR, see Cetti RJ, (3).269
Kerrigan D, see Barry J, (3).266
Kesavan S, (See) (2).174
Khan AZ, and Chowdhury EA, technical tip, (2).172
Khan MJ, and Karim O, technical note, (3).260
Khan MS, see Townley WA, (8).693
Khan SA, see Owais AE, (5).422, see Robinson PM, (5).437
Khan WS, see Spiegelberg B, (2).101
Kiernan M, see Leaper D, (6).453
Kilshaw MJ, et al, abbreviations in orthopaedic literature,
King PA, see Andrews KV, (6).512
King PM, and Ferguson DJ, technical tip, (5).441
Koak Y, see Down SK, (4).307
Kosuge DD, et al, management of ankle fractures, (8).689
Kosuge T, see Moriwaki Y, (2).142
Kramer A, see Leaper D, (6).453
Kulkarni SR, et al, pre-operative inspiratory muscle training,
Kulli C, see Sanjay P, (4).302
Kumar D, see Chaganti S, (2).176
Kundra RK, et al, suture materials in hand and wrist surgery,
Lakhani R, et al, disinfection of nasoendoscopes, (7).587
Lambert AW, see Smith JE, (6).486
Lane TRA, et al, technical note, (6).533
Langdon J, et al, vertebral compression fractures, (2).163
Latif M, see Al-Shaikh S, (7).583
Lauder CIW, et al, technical note, (2).169, (3).262
Lawrance R, see Hollywood C, (3).264
Lawrence D, (See) (2).174
Lazim TR, see Lefemine V, (8).715
Leaper D, et al, prevention of surgical site infection, (6).453
Lees T, see Kanwar A, (4).341
Lefemine V, et al, technical tip, (8).715
Lenci I, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Leng G, and Thomason C, NICE Evidence, (6).527
Lengyel J, see Nesargikar PN, (5).391
Lentini S, and Benedetto F, (See) (1).90
Levy O, see Narvani A, (8).635
Lewis AC, see Kundra RK, (8).665
Lewis MH, see Alazzawi S, (8).697, see Appleton ND, (6).499
Lewis T, see Birchley D, (5).373
Liau S-S, et al, local recurrence after breast conservation
surgery, (7).562
Limb D, see Marsh M, (6).532
Lindau TR, see Swindells MG, (8).680
Lindsey I, see Harmston C, (1).85
Lingard E, see Howarth D, (4).338
Livingstone JI, see Behranwala KA, (6).529
Lloyd DM, see Pattenden CJ, (5).398
Lloyd JM, et al, home therapy of ankle fractures, (7).615
Lo T, and Tindall A, technical tip, (2).172
Lockhart AS, see Millner R, (7).559
Lofthouse RA, see Ball TA, (3).265
Lofty AAI, see Loza ME, (8).673
Logan AJ, see Swindells MG, (8).680
London NJM, see Wallace D, (1).31
Lovegrove RE, see De’Ath HDI, (7).591
Loza ME, et al, double column osteotomy, (8).673
Lucassen A, and Wheeler R, legal implications of tissue, (3).189
Lumio J, see Leaper D, (6).453
Lynch M, et al, haemorrhage after endoscopic prostate surgery,
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McBain AJ, see Leaper D, (6).453
McCann PA, (See) (7).628
McCaskie A, see Howarth D, (4).338
McClements J, see Jones C, (2).136
McConnell AK, see Kulkarni SR, (8).700
McDaid J, et al, diverticular fistulation and nicorandil use,
Macdonald A, see Chitnavis JP, (4).330, see Quinn M, (7).569
Macdonald ER, et al, technical note, (2).167
McFall M, see Ray K, (3).263
Macfarlane RJ, and Haddad FS, femoro-acetabular
impingement, (5).363
Macfie J, see Owais AE, (5).422
McKie L, see Jones C, (2).136
Maclean SBM, et al, technical note, (2).169
McMahon G, et al, technical note, (1).76, see Bagul A, (5).442
McNamara C, see Revington PJ, (8).643
McQuillan A, see Spinoza M, (8).713
MacSweeney S, see Shah M, (6).495
Maddern GJ, see Lauder CIW, (2).169, (3).262
Madhusudhan TR, see Wronka KS, (3).265
Magee CJ, see Barry J, (3).266
Magee TR, see De’Ath HDI, (7).591, see Evans C, (4).347
Mahadevan D, see Kosuge DD, (8).689
Majumdar A, (See) (3).267
Malik T, see, Titoria P, (5).429
Mangera A, et al, technical note, (4).353
Mangwani J, obesity and recovery from low back pain, (1).23
Mann CD, see Pattenden CJ, (5).398
Manson J, (See) (6).540
Manzia TM, et al, EUS-FNA after pancreaticoduodenectomy,
Marr R, see Millner R, (7).559
Marsden MR, and Parvaiz A, laparoscopic resection of rectal
cancer, (2).106
Marsh DR, see Spiegelberg B, (2).101
Marsh M, et al, technical note, (6).532
Marshall RW, see Benson RT, (2).147
Martin A, see Shah M, (6).495
Martin R, see Lloyd JM, (7).615
Marzouk D, see Balamoun H, (6).530
Maw A, see Akbar F, (1).65
Maxwell-Armstrong C, see Findlay JM, (5).385
Mehta S, see Mangera A, (4).353
Mehta SP, et al, outcomes of oesophagogastric cancer in
younger patients, (6).515
Messenger DE, et al, laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal hernia
repair, (3).201
Metcalfe MS, see Pattenden CJ, (5).398
Middleton FR, (See) (1).86
Midwinter M, see Smith JE, (6).486
Millner R, et al, chitosans in hepatic injury, (7).559, see Hassan
M, (3).264
Milner RH, see Collin T, (4).326
Mirza DF, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Mirza S, see Siddique K, (See) (3).270
Mitchell C, see Owais AE, (5).422
Mitra I, (See) (1).88
Mohanna P-N, see Bain CJ, (4).354
Moinuddin A, see Hassan M, (3).264
Mok D, see Kachramanoglou C, (7).599
Molloy S, see Langdon J, (2).163
Montone A, see Gravante G, (2).118
Moore HM, see Abdel-Halim MRE, (3).211
Moran B, open resection of rectal cancer, (2).110
Morar P, see Amir E, (8).651
Morgan JDT, see Egan RJ, (6).537
Morgan RJ, see Akbar F, (1).65, see Horwood J, (3).206
Moriwaki Y, et al, cardiopulmonary arrest on arrival, (2).142
Morris-Stiff G, see Alazzawi S, (8).697, see Appleton ND, (6).499
Motson RW, see Engledow AH, (5).395
Moumoulidis I, et al, haemostasis in head and neck surgical
positions, (4).292
Mukarram S, see Revington PJ, (8).643
Mukhtar H, see Singh JP, (3).182
Mullins M, see Mangwani J, (1).23
Muneer A, see Blick C, (1).46
Murphy J, see Quinn M, (7).569
Murray D, see Singh JP, (3).182
Murray J, see Quinn M, (7).569
Mutimer J, see Avis D, (See) (5).449
Myers B, see Shah M, (6).495
Nair R, et al, technical note, (3).259
Narvani A, and Levy O, fixation of proximal humeral fractures,
Nasim A, see Hartshorne T, (7).628
Natali C, see Mangwani J, (1).23
Naylor AR, (See) (1).88
Naylor R, see Hartshorne T, (7).628
Nehra D, see Pantling AZ, (6).532
Nesargikar PN, et al, consent in colorectal surgery, (5).391
Newell RLM, see Weatherley CR, (1).19
Newman S, see Kundra RK, (8).665
Newman SDS, and Baghla DPS, (See) (6).539
Nguyen DQA, see Townley WA, (8).693
Nicholl JE, see Reid, (1).86
Nicholls A, see Ardolino A, (6).531
Nicholson ML, see Firmin LC, (4).356, see Juhari Y, (8).715
Nicolic M, see Down SK, (4).307
Nightingale PG, see Rusby JE, (3).193
Nixon MF, see Hall TC, (7).605
Nixon PP, see Ganguly A, (8).660
Noble D, see Liau S-S, (7).562
Norton MR, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Norton SA, see Egan RJ, (6).537
Ogadegbe A, see Singh-Ranger D, (5).425
Orabi A, see Samy AK, (5).379
Owais AE, et al, pre-mortem CT scans, (5).422
Panesar J, see Wasson J, (1).40, (3).267
Pantling AZ, et al, technical note, (6).532
Papanna M, see Robinson PM, (5).437
Parbatani R, et al, process of orthognathic care, (1).34
Parihar S, see Bhatia M, (6).473
Parker PJ, see Eardley WGP, (2).154, (5).411, (5).450
Parratt T, see Spiegelberg B, (2).101
Parvaiz A, see Marsden MR, (2).106
Patel A, see Lefemine V, (8).715
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 7
Patel GK, and Harding KG, nicoraldil ulcer, (6).451
Patel N, see Marsh M, (6).532
Patel S, et al, multimodal non-operative programme for knee
osteoarthritis, (6).467, et al, technical note, (2).168
Paterson-Brown S, see Fraser S, (4).311
Paton B, see Patel S, (6).467
Patrick H, see Stegenga H, (3).254
Pattenden CJ, et al, laparoscopic splenectomy, (5).398
Pearce S, and Colville RJI, outcome of nailbed injuries in
children, (6).483
Pegg DJ, see Holland P, (8).716
Pencavel TD, et al, two-week rule for soft tissue sarcoma,
Penny JR, see Andrews KV, (6).512
Perera E, see Revington PJ, (8).643
Perez J, see Abdul-Jabar HB, (8).716
Perry D, (See) (2).175, see Hollywood C, (3).264
Peter N, see De’Ath HDI, (7).591, see Evans C, (4).347
Peterson M, see Tiernan J, (3).225
Phillips S, see Rogers BA, (8).668
Phipps S, and Tolley DA, extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy,
Phull JS, see Jefferies ER, (4).360
Phwerwani AD, see Field M, (1).90
Pillai A, see Carr E, (1).87
Polignano FM, see Sanjay P, (4).302
Poskitt KR, see Kulkarni SR, (8).700
Povlsen BO, carpal tunnel syndrome in older patients, (5).403
Prasad V, see Warren A, (1).74
Price A, partial knee replacement in osteoarthritis, (6).459
Pugh H, see Kosuge DD, (8).689
Pullyblank A, see Gash K, (1).56
Qazi A, et al, technical note, (3).261
Quinn M, et al, short-course iron supplementation in colorectal
cancer, (7).569
Qutob O, et al, minimally invasive excision gynaecomastia,
Ragbir M, see Collin T, (4).326
Raghavjee MM, technical tip, (5).443
Rai A, see Halsey T, (5).441
Raja V, see Chitale S, (3).218
Rajagopalan S, et al, technical note, (3).258, see Lloyd JM,
Ramanathan A, (See) (5).449
Ramavath AL, and Andrew JG, technical tip, (5).441
Ramesh B, see Wronka KS, (3).265
Rao P, et al, soft tissue management of children’s open tibial
fractures, (4).320
Ravikumar R, and Williams JG, management of gallstone ileus,
Rawlins JM, (See) (7).629
Ray K, and McFall M, technical note, (3).263, et al, technical tip,
(1).78, et al (See) (4).358
Reddy RP, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Reddy VM, et al, incidence of tonsil and base of tongue cancer,
Refson J, see Adams KJ, (1).88
Reichl C, see McDaid J, (6).463
Reid MJ, et al, (See) (1).86
Reilly P, controversial topics in surgery, (8).631
Renwick I, see Owais AE, (5).422
Repanos C, see Ahmad Z, (3).268
Revington PJ, et al, alveolar bone grafting, (8).643
Richards T, see Shah M, (6).495
Ridgway D, see Samy AK, (5).379
Rix TE, et al, RACE to protect brains, (8).647
Roberts AP, see Gilbert RE, (3).257
Robertson R, see Dunne N, (2).131
Robertson SC, see Benson RT, (2).147
Robinson PM, et al, technical note, (5).437
Robinson R, see Findlay JM, (5).385
Roche A, and Webb M, (See) (4).359
Rodrigues M, see Brady RRW, (7).630
Rogers BA, et al, thrombophylaxis after hip arthroplasty, (8).668
Rooker J, see Kilshaw MJ, (3).250
Rooker JC, see Townley WA, (8).693
Ross F, see Quinn M, (7).569
Royston SL, see Tomlinson JE, (4).356
Rudge BCJ, see Rudge WBJ, (1).77
Rudge CJ, see Rudge WBJ, (1).77
Rudge WBJ, et al, technical note, (1).77
Rusby JE, et al, immediate breast reconstruction, (3).193
Saada J, see Chitale S, (3).218
Sadri A, et al, understanding of intra-operative tourniquets,
Saithna A, see Kundra RK, (8).665
Salih T, see Mangwani J, (1).23
Salim F, see Mangera A, (4).353
Samy AK, et al, minimally invasive thyroidectomy, (5).379
Sanchez JLA, see Leaper D, (6).453
Sandy JR, see Parbatani R, (1).34
Sangar A, see Rajagopalan S, (3).258
Sanjay P, et al, management of acute gallbladder disease,
(4).302, see Appleton ND, (6).499
Saour S, see Bain CJ, (4).354
Sarraf KM, see, Sadri A, (3).243
Savage AP, see McDaid J, (6).463
Sawair FA, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Schaverien MV, see Rao P, (4).320
Scurr JH, (See) (6).540, see Scurr JRH, (4).286
Scurr JRH, et al, medicolegal claims after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, (4).286
Seaward JR, et al, surgical planning in soft-tissue sarcoma,
Senaratne J, see Rix TE, (8).647
Sethia KK, robots in surgery, (1).7, see Bayles AC, (1).44
Seybold D, see Al-Benna S, (2).170
Shah HV, see Revington PJ, (8).643
Shah M, et al, anaemia and malnutrition in vascular patients,
Shah PR, (See) (3).268
Shah SHA, et al, technical note, (3).260
Shalhoub J, see Lane TRA, (6).533, see Thapar A, (6).503, (7).629
Sharp R, see Benson RT, (2).147
Shaw G, see Nair R, (3).259
Shields DA, see Scurr JRH, (4).286
Shiwani M, (See) (4).359
Shokrollahi K, evolution of consent, (2).93, (See) (5).447, (See)
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 8
Siddique K, and Harinath G, (See) (2).173, and Mirza S, (See)
Singh I, see Rix TE, (8).647
Singh JP, et al imaging of abdominal perforation, (3).182
Singh-Ranger D, and Ogadegbe A, selection of women for
diagnostic laparoscopy, (5).425
Sinha P, see Hussain A, (2).124
Sinha S, and Kelly CP, fixed angle locking plates for proximal
humeral fractures, (8).631
Sircar T, et al, technical note, (5).439
Siva TM, see, Titoria P, (5).429
Skelton N, see Down SK, (4).307
Skidmore FD, Editorial, (4).271
Skipworth J, (See) (3).269
Sloan N, see Gallo H, (5).433
Smith A, see Bhatia M, (6).473
Smith JE, et al, penetrating torso trauma, (6).486
Smith KRH, (See) (5).449
Smith PA, see Ganguly A, (8).660
Smithard A, see Lakhani R, (7).587
Sohampal J, see Dunne N, (2).131
Sole GM, see Bryan RT, (6).519
Soumian S, see Al-Omishy H, (4).358
Spencer RF, see Berstock JR, (1).73
Spiegelberg B, et al, Ilizarov principles of deformity correction,
Spinoza M, et al, technical note, (8).713
Sreekumar R, see Subramanian S, (1).27
Srinivasan K, see Kundra RK, (8).665
Srinivasan S, see Kundra RK, (8).665
Sriprasad S, see Lynch M, (7).555
Stansby G, see Kanwar A, (4).341
Stegenga H, and Campbell B, NICE news, (6).525, et al, NICE
news, (3).254
Steward MJ, see Singh JP, (3).182
Stewart KJ, see Rao P, (4).320
Stimpson P, see Talwar R, (5).447
Stohr KK, technical tip, (5).443
Stone CA, see Seaward JR, (8).639
Stratford J, see Dunne N, (2).131
Strauss DC, see Pencavel TD, (5).417
Strickland A, see Lauder CIW, (2).169, (3).262
Subramanian S, et al, whole femoral head allograft in revision
hip replacement, (1).27
Subramonian K, see Lynch M, (7).555
Sugiyama M, see Moriwaki Y, (2).142
Suppiah A, see Samy AK, (5).379
Sutton CD, see Williams RN, (8).714
Sutton P, see Charalambous CP, (5).442
Suzuki N, see Moriwaki Y, (2).142
Swindells MG, et al, trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis, (8).680
Swinscoe MT, see Tiernan J, (3).225
Syed MI, et al, (See) (2).176
Syed S, see Shah S, (3).260
Tahara Y, see Moriwaki Y, (2).142
Tait IS, see Sanjay P, (4).302
Talawadekar G, see Bhatia M, (6).473
Talwar R, and Stimpson P, (See) (5).447
Tamimi Z, see Baqain ZH, (6).489
Tan M, technical note, (5).438
Tanna N, see Hopping SB, (7).577
Tariciotti L, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Tarraf YN, see Loza ME, (8).673
Tavares SP, see Benson RT, (2).147
Taylor C, et al, technical tip, (5).442
Taylor CF, see Ball TA, (2).171
Taylor DM, see Eardley WGP, (2).154, (5).411, (5).450
Taylor EJ, see Patel S, (2).168
Taylor HP, see Rajagopalan S, (3).258
Taylor MA, see Jones C, (2).136
Templeton-Ward O, (See) (6).539
Teoh V, see Barritt AW, (3).246
Thapar A, et al, abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, (6).503,
(See) (7).629
Thiruppathy K, see Engledow AH, (5).395
Thomas GP, see Pencavel TD, (5).417
Thomas JM, see Pencavel TD, (5).417
Thomas M, see Warren A, (1).74
Thomas WEG, Editorial, (1).1
Thomason C, see Leng G, (6).527
Thompson P, see Lynch M, (7).555
Tiernan J, et al, standardised protocol for staging and follow-up
of colorectal cancer, (3).225
Timoney AG, see Davenport K, (8).706
Tindall A, see Lo T, (2).172
Tisdale J, see Dhumale R, (2).127
Titoria P, et al, fine-needle sampling techniques, (5).429
Tiwari A, see Adams KJ, (1).88
Toh A, et al, (See) (2).176
Tolley DA, see Phipps S, (5).368
Tomlinson JE, and Royston SL, letter in response to technical
tip, (4).356
Torrie EPH, see Evans C, (4).347
Toti L, see Manzia TM, (4).295
Toumi Z, et al, appendicitis following blunt trauma, (6).477
Townley WA, et al, management of open tibial fractures, (8).693
Toyoda H, see Moriwaki Y, (2).142
Trigkilidas D, acupuncture for low back pain, (7).595
Tydeman C, et al, suspected testicular torsion, (8).710
Upadhyay V, see Rajagopalan S, (3).258
Uppal H, see Toh A, (2).176
Vaughan D, see Abdul-Jabar HB, (8).716
Villaquiran J, see Birchley D, (5).373
Vipond MN, see Messenger DE, (3).201
Vohra RS, see Gamie Z, (2).173
Wain R, see Shah S, (3).260
Wall M, see Field M, (1).90
Wallace D, et al, epidural abscess following epidural analgesia,
Wallace DMA, see Bryan RT, (6).519
Walmsley BH, see Cetti RJ, (3).269
Ward S, see Thapar A, (6).503
Warren A, et al, technical note, (1).74
Wasson J, et al, parotidectomy incisions, (1).40, (See) (3).267
Waters RA, see Rusby JE, (3).193
Watkinson JC, fifteen years’ experience in thyroid surgery,
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 9
Way A, see Langdon J, (2).163
Weatherley CR, et al, modification to the midline posterior
approach in lumbar surgery, (1).19
Webb JCJ, see Berstock JR, (1).73
Webb M, see Roche A, (4).359
Wheeler R, Editorial, (2).91, (See) (6).539, see Coggon J, (2).113,
see Lucassen A, (3).189, see Woodcock T, (4).282
White FE, see Ganguly A, (8).660
Whyman MR, see Kulkarni SR, (8).700
Wild J, see Baraza W, (1).51
Williams AC, see Parbatani R, (1).34
Williams AT, see Syed MI, (2).176
Williams D, see Guyver PM, (7).619
Williams JG, see Ravikumar R, (4).279
Williams L, see Glynn RW, (6).506
Williams RN, et al, technical note, (8).714
Williamson JML, and Hocken DB, (See) (6).537
Wilson C, see Liau S-S, (7).562
Wilson PA, see Seaward JR, (8).639
Wilson TR, see Owais AE, (5).422
Winstanley J, see Fulford D, (7).573
Wishart GC, see Liau S-S, (7).562
Wood F, see Gamie Z, (2).173
Woodburn KR, see Dindyal S, (1).87
Woodcock T, ethics and law of transplantation surgery, (4).282
Wronka KS, et al, technical tip, (3).265
Yang H, see Zhou F, (5).406
Yeo J, see Wasson J, (1).40, (3).267
Yeung JMC, see Findlay JM, (5).385
Young JG, and Keeley FX Jr, case against shockwave lithotripsy,
Younis F, see Robinson PM, (5).437
Yousuf M, see Akbar F, (1).65
Yusuf SW, see Thapar A, (6).503, (7).629
Zeegers MP, see Bryan RT, (6).519
Zhou F, et al, fracture-dislocation of the lower cervical spine,
Zhu R, see Zhou F, (5).406
Zieneh N, see, Lloyd JM, (7).615
Zou J, see Zhou F, (5).406
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annals index 2010.qxp
Page 11
Note: The first figure indicates the issue; the second figure indicates the page.
Abbreviations, orthopaedic literature, (Kilshaw et al) (3).250
Abdomen, acute, chest radiography, (Alazzawi et al) (8).697
Abdominal aortic aneurysm,
assessment of between-recti distance and divarication,
(De’Ath et al) (7).591
assessment of size, (Hartshorne et al) (Comment) (7).628,
(Thapar et al ) (6).503
(Thapar et al) (Comment) (7).629
repair, epidural abscess after, (Wallace et al) (1).31
Abdominal perforation, imaging, (Singh et al) (3).182
Abdominal surgery, pre-operative inspiratory muscle training,
(Kulkarni et al) (8).700
Abdominal trauma, causing appendicitis, (Toumi et al) (6).477
Abstracts, online only, (4).352, (5).444, (7).609, (7).622
Acupuncture, low back pain, (Trigkilidas) (7).595
Acute knee clinics, (Ball and Haddad) (8).685
Allograft, femoral head in revision hip replacement,
(Subramanian et al) (1).27
Alveolar bone graft, national outcome study, (Revington et al)
Amputation surgery, training, (Avis and Mutimer) (Comment)
(5).449, (Eardley et al) (5).411,
colorectal cancer, (Quinn et al) (7).569
critical limb ischaemia, (Shah et al) (6).495
Analgesia, knee arthroplasty, and autologous retransfusion
drains, (Gill et al) (4).335
Aneurysm, see Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Animal model, chitosan in hepatic injury, (Millner et al) (7).559
home therapy, (Lloyd et al) (7).615
Lauge-Hansen type II/IV, (Kosuge et al) (8).689
testing distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, (McCann)
(Comment) (7).628, (Newman and Baghla) (Comment)
(6).539, (Rajagopalan et al) (3).258, (Templeton-Ward)
(Comment) (6).539
replacement, technique for exchanging the liner, (Taylor et
al) (5).442
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL),
diagnosis of injury, (Ball and Haddad) (8).685
fluoroscopically-assisted, (Chitnavis et al) (4).330
use of diathermy, (Charalambous et al) (5).442
Anticoagulation, see also Thrombophylaxis
and oesophagoscopy, (Ahmad et al) (Comment) (3).268
reversal in hip fracture surgery, (Bhatia et al) (6).473
Antireflux surgery, laparoscopic, (Dunne et al) (2).131
Aorto-iliac disease, extra-anatomical bypass grafting, (Appleton
et al) (6).499
faecaliths, (Grimes et al) (1).61, (Grimes and Harris)
(Comment) (3).270, (Siddique and Mirza) (Comment)
abdominal trauma causing, (Toumi et al) (6).477
suspected, screening for diagnostic laparoscopy, (SinghRanger and Ogadegbe) (5).425
trends in management, (Akbar et al) (1).65, (Davies et al)
(Comment) (4).358
Arteriovenous fistula,
treatment of ischaemic steal syndrome, (Jackson and
Charpentier) (6).534, (Field et al) (Comment) (1).90,
(Lentini and Benedetto) (Comment) (1).90
Arthrodesis, hip, technical note, (Hawkins and Ariamanesh)
Arthroplasty, see also Hip arthroplasty, Knee, arthroplasty
comparison of outcomes, (Bannister et al) (7).610
temporal trends, (Ibrahim et al) (3).231
ACL reconstruction, use of diathermy, (Charalambous et al)
docking site debridement in Ilizarov bone transport,
(Robinson et al) (5).437
knee washout, (Ardolino et al) (6).531
orthognathic surgery, (Parbatani et al) (1).34
thrombophylaxis after hip arthroplasty, (Rogers et al) (8).668
Axillary node clearance, hand surgery following, (Fulford et al)
Back pain, see Low back pain
Bile duct exploration, T-tube fixation, (Lauder et al) (2).169
Bile duct stones, selective intra-operative cholangiography,
(Horwood et al) (3).206
Biopsy, see also Fine needle aspiration
long-bone, innovative technique, (Wronka et al) (3).265
sentinel node, (Glynn et al) (6).506
Bisphosphonates, osteonecrosis of jaw, (Baqain et al) (6).489
Bladder cancer,
cystodiathermy, local anaesthetic, (Davenport et al) (8).706
recurrence mechanisms of Ta/T1, (Bryan et al) (6).519
two-wait rule, (Blick et al) (1).46
Body mass index (BMI), and recovery from low back pain,
(Mangwani et al) (1).23
Boerhaave’s syndrome, (Botha) (Comment) (2).174, (Siddique
and Harinath) (Comment) (2).173
Bone biopsy, innovative technique, (Wronka et al) (3).265
Bone graft, method of delivery, (Ball et al) (3).265
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 12
Bone transport,
arthroscopic debridement of docking site, (Robinson et al)
method for passing intramedullary cable through bones, (AlBenna and Seybold) (2).170
Atlas of Endocrine Surgical Techniques, 1st edn, (Duh et al)
Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 25th edn, (Williams
et al) (2).178
Benign Breast Disease: a surgical approach, (Krishnaswamy)
Better Physician Writing and Speaking Skills, (Gartland)
Clinical Surgery: A Practical Guide, (Baker and Aldoori)
Colorectal Surgery, 4th edn, (Phillips) (6).535
Developing the Wise Doctor: A Resource for Trainers an
Trainees in MMC, (Fish and De Cossart) (1).80
Endocrine Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical
Practice, (Lennard) (8).717
Female Urology, (Goldman and Vasavada) (1).79
A Guide to Cancer Genetics in Clinical Practice, (Clark)
Handbook of Venous Disorders, 3rd edn, (Gloviczki, ed)
Head and Neck Cancer: An Evidence-Based Team Approach,
(Genden and Varvares) (8).718
Health Records in Court, (Lynch) (8).717
Hospital Surgery, (Aziz et al) (5).445
Human Sectional Anatomy: Atlas of body sections, CT and
MRI images, 3rd edn, (Ellis et al) (2).178
The Life and Times of Allen Old Father Whipple. The
Missionary and the Surgeon, (Howard) (2).180
Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Teaching File, 2nd edn, (Chew
and Roberts) (1).81
Organ Donation and Transplantation after Cardiac Death,
(Talbot et al) (8).719
Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection: Techniques and
Operative Approaches, (Wanibuchi et al) (8).717
Recent Advances in Surgery 30, (Taylor and Johnson) (1).80
Recent Advances in Surgery 31, (Taylor and Johnson) (5).445
Spine disorders: Medical and Surgical Management,
(Bartelson and Deen) (6).535
Surgery: Diagnosis and Management, 4th edn, (Rawlinson
and Alderson) (5).446
Trauma Rules 2 Incorporating Military Trauma Rules,
(Hodgetts and Turner) (2).180
Tympanoplasty, Mastoidectomy, and Stapes Surgery, 2nd edn,
(Fisch et al) (1).81
War Surgery, Volume 1, (Giannou and Baldan) (2).179
Boxer’s fracture, (Jones et al) (3).236, (Smith) (Comment)
Breast cancer,
axillary node clearance, hand surgery following, (Fulford et
al) (7).573
axillary node management, survey, (Glynn et al) (6).506
computed tomography, detection of incidental lesions,
(Hussain et al) (2).124
Breast reconstruction, immediate, (Rusby et al) (3).193
Breast surgery,
conservation, local recurrence following, (Liau et al) (7).562
‘golf tee’ incision for peri-areolar cancers, (Tan) (5).438
gynaecomastia, (Qutob et al) (3).198
nipple reconstruction, Cartella eye-shield as dressing, (Sircar
et al) (5).439
wire localisation, (Al-Omishy and Soumian) (Comment)
(4).358, (Ray et al) (1).78, (Comment) (4).358
Bupivicaine, ureteric infusion for loin pain haematuria
syndrome, (Ahmed et al) (2).139, (Ahmed et al) (Comment)
(4).360, (Jefferies et al) (Comment) (4).360
Burns, dressings and healing times, (Gravante and Montone)
Cardiopulmonary arrest, on arrival, (Moriwaki et al) (2).142
Carotid endarterectomy,
provision, (Adams et al) (Comment) (1).88, (Gamie et al)
(Comment) (2).173, (Naylor) (Comment) (1).88
rapid-access (RACE), (Rix et al) (8).647
staged under local anesthesia, (Birchley et al) (5).373
Carpal tunnel syndrome,
absent nerve conduction in older patients, (Povlsen) (5).403
one-stop clinic, (Middleton) (Comment) (1).86, (Reid et al)
(Comment) (1).86
Case reports, online only, (1).64, (2).162, (3).230, (4).352,
(5).444, (7).609, (7).622
Catheterisation, male, technique for difficult, (Nair et al) (3).259
Cervical spine, fracture-dislocation, (Zhou et al) (5).406
Cervicomastoidfacial incision, parotid surgery, (Wasson et al)
Chemotherapy, bisphosphonate-associated jaw necrosis,
(Baqain et al) (6).489
Chest drain, technique for management, (Spinoza et al) (8).713
cleft palate/lip, alveolar bone grafting, (Revington et al)
nailbed repair, (Pearce and Colville) (6).483
open tibial fractures, soft tissue management, (Rao et al),
Chitosan, hepatic injuries, (Millner et al) (7).559
Cholangiography, intra-operative, (Horwood et al) (3).206,
(Manson) (Comment) (6).540
(Sanjay et al) (4).302, (Scurr) (Comment) (6).540
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic
gallbladder retraction, simple technique, (Balamoun and
Marzouk) (6).530
medicolegal claims, (Manson) (Comment) (6).540, (Scurr)
(Comment) (6).539
(Scurr et al) (4).286, (Wheeler) (Comment) (6).539
re-admission rates, (Down et al) (4).307
single port, (Macdonald et al) (2).167
Circumcision, Plastibell, control of bleeding, (Qazi et al) (3).261
Cleft palate/lip, alveolar bone grafting, (Revington et al) (8).643
Clinical coding, improving accuracy, (Carr and Pillai)
(Comment) (1).87, (Mitra) (Comment) (1).88
Clostridium difficile
colitis, surgical management, (Bethune) (Comment) (4).357,
(Gash et al) (1).56, (Gash) (Comment) (4).357,
knowledge of healthcare workers, (Aroori) (Comment) (1).89,
(Aroori) (Comment) (7).630, (Brady et al) (Comment)
(7).630, (Cooke and Gkrania-Klotsas) (Comment) (1).89
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 13
Clubfoot, correction of adduction deformity, (Loza et al) (8).673
C. difficile colitis, (Bethune) (Comment) (4).357, (Gash et al)
(1).56, (Gash) (Comment) (4).357
laparoscopic in colon cancer, (Abdel-Halim et al) (3).211
C. difficile, (Bethune) (Comment) (4).357, (Gash et al) (1).56,
(Gash) (Comment) (4).357
Colonoscopy, splenic injury, (Shah) (Comment) (3).268,
(Skipworth) (Comment) (3).269
Colorectal cancer,
laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for, (Abdel-Halim et al)
liver metastases, (Jones et al) (2).136, (Tiernan et al) (3).225
pre-operative iron supplementation, (Quinn et al) (7).569
Colorectal surgery,
consenting for pelvic nerve injury, (Nesargikar et al) (5).391
right hemicolectomy cancer resection, (Abdel-Halim et al)
rectal cancer resection, (Marsden and Parvaiz) (2).106,
(Moran) (2).110
training, (Engledow et al) (5).395
loop ileostomy reversal, Baraza (et al) (1).51
peripheral neuromodulation for faecal incontinence, (Findlay
et al) (5).385
Colostomy, large bowel enema through, (Ray and McFall)
Communication, surgeons and radiographers in trauma
theatre, (Day) (Comment) (2).175
Computed-aided model, soft-tissue sarcoma treatment,
(Seaward et al) (8).639
Computerised tomography (CT),
abdominal perforation, (Singh et al) (3).182
breast lesions, (Hussain et al) (2).124
penetrating torso trauma, (Smith et al) (6).486
pre-mortem, (Owais et al) (5).422
Confidentiality, (Coggon and Wheeler) (2).113
and human tissues, (Lucassen and Wheeler) (3).189
pelvic nerve injury in colorectal surgery, (Nesargikar et al)
procedure-specific forms in orthopaedic surgery, (Barritt et
al) (3).246
Request for treatment, (Shokrollahi) (2).93, (Comment)
(5).447, (Talwar and Stimpson) (Comment) (5).447,
(Wheeler) (2).91
Controversial topics in surgery,
osteoarthritis of the knee, (Allum) (6).461, (Fergusson)
(6).459, (Price) (6).459
proximal humerus fractures, (Narvani and Levy) (8).635,
(Reilly) (8).631, (Sihna and Kelly) (8).631
rectal cancer resection, (Marsden and Parvaiz) (2).106,
(Moran) (2).110
robotic surgery, (Jones) (1).5, (Sethia) (1).7
ureteric stones management, (Phipps and Tolley) (5).368,
(Young and Keeley) (5).370
CORESS feedback, (1).69, (7).623
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG),
predicting operative mortality, (Kesavan) (Comment) (2).174,
(Lawrence) (Comment) (2).174
route for venous or free arterial conduits to distal circumflex
artery branches, (Hassan et al) (3).264
Corticosteroids, intra-articular in trapeziometacarpal joint OA,
(Swindells et al) (8).680
Critical limb ischaemia, recognising anaemia and malnutrition,
(Shah et al) (6).495
Cystodiathermy, under local anaesthetic, (Davenport et al)
FNA, assessment of techniques, (Titoria et al) (5).429
one-stop neck lump clinic, (Ganguly et al) (8).660
Dacryocystorhinostomy, role of ENT surgeons, (Al-Shaikh et al)
Damage control orthopaedics, training, (Avis and Mutimer)
(Comment) (5).449, (Eardley et al), (2).154, (Comment)
Day-case surgery,
hand and wrist, suture types. (Kundra et al) (8).665
loop ileostomy reversal, (Baraza et al) (1).51
Deformity corrections, Ilizarov principles, (Spiegelberg et al)
Dental implants, referrals, (Andrews et al) (6).512
Dieulafoy’s lesion, (Baxter and Aly) (7).548
FNA in one-stop neck lump clinic, (Ganguly et al) (8).660
two-week wait rule, bladder cancer, (Blick et al) (1).46
vertebral compression fractures, (Landgon et al) (2).163
Dialysis, peritoneal, catheter insertion combined with epigastric
hernia repair, (Juhari and Nicholson) (8).715
in arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, (Charalambous et al)
pencil, sheathing using Jaques catheter, (Hollywood et al)
technique for easy scratch pad use, (Holland and Pegg)
Dieulafoy’s lesion, (Baxter and Aly) (7).548
Disinfection, nasoendoscopes, (Lakhani et al) (7).587
Distal revascularisation with interval ligation (DRIL), (Field et
al) (Comment) (1).90,
(Lentini and Benedetto) (Comment) (1).90
Divarication recti, and abdominal aortic aneurysm, (De’Ath et
al) (7).591
Diverticular disease, and nicorandil use, (McDaid et al) (6).463
orthopaedic operation reports, (Barritt et al) (2).159
procedure-specific consent, (Barritt et al) (3).246
Drain, autologous retransfusion in knee arthroplasty, (Gill et
al) (4).335
Drainage, see also Chest drain
closed vacuum of seroma, (Bain et al) (4).354
head and neck surgery, (Amir et al) (8).651
Dressings, see Wound dressings
change and stability, (Johnson) (1).1
the evolution of consent, (Wheeler) (2).91
medicolegal claims, (Skidmore) (4).271
minimal access thyroid surgery, (Kazi et al) (5).361
streamlining the FastTrack, (Johnson) (3).181
Elbow, triceps-flexor carpi ulnaris (TRIFCU) approach,
(Deakin and Deshmukh) (3).240
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 14
Electrocautery, smoke extraction tip, (King and Ferguson)
Endoscopic ultrasound fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA),
pancreaticoduodenectomy, (Manzia et al) (4).295
Enema, large bowel through colostomy, (Ray and McFall)
Enteral feeding, pharyngojejunal tube, (Behranwala et al)
Enterolithotomy, (Ravikuman and Williams) (4).279
Epidural abscess, after epidural analgesia, (Wallace et al) (1).31
Ethics, transplantation surgery, (Woodcock and Wheeler)
Extra-anatomical bypass grafting, (Appleton et al) (6).499
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy, ureteric stones, (Phipps
and Tolley) (5).368, (Young and Keeley) (5).370
Face lift, S-Plus lift, (Hopping et al) (7).577
Faecal incontinence, peripheral neuromodulation therapy,
(Findlay et al) (5).385
Faecaliths, causing right iliac fossa pain, (Grimes et al) (1).61,
(Siddique and Mirza) (Comment) (3).270
FastTrack articles, (1).33, (2).141, (3).253, (4).325, (5).432,
(6).472, (6).505, (7).558, (7).604, (8).664
Femoral head allograft, (Subramanian et al) (1).27
Femoro-acetabular impingement, (Macfarlane and Haddad)
Ferrous sulphate supplementation, colorectal cancer, (Quinn et
al) (7).569
Fine needle aspiration (FNA),
assessment of techniques, (Titoria et al) (5).429
EUS in pancreaticoduodenectomy, (Manzia et al) (4).295
ultrasound-guided in neck lump clinic, (Ganguly et al)
Fistulation, diverticular and nicorandil use, (McDaid et al)
Fluoroscopy, ACL reconstruction, radiation risk, (Chitnavis et
al) (4).330
Forefoot adduction, double column osteotomy, (Loza et al)
Fracture-dislocation, lower cervical spine, (Zhou et al) (5).406
home therapy, (Lloyd et al) (7).615
Lauge-Hansen type II/IV, (Kosuge et al) (8).689
testing distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, (McCann)
(Comment) (7).628, (Newman and Baghla) (Comment)
(6).539, (Rajagopalan et al) (3).258, (Templeton-Ward)
(Comment) (6).539
boxer’s, (Jones et al) (3).236, (Smith) (Comment) (5).449
distal humerus
safe technique for olecranon osteotomy, (Marsh et al)
TRIFCU approach, (Deakin and Deshmukh) (3).240
distal radius with dorsal fragmentation, (Stohr) (5).443
hip, reversal of INR, (Bhatia et al ) (6).473
open tibial,
regional experience, (Townley et al) (8).693
soft tissue management, (Rao et al), (4).320
pathological, bone biopsy method, (Wronka et al) (3).265
proximal humerus
fixed angle locking plate fixation, (Sinha and Kelly) (8).631
four-part, (Kachramanoglou et al) (7).599
minimally-invasive flexible fixation, (Narvani and Levy)
retrieval of dislocated humeral head, (Al-Khateeb)
(Comment) (4).360, (Roche and Webb) (Comment) (4).359
vertebral compression, (Landgon et al) (2).163
Fundoplication, laparoscopic, anatomical failure following,
(Dunne et al) (2).131
Gallbladder, technique for retraction in laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, (Balamoun and Marzouk) (6).530
Gallstone ileus, (Ravikuman and Williams) (4).279
Gamma 3 Trochanteric Nail, insertion of end cap, (Ball et al)
Ganz trochanteric flip, (Guyver et al) (7).619
Gastric banding, creation of retrogastric tunnel, (Barry et al)
Gastric bypass, Roux-en-Y, method of delivering circular stapler
anvil, (Williams et al) (8).714
Gastro-oesophageal reflux surgery, (Dunne et al) (2).131
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract,
Dieulafoy’s lesion, (Baxter and Aly) (7).548
perforation, imaging, (Singh et al) (3).182
Goldfinger™, (Williams et al) (8).714
Groin, sarcoma, (Collin et al) (4).326
Gynaecomastia, minimally invasive excision, (Qutob et al)
Haemorrhage, endoscopic prostate surgery, (Lynch et al)
chitosan-derived products in liver injury, (Millner et al)
head and neck surgery, (Moumoulidis et al) (4).292
peripheral vascular injury, (Rudge et al) (1).77
Plastibell circumcision, (Qazi et al) (3).261
boxer’s fracture, (Jones et al) (3).236
rheumatoid arthritis, simulation glove, (Hall et al) (7).605
trapeziometacarpal joint injections, (Swindells et al) (8).680
Hand surgery,
absorbable or non-absorbable sutures?, (Kundra et al) (8).665
after axillary lymph node clearance, (Fulford et al) (7).573
dental wire to facilitate tendon passing through the pulley
mechanism, (Patel et al) (2).168
safe and re-usable splinting, (Maclean et al) (2).169
Hand washing,
after dirty procedures, (Futaba and Bowley) (8).716
and MRSA infection, (Davis) (4).316
Head and neck neoplasms,
on-site cytology in one-stop clinic, (Ganguly et al) (8).660
tonsil and base of tongue, (Reddy et al) (8).655
Head and neck surgery,
haemostatic techniques, (Moumoulidis et al) (4).292
pharyngojejunal tubes for feeding, (Behranwala et al) (6).529
postoperative drainage, (Amir et al) (8).651
Health resources, dental implant referrals, (Andrews et al)
Heparin, low molecular weight, after hip arthroplasty, (Rogers
et al) (8).668
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 15
epigastric, repair combined with peritoneal dialysis catheter
insertion, (Juhari and Nicholson) (8).715
alternative technique for mesh repair, (Pantling et al)
laparoscopic repair, (Shiwani) (Comment) (4).359
laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair, (Messenger et al)
mesh repairs,
which mesh? (Brown and Finch) (4).272
method of defect measurement, (Lauder et al) (3).262
primary care repairs, (Dhumale et al) (2).127
Herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), conservative treatment,
(Benson et al) (2).147
arthrodesis, technical note, (Hawkins and Ariamanesh)
femoro-acetabular impingement, (Macfarlane and Haddad)
fracture surgery, reversal of anticoagulation, (Bhatia et al )
Hip arthroplasty,
comparison of outcomes, (Bannister et al) (7).610
Ganz trochanteric flip, (Guyver et al) (7).619
femoral head allograft, (Subramanian et al) (1).27
suction while bone grafting acetabulum, (Ramavath and
Andrew) (5).441
templating, comparison of digital and manual, (Berstock et
al) (1).73
temporal trends, (Ibrahim et al) (3).231
thrombophylaxis, (Rogers et al) (8).668
Home therapy, ankle fractures, (Lloyd et al) (7).615
Hospital re-admission, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (Down et
al) (4).307
Hospital stay,
loop ileostomy closure, (Baraza et al) (1).51
reducing in ankle fractures, (Lloyd et al) (7).615
Hospital-acquired infections,
identifying high-risk populations, (Fraser et al) (4).311
improving hand hygiene, (Davis) (4).316
Human Tissue Act 2004, (Lucassen and Wheeler) (3).189
distal fractures
safe technique for olecranon osteotomy, (Marsh et al)
TRIFCU approach, (Deakin and Deshmukh) (3).240
proximal fractures
diagnosis of four-part, (Kachramanoglou et al) (7).599
fixed angle locking plates for fixation, (Sinha and Kelly)
minimally-invasive flexible fixation, (Narvani and Levy)
retrieval of dislocated humeral head, (Al-Khateeb)
(Comment) (4).360, (Roche and Webb) (Comment)
Hygiene, hands, (Davis) (4).316
Ileostomy, loop, management of reversal, (Baraza et al) (1).51
Ilizarov external fixation,
arthroscopic debridement of docking site, (Robinson et al)
pin site dressing tip, (Tomlinson and Royston) (4).356
principles, (Spiegelberg et al) (2).101
Improving outcomes guidance, penis cancer, (Bayles and
Sethia) (1).44
Incidence rates, tonsil and base of tongue neoplasms, (Reddy et
al) (8).655
faecal, peripheral neuromodulation therapy, (Findlay et al)
Independent treatment centres, complications of hip and knee
replacements, (Bannister et al) (7).610
Infection, see Hospital-acquired infection, Surgical site infection
Inguinal canal, sarcoma, (Collin et al) (4).326
Inspiratory muscle training, (Kulkarni et al) (8).700
International Normalised Ratio (INR), reversal with vitamin K,
(Bhatia et al) (6).473
Intervertebral disc herniation, (Benson et al) (2).147
Intestinal obstruction,
gallstones, (Ravikuman and Williams) (4).279
whole gut intubation splinting, (Sarakbi and Bentley) (6).529
Iron supplementation, colorectal cancer, (Quinn et al) (7).569
Ischaemic steal syndrome, treatment, (Jackson and
Charpentier) (6).534, (Field et al) (Comment) (1).90, (Lentini
and Benedetto) (Comment) (1).90
Jaw necrosis, bisphosphonate-associated, (Baqain et al) (6).489
Kirschner wire,
intra-operative protection, (Halsey et al) (5).441
reduction of distal radius fracture with dorsal fragmentation,
(Stohr) (5).443
acute knee clinic, (Ball and Haddad) (8).685
analgesia with autologous retransfusion drains, (Gill et al)
comparison of outcomes, (Bannister et al) (7).610
partial, (Price) (6).459
temporal trends, (Ibrahim et al) (3).231
total, (Allum) (6).459
arthroscopic washout, (Ardolino et al) (6).531
fluoroscopically-assisted ACL reconstruction, (Chitnavis et
al) (4).330
meniscopexy for lateral discoid menisci, (Gilbert et al)
non-operative multimodal management, (Patel et al)
surgical management, (Allum) (6).461, (Fergusson)
(6).459, (Price) (6).459
weight loss, (Egan et al) (Comment) (6).537, (Howarth et
al) (4).338
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 16
Lacrimal surgery, role of ENT surgeons, (Al-Shaikh et al)
Laparoscopic surgery,
antireflux, (Dunne et al) (2).131
appendicectomy, (Akbar et al) (1).65
gallbladder retraction, simple technique, (Balamoun and
Marzouk) (6).530
intra-operative cholangiography, (Sanjay et al) (4).302
medicolegal claims, (Manson) (Comment) (6).540, (Scurr)
(Comment) (6).540, (Scurr et al) (4).286, (Skidmore)
(4).271, (Wheeler) (Comment) (6).539
re-admission rates, (Down et al) (4).307
single port, (Macdonald et al) (2).167
rectal cancer resection, (Marsden and Parvaiz) (2).106
right hemicolectomy for colon cancer, (Abdel-Halim et al)
training, (Engledow et al) (5).395
gastric banding, creation of retrogastric tunnel, (Barry et al)
incisional hernia, (Shiwani) (Comment) (4).359
inguinal hernia repair, (Messenger et al) (3).201
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, method of delivering circular
stapler anvil, (Williams et al) (8).714
splenectomy, (Pattenden et al) (5).398
Laparotomy, technique for effective suction, (Lefemine et al)
Lauge-Hansen ankle fractures, (Kosuge et al) (8).689
Lavage, pulsed in orthopaedic theatre, (Khan and Chowdhury)
Leg ulcers, fistulous tracts, management, (Lane et al) (6).533
Legal reviews,
confidence and conflicts of duty, (Coggon and Wheeler)
legal implications of tissue, (Lucassen and Wheeler) (3).189
organ transplantation surgery, (Woodcock and Wheeler)
Length of stay, see Hospital stay
Limb salvage, training, (Eardley et al) (5).411
Literature, orthopaedic, use of abbreviations, (Kilshaw et al)
colorectal metastases, (Jones et al) (2).136, (Tiernan et al)
injury, chitosans and haemostasis, (Millner et al) (7).559
resection, technique for dealing with right hepatic vein,
(Bagul et al) (5).442
Local anaesthesia,
carotid endarterectomy, (Birchley et al) (5).373
knee arthroplasty, and autologous retransfusion drains, (Gill
et al) (4).335
Loin pain haematuria syndrome, (Ahmed et al) (2).139,
(Ahmed et al) (Comment) (4).360, (Jefferies et al) (Comment)
Low back pain,
acupuncture therapy, (Trigkilidas) (7).595
recovery and BMI, (Mangwani et al) (1).23
Lumbar spine, modification of midline posterior approach,
(Weatherley et al) (1).19
Malnutrition, in critical limb ischaemia, (Shah et al) (6).495
Mastectomy, immediate breast reconstruction, (Rusby et al)
Maxillofacial surgery, cleft palate/lip, alveolar bone grafting,
(Revington et al) (8).643
Media, pancreatic cancer reportage, (Williamson and Hocken)
(Comment) (6).537
Medicolegal claims, see also Legal reviews
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (Manson) (Comment) (6).540,
(Scurr) (Comment) (6).540, (Scurr et al) (4).286,
(Skidmore) (4).271, (Wheeler) (Comment) (6).539
Meniscopexy, for lateral discoid meniscus, (Gilbert et al)
Mesh hernia repair,
incisional, alternative technique, (Pantling et al) (6).532
which mesh? (Brown and Finch) (4).272
defect measurement method, (Lauder et al) (3).262
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),
control and hand hygiene, (Davis) (4).316
identification of high-risk populations, (Fraser et al) (4).311
Microsurgery, nerve repair, novel training model, (shah et al)
Military field hospital, torso trauma management, (Smith et al)
(6) 486
Minimally invasive surgery,
gynaecomastia excision, (Qutob et al) (3).198
proximal humerus fractures, (Narvani and Levy) (8).635
thyroid, (Kazi et al) (5).361, (Samy et al) (5).379
Mobility ankle replacement, technique for exchanging the liner,
(Taylor et al) (5).442
Moral issues, confidentiality, (Coggon and Wheeler) (2).113
MRSA, see Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Nailbed repair, children, (Pearce and Colville) (6).483
Nasoendoscopes, disinfection, (Lakhani et al) (7).587
Neck lumps, one-stop clinic, (Ganguly et al) (8).660
correct handling, (Ahmad and Cole) (4).355
technique for threading through bone, (Raghavjee) (5).443
Nephrolithotomy, percutaneous, tubeless, (Cetti et al)
(Comment) (3).269
Nephrostomy tube, removal of encrusted, (Mangera et al)
Nerve repair, novel training model, (Shah et al) (3).260
Neuromodulation, peripheral for faecal incontinence, (Findlay
et al) (5).385
Neurophysiology, carpal tunnel syndrome, (Povlsen) (5).403
NHS Cancer Plan, see also Two-week wait rule
colorectal liver metastases, (Jones et al) (2).136
soft tissue sarcoma, (Pencavel et al) (5).417
NHS Evidence, (Leng and Thomason) (6).527
NICE news,
audit of patients managed by laparostomy (open abdomen),
clinical guidelines, (Barnes and Campbell) (1).15
data collection for new procedures and devices, (Campbell)
Evaluation Pathway for medical technologies, (Campbell)
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 17
interventional procedures, (Barnes and Campbell) (1).14,
(Gallo et al) (5).433, (Stegenga and Campbell) (6).525,
(Stegenga et al) (3).254
and diverticular fistulation, (McDaid et al) (6).463
ulcer, (Patel and Harding) (6).451
Nipple reconstruction, Cartella eye-shield as dressing, (Sircar et
al) (5).439
and recovery from low back pain, (Mangwani et al) (1).23
knee osteoarthritis, (Howarth et al) (4).338
Obstructed defaecation syndrome, STARR, (Harmston et al)
(Comment) (1).85
Oesophagogastric cancers, outcomes in younger patients,
(Mehta et al) (6).515
Oesophagoscopy, anticoagulated patients, (Ahmad et al)
(Comment) (3).268
Oesophagus, removal of blood clots, (Abbott and Botha) (1).75
Olecranon osteotomy, safe technique, (Marsh et al) (6).532
One-stop clinics,
carpal tunnel, (Middleton) (Comment) (1).86, (Reid et al)
(Comment) (1).86
neck lumps, (Ganguly et al) (8).660
Operation reports, orthopaedic surgery, (Barritt et al) (2).159
Oral cavity neoplasms, (Reddy et al) (8).655
Orthognathic surgery, audit, (Parbatani et al) (1).34
Orthopaedic literature, use of abbreviations, (Kilshaw et al)
non-operative multimodal management, (Patel et al)
partial joint replacement, (Price) (6).459
total joint replacement, (Allum) (6).461
weight loss, (Egan et al) (Comment) (6).537, (Howarth et
al) (4).338
trapeziometacarpal joint, intra-articular steroids, (Swindells
et al) (8).680
Osteonecrosis, jaw, bisphosphonate-associated, (Baqain et al)
Osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, (Landgon et al)
Osteotomy, double column in forefoot adduction deformity,
(Loza et al) (8).673
Outome assessment, shoulder disability, (Desal et al), (1).9
Pancreatic cancer, media reportage, (Williamson and Hocken)
(Comment) (6).537
Pancreaticoduodenectomy, incidence and outcome, (Manzia et
al) (4).295
Parotid surgery, incisions, (Majumdar) (Comment) (3).267,
(Wasson et al) (1).40, (Wasson et al) (Comment) (3).267
Patient positioning,
head and neck surgery, (Moumoulidis et al) (4).292
shoulder surgery, (Abdul-Jabar et al) (8).716
Pelvic nerve injury, colorectal surgery, (Nesargikar et al)
Penis cancer, Improving Outcomes Guidance, (Bayles and
Sethia) (1).44
Peripheral arterial disease, see also Critical limb ischaemia
endovascular therapy, (Evans et al) (4).347
extra-anatomical bypass grafting, (Appleton et al) (6).499
Peritoneal dialysis catheter, insertion combined with epigastric
hernia repair, (Juhari and Nicholson) (8).715
Pharyngojejunal tube feeding, (Behranwala et al) (6).529
Photoselective vaporisation of the prostate (PVP), (Lynch et al)
knee osteoarthritis, (Patel et al) (6).467
low back pain, (Mangwani et al) (1).23
Plastic surgery, S-Plus lift, (Hopping et al) (7).577
Post-mortem examinations, reducing need for with pre-mortem
CT, (Owais et al) (5).422
Posters, (Rawlins) (Comment) (7).629
Postoperative complications,
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, (Down et al) (4).307
total hip and knee replacements, (Bannister et al) (7).610
Powerbreathe®, (Kulkarni et al) (8).700
Primary care, hernia repair services, (Dhumale et al) (2).127
Prostatectomy, robotic, (Jones) (1).5, (Sethia) (1).7
technique to relocate retrieval bag to mid-line port, (Khan
and Karim) (3).260
TURP/PVP, haemorrhage following, (Lynch et al) (7).555
Radiation dose, fluoroscopically-assisted ACL reconstruction,
(Chitnavis et al) (4).330
Radiography, chest in acute abdomen, (Alazzawi et al) (8).697
Radiotherapy, breast conservation surgery, (Liau et al) (7).562
Rapid-access carotid endarterectomy (RACE), (Rix et al) (8).647
Readers’ survey, (Johnson) (3).188
Reconstructive surgery,
anterior cruciate ligament, fluoroscopically-assisted,
(Chitnavis et al) (4).330
breast, immediate after mastectomy, (Rusby et al) (3).193
open tibial fractures, (Rao et al) (4).320, (Townley et al)
sarcoma of groin/inguinal canal, (Collin et al) (4).326
Rectal cancer,
laparoscopic resection, (Marsden and Parvaiz) (2).106
open resection, (Moran) (2).110
Rectum, stapled transanal resection (STARR), (Harmston et al)
(Comment) (1).85
delays in groin/inguinal canal sarcoma, (Collin et al) (4).326
dental implants, (Andrews et al) (6).512
protocols and colorectal cancer liver metastases, (Tiernan et
al) (3).225
Renal transplant, technique for multiple anastomoses, (Firmin
et al) (4).356
Request for Treatment, (Talwar and Stimpson) (Comment)
(5).447, (Shokrollahi) (2).93, (Comment) (5).447
Reviews, see also Systematic review
assessment of shoulder disability, (Desal et al), (1).9
Dieulafoy’s lesion, (Baxter and Aly) (7).548
evolution of imaging for abdominal perforation, (Singh et al)
femoro-acetabular impingement, (Macfarlane and Haddad)
annals index 2010.qxp
Page 18
gallstone ileus, (Ravikuman and Williams) (4).279
surgical site infection, prevention, (Leaper et al) (6).453
which mesh for hernia repair? (Brown and Finch) (4).272
Rheumatoid arthritis, simulation glove, (Hall et al) (7).605
parotid surgery, (Wasson et al) (1).40
S-Plus lift, (Hopping et al) (7).577
Rivaroxaban, hip arthroplasty, (Rogers et al) (8).668
Robotic surgery, (Jones) (1).5, (Sethia), (1).7
Sarcoma, soft-tissue,
computed-aided surgical planning, (Seaward et al) (8).639
groin/inguinal canal, (Collin et al) (4).326
two-week wait rule, (Pencavel et al) (5).417
abdominal aortic aneurysm, (De’Ath et al) (7).591,
(Hartshorne et al) (Comment) (7).628, (Thapar et al )
(6).503, (Comment) (7).629
MRSA infection risk, (Fraser et al) (4).311
Sentinel node biopsy, (Glynn et al) (6).506
Seroma, closed vacuum drainage system, (Bain et al) (4).354
Sexual dysfunction, pelvic nerve injury in colorectal surgery,
(Nesargikar et al) (5).391
Shockwave lithotripsy, see Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
assessment of disability, (Desal et al), (1).9
rotator cuff tears, correlation with subacromial steroid
injections, (Perry) (Comment) (2).175
Shoulder surgery, Polysling™ strap use for head positioning,
(Abdul-Jabar et al) (8).716
Smoke extraction, electrocautery, (King and Ferguson) (5).441
Spinal surgery,
fracture-dislocation of the lower cervical spine, (Zhou et al)
lumbar, pre-operative planning when using Wiltse approach,
(Warren et al) (1).74
lumbar, modification of midline posterior approach,
(Weatherley et al) (1).19
Splenectomy, laparoscopic, (Pattenden et al) (5).398
Splenic injury, colonoscopy, (Shah) (Comment) (3).268,
(Skipworth) (Comment) (3).269
Splinting, hand surgery, (Maclean et al) (2).169
Steal syndrome, see Ischaemic steal syndrome
Stenting, ureteric, antegrade insertion, (Chitale et al) (3).218
Study design, (Perry) (Comment) (2).175
technique for effective during laparotomy, (Lefemine et al)
while bone grafting acetabulum, (Ramavath and Andrew)
‘Sunset’ sign, (Kachramanoglou et al) (7).599
Surgical incisions,
parotid surgery, (Wasson et al) (1).40, (Majumdar)
(Comment) (3).267,
(Wasson et al) (Comment) (3).267
Surgical planning, soft-tissue sarcoma, (Seaward et al) (8).639
Surgical site infection, prevention strategies, (Leaper et al)
Suture passer, straight needle, (Lo and Tindall) (2).172
absorbable or non-absorbable in day-case hand and wrist
surgery, (Kundra et al) (8).665
burying the knot following cancer resection, (McMahon et al)
needle handling, (Ahmad and Cole) (4).355
Seton for leg ulcers associated with fistulous tracts, (Lane et
al) (6).533
Systematic review, acupuncture therapy for low back pain,
(Trigkilidas) (7).595
Templating, comparison of digital and manual, (Berstock et al)
Testicular torsion, suspected, (Tydeman et al) (8).710
Thrombophylaxis, hip arthroplasty, (Rogers et al) (8).668
Thyroid surgery,
fifteen years’ experience, (Watkinson) (7).541
minimal access, (Kazi et al) (5).361
video-assisted, (Samy et al) (5).379
Tibia, open fractures
regional experience, (Townley et al) (8).693
soft tissue management, (Rao et al) (4).320
Tissue, legal implications, (Lucassen and Wheeler) (3).189
Tongue neoplasms, (Reddy et al) (8).655
Tonsillar neoplasms, (Reddy et al) (8).655
Tonsillectomy, indications for, (Syed and Amiraraghi)
(Comment) (2).176, (Toh et al) (Comment) (2).176
Tourniquets, understanding of intra-operative use, (Burke and
Heras-Palou) (Comment) (6).538. (Sadri et al) (3).243
Trainees, testicular torsion management, (Tydeman et al)
amputation and limb viability assessment, (Eardley et al)
laparoscopic colorectal surgery, (Engledow et al) (5).395
nerve repair, novel model, (shah et al) (3).260
damage control and early total care, (Eardley et al), (2).154,
(Avis and Mutimer) (Comment) (5).449, (Eardley et al),
(Comment) (5).450
tourniquet use, (Sadri et al) (3).243, (Burke and Heras-Palou)
(Comment) (6).538
Transitional cell carcinoma, local anaesthetic cystodiathermy,
(Davenport et al) (8).706
Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE), in anticoagulated
patients, (Ahmad et al) (Comment) (3).268
Transplantation surgery,
law and medical ethics, (Woodcock and Wheeler) (4).282
renal, technique for multiple anastomoses, (Firmin et al)
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), haemorrhage
following, (Lynch et al) (7).555
Trapeziometacarpal joint, steroid injections, (Swindells et al)
abdominal, causing appendicitis, (Toumi et al) (6).477
orthopaedic, training in optimal management, (Avis and
Mutimer) (Comment) (5).449, (Eardley et al), (2).154,
(Comment) (5).450
penetrating, cardiopulmonary arrest, (Moriwaki et al) (2).142
penetrating torso, decision-making, (Smith et al) (6).486
Trauma theatre, surgeon-radiographer communication, (Day)
(Comment) (2).175
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Page 19
Trendelenburg position, head and neck surgery haemostasis,
(Moumoulidis et al) (4).292
appendicitis management, (Akbar et al) (1).65, (Davies et al)
(Comment) (4).358
tonsil and tongue base neoplasms, (Reddy et al) (8).655
varicose vein therapy, (Kanwar et al) (4).341
Triceps-flexor carpi ulnaris (TRIFCU) approach, (Deakin and
Deshmukh) (3).240
Two-week wait rule,
bladder cancer, (Blick et al) (1).46
soft tissue sarcoma, (Pencavel et al) (5).417
Ulcer, nicorandil, (Patel and Harding) (6).451
abdominal aortic aneurysm assessment, (Hartshorne et al)
(Comment) (7).628, (Thapar et al) (6).503, (Comment)
axillary in breast cancer, (Glynn et al) (6).506
Ureteric obstruction, antegrade stenting, (Chitale et al) (3).218
Ureteric stones, management, (Phipps and Tolley) (5).368,
(Young and Keeley) (5).370
Urethral catheterisation, technique for difficult, (Nair et al)
Varicose vein surgery,
current practice, (Dindyal and Woodburn) (Comment) (1).87
trends in, (Kanwar et al) (4).341
Vascular surgery, see also Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Varicose
vein therapy
carotid endarterectomy
improving provision, (Adams et al) (Comment) (1).88,
(Naylor) (Comment) (1).88
rapid-access (RACE) (Rix et al) (8).647
staged under local anaesthesia, (Birchley et al) (5).373
critical limb ischaemia, recognising anaemia and
malnutrition, (Shah et al) (6).495
endovascular, infra-inguinal arterial disease, (Evans et al)
extra-anatomical bypass grafting, (Appleton et al) (6).499
Venous thromboembolism, prophylaxis after hip arthroplasty,
(Rogers et al) (8).668
Vertebral compression fractures, diagnosis, (Landgon et al)
Video-assisted thyroidectomy, (Samy et al) (5).379
Vitamin K, hip fracture surgery, (Bhatia et al) (6).473
Wales, treatment of boxer’s fracture, (Jones et al) (3).236,
(Smith) (Comment) (5).449
Weight loss, in knee osteoarthritis, (Egan et al) (Comment)
(6).537, (Howarth et al) (4).338
White blood cell (WBC) count, women with right iliac fossa
pain, (Singh-Ranger and Ogadegbe) (5).425
Wound dressings,
burns, (Gravante and Montone) (2).118
peripheral vascular injuries, (Rudge et al) (1).77
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