Document 6422305


Document 6422305
The Geneva Times
of Art Club
is announced
NEWARK — Announcement was
made this week of the dissolution of the
Newark Art Club which was organized in
The organization also elected to
continue its scholarship and art awards
at commencement from its $650
treasury y.
The Newark Art Club was formed in
1951 by Richard Hawver, senior high
school art instructor, as part of the
school's Adult Education program.
Spring art exhibits were featured at
the Rose Garden House as well as
exhibits at the Newark Plaza, where
paintings were sold from $5 to $200. The
club also sponsored a high school art
workshop at New Paltz and hung art
work at the Newark Medical Center.
Rochester lecturers were featured at
various meetings and demonstrations
given in many fields of art.
Most recent club officers were Mrs.
George Walsh of Geneva, president;
Donald J. Lawrence of North Rose, first
vice president; Mrs. Merle Herring ton
of Newark, secretary; and Mrs. I. A.
Morris of Clifton Springs, treasurer.
Blood bank
date is to
be May 21
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY helpers, Kan dee DeMay, left, and
Margaret Garvey, right, both of Lincoln School, Newark, are doing their best
to promote the "Send a Mouse to College" program for the Wayne County
Unit of the cancer society. Grade school pupils, attired in appropriate
costumes, are campaigning by asking for 27 cents to help with the ACS cancer
research program on mice for which the dona tor receives a colorful "mouse
button" in return.
Says physician
Cancer^atient needs
interaction therapy
WILLARD — The psychological
aspects of the cancer patient was the
theme of the Cancer Teaching Day
arranged for Seneca County physicians
at Willard State Hospital's Hadley Hall
recently. School of Nursing students also
Speakers Dr. John M. Bennett, head of
the Hematology-Medical Oncology Unit
at Highland Hospital in Rochester and
Dr. Arthur Schmale, associate professor
of medicine at Strong Memorial
Hospital, Rochester, are both members
of the Rochester Regional Medical
Program composed of representatives
from a large number of organizations
throughout theregioiLThis organization
is at the top of the structure of committees and groups aiding in the intercommunication among all persons and
groups interested in cancer.
Before showing a movie produced by
the American Cancer Society "The
Psychological Aspects of Cancer - A
Physicians Conference on Cancer", Dr.
Bennett said, "emotions are a very
important factor to consider when
treating the cancer patient. Many times
NEWARK — The date of the hospital
auxiliary - sponsored blood bank has
been changed to May 21, according to an
announcement made at the Newark Wayne Community Hospital Auxiliary
meeting held Monday. It will be held at
the Park Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. Lavern Krebbeks announced that
during National Hospital Week, May 10 16, displays on hospital careers will be
placed in Newark Junior High School
and in Williamson, Palmyra and
Marions schools. Mrs. Richard Boerman, Mrs. Robert Wadsworth and Mrs.
Glenn Stell will assist with the project.
It is disclosed that the hospital bazaar
will take place Oct. 29 and 30. Mrs. Jean
Ringlestein, general chairman, stated
that all chairmen or co-chairmen and or
a representative from each wing are
asked to attend an initial meeting for
organization in the Auxiliary Room.
A major item on the meeting agenda
will be the election of new officers.
There will also be a program of
workshops on such subjects as Christian
social relations, leadership development
and interpretation.
Also featured will be a report on the
recent ABW state convention and the
installation of the new officers.
The Keuka House Conference, with a
theme this year of "How the Word Gets
Around," is scheduled for June 19-20 at
Keuka College, Keuka Park. Six
associations of the ABW will be
represented at the conference, which
will present a program of worship and
workshops. Four members of the Ontario-Yates
Assn. of the ABW presented a program
on the United Nations Wednesday, May
6, at the Clifton Springs Baptist Church.
Mrs. Mayme Benz of Geneva, assn.
president; Mrs. Mary Schult of Geneva;
Mrs. Phyllis Deer of Manchester and
Mrs. Laureen Savage directed the
program of slides and lectures.
At the American Baptist Women state
convention April 27-29 in Watertown,
Mrs. Benz was elected NYS vice
president of missions and Mrs. Schult
was elected as a member at large to the
board of managers. Mrs. Deer also
attended the state gathering.
The convention themes were, "How
the Word Gets Around" and "The
Americans: How Many Worlds." A
number of guest speakers lectured at the
convention at which workshop programs
were also part of the activities.
Glaucoma clinic Tuesday
OVID — The Ovid-Willard Lions Club
will sponsor a free glaucoma clinic at
the Harold F. Miller Gymnasium at the
South Seneca Ovid School. It will be May
12, Tuesday, from 7 to 9 p.m. Dr. Saul
Presberg of Rochester will conduct the
Residents of the Ovid, Lodi, Willard,
Hayts Corners, Covert, Interlaken and
Romulus area are invited to attend and
to remember the test is short, simple
and painless. Refreshments will be
served in the cafeteria following the
Glaucoma is a disease of the eye
caused by a build-up of pressure inside
the eyeball. The result could be a loss of
eyesight if not detected in time. The
disease rarely gives any warning and
tests such as these are the best methods
to discover it before any permanent
damage has occured. At the clinic, Dr.
Presberg will be using the tonometer.
James Vangalio and Seward Ritchie,
Sight Conservation Committee, OvidWillard Lions Club, remind area
residents that although other activities
are scheduled for that night, the test
does not take long and is worth the time
it takes
Anthropology d e g r e e
WATERLOO — Connie M. Allison,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Allison, of?12 Waterloo-Geneva Rd.,
Waterloo, is a candidate for a BA degree
in anthropology at Boston University.
Miss Allison will receive her degree
during the university's 99th commencement program May 17 at
Nickerson Field, Boston. She is a dean's
list student.
'Twas Dairy Day in Seneca County
ROMULUS — Thursday was Dairy
Day all over Seneca County and the
Romulus Central School first graders
marked it by visiting the Dan-Al farm of
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murray near Fayette.
The Murray farm was the second part of
the first grader's learning experience,
since Mrs. Murray had gone to the
Romulus school last week. There she
gave a very "in-depth" briefing on what
the children might expect to see. She had
samples of feed, grass and pictures of
the milking operation.
When the children arrived at the farm,
they were shown the feeding system, the
barns and then the actual milking
process. The stanchions were labeled,
too, with "Daughter", "Grandmother"
and such.
"Children at this age can understand
family relationships," Mrs. Murray \
offered, giving away the fact that she
used to be a teacher and still substitutes'
on occasion.
DIANE MURRAY, a first grader at Romulus Central School, was a minihostess as the entire first grade visited her father's Dan-Al farm during
Dairy Day. Diane showed off her kitten to a happy and interested group, and
her mother and father demonstrated the operation of a dairy farm.
Mr. Murray demonstrated the milking
technique and the first graders watched
the fresh milk going through the strainer
and then along the transparent hose and visitors. It was a good way to celebrate
Dairy Day.
into the storage tank.
The Murrays, who came from CorAfter-a Jivalk
the farm,
were given
a chance
to climb
^Jand^ounty ,-have a new barn under
aboard a large tractor and view the construction and it will be used for
world from such a height. Mrs. Murray milking. Now, in the low period of milk
lifted fiach lirsLgrader off the tractor^ production, Mr. Murray ships out apThe first grader in the Murray family, proximately 3,800 pounds of milk every
Diane, showed off her kittens as other day. He has 100 head of registered
teacher's aides Diane Smith; Ber- Holstein dairy cattle,
nadette Bell and Tracy Lee, all seventh
Besides Diane, the Murrays have
graders at Romulus, rounded up the seventh graders, Johana; Tom, in sixth
grade, Shelly, fifth grade; Brent, second
grade and Michael in kindergarteen.
Each child has one of the Holsteins for
its own and often naming the cattle is the
hardest part. As with most registered
animals, the name must not have been
used before and often the cow and bull's
names must be incorporated. But,
evidentally, the Murrays broke all the
rules when they named a little calf
"Cryin' Charlie". It was in the spot next
to Lima Bean.
First graders learn
Milking parlor can take 4 cows
Meter maid
position is '
WATERLOO — The first grade
students of all Seneca County schools
were taken on a field trip to a dairy farm
this week. The project is sponsored
annually by the Seneca County Dairy
Promotion Committee.
May 5, classes from Seneca Falls
visited the farms owned by Bruce Stahl
and James Patsos. May 6, Waterloo
students visited farms owned by Robert
Kime, David Mollenhauer, Frank Seitz,
Erich Cottrell, VanCleef Farm owned by
Bill Valois, Robert Beam, Peter Shurster and James Patsos.
Thursday students from Interlaken,
Ovid, and Romulus went to farms owned
by Dan Murray, LeConte Myer, Howard
Hunt, David Powell and the Lawara
Farm with Bill Hepburn, herdsman.
Monday, the children from Seneca
Falls arrived^at the. Patsos farm at
about 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Patsos and
James Patsos, Jr., welcomed the
children. First stop was in the hay barn
which is nearly empty at this time of the
Mr. Patsos told the children that he
had purchased the farm, seven years
ago. A year later, the barns on the farm
burned to the ground and were replaced
with corrugated steel buildings. Several
of the older small building still remain
but these will be replaced (as money
becomes available) with additional steel—
It is a free-stall barn and the children
enjoyed reaching through the slats to pet
the cows. The next stop was the tank
room and the milking parlor.
A milking parlor is definitely quite
different than the method used by our
grandfathers. The Patsos parlor can
handle four cows at a time. As the cows
BRIAN DONLEY of Seneca Falls stops to pet a calf at the James Patsos
From cow to home, the milk is never
enter the milking stanchion they are fed
some grain. The herdsman stands in a exposed to air. The children were inwell and each cow is cleaned before the terested in all they had seen and
especially the final stop of the day. This
milking apparatus is attached. -^—
the calf barn where friendly brown
The milk passes through tubes into a
calves of all sizes stood fairly
ball-shaped pyrex glass container. Mr.
children could reach out and
Patsos told the children that the conpet
tainers cost $100 each, a far cry from an
This scene was repeated 19 times this
old tin milk pail. The milk is then
If the childrens expressions were
pumped into the stainless steel cooling
the Seneca County Dairy
tank. Later, the milk truck pulls up to
provided a very
the building and the milk is pumped out
of the cooler into the tank truck
To college
A# Penn Yan Church —
PENN YAN — The annual meeting of
the Ontario-Yates Assn. of American
Baptist Women will take place Wednesday, May 20, in the Penn Yan First
Baptist Church. Registration will be at
9:45 a.m.
For first graders —
the patient feels that death is eminent
and inevitable. Interaction between the
physician and the patient is needed."
Dr. Schmale added, "complete care of
the patient, psychological and physical
is necessary. Side-effects can
counteracted with therapy."^
After showing the film, a video tape
LYONS — The Lyons Village Board
interview with a patient who had been has abolished the position of parking
initially treated for cancer five years meter attendant, effective immediately.
ago was viewed.
One of the regular patrolmen will be
The patient indicated that strong handling the meters in the village from
•-—"' '•'.'
support from her family and her now on.—
physician had helped her adjust.
Mrs. Charles Schade was given a
Drs. Bennett and Schmale had maternity leave of absence the last of
literature about The Rochester Regional March. A few days after the leave was
Medical Program, a cancer information granted, the board notified her that
sheet listing cancer activities and consideration was being given to
programs, and data on the Rochester- Tuxflishiiig^the position.
At this week's meeting of the board,
RMP Cancer Clearinghouse which was
set up as an informational resource the final decision was reached.
This will result in a saving to the
service for area physicians to provide
prompt phone consultation with a physi- village otlMeo per year, the salary paid
cian-oncologist and to provide relevant the meter maid.
printed data or bibliographic material
At the present time the police force in
for physicians.. The address is Cancer Lyons consists of one chief, one sergeant
Clearinghouse, University of Rochester, and four full time patrolmen. There are
nn part timp m*»n at present. These men
Medical Center, Room 212, 1351 Mt.
handle the three shifts a day, seven days
Hope Avenue, Rochester, New York
_ 1
Placing a patrolman on the meters,
eliminates one man from working
another shift.
Baptist^women will
meet May 20
Saturday, May 9, 1970
Indians are
Hall subject
HALL — The Youth Fellowship will
meet Sunday May 10 at 7 p. m. Guest
speaker will be the Rev. Herbert Tennies, pastor of No. 9 Seneca
Presbyterian Church, who will talk-on
his experiences as pastor to the Indians
on a reservation near Buffalo.
The Women's Guild met Wednesday
evening, May 6, at 8 p. m. Their program
was a book review on "Soul Sister, Black
Like Me."
On May 15 the Women's Guild of Rush
ville Congregational Church will have a
program on China at the Rushville
Church. They have invited the women of
the Hall United Church of Christ to this
meeting which will be held at 1:30 p. m.
Since reservations must be in at that
time, kindly call Rose Alting at 596-6513
for same
The Adult Fellowship will meet in the
church at 7 p. m. on May 9.
The Church Council will meet at 7:30
p. m on Tuesday, May 12. As this is a
most important meeting please note the
date and time.
To moot M o n d a y
SENECA FALLS - The Welcome
Wagon Club of Seneca Falls and
Waterloo will meet Monday, May 11, at
7:30 p.m. in the Hotel Gould. All
members and newcomers are invited to
Welcome Wagon
SENECA FALLS - The Welcome
Wagon Club of Seneca Falls and
Waterloo will meet at the Gould Hotel
Monday at 7:30 p.m. All members and
newcomers are welcome to attend.
Mooting Monday
BENTON - The Benton Water
District meeting at the Grange Hall will
be Monday, not Tuesday as previously
Cynthia Sloop
LYONS — Cynthia Stoop, a senior at
Lyons Central School will be in the
liberal arts program when she attends
North Texas State University at Denton,
Texas in the fall.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Stoop. Layton St. Rd , Lyons.
Her outside interests include the
Youth Fellowship of the Presbyterian
Church, -i-;
Deborah Paqatn
LYONS — Deborah Paquin, a senior at
Lyons- (Yntral School, will major in
education when she enters Nazareth
College at Rochester in the fall.
Shejs a member of the French Club,
Future Teacher's Club, Latin Club, A. F.
S. C|ub, and Track Booster Club. She
belohges to the Girl's Athletic
Association and formerly was a member
of the Yorker Club and the Junior
National Honor Society. Her family is
the host family for the International
Fellowship Exchange Student from
Eucador this year.
Her outside activities Include the 4-H
club, Horsemasters, and St. Michael's
Youth Club.
SENECA FALLS - 1969 Seneca Falls
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Aqua Festival Princess Diane Miles will Boyd Paquin, 53 Cherry St.
appear in the 11th annual Apple Blossom
Festival in Williamson, May 23.
Prentice returns
Miss Miles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
— Roger Prentice has
Arthur Miles of Waterloo, was first
the Clifton Springs
runner-up in last year's Miss Aqua
was a patient for
Festival Contest in Seneca Falls. She is a
graduate of Waterloo High School and
A student at the SUNY at Oswego, he
attended Eisenhower College.
been named to the Dean's Lift for
1969 Aqua Festival Queen Miss Linda
semester. It is expected he can
Watson, of Ovid, is unable to attend the
studies next week.
Apple Blossom Festival because of
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar
examinations at Hartwick College,
Catherine St.
Princess to
attend festival
Untitled Document
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
Patricia Rchultt .
WATERLOO - Concordia State
Teachers College in Illinois is the choice
of college of Miss Patricia Schultz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz
of 48 E. River Street, Waterloo, according to an announcement from the
Guidance Office at Waterloo Senior High
Patty has been a four year member of
the High School Band and has participated in All-County contests. She has
attended the Hobart Seminar for high
school students this year and has been
assistant editor of the Skoi Yase year
book. A four year member of the Ski
Club, Patty also served as vicepresident of the French Club.
Patty has served as organist at the
Lutheran Church for the past two years
and hopes to continue this interest at
Attend funeral
CLYDE — Relatives who attended the
funeral Wednesday of Mrs. Orlando
Bilancini in Lorain, Ohio, were Mr. and
Mrs. Rocco Bilancini, Matthew and
Nicholas DiSanto, Mr. and Mrs. Gus
Arnitr Sr., Helen Volpe, Mrs. Joseph
Iocco and ***•. Ju*i« oiuiw of Clyde and
Mrs. Betty Carello of Rochester.