Document 6423306
Document 6423306
' SACRAMENTO DAILYUHION. HOTELS AND HESTAUHANIS.' i HOTEL DE FRANCE. 1i OK LETTERS BBMAIKIHG| LIST in the Postoffice Sacramento on Thursday, REST \UR ANT REOPENED. \ September 14, 1576 : at AND Corner of L and Second Ladies' List. Lara, Rosa Arnold, Miss May i -- MECHANICS' - INSURANCh COMPANIES. THE STATE INVESTMENT . $478,000 President. PETER DONAHUE A. J. BRYANT CUAS. H. CD: KING ARCADE HOTEL, NOW DUE: Schumacher's Oat ITlea!. George's Codfish. ADA9IS, iTIcNEILL A GLINEAIV I'KOPRIETOK Second, between J and K. street**, '' a- 1 ; SACRAMENTO^ |IHOS. EXCHANGE, MECHANICS' Vice President. Secretary. street, between Front and Second DEUTSCHES JLf 20 and 22 I Sacramento. JACOB SCHMID, Proprietor. NOS. 86 TO 92 BUTCFIfRING, RESTAURANT FRANC AIS, se!2-lm4p Eastern Oysters, 50 cents. ****£=£*\u25a0 Private Rooms for Families and Private Parties. 4B^ •in/ T kaad X /^ MECHANICS' 2 ; J™3 — LIVERPOOL ANI» LONDON AND GLOBff, KITNI) OK SAN FRANCISCO FIRE COMPANIES— Also the NEW YOUK LIFE INSEKANCK COMP'V. a39-lm4t — ESTATE AGENT, AND NBpotiatnr ofLoans. Mining Stocks bought and Fold R3SAI. on commission. I J «t,, next Odd Fellows Savings Bank. Also A^ent for The Royal Fire Insurance Company of Liverpool, ass*U, | ;the Continental, assets, s3,soo,ooo; North American, assets, 1,000,-000; American, assets, sl,ooo,ooo German American, al5-lmlrj assets, $1,700,000. REAL ESTATS BOUGHT & SOLD ON COMMISSION. Houses rented and rents collected. Asrents for IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF LONDON, QUEEN INSURANCE CO., OF LIVERPOOL; £TNA INSURANCE CO., OF BARTFORD. Capital and Assets represented, $-J7,000.000. NO. -17 FOURTH STREET, DET. J AND X, Sacramento. a23-lm-lo —X OF 3 THE RED HOUSE, 100 X ~~ SACRAMENTO, MECHANICS' STORE,' 100 X q SACRAMENTO. MECHANICS, SEND MECHANICS' ONE PRICE! STORE, FOR PRICE LIST. FROM NEW YORK MILLSAND M X 100 STREET, SACRAMENTO. ONE :-MCE ! ONE! PRICE! O^E £ PRICE!*" WATER. TO FOX A: STRUTZ, j H Importer and Deal -r in fine FRENCn BRANDIES, WHISKIES, and ALL KINDS OF BOURBON WINES. IIAS WELL'S CHAMPION POWER 11 J Street. Sacramento, Agent at Sacramento for PIPER HEIDSIECK tW seS-lm4p CHAMPAGNE. FOR LIFTING WATER. \u25a0 SUCCESSOR : LIQUORS, BOCA LAGER BEER, JUST \u25a0 1 Market* ADDRESS Railway Supplies SACIAJTJFNTO OK S\N FKANCISCO. l sc-5 lin-lp E. E. AMES~ \ MTI iSM*^ \u25a0 54 General Asent lor STUDr:< A X E v Farm, Team and "Wasons, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ETC. Also, "Sarveii'" Patent "Wheels. A: 49 51 J at., and 30 A 32 Third st., Bell-4r» SACRAMENTO. CAL. — KELLER & CO. Egar^SjEl JIST swSytvv) I& assortment RET. SACRAMENTO. Junction ot Rush and Jlarket »lreetm, SAN FRANCISCO. sel-3 4itf 1875. D. W. EARL, 1375. pok«ardi\g and commission *~ KECEITED stoc^ a large X of — — MERCHANT, IN ASD Wholesale Dealer InFlour and Grain Side cpring. Three Spring and Four Spring Wagons. Nog. 101and ill street Sacramento .1 Also, Road Wsi«rons. both Tbimble-Skein and Railroad Depot Reno. Axle, in all sizes, with California Iron Axle, California Rack 2. Battle Mountain! Rack Beds Beds Railroad Depot Railroad Depot made of bard wood. J Carson. \u0 84 Parlies leokine for Wagons will save money by seeGoods for varied to all paits of the United States and Territories. Shipper if may rely upon having their In? the above before making their purchases. nods forwarded at tie lowest rates, with dispatch and t^~IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS. 43,-15 and 47 J street.. .Sacramento. !by the most favorable rentes. an3O-lm-4p . a22-lmjp =3 "^^^ £2 ' J.'lL- MARCUS C. HAWLEY & CO & AGRICULURAL HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS, a!S-lm4p] SAN FRANCISCO & SACRAMENTO. DR. RENZ'S HERB BITTERS, th $ Great Specific for all diseases arising f m impure state of the blood or disorderei stomach. |i ? JjF "mjyl Remecber. RENZ'3 BRANDY" was awarded the BLACKBERRY Premium 7?gl Iat the Misehanics' Institute, First San Francisco, ; v IforlS73. aEI FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. r;-:g^2l9 Co»mercialstn San Francisco. ROOFING! "' -' \u25a0llbllfß AtlfiTW RI ll*6 I cured. Painless : lyispeedily ' no publicity. sprld Btnn !' -Dr. CariI I ill III Wm. m W £s <aSi too. liS Washington be, Chicago, lit nil'i- \u25a0 \u25a0• STKIiNGTH," A SCI<*|~IHIC*IICAI. i coTpound vegetable alkaloids, KJ entific Ion'y effectual of is the remedy for lack ol manly rigor, debilitat- ing dreams, diffidence, despondency, palpitation, rinsing WE SH ILLEXPECT A READY SALE. EVERYBODY in tbe ears, loss of memory, hysteria, end all alarming :symptoms, of nervom prostration, ie t-Jtber -ex, resultIS INVITED TO EXAMINE THESE GOOD?. ina- from early indlscretioDi' excesses orKndae suscep- CORNER tibility. Price, -:> Per bottle. Sun Frssdsco, and other wholesale cini?^is!«. acrent?. ?o<<? everywhere. Directions full. H. C. KIRK & CO., Agents" Sucramento. seS 4ptf See Sketch of Price List : 20 doz Embroidered Band Chemises 10 doz Tucked Front, with Edge. 10 do* Fine EpibroiJered Front 10 dcz Fine Embroidered Front ... ..only! 75 only 1 00 FRI<:K FOR THE j ispeedy cure of Seminal iVealcness, Lost Man- PBESORIPTION hood, and all disorders brought on by iudi-cretion cr Address 1 35 exces?. Any Droggis has thr- ingreitient,-.& CO., DR. JAQUE3 1 GO 12 doz Fine Embroidered Front feS-ly Cincinnati, Ohio. 1 65 10 doc Fine Embroidered Front FAR^H ORCHARD, 1 "\u25a0"< 7 doz Fin*Embroidered and Tacked "2 00 5 doz Fine Embroidered and Tacked Alii CLASSES OF DISEASE ARE SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. 3 00 6 doz Fine Embroidered and Tacked 5 doz Fine do 3 50 Extra Terms: CO., $10 00 4 doz Extra Fine do. 4 00 Treatment per week r^i ROCERS, Free Consultation, verbally or by letter THIS MOST SIMPLE AND INGENIOUS POWER FOR LIFTINfiWATER 3 doz Extra Fine do 4 50 BTJBIIS, f>., J. A. M. only 4doz 0 75 street, 139 J between sth & Gth WILL SUPPLY A WANT LONG KKLT BY TIIK Tucked Skirts al3-4pt( Cor. Seventh and I,stj., Sacramento. only 1 00 6 doz Tucked Skirts SACRAMBNTO. only 25 1 A New Stock of American, French and English 5 doz Tucked and Raffle do only 150 Groceries. Also, a large assortment of the the FINKST 5 doz Tucked and Double Raffle do Til*:SPEI-M'CIRE OF SEMag-2-lmlp JAPAN TEAS. INAL Weakness, Lost Manhood, &cd all disorder! only 6 doz Puffed and Raffled do 2 00 brought by Indiscretions or excf?s. Any Druggist on only 3 00 has the ingredients. 5 doz with Raffled and Bias Tuck .\u25a0!\u25a0! ess DAVIDSON & CO., Bex or OAUFORNIA ,\NI) NEVADA. (l. only 3 50 2,290, New York. 6 /. Embroidered and Raffled i 19tn HADE FBOn THI only 4 00 12 doz Embroidered and Ruffled KF.VVLY fUSCOVERED CURE FOR CANCER, Prices KSanclii£ from $64 to $100, According to Power Required. only 0 75 SCROFULA AND OTHER CUTANEOUS DISEASE. 9 doz Drawers None gencine without, the word CUNDURANGO only 0 90 , blown in the bottle, and bearing fac simile of our sigCONSTRUCTSON IS SI) SIMPLE THAT IT 1 < \OT U\BLE TO 9 doz Drawers with ttuffles only 1 00 most doz with Ruffles performs out of It Its work in the AND 12 Drawers repair. ADMIRABLE PERFECT MANNER. nature. GEO. Tf. CHESLEY, k CO., fret only 1 25 Proprietors and Sole Ageata, 51 Frost st., Sacramento 3 i!' % Puffed and Embroidered do THE APPLICATION OV THE POWER TO THE WATER TO BE 6 doz White Embroidered do only 150 a22-lra4r KR SECON D AM)HI STREETS \u25a0> SACRAMENTO, only 1 60 7 doz Embroidered Edge do lIFXFP IS THE MOST DIRECT AND EFFECTIVB-: only 1 65 7 doz Embroidered Tact do Cjx Boxes and Material ol every descr:ptlon conTHAT COTS.n BE DEVISED, 4 doz Shield Front Night Gowns, with corded stantly on hand. Tde larcest orders promptly ailed at /POINTY ADVERTISING. 1 j only possible prices. back 35 lowest Fruit Growers and Shippers And one lior>e ni"pump tn .re walei- with this Power tbah l>y any otlier device known. only 1 66 generally willdo do well to call and see us before purSEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Embroidered and Ruffled do 6 doz Board of Supervisors of Sacramento county up to 10 B. B. BARNES & CO. Its contraction, whMi to Hltfttrated by the ahoy cut. is .?asily explainefi. The Traction Wheel, which only 2 00 chasing elsewhere. 6 doz Shield Front, 31 tuck? «eB-lni o'clock A. M. travels on the ground, impirtsmotion to the Crank Shaft From the Trunk motion Is transmitted -to the Oscillating Lever attached to the Plunder of the Pump, the whole apparatus pussinj: round the Pump HoeV. The mo- 4 doz Embroidered Tuck, with collartucks., only 2 60 MILL, .only 2 75 3 doz Shield Front Embroidered, 71 Monday, September 18, 1876, tion is steady and even, the drat lijrht md the action of the Plnnger rapid, throwing a constant stream of only 3 25 I water. The whole is compactly portable, an !may easily be removed from one well to another. 2 doz Puffing and Embroidered do UMNO BLIND A?fD AND FACTORY. FiOTO«l'. For doing th» County Advertising, including the ad2 doz do Extra Fine Corded and Embroidery 4 25 t vertising of Delinquent Tax List, for the term of one Doors, Window*, ISlind*. year from Monday, September IS, 1876. •'!d< 7. Night wns, Chemises and Drawers tomatch. The contract will be aw.' <! "I to the lowest reFinish of all kinds, Window Frame?, Moldings of eighth and k streets. sponsible bidder, and no bid will be considered unless MANriAcrt :i:o by thk California oakbiage company, every de=cription, and Turning. CORNER F.-iOST accompanied with written guarantees, signed by at AND ii STREETS, Sacramento. least two responsible persons, that the party making HARTWELL,HOrCHKISS STALKER. proposal the a'22-jplm will enter into contract and furnish bonds All Orders should be addressed to the California Carriage Company, or to for the fait :; performance thereof, provided the conGOODS, PARTIES WISHING ANY OF THE ABOVE tract be awarded to said party. PIONEER The Board reserves the right of rejecting any and all THEY WILL BE SENT C. 0. D. TO ANY PART OF bras deemed too high. ANDITISTS., CRAW I\TO. THE STATE AND MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT AS Fruit- Growers and others buying Boxes can be Parties to whom contracts shall be awarded shall file auO4-4ptf SACRAMENTO. CALIFORNIA. any by os than at other Box Factory in their bonds with the Clerk or the Board on or before better salted REPRESENTED. the IStb day of September, 1376. this city. Our facilities for receiving, cutting an 1 shipequaled by any other By crdei of the Board of Supervisors of ping Lumber and Boxes are not Sacramento Box Factory on this coast. Alllumber used direct Irom county. State rf California. quality the sawmills, and can, therefore, in and price, Allbids to be addressed to the Clerk of the Board. defycompetition. Stock on hand, 100.000 hox«>?, 350,000 A. A. WOOD, Clerk of Board. !feet seasoned lumber. i OOOKI UKEGOKY. By C. K. Sites, Deputy Clerk leT-lOt se3-lmlp «> V r\»«EOT INSURANCE CO., SAN FRANCISCO. " mor*"™"8 »"-" ifna n..»min [Wr cabpcts, oir. clowns Wm.Owvns. Sacramento. ll.T.Holmes, San Francisco • ASD ALL Kt.SDS OF FIRE AND MARINE. A. FRITZ, Upholstery *;«iod«». T. & Capital and Assets over $1,000,000. Also, Manufacturers of UNDERTAKERS, flour sacks, tents, awnings, etc. Losses promptly adjusted, and paid in GOLD COIN. ANUFACTURERS OF LI.TSK AND 263 R Street, EIV.V. CADWALADER, Gen'l Ag't, Sac. Div'n, 82 & 84 J street, between :i<t and Ith, isJL a!7-4p a-"'1 No. (ilJ street. IMPORTERS OP PLASTER AND ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE BUILPING. SACRAMENTO. WITH ALL KINDS OF GOODS. ?_ FIRE MATERIALS, allMn:4p TAUBENHEIMER, I street, between Fifth and Sixth, ALLOWED. INSURANCE COMPANY, SMALL DISCOUNT sep-n Ur CIBPETS, Oil, A SACRAMENTO. HARNESS, IN HANGINGS, UPHOLSTERY CLOTHS, Sacramento. A D «<CATHER,-A CHOICE GOODS, Etc., PAPER EVERY SHOULD GARDEN AND STOCK HAVE ONE. only 1 25 RANCH HOME FOR THE SICK. ... WIIKRF PBESOfiIFTIOH FREE [FARMERS, ORCHIRDISTS AND STOCK' MEN jFOR CUUDTfEASCrG BITTERS FRUIT BOXES, BLINDS, jVINDQWS. ITS SACRAMENTO BOX FACTORY. f^OSC.% PROPOSALS FOR SACRAMENTO PLAHIHG — SASH corner * WE P. HASWELL, — \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- IBYERS \u25a0i... . **\u25a0&&% I \u25a0 REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, ETC LOCKE & LAVENSOH IfIPOBTEHI UNIOS \ | H. SUPPLIED § | HOLMES CO. J&f HOME MUTUAL MASSEY & DEALERS 144 J STREET, Sacramento, Cal. Between rilth and Sixth, ALSO, AGENTS FOR Grover & Baker" Sewius Machines. alij-lrnlp TO TRAVELEa?. VIRiB AND MARINE. Capital. . $300,000. Manager. JULIUS WETZLAR A. J.WETZLAR Solicitor.. By order of the Executive Committee, all the premiums of the Home Mutual Insurance Company are to be invested in Sacramento. Office-Fourth street, bet. J and R, Next to Capital Savinsrs Dank. JULIUS WETZLAR, Manaarer. Jane 10,1874. selOJolm THE PAKTKRCSHIP HERETOM fore existing between the underri.'ne I, under the !name of DOHERTT 4 CO., doing a drug business northeast corner of Third and J streets, SacrameDto • <ity,is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and tli j interest of Louis Cdllisch therein has «iis day been sold (to Jane E. Doberly, and Louis Callisch retires from sii'i ffirm. Jane E. Doberty willcontinue tbe business, and E. HAMMOND, all debts due to and from said firm are tobe paid to and j said by Jane E. Doberty. AND COMMISSION, AND September 5, 1876. Sacramento, " Dealer in HIDES, WOOL, TALLOW and SKIN'S, LOUIS CALLISCH, JR. au22-4ptf» ; 91 Front street, Sacramento. «T-Jot4jp JANE E. DOHEiiTir. j\ j FRONT BOX FACTORY. *» COUNTRY STORES AND PEDDLERS ; | * I^^^ CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ETC. *' SADDLES, NOTIC« 1R S^ and Morphine habit absolutely 'id B. EHLERS Stock Foreign and. Domestic > ?adules, Harness and Sadd'ery Hardware of all kinds HOOFING !-HARRY 'iSaal.^ 8 au3o-lm Shoe Finding? ;Carriage*. LUFT is prepared to put on METAL ROOFING AT SHORT NOTICE. Jobbin? find Repairing of TO CREDITORS.- INTHE SLSO— Foreign and Domestic Leather, Calf, Kip' all kinds promptly attended to. No. 44 Third street, X^l matter of the Estate of JEREMIAH O'LEARY Lining and Sheepskin Robes, Blankets, etc. deceased.— Notice is herein' given by the underS'pned' R. STONE A- CO., Direct Importers, Dealers ac« between J and K. se9-lm4p Administrator of t-h Restate of JEREMIAH O'LEARY Manufacturers,•' 150 J street, between stb and '^th. deceased, to the crt tors of, and all persons having a. stoxe. i'a2s Irr-Ipi t. i.vjj:vr^aniss claims ajainsl the djjepased, to exhibit them, with L. ELKITS & CO necessary vouchers, rithin ten months after the the IMPORTERS and JOBBERS HOUSE MOVISG ASP RAISING. publication of this tice, to the Administrator at first the -°>office 9f Armstrong &Hinkson, No. IST J street' in the HAVE BQU.GIIT FROM H. C. city of Sacramento. Jj JOHNSON all the implements pertaining to House Gentlemen's Clotbins:, ,-J3 Sacramento, Aug I24, 1376. Raising ard Moving,»nd am now prepared to raise and Pornisbing (foods, Hats, Blankets, Boots, Shoes, Ftc <;eo. F. bronnes. move Brick and Bundines. Allorders from the ,Agents for Missiua VToolen Mill?. I Administrator«fl the Estate of Jeremiah O'Learv city and countryFrame will be prompt! v attended to at the 49 Front street, between J and X,Sacramento. J deceased.! LELAND HOWE, shortest notice. All California manufactured Gocds made a specialty I AjUfSTKONO 4 HilKsos, Attorneys for ' • Administrator .'-'. (Successor to 11. C. Johnson), • iur2"VlaurJirr and Bold at Factory orices. a23-lu4j» I sel3-lptf 220 X st., Sacramento. Depot .r,9''oft'hJ Dr.A.G.OUST, 137 waahingtoa bi.,Chicago, Hl. ni3-lm-d&w AAPAAMOXTM—Agents v.-antrd everyIfnl|wllf!V.Business honorable and first >k. Particulars sent free. Address 11/iiIIficlass. yUVV J. OKI11 & CO., St. i-ouis,Mo. mC-wlm CHAS. W. RAPP & We cany in our stock the largest and best assortment BALING AND of goods inour line to lie found on this coast. Believing that the bejt is the cheapest, we get nothing but first-class Machines and Goods. We have TjlEN C E WIRE, MOWERS, REAPERS, HORSE and HAND RAKES, HEADERS, THRASHERS, ENGINES, WAGONS, GANG PLOWS, SINGLE PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, FOR SALE BY Spring Wagons, Farm and Freight Wagons, Hay Presses, Feed Mills, and all Machines required in this HOPKINS & CO., line. We also have a large stock of PENCE WIRE HINTINGT©* BAILING WIRE, TnE S BARB FENCE WIRE, BAILING ROPE, PAINTED WIRE CLOTH, Screws, Importers 01 Bolts, Axes, Shovels, Nails, Rope, Snot, Powder, Binges, Planes, Files, Saws, Wrenches, Belting, Packing, Rubber Hose, Canal Barrows, Pocket and Table » A It D W A IS *•\u25a0 Cutlery, etc. Price** always the Lovrcit and Goods ItlillliiS, Mining, Blacksmith and the Best to be found In quUitive should know on riagi-able oa the mysteries innwas iai of ofthe tlie sexual system, i.s abuset, SiSfipaS^r \u25a0 cis l disco versca in I'.tv TM%F H Wm BB science of reproduction; ::o>vtO be truly happy in the marri' irelation. a;:d Malepreserve anil ieuale, it; it young and middle agei should road no oiss can ttlford to be withcontains information, whicli health, anil complexion, and out; on how to preserve the piveto faded cheeks the treshiuss otyou^-i:the best and ouly true Marriage Guide In the- wot:d. pries .Wcents by Mail. The author, may be consulted pcr-onr.lly or by inailonaßvofthesnhiectsmcntii inhi< work.Addresi AND VARIETY, * Hardware, Kte. encravingi gallthem- t!l \u25a0*\u25a0" Sexun) system, howtocuro allkind of Diseases, withhundreds of valuable receipts, who should marry .the impediments to marriage, thfir nature and cure. Treats on allDiseases, tu!!y explaining their causes , symptoms and means to cure; ::\u25a0' the onlyreally scientific work oithekind ever published, and is complete every respect. Sent securely sealed on receipt of 50 ct«. in Address, Dr. C. A. BonAXNAN, 619 Korth I'iith »treet, Mo. Louis, St. Established inJSJ7. m3-lm-c!iw A GRAND ADDITION TO OUR AN — — D EOHANNAITS MV)!'ZtlFfl SIFt As we have bought the Material inlarge quantities enabling us to save a Jobber's discount. This being SALOON, 118 X Street, Fourth and Fifth, opposite the Metropolitan iaLBIBNSB ANDCHOICE STOCK Between ' use at $2 50 Theater. Put up inbottles for family of mens 1and boys clothing is offered (for thirty Doz<>ti, per a27-lm4p days only) at wholesale rates, and summer clothing at cost. The greatest inducement for the purchase of — — rairan uXjlil!&lj " BBvevoti J. 6Jb OR TEAR. i;:IiSTALLFR'S FRANK SECOND AND N STS., SACRAMENIO. above statement. We make this sacrifice for the purDEALER IN GROCERII 8, AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMKS'IV. !pose of reducing our extensive stock to make room for jlarge invoices in the Eist awaiting our order. Our Provisions, Flour, Wines, Liquor*, IMr. Brown Iis b en in the Eastern market nearly a Tobacco, Cijjars, year, a^d has bat) an opportunity to make choice seBAKES & HAMILTON, And Farmers' Produce generally. Goods delivered lections and at extremely low rates. We keep con;i stantly on hand a fulland choice line of Hats, Shirts, : to any part of the city. J6-lm in Flannels, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Socks, Trunks, Valises, Traveling-bags, Satchels, and in tact every- j CO., DAUGHERTY & thing lound in ,1first-class Store. aSSSa DEALERS IN GROCERIKS, The IMPORTERS American Clothing House, 116 MM PROVISIONS, FLOUR, GRAIN, "jITANUFACTUKEKSA: \u25a0^^Wioe*., Liquors and Clears, J Street, Sacramento, OF BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, ANI> FARMERS! PROCo., 4plm Proprietors. T. & BROWN, se7 R. DI I -.. GENERALLY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Front Mreet, bet. I and J street*, No. 7 »5D near the Water Works, Sacramento. a24-lm4n Hacfalnes^ LOCK-STITCH, AND WARRANTED NOT TO RIP SIMPLE, INGENIOUS, DILI!ABLE, CHEAP AND PORTABLE, IMMENSE STOCK RECF.IVEP, IN EXCELLENT Quality, and NOW ON DRAFT at clothingLver offered in ibis city, nnd parties attending the State Fair .11 find i: to their advantage to call aod examine our goods and learn the truth of the pn — SIMPLE, DURABLE AND CHEAP POWER FOR LIFTING JULIUS STRTJTZ, <" n ass ' ?-numerous MAHRIHrE 8453 FzS lia Ka PSuSB Wz llinßiltsnMit: H Be6-4rn4p COR. OF SECOND AND J STREETS, sel] flmJp SACRAMENTO. i - FRUIT OF THE LOOM MUSLIN, And Lai] these Goods will be retailed over the counter FOR WHAT YOU CAN BUY THE MUSLIN AND TRIMMINGS FOR, DEALER SALE \u25a0 so I SS j^J ADDRESS and di»- tbe secret infirmities ot'Youth and llanhoo J. and the Physibuok of"»>ij)agc« cal System of Woman. Anii:us:ratcdkov. (under look anil Tho original which should b and best Marriage Guide. Beware of iiuitatiuai. Seat under 6ea! for ots. A tHIVATEMEDICALTHEATI3Bonalldisease! ofa Private Nature inboth sexes, the abases anil disorders the sexual system, and the means of cure; 150pagei Trithengravings, Ff'nt under Sfal1or'"2~> cts. MEDICALADVICE on SemiiinlV.\-okne?f. Lost Energy, Skin, Blood and Chronic Jii^eascs, Catarrh, Cancer, &c,a 40 page pamphlet, free for stamp. Allthe above Diseases succerefully treated at this celebrated Dispensary, established IS-tr. Acl(!res», Dr.BUTTS' DISPENSARY, No.12 NorthBth at, St. liOUIB,Mo. m^j-im-fIAvT | ww W Vineyard, APhysiological of Marriage and those contempiating Marriage, on i;-* duties qua!ifirat:or.s, the Mystcric3 orltcproJucticn | ADDRESS STREET, MARRIAGE GU7DE. View fort . Married WILLBE RETAILEDAT WHOLESALERS' PRICES. NO SECOND HANDS OR SECOND PROFITS TO BS MADE.— MANUFACTURED L^ ADDRESS STREET, bestowed on him for the past thirteen DR. DOIIERTV P. B.— The Doctor willsend his pamphlet on Special Diseases, to any address, on receipt of six cents in postage stamps for return postage. aIS-tf SACRAMENTO, IS j hH FOR PRICE LIST. patronage Desires to inform 'he zeneral public, and especially all those laboring under all forms of Chronic Complaints, that he can be consulted, at 6-19 CLAY STREET, on every variety of Disease of the Lungs, Liver,Kidneys, Digestive and Genito-Uriaary Organs, NERVOUS DEBILITY,and all SPECIAL DISEASES, Resulting from ignorance or folly. The number ofpersons suffering from these horrible complaints, in whom the Doctor has effected a radical cure, can be counted by the thousand, .md the voluntary certificates in his received from persons he has restored to OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, possession, health, are enough to satisfy all thai the Doctor's skill in the treatment of tbe?e affections enables him to warrant speedy cures, even in the most obstinate cases. He charges moderate fees, treats his patients in a correct and honorable way, and baa references of unquestionable veracity from men ofknown respectability and high standing insociety. All patties who may consult EXPRESSLY FOR him, by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment. Consultations, at the office or by letter, FREE. Allletters answered by RETURN MAIL. Address XV. K. DOHERTY, HI. DM P. O. Box 1 373, San Francisco, CaL ?e5-lmip CLOTHING! ALBJP. i*U.\L. i ESTATE -»>T* INSUEANCE A fiENTS. STORE, 100 IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Etc., also PURE COFFEE AND SPICES, | CLEARANCE POORMAN, -3 S. GOLDMAN, Igenl fir the FIREMAN'S -<^ ' J^ SACRAMENTO. | H LABORERS, SEND FOR PRICE LIST. £ AND TilE VINTAGES FROM 1872 TO 1875, INCLUSIVE. GREAT liberal years. LADIES' SKIRTS, ADDRESS STREET, CITY . KBAIi STORE, FARMERS, SEND !5^ ATE S A li S R O O 89 J Street. REAL KfcTATE BOUGHT i SOLD OX eOMMWION IE MINERS, SEND FOR PRICE LIST. « ; Heidsieck, Cllqnot, Commission Merchants, Wholesale i)paler3 ~*'**--~ : CHAMPAGNES— : in Fruit, Vegetable?, Butter, Lggs and PoulGreen Seal, and full line of ALL CASE GOODS. ayi-lmlrtry of all kinds Fish &<: etc. HABKKT.-THE lIIKHKST AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED WINES AND . mm cash price paid for Young Pigeons, Live Quail, BRANDIES OF THE Ponltrv, Eg2<, Fresh Ranch Butter, Produce, etc., at tbe old stand, noitheas" corner of Sixth an X streets, Johnston Brandy and Wine Company | a-37-lml Sacramento. JOHN P. HARKING. of California, j W. P. COLSHA^. L i—i ORDERS FROM COUNTRY STORES AND PEDDLERS PROMPTLY FILLED C. 0. D H MECHANICS' SAC R A M EXIO. DAVIDDe BERNARDI, Commision Mer- __2C5l WIIINKIFS—Of which we are sole import*rs, cbant, aDd dealer in Produce, Vegetable?. Fruits, j viz: Old W., Elipse, Bourbon Crown, Dixon and Butter, Eggs, Poultry. Fish, etc. Special attention William Perm Rye. au."/)-4')lm given to interior ord?!^ BRANDlES—nennessy, Sazirac, Pinet, Castillon airiNCY MARKET, & Co., with a full line of SHERRY, lORT AND CLARET WINE-!. street, j *->.-^*HlMte> 11G X Orleans Hills 649 CLAY STREET, end Kearni streets. prat With tbe most sentiments of regard for the Bet. Montgomery hH hH Importing direct, we are prepared to offer, in quantities to suit, at low rates and on easy terms, the followingfavorite brands of — 1. AND SCKCICVt MXit Ic «INSTITUTE, LADIES' DRAWERS, _h the expenses are not one-third as much here In Sacramento as they ,\F in lurg<> cities. Besides, we buy our raw material in largo | ]J^ quantities when the market is low, and manufacture most ot our saving DR. W. K.DOHBBTTS - WE CAN — |P4 P We invite the attention of purchaser. ) to our large and complete stock of ail classes of goods in our line. %*%*. vSEsK LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS, sire SACRAMENTO. AND 1., f 'M v LADIES' CHEMISES, 8 . Wholesale Dealers in No. 73 Front Street. BETWEEN SACRAMESTO MARKET, X Street, m Persons at a distance may be CUP.ED AT HOMB by addressing a letter to DR. GIBBON,' Stating ca», symptoms, length of time the disease has continued, and have medicines promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, to any part of the country, with full and plain directions. By Inclosing Ten Dollars coin, in registered letter through the lost-office, or through Wei -, Fargo £ Co., a package of medicine will be forwarded to any part of tbeDR.Onion. q J. t\ GIBBON, Address, Cox 1,9Y7, San Francisco. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. y— _ JOHN 11. CARROLL AND LIQUORS, liird st., bet. J and X,west side. Newly refitted. Private Rooms for families. IW EASTERN AND CALIFORNIA OYSTERS, 25 sel-lm4p CENTS. 74 ALL! ! pm own goods and save the profits of several middlemen, which we give our customers the benefit of. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES 54 ..gdßjiiii — PRICE — TO AT HOME. (lULD AFFORD TO AND DO SELL GOODS AS LOW H^ as they can be sold lor in New York, Boston, Chicago or San Fran! cisco— lor we buy to ilie extent ot over $120,000 a year cash, and iPh Importers of and j ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES! \u25a0 TO L. POWERS A: CO.. j 12U3CE1SORS REMOVAL OF to JAMES I.FELTER. MECHANICS' STORE. 100 K. Street-Ladles' Shoes, Si Upwards. \u25a0H WILCOX, FELTER & CO., -Regular Fr«?u«*ii Bieakiaii. and Dinner, with half a bottle of Wine, 50 cents. ANTONIO ANSI. Proprietor. sel-4ptf CHOP w X Street, $1 Up*vards-100 ONE .—. P. 11. RUSSELL. 209 J Street. K. W. WILCOS. <^VV^ J/TICH'S HOUSE, rrom 54 X street, V*S^ C And a General Stock of CHOICE GROCERIES, At the Old Stand. STREET, tjj, jS^r^a SECOND Between J and K. izJfffv^l &s&sx IN THE EUROPEAN PLAN. t^SSUjV NA HAUKE. Co}A\TOOYSTER AM) Nkj)/ o BREAKFAST Jellies and Jams in Glass, G. A D. Preserves in Glass, 1 Shoes, i BABES ** LOUIS), WHITAKEK DUPRE HAMS (CHICAGO), BACON, ETC. uectic sition to shun society, loss of pimples and various eruptions about the face, furred tongue, fetid breath, coughs consumption, nigfct sweats, monomania and frequent insanity. j It>. MECHANICS' STORE, 1 (ST. selo-4p & bea£ OVERSIIIRTS, 40c Upwards— loo X Street, MECHANICS' STORE. |)—i MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street— suspenders, fie Upwards, u_j Men's Boots, $2 50 Upwards— loo X Street, MECHANICS' STORE. f~\ CO.. MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street— Boys' Boots, $1 75 Upwards., *— JOHSSTOH'S GOLDEN BUTTER, X STREET, South Side, Sacramento. HAS 200 LIGHT AND AIRY UOOM, SINGLE AND IN SUITS. I Coach to convey passengers >o the Hotel FREE. Board and room per day, ?1 to !<i;so; Meals 23 oats. Barber Shop asu Laundry connected. a!6tf ANGUS :lAUi'lS. Proprietor. MARKETS, ] [_ INTERNATIONAL] hotel. | ;.WEETSER \u25a0 r7 WHOLESALE GROCERS. afrj-tf .lies' is, 25 cents; Beds. %m cents, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Office—'39 Fourth street, Sacramento. '.);> Seminal Weakness. of 'self-abuse. Seminal Emissions, the consequence gence, « This soHtar jvice, or depraved sexualto indn an almost uaof both sexes youth by the practiced certainty the with nnerrißg limited extent, producing following train of morbid symptoms, unless combatec tauten by scientific medical measures, viz : BaB«w in the , ance, dark spots under the eyes, pain ringing in the ears, noise like the rustling of leavei about the loini. and rattlingof chariots, uneasiness intelweakness of the limbs, confused vision,blunted lect, loss of confidence, diffidence in approaches dispoacquaintances, . stnu gers, a dislike to form m memory, flushes, \u25a0 Shirts, 50c Upwards. mm Undershirts, | Men's GASTIIAUS, NOS. 18, J. A. DUTCHINGS & CO,, Agents, ""SAMUEL r^ MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street-White r^as£&xr. ii.n. lee &co. -MM^ AND INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Asset? STS^ RECEIPTS OF NEW GOODS: ; Winslow's Corn— case?. __§BQv>r no chartre. I| _^vl^BS r"- JJ 25c Upwards— loo X Street, MECHANICS' STORE, D soil's Stove Polish. Green Pepper Nance. r^j MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street-PANTS, 50 cents Upwards. N0. 1 Mess, New Mackerel— Fall Catch 1876— -'II & 15, Fat & in hi bbls & -25-tt> kits. rpfuraisbed throughout. No. 3 Shore— ;:; VESTS, 75 cents Upwards— loo X Street, MECHANICS' STORE. TLisbouse has been elegantly Old Government Java Coflee— choice. Manager. £|Xfi3ITES, m MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street-COATS, 75 cents Upwards, aSS-tT SampleJLot Cigars. /CORNER SEVENTH AND \u25a0 Kj SACRAMENTO. '.eiilifiiif Ls>-t. Erauw, Ernest IItbson, II B Hogien, Joe M Anderson, P K-| lonia, I Hoffman, II Anderson, Avon Fagerweather, II Finn, J J Hogan, Chas Andrews, WL Hogan, Jason Bartwell. Henry' Fitzpatrick, M Fisher, (i A Howe, J Benton, M A Forthause, A-1 .Hushes, Jos Berry, Thos Hunter, Wm Bethel, C C-2 Ford, R W Hurd, O W -*jJlancbard, FC Pjwler,C A Ftasc'scc, Jevne, C J A Bowen. V Johnson, C A Bow;field, Walter Galaway, Wm Johnston, J H Alex Brown, Jas Gedders. Johnson, J A Gibson, Jas Brown, Peter Keoueb, John Bruce, R M GUOespie, CA Keller, Giroy, Edward Buchanan, 1-2 King, Geo Callen, John Giilet, DB Conwell, TWA Goldsberry, Wm King, Wm Goode, D 3 Kins, David Casgooal. <• Kirkpatrick, Thos Castro, F (No 87 Goodwin, J A Kleintock, Henry Gonzales, A Second ft) Cbilda, G W Knigbt, W ii Cray, (.'has Koch, Adam Chiperovski.M-ix Gray,J T-2 Kolliker, Fred Cbilds, F S Gregg, Jos Green, MA-2 Dr Kroger, A H-2 Christes -n. Kusler, (121 E Clark, *N J Gu:seppe Re Clements, C C Kuttonr, C FroDt ft) Comensond, F Gaoter, JA C London, E B Lawrence, JR Coailee, Heory Gunn, J Lee, Martin F Clovseo, Paul Hair, J !!-•» Loug, -I P Cok«r, Tbos Hail, Gec-3 1,..../,<, J.-.Un ~. . "ColeTHenry Ha'i.-'wm BtaJoy, E W Hawley, Will Crispell, IIS Cronk, IIA Banders, 1. A Mahoney, Patrick Davis, Geo Hanback, Harry Mag •-. Walt Ilarri-', J J .V-.riu,Frank Davis, Dr Deck, M B HarringtOD, Wm Merchant, J T Demalder, Jos Parkinson, ig, Hai Oscar A Retvr, J v Denver, Cmisiian Hnrt, I'M Raidy, Timothy Derbishire, Wm Harvey, Wm Dod2e, SK-2 Waas, E Sides, AdolpU Dodge, FM Hayward, Col A Silberstoo, ! >eo Siegel, Jules Doepfner, Carli Hawks, C W Hawkers, Jas Dooley, Ed Stana eh. Walter Solan, PII Hau-er, Julias 'ferry, Michael D«ld,C V Hawiey.W Wen*' I, Chas Donelson, Wm Hanson, John Wilson, Arthur Edward, P II Henry, J W Wilson, Jaa Winters, Geo Enrlaht, Thos Hicks, W E Tent, Wm Emery. WP Hines, C A W. C. HOPPING, Postmaster. i n ' ±A Apperson, J A in a arJ Seminal Hi-9liA_aKlnieut of Sexual Gonorrhoea, uieer, |^B_BSfl|^Hßsease^ such a-- * forms, ____!:tri\.-n!rt'.weakness, f v bi!i in all it? • \u25a0« iuipotency. _f^_Pi_ffl___|-erai:i:il %aWL«£M \u25a0dist'H.-es etc., permanent!? cured, « STORE, w ' Woods, Miss Mjry Wodea. Mrs F 9 "WaTeif, Mrsltcma^!^ Wilson, Mrs .1 W Wllliaros, Mrs E iza Antonia Francisco de Silvara, Mrs fire: and Kearny r^ \u25a0 GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, "DR. GIBBON'S j~-^te^ RY« i*^^" 623DISPENSA street, S. F. Mf^f^o\ _Kjjl£^_& Established in 185 1, for the trtat- SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND STORY PAPER. \u25a0\u25a0> - - TO WE L:nken, Miss C D "^rrin,ISiss Rosa Maikewitz, Mrs \u25a0' McCalp^, l Katie Mcßiide, Miss Nannie Mcrormick, Miss L A McClane, Mr- IIT McDonald. Mi<s Josie McKeon, MrsMA McLo.v, Miss Mary X McLain, M^ss Maggie McGrath, Mrs E Mil] . Mis Lou Mun^er, Mrs JuMa A Nouis. MisFannie NeMson, Mrs Carrie NatweL, Mrs Caroline Boss, M E Smith, Mrs F A Smith, Miss Hit tie J Tate, MrsMollie I Tavlor, Mrs Anna Trary. Mi-:s Ma Trumplcr, Mrs Barbara Timings Mi Eliza E Van Houten, Mrs A-2 Wynn, Mra John Wbitbeck, Gertie - ! IMPORTERS. | MEDICAL = THE UNFORTUNATE. RED HOUSE TRADE UNION This house has been elegantly refurnished through- : out. The best Board inthe city, by the day or week, on ARE RECEIVING NEARLY | the MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Orders for Balls, every day, overland, from various Eastern mar- i Parties and Weddings promptlyattended to. kets, large lines of all the stable artiste- belonging) !' sell-lm4p ANTONIO PIKANNI,Proprietor. tbe grocery busitiess. toge'her wilk many other vaiiecan be profitably bandied in com i nnREiriONT hotel, J street; ' ties of goods that as TOBACCOS. CIGARS, : Second, Sacramento. Tbe tion with our trade— i between Front and House newly furnished throughout. Large, airy rooms. j BLACKING STOVE POLISH, TWINE, BLUEING, 1 TOILhT SOAPS, MATCHES, WHISKIES, Etc. Good board and clear water. Prices moderate. ' ?e>-ltalp I.BRVDING. Proprietor. Our WHISKIES are bought directly from the ; ' manufacturers, and sold in | only and the the HOTEL, distillers LJ WESTERN STREET, original packages, and are warranted to be strictly 100 X SACRAMENTO. 43, >TOS. 41, 45. 47. 49 A: 51 X ST., pure. SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. 11 km! This well Unoiv^ bouse -is been entirely rebuilt and Our TOBACCO •> are selected with the utmost , newly furnished. BTtry department bas been made care, advantage of all the large markets of every with MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street-Clothing at Bedrock Prices. \ complete. Itbas 200 well furnished and well ventitne United States. lated sinde, aod some 50 splendidly furnished I *m BOYS' SUITS, $1 lpwards-100 X Street, MECHANICS' STORE. | rooms for families. Exchange Office, Barber S'uop, Bath In CHOICE FAMILYGROCERIESHouse and Laondrv in tbMiotel. Shower Baths Free I with a fair line of trade—we cannot be excelled, either . w !MECHANICS' STORE, 100 X Street- Hat*from first hands, to Guests. TERMS VV.H DAY—Board and Room, $1 j 50c Upwards. in the delicacy or general good quality of our goods, or r to f2. M^als, 2."i cents. Free Coach to the hotel. the advantages which we offer to the buyer. Handkerchleis, 50c doz, Upwards-100 It St., MECHANICS' STORE. .— st7-lmlp W.*l. LAND. Proprietor. „ LMghlin. Mre Mary Allen, Mrs C Ii Beard, Mrs Clara Boyle, Miss Jane Brown, Mre Chades Buchanan, Mrs Martha Burns, Mis» Nellie Butler. Miss Ellen-2 Cas-s, Mrs Celeste Cheney, Miss Arabella Clark, Mrs J W-3 Conner. Annie E M C.ok, Mrs M F Costel!o, Mrs B Cox, Mrs L.ziie Cumminjs. Miss Julia Dean, Mrs Rosa G B Dean, Mrs Julia A Dickerson. Mr- DM Doaecke, Mrs Battle Kilers, Mi'-s i'auline H*e!l, Miss Rell Fa^en, Mrs Louisa / Foley, Mrs Annie E Farley, Mis*Katie Flower-. Un I. V Gibson, Mrs Marian Gephart. Miss July ' Grant, Mrs X S Uapemsn, Mrs Albert Harris, M S E -JLeal&ion, Mrs r p Hoagland, 'Slrs'J M" Hoffman, Mrs Holland, Mis3Ellie Ho -•-\u25a0, Mrs Lizzie Kncwls, MrsEJ Kovanske, Louisa — ;'MECHANICS' STORE— MECHANICS' STORE-MECHANICS' STORE ~i '_ __! ; Sacramento. streets, GROCERIKS, LIQUORS, ETC. STORAGFJ DIRECT ALL LETTERS, • « GOING SAVED EAST, wishing GOOD,PARTILUNCHES, can MO.VKIT obtain the same by applying to the Clerk. Everything f;:(>1I t iin the Lunch line on hand, including Baskets, Wines and Liquors by the bottle, Canced Fruit, Jellies, Pickles, Sardines, Canned Fish, etc which can be PUT UP AT TEN MINUTES' NOTICE. Parties will save a large amount of money by baring their Lunches put up by me, as the prices for meals on tbe road are very high. 23^~ Meals at all boors, day and night. FRANK LARNEY, Proprietor Railroad Exchange Oyster Saloon and Chop House, corner Third and X streets. sc6-4ptf kepi RED HOUSE, 19 STREET/.^ J SACRAMENTO, \u25a0 : aul9-lia4p CAL. ! . BOCA -LAGER BEER. CARGO OF THIS FAMOUS BEER has just been received at GRUII..!.K"S, 153 J St., jiV bet. sth and 6th, Try it. JACOB GIIUHLBR. a2O-tr A