
P.O. Box 1750 – 60100 Embu
P.O. Box 237 – 60100 Embu
[email protected]/[email protected]
Kenyatta University
Doctor of Philosophy (Molecular Biology)
Research title: Regeneration and RNAi-Mediated
Biosynthesis in Cassava
Kenyatta University
Masters of Science (Biochemistry option)
Kenyatta University
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry Major)
First class Honours
St Paul’s High School- Kevote
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Mean Grade B (Plain)
Gikuyari Primary School
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education
Attained 524 Marks out of 700
MP Ngugi
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27th – 28th March, 2014
Kenyatta University
2-day training workshop on “Ethical and
Responsible Conduct of Research”
15th – 19th April, 2013
Kenyatta University and ASARECA
5-day training on “Application of Bioscience
Technologies in Sorghum Production and
Value Addition”
11th -15th March, 201 3
Kenya Institute of Bioinformatics and
Angusgenomics, India
Workshop on “Drug Discovery and Design”
29th July, 2011
Kenyatta University
Regional centre for Capacity Development
A course on “Basic Skills in Teaching
Methodology and Course Examination”
11th -15th AUGUST, 2008
Moi University
Short Course on Environmental Biosafety
February, 2014 – Current:
Kenyatta University
Position: Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry and
September, 2010 – January, 2014: Kenyatta University
Position: Tutorial fellow in the Department of Biochemistry
and Biotechnology
January, 2010 – August, 2010:
The Mombasa Polytechnic University College
(Currently The Technical University of Mombasa)
Position: Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Pure and
Applied Sciences
January, 2007 – December, 2012: Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)
Position: Adjunct Biochemistry lecturer in the Department of
Pure and Applied Sciences
August, 2006 – April, 2007:
The Kenya Polytechnic (Currently The Technical
University of Kenya)
Position: Adjunct Biochemistry Tutor in the Department of
Applied Sciences
MP Ngugi
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Departmental representative in the School Research
Member, committee for development of a concept note to be
submitted to ASARECA
Member, Departmental Board of Postgraduate Studies
Expert Trainer of Departmental Staff on Smart Board Use in
Teaching and e-learning
2013 – Current:
Member, Departmental Strategic Plan Development
2013 –Current:
Departmental Co-ordinator for University Website Updates
2013 –Current:
Chairman, Kenyatta University Biochemistry and
Biotechnology Staff Welfare (KUBBSWA)
2010 – Current:
Member, Departmental Forensic Science Curriculum
Development Committee
2010 – Current:
Member, Departmental Curriculum Review Committee
10th September, 2002:
Awarded Msc Scholarship by Kenyatta University
12th October, 2002:
Awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Biochemical Society
of Kenya (BSK) for being the Best Overall Biochemistry
student in Kenyatta university in 2001/2002 Academic year
2nd February, 2007:
Awarded PhD Scholarship by Danish International
Development Agency (DANIDA)
23rd December, 2012:
Awarded a Scientific Credit certificate by OMICS Publishing
Group as a prestigious author in the Journal of Diabetes and
Metabolism whose paper had the highest number of full text
downloads and citations
1. Project Title: Enhancing Cassava productivity through host plant resistance breeding
against Cassava Mosaic Disease and Cassava Brown Streak Disease
Funding agency: World Bank through Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity
Project (EAAPP)
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2. Project Title: Assessment of indoor background ionizing radiation in human habitat: a
potential cause of the rising cancers incidences in Kenya
Funding agency: National Council for Science and Technology
Emma Magiri Title: Transformation of selected cassava germplasm for enhanced resistant
to CBSD. Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi,
Kenya. MSc. in progress
Christine Wanyonyi Title: Genetic Engineering of selected cassava against CMD.
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
Msc. in progress
Phillip Ogolla Title: Determination of background ionizing radiations in human premises
and selected quarries around Nairobi county. Department of Biochemistry and
Biotechnology, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. Msc. in progress
Esther Syombua Title: Cloning and Validation of the RNAi binary construct in transgenic
tobacco and cassava. Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Kenyatta University,
Nairobi, Kenya. Msc. in progress
Joseph Mwirigi Mwiti. Title: Incidence and antibiotic resistance of selected pathogenic
Enterobacteriaceae isolated from beef in Meru county. Department of Medical Laboratory
Sciences, Mount Kenya University, Thika, Kenya. Msc. in progress
1. M.N. Piero, R.C. Cheruiyot, R.O. Omwoyo, A.J. Mgutu and J.S. Machuka, (2013).
Plant Regeneration of Kenyan Cassava (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) Genotypes.
American Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Sciences, 3(1): 1-7.
2. Njagi JM, Ireri AM, Njagi ENM, Akunga D, Afullo ATO, Ngugi MP, Mwanzo I,
and Karugu NI, (2013). Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions of
Village Residents on the Health Risks Posed by Kadhodeki Dumpsite in Nairobi,
Kenya. World Environment, 3(5):155-160. doi: 10.5923/j.env.20130305.02.
3. Ngugi M Piero, Njagi J Murugi, Oduor R Okoth, Mgutu A Jalemba, Ngeranwa NJ
Joseph and Njagi EN Mwaniki, (2012). Prevention of Type I Diabetes Mellitus: The
Role of Immune Interventions. Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology,
S2:005. doi:10.4172/2155-9899.S2-005.
4. Njagi JM, Piero MN, Ngeranwa JJN, Njagi ENM, Kibiti CM, Njue WM, Maina D,
Gathumbi PK, (2012).Assessment of Antidiabetic Potential of Ficus Sycomorus on
Alloxan-induced Diabetic Mice. International Journal of Diabetes Research, 1(4):
47-51 DOI: 10.5923/j.diabetes.20120104.01
5. Anthony M. Ireri, Dinah W. Tumuti, Philomena N. Mathuvi, Joan M. Njagi, Ngugi
M. Piero, Haniel N. Gatumu, Amos N. Njagi and Njagi I. Karugu (2012). Sources
MP Ngugi
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of VCT Information and Reasons for Use or Non Use of VCT Services by Young
People in Selected Rural Locations in Kenya. International Journal of Social
Science Tomorrow, 1(2):1-8.
6. Anthony M. Ireri, Philomena N. Mathuvi, Amos M. Njagi, Eric G. Mwenda, Haniel
N. Gatumu, Joan M. Njagi, Mathew N. Piero, Njagi I. Karugu (2012). Assessing
Young P eoples’ Mom entar y Thoughts About Sex: A Proposal of the Sex
Game. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(3): 31-35
7. Njagi Joan Murugi, Ngugi Mathew Piero, Kibiti Cromwell Mwiti, Ngeranwa Ngari
Jeremiah Joseph, Njagi Eliud Nyaga Mwaniki, Mbiti Wilson Njue, Maina David and
Gathumbi Peter Karuri (2012). Evaluation of Antidiabetic Effects of Kleinia
Squarrosa on Alloxanized Diabetic Mice. Asian Journal of Biochemical and
Pharmaceutical Research, 2(2):54-60.
8. Njagi Joan Murugi, Ngugi Mathew Piero, Kibiti Cromwell Mwiti, Ngeranwa N. J.
Joseph, Njagi Eliud N. Mwaniki, Njue M. Wilson, Maina David and Gathumbi
Peter Karuri (2012). Hypoglycemic Effects of Caesalpinia Volkensii on AlloxanInduced Diabetic Mice. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research,
9. M.N. Piero, J.M. Njagi, C.M. Kibiti, J.J.N. Ngeranwa, E.N.M. Njagi and P.M.Miriti
(2012). The Role of Vitamins and Mineral Elements in Management of Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. South Asian Journal of Biological Sciences,
10. Ngugi M. Piero, Njagi M. Joan, Kibiti M. Cromwell, Maina D, Ngeranwa J.N.
Joseph, Njagi N.M. Eliud, Njue M. Wilson, Gathumbi K. Peter (2012). Trace
Elements Content of Selected Kenyan Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants. International
Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research, 4(3):39-42.
11. Ngugi M P, Njagi J M, Kibiti C M, Ngeranwa J J N and Njagi E N M (2012).
Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Diabetes Research, 1(2):
12. M.N. Piero, J.M. Njagi, C.M. Kibiti, J.J.N. Ngeranwa and E.N.M. Njagi (2012).
Metabolic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. South Asian Journal of
Biological Sciences, 2(2): 37-49.
13. Ngugi M. Piero, Njagi M. Joan, Kibiti M. Cromwell, Ngeranwa J.N. Joseph, Njagi
N.M. Eliud, Njue M. Wilson and Gathumbi K. Peter (2012). Herbal management of
diabetes mellitus: A rapidly expanding research avenue. International Journal of
Current Pharmaceutical Research, 4(2):1-4.
14. Piero NM, Joan MN, Cromwell KM, Joseph NJ, Wilson NM, Daniel M, Peter KG,
Eliud NMN, (2011). Hypoglycemic Activity of Some Kenyan Plants Traditionally
used to Manage Diabetes Mellitus in Eastern Province. Journal of Diabetes and
Metabolism, 2:155. doi:10.4172/2155-6156.1000155
15. Ngugi Mathew Piero, Njagi Joan Murugi, Makenzi Gona Nzaro, (2013). Cancer: A
Molecular Curse? [Submitted to International Journal of Internal Medicine,
Currently under blind review]
16. Piero Mathew Ngugi, Nzaro Gona Makenzi, Njagi Joan Murugi, (2013). Diabetes
Mellitus – A Devastating Metabolic Disorder. [Submitted to the Pakistan Journal
of Biological Sciences, currently under blind review.]
17. Joan Murugi Njagi, Mathew Ngugi Piero, Cromwell Mwiti Kibiti, Joseph JN
Ngeranwa, Eliud Nyaga M Njagi, Wilson M Njue, Peter K Gathumbi, (2013).
MP Ngugi
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Aqueous extracts of Helichrysum odoratissimum lower blood glucose levels in
diabetic mice. [Submitted to Journal of Medical Sciences, currently under blind
1. Ngugi, M.P., Machuka, J.S. and Cheruiyot R.C (2013). “Regeneration and RNAImediated down-regulation of cyanoglycoside biosynthesis in Cassava”. 27th
Kenyatta university Postgradraduate seminars on 26th November, 2013.
2. Njagi J.M, Ngugi M.P, Ngeranwa, J.J.N. and Njagi, E.N.M. (2008). “
Hypoglycemic effects of some Kenyan plants that traditionally manage Diabetes
mellitus”. 5th International Congress of the African Association of Physiological
Sciences (AAPS) from 27th July-1st August 2008.
Extra curricular
Community service
Traveling & reading journals
Biochemical Society of Kenya
Biotechnology Platform, Kenya
MP Ngugi
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1. Prof. Joseph J.N. Ngeranwa,
Associate Professor and Dean,
School of Pure and Applied Sciences,
Kenyatta University,
P.O. Box 43844 - 00100, Nairobi.
Tel. 0722 268 293.
2. Dr. Steven M. Runo,
Senior Lecturer,
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Kenyatta University,
P.O. Box 43844 - 00100, Nairobi.
Tel. 0727 346 496.
3. Dr. Allan Jalemba Mgutu
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
Kenyatta University,
P.O. Box 43844 - 00100, Nairobi.
Tel. 0727 350 339.
MP Ngugi
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