Document 6424097
Document 6424097
Periyar Nagar, Vallam Thanjavur - 613 403, Tamil Nadu, India Phone: +91 - 4362 -264642, Fax: + 91 - 4362 - 264660 Email: [email protected] Website: www. NAAC Accredited NAAC Accredited CENTRE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK (Integrated and Lateral Full Time Courses) CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS (2011 - REGULATION) MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Curriculum (2011 – Regulation Integrated and Lateral Full Time Courses) Semester - I Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 101 Tamil - I 6 - - 6 YSW 102 English - I 6 - - 6 YSW 103 Fundamentals of Computer Science 6 - - 6 YSW 104 Introduction to Sociology 6 - - 6 YSW 105 Periyar Thought and Social Reforms 6 - - 6 Total Credits 30 Semester - II Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 201 Tamil - II 5 - - 5 YSW 202 English - II 5 - - 5 YSW 203 Introduction to Social Work 5 - - 5 YSW 204 Theories of Social work 5 - - 5 YSW 205 Language Lab 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester - III Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 301 Demography and Population Dynamics 5 - - 5 YSW 302 Welfare of the Weaker Sections 5 - - 5 YSW 303 Dynamics of Human Behaviour 5 - - 5 YSW 304 Methods of Social Work 5 - - 5 YSW 305 Field Work - I 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester - IV Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 401 Social Problems in India 5 - - 5 YSW 402 Correctional Social Work 5 - - 5 YSW 403 Indian Political System 5 - - 5 YSW 404 Basics of Counselling 5 - - 5 YSW 405 Field Work - II 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester - V Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 501 Environmental Science and Engineering 5 - - 5 YSW 502 Basics of Social Work Research 5 - - 5 YSW 503 Entrepreneurial Development 5 - - 5 YSW 504 Social Welfare Administration 5 - - 5 YSW 505 Field Work - III 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester - VI Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 601 Professional Ethics and Values 5 - - 5 YSW 602 Disaster Management 5 - - 5 YSW 603 Social Legislations 5 - - 5 YSW 604 Women and Child Welfare 5 - - 5 YSW 605 Mini Project Work 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester - VII Code No YSW 701 Course Title Advanced concepts in Social Work and L T P C 4 - - 4 Society YSW 702 Social Case Work 4 - - 4 YSW 703 Total Quality Management 4 - - 4 YSW 704 Community Organization and Social Action 4 - - 4 YSW 705 Social Group Work 4 - - 4 YSW 706 Field Work - IV 2 18 10 Total Credits 30 Semester – VIII Code No Course Title L T P C YSW 801 Human Growth and Personality Development 4 - - 4 YSW 802 Social Work Research and Statistics 4 - - 4 YSW 803 Social Engineering 4 - - 4 YSW 804 Social Policy and Human Rights 4 - - 4 YSW 805 Social Work and Disability Management 4 - - 4 YSW 806 Field Work - V 2 18 10 Semester-IX Course Title Code No YSW901 Gerantological Social Work YSW902/YSW 906/ YSW /910 YSW903/YSW 907/ YSW /911 YSW904/YSW 908/ YSW /912 YSW905/YSW 909/ YSW /913 YSW 914 Elective-I Elective-II Elective-III Elective-IV L T P C 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 2 18 10 Field Work-VI Total Credits 30 Semester-X Code No YSW1001 YSW1002 Course Title Major Project Work L - Block Placement - Internship Total Credits - C T P - 28 14 - 32 16 30 Note: Fieldwork in IX Semester, Block Placement - Internship and Major Project Work in X Semester will be based on Elective. Elective based Major Project Work (YSW1001) and Block Placement Internship (YSW1002) for Six Months and they are given in lieu of 2 courses (papers). ELECTIVE COURSES Clinical Social Work Code No ELECTIVE Course Title L T P C YSW902 Elective-I Community Health 4 - - 4 YSW903 Elective-II Mental Health 4 - - 4 YSW904 Elective-III Medical Social Work 4 - - 4 YSW905 Elective-IV Psychiatric Social Work 4 - - 4 L T P C 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 Development Management Code No ELECTIVE Course Title Rural and Tribal YSW906 Elective-I Community Development YSW907 Elective-II Urban Community Development YSW908 Elective-III Project Management 4 - - 4 YSW909 Elective-IV Development Communication 4 - - 4 L T P C 4 - - 4 4 - - 4 Organizational Behaviour 4 - - 4 Human Resource 4 - - 4 Human Resources Management Code No ELECTIVE YSW910 Elective-I YSW911 Elective-II YSW912 Elective-III YSW913 Elective-IV Course Title Human Resources Management Labour Welfare & Industrial Relations Development MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK - FIELD WORK & PROJECT SYLLBUS (Integrated and Lateral Full Time Courses – Regulation 2011) L-T-P-C YSW 205 Language lab (Practical) 0-2-18-10 Paper – V Semester II (30 Days Common Concurrent lab-work ) Students are to be given oratorical, listening and writing practice in language lab (English and Tamil), they have to be sensitized with social work professional living. At the end of the lab practices the students have to gain confidence in listening, speaking and writing ability in both English and Tamil languages. L-T-P-C YSW 305 Semester III FIELD WORK - I Observational visits and Rural /Tribal Camp 0-2-18-10 Paper – V (30 Days Common Concurrent Field-work ) 3 Orientation classes by different social work field practitioner and 5 observational visits. Rural /Tribal Camp - 7 Days (Pilot Visits, Survey, Pre Camp Session, Resource Mobilization and Fixing Resource persons, Execution, Report preparation and Post Camp Session – Total 4 Weeks) L-T-P-C YSW 405 Semester IV FIELD WORK – II 0-2-18-10 Group Project Paper – V (30 Days Common Concurrent Field-work ) Group of three/ four students shall be grouped to observe, survey, learn, plan and to execute Group and community awareness campaign on social issues (A minimum of four) with the guidance of their respective faculty adviser. L-T-P-C YSW 505 FIELD WORK - III 0-2-18-10 Paper – V Semester V (30 Days Common Concurrent Field-work Placement) Group of two/ three students shall be placed in a village/ panchayat to observe, survey, learn, plan and to facilitate rural development programmes specific to that village / panchayat along with the local leaders, with the guidance of their respective faculty adviser. L-T-P-C YSW 605 Semester VI Mini Project 0-2-18-10 Paper – V Mini Project Work Commencement of the mini project work in December- VI semester. Submission of project dissertation in May – VI Semester. L-T-P-C YSW 706 FIELD WORK - IV 0-2-18-10 Paper – VI Semester VII (30 Days – Observational visits, Camp, Group project) Students have three General orientation classes handled by the internal faculty, three orientation classes on the electives by Field practitioner and Five Observation Visits. Rural/Tribal Camp -7 Days (Survey, Pilot Visits, Pre Camp Session, Resource Mobilization and Fixing Resource persons, Execution, Report Preparation and Post Camp Session. Students have to organize two Group Awareness Campaign on a selected Social Issue. L-T-P-C YSW 806 FIELD WORK - V 0-2-18-10 Paper – VI Semester VIII (30 Days Common Concurrent Field-work Placement) Students are individually placed in an organization/agency, (such as Home for the Aged, Disabled, Schools, Rehabilitation Settings, Deaddiction centres etc.,) to observe, learn, plan and to intervene with methods of Social Work: Case Work (6), Group Work (4) Community Organization programme (2). L-T-P-C YSW 914 Semester IX FIELD WORK - VI 0-2-18-10 Paper – VI (30 Days – Elective Based Concurrent Field-work Placement) Elective based placements to students for 30 days, to practice methods of Social Work: Case Work (6), Group Work (4) Community Organization programme (2). LTPC YSW 1001 MAJOR PROJECT WORK, SEMESTER – X 0-0-28-14 PAPER – I (Elective based Major Project Work for Six Months) Major Project Work This project work is given in lieu of 2 courses (papers). Commencement of the project work in December- X semester. Submission of project dissertation in May – X Semester. Students are permitted to do their major project at their Block Placement Internship (Industry/Hospital/Organization). L-T-P-C YSW 1002 BLOCK PLACEMENT- INTERNSHIP Semester X 0-0-32-16 Paper – II (Elective based Block Placement Internship for Six Months) This Block Placement Internship is given in lieu of 2 courses (papers). Identification of Block Placement –At the end of November. Commencement of Internship–First week of December. Completion of Block Placement & Reporting – Last working day of May. LTPC jäœ - I YSW 101 Kj‰ gUt© - 1 6-0-0-6 jhŸ - 1 myF - 1 1 t>c¢ brhš ÂU¤j© 2 kuò¢ brh‰fŸ 3 mfu tçir¥ gL¤Jjš myF - 2 1 rªÂ¥ ÃiH¤ ÂU¤j« 2 tšbyG¤J äF© Ïl¦fŸ, äfh Ïl¦fŸ 3 fiy¢ brhšyh¡f© myF - 3 1 xè ntWghL 2 fU¤J¢ Áijahkš RU¡» vGJjš 3 j‰rk©, j‰gt© myF - 4 1 jäê‹ brhš ts© 2 brŒÍŸ ey© TWjš 3 brh‰bwhlª tiffŸ (jå th¡»a©, T£L th¡»a© ngh‹wit) myF - 5 1 brhšyh£Á- gšntW tif¥ òÂa brhšyh£ÁfŸ g‰¿ vL¤J¡ fh£lš. 2 és¡f« - neh¡f©, ešyh£Á, bfhR¤ Âiuah? bfhR tiyah? fhš nf£lit, fhš éG¨jit - Áyt‰¿‰F és¡f© juš. 3 òz®¢Á - nt‰Wik cUòl‹ vGjhkš ÏU¥gJ, gh v§zhY©, gh vG¤jhY©, vG mj‰F¥ òzª¢Á éÂÍl‹ vGJtJ jtW vd czª¨J vGJjš Kjèad LTPC YSW 102 6-0-0-6 ENGLISH - I SEMESTER – I PAPER - II UNIT - I Focus on Languages: Word formation: Prefixes and suffixes- synonyms and antonyms- nominal Compounds – homonyms – homophones – use of words as nouns and Verbs and phrasal verbs –parts of speech – sentence patterns – connectives UNIT – II Functional Grammar: Verb and verb patterns – Tense forms – concordmodel verbs- infinitives - Gerund- participles- Transitive and Intransitive- Degrees of comparison - Conditional Clauses- purpose and function expressing sentences - Comparison and contrast- cause and effect constructions- reported Speeches- use of correlatives- Tag questions. UNIT - III Extensive Reading - Techniques of reading loud reading exercises- News Reading exercises- rearranging jumbled sentences- reading articles on Scientists. Statesmen and eminent personalities. UNIT - IV Intensive Reading: Reading Comprehension- Note making exercises – practicing skimming and scanning- Rhetorical functions (narrative, descriptive and argumentative) Idioms and phrases, Phrasal verbs UNIT – V Writing: Framing questions and answering (Wh type and Yes or No type) Report Writing – Summarizing- Paragraph writing – essay writing – letter Writing (personal, Business, letter of application, letters to the editor) resume writing, drafting e-mail minutes of the meeting – memos REFFERENCES : 1 V.R.Narayanaswami, Strengthen your writing, Orient Longman, Chennai, 1993 2 Macve O’ Comor, Writing Successfully in Science, Chapman & Hall, London, 1995H. Martin, Steps to Eng Composition Book IV College Essays, Chand & Co New Delhi, 1997 3 P.Arangasamy, Senior English Grammar, Siva Publications, Thanjavur,2007 YSW103 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SEMESTER – I LTPC 6-0-0-6 PAPER – III UNIT - I Definition – Characteristics of Computer – Evolutions of Computer – Generations of Computer – Basic Computer Organization – Classifications of Computer. UNIT - II Computer Number System: Decimal Number System – Binary Number System – Octal Number System – Hexadecimal Number System – Converting from one number system to another - Computer Arithmetic – Addition – Subtraction – Multiplication – Division. UNIT - III Input Output Unit: Input Devices: Keyboard – Point-and Draw Devices – Data Scanning Devices - Digitizer – Electronic Card Reader – Voice Recognition System – Output Devices : Monitor – Printers – Plotters – Screen Image Projector – Voice Response Systems. UNIT – IV Processor and Memory: The Central processing Unit – The Main Memory – Main Memory Organization ROM – Types of ROM – RAM – Faster storage devices: Magnetic Tape – Magnetic Disk – Optical Disc – Mass Storage Devices. UNIT - V Application Software Packages: Word Processing Package – Spreadsheet Package – Graphics Package – The Internet – E-mailing – Visiting Websites – Creation of Web pages – Using free Software available in websites. REFERENCES 1 Pradeep K.Sinha ,Computer Fundamental, 3rd Edition, BPB Publications, 2003 2 Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions Ltd. Pearson Edition, 2006, ISBN:81 – 7758 – 118 – X LTPC YSW 104 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY SEMESTER – I 6-0-0-6 PAPER – IV UNIT - I Definition, nature and scope of sociology; relationship with other disciplines – Psychology, Political science , Anthropology ,Economics and History. Sociological methods: Observation, Case study, Survey, Experimentation. UNIT – II Human Society: Definition, Types, Socialization Process. Community; Meaning and Types, Institutions; Family, Marriage, Education. Social groups; Nature Classifications. UNIT – III Culture and Civilization, Folkways and Mores, Custom, Law and Fashion, Social Stratification; Castes and Class. UNIT – IV Social Disorganization and Major Social Problems: Poverty, Juvenile delinquency, Scheduled Caste and Tribes, Ageing, and Alcoholism. UNIT – V Social change: Nature and Meaning, Process of social change, Factors of social change and Roles of social workers. * Basic understanding of Major Social Problems is expected. REFERENCES: 1. ISRA .P.D, Social work philosophy And methods, Inter India publications, New Delhi, 1994. 2. RAM AHUJA, Social problems in India, Rawat publications, New Delhi, 2006. 3. VIDYA BHUSAN, An introduction to Social work, Kitab Mahal, Patna, 2006. 4. SHANKAR RAO C.N, Sociology, Introduction to Social Thought, Chand & Company, New Delhi, 2006. 5. SUBHEDAR I.S, Field work training in social work, Rawat publications, New Delhi, 2001. 6. PAUL CHOWDHRY .D, Introduction to Social work, ATMA RAM, New Delhi, 2005. 7. RAJENDRA .K, Social change and social control, Atlantic, Delhi, 2007. 8. SHANMUGAVELAYUTHAM .K, Social legislation and social change, Vayha, Chennai, 1998. YSW 105 PERIYAR THOUGHT AND SOCIAL REFORMS Kj‰ gUt© LTPC 6-0-0-6 jhŸ - 5 1. è£é¢è¤óú¢ èì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ Üóê¤òô¤ô¢ ªðó¤ò£ó¢ ß.ªõ.ó£.õ¤ù¢ ð颰 (1916-1927) ß«ó£´ ïèó¢ñù¢øî¢ î¬ô¬ñ - ªêù¢¬ù ñ£è£í êé¢èñ¢ - «ý£ñ¢ Ïô¢ Þòè¢èñ¢ ªêù¢¬ùð¢ ð¤ó«îê è£é¢è¤óè¢ èì¢ê¤ - å¬öò£¬ñ Þòè¢èñ¢ - è÷¢Àè¢è¬ì ñø¤òô¢ - èîó¢ Þòè¢èñ¢ - è£é¢è¤ó²è¢ èì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ ñ£ï¤ôð¢ªð£Áð¢¹è÷¢ - ï¦î¤è¢èì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ Þ Üø郎ôò êì¢ìî¢î¤ø¢° Ýîó¾. 2. ²òñó¤ò¬î Þòè¢èè¢ è£ôî¢î¤ô¢ Üóê¤òô¢ 郎ôð¢ð£´è÷¢ ( 1925 -1944) ²òó£ü¢ èì¢ê¤ «õ¬ô åö¤ð¢¹ - ì£è¢ìó¢ ²ð¢ð¤ó£òù¤ù¢ ²«òꢬê ܬñê¢êó¬õ Ýîó¾ Þóò¤ô¢«õ ï¤Áî¢îñ¢, ªî£ö¤ø¢êé¢è ïìõ®è¢¬èè÷¢ - ¬êñù¢ èñ¤ûù¢ - üñ¤ù¢î£ó¤ º¬ø ß«ó£´ î¤ì¢ìñ¢ - ²òñó¤ò£¬î êñîó¢ñè¢ èì¢ê¤ - à𢹠êî¢î¤ò£è¤óèñ¢ - è£ï¢î¤, Þó¢õ¤ù¢ åð¢ðï¢îñ¢ - õì¢ì «ñ¬ü ñ£ï£´è÷¢ - êñîó¢ñè¢ ªè£÷¢¬è «õ¬ô î¤ì¢ìñ¢ - ï¦î¤è¢èì¢ê¤è¢° Ýîó¾ - Üóê ï¤ï¢î¬ùè¢ °ø¢øê¢ê£ø¢Á 3. è£é¢è¤ó² èì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ Üóê¤òô¢ 郎ô ( 1938 -46) ï¦î¤è¢èì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ ªêô¢õ£è¢° êó¤¾ - Þó£ü£ü¤ ܬñê¢êó¬õ - Þï¢î¤î¢ î¤í¤ð¢¹ âî¤ó¢ð¢¹ - ï¦î¤è¢èì¢ê¤î¢ î¬ô¬ñ - °®«òø¢ø 郎ô»ñ¢ º¿ õ¤´î¬ô»ñ¢ ðø¢ø¤ò ªè£÷¢¬è ñ£ø¢øñ¢ - îù¤ï£´ «è£ó¤è¢¬è - ºèñ¢ñ¶ Üô¤ ü¤ù¢ù£, ì£è¢ìó¢ Üñ¢«ðî¢è¼ìù¢ ªî£ìó¢¹ - î¤ó£õ¤ìó¢ èöèî¢ «î£ø¢øñ¢ - Þï¢î¤ò õ¤´î¬ô ï£÷¢ 4. õ¤´î¬ôªðø¢ø Þï¢î¤ò Üóê¤òô¤ô¢ è¼ë¢ê좬ìð¢ð¬ì - ñ¦í¢´ñ¢ Þï¢î¤î¢ î¤í¤ð¢¹ - î¤.º.è «î£ø¢øñ¢ Üóê¬ñð¢¹ê¢ êì¢ìî¢ î¤¼î¢îñ¢ - ºîô¢ ªð£¶î¢ «îó¢îô¢ - ºîô¢ Þï¢î¤ò ªð£¶ à¬ì¬ñè¢ èì¢ê¤è¢° Ýîó¾ - è£é¢è¤ó² ܬñê¢êó¬õ - è£é¢è¤ó² êì¢ìé¢èÀ袰 Ýîó¾ - °ôè¢ èô¢õ¤î¢ î¤ì¢ì âî¤ó¢ð¢¹ - Þó£ü£ü¤ ðîõ¤ õ¤ôèô¢ - ¹î¤ò ܬñê¢êó¬õ ܬñ𢹠5. è£ñó£êó¢ Ýì¢ê¤ò¤ô¢ Üóê¤òô¢ ñ£Áîô¢ è£ñó£êó¢ Üó²è¢° Ýîó¾ - è£ñó£êó¢ Ýì¢ê¤ò¤ô¢ «ð£ó£ì¢ìé¢è÷¢ - Üì袰º¬øè÷¢ - Üóê¬ñð¢¹ê¢ êì¢ì âó¤ð¢¹ - è£ñó£êó¢ ðîõ¤ õ¤ôèô¢ - è£é¢è¤ó² Ýì¢ê¤è¢° âî¤ó¢ð¢¹. 6. î¤ó£õ¤ìó¢ Þòè¢è Ýì¢ê¤è¢ è£ôî¢î¤ô¢ 1967 «îó¢îô¢ - Üí¢í£ Ýì¢ê¤è¢° Ýîó¾ - Üí¢í£ ñ¬ø¾ - Üí¢í£ Ýì¢ê¤ò¤ù¢ ê£î¬ùè÷¢ - è¬ôëó¢ è¼í£ï¤î¤ Ýì¢ê¤ ܬñî¢îô¢ - Üó¢ê¢êèó¢ Ýè¤ìè¢ è¤÷ó¢ê¢ê¤. ܬù ü£î¤ò¤ù¼ñ¢ LOPC jäœ - II YSW 201 Ïu©lh« gUt« 5-0-0-5 jhŸ - 1 myF - 1 1 2 3 m¿éaš jäœ - bgh¿ Ïaš, bjhêš E£g©, kU¤Jt© cHéaš M»at‰iw cŸsl¡»aJ. jäêš m¿éaš, jäêš bjhêš E£g© v‹gd. gil¥ò¥ gâ - brhšyh¡f c¤ÂfŸ - E£gkhd ntWghLfis czª¨J brhšyh¡f© brŒjš. fiy¢ brh‰fŸ - cyfthœ¡if (International Term) xè bga®¤J V‰W¡ bfhŸSjš - ϪÂa bkhêfS¡F¥ bghJthd fiy¢brh‰fis (Par Indian technical terms) cUth¡Fjš - ϨÂahé‹ k‰w bkhê¡ FL©g¤ij¥ ga‹ gL¤Â¡ bfhsš, tlbkhê ntª¢ brh‰fis äFÂahf¡ bfh§oU¤jiy¥ ga‹gL¤jš (Term in the respective languages) _‹W bgU© ÃçΡ fiy¢ brh‰fŸ : m¿Î¤Jiw mid¤Â‰F© bghJthd brh‰fŸ - m¿éaš bjhêšE£g©, ntsh§ik rKjha ÏašòfŸ ngh‹w bgU© ÃçÎfS¡Fça bghJthd brh‰fŸ gF II Ï‹ Ñœ tU© x›bthU Jiw¡fhd fiy¢ brh‰fŸ. myF - 2 1 2 3 òéæaš, ãyéaš g‰¿¥ gH¨jäœ Ïy¡»a© F¿¥ÃL© jftšfŸR‰W¢ NHš ghJfh¥ò - bjhšfh¥Ãa© F¿¥ÃL© jftšfŸ cæçaš g‰¿a mo¥gil¢ brŒÂfŸ ntsh©ik - Úª¥ghrd© g‰¿a g§ila brŒÂfŸ jäœ kU¤Jt¡ fšé - Á¤j kU¤Jt«, MÍ® ntj kU¤Jt« bjhšfh¥Ãa© jU© k§âaš fšé(Soil Science) myF - 3 m¿éaš jäG¡F Ïjêaš c¤ÂfŸ - ÃuäL Kiw - cz®Î Kiw -gçÎ Kiw myF - 4 1 2 3 m¿éaš jftiy¥ bgW© KiwfŸ - neªKf© fhzš, V‰ghL, . ng£o¡ nfhz« Kjèad. m¿éaš j‹ikfŸ mid¤ijÍ© bfh§L és¦F© ‘tsª j䜒 m¿éaš vG¤jhsªfS¡F - éŠPhåfŸ, kU¤JtªfŸ, bgh¿æaš bjhêšE£g ãòzªfŸ k‰W© MŒÎ ÏjœfŸ jftš _y¦fŸ MF©. myF - 5 1 2 3 bkhê Ïaš fšé(Linguistics) - f£ll¡ fiy¡ fšé (Civil Engineering) rKjha¡ fšé (socialogy) nrŒik¡ fšé (Remote Sensing) k§âaš fšé (Soil Science) òéæaš(Geology) M»ait Ïiz¨j fšé fz¡»aš fšé - Ï¡fhy¡ fšéia¥ bghJ ãiyæš fiy (Arts) m¿éaš (Science) vd¥ Ãç¥gJ nghš K‹ò Ãç¤j fšémik¥ò© v§ v‹gJ fâj©, mJ fUéÍ© brŒifÍ© vd tif¥gL© v‹gd t‰¿‹ és¡f«. ghªit EhšfŸ 1 m¿éaš jäœ - lh¡l® FHªijrhä 2 tsªjäœ - ÏjœfŸ LTPC YSW 202 ENGLISH II SEMESTER – II 5-0-0-5 PAPER – II UNIT – I Extensive Listening: Listening with understating to recorded, structured talks and class room lectures – Comprehending the matter –Active versus passive listening – traits of listening – Paraphrasing – listening and answering questions – cloze exercise – vocabulary building – dictionary habits. UNIT – II Intensive Listening: Listening for specific information – tips for effective listening – note taking –guided and open –listening to specific speeches interviews and debates – understanding the link between different parts of speeches –sounds, stores, and intonation –question tag. UNIT –III Speaking: Oral practice –development confidence –introducing oneself - asking for or eliciting information –offering suggestions and recommendations –role play- expressing opinions (agreement and disagreement) narrating events, giving introduction –welcome speech –proposing vote of thanks –describing objects. Presenting information –process description. UNIT – IV Conversational Practice: I Familiarizing courtesy words. Greeting and salutations, fillers in conversation Face to face conversation – Telephone conversation – situational dialogues –role play activities –nuances conversation. UNIT – V Conversational Practice: II Practicing Skit Writing – Tone of the Conversation (formal an informal) understating the conversation –Reading one act playspractice performance of any one –act drama. LTPC YSW 203 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – II 5-0-0-5 PAPER – III UNIT - I Social Work, Social Welfare, Social Service – meaning, difference between Social Service and Social Work. UNIT - II Social Work as a Profession: Nature and scope, Principles, Professional Social work and Voluntary Social Work. UNIT - III Historical Development of Social Work: as a Profession in the west and in India. Voluntary Social Work: Integration of Voluntary Social Work and Professional Social Work. UNIT - IV Modern Indian Social Thoughts: Atheism, Feminism, Rationalism and Periyarisim. UNIT - V Social Work and Future: Professional identification, Private Practice, Accountability, Public relations- Status of the Social Workers. Roles of Social Workers in various settings of practice, Role of State, Central Government, and voluntary agencies in developing social welfare through 4 Ps: Private, Public, Panchayat and Partnership. REFERENCES: 1. Friedlander, W.A., Introduction to social Welfare, New Delhi, Prentice Hall, 1977 2. Turner F.J., social work Treatment, New York, Free Press. 1974. 3. Rameshwari Devi. Ravi Prakash, Social Work and Social welfare Administration (Methods and Practice) Vol I and Vol I. Mangal Deep Publication, Jaipur, 1998. 4. P.D. Misra, Social Work Philosophy and Methods, Inter –India Publications , New Delhi YSW 204 LTPC 5-0-0-5 THEORIES OF SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – II PAPER – IV UNIT - I Theory and Social Work: Introduction – Concept of Theory – Relevance and importance of Theories in Social Work. UNIT - II Role Theory: Meaning – Concept of Role in Social Work – Role Conflict Application of Role Theory in Social Work. UNIT - III Gestalt Theory: Introduction – Meaning – Concept Gestalt Theory – its impact on social Practice, Treatment Methods and Techniques. UNIT - IV Crisis Theory: Introduction – Meaning – Concept of Crisis Theory – Social work practice in crisis situation – Treatment in Crisis Theory. UNIT - V Psycho – Analytic Theory: Introduction – Meaning – Concept of Psychoanalytic Theory – its impact on social practice, Treatment methods and Techniques. REFERENCES 1. Ministry of Social Welfare, The Encyclopedia of Social work in India. 2. Tripathy. B.D. Nature of Sociological Theories, New Delhi: Sterling LtD., 3. Turner J. Francia, A Social work Treatment, New York: The Free pres 1979. 4. S.K. Mangal, Abnormal Psychology, Sterling Publishers Private Limited. LTPC YSW 301 DEMOGRAPHY AND POPULATION DYNAMICS SEMESTER – III 5-0-0-5 PAPER – I UNIT - I Definition – Nature – Importance and Scope of the study – Relations with other discipline. Basic Demographic Concepts : Ratio – proposition – Percent rate – Natural increase – Fecundity. UNIT - II Theories of Population: Malthusian theory – Biological theories – Socio Economic Theories. UNIT - III Composition of population: Rural urban Composition – Age Composition –Religious composition – Class Composition. UNIT - IV Population Growth in India: Contemporary trend in population growth –causes effects. UNIT - V Population Policy and control in India: Population Policy of India – Family Welfare Planning programmes in India – Measures of Population Control. REFERENCES 1. Agarwala, S.N. India’s Population Problems, Tata Mc Hill, New York, 1973. 2. Raj Hans. Population Studies, Surgeet Publications, Delhi, 1988. 3. Chandrasekar, S. Infant Mortality Population Growth and family Planning in India, London George Allen Unwin Ltd., 1972. 4. Base Ashisl and Dessai P.B. Studies in Demography Essaya Presented in honour of Prof. S. chandrasekar, London, Alen & Unwin and chopal Hill University, North California Press, 1971. 5. Krishna Reddy M.M. Population and Society in India, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 1998. 6. Krishna Reddy M.M. Population and Society in India, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 1998. 7. Population Transition in India Vol I & Vol II – Singh Pram Bhatia Bose,B.R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 1989.. 8. Fertility Status of women –G.A. Siddique, Published by Rohit Publications, 4675 /21, Ansari Road, Durya Ganj, New Delhi –02, 2001. YSW 302 LTPC 5-0-0-5 WELFARE OF THE WEAKER SECTIONS SEMESTER – III PAPER – II UNIT - I Weaker sections of the population: Women, Children Physically & Mentally handicapped, Backward Classes, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, De-notified Communities, and Criteria for Backwardness. UNIT - II Constitutional provisions related to welfare of weaker sections in India. Specific provisions in fundamental rights & directive principles of State policy. UNIT - III Reservation policy for weaker sections: State & Central Government policies reservations in Education, Employment, Scholarships and other services. UNIT - IV Status of Scheduled Caste, Schedule Tribes, De-notified Communities, Women and Children in India: Economic status, demographic Health Nutritional, Employment and aspects and problems related to SC/ST/BC/Women Children UNIT - V Review of existing welfare service programmes – Five year Plans – Implementation by central, State Government & Voluntary agencies. REFERENCES 1. Dabra, G.D., Development of weaker sections, Inter India Publications, New Delhi, 1984. 2. Ishwari Prasad, Reservation –Action for Special Equality, Criterion Publications, New Delhi, 1986 3. Vakil, A.K.Reservation Policy and Scheduled castes in India First edition, Ashish Publishing house, new Delhi 1985. 4. Madan G.R. Indian Social problems Vol I & II Third Edition, Allied publisher private Limited, New Delhi, 1983 5. chalman, K.S. Education & weaker section –Inter India Publisher , NEW Delhi 1988. 6. Merton K. Robert & Nisbert Robert contemporary social problems, 3 rd edition, Harcourt Brace Jornavich Inc. New Delhi 1971. 7. Shah P.Vimal The Education problems of schedules caste and scheduled tribe school & college students in India, Allied publishers, New Delhi 1982. YSW 303 DYNAMICS OF HUMAN BEHAVIOUR SEMESTER – III LTPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – III UNIT - I The Nature and Scope of Psychology: Meaning and definition of psychology – Branches of psychology Importance of psychology in social work practice. Concept of Mental health. UNIT - II Personality: Meaning of personality –development of personality – Interaction of hereditary and environment, Theories of personality, Assessment of personality. UNIT - III Learning and Remembering: Meaning of Learning – Types of learning – conditional learning – Trial and error learning – Cognitive learning. UNIT - IV Motivation: motivation – meaning – social and psychological motives. UNIT - V Frustration – Conflict – Adjustment Mechanisms: Frustration – sources of frustration, Conflict, Defense mechanisms classification of adjustment mechanisms. REFERENCES 1. Hebb Do, A text book of psychology –Tokyo Toppan Co., Ltd., 2. Mum NI, 1969 Introduction to psychology Bombay, Oxford IBH Publishing Co., 3. Morgon, glifford, 1975, Introduction to psychology, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill co. Ltd. 4. Sinha J, 1984, A manual of psychology, cacutta, New Central Book Agency. 5. Jalota. S, 1974, Essentials of psychology, Chandigar Vijaya. Nivas. 6. Adult Personality Development by Lawrence S. wrightman, Sage Publication, 1994. 7. Personality Assessment by Qamar gyan Publishing House, 1997. YSW 304 METHODS OF SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – III LTPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – IV UNIT - I Social Work – Definition, objectives, principles and basic concepts. Interviewing: Study, diagnosis, and treatment. UNIT II Social Case Work: Definition, objectives, principles; Practice in Medical/ Psychiatric / Industrial / School Settings and roles of case worker. UNIT - III Social Group Work: Definition, objectives, principles, types of groups; Social Group Work Practice in Medical / Psychiatric / Industrial / School Settings; Role of Group Worker. UNIT - IV Community Organization: Definition, Scope and Relevance, Principals, Resource Mobilization; Role of a Community organizer. UNIT V Social Action: Definition, objectives – Role of Social Worker in Social Action. Social Work Research: Definition – Objectives ; Difference between Social Work Research and Social Research. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. M.S. Gore, Social work Education, Asia publishing House, 1965. Gisela Konapka, Social Group Work, A Helping process, New jerky Prentice Hall. Fried Milson, Skills in Social Work. Gangrade, K.D., Community Development organization in India (Bombay : Popular Prakashan ) 5. Social Work and Community Development, Institute for Substantible Development, Lucknow, First Edition 2002. Published by J.L. Kumar for Anmol Publications PVT. Ltd., New Delhi. YSW 401 SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN INDIA SEMESTER – IV LTPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – I Unit - I Social Problems: Meaning, causes, types and characteristics. Social Organization & Disorganization: Meaning – Individual and Social disorganization – Deviant behavior – meaning and types. Unit - II Social Development: Definition and meaning – historical view of development in India – emerging trends in the concept of development – social development as an approach to development – development indicators. Unit - III Community specific social problems: Rural community: Untouchability, illiteracy, bonded labour, malnutrition, agriculture, education & health related problems. Urban community: Rural exodus, slum development, westernization and pollution. Unit - IV Social problems related to vulnerable and weaker sections in India; Women: Dowry – sexual harassment – prostitution- sexually transmitted diseases; Children: Female Infanticide – child abuse – child trafficking; Youth: Alcoholism & drug addiction. Problems of old age and displaced; Unit - V Alleviation of social problems in India: Role of Governmental and non-Governmental organizations in solving Social Problems. Scope for social work in development issues. Role of professional social worker in solving social problems. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Frances V Moulder – Adam Janrozik & Luisa Nocella – MadanG.R. – Vidhya Bushan – Nanavathi & Anjaria – Social Problems of the modern world. The Sociology of Social Problems. Indian Social Problems, Vol I and II Introduction to Sociology Indian Rural Problem, Bombay YSW 402 LTPC 5-0-0-5 CORRECTIONAL SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – IV UNIT - I Criminal Justice PAPER – II System: Legislative – Police – Judiciary and Correctional System – Origin and Development of Correctional Social work in India. UNIT - II Penology and corrections – Probation – Parole – Half way Homes – openair prisons and welfare measures meant for prisoners – prisoners rights UN minimum Standard rules for prisons. UNIT - III Social defense in India – Juvenile delinquency –Institutional & Non – Institutional Programmes for delinquency- juvenile guidance Bureau, Boys club –Boot Camps and other programmes meant for delinquents. UNIT - IV Victimology – Concept –Philosophy –Victimology in India. UNIT - V Correctional Techniques: Preventive and Curative measures –Role of social worker in Correctional Administration. Social theory –Psycho analysis and other therapeutic methods of Corrections. REFERENCES 1. N.K. chakrabarthi, Juvenile Justice, Deep & Deep Publications, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. 2. J.J. Panakal & S.D. Gokhale Crime and corrections in India, rate Institute of Social Science, Bombay, 1989. 3. Parvesh K. Atri, Dimensions of Crime in India, anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 1998. 4. Ansari, M.A. Social Justic and Crime in India, Sublime Publications Jaipur. 1996. 5. Dr. Rajendran K.Sharama, Criminology and Penology, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1998. 6. Donald Brieland, Lela B. Costin, charles R. Atherton, Contemporary Social Work and Social welfare, Library of congress Cataloging in Publication Data, 1985. 7. Intriducation to Social Defence – In the Administration of Criminal justice, former Judge, Supreme Court of India, by justic V.R. Krishna Iyer. Deep &Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999. 8. Ram Ahuja, criminology, Published by Prem Rawat for Publications, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur, 2000. YSW 403 LTPC 5-0-0-5 INDIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM SEMESTER – IV PAPER – III UNIT - I Constituent Assembly – Philosophy – Preamble –Salient features of the Constitution of India. UNIT - II Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties of each and every citizens of India- Directive Principles of State Policy- . UNIT - III Union executive – The President – Election – Powers and Functions – Emergency Power –Vice – President ; Council of Ministers – cabinet – Prime Minister – Position and Powers. UNIT - IV Union Parliament – House of the People, Council of States; Judiciary – Supreme Court, Powers and Functions. UNIT - V State Government: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary- Parties. REFERENCES 1. Basu D.D., Introduction to the Constitution of India, (New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 1992) 2. Kapur A.C. The Indian Political system , New Delhi, S. chand &Co., 1990 Slwach J.R. Dynamics of Indian Government and Politics, New Delhi, sterling Publishers Private Ltd., 3. Sharma P.K. Federalism & Political developments New delhi, Pragati Publication, 1980. 4. Munshi K.M. Indian Constitutional Development Vol. I&II Bombay, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1980. 5. Kaul M.N. Parliamentary Institutions & Procedures, New Delhi, National Publishing House, 1979. YSW 404 LTPC 5-0-0-5 BASICS OF COUNSELLING SEMESTER – IV PAPER – IV UNIT - I Counselling: Definition, Concepts, Objectives, needs, principles, counseling as a profession in India: problems and limitations. UNIT - II Theories of Counselling: Adlerian Theory - Client Centered Theory (Carl Rogers.) - Behavioural Theory - Rational Emotive Therapy - and Reality Therapy. UNIT - III Types of Counselling: Vocational Counselling - Employment Counselling - Correctional and Rehabilitation Counselling - Industrial Counseling - Marriage Counselling: Pre-Marital. UNIT - IV Counselling Practice with the Special Groups: Children, Adolescents, Women, Substance Abusers and HIV I AIDS. UNIT – V Guidance: Concept, difference between Counseling and Guidance – Role of Social Workers in Guidance. REFERENCES 1. Antony John D (1996) Types of counselling, Anurgraha Publications, Nagarcoil 2. Asch. M., (2000) Principles of Guidance and counselling, Sarup & Sons, New Delhi 3. Gipson Robert L and Marianne H Mitchell, (1990) Introduction to Counselling and guidance, third edition, Mac Million 4. Jones Richard Nelson, (1998) Principles of counselling and He/ping skills, Chassell Pic. London. 5. Narayana Roa. S.. (1991) Counselling and guidance. second edition. Tata McGraw-Hill. New Delhi. 6. New, Caroline & Katie Kanffinan, (2004) Co-Counselling, The theory and Practice of Reevaluation, Rutledge, London. YSW 501- ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SEMESTER – V LTPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – I UNIT – I Introduction to Environmental Studies and Energy: Definition, scope and importance – Forest, Water, mineral, Food, Energy, Land resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, effects on forests and tribal people . UNIT – II Ecosystem and Biodiversity: Concept of an ecosystem – Structure and function of Forest, Grassland, Desert, Aquatic ecosystems. Ecological succession – Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids – Introduction to Biodiversity – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity – Conservation of biodiversity. UNIT – III Environmental Pollution: Definition – causes, effects and control measures of Air, Water, Soil, Marine, Noise, Thermal pollutions, Nuclear hazards – Soil waste Management, Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes – Role of an individual in prevention of pollutions. UNIT – IV Social Issues and the Environment: Solar, hydro, Bio energy production and management process and issues – Problems in Climate change, global warming acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust – Environment Production Act –Wildlife Protection Act – Forest Conservation Act – Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation – Public awareness. UNIT – V Human Population and the Environment: Population growth, variation among nations – Role of information Technology in Environment and production and promotion of human health. REFERENCES: 1. Gilbert M. Masters, Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, Pearson Education Pvt., Ltd., second Edition, ISBN 81-297-0277-0, 2004. 2. Cunningham, W.P.Cooper, T.H.Gorhani, Environmental Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ., House, Mumbai, 2001. 3. Wager K.D., Environmental Management, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelpha, USA, 1998. 4. S. K. Dharmeja, Environmental Engineering and Management, S.K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi, 1999. YSW 502 LTPC 5-0-0-5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY SEMESTER – V PAPER – II UNIT - I Social Work Research – Definition, objectives, characteristics; Social Work Research planning –Quantitative and Qualitative Research Difference between social research and social work research – Limitations of social work research. UNIT – II Research Processes; Selection of area and topic for the research study, Formulation of problem – Formulation of assumptions and hypothesis UNIT – III Review of literature. Definition and importance of Research designs, objectives, types of research designs –advantage and disadvantages. UNIT - IV Tools of data collection – observation, interview, interview schedule, questionnaire, surveys and case study method. UNIT - V Pilot study, Pre-test, Data collection, Data analysis and Interpretations Tabulation, Graphical and Pictorial Interpretation - Discussion; Research Report Preparation. REFERENCES 1. Dr. S. Naikiran, Dr. R. Selvaraju, Research Methods in Social Science, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai –04, First Edition, 2001. 2. Dr. D.R. Krishnaswami , Methodology of Research in Social Science, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai –04, 2001. YSW 503 LTPC 5-0-0-5 ENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT SEMESTER – V PAPER – III UNIT – I Entrepreneurial Competence: Entrepreneurial Entrepreneurship as a Career - Entrepreneur – concept – Knowledge and Skills Required for an Entrepreneur. UNIT – II Entrepreneurial Environment: Business Environment – Role of Family and society – Entrepreneurship Development Training and Other Support Organizational Services - Central and State Government Industrial Policies and Regulations – International Business. UNIT – III Business Plan Preparation: Sources of Product for Business - Pre – feasibility Study – Criteria for Selection of Product – Ownership – Capital – Budgeting Project Profile Preparation – Matching Entrepreneur with the Project – Feasibility Report Preparation and Evaluation Criteria. UNIT – IV Launching of Small Business: Finance and Human Resource Mobilization Operations Planning – Market and Channel Selection – Growth Strategies. UNIT – V Management of Small Business: Monitoring and Evaluation of Business – Preventing Sickness and Rehabilitation of Business Units – Effective Management of small Business. Role of Women Entrepreneur and SHG. REFERENCES: 1. Hisrich, ‘Entrepreneurship’, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2001. 2. P. Saravanavel, ‘Entrepreneurial Development’, Ess Pee kay Publishing House, Chennai – 1997. 3. S.S. Khanka, ‘Entrepreneurship Development’, S.Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi, 2001. 4. 5. P.C. Jain (ed.), ‘Handbook for New Entrepreneurs’, EDII, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999. 6. Staff College for Technical Education, Manila and Centre for Research and Industrial Staff Performance, Bhopal, ‘Entrepreneurship Development’,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1998. YSW 504 LTPC 5-0-0-5 SOCIAL WELFARE ADMINISTRATION SEMESTER – V PAPER – IV UNIT – I Administration: Definition, Concept, Importance, Goals; Type of administration. Social Welfare Administration: Definition, Functions and Scope; Principles of Social Work Administration. UNIT – II Basic Administrative Decision Making, Processes: Planning, Coordination, Organizing, Recording and Staffing, Budgeting, Communication. UNIT – III Personnel Administration: Staff selection, Induction, Training, Orientation, Placement, Service condition, Discipline, Staff morale, Supervision and Evaluation. UNIT – IV Public Relations: Meaning, Principles and Need . Uses of different media, Fund raising. UNIT – V Voluntary Organization: Types and Legal registration procedures; Functioning of Board and Committees. Role of voluntary organizations in social welfare. REFERENCES 1. Sachadeva, D.R. Social Welfare Administration–in India, Kitab Mahal New Delhi, 1998. 2. Pat Young, Mastering Social Welfare, Mc Millan Press Ltd., London. 2000. YSW 601 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND HUMAN VALUES SEMESTER – VI LTPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – I UNIT – I Social Work: Five basic values : Service, Social justice, Dignity and worth of a person , Human Relationship , Integrity and Competence ; Work Ethics – Service Learning – Civic Virtue – Respect for Others – Living Peacefully – Caring – Sharing – Honesty – Courage – Valuing Time – Co-operation – Commitment – Empathy – Self-Confidence – Character and personality. UNIT – II Professional Ethics: Humanitarian and Democratic Philosophy of social work Responsibilities in workplace; Profession in Particular roles: In Education, Training, Supervision, Evaluation, Independent practice and Research . Social Work Ethics - Models of Professional Roles. UNIT – III Social Work and Societal Expectation: Social work as experimentation – Social workers as responsible experimenters on developing sustainable livelihood Models, Problem solving and rural development Models - Codes of ethics - a balanced outlook on natural law, Policies and Social Expectation UNIT – IV Safety, Responsibilities and Rights: Safety and risk - assessment of safety and risk - risk benefit analysis and reducing risk - Collegiality and loyalty respect for authority - collective bargaining - confidentiality - conflicts of interest - occupational crime - professional rights - employee rights Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - discrimination. UNIT – V Global and National Issues: National and International Acts, Rights, codes and Duties of Social Workers - International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) – International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) – National, State and Regional Social work forums and issues in India. REFERENCES 1. Charles D. Fleddermann, “Engineering Ethics”, Pearson Education / Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2004 (Indian Reprint) 2. Charles E Harris, Michael S. Protchard and Michael J Rabins, “Engineering Ethics – Concepts and Cases”, Wadsworth Thompson Learning, United States, 2000 (Indian Reprint now available) 3. John R Boatright, “Ethics and the Conduct of Business”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003. LTPC YSW 602 DISASTER MANAGEMENT 5-0-0-5 SEMESTER – VI PAPER – II UNIT – I Disaster: Definition, Concept, Classification of disaster: Nature and man-made – Disasters in India and Abroad. UNIT – II Disaster Management: Definition, Phases of Disaster: Relief, Rehabilitation and Development – Impact of Disaster on survivors: Family life, Livelihood, Education etc., UNIT - III Disaster Policy and Programme: State and National, International policies, for Disaster Management. UNIT – IV NGOs, INGOs and Government Intervention in Disaster Management: Survey – Assessment – Reports – Developing specific Materials and Manuals for Various groups (Children, Women, Adults and Aged) Training Professionals / Para Professionals in Trauma Counselling, skills and Livelihood education. Working with Groups – Communities on Sustainable development and Rehabilitation. UNIT - V Disaster Preparedness: Models of Disaster Preparedness – Role of Social Workers in Disaster Mitigation Programmes for various groups: Family, Individual and Community levels. REFERENCES 1. Juan jose lopez-Ibor,george Christodoulou,Mario maj, Norman sartorius, and ahmed Okasha(2005): Disaster and Mental Health, John Wiley and Sons, England. 2. Parthasarathy R, Bharat,S, Kumar KVK, Sekar K, Girimaji,S and Murthy RS, (2001) Information Manual 3.Psychosocial care for Children –A Manual for Teachers action Aid India Bangalore. 3. Antara Sen Dave, Beena, Jadav, K Sekar,Subashis Bhadra,G.p Rajashekhar,Kishore Kumar K.V. and Srinivasamurthy R (2003): Riots; Psychosocial care for children Books for Change, Action Aid,Karnataka,Bangalore. 4. Rashmi Lakshminarayan (2004): Disaster mental health in India, Indian Redcross, New Delhi. 5. Sekar K, Pan S, Babu SKP, Kumar KVK (2004): National Disasters Psychosocial care by community level workers, Books for change, Bangalore. LTPC YSW 603 SOCIAL LEGISLATIONS SEMESTER – VI 5-0-0-5 PAPER – III UNIT – I The concept of social legislation, Definition, its role as an instrument of social change, need and importance of legislation, legislation as a process, social legislation, social welfare and social change. UNIT – II The Hindu and Muslim laws governing marriage, divorce, adoption, minority and guardianship, maintenance, succession and inheritance. UNIT – III Legislation relating to the welfare of women Dowry prohibition Act 1961.,Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act – 1977.,Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act – 1971. UNIT – IV Legislation relating to the welfare of children Juvenile Justice Act – 1986,Child Marriage Restraint Act – 1929, Child labour (prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986 UNIT – V Legislation for the Amelioration of social problems Protection of civil rights Act – 1976,Consumer protection Act – 1986,Metal health Act – 1987,Beggary Prevention Act REFERENCES 1. Sankar sen, Human Rights in Developing Society – A.P.H Publishing corporation, New Delhi, 1998 2. A.S. Kohki, S.R. Sharama, Equal opportunity Human Rights and Social Welfare, Ammol Publications, Pvt., Ltd. New Delhi, 1997. 3. Human Rights – A Judges Miscellanary, Justice V.R. Krishna Lyer, B.R. Publishing Corporation Delhi, 1995. 4. R.N. Vyas, the Soul of Indian Constitution (A Critical evolution) – print well Publications, Jaipur, 1998. 5. Paras Diwan & Peeyushi Diwan, Children and Legal Protection, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi. 1994. YSW 604 WOMEN AND CHILD WELFARE SEMESTER – VI LOPC 5-0-0-5 PAPER – IV UNIT – I Philosophy of family and child welfare – National child welfare policy in India. UNIT – II Problems of children – Child abuse, child labour, street children – Female infanticide, girl children. UNIT – III Family welfare planning programme and methods of family planning – Natural family planning methods – Artificial methods. UNIT – IV Family and child welfare services by the social welfare and other Department of state and central Governments UNIT - V Role of voluntary agencies in family and child welfare services Institutional and non Institutional services for family and child welfare, National and international Organizations working for children in India. REFERENCES 1. Daridson, F and Gornieki B, 1964 Care of Children in day centers Genera W.H.O., Publications. 2. Deranandan and Thomas, M.M 1959, Changing Pattern of Family in India, Bangalore Press. 3. Gokkale S.D. and Lohani N.K. 1979, child in India: Bombay Lomaria Publication. 4. Rudolf C. Heredia, Edward Mathias, The Family in Changing world, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi, 1995. 5. Digumarti Bhaskara Rao, Care the child Vol I and II, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 1997. LTPC YSW- 701 ADVANCED CONCEPTS IN SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIETY 4-0-0-4 SEMESTER – VII PAPER – I UNIT – I Social Work: Concept, Definition, Social Service, Social Welfare, Social Security, Social Defense, Social Justice and Social Development. Contemporary Social Reform Movements, Historical Development of Social work in UK & USA and India. UNIT – II Social Work as a Profession: Nature and Scope, Objectives, Philosophy, Principles and Methods - Values and Ethics - Professional Social Work and Voluntary Social Work. UNIT – III Methods and Fields: Direct and Indirect Methods –Meaning, Scope and Importance- Medical Social Work, Psychiatric Social Work, Family Welfare, Child Welfare, Correctional Social Work, Labour Welfare, Community Development. UNIT – IV Individual and Society: Qualities of Leader, Types and Theories of Leadership; Sociometric and Sociogram - Supervision: Meaning, Purpose and Functions. UNIT – V Issues and Problems*: Social Disorganization, Population, Unemployment, Women Atrocities, Child Labour, Juvenile Delinquency, Child Marriage, Female Infanticide, Street Children and HIV/AIDS (* Basic understanding of issues and problems is expected). REFERENCES : 1. Stroup H.H., Social Work Education – An Introduction to the field, Eurasia Publishing, New Delhi, 1960. 2. Gisbert Pascaul: Fundamentals of Sociology, Oreint Longmans, Madras, 1956. 3. Stanley. S. Social Problems in India, Allied Publishers, New Delhi – 2005. YSW 702 SEMESTER – VII SOCIAL CASE WORK LTPC 4-0-0-4 PAPER – II Unit – I: Case Work: Definition, Objectives, Scope, and it’s Importance Relationship with other Methods of Social Work, Basic Components: Person, Problem, Place, Process – Values and Principles and Skills Limitation of social case work practice in India. Unit – II: Case Worker-Client Relationship: Meaning and its Importance Characteristics of Professional Relationship: Empathy, Transference and Counter Transference, Resistance, Sustaining the Relationship, Genuineness, Unconditional Positive Regard and Self Disclosure Principles of Client – Worker Relationship. Unit – III: Case Work Process: Intake and Exploration: Analysis and Assessment - Psychosocial Diagnosis, Formulation of Goals, Prioritization of Needs, Development of Action Plan, Use of Contracts; Intervention: Use of Supportive, Reflective and Techniques of Direct Influence; Importance of Involvement of Collateral Contacts in the Entire Process. Unit – IV Approaches to practice: Psychosocial, Functional, Problem solving, Crisis Intervention, Eclectic Model for Practice - Case Work Interviewing: Techniques and Skills - Case Work Recording: Meaning, Types of Records, Use and Record Maintenance. Unit – V: Case Work Practice: Typical Problems of Clients and Case Work Practice with them in the following areas: Correctional Institutions, Schools, Industry, De-Addition Centers, with the Physically Handicapped, the Aged, Terminally Ill people and Persons infected with HIV / AIDS. REFERENCES: 1. Hollis, Florence. Case work - A psycho-social Therapy New York: Random House; 1964. 2. Jordan, William. Client worker Transactions, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970. 3. Perlman, H.H. Social case work - A problem solving process, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1957. 4. L Robert, Robert & Robert Needs. Theories of social case work, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1970. 5. Goldstein, H. Social work practice: A unitary approach, university of Carolina Press, Carolina, 1979. 6. Timms, Noel. Social case work: Principles and practices, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964. 7. Pippins, J. Developing Casework Skills California, Sage Publications, 1980. 8. Smalley, Ruth Elizabeth. Theory of Social work practice N.Y. London: Columbia University Press; 1971. 9. Co-Pathak S.H. Records in Social case work - 1966. 10. Mehetras V.G. Social case work in India – 1979. YSW 703 LTPC 4-0-0-4 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT SEMESTER – VII PAPER – III UNIT – I Introduction: Definition, Basic concepts of TQM, Historical Review, Principles of TQM, Role of Senior Management, Quality Council, Quality Statements, Strategic Planning, Barriers to TQM Implementation. UNIT – II TQM Principles: Customer satisfaction – Perception of Quality, Complaints, Service Quality, Retention.- Employee Involvement – Motivation, Empowerment, Teams, Recognition and Reward, Performance Appraisal, Benefits, Continuous Process Improvement – PDSA Cycle, 5S, Kaizen, Supplier Partnership – Partnering, sourcing, Supplier Selection, Supplier Rating, Relationship Development, Performance Measures – Basic Concepts, Strategy, Performance Measure. UNIT - III TQM Tools: Benchmarking – Reasons to Benchmark, Benchmarking Process, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) – House of Quality, QFD Process, Benefits, Taguchi Quality Loss Function, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) – Concept, Improvement Needs, FMEA – Stages of FMEA. UNIT - IV Quality Systems: Need for ISO 9000 and Other Quality Systems, ISO 9000:2000 Quality System – Elements, Implementation of Quality System, Documentation, Accreditations , Quality Auditing, QS 9000, ISO 14000 – Concept, Requirements and Benefits. UNIT - V Statistical Process Control (SPC) & Application of Computers: The seven tools of quality, Statistical Fundamentals – Measures of central Tendency and Dispersion, Population and Sample, Normal Curve, Control Charts for variables and attributes, Process capability, Concept of six sigma, New seven Management tools. REFERENCES: 1. James R.Evans & William M.Lidsay, The Management and Control of Quality, (5 th Edition), South-Western (Thomson Learning), 2002 (ISBN 0-324-06680-5). 2. Dale H. Besterfiled, et at., Total Quality Management, Pearson Education Asia, 1999. (Indian reprint 2002). 3. Feigenbaum.A.V. “Total Quality Management, McGraw-Hill, 1991. 4. Oakland.J.S. “Total Quality Management Butterworth – Hcinemann Ltd., Oxford. 1989. 5. Narayana V. and Sreenivasan, N.S. Quality Management – Concepts and Tasks, New Age International 1996. 6. Zeiri. “Total Quality Management for Engineers Wood Head Publishers, 1991. LTPC YSW- 704 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION AND SOCIAL ACTION SEMESTER – VII 4-0-0-4 PAPER – IV UNIT – I Community: Meaning, Types and Characteristics; Community Power Structure. Community Dynamics: Integrative and Disintegrative Processes in the Community. UNIT – II Community Organization: Concept, Definition, Objectives, Philosophy, Approaches and Principles; Community Organizations as a Method of Social Work; Community Welfare Councils and Community Chests. Community Organization and Community Development: Similarities and Differences. UNIT – III Methods of Community Organization: Planning, Education, Communication, Community Participation, Collective Decision Making, Involvement of Groups and Organizations, Resource Mobilization, Community Action, Legislative and NonLegislative Promotion, Co-Ordination; Skills in Community Organization; Community Organization as an Approach to Community Development. UNIT – IV Phases of Community Organization: Study, Assessment, Discussion, Organization, Action, Evaluation, Modification, Continuation; Community Study; Community Organization in Emergencies (Fire, Flood, Earthquake, Tsunami, and War); Role of Social Workers in Community Organization. UNIT – V Programme Planning: Meaning and Definition of Programme, Principles and Process of Programme Planning and the place of Agency in Programme Planning; Programme Laboratory - Values and Techniques: (Games, Singing, Dancing, Dramatics, Street play, Puppetry, Group Discussions, Excursion, Psychodrama, Socio drama, Role play, and Brain Storming) - Rural Camp: Planning, Organizing, Executing, Evaluating and Reporting. Social Action: Definition, Strategies of Social Action and Social Reform; Saul Alinsky's and Paulo Freire's Methods; Process of Social Action. REFERENCES : 1. 2. 3. 4. Ross. M.G. Macmillan, Wayne Case histories in Community organization. Community organization for social welfare, University of Chicago Press. Marshall B. Clinard. Slum and Community development, collier, Macmillan Ltd., London. Desai, A.R. & Pillai, Slums, and Urbanization. S.D. LTPC YSW- 705 SOCIAL GROUP WORK SEMESTER – VII 4-0-0-4 PAPER – V Unit – I Social Group Work: Definition, objectives and scope - Models of Group WorkHistorical Development of Group Work, Principles of Group Work, Values, Significance, Principles and Skills - Group Work Process - Limitation of social group work practice in India. Unit – II Social Groups and Development: Definition, Characteristics, Types of Groups and Functions of a Group - Stages of Group Development, Basic Human Needs met by Groups at Different Stages of Group Development - Group Process : Bond, Acceptance, Isolation, Rejection, Sub-Group Formation, Withdrawal, Behaviour Contagion, Conflict and Control. Unit – III Approaches and Practices of Group Work: Group Therapy, Group Psychotherapy, Use of Home Visits and Collateral Contacts. Leadership: Concepts, Definition, Characteristics, Functions, Qualities of Leader, Types and Theories of Leadership, Training for Leadership - Sociometry and Sociogram Group Work Supervision: Meaning, Purpose and Functions. Unit – IV Programme Planning: Meaning and Definition of Programme, Principles and Process of Programme Planning and the place of Agency in Programme Planning - Programme Laboratory: Values and Techniques (Games, Singing, Dancing, Dramatics, Street play, Puppetry, Group Discussions, Excursion, Psychodrama, Socio drama, Role play, and Brain Storming) - Rural Camp: Planning, Organizing, Executing, Evaluating and Reporting. Unit – V Group Work Recording: Meaning, Purpose, Principles, Process and Summary Records - Group Work Evaluation: Meaning and its Place in Group Work, Steps in Group Work Evaluation and Criteria for Good Group Work. Application of Group Work Methods in Different Settings: Community Settings, Medical and Psychiatric Settings, De-Addiction Centres, Correctional Institutions, Schools, Industries, Physically Handicapped and Aged Homes. REFERENCES: 1.Bluementhal H.L 2 Conye Robert K 3.Fred Milson 4.Glassman Ureania and Lenkates 5.Gisela Konopka 6.Gisela Konopka 7.Malcolm & Hilda Know 8.Wilson & Ryland 9.Trecker H.B 10.Water Lifton : : : : : : : : : : Administration of Social Group Work Failures in Group, Stage, Thousands Oaks, Skills in Social group work Group Work, Sage, Thousands Social group work - A helping process Group work in Institutions Introduction to social dynamics Social group work Social group work, principles and practices Working with groups Oaks, 1990. LTPC YSW 801 HUMAN GROWTH AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT SEMESTER – VIII 4-0-0-4 PAPER – I UNIT – I Psychology: Definition, Nature, branches and scope – Application of Psychology in various fields – Special reference to social Psychology and its application, UNIT – II Human Growth and Development: Pregnancy and child birth – Physical, Psychological and emotional aspects of a) Infancy b) Babyhood c) Childhood d) Puberty e) Adolescent f) Adulthood and Middle age h) Old age. UNIT – III Intelligence and Personality: Definition and Nature of Intelligence – Measurement of I.Q. Personality: Definition and structure; Theories of personality: Trait and Type theories; important concepts of the contributions of Freud, Jung, Adler, Maslow and Erickson; Factors influencing personality Development: Heredity & Environment and Socialization process. UNIT – IV Attitude, Perception, Motivation and Learning: Definition, types; Theories of Pavlov and Skinner; Remembering and forgetting. Motivation: Concept of instinct: Motives for survival - Meaning and definition; types and characteristics of motives; Hierarchy of motives; conscious and unconscious motivation. UNIT – V Adjustment: Concepts of adjustment and maladjustment; Stress; Frustration; Conflict - nature and types - Coping Mechanisms. REFERENCES 1. Davidoff. L.L. : Introduction to Psychology, Aucklan; McGraw Hill Inc; 1881. 2. Morgan, C. T.& King, R.A : Introduction to psychology New York. . 3. Munn, N.A. : Psychology-The fundamentals of human behaviour; London; George G. Harrap & Co, Ltd., 1961. 4. Hurlock E.B. : Developmental Psychology, New Delhi, Tata Mcgraw Hill 5th Ed. 1971. 5. Rayner, Eric: Human Development, London; George Allen and Unwin, 1978. 6. Saraswathi T.S, Dutta R : Development Psychology in India, Delhi; Sage publications, 1987. 7. Kuppusamy B. : An Introduction to social psychology; Bombay; Media Promoters and Pub. Pvt. Ltd., 1980. LTPC YSW 802 SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH AND SOCIAL STATISTICS SEMESTER – VIII 4-0-0-4 PAPER– II UNIT – I Social Work Research: Meaning, definition, ethics, purpose of research, Social research and social work research. Scientific Method: Nature. Characteristics, purpose and steps in research process; Formulation of Research problems, Review of Literature. UNIT – II Research Design and Sampling: Research design' Exploratory, Descriptive, Diagnostic and Experimental. Hypothesis: Sources, Formulation, Attributes of hypotheses and types. Sampling: Definition Principles, Types and procedures; population and Universe, measurement: Meaning, levels of measurement: Nominal ordinal, interval and ratio; validity and reliability: meaning and types. UNIT – III Sources and Methods of Data Collection: Sources: Primary and Secondary; Research tools Observation and Survey methods Interview guide, Interview schedule, questionnaire: meaning, types, merits and demerits – Pre-test and pilot study. UNIT –IV Social Statistics: Statistics: Meaning, use and its limitations in Social Work Research. Measures of Central' Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode Dispersion: Range, Quartile deviation, Standard deviation and Co-efficient of Variation. Tests of significance: "t" test and chi-square and Correlation; Meaning, types and uses: Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation and Speaman’s UNIT – V Preparation of Research Proposal: Format Rank Correlation. processing of Data, Code book, Transcription, tabulation, Diagrammatic representation of data. Interpretation and analysis, Discussion; Report writing and Referencing; Applications and Limitations of Research in Social Work. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Whitly, Frederickl Goode and Hatt. Polarryky, Norman Young, Pauline Clarie, selttiz & Marie Jahoda Dorn Busch and Schnid Gopal M.A. : : : : : : : The elements of Research Methods in Social research Social Work Research Scientific social surveys and research Research methods in social relations. Premier of Social Statistics An Introduction to research Procedure in Social science. YSW 803 SOCIAL ENGINEERING SEMESTER – VIII L- T- P- C 4 -0- 0- 4 PAPER– III UNIT – I Society: Origin, Meaning, Definition, Types and Characteristics – Individual and Society; Heredity and Environment – socialization: Need, Process and Agents – social Integration – Associative and Disassociate process – social engineering: Characteristics and Scope – Practice and challenges in India. UNIT – II Social Stratification – Caste, class and Race; Historical overview, Anti-caste struggle and abolition in modern India; contribution of Phule, Periyar and Ambedkar UNIT – III Social control – Folkways, Mores, Laws and Education; social Legislation in India – RTI, PIL and Fundamental rights UNIT – IV Social Welfare and Development – child and Women welfare, Welfare state, Corporate Social Responsibility, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization UNIT – V Social Change – Characteristics, Scope, Process and Theories. Engineering the Society towards: Social Justice, Distributive Justice, social Equity, Gender Equality, Dignity of Labour and Universal brotherhood. Note: Only basic concepts on all units need to be dealt Reference: 1. Dr. K. Veeramani, Collected works of Periyar EVR, Compiled by the Periyar Self-Respect Propaganda Institution, Periyar Thidal, 50,EVK Sampath Salai, Chennai – 600 007 2. Dr. K. Veeramani, History of struggle for social Justice in Tamil Nadu 3. Prof. Kanch Illaiah, Dignity of labour in our time, Hyderabad 4. Christophe Jattrelot, Dr. B.R. Ambedhkar and Untouchability – fighting the Indian Caste system, Columbia University Press, May 2005 5. Vidya Bhusan, An Introduction to Sociology, Kitab Mahal, Patna, 2006 6. Justice. A.K. Rajan, Reservation constitution 7. Kamlesh Singh – Social Change in Modern India, 2008 YSW 804 LTPC 4-0-0-4 SOCIAL POLICY AND HUMAN RIGHTS SEMESTER – VIII PAPER – IV UNIT – I Social Policy: Definition, need, evolution and constitutional base; Sources and instrument of social policy. UNIT – II Policies and Programmes for Sector Wise: Women, Children, Aged and Handicapped, development and implementation of programmes for weaker sections. Policies regarding Other Backward Castes (OBCs), Scheduled Cases (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Denotified Communities. UNIT – III Issues and Interaction for Sector Wise Human Rights: Right to Physical, Mental, Reproductive and Sexual Health, Literacy and Basic Education, Environmental Sustainability. UNIT – IV Issues and Intervention for Human Rights of Marginalised Groups: Issues and Intervention with women, dalits and labour, Tribals and nomadic communities, children, adolescents, youth, elderly and persons with disabilities. UNIT – V Issues and Intervention for Human RIGHTS In Social Conflict and Emergency Situations: Issues and intervention in situations of family violence, substance abuse, trafficking and sale of persons, communalism and collective violence, conflict with law, displacement and refugees and environmental disasters. REFERENCES 1 Choudry, Paul : 2 Choudry, Paul : 3 Jagadeesan. P. : 4 Shanmugavelayutham K. : Hand book on social welfare Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, 1993. Voluntary Social Welfare in India, Sterling Pub., New Delhi 1979. Marriage and Social legislations in Tamil Nadu, Elachiapen pub, Chennai, 1990. Social Legislations and Social change, Valga Valamudan pub. Chennai, 1998. YSW 805 SOCIAL WORK & DISABILITY MANAGEMENT SEMESTER – VIII LTPC 4-0-0-4 PAPER – V UNIT - I Disability: Definitions, causes, types and magnitude of various disabilities and their impact on persons with disability and their families. Prevention of disabilities at primary, secondary and tertiary levels Misconceptions and societal attitudes towards persons with disability. UNIT – II Governmental Measures for the Disabled: Legislations for Disabled – Policies and programs at the central and state and the role of facilitating authorities, Role of District Disabled Rehabilitation Office (DDRO) UNIT - III Multidisciplinary rehabilitation team and their roles: Process of rehabilitation early identification, treatment, fitment of aids and appliances, education, vocational rehabilitation and social integration within the family and community, Role of social worker in different settings such as hospital and treatment centres, home, educational institutions, vocational rehabilitation centres, the community, self-help groups and associations of persons with disability and parents associations. UNIT - IV Impact of disability on persons with disability and their families: Reactions of parents, family members and ways of coping. Needs and problems of persons with disability and their families across the life span and social work intervention at each stage. UNIT – V Intervention strategies at individual, family, group and community levels: Individual level problem focused, self help, support groups, assertiveness training, life skills enrichment; family level – family crisis intervention, family centered intervention, parent guidance, parent training, support, self help groups of parents, siblings, community level – community awareness, education and community based rehabilitation. REFERENCES: 1. Albrecht, G.L. Katherine D. Seelman & Michael Bury, (2001) Hand Book of disability studies, Sage, London 2. Grant, (2005) Learning disability. A lifecycle approach to valuing people, Open University Press, London 3. Hegarty Seamus & Mithu Alur, (2002) Education and Children with special needs, sage, London 4. Karanth. Pratibha & Joe Rozario (2003)Learning disability of India, Sage, London 5. Moore, (2005) Researching disability issues, Open University Press, London LTPC YSW 901 GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – IV 4-0-0-4 PAPER – I UNIT – I Definition: Old age – Gerantological and Geriatric Social Work - myths and misconceptions on old age – population aging; Roles, power and status of elderly persons – Demographic perspectives on aging population - Theories on aging - Changing status of the aged in Indian Society. UNIT – II Problems of the elderly persons; Health of elderly, Longevity and physical health, mental and emotional health, ill health, disabilities and care giving, sexuality in old age- Review of health policies for the physically challenged and their implementation with references to elderly. UNIT – III Work participation of elderly in the organized and unorganized sectors. Livelihood and Economic situation of elderly persons . Age related policies and laws for education, Employment, Retirement, Social security and Pensions for elderly persons, institutional and non institutional care. UNIT – IV Issues on division of property, housing and social security, Issues on neglect, abuse and abandonment for the elderly persons. International and National laws on safeguarding the Senior citizens. UNIT – V Developmental programmes for aging - Geriatric services in India; Social work with the Aged- National and International agencies for aged welfare. REFERENCES : 1. Dandekar, K. (1996), The Elderly in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 2. Desaum N abd Suva Rahym (2000), Gerontological Social Work in India, Some Issues and Perspectives, B.R. Publishers, Delhi. 3. Irundaya Rajan, S. Mishra U.S. and Sarma P.S. (1997), Indian Elderly: Asset or Library, Sage Publications, New Delhi. 4. Khan, M.Z., (1997), Elderly in Metropolis, Inter India Publishers, New Delhi. 5. Krishnan, P and Mahadevan, K (eds) (1992). The Elderly Population the Developed World: Policies, Problems and Perspectives, B.R. Publishing, Delhi. 6. Muttagi, P.K (1991): Aging Issues and Old age care, Classical Publishing Company, New Delhi 7. Arun Pbali (Ed) 1999, Understanding graying people of India, Inter India Publications, New Delhi. YSW902 LTPC 4-0-0-4 COMUNITY HEALTH SEMESTER – IX Elective – I UNIT - I Concepts: Health, Public health, comprehensive Health Care - Factors influencing health. Social and preventive Medicine-Comprehensive health indicators –Vital Health Statistics. UNIT – II Major Communicable Diseases: Etiology, Symptoms, Transmission, Treatment & Prevention of Swine flu(HIN-1), T.B, STI, HIV, Polio, Malaria, Cholera and Typhoid. Non-Communicable Diseases: Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Asthma, Nutritional Disorders. UNIT – III Health Care Delivery Systems: National & and State Levels, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary health services, Salient Features of Legislation related to MTP Act. UNIT - IV Health Problems and Education: School, Occupation health Problems – Children and Geriatric Health Problems. Health Education: Meaning and importance and principles, Techniques and Strategies for Various Community and Groups. Family Planning: Importance, Methods and Role of Social Workers. UNIT – V Community Health: Assessing community Health Needs, Mobilizing core groups - community Participation - Multi Disciplinary Team: Role and Function. Community Health Programmes: National and State. Health Organization: National &International. Role Social Workers betterment of Community Health. REFERENCE: 1. Park, J.E&ParK: Textbook of preventive and Social Medicine; Jabalpur Mrs.Banashidas1983 2. Kumar R.Social and Preventive Health administration, Asia Publication House, NewDelhi-1992. 3. Goel, S.l.Public Health administration, Sterling Publishers, New delhi, 1984. 4 . WHO: Social Dimensions Of Mental Health, Geneva, WHO, Publications 1981. in YSW 903 LTPC 4-0-0-4 MENTAL HEALTH SEMESTER – IX Elective – II UNIT – I Historical Development: Psychiatry as a Field Of Specialization; Attitudes and Beliefs pertaining to Mental illness in ancient, medieval and modern times; Concept of Normality Abnormality and Mental Health. UNIT – II Classification of Mental Illness: DSMIV and ICD-10, Mental Health Problems among Children, Adolescents and Women. UNIT - III Psychiatric Assessment: interviewing-Case History taking and Mental Status Examination, Psychosocial and Multidimensional Assessment of mental disorder in psychiatric social work and Psychosocial diagnosis. UNIT - IV Psychiatric Illness: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment of minor and major mental illnesses, Culture bound Syndromes, Sexual deviations, alcoholism and drug dependence and suicide. Childhood disorders, scholastic Back wardressAttention Deficit Disorder-Learning Disorders. UNIT - V Mental Handicap: Definition, Clinical types, causes, Prevalence, Psycho-Socio Intervention and Role of Social Workers in dealing with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Epilepsy, and ADHD. REFERENCES: 1. Eden D.J.:Mental handicap-An introducation George llen&unnin, London,1976 2. Gaind R.N Hudson B.L Current themes in Psychiatry,Mc.Millan,1976. 3. Zigler, Edwards: Understanding mental retardation, cambridgeuni. press, London,1986 4. John, Howells G: Modern perspectives in international child psychiatry, Brunner& Mazel pub., New york 1971. 5. Hughes Jennifer: An outline of modern psychiatry, john Wiley &sons 1981. 6. Kaplan Horold ,et AL: comprehensive text boob of psychiatry, Williams& Wilkins, VOL ,I,II&III.1980 YSW 904 LTPC 4-0-0-4 MEDICAL SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – IX Elective – III UNIT - I Medical Social work: Definition, Nature, Scope; the Roles and function of a medical social worker; Historical development in India and aboard; practice of medical social work methods in Hospital settings; Their needs and importance in working with patients and families: Scopes and limitations of practice. UNIT - II Psychological, Social, Economic implications of illness disability and hospitalization for the patients - Patient as a whole person - Psychosomatic Approach - Multidisciplinary Team work - Needs importance and principles Role of Social work as a member of team. UNIT - III Hospital as a formal Organization, its Goals, Technology, Structure and Functions, Departments, Administrative procedures of medical social work Department:: Staffing, Organization and Functions, Extensional services Public Relation. UNIT - IV Impairment, Disability and Handicap: Causes, Types and Classification of Physical handicap: Orthopedic disability, Visual handicap, Aural impairment and Speech disability - Physical medicine, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation: Definition, concept principles and process; Role of the medical social worker in rehabilitation. UNIT - V Role of the Medical Social Worker in the following settings: Out Patient Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric ward, Maternity ward, Abortion clinic, Family planning centers, STD clinic, HIV Clinic, Orthopedic department, Cardiology department, Blood bank, Hansenorium and Cancer department. REFERENCES: 1. Bartlell, Harriet M:Social Work Practice in health field,newyork,National association of Social worker,1961. 2. Banerjee G.R.:Social Service department in hospitals-Its Organizations and functions,TISS,Bombay.1950. 3. Codey&carol H: Social aspects of illness, W.B.Sounders com., Philadelphia,1951 4. Minna Field: Patients are people, Columbia,New york,1953. 5. Golstaine Dora: Expanding Horizons in medical social work, University of Chicago press,1955. 6 Roa,Sankar M:Hospital organization and administration, Deep & Deep Pub.,Delhi,1992 YSW 905 LTPC 4-0-0-4 PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORK SEMESTER – IX Elective – IV UNIT - I Psychiatric social work: Definition, Historical development in India and Abroad - current status as a field of specialization -. Case work, Group work and Community organization in the Psychiatric settings - .Limitation and difficulties faced in psychiatric social work practice. UNIT - II Therapeutic intervention in psychiatric illness; Cognitive Therapy, Individual and Group Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Marital Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Chemotherapy, Psycho surgery and Mega Vitamin Therapy, Occupational Therapy. UNIT - III Theoretical framework for counseling; psychoanalytic Theory ,Transactional Analysis, Client Centered Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy, Existential Therapy and Adlerian Therapy. UNIT - IV Scope of Psychiatric Social Work practice: Roles and function of a psychiatric social worker with regards to the problems of patients and their families in: 1. Psychiatric OPDs 2.Psychiatric specialty clinics 3. De-addition centers 4. Child Guidance clinics UNIT – V Rehabilitation of psychiatric patients: Roles if the social worker in rehabilitation-planning mobilization, reintegration of the patient in the family and community; Roles of the psychiatric social worker in team work - Concepts of: Therapeutic Community - Partial Hospitalization - Day care centers - Half way homes - Sheltered workshop, on line services. REFERENCES 1. Verma, ratna, psychiatric social work in India, sage pub, new delhi,1991. 2. Masserman, jules book of Psychiatric therapies,jasan Aaronson inc,1973. 3. Dickson, Clifford Martha: social work practice with the mental retarded, collier Mac Millan, 1981. 4. Singh H.G Psycho therapy in India, National Psychological Association,1977. 5 Gordon,paul,L.&Lendz R.J:Psychological treatment of chronic mental patients,Harward Uni,press,London,1977. 6. Kalpan Harold, Comprehensive text book of psychiatry, Williams & Willkins, Vol I,II&iii 1980. 7. Garland,Margaret:The other side of Psychiatric care,MacMillan,1983. LTPC YSW 906 RURAL AND TRIBAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SEMESTER – IX 4-0-0-4 Elective – I UNIT - I Rural Community: Meaning, Characteristics. Rural Problems and their implications: Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and problems related to agriculture. Community Development: Definition, Objectives, Philosophy and Principles. UNIT - II Tribes: Definition, Characteristics of the Tribal community -Nomadic and Denotified tribes - Major Indian tribes and tribes in Tamilnadu - Constitutional Provision for the protection of tribes - Problems of tribes ( Child Marriage, poverty, III- health, literacy and atrocities on tribes). UNIT- III Rural and Tribal Development Administration: Administrative structure for rural & tribal development Central and State level. Panchayats Raj: Evolution and functions of Panchayats Raj System - Salient Features of 73rd amendment Cooperative movement in India: Principles, Characteristics, Types and functions of Cooperative - Rural Development Agencies - Participation in people’s sustainable development. UNIT - IV NGOs in Community Development: Livelihood Promotion (INGO’s) - Watershed, Health Education - Water & Sanitation - Women Empowerment – Strengthening of SHGs through their promotion as Federations and Cooperatives –Target Groups Women Children, Youth, Physically challenged, and Dalit Disadvantage. UNIT - V Critical Review of Rural and Tribal Development Programmes: Application of social work methods and role of social workers - Role of voluntary Agencies in rural and tribal development - Review of five year plans for Rural & Tribal Development. REFERENCES: 1. Jain.s.s: Community development and panchayats Raj in India. 2. Rajeshwari Dayal: Community Development in India 3. Mukerji.B. Community Development in India, Orient Longman, New Delhi. 4. Government of India: Five year plans Kitab Mahal New Delhi. 5. William, Biddle,j: The community development process- The discovery of local initiative,Holt Richards and Wington,New York,1965. 6. Mascarentas:A Strategy for rural development, Sage Pub.,Delhi.,1988. YSW 907 SEMESTER – IX URBAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LTPC 4-0-0-4 Elective – II UNIT - I Urban Community: Meaning, Characteristics, Rural- Urban Contrast. CityMeaning, Classification, Trends in Urbanization Process. Migration: Meaning types and Theories. UNIT - II Urbanization And Urbanism: Meaning, Theories of urbanization, Characteristics of urbanism, Slums: Definition, Approaches Theories and Classification and Culture of Slums. Urban Problems: Housing, Drug Addiction, Juvenile Delinquency, Prostitution, Pollution. UNIT - III Urban Community Development: Definition, Objectives and Historical Background; Approaches, Principles, Process and Methods of Urban Community Development, Welfare Extension Projects of center Social Welfare Board, Urban Development Planning: Legislation Relating to Urban Development (urban Land celing Act, Salient Features of 74th Amendment Town and Country Planning Act, Nagarpalika Act and Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance and Improvement Act) Community Planning and Community Participation. UNIT - IV Urban Development Administration: National, State, Local Levels; Structure and Function of Urban Development Agencies; Urban Services and Urban Deficiencies; Metropolitan Development Authorities, Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCQ); Housing Board, Role of voluntary Agencies in Urban Development. UNIT - V Urban Development Programme: Five Year Plans and Urban Development: Madras Urban Development Projects (MUDP) I & II; TamilNadu Urban Development Project (TNUDP); Urban Basic Services Programme (UBSP), Nehru Rozgar Yojana (NRY). Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board, Problems in Implementation of Urban Community Development Programmes. Role of Community Development Worker-Application of Social Work Methods in Urban Development. REFERENCES 1. Aray and Abbasi (1995) Urbanization and its Environmental Impact, Discovery pub. New Delhi. 2. Diddee, Jayamala (1993) Urbanization – Trends, Perspectives and Challenges, Rawat publication, Jaipur. 3. Stanley, Selwyn (2005) Social Problems and Issues : Perspectives for Intervention, Allied pub. New Delhi. 4. Thudipara, Jacob Z. (1993) Urban Community Development, Rawat publications, New Delhi 5. UN Habitat, (2003) The Slums of the world: The faces of urban poverty in the, millennium, United Nations Center for Human Settlement, Nairobi. 6. DUBEY. M.K (2000) Rural and Urban Development in India, Common Wealth publications, New Delhi. YSW 908 LTPC 4-0-0-4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SEMESTER – IX Elective – III UNIT – I Introduction to Project Management: Objectives, Scopes, Importance and Methodology. Micro and macro level Planning. UNIT - II Project Dimensions: Identification and formulation Details Project Report(DPP) Project Appraisal: technical, economic and financial feasibility. UNIT - III Planning and Management of Implementation of Projects: Project Cycle Management-Goal oriented programme planning-Log Frame, Resource Scheduling-Activity planning Network Analysis, Monitoring and evaluation; Programme Evaluation review Technique(PERT) and Critical path Method(CPM) UNIT - IV Participatory Management: PLA, PRA, Participatory rural appraisal(PRA), Participatory Learning action-Participatory evaluation. Proposal Writing-World Bank projects, ICSSR, Action AID. UNIT - V Resource Mobilization: Techniques of fund raising; statutory Requirements for the formation of contribution regulation Act, of fund raising; Statutory Society and Trust; Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. REFERENCES 1. Concept and Practices Section edition ,Allyn and bacon inc.,Boston,1983. 2. Mishra S.N.: Rural Development Planning-Design and methods, Satvacur pub New Delhi 1984. 3.Chandra prasanna: Project: Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and implementation, Tata Me Graw Hills, New Delhi,1988. 4. Jerome Wiesfd.& Ferdinand Levy K.: Management Guide to PRET / CPM, Prencite Hall,New Delhi,1988. YSW 909 LTPC 4-0-0-4 DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION SEMESTER – IX Elective – IV UNIT - I Communication: Meaning, Definition, Scope and purpose; elements of communication; principles of effective communication; Communication Process; Channels and stages of communication, skills and techniques of communication; Postulates of communication. UNIT - II Methods of Communication: Interpersonal communication, Group Communication and mass communication; Types: Formal I and informal: Theories and models of communication; Development of self, conflict Resolution. UNIT - III Mass Communication Meaning, Development and Scope: Roles of mass media in national Development, Limitations in the use of mass media in India. UNIT - IV Selection of Suitable Approaches for Different Target Groups; Audio Visual Aids: Types and its uses; Folk media :Puppet Shows, Drama Street play, Fold Dance, use of talks meeting, Conference, Campus; Campaign: Communication through leaflets, Pamphlets, Bulletins, Circulars, Posters and notice boards. UNIT - V Communication; Research: Steps and Approach: Satellite in structure television Experiment (SITE); Aims and objectives: Satellite Communication for National Development; Social implications of mass communication; Barriers to communication. REFERENCES 1. Mansion, gurmeell: Dictionary of journalism and mass communication, Hanam Pub. New Delhi.1990. 2. Harton Paul the mass media and the village lige, sage pub., New Delhi,1989. 3. Dahama O.B. & Bhatnagar O.P.: Education, communication for development, Oxford &IBH New Delhi.1994. 4. Pokharapukar: Rural development and community television, concept pub., New Delhi01993. 5. Mahajan,Kamlesh: Communication and society, classical pub New Delhi 1990. 6. Patnakar, pandit & Lilia Day: Social communication and family planning, Orient Longman, New Delhi,1973. LTPC YSW 910 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SEMESTER – IX 4-0-0-4 Elective – I UNIT - I Human Resource Management – Concept and Significance – Scope and Functions – HR Ethics - Historical Development - Hawthorne Experiment Organisation structure – Role of the HR Manager – Challenges in the 21st Century. UNIT - II Human Resource planning: Tools and Techniques – Sources of recruitment – Selection – induction – Job Evaluation – Meaning, Objectives, Methods and Essentials - Job analysis – Meaning, significance – Process and Methods –. UNIT - III Training – Methods – Needs – Objectives and Methods – Wage and salary administration – basis of payment – determinants – Incentive Plans – Fringe benefits UNIT - IV Transfer meaning bases and types – Social Security Schemes and Post Retirement Benefits - Human Resource Records – Maintenance – HR Information System – HR Audit – HR Accounting – HR Research – HR and Ethics – Global Human Resource Management – HRM and Productivity – People Centric Partnership. UNIT - V Industrial Social Work: Meaning, Scope, Relevance, Application of Social Work Methods in Industrial Sector – Labour Problems and Industrial Counseling in Industries and Working with Families of the Industrial Workers. REFERENCES 1. Human Resource Management - DEBI S SAM & SAMI A KHAN - Response Books 2. Human Resource Strategy - Ashok Chands and Shipa Kabra Response \ Books 3. Memoria CB - Personnel Management – HPH – ND 4. Chabbre TN, Akuja, Taneja - PM & IR – Dhanbat Rai Pub House, Calcutta 5. AM. SHEIKH - HRD and Management – S.Chand & Co., Ltd, New Delhi LTPC YSW 911 LABOUR WELFARE AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SEMESTER – IX 4-0-0-4 Elective – II UNIT - I Labour Welfare: Concept, principles, theories, types of welfare, Labour welfare programmes: Safety, health and hygiene, worker’s education labour welfare officer: Status, role, duties and functions. UNIT - II Welfare and Social Security Legislative Measures: Payment of Gratuity Act 1972, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Employees Provident Fund Act 1952 including the pension scheme 1995. The Payment of Wages Act 1936, The Minimum Wages Act 1948 and The Payment of Bonus Act 1965. UNIT - III Industrial Relations in India: Definition, meaning of Industrial relations, characteristics of a good Industrial Relations system, Code of Discipline in Industry. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946. The Industrial Disputes Act 1947. UNIT - IV Labour Organizations: ILO – History, aims, effectiveness, structure, functions and achievements, Influence of ILO on Labour Welfare and Indian Industrial Relations.Trade Union Movement : National and International. Trade Unionism: Historical perspective, objectives, Functions - Trade Union Act 1926 UNIT - V Collective Bargaining: Meaning, goals, pre-requisites and factors influencing collective bargaining - Industrial Conflict : Causes and consequences, Grievance procedure and Disciplinary Procedure. Workers participation in management: Meaning, scope, participation schemes in Industries in India. REFERENCES 1. Charles A.Myres, Industrial relations, India Asia publishing house, 1970 2. Prasad NGK, 1978, factories Law and Rules applicable to TN State, Vols.I, II, III, IV Madras Book Agency 3. Dolia B.R.1982 Labour and Industrial Law, Drient Law House, New Delhi 4. Kumar C.B.’Development of Industrial relations in India’, Himalayan Publishing House, 1983 5. Sharma A.M.Industrial Relations and conceptual legal frame work Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay 1989 6. Bhagoliwal T.N. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Shitya Bhavan, Agra 1990. YSW 912 LTPC 4-0-0-4 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR SEMESTER – IX Elective – III UNIT - I Organizational Behaviour: Definition and theoretical framework, Historical perspective, functions and role of Managers (including information technology), challenges and opportunities for managers to use OB concepts, behavioural science discipline - Approaches and models of organizational behaviour. UNIT - II The Individual: Foundations of individual behaviour, values, attitudes and job satisfaction, personality, perception, concepts of motivation and its applicability – Work Related Stress and Coping Strategies. UNIT - III The Group: Foundations of Group behaviour, Group Dynamics – Team Building – Morale, Communication, Leadership, Power and Politics. UNIT - IV The Organization System: Foundations of organization structure, organizational theories, Organizational culture, organizational effectiveness, organizational climate, Japanese style of management, people capability and maturity model. UNIT - V Organizational Dynamics: Organizational Change Management – Organizational Development, Conflict Resolution, Application of Transactional analysis (Johari Window & Eric Berne) - Future of Organizational Behaviour. REFERENCES 1. Arnold, Huge.J and Daniel E.Feldman : Organisational behaviour, 2. Mc.Graw Hill,1986 3. Fred Luthans : organizational behaviour, Mc.Graw Hill, New York, 1998 4. Klith Davis : Human behaviour at work, Mc.Graw Hill, 1995 5. Paul Hersey and Kenneth H.Blanchard : Management of organizational behaviour, 4th edition, Practice Hall, N.J.1985 6. Prasad L.M. : organizational behaviour, S.Chand.Com. 2000. YSW 913 LTPC 4-0-0-4 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT SEMESTER – IX Elective – IV UNIT- I Evolution of Human Resources Development HRD: Meaning, Components, Prerequisites for successful HRD Programmes strategic HRD and its scope-Role of Consultants clients and change Agents-HRD interventions. UNIT- II Career Planning and performance-Counseling: Meaning and Steps involvedCareer Development: Steps importance and problems, Succession planning; Performance counseling: Condition for Effective Counseling, Process involved. UNIT - III Training and Development-Work Force Diversity-Identification of training needs Objectives and significance-Employee Development Programmes and methods, J.R., JIEJE- Evaluation - Promotion- Transfer- Competency mapping-Assessment centers-Learning organization. UNIT - IV Performance Appraisal: Meaning, Approaches to Performance Appraisal, Methods/techniques of appraisal system, importance, purpose and limitation; Potential Appraisal: Meaning, scope and importance360 Degree feed Back Performance Appraisal. UNIT - V HRD Trends: Quality of Work life Total Quality Management (TQM) Human Resource information system: Meaning and importance ;ISO 9000 Series. REFERENCES 1. HRD Audit - TV Rao Response Books, New Delhi 2. Managing a Diverse Work Force - Gany N Powell Sage Publications,NewDelhi 3. Dr Tripathi P.C. - HRD – Sulthan Chand 4. Dr Tripathi P.C. - Organisation Development and HRD Sultanchand 5. AM. SHEIKH - HRD and Management – S.Chand & Co., Ltd, New Delhi