® -right a -before A&O
® -right a -before A&O
® a A&O A&P A/A A/C A/G ratio AA aa AAA AAC AAROM AB Abd abd ABG abn ABR ac ACC Accel ACL ACT ad lib AD ADA add ADD ADH ADHD ADL adm admin adol Adria AF AFB AFBG afeb AFI Afl AFO AFP AG AGA AICD AIDS AIHD AIOD AKA alb alc ALL allo ALS -right -before -alert and oriented -auscultation and percussion -atlas-axia -assist control -albumin/globulin ratio -Alcoholic Anonymous -of each -abdominal aortic aneurysm -augmentative alternative communications -active assisted range of motion -abortion -abdominal -abduction -arterial blood gases -abnormal -abrasion(s) -before meals -Ambulatory Care Center -acceleration -anterior cruciate ligament -activated clotting time -as desired, at liberty -right ear -American Diabetes Association -adduction -attention deficit disorder -antidiuretic hormone -attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -activities of daily living -admitted -administer -adolescent -Adriamycin -atrial fibrillation -acid-fast bacillus -aorto-femoral bypass graft -aferbrile -amniotic fluid index -artrial flutter -ankle foot orthopsis -alpha-fetoprotein -abdominal girth -appropriate for gestational age -automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator -acquired immune deficiency syndrome -acquired immune hemolytic disease -aorto-iliac occlusive disease -above knee amputation -albumin -alcohol -acute lymphocytic leukemia -allogeneic -amyotrophic lateral sclerosis alt ALZ AMA Amb AMI AML AMML amt ANA angio ANS ant MI ant AODM AOM AP AP/AR approx Appt APS ARD ARDS arf ARF arom AROM art artic artif as tol as AS ASA Comp ASA ASAP ASCAD ASCVD ASD ASHD ASR Asst AT ATNR Auto AV avg AVR AWMI AWOL Ax B/S BAD barb BAS BBB -alternative -Alzheimer’s disease -against medical advice -ambulatory -acute myocardial infarction -acute myelocystic leukemia acute myelomonocytic leukemia -amount -antinuclear antibody -angiogram -autonomic nervous system -anterior myocardial infarction -anterior -adult onset diabetes mellitus -acute otitis media -anterior-posterior -apical pulse-apical rate -approximately -appointment -adult protective services -acute respiratory distress -acute respiratory distress syndrome -acute renal failure -acute respiratory failure -active range of motion -artificial rupture of membranes -artery -articulation -artificial -as tolerated -aortic stenosis -left ear -aspirin compound -aspirin -as soon as possible -atherosclerotic coronary artery disease -arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease -artrial septal defect -arteriosclerotic heart disease -adaptive shower room -assistance -Activity therapy -asymmetrical tonic neck reflex -autologous -atrioventricular -average -aortic valve replacement -anterior wall myocardial infarction -absent without leave -axillary -breath sounds -bipolar affective disorder -barbiturate -bilateral asymmetrical -bundle branch block BBBB BCBS BCC BCG BCNU BDAE BDE BE BFO BI bid Bilat bili BiPAP BKA bl Bld BLE BM BMP BMT BNT BO BOM BOOP BOS BOW BR br Brady BRAT brn bro BRP brst BS BSC BSP BSSO BUE BUN BUS bv BV BVAD BW Bx C Dif ć C&A C&S C/A c/o c/o/cy C/S c/t -bilateral bundle branch block -Blue Cross Blue Sheild -Breast Care Center -bacilli Calmette-Guerin vaccine -carmustine -Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination -bile duct exploration -barium enema -ball bearing functional orthopsis -Brain Injury -2 times a day -bilateral -bilirubin -bilevel positive airway pressure -below knee amputation -blanket -blood -both lower extremeties -bowel movement -basic metabolic profile -bone marrow transplant -Boston Naming Test -bowel obstruction -bilateral otitis media -bronchitis obliterans with organized pneumonia -base of support -bag of water -bathroom -bedrest -bradycardia -bananas, rice, applesauce & toast -brown -brother -bathroom privelages -breast -blood sugar -bedside commode -bromsulphophthalein (liver function study) -bilateral sagittal split osteotomy -both upper extremities -blood urea nitrogen -bartholin, urethral and Skene’s glands -bacterial vaginosis -blood vessel -biventricular assist device -birth weight -biopsy -clostridium difficile -with -clinitest-acetest -culture and sensitivity -compressed air -complains of -circum-oral cyanosis -caesarean section -cervicothoracic C/W C-1 to C-7 Ca CA-125 CABG CAD CAF CAF-F CAH Cal CAMP cap cath cau CAVH CBC CBG CBT CBU CC cc CCNU CCU CDE CDU CEA CEN cerv CF cGy Chemo CHF chg CHI CHO Chol Chole Chr chrg CIB CIBD CIC CICC CILS CIN CK CKMB Cl CLD CLL cm CMF CMG CML CMP CMV -crutch walking -cervical vertebrae -carcinoma -cancer antigen 125 -coronary artery bypass graft -coronary artery disease -cytoxan, adriamycin, 5-fluorouracil -cytoxan, adriamycin, 5-FU, %-FU one week later -chronic active hepatitis -calorie -cytoxan, driamycin, methotrexate & procarbizine -capsule -catheter -Caucasian -continuous atriovenous hemofiltration -complete blood count -capillary blood gas -continuous bronchodialator therapy -Child Birth Unit -chief complaint -cubic centimeter -lomustine -Coronary Care Unit -common duct exploration -clinical decision unit -carcinoembrionic antigen -Certified Emergency Nurse -cervical -cystic fibrosis -centigray -chemotherapy -congestive heart failure -change -closed head injury -carbohydrate -cholesterol -cholecystectomy -chronic -charge -carnation instant breakfast -chronic inflammatory bowel disease -clean intermittent catheterization -Cardiac Intermediate Care Center -Community Independent Living Services -cervical intraepithelial neoplasia -creatine kinase -creatine kinase MB brand -clear (as in chest sounds) -chronic lung disease -chronic lymphocytic leukemia -centimeter -Cytoxan, Methotrexate, 5-FU -cystometrogram -chronic myelocytic leukemia -comprehensive metabolic profile -cytomegalovirus CNS CO CO₂ COA COAP Cod Cog Th COG COLD com Comm comp cont COPD COPP COS cp CP CPAP Cpd fx CPD CPIP CPK CPPD CPR CPS CPT CR CRF CRI CRST CS CSF CSR CTD CTS CTX cu mm CVA CVD CVIC CVP CVS CW CWP Cx CXR d bil D D&C D&I D/S D10W D5/25NS D5/45NS D5LR -central nervous system -cardiac output -carbon dioxide -cytoxan, oncovin, adriamycin -cytoxan, oncovin, ariamycin, prednisone -codeine -cognitive theory -center of gravity -chronic obstructive lung disease -communications -communicated -complication -continued -chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -cytoxan, oncovin, prednisone, procarbizine -change of shift -cerebral palsy -chest pain -continuous positive airway pressure -compound fracture -cephalopelvic disproportion -chronic pulmonary insuffiency of prematurity -creatinine phosphokinase -continuous positive pressure breathing -cardiopulmonary resuscitation -child protective services -chest physical therapy -contract/relax -chronic renal failure -chronic renal insuffieciency -calcification, Raynaud’s phenomenon -cervical spine -cerebrospinal fluid -Cheyne-Stokes respiration -chest tube drainage -carpal tunnel syndrome -cytoxan -cubic millimeter -cerebrovascular accident -cardiovascular disease -cardiovascular intensive care -central venous pressure -cardiovascular system -chest wall -centimeters of water pressure -cervix -chest x-ray -direct bilirubin -dinamap -dilatation and curettage -debridement and irrigation -dextrose in saline -dextrose 10% in water -dextrose 5% in 0.25% normal saline -dextrose 5% in 0.45% normal saline -dextrose 5% ringers lactate D5NS D5W DAT DAW DD DDP dec Decel decub degen Del Dep diag DIC diff DIP disch Disp DJD DKA DLMP DM DNA DNR DNS DOA DOB DOE DPAP DPW DR dr DRE drsng chg drsng DS DSA dtr in law dtr DTRs DTs DUB DUI DVT DW Dx dz E EBS ECC ECG, EKG Echo ECT ED EDC EEA -dextrose 5% normal saline -dextrose 5% in water -diet as toleratied -dispense as written -differential diagnosis -diamminedicholorplatinum (cisplatin) -decrease -deceleration -decubitus -degenerative -delivered -dependent -diagnosis -disseminated intravascular coagulation -difficulty -distal interphalangeal joint -discharge -dispense -degenerative joint disease -diabetic ketoacidosis -date last menstrual period -diabetes mellitus -deoxyribonucleic acid -do not resuscitate -do not substitute -dead on arrival -date of birth -dyspnea on exertion -diastolic pulonary artery pressure -Department of Public Welfare -delivery room -dram -digital rectal examination -dressing change -dressing -discharge summary -digital subraction angiography -daughter in law -daughter -deep tendon reflexes -delirium tremors -dysfunctional uterine bleeding -driving under the influence -deep vein thrombosis -distilled water -diagnosis -disease -extension -epstein-barre syndrome -Emergency Care Center (3/02) -electrocardiogram -echocardiogram -electroconvulsive treatment -Emergency Department -estimated time of confinement -end – to – end anastomosis EEG EENT EFM EGA EGD EHB elb ELISA ELOS EMG EMS endo Enf ć Fe Enf engorg ENT EOM eos EPAP EPF epi Epis epith ER ERCP ESESR ESRD ESWL et ET ETA ETD ETOH ETS ETT EUA eval Ex Cath Ex exam exer exp ext rot ext Extrem F F/B f/u Fam FB FBS FCE fdg Fe FH -electoencephalogram -eyes, ears, nose, throat -electronic fetal monitor(ing) -estimated gestational age -esophagogastroduodenoscopy -elevate head of bed -elbow -enzyme linked immonosorbent assay -estimated length of stay -electromyelogram -emergency medical services -endoscopy -enfamil with iron -enfamil -engorgement -ears, nose, throat -extraocular movements -eosinophil -expiratory positive airway pressure -Enfamil premature formula -epinephrine -episiotomy -epithelial -emergency room -endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography electrical stimulation -erythrocyte sedimentation rate -end stage renal disease -extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy -and -endotracheal -estimated time of arrival -eustachian tube dysfunction -alcohol/alcoholic -endotracheal suction -endotracheal tube -examination under anesthesia -evaluate -external catheter -former -examination -exercise -expired -external rotation -external -extremity -female -followed by -follow-up -family -foreign body -fasting blood sugar -functional capacity evaluation -feeding -iron -family history FHR FHT FiO2 FIS Fld Flds flex FOB FPC freq FRJM FROM FS FSE FSH FTI FTP FTR FTS-ABS FTV FUO FWB Fx G G/NS GAF gav GB GDM GED GER GERD gest GH GI GIFT GJ GLF GLT Glu Gm GM Gm+ gr Grav Grdftr Grdmtr grn grp GSW gtt GTT GU Gy Gyn h -fetal heart rate -fetal heart tones -fraction of inspired oxygen -flexion is standing -fluid -fluids -flexion -father of baby -Family Practice Center -frequent/frequency -full range of joint movement -full range of motion -frozen section -fetal scalp electrode -follicle stimulating hormone -free thyroxine index -failure to progress -father -fluorescent treponal antibody absorption test -family therapy visit -fever undetermined origin -ful weight bearing -fracture -gravida -glucose in normal saline -global assessment of functioning -gavaged -gallbladder -gestational diabetes mellitus -gastroesophagaoduodenoscopy -gastroesophageal refulx -gastroesophageal reflux disease -gestational -glenohumeral joint -gastrointestinal -gamete intrafallopian tube transfer -gastrojejunostomy -ground level fall -gravity lumbar traction -glucose -gram -grand mal -gram positive -grain -gravida -grandfather -grandmother -green -group -gunshot wound -drop -glucose tolerance test -genitourinary -gray -gynecology -hour(s) H H&H H&P H/O H2O H2O2 ha HA HAA HBO HCG Hct HCVD HD HDL HEENT HELP hemi HEP HFJV HFOV Hgb HHC HHN HI HIV HLC HLCG HMD HN HNP HOB HOH HPF HPI HPV HR hr HSG ht husb Hx Hyst I cath I I&D I&O I/E IABP IBS IBW ICC ICCT ICD ICF ICH -hypodermic -hemoglobin and hematocrit -history and physical -history of -water -hydrogen peroxide -headache -hyperalimentation -hepatitis associated antigen (HpBag, Au) -hyperbaric oxygen -hemochorogonadotropic hormone (serum pregnancy test) -hematocrit -hypertensive cardiovascular disease -heart disease -high density lipids -head, eyes, ears, nose, throat -Hawaii Early Learning Profile -hemiplegic -home exercise program -high frequency jet ventilation -high frequency oscillatory ventilation -hemoglobin -Home Healthcare -hand held nebulizer -head injury -human immunodeficiency virus -Health & Lifestyle Center -High Level Cognitive Group -Hyaline Membrane Disease -hard nipple -herniated nucleus pulposis -head of bed -hard of hearing -high power field -history of present illness -human papilloma virus -heart rate -hour -hysterosalpingogram -height -husband -history -hysterectomy -intermittent catheterization -intermittent -incision and drainage (3/02) -intake and output -inspiratory/expiratory -intra-aortic balloon pump -irritable bowel syndrome -ideal body weight -Intermediate Care Center -intermittent constant lumbar traction -implantable cardioverter defibrillator -intermediate care facility -intercranial hemorrhage ICLT ICP ICT ICU ID IDDM IDM IF IgA, IgD IgE, IgG IgM IHR ILT IM IMA IMI Imp IMV in inc incomp Incont ind indep inf infor INH inj inpt insp int rot int iop IP IPJ IPPB IQ IR IRDS Irreg is ISC Isol ISP ITP IUD IUGR IUPC IV IVCT IVF IVH IVLT IVT jaund JP-drain -intermittant constant lumbar traction -intracranial pressure -intermittent cervical traction -Intensive Care Unit -identify -insulin dependent diabetes mellitus -infant of diabetic mother -intrinsic factor -Immunoglobulin classes designed by W.H.O. -Immunoglobulin classes designed by W.H.O. -Immunoglobulin classes designed by W.H.O. -inguinal hernia repair -intermittent lumbar traction -intramuscular -internal mammary artery -inferior wall myocardial infarction -impression -intermittent mandatory ventilation -inch or inches -increase -incomplete -incontinent -induced, induction -independent -infused -information -Isoniazid -injection -inpatient -inspirations -ineternal rotation -internal -intra occular pressure -interphalangeal -interphalangeal joint -intermittent positive pressure breathing -intelligence quotient -internal rotation -idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome -irregular -incentive spirometry -isolette servo controller -isolation -Indiana State Police -idiothrombocytopenic purpura -intrauterine device -intrauterine growth retardation -intrauterine pressure catheter (internal) -intravenous -intermittent variable cervical traction -intravenous fluids -intraventricular hemorrhage -intermittent variable lumbar traction -intravenous therapy -jaundiced -Jackson-Pratt drain jt J-tube Jug JVP K K+ Kcal kilo KO KUB KVO K-wire L in circle L L&A L&W l/m L/S L-1 to L-5 LA Lab Lac LAD LAFB LAH LAHB LAL lang Lap Ster LAP LAR LAS lat LAT lav LAVH LBBB lbs LBW LCA LCS LD LDL LDR LE LEEP LFA lg LGA LH LHC lido LIMA Liq LIS LKS -joint -jejunostomy tube -jugular -jugular venous pulsations -knee -potassium -kilocalorie -kilogram -keep open -kidney, ureter, bladder -keep vein open -Kirschner wire -left -left -light and accommodation -living and well -liters per minute -lumbosacral -lumbar vertebrae -left arm -laboratory -laceration -left anterior descending -left anterior fascicular block -left atrial hypertrophy -left anterior hemiblock -left arm lying -language -laparoscopic sterilization -left atrial pressure -left arm recumbent -left arm sitting -lateral -left anterior thigh -lavaged -laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy -left bundle branch block -pounds -low birth weight -left coronary artery -low continuous suction -left deltoid -low density lipids -labor and delivery -lower extremity -loop electosurgical excision procedure -left femoral artery -large -large for gestational age -left hemisphere -left heart catheterization -lidocaine -left internal mammary artery -liquid -low intermittent suction -liver, kidney, spleen LLB LLE LLL LLQ LLSB LLT LME LML epis LML LMP LND LNMP LOA LOC LOFD LOM LOS LP LSO LTB LTCS LTM LTV LUE LUL LUOQ LUQ LV LVEF LVH M M# M.S. malig Man Red Man&Int Fix MAR mast mat max MAX mcg MCH MCL MCV MD MDI Mec Med MEMS mEq mg MGF MGM mgt mh -long leg brace -left lower extremity -left lower lobe -left lower quadrant -left lower sternal border -left laterial thigh -left mediolateral episiotomy -left mediolateral episiotomy -left middle lobe -last menstrual period -lymph node disection -last normal menstrual period -leave of absence -loss of consciousness -low outlet forceps delivery -left otitis media -length of stay -lumbar puncture -left salpingo-oophorectomy -laryngeotracheaobronchitis -low transverse cesarean section -long term memory -long term variability -left upper extremity -left upper lobe -left upper outer quadrant -left upper quadrant -left ventriculogram -left ventricular ejection -left ventricular hypertrophy -male -medic number -morphine sulfate -malignant -manipulation and reduction -manipulation and internal fixation -medication administration record -mastectomy -maternity -maxillary -maximum -microgram -man corpuscular hemoglobin -midclavicular line -mean corpuscular volume -muscular dystrophy -metered dose inhaler -meconium -medication -Mishawaka Emergency Medical Services -millequivalent -milligram -maternal grandfather -maternal grandmother -management -moist heat MHC MHSB MI MIN min MIT ML ml ml/hr MLMHB MMP mn mo MOD MOM Mon MOPP MP MPD MPV MR MRI MRSA mtr MUGA ventriculogram) mv MV MVA MVP MVPT MVR N&V N/A Na+ NAD NaHCO3 NB NC NCB NCPAP NDT neg Neo NG NGD NH NI NICU NIDDM NIF NKA NKDA nl NM NMF -Memorial Home Care -Memorial Hospital of South Bend -myocardial infarction -minimum -minutes -melodic intonation therapy -midline -milliliter -milliliter per hour -memory language minor hemisphere battery -mucus membranes pink -midnight -month -moderate -milk of magnesia -monitor -nitrogen mustart, Oncovin, Prednisone, Procarbizine -metacarpophalangeal joint -Mishawaka Police Department -mean platelet volume -mitral regurgitation -magnetic resonance imaging -methaicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus -mother -multi-gated acquisition scan (resting -mechanical ventilation -minute volume -motor vehicle accident -mitral valve prolapse -motor free visual perceptual test -mitral valve replacement -nausea and vomiting -not applicable -sodium -no acute distress -sodium bicarbonate -newborn -nasal cannula -no code blue -nasal continuous positive airway pressure -neurodevelopmental training -negative -Neocare 22 cal -nasogastric -nasogastric decompression -nursing home -non-invasive -Neonatal Intensive Care Unit -non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus -negative inspiratory force -non known allergies -no known drug allergies -normal -neuromuscular -neuromuscular facilitation NOS NP NPC NPO NPUAP NR NRB NREM NS Nsg NSR NST NSVD NSVT nsy NT NTG NVD NWB NWD O/A O/E O/P O2 OA OB OB-GYN obs OBS OBSS OCD OCN OCT OD OFC OG OHD OHR OHSS O-M OM OMB ONC onc ont OOB OOS Op Site OP OPG OR ORIF OS OSC OT OTA -not otherwise specified -nasopharengeal -non productive cough -nothing per mouth -National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel -non-reactive -non-rebreather -non-rapid eye movement -normal saline -nursing -normal sinus rhythm -non-stress test -normal spontaneous vaginal delivery -non-sustained ventricular tachycardia -nursery -nasotracheal -nitrogylcerin -normal vaginal delivery -non-weight bearing -normal well developed -occiput-atlas -objective evaluation -outpatient -Oxygen -osteoarthritis -obstetrics -Obstetric and Gynecology -observed -organic brain syndrome -obstetric observation -obsessive-compulsive disorder -Oncology Certified Nurse -oxytocin challenge test -right eye -occipital-frontal circumference -oral-gastric -organic heart disease -Open Heart Recovery -ovary hyperstimulation syndrome -oral-motor -otitis media -obtuse marginal branch -oncology -Oncovin -ointment -out of bed -outpatient observation status -operative site -occiput posterior -oculoplethysmogram -operating room -open reduction and internal fixation -left eye -Outpatient Surgery Center -occupational therapy -occupational therapy assistant OTC OU oz P & PD p P p P&A PA & Lat PA PAC PACU PAF PALND PAR para PARS past hx PAT path PBSC PBSCT pc PCA PCN PCV PCWP PD PDA pe PE Peds Pedy PEEP PEFR PEG perf PERL PERRLA PF PFC PFO PFT PG PHP PICC PICU PID PIF PIH PIP Pit PKU PL56 PLND plt -over the counter -both eyes -ounce -percussion & postural drainage -after -para -pulse -percussion & auscultation -posteroanterior and lateral -posteroanterior -premature atrial contraction -post anesthesia care unit -paroxysmal atrial fibrillary -para aortic lymph nod disection -Post Anesthesia Recovery -paraplegic -post-anesthesia recovery score -past history -premature atrial tachycardia -pathology -peripheral blood stem cell -peripheral blood stem cell transplant -after meals -patient controlled analgesia -penicillin -pressure controlled ventilation -pulmonary capillary wedge pressure -postural drainage -patent ductus arteriosis -pedal edema -pulmonary emboli -pediatrics -pedialyte -positive and expiratory pressure -peak expiratory flow rate -percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy -perforation -pupils equal and react to light -pupils equal round & react to light & accomodation -pulmonary function -persistent fetal circulation -patent foramen ovale -pulmonary function test -para, gravida -partial hospitalization program -peripherally inserted central catheter -pediatric intensive care unit -pelvic inflammatory disease -peak inspiratory flow -pregnancy included hypertension -proximal interphalangeal joint -pitocin -phenylketonuria -plasmalyte 56 -pelvic lymph node disection -platlets PMH PNMF PNS po POC Post R&V RLL RLQ RLT rm RML RN ROA ROC rom ROM ROP ROS RP/RR RR rr RS RSD RSO RSR ć M RSR ś M RSR RSV RSW RT (T) RT RTA RTU RTW RUE RUL RUOQ RUQ RVH Rx rxn S ś S/C S/D/M S/E S/O s/p S/S S/W SA SAH saph sat SB -past medical history -proprioceptic neuromuscular facilitation -peripheral nervous system -by mouth -plan of care -posterior -reviewed and verified -right lower lobe -right lower quadrant -right lateral thigh -room -right middle lobe -registered nurse -right occiput anterior -Radiation Oncology -range of motion -rupture of membranes -retinopathy of prematurity -review of systems -radial pulse-radial rate -recovery room -respiratory rate -rhythmic stabilization -reflex sympathetic dystrophy -right salpingo-oophorectomy -regular sinus rhythm with murmur -regular sinus rhythm without murmur -regular sinus rhythm -respiratory synctial virus -Rehab Social Workder -Radiologic Technologist – Therapy -radiation therapy -Rapid Treatment Area -ready to use -return to work -right upper extremity -right upper lobe -right upper outer quadrant -right upper quadrant -right ventricular hypertrophy -treatment -reaction -symmectrical -without -sternoclavicular joint -systolic, diastolic, mean -side effects -significant other -status post -signs & symptoms -somewhat -substance abuse -subarachanoid hemorrhage -saphenous -saturated -sinus bradycardia SBA SBE SBFD SBO SBPD SC SCATBI SCF SCI SCOP SCT SCU SE sec Sed Rate segs sep SF SFD SG Shldr SI SIBC sibs Sim ć Fe Sim ć whey Sim SIMV sis SJCPD SJRMC Sl SLB SLE SLG SLP SLR SLT SLT sm SMA-12 SMBG SMCAS SMR SN SNAS SNF SOB Sol SP spec SpO2 spont LOA spont sq SR -stand by assist -subacute bacterial endocarditis -South Bend Fire Department -small bowel obstruction -South Bend Police Department -subclavian -scales of cognitive abilities for traumatic brain injury -special care formula -spinal cord injury -scopolomine -sustained cervical traction -Special Care Unit -spiral electrode -second -sedimentation rate -segmented neutrophils -separate -side flexion -small for dates -specific gravity -shoulder -sensory integration -serum iron-binding capacity -siblings -similac with iron -Similac with whey -similac -synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation -sister -St. Joseph County Policy Department -St. Joseph Regional Medical Center -slight -short leg brace -systemic lupus erthematous -speech language group -Speech-language Pathologist -straight leg raise -Speech-language Therapy -sustained lumbar traction -small -chemistry profile -slef-monitoring of blood glucose -SW Michigan Community Ambulance Service -submucous resection -soft nipple -standard newborn alimentation solution -skilled nursing facility -short of breath -solution -speech -specimen -saturation per pulse oximetry -spontaneous left occiput anterior -spontaneous -subcutaneous -sinus rhythm SROM SS SSC SSI SSKI SSPE SSRI st H2O ST STAT STD STG ST-I ST-II ST-III stim ST-IV STM STNR strep STS STV SUP supp SVD SVG SVN SVT T&C T&S t bili T T/L T1-T12 T-3 Tab TAC Tachy TB TBA TBI TBLC tbs TCC TCDB TCO2 TCOM TCPO2 TD TEE TENS TEP THA THC THEq THR -spontaneous rupture of membranes -soap suds -Similac Special Care -sliding scale insulin -saturated solution of potassium iodine -subacute sclerosing panencephalitis -sliding scale regular insulin -sterile water -speech therapy -at once -sexually transmitted disease -spilt thickness graft -stage I (refers to pressure ulcer) -stage II (refers to pressure ulcer) -stage III (refers to pressure ulcer) -stimulation/stimulating -stage IV (refers to pressure ulcer) -short term memory -symmetrical tonic neck reflex -streptococcus -serology test for syphilis -short term variability -supination -suppository -spontaneous vaginal delivery -sapheneuour vein graft -small volume nebulizer -supraventricular tachycardia -type and cross match -type and screen -total bilirubin -temperature -thoracolumbar -thoracic vertebrae -Tylenol with Codeine 30mg -Tablet -Taxol, Adria, Cytoxen -tachycardia -tuberculosis -to be admitted -Traumatic Brain Injury -term birth, living child -tablespoon -transitional care center -turn cough, deep breathe -transcutaneous CO2 -transcutaneous oxygen monitor -transcutaneous PO2 -tardive dyskinesia -tranesophageal echocardiogram -transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation -tracheal esophageal puncture -total hip arthroplasty -marijuana -therpeutically equilavent -total hip replacement TIA tics tid TIPS TKA TKO TKR tm TM TO TOCO tol TORP TPA TPN TPR TR tr Trach TRAM trans nsy tren trich trig Trop TS TSH Tsp T-Spine TST TTWB TUR TUR-BN TUR-BT TURP TV TWB TWE Tx tx U U/O UA UAC UAL UC UCG UDN UE UGI UPD UPJ URI UROL US USN -transient ischemic attack -diverticulosis -three times a day -transjugular intrahepatic porotsystemic shunt -total knee anthroplasty -to keep open -total knee replacement -treadmill -tympanic membrane -telephone order -tocodynamometer (external) -tolerated -total ossicular replacement prosthesis -tissue plasminogen activator -Total Parenteral Nutrition -temperature, pulse and respiration -therapeutic recreation -trace -tracheostomy -transverse rectus abdominal muscle -transitional nursery -trendelenburg -trichomonas -triglycerides -Troponin -thermal stimulation -thyroid stimulating hormone -teaspoon -thoracic spine -treadmill stress test -toe touch weight bearing -transurethral resection -transurethral resection-bladder neck -transurethral resection-bladder tumor -transurethral resection-prostate -tidal volume -touch weight bearing -tap water enema -traction -treatment -unilateral -urinary output -urinalysis -umbilical anterial catheter -umbilical anterial line -uterine contraction -urine chorogonadotropic hormone (urine pregnancy test) -updraft nebulization -upper extremity -upper gastrointestinal -updraft -ureteropelvic junction -upper respiratory infection -urology -ultrasound -ultrasonic nebulization Ut UTD UTI UUN UVC UVJ V/C VAD Vag Var vas to circ vasc VBAC VBTI VC VCUG VD Vdg VE Vector vent VF VFSS videostob VIP V-Lap VM VMO VNA VO V-P VPB VPC VQ VRE VS VSD Vtx W/C w/o W/U WA WAB WB WBAT WD WFL WIC wk WN WNL WOB WOC WOCN WPL WRBC -uterus -up to date -urinary tract infection -urine area nitrogen -umbilical venous line -ureterovesical junction -verbal cues -vascular access device -vaginal -variability -Vaseline applied to circumcision -vascular -vaginal birth after cesarean section -voluntary bilateral tubal interruption -vital capacity -voiging cystourethrogram -venereal disease -voiding -vaginal exam -vectorcardiogram -ventilation -ventricular fibrillation -videofluoroscopic swallow study -videostroboscopy -VP16, Ifex, Platinol -video laser ablation of prostate -ventimask -vastus medialis obliques -Visiting Nurse Association -verbal order -ventricular-peritoneal -ventricular premature beats -volume pressure response -ventilation perfusion -vancomycin resistant enterococcus -vital signs -ventral septal defect -vertex -wheelchair -without -work up -while awake -western aphasia battery -weight bearing -weight bearing as tolerated -well developed -within functional limits -women, infant, children -week -well nourished -within normal limits -work of breathing -wound, ostomy, continence -wound, ostomy, continence nurse -whirlpool -washed red blood cells wt WZ XRT y/o yel YOB yr YTD z-plasty ‘ 0 “ # ♂ % ♀ * x -weight -wheezes -radiation therapy -year(s) old -yellow -year of birth -year -year to date -surgical relaxation of contracture ? @ < > ↑ ↓ ©♥ 1:1 1° 2° ∆ Ψ -feet -none -inches -pounds -male -percentage -female -problem area to be checked -times -approximately -unknown or unsure -at -less than -greater than -increase -decrease -heart -one to one -primary -secondary -change -Psychiatry