The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography


The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Corrections or updates should be forwarded to [email protected]
Atzema CL, Lam K, Young C, Kester-Greene N. (2013) Patients with atrial fibrillation and an alternative
primary diagnosis in the emergency department: a description of their characteristics and outcomes. Acad
Emerg Med 20:193-199.
Beaulieu E, Perez J, Tousignant P, Provost S, Hebert K, Couture A, Simard B. (2013) L'utilisation des
services de sante par les Montrealais atteings de diabete, annees 2001-2002 a 2009-2010. Montreal,
QC: Montreal Health and Social Services Agency.
Chang HY, Bodycombe DP, Huang WF, Weiner JP. (2013 - epub Jan 22) Risk-Adjusted Resource
Allocation: Using Taiwan's National Health Insurance as an Example. Asia Pac J Public Health
de Mestral C, Gomez D, Haas B, Zagorski B, Rotstein OD, Nathens AB. (2013) Cholecystostomy: a
bridge to hospital discharge but not delayed cholecystectomy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 74:175-179;
discussion 179-80.
de Mestral C, Rotstein OD, Laupacis A, Hoch JS, Zagorski B, Nathens AB. (2013) A population-based
analysis of the clinical course of 10,304 patients with acute cholecystitis, discharged without
cholecystectomy. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 74:26-30; discussion 30-1.
Gowrisankaran G, Norberg K, Kymes S, Chernew ME, Stwalley D, Kemper L, Peck W. (2013) A hospital
system's wellness program linked to health plan enrollment cut hospitalizations but not overall costs.
Health Aff 32:477-485.
Lo C, Calzavara A, Kurdyak P, Barbera L, Shepherd F, Zimmermann C, Moore MJ, Rodin G. (2013)
Depression and use of health care services in patients with advanced cancer. Can Fam Physician
Murphy SM, McGready J, Griswold ME, Sylvia ML. (2013) A method for estimating cost savings for
population health management programs. Health Serv Res 48:582-602.
Orueta JF, Mateos Del Pino M, Barrio Beraza I, Nuno Solinis R, Cuadrado Zubizarreta M, Sola Sarabia C.
(2013) Stratification of the population in the Basque Country: results in the first year of implementation.
Aten Primaria 45:54-60. Published in Spanish.
Vasilyeva I, Biscontri RG, Enns MW, Metge CJ, Alessi-Severini S. (2013) Adverse events in elderly users
of antipsychotic pharmacotherapy in the province of Manitoba: a retrospective cohort study. J Clin
Psychopharmacol 33:24-30.
Zielinski A, Borgquist L, Halling A. (2013 - epub Jan 10) Distance to hospital and socioeconomic status
influence secondary health care use. Scand J Prim Health Care
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Aguado A, Rodriguez D, Flor F, Sicras A, Ruiz A, Prados-Torres A, ACG-Espana. (2012) Distribution of
primary care expenditure according to sex and age group: a retrospective analysis. Aten Primaria 44:145152. Published in Spanish.
Austin PC, Newman A, Kurdyak PA. (2012) Using the Johns Hopkins Aggregated Diagnosis Groups
(ADGs) to predict mortality in a population-based cohort of adults with schizophrenia in Ontario, Canada.
Psychiatry Res 196:32-37.
Barry CL, Weiner JP, Lemke K, Busch SH. (2012) Risk adjustment in health insurance exchanges for
individuals with mental illness. Am J Psychiatry 169:704-709.
Boudreau DM, Arterburn D, Bogart A, Haneuse S, Theis MK, Westbrook E, Simon G. (2012 - epub Oct 3)
Influence of body mass index on the choice of therapy for depression and follow-up care. Obesity
Brownell M, Chartier M, Santos R, Ekuma O, Au W, Sarkar J, MacWilliam L., Burland E, Koseva I,
Guenette W. (2012) How are Manitoba's children doing? Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health
Child and Youth Data Laboratory. (2012) CYDL Project One Summary Report: Experiences of Albertan
Youth 2008/2009. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Centre for Child, Family and Community Research
(; site also has videos of
presentations of report data).
Chubak J, Anderson ML, Saunders KW, Hubbard RA, Tuzzio L, Liss DT, Morales LS, Reid RJ. (2012)
Predictors of 1-year change in patient activation in older adults with diabetes mellitus and heart disease. J
Am Geriatr Soc 60:1316-1321.
Crouch J, Korenbrot C. (2012) Analysis of Medicaid payments for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Baltimore, MD: CMS Tribal Affairs Group.
Fishman PA, Ding V, Hubbard R, Ludman EJ, Pabiniak C, Stewart C, Morales L, Simon GE. (2012)
Impact of deductibles on initiation and continuation of psychotherapy for treatment of depression. Health
Serv Res 47:1561-1579.
Freund T, Wensing M, Geissler S, Peters-Klimm F, Mahler C, Boyd CM, Szecsenyi J. (2012) Primary care
physicians' experiences with case finding for practice-based care management. Am J Manag Care
Garcia-Olmos L, Salvador CH, Alberquilla A, Lora D, Carmona M, Garcia-Sagredo P, Pascual M, Munoz
A, Monteagudo JL, Garcia-Lopez F. (2012) Comorbidity patterns in patients with chronic diseases in
general practice. PLoS One 7:e32141.
Garfield RL, Druss BG. (2012) Health reform, health insurance, and mental health care. Am J Psychiatry
Garland A, Fransoo R, Olafson K, Ramsey C, Yogendran M, Chateau D, McGowan K. (2012) The
epidemiology and outcomes of critical illness in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Green BB, Bogart A, Chubak J, Vernon SW, Morales LS, Meenan RT, Laing SS, Fuller S, Ko C, Wang
CY. (2012) Nonparticipation in a population-based trial to increase colorectal cancer screening. Am J
Prev Med 42:390-397.
Grembowski D, Anderson ML, Ralston JD, Martin DP, Reid R. (2012) Does a large-scale organizational
transformation toward patient-centered access change the utilization and costs of care for patients with
diabetes? Med Care Res Rev 69:519-539.
Hobson DE, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Leslie WD, Burchill C, Hobson S. (2012) Healthcare utilization in
patients with Parkinson's disease: a population-based analysis. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 18:930-935.
Huntley AL, Johnson R, Purdy S, Valderas JM, Salisbury C. (2012) Measures of multimorbidity and
morbidity burden for use in primary care and community settings: a systematic review and guide. Ann
Fam Med 10:134-141.
Kamarudin MF, Noh KM, Jaafar S. (2012) Morbidity profiles at three primary care clinics in Perlis,
Malaysia. Med J Malaysia 67:363-368.
Kendzerska T. (2012) A risk stratification model for adult patients with obstructive sleep apnea:
development and evaluation. Toronto, ON: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
Lee WC, Chen TJ. (2012) Quantifying morbidity burdens and medical utilization of children with
intellectual disabilities in Taiwan: A nationwide study using the ACG case-mix adjustment system. Res
Dev Disabil 33:1270-1278.
Lemke KW, Weiner JP, Clark JM. (2012) Development and validation of a model for predicting inpatient
hospitalization. Med Care 50:131-139.
Leslie WD, Brennan SL, Prior HJ, Lix LM, Metge C, Elias B. (2012) The post-fracture care gap among
Canadian First Nations peoples: a retrospective cohort study. Osteoporos Int 23:929-936.
Lin C, Hsu S. (2012) Constructing ''Behavioral'' Comparison Groups: A Difference-in-Difference Analysis
of the Effect of Copayment Based on the Patient's Price Elasticity. Eval Health Prof.
Lind BK, Gerkovich MM, Cherkin DC, Deyo RA, Sherman KJ, Lafferty WE. (2012 - epub Oct 4) Effect of
Risk Adjustment Method on Comparisons of Health Care Utilization Between Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Users and Nonusers. J Altern Complement Med.
Lyles CR, Harris LT, Jordan L, Grothaus L, Wehnes L, Reid RJ, Ralston JD. (2012) Patient race/ethnicity
and shared medical record use among diabetes patients. Med Care 50:434-440.
Majumdar SR, Lix LM, Yogendran M, Morin SN, Metge CJ, Leslie WD. (2012) Population-based trends in
osteoporosis management after new initiations of long-term systemic glucocorticoids (1998-2008). J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 97:1236-1242.
Moore JM, Hall JP. (2012) The validity of claims-based risk estimation in underinsured populations. Am J
Manag Care 18:e468-e476.
Orueta JF, Mateos Del Pino M, Barrio Beraza I, Nuno Solinis R, Cuadrado Zubizarreta M, Sola Sarabia C.
(2012 - epub Mar 8) Stratification of the population in the Basque Country: results in the first year of
implementation. Aten Primaria Published in Spanish.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Orueta JF, Nuno-Solinis R, Mateos M, Vergara I, Grandes G, Esnaola S. (2012) Monitoring the
prevalence of chronic conditions: which data should we use? BMC Health Serv Res 12:365.
Pollack CE, Weissman GE, Lemke KW, Hussey PS, Weiner JP. (2012 - epub Jun 14) Patient sharing
among physicians and costs of care: a network analytic approach to care coordination using claims data.
J Gen Intern Med
Prados-Torres A, Poblador-Plou B, Calderon-Larranaga A, Gimeno-Feliu LA, Gonzalez-Rubio F, PoncelFalco A, Sicras-Mainar A, Alcala-Nalvaiz JT. (2012) Multimorbidity patterns in primary care: interactions
among chronic diseases using factor analysis. PLoS One 7:e32190.
Pritchard JM, Giangregorio LM, Ioannidis G, Papaioannou A, Adachi JD, Leslie WD. (2012) Ankle
fractures do not predict osteoporotic fractures in women with or without diabetes. Osteoporos Int 23:957962.
Shi L, Lebrun LA, Hung LM, Zhu J, Tsai J. (2012) US primary care delivery after the Health Center
Growth Initiative: comparison of health centers, hospital outpatient departments, and physicians' offices. J
Ambul Care Manage 35:60-74.
Sibley LM, Glazier RH. (2012) Evaluation of the equity of age-sex adjusted primary care capitation
payments in Ontario, Canada. Health Policy 104:186-192.
Sicras-Mainar A, Navarro-Artieda R, Ruíz-Torrejon A, Prados-Torres A, en representacion del Grupo
ACG Espana. (2012) Influence of chronic co-morbidity on health costs. Med Clin (Barc) 138:179-180. Published in Spanish.
Sicras-Mainar A, Velasco-Velasco S, Navarro-Artieda R, Blanca Tamayo M, Aguado Jodar A, Ruiz
Torrejon A, Prados-Torres A, Violan-Fors C, en representacion del Grupo de Estudio ACG. (2012)
Comparison of three methods for measuring multiple morbidity according to the use of health resources in
primary healthcare. Aten Primaria 44:348-357. Published
in Spanish.
Sicras-Mainar A, Velasco-Velasco S, Navarro-Artieda R, Jodar AA, Plana-Ripoll O, Hermosilla-Perez E,
Bolibar-Ribas B, Prados-Torres A, Violan-Fors C. (2012 - epub Mar 27) Obtaining the mean relative
weights of the cost of care in Catalonia (Spain): retrospective application of the Adjusted Clinical Groups
case-mix system in primary health care. J Eval Clin Pract
Sicras-Mainar A, Velasco-Velasco S, Navarro-Artieda R, Prados-Torres A, Bolibar-Ribas B, Violan-Fors
C, for the ACG Study Group. (2012) Adaptive capacity of the Adjusted Clinical Groups Case-Mix System
to the cost of primary healthcare in Catalonia (Spain): a observational study. BMJ Open 2:2012-000941.
Simon GE, Ding V, Hubbard R, Fishman P, Ludman E, Morales L, Operskalski B, Savarino J. (2012)
Early dropout from psychotherapy for depression with group- and network-model therapists. Adm Policy
Ment Health 39:440-447.
Siu E, Campitelli MA, Kwong JC. (2012) Physical activity and influenza-coded outpatient visits, a
population-based cohort study. PLoS One 7:e39518.
Starfield B, Kinder K. (2012) Multimorbidade e sua mensuração [Multimorbidity and its measurement]. In:
Gusso G, Lopes JMC, ed. Tratado do medicina de familia e comunidade. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Grupo A
Editora. Published in Portuguese.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Sternberg SA, Bentur N, Abrams C, Spalter T, Karpati T, Lemberger J, Heymann AD. (2012) Identifying
frail older people using predictive modeling. Am J Manag Care 18:e392-e397.
Sylvia ML, Weiner JP, Nolan MT, Han HR, Brancati F, White K. (2012) Work limitations and their
relationship to morbidity burden among academic health center employees with diabetes. Workplace
Health Saf 60:425-434.
Tao P, Lin MH, Peng LN, Lee WC, Lin FY, Lee CH, Chien CW, Shen V, Chen LK. (2012 - epub Feb 2)
Reducing the burden of morbidity and medical utilization of older patients by outpatient geriatric services:
Implications to primary health-care settings. Geriatr Gerontol Int
Thorell K, Skoog J, Zielinski A, Borgquist L, Halling A. (2012) Licit prescription drug use in a Swedish
population according to age, gender and socioeconomic status after adjusting for level of multi-morbidity.
BMC Public Health 12:575.
Todd R. (2012) Johns Hopkins risk tool used in south. EHI ehealth Insider :5 March 2012.
Weiner JP, Trish E, Abrams C, Lemke K. (2012) Adjusting for risk selection in state health insurance
exchanges will be critically important and feasible, but not easy. Health Aff 31:306-315.
Wong K, Campitelli MA, Stukel TA, Kwong JC. (2012) Estimating influenza vaccine effectiveness in
community-dwelling elderly patients using the instrumental variable analysis method. Arch Intern Med
Woodhams V, de Lusignan S, Mughal S, Head G, Debar S, Desombre T, Hilton S, Al Sharifi H. (2012)
Triumph of hope over experience: learning from interventions to reduce avoidable hospital admissions
identified through an Academic Health and Social Care Network. BMC Health Serv Res 12:153.
Austin PC, Shah BR, Newman A, Anderson GM. (2011 - epub Dec 29) Using the Johns Hopkins'
Aggregated Diagnosis Groups (ADGs) to predict 1-year mortality in population-based cohorts of patients
with diabetes in Ontario, Canada. Diabet Med
Austin PC, van Walraven C, Wodchis WP, Newman A, Anderson GM. (2011) Using the Johns Hopkins
aggregated diagnosis groups (ADGs) to predict mortality in a general adult population cohort in Ontario,
Canada. Med Care 49:932-939.
Austin PC, Walraven C. (2011) The mortality risk score and the ADG score: two points-based scoring
systems for the Johns Hopkins aggregated diagnosis groups to predict mortality in a general adult
population cohort in Ontario, Canada. Med Care 49:940-947.
Bohman TM, Wallisch L, Christensen K, Stoner D, Pittman A, Reed B, Ostermeyer B. (2011) Working well
- the Texas demonstration to maintain independence and employment: 18-month outcomes. Journal of
Vocational Rehabilitation 34:97-106.
Bolton JM, Targownik LE, Leung S, Sareen J, Leslie WD. (2011) Risk of low bone mineral density
associated with psychotropic medications and mental disorders in postmenopausal women. J Clin
Psychopharmacol 31:56-60.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Bronskill SE, Camacho X, Gruneir A, Ho MM. (2011) Health system use by frail Ontario seniors: an indepth examination of four vulnerable cohorts. Toronto, ON: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
Carmona M, Garcia-Olmos LM, Alberquilla A, Munoz A, Garcia-Sagredo P, Somolinos R, PascualCarrasco M, Salvador CH, Monteagudo JL. (2011) Heart failure in the family practice: a study of the
prevalence and co-morbidity. Fam Pract 28:128-133.
Chang HY, Clark JM, Weiner JP. (2011) Morbidity trajectories as predictors of utilization: multi-year
disease patterns in Taiwan's national health insurance program. Med Care 49:918-923.
Chase D. (2011) Patients gain information and skills to improve self-management through innovative
tools. Quality Matters December 2010/January 2011
Fagerstrom C, Hellstrom A. (2011) Sleep complaints and their association with comorbidity and healthrelated quality of life in an older population in Sweden. Aging Ment Health 15:204-213.
Gonzalez LM, Bluteau JP. (2011) Mesurer la morbidite chez les patients diabetiques a Montreal.
Montreal, QC: Montreal Health and Social Services Agency. Published in French.
Green BB, Anderson ML, Ralston JD, Catz S, Fishman PA, Cook AJ. (2011) Patient ability and
willingness to participate in a web-based intervention to improve hypertension control. J Med Internet Res
Jette N, Lix LM, Metge CJ, Prior HJ, McChesney J, Leslie WD. (2011) Association of antiepileptic drugs
with nontraumatic fractures: a population-based analysis. Arch Neurol 68:107-112.
Kwong JC, Campitelli MA, Rosella LC. (2011) Obesity and respiratory hospitalizations during influenza
seasons in Ontario, Canada: a cohort study. Clin Infect Dis 53:413-421.
Lehnert T, Heider D, Leicht H, Heinrich S, Corrieri S, Luppa M, Riedel-Heller S, Konig HH. (2011) Review:
health care utilization and costs of elderly persons with multiple chronic conditions. Med Care Res Rev
Morin S, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Metge C, Caetano P, Leslie WD. (2011) Mortality rates after incident nontraumatic fractures in older men and women. Osteoporos Int 22:2439-2448.
Morin S, Lix LM, Azimaee M, Metge C, Majumdar SR, Leslie WD. (2011 - epub Oct 19) Institutionalization
following incident non-traumatic fractures in community-dwelling men and women. Osteoporos Int
Murphy SM, Castro HK, Sylvia M. (2011) Predictive modeling in practice: improving the participant
identification process for care management programs using condition-specific cut points. Popul Health
Manag 14:205-210.
Perera PN, Guy MC, Sweaney AM, Boesen KP. (2011) Evaluation of prescriber responses to pharmacist
recommendations communicated by fax in a medication therapy management program (MTMP). J Manag
Care Pharm 17:345-354.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Salisbury C, Johnson L, Purdy S, Valderas JM, Montgomery AA. (2011) Epidemiology and impact of
multimorbidity in primary care: a retrospective cohort study. Br J Gen Pract 61:e12-e21.
Shadmi E, Balicer RD, Kinder K, Abrams C, Weiner JP. (2011) Assessing socioeconomic health care
utilization inequity in Israel: impact of alternative approaches to morbidity adjustment. BMC Public Health
Sicras-Mainar A, Navarro-Artieda R, Ruiz-Torrejon A, Prados-Torres A, en representacion del Grupo de
Estudio ACG Espana. (2011 - epub Nov 8) Morbidity and costs associated to neurological disorders.
Sicras-Mainar A, Navarro-Artieda R, Ruiz-Torrejon A, Prados-Torres A, Grupo de Estudio ACG Espana.
(2011) Estimation of chronic co-morbidity on health costs in elderly patients with neurological disorders.
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica 28:564-565. Published
in Spanish.
Simon GE, Ralston JD, Savarino J, Pabiniak C, Wentzel C, Operskalski BH. (2011) Randomized trial of
depression follow-up care by online messaging. J Gen Intern Med 26:698-704.
Starfield B, Kinder K. (2011) Multimorbidity and its measurement. Health Policy 103:3-8.
Vivas D, Guadalajara N, Barrachina I, Trillo JL, Uso R, de-la-Poza E. (2011) Explaining primary
healthcare pharmacy expenditure using classification of medications for chronic conditions. Health Policy
Zielinski A, Hakansson A, Beckman A, Halling A. (2011) Impact of comorbidity on the individual's choice
of primary health care provider. Scand J Prim Health Care 29:104-109.
Zielinski A. (2011) Analysing performance of primary health care using the ACG case-mix system. Malmo,
Sweden: Lund University (doctoral dissertation).
Balicer RD, Shadmi E, Geffen K, Cohen AD, Abrams C, Kinder-Siemens K, Regev-Rosenberg S. (2010)
Towards a more equitable distribution of resources and assessment of quality of care: validation of a
comorbidity based case-mix system. Harefuah 149:665-669. Published in Hebrew.
Banerjee R, Ziegenfuss JY, Shah ND. (2010) Impact of discontinuity in health insurance on resource
utilization. BMC Health Serv Res 10:195.
Borkan J, Eaton CB, Novillo-Ortiz D, Rivero Corte P, Jadad AR. (2010) Renewing primary care: lessons
learned from the Spanish health care system. Health Aff 29:1432-1441.
Bronskill SE, Carter MW, Costa AP, Esensoy AV, Gill SS, Gruneir A, Henry DA, Hirdes JP, Jaakkimainen
RL, Poss JW, Wodchis WP. (2010) Aging in Ontario: an ICES chartbook of health service use by older
adults. Toronto, ON: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Calderon-Larranaga A, Abrams C, Poblador-Plou B, Weiner JP, Prados-Torres A. (2010) Applying
diagnosis and pharmacy-based risk models to predict pharmacy use in Aragon, Spain: the impact of a
local calibration. BMC Health Serv Res 10:22.
Calderon-Larranaga A, Poblador-Plou B, Lopez-Cabanas A, Alcala-Nalvaiz JT, Abad-Diez JM,
Bordonaba-Bosque D, Prados-Torres A. (2010) Does the pharmacy expenditure of patients always
correspond with their morbidity burden? Exploring new approaches in the interpretation of pharmacy
expenditure. BMC Public Health 10:244.,2458-10-244.
Campitelli MA, Rosella LC, Stukel TA, Kwong JC. (2010) Influenza vaccination and all-cause mortality in
community-dwelling elderly in Ontario, Canada, a cohort study. Vaccine 29:240-246.
Chang HY, Lee WC, Weiner JP. (2010) Comparison of alternative risk adjustment measures for predictive
modeling: high risk patient case finding using Taiwan's National Health Insurance claims. BMC Health
Serv Res 10:343.
Chang HY, Weiner JP. (2010) An in-depth assessment of a diagnosis-based risk adjustment model based
on national health insurance claims: the application of the Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Group casemix system in Taiwan. BMC Med 8:7.
Clark JM, Chang HY, Bolen SD, Shore AD, Goodwin SM, Weiner JP. (2010) Development of a claimsbased risk score to identify obese individuals. Popul Health Manag 13:201-207.
Currie J, Stabile M, Manivong P, Roos LL. (2010) Child health and young adult outcomes. J Hum
Resources 45:517-548.
D'Andrea V, Catania A, Di Matteo FM, Savino G, Greco R, Di Marco C, De Antoni E. (2010) Case-mix
index and length of hospitalization. G Chir 31:211-214.
Published in Italian.
Dowd B, McGrail M, Lohman WH, Sheasby B, O'Connor H, Calasanz M, Gorman R, Parente S. (2010)
The economic impact of a disability prevention program. J Occup Environ Med 52:15-21.
Eberly T, Davidoff A, Miller C. (2010) Managing the gap: evaluating the impact of Medicaid managed care
on preventive care receipt by child and adolescent minority populations. J Health Care Poor Underserved
Evans-Lacko SE, Dosreis S, Kastelic EA, Paula CS, Steinwachs DM. (2010) Evaluation of guidelineconcordant care for bipolar disorder among privately insured youth. Prim Care Companion J Clin
Psychiatry 12:PCC.09m00837.
Finlayson G, Ekuma O, Yogendran M, Burland E, Forget E. (2010) The additional cost of chronic disease
in Manitoba. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
Fishman PA, Bonomi AE, Anderson ML, Reid RJ, Rivara FP. (2010) Changes in health care costs over
time following the cessation of intimate partner violence. J Gen Intern Med 25:920-925.
Fransoo RR, Martens PJ, Need to Know Team, Prior HJ, Burland E, Chateau D, Katz A. (2010) Age
difference explains gender difference in cardiac intervention rates after acute myocardial infarction.
Healthc Policy 6:88-103.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Galbraith AA, Ross-Degnan D, Soumerai SB, Abrams AM, Kleinman K, Rosenthal MB, Wharam JF,
Adams AS, Miroshnik I, Lieu TA. (2010) Use of well-child visits in high-deductible health plans. Am J
Manag Care 16:833-840.
Gonzalez LM, Bluteau JP. (2010) Morbidity, service utilization and health spending in Montrealers aged
65 and older in 2005-2006: an application of the Johns Hopkins "Adjusted Clinical Group" system.
Montreal, QC: Montreal Health and Social Services Agency. Published in French; also have English
Hanley GE, Morgan S, Reid RJ. (2010) Explaining prescription drug use and expenditures using the
Adjusted Clinical Groups case-mix system in the population of British Columbia, Canada. Med Care
Hoch I, Heymann AD, Karpati T, Valinsky L. (2010) Validation and uses of the ACG-DX predictive
modeling and risk adjustment tool in an Israeli HMO. Clin Med Res 8:51-52.
Kiyu A, Lee PFS, Kinder K, Ong F, Bakar NBA. (2010) Determining the morbidity profile, health-service
utilization and health-provider efficiency in the Rejang River Basin, Sarawak, based on TPC® data and
the Johns Hopkins ACG® System. BMC Health Serv Res 10:A8.
Klein S, McCarthy D. (2010) CareOregon: transforming the role of a Medicaid health plan from payer to
partner. New York, NY: Commonwealth Fund.
Kuo RN, Lai MS. (2010) Comparison of Rx-defined morbidity groups and diagnosis-based risk adjusters
for predicting healthcare costs in Taiwan. BMC Health Serv Res 10:126.
Lee WC. (2010) ACG use in Veterans Administration in Taiwan: final report. Taipei, Taiwan: Veterans
General Hospital Taipei. Published in Chinese.
Leslie WD, Lix LM, Manitoba Bone Density Program. (2010) Imputation of 10-year osteoporotic fracture
rates from hip fractures: a clinical validation study. J Bone Miner Res 25:388-392.
Leslie WD, Ludwig SM, Morin S. (2010) Abdominal fat from spine dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and
risk for subsequent diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:3272-3276.
Lind BK, Lafferty WE, Tyree PT, Diehr PK. (2010) Comparison of health care expenditures among
insured users and nonusers of complementary and alternative medicine in Washington State: a cost
minimization analysis. J Altern Complement Med 16:411-417.
Mosendane T, Persadh AS, Jabaar R, Ruff B. (2010) Utilization of clinical tools to understand health-care
differences of the Discovery Health population. BMC Health Serv Res 10:A18.
Prosser R, Carleton B, Smith A. (2010) The comorbidity burden of the treated asthma patient population
in British Columbia. Chronic Dis Can 30:46-55.
Raymond C, Metge C, Alessi-Severini S, Dahl M, Schultz J, Guenette W. (2010) Pharmaceutical use in
Manitoba: opportunities to optimize use. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Reyes-Rodriguez JF, Gonzalez-Casanova S, Perez-Canovas E, Estupinan-Ramírez M, De Leon-Garcia
JM. (2010) The knowledge of morbidity in primary care as an aid in the planning and management of the
services. Semergen doi:10.1016/j.semerg.2009.12.003. Published in Spanish.
Saito EP, Davis JW, Harrigan RC, Juarez D, Mau MK. (2010) Copayment level and drug
switching:findings for type 2 diabetes. Am J Pharm Benefits 2:412-420.
Sibley LM, Moineddin R, Agha MM, Glazier RH. (2010) Risk adjustment using administrative data-based
and survey-derived methods for explaining physician utilization. Med Care 48:175-182.
Sicras-Mainar A, Pane-Mena O, Martinez-Ruiz T, Fernandez-Roure JL, Prats-Sanchez J, Santafe L,
Navarro-Artieda R, Prados-Torres A, Estelrich-Bennasar J. (2010) Adjusted Clinical Groups use at a
Spanish primary care center: a retrospective, population-based study. Rev Panam Salud Publica 27:4955. Published in Spanish.
Smith PM, Glazier RH, Sibley LM. (2010) The predictors of self-rated health and the relationship between
self-rated health and health service needs are similar across socioeconomic groups in Canada. J Clin
Epidemiol 63:412-421.
Sun JM, Chuang SL, Lee WC. (2010) Using the Adjusted Clinical Groups System to identify high-risk
hemodialysis patients in Taiwan. J Healthc Manag 11:311-326. Published in Chinese.
Targownik LE, Lix LM, Leung S, Leslie WD. (2010) Proton-pump inhibitor use is not associated with
osteoporosis or accelerated bone mineral density loss. Gastroenterology 138:896-904.
Weppner WG, Ralston JD, Koepsell TD, Grothaus LC, Reid RJ, Jordan L, Larson EB. (2010) Use of a
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Starfield B, Chang HY, Lemke KW, Weiner JP. (2009) Ambulatory specialist use by nonhospitalized
patients in US health plans: correlates and consequences. J Ambul Care Manage 32:216-225.
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Gonzalez LM, Benigeri M, Bluteau JP, Provencher P. (2008) The use of drugs in Montrealers aged 65
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Lafferty WE, Tyree PT, Devlin SM, Andersen MR, Diehr PK. (2008) Complementary and alternative
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in the primary care setting. Aten Primaria 40:447-454.
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(2008) Relationship among the degree of control of arterial hypertension, comorbidity and costs in
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The Johns Hopkins ACG® System Bibliography
as of April 5, 2013
Hutchinson A, Parkin D, Philips P. (1991) Case mix measures for ambulatory care. J Public Health Med
Starfield B, Weiner J, Mumford L, Steinwachs D. (1991) Ambulatory Care Groups: a categorization of
diagnoses for research and management. Health Serv Res 26:53-74.
Weiner J. (1991) Ambulatory case-mix methodologies: applications to primary care research. In: Grady M,
eds. Primary care research: theory and methods. Washington, DC: USDHHS. AHCPR Pub 91-0011:7581.
Weiner JP, Lyles A, Steinwachs DM, Hall KC. (1991) Impact of managed care on prescription drug use.
Health Aff 10:140-154.
Weiner JP, Starfield BH, Steinwachs DM, Mumford LM. (1991) Development and application of a
population-oriented measure of ambulatory care case-mix. Med Care 29:452-472.
Starfield B, Weiner J, Mumford L, Steinwachs D. (1990) ACGs: ambulatory care groupings for case-mix
categorization. Final report for grant #HS05505, National Center for Health Care Research/Health Care
Technology Assessment. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University.