Strana 78 VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82. UDC: 616.136-007.64-08


Strana 78 VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82. UDC: 616.136-007.64-08
Strana 78
Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82.
UDC: 616.136-007.64-08
DOI: 10.2298/VSP1401078S
Endovascular repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
Endovaskularno leþenje rupture aneurizme abdominalne aorte
Momir Šarac*†, Ivan Marjanoviü*†, Aleksandar Tomiü*†, Sanja Šarac†‡,
Mihailo Bezmareviü§
*Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, ‡Clinic of Pulmology, §Clinic of
General Surgery, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia; †Faculty of Medicine of
the Military Medical Academy, University of Defence, Belgrade, Serbia
Introduction. Rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm
(AAA) is a potentially lethal state. Only half of patients with
ruptured AAA reach the hospital alive. The alternative for
open reconstruction of this condition is endovascular repair
(EVAR). We presented a successful endovascular reapir of
ruptured AAA in a patient with a number of comorbidities.
Case report. A 60-year-old man was admitted to our institution due to diffuse abdominal pain with flatulence and
belching. Initial abdominal ultrasonography showed an AAA
that was confirmed on multislice computed tomography scan
angiography which revealed a large retroperitoneal haematoma. Because of patient’s comorbidites (previous surgery of
laryngeal carcinoma and one-third laryngeal stenosis, arterial
hypertension and cardiomyopathy with left ventricle ejection
fraction of 30%, stenosis of the right internal carotid artery of
80%) it was decided that endovascular repair of ruptured
AAA in local anaesthesia and analgosedation would be treatment of choice. Endovascular grafting was achieved with
aorto-bi-iliac bifurcated excluder endoprosthesis with complete exclusion of the aneurysmal sac, without further enlargment of haemathoma and no contrast leakage. The postoperative course of the patient was eventless, without complications. On recall examination 3 months after, the state of
the patient was well. Conclusion. The alternative for open
reconstruction of ruptured AAA in haemodynamically stable
patients with suitable anatomy and comorbidities could be
emergency EVAR in local anesthesia. This technique could
provide greater chances for survival with lower intraoperative
and postoperative morbidity and mortality, as shown in the
presented patient.
Uvod. Ruptura aneurizme abdominalne aorte (AAA) predstavlja potencijalno smrtonosno stanje. Samo polovina bolesnika sa rupturom AAA stigne živa u bolnicu. Alternativa
otvorenoj hirurškoj rekonstrukciji ovog stanja je endovaskularno leÿenje. U radu je prikazano uspešno izvedeno endovaskularno leÿenje rupturisane AAA kod bolesnika sa velikim brojem prateýih oboljenja. Prikaz bolesnika. Muškarac star 60 godina, primljen je u našu instituciju zbog difuznih bolova u trbuhu praýenih nadimanjem i podrigivanjem.
Na ultrazvuÿnom pregledu abdomena viĀena je AAA, što je
potvrĀeno i multislajsnom kompjuterizovanom angiografiji
abdomena, koja je ukazala i na postojanje velikog retroperitonealnog hematoma. Zbog prateýih bolesti (prethodna
operacija karcinoma larinksa i suženje larinksa na jednu treýinu, arterijska hipertenzija i kardiomiopatija sa ejekcionom
frakcijom leve komore od 30%, stenoza desne unutrašnje
karotidne arterije od 80%) odluÿeno je da je leÿenje izbora
rupture AAA endovaskularno, u lokalnoj anesteziji i analgosedaciji. Endovaskularni grafting postignut je ugraĀivanjem
aortobiilijaÿne bifurkacione ekskluder endoproteze sa potpunom ekskluzijom aneurizmatske vreýe, bez daljeg uveýanja hematoma i isticanja kontrasta. Postoperativni tok protekao je uredno, bez komplikacija. Na kontrolnom pregledu
tri meseca kasnije, stanje bolesnika bilo je dobro. Zakljuÿak. Endovaskularno leÿenje rupturisane AAA može biti terapija izbora kod hemodinamski stabilnih bolesnika sa znaÿajnim komorbiditetima ukoliko morfologija aneurizme to
dozvaljava. Ova tehnika pruža veýu šansu za preživljavanje,
uz manji stepen intraoperativnog i postoperativnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta što potvrĀuje i prikaz našeg bolesnika.
Key words:
aortic aneurysm, abdominal; aortic rupture;
comorbidity; diagnosis; vascular surgical procedures;
blood vessel prosthesis; treatment outcome.
Kljuÿne reÿi:
aorta, abdominalna, aneurizma; aorta, ruptura;
komorbiditet; dijagnoza; hirurgija, vaskularna,
procedure; krvni sud, proteza; leÿenje, ishod.
Correspondence to: Momir Šarac, Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Military Medical Academy, Crnotravska 17, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia. Phone: +381 11 3608 566. E-mail: [email protected]
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Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is the pathological,
over 50%, enlargement of the aorta. It could develop in both
men and women, usually in the elderly 1. The incidence and
prevalence of both AAA and ruptured AAA continues to increase. In the United Kingdom this is the 8th commonest cause
of death, responsible for 10,000 to 12,000 deaths per year 2, 3.
Progressive aneurysm enlargement can lead to rupture and
massive intra-abdominal bleeding with fatal outcome, unless
timely repair can be achieved. There were 6,800 deaths in the
2000 in England and Wales due to rupture of AAA 3. Despite
improvements in perioperative and postoperative management,
the mortality rate remains high after conventional open surgical repair. The overall mortality rate from aneurysm rupture
ranges between 65% and 85%4. The half of deaths from ruptured AAA not even reach the hospital and for those who survive the initial period the mortality rate in open emergency
surgical repair ranges between 30% and 70% 4, 5. As a newer
minimally invasive technique, endovascular repair showed
improvement in reduction of an early morbidity and mortality,
as compared to conventional open surgery repair for elective
treatment of AAA 6, 7. As elective endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) provides a significant reduction in aneurysmrelated mortality for 30 days (as well in 4 years follow-up), it
may be speculated that this technique could offer an improvement in long-term survival for patients with ruptured AAA 8.
Emergency EVAR in the treatment of ruptured AAA has been
used with success, proving that it is feasible in selected patients. However, it is not known yet will emergency EVAR
provide significant improvement in early and late mortality for
these patients, nor could it replace conventional open repair as
the preferred treatment of this lethal condition.
Case report
A 60-year-old man was admitted to our institution due
to diffuse abdominal pain with propagation to the sacroiliac
region more to the left side, lasted for 2 days and accompained by flatulence and belching. Initial abdominal ultrasonography showed AAA with maximum diameter 70 mm
with retroperitoneal haemathoma in the left paracolic space.
As the patient’s clinical state was haemodynamically stable,
urgent computed tomography (CT) scan aortography was
performed. CT showed infrarenal AAA with a maximum
anteroposterior diameter of 72 mm. There were a large retroperitoneal haematoma extending into the left iliopsoas muscle and left paracolic gutter (Figure 1).
The patient omentioned the previous surgery of laryngeal carcinoma in another medical institution (2 years before), and showed recent otorhinolaryngological findings
with the confirmed existence of one-third laryngeal stenosis.
Also, the patient had arterial hypertension with irregular
drugs intake, and cardiomyopathy with documented left
ventricle ejection fraction of 30% confirmed by the cardiologist on admission to our institution. Visual disturbances
(amaurosis fugax) verified a high grade stenosis of the right
internal carotid artery (80%) with elevation of systolic blood
Šarac M, et al. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82.
Fig. 1 – Infrarenal suprailiac aneurysm of the abdominal
aorta with the maximal anteroposterior diameter of 72 mm
and the large retroperitoneal haematoma extending into the
left iliopsoas muscle and left paracolic gutter on multislice
computed tomography scan angiography.
(Retroperitineal hematoma marked with a red arrow)
flow velocity and turbulence on colour doppler ultrasound in
another medical institution. In view of high comorbidities
the patient was considered unfit for open surgery and general
anaesthesia. The appearance of CT (aneurysm’s neck length
20 mm and favourable iliac arteries) suggested that the patient was suitable for endoluminal stent grafting. Under local
anesthesia (20 mL of lidocaine-chloride in concetration of
2%) and analgosedation followed by continuous monitoring
of vital function the emergency EVAR was performed. We
selected an aorto-bi-iliac endovascular stent graft using a
Siemens Siremobil® Iso-C Image Intensifier (Siemens AG,
Erlangen, Germany). Access was gained via bilateral femoral
approach. Table angiogram with a measuring catheter
showed infrarenal AAA without extension into the common
iliac arteries. An aorto-bi-iliac bifurcated excluder endoprosthesis (WL Gore, USA; size PXT 231416 and contralateral PXC 141400) was positioned and deployed infrarenally
under fluoroscopy guidance using standard techniques.
Control angiography showed complete exclusion of
aneurysmal sac, without further enlargment of haemathoma
and no contrast leakage (Figures 2 and 3). During operation
the patient received 5000 I.U. /mL of heparin-sodium solution and 1.5 g of cefuroxime intravenously. The procedure
lasted for 70 min, without complications. The patient was
transferred to the surgical intensive care unit where he was
closely monitored for one day, with administering of two
units of fresh blood supstitution therapy followed by standard therapy. On the 7th postoperative day an endarterectomy of the right internal carotid artery was performed in
general anaesthesia and video-assisted tracheal intubation,
without intraoperative and postoperative complications.
Further state of the patient was eventless, without complication and he was discharged from the hospital after 12 days of
the second operation. On recall examination 3 months after
patient’s discharge from the hospital, the state of the patient
was well, with no complaints related to AAA.
Strana 80
Volumen 71, Broj 1
Fig. 2 – An aorto-bi-iliac bifurcated excluder endoprosthesis positioned
and deployed infrarenally.
Fig. 3 – Complete exclusion of the aneurysmal sac, without
enlargment of haemathoma and no contrast leakage on post
deployment computed tomography scan angiography.
Following rupture of AAA, only 38–64% of patients
reach the hospital alive 9. Rupture of AAA can result in
haemodynamic collapse and death before hospital admission
of patients. Operative treatment of ruptured AAA is associated
with mortality rates between 25% and 60% 10. In such patients
with ruptured slowly blood leaking AAA, the clinical picture
is ussualy presenting with abdominal pain, pulsating abdominal mass and hypotension. AAA rupture is more frequent in
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiac
disease, stroke and aneurysm size greater than 5 cm 11. The
same factors in addition to malignancy, chronic renal failure,
recent myocardial or cerebal infarction, dementia, coexistent
severe acute pancreatitis and oral anticoagulant therapy make
patients unfit for open surgery repair 10, 12.
Endovascular repair of AAA is minimally invasive procedure accompanied with the reduction in morbidity and
mortality during and after the procedure, regarding the need
for surgical exposure of the aorta and aortic cross clamping
in open surgical reconstruction 13, 14. Further, usage of endoprosthesis can considerably reduce cardiac strain during the
procedure as compared to open surgery and hence is particularly advantageous in surgically high risk patients 15.
During endovascular repair of AAA, an endograft is positioned within the aorta by the transfemoral approach to exclude aneurysmal sac from circulation 13. It was showed that
covering by stent seal off AAA immediately after stent
placement, followed with gradual obliteration of aneurysm
sac by collagen reduce risk of further aneurysm expansion
and rupture 16. The data from the Registry of Endovascular
Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (RETA) show
that only 30–50% of aneurysms are suitable for endovascular
repair 14. The procedure requires accurate determination of
aneurysm morphology with contrast enhanced MSCT angiography. In symptomatic and ruptured AAA, MSCT scan
can rapidly assess the feasibility of endovascular treatment 14, 16. It is provided in patients with haemodynamically
stable condition, as in our case. Due to simplicity, reduction
in haemodynamic manipulations, reduced requirement for
both intravenous fluid administration and subsequent monitoring of patients, the need for stay in intensive care units
and less of hospital beds, local anaesthesia combined with
analgosedation is an acceptable technique for endovascular
repair of aneurysms 15. Also, this type of anaesthesia provides a particular advantage in patients with high risk for
cardiovascular complications, since it does not change the
haemodynamic situation in contrast to general anaesthesia 15,
. Comparing the usage of general, epidural and local anaesthesia for endovascular repair of aneurysms, Bettex et al.
successfully used local anaesthesia in 63 of 91 patients, including 4 patients with ruptured aneurysm. The poor cardiopulmonary reserve in the presented patient made him unsuitable for general anaesthesia. For now, it seems that endoluminal repair of ruptured AAA is only applicable in selected
haemodynamically stable patients, unfit for open surgical
Šarac M, et al. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82.
Volumen 71, Broj 1
procedure 12, 13. Since the report by Yusuf et al. 18 in 1994
showed the feasibility of EVAR in ruptured AAA, there have
been others from specialised vascular units limited to selected cases and in haemodynamically stable patients. Those
series included variety of aortic ruptures, such as aorto-caval,
aorto-renal vein and enteric fistulas, and rupture of false aneurysms following open surgical repair 19–22. In the last ten
years various series and prospective studies showed that
EVAR could offer another option for the patients with ruptured AAA 19–23. The presented patient is the second reported
case with ruptured AAA treated by EVAR in Serbia 24, but
the first one successfully treated due to acute ruptured AAA.
The main disadvatage of EVAR is the high costs of
stent-grafts and their delivery systems, plus the cost of any
adjunctive procedures. Also, the need for lifelong follow-up
imaging and long-term durability of graft material is yet to
be proven 25. Considering the fact that each patient requires
the appropriate stent-graft, at least one day is needed for its
procurement even in the most developed countries. The
shortest period to purchase appropriate stent-graft in Serbia
is two days 24. Regarding the presented patient we had an appropriate stent graft which was intended for another patient.
Although a recently published retrospective analysis of 651
Strana 81
patients who underwent EVAR and open repair of elective
infrarenal AAA shows that the 30-day mortality rate after
open repair is similar to that after EVAR in patients younger
than 60 years 26, it is not known yet if emergency EVAR will
lead to significant improvements in outcomes for these patients, nor could it replace conventional open repair as the
preferred treatment for ruptured AAA. The Immediate Management of the Patient with Rupture (IMPROVE aneurysm
trial open versus endovascular repair) will in the near future
answer to the question if patients with ruptured AAA derive
benefit from EVAR regarding 30-day mortality, 24 hours inhospital and one year mortality, complications and morbidities, as weel as quality of life, costs and cost-effectivenes 27, 28.
The half of patients with ruptured AAA die before
reaching the hospital. Intraoperative and postoperative mortality rate of open surgical repair is high especially in patients with comorbidities. The alternative for open reconstruction of ruptured AAA in haemodynamically stable patients with suitable anatomy and comorbidities could be
emergency EVAR in local anaesthesia.
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Received on March 30, 2012.
Revised on December 5, 2012.
Accepted on December 10, 2012.
Šarac M, et al. Vojnosanit Pregl 2014; 71(1): 78–82.