Document 6426357
Document 6426357
Return of Private Foundati 990-PF For Oeoaranent Internal 01 me Trw ry Note The Mme of orpaniranon Use the IRS label ID W . Otherwise, print Employer Identification number RICHARDSON FOUNDATION NumOS vq Saw (off P O bob nunY7s n men u not aNivrae m atrael Aaarml City or town, state, and ZIP code TX 828 RooMwib ortypa 309 MAIN STREET See Specific FORT WORTH IB Telephone number R17_'iZA _ 1 . If u~mptbn ~pPllotbn ~a p~din¢ wck nn D 1 Foreign organ¢abons, check here 76102 H Check type of arpaniratian 0 Section SOt(c)(3) exempt private foundation [-I Section 4947(a)(1)nonexempt charRaGletrust E:l other taxable private foun( I Fair market value of all assets at end of year J Accounting method LJ Cash (lrom Part 1l, col (c), line 16) E] Other (specAy) 257 , 816 , 716 . (Peri l, coNmn (omust be on cash le$ Part E Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (a) Revenue and (The total of amounts in columns (6) expenses per (c), and (d) may nor necessary equal .~_ _._ . ._ ._ ._ __ . .__ ._ . . books 1 2001 crust ation may be able to use a copy o/ this raNm to satisfy state repor For calendar vear 2001 . or la: veer hi Instructions OMB W or'Faction 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Chantabl Treated as a Private Foundation z Fu.7, ur~ninoo~u mren, m.85% 1al eiOi* nn and atta]i mmputeeon sell ,D E I1 private foundation status was terminated under section 507(D)(1)(A),check here " 1:1 Accrual F If tie foundation a m a 60-month termination(C) Net investment income I (e) Adjusted net income Contributions, gifts, grants etc received basis chill 1 O it h ipviylm s not rtQUM m inch Sdi B 2 3 Distributions from splrt-intarest trusts Intsml on uvinpa end tanporvy 7 1 525 Dnnuenes and interest tram securities 5a Gmss rants m 6 (Net and income or goad to GwsWepriabrail 0 p nib On line On 76 I 221 I 497 ) Gapllalpalnnetinmme (from PartN line 3) 8 9 Net short-term capital gain Income modAltahons 103 Gmvaalalmnibima end alwr~ncm to L.,*coet at tloa. .,ia c Gross profit or(ioss) 13 corw .~..non atamo..,a~W . w.taim .l to Other employee salanesanOwages 15 Pension plans,employee benefits tsa Legal tees oAccounting fees p , e Other professional tees w > 17 interest 1e taxes Ln rri 60g N c 19 Depreciation and depletion a 20 Occupancy GNetinvestment income or -.ww, .rer a) e Ad j usted net income at n.ww, .t.-o-) 450 179 , 400 . 115 . . . . . . 109 , 952 . 44 . 311 . 1 , 375 , 757, 9 , 996 , 980 . 56 , 7 -50 . 75 zn Statement 2 253 295 . 31 , 729 . 20 , 950 . 659 13 , 200 612 167 5 1 200 52 , 060 , 548 . 418 670 . 158 r 994 . 5 , 009 . 35 , 737 . 155 805 . 0. 0. . . . . . 6 , 120 . 11 077 . 33 , 236 . 715,160 . 1-8-1,12-3 . 75,241 . 513,666 . 2 r 893, 171 . 10, 510, 523 . 991,035 . 1,665, 399 . 34,798r 143 . 13, 403, 694 J 991,035 . 36,463, 542 . 18 468 . 75 394 . tmt ' ~ Eua+of rw~nu~ w~ e~pruea ru db0unirnu 548 . 4 , 410 52 , 800 774 547 5 , 200 142 119 Stmt 6 2JG 75 1 , 3 75 757 . 22 863 904 . 321 295 . 5~'mt l and ad ninistrative a x p ans as Add fin through 23 JnrftU2grfts T a 9a its paid I; __j_ j co CM 25 T a expenses an 9 dursements 0 MaassMaricf-25- LHA 1 095 655 Stmt 3 Stmt 4 Stmt 5 a lt Travel, conferences, and meetings m 22 Printing anApublications oi-~i°aax , 56-8- 191 113 . Total AGGlines tthrou gh 11 12 7 , 52-5 13 , 887 , 031 . . 115J 65 . 11 Other income Z 1 6a Ne~'"or ~oxlnwn ..i " o n..ono(on 1, 568 . " 9 , 466 ~ , 210 . 1 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice . see the Instructions 0. 0. 9'005 945 . , 15 746 . ` N/A Form 990-PF (2001) ZZ Form 99o-vF(200t) SID W . 4f2DSON FOUNDATION Beginning of ""°"°""°~°'°" Balance Sheets "°°" `°""°'°'r°xla°uahv"°"s°p' (a) Book Va t Cash -non-interest-beanng 176 2 Savings and temporary cash investments 54 , _0 89 2 , 4 3 2 , 60 4 . ,_ w 3 accounts receivable 1 Lass allowance for doubtful accounts 10 Pledges receivable 11110Less allowance for doubtful accounts 101 Grants receivable Recervables due tram officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons 3 5 8 7 0 . Page 2 End at year (c) Fair Market Value F .I., - )7 . 118 697 . )4 . c 2 , 432 , 604 ._ oesmnnaian~d Less allowance for doubtful accounts t Inventories for sale or use 8 9 Prepaid expanses and deterred charges 10a investments - U 5 and state government obligations GInvestments -corporate stock e Investments -corporate bonds 11 12 h~a wanL*hacW~toes ,g~,m,w " S-V'mt 12. . Investments " mortgage loans S tlilt Stmt Stmt 10 11 3 f 253 , 799 . 1 , 968 , 119 . Stmt 13 13 investments-other i< und,ouddinqs,andequipment oasis " 3 1, 201 1, 272' t=,mm,A,eysu, S{yvi} l y " 1 , 715 , 471 . is Other assets (aescnba1110- SEE STATEMENT 15 a 75-6015828 RT ;, ,054 . 1, 556,094 .1 luu ham afll. alra-bn Nubs, rM oU~ elpuY10W p~u~u 27 Mortgages and other notes payable 1,485,801 .160 . 40 . 50 . 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18 Gents payable 19 Deferred revenue 20 - ~598~, 455 . 257 816 ` 716 . 22 Other liabilities (descnDe " FET PAYABLE 0 Organizations tool follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 24 through 25 and lines 30 and 31 lla~ LXJ 24 Unrestricted 27 28 29 30 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here and complete lines 27 through 31 Capital stock, trust principal, or currant funds Paid-in or capital surplus, or Land, DIOp , and equipment fund Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment . or other funds Total not Assets of fund balances m 25 Temporarily restricted m 26 Permanently restricted a Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part 11, column (a), Ilne 30 (must agree with end-olyear figure reported an poor years retain) 2 Enter amount tram Part 1 . kne 27a 3 Other increases not included m line 2 (Rem¢e) 10, Add hoes 1, 2, and 3 5 Decreases riot included in fine 2 (RemQS) 4 minus line 51- F. 990-PF Roan irMi1 o,-x4-m 990-PF(20011 SID W. R (c' Date acquired (mo,day,yr) (a) List and describe the land(s) of property sold (9 9 real estate 2-story D nc k warehouse, or common stock 200 shs MLC Co :E .STATEMENT (E) Date sold (mo,aay yr) 16 (e) Gross sales price (Q Depreciation allowed (o~ allowa6te) (q) Cast or other basis plus expense of sale (h) Gain or (loss) (e) plus (Q minus (q) m commn In) and owned oy me 7aunaanon an i zre-iros j1) FMV aso112131/69 (p Adjusted oasis as o172/37/69 (I) Gains (Col (n) pain minus col (k), but not less than -0-) or Losses (from col (n)) (k) Excess of col (i) over col (I), A any also enter In Part I, Iine 7 ~ If It'loss),enter ?loss), -0-in Part l,lurea7 } 2 Capital pain net income or (net capital loss) 3 Not short-term capital pain or floss) as defined m sections 12225) and (fi) If gain, also enter m Part I, line 8, column (c) Z 1 , 095 , 655 . l I Wit Y I Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Inve: (For optional use by domestic private tounGaUOns sublet! to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income ) M section <940(C)(2) applies, leave this part blank Was the orpanrsadon liable for the section 4942 fu on the GntnbutaDle amount of any year in tie bass peno09 It Yes .'tne organization does not quality under section C940(e) Do not complete this part 1 Enter tie appropriate amount in each column for each year, see Instructions before making any entries Base OenoG years Calendar veer for tax veer beamnma ml Adjusted qualifying 'Oistdistributions E :3 Yes 0 No DutnCutlon ratio (cot (b) divided by cot (c)) Nat value o1 noncnanfablruse assets 2 Total Ofline t,column (A) 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year bass period -OmOe the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years me foundation has been m existence A less than 5 years Enter the net value of nanclurrtabb-use mots for 2007 from Poi X, line 5 2 .t7994ac I 3 I .0508896 1 " 1 246,814,020 . S MuIhON line 4 by line 3 6 8 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) 8 1[ Z) o V [o i . 90 , 059 . 7 Add hoes 5 and fi 8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part %1I, line 4 If line 8 s equal to or greater than line 7, check the box m Part VI, line 1D, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate See the Part VI Instructions 123521 ai-:am 36,497,082 . v. 990-PF Qaoi) Form 990PF (zoo,) SID W . RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 Erase Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 49401a1 . 49401b1. 49401e1 . or ~°"_.8---- ee ciacie 18 of the Page 4 7a Exempt operating foundations described m section 4940(d)(2), check here " 0 and enter "WA' on line 1 Date of ruling letter .. . . . (attach copy W ruling letter A necessary-see Instructions) b Domestic organizations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check here " (N and enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b c All other domestic organvahons enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organuniuons enter 4% of Part t, line 12, cal (b) 2 Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 3 Add Tines 1 and 2 4 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(7) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 5 Tax based on investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3 It zero or less, enter -0- 8 Credrts/PaymeMs a 2001 estimated tax payments and 2000 overpayment credited to 2001 b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) d Backup withholding erroneously withheld Total credits and payments Add lines 6a through 6d 7 8 9 10 Sa 83 . 0 88 Sol Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here ~ if Form 2220 is attached Tax due If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed Overpayment If line 7 is more than we total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid 1a During the tax year, did the organization attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it participate or intervene in any political campaign? b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19 of the instructions for definition)? I! the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 16, attach a detailed description o! the activities and copes of any materials published or distributed by the organization in connection with the activities c Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 2 3 d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year (t) On the organization " $ 0 (2) On organization managers " $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the organuation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on organization managers " $ Has the organization engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS I/ "Yes,' attach a detailed description of the activities Has the organization made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in it governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? 11 "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes 4a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? 5 6 b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Forth 990-T for this year's Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the yeah 11 'Yes," attach the statement required by General Instruction T N/A Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either " By language in the governing instrument or " By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that conflict with we state law remain in the governing instrument? 7 Did the organization have at least E5,000 m assets at any tune during the year? M 'Yes," complete Part II, cot (c), and Part XV Be Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the -- - -- - --- - - -- --- - -instructions) " ---Texas---- - 9 10 11 12 13 b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the organization furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G1 I/ 'No," attach explanation Is the organization claming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942 0) (3) or 4942p(5) for calendar year 2001 or the taxable year beginning in 2001 (see instructions for Part XIV on page 25)? I/ "Yes,' complete Part XIV DWanypersonsbecomesubstantWCOnfibutorsdunngttiefaxyeaRItNes,'aftarhaschedulelrs6rgthennamesandaddresses Did the organization comply v/A the public inspection requirements for its annual retains and exemption application? Web site address " . N~-------- - - - - --- 10 >> ____ ______________ Telephone no " a17--0494__. J-36me books are in care of t Valleau Wilkie, Jr . Zipiq if* __76102 ________ ---Located at " _ 309 Main Street,__Ft ._ Worth,_ . Tx_ __ .. . .. . .. __ _ . . .. . .. . Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Forth 1041-Check here and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year " 1 13 1 N/A Fam, 990-PF (2ooi) Form 990-PF " File Form 4720 A any item is checked in the "Yes' column, unless an exception applies to During the year did the organuation (either directly or indirectly) (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified persons (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or nNennsa extend credit to (or accept d tom) a disqualified persons (3) Fumrsh goods, services, orfacililles to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? (C) Pay compensation to or pay or reimburse tie expenses al, a disqualified persons (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? STmT PART M" 1 (6) Agree to pay money or properly 1o a government official? (Exception Check No' A the organization agreed [o make a grant to or to employ the official for a penoC after temunabon of qovammeal :emce A tertnuutmg within 90 days) D If any answer is Yes" to 1a(1)-(6) did any of tie arts tail to quality under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 49d1(A)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 19 of the mstrucUOns)7 Organizations raying an a current notice regarding disaster assistance tuck here 75-6015828 0 Yes X Pages No 0 Yet CX1 No 0 Yes CM No EM Yes 0 No 0 Yes [91 No 0 Yes 0 No e DMA the organization engage m a prior year in any of the acts described in to other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of tie tax year beginning in 20017 2 Taxes an failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply tar years the organization was a private operating foundation defined m section 4942(j)(3) or 4942(j)(5)) a At the end o1 tax year 2001, did tie organization have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 69, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 20017 E--1 Yes EKNo It 'Yes,* list the years D Are there any years listed in 2a tot which the organization is not applying trio provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed mcome7 (It applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer 'No' and attach statement -see instructions ) N/A o M the provisions of section 4942(x)(2) are being applied to am of the years listed in 2a, first the years here zo 3a Did the organization hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year7 Yes [K] No D It Ves ; AM it have excess business holdings in 2001 as a result o1 (1) any purchase by the orqanrsa6on or disqualified persons after 4a D 5a D May 26, 1969. (2) the lapse of the 5-year penod (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 49431c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest, or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding panod7 (Use Schedule C, N/A Form 4720, to detemune A the organization had excess busyness holdings in 2001) Did the organization invest during the year any amount m a manner that would Jeopardize its chanWble purposes OW the organization make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) Nat could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning m 20017 During tie year did tie organization pay or incur any amount to (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section <945(e))9 0 Yes D No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955), or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? Yes No (3) Provide a gent to an individual for travel, study . or other similar purposes ~ Yep ~X No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc . organization described in section 509(x)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? [XI Yes No (5) Provide forany purpose otherNan religious, charitable . scienUfic, literary . or educational purposes, or for = Yes the prevention of cruelty to chMren or animals? tin If any answer a *Yes* to 5a(1 HS), did am of the transactions fad to quality under the exceptions described in Regulabons section 53 4945 or in a currant notice regarding disaster assistance (see instructions)? Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here c It the answer is Yes'to Ques6an Sa(4), does the organization claim exemption from the tax because 4 maintained expenditure responsibility lot the grant? if 'Yes,' attach the statement required by Regulabona section 53 4945-5(a) I.-TMT?AIM 8a Did the orpaninhon, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly. to pay premiums on i personal benefit contract7 D Did the organization during the yeas, pay premiums directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit cantracY7 Il you answered 'Yes' to 66, also file Form 8870 izzvi 01 :am Yes No Yes No 3D~ ae X x s t seW X v,.m 990-PF poon (zao,) Fo rm 990 .PF SID W . RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 Page Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors t List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation mana gers and their com pensation see a 20 of the instructions (h) Tide and average hour per wPSk devoted to posdion (a) Name and address --- SEE--STATFI`S£NT :- _ .FART_ vzzz-i. . .. . . ------ -------- ------ - - - - ---- I (t) ( amperrsaoon " Rr not I (d) ConmbuW~tt to paid, wrier (e) Expense account. other albwsnces employee henefrt plans ~) 6 and deferred compensation I I 2 Compensation of flue highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1 -see page 21 of the instructions) . Ii none, enter "NONE." (d) Title and evaepe (a) Name and addres+ W earn employee paid more pun 550000 . .CYN2H7.A 109 MATN STREET FT . WORTH . JANICE IeL . .BHENNEMAt7____ . TX haws per week devoted to position 76102 BUSINESS MGR 35 . . .. ... . . SEUM DIREC (c) CompgnsaLm 91 .706 . R (a) ConmWhoru to employee benefit plans and deferred carnpenseoon (e) Expense account, other albs 0. 0. - -- ----- ------ -- - - btal number of other employees paid over $50,000 . 0 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors far professional services--(see page 21 of the instructions) . If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more dm SW 000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation .1.UTHER .ICIA1JG CAPLTAL ..MANAGEMEHT------------------ - -'ini MIAMPRC.F. qT qTF 160Q_ FT- QRTH TX 76102 TNVFSTMENT ADVISOR --JP _MORGAII CHASE bAHK---- -- - --- -- --------- ---- -- - - - 915-698, 76 1'02 --WIT.LSnri .F.. cxaia,--rLn_-- -- --- - -- --- ------- - ---- - - --- -- - - OWN M, - ------------ -- -- - ------ --- - -- --- Summary of Direct Charitable Activities List the fumdirtlm's lour larput direct Uumable acWrhp duMp the tax year Include relevant atan^tual mbrmahon such as the number orffdnvabau end other brneflcmnescmes served cmfaaicGcGconvened, research papers produced e[c I Exof FIFST£RN..ART__COL3+EMON-. ~H~OM£__FOR .z001 .H'A5. $1_41,1_1,1 . __APPRQxIMATELY .42 .225. PEOP3.E__VSSITED_ .TEIF. .MUS.EJIM -II] .200 .--- ------------ ------ -- ---z 3 4 Fog 990-PF (zoom Form 990-Pf(200t) SID W . R0 ARDSON FOUNDATION " 75-6015828 Page 7 Part IX-B Summary of Program-Related Investments made by the foundation during [he tax year on lines 1 and 2 tN Amount 2 All other program-related investments See instructions 3 N/A Total Add lines 1 Pmt X 1 D c d e 2 3 C Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part Foreign foundations, see instructions ) Fart market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly m carrying out charitable. etc , purposes Average monthly fair market value of securities Avenge of monthly cash balances Fair market value of all offer asses Total (add lines Is, b, and c) Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and lc (attach detailed explanation) Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets Subtract line 2 from line I of is 1a 1b 1e _1d 0 . 2 ' Cash deemed held for charitable activities Enter 1 112% of line 3 (for greater amount, see instructions) Net value of nanahultable-use used Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter hen and on Part V, line 4 5 Minimum Investment return Enter 5% of line 5 P~ ~ DIStRbutable Amount (sea instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (1)(5) private operating foundations and certain foraian oraanirations check here 1 n and do not complete this Dart 1 5 8 1 21 D c 3 aa D t y 6 7 IWnimum investment realm from Part X, line 6 Tax on investment income for 2001 from Part VI . line 5 2a Income tax for 2001 (This does not include tie tax from Part VI ~ 2D Add lines 2a and 2t, Distnbutable amount before adjustments Subtract line Yc from line 1 4a Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions SG Income dninLUtions tom section 4947(a)(2) trusts Add lines 47 and 4b Add lines 3 and 4c Deduction from OistnbuUOfa amount sae instructions) OIStrIEutaEle amount as admsted Subtract line fi from line 5 Enter here and on Part %11I line 1 90 , 059J 0 . 0 34U /U1. 1 11 2C 3 90 , 059 . 12 , 250 , 642 . <e 4 . s 12 250 642 . Is 16 2 36 , 463 , 542 . 0 . 33 5 40 . 3a 3b I 36 , 497 , 082 . ~~ ~ B ~ I 7 I 0 12,250 , 642 . Part X11 Qualifying Distributions (see mstructions) 1 Amounts paid (including aOmmustnhve expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc , purposes a Expenses, contributions, gifts . etc -toGi tram Part 1, column (d) line 26 D Program-ralateAinvestments -Total from Part IX-B 2 amounts paid to acquire assets used for nee for use) directly m rarqnnq out charitable, etc , purposes STMT PART 'gj[ - I.u~E 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the a SurtaOYAy test (prior IRS approval required) D Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) 1 Qualifying distributions Add lines to through 3b Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part Xlil, line 4 5 Orqancahons that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on not investment income Enter s%olPart l,line 27b 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions Subtract line 5 tram line 4 ~ Note The amount on brie 6 will be used in Pert V, eowmn (b), in subsequent yews when calculating whottw the 4940(e) ieducnon of tax in those years 123561 01 :am 6 8 90 , 05-9 . 36,407,023 . ~ foundation qualifies for the section v~ 99U-PF aaaq Form 990-PF(2007) part XIT! SID W . R VDSON 75-6015828 Undistnbuted Income (see instructions) (a) 1 Distnbutable amount for 200 from Part XI line 7 Z UnEiambutW inmm, II Mr aof M. ~ .1 200P (h) Years poor to 2000 ~ . M 2000 (it) 2001 12 250 642 . a Enter amount for 2000 only OTamt.nn«vw 3 19 0 . ,19 ' J9 Eace.aomweauwryc.. a .ny mxoo, a From 7996 D From 7997 ' 3 5 a From 1998 2 , 757 , 221 . eFrom 200o 530 , 46-9-. E From 1999 s ITotal atlines 3athrough e 0 Qualifying distributions for 2001 from ~3`~287 630 . Part X11 dose Do,i 36 497 082 . 0. a Applied to 2000, but oat more than line 2a D Applied to undistributed income of poor years (Election required - see instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required - sae instructions) 0 Applied to 2001 distnDuWble amount 5 8 0 . e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus aistriWMona Qvywr 1pPi,d m 2001 pt an rrount yp~ In mlumn (E), ui . unr ~nt mwt a mown in aaumn 141 Enter tie net total of each column as Indicated below a c~ Aeanne34a, .na~ suev .nnn .s , Subtract lines 7anA8from line 6a 10 Analysis of line 9 a Excess from 1997 c Excess from 7999 a Excess from 2000 ec-....1 ......nnn. z , 0 . , ` f 12 '250 642 . ` corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(G)(1 )(E) or 0942(p)(3) Excess disinDuhons carryover from 1996 nab applied an line 5 or hoe 7 Eases: distributions carryover W 2002 bExcess from 1998 ,_ 0 . 27, 534 2 , 757 , 221, 5-30 , 4-0-9 . ' ~ V 070 . ~ . 0. ^ j amount-see instructions a Undistributed income for 2000 Subtract line 43 from hoe 7a Taxable amount -see instr I Undistributed mama for 2001 Subtract lines 3A and 5 tram line 1 This amount must be distributed m 2002 1 Amounts treated as distributions out of 9 ' 24 , 246 , 440 . GPrior years'undistributed income Subtract line 4b from line 2D c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed d Subtract line tic from line 6b Taxable B Page e ~ , 0 . 0 . 0 . 27 534 ' 070 . - ~ , <<e . ~s 9A9AGAAl1 cam 690-PF Rood toot of-xam 990-PF(2001) SID W . R DSON FO[JNDATION ~ Form P~'t XlY Private Operating Foutl~3tions (see instructions and Part vll A, question 9) 1 a 11 the foundation has received a ruling or determination leper that R is a private operating toundaUon and tie ruling is effective for 2001 enter the data of the ruling lo. I NBA 75-6015828 Page 9 h Check box to inEtcate whether the organization is a ovate o p erating foundation described in section 0 4942 (j)(3 ) or ~ 4942 (l)( 5 ) 2 a Enter the lesser of Ne adjusted net Tax ear Prior 3 years (a) 2007 (6) 2000 (c) 1999 (d) 1998 income from Part I ovine minimum (e) Total investment return from Part X for each year listed 6 BSY of line 2a a OualAyinp distributions from Part X11, line 4 for each year listed d Amounts included in line 2c not used directly far active conduct of exempt activities re Qualifying distributions made directly for active conduct of exempt activities Subtract line 2d from line 2c 3 Complete 3a D, or c for the alternative test relied upon a 'Assets' alternative test -enter (1) value at an assets (2) Value of assets qualifying under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) b 'EndawmenY alternative test Enter 2/3 of minimum investment velum sown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed e 'SupDarr alternative test- enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942(j)(3)(8)(ni) (3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organm6on d GrossinvesUnentincome Part XY Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year-see page 26 of the instructions .) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Manager: a List any managers of the foundation woo have contributed more than 2% a1 the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any to year (but only rt they have contributed more than 15,000) (See section 507(A)(2) ) 6 List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of why the foundation has a 10'X or greater interest 2 Information Regarding contribution, Grant, GA4 Loan, Scholarship, stc .. Programs Check here " El d the oryanvaGon only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds M the organization makes pAls, grants, etc (sae instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete dorm 2a, b, c . and d a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed VALLEAU WILKIE, JR . 309 MAIN ST, FORT WORTH, TX 76102 (817)336-0494 D The form in which applications should be submitted and informabon and materials they should include LETTER DESCRIBING PROGRAM OR PROJECT . c Any submission deadlines VARY ACCORDING TO BOARD MEETING DATES . d My restrictions or hmrtahons an awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions . or other factors SERVES PEOPLE OF TEXAS txa+ei .m-x,-m IN THE ARTS, HUMANITIES, HEALTH, EDUCATION, ETC . X990-12F (2oo+) Farm990-PF(200i) 127607A1 " t407 SID W . R .AdkP.RDSON FOUNDATION- m 75-6015828 PaaetO Fam990-PF Rmtl Form 990-PF(200t) Part XYl-A SID W. R,*ARDSON FOUNDATION ~ 75-6015828 Paa Analysis of Income-Producing Actrvities Enter gross amounts unless otherw5e indicated 1 Pro9amsamcerevenue a G C 0 e I g Fees and contracts from government agendas 2 Membership dues and assessments Unrelated business income (a) Business code E=wa.e s ~n siz sip or 514 W' (E) °'°" Amount (b) Amount 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments it Dividends and interest from secumnis 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate 14 7 , 52-5 , 568 . 181 13 887 031 . Related or exempt function income a Debt-financed properly b Not debt-financed property 6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income B Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory 9 Nat income or (loss) from special events 10 Gross profit or (loss) tram sales of inventory 11 Other revenue a OIL 6 GAS ROYALTIES n MISCELLANEOUS c a B iz Subtotal aaacolumns (o).(a),ana(e) 13 Total Add line 12 columns (n), (a), and (e) (See worksheet in line 13 instructions to verify calculations 1 Part XVI-6 75 , 54-8 . 15 01 1 , 334 , 774 . 40 , 983 . II 0. 22, 788, 356 . 1111- 13 Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes 75,548 . 22,863,904 . Form 990-PF a b c d ION on 015828 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any at the following with any other organization described insect on 501(c) of Yes No the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations9 Transfers from the repoilting organization to a nonchantable exempt organization of (1) Cash X 1110) (2) Otherassets X la(2) Other Transactions (1) Sales of assets to a nonchantable exempt organization X 1 b(l) (2) Purchases of assets from a nonchantable exempt organizattan X U12) 13) Rental of facilities, equipment or other assets (4) Reimbursement arrangements 1 b(4) (5) Loans or loan guarantees 1 b(5) (6) Performance of services or membership or tundraising solicrtabons 1 b(61 Sharing at facilities, equipment, mailing lists other assets, or paid employees 1 c 1XXX X It the answer to any of the above is 'Yes ' complete the following schedule Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods other assets, or services given by the reporting organization If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in 2a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to . one or more tax-exempt organriabons described in section 501 (c) of the Code (other than section 501 (c)(3)) or in section 527? b If 'Yes 'COME116til the lollowino schedule Name of N ~~1@40=0f~icpw U~ P"a" f pwft~' I ~tnat I rume VW W*.W C I/ Signature of officer a r trustee Preparer's Frdx~(wy~ dwi,wrowymi, ~~Zlp~ 23821 1 21-M 01 inb.,ow of M~Ib~~toir-yww do P~ ~ " - 0 Yas of EKI No 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 STATEMENT1 Gross profit from business activities The sales are a result of the operations during the year of the museum featuring the Foundation's collection of western art, paintings by Frederic Remington and Charles Russell Reproductions of the paintings are being sold in the museum in the form of notecards, postcards and prints Also, books about the paintings and artists are being sold The gross and net income from these sources result from an activity which is substantially related to and part of the foundation's exempt functions and purposes 0 0 75-6015828 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION STATEMENT 2 Line 11 -OTHER INCOME Description Oil & Gas Royalties Miscellaneous PER BOOKS NET INV INCOME CHARITABLE PURPOSE 1,334,774 10 40,98354 1,334,774 10 40,98354 Totals 1,375,757 64 1,375,757 64 Kelly, Hart & Hallman 4,41023 65864 5,00860 Totals 4.41023 65864 5,00860 Arthur Andersen LLP 52 .80000 13,20000 35,73750 Totals 52,80000 13,20000 35,73750 Luther King Capital Mgt David M Schwartz Architectures M Goodwin & Associates Wm Reaves, Ph D Lawrence & Associates JP Morgan Chase Bank William F Craig, M D Linbeck Construction James Daniels and Associates Arthur Andersen LLP Kelly, Hart & Hallman 515,69800 37,17000 17,49300 6,00000 14,04850 86,44719 79,00000 8,66875 1,70000 4,99200 3.33003 515,69800 Totals 774,54747 612,16722 STATEMENT 3 Line 16a-LEGAL FEES STATEMENT 4 Line 16b-ACCOUNTING FEES STATEMENT 5 Line 16c-OTHER PROF FEES 86,44719 34,281 25 22,49300 6,00000 14,03100 79,00000 1 .70000 4,99200 3,33003 155,80525 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION STATEMENT 6 Line 18-TAXES Ad valorem tax Excise tax Foreign dividend tax Total 75-6015828 PER BOOKS NET INV INC 52,02217 90 .05945 3739 52,022 17 CHARITABLE PURPOSES 3739 142,11901 ~O59 52 56 STATEMENT 7 Line 19-DEPRECIATION & DEPLETION Depreciation Depletion on Producing Properties 108,59084 4,75803 1,361 91 1,361 91 10995275 611994 Supplies Insurance Dues Rental Miscellaneous Salaries Payroll taxestbenefits Supplies Utilities Pension plan Repairs & maintenance Insurance Automobile Depreciation 150,69327 38,02253 49,50000 27,37380 337,38242 57,71400 10,91386 2,81394 3 .43340 10,73700 19,52257 84872 5280 6,15201 3,91808 4,96426 6,84345 53,20872 57,71400 10,91386 2.81394 3,43340 10,73700 19,52257 84872 5280 615201 Totals 71516032 1 181 12281 STATEMENT 8 Line 23-OTHER EXPENSES 145.70313 33,05827 49 .50000 20 .55929 264,84530 513=6_ 665 99 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES FOR TAX RETURN YEAR ENDING 12131/01 STATEMENT 9 INVESTMENTS-U S TREASURY NOTES FACE VALUE DESCRIPTION 5000000 USTN 6 5% DUE 5/15/05 2000000 USTN 6 25% DUE 2Jl 5/07 TOTAL CARRYING VALUE 5,150,156 25 2,058,515 62 7208671 67, MARKET VALUE 5,395.300 00 2,159,060 00 7,554,360 00. SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES FOR TAX RETURN YEAR ENDING 12/31/01 STATEMENT 10 INVESTMENTS-CORPORATE STOCKS NO OF SHARES 170000 20000 70000 30000 60400 25000 25000 105000 70000 53200 70000 60000 80000 40000 80000 65000 40000 140000 25000 50000 25000 85000 30000 30000 250000 70000 40000 85000 50000 60000 35000 35000 25000 80000 25000 29000 30000 81000 7DOOO 40000 25000 85000 58480 50000 35000 DESCRIPTION Allied Waste Industries Alltel Corp Anheusesr Busch Co AOL Time Warner Belo Corp Boise Cascade Burlington Resources Cabot Oil & Gas Corp Cisco Systems Dell Computer El Paso Corp EMC Corp Ex(on Mobil Corp Gannett Inc General Electric Halliburton Co Hams Corp Hibernia Corp CIA Home Depot Honeywell Intl IBM Corp Intel Corp Kimberly Clark Corp Kraft Foods Inc A Louisiana Pacific Mendian Resource Corp , Microsoft Corp Motorola, Inc. Newell Rubbermaid, Inc Noble Affiliates, Inc Northern Trust Corp Pepsico Inc Pfizer Inc Pharmacia Corp Procter & Gamble Co Prudential Financial Inc Railamenca Inc Warrants Raytheon Co Schering Plough Temple Inland United Parcel Service Unocal Corp Venzon Communications Waste Management Inc Wells Fargo Co New CARRYING VALUE 2,121,052 50 825,21575 2,545,662 00 1,358,542 00 1,585,916 00 800,36250 963,43660 1,997,170 00 1,229,858 00 1,351 .466 20 3,034,500 00 1 .725,477 00 1,704,440 00 2.241,272 00 2 .810,328 00 2,314,460 50 1,139,712 00 2,050,020 00 260.03333 1,854,613 80 2.698 .546 97 3.188,869 50 1 .131,394 00 930,00000 3,615,349 00 463,75000 2,646,644 00 1,856,009 00 1,374,275 00 1 .459 .460 79 931,131 25 1,568,213 50 938,02700 3,550,081 94 1,859,122 50 833,724 10 000 2,206.011 70 1,391 .697 62 1 970,46200 1,280,985 50 2,601,022 50 3,143,019 94 1,507,297 72 825.73750 MARKET VALUE 2,39020000 1,23460000 3,164.700 00 963,00000 1,507,500 00 850,25000 938,50000 2.525.250 00 1,267.7DO 00 1,445,976 00 3,122,700 00 806,40000 3,144,000 00 2,689,200 00 3,206,400 00 851,50000 1,220,400 00 2,490,600 00 1,275,250 00 1,691,000 00 3,024,000 00 2,673,250 00 1 .794,000 00 1 .020,900 00 2.110.000 00 279.30000 2,650,000 00 1 .276,700 00 1,378,500 00 2,117.400 00 2.107.700 00 1,704,150 00 996,25000 3,412,000 00 1 .978,250 00 962,51000 184,20000 2,630,070 00 2,506,700 00 2,269.200 00 1,362,500 00 3,065,950 00 2,775,460 80 1 .595,500 00 1,521,450 00 TOTAL 77884371 21 114,181 .066 80, 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES FOR TAX RETURN YEAR ENDING 12/31/01 STATEMENT 11 INVESTMENTS-CORPORATE BONDS FACE VALUE 290MOO 3100000 2000000 3500000 4225000 2159000 3550000 2775000 100000 3350000 1975000 2000000 3600000 DESCRIPTION Block Financial Group 6 75% due 1111104 Continental Cablevision 9 5% due all/l 3 Donaldson. Lufkin & Jenrette 6 875% due 11/1/05 EDS 7 125% due 5/15/05 GTE Hawaiian Telephone Ser 8 7 375% due 9/l/06 Interstate Power Co 8 625% due 9/15/21 Kentucky Utilities Co a 55% due 5/15/27 Motorola Inc 5 8% due 10/15108 Radamenca Jr Conv 6% due 7131/04 Oracle Corp 6 91 % due 2/15/07 So Carolina Elec & Gas 7 625% due 4/1f25 Target Corp 7 5% due 2JI 5/05 Wisconsin Power & Light 8 6% due 3115127 TOTAL CARRYING VALUE 2.11%,505 50 3,506.715 00 1,987.020 00 3,593,345 00 4,407,731 25 2,261,240 00 3,880,006 50 2,526,543 00 1,000.01)(3 00 3,441,765 75 2,091 .781 75 2.024,740 00 3,980,952 00 3756836575 MARKET VALUE 2 9`19,053 00 3,473,860 00 2,119,380 00 3,697.050 00 4,620.967 00 2286,87757 3.736,126 50 2.527,719 75 1,446,000 00 3,468,255 00 2 120,99200 2,137,440 00 3,811,392 00 38 365,112 82 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION COST PER BOOKS 75-6015828 DEPRECIATION/ DEPLETION NET BOOK VALUE MARKET VALUE STATEMENT 12 Producing Royalties Machinery & Equipment Furniture Land-Tarrant County Non-producing royalties and mineral interests Building 1,755,760 08 217,30681 49,93817 1 .123,295 78 1,755,760 08 115,09880 44,721 73 0 000 102,20801 5,21644 1,123,295 78 1,787,400 00 102.20801 5,21644 8,915,055 00 8580 107,412 12 0 52,53784 8580 54,87428 000 20,17500 Total-Line 11 3,253,798 76 STATEMENT 13 Investments-Other 1,96811845 ENDING BOOK Treasury Money Market JP Morgan Partnership LKCM Small Cap Equity Fund LKCM International Fund 65,778 .777 51 231,391 00 22,988,012 00 10,226,352 00 1083005445 ENDING FMV 65,778,777 51 231,391 00 22,654,360 00 5,625,292 00 Total-Line 13 STATEMENT 14 COSTPER BOOKS DEPRECIATION/ DEPLETION NET BOOK VALUE Fumitures, fixtures and equipment Building 443,18994 2,758,082 46_ 362,56039 1,352,910 68 Total-Line 14 3,201,272 40 1 .715,471 07 - 1,485,801 33, - STATEMENT 15 Other Assets Art Collection Prepaid Insurance Total-Line 15 ENDING BOOK 80,62955 1,405,171 78 ENDING FMV 11,100,701 00 21,37016 19.185,010 00 21,37016 _1_1..6122,071 16 19.206 .380 16 MARKET VALUE 80 .62955 517,82500 598.45455, SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 STATEMENT16 Capital Gains (Losses) on Investment Income SALES PRICE LESS EXPENSES OF SALE 4,097,500 COST OR OTHER BASIS 4,126,875 HOW ACQUIRED P DATE ACQUIRED Various DATE SOLD Various Stocks P Various Various 42,933,537 32,385,581 10,547,956 Bonds P Various Various 11 285426 11,244,336 41,090 Equity Mutual Funds P Various Various 17,905,034 14577,674 3,327,360 GAM Pacific Trust See Stmt 16(a) P 09115/95 11/30/00 0 1,555 (1,555) Sec 1092See Stmts 16(b) and 1 6(c) P Various Various 0 12 .789 .821 (12,789,821) DESCRIPTION US Treasury Notes TOTAL GAIN (LOSS) (29375) ~76221 497 ~75 .125 842 __1~095~655 0 0 SID W. RICHARDSON FOUNDATION TAX IDENTIFYING NUMBER 75-6015828 A STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF ELECTION TO APPORTION GAINILOSS AMONG INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS UNDER IRC REGULATION SECTION 1 .736-1(b)(6) FORM 990-PF FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 Property for which election is made Entity Type Partnership Identifying Number GA.M[ Institutional Business Trust - Pacific Fund Limited Partnership 13-3846176 Taxpayer's Ownership Acquisition Date Disposition Date Termin tion of Partnership Total Proceeds Fixed 99 9% Lumted Partner September 1, 1995 December 31, 2000 Yes Yes Adjusted Tax Basis of Partnership Interest Cash proceeds Non Cash proceeds Total Gain/(Loss) 56,124,977 55,736,107 0 (388,870) Total proceeds received in 2000 (initial proceeds) Total proceeds received in 2001 (final proceeds) 55,493,925 242,182 Loss Recognized in 2000 996% 04% (S387,3 15) Loss to be recognized in 2001 ($1,555) STATEMENT 16(a) 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION IRC SECTION 1092 PORTFOLIO WALKFORWARD AS OF 12/31/01 NO OF SHARES ALLTEL A H BELO EXXON HOME DEPOT KIMBERLY-CLARK NOBLE AFFILIATES SCHERING-PLOUGH CARRYING VALUE 5,000 20,000 80,000 25,000 20,000 42,900 45,000 95,878 348,100 1,704,440 260,033 708,760 963,722 498,826 237,900 MARKET VALUE 308,650 375,000 3,144,000 1,275,250 1,196,000 1,513,941 1,611,450 9,424,291 4,579,759 4,844,532 UNREALIZED GAIN S&P UNRECOGNIZED LOSS (17,634,353) EXCESS OF UNRECOGNIZED LOSS OVER UNREALIZED GAIN SCHEDULE 16(b) 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 0 75-6015828 A STATEMENT ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF FORM 990-PF, RETURN OF PRIVATE FOUNDATION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001 THE FOUNDATION BEGAN TRADING REGULATED FUTURES CONTRACTS IN 1990, AND TERMINATED THE POSITION AS OF DECEMBER 31 . 1996 IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE STRADDLE RULES, THE FOLLOWING LOSSES, WHICH WERE REALIZED ON THE SALE OF REGULATED FUTURES CONTRACTS, ARE DISALLOWED UNDER THE WASH SALE RULES OF REG SEC 1 1092(b)-2T(A) PRIOR TO THE DISPOSITION OF THE STRADDLE PURSUANT TO IRC SECTION 1092(a), LOSSES FROM THE DISPOSITION ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN ANY TAXABLE YEAR ONLY TO THE EXTENT SUCH LOSSES EXCEED THE UNRECOGNIZED GAIN OF THE OFFSETTING POSITION UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES AT 1/1/99 LOSS FROM DISPOSITION RECOGNIZED FOR 1999 TAX YEAR, PART IV UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES CARRIED FORWARD TO 2000 2000 LOSS RECOGNITION UNRECOGNIZED GAIN IN OFFSETTING POSITION AT 12/31/00 UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES EXCEEDING UNRECOGNIZED GAIN RECOGNIZED AT 12/31100 UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES CARRIED FORWARD TO 2001 2001 LOSS RECOGNITION UNRECOGNIZED GAIN IN OFFSETTING POSITION AT 12/31/01 UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES EXCEEDING UNRECOGNIZED GAIN RECOGNIZED AT 12/31/01 UNRECOGNIZED SEC 1092 LOSSES CARRIED FORWARD TO 2002 SCHEDULE 16(c) (18,286,264) 0 (18,286,264) 17 .634,353 (651,911) (17,634,353) 4,a44,532 (12,789,821) 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 0 75-6015828 STATEMENT : PART V11-1 Information relating to grants subject to expenditure responsibility Grantee Region VIII Education Service Center P 0 Box 1894 Mount Pleasant, Tx 75456-1894 Grants awarded $300,000 in 1997 and $ 100,000 in 1999 Dates Paid $150,000 on January 2, 1998, $150,000 on January 4, 1999 $ 100,000 on February 1, 2000 Purpose Support the Regional Field-Based Leadership Development Model jointly conducted with Texas A&M Umversity-Commerce Amount of grants spent by Grantee $400,000 Diversion To the knowledge of the Foundation and based on the report furnished by the grantee, no part of the grant has been used for other than its intended purpose Date of last report Final report dated March 27, 2002 Grantee Education Service Center Region XI 3001 North Freeway Fort Worth, Tx 76106 Grants awarded $150,000 in 1997, $150,000 in 1999, $175,000 in 2000 Dates Paid $75,000 on June 1, 1997 and $75,000 on June 1, 1998 $75,000 on June 1, 1999 and $75,000 on June 1, 2000 $75,000 on January 2, 2002 Purpose Support Alliance for Educational Leadership program Amount of grants spent by Grantee $285,683 of the $300,000 awarded in 1997 and 1999 $85,560 of the $175,000 awarded in 2000 as of December 7, 2001 Diversion To the knowledge of the Foundation and based on the report furrushed by the grantee, no part of the grant has been used for other than its intended purpose Date of last report : December 7, 2001 Grantee Region I Education Service Center 1900 West Schunior Edinburg, Tx 78539-2234 Grants awarded $50,000 in 2000 Date Paid $50,000 on July 3, 2000 Purpose Support Advanced Leaders Academy Amount of grants spent by Grantee $50,000 Diversion To the knowledge of the Foundation and based on the report furrushed. by the grantee, no part of the grant has been used for other than its intended purpose Date of last report Final report dated March 21, 2002 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 STATEMENT PAIRTVIII-1 List of Officers Name and Address Edward P Bass 201 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 Perry R Bass 201 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 Nancy Lee Bass 201 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 Sid R Bass 201 Main Street Ft. Worth, Tx 76102 Lee M Bass 201 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 M E Chappell 309 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 Valleau Wilkie, Jr 309 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 Jo Helen Rosacker 309 Main Street Ft Worth, Tx 76102 TITLE/ HOURS EXPENSE RIBUTIONSACCT COMPENSATION Pres /Dir Part-time None None $2,50000 Chmn/Dir Part-time None None $2,50000 VP&Dtr Part-time None None $2,50000 VP&Dir Part-time None None $1,25000 VP&Dir Part-time None None $2,50000 VP&Dir Part-time None None $2,50000 Exec VP Part-time None 39284 $227,00000 Secretary Part-time None 83575 $80,54500 $321,29500 TOTAL I STATEMENT PARTVIII-1 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75-6015828 STATEMENT PART XII-LINE 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets Furniture and Wures 33,53990 STATEMENT PART XII-LINE 2 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 SID W. RICHARDSON FOUNDATION GRANTS PAID 12/31/01 756015828 RECIPIENT Aim for Success, Inc Dallas, TX Public PURPOSE Support bringing the program to FWtSD AMOUNT 45,00000 All Saints Health Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the completion of the fourth floor Patient Care Unit 150,00000 All Saints Health Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Support renovation of the outdoor play areas 112,40000 American Cancer Society, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the expansion of the ACS prevention and early detection programs Aransas County United Fund, Inc Rockport, TX Public Support the United Fund Campaign 5,00000 Arlington Women's Shelter, Inc Arlington, TX Public Support for the Youth Peace initiative 50,00000 Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant County Ft. Worth, TX Public Support for the Neighborhood Arts Program 20,00000 Arts Council of Fort Worth and Tarrant Public General support STATEMENT XV-3a 75.00000 5,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 County Ft Worth, TX Baylor College of Medicine Cullen Eye Institute Houston, TX Public Support eye research 75,00000 Big Brothers & Sisters of Arlington, Inc Arlington, TX Public Support further development of the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of North Texas Corporate Alliance Partners 50,00000 Bobby Bragan Youth Foundation Ft. Worth, TX Public Endow a scholarship for an eighth grader chosen by the program 5,00000 The Bold Initiative . Inc New York, New York Public Support North Texas Bold Initiative for corporate/community partnership 25,00000 Boy Scouts of America Longhorn Council Ft. Worth, TX Public Support Urban Emphasis program 35,00000 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ft Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support establishment of the new Polytechnic Heights Club 250,00000 Amon Carter Museum of Western Art Ft Worth, TX Public Support Amon Carter Museum in the expansion of the facility 500,00000 Cenikor Foundation . Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Prevention Network and to purchase a Dodge Caravan 35,00000 Cenikor Foundation, Inc Public Support for the Prevention Network 50,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 1* 0 I SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support the Eleventh Piano Competition 250,00000 Van Clibum Foundation, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support the Eleventh Piano Competition 50,00000 Van Clibum Foundation, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support for the Cliburn Concerts in the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 and 2000-2001 seasons 50,00000 Cook-Ft Worth Children's Medical Center Ft Worth, TX Public Support for upgrading the Cook Children's Heart Center 125,00000 Cook-Ft. Worth Children's Medical Center Ft Worth, TX Public Support construction of the new child development facility 200,00000 Cnme Prevention Resource Center, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Financial assistance to be used at the board's discretion dunng the period of transition of leadership 25,00000 Crime Prevention Resource Center, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Safe City program 75,00000 Crime Prevention Resource Center, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support the Prevention at Work Program 10,00000 Day Resource Center for the Homeless Ft. Worth, TX Public Support cost of security during 2001 60,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Education Service Center, Region XI Ft Worth, TX State agency Support for the establishment of the North Texas Center for Administrative Leadership in Education Education Service Center, Region X111 of Texas Tech University Austin, TX Public Continuing Education of principals 75,00000 Elderberry Institute-Texas Resource Center, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the neighborhood educational and development program 75,00000 Family Services, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support the Families and Schools Together program through 9/30/01 40,00000 First Texas Council of Camp Fire, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support for the Kindergarten Readiness Program 75,00000 First Texas Council of Camp Fire, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support for the Kindergarten Readiness Program 142 .00000 Ft Worth Adolescent Pregnancy Board Ft Worth, TX Public General support Fort Worth Art Association Ft. Worth, TX Public General support of the Modem Art Museum of Ft Worth 100,00000 Fort Worth Ballet Assn Ft Worth. TX Public General support for the Ft Worth Dallas Ballet Anniversary Season 100,00000 Fort Worth Chamber Foundation, Inc Public Support "The Heritage Trails Project" STATEMENT XV-3a 100,00000 75,00000 25,00000 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX Fort Worth Country Day School Faculty Bonus Trust Fort Worth, TX Public General support for 5/01 thru 4/02 Fort Worth Country Day School Summerbridge Ft Worth, TX Public General support over three year period Fort Worth Education and Research Foundation for Pain Management Ft. Worth, TX Public Assist in expenses relating to the closing of the Institute Fort Worth ISD Fort Worth, TX Public Support the Keystone Project 93,84318 Fort Worth ISD Fort Worth, TX Public Support for the Adolescent Pregnancy Services 10,00000 Fort Worth Museum of Science and History Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Professional Development Program 67,00000 Fort Worth Museum of Science and History Ft. Worth, TX Public General support for the education program 25,00000 Fort Worth Opera Associabon Ft Worth, TX Public Support appearances of the Ft Worth Symphony Orchestra in Opera Productions dunng 2000-2001 Fort Worth Opera Association Public Provide assistance in the search for STATEMENT XV-3a 300,00000 40,00000 259,20000 100,00000 6,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft. Worth. TX the new director Fort Worth Public Library Foundation Ft Worth. TX Public Provide office space for Library Foundation in new facility 175,00000 Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Assn Orchestra Assn Fort Worth, TX Public Support for the last half of the 00-01 season and the first half of the 0 1 -02 season 500,00000 Fort Worth Teen Court Ft Worth, TX Public General support 10 .00000 General Council of the Assemblies of God Burleson, TX Public General support for the HI KIDS program during 2001 30.000 .00 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Minneapolis, Minnesota Public General support 25,00000 Hams Hospital - Methodist Ft Worth, TX Public Assist in the construction of the Neurointerriventional Radiology Suite within the Neuroscience Center of Excellence 400,00000 Hill School of Ft Worth, Inc. Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Regional Resource Center 100,00000 Imaginabon Celebration of Ft Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support Jarvis Christian College Hawkins, TX Public Assist with the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Program STATEMENT XV-3a 25,00000 150,20000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 J Mac Youth Center of Tarrant County Public Provide support of two teenage counselors for the summer program The Learning Center of North Texas, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Operating support 50,00000 The Learning Center of North Texas, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Schools Attuned teacher training program in July, 2001 90,00000 Log Cabin Heritage Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Support the history essay contest MPA Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Support construction of the new Modem Art Museum March of Dimes Birth Defects National Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Support establishment of the Comenzanda bien program Mayfest, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the 29th annual festival 6,00000 Mayfest, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support Mayfest 2002 5,00000 Meals on Wheels, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support for the program and/or debt reduction 50,00000 Mental Health Association of Tarrant County, Inc Public Provide assistance in meeting the extra costs involved in completing 20,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 5,50000 3,50000 24,000,000 00 50,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX the facility expansion Mercy Medflight, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support acquisition of a Cessna Citation I and its conversion to an air ambulance 100,00000 Mother Frances Hospital Foundation Tyler, TX Public Support the expansion of the FamilyCARE Center Children's Clinic 125,00000 National Center for Policy Analysis Dallas, TX Public General support 100,00000 National Society to Prevent Blindness Metro Tarrant County Branch Fort Worth, TX Public Support Glaucoma AJert Program 12,00000 National Society to Prevent Blindness Ft Worth, TX Public Provide support to the Fort Worth Branch of Prevent Blindness to establish the free adult eye clinic 50,00000 National Society to Prevent Blindness Ft Worth, TX Public Support Glaucoma AJert Program 8,500.00 Near Southeast Community Development Corporation Ft. Worth, TX Public Support application for certification as a Weed and Seed site 7.50000 Neighborhood Housing Services of Ft Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for general and capital fund STATEMENT XV-3a 75,00000 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Northside Inter-Church Agency, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Provide assistance for the support staff 35,00000 Opportunity Workshop, Inc Monahans,TX Public General support 10,00000 The Parenting Center Ft. Worth, TX Public General support 100,00000 Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support completion of the rehearsal facilities 360,00000 Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support Summer Teachers' Institute 50,00000 Region XIX Education Service Center El Paso, TX Public Support the Academic Leadership Preparation Program 50,00000 William Marsh Rice University Houston, TX Public Support Health Policy Initiative 200,00000 River Legacy Foundation Ailington, TX Public Support the funding of qualified assistants for four nature school classrooms 50,00000 Rockport Chnstian Service Assoc, Inc. Rockport, TX Public General support to the ABC Learning Center 5,00000 SEARCH Association, Inc (South East Area Churches) Public General support 5,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Southeast Fort Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support Southwest Texas State University Development Foundation Department of Geography & Planning San Marcos, TX Public Support the Gilbert M Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education Star Telegram Charities, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support the Goodfellow Fund 3,00000 Taping for the Blind, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support and/or new equipment for the program 6,50000 Tarieton State University Stephenville, TX Public Support collaboration of principal assessment and professional development in cooperation with Service Centers 12 and 14 Tarleton State University Stephenville, TX Public Support for the Tarleton Model for Accelerated Teacher Education in collaboration with the FWISD Tarrant Council an AJr-oholism and Drug Abuse Ft Worth, TX Public General support 20,00000 Tarrant County Ft Worth . TX Public Support for improvements at the Resource Connection 58,00000 Tarrant County Association for the Blind Public Support Lighthouse for the Blind in the STATEMENT XV-3a 20,00000 120,00000 75,00000 100,00000 100,00000 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX construction of additional warehouse Tarrant County Challenge, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support renovation of the newly acquired facility in Ft Worth Texans Can Ft Worth, TX Public Assistance to Texans Can' for the establishment of the second campus of Fort Worth Can) Academy Texas A&M University - Texarkana Texarkana, TX Public Support the Leadership Academy 160,00000 Texas A&M University Foundation College Station, TX Public Support for an endowment for the Cardiothoracic Surgery Laboratory 100,00000 Texas A&M University System Austin, TX Public Support for the Institute for SchoolUniversity Collaboration 75,00000 Texas A&M Foundation College Station, TX Public Support for the project Pnncipal Plus in the College of Education 75,00000 Texas A&M Foundation College Station, TX Public Support for the Teacher Recruitment, Retention, and Professional Development Program 69,50000 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX Public Support for the Institute for Mathematics Science and Technology Education 65,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 8,00000 100,00000 60,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX Public Provide additional funding for the Institute of Mathematics, Science and Technology 99,70000 - Texas Council on Economic Education Houston, TX Public Support for the teacher training program 20,00000 Texas Engineering Foundation Austin, TX Public Support MathCounts program 30,00000 Texas Lead Center Austin, TX Public Support the Technology Leadership Academy in collaboration with Texas Tech University and the Texas Business Education Coalition Texas Lead Center Austin, TX Public Support for the statewide teacher recruitment and public relations campaign under the leadership of the Texas Education Agency 10,00000 Texas Pnncipal's Leadership Initiative Austin, TX Public Support for the School Administrators Skills Assessment 70,00000 Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Foundation Ft Worth, TX Public Provide assistance in the repair and renovation of displays in the current exhibit 30,00000 Texas Special Olympics, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Greater Fort Worth Chapter 2,50000 Texas Tech University Public Support for the superintendent STATEMENT XV-3a 100,00000 100,00000 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 College of Education Lubbock,TX program Texas Tech University Health Science Center Lubbock, TX Public Provide assistance in the establishment of the Garrison Geriatric Education and Care Center Texas Woman's University College of Education Denton, TX Public Support Project TEACH Union Gospel Mission of Ft Worth Ft Worth, TX Public Support the New Beginnings Capital Campaign 100,00000 U S Catholic Conference Cassata Learning Center Ft Worth, TX Public Support the Reading Improvement Program 30,00000 U S Catholic Conference Cassata Learning Center Ft. Worth, TX Public Support the Reading Improvement Program 30,00000 United Cerebral Palsy Association of Tarrant County Ft Worth, TX Public Support establishment of the Tarrant County Home of Your Own Coalition Program 40,00000 United Cerebral Palsy Association of Tarrant County Ft Worth, TX Public Support expansion of the number of families served in the Respite Care Program 76,80000 United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County Public Support for the Community 75,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 120,00000 40,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX Initiatives Fund University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Belton, TX Public Support for the expansion of the Scott & White School of Nursing at the University 82,00000 University of Houston College of Education Houston, TX Public Support the Urban Principals Project 50,00000 University of the Incarnate Word San Antonio, TX Public Support for the Teacher Preparation and Development Program University of North Texas College of Education Denton, TX Public Support the Success for Life program University of North Texas Denton, TX Public Provide assistance in the development of literacy videos for preschool children University of Texas at Arlington Arington, TX Public Support for the Scholars of Practice program 75,00000 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Public Support the Charles A Dana Center 100,00000 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Public Support for UTEACH Teacher Preparation Initiative 125,00000 The University of Texas at Austin Marine Science Institute Austin, TX Public Support Marine Fisheries Research project 210,00000 STATEMENT XV-3a 100,00000 50,00000 117,50000 9 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 The University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX Public Support the Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program 170,00000 The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Galveston, TX Public Support the Regional Materrial and Child Health Program 200,00000 Weatherford College Weatherford, TX Public Provide start-up funds for the Alternative Teacher Certification Program 106,00000 West Side Lions Youth Activities, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support improvement of the facilities, scholarships for underprivileged children and general operating expenses 25,00000 Winkler County Council for Retarded Children, Inc Kermit, TX Public Support for the Kermit Opportunity School 10,00000 Young Men's Christian Association Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the My Own Place program 50,00000 Young Men's Chnstian Association Ft Worth, TX Public Support ongoing programs at McDonald and Southeast Branches and match the Doss FDTN to improve facility 50,00000 Young Women's Christian Association Ft. Worth, TX Public Provide assistance to underwrite the direct mail/fundraising project 10,00000 TOTAL STATEMENT XV-3a 34,798,143 18 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 SID W. RICHARDSON FOUNDATION GRANTS AUTHORIZED BUT UNPAID 12131101 756015828 RECIPIENT Adds Outreach Center, Inc; Ft Worth, TX Public PURPOSE Support Outreach Center, Inc Aim for Success, Inc. Dallas, TX Public Support bringing the program to FWISD 40,00000 American Farmland Trust San Marcos, TX Public General support for the program in Texas 25,00000 American Heart Association Group Return Ft Worth, TX Public Assist in purchase of mannequins and other training materials for CPR program 114,00000 American Institute for Learning Austin, TX Public General support to Amencan Youth Works 100,00000 Arlington Women's Shelter, Inc Aiiington, TX Public Support for the Youth Peace initiative 50,00000 . Arts Council of Ft Worth and Greater Tarrant County Ft Worth, TX Public Support cultural planning process underway in Ft Worth 40,00000 Association of Texas Colleges Public Assist in the development and STATEMENT XV-3b AMOUNT 49,50000 150,00000 40 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 and Universities Austin, TX distribution of the booklet, 'The Next Level" Austin College Sherman,TX Public Support for the summer seminars for modem language teachers Baylor College of Medicine Cullen Eye Institute Houston, TX Public Support eye research Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Inc Ft. Worth . TX Public General support for 2002 Boy Scouts of America Longhorn Council Ft Worth, TX Public Support Urban Scouting program 35,00000 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Ft. Worth, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support establishment of the new Polytechnic Heights Club 250,00000 Cancer Care Services Ft Worth, TX Public Assist in purchase and renovation of new facility 100,00000 Amon Carter Museum of Western Art Ft Worth, TX Public Support Amon Carter Museum in the expansion of the facility 500,00000 Carter BloodCare Bedford, TX Public Support for the purchase of a blood donor coach 100,00000 Van Cliburn Foundation, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support Cliburn concerts for two years 100,00000 STATEMENT XV-3b 174,00000 75,00000 265,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Child Study Center Ft Worth, TX Public Support Child Study Center School 100,00000 Coastal Conservation Association Houston, TX Public Assist in construction of new facility 200,00000 Communities in Schools . Ft Worth, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Assist in expansion of program 150,00000 Cook-Ft Worth Children's Medical Center Ft Worth, TX Public Support construction of the new child development facility 200,00000 Cornerstone Assistance Network, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support development models for growth of well-qualified workforce 250,00000 Crime Prevention Resource Center, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Assist in collaboration of crime prevention and social service agencies 100.00000 Crime Prevention Resource Center, Inc Ft Worth . TX Public Support for the Safe City program 75.00000 Dallas Hospital Council Education & Research Foundation Irving, TX Public Assist in effort to address acute nursing shortage 50,00000 Education Service Center, Region XI Ft Worth, TX State Support for the establishment of the agency North Texas Center for Administrative Leadership in Education Ft. Worth Adolescent Pregnancy Board Public General support STATEMENT XV-3b 75.00000 150,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX Fort Worth Art Association Ft Worth, TX Public General support for operating expenses 100 .00000 Fort Worth Ballet Assn Ft Worth, TX Public General support for the 2001-2002 season 100,00000 Fort Worth Country Day School FL Worth, TX Public General support over three year period to the Summerbndge program 40,00000 Fort Worth Museum of Science and History Ft Worth, TX Public Support for the Professional Development Program 80,00000 Fort Worth Opera Association Ft Worth, TX Public General support for the 2001-2002 season 100,00000 Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra Assn Orchestra Assn Fort Worth, TX Public Support for the last half of the 01 -02 season and the first half of the 02-03 season 500,00000 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Minneapolis, Minnesota Public General support HALO-Flight, Inc Corpus Chnsti, TX Public Assist in purchase of a new helicopter 250,00000 Hams Hospital- Methodist Ft. Worth, TX Public Assist in the construction of the Neurointerriventonal Radiology Suite 800.00000 Housing Opportunities, Inc Public General support STATEMENT XV-3b 25.00000 25,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Ft Worth, TX I Have a Dream Foundation San Antonio, TX Public General support Jarvis Christian College Hawkins, TX Public Assist with the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Program 150,20000 The Learning Center of North Texas, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Operating support 200,00000 MPA Foundation Ft Worth. TX Public Support construction of the new Modern Art Museum Meals on Wheels, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public General support for the program and/or debt reduction Mercy Medflight, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Support acquisition of a Cessna Citation I and its conversion to an air ambulance 100,00000 National Center for Policy Analysis Dallas, TX Public General support 100,00000 Neighborhood Housing Services Ft Worth. TX Public Support for general and capital fund 50,00000 Nonprofit Service Center of Tarrant County, Inc Ft. Worth, TX Public Assist in the repositioning of the Nonprofit Service Center of Tarrant County in its service to the community 35,00000 STATEMENT XV-3b 30,00000 1,000,000 00 50,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 North Texas Behavioral Healthcare Network Public Ft Worth, TX Support to the Mental Health Connection of Tarrant County 100,00000 The Parenting Center Ft Worth, TX Public General support 100,00000 Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support completion of the rehearsal facilities Performing Arts Fort Worth, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support Summer Teachers' Institute Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, TX Public Support for the Academy for Excellence in Teaching and Leadership Region XIX Education Service Center El Paso, TX Public Support the Academic Leadership Preparation Program 51,50000 Southwest Texas State University Development Foundation Department of Geography & Planning San Marcos, TX Public Support the Gilbert M Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education 80,00000 The Stehlin Foundation for Cancer Research Public Houston, TX Support for the research program regarding the Camptothecins 200,00000 Tarleton State University Stephenville, TX Public Support for the Tarteton Model for Accelerated Teacher Education 100,00000 Texas A&M University - Texarkana Texarkana, TX Public Support the Leadership Academy 160,00000 STATEMENT XV-3b 1 .440,000 00 50,00000 175,00000 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Texas A&M University Foundation College Station, TX Public Support for an endowment for the Cardiothoracic Surgery Laboratory 100,00000 Texas A&M University Foundation College Station, TX Public Support to the College of Science for the Math and Science Scholars 297,75000 Texas A&M University System Austin, TX Public Support for the Institute of Mathematics Science and Technology 119,00000 Texas A&M Foundation College Station, TX Public Support for the Teacher Recruitment Retention and Professional Development Program 69,50000 Texas Engmeenng Foundation Austin, TX Public Support MathCounts program 30,00000 Texas Lead Center Austin, TX Public Support the Technology Leadership Academy in collaboration with Texas Tech University and the Texas Business Education Coalition 200,00000 Texas Principal's Leadership Initiative Austin, TX Public Support further expansion of the capacity of the prmcipal assessment program 140,00000 The Texas State Historical Association Austin . TX Public General support 50,00000 Texas Tech University College of Education Public Assist in the establishment of the Gamson Genatnc Education and Care 62,00000 STATEMENT XV-3b 9 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 Lubbock,TX Center Texas Wesleyan University Ft Worth, TX Public General support for the Courage to Teach program 25,00000 Union Gospel Mission of Ft Worth Ft Worth, TX Public Support the New Beginnings Capital Campaign 100,00000 U S Catholic Conference Cassata Learning Center Ft. Worth, TX Public Support the Reading Improvement Program 30,00000 United Cerebral Palsy Association of Tarrant County Ft. Worth, TX Public Support expansion of the number of families served in the Respite Care Program 76,80000 University of Mary Hardin Baylor Belton, TX Public Support for the expansion of the Scott & White School of Nursing 127,00000 University of North Texas Denton, TX Public Provide assistance in the development of literacy videos for children 117,50000 University of St Thomas Houston, TX Public Support to create the master's degree program in bilingual education 100,00000 University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, TX Public Support for the Scholars of Practice program 75,00000 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Public Support the Charles A Dana Center 50,00000 STATEMENT XV-3b 0 0 SID W RICHARDSON FOUNDATION 75 6015828 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Public Support the Charles A Dana Center The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Public Support for UTEACH Teacher Preparation Initiative 100,00000 The University of Texas at San Antonio San Antonio, TX Public Support the Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program 260,00000 The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston Galveston, TX Public Support the Regional Maternal and Child Health Program 200,00000 Volunteer Center of Dallas County Ft. Worth, TX Public Support additional staff member in the Tarrant County office Weatherford College Waterford . TX Public Provide startup funds for the Afternative Tear-her Certification Program 106,00000 What About Remembering Me Center, Inc Ft Worth, TX Public Support construction of the new facility 100,00000 TOTAL STATEMENT XV-3b 70,00000 25,00000 12,339,750 00 MO Form Deo~t of Me T~uN lnt~w P~Wue se~l~ UnderpOllent of Estimated Tax by COorations 10 See separate instructions Name 1110* Attach to the corporation's tax return OMB NO 1~0142 2001 Form 990-E Employer identification number 75-6015828 Note In most cases, the corporation does not need to file Form 2220 (See Part I below for exceptiom ) The IRS will figure any penalty owed and bill the corporation It the corporation does not need to file Form 2220 it may still use it to figure the penalty Enter the amount from line 36 on the estimated tax penalty line of the file Form the curb oration It anv boxes are 1 LX-J The corporation is using the annualized income installment method 2 [~] The corporation is using the adjusted seasonal installment method 3 EKI The corporation is a 'large corporation' figuring its first required installment based an the prior year's tax Note The corporation also must file Form 2220 it it has a suspended research credit allowed for the current year (see the instructions for line 4) or it is an 4 90 .059 . Total tax (see Instructions) So Personal holding company tax (Schedule PH (Form 11 20) . line 26) included on line 4 b Look-back interest included on line 4 under section 460(b)(2) for completed long-term contracts or at section 167(g) for property depreciated under the income forecast method c Credit for Federal tax paid an fuels (see instructions) 5C it Total Add lines 5a through 5c 6 Subtract line 5d from line 4 If the result is less than $500, do not complete or file this form The corporation does not owe the penalty 7 Enter the tax shown on the corporation's 2000 income tax return Caution See instructions before completing this line 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 IS Enterthe smaller of line 6 orline 7 If the corporation must Installment due dates Enter in columns (a) through (d) the 1 Sth day of the 4th (Form 990-PF I'llers Use 5th month) . 61h, 9th, and 12th months of the corporation's tax year Exception Enter October 1 . 2001, instead of September 15, 2001 0, 90,059 . 06/15/0 Required Installments If the box on line 1 and/or line 2 above is checked, enter the amounts from Schedule A line 40 If the box on line 3 (but not I or 2) is checked, see Instructions for the amounts to enter It none of these boxes are checked, enter 25% of line 8 above in each column Estimated tax paid or credited for each period (sea Instructions) For column (a) only, enter the amount from line 11 on line I S Camp late lines 12 through 18 of one column before going to the next column Enter amount, it any. from line 18 of the preceding column 1,37 Add lines 11 and 12 Add amounts on lines 16 and 17 of the preceding column Subtract line 14 from line 13 It zero or less, enter -0If the amount on line 15 is zero, subtract line 13 from line 14 Otherwise. enter -0Underpayment It fine 15 is less than or equal to line 10 . subtract line 15 from line 10 Then go to line 12 of the next column Otherwise, go to line 18 Overpayment If line 10 is less than line 15, subtract hill 1,370 .1 3,958 .1 10 from line 15 Then go to line 12 of the next column I is 1 Complete Port III an pace 2 to Hours the penalty If there are no entries an line 17, no pena ; is owed 112MI 02-01~2 JWA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate Instructions 059 . 700 . 0 . 144 .1 Form 2220(2001) Form 2220 (2001) SID 'A SICHARDSON FOUNDATION Figuring the Penalty 75-6015828 Page t 19 Enter tho date of payment Or the ISM day of the 3rd month after the close of the tax year, whichever is earlier (see instructions) (Form 990-PF and Form 990-T fliers Use 51h month instead of 3rd month ) 20 Number of days from due date of installment on line 9 to the date Shown on line 19 21 Nu~ofdW$wkn*20~N1512MI~D~7n/2001 22 Und~~~tonl~017KNu~ofafty~lln*2lx8% 385 23 Nu~ .fow . .~kn*20&~&-JG,2001 .dDb.IP/2OD2 24 Und~W~t*n~017ANumWcfd~~lln*23x?#A M 25 Nu~oldnionUn*20a~12/31/ZWI~~m~/2002 26 Und~ .tWli. .17 .N~~Oldl. .nli~-25-6% 30 27 Num1w ot day. on One 20 after 3/31/2002 aw badom 7M/2002 28 365 29 Ny~ofdysmUne20aftr6rjW2DO2WdbWOMIGnrlOX! 30 Und~nnenlm line 17 x ~~Ofd~on hn*2 X'% 395 31 Nu~otdaysmline2OatWW3M2=mabwk~mlr,7w3 32 UW~~tmilnel7xNu~ofd"soniln*31x-% 365 33 N~ofd~ .~2O~12131/2=~~-2JIVAM 34 Un4erW.tWlln.17 .W~,td~,ll0,33 .'% 30 35 Add lines 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, and 34 35 lienafty Add columns (a) through (d). of line 35 Enter the total here and on Form 1120 . line 33, Form 1120-A, Una ' For underpayments paid after Mirth 31, 2002 For Imes 29, 30, 32, and 34, use the penalty interest rate for each calendar quafter, which the IRS will determine during the first month in the preceding quarter These rates are published quarterly m an IRS News Release and in a revenue ruling in Me Internal Revenue Bulletin To obtain this information an the Internet, access the IRS Web Site at a -w Irs gov You can also call 1-800-829-1040 to got interest rate inlormabon JWA 1112819 02 .01-M Form Z!20 2001 AlLnAkWoON 11 li~~IFO eA FOIJN~ATION Annualized Income InsAQ nt (see instructions) 75-6015828 Form 990-PF Method andlor the Adjusted Seasonal Installment MeRad Under Section 55551e) Form 1120S liters For lines 2, 14, 15, and 16, below, Uxable income' refers to excess not Passive income or the amount on which tax is imposed under section 137401 (o( thp corresponding provisions of prior law),whichavef applies Part I - Annualized Income Installment Method (a) 1 Annualtzation periods (see instructions) 2 Enter taxable income for each annualtzation period (see 1 2 1,592,325 . 3 Annuairzation amounts (see instructions) 3 6 .0000001 4 Annualized taxable income Multiply line 2 by line 3 5 Figure the tax on the amount in each column on line 4 using the instructions for Form 1120 Schedule J line 3 (or the comparable line of the tax return) 5 Enter other taxes for each payment period (see 4 19,553,950 instructions) 5 For each period, enter the same type of credits as allowed on Form 2220, lines 4 and 5c (see instructions) 9 Total tax after credits Subtract line 8 from line 7 it 5 (b) First Z months (c) 4 First months 7 First months 3,26-5,891 .5,262,992 . 3 .0000001 1 . 7142901 15 Enter taxable income for each period for the tax year beginning in 2001 16 Enter taxable income for the following periods 17 Divide the amount in each column on be Us by Me amount in column (it) on line 16a 18 Divide the amount in each column on line 141) by the amount in column (d) on fine l6b 19 Divide the amount in each column on line 14c by the amount in column W on line 16c 112821 02 .01~012 JWA 61923fO33 . 1 .200000 6 95,540 95 .540 .1 7 .1 90,223 076 . 97 .977 .1 90 .223 83,076 . 12 Add Me amounts in all preceding columns of line 40 (see instructions) 22,515 .1 45,030 1 12 13 Annualized Income installments Subtract line 12 from linall 11 zero or less, enter -023,885 .1 26,474 .1 22,637 1 13 Part 11 - Adjusted Seasonal Installment Method (Caultion: use this method only it the bass period percentage for any 6 consecutive months is at least 70% See instructions for mots information 14 Enter taxable income for the following periods First IL U months First 3 months First 4 (c) First 8 months First 5 months 1 First 6 1 First 9 67 .544 . First I I Enbre year Form 2220 (2001) bii) W . RICHARDSUN FOUN~kTION Form 2220 (2001) Form 990-PF let 20 Add lines 17 throuah 19 20 21 Divide line 20 by 3 21 22 Divide line 15 by line 21 23 Figure the tax on the amount on line 22 using the instructions for Form 1120, Schedule J, line 3 (or the comparable line of the ratu m) 24 Divide the amount in columns (a) through (c) on line 16a by the amount in column (d) on line 16a 25 Divide the amount in columns (a) through (c) on line l6b by the amount in column (d) on line l6b 26 Divide the amount in columns (a) through (c) on line l6c by the amount in column (d) on line 16c 22 27 Add lines 24 through 26 27 28 Divide line 27 by 3 29 Multiply the amount in columns (a) through (c) of line 23 by columns (a) through (c) of line 28 In column (d), enter the amount from line 23, column (d) 30 Enter other taxes for each payment period (see instructions) 28 31 Total tax Add lines 29 and 30 32 For each period enter the same type of credits as allowed an Form 2220, lines 4 and Sc (see instruchons) 33 Total tax after credits Subtract line 32 from line 31 If zero or less, enter -034 Add the amounts in all preceding columns of line 40 (see instructions) 35 Adjusted seasonal Installments Subtract line 34 from line33 It zero or less, enter -DPart III - Required Installments 311 35 If only one of the above parts is completed, enter the amount in each column from line 13 or line 35 11 bob) parts are completed, enter the smaller of Me amounts in each column from line 13 or line 35 37 Enter 25% of line 8 on page 1 of Form 2220 in each column (Note 'Urge corporabons* see the instructions for line 10 for the amounts to enter 38 Subtract line 40 of the preceding column from line 39 of the oiecedino column 40 Requ [red Installments Enter the am& I [or Wine 10 31 or line line 39 here and on page 1 of Form 2220, JWA (b) First 6 months (C) First 9 months 2nd installment 3rd Installment Entire year 23 4 25 25 29 30 32 33 34 35 1 1 st installment 4th installment 36 23,885 . 26,474 . 22,637 . 15,532 . 37 2-2,515- 22F515 . 22,514 . 22,515 . 22 .514 2-2-,5-1-5-, 38 2 .515 .1 40 22,515 ** Annualized Income Installment Method Using Option I 112822 W-01~12 75-6015828 Pace 4 (d) 1-5-,5-3-2- . 2001 Form 2220 Form8868 (De,cember 20013) D~~t of V1. T~urf ~tamai Rwerue Sa~" Application for Extension of Time To File an OMB No 1545-1709 Exempt Organization Return 111- File a separate application for each return " If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I and check this box EK] automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete of this form) " If you we filing for an Ad"onal (not only Part 11 (on page 2 Note Do not complete Part 11 unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Forim 8868 I! Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time - Only submit original (no copies needed) Note Form 990-T corporations requesting m automatic 6-month eirtension - check this box and complete Part I only All other corporations (including Form 990-C filers) must use Form 7004 to request art ~tension of time to file income tax returns Partnerships, REMICs and trusts must use Form 8736 to request ar; extension of bme to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1041 Type or print E:1 Employer identification number Name of Exempt Organization Mile my me due date tor uny.ut .W~ see 1~ SID W . RICHARDSON FOUNDATION Number. street, and room or surte no If a P 0 box, see instructions 309 MAIN STREET City, town or post office . state, and ZIP code For a foreign address, see instructions FORT WORTH, TX 76102 r75-6015828 Check type of return to be filed(file a separate application for each return) Form Form Forin Form 990 990 BL 990-EZ 990-PF Form 990 T (corporation) Form 990-T (soc 401 (a) or 408(a) trust) Form 990-T (trust other than above) Form 1041 -A Form 4720 Form 5227 Forin 6069 Form 8870 " If the organization does not have arn office or place of business in the United States, check this box 1~ = " If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN) _ If this 15 for the whole group, check this box 10- = If if is for part of the group, check this box 101 E] and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover 1 August 15, 2002 1 request an automatic 3-month (6-month, for 990-T corporation) extension of time until to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above The extension is for the organization's return for calendar yew 2 0 0 1 or tax year beginning and ending 2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason 3a If this application is for Form 990-BL. 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less my nonrefundable credits See instructions $ 90,05-9 . b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990 T, enter my refundable credits and estimated tax payments made Include any pnor year overpayment allowed as a credit $ 83,088 . c Balance Due Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, or . ff required . deposit with FrD coupon or, if required, by using EFrPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) See instructions S 6,971 . ED[nrttW return 0 Final return Change in accounting period Signature and Verification Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, currectand complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this to" LHA 123931 U7-16-M For Paperwork Reduction Act instruction 1111. Form 8868 (12-2000)