Document 6426376
Document 6426376
im Ryder, Richard 12-12-79 ,,claim autp., drag 79-5308 .'•yip. Ryff Y.etta ^ 9-29-77 Ad'jb-arn Cunninghara 77-2900 Ryles ' • 4-- 5-78.. 116091 Ethel F- C-SC #868-223-easmtBallona Lagoon-Venice Waterways S.35 9-27-77 77-2800 Oppose enlarge civil -• liability of States^ Munic agencies local govts- S 94 5-14-79 Homemflkers-t^x b r e ^ k j. Cunningh.-^ra"'" LKrt. c o n t r i b 79-1216 S-37 S 261 10-20-77 .77-2800' State-local, govts issue S 50 Taxable bonds-receive federal S ubsidy-4 0% of interest S 506/HR2540 5-7-79 79-1216" Fair Hsg Act S-33 Title, ylll^ Federal enforcemt S 864 '• 11- 2-77' 77-4720 Radio frequency interference Electronic equip - • S 2 77-4720 S. 1587 3-27-78 S 50* Retirement S.ys '• Fed tax exempt & IRS Filing ...'.... S 1647 11-23-79 79-4100 Internmt American cit Japanese WWII S-13 rec remedies S 1820 6-29-78 78-3112 S.. 2899 Endangered species ' ., . . ,_ H a r b o r . R*3.c:r>l 4 9 R 4 . S.1829 11-15-79 79-4100 Federal Fds-energy mgmt S-ll prog & capital projs S 3370 8-24-78 78-2920 Abolish prop tax regs S-49 prev "others fr inhibiting City's ability sell bonds SAFA Investment 7-31-78 78-3652 . .Franklin Ave La Brea Ave vac prop SAFAIR . . , 3-27-79 Credit Collectn Mgmt Sehl - Audit Rept 10-1-76 to 3-31-78 SAFE 7-6-78 Security & Assistance for Elderly 75-1441 S-4C 76-5067 S-2 SAFE 8-22-78 76-5067 Phase I Qrtly Rept 6/30/78 ..Police Deot. .... .. _ SAFE Phase I 11-20-78 76-5067 Qrtly Rept S-3 7/1/78-9/30/78 LAPD n SAFE 8-22-78 76-5067 Phase II S-.4 Qrtly Rept 6/30/78 ..Police ..D/an^T SAFE Phase II Qrtly Rept . .. 11-20 78 76~5D67 SAFE Phase II 2^13-79 76-5067 Qtrly Grant Progress Reot S-2 • as of 12-31-78 SCA See - Senate Coh,«?titu'tion»l Amendment SCAG '..-;. ALSO SEE So Calif Assoc, of Governments ,/ SCAG' -9- 6-77 75-1435 Air Quality Mtnce Plan City LA desig as Subregiohal Jurisdiction for dev SCAG 3-;24-77 77-1268 By-laws amend -, , ' , ,". - ' Representatn City LA' basis of population SCAG 4-19-77, 77-1268 City mbrship-lack of represenatan-ohe man-one vote principle - Wilkinson SCAG ~ 8-19-77 75-1433 Coop Agrmt United Work Prog for Trans Planning - $462,000 SCAG 4-21-77, 77-1705 Fiscal implications Recent Development Trends.- Russell m '^'i. SCXG --.-- -r -- 6-12-78 •78-2785 SCAG , 6- 7-78, 77-4744 Unifed'Work Prog- 3rd*^V2[tr , Housing Distributi9h"Proposal Qtrlv rept A f^^' Oppositions 12-18^77/3-11-78 7- Palm Desert - Walnut - Ontarto„ SCAG 6- 2-78 ,75-1435 I SCAG 11-10-77 77-12^8 Water Quality Mgmt ' -,; Mbrship Policy & One-Man Areawide Policy alternatives Principle" - rept Stmt preference Gov Body • Atty_ . _..^_..__ - " "' SCAG . ./ 6r.l9-78 78-2638 SCAG 1-16-78 77-4744 Reeves Field ' ' Regional Housing Element..' Reopen Airport CDD rept \.9- .8-78 78-,4351 IS'CAG' ' ' 10-27-77 77-4744 ; I SCAG Regulatory-Ag'cy- future.; land - I City Hall Tower use 10-6.-78 I LA County LungjAssoc - workshop Use- Plan ControlSpec Event, Senator. ,H L "Bill" Richardson SCAG - ... 9 - 2 1 T 1 8 .7.5-1435 SCAG ^'•ld>'ll 75-2327 •77 S-4A Clean Air Act Amdmts — Rept on Regional/subregional Elan Draft air quality ^:Mgmt Policy paper-Exec Comt AOMP Control .stra&eoie.e;..' , 10-5r77 .: : .SCAG . 10-4-78 78-2754 SCAG . . 2 - 1 - 1 1 75-1435 Amd Resol-Phase I Study' " 3-2 "208" Areawide. VJaste Treatment Design Downtown People Mover Management Plan Area-S6 Coast \ . . Evaluat-inn Pi-rin. ...^ ' _. . : _ .areafAg_rm^;t^ ^ SCAG '' 11-22-78 75-1433 SCAG '" 2-28-78 75-1435. S-7 Overall Work Prog L" 208 Milestone R e p t - a p p • ^ S5 Progress repts & billings So Coast 208 Water. Quality Mayor-Research Div . ^. Plan Area ., SCAG , 12.-5-78 78-2754 SCAG 6-8-78 78-2754 1 Civil Eng Assoc- ,,= Overall W^ork Prog >,; 1978-79 trans overall work prog FY 1978-79 Grant amdmt _ ; SCAG; ' 7 6 - 8-78 78^2754 SCAG 12-8-7'8 ^ 78-2 754 T r a n s p o r t a t i o n O v e r a l l Work Prog Overall Work Prog 1978-79 ' S-l FY 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 Bus Stop Fac Phase II-AJ4 Gen P l a n - G r a n t Appl SCAG '• 12-6-7.8 7.6-143 ;SCAG .7-27-78 78-3629 Growth .Policy Forecast-v Burbank endorses rec to SCAG , • protesting am.ount PC 25890 __ .^ m P m h f 3 T R V > - i n .a cc/30cn-i<ai->-lr c.... SCAG' . 12-19.-78,78-2754 SCAG .8-15-78 78-27'54 Transp, Overall Work^!, - • S-3 Overall Work Prog S-l tasks & req fdg 197.9-80F,Y list 78-79 . ,,.• . trans for inforra purposes.-. ^ SCAG 1-19-79 7> 79-219 " SCAG X". '7'^ Xe-iiXn X5-U33 Overall Work Prog" > Unified Trans Work Prog ' Final Repts 7-1-77 to 9-10-77- Plan Dept FY 1977-78 _ .; . ^ . , et ai req interim, employmt-2-13-7.9 7'7^8-2754 'sCAG work- .-, • 1 2 - 2 - 7 7 75-1433 " SCAG / Overall Work Prog " -^ '•,.• Prog-1976/77 • = ., .-.." -»S 7 Ad Hoc.^Corat on'Transp" - . Qtrly rept(lst) 7-1/9^23-78 SCAG Overall 3-12-79 78-2754 SCAG ' c - y .2-24-78:77-605 Work Prog-2nd Qtr rept Mtg 3-3-78 9-24 - 12-16-78 S-4 R Farrell &-M Braude use City car attend ^ U9: IS / P,l;;ari SCAG^ Performance 5-7-79 78-2754 S;~2 ^Sls.^!^ffi^^2 SCAG ' ' •' 5- 9-79 79-2086 Motor Veh Inspection Prog Grant appl - $l-,.500- % GCAN '• SCILL ..Grant Appl ' 4-3-79 75-1435 SGAG'.,;' ,... g b ' v e r n i n g bd i m p l e m e n t a c t n s S 5 20.8 ' A r e a w i d e VJaste T r e a t m t Mgmt ; SCAG Trans 5-21-79 78-2754 S-3 Work .Prog ^ Trans grant Appl empl I SCAG .. , 6-11-79 78-2754 Overall Work Prog 3rd Qtr Rept 12-17-78/3-10-79 . Trans Dept _ ' SCAG 7-9-79 75-1435 Air Quality Mgmt Plan S-3 staff v/ork re.imburse contract admt',;r2 SCAG . 7-16-79 79-3268 ; interim grant fding $8,85j0 Mavbr-Planninq ! SCAG 7-17-79 75-1435 reimburse''City staff wrk •Air Quality Mgmt Plan Sec 208-agrm.t amdmt #2 ;'"SCAG 1-23-19 74-1235 $106,.000 const bikeway - - S-l Imperial Hv.^y bet Sepulveda Blvd .& Vista.: De Mar-CAO-BPW ! SCAG ^' 12-10-79 75^-1435 " -. 3rd contr amdrat-staf f work Cooperative Agirmt-Sec 208 S-3 Planning SCAG 2^14-79 76-143 Support-req for grants Population & undocumented ..alien undercounts . ..S-l. SCAN Prog -6- 8-78 74-1463 Grant Award 1978-79 N^tl s. Regional Resource Ctr Hbrarv SCAN 6^13-78 74-1463" Qtrly rept S 2 Financial rept s 2A (Natl Resource Ctr)> SCAN 8-16-78 - 74-1463 Qtrly Repts 7-78 S-4 12-3-79 74-1463 S.-5 SCILL " See So Calif Ihter-Libfary Loan Pro-i jSCILL 8-16-78 74-1463 •Qtrly repts 7^78 S-4 .-) 74-5050 SCILL 1-2-79 i USC & UCI^ suhgrants . continue proj .thru; FY 1978-79 - Library . [SEIU-Local 3 47-. •• l - 1 3 - l l 77-3063 ' Equipmt Mechanic Prevailing Wages' SEIU 6-11-79 79-2574 I Local 660 78/79 Atty Unit - I II III & Asst Salary adj , • SERA^^LA 5-9-77 ' 75-1441" i Jobs for Progress .offici^^raining-& Job Dev ; SER/West LA 7^12-77 Mi'sraanagcnuit P o l i c e Dept i n v e s 75-1441 S-6A •^ BGA ' . ' --.. ' SH^ilE .;. ; See - Sr Housing & Referral Effort ;' SHARE ' 12-~20 78 78 5927 i 4th Yr HCD-trans contra.ct Commun Care & Dev SErvs \ $152,000.^ :.. ..... ....•^.. _ i SKILL Traing 8-.l;4-78 77.-4215 I Imp Prog. STIP I CETA III ' ., '• ' i . Grant Modif . ... :_. i S&W Transfer &. 2 - 4-77 77-.535 \ Storage- C-laim auto drag SLIP' 6-11-79 78-313 St Ltg Info File &. TRS Pers Serv ContractEnoch R Johnson $23,140 SOS 12-12-77 77-1955 Federal Safer Off Sys Rd Prog CH.MWDSX CVT. k-J. I - O S ' 4 rSIHTlO , 1 V «. .4, Jl% ' ,^ SOS '9-13-78 '77-1955 Safer Off-System Rd Prog SPEDY . 1-21-77 .73-1900 1977 - CETA Title' 1 Fds $79,784 - BGA SPEDY 197.9^ '• ,- .12-.6-78V..-7S-1900 9 wk job',.trn.g^ -,.'ages-.•14.-21 S - 1 4 ^ ^ocatn Exploratn/Youth ^'S(^rv Y o u t ^ SPEDY Bu'dget 7-10-7.8 75-1441 , Actn 6-22r^78'^- correc):. •r/U" subgrants -eff 6-19-78' "' '+^ SPEDY Title I ,, 2-15-77 75-1441 Reserve Fund-$9-, 200 ,000 S 4 BGA .,. . '.r I SPEDY fds 1 0 - 2 4 ^ 7 8 ' ; ' ' . 73-^1900 \ De-cbligatiori- & - " ; . ' re-obligatiori « , SPEDY 5-19-77-73-1900" SPEDY Workers 7-10-78 78-3116 Summer 1977 prog v $35,000:Fed Fds.- . •; r • S r i City agenciQs aliqc 1/3 slots trans Comthun^agenices 2/3 slot! TSPEDY slots ' 3-2.2-77 73-1900 SPEDY * '" . ' 4 - 5 - 7 9 : 7 7 8 - 3 4 0 6 - Ccl office-Mayor Is Office-Job P r o g A i d e Code 1 5 5 0 - 2 n d '.,. Training & Dev S 2B salary step \ LAMC S e c 1 . 3 - a m d - P e r s . .Ord I CETA Title III funds 'S S C a t a l i n a ,. 6 2 6 7 9 79-2669 . SPEDY Prog 3-22-77 73-1900 {: C l a i m drag o f a g r e e m e n t Summer 1977 funded under, CETA $1,500,000 ' >/-<uoeft Title III funds - .•s-2B _ SPEDY slots- Ccl "'of f ice-Snvder .SPEDY r. 3-28-77 . 7 3 - 1 9 0 0 .SS M a r i p o s a i;. 6 - 3 0 - 1 1 \ .. :,77-2800 Job Training-& Job Dev alloc SS M o n t e r e y - s a v e ' - •-.7. •':s: 6 •. > S^EOS §a Ccl offica Summer 1977 A merican Flag- v e s s e l s ' CETA title III fds • HR 6 3 7 3 - G i b s o n .1 SPEDY 2-21-78, 75-1441 r STIP 7 " 1 2 - 2 2 - 7 7 '777-4215 Prog slot allocatn based on i ••'•• S k i l l T r a i n i n g Imp P r o g " populatn eraplojmit & -hsg CETA-III 1 - 1 - 7 8 / 5 - 1 4 - 7 9 .... -.SiirLvaY_ - -'— . • 1 SPEDY > _ 4-12-78 75-1441 STIP Prog '8-2-78. '..78-3!339 / S-l, FY-1978-79 , „.". . .SIS : CETA III LACC Dist CETA Titles I-II-III-IV • .' i Addendum - budget mod Funding I..SPEDY 1978 , . 4-26-78 7 75-1441 STIP II .' - 5-2-79 -•;77;-4215; CETS-reprog fds-RFP solicit Al •-• CETA III ' ' \^ , ^., ' ....S19 spec deliverers & CDD rec nevv cort Mayor replace servs by SER/ELA.. ._ STORM 6-12-79 ; 79-2591 SPEDY .. r 5-5-7,8 775-1441' Systems to Optimize <:I^*dio • US Dept of Labor •S-19A ,1 Car togmt-reduce police , "downtime" - Ronke Mo SPEDY , .. 5-24-78-"75-1441" SUCAG 6-20-77..r : 77-1935 ••1978 Subgrants - . :. ., Calif Small Utiii.ty. .pbnsumer ^ 5 projects -' ' ' • ^ Action group ' :,. , S39 • 'CD5 - • AB 1289-Wachs'- , :,: ., .. , SUEDE Prog . : .7-.25T78 "' 78-'3'447 SPEDY ,. 6-29-78 778-3116 Solar Utilijzation/Ecpnoraic"'; ' Charter bus serv .' * CDD-$35,000... Development-& .Employment ' ' " .. Gibson ' . -'' .] ' SYEP 5-4-79-^79-1744 SPRR Co ; 3-29-78 78-1345 • R Wilkinson . •; . . :^-^ S-l' North Hollywood--Studio City Incr Youth empImt St Mtnce Yard-FY. 1977-78 -' Pkg-lease- , . . iMjJJot- 4 fffg'^'igggs i X7 . — • * . SYRP 4-17r78 78-1783 Sumrtief Ybuth Rec Prbg-1978 6-15-78 thru 9-30-78 $4^38,430 I "77-4680 Sachs Stanley 10-21-77 Cl aim prop drag fS-YTP.. ^'11-11 n-i^i'&z Sachs Stanley . 11- 4-77 77-4871 •'• • Summer. Youth Trans Prog 75-2850 Claim prop damg $40,,000. 10-1-77 to.6r30-78$1,000.00 .1 DOS Admin Intern ' Sackett Hal - .1-29-79 •79-415 jSabah Victor 2-21-79 79-760 .• & M Winton exchge sewer li Claim auto dmg &> pers inj undet amt easemt Sly bndry 7432 Hazeltine Ave for N/s adj prop line Sabatello -6-15-79 79-2696 8-5-77 77-3467 Sackett Susan • John J - vs City LA Claim pers i n j Approp $5,089.50 settle claim $•4,700 !Sabbaeh M B , 12-14-78 •'• Claira .false arrest '& pers inj undet amt. I Sabeiis Heibert 11-17-77 Gift - art work "Geese" & "Papaya" Munic Arts Dept Sabeiis Hubert 5-4-78 "les Tulipes" Work of Art-gift ". 78-5826 77-5119 78-2070 ! Sabella Ricat-db 4-18-78 78-1614 Claira. atito-stolen $710Sabherwal Janak. 6-26-79 Claim ':prop dmg • . $18,430 Sabo Paul Commend.. Gibson : 3-25-77 : Sabori J ^ e ~ i : : i 0 - 7 8 •claim, f a l s e a r r e s t Saccomsndi P V l 4 - 7 9 spec volunteer prog - 79-2666- "78-3791^ • • ' A ;. Sachetto Antonio 10-12-79 79.4-?3Q Mayor o f Vc^n^r^^^ T^--,//^ /y-4J39 ^^y°^-.of.yen2one;italycomraend -. J Ferraro -^ Sachs,Rppnie;j- 4-14-78 ^ l a i m Auto Damage S4,cred Heart 9-20-77 77-4216 - Schoolvwaive postine time . Carnival permit Sept 23-25 1977 _ A Snyder •' Saderi Ho'seih" 12-14,-^78 7 '78-5826 claira false arrest &' pers inj undet amt Sadler Ben 2-20-79 claim false arrest. undet amt 79-732^ , Saenz Albert 12-12-77 77-5425 Claira false arrest 77-6 79-l09fi Sacramento Cal ' 7-18-77 " '77-3140 Chatten-Brow.n Jan Travel auth 5-26-77 $75.40 Sacramento 3- 2-77 74-187 Legis Rep-Ray Corley Harbor Comsnrs & W&P 78-1441 Saenz Nelison 8-10-78 claim prop dmg $161.80 78-3787 Safaei Abdali 12-14-78[, Claira false arrest &" pers- inj 78-5826 Safair Credit 4- 3-78 75-1441 •S 4 Collection Mgt-School Close out procedures.... .' Cunningham '.......,.... Safe Drinking 2-6-79 78-540o" Water Act Amdmts'of •1977^_.,_' seek amdmts-WSP - nbtif y,'.' ^ ,•-"' ^ customers of unreg contamina-nt im <'". k V';••-// -^? ." •.. Vl Safer: 6r29-73 Off-Sys Rds Prog $828,500 Spec Gas Tax 77-1955 SAFCO Ins Co & 7-28-77 77-3365 Edward L Ppore (.. ,Claim auto dmg $379.02 iSafeco Ins 11-2-77 77-3431 • Claim auto drag Safeco Ins Co - 7 7J2^ 77-5482 of America -A JaraOis JoW^at'on others cl«ij^s fcit/prop dmg Safer 5-")-11 ~ 11-1955 Off-System Road funds formula I OD,distribution )ept - LA Co ' Safer Off Sys 9-13-78 Rds Prog (SOS) Reprog Projs Approp .$2,700 Safer Rds 11-15-77 Demonstration"Prog Fed Aid Hwy Act Progs _. CALTPvANS Master_ Agrmt j_ Saferstein 7-27-79 Margaret Claim auto dmg $462.8.4 77-1955 77-5096 BGA 79-3457 5-9-78 78-2162 I Safety Enhancement Prog g^at^^a^pl $25.000Safety Enhancement 3-12-79 78-2162 contract for LA Harbor Dept Safety Mbrs 9-25-79 "79-4229 Pension Plan - create Modify current New Pension Sys Pnt.l-iTja 'P-i-r^/Pril Sa f e ty Sciences'T'" 8 - 1 # 7 7-^-^77-3 6 90 Div WSA Inc - Injury-Rpting Info Sys (IRIS)—Bur Sani-tation . - Mayor .- . Safety/Security 9-20-77 77-3904 Fep Unit - MOU 1^977^79'" LA City Emps Union Local 3 4 7 - i SEIU AFL-CIO 777.:.;. Safety &. . 8-:9-79 -79-3558 Security-DWP Secur Units-Equip . Optn/Labqr-Servicemen/Craftsmen Safety Standards 1-21-77;. 76-2656 Underground Utilities^*- i Rept - LA Co Bd Sup Safety warning 9-20-77 77-2800 Plastic bags - require ; ' S-43 Spanish & En, lish Stevenson - legis 6- 6-78' 78-1336 Safe Water Fd s-40 Cal State - Grant $40,000 City AvaIon - new Salt Water U \ & refurbish - AB 1992 Sagmoe James 3-29-' claim pers inj $1,000,000 TXiTTtJ-^ - ^ XdX7S^ { Sahadi Fredi.N 9-6r78 claim comparative equitable m d e m n i •ty t Sakamoto Lynn i commend R farrell 10-26-79 X8-4201 79-4-339 Sakoda Lani Ann .2-9-79 ,79-673 mbr Bd Civil Serv Comsnrs term end 6-30-31 fil_l..vac C. Thomas Fiz.Tiolio-Saidian Shahin 12-14-78: 78-5826 Claim false arrest & pers inj undet amt oTnr>c! Safety Plan 5-10-78 76-2101 Calif Highway- proposals 1978-79 - BPW Saillant 10-21-77 , ' 77-4664 Richard- Claim pers inj' & Safety 12-19-79 79-5595 Requirement fdr Swimming pool & spa drainage sys-LA Plumi-jtng. Code 7sa,fety 1 2 - 8-77 77-5432 Provisions- for Ice C ream trucks St TUidrews 10-^'7-77'^77^7-'450(r Park-resurface tennis-courts Block Grant Appl " -'' Farrell CH.IIaDES CIT. r.O. I . C J 1 4 m i v T i o m a. f. «. Auto dmg • . - ' "• St Anthonys . 10-10-78' •78^4-796 Gran'^ Lodge-sponsor. ' .-: 7:, Masonic Drill Patrol Prog 41st PI -10-22-78 • \ 4 1199 c Saint Claiborn 2-22-78 Adjourn ' ,.' - Ferraro- . ; 5t Paul Insur Go 3^-13-79-79-i±'l-8claim auto dmg ^5;];j^ " l ^ - r d ^ X undet amt '' 78-•? St Paul Fire 8-10-79 79-3577 & Marine Insur Co Claim pers inj & auto dmg $4,200 ... .. . Saint Peter 10-28-77'.. 77-4310 Catholic Church Corranend G ibson St Sophi;=. 5-11-79 79-1366 C;=ithedrgl - 6 0 t h . a n n i v e r s a r y P Stevenson Commend . -' .,' St Vicent 2-14-78 78-3 ' st James ~ 2 - 4 - i l ' 11-6 Medical Ctr & Presbyterian Church of Jerome H Kay MD Tarzana-Commend commend Lorenzen st Jude 7-15-77 77-2901 •' Sais Nick • - ' ..• 7-r"II-77 77-3002 I Claim pers inj & Children's Research Hosp & false arrestDanny Thomas undet amt ._ _ conunend - J VJachs^ iSakai Rodney J , 2-7-78 78-541 St Marks 6-21--79 79-2884 I Art Instructor Presbyterian Chruch exempt 1 pos' 17251 Sherman VJay refd.sewer serv chrg prbtest-1/78 . .Rec & Pks Dept. 12-18-78 78-5864 : st Onge ' 12-27-77 77-4311" Sake Rex I claim auto dmg Michael Tito -adjourn - $177.72 J Ferraro , " St David's Day 5-12-78 78-1400 Patron ^aint of Wales recognize 3-2;0-78 D Cnnnineham St Dominies 10-26-78 78-4796 School-N Michelena close Merton Ave 10-28-78 Halloween Bazaar S-14 St Floyd Lane 4-25-77 77-1431 Adjourn - , R Farrell . ' Saint Patrick's 3-17-77 Day-recognition Snyder Saken Norma Y 3-8-78 I Claim Auto Damage . 77-6 \ 78-740 Sflko"Terry'r -,5-25779' 79-2222 Cl'^im fqlse -Trest & pers inj St Patricks Day 3- 2-78 78-917 Flag Raising ceremony -3.-17-78 1st St steps St ..Patrick's Day 3-17-78 78-3 Commend Snyder St Patricks 2-27-79 78-917 Day activities flag raising ceremony 3-16-79-special event St. Patricks Day. 3-20-79 79-03 celebrates A Snyder \' ' Sakoda Jimmy T ' Commend. Cunningham ~ "saint Paul Ins 2- 8-77 77-620 " for Jerry Cole- Claim auto dmg $1,779.97 2-18-77 . 77-^6 ' : Saks Albert 3-28-79 7 79-1348 PC 27898 27899 c/z &. BL N/E Dronfield Ave & SE Van NuTS Blvd Saks Herman 4-14-78 78-1675 Kester Ave N/o -v.-i Chase St-c/z PC 27126 •' . . . Salamone John & 10-2-79 79-4298 John Sargent Claim pers inj IX(XI Salary -10-29^79 .'79'^4606 Acting incumbent to bffices'r Controller & Atty-Ord" clari'ry - CAO. . ... •• '.-•'7 •' ; ~ Salary adj $-10-79 .79-2107 I Salflries,^ts:'Needed 5-8-79. 79-2084~ ' Exec Director & Fiscal-'Off icer Munic Aud . Proj HEAVY/Central City" $36;000 fds transfer . Cunningham .. . ^ ,- - . _ [Salary Adj ' 91-77 ;^77-2819 iS^lariesAs 5-23-79 79-2296 I General Manager 'class " "~ ' Needed-Council 1977-78 Tr-nnsf $190,000 .' C-^'tO . ,. " CAO rept ^ Salary Adj " 7 9.^ 1^777 77-2822 •; Salaries . . 5-23-77 77-2215 I Non-Rep Classify .Council. Bidg Trades - riepealControlled., depts,' - 1977-78 LAAC Sec 4^63 subsec '(d) CAO rept . ,' . "..' ,- prepare ord - Bernardi i.'"salaries ' ' .' '4-^6-77 73-6105" Salary Adj ' '2-27-78 777-3910~ W&P Survey Supvrs , ' . • J. ; Commun Dev Dept 7 . DWPSuprv Prof Unit Mbu Cert classes CAO rept .6-11-7979-2574 j Salaries 8-14-7-9 79-2600 "Salary Adj - compensatn-fringe benefitsS-29 I Atty Unit 78/79 .- - -• •'• terms/condtns discuss by local SEIU Local 660 . . agcy legis^-body-unrep/rep emps Atty I II III & Asst I Salaries '. ^^: 5-30-79 79-2364 Salary ' / 10^24-79\ 79-4583 4 Elected officials Adjustment - class ... Admin Coordinator Controller Code 9177. _ j3alarie.s, . ' "11-16-77 77-2819 Salary'' '''"~'~". "6- 7^78 777-1357 General,Mgrs - : . S-lCalculation '^ S 2 impose ceiling - amd TSworn Personnel - Pol/Fire LAAC Sec 4.160.-amd. _ Charter - B Ronka Salary 6-5-78,^78-^2266 iSaiaries"" 2 - 1 5 - 1 i~'il'-T3~8 City Eraps elim full.'fwnts Prevailing-repealrballot— Natl & State Conv"" General Election-5-31-77 Veterans Organization •^':. Bernardi^^ _ _ . . V Salary classes 2-10-.7-7 73-6105 ' Salaries & Wages 7-22-77 "7'7-3230 Commun Dev Dept-amd Pers Ord ; .1977-78 FY - .LAAC Se.c 4.61-Sched A , Ccl Policy . . \ .._ J Ferraro . . _ Salary 4-10-79' 7'97i"216 I Salaries ' • A, 7-3^78.- 78:-3172 Compensatn difference fr ,S.-11 Freeze-all employees miltary pay-lst 30 days temp Ord - Atty leave IFY-pub empE Bernardi -•' :. •fyi^ i . . ". ., . -...'- - • . - ._ Salary • - • • - 11 .X X.8.7-7S-5311 ! Salaries - . 4'^ll-79 79-1633 Craft classes. / - •.•-...,•-» Wages & Suppl benefits of „ Ord 151,200 positions - survey »IAAC 4. S3 (d)-reinstate"..-r "...^': . . .:^..CZi.P\.. . ' . Salary 10—.4-79778r4200 Salaries .. - . 4 2-6 79 78 3105 Differential & Privi'Atty fee MOU estab--nev7 class Admin S-2 Deny Claim Unit:;Grants -Mgrat Specialist ,^ ,.••:;' _ .CAO... ; ... . „. __. . . • Helen S Kim ^. Salary 2-22-77- 76-2510 -Salaries- . 7-ll-7"9' 78-310 5 Environmental Quality-^General 1979-80 S-l Mgr- step. 3..;Range,„14.44A ,-.^ increase 6 .64%, Special Adjustment .1 Clericl Unit MOU 3 of 3 yrs :Salamone Oscar 4-7-77 77-1502 for Er.'nest & tillie Mesgowan offer d.ed-920 Montecito I I I I Salary 4-9779-79^1615 Increase - approp "$15 ,703,697 Various depts/ofcs, acctSc ' ', Emp Compensation Fds Salary incr 6-19-79 79-2460 I Non-repres Emps - Ords 7% for under $50,000 yr 5% for over $50,000 vr - Wachs 6-22-79 79-2460 , "Salary Fixing 4-21-77 76-3636 ~ ' Salary Incr I 5% effective 7/1/79 S-2 Processes .- proposed non-rep empls modifitation-Atty earning over $50,000 'Salary Incr 6-22-79 79-2460 Salary. ' 4-11-78 76-3636 Ord A-present salary S-2A Fixing Process J Ord B-incr $72,432 per yr Modifications \ .. CAO .19 7.9-8 OFY ' _ Empl Relations Task Force ~ Salary Fojrmula 5-23-77 77-1557 •' Salary. Incr 7-19-79 . 79-3216 Fire & Police Depts I 6.6% - Police Officer-Et S-l' Braude- Mo , & Below Rep Unit-1.979-8OMOU ren bv Pol Prot Leaque . .. ^Salary 7-24-79 ' ' ." 79-3356' 'salary Incr 11- 8-77 73-630 i incf 7%-MOU 1979-80 Ccl mbrs return- funds available _.i Inspectors Unit Ccl officesS3 Govt Emp .2\seoc of L.^. Inc Picus • . . _ ...... • Salary Inequity 9-7-77 77-3957 Salary Incr.' 10-19-77 73-630 Bidg Const Supt II Ronka B &" I r a Reiner- r e t u r n •N. Protest General Fund 0 E Haworth Con'troller' • • -. iSalary 2-16-78 _ 74-84 Sala?ry Increase 5-8-78 76-3636 t Inequity - paid v-zorking hours Emp Relatiotis S-5 Crossing guard -split shift . Marie Reynolds _ _ _ X Salary Inequity 4-14-78* 78-1671 Salary Increases 7-3-78 78-^3173 ; W&P Dept 'Suspended Victoria Y Rabb Elected•officials Atty ...... ^Salary .5-23-77 76-4350 ; Salary Inc" '7-14-78 78-3442 (merit raise]) -'' ' City Emp Edward M.,pavis et al - claira • Litigation FY 1975-76 & FY 1976-77 _ LA Police Protective League Salary Increase 7-17-78 77-5118 Salary 8-28-79 79-2460' ''D^\fP' Nurses MOU Non-Repres Emps 1979-80FY FY 1978-79 eff 7-3-78 . protests /' CAO . ' y--... . .. Salary 9-15-78 78-3119 !Salary Ords 12-21-77 75-4239 0 Increases 1978/79-MOUs Proprietary Depts •...•; proposed amdmts Atty prep Ord 78-5400 \ CAO 1-11-79 Salary incr '. Salary 11 9 78 ' 7S-52 87 State Fds S-14 Police Jl Fire formula - .... court actn Ord 151,200 . .. • \ . . LAAC.Sec .4.160-reinstate - - _ 79-697 Salary 2-15 79 Salary Proc 12-7-78 .77-4M32 • incr not "exceed 7% ECCCS .. Anti-Inf lation '^Prog Clarificatn Pay &-Price"Standards approp,$200,000 ; ' ' " (^ Salary .. 6-29-78 78-3100' Emp Rep .. . . . . Emp, Organization _ No"pub fds Salary 10-6-78 78-3172 ""Freeze Cases - Status Atty " '- M'd%r^ *iA^.'A: 110% u 9- 2-77 77-3892 Salary, \ Range'Adj ' City Interdepltl Coordinator Prin City Interdept Coordinator •salary Range #^ 1 2 - 6-77^ 77-2822 • CDA Prog Admin class' ' Ord to CO rrect # Atty •''•^ ' . : Salary 9-14-7978-3118 ranges-addnl Supervsy Differentials Sr Pov;er Eng & 6 others - W&P Mgmt Unit 4- 4-78 77-5466 !Salary Rate t rade workers Nevada Const Hoover Dam ' ' W&P. DePt.__. . A Salary 6-28-77 ' 77-2822 Recommendations-Non-Represented Civilian Emp Classificatns-. _ .1977-78 i Salary 6-28-77 77-2821 Recommendatns-Non-Represented Fire & Police Classificatns 1977-78-CAO [salary " 6-28-77 77-2819 Recommendatns-Non-Represented General Mar Class-1977-78 __..,.LAAC p i y 4 .^ • : Salary 3- 2-79 79-1003 Recommendatn 1978-79 Non-Represented Empls CAO Salary , , 3 - 7-79 ,79-1009 Recommendation 19 78-79 General Managers Classif Salaries ""6-6-79 79-2460 Incr rec for non-rep emps & Gen ^%rs 79-80 FY.^ 4-il-77 77-1557 Salary Survey Fire &rPolice 1977 -,CA0^.,. Salary Survey .4-10-78... •78-1609 I, Fire & Police ' 1978/79Salary Survey'; Joint-1978 CAO Salary Survey FY 1979-80 CAO rept 5-14-79 79-2154 s ,884 Salary study 3-17-78 75-1441 CETA Title I Contractors- S 16 BGA C"il!K-t PPrSTSB !K «. «..4. . 4-10-78'' 78-1610 •I t ^ f 4-10-79 • 79-1633 ;Salas Bryan I claim pers inj Jit; 1 ii Salary 6- 7-78 77-2215 j Union negotiated Bidg Trade Union -> . LAAC^ Sec 4.63 - rep^eal -Bernardi •Salary ''•7-28^77/.'75-4239 ; W&P - Eng & :Survey 'Empls' -, S-lA Fackfinding *• ' -, ^ 8-3-78 4I . ?• '•V '.J 78-3562 I Salas Jose 1^29-79 7 79-473 I Corcoran St (nr Herrick Ave) Imp A'11-31518 \ I \_ ' Salas Joseph D 6- 6-77 I Claim pers .inj $250,000 . 77-2390 Salas Marlynda 3-30-77-. .77-1384 Claim auto dmg $110.35 • Salary Savings 5-17-78 75-2961 3rd quarterly rept 1977-78 (April 8 1978) ..„.JCA()._^.^ ., Salary Savings 10-30-79 .75-2961 1st Quarterly rept 1979-80 - CAO S?>lary Shortfall 4-llv77^i77-1556 Salary Surv Survey Rept 1977 -r CA Salas Nicolas 1-21-77 claim pers inj $500,000 •a ,5 77-328 1 Salas Nicolas Jr 2-20-79 77-328 / v s City LA -SC Case 40264^ $15., 000 Atty Liability Claims i S a 1 a s Rob er t " ' 1 2 - 7 -7;8;. 7 78:- 5 711 i claim auto dmg .' I I ^ .^, $462,55 I • 1X07 Salata'Melania 2-17-78 Adjourn in memory. J. Ferraro •Sales 9-26-77 77-4278 Surplus City-o\vmed prop & policies be ref to Pub Wks & .; Fin Comt for rept to Ccl- 78-2 Salaun Ann 4-6-78 78-1514 Claim pjers inj $50,000- Sale 9-4-79' , 79-3940 pub auctn- City-own props 45th St SE Cor & Avai'on & 5 others ; Sale 6-25-79 79-2913 City owned prop 1815 E 107th & 1115 E 29th Sts Sale 1 0 - 4-77 77-4405 ' City-owned prop-Ethel Ave Calvert St-$5,000 1> Salazar Ana & 9-12-77 77-4054 Anna - claim false arrest & pers inj $1 million Salazar Family 3- 9 -78 78-1000 Claim $1 million wrongful death $500,000 pers inj Salazar Jesus 9-12-77 77-4054 et al - claim false arrest & pers inj Saldana David A Snyder Commend 10-6-78 78-4717 Salazar Carlos 2-2i-79 79-779 >appl to pres late claim claim.pers.inj ... und^a-h a m t . , „ baicido .S'otia /"lfrT9 79-297 2 adjourn J Gibson Saldana 8-17-79 79-2972 Joesph "Sparky" adjourn • . n r-iinn-i nahi^ifi-hph^l f of Ci T.-indnpf^ Saldivar Robert 12-13-78 78-5734 Appl file*late claim & claim pers. inj 78-5788 Sale 8-24-79 S-3 surplus City-owned prop assign B-ar of Eng _ ' LAAC Ch'ap 1 Art 4 Div 77 - amd — 79-3382 I Sale '7-27-79 alcoholic bev & const priv rec fac-10725 Lindlev Ave _ BZ,.A. Case 2615-Bernard Seciall . Sale 5 1 79 79 1944 one time-privatfi party advert display, on .vehicles . LAMC, S e c' '8 7 . 5 4, - amd" Sale 4-25-77 "77-1763 City surplus equipment to foreign cities-procedure A Snyder Sale' ' " ' • '; 6-29-79 79-2566 City-owned prop Craner Ave & Sylvan St , Lankershim ranch Ld Water Co Sale'" ' .^,..^'6- 9-77 ,77-2484 DeSoto Ave Sly Devonshire PC 26597-$16,500 W&P-Resol 745 Sale 7-25-79 79-3368 City-owned prop - $12 5 0 •• Fletcher Dr & LaClede Ave " "Mr & Mrs. Leonard Encinas Sale 7-23-79 79-3350 prop - $1,250 Fletcher Dr Wly cor &' Casitas , Josd & Julia Espinoza Sale 6-25-79 79-29 09 City owned prop-$500 Fountain Ave & Orange Dr Harold Brown & R&C Mandell Sale S-6-7979-3490 prop-S/s•100th bt Normandie Ave' & Vermont - $130,000 . Cadillac Fairview./Calif Inc' Sale • 11 X i X s 71-101 surplus prop-auctn S-2 Arlington & Olvmpic $6 000 n-in Str-athern _& 'Bellaire • $6 500 rain 1 [Sale 3-30-79 71-101 City-own !d prop S-3 Arlington Ave & Olympic Blvd $4,450 Sale 10- 7-77 107951 Benedict Cyn Dr-1318-pub auction$lll,700-City-owned prop , • jVlayor^ 77-4729 10-26-77 Sale City-ovmed prop-190th StHamilton St- Fred & Edna Perrault $ 18,500- J • 4-y yc -^ ^-^. AAX \%(A SAle . , ^ 7-25-79 79-3369 :>-2'"parcdis-City'pfop-auttn " •'* Gage E/o Western Aves - $-3500 Normandie Ave & 2"'3rd St-$5000 ; Sale ' 11-13-78 78-5172 surplus prop Gage -Ave & San- Pedro St pub auction' ' ...'.•.'..... 1_. SAle 7-17-79 ''79-3281 Goodviev/ & Hockey Trails City own prop'- $500 Sutter Investmt'Corp > Sale 4-17-79 ' 79-1711 City owned prop - $500" Grenola St-S P i n tbresca Dr adj owners Stuart M iller ' [Sale "" "•• ^ "T0-20"-77 ' ''77"-4648' City owned prop-Silver. S-t.vj& • Cypress Ave to;-Antonio .^&;^;.. Guadalupe R Cordona -$500 ' Sale 8-13-79 79-3 635 ! City-owned prop &, Ord",rain;bid Ventura Blvd at Arch'Dr, ^ CAO-BPW y , f.- .: |sale 9-17-79 " "79-4065 &{ dev Normandie/5 .Redev Proj Parcel 13-6DX ** 10-26-77 ' 77-4728 jSale J u n e 11-16-79 79-4954 City-ov/ned prop-Lanark StClaim prop dmg • "A Langdon Ave-Montclair College $52.'50 , : Preoatory Sch-$15,000• Sale 1 0 - 4-77 • •77-4406 Sales Tax Refunds •"8-18:-77 ' 77-3694j ' City-owned prop-Lemarsh St I National Banks & Leases to-v A l i s o Creek Channel to US - State Bd Equalization'. Northridge Towne-horae Estates CAO y.- ..:.;^.::_.. ::.... Sale " ••-^ 6-2S-79 79-2896 Salgo Miklos 6-15-78 78-2671 City-owned prop . . ; * Claim pers .&'prop-damage.;. ..Lower Rock Creek-Mono Co unty $750 Resol 707 \ "Salimi Shahrzad "1-25-79 '°79^317 Sale 10-29-79 78-3122 ! Claim pers inj . -. r c.^. .Merchandise f rom' • -• undet arat Open lot$ in Cl & C2 zns " Ord permit - Atty Salinas Mike 7-26-79 79-3337 Sale 9-5-79 79-3985 Claira auto dmg : - . Nordhoff PI --.-... $634 , -. '\ Winnetka Ave Ely City prop - $24,200 Salinas Victor 7-9-79 79-2684' Sale 9-4-79 79-3939 Claim pers inj & gen drags $1,200,000 N -.1 ~ . surplus City props Normandie Ave & 35th St/Normandie Sailer Jeffrey "6-21-78 " 78-2867 Sale 9-30-77 77-4304 Claim autb-dmg ; •." i r-.•<^' City-owned prop-Rubio St-Ventura $400 --.-A^ Blvd-$5,000-Clarence-Stella ... -' . . . i - ' l . A . i . . : ...-, . Sale 7-18-79 79-3293 Ord convey-undev land 117.5 acres-Riverside Col v;illed Rbt McV-Jherter-Atty Sale 12-26-79 79-5741 prop Co Tax Collector Sale 11 14 78 78-5397 ^J ^a i. j-J _L U O J.J .1. . J \ . i 1500 San Frndo Rd min $12,000 VJoodman & Chatsworth $60 00 C.ri.i;l . - i ' j . CAt. ao. i . m n •>H :. • . - >". \_ . CRA S LA Hsa Auth j Sales Jeanine B 7-12-79 79-3182 ' Claim, auto dmg . : -.' $155 rsale- . .. T.<=>.avi -h-h -.J jSallosy 7-25-79 7-9-2314 i Douglas .'V :._.--•-.-.-,.' <; • • Claim, f a l s e arrest"":.&^.per.s i n j v....,$5,.0 00 .... ..;..7 ;; '...'';_. .",•.: .._.• ; Sails Roy Lt ' 1-20-77 77-6 [- CommendV .. • <,-,^ ..• r Yaroslavsky •;- •• . -• fealraas Patricia 11-16-79 "79-5023 I Claim auto dmg >: i .• . Undt amt I 'i* Fl I > '.i'S ••I a ,? - '^ ':« fSi.l'ftS lA B. i. A. ii l:i izosSalvador City of 8- 7-79 79-2971 Brazil Resol commend R Farrell Salvage 4-25^777 77-17651 j Salny* Me'riiri A 9f-l-78 78-3914 ^ Fire & rescue equipmt claim .'prop dmg Atizapan De Zaragoza. $400.00 Mexico - $8,000 ' Salvage 3-13-7.8 78-1042 iSalomon Jawde ' 3-8-78 78-805 I Mini buses & . psgr Claim Pers Inj-$15-, 000.^ $35,000-Older American Act-Title III Grant Fd " 1-5-78 78-20 I i Salon Laurie H 8-25-78 78-4 078 . I Salvage i , i Police vehicles . .• claim prop dmg P^int prior sale to $375 public - B Ronka Salvation Army 12-24-79 -79-5733 rSalt'River Proj 8-24-77 77-3750' I Roscoe Blvd . ' . Agricultural Imp & Pwr Dist Canoga Ave • • . Coronado/Palo Verde Projs St Vac W&P Resol #60 & 61 Salvation 10-25-78 78-479 6 ! Salter Maxwell 6-23-78 78-1400 Army-Figueroa St Commend • 11-21-78 - Array's S-12 Z Yaroslavsky ... Christmas Kettle ic-ir-k-n^f Salvatore Delfino 3- 7-78 78-711 I Saitman Alex ll-;20~79 79-4338 A Snyder I Claim pers inj. Adjourn Salmon E-D- '" 3:- 4-77 Claim, -auto-- dmg 77-975 •v (.' '• -. 'r- •' • ;- . . - _• - i Saitman Morton 6-129-77 . 77-2834 Claim pers inj & prop dmg " Saitzberg Ilean"1-25-79 Claim prop dmg $175,000 79-273 Saltzraan Aaron' 11-30-77' 77-4311" /adjourn Yaroslavsky Saltzraan Sidney J Wachs Adj in memory 7-21-77 77-2900 Salute Gregory 5- B-78 Claim "pers inJ - _ • ^ 78-2080 ... ._oj.i&'X^ Salute-Marlene 5-10-78 78-2082 Claim pers inj_ cS ^ $50,005-j^^'^£).^ . Salute to 4rl9-77 Volunteers Mayor's 2nd Annual 4-28-77 - Triforium 77-1680 Salvo Enrico Commend• Ferraro 9-26-77 Salzberg Jack 1 11- 14-7 8 comxaend G Lindsay CHAii 77-290] 78--4 717 >\ • : - : i:,!..,S.^. '.J-* 110(= •:c-^Tj'--~-i'-''- (^•" Sam Marie A 7r26-79 , 79-3061 Claim pers inj & autq-^-dm.g undet amt 'Samuel'W 'Tr^fce"''l2-''6'^^77"'''77-^2^3"'""''"'^ ' 'I Claim a-ato a-bto dmg dma ' " •'' "' ^'^' ' --^' I I Samuels •: 7 5 - 2 4 - 7 ^ ' ^ 79-1366 ' ! Dr Melvin 'O Conimend Picus :Samuelson Derek J 'id-M-79 "779-4388 : ! 1 • Claim p e r s i n j " '-" ' " ' ' 'I Samaha Fonad S 10-5-79 79-4354 PC 28206 C/z incident subdiv Gower & Beachwqod Dr • - -. Franklin; Ave N/o -i Samaniego 6-22-77 77-2705 Victor- Claim false arrest $115,000 Sambas Delfina 3- 2-79 79-969 Claim pers inj $100,000-- - ISanae State 5-24-78 ,78-2358 Claim prop damage '•' . ' * ^^' $795.00 " " '• • ' ^ M V ... ! Sambrano Paul A 7-9-79 Claim false • arrest $100,000 79-2751 San Bernardino 6-16-77 Co - grant easemt W&P Resol #773 . ' "77-2644 \ 'San Berhardino 3-17-78 '• ^^ 78-1169 City Car-'Ccl mbr use;for" ' City Business without Ccl app \ Wilkinson .Sammons - '.'-5-18-78 117742 ~ San Bernardino ""10-30-77 . "/77-4386 Co-Victorville-.Rinaldi Trans Line Communications Inc-' " . Eminent domain '" '" '' New Faithful Perf Bond replace \ 2 bonds-Fire & Casualty W&P Resol 117' • •"• Sanborn v ' 3- 2-;7? ..77-924 Sammons ' <" 1*0-1-79 79-4325 Communications Inc Chronicle Publishing"' Co-l8 < Cal Trans - BO 355 3d 406 (1976)_ Rate/chq -, Cable TV serv - S v l m a r Sanceda Ronald 1-23-79 79-313 . Sampsel Fred -8-22-79'^ 79-3823 Claim pers inj •*'• Claim auto dmg :/ undet arat <' •••' $340.55 •'• - iSamlia Zidia 12-14-78 Claira^ false arrest & pers inj undet amt 78-5826 77-1430 Sanchel Leonard 6-15-78 78-2659 claim auto damage'$268;71 i Samson Clyde F 2-27-78'^"78-799 V- "*Claim, prop dmg ' $2,950 18-15-78 "'72-^4192 ISan Chez C Ballot Simplification Gomt-appt Term end 6-30-79' S-l Sams Jessie Commend Gibson 6-24-77 77-3520 ' -Sanches Guadalupe 11-6--7'8; 7S'r5176 j claim pers inj "^' ' " S-^ '\^' undet amt Sampson Edith 7 10-15-79.779-4338 Judge - adjourn -;.. ' ' . ' R Farrell of Sanchez Abel" . 11-,'4-7 777 7-4946 I dba Abel Builders .:' \ Claim auto damage - $358.96 I Sanch,ez, Arturo 1-30-78 ;; 78-248 I Claim pers inj ••.;--;• X $49,900 ^-; ' ^7;. Sampson Delfina8-9-77 Claim pers inj undet amt ., •. . \ Samuel Katherine' 3-16-78 78-1112 Claim Auto & Pers Inj A ........ . _. I I .-a I _ =_.. -. ••% 1 1X07 '_ Sanchez Charlotte 8-23-79 72-4192 Ballot' SimplilEica'ticn Comt mbr Term.end 6-30-81 Sanchez pavid 11-16-77 claim settlement offer Atty I 1 Sanchez Dennis \^ ; claira pers inj 77-5ioi" 8-7-78 78-3536 . r Sanchez Ernest 1-17-78 Claim auto dmg $101.19 ' 78-89" .-' I I Sanchez H "Dan" 8-25-78 78-3226 : • Cmdr - LAPD . . . . Resol - commend ,• J.Gibson _ i Sanchez J 10-25-78 78-5040 claim wrongful death I undet amt Sanchez '8-30-79 79-3867 : Ja-vier , '' • Claim loss of automobile .$500 . . ' •- : Sanchez Jerry 10-12-78 78-4824 • claim pers inj $10,200.00 I i Sanchez Jbe Jr 6-19-78 Comif.end J Ferraro I Sanchez .Jose 12-. 6-77 \ .. by Donn.alee-H Smith Claim false arrest Sander Ian. 6-15-78 Claim assault &, ' Vbattery 77-2002 • Sanchez" Mirna 9-12-78 78-4297 Eli Franco Atty claim pers inj ,undet amt 78-2803 jSanders Beverly 3-16-79 79-1180 i claim, auto dmg undet amt Sanders Don. P MD 6-8-79 79-1366 » " Sanchez Jose 3-28-79 79-1329 claim pers inj & prop drag undet amt 'Sanchez. Lilliano ,5-11-77 Claim auto loss $500 •' ' Sandberg Mary 7-18-7'9 75-3237' Zoning Appeals Bd-appt . terra end 6-30-84 Mayor Sandel Ruth"F 8-10-77 ^2i£i5_6.1_ •Claim pers inj u~->(p- ( f - / ^ ^ ^ undet amt V 77-4847 77-1480 Sanchez 9-13-79 79-2028 ; • Raymond Claim pers inj undet amt r Sanchez , 7-13-79 79-3249 Salvador Calim pers inj $1,000,000 ^Sanchez Valdo 7-26-78 78-3539 I claira pers inj 78-1400 ; Sanchez Jose. 57i-78 78-1934 Claira auto.damage $2,374,46 j Sanchez Orlando 4-5-77 Claim pars inj $10,000 commend Ronka B :" Sanders 6-27-7979-2819 .- Hehrietta Claim pers inj \ undet arat ' ,7 Sanders . 6-27-79 ^-79 202>- _ C l a i ^ p e J s inj undet arat " ' ^ ^ - ^ I f M'fl .•_....' Sanders ' 7-18-7"9 Joseph Stanley Rec & Pks Comsn-mbr 79-329 6 -HoT-r-i on/-! f;-'^n-Ril . Sanders.Saundra 3-16-79 79-1128 claim pers inj . .' ' $500,000 7 • *..,. . : "Sandford Regina 8-10-78 78-3768 ' • claim auto dmg $307.68. v;4Z06' ^ : Sahdorf A E "2-26-79 '• 79-878 .^ ' 'PC 27800 -appeal ire Gpi^ y "' N/s . San Jose'='St'^ bet"~\.'' r; Yarmouth & White Oak-Aves' ' !Sandoval Anna , 1-25-79-—79-406" IT: ! Claim pers';inj X7-.7y'''t>>.iT. -I undet arat ^ '''' Sandler Rpger E 7-20-78 78-3328 : ... claim, prop. & pers inj , '-$250,800.00 ^ ., . .1 Sando Robt D 11-6-78 78r-4718 Adj in''Memory - • J Ferraro ' * " Sandoval Fred congratulate A Snyder 2-2-79 \ Sandoval - 1- 6-77 ... 77-57 ' - Felipe - claim loss pers prop $286.00 , ; 79-03 Sandoval Gloria 12-31-79 79-5562 Claim pers inj Sandstrom R Commend G Lindsay 8-3-78 Sanders Sammy Commend Farrell Sandoval Marcos 2-7-79 75-546 draw demand $42,.500 „.,'- . settlement - .• . • _..SiiD Ct ..Ca.Qo., ri^o61-7 ./- :.A-....SandovaL Maria ,. 4-21-77 77-1713 Claim auto dmg $885.23 78-3226 3-14-78 78-3 San Qieso' 7-25-77 77-605 '' G Lindsay use city car iritg - 8-4-77 to 8-1-11 J Ferraro "" \ San Diego. Frv.'y' 6-22-79 79-2897 ' : Century .Blvd. & Imperial Ky "annex-60 acres-Lennox Addtn 1-79 Gen Plan .'Advisory Brd ' San .Diego Fv7y 5-16-78 ' 78-2327~ •- • Na't'l Blvd-reassign crossing - guard fr bn-ramp 'to Off-ramp Yaroslavsky . . Sand.Antal K 12- 6-77 77-5213 Claim p'ers inj . , '\. ^Sandoval Marta 2-7-79 75-549 I Afcty Liab Claim Acct'" \ .i $42,500 settlemt Sup Ct Case C122217 : ,-.._;. _;;.:.: I Sandrini Fred 5-24:78 78-2426 & Irene . ,. , • ? ..;,,„ ^„ Claim property damage $862.38 Sanders Minette 11-2-78 78-5169 Claim pers inj undet am^ Sandman John H 11-19-79~ 7974339 Z Yaroslavsky . " Resol'.commend -' ' / Sando Gary claim-pers 1 million 3-15-79 inj - 79-1055 Xv J x\ ... . i:ji_3... _ ^ . J vV.. - r..' V '(V \ iSands Fred : 1^2-7,9~,7 79-()3"^ Congratulate.. '.: ^,-. ' J Wachs W „ Sanducci Amparo 1-15-79 Claim p e r s i n j u n d e t amJt 79-145 r Sands 3-26-79 79-1396 Helen & 'Ralph claira a u t o dmg _ $288.35 . -AyA... San Fernando 7-10-78 . 78-3301 • Annex ptn . ^ , LA & Vice Versa 'i • - . . Bernardi " San Fernando & 4-21-78 '78-1859 " City-1978/79 "Budget /., -' Jail consolidation on . " ." time . .; .. 7l . : San Fernando' ' ~ 7-78-777 77-T2'976 City - Fire seryice re'quest 3 City LA Fire.Stas;. i';^.. San Fndo City 12-29-78, Ambulance services-' Fire '& rescueFire..Dept 1-15-79 '-j Sandor Geiraldine I 2 - 7 - 7 8 78-5653 c l a i m a u t o dmg & p e r s i n j $21,500 -"' •• •I 77-2976 I I -1109 ^ San Fndo City:. 6-7^79 Agrmt to. p.rov anim&l reg Farrell :8-22-78 78-4024 Sari- Fernando Ground Water Basin ,. Water Rights Litiga-tion San Fernando 10- 4-77 V77-4408 V alley- Commun Mental .Hlth Center $100,000-Contract . - B GA , .... .... 3an Fndo Valley 11-17-77 " -77-4408 ' Commun Mental Hlth Ctr . . At-y, \7-t- HCDRG a^T^i 'R X-'J'i 1 k-i r>.e;nn .. -, 11-15-73 73-3222 j San Frndo Rd" San Frndo 11'8 78 77-4408 " •S-2B Consolidated FAcility ; Valley Commun Hlth Ctr 452-4 60 San Frndo Rd #3D11 01 approp $1,919,225 r^.ayor 4th Yr.KCDBG Fds San Fndo Valley 11-10-77 75 876 ." San Fndo' 2-23-78 ' ,77-5449 Adm Ctr Bidg site - Calif S-l I Commun Mental Hlth Fadil State - trade .prop include in CDBG 4th yr D_e 1 ano_ S.t ,.r .,J_Ferra^o .,_... : . $500,000 ... . ., ,. ^. !San Fernando 12- 7-77 77 -5255 jSan Fernando 1-10-79 '77-5449 valley— Area A-. ' Valley Commun Mental Hlth'Ctr Taxicab Franchise-Dial Sch 5th Yr HCDBG A D D I for fundina Driving .Inc ._.. fi.t^nn .nnn San Frndo 7-2-79 79-2388 San Frndo 8-13-79 .77-5449 Valley Arts Ccl ' Valley Coram Mental Hlth Ctr S-6 ' Aging Proj-art festival reprog #103,400 fr 3rd yr fds & Pierce College 7-22-79 ; $21,600 to Haven Hills - Picus .. 1 San Fernando' 4-28^77 77-1828 i San Fernando , 12-31-79 79-175S Valley B'nai B'rith Lodge ! Valley Community Mental" Hlth Cti Hall Tower ,5r,4-77Ctr - 3D11-01 - ext 11-15-79 'Myfetery "Bus fiide ^Mylti $11, 469 C-50176 San Fernando 6- 5-78 78-1336 I San Fndo . ' ';8-5-77 77-2800 Valley Bar Assoc S 39 S-25 I Valley Comprehensive Support Leais reduce Plan Act'& Ccl - SB 77 Court Congestion & Litigatn costs Oppose San Fernando 9-16-77 77-2901 San Fndo Valley 5-19-78 • 78-1400 Valley Board of Realtors ; Ccl;of Jewish Federation ,CclCommend- VJilkinson '\ Commerid - J Picus San Frndo 4r20-79 79-1772 Valley Bd Realtors. Inc Claira refund •San Fernando' • 12-16--/' 77-4215 Valley Boy's C xub-add $155,306 BGA Rept- amd. . Ronka 78-5673 San Frndo ' 7-25-79 Valley area. Cable TV franchise bids HetroVision Inc. & 3 others San Fndo Valley 5-8-78 7.8-2122 Child Guidancci Clinic Lease Agrraent $53,000Mayor San Fndo Valley 1-17-79 78-2122 Child Guidance Cli'nicFamily stress ctr-'Van Nuys Proj-4th yr HCDBG fds-lDi5-01 San Fndo Valley 8-16r78 78- '3942 1 East-Hwd-Wilshire Dist \ Cable TV Franchise ; Six Star Cablevision Inc San Frndo'Valley 7-11-79 78-5109 contract ' Fair Hsg Ccl Mayor-CDD ian Fndo Valley " ' 7-29-77 77-2901 Fair as Agricultural & Youth Fair 8-10-14-77 - R Wilkinson commend San Fndo Valley 7-6-78 74-3846 Fair Housing CclS-14A .^ Fair Housing Congress ; subcontract - hou.qj na San Fernando 6-30-77 - 74-3289 Valley Girl Scout Child S-15 Care - 1C15-01 S8,44n 7-1-77/6-30-78 •i:: i {••JW r n . .-, ;. e. K IZfCi 74-4753 SahVFernando 6-1-77 SIO Vaiiey-$600,000 HEAVY Pha-ae"" H I ' •" .,. ""San Tndo-. Valley • 7-5-78 7 8-2514 Inc - Diversion Prog Proj HEAVY-4th Yr ^^ HCDBG-$210,000 ' . ! San Fernando 2-24-77 •' 77-865 . Valley- pub hrgs \ . Wilkinson San Fernando "^ T, 4-25-78 Valley Interfa'ith C cl-,, Realloc-Bernardi .. 77-1454 San Fndo 4-4-77 77-1453 Interfaith Ccl Inc - contract No -Hpllywood Sr Citizen Med check-ub Prog-$9,000 - BGA San Fernando 12-15-77 76-2331 Valley Interfaith Ccl-$40,000 Meals to Horaebound se-rvice Picus San Prndb 8-14-78 76-153 Valley Interfaith Ccl Audit rept S-3 San Fernando "" 9- 7-77°77-3§22'" . Valley.-Scenic CorfIdoi-,, Preserv Valley Circle -Roscoe/Pliunmer Plu'mmer-Valley Circle/Topanaa Cv,| San Fernando 8-29-77 r 77-3823 Valley - Statistical. Analysis Financial Records > . .?: . Govt Code Sec 1109.4 " ' • / ' , 'San Fndo Valley 8-2-77 77-3387 [ Tennis Club - ^ Lease 6 acre : ', ., • Van Nuys Airport: '" San Fdo Valley "l-23--'74 72^4100 i Traffic.Court S 21,0 Open 1 night a week SB 1309 r.- '.. San Fernando - 5-20-77" 77-'2i66 Valley Unit 1. Lines A & B , :. . Storm Drain Proj ?;^3862' plans & specs :~San Fndo ' 8-3-77'' 74-4753 \ Valley Youth Fndtn $217,500 trans fr . Commun Dev Fds - Picus,, San Fndo Valley 8-25-77 77^3753 Youth Foundatn Proj HEAVY Reproo CDBG pa - $18,000 Picus ' ; San Fernando 5-31-77 ' "77-2332 ; Veterans Memorial Regional.Co Park-disposal sewage,'"', . ,7 San" Frndo 6-21-79" 76-153 Valley Interfaith Ccl S-l •1/1/77-3/31/78, Audit REpt _ ,•; San Fernando " 1-6-78 78-25 Sanford A 8-17-78 78-3926 • Valley Legal Aid Centerclaim pers inj Sfl Contract with San Fndo-Valley $50,000 _ Ngbrhood Legal Serv-$91.,196 San Fernando 2-16-77 76-2331 Sanford 10-19-78 78-4796 Valley-cost re meals_t2. Deutsh Pres Congregatn HomeboundJProg for sr citizens Shaarei Tefila-tem>p close Lorenzen ~ '7' \ Poinsettia Pi-10~23-78 ' S-fi San Fernando , 1-6-78 . 78-25 |San Francisco 10-19-77 ",77-2-337 Valley' Ngbrhd' Legal' Services.League of Calif Cities Conference * Contract - "San Fndo Valley ' 9-25/28-77-rept Legal Aid Ctr" - $91,196 ~ \ Bernardi San Francisco 11-28-78 78-5382 San Fernando " .9-^8-79^ 79-2971 f Mayor G Moscone & Supvr H Milk Valley REACT Inc \ ' • funeral 11/30/78 Resol commend . , H Bernson \ Kennet^hSpiker represxLA Gel' -San Francisco " 3-' 2-77 7.7,-.9'2'4. San Fernando 6-7-77 77-^2419 Valley Real Estate Bd Inc-c/z S l a n d e r - l i a b l e - Co C l e r k - ~", -Balboa Blvd-Sherman Way SC Case-Sanborn v C h r o n i c l e ': PC 26600 . ; '\ P u b l i s h i n g - 1 8 Cal 3d 406 (1976) San Fernando'' 12116-77 77-4310 I San G a b r i e l 11 6-73 77-3396 Valley School. ^ .r. • • . - R i v e r Frv.'v-P.oute 1-605 .' -' ' S-2•Resol-coranend. >roi corisc J Wachs Final EIS Vols. I & II t^.:.^ i \:i ^ . s. i . . . E: San Pedro : 4-20-77 77-1687 San Gabriei' ' '^ "ll-'^9^78"78""-5578 Valley'.-• air quality danger Chap Iza^ak Walton League Lease Bidg 625-Fort HacArthur health" of inhabitants prop - $1 per yr-Gibspn . US Surgeon "Gen opinion, iSanitariurri''• • 12- 6-77 ,77-5363 San Pedro 6-28-77 77-2825 ' Halsted St-18135 City Hall- 2nd' floor L..y Zone Vari.ance release CD #15 Ferraro • GibsQn (' ,' 3-16-78 78-1157 i'Sari Joaquin 3-8-78 76-250San Pearo City Hall-Munic Pkg Lot ' Nuclear Power Plant proj S' 33 7th & Beacon St Withdraw fr proj 6c recover cost 2nd Level Pkg Deck - 90 Vehs Yaroslavsky San Pedro 1-8-79 79-3? San Jose . 10-24-79 79-4573 City Hall-Grant permis Resol create Lake Tahoe Nat'l Assemblyman Felando & Senator, I A Rec ArearNat'l League Cities Beverly use rms 506-507-508 supDort • "San Pedro CH . 6-19-79 ' 79-2725 r Sanitary 9-5-78 " 78-4240 Parking privilege Sewer Easemt Community Cancer Control McGroarty PI & McVine Ave offer ded 12-14-77 77-5467 "Sanitary Sewer 3-19-79 79-1295 j San Pedro Office -sale prop to easemts-Mono Cp nr Crowley \ ^•' Conm\ercial ;T Redev -Proj Lake to Hilton Creek Commun CRA for Beacon W&P Resol 232 Serv Dist-Reeol 48 5 San Pedro' " 3- '6-78 ~7S-937 J Sanitary 7-2 3-79," 7'9-3325 Sev/er System-permit 5^ yrs CoTiUTiunity Field - $20,000 BPW-use Harbor Dept land Portsmouth Park 'BO 4852 Commun Dev Trust Fd San Pedro 9-20-77 77-4217 Sanker Patricia 11-30-79 79-5035 Community Plan tour- t'rans ' claim auto diag $67.83 53-passenger bus^ pers inj Citizens Advisory Comt-Gibson _ $355^ 00 . ..._ _ ,_ " San Pedro. 11-19-78 .78-271 4-29-77 77-1430 Sanow Jack L Community PlanCommend 1500 sq ft. Lot area A Snyder Dvv'elling Unit R3 & R4 zones San Pedro '8-"7-79 78-271" San Pac ' . 11-30-77 77-5252 Cbmjnunity Plan Western Inc-offer settlement Moratorium -3 months Bus tax claim Limit Dwelling- Unit. Density • $55.86 _: _ . San Pedro Fish il-22-78 78-55D 2 5 San Pedro #1LD 5-31-77 77-2142 Markets 30 -yrs use Ord. Int- hrg 7-28-77 land & water area-Berth 78 Bd Order 4803-Permit,387 San Pedro4-26-78 11-2791 78-4847 10-24-78 San Pedro Harbor Dial-A-Ride Accessway $197,315-SB 3 25 78-79 Const Projs Prog San Pedro 9-1-77 77-3860 77-918 San Pedro Bay 4-14-77 High SchcolMaritime facil 75th Anniv 10-22-77 ACR #7 Spec Event - J Gibson San Pedro C of C 6-12-78 78-2779 San Pedro 11 2-78 " 78-5224" San Pedro Sports Walk Interim zoning ord 6th St bet Harbor Bl & Centre SX devmt restric v/aived Plaques - honor Athletes Little Sisters poor h orae-7\ged •v y 'Sa;n ""Pedro y."'7XXl.-77TlX.. "^'^^XX-Xil 1 "San Pedro •"' -, • ' 2-^24-7'8 •-7785^7^'8 Plaza Park-trans prop^.-•'"^. '-" ' "Kiv;aniSj Cl'ub-SOth ,Anniv " "• 7th St bet-Beacon St •$.. ''-;-• commend' ', ,• , Harbor Blvd -. st "purpose's- J Gibson -J' ^ •. .. . _ San Pedro -9-25-r78 - '7'8-3-44'6"san Pedro ^Hi 11, 8-;17-77' 77-3676 Regional Library " • •'--•' Pol radio. transrait'ter site Neg Dec • ' ".'• • -- ''•*» "" AMRS Inc-Robt Mohr - lease Eng & Pub ..Bldgs- " ' • "• .^renewal - CAO-BPW^ San Pedro 1-3-78 ' 78-9'. Residentilal Ctr-Inc-•' ":-'' Tsan-Pedro ._ 7-14-78 .78-3446 Discrepancy fds (CETA V I ) -' -..Library - initial Study State Hlth Dept audit Replace branch San Pedro . 8-19-77 77-2901 _• New Library'i- same site . Service to Shut-ins -! San Pedro . -^ 11 2 78 78-5221: L A Public Library ; Maritime History Museum J Gibson _ _ " : $3000 - roof repair San Pedro 6-12-78 : . 7.iB-2779 _'-• :l?.7.8-'.79 Constr Proj Prog ^ Sports Walk - honor athletes , San Pedro' 1-0-7-77 75-4172 Plaques 6th. St-Harbor/Centre St Minibus-2- trans citizens to San Pedro C of C Sabrillo Beach Festival. .-10-7/8/9-77-Gibson ;,...,. .. : San Pedro 9-7-78 78-2779 San Pedro 8-1-78 78-3677 i Sports Walk ' s-1 Munic Bidg Rm 312 - use ,' 6tli St-Beacon & Palos Verdes LA Harbor College class \ 7 athletes olaaues ..'.. ...._ _..9-rllr78-lT.27_-r79-Bill SteJ n^ I San Pedro 6-19-78 , . ,.78^1400 San Pedro, 7 . 9-^6-77 77-3935 j Toastmasters* Club' -v; - Munic Bidg - assign Eng L J Commend " . . . X Rms 407-8-9 \ J Gibson .. L _._:.._7-.__ ., MunicFacils Comt , .. _ = „ San Pedro . '" 1-25-79 7"79-422 ' I San Pedro -. ,• t 1-3-78 ; 78-7 ; True Value Hardxsrare Ihc'.^'' •; Munic Bidg - Rm 312 ' ' claira prop dmg" undet amt'. LA Harbor College classes -.^.'-_1-31 /6-16-7.8; -Harbor Dept San Pedro '""9-'30-77 ' ^7^-4317 San'-Pedro ll-"3-78 78-5253 Westchester-Playa- Del; Rey' S 7BMunic Bidg :; -. Commun Plan- exempt'' ; LA Munic Crt - Room 611 Coastal Dev Permit. ' J _^ '^ _ >•_ _.-.:.:LA Co lease...aqrmt' _ . _ •.. _.. Sanson Billy (57 6-17-77 ""77-2663^ San- Pedro ;. 5-30-78.. 76-1150 Cla3.m false arrest & •* Neighborhood Preservation Prog pers inj • - *A- • ' • ••• "-^ Agrmt - Calif Hsg Fin Aocy €-48938 S^nta Ana . 5-23-79--79-2293 7 San Pedro Office 4-11-78 "78-1683 • 2240,S Bristol St :-••-- ^ B&S Dept • '• " S-j'le of Rec & Pks,< l^nd.' ;oV. -' BPW . . . ;-.. .. • Plan checker Santa Barbara - 10- ,5-79 77^605 'San Pedro 1-16-79. 79-191 Independent Cities -Assoc- of;.* Park - change closing time, LA Co Seminar - ll-.-2/4r79 =• • • from 12 midnight to 10 PM City Veh Use - Bernardi & Farrell J; Gibson ,.. Santa Barbara " '3-' 4-77 " 77.;^-605 San Pedro ] ' 5-10-78 78-2183 Paralegal Institute-3-.14/l,8-77 . Parking Meter Zn-chg "rate Sr Citizen"staff-trans " 5c to 10c per hr-amd Snyder ~A LAMC'Sec 88;00--^ ... %- <•'•::i Santa Barbara -7-6-78 "7.8-3234 San Pedro 6-26-79-"79-2920 Western-amd agrmt ;' pipeline right of way - • '' State Parks & -Rec- '^ Order No 484 8 amding permit 1974 - State Bond Act .Harbor Dept,— -. ~ • ^ I I y\ . 'il '» ID ,'' TJ. H-Ti r i^ .•• Sta .Barbara r& 1-2-79 13-iiTTl Western >Pk acq .-- Agrrat with Land & Wtr, Conservadn Fd Grant pro). 9-29-78 to 6-30-81-P^P Santa .Barbara 9-6-79 79-3192 Western land.acqu S-l 4th Yr HCDBG Fds-reprog Denker Rec Ctr Proj Santa;. .Fe ' -12-12-77 '"70-3438 " Flood Control- Basin in Irwindale Helicopter pilot training site Agrra-t .. Santa Fe Ave ' 12-1-78 .:76-'506-7th PI Storm Drain eg addtl $58,543 " .CAO Santa Monica 12-1-78 78-3301annexation'#7 . S-l Local Agcy Formation Comn. :Santa Monica 11-23-77 77-5189" • Blvd Beautificatn approp $9,.422.13 Z Yaroslavsky"! . _ , ;= Santa Monica 4-3-78 78-1280 City of/Brown Bros. Adjusters Claim Prop Damage ;Santa Monica.. 9-21-77- 77-4227 Comprehensive Plan Co.njsnUse Ccl chambers 10-14-77 & 1-1378 & 3-10-78 Sta Monica . .9-19-78 77-1969 .'comprehensive Plan -Comsn Use Hrg Room - 9-21-78 ....W'LA Munic Bidg ' Santa Monica 10-2i3-78 78-3301 "Detachment fr City LA Loophole Annex : Santa..Monica ' : 3-7-78 78-942 4th St bet Ocean' St & Adelaide Dr-,replacement Stairway. .. . . Santa* Monica 12- 6-77 77-5265 Generator Ex Inc ' Claim a uto- dm g Santa Monica 6-23-77 77-60,5 Mtns Comprehen:sive Plan ComsnCclman Braude-Wachs-use' ' City Car- mtg- Cunningham Sta. Monica 2-17-78 77-4720 '. Mtns Comp" Plan Comsn- : AB 2377 ext to 8-31-78 deadl'ine file rept j Santa Monica 6-24-77 ' ' 77-2805 , i Mountains Comprehensive Plan Comsn-Hrg Room-WLA Munic Bidg 7-14-77 •. 1 Santa Mon-ica 12-11-78 78-5781 ,; Mtns Comp Planning Comsn \TLh Munic Bidg hirg room 12-19-78 « 6! Sta Monica 1-9-79 79-88 Mtns Comp Plan Comsn-use ' Hrg room 1-17-79 VJIA Munic Bidg• Sts Monica 5-30-79- 78-1336 7 Mtns Comp Plan ' S-26 2 Resols Plan _ ^ . . • . : .. . S a n t a Monica 3-20-78 78-1180 M t n s - g e o l o g i c a l problems iMpratorium^ . . = , Blda u e r m i t s • • .• :.'.... b a n t a j«ionica Mtns 8-30-77 77~'.l800 Parkland Acquisition ' S'^37 ER 7254 S^ntA "Monies Mts" 5-7-79" 79-l-2i6'" l«nd acq S-31 Santa Monica Mtns 7-5-79" 79-3187" ; Policies-Interim Protec Period Natl Rec Area bndries Plan Santa Monica 7-17-79 ^:" "79^3288" Track Club - $1,2 00 10-kilometer run 8/12/79 Unusual Major Event Police Cmnrs Santa Susana 3- 2-78 77-4720 Mtn Park-addnl parcels "' S 41 Wilkinson - • ""Santa Monica 7-16-79 79-3275 Land & Watr Co Tract-blk 32/39 Lot 900. Hanley Ave-C/Z M Braude Santiago "io-31-77" " i l - 4 2 0 1 ~ ' Richard:G- Claim loss of Three-;Weeks . wages-$l,.183'. 56 Sta Monica .5-12-78 Mountains Acq Prog : AB ^^^1^- support Santo Frank R V7ilkinson Commend 78-1336 S-lB 10-6-^78 78-4717 :1 r Santo^'Arta:" ' "'"'^4-6-78 "78-1509 Cla'im pers-inj -• '• •> S-l Sarabia" DaviiJ' '6-27-79 ' 'f94'2823 Claira auto drag "* • t "•'".. $2,000 1 Santos Josie 1-16-79 ,79-237 * e f ai - claim wrdngful S-5 .death $500,000 \ . .A: . " . Sargent Barbara 12 20 78 •'••-73'-5-897^ claira pers inj ' -"'^' "• $100 000 • ' •"' ••' '• -'••'••• • : Santos Salva.dore " 3-8-78 78-819 ( minor) Claim Pers Inj-$200,000- [• \ Isanvel & 5- 3-78 73-3700 Arpineh Arefian ' S38 LA Mall Shopping Center • Lease -Unit 24 : : San Vicente 10-26r77 . 77-4727 Inves-space- City Clk Tax &. Permit Div-526 Rosecrans Ave • -Agrmt .,- _ •_--.._ r San Vicente ' ^6-1-79 .76-1923 Scenic Corridor Plan S-3 Plan make rec •'M Braude • " • 3-15-^77 7 7 - 3 Sanzo Rose Sapper Helen K 1-4-79 Claim pers inj & loss pers goods $350,000 u n d e t amt; ^ '-;; ;.:."__ :_ _.. i s a r k i s J o s e p h ' ' ' ' i - l i - y " ? ' - 77.-469 . > Claim a u t o dmg ; •-; Sai^ley,. 11-28-79 -' 79-4338 ; E r n e s t Henry G Lindsay Adiourn • -- • Sarraien'tb^ 9-29-17.' .'77-4 354 ; Hugo- Claim 'false-arrest>'S18 1 .• $ 1 6 5 . 7 0 ' • "Sarandopolo Marga 9^27-77^'77-4282 acc offer settlement business tax claim $73 . % tli I i u " " -'-'"'.' : -A '••, -.-.•.. ... ISass Stephan J •' 2 - 1-77 75-24 00 Student Professiohal'-Worker C c l Dist- 5-eff • 1-31-77' ' 78-6039 i -Saracino V M 3-8-79 79-1068 grant pet A'11 71490 Eton Ave.-nr Bryant St •1 b a s s o n ^ S e t t y • >3-14-79 79-945 : 7 " ' I c l a i m p r o p diri'g *"-'. 'A: • •..::• _J $400 " "' ' y .-' .-••-" \ Sarabia Art & 7-5-77 -77-2912 Romero Joseph i ; Claim pers inj & false arrest i_'''$-50*, OOO ea. •.'^ ;". j Sarabia Maria 10-11-77 .. 77-4536 Claim pers inj •;. ' •5 i S a r y e r J a n e t - L . 7-21-79 ,-7;9,."-3155 { Claira-au-to dmg.- . - ^,'. ,- ' . ' Adjourn ,. ,,Snyder 78-305 79;-4'"298 • • Sargent Terry_ - 3-8-79 79-1049 ! . claira assault & battery^ '; "* ' false arrest.& pers i n j ; ' ' Santos Yvonne 6-23-78 78-2990 claim prop dmg $400.00 • ' S a p i r Ghodsieh 1-30-78 Claim p e r s i n j $5,000 Sargent John ' 10-'2-79 John Salamone ' "^ Claim pers inj \ -^j Nowell ''satellite Bidg "4-19-78 73-5331 #2-LAX-5th Amdmt-Leasd LAA-714 - Pan" American World-'Air-ways Airport-Bd Order AO-2895 "! Saterfie]:d7."7-7 6'^22-^77 ^ \ - l i - 2 1 5 1 Patricia-t.'Claim reimbursement Impound fees -^ ...r . ,; -^.^'•Sather,'Craig' • 2-16-77 ^; 77-744 •'' ' Claim autb" dmg'^ - - • •"' '-••- >' i* • • .C> y • yy ••i.v..^t-'-. -v, ' Saticoy Haskell 1-18-79 -^79-205 Assoc - c/z &-b/l ^'^^'^Ji-., Saticoy St & Haskell^^Ave".^ PC 27723 & 27724 i. •''.r f 1X15 ^[Saugus Rehab'Ctr 6-12»78'78-2346 ..'- - Aix- Natl Guard Van Nuy.s Unit. . Use for Training - 6-17/18-78 BPW 'saugus Rehab 9-1-73 78-2346 Satterles 3- 8-78 78-2 ; Center . . -. Hugh W .J Air Natl Guard use-li/18-19/7'8 Adjourn- Stevenson \ BPW 1 Saugus 1-5-79 79'-27 "Sattinger. Janis 1-28-76 76-380 ' . Rehabilitation CtrClaim pers inj .-J US Secret Serv & LA- Police : \ Joint Training Jan 18-19 1979 'Saulsberry L H 9-21-77 77-4254 Saturday.^ - 9-18-79 79-4074 ' holdayiS.,observ. proceeding Friday \ Claim pers inj .& auto dmg . • LAAC SeC: 4,. 119"-amd &'Adrasn 7 $100,000 Day & Lincoln Birthday for subst _ c fSauer Anthony 10-2-78 78-4674 J I! Saund'Dalip 4-11-79 79-1365 ' ajdourn Claim pers inj •Farrell R $10 million Sato Day , . 10-12r-78 78-4849 claim auto dmg $2,000.00 • •' " ; Sa^s7"Calif 5-23-79 104020 Bouquet Cyn Rd'& £>-/.u SoledPd Cyn Rd " '' RW&Ld - pur prop $7,200,000; . ,: Saugus Facil 10- 2-79 78-2346 •- "Calif Air Natl Guard One Yr Ext - use Gen Service i Saugus •' 1-3-77 75-2432 Rehab Ctr - Neg dec for sale BPW Orig '.Saunders Andrew ( D Cunningham Adj i n memory V 6-24-77 ',.,_ - \ Saunders Elois 4-26-77 claim pers inj US,531.00 $] Saunders I n g r i d Claim prop dmg $187.00 77-1431 77-1788 8-ll-77c'77-3578 • ' ' "'- ^ Saunders 10-13-77 77-4311 iSaugus .> ' 9r-28-77 104020 Joseph CDr Rehabilitation Ctr75-^2432 Adjourn- Cunningham surplus City prop \ notice of sale _ Saunders Julian 6-8-79 79-1366 jSaugus '' . 12-27-77 77-5642 .Commend Rehabilitation Center-grant Ronka Extended..use after 1-5-78 _ _Pub sale ,..,•_ j Saunders Marilynn 1-25-77 77-342 [Saugus .* . 1-9-78 75-2432 claira auto dmg — - Rehab Ctr .--IA Go utilize as $201.20 •.7 civjil detoxificatn. & rehab,, ctr Decision re Sundance Case '' jSaunders Udelle 5-22-78 . 78-1401 \ Saugus Rehab Ctr 2"9-78 78-555 i Ad 1 ourn"-^ ^ LA Co,.Sheriff Dept use erraro tra5.ning 'Spec Weiapons Team _ Feb 15-16 1978 " •• saundra Cora 7-11-77 77-29<>3 Saugus Rehab Ctr 5-10-73, 10.4020 United American Indian Invclvemt Claim p e r s I n j .. ., , ..,s-2 Inc-lease ptn drug abuse undet amt ..,., , _.,... treatment. . ISautman Barry '9-29-^77 ' ' ' '77-4354 , Saugus Rehabilitatn.2-14-79 79-693 •' Claim false arrest .. S17 proposed lease by.:Proj.^;HEAVY 'i T"^"^ '"^I^i^y r ' - S a ^ t r a ^ ' " ^ : " ' ' --g-2g-77''"^'' ••'"77-4354 ^ F rancesca-Claim false arrest • • ^16 3-29-78 ' "78-3 "Sautter Carl . Commend ' Wachs Savas Thomas & 3-29-77 77-1337 Nick Argy-award taxi franchise fr individual bidders to LA City Cab Co Inc Savas Thomas 4-7-77 '77-939 & Nick Argy (Area B-2) Taxicab rates & chgs Savate Rose 9-14-78 ; dmg 78-4392 Sav/aya Edward 1 2 - 3 - 7 9 ; Adjourn . .-..•;• J Picus ^. ; Sawhill Steven 3-16-78 78-1069 ' Claim False Arrest .' '• . "L •': '. '" Sawtelle 2-22-78 Investors-elim tract requiremts Cond S-2 7 Undt amt . * '* V - 73-6098 T" 7,- ' " re Tr 31531 i Sawyer ' '. 12-18-79'. 79-5582 l^ Gerald Of cr • " ' " • -. \7 Killed by Michael ElderSetilGment $10,000 ' •'. -., I Sawyer Linda" 10-19-79 79-4562 i Claim pers inj ^- undet amt Saxby Elaine '-. 7-2 4-7 9 .Claim pers inj undet amt . -. Savate Rose D 6-15-78 78-2703 Claira auto damage $7.00Save Our Rangers 4-14-78 78-1666 'Comt-petn :/ Park ..i^angers i Griffith-Park m 1 ! Savin Mike 11-20-79 ' 79-5031 Claim auto dmg - 7.9T4338 79-2796 Sayan Marjorie 11-16-7,9 ,79-4932 Claim auto dmg I \ Undt amt . _ _ _ ;' _ ' ' _ • • _ ' •." - • - _ • _ • '^ ^ ^ •| Sayan Penny " 2'-le'r77 .: 77-746 I Claim pers prop loss : • ' I [""Savings Acct 4-22-77 77-860 " Tax exemption .first S-33 -$3000 interest-Sr citizens State & Fed legis-Gibson 'Savings Bond 8-26-77 77-2901 Campaign. - support 1 G Lindsay Savings & 6-22-77 77-2749 -< Loan inst "adopt* Mortgage loan Prog-fin Energy savings devices. "Savitt Louise " 8-10-77 '77-3562 . Claim auto drag $158.50 ' • -. Savitt Louise 9-30-77 :. Claim, auto dmg 77-4316 Savoian Harry 10-12-78 70 4027—claim pers inj CU,^f4ytS $25,000.00 Sayer George • 12-18-78'78-5862 claim deductible $100 -. : , . . , , Ai-i+'O n nVi .... . J. _._...-_..... Sayeri Assdollah 11-28-78. 78-5608 claim pers inj undet amt" : ' ; . .: Sayers Benjamin 11-4-78• ,^78-5231 claim auto dmg $352.71 . •: ^ I 'Scaife Ollie -. 11-^30-79 79-5224 [. claim auto drag: -• .: c undet amt . >-. Scanc?^rell-o A 5-11--79- 7-9-2058 Claim wrongful d e ^ t h •Atty . . - . , . ._. . Scandia Homes - -9-16-77' -97-4138 I n i t i a l Study - •"B-PrerTnit7 Grading P e r m i t ptri "Tr 9449 Eagle Rock I7J7 Scenic Highway 1-19-78. Plan - adopt as part . General Plan City LA- Scrap Metal 7-30-79 70-745 Processing Yards Junk Yards etc •- '' Enforcement procedure .Scardin Matilda 10-30-79 79-4637 Claim pers inj Undt amt . . ," Mayor 77-2304 ; 7 .Schaaf Edward 10-5-78 78-4762 claira stolen vehicle loss job' . Scarry Jean _ 8-4-77 - 77-344?' Claim pers inj undet amt •' Schaap Rbt J 6-6-79 Claim vehicle dmg $300 79-2632 S c h a c h t e r N Dr 7-21-78 78-3226 Scattered Site 10-29-79 79-4779 ~ Cortunend Five-Plex Plan G Lindsay Low & Moderate liousing $350,000 - CRA Schacker Marshall 1-10-79-" 79-75 Scattered 11-13-79 79-4779 auto drag' 'Site Five Plex prog P Claim $293.81 Use Bunker Hill Low & Moderate Incora-a. .ReDlao!=!m.t. TTJ^.O Fd Schade Timothy F 4-2-79 79-1362 77-4598 10-14-77 Scattergood Brush abatemt chg3-$l,101.91 Elec Generating StationParcel 035&$805.73 Parcel 036 Right-of-entry to El Sfegundo City Const-storm drain prop, tax bills .....;... .:.. . Schaefer Rita, '2-24-77 -77T'867 Scelsi Theresa 12-6-77 77-5225 Claim pers inj & auto dmg Estate of by Elizabeth Boyle \ $75,000 Claim wrongful death Scenic Corridor ""6-13-78 "77-3922~ Plan -Valley Circle Blvd Roscoe Blvd Picus - Mo _ ^_ _ _ Scenic Corridor 9- 7-77 77-3922 Preservation - SF Valley yai ley; Giro Bl-RQpeoe/piu5«mer _ _ Piummer-Vallev Circ/ToBanaa Cyn_ Scenic Coordor 7-16-79 . .77-3922 Spec Plan-prepare S-l Mulholland Scenic Parkway _ T Warh.t^ _ Scenic Corridor 8-2-3-79 76-1923 Specific Plan-30 day ext S-3 to 11/17/79,"- M Braude •; , Scenic 8-3-78 \ 77-3922 Corridor Study Valley Circle Bl-Plummer St _ Initial Study ; Scenic Corridor 11-2-79 - 76-1923 Specific Plan s-3 extension to 12-8-79 • • Scenic Hwys 5-27-77 77-2304 Plan-Circulation ElementGeneral P.lanPC 25097 • Schaerrer ' •''4'-2-79 '79-1473 Russell J • -, : > Claim wrongful ^dischrg & .back - pay undet amt . Schaffel Gary' 1-13-78 78-lV8 Zelzah Ave N/o Devonshire St - c/z \PC 27032 : ._j;_..._:: Schaeffer 3-15-70, 79-1187 Beatrice-claim pg5?^ini^ \'-? ^ undet atm Schafer Earl & ' 6-20-79 79-2731 Sallie Frederick St-Calif & Lake St ' PC 28100 - - .Schaffer Rose 3-16-79 79-1129 claim pers inj - .,• . undet amt Schaffer Rose 4-26-79 Claim pers inj undet amt 79-1856 Schaffer Rubin . 2-7-79 ' 79-588 claira prop dmg . $149.66 I "^1 Schneider Charles X--.12-7U f7«-4-291 Schlretg Demetra 3- ^ ^ - g ^ ^ Claim auto dmg -t&^f^ .?J*V-»7 Scharff Kurt-H - 5-20-77 Claim prop dmg undet amt lAA':.' W Sampson•Atty " c l a i m p.ers i n j & a u t o dmg 11 n rl o •(-._.A r.i-t-' ;.. '' . . -' ~A ": Scheider Ronald" -IV 4-77';'7-7-4930 1^ Claim auto damage " " 77-2179 A §0.6e'iaS^gi Schauer B Rey . Adjourn Ferraro 8-77 iSchaupp Donald '8-9-77 - Claim auto dmg $160.02 Scheir Robert-Dr Congratulate Wacns 77-3 77-3508 I I I Schell & Delamer 7 - 6 - 1 8 78^-2720 claim pers inj ' ' ' " ' • S-l Helen Herrin Schell Helen 3- '4-77, ;77:-972 Claim auto dmg !sch"echte"r Ha-rvey il-:25-77 77-4310 Commend ,. , " Yaroslavsky : Schell Percy 3- 4-77 '77-972 • Claim auto dmg •Schechter 2- 9-77- 77-6 Joseph-Congratulate ; Yaroslavsky rschedule 6 7 8-16-77 76-2438 Pol & Fire Salary Sched amd LAAC - Art 4 - correct . error - Atty ..._.._..-.. 1 Schedule ^ .12-19-77 75-3079 I Civic Events Conflict with Ccl Mtg Attv nrep Ord enforce Policv Schepler • .5-31-79- 79-1365 Frank J '. adjourn t : .;:': .-.-:. ,, Gibson .; Schneider' Charles 9-12-78 78.-^4303 claim auto dmg & pers inj undet amt . i 3- 3-78 ... 7 8-3 77-1362 , . i ^cliaus Robert '' 3-30-77 Claira pers inj . $150,000 -i Scheinbaum L 4-18-77 ,; 77-1665 claim prop dmg $250 1S21PS1?903-04 i $57.00., 9_27-77 77-2900 ScheidermanB 9-12-r78 .J78T:3924 Scharper ' . : _ , ' [; claim prop & .'c-'"' William A Jr '" pers inj ,. Adjourn '• Snyder '• • • ; Schein Hattie ' .3;- 9-78 .-'"^78-1005 Schatz Bernard 3-31-77 74-53 , Claim pers inj '"• '" . ' & Assoc - req time extension Schatz Bernard 5-17-77, 74-53 Reg delete fr rezoning actn 1 .i '\ Schellhorn Peter 10-^18-77---77-4629 Claim prop dmg " i•V I Schepler --- -. '• 9-16^77'.-. .^77-2901 i Frank H .•-^-. .- •. ' ' Commend- Wilk inson I Schepler •' - ~^"'"5-18'i77 :'^7^77-i431 ' I Frank Sr- adjourn ••"----•-" .*. 'Wilkinson "'•• \ '... : ...A'A::•-•' ' •;:''V--.^" .^•. ^ Scherrer Jeanne 2-28-79'7'7,9-03; Commend -,:••:.'-• i^." - .^-^ G Lindsay IScherubel' Eva '' .7i-12-77': 77^3036' ' Claira p e r s i n j .." -' .;:'':•.-•.• $99.10 : -;• t^^^^.-. il . 1219 < ^"^ ^i-iixcxcj.jui 2-3-78 Schieferle . r- . - . - ..Dolores D o l o r e s JF. claim a'uto' dmg. $26' 78-436 Schloss Alden 2-7-79 79-44 8 claim pers inj . '"' ' ° ' - • --.' .;$150,000l ' : I Schiff Martin 8-31-78 78-4169 claira. p.rop"" drag ' $910.00 . ,, j : Schiffman Abbey 6-11-79 . ; Claim pers -inj' '' $750 Schlotman Edv/ard 7-9-79 Claira unpaid salary'' undet arat 79-2528 " Leah 7-9-79 79-2754 • I Magin Claira pers inj Undet arat Schmalt^i 4-11-79 78-5095 ": Alphonse G . . - return of cash bond #.17350-" $5,500 & inspectn;fees-PM 3 883 Schmanck Andy 11-4-77 77-4803 Claims pers inj - - TSchiller Frank 4-18-78 78-1799" Alley N/o Burton Way. (nr Hamel ' Rd) A'11-71301 , petn r Schimel Henry 5-23-79 79-2193 Ci^im prop dmg $90,000 "^ ' ^ $801,150.00 Schimraenti John 11-13-78 78-5343 claim tov;ing & storage fee loss of autoraobile $.25,000 Schimming A J 5-6-77 77-1941 ; Claim $50 auto deductible 79-5310 rschleve.Tom' 5- 9-79 79-2090. . Foothill.Blvd & Eldridge .Ave Tent Tract 37179 Vac Schleyer Hanns 10-20-77 77-4311 R Farrell- • . , Adj in memory "Schlitz Brewing 6-13-78 78-1958 Co - "Lois Angeles-St Scene" Nat'l Endowment for:Arts . grant appl TT- 79-4725 Undt amt 'Schmidt Patricia 3-22-77 77-1224 1 Claim-false arrest & pers \ inj ! iSchlager Cynthia 11-20-79 79-5147 Claim pers inj - auto dm.g Undt amt 79 1844 Schmidt Jack K 11-16-79 Claim, loss of wages X 77-2876 78-4493 Sclimidt Harry ., 4-12-79 79-1,669, '' Claira auto dmg & pers inj/'-' ^ undet amt . • ' '. ' •~, Schlack Frances 6-30-77 " Claim au-to dmg .:• Schmidt Alan C 9-20-78 clai claiin^grop dmg $695 Schmidt Frank A 4-2 5 79 Claim auto dmg .^ $189.05 .7 •' y r Schirel BradVH ' 4--4'-'79 " 79-1498 " . , Claim pers inj • $250,000 • - j Schirm Richard 12^-12-79 claim ,pers inj 79-2755 ,,' . Schmidt. 7-16-79 Michael .Anthony Claim false arrest 79-2987 ; Schmidt Ronald' li 6-27-79 79-2844 ; . Claim pers inj $540 ,".-•, Schmidt Roy & - 12-5-78 78r5688 . ; Millard Kaufmau:, 3572 & 3574 Multiview Dr:.. " I .oarcel .rnaD exemotion .-.. .:. ;:^ Schmidt Wm D 3-8-78' ' 78-873 ' Claim Auto Damage ' -•^ :'-.>.* \...7'110JQ :7 W-X-- Schmidt Wtn J : . , 10-16-79 79-4446 Cla'im. aiito drag $58.55 '' iSchmitt J a n e Adjourn H Bernson 10-26-79 79-4338 j Sc'hneck" . 7-24-79 79-2814 Ronald r S-8 Claim p e r s i n j & f a l s e a r r e s t ,,^ $.5,000 ••-. ^ ;•_ _. ^ '.' i Schneider Ann 6- 8-77 "77-2455 Claim pers i n j ' i, ,. •, Schneider Franeesll-14-77 77-4966 Claim contribation to pension $12,000.00 . Schneider 12-12-"77 - 77-5382 Jerome N - Claim auto- dmg Schnei'der'- Jerry- 3-- 2-^78 Adjourn Bernardi •78-2 Schneider/Louise' 6-'2i-78 ' 78-2896 Claim pers irij Schneider E ' 6-26-78 ' 7 8 - 3 0 5 7 Mancini R-future st-Lemarsh St lotersec Wilbur Creek ._...yac-.... :..: Schneider Minna 9-14-78 claim pers inj 78-4323 ' Sciineider "" 10-' 4-^77' ~..""-"~77-"4311"" P at ^' ' . '. . Adjourn- Russell ' Schneider;. PhyUisr75-3-78-I'S-rl^^?^ ; Schneider-Susan^ld-31-79 79-4 696 Claira p'ers inj &" prop drag" ' Undt amt . . . " ' . '. Schnepple Karen 10-13-78 78-4879 claim reimbursemt of expehises $10.55 —-.—*. r A*.— V -Schnieder-Emilie 11 13-78778-5315 claim pers- irrj undet amt . -7..'7,'7:'' m •"schoder .-. ,. 8 - 2 1 - 7 9 ; 79r2972 y , Margaret Cornv/e 11 • r- • ^ ^.; adjourn - -,. . . ,•....'-. .- • J Ferraro Schoebinger 6-22-79 79-1366 Knnneth" R. -' ""^ ,_ . ': commends 7 •'' ' ... .' . : P Stevenson ' *^ . .. Schoengarth Robt S 1 - 5 - . 1 7 . .77-2905 Claim auto dmg : , ' j •.. $13 8.69 . •- ,.-•'..: ..^.^ •••/•• '1 Scholarship Prog 6-30-77-76-5526 2E10-03 - 1977/78 F Y . S-2 CDA Contract - 3rd'Yr,$247,126 _ Commun Dev Block Grant Scholey Wilbur 4-18-.77 77-1629 Claim auto dmg $475.78 y -_ n Scholz.Otto. . 10-25-77. •'„; 7.7-4722 Ridgeway Rd W/o ,,--.'•. Shoshone Ave-N/o Rinaldi -'St PC 26868 S c h o l l Cyn. ,. 4-11.T78 73.r2299 -•;•':Landfills' ' :.. . S 4 \ ^ Cond Use P e r m i t s / ... ,.. Status''Rept' I . Schoribach M 7-24-78 7'7.8-3-5l8 ' .- • LA '- ' : ' - .":"' • - ^ S e t t l e m t " of-$i4',.215.. 0 0 -.SC. 1 9 6 9 1 3 . * -.; " . -':„ - '• S c h o n f e l d Ma'x .! " ^8-15-.77' .77.-2900; J' ' - . - ^''.'. '.-\.-. • Adj in memory'' Schonzeit •10-13-77-..,'- •*77-4571 - S hirley- Claim pers inj- . i.-, - • -.•-'•' '••'- School Bus' .' .""''3-^23-78 v73-4003~' " ; ' Parking Lot - Bd Educ. .•.••.•••. Hubbard St at Eldridge..-,-__-._ Atty .restrain use School Employees 7~ll-.7i8*-J78~2920 Homosexuality - j-. i..k^si S'=22 11-7-78 - election ballot- "^ Prop. 6 . Schoo,l Pa^tricia; 12-12-79. '7-9-5306 claim pers inj ;t'-^ ---::;•- "<" ^^ auto dmg . A f. •'- ' • - ' « /ZZ'' i Schreiber Philip 5-20-77 129151 Req reopen, vac prcdgs' '•' Alley Sv/ly Ventura, Blvd fr . Fruitland Dr to term SEly "Schreiber Robert 5-16-77 77-2068 Claim prop drag ..: $75 " , School .•"•' 5^23-77 77-1935 Financing measure S-12 Serrano decision .support-YaroslavsKy Tschool l^iroj" ' 5 - 2 1 - 1 1 ' 77-2322 • Police Dept-$67:5,000-1977-78 Funding-Lorenzen 1Schroeder ischobl ''•• ' 5-27-77 77-1430 Volunteer Recognition Month Declare month of June Bradley ^, ., . I Schools • • 5-8-79 79-1216 • AB 755 . S-32 police auth control Schor Const Co'6- 1-77 Saticoy St-Jordan Ave PC 265'51-52-c/z i -' iSchroeder 8-15-79 79-369 8 I . Kimbee Lee \.=) Claim auto dmg $135.18 . .. \Schroer' Ernest 11-8-77 " 77-4980 PC 26930 - C/Z . . . Reseda Blvd Ely & Devonshire St Sly " ;. . _ . V Schubert Paul 12-23-77 77-4311 1 Adjourn ' " j M Braude 77-2341 Schor Const Co , 5-4-78 78-2066 Saticoy St & Jordan Av PCs 27246-47 C7Z & B/L Schor Const'Co . 12 28 78 78-5953 Gladstone Ave S/E Polk St- John D 11- 4-77 77-4951 Claim, prop damage & pers inj jschuette 9-26-77 77-4329" I Yolanda- Claim auto drag • •'• PCJ27713 .... ,._:___.71-26-79" 79-398 - 1 Schulberg R Schorr Eng ' "' 6- 1-11 ' 77-2420 Bidg Code-amd re home const . . First Realty-lot line adj-. I Copper piping und'er: .concrete Sepulveda Blvd-Roscoe Blvd:^ slab floors VTschuler LyleE 6-16-77"'" 77-2 541 I Schorr Eng ' 3- 8-77 77-1039 Claira pers prop dmg \ G O R Development & Const Cost Vac- Tent Tract #33151. -..-..Valley Circle Blvd-Rpscoe Blvd I Schulman Jory 12-7-78 7 8-^5,656 . 78-3954 Scott Dasha - 9-12-78 I claim pers inj. "' claim, auto dmg • • $1,500 Scott Susan- 9-14-78 LA vs SC NWC 54664 .Arjoor.*- c o l - M o m f - tlQO 'Schulman Rosalyn 4-18-78 78-1553 State Farm Ins" - . : Claim auto bamage 78-4384 =;nn 'Schuljofer Sanford 3-8-78 78-835 Claim Prop Damage-$2,439- i Scouler Lloyd E l2rl"5-78 78-4717 commend. Ferraro J ;. ' '. Schulman Joseph 2-14-78 79-688 c/z & BL PC 27810-27811 iSE cor Chatsworth St & DeSoto Ave . . _ Schulman Murrary 12-18-78 78 5859 claira auto drag $660.59 . Schram Gunnel - 4-5-77."^^ 77-1486 Claira auto dme :;.:•; $525.-93- : :.r ' • Schreiber.:-P" '-— 8-^23-79' " 79-3821 Claim auto dmg "="- • $827.71 -• ' \ 4 m '•••lA7%y--I i Schulman Sylvia 12-29-78 73-5992 Claim auto dmg ' ;. .$660.59 .v. ..f Schur Michael 8-27-79"--''" •''-79'-3896 ' Valley Vista Blvd adj^ ^'-",.. 4109''h Ave-vacate'"---- '^' Lot 37-TR 595-6-J Wachs r A...A.\ , Schutz Richard 3-30-78C ".77.-3959 Claim auto dmg -.. $1,356,56: -^- . -.„ ^An- ••' A Schultz Alex J; 4-21-77 • 77-1728 Claira auto dmg -• • $292.50 ; ? 'Schuyler 1 0 - 1 1 - 7 7 7 ,7 77:^43,11' ) George S ' .-. •..•,., Adjourn-Farrell. -i -,, .. • Schultz 10-14-77 77-4311 Carl S- Dr , Adjourn .. •Ferraro '-- '• '• 78-42: Schultz Freda " '2-3-78 Claira auto dmg : $143'. 35 : .. ' • Schwager Ray 1-11-79 •../79-125 • , Claim a u t o ,dmg '' ' $411.66 • - 7 A. '^ .„ ..^ .. 77-2900 Schwartz Alta 8-1-77 Z Yaroslavsky Adj in memory Schulman Sarah 4-6-78 Claim Prop taken Sctiultz Paul 4-3-78 :„. Claim-Pers,,Inj . > 78-1322 •78-1273 j ;Schultz Walter 10-14-77. ^77-^4595 Cond Use-appeal- Recreation Center-tennis court-pkg-1,660 8 Va,noW^n_St-BZ-A 2432-. ' ' Schultz Warren ll-D'-yg " " 79-4760 claira. pers inj undet amt' - '• • •- '- • - ' " ,t Schulze Christine 7-7-77 claim pers inj $,10.0,000 - . • Schwartz David ' 5-31-77 77-1431 Adiourn Z Yaroslavsky. -.. ^ , , . .A' 'Schx^artz Florence Claim Pers Inj , Schulze Larry E 9-^21-79 79-4152 Claim auto dmg -^,$7A^55 . ^ ^ y ^. ...: , 7schumacher K e m 5 - 1 0 - 7 8 73-2026 C i t y c o l l e c t c a s h l i e n s $626.85 . . - ' C e n t r a l Ave-Sta Monica F^-ry / ' S l a u s o n Ave "assmt '.._.. / Schmofln Sid 5-11-79 ' 79-1366 j Z Yaroslavsky •] Coiiniend . A Schumann John 5'-l8-78"' 77-3910 Civil Eng Assoc.3rd step-salary range .. •. 'V'J&P Dept Schvimann J u e r g e n 10-18-77 77-4313 R Farrell Adj i n Memory t.'i ::i vi if fi 3-8-78 '-'78-868 , • Schwartz" Harry '10-1-9-78 ,• 78-4981 Claim pers-inj .v .. - - :' $100,000 .. . ,. ^., . - - '•'•-'• 77-2955 p. 79.-5162 11^29-79 Schwartz Herman ^. ' claim auto dmg ..' i: _$3,500.00^^L..--.^.. /::•:' Schwartz Ida =2-1,6-79 ..79.-717 claim pers inj $100,000 . 1 Ti •;i Schwartz Jeff-• 2 ; 10^75777 7^3; Adjourn Yaroslavsky .. '-^. 'y.^.-i.-J'..-: ^K. •-•' Schwartz L ' l &" 6-15-7*8": 7 8 - 2 8 0 9 Claim p r o p dmg .--•3- Schwartz P h y l l i s - 3-:9-r79 79-1107 c l a i m p r o p dmg : • $813.95- -;-• - UTTXl^A - . . A Vi... • ^ ! -9 ft- Schwartz Robert ll-15-^7'9~ 7"9-4339 Commend- Resol .,^ • J Ferraro I.- f S .-' 3-11-^77 ""77-1096 Scott'Bruce Claira pers inj S'bh'wartz 8-30-79 79-3 871 Ronald M ...-Claim retroactive pay ' $1,060.95 . •, • Schwartz Wm5.r23-77 77-2186 Claim pe/r,s •in']' ' $100,000 Scott Benjamin 7-26-73 claim auto drag' \ ' Schweitzer 8-15-79 ' 79-3702 Carole ' Claim prop drag undet amt i Schwendener 2-8-79 79-643 Jack. ,. claim prop:drag $10,000 . •: .. ..'.:. Schwichtenberg 6-21-77 77-2719 Bradd - claim pers prop dmg $65 . 1-30-78 78-295 Sci Fi Film 10-24-79 79-4339 Expo Day-proclaim 10-26-79 R Farrell- '• , Scott Benjamin 3-19-79 79-1236 f Harbor Comsnrs Bd - mbr term ending 6-30.-81-Mavor .•'.:-.. .. Scott Charles '12-30-77 77,-5523 Claim pers inj \ Schv7immer Melvin Claim auto dmg 78-3548 Scott Charles 7-16-79 Claim prop drag $72,000 79-'3.0'2 7 ; Scott S Dell 1-23-79 - 75-256 I Metro Wtr Dist Bd Directors Reappt mbr term ei)d 12-31-82 Mayor •"• _ . :• ; 7 . .. ' Scott Donald 10-15-79 79-4434 i Claim auto drag undet amt Scientific 8- 1-79 78-3501 iScott George " :. 3-25-77 :77-1303 Investigation Div Laboratory Claim pers inj & false arrest Pol Dept = .1979-80. Const Prois Proa .,. I Scientific10- 3-77 77-3910 [Scott Hampton "1-13-77 '"77;'-30 Claim auto dmg Supervisory Prof Eng & Scientific $253.99 Technical & Sup Tech Rep UnitsMOU-Eng- & Architects. •Assn-1977/7_9 Scientific 10-3-77 77-3910 Scott Heide H 1-19-77 77-257 Technical & Sup Tech Rep Units claim pers inj MOU-Eng &'Architects Assn undet amt ,. ...:1-?7?.r7'9 • ..„ " Scott Howard Jr 8-4-77 77-3440 Scivetti Nicholas 3-9-79 73-630 Claim auto dmg appt mbrs $324,82 Official Salaries Auth S-5 Scoggins Roy L 5-16-78 78-2281 & Beverl-y J • Gla.lm prop .damage $650,00.0.00 Scott-Jacki'e • ' 9-26.-78 claira pers inj/"" auto dmg• "Scott A P 9-19-79 79-4080 ~ Paseo Miramar - vac Pacific Palisades . .. =. Scott James 6-27-77 .Claim auto dmg Scott Alfonza 4^8-77 Claim prop dmg undet am.t , . 77-1544 -Scott'" " 1 0 - 2 - 7 8 . ; Claira prop dmg s •undet amt ' 73,r4613 . 77-2781 78-4702 " ;' I •XDXIH' ; • • .- 1. ' ' • "''^ • ^' -z .A. • ^ ' ^ i ^ ^ ^ r . ' ' ^ i A "l Scott Jason 7^' ' ^7^25^71 ".77^3263 Scott .:" ' .-;• 12-21-79 ' 79-^5371 by Michael Scott n.._.,^X '"^ Terrie & Nicole "• Claim pers inj claim au-to dmg & .-J. . undet amt '. .... _ oers. inn . ....... Scott Vera ,. 11-13-78'78-5351, i Scott, Jeff rey ' -10-31-79. ,.7^-4723 [ and Scott -.-•- . r., -r claim prop drag Claim pers..inj $4,000,000.60 $150 "> Scott VJayne A : 7"9~1699 Scott Johnie ^ ' Gibson J commend . l-ie-l^ 78-3527 ; Scott Johnnie 5-11-79 u-.-79.-'1996 ^7 Claim pers inj - $25, O.OO." . Atty 10-13-7J.- 78-4717 [ Scott Willie ' claim pers inj Scott Willow 3-13-79 79-1158 Linda - claim pers inj r j Scott L 8-9-7.8. i claim prop dmg $225.00 78-3735 - :. Scottsdale 11-21-78 78-5513 Scott Lan^ , 5-7-79 79-1898 Cl^im -flutodmg Ariz - 1-24/26-79 $600 ^ . Co"nst Risks '& Liability Conf . Comsnrs Max Straus.^! . - RPW . . Scott L e s l i e E 1-30-78 78-249 Scoville John 1-26-78 78-3 I Claira back pension' Commend •^' .Police Dept $4,5.00 _/; J-Gibson Scrambler 1-26-78 • 7.7-3215 Police - Electronic equip Missing Scratton Marion 12-20-79 79-5339 claim ticket . . towing charge ...undet amt Scully Vin 7-24-79 .79-2971 commend - . YaroslaHsky Z. Sculpture" 7 " 7 ~2-2-78 "'78-469 Alden Dr W/o San Vicente'Blvd BPW auth install J Wachs ^, , Sculpture: 7'; 5-30-78 78-2575 Display - lobby City Hall East Rufus Snoddy " Scutt . 8-2-79. , ; 70-3173 Barbara ..Claim pers^ inj & auto drag undet ara't ' _ .". . , ^ "SEABEES " " ""^2-28-787 78-3"'" Coraraend ,,- , Wilkinson I" Scott Manuel -L (, R Farrell. commend 7-13-77' 77-2901 i Scott Marjorie 5-10-77 ,77-1986 ' & Beecher - claira pers inj •\ $10,550^ .. ; ., ,- -. .. .. . \ Scott Patricia'5-27-77 ^ 77-2298 Claim aito dmg & pers inj i Scott Patricia --7-12-77; ..77-:3038 i Claim auto dmg & ' ' -'-' ' , . pers inj . ^ N $1,700.02, ' •.•••; -..; I . ? •' Scott Penny ' 4-14'-"78' 78-1400 I Commend Yaroslavsky 'i Scott Robt A • '7-lf-78^--"78-3278 •7 ^1 •i 4-13-79 Claim back pay Undet arat I - •> fl?&!§i°'"s :;.;:y:-7''. I Scott Susan^. 9-15-79^7'!^78-4384 Settlement .claim 7' -• ^ $92,500 - A t t y " ' ^ I % N 1115'Seaboard Oil' S ' ir-I5-77''^77-5079 ; . Gas^ Co,,..- pipeline franchise appl - Fairfax Ave - ' 0 133748 • - • Seaboard 11-4-77 77-4902 Surety Co - Dupl Bond LA Sewer-Bonds - 1971 Series B Treasurer .. Search 6-22-79 ,79-2600 S-8 v/arrant . AB 1609--oppbse Police Dept ^ . ^ „„ Seal 6-22-77 77-2750 Bald Eagle instead of Golden Eagle - amd LAAC Snyder. ..; . . Seal 3-14-78 78-1050 LA City-restrictions LAMC Sec 63.108 SnyderSearaster lona 4-r20-78 " 78-1632 Ellis L C Claim pers m j Seaplane Ramp ll--2-'78 ' 78-5220 Berth-94 - site relpc Calif State Heliport Harbor. Comsn '•.... Search for Alex- 3-27-79 79-1418 ander-Exhibitn' s ^.Fiv.eCity Tour"of US . . LA. Co Museum of Art" " '. Searle D 10-5-78 78-4759 claim auto drag • $141.64 • • ' - ••'••' Searle G D & Co 6-21-77 Claim auto drag undet amt Sears Lynn 8-31-78 claim auto drag $280.87 77-2720 78-4168 Sears Roebuck 6-^16-77 77-2654 12th St=-Soto. St-Rio Vi.sta St Vac Seaside 6-5-79 ' 77-5452 C o n t a i n e r Terrainal I s l a n d Harbor t o Dept W&P-rantnce Amd agrrat 1118--B0. 4745. Season 9-26-78. 78-4540 Brush Abatement Fire Dept Battaloin 17 area Seaton Carl 2-7-79 claira prop dmg $750.4 3 79-61-2 ;Seattle, Wash , 7-18-77 77-3139 I Maritime Museum - 4-20-77 Warren Hollier Travel reimb Seay Daxn'-d 0 5-12-78 78-2251 Claim per.s xnj undet arat I Second Avenue 4-15-77 77-162 7 • Rec Ctr - block grant appl Urban Open-Space & Rec Prog ^ , '2nd Church o f 7-1.5-77 77-3118 Christ Scientist Claim prop dmg '. $143 _ ;Second Deputy 4-17-78 - 78-1680 w , Linda J Sutton-, exempt pos Controller's Office ; 2nd Yr 12-17-79 78-1181' Neighborhood Expansion Prog - $75,000 . S-l & 1-1-80/12-31-81 . S-IA Bnd_ Section a 7-30-79 77-1175 Land Write Dov-.^n Prog S-11Konprofit participatn Private Developer I Section 8 7-11-79 79-3215 i Moderate Rehab- Prog Housing Authority .Mavor ' . ' .... Sec 213 Reviews 10-2-79 79-4335 ;/ Rental Hsg Projs "Req Dist Ccl app before sub HUD Cunninaham- Mo"seaside ' 12-13-77 77-5452 Sector Imp 6-22-79 79--289 8 Container-mtnce; 1980 Grid Plan • Terminal' Island-Grant of figbtinitial proposal W&P Dept- Harhor-"fid .Order 7^.4 74 5 , SCRTD . . • Seaside Container 11--7-78 75-3900J Secured 12-3-79 79-5399 Terminal S-9i Repayment Plans ; •' incr scope EDA Proj-$478 ,aO(?• 7th Step Fdfcn const 35 arce- Auto Mdr shal ling, Policy Issue .1 yyiVl6 T 'Securities 7' ib-6^7§" "78-4799 * r'-'" Ci^ty Trea^sury - '• • ,-$1,-898-, 541, 905. ' 'Controllers rept .Securities.^, 4-29-77 75-1615 Held in "Treasurer Vault- ." Examination -Controller". Securities . - 7-6-78 Held in Treasury, Vault 5-18-78 - 'Controller " 75-1615 .,7Security 1-12-78-•. 78-185 '•_ Methods 7 protect , , personnel & prdperties City operated p k g j o t s ,' Security Pac 6-21-78 78-2945 Nat'l Bank - claim refund business tax $35,755.74 Se'c'urity'Pac " 1 - 2 5 - 1 9 ' 79-3363 • Natl Bank-Gharfable.-Fnatn-.'•^•donate $2500 to LA Munal'P.fog .Munic Arts Dept . Mayor , . Security Pacific 12-4-79 7-6-1150 Kat' 1 Bk - Hofae Prog ^' ' "' lov7 interest homeowners';- 7 Prepaid Interest Subsldv -PVofr _ Security Pacific 2-9-79 78-935 , i Natl Bank .' Florence & Avalon Revitalizatn ..Prn-i. . . -• . Sedalca Neil 1-3-78 77-2326 Name installed i n Walk of Fame i~ ~. • Sedaka Neil Commend P Stevenson' I -I m 1 Seeley . .9-16-77 77-2901 Officer Bill-commend •:•• Picus Seeley Taiminylu"'" 4726-78'"' '78--i848 Claim prop dmg &' pers" inj. '• : Security Pac Natl 8-29-77^^ 139824' ' .. Bank - PC 21572 - C/z ... Devonshire & Independence NW cor T' Remove T classif ; \ Security forces 9-15-77' 77-4131 • Soviet Union Trade'" show Convention Ctr-Nov 9-29 ". . •: ;-Yarosl-avsky ': _ ,:.:.... " Security 7017-79 ' '79r3,285 : • •• CDD" erapls-wrking hrs , , ^^i .trave 1 r.i-ng=- to/fr pkg- fac' 1 ':•' Eng & Architects Assoc. •.__ j Security -, 6-12-79- 79-2593. Offers Sr , ' < DWP emps-equal compensatn req Gibson ,Se.curity- .,.., 7-5-79---.*; 79-2857 "Officers .A .,. : ; DWP-same , wages . . <•' --..-; Citv Hall "off • :.'.----. Security Pacific 11-27^78 -73-2961 Nat'l Bank" ." -. . '7 ,..-.-. Gault St & Van Nuys. Blvd sale City prop J . 78-3 Sediarz Stephen 9-12-77 77-4043 Claira pers inj undet amt :.v. 1-28-77 77-6 Seela Betty A Commend Nowell Security Pac 5-27-77 77-2307 Natl B'ank~$3,000-bust-park Benches-Park-De Longpre.-Aye Security Natl 6- 7-77 73-3700 ' -^ Bank-loan security-Space 105 LA .Mali • " ' • •:'S16 Richard K Ibanez • .i " Security Unit 8-29-77 77-.3904 - Dispt W&P MOU 1977-7'8 1-23-78 • '4 11 ; Si Seelig Samuel 1-4-79 78-6046 & Gail - claim auto, dmg '1 undet amt Segal Alex Adj in memory J Wachs 8-29-77 77-2900 '.*- .-. Segal Dorothy 5-^16-78 * 78-2020 Claira pers inj " ' ;;, /'^[ < ' - . Segal Jeffrey C 5-3-78 Claim auto' dmg ' , "''• - 78-2012 ,.-7 Segal Lee' 7- 8-77 ^ 77-2977 5300 W 83rd"St • ' y-""-'- - 'Seweraqe Facil Cho refund~ $1,503.81 . '•-'-- • • m '-7X2 27 Seetland.Terrell ,2^3-78 dmg Seidman Sylvia ' 3-4-77-77-'^^^ Claim pers inj .^ *<VT J ' ^ ^ / 7 78-415 undet amt I Seeto Raymond Brl-ll '•];• claim auto dmg $162.40^ ;Segien Arthur Claim prop dmg $3,381.56 8-5-77 77-3462 fsegovia ''7 " •;3-25-77 ' 77-6 ' Felix A-Cbraraend Nowell ' Seismic 12-6779 79-4l00~ safety - am.-i Rev Sc Tax Code improvements to bldgs no increase in taxes . S-16. . Seismic Safety 7-10-79 77-1841 Comsn , S-2 State budget fding- eliminated J. Ferraro ,, _ _ Seitz " 3-19-78 . 78-1347 David & Debra-Tract 16913-Lot 11 Enadia Way-1952"5 Claim pers inj $10,000.00 9-23-77 77-2900 11-..4-77 77-.4853 ! Segun H Babtunde Claim assault & Battery/ y.:^^ sfK . dxTPnt. Segura Mary adjourn R Farrell ._ 4-13-77'' 77-1431 "Sehic Ham\ay " "" ' 8r27r79 . 79r3893" Ailey adj 11641 Moorpark St purchase . Ltll-Tr 11277 Seidenglanz R L 2-1-78 78-2 Adjourn ,B Ronka " '.••.-_ 77-1910 ' Seinan 7 10-14'-77 ' 77-4601" Sr Citizens Club-$25,000 for Ce nter B. GA Seinan 12-5-78 77-4601 Sr Citizens Club IncAgrmt 10D15-01-4th Prog Yr 11-28T.7,8 to 6-30-79 \ Seismie Safety 5-2-77 '77.-1841 Comsn - questionnaire re Alquist-Priolo Act B&S Dept . . rseiboid Daniel . 5 / 1 2 / 1 ^ 78-2i49 Segrist. Andy; Adjourn Bernardi ^ Seifert Leo etal 6-4-79 132174 i Erwin St E/o Etiwanda PC 20263. z/c Alfred Boysen-"T" removal Seifert Martin . 5-10-77 77-1987~ conceni re elim pub relations practitioners' fr City agencies Seigel Elaine . 10-2-78 78-4663 " Claim pers inj $120 79-4942 Segall BErn'ard 7-27-79 79-3382 BZA Case 2515-condtnl use/zone variance-Ro Ver Resources-sale alchholic bev-const rec facil _ Seger James 5-4-77 77-1860 Claim: prop dmg undet amt . f '•• Seifert Jacob 5-5-77 Claim auto dmg $459 & pers inj $770 . ll-Z^ll Segal David 8-25-78 78-4072 ' claira auto drag . undet am.t ISegal Errol H - 11-16-79 • Claim auto dmg Undt amt ^ I Seltz Paul R 1-12-7? claim loss pers prop $150 Seiver Wendy. & 8-9-77 Mark Claim pers prop'loss$8,975 ; Seja Gregory 12-4-78 claim pers inj & loss-of- wages; undet amt 77-146 77-3537 78-5636 \U , '-/aau.: , ^ *. Seligman 6-11-79 _,779-Sl43 Donald uf/X^ Claim prop, drag : _-: : : ' M / ^ ^ 7 / - 7 ^ ( "^Se ja /Rosalie ' "''r.^'^" 8-10-77 -77-3 545 Claim auto dmg & '' pers inj" . . undet.-amt 5-24-77 77-1430 Selby:Lynn R '•" Commend " D''Lorenzen 2-24-78 Soldis-Henry ; •_. Adjourn 'Wachs L y Selonek L 8-9-78 Anti-dog l i t t e r Ord - req Selin Russell , Ir29-7,9.:V 7?J-409 Claim auto dmg •. . >r -"• , . $257.92 • .•7 - 79-3024 i Sellers Michael J11.-17-78 7.8-5439 claim auto dmg $67.5.0 , , , , ISeltzer-Doren Co 6-29-78 < Vanowen St & Independence Ave \ .^c/v. .1 7i f. hi i <-- , . . 78-3121 i, . .- -- . i Seltzer-Doran 8-I'4-78 .7|"^3903 Vicotyr Blvd & Shoup ':ave. ., PC 27402 & 27403 ,; ' Select Svs of S£s ll-6-78'-77-2593 ; .1st (2) Qtr 1978-79 •"" $i,,.5,59^, 190 ext Co aid ", { Seltzer-Doren T .1-30^7977797479 Select Sys, 2-5-79 77-2593 ' Roscoe Blvd, Ely "^Oso .,Sts-City's •' "' • "'-' " ;i-, PC 27772 - :c/z - " \ . ;.' ,.add'l Co aid $1,033,923 •' J Resol 2829 B " "" • . . : . . ' Seltzer .9-5-79 79.i3.9;41 'Select'^Sys of '5-23-79. 77-2593 i Dor en Co . . >...,.. Z Sts - Co Bd'of Spvrs '" [ . . • Van.owen- St N/s~Kester Ave • 'mtnce &-repflir' ..,:,$4,3l4,.7.45'^ . ., ... PC 28290 ., Seltzer . . ,. 9-11-7.9 "•79-4002 Select-System 10-23-79 77-259• Doren Cb ... .."." . ~: . ' .Streets - $4,306,410 - : Willis Ave E/s &"Nordrioff' St '« Aid t b Cities LA': Co Bd.-STip ' = PC 28272 & Tent TR 36518 Seltzer Frank N 4-12-77-^^77-1431 Self'^Defense ^12-21-77 77-5588! Adi bum.- T '" .•.""• ""•.•-• Classes •?, Female employees J wachs • ~ • I"':PO1 furn±.«!h' trained Instructors Seltzer' Sheldon- 3-13-78..' 7.8-1038 Self" Directed ' 7-'6-79 "79-3189 ; Topanga :.Cyn -Blvd-Saticoy ..St. Placement Corp of San Diego PC 27i2i-2'2~c/z -' -" ----- -'-"'-CETA- Job Search Training Contra*-' •• . . • • . - ' • - . :,•.« . - - ' " , . : - • • ^ • . : . . •k 7selling1-11-78 "'78-109' j Temporary - permit basis LAMC Sec 42.00(j) amd add Roadx\TaYS to' areas ; Selraan M a w e l l 1-17-78 "•*7,8.'^154 j Claim refund $830.86 ^ . Select System 9-21-77 77-2593 of Streets - ext Co Aid • $3,996,187 Aid to Cities LA Co Bd Supvsrs ' _ "select System 5-10-78 77^2593 ~ Streets - Resol alloc" " $4,152,303 ^Ald to Cities FY 1978-79 ^-' LA "County I Select System^ 1-16-79-77-2593 of Street.- alloc addl _ ;£i'&Psi5§4yri°,<=^';"^: :i 'i isellery Bruce 9-6-78 78-4287 i claim prop dmg $250.00 ....•* 78-3826 I 76.-4606 Selleck Robert 6-27-77 Rec & Parks Comsn Term end 6-30-82 78-2 Selditz Randy 7-16-79" Claira pers inj •-$10', 00-0" t}^--: , r-l I . • .J I m / n9 Selvey North T 1-27-78 Commend - . . . "J Gibson • ' ''• I --• 78-3 •Seltzer-Doren Cb 3-28-79 "79-1425 PC 2780.6 -c/z E/s Tobias Ave- ' « N/o Rayen St " Seltzer Leo 2-2-78 78-2 .Ajdourn - ., 'J Wachs SB 38 6- 7-77 / : 77-1935 S25 Drug abuseCo monitored drinking treatment Prog SB 64 6-20-77 77-1935 Law Enforcement Officers-exempt Law re electronics eavesdropping e-J o SB 70 ' 4-11-79, 79-1215 Support - Incr parents S-14 I liability for their minor child'swillful misconduct-$5,000 77-2800 8-5-7' 77 \ \ Semco W B 9-22-78 ' 78-3226 S-25San Fndo Valley . commend . Ccl Comprehensive Plan Act i& ' Stevenson- P Oppose ' SB 80 3-24-77 77-'860 •Seminars 1- 3-77 73-5311 Stateraandatedactuarial guidePub Wks Bd Pers Attend -various Lines & repts-local S. 10 $2,313.60 -Spec Gas Tax Fd Retirement Sys MavorSB 86 1-23-79 78-5400 ' i Semler Norman 3-16-77 77-1156 Disposal surplus residential S24' Claira auto drag prop by state agencies . \ sv.pport 12-16-77 77-5562 SB 90 { Semple ' . 10-llr77 77-4518" State Mandated projests Alexander " ' Reimbursement Claim pers inj & auto drag Eff 1-1-78 Wilkinson ; Seraple Jessie ' 10-11-77 ' 77-4518 SB 91 , 2-14-77 77-717 • Claira pers inj ; Pilot Centers~4 to ''e-victims Marital violence & children I !S995 11-28-77 77-4720 Prohibit discrimination S-8 Pregnancy - 6-week disability ...benefitis. .... S 2151 1-4-78 77-4720 , HR-8160 & HR 9384S-20 L. provide Low interest loans estab si5ay& neuter clinics : "S 3064 5-23-78 78-1336 Aircraft noise legis S-36 hold pub hrgs'in LA P Russell SB 3 - • •' "^-•2-17-77 7 6-4 620 Lending .institutionsS 46 Home loan denial-geographical area-discriminatn-Farrell SB 6 7. - '. 2-17-77 7 6-4620 Lending institutions S.46 . Home loan d'enial-geographical .. A r e a-...d i.s cr im in a t n -F ar r el 1 SB 7 2-17-77 76-4620 Lending- institutions S 46 . Home loan -'denial-geographical Area-discriminatn-Farrell Atty 91 . .'..•". 12-12-77 77-717 SB d o m e s t i c v i o l e n c e Victims CciTvraun 3 h e l t e r s Assistance SB 99 1-3-79 74-4691 CRA sell bonds provide low interest loans re City's hsg oroductn proE-Bernardi SB 103 - 5-9-77 77-1935 AB 101 - oppose legis ' S-3 , perrqit npn profit organizatns, conduct bingo SB 118 6-12-77 77-;1935 Time perlod-incr-sentence S43 Must-be imposed following verdict Probation officer must reo.t SB 130 9-29-77' 77-2800 Employer not discharge or.. retirem emp prior, age. 70 .'. ' A Snvder .. .SB 135 . 77' 4-20-77 ,/ 77-860 Earthquake prediction "5-24 ; system e s t a b - svipport l e g i s /^30 J 79-1216 y;•'•-•SB']r42^-"-''^'"7'4-11-79 -Support '' . ' ' 7'-S-13 .State Local Pub Works Agrrat Act , SB 142 >''^' 5-2-77 77-860 Alloc fr surplus fds S-47 Plaza de la Raza Park support . . SB'146 7 '3- 2-77 77-860 Solar energy devices-exempt fr prop tax " ' .-. - ' 7sB 150 . 7 4-21-77 77'-'86o" :'• Epergy, sys. vitilized in- , , S-29 - pub bldgs-mandatory study oppose legis 'SB 153:' 3-24-77' '77-8 60 Aerosol cans-Chlorofluorocarbons Restrictipns S 9 SB'154 " • ' 4-27-77 77-860 Support legis extension - S-46 tax .relief"Sr Citizens Snyder ^ 7 Senate Bill 12-r 21-78 78-5400. 154 •-; enact allocatn S-8 1% prop tax levy 1979-80 . .„v-les.q ..1978.-79 received. .: _ "jSB'.i55 "6-14-77 - 77-1935 . 'Death Penalty-reinstate S36 SC&FA Comt " ' •SB 164"' ^," 2-24-77 Public employee labor relations 77-860 ;S 170'" " "^'"•" 4-8-77 .77-860 S u p p o r t p r o v i d e funds S-18 Youth employment programs" Snyder 'SB^ 174 '~^-~'^'~r^ 2-23-77 76-1500 Prop 2 - p r i o r i t y - l i s t Orig E x p e n d i t u r e prog-1976 . S t a t e . Park Bond„ Fund- Pec & Park,=5 Dpnt iSB^-r74 ••; ! l - 2 3 - 7 9 .78-5400 Urban'Open ;Space & ,,: ,S-23 Rec P r o g - f t i n d i n g _, support, .. :-§B176 :;7\- 4-25-77 7?-860 • •''• Revoke 6l(jg- bermlts re 'appl, 7 asbestos-'vipiath existing . . law".- bpposa legis"' ^ 7SB'500 ^'-6- 8-77'~-i 77-1935 *" Misdemeanor-driver disregard . ^i^iRiiX^ikiS^ t ^ ^ : .,-^^31 58 238" ' •''•6-, 2-7?' C^i77-F19 35' 'Polygraph examinei:^'.' r'.^'trS' 21 SC&FA Comt- - ' ' ' •-• '• • "- •-; .77,T1935 6- 7-77 SB 250 Jail sentence-fine l-cohd "• .-S26 Probation-driving under Influence alcohol law ! SB 276 ^ 8-30-77 v7.7-28D0 i Court advise ' = i-S-38 Lawful Alien (Resident) Deportation SB "283 ' - "6- 2-78' 7:8-2689 Commuter Computer ^-: New Prog Spec Event 6-8-78-^CH"ist. St S t ^ Curb Lane closure - 1st St SB 289 5-.10-77 77-1935 Tax fds -for pub imp housing CD7 outside redev areas-oppose legis -^ - _ _ SB 325 6-24-77, ,.77-2797'; Community level tr.ansp/sys $800,000 1 •••i I' •J SB 330 • "1-17-78 77-4720 Disclosure info "re- le'gai"-'S-23 status real prop tb pfbspective ^ - Russell_..^. SB 331' • 5-31-77 ,77-1935 Calif Bl'dg & Safety Standard's Law-create •• • S 17 SC&FA Comt - \'~y J -•^•-' ' SB 334 4-8-77 77-860" Ice cream trucks "' display red warning lights_ AI-IBER not Red SB 346 ..-«•' 1-26-11771-2800 ' Peripheral Canal-Mid ^yiy"7' S-15 Canal auth const - Dams \ yield State Water Proj.';...... SB 351 • 6-21-77 ;77T1935 Economic imjpact- siiatemerit.on Certain proposed.projects'"S4l i .1. I SB 369 6-21-77 . 77-1935 Probation-felony or inflicts S,45 Bodily in-jurySB 386 : -•• 6->24-77 77-1935 V e h i c l e a - t r a n s p - Gbn-tro'll'ed Subs t a n c e s - f o r f eiture-'^'•- - •••S'49 SB 390 - w T 6-24-77 n'T^ZB-OO - lnstalTatn-smbke"r-detec'toirs"^ • •' Dwellin.g'-uriits "'"" '•'- ^ '"• '^ ' ' - i /Z-3.1 -.- ^ SB 650 8-18-77 . 77-2.800 ' Litter abatement S-35 Recycle & Recover materials SB"41S — 8-9-78 78-2920 . Print ID Computer-use S-37 State Dept Justice.. ^.SB 443 ,- ...,4-25-77 77-860 Bus.iness inventory-tax S-36 exemptions-Suppo'rt re incr SB ,.450 Bail 6-24-77 53,655 8-1-78 78-2920 ' Industrial Dev Revenue .S-36 Bonds - issue SB 7005-13-77 77-1935 "" I 701 & 702 - require S-9 adequate fis info ire" formation new county(ies) SB 708 3-24-78 77-4720 Disclosure of financial records • Info to public agen'cies S 48 77-2800 Sl SB .469 . ' . ; 4-27-77 77-860 Support l e g i s r e q u i r i n g S-45 -i ,' nn ss tt aa il il aattnr ° w—^ a t e r m e t e r s reVenson I Q SB.479 6- 7-77 Knives-deadly weapons reclassify 77-1935 " S24 SB 490 4- 6 '78 ' 78-1336 Nuisance-, . S 3 Movie- animal or human Cruelty SB 491 ,6-21-77 77-1935 •Probation previous felony Convictions ^. S46 j( SB 7 4 0 " 5-5-11 " lT-B60~ Support r e s p e c i f i c p e n a l t i e s using minors for- po^nnographic purposes SB 746 7-26-77 77~2800' \ Commercial Passenger S-13 ^ \. Vehicles - regulate \ . '\ . . SB 746 8-11-77 77-2800 ,, Ballot Measures S-32. Employer-Employee- relations \ Support .Legis_ V3B~493'~ ;r-^---"-pg-y^ - 77~2800' ' S'B '7'9y' ' •'8'-l-77' "' 77r-'2800~ Special Elect/Primary Elect S-30 i" Provide grants to ['' S'-22 • Day after holiday - prohibit Pub Libraries - Supoort . Support Legis - B Ronka _ \ D Cunningham ' _ SB 496 , 7-5-77 77-2800 SB 793 . 6-24-77 "77-2800 : Antique firearms S-7 SCRTD eraps to strike S 2 ' oppose '^ SB 500 7 .' :"7 " 7^28-11"'11-2800 SB 821 ."Prohibit, smoking S-20, enclosed, pub facil R Farrell . ^ SB.503 4-6-77 77,-860 Bicycle trails in 1^ Area , . S-16 support legis - J^.Gibson ""3-28-78' 74-1235 Prog-Imperial Hi^ry Bikeway. : Vista Del: Mar-Sepulveda-Blvd $30,000 . ;' -. \ S3 821 . ' 11^7-73 7.4-123B. -Bikev/ay Fdg Claims-Bikeways & Ped. Fac fds- • . . " S,3 517 . . -. ... 4-26-79 79 1.216 & AB -7.7.9 . . S.uppo.rt... ;. . '-, S-27 just cause evictions IR Corat 3-27-78 77-4720 SB 906 Statewide computer index-estab ' Fraudulent documents S '49, '•-'^ "SB 549 - -7. .6-77-77 7'7-1935 Peace of ficers-exempt -f r-: S27 Jury duty.,. •,•;.': :-,. - c ; .-.^."'" SB 930' " ; 3-23-78 77-4720 Court adv State Justice . S-47 Dept & arresting agcy 1,. . " Disposition of Criminal Case S933 7-15-77 77-28dG, 7 .- Aerial Spraying - Natl S'-12''Forests- - Prohibit • ' ' 'Chemical w/Dioxin7 \ SB 580 • .-;.;.'::. '8-22-77 77-2800' Employers keep leraployees:-.. S-36 file at placeof: emplymt 7-12-79 •79-2600 ^SB 1243 A:- - 6- 9-77 ••'.;^-1935 SB ;,94-l .S-21 Ca.lif Bus & ;Profession;s, Cod.e .Oppose . private fina estab state-wide sys Weights & Measures l'aw7;f-,,iS33 regis bibyles/mopeds SB 1283 . • ^-^ 7 - 5 - 7 7 ' ' - 7 7 - 2 8 0 0 ' fSB 966 8-5-77 77-2800 E Bernardi -t "" • ; Residential-Rehabilitation S-27meals elderly needy .pp.rsons loans - low'interest - • deferred pint - Support legis SB1296^""' 1 2 - 97^77 "777-4 720 \ '.-SB 1000 : 6- 2-77 77-1935 Alia Br Line R/W-acquisitn"' S13 LA Mass Transit-Fin Act • S20 ^ Bicycle route" —. ' - -LA.guideway sys ; >^ Russell .' ;. - , .-.i... .:. SC&FA Comt SB 1292 ' * 9- 2-77 77-2800 •7sB 1012 " 9-14-78 77-1935 i Facilitate purch process S 40 Veto- - Ccl urge Gov Brown Route 2 Fwy by CALTRANS .. Coramu Car facilitie's _ ..;....:_., ..:_ -I -..._.i.....-_ '.SB 1012 6- 2-77 77-1935 - . -'• Commun Care -facilities.. S19 SC&FA Comt • ' , r SB 1015 . 7 1-20-78 '77-4720" Sundesert.Nuclear Proj-exempt fir 1976'nuclear power, plant lie requiremts '1 SB-1065 ' •6-24-77 77-19 35 ,.Agency shops in c i t i e s & " Counties . g^^ fSB 1081 . ..c ; • 8-ll-77'7T77-2800~ LiquifiedJNatural Gas S-33(LNG) - expedite sitirig'..;&", dev facil - support & oppose 7SB 1127 7-17-78" 78-2920 driving under i'ri'fluence'" S-33 drugs & alcohol ... "SB^Tl64 ". ] ""7 " "8-11-77 7: 77-2800" P.ub Employer-Employee "S-31 relations - peace officers _Oppose legis •":SB;,1166 " ; • ' 5-20-77 77-1935 ' : % Reform of CaL/OSHA & OSHA'support legis-.-!' Nowell'. • SB 1209' " 6 - 1-11 "~ Emergency vehicle Definition . . 77-1935 ;S23 'SB ,1234: . .., 4-17-78. ," 78^1336" 7iDiesel Fuel Tax, ^ .. - S 8 ' SB 1321 • 1-12^77 ^'77^138 7 State Urban & Coastal Park: Bond Act 1976-exp.$8,380,000 acq park land-Lorenzen i SB 1353 6- 9-78- 78-1336 ~ ] AB 3220 - Oppose ; - S-49 •• Oil & Hazardous dischg Harbor ^ " _ •'- -> " ' SB 1379 -' '4-13-78 "78-1336 ,=. Criminal history info to S 6 Publie-furnish, local summary SB 1386 4-17-78 -. Ins Co furnish- info in Arson & Fraud inves- I I 1 i 78-1336 SIO...?? SB 1395 - '"' - 3-'2:2-77"'"'77-l239 Resource Recovery Facil'- East Valley Refuse-Processing FacilSite nomination ;, ' .?" SB 1429 ~ :4-26-78 ^ -78-1336 ; General Plan '"--r-^ :S18 . : Sxibdiv map f i l i n g J S .. :•; : ' SB 143 6 7-13-78 P o l i c e Off r e e f s " 78-2920 'S-2'6 ' ' Personnel Records'; ' •'• ' Privileaed *Ihfb.:l^-•.•.•'''-..--.•l-.-: SB 1446 '' 5-a5-78 78-1336 Motor Veh.Accidents .3^23/' ..Raise -minimum dmq " ,- .. . $250 to $4.00 - : Supppft legis SB 1466 •• ; • •; " 4-'n-7 8_ 78-1336" Unemployment compensatn" S 5 Benefits-estab mini age.18yrs-:=-' . :4 SB 1235 .. : , : 8-24-7 9 v.79-2600 Rob A Home-Gp.Tp J a i l - l a w , . . S-34 p e n a l t i e s ,on7 b u r g l a r s.-support B Ronka I -.- -^'.;; " -.-i [ Sp 1471 , .. . 7-20-78 "'7.8'r3510 Work Sharing Prog - ' • • ..-• Calif State Emp Dev Dept"' •I 'XX33 SB\14,8I ^ --6- 2-78 76-4620Anlmai' Euthanasia s 3lA High Altitude -"Method ' Oppose V- Animal Reg I SB 1490 7-14-78 78-292( !92p ;-31 claim •process ' ' ' reimbursement , _ State mandated local costs ;SB 1505. . • ' 4-26-78 ' 78-1336 Groundwater Basin ;" S19 ' Management Dist in State SB' 1600 . ' .' 6-19-78 78-2920 State fin as'sist S~5 Small Business r"sB 1606 .- -"-7-13-78 78-2-920 Coastal Dev Permits - S-30 Regional Comsn Prior Cert coastal pro-i SB 1614 6-9-78 78-1336 Child Abuse Cases s 48 Child Abuse Victims _.-jSjipport - Farrell :SB 1617 4-28-78' 78-1336 Condominium conversion in LA S20 'SE 1634 - '• 6-21-78 '78-2920 S-l 2 IR Comt. rept Ext juris .PUC iri apply safety [ -SB 165'6 - 12-29-78' 78-5964 -SCA 6 0 - ' amdmft-Charter sees 3(1)(a) & (b)-158-173-amdmt _ Prop taxiassmt ratio I SB:1664 5-22-78 78-1336 Bidg permit, forms S-32 Spec info - oppose SB 1757 5-22-78 Cable TV rate changesoppose ^S-iSSe S-31 :SB 1759 6-19-78 ..78-2920 I Reserve Pol Officers S-4 Peaee. Officer Status " SB 1781 7-13-78 78-2920 .- ' Nazi Uniforms with Swastika Wearing in public• S-27 Prohibit - Yaroslavskv . SB 1809 6- 7-78 78-1336 Treatment of Waste Water S-41 Delete req .. Support legis I , SB 1815 6-19-78 78-2920 Emerg Medical S-6 Care SystemsSB 1855 6-22-78 78-2920 Solid VJaste to Energy S-'13 Prog-Oppose if not am.ded 'SB 1873 7-13-78 Coastal -Resources Planning & Dev 78--2920 S-25 ' SB 1901 6-14-78' 78-29-20 i Playground'equipmt usable • to handicapped after ' 1-1-79 - support i'SB 1906 & 1905 6- 9-78 78-1336 I Housing Assistance S 47 • Pub Transit Corridors s T £.' T Comt review .. .' SB 1992 • 6-23-78 78-2920 i Disability retirement S-1-4 waiver-support . •• SB 2021 5-16-78 78-1336 SB 1677 ' "7^-17-78 , 7 8 - 2 9 2 0 Limit combined gublic emp • S.27 Paramedics -,. .•., , S-32 retirement bene-ti'tsWithdraw blood samples "double dippin.g" - Bernardi ..-Except "Fife .Dept :._„....:•:.. SB -2044 8-21-73 . .78-2.9'20 SB 1687 -^ - -^5-6-77 77-1935 -water suppliers no'tify .• S-48 Alloc available fds to -S-2 custoir.ers their pipe metal, CRTDrprev.eijt incr Sr citizens are &..service cutbacks- , dissimilar suouljer .. ' .. • SE 2074 67-7878-1336 " SB 168.9";' . 7 7 .. - 5:-22.-7.8 78'-rl336" Workers Comp for S 45 Veterinarians- employed, by S-35 Elected Officials govt agcy obtain* license-.oppose ., _ Support 78-1336 SB 2093. 5-18-78 : SB 1704 & 17057.6-:=15^78. 78-2920 • Commuii care facilities S-29 Inverse cond.emn3itn prcdgs local-zoning - oppose recover attys fees" Oppose f 7 ;.-. §B:2099 ."" -: -6-21-78 78-2920 '"IR Comt rept - ' • S-ll-. Support - re theft libr materials ISB 2154 "-'.- 7-10-78.., 78-2920 ' Penalties for violation S-20 '/" L a w re dangerous fii-eworks .. SB: 90 ' ,.; 7-13-79 l'6-4620 . claim for reimbursemt-imple 'S-31A euthanasia-rreduce' •cost';& "city coraraence injectn prog-Animal Reg SB 110 .^.- 6-4-79 7:9-1216 Harbor Resol 4374 . ; .-S^-'44 24-hr' emergency''meetings amdmt " SB.213 ^ 3-26-79 79-1216 ~. prohibiting apptmt/wbfk '' assignmt of officers/jailers basis of sex , S-7 .. SB 24 5 ^ •'-'•' 4-12-;79...7,79-1216 Oppose amd Quimby Act-pe.fmit .use-,Quimby ."SB 255 2-22-79 78-5^00 provide assist grants expand local :Consuraer Fraud Ofcs S-41 ! SB 2203 ••• ""^-5^78 " 78-4141 SB 274 3-15-79 79-1216 State Arson. Law S-2 : support-assault/battery IR Comt m.obile .intensive care ' paramedics & nurses S-2 SB 2224" ': '" '6-15-78 78-2920 JB 320 5-2'5-79- 7 16 Landlords pass on tax gss distributors 7- ' ' - 'S-43 reductns eff 1978-79 F Y ;, '•tflx credit--'^Icohol 5% blend " ?.?.9E._y._"L "Support . S B 363 •^- r 5-7-79 79-1216 '.SB •2227" " 8-11-78 78-2920 7 i fire ret^rd.^nt ..-. . ^S-34 roofing -oppose' '. - . , SB 2228 Local entities process " unless" nmd '" • . • " . State mandated progs deem.unhec ^ P^ is 2627 ''" ' '4-20-78 78-1336 i SB 374 ^ ^ ^ ^ ' 6 - 1 2 - 7 9 ,79-1216' oppose -repeal State S-46 ,.; Pub' emps deferred compensationmandate for 911 Emergency Plan-exempt* fr gross ..income S15 Telephone- System ' • ; "•• SB 3632 8-1-78 SB' 375 • - '4-23-79. ;• 79 1216 ; 78-2920 claims against S-35 Opposition .. ": .. . \ . ' ^ ^^ public entities Workers Compe"nsath" Me dic"a'l Care TP rr\mt....:_ SB 4; :7 SB; 375 .:;,• 5-16-79 79-12r6 5-1-79 79-1216 Beverage - • Workers-Comp.MedicA'.l ' • 8-20^ S-29 vont;=»iners'^".- ".' Care Oppose/. ; 5C deposit ^. SB-13•"3-26-79 79-1216 SB 378' ••--'••• 5-10-79 79-1216 Sex . Crime &"Rape"^" Coin-^operated picture "S-36 •-" S-'6' Incr sentences viewing raachines^'-; ' • - •- •• • • •- Support legis - ' \ •'..'/' - ":. ;"' SB .59'" "2-2-79 78-5400, SB 3 8 0 . •'; 6r 12-79^^' 79rl-216 Redevelopmt agencifes &. . S-32 vehicles involved' in..^8747/.;, hit-find-run-remova:i of" ; . • .: base prop tax assessmt roll i SB 21i93 • ^••''5-16-78 78-1336" -. Tenants rights in . S 25 eviction'-prcdgs incr time ,period to 60 days-PicusSB 2194 " 8-9-78 , 78-2920 ; Uninsured motorist insurance coverage S-42 SCRTD - ' :~ .. 7 : . SB 2191 '9-18-78 78r4141 Remove power-bf pub agcy S-3 . Decide disputes-const contract .1 "SB~87 ~ •' ; "~3_'2-79 78-5400 CRA Repting Requiremts S - 4 5 Clarify .. i : . . •- Support legis .. "SB 4 1 1 7 6-15-79. 79-2606 Credit rating-law : "- '"7,-8-2 Unlawful detainer - tenWnts •; J Wachs - Support legis i /135- r 79'--1216 4-24-79 SB..4.2 8 S-23 . Support emp r e d e v pr.03 - a r e a ref i d e n t s IR Corat • ^: SB-440 '•• •3-30-79 79-1216 Housing d i s c r i r a l n a t i o n S-9 Renters-' w i t h c h i l d r e n - P r o h i b i t . SuDDort .SB 462 . 6-12-79 79-1216 o u t d o o r , ;billbo£>;rds S-48 SB 812 9-26-79 79-4251 Living & Working Space .. v ' ' •• Old Coramercial Structures Artists- Ord imolement SB 825 4-25-79 79-1216 ,: Hazardous Waste Haulers ,S-26 Support - J Gibson 'SB-846 10-10-79 79-2600 "~ Calif Coastal Act S-46 Reimb-arsemt City Costs . Streamlines Permit' Appeal process ; SB 888 8-29-79 79-2600' SB 465 12-6-79 79-4100 I mandate binding arbitratri'-'S-3 6 Reform Workers interest disputes-wages/loans Compensation Sys S-15 local pub safety empls Sup Pete Scabarum ' SB 970 . 7-2-79 79-2600 SB 508 • " - '. 11-8-79 79-4100 : & AB 325 -Support 'S-16 S-8 Commun prop not' svibj incr benefits/elig requrra.-ts ", b Unemp Insur Code s u r v i v i n g spouse ;'SB 1110 6-20-79 79-2600 SB 508 1 0 - 1 0 - 7 9 79-2600 ' I policies & proc regulate • S-5 '. S-45 I n h e r i - t a n c e Tax smoking D e c e d e n t .-community p r o p trans _ public eraps _ onrsoAR .ciivrvi.vina S o o u s e :.... SB 1219 8-14-79 79-2600 SB-517/-^B 779 5-7-79 79 •1216 ) Suppiort permit, legis of S-2 9 Evictions-just' S-27 local agcy discuss salariescause . compensatn-gringe benef.its terms !SB 1436 amd 3- 5-79 78-2920 'SB .545 • -8-16-79 79- 1335 ; Grant Pol Dept ' S-26 AB -1170 - support S-IA ' Release information , licensing garm'e*nt' mfgrs & liab Suoport Legis - C A O . of. mfars-act.B nf -i nrlpn-t- r-nnt-raz-^-nr SB 1436 5-31-79 78-5400 SB ,549 .4-25-79 7?-1216 Right of Exec & Legis S-.48 Prohibit 'impose r^gs s-25 • ; Br of Loc Govt Access -info Commerce Clause US • Pers Records of Emp Constitutn-Har^bbr - support i"sCA 2 7. 2-2-79 - 78-5400 ' .SB 556 & 6ri3-79 79-1216 i Support.S-28 • AB 699 oppose S-50 Comiriun fr Aqua Dulc.e Union ^Schl rotes of franchises for commun Burbank City Ccl " ..TV ---Farrell" N SCA 62 .. ,3-16-79 79-1216 SB.583" . . 10-25-79 79-4'5'87 I prohibiting any stat crt fr ^ State Controller reimburse impbsing busing of students" . ' . _ Pol Dept extraordinary costs not req by US Constitution S-4. _ $93,729 - M Braude _ ^ ;SCA 15 3- 2-77 77-860 SB 664.-..• -6-22-79 79-2600 1 - Solar' energy devices-exempt fr Support -. exemp disclosure Prop tax library circulation records for identifying borrower of--items 12-20-77 7 7 - 4 7 2 0 SB 728. & ABv8.26 .5-14-79 79-1216 I "SCA 49 Hwy.Users Tax Revenues S - 1 6 'Sofety' nonqmbuli^tory & S-38 deaf persons,.' " Remove Restrictions Oppose SCA 21 8-15-79 79-2600 SB 778 " . : 5-17-79 75-1216 Sta.te Energy ,-Comsn .•.:. S-4,0 G i f t s of Pioblic Funds ' S~'23 • . abolish . ; .;. I f of P u b l i c I n t e r e s t oppose " ' VS-.6 SCR 37-J8 5-20-77 77-1935 .-Reform of Cal/OSHA & OSHA S-IO support legis - Nowell :"SJR 17 5-20-77 77-1935" Reform of Cal/OSHa & OSHA S-10 support legis - Nowell i SJR-. , 5-18-78 .. 78-1336 35 - support re S-28 balance federal budget Bernardi.- . "SR 18-19 5-20-77 77-1935 Refbrm of Cal/OSHA & OSHA S-10 support legis - Nowell :!S 1061 6-8-79 79-1216 .- & HR 3799 S-45 Uniform Time Act of 1966 Day;light Savings time-Feb. ._ . I Senate 11- 3-77 77-605 Select Comt on Children & Youth-ll-15-77-hrg-D Cviriningham attend ; Senior & . 4-24 79 78-5787 Disabled Ctzns-exempt UtilitySl Users Tax $ll,000-new level J Picus . !_. _ _.!-_ _ •Sr. Air. Pollutn 6-15-77 77-2592 -•' Specialist-retain ... v Class • ' _ Lorenzen / .. j Senior Air ; 7- 5-78 76-2006 ' Pollution Specialist • - • Plan Dept Env Qualitv Div 77-157 Sr Ambulance 3-30-77 Attendant I & II . ; , Medical Services Unit " MOU - 1976-77. . " s t Animal License 12-5-78 78-3293 Inspector^ S-51 • unfreeze one position Annimal Reg .. _ Senior 2-16-78'78-624 ;Bldg Inspec tor3% hrs; above 16 hr overtime permis' pay-B&S Dept "Sr Bidg 2-22-78 78-687 Mechanical.Inspector Emergency overtime ., , . 2 pos-B6'S , .. " Sr Citizens 5-12-78 74-3289 Aquatic Pro^ & Jewish Family Serv Sr Citizens Multi-purpose Ctr-$100,500-Area-Plan Aging V Sr Citizens 2-22-78 72-4298 "• Afro Am<2rican.H.istGry>-M©nth'' Sportsman Pki2-28-78- .• • • • . $300 fr Reserve Fd .-- Farrell Sr Cit Arthritis 3-14--79 79"-109 . -prog agrmt " . •• . J $24,313 . ' . , .. ,: ending 6-20-79, ' Sr Citizen 9-27-77 77-4283 Bus requests-erap 1 pos. -. -• ..Admin Intefn-9-30-77 to .6-30-77 BP\^ - A Snyder ... Senior Citizen 11-23-77 ' 77-5190' Bus serv - contract \ y-. •-, approp $4,816 -. >? & . ,- v.-.- -' Z Yaroslavsky„,- .-_^^ Sr Citizen 1-4-77 77-22 Bus - 40 passenger 76-1031 urchase add'l )us. $25,000 Snyder " Sr Citizens ' 8-25-77 77-3753 Ctr - 3rd Dist Multipurp Reprog Conmun Dev Block Grant Fd 118^000 - Picus Sr Citizen Ctr" ""6- 8-78 76-4074 Beverlywood - Grant Appl Title V Older .flmericans Act '65 $350,000 'J7 '" Sr Citizen Ctr 1-18-77 77-230 Van Nuys 6514 Sylmar Ave Bemarai Sx~Citizeh" Commun 6-30-77"^76-5526 Partie Proj.2E15-04 . S-2 CDA Contract 1977/78,FY . ' 3rd Yr Commun Dev Block Grant Senior Ctzhs 8-31-78 .; ; 76r5526 Commun Participtn-ljAUSD S-2B "4th Yr HCDBG-$141,860 thru,6/79 CDD _ _ _,., L_ Senior Citizen "3-4-77" 77-942 Consumer Education Prog -- I 'I 7 • ; ^ ' ijr. i •V. Sr Citizens ' 12-13-77 -77-5463''2-15-77.- ,,.-;- • .-. Golden Age Resort-.••?"-T ," : Farrell' . \ ; .' . ' Sr Citizens -3-3IT78 77-4309 Escort/Outreach Prog •" -S 5''-" $10,566-ext-to 5-30-78-:": '' LAUSD ,,-. . 5-; . . K •• i -•• Sr C i t i z e n s 7 . 5-3-777-r74-.3289 F a c l l Land Acq-trans $,5;Q,.0.00^ .^ t o Yap Nuys-Sherman, OaksjPark ,p gup. 7% 237:. Senior'Ctzn 6'-25-'79 76-5526 Commun Participation Proj S-2B1 LAUSD Contract 50120 adrat #1 Sr" Citizens ' ^3-13-78' 78-1042 Senior Ctzns 8-13-79 78-4861 i & Handicapped Hsg Ctr " S-l Group transp serv Greater Commun Bapt ChurchPolicy-$35,000 prov fds for preconst costs-Mayor CAO ' ;. -Senior ctzn y J.b-/y. /6-<!074 I Sr Citizen 9-14-78 " 78-4388 Handicapped - transport pets Ctr ' . for sterilizatn & irajirani?atn 1760-62 S LaCienga Blvd •Animal Reg estab sv.^ . . Eminent Doraiain-acquitistn Senior Citizens 7-11-78 76-5212 ' Sr Citizen' 12-22-77 77-3893 Home Secure Prog Multipurp Ctr CD #-13 ' Assistant League/So Cal Jewish Family Services LA , $67,511 Sr Citizen 12-22-77 77; 3893 Sr'^itizen"" - 10-21-77 • 77-4675 Multipurp Ctr - CD #10' Housing Facils 6300 Owensmouth Ave :' Conufiunitv Oare & n^v Ser" 7760 Reseda Blvd !$78,392 _, 7725 Reseda Blvd I Sr Citizens 3-24-77 76-4750 177 8 Las Palmas Ave ' I Multi-purpose Centers- s 4 . '. Office-Area Agcy on Aging-$78 ,750 Sr Citizens .6-29-77 Fair .'Rent Hbusing Laws -Cci -on Aging- 77-2800 S 5 ^r Citizen 9-30-77 77.--.4305, i' Multipurpos'e Center-$2,568,96 8 Area Plan-Progs on Aging-Prog \ Yr IV- EGA . / • :_ Sr Citizen' :.^" • ""6-21-77' 76-4750• si Citizeris 12-14-77' 77-^4309 Multipurp Ctrs S4A Info & Referfal-$50,892 to PWEA Title II Fd approps Ccl..Acct ^CDs 2-_4-6-7-8_-10"13-14~15 _ .BGA^ . ••; ..,..,. Sr Cit Info 3-12-79 79-1096 Sr "citizens' ' 11-30-77 1 1 - 5 2 5 6 Multi-Serv Ctr- CD #5 & Referral Jewish F amily Serv-Funding agcy Proj Assist Ccl Ofcs $25,000 to 11-30-78 ._.grant. f d. pos .:_.. ... •.. i Senior 1- 4-77 Sr"Citlz8n Multi- 6-29-77 76-5526 77-21 'Citizens- In-horae health service'. Purp Ctr - Contract WLiCAC S-3 Ccl on Ziging- adv need- Mayor CDA - 3rd Yr RCDBG- fds jSr Cit Hsg3-16-79 . 79-1223 constructn-ded ceremony 3-17-79-3rd & Hill Sts . * • . : - ' • - .• . . . . ; Sr Ctz-ns" ", :' 5-3 79 79-1959 legal assist clinic grant appl-Lcgal Indep for Ejderely Inc ' J Wachs :Sr Citizen 1-23-73 74-5160 Lifeline rate- W&P Dept ipd pj-ovide ext prov to xsabled persons Sr Citizen 8-18-78 78-2920 Max benefits emp under S-46 Sr Commun Emp Prog - Reauth t 7 Older Araerican' Act - , Sr C i t i z e n -•• • . ^4^4-77 77-1453 Medical-' Check-iip Prog "JDA p r o j - No Hollywood fi: i 8-5535 ! S e n i o r C i t i z e n 5' . 7 Q ! ^vUtrition Prog Title III-C 12-31-79 _ _ Sr " c i t i z e n s 4-ll~7"8 78 •1336 "911" emergency t e l e p h o n e S 4 Nuraber- exempt f r Fees : Citizens . 11-7-78..' 78 1969 Nutrition Prog' :• Calif Dept of Aging-$53,3S1 Rec/Pks Sr Ctzn Nutrition 5-1-78 78-1969 i Prog. 5th Yr-Grant Award Mayor-Rec & Pks > /a>9 ;,Citizen"V; 8-7-7iB ~- -76-4957 ' E ,Sf - Organizations -'Bingo s-5 i. 1 Sr~"Cbmmunlty~"r 3-r 6-7.8 ; ".77-1454 •-' Serv E m p Prog -,-..-- ..-•'. S 2 Subcontracts ": public recreational facilities $370,857 LA . '-,. . • Sr Ctzn Orgs 7-3-79 ' 76-4957 Sr Community - " 3-^- 6"''-^78* •77-1454 recreational bingo-use gift • Serv Emp Prog (Titl^^^JX)" •' ." $370,857 BGA .. . .. '., ., ,. certificates as pribes- ... . R."i.nno T?iil<:i.c;—Arim-t- / I Senior ." '.7 5-24"-78-^ ' 77-1454 :Sr' Citizen --- 3- 4-77 77-605 ! • Commun Serv Emp- Prog ' . Paralegal'- Institute in Santa -7 Title IX-2nd'Yr grant-appl Barbara-3-14/18-77-Sbyder use Older Americans Act-.$64,6,752 City Car r Senior Communz'- ll-'22:-78 76^-3681 ; Sr Citizen - • 9-13-78 78-4373 ^. j Serv Emplo\mit-Audi-t' Rept' '- S-3 ; Para-legal Servs -Prog Alpha Chi Pi Omega Sorority & $12,000. .3.rd Y r HGDBG fds Frat PI RHO Sigma Chap "'Ihc ;pommun Care & Dev Serv Agrmt Sr Comjnun FJmp 8-18-78 '78-^29'20 : Senior Citizen 8-18-77 73-4884 j: Prog Reauth Older American Residence j Act Sr C i t m a x benefits S-46 Pico-H»u<ser Pprk S i t 4 '\ Emp Onder I Sr Community 1--3-79. 77-1454 i Senior Citizen 8-14-78'78-4390 ! Employmt Prog Restroom Facility of IDUS Title IX ' . post directional signs' & Reprogramralng Plan __._acces_of keys _ \ Sr Citizens . 2-16-77 "76-2331 Senior Cbraraun •4-2.5"'-79 ,-.'79-1757 " San Fernando Valley-cost re i' Service Emp Prog .__F.Y/l979.-80 Meals to. Horaebound Prog -; application Title V Lorenzen _ :Sr-""cierk"stena . 1 2 - 6 - 7 7 "' 77-3902 ' Harbor De'pt- add New s a l a r y note- amd O-150214 Sr-Clerk-Steno 2 - 2 8 - 1 1 73-5000 Rebecca--'Clark10th Ccl Dist : Eff 2-28-77 ; Sr Clerk Steno 4-11-78 77-4132 ECCCS Prog. Mgt Office Police Sr Clk Typist Exempt,'! .. ^ -3-16-79 • . , 78-4931 - •.. BGA 2nd Yr . iif •4i "S J .1 I •l --•• ''.''•-•' A'^-' ^ Grant Appl t o O f f i c e o f ACTION Sr" Companion -.9—13r-78,'•74-2248 Prog ,- .$584.24. . ;-•'-;..• v r •:-'' ' ACTION-3rd Y r "" ^Si 1 _ j Sr Companions- < 12-12-76j- •78-5786 of LA - reception- •' A'-' City Hall Tower 12-12-73'-FGrraro Senior Companion.-12 .,-20 r7;.8. 74 .-224 8 4 th Yr-HCD i'd.s ...'-'-Xi .--J ...-.-'S-2' .--. • 6/1/79-5/31/80 ."•-••^ ."'."••,....$200,126''. -. -^-.^hi:-'.;:":-" Sr Campanion- - -3-14-7:9; - --v'74-224 8• Prog7- transrai-.t-tgrant-appi'' — 4th Y r HCDBG Fds - $200T42"2'' " 6-1-79 - 5-31-80 S-2A I • !'. " ' t :. ...-..,-......' .'. -. -.'. ....^..^.y.y ..• Sr Companion -l'0-25'-7? 7; 7 8 - 5 7 8 6 A s s o c - city" H a l l Tbwief '"• H o l i d s a y P a r t y 12-11-79' ' : J F.errairo' -•; , - ; - . -•'Senior Companion 9-2-77'74-2248" Prog - thru 5-31-78 '• Griffith Observatory S-33 _ .hiring freeze . _..:.. _ _ Sr; Community -.4-4-77 '77-1454 Service Employment Prog -" Gran^ Appl.$158,999-01der Americans Act Title IX-BGA. Sr Community 7'. ^ - \ ( i - n 77-1454 Service Employment Prog - Revisea appl-: $370,857--' I Sr CoiTjnun .-- .6-14-7-9^"-79^1757 S e r v Emp Prbg PY -3 " T i t l e V 7-79/6-80 '; S-r. Clerk Steno ^ .'3-25-77 •- 70-2835 Carolyn E Loria-appt^i-. - "CD #7th-eff 3-26-77 • '' Nowell MAvbr I \ ;f5 • -' ' f S •••• /'2:39 Senior " 803-7.9 ' .74-2248 ' Senior-Ride l2-5'-78'"'•'74-^2150 . Cbnpanibn-'Prog '"' ',' S-2A EL • Commun Imp /issoc S, grant av/ard • '• • Audit Rept Mayor-Rec & Pks ' ^' L 12/1/75 11/30/76 'Senior 9-28-79 74-2248 Senior Ride 12-20 78 78-5695 Companion Prog - 1980-81 .' Transp Prog N«. Notice of Int , $66,657 Rec '& Pks f.r.^n.c; a a r m t i" Senior Electrical 3-23-78 77-3912 1-17-79 78-5695 Senior Ride ' Inspector- "- ord contract v^ith Golden Insp Rep Unit -. . Medi-Trans Inc $4,685 Jnt Ccl-MCIA/GEA Jan 10 to Apr l6 1979 Sr Gardeners 10-30-78 78-5189 Sr Ride Prog 3-31-80 78-5695 9 - Advancemt Golden Medi Trans Inc Salary Step Northridge-Van NuyS"=N' ?Iv;d & CAO- . ..... Sepulveda . C-50214 Arad #3 Senior Housing & 9- 2-77 77-3893 •Senior Safe 4-23-79 76-5067 Referral Effort Prog ext contract-5/l-9"/30/79 ;: -5 $66,171 - HCDBGF Elderely Victimizatn/Preyentn BGA . ..U.q Dent of ..HLW Sr Rousing & 12-22-77 77-3893" Senior Safe 10- 5-79 . 76-5067 Referral Effort (SH/RE) Victim Assist Prog ;, -•• Con-u-nun Care & Dev Service $66,087 Exten to 9-30-79 Senior ' 1-30-79 79-489 Senior Safety 2-10 •78 JO- 5067 Line Prog-renewal lease Grant appl co-nt proj ' Bank of. America $277,776-Rampart-Div- Msyor-CDD _.. area . ... Sr Motivat-ional 2-15-77 ' 7 6-52r2" " Sr Security/ 12-4-79 76-5067 • Specialist-Mayor's Office Assistance for Elderly S-'"4 ' Pos auth thru.6-30-77 Phase Rept ' BGA • __ ; . ; . 7-1/9-30-79 '.. . Sr Paramedic 4-13-78 77-3903 Sr Security 12-4.-79 78-2410 I & .II- incl class 77-2609 Assistance for the Elderly Med Serv. Rep Unit-..MOU Phase II - Qtrly Repts S-3 1977-78 .' • 7-1/9-30-79 Sr Pers Analyst 3-15-79 79-4931 Senior Serv 11-18-77 • 77-5124 fill one 'pbs. • • Prog - CLA Monitoring $5,608 A . ,- ' - S-32 Unit - rept level - Area , • hiring freeze exemptn Agency on Aging - Bernardi Senior Proj • ' 11-19-79; 77-1625 Sr .St Use 5-31-79 78-4931 Coordinator-^-pEDO- ' " " ' ~ Inspector I S-46 ,--> Vermont-Slauson Co"min Ct.r-S-tud^^ Unfreeze St Mtnce Bur "Sr Prog 12- 6-77 1 1 - 3 9 0 2 Sr Title 5-3-7979-1961 Specialist-Aging II- ' . '. ." . Exarainer-prora.otional exam '• Correct- amd. - ... administratn-Pers ' Dept'• O-150120 ; • _ , .Robt T \Veiger .• :..'...•.. .-..._: Sr Ride 9-27-78 '77-430? [ Seniority 2-23-77 "77-841' ;.' Prog -pa'tify employment , S-6 . ' Credits-eliminate : -Jesus Loya-pay back salary Promotional exams " - •'•" . S322.29 6-] 9-78 to'7-5-78 7 .._ V7a.ch5 _i„_ __'.__ Senior Ride 6-16-78 77-4309 Seniority Credit 2-8-77 77-616 Pro:g -Contract- monthly basis Promotional exam-0.25 per yr EI*A eom.muTi,;jImp'-A:ssoc "- <S-J<» Charter Amdmt Sec 107 • A Snyder:,.-.".'; - ' -•' Eliminate c: '.Seniority'Rights 7-18r-78 78-3466 Retired Fire &;Pol''Per.s Charter-Sec 108 ' •'^- -^ Jimmy Godv-/in Senority Rights 8-3-78 78-3687 Reg vs CETA Emps ., Sepulvada 4-15-77 .77-1628 Rec Ctr Block grant appl fd,s . Urban Open-Space & Rec Pirog "sepulveda" I^bert 3-11-77 77 llOd Claim auto dmg „ j ^ 'dy^JjXX _ A . '.'«i Sentences 10-12-79 79-2600 New crimes while on bail- S49 State legis- Pvonka : Sentry Dogs : 12-22-77 71-1486 LAMC Sec 53.64 Regulate trainers & owners PHW&Env Comt - Ord Sentry dogs 3-14-77 '71-1486 ~ Wa.rning .signs r LAIvlC Sec 53.33 Lorenzen "sentry ins 12-1-11 11-5059 ~ for William ClarkClaim auto dm.g "" Sentry Ins^ '6-15-77" ~ 77-2576" Subrogee fees pd to ' Bernard Graff Sepulveda 4-19-77 75-537 Storm Drain Proj y>3853- . Unit 2- delete 1970 Storm Drain Bond Issue .„. . Sepulveda Water 3-16-77. 77-1149 Reclamation Plant-Phase I- for Hyperion Plant Digester Dome reDairs-$2,782,000 . iepulveda 9- 1-77 75-2325 Water Reclamatn Plant Grant fds for const Sepulveda Basin 8-22-7S race track Multipur Sports Ctr 78-1298 78-3464 Sepui-/eda 12-27-79 David claim auto dmg & pers inj , Sepulveda Martha 6-21-78 Claim pers inj Seranno Eliana I 7-13- 77 Claira stolen cash fr Library _$15._00 . S e r d i n Zvlan 2-1-79 clciim a u t o drag $250 Sepulveda Basin 4 2-79 79-1187 cyclists paths-dangerous condtn created by skaters Kim M ..Heier Sepulveda Dam 7-18-78 78-3464 Multipurpose Sports Ctr Hwd Pk Inc 79-5424 78-2860 Sepulveda Park 2-28-79 79-961 Pilot Proj - Crack down Gang activities Graffiti I • I % t Sequoia Pac Realco 5-20-77 145666 Tent Tr Map 26561 Sly Plummer. Wly Corbin Ave- Appeal by . So Pac Industrial Dev Co 78-5826 Serajha Maryam 12-14-78 Claim false arrest &" pers inj undet amt \-. -Sepulvado Linda 4-7-78 Claim Pers Inj 3 " 77»3071 79-442 - ••• Sgt-at-Arms 4-27-77 ' "7'7-"l807~ Lack of quorum . " Ccl rules Lind say \ —Serkin Norman ' 10-20-77 " 77-4654 Claira. pers prop loss .. , . $650 Serra » " • .10-11-77 77-4521 oeri-ct iviemorial Hospital-quitclaim easementSan Fernando Rd- El Dorado Ave Serrano Albert 4-8-77 Claim pers inj $368.50 77-1546 Serrano decision 5-23-77 77-1935 School financing . . S-12'-measure - support - . ;, ') !i>'T mi r" ' Serrano Francisco '4 25- 79 79 1801 Claira auto drag undet ,arat i S e r r a n o Guadalupe .3- 2-79 79-975 •^ / Claim pxfbp drag & p e r s ing' Serrate B Alicia 1-22-79 Claim pfers inj & . auto dmg undet arat I Serreira Ena 1-27-77 Claim auto dmg undet amt 79-72 77-401 Serrurier" 11-14T-77 76-3811 Lofthouse & Assbc Contract 1-2-78 - $23,500 . .Rose Parade Float Sertoma Club 5-4-78 78-2064 of Hollyxrood ServSalvage City ambulance to Mexican Red Cross-Mexicali Serv-A-Portion 3-8-78 78-985 Claim refund bus tax-$23,668.17 7th St 8-3-79 79-2260' : Retail Pedestrian Concourse applicaiton MayorrCDD , i Service 9-17-79 79-4058 Chrg 15?; - billing fresh water cover cost billing & meter readino. Harbor Devpt . _ •^' Service Credit 10-18-77. 77-4618 Purchase prior-Reciprocity Agrmt W&P Chester 0 Naron et al Service ' 3-17-78' 75-1441 Deliverers-selection-1976-78 RFP-1979-80 S 16 CETA- Title I [serv Emps 7-17-78 78-3456 Jt Ccl #8 Rally-lst St steps 7-22-78 _ .Calif for Fair Share Taxation .. Service Emps 9-20-77 77-3904 Rep Unit - MOU 1977-79 LA City Emps Union Local 347 ..^ SEIU ••AFL-CIO X m Service Emps 8-9-79 79-3558 Equipmet Optn/Labor-Servicemen Craftsmen/Safety-Security-DWP Security Units 1979-80 MOU . Service Fees 11- 1-79 79-2266 City Clerk -LAAC Sec 20.51.1&2 Calendars-Journals etc Services " " " ,' " 8"-9-77'" " 77-3529" Indigent VJoraen - Agrmt Elizabeth Fry Ctr Inc 77/78 FY - $35,000 . , . Services Mix 3-28-79 78-4248 Alternat-i've Demo.Proj S-l Youth Serv Strategies . _Demo Proir$1.800,000 _ _ Service Pins 6-21-77 77-2730 Employees 313.015 »pprop ' Serviceman & 9-20-77 77-3904 Craftsmen - MOU 1977-79 LA City Eraps Union Local 347 SEIU-AFL-CIO Servicemen 8-9-79 79-3558. & Craftsmen-Eguipmt Operatn/ Labor-Serv Emp-Safety/Security nwt) .Qor-.i-p- T'ln-i -f-e-.l Q T Q - P n Servicemen 12-6-79 Graf tsman-Blacksra.ith Harbor - Amd HOU Mnr7 79-3558 Tservice 10-18-77 77-462o' Request for-telephone # "^ BPW investigate Steven.son _ .. Servillo Pat 9-15-77 77-4028 Claira pers inj & auto drag "Sesanto Lupe 9-12-78 claim pers inj $1,000,000 78-4311 "'•Set Iks ide" prog 5-8-79 Diesel Fuel P Russell 79-2081 "" 77-2860 Settlement 10- 5 77 Agrmt with Calif State Land Comsn re land use Seus R J 11-20-79 Claim auto dmg $1,523.05 Seuthe 2- 4-77 Karl P-Atty-Commend Snyder 79-5133 77-6 Sevde Transfer & 10-30-78 1 8 - 5 1 t > v claim -auto drag $3,,49C)v2d-i ' 7feh. St ' 1-9-79 77-1319 Consolidated FacllPhase I-ap'pro? $346,097 Bur -Pub Bldgs 77th St 8-6-79 79-3492 ]3usine.ssraens Bocster .As.'^pcgive Police Dept 44-pas3'-bus ..: $1.00 CAO-rsla.yor • '7th St 8-27-79 79-2260 DPM Retail Pedestrian Concourse UMTA appl Mayor . 77th St 2-27-78 78-775 ^Police StaTelephone equipmt$8,260 1 9 7 1 - I d , Const Prog ., Seventh Step 8-27-79 79-3890 Foundation CETA Title VI costs questioned Mayor-Pers Detp Severino Manuel 12-31-79 79-5436 pers inj ISevilla Jose 5-27-77 Claira pers inj $250,000 R/ac;n1 77-2310 Sewage 3- 6-79 73-6016 . ,. Contract Negotiating Comt ' Annual Status Rept y r s 1977 S 78 _ Sewage Disposal Contracts (68) Sewage 5-31-77 77-2332 j Disposal fr Veterans I-iemoriai Regional C o Park-Agrmt _ LA County Sewage Disposal 1-28-77 73-6016 Contracts ( g^atus rept Sewage 3- 6-79 73-60167 Disposal Contracts (68) i Annual Status Repts-Yrs 1977 & 78 Sewage Contract Nag Comt ' Sev/age • 9-22-78 78-4578 f Pipeline R/W on I City land-Ferry st ! Settle claim Sewage .-Plant 1 2 - 6-77 77-2 822 \ Guide-correct title to .i Plant G uide Atty Sewall Bud 5-24-78 73-1401 Adj our 11p ^'I'i'i.kinso!'!- Sev/er ''"^" ' " l i - ~ 3 ~ i s 73-5248 Valcrio St-Laurel Cyn trans $38,84 7 CAO ,..:: -..- ^^. . .. t : . y . . . . Sev;er & -'.''' ' 7-25---79 ::•-.,.77X3311 ... drainage easrats-offer- d e d Tract 35189 '.for Tent'-TR ^"3¥-^8 L u l l St N / s - O a k d a l e 'Ayte'?iEl^y . . ^ Sewer Bond Fd 6-27-77 77-2815 | 1971-realloc . .. , $1,149,745 various ' 'Proj-^Wilkinson Sewer 8-27-79' 79-3898 i Connectn-bldg permits-^assmt liens unrecorded-incl Residential ' Prop Records & Penda Spec Asst.Lieni Sewer const 6-12-79 79-2589 & rantnce fees amd LAMC Sec-64.03 .&-64.20 1-10-78 '77-4900 Sewer Contractors bended incr minimum deposit $1,000 LAMC Sec 64.15.1 (b) _. Sewer Easemt 7-5-79 "79-2970. Sunset Blvd Sly Greentree Rd SE .. , , — . Sewer EAserat 8-31-79 79-3924 Tent TR 36041 & 36185 Appsrson St bt Pinewd & Silver.ton Riadon & A.ssoc •' .' .. , Sewer facil chg 5-20-77 77-2164 Exempt Starkist Foods-Pan P4c Fisheries & V a n Camp -hookup to ' Terminal Island Sewerage facil Sewer Facils 2-14-78 140443 Rev Bond Prog $96 million - S15 ' $10 Million Sewer Serv chg Sewer fees 11-21-79 140443 Deposit ... se-v^/er const & mtnce fd LAMC Sec 64.18...•'.... Sewer 9-19-79 79-4081 Hook-up - Share cost Portola Dr J Mount ..: _ _ Sev/er 10-5-78 78-4784 Manhole 52 sanitary-adj Sta Monica La Brea Ave to Hv.'d Fwy _ Agrmt CA.LTRANS .. ...... - . Sewer Mtnce 6-30-77 77-2626 Supervisory level-Asst Sanitation Bur-Snyder Sev.-er 6 25-79 79-2912 manholes-surface/reconstr Foothill Blvd-Fenwich & Lowell CAO-BPW I y •M i §. t k.-& ?S^«!? .mi. Sewer Rev Bond - 4 - 7 - 7 7 77-1505 ItiOiOOOvOOO - A t t y p r e p e^plneixt City-wide Kl A'(-*"i'nn :e 3-3i-7« i.40443 ,Sev;er. S,er5 63<: otr-70^ p e r Charge'':-. 'w'a'stewfater Sys • 'sever Service 6-2§'-78..; 140443Gharge Ordinance ^ S 15 700 a month residential users Sewer SErv Ch.rg 4-10-79 140443 Rates-incr $.052.residentialSl6 & $0.79 comra'erical-approp $l,5O8,000-Bur Eng -Salarie.^^ _ Sewer Service 6-12-79 79-2590 cherge rates .ord -revise Sewer Service 6-21-79 79-2884 Charge refund-protest January , ^ , .^v,,,.^^-,, :..p.^.. Marks 1978' Presbyterian uhurcn Sewer Serv Chrg 7-12-79 77-2164 2 y r ext-moratoriiim est 1977S1 Star Kist Foods-Inc ]Sex Crime & 3-26-79 '79-l'216 Rape ~ increase sentences " S-6 S.B-13 - Support :'- • J Ferraro •,. :-. . ' Sex 9-28-78 73-4-656 j' Discrimi.nation policy •v' prohibit girl & boy-equal, ability"-, competing City contact spcrts j Sex Discrimination 7-31-78 77-4720 !'. . employmt-pregnancy S-8 T . amd allow employers "^ exempt abortion fr covprflno Sex 1-4-79 78-5400 i Dis.crimination•': A B 1 - J Wachs ' Sex ' " * 3-26-79 , 79-.12l" j: Discriminationwb.rk assignmt officers/jailers \ _ SB 213 S-7.. 7 i Sex Orientation 5-4r79 79-1967 : J Wachs X ' Prohibit discrimination Sex-Oriented 7-5-77 77-2919 j Business Moratorium permits - Stevenson Sexton Harry R 4-1-77 77-1435 Sewerage S-7--78 78'"3775 claim pers prop dmg capacity funding a constructn $200.18sewage odor , _St^io City ' Sexual 4-12-77 77-860 j Sewerage "Facils" "5-15-78' "78'-'i2'207^ ;.' Exploitation children S-19 •) Chg - exemption Suppo'rt legis prohibit Helping H-and House - $2,329.50 Ferraro 123 S Lake St T s e y b e r t Michael 1 2 - 1 - 7 7 77-4310 rSewerage. ' 9-25-79 79-4221 Commend ! .Facils Chgs - Tr 6170 Stevenson Gorgonia St & Almazan Rd Credit $6,9 36.81 ; Seyed-Kossein - 12-14-78 78-5826 Sewerage 11-2S™79 74-5302 \ A l a v i - claira f a l s e a r r e s t Facil Chg-Glenoaks Blvd ' & p e r s iiij Foothill Blvd refund $43,190.59 Seyraour Stanley 5-5-78 78-1400 ! Commend J Gibson Shacter Cyrellea 10-2-78 78-4665 Claira pers inj & auto drag S50.C00 ' ... Shadis Joan M 10-18-79 79-4549 Claira pers inj undet arat Shadow Hills 6-20-77 Dev Co - c/z 46 acres Clybourne Ave Sly Wentworth St-PC 26639 77-2682