Common Medical Abbreviations
Common Medical Abbreviations
Common Medical Abbreviations aa of Each AAL Anterior Axillary Line AB, Ab Abortion ABC Aspiration Needle Biopsy abd. Abdominal aq. Water ABG Arterial Blood Gases ARC ABO ARDS ACG Blood Grouping System Acromioclavicular,Ante Cibum Before Meals Angiocardiography AIDS Related Complex Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome ACh Acetylcholine ASA Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ASAP Accom. Accommodation ASCVD AD Auris Dextra, Right Ear ADH Antidiuretic Hormone ASD As Soon As Possible Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Atrial Septal Defect ADL Activities of Daily Living ASH Asymmetrical Septal Hypertrophy ad lib At Liberty, As Desired ASHD adeno-Ca Adenocarcinoma ASPVD ADM AST Astigm. Astigmatism AFB Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus Above The Elbow, Accident & Emergency Acid Fast Bacillus Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease Arteriosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease Aspartate Amino Transferase ATN Acute Tubular Necrosis AFP Alpha-Fetoprotein Au Gold A/G Albumin/Globulin Ratio AU Both Eyes AGN Acute Glomerulonephritis Ausc. Auscultation AHF Antihemophilic Factor AV Atriovenous, Atrioventricular AHG Antihemophilic Globulin Factor AVR Aortic Valve Replacement ALP Alkaline Phosphatase A&W Alive & Well ALT Alanine Transaminase B Black amp Ampere Ba, BA Barium AML Acute Myelocytic Leukemia BaE Barium Enema AI baso AK Aortic Insufficiency Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Above The Knee (Amputation) Basophil Bundle Branch Block, Blood Brain Barrier Bone Conduction alk phos Alkaline Phosphatase ALL Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia a.m. In The Morning, Before Noon AMA Against Medical Advice AMI Acute Myocardial Infarction ANA Anti-Nuclear Antibody anes Anesthesia ANS Autonomic Nervous System A-P Anterior-Posterior AP Anteroposterior a.c. AE AIDS A&P Anterior & Posterior, Auscultation & Percussion APVOD Arteriosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Occlusive Disease AS BBB BC BCP Birth Control Pill BCM Below Costal Margin BE Barium Enema b.i.d. Twice A Day bil. Bilateral BIN, bin Twice A Night BK Below The Knee (Amputation) BM Bowel Movement BMR Basal Metabolic Rate BNO Bladder Neck Obstruction BOA Born On Arrival ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -1- Arteriosclerosis, Aortic Stenosis, Auris Sinistra (Left Ear) Common Medical Abbreviations BOW Bag Of Waters Cong. fail. BP, B/P Blood Pressure CP Congestive Failure Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cerebral Palsy BPH Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy COPD BRP Bathroom Privileges BS Bowel Sounds CPD Cephalopelvic Disproportion BSE Breast Self-Exam CPK Creatinine Phosphokinase BSP Bromsulphalein (Dye) CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CRF BT Bleeding Time Chronic Renal Failure BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen C&S, C/S Culture & Sensitivity BW Bx,bx., biop. C Birth weight CS C-Section, Cesarean Section CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid Centigrade, Celsius CT Computerized Tomography c With ct. Count CV Cardiovascular C-1, C-2 1st, 2nd Cervical Vertebra CVA Cerebrovascular Accident C-section. Cesarean Section CVD Cerebrovascular Disease Ca Calcium CVS Cardiovascular System CA, Ca Cancer, Carcinoma CWP Childbirth Without Pain CA Chronologic Age Cx Cervix CAD CXR Chest X-Ray cysto Cystoscopic Exam CAT Coronary Artery Disease Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Computerized Axial Tomography D Diopter (Lens Strength) Cath Catheter d, /d Day, Per Day CBC Complete Blood Count Cath Catheter CC Chief Complaint cc Cubic Centimeter CCU Coronary Care Unit CHD Congenital Dislocation Of The Hip CEA Carcinoembryonic Agent Cervical dil. Cervical Dilation CHF Congestive Heart Failure ch. br. syn. Chronic Brain Syndrome chr. Chronic CK Creatine Kinase Cl Chlorine CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia cm Centimeter CML Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia CNS Central Nervous System Co Cobalt c/o Complains Of CO2 Carbon Dioxide COLD Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease CAPD Biopsy DC, disc Discharged, Discontinue D&C Dilatation. & Curettage DDD Degenerative Disk Disease D&E Dilatation & Evacuation Derm Dermatology DES Diethylstilbestrol diag Diagnosis, Diagnostic Dict. Dictation diff Differential Blood Count DHL Diffuse Histocytic Leukemia DI Diabetes Insipidus, Drug Info. disc Discharge DJD Degenerative Joint Disease DLE Discoid Lupus Erythematosus DM Diabetes Mellitus DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DOA Dead On Arrival DOB Date Of Birth DOE Dyspnea On Exertion DPT Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus DSA Digital Subtraction Angiography DT Delirium Tremens ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -2- Common Medical Abbreviations DTR Deep Tendon Reflex FS Frozen Section DUB Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding FSH DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis FTA-ABS D/W Dextrose & Water D5W Dextrose In 5% Water FTI Follicle Stimulating Hormone Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption Test Free Thyroxin Index Dx Diagnosis FTND Full Term Normal Delivery EBV Epstein-Barr Virus F/U Follow Up ECC Fever Of Undetermined Origin FVC Forced Vital Capacity Fx Fracture ECG Extracorporeal Circulation Extracellular Fluid, Extended Care Facility Electrocardiogram FUO G Gravida EENT Ear, Eye, Nose & Throat GB Gallbladder Gallbladder Series GC Gonococcus EEG Electroconvulsive Therapy Estimated Or Expected Date Of Confinement Electroencephalogram GBS GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate EKG Electrocardiogram GH Growth Hormone eos, eosin Eosinophil GI Gastrointestinal EMG Electromyogram gm, GM Gram ENT Ear, Nose & Throat gm. neg. Gram Negative EOM Extraocular Movement GRAV, Grav. Gravida, Pregnant Woman eos. Eosinophil gr. Grain ER Emergency Room GTT Glucose Tolerance Test ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate gtt., Gtt. Drops EST Electroshock Therapy GU Genitourinary et And Gyn, GYN Gynecology ETF Eustachian Tube Function h Hour etiol. Etiology ETOH Ethanol - Alcohol H H2O EUA Exam Under Anesthesia HASCVD exc. Excision HCG Hypodermic, Hydrogen Water Hypertensive Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Human Chronic Gonadotropin ext. Extremities HCl Hydrochloric Acid F Female, Fahrenheit Hct, HCT FB, Fb Fingerbreadth f.b. Foreign Body Hematocrit Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease FBS Fasting Blood Sugar HD Hearing Distance, Hemodialysis Fe Iron HDL FEF Forced Expiratory Flow H&E FEKG Fetal Electrocardiogram FEV Forced Expiratory Volume HEENT Hg High Density Lipoprotein Hemorrhage & Exudate, Hematozlin & Eosin Stain Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat Mercury FFP Fresh Frozen Plasma Hgb,Hb,HGB Hemoglobin F.H. Family History HGH Human Growth Hormone FHT Fetal Heart Tones H-J Hepatojugular FHR Fetal Heart Rate H&P History & Physical FHS Fetal Heart Sounds h/o History Of ECF ECT EDC HCVD ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -3- Common Medical Abbreviations HP Hemipelvectomy JVP Jugulovenous Pulse h.p.f. High Power Field K Potassium HPI History Of Present Illness KCl Potassium Chloride HR KD Knee Disarticulation Kg. Kilogram HSG Heart Rate Hora Somni - Hours Of Sleep, At Bedtime Hysterosalpingography KJ Knee-Jerk HT, HTN Hypertension KUB Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder HVD Hypertensive Vascular Disease KVO Keep Vein Open hyp. Hypodermic K-wire Kirschner Wire hypo Hypodermically L Left Hx l. Liter L-1, L-2 1st, 2nd Lumbar Vertebra lap. Laparotomy ICU History Intracellular Fluid, Intermediate Care Facility Intensive Care Unit lat. Lateral ID Intradermal, Infectious Disease L&A Light & Accommodation. I&D Incision & Drainage lb. Pound IDDM Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus LB Large Bowel Infusion, Inferior LBBB Left Bundle Branch Block LBCD Left Border Of Cardiac Dullness LCM Left Costal Margin LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase LDL Low Density Lipoprotein L.E. hs, h.s. ICF Inf. IgA,IgD, IgG,IgM, IgE IH Immunoglobins Inj. Infectious Hepatitis Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis Injection IM Intramuscular LE Imp Impression LFT Lupus Erythematosis Left Eye, Lower Extremity, Lupus Erythematosus Liver Function Test Int. Internal LH Luteinizing Hormone IOP Intraocular Pressure LLL Left Lower Lobe I&O Intake & Output Inspection, Percussion, Palpation & Auscultation Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing Intelligence Quotient LLQ Left Lower Quadrant LMD Left Medline Deviation LMP Last Menstrual Period LN Lymph Node LOA LOC LOS LOT Left Occiput Transverse LP Lumbar Puncture IUD Intercostals Space Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Immunizing Unit, International Units Intrauterine Device Left Occipitoanterior Loss Of Consciousness, Level Of Care Length Of Stay l.p.f. Low Power Field I.V., IV Intravenous LPN Licensed Practical Nurse IVC Intravenous Cholangiography LRQ Lower Right Quadrant IVP Intravenous Pyelogram LSK Liver, Spleen, Kidney IVSD Interventricular Septal Defect Lt. Left IVU Intravenous Urography ltd. Limited JV Jugulovenous LUL Left Upper Lobe IHSS IPP & A IPPB I.Q. IS ITP IU ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -4- Common Medical Abbreviations LUQ Left Upper Quadrant N Nitrogen LV Left Ventricle Na Sodium LVH Left Ventricular Hypertrophy NaCl Sodium Chloride L&W Living & Well NAD No Acute Distress LYMP Lymphocyte NB Newborn M Male, Meter, Monocytes NBS Normal Breath Sounds MA Mental Age NED No Evidence Of Disease MBC Maximum Breathing Capacity neg Negative Mcg. Microgram NER No Evidence Of Recurrence MCH NERD No Evidence Of Recurrent Disease N-G MCL Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration Midclavicular Line MCP Metacarpophalangeal Joint NKA Nasogastric Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus No Known Allergies MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance MD Muscular Dystrophy NOS Not Otherwise Specified meds Medications NPH Nothing By Mouth mEq Milliequivalent NPO mEq/L Milliequivalents Per Liter mets Metastases NSAID mg. Milligram Mg Magnesium NSVD MGF Maternal Gr & father NTP Nil Per Os - Nothing By Mouth Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Normal Sinus Rhythm Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery Normal Temperature & Pressure MGGM Maternal Great Gr & father N&V Nausea & Vomiting MH O2 Oxygen OA Osteoarthritis, Occiput Posterior ml, ml. Marital History, Mental Health Mitral Insufficiency, Myocardial Infarction Milliliter O.&A. Odontectomy & Alveolectomy mm. Millimeter OB Obstetrics mm Hg Millimeters Of Mercury OBS Organic Brain Syndrome M.N. Mononuclear Lymphocytes OC Oral Contraceptive MOM Milk Of Magnesia OCG mono Monocytes MP Metatarsalphalangeal Joint OHS Oral Cholecystogram Oculus Dexter - Right Eye, Overdosed, Once A Day Open Heart Surgery MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging OOB Out Of Bed MS Mitral Stenosis; Multiple Sclerosis Ophth Ophthalmology MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone O&P Ova & Parasite MSL OP Occiput Posterior OPD Outpatient Department MTX Midsternal Line Midstream Urine; Monitored Stroke Unit Methotrexate Operating Room MVP Mitral Valve Prolapse Orthopedics MVR Mitral Valve Replacement OR Ortho, ORTH os MVV Maximum Voluntary Ventilation. OS Oculus Sinister - Left Eye myop. Myopia OT Occupational Therapy, Old MCHC M.I., MI M.S.U. NIDDM NSR OD ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -5- Mouth Common Medical Abbreviations Tuberculin PMN Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Oto Otology PMP Previous Menstrual Period OU Oculus Uterque, Both Eyes PND Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea OV Each Eye PNS Peripheral Nervous System oz. Ounce P.O., Postop, P Para, Pulse PO Postoperative p Post, After p.o. Per Os - By Mouth PA Posteroanterior, Pernicious Anemia P02 Pressure Of Oxygen P-A Posterior-Anterior polys Polymorphonuclear Cells P&A Percussion & Auscultation pp PAC Premature Atrial Contractions PaCO2 Pressure Of Carbon Dioxide PPD Postprandial, Postpartum Purified Protein Derivative, Packs Per Day PaO2 Pressure Of Oxygen PAP Papanicolaou para Number Of Pregnancies PRN pares. Paresthesia PAT Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia PROM Path Pathology PBI Protein Bound Iodine p.c. After Meals PC02 Pressure Of Carbon Dioxide PCV PPLO prot Pleuropneumonia-Like Organisms Pro Re Nata - As Required, As Needed Premature Rupture Of Membranes, Passive Range Of Motion Protocol pro-time Prothrombin Time PSP Phenylsulfonphthalein Test pt. Patient, Pint Packed Cell Volume PT Prothrombin Time, Physical Therapy PD Peritoneal Dialysis PTA PDA Patent Ductus Arteriosus PTCA PDR PTH PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time PT Physical Therapy, Prothrombin Time PU Pregnancy Urine PVC Premature Ventricular Contractions PZI Protamine Zinc Insulin q Quaque - Each Or Every PET Physicians' Desk Reference Physical Examination, Pulmonary Embolism Pediatrics Perieustachian Tube - Ventilatory Tube For The Eardrum Pneumoencephalogram Pupils Equal, Round & Reactive To Light & Accommodation Positron Emission Tomography Prior To Admission Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Parathyroid Hormone qd Quaque In Die - Every Day PGF Paternal Gr & father qh Every Hour (Q4h = Every 4 Hours) PGH Pituitary Growth Hormone qh Quantity Not Sufficient pH Hydrogen Ion Concentration QID, q.i.d. Four Times A Day PH Past History qm Every Morning PI Present Illness qn Quaque Nox - Every Night PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease qns Quantity Not Sufficient PIP Proximal Interphalangeal Joint q.o.d. Every Other Day Quantity Sufficient qt. Quart PMH Phenylketonuria Postmortem, Petit Mal, Post Meridian (Afternoon) Past Medical History q.s. R Respirations; Right PMI Point Of Maximum Impulse RA Rheumatoid Arthritis, Right Atrium rad Radiation Absorbed Dose P.E., PE Peds PE tube PEG PERRLA PKU PM ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -6- Common Medical Abbreviations RAI Radioactive Iodine RAIU Radioactive Iodine Uptake RATx Radiation Therapy RBBR Right Bundle Branch Block RBC Red Blood Cell Count RBE Relative Biological Effects RCM Right Costal Margin RD Respiratory Disease RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance RDS Respiratory Distress Syndrome RE Right Eye SGPT REM Rapid Eye Movement RF Rheumatoid Factor Rh Rhesus (Monkey) Factor SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus RHD Rheumatic Heart Disease SLR Straight Leg Raising RIA Radioimmunoassay SMR Submucous Resection RLQ Right Lower Quadrant SOB Shortness Of Breath RLL Right Lower Lobe sol Solution RML Right Middle Lobe sos If Necessary RN Registered Nurse s/p Status Post RNA Ribonucleic Acid SPF Sun Protection Factor r/o Rule Out sp. gr. Specific Gravity ROA Right Occiput Anterior sq. ROM Range Of Motion ROP Right Occiput Posterior ROT Right Occiput Transverse Squamous Sedimentation Rate, Sustained Release One Half ROS Review Of Systems RP Retrograde Pyelogram R.P.R., rpr SD Shoulder Disarticulation sed rate Sedimentation Rate segs SH Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil Without Glasses (Or Corrective Lenses) Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase Social History, Serum Hepatitis SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SGOT SR ss SSE SSKI Rapid Plasma Reagin ST Recovery Room RR Respiratory Rate RT Radiation Therapy rt. Right RU Routine Urinalysis RUL Right Upper Lobe RUQ Right Upper Quadrant RV Right Ventricle RVQ s & sx Relaxed Vaginal Outlet Treatment, Therapy, Prescription Takes, Without Signs & Symptoms S-1, S-2 First, Second Sacral Vertebra S-A Sinoatrial Node Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis, Shortness Of Breath On Exertion SBE Sudden Cardiac Death ss. gl. R.R. Rx SBFT s.c., SC, subcu. SCD st. Subcutaneous Soap Suds Enema Saturated Solution Of Potassium Iodine Esotropia Staph Stage Of Disease Skin Test Dose, Sexually Transmitted Disease Staphylococcus stat. Immediately, At Once STH Somatotropin Strep Streptococcus STS Serological Test For Syphilis STD STSG Split Thickness Skin Graft SC, s.c. Subcutaneous suppos Suppository surg Surgical SVC Superior Vena Cava Sx. Symptoms T Temperature T-1, T-2 1st, 2nd Thoracic Vertebrae ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -7- Small Bowel Follow Through Common Medical Abbreviations T3 Triiodothyronine UPJ Ureteropelvic Junction T4 Thyroxin ur. Urine T.&A. Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy URI Upper Respiratory Infection. TACHY Tachycardia URQ Upper Right Quadrant TAH Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Urol. Urology TAT Tetanus Antitoxin u/s Ultrasound tbc., TB Tuberculosis UTI Urinary Tract Infection. TBI Total Body Irradiation UV Ultraviolet TDT Tooth Decay Test V.A. Visual Acuity Temp., T Temperature VBG Venous Blood Gas THA Total Hip Arthroplasty VC Vital Capacity THR Total Hip Replacement VCU Voiding Cystourethrogram TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone VD Veneral Disease TIA Transient Ischemic Attack VF Visual Field, Field Of Vision TIBC Total Iron Binding Capacity VHD Ventricular Heart Disease t.i.d., T.I.D. Three Times A Day VLDL Very Low Density Lipoprotein TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty V.O. Verbal Order TKR Total Knee Replacement v.s. Vital Signs TM Tympanic Membrane VSD Ventricular Septal Defect TNM Tumor, Nodes, Metastases V.V. top Topically TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition WBC TPR Temperature, Pulse & Respiration Varicose Veins White Blood Cell, White Blood Cell Count Wheel Chair TPUR Transperineal Urethral Resection tr., tinct. Tincture TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TTH Thyrotropic Hormone TNI TV Total Needed Irradiation Treponemal Palladium Immobilization Test Transurethral Resection Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate, Transurethral Prostatectomy Total Volume Tx Treatment U Unit UA Urinalysis UC Uterine Contractions UCHD Usual Childhood Diseases UGI Upper Gastrointestinal UHF Ultra High Frequency ULQ Upper Left Quadrant umb. Umbilicus (Navel) ung. Ointment TPI TUR TURP w/c WD Well-Developed WDWN Well-Developed Well-Nourished W-E Wide Excision. WF, W/F White Female wk. Week WM, W/M White Male WN Well-Nourished WNL Within Normal Limits wo Without Wt. Weight w/v Weight By Volume x Multiplied By, Times XP Xeroderma Pigmentosa XT Exotropia XX Female Sex Chromosome XY Male Sex Chromosome y/o Year Old ©2008 Hussain Al-Omar -8-