May 2014 Newsletter
May 2014 Newsletter
WE ARE A CLUB DEVOTED TO PHYSICAL FITNESS, ATHLETIC COMPETITION, HEALTH, AND FELLOWSHIP. FROM THE PRESIDENT Ma y | 2 0 14 UPCOMING EVENTS Katie Exas, President We are starting to see true signs of spring. The trees are budding, the temperatures are on the rise, and the trails are finally runnable. Life is good!! Activities in April were somewhat sparse, with the exception of our celebrating the 20th year of the Mt. Penn Mudfest 15K. An event to have not missed. We also had a clean up day for the city of Reading, doing trails behind Phil Lechner’s house. No social events to talk about, however, looking ahead we will have another wine and cheese party and are discussing our summer picnic. As things become more organized we will pass the information to our members. Four of us attended the Trail Appreciation Night at the Berks County Conservancy. It was a very nice evening with a variety of groups represented from the county. We all share a common interest with the various trail systems, several on which we run our races. We continue to move forward with a professionally done pamphlet that explains who we are along with business cards. Hopefully these will be done shortly, and will be circulated at different events throughout the county. We received a very nice thank you note from the Animal Rescue League. They are one of the two agencies for which we collect and give supplies that are needed to maintain their facilities, and help provide better lives for lost, injured and homeless animals in Berks County. It was a very nice letter and thanks to everyone that helps out with food and supplies. Looking ahead, as far as races are concerned, our next event is the Charlie Horse Trail 1/2 marathon. This is a great race with truly a little bit of everything. Through this race we help support Berks County Special Olympics by donating proceeds to this organization. This year we are offering 5-year age group awards which will allow more people to medal. Our other race that will be here before you know it is the Deena Andrus Memorial Run For The Ages 10K Trail Chase. This race is set for June 22, and will again be held at Nolde Forest. We donate a portion of our proceeds to Friends of Nolde, who help maintain the forest. The scholarship committee is moving forward in making a selection of the four winners for our scholarship program. Winners of these awards should be announced in the near future. Information on both our social events and volunteers that we need for our next two races will be announced once we have more details to pass on. Enjoy both the warmer weather and open trails on which to run. Happy running to all! 5/25/14 Charlie Horse Half Marathon Sunday 9:00am - 13.1 Mile Trail Run Sleepy Hollow Athletic Club 482 Westley Rd, Mohnton, PA Volunteers Needed! See Page 5 SAVE THE DATE 6/6/14 - Wine & Cheese Party at Pagoda 6/22/14 - Run for the Ages 10K GROUP RUNS Start Time: 6:15pm Wednesday May 7, 2014 Run: Wyomissing High School Girard & Evans Ave., Wyomissing Eat: Ciabatta 2224 State Hill Rd., Wyomissing —————————————————–—————————————–————————— May 14, 2014 Run: Trout Run Sports Complex, Exeter E Neversink Rd & W Neversink Rd Intersection Eat: Alebrije Mexican Restaurant 3805 Perkiomen Ave., Reading ——————————————————————————–--————–——————-—— May 21, 2014 Run: Oley Valley Middle School 3247 Friedensburg Rd., Oley Eat: Bertie’s Inn 160 Old Friedensburg Rd., Reading —————————————————–——————————————–———————— May 28, 2014 Run: Rustic Park Hay Creek Road, Birdsboro Eat: Nikki Salaneck Lawrence’s home 3368 Main Street, Birdsboro (Gibraltar) MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, May 8, 2014 7:00pm JR’s PIZZERIA 24 Village Center Drive (Flying Hills) Reading, PA 19607 —————————————————–——————————————–———————— June 4, 2014 Run: Monocacy Hill Park Geiger Rd., Amity Twp. Eat: Pete Groth & Joanne VanHorn’s home 7 Agata Drive, Douglassville MEETING MINUTES By Vera Kochan Location: JR’s Pizzeria, April 10, 2014 Treasurer’s Report: Shaun Luther presented the treasurer’s report. The information for the 2013 taxes has been sent to Andrea so the club’s taxes can be filed. All Mt Penn Mudfest income is in, but no Mudfest expenses have been paid yet. A Pagoda Pacer mailing went out. Money that has been set aside by people that requested this when registering for the Blues Cruise, has been used to purchase billboard advertising for Blue Marsh. The club also donated money towards the cost of the billboards. Race Director’s Reports: Shiver by the River: Sue Jackson reported on the Shiver races. Using chip timing was discussed. Since this would increase the cost to register for these races, Sue suggested putting this on a survey to see if people that run this race are interested in chip timing. Mt. Penn Mudfest: Ken Seale reported on the Mt. Penn Mudfest. This year’s course has been approved by the City of Reading. Ken will be using a new public announcing system which has wireless microphones. Registration ended on April 5 and there are 360 runners registered. A few volunteers will be needed Friday evening, and many on Saturday. Volunteers can report on Saturday morning at 7:30 at Captain’s Cove. Packet pick-up will begin on Saturday morning at 8:30. The race starts at 10:00. Absolutely no alcohol or pets will be permitted at Captains Cove or on the course. Also, no muddy feet will be allowed inside the restaurant. Parking will be very limited. Polly offered to call other area establishments to see if volunteers could park on their property. Contact Ken to volunteer, or if you have anything to donate to be used as a door prize. Grings Mill Run: Jeff Hills reported on the Gring’s Mill race. There currently are a few people registered for this race. Blues Cruise 50K: Stephan Weiss reported on the Blue Marsh billboards. Four billboards have been paid for to promote Blue Marsh throughout the year. The Pagoda Pacer logo will be on each billboard. Oley Valley Country Classic: Katie Exas has presented the check to the Oley Valley Youth League. Run for the Ages: Ted Andrus reported on the Run for the Ages which will be held on Sunday June 22. Race applications are being distributed. Socks and bags will be given to the racers this year. There will be a cap of 300 runners. This year’s race will start at 8:00 AM which is one hour earlier than last year’s race. The Friends of Nolde are again looking forward to this race. No reports were given on the Charlie Horse Half Marathon, Jr. High XC Race, or Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run. Social Events: Walt Fessler questioned if we want to do a picnic like last year. Please contact Walt or Katie with your thought or ideas. Katie discussed the wine and cheese party at the Pagoda. Polly Corvaia offered to organize this. Phil Presby offered to get wine, beer, and prepare food. Date and details will be sent out in an e-blast. Public Relations Committee Report: Katie Exas was in contact with Christin Kelley and was told that final changes have been made and our letterhead, business cards, and brochures will soon be printed. Community Service Report: The club will have a group of volunteers cleaning trails in the Mt. Penn area on Saturday April 26. If you are available to help, meet at Phil Lechner’s house at 9:00 AM. We are hoping to have a group of 15 or 20 volunteers to clean trails that many run or bike on. Scholarship Committee Report: Beth Auman reported on the Scholarship Committee. Scholarship winners will be announced at the May meeting. Old Business: Katie Exas reported there will be another blood drive on June 28 at Colonial Hills in Sinking Spring. More information on this will be coming. Beth Auman reported the Blue Marsh Get Outdoors Day will be held on Saturday June 14 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. There will be a fun run at 11:30. Dee Koutsourais, from A Running Start, discussed starting a partnership between A Running Start and the Pagoda Pacers, to help Berks county cross country or track members get shoes if they cannot afford to purchase them. The Pagoda Pacers will donate a specific amount of money towards this, and A Running Start will discount the cost of the shoes. This will be offered to junior high or senior high students, in a Berks county school, that participate in a running sport (cross country or track). An eligible student would be recommended by their coach. In exchange for the shoes, the recipient would be asked to volunteer at any Pagoda Pacer event, either a race or a community service function. Dee offered to be the liaison between A Running Start, the Pagoda Pacers, and the Berks County coaches. It was discussed to start this program with a $1000.00 limit and revisit this again next year. The club could consider asking for donations at races or when people register for a race to help fund this. Dee will draw up an agreement, which will be presented to a club executive or committee for approval. Wine & Cheese Party! Date: Friday, June 6, 2014 Time: 7:00-10:00pm Location: The Pagoda on Mount Penn Cost: $5 for members; $15 for nonmembers Pacers gather on the Pagoda balcony during the 2013 Wine & Cheese Party. New Business: Polly Corvaia made up small race schedules to be handed out with the Pagoda Pacer race dates on them. Polly would like to have these printed and handed out at Mudfest and other races. Polly will contact Christin to see if she is doing anything similar to this. Jeff Hills thanked all that help out the Hoka representative from Indiana Pennsylvania, whose house burned down where he and his family lost everything. All donations were very greatly appreciated. Jeff Hills also shared that he will be going to Spokane, Washington on May 1 for the Road Runners Club of America’s annual convention. Jeff is the Pennsylvania representative for the Road Runner Club of America. RACE RESULTS Email Results to Race Results Coordinator Karen Rule at [email protected] Fool's Run 10 Mile 23 Jeff Fussner 34 Troy Seitzinger 36 Raine Fussner 120 Janine Beidler 177 Joanne Patti 1:11:11 3rd M50-54 1:14:31 1:15:07 1st female Master 1:29:18 1:36:15 2nd F55-59 28:58 Shamrock Shuffle 5K 57/95 Barbara Reifsnider 29:46 1st F50+ Champs Challenge 5K 34/81 Barbara Reifsnider 29:47 3rd F 50-59 Fool's Run 5K 129/238 Barbara Reifsnider Frozen Food Race #3 5K 254/433 Barbara Reifsnider 29:28 3rd F 50-54 Abominable Slowman 5K March #3 72/159 Barbara Reifsnider 29:35 2nd F50-54 HAT 50K 2 18 39 55 56 60 65 88 105 115 118 133 134 154 280 304 4:12:05 4:43:36 5:08:45 5:24:34 5:24:52 5:27:14 5:30:11 5:39:27 5:52:35 5:56:07 6:00:22 6:09:39 6:09:46 6:23:12 7:08:17 7:21:32 2nd Overall Boyertown Women's Jr. Club 5K 49/73 Barbara Reifsnider 31:16 3rd F50-59 Sly Fox Brewery 5K 37/71 Barbara Reifsnider 3rd F0-59 Jimmy Blandford Kyle Gery Anna Piskorska Jess Gockley Gary Long Mike Reddy Lori Johnson Brett Lynch Phil Lechner Garrett Place Bill Buchanan Kim Drake Joanne Van Horn Donny Mengel Gary Maier Dave Deeds Terrapin Mountain 1/2 Marathon 26/146 Llew Williams 2:31 LVRR Icescraper 14 Jeff Fussner Raine Fussner 59 Barbara Reifsnider 20:37 21:44 29:18 Hooligan Hustle 5 Jeff Fussner 10 Tom Chobot 12 Raine Fussner 15 Mike Ranck 32 Janine Beidler 49 Joanne Patti 75 Barbara Reifsnider 116 Gwyn Chobot 20:34 21:49 22:11 22:30 24:59 26:28 29:55 36:00 3rd in age group 29:39 Cherry Blossom 10 M (US Women's Championships) 27 Katie O'Regan 58:36 18th American 3rd M50-59 3rd F 1st M50-59 2nd M50-59 1st F50-59 2nd M60+ 4th F30-39 3rd F50-59 Ocean Drive 10 Mile 6 Lauren Sanders 57 Doug Sanders 176 Michele Sanders 1:03:13 1st F (new record!) 1:23:16 1:36:56 Bull Run Run 50 Mile 2/272 Jimmy Blandford 42 Jess Gockley 65 Dan Govern 67 Laura Mooney 71 Erik Leeds 101 Lori Johnson 116 Mike Yoder 116 Phil Lechner 134 Brett Lynch 136 Bill Buchanan 168 Rick Moyer 6:41:54 8:56:20 9:35:59 9:38:21 9:42:33 10:18:07 10:34:26 10:34:26 10:47:46 10:49:42 11:25:36 Rumspringer Half Marathon 39/382 Tom Chobot 43 Dana Seitzinger 193 Kathy Seitzinger 226 Duane Renninger 286 Lisa Gallen 1:39:36 2nd M50-59 1:40:32 2:03:42 2nd F50-59 2:08:43 2:18:39 Mile Run Trail Half Marathon 47/218 Mike Ranck 2:21:29 1st M60-99 Charlie Horse Trail Half Marathon May 25th - 9:00 AM The Charlie Horse Trail HalfMarathon will be held on Sunday, May 25. This race is an annual event that the Pacers organize to benefit the Berks County Special Olympics. I would personally like to encourage all Pacers to participate, either by running or by volunteering. For those considering running, the Charlie Horse is not your typical race. It is a point to point race which will require you to get to the finish, so NOT finishing is NOT an option. It is part trail, part road, and part adventure; everything a masochistic runner needs. We start at Rustic Park in Birdsboro, PA and climb up to and run along the Horseshoe Trail. When you get to mile 11 you’re at Charlie’s, where the adventure begins. It’s a mystery to us too: lagoons; waterfall; campers; hikers; teenagers; maybe some chores. The only certainty is rocks, mud, and fun. Finally finishing at Sleepy Hollow where the pool, food, music, drinks, and friends will be waiting. Hope to see you there. Online Registration is available at Applications and additional information can be found on the Charlie Horse page on the Pagoda Pacers website. If you are unable to follow trail markings easy enough for a second grader, then please consider volunteering. This race requires from 20 to 25 volunteers to run smoothly. I am looking for volunteers to start at 7:00am to support registration & parking. There are 4 aid stations that we will also need to man, and runners that we will need to feed after the race. If you are ready, willing and able to help, please contact myself, Brett Lynch, at [email protected] or 269-357-3325. Brett Lynch, Charlie Horse Race Director Pagoda Pacers receive 10% off any service! RACE RESULTS, CONT’D. Sole of the City 10K 275/3103 Brett Cloak 49:24 Garden Spot Half Marathon 466 Lary Drogo 2:24:08 RACC 5K 91 121 31:44 39:13 Ben Delp Whitley Cooke ICA Fundraiser 5K 9/82 Brett Cloak 24:07 3rd M40-49 Protection for your most important assets Run For The Ages June 22nd - 8:00 AM Already the 5th year? Wow! The 5th running of the Run For The Ages 10K Trail race will start at 8AM on Sunday, June 22 in front of the mansion in Nolde Forest. This race uses an age graded start (runners start time based on age and gender) which levels the playing field to compete fairly against family, friends and coworkers. Our start times, derived from the World Masters Association agegrading handicap, have proven tested as recent year’s top ten finishers have been from all different age groups. The course will be the same as last year including the off trail scramble at the end. Each runner will get really nice tech running socks embroidered with the race name and an insulated tote bag. The Friends of Nolde Forest help put on a great post-race spread of food and drink. And the raffle, oh, the raffle: Among other great prizes, a pair of Southwest Airline tickets will be the big draw at the post race raffle. Majority of the proceeds go to help support the facilities and environmental educational programs in Nolde Forest. Each year the race has drawn more and more runners with 262 finishers last year. Enter as early as you can so you aren’t shut out by the 300 runner entry limit. So come on out and run. If not ready to run, come help volunteer. We always need volunteers, no experience necessary. Ted Andrus, Race Director Business Insurance • Property and Equipment • Liability Insurance • Automobile and Truck Fleets • Workers Compensation • Professional Liability • Group Medical, Disability, and Life Personal Insurance 610-376-3959 • Fax 610-376-2610 1150 Berkshire Boulevard, Wyomissing MT PENN MUDFEST The 20th Anniversary of the Mt Penn Mudfest was a success! Many thanks to all of the volunteers who came out to support the club’s efforts in putting on a quality event for our runners, many of whom were from out of town. We had 302 finishers, lots of sunshine, a few rocky trails, and a great post-race party. Thanks also to Mountain Springs & Captain’s Cove, which served as race headquarters. Looking forward to seeing everyone next year! Overall winner Shaun Horan of Binghamton, NY won in 1:06:11. First place female Laura Kline of New Paltz, NY finished in 1:12:07. LAW OFFICE OF BRIAN SEIDEL Your Serious Injury Attorney Mt Penn Mudfest 15K 4/302 Ben Hatt 9 Brian Stoltzfus 24 Mike Yoder 25 Dave Hinkel 36 Gary Long 53 Ryan Watts 55 Laura Mooney 61 Jason Jacques 72 Bonnie Stoeckl 88 Tania Salaneck 97 Matt Ruth 101 Rich Bona 130 Jeanna Hahn 148 Sean Williams 160 Michael Reinhart 183 Paul Makurath 197 Mark Reedy 223 John Vrobel 224 David Sheldon 231 Polly Corvaia 237 Gary Gehret 241 Beth Witkowski 249 Jaime Sheldon 254 Lisa Gallen 257 Colleen Fitzpatrick 283 Sue Jackson 284 Kelsey Jackson 285 Paul Stoeckl 1:07:20 1:11:09 1:17:24 1:17:24 1:21:17 1:26:24 1:27:15 1:29:11 1:30:49 1:33:26 1:34:04 1:34:20 1:40:49 1:42:59 1:45:47 1:51:06 1:53:45 1:58:01 1:58:54 2:01:15 2:02:24 2:02:50 2:04:29 2:06:00 2:08:00 2:27:17 2:27:17 2:27:31 1st M0-29 1st M50-59 2nd M50-59 3rd M50-59 1st F Master 1st F50-59 3rd F30-39 1st F Master CL 20-Year Mudfest finisher Mike Yoder races Dave Hinkel to the finish, “just like old times.” BRIAN SEIDEL, ESQUIRE Attorney at Law 359 Blimline Road Mohnton, PA 19540 Phone: (484) 335-1218 The outdoor patio at Mountain Springs & Captain’s Cove served as a great venue for the Mt Penn Mudfest post-race party! Pagoda Pacers Athletic Club P.O. Box 4115 Reading, PA 19606 PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID READING, PA PERMIT #160 Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each month Current Membership: 430 Members Annual Dues: $15 Individual; $25 Household 2014 PPAC Officers President …………………………….. Vice President ……………………… Treasurer …………………………….. Secretary …………………………….. Race Results Coordinator …….. Race Management ………………. Membership Coordinator ……… Youth Coordinator ………………… Newsletter Editor ………………….. Webmaster …………………..………. Katie Exas [email protected] Ellie Vanderbeck Shaun Luther Vera Kochan Karen Rule [email protected] Ron Horn Dave & Mike Gallen Tom Chobot Beth Auman [email protected] Ed Recker [email protected] The newsletter is published monthly. To submit an article for publication, or inquire about advertising, email [email protected]. The deadline for submission is the 15th of each month.
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